Weekly News Volume 34 | No. 15 | April 11-17, 2020
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A massive $35.2 million will be spent on enhancing national security, school redevelopment, disaster management, community development projects and enhancing service delivery this year.
Governor Nigel Dakin and Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson meet the UK assistance team at Providenciales International Airport
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April 11-17, 2020
April 11-17, 2020
April 11-17, 2020
Easter weekend closures are not a ‘complete lockdown’ Residents can exercise and essential services will stay open BY OLIVIA ROSE THE TURKS and Caicos Islands will not be put under a complete lockdown over the Easter weekend, Governor Nigel Dakin stressed this week. However, all non-essential businesses including grocery stores and petrol stations will close for two and a half days in a bid to ease up traffic on the roads. This began at 12pm on Thursday (April 9) and will continue all of Good Friday and Easter Sunday. Dakin addressed the nation on Tuesday evening on Radio Turks and Caicos. He said that due to the Easter weekend being traditionally slow the Government made arrangements to allow front-line workers to rest and refresh. The weekend plans now in place will also help to further slowdown movement across the Islands in an effort to curb the spread of Covid-19, he added. Earlier this week, a notice circulating on social media alleging to be from official sources, advised residents of a 24 hour, three-day lockdown without police presence on the roads. “Let me start by saying what I’m not about to announce is a confirmation of a rumour that started to circulate today that Cabinet was going to order a complete lockdown over Easter,” Dakin said. “That was false; we are not. The
weekend we are approaching, the Easter weekend, is traditionally one where business activity slows considerably. “In the belief that you will meet us half way, we want to use this Easter period to just slow, still further, the amount of movement and commingling on the island. “We do this for two reasons. We have eight confirmed cases on the Islands and we now have evidence of on-island transmission. “In other words, a small number of these individuals had no travel history and so they have been exposed on the Islands. “In a measured way we want to yet further put distance between our population at the places our population most come into contact with strangers, or indeed friends.” He said that at present the most likely places this happens are the businesses that are open. “The second reason is that, while many have been able to have considerable time at home with family, this has not been true for our front-line services.” He stressed that many police and immigration officers have not only been working extremely long hours securing the lockdown and curfew, but have had their arduous task compounded by the interception of sloops and subsequent repatriations. “Others have had long hours in other essential services where we have reduced staffing to the bare minimum. “Utilising this Easter holiday period gives us the opportunity to let these
Published by Turks & Caicos News Company Ltd. Cheshire House, Leeward Highway, Providenciales P.O. Box 52, Turks & Caicos Islands, BWI W. Blythe Duncanson - Publisher/Editor-in-Chief Olivia Rose - Senior Reporter Faizool Deo - Sports Editor (At Large) Cord Garrido-Lowe - Graphics Consultant (At Large) Dilletha Lightbourne-Williams - Office Manager Email: (Advertising) tcnews@tciway.tc, (News) tcweeklynews@gmail.com Tel. 649-946-4664 (office), 649-232-3508 (after hours) Website address: www.tcweeklynews.com Follow us on: Facebook: facebook.com/tcweeklynews Twitter: twitter.com/tcweeklynews1
people take a breath and seriously reduce the traffic on the road. “People won’t have the opportunity to visit a business because there will be no business to visit - and that will allow our frontline services some space to refresh.” He underscored that police and marine officers will be operating with the same efficacy as usual. “There will, of course, be no let-up in policing, just matters will be more manageable for those on duty and our Marine Branch will remain, as it always is, primed and
Governor Nigel Dakin said the TCI will not be under complete lockdown this weekend
deployed,” the governor stressed. He explained that during this time, residents will still be allowed to exercise in the morning and evening, within the previously stimulated times between 5am to 9am and 5pm to 7pm. “And if you hold a specific exemption, such as needing to care for someone that needs care, you may attend to their needs but you must have an exemption.” Some essential services will still operate during this period but all nonessential businesses will be closed. “There will also be some businesses that will still function
and they are obvious - medical facilities including doctor’s offices, hotels where guests are in residence, ferry services for emergency cases, commercial aviation, airports and security service businesses. “But beyond those we are going to close down all other businesses for two and a half days.” The decision to close certain services was made by the National Emergency Operations Centre, chaired by the premier and the governor and agreed in a Cabinet paper. Regulations have been drafted and will be in force covering this change.
Gov’t to collect more than $6m from statutory bodies BY DELANA ISLES AT LEAST $6 million is expected to be transferred to the Government from three of the five self-financing statutory bodies. The five bodies are the Financial Services Commission (FSC), National Insurance Board, Ports Authority, Telecommunications Commission and the Airports Authority. From the FSC, the Government has projected transfers of $2.5 million, $3.1 million from the Ports Authority and $500,000 from the Telecommunications Commission. This was revealed during Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson’s presentation of the national budget and the estimates for the named statutory bodies in the House of Assembly this week. She told the House that the budget for the Airports Authority will be revealed at a later date. FINANCIAL SERVICES COMMISSION Total revenue for the financial year 2020-2021 is forecast at $10.6 million. This represents an increase of $1.9 million, 22 percent over 2019-2020 estimates and $302,003 less than the forecast outturn. An expenditure budget of $8.1 million is proposed for the FSC. This is an increase of $0.9 million, 22.7 percent over the estimates for 2019-2020 and $1.9 million or 29.7 percent over the forecast outturn. The Financial Services Commission is proposing an
operating deficit of $1.9 million in the fiscal year and to transfer $2.5 million to the Government. The deficit will be funded from the reserve fund. The body’s capital projects are being proposed at $4.4 million. NATIONAL INSURANCE BOARD The National Insurance Board is proposing an overall income for the 2020-2021 financial year of $32.7 million. This is $10.1 million or 23.7 percent below the approved estimates for the previous year, and $13.1 million below the forecast out-turn. Recurrent revenue is forecast at $27.5 million, while interest income is projected at $4.7 million. Total expenditure is $26.3 million, which is about $3 million or 14.7 percent above the approved budget for 2019-2020 and $2.9 million or 12.6 percent above the forecast outturn. Benefits expenses are $22.9 million, this accounts for greater than 75 percent of the department’s expenditures. The National Insurance Board is proposing an operating surplus of $3.1 million in the new fiscal year. Capital projects that are being proposed total $1.6 million while unrealized gain is forecast at $7.5 million. Net surplus for the body is forecast at $9.9 million PORTS AUTHORITY Revenue forecast for the ports
authority for 2020-2021 is $6.7 million and is on par with the approved estimates for 20192020. This figure is $650,000 lower than the forecast outturn for 20192020. Recurrent expenditure is forecast at $3.5 million, is on par with the prior year’s estimates and is approximately $260,000 or seven percent higher than the forecast outturn. Operating surplus is forecast at $3.2 million. Capital projects that are being proposed total $3 million. Transfer to the Government is planned at $3.1 million, with $2.7 million to be transferred from the reserve funds. TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Revenue for this department is projected at $2.1 million, which is $513,000 below the estimates for 2019-20 and $241,000 below the forecast outturn. Expenditure is proposed at 1.7 million. This is $150,000 lower than last year’s estimates and $300,000 greater than the forecast out-turn. An operating surplus of $356,000 is being proposed. This is $350,000 below the performance of last year and $550,000 below the forecast outturn. Capital projects that are being proposed at a total of $143,500. Transfer to the Government is $500,000 and a deficit of $223,000 is to be funded from the previous year’s surplus.
April 11-17, 2020
$35 million for capital projects BY DELANA ISLES A MASSIVE $35.2 million will be spent on enhancing national security, school redevelopment, disaster management, community development projects and enhancing service delivery this year. The capital programme for the financial year 2020-2021 was announced during the laying of the Budget in the House of Assembly on Tuesday (April 7). Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson said the programme is aligned to the Fiscal and Strategic Policy Statement (FSPS) and details the strategic plan and priorities of the Government. The capital programme builds on initiatives proposed in the recurrent budget and provides the basis on which the economy will continue to thrive in this financial year and beyond. She stated that the programme will continue on its path of creating employment opportunities for many TC Islanders to ensure they are able to take care of their families in these uncertain times. ENHANCING NATIONAL
SECURITY One of the main areas of security that has been tested these past two weeks since the territory has been on a 24-hour curfew, has been illegal immigration. The premier observed: “With the threat of Covid-19 on our doorsteps we have to be ever mindful that when illegal sloops arrive we don’t know if the persons coming are infected, and this puts an additional strain on our healthcare workers and increases our repatriation costs annually.” She said to address these problems over two financial years a total of $5.7 million will be made available in the following areas: police boat - $3.8 million, drones for the police - $150,000, vehicles for police $500,000, management of informal settlements - $400,000, additional radar coverage - $600,000, and the purchase of DECR vessel - $250,000. SCHOOLS REDEVELOPMENT The proposed initiatives for funding for redevelopments of schools across the territory is $10.7 million. This entails a technical block for Raymond Gardiner High School - $2.5 million, retrofitting of new
vocational school - $500,000, construction of additional classrooms at the Long Bay Primary School - $5 million, furniture and equipment for schools - $500,000, special needs school for Grand Turk - $700,000, and $1.5 million dollars for upgrading of schools. DISASTER MANAGEMENT In the area of disaster management, the premier noted that aside from the impact of Covid-19, the territory is still vulnerable to natural disasters and the hurricane season is fast approaching. “My Government will continue with its funding for the Catastrophic Risk Insurance Facility, and additional measures include the following initiatives over two financial years totalling $6.4 million.” They are spare parts for water undertaking - $300,000, purchase of a new storage tank for water department for Grand Turk in the event that TCI is impacted - $2.5 million, upgrade of water tank for South Caicos - $750,000, purchase of mobile antennas for DDME $300,000, back-up generators for all essential facilities - $1.9 million, and
heavy equipment for public works department - $600,000. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS Government has allocated $8 million for community development projects. These include construction of cadet headquarters - $1.2 million, Blue Hills craft market - $650,000, improvement works at Five Cays community centre - $150,000, North Caicos road - $2 million, purchase of garbage trucks for Grand Turk and South Caicos - $540,000, mental health facility for Grand Turk $300,000, Leeward park phase two - $250,000, refurbishment of track at the National Stadium - $900,000. Agro Park on Grand Turk in my Government’s efforts to improve food security - $950,000, Grand Turk sports complex and shelter in partnership with United Way, Miami - $1.1 million, installation of lights at parade ground in Grand Turk - $600,000, and refurbishment of Front Street in Grand Turk $900,000. “I am pleased to announce that my Government will spend approximately $32 million over
three financial years for the South Dock Port redevelopment. “This project has been in the pipeline for many years and it will be a dream come true for many of our stakeholders in the industry,” the premier said. ENHANCING SERVICE DELIVERY Additionally, a number of refurbishment projects budgeted in the past will be completed in the 2020-2021 financial year. “It is my Government’s intention to ensure that civil servants are efficient and effective in delivering their services to the general public,” Premier Cartwright Robinson said. To achieve this, initiatives in the budget include purchase of furniture for purchased and newly refurbished police buildings - $500,000, furniture for purchased and newly refurbished government complex for the ministry of immigration $300,000, furniture for purchased and newly refurbished customs department in Providenciales $300,000, vehicles for Government - $982,000, upgrade of scientific lab - $150,000, and renovation of DECR office - $150,000.
Lockdown cut-off hangs in the balance BY OLIVIA ROSE THE GOVERNMENT is yet to decide whether its three-week nationwide lockdown due to the global Covid-19 pandemic will be extended or lifted on April 14. As thousands of residents across the territory adjust to life indoors with restricted privileges, any semblance of normalcy hangs in the balance. Last month, shortly after the territory recorded its first case of the virus, the Government imposed a strict 21-day curfew for everyone except essential workers. It saw airports, businesses, schools, churches and even beaches closed to public use. Since then, the territory has recorded seven additional cases – all as a result of local transmission.
During a national address on Tuesday (April 7), Governor Nigel Dakin said a decision to extend or lift the curfew is yet to be made “Given that almost every other country in the world has extended its lockdown period, it’s not unreasonable for many to ask what the Cabinet’s view will be on this, when ours expires in the middle of next week. “The answer is that the decision has not been taken, the more data we have in making this decision the better.” The governor emphasised that a decision will be made soon in order to ensure the populace is given adequate time to prepare. “It will though be taken this week or weekend by Cabinet and communicated early to you,” he said, “so again if preparations are needed they can be done in a sensible, measured way.”
Police officers establish a roadblock during the curfew
He explained that the Cabinet will be strongly guided by the Ministry of Health on this and “we have asked for a very detailed paper laying out the case, for and against, systematically”. Dakin said that citizens have been
compliant for the most part with the current lockdown rules. “All in all, though I do want to say that myself, the premier, the commissioner of police and minister of health judge overall compliance has been extraordinarily good.
“We are up at around 90 percent or above and that does give us the very best chance of defeating this. “TCI, you are at the moment the envy of many others in the region for the way we are all holding together on this.”
April 11-17, 2020
TCI records first Covid-19 death BY OLIVIA ROSE THE TURKS and Caicos Islands recorded its first Covid-19 death on Saturday (April 4). Dudley Lightbourne, who had preexisting conditions, was admitted to Cheshire Hall Medical Centre on March 21 in critical condition. Prior to hospital admission he had travelled to the United States and later developed fever and respiratory symptoms. He was under clinical management and isolation and went on to receive aggressive respiratory care, according to a joint press statement from TCI Hospital and the Government. Lightbourne passed away shortly before midnight on April 4. He was the second person in the Turks and Caicos Islands diagnosed with Covid-19. On Tuesday (April 7), Health Minister Hon. Edwin Astwood, during his ministerial statement in the House of Assembly, offered his condolences to his family.
“I want to begin by associating myself with the condolences being offered to the Member for Grand Turk North on the passing of his brother Dudley and also the entire Lightbourne family, especially Myron, Michael, Mary, Brenda, Linda and Carl. “This was our first Covid-19 related death, and one death is one too many for us. “We all have to continue to do whatever we can to mitigate against this virus and to prevent other deaths from occurring.” Lightbourne’s cousin Kier Adams posted a tribute on Facebook in which she urged the general public to stay at home. “Wash your hands for at least 20 second with soap and hot water, practice social distancing and adhere to the advice of our frontline team, who are working hard for our safety. “You do not want to go through what our family has endured for the last three weeks. “We were not permitted to visit or comfort him, he suffered alone with
no family by his side. No funeral or viewing after his passing.” She added: “Remember, Covid-19 does not have anyone’s name on it. It could happen to the good and the bad and it could happen to you or your family.” Minister Astwood stressed that his ministry continues to closely monitor the coronavirus pandemic. “We understand this is a stressful time for people in almost every part of the world, and our people here in the TCI want to know what is been done, and what they can do now to protect themselves and their families.” He revealed that dashboard numbers, currently show that there are now eight confirmed positive Covid-19 cases in the territory. “Sixty-one tests have been completed for SARS-CoV-2, and out of that 53 were negative for SARSCoV-2 not. “A total of 331 persons have been released from quarantine/ observation, and 63 persons are now remaining in quarantine.”
Dudley Lightbourne passed away shortly before midnight on Saturday
The number of suspected cases remain at five, as of April 8. They are people experiencing relevant symptoms but with no relevant travel history or pertinent contact.
Two suspected cases are under hospital care. Samples have been collected and sent for testing, and are currently awaiting results.
Shoppers panic before Easter weekend SCORES of shoppers were captured on film jostling to enter IGA Smart supermarket in Downtown Providenciales on Wednesday (April 8). The live video, which showed people shouting and refusing to queue at a safe distance, was posted to Facebook and was watched more than 7,000 times. It came as Governor Nigel Dakin announced that all non-essential businesses including grocery stores would close for two and a half days in a bid to ease up traffic on the roads. This began at 12pm on Thursday (April 9) and was set to continue all of Good Friday and Easter Sunday. Chris Phillips, managing director for Graceway Trading, said the video showed a “brief five-minute incident” where a small crowd developed outside the store on Wednesday lunchtime. “Despite repeated requests from the store manager Tamell Seymour,
our customers were unwilling to form a single orderly line and practice social distancing. “I’d like to thank the quick response from the RTCIPF who arrived within in minutes to support the store colleagues in re-organising an orderly safe line.” Phillips thanked his customers across the TCI “for their understanding, patience and support”. He added that measures in place, including social distancing, are to keep customer and colleagues safe “during this very challenging time for us all”. “I’m incredibly proud of all my Graceway colleagues for the dedication they have shown over the last couple of weeks serving our customers and communities. “As an essential work force they have worked really hard to keep food available for the TCI. They’ve done an amazing job.” More than 200 people commented on the video, mostly expressing
The live video showed people shouting and refusing to queue at a safe distance
their upset at the lack of order and physical distancing. One wrote: “I don’t know why people are so mad. They’re just prolonging the wait. “Good on the premier for closing all businesses for the weekend so essential workers get to see their families for Easter. “People need to forget about their own needs for a second and respect the laws.” Another said: “This defeats the purpose of quarantine, curfew, social distancing and everything TCIG and
the world is trying to do.” A third wrote: “This is very sad. They don’t even care for their own health. They’re not even six feet apart.” Governor Dakin addressed the nation on Tuesday evening on Radio Turks and Caicos. He said that due to the Easter weekend being traditionally slow the Government made arrangements to allow front-line workers to rest and refresh. The weekend arrangements now in place will also help to further
slowdown movement across the Islands in an effort to curb the spread of Covid-19, he added. The governor urged residents not to panic shop in anticipation of the changes. “We are giving notice this evening so again you can use the next day and a half to prepare sensibly. There’s no need to panic buy, or rush,” he said. “You’ve all worked out for yourselves that the stores are well stocked and will continue to be so. Stay calm as they say, and carry on.” (By Rebecca Bird)
April 11-17, 2020
‘TCI is facing significant decline in GDP’ Premier says as budget is laid in Parliament BY DELANA ISLES “THIS Covid-19 has the potential of taking a huge economic and social toll on the Turks and Caicos Islands,” Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson said this week. The estimates of revenue and expenditure and the estimates for the self-financing statutory bodies for financial year 2020-2021 were laid in the House of Assembly on Tuesday (April 7). The laying of the important document comes amid great uncertainty in the Islands and the wider world caused by Covid-19. The expenditure envelope for 2020-2021 is $337 million, while total revenue is $266.3 million. Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson, who presented the document to the House, said tourism dependent countries such as the TCI could suffer gravely from the pandemic. “This budget is being laid at a time when our borders are closed, and the borders of most of our source markets are closed and are in turmoil,” she said. “This budget is being laid at a time when there is a need for increased public health spending which is reflected in these estimates. “This budget is being laid when the entire country is under 21 days’ curfew as a measure to protect our people against the coronavirus.” She said that in the local economy, the tourism and transport sector employs more than 13,000 people annually, whether directly or indirectly, and contributed more than $357 million of the country’s GDP in 2019. “Over the last decade, as a people we have undergone significant austerity measures which included paying off our debt and creating fiscal space to be able to respond to economic shocks. “However, this is one of our biggest challenges as the world is now facing similar challenges. “This Covid-19 has the potential of taking a huge economic and social toll on the Turks and Caicos Islands.” She stated that a contraction in the local economy is inevitable and instead of experiencing growth as forecasted earlier this year, the TCI is now facing a situation of significant decline in GDP, increase in unemployment and increase in poverty. The unknown at this time, she added, is the depth and length of the economic fallout. MINISTERIAL PROVISIONS The Ministry of Health, Agriculture
and Human Services will receive $84.7 million or 25.1 percent of total expenditure. Eighty-one point one million dollars ($81.1) of this sum is recurrent expenses and while $3.6 million is for capital expenditure. This is inclusive of the $33 million allocation to the NHIP. The Ministry of Finance, Trade and Investment will receive $53.9 million or 16 percent of the budget. This sum represents $20.4 million for recurrent expenses, $25 million for the stimulus package and $7.6 million for capital expenses. The Ministry of Education, Youth, Library and Social Services has been granted $47.3 million or 14 percent of total expenditure. Of this amount $39.2 million is for recurrent expenses and $8.1 million for capital expenditure. The Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police Force is granted $31.8 million or 9.4 percent of total expenditure. That is $26.1 million for recurrent expenses, $2.6 million in extraordinary costs for the ongoing corruption trials, and $3.1 million for capital expenses. The Ministry of Infrastructure, Housing, Planning and Development gets $26.7 million or 7.8 percent of the total budget. That is $18.4 million for recurrent expenses and $8.2 million for capital expenses. The Ministry of Immigration, Citizenship, Labour and Employment Services will receive $13.8 million or 4.1 percent for the budget. This represents a recurrent budget allocation of $10.4 million, $2.4 million for extraordinary costs for the repatriation and detention of illegals and a capital expenditure is $900,000. The Ministry of Tourism and Environment will receive $11.7 million or 3.5 percent for the total expenditure, with a recurrent allocation of $10.9 million and capital expenditure of $850,000. The Ministry of Home Affairs, Public Utilities and Transportation has been allocated $15.1 million or 4.5 percent of the budget. Of this sum, about $2.3 million is for capital expenditure. The Government has allocated $7.6 million or 2.2 percent of the total budget for the judiciary administration, with $3.3 million from this amount going to the SIPT legal aid programme. The Attorney General’s Chambers has been allocated $7.3 million or 2.2 percent of the total budget with recurrent expenses accounting for
debt servicing. The Governor’s Office gets $8.6 million; $2.9 million for the House of Assembly; $3.3 million for the Office of the Premier, Local Government and Community Affairs; $2.7 million for the Deputy Governor’s Office; and $1.6m for the director of public prosecutions.
Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson
$6.9 million of this amount and $400,000 for capital expenditure. Meanwhile, within the proposed budget allocations have been made to several other departments. Seventeen point one million dollars has been assigned for pensions and gratuities, the Catastrophic Risk Insurance Contingency Fund and
REVENUE The premier informed the House that the expenditure plan will be funded from government receipts and excess cash reserves. Recurrent receipts of $261.6 million are being forecast. She said it is expected to be approximately $51.4 million lower in 2020-21 than the forecast out-turn and $42.6 million lower than the approved estimates for 2020-2021. Non-recurrent revenue is forecast at $4.3 million, with total revenue $266.3 million. Import and other customs related duties are forecast to contribute about $100 million (38 percent) of recurrent revenue. Accommodation tax is forecast to contribute $45.8 million, about 17
Under the tree
percent of the receipts. Work permit and other immigration fees forecast at just above $30.1 million is expected to contribute 11.1 percent of the revenue that is required. Stamp duty on land transaction, is expected to generate approximately $21.3 million or eight percent of revenue. Excess cash surplus from the port and airport authority is forecast at $12 million. “We are also grateful to our donor partners, collectively they will contribute approximately $4.3 million,” the premier said. Other revenue sources will account for $53 million. She added: “Operating deficit before loan repayment is forecast at $70.6 million. Loan repayment is forecast at $2.2 million for the fiscal year. “It is estimated that $1.1 million in loans already agreed with the CDB will become available in 2020-2021. “It is being proposed that the deficit will be funded from cash reserves - $73 million.”
By Benneth Williams
April 11-17, 2020
Hundreds of Haitian migrants sent back home Immigration minister says it is ‘an expensive task’ BY OLIVIA ROSE A STAGGERING 225 illegal migrants from Haiti were flown home from the TCI on Sunday (April 5) – at a huge cost to the TCI Government. Providenciales International Airport, currently closed to commercial flights to stop the spread of Covid-19, reopened briefly for the repatriation efforts. The men and women were rounded up by local authorities over the past week when several overcrowded vessels entered the territory’s waters. On Friday, April 3, the Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police Force intercepted a small wooden boat with 152 people aboard and towed it to shore. Shortly afterwards, officers of the Enforcement Unit responded to reports received from 911 of another illegal vessel landing in the northwest area of Providenciales. They apprehended 18 people from this landing and are continuing to work with police to capture more. The 170 captured migrants joined several others held at Gustarvus Lightbourne Sports Complex which, as of March 30, is being used as a makeshift detention centre. On Sunday (April 5), another sloop carrying 44 illegal migrants was intercepted by the Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police Force after detection by the coastal radar.
They were screened and cleared for repatriation along with a total of 181 Haitian nationals being held at the detention centre. All 225 detainees were flown to Cap-Haitian on charter flights with Caicos Express and InterCaribbean Airlines. In a statement on Sunday, Immigration Minister Hon. Vaden Williams stressed that repatriating illegal migrants continues to put a financial strain on the territory. “This is an expensive task but one that must be taken in order to protect the lives of our people.” Illegal vessel landings and repatriation has cost the TCI Government in excess of $2.5 million during the financial year 2019-2020. “Soon you will hear of measures being put into place to protect these Islands and its people,” Vaden said, describing time limits on work permits and no more first time work permits. “The time has come when we must ask if certain consuls are welcomed here,” he added. “I have had enough of this illegal problem and vessels landing and I am sure the people as well.” He continued: “My officers are out there and doing a great job and I say thanks to all of them. “I ask our people to support them where you can, as we work together to clean our country and keep our people safe and healthy.” The Border Control Detention
Party host arrested for breaking curfew A WOMAN in Five Cays was arrested on Tuesday (April 7) after she broke curfew and hosted a house party. Police officers on patrol were dispatched to Robinson Street, Providenciales, at about 9.30pm where they met a small gathering with loud music. The homeowner and host of the party was arrested and taken to the Chalk Sound Police Station. She was released on bail on Wednesday. Commissioner of Police Trevor Botting said: “This gathering has potential to risk the health of those persons attending and others who are in contact with them and is unacceptable. “Other such behaviour is likely to result in arrest and charges. Stay at home and save
lives, stay at home and protect your communities.” During the curfew residents are allowed to exercise away from their yards between 5am and 9am and 5pm to 7pm, alone or together with one other member of their household. They are allowed to run, walk or cycle, but not allowed to drive to any destination to exercise. Residents are also prohibited from taking their boats out onto the water any time during the lockdown. Any other outings are only for accessing essential service. Breaking curfew is a criminal offence and could lead to a fine or time in prison. Anyone with information on someone breaking a curfew can call 911.
Repatriated illegal migrants on the tarmac at Cap-Haitien International Airport
Centre is currently also holding 28 Sri Lankan nationals and one Indian national awaiting repatriation - delayed due to Covid-19 travel restrictions. According to online news outlet Haiti Libre, upon arrival in Haiti those that were repatriated were placed in a temporary shelter in CapHaitien while awaiting 14 days of quarantine. However, Kerwing Augustin, regional director of the National Office for the Migration, said due to lack of means, resources and isolation sites, this quarantine was not effective. The news outlet reported that merely a few hours after their arrival, most had left the temporary shelter and disappeared on the streets of Cap-Haitien. Haiti Libre said: “Some Haitians who remained in the temporary shelter were still there in the evening, without food, without drinking water and without toilets, fearing to venture into the city and expose themselves to the stigmatisation of the population.” It also reported that agents of the Haitian National Police arrested four people accused of organising the boats. It is an offence to harbour illegal aliens and that anyone found guilty of engaging in such activities are
liable to a fine of $20,000 or a term of imprisonment of four years, or both in accordance with the Immigration Ordinance 2018. Assisting illegal entry is a criminal offence and those found engaging in such activities will receive the full extent of the law. Anyone with information concerning planned and landed arrival of other vessels, poachers
and any suspicious movements of persons can contact police on 911 or Crime Stoppers anonymously on 1-800-8477. Tips can also be submitted anonymously in English, French or Spanish on either www. crimestoppers.tc or on Facebook as a fan of Crime Stoppers Turks and Caicos. Crime Stoppers tips are received in the USA.
Two suspected hospital cases test negative for Covid-19 AN INFANT who passed away at Cheshire Hall Medical Centre on April 2 tested negative to Covid-19. The girl, who was not named in official statements, was in critical condition and succumbed to her illness shortly after admission to the facility. While a Covid-19 infection is statistically rare in her age group, tests were performed out of an abundance of caution as the case definition of the virus was met. “The Ministry of Health and TCI Hospital continues to extend our deepest condolences
to the family on the unfortunate loss of their loved one,” a press release read on Tuesday (April 7) Meanwhile, a middle-aged male who was admitted to the facility earlier this month with severe acute respiratory infection but no recent travel history has tested negative to Covid-19. The patient remains under hospital care in stable condition. Anyone can contact the Ministry of Health hotlines if they are experiencing a cough, fever and shortness of breath at 333-0911 or 232-9444.
Commercial fishing is allowed during curfew LICENSED commercial fishing vessels are permitted to conduct business within the Turks and Caicos Islands territorial waters during the curfew. Director of the Department of Environment and Coastal Resources (DECR), Lormeka Williams said these mariners are permitted to conduct commercial fishing, once they are licensed and approved to conduct fishing activities, subject to restrictions imposed by the Government. These fisheries will require three legal obligations to
be operational: a registered commercial fishing vessel, a valid commercial fishing licence for captain and crew, and a valid commercial fishing business licence. Williams said this categorically excludes any operation only holding a sports fishing business licence. Permitted vessels are to leave the dock at 5am and are to return to the dock no later than 6pm the same day. She stated that fishing will not, under any circumstances,
be permitted within the national parks or reserves, as both the National Parks and Fisheries Protection Ordinance still apply. Only commercial fishing operations (as stipulated) that have applied and received exemption from the Governor’s Office will be permitted to operate. Williams stated that the DECR will be using its lists of registered commercial operations and lists of approved and exempted commercial fishing operations to ensure comprehensive adherence to the law. (By Delana Isles)
April 11-17, 2020
Governor Nigel Dakin and Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson meet the UK assistance team at Providenciales International Airport
UK specialist team arrives to help during pandemic BY OLIVIA ROSE A MULTI-DISCIPLINARY advisory team from the UK is in the TCI to provide medical, operational and security support to the Government. Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson and Governor Nigel Dakin welcomed the Security Assistance Team at Providenciales International Airport on Monday (April 6). Governor Dakin in a communiqué on Monday evening said the multidepartment team consists of a doctor, medical planners, logisticians, military, police and security planners who will boost local capacity in these areas. “At around 20, it’s a multidisciplinary, effort that draws heavily on three Commando Brigade, commanded by a lieutenant colonel. “Myself and the team leader Lieutenant Colonel Steve Jones, had a three-way teleconference with his commanding general today in the UK. “The team is very clear on their initial task which is to properly understand the health capacity in all its forms we have in TCI, so we can support and help build greater capacity against Covid-19 and border security challenges. “While at the same time understanding how UK military capability, which comes in different forms, can support our anti-illegal immigration operations. “The two of course link together in terms of the fight against Covid-19. “The team brings with them our military’s experience of supporting the UK’s National Health Service during this period which has been extraordinarily important to the UK response and therefore brings welcome relevant experience onto
the Islands.” He explained that the Turks and Caicos Islands is the first overseas territory to receive such a multifaceted team due to the range of problems the territory currently faces. “This is a reflection of the number of overlapping challenges we face here, from both Covid-19 and from illegal migration. “The skill set that the Royal Marines bring with them, to both land and maritime operations, and the military’s links to the UK’s health response, makes this team a particularly welcome member of the wider national security team and medical effort,” the governor stressed. The Security Assistance Team will be quarantined for 14 days in keeping with health protocols and will be following the advice of the chief medical officer before getting to work. Dakin said: “During that time, they will be able to connect remotely to a full range of stakeholders in TCI so they can build understanding and context as they wait. “The public will see them out and about in two weeks’ time.” He further informed that the military and police expertise will aid the TCI’s law enforcement authorities in their fight against serious crime. He said: “Serious crime was an issue on the Islands before this period of lockdown and looking to the future we do not imagine for one moment that we will not face similar challenges in the near future. “The lockdown and curfew period has though offered a welcome respite from this menace. “The team therefore includes two UK Home
Office advisors who can work with the TCI police executive. “The public might recall that just before the lockdown, the premier and myself announced a jointly funded TCIG and UK uplift for the next year to our police’s hard-edged Tactical Unit.” He said despite the Covid-19 pandemic, that work is progressing and recruitment is taking place. Both the governor and premier expressed their gratitude to the team for offering their expertise to the TCI. Dakin said: “I hope this news reassures, it’s a significant uplift in our capability on the Islands to deal with these extraordinary events. “The premier and myself thanked
the team for leaving their homes and their families to come and support ours.” Premier Cartwright Robinson said: “As the first overseas territory to receive assistance as such, TCI is appreciative of this important response to our needs. “I am grateful to those involved in making this a reality especially His Excellency the Governor Nigel Dakin and UK Overseas Territory Minister, Baroness Sugg.” Prior to the team’s arrival, medical supplies for the TCI from the UK had been sent through cargo channels and are expected to arrive imminently. Although the Ministry of Health is best placed to cover the procurement
efforts, the equipment the UK is providing will provide practical medical assistance, Dakin said. “But in terms of completeness, in support of the Health Ministry’s work, personal protection equipment and a significant number of tests kits will arrive from the UK this week with more to follow. The first batch are presently in-transit. “The critical on-island testing equipment (which has been extremely hard to procure globally) is on order by the UK on our behalf, and will arrive as it comes off the production line. “We are also in detailed discussions with the UK about providing people who can support medical delivery here.”
Ministry warns against spreading fake news A VIDEO showing a sloop arrival in February has been circulated on social media, with some claiming it was filmed this month. While three boats containing hundreds of Haitian illegal migrants did arrive in the TCI this past week, the video does not depict any of the recent arrivals. The Ministry of Immigration, Citizenship, Labour and Employment Services warned against the publication of “false statements” in a press release on Wednesday (April 8). “We fully understand and appreciate the anxieties surrounding illegal vessel landings” it read. “However, please be aware
that the video in question was taken on February 3, 2020, in Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands, and is not aligned with any activities at this time.” The statement went on to note the Emergency Powers (Covid-19) Regulations 2020, regarding the publication of false statements It reads, no person shall publish or cause to be published, posted or re-posted, over any media platform inclusive of social media, any purported news or report, or purported statement of fact, knowing or have reasonable cause to suspect that the same (a) is untrue or false; or (b) may incite public fear, panic or ethnic hatred.
Any person who contravenes these regulations commits and offence and is liable on summary conviction to a fine of $1,000 or imprisonment for three months, or both. “The ministry and our partners would like to assure the public of efforts being taken to protect the borders of these Islands,” the statement said. “The public is encouraged to call 911 if you become aware of any landing or planned landings. “The protection of our borders particularly in this critical period of the Covid-19 pandemic is to the benefit of persons originally from these Islands and those that have made the TCI their home.”
April 11-17, 2020
Will you continue with other gods? “ALL the people said to one another, “This is the God who brought us out of Egypt.” Exodus 32:4 Because Moses was in the mountain for a long time, the Israelites became very concerned and they told Aaron to make an image of God who will lead and protect them. Aaron then used the earrings of the wives, sons and daughters and made an idol in the shape of a young bull. (Exodus 32) I do not know exactly what God is saying to us during this Covid-19 crisis and I know many of us do not have physical idols like the Israelites but for too long we have been worshipping people, things and organisations rather than worshipping the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. During this lockdown period, please let us reflect on how and what we spend most of our time and minds on. IS IT THE POLITICIAN AND YOUR POLITICAL PARTY? Before and during this crisis, we have been worshipping politicians and political parties. The alarming thing is that some of our spiritual leaders are guilty of this as well. Personally, I am convinced that these political parties are like cults and the way governments are set up and run is creating confusion and
Drexwell Seymour is a certified public accountant and is the managing partner for HLB TCI. His favourite hobby, however, is writing. He has a personal website, www.drexwellseymour. com, where all of his writings are posted. He also has a YouTube channel where you can find inspirational videos. Drexwell has a BA in Accounting and an MBA in Finance.
division. Yet many of us spend most of our time thinking and strategizing about winning the next election rather than winning souls for the kingdom of God. However, at the end of day, God will have the final say even though many of us think it is our political gods. IS IT MONEY, OUR JOBS AND CAREERS? Money does provide answers for most things and as a result it becomes a god for many of us. All of our thoughts and dreams are preoccupied about making money. The rich want to get richer and the poor want to get rich. The word of the Lord says that the love of money is the root of all evil. The word of Lord also says that we should first seek the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all
these things will be given to you as well. IS IT YOUR HOUSE, VEHICLE AND OTHER MATERIAL THINGS? Believe it or not, some of us are worshipping our houses, vehicles, jewellery and other material things without realising it. We spend a lot of our energy admiring and upgrading our material possessions. It is okay to have nice things but don’t let them become your gods. The word of God says in Matthew 6:19-21: “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on Earth, where moth and rust[a] destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
IS IT CELEBRITIES AND STATUS? We spend a lot our time chasing and imitating celebrities and focusing on achieving VIP status. We promote and agree with their messages more than we promote and agree with the Bible. We need to chase after the word of God and focus on his word rather than focusing on the popularity and status of the individuals otherwise we will suffer. Psalms 16:4 stated that “those who run after other gods will suffer more and more. I will not pour our libations of blood to such gods or take up their names on my lips”. IS IT YOUR FAMILY? I believe many of us are guilty of putting our family before God. I know I am. We work hard 24/7 to provide for our family. We wake up thinking about them and go to bed thinking about them. There is nothing wrong with that but don’t put your family ahead of God. I know we love our family but be alert. 1 Peter 5:8 states: “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” MAKE THE GOD OF ABRAHAM, ISAAC AND JACOB YOUR ONLY GOD The only God we should be
worshipping is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The word of God forbids us from worshipping other gods which is one of the Ten Commandments. No matter how things look, do not ever replace your God with another god. Things may not go as you plan or things may not happen when you want them to happen but if you serve God he will take care of you. Do not wait until a crisis hits you to run to him and do not forget him after the crisis ends. God is the only way. We see everything happening in this world today is not new. We were warned but some of us refused to believe. God is the answer. CONCLUSION If after your reflection, you concluded that you spend most of our time on anything else other than the God of Abraham, we are facing the risk of serving two masters. The word of God says if we do, we will love one and despise the other. I started off this article with Exodus 32 and I will end with Exodus 32. As I say, I don’t know why this virus is happening but I do know in the book of Exodus 32:35: “The Lord struck the people with a plague because of what they did with the calf Aaron made.”
A solution or a breaking point? THE WHOLE world is experiencing stress, possibly leading to a breaking point. A type of war. Not between military. Not between guns, tanks, planes, ships and nuclear bombs. We tried that in the last century and what a waste that turned out to be. You cannot win a nuclear war. Now we battle with a powerful Asian virus, the coronavirus. It has been about 100 years since the viruses that plague mankind have been referred to as Asian. The flu source at that time was the Chinese province of Hong Kong. A British colony. Interesting that Hong Kong, given its independence recently, has chosen not to fall under the communist government of
the huge communist country of China but to remain some form of democracy. This has angered the communist leaders to no end. Their main argument is that the people of Hong Kong are Chinese. Is this racism? The flu of various sorts has been with us for hundreds of years. Even now what we consider the ordinary flu takes many more lives than coronavirus. This new virus is more dangerous because it spreads much more rapidly and is therefore more deadly. It has been on the world stage only since mid-January, about 90 days. Many countries suffer because the source for important drugs and the things of everyday life now come from China. China boasts it has the virus
under control. Can we believe them? Can we believe any communist run country? Russia, Cuba, Venezuela? If China is bringing the virus which started in their back yard under control, why not share the progress? China has used its huge population to steal the manufacturing of the essentials of life from the USA, UK and the EU. In China, a single human life is not important. They have over a billion and can quickly replace hundreds, hundreds of thousands that die from virus. Only Chinese leaders have names. The people are just numbers. How and why has abortion, that started in China to control their population, become a sacred cow among the USA Democratic party? Communism is now out in open
David is a retired mobile hydraulic engineer and business executive. He has been married to Middle Caicos native Yvette Robinson Tapfer for 30 years and has lived in Conch Bar, Middle Caicos, since 2002. David formerly served as branch chairman of the PDM from 2008 to 2011
in America. Has communism been a good system for the countries and people of those countries. Who now is winning this virus war? We assume the western world will design a vaccine and put coronavirus behind us. In this case - speed is important. The economy of everyone except China is at stake. China holds the mortgage on the world’s assets and they will foreclose.
Instead of the slow death rate of the ordinary flu, this Asian virus works quickly. We wonder what damage we will find when it’s over. Since January the Chinese coronavirus has the world in lockdown. Will we reach our solution or breaking point first? We wonder, will there soon be another?
April 11-17, 2020
Leadership and honesty are what matters most at times of crisis SPEAKING recently in New York, the state Governor Andrew Cuomo said: “The stress, the emotion, is just incredible and rightfully so. “It is a situation that is one of the most disruptive that I have seen and it will change almost everything going forward. “It will. That is a fact. It’s not your perception. It’s not just you. It’s all of us and it’s true and it’s real. Nobody can tell you when this is going to end... It will change almost everything.” At almost the other end of the political spectrum Cuba’s deputy prime minister and minister of economy and planning Alejandro Gil, told viewers of the live television programme Mesa Redonda: “We are exposed, like the rest of the world, to an unforeseeable scenario to which we must respond with an organised strategy, not with improvisation… “There may be a lasting scenario and we have to prepare for it; look for solutions with the lowest economic cost and be able to recover as soon as possible.” Leo Varadkar, Ireland’s prime minister, said on St Patrick’s Day that he would always put the Irish people’s “life and your health ahead
David Jessop is a consultant to the Caribbean Council. He has worked on Caribbean issues for over 40 years. David is the editor of Caribbean Insight and Cuba Briefing publications. He can be contacted at david.jessop@caribbeancouncil.org
of any other concern”, and made clear that he did not know when the crisis would end. In a similar vein Jacinta Adhern, New Zealand’s prime minister, demonstrated again her proven humanity by informally answering from her home, after putting her daughter to bed, citizen’s calls on Facebook Live. Each deserves respect, trust and inspire hope through their willingness to be honest and ability to empathise. Unlike some of their political counterparts elsewhere in the world they exhibit competence and have been apolitical about the true short and long-term human and economic implications of the corona virus. In the Anglophone Caribbean and
the Dominican Republic, the style may be different but the ability to cut through and demonstrate leadership has also been evident in countries where governments have recognised the irrelevance of ideology and tribalism when it comes to the need to secure public health and act to help the most vulnerable in society. These are attributes that may have to be sustained for a long time yet. This is because the severe economic problems caused by the virus will start to become acute as the public health requirements diminish. In an indication of the economic task facing the region, Barbados’ prime minister Mia Mottley recently told her country’s parliament that recovery will be challenging. Announcing a $10 million
“survival” package in response to the significant loss in revenue from tourism and increased expenditure as a result of Covid-19, she said that Barbados was back at the point in 2019 when her government started its IMF recovery programme. Although able to announce having achieved a remarkable economic turnaround in 2019-2020 with a primary surplus of 5.7 percent or $298.7 million, Ms Mottley, observed that for her there was “no glory in hitting targets and people are suffering”. Instead of the 1.5 percent growth her government had hoped for in 2020-2021, “we have gone back to the start line”, she said. Her presentation indicated the problems the island and the region’s other tourism dependent economies may face. If the most severe scenario of an 80 percent reduction in visitor arrivals comes to pass, which in Barbados’ case she said “it is looking more and more like”, all regional economic forecasting will require significant revision. It will also need the region’s leaders to simultaneously find ways to stimulate economic growth to
respond to budget deficits while coping with the absence of tourism revenues, a falloff in remittances, a probable limit on the amount of external support available, low oil prices, high food import bills, weak consumer demand and a global recession. In recent years, most governments have recognised that tourism offers the best way of providing a rapid economic stimulus and some nations such as Jamaica have already begun to consider the steps necessary to recover quickly, develop a better product and understand the new realities. When it comes to this crisis, however, a visitor-led post-pandemic recovery may be more complex than it seems. This is because the required responses go far beyond the issues that tourism professionals and governments normally consider, requiring above all both ‘send and receive’ markets to be aligned in relation to public health. One of the greatest but so far little spoken about problems, in the absence of either a vaccine CONTINUED
Where is the Turks and Caicos Islands headed? PART TWO In the wake of implementing the curfew leader Sharlene Cartwright Robinson posted notices regarding the curfew on social media. When a respondent asked why this was not made available on the radio station the leader said that this was not possible because a curfew was in effect and no one was supposed to be out. Has this leader never heard of ‘essential services?’ Even though there is a stay-at-home order where I live I am one of the few that go to work because I fall in this category. Surely a radio announcer would be essential, to inform, warn and update the public about this serious state of affairs.
Ben is a Turks and Caicos Islander living in Maryland, USA, and published author of ‘Jackals of Samarra’. He is also a founding member of the NGO Turks and Caicos Forum. Ben can be contacted at grandt730@aol.com.
Moreover, how would the announcer be in violation if they were cooped up in a small studio room? She went on to add that it was the responsibility of citizens to inform each other, thus making her social media posting adequate. Is this what TCI governance has become, where there seems to be
no government representing the people, even despite ever-increasing pensions? This is a sad state of affairs for our people, and it does beg the question asked at the outset: Where is the Turks and Caicos Islands headed? Now back to the governor. The people of the TCI should be wary of this man and the people he
represents. These people from across the Atlantic do not have our interests at heart and never did. Their track record in the TCI throughout the centuries bears this out with enough clarity for a blind man to see: Do we have a university provided by them after close to three centuries? Do we have a seawall for hurricane protection provided by them after close to three centuries? Do we have a cadet border force trained by them after close to three centuries? Do we have representation in their parliament after close to three centuries? Why when the United Nations drafted a resolution (resulting from this author’s petitioning before them)
asking the administrative powers to inform them of the hardship status of their territories following hurricane devastation so that they could provide assistance, did the British abstain from voting? This after close to three centuries of claiming partnership and oversight? Remember that as bad and cruel as slavery was in the colonies of all the major European powers, the colonies that were not British, such as the French, Spanish and Dutch, always thanked their lucky stars that they were not under the domain of the British. These were and are the people who claim to be looking out for our interests to this very day. Where is the Turks and Caicos Islands headed, with such a burden?
April 11-17, 2020
Health ministry buys tests, beds, ventilators and masks ALL testing for Covid-19 in the TCI is conducted by laboratories outside the TCI, however Health Minister Hon. Edwin Astwood hopes that will soon change. He spoke about his plans during his ministerial statement in the House of Assembly on Tuesday (April 7). Astwood explained that tests are currently being sent to labs in the Bahamas and the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) in Trinidad. “Results from the Bahamas take 48 hours from the time sent, and from CARPHA the turnaround time was usually 72 to 96 hours.” There are two main types of tests, he said, a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test and an antibody test. “The PCR test tells you if you currently have the virus by locating coronavirus gene sequences and creating multiple copies that can then be easily detected. “This typically requires a nose or throat swab. “An antibody test, this test can tell whether you have had the virus by looking for the Covid-19 antibodies in the blood from a finger prick.” Astwood said that his ministry has bought three PCR machines from
Minister of Health Hon. Edwin Astwood said having tests done in the TCI is the ultimate goal
three different sources, however due to shipment routes logistics, the arrival dates were delayed. “This capacity is something that the ministry has been vigorously trying to get in place here in the country for the past six weeks,” he explained. “Public Health England (PHE) has ordered a standard PCR analyser (QuantStudio 5) along with the
TCI Hospital employees test negative for Covid-19 TEST results have come back negative for hospital employees that were in contact with a temporary worker who tested positive for Covid-19 on his return to the USA. TCI Hospital made the announcement in a press release on Saturday (April 4). The 35-year-old American man who visited the TCI earlier this March to host training for hospital employees is currently being isolated at home in the USA and is in stable condition. He was in the territory for six days from March 8 to 13 at Cheshire Hall Medical Centre. The TCI and the primary US state from which the temporary worker travelled and resided had no confirmed cases of COVID-19 at the time of travel. In addition, there were no causes for concern identified during his screening upon entry to Providenciales and he was asymptomatic while on island. According to the US Centres
for Disease Control, people are thought to be most contagious when they are symptomatic. Contact tracing was immediately activated by the Public Health Department in partnership with TCI Hospital and with guidance from Public Health England. “The satisfactory outcome is attributed to the stringent and elevated infection, prevention and control (IPC) measures implemented across the health care facility and the keen commitment of staff to IPC precautions,” the press release said. “The health, safety and wellbeing of our employees are paramount to our values. “The Ministry of Health - Public Health Team and Public Health England are also applauded for the collaborative and aggressive contact tracing, guidance and efforts made to expedite the processing of samples, where possible.”
Tests are currently being sent to labs in the Bahamas and the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) in Trinidad
necessary accessories and training. “The analyser is being built by the manufacturer and PHE shall advise when the analyser will arrive.” He said that PHE has bought 10 testing kits (PCR reagents-960 test) which are scheduled to be released this week. Meanwhile additional testing kits will be made available during the upcoming weeks. “An order has been placed for a PCR hood. This equipment is necessary for the manipulation of samples when using the standard PCR analyser. “A rapid closed system PCR analyser (GeneXpert IV) along with 500 test kits has been procured. “This analyser has four modules (four simultaneous tests) and can return a result in approximately 45 minutes (prep time not included). “The vendor has informed that the analyser will be ordered during the current week and we can expect to receive the equipment during this week of April 6. “A standard PCR analyser (QuantStudio 5- 96-well) is also on order. The vendor has indicated that delivery would be in two weeks,” Astwood said. The minister stressed that while the ministry is comfortable with testing being done outside the territory, having tests done on island is the ultimate goal. “This lesson is a bittersweet moment for me; bitter because we’re not equipped to deliver this coronavirus testing, like many of the countries who already had PCR machines in their laboratories to facilitate testing, and only had to
order the specific testing kits and reagents. “Sweet because now persons realise why it was a bad idea to close down, disassemble, and take to pieces the Government laboratories that myself and others like Carol Mills, Shanwell Gardiner, Tanya Parker, and other lab staff at that time had taken years to build capacity in both Grand Turk and Providenciales, to bring to an ISO 7,000 accredited laboratories which at that time tested for just about everything of Medical Importance, with all the specialized analysers and safety equipment. “It was the wrong thing to do, it was a bad thing to do, and now all can realise why they should have listened to us.” BEDS AND ISOLATION SITES In updating the House of Assembly on the health ministry’s operations, Astwood revealed that more beds are now available at quarantine sites. “The Ministry of Health in collaboration with the Ministry of Infrastructure have aggressively sought out addition bed/isolation capacity to add to those in the twohospitals, Cockburn Town Medical Centre and Cheshire Hall Medical Centre.” He continued: “We have been successful in sourcing and additional 45 apartments (70 rooms) on the island of Providenciales. “In Grand Turk the Government is in the process of finalising an additional 16 rooms. “In South Caicos and North Caicos, potential properties have been identified and the negotiation process commenced.”
This, he said, will give the territory greater capacity to care and treat those that may become infected. “The saying goes, ‘It is better to have it and don’t need it, then to need it and don’t have it’.” The Ministry of Health has also assisted with the transfer of three long stay patients from Cockburn Town Medical Centre to the Wellness Centre - freeing up additional bed space. PPE AND VENTILATORS The Health Ministry currently has in stock about 8,000 N95 masks, with an additional 12,000 in shipment, Astwood said. “We will also be placing another order for 30,000 masks, as this initial 20,000 will be for all the frontline staff which include the health teams, police, immigration, prison officers, wellness centre workers.” Astwood said currently there are five ventilators in Providenciales and two ventilators in Grand Turk. “We have actively been sourcing and additional 10 ventilators, which is delayed in arrival due to shipping logistics.” Turning his attention to additional human resources, the health minister said a request has been made to Cuba through the Cuban consulate to augment existing personnel at the hospital and the ministry. “Feedback is expected to be received this week. “The specialists sought after to support ICU capacity includes physicians and nurses as well as medical officers, public health nurses, EMTs and EHOs to support the Ministry of Health.”
April 11-17, 2020
The highly anticipated episodes will establish the TCI as the birthplace of main character Pete Garrett
THE TURKS and Caicos Islands will be in the spotlight this summer as new episodes of the Daytime Emmy winning series The Bay become available for streaming on Amazon Prime. The TCI Tourist Board partnered with LANY Entertainment to coordinate and host filming of the crime drama in the territory, a press release revealed on Saturday (April 4). The popular web series will feature
two episodes filmed in the TCI when it returns for its fourth season. Director of Tourism Pamela Ewing said: “The destination will benefit tremendously from the exposure of this feature as we take the TCI into the homes of The Bay’s viewers. “While this will promote our idyllic destination to potential visitors, we will be simultaneously promoting Turks and Caicos as a premier filming destination for television and movie
networks. “We extend our profound thanks to our partners Wymara Resort and Villas and Ocean Club Resorts for cosponsoring this project.” The filming took place in October 2018 and the Tourist Board used the opportunity to showcase the unmatched beauty of North Caicos and Providenciales. The Bay follows the affluent yet dysfunctional Bay City residents who
face a series of dilemmas including forbidden love and never-ending scandals. The highly anticipated episodes will establish the TCI as the birthplace of main character Pete Garrett when he visits the Islands in search of answers regarding his and his twin brother’s mysterious birth. The Bay is available for streaming on Amazon’s Prime Video.
April 11-17, 2020
The real story must be told Dear Editor, Following from Governor Nigel Dakin’s address last night [April 5], we in the Opposition wish to congratulate him for his regular updates and responsiveness to several requests to facilitate certain essential and practical community needs and activities. We agree that closing all unessential operations last Saturday was the correct thing to do, especially, given the TCI’s vulnerabilities. It is encouraging that the number of confirmed infections has remained stable at five cases and no deaths (at time of writing). May God be praised! The total effectiveness of this action can and will only be fully appreciated at the end of the selfisolation exercise. Last night the governor reinforced his call and reminder to the public of the curfew guidelines to stay at home, practice social distancing and only come out for true emergency reasons and supplies. The Opposition continues to support these measures. It was also encouraging to hear of the cooperation with the Bahamas
and the US to deter the arrival of illegal vessels into, what is legally, a closed border; albeit porous. We also wish to thank the hardworking men and women in law enforcement for their bravery and dedication on our behalf. We in the Opposition, are required to do our jobs as representatives of the people, not only in good times, but especially during times of crisis. In this particular case, we are in a crisis unlike any that we or the world have seen before. Given that, we must point out where we see risk with major potential fallout for the public. We were expecting more from HE’s speech to the country last night. One would have thought that the space between the TCI’s first confirmed case up until now, would have given the Government enough time to consider various permutations and scenarios relating to the impact that an increase in the spread of the virus could have on our communities. The governor said that he is not operating in hope, but on science. However, he presented no real
Leader of the Opposition C Washington Misick says the Government is not prepared
evidence of that, especially, given what is happening in countries around us as well as in the US and Britain, itself. His assurances were more of a psychological placebo. This may be no fault of his, considering the UK’s preoccupation with its own devastation by the virus. The real story that must be told, to put our plight into context, are listed here: TCIG operates two hospitals under a public-private-partnership
(PPP) agreement. TCI hospitals are only secondary care facilities, with equipment and staff to match only a level two hospital. They do not have any intensive care units (ICU), instead they have a single high dependency unit (HDI) and only the skills to manage a single patient at a time. It has in place, contracts with area hospitals to cover TCI patients requiring critical care. Jamaica and other countries, where we send our patients, have recruited Cuban doctors, because they themselves do not have the capacity to deal with the problem solely on their own. TCIG does not have testing equipment, and the Bahamian people are complaining to their government about under-taking tests for the TCI. It is quite possible that, if cases there were to increase significantly, they may no longer be able to assist us. TCI has no testing equipment, no personal protection equipment (PPE), no respirators and no ventilators that the public is aware of. For a minor investment in
equipment, the Cheshire Hall Medical Centre could have already been made operational. However, due to poor stakeholder management, this has not happened. Everywhere, countries (even those with a low number of confirmed infections) are making contingency plans to increase care giving capacity including beds and equipment. To date, the TCI has not unrolled a real plan beyond home confinement to deal the potential spread of the virus. We do not believe in cursing the darkness without lighting a candle. We therefore make the following suggestions as interim measures that TCIG should consider as follows: Recommission portions of Myrtle Rigby Clinic to care for non-critical and chronic illness patients, to make TCI Hospital available to Covid-19 patients in the event it is required. Because of its modern design, TCI hospitals have all the infrastructure needed to install new equipment needed to deliver care to the critically CONTINUED
During crisis our minds are sharpest IN EVERY crisis, there is an opportunity. This is a belief I’ve long held, dating back to 11 years ago in the aftermath of hurricane Ike. At that time, I was the director/ counterpart of the Department of Disaster Management and Emergencies, having been overlooked in favour of a more experienced disaster manager - my friend, the late Horatio Tuitt of Montserrat. In that crisis, I seized the opportunity to demonstrate my competence for the job I sought by doing every task exceptionally, resulting in commendation and recommendation from General George Jones of the Bermuda Regiment. I have no doubt that that performance in the most troubling of time secured my first directorship just over a year later. I now turn to our present-day crisis and lock down. While the global pandemic of
Covid-19 has placed many of us squarely in survival mode, for others among us, it presents an opportunity to prosper in the long run during these uncertain times. The folks I specifically refer to are essential workers, civil servants generally, and persons whose income is not directly impacted by Covid-19, but what’s needed is a mind-set shift which can certainly take place in the next 21 days of self-isolation. Over a week ago, the TCI Banking Association announced that banks will be offering mortgage payment relief and other terms. Some banks are offering up to six months of deferred mortgage payments. Note that, before agreeing to any deferrals be clear, if the interest will have to be paid on the back end at all or in the following 12 months when mortgage payments resume. Here is the opportunity. If we say that the average mortgage payment
BY JAMELL ROBINSON Jamell has 14 years of public and private sector experience in leadership roles and holds a Bachelor’s and a Master’s degree from McGill and Coventry Universities. He describes himself as an “inspirational, skilled, energetic and action-oriented” member of the community.
is at least $1,500 - over a three to sixmonth period an individual can save between $4,500 to $9,000, which is a great jump start to creating a personal invest fund. Given that it’s hard to adjust one’s lifestyle to be able to save approximately 10 percent of your income to set aside for investment, this would be a great jumpstart to the process. Three principals that I recently learnt about wealth generation from the book titled, ‘The richest man in Babylon’ is as follows:
1. Pay yourself first ie. save 10 percent of your income for future investments (five percent at a minimum to start) 2. Invest in ventures you have knowledge in, or entrust your investments with persons that have knowledge or a track record in the investment you’re entering. 3. Reinvest the profits from your initial investment. If these principals are followed, over time you would have positioned yourself to have your money making money for you. Here’s another wrinkle. What if you
found nine other likeminded persons and you decided to pool your savings? That would be $45,000 to $90,000 available to invest in a short period of time. What if the Civil Service Association used the same premise and launched a CSA investment fund with say 200 civil servants injecting $900,000 to $1.8 million and TCIG matching the funds? Sounds like the basis for a credit union to me. In times of crisis our minds are at their sharpest. With this 21-day lockdown in full effect, all we have on our hands is time. We must utilise that time to come out of this situation better then we went in. Be it as small as creating personal savings for investments or as big as starting up a credit union. In every crisis is an opportunity. It’s just up to us to seize it when it presents itself. Stay home and safe TCI.
April 11-17, 2020
Stimulus package is smoke and mirrors PART TWO Dear Editor, Why is it that every time there is a stimulus we, the citizens of this country, are left out? Why is it always us that have to subsidise the folks that are making millions of dollars when the economy is good without giving much back? This blatant and total disregard and shameless contempt for us as a people can be plainly seen. Why is it that all the local businesses especially the restaurants and take-outs are closed when IGA has been allowed to stay open to sell groceries and boil fish and grits, rum, beer and sundry, while our brothers and sisters have to close their places of business and sit at home fretting over how to pay their bills? Why is the Wine Cellar told to close while IGA is allowed to sell
wine, vodka and whiskey by the case, bottle and shot? Can someone answer these questions for me? Something is rotten in Denmark and it is not cheese. I say the law should be fair and the law must be clear. If a category of business is exempt by law, then let it be exempt across the board with no favouritism. The system of having to apply to a secret closed door committee for your business to be included on an exempt list leaves room for subjective selections rather than an open and transparent process whereby everyone is equal under the law. While I am writing, it pains my heart to have seen the notice published in the Gazette by the minister designating the only sports complex that we have in Providenciales as a detention centre. This is a direct attack on the athletic development of our youth and this cannot be allowed to happen. As the person who with my hardworking ministers was responsible for
Where is the Turks and Caicos ... CONTINUED FROM
and/or some form of reliable health certification for every visitor, is that the virus could asymptomatically be imported into the region from countries that have not done enough, have failed to deliver an efficient response or are simply in denial. Visitor receiving countries will then find themselves in the invidious position of taking decisions - presumably with World Health Organisation support - on which countries have done all that is necessary to restore public health and then in all likelihood having to agree bilaterally with the country concerned, the basis on which visitors from those nations can travel. Without a vaccine, such an eventuality will remain politically and electorally sensitive for several years and have xenophobic implications. It will also impact on the frequency of air and sea lift, foreign relations, public health policy, taxation, food security, insurance provisions and much else, well before the marketing specialists are able to begin addressing consumer perception and willingness to travel.
To note this is not to be alarmist but to indicate the huge complexity of resuscitating tourism and by extension the Caribbean economy should a satisfactory vaccine not appear soon. It is also to indicate the importance of decisive leadership and a well-planned and enunciated economic exit strategy once the immediate health crisis has passed. Recovery will require new thinking and leadership. It will need governments, opposition parties, industry and social partners to have a shared vison as to how to balance the urgent need to rebuild economies and generate employment, while ensuring a genuine consensus and ensuing that all necessary precautions remain in place. The coming weeks will demonstrate which Caribbean leaders can guide their people safely out of the public health crisis and explain with empathy and honesty exactly what will be involved in creating national and then regional social and economic recovery in a likely much changed post-coronavirus world.
Former premier Michael Misick says the law should be fair and clear
building this complex, I am appalled that this would even be considered. This complex was built for the enjoyment of our citizens especially young people. It was built as a place
designated for growing sport and developing strong all-around individuals. I was blessed to see many a NBA star and streetball legend visit that facility and marvel at its foresight and quality. I call on the minister and the Government to reconsider their plans for turning the Gustarvus Lightbourne Sports Complex into a detention centre, whether it be permanent or temporary. Think of the children, our children, your children and their need to have this facility to develop their skills. There must be another suitable place that can be rented and used for this purpose. Finally, I say to citizens and residents alike, as difficult as it may seem we have to stay safe and stay inside and avoid personal contact with others. This virus is no joke and if it is not contained it could have a devastating effect on us as a country with the
possibility of countless lives lost. We only need to see what’s happening in Italy, Spain and America. I know that when we watch TV we sometimes think, ‘well it’s happening there and cannot happen’ here, but in this global village we live in nothing is far away anymore. So, let’s abide by the curfew and the other emergency measures that have been put in place for our protection and safety. Let us be our brother’s keeper and keep each other safe and out of harm’s way. Continue to pray for medical professionals and essential workers, pray protection for our elderly and at-risk persons and most of all pray for the good Lord to bless and spare our Turks and Caicos Islands. Michael Misick, Providenciales
Stay home and join the fight Open letter to TCI’s youth To our youth, My message today really is to say you are not alone. We are all feeling the strain together. Just remember, that this will not last forever. Staying home is your only chance to fight this virus intelligently and not risk your health and wellbeing, and the health and wellbeing of your family and friends. This is the best way you can help our nation, this is the best way that you can do your part. Do not add to or focus on the
negativity in the media. Make the most of daily exercise while following the rules of social distancing; this will help to improve your mood and wellbeing. Stay in prayer and stay in the word while keeping in touch with friends and family. In this moment of crisis, there will always be the temptation to focus on things you cannot do, but I encourage you to use this moment to look for new opportunities to being a better you. To those few young people who are still ignoring the advice, can I just say that this is not a joke and it is
really serious. You need to do what everyone else is doing and stay at home because the very life you save can be your own. I know this is difficult but by working together and following the Government’s advice around social distancing we are all doing our bit to make a difference. Together we can. Covid-19 does not have the final say over your life. You do. So, stay at home and join the fight. Together we can do it. Nixon Dickenson, Acting Director of Youth Affairs, Providenciales
The real story must be told CONTINUED
The Myrtle Rigby Clinic has an operating room and a delivery room. With expedited contractual agreements, these can be repaired and retrofitted within a short period of time utilising the large cadre of contractors that are awaiting the lifting of the quarantine. We ask: Why not? Work with TCI Hospital to upgrade the equipment for the testing for Covid-19 virus? Follow the example of Italy and Jamaica and other Caribbean neighbours by recruiting, in conjunction with TCI Hospital, Cuban doctors skilled in critical care
– especially as it relates to Covid-19. TCIG Ministry of Health should expedite the procurement of personal protective equipment (PPE), respirators, ventilators and other life savings supplies. While, the enforcement of the protocols relating to the curfew appears to be adequately managed, especially on Provo, there appears to be a lack of stakeholder engagement as it relates to the medical side of the equation. The Government should consult widely with the medical and health communities to formulate practical and forward-looking protocols relating to treatment of potential
Covid-19 patients. In closing, we salute the bravery of our health professionals on the tip of the spear of this pandemic and appeal to TCIG to do everything possible to ensure that these brave, heroic persons are provided with every assistance and all the equipment necessary to be able to do their jobs as safely and effectively as is possible for all. May God bless our Turks and Caicos Islands, and may he keep us safe. C Washington Misick, Leader of the Opposition, Providenciales
April 11-17, 2020
Hefty fees to regain confiscated vehicles RESIDENTS who continue to flout the rules of the curfew will now be heavily taxed to regain possession of their vehicles. The Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police Force (RTCIPF) announced this week that they have so far seized a total of 23 vehicles in Providenciales and Grand Turk. Twenty in Providenciales and two cars and a motorcycle in Grand Turk. To regain possession of their vehicles at the end of the curfew, owners will have to pay a $250 towing fee, a $25 per day storage fee and produce an updated drivers’ licence, vehicle registration and insurance.
Police officer manning vehicular traffic at the Suzi Turn roundabout in Providenciales
CABINET MEETING SUMMARY NUMEROUS development contracts, appointments and planning applications were discussed at the latest meeting of the Cabinet. Governor Nigel Dakin chaired the 11th meeting of the year on Friday (April 3) by videoconference. All ministers were present. At this meeting Cabinet: -Discussed and approved, subject to minor changes, the Draft Revenue and Expenditure Estimates 2020-2021 encompassing the challenges presented by the coronavirus pandemic and for it to be submitted to the House Assembly for approval. -Were informed on measures taken thus far by the TCI and UK governments to address and mitigate against any escalation of coronavirus (Covid-19). -Were updated on the arrival of two sloops during the night of April 1-2, ongoing work being carried out and discussed potential short and longer term actions for both the TCI and UK governments going forwards. -Approved the Statutory Bodies Revenue and Expenditure Estimates 20202021 and granted approval for the tabling of these at the next sitting of the House of Assembly. -Approved the appointment of Derry Handfield (chair), Charlie Garland (vice chair), Lewis W Parker, Kevin E Harvey, Director of Planning (ex-officio), Director DECR (ex-officio), Director of Disaster (DDME) (ex-officio) as members of the Physical Planning Board and Reginald Charles as secretary to the board for a period of six months from April 9 to September 30. -Approved the appointment of Andre Malcolm Snr (chair), Thomas Duncan, William H William, Clyde Ewing, Max
E Garland as members of the Physical Planning Appeals Tribunal and Leonardo Glasgow as secretary to the tribunal for a period of one year from April 9 to September 30. -Approved the appointment of Adelphine Pitter (chair), John HiltonDeputy (chair), Ethlyn Gibbs, Charmaine Clarke, Osbourne Delancy, Maisha Ewing, Tendra Musgrove (TCHTA representative) and Permanent Secretary Tourism (exofficio) as members of the Tourist Board for a period of one year from April 9. -Approved the appointment of Director DECR (chair), Clay Arthur, Tomlinson Skippings and Henry Handfield as members of the Turks and Caicos Islands Fisheries Advisory Committee for a period of three years from April 9. -Approved a planning application (SC 803) submitted by the Public Works Department, TCIG, for the rebuilding of the Iris Stubbs Primary School, Block 20305 Parcels 8 and 25, Cockburn Harbour, South Caicos. -Approved a release and settlement agreement to Dataworx for the period December 2017 to January 2020 and an agreement for Dataworx to be contracted for the maintenance of the Turks and Caicos Islander Status system and database for the period 2012 to 2020. -Confirmed approval on March 31 of the recommendations of the Procurement Board on the award of the following contracts: 1) PN 005475, replacement furniture for departments (amended) (TR 19/93). 2) PN 005523, farm equipment (TR 19/96). 3) TCIPA-0007, SSP, aviation and security equipment – VHF AM equipment and accessories, air traffic control.
4) PN 005517, basketball courts in all islands (TR 19/99). a. Lot 2 – Raymond Gardiner High School b. Lot 3 – Felix Morley Community Centre c. Lot 4 – Phase 1 basketball court, Wheeland d. Lot 5 – South Caicos Sporting Facility 5) PN 005525 library (TR 19/20). 6) PN 005300, TR 19/83, warehouse shelving and equipment for customs shelving. 7) PN 005312, TR 19/81, security dogs and accommodation for customs. 8) PN 005430, TR 19/94, improvement to fish fry site. 9) PN 005485, TR 19/72, furniture and equipment for Ministry of HASH. a. Health disaster b. Veterinary equipment. 10) PN 005486, TR 19/47, refurbishment of ministry infrastructure National Stadium. 11) PN 005487, TR 19/26, development of non-communicable registers and sports development project - sports development. a. Lot 3: Football b. Lot 4: Track and field 12) PN 005533, TR 19/41, lighthouse. 13) PN 005255, TR 19/52, homes for domestic violence - Grand Turk. 14) PN 005483, TR 19/44, DECR and tourism facilities - Beaches vendor market; Club Med vendor market. 15) PN 005509, TR 19/40, rehabilitation of wharf - South Caicos. 16) PN 005516, TR 19/100, DECR building – furniture. 17) PN 005520, TR 19/74, Leeward Palms green park. 18) PN 005521, TR 19/45, farmer’s
market. 19) PN 005524, TR 19/101, Chalk Sound green park. 20) TCIAA 0004/01, TR 19/62, new control tower and fire hall for Providenciales Airport. -Confirmed the approval of the Emergency Powers (Covid-19) (National Health Insurance) Regulations 2020 providing temporary measures in place for the referral of urgent patients only for medical treatment overseas and overseas outpatient referrals. -Confirmed the approval of the Emergency Powers (Covid-19) (Economic Relief Measures) Regulations 2020 providing financial relief to individuals and businesses to mitigate the effects of the economic downturn on individuals and businesses in the Islands. -Confirmed the approval of the Emergency Powers (Covid-19) (Financial Services) Regulations 2020. -Confirmed the approval of the Customs (Covid-19) (Duty Exemption) Order 2020 and the Emergency Powers (Covid-19) (Waiver of Customs Processing Fee) Regulations 2020. -Confirmed the approval of the additional funding in the Second Supplementary Appropriation (2019/2020) for various capital projects approved in the House of Assembly on February 24. -Confirmed the approval of the Financial Services (Variation of Time for Licence Fees) Regulations 2020 to extend the date for payment of licence fees until the Covid-19 pandemic. -Confirmed the approval of a rental lease agreement for premises to be used for the purpose of carrying out quarantine operation for persons affected by Covid-19/coronavirus on Providenciales.
April 11-17, 2020
The little ship that could A tribute to the Salt Cay Ferry IT WAS always going to be tricky. How does one continue to supply an island like Salt Cay with essential food, medicine, drinking water etc, in the midst of lockdown and do it in a way that assures minimal risk to the captain and crew? As the lockdown was approaching, this question and many others like it weighed heavily on the mind of the captain of the Salt Cay Ferry who has been running the ferry service between Salt Cay and Grand Turk since the beginning of the millennium. The Salt Cay Ferry, which for the past 12 years has been the MV Brittany Leigh, is the lifeline between Salt Cay and Grand Turk. On ‘community days’, namely Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, it transports passengers to Grand Turk to do their shopping and run all the others errands that used to define a normal precoronavirus day, such as visits to the bank, government offices etc. If time permitted it, Salt Cay residents would also more often than not grab a quick lunch in the nation’s caption and/or catch up with a friend or family member before heading home. In addition to the community service, the ferry is also used for tourist charters, the transport of building materials and is of course on standby 24/7 for emergencies. Given its central role, quite literally in all aspects of life on Salt Cay, is it any wonder that this vessel and its captain and crew are held in such high esteem on the island? They are our local heroes. With this responsibility in mind, the Salt Cay Ferry team
Titus was born in Hamburg and has lived in the Turks and Caicos Islands since 1989. He works as a general business consultant and has been based in Salt Cay since 2016.
reached out to the Governor’s Office on March 26 to obtain permission for the captain and one other team member to act the ‘designated shoppers’ on Grand Turk should the need arise. “This way,” noted the ferry team, “only two shoppers and crew would make the trip to Grand Turk, get the goods and return.” On March 28, the permission was granted and the team was advised: “These individuals will be added to the central police database held at the 911 Control Centre for the duration of the emergency.” So far, so good. Or so it seemed. Once the permission had been received, a plan was devised. Orders from the Salt Cay residents would be collated, asking them to limit their order to one standard shopping bag of items, plus water (10 gallons). Additionally, other urgent matters could be handled, such as banking, visits to the pharmacy, etc. On one day of the week, the ferry would depart with the captain, one other “designated shopper” and two crew members. Once the shopping and errands were done, the ferry would return to Salt Cay, without delay.
MV Brittany Leigh is the lifeline between Salt Cay and Grand Turk
“Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans,” John Lennon once said, and just as the Salt Cay Ferry team thought they had a workable plan, news from the rest of the world about Covid-19 became increasingly grim. Was it really a good idea to expose the captain and crew to potentially infected individuals? What if, God forbid, the virus was brought back to the island? The effects would be devastating. Life happened and a plan B was needed and devised. And so, after some successful coordination with the help of one of Salt Cay’s business owners and a Grand Turk supermarket, the captain was able to announce on April 2: “We will make a trip to Grand Turk today at 11am, return: 1.30pm. No passengers, crew
only. “Essential food items will be delivered to the Grand Turk Dock. “The Salt Cay Ferry will only sail to the Grand Turk Dock, we will not provide individual shopping services, but rather deliveries will be made to the dock and then be loaded onto the ferry.” The operation went without a glitch. And no sooner had the ferry returned to Salt Cay, the comments, from persons all over the TCI, came pouring in. Hundreds of them, but all similar in tone: “Through sunshine and stormy weather Salt Cay Ferry takes care of the community. Thank you captain and crew,” “Hats off to the captain and his crew, you guys ROCK,” “Now that is what you call working together and
getting the job accomplished... excellent work.” By normal ferry standards the amount of cargo transported that day was modest, but that is and was secondary. What mattered was that once again people had demonstrated what communities can achieve when, especially during difficult times, everyone works together for the greater good, when everyone plays their part. On that day, April 2, 2020, the Salt Cay Ferry didn’t just sail for Grand Turk to bring back much needed supplies to Salt Cay, it sailed for the entire Turks and Caicos Islands to demonstrate that we will prevail if we all work together. In that spirit, this column is proudly dedicated to the captain and crew of the Salt Cay Ferry!
April 11-17, 2020
New electors register is published TURKS and Caicos Islanders can now view the 2020-2021 Register of Electors on the Government website www. gov.tc Due to the Covid-19 pandemic and emergency regulations instituted in the territory, the register will not be placed at different locations across the Islands. However Supervisor of Elections Lister Dudley Lewis will send the register via email to interested parties who contact him at dllewis@gov.tc The register was published on March 31 in accordance with the Elections Ordinance, Revised Edition 2018. In a press release on March 31, Lewis explained that parts of the register will not be published until after adjudicators appointed by the governor submit their report on appeals. These are Electoral District 4 - Middle and North Caicos, Electoral District 7 - Cheshire Hall and Richmond Hill, Providenciales, and Electoral District 9 - Five Cays, Providenciales.
Several taxes due during lockdown
For more information visit the Ministry of Health website www.gov.tc/moh/coronavirus, email covid19@gov.tc If you or someone you know has symptoms or signs of COVID-19 call the hotline numbers 232-9444 or 333-0911.
FIVE sets of taxes will still be due to the Revenue Department despite the three-week lockdown as they do not fall under the Government’s stimulus package. They are vehicle hire stamp duty, insurance premium sales tax, domestic financial services sales tax, communications tax and dormant accounts receipts. The Revenue Department will be issuing remittance forms as requested via email for payments on or before the deadlines prescribed in the relevant ordinances. Taxpayers must obtain and complete their remittances from the department through the email address provided, before proceeding for payment. To assist with the facilitation of payments provisions have been made by the Accountant General’s Department to receive online payments via transfers through CIBC First Caribbean International Bank, Scotiabank and Royal Bank of Canada. For forms contact tcirevenuedepart@gov.tc and for more information visit gov.tc/ revenue
April 11-17, 2020
Non-urgent dental services cancelled ALL non-urgent dental services have been suspended but urgent and emergency dental treatment will remain available to the public. Emergency care includes things such as swelling, dental abscesses, infections, dental trauma, uncontrollable bleeding, severe pain and tooth fractures. Non-emergency treatment, which will be on hold, includes cleaning, routine radiographs, aesthetic procedures, extraction of non-painful teeth and small non-painful lesions. To help the public to prevent the need for emergency treatment the Government has offered the following advice on Wednesday (April 8): Improve home care by adding a third brushing, floss twice daily instead of once daily, use antimicrobial rinse daily, rinse and gargle for at least 30 seconds. Keep toothbrushes clean and germ free, do no share toothbrushes, keep fingers out of the mouth, avoid biting nails and thumb sucking, and avoid touching the face and nose. Wash hands frequently for 20 to 30 seconds with antimicrobial soap and water (this will help to prevent transmission of Covid-19 coronavirus). Other advice to maintain oral health includes drinking plenty of water and eating fruits and vegetables, not using any tobacco products, and limiting alcoholic drinks. More information is available at Providenciales Dental Clinic at Cheshire Hall Medical Centre on 338-5133 or 338-5134, Grand Turk Dental Clinic at Cockburn Town Medical Centre on 338-3482 or 3383484, North Caicos Dental Clinic on 946-7397 and South Caicos Dental Clinic at 232-3216.
RFA Argus has been dispatched to the Caribbean to assist with hurricane preparedness
UK provides marine support THE ROYAL Fleet Auxiliary support ship RFA Argus has set sail for the Caribbean to offer support to overseas territories during the upcoming hurricane season. The British ship is also part of a targeted response to the Covid-19 pandemic, Governor Nigel Dakin explained in a communiqué on
Contributors needed Do you have a subject of interest that you’d like to share with our readers? Perhaps you’re a great cook and have created lots of delicious recipes that use local ingredients. Maybe you have ideas on how to save money when shopping and know where to find all the latest bargains. Or are you an entrepreneur who would like to share tips on setting up a new business? We need regular contributors
of 400 word articles on a variety of topics for our Lifestyle pages. Get in touch with us at the Turks and Caicos Weekly News and pitch your idea for a weekly, bi-weekly or monthly column. You will have your name in print along with your business contact details if requested. It’s a great way to share your knowledge and promote your business or start-up. Contact us now at tcweeklynews@gmail.com
Monday (April 6). “She sailed on April 2 to cross the Atlantic and she has the capability to receive casualties and a medical team can join the ship from the UK if required and once it is in the region. “As well as having a casualty capability, she is also carrying aid from the Department for International Development to provide water and ration packs where needed post any hurricane.” The ship also contains materials to repair damage and clear blocked roads in support of local emergency services. On board RFA Argus are Royal Marines, Royal Navy and Royal Fleet Auxiliary sailors. In addition, a Wildcat helicopter and three Merlin Helicopters with pilots, aircrew and engineering support are also stationed. Minister of State for Defence Jeremy Quinn, responsible for the Overseas Territories, commenting said: “The armed forces are taking decisive and coordinated action both at home and overseas to respond to the Covid-19 outbreak. “The Royal Navy and Royal Fleet Auxiliary have worked hard to ensure that RFA Argus is ready for the hurricane season in the Caribbean and now also able to support the UK’s overseas territories during the pandemic. “The deployment of this ship is just one way the UK Government is supporting communities at home
and overseas as together we face the biggest public health emergency in a generation.” Meanwhile, HMS Medway, “a very capable patrol vessel” which recently visited the TCI and is in the region, is now well practiced in working with the TCI’s maritime police. “The Royal Marines and HMS Medway report to the same headquarters in the UK which brings coherence,” the governor said.
It is all part of a wider international effort that includes US maritime and air assets, and assets from the Bahamas, he added. “Our police plane also docks into this effort with our maritime police and radar providing the final line of protection. “All of us know how extraordinarily hard the Marine Branch has been working recently and it’s worth saying they are overwhelmingly successful.”
Businesses asked to complete impact survey THE PROVIDENCIALES Chamber of Commerce is asking its members in the business community to fill in a survey on the impact of coronavirus. Information gathered from the Covid-19 Business Impact Survey will help the body to understand how the pandemic is affecting the TCI business community and how it can help. The information will be used in aggregate form as the chamber seeks to quantify the impacts of the situation, however individual answers will remain anonymous.
“We know that this critical situation is directly affecting businesses, employees and customers,” an email from the chamber said on Saturday (April 4). “We understand your situation may be changing daily, so questions are designed with that in mind and responses are considered applicable to the point in time received.” It finished: “Your participation in this survey is vital in helping the Provo Chamber build a better, brighter post-coronavirus future for our community.”
April 11-17, 2020
THE WRITING NOOK Creatively accessing your words through knowledge, vision and wisdom
Writing your first draft LAST week we focused on planning your writing and this week we will guide you in writing your first draft. Writing is an adventure and like most adventures there are challenges you must face before claiming the final prize. Your first draft of writing will not be perfect but it will produce a document which you can revise, edit and sometimes even leads to an entire rewrite. Here are some tips for getting your first draft from your mind into reality:
FIGURE OUT YOUR STORY FIRST Matthew Quirk, the New York Times bestselling author of ‘The 500’ figures out his story before he starts writing. He understands what conventions the thriller has and he makes sure he has all of them in his book. Having a solid arc from the beginning to end of your book doesn’t dumb it down or make it formulaic. It makes it an incredibly strong, compelling structure upon which you can build complex characters or subplots, twists or beautiful writing.
Tatiana Handfield is a trained English language and literature high school teacher, an author and a poet who enjoys teaching and nurturing young people to embrace and enhance their creative abilities. Handfield has penned two book series and a magazine: Merilla City (a children’s adventure story), the TCI Word Search Puzzle Book and the Let’s Create TCI Youth Magazine. She was recently shortlisted for the London Book Fair Trailblazers Award 2020. As the owner and creative director of local independent publishers Cyril and Dorsie Publishing, she hopes to gather and share the stories of the TCI with the world.
Strike fast. Strike hard. Stop for nothing till you reach the objective.
WRITE A LOGLINE FOR YOUR BOOK Before you start writing your book, write the main idea of your story in a few sentences and share it with friends. Do their eyes glaze over as you describe how your cat saved the neighbourhood from the rabid dog? Having a clear idea of what you want to write will help you stay focused while you write your first draft. And having feedback from friends will save you from writing a story that is as interesting as a soggy piece of toast. Blake Snyder, writer of ‘Save The Cat,’ said: “The logline is your story’s code, its DNA, the one constant that has to be true. “If it’s good, if it has all the earmarks of a winning idea, then it should give you everything you need to guide you in writing the screenplay.”
‘TK’ in your manuscript and keep writing. You can also write TK as a placeholder for a scene you want to write in more detail later. After your document is written, a quick search of TK will show you all of the places in your first draft you need to check facts or where you need to write in more detail. Cory Doctorow of ‘Writing in the Age of Distraction’ said: “Don’t give in and look up the length of the Brooklyn Bridge, the population of Rhode Island, or the distance to the Sun. “That way lies distraction - an endless click-trance that will turn your 20 minutes of composing into a half-day’s idyll through the web. “Instead, do what journalists do: type TK where your fact should go, as in, ‘The Brooklyn Bridge, all TK feet of it, sailed into the air like a kite.’”
WRITE TK AS A PLACEHOLDER If you aren’t sure of a fact while you are writing, instead of searching for what to call a group of kittens, write
DON’T STOP. KEEP WRITING UNTIL YOU REACH THE END Steven Pressfield, who writes about fighting resistance in his book ‘The War of Art,’ says that momentum is everything in a first draft.
DO NOT REWRITE, EDIT OR READ YOUR FIRST DRAFT UNTIL YOU HAVE WRITTEN THE ENTIRE STORY Shawn Coyne says rewriting or editing before you have completed the first draft will lead to despair. Editing sentences before the story is complete may make it harder to follow your train of thought with the story. I cannot overemphasise how important it is not to re-write your first draft until you reach its final two words - The end. DON’T GET DISCOURAGED. Your first draft will not be perfect, but don’t let that discourage you. Keep writing. Ernest Hemingway said: “Don’t get discouraged because there’s a lot of mechanical work to writing. There is, and you can’t get out of it. “I rewrote the first part of ‘A Farewell to Arms’ at least 50 times.” HAVE DEADLINES, ACCOUNTABILITY, INCENTIVES, AND COMMUNITY. Joe Bunting has been ‘writing’ his book about his time in Paris for the last two years. Or, avoiding writing his book. Which is funny really - the writing guru who couldn’t write. Writing a first draft is hard and it is tempting to take the easy route and quit writing. This is why you need something that will hold you accountable to finish. Source: https://thewritepractice. com
‘Call if you need assistance’ Social Development Department encourages residents to reach out BY DELANA ISLES IN MANY parts of the world, governments, non-profits and private individuals are providing humanitarian aid to vulnerable families who are affected by the adverse effects of Covid-19. The tourism dependent Caribbean is struggling in the wake of the pandemic, which has already negatively affected the tourism and service sectors across the region. To halt the spread of the virus, the TCI, like many other countries throughout the world has had to resort to drastic measures, closing down its borders and implementing stringent curfew orders. As a result of these measures and the slowdown of the economy, it is anticipated that many individuals will inevitably become vulnerable. The TCI Government is working along with nongovernmental organisations and companies to provide some humanitarian support to ensure families are fed during the economic ambiguity. Hon. Karen Malcolm, Minister with responsibility for the Department of Social Development, this week said a multi-sectoral response is now being undertaken. The aim is to meet immediate health emergency care and response needs, while ensuring that a social safety net is created to support people whose income may drastically reduce during this crisis, and to protect the rights of the most vulnerable citizens. This multi-sectoral committee comprises of the ministry, public and private sector groups such
as the TCI Hotel and Tourism Association (TCHTA), Red Cross, and the Salvation Army. The committee is working with churches, district commissioners, community leaders and private sector groups to update and expand the existing list of those that may need humanitarian support. Minister Malcolm is advising against residents conducting distribution on their own. “Given the peculiarities of this pandemic and the need to maintain social distancing, it is not advisable to establish a standard soup kitchen, as such plans are afoot to establish an efficient front door delivery system to all registered persons.” She added that in addition to the current list being compiled of those who are and who may become vulnerable, persons who need assistance are advised to contact the department. The department can be reached at 242-0436 in Grand Turk, 2430435 in Providenciales and 2426274 in general. Residents are encouraged to call if they need assistance. The minister stated: “During these times, with the many challenges our country is facing, our vulnerable populations still remain at the forefront of our priorities. “We are taking an active role in ensuring that families do not go hungry and are able to feed their children. “I applauded the goodwill and kind gesture of support we have received thus far from the private sector, NGO and PPS and wish to encourage other private sector business that wish to join us in this humanitarian effort to reach out to us at humanitarianeffortsCONTINUED
April 11-17, 2020
Composting in the Caribbean
Denis is a passionate landscape architect who enjoys the creative process and his clients’ joy when projects come to life. Contact Denis at Nature Splendor for your landscaping, installation or garden maintenance needs. For more information call 332-3381 or email denis@naturesplendor.net or visit the Facebook page Nature Splendor.
IF A tree falls in the bush what happens to the tree after it falls? Once a tree falls, it is consumed by the bush itself and returns to the soil from which it came. A vast array of friendly decomposers from millipedes to fungi, combined with heat and moisture, work to break down the downed tree to a form that can be used again by the plants surrounding the fallen giant. In the bush or in a forest, no one puts out granular fertiliser or sprays micro-elements. The trees and shrubs there look strong and healthy because nature’s circle of life turns fallen leaves, twigs and even entire trees into plant food. The forest floor is basically one gigantic compost bin. Composting converts kitchen scraps and yard waste into nutrients that can be used to naturally fertilise small areas of your garden such as vegetable ‘victory gardens’ (last week’s article) or specific plants that need additional care. It is the same thing as the tree that fell into the bush and compost is an excellent alternative to synthetic fertilisers and a natural way to fertilise your garden. Due to the Turks and Caicos Islands’ high temperatures,
composting does not need to take place in an enclosed bin and may be done in an open-air compost pile or bin. Closed bins are preferred, however, because open bins may be visited by unwanted pests. Compost ingredients should be placed in a bin or pile and turned every two to three weeks for optimum breakdown of materials. It may be necessary to add moisture to your compost pile if the pile is not breaking down. Compost will begin to form in four to eight weeks depending on temperature, sunlight, types of materials used, level and moisture playing a role in the speed at which compost forms.
Add any vegetable or fruit scraps, but not meats. Eggshells are okay. So are coffee grounds and coffee filters. Add any plant material, like lawn clippings. Alternate layers of fruit and vegetable scraps with plant material. The scraps will speed up the compost process for the plant material and the layered plant material will discourage rodents and other animals from finding the tasty scraps. Many types of compost bins will do the job, including sealed plastic bins with removable tops or sealed drums that are mounted so they can easily be turned.
You can make your own bin by bending wire mesh a few feet tall into a circle and attaching the ends using zip ties. Even a pile of scraps layered with plant material on the ground works. Compost piles or bins are best in sunny areas. Sealing up or turning the compost is unnecessary because of our heat, but these techniques will accelerate the process. After your compost has been piled
for enough time, use a pitchfork on the pile and remove the nutrient-rich compost at the bottom of the bin. Newer additions to the bin may not have composted yet and can be left behind for the next round. Once you have your compost, place it around the drip line of your fruit trees or work it into your raised vegetable garden before you plant. Apply composting principles to your
lawn, too. The more plant debris that you leave on your property to compost and put back into your yard and garden, the better. You’ll use less fuel use to transport and create less pollution, and there will be more space in the dump for other products. Do not compost plants to which herbicide has been applied. Just so easy and just so green.
‘Call if you need assistance’ covid19@gov.tc and make your pledge.” IMMEDIATE RELIEF NEEDED Meanwhile, asked what their constituency heads are doing to help their constituents, the Progressive National Party said they as an institution are not permitted to offer financial support. Chairman Calvin Green told
Weekly News that the party continues to advocate that the Government provide real and immediate stimulus relief to every citizen of the TCI, “not just a narrow section of the population that was targeted in the Government stimulus package”. He added: “The PNP as an institution is not permitted to offer financial assistance to the citizens as this would be considered as treating which is subject to scrutiny
by the Integrity Commission. “However, we encourage those citizens who have the ability to offer assistance to the needy during these tough times to do so directly. “I am aware of persons and groups delivering food items and care packages to the elderly and needy in several communities over the past two weeks. We commend those persons for their acts of kindness.” Green said he is in dialogue
with a group of party supporters who are discussing the logistics for operating a food distribution centre for people not able to provide hot meals for themselves. “However, the challenge of limited mobility brought about by the curfew is their greatest concern. “We hope that the curfew will soon be lifted so that they can provide this much-needed assistance to the public.” The party chairman observed
that the trickledown effect of this pandemic has affected every citizen of the country. “We are all in this together, and the executive of the party has issued instructions to all of our candidates to use this downtime to be our brother’s keeper, call and check up on as many persons as possible in their respective constituency to make sure that they are managing and coping during these very difficult times.”
April 11-17, 2020
WORD GAME Garden Island-North Caicos Unscramble Can you unscramble the following words about the Garden Island, North Caicos? 1) ndop tagteco 2) ewk 3) tslpna 4) kcree tbotel 5) ckod 6) sndya ionpt 7) elbnomt 8) awdes ergen 9) yab hte vero 10) rawst rowk 11) rifdleny
12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) 22)
uiqet yaronmd dagrienr ghih ediadlae leomer uhbert amejs hcalers bstale rohes ceabh btywhi noumt lenonba ptbais prodenvice urchc huoseghlit urchc fo dGo of rophepcy awyrossc
Measuring 40 square miles,North Caicos is the 2nd largest island in the Turks & Caicos Islands! - Pauly Pelican
ANSWER: 1) Cottage Pond 2) Kew 3) Plants 4)Bottle Creek 5)Dock 6) Sandy Point 7)Belmont 8)Wades Green 9)Over the Bay 10)Strawwork 11)Friendly 12)Quiet 13)Raymond Gardiner High 14) Adelaide Oemler 15)Charles Hubert James 16)Horse Stable Beach 17)Whibty 18)Mount Lebanon 19)Providence Baptist 20)Lighthouse Church 21)Church of God of Prophecy 22) Crossway
April 11-17, 2020
April 11-17, 2020
Nurses and midwives thanked on World Health Day JOB OPPORTUNITY
Senior Reporter
We're looking for a qualified multimedia reporter who has strong news gathering and writing skills, as well as the ability and enthusiasm to help keep the country's leading newspaper ahead of the pack. The position is available for immediate start and the successful candidate will be joining a small, dedicated team covering a wide range of news and features across the Turks and Caicos Islands. Local knowledge is preferred but not essential. The successful applicant should have had experience with community, court and parliamentary reporting. They will also be expected to take photographs and videos, and use social media. The salary for this position will be dependent on experience. Write or email the publisher at
Duncanson.Publications@gmail.com No phone calls please
TCI’s health leaders thanked nurses and midwives for their expertise and perseverance during the Covid-19 pandemic as part of the World Health Day 2020 celebrations on Tuesday. On April 7 each year, awareness is given to the promotion of information about the importance of health to human beings. This year World Health Day presented an opportunity to focus on nurses and midwives and their role in the fight against coronavirus. In a press statement on Wednesday, Minister of Health Hon. Edwin Astwood lauded the dedication of nurses and midwives across the Turks and Caicos Islands. “I wish to thank our healthcare workers for the resilience they continue to display as they ensure that the needs of the most vulnerable among us are met by giving service above self. “On this World Health Day, I offer my profound thanks to these brave individuals and pray that God will protect and keep them as they continue to deliver exceptional services in the area of healthcare.” Chief nursing officer Jackurlyn Sutton thanked the Pan American Health Organisation and the World Health Organisation (WHO) for recognising the contribution of nurses and midwives. “This speaks volume to the future direction of nursing and midwifery education and practice in the 21st century and beyond,” she said. “I sincerely thank you our nurses and midwives for your dedication and commitment to your profession and pray that as you continue to care for the needs of others that God will indeed bless and keep you and your families especially at this time. “I am indeed honoured to lead such a group of dedicated and
committed professionals, and pledge to make every effort to represent you to the best of my ability.” 2020 was declared ‘International Year of the Nurse and Midwife’ by the 72nd World Health Assembly following a proposal from WHO director general Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. He spoke of nurses as “the bridge of healthcare - a crucial link between the people of the community and the complex healthcare system”. From the commencement of the Covid-19 pandemic, the TCI’s nurses and other healthcare workers have been on the front line of the response. They have conducted screenings at the airports, conducted contact tracing and follow up of those in quarantine and conducted training for frontline workers in health and other agencies. They have led community dialogue to address fears and providing opportunities for people in the community to ask questions as well as sharing key information on protective measures. They visited schools and other institutions distributing health information on ways to remain healthy during this pandemic And they have been caring for those who unfortunately have become severely impacted by this disease both in the communities and the hospital. At the same time, nurses continue to provide for the healthcare needs of people with chronic non-communicable diseases and other illnesses in the community. The primary healthcare clinics on every island remain operational even with confirmed Covid-19 cases in order to provide essential services to communities.
April 11-17, 2020
TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS FINANCIAL SERVICES COMMISSION Regulating with Honesty, Integrity and Transparency
NOTICE FRIENDS AND FAMILY SHARE GROUP It has come to the attention of the Financial Services Commission that the Friends and Family Share Group is offering, via membership and a contribution of $500, significant financial returns to the public through the pooling of the funds of contributors. Please Take Notice that neither the Friends and Family Share Group nor any programme it operates is licensed, regulated or supervised by the Commission. By way of this notice, the Commission is requesting that appropriate representatives of the Friends and Family Share Group meet with the Commission to assist the Commission in fully understanding the operations of the Group and its regulatory requirements, if any. The Group’s representatives are to contact the Commission by 20 April 2020 via the following email addresses: nstreete@tcifsc.tc or ccoalbrooke@ tcifsc.tc The public is advised to exercise caution and to carefully assess financial and other associated risks when pooling and/or investing funds as part of any arrangement. It is recommended that professional advice be sought before entering these arrangements. The public and members of the Friends and Family Group are urged to consider this advisory and be guided accordingly Turks and Caicos Islands Financial Services Commission
April 11-17, 2020
April 11-17, 2020
Focus on COVID-19
Covid-19: Can ‘boosting’ your immune system protect you? FORGET kombucha and trendy vitamin supplements – they are nothing more than magic potions for the modern age. “Spanish Influenza – what it is and how it should be treated,” read the reassuringly factual headline to an advert for Vick’s VapoRub back in 1918. The text beneath included nuggets of wisdom such as “stay quiet” and “take a laxative”. Oh, and to apply their ointment liberally, of course. The 1918 flu pandemic was the most lethal in recorded history, infecting up to 500 million people (a quarter of the world’s population at the time) and killing tens of millions worldwide. But with crisis comes opportunity, and the – sometimes literal – snake oil salesmen were out in force. Vick’s VapoRub had stiff competition from a panoply of crackpot remedies, including Miller’s Antiseptic Snake Oil, Dr Bell’s Pine Tar Honey, Schenck’s Mandrake Pills, Dr Jones’s Liniment, Hill’s Cascara Quinine Bromide, and A. Wulfing & Co’s famous mint lozenges. Their adverts made regular appearances in the newspapers, where they starred alongside increasingly alarming headlines. Fast-forward to 2020, and not much has changed. Though the Covid-19 pandemic is separated from the Spanish flu by over a century of scientific discoveries, there are still plenty of questionable medicinal concoctions and folk remedies floating around. This time, the theme is “boosting” the immune system. Of the rumours currently circulating on social media, one of the more bizarre is the idea that you can raise your white blood cell count by masturbating more. And as always, nutritional advice abounds. This time, we’re being encouraged to seek out foods rich in antioxidants and vitamin C (back in 1918, the public were told to eat more onions), while pseudoscientists are peddling trendy products such as kombucha and probiotics. According to one source, cayenne pepper and green tea can provide better protection against Covid-19 than face masks – a bold and highly dubious claim, considering that some face masks reduce your risk of contracting respiratory viruses by a factor of five. THERE’S NO SUCH THING AS BOOSTED IMMUNITY Unfortunately, the idea that pills, trendy superfoods or wellness habits
“Vitamin supplements aren’t beneficial to your immune system unless you are deficient”.
Several studies have linked low vitamin D levels to a higher risk of respiratory infections.
can provide a shortcut to a healthy immune system is a myth. In fact, the concept of “boosting” your immune system doesn’t hold any scientific meaning whatsoever. “There are three different components to immunity,” says Akiko Iwasaki, an immunologist at Yale University. “There’s things like skin, the airways and the mucus membranes that are there to begin with, and they provide a barrier to infection. But once the virus gets past these defences, then you have to induce the ‘innate’ immune response.” This consists of chemicals and cells which can rapidly raise the alert and begin fighting off any intruder. “When that is not enough, then we kick in the adaptive immune system,” she says. This involves cells and proteins – antibodies – which take a few days or weeks to emerge. Importantly, the adaptive immune system can only target particular pathogens. “So, for example, a T-cell specific to Covid-19 will not respond to influenza or bacterial pathogens.” Most infections will trigger adaptive immunity eventually. But there’s another way to get it going, and that’s vaccination: exposing the body to live or dead microbes, or parts of them, can help the body to identify the real deal when it comes along. The concept of “boosting” a person’s immune system would, presumably, involve making these responses more active, or stronger. In actuality, you wouldn’t want to do this.
Making the other aspect of immunity – the adaptive immune system – generally more active could also be extremely unpleasant. For example, allergies occur when overzealous immune cells learn to treat innocuous foreign bodies, such as pollen, as though they are harmful. Each time they find the offending substance, they switch on the innate immune response too – cue lots of sneezing, itchy eyes and general fatigue. Again, this is probably not what the people championing these remedies have in mind. But let’s give those saying you can “boost” your immune system the benefit of the doubt and assume they mean that certain products can improve the immune response in a useful way – rather than literally “boost” it. “The problem is that many of these claims have no grounding in evidence,” Iwasaki says. So what are they based on – and is there anything that can help? If you’re healthy, forget supplements – except vitamin D Many multivitamins claim to provide “immune support” or to help “maintain healthy immune function”. But as BBC Future reported in 2016, vitamin supplements generally don’t work in already healthy people – and some may even be harmful. Take vitamin C. The health effects of this antioxidant have been steeped in mythology ever since the two-time Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling became obsessed with its ability to fight the common cold. After studying the vitamin for years,
Take the symptoms of a cold – body aches, a fever, brain fog, copious amounts of snot and phlegm. Most of these problems aren’t actually caused by the virus itself. Instead, they’re triggered by your own body, on purpose: they’re part of the innate immune response. MANY “IMMUNITYBOOSTING” PRODUCTS CLAIM TO REDUCE INFLAMMATION In this case, the mucus helps to flush out the pathogen, the fever helps to make your body an uncomfortably hot environment in which it’s harder for it to replicate, and the aches and general malaise are by-products of the inflammatory chemicals that course through your veins, telling immune cells what to do and where to go. (These symptoms also help signal to your brain that it’s time to slow down and let your body recover). The mucus and chemical signals are part of inflammation, which is the bedrock of a healthy immune response. But the process is exhausting, so you wouldn’t want to have it turned up to 11 all the time. And most viruses, including Covid-19, will trigger it anyway. If kombucha, green tea or any of the various “immune-boosting” concoctions on the market really had any impact, they wouldn’t give you a healthful glow: they’d give you a runny nose. Ironically, many “immunityboosting” products claim to reduce inflammation.
eventually he started taking 18,000 mg per day – around 300 times the current recommended daily amount. VITAMIN SUPPLEMENTS AREN’T BENEFICIAL TO YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM UNLESS YOU ARE DEFICIENT However, there is little evidence to support vitamin C’s mighty reputation for helping us to fight off colds and other respiratory infections. A 2013 review by Cochrane – an organisation renowned for its unbiased research – found that in adults “trials of high doses of vitamin C administered therapeutically, starting after the onset of symptoms, showed no consistent effect on the duration or severity of common cold symptoms”. In fact, many experts consider the vitamin C market to be a bit of a racket, as most people in the developed world get enough from their diets already. Though scurvy is thought to have killed two million sailors and pirates between the 15th and 18th Centuries, the numbers now are far lower. For example, just 128 people in England were hospitalised with the disease between 2016 and 2017. On the other hand, high doses of this vitamin can lead to kidney stones. “Vitamin supplements aren’t beneficial to your immune system unless you are deficient,” says Iwasaki. In the developed world, most CONTINUED
April 11-17, 2020
Bob Dylan 78, surprised the music world on March 27, unexpectedly dropping the track in the middle of the night. Julie Bowen and Ty Burrell are central characters in ‘Modern Family.’
‘Modern Family’ turns out the lights with a warm, funny series finale AFTER 11 years of family togetherness, “Modern Family” wrapped up its Emmy-winning run with perhaps the most obvious set-up -- namely, a string of fairly sudden developments that would scatter the extended clan in different directions. The ABC comedy has, admittedly, been running on fumes a bit the past few seasons, a seemingly inevitable byproduct of hanging around this long. So the writers had some work to do in terms of pulling it all together, offering a finale that was worthy of the show’s mix of big, broad laughs and tender, family-oriented heart. For the most part, the show delivered just that, with an hour that highlighted not just the show’s legacy, but coming at an unsettling moment
when such fare is sorely needed. That included -- in what felt like an homage to “The Mary Tyler Moore Show” -- a big group hug, where nobody wanted to be the first to let go. Each family faced its own crossroads. After adopting a baby boy, Cam (Eric Stonestreet) got offered his dream job back in Missouri, which would force him and his husband Mitchell (Jesse Tyler Ferguson) to uproot themselves, vacating the new house they just finished lovingly furnishing. The Dunphys, meanwhile, were dealing with a not just full but overflowing house, with all of their now-adult kids still living at home. Still, when Claire (Julie Bowen) and Phil (Ty Burrell) asked one
of their children to move out to ease the strain, they soon faced the unintended scenario of having them all go, leaving the couple facing the daunting prospect of an empty nest. Finally, Jay (Ed O’Neill) was grappling with the fact that his wife Gloria (Sofia Vergara) is successfully working, while she worried that her sons don’t need her the way they once did. His secret attempt to learn Spanish to surprise her also provided perhaps the best gag, when Phil misunderstood his request for a spoon. It was, clearly, a lot to juggle, but the episode created moments for all of the characters, ranging from the funny to the touching, starting with Jay saying about Mitchell and Cam moving, “Both my sons are leaving.”
Dylan scores his first No. 1 on a Billboard chart with ‘Murder Most Foul’ BOB Dylan has scored his first Billboard chart-topper with “Murder Most Foul,” the 17-minute musical marathon he released late last month. Packed with pop culture references in its meandering frame, the ghostly “Murder Most Foul” has opened atop Billboard’s Rock Digital Songs Sales chart for the week of April 11, overtaking REO Speedwagon’s “Time For Me To Fly.” Dylan, 78, surprised the music world March 27, unexpectedly dropping the track in the middle
of the night. The song’s lyrics grapple with the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. “Greetings to my fans and followers with gratitude for all your support and loyalty across the years,” Dylan said in a note posted to social media. “This is an unreleased song we recorded a while back that you might find interesting.” The folk legend released his first album in 1962. Billboard began tracking the popularity of music eight decades ago. (NYDailynews)
Kylie Jenner still youngest selfmade billionaire, Forbes says FORBES may need a new definition of “self-made,” but for now Kylie Jenner still fits it. The 22-year-old cosmetics mogul remains the youngest person worth $1 billion who didn’t simply inherit the wealth, according to Forbes’ annual billionaire report. Jenner, daughter of Caitlyn and Kris Jenner, surely had plenty of help building her Kylie Cosmetics empire, but Forbes categorizes her as “self-made” because she didn’t inherit her fortune from her family. Instead, she built her company beginning in 2014 and then sold 51% of it for $600 million in November 2019. Last year, at age 21, Jenner became the youngest self-made billionaire ever, according to Forbes. She bested Mark Zuckerberg, who was valued at 10 figures at age 23 after founding Facebook. Forbes says just 10 of the world’s 2,095 billionaires are under age 30, and
The talk show is the latest project for Nick Cannon, who currently hosts Fox’s “The Masked Singer” and MTV’s “Wild ’N Out.”
Nick Cannon’s daytime talk show to premiere nationally Sept. 21
Last year, at age 21, Jenner became the youngest self-made billionaire ever, according to Forbes.
seven of those 10 inherited the money. Snapchat co-founder Evan Spiegel and payment processing company Stripe
co-founder John Collison, both 29, are the other two to make it on their own. (NYDailynews)
Nick Cannon will be the newest face on daytime television this fall. The renaissance man — known as a comedian, rapper, actor, producer, radio personality, television host and husband of Mariah Carey — will host a daytime talk show, simply titled “Nick Cannon,” set to premiere on Sept. 21. The show will feature interviews with celebrities and pop culture coverage. Lionsgate’s Debmar-Mercury announced that it will distribute the show on TV stations covering more than 90% of U.S. households. The company also distributes
Wendy Williams’ Emmy Awardnominated chatfest, which is in its 12th season. During Williams’ month-long hiatus early last year, Cannon stepped in as guest host the popular series. “It’s been thrilling going through this process, and to see the widespread support that the show has received and the milestones we’ve achieved is mind-blowing,” Cannon said in a statement. The talk show is the latest project for Cannon, who currently hosts Fox’s “The Masked Singer” and MTV’s “Wild ’N Out.”
April 11-17, 2020
Amid coronavirus crisis, ‘Sesame Street’s Elmo to host virtual playdate TO bring music to parents ears who need support during the quarantine routine amid the coronavirus crisis, “Sesame Street” has an answer. Academy Award winner Anne Hathaway, Golden Globe Award winner Tracee Ellis Ross and Tony and Emmy, Grammy and Tony Award winner Lin-Manuel Miranda will be celebrity guests for the 30-minute “Sesame Street: Elmo’s Playdate,” premiering April 14. According to WarnerMedia and Sesame Workshop, the episode is aimed at entertaining kids and their families during uncertain times and will air simultaneously on HBO, PBS Kids, TBS, TNT, truTV, Cartoon Network and Boomerang. The “Hamilton” creator will sing a few rounds of “Old McDonald Had a Farm,” Ross will play a game
of “Elmo Says,” and Hathaway and Elmo get moving with “Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes.” “WarnerMedia recognizes how difficult these isolation efforts are for families, especially ones with children,” WarnerMedia Entertainment chairman Bob Greenblatt. “With Sesame Street: Elmo’s Playdate airing simultaneously across our networks, we are confident that this special will bring family members together for a unique in-home viewing experience that will provide laughter, joy and relief during this challenging time.” Using video conferencing technology that has become popular amid social distancing measures, Muppets Elmo, Grover, Cookie Monster and the magical Abby Cadabby will find new ways to play
Sesame Street characters Big Bird, Elmo, Cookie Monster, and Abby Cadabby will join stars such as Lin-Manuel Miranda.
and learn together through songs, games and silly dance breaks on the episode.
Sesame Street creators have also launched a Caring for Each Other initiative with tools aimed at helping
parents to provide comfort and manage anxiety during the global pandemic. (NYDailynews)
Covid-19: Can ‘boosting’ your immune ... CONTINUED FROM
people get enough vitamins from their diets (unless they are restricted – vegans, for example, are more likely to have certain deficiencies). However, there is one exception – vitamin D. Iwasaki explains that taking this supplement wouldn’t be a bad idea. Several studies have linked low vitamin D levels to a higher risk of respiratory infections, and more severe symptoms when they develop. They’ve also been implicated in the development of autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis. In fact, many immune cells can actively recognise vitamin D, and it’s thought to play an important role in both the innate and acquired immune response – though exactly how remains a mystery. But crucially – and unusually – vitamin D deficiencies are endemic in many countries, even wealthy ones. As of 2012, it was estimated that about a billion people worldwide weren’t getting enough. And with more and more people urged to stay indoors, it’s easy to see how even less sunlight exposure could lead to more deficiencies. NO, MASTURBATION WON’T HELP EITHER Historically, this form of sexual activity was held in deep suspicion by Western medicine. After an 18th Century doctor claimed that the loss of one ounce of semen (28 millilitres) had the same effect on the body as losing 40 ounces (1.18 litres) of blood, masturbation was blamed for all kinds of health problems for hundreds of years, from blindness to neurosis. Now the tables have turned, and recent research has shown that it can come with
some surprising health benefits. In men, for example, it’s thought to help keep sperm healthy and may reduce a person’s risk of developing prostate cancer. THE QUESTION OF WHETHER ANTIOXIDANTS CAN HELP IS SLIGHTLY MORE COMPLICATED Alas, any claims that masturbation can improve your immunity or protect you from Covid-19 are overblown. It’s true that one study found that men had higher white blood cell counts when they were sexually aroused, and during orgasm. However, there is no evidence that this translates into protection from infections. There is one way that the practice might protect you – by keeping away from other people. On Twitter, the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene recently reminded their followers that, in the age of Covid-19, “you are your safest sex partner”. There’s no need to stock up on antioxidant pills The question of whether antioxidants can help is slightly more complicated. As part of the inflammatory response, white blood cells release toxic oxygen compounds. These are something of a double-edged sword. On the one hand, they can kill bacteria and viruses and stop them from being able to make more copies of themselves. On the other, they can damage healthy cells, leading to cancer and ageing – and wearing out the immune system. To stop this from happening, the body relies on antioxidants. These help to control
those unruly oxygen compounds and keep our cells safe. And we get some of our reserves of these compounds from our diets. Brightly coloured fruits, vegetables and spices tend to contain the most, because antioxidants are often pigmented: they give carrots, blueberries, aubergines, red kale, turmeric, and strawberries their hues. There’s currently a trial in the works to test if giving people with Covid-19 antioxidant supplements might help their recovery. However, the trial is just one of hundreds looking into potential treatments for Covid-19. And despite decades of research, not a single placebo-controlled, peer-reviewed study on humans has ever shown that high doses of antioxidants can “boost” the immune system, or treat or prevent viral infections in humans. PROBIOTICS MAY HELP… OR THEY MAY NOT If you believe the wellness experts and homeopaths, kombucha is much more than a sweet, fizzy drink made from fermented tea. The internet is teeming with outrageous claims about the product, including that it can treat cancer and even AIDS (it can’t). Now some websites are suggesting that it can help to stop you getting Covid-19 (and it probably can’t). Like probiotics, kombucha contains live microorganisms. However, no studies have ever confirmed whether the drink has these in high enough concentrations to be considered one – and there is currently no evidence that kombucha specifically can treat or prevent any illnesses whatsoever. The picture is less clear for probiotics in
general. There is currently no evidence that any kind of probiotic can protect you from Covid-19 One 2015 review found that probiotics – beneficial microorganisms which are concentrated in foods, drinks, or pills – significantly reduced the number of upper respiratory tract infections that people got and made them less severe. They also slightly reduced the use of antibiotics and led to fewer school absences. The authors concluded that they might be better than placebo treatments, but pointed out that the quality of the available evidence was low.Importantly, there is currently no evidence that any kind of probiotic can protect you from Covid-19. SO WHAT HAS BEEN PROVEN TO WORK? Iwasaki says most of these myths are relatively innocuous – but the danger is that falling for them will give you a false sense of security. “One thing I do warn against is when people feel like they’re protected. They shouldn’t feel empowered to go out there and, you know, start having parties,” she says. Wellness products aside, there are some approaches you can take to help support your immune system. They aren’t especially sexy, and you won’t see many wellness influencers selling them in a bottle. They are, however, proven to work – and they don’t require shelling out your hard-earned cash: get enough sleep, exercise, eat a balanced diet, and try not to be stressed. Failing that, there is one sure-fire way to improve your immunity to certain pathogens: vaccination. (BBC)
April 11-17, 2020
Regional News Bahamian officials project nearly 90 confirmed Covid-19 cases by Sunday – Masks now a requirement HEALTHCARE officials have projected that the Bahamas will have nearly 90 confirmed cases of COVID-19 by Sunday. That forecast came as officials revealed the seventh COVID-19 death in the country, that of a 51-year-old Grand Bahama woman who died on April 6. Her positive test was confirmed posthumously. There are now 40 confirmed cases of COVID-19 and 394 people have been tested for the virus. The four latest cases include three people in New Providence and one in Grand Bahama, including two men and two women. Their ages range from 38 to 60. Health Minister Dr Duane Sands said at a press conference Wednesday afternoon that most patients are doing well but some are very ill. He said officials are concerned about hotspots, including areas east of East Street in New Providence; south of West Sunset Highway in Grand Bahama and the immediate areas east of East Mall Drive, Lucaya and Williams Town. He also announced that employees of clearing banks and wholesale food distributors will be allowed to join healthcare workers and law enforcement officers in shopping tomorrow morning as essential workers. Other essential workers will be allowed to shop Thursday afternoon. A nationwide lockdown begins
Minister of Health Dr Duane Sands speaks on Wednesday. (Tribune242 photo)
9pm tonight until 5am Tuesday. This comes as Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis has mandated that all people leaving their homes during this state of emergency must wear a mask that covers their face and nose. He said exempted businesses which are allowed to operate can refuse entry to someone not wearing a mask. Dr Merceline Dahl-Regis, coordinator of the government’s COVID-19 response, said officials are considering various models for forecasting cases but have settled for the moment on an exponential regression model used in situations where growth begins slowly then accelerates quickly. She said: “Based on that
forecast, there is a prediction of almost 90 cases by Easter Sunday but we’re hoping the model is not an exponential one, but as we graphically look at it, we’re a little concerned. We look at the number of cases and the interval each day. So if you had four yesterday, four today, you had none the day before and four the day before that, we look at those cases and we plot them.” To date, the Bahamas has a COVID-19 mortality rate of 17.5 percent, one of the highest in the world. Dr Nikkiah Forbes, infectious disease expert, said this rate reflects the country’s limited ability to do widespread testing because of the limited number of COVID-19 test
kits in the country. “Those cases that did pass on,” she said, “they were older in age and they had other medical comorbidities such as diabetes and hypertension, obesity and lung problems like asthma. I have no doubt that as we increase our capacity to do testing we will see that mortality rate balance out but this is a reflection of the section of the population we have been able to test, those with moderate and severe manifestations.” Asked when Bahamians will know whether the epidemic curve is flattening, Dr Sands said the country is nowhere near that point yet. “We are in the surge,” he said. “What we will do is look at the number of people with complaints of flu-like
illness, fever and other signs of COVID, we will look at the number of people in our emergency rooms and hospitals and gradually we will start to see a reduction. Then we can start to consider whether it is safe to ease up on the restrictive lockdowns and curfews but we’re nowhere near there yet.” Dr Dahl-Regis admitted there is difficulty tracking contacts of confirmed cases. “You would imagine if you have a Wendy’s worker who has serviced the public, it will be quite a challenge for that person to identify all possible contacts,” she said, several days after a Wendy’s employee tested positive for the virus. “It’s quite a daunting task but we have a full service team and many volunteers who are helping us with this.” She also admitted it is difficult to say how many people directed to self-isolate are obeying the order. “We can only hope that those who have agreed to quarantine in their homes are compliant,” she said. “We ask them not to go out in the public to shop. We know that some are compliant, we know that for a fact, and the nurses check everyday with those who are in quarantine and for the most part they are compliant.” Asked about the health of Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis, Dr DahlRegis said he is being monitored and has not been tested for COVID-19 because he does not meet criteria for testing at the moment. Of the confirmed COVID-19 cases, 33 are in New Providence, six are in Grand Bahama and one is from Bimini. (Tribune242)
European Union provides US$8.9M to help combat virus in the Caribbean THE European Union is providing a grant of €8 million (US$8.6M) to help the Caribbean fight the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. The funds will be used to purchase COVID-19 test kits, masks and other personal protective equipment, testing reagents, and other materials required for testing. It will also increase the capacity of regional countries to carry out laboratory testing for COVID-19, support coronavirus quarantine and isolation procedures, as well as contact tracing. The EU assistance will also
support laboratory testing and epidemiology training, strengthen surveillance at ports of entry and support and promote the use of COVID-19 guidelines and protocols among health professionals. The grant will be implemented by the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) and overall is expected to improve the detection, surveillance, prevention, control and response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Specifically, it will increase the capacity of CARPHA and CARPHA Member States to respond to outbreaks of the COVID-19virus,
strengthen public education and behaviour change programmes on communicable diseases, as well as strengthen regional coordination and the institutional capacity of CARPHA in preparing for and responding to public health emergencies. In addition, the EU said, it will finance treatment and vaccines when they become available and allow CARPHA to hire two additional laboratory technologists to deal with the anticipated surge in demand for testing for the COVID-19 virus and also support the maintenance of new and existing equipment. (Caribbean360)
The EU assistance will also support laboratory testing and epidemiology training, strengthen surveillance at ports of entry and support and promote the use of COVID-19 guidelines and protocols among health professionals.
April 11-17, 2020
Regional News
Carlyle Martial (left) one of the Saint Lucians who died from the novel coronavirus in the diaspora. At right, is Saint Lucia’s Ambassador for Diaspora Affairs, Dr. Jocelyne Clarke-Fletcher
The container contained four ventilators, 50,000 masks and various other bits and pieces.
Four more Saint Lucians die from COVID-19 in New York; tally now 12
US authorities seize Cayman medical supplies
FOUR more people in the Saint Lucian diaspora have succumbed to the dreaded novel coronavirus disease, COVID-19, an official has confirmed. The latest victims of the pandemic are Gaspar Phillips, Candy Daniel, Kerian Emmanuel, and Carlyle Martial who was a former Saint Lucian athlete. They all died in New York, United States of America (USA), where the death rate has been climbing rapidly. The virus has killed at least 12 Saint Lucians overseas but reports indicate this figure has more than doubled. However, there have been no deaths reported locally in Saint Lucia, to date. “I am now very apprehensive to answer my messenger or WhatsApp calls. It’s someone telling me of a death in the diaspora or some more Lucians succumb to COVID-19,”
said Saint Lucia’s Ambassador for Diaspora Affairs, Dr. Jocelyne Clarke-Fletcher. She heads up the Saint Lucia Diaspora Affairs Unit. The ambassador further disclosed that many Saint Lucians overseas have been infected with COVID-19. “The numbers are climbing in New York, we have many St. Lucians who are sick with the virus at the moment. Please, while we pray for all in our diaspora, let’s lift New York especially,” she said. “I have heard of more deaths, but please bear with me, unless I can confirm from the families, I will not report. I call all the bereaved, just a word of support or prayer goes a long way in the absence of a physical hug. “May their souls rest in eternal peace and may their families feel the presence and strength of the Lord,” she said. (StLucianewsonline)
MEDICAL supplies purchased by the Health Services Authority have been confiscated by the US government, Premier Alden McLaughlin confirmed. The supplies were already loaded on a container and aboard a ship ready to depart when the vessel was stopped and items removed by US authorities, he said. “Yesterday [Tuesday], the US authorities removed from a ship that was coming to Cayman a container which contained four ventilators, 50,000 masks and various other bits and pieces,” McLaughlin said during Wednesday’s COVID-19 briefing. “That has been a huge disappointment to us. All of those were things that were procured and purchased in the US,” he said.
According to international reports, five other countries, including Canada, Germany and Barbados, have also had their medical supplies blocked due to an executive order issued by US president Donald Trump. McLaughlin said everything will be done to get the supplies that have been seized returned as soon as possible. “We are working through various diplomatic channels on it. There seems to be a policy now to prevent the shipment out of the US of certain key pieces of equipment. Personal protective equipment and ventilators are in quite short supply in a number of the US states that have been harder hit,” McLaughlin said. The premier said Cayman is trying
to get another 30 ventilators on island “which, in terms of per capita, would put us in the stratosphere compared to any other country in the world”. He said Cayman will have to talk about what “workarounds” could put in place. McLaughlin added that a significant amount of PPE is on its way to Cayman from China. “We are a bit nervous about even that going through the US. There are a whole lot of moving parts and a lot of work to ensure that, should the worst occur, we will be super prepared here to deal with very sick people in numbers and we will be able to ensure that our front-line staff have the best quality and quantity of PPE to be able to deal with patients,” he said. (Cayman Compass)
Heartbroken Jamaican ship workers denied landing in Kingston THEY came so close, some reportedly became emotional. It was the first time in 21 days that a group of 45 Jamaican ship workers aboard the Marella Discovery 2 were seeing land, and it was capital city Kingston. But with restrictions on incoming passenger traffic because of the coronavirus, getting off the vessel was next to impossible, and it appears their plea for exemption could not be answered. That was a day after the vessel anchored in Kingston, refuelled, waited for hours for docking clearance, then left, reportedly after no response came from the Government.
In the Dominican Republic, as dozens of workers disembarked, the pain became pregnant for the Jamaicans. “Reality is starting to kick in because we are on now our way to Europe,” Daley told The Gleaner. She said the captain was willing to return to Jamaica with her countrymen once there was clearance before the ship hit the Atlantic, but they never got the call from local authorities that they prayed for. Now, the Jamaicans are facing an uncertain future as they head to Portugal where they will be among hundreds who will have to disembark there in another week. According to Daley, the worry has
intensified for the Jamaicans who must now begin to make their own arrangements for their safe keeping in Europe and eventual return home. “Basically, we will be left out in the cold,” she said, adding that at least two other countries have indicated that they will send charter flights for their natives who work on the ship. Her only consolation at this point is that for the weeks the ship has been at sea, there has been no case of the coronavirus on board. Foreign Affairs Minister Kamina Johnson Smith could not be immediately reached for a comment on whether the Government would be seeking to help the Jamaicans in
The ship was on the high seas for three consecutive weeks prior to arriving in Kingston.
any way. Meanwhile, it has been a nerveracking few days for Alecia Scott, another Jamaican on the Marella Discovery 2, now heading to Lisbon. “The pandemic is mostly over on that side and nobody really wants to go there,” she said, noting that the Jamaicans were willing to go in
quarantine if they had been allowed to disembark in Kingston. Europe, with hundreds of thousands of COVID-19 cases, has been the new epicentre of the virus, although over the weekend, there were reports of a slowing in the number of new infections and fatalities.
April 11-17, 2020
Regional News Haiti’s crowded prisons a coronavirus catastrophe waiting to happen IMAGINE the struggle of containing the coronavirus if it hits Haiti’s hellish prison system, the world’s most overcrowded, where filthy, sometimes windowless cells meant to house 20 people are teeming with up to 80, unable to even go outside for fresh air. The poorest country in the Americas has reported only one coronavirus death out of 25 recorded cases so far. But activists and officials fear the prison network is an epidemiological ticking time bomb. The system is a mess, from a new women’s prison built in 2016 to crumbling provincial jails that over time have become places for long-term detention rather than short stays. All of them are overcrowded. Haiti has 11,300 people behind bars -- most of them waiting to go on trial, sometimes for years -- in conditions that human rights activists liken to torture. “Prison cells in Haiti are small rooms with space for 10 to 20 people if you use the rule of 4.5 square meters per prisoner,” said Marie Rosy Auguste Ducena of the National Human Rights Network. That works out to about seven feet by seven feet per man or woman. “But these cells hold up to 80
Haiti has 11,300 people behind bars -- most of them waiting to go on trial, sometimes for years -- in conditions that human rights activists liken to torture.
people. So you can just imagine the levels of overcrowding these people are forced to endure,” she added. “The cells are also very poorly lit and have little ventilation, so the prisoners become very weak,” said Auguste. Because there is not money to hire enough guards, prisoners are not allowed outside to get fresh air or exercise, said Auguste.
Human rights groups have complained for decades about the appalling conditions in Haiti’s prisons. But now, as the novel coronavirus sweeps the globe and even countries as rich as the United States struggle to keep prisoners safe -- sometimes simply releasing them -- Haiti is in a race against time. The idea is to thin out the prison population before coronavirus hits
the destitute Caribbean nation in earnest and conceivably spreads like wildfire through the inmates. Charles Nazaire Noel, the director of the national prison system, said he has sent the Justice Ministry a list of 600 prisoners as candidates for release. “That is not much,” Nazaire added, although he is making up a second list that would comprise only
people awaiting trial. Indeed, that is the case for a staggering three-quarters of the prison population. And some have been held even longer than they would be if found guilty of the crime they are accused of. “There are people in prison for stealing a cellphone or a goat. For petty larceny like that, they are supposed to spend a year in prison. But some have been in prison for five or six years,” said Nazaire. - Shortage of masks He said he has warned the government time and time again about the dangerous conditions in the prison system, to no avail. “Our prison overcrowding has reached a limit. The government should have been aware of this,” said Nazaire. Another threat comes from a shortage of protective masks for prison guards. “Prison guards and other employees are people who go home at night. They are potential COVID-19 vectors for the prison system,” said Auguste. “If COVID-19 makes it into the prisons, we will be facing an absolute catastrophe,” she warned. (France24.com)
April 11-17, 2020
World News
Coronavirus: EU could fail over outbreak, warns Italy’s Giuseppe Conte ITALY’S prime minister has told the BBC that the European Union risks failing as a project in the coronavirus crisis. Giuseppe Conte says the EU must act in an adequate and co-ordinated way to help countries worst hit by the virus. Mr Conte says the European Union needs to rise to the challenge of what he calls “the biggest test since the Second World War”. This was his first interview with the UK broadcast media since the pandemic exploded in Italy seven weeks ago. He was speaking as Italy and some other EU countries try to push more frugal members of the bloc to issue so-called “corona bonds” - sharing debt that all EU nations would help to pay off. The Netherlands in particular has opposed the idea, leading to a clash between finance ministers of the eurozone. The Italian prime minister told the BBC that Europe’s leaders were “facing an appointment with history” that they could not miss. “If we do not seize the opportunity to put new life into the European project, the risk of failure is real.” The infection rate in Italy is slowing - the latest figures show positive cases increasing from the previous day by a little over 1%. Two weeks ago, the rise was 7%. The death toll too shows signs of
In one day, Italy performed more than 50,000 coronavirus tests.
falling, from 919 a fortnight ago to 542 fatalities in the past 24 hours. But Giuseppe Conte warned Italy not to lower its guard and said that the national lockdown, imposed on 9 March, could only be eased gradually. “We need to pick sectors that can restart their activity. If scientists confirm it, we might begin to relax some measures already by the end of this month.” Mr Conte has won plaudits for his government’s handling of the crisis - a recent poll by Demos showed his approval rating surging from 46% to 71%. But critics contend that the restrictions announced in the first few days were slow and piecemeal.
He initially resisted a push by some politicians in Lombardy, the northern region worst hit by the outbreak, to impose tighter measures more quickly. When a delegation from the Chinese Red Cross came to Milan in mid-March, they lambasted what they saw as Italy’s lax lockdown. But the prime minister defended his government’s action. “Going back, I would do the same”, he said. “We have a completely different system to China. For us to severely limit constitutional freedoms was a critical decision that we had to consider very carefully. If I had suggested a lockdown or limits on
constitutional rights at the start, when there were the first clusters, people would have taken me for a madman.” Italy maintains that one of the reasons behind the large number of cases here is that it has performed more tests than many other western countries. While Britain is now averaging around 14,000 tests per day, Italy’s testing level is around double that figure. In the past day, it has carried out more than 50,000 tests. Mr Conte refused to criticise directly any other country for testing too lightly - but he compared it to “coping with the situation in the dark”. The slowing of the infection rate is gradually easing pressure in intensive care units, though in Lombardy and some other areas, they remain close to capacity. And the toll on Italy’s medics has been immense - nearly 100 doctors have died. Providing some backup have been countries including China, Cuba and Russia, which have sent medical teams and supplies. Moscow has capitalised on the initiative for its public relations, adding a message “from Russia with love” to the plane of equipment. Russian state television broadcasting footage of an Italian man replacing an EU flag with a Russian one.
Asked whether Russia’s aid to Italy had conditions attached, possibly including the Italian government supporting lifting EU sanctions on Moscow, Mr Conte hit back. “The mere insinuation offends me deeply”, he said. “It’s an offence to the Italian government… and also to Vladimir Putin, who would never dream of using this as leverage.” The fact is that Italy needs all the friends it can get at the moment, with latest forecasts suggesting the outbreak will lead its economy to contract by more than 11% and national debt to rise to unsustainable levels. The prime minister called it an “economic and social emergency” that was testing the financial structure of every country. In southern Italy, there have been isolated cases of supermarkets being raided. Four weeks into the nationwide lockdown, patience is being tested. And as this crisis grinds on, Italians are growing exhausted with the daily loss of hundreds of lives. There may be hope that the worst of the outbreak is behind them - but it will take a generation to recover. “I feel the pain of the gaping wound that this nation is experiencing”, Mr Conte said. “Behind the numbers are names and surnames, life stories and broken families. The Italian nation is suffering.” (BBC)
Boris Johnson shows signs of improvement in intensive care BRITISH Prime Minister Boris Johnson is said to be getting better in intensive care where he is battling Covid-19 as his government extended its overdraft facility and reviewed the most stringent shut down in peacetime history. Mr Johnson, 55, was admitted to St Thomas’ hospital on Sunday evening with a persistent high temperature and cough and was brought to intensive care on Monday. He has received oxygen support but has not been put on a ventilator. “Things are getting better for him,” his culture minister Oliver Dowden said this morning. “He’s stable, improving, sat up and engaged with medical staff.” US President Donald Trump said Mr Johnson appeared to be doing “better” after what he described as a “tough bout”. With a prime minister in intensive care, the British government was facing two major issues: how to
finance a vast increase in state spending to support the shuttered economy, and the timing of lifting lockdown measures. As the world’s fifth largest economy faces potentially the worst economic hit since World War II amid soaring spending, the government said it had expanded its overdraft facility with the Bank of England. The Bank of England has agreed temporarily to finance government borrowing in response to Covid-19 if funds cannot immediately be raised from debt markets, reviving a measure last used to any significant degree during the 2008 financial crisis. The government and BoE said any borrowing from the Ways and Means facility - effectively the government’s overdraft with the BoE - would be repaid by the end of the year. The UK is entering what scientists say is the deadliest phase of the
Boris Johnson, 55, was admitted to St Thomas’ hospital on Sunday evening with a persistent high temperature and cough and was brought to intensive care on Monday.
outbreak, with deaths expected to continue to rise over the Easter weekend. The government’s emergency response meeting will today discuss
how it should deal with a review on lockdown measures. Mr Johnson’s designated deputy, Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab, will chair the meeting, but no final
decision will be made at the meeting. London’s mayor and the Welsh government have both said the lockdown would stay in place. The number of coronavirus infections and hospital admissions in Britain is beginning to show signs of flattening, said Stephen Powis, medical director of the National Health Service, indicating the shutdown measures were working. “We are starting to see a plateauing - the first signs of a plateauing of infections and hospitalisations,” Mr Powis told reporters. “We are beginning to see the benefits I believe, but the really critical thing is that we have to continue following instructions - we have to continue following social distancing, because if we don’t the virus will start to spread again.” Total UK hospital deaths from Covid-19 rose by a daily record of 938 to 7,097 as of 5pm on Tuesday. (RTE.ie)
World News
April 11-17, 2020
Sanders had multiple conversations with Obama ahead of decision to end campaign FORMER President Barack Obama played an active, albeit private, role in the Democratic presidential primary that effectively ended on Wednesday when Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders dropped out of the race. Obama and Sanders spoke multiple times in the last few weeks as the Vermont senator determined the future of his campaign, a source familiar with the conversation tells CNN. Sanders’ decision to get out on Wednesday paves the way for Joe Biden, who served as Obama’s vice president for eight years, to become the Democratic nominee. Obama’s eventual endorsement of Biden and fulsome entry into the campaign, whenever it occurs, will signal a new phase in Democrats’ efforts to defeat President Donald Trump. In keeping with tradition, Obama had previously made clear he wouldn’t publicly wade into his party’s 2020 presidential primary fight but has promised to support whomever ended up as the nominee. And with Sanders out, the former President backing his one-time running mate is all but a forgone conclusion, something Trump acknowledged at the White House Wednesday. “He’ll come out, I’m sure he’s got to come out at some point,” Trump said of Obama. “Because he certainly doesn’t want to see me for four more years. We’re not -- we think a little bit differently.” Obama’s endorsement of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in 2016 was highly choreographed, even though it happened in June, more than a month before Sanders officially backed the eventual Democratic nominee. Although Obama remained relatively mum throughout the primary, only speaking out a handful of times before voters began casting ballots in 2020, the former president
Bernie Sanders led the charge early in the Democratic primary.
was closely monitoring the debate and had regular conversations with candidates before, during and after their respective bids. “His private counsel consistently emphasized staying focused on the ultimate goal: Winning the White House in November,” the source familiar with Obama’s calls tells CNN. Obama, the source said, was impressed by the caliber of Democrats who chose to run -- and over two dozen did so. But the former president “urged them to keep in mind that we must be wellpositioned to unify as a party once we have a nominee,” the source said of the calls. “While the content of those conversations remains private,” the source said of Obama’s calls with Sanders, “there was always agreement that winning in the fall was paramount.” Clinton declined to comment about Sanders ending his campaign, a spokesman told CNN on Wednesday. The history between the two is fraught, with Clinton and many of her allies feeling that Sanders stayed in the 2016 race long after his path to victory closed. And the former
secretary of state has said that his decision to fight until the California primary in June hurt her in the general election. “He hurt me, there’s no doubt about it,” Clinton told Howard Stern in December 2019. “And I hope he doesn’t do it again to whoever gets the nomination. Once is enough.” In the rare moments where Obama did comment on the 2020 field during the race, he both urged voters to stop worrying about the strength of the candidates and pushed the candidates to remember that the most important win could come in November against President Trump. “There will be differences,” Obama said at a fundraiser in November about the Democratic candidates, “but I want us to make sure that we keep in mind that, relative to the ultimate goal, which is to defeat a President and a party that has ... taken a sharp turn away from a lot of the core traditions and values and institutional commitments that built this country,” those differences are “relatively minor.” At the same fundraiser, he decried purity tests and said while arguments about policy are “good” to have, “you got to win the election.”
If the predictions are correct, it will be the first time that poverty has increased globally in 30 years.
Virus could push half a billion people into poverty THE economic fallout from the coronavirus could increase global poverty by as much a half a billion. This bleak warning comes from a United Nations (UN) study into the financial and human cost of the pandemic. It will be the first time that poverty has increased globally in 30 years, according to the report. The findings come ahead of key meetings of the World Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF) and G20 finance ministers next week. The United Nations University study was written by experts at King’s College London and Australian National University (ANU). “The economic crisis is potentially going to be even more severe than the health crisis,” said Christopher Hoy from ANU. The report, which estimates a 400-600 million increase in the number of people in poverty across the globe, says the potential impact
of the virus poses a real challenge to the UN Sustainable Development Goal of ending poverty by 2030. “Our findings point towards the importance of a dramatic expansion of social safety nets in developing countries as soon as possible and - more broadly - much greater attention to the impact of Covid in developing countries and what the international community can do to help,” said Professor Andy Sumner of King’s College London. By the time the pandemic is over half of the world’s population of 7.8 billion people could be living in poverty. About 40% of the new poor could be concentrated in East Asia and the Pacific, with about one third in both Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. Earlier this week, more than 100 global organisations called for debt payments to be waived this year for developing countries, which would free up $25bn (£20bn) in cash to support their economies. (BBC)
Ecuador ex-president Correa jailed in absentia for corruption A TOP court in Ecuador has sentenced the country’s former left-wing president Rafael Correa to eight years in jail in absentia for corruption. Correa was in power for 10 years until 2017, when he went into exile in Belgium. He denies any wrongdoing. The court found him and 19 other defendants guilty of accepting $7.5m (£6m) in bribes from private firms in exchange for state contracts.
Those convicted were also banned from any political role for 25 years. Among them is his former vicepresident Jorge Glas, who is already serving a six-year jail term for accepting a bribe from Brazilian construction giant Odebrecht. Correa tweeted a scornful response to the national court of justice ruling, which can still be appealed. “Well, this was what they were
looking for: manipulating justice to get what they could never get via the ballot box. “I’m fine. I’m concerned about my colleagues. For sure we’ll win at international level, because all this is ridiculous, but it takes years,” he said. Correa’s rule was characterised by large-scale social welfare spending and infrastructure projects, as well as defaulting on foreign loans and tensions with the US. (BBC)
Rafael Correa alleges he is a victim of political persecution.
April 11-17, 2020
World News
New coronavirus model predicts UK will be worst-hit in European BRITISH scientists have pushed back against an influential new coronavirus model that predicts the UK will be the worst-hit European country, with a death toll from Covid-19 possibly much higher than previously thought. The grim forecast came from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) at the University of Washington’s School of Medicine in Seattle on Tuesday. It predicted 66,314 people would die of Covid-19 in the UK by early August. The British government’s plan for tackling the epidemic has been largely informed by a study from the Imperial College London, which said that a lockdown and social distancing measures would -- hopefully -- limit the number of deaths to between 20,000 and 30,000. But several high-profile scientists in the UK have already voiced their concerns over the IHME model. Professor Sylvia Richardson, of Cambridge University and the co-chair of the Royal Statistical Society Task Force on Covid-19, told the Science Media Centre the projections are based on “very strong assumptions about the way the epidemic will progress.”
The UK has been racing to increase its healthcare capacity ahead of the predicted peak of the epidemic.
She said the model was “based mostly on using the experience in other countries to fit a smooth curve to the counts of deaths reported so far in the UK, rather than any modeling of the epidemic itself.” “Methods like this are well known for being extremely sensitive, and are likely to change dramatically as new information comes in,” Richardson added. RACING AGAINST THE
CLOCK Like most other countries, the UK has been racing to increase its healthcare capacity ahead of the predicted peak of the epidemic. A new field hospital in east London with a capacity of up to 5,000 beds, the NHS Nightingale, accepted its first patients on Wednesday. However, the IHME model suggests this might not be enough. It said the shortage of intensive care (ICU) beds would peak at 23,745 on
April 17. The IHME said the peak demand in the UK is expected to total 102,794 hospital beds, which compares to the 17,765 currently available. It added that 24,544 ICU beds will be needed, compared to the 799 beds it estimates will be available. Professor David Spiegelhalter, who chairs the Winton Centre for Risk and Evidence Communication at University of Cambridge, told the Science Media Centre he was “very skeptical” of the projections. “[They] are based on assuming a rather simple mathematical model for the whole course of the epidemic,” he said. “I suspect they will change a lot as new data arrives -- we shall see.” Epidemiological modeling is a tricky discipline, because it relies in part on assumptions. The models often need updating as more data comes in. “The outputs of any model should not really be treated as a prediction of what is going to happen,” said Dr. Simon Gubbins, head of the Transmission Biology Group at The Pirbright Institute in England. “Rather they represent plausible scenarios, based on
knowledge at the time they were generated and assumptions made in the model ... that can be used to help inform decisions of policy makers,” he told the Science Media Centre. The authors of the IHME forecast admit their model is highly uncertain, giving the range of possible deaths in the UK as between 55,022 and 79,995. This was the first time the IHME team published models for several European countries, including the UK. On Wednesday, the institute updated its US forecast, predicting 60,415 deaths in the country, significantly fewer than the 82,000 it predicted on Tuesday. The researchers based their findings on models of the peak in death rates and hospital usage in Wuhan, the Chinese city which was the original epicenter of the outbreak, as well as data from seven European locations that have peaked, including the Spanish capital of Madrid and the Lombardy region in Italy. They also factored in data from local and national governments, the World Health Organization and information on each country’s social distancing policies. (BBC)
Obesity a factor, as New Orleans’ coronavirus death rate soars seven times NY THE coronavirus has been a far deadlier threat in New Orleans than the rest of the United States, with a per-capita death rate much higher than in New York City. Doctors, public health officials and available data say the Big Easy’s high levels of obesity and related ailments may be part of the problem. “We’re just sicker,” said Rebekah Gee, who until January was the Health Secretary for Louisiana and now heads up Louisiana State University’s healthcare services division. “We already had tremendous healthcare disparities before this pandemic – one can only imagine they are being amplified now.” Along with New York and Seattle, New Orleans has emerged as one of the early U.S. hotspots for the coronavirus, making it a national test case for how to control and treat the disease. Chief among the concerns raised by doctors working in the Louisiana city is the death rate, which is seven times that of New York and ten times that of Seattle, based on publicly reported data. New Orleans residents suffer from obesity, diabetes and hypertension at rates higher than the national
average, conditions that doctors and public health officials say can make patients more vulnerable to COVID-19, the highly contagious respiratory disease caused by the coronavirus. Some 97% of those killed by COVID-19 in Louisiana had a preexisting condition, according to the state health department. Diabetes was seen in 40% of the deaths, obesity in 25%, chronic kidney disease in 23% and cardiac problems in 21%. New Orleans, which so far has reported more than 270 coronavirus deaths, could be a harbinger for the potential toll the pandemic could take in other parts of the South and Midwest that also have high rates of obesity, diabetes, and hypertension. A host of other factors could contribute to New Orleans’ high death rate for coronavirus, ranging from access to healthcare and hospital quality, to the prevalence of other conditions including lung disease, health officials say. But they also add that it is clear that obesity-related conditions are playing a role in the deaths. That could be a warning sign for the United States at large, where chronic
New Orleans residents suffer from obesity, diabetes and hypertension at rates higher than the national average.
obesity is more common than in other developed countries, they said. Hospitals are reporting cases across the generations -mothers and daughters, fathers and sons – being intubated and cared for in the same intensive care units (ICUs), said Tracey Moffatt, the chief nursing officer at Ochsner Health, the largest
healthcare provider in Louisiana. The prevalence of obesity, diabetes, hypertension and heart disease in New Orleans and Louisiana plays into that, she said. Those family members often suffered from the same medical conditions before becoming sick, leaving them similarly vulnerable
to the coronavirus despite their age gaps. “We had a case where a mom was already in the ICU and the daughter, who was obese, came in,” she said. “The daughter asked staff to wheel her by her mom’s room so she could say goodbye before she herself was intubated. We knew the mother was going to pass away.” Both patients suffered from obesity. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released for the first time this week a report showing that 78% of COVID-19 patients in ICUs in the United States had an underlying health condition, including diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and chronic lung disease. The CDC report was based on a sample of under 6% of reported coronavirus infections, but doctors in Louisiana said it was consistent with what they are seeing, and it is in line with what other countries like Italy and China have faced. Those percentages, said Dr. Joseph Kanter, an emergency department doctor and the top public health official in New Orleans, are likely similar in cities across the United States.
April 11-17, 2020
946-4664 Fax: 946-4661
Email: tcnews@tciway.tc
Website: tcweeklynews.com
Must have thorough knowledge in the floral business with 3-5 years experience.
Call: 231-3788
We are in need of a young man to deliver bills, pick up checks and distribute newspapers. Must be honest and have a clean driver’s license.
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Contact the Publisher at tcweeklynews@gmail.com
April 11-17, 2020
#5 Wheeland, Close Bay is seeking to employ a
CONTACT: 343-4902
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
STORE CLERK • Receive payment by cash,
checks and credit cards, Issue receipts, and change due to customers. Count money in cash drawers to ensure that amounts are correct and that there is adequate change. • Must speak English and Spanish. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 941-5626
Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board
Is looking for the following Full Time Position
Stocking and supplying designated facility areas, dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, cleaning ceiling vents, restroom cleaning etc. Salary: $6.50 hourly
to take inventory, receiving payment Cash, Cheques ect... 6 days per week Salary $7 hourly
CONTACT 4323447
Belongers are encouraged to apply to Labour Board.
ELITE SECURITY 30 Reo Drive Limited, Juba Sound, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a
• Must have over five (5) years’ experience. • Secures premises and personnel by patrolling property; monitoring surveillance equipment; inspecting buildings, equipment, and access points; permitting entry. Obtains help by sounding alarms. Salary: $7 hourly
CONTACT: 649-231-0047
Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder21232
All candidates should have at least 5 years’ experience in the same field, excellent full knowledge of cocktail mixing and guest service, general knowledge of POS system and the casino industry. Job summary: provide excellent cocktail mixing skills, preparation of bar and cooers, control beverage inventory, excellent customer service. Candidate must be willing to work on weekends, dayshiftnight shift and holidays. Please drop off CV’s at the Casablanca Casino 226 Grace Bay Road, Grace Bay, Providenciales address to HR or email at casablancacasino1@gmail.com Tell: 941-3737
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board Position held by work permit holder 21228
EMELYNE SYLVESTRE SUPREME 9 Reese Street, Five Cays Is seeking to employ a
• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 347-6592
Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 21221
Millennium Highway, Blue Hills
Cleaning surroundings. Contact: 346-2849
Papaya Street, Kew Town
Mixes mortar; lays bricks and stones and concrete sidewalks; and plasters Contact: 331-8546
Walter Cox Road, Kew Town
$6.25 HOURLY
Preparing and giving meals, bathing and dressing children, administering medicine, doing housework, and etc. Contact: 332-0788
Residence, Five Cays
Cleaning the house, mopping the floor, laundry and personal clothing and etc. Contact: 442-4816
Achie Yard, Five Cays
Cleaning the house, mopping the floor, laundry and personal clothing and etc. Contact: 247-6728
#5B Nicole Close, Blue
• Cleaning and assisting with other work. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 243-4794
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board
EXECUTIVE UNIQUE CUTS South Dock Road, Providenciales Is seeking a
SALES/OPERATIONS ANALYST Duties include provide operational support on financial, administrative and conceptual aspects of the company through budgeting, reporting, reviewing, estimates and analysing. Must be willing to work 7 days per week. Salary $3,600.00 per month
UNIT #5 SPOT PLAZA, AIRPORT ROAD Is seeking to employ a
BARBER • Cutting, trimming,
shampooing, and styling hair, trimming beards, or giving shaves. Clean and sterilize scissors, combs, clippers, and other instruments. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week. Salary: $7 hourly
CONTACT: 241-5099
Please Contact: 6499461278
Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
658 Leeward Highway Is seeking to employ a
• Cleaning shop, disposing of garbage, stacking shelves, cleaning around property. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 244-0660
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 21199
#137 JASPER WAY, Blue Hills, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a
Duties: Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, picking up garbage and material waste, Cleaning up and disposal of trash on job sites also to secure building and any other duties necessary. Salary $6.50per hour CONTACT: 649-243-9735 AND SEND RESUME TO JRCONSULTANTSERVICES@GMAIL. COM
SPECIAL ON BOUQUET OF FLOWERS FOR ONLY $25 Fresh and beautiful! Place your order today!
#18 Seaview, Cooper Jack Is seeking to employ a
• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $8 hourly
CONTACT: 331-1355
Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder20203
99B NORWAY ROAD, KEW TOWN Is seeking to employ a
• Shampooing, cutting, and styling hair, though they may also provide hair treatments, including deep conditioning, permanents, hair coloring, and weaving. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly CONTACT: 341-7341
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board
to mix and serve drinks, clean bar and taking orders of beverages from customers. 6 days per week, salary US$6.50 per hour. Renewal
91A Kew Town, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a
Apt #1, 468c Bay Road Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Island (649) 341-3018
Preparing and giving meals, bathing and dressing children, administering medicine, doing housework, and etc. Contact: 341-6254
Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board
Grand Turk. 241-4027
Pricing and assisting with sales. Salary: $7.50 hourly
CONTACT: 341-7341
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board
NEEDED (First Time)
to work 6 Days a week at $6.50 per hour. Must love to care for children and occasionally work late and/ or at nights when required. 21212
38 CLASSIFIEDS M&W MEP SERVICES Unit #3 Laundromat Plaza, Millennium Highway
Stocking and supplying designated facility areas, dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, cleaning ceiling vents, restroom cleaning etc. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 231-2650
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder
April 11-17, 2020
MACCENE DUXIGNOL Phase 2 Millennium Highway, Blue Hills Is seeking to employ a
• Receive payment by cash, checks and credit cards, Issue receipts, and change due to customers. Count money in cash drawers to ensure that amounts are correct and that there is adequate change. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $8 hourly
CONTACT: 2410370/341-3426
Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board
A HOTEL IN LOWER GRACE BAY is seeking to employ a
General Manager
• Oversee and manage staff • Work 5/6 days weekly. • Perform bookkeeping and payroll • Ensure smooth operations and problem solve quickly Salary: $40,000 annually + Service Charge
Applicants must speak English fluently. Applicants that can additionally speak Creole and/ or Spanish will be favored. Degree in business, hospitality or minimum 5 years resort experience sought.
Turks Islanders are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the email address above. This position is for a first time applicant. Resumes can be sent to Meridian Financial Group Box 599, 2nd Floor LeVele Plaza Providenciales. 649 941 3082
Acting on behalf of clients PARADISA LTD.
Long Bay, Providenciales
$2,500.00 per month Supervise Kitchen, Plan menu and food preparation Renewal work permit
Long Bay, Providenciales
$2,500.00 per month Supervise Kitchen, Plan menu and food preparation New permit
Elizabeth Swann
Whitby, North Caicos
(renewal) Rate: $6.50 per hr Weeding yard, moving trash, washing windows. 21235
Explorer Ventures (TCI) Ltd. is a scuba liveaboard diving company operating out of Providenciales. The company requires an experienced English-speaking Dive Instructor, with active teaching status, significant experience leading dives, and strong customer service skills. PADI and STCW10 preferred. Previous liveaboard experience and the ability to speak multiple languages is a plus. Candidate must live onboard the vessel, with one day shore leave each week. Starting salary: $1085/month. This is a new position.
Rugby Hills, Five Cays Is seeking a
Helps senior pastor at church. Overseeing key leaders and leading a ministry.
Cleaning with sweeper, pick up yard waste, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames.
CONTACT: 344-5950
Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder 21215
510 Penn’s Road, Low Bight, Providenciales, (TCI) Seeking employment for the following:
Applicant duties are to monitoring the health of all plants and greenscapes, watering and feeding plants, trimming trees etc on a daily. Salary is $6.50 per hrs. Hours of work is 8hrs per day and 5 days per week. 1) Maintenance Man : Applicant duties are to fix and maintain mechanical equipment, buildings, and machines, Tasks include plumbing work, painting, floor repairs etc. Salaries are $7.00 per hrs. Hours of work are 8hrs per day and 5 days per week. Positions are vacant and Belongers are encourage to apply for the positions. INTERESTED CANDIDATE MAY CONTACT THE EMPLOYER AT 1 (649) 431 2555 OR THE EMPLOYMENT SERVICES, LABOUR DEPARTMENT, PROVIDENCIALES, (TCI) REGARDING EMPLOYMENT. 21218
Must have 5 or more years’ experience. Must be able to work on call and schedule hours. Salary: $575 bi-weekly
CONTACT: 9464272 OR 231-0195
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 21204
Location: South Dock Road, Providenciales. Is seeking a
SALES/OPERATIONS ANALYST Duties include provide operational support on financial, administrative and conceptual aspects of the company through budgeting, reporting, reviewing, estimates and analysing. Must be willing to work 7 days per week. Salary $3,600.00 per month
PLEASE CONTACT: 6499461278
• Repairs, maintains and alters buildings, retaining walls and other brick or stone edifices. Mixes mortar; lays bricks and stones and/or concrete sidewalks; makes and repairs steps and plasters. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $9 hourly
CONTACT: 232-5420 Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board
WEST ROAD CENTRAL, GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a
• Assisting managing staff including cashiers and other workers on the floor, for mulate pricing policies coordinate the shipping of merchandise etc. • Maintain inventory and ensure items are in stock. • Must be willing to work weekends and holidays. Salary: $7 hourly
CONTACT: 946-2811
Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board
140 BAY ROAD, WHEELAND, BLUE HILLS Is seeking to employ a
UNIT #26 ALLIANCE PLAZA, GRACE BAY Is seeking to employ a
#14 Norway Road, Victorial Street, Kew Town Is seeking to employ a
Is looking for the following Full Time Position
Casino Cocktail Waitress BABYSITTER
• Taking care of children. • Applicant must be honest and reliable and willing to work. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 344-6089
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 21206
All candidates should have at least 5 years’ experience in the same field, excellent full knowledge of cocktail mixing and guest service, general knowledge of POS system and the casino industry. Job summary: provide excellent cocktail mixing skills, preparation
of bar and cooers, control beverage inventory, excellent customer service. Salary: $9 hourly Candidate must be willing to work on weekends, dayshift-night shift and holidays.
Please drop off CV’s at the Casablanca Casino 226 Grace Bay Road, Grace Bay, Providenciales address to HR or email at casablancacasino1@gmail.com Tell: 941-3737
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. Position held by work permit holder
• Take care of toddlers. • Clean, wash & iron clothing other duties may be given from time to time. • To work Monday- Friday 8:00am 6:00pm. Salary: $450 weekly
CONTACT: 231-1184
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board
GARDENER • Soil cultivation, digging,
forking, mulching, watering, raking, weeding, edging, pruning, seed sowing, bed preparation and planting. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 343-0080
Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board
OVER THE TOP STORE Blue Hill # 4, Shrubb Cl Providenciales, TCI is seeking to employ
ORIAN CONSTRUCTION Grand Turk, 332-7115
1. EQUIPMENT OPERATOR to operate, crane, forklift, front end loader. 6 days per week, salary US$12.00 per hour.
To take inventory, receiving cash payment, cheques & others. 6 days per week Salary $7 hourly
CONTACT 432-3447
Belongers are encouraged to apply to Labour Board
to drive truck, deliver construction materials. 6 days per week, salary US$8.00 per hour. First Time
#2 Rockeller, Millennium Highway, Blue Hills Is seeking to employ a
• Ensuring a safe environment, preparing and giving meals, bathing and dressing children, administering medicine, doing housework, and disciplining children when necessary. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 345-9461
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 21205
MYSTIQUE CAR RENTAL & TOURS #72 Airport Road, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a
• Clean inside the car and shampoo the outside of the car. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week. Salary: $300 weekly
CONTACT: 941-3910
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 21207
April 11-17, 2020 DREAM HOUSE CONSTRUCTION #341 BLUE HILLS Is seeking to employ a
Repairs, maintains and alters buildings, retaining walls and other brick or stone edifices. Mixes mortar; lays bricks and stones and/or concrete sidewalks; makes and repairs steps and plasters Salary: $7 hourly
CONTACT: 343-0868
Millennium Estate, Blue Hills Is seeking to employ a
Performing a variety of cleaning activities such as sweeping, mopping, dusting and polishing. Ensuring all rooms are cared for and inspected according to standards. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 341-8888
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 21241
#43 KEW TOWN Is seeking to employ a
• Stocking and supplying designated facility areas, dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, cleaning ceiling vents, restroom cleaning etc. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 346-7379
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board
• Shampooing, cutting, and styling hair, though they may also provide hair treatments, including deep conditioning, permanents, hair coloring, and weaving. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 345-6999
#13 BRANT COX APT., KEW TOWN Is seeking a
• Clean the store, dusting, sweeping, mopping, clean ceiling vents, restroom cleaning, stock shelves, assisted other personnel as needed to maintain safety in the packaging area, pick, pack, receive and restock products inside the store. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 344-0471
Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board
Science & Technology Coronavirus: Lockdown ‘could boost wild flowers’ A PLANT charity is predicting a boost for wild flowers because some councils have stopped mowing verges and parks during the Covid-19 crisis. Plantlife has been urging councils for years to cut grass less often. It also wants them to delay cutting until flowers have had chance to seed. The charity says it has seen a shift in attitudes in recent years, but some councillors still say their citizens prefer neatly-manicured lawns and verges. Now Plantlife’s preliminary research suggests that municipal mowing has been among the first activities to be cut under the crisis. That’s partly because staff are sick or self-isolating, and partly to save money as
MRS LAMOUR TIRE SHOP 4 Chery Cl., Kew Town Is looking for a
SAMMY’S CONSTRUCTION East Suburbs, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a
• To work from Monday to Saturday. • Changes commercial tires, repairs and performs oil changes. Salary: $6.25 hourly
Duties: To clean maintain Premises, dispose of garbage and any other duties as necessary. SALARY: $7.50 per hour.
Belongers are encouraged To send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board. This is first time work Permit application.
CONTACT: 243-2928
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board
Only Belongers need to apply
Palm Grove, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a
Duties: Performing a variety of Housekeeping chores such as Sweeping, mopping, dusting and Polishing to ensure all rooms are Madeup and kept tidy. SALARY: $7.50 per hour
CONTACT: 342-8357
Belongers are encouraged to Submit a copy of their resume To the Employment Services Office. This is a first time work permit
North Creek, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a
LABOURER Duties: To clean
East Suburbs Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a
Plantlife wants councils to delay cutting until the end of August or the start of September until after plants have seeded.
budgets are squeezed. Plantlife’s Trevor Dines told BBC News that an upsurge in public support for wild flower verges had already persuaded some authorities to restrict cutting. He said that a search of local authority websites and social media suggested that more councils are now being jolted into a policy change so they can re-deploy ground staff to services such as emptying bins. He said: “We have seen an upsurge in members of the public complaining that their councils are cutting the daisies. These sort of comments used to be outweighed by people complaining about untidy grass verges, but it seems as
though the balance has shifted. “Obviously we’re extremely worried about the Covid crisis and want it to end as quickly as possible. But if councils do change their methods because of the crisis, they might find it wins public support, which would be good for the future.” Among the councils registering changes due to the Covid crisis are: § Lincolnshire “Grass cutting and litter picking are among non-essential services being scaled back.” § Flintshire “All Council operated grounds maintenance, grass cutting and horticultural operations will be suspended until further notice.”
§ Stockton-on-Tees Borough “Grass cutting will be restricted to minimum levels with the exception of areas where it is needed to ensure public safety – for example, to maintain lines of sight at road junctions.” § Newcastle – “Grass cutting and shrub bed maintenance will cease for the time being.” § Wigan – “The maintenance of non-essential grass cutting will be suspended for the foreseeable future. We have acted swiftly to redeploy staff to frontline services, such as bin collections.” Plantlife wants councils to delay cutting until the end of August or the start of September until after plants have seeded. Meanwhile, the reduction of traffic during the Covid-19 crisis will produce another benefit for wild flowers. Typically, roadside verges are drenched with nitrogen emissions from vehicle exhausts. This fertilises the hardier species in the plant world, which can harness the nitrogen to grow and outcompete more delicate wild flowers.
maintain Premises, dispose of garbage and any other duties as necessary. SALARY: $7.50 per hour.
Duties: To clean maintain Premises, dispose of garbage and any other duties as necessary. SALARY: $7.50 per hour.
Has been submitted to the Department of Planning for consideration of an Apartment complex, at Cheshire Hall and Richmond Hills. The proposed development includes concrete works, asphalt works, sewage treatment plant and landscape works.
CONTACT: 342-8019
CONTACT: 243-2928
Anyone wishing to make representation(s) may do so in writing to the director of Planning, Grand Turk or Providenciales, within twenty-eight (28) days of publication of this Notice.
Belongers are encouraged To send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board. This is first time work Permit application.
Belongers are encouraged To send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board. This is first time work Permit application.
Notice dated: FIRST POSTED APRIL 8th, 2018 AND REPOSTED MARCH 17th, 2020 13414
April 11-17, 2020
Science & Technology
Bill and Melinda Gates fund potential vaccine against COVID-19 IN a race against time, teams of scientists across the world are working towards developing an effective and safe vaccine to prevent infection from the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19 disease. WHAT IS HAPPENING WITH THIS VACCINE? Inovio Pharmaceuticals has developed a new COVID-19 vaccine that has shown promise in preclinical studies and is thus entering into Phase 1 human clinical trials this week. The United States regulatory body Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the trial design by Inovio, which allows them to try their vaccine candidate INO-4800 by administering it as an injection into volunteers. HOW WILL THIS VACCINE WORK? The vaccine has been tried on lab animals and has shown a robust immunological response. An immune response can predict if the body can prevent the virus from infecting the host cells. The team of researchers developing the vaccine explains that it is a specially engineered and designed plasmid. A plasmid is a small independent part of the cell that has a genetic structure independent of the cell body. This engineered plasmid is created in a manner that can produce an antibody that can fight off the invading virus. DNA
vaccines have been in use for several animal infections in veterinary medicine. As of now, none of these DNA vaccines are approved for use in humans.
Norway. Gates said that his foundation is supporting seven “most promising” vaccine candidates in their development, INO-4800 being one of them. He said, “Our early money can accelerate things.” He added, “To get to the best case, we need to do safety and efficacy and build manufacturing.” He acknowledged that they might lose “a few billion dollars” trying to find the right vaccine. But he called the whole effort “worth it” given the situation of the pandemic. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in February committed a total of $100 million for the worldwide fight against COVID-19.
HISTORY OF THIS VACCINE Inovio has been working on this DNA vaccine for a few years now. They have used it against the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS). The vaccine was found to produce adequate antibodies in those whom it was injected. In these candidates, it helped produced antibodies to fight off the virus, and the antibodies persisted for a long time. WHAT IS BEING DONE NOW? Since Inovio already had their vaccines developed to an extent, they could accelerate the production of the INO-4800 over a few weeks to produce an adequate number of doses to start their clinical trials. They have on the cards Phase 1 and Phase 2 trials, which would prove the vaccine safe and effective for human use and see if it can prevent the COVID-19 infection. WHAT WILL BE DONE IN THE TRIALS? Inovio would recruit 40 healthy adult volunteers for their phase 1 trial. These volunteers will be screened at Philadelphia’s Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania or the Center for Pharmaceutical Research in Kansas
INOVIO Initiates Phase 1 Clinical Trial Of Its COVID-19 Vaccine.
City. The participants would receive two doses of the vaccine each, and these would be four weeks apart. Over the coming weeks, the trial would generate immunological as well as safety data after the drug is injected into the volunteers. By the end of summer or early fall, results regarding the safety of the vaccine are expected. If this phase 1 trial is successful, the next phase will recruit around 1,000 participants. BILL AND MELINDA GATES FOUNDATION The mass production of the vaccine doses for use in the clinical trials is
funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and other organizations. Inovio has said in its statement that if the trials prove to be successful, they would have a short time to develop one million doses of the vaccine by the end of this year. These would be used in more extensive efficacy trials as well as in regions that are worst affected by the disease, after authorization, they said. While the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has provided $5 million to Inovio, Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness and Innovation has provided $9 million. The latter is a public-private foundation based in
OTHER VACCINES IN THE PIPELINE INO-4800 is the second vaccine that has been administered to volunteers as part of phase 1 safety trials Moderna has already begun its phase 1 trial in the middle of March by injecting its candidate mRNA vaccine on volunteers. SO WHEN CAN WE HAVE THE VACCINE READY? Finally, the Inovio officials hope that the vaccine, if proven successful in phases 1 and 2 clinical trials, could receive approval for broad population use only around a year or 18 months from now at the most. They assure that the trials and the research on the vaccines. (Newsmedical.net)
Coronavirus: ‘Keep cats indoors’, vets recommend VETERINARY scientists have recommended cat owners keep their pets indoors to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus. But the British Veterinary Association said “owners should not worry” about any risk of infection from their pets. “There isn’t a single case of a pet dog or cat infecting a human with Covid-19,” Dr Angel Almendros, from City University in Hong Kong, told BBC News. Research has shown cats may be able to catch the virus from other cats. To prevent any risk of pets carrying the virus from owners’ hands in their fur, British Veterinary Association (BVA), president Daniella Dos Santos encouraged owners to take “sensible precautions”. “Practise good hand hygiene, try and keep cats indoors,” she said. “Avoid unnecessary contact with your pets, such a hugging or allowing them to lick your face, and do not touch other people’s dogs when on walks.”
It seems that cats may be susceptible to infection from respiratory droplets.
In a recent paper on the subject, Dr Angel Almendros referred to the case of a 17-year-old pet dog in Hong Kong that tested positive for the Covid-19 virus - apparently infected by its owner. “But even where we have these positive results, the animals are not becoming sick,” he said. “As in the previous Sars-Cov outbreak in Hong Kong, in 2003,
where a number of pets were infected but never became sick, there is no evidence that dogs or cats could become sick or infect people.” HOW IS THE DISEASE TRANSMITTED FROM HUMANS TO ANIMALS? It appears cats may be susceptible to infection from respiratory droplets virus particles suspended in air that
people cough, sneeze or breathe out. Following a case in Belgium where a cat tested positive about a week after its owner showed symptoms, scientists in China carried out lab tests that provided evidence of infected cats transmitting the virus to other cats. “It is interesting to note in the experimental evidence that cats can become infected, alongside the apparent infection of a tiger [at Bronx Zoo in New York],” Prof Bryan Charleston, director of the UK’s Pirbright Institute, which specialises in the study of infectious disease, said. And the “evidence on the transmissibility” from humans to other animals was building. There is also evidence humans can transmit respiratory infections to wild great apes, which makes the global spread of Covid-19 a concern for conservationists working to protect critically endangered animals, including gorillas. In all of these cases though, it is infected humans that pose the threat
to other species. “We know that the virus did make the jump from an animal into humans [at the beginning of this crisis] but that appears to be because people were eating those infected animals,” Prof Charleston said. There is no evidence animals can pass this disease back to people. WHY SHOULD I KEEP MY CAT INDOORS IN THAT CASE? The British Veterinary Association points out that, like any surface, an animal’s fur could carry the virus for a time “if a pet were to have come into contact with someone who was sick”. And that is why vets are recommending the advice to stay at home is extended to our pets. “Treat pets like other people in your household. So if you’re feeling sick, it’s better not to interact with them,” said Dr Almendros. “I hope pet owners can sleep a bit better with the right advice and information,” he added. “It isn’t easy these days, I know.” (BBC)
April 11-17, 2020
Science & Technology
Scientists uncover preserved trees from 60,000-year-old forest underwater NEARLY 60,000 years ago, as prehistoric humans just started venturing out of Africa, a forest of cypress trees grew on the banks of a river near the Gulf of Mexico. As the trees grew old, they fell and were buried under sediment. When the sea level rose, the remains of the forest were covered once again. Now, scientists have uncovered that same forest and believe it may hold the secrets to creating new medicines and saving lives. For millennia, the ancient forest remained undisturbed, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, which published an article about the forest last week. But in 2004, Hurricane Ivan hit the Gulf Coast, sweeping up the seabed and sediment that kept the forest entombed. Since then, the site, which now lies 60 feet underwater off Alabama’s coast in Mobile Bay has been visited by a few scientists and filmmakers. But it wasn’t until December that a team of scientists from Northeastern University and the University of Utah set out on an expedition funded by NOAA to dive into the waters and bring back pieces of wood to study. Brian Helmuth, a professor of marine and environmental sciences at Northeastern University, was one of the scientists who dived in.
A piece of wood that was taken from the ancient underwater forest.
“It was a really nice day. Pretty calm on the surface and we were expecting it be equally nice on the bottom,” Helmuth told CNN. “But we got to the bottom and it was like diving in chocolate milk. We literally could not see our hands in front of our faces.” The conditions were less than ideal and the fact that previous dive teams saw a lot of sharks in the area made the expedition somewhat risky, but when the scientists finally reached the forest, they were in awe. “It was really amazing. We dove around the edge of this ancient river bed. On our left were these remains of giant stumps and pristine wood coming out of the bank
embankment,” Helmuth recalled. “Even though the visibility wasn’t great, you could pretty easily imagine it being the edge of a cypress forest and it was almost an eerie feeling of stepping back in time.” Despite the wood being 60,000 years old, it was extremely wellpreserved because it had been buried under layers of sediment that prevented oxygen from decomposing it. “It really looked like something that you could have picked up from today. It still had bark on it. It still had all the coloration on the inside. It was just locked away for 60,000 years,” Helmuth said. But the real excitement for the
scientists started when they took the wood back to the lab. “We were able to take a look at what kind of organisms had taken advantage of this exposed, ancient wood. The different kind of animals buried in there and what kind of animals are living on top of it as well,” Francis Choi, a senior lab manager at Northeastern University’s Marine Science Center, said. Out of the more than 300 animals that were removed from the wood, scientists were particularly focused on just one: shipworms, a type of clam that converts wood into animal tissue, according to NOAA. Shipworms aren’t new to science. They’re common and can be found in most oceans wherever there’s wood. But the bacteria found from the shipworms that had been living inside the 60,000-year-old wood had never been discovered before. “We were able to isolate bacteria from them and get some bacteria that we haven’t worked with before, so we’re really excited about that,” Margo Haygood, a research professor of medicinal chemistry at University of Utah, told CNN. The shipworms from the ancient wood produced 100 strains of bacteria, many of them novel, and 12 are undergoing DNA sequencing to evaluate their potential to make new drug treatments.
Previous research on shipworm bacteria has already resulted in at least one antibiotic being studied as a drug to treat parasitic infections, according to NOAA. So scientists, including Haygood, are feeling optimistic about these new strains of shipworm bacteria. “We screened for antimicrobials and for neurological activity, which is in the direction of pain drugs as well as anti-cancer drugs,” Haygood said. “We have not been (working on antivirals) in the past, but right now my department at University of Utah is spinning up to start including viral assays in the program.” In addition to lifesaving medicines, scientists will study the new samples to see whether they can be applied in production of paper, textiles, food, animal feeds, fine chemicals and renewable fuels, according to NOAA. While the coronavirus pandemic has put any future dives to the ancient forest on hold, Haygood said she and the team of scientists will continue to study the samples and hope to publish the results within a year. Choi said they’re also working on getting AUVs, which are unmanned underwater robots, to capture images and make 3D visualizations to share the wonder of this 60,000-year-old forest with the rest of the world. (CNN)
Crops were cultivated in regions of the Amazon ‘10,000 years ago’ FAR from being a pristine wilderness, some regions of the Amazon have been profoundly altered by humans dating back 10,000 years, say researchers. An international team found that during this period, crops were being cultivated in a remote location in what is now northern Bolivia. The scientists believe that the humans who lived here were planting squash, cassava and maize. The inhabitants also created thousands of artificial islands in the forest. The end of the last ice age, around 12,000 years ago, saw a sustained rise in global temperatures that initiated many changes around the world. Perhaps the most important of these was that early civilisations began to move away from living as hunter-gatherers and started to cultivate crops for food. Researchers have previously unearthed evidence that crops were domesticated at four important locations around the world. So China saw the cultivation of rice, while in the Middle East it was grains, in Central America and Mexico it was maize, while potatoes and quinoa emerged in the Andes.
The forest islands of this part of Bolivia seen from the air.
Now scientists say that the Llanos de Moxos region of southwestern Amazonia should be seen as a fifth key region. The area is a savannah but is dotted with raised areas of land now covered with trees. The area floods for part of the year but these “forest islands” remain above the waters. Some 4,700 of these small mounds were developed by humans
over time, in a very mundane way. “These are just places where people dropped their rubbish, and over time they grow,” said lead author Dr Umberto Lombardo from the University of Bern, Switzerland. “Of course, rubbish is very rich in nutrients, and as these areas grow they rise above the level of the flood during the rainy season, so they become good places to settle with fertile soil, so people come back to
the same places all the time.” The researchers examined some 30 of these islands for evidence of crop planting. They discovered tiny fragments of silica called phytoliths, described as tiny pieces of glass that form inside the cells of plants. The shape of these tiny glass fragments are different, depending on which plants they come from. The researchers were able to
identify evidence of manioc (cassava, yuca) that were grown 10,350 years ago. Squash appears 10,250 years ago, and maize more recently - just 6,850 years ago. “This is quite surprising,” said Dr Lombardo. “This is Amazonia, this is one of these places that a few years ago we thought to be like a virgin forest, an untouched environment.” “Now we’re finding this evidence that people were living there 10,500 years ago, and they started practising cultivation.” The people who lived at this time probably also survived on sweet potato and peanuts, as well as fish and large herbivores. The researchers say it’s likely that the humans who lived here may have brought their plants with them. They believe their study is another example of the global impact of the environmental changes being felt as the world warmed up at the end of the last ice age. “It’s interesting in that it confirms again that domestication begins at the start of the Holocene period, when we have this climate change that we see as we exit from the ice age,” said Dr Lombardo.
Sports Interational
April 11-17, 2020
Details of Warner’s alleged bribe taking revealed in new football scandal charges DISGRACED former FIFA vicepresident Austin ‘Jack’ Warner is among former executives of football’s governing body who United States prosecutors say accepted bribes in exchange for Russia and Qatar World Cup votes. A new indictment unsealed in the US District Court in Brooklyn on Monday, after a long-running FBI investigation, alleges that representatives working for Russia and Qatar paid corrupt officials to secure hosting rights, and Warner, former CONCACAF boss, received US$5 million for his backing of the 2018 World Cup in Russia. The money allegedly came from 10 different shell companies, including entities in Anguilla and the British Virgin Islands. The now late Nicolás Leoz, who had been president of the South American governing body, CONMEBOL, and the former Brazil federation president Ricardo Teixeira received bribes to vote for Qatar at the 2010 FIFA executive committee meeting, prosecutors say. The allegations come in the indictment charging three media executives – former 21st Century Fox Inc. executives Hernan Lopez and Carlos Martinez, former Imagina Media Audiovisual CEO Gerard Romy – and Uruguayan sports marketing company Full Play Group SA, in connection with bribes to secure television rights for the tournaments. They are charged with wire fraud, money laundering and racketeering conspiracy. In a statement, assistant director in charge of the FBI’s New York field office, William F Sweeney Jr., said: “The profiteering and bribery
Disgraced football executive Jack Warner allegedly received US$5M for his backing of the 2018 World Cup in Russia.
in international soccer have been deep-seated and commonly known practices for decades.” “Over a period of many years, the defendants and their co-conspirators corrupted the governance and business of international soccer with bribes and kickbacks, and engaged in criminal fraudulent schemes that caused significant harm to the sport of soccer. Their schemes included the use of shell companies, sham consulting contracts and other concealment methods to disguise the bribes and kickback payments and make them appear legitimate,” he added. Back in September 2015, FIFA banned Warner from taking part in any kind of football-related activity at national and international level,
for life. The decision was taken on the basis of investigations carried out by the investigatory chamber of the Ethics Committee following its report on the inquiry into the 2018/2022 FIFA World Cup bidding process. The 77-year-old Warner was found to have committed various acts of misconduct continuously and repeatedly during his time as an official in different high-ranking and influential positions at FIFA and CONCACAF. FIFA said that in his positions as a football official, he was a key player in schemes involving the offer, acceptance, and receipt of undisclosed and illegal payments, as well as other moneymaking schemes.
Andy Murray took on a fan at the China Open last year.
Andy Murray signs up for virtual Madrid Open ANDY Murray will swap his racquet for a controller after he signed up to compete in a virtual version of the Madrid Open at the end of the month. Sixteen men and 16 women will take part in a four-day online tournament from the comfort and safety of their own homes after the real event was postponed because of coronavirus. Prize money of 150,000 euros (£131,700) will be directed to good causes - with the winners able to donate part of it to players currently
struggling financially. Those taking part will compete on the Tennis World Tour video game which does not have Murray, 32, as a playable character. He could choose to play as fellow Briton Kyle Edmund, or maybe step out of his era and play as Andre Agassi or even John McEnroe. The virtual tournament will take place between 27 and 30 April. All professional tennis has been cancelled until at least 13 July. (BBC)
Stokes named leading cricketer in the world by Wisden BEN Stokes has become the first Englishman since 2005 to be named Wisden’s leading cricketer in the world. Stokes played a key role in England’s World Cup victory in July and was named man of the match in the final. The 28-year-old scored a stunning 135 not out to lead England to a thrilling one-wicket victory over Australia in the third Ashes Test at Headingley. Andrew Flintoff was the last England men’s player to receive the award. India captain Virat Kohli has won it for the past three years. England pace bowler Jofra Archer has been named as one of Wisden’s
five Cricketers of the Year. Australians Pat Cummins, Marnus Labuschagne and Ellyse Perry have been named alongside Archer, as well as Essex off-spinner Simon Harmer. Perry, who is the first non-England women’s player to appear as one of the five, has also been named the world’s leading women’s cricketer. All-rounder Stokes hit an unbeaten 84 and then batted again in the super over as England dramatically beat New Zealand at Lord’s to lift the men’s World Cup for the first time. His last-wicket stand of 76 with Jack Leach helped England level the Ashes series, which they would eventually draw 2-2. “Without him, this Almanack
might have been another English hard-luck story,” editor Lawrence Booth wrote. “Instead, it’s a celebration. Stokes is their all-weather cricketer, a giant come rain or shine. “The next few years should be fun.” Archer made his England debut in May 2019 and two months later bowled the super over that ensured England’s World Cup victory. He made his Test debut in the Ashes, finishing the five-match series with 22 wickets at an average of 20.27. Australian pace bowler Cummins was the leading wicket-taker in that series, claiming 29 wickets as Australia retained the Ashes.
Ben Stokes played a key role in England’s World Cup victory in July and was named man of the match in the final.
Batsman Labuschagne first appeared in the Ashes as a concussion substitute for Steve Smith and went on to score four successive halfcenturies. He averaged 112 in the Australian summer and is third in the Test
batting rankings after Smith and Kohli. Harmer was part of the Essex side that won the County Championship and T20 Blast in 2019, taking 83 wickets and 10 five-wicket hauls in the Championship.
April 11-17, 2020
Sports Interational
English Football League: Season ‘can be finished in 56 days’ THE English Football League season can be completed in 56 days when it is safe to resume amid the coronavirus pandemic, clubs have been told. But it is assumed that matches will be played behind closed doors. A letter sent to all 71 EFL clubs by chairman Rick Parry, and obtained by the BBC, said no training should resume until at least 16 May. The EFL is hopeful the campaign can finish in the summer, but there is no indication when it might begin again. The 56 days is based on teams playing twice a week followed by the play-offs, although Wembley might not be available for the finale so an alternative venue may be needed. But Michael Duff, manager of League Two club Cheltenham Town, told BBC Radio Gloucestershire: “I think it’ll be less [days] than that because I think two weeks of that will be for the play-offs, so you could be trying to play 10 games in more like 42 days, because the 56 days are
The last round of EFL matches took place on 10 March.
including play-offs. “But it is what it is. Football comes second at the minute. We’ll do whatever we can.” He added: “The most important thing is that we get over what’s happening as a country, and then the second thing is that we get the season finished and we still have football
clubs and people still have jobs.” All 24 sides in the Championship still had nine matches to play when the league was suspended on 13 March. Some clubs in League One and League Two have 10 games left. If the campaign had carried on as normal, the remaining fixtures would have been completed in 73 days up
until the Championship play-off final on 25 May. The EFL estimates it can now finish all matches within two months, including the play-offs, although plenty of sides have already played as many games in such a timeframe earlier in the season. “How and when we return (including training) is clearly subject to change and any decisions will be taken in conjunction with the government and relevant health authorities,” the letter said. “It is our working assumption at this stage that matches will be played behind closed doors when we eventually return and as part of our contingency planning we are absolutely mindful of the need to try and mitigate the cost of this to clubs as best we can.” NEXT SEASON DELAYED? The EFL season is currently suspended indefinitely with the last handful of games taking place in League One and League Two on 10 March.
Several sides have already put players and staff on furlough or temporary leave. However, a £125m advance from the Premier League to the EFL and National League will not be distributed “while additional clarity is sought on other financial matters, particularly in respect to player wages”. The letter also suggested the start of next season could be delayed. “Looking more long-term, the EFL must remain mindful of the implications that the extension of this season may have on the commencement of the 2020-21 campaign, although we will ensure there is a suitable break between the two, so as to allow clubs and staff sufficient time to regroup and prepare accordingly,” it added. “I think there will be a sigh of relief as and when we reach that point, and what is clear right now is that Covid-19 continues to present hugely challenging and uncertain times for everyone, and our thoughts are with all those directly affected by the pandemic.” (BBC)
Ronaldinho was met by friends at the hotel in Asuncion where he must now stay.
Ronaldinho and brother under house arrest in Paraguay FORMER Brazil forward Ronaldinho has been released from prison and placed under house arrest in Paraguay. The 2005 Ballon d’Or winner had spent time in jail along with his brother after being arrested on 6 March, accused of using fake passports. The pair had previously been denied bail but posted $800,000 (£648,000) each and must now stay in a four-star hotel in Asuncion while awaiting trial. Both Ronaldinho, 40, and his brother Roberto Assis deny any wrongdoing. Their lawyer has called their imprisonment “arbitrary, abusive and illegal.”
In allowing the pair to leave prison, Judge Gustavo Amarilla said the size of the bail paid was “significant” and would “guarantee they will not flee”. Ronaldinho had initially visited Paraguay to promote a book and a campaign for underprivileged children. The 2002 World Cup winner played for clubs including Paris St-Germain, Barcelona and AC Milan before retiring in 2015 after a spell at Brazilian side Fluminense. Ronaldhinho won the World Cup with Brazil in 2002 and was named Fifpro World Player in 2005 and 2006. (BBC)
England are scheduled to play three Tests against West Indies and three against Pakistan this summer.
England v West Indies looking ‘less and less likely’ in June THE staging of England’s home Tests against West Indies in June is looking “less and less likely”, according to director of cricket Ashley Giles. There will be no professional cricket in the UK until at least 28 May because of the coronavirus crisis, while the first Test of the three-match series at The Oval is due to begin on 4 June. “We have to look at alternatives,” said Giles. “We are looking at how far back into the summer we can push cricket.” Australia’s Test series in Bangladesh, scheduled to be played
in June, was postponed on Thursday. After the West Indies series, England are due to play limited-overs matches against Australia, Tests and Twenty20s against Pakistan, and three one-day internationals against Ireland. The last day of international cricket in the home summer is currently scheduled to be 15 September. “We’ve got to look at trying to fulfil those current fixtures, just in a different place, if we can,” said former England spinner Giles. “We have really good relations with these boards and we’re doing whatever we can to look at scenarios
where we can push our cricket back, which would give us the best chance of playing as much international cricket as possible.” The prospect of separate England Test and limited-overs teams has been raised, with wicketkeeper Jos Buttler saying it would be possible to field two different teams at the same time. Giles said it was “feasible”, but that it was more likely that matches of different formats would take place on consecutive days. “You could have a Test match running and play a T20 or an ODI the day before or the day after a Test match,” he said.
Sports Interational
April 11-17, 2020
NBA greats Bryant, Duncan and Garnett inducted into Naismith Hall of Fame KOBE Bryant will be posthumously inducted into the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame. The five-time NBA champion died, aged 41, in a helicopter crash in January alongside his 13-year-old daughter Gianna and seven others. Tim Duncan, a five-time NBA champion with the San Antonio Spurs, and Kevin Garnett, who helped the Boston Celtics win the championship in 2008, were also inducted into the Hall of Fame. The Hall of Fame is named after Dr James Naismith, the Canadian physician who invented basketball. Los Angeles Lakers great Bryant retired in 2016; he was the NBA Most Valuable Player in 2008, was Finals MVP twice and earned 18 AllStar selections. He was in the United States team that won Olympic gold in 2008 and
2012. NBA commissioner Adam Silver said Bryant’s death was “unspeakable” and the league was keen to “honour” him. “Kobe Bryant is synonymous with NBA All-Star and embodies the spirit of this global celebration of our game,” Silver said. “He always relished the opportunity to compete with the best of the best and perform at the highest level for millions of fans around the world.” WHO ELSE MAKES THE HALL OF FAME? § San Antonio Spurs stalwart Duncan, 43, was a 15-time All-Star, five-time NBA champion and the MVP in 2001-02 and 2002-03. § Former Minnesota Timberwolves Garnett, 43, was a
(L-R) Tim Duncan, Kobe Bryant and Kevin Garnett were all induced into the Hall of Fame.
15-time All-Star, an NBA champion with the Boston Celtics in 2007-08 and the league MVP in 2003-04. § Sutton, 84, coached Creighton, Arkansas, Kentucky and Oklahoma State to the NCAA Tournament, reaching the Final Four three times. § Tomjanovich, 71, coached the Houston Rockets to NBA championship in 1993-94 and 1994-
95. He also averaged 17.4 points and 8.1 rebounds in 11 seasons as a player with the Rockets. § Catchings, 40, was a 10-time All-Star in 15 years with the WNBA’s Indiana Fever. She was the MVP of the WNBA Finals as the Fever won the league title in 2012, a year after she was the regular-season MVP. § Mulkey, 57, was inducted into
the Hall of Fame as a player in 2000, and now she is entering as a coach. She led Baylor to NCAA titles in 2004, 2012 and 2019, and she was selected the USBWA National Coach of the Year in 2011, 2012 and 2019 § Stevens, 65, has amassed a total of 1,039 coaching wins for three Massachusetts programs: Clark, UMass and Bentley. (BBC)
The Open cancelled; Masters, US Open & US PGA Championship rescheduled THE 149th Open Championship has been cancelled but 2020’s three other men’s majors have been rescheduled because of the global coronavirus pandemic. The Masters has been put back from April to November, while the US PGA Championship is slated for August. The US Open, at Winged Foot, New York, is being moved from June to September, a week before the Ryder Cup. The Open, due to take place in July at Royal St George’s in Kent, will now be hosted by the venue in 2021. R&A chief executive Martin Slumbers said: “We have explored every option for playing The Open this year but it is not going to be possible.” However, all three of the majors hosted on American soil each year are still hoping to go ahead. And the Ryder Cup - the biennial event that pitches Europe’s finest golfers against their American counterparts - is being kept in its late September slot. MAJOR DATES FOR 2020 Cancelled: The Open Championship 6-9 August: US PGA Championship, TPC Harding Park, San Francisco, California 17-20 September: US Open,
Royal St George’s has hosted The Open 14 times, most recently in 2011.
Winged Foot Golf Club, New York 25-27 September: Ryder Cup, Whistling Straits, Wisconsin 12-15 November: Masters, Augusta National Golf Club, Georgia The PGA Tour’s season-ending FedExCup Play-offs are scheduled to take place on four successive weekends, with the first from 13-16 August. A joint statement, issued by Augusta National Golf Club, European Tour, LPGA, PGA of America, PGA Tour, the R&A and USGA said: “We remain very mindful of the obstacles ahead, and each organisation will continue to follow the guidance of the leading
public health authorities, conducting competitions only if it is safe and responsible to do so.” In the women’s game, the LPGA Tour has moved two of its five annual majors. The ANA Inspiration has been pushed back to 10-13 September at Mission Hills, California, while the US Women’s Open switches to 1013 December at Champions Golf Club in Texas. Of the three other majors, The Evian Championship in France, switched from a July date to 6-9 August, while the Women’s PGA Championship in Pennsylvania (2528 June), and Women’s British Open
at Royal Troon in Scotland (20-23 August) are still going ahead as scheduled. ‘OPEN DECISION MADE WITH A HEAVY HEART’ It is the first time The Open has been cancelled since the 194045 tournaments were not played because of World War Two. The 149th Open will now be played at Royal St George’s in Sandwich from 11-18 July 2021, meaning the R&A can keep the 150th Open at St Andrews in Scotland, from 10-17 July 2022. The R&A said all tickets bought for this year’s tournament will be
transferred to next year’s event, with full refunds for those people who are no longer able to attend. BBC Sport understands that the R&A had pandemic insurance cover, which should significantly reduce the financial losses from the cancellation. In a statement on the R&A website, Slumbers added: “We care deeply about this historic Championship and have made this decision with a heavy heart. “We appreciate that this will be disappointing for a great many people around the world but we have to act responsibly during this pandemic and it is the right thing to do. “We rely on the support of the emergency services, local authorities and a range of other organisations to stage the Championship and it would be unreasonable to place any additional demands on them when they have far more urgent priorities to deal with.” Ireland’s Shane Lowry, who won last year’s Open Championship at Royal Portrush in Northern Ireland, tweeted: “Obviously I’m disappointed that I won’t get to defend the Open Championship this year but I feel the R&A have made the right decisions based on people’s health and safety. See you all in Royal St George’s in 2021.”
April 11-17, 2020
Sports Interational
Pep Guardiola’s mother dies after contracting coronavirus
Cummins was the leading wicket-taker in last summer’s Ashes series between England and Australia with 29.
Pat Cummins backs IPL behind closed doors AUSTRALIA bowler Pat Cummins says he would support the Indian Premier League being played behind closed doors if it is not safe for fans to attend matches. The IPL season was postponed from 29 March until 15 April because of coronavirus, but is expected to be further delayed or cancelled with India’s lockdown set to be extended. Asked whether he would support games without fans, Cummins told the BBC’s Stumped podcast: “Of course - whatever it takes to try and get cricket up and play those big events safely.” Cricket in the UK has been
postponed until at least 28 May, with England’s first game scheduled to start on 4 June. Cummins, the top-ranked bowler in Test cricket and named one of Wisden’s five cricketers of the year this week, has a £1.7m contract with the Kolkata Knight Riders, making him the most expensive overseas player in IPL history. The 26-year-old said he was “super hopeful” the tournament will go ahead but that he would be “surprised if it happened soon”. “The first priority is safety but the second one is getting back to normality, finding that balance,” he said.
MANCHESTER City manager Pep Guardiola’s mother, Dolors Sala Carrio, has died aged 82 in Barcelona after contracting coronavirus. “Everyone associated with the club sends their most heartfelt sympathy at this most distressing time to Pep, his family and all their friends,” said Manchester City on social media. Last month, Guardiola donated 1m euros (£920,000) to help fight the outbreak. The money will be used to purchase medical equipment and protective material for staff involved in treating those admitted to hospital. Barcelona is in Catalonia, which is one of the areas in Spain with the most concentrated number of cases. Manchester United posted on social media to say the club was “saddened to hear this terrible news”, adding: “We send our heartfelt condolences to Pep and his family.” Spaniard Guardiola, 49, has been in charge of Manchester City since July 2016 after spells as manager of Barcelona and Bayern Munich. La Liga side Barcelona posted on Twitter: “We are deeply saddened by the loss of Dolors Sala during this difficult time, and we would like to express our most heartfelt condolences, especially to Pep Guardiola, his family and his friends.” (BBC)
Last month, Pep Guardiola, seen here with his now departed mother, donated 1m euros (£920,000) to help fight the outbreak.
Coronavirus: Formula 1 could begin championship in October FORMULA 1 could still hold a world championship this year even if the season cannot start until October, managing director Ross Brawn says. Brawn said F1 was looking at closed-door races as a way to start the season once the coronavirus crisis eases and “every permutation is being discussed”. F1 must run eight races for a season to be classed as a world championship. “If you wanted a drop-dead point (deadline), it would be October,” Brawn said. “But then there’s always the possibility we could run into next year, and that’s being explored could we stray into January to finish the season.” Brawn, talking to Sky, said there was no point starting the season unless it could be kept going and pointed out that races on permanent circuits were easier to re-schedule than those on temporary tracks such as street circuits. The Monaco Grand Prix has already cancelled permanently this year, while the other eight
races called off so far have only been postponed, with the hope of rescheduling them later on.Brawn said he believed the 2020 season could include anywhere between eight and 19 races and that plans for how to approach a season were changing almost every day. “It’s a very dynamic and volatile situation,” he said. An F1 spokesman said Brawn views October as the final possible starting date for a season that contains eight races and finishes before the end of the year. To get 19 races into the schedule, the season would have to start in July with the likelihood of running into January 2021. “We’re looking at the logistics of a closed race, how we would get the people there, how we would protect them, how we would make it safe,” Brawn said. “We could have a very enclosed environment where the teams come in on charters (flights), we channel them into the circuit, we make sure everyone’s tested, cleared, there’s no risk to anyone and we have a race
Races could be held behind closed doors.
without spectators. “That’s not great but I think it’s still better than no racing at all.
“I think we have to remember there’s millions of people that follow the sport sat at home... to be able to
put on a sport and entertain people would be a huge bonus with this crisis we have.” (BBC)
Sports National
Chevorn Bishop has gained a lot of respect for athletics. (Facebook photo)
April 11-17, 2020
Sean Rodgers is counting down the days to the next competition. (Facebook photo)
Gabriella Hegedus sharing a laugh while she continues to train hard. Hegedus is TCI’s top female cyclist and a regional powerhouse. (Facebook photo)
TCI cyclists not letting quarantine keep them away from training THE Turks and Caicos Cycling Federation has made a name for itself over the last few years due to its structure and drive. The small group of officials and cyclists are devoted to improving their image and that of the sport, to this end many are finding ways of training during their quarantine. Some also took to social media to highlight their training and to talk about their challenges. SEAN “GHOST RYDER/MAN OF STEEL” RODGERS “I’m not really bothered by the quarantine. I spend most of my time at home anyway, so it’s just like any other day. Just miss the fishing and long hours on the road. I’m saddened by the reason we are on lock down though. And what bothers me the most is that some people aren’t taking it serious. And failing to realize that if they don’t abide by the law, they are putting so many others lives in jeopardy. Anywho, this quarantine is giving me the time needed on my trainer. For a while I had shied away from the trainer, putting most of my time on the road, thus causing an imbalance in my training. I do various cycling workouts that suit my riding profile or passport as my fellow “sufferlandrians” would call it. So you would see some long intense rides and some short high intensity rides. All to mold me into the cyclist I want to become. MY MOTIVATION? Well there are two. Knowing that it’s only a matter of time before we can race again and when that time comes, I need to come out like Godzilla in total domination, cause
I’m a cyclist at heart and enjoy the comforts of the sport, so this ‘in time’ gives me time to catch up on lost training plans that I’ve missed out on as well as I get to spin as often as I want/can during this time at home. Turks and Caicos take heed the advise given by Government officials and we can only come out on top and begin to really live again. Together we can beat Covid-19.”
Kavin Ewing is enjoying his training and family time on lockdown. (Facebook photo)
everyone is training. And second, one of my nicknames in cycling is The Man Of Steel, and I was told that there was a certain cyclist who said he was going to melt the steel, which put my motivation through the roof, so that on race day, if he closes his eyes for only a millisecond, The Man Of Steel would be so far ahead, he’d never get close enough to melt the steel. Take heed to the laws and the reason we were placed in quarantine. This virus knows no boundaries and does not discriminate, so be wise, protect yourself and your families by staying put. And if you have to go somewhere like the supermarket, don’t just go because you want one thing, wait until you have a reasonable list then go. And once the quarantine is lifted, remain cautious,
Kenneth Grant is training to become faster and to keep his diabetes in check. (Facebook photo)
because the quarantine being lifted does not mean the virus is completely gone.” CHEVORN BISHOP “Since the lockdown, we pure cyclists have learned to adjust concerning the environment that we are in. In this respect whether on the road or indoors, cycling will forever be the sport to run to. My cycling routine changes depending on how I feel and the previous activities I’ve done the day before. With cycling your body and mind can change substantially just because you’re in a good mood or in a bad one, I’ve also, since the lockdown, taken a respect to the sport of running, it targets the different muscles areas you sometimes cannot find within cycling. For all the athletes of this time I recommend
staying steadfast and strict to your routine so that the ‘Corwna’ (This is how my Children pronounce it) can know that this Temple, or whatever you call that sexy body of yours will keep healthy.” KAVIN EWING “Keeping it together during imposed locked down due to COVID-19 pandemic; it’s a challenge not being able to go and come as pleased, but it’s for your safety and mine. I’m taking advantage of this time spent at home to catch up on family time, especially having kids who you only get to really spend time with late in the evenings after work. Helping with homework, house chores, playing games and watching a nice movie together goes along way when everyone is a part of it.
KENNETH “KENNY G- DARK SHADOW” GRANT Being quarantine seems to be the best way of beating covid-19 pandemic. We all need to take heed and take this very serious situation and stay at home. Saying that, with all the extra food at home during this 24-hour lockdown it is very challenging, keeping my sugar level normal since I am a diabetic. My cycling buddies keep me motivated by challenging me to train harder, this also gives me more time to train on my inside bike (trainer). On my trainer or my inside bike I do a lot more rides. Which burns more calories and help to keep my sugar level normal and also keeps me in good shape. GABRIELLA HEGEDUS My motivation to keep moving during our 24 hours lockdown is very simple: I believe that we are going to beat this horrid virus and be out there, in big groups, having a great time riding our bikes. In the meantime I need to not only keep in shape but actually get better; because I’m certain, that “my boyz” are training just as hard and I will have to “hold onto those wheels” soon….”
April 11-17, 2020
Sports National
Lockdown is best way to keep country safe – National footballer Fenelus says Taiwan’s approach should be an inspiration for TCI
Marco Fenelus is not allowing theb quarantine in Taiwan to get him down.
TAIWAN understood the implications of COVID 19 early and put strong measures in place which were followed by its residents, according to national footballer Marco Fenelus, who has made the Asian nation his adopted home while he plays club football at the highest level in the country. The seasoned footballer is appealing to Turks Islanders to adhere to the rules and regulations in place at home in an effort to beat the disease. “It all comes down to following the instructions of the government and also the health department in the country. The lockdown is there for a reason and the main one is the safety of the population.” “Following protocol is keeping you, your family, friends and love ones safe. Don’t be careless, think about others before you do anything unnecessary. If you are told to stay home, just stay home until this crisis is over. The lockdown is the best way to keep the country safe, everyone should do their part.”
PROACTIVE RESPONSE Fenelus has had his share of quarantine and he is staying indoors although he is itching to get back onto the football field, which he said might be soon. “As soon as the government here became aware of the situation, they started putting precautionary procedures in place. From the first day they were working. They found out about everyone’s recent travel history, they put the country on lockdown, they distributed masks to everyone meaning in everyone transportation, businesses, schools, hospitals, markets, malls etc., and everyone is wearing masks daily. The government provided machines and computers to check out your body temperature daily before you enter anywhere near the country. And for anyone who recently travel back to the country, there’s a fifteenday mandatory quarantine and if you break it before time, then you risk of getting a large sum of fines and even jail.”
Taiwan which is close to China has not let its guard down. In fact, it has become more pro-active in its drive. Now it is mandatory to wear a mask as soon as you leave home. FOOTBALL SEASON The 28-year-old, who is a superstar in the Taiwan Premier Football League, having led the Tatang Football Club to three consecutive titles (2017-2019) is itching to play this new season. The star striker would start for the Tainan Steel FC this season after he switched during the off-season after negotiations with Tatang FC went sour. “I spoke to them (Tainan) at the end of the season in December. They told me about their project, their ambition to win trophies and become the best team here in the country and I liked it,” Fenelus had stated. The forward is optimistic that the season, which is still scheduled to start this weekend, would not be pushed too far back.
Injury-free Handfield deflated but not broken by coronavirus pandemic NATIONAL high jumper Kivarno Handfield is deflated after the coronavirus pandemic has cancelled his season, but he promises to bounce back. The talented athlete, who was a Saint Augustine’s University All-Region honour Division II athlete in 2018, had struggled with injuries, but he was expecting a breakaway season in 2020. I’m deflated, hurt real bad by it. I was finally injury free and 10x better than I have ever been.”
The top TCI high jumper was hoping to make his mark on the outdoor season and replicate his 2018 indoor season, which saw him breaking the national record with a 2.10M jump. “I’m gonna use this as fuel and work even smarter. I will target the Olympics again next year, but my main personal goal is to get back to the Commonwealth Games and finish on top! I owe it to myself and I take it very personal each day to get back to that point.”
Kivarno Handfield is hoping to make his mark at the next Commonwealth Games.
April 11-17, 2020