Weekly News Volume 33 | No. 33 | August 17-23, 2019
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Immigration minister threatens no more work 5 permits if trafficking from Haiti continues PAGE
Governor Nigel Dakin inspects the sloop that made it to Malcolm’s Road Beach
August 17-23, 2019
August 17-23, 2019
August 17-23, 2019
Above-normal peak hurricane season predicted BY OLIVIA ROSE WEATHER forecasters have predicted that the 2019 peak hurricane season could be worse than usual since El Nino has ended. Scientists at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) monitoring oceanic and atmospheric patterns say conditions are now more favourable for hurricanes. On August 8, a statement from the NOAA said the likelihood of “abovenormal” activity in the Atlantic Basin for the remainder of the 2019 hurricane season has grown. Gerry Bell, lead seasonal hurricane forecaster at NOAA’s Climate Prediction Centre, said: “El Nino typically suppresses Atlantic hurricane activity but now that it’s gone, we could see a busier season ahead. “This evolution, combined with the more conducive conditions associated with the ongoing highactivity era for Atlantic hurricanes that began in 1995, increases the likelihood of above-normal activity this year.” On average, the Atlantic hurricane season produces 12 named storms, of which six become hurricanes, including three major hurricanes. NOAA’s number of predicted storms is greater, with forecasters now expecting 10 to 17 named storms (winds of 39mph or greater), of which five to nine will become hurricanes (winds of 74mph or greater), including two to four major hurricanes (winds of 111mph or greater). This updated outlook is for the entire six-month hurricane season, which ends on November 30. NOAA’s hurricane season outlook is for overall seasonal activity and is not a landfall forecast. Landfalls are largely determined
by short-term weather patterns, which are only predictable within about a week of a storm potentially reaching a coastline. August through to October is known to be peak hurricane season in the Atlantic basin. The NOAA is a US environmental research agency and their subsidiary National Hurricane Centre is responsible for monitoring and naming hurricanes. Countries like the Turks and Caicos Islands and the Bahamas closely monitor these predictions so as to better prepare for the impact of disasters. LOCAL PREPAREDNESS EFFORTS In the TCI, the Director of the Department of Disaster Management and Emergencies (DDME) has held workshops and training sessions on the importance of early preparedness. Dr Virginia Clerveaux reiterated her call for national preparedness to be taken seriously in anticipation of any challenges that the territory might face this hurricane season. In a statement on DDME’s website Clerveaux said: “In a previous message to you I emphasised the fact that disaster preparedness is everybody’s business. “That is, it is the responsibility of each and every one of us - DDME, Government agencies, communities, the private sector, civic society and households - to be ready so as to ensure that impact on our lives, our properties and our livelihoods is minimised. “I want to reemphasise the critical importance of the partnership…in preparing for this hurricane season. “Yes, it is true that part of our mandate is to coordinate preparedness activities at the national and community level, but that can only be effective if all of us
Published by Turks & Caicos News Company Ltd. Cheshire House, Leeward Highway, Providenciales P.O. Box 52, Turks & Caicos Islands, BWI W. Blythe Duncanson - Publisher/Editor-in-Chief Olivia Rose - Senior Reporter Faizool Deo - Sports Editor (At Large) Cord Garrido-Lowe - Graphics Consultant (At Large) Dilletha Lightbourne-Williams - Office Manager Email: (Advertising) tcnews@tciway.tc, (News) tcweeklynews@gmail.com Tel. 649-946-4664 (office), 649-232-3508 (after hours) Website address: www.tcweeklynews.com Follow us on: Facebook: facebook.com/tcweeklynews Twitter: twitter.com/tcweeklynews1
NOAA 2019 hurricane season pie chart
recognise and perform our roles in this partnership.” The DDME director also urged the Government and individuals to prepare their organisations to reduce impact from hurricanes and to facilitate continuity of operations in the aftermath. “To our individual households, please understand that there is a lot that you can do to reduce the impact on your family and your property.” She pointed out that simple measures like checking for weaknesses in roofs, cracks in windows, removing overhanging trees can reduce the risk to life and limb during disasters. “Making some sort of plan of what you will do and how you will do it in the event of a hurricane,” she said, “will go a long way in reducing your risk and making you a true partner in the effort to build our resilience to disasters.” A Government team toured emergency shelters in Providenciales, North and Middle Caicos in July to assess their state of readiness and to identify additional resources needed. Hon. Ralph Higgs, Minister of Tourism, Environment, Heritage, Maritime, Gaming and Disaster Management, led the group around the various sites on July 8. This is the second tour he has conducted since assuming responsibility for the DDME earlier
Minister Ralph Higgs (second left) and team visit an emergency shelter
in the year. In a press release on July 15 he said he was pleased to have officially managed two emergency shelter tours as the peak of this year’s hurricane season gets closer. EMERGENCY SHELTERS Providenciales: All Saints Mission Church Wesley Methodist High School Jericho Baptist Church
Our Lady Devine Catholic Church Enid Capron Primary School Maranatha High School Kingdom Dominion Ministry International North Caicos: Kew Community Centre Sandy Point Community Centre Adelaide Oemler Primary School Lighthouse Church in Bottle Creek Middle Caicos: Conch Bar Community Centre Mt Moriah Baptist Church
Grand Turk fires treated as suspicious FIREFIGHTERS in Grand Turk were called out twice on Sunday morning (August 11) after a car and a two-storey building caught alight in suspicious circumstances. At about 4.12am a call was made to 911 Central stating that flames had engulfed a silver Nissan Skyline in an auto repair
shop on Moore’s Alley. Staff at the shop had managed to extinguish the blaze but the car was left burnt out and there was further damage to the shop, a police press release said. At 7.56am a second fire was reported in a two-storey building on North Creek Road.
Firefighters attended the scene and extinguished the flames. There were no injuries. Police and officials from the fire service are investigating both fires which they are treating as suspicious. Anyone with information can call 911 or Crime Stoppers anonymously on 1-800-8477.
August 17-23, 2019
Governor Nigel Dakin inspects the sloop that made to Malcolm’s Road Beach
Immigration minister says ‘enough is enough’ Threatens no more work permits if trafficking from Haiti continues TWO more Haitian sloops were caught sailing illegally in TCI waters this week, causing the immigration minister to threaten stern measures to put a stop to illegal migration. “The time will come to consider stopping the first-time work permits for Haitian nationals,” Hon. Vaden Delroy Williams warned in a fiery statement on Wednesday (August 14). More than 50 people were detained on Monday morning (August 12) after a 30 foot twin engine Haitian sloop was found sailing illegally in TCI waters. The vessel, containing 40 men, 12 women and a child, was detected seven miles from South Dock port at about 12.46am, a police press release said. Marine Branch officers and fisheries officials intercepted the boat and transported the illegal migrants back to the Detention Centre for processing and eventual repatriation. Just two days prior on Saturday (August 10) a wooden boat from Haiti landed on Malcolm’s Road Beach on the west coast of Providenciales. Enforcement officers searched the area and apprehended 37 people before escorting them to the Detention Centre for processing. And just two weeks ago, 114 people were detained after a third Haitian sloop was caught sailing illegally in TCI waters. It was intercepted by Marine Branch officers some four miles from West Harbour Bluff. Minister Williams said: “A strong message has to be sent to the Haitians immigrants who are coming here and to those who are helping them to come here and stay here.
“The time will come to consider stopping the first-time work permits for Haitian nationals if this continues.” He added that he will meet with the Immigration Department Enforcement Unit and the police executive to formulate a strategy to find those who were not apprehended. “I think we all have a fairly good idea where these people are living, he said. “We simply cannot allow them to come here illegally, live here illegally and work here illegally. We have to find them and deal with them. Enough is enough.” The immigration minister stressed that it is an offence to harbour or assist illegal people and that anyone found guilty of harbouring them risks a fine of $20,000 or four years in prison. They could even face both according to the Immigration Ordinance 2018 which will be enforced, Williams said. “While I understand what’s going on in Haiti and what the Haitian people are experiencing there, we must protect the Turks and Caicos Islands for future generations. “I am therefore advising all Haitian nationals living in the TCI to discourage their families and friends from seeking to enter by illegal vessels. “This process will not work for you. If this continues, you will never be able to work or live peacefully or to become legal. “We will find you, deport you and place you on the Stop List, so you will never be able to enter the TCI ever again. “We will no longer allow
individuals who break the law to come into these Islands to become legal residents.” During the operations one person tried to escape the custody of
More than 50 passengers were on board this vessel from Haiti
immigration officers and the police. He was captured by authorities. Anyone with any information on illegal migration or poaching in the TCI can contact police on 911 or Crime Stoppers anonymously on 1-800-8477.
Under the tree
Tips can be submitted anonymously in English, French or Spanish on either www. crimestoppers.tc or on Facebook as a fan of Crime Stoppers Turks & Caicos. Crime Stoppers tips are received in the USA.
By Benneth Williams
August 17-23, 2019
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Commissioner of Police Trevor Botting said he will focus on serious crime and community policing
Total crime drops while murders and gun offences soar COMMISSIONER of Police Trevor Botting said the force has seen a continued drop in crime overall during the first quarter - but murder and firearm offences have dramatically increased. Botting in a statement issued on Tuesday (August 13) said the total amount of crime in the territory has decreased compared to the same period (April 2019 to June 2019) last year. “We have achieved a reduction of 75 crimes when compared to 2018 where 580 crimes were reported, with 505 crimes reported during the same period this year. “That means there are 75 less victims of crime which is good news,” the new commissioner said. Burglaries and aggravated burglaries have also decreased with 78 burglaries reported in April to June this year compared to 161 burglaries reported from April to June 2018. “Robberies are currently down during this period with 13 reported, compared to 24 reported April to June 2018,” Botting added. Although statistically crime is on a downward trend, many residents continue to feel threatened by the serious criminal activities which appear to be more prevalent. The crime report shows that while overall crime has decreased compared to the same period last year, on the other hand murder and firearm offences have increased. “While we welcome the decreases, there is serious concern about the number of murders which are up by four during the period of April to June 2019 compared to two reported during the same period in 2018. “Firearms offences have also seen an increase of 23 incidents reported April to June 2019, compared to 13 reported the same period last year.” He added that the detection rate of 23 percent this year is up from 19 percent compared to the same period in 2018. “The force executive team are in the process of revising and improving the force’s strategic plan and objectives, however, our priority will be to continue this downward trend in crime through keeping our focus on serious crime and
community policing,” Botting said. The police commissioner stressed that in the coming weeks his executive team will be reviewing the strategic objectives of the force to ensure that a more proactive approach is taken to addressing crime in the territory. “We look forward to a greater collaboration with Government, partners and stakeholders and the community to tackle this crime issue. “Training and development is another one of my priorities, with plans already finalised for further investigative training for officers, and leadership training is being planned for all leadership roles the force.” The commissioner has lauded the closed circuit television (CCTV) system for aiding in the reduction of crime. Speaking at a press briefing on August 7, Botting said: “I want criminals to know this…we are watching: those controllers are very adept around their CCTV.” He said the cameras have tremendously boosted the force’s ability to track cars around Providenciales, which was once a major challenge to law enforcement. He pointed out that the CCTV programme has also been helpful to law enforcement when dealing with non-criminal activities. “Even when we are dealing with something which isn’t a crime, something like a crash, we’ve got cameras straight on that. “We can make a better assessment of what resources are needed.” When asked about the implementation of CCTV cameras on Grand Turk to help with the deterrence and detection of crime on that island, the commissioner said efforts are being made to bring that project to fruition. “The work is happening and moving forward. We have tested some cameras there. The funding is there, the work is there; it’s on the way,” Botting said. About 120 high definition and high resolution cameras were installed on utility poles throughout Providenciales last year. The Grand Turk CCTV system is expected to go live before the end of the year. (By Olivia Rose)
WELCOME TO TURKS AND CAICOS THE NEWLY remodelled roundabout in Downtown Providenciales was unveiled last week, but designers and authorisers of the roundabout are receiving a lot of flak on Facebook for the greeting which proclaims: ‘Welcome to Turks and Caicos’. Critics of the message say the sign should instead read: ‘Welcome to Providenciales’, as visitors are arriving in only one of many of the islands in the chain. What are your thoughts?
Much ado about anything
It makes no difference where one is, if one is in Providenciales, Grand Turk, North Caicos, Middle Caicos, South Caicos, Salt Cay, West Caicos. One is in the Turks and Caicos Islands. A sign at the entrance of the Leeward Highway, Providenciales, TCI is not wrong or misleading. At best, among TC Islanders, such a signage ought to convey a message of unity that we are one people and one nation of people. It is much ado about anything to make a fuss about where the sign is. The sign posted there should not be a cause of concern or consternation. Learned visitors often read up a lot about the destination before coming. If they want to cause trouble they’ll go Trip Advisor to plead any kind of feigned ignorance. This sign is a good idea as Providenciales has always been and will always be in the Turks and Caicos Islands.
A mouthful
‘Welcome to Providenciales - only one of the many beautiful islands of the Turks and Caicos Islands.’
Get used to it
Get used to it people. Until there is another international airport that rivals Providenciales International Airport, ‘Welcome to the TCI’ is the way to be done. Through no fault of its own Provo has become the unofficial gateway to the TCI. We are one TCI! My mother is from Grand Turk and my father comes from North Caicos. Most of my family on both side live in Provo. The last time I was home I spent two weeks in Provo, not a foot in NC or GT. Get used to it. Provo has become the hub of the TCI.
Individual gems
One can easily see this as a minor issue or pure negativity but it is indeed an issue that dictates the longevity, marketability and future out island development plan in the tourism pie. One can easily draw reference and take learning from the mistake of our neighbours, the Bahamas, whom over the years marketed Nassau as the Bahamas and as a result all of the family islands suffered for want of development and economic boost. Regretfully, after visiting Nassau, tourists thought and said they visited the Bahamas, leaving behind a huge task today to attract tourists to the outer islands. Each island has its own characteristics and they are best highlighted and made known as such so we can be individual gems in the crown of ‘beautiful by nature’ islands, loads of choices to explore.
Complaining again
Providenciales is the international gateway to Turks and Caicos via air travel. All airline tickets say Providenciales or PLS. The airport has ‘Welcome to Providenciales’ written on it. Any country you travel to, welcomes you to the country and not the city or state you are in.
When I travel to Nassau, I am greeted with ‘Welcome to the Bahamas’. Therefore, a sign saying ‘Welcome to Turks and Caicos’ is not an issue. In fact, this sign will remind visitors or should encourage the taxi drivers or private transportation providers to educate our guests of all the beautiful islands and cays that comprise the Turks and Caicos Islands. The newly remodelled roundabout in Downtown Providenciales is beautiful. This roundabout coupled with the newly built Post Office has transformed the look and feel of the entrance to Airport Road. Based on what I have seen, less than 20 persons had an issue with the sign, and it is no coincidence that all the complainers are members of the Opposition party or their known supporters. Therefore, no one is surprised that they have an issue. We have become use to them complaining about everything.
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August 17-23, 2019
Airport reopens following firefighter strike PROVIDENCIALES International Airport had to shut its doors last week when firefighters went on strike over staffing, safety and training concerns. However, the facility was back up and running on Friday after the TCI Airports Authority (TCIAA) and Governor Nigel Dakin promised to meet with the emergency personnel. In an Instagram post on Wednesday (August 14), Governor Dakin explained: “Trust broke down between the firefighters and the airport authority last week. The airport closed. Not good. “Part of the agreement to reopen the airport last Friday - and to do so quickly and fully staffed - was that I’d chair a meeting today between the authority and the firefighters to facilitate the right sort of conversation.” He explained that the outcome the meeting was that the authority now has a plan to tackle the firefighters’ concerns. “Before rushing into a meeting room we spent a couple of hours yesterday looking at the issues involved on the ground, rather than hearing or reading about them. “…the firefighters and authority started today with a set of mutually agreed facts that we’d already discussed on the front line.” He said that matters were helped because the TCIAA had already demonstrably moved quickly on things they could move quickly on. “The firefighters were genuine in their thanks and the authority had the courage to say where they had made past mistakes whilst also the wisdom to be very open about the challenges they faced.” He said the authority “critically sought front-line advice and then support in tackling some wicked problems”, adding that “that support was given”.
“Very quickly an atmosphere had developed where everyone was realising they wanted the same thing: a first-class fire service at the airport. “A lot of the issue was (as it always is) poor communication and mutual respect, not deliberately withheld. “There’s just a big difference in something being transmitted and something being received, both ways. There are easy fixes to that age-old problem and those are now all in play.” He said the three-hour meeting ended with a lot of mutual respect in the room. “For me, firefighters are first responders and gain the same respect as all heroes who are prepared to move towards danger on our behalf. That’s total respect.” ‘INTERFERENCE’ On reading Governor Dakin’s comment, former premier Michael Misick responded that his involvement in the issue was “unprecedented”. “I thought the local Government was responsible for local affairs including fire services. There is a minister responsible for aviation and the Airports Authority. “While the issue had to be resolved to avoid the airport closure are you not usurping the authority and responsible of the minister and the local Government? “This constant interference in local affairs will come home to rouse [sic]. Premier beware.” In response Dakin thanked Misick for his feedback and explained that “on one level of governance” fire safety is his responsibility. The ability or not for the firefighters to perform crosses the boundary between the authority as employer and the Civil Aviation
Governor Nigel Dakin and members of the TCIAA with firefighters at Providenciales International Airport
Authority (CAA) and through them the UK as regulator, he said. “The airport doesn’t just close if the firefighters strike but if they are not properly trained and equipped to satisfy the regulator. “Once I am told there is a safety issue I’m involved. You know that. That’s what makes it complicated.” He said that was why he asked the CAA to be present during conversations relating to safety and join the walk around yesterday. “On another level - which is about doing the best for the country - I was asked specifically by the premier (the minister responsible for the airport) to support her in this matter,” he added. “I was only present - and this was my pre-condition for helping - because I was asked by the firefighters, the Airport Authority and crucially the Government to help mediate (no more, just mediate).” He again thanked him for his comment which he said had helped him to provide clarification on the issue. “I look forward to future helpful challenges from you. I think you should though expect myself and this premier, and any future premier from any party, to be putting the interests of TCI first without too much fear of criticism. “As I said in my swearing in speech, I promise to listen, care,
serve and (crucially) be clear. “A values based governorship seems to be what many people want from their governor although
I appreciate you may never be convinced, and I respect your view on that not least because of its consistency.”
Spate of car robberies continues with a knife threat A MAN was forced to hand over his car after three young men hijacked it and threatened him with a knife on Sunday evening (August 11). Police reported that at about 6.27pm the three robbers forced the victim to drive his black Nissan Note car on Academy Avenue in Downtown Providenciales. They then demanded cash, personal items and told him to hand over the car. There were no injuries reported. Two other car robberies took place in Providenciales just a few days prior on Thursday, August 7. The first happened at about
12.30am at First Caribbean Bank on Leeward Highway, according to a police press release. A man was approached by an armed robber who demanded money. The gunman shot in victim in the leg and stole cash and a silver Honda Accord car. And at 3.10am, police officers on patrol met a 43-year-old man who said that he and his 44-yearold female friend were robbed of cash and a black Honda CR-V. No injuries were reported in this incident. Anyone with information on any of these incidents can call 911 or Crime Stoppers anonymously on 1-800-8477.
August 17-23, 2019
The day that changed history Ten years on from the controversial suspension of the TCI’s constitution, the Weekly News takes a retrospective look back. And asks current leaders, how far have we come and how do we continue to move forward? BY GEMMA HANDY EVERYONE remembers where they were at a pivotal moment in history. And the dissolution of democratically-elected government amid claims of rampant corruption was undoubtedly one of the TCI’s most monumental watersheds. Friday (August 15) marks a decade since the humiliating return to direct British rule – for the second time – a move which earned regional condemnation, left Islanders bitterly divided and catapulted the TCI into worldwide notoriety for all the wrong reasons. Just three years previously, jubilance had filled the air as the new 2006 constitution saw a slackening of colonial reins, affording the territory more autonomy than ever before. Then chief minister Michael Misick became premier and the Islands saw the appointment of an indigenous deputy governor in the form of Mahala Wynns. Inward investment sky-rocketed as the tiny archipelago became the hottest place on luxury resort developers’ wish lists. But it was all to come crashing down in the wake of the 20082009 commission of inquiry which found “systemic corruption” in public life, along with “political amorality”, “general administrative incompetence” and a “palpable climate of fear”. Then premier Galmo Williams, who had assumed the mantle after Misick quit that spring, declared it a “sad day” for TCI and democracy – even as governor Gordon Wetherell denied it was a British “takeover”. As the Islands’ tribulations became exacerbated by the effects of the global financial crash, some of the most explosive scenes in its history played out. Civil service wage cuts triggered a spate of mass ‘sick-outs’ and Islanders took to the streets to protest repeated delays to long-awaited general elections. There was a fierce backlash to a slew of controversial taxation and austerity measures as the interim government battled to balance the books, while reform advisor Kate Sullivan’s constitutional recommendations were infamously burned in front of the Downtown ballpark in a fiery display of fury and indignation. Now 10 years on – and seven since the Islands returned to selfgovernment in November 2012 – the TCI’s current leaders have been reflecting on the progress made and the crucial steps still yet to be taken. Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson said while the Islands
Former Governor Gordon Wetherell
had “for the most part moved past that unfortunate experience”, the present constitution was “nothing short of an affront to locally elected government”. “I have personally stated that it is a document that leaves governance to personalities and we can ill afford this uncertainty in governance,” she told the Weekly News. The premier said despite a broad consultation process, it had not been crafted in the way Islanders had hoped. “Our people have not embraced this document as theirs,” she continued. Cartwright Robinson has served on three constitutional review committees during her years in public service; under chief minister Derek Taylor in 2002, premier Misick in 2006 and premier Rufus Ewing in 2015. “The Turks and Caicos Islands’ constitution is such an important piece of legislation that ultimately determines and shapes the way we build and grow our country,” she explained. “Without a constitution that reflects the will of the people and protects what is ours – our land and, most importantly, our people – we are headed toward regressive governance.” The premier said it was vital she lead “fruitful discussions with the UK on some much needed amendments”.
Former Premier Galmo Williams
A recent successful meeting with the Opposition, she continued, will see public meetings take place next month to garner Islanders’ sentiments. “With the input of the Opposition, constitutional talks are going ahead later this year that will address some very important issues including the matter of Crown land management. “Critical on the agenda when I travel to London is my people’s ambition for a path that will allow us all the opportunity to shape our destiny,” Cartwright Robinson affirmed. She said London had been receptive to engagement even amid Brexit uncertainty. “We look forward to moving this critical issue forward given the time that has passed, the gains we have made as a country and the oversight systems introduced since the suspension of the country’s constitution 10 years ago,” she said. The premier added that she was committed to building a better TCI, one that all its people can be proud of, and “one that gives local government the respect enough to be allowed to choose what is best for our people”. Opposition leader Washington Misick weighed up today’s sunny economic outlook against a tightlywound public sector where civil servants, he claimed, are so fearful
of the ramifications of an inadvertent error that it’s breeding apathy. “People in the public service are afraid to make a mistake because an honest mistake leads to punishment,” Misick said. “Even when they’re proven to be innocent they have still lost their reputation and paid out tremendous costs because the system doesn’t provide for any compensation when one is falsely accused and has to defend themselves. It’s leading to a state of inertia.” Misick cited the case of a highranking official brought before the Integrity Commission. “He was found to be innocent but it cost him more than $20,000 – none of which he was able to get back.” Misick told the Weekly News he still believed the constitution’s suspension was unnecessary to correct previous wrongs. And he questioned whether the ongoing corruption trials would have been allowed to continue for so many years in Britain, considering the expense as a significant percentage of GDP. “I believe the trials are unprecedented in history, in terms of cost and the length of time they’re taking to be concluded. Justice delayed is justice denied. It’s a sad state of affairs that there can’t be some legal practical conclusion to all of this,” he said. The PNP leader also lamented
what he viewed as the Brits’ blanket approach to the territory’s inhabitants. “Those people alleged to have done wrong could have been dealt with without suspending the constitution. “The British came in and painted everybody with the same brush, whether a politician or businessman.” Asked for his views on whether there had been any benefits from the action taken 10 years ago, the PNP leader said he believed all progress made since could have been accomplished without it. “The public finance management regime now in place has put us ahead of many other countries in the Caribbean, if not the world,” he conceded. The Opposition leader praised the TCI’s dramatic economic recovery from its near-collapse a decade ago to its current BBB+ credit rating from rating agency Standard and Poor’s. He also pointed to the Islands’ sovereign wealth fund – a rarity in the region – and its enviable debt to GDP ratio of less than one percent. “Not many small nations in the Caribbean can say that, if any,” Misick said, adding: “TCI has come a long way under extremely difficult circumstances. We have made tremendous strides since 2009 and shown great restraint and maturity in our politics.”
August 17-23, 2019
Credit unions to provide saving and credit services BY OLIVIA ROSE NEW credit union legislation will help unbanked and underbanked people reach their financial goals and boost economic growth in the territory. These benefits of the Credit Union Ordinance were highlighted by Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson during her ministerial speech in the House of Assembly on August 8. In delivering her report on policy development she said there exists in the TCI elements of society that would benefit from the services credit unions provide. The premier said the coming into force of the credit union legislation will fill that gap by making another regulated financial option available to the public. “I am pleased to report that the Credit Union Ordinance commenced on August 1, 2019; and having completed the consultations on the subsidiary legislation (the regulations and the prudential standards) these will commence on September 15, 2019.” “We are firm believers that access to finance is a key enabler to reducing poverty and increasing prosperity. “Therefore, my Government will continue to explore ways of augmenting the current financial offerings in the TCI market; which,
Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson says access to finance is a key enabler to reducing poverty
to date, have not adequately met the needs of all.” She said that although she may have jokingly said that credit unions are “glorified asues” - a Haitian term for group savings - in reality they are so much more. “For you see we know that asues are for the most part used to help individuals and families save and invest; but credit unions on the other hand, are known to have contributed to the development of entire communities and can help drive economic growth – in line.
“I reiterate that my Government has answered the call to provide a regulatory framework for community based savings and lending,” she added. In many countries around the world credit unions play an important community role. They encourage members to save regularly, provide loans at low rates and help members in need of financial advice and assistance. Cartwright Robinson said the original objective of credit unions is to make loans available to people for
productive purposes. “It will be up to members of would-be credit unions to determine what will be their common goals and how the credit union will facilitate bringing them to fruition. “These goals may be simple, as well as some may be complex. “I say, though, that even complex and apparently risky goals can succeed - with three important inputs: the will, expertise and appropriate institutional structures. “It is my Government’s vision to build institutions and it is hoped
that this intervention will allow for access to financial products and services that are affordable, useful and meet its membership’s needs.” The premier also encouraged employers, civic groups, churches and other organisations to consider how the new legislation may help them. The first Credit Union Ordinance (Ordinance 27 of 2016) was approved in the House of Assembly on July 26, 2016. However, the ordinance was not brought into effect due to a requirement to have regulations and prudential standards (subsidiary legislation) in place. The subsidiary legislation governs the provisions of the ordinance and dictates how it will be applied or implemented across the country. As the Government recognized that credit unions could play an important role in capital formation, productive investment and ultimately the economic development of the country,the public was given an opportunity to weigh in on several aspects of the ordinance. Including the Licensing of Credit Unions,Management,Shares ,Borrowing and Liquidity. The consultation highlighted the proposed recommendations which underlined the important role played by credit co-operatives in providing saving and credit services to people across the TCI.
Police leadership team boasts 100 years of experience THE ROYAL Turks and Caicos Islands Police Force (RTCIPF)’s new executive leadership team officially began working together on Monday (August 12). The group of high ranking officials, led by Commissioner of Police Trevor Botting, has a combined total of over 100 years of experience, he revealed. Together they are responsible for making strategic decisions on all aspects of policing as well as the finance, human resources and development, information technology and communications units. Commissioner Botting said he has complete confidence in his new executive team to continue strong leadership and stability needed to move ahead. “I am happy to have an executive team with over 100 years of policing experience collectively. “This can only enable this organisation to deliver outstanding work during this critical period.” He added that he has enjoyed working with the team while deputy
commissioner and is confident that with their support “we can lead this organisation towards greatness”. Assistant Commissioner of Police Wayne Jones is heading Crime and Disorder, Intelligence, Tasking, and Coordination, Safeguarding and Public Protection, Marine Branch, Search and Rescue, Police Records, Command and Control, and Firearms Licensing. Assistant Commissioner of Police Kendall Grant is heading the Divisions, Community Policing, 911, Traffic and Prison Liaison. Deputy Commissioner of Police Rodney Adams, is responsible for Performance, Professional Standards, Human Resources and Training, Policy, Emergency Planning, and Disaster Management. Commissioner of Police Trevor Botting is the Force Strategic lead, managing Strategic Planning, Budget and Finance, Media and Communications, Corporate Services, Force Executive, Capital Projects and the Commissioner’s Office. The rank structure of the RTCIPF
New police executive leadership team begins work in the TCI
follows the United Kingdom’s Scotland Yard usage: constable, sergeant, inspector, assistant
superintendent, superintendent, assistant commissioners, deputy commissioner, and the commissioner.
There are just over 300 members on the local force - sworn and civilian staff.
August 17-23, 2019
We need to create an atmosphere of fear for criminals SOME say there is an atmosphere of fear in this country and so many residents are afraid to speak out and say how they really feel. I am not sure whether or not that statement is accurate but that is the general feeling of many. Personally, my greatest fear is the fear of God. Because I fear God, I will not do anything contrary to the word of God despite the temptations. Therefore, the fear of God keeps me on the right path. Being fearful of things and individuals will cause you not to participate in certain events, discussions or things. Some of us may take risks hoping we will not get caught. On the other hand, many of us are very fearful and will not take the risks to engage in things contrary to the law. I believe one of the main reasons there are so many crimes and guns is due to the fact that the criminals are fearless. Therefore, we must create an atmosphere of fear for these criminals.
HOW TO CREATE AN ATMOSPHERE OF FEAR FOR CRIMINALS? We must strengthen the human resources in the police department by recruiting experienced, well-built and mature police officers. The criminals are not afraid of some of the current police officers. They look at some of them as buddies and children. We must also ensure that there is a visible presence of police officers throughout all communities in the Turks and Caicos Islands, 365 days a year and 24 hours a day. In addition, the officers must provide confidence and trust to the community so that the residents can report the crimes to the police, thus creating fear for the criminals. People are afraid to report crimes and the criminals know that. We must deploy undercover cops throughout the country and get adequate information and evidence on these criminals and gangs so they can be prosecuted and sent to jail.
Drexwell Seymour is a certified public accountant and is the managing partner for HLB TCI. His favourite hobby, however, is writing. He has a personal website, www.drexwellseymour. com, where all of his writings are posted. He also has a YouTube channel where you can find inspirational videos. Drexwell has a BA in Accounting and an MBA in Finance.
This will frighten them. Some believe that life in prison is too good for some of the criminals as it is alleged that they have too many privileges including access to a mobile phone. As a result, some of them commit crimes to return to jail. If this is the case, then we must ensure that prison life is a deterrent so criminals will not want to go to prison and hopefully not commit these violent acts. We must also strengthen our laws by making the penalties stiffer and longer which should send a strong message to the criminals.
We must increase our presence at all ports of entry and exit and thoroughly investigate individuals for guns and other weapons. Randomly check homes, vehicles and bars for guns. Invest in signage throughout the community about the consequences of committing crimes. Use as many police dogs as possible to track down criminals. This should create a lot of fear for criminals. WHAT IF THE CRIMINALS REMAIN FEARLESS? While an atmosphere of fear may
perhaps alleviate criminals from engaging in criminal activities, there will be some who will remain fearless due to psychological and spiritual issues. This of course will require major intervention such as deliverance, counselling and rehabilitation. I know there is a cry that we need to find jobs for our people so the crimes can be reduced. I am not convinced that this is the case as there are people who are working and simultaneously committing crimes. I personally believe if we start fearing God, start fearing the laws of our country and start fearing the police officers, it will be the beginning of the resolution and alleviation of crimes in our country. Finally, if we can spend millions of dollars annually on SIPT cases, then certainly we should be able spend millions of dollars to create an atmosphere of fear for the criminals thus providing a safety niche for our residents.
Jobs, jobs, jobs IN LAST week’s column we discussed the massive shootings in the USA. Why did shootings in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio happen? These shootings are two more incidents that authorities, the media and politicians are trying to understand. There have already been shootings in schools and churches. Now the disturbed perpetrators are attacking folks in shopping malls. The answer, in my opinion, began with the loss of jobs over the last seven or eight decades. With huge manufacturing companies and their jobs leaving the USA, the whole of American society has been transformed. The pundits and politicians are trying their best to blame guns. Eliminating guns is not an easy fix.
David is a retired mobile hydraulic engineer and business executive. He has been married to Middle Caicos native Yvette Robinson Tapfer for 30 years and has lived in Conch Bar, Middle Caicos, since 2002. David formerly served as branch chairman of the PDM from 2008 to 2011
It is estimated that Americans own 300 million shooting weapons. They could never be eliminated. We question the need for military semi-automatic weapons that deliver amour piercing bullets in the hands of ordinary folks. However no sooner had the two recent mass shootings happened than a third killer murdered four more people with a simple knife. Not long ago, ordinary cooking pressure cookers were used as bombs
during a marathon run. In the marathon case, as in the World Trade Centre, it was perpetrators with middle east roots using homemade weapons to kill and destroy. Religion should bring peace not killing. All over the USA - Detroit, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Chicago and numerous cities - one can see empty buildings. The steel mills and manufacturing jobs of Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Detroit are now gone. The aircraft, train,
automobile, appliance, furniture, clothing factories all but shut down. The government prints dollars and borrows trillions to provide temporary domestic support of all kinds. When a manufacturing plant shuts down, the American economy losses the workers’ jobs and the taxes they pay. It also losses the engineers, managers and a host of assembly jobs. Lost is the demand for families’ houses and the products themselves. Americans now work in the service and high tech industries. Welfare can never take the place of employment. Employees feel a sense of satisfaction turning materials into useful products. The workers’ mind-set orients itself towards home, marriage and children. Shootings were unknown in the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s of my youth! The more welfare necessary, the
more taxes are needed from the workers. High taxes and frustration result. The USA national debt from government support is now about $20 trillion and growing fast. Meanwhile, Americans aborted millions of their own babies while at least 11 million others entered the USA illegally. The value of human life has been diminished. Wars, abortions and drugs left American youth without a sense of security. The weakest and most frustrated of today’s youth seek to strike out against the society of this century’s USA. A country which no longer has borders. Where does America begin to rebuild the damage? It will take two or three generations and new jobs. Start with value added manufacturing jobs.
August 17-23, 2019
Derelict vehicles and our declining fish catch A RECENT story in the July 27 edition of the Turks and Caicos Weekly News has highlighted our growing derelict vehicle problem in the TCI. My friends from California and Florida tell me that in the 1950s and 1960s, their states also experienced a problem with accumulating abandoned and derelict vehicles littering the landscape and distracting from the beauty of nature. Derelict automobiles, worn out buses, outdated street cars and obsolete steel ships were accumulating faster than the scrap metal processors and operators were able to consume. California’s awareness of the
BY SHAUN MALCOLM derelict vehicle accumulation problem was recognised during a period when California’s commercial
Thanks to pup rescuers Dear Editor, I’d like to give a shout out to everyone who helped in rescuing the potcake that fell into an old cistern in Grand Turk last week. Rébécca Hamal Pepin heard her crying and located her, called myself and Justin Okoye for help. Bernardo Marmolejos brought the ladder and we rescued her and brought her home to be cleaned.
Chris Davies-James inspected her for us as she usually works closely with the vets and Jason Okoye drove her home with Rebecca in the rescue vehicle (golf cart). Thank you to everyone for the group effort! Nate Madden, Grand Turk
and sport fishing fleets were experiencing a continuing trend in the declining size and availability of fish in the region and thus, the idea of building artificial fishing reefs from abandoned and derelict vehicles was first spawned. Submerged structures in the sea assist as a hideout for many small species of marine animals that serve as prey for small bait fish. Wherever there are small bait fish, game fish are sure to follow. Artificial fishing reefs have been used for over 200 years to enhance commercial fishing catches. Early Japanese fishermen used mounds of stone, laboriously carried to selected locations in boats, to attract fish. In May of 1958, the operators of the Paradise Cove Landing in Santa Monica Bay California, acquired and donated 20 old automobile bodies to the California Department of Fish and Game The old cars were hauled out to sea on a barge and placed in about 50 feet of water near Paradise Cove. The early artificial reefs were designed to test the effectiveness of such structures in attracting fish and the Paradise Cove project proved an absolute and unqualified success and served as an example and template for subsequent artificial fishing reefs. The California Department of Fish and Game marine biologists, using scuba gear, carried out extensive fish counting exercises and detailed observations of the Paradise Cove
artificial reef for several years before confirming the success of the project. Fish began to aggregate around the Paradise Cove car body reef within hours of construction. Surf perches, saros, kelp bass and small California halibut were among the first fishes attracted to the reef, followed closely by sheepshead and opaleye. Later, rockfish and sand bass appeared. The fish population on the Paradise Cove artificial reef constructed of derelict automobiles increased until a high of 24,000 semi-resident fishes was counted in September 1960. During a 30-month survey period, 49 species of fish were noted on the Paradise Cove artificial reef. The Paradise Cove artificial reef success is only one example. There are countless other studies from California and Florida that can be accessed online that confirm the efficiency and success of this cost effective and environmentally acceptable technique for disposing of our derelict vehicles while improving our local fisheries. Construction of artificial fishing reefs continues in California, Florida and Japan today. Currently, Japan spends approximately $60 million per year for fisheries enhancement projects, including artificial reef construction. We Turks and Caicos Islanders need not reinvent the wheel to solve our derelict vehicle or diminishing fish harvest problems. This is not rocket science. It just takes effort.
I propose a community project where volunteers remove the fluids and other environmental hazards from donated derelict vehicles and thereafter, we load those derelict vehicles on a flat-bed truck and transport them to the leeward barge landing. I’m sure we have more than a few socially responsible businesses in the TCI that could afford to donate some time with a flat-bed truck, a forklift and a couple of men for a worthy project like I describe here. We ask the DECR to select an appropriate location for our first artificial fishing reef that does not interfere with local dive sites, navigation, tourist attractions or create other environmental conflicts. Public donations could be solicited to pay the cost for some of those vehicles to be hauled by barge to the specified site and dumped at sea. We could sell raffle tickets from the IGA, schedule a publicised drawing and allow the winner to name the new artificial fishing reef. If the DECR will select the first location, I will lead efforts to raise the funds necessary for the cost to transport the derelict vehicles by barge to the selected site. Over time, we can vastly improve our fishing harvests in the TCI and remove these derelict eyesores from our landscape while simultaneously reducing our environmental footprint and gaining more credibility with our guests and visitors for our environmentally responsible efforts.
Dellis Cay land attracts interested buyers ALMOST 200 acres of land on Dellis Cay could soon have a new owner. Around a third of the uninhabited isle has been listed exclusively with Hamilton Real Estate in Grace Bay for $42 million. It includes partially-completed homes which were under construction when the massive development previously underway there went bust. The site features beachfront lots, half-built villas and condos, and inland areas with various structures which had been intended for use as staff housing, warehouses and offices.
All buildings included are “in reasonable condition … and structurally sound”, an agency spokeswoman said. The 193 acres for sale are separate from the 350 acres put up for an unsuccessful auction on June 21. Dellis Cay was once the scene of what was tipped to be an architectural masterpiece. But the luxury Mandarin Oriental-branded scheme, being created by Turkish developer Cem Kinay, went into receivership in 2009. Actors Michael Douglas and wife Catherine Zeta-Jones were among a slew of affluent clientele who forked out for properties on
the resort-style project. A handful of privately-owned villas and parcels of land on the cay are not included in the sale. Brokers at Hamilton’s, an associate of Savills International, said the listing was fast creating a stir among potential buyers. “We currently have a number of interested parties and we will be continuing to advertise and market the property both on island and internationally in the coming weeks and months,” said agent Sam Hunt. “We feel confident with the early interest that we will be able to find a suitable purchaser for the property.”
Should the new owner wish to complete the resort according to its original design, costs for doing so are estimated at up to $170 million. In June, more than 350 acres of the island, plus 23 acres on adjacent Little Dellis Cay, went under the hammer at the offices of Saunders and Co but failed to secure a buyer. The land’s registered chargee, Trinidad and Tobago Unit Trust Corporation (TTUTC), previously told the Weekly News the mutual fund company was now “considering its options”. Kinay bought the 560-acre island in 2005 for an apparent
$18 million. But it was seized from him after a $500,000 “political donation” to then premier Michael Misick shortly before the 2007 general election became the subject of scrutiny by British prosecutors investigating corruption claims. Low-lying Dellis Cay, a 20-minute boat ride from Providenciales, got its name from the Dellis family who once lived there, gleaning a living from sponge farming. It is home to rich mangroves, brackish ponds and abundant birds. Narrow channels separate it from neighbouring islands including Parrot Cay.
August 17-23, 2019
Premier says small business owners need to up their game As Government looks to introduce new credit scheme for MSMEs
Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson says small business owners must have some “skin in the game”
AS THE Government seeks to implement more measures to assist micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) secure funding, small business owners will also need to up their game. These sentiments were expressed by Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson in the House of Assembly on August 8. She disclosed that a feasibility study for the establishment of a partial credit guarantee scheme aimed at providing funding for small businesses in the TCI has been completed. The premier explained that many small business entrepreneurs
are lagging behind as it relates to the prerequisites needed to secure loans from banks and other lending agencies. “Aside from the lack of collateral or inadequate collateral, information asymmetries, lack of business plans and lack of financial records have long been said to be the reasons for small businesses’ inability to secure credit at banks.” Locally owned small businesses and start-ups in the TCI can obtain financial assistance, technical assistance and/or customs duty reduction. Business owners are also able to have a one on one consultation
Senior Reporter We're looking for a qualified multimedia reporter who has strong news gathering and writing skills, as well as the ability and enthusiasm to help keep the country's leading newspaper ahead of the pack. The position is available for immediate start and the successful candidate will be joining a small, dedicated team covering a wide range of news and features across the Turks and Caicos Islands. Local knowledge is preferred but not essential. The successful applicant should have had experience with community, court and parliamentary reporting. They will also be expected to take photographs and videos, and use social media. The salary for this position will be dependent on experience. Write or email the publisher at
TCWeeklyNews@gmail.com No phone calls please
with Invest TCI and representatives of the Centre for Entrepreneurial Development (CED) who offer support with formulating a business plan and completing the application process. The premier urged entrepreneurs to take advantage of these services. She said: “Business support organisations like the CED’s mandate is to assist MSMEs to get to where they need to be. There are also private firms that provide business support services. “The most notable way a small business owner can signal potential survivorship and resilience is his ability and willingness to have some ‘skin in the game’,” the premier said. She revealed that the Government is also planning to implement a partial credit guarantee scheme to help small businesses with funding. “The conditions for the exploratory study on the feasibility of setting up a partial credit guarantee have been met and the Caribbean Development Bank has offered no objection to the submission, including Business Enterprise Survey, which was the preliminary information gathering instrument on the MSME ecosystem in the TCI,” the premier said. Businesses, especially MSMEs, require a steady source of finance if they are to meet the hiccups of kickstarting their business and growing it. Whether it is the working capital needs of the business, buying the required equipment for production or infusing additional capital, funds are required for varied needs. Though business loans are
available, many small business owners find it difficult to obtain funding when their MSME is in its nascent stage. MSMEs are important for the TCI’s economy to grow as they allow budding entrepreneurs to float their business ideas and contribute to the GDP. Thus, to help MSMEs establish themselves without any financial hurdles, a reliable source of funding is required. This is where the partial credit guarantee scheme offered by the Government will prove useful when brought into fruition, the premier explained. Cartwright Robinson underscored that the credit guarantee scheme can be another important pillar in fostering economic growth in the TCI. She said: “Addressing the lack of access to finance, which has been a challenge to small businesses worldwide and was further exacerbated after the global financial crisis. “I would like to thank the Statistics Department and Invest TCI, that had carriage of the survey, for its completion ahead of the CDB’s deadline and in the next few weeks. “Again it is not my Government’s way to prejudice the study’s results in either direction. We are simply saying: don’t knock it till you try it. We are giving the research a chance.” A project consultant will be sourced to lead the subsequent market research, the premier said.
Man, 22, shot in the head in Grand Turk A MAN has been flown overseas for treatment after he was shot in the head in Grand Turk early on Saturday morning (August 10). The 22-year-old received the bullet wound at 5am, according to police press officer Takara Bain. He was immediately flown from Grand Turk to Cheshire Hall Medical Centre for emergency treatment before being taken to Jamaica. Bain added that police are unable to provide further details as to the location of the incident as the matter remains under investigation.
“Police officers on the island of Grand Turk are seeking the public’s help with information into the shooting incident,” she continued. Last week a man was shot in the leg by an armed robber at First Caribbean Bank on Leeward Highway in Providenciales. The incident happened on Thursday, August 7, at about 12.30am and the culprit made away with cash and a silver Honda Accord car. Anyone with information on either incident can call 911 or Crime Stoppers anonymously on 1-800-8477.
August 17-23, 2019
August 17-23, 2019
Waiting for my dad New book by TCI author relates one man’s journey through love, loss and insecurities as he fights to heal himself from his father’s rejection. Leo Lightbourne says he hopes to trigger a national conversation about absent fathers – and the children they leave behind. BY GEMMA HANDY WITH his ready smile and buoyant persona, it’s hard to imagine Leo Lightbourne spent years in a state of abject despair due to “trauma” experienced growing up. At first glance, the 28-year-old’s neat appearance, flawless manners and good-natured charisma could be mistaken as the product of steely parental guidance, conscientiously delivered from the core of a nurturing nuclear family. Except they’re not. Leo’s remarkable journey from a painful childhood desperate to be reacquainted with the father who abandoned him – compounded by the anguish of school bullying – to the thriving, socially conscious man he is today, is documented in a new book set for public release next month. ‘It’s Not a Man’s World’ details Leo’s formative years in a South Caicos village where fatherless families, like in many other parts of the world, were “so common it was normal”, a state which belies the emotional ramifications often suffered by youngsters with an absent parent. The 120-page autobiography is the result of not just his own story but years spent studying the human mind for a psychology degree at the UK’s prestigious University of Buckingham. “Don’t think you’re getting a book based off just ideas,” he laughs. “There’s serious research in this.” AWOL dads is certainly not a ground-breaking topic. But rarely is it portrayed with such searing honesty from the vantage point of a young male’s direct experiences, rather than the dispassionate observations of social commentators who link fatherless families to crime rates. The latter hypothesis is not without merit. And crime is far from the only consequence. Growing up
without a dad has also been linked to lower academic achievements and poor self-esteem. The Caribbean appears to be disproportionately affected by the pandemic. According to Unicef, as few as three in 10 children in some islands live with both parents. The vast majority of single parent homes are headed by a female. Leo thinks there are two main reasons for this. First, is “generational trauma”, traced back to the days of slavery. “For hundreds of years, families were torn apart. When slaves were freed, there were no social rehabilitation programmes. People were not helped into society or taught about family structures,” he says. “Another big factor was the drugs epidemic in the 80s.” It was upon returning home to the TCI after completing his degree that Leo discovered the cathartic powers of writing. “I came home, couldn’t find a job and it was a very dark period for me. My family had made all these sacrifices for me to go to university. Journaling became self-therapy,” he explains. As he dug deep to make sense of recurring negative thoughts, Leo realised the elusive relationship with his father was at the root of much of his gloom. “That’s when the thought hit me to write a book about it. When I looked around, there were not many households that had both a mom and a dad,” he says. The book, which took 11 months to pen and was completed in January, became both “personal reflection and community observation”. Leo vividly recalls the day his father left, despite being just a small boy. Waiting for a phone call from him that never came was a constant soundtrack to his teenage years. It wasn’t until Leo was 20 that he accepted it wasn’t going to happen.
‘It’s Not a Man’s World’ is released on September 24. Cover illustration by Alexandria Rigby
The most important lesson I’ve learned is to forgive – Leo Lightbourne
“I never really understood how I could miss someone who was never really there, but I did,” he writes. Poignantly, Leo remembers watching the Cosby Show as a child and dreaming of a family like the Huxtables. It might sound outdated to some but Leo firmly believes fathers fulfil a role a mother cannot. “Your mother can teach you to be loving, nurturing and compassionate,” he says. “But a father teaches you how to be responsible, accountable, how to have authority and emotional stability. “Having a father would have helped me regulate my emotions and make better decisions.” He also thinks a dad being around would have curtailed the bullying he
experienced at school. “That was the lowest point of my life. It caused a whole lot of problems and took a long time to get over. “I grew up in a house with women and was called a feminine name for three or four years; it was very traumatic,” he reveals. “I feel like if my father had been there he would have gone to the school and stopped it. And I would not have had that feminine trait anyway that I had from living with my mother, grandmother and aunt.” The bullying also led to longharboured feelings of having to appease those around him. “I was always saying yes and doing things other people’s way because I didn’t want to feel people’s rejection. When I learned how to transition out of that, I was able to
live my truth.” EMOTIONAL JOURNEY Writing the book has paved the way to a new chapter in Leo’s life. “For the first time I don’t carry anything negative; I am free of hating my father,” he explains. And while he is still yet to meet him again, Leo has been in touch with his dad who lives on a neighbouring island. They were connected via his father’s girlfriend who told Leo his dad had often talked about him. Finally, after more than two decades of waiting, Leo received a letter from him. “He said he would contact me if he ever came to Provo. I am still waiting; I think it will be me who has to go to him. “I wrote back telling him he missed out on some of the most important points of my life. But I also told him I loved him and forgave him. “I think if he had had strong male role models himself he would not have acted in the way he did, but I won’t know that until I meet him.” These days, Leo’s desire for a
August 17-23, 2019 relationship with the man who gave him life is less a need for a guiding hand and more a continuation of his emotional journey. “I can’t make the next steps in my life without coming to grips with who my father is,” he says. “I also want to do it for my own children; if I have them, they will not get a dad holding onto negative emotions.” Leo’s primary hope for the book is to trigger a national conversation about fatherless families. “A lot of people don’t know how important having a father is, as so many of us grew up without one.” Had it not been for a mentor in the form of a close friend’s dad, Leo thinks his life could have turned out very differently. “Richard Stubbs taught me how to believe in something more – and that I can be more. He took me under his wing and told me I was his third son. “He showed me I had not yet reached my full potential because I had been holding on to something my whole life,” he recalls. “As a kid without a father it feels like you’re alone, like no one cares, like you’ve done something wrong to the world and you’re just a burden. “It makes you want to find significance and that’s how so many people end up in violent gangs. If you look at those guys, they’re reaching for something; they feel like they have no value and they find it in the wrong ways.” Leo has dedicated his book to his mother and grandmother. He thinks reading it will be an “eye opener” for his mother, who moved out of the family home when Leo was 13 leaving him with his grandparents. “There was a period when things were very rough between me and my mother,” he admits. “I gained more understanding when I became an adult and could put things in perspective. “Teens can be self-centred and think life is supposed to be a certain way and don’t take their parents’ emotions into account. But there was never a part of me that blamed her.” What he hadn’t envisaged, Leo continues, is the number of mothers who are keen to read his book for deeper insight into the minds of their own children. Today, Leo working is working in guest services at the esteemed Amanyara Resort but he is also carving a niche for himself as an activist and public speaker. “The most important lesson I’ve learned is to forgive. Too often we dwell on the negative things, but we should try and grow from them, become a better human being and a better servant to humanity,” he says. “If you try and pretend the pain is not there, something else will happen to cause it to resurface. “To anyone else in the same situation I was, I would tell them to seek help. Understand you need guidance from an older guy who has been there. Maybe he’s from a different generation but the principles of integrity, accountability and wisdom are all the same.” ‘It’s Not a Man’s World: How I conquered the sins of my father’ will be officially released on September 24 as an e-book via Amazon, Apple Books, Kobo and Barnes and Noble.
Leo (right) as a child, with cousin Bradley Akins
Leo used to watch the Cosby Show and dream of a family like the Huxtables
“As a kid without a father it feels like you’re alone, like no one cares” – author Leo Lightbourne
August 17-23, 2019
Salt Cay Ferry rescues stranded US mariner BY TITUS DE BOER A GROUP of gallant sailors came to the rescue of an elderly mariner after his 45-foot boat washed up on Great Sand Cay in the early morning hours of Saturday morning (August 10). According to the skipper, a US national in his early 70s, he ran into trouble on his way from the Dominican Republic to Florida when he experienced unexpected, adverse conditions. His Defever Trawler boat, named ‘Lucky Strike’, ran aground on the shore of the tiny deserted island, located nine miles south of Salt Cay. Having called for help by radio and shot several flares, the skipper assumed that some fishermen who had spotted him had called for help. According to Allan Dickinson, captain of the Salt Cay Ferry, he and his team were first made aware of the incident by the police and search and rescue coordinators on Monday morning. Having located the stranded vessel and its skipper, “one of our volunteers from Salt Cay swam to shore to make contact with the American mariner,” he said. The man, who was tired and exhausted but in good condition, was then taken to Salt Cay where he registered with the Deputy District Commissioner. By the time of the filing of this report, police and costal patrol had been called to the scene to gather
The vessel, Lucky Strike, stranded on Great Sand Cay nine miles south of Salt Cay
further information. Meanwhile, the Salt Cay Ferry team and community of Salt Cay
were praised via social media for their bravery and hospitality shown to the stranded mariner.
The US skipper aboard the Salt Cay Ferry after he was rescued
Auditor begins six-month training in Scotland A GOVERNMENT auditor has begun a six-month secondment training programme in Scotland. Claire Bernadette ‘Bonnie’ Malcolm of the Office of the Chief Internal Auditor (OCIA) arrived in Edinburgh on July 22, fully prepared
for the challenge. “I take this opportunity as a learning experience in a different environment in a much wider scale of internal auditing as being expose to a vast range of audits,” she said. “There will be challenges, as in
all things, but I intend to take them on and rectify them as it will be a learning curve. “I will certainly do my best and make not only myself proud, but the OCIA and the entire TCIG civil service.”
Claire Bernadette ‘Bonnie’ Malcolm begins her audit training in Scotland
The secondment is with the Government of Scotland Internal Audit Directorate, a press release said on Wednesday (August 14). It will see her being exposed to all aspects of the internal audit process within the directorate and allow her to interact with other key agencies such as the UK’s Government Internal Audit Directorate (GIAA). Malcolm said that on her return, the exposure, knowledge and experiences gained, will be integrated into the TCIG’s OCIA deliverables as per their Audit Charter. This secondment exercise is one of the five training support initiatives in the TCI Partnership Agreement 2019-2020 under the UK Overseas Territories Project. The project is being undertaken by the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association United Kingdom (CPA UK) and the UK Government Internal Audit Agency (GIAA). Part funding for this secondment was provided by the Deputy Governor’s Office through the Professional Development Fund. “I wish to express my sincerest gratitude to all the persons who contributed to the TCI Partnership Agreement 2019-2020 under the UK Overseas Territories Project, along with the undertaking bodies,
the CPA UK and the UK GIAA for the implementation of such a programme for the enhancement of the audit professionals within the overseas territories,” Malcolm said. “A big thank you to OCIA and CIA staff for placing confidence and encouraging me as I take on the journey, the TCIG and by extent the Governor’s Office and Deputy Governor’s Office for their full support. “By no means least to my entire family, especially daughters who inspired and assured me that ‘everything will be alright and that six months is just around the corner although faraway’. “In the words of Christopher Reeve, ‘So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable.’” Deputy Governor Anya Williams said the knowledge and experience gained from this attachment will be beneficial not only to Malcom, but to the internal department as a whole. “We commend Ms Malcolm for the personal sacrifice that she has made in taking up this six-month attachment and wish her well in the weeks and months ahead.”
August 17-23, 2019
Primary healthcare manager excited for ‘monumental’ task ahead NURSE Alrisa Gardiner said she is “thankful and humbled” to have been appointed recently as the Government’s new primary healthcare manager. The devoted civil servant is looking forward to “effectively
and efficiently” executing her new role, she said in a press release on Thursday (August 15). Anya Williams, Deputy Governor and Head of the Public Service, wished her well in her new position. “It gives me great pleasure to
Land Registry opens customer service centre SIMPLE land related admin can now be carried out at the Land Registry’s customer service centre in Butterfield Square, Providenciales. The new facility opened on Monday (August 12) at the AG Chamber’s Lands Division Office, a Government press release said. There customers can lodge applications for land registers and instruments, lodge applications for registration, obtain payment vouchers and make enquiries on the status of their matters. Finally, they can receive information and documentation related to the Land Registry’s services and procedures. “The implementation of the customer service centre is part of the Land Registry’s overarching mission to strive for continuous improvement in quality, efficiency and meeting the needs of customers,” the statement read. Customers can contact the
Land Registry in Grand Turk for more information on 338-2359, tcilandregistry@gov.tc or on the website www.gov.tc/landregistry The Land Registry was established in 1968. It forms part of the Lands Division and is under the auspices of the Attorney Generals Chambers. The Land Registry is located in Grand Turk and provides facilities for legal land transfer and a central system where details of ownership, title, mortgages and other interests in property are recorded in a public register in accordance with the Registered Land Ordinance. The main services provided by the Land Registry are the registration of land transactions, the arbitration of land and boundary disputes, the collection of stamp duty, processing registration and other land transaction fees or charges, and the custody, maintenance and the updating of the register.
formally congratulate Nurse Alrisa Gardiner on her promotion to the post of primary healthcare manager,” she said. “Alrisa is an ardent and devoted civil servant who is passionate about healthcare, the importance of early preventative care and the impact that improved primary healthcare can have on the people of these Islands. “She has demonstrated over the past decade her strong commitment to the Primary Health Care Department and is a highly skilled professional.” Gardiner is a graduate of the Raymond E Gardiner High School in North Caicos and has successfully completed programmes in general nursing, midwifery and public health nursing. She began her professional career in 2001 at Grand Turk Hospital and in 2002 was transferred to Myrtle Rigby Health Complex in Providenciales where she worked in bedside nursing as a registered nurse and midwife. After completing the Public Health Nursing Programme in 2005, Gardiner joined the Primary Healthcare Department where on occasion, she acted for the senior public health nurse. In 2012, she completed a Masters of Public Health degree at the University of the West Indies, Mona, Jamaica. Gardiner led a research project in 2012 with the title, ‘Barriers to parent-teen communication regarding sex in Providenciales’. Her paper was accepted and presented at the 61st CARPHA research conference held in the TCI. In 2016, the study was published in the West Indian Medical Journal.
Alrisa Gardiner is the Government’s new primary healthcare manager
As senior public health nurse, she was responsible for the Expanded Programme on Immunisation, which focused on vaccination of the population against vaccine preventable diseases - one of public health’s greatest successes. Gardiner said she was truly thankful for and humbled by the opportunity to serve as the primary healthcare manager. “I would like to thank the people who have encouraged and supported me throughout my career; my family and friends, the team of
nurses in primary healthcare and my colleagues in the health, locally and regionally. “This task ahead is a monumental one and I do look forward to effectively and efficiently executing my role to ensure that the Primary Healthcare Department continues to provide quality services to the people of these Turks and Caicos Islands. “My goal is to achieve the ministry’s vision of ‘a healthy and empowered people throughout the life cycle in communities conducive to healthy living’.”
How debt consolidation can improve your financial health BY SCOTIABANK MOST people will find it necessary to get a loan at some point in their lives. In fact, some may end up with several loans at a time and having to make multiple loan repayments. At this point, loan (or debt) consolidation may be a smart option since it will allow you to take control of your existing debt and stabilise your finances. There are some who may view debt consolidation as an ominous financial undertaking that could adversely affect their financial standing. However, that’s not the case. “Debt consolidation targets anyone who has an adequate, stable source of income, but who has found it difficult keeping up with
the dates of the multiple payments or the combined amount of the payments,” explains Ira Taylor, branch manager and sales leader at Scotiabank (Turks and Caicos). Loan or debt consolidation is when a person takes out a single loan to pay-off multiple loans such as credit cards, pay day advances or hire purchase agreements. It allows for one manageable payment at an agreed time, for example, at the end of the month for the duration of the loan. For many people, this will help them to keep a better track of their loan repayments, as well as, potentially reduce the amount that they have to set aside to pay existing loans since the new consolidated loan could be negotiated with a longer repayment schedule. By making timely loan repayments
through debt consolidation, someone could actually improve their credit rating and their ability to get loans in the future, if needed. Debt consolidation, therefore, could result in an improvement in not only your credit score but your financial wellbeing. “It actually helps to manage your credit rating in the sense that the likelihood of you defaulting or having a delay in payment is higher when you have multiple payments at different due dates,” Hoilett explains. “With debt consolidation you have one single payment at a fixed date.” Taylor said that borrowers also have the option to schedule the loan repayment at the time of receiving their salary or income, which makes it very convenient and a sure
way not to be late. Debt consolidation is also a good way for borrowers to take advantage of lower interest rates in periods when rates are trending down. Getting a new loan at a lower interest rate to pay off higher interest loans would mean extra savings that could result in more disposable income that could be used for savings to build your net worth. Scotiabank offers attractive rates and terms for persons interested in debt consolidation. The bank offers both secured and unsecured Scotia Plan or ‘any purpose loans’ at attractive interest rates. Visit your nearest branch and talk to a personal banking officer to get the best offer.
August 17-23, 2019
Next time you find yourself aboard the Brittany Leigh
Lionfish are an invasive species, feeding on juvenile reef fish and threatening the population of scores of marine creatures
Lionfish comp hits Grand Turk this Saturday FISHERMEN and women are invited to take part in a competition to catch the largest or the smallest lionfish this Saturday (August 17). The tournament is being hosted by Oasis Divers and will take place at the beach off the Sand Bar in Grand Turk. Teams of maximum four members will be competing for the first prize of $1,200, second prize of $700 and third prize of $400 for the largest catch.
Those who find the biggest fish could walk away with the first prize of $250 or the second prize of four $40 gift certificates for The Osprey bar and restaurant. And participants with the smallest lionfish are competing for the first prize of $250 and a second prize of four $20 gift certificates for The Arches cafe. There will also be a raffle for all participants with the grand prize being a half day of bottom fishing
Lucky schools to get back to school goodies ONE school on each island in the TCI will be selected at random to receive a huge haul of back to school goodies donated by members of the public. The drive, run by telecoms company Digicel, will see donation bins set up in stores across the territory for people to drop off school uniforms, books, pens, pencils, crayons and more. Digicel will also be making a donation to each school at the beginning of the school year and is encouraging the public to come out and support this initiative.
In a company press release on Thursday (August 14), CEO of Digicel TCI Addison Stoddard said that everyone knows that kids are the future. “We also know that there are many throughout the country who don’t have access to the right supplies to enable their success during the school year. “Through this initiative we want to change that. This way, every child can succeed and we help to create a world where no child is left behind.” Donations will be accepted in all stores up until Saturday, August 31.
with Deep Blue Charter. A social media post from the Sand Bar said: “Will you catch the biggest or the smallest? Or will you show up to help eat them. “Dear lionfish, we’re sorry you found your way here, go in peace. We’re coming for you.” Lionfish are thought to have been introduced into the coastal waters of Miami in 1992. The population later exploded in that corner of the Atlantic and in 2006 spread south east into the waters of the Turks and Caicos Islands. Lionfish are an invasive species, feeding on juvenile reef fish and threatening the population of scores of marine creatures. Because of this marine experts across the region called on the fishing community and restaurant owners to help to control the expanding population. In 2010 Wesley Clerveaux, former Director of the Department for Environment and Coastal Resources (DECR), told the Weekly News: “The lionfish is a dangerous, invasive species but it also a perfectly safe and delicious food product. “We want to educate our local restaurant community about its potential as very cost-effective menu item, and by doing so they will be assisting us in the eradication of the species. “Our fishing community is a key first-line defence strategy for us as they can be a valuable resource in helping slow the proliferation of this fish.”
ALL things are relative. When foreigners first move to the Turks and Caicos Islands, the vast majority of them end up in Providenciales (Provo) thinking that they have come to a very small, remote place. For although Provo now boasts a wide range of fancy restaurants, retail shops and some perfectly acceptable grocery shops BY TITUS DE BOER and supermarkets, it isn’t Titus was born in Hamburg New York, London, Toronto and has lived in the Turks and or Miami. And that’s exactly Caicos Islands since 1989. why (most) people move He works as a general business consultant and has been based there. in Salt Cay since 2016. When I first moved to Grand Turk, after 22 years in Provo, it seemed indeed (relatively speaking) like a move to a much quieter island. Less traffic, less crime and a somewhat limited choice in the food stores, when compared to Provo. In the spirit of ‘all things are relative’, to anyone who thinks of Grand Turk as the ultimate, sleepy outpost in the West Indies, I suggest a trip to Salt Cay. Often referred to as ‘the island that time forgot’, Salt Cay is true gem of an island, seemingly set back to a time when life was simple, no doubt challenging and yet utterly peaceful and pure. Currently (once the airport temporarily closes for redevelopment on August 19) the only way to get there is aboard the Salt Cay ferry, the ‘Brittany Leigh’, which carries people and material three times a week between Salt Cay and Grand Turk. A trip on the Salt Cay ferry is truly a journey back in time. From the moment the helpful crew, under the command of Captain Allan Dickinson aka ‘Shyne’, have helped you aboard and stored away your belongings (mostly items bought in the Grand Turk shops), you feel that you’re taking sail down the West Indies’ memory lane. Salt Cay may just be 2.6 square miles in size (as opposed to Grand Turk’s 6.9 square miles and Provo’s 38 square miles) but whatever it lacks in physical size, the island and its inhabitants make up in attitude- positive attitude! Not only are Salt Cay people, ‘Saltans’, very friendly, helpful and welcoming but one gets the sense that they truly cherish their environment and take enormous pride in their island and its rich heritage. However, what’s most impressive is the seeming indestructible resilience of Salt Cay and its people, demonstrated after being ravaged in 2017 by two massive hurricanes. Salt Cay’s recovery, in the aftermath of those natural disasters, is considered by many nothing short of miraculous. Time may have once forgotten Salt Cay, but Salt Cay knows- its time is now!
August 17-23, 2019
Thirty people were trained on the use of Logistics Support System software
Layton Lewis is the new marketing officer in the TCI Tourist Board’s Canada office
Graduate joins Tourist Board’s Canada office FRESHLY graduated Layton Lewis has been employed as the new marketing officer in the TCI Tourist Board’s Canada office. Lewis, from Grand Turk, received a Bachelors’ Degree in Tourism and Hospitality Management this spring and has already impressed with his skills. Acting Director of Tourism Mary Lightbourne said the team is pleased to welcome Lewis she congratulated him on his appointment. “Mr Lewis brings invaluable experience and diverse skills to our talented team, she said in a press release on August 7. “He will be a tremendous asset to the Turks and Caicos Tourist Board as we expand our efforts and strategy in the Canadian market. “Mr Lewis joins Rosemarie Wilson, marketing manager for Canada, and together they will work to further strengthen the Tourist Board’s marketing capabilities in line with our key performance indicators, as the board continues its mandate of promoting the destination globally.” During his early life, Lewis went to Ona Glinton Primary School and Helena Jones Robinson High School in Grand Turk. He later matriculated at the TCI Community College and graduated in 2015 with an
Associate Degree in Business Studies. While at the college, Lewis was recognised as a leader among his peers and was elected to the student body government as secretary (2013-2014) and later as vice president (2014-2015). His educational journey continued at Mount Saint Vincent University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, in the fall of 2015. During his tenure at MSVU, Lewis was an active volunteer with charity organisations including ‘Shinerama’ where he assisted with fundraising initiatives. he served as public relations officer for the Caribbean Society and also became the awardee of the Pacrim Hospitality Services Inc Endowed Travel Award for the Tourism and Hospitality Management Degree. In spring 2019, Lewis graduated with a Bachelors’ Degree in Tourism and Hospitality Management. His professional experience includes three cooperative educational programmes, internship at Beaches Resort in the public relations department, and two consecutive years at the TCI Tourist Board. Lewis also gained valuable experience as a marketing research assistant at the Alumni Office at Mount Saint Vincent University.
Disaster workers get lowdown on supply management EMERGENCY relief workers took part in a three-day workshop this week on improving transparency and accountability in the management and distribution of humanitarian aid. Thirty civil servants from the TCI and the Cayman Islands participated in the course which taught them how to use Logistics Support System (LSS) software. LSS allows for detailed up-to-date reports to be prepared on the status of supplies to guide decision making by authorities and humanitarian or donor agencies during a disaster. The Department of Disaster Management and Emergencies (DDME) and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) hosted the special training. A social media post from DDME this week said: “When a disaster strikes, this cadre of public servants and non-governmental and other organisations involved in or related to emergency relief will be able to install and operate the system at the different sites of supplies management.” From Monday to Wednesday (August 12 to 14) attendees gathered at the Ethel Ingham Centre on Airport Road to learn more about LSS. The training was facilitated by Cecil ‘Alex’ Jeffrey, a community
Minister Ralph Higgs and Cecil ‘Alex’ Jeffrey present a certificate to a successful participant
relations and logistics officer from the Department of Disaster Management in the British Virgin Islands. Jeffrey is also the certified PAHO LSS Trainer who delivers this training across the region. The primary objective of the training was to strengthen national capacity to effectively manage humanitarian aid, whilst bringing them to affected communities in an adequate and convenient way.
The training took place at the Ethel Ingham Centre on Airport Road
The training is designed for persons who will be responsible for inventory or warehouse management, or those assigned to manage and distribute relief items during emergencies. Hon. Ralph Higgs, minister responsible for the DDME, Director Dr Virginia Clerveaux, and Cecil Jeffrey shared their congratulations to participants at the closing ceremony.
Regional News
August 17-23, 2019
Independence ‘rumblings’ grow in Bermuda A GRASSROOTS movement in Bermuda could spark the Cabinet to take the lead on independence if island-wide talks reveal enough support for the cause, political sources have claimed. It was believed that interest in a formal break from Britain had grown in recent months and restless voters wished to prompt government leaders into action. The Progressive Labour Party told The Royal Gazette its sights were set on an independent Bermuda, but the vision was not shared by a majority of residents. A public forum on the topic scheduled for next week at the Bermuda Industrial Union is thought to be one of several that could gauge support. Cordell Riley, a statistician among the five panellists listed for the event, explained: “It was said to me this has to be a grassroots movement. “If it’s a grassroots movement, so there are different shoots at different areas in the island, the Government will start to take notice and say, we have to take the lead on this and have something formal, such as a commission.” He added: “When the people do not see the Government move in the direction that it would like, people start to take it on their own initiative. “If there is significant support, it starts to grow and that’s when Government will come in and either take the lead or shut it down.” Mr Riley welcomed the
In 1995, Bermuda’s population voted against Independence (73.6% stay to 25.7% leave) when the last referendum was held.
opportunity for a “healthy” discussion and said he planned to cover the potential costs of independence as well as “irrational concerns” about Bermuda going it alone. He said: “I am aware that people are talking about independence more, particularly with what’s going on in the UK with Brexit, and the impact it would have on Bermuda. “Also with regards to the economic substance Bill that was passed, and was seen as something that was perhaps enforced upon
Bermuda. “We hear other talks, in terms of we have a Governor from the UK, he appoints a British police officer as Commissioner, and I’ve even had officers tell me privately there seems to be an increase in recruitment from the UK.” Mr Riley said that although he had yet to conduct a poll on independence this year, results from earlier surveys over the past decade suggested about two thirds of the population, between 60 and 67 per cent, were opposed to a split from the UK.
He added: “I don’t think at this point there is a significant movement towards independence. “I think there are people saying, ‘Let me have a look at it’, but that doesn’t mean you can’t educate people, that people won’t change their minds.” One source agreed that talk of independence among PLP supporters and the wider community had increased. The source said: “There seems to be more interest around the issue from more rank-and-file members, there’s a little buzz. “I’m not saying it’s a groundswell, but more than it has been in the past couple of years. “A grassroots group may indicate that this effort is not just coming from the top down but from the bottom up.” Another observer told the Gazette that there was a perception among some people that the PLP leadership was not doing enough “to push the independence agenda”. The source added: “They took the view that we’re going to proceed, party or not, by putting together likeminded people to get out and drive the issue.” It was thought that a non-partisan group could test the temperature of the country before approaching government leaders. The source said the aim would be to indicate to ministers “it’s time that you take the independence issue
and move it along ... otherwise there is an independent group who will drive this issue and the party will be embarrassed into moving ahead”. A PLP spokeswoman said on Friday: “Independence remains a core value of the Bermuda Progressive Labour Party and we do envision a day when Bermuda will become independent. “At this time, however, the people have shown no indication that their feelings on this matter have altered. “What is clear, however, is the people of Bermuda’s desire to see greater fairness, greater opportunity, more affordable healthcare and a better quality of life, for themselves and their families. “While we fight to tackle those issues, we will continue to educate our people on the benefits of independence and continue to push for our vision of an independent Bermuda, that one day we believe more Bermudians will share.” The PLP’s constitution states that the party’s purpose included it would “serve as a vehicle in moving Bermuda to independence”. However, the subject was not included in its 2017 General Election platform. Jason Hayward, a PLP senator and the Bermuda Public Services Union president, said after the party’s landslide victory two years ago that it was time to “look at independence as a viable option”.
Real Atlantic hurricane season about to kick in DON’T be lulled by a quiet June and July, the real Atlantic hurricane season is about to kick off. The hurricane season generally runs from June 1 to the end of November. But the next six weeks -- “the season within a season” -- is regularly the most dangerous and active time for storms to develop in the Atlantic, said Dennis Feltgen, spokesman for the National Hurricane Center in Miami. Only two named storms have developed in the Atlantic so far this summer. Dry, dusty air from Africa’s Sahara robbed potential storms of moisture, and wind shear spurred by the El Nino climate systems ripped apart budding storms. Now, those brakes on hurricane development are gone. The result: “A big change in the pattern over the Atlantic, going from a very lackluster quiet weather pattern to a much more active one,” said Dan Kottlowski, the lead hurricane forecaster at AccuWeather Inc. in State College, Pennsylvania. “We are thinking this season will be backloaded.”
Last week, the U.S. National Weather Service forecast 10 to 17 named storms in the Atlantic. Last year, there were 15, including hurricanes Florence and Michael that killed a combined 96 people and caused more than $49 billion in damage. A storm is named when it reaches tropical storm strength, with maximum sustained winds of at least 74 miles per hour. At risk is $17 trillion in U.S. real estate along the coasts, as well as some of America’s most valuable commodities. More than 45% of U.S. refining capacity and 51% of gas processing is along the Gulf of Mexico coastline. Florida is the world’s second-largest producer of orange juice after Brazil. There are two other factors that could spur on storms in September, according to Bob Henson, a meteorologist with Weather Underground, an IBM business. The first is the so-called Madden-Julian Oscillation, a ripple of rising and sinking air that swirls through the atmosphere about every 45 to 60 days that can spark typhoons
The sharpest increase in tropical storm and hurricane frequency occurs from Aug. 20 through Sept. 11.
and hurricanes when combined with other factors. It could affect the Atlantic in late August or September, Henson said. The second is a fast-moving
atmospheric system known as a “convectively-coupled kelvin wave” that’s affected by the earth’s rotation. When one runs into a tropical wave moving off Africa,
it can give it a speedy boost to swirl into a hurricane or tropical storm. There is one now moving across the Pacific on its way to the Atlantic, Henson said.
August 17-23, 2019
Regional News
Opposition says documents will prove Haiti’s Moise broke law
If passed, the Environmental Protection (Control of Plastic Pollution) Bill, 2019 will prohibit the release of balloons.
Bahamas: Plastics ban to include balloons fine THE upcoming ban on single-use plastics will also outlaw the release of balloons, according to draft legislation that details fines up to $3,000. The plastic ban legislation outlines up to six months imprisonment for people who assault, resist, impede, or make false statements to an inspection officer. However, businesses will be able to possess and sell prohibited plastics to customers up to June 30, 2020 for a fee. If convicted under the proposed legislation, a first time offender faces a fine not exceeding $2,000, and in the case of a continuing offence, $500 for each day the offence continues. A second or subsequent offence will be met with a fine not exceeding $3,000, and further fine of $700 for each day it continues. If passed, the Environmental Protection (Control of Plastic Pollution) Bill, 2019 will prohibit single-use plastic foodware and nonbiodegradable, oxo-biodegradable and biodegradable single-use plastic bags; prohibit the release of balloons; and regulate the use of compostable single-use plastic bags. Single-use plastic foodware outlined in the bill include: Styrofoam cups, plates and other similar Styrofoam foodware used to contain food; plastic knives, forks, spoons and straws. Businesses will be allowed to sell compostable single-use plastic bags for 25 cents to $1, excluding VAT. Business will not be able to sell these bags to customers at the point of sale, and if they do, the sale of the bag must be separately stated on the receipt and identified as a “checkout bag fee”. Business will be allowed to keep the fees collected for the sale of these bags; however, a record must be kept of the number of bags supplied during the reporting year, along with the gross and net proceeds of the sale. Failure to keep a record is an offence with a fine up to $2,000, and failure to supply a copy of the record to the ministry carries a fine up to
$1,000. Compostable single-use plastic bags will be exempt from the ban along with a number of others based on their intended use like party bags, dry cleaning, food and hardware storage, newspaper deliveries and trash. “A bag intended to be used solely to contain wholly or partly unwrapped food for human consumption, including fruits, vegetables, nuts, ground coffee, grains, or candies; a bag intended to be used solely to contain uncooked fish or fish products, meat or meat products, or poultry or poultry products; a bag intended to be used solely to contain wholly or partly unwrapped loose seeds, bulbs, corns, rhizomes, flowers, or goods contaminated by soil; a bag used for pharmaceutical dispensing or any other medical use,” the bill notes. The exempt list continues: “A bag intended to be used solely to contain live aquatic creatures in water; a bag intended to be used solely for the transport or storage of agricultural products; a bag with a thickness of at least 3 mils thick that is intended to be used solely to package hardware items; a bag that is an integral part of the packaging in which a good is sealed prior to its delivery to a point of sale; and a bag intended to be used solely to contain ice for retail.” The law will not apply to plastic manufactured locally for export. Draft bills for the Ministry of Environment Bill 2019 and the Environmental Planning and Protection Bill 2019 were also released for public consultation. The MOE Bill seeks to establish the Ministry of the Environment to oversee the integrity of the environment and to establish the Environmental Administration Fund and the Environmental Trust Fund. The planning bill seeks to establish the Department of Environmental Planning and Protection, to provide for the prevention or control of pollution, the regulation of activities, and the administration, conservation and sustainable use of the environment.
TWENTY opposition politicians are raising the stakes in their drive to impeach Haitian President Jovenel Moise by demanding documents that they say will prove he has routinely violated the constitution. The legislators believe the 33 documents, which were formally requested Aug. 7, contain evidence of illegal contracts, misuse of government funds and the appointment of ineligible and corrupt officials. “To the people saying the president did not violate the constitution, we will soon show them how he did, and we’re asking the people to stay mobilized,” Deputy Jean Marcel Lumerant told VOA Creole. The documents being sought include: — Contracts signed with foreign companies to buy heavy equipment and vehicles in alleged violation of the National Commission for Public Marketplaces’ regulations. — A contract signed with Dermalog, a leading German biometrics company that specializes in identification systems, to produce Haiti’s national ID cards. The director of the National Identification Office traveled to Germany with first lady Martine Moise to sign the contract, but Mrs. Moise has no legal standing to sign any contracts on behalf of the government. Furthermore, Moise ordered the payment of $8 million on the contract without the approval of the Superior Court of Accounts and Administrative Litigation, as required by the constitution. — An official transcript of a proceeding on July 14, 2018, during
Haitian opposition Deputy Deus Deronneth
which former Prime Minister Jacques Guy Lafontant was summoned to appear before the legislature to answer complaints that he had improperly named five individuals to his cabinet. The constitution requires that all members of the government be Haitian nationals who never renounced their nationality to become citizens of another country. — An executive order naming 50 allegedly “corrupt” judges, which the president announced during a visit on foreign soil. — Documents related to an incident in March 2019 involving four Americans and two Serbs who were arrested in Port-au-Prince with a cache of weapons in their unmarked car along with their Haitian driver. The men, suspected to be mercenaries, were released and put on a plane bound for the U.S. without being charged. One of the men later told the Miami Herald he was a former Navy SEAL who was in the country doing security
work. ‘We’re not mercenaries. We’re not murderers,’ says ex-Navy SEAL arrested... A former Navy Seal who was detained in Haiti along with four other Americans and turned over to US custody, said... One of the opposition deputies, Deus Deronneth, told VOA Creole that when the documents are made public, “you will see why the president and his majority party are afraid, especially since they claim to be fighting corruption.” The legislators already have access to some of the documents through unofficial means, but Deronneth said they were proceeding through official channels for fear of attempts to keep witnesses from testifying and discredit documents they intend to submit as proof. In the meantime, the parliament is mired in infighting. The chaotic atmosphere and obstructionist tactics have had a devastating effect on the Western Hemisphere’s poorest country. Inflation has reached 18%, unemployment is over 13%, and the nation remains without a prime minister five months after Jean Henry Ceant resigned. Ceant’s government was dissolved in March after a 93-6 vote of no confidence in the parliament. In July, Moise named FritzWilliam Michel, a virtual unknown, as his new prime minister. But the opposition has blocked all attempts to vote on the nomination, insisting the parliament deal first with the indictment of the president.
Cayman Islands: Government maintains fiscal surplus THE Cayman Islands government continued to raise higher than expected revenues in the second quarter of 2019, which produced a 65% larger than budgeted surplus for the public sector. An unaudited quarterly financial report covering the first six months of the year showed a fiscal surplus for the public sector of $201 million, compared to the $122 million anticipated by the budget. Revenue from levies, duties, fees and government charges of $499 million where $51 million higher than expected and $25.9 million higher than a year ago. Record numbers of stayover tourist visitors to the islands have been driving up tourist accommodation charges and stamp duties raised from property transfers were also contributing to the positive result, even though revenues were
Finance Minister Roy McTaggart said he was pleased with the continuing positive performance of public sector finances.
12% lower than last year. Banks and Trust License fees were higher than anticipated as a result of fewer terminations than expected and larger fees charged on
higher asset values held by licensees. Also, partnership fees were higher as registrations surpassed the anticipated growth of the sector, resulting in a 17.6% higher revenue. In contrast, annual permanent resident work permit fees, security investment business licenses and funds raised from grants providing for the continuation of work permits fell short of the budgeted amounts. On the spending side, core government expenditure grew by 11% over last year, outpacing the core government revenue growth of 7%. While personnel costs of $158 million were $2.9 million lower than budgeted for the first half of the year due unfilled vacancies, the 5% cost of living adjustment at the end of the third quarter of 2018 meant that staff costs were 12.7% higher than last year.
World News
August 17-23, 2019
Brexit: Corbyn plans to call noconfidence vote to defeat no-deal JEREMY Corbyn has urged the leaders of the other opposition parties and Tory rebels to install him as caretaker PM in order to stop a nodeal Brexit. If he wins a no-confidence vote in the government, the Labour leader plans to delay Brexit, call a snap election and campaign for another referendum. But Liberal Democrat leader Jo Swinson said she would not support making Mr Corbyn prime minister. She called him “divisive” and said he would not command MPs’ support. In speech on Thursday, she said her party would work with others to stop a no-deal exit but Mr Corbyn was not a leader “respected on both sides of the House”. Instead, she suggested Tory MP Ken Clarke or Labour’s Harriet Harman could lead an emergency government to prevent a no-deal on the 31 October deadline. She added that MPs should “stand and be counted” and try to pass legislation in Parliament to ensure the UK does not leave without an agreement with the EU. Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said the SNP would “work with anybody at Westminster to try to stop Brexit, and avert the catastrophe of a no-deal Brexit.” “I think the thing for Jeremy Corbyn though is he has to finally and firmly come off the fence on Brexit and stop trying to equivocate and prevaricate,” she said. Downing Street said Mr Corbyn
Jeremy Corbyn asked opposition figures and Tory rebels for their support in a letter on Wednesday, pledging that a government led by him would be “strictly time-limited”.
would “overrule the referendum and wreck the economy” if he became prime minister. A No 10 spokesman said: “Jeremy Corbyn believes that the people are the servants and politicians can cancel public votes they don’t like.” Mr Corbyn asked opposition figures and Tory rebels for their support in a letter on Wednesday, pledging that a government led by him would be “strictly time-limited”. He said he would call a noconfidence vote - which would require majority support - at the “earliest opportunity when we can be confident of success”. If he were to succeed in calling a general election - which would require the support of two-thirds of
MPs - Labour would campaign for a second referendum with the option to remain in the EU, he said. Prime Minister Boris Johnson said he wants a deal with the European Union, but insists the UK must leave the bloc by the end of October “do or die”. Also receiving the letter were Tory MPs Dominic Grieve, Sir Oliver Letwin and Dame Caroline Spelman, and Nick Boles, the independent MP who quit the Tory Party over Brexit. Responding on Thursday, they said they were happy to support cross-party work to block no deal and meet Mr Corbyn and MPs from other parties in the coming weeks. BBC political correspondent Tom Barton said the initial response from the other parties suggests Mr Corbyn probably doesn’t have the numbers to get his plan through. “There are plenty of MPs who say they want to stop a no-deal Brexit but getting them to agree on how to do it - that’s a different matter altogether,” he says. Shadow education secretary Angela Rayner criticised Ms Swinson for saying she wouldn’t support a Corbyn-led government, accusing her of “political pointscoring”. “Our leader is Jeremy Corbyn and she should respect his title as the official opposition”, she tweeted. “When you’re looking at no-deal Brexit and our country in peril, to say ‘I’m not working with him because I don’t like him’ is a very childish thing to do”.
A view shows the Ural Airlines Airbus 321 passenger plane following an emergency landing in a field near Zhukovsky International Airport in Moscow Region, Russia August 15, 2019. (Reuters)
Russian pilot hailed after ‘miracle’ landing of passenger jet following bird strike A RUSSIAN airliner carrying 226 passengers made an emergency landing in a cornfield outside Moscow’s Zhukovsky International Airport on Thursday after hitting a flock of birds during take-off, causing both engines to malfunction,
according to the airline. Ural Airlines pilot Damir Yusupov was called a “hero” by Russian media for successfully landing the plane with the engines off and the landing gear up, according to Reuters.
The Ministry of Health said 23 passengers suffered mostly minor injuries in the landing, which state television dubbed the “miracle over Ramensk” in a reference to 2009’s “Miracle on the Hudson” near New York City.
While many of the demonstrations were peaceful, an increasing number have ended in violent clashes with police.
Hong Kong protests: UK should not interfere, says Chinese ambassador CHINA’S ambassador to the UK has warned British politicians against interfering in Hong Kong’s affairs, amid clashes between protesters and police. Liu Xiaoming said the UK should “refrain from saying or doing anything that interferes or undermines the rule of law in Hong Kong”. Some British politicians think “their hands are still in the colonial days”, he told a press conference in London. The UK has has called for “calm from all sides”. Millions of Hong Kong citizens have taken part in 10 weeks of anti-government protests, demanding democratic reform and an investigation into alleged police brutality. While many of the demonstrations were peaceful, an increasing number have ended in violent clashes with police. Mr Liu’s warning comes days after the Chinese foreign ministry told Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab to stop interfering in Hong Kong’s affairs. He accused some British politicians of viewing Hong Kong as “part of the British empire” He made the comment in response to a question about a proposal by Commons Foreign Affairs Select Committee chairman Tom Tugendhat to extend UK citizenship rights to Hong Kong Chinese. “I think some of them still regard Hong Kong as part of British empire and they treat Hong Kong as part of the UK,” Mr Liu said. “They are going to have to change their mindset, put them in the proper position and regard Hong Kong as a part of China, not as a part of the UK”, he added. Hong Kong, which was a British colony until 1997, is a special administrative region of China, giving it greater independence. The Sino-British Joint Declaration signed in 1984 said Hong Kong would enjoy a “high degree of
autonomy, except in foreign and defence affairs” and be “vested with executive, legislative and independent judicial power”. Mr Liu questioned whether the government would allow protesters to commit “crimes” in the UK. “Would the UK allow extremists to storm the Palace of Westminster and damage its facilities and get away with it?” he said. “Would the UK give permission for attacking police officers with lethal weapons or set fire to police stations without any punishment? “Would the UK allow so-called pro-democracy rioters to occupy the airport, obstruct traffic, disturb social order or threaten the safety and people’s life and property? “Aren’t all these regarded as crimes in the UK?” He condemned unnamed “Western politicians and organisations” for lending “support to violent radicals” and trying to “obstruct Hong Kong’s police from bringing the violent offenders to justice”. He added: “Foreign forces must stop interfering in Hong Kong’s affairs. “Evidence shows that the situation in Hong Kong would not have deteriorated so much if it had not been for the interference and incitement of foreign forces.” The protests initially started after Hong Kong introduced a bill in April that would allow those accused of crimes against mainland China to be extradited there. The bill’s critics said the move could endanger activists and journalists, and result in those accused facing unfair trials and violent treatment. The bill was suspended in July after hundreds of people took to the streets in protest. The protesters have since called for the complete withdrawal of the extradition bill and for other democratic reforms, including amnesty for all arrested activists. (BBC)
August 17-23, 2019
World News
Seized Iranian tanker Grace 1 to be released despite US plea Nancy Pelosi said that: “Brexit cannot be allowed to imperil the Good Friday Agreement, including the seamless border between the Irish Republic and Northern Ireland”.
Brexit: No chance of US trade deal if Irish accord hit - Pelosi A US-UK trade deal will not get through Congress if Brexit undermines the Good Friday Agreement, the Speaker of the US House of Representatives has said. Democrat Nancy Pelosi, whose party controls the House, said the UK’s exit from the EU could not be allowed to endanger the Irish peace deal. Her comments came after the US national security adviser said the UK would be “first in line” for a trade deal. John Bolton spoke after meeting Prime Minister Boris Johnson in London. The reimposition of frontier controls between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland if the UK leaves the EU without mutual agreement on 31 October - a socalled “hard Brexit” - is seen as a threat to the 1998 Good Friday Agreement, which ended decades of bloodshed in Northern Ireland. “Whatever form it takes, Brexit
cannot be allowed to imperil the Good Friday Agreement, including the seamless border between the Irish Republic and Northern Ireland,” Ms Pelosi said in a statement on Wednesday. Mr Bolton said on Tuesday that the Trump administration supported a no-deal Brexit, and added Washington would propose an accelerated series of trade deals in the event of one. He said these could be done on a “sector-by-sector” basis, with an agreement on manufacturing made first. A trade deal for financial services and agriculture would not be the first to be agreed, he added. Asked whether his proposed plan would follow World Trade Organization (WTO) rules, Mr Bolton said “our trade negotiators seem to think it is”. He said there would be enthusiastic bipartisan support in Congress for speedy ratification at each stage.
A SEIZED oil tanker at the center of a standoff between Britain and Iran is free to set sail, despite eleventh-hour efforts by the United States to halt the move to release it. The Supreme Court in the British territory of Gibraltar approved the release of the Grace 1, after authorities said they no longer wished to detain it. Gibraltar’s Chief Minister said he had accepted a pledge from Iran that, were the tanker to be released, its cargo would not be taken to its suspected original destination of Syria, which would have been in contravention of EU sanctions against Riyadh. At an earlier hearing, Gibraltar attorney general Joseph Triay said the US Department of Justice had applied to have the ship seized. The status of Washington’s legal efforts was unclear Thursday. After the Grace 1 was impounded by Gibraltar, Iran seized a Britishflagged tanker in the Gulf. The status of that ship, the Stena Impero, remained unchanged Thursday, its owners said. A spokesperson for the Stena Impero’s owners said that the Grace 1 “is an entirely separate situation from our perspective” but its released “could be seen as a positive step” for the Stena Impero. A spokesman for Gibraltar’s attorney general separately announced that the captain of the Grace 1 and three officers would be released. British Royal Marines and Gibraltar port and law enforcement agencies stormed the ship on July 4 under the belief that the vessel carried oil destined for Syria, which would have been in violation of
A stern view of the Grace 1 super tanker in the British territory of Gibraltar on Thursday.
European Union sanctions. “We have reason to believe that the Grace 1 was carrying its shipment of crude oil to the Baniyas Refinery in Syria,” Spain’s acting foreign minister, Josep Borrell, said at the time, adding that the United States had asked the UK to intercept the ship. Gibraltar is a British overseas territory on the edge of southern Spain. Iran has criticised the seizure as “illegal” and condemned the operation as “piracy,” according to a report at the time from the semiofficial Tasnim news agency. Less than two weeks later, Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) said its navy had captured a British-flagged oil tanker, Stena
Impero, in the Strait of Hormuz and accused it of “violating international regulations.” Jeremy Hunt, the UK’s thenForeign Secretary, said in a statement that the incident showed “worrying signs Iran may be choosing a dangerous path of illegal and destabilizing behavior,” and added that the UK’s response would be “considered, but robust.” Nearly a month later, the tanker -- and its crew -- remain detained in Iran. Prior to the seizures, tensions in the Persian Gulf had been steadily escalating after Iran confirmed it would stop complying with several parts of the 2015 nuclear deal, which the Trump administration withdrew from last year. (CNN)
British woman Natalie Crichlow set on fire in Barbados A BRITISH woman has died in Barbados after being doused in a flammable liquid and set alight while in bed. Natalie Crichlow’s “shocked and devastated” family are raising funds to repatriate her body. Ms Crichlow, 44, of Colindale in London, was in Barbados to look after her disabled brother when she was attacked. The mother of three had survived cancer twice and had two strokes in the past decade, according to her niece. Ashley Best said her aunt suffered 75% burns to her body in the attack in Christchurch on 28 July. She died in hospital on 6 August. Ms Best said: “The intruder broke in the house, then strangled her and
then set her alight. She went into hospital and died of her injuries. “I do not understand why it happened and we are all in a state of shock.” Ms Crichlow, who was born in Luton, has three children aged 10, 20 and 26 who are “devastated” and want to get her back home to Britain for burial. They have set up a crowd-funding page in an attempt to raise £8,000 to bring her body home. Her niece said the family are concerned the Royal Barbados Police Force is not treating the death as a murder investigation. A spokesman for the local police told the Press Association no arrests had been made.
Ms Crichlow died of her injuries after being choked and set on fire while in bed.
Ms Best said of her aunt: “For someone who had battled through so much to just be taken in this way and lose their life is just beyond understanding. “She said she wanted to live life to the fullest because her life had nearly been taken from her.” Family friend Mitra Wikes said Ms Crichlow was “a true survivor and warrior who endured so much in life but always kept going and had a true passion for living life to the max no matter what she had gone through”. A Foreign Office spokesman said: “Our staff are supporting the family of a British woman following her death in Barbados, and are in contact with the Barbados police force.” (BBC)
August 17-23, 2019
World News
Blank-page book on Brazil’s Jair Bolsonaro goes viral A 190-page book on why Brazil’s far-right President
Jair Bolsonaro “should be respected and trusted” has
gone viral on social media after it emerged 188 of its
To provide reliable, confidential and efficient secretarial support service for the Commission.
• assisting the Commission’s Secretary, in the discharge of her duties; • assisting the Compliance Unit, and/or any other unit of the Commission, in the discharge of their duties; • handling sensitive and confidential documents and materials; • scanning of documents and inputting data on a regular basis; • maintaining a comprehensive filing system; • screening incoming calls and answering routine questions; • scheduling appointments for the Commission and Staff Members; • receiving and dispensing mails; • taking notes of meetings when needed; • such other duties that may be assigned.
pages are blank. The author said it was a “protest” to force people to “come up with their own answers” on the controversial leader. In a few hours more than 200 reviews were posted on the book’s Amazon page. Most of them praised the initiative but a few said they had been misled. The author said nobody had bought the book. After it went viral online, a warning saying “Attention: satirical book” was added to its description on Amazon and the book was listed as unavailable, O Globo newspaper reports (in Portuguese). Mr Bolsonaro, who came to power in January, is a deeply divisive figure who has made racist, homophobic and misogynistic remarks. In recent weeks, he has been internationally criticised for the increasing deforestation of
There have been protests against Mr Bolsonaro but he still is very popular among his supporters.
the Amazon rainforest. The president, a former army captain and congressman, has not commented on the book. The author, 30-year-old Willyam Thums from the southern city of Porto Alegre, described the book Why does Bolsonaro deserve respect and trust? as an “answer to the question that hasn’t silenced Brazil”.
“It’s a protest,” he told Veja São Paulo website (in Portuguese). “The idea is to not give any answer as I think Bolsonaro doesn’t deserve anything.” On the two pages where there is text, Mr Thums describes the book as the “result of countless hours of work” offering an “exclusively impartial” view about the “undeniable merits” of Mr Bolsonaro.
• An Associate Degree in Business Administration or equivalent qualification; • A minimum of 5 years experience in multi-tasking secretarial service or related field.
• possession of the highest standards of integrity and probity, and understanding of fiduciary responsibilities to the people of the Turks and Caicos Islands; • ability to work effectively in teams, as well as being able to work unsupervised and under pressure; • excellent oral and written communication and presentation skills; • excellent demonstration of inter-personal skills, respect and high regards for sensitive and confidential information and materials; • excellent computer skills particularly in the use of Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Power Point and Publisher. • experience in QuickBooks and bookkeeping • proven proficiency in data entry
The injured man is helped by a medic and police officers outside the Home Office in London, Britain.
• Salary is $30,000 per annum. Location This position will be initially based in Grand Turk, for up to a 12 month period. There is the option, to be relocated to Providenciales, at the discretion of the Commission, at any time during this period.
Man stabbed in the face outside Britain’s Home Office, suspect arrested
A MAN is recovering from his injuries Thursday after being stabbed in the face outside Britain’s Home Office, officials said. The unidentified victim was pictured shirtless and covered in blood being led by armed police away from the Peel Building in Westminster, central London, around half a mile from the Houses of Parliament. Priti Patel, the home secretary, said on Twitter: “All my thoughts are with the victim and their family following horrific unprovoked knife attack on Marsham Street.” The suspect was arrested
Applicants are requested to submit their CV together with an accompanying letter demonstrating why they would wish to work with the Commission and what particular attributes they would bring to its work. Certified copies of qualifications as well as the names and letters of two referees must be submitted with your application. The deadline for submission of applications is 6th September 2019, with a view to commencing work latest by November 2019. Belongers need only apply. Please note that only applicants selected for interview will be notified. Applicants who had previously applied for this post need not apply for it again.
Applications should be returned to the Secretary, TCI Integrity Commission either by email, fax, or mail Direct mail should be addressed to Mrs. Wanda Ariza, Secretary, The Integrity Commission, Franklyn Missick Building, Church Folly, Grand Turk, Turks and Caicos Islands. The contact details are: e-mail: secretary@ integritycommission.tc; Tel. 1-649-946-1941; Fax. 1-649-946-1355.
on suspicion of grievous bodily harm, according to the Metropolitan Police. The victim’s injuries are not being considered as life-threatening. The incident comes just a day after the Home Office, which deals with crime, security and immigration in the U.K., was criticized for launching a new campaign which aimed to discourage knife crime with messages on boxes of fried chicken. More than 321,000 chicken boxes featuring the #knifefree campaign have been distributed “to tackle the senseless violence that is traumatizing communities and claiming too many
young lives,” according to Kit Malthouse, the policing minister. But critics, including David Lammy, a member of parliament for the opposition Labour party, lambasted the campaign as racist. He told The Guardian: “The Home Office is using taxpayers’ money to sponsor an age-old trope. [Prime Minister] Boris Johnson has already called black people ‘piccaninnies with watermelon smiles.’ Now his government is pushing the stereotype that black people love fried chicken. This ridiculous stunt is either explicitly racist or, at best, unfathomably stupid.”
August 17-23, 2019
• Must be able to work all days and shifts and be on call for emergency service request
REQUIREMENTS: • Minimum two years’ experience at a property of similar size as an accountant • Sound training in all areas of accounting from A/P, A/R, General Ledger, Credit. Collections, Audit. Inventory control, • Payroll, Budgeting, Costing, P & L preparation and analysis, etc. • Advanced knowledge and skills in computer systems, most specifically, Excel Spreadsheet Solutions • Demonstrate understanding of interdepartmental relations and expectations in the luxury hotel market. • Sound knowledge of American Accounting Plans • Willingness to complete a variety of tasks as assigned by Financial Controller • Must be able and willing to work all days and shifts
DUTIES INCLUDE: • Providing routine maintenance of hardware, software and systems • Installing/configuring computers/telephones and point of sales equipment and other systems equipment. • Installing, maintaining and repairing Wi-Fi system equipment • Installing/maintaining/repairing CCTV System • Repairing/upgrading hardware and software. • Troubleshooting printers/scanners/copiers. • Maintaining inventory of equipment and supplies. • Maintaining server room(s) and ensuring proper security for such. • Completing system backups according to required schedule. • Researching, learning and evaluating new software and hardware • Documenting and maintaining record keeping for all systems Starting salary $32,000-$35,000 not including service charge.
DUTIES INCLUDE: • Preparing and posting of various General Ledger entries each month with appropriate backups as well as assist with preparation of monthly financial statements for final review by Financial Controller for Management Company and Strata Corporation. • Prepare monthly reconciliation of balance sheet accounts for Management Company and Strata Corporation. • Prepare of bi-weekly payroll entries for the resort from reports received from Payroll Master and make necessary accruals, if ending of payroll is different from ending of accounting period. • Prepare and balance NIB and NHIP reconciliation on time for monthly submissions. This includes coordinating with Human Resources, Payroll Master and NIB/NHIP on ensuring numbers are all correct and current in ADP and submission. • Ensure that cash reconciliation between PMS system and physical deposits is maintained by Income Auditor and verifying all variances are being followed up and resolved in a timely manner. • Ensuring that credit card reconciliation between PMS system, shift 4, and bank account is maintained and any variances are being followed up in a timely manner.
IT Technician* REQUIREMENTS: • Minimum of 3 years’ experience as an IT Technician • Post-secondary degree or equivalent qualification by experience • Must have experience working with Opera and Visual One, Mitel Phone System, Cisco CCTV System, Fiber Optic Music System (fiber optic), Micros, Data Works and Premier Spa • Must be able to respond quickly and effectively to diagnose and resolve hardware and software problems for all systems, and document tracks and reports on deficiencies, progress and follow-up • Must read, speak and write English fluently
Pool and Beach Attendant REQUIREMENTS: • Must be able to work in all outdoor element, rain, sun, etc. as required • Must be able to work long hours on feet • Must be able to lift 30lbs or more • Must be trained and certified in CPR, First Aid. • Life guard experience is a plus • Must be able and willing to work all days and shifts DUTIES INCLUDE: • Creating a luxury guest experience through delivery of high level service for all pool and beach services Starting salary $6.25 per hour not including service charge
Pool & Beach Supervisor REQUIREMENTS: • Must be an excellent swimmer with rescue capability and first aid training • Must be able to operate and teach others to operate catamarans, kayaks other watercrafts • Must be able to be on your feet for long periods of time and able to lift at least 50 lbs • Must be calm under pressure and possess the ability to instill in all pool and beach staff that they are there to serve the guest quickly and courteously DUTIES INCLUDE: • Supervising and overseeing the pool and beach staff and providing training • Ensuring that the umbrellas, chairs etc. are properly
set up at the correct time each morning and properly stowed away each evening • Ensuring pool and beach areas are clean and well maintained at all times with sufficient clean towels available Starting salary $6.25 per hour not including service charge.
Commis Pastry Chef REQUIREMENTS: • Must have previously worked as a pastry chef for a minimum of 2 years in a luxury Resort. • Demonstrate understanding of the technical skills for assigned area (all kitchen work stations). • Post-secondary degree or equivalent qualification by experience. • Experience with, and are comfortable preparing a variety of different pastries in a fine dining environment. • Understand the importance of consistency. • Knowledge of food preparation techniques and health/safety requirements. • Must be able and willing to work all days and shifts. DUTIES INCLUDE: • Ensures the highest quality of product within cost constraints by participating in the preparation of baked goods, pastries, desserts, ice carvings and show pieces • Assists in creating daily specials and signature desserts • Assist in producing the production of all pastry items, ensuring the right quantity and the highest standards of quality Starting salary $6.25 an hour not including service charge.
Night Auditor REQUIREMENTS: • At least 3 years in a similar role at a property of similar size and quality • Technical proficiency (computer applications) • Strong organizational and time management discipline • Understanding of hospitality operating systems DUTIES INCLUDE: • Ensure accurate and timely recording and reporting of all property receipts. • Input into the front office system revenue/expenses/ allowances to generate the daily reports such as the Guest Ledger Summary and the Daily Restaurant Summary • Balance all revenue and settlement accounts nightly, maintain files and reset the system for next day operations • Assist with guest needs as required during the shift
*POSITIONS MARKED WITH (*) ARE POSITIONS CURRENTLY HELD BY A WORK PERMIT HOLDER. Interested applicants can apply in person at The Palms’ Human Resources Department on Monday through Friday between 9am – 5pm, resumes can also be dropped off to the employment center. Please bring along with you an updated resume that will be attached to your completed application form. Applicants can also email their resumes to careers@thepalmstc.com Attention: Dian Kennedy, no later than end of day, August, Monday 26th, 2019. For further information, please do not hesitate to contact us at 946-8666.
Duties: painting, cleaning debris from job site; to assemble and break down scaffold. Salary $8.00 per hour This position is for a first time applicant
Duties: follow blue print, measure, cut, shape wood and other materials, construct
buildings from start to finish, instruct labourers and other helpers. Salary: $10.00 per hour These positions are for first time applicants
Duties: masonry techniques, lay blocks or bricks, lay out work using chalk line, tape and square, plaster block wall Salary: $10.00 per hour
These positions is for a first time applicants
Contact: 431-4371/243-4272 Email : derrykumar@hotmail.com
LESTER CARTER Long Bay, Providenciales is currently looking to fill the position of a
this position is for the renewal of work permit. This position is currently held by a Permit holder. The individual must hold a valid driver’s license, general cleaning and maintaining of the property Must be willing to work 6days a week..please forward all applications to lestercarter@ hotmail.com
Interested Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department Salary is $6.50hr. 17760
PORT ATLANTIC CONSTRUCTION Behind Bugaloo’s, Five Cays Is seeking to employ an
• Install and maintain wiring, control, and lighting systems. Inspect electrical components. Identify electrical problems. Repair or replace wiring, equipment, or fixtures. • 5 days a week. Salary: $10 hourly
CONTACT: 346-6622
#87 Marby Drive, Juba Sound Is seeking to employ a
• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 343-6168
CONTACT: 333-7201 EMAIL: SUNSETPHARMACY2@ GMAIL.COM Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
Only need belongers need apply . Kindly note that these are first time work permit
Interested applicants should submit a detailed applications to Chris or Marie @jakarah.com
Salary $2000.00 per month Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department 17762
#642 Bible Street, Blue Hills, Providenciales Is seeking to employ
2 LABOURERS Clean tires.
Assist other workers To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 2427796 OR 346-2674
- Duties-general cleaning and maintaining of property Salary- $1800 per month
Interested applicants should submit a detailed applications to Chris or marie @jakarah.com or Labor Department All applicants must have a valid driver’s license and must be willing to be on call at all time 17759
BACK ROAD, BLUE HILLS Is seeking to employ a
Remy Street, Five Cays Is seeking to employ a
Help the patient get dressed, eat, bathe and complete light housekeeping duties. Plan, prepare and monitor meals. Run errands, remind patients of medications. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 343-5585
• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other work. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
MOLINE PIERRE-JEAN Ralph Close, Blue Hills Is seeking to employ a
• Ensuring a safe environment, preparing and giving meals, bathing and dressing children, administering medicine, doing housework, and disciplining children when necessary. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week. Salary: $300 weekly
Monica Simmons is looking for a Domestic Worker at Grand Turk, TCI area. To wash, iron, clean and assist with an elderly person. This position is presently held by a work permit holder. Applicants who are TC Islanders should send copies of their applications to the Labour Board. Salary: $6.25 per hour
#24 FLAMINGO PARK Is seeking to employ a
• Sweeping, mopping, dusting and polishing. Ensuring all rooms are cared for and inspected according to standards. • Must work at flexible hours. Salary: $1,000 monthly
CONTACT: 432-0090
• Knowledge of POS systems. • Customer friendly and punctual. • Cashing and selling retail products. • To work 6 days a week Salary: $6.25 hourly
• This position is for the renewal of work permit. this position is currently held by a Permit holder. • The individual must hold a valid driver’s license, general cleaning and maintaining of the property • Must be willing to work 6days a week
- Duties, general cleaning of villa on a daily basis, - Salary - $1800.00 per month
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. These positions currently held by work permit holders 17720
Maintenance worker
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is a First Time work permit holder
#5 Academy, Unit #1, Downtown Is seeking to employ a
Long Bay, Providenciales Is currently looking to fill the following position
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17720
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is a First Time work permit holder
LONG BAY, PROVIDENCIALES is currently to fill the position of a
King Road, Bottle Creek, North Caicos Is seeking the following persons:
August 17-23, 2019
Back Selina, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a
• Receive payment by cash, checks and credit cards, Issue receipts, and change. Count money in cash drawers to ensure that amounts are correct. • 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 241-1652
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17748
Back Road, Blue Hills Is seeking to employ a
• Clean cars. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 243-0943 OR 341-2830 OR 348-5767
EMAIL: REFERENCEPLUS001@ GMAIL.COM Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is a First Time work permit holder 17751
PROFESSIONAL ISLAND LOOKS Grace Bay Beach & Lower Bight Beach Is seeking to employ a
NORTH CAICOS Seeks to Employ a
CONTACT: 345-5401
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
#54 Airport Road Is seeking to employ a
• Stocking and supplying designated facility areas, dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, cleaning ceiling vents, restroom cleaning etc. • To work 6 days. Salary: $7 hourly
CONTACT: 241-8121
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17758
CONTACT: 242-3335
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17708
CONTACT: 348-9900
MARIE CONTRACTING & MARIE FAMILY STORE #18 Residence Yard, Five Cays. Is seeking
• Verifying specifications and price; obtaining recommendations from suppliers for substitute items; obtaining approval from requisitioning department. • 6 days a week. Salary: $300 weekly
CONTACT: 244-7519
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
Laying tiles
Perform physical and manual work including laying foundations, fitting windows, clearing sites, building walls, digging trenches, etc.
Fixing roof, installing doors, windows and cabinets, etc.
Laying building materials such as bricks concrete etc.
Cook, clean and wash etc. Hours of work are 8 per day, 5 days per week. Salary: $6.50 to $10 hourly
CONTACT: 344-3710
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board These positions are Vacant
August 17-23, 2019 ROBINSON SURVEY SERVICES #512 Leeward Highway, Town Center Mall Is seeking to employ
Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 232-1050
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is a First Time work permit holder 17730
RUTH BLACKMAN Godet's Apartments Grand Turk is seeking to employ a
Manicures, gel nails, nail fills, nail repair, and nail polishing. Pedicures and acrylic nails.
#406 MILLENNIUM HIGHWAYS, BLUE HILLS Is seeking to employ a
• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other work. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 241-1429
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17735
Shampooing, cutting, and styling hair, hair treatments, deep conditioning, hair coloring, and weaving. Salary: $6.25 hourly CONTACT: 347-3121
Belongers are strongly encouraged to apply at The Labour Board These positions are work permit Renewals 17654
#4 Spot Plaza, Airport Road Is seeking to employ
Leeward Highway, The Bight Is seeking to employ a
household chores, cleaning, laundry and running errands if and when necessary must be willing to work 5 days a week Salary $6.25 per hour
• Fit and study garments to determine required alterations. Use needles, thread and sewing machines. Measure sleeves or pant legs, and mark or pin-fold alteration lines. • 6 days a week. Salary: $7 hourly
CONTACT #232-1952
CONTACT: 346-3169
work permit renewal Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department 17757
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is a First Time work permit holder 17714
• Assist mason, carpenter and other workers on the construction site. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week Salary: $8 hourly
CONTACT: 247-9445
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17737
JOB VACANCY PORT SECURITY OFFICER Reporting Officer: Port Facility Security Officer Salary: $26, 601.00 per annum Supervises: N/A Location: Providenciales, Port Facility
This position is responsible for applying security measures and procedures in such a manner as to cause minimum interference with, or delay to ships, ship personnel and visitors, and/or goods and services. Also, to protect property from theft or damage or persons from hazards or interference. Makes periodic tours to check for irregularities and inspect protection devices. Preserves order and may enforce regulations pertaining to personnel, visitors and premises. May be exposed to inclement weather or be required to work in environments or under conditions that require the use of protective gear and devices and/or awareness of personal safety and safety of others.
• • • • • • •
Knowledge of security operations and procedures Good oral communications and basic report writing skills Basic computer skills Clean Police Record issued within the last 6 months Passport or Status Card Drivers’ license Flexible to work shifts
• Must possess a High School Diploma or equivalent • Previous security experience a plus
• At least 5 years’ experience in a fast paced, high volume kitchen working the line • Cook eggs and other breakfast items to order to customer’s specification. Cook lunch and dinner items to order to customer’s specification to include, but not limited to: • Cooking meats to temperature such as hamburgers and steaks • Produce salads, sandwiches, tacos, quesadillas, burritos, fajitas and other • Tex - Mex items that appear on the menu at Somewhere Café and Lounge. • Assist with prepping foods for service by following recipe standards, strong knife skills and • proper sanitation to produce high quality food that accurately represents the Café. • Work with other kitchen staff members to execute food, prioritize steps, and contribute to the overall • team atmosphere of the kitchen. • Participate in daily cleaning duties as per scheduled by the Chef to maintain a clean safe environment for all employees to work in. • Cook on the line, during service in a high pressure environment, executing food to order in an ala minute • kitchen according to the ticket in a timely manner. • Be able to stand on one’s feet for 8 hours and be comfortable lifting up to 50 pounds or more without physical restrictions. • Be available to work holidays and weekends with a flexible schedule. • Belongers given preference. This is a permit renewal ad. Pay: $9/hr
Submit resume, certifications and current police record in person to be to Somewhere Café and Lounge, Coral Gardens Resort, Providenciales, TCI or email to: ecruz@somewherecafeandlounge.com 649 941 8260
• Controls access to the Port facility; assists visitors with legitimate need to gain entry to the facility. • Screens visitors and port employees in an efficient manner in order to expedite their admittance to the facility. • Prevents unapproved or unlawful entry; controls the movement of people and vehicles and parking; operates a gate and examines vehicle contents • Monitors remote entrances using close circuit television; operates remote access devices and calmly directs persons who cause a disturbance to leave the property. • Communicates in a manner that is open, honest and responsive in all situations; to the extent authorized, provides information regarding the facility and surrounding area as requested by visitors. • Patrols assigned site(s) on foot or in vehicle; checks for unsafe conditions, hazards, unlocked doors, security violations blocked ingress and egress and unauthorized persons; inspect vehicles and grounds using appropriate equipment and protective gear. • Observes and reports incidents or suspicious activity to client representatives, port management, life and safety personnel or public safety authorities as appropriate for the circumstances and/or as required by the post • Prepares log or reports as required for post; writes or types reports or enters data in a computer using standard grammar; inspects security control logs and takes action as required. • Responds to emergencies in an orderly manner utilizing proper training and following all protocols. • Carries out tasks and duties of a similar nature and scope as required for the assigned post. The foregoing represents a definition of the main functions and requirements for this position but are not an exhaustive list of duties. The Ports Authority reserves the right to make amendments from time to time in accordance with needs of the organization.
Resumes should be forwarded to
Deleria Simms Human Resource Manager Ports Authority of the Turks and Caicos Islands email: dsimms@portstci.com Or hand delivered to the Ports Authority Office South Dock, Providenciales No later than August 23rd 2019
August 17-23, 2019
First responders learn urban search and rescue techniques FIRST responders are now better equipped to respond to natural and manmade disasters following a five-day search and rescue course.
The rigorous Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) training was put on by the Department of Disaster Management and Emergencies (DDME).
It got underway at the DDME’s Leeward Highway building on Monday (August 12) and concluded on Friday (August 17). The training targeted participants from a wide-cross section of society including police officers, firefighters, high school students, church members and volunteer residents. Participants were exposed to resources that included search, medical and structural assessment capacity, and specialised rescue skills. Team members also received technical training to prepare them to engage in hostile environmental conditions in both urban and wilderness settings. A statement from DDME said the USAR training provided a coordinated interagency platform to manage
and administer land-based search and rescue activities. “It is a key component of a country’s ability to deal with the consequences of emergencies or disasters, including but not limited to earthquakes, tropical cyclones, aircraft incidents, terrorist activities and hazardous materials releases,” the department said. On Wednesday, Governor Nigel Dakin participated in one of the simulation exercises aimed at locating a missing person in Providenciales. Following the exercise, the governor said he was pleased with the competence demonstrated by the team. “So I arrived here at the beginning of the briefing. The brief was a male had gone missing two weeks ago they believed that he was in dense bush. “They had a start point, they split down into three teams they did a very wellconstructed and well-ordered search with expert guidance. “They started to identify where the individual might be through keen observation... clues found on the ground. “In the end, very unfortunately, it was not somebody that needed rescuing but somebody that needed to be recovered - they died certainly under suspicious circumstances. “And a whole set of
Participants practice victim transport during the training sessions
thinking came in about who they needed to call to the scene including a doctor to certify death but also the police. “I’m expecting to see just what I saw here, capability on the island that if somebody goes missing we can call on that capability and we’ve got a really well structured response to it. That’s what I saw and I’m really pleased.” District Commissioner
of Middle Caicos Fredrico Johnson, who was recently involved in a real-life search and rescue mission following the tragic drowning of three American tourists on the island, said the training is very beneficial. “The training has been very interactive. The instructors are very knowledgeable in everything that they teach you. They show examples of what
August 17-23, 2019
The search and rescue team conducts a missing person exercise
they’ve been through and I can see this crossing over into Middle Caicos being that we’re such a large island with so much terrain. “We have the caves and the ledges over the beaches, especially down in the Conch Bar area ...hopefully we don’t
have to use it but to have the capabilities to start the search and rescue process so that when we have other teams coming from Provo they would complement us.” The training was conducted by Abdias Samuel, national disaster coordinator at
the National Emergency Management Agency, St Kitts and Nevis; George Hazel, clinical services manager at Emergency Training Institute of Trinidad and Tobago and Carlos Bishop, leading fire officer at the Barbados Fire Service. (By Olivia Rose)
Rapid trauma assessment training was part of the intensive course
August 17-23, 2019
Plácido Domingo denies sexual harassment accusations THE opera singer Plácido Domingo has been accused of sexually harassing several women over a number of decades. Eight singers and a dancer claim they were sexually harassed by the Spanish tenor from the late 1980s, according to the Associated Press news agency. Only one of the women, mezzosoprano Patricia Wulf, agreed to be named. Domingo has denied the accusations, and the Los Angeles Opera - which he directs - has pledged to investigate with the help of “outside counsel”. “Still, it is painful to hear that I may have upset anyone or made them feel uncomfortable no matter
how long ago and despite my best intentions,” continued Mr Domingo. “People who know me or who have worked with me know that I am not someone who would intentionally harm, offend, or embarrass anyone.” Six other women also claim the tenor made them feel uncomfortable by making “sexual overtures” towards them, AP reported. Ms Wulf said he didn’t physically touch her but would come up close to her every time she walked off stage and ask if she “had to go home tonight”. Another woman said Domingo put his hand down her skirt on one occasion. Three others said he forcefully kissed them.
Plácido Domingo is a global star who commands sell-out audiences.
The incidents are said to have taken place in different venues including a dressing room, a hotel room, during a meeting and at opera companies where Domingo held managerial positions. “A business lunch is not strange,” one of the singers told AP. “Somebody trying to hold your hand during a business lunch is strange or putting their hand on your knee is a little strange. He was always touching you in some way, and always kissing you.” Domingo was due to appear at the Philadelphia Orchestra’s opening
night concert on 18 September but the organisation said, in the light of the allegations, it had withdrawn its invitation. Domingo is currently the general director of the Los Angeles Opera. He has also been artistic director and later general director at the Washington National Opera. Domingo added in his statement: “I recognise that the rules and standards by which we are and should be measured against today are very different than they were in the past. “I am blessed and privileged to
have had a more than 50-year career in opera and will hold myself to the highest standards.” Domingo, 78, remains one of opera’s biggest stars, commanding sell-out audiences around the world. He has been married to his second wife, the soprano Marta Ornelas, since 1962. He performs regularly in London, most recently in January in the Royal Opera House’s production of La Traviata. He is due to return to Covent Garden in June 2020 in a revival of Verdi’s Don Carlo. (BBC)
Legend held a surprise concert in Dayton a week after mass shooting JOHN Legend made a surprise visit to Dayton, Ohio, Sunday, a week after a shooting there left nine people dead and at least 31 others injured. The Grammy Award-winning singer, a native of Springfield, Ohio, about 30 minutes northeast of Dayton, put on a concert for the families of the victims and staff from local businesses in the city’s Oregon District where the shooting took place. Before the concert, Legend met with Mayor Nan Whaley and employees of Heart Mercantile. The gift store is across the street from the site where a man armed with a .223-caliber high-capacity rifle unleashed a barrage of bullets on revelers enjoying a night out in the early morning hours of August 4. He was killed by police officers soon after he began firing. Whaley thanked Legend in a tweet for coming to shop in the district and talk about gun reform laws. “It is more important now than ever for us to come together to support our local communities,”
The Grammy Award-winning singer put on a concert for the families of the victims and staff from local businesses in the city’s Oregon District where the shooting took place.
Legend tweeted Sunday following his visit. In another tweet, Legend called for people to take action by calling their senators and demanding they vote for stronger gun safety laws. People who work in the Oregon District told CNN that the visit was therapeutic following an emotional week. Andy Rowe, assistant general manager at Blind Bob’s, the venue where Legend performed, told CNN that the entire district appreciated the singer’s visit. “I think I can say the Oregon Historic District was profoundly moved to have @johnlegend bear witness to our heartache, and help heal our community,” Rowe said in a text. Employees of Heart Mercantile said they were touched by Legend’s visit. “It felt like the first positive beautiful moment we’ve felt all week,” Alison Bohman told CNN by text. “We loved each other so hard. And John loved us.” (CNN)
August 17-23, 2019
ASAP Rocky thanked the court after being released from prison earlier this month.
ASAP Rocky case: Rapper found guilty of assault US rapper ASAP Rocky, real name Rakim Mayers, has been found guilty of assault during a Stockholm fight and given a twoyear suspended sentence. The 30-year-old has also been ordered to pay damages to the victim. ASAP Rocky spent nearly a month in custody after the assault, which happened at the end of June, before being released ahead of the verdict. He’s posted on Instagram saying he’s “disappointed” with the verdict and thanking fans for their support. Two members of ASAP Rocky’s entourage, Bladimir Corniel and David Rispers, were found guilty of the same charge. “The assault has not been of such a serious nature that a prison sentence must be chosen,” the court said in a statement.
“The defendants are therefore sentenced to conditional sentences.” A suspended sentence means that as long as ASAP Rocky and the two other men found guilty commit no further crimes during a two-year probation period, they will avoid prison. ASAP Rocky and his codefendants claimed they had been acting in self-defence against two men who had been following their group. But the court said the three were “not in a situation where they were entitled to self-defence” and wrote in its verdict that they “assaulted the victim by hitting and kicking him as he lay on the ground. “The artist has also thrown the victim to the ground and stepped on his arm.”
The late Princess of Wales will be played by Jeanna de Waal.
Princess Diana musical about woman who ‘rocked the Royals’ heads to Broadway A STAGE musical about Princess Diana’s life is to hit Broadway next year. Simply titled Diana, the show is billed as the story of the woman who “rocked the Royals” and “chose to be fearless, and as a result became timeless”. It has music by Bon Jovi keyboardist David Bryan, who won two Tony Awards for his stage show Memphis in 2010. In a review of Diana’s preBroadway run in San Diego, the Los Angeles Times said the show was “no more British than The Real Housewives of New Jersey”. The lead role is taken by Jeanna de Waal, who has previously appeared in American Idiot and Kinky Boots
on Broadway. Speaking about the late princess, the actress said: “She made everyone feel special, from the highest person to the lowest ranking person, and I think we want to celebrate her.” Songs reportedly include Snap, Click, about the paparazzi; Welcome To The Windsors; Here Comes James Hewitt, about the ex-cavalry officer who had an affair with Diana; and Secrets and Lies. The LA Times’ critic Charles McNulty said the show was “as American as Applebee’s” - a reference to the US restaurant chain - and “has a generic quality that for all its efficient smoothness seems culturally misplaced”. He added: “The tone is ironic, the
pulse is fast-moving and the tragic ending isn’t milked for tears. The show doesn’t work, but that hardly matters these days for a musical that can draw in the tourist masses.” The Hollywood Reporter decided the musical “seems to have many of the pieces needed for a hit”. Reviewer Deborah Wilker said: “While the Royals themselves may be aghast at the thought of actors portraying them half-naked in bed on a stage, the British public would probably eat it up.” Prince Charles will be played by Roe Hartrampf. Performances will begin at the Longacre Theater on 2 March next year, with an official opening date set for 31 March. No UK performances have been announced.
Tarantino defends his depiction of Lee in ‘Once upon a Time in Hollywood’ QUENTIN Tarantino has come under fire for the depiction of martial arts legend Bruce Lee in his new film ‘Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.’ Lee’s daughter, Shannon, told the Los Angeles Times that “the script treatment of my father as this arrogant, egotistical punching bag was really disheartening -- and, I feel, unnecessary.” Shannon Lee said her mother, Linda, told her, “I thought the character was like a caricature of himself and made him look stupid, silly and made to be insultingly ‘Chinesey.’ It strayed so far from the truth of who he was and of any actual encounter he had,” according to the Los Angeles Times During a news conference for the film in Moscow on August 7, Tarantino defended his portrayal of Lee. “Bruce Lee was kind of an
Quentin Tarantino said that “Bruce Lee was kind of an arrogant guy”.
arrogant guy,” Tarantino said. “I didn’t just make a lot of that up.
I heard him say things like that, to that effect. People are saying,
‘Well, he never said he could beat up Muhammad Ali.’ Uh, yeah, he did. Not only did he say that, his wife, Linda Lee, said that. In the first biography I ever read was Linda Lee’s ‘Bruce Lee: The Man Only I Knew,’ and she absolutely said it.” “He was never, in my opinion, cocky,” Lee’s former training partner, Dan Inosanto, said in an interview with Variety. “Maybe he was cocky in as far as martial arts because he was very sure of himself. He was worlds ahead of everyone else. But on a set, he’s not gonna show off.” Brad Pitt’s character in the film, Cliff Booth, is a stuntman who stages a best-of-three fight with Lee during a break from filming the “Green Hornet” TV show. Lee is able to win the first round, but Booth wins the second when he throws Lee into a car. The fight is broken up, and a winner is never decided.
“Could Cliff beat up Bruce Lee? Brad would not be able to beat up Bruce Lee, but Cliff maybe could,” Tarantino said. “If you ask me the question, ‘Well, who would win in a fight: Bruce Lee or Dracula?’ It’s the same question. It’s a fictional character. If I say Cliff could beat Bruce Lee up, he’s a fictional character, then he could beat Bruce Lee up.” Tarantino also talked about Booth’s experience as a Green Beret killing people in hand-to-hand combat in World War II, using that to further justify Booth’s superiority over Lee in combat. He says that Lee would beat Booth in a martial arts tournament in Madison Square Garden but that if they were fighting in the “jungles of the Philippines in a hand-to-hand combat fight, Cliff would kill him.” (CNN)
August 17-23, 2019
August 17-23, 2019
Science & Technology
Ebola drugs show ‘90% survival rate’ in breakthrough trial
The team also sampled snow from sites in Germany and Switzerland.
Plastic particles falling out of sky with snow in Arctic
EVEN in the Arctic, microscopic particles of plastic are falling out of the sky with snow, a study has found. The scientists said they were shocked by the sheer number of particles they found: more than 10,000 of them per litre in the Arctic. It means that even there, people are likely to be breathing in microplastics from the air - though the health implications remain unclear. The region is often seen as one of the world’s last pristine environments. A German-Swiss team of researchers has published the work in the journal Science Advances. The scientists also found rubber particles and fibres in the snow. Researchers collected snow samples from the Svalbard islands using a low-tech method - a dessert spoon and a flask. In the laboratory at Germany’s Alfred Wegener Institute in Bremerhaven they discovered far more contaminating particles than they’d expected. Many were so small that it was hard to ascertain where they had come from. The majority appeared to be composed of natural materials like plant cellulose and animal fur. But there were also particles of plastic, along with fragments of rubber tyres, varnish, paint and possibly synthetic fibres. The lead scientist, Dr Melanie Bergmann, told BBC News: “We
expected to find some contamination but to find this many microplastics was a real shock.” She said: “It’s readily apparent that the majority of the microplastic in the snow comes from the air.” Microplastics are defined as those particles below 5mm in size. Addressing their potential effects on people, Dr Bergmann explained: “We don’t know if the plastics will be harmful to human health or not. But we need to take much better care of the way we’re treating our environment.” The scientists also analysed snow from sites in Germany and Switzerland. Samples taken from some areas of Germany showed higher concentrations than in the Arctic. The researchers think microplastics are being blown about by winds and then - through mechanisms which are not fully understood - transported long distances through the atmosphere. The particles are then “washed” out of the atmosphere through precipitation, particularly snow. A study published in April by a British-French team showed that microplastics were falling from the sky onto the French Pyrenees, another supposedly pristine region. Previously, research groups have found plastics in the atmospheric fallout of Dongguan, China, Tehran in Iran, and Paris, France. As for where the pollution is coming from, here too there are uncertainties.
EBOLA may soon be a “preventable and treatable” disease after a trial of two drugs showed significantly improved survival rates, scientists have said. Four drugs were trialled on patients in the Democratic Republic of Congo, where there is a major outbreak of the virus. More than 90% of infected people can survive if treated early with the most effective drugs, the research showed. The drugs will now be used to treat all patients with the disease in DR Congo, according to health officials. On Tuesday, two people cured of Ebola using the experimental drugs were released from a treatment centre in Goma, eastern DR Congo, and reunited with their families. The US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), which co-sponsored the trial, said the results are “very good news” for the fight against Ebola. The drugs, named REGN-EB3 and mAb114, work by attacking the Ebola virus with antibodies, neutralising its impact on human cells. They are the “first drugs that, in a scientifically sound study, have clearly shown a significant diminution in mortality” for Ebola patients, said Dr Anthony Fauci, director of NIAID. The drug mAb114 was developed using antibodies harvested from survivors of Ebola while REGNEB3 comes from antibodies generated within mice infected with the disease. Ebola has killed more than 1,800 people in DR Congo in the past year. Two other treatments, called ZMapp and Remdesivir, have been dropped from trials as they were found to be less effective. The trial, conducted by an international research group coordinated by the World Health Organization (WHO), began in November last year. Since then, four experimental drugs have been tested on around 700 patients, with the preliminary
An outbreak of Ebola has killed more than 1,800 people in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
results from the first 499 now known. Of the patients given the two more effective drugs, 29% on REGN-EB3 and 34% on mAb114 died, NIAID said. In contrast, 49% on ZMapp and 53% on Remdesivir died in the study, the agency said. The survival rate among patients with low levels of the virus in their blood was as high as 94% when they were given REGN-EB3, and 89% when on mAb114, the agency said. The findings mean health authorities can “stress to people that more than 90% of people survive” if they are treated early, said Sabue Mulangu, an infectious-disease researcher who worked on the trial. Hailing the success of the study, Jeremy Farrar, director of the Wellcome Trust global health charity, said the treatments would “undoubtedly save lives”. The findings, Mr Farrar said, indicate scientists are getting closer to turning Ebola into a “preventable and treatable” disease. “We won’t ever get rid of Ebola but we should be able to stop these outbreaks from turning into major national and regional epidemics,” he added. A sense that Ebola is incurable, paired with widespread mistrust of medical workers in the DR Congo, has hampered efforts to stop the spread of the disease. It is hoped that the effectiveness
of the drugs, made by US-based pharmaceutical firms, will make patients feel “more comfortable about seeking care early”, said Dr Fauci. But the best way to end the outbreak, he added, is “with a good vaccine”. A vaccine is a type of medicine that improves immunity to a particular disease, as a preventative measure. The World Health Organization (WHO) say vaccines developed to protect against Ebola, which are allowed for “compassionate use” before official licensing, have proven highly effective. The current outbreak in eastern DR Congo began in August last year and is the biggest of the 10 to hit the country since 1976, when the virus was first discovered. In July, the WHO declared the Ebola crisis in the country a “public health emergency of international concern”. But it is dwarfed by the West African epidemic of 2014-16, which affected 28,616 people, mainly in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone. About 11,310 people died in what was the largest outbreak of the virus ever recorded. However, attempts to contain the latest outbreak are proving difficult. In particular, militia group violence and suspicion towards foreign medical assistance have hindered efforts.
FRONT DESK AGENT/ SALES CLERK • Must have a Good outgoing personality • Must have a good reference
• Must be honest and hardworking • Must be computer literate • Must be 25 or older
CONTACT: 231-3788
August 17-23, 2019
946-4664 Fax: 946-4661
Email: tcnews@tciway.tc
Website: tcweeklynews.com
Must have thorough knowledge in the floral business with 3-5 years experience.
Call: 231-3788
CALL 649 231-3788
FOR SALE House in Richmond Hill residential area on a half acre land.
CONTACT: 231-3788
August 17-23, 2019
duncansonlaw@gmail.com duncansonlaw.office@gmail.com 649-941-4444/ 649-245-1314/649-348-5744
CALL 649 231-3788
Central Square, North Caicos Is seeking to employ a
• Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 246-4769
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
BEAUTY & THE BEACH 293 Grace Bay Road, Caicos café plaza
• 5 years’ experience in advanced work for hands and feet. • Gel, acrylic, drill work, art work, impeccable hygiene. • Flexible hours, over 6 days a week. Salary: based on commission
CONTACT: 946-5093
This is a renewal work permit. Belongers are encourage to apply at the Labour department 17864
We are in need of a young man to deliver bills, pick up checks and distribute newspapers. Must be honest and have a clean driver’s license. Contact the Publisher at tcweeklynews@gmail.com FNM VARIETY
317 Millennium Hwy. Apt. 2, Blue Hills Tel. #247-6323)
1st Pink Building Unit #2, Leeward Highway, 345-2090)
Arch Plaza Unit #3, (Leeward Highway, 946-8800)
Over 21 years of age, have valid driver’s license; comfortable engaging with customers; past driving or customer service experience preferred. Be reliable and punctual.
We are seeking for a kitchen helper who can handle morning shift during weekdays (Monday to Friday 9 am to 4 pm), and can cover weekend flexibly. Taking orders and serving, cleaning, basic prepping and organizing area. 6 days @ $6.25 hourly
Dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, cleaning restrooms, cleaning windows, and other general cleaning duties, but not limited to. 6 days @ $6.25 per hour
Position Held by Work Permit Holder Belongers are encouraged to apply at The Labour Department 17880
COOLING ZONE AIR-CONDITIONING AND REFRIGERATION #2 Club Sodax, Leeward Highway Is seeking to employ a
Must have minimum of at least 3 years working on large commercial jobs, be reliable; Responsible, perform quality work and valid driver’s license. 6 days @ $8.00 per hour
BELONGERS are encouraged to apply at the Labor Department 17882
CLARENCE FULFORD 364 Belglade Parkers Gardens, Blue Hills
Is looking for a
DELIVERY AGENT who is reliable, trustworthy and want to make some extra cash Delivery times are 11 A.M and 3 P.M Call 231-3788 or 246-7856 for further information
3 Ralph CL, Blue Hills Is seeking to employ a
• Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. • To work 5 days a week Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 343-7864
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
OFFICE CLEANER BABYSITTER To watch and take care of baby. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 3478183/342-7021
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board
Stocking and supplying designated facility areas, dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, cleaning ceiling vents, restroom cleaning etc. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 232-3261
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 17875
ANTHONY FORBES Thony Place, Kew Town 241-8917. Seeking for
JOB OPPORTUNITIES Beach Enclave is seeking candidates for the following positions at its Luxury Villa Resort properties in Providenciales. MUST POSSESS:
Director of operations
• Bachelor or University degree in Hospitality, • At least 5 years’ experience, as Operations Manager or Director of international luxury resorts, • Food & Beverage management experience, • Resort design and pre-opening experience, • Caribbean experience, within a recognized luxury brand, • Skills to develop and implement staff training programs. Benefits starting at $75,000 per year. This position is for a work permit. However, this position is open to all qualified Turks & Caicos Islanders.
Resort Manager
• Turks and Caicos Islander status card as well as; • Minimum of 3 years’ experience in a luxury hotel as a front of house department head, • Minimum of 3 years’ experience managing 20+ employees, • Ability to represent the property in the market place and develop relationships with key accounts, • Detailed knowledge of, and ability to control and monitor departmental costs, • Impeccable written and oral communication skills, • Computer literacy and proficiency in MS Excel and Word. Benefits starting at $40,000 per year.
Assistant Resort Manager
• Turks and Caicos Islander status card as well as; • Minimum of 2 years’ experience in a luxury hotel as a front of house department head, • Minimum of 2 years’ experience managing 20+ employees, • Ability to support the Resort Manager and lead departmental teams, • Impeccable written and oral communication skills, • Computer literacy and proficiency in MS Excel and Word, • Exercise good cost control and procurement. Benefits starting at $33,000 per year.
VIP Butlers (renewal)
• Service experience Serving food and drinks and assisting the chef, therefore a • background in F&B is essential. • A knowledge and understanding of utility meters, simple pool maintenance • Basic computer literacy in order to present guest charges to Butler Service Manager. • A willingness to perform a variety of functions to enhance guest experience. Butler certification experience would be an advantage Benefits starting at $20,000 per year.
2 Laborers (renewal)
• Resort maintenance experience, • Strong horticultural knowledge, • Ability to work outdoors doing manual labor, • Basic understanding of pool, HVAC, utility and irrigation systems, • English literacy in order to follow supervisor instructions Benefits starting at $6.50 per hour
• • • • •
August 17-23, 2019
Be willing to work flexible hours, weekends, holidays etc. Be able to work within a team, be reliable and trustworthy, Be extremely well presented and have an excellent command of English (written and verbal), Possess a clean driver’s license in order to run errands, Be prepared to carry out duties when guests are not in house.
Turks & Caicos Islander applications preferred. Please apply in writing to Human Resources (hr@beachenclave.com). Beach Enclave, Unit G202 Regent Village. Tel: 941.8887 17878
LABOURER To pick up yard waste
and collect leaves, clean the yard with sweeper, lift garbage bags and cans into garbage truck during collection, pick up yard waste and tree limbs. Pay: 6.25 per hour THIS POSITION IS HELD BY A WORK PERMIT HOLDER. BELONGER WILL BE GIVEN FIRST PREFERENCE 17893
Grants Gas Station, Down Town
• Receive payment by cash, checks and credit cards, Issue receipts, and change due to customers. Count money in cash drawers to ensure that amounts are correct and that there is adequate change. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $7 hourly
CONTACT: 345-7876
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board
GRANTS PETROLEUM #940 Leeward Highway
Check air pressure in vehicle tires; and levels of fuel, pumping gas, add air, oil, water, or other fluids, as required. Clean parking areas, offices, restrooms, and equipment, and remove trash. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 432-8265
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17889
The individual will be responsible general maintenance of the property including but not limited to: • Pruning and trimming of trees and hedges around the property; • Maintaining garden tools and equipment; • Maintaining lawn and grass areas, weeding and leaf-blowing; • Ensuring pathways are clear and common areas kept clean; • Assist guests with lifting luggage;
• Garbage removal and cleaning garbage containment area; • Offloading of deliveries. Must be an energetic self-starter that requires little to no supervision, capable to lifting 50lbs. Must be able to follow instructions, work at a fast-pace without protest or distraction. Be willing to work on weekends and holidays. Salary $10.00 per hour.
This is a new position. Interested persons should contact Sharick Forbes at 242-4271 or sharick@twsvillas.com and also inform the Labour Department. PASSION BEAUTY SALON & SUPPLY ALICE & ALICE BUILDING, UPSTAIRS, Airport road, 342-0415 Salary: 8.00 per hour
Braiding and massaging. Treating scalps, Coloring, styling, Shape eyebrows and remove facial hair.
LABOURER Clean the store
throughout the day, upheld safe and clean working environment, cleans customer bathroom, loading and unloading of goods. SALARY: 6.25 per hour
SNAKE HILL, MILLENNIUM HIGHWAY Telephone: 649-244-2327
Clean the store every morning, upheld safe and clean working environment, cleans customer bathroom, loading and unloading of goods. SALARY: 6.25 per hour
Telephone: 241-0537. Pay: 6.25 per hour
Sweeping the house, mopping the floor making beds, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room area dusting.
Sweep and mop the floor early in the morning and throughout the day of work cleaning and maintain the salon's appearance, clean the bathroom, put in place, equipments, wash the salon towels and put them in place, clean the salon windows. Salary: $6.25 per hour RENEWAL, THIS POSITION IS HELD BY A WORK PERMIT HOLDER, BELONGER WILL BE GIVEN FIRST PREFERENCE. 17910
# 5, NEW SUB-DIVISION, FIVE CAYS Telephone: 243-5400
sweep the yard, remove debris from out, transport garbage from the yard, cleans door frame, windows. SALARY: 6.25 per hour RENEWAL, POSITION IS HELD BY A WORK PERMIT HOLDER. BELONGER WILL BE GIVEN FIRST PREFERENCE 17902
August 17-23, 2019
ER CLEANING SERVICES LTD #28 Oyster Lane, Leeward Highway
• Stocking and supplying designated facility areas, dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, cleaning ceiling vents, restroom cleaning etc. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week. Salary: $7 hourly
CONTACT: 333-1246
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
AUTHENTIC BAPTIST CHURCH OF BEREA 6 Tees Plaza, # 2, Millennium Highway Telephone: 649-232-7077
Preparing weekly sermons Preaching and conducting worship services Responsibility to interpret biblical scripture for the congregation Provide care and counseling to church members Salary: 1500.00 per month BELONGER ARE ENCOURAGED TO APPLY AT THE LABOR DEPARTMENT 17908
LE BOUCHON DU VILLAGE # 111, REGENT VILLAGE GRACE BAY, 333-5034 Location: Providenciales
Dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, Cleaning ceiling vents, Restroom cleaning Performing and documenting routine inspection and maintenance activities. Carry out heavy cleaning tasks and special projects, stocking and supplying designated facility areas. Salary: $ 6.25 per hour
#33 Bible St, Blue Hills • Fix and maintain mechanical equipment, buildings, and machines. Tasks include plumbing work, painting, flooring repair and upkeep, electrical repairs and heating and air conditioning system. • To work 4 days a week. Salary: $7 hourly
• Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. Cares for garden on a daily basis • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $7 hourly
CONTACT: 241-6493
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder17861
responsible for managing all aspects of the contractual and financial side of construction projects. Quantity surveyors manage the costs on a construction project. Conducting feasibility studies to estimate materials, time and labour costs. Preparing, negotiating and analysing costs for tenders and contracts. Coordination of work effort.
Determines project specifications by studying product design, customer
HELPER Clean the store, dusting, sweeping, mopping, clean ceiling vents, restroom cleaning, stock selves, receive and restock products inside the store. Pay: 6.25 per hour
care for my children, supervise while am at work, maintain the house clean, wash dishes, clean dining & living room, wash and iron. Pay: 6.25 per hour RENEWAL. THIS POSITION IS HELD BY A WORK PERMIT HOLDER. BELONGER WILL BE GIVEN FIRST PREFERENCE 17907
Receive credit return materials & supplies from production by verifying materials. Code & lot number quantity and placing materials in stock. Prepares finished stock for shipment by identifying, pulling, packing, crating, loading and securing product.
Snake Hills, Millennium Highway. 347-1775
His job is to break wall in ways that will not damage the previous work done by the contractors. Seal and secure outlet boxes with concrete mud. Seal panel boxes with concrete mud. Mix concrete cement to seal the areas that have been work on. SALARY: 8.00 per hour RENEWAL, POSITION IS HELD BY A WORK PERMIT HOLDER. BELONGER WILL BE GIVEN FIRST PREFERENCE
# 16 Central Square Leeward Highway/332-4100
Sweep the store throughout the day. Mop the floor, clean the bathrooms and replace tissue. Clean the doors and windows. Clean the ceiling and walls, Empty waste baskets. SALARY: 6.25 per hour
# 2 MUSGROVE BUILDING Aviation drive / 243-5406
BARBER Cutting & Trimming. Shape Eye brows. Trimming beards or giving shaves. Clean and sterilize scissors, combs, clippers and other instruments. Pay: 8.00 per hour
#10 Mary Jane Lane, Blue Hills Is seeking to employ a
Applicant must be honest, reliable and hard working. Salary: $10.00 per hour
CONTACT: 232-5420
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is a First Time work permit holder 17849
• Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. Cares for garden. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $300 weekly
CONTACT: 342-0156
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder17853
North Side Close, Millennium Highway. 331-1067
Sweep or scrub floors, clean dishes, kitchen, food preparation equipment, or utensils. Wash dishes, glassware, flatware, pots, or pans by hand. Maintain kitchen work areas, equipment, or utensils in clean and orderly condition. Salary starts at $6.25 per hour. RENEWAL, BELONGER WILL BE GIVEN FIRST PREFERENCE.
# 6, Paul Gardiner Plaza Millennium Highway, 241-5286 Location: Providenciales
Servicing the company vehicles, test and systems, identify mechanical problems, repairs and maintenance work on each vehicle, inspect and repairs rental machines, engine tune-ups, oil change. Pay: 10.00 per hour
Painting indoors and outdoors, painting exteriors and interiors of building using spray guns, brushes and rollers, complete indoors and outdoors residential of commercial construction project. Salary: $ 8.00 per hour
Turtle Cove Marina Is seeking to employ a
Elite Plaza, Airport road 347-6373
South Dock Road, next to Sam Harvey garage 346-2311
requirements, and performance standards; completing technical studies; preparing cost estimates. Maintains project schedule by monitoring project progress; coordinating activities; resolving problems.
Renewal: These positions are held by work permit holders, Belonger will be given first preference.
CONTACT: 241-6493
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17860
1213 Leeward Highway- 946-4131. Seeking for the following positions Salary starts at 9.00 to 16.00 per hour
# 70 Liney Ave, Blue Hills 245-5725
CONTACT: 242-5334
Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. Salary: $6.25 hourly
#33 Bible St, Blue Hills Is seeking to employ a
Shore Club, Long Bay
To gathered and removed rubble, dirt, and hazardous waste from construction sites, disposed off all trash, operated cleaning equipments & utilized cleaning materials, cleaned and maintained construction sites. SALARY: 6.25 per hour RENEWAL, POSITION IS HELD BY A WORK PERMIT HOLDER. BELONGER WILL BE GIVEN FIRST PREFERENCE 17894
Smooth out concrete in segments to ensure the concrete poured in level. Arrange the concrete forms. Prepare surface with hammer and chose. Rub cement in with spongerubber float or burlap. SALARY: 8.00 per hour
Willy’s place, Bay road Blue Hills, 241-8917
Sweeping & dusting, vacuuming, mopping, cleaning ceiling vents, restroom cleaning. Carry out heavy cleaning tasks, takes out garbage. Pay: 6.25 per hour THIS POSITION IS HELD BY A WORK PERMIT HOLDER. BELONGER WILL BE GIVEN FIRST PREFERENCE 17905
7B Lower Bight Road Is seeking to employ a
• Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. Cares for garden • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 241-0663
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board
7B Lower Bight Road Is seeking to employ a
• Shingle roof and cut wood. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $600 weekly
CONTACT: 241-0663
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17707
JR CONSTRUCTION #14B Ball Park Lane, Apt #2, Kew Town
Lot #10 Millennium Estate, Blue Hills
• Ensuring a safe environment, preparing and giving meals, bathing and dressing children, administering medicine, doing housework, and disciplining children when necessary. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 344-1501
• Follow blueprints and building plans to meet the needs of clients. Install structures and fixtures, such as windows and molding. Measure, cut, or shape wood, plastic, and other materials • To work 44 hours a week. Salary: $10 hourly
CONTACT: 341-9595
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board
Unit #13 Sam’s Building, Downtown Is seeking to employ a
#38 Sunshine, Grace Bay
• Sweeping and mopping the floors, clean bathrooms, cleaning kitchen. Doing laundry. • Must have email and transportation. • Available to work Saturdays as well as additional days. Salary: $6.25 hourly
• Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 231-0098
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is work permit renewal 17857
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
Frith Street, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a
South School Lane, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a
• Cleaning, dusting, mopping, laundry and must be willing to work 6 days a week. • Must be willing to work holidays. • Must be honest and trustworthy. Salary: $6.50 hourly
• Household chores, cleaning, laundry, and running errands if and when necessary. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 431-1275
D1 Five Cays Storage Is seeking to employ a
• Install, troubleshoot, repair and maintain production and facility equipment according to safety, predictive and productive maintenance systems. • To work 6 days a week Salary: $10 hourly
CONTACT: 342-2511
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board
Apply paints, and coatings to interior and exterior walls, new buildings, homes, offices and etc. Contact: 333-0888
items, etc. Salary: $7.50 hourly Contact: 441-5262
Kew Town, Norway Road
Cleaning the house, clean bathrooms, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. Contact: 344-3103
#138 Millennium Plaza, Millennium highway, Blue Hills & Leeward Highway across from Caicos lodge
Cleaning of windows, doors, floors and restrooms. Helping customers with lifting of heavy
• Dive for fish. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 344-9209
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17852
• To perform yard chores, minor maintenance and repairs. Other chores if necessary. • Must be willing to work on weekends and holidays. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 242-6955
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17870
SOUTH SCHOOL LANE, GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a
Braiding, weaving, relaxing and maintenance, cutting, trimming and styling. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 331-5959
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17873
Acting on behalf of our clients who are seeking to employ the following. CHINOU BEAUTY SALON
Airport Road
HAIR BRAIDER - $7.50 HOURLY Braid Hair 346-3013
Five Cays, New subdivision
1 LABOURER - $300 WEEKLY Lift materials 241-3600
Millennium Highway, Blue Hills
POOL MAINTENANCE - $8 HOURLY Fix pools 342-0445
The Bight
1 LABOURER - $6.25 HOURLY Cleaning of yard 346-7379
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 17845
Cleaning yard, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. Contact: 244-3939
#35 George Apartment, Front Road, Blue Hills Is seeking to employ a
Breezy Brae, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a
Palm Circle E, Leeward Palms
Cleaning yard; fish pond, glass windows, and doors. Contact: 431-6672
#128 Millennium Highway, Blue Hills
CONTACT: 232-6429
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 17872
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17871
TDMG 1B, South Dock Road, Providenciales
August 17-23, 2019
#12 Bronze Lane, Long Bay Road
2 LABOURERS - $7.50 HOURLY Cleaning up construction site daily, removing debris and etc. Contact: 341-4752
Long Bay Road, across from moonies
• Cleaning of fish & area of work. • Disposing of remains and storage of fish in the freezer. Contact: 343-4386
Kew Town, Norway Road beside La Rancha Restaurant
Per, braid and grooming of hair, applying makeup, etc. Contact: 331-8154
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board These positions are First Time and renewal work permits 17846
LOCAL CHARTER COMPANY seeking experienced
Minimum 15 years’ experience as marine mechanic Inboards and outboards Marine plumbing AC/DC systems Marine electronics and electrical systems Minimum 15 years’ experience operating marine vessels 50ft and over TCI and USCG Captain’s Licenses Must have in depth knowledge of TCI Waters Deliver a high level of customer service to guests, provide advice and assistance to guests prior to and following charter and resolve any issues that arise • Manage and complete maintenance schedules for charter fleet, ensure vessels are clean and operational • Schedule and maintain records of all maintenance and service requirements for charter fleet • Management of charter schedule and performance of fleet captains and crew • Captain vessel as required Qualifications and references should accompany CV. Salary up to $48,000 per annum, based on experience and qualification.
Interested Turks and Caicos Islanders can submit copies of their application to the TCI Labour Department. Position currently held by work permit holder Applicants should apply in writing by August 29th, 2019 to: Panoply Sport Fishing & Luxury Charters Project House, Leeward Highway, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands captain@panoply.tc | 649-432-3566 17876
August 17-23, 2019
20 Honour Lane. Downtown Providenciales Contact: 941-5707. Seeks the following persons:
To load/off load barge Work days Monday Saturday salary basic ( $6.25 per hour) (Position currently held by work permit holder)
Must have over twelve (12) years experience master
licence for 450 tug/barge Work days Monday Saturday Starting salary: $2,000.00 ( position currently held by work permit holder)
To maintain vessel engines Starting salary: $2,000.00 (Position currently held by work permit holder)
#25 Bible Street, Blue Hills
• Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. • Must be willing to work 5 days per week Salary: $1200 per month
– Starting Salary $6.25 ph • Clean Showroom & Bathrooms • Clean kitchen, takeout garbage • Must be willing to work on weekends/holidays • Must have a clean TI police record Starting Wage: $6.25/hour THIS AD IS FOR WORK PERMIT RENEWAL. HOWEVER, THIS POSITION IS OPEN TO ALL QUALIFIED TURKS & CAICOS ISLANDERS. CONTACT 339-3841 17898
#2 South Dock Road, Industrial park. Providenciales Turks and Caicos Islands
• 5 years work experience in woodworking, joinery and cabinet making. • Trained to help cabinet maker, furniture carpenter Salary at $9.00 per hour
• Individual must have previous experience with manufacture, construction, and installation of high end cabinetry. • Must be familiar with operation of all current
1089 Leeward Highway, Providenciales TCI Is seeking one Cleaner
woodworking machinery and tools with proper safety practices. • Must be able to read Auto-Cad drawings. • English speaking, bilingual preferred.
oinery, manufacturing, finishing and or refinishing of furniture, cabinets and woodwork in general including installation. Assist other employees in general millshop operations and maintenance. Must be professional and courteous.
Please send applications to: tcmillwork@tciway.tc. Contact person: Stephane Gaudet 231-4537. Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of resume to Labour Department. All positions are held by work permit holders.
• Maintains supplies by checking stock anticipating needs; placing orders; verifying receipt. • Prepare hair condition; shampoo and treating hair. • Nail sawing and painting. • Keep work station clean.
2 Beauticians - Hair Stylists - $6.25 hourly
• Shampooing, cutting and styling hair treatments, including, deep conditioning, permanents, hair coloring, and weaving. • Make-up and styling.
Domestic Worker - $6.25 hourly House cleaning, laundry, cook & kids care.
Cleaning homes and offices. Salary: $6.25 hourly CONTACT: 241-5690
Belongers are encourage to apply at the Labour Department 17906
Club Med, Grace Bay Is seeking to employ a
• Secures premises and personnel by patrolling property; monitoring surveillance equipment; inspecting buildings, equipment, and access points; permitting entry. Obtains help by sounding alarms. • To work 6 days per week. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 341-9646
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 17877
NOTICE OF SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION Meridian Mortgage Corporation Ltd. as Chargee, pursuant to its charge and the Registered Land Ordinance, hereby gives notice that it will cause to be sold the property listed below by Public Auction, to be held at the office of Meridian Financial Group, Le Vele Plaza, Grace Bay and Providenciales at 10.00 a.m. on Friday 30th of August 2019. Location
Title No. 61112/58, Long Bay Hills, Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands, comprising a total land area of approximately 0.46 acres.
The land forms a rectangular parcel in a commercially zoned area where only a few parcels have been developed to date. The land benefits from approximately 110 linear feet of highway frontage. Elevation is limited and the parcel slopes gently down from the road frontage to the Aqua lane to the south and appears to have slight dip in between. This property is centrally located near the entrance of the Shore Club and one of the fastest growing community on Providenciales. This is an excellent business location, and one of the best deals on the Leeward Highway.
Howard Richardson Handfield
Approximate Area
0.46 acres
Title No. 10508/52, South Suburbs, Grand Turk comprising 0.94 acres of undeveloped land.
The subject property comprises a 0.94 acre parcel, vacant land, directly east of the Grand Turk Cruse Centre. Great potential for development. Panoramic view of Grand Turk and the Cruise Ship Terminal.
Tanya Vonetta Williams
Approximate Area
0.94 acres
2 Cosmetologists - $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 241-7557
Unit F103 Regent Street, Grace Bay, Providenciales
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
Queen of World Ltd.
Housekeeper - $6.25 hourly
Performing a variety of cleaning activities such as sweeping, mopping, dusting and polishing. Ensuring all rooms are cared for and inspected according to standards.
CONTACT: 245-1515
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 17855
August 17-23, 2019
STYLZ ABOVE THE REST Unit #1, Sam’s Building
Manicures, artificial nails, gel nails, hand massages, nail fills, nail repair, and nail polishing. Pedicures and the application of acrylic toenails may also be performed. Salary: $6.25 hourly
Momentous Ltd. is seeking qualified individuals for the following positions. Only candidates who meet the minimum qualifications and requirements will be considered. All candidates must be willing to work unusual hours including weekends and public holidays. All candidates must be non-smokers, must have a valid passport, and able to travel globally. Applicants will be required to pass a written skills and fluency (English) test. These positions are not currently occupied by Work Permit holders. Qualified Turks Islander applicants are invited to apply online at www.momentous.com and forward resumes to the Labour Board.
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by work permit holders
ASSISTANT MANAGER - Conventions and Operations Annual Salary: $40,000
● Plan upcoming conventions and events, globally ● Attend conventions and events and manage their execution ● Hire and manage local staff to execute the event ● Create and manage a budget for each event ● Troubleshooting and operations of the convention/ event ● Advise on strategies for growing participation in conventions and events ● Manage all marketing and communications aspects associated with each event
● 4+ years creating and managing budgets ● Experience in negotiating contracts for convention and event space ● Must have a Business Marketing Advanced Diploma or equivalent ● Must have 10+ years experience managing business operations ● Must have 5+ years experience with project management; creating and managing project and event budgets ● Must have 4+ years experience developing, planning, managing and executing conventions and other events globally ● Must have 2+ years hiring and managing staff at various events and conferences in different countries ● Experience in negotiating contracts for convention and event space ● Experience developing and implementing lead generation strategies ● Strong interpersonal and communications skills are required ● Must have experience developing long term and short term business plans ● 5+ years hiring, managing and training staff ● 5+ years creating and managing budgets and fiscal reporting to shareholders ● Must have experience with Adobe Suite and Creatives – Photoshop, InDesign, Acrobat DC etc. ● Must have experience building and designing websites ● Must have an Advanced Diploma from a reputable University ● Must be fluent (Written & Oral) in English ● Must have ability to travel globally
We are looking for a business-operations extraordinaire
that is organized, reliable, and punctual. This person is responsible for assistance and maintaining overall business operations. Exceptional customer service and willingness to learn and grow is a major requirement and component of this position.
● Must have 10+ years experience managing business operations ● Must have 5+ years experience with project management ● Must have 10+ years managing, supervising, and training staff ● Must have 10+ years experience with accounts receivable and accounts payable & payroll ● Must have 10+ years experience with compliance ● Must have experience developing long term and short term business plans ● Must have WHIMIS certificate ● Must have Proserve certificate ● Must be fluent (Written & Oral) in English ● Must have ability to travel globally ● Must be available to work full-time hours; including but not limited to morning, daytime, evening, and night closing hours ● Must have experience with Microsoft Office Suite and Outlook. ● Must have strong interpersonal and communication skills.
● Maintains business operations as outlined in the Operations Manuals. ● On the ground troubleshooting, problem solving, and day to day operations. ● Responsible for implementation and input into local marketing initiatives. ● Recruit and lead staff that provide excellent service, train staff thoroughly according to company policies and employment laws, and reward staff as needed. Terminate staff as required. ● Create and implement monthly team building and staff training exercises. ● Prepare and post effective staff work schedules that ensure locations are properly staffed. ● Communicate changes of procedures and standards, etc. to all staff and ensure implementation. ● Create, plan and execute events and promotions based on approved budgets. ● Report to and work with head office regarding inventory, sales, operations, and staff. Including suggestions of business growth strategies, and initiatives to increase profits and decrease expenses. ● Ensure all operations standards are maintained to provide a fun, safe, and memorable atmosphere for guests, including security, health, and safety standards. ● Ensure all equipment remains in optimal operating condition by following operating instructions, troubleshooting breakdowns, performing preventative maintenance, and calling for repairs and maintenance when necessary.
Applications can be submitted online at www.momentous.com and confirmed by email to careers@momentous.com
CONTACT: 332-1726
VAN’S AUTO SHOP & SERVICE 381 Unit #1 Industrial Drive, By Pass Road
Cleaning, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames.
Install structures and fixtures. Measure, cut, or shape wood, plastic, and other materials
CONTACT: 232-7117
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. These positions currently held by work permit holders
SUPER CUTS BARBER #2 Musgrove Building, Aviation Drive
Provide beauty services, such as shampooing, cutting, coloring, and styling hair, and massaging and treating scalp. May apply makeup, dress wigs, perform hair removal, and provide nail and skin care services. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 243-5406
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder17866
Marigoldway #14 Central Storage, Provo Industrial Estate, Unit DHD6, Kew Town
• Cleaning store, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $1,500 monthly
CONTACT: 341-0929
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17856
TURQUOISE LANDSCAPING #8 Leeward Drive, Long Bay
• Must have previous gardening experience and be familiar with landscaping equipment such as lawn mowers, trimmers etc. • Must be willing to carry out work such as heavy lifting, digging, weeding, trimming and plant waste removal. • Must be willing to work weekends and holidays. • Must have a clean Police Record and provide employer references on request. Salary: $6.50-7.00/hr (depending on experience) CONTACT: 649-332-4280 EMAIL: TURQUOISELANDSCAPING@TCIWAY.TC
to arrange an interview. Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is for a work permit renewal 17904
PORT ATLANTIC CONSTRUCTION # 22, Grant Hill, Five Cays Telephone: 346-6622
Painting indoors and outdoors, painting exteriors and interiors of building using spray guns, brushes and rollers, complete indoors and outdoors residential of commercial construction project. Arranged and stored materials, tools and equipments, prepare and clean painting materials after work. Salary: $ 8.00 per hour THIS POSITION IS RENEWAL, BELONGER WILL BE GIVEN FIRST PREFERENCE 17952
636 Industrial Park, Providenciales, 231-4545 Seeking for the following positions Salary starts at $10.00 per hour
Responsible for constructing, installing, erecting, and repairing fixtures and structures made from wood and other materials before installing AC units. Work with materials such as wood, plastic, fiberglass, or drywall. Utilize chisels, planes, saws, drills, and sanders to repair and erect structures. FIRST TIME APPLICATION, BELONGER WILL BE GIVEN FIRST PREFERENCE. 17953
August 17-23, 2019
Acting on behalf of our clients Environmental Arts Irrigation Ltd.
• Assemble, draft, edit, and review reports, customer quotes, and technical documents. • Coordinate and track project progress and schedules. • QuickBooks proficient. Salary: $400-450 weekly
CONTACT: 941-5579
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17844
THE CHELSEA COLLECTION #87 Parker’s Avenue, Phase 1 Wheeland Is seeking to employ
• Create handmade, Turk & Caicos themed jewelry pieces. • Marketing/ sale of products to general public. • To work 6 days a week Salary: $7.25 hourly
CONTACT: 246-9639
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
UNITY ONLINE SERVICES 381 Unit #1 Industrial Drive, By Pass Road
• Stock shelves, assisted other personnel as needed, pick, pack, receive and restock products inside the store. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 232-7177
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
CHARLIE VARIETY STORE Aviation 27, Five Cays, Providenciales, TCI Contact: (649) 941-4202
Salary/Wages: $6.75 per hour Responsibilities/Duties: · Stocking and supplying designated facility areas, dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, c leaning ceiling vents, restroom cleaning etc. · Must be willing to work 5 days per week Belongers are invited to submit their application to the Labour Board, Ministry of Boarder Control. 17943
NORTHCOTE #42 Lagoon Rise, Richmond Hills
DOMESTIC WORKER • General cleaning,
washing, cleaning windows and floors. • Flexible hours over 6 days. Salary: $6.50 per hour
The Financial Services Commission (FSC), the regulator of financial services business in the Turks and Caicos Islands, is seeking suitably qualified applicants to fill several vacancies.
CONTACT: 941-4521
This is a Renewal Work Permit. Belongers are encouraged to apply at The Labour Department.
NORIS BAR & RESTAURANT #18 Old Airport Road Is seeking to employ a
• Taking food orders, serving customers. Taking beverage orders from customers or wait staff and serving drinks as requested, paying extreme attention to detail. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $250 per week
Department: Bank and Trust Department Location: Providenciales Annual Salary: $45,207 - $55,231 JOB SUMMARY
This is a technical analyst position which reports to the Supervisor, Bank and Trust Department. The post holder will be responsible for undertaking assessments of the financial soundness and compliance of assigned banks and trust companies licensed by Commission. The officer will also be required to conduct analysis of assigned sectors and prepare and present reports on finds.
CONTACT: 348-1654
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board
Acting on behalf of our clients
CREDIT UNION ANALYST III Department: Bank and Trust Department Location: Providenciales Annual Salary: $55,272.00 - $68,091.00 JOB SUMMARY
CONSTRUCTION HELPER -$6.25 hourly Assist mason, carpenter. 11 Wilson Circle Blue Hills Providenciales TCI
TELL: 346-0002
This is a technical analyst position which reports to the Supervisor, Bank and Trust Department. The post holder will advise on the licensing and regulation of credit unions in the TCI, assess the operations of assigned credit unions and evaluate the performance of the credit union sector. The post holder will also be required to supervise staff.
-$6.25 hourly Clean Chicken, Seasoning, etc. #4 Down Town, After Smart
TELL: 242-1204
Holders are currently held by work permit holder Belongers only apply
381 Unit #1 Industrial Drive, By Pass Road
Cleaning, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames.
Install structures and fixtures. Measure, cut, or shape wood, plastic, and other materials
CONTACT: 232-7117
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board These positions currently held by work permit holders
INSURANCE ANALYST I Department: Insurance Location: Providenciales Annual Salary: $37,467 - $45,165.00 JOB SUMMARY
This is a technical analyst position which reports to the Supervisor, Insurance Department. The post holder will be responsible for undertaking assessments of the financial soundness and compliance of assigned insurers and insurance intermediaries licensed by the Commission.
INSURANCE ANALYST II Department: Insurance Location: Providenciales Annual Salary: $45,207 - $55,231 JOB SUMMARY
This is a technical analyst position which reports to the Supervisor, Insurance Department. The post holder will be responsible for undertaking assessments of the financial soundness and compliance of assigned insurers and insurance intermediaries licensed by the Commission. The officer will also be required to conduct analysis of assigned sectors and prepare and present reports on finds.
SENIOR POLICY ANALYST Department: Policy Unit Location: Providenciales Annual Salary: $55,272.00 - $68,091.00 JOB SUMMARY
This is a technical analyst position which reports to the Senior Policy Advisor. The post holder will be responsible for assisting in the ongoing development and implementation of a framework for monitoring financial stability and conducting macroprudential assessment in the TCI.
DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF FINANCE Department: Finance Location: Providenciales Annual Salary: $59,552.50 – $68,982.50 JOB SUMMARY
The holder of this position will report to the Director of Finance. The successful candidate will be responsible for assisting with statutory financial compliance, compliance with international financial reporting standards and collecting, reviewing, analyzing and reporting of data from all departments. The post holder will be required to supervise staff.
Details on the above vacancies can be found on the Commission’s website at https://tcifsc.tc/vacancies/ or by contacting the Commission at telephone numbers 649-946-2550 or 649-946-2791 ext. 4002 or 4021. Applications should be emailed to administration@tcifsc.tc no later than 12 September 2019. A copy of the application should be submitted to the Employment Services Department by emailing to CHbacchus@gov.tc and MCadams@gov.tc. Applications received after the application deadline may not be considered in this recruitment phase but may be placed on file for future reference. While we appreciate your response, please note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. 17812
August 17-23, 2019
VACANCIES Acting on behalf of
Clean yard, assist in left heavy things etc. 516 front road North Side Tel: 242-4617
MASONS - $10-12 HOURLY Plaster, put blocks etc. 4B North Side cl Tel: 331-1067
PASTOR - $600-1000 MONTHLY
Preach 1030 Leeward Highway Tel: 347-2591
Take care of children, clean, cook, etc. 34 Oyster lane white sand Lower Bight Tel: 244-0786
Help in kitchen, seasoning, etc. 576 building Blue Hills Tel: 332-4482
Wash cars, vacuum, etc. 576 building Blue Hills Provo Tel: 332-4482
HERZOG CARIBBEAN LTD. is seeking to employ an
This position will also act as the Resort’s Assistant Operations Manager. CANDIDATES MUST HAVE:
• Minimum 5 years Senior Hotel Management/ Supervisor Experience • Thorough knowledge of all aspects of Front of The House operations • Candidates must also be personable, customer service oriented, have strong English verbal and written communication skills, personal auto for occasional business use and Belonger status Salary Commensurate with Qualifications & Experience Resumes can be emailed to dpapke@portsofcallresort.com or dropped off at resort Att Edward Claude
Performs various functions in ensuring effective planning and supervision of construction projects.
• Work hand-in-hand with the project team to create a mutual understanding of the project strategy based on the requirement of the job • Conduct in-depth reviews and analysis of all project or contract documents so as to be familiar with every detail and/or requirements • Work with safety units in a bid to plan and manage safety programs for each project and make sure that all aspects of safety are reached • Help project managers and engineers in the arrangement and analysis of projects and scheduling of reports on projects • Oversee projects as they are being carried out to make sure that the work is done according to outlined specifications, and that they also conform with project timetable • Convey project needs from the project manager to the management of the firm. • Assist in the maintenance, development, and enhancement of the company’s relationship with contractors in a bid to produce strategic partnership • Train and mentor employees in areas of project management and estimating.
P.O. Box 230. Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands Tel: 649-941-8006. Fax: 649-941-7879. Email: kay@acltci.tc or peter@acltci.tc
We’re looking for a person who is self-motivated and has the ability to set and meet deadlines. The successful candidate must, have a minimum of 5 years experience working with accounting software applications; experience in the management of financial systems and budgets. The ability to plan and organize, accounting processes, identify and solve accounting problems.
Among other responsibilities, the candidate will have the following duties. • Keep records of financial transactions for our group of companies. • Reconcile and balance accounts (current and credit card). • Reconcile Billing Software with Financial Software. • Perform End of Period Closing. • Preparation and distribution of payroll. • National Insurance and National Health Insurance compliance. • Establish, implement, monitor and maintain accounting control procedures • Vendor Payables and Receivables • Prepare and review monthly and yearly financial reports with Managers. • Attend Board Meetings and present Financial Reports to Shareholders and Directors. • Train and supervise junior accounting staff.
• Bachelor’s degree in civil, mechanical, or electrical engineering OR at least 10 years on-the-job experience in a similar role or in any other construction capacity • Clean Police Record • Valid Driver’s License • • • •
• • • •
Knowledge of the local customers, materials and specifications is strongly preferred. Good and effective communication skills Good analytical and organizational abilities are of great importance Possess good leadership ability, as well as ability to work as part of a team or even lead a team when called upon Ability to read and interpret specifications Ability to be proactive and also to foresee events and react appropriately towards them The ability to multitask and strategize in different situations is also relevant Ability to work and carry out projects within a stipulated time frame or deadline
• $70K - $80K per annum
• Full-Time
Please submit applications to main office at C 5-6 Caribbean Place, Leeward Highway, Providenciales TCI.
• Clean Character Certificate • Valid Driver’s License • Great communication skills English • Good personal appearance and hygiene • Experience in accounting and accounting software • Bachelor of Science in Accounting • The ability to think analytically • The ability to multitask and to take instructions from Managers and Directors • The Ability to work under pressure • Attention to detail • The ability to think creatively • The ability to supervise and train junior accounting staff • Commitment to ethical standards of accuracy, objectivity, and fairness • The ability to work individually or as part of a team Salary depends on experience. To be considered for the position, send your resume to kay@acltci.tc.
August 17-23, 2019
UNION BARBER SHOP #12 A Pete Circle, Kew Town. 241-7146
Cutting & Trimming. Shape Eye brows. Trimming beards or giving shaves. Clean and sterilize scissors, combs, clippers and other instruments Pay: 8.00 per hour FIRST TIME. BELONGER WILL BE GIVEN FIRST PREFERENCE
$6.50 per hour. Makes, measures, repairs, alter clothing, Especially men clothing, Sewing and pressing. MUST BE WILLING TO WORK 5 DAYS A WEEK
CONTACT #231–6432 Work permit renewal
#9 SNUG HARBOR ROAD, COOPER JACK Is seeking to employ a
• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 per hour
CONTACT: 231-0262
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
20 HONOUR LANE, DOWNTOWN PROVIDENCIALES Contact: 941-5707. Seeks the following persons:
To load/off load barge Work days Monday Saturday salary basic ( $6.25 per hour) (Position currently held by work permit holder)
Must have over twelve (12) years experience master
licence for 450 tug/barge Work days Monday Saturday Starting salary: $2,000.00 ( position currently held by work permit holder)
To maintain vessel engines Starting salary: $2,000.00 (Position currently held by work permit holder)
Belongers are encouraged to apply at the labor department 17926
GARDENERS/ LABOURERS NEEDED Applicants must be able to work outdoors performing manual and physical labor. They must be able to operate a jackhammer, lawn mower and chainsaw. They will be asked to dig holes, mix and spread topsoil/cow manure and plant. They must be able to speak and communicate in English. Starting salary is $ 6.25 / hr and may be required to work on weekends and holidays if needed. INTERESTED APPLICANTS INCLUDING ISLANDERS/BELONGERS CAN BRING ALL APPLICATIONS TO SERVICES BY EA LOCATED AT #65 BEECHWOOD ROAD, GRACE BAY, PROVIDENCIALES OR E-MAIL TO ADMIN@ENVIRONMENTALARTS.TC. SUCCESSFUL APPLICANTS WILL BE NOTIFIED BY PHONE FOR INTERVIEW. THIS POSITION IS CURRENTLY HELD BY WORK PERMIT HOLDERS. 17941
JOB OPPORTUNITIES The Somerset Resort Management Ltd. is seeking for dependable, disciplined, self-driven, and efficient candidates for the positions listed below. Suitably qualified Belongers who possess the requirements listed are encouraged to apply, the positions advertised below are currently held by Work Permit Card Holders. Ideal candidates should possess luxury resort experience, be professional in attitude and demeanor and must read and speak English fluently. Positions require a flexible schedule which includes holidays, weekends and evenings, and extended hours on occasion. Salaries range will commensurate with qualification and experience.
As a Houseman, you are responsible for cleaning guest rooms, carrying linen and replenishing amenities to deliver an excellent Guest and Member experience. A Houseman would also be required to manage guest requests.
• Specifically, you will be responsible for performing the following tasks to the highest standards: • Carrying / removing linens from rooms • Change and replenish bed linen, towels and guest amenities in line with company guidelines • Undertake regular deep cleaning tasks • Restock and maintain trolley on daily basis • Be environmentally aware • Dispose of waste accordingly • Manage guest requests in a timely and efficient manner • Comply with hotel security, fire regulations and all health and safety legislation • Carry out lost property procedures • Assist other departments wherever necessary and maintain good working relationships.
• A Houseman is always working on behalf of our Owners, Guests and working with other Team Members • Must speak, read, write and understand the primary language (English) used in the workplace • Must work weekends and holidays • Must work PM shifts as business demands according to the operations policy • Must have reliable transportation to get to and from work Base salary range: $6.50 - $7.50 / hour to commensurate with qualification & experience. Benefits: Service gratuity, vacation & employee meals. The above position is currently held by a Work Permit Card Holder.
As a Housekeeping Supervisor, you will support the Housekeeping Department by ensuring the upkeep and cleanliness of the entire hotel including guest rooms, public areas, back of house areas and Team
Member facilities. Specifically, a Housekeeping Supervisor will perform the following tasks to the highest standards:
• Allocate work duties to Team Members and supervise contractors • Perform routine inspections of all check out rooms and spot checks of all occupied rooms • Report and follow up on any maintenance defects or other issues • Inspect, routinely, service areas, store rooms and corridors • Schedule and supervise deep cleaning and any other projects • Manage and train Room Attendants, Housemen, Laundry Attendant, Public Area Attendants and Linen Room Clerk to ensure their performance is to the standards required • Manage, efficiently, stock control and the maintenance of equipment • Provide excellent Guest service, including Owners, VIP and other special requirements • Ensure the adherence to hotel standards at all times
Housekeeping Supervisors are always working on behalf of our Owners, Guests and working with other Team Members. To successfully fill this role, you should maintain the attitude, behaviors, skills, and values that follow: • Previous experience in a Housekeeping supervisory role • A successful track record of managing a team • Strong organizational and analytic skills • A strong attention to details • Effective communication skills – must speak, read, write and understand the primary language (English) used in the workplace • A passion for delivering exceptional levels of guest service • Proficiency, preferred, with computers and computer programs, including Microsoft Office – Word, Excel and Outlook • Must work weekends and holidays • Must work PM shifts as business demands according to the operations policy. • Must have reliable transportation to get to and from work. • Base salary range: $6.50 - $7.50 / hour to commensurate with qualification & experience. Benefits: Service gratuity, vacation & employee meals. The above position is currently held by a Work Permit Card Holder.
Qualified Belonger candidates can complete an application form in person at The Somerset on Grace Bay or submit a resume by e-mail to twilliams@thesomerset.com. All applications must be copied to the Immigration Board Zone 2 at jobregistration@gov.tc. The closing date for applications is Nov 19th, 2019.
44 CLASSIFIEDS WILLIAM McCOLLUM Suite C-12, Market Place Seeks to employ
DUTIES: • maintenance Work, Painting Tanks, Fencing, cleaning • of site, Cutting bushes, transporting garbage to dumpsite • And gardening and must be willing to work 6 days per week Salary $6.25 per hour
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume. To the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder. 17942
Port of Calls, Grace Bay Road Providenciales # 941-2372
Salary starts $6.25 per hour. • Must read, write and speak English • Work 6 days per week, including weekends and holidays. • Greet and seat guest, take Orders, serve food and drink etc THIS POSITION IS FOR A FIRST TIME APPLICANT. INTERESTED BELONGERS MAY APPLY WITH LABOUR DEPARTMENT OR SEND RESUME TO: RESERVATION@ VIAVENETO.RESTAURANT 17945
CHURCH OF GOD OF PROPHECY #29 Norway Road, Apt #2 Kew town Is seeking to employ a
Long Bay Hill, Grand View Close #10 Is seeking to employ a
Cut and measure wood.
Create culture, environments and training to facilitate evangelism through new and existing ministries inside the Church Salary: $400 weekly each
CONTACT: 241-2962
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by work permit holders
• Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 246-3042
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
Caicos Café Plaza #3, Grace Bay Road Is seeking to employ a
• Make jewelry, sell jewelry. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $7 hourly
CONTACT: 341-2214
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 17928
PROSPER CONSTRUCTION 621 Leeward Highway Is seeking to employ a
Receive payment by cash, checks and credit cards, Issue receipts, and change. Contact: 946-4986
MC WATER DELIVERY #34 Sally Hills, Five Cays
Clean trucks and deliver water. Contact: 342-4436
2 STONE MASON - $7-8 HOURLY Lay blocks
LABOURER - $6.25 HOURLY Cleaning construction site.
East Road, North Caicos
CARE TAKER - $6.25 HOURLY Cleaning
JMC CONSTRUCTION Rigby Hill, Five Cays
Paradise Road #25, Cooper Jack Drive Providenciales: 231-1803
• Stocking and supplying designated facility areas, • Dusting,sweeping, mopping, vacuuming, cleaning rest rooms etc. • Must be willing to work 5 days per week.
24A Liney Ave, Blue Hills Providenciales, Telephone: 241-9541
Salary $6.25 per hour Clean sites, tools, dig trenches etc
Salary $6.25 per hour Clean apartment/house yard, weed grass etc.
# 19 Parrot Cut Street, Glass Shack Providenciales, Telephone: 333-0209 Starting Salary $8-10 per hour
- build walls, side walks, plastering etc
- form work, install trims, doors, windows etc
- cut steel to spec, tie steel etc
Only interested Belongers need apply with Labour Employment Services/Labour Department. Positions are held by work permit holders and new work permits.
• To work full time. • 6 days a week. Salary: $7 hourly
CONTACT: 343-9642
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board
Juba Sound. Contact: 243-6016. Acting on behalf of our clients
#54B Millennium Highway, Blue Hills, Snake Hills
Seek to fill the following positions for its clients:
Musgrove CL #8, Kew Town, Providenciales Telephone: 241-7341
August 17-23, 2019
Property cleaning Contact: 347-4578 or 342-9265
#7 sisil Road, Long Bay
99A Walter Cox Drive, Ketawn, Five Cays Fisheries Road
Whitby, North Caicos. Contact: 246-7382. Acting on behalf of
Central Square Road Whitby, North Caicos
yard, moving trash, washing windows and any other jobs given by employer.
Rate: $6.50 hr Work permit currently holds the job, this work permit is a renewal Description: Performing a variety of cleaning activities such as cleaning yard, moving trash, washing windows and any other jobs given by employer.
Mt. Moriah Baptist Church Conch Bar, Middle Caicos
Rate: $6.50hr Attend church events and perform instrument in front of church members Work permit currently holds the job, this work permit is a renewal
Pepper Town Bottle Creek, North Caicos
Pelican Beach Road Whitby, North Caicos
Rate: $6.50 hr This is a new work permit Description: Cleaning House, washing clothes, ironing and other daily chores
Work permit currently holds the job, this work permit is a renewal Rate: $8.00
CASHIER - $500 BI-WEEKLY Count money
SABRINA FORBES #15 Ivory Court, Venetian Road
Cut grass and remove yard wastes.
Cleaning, sweeping and mopping Contact: 331-0927
D&N CONTRACTORS Major Hill, North Caicos
PAINTERS - $6.25 HOURLY Painting
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board These positions are First Time and Renewal work permits 17911
Major Hill North Caicos
Rate: $6.50 hr Work permit currently holds the job, this work permit is a renewal Description: Performing a variety of cleaning activities such as cleaning
Central Square Road Whitby, North Caicos
Rate: $7.00 per hour Description: Description: Performing a variety of cleaning activities such as cleaning yard, moving trash, washing windows and any other jobs given by employer. Belonger are encouraged to apply at The Labor Department 17949
August 17-23, 2019
Reporting Officer: Minister/Board of Directors. Salary: Grade 10 OVERVIEW: The Ports Authority of the Turks and Caicos Islands is a self-supporting public statutory body established in 2008 for the management of maritime affairs. It is governed by a Board of Directors consisting of ex-officio and nominated members. The Ports Authority is seeking an outstanding professional for the position of Director of Ports. POSITION SUMMARY: The Director of Ports will provide leadership and direction to enable the Port to achieve sustained growth. The position will be responsible for developing and executing the strategic plan for revenue, profitability, and growth of the Port. He/she will oversee Port operations to ensure efficiency, quality, service, and cost-effective management of resources and personnel. ESSENTIAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: • Developing, executing, and updating a multi-year strategic plan to increase revenue, profitability, and organizational growth • Ascertaining new business opportunities outside the Port’s existing geographic and vertical markets • Initiating and closing new business deals by developing and negotiating contracts and integrating contract requirements with business operations • Building, developing, and managing a corporate and operational senior leadership team capable of executing desired business strategies; maintain a management personnel succession plan for all operations • Building and maintaining strong relationships with current tenants/ users and potential future tenants/users; including operator of businesses on Port land • Building and maintaining strong relationships with Port employees; including general service and maritime employees • Establishing and maintaining stakeholder relationships; serving as the Port’s liaison for other key relationships with stakeholder groups locally and internationally • Working with international bodies such as United States Coast Guard • Collaborating simultaneously with a wide variety of business/ economic sectors • Identifying internal organic growth opportunities and ensuring that existing assets are being optimally utilized • Support financial and operational objectives • Promoting the Authority to local, regional, national and international entities • Reducing environmental impacts on protected species or habitat • Reviewing (for approval) operating summaries and detailed reports (as required) for presentation to the Board of Directors • Supporting operating initiatives for improvements in safety, quality, cost, and employee relations
• Evaluating performance of managers for compliance with established policies and objectives of the Ports Authority and contributions in attaining objectives • Leading and directing the processes that monitor, measure evaluate, and report on performance • Monitoring and reporting on industry trends; leveraging industry best practices and applying these to internal systems and processes
MINIMUM DESIRED QUALIFICATIONS: • Master’s degree plus 10 years’ experience of senior management or, combination of education and experience demonstrating ability to successfully perform the essential functions of this position. • Previous management experience should include business organizations or public agencies involved in commercial, public and retail property development, marketing and /or the Port/Maritime industry. • He/she must have an in depth understanding and proven experience in dealing with government and administrative processes. • Must be able to quickly garner confidence, respect, and trust with all internal and external stakeholders. • Must have highly developed and sophisticated negotiating expertise. REQUIRED ATTRIBUTES: • Change agent to move Port to a high-performance organization • A passion for port real estate and land development • Strong acumen for developing a strategic vision • A bias for action/sense of urgency and out-of-the-box thinking • Ability to resolve complex problems positively and professionally • Broad presence and ability to proactively communicate with fellow Board members • High awareness, sensitivity, and empathetic disposition as it relates to staff, culture, and community • A demonstrated track record of unquestioned integrity and ethics • A strong work ethic, energetic, and highly engaged • A broad understanding of the transportation service/maritime industry • Strong organization skills to balance a large group of diverse projects simultaneously for large multiuser base. • Stellar interpersonal communications (written and verbal), and presentation skills • Strong analytical skills with a solid understanding of finance and economic issues The foregoing represents a definition of the main functions and requirements for this position but are not an exhaustive list of duties. The Ports Authority reserves the right to make amendments from time to time in accordance with needs of the organization.
APPLICATION PROCEDURES: Resumes with current contact information must be accompanied by a Cover Letter and three letters of reference (one preferably from a former employer) as well as copies of educational certificates and a copy of your Passport photo page. Shortlisted candidates must submit a Police Certificate/Record. Hand delivered applications must have clearly marked on the envelope the Job Title of position being applied for. On emailed applications the subject line must read, Application for Director of Ports.
Resumes should be forwarded to Board Secretary Ports Authority of the Turks and Caicos Islands email: Boardsecretary@portstci.com No later than August 31st 2019
August 17-23, 2019
#a Kitch Apt., Old Airport Road Is seeking to employ a
JOB VACANCIES Graceway IGA Supermarket invites applications from suitable qualified individuals to fill the listed positions currently held by work permit holders:
• Is responsible for the overall sales and profitability of the department Ensure the Department has the highest quality of product available for customers • Ensure company standards of safety, proper food handling practices, sanitation and productivity are maintained • Monitor food preparation methods, portion sizes, and garnishing presentation of food to ensure that food is prepared and presented in an acceptable manner • Ensure standards of department presentation and operations are met; including cleanliness and sanitation, inventory control, rotation, quality, ordering, variety standards, signing, seasonal schematic • Must have at least ten (10) years experience in running a Deli / Bakery department of a large retail / wholesale supermarket • Experience in Food and Nutrition and Menu Planning. Inventory management and spoilage reduction techniques are essential • Must have the ability to meet department’s profitability requirements and gross profit margin analysis • Must be computer literate and have excellent communication, organizational and people management / training skills and be extremely customer service oriented • Proven experiences in rotating, handling, stocking, and merchandising Deli products are required • Will be required to work nights, long hours, weekends, and holidays and must have previous experience in Droste Systems Salary rate will commensurate with experience and qualifications
• Ensue all security procedures and security surveillance are in place to detect, minimize and or eliminate shoplifters and or other theft offense within the store environment • As required, shall conduct in-dept investigations
Keeps equipment available for use by inspecting and testing vehicles; completing preventive maintenance such as, engine tune-ups, oil changes, tire rotation and changes, wheel balancing, replacing filters. Salary: $9 hourly
CONTACT: 442-1973
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board
into suspected case (s) of fraud and theft • Shall conduct routine inspections of the store both internal and external grounds to maintain physical security and protection of assets • Must apprehend dishonest individuals and shoplifters and turn them in to the local Police department for criminal proceedings • This position will work in collaboration with Local Law Enforcement Agencies to apprehend and eliminate in-store theft at all operation levels • Previous experience and credentials in security surveillance is a must • Must be able to handle difficult situations with fairness, respect and diplomacy • Maintain good communication with staff members, associates and the management team • Must be able to meet the physical requirements of the position, with or without reasonable accommodations • Must demonstrate the ability to work effectively with staff and management to achieve the department / store desired results • 1-3 years in retail theft and loss prevention investigations experiences preferred • Observe and ensure compliance with all company policies and established procedures including general health and safety standards • Must be able to work varied hours / days, including nights, weekends, and holidays as needed Salary based on qualifications and experience
Lead Cleaner
Deadline for submission of applicants is August 27, 2019
#24 Silver Palms Close, Long Bay Is seeking to employ a
• Clean the yard and removing seaweed off of the beach. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $1,600 monthly
CONTACT: 231-1239
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is a First Time work permit holder 17793
3 Hope Street, Grace Bay, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands. Is seeking to employ
• Electrical Diagnostics, installations and repairs airconditioning and refrigeration systems. • Necessary qualifications and experience required • Minimum of 10 years’ experience in similar position
• Apply paints, stains, and coatings to interior and exterior walls, new buildings, homes, offices and other structural surfaces. Salary: $10.00 per hour CONTACT: 241-4976 EMAIL: MANPOWER-SERVICES@HOTMAIL.COM Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. Some positions are currently held by a work permit holder
#16 Wheeland, Blue Hills Is seeking to employ
• Clean and serve customers. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 345-5142
• Cleans, polish and disinfects sinks, stoves, freezer, counters and countertops, ovens, deep fryers, • Washes pots, pans, glassware, flatware, cups, glasses, and other dishes and containers used in preparation and service of food • Empties and sanitizes trash cans • Dust and polish chairs, tables, cash register and cash register counter and other furniture and equipment • Responsible for cleanliness of floors, drinks coolers, salad bar and cold and hot food trays • Clean, wash and polish, windows and doors and any glass or metal fittings and or fixtures • Empties and sanitizes garbage disposals • Must have previous experiences and skills working in a supermarket Deli / Bakery environment. Salary rate $ 7. 50 per hour
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is a First Time work permit holder
#87 Parker’s Avenue, Phase 1 Wheeland Is seeking to employ
• Create handmade, Turk & Caicos themed jewelry pieces. • Marketing/ sale of products to general public. • To work 6 days a week Salary: $7.25 hourly
CONTACT: 246-9639
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17786
RECEIVER / FLOOR SUPERVISOR Oversee the receiving and movement of grocery items and the day to day performance of shelve stockers. Successful applicant must be versed in both English and Haitian Creole, Must, be able to work long hour’s weekends and holidays. Compensation will be based on experience and qualification.
This position is for a first time a work permit but interested TCI belongers are encouraged to drop off their resume to: Provo Storage Unit # 3 Cooperjack Rd Providenciales Tele: 242-7417 Application deadline is August 16th, 2019. 17798
All positions are currently held by work permit holders, TCI belongers are encouraged to submit their applications: Graceway IGA Supermarkets main office complex, Leeward Highway Email: hr@gracewayiga.com Please note: only those receiving an interview will be contacted. 17806
August 17-23, 2019
VACANT LAND 30 Acres vacant land near beach. Pirates Well Mayaguana Bahamas
Duties: To greet and seat Customers and take food And drink Orders. SALARY: $6.50 per hour. To work 5 days per week
Salary/Wages: $9.00 per HOUR Responsibilities/Duties: • Install, repair and maintain power, lighting for customers • Homes and businesses of customers conduct electrical duties
CONTACT: 247-7809
Belongers are invited to submit their application to the Labour Board, Ministry of Boarder Control.
Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department
177 Chalk Sound Drive, Chalk Sound Is seeking to employ a
• Maintaining the yard. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $7 hourly
CONTACT: 331-3184
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17835
Acting on behalf of our clients.
Lonely Howell Complex 31D, Airport Road
MASON-$10 HOURLY Lay blocks. First Time work permit Contact: 245-2850
#3 Sunshine Crescent, Grace Bay Court
1 LABOURER Clean yard
1 GARDENER Take care of plants.
CONTACT: 946-5443
Renewal work permits Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 17840
BOTTLE CREEK Is seeking to employ
15 COMMITTED FARMERS MALE AND FEMALE To work in its agricultural farm in North Caicos. Salary: $275 weekly
CONTACT: 649-247-8818
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is First Time work permit holders 17843
James Prospere Building Unit #3, 704 Leeward Highway Is seeking to employ a
• Cutting, trimming, shampooing, and styling hair, trimming beards, or giving shaves. Clean and sterilize scissors, combs, clippers, and etc. • 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 342-0475
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is a First Time work permit holder 17831
• Must be familiar with operation of all current woodworking machinery and tools with proper safety practices. • Must be able to read Auto-Cad drawings. • English speaking, bilingual preferred. Duties: Joinery, manufacturing, finishing and or refinishing of furniture, cabinets and woodwork in general including installation. Assist other employees in general millshop operations and maintenance. Must be professional and courteous.
Please send applications to: tcmillwork@tciway.tc. Contact person: Stephane Gaudet 231-4537.
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of resume to Labour Department. All positions are held by work permit holders. 17778
• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. • To work 5 days a week. • Salary $6.50 per hour
CONTACT: 344-5557
ASHLEY’S LEARNING CENTER INQUIRING MINDS 57 Aviation Drive, Five Cays Road Is seeking to employ
-$1800 monthly Teach and their children with special needs.
-$1400 monthly Assist special needs children with meds.
CONTACT: 232-1473
Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department 17837
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 1 First Time work permit & 5 Renewal work permits 17828
#12 Analee Avenue, Millennium Highway, Blue Hills Is seeking to employ a
• Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board
Caribbean Place, Unit 4B Is seeking to employ
Clean the windows, sweeping and mopping outside.
Stocking and supplying designated facility areas, dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, cleaning ceiling vents, restroom cleaning etc. Salary: $6.50 hourly Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board These positions currently held by work permit holders17841
Cut tiles and shape them properly to ensure they fit around obstacles and in tight corners and odd spaces using power and hand tools. Contact: 231-0337
- Starting Salary $6.50 $7.00 per hour Clean tools & equipment, construction sites etc
$6.25 per hour caring for two children, general house chores etc
ISLAND STEEL FABRICATORS South Dock, #27 Malcom Road Is seeking to employ a
Build and install iron or steel girders, columns, and other construction materials to form buildings, bridges, and other structures. Cut, position, and bolt down steel bars to reinforce concrete. Salary: $8.50 hourly
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is a First Time work permit holder 17842
• Clean Windows. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week Salary: $9 hourly
Cut tiles and shape them properly to ensure they fit around obstacles and in tight corners and odd spaces using power and hand tools. Contact: 343-1007
CONTACT: 231-0001
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board These positions currently held by work permit holders
All positions are currently held by work permit holders. Qualified Belongers may also apply to Labour Department.
85 Chalk Sound Drive Is seeking to employ
Five Cays, Rigby Hill
Unit#9 Storage Office Building Long Bay Road, Providenciales Telephone: 231-4519
Acting on behalf of our clients
53 P.O.BOX 68, Blue Mountain, Providenciales
#35 Stingray Street, Cooper Jack, Providenciales: 4312857
CONTACT: 347-1905
CONTACT: 946-4445
SKILLS REQUIRED: • 5 years work experience in manufacturing furniture, woodworking, joinery and cabinet making. Wage for different positions: Furniture Carpenter, Machinery Technician $9.00/hour.
Skills required for 3 positions: • Individual must have previous experience with manufacture, construction, and installation of high end cabinetry.
We will decide and decision is final
Call 305 266 0886 Miriam
Address: Radar Road, Five Cays, Providenciales Contact: (649) 332-1803 Seeking:
#2 South Dock Road, Industrial park. Providenciales Turks and Caicos islands
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This positions are First Time and Renewal work permits
HUDSON STEPHENSON JENNINGS 61 Mary Jane Lane, Blue Hills Is seeking to employ
Cleaning yard, maintaining the yard and plants, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 241-0236
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder
Unit #1, 10 Prospect, Cooper Jack Bay, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a
• Measure, cut, or shape wood, plastic, and other materials. • To work 5 days a week Salary: $8.50 hourly
CONTACT: 243-0137
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is a First Time work permit holder
#13 Norway Road, Kew Town Is seeking to employ a
• Follow blueprints and building plans. Install structures and fixtures. Measure, cut, or shape wood, plastic, and other materials. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $8 hourly
CONTACT: 242-8800
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is a First Time work permit holder 17772
P&K SPENDLESS SUPERMARKET #3 Cooper Jack Road, Glass Shack Is seeking to employ a
• Pack shelves. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 332-0937
Duties include: general cleaning of kitchen area, bathrooms, doors and window glass panes, kitchen sinks, equipments and washing utensils Salary $6.50 per hour willing to work on flexible time to include nights, weekends and holidays Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of application and resume to the Labor Department This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17780
533 Chalk Sound Drive, Chalk Sound Is seeking to employ a
Must be responsible for the safe operation of vessel and must ensure that it is operated and crewed according to both company and legal guidelines. Salary: $275 weekly plus $10 per person commission
CONTACT: 946-5306
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17783
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is a First Time work permit holder
SOUTH DOCK Is seeking to employ a
Unit 101 Grace Bay Court, Grace Bay Is seeking a
• Apply paints, stains, and coatings to interior and exterior walls, new buildings, homes, offices and other structural surfaces. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $9 hourly
• Put metal in sheet rock. • install and fix steel girders, pipework and beams • 5 days a week Salary: $9 hourly
CONTACT: 341-9177
CONTACT: 946-5414
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17782
#8 Santa Maria Lane, Leeward Is seeking to employ a
• Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. • 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
August 17-23, 2019
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17785
#42 Celestial Circle Wheeland, Blue Hills Is seeking to employ
Preparing ingredients to cook, chopping and peeling vegetables, cutting meat.
Serve food and drinks to guests.
CONTACT: 332-8501
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This positions are First Time work permit holder 17755
ALEX CLEANING SERVICES 87 Marby Drive, Juba Sound Is seeking to employ a
• Stocking and supplying designated facility areas, dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, cleaning ceiling vents, restroom cleaning etc. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 332-5690
belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is a First Time work permit holder 17769
533 CHALK SOUND DRIVE, CHALK SOUND Is seeking to employ
Must be experienced in dealing with and serving customers.
Must have at least 5 years’ experience in preparing various cuisines.
CONTACT: 946-5306
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board These positions currently held by work permit holders17790
126 Millennium Highway, Blue Hills. Is seeking a
• Cleaning the property, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. Cares for garden. • To work 7 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 241-8331 OR 341-6778
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
• Bus boy must be willing to work quickly in cleaning and setting up tables. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 946-5306
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. These positions are First Time work permit holders
Unit #25 South Dock Road Is seeking to employ a
• Install materials on a variety of surfaces, such as floors, walls, ceilings, countertops. Level the surface to be tiled with a layer of mortar or plywood. • 5 days a week. Salary: $12 hourly
CONTACT: 241-7845
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is for Renewal work permit
#138 Millennium Highway, Blue Hills, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a
Drive garbage trucks
Fix garbage trucks and company vehicles.
Assist in fixing garbage trucks and company vehicles
Assist with collecting of garbage on a daily basis
Collect garbage on a daily basis. Hours of work is 8 hours per day and 5 days per week. Salary: $500.00 per week
CONTACT: 333-7889
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. Positions are held by work permit holders beside Waste Collector that is vacant
ABIGAELLE BARBER & SALON Granny Hills, Five Cays, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a
CLEANER Cleaning, pick up trash. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 649-243-8557
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is a First Time work permit holder
• Cutting, trimming, shampooing, and styling hair, trimming beards, or giving shaves. Clean and sterilize scissors, combs, clippers, and other instruments. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.75 hourly
CONTACT: 341-0673
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is a First Time work permit holder 17816
ASSEMBLE IT #20 Chandelle Drive, Venetian Road Is seeking to employ
• Cut wood • To work 5 days a week.
Lay blocks Salary: $8 hourly
CONTACT: 343-1056
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board These positions are First Time work permit holders
Behind the Ball Park Unit 03, Downtown Is seeking to employ a
• To be able to repair any jewels on a high level of attention and detail. • To work from 8 to 5. 6 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 343-8025
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is a First Time work permit holder 17721
LE BOUCHON DU VILLAGE Address: Gracebay Road, Regent Village, #A111, Providenciales, TCI Contact: (649) 231-0309 /244-1134 Seeking:
Salary/Wages: $300 per week RESPONSIBILITIES/ DUTIES: • Helping the kitchen staff upload shipments of food and other kitchen supplies • Cleaning down the kitchen surfaces This position is being applied for a Renewal Work Permit Holder. Belongers are invited to submit their application to the Labour Board, Ministry of Boarder Control.
Address: #12A Slammer, Blue Hills, Providenciales, TCI Contact: (649) 241-2512 Email: ClaudeJoseph57@gmail. com
Salary/Wages: $7.50 per hour
• Assisting the carpernters with lifting of lumber • Assisting the masons with mixing and smoothing of cement • Cleaning up of work areas This position is being applied for a Renewal Work Permit Holder. Belongers are invited to submit their application to the Labour Board, Ministry of Boarder Control. 17809
DELUXE MAINTENANCE AND CONTRACTION SERVICES #14 Docking Lane, Juba Sound, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a
Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames Salary: $6.75 hourly May be required to work on weekends and holidays Only Belongers need to apply
CONTACT: 649-946-8876
THOMAS SWANN Breezy Brae, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a
To perform yard chores, minor maintenance and repairs. other chores if necessary. Must be willing to work on weekends and holidays
CONTACT #332-1022
Salary $6.50 per hour work permit renewal Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department
August 17-23, 2019
Address: #16 Reese Street, Five Cays, Providenciales, TCI Contact: (649) 343-7305 Seeking:
Salary/Wages: $6.50 per hour Responsibilities/Duties: • Bathing, cooking and ensuring children are wellmaintained • Cleaning of the home • Ensuring a safe environment for the children
DES ELECTRICAL Mydees Plaza, North Caicos Is seeking to employ a
• Greet customers when they arrive at the store and ask if they need assistance • Process sales transactions at the POS (point-of-sale) counter • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $300 weekly
CONTACT: 946-7059
#8 Ball Park Lane, Downtown Is seeking to employ a
• Performing a variety of cleaning activities such as sweeping, mopping, dusting and polishing. Ensuring all rooms are cared for and inspected according to standards. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 242-9447
This position is being applied for a Renewal Work Permit Holder. Belongers are invited to submit their application to the Labour Board, Ministry of Boarder Control. 17808
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
acting on behalf of our client
#90 Belmont Road, South Dock, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands
MASON Duties: Lay blocks, build concrete houses & Roof. SALARY: $10.00 per hours. CONTACT: RENAE MCPHEE 1-649-332-1056 RMCPHEE11@GMAIL.COM MCFAM HR MANAGEMENT
Belongers are encouraged to apply.
Industrial Dr., South Dock Road. Is seeking to employ a
Assist the head chef, cleaning. Salary: $300 weekly
CONTACT: 649-342-6310
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is a First Time work permit holder
#42 CHANDELLE DRIVE, Venetian Road Is seeking to employ a
• Braiding, weaving, relaxing, loc, grooming and maintenance. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $1,200 monthly
CONTACT: 344-4528
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17819
CONTACT: 241-9492
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is a First Time work permit holder 17797
• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
533 Chalk Sound Drive, Chalk Sound Is seeking to employ
Have villas clean and ready for guests to occupy. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 946-5306
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17801
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17792
CONTACT: 331-6791
LABOURER • Cleaning yard and
Palm Circle, Leeward Palms
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is a First Time work permit holder 17817
• Follow blueprints and building plans. Install structures and fixtures, such as windows and molding. Measure, cut, or shape wood, plastic, and other materials • 44 hours a week. Salary: $10 hourly
AIRPORT ROAD Acting on behalf of our clients
CONTACT: 231-0199
#2 Pam Plaza, Airport Road Is seeking to employ a
57 Parkers Avenue, Belglade Garden, Wheeland Is seeking to employ a
41A Palms Well Drive, Leeward Palms Is seeking to employ a
buildings on property. • Keep vehicles cleaned (interior/exterior) • Work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.75 hourly
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is for work permit renewal 17826
Watering, weeding, edging, seed sowing, bed preparation and planting. First Time
STEPHANIE DUNCANSON Caravel Avenue, Leeward Palms
Cleaning the property, pick up yard waste, dispose of trash. Renewal
CONTACT: 241-2043
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. 17716
#5 Sherlock Walkin Building, Old Airport Road Is seeking to employ a
• Taking food orders, serving customers. Taking beverage orders from customers or wait staff and serving drinks as requested, paying extreme attention to detail. • 6 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 231-2397
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
#1125 SOUTH DOCK ROAD, PROVIDENCIALES PHONE: (649) 946-5919, (649)946-2897 FAX (649) 9417935 Email: admin@expressequipmentjcb.com
LABOURER • Duties: • Clean shop • Heavy lifting • Assist with tools • Must have a clean drivers license • Salary $8.00 per hour
Drop off resume/ cv at the office Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor department This position is held by a work permit holder 17822
Sandy Point, North Caicos Is seeking Cleaning and preparing construction sites for the erection of structures and building. Unloads and loads materials, mixes concrete, pours concrete, and assists carpenters, operating engineers and other construction site workers. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 649-341-0451
Email: bassett_27@hotmail. com
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is for First Time work permit
BAY ROAD, BLUE HILLS Is seeking to employ a
• Clean yard. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 241-5071 OR 342-0275
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17820
#22 Millennium Highway, Blue Hills Is seeking to employ a
• Mixes mud; lays bricks and stones and/or concrete sidewalks; makes and repairs steps and plasters. • 6 days a week. Salary: $10 hourly
CONTACT: 345-3216
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is a First Time work permit holder 17818
#18 New Subdivision, Five Cays Is seeking to employ a
• Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $7 hourly
CONTACT: 344-9806
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder
#1125 SOUTH DOCK ROAD PROVIDENCIALES PHONE: (649) 946-5919, (649)946-2897 FAX (649) 941-7935 Email: admin@expressequipmentjcb.com
• Build and assemble machines or mechanical components according to requirements • Inspect machines, engines, transmission etc. and run diagnostic test to discover functionality issues • Conduct repairs aiming for maximum reliability • Troubleshoot reported problems and resolve them in a timely manner • Perform through maintenance on machinery, equipment and systems • Clean and apply lubricants to machinery components • Replenish fluids and components of engines and machinery • Provide consultation on correct maintenance and preventative measures to machine or vehicles users • Keep logs of work and report on issues Must possess suitable mechanic background (degree preferred) as well of experience within all aspects of automotive Mobil services/ repaired industry Salary : with experience and qualifications salary range $15-$20 per hour Must have own tools
Drop off resume/ cv at the office Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor department This position is held by a work permit holder
August 17-23, 2019
ACCU DIAGNOSTICS C101 CABOT HOUSE GRACEWAY, Grace Bay Is seeking to employ a
Examine patients; take medical histories; prescribe medications; and order, perform, and interpret diagnostic tests. Counsel patients on diet, hygiene, and preventive healthcare. Salary: $3,500 per month
CONTACT: 946-8308 OR 231-1184
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder17715
ACTON ACADEMY GRACE BAY Is seeking to employ a
Must be holing a Degree of Associate in Arts and Socratic teaching. Salary based on qualifications CONTACT: 231-5483 EMAIL: INFO@ACTONACADEMY TURKSANDCAICOS.COM
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is a First Time work permit holder 17665
Hospital Road, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a
• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 345-1428
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17728
#17 Moore’s Lane, Juba Sound Is seeking to employ a
ELECTRICIANS AND PLUMBERS Electricians must have a recognized qualification/licence from a governing body in country of origin and at least 10 years experience on large commercial projects is essential. Duties will include electrical installations, repairs and maintenance to residential and commercial projects. Electricians pay starting at $12.00 per hour. Plumbers must have at least 10 years experience on commercial projects and duties will include plumbing installations, repairs and maintenance to residential and commercial projects. Plumbers pay starting at $10.00 per hour.
Please email resume to beenmep@tciway.tc
This ad is for both a first time work permit application and also any local/belonger qualified applicants as several positions are available. Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department 17761
D4 Yacht Club, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a
• Child care, assist with cleaning and cooking. • 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 244-3840
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17742
406 MILLENNIUM HIGHWAY, BLUE HILLS Is seeking to employ a
• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 241-6430
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
Salary: $6.75 hourly
CONTACT: 241-5693
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is a First Time work permit holder 17732
GENERAL DUTIES: Cleaning and maintenance of the residential dwelling to include meal preparation and service Basic Requirements: Experience in a similar role is necessary as well as the ability to speak and write English fluently. Salary: Starts at $6.50 per hour for six days per week.
Please contact for msimmons@tciway.tc or call telephone number 649-331-5396
to arrange an interview or send copies of application to the Labour Board. Application deadline: August 16, 2019 *Position is currently held by a work permit holder 17752
Rate: $8.00 per hour Description: Installs pipes and fixtures, such as sinks and toilets. This position is for work permit renewal
• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. • 5 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 331-3419
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
Musgrove Hill, Whitby, North Caicos Is seeking to employ a
acting on behalf of our clients:
Central Square Road, Bottle Creek, North Caicos
CONTACT: 244-0786
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is a First Time work permit holder 17744
#6 Tana Road, Five Cays Is seeking to employ a
of South Dock Road in Providenciales is seeking the services of a
• Take coconuts off tree and peel them. Cleaning the restaurant. Preparing coconuts to eat. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly
LABOURER Clean yard.
Grace Bay Road, Lower Bight Is seeking to employ a
Pelican Bay Road, North Caicos
Rate: $6.50 per hour Description: Ensuring all rooms are cared for and inspected according to standards. Sweeping, mopping, dusting and polishing This position is vacant
Contact: 649-7382 Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department
Taking care of an elderly man. Feed and clothe patient. Salary: $850 monthly
CONTACT: 343-3755 OR 241-8182
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is a First Time work permit holder
Alpha Christian Academy is seeking qualified
Primary and Secondary School Teachers Newly qualified teachers and experienced teachers are welcome to apply.
- Must be a Christian Believer. - Hold a Bachelor’s Degree or higher in Teaching (Secondary) Associate Degree minimum requirement for Primary. - Be an enthusiastic and committed Primary Teacher to join a dedicated, wellestablished team of teachers within our successful school to - (Experience using the A Beka Curriculum a plus but not required) In fulfilling the requirements of the post, the successful candidate will
demonstrate essential professional characteristics and in particular will: • Inspire trust and confidence in students, parents and colleagues. • Ensure consistent high quality curriculum delivery and learning outcomes for students. • Maintain high standards in planning, classroom delivery and the use of assessment. • Be committed to creating a stimulating, learning environment for the students. • Be ambitious about young children and their education. • Promote the wider aspirations and values of the school. Salary Range -$ 15,000K – 23,000K
candidates should submit their resume to via email to:nikkihanna545@hotmail.com and the Labor Department
Mary Jane Lane, Blue Hills Is seeking to employ a
• Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $7 hourly
CONTACT: 232-5420
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder
DARD’S GROCERY King Road, Bottle Creek, North Caicos Is seeking to employ a
• Shift System worker • Must work Holidays and weekends • Driver’s license is an asset • Must have knowledge of the POS system Salary: $7.00 per hour
CONTACT: 649-431-4371
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is a First Time work permit holder 17739
DA CONCH SHACK #51 Bay Road, Blue Hills Is seeking to employ
1 STEWARD-$6.25 HOURLY Washing dishes and cleaning.
Prepare and cook food.
1 KITCHEN HELPER - $6.50 HOURLY Preparing work stations.
1 SERVER - $7 HOURLY Serving customers.
CONTACT: 946-8877
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board These positions currently held by work permit holders
August 17-23, 2019
2A Courtyard Plaza, Leeward Highway IS LOOKING TO EMPLOY A
• Min 5 years’ experience in slot machine operations • Repair and maintain all types of slot machines • 6 days a week • Days/nights, weekends and holidays Salary: $10 hourly
Big Blue is looking for Turks and Caicos Islanders with outgoing personalities and physical coordination to join a team of knowledgeable and experienced guides to conduct educational and environmentally conscious eco-tours and boat charters throughout the Caicos Islands.
1. Marine Biologist/Eco-Tour Guides
Seeking keen individuals to join the eco-tour team with experience and qualifications in the field of Marine Biology. Suitable candidates must have experience in tropical water, be able to guide kayak, stand-up paddleboard (SUP) and snorkeling excursions and be at minimum Open Water Certified for SCUBA. Training will also be provided on the marine and terrestrial environment of the Turks and Caicos, first aid, and general marine and tourism safety. Preference will be given to anyone holding a current STCW’95, boat captain license and current First Aid Certificate. Applicant must have the personality for sales, public relations and education. The work schedule is varied and provides up to 6-days work per week. Applicant requirements include: • Minimum 18 years old and fluent in English • Must have degree in Marine Biology or Marine Sciences • Genuine interest in the marine environment and a desire to enjoy and protect it. • Good to strong swimmer • Be living (or be willing to live) on Providenciales and be punctual, reliable and able to work long days, public holidays, and weekends. • No criminal record and good character references Positions are currently held by belongers and work permit holders. Specifically seeking for belongers. Interested applicants should apply to the email address below. Salary range: $100-$130 per day plus gratuities depending on previous experience and/or qualifications
2. Boat Captains
Seeking boat captain with prior experience to conduct a range of snorkel, dive and private boat charters. Boat captains who have completed the STCW course and hold a current TCI boat masters and VHF radio license will be given preference. The work schedule is varied and provides up to 6-days work per week. Additional training will be provided but candidates must have: • A minimum of 2 years boating experience in TCI waters and be a good to strong swimmer • Hold a clean driving license and no criminal record • Minimum 18 yrs old and fluent in English • Be living (or be willing to live) on Providenciales and be punctual, reliable and able to work long days, public holidays, and weekends. • Good character references essential, no criminal record. Positions currently filled by belongers. Interested applicants should apply to the email address below. Preference will be given to anyone with prior experience in the tourism industry and with boat and engine maintenance skills and/or SCUBA diving training. Salary range: $120-$150 per day plus gratuities depending on previous experience and/or qualifications.
3. Scuba Diving Instructors
Seeking qualified Scuba Instructors to conduct PADI dive courses and tours. Preference will be given to belongers and those with professional boating experience. Other duties include conducting snorkel tours and dive equipment maintenance. The work schedule is varied and provides up to 6-days work per week. New positions vacant. Salary range: $110 to $130 per day plus gratuities depending on previous experience. Applicants should apply to the email address below.
4. Kite Instructors
CONTACT: (649) 244-8400
Seeking qualified IKO kite instructors to teach kite courses. Preference will be given to belongers and those with extended teaching experience. Other duties include assisting with sales and conducting kite tours and other watersports activities offered by the company. The work schedule is varied and provides up to 6-days work per week. Must be willing to work long days in the sun. New positions open. Salary range: 25-30% of course fee plus gratuities. Applicants should apply to the email address below.
Email: elitetci@gmail.com Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume the Labour Board This position is vacant 17746 IRUANDA NAILS STUDIO & BEAUTY SALON 2005 Olympic Plaza, 2nd Floor #1, Five Cays Road Is seeking to employ
5. Operations Managers
Shampooing, cutting, and styling hair, hair treatments, and etc.
Seeking experience personal in the watersports industry to manage daily scuba diving and watersports operations. Prior experience essential and a current scuba diving instructor qualification is mandatory. Responsibilities include: • Ensuring all tours, charters and courses are executed in a timely manner • Monitor and manage reservations • Schedule tours and staff • Ensure dive operations are conducted to the highest safety standards and be able to assist with dive inquiries and courses when required. • Oversea a strict maintenance schedule for all dive, paddle and boat equipment. Positions are currently held by a work permit holder and priority will be given to belongers. Must be willing to work long days, weekends and all public holidays. Salary range $3,500 to $5,000 per month. Interested applicants should apply to the email address below.
Basic manicures, artificial nails, gel nails, and etc. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 347-3734
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board These positions are First Time work permit holders
JARMELL L. FULFORD #58 Bay Road, Blue Hills Is seeking to employ a
6. Driver
Looking for a reliable driver to conduct hotel transfers in 14 passenger bus and deliver kayaks and paddleboards to private villas. The work schedule is varied and provides up to 6-days work per week. Responsibilities include providing a punctual service and keeping the operators vehicle clean and serviced. Preference will be given to those with automotive maintenance experience. Applicants must: • Hold a clean driving license and no criminal record, • Be able to drive a manual stick shift is mandatory • Minimum 25yrs old and fluent in English • Be living (or be willing to live) on Providenciales and be punctual, reliable and able to work long days, public holidays, and weekends. The position is currently held by a belonger. Belongers are preferred. Salary range $100 to $120 per day.
• Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. • 5 days a week. Salary: $7 hourly
CONTACT: 241-4104
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17738
7. Kitchen Helper
#49 Industrial Park by Pass Chalk Sound Road Is seeking to employ a
Looking for a suitable candidate to help prepare food for boat charters, clean coolers and clean office premises. Duties include baking, cleaning and ordering food. The work schedule is varied and provides up to 6-days work per week. The following are required of the applicant: • Fluent in English with good speaking and reading skills. • Willing to start at 5am, work long days, weekends and public holidays. • Have prior experience in kitchen health and safety standards. The position is currently held by a work permit holder. Belongers are preferred. Salary ranges from $8-$10 per hour
Candidates should apply via email to careers@bigbluecollective.com before the 22nd of August 2019 and include a resume and cover letter with a brief description of why they believe they are a suitable candidate to work in the eco-tourism / watersports industry. Applicants should send a copy to the Commissioner of Labour.
- $9.00 per hour Filing and doing other work.
3 LABOURERS - $7.50 hourly Cleaning.
CONTACT: 346-1153
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. These positions are First Time and Renewal work permits 17726
August 17-23, 2019
• Cleaning the property, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. Cares for garden. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 341-2552
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is a First Time work permit holder 17770
DOMINIQUE HAIR CENTER 104 Alice & Alice Building, Airport Road. Is seeking
Style, cut and wash hair.
Taking care of the child feeding bathing the child, cleaning washing the baby clothes. Salary: $6.25 hourly
Employ People, buy products for the salon.
CONTACT: 649-242-5052
Gel nails, nail fills, and nail repair.
CONTACT: 345- 5137
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board These positions are currently held by work permit holders
Robinson Street, Five Cays Is seeking to employ a
1315A Cheshire Hall, Leeward Highway Is seeking to employ a
DOMESTIC WORKER • Put together flower arrangements and cleaning the store. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week. Salary: $300 weekly
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is a First Time work permit holder
Contact: 946-4894 Email: flowergirlprovo@yahoo.com Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder
Unit F102 Regent Grand Street, Grace Bay, Is seeking
• Needs 5 years’ experience in cutting, colour, styling, up do’s. Diploma from the USA, valid license. • Speak multi languages. • To work 6 days a week. Commission only
CONTACT: 442-2424
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
Coral Gardens Resort Lower Bight, Providenciales, TCI. Tel. 649 941 8260
WATERPLAY PROVO Ocean Club, GRACE BAY Is seeking to employ
• Post secondary degree in Culinary Arts or 8 + years industry equivalent experience. • Computer literate, functional on Excel, Ms-Word and Quickbooks and Micros. • Fluent in English both written and oral with a fundamental understanding of French and Spanish • First Aid Training Skill Requirements: Be able to assist the Executive Chef in all capacities to include: • Work in a high pressure environment with calm, effective leadership • Planning and execution of special events. • Precise knife skills • Assist Chef in the preparation and execution of all desserts. • Produce all breakfast, lunch and dinner items with expert precision. • Cook entire menu on the line during service, including meats to temperature specifications. • Execute a proper sanitation procedure to insure that high quality food is served that accurately represents the Café. • Prepare and execute specials based on the Café’s Tex-Mex cuisine. • Be versed in a large variety of cooking techniques to include: braising, sautéing, frying, steaming, poaching, and sauce making. • Receive food orders from various vendors, checking for quality and pricing. • Be able to stand on ones feet for 10 hours and be comfortable lifting 50 pounds without physical restrictions. • Be available to work holidays and weekends with a flexible schedule. Leadership and Managerial Requirements: • Assist Chef in the training of kitchen staff to encourage growth in a positive environment. • Be sensitive to the needs of staff members and maintain a professional demeanor • Assist Chef in the ordering of food through a variety of vendors • Assist Chef with weekly and monthly inventory of items and work with the Chef to calculate food costs • Maintain a positive environment in the kitchen to encourage growth and diversity within the workplace
The Sous Chef should be a natural leader who is seeking to assist others in improving their cooking ability, and also to develop strong people skills. An ambitious person who is a comfortable communicator with a confident skill set. The Sous Chef needs to be a self starter that can lead the kitchen in the Chefs absence. The right candidate should be able to open the kitchen in the morning, or be the last to leave the kitchen at night. Prioritizing and executing prep items based on the restaurants needs. He or She will assure that foods are properly labeled with the date and prep item name and consistently rotated, and stored for future use. Oversee and participate in daily cleaning duties as per scheduled by the Chef to maintain a clean safe environment for all employees to work in. Pay: $3000.00 per month Belongers given preference
Submit resume, certifications and current police record in person or email to: ECRUZ@SOMEWHERECAFEANDLOUNGE.COM Liquid Caicos, Ltd t/a Somewhere Cafe & Lounge @ Corel Gardens Resort Phone: 649-941-8260 (office); 649-442 4500(cell) 17725
• Renting Paddle Boards, Kayaks, Hobye Cat. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: Based on experience
Applicants may send their CV’s to the email listed waterplayprovo@gmail.com Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder
GARDENER NEEDED For residential home Primary duties include caring for the plants and grounds. Ad is for work permit renewal Salary is $7.00 per hour.
Contact Kenrick Walters, Grace Bay Road, Providenciales or call 246-3129 Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department 17741
#4 Down Town Is seeking to employ
• Fry chicken and serve customers. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 345-5664
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is a First Time work permit holder
• • • • • • • • • •
Must be consistently punctual for work. Maintain a clean work station throughout shift. Must maintain a clean, well kept appearance upon arrival and through out shifts. Must be able to multi task in a fast pace, high pressure environment. Be able to stand on one’s feet for 8 hours and be comfortable lifting 50 pounds or more without physical restrictions. Be available to work days and nights, holidays and weekends with a flexible schedule Must be able to take direction from superiors Clean all floors in front and back of house at opening and closing Must be able to communicate in English Understanding of fundamental math with ability to effectively measure and or weigh ingredients as per recipes.
• Work with staff members to assure that the restaurant is clean and well maintained throughout the duration of their shift. • Participate in daily cleaning duties as per scheduled by the Chef or other Management personnel to maintain a clean, safe environment for all employees to work in. Wages: $7/hour. This is a permit renewal ad.
Applicants are to apply in person with a CV at Somewhere Café located at Coral Gardens Resort or email to: eruz@somewherecafeandlounge.com 649 941 8260
August 17-23, 2019
Sports Interational
Sources: Lakers’ Cousins seriously injures knee LOS Angeles Lakers center DeMarcus Cousins has suffered a serious left knee injury, league sources told ESPN’s Adrian Wojnarowski on Thursday. The initial fear is that Cousins has a torn ACL, sources told ESPN, but nothing is expected to be known for certain until the four-time AllStar undergoes further tests in Los Angeles.
Cousins, 29, was working out in Las Vegas on Monday when he had to leave the court after what one source described as “bumping knees” with another player. He suffered an Achilles tendon tear while playing for New Orleans during the 2017-18 season, and he missed several weeks with Golden State Warriors last season with a quadriceps injury.
Act on behalf of its clients: BLUE HILLS CONSTRUCTION
Wilson Circle #11 , Blue Hills, Providenciales Phone: 346-0002
- Salary $6.25 per hour offload materials for carpenters, mason etc.
11 Macaw Close, Cooper Jack, Providenciales 333-1199
- Salary $6.50 - $8.00 Clean apartment yard etc., Install doors, trims etc.
MASON NEEDED The successful candidate must be: 1. Physically fit and able to lift and carry 50lbs or more. 2. Able to perform basic carpentry and masonry skills 3. Knowledgeable of related tools, masonry techniques, equipment and materials. 4. Able to mix cement using hoes, cement-mixing equipment, and/or hand tools. 5. knowledgeable of layering building materials such as bricks, concrete, tiles and other construction materials. 6. Knowledgeable and skill in alteration, repair, and maintenance of masonry structures and surfaces. Remuneration - Salary is $1,200 monthly This AD is for a work permit. Please apply in writing to Jessica Hall 46 Leeward Highway , email: jesshall137@gmail.com. 1 649 342 0131. 17954
ELIBERT BRUTUS #5 Ralph Cl, Blue Hills Is seeking to employ a
Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 347-9277
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17915
Cousins signed a one-year, $3.5 million contract with the Lakers in July.
EXCEL GENERAL CONSTRUCTION GROUP 15 Aviation Drive Is seeking to employ
2 ROOFER Design roof.
Painting professional.
3 STEEL MEN Tie steel
2 CARPENTER Carpentry work Salary: $8 per hour
CONTACT: 341-7425
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board
#26 Leeward Highway, The Bight Is seeking to employ a
DOMESTIC WORKER Cleaning the house, etc. Salary: $6.25 hourly.
CONTACT: 649-346-6236
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder 1782
#12 Doctors Road, Chalk Sound Is seeking to employ a
• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
9 Walkers Lane, Airport Road Is seeking to employ a
• Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 per hour
CONTACT: 244-3173
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is a First Time work permit holder 17833
• Fix jet skis, boats. Work and maintain them. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $9 hourly
• Clean the boat and other work • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 332-5707
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board These positions are First Time and Renewal of work permit. 17836
Hospital Road, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a
Archie Capron cl, Blue Hills Is seeking to employ a
• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. • 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. Salary: $275.00 per week
CONTACT: 346-1293
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17775
CONTACT: 342-2313
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17764
CONTACT: 244-0065
Sandy Point, North Caicos Is seeking
Cleaning and preparing construction sites for the erection of structures and building. Unloads and loads materials, mixes concrete, pours concrete, and assists carpenters, operating engineers and other construction site workers. Salary: $6.25 hourly CONTACT: 649-341-0451 EMAIL: BASSETT_27@ HOTMAIL.COM
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is for First Time work permit 17916
33 Parkers Ave, Belgade Garden Is seeking to employ a
Palm Grove, The Lower Bight Is seeking to employ
Stock shelves.
Taking care of two children washing, feeding and caring for the children. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 342-6083
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board
To work 6 days a week slip shift. Salary: $6.50 hourly
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 17921
#41 Juba Sound, Leeward Highway Is seeking to employ a
• Clean yards, dispose garbage. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $300 weekly
CONTACT: 345-6174
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17925
CALL 946-4664
Sports Interational
August 17-23, 2019
Adrián celebrates with his Liverpool teammates.
Chris Gayle has played 301 ODIs in total, a record 298 for West Indies and three for an ICC World XI.
Chris Gayle hasn’t retired, again WE all thought West Indies batsman Chris Gayle’s 301st one-day international would be his last except for the man himself. Gayle, 39, scored 72 in his side’s defeat by India in what had been expected to be his final match. But the opener - who recently surpassed Brian Lara’s ODI run record for a West Indian, which now stands at 10,480 - is playing on “until further notice”. In June, Gayle reversed his original decision to retire after the World Cup. Gayle, who usually wears the number 45, wore a specially-printed shirt with the number 301 on the back for the third ODI against India at the Queen’s Park Oval in Trinidad on Wednesday.
But his 72 off 41 balls, 62 of those scored in boundaries, was not enough to help his side avoid defeat - and a 2-0 series loss. Gayle left the field waving his bat aloft, soaking up the warm and prolonged applause from the crowd, a gesture indicating that would be the last time he would be wearing West Indies colours. India captain Virat Kohli’s impressive 114 not out helped his side to a six-wicket victory on the DLS method, and he was also swept up by the occasion, gushing about how Gayle was a “gem of a human being” and “always kind” as a tribute to his former Royal Challengers Bangalore team-mate upon his retirement. But retired-not-retired Gayle said
after the game: “I didn’t announce any retirement.” West Indies captain Jason Holder said: “To my knowledge, he [Gayle] has not retired. “But today was an example of his career. He was entertaining, he showed presence, and that’s just what people have come to expect of Chris Gayle over the years.” In reversing his original retirement decision during the World Cup, Jamaican Gayle also revealed he wanted to play in an upcoming Test match against India on home soil, but he has not been selected in the squad. The first match of the two-Test series begins on 22 August at Sir Vivian Richards Stadium in Antigua. (BBC)
‘Adrian!’ Jurgen Klopp hails Liverpool’s ‘Rocky’ in European Super Cup win LIVERPOOL held its nerve to win the European Super Cup after defeating Chelsea on penalties in Istanbul on Wednesday. After an enthralling contest that finished at 2-2 after extra time, it was Liverpool that prevailed 5-4 on spot kicks, with goalkeeper Adrián stopping a shot from Chelsea’s Tammy Abraham to spark celebrations from those in red For Adrián, this was a particularly sweet moment. The 32-year-old goalkeeper, who was released by West Ham at the end of last season, arrived at Anfield only last week after signing on to replace the departing Simon Mignolet. Few thought he would be called into action during his time at the club, until No. 1 Alisson Becker was injured in the opening day win over Norwich on Friday. It meant Adrián, who had not
played a single minute of first-team football since appearing in an FA Cup tie against third-tier Wimbledon in January, was thrust into action in Istanbul. “What a story -- Adrian! Like Rocky after he lost to Apollo Creed,” Liverpool coach Jurgen Klopp said to BT Sport after the game. “He kept his nerves together. He’s loud in the dressing room already. “I don’t think he’s won a lot in his life, so it’s good for him to win it. He made some unbelievable saves, both keepers did, so I’m really happy for him.” Liverpool, last year’s Champions League winners, trailed at halftime as Chelsea deservedly took the lead through Olivier Giroud. But Klopp’s side improved after the interval, with Sadio Mane leveling from close range.
US women’s football team talks with national federation over equal pay break down THE United States women’s football team say they are prepared to take their discrimination lawsuit against US Soccer to court after mediation talks broke down. The US women’s team (USWNT) began legal action against the US Soccer Federation (USSF) over equal pay in March, four months before retaining the World Cup. The parties met in New York this week. “We entered this week’s mediation full of hope,” said players’ spokesperson Molly Levinson. “We must conclude these meetings sorely disappointed in the federation’s determination to perpetuate fundamentally discriminatory workplace conditions and behaviour.” All 28 USWNT members filed the lawsuit, which alleged they had been consistently paid less than their male counterparts despite superior
performance to the men’s team, who failed to qualify for the 2018 World Cup. In July, the USSF said the women’s team had been paid more than the men over the last decade. The women, who won a fourth World Cup title in France this summer, responded by saying the numbers were “utterly false” and accusing the federation of a “ruse” before both sides agreed to mediation talks. After no resolution and with no further talks planned, Levinson said in a statement on Wednesday that it is “clear” that USSF and president Carlos Cordeiro “fully intend to continue to compensate women players less than men”. “They will not succeed - we want all of our fans, sponsors, peers around the world, and women everywhere to know we are undaunted and will eagerly look forward to a jury trial,” she added.
The USA beat the Netherlands 2-0 to win the World Cup for a fourth time in July.
August 17-23, 2019
Sports National
Winning British triathletes disqualified after crossing line hand-in-hand FOR the British triathletes Jessica Learmonth and Georgia TaylorBrown it should have been a moment of pure triumph. Throughout a key Olympic Games test event in Tokyo they had matched each other stroke for stroke, pedal for pedal and stride for stride - and so moments before the finish line they decided to spontaneously join hands to celebrate beating the rest of the world’s top athletes. Unbeknown to them, however, they had fallen foul of the International Triathlon Union’s competition rule 2:11f, which states that triathletes must not “finish in a contrived tie situation where no effort to separate the finish times has been made”. So, while Learmonth was initially given the victory after a photo finish, she and Taylor- Brown were quickly disqualified. An appeal was rejected, which meant that another British athlete, Vicky Holland, moved up from fifth to third behind the new winner, Flora Duffy of Bermuda. Ironically the rules relating to tied races were changed after Britain’s Olympic gold medallist Alistair Brownlee famously dragged his
The athletes were unaware of the competition rules.
brother Johnny, who was suffering from heatstroke, across the line in a race in Mexico in 2016. Playing the good samaritan has also been banned by the ITF, with its rules now stating that “an athlete cannot physically assist the forward
progress of another athlete on any part of the course. This will result in both athletes being disqualified.” What had made the performances of Learmonth, 31, and TaylorBrown, 25, so impressive was they had to battle through extreme heat in Japan’s capital, with temperatures rising well above 30C and the humidity pushing above 80% despite a 7.30am start. The conditions were so severe that organisers had earlier halved the distance of the running section
to five kilometres. Even with those precautions the French athlete, Cassandre Beaugrand, had to be taken to hospital with suspected heatstroke. Both Learmonth, who is a European, Commonwealth and World Triathlon Series medal winner, and Taylor-Brown, who won a maiden World Triathlon Series race earlier this year, were too upset to speak afterwards. However, British triathlon’s national performance director, Mike Cavendish, praised
their performances. “It’s obviously disappointing to have Jess and Georgia disqualified but it’s a testament to the depth of our female squad that we still have another athlete on the podium,” he added. Holland, who won an Olympic bronze at the Rio Olympics in 2016, echoed Cavendish’s comments. “I really feel for Jess and Georgia because they raced exceptionally well and I feel like they absolutely smashed it and deserved the first and second finish,” she said. “I don’t know how British Triathlon will choose things now. I wouldn’t want to be a selector.” A British Triathlon spokesperson confirmed that all three British athletes will now have to wait until next May to find out whether they have been chosen for the Olympics. Three men and three women will be picked for the team. Despite the widespread sympathy for the British triathletes on social media, one leading law expert told the Guardian that the ITF had no option but to disqualify them. Peter Charlish, a principal lecturer in law at Sheffield Hallam University, said: “The decision is clearly right by the letter of the law, even though it is debatable as to whether this should be regarded as a contrived finish. Of course it is horribly harsh for the British athletes. But if the ITF didn’t apply its own rules, others would have surely challenged them.”
Kipchoge says running sub two-hour marathon is like ‘stepping on the moon’ Referee Stephanie Frappart of France, centre, discusses with Chelsea’s Emerson Palmieri, left, and Chelsea’s Mateo Kovacic during the UEFA Super Cup.
Stephanie Frappart makes history during European Super Cup STEPHANIE Frappart on Wednesday became the first female referee to officiate a major European men’s soccer final when Liverpool took on Chelsea in the European Super Cup. Frappart, of France, led a team of predominantly female officials, with Manuela Nicolosi of France and Michelle O’Neal from the Republic of Ireland serving as assistant referees. Frappart had a taste of the bright lights when she was the head referee during the Women’s World Cup final in July. Liverpool ultimately defeated Chelsea on penalties to win the Super Cup, but it was Frappart who received stellar reviews for her officiating during the match.
“They were really good,” Liverpool boss Jurgen Klopp said of the officials, according to the club’s official website. “Whatever you could have thought before the game, there was pressure on them like hell with an historic moment. Staying by yourself, staying calm and do what you have to do, decide very important things in a very difficult and intense game, I couldn’t have more respect, to be honest. It was really a brilliant performance.” Frappart said before the match that she and her crew were ready. “We had to prove us physically, technically and tactically that we have the same than the men. So I am not afraid about that. So I think nothing changed for me,” she said, according to CBS News. (Foxnews)
BREAKING the two-hour marathon barrier would be “like stepping on the moon”, says Eliud Kipchoge, who has “no doubt” he will achieve it in his next attempt. The Kenyan, 34, hopes to be the first athlete to break the mark in the Ineos 1:59 Challenge in Vienna in October. He holds the world record of two hours one minute 39 seconds but this attempt would not be an official record as he will be assisted by inout pacemakers. “I have no doubts at all,” said the Olympic champion. Kipchoge, who won the London Marathon for the fourth time this year, clocked 2:00:25 in a similar unofficial event at the Monza Grand Prix circuit in Italy in 2017. This latest attempt will take place in the Prater park in the Austrian capital, with Kipchoge running laps of a flat 9.6km course that includes two 4.3km stretches. “[Breaking the two-hour barrier] is like stepping on the moon, going up the tallest mountain and even going to the middle of the ocean,” said Kipchoge. Kipchoge set his official world record in Berlin in September 2018,
The Kenyan, 34, hopes to be the first athlete to break the mark in the Ineos 1:59 Challenge in Vienna in October.
with athletics’ world governing body, the IAAF, not recognising his run at Monza due to the use of pacemakers. Small groups of pacemakers ran pre-defined segments of the circuit before handing over to another group, and the Kenyan did not have to slow down for feed stations as drinks were delivered by scooter. Kipchoge says he does not mind
that his time will not be officially recognised if he does run under two hours. “It’s about history, about leaving a legacy, I am going to make history and leave a legacy, it’s not about making a world record,” he said. “I am already a record holder for marathon - this is for the human family.” (BBC)
August 17-23, 2019
Sports National
Many of the participants caught on quickly and were naturals in the water.
Second annual North and Middle Caicos Swim Project attracted 40 participants THE second annual North & Middle Caicos Swim Project designed and delivered by SURFside Ocean Academy was a huge success, given that 40 participants ranging from age five to adult were able to benefit from the five-day programme, which concluded early this month. Morgan Luker of SURFside Ocean Academy headed the aquatic initiative, but volunteer teacher Sara Kaufman and volunteer driver Jessicalynn Thompson made sure
that the programme could reach all and any that could join. “I really think I had the most rewarding week of my life with the students from North & Middle Caicos. Of particular interest to me again, was the natural talent that the students have for swim technique. We had one 17-year-old boy that was a complete non-swimmer on Day 1, and after 5 days he was floating on his front and back, blowing bubbles properly, treading water, and also
doing front crawl and back stroke with super technique,” Luker said. Participants were taught basic water safety skills such as floating and treading water and always swimming with permission, as well as proper stroke technique and drills. As well as learning the basics of all four swim strokes, participants in the intermediate and advanced levels were also introduced to some lifesaving skills. The group was taught how to react and safely help persons that require assistance in the
water, as well as how to protect and help themselves from others. This FREE camp was all made possible this year with the donation of one very generous member of the community who also believes in the importance of learning how to swim, and water safety for all islands. “I would like to thank our special sponsor for helping to make this camp affordable for all persons on North & Middle Caicos. You are making a very big difference in a lot of people’s lives,
thank you!!!” Luker stated. GRAND TURK SWIM PROJECT At the end of August, SURFside will return to Grand Turk for the Second Annual Swim Project from August 26-30 where they will deliver a similar programme. Registration is $5 per person. Spaces are limited. SURFside Ocean Academy is the national affiliate for Lifesaving Society of Ontario.
Long Bay Express, MoneyGram and Hartling claim victories on week three BISDAK Long Bay Express, MoneyGram Senders and Hartling Group were victorious when action in the NCS Filipino Basketball League continued on Sunday last at the Gustarvus Lightbourne Sports Complex court in Providenciales. The defending champions, Long Bay (previously known as Freedom Fighters) whipped MervCo by 23 points 74-51 in what was dubbed Battle of the Oilers. Boy Requiza led the winners with 16 points, six of which were scored in the fourth. Support came from Ruben Manzano, who scored half of his 12 points from beyond the arc. Several other players also had starts. In total five players scored seven or more points for the side. On the flip side it was a two-man show for MervCo, who were led by Francisco Andales and Glenn Cacanindin. Both players finished with 20 points. The pair
scored 18 of their team’s 20 points in a fighting fourth quarter, but the damage was too much to fix. MoneyGram Senders were able to get past 159 Paningit 63-51. Three players led the winners. Jovan Sayao finished with 14 points, eight rebounds and two blocks, Kevin Cosme with 14 points and Jhet Singh with 14 points and five rebounds. Dante Baring led 159 with 14 points and five assists, while Dexter Yagonia added 11 points, three rebounds and three steals. In the third clash, Hartling Group battled past Allied Management Services 69-64 in the Battle of the Hoteliers. Kris Penaranda and Joseph Delfino led the attack for the winners. Penaranda finished with 16 points, five assists and five steals, while Delfino added 15 points and four rebounds. AMS were led by Randy Migote
Kris Penaranda (left) and Joseph Delfino led the attack for Hartling Group.
who scored a double double (15 points and 10 rebounds to go with four assists and five blocks). Bong Zaguirre (also seven assists) and
(L-R) Jhet Singh, Jovan Sayao and Kevin Cosme led MoneyGram to victory.
Arnold Ababao added 11 points each. The competition continues on Sunday from 17:00h with Sixth Car
Rental tackling Hartling Group, LDV meeting Long Bay Express and Allied Management Services challenging Moneygram Senders.
August 17-23, 2019
Sports National
Bishop defends title at Second Annual Glory of the Green North and Middle Caicos Championships TYRONE Bishop was named champion for the second consecutive time when the North and Middle Caicos Glory of the Green Cycling Championship was held recently. Cyclists, over three categories: Masters (66 miles), Elite (66 miles) and Cadets (6 miles) competed in the event. The 66-mile race began at 10:50am with 12 participants, departing Miss B’s in North Caicos headed to Sandy Point. The route went through the town of Sandy point before headed back towards Bottle Creek and onto Middle Caicos. The task was gruelling and it showed as rider Devaugh Williams was forced to drop out after suffering severe cramps. Soon seasoned rider Sean Rodgers was forced to exit after suffering from nausea. The hardship did not end there, accidents were also in play. According to information from the federation. “After circling at Lorimers dock and headed back to the final stretch the race took a horrific turn when Fred Registre’s front wheel tapped Shanwell Gardiner’s back wheel causing a heart wrenching crash that ended the race for Fred. Thankfully, Mr. Registre sustained no major injuries.” The race saw constant attacks by Tyrone and also Sean, with Dan doing his characteristic long hard pulls that eventually reduced the peloton to a few riders. PHOTO FINISH On the final leg out of Middle Caicos, Tyrone suffered severe cramping and was forced to stop
The various cyclists who competed in the gruelling race.
temporarily. He was however able to remedy his condition and was able to chase down the last two remaining in the lead pack (Shanwell and Dan). The honour of being named the Champion of North and Middle Caicos came down to a photo/ video finish. After careful review of the footage, Tyrone (from the elite category) was determined to be the overall winner, barely beating Shanwell Gardiner (from the Masters Category) for the title. In addition to being the 2019 Champion of North and Middle Caicos, Tyrone was also first place in the Elite category
followed by Earldarrel Basden in second and Omard Gardiner in third. Shanwell Gardiner who was second overall, was first in the Masters category, with Daniel Redmond in second and Kavin Ewing in third. Ethan Gardiner placed first in the Cadets Cat 1 (boys) followed by Kymani Ewing and Emory James. Ethan’s sisters Alyssa and Danielle Gardiner showed their competitive side by placing first and second respectively in Cadets Cat 2 (girls). MOTIVATION Speaking on his win Tyrone said:
“This season has been my strongest and most consistent performance in my cycling career. The second annual Glory of the Green was one of my most challenging, humbling and rewarding wins. After feeling so strong in the beginning, I endured cramps on the drive home and after being dropped six miles behind by the leading competitors I really thought the race was over for me. But then I heard the voice of my wife and supporting friends motivating me to push through. This gave me the drive to not only catch up to my competitors or complete the race but
Dozens taught sailing by Provo Sailing Academy over school holidays
SEVERAL dozen youngsters have learnt the basics of sailing over the summer holiday according to coach Ross. “As we reach the last few weeks of summer holidays, the Provo Sailing Academy is proud to announce that our Summer Sailing Programs have been a massive hit with all of the sailors!! Throughout July and August we have run 3 x 2 week morning sailing camps for our younger sailors and twice a week we have teamed up with the Edward Gartland Youth Centre to run sailing classes for their students in the afternoons.” Ross said that each day the sailors
help to set up the boats, “we have a short group briefing and then we set sail!” He said that the students took turns steering the boat and controlling the sail as the officials decided on a destination to sail to depending on wind strength and wind direction. “It has been a fantastic experience working with these teenagers and seeing so many of them enjoying a sport they had never tried before. We hope to see as many of them continue throughout the school year!” For more information on community sailing or to take a private lesson please contact Coach Ross at provosailingacademy@gmail.com
Many youngsters learnt the sport over the school holidays.
to capture the win. It was the most thrilling win out of all of my wins for the season because it was a very close victory and one that I was able to attain after a relentless comeback. Now I truly understand when it says the race is not for the swift but to he who endures to the end. For the upcoming tour, I plan to continue the same training strategies and improve weak areas. I am looking forward to a great competition and testing new limits. Blink and you miss it. TCCF President Shanwell Gardiner stated that it has been an exciting season so far both locally and regionally.
Sports National
August 17-23, 2019
Our girls’ performance in Puerto Rico is a big boost to women’s football going forward PRIOR to travelling to Puerto Rico for the Caribbean Football Union U14 Challenge Series TCI had not won a female clash at that level. Expectation were high and low, coaches and officials knew the current crop of players’ potential and respected their learning abilities, but were unsure if they could have held their own against other nations at this time. The historic 2019 U14 team did more than held their own—they battled hard and brought home the spoils of war in the process. The third place finish by the TCI side is testimony to the investment that the TCIFA is making to resuscitate women’s football in the country, Technical Director of the FA Andrew Edwards told the Weekly News after the tournament. The Jamaican born official, who has enhanced TCI football development this year, was high in praises for Cuban born coach Yunelsis Rodriguez Baez, who has been key in the girls development. “Coach Yunis did an amazing job with the girls. We are very excited with the development that has taken place and the prospects of the future.” Yunelsis and her team of coaches were able to help the side to victory against Bonaire 3-2 and draw against Anguilla 1-1. The win against Bonaire showed grit by our young players, since
TCI finished third in their challenge series.
in their previous clash they were humbled 20-0 by a tactical Haiti side. In the win Irener Moline, Callie Hall and Rosaria Talbot found the back of the net.
KEEP GOING According to Edwards, the feat was a remarkable achievement and the onus is on the FA to keep the girls going.
“For the first time in history we had a girls’ team winning a game at a tournament and drawing another. That really will boost their confidence going forward. We just
Williams pumped up and ready for his 200M run at British Championships DELANO Williams will be looking to make his mark when he competes next weekend at the British Championships in the UK. The TCI born athlete is hoping to qualify for the Doha World Championships, since next Sunday’s event serves as the national trials. The national 100M and 200M record holder is set to run the 200M. The Jamaica based athlete who is in the UK preparing has been focused on his event for a few weeks. Although he claimed a big victory last month, Williams nor his coach were not satisfied so they refocused her energies. “Really and truly they (the meets) haven’t done much for me because I have not given my best showing as yet. So my coach pulled me from a few meets so I can train properly and prepare for the trials.” The ace 200M runner said that his “mindset is clear now”. “I am still confident in my ability, but it’s time to put it to the test come the trials.”
Delano Williams is ready to compete.
need to continue to expose these young ladies to competitive football at the highest levels and the spirit that they have put in will surely bring good rewards.”
August 17-23, 2019
August 17-23, 2019