TCWN January 25 -31, 2020

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Weekly News Volume 34 | No. 04 | January 25-31, 2020


Price $1.00


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For the first time in the territory’s history, a comprehensive PAGE National Security Strategy that will fortify the nation’s 5 response to a myriad of threats has been unveiled. The TCI won Caribbean’s Leading Beach Destination and Caribbean’s Most Romantic Destination 2020






January 25-31, 2020

January 25-31, 2020






January 25-31, 2020

Constitutional changes get tempered support from HOA BY DELANA ISLES TCI citizens seeking political office may have to renounce any foreign citizenship they hold, if constitutional change proposals are approved by the United Kingdom. This was among numerous suggested changes to the Turks and Caicos Islands Constitution 2011 which were debated by members of the House of Assembly last week. The proposals were taken to the House in the form of a parliamentary motion presented by Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson on Thursday, January 18. The session gave members an opportunity to have their say following public consultations conducted by the Constitution Review Committee late last year. The committee presented its report to the Leader of the Opposition Washington Misick and the premier who gave an overview to the assembly. “In terms of the proposal that was made in terms of the right… to trial by a jury of peers should be enshrined in the constitution as a fundamental right, there was general agreement across the Turks and Caicos Islands, there was general support for majority vote in Cabinet and that was to the proposal whether the decisions in Cabinet should be taken by majority vote or by consensus.” She said the majority view is that the deputy governor and the attorney

general should be non-voting members. Another proposal which questions whether the attorney general should be a political appointee saw general support. Attendees also proposed that the AG should run in the elections as an independent, or be jointly appointed by the premier and the leader of the Opposition. There were other suggestions from the public that the AG should be appointed, but the director of public prosecutions should run for office. The premier said there was general support across the Islands for whether the provisions in the 2006 constitution requiring the governor to act on the advice of or in accordance with the advice of another person should be reinstated. More support was given to the recommendation that the Cabinet secretary’s post should be returned to the constitution and strengthened. In terms of the legislature, she said there was general agreement that qualifications to be elected as a member of the House of Assembly should be revised. The proposals put forth in this regard are that members should be natural born Turks and Caicos Islanders, registered electors and a resident of the island they are representing for three years ending with the nomination day. Another issue that saw heated

Published by Turks & Caicos News Company Ltd. Cheshire House, Leeward Highway, Providenciales P.O. Box 52, Turks & Caicos Islands, BWI W. Blythe Duncanson - Publisher/Editor-in-Chief Olivia Rose - Senior Reporter Faizool Deo - Sports Editor (At Large) Cord Garrido-Lowe - Graphics Consultant (At Large) Dilletha Lightbourne-Williams - Office Manager Email: (Advertising), (News) Tel. 649-946-4664 (office), 649-232-3508 (after hours) Website address: Follow us on: Facebook: Twitter:

debate in the consultations, the premier said, was whether a person who has been granted TCI citizenship should renounce their other citizenship if they wish to seek political office in the territory. The proposal to be sent to the UK is that persons should renounce, which saw general support across the territory. There was also general support that the speaker of the House should not have a casting vote in the assembly. There was division among those consulted on whether there should be any appointed members in the House of Assembly. Other proposals looked at whether there should be a fixed date for elections and whether the parliamentary term should be increased from four to five years. “Every island, except

Providenciales agreed for a fixed date, but while divided there was very little appetite to increase the parliamentary term to five years,” the premier said. She said there was no consent to return the electoral boundaries to that of 2016’s in South and Middle Caicos, but the other islands showed general agreement to return. In his presentation on the proposals, Hon. Misick raised questions as to the sampling of people who contributed to the report, noting that the United Kingdom has in the past rejected the territory’s recommendations on the grounds that the sampling was inadequate. He suggested that the report should have stated how many people agreed or disagreed with individual proposals, either percentage or by a division of the number of people who attended the consultation by

island. He noted that this could be crucial in whether the UK gives the Islands a serious hearing on its proposals for constitutional change. “As far as I am concerned I would hope that we can see our way clear to actually engaging the services of an independent constitutional expert with a good success record because I believe that many of the issues here there will be pushed back and I am coming down on the side of maximising the changes, including those put forward by the PNP, our colleagues on the other side and some of those suggestions made by the general public. “So, I am appealing for consideration to identify such a person, it could be somebody regional, it could be from somewhere else, but I do believe we need that level of expertise,” the leader stated.

Lorenzo Delano Ceasar has been captured by police

Cherven Almonor of Kew Town is wanted in relation to an ongoing investigation

Jheloo or JB Slim Jhey of Kew Town is wanted in relation to an ongoing investigation

Wanted man captured, two others to be found LORENZO Delano Ceasar was taken into police custody this week, one day after wanted posters were issued for his capture. The 24-year-old who lives in Kew Town, Providenciales, was wanted on a bench warrant issued by the

Supreme Court. Police press officer Takara Bain issued a statement on Thursday (January 23) which said that he had been captured. “The RTCIPF would like to thank the public for their assistance in locating Ceasar,” she wrote.

Twenty-six-year-old Cherven Almonor of Kew Town and Jheloo or JB Slim Jhey of Kew Town are also wanted in relation to an ongoing investigation. Almonor is believed to be armed and dangerous.

January 25-31, 2020




A team of more than 30 Government and policing officials attended the launch of the TCI’s first National Security Strategy

The TCI’s first National Security Strategy unveiled Natural disaster, illegal migration and crime are top priorities BY OLIVIA ROSE FOR THE first time in the territory’s history, a comprehensive National Security Strategy that will fortify the nation’s response to a myriad of threats has been unveiled. The long-awaited strategy was launched at the Office of the Premier on Wednesday (January 22) by a cohort of officials who were instrumental in bringing it into fruition. Governor Nigel Dakin and Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson spoke about the historic importance of the launch and the union between their offices. Governor Dakin in emphasising the credo of the strategy stressed that “national solidarity and national unity” are critical when it comes to national security. “The most important line in the strategy we launch today is the last sentence of the introduction, ‘In terms of the leadership needed to tackle national security challenges, the Premier’s and the Governor’s Office stand together.’ “All in this room agree that the fact this country is small should be our strength in terms of national

security. “Our communication and cooperation across Government should be straightforward. We should be agile. We should be efficient. But let’s be frank with each other “We are presently none of these things – so this week is important, indeed vital, in that process of change.” BUILDING DISASTER RESILIENCE In divulging thematic areas in the strategy where significant emphasis will be placed, Governor Dakin emphasised that a natural disaster is the most serious threat to the TCI. He said: “ I want to emphasise that the most pressing threat to our National Security over a period of decades – is going to be natural disasters. “The seas around us are warming. They provide the fuel for hurricanes, and we are in their path. “You’ll see in the strategy it’s in the top two we must tackle – we have to move from a position where we focus on ‘recovery’ to one where much more effort is placed on ‘resilience’,the Governor stressed. He cautioned that countries in

the Caribbean that don’t ensure resilience is a priority will go into perpetual decline, unable to recover properly between each natural disaster. “Worth also putting on record that, other than Natural Disaster, Illegal Immigration and Serious Crime, the other six issues the Strategy calls out as threats are: critical national infrastructure failure; serious public disorder; maritime sovereignty; food security and scarcity; cyber and, finally; terrorism, money laundering and financing of terrorism. TACKLING ILLEGAL MIGRATION Dakin turned his attention to what is being doing to reverse the destabilising impact illegal migration has on TCI’s society. “Without getting ahead of ourselves we now have the start of a good story to tell in terms of the interdiction of the traditional large sloops. “I said shortly after my arrival in July that I intended to learn from failure and be accountable. We’ve studied trends, both successes and failures. “While ten landed in the first half

of the year, from 30 August only one large vessel has got through - and even then a number, although not all, of its illegal passengers were arrested once they made landfall.” He said the team on the front line protecting the TCI’s maritime borders – led by Ennis Grant, Everet Warrican, Tito Forbes and Rodman Johnson - are “to my mind, heroic”. “As a team we’ve been testing, adjusting and learning. Staffing at the radar has been increased, more efficient deployment of maritime assets has been established and better cross-government working introduced.” The governor acknowledged that while there is much work left to be done, a virtual team that pulls together the Maritime Branch, Radar and Immigration Task Force has started to take root. He said: “Linking them to the US Coastguard and Bahamian Defence Force in a wider international team - a game changer. “We have to adapt our ways of working and capabilities rapidly; we are now starting to have the team work in place to make that happen.” Dakin emphasised that stopping the sloops is attacking the symptom

not the cause. “The big change the strategy calls out is the need to go after the underpinning business model: prosecuting those, in TCI and overseas if we can reach them, profiting from this trade in human cargo. “To that end a significant investigation into people trafficking, led by the police and drawing on contracted UK police officers, has commenced. “This large investigation is working in tandem with Canadian, US and UK law enforcement. “The recent arrest of 29 Sri Lankans, and congratulations to all involved in that particular success, has allowed us to look through an investigative keyhole at a global people trafficking ring.” He said that with international partners, they intend to exploit that opportunity. “With this ambition in mind, going after those profiting from the trade rather than just those trafficked, our intention is to build a secure and vetted capability on the Islands that can better collect, assess and then take action on intelligence we CONTINUED 




January 25-31, 2020

A Weekly News column that puts you on the spot for your opinions on the issues of the day


THE SIPT corruption trial, which has been going on for about four years now, is set to continue for yet another year. The trial into former Government ministers and cohorts is one of the longest criminal proceedings in the Caribbean, costing the people of the TCI an estimated $100 million so far. And the Government, which has budgeted $10 million a year since 2016, is prepared to dish out another $10 million come April for the trial’s continuation. What are your thoughts?

Unite and cease funding

There is a reason why the trials must go on forever - there is that eternal gravy train. The now Chief Prosecutor Andrew Mitchell came here to the TCI, purchased a milliondollar home, obtains a permanent residency and applies to be fully admitted to the bar. Then the application for full admission is placed before the Supreme Court before the time for consultation ends. Isn’t this something the SIPT or the DPP should be looking into? The SIPT team are here, distracted, eyes on the prize of the TCI but certainly not focusing on the task at hand. Some of them came to the TCI as men of straw, broke, penniless, ‘on the street’ and are now multi-millionaires. Maybe it is time for the Government and Opposition, for just one minute, to unite and cease all funding of the SIPT trials as these are a farce, a joke, a growing waste of time, having nothing to do with justice, unconnected with law enforcement, because the trials are a regional and global joke. There is bad case management, a judge past the retirement age, having to wade through hundreds of thousands of evidence and paper. By and large, it is beginning to look like jealousy. These trials and prosecutions have nothing to do with law enforcement or justice. Being the longest criminal proceedings in the Caribbean and to date costing the TCI taxpayer over $100 million. So many opportunities lost - reduced monies for roads, scholarships, increases in salaries, small business loans, grants, offices, increments, all because there is a mandate on the TCI people and their taxes to make these

lawyers rich. It is a joke whose time has expired. There is currently a new budgetary process where in January 2020 through to April 2020, this fiscal space must close. Budgeting for these trials cannot obtain a greater priority than budgeting for our own future.

Conduct and character

My thoughts? Where is the indictment for certain corrupt developers? That aside, one cannot run a successful country on corruption. Look at Singapore for your answer. Success or failure? Let the trial conclude at the price. We all know that the British government is corrupt (just ask Tony Blair how much so over in Iraq). That corruption is further demonstrated by way of inflicting the cost of the trial on us and likewise by way of not funding border security. Goes right back to Pirate Henry Morgan who the British knighted and made the first Governor of Jamaica - Sir Henry Morgan. Nothing has really changed in the British conduct and character (lack thereof?). That is their nature by reference to historical precedent and so be it as reflected in the TCI.

Jump high or low

It does not seem possible that any elected Minister of Finance, Washington Misick (2012-2016) or Sharlene Cartwright Robinson (2016 to date) has or had the power since 2012 to simply state: “I am not budgeting another cent of TCI people’s monies on this farce of a trial.”

It is clear that the governor or Her Majesty’s Government remains free to budget those funds themselves and or unilaterally take the largesse out of the consolidated fund. Ministers of finance, premiers, parliament, the public and the voters can jump high and jump low - there will be always be monies budgeted or forced for these trials, whether we like it or not. The British are calling the shots. The sad reality is that some of constitution is returned as at 2012 but TCI people have lost control of their futures and destiny. Elected ministers cannot put their feet down and dictate what the people want in the budget. It is subject to some kind of undue interference from HMG. Former ministers, it seems, do not stand a chance with the kind of legal representation they are getting. Everyone coming in or involved are either here to make money only, grandstand and make weak submissions. The no case to answer submission will go down in history as the weakest, self-serving, least effective, lacking in substance, bearing little reality to the substance of the charges hurled at former ministers. If these Queen’s Counsel, cannot get their acts together, they imperil the trials, the justice of the process and may end up with some of the accused may sue them for malpractice.

Will not tolerate

It will cost the TCI much more if it doesn’t continue. The message must be sent that we will not tolerate such behaviour from anybody in the future. And if others try such corrupt behaviour in the future, we will prosecute to the fullest extent of the law and finances.

Waste of time

It seems that this case and series of cases will remain in place forever until it ends up for what it is, a total waste of time. During the ill-fated interim government 2009-2012, the then governor placed what must be termed ‘a permanent charge’ on the TCI’s Treasury so that these cases will be funded forever. The Government of former premier Rufus

Ewing funded these cases under protest and this current PDM administration is funding these cases, prosecutions which have all lost public support, trust and confidence. Originally, some TC Islanders thought the SIPT trials starting with Helen Garlick were to be a genuine law enforcement exercise. Never the case. These trials will go down in history as a major cover-up, a racist project and an agenda to ensure that the real perpetrators go free. No developer, no so-called investor, noone from the Grace Bay boys stands trial or is accused of anything, even though the alleged bribes came out of Grace Bay. There is no way a justice system could call itself fair when former ministers are alleged to have accepted bribes but the persons, investors, developers who gave the so-called bribes are walking around Provo, free as a bird, are not on trial or fingered in the least. This is a genuine double standard and a dangerous racist project. This double standard sends the message that the TCI native could try and play ball with the developers but when there is an investigation the TCI native will be charged, prosecuted, even persecuted and the investor goes free. This is a double standard and a lesson for TC Islanders and the native arm of the legal profession to learn. You simply cannot be like nor emulate them. More so they must think there isn’t any civil society in the TCI that’s aware or ‘woke’ enough and that TCI people are so intellectually challenged not to see that this is one joke on top of many jokes that must end. It will make one’s blood boil and give rise to pent up anger.

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January 25-31, 2020




TCI’s first National Security ... CONTINUED FROM 


generate, or which is generated by our partners.” He said the new Defence Force which the UK is looking to support will have a strategic impact on all aspects of national security and serious crime. The governor disclosed that significant funding from the Government to upgrade the radar has also been secured. “Our intention is to make detection so likely we disincentivise travel across dangerous waters. “As it is, 15 Haitians lost their lives in the waters off West Caicos last year, we assume many more in open seas. “We mourn their and their family’s loss while equally holding those who trafficked them, exploited them and profited from them, with contempt. They are now the targets of our criminal justice system.” He added that work has begun with the US Coast Guard and the Bahamian Defence Force to significantly strengthen tri-lateral and bi-lateral cooperation. Lawyers are now involved in drafting future agreements, the governor said. “In terms of energy we have initially focussed on stemming the maritime threat. “So we are excited by the appointment of Desmond Wilson who, drawing on guidance from his minister, can use the convening power provided by the PS National Security and deliver a proportionate whole of Government approach to tackling illegal immigration through arresting those who overstay, or who entered illegally.” CRIME In addressing the worrisome crime issue plaguing the territory, Governor Dakin said policing on its own is not the answer. He reminded that policing without public trust and cooperation will only continue to yield the same results. “It’s important though to recognise that while the police take the burden of public scrutiny, policing on its

own isn’t the answer. “If you will indulge me to be clear, to the point of bluntness - the answer to the problem we are trying to solve won’t be reached until future public cooperation. “Policing by consent, which is our policing model, can’t succeed without public trust and public engagement. “Policing can do far better on this, and recognising this fact is an important first step, so we now have a structured approach to delivering that change.” He said that the public must meet them halfway and “if they don’t, the investments we are making will fail”. “It’s that important. In some ways, it’s that fragile,” the governor added. However, in keeping with the strategy an increase in overall police numbers by 20 percent has begun and recruits have started training as well. “The commissioner tells us this increase will be a game changer; we can reinforce the very capable Tactical Unit, the Maritime Unit and crucially bring in proper community policing where the community gets to know their local officer through regular engagement. “We already have eight officers training in Barbados. The recruitment of a further 20 - also recruited from inside TCI - has been completed on schedule and they will train in the Bahamas.” He said a Gun Crime Unit has been established and has started to yield results. “More guns were recovered in the two months before Christmas than in the previous two years.” UK HELP Dakin said the use of a UK police officer as part of the SIPT trial, but hugely experienced in murder investigations, has now been commissioned to review all murder cases. “UK police will review professional standards of conduct and performance in our police force and separately review the structures and organisation of the police’s approach to homicide and will then

We welcome letters from all members of the public on a variety of topics Please note that all submissions are subject to editing in keeping with defamation laws and newspaper style. Letters should be accompanied by the author’s full name, location and phone number. Names will be withheld if requested.

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remain in the country to mentor.” Outside of the National Security Strategy, but crucial to its success, the Governor revealed that the last chief justice, independently pulled together the justice sector into a committee that could drive positive change in the overall justice system. “Cabinet has now been presented with a plan as to how Government can support much needed change in all aspects of justice other than policing,” he said. “This includes the likes of prison reform, parole, rehabilitation, the efficiency of the system in delivering justice and the physical environment in which justice is delivered.” Dakin underscored that “once you have the right strategy, you then need the right structures and the people with the right skills to implement it”. He said that an already established National Security Council has been reimagined that can develop national capability and work at the strategic level and tackle what he described as “wicked” problems. ‘GAME CHANGER’ Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson in unveiling the National Security Strategy said it will be a “game changer” for the TCI. She said it is “critical” to identifying a list of threats that all stakeholders can gear their resources, hands and minds towards in a strategic manner to minimise impact.

“Today calls for a change in mind-set for the Government and the people, recognising that national security extends beyond the governor’s constitutional remit of internal and external security and extends to areas of ministerial responsibility. “Today we are beginning what has begun to become commonplace for key government stakeholders, a critical coming together.” The multi-pronged response to national security threats will be based on four widely-used concepts – prevent, pursue, protect and prepare. This approach is in keeping with a holistic, cross-government tactic, it will also ensure the successful implementation of a number of key policies and strategies aimed at developing the territory. “The importance of this strategy cannot be overemphasised,” the premier said. “It ensures continuity and even as we plan our roll out of the ever-important Vision 2040, we feature and emphasise the critical need for continuity in efforts by successive governments. “This strategy is important because it will call for all responsible agencies to complete and carry out additional plans for operations at its level. “The benefit then for a small country with limited resources will be tremendous, in that resources will then be applied not in silos but

Under the tree

as a whole and will then result in a smarter use of our scarce resources. “And fourthly, as we have already begun to do and many have found it to be most useful. “We then will enjoy a more joined up government approach to threat against this country’s national security,” the premier explained. Cartwright Robinson said that as a small island nation, the TCI is susceptible to many threats that could destabilise the country. These include: “The threat of illegal migration, disaster (be it natural, major accidents or epidemics), serious crime, critical national infrastructure failure, serious public disturbances, maritime sovereignty, food security and scarcity, cyber and terrorism, money laundering and financing of terrorism. The premier said: “The strategy does not only identify the threats but outlines the response and the structure for governance.” These threats will be targeted through a collaborative approach and then through the agencies that have the direct responsibility “This is a high-level document and each agency has to prepare its strategy and implementation plan that sits under this,” Cartwright Robinson explained. “The establishment of the National Security Unit this year will be the centre of/focal point for reporting and coordination.”

By Benneth Williams




January 25-31, 2020


Horace Wignal Junior, known as DJ Spookie, died from gunshot wounds

Popular DJ dies from gunshot wounds BY OLIVIA ROSE HORACE Wignal Junior, popularly known as DJ Spookie, succumbed to gunshot wounds on Tuesday (January 21) following a home invasion earlier this month. Twenty-two-year-old Wignal was shot at his home in Shallow Water Lane, Long Bay, Providenciales, on January 13. According to the police press office, two armed men entered his residence and demanded money. Shots were fired and the bandits escaped with three cell phones and cash. The injured man was flown overseas for further medical care before succumbing to his injuries this Tuesday. As news of his passing flooded social media this week, tributes poured in for the late DJ who

described as a “peaceful and kind” young man by his peers. One friend who posted on his Facebook page said: “Damn this is a very hard daybreak Spookie Wignal you left this planet to fast. “You gave me a lot of hope and always told me don’t give up. You had a really good heart and never had bad intentions. You were a real soldier. I will truly miss your presence.” Another friend said he was saddened at the tragic passing of Wignal. “I’m extremely sad with the loss of Spooky. He was a tremendous young man, so full of life joy, laughter. “You had so much pride and passion not only for TCI basketball but with his music as well. Grand Turk won’t be the same without you.”

We welcome letters from all members of the public on a variety of topics Please note that all submissions are subject to editing in keeping with defamation laws and newspaper style. Letters should be accompanied by the author’s full name, location and phone number. Names will be withheld if requested.

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Wignal, a former student of Clement Howell High School, is the second young man to lose his life to gun violence in 2020. Police Commissioner Trevor Botting in a statement issued on Tuesday (January 21) said this level of crime has the potential to destroy the territory. He said: “My thoughts and prayers are extended to the family and friends of the man who has now died from his injuries. “We need to come together as a community and help stem the tide of criminality in the country.” He said the Royal TCI Police Force will work to bring the perpetrators to justice. “The police force will do its part. In fact, we have already seen positive outcomes with the arrest and charging of two young men for a series of serious crimes.” He said the force is following leads into this case as well as the most recent murder. “We are hopeful that both murder investigations will be advanced to such a stage that the criminals responsible will be brought to justice,” the police commissioner said. “The public can expect a more robust policing presence over the coming weeks and months. “We will continue to increase response and patrols across Providenciales and I would ask the community to be patient and cooperative when stopped by my officers. “To those who are committing the crime and harming our community, you are warned that my officers will be relentless in hunting you down to bring you to justice.” A candlelight and moment of silence service will be held on Friday (January 24) at the Five Dollar Bar in Providenciales for Wignal.

EXPANSION of Providenciales International Airport, a new port office in North Caicos and public beach access were all discussed at the latest meeting of the Cabinet. Governor Nigel Dakin chaired the first meeting of the year on Wednesday, January 15, at the Office of the Premier, Durham’s Building in Grand Turk. All ministers were in attendance. At this meeting Cabinet: -Approved procurement options for TCI Airport Authority to take forward preparatory work for the future expansion and redevelopment of Providenciales Airport and discussed, in brief, additional measures to be considered in light of an anticipated increase in visitors to TCI. -Approved the reallocation of FY 2019-2020 funds within the Ports Authority capital budget for the construction of a port office at Belle Field Landing, North Caicos. -Approved urgent dredging of the entrance channel leading into Turtle Cove Marina and steps that need to be put in place to ensure prompt responses to such situations in the future. -Were updated on progress in implementing of the Education Sector Plan. -Were informed on progress in Implementing Child Safeguarding National Action Plan. -Approved for Crown land parcel 60905/204 to go out to tender for the enhancement of public beach access. -Discussed the need, enforcement and policing of temporary structures at access points along beaches allowing legitimate businesses to offer services and products for tourists in particular and a refresh of current policy. -Approved the extension of Dr Terese Maitland as interim CEO of the National Health Insurance Board for a period of three months from January 3. -Noted the recommendations of the Procurement Board on the award of the following contracts: 1) PN 005496, police building repairs for all stations (TR 19/13) 2) PN 005499, furniture and equipment for schools (TR 19/07) 3) PN 005508, rehabilitation of Regatta Village, South Caicos (TR19/39) 4) PN 005514, repairs of water tanks, Salt Cay (TR 19/19) 5) TCIPA 11/19, Port Security Enhancement Project, supply and instillation of Port Management System and Training (TR 19/37) 6) TCIPA 12/2019, Port Safety Enhancement Project, supply of PPE, Safety Equipment and Training (TR 19/34) 7) TCIAA-0002, proposed new offices at Providenciales International Airport (TR 19/05) -Approved the statutory bodies second quarter Special Purpose Financial Report for FY 2019-2020. -Approved a new development agreement restating the terms of the current development agreement between Toscana GP and Vista Development and TCIG, to reflect a conditionality date of June 30, allowing adequate time of the processing of the application and the completion of the processes. -Approved an application for academic and professional conservation research to be conducted by the TC Reef Fund, School for Field Studies, SWA Environmental and Marine Environmental Services for a period of ten months to test the use of antibiotic treatments for Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease (SCTLD) on affected coral in the TCI. -Approved the use of funds from the National Forfeiture Fund for an anti-money laundering training workshop for legal professionals on January 18. -Discussed processes within individual ministries and engagement with their respective ministers to strengthen delivery of government policy. -Were updated on the publication of the Caribbean Financial Action Task Force’s mutual evaluation report on the measure in place in the TCI to combat money laundering and the financing of terrorism, which will be published later this month. -Were reminded of actions ministries need to undertake before the end of the financial year. -Approved amendments to the Immigration Ordinance 2018 removing visa free travel for Venezuelan nationals with effect from February 15. -Discussed benefits and requirements for weekly meetings chaired by Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson and the governor aimed at tackling long term and/or complex issues involving multiple stakeholders. -Were informed of high level and experts visits across ministries over the next few weeks.

January 25-31, 2020




Anti-money laundering watchdog urges TCI to take terrorist financing more seriously BY OLIVIA ROSE THE CARIBBEAN Financial Action Task Force (CFATF) has told the TCI to develop a deeper understanding of the risks of terrorist financing. This includes taking into consideration cross-border movement of cash such as wire transfers and travellers cheques through customs. The Caribbean’s anti-money laundering watchdog published its 235-page Fourth Round of Mutual Evaluation Report on the TCI on Monday (January 20). The document summarises the anti-money laundering and combatting the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT) measures in place at the time of its visit from September 1021, 2018. The exhaustive report analyses the level of compliance with the Financial Action Task Force (FATF)’s 40 recommendations and the level of effectiveness of the TCI’s AML/CFT system. It also provides recommendations on how the system could be strengthened. In a prioritised list of recommended actions for the TCI, the report stated: “The country should…conduct risk assessments to develop a deeper understanding of the risk of terrorist financing, taking into consideration cross-border movement of cash including wire transfers and the movement and cash and bearer-negotiable instruments through customs.” The CFATF also recommended that the Financial Services Commission (FSC) should ensure that the corporate service provider, legal, real estate and trust sectors are complying with their obligations to identify high-risk customers. “The FSC should also ensure that these sectors undertake a review of these business relationships to determine compliance with current customer due diligence requirements.” REPORT’S FINDINGS Members of the TCI Financial Action Task Force Committee held a press conference at the Office of the Premier on Monday to announce the report and summarise the findings. The committee was established under the Proceeds of Crime Ordinance and is responsible for coordinating AML/CFT assessments in the territory. Committee chair Attorney General Rhondalee BraithwaiteKnowles said the report outlines recommendations on how the territory’s anti-money laundering regime can be strengthened She said: “In general the report found that there are structural elements in place in the TCI for an effective AML/CFT system. “The TCI is politically stable

TCI Financial Action Task Force Committee hosting a press conference at the Office of the Premier

and has demonstrated a high level of commitment in addressing the money laundering and terrorist financing issues, rule of law is effective and the judiciary is capable and independent.” She stressed that the report should give confidence to investors, since it underlines that the TCI is committed to tackling money laundering on all fronts. “On the basis of those structural elements that establish an effective AML/CFT system, it should provide confidence to the business community and also for those who are interested in investing in the TCI as a member of the international financial community, that TCI is committed to implementing and maintaining an appropriate, effective and risk based framework and strategy to combat money laundering.” The attorney general said the report noted that the TCI has a fair understanding of its money laundering risks based on its National Risk Assessment prepared in collaboration with the private sector. She said: “The TCI has progressively advanced its legislative framework to address gaps in the country’s AML/CFT framework. “Proceeding the CFATF visit in September, the TCI made a significant number of investments to its AML/CFT laws and subsidiary legislation and issued guidance notes and more than 15 pieces of legislation were implemented. “In terms of technical compliance the report recognises that the legislative measures implemented by the TCI has significantly enhanced its technical compliance framework. “The TCI has been rated compliant on 15 recommendations, largely compliant on nine recommendations and partially on 16 of all the 40

recommendations for the CFATF.” In terms of effectiveness, similar to the TCI, many countries around the world are currently undergoing the fourth round of FATF mutual evaluation. EFFECTIVENESS Braithwaite-Knowles explained that some 180 countries in total are confronting a new standard of effectiveness that and there are ratings for effectiveness. “Countries including the TCI have experienced challenges in ensuring that there is sufficient progress being made in compliant with these newly introduced international standards, that deal with statistics and being able to prove the effectiveness of your system. “So in terms of effectiveness, the TCI has achieved a moderate level of effectiveness for six outcomes and a low level of effectiveness for five others.” However, of the nine countries assessed by the CFATF in the Caribbean, the TCI ranks in third place in terms of technical compliance and third place in terms of its effectiveness. The attorney general underscored that although this is good news for the territory, there is still much work left to be done. “The report noted that the AML/

CFT supervisory regime is in need of further enhancement to ensure that financial institutions and the designated non-financial professions and businesses such as the legal profession, casinos, dealers in precious metals and real estate brokers implement a robust risk based assessment and mitigating measures to effectively address their AML/CFT risks,” the attorney general stressed. Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson in her brief remarks acknowledged the hard work of the committee in ensuring the TCI is on par with international AML/CFT standards. She said: “I am pleased that the report does not just recognise the obligation and the positive commitment of the Government but also the hard work and efforts of the committee here in the Turks and Caicos.” Cartwright Robinson explained that the Government recognises that there are deficiencies in the report and will ensure the territory maintains the stipulated international standards. “I want to pledge my Government’s commitment to working collaboratively, not just with the key stakeholders in the public sector but also the private sector to say that we’re all in this

together. “I know that with much work and resources we can certainly meet the standard and achieve what we’re seeking to in terms of the international standards that are set for us. “I want to again congratulate the team, it’s been a valiant effort, you have my full support.” Governor Nigel Dakin echoed her sentiments as he acknowledged the work of the local committee in helping the TCI achieve its AML/ CFT benchmark. “To echo the words of the premier, the team behind us did an extraordinary job ...what we’ve witnessed in the months running up was extraordinary cross collaboratively - it’s a model for the way we should be working together. “We’ve included anti-money laundering within the National Security Strategy and that has recently been approved by the Cabinet and we are going to address those issues highlighted in the report.” He said he is aware of the strong collaborative support from the private sector. “We will be showing significant progress towards the goals that have been set and it will show TCI’s very high level of commitment to this area,” the governor added.

The Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police Force is appealing to any member of public who may have any information on any crimes. They can contact Chalk Sound Police Station on 338-5901 or make use of the confidential reporting system through Crimestoppers on 1-800-8477.



January 25-31, 2020

Let us tackle the use of drugs: A root cause of crime WE ARE half way through the first month of 2020 and unfortunately a murder has already taken place. We have seen the implementation of CCTV on the island of Providenciales and we have seen an increase in the recruitment of police officers. Despite these initiatives crime continues to take place, threatening the livelihood of our economy. The residents and visitors are fearful and everyone is crying out for help. In later part of 2019, almost every weekend criminal activities were taking place. We just cannot seem to get it right and just maybe we are not getting it right because we are not tackling the root causes of crime. There are many factors causing crime but this article will address the issue of drugs. After interviewing the Reverend John Malcolm and Pastor Brandford Dean respectively on my YouTube channel, I learned something about drug addicts.


Drexwell Seymour is a certified public accountant and is the managing partner for HLB TCI. His favourite hobby, however, is writing. He has a personal website, www.drexwellseymour. com, where all of his writings are posted. He also has a YouTube channel where you can find inspirational videos. Drexwell has a BA in Accounting and an MBA in Finance.

There are many people who are addicted to drugs and will do whatever it takes to get money so they can get access to drugs. As a result, you will find people robbing others just to get money to buy drugs. You will find people killing others because they do not care. Their minds are being controlled by drugs. The question we need to ask ourselves is why people turn to drugs. Apparently when you take drugs you get a good feeling, especially the first time.

People want to get that first feeling again so they continue to take the drugs hoping they will feel the way they felt before. Some people also take drugs because they want to fit in to a group of people. Their friends are taking it so they take it too. Furthermore, some people do not have the attention at home so they find the attention from friends who are taking drugs. We need to address this by getting help for those persons on drugs and hopefully they will be free and they can encourage others not to use

drugs. The halfway house in Providenciales is a great initiative to deal with drug addicts. Hopefully, the Government can fund this project to complete this initiative. This will go a long way in reducing crime in the TCI. In addition to consuming drugs, crimes are taking place because selling drugs has always been a big money business. People are getting killed and disappearing because of their involvement in the sale of drugs. The sale of drugs therefore leads to criminal activities. We need to find ways to deter and make it hard for the sale and access of drugs. We need a drug free environment for consumption and for the sale. The environment you are in makes an impact on how you behave. We must work with the Edward C Gartland Youth Centre and perhaps ensure that we active programmes

for all of our youths throughout all of the Islands. We must share stories and testimonies of people that were on drugs, the impact and what it will do to you. No matter what they do to deal with the crime situation in any country, if we do not tackle the root causes of crime, we will continue to have crime taking place. Parents, ensure that your children are in good company. If you are aware of them dealing with drugs, get help immediately. I am not suggesting that everyone that consumes or sells drugs is a criminal, however, based on an interview with Pastor John Malcolm, most of those who were incarcerated for crimes were connected with the use of drugs. If only we can treat these individuals and educate the public about the dangerous impact of drugs, then maybe we will be one step closer to reducing crime in our country.

Combating crimes in the TCI: Core policing roles PART ONE THE INCESSANT crime situation poses grave concerns – justifiably so – but the battle cries surrounding it have suppressed other momentous phenomena, with important lessons for the TCI Government, the public, local entrepreneurs and law enforcers. The simplest way to resolve crimes is to first cognise its root causes, then pursue these actions using combatant and non-combatant strategies and subsequently, involve all stakeholders. However, in the initial segment we’ll explore the combatant strategies analogous to the situation we’re faced with. Lately, crimes have escalated at an unprecedented pace and certainly these unhospitable actions have created fear within our communities, disrupting business operations and undermining government

BY D MARKIE SPRING D Markie Spring, a TCI resident of 15 years, is an expert in law enforcement. He worked as a detective in the Royal TCI Police Force and was director of security at Beaches Turks and Caicos.

institutions (tourism, fiscal policy, healthcare, judiciary and national security). In fact, this upsurge has pivoted lawmen on their back feet, frequently forcing them back to the drawing board. Sadly, on the world stage, these unnerving debacles are leaving a compelling stain on the reputation and growth in the TCI. Nevertheless, as a redress to this stigma there are functional areas of the police service, which require improvements. These targets can be realised through the development of workable

strategies, deploying the latest in technology, intelligence gathering, research and development, and constant training and development. In principle, coordinating tasks and intelligence sharing should serve as the backbone for ameliorating departments functions. Henceforth, the criminal investigation department (CID), marine branch, beat and patrol, drug squad and the rapid response unit (RRU) must plan and execute regular joint land and sea operations, focusing on murder, arm robbery, human trafficking and illicit drugs.

Quality case study methodology and design provide answers for curbing the perplexity of this phenomenon within its context. Ideally, the Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police Force (RTCIPF) must explore core modalities, such as crime mapping to keep track of all crimes occurring within the boundaries of the TCI, in addition to exerting an online software to record all criminal activities – accessible to all departments and pertinent external agencies. Furthermore, investigators must strategically locate police stations to encourage quick responses, proper surveillance and strategic patrolling. Hitherto, it is important to identify hot spots and provide a 24hour operation to follow and detour crimes. In fact, following crimes when they occur has proven to be an effective short term strategy in preventing further escalation. Too, regular training in police procedures is important, in addition

to the anti-money laundering code, coastal and marine policy and organisation theories. As a matter of concern, the Government must enact a law which limits the number of outboard engines on go-fast vessels and usher investigators with adequate tools to accomplish their tasks. Besides adequately trained personnel, these tools include boats (preferably hovercrafts), radars to detect and track small fast-moving sea crafts and medium-range surveillance drones, not forgetting placing CCTV cameras in troubled areas. If operations improve and investigators are given adequate tools, plan and adapt new investigative techniques, while exploiting technological innovation, I guarantee you that crimes in TCI will drop drastically. Howbeit, these strategies standing alone cannot fix the dilemmas; forthwith a multitude of supporting combatant strategies will follow.

January 25-31, 2020




E-government: A step towards a more citizen-centred Caribbean

POLITICIANS love to promise a better and brighter future. They tend to say little about the day to day experience their citizens have of the services they provide. In the Caribbean, as in other parts of the world, what most individuals want from government is the rapid and efficient delivery of everyday resources, if policies and regulations are to mean anything at all. This applies equally to social services, whether in relation to schools, hospitals or pensions, the supply of utilities, or to matters as normal as renewing a driver’s licence or registering a birth or death. Citizens everywhere want such basic transactions to be straightforward, quick and predictable. They hope their fellow citizens who work for them in the public sector have the ability and tools to deliver what has been promised in modern and efficient way. Unfortunately, as a recent InterAmerican Development Bank


David Jessop is a consultant to the Caribbean Council. He has worked on Caribbean issues for over 40 years. David is the editor of Caribbean Insight and Cuba Briefing publications. He can be contacted at

(IDB) report points out, most in the Caribbean are more likely to receive a service that is slow, bureaucratic and unpredictable, causing the few with the right contacts or means, to find alternative ways to speed up delivery. ‘Wait no more: Citizens, red tape and digital government,’ written by Benjamin Roseth, a modernisation of the state specialist, and Angela Reyes, a digital government consultant, illustrates graphically the problems Caribbean citizens experience when it comes to the smallest unit of public policy: an individual’s transactions with government. The two IDB staffers also show

how the process of digitisation and a change in thinking could revolutionise the way governments operate bringing new democracyenhancing efficiencies and cost savings. What they analyse in detail based on research undertaken in the Bahamas, Barbados, Jamaica, Guyana and Trinidad, is people’s experience of registering a property, requesting a birth certificate, starting a business and more generally being able to obtain answers from government departments in relation to social welfare, taxation or from the police. The report indicates that 90

Boots on the ground STEPPING into a new year and a new decade has unfortunately brought with it the ‘same ol same ol’ as it relates to heinous crime in the TCI, which I will not repeat here as we all are aware and are affected by it daily. Listening to the press conference for the roll out of the National Security Strategy provides a sense that in the medium and long term there are some workable plans that will bear fruit in the future. From increasing the overall police force by 20 percent by March 2021 to establishing our defence force, or even naming, for the first time, a permanent secretary with responsibility for national security. However, what gives me pause and does not bring me and I assume any resident of the TCI comfort is the fact that there are no immediate solutions to this very real and present crime situation. After starting the year off in the way we have, I am concerned with the perceived lack of a sense of urgency by our national security leadership team. My suggestion is simply to

BY JAMELL ROBINSON deploy 50 to 75 highly trained and experienced tactical officers for serious violent crimes and drug enforcement and an additional 50 to 75 UK troops with clear responsibility for rounding up illegal immigrants. This engagement should be for at least six months with clear terms of reference and should only be extended with the expressed consent of our every member of our national security leadership team.

The reason the surge is needed is because our hardworking men and women of the Royal TCI Police Force need some breathing room to get the training and additional personnel on the ground to be able to sustainably deal with this ongoing crisis. If executed correctly, there will be mass detention, and consequentially, there must be a plan to house both detained illegal immigrants awaiting repatriation as well as detained arrestees awaiting court hearings. We can also seek temporary support for the Department of Public Prosecution to manage the influx of cases. It is clear that a great presence in the short-term is needed on the ground as criminals have no fear of being caught, stopped, persecuted or punished in our present state. While national security is the responsibility of the UK, those affected by the lack thereof, are the citizens and residents of the Turks and Caicos Islands. Consequently, there should be joint funding of this initiative.

percent of Caribbean government transactions of this kind are carried out on a face to face basis, requiring multiple visits, queueing then waiting at a counter, filling out forms, and writing letters. The study details how in the surveyed nations an average transaction relating to education or healthcare takes five hours, reporting a crime takes 4.8 hours, tax payments 4.7 hours and an enquiry about a social entitlement the same. Even the most common transactions relating to vehicles, the IDB, says, takes 3.5 hours. In Jamaica 45 percent of all such transactions required three or more visits and was little better in Barbados where 43 percent of similar enquiries involved the same amount of time. Such excessive requirements to resolve matters often of real personal significance to the individual concerned have downsides little considered by governments or the civil servants who have devised or implement the systems. Apart from the personal cost in leave time and travel to the individual concerned, they result, the IDB says, in the earmarking of human and financial resources by government that could be better applied elsewhere. The report also addresses the issue of corruption and illegal payments made to resolve issues relating to the provision of government services. While acknowledging that such problems exist everywhere, the report, quoting a 2019 Transparency International and IDB survey, indicates that 18 percent of respondents paid to ensure access to a public service. The figures were particularly high among those surveyed in Guyana at 27 percent, but significantly lower in Barbados at nine percent. While the largest percentage of such payments across the region related to utilities, alarmingly the report notes in passing what most know, that, “Fifteen percent of people paid a bribe to obtain an identity document, whereas for police services, this figure reached 18 percent”. The authors of the study also indicate that the bureaucracy associated with basic transactions is more likely to negatively affect the poor and the or less educated; those most likely to require government services. More positively, however, they point to the progress being made

in some Caribbean nations when it comes to company registration, indicating that Jamaica is now a world leader in online company registration. The overall solution, the IDB suggests, is for governments to actively develop citizen oriented programmes of digitisation and e-government. As matters stand, digital transformation programmes supported by IDB are underway in the Bahamas, Barbados and Jamaica where government is committed to see 90 percent of government services integrated and available, with every citizen having a national digital identity. Elsewhere, to a greater or lesser extent, progress is being made by some overseas territories. Cuba’s government is trying to create rapidly an internet society able to increase efficiency and productivity, despite the propensity of its huge and often stifling bureaucracy to default without explanation to telling citizens why something is not possible. In comparison to the rest of the region, the Dominican Republic is far advanced in the process of digitisation having long recognised the value to government, democracy and productivity of having a functioning digital economy. If such a process is to succeed in Caricom, what is also required is widespread digital literacy, the skills and education that enable this, full and reliable high speed 4G connectivity, and financial inclusion so that all can make and receive digital payments. It also requires consistently positive online experiences that encourage confidence at a grassroots level. It needs too, significant financial resources and significant development programmes if the region is to achieve the levels of integration between government and its citizens that for example Mauritius now has. There is evidence globally to show that bureaucratic inefficiencies and government’s inability to deliver basic services is one of the leading factors causing disillusion with government, democracy and politics. What is needed are politicians who recognise that with the right safeguards, a citizen centred approach that leads to interoperable e-government systems in and across the region could help bring about a more citizen-centered Caribbean.



January 25-31, 2020

Global economy to see modest growth in 2020, despite setbacks AN ANNUAL report on the trends and outlook for the global economy has said it should improve modestly in 2020 if the present trade tensions are reduced. The World Economic Situation and Prospects Report (WESP) also provides regional economic forecasts, focuses on the impact of the climate crisis, the increasing political polarisation and scepticism about globalisation. It was launched at the United Nations Headquarters in New York City during a noon briefing on Thursday, January 16. According to the report, the global economy - which has been impacted by prolonged trade disputes - suffered its lowest growth in a decade, slipping to 2.3 percent in 2019. The world, however, could see a slight uptick in economic activity in 2020 if risks are kept at bay. It states that growth of 2.5 percent in 2020 is possible, but a flare-up of trade tensions, financial turmoil or an escalation of geopolitical tensions could derail a recovery.

In a downside scenario, global growth would slow to just 1.8 percent this year. A prolonged weakness in global economic activity may cause significant setbacks for sustainable development, including the goals to eradicate poverty and create decent jobs for all. At the same time, pervasive inequalities and the deepening climate crisis are fuelling growing discontent in many parts of the world. UN secretary general António Guterres warned: “These risks could inflict severe and long-lasting damage on development prospects. “They also threaten to encourage a further rise in inward looking policies at a point when global cooperation is paramount.” In the United States, recent interest rate cuts by the US Federal Reserve may lend some support to economic activity. However, given persistent policy uncertainty, weak business confidence and waning fiscal stimulus, GDP growth in the United States is forecast to slow from 2.2

Stop oppressing our people Dear Editor, The scriptures tell us: “Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men.” Romans 12:17. I heard today how Turks and Caicos Islanders are being fired by a work permit holder on one of the developing properties in our beloved country because of the way they walk. And for defending the vandalism of his property by illegal employees evading authorities when they came on that site. Hearing this felt like a dart pierced my heart for how disturbing this is and how certain politicians are just brushing it off. The senseless killing that’s taking place in our beloved country is horrible and I would place behaviour like this on the same level. What has our beloved country come too? It’s better we do without such developments which are denying

our people to work. Finally let me warn the rich among us that are oppressing our people and the poor and have arrogant employees working for them - discipline them or get them out of your organisation and stop oppressing our people and the strangers among us. “Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not high minded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy; “That they do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to distribute, willing to communicate; “Laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life.” Timothy 6:17-19. Sincerely, Jonathan N Gardiner, Providenciales

percent in 2019 to 1.7 percent in 2020. In the European Union, manufacturing will continue to be held back by global uncertainty, but this will be partially offset by steady growth in private consumption, allowing a modest rise in GDP growth from 1.4 percent in 2019 to 1.6 percent in 2020. Despite significant headwinds, East Asia remains the world’s fastest growing region and the largest contributor to global growth, according to the report. In China, GDP growth is projected to moderate gradually from 6.1 percent in 2019 to 6.0 percent in 2020 and 5.9 percent in 2021, supported by more accommodative monetary and fiscal policies. Growth in other large emerging countries, including Brazil, India, Mexico, the Russian Federation and Turkey, is expected to gain some momentum in 2020. PROGRESS TOWARDS HIGHER LIVING STANDARDS HAS STALLED Africa has experienced a decade of near stagnation in per capita GDP

and many countries around the world are still ailing from the effects of the commodity price downturn of 20142016, which resulted in persistent output losses and setbacks in poverty reduction. In one-third of commodity dependent developing countries (home to 870 million people), average real incomes are lower today than they were in 2014. This includes several large countries such as Angola, Argentina, Brazil, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia and South Africa. At the same time, the number of people living in extreme poverty has risen in several sub-Saharan African countries and in parts of Latin America and western Asia. Sustained progress towards poverty reduction will require both a significant boost to productivity growth and firm commitments to tackle high levels of inequality, the report said. UN estimates indicate that to eradicate poverty in much of Africa, annual per capita growth of over eight percent would be needed, compared to the just 0.5 percent average rate over the past decade.

Beyond GDP growth, other measures of wellbeing paint an even bleaker picture in several parts of the world. The climate crisis, persistently high inequalities and rising levels of food insecurity and undernourishment continue to affect the quality of life in many societies. “Policymakers should move beyond a narrow focus on merely promoting GDP growth, and instead aim to enhance wellbeing in all parts of society,” said Elliott Harris, UN chief economist and assistant secretary general for economic development. “This requires prioritising investment in sustainable development projects to promote education, renewable energy and resilient infrastructure.” Economic growth while limiting carbon emissions is possible by changing the energy mix. To combat climate change, the world’s growing energy needs must be met with renewable or low-carbon energy sources. This will require massive CONTINUED 

TCI joins the World Council of Credit Unions BY OLIVIA ROSE THE TCI Government has joined the World Council of Credit Unions (WOCCU) as an associate member in order to kick-start the development of credit unions in the territory. This makes the TCI the 19th Caribbean island jurisdiction to join the international association, a news release on the council’s website said on Tuesday (January 14). The WOCCU is the global trade association and development platform for credit unions around the world. It promotes the sustainable development of credit unions and other financial cooperatives to empower people through access to high quality and affordable financial services. The council advocates on behalf of the global credit union system before international organisations, and works with national governments to improve legislation and regulation. Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson said fostering a relationship with the council is in the best interests of the TCI public. “We believe that a relationship with WOCCU will afford the Government an opportunity to achieve, as WOCCU describes it, ‘the self-sustainable development

of credit unions and other financial cooperatives…to empower people through access to high quality and affordable financial services’ within our country.” The TCI Government’s move to join the council follows the passage of legislation in 2019 that permitted the licensing of credit unions in the TCI for the first time. The Ministry of Finance was then approved for membership of the council, which will allow it to access its best practices in credit union development and networking. WOCCU president and CEO Brian Branch said: “The world council believes all people should have access to affordable, reliable and sustainable financial services. “We have been developing credit unions across the globe for nearly 50 years and we welcome the opportunity to help Turks and Caicos establish financial cooperatives that work for everyone.” The Credit Union Ordinance was approved in the House of Assembly on July 26, 2016. However, the ordinance was not brought into effect due to a requirement to have Regulations and Prudential Standards (subsidiary legislation) in place.

It later became law on August 1, 2019. In the House of Assembly on August 8, 2019, Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson said there still exists in the TCI, elements of society that are either “unbanked and underbanked”. “With financial inclusion as a priority of my Government, the coming into force of the credit union legislation will fill a gap by availing another regulated financial option to the public “We are firm believers that access to finance is a key enabler to reducing poverty and increasing prosperity. “Therefore, my Government will continue to explore ways of augmenting the current financial offerings in the TCI market; which, to date, have not adequately met the needs of all,” she stated. She added that credit unions are known to have contributed to the development of entire communities and can help drive economic growth. In many countries around the world credit unions play an important community role, they encourage members to save regularly, provide loans at low rates, and help members in need of financial advice and assistance.

January 25-31, 2020



Leaders condemn ‘cowardly attack’ on police officers BY OLIVIA ROSE IT WAS a “miracle” that no-one was injured during a shootout between armed criminals and members of the police force last weekend, Police Commissioner Trevor Botting has said. The police chief joined Governor Nigel Dakin and Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson in condemning the “cowardly attack” in Kew Town, Providenciales, this week. According to a police statement, officers on patrol were closing in on suspects at about 9pm on Saturday evening (January 18) after responding to reports of shots being fired. They came under sustained gunfire, and in response the officers discharged their firearms, the statement said. While no injuries were reported, more than 20 shell casings were recovered at the scene. In the statement, Commissioner Botting said that kind of “threat” is unacceptable. “This was an attempt to cause harm to officers from the Royal TCI Police Force and it’s a miracle our police officers were not killed or seriously injured during this cowardly attack on them. “My officers doing their

Police Commissioner Trevor Botting, Governor Nigel Dakin and Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson

duty, protecting the public, it is unacceptable on every level for such an attack to be perpetrated on them. “I attended the scene and spoke with the officers involved. I salute their courage and commitment

Global economy to see modest growth ... CONTINUED 

adjustments in the energy sector, which currently accounts for about three-quarters of global greenhouse gas emissions. If per capita emissions in developing countries were to rise towards those in developed economies, global carbon emissions would increase by more than 250 percent - compared to the global goal of reaching net zero emissions by 2050. The urgency of energy transition continues to be underestimated, resulting in short-sighted decisions such as expanding investment in oil and gas exploration and coal-fired power generation. This not only leaves many investors and Governments exposed to sudden losses, but also poses substantial setbacks to environmental targets, the report said. Any delay in decisive action towards energy transition could double the eventual costs.

The transition to a cleaner energy mix will bring not only environmental and health benefits, but economic opportunities for many countries. Overreliance on monetary policy is not just insufficient to revive growth, it also entails significant costs, including the exacerbation of financial stability risks. A more balanced policy mix is needed, one that stimulates economic growth while moving towards greater social inclusion, gender equality and environmentally sustainable production. “Amid growing discontent over a lack of inclusive growth, calls for change are widespread across the globe,” Harris concluded. “Much greater attention needs to be paid to the distributional and environmental implications of policy measures.” (By Delana Isles)

as they undertook their duty last night and their resilience and determination.” He added: “We are facing a real threat from cowardly, reckless and mindless individuals.” The top cop made it clear that this attack on officers of the force will not deter them from protecting communities. He said: “We will not relent in hunting down those who carried out this attack. “Let me be clear, this attack on our officers is unacceptable and should be condemned by all on the Turks and Caicos Islands. “In continuing in their duties to protect their communities, our officers will take all measures to protect themselves from the threats posed by those who commit crimes and who attack our officers.” He underscored that the matter is now under investigation, with detectives from the police force leading the work to identify and arrest those involved. “I urge our communities to assist and support the force. This is our TCI and we need to work together to identify and bring to justice those who are harming our communities and the TCI as a whole.” ‘SIGNIFICANT ESCALATION’ At a press conference on Monday at the Office of the Premier in Providenciales, Governor Nigel Dakin also condemned the ambush of officers in Kew Town. Dakin stressed that this new level of criminality in the TCI is a “very significant escalation”. “The police operating in Kew Town came under sustained gunfire. Different calibres of rounds were

recovered from the scene which tell us there was more than one gunman. “This is a very significant escalation and one that we should note. There can’t be ‘no go’ areas for the police in the TCI and there won’t be. “I stand fully behind the commissioner and the decisions he’s making to ensure that that will not be the case.” The governor disclosed that the police force has beefed up patrols around the island after the incident. “You would’ve seen that there has been a greater police presence on the streets, and you will also start to see that police, where appropriate, will be carrying long high velocity weapons as well as personal side arms.” He said he visited Kew Town with his family on Sunday evening and worshiped in a Spanish speaking church. “We were made to feel extremely welcome. Now that church was a few hundred metres away from where the incident occurred. “And when asked to say a few words the first thing I said is that I stood in complete solidarity with the police but I also stood in complete solidarity with the community in which these criminals are operating.” Governor Dakin stressed the importance of the police force and the community they serve fostering a better relationship. These communities should not have to live under these types of circumstances and so my wish for 2020 is that there will be a different relationship between the police and the community but also that there will be a very different relationship between the community and the police. “In this country, we police

through consent and that requires the community and the police to work together. We really need this to happen in 2020.” HEARTS AND MINDS Speaking at the same press conference, Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson condemned the actions of the criminals who engaged in an exchange of fire with police officers. She publicly expressed her gratitude to God that no one was injured or killed. The premier stated that everyone must and should condemn these acts against the police who stand as the authority on our behalf. She also criticised the use of social media to support criminals who behave in this way. During her speech, the premier urged members of the public to not take a hands-off approach to crime because the victim it is not a relative of theirs. She encouraged them to say something given the possibility that the withheld information may be the information that the police need. Cartwright Robinson again promoted the use of Crime Stoppers where members of the public can give anonymous tips. In calling the country to prayer, the premier stated that she recognised that the violence among young men is a regional challenge. It is a heart and mind problem, she said, and lamented that the minds and hearts of today’s criminals are darker and more different. Cartwright Robinson accepted the Government’s rehabilitative role, however, she stated that “only God can change the hearts and minds of man”.


January 25-31, 2020



Karen Whitt is the first vice president of the Caribbean Hotel and Tourism Association

Karen Whitt chairs new look marketplace FOR the first time, leading travel agents from around the world attended the Caribbean Hotel and Tourism Association (CHTA)’s Caribbean Travel Marketplace in the Bahamas. The 2020 event, which traditionally caters to wholesalers and tour operators, was held from January 21 to 23 at Baha Mar’s Performing Arts and Convention Centre. Chair of this year’s marketplace was Karen Whitt, vice president of marketing and brand development for the Hartling Group in the TCI. She explained that top-selling travel agents came to the event as part of a new pilot programme to bring together travel advisors with operators of Caribbean hotels, resorts and attractions. “Throughout the years we’ve discussed the idea of how to incorporate the travel agent industry into our event and we have a lot of different ideas on how this could be done successfully.” She said that to kick-start the process, the CHTA invited a select group of agents to experience the event, participate as a buyer, and provide feedback. “This feedback will help shape policies into the future. However, what we can assure is that our

Caribbean suppliers are very excited about this pilot programme and its potential to increase business to the region.” Prior to the event Whitt, who is vice president of the CHTA, said that the agents would meet with executives from a cross-section of destinations and hotels. The visitors, who came from New York and Rhode Island to Tennessee and Texas, were also scheduled to participate in site inspections with select hotels on the island. The Caribbean Travel Marketplace presents the opportunity to showcase the region’s tourism offerings – its traditional ones as well as new and improved product. It is a one-stop gathering for travel suppliers - hotels, attractions, destinations and transportation providers - to meet with the world’s key influencers of consumer travel decisions. It also is the industry’s key forum for attracting new decision-makers who otherwise would not be familiar with the region. The event was held in collaboration with local partners Baha Mar, the Bahamas Hotel and Tourism Association, the Bahamas Ministry of Tourism and Aviation, and the Nassau Paradise Island Promotion Board.

Tickets on sale for Saturday’s art exhibition THIS Saturday (January 25) Edward C Gartland Youth Centre is hosting an art exhibition to raise funds for a children’s music studio. ‘An Exclusive Evening of Art’ at The Shore Club in Long Bay will feature work from local and international artists, live entertainment, canapes, food stations and an open bar. There will also be an after party with music played by DJ Dayoh for those who are ready to enjoy a post-show dance. The fifth annual event held in collaboration with Gilley’s Enterprises, The Shore Club and

Sotheby’s International Realty will take place from 7pm to 10.30pm. “Please show your support to this awesome cause as we get closer to our goal of building our music studio for the youth of TCI,” youth centre manager Roxann Wake-Forbes said. Tickets are $200 and are available from the Wine Cellar, Unicorn Bookstore, Sotheby’s International Realty and the Edward C Gartland Youth Centre. For more information call 331-9602 or email info@

Keep it flat and keep it metric Observations of an accidental Salt Cay saunterer WHEN I was younger I loathed most forms of physical exercise. Yes, I played team sports such as soccer and basketball and like most kids was made to run, sprint and long jump, but to be honest I found most of it to be a monumental waste of time. The exception was swimming. I learned how to swim at the age of five and by the time I was in school, swam competitively and almost fanatically so. I swam well and I swam fast and for years strove to be the top swimmer in my class. Still, while I can honestly say that I’ve never had a gym membership or was suddenly overcome with the urge to start jogging (as some middle-aged persons are rumoured to), I have always enjoyed walking. Not as a sport or necessarily to stay fit but as a way to explore new places while travelling and, more recently, as a way to get around and discover Salt Cay. Having walked most of Salt Cay over the past three years it suddenly dawned on me that I wasn’t just enjoying my walks, I am well and truly hooked- hooked to walking. Perhaps not obsessively so, but if I can’t clock at least five kilometres a day something’s just not right. Fortunately, I am not overweight or suffer from high blood pressure or diabetes, but we all know that in this country (indeed globally) more and more people do. So, for what it’s worth, here’s some encouragement to those among us who may not be naturally drawn to physical exercise. Forget the gym, excessive jogging, treadmills, weights- simply get off that couch and go for a walk! It doesn’t even have to be a long walk. Start perhaps with 20 to 30 minutes a day. And while you’re thinking about walking, consider some of the proven health benefits. Lower blood pressure and cholesterol, better memory and cognitive function, lower stress and improved mood, maintain a healthy weight, prevent or manage various conditions, including heart disease and type two diabetes, strengthened bones and muscles, improved balance and coordination- the list goes on. Provided you’re not bed ridden, in a wheelchair or otherwise incapacitated, walking is the easiest way to get exercise. There’s no need for fancy, expensive gear; all you need is a pair of shoes.


Titus was born in Hamburg and has lived in the Turks and Caicos Islands since 1989. He works as a general business consultant and has been based in Salt Cay since 2016.

That said, I walked my first 1,000 kilometres on Salt Cay in flip-flops until eventually upgrading to proper walking shoes. In an addition to the health benefits you may even find the experience enjoyable as you listen to your favourite tunes, an audible book or take in great views. To any couch potato who may now be intrigued to give walking a try, here are some personal tips that may make your initial walks more rewarding: 1) Keep it flat. Walking up hills and on sandy beaches may sound intriguing but is actually a pain. Try and find relatively flat paths, lanes, roads and the walk will not feel like hard work. 2) Keep it metric. When monitoring your progress, keep it metric. Five kilometres sounds so much better than ‘just’ 3.1 miles. 3) Set targets. It’s good to have daily walking targets, even if you start out with just one kilometre (1,300 steps) per day. There are excellent free apps available for smart phones and it’s actually fun to monitor your progress. 4) If you enjoy company or prefer not to walk alone because of safety concerns (Provo comes to mind), find a walking partner. Have a chat and walk. 5) Create interesting walks. Walking is a great way to explore your surroundings, neighbourhood or island. Most importantly, have fun. In the words of the 17th century, English poet Thomas Traherne: “To walk is by a thought to go; To move in spirit to and fro; To mind the good we see; To taste the sweet; Observing all the things we meet. How choice and rich they be.”

January 25-31, 2020




January 25-31, 2020


The Palms was awarded Caribbean’s Leading All Suite Hotel and TCI’s Leading Hotel 2020

Beach House TCI won TCI’s Leading Boutique Hotel 2020

Beaches Turks and Caicos won Caribbean’s Leading All-Inclusive Family Resort 2020

The Shore Club won TCI’s Leading Hotel Suite 2020

TCI wins big at World Travel Awards regional gala THE TURKS and Caicos Islands has once again captured two prestigious awards at the World Travel Awards Caribbean Gala Ceremony. The territory won Caribbean’s Leading Beach Destination 2020 for the sixth year running and Caribbean’s Most Romantic Destination 2020 for the second year. The elite of the travel industry assembled at the star-studded gala ceremony in the Bahamas on Monday (January 20) to find out who amongst them had been crowned best of the best. Each year, a series of regional gala ceremonies are staged throughout the world to recognise and celebrate individual and collective success within each key geographical region. The red-carpet evening, hosted at Sandals Royal Bahamian, marked the opening leg of the World Travel

Awards Grand Tour 2020 – an annual search for the finest travel and tourism organisations. Among the TCI’s winners in the regional event were The Palms for Caribbean’s Leading All Suite Hotel 2020 and Point Grace with Caribbean’s Leading Boutique Hotel 2020. Beaches Turks and Caicos won Caribbean’s Leading All-Inclusive Family Resort 2020 and Sailrock Resort was given Caribbean’s Leading Luxury Island Resort 2020. Finally, Grace Bay Penthouse Suite at Grace Bay Club won the award for Caribbean’s Leading Hotel Suite 2020. Attending the event as part of team TCI, was Minister of Tourism Hon. Ralph Higgs. He said: “Being recognised as the Caribbean’s most romantic

destination in particular, is an excellent attainment as we have taken steps to position the destination as a preferred wedding and honeymoon destination. “These achievements are testament to the commitment and hard work of our amazing team and partners, who continue to work diligently in promoting brand TCI.” Winners of the TCI round of the awards included Beach House for TCI’s Leading Boutique Hotel 2020 and Hertz for TCI’s Leading Car Rental Company 2020. The Palms won TCI’s Leading Hotel 2020, Amanyara won TCI’s Leading Resort 2020 and The Shore Club won TCI’s Leading Hotel Suite 2020. Finally, Olympia Destination Management Company won TCI’s Leading Destination Management

Company 2020. Chairman of the TCI Tourist Board Adelphine Higgs-Pitter, who also attended the event, thanked the public for voting for the TCI in all eight regional categories. “We are thrilled that Turks and Caicos won and maintained the awards for Caribbean’s Leading Beach Destination and Caribbean’s Most Romantic Destination which demonstrates the service consistency and product quality of brand Turks and Caicos.” Also attending on behalf of the TCI were Tourist Board member Kendra Parker and USA regional marketing manager Pamela Ewing. Other winners on the night included the paradise island of St Lucia, which fended off stiff competition to emerge as Caribbean’s Leading Honeymoon Destination

2020. Jamaica emerged a multiple winner, picking up trophies for Caribbean’s Leading Destination 2020, Caribbean’s Leading Cruise Destination 2020 and Caribbean’s Leading Tourist Board 2020. Guests at the gala event enjoyed entertainment from acclaimed Bahamian artists including Alia Coley and Partice Murrell. Graham Cooke, founder of the World Travel Awards, said: “What an incredible evening it has been here at the magnificent Sandals Royal Bahamian to mark the opening of our 27th annual Grand Tour. “We have had the privilege of recognising the Caribbean’s leading destinations, hotels, resorts, airlines and travel providers and CONTINUED 

January 25-31, 2020



Participants of the medical centre’s team building activity Entertainment during the World Travel Awards gala ceremony

Hospital staff working hard to figure out their clues The pre-show reception featured cultural dancers


my congratulations to each of our winners.” The TCI, as a destination, has won the World Travel Award for Caribbean’s Leading Beach Destination every year since 2015. From 2012 to 2014 the award for Caribbean’s Leading Beach Destination was won by Grace Bay Beach specifically which seized the title from Negril, Jamaica. The 2020 nominees for Caribbean’s Leading Beach Destination were Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Aruba, Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Jamaica, Martinique, the Bahamas, Trinidad and Tobago and US Virgin Islands.

This year marks the second win for the TCI as the Caribbean’s Most Romantic Destination. The territory won the award in 2019 for the first time, capturing the title from Antigua and Barbuda who held the coveted title every year since 2015. The nominees for Caribbean’s Most Romantic Destination 2020 were Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Aruba, Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Jamaica, Saint Barth, Saint Martin, the Bahamas and the US Virgin Islands. The World Travel Awards Grand Final Gala Ceremony 2020 will take place in Moscow, Russia on November 27 and the TCI expects to receive nominations in several world categories.

Hospital promotes patient safety with team building tasks TCI Hospital hosted a team building activity across its medical centres this winter to reinforce various procedures for patient safety. ‘The Amazing Race’ was held during November and December and saw teams of hospital staff battling to out-smart and out-race their fellow competitors. Participants took part in brain teaser exercises across numerous checkpoints with the ultimate goal of getting to the finish line in the quickest net time. “Each checkpoint required teams to complete a challenge

to receive their next clue as a reward,” a hospital press release explained on Monday (January 20). “Teams were mandated to present evidence of task completion, similar to the format used in real health care accreditation assessments.” Bonus time credits of 30 minutes were granted for certain tasks and deducted from the end finish time. The first task required contestants to guess the number of kettle corns in a jar. If it was within 50 corns they could receive their

first clue. The first clue read: “Congratulations you have won your first clue, but to move on, this is what you must do… “Find me in the room where managers meet to complete your next feat.” Participants that guessed the board room would move on to their next clue and continue for six clues and tasks until the finish line. Other activities for staff included health and wellness screenings and a raffle for health prizes.



January 25-31, 2020

National security gets a fresh face

Tito Lightbourne has been appointed as the permanent secretary of the new national security secretariat.

TITO Lightbourne has said he is “deeply humbled and honoured” to take on one of the most senior roles in the civil service. The veteran public servant has been appointed as the permanent secretary of the new national security secretariat. The role will specifically focus on developing and enhancing the TCI’s national security infrastructure under the remit of the National Security Council (NSC). He will report equally to Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson and Governor Nigel Dakin. “This coordinated and meticulous approach to resolving matters of national importance is new to the TCI and will build on some of the existing inter-agency working groups, such as the Joint Law Enforcement

Commercial land with office & Warehouse A unique opportunity to purchase a combination of commercial land and buildings which consists of an office building and warehouse located next to the deep water government port in Providenciales. The property consists of 1.93 aces and offers a great location for any on Island business that is need of storage faculties and working space close to the port.

ASKING PRICE = $1,450.000.00


Taskforce (JLET) amongst others,” Lightbourne explained. He added that he is very grateful to the Governor’s Office, Office of the Premier and the UK for the work that has already been undertaken in this area and the support provided by way of a seconded national security advisor. In 2005 Lightbourne attained a Bachelor’s of Business Administration degree from Florida International University and in 2006 a Masters of Business Administration degree from Nova South Eastern University. He then joined the public service in April 2007 as a budget analyst in the Budget Department. Lightbourne then moved on to the Human Resource Management Directorate as a human resource officer in 2009. In 2010 he became executive administrator within the Office of the Chief Executive and in 2012 director of democratic services then executive director within the Office of the Deputy Governor. Lightbourne’s first appointment to the public service was under the supervision of the then budget director Anya Williams who is now the Deputy Governor of the TCI public service. In a press release on Wednesday (January 22), Williams said it gave her great pleasure to formally congratulate Lightbourne on his appointment. “Tito has served as the executive director of my office during my entire tenure as deputy governor and over the past seven years has demonstrated sound professionalism and astute leadership in the carriage of his duties,” she said.

“As the executive director and accounting officer for the Office of the Deputy Governor, Tito held direct oversight responsibility for the Office of the Deputy Governor itself, the Contracts and Performance Management Unit, the Human Resource Management Directorate, the Training Unit and the Cabinet secretariat. “In addition, as the senior executive to the head of the public service, he was responsible for engaging at a senior level with all ministries and departments across Government to follow up ongoing delivery, performance and other initiatives matters across Government, thereby giving him insight into the operations of the entire Government.” She said he has led on policy and programme development as a member of the working group on pay and grading, pensions and gratuities and procurement to name a few. “Has served as a key member of the Procurement Board, has been the manager of the Civil Service Professional Development Fund since its inception and has been an all-around great team member and leader in his respective field,” Williams continued. “I am grateful to Tito for his service over the years and could not be more proud of his accomplishments. Congratulations on your well-deserved promotion Tito. “I look forward to working with you in your new capacity as the permanent secretary of the National Security Secretariat where I know you will do extremely well.”

Take care if visiting China, health minister warns ANYONE visiting China from the TCI must do so with caution and report fever or respiratory problems, the health minister warned this week. The alert comes following the outbreak of coronavirus, a respiratory tract illness that is spreading across Asia and has killed at least six people since its discovery in December 2019. One person was diagnosed with the virus in Washington in the USA this week after travelling to China, but at this stage it has not reached the Caribbean region. “We must be ready and made aware of the spread of the virus, and to mitigate against any potential effect it can have on our Islands,” Hon. Edwin Astwood said. In a press release on Thursday (January 23), the Minister of Health, Agriculture, Sports and Human Services, warned those travelling to China to avoid live animal markets.

He added they should keep a distance from all live animals, including domesticated farm animals. Coronaviruses are a large group of viruses that are common among animals. In rare cases, according to the US Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, they are what scientists call zoonotic, meaning they can be transmitted from animals to humans. This latest form (2019-nCoV) has been traced to a seafood and poultry market in Wuhan, a city of 11 million. Patients have been identified in Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen, and also Taiwan, Japan, Thailand and South Korea. “Travellers to China should practice lots of good hand hygiene, and do your best to avoid anyone CONTINUED 

January 25-31, 2020

Budget analyst to tackle new role with ‘vigour and diligence’ A NEW senior budget analyst within the Budget Office of the Ministry of Finance has said he will “live up to the mantle” given to him. Edward Hall Junior was appointed to the job on January 16 after nearly seven years working as a statistician for the Statistics Department. Deputy Governor and Head of the Public Service Anya Williams congratulated Hall on his new role in a Government press release on Monday (January 20). “Edward will certainly be a great miss to the Statistics Department where he assisted in carrying out numerous pertinent surveys across the TCI during his tenure,” she said. “But I commend him for not only taking advantage of the opportunity to further upgrade his educational skills through the assistance of our Civil Service Professional Development Fund, but also in embarking on a new career path through this new appointment which will see him take on an even more senior role.” In 2012, Hall received a Bachelor’s degree in Economics and Marketing from the University of Hull in the United Kingdom. Later that year he returned home and began employment at First Caribbean International Bank as a customer service representative. In April 2013, he joined the TCI civil service as a statistician within the Department of Statistics. During his time in the Statistics Department, he was able to be a part of initiatives such as the Labour Force Survey, Consumer Price Index (CPI), Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey and Balance of Payments. Hall’s training experience consists


Edward Hall Junior was appointed to the role of senior budget analyst within the Budget Office

of national accounts statistics, CPI, International Comparison Programme and external sector statistics workshops. With assistance from the Professional Development Fund, Hall is also near the completion of a Master’s Degree in Public Policy and Management from the University of London and is also pursuing a certification in project management. Hall said: “I am humbled and eternally grateful to God for the opportunity to serve in the capacity of senior budget analyst within the Budget Office. “I would like to express my profound gratitude for being regarded for this role and pledge my commitment to do my part to ensure the office and government’s overall success and will certainly live up to the mantle given to me. “I am excited for this new challenge and will approach it with vigour and diligence to the benefit of the Budget Office and the entire TCIG.”

Take care if visiting China... CONTINUED 

who is coughing or sneezing,” Astwood said. “As the Minister of Health, I am recommending that any patients coming in to the hospital, emergency room or private clinics with a fever or respiratory symptoms be asked whether they have been to China recently or have had contact with anyone who has recently travelled to China.” Coronavirus symptoms include a runny nose, cough, sore throat, possibly a headache and maybe a fever, which can last for a couple of days. The viruses can make people sick, usually with a mild to moderate upper respiratory tract illness, similar to a common cold. For those with a weakened immune system, the elderly and the very young, there is a chance the virus could cause a lower and much more serious, respiratory tract illness like pneumonia or bronchitis.



A statement from the Ministry of Health on Wednesday said: “There is still much to learn about how this new disease is spread. “As investigation continues, the public is advised to be vigilant and exercise the usual precautions for the prevention of the flu.” The ministry is monitoring the situation and remains in close communication with key local and regional stakeholders, including CARPHA and PAHO. It is being guided by international alerts on the rapidly evolving situation and will continue to review its preparedness to respond in accordance with international health regulations. The World Health Organisation met on Wednesday to decide whether to declare the outbreak an international public health emergency. A previous form of coronavirus which originated from civet cats in China caused SARS.

Most orchids are happier when they are attached to trees rather than stuffed into pots

Growing orchids on trees

ORCHIDS are different from houseplants. Unlike palms, ferns or philodendrons, orchids grow on rocks and trees not in the ground. In fact, planting an orchid in potting soil and treating it like a houseplant is a sure way to kill it. To copy nature, orchids are planted in bark, moss, coconut husks etc. Growing plants in these types of media is different from growing houseplants in potting soil. But have you ever seen orchids that look like they are naturally growing on trees? Well, this is what they do in the wild but humans have decided to pot them up and bring them indoors. Get them back outside and you will be amazed at how much happier they look. This is a fun project that you can do in your garden and it can be completed quickly and is great for kids as well. Get some orchids and keep in mind, not any orchid will do, you will want to be selective and contemplate the location a bit. Most orchids are happier when they are attached to trees rather than when they are stuffed into pots. Dendrobiums, phalaenopsis, oncidiums, vandas and cattleyas usually do very well. Purchase some sphagnum moss if necessary, but if your orchid is presently potted it may have moss


Denis is a passionate landscape architect who enjoys the creative process and his clients’ joy when projects come to life. Contact Denis at Nature Splendor for your landscaping, installation or garden maintenance needs. For more information call 332-3381 or email or visit the Facebook page Nature Splendor.

already in the pot around the roots which can be reused. Location! Location! Location! Most orchids like filtered light, not too shady and not too sunny. Palms with ‘boots’ (bases of old fronds that are still stuck to the trunk) have ready-made pockets - just make sure the boots are secure. Sometimes boots that are lower on the trunk will fall off and take the orchids with them. If you are tying them around the trunk of a self-heading palm (where the fronds fall off without having to be cut), make sure you don’t tie an orchid around the top of the palm containing the sheath of the next frond to fall off. Canopy trees like lignum vitae, shady lady olive trees and mahoganies make great orchid supports as well. Now search out a pair of old pantyhose and I can tell you, this is the only good use for these uncomfortable things especially here in the TCI. The nude colour blends in the most and knee-highs are easier to work with than the kind that swallows up the entire lower half of your body. If you only have the latter type, you can cut off the leg portions to make your own knee-highs.

Cut a hole in the middle of the knee-high and put most of the root system inside with a little bit of moss to help retain moisture. The open hole should face the trunk so that the pantyhose side faces outward. This will allow the roots to make contact with the trunk so they can attach. Once they attach, the pantyhose can be cut off or they may have disintegrated by this time. Take the legs and wrap them tightly around the trunk and tie them in a knot to secure the orchid to the trunk or branch. If the plant is top heavy, you can tie a second band loosely around the upper part of the plant or bloom spike. Water them. You can run spaghetti tube irrigation up the trunks with small emitters to water them with your existing sprinkler system, but it’s not very pretty. Best is to water them by hand with a mister, watering can or light spray from a hose. Orchid fertiliser is often not necessary but may be helpful if they aren’t blooming or if they look chlorotic (off-colour).


Regional News


January 25-31, 2020

‘Victory Train’: Minnis sets sights on winning next election in 2022 BAHAMIAN PM Dr Hubert Minnis laid the foundation for the Free National Movement’s reelection campaign during a rally on Wednesday night. “Tonight we start the launch of our victory train,” he said. “We start here in our central zone and we will continue to our destiny. Government House will be the final spot in 2022. But as we move through the community we will be taking on more passengers.” The rally was held on the grounds of the Edmund Moxey Youth

and Community Centre. Elected representatives from the Bain and Grants Town, Mount Moriah, Fort Charlotte and St Barnabas constituencies spoke and attendees were intermittently entertained by Junkanoo groups. The prime minister weaved his personal story of growing up poor into a testimony of implementing policies that “uplift the poor and all who have been left behind.” He touted what he sees as his administration’s successes, emphasising the recent decline in

Funeral Announcement

murders and noting 1,056 students have taken advantage of the tuition free education programme he launched at the University of the Bahamas (UB). “(That’s) an increase of 57 percent,” he said, “and it’s projected that there would be an additional ten percent every year of young people who could not get a college education that would be able to get a college education thanks to the FNM.” He announced that ground for a new UB residence and multi-purpose complex will be broken next week. The complex will feature 1000 beds for students and more than 50,000 sq ft of “common areas, including a fitness area, study rooms and a 200-seat dining hall, a 500-seat ballroom and, most of all, a spiritual centre,” he said. He struck familiar themes when attacking the Progressive Liberal Party, likening the party to frogs and crabs “that can be slippery to catch.” “But we know how to catch crabs, you have to be strong with them and cut their biters off right away,” he said. He again expressed his commitment to marijuana law reform, having received the longawaited report of the Bahamas Marijuana Commission on Tuesday. Although lawyers say few are imprisoned for possessing small

Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis speaks at Wednesday night’s rally.

amounts of marijuana, he said he has “sent a notice to our prison wardens (and) to our prison officers that they must get ready to free our young people.” PLP leader Philip “Brave”Davis recently toured inner city communities, declaring afterwards that this administration’s Over-theHill programme, which promised to rejuvenate the areas, has failed. “To date,” the Killarney MP responded last night, “$941,299 in benefits have been given to applicants from the Over-the-Hill in business licence exemptions, commercial vehicles, stamp and real property tax and building materials.” Although billed as a town-hall,

questions were not taken. In a late night press statement, Mr Davis said the meeting was falsely advertised. “The prime minister must say who paid for this and whether any government funds were expended to support last night’s rally,” he said. “There was no new ground broken last night. It was the same mish-mash of attacks on the PLP which passes for policy by the FNM. The prime minister turns out to be useless and clueless. So desperate was he that he had to use a Junkanoo group to draw a crowd. So with hurricane relief with no teachers, the prime minister can find time for trash talking on a public park.” (Tribune242)

CARICOM chairperson questions US Secretary of State meeting with some regional officials FUNERAL ANNOUNCEMENT FOR THE LATE




UNITED States’ Secretary of State Michael Pompeo met with some of the region’s leaders and Foreign Ministers in Jamaica this week, even as questions were raised about why other countries were excluded. Barbados’ Prime Minister Mia Mottley, who is also the current chairman of the 15-member Caribbean Community (CARICOM), had suggested that Pompeo’s meeting with foreign ministers of only six Caribbean nations – The Bahamas, Belize, the Dominican Republic, Haiti, St Kitts and Nevis, and St Lucia – is an attempt to divide the region. An accusation he later denied. Pompeo’s two-day working visit to Jamaica, had been welcomed by the island’s Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade Minister Kamina Johnson-Smith who said it is “a demonstration of the commitment of the United States of America to once more strengthen its engagement with Jamaica and the wider Caribbean”. The Foreign Affairs Ministry said that during the visit, in addition to meeting with Prime Minister

US Secretary of State Michael Pompeo later said that the US is not trying to divide CARICOM.

Andrew Holness and senior members of his Cabinet, Pompeo was expected to give a policy speech on the Caribbean region’s critical importance to his country, and the US’ renewed commitment to closer ties, based on shared values, interests

and economic prosperity. But not all the region’s leaders or Foreign Affairs Ministers were invited, and Mottley made note of that over the weekend. She indicated that Barbados would not be sending a representative.

January 25-31, 2020

Regional News



Bermuda: Former Premier Brown sues AG over Lahey case

Chantelle Day, left, and Vickie Bodden Bush with their lawyer Ben Tonner QC.

Cayman Islands: Same-sex marriage fight to go to Privy Council LAWYERS acting for a samesex couple contesting Cayman’s marriage laws have confirmed plans to take their fight to the UK Privy Council. Chantelle Day and Vickie Bodden Bush won their initial court fight to be granted the right to marry in Cayman, but that decision was overturned by the Court of Appeal, which ruled that Cayman’s Constitution preserved marriage for opposite-sex couples only. The appeals court ruled that government was obliged to provide the couple, and all same-sex couples, with rights ‘equivalent to marriage’ and instructed government to introduce legislation to that effect. Attorney General Samuel Bulgin indicated last week that legislation for civil partnerships is being drafted.

Attorney Ben Tonner, QC, who represents Day and Bodden Bush, confirmed Wednesday that an application had been filed with the Court of Appeal for final leave to apply to the Privy Council in the UK. Once this is granted, the legal team will be able to file the appeal. He said they would seek to challenge the appeals court’s decision in the higher court. “It will be submitted that the Cayman Islands Court of Appeal should have interpreted the Constitution in a manner which protects and promotes fundamental rights and freedoms (as the Chief Justice did) rather than adopting an approach which does the very opposite,” Tonner told the Cayman Compass in an email. (Cayman Compass)

A FORMER premier has launched a legal action against the Office of the Attorney-General over allegations of corruption. Ewart Brown claimed that the Attorney-General — then Trevor Moniz — accused him and his two clinics of illegal behaviour in their dealings with the US-based Lahey Clinic over the course of 2017. The writ, published on the Offshore Alert website, said: “Each of the said statements are wholly untrue and highly aspersive and each constitutes a grave libel upon each of the plaintiffs. “The widespread and enduring effects of these false statements have caused consequential injury to Dr Brown’s personal and professional reputation as well as the plaintiffs’ individual and collective business relationships.” The documents said Dr Brown wanted damages — actual, presumed and punitive — for libel, malicious falsehood and financial loss intentionally caused. Dr Brown, a Progressive Labour Party premier, also asked for a declaration from the courts that Mr Moniz acted beyond his powers as Attorney-General, and that he “performed deliberate and malicious misfeasance in public office by abusing the power that he held”. The writ, dated December 20 last year, claimed that Mr Moniz, as the One Bermuda Alliance attorney-general, also released a

The documents said Dr. Ewart Brown wanted damages — actual, presumed and punitive — for libel, malicious falsehood and financial loss intentionally caused.

series of documents that attacked Dr Brown, and his clinics — Bermuda Healthcare Services in Paget and the Brown-Darrell Clinic in Smith’s. The document alleged that the “carefully planned and timed documents” maliciously libelled Dr Brown by claiming that he and his clinics received improper payments from the Lahey Clinic. The writ said it had been alleged also that Dr Brown had used his

position as a government minister to promote Lahey’s interests in Bermuda and had been given “bribes disguised as consulting fees”. The document added: “The defendant further libelled the plaintiffs by averring that BHS and BDC, under the direction of Dr Brown, conducted ‘excessive, medically unnecessary and frankly dangerous scans’, thereby increasing payments received from health insurers. “The defendant then maliciously and dishonestly alleged Dr Brown paid LCI and/or LCHI a portion of the reimbursement for reading each scan, resulting in the enrichment of LCI and/or LCHI in the millions of dollars.” The writ added that the released documents characterised Dr Brown as corrupt and labelled him a racketeer and conspirator. Dr Brown was named as a “nonparty co-conspirator” in a 2017 lawsuit brought by the former OBA government against the Lahey Clinic in the United States The legal action in Boston against Lahey Health alleged there was a conspiracy between the health provider and Dr Brown to conduct excessive medical scans. Both Dr Brown and the Lahey Clinic denied the allegations. The case was dismissed by Judge Indira Talwani of the US District Court in March 2018 because Bermuda had not shown that it suffered any injuries in the US.

Jamaica: 25 die in road crashes in first 19 days of the year DIRECTOR of the Road Safety Unit (RSU) in the Ministry of Transport and Mining, Kenute Hare is lamenting that, since the start of the year, 25 people have lost their lives on the nation’s roads up to Sunday evening. “We don’t gone 25 days in the year yet and 25 people dead already. The writing is on the wall; just as it is in the days of Nebuchadnezzar, the writing is on the wall. We need to shape up!” Hare declared. He expressed fear that if motorists don’t take heed the number of road fatalities this year will surpass last year’s. “Four hundred and thirty-seven people died [on the roads] last year; it can be worse this year if we don’t take heed,” the RSU director cautioned. Four men from Portland, including two brothers, died from

multiple injuries they received when the car in which they were travelling slammed into the side of a bus on the north coast highway here, on Sunday. A woman, who was reportedly being transported to Sangster International Airport to board a return flight to Canada, received serious injuries and has been transferred to Cornwall Regional Hospital in Montego Bay from Falmouth Public General Hospital, where she was initially admitted following the midmorning crash. The deceased, all from Port Antonio, have been identified as brothers Omroy and Omar Russell; Dayton McLeary, 24; and Everton James, 22. Hare expressed that the crash resulted from carelessness. “What took place out at the main road in Trelawny on Sunday

highlights how indiscipline motorists are. That crash was rooted and consecrated in wanton, deliberate, calculated indiscipline. The road is wet, [yet] people decide that they are going to speed, they going to overtake; they lose control, crash into a bus that even the bus driver was trying to take the soft shoulder and the car come over there and clap the bus,” Hare said. He pondered why the occupants of the Nissan March motor car did not signal to the driver to slow down. “There were five people in that car, I want to know if nobody in the vehicle couldn’t say, ‘Cool it.’ So everybody into the slackness? All five people aboard the car into the slackness? And that crash is a needless death; everybody in that car died before their time. Psalms chapter 90 says three score and 10,

Wreckage of the Nissan March motor car that was involved in a deadly crash in Trelawny on Sunday.

and you can get extra,” he argued. The RSU director advised that individuals should avoid speeding to get to their destination. “Rain is falling [and] you want to go to the airport? Give

yourself adequate time to go to your destination. The airport say you must reach there three hours before [departure] — give yourself adequate time,” he stressed. (Jamaica Observer)


World News


January 25-31, 2020

Brexit: UK has ‘crossed Brexit finish line’, says Boris Johnson BORIS Johnson has said the UK has “crossed the Brexit finish line” after Parliament passed legislation implementing the withdrawal deal. The EU Bill, which paves the way for the country to leave the bloc on 31 January, is now awaiting royal assent. The PM said the UK could now “move forwards as one” and put “years of rancour and division behind it”. The EU’s top officials are expected to sign the agreement in the coming days, while MEPs will vote on it next week. The European Parliament will meet on 29 January to debate the agreement, which sets out the terms of the UK’s “divorce” settlement with the EU, the rights of EU nationals resident in the UK and British expats on the continent and arrangements for Northern Ireland. Its ratification is expected to prove a formality. The UK will officially leave the bloc at 23:00 GMT on 31 January - more than three and a half years after the country voted for Brexit in a referendum in June 2016. From 1 February, the UK will enter into an 11-month transition period in which it will continue to follow EU rules but without representation in the bloc’s institutions. This arrangement will come to an end on 1 January 2021, by which point the two sides hope to have completed negotiations on their future economic and security partnership, at the heart of which the government believes will be an

It’s the first time the clock has passed the two-minute mark in more than 70 years of existence, a testament to the need for urgent action, the Bulletin said Thursday.

The PM said the UK could now “move forwards as one” and put “years of rancour and division behind it”.

ambitious free trade deal. The government’s Brexit Bill, which enshrines the agreement reached by Mr Johnson in October, is one step away from becoming law after completing its passage through Parliament without any changes. MPs overwhelmingly rejected all the changes made to the bill in the House of Lords earlier this week on citizens’ rights, the power of UK courts to diverge from EU law, the independence of the judiciary after Brexit and the consent of the UK’s devolved administrations. MPs also removed an amendment which would have obliged the government to negotiate an agreement with the EU to allow unaccompanied children who have

claimed asylum elsewhere but have a relative in the UK to be re-united with their family. The bill, as agreed by Parliament, would only compel the government to make a statement on the issue within two months. Ministers insisted they backed the principle of the Dubs amendment, tabled by the Labour peer Lord Dubs, but argued that there was no point legislating before the UK reached an agreement with the EU on future numbers. Lord Dubs, who has been campaigning on the issue for years, said the outcome was “bitterly disappointing” while Green Party MP Caroline Lucas said the government had shown a “compassion by-pass”.

Doomsday Clock is 100 seconds to midnight, the symbolic hour of the apocalypse THE Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists is moving the Doomsday Clock up to 100 seconds to midnight — a metaphor for the end of the world — in a recognition of growing threats from nuclear war, climate change and disinformation. It’s the first time the clock has passed the two-minute mark in more than 70 years of existence, a testament to the need for urgent action, the Bulletin said Thursday, as its president warned of influential leaders who “denigrate and discard the most effective methods for addressing complex threats.” The latest jump closer to midnight “signals really bad news,” said astrophysicist Robert Rosner, part of the Bulletin’s Science and Security Board. “What we said last year is now a disturbing reality in that things

are not getting better.” The group’s reasoning has traditionally focused on the availability of nuclear weapons and a willingness among the world’s great powers to use them. Members of the Bulletin’s Science and Security Board pointed this year to a host of concerning developments — including the prospect of a deal limiting Iran’s nuclear development completely falling apart, after Iran began reducing its compliance following the U.S.’s withdrawal under President Trump. In North Korea, meanwhile, there’s been “no real progress” despite fanfare over talks, said Sharon Squassoni, a professor at George Washington University. And North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has promised to demonstrate a new weapon.

Auschwitz: Prince Charles warns world leaders over ‘hatred’ THE Prince of Wales has warned “hatred and intolerance still lurk in the human heart”, at an event in Israel marking 75 years since the liberation of the Nazi death camp at Auschwitz. During his speech in Jerusalem, he said lessons of the Holocaust are still “searingly relevant” and called on world leaders to be “fearless in confronting falsehoods” and violence. About 40 leaders attended the event. The Nazis murdered more than a million people at Auschwitz, most of them Jews. Prince Charles delivered his call for action at the World Holocaust Forum being staged at Yad Vashem, the World Holocaust Remembrance Centre. Russian President Vladimir Putin, French President Emmanuel Macron and US Vice-President Mike Pence were among those attending. However, a decision by Poland’s

Prince Charles delivered his call for action at the World Holocaust Forum being staged at Yad Vashem, the World Holocaust Remembrance Centre.

President Andrzej Duda not to join them threatened to overshadow the event. Prince Charles, on his first official trip to Israel and the occupied West Bank, told them that hatred and

intolerance “tell new lies, adopt new disguises, and still seek new victims”. “All too often, language is used which turns disagreement into dehumanisation,” he said.

“Words are used as badges of shame to mark others as enemies, to brand those who are different as somehow deviant. “All too often, virtue seems to be sought through verbal violence. All too often, real violence ensues, and acts of unspeakable cruelty are still perpetrated around the world against people for reasons of their religion, their race or their beliefs. “Knowing, as we do, the darkness to which such behaviour leads, we must be vigilant in discerning these ever-changing threats; we must be fearless in confronting falsehoods and resolute in resisting words and acts of violence. “And we must never rest in seeking to create mutual understanding and respect.” Ahead of the event, the prince met survivors of the Holocaust, saw the ancient Dead Sea Scrolls, and visited Israel’s President Reuven Rivlin. Mr Rivlin told the prince that Israel “deeply appreciates” his

attendance at the gathering, which he said would help to “show that when we are united we can fight this phenomenon”. He also told the prince that “we still expect your mother to come” to Israel. The Queen has never visited the country during her 67-year reign. To commemorate the visit, Charles was invited to plant an oak tree in the gardens of the president’s official residence, Beit HaNassi. During his two-day trip, Prince Charles is also likely to visit the grave of his grandmother, Princess Alice of Battenberg, in Jerusalem’s Church of St Mary Magdalene. She was honoured by the Jewish people for hiding and saving the lives of Jews in Nazi-occupied Athens, Greece, during World War Two. In his address on Thursday, Prince Charles spoke of his “immense pride” at the honour, saying he has “long drawn inspiration from the selfless actions of my dear grandmother”. (BBC)

January 25-31, 2020

World News



China locks down cities to stop spread of new virus LOCKDOWN measures are increasing across China’s Hubei province to try to control the spread of a new virus that has left 17 people dead. Wuhan, Hubei’s capital of 11 million people where the virus first emerged, has no trains or planes in or out. At least four other provincial cities are seeing clampdowns on transport. There are more than 500 confirmed cases of the virus, which has spread abroad, with Singapore, Saudi Arabia and Vietnam the latest affected. The new strain of coronavirus is believed to have originated at a market in Wuhan. One resident of the city said the atmosphere there felt like “the end of the world”. The lockdowns come as millions of Chinese people travel across the country for the Lunar New Year holiday. Wuhan’s public transport lockdown came into force as of 10:00 local time (02:00 GMT), leaving normally busy train stations and airports empty. One Wuhan resident said on social media site Weibo that people were on the “verge of tears” when they heard about the closures. Health authorities are reported to have made wearing a mask mandatory in the city. They are advising people to avoid crowds and public gatherings. Demand for rubber gloves and surgical masks has soared. Taobao, the Chinese online retail giant, has warned sellers not to profit from the outbreak by raising prices.

Supermarket shelves emptied in Wuhan as residents stocked up on supplies.

Also in Hubei province: Huanggang. The city east of Wuhan announced a suspension of bus and rail systems and encouraged people not to leave the city. Cafes, cinemas, theatres and exhibitions are being shut Ezhou, just south of Huanggang, has shut its train stations Xiantao has cancelled gatherings, suspended transport and set up temperature detection stations, while Chibi is suspending transport The capital, Beijing, announced it had cancelled all major Chinese New Year celebrations. All the fatalities so far have been in Hubei province. Most of the 17 victims were elderly and suffered from other chronic diseases including Parkinson’s disease and diabetes. According to a doctor at the

hospital in Wuhan: “the virus is now spreading at an alarming rate. The hospitals have been flooding with thousands of patients, who wait hours to see a doctor - you can imagine their panic. Normally Wuhan is a great place to live and we are proud of our work - specialists here have developed a guide for coronavirus diagnosis and treatment. But I am scared because this is a new virus and the figures are worrying. Two days ago we were told not to go to work because of the risk of contamination. If we leave our home on the hospital campus, we are required to wear masks. We don’t want to take our twoyear-old son outside. He’s sleeping now, and we are trying to protect him as much as possible - handwashing,

airing the apartment, avoiding contact with people. Outside I can barely see anyone on the streets. We have been told to avoid gatherings. I went to the supermarket to buy food, but there was nothing left no vegetables or biscuits. Some Lunar New Year celebrations are cancelled. People had bought tickets to go home for Lunar New Year but they can’t go now. Everyone is stuck here and can’t leave”. Currently known as 2019nCoV, the virus is understood to be a new strain of coronavirus not previously identified in humans. The Sars (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) virus that killed nearly 800 people globally in the early 2000s was also a coronavirus, as is the common cold. Authorities have said this new virus originated in a seafood market in Wuhan that “conducted illegal transactions of wild animals”. The market has been shut down since the beginning of the year. Some researchers have suggested the illness may have originated in snakes. A study published on Wednesday in the Journal of Medical Virology said genetic analysis suggests snakes are “the most probable wildlife animal reservoir” for the virus, but this would need to be confirmed by other studies. Other researchers have questioned the claim. There is also evidence of humanto-human transmission with the virus spreading from patients to family members and healthcare workers.

But understanding more about how the virus transmits between people is one of the major outstanding questions in this outbreak. The virus infects the lungs, and symptoms start with a fever and cough. It can progress to shortness of breath and breathing difficulties. The World Health Organization (WHO) emergency committee on Wednesday deferred a decision on declaring a “global emergency” over the new virus, but is meeting again on Thursday. A global emergency is the highest level of alarm the WHO can sound, and has previously been used in response to swine flu, Zika virus and Ebola. Authorities around the world have announced screening measures for passengers from China. Thailand has confirmed four cases of the virus, the most outside China. The US, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea have all reported one case each. On Thursday, three more nations confirmed cases: § Singapore. A 66-year-old man who had travelled from Wuhan is being held in an isolation room. It has another suspected case § Vietnam. The health ministry has confirmed two Chinese citizens have the virus § Saudi Arabia; An Indian nurse working in the city of Khamis Mushait has tested positive, the Indian foreign ministry says. The first US case was confirmed on Tuesday. President Donald Trump said the situation was “totally under control” and that he trusted the information being provided by Chinese authorities. (BBC)

US imposes visa restrictions for pregnant women THE Trump administration is coming out Thursday with new visa restrictions aimed at restricting “birth tourism,” in which women travel to the US to give birth so their children can have a coveted US passport. Visa applicants deemed by consular officers to be coming to the US primarily to give birth will now be treated like other foreigners coming to the US for medical treatment, according to State Department guidance sent Wednesday and viewed by The Associated Press. The applicants will have to prove they are coming for medical treatment and they have the money to pay for it. The State Department planned to publicise the rules Thursday, according to two officials with knowledge of the plans who spoke to the AP on the condition of anonymity. The rules will take effect Friday. The practice of traveling to the US to give birth is fundamentally legal, although there are scattered cases

of authorities arresting operators of birth tourism agencies for visa fraud or tax evasion. And women are often honest about their intentions when applying for visas and even show signed contracts with doctors and hospitals. President Donald Trump’s administration has been restricting all forms of immigration, but Trump has been particularly plagued by the issue of birthright citizenship — anyone born in the US is considered a citizen, under the Constitution. The Republican president has railed against the practice and threatened to end it, but scholars and members of his administration have said it’s not so easy to do. Regulating tourist visas for pregnant women is one way to get at the issue, but it raises questions about how officers would determine whether a woman is pregnant to begin with and whether a woman could get turned away by border

The rules was set to take effect on Friday.

officers who suspect she may be just by looking at her. Consular officers don’t have the right to ask during visa interviews

whether a woman is pregnant or intends to become so. But they would have to determine whether a visa applicant would be coming to

the US primarily to give birth. Birth tourism is a lucrative business in both the US and abroad. American companies take out advertisements and charge up to $80,000 to facilitate the practice, offering hotel rooms and medical care. Many of the women travel from Russia and China to give birth in the US. The US has been cracking down on the practice since before Trump took office. There are no figures on how many foreign women travel to the US specifically to give birth. The Center for Immigration Studies, a group that advocates for stricter immigration laws, estimated that in 2012, about 36,000 foreign-born women gave birth in the US, then left the country. The draft rule is “intended to address the national security and law enforcement risks associated with birth tourism, including criminal activity associated with the birth tourism industry,” a State Department spokesperson said. (NYPost)

January 25-31, 2020


Anthony Swann Yard, Kew Town Is seeking a

CARETAKER • Help the patient get dressed, eat, bathe and complete light housekeeping duties, such as dishes or folding laundry. Plan, prepare and monitor meals. Run errands, remind patients of medications. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly

CONTACT: 347-4250 Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder



#12 Airport Road, Down Town Is seeking a


• Assist with Setting up workstations. Preparing ingredients to use in cooking chopping and peeling vegetables, cutting meat etc. Cooking food in various utensils or grillers. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week. Salary: $7.50 hourly

CONTACT: 232-1068

Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder



Madeira Way, Blue Hills, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a


• Caring for all my daughter’s needs, cleaning, washing, ironing and keeping her surroundings clean at all times. • Applicant must be honest, reliable and very good with children. Salary: $6.50 hourly

CONTACT: 343-1916

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board



Back Salina, Grand Turk Is seeking 2 HAIRDRESSERS - $8 HOURLY

Hair styling, shampooing, hair relaxers and texturing techniques. Hair treatment, cutting and styling hair in order to maintain customer image. Hair treatments, braiding etc.


Beauty treatments, makeup, facial, hair removal, manicures and pedicures including hair styling.

CONTACT: 242-1910

Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board These positions are currently held by work permit holders



Back Salina, Grand Turk Is seeking


• To ensure that the beauty salon is properly clean on a regular basis. • Must be willing to work 5-6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 242-1910

Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board




DONKEY LANE, Providenciales

DONKEY LANE, Providenciales


DOMESTIC WORKER REQUIREMENTS: • Cleaning, organizing menus and cooking for a family of 5 • Must be available to work weekends and some holidays • Full time caregiver to a 7 year old • Must have a valid driver’s license • Salary $6.50 per hour

REQUIREMENTS: • Cleaning, organizing menus and cooking for a family of 5 • Must be available to work weekends and some holidays • Full time caregiver to a 7 year old • Must have a valid driver’s license Salary $6.50 per hour

Prospective applicants including islanders can bring all applications to Services by EA located at 65 Beechwood Rd, Grace Bay Village, Providenciales or email to Successful applicants will be notified by phone for interview. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 20067

Prospective applicants including islanders can bring all applications to Services by EA located at 65 Beechwood Rd, Grace Bay Village, Providenciales or email to Successful applicants will be notified by phone for interview. This position is currently held by a work permit holder

POSEIDON CHARTERS Turtle Cove Marina Is seeking to employ a


• Selling boat charters. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week. Salary: $8 hourly


Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 20164


Fisheries Road, Five Cays Is seeking to employ a


• Repair outboard motors. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $12 hourly

CONTACT: 946-4727

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 20159




Major Hill, North Caicos Is seeking a

Leeward Storage, Leeward Highway, Is seeking a

Pest Control Senior Technician

• Ideal candidate must have prior experience in a service provider business. Must have excellent communication skills, and have knowledge using Work wave software, structural tent fumigation. At least 10 years’ experience and be Sentricon certified. • Must possess ability to learn and adapt quickly and be able to make decisions. General knowledge of pest control.

Benefits package available. Please list prior pest control related experience. • Must be flexible to work odd hours. Salary commensurate with experience.



General Worker (unskilled)

Must be willing to take initiative to get the job done. Learn pest control business. Be able to speak with costumers and help to build the business. Starting Salary $8.00 hourly

Contact: 649-241-4070 | Email: Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board work permit renewal. Email resume only.

ROEDICO ROBERTS Long Bay Road, Long Bay Is seeking to employ a


• Repairs, maintains and alters buildings, retaining walls and other brick or stone edifices. Mixes mortar; lays bricks and stones and/or concrete sidewalks; makes and repairs steps and plasters. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly

CONTACT: 232-3426

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 20109

RONAL SAINVILUS South Dock Road, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a


CONTACT 946-1278 20204


#3 Wheeland, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a


Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. Cares for garden on a daily basis Salary: $6.50 hourly

• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder

CONTACT: 346-9919


Tropical Gas Ltd. is looking for 1 (one) experienced, skilled individual to fill the role of Operator/Mechanic on a full-time basis. Salary $2,200.00 per month

CONTACT: 343-3456


This position will be in Providenciales. 20133


• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly

CONTACT: 241-4838

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder


ROSEBELLE GIBSON/ROSE GARDEN #406 Millennium Highways, Blue Hills


Cleaning the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. Cares for garden.


• Cleaning the house, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and etc. • To work 5 days a week.

CONTACT: 241-1429

Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board One position is currently held by a work permit holder



January 25-31, 2020



ARTHUR AUGUSTINE Back Salina, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a


• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly

CONTACT: 344-3502

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder


B’S BEAUTY BOX AND HEALTH SPA 18 Old Airport Road, Providenciales Is seeking


Shampooing, cutting, coloring, and styling hair, and massaging and treating scalp. Makeup, dress wigs, perform hair removal, and provide nail and skin care services. Salary: $6.50 hourly Contact: 649-946-4351 Email: kitchandra_penn@ Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board These positions currently held by work permit holders 20170





South Dock Road, Five Cays Is seeking to employ a

Diving for fish and selling fish. Salary based on commission CONTACT: 241-7834

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 20142

Blue Haven Resort Boat House, Leeward Palms Is seeking to employ a

• Answers telephone calls, Assist Guests office person, and emails. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week Salary: $400.00 per week

CONTACT: 9413047 OR 231-3875

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 20129


#24 Timber Crest, Kew Town, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a



Is currently looking to employ an

• Fix and maintain mechanical equipment, buildings, and machines. Tasks include plumbing work, painting, flooring repair and upkeep, electrical repairs and heating and air conditioning system. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $8 hourly

CONTACT: 342-0139

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 20163

MOVIN A. SWANN 100 Blue Hills, Wheeland Is seeking to employ a


To give assistance to an elderly patient with feeding and cleaning and other general duties. Salary: $6.50 hourly

CONTACT: 649-333-7233

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 20172


Automotive Repair Technician/Mechanic DUTIES INCLUDE:

• • • • • •

Identify mechanical problems, often by using computerized diagnostic equipment Test parts and systems to ensure they are working properly Follow checklists to make sure all critical parts are examined Perform basic auto care and maintenance services Replace worn or malfunctioning parts Use testing equipment to ensure that repairs and maintenance are effective


• Must possess adequate tools to perform duties • Must be able work with little or no supervision • Must have experience using computerized diagnostic equipment • Must possess a valid TCI Driver’s License. • Must possess applicable ASE Certification or equivalent Salary range is $28.00 - $30.00 per flat rate hour commensurate with experience and qualifications. This position is currently held by a work permit holder.

Labourer • Who will be responsible for the daily maintenance of the building and its surroundings. • Must be able to drive a range of vehicles including buses, must be courteous at all time. • Must have excellent customs service skills. • Salary $8.00 hour • All applicants must possess a valid driver’s license • Willing to work with little or no supervision • Must be willing to work weekends and holidays • Must be able to drive a manual vehicle. • Belongers or PRC holders preferred This position is currently held by a work permit holder.

Is looking for the following Full Time Positions:



Bayview Motors is currently seeking to employ a Receptionist.

Candidates must have at least 4-6 years’ experience as casino dice dealer, full knowledge of game. Job summary: carry out specific tasks in the gaming operation to the highest standard efficiency and customer service, in accordance with gaming policies and procedures laid down by the company and gaming laws.

• • • • • •

$12 hourly


Serves visitors by greeting, welcoming, and directing them appropriately. Notifies company personnel of visitor arrival. Maintains telecommunications system. Informs visitors by answering or referring inquiries. Directs visitors by maintaining employee and department directories. Keeps a safe and clean reception area by complying with procedures, rules, and regulations. • Supports continuity among work teams by documenting and communicating actions, irregularities, and continuing needs. • Contributes to team effort by accomplishing related results as needed.


4-5 years of knowledge and experience working in the kitchen. Excellent physical condition is required. Job Summary: washing dishes and glasses, cleaning, preparation for bar back up, stock refill, bar beverages stock refill, preparation of food, assist in delivery preparation and stock.


All candidates should have at least 2-4 years’ experience in the same field, basic knowledge of all casino table games, AML & CTF trained and certified, excellent excel program knowledge, foreign currency knowledge, slot ticket I program knowledge. Job summary: Carry out specific tasks in the gaming operation. Data recording, balancing cash desk and table games operation float and slot ticket out, exchange foreign currency and apply to AML & CTF regulations by gaming law. Candidates must be willing to work on weekends, night shifts and holidays. Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board

Please drop off CV’s address it to HR, AT THE Casablanca Casino located on 226 Grace Bay Road, Grace Bay Providenciales. Or email at | Tel: 941-3737


• Telephone Skills • Verbal Communication • Listening • Professionalism • Customer Focus • Organization • Informing Others • Handles Pressure • Supply Management Salary begins at $8.00 per hour (or more commensurate with experience and qualifications). Status holders preferred.

Please email all application to Bayview Motors Ltd P.O Box 619, Leeward Highway, Providenciales 20150




Ball Park Road, Down Town, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a


• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $8 hourly

CONTACT: 232-7073

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board


HIGGS CONSTRUCTION LTD. Bottle Creek, North Caicos Is seeking to employ a


• Roofing, finish carpentry and the ability to read a plan. • To work Monday-Friday 7am to 5pm Salary: $11 hourly CONTACT: 243-2491 EMAIL: N_V_IGGS@ HOTMAIL.COM Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 20195


2005 Olympic Plaza, 2nd Floor #1, Five Cays Road Is seeking to employ a


Basic manicures, artificial nails, gel nails, and etc. Pedicures and the application of acrylic toenails. Salary: $6.50 hourly

CONTACT: 347-3734

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 20189


#1216 Leeward Highway, Providenciales

NIGHT AUDITOR The Night Auditor is a key member of the Car Rental team, responsible for the overnight operations, verifying the accuracy of clients’ accounts balancing charges and revenues, as well as assisting with all aspects of Customer Services. The night Auditor must have a Positive and professional up personality with a desire to deliver outstanding customers service to our clients.


• Exceptional interpersonal skills to enhance the service standards throughout the operation. • Excellent communication and time management skills. • A team player and a self-starter • Ability to work effectively in an innovative, fast paced and multi-tasked environment • Excellent computer skills, specifically Microsoft Office and use of the internet, Rent Centric, Excel, All Windows, Europcar Systems. • College or University degree preferred in Accounts or a minimum of 3 years’ experience in guest services role. • Must have the ability to wow the customer.


• Perform accurate check-ins and return car rentals • Answer the telephone in a timely and professional manner. • Make reservations over the phone and in person and ensure all aspects of the vehicle reservation procedures are followed, including bookings, confirmation and cancellations policies • Responsible for a cash float throughout your shift and ensuring all floats balance correctly at the end of the shift. • Listening to clients’ complaints or concerns and resolving their issues in a timely manner. • Produce daily reports for departments and department heads • Compile and run statistical reports for all departments and transfer information to our Accounting department.


• Written, spoken and reading proficiency in the English Language Salary- $2775 per month.


Routine maintenance of the company’s fleet of vehicles.




51 South School Lane, Grand Turk, Turks and Caicos Islands



This person will be required to conduct Cleaning Chores. Salary Attached to this position is $6.25 per hour.

Contact: 649-244-4007 Email: islanddrillingltd@

CONTACT: 243-4141

CONTACT 333-2027

Cleaning and preparing the job site, loading and delivering materials, and using a variety of tools and machines.

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board These positions are currently held by work permit holders


Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 20157

This position is for first time work permit applicant Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department






Breezy Brae, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a

Houseman Cl, Kew Town, Providenciales


• Maintained a clean and safe work environment • Gathered and removed trash and debris. • Removed dirt, grime, and bugs • Provided general cleaning of facility • 6.25 per hour. Contact info 4413637 New Work Permit Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department 20151

KORNELL CARTER 4 Ole Ch Street, Five Cays First time


Must have experience in child care, Ensuring a safe environment, feeding, dressing, bathing, preparing meal and administering medication. Salary @6.50 per hour CONTACT 345-7285 OR EMAIL YOUR RESUME TO KORNELLCARTER@GMAIL.COM Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department 20118


IBO Plaza, Leeward Highway Is seeking


• Setting up workstations. Preparing ingredients to use in cooking chopping and peeling vegetables, cutting meat etc. • Must have at least 3 to 5 years’ experience in cooking Thai food. • To work 5-6 days a week. Salary: $2,000 monthly

CONTACT: 649-343-3661

Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by work permit holders


K. R. LOGISTICS AND SERVICES LTD 14 CARIBBEAN PLACE, (TCI) Seeking employment for the following:

Salary is $6.50 per hrs. Hours of work is 8hrs per day and 5 days per week. Applicant duties are loading and off loading furnitures, goods etc on behalf of the company. Positions are vacant and Belongers are encourage to apply for the positions.

Must be able to read, write and speak English Perform tasks involving physical labour. Must be able to clean area properly Check the fluid and water levels, tires, Salary: $7.50 per hour


• Manual labourer, minor maintenance and repairs. • Must be willing to work 5-6 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly



Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board Contact: 649-441-8515 Email: Held by a work permit holder

ISLAND DRILLING LTD Industrial Drive, Grand Turk Is seeking

• Preparing and cooking meals for the children • Pick up and drop children from school • Performing light housekeeping. • Attending Extra Curriculum activities. • 6.25 per hour. Contact info 4413637 • Must have a valid driver’s license. Work Permit Renewal


• • • • •

January 25-31, 2020


Interested candidate may contact the employer at 1 (649) 946 6683 or the Employment Services, Labour Department, Providenciales, (TCI) regarding employment. 20124

• To clean house, and do laundry. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 241-1532

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 20158


IBO Plaza, Leeward Highway, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a


• Sweeping, mopping, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, washing dishes and other work. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly

CONTACT: 343-3661

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder



#87 MARBY DRIVE, JUBA SOUND Is seeking to employ a


• Stocking and supplying designated facility areas, dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, cleaning ceiling vents, restroom cleaning etc. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week. Salary: $7 hourly

CONTACT: 343-6168

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 20125

January 25-31, 2020 LAS BRISAS RESTAURANT AND BAR 533 Chalk Sound Drive, Chalk Sound, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a


• Must have at least 5 years’ experience and be willing to work 6 days a week. • Prepare menus; prep for meals; preparing orders. Salary: $700 weekly


Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 20144



• Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. • Must be willing to work 5 days per week Salary: $7.00 per hour


• To mix mortar, • lay Bricks and stone, • form and pour concrete, plastering salary $10.00 per hour

CONTACT: 232-7317

This position is currently held by a work permit holder


LITTLE HAVANA CIGAR LOUNGE AND CAFÉ Ports of Call, Providenciales/ West Road, Grand Turk is seeking

STORE CLERKS/ KITCHEN HELPERS Salary $6.25/hour This positions is for work permit renewal

Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department Kindly contact us at 9464057 or 347-3871




#14 Oyster Lane, The Bight, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a


Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. Salary: $6.50 hourly

CONTACT: 241-2983

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder


MCELROY PENN Overback, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a


• Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. Cares for garden on a daily basis. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week. Salary: $7 hourly

CONTACT: 246-9888

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board



Units 4-5 The Centre Mews, Leeward Highway, Providenciales Is looking for a


Momentous Ltd. is seeking a qualified individual for the position of

DIRECTOR OF MARKETING AND BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Only candidates who meet the minimum qualifications and requirements will be considered. All candidates must be willing to work unusual hours including evenings, weekends, and public holidays. All candidates must be non-smokers. Applicants will be required to pass a written skills test. Salary is $40,000 annually. This position is currently occupied by a work permit holder. Qualified Turks Islander applicants are invited to forward resumes to the Labour Board.


● Strong experience with business acquisition, business development and growth ● Financial planning, execution, and performance with Business Concept, Business Sales, and Business Development ● Programming of annual schedule of all marketing and marketing campaigns ● Oversight of marketing, staff, and technical operations ● Create and manage an annual budget for marketing, delivering the year within that budget ● On the ground troubleshooting for business IT


● Expert level experience (20+ years) with Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and office programs ● 15+ years experience with developing business concepts, business development, and brand strategy ● 15+ years experience with all aspects of building a business including construction and project management, human resources, and all aspects of IT ● 15+ years experience with building and executing marketing strategy including media and advertising buys ● 15+ years creating and managing budgets and fiscal reporting to shareholders ● 7+ years experience with Hootsuite Social Media Platform and Software ● 5+ years experience with Google Adwords campaign, including setup, execution, dashboards, and reporting ● Expert level training and experience with SalesForce CRM Software ● Experience in negotiating contracts ● Strong interpersonal and communications skills are required ● Must have a University degree ● Must have ability to travel globally ● Must be fluent (Written & Oral) in English ● Must be able to speak French

Applications can be submitted online at and then confirmed by email to

A results-driven marketing and sales representative is required to actively seek out and engage new customers. Through marketing both online and offline you will provide complete and appropriate solutions for every customer in order to boost top-line revenue growth, customer acquisition levels and profitability. The ideal candidate will be able to provide excellent customer service, have closing, prospecting and negotiating skills, be self-confident and have motivation for sales.


• • • •

• • • • • •

Present, promote and sell products to prospective customers. Establish, develop and maintain positive business and customer relationships. Reach out to customer leads through cold calling/email. Supply management with reports on customer needs, problems, interests, competitive activities, and potential for new products. Develop easy-to-use, clear, concise, comprehensible content for web based blog and social media outlets. Optimize website for search engines and drive traffic to websites using a variety of methods. Develop relationships with websites to obtain quality links and improve searchengine rankings. Develop and maintain social media profiles on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn and send out quality messages on these channels. Management, design and delivery of email lists and email campaigns. Integrate other online presences including social media outlets with email campaigns.


• Must have proven knowledge of HubSpot CRM/Marketing software as well as MS Office and Big Commerce Websites. • Highly motivated and target driven with a proven track record in sales. • Excellent marketing, selling, communication and negotiation skills. • Proven knowledge of social media and online marketing. • Prioritizing, time management and organizational skills. • Customer orientation and ability to adapt/respond to different types of characters. • Ability to multi-task, prioritise, and manage time effectively. • Minimum Required: Associate Degree with a focus on behavioural science. Remuneration based on experience, commencing at $1,200.00 per month plus commission. This job position is currently held by a work permit holder.

All suitably qualified TC Islanders are requested to submit resumes/ portfolios to PO Box 260, Regent House West, Regent Village, Grace Bay, Providenciales, TCI or send by fax to 946 4663. Prospective TC Islander applicants are also free to lodge a copy of their applications with the Labour Board. 20130




Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. Cares for garden on a daily basis Salary: $6.50 hourly

CLAUDEMMA SHOP #3 Caicos Coin Laundry Building, Airport Road Is seeking to employ a


• Stocking and supplying designated facility areas, dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, cleaning ceiling vents, restroom cleaning etc. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week. Salary: $275 weekly





North Back Salina, Grand Turk Is seeking a

• Uses equipment like nets, fishing rods, and traps, to catch fish and other marine life that will be consumed by humans or used as animal feed or bait. • To work 6 days a week Salary: $350 weekly

CONTACT: 347-2719

CONTACT: 332-0004

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board


Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder20135

CONTACT: 243-5281

Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder


D&H CONSTRUCTION Repairs, maintains and alters buildings, and retaining walls. Mixes mortar; lays bricks and stones and/or concrete sidewalks; makes and repairs steps and plasters.


Installs pipes and fixtures, such as sinks and toilets, for water, gas, and etc. Installs supports for pipes, equipment, and fixtures prior to installation.


Apply paints, stains, and coatings to interior and exterior walls, new buildings, homes, offices and other structural surfaces.


Set up equipment, run lines for power tools, erect scaffolding, lay out tools, set up forms for the pouring of concrete foundations, clean worksite, and take down bracing and scaffolding.

CONTACT: 341-8193

Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board


#39 Long Bay, Providenciales Is seeking a


• Repairs, maintains and alters buildings, retaining walls and other brick or stone edifices. Mixes mortar; lays bricks and stones and/or concrete sidewalks; makes and repairs steps and plasters. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $10 hourly

CONTACT: 33-1655 Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder




#207 Residence, Five Cays



Unit #204 Alice & Alice Plaza, Airport Road


Manicures, gel nails, nail fills, nail repair, and nail polishing. 333-1236. Work permit Renewal 20153

Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. Cares for garden. Salary: $7 hourly

• Cutting, trimming, shampooing, and styling hair, trimming beards, or giving shaves. Clean and sterilize scissors, combs, clippers, and other instruments. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week. Salary: $7 hourly

CONTACT: 231-1458

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder



CONTACT: 347-4416

Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 20145


#13 GRACE CULTURAL MARKET, GRACE BAY Is seeking to employ a


• Uphold customer service • Maintain Bar • Mix and serve drinks • Clean and organize all areas including bathrooms • To work 6 days per week Salary: $6.50 per hour

CONTACT: 946-4343

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board currently held by a work permit holder


CONTACT: 241-4378







• to work six days per week on water cay selling souvenirs to tourists from 7:30 am to 4:30 pm. • Applicant must have own vehicle for early mornings trip to travel on tour boats. Salary-$300.00 weekly

PLEASE CONTACT 2449548 This position is held by a work permit holder. Belonger are encouraged apply to the immigration board. 20066


136 TURTLE COVE, PROVIDENCIALES Is seeking to employ a

#33 Jowood Drive, Long Bay Is seeking to employ a



• Follow blueprints and building plans. Install structures and fixtures, such as windows and molding. Measure, cut, or shape wood, plastic, and other materials • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $8 hourly

• Performing a variety of cleaning activities such as sweeping, mopping, dusting and polishing. Ensuring all rooms are cared for and inspected according to standards. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly

• Keep homes or businesses clean. Dusting and vacuuming. Replacing linens and emptying wastebaskets. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly

CONTACT: 331-8988

CONTACT: 344-2936

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 20184

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 20188

CONTACT: 243-3431




Belglade Gardens, Wheeland Is seeking to employ a

#3 WENDELL SWANN APT., WHEELAND, BLUE HILLS Is seeking to employ a




CONTACT: 231-4914

Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board


• Braiding, weaving, relaxing, loc grooming and maintenance. Cutting, trimming and styling. • Must be willing to work 5-6 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 20162

• Secures premises and personnel by patrolling property; monitoring surveillance equipment; inspecting buildings, equipment, and access points; permitting entry. Obtains help by sounding alarms. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week. Salary: $7 hourly

Put furniture out in the morning and inside the evening, unload container. Put goods in customer vehicle and assist with heavy lifting. 346-5872


CONTACT: 231-2380

D&D BETTER BRAIDS Palm Grove, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder


Acting on behalf of:

#14 Walkin Plaza, Five Cays Is seeking a




Aviation DR., Down Town, Providenciales Acting on behalf of Sharol Smith Newman

• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly

#18 Palm Plaza, Airport Road, Unit #8, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a

#56 Mary Jane Lane, Blue Hills


#9 LEEWARD PALMS, PROVIDENCIALES Is seeking to employ a

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 20137

• Ensuring a safe environment, preparing and giving meals, bathing and dressing children, administering medicine, doing housework, and disciplining children when necessary. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly

CONTACT: 244-2121

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 20192

Breezy Brae, Grand Turk. Is seeking to employ a

Gender: Female Duties: General House hold chores Hours: Minimum of 16 hours per day to maximum 38 Wages: $6.25 per hour Days off: Sundays Applicants: Turks Islanders need only apply

This position is for a first time applicant Contact: 231-7035 19863

Neil Forbes Apt Unit 1, Thomas Stubbs Road, The Bight Is seeking an



• Install, troubleshoot, repair and maintain production and facility equipment according to safety, predictive and productive maintenance systems. • Fix air conditioners. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $7.50 hourly

• Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. Cares for garden on a daily basis • To work 5 days per week. Salary: $6.50 per hour

CONTACT: 246-4929

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder




CONTACT: 432-0121



#27 Musgrove Building, Aviation Drive, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a

January 25-31, 2020


Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 20175

January 25-31, 2020




• Perform combination of duties to maintain kitchen work areas, restaurant equipment, utensils clean and in an orderly condition. • Wash worktables, walls, refrigerators, mop, sweep floors, and meat blocks. • Prepare ingredients to use in cooking (chopping and peeling vegetables, cutting meat etc.) • Ensure all food and other items are stored properly. • Proven experience as kitchen helper. • Experience in using cutting tools, cookware and bake ware. • Knowledge of various cooking procedures and methods (grilling, baking, boiling etc.) • Very good communication skills. • Work cohesively with kitchen cooks, sous chefs and head chef. Minimum 2-3 years in the specialized field. To work 6 days per week rate $6.70 per hour.


• Clean and tidy all areas to the standard cleanliness within time limits. • Frequent bending, pushing, pulling and kneeling. • Re-set dinner rooms tables and terraces. • Clean dining rooms tables and terraces. • Clean windows, sweep floors, mop floors and polish furniture fixtures in and outside restaurant. • Remove dinner wares, push cart and lift trays from dining rooms. • Work cohesively with restaurant waiters, waitresses and supervisors. • Work with minimum supervision and remain motivated. Minimum 1-2 years in the specialized field. To work 6 days per week rate $6.70 per hour.


• Clean and sanitize production equipment, work surfaces and kitchen according to cleaning schedules and procedures. • Keep track of cooking materials and utilizes. • Scrape food from dirty dishes, wash them by hand or place them in the racks to conveyor through the dishwashing machine. • Set up and breakdown buffet. • Empty trash containers as required and maintain assign work station in a safe and sanitary condition. • Maintain cleanliness of work and kitchen areas using proper cleaning chemicals. • Work cohesively with kitchen cooks, sous chefs and head chef. Minimum 2-3 years in the specialized field. To work 6 six days per week rate $6.70per hour.


• Making sure all rooms are clean and in top condition for new arrivals and existing guests. • Work quickly and efficiently so guests aren’t left hanging around. • Liaise with the head housekeeper and supervisor when rooms are ready for guests. • Ensure the equipment’s use, such as shampooers, polishers and trolleys, is in good working condition. • Being able to use the equipment safely and efficiently.

• Ability to bent, lift and walk upstairs. • Report on any shortages, damages or security issues. • Handle reasonable guest’s complaints/requests and inform head of department. Minimum 2-3 years in the specialized field. To work 6 six days per week rate $6.70 per hour.


Ensuring a safe environment, preparing and giving meals, bathing and dressing children, administering medicine, doing housework, and disciplining children when necessary. Salary: $6.50 hourly

CONTACT: 246-1072

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder



• Clean building floors by sweeping, mopping, scrubbing, or vacuuming them. • Gather and empty trash, service, clean, and supply restrooms • Maintain Controlling stocks for daily use in the department (cleaning products, mop heads, etc.). • Working within the constraints of Health and Safety and adhere to any Health and Safety policies. • Perform nightly deep cleaning of common areas of resort; work overnight and split shifts. • Participate in dishwashing, garbage removal, silver polishing, pot washing or any other areas as necessary in accordance with department needs. • Ensure water temperature, and chemical level/proper uses of chemicals are appropriate for cleaning. • Take all necessary action to reduce the loss of silverware, flatware, china and glassware. • Collect towels from around beach and pool. • Work closely with the kitchen and restaurant staffs to ensure quality production. • Ability to multitask, responsible, organize, basic repairs and basic culinary skills. • Ability to maintain computerizes filing system and records as per organization procedure. • Ability to bent, stand for long hours and knowledge of cleaning equipment’s and machines. • Ability to walk up and down stairs, bent, physical strength, stamina and lifts 50lbs. • Ability to comprehend and communicate in fluent English. • Excellent communication skills through effectively communicating with guests and management. Minimum 2-3 years in the specialized field. To work 6 days per week rate $6.70 per hour



Make deposits, count money, opening and closing the office. COMPLIANCE OFFICER - $8 HOURLY

Control the system. Train employees. Work on all money transfer compliance in French, Creole, English and Spanish.


dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, cleaning ceiling vents, restroom cleaning etc.

CONTACT: 946-4069

Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board These positions are currently held by work permit holders


GOLDEN SCISSORS #76 Kenneth Prospere Building, Airport Road


Fit and study garments on customers. Sew garments, using needles and thread or sewing machines. Measure parts such as sleeves or pant legs, and mark or pinfold alteration lines. Salary based on commission

CONTACT: 242-7485

DOMESTIC WORKERS • • • • • • •

Sort all linens and treat stains. Load all laundry into washer and add specified cleaning agents. Take wet, clean items and dry as directed. Sort and fold or hang clean dried items. Ability to bent, lift and walk upstairs. Collect all dirty lines from rooms. Prepared and distributed towels, lines and rags to different departments. • Load all laundry into washer and add specified cleaning agents. • Operated liner feeder, and table’s linen ironing machines. • Monitored and operated computer driven washers and dryers according to recommended capacity and manufacture guidelines. Minimum 2-3 years in the specialized field. To work 6 days per week rate $6.70 per hour.

Candidates must have the ability to be on time and present for all scheduled shifts, split shifts, overnight shifts and including weekends and Holidays.

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder


HERMILIE FANFAN PREVALCIN Overback, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a


Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. Cares for garden on a daily basis. Salary: $7 hourly

CONTACT: 341-4274


Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board





January 25-31, 2020

Entertainment Harvey Weinstein trial: Defence hits back after graphic prosecution claims

The 67-year-old denies five charges, including rape and sexual assault.

THE trial of ex-movie mogul Harvey Weinstein has begun in earnest in New York with graphic prosecution statements on his alleged crimes. Prosecutor Meghan Hast said he was a “seasoned” sexual predator with vulnerable actresses as his prey. His defence team said his actions were consensual, including in one “loving” relationship. The 67-year-old denies five charges, including rape and sexual assault, relating to two accusers. He could face life behind bars if convicted. The trial is expected to conclude in early March. Mr Weinstein arrived at the

Manhattan court flanked by several members of his team. When asked by a reporter if he could get a fair trial, he replied: “Of course.” Once one of Hollywood’s most decorated and lauded producers, Mr Weinstein has been accused of sexual misconduct by more than 80 women - allegations which helped drive the #MeToo movement. But few of the complaints have led to criminal charges. Last week, a judge told potential jurors that they must decide Mr Weinstein’s case based on the evidence and not make it “a referendum on the #MeToo movement”. Ms Hast, the Manhattan assistant district attorney, said: “The man seated right there was not just a titan in Hollywood, he was a rapist.” She said the defendant had used “his power and prestige in the entertainment industry to ensure [accusers’] silence... Although they’re strangers to one another, they’ll each describe to you their shame and humiliation following their violent encounters with the

defendant.” Ms Hast gave explicit details of allegations by three women, only two of whom are on the charge sheet. The third is actress Annabella Sciorra. Her alleged incident occurred too long ago to be prosecuted under New York state law, but prosecutors filed the indictment because it would allow them to call her as a witness during the trial. Mimi (Miriam) Haleyi. A former production assistant who accuses Mr Weinstein of performing a forcible sex act on her in 2006. Ms Hast said Mr Weinstein had tempted Ms Haleyi with job opportunities and after having had her brought to his apartment, lunged at her, pushed her on to a bed and forced her into the sex act, leaving her “motionless like a dead fish”. Jessica Mann. An actress named for the first time. Ms Hast said Ms Mann had had encounters with Mr Weinstein over a number of years, and would testify that Mr Weinstein had raped her multiple times, once leaving her like a “rag doll” in her hotel room in March 2013.

The HBO Max show will poke fun at the UK’s most famous family, with Orlando Bloom set to voice Prince Harry.

Orlando Bloom to voice Prince Harry in animated series The man who brought us Family Guy is now making an animated series about the Royal Family. Inspired by a popular Instagram account, The Prince will tell the story of the Windsors through the eyes of six-year-old Prince George. The HBO Max show will poke fun at the UK’s most famous family, with Orlando Bloom set to voice Prince Harry. The Royal Family have dominated the headlines in recent weeks with the speculation over Prince Harry and Meghan’s future. The couple are now due to step back from their royal duties and start a new life in Canada. HBO Max tweeted about the series saying: “The Prince, which follows an animated Prince George

spilling all that British Royal Tea.” As well as Family Guy, writer Gary Janetti also produced the sitcom Will & Grace. He’ll now write and executive produce The Prince. Dropping a Game of Thrones reference, he said in a statement: “I’m thrilled to be working at HBO Max and bringing them yet another series about a family ruthlessly fighting for the throne.” Gary’s satirical Instagram account has almost 900,000 followers and includes a lot of posts with one-liners from Prince George. The fictional George often aims barbed comments at his sibling Charlotte and Louis - his uncle Harry and aunt Meghan, their son Archie, and other members of his family.

January 25-31, 2020


Entertainment Taylor Swift reveals mom’s brain tumor diagnosis TAYLOR Swift’s mother, who was already battling breast cancer, has been diagnosed with a brain tumor. The “Paper Rings” singer revealed in a new interview that doctors found a brain tumor in her mother, Andrea, while she was undergoing a second round of chemotherapy. “The symptoms of what a person goes through when they have a brain tumor is nothing like what we’ve ever been through with her cancer before,” Swift, 30, told Variety. “So it’s just been a really hard time for us as a family.” Andrea Swift was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2015 after the singer and her brother sent her to the doctor for a regular check-up.

“For Christmas this year, I asked my mom that one of her gifts to me be her going to the doctor to get screened for any health issues, just to ease some worries of mine,” Swift wrote on Tumblr at the time. “She agreed, and went in to get checked. There were no red flags and she felt perfectly fine, but she did it just to get me and my brother off her case about it. The results came in, and I’m saddened to tell you that my mom has been diagnosed with cancer.” In March 2019, Andrea relapsed and Swift has hinted that her mom’s health had to do with her shortened “Lover” tour. “I can’t go on long tours and not

Jennifer Lawrence starred alongside Donald Sutherland in the Hunger Games films.

Hunger Games prequel will reveal villain’s origins A NEW Hunger Games novel is to be published in May, focusing on the back story of the villainous President Snow. Suzanne Collins’s book series is a saga of rebellion and resistance in Panem, a dystopian version of America. The US author’s original trilogy became a successful film franchise, starring Jennifer Lawrence as heroine Katniss. The prequel, The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes, will revolve around the young Snow, who was played on screen as an older man by Donald Sutherland. The new book is set 64 years before the events of The Hunger Games and details the “Dark Days” that led to the failed rebellion in Panem. A first excerpt, available on the Entertainment Weekly website, depicts Coriolanus Snow as a charming university student who was born into privilege. “The world still thought Coriolanus rich, but his only real currency was charm, which he

spread liberally as he made his way through the crowd,” it reads. “Faces lit up as he gave friendly hellos to students and teachers alike, asking about family members, dropping compliments here and there.” The Hunger Games’ official social media channels have introduced Snow, who later becomes a brutal tyrant, as “your new hero”. Some fans are not pleased by the news, feeling it unnecessary to “humanise” an ultimately murderous character. “In the times we live in now, no one needs a prequel about a ‘misunderstood’ President Snow,” wrote one Twitter user. “We have to stop this trend of humanising those who dehumanise everyone else around them.” Yet others appear more sanguine about the idea, describing it as “interesting”. “There are no good or bad guys in stories,” wrote another Twitter user. “It’s purely up to one’s perception and the viewpoint from which the story is told.”

have the ability to go home if I need to,” she said in a Beats 1 interview in November. “I have priorities that aren’t just touring now, and [the fans] have been really respectful of that in the past.” (NYDailynews)

Andrea Swift (right) was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2015 after the Taylor Swift and her brother sent her to the doctor for a regular check-up.




January 25-31, 2020

January 25-31, 2020





January 25-31, 2020

January 25-31, 2020


Science & Technology


Earth’s oldest asteroid impact ‘may have ended ice age’ SCIENTISTS have identified the world’s oldest asteroid crater in Australia, adding it may explain how the planet was lifted from an ice age. The asteroid hit Yarrabubba in Western Australia about 2.2 billion years ago - making the crater about half the age of Earth, researchers say. Their conclusion was reached by testing minerals found in rocks at the site. The scientists say the find is exciting because it could account for a warming event during that era. The Curtin University research was published in the journal Nature Communications on Wednesday. The crater was discovered in the dry outback in 1979, but geologists had not previously tested how old it was. Due to billions of years of erosion, the crater is not visible to the eye.

Scientists mapped scars in the area’s magnetic field to determine its 70km (43 miles) diameter. “The landscape is actually very flat because it’s so old, but the rocks there are distinctive,” researcher Prof Chris Kirkland told the BBC. To determine when the asteroid hit Earth, the team examined tiny zircon and monazite crystals in the rocks. They were “shocked” in the strike and now can be read like “tree rings”, Prof Kirkland said. These crystals hold tiny amounts of uranium. Because uranium decays into lead at a consistent pace, the researchers were able to calculate how much time had passed. It is at least 200 million years older than the next most ancient impact structure - the Vredefort Dome in South Africa.

“We were interested in the area because the Western Australian landscape is very old but we didn’t expected [the crater] to be as old as this,” Prof Kirkland said. “It’s absolutely possible that there’s an older crater out there just waiting to be discovered, but the difficulty is in finding the crust before it erodes and you lose that early Earth history”. The timing of the impact could also explain why the world warmed around this time, according to the researchers.

The crater as seen from Barlangi Rock, with an outcrop in its centre.


Men and women can go grey any time from their mid-30s, with the timing of parental hair colour change giving most of the clues on when.

Scientists discover ‘why stress turns hair white’ SCIENTISTS say they may have discovered why stress makes hair turn white, and a potential way of stopping it happening without reaching for the dye. In tests in mice, stem cells that control skin and hair colour were damaged by stress from intense pain. In a chance finding, dark-furred mice turned completely white within weeks. The US and Brazilian researchers said this avenue was worth exploring further to develop a drug that prevents hair colour loss from ageing. Men and women can go grey any time from their mid-30s, with the timing of parental hair colour change giving most of the clues on when. Although it’s mostly down to the natural ageing process and genes, stress can also play a role. But scientists were not clear

exactly how stress affected the hairs on our heads. Researchers behind the study, published in Nature, from the Universities of Sao Paulo and Harvard, believed the effects were linked to melanocyte stem cells, which produce melanin and are responsible for hair and skin colour. And while carrying out in experiments on mice, they stumbled across evidence this was the case. “We now know for sure that stress is responsible for this specific change to your skin and hair, and how it works,” says Prof Ya-Cieh Hsu, research author from Harvard University. Pain in mice triggered the release of adrenaline and cortisol, making their hearts beat faster and blood pressure rise, affecting the nervous system and causing acute stress.

Senior Reporter

We're looking for a qualified multimedia reporter who has strong news gathering and writing skills, as well as the ability and enthusiasm to help keep the country's leading newspaper ahead of the pack. The position is available for immediate start and the successful candidate will be joining a small, dedicated team covering a wide range of news and features across the Turks and Caicos Islands. Local knowledge is preferred but not essential. The successful applicant should have had experience with community, court and parliamentary reporting. They will also be expected to take photographs and videos, and use social media. The salary for this position will be dependent on experience. Write or email the publisher at No phone calls please




January 25-31, 2020

946-4664 Fax: 946-4661






Must have thorough knowledge in the floral business with 3-5 years experience.

Call: 231-3788




We are in need of a young man to deliver bills, pick up checks and distribute newspapers. Must be honest and have a clean driver’s license. 649-941-4444/ 649-245-1314/649-348-5744 DUNCANSON & CO BARRISTERS & ATTORNEYS 16121

Contact the Publisher at

January 25-31, 2020




Leeward Highway, The Bight Is seeking a


Setting up workstations with all needed ingredients and cooking equipment. Preparing ingredients to use in cooking chopping and peeling vegetables, cutting meat etc. Cooking food in various utensils or grillers.


Stocking and supplying designated facility areas, dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, cleaning ceiling vents, restroom cleaning etc.

CONTACT: 344-6639 Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board

If you wish to be considered for these opportunities please apply in confidence by sending details of your experience and qualifications to either: KPMG Ltd. or The Labour Commissioner, P.O. Box 357 Labour Office The Village at Grace Bay Butterfield Square Providenciales Providenciales Turks & Caicos Islands Turks & Caicos Islands Or fax your particulars to 946-4619 20285



PALM GROVE, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a


Duties: Cleaning mopping Dusting, sweeping and Polishing and other household Chores. Salary: $6.50 per hour.


• Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. Cares for garden on a daily basis • Must be willing to work 5 days per week Salary: $6.50 per hour

CONTACT: 231-3116

CONTACT: 231-3116

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder 20291



work 6 days a week @$10.00 per hour. Duties will involve daily household cleaning, laundry, grocery shopping for household, general garden maintenance, must be confident in handling 2 large dogs in respect of bathing, grooming, feeding and administering medication. Deadline for All Applications February 22nd 2019

All Interested Candidates Should Send Applications via Email at

#11 Wilson CL, Blue Hills Is seeking to employ a


• Painting • To work from, Monday to Friday on different sits when needed. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 649-346-0002

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 20280

BLISS YOGA WELLNSS CENTER 26 Parrot Cut Street, Cheshire Hall, Leeward Highway, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a


Yoga, stretching, body exercise, meditation, hut yoga AASN. Salary: $6.25 hourly CONTACT: 241-7968 EMAIL: SQUALIZA@GMAIL.COM

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 20300


• Paint. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week. Salary: $10 hourly

CONTACT: 243-0591

This position is for work permit renewal Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 20178

#63 ROBINSON STREET, FIVE CAYS Is seeking to employ a


Please copy application to: - Labour Commissioner Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands POSITION IS HELD BY A WORK PERMIT HOLDER

Is seeking to employ a



Looking for a hard working, energetic and honest individual to be a live-in housekeeper. Must have a strong command of the English language (both spoken and written) and hold a valid driver’s license. The individual must have past experience and would be an asset if attended training courses related to hotel Housekeeping duties. The successful candidate is required to



Belongers are encouraged to Send a copy of their resume To the Labour Board. This is a first time work Permit application.



Opportunities exist for three fully qualified Chartered/Public Accountants for Audit Senior, Audit Assistant Manager and Audit Manager roles who possess a minimum of three years professional audit experience gained within a major public accounting firm. Salaries range from US$45,000 to US$80,000 per annum. These positions are currently held by work permit holders.



Moore Lane, Juba Sound Is seeking to employ a


Follow blueprints and building plans to meet the needs of clients. Install structures and fixtures, such as windows and molding. Measure, cut, or shape wood, plastic, and other materials. Salary: $7 hourly

CONTACT: 331-4122

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder




Apply paints, stains, and coatings to interior and exterior walls, new buildings, homes, offices and other structural surfaces. Salary: $6.50 hourly

CONTACT: 341-1377

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board



Casurina Close, South Dock

MASON - $9 HOURLY Masonry on all jobs. Contact: 342-1357


Casurina Close, South Dock


Cleaning of guest house and surroundings.

CONTACT: 232-1288

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 20244

Upstairs Unit #6 Kew Plaza, Walter Cox Dr., Kew Town Is seeking to employ


Granny Hill, Five Cays Is seeking to employ a



• Stocking and supplying designated facility areas, dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, cleaning ceiling vents, restroom cleaning etc. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly

CONTACT: 3463791 OR 441-3791

CONTACT: 344-7871

• Cutting, trimming, shampooing, and styling hair, trimming beards, or giving shaves. Clean and sterilize scissors, combs, clippers, and other instruments. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $7 hourly Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board


Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 20243



The retail Sale Supervisor is responsible for the supervising the daily activities and productivity of the Retail Sales Team. Ensures Retail Sales is complying with established service levels, sales goals and meeting strategic objectives. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Coaching, assessing performance and improving team member skill levels,

tracking and reporting productivity. Manages multiple tasks simultaneously. QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS Excel, QuickBooks, Windows and Rent Centric, Logistics EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE • 5 or more years’ experience • must have a valid driver’s licence Salary: $12.50 per hour




• Ensuring a safe environment, preparing and giving meals, bathing and dressing children, administering medicine, doing housework, and disciplining children when necessary. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly

CONTACT: 343-2983

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder


BRIDGETTE MISSICK South Base, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a


• To ensure that the premises is well kept, dispose of trash and leaves, water plants when necessary. Minor maintenance and repairs. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week Salary: $6.50 hourly

CONTACT: 243-9642

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 20305

BUY WISE BEAUTY SUPPLY 71 Paradise Road, Cooper Jack Bay, Providenciales Is seeking a


• Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. Minor maintenance. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly

CONTACT: 243-8574

Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder





#10 Cultural Market, Grace Bay Is seeking to employ a

#332 Back Road, Millennium Highway, Blue Hills. Is seeking a



• Greet customers when they arrive at the store and ask if they need assistance. Sell items to customers • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly

CONTACT: 241-3511

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder


ILANDA BASSETT 26 Tower Drive, Long Bay Is seeking to employ a


• Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. Cares for garden. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly

CONTACT: 231-0390

Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 20259


Glass Shack, Providenciales 232-2267


To clean all areas within the yard, clean the gutters, trim down the trees in the yard, Sweeping and removing debris from outside, water the plants and assist with other cleaner work around the property. Salary starts at $6.25 per hour. Renewal, Belonger will be given first preference.


Shampooing, cutting, coloring, and styling hair, and massaging and treating scalp. makeup, and etc.


Basic manicures, artificial nails, gel nails, hand massages, nail fills, nail repair, and etc. MAKEUP SPECIALIST - $7.25 HOURLY Apply makeup.

CONTACT: 241-1465

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board

EMILIENE BRUTUS Granny Hill, Five Cays Is seeking to employ a


• Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly

CONTACT: 341-3543

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder20249


99 Cox Street, Kew Town Is seeking to employ a


• fix and maintain mechanical equipment, buildings, and machines. Tasks include plumbing work, painting, flooring repair and upkeep, electrical repairs and heating and air conditioning system. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $8.50 hourly

CONTACT: 231-6153

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 20294



Black Crow Road, Kew Plaza Unit #5, Kew Town. Is seeking to employ a

DRYWALL FINISHER Responsible for installing wallboards to ceilings or to interior walls of buildings and applying plaster. Smooths out imperfections with trowels and shackle. Applies coats of compound after panels are mounted to walls or ceiling. Salary: $8 hourly

CONTACT: 649-441-0237 Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board




CARETAKER • Help patient get dressed, eat, bathe and complete light housekeeping , Plan, prepare and monitor meals and medications. • Must be able to work with the elderly • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly.

CONTACT: 244-3009 Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder If contacted please supply a police certificate


January 25-31, 2020


Unit #101 Ports of Call Plaza, Grace Bay, Is seeking to employ a

PADI AND SSI SCUBA INSTRUCTOR • With multiple specialty instructor ratings to teach a variety of diving courses. • Successful applicant will hold STCW95 rating. • This tourism related position requires a six-day work week that includes weekends and Public Holidays. Salary: $26,000-38,000 per annum

Contact: 946-5029 Email: | Fax: 946-5936 Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder



Breezy Brae, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a

#595 Leeward Highway, Providenciales It’s for a renewal Looking for the following persons:



Performing a variety of cleaning activities such as sweeping, mopping, dusting and polishing. Ensuring all rooms are cared for and inspected according to standards. Salary: $6.50 hourly

CONTACT: 246-4929

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder


Duties: ironing, household chores work 5 days a week in home. Salary $260 per week.


to work 5 days a week including some weekends. Duties: minor repairs, cleaning up around property, Salary $8.00 per hour PLEASE SEND INTERESTS TO EMAIL: TADDERLEY@ ICLOUD.COM OR CALL (649) 241-4678

these positions are for work permit renewal Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department 20318



GRACE BAY COURT SUITE 101, GRACE BAY, PROVIDENCIALES 431.2971 IS LOOKING FOR A QUALIFIED, EXPERIENCED APPLICANT FOR THE FOLLOWING POSITION; All interested applicants, please send resumes to Preference will be given to experienced and qualified Belongers. Only those receiving an interview will be contacted.

This position is being advertised for a work permit renewal.

JAP CONSTRUCTION & FENCING COMPANY 122 Bay Road, Wheeland, Providenciales


• Follow blueprints and building plans to meet the needs of clients. Install structures and fixtures, such as windows and molding. Measure, cut, or shape wood, plastic, and other materials • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $12 hourly Contact: 649-241-4158 Email: Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 20269

2 BARMAIDS For Town Tigers, West Road, Grand Turk.

• Must be willing to work weekends and bank holidays. • $6.50 per hour. Duties include serving drinks and keeping bar area clean and tidy.

CONTACT: 343 2098 OR CAN SUBMIT CV AT THE BAR. These positions are currently held by a work permit holder. Interested TC islanders should submit their application to the Labour Board. 20287

OPERATIONS MANAGER Reporting to the Managing Director, for Process Improvement & Internal Controller will be charged with assessing procedures and controls of various units throughout the Company and making recommendations for improvement. The successful candidate will have a demonstrated ability to work with individuals with diverse experience and backgrounds. The individual will be responsible for realizing and maintaining accounting procedures, acquiring and implementing new software systems, streamlining business activities, issuing a written report documenting current procedures and detailing recommendations for improvement and following to assess progress achieved. He/she must be a nimble thinker who can quickly assess the larger risks before making recommendations for improvement related to detail procedures and duties. Graduate Degree in a related field, 4+ years’ experience in a business of this nature, ability to work independently, strong analytical and financial ability, strong written and oral communication skills, Detail orientated. Salary: $32,000 + per annum. 20303

January 25-31, 2020 CLAUDE JOSEPH

#11 Bobbel Way, Blue Hills Is seeking a


• Install materials on a variety of surfaces, such as floors, walls, ceilings, countertops, patios, and roof decks. level the surface to be tiled with a layer of mortar or plywood. • 6 days a week. Salary: $8 hourly


Silverado, South Dock Road Is seeking to employ a



CONTACT: 331-4294

Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 20267

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 20306



#12 Musgrove Close, Kew Town Is seeking to employ a

environment, preparing and giving meals, bathing and dressing children, administering medicine, doing housework, and disciplining children when necessary. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly

CONTACT: 241-6307

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board



Pond Street, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a

• To clean house, and do laundry. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 241-2512

BABYSITTER • Ensuring a safe



81 Palm Circle, Leeward Palms Is seeking to employ


• Dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, and cleaning rooms. • Complete routine cleaning tasks in assigned home areas. • Dust windows blinds and reorganize room items to their original places. Salary: $7 hourly

CONTACT: 649-241-5563

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder20282

• Sweeping, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, and other work. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly

CONTACT: 649-345-2165

CATCH THE WAVE Blue Haven Resort Boat House, Leeward Palms Is seeking a


• Responsible for the safe operation of vessel and ensure that it is operated and crewed according to both company and legal guidelines. • To work 6 days a week Salary: $8 hourly

CONTACT: 941-3047 OR 231-3875

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder

Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder




Bottle Creek, North Caicos Is seeking to employ a

FARMER Cultivate, plant and harvest crops and maintain the grounds. Salary: $1000-1200 monthly

CONTACT: 2431018 OR 247-1531 Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder



Leeward Palms


Description: Cleaning, Ironing, Cooking

CONTACT: 231-3210

This position is for work permit Renewal Salary: $250/weekly Monday-Friday 8-4pm BELONGERS ARE ENCOURAGED TO SUBMIT A COPY OF THEIR RESUME TO THE LABOR DEPARTMENT


CARLA PROSPERE #1 Leeward Palms, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a


Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. Salary: $6.50 hourly

CONTACT: 346-5604

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder



#5 Load Avenue, South Dock Is seeking to employ a


• Repairs, maintains and alters buildings, retaining walls and other brick or stone edifices. Mixes mortar; lays bricks and stones and/or concrete sidewalks; makes and repairs steps and plasters. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week. Salary: $10 hourly

CONTACT: 346-7379

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board


C&S PROFESSIONAL Acting on behalf of


Amber Apt.49A Cooper Jack Road Is seeking to employ a


Sweeping the house, mopping to floor, cleaning living room and toilets. Salary: $6.50 hourly

CONTACT: 247-4068

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 20284


Shore Club Road, Long Bay Is seeking to employ a


• Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $7 hourly

CONTACT: 242-5334

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder








#38 Ocean Road, Venetian Raod, Providenciales. is looking for a

FREE DIVE INSTRUCTOR MUST HAVE THE FOLLOWING CERTIFICATIONS: • Minimum 3 year PADI Freedive Instructor • EFR Instructor & First Aids • Proficient in English and bilingual preferred • Membership and Liability Insurance • STCW95 Complaint This position entails working as a Free Dive Instructor teaching free dive courses. Must freedive comfortably to 120ft and breath hold for at least 4 minutes. Must be able to maintain 100% safety on and under the water by performing rescue drills during dive courses. Other duties include: boat maintenance, land duty, booking dive/snorkel trips and proactive sales. Also working knowledge of underwater camera/ video and edition essential. Professional appearance and communication, absolute punctuality, proficiency in computer skills and be prepared to work long hours including long weekends and holidays. Experience in the hospitality industry a plus. Weekly base salary $400 Belongers are invited to send copies of application to the Board The position is for work permit renewal

All applications send to: 431 - 6287


• Ramp Agents are responsible for marshalling aircrafts in the gate, loading, unloading and sorting freight and baggage. • Ramp Agents are also responsible for cleaning the aircraft, pushback plane from the gate, deicing and other duties as delegated. • Marshall Aircraft on the ramp (includes directing, assisting and parking all arriving, departing and towed aircraft. • Observe safe ground handling procedures and maintenance of ground handling equipment including the performance of equipment checks. • Responsible for courteous, prompt, accurate and careful handling of customer baggage, airfreight and COMAT (continuous lifting, loading/unloading, sorting and transfer of baggage, freight, COMAT). • Service aircraft as needed including cleaning the aircraft. • Assist in ramp set-up and storage of equipment and baggage. • Constant communication with Operations, Flight Crew personnel and other ground personnel.


• Must be able to work a flexible or rotating schedule including late evenings, weekends and holidays and work in a variety of weather conditions. • Must be able to work under tight time constraint and work under stressful conditions. • Possess a valid driver’s license. • Ability to lift heavy and move items of up to 60 lbs. comfortably, repetitively and to climb, bend, kneel, crawl and stoop on a frequent basis. Salary: $14,400.00 per annum Interested persons must submit their applications on or before February 7, 2020

Human Resource Coordinator Caicos Express Airways Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands Telephone# 649-941-5730/Email:



382 South Dock Road, Providenciales. Seeks



Mixes mortar; lays bricks and stones; makes and repairs steps and plasters



CONTACT: 346-8228


CONTACT: 649-332-8536


• Performing a variety of cleaning activities such as sweeping, mopping, dusting and polishing. Ensuring all rooms are cared for and inspected according to standards. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $275 weekly

install materials on floors, walls, ceilings, countertops, and etc. level the surface to be tiled with a layer of mortar or plywood.

Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board

JOHANNY CLEANING SERVICES Avenue #39 South Dock Road Is seeking to employ a

Measure, cut, or shape wood, plastic, and other materials.

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board



MECHANIC’S ASSISTANT • Assist Mechanic in maintaining vehicle functional condition by listening to mechanic’s instructions; conduct inspections; repair engine failures; repair mechanical and electrical systems malfunctions; and replace parts and components according to manufacturer standards • Keeps shop equipment operating by following operating instructions; troubleshooting breakdowns; performing

January 25-31, 2020


preventive maintenance; calling for repairs. • Must hold a valid driver license with a clean, insurable, driving record; must be able to drive manual and automatic transmissions This Ad is for work permit application. However, this position is open to all qualified Turks & Caicos Islanders. Remuneration: Basic Wage (Retainer) $6.25 per hour plus commission.

Drop your resume off at Mac Motors Ltd. 1089 Leeward Highway, Providenciales TCI or contact us on 649-339-3841 or email at 20262


Palm Grove, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a

87 Marby Drive, Juba Sound Is seeking to employ a


To ensure that the premises are well kept, dispose of trash and leaves, water plants when necessary and minor maintenance and repairs. Must be willing to work 5 days weekly. Salary $6.50 per hour.

• Set up equipment, run lines for power tools, erect scaffolding, lay out tools, set up forms for the pouring of concrete foundations, and even hand tools to workers, and clean worksite. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $7 hourly

CONTACT 231-1124

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board

First time work permit


CONTACT: 343-6168



3 Hope Street, Grace Bay, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands. Is seeking to employ a

MASON • Repairs, maintains and alters buildings, retaining walls and other brick or stone edifices. Mixes mortar; lays bricks and stones and/or concrete sidewalks; makes and repairs steps and plasters. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $10 per hour

Contact: 241-4976 Email: Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 20245




Norway Street, Kew Town Is seeking to employ a


13 Cultural Market, Grace Bay. Is seeking to employ a


Espresso Maker

• Preparing the work station for the cook. Keeping the kitchen area clean and tidy at all times. • Must Be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 345-8385

This role requires excellent barista skills and attention to detail, applicants must have the ability to work autonomously and provide necessary information to management. A great personable manner with customers is essential and all applicants must speak English fluently. The role requires an organized and professional Barista who is able to manage their time effectively. An ability to take payments and carry out basic invoicing duties is also necessary.

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board



Singing and performing for crowd. Salary: $10 hourly

CONTACT: 242-7545

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 20298


#39 MANGROVE AVE, LONG BAY Is seeking to employ a


• To work 6 days a week. (days off are flexible) • Must do Thai Massage (with certificate) Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 333-2014

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board



#107 NORTHWEST CENTRAL, BLUE HILLS Is seeking to employ a


Help the patient get dressed, eat, bathe and complete light housekeeping duties, such as dishes or folding laundry. Plan, prepare and monitor meals. Run errands, remind patients of medications. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 241-1465

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder


Godet Street, South Caicos Is seeking to employ a


Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. Salary: $6.50 hourly

CONTACT: 231-2732

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 20308


● Must have graduate diploma in food and beverage management ● Minimum 4 years customer facing experience ● Advanced POS experience ● Basic accounting skills will be advantageous ● Must have valid driver’s license ● Must have no criminal record ● Must be physically fit and healthy Prospective applicants including Islanders can bring all applications with two letters of recommendation citing relevant experience in the same industry to Services by EA located at 65 Beechwood Rd, Grace Bay Village, Providenciales or e-mail to Successful applicants will be notified by phone for interview. This position is currently held by work permit holder. 20319

RESPONSIBILITIES • Answer phone calls and redirect them when necessary • Manage the daily weekly/ monthly agenda and arrange new meetings and appointments • Prepare and disseminate correspondence, memos and forms • Develop and maintain a filing system • Check frequently the levels

of office supplies and place appropriate orders • Data recording • Other receptionist duties • Ability to perform different tasks without supervision


• Proven work experience as a secretary or administrative assistant • Familiarity with office organization and optimization techniques

• High degree of multi-tasking and time management capability • Excellent written and verbal communication skills • Integrity and professionalism • Must have multimedia experience, and be proficient in Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word. • Drivers license Office hours 9:00 a.m. to 5;00 P.M., Monday to Friday Salary based on experience.

Send all resumes to Deadline for submissions 7th February 2020

This is not for a work permit renewal application. Belongers need only apply.


January 25-31, 2020 NEON HOLDINGS LTD

Tranquility Lane #2, Leeward, Providenciales Is seeking a


• Full time cook to prepare meals for large family. • Must be able to prepare Italian/Spanish cuisine for large family. • Ability to communicate in Spanish • 6 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly

CONTACT: 649-941-7923

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder


RCNM CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 43 Boll weevil Avenue, Five Cays. Is seeking a


• Install materials on a variety of surfaces, such as floors, walls, ceilings, countertops, patios, and roof decks. level the surface to be tiled with a layer of mortar or plywood. • To work 6 day a week Salary: $10 hourly

CONTACT: 649-342-1964

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 20276


Airport Road, South Caicos Is seeking to employ a


• Cleaning the church property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 341-4730

#7 IBO Building, Behind Ball Park, Kew Town Is seeking to employ a

WAITRESS Take orders and serve

food and beverages to patrons at tables in dining establishment. Check with customers to ensure that they are enjoying their meals and take action to correct any problems. Salary: $6.50 hourly CONTACT: 243-9659 Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board


install materials on a variety of surfaces, such as floors, walls, ceilings, countertops, patios, and roof decks. Level the surface to be tiled with a layer of mortar or plywood. Contact: 343-3414



Grace Bay Road, Opposite Robbie Been Plaza

Residence, Five Cays Is seeking to employ a


• Caring of my children and my home. • Applicant must be honest, reliable and hardworking, and very good with children Salary: $6.50 hourly

CONTACT: 347-6639

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 20254


• Cutting, trimming, shampooing, and styling hair, trimming beards, or giving shaves. Clean and sterilize scissors, combs, clippers, and other instruments. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly CONTACT: 342-8799 Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder



• Welding. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly

CONTACT: 342-4067

CRAFT MAKER - $7 HOURLY Making craft from metal. Contact: 346-6622

Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board These positions are currently held by work permit holders


#4 Spot Plaza, Airport Road Is seeking to employ a



Stocking and supplying designated facility areas, dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, restroom cleaning etc. Contact: 241-2040

A vacancy exists at the Turks and Caicos Islands National Insurance Board for an

Dock Yard, Kew Town Is seeking to employ a



CONTACT: 649-331-5498

ACCOUNTANT At its Head Office in Grand Turk. Applications are invited from suitably qualified and experienced Turks and Caicos Islanders to fill the post.


• Supervision of staff in the Finance & Accounts Department. • Preparation of Monthly Financial Statements. • Reconciliation of Balance Sheet and Income Statement accounts, which includes the various Schedules, with the General Ledger • Compilation and reconciliation of monthly investment report from all investment managers • Review and assist with the compilation of payroll data. • Ensures the reconciliation of various bank accounts. • Provision of financial support services to departmental managers across NIB. • Assistance with the preparation of annual budgets. • Ensures proper accounting and security of cash. • Ensures the completion of the Fixed Assets Register • Assisting with asset management. • Assistance with the training and the development of staff in the department. • Assisting with the development and implementation of financial management systems to protect the resources of the Board. • Acts as Financial Control in her absence • Perform such other duties and responsibilities as may be determined by the Financial Controller from time to time.


Cooper Jack Bay





A103 Graceway, IGA


Set up equipment, run lines for power tools, erect scaffolding, lay out tools, set up forms for the pouring of concrete foundations, and even hand tools to workers, clean worksite. Salary: $6.50 hourly




#101 COURD SUITES, GRACE BAY Is seeking to employ a

Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 20271

Acting on behalf of

Pump gas. Contact: 241-2040


Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board





#12 Musgrove Hill, Kew Town. Is seeking to employ a


• Stocking and supplying designated facility areas, dusting, sweeping, mopping, restroom cleaning etc. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly

CONTACT: 342-2511

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder


Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 20255

S&R CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Upstairs #4 Solomon Yard, Granny Hills, Five Cays Is seeking to employ a



This position requires a minimum of a Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting or equivalent professional qualification and four (4) years post qualification-practicing experience. Knowledge and skills must also include the following: • Project management skills • Highly developed communications skills • Business Writing and Financial reporting skills • Computer and Information technology application for financial data management, analysis and reporting • Investigative skills • Human and financial resource management skills and team building skills • Budgeting • Development of internal control systems This position requires the frequent use of analytical reasoning and visual dexterity especially when incumbent is: • Assisting with the development of financial management systems to ensure the security of NIB’s assets. • Reconciliation of Balance sheet and Income Statement Accounts • Reviewing of Fixed Asset Register and assisting with asset management • Assist with the preparation of the budget. • Assisting with the training and development of staff in the accounting department. The salary scale for the position is $40,000 to $65,000 and is subject to negotiation.

Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. Cares for garden on a daily basis. Salary: $7 hourly

Applications giving full details of qualifications and experience should be send to the Deputy Director Corporate Services, National Insurance Board, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands to reach no later than Friday, February 21, 2020. All prospective applicants who are Turks and Caicos Islanders should also send copies of their application to the Labour Department in the Turks and Caicos Islands.

CONTACT: 242-5459 OR 346-4624


Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board





January 25-31, 2020


SARAH JENNINGS Palm Grove, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a


• To clean house, and do laundry. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly



CORE COMPETENCIES • Time Management • Creative and Innovative Thinking • Development and Continual Learning • Problem Solving • Accountability and Dependability • Decision making and Judgement • Operating Equipment • Providing Consultation • Ethics and Integrity • Planning and Organizing • Mathematical Reasoning • Communication • Energy and Stress • Team Work JOB DUTIES • Constructs, installs, and repairs equipment and machinery • Diagnoses equipment problems and determines repairs needed • Demonstrates continuous effort to improve operations, decrease turnaround times, and streamline work processes • Performs daily safety and maintenance checks • Accurate completion of work orders and time sheets. • Repairs, overhauls, maintains, and services diesel and gas powered vehicles, cranes, heavy trucks, heavy equipment container handlers and their associated systems • Practices workplace safety check all heavy equipment for proper performance and inspect equipment to detect faults and malfunctions. • Repair and adjust hydraulic pumps, safety valves, and any other necessary mechanical components. • Diagnose defects in heavy duty equipment. • Diagnose any faults or malfunctions using computerized and other testing equipment to determine extent of repair that is required. • Inspect, repair and adjust gasoline and diesel powered units. • Perform incidental welding operations on equipment.

• Adhere to workplace safety policies, regulations and compliances. • Communicate any unsafe conditions or accidents/injuries in a timely manner to the supervisor in order to facilitate prompt correction or reporting. • Demonstrate continuous effort to improve operations, decrease turnaround times, streamline work processes, and work cooperatively and jointly to provide quality seamless service. • Operate automotive servicing equipment, e.g. A/C recycler, etc. • Installation of new and added-on equipment. • Electrical and hydraulic troubleshooting and diagnostics. • Repair cooling, and lubrication systems. • Install and align engines on machinery. • Repair cable-operated working attachments, winches, compressors, pumps, electric generators, etc. • Test repaired equipment for proper performance. • Clean, lubricate and perform other maintenance work. • Keep detailed and accurate maintenance reports and documentation. • Maintain a working knowledge of changes in technology and repair techniques. • Other mechanical repair work as required.



Cutting, trimming, shampooing, and styling hair, trimming beards, or giving shaves. Clean and sterilize scissors, combs, clippers, and other instruments.


Sweeping, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, and other work.

CONTACT: 332-0771

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board



• Stocking and supplying designated facility areas, dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, cleaning ceiling vents, restroom cleaning etc. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $7.50 hourly

CONTACT: 649-941-5411

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder



SNAKE HILL, BLUE HILLS Is seeking to employ a


• Assist plumber Installs pipes and fixtures, such as sinks and toilets, for water, gas, steam, air, or other liquids. Installs supports for pipes, equipment, and fixtures prior to installation. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 345-3914

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 20277



(Yard maintenance) $7 per hour, 241-7878 #34 Rigby Cl Five Cays, Providenciales VACANT POSITION

(House chores & clean the office) $6.75 per hour, 241-7845 Millennium Hwy Pink House #3, Provo Position held by work permit holder


REQUIREMENTS • Minimum of 5 to 10 years’ experience as a mechanic. • Must be in good health to meet the demands of physically challenging work. • Must be available for emergency calls and be able to work at nights and weekends. • Must submit a clean driver’s license • Must submit a clean police record • Must be able to speak fluent English language



(To serve food & drinks) Cylotte Plaza Blue Hills, Unit #2 $275 per week, 241-2078 Position Held by Work Permit Holder

WORK CONDITIONS • 24/7 availability may be required. • Physical ability to lift up to 50lb. • Work & Travel to off-site locations may be required. • Safety equipment will be required, e.g. steeltoed safety boots, hardhats, safety glasses/ goggles, etc. • Overtime as required. • Hazards associated with the trade. • Work both indoors and outdoors.


ISLAND PRO FINISH 35 Leeward Palms, Providenciales

4 LABOURERS - $10 HOURLY Light construction. Contact: 242-5405



#65 The Bight


Mixes mortar; lays bricks and stones and etc; makes and repairs steps and plasters.


Please submit applications to main office at Provo Stevedoring Ltd., Port Authorities Building, South Dock Port, Providenciales TCI. EMAIL: Henry Samuels, OR Mark Tenn,

#16 South Dock Road Is seeking to employ a


CONTACT: 242-1591


JOB DESCRIPTION Required to perform skilled tasks in the mechanical repair and maintenance of gas and diesel engines and heavy duty construction equipment. Will have the ability to troubleshoot major and minor mechanical problems, as well as have the ability to repair and adjust all necessary mechanical components. Work assignments will be received in the form of oral or written work orders, but the employee is expected to determine the nature and extent of needed repairs. Other duties may be assigned as required.

CONTACT: 243-2799

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 20307


Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board These positions are currently held by work permit holders





(Food preparation) $10 hourly, 241-6486 Millennium Highway Unit 2, Provo Vacant Position



#2 Behind Ball Park, Kew Town. Is seeking a


Take orders and serve food and beverages to patrons at tables in dining establishment. Check with customers to ensure that they are enjoying their meals and take action to correct any problems. Salary: $6.50 hourly

CONTACT: 331-1977

Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder


January 25-31, 2020




● Minimum 5-10 years international experience as a Food and Beverage Manager at a high end hotel/resort. ● Experienced event planning in order to promote, market and use social media creatively. ● Willing to work irregular, long and late hours; holidays and weekends ● Command a broad knowledge of Menu planning; liquor ordering, and inventory control.

● ● ● ●

Exceptional POS experience a must. Engaging and outgoing personality who enjoys working with the public; Must have a valid driver’s license; and College level degree in hospitality or tourism Accreditations:Wine product and service Training and Food Safety and or MenuTraining Salary approximately $700 per week dependent on experience

Prospective applicants including Islanders can bring all applications with two letters of recommendation citing relevant experience in the same industry to Services by EA located at 65 Beechwood Rd, Grace Bay Village, Providenciales or e-mail to Successful applicants will be notified by phone for interview. This position is currently held by work permit holder. 20292


RIGBY BUILDERS 241-9541 Tana Road, Five Cays, Providenciales



Stocking and supplying designated facility areas, dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, cleaning ceiling vents, restroom cleaning etc. Salary: $8.00 hourly pay

(remove old tiles, lay new tiles etc)$8.00 per hourly All positions are currently held by work permit holders. Qualified Belongers may apply with Labour Department. 20218

Salt Cay

#136 Turtle Cove Marina Is seeking to employ a

S & G CONTRACTING CO (333-1199)

11 Macaw Close, Cooper Jack, CONSTRUCTION LABOURER - SALARY $6.25 PER HR Clean sites, tools, dig trenches etc



Act on behalf of its clients:

CONTACT: 941-5341

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 20154


Must be able to work at height and carry heavy load 30+ ft. above the ground. 6.25/he.

CONTACT 243-2196

this position is for a first time applicant Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labour Department 20286



Under the supervision of the Port Operations Supervisor, the Harbor Crane Operator loads and unloads ships and other vessels at the Port of Providenciales & Grand Turk, Turks & Caicos Islands, using cranes of various kinds and capacities. The person in this position also rigs, inspects and maintains all crane equipment.


• Operates cranes with electric, hydraulic, diesel-electric, or straight diesel power sources. • Operates gantry, truck, stiff-leg, and crawler cranes with capacities of 70 to 300 tons. • Loads and unloads cargo from ships and barges and trucks. • Uses hook blocks, magnets, buckets, grapples, or automated container racks for handling cargo. • Rigs cranes for various types of work. • Supervises Signal and Maintenance Workers during operations, maintenance, or repair of crane equipment. • Performs required inspections, repairs, and maintenance on cranes. • Safely performs all of the essential functions of this job to minimize risk of injury to self and others as well as to minimize risk of damage to job-related equipment.


• The Harbor Crane Operator must be willing to be available for emergency and overtime work at any hour, for prolonged periods, seven days a week and various islands.


• • • • • • •

Minimum of 5 to 10 years’ experience as a crane operator. Experience a heavy equipment operator. Must be in good health to meet the demands of physically challenging work. Must be available for emergency calls and be able to work at nights and weekends. Must submit a clean driver’s license Must submit a clean police record Must be able to speak fluent English language


• • • •


Unit #108, Sam’s Building, Parade Avenue, Down Town, Providenciales Acting on behalf of


Cleaning Contact: 649-941-8484

• •



• •

Unit #108 Sam’s Building, Parade Ave., Down Town Read blueprints and plans.

CARPENTER HELPER - $6.50 PER HOUR Assist the carpenter where needed.


Unit #108, Sam’s Building, Parade Avenue, Down Town


Cleans fish and packages them.


#10 Chalk Sound


22 Airport Road, Morris Plaza Unit #6-7, Down Town


Manicures, artificial nails, gel nails, hand massages, nail fills, nail repair, and nail polishing, and etc.

• • • •

Shampooing, cutting, and styling hair, hair treatments, deep conditioning, and etc. 244-5191



Linden Gardiner Apt #7, South Dock Road


• • •

Mechanical knowledge. Knowledge of transmissions. Knowledge of job-related tools, materials, and methods. Knowledge of cranes and related equipment, including gantry, truck, crawler, and stiff-leg type cranes. Knowledge of cranes with different power plants, including electric, hydraulic, straight diesel, and diesel-electric types. Knowledge of various cargo-handling equipment, including hook blocks, magnets, buckets, grapples, and automated container racks. Knowledge of crane signals for cargo handling. Knowledge of safety principles and practices and ability to perform all duties in a safe manner. Skill in operating cranes with capacities from 70 to 300 tons. • Skill in rigging cranes for various types of work. • Skill in inspection, repair, and maintenance of various types of cranes. Ability to effectively communicate with co-workers and managers to ensure that tasks and work assignments get accomplished. Ability to troubleshoot complex mechanical issues. Ability to maintain and repair heavy equipment. Ability to load and unload cargo from ships, barges and trucks. Ability to lift and carry up to 20 pounds of equipment/material alone and more with assistance Ability to climb several stories on outside ladders to reach the control rooms of cranes. Ability to work in inclement weather for extended periods of time. Ability to work as part of a team. Ability to maintain accurate records.


Gardening Contact: 231-0011

Cleaning houses.

• US$52K - US$62K


Painting walls and etc.





Pool maintenance. Contact: 241-5678

Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board

Please submit applications to main office at


Provo Stevedoring Ltd., Port Authorities Building, South Dock Port, Providenciales TCI. EMAIL: Henry Samuels, OR Mark Tenn, mwtenn@


44 CLASSIFIEDS BRENTON SMITH Major Hill, North Caicos Is seeking to employ a

LABOURER • To clean and maintain

premises by raking and cleaning, disposing of refuse collection, cleaning windows and doors, trimming trees. • Hours of work are from 9am-5pm. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 649-242-0371


#29 Salt Mills, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a






41A Leeward Palms Is seeking to employ a

Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. Salary: $300 per week

• Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. Cares for garden. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 231-0001

CONTACT: 246-2522

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 20330

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is a First Time work permit holder 20356

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder 20334




#10 Mary Jane land, Blue Hills, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a


Duties: Clean shop, heavy lifting, assist with tools • Salary $7 per hour • Must have a clean drivers license Belongers are encouraged to send copy of their. Resumes to Labour Department, Contact: (649) 331 8135


Granny Hill, Five Cays 331-6622


# 111, Regent Village Grace Bay, 231-0309 Location: Providenciales


Removed rubble, dirt, and hazardous waste from construction site, performed postconstruction site cleanup and executed building cleaning activities, operated cleaning equipment and utilized cleaning materials. Salary: $7.00 per hour.

Assistant chefs aid head chefs with skilled food preparation and cooking. They also oversee the storage and disposal of leftover food products, and help to make sure that the kitchen is clean. Help head chefs develop and test new recipes, and maintain records of what food has been prepared and what ingredients were used. Salary: $ 9.00 per hour


First time, Belonger will be given first preference20343






• Answering calls, filing document, answering emails, bookkeeping, spreadsheet, scheduling, etc. • Must be bilingual. • 4 yrs. experience required. • College degree required. • Knowledge of QuickBooks. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week. Salary: $8 hourly

CONTACT: 941-7366

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 20313

• The successful applicant must be able to micro braid, French braid, cornrow, yarn braid. • Hours of work are from 10am-6pm, Mon-Friday. Salary: $6.25 hourly


Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 20331


Shrub Cl, Millennium Highway 346-2311


To clean all areas within the yard, clean the gutters, trim down the trees in the yard, Sweeping and removing debris from outside, water the plants and assist with other cleaner work around the property. Salary starts at $6.25 per hour. Renewal, Belonger will be given first preference.


ROBERT AYER (232-0944) 18 Pinta Lane, Leeward, Providenciales


- Salary starts at $10-15 per hour • Must have at least 5 years’ experience • Must be available to work early mornings (5 am – 1pm) and ready to do physical Labour • Must be able to speak and write English fluently. • Must be able to drive DUTIES: maintaining gardens and irrigation systems, run errands etc Position for a new work permit holder. However, Qualified/Suitable Belongers may apply with Labour Department Employment Services OR email Resume to . 20338


Norway, Five Cays Is seeking to employ a



• Assist with payroll. • Ensuring work schedule is done. • Ensuring day to day operation is running smoothly. • Ensuring inventory is done. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week. Salary: $2,000 monthly

• Answering calls, filing document, answering emails, bookkeeping, spreadsheet, scheduling, etc. • Must be bilingual. • 4 yrs. experience required. • College degree required. • Knowledge of QuickBooks. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week. Salary: $8 hourly

CONTACT: 649-432-1169 Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder

CONTACT: 232-2017

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 20312


HAIR AFFAIR BEAUTY SALON Upstairs Unit #19 Morris Plaza, Airport Road Is seeking to employ a


Shampoo, cuts, perms, braids and etc.


Nail and hand services to customers, such as basic manicures, artificial nails, gel nails, hand massages, nail fills, nail repair, and nail polishing. Pedicures and the application of acrylic toenails may also be performed.


Cutting, trimming, shampooing, and styling hair, trimming beards, or giving shaves. Clean and sterilize scissors, combs, clippers, and other instruments.

CONTACT: 241-5564

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board




Leeward Highway A busy Retail store on Provo has an immediate opening for a




Taking orders serving cold and mix drinks beverages.




Turtle Cove Marina, Providenciales Seeking to employ

Who holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Law with experience working in a law firm for a minimum of five years. Having experience working in a courthouse or a legal aid will be a plus. The successful candidate must possess strong working knowledge in judicial clerkship, various divorce matters, breach of contract, division of property, employment contracts and disputes, wills and affidavits. Duties will include, but not limited to, drafting of pleadings, powers of attorney and agreements for sale, filing of various documents, preparation and filing of various applications including bail, custody and legal guardianship of children and assisting with drafting legal opinions and judgements for civil and criminal matters. Only Belongers Need Apply. Salary Range: $35,000.00 to $50,000.00 p.a. Resumes must be sent by email with copies of credentials and TCI status to info@ no later than February 6, 2020. Unscheduled visits and calls are not welcomed. Please provide copies of your submission to Labour Department.

269 Gold Ave., Millennium Heights Is seeking to employ a


823 Regent Village, Grace Bay. Requires the assistance of a

#296 GRACE BAY ROAD Is seeking to employ a

January 25-31, 2020


To assist the head chef in various food preparation for service time.


Provides support to the restaurant in administrative functions such as purchasing, billing, reporting and filing. Email: tameralemount@hotmail. com $6.25-$10.00 hourly Belongers can also apply to the Labour Department for positions Contact: 242-8792 for further details 20337


Leeward Palms, Providenciales (231-6973/244-4812)


Starting Salary $6.50 per hour. Clean construction sites, tools, plant trees, transport materials/ trees etc All positions are currently held by work permit holders. Belongers may apply with Labour Department. 20339

Responsibilities include: Complete ground work as directed by the Supervisor which may include the upkeep of the property and must be able to work weekends. Salary: $8.00 per hour. Interested persons should send their resumes/ CVs by email to Tel: 649-946-4732. Belongers Only Please! 20350

#26 AVIATION DRIVE, SOUTH SIDE PLAZA Is seeking to employ a

• Clean the store, dusting, sweeping, mopping, clean ceiling vents, restroom, stock shelves, assist other work as needed. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $400 weekly

CONTACT: 231-6318

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder




(Supervised Kitchen & dining room activities, Schedule activities, train & review workers Performance, implement policies, protocols & more) 73Princess Dr, The Bight, Provo, TCI $2,400.00 per annum, 331-5699 Vacant Position, Min 6 yrs experience in hospitality



to prepare pastry dishes Desserts & much more) $9 Hourly Five Cays Rd, 2005 Plaza, Unit

1, Provo Vacant position, 241-2550



(Paint blgs repairs & Maintenance)


(concrete mixing, tools & site cleaning) #14, Airport Rd, Providenciales, Skilled $9, unskilled $ 7 hourly, 3441778, Vacant Position


(Cares of kid & house Chores) 1 day off per week: $7 hourly 168 Bay Rd,Blue Hills, Providenciales 344-1778, Vacant Position


January 25-31, 2020




Apt#14 Pastor Luc Building, Leeward Highway, The Bight Is seeking to employ a


PASTOR - 6.25 P/H



Bonaventure Cres, Grace Bay Contact 649-941-5160 Making sure all assigned areas are clean.

PAULA JENNINGS WARD #30 Five cays 214-3333

LABOURER - $6.25P/H clean outside dispose trash



full time ministry preaching.

1075A Leeward Highway Tel: 941-4575

2 LABOURERS - $14.60

and 14.70 p/h Cleaning and preparing a job site.



Blue Water Rd, Long bay hill

#20 Kishco plaza, Leeward Hwy, 649-231-3894

NANNY – $ 6.25 PER YEAR Caring for two children.

These position is currently held by work permit holder Belonger are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the labour board. 20344


1 Davie Bight Road, North West Point. Seeking to employ


Cleans and polish our restaurant on a daily basis.


Landscaping at the resort which entails watering the lawn, mowing the lawn ensuring that it is well maintained at all times.


Taking orders, serving cold and mix drinks. EMAIL: BASSETT_27@HOTMAIL.COM

$6.25-$6.50 hourly Belongers are encourage to apply

CONTACT: 242-8792



Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board




Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 20336


Smooth out concrete in segments to ensure the concrete poured in level. Arrange the concrete forms. Rub cement in with spongerubber float or burlap. Salary: $6.25 to $7.00 per hour. RENEWAL & WILL BE GIVEN FIRST PREFERENCE.

CREOLE MINISTRY PREACHER - $6.50 HOURLY Preach to the church.

CONTACT: 946-4075






Hospital Road, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a

Duties: To mix mortar, Help skilled worker lay Bricks and stone, form and pour concrete Salary: $7.50 per hour.

CONTACT: 241-1826

CONTACT: 242-1358



Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder

Belongers are encouraged to Send a copy of their resume To the Labour Board. This is a first time work Permit application.




GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a



Duties: To clean maintain Premises after work each Day, to assist the skilled Workers and do any necessary Repairs. SALARY: $6.50 per hour.

Duties: To clean maintain Premises after work each Day, to assist the skilled Workers and do any necessary Repairs. SALARY: $6.50 per hour.

CONTACT: 244-3135

Belongers are encouraged To send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board. This is a first time work permit application.

Belongers are encouraged To send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board. This is a first time work permit application. 20349


Leeward Highway- 946-4131. Seeking for the following positions Salary starts at 9.00 to 12.00 per hour Please drop the resume at Building materials office


Servicing the company vehicles, test and systems to ensure that they are working properly, identify mechanical problems, repairs and maintenance work on each vehicle, inspect and repairs rental machines, engine tune-ups, oil change.

Assist customers with paints for exteriors and interiors of building, spray guns, and paint brushes. Assist with indoor and outdoor residential and commercial construction project, arrange and store materials, tool and equipments, mixing paints to customer order


general cleaning work throughout the store, maintain interior clean at all time, dust items on shelf, takes out garbage outside, clean office and public bathrooms.



Grace Bay Village Lot #3. Is seeking a

Maintenance Technician

CONTACT: 343-2838


This position is held by a work permit holder Turks and Caicos Islanders should also send a copy of their application to the Labourer Board 20355

Belongers are asked to send A copy of their resume to The Labour Board. This is a first time work permit application.

ANA’S VARIETY STORE 22 SOUTH DOCK ROAD Is seeking to employ a


• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 342-0681

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 20352


#48 Windwood Road, Grace Bay. Is seeking to employ a


• Load materials to customers vehicles, • Moving materials within the depot facility by • unload and loading transport products.


Breezy Brae, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a

Duties: Cleaning mopping, Dusting, sweeping and Polishing and other household Chores. Salary: $6.50 per hour.


Duties: Conducting scheduling repairs, maintain inventory, and developing preventative maintenance procedures and will be a jack-of-all-trades, maintaining buildings A & B apartments and the office area, cleaning and providing minor repairs on AC units & Laundry machinery. Salary $8.00 per hour To work six days a week



Clean the church property and inside the church.


Receive payment by cash, checks and credit cards, Issue receipts, and change due to customers. Count money in cash drawers to ensure that amounts are correct and that there is adequate change. Salary: $6.25 hourly Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board. This position is vacant

3 Church Ave, Blue Hills Is seeking to employ a

CONTACT: 242-2406

CONTACT: 946-5855 OR EMAIL: HELLO@THEKFORCE.COM Belongers are encouraged to send a resume to the Labour Board. This is for a work permit application


Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a

- to take care of toddler - light housekeeping - must be experienced with caring for kids of all ages - must be able to work 6 days a week, weekends and holidays Salary: $7.50 per hour


CONTACT: 342-2884

CONTACT: 242-6980




Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. Salary: $6.50 hourly

#303 Cherokee Road, Providenciales Is seeking to Employ a

Behind Rock of Jesus Church. Five Cays, 241-2749

Lay tiles. 2 LABOURERS - $6.25 HOURLY Cleaning the property, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames.



Unit #4, 593 Leeward Highway, The Bight. Is seeking a

Plumbing work, painting, flooring repair and upkeep, electrical repairs and heating and air conditioning system.





• Clean construction site • Must be willing to work 44 hours a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly

CONTACT: 346-6965

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 20353

WC SECURITY SERVICES Long Bay, Providenciales. Is seeking to employ


Salary $7:00 per hour plus benefits Responsibilities include: Maintaining a safe and secure environment for customers/clients. Patrolling, deterrence, monitoring and securing properties and business establishments. Surveillance Skills, Deals with Threats, exercising excellent Judgment, Objectivity, Dependability, Conflict Management, Integrity, Safety Management, Professionalism, Reporting Skills, CCTV and Security Alarm knowledge are desirable.

TRAINER/TRAINING OFFICER Salary from $1500.00 plus benefits Responsible for identifying, developing, facilitating and monitoring training activities in our company. Assessing training needs, developing internal training programs or contracting external ones, facilitating learning, providing feedback, and monitoring outcomes. Essential qualifications are researching and planning abilities, excellent communication, and presentation skills, coaching, teamwork and problem-solving. Flexibility, knowledge in other fields and all aspects of security are an advantage.


Turks and Caicos Islanders are strongly encouraged to apply.


46 CLASSIFIEDS THE HELP DESK Act on behalf of its clients:


(333-1199) 11 Macaw Close, Cooper Jack,


- Salary $6.25 per hr Clean sites, tools, dig trenches etc

RIGBY BUILDERS 241-9541 Tana Road, Five Cays, Providenciales


(remove old tiles, lay new tiles etc)$8.00 per hourly All positions are currently held by work permit holders. Qualified Belongers may apply with Labour Department. 20218

January 25-31, 2020



Tropicana Plaza Leeward, Providenciales

#1059-B Leeward Highway. Is seeking to employ a

Dishwasher - $6.75 per hour

Washes dishes and keeps kitchen area clean


Responsible for monitoring employees, maintaining supplies Training new staff Making sure the facility is clean and safe


Serving customers and receiving money and giving change, cleaning, taking orders

Contact: 946-4694. Email: Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board These positions are held by work permit holders



TURKS WAVE CAFE 21 ridge Road, Turtle Cove Is seeking a


• To keep equipment available • For use by inspecting and testing vehicles. • Completing, preventing maintenance • Such as engine tune ups ,oil changes • Tire rotation and changes. • Wheel balancing ,replacing filters. To work 5 days a week including weekends and holidays Salary: $400.00 per week

• Take orders and serve food and beverages to patrons at tables in dining establishment. Check with customers to ensure that they are enjoying their meals and take action to correct any problems. Communicate with customers to ensure satisfaction. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly

Please submit resume to Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board The position is First Time Work Permit 20250

Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board

CONTACT: 649-339-5010





Your application for grant of Turks and Caicos Islander Status under Section 4 (3) of the Turks and Caicos Islands lmmigration (Amendment) Ordinance 2015 was approved by the Ministry of Immigration, Citizenship, Labour and Employment Services on 9th January, 2018 with the following decision being made:

Your application for grant of Turks and Caicos Islander Status under Section 3 (6) of the Turks and Caicos Islands lmmigration (Amendment) Ordinance 2015 was approved by the Minister of Border Control and Employment on 30th October 2019 with the following decision being made:

“It approved the commencement of the procedures as set out in the Turks and Caicos Island status (Amendment) Ordinance 2015 for the grant of turks and Caicos Islander Status to Mrs. Stephanie Shelly-Ann Mcknight Gray”

“It approved the commencement of the procedures as set out in the Immigration (Amendment) Ordinance 2015 for the grant of Turks and Caicos Islander Status to Mr. Roger Wellington D Simms”

RENU ENERGY TCI LTD, Suite 201, Neptune Plaza, PO Box 796, Providenciales, TCI

RENU ENERGY TCI LTD, Suite 201, Neptune Plaza, PO Box 796, Providenciales, TCI

AUTO MECHANIC – RENU RIDES TCI RESPONSIBILITIES: • Keep equipment available for use by inspecting and testing vehicles & completing preventive maintenance • Maintain vehicle functional condition; conducting inspections; repairing mechanical and electrical systems malfunctions; replacing parts and components; repairing body damage. • Maintain vehicle records by recording service and repairs. • Keep shop equipment operating by following operating instructions • Keep supplies ready by inventorying

stock; placing orders; verifying receipt.


• Minimum 5 years Auto Mechanic Experience • Safety Management Skills • Ability to transport materials and equipment to complete assigned job tasks • Prior experience working with EVs highly beneficial • Valid driver’s license • Good documentation skills

This new position at Renu Rides is offered to Turks and Caicos Islanders. The starting salary for this position ranges from $8.25-$10.00 per hour based on previous experience and qualifications.

Interested applications should email a covering letter and resume to Info@, with copies to the labour board. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for interview. For more info visit:


LEAD INSTALLER – RENU ENERGY TCI RESPONSIBILITIES: Complete residential and commercial solar and energy storage installation projects and guide, coordinate and oversee fellow installers. RESPONSIBILITIES INCLUDE: • Installation of ground and roof-mounted solar systems • Racking and solar array assembly • Energy storage installation and integration • Sealing all roof penetrations • Trenching, concrete work and equipment assembly • Troubleshooting, commissioning and signoff.

APPLICANTS MUST HAVE: • Minimum 8 years previous solar plus energy storage install experience and / or over 5MW installed • NABCEP-certification - PV Installation, Commissioning & Maintenance • Solar (C46) & Electrical (local or C10) • contractor licences • Proven experience with LG, Tesla, Schneider, Outback, & SolarEdge Technologies • Prior experience leading teams of up to 20 persons.

This new position at Renu Rides is offered to Turks and Caicos Islanders. The starting salary ranges from $66,000-$78,000 per Annum based on experience & qualifications Interested applications should email a covering letter and resume to Info@, with copies to the labour board. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for interview. For more info visit:

January 25-31, 2020 S&R CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Upstairs #4 Solomon Yard, Granny Hills, Five Cays Is seeking to employ a


Hillgrove St., South Caicos Is seeking to employ a

DIVER PAINTER • Diving and catching

Apply paints, stains, and coatings to interior and exterior walls, new buildings, homes, offices and other structural surfaces. Salary: $9 hourly

fish. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week. Salary: $7 hourly

CONTACT: 2425459 OR 346-4624

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder 20140



CONTACT: 341-3908

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board




• Repairs, maintains and alters buildings, retaining walls and other brick or stone edifices. Mixes mortar; lays bricks and stones and/or concrete sidewalks; makes and repairs steps and plasters. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $8 hourly

CONTACT: 243-5060

Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder




• Providing customer services. • Greeting customers and guiding them to finding the product they want to buy. Responsible for sales and ensures that cash balance at the end of the day is accurate. • Keep store clean and tidy at all times Salary: $6.50 hourly

CONTACT: 244-8182

Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board work permit renewal 20161

Walkin Plaza, Five Cays Is seeking to employ a


• Must have 5 years experience and show proficiency with cutting and polishing natural and man made stone according to specifications and schedule

Breezy Brae, Grand Turk Is seeking a



In search of a skilled person to work in stone fabrication Starting Salary $10.00 per hour.


• Must be able to assist the foreman in charge at warehouse and on job sites • Must be able to read blueprints, lay out job plans, operate all tools associated with stone • fabrication, rally other coworkers and follow directions from supervisors.

Please email resumes to accounts@ or inquire in person.


• Receiving calls and helping with payroll. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $12 hourly

CONTACT: 246-5189

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 20155


UNIT #1 & #2 LA PETIT PLAZA, GRACE BAY Is seeking a

2 COSMETOLOGISTS Shampooing, cutting, coloring, and styling hair, and massaging and treating scalp. Apply makeup, dress wigs, hair removal, and nail and skin care services. Salary: $320 weekly

CONTACT: 9418342 OR 241-1502

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board



Acting on behalf of client CHARLTON GARDINER Major Hill, North Caicos


T.CHAL MISICK ASSOCIATES Suite A3, Windsor Place, 893 Leeward Highway, Is seeking to employ a


• Sweeping, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, and other work. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly

CONTACT: 649-941-7211

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board



#37 Airport Road, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a


Position is held by a permit holder Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department

• The general bookkeeping and managing the company accounts ensure all operating expenses and payment are recorded. • Processing invoices. Correct documentation of all expenses, time and revenue. • Preparing financial statements and conduct general auditing and supervising a staff. Salary: $4,000 monthly

CONTACT: 246-7382

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 20197

$12.00 hr Making cabinets, install contractures and fixtures


CONTACT: 241-5394

POSITION IS BEING ADVERTISED FOR A WORK PERMIT HOLDER. APPLICATIONS FOR QUALIFIED TURKS & CAICOS ISLANDERS WILL BE ACCEPTED. We are willing to train if you are motivated to learn the trade! Interested Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labour Department



• • • • • • • • • •

Must be consistently punctual for work. Maintain a clean work station throughout shift. Must maintain a clean, well kept appearance upon arrival and through out shifts. Must be able to multi task in a fast pace, high pressure environment. Be able to stand on one’s feet for 8 hours and be comfortable lifting 50 pounds or more without physical restrictions. Be available to work days and nights, holidays and weekends with a flexible schedule Must be able to take direction from superiors Clean all floors in front and back of house at opening and closing Must be able to communicate in English Understanding of fundamental math with ability to effectively measure and or weigh ingredients as per recipes.


• Work with staff members to assure that the restaurant is clean and well maintained throughout the duration of their shift. • Participate in daily cleaning duties as per scheduled by the Chef or other Management personnel to maintain a clean, safe environment for all employees to work in. Wages: $7/hour. This is a permit renewal ad.

Applicants are to apply in person with a CV at Somewhere Café located at Coral Gardens Resort or email to: 649 941 8260

EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Sun Oil Limited TCI, a leading supplier of petroleum products and services, is seeking to employ highly motivated, goal-oriented team members to fill the following open positions: POSITION Operations Coordinator

MIN QUALIFICATION Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering or Technology and 5 Years Experience

Driver / Operator High School Diploma and 3 Years of Experience Mechanic

High School Diploma and 5 Years of Experience

Interested and qualified applicants must submit their resume and supporting documents to no later than January 31st, 2020. VERY IMPORTANT: The Subject Line of your email should only indicate desired position and location, in that order, from the above job listing. All applications will be reviewed and only short-listed candidates will be contacted for an interview at which time additional details on the positions will be shared. Please note that only emailed submissions to the specified address will be accepted. Unless stated otherwise, the above positions are full time employment opportunities. All candidates should have legal status to work in the Turks & Caicos Islands.




• Performing a variety of cleaning activities such as sweeping, mopping, dusting and polishing. Ensuring all rooms are cared for and inspected according to standards. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly



#55 Residence, Five Cays Is seeking to employ a

#21 BLACK CROW ROAD, North Caicos Is seeking to employ a

CONTACT: 346-4078


• Install, repair, piping, fixtures, appliances etc. • Must be able to work without supervision and be able to solve all types of plumbing problems. • Work 5 days a week. Salary: $13 per hour

#17 SOUTH DOCK ROAD, PROVIDENCIALES Is seeking to employ a


Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. Salary: $300 weekly


To braid guest hair on the beach. Salary: $6.50 hourly

CONTACT: 342-3525

CONTACT: 243-7375 Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder



Providenciales Beaches Is seeking to employ a


Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board

January 25-31, 2020


Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 20202

CONTACT: 341-8585

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 20227


#29 Butterfield Dr., Handfield Bldng, Blue Hills Is seeking to employ a


serve alcoholic and nonalcoholic beverages to restaurant and bar patrons. serve beer and wine, make classic drinks or create new recipes for cocktails. ensuring that their bars run smoothly and efficiently. Salary: $18 hourly

CONTACT: 649-232-3637

Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board



Ocean Club Resorts is looking for qualified applicants for the following vacant positions:


– with electrical, plumbing, AC, and carpentry experience.


– requires a valid TCI Driver’s License. Additionally, applications from qualified Turks and Caicos Islanders are being accepted for the following position, currently held by a person on work permit:


• All positions involve strenuous physical labor, requiring the physical abilities to perform heavy lifting, and other strenuous and demanding functions. • Individuals must be willing to work holidays and weekends on a flexible schedule dictated by business demands. • Must be able to speak English fluently. • Preference will be given to someone with previous resort experience.

All applicants must be able to present a clean Police Record if offered a position.

Wage commensurate with experience. Drop off resume or pick up application at Ocean Club or Ocean Club West, alternatively send to: or Fax: 1-649-946-5845

Only those receiving an interview will be contacted. All TC Islanders are invited to copy their resumes to the Immigration and Labor Departments.


Junior Architect – FULL TIME 1. Bachelors Degree In Architecture and Interior Design 2. Must have 6 years experience in practice of the following: • Structural Detailing • MEP Detailing • Landscape Detailing • Furniture Design & Detailing

Must have advanced expertise in the following design software: • Auto-cad • Vector Works • Adobe Photoshop • Adobe Lightroom • Adobe Illustrator & Design • Adobe InDesign • Google Sketch-up • SU Podium • V-Ray • Competent in Microsoft and OS Software

• All above-mentioned skills are relevant in the use of photo realistic visualization of Infrastructure design. • Must be able to work independently and in team environments under pressure of continuous deadlines. • Must be able to communicate effectively, verbally and in writing. • Must have significant construction site experience with the ability to rapidly provide technical design solutions during the building process. Salary commensurate with experience.

Resumes to be submitted to: Management, Blee Halligan Architects TCI, Unit A107, Graceway Plaza, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands. Contact Number: 332-5833 20182

LIVE-IN VILLA HOST A live-in Villa Host is required to work in a luxury private villa. The Villa Host must above all be extremely well groomed, well mannered, courteous and above all confidential. Since he/she is responsible for everything that concerns our guest experience he/she must be well versed in personal care and valeting. Exceptional housekeeping and F&B skills are therefore essential to this position.


• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

The list is non-exhaustive, their roles can include any or all of the following: Managing the smooth running of the villa together with the villa chef Ensuring that all areas of the Villa are cleaned & maintained to the highest standard. Ensuring areas such as pool patios and gardens are clean Provide first class Food and Beverage service Ensuring dining setup properly for each meal Food and Beverage are prepared and served on time Ensuring villa is set up properly prior to Guest’s arrival Coordinating special requests for Villa Owners or Villa Rentals; Honeymoon turndowns etc. Assisting in other villas or areas as requested by Manager Maintaining an inventory for all items in the villa as necessary Working with the chef to ensure necessary orders and inventories are in place for all villa F&B stock Ensuring that guest F&B bills are updated daily and check for accuracy Assist with the preparation and service for all Villa functions and parties when required Make regular checks on all equipment & furnishings & report any damage or breakage immediately to villa manager and ensure repairs are followed up Be present or regularly check on maintenance /outside contractors working in the villa to ensure that there’s is no damage or theft in the villa Be knowledgeable with regard to villa facilities, island activities and on island excursions especially boating activities. Work with concierge to ensure you are updated on guest daily activities and remind guests on daily basis Assist guests with Packing and Unpacking Use initiative to anticipate Guest’s needs Available at any time to take care of Guests Be available or contactable for guests anytime so flexibility is essential Skills/experience required Preferably at least 5 years’ experience in a luxury hotel or resort Possess an exceptional eye for detail and standard with regards housekeeping service Be able to work well under pressure Be flexible to deal with last minute requests/bookings. Experience in handling prominent guests Since this is a new villa, experience in pre-opening an establishment would be a significant advantage.

Due to the nature of this position this is offered as a live-in position only. Salary $2,000 a month. Suitable qualified candidates must apply in writing with resume details to Griffiths & Partners, 82 Cherokee Road, Providenciales or Email: ar@ Belongers and PRC Holders with the right to work are encouraged to apply and also submit a copy to the Labour Department. This position is currently held by a work permit holder. 20198

January 25-31, 2020




Resort Manager PROPERTY: Grace Bay Club

JOB SUMMARY: Functions as the strategic business leader of the property’s resort operation, including, but not limited to, Guest Services (Front Desk, Personal Concierge, Bell/Houseman, Retail), Spa, Housekeeping/ Laundry, Security, Restaurants/Bars, Room Service and Banquets/Catering, where applicable. Position oversees the development and implementation of departmental strategies and ensures implementation of the GBC service strategy and initiatives. The position ensures the Resort’s operation meets the Company’s target customer needs, ensures employee satisfaction, and focuses on growing revenues and maximizing the financial performance of the department. Develops and implements property-wide strategies that deliver products and services to meet or exceed the needs and expectations of the customer and property employees and provides a return on investment. CANDIDATE PROFILE Education and Experience - College degree preferred - 8+ years’ experience in resort management. Knowledge of principles and processes for providing customer and personal services. This includes customer needs assessment, meeting quality standards for services, and evaluation of customer satisfaction. Management of Financial Resources - Determining how money will be spent to get the work done, and accounting for these expenditures. Applied Business Knowledge - Understanding market dynamics, enterprise level objectives and important aspects of the company’s business to accurately diagnose strengths and weaknesses, anticipate opportunities and risks, identify issues, and develop strategies and plans. Aligning individual and team actions with strategies and plans to drive business results. - Obtaining and seeing to the appropriate use of equipment, facilities, and materials needed to do certain work. CORE WORK ACTIVITIES Developing and Maintaining Resort Goals - Sets expectations and holds all Resort’s leadership team accountable for demonstrating desired service behaviors. - Reviews financial reports and statements to determine how the Resort is performing against budget. - Makes recommendations for CAPEX funding of overall Resort equipment and renovations in accordance with brand business strategy. - Works with Resort’s leadership team to determine areas of concern and develops strategies to improve the departments’ financial performance. - Establishes challenging, realistic and obtainable goals to guide operation and performance. - Strives to improve service performance - Develops and manages Resort budgets. - Monitors the departments’ actual and projected

sales to ensure revenue goals are met or exceeded and opportunities are identified and addressed. - Focuses on maintaining profit margins without compromising guest or employee satisfaction This position is currently held by an expatriate worker

DATE OPEN: January 14, 2020 START DATE: ASAP


PROPERTY: Grace Bay Club

Qualified Islanders need only to apply copying applications to the Commissioner of Labour & Work Permit Board Zone 2 Salary Range: $95,000 - $115,000 per annum

JOB OVERVIEW: Grace Bay Club Food and Beverage operation is looking for a Sommelier that will be responsible of all aspects of the resorts wine programs - purchasing, storage, and selling, training staff.

DATE OPEN: January 14, 2020 START DATE: ASAP

JOB FUNCTIONS: • Ensure the complete satisfaction of all guests. • Actively support, demonstrate and energize the Grace Bay Resorts’ Credo and Mission. • Direct, implement and maintain our service and management philosophy, which serves as a guide to respective staff. • Decide on what wines etc. to provide our guests, patrons and owners • Cost control and inventory management • Ensure that dining patrons are able to find a wine within their budget that fits their tastes and complements their food. • Work with the culinary staff to find suitable wines to pair with dishes on the menu. • Work on the floor of the restaurant, helping customers to decide the exact wine that best meets their needs.


PROPERTY: Grace Bay Club JOB REQUIREMENTS: • Ensure the cleanliness of all hotel areas • Assist in all Housekeeping responsibilities, cleaning of all guest rooms, stocking amenities and linens • physical stamina and mobility including ability to reach, kneel and bend • ability to lift, push and pull required load (usually about 30lbs) • Ensure inventory is used properly and in supply at all times • Possess knowledge of proper cleaning supplies and chemical handling This position is currently held by an expatriate worker Qualified Islanders need only to apply copying applications to the Commissioner of Labour & Work Permit Board Zone 2 Salary Range: $6.25 per hour DATE OPEN: January 14, 2020 START DATE: ASAP


PROPERTY: Grace Bay Club JOB RESPONSIBILITIES: A houseman’s primary job duties include cleaning and maintaining guest rooms, bathrooms, work areas, furnishings and carpets. Cleaning rooms includes duties such as changing bed linens and emptying trash as well as vacuuming carpets and dusting furniture. You’ll also replenish guest supplies, such as hand soap and shampoo. Your duties don’t end with guest rooms, however, because you’re responsible for cleaning common areas, such as banquet and meeting rooms. Secondary duties may include shoveling snow from walkways, assisting bellmen, answering guest questions and helping the front desk person. This position is currently held by an expatriate worker Qualified Islanders need only to apply copying applications to the Commissioner of Labour & Work Permit Board Zone 2 Salary Range: $6.25 per hour

In order to participate in an incentive program which is derived from the overall Beverage Sales, this sommelier position will also be responsible for the following aspects of the beverage department: • Inventory and Ordering - Responsible for keeping track of working bar inventories, storeroom inventory. Negotiates pricing with suppliers. Receive, check, and enter items into inventory upon arrival, and ensure that paperwork is processed for bookkeeping and payment. • Pricing and Sales Transactions – This person should know their numbers. Should be able to cross check the sales numbers against the inventory received. • Loss Prevention and Maximizing Profit (Got to be strong in this area). - This position will be tasked with preventing product loss and maximizing profit. Data derived by comparing inventory with individual bartender sales and total sales figures is communicated to upper management. Any inconsistency needs to be dealt with immediately. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: • Certified Master Sommelier or equivalent • High school diploma, some/all college • 2+ years’ experience as Head Sommelier in a 4/5star establishment • International experience preferred, • Been a successful salesman in the previous restaurants of employment, worked with wine lists that cover all the regions represented in our wine list. (United States, South America, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Europe) and have an education as Sommelier This position is currently held by an expatriate worker Qualified Islanders need only to apply copying applications to the Commissioner of Labour & Work Permit Board Zone 2 Salary Range: $28,000 - $36,000 per annum

Interested persons can contact our Human Resources Department no later than January 28, 2020 @ (649) 946-5050 Ext. 1020. Email: | Fax: (649) 946-5758 P.O. Box 128 Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands, British West Indies



January 25-31, 2020



JOB REFERENCE NO: KHB5-20-1, KHB5-15 and CBB5-20-40

Administrative Officer

MINISTRY: Various LOCATION: Grand Turk SALARY: Grade 5 - $26,650.00 plus allowances JOB SUMMARY: This is an administrative position, which has responsibility for the smooth operation of administrative functions in the office and for dealing with information that is sensitive and/or confidential. JOB REFERENCE NO: KHB5-20-2

Dental Assistant

MINISTRY: Health, Agriculture, Sports and Human Services DEPARTMENT: Dental Department LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: Grade 4 - $21,935.00 per annum JOB SUMMARY: The job holder assists the dentist in providing dental treatment and working as part of a team providing Dental Care. JOB REFERENCE NO: KHB5-20-3

Deputy Director Health Services

MINISTRY: Health, Agriculture, Sports and Human Services LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: Grade 9 - $59,552.50 per annum JOB SUMMARY: This is a senior management and professional position with nationwide responsibility for the management and coordination of the various aspects of the health care system under the direct supervision of the Director of Health Services. JOB REFERENCE NO. KHB5-20-4

Occupational Therapist

MINISTRY: Health, Agriculture, Sports and Human Services DEPARTMENT: Special Needs Department/Snap Center LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: Grade 9.1 - $59,552.50 per annum JOB SUMMARY: This is a professional position, performing evaluations, developing and implementing effective patient treatment plans to restore, compensate or adapt for loss of patient function. JOB REFERENCE NO: KHB5-20-5

Director of Health Policy and Planning DEPARTMENT: Health Policy and Planning Unit MINISTRY: Ministry of Health, Agriculture and

Human Services LOCATION: Grand Turk SALARY: Grade 9 - $59,552.50 per annum plus allowances JOB SUMMARY: This is a senior management position with responsibility for leading the Health Policy and Planning Unit. JOB REFERENCE NO: KHB5-20-6

Farm Manager

MINISTRY: Health, Agriculture, Sports and Human Services DEPARTMENT: Agriculture Department LOCATION: North Caicos SALARY: Grade 7 $41,205.00 per annum plus allowances JOB SUMMARY: Farm manager is responsible for planning, organising and managing the activities of the government farm. JOB REFERENCE NO: KHB5-20-7

Quarantine Officer

MINISTRY: Health, Agriculture, Sports and Human Services DEPARTMENT: Agriculture Department LOCATION: Grand Turk SALARY: Grade 6 $33,415.00 per annum plus allowances JOB SUMMARY: To oversee and evaluate the trapping operations of the animal welfare unit and enforcement of animal control ordinances. JOB REFERENCE NO: KHB5-20-8

Deputy Epidemiologist

DEPARTMENT: National Epidemiology and Research Unit MINISTRY: Health, Agriculture, Sports and Human Services LOCATION: Grand Turk SALARY: Grade 8.1 - $51,147.50 per annum plus allowances JOB SUMMARY: To assist/support the National Epidemiologist to plan, develop and implement epidemiologic and research programmes under the auspices of the National Epidemiology and Research Unit. JOB REFERENCE NO: KHB5-20-9

Speech and Language Pathologist

MINISTRY: Health, Agriculture and Human Services DEPARTMENT: Special Needs Unit/SNAP Center LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: Grade 9 - $59,552.50 per annum plus allowances

JOB SUMMARY: This is a professional position, performing evaluations, developing and implementing effective patient treatment plans to restore, compensate or adapt for loss of patient function. JOB REFERENCE NO: KHB5-20-12

Registered Nurse

DEPARTMENT: Special Needs Unit MINISTRY: Health, Agriculture, Sports and Human Services LOCATION: Grand Turk SALARY: Grade 6 - $33,415.00 per annum plus allowances JOB SUMMARY: To provide professional support in the nursing service focused on promoting and restoring patients’ health. JOB REFERENCE NO: KHB5-20-13

Deputy Supervisor Wellness Center (TEMPORARY)

DEPARTMENT: Special Needs Unit MINISTRY: Health, Agriculture, Sports and Human Services LOCATION: South Caicos SALARY: Grade 6 - $33,415 per annum plus allowances


The job entails responsibility to assist the Supervisor with the management of the Wellness Centre/Special Needs Unit and ensuring quality care for all clients. JOB REFERENCE NO: KHB5-20-14, JCB5-20-61, CFB5-20-66

Administrative Assistant MINISTRY: Various LOCATION: Providenciales and Grand Turk SALARY: Grade 4 $21,935.00 Per annum

JOB SUMMARY: This is an administrative support position, which has responsibility for secretarial and administrative support functions in the office. JOB REFERENCE NO: KHB5-20-16

Deputy Contract Performance Manager MINISTRY: Health, Agriculture and Human Services DEPARTMENT: Contract Management Unit LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: Grade 8 - $51,147.50 per annum

JOB SUMMARY: The incumbent is required to monitor and coordinate the implementation of all obligations under the Public-

January 25-31, 2020




(APPLICATION DEADLINE: 31st JANUARY 2020) Private Partnership (PPP) hospital project agreement and other Pay for Performance contracts entered into by the MOHAHS.

populations and underserved communities receive proper medical attention.


Environmental Health Officer


Clinical Nurse/Midwife

DEPARTMENT: Health, Promotion and Advocacy Unit MINISTRY: Health, Agriculture, Sports and Human Services LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: Grade 5 - $26,650.00 per annum JOB SUMMARY This is a professional nursing position with responsibility for HIV/AIDS/STI patient health care in the HIV Prevention Unit, Primary Health Care clinics and the community at large. JOB REFERENCE NO: KHB95-20-19

Clinical Nurse

DEPARTMENT: Special Needs Unit/Wellness Center MINISTRY: Health, Agriculture, Sports and Human Services LOCATION: South Caicos (SNU) SALARY: Grade 5 - $26,650.00 per annum plus allowances JOB SUMMARY: This a professional nursing position with basic level responsibility for patient/client health care in the Special Needs Unit /Wellness Center. JOB REFERENCE NO: KHB5-20-20

Animal Health Officer

DEPARTMENT: Agriculture Department MINISTRY: Health, Agriculture, Sports & Human Services LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: Grade 6 - $33,415 per annum plus allowances JOB SUMMARY: This is a supervisory position within the Animal Health Services Division. JOB REFERENCE NO: KHB5-20-22

Program Officer

MINISTRY: Health, Agriculture, Sports and Human Services DEPARTMENT: Health, Promotion and Advocacy Unit LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: Grade 6 - $33,415.00 per annum plus allowances JOB SUMMARY: Under supervision, implements the youth and community HIV/AIDS oriented programs for compliance with national, regional and international guidelines. JOB REFERENCE NO: KHB5-20-23

Community Health Aide

MINISTRY: Health Agriculture, Sports and Human Services DEPARTMENT: Primary Health Care Department LOCATION: Salt Cay SALARY: Grade 4 - $21,935.00 per annum JOB SUMMARY: This is a practical position, with basic level responsibility for ensuring that culturally diverse


MINISTRY: Health, Agriculture, Sports and Human Services DEPARTMENT: Environmental Health Department LOCATION: Various SALARY: Grade 6 - $33,415.00 per annum plus allowances JOB SUMMARY: The incumbent in this position will ensure that Public and Environmental Health and sanitation Standards are adhered to in all areas, both public and private. JOB REFERENCE NO: KHB5-20-25

Vector Control Officer

MINISTRY: Health, Agriculture, Sports and Human Services DEPARTMENT: Environmental Health Department LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: Grade 4 - $21,935.00 per annum JOB SUMMARY: The incumbent in this position will be responsible for the control of disease-carrying mosquitoes and other vectors that pose a threat to public health within the Turks and Caicos Islands. JOB REFERENCE NO: LWB5-20-26

Assistant Teacher

MINISTRY: Education, Youth, Culture, Social and Library Services DEPARTMENT: Education LOCATION: Providenciales and Grand Turk SALARY: Grade 5 - $26,650.00 per annum plus allowances JOB SUMMARY: This is a paraprofessional position which has responsibility for working under a teacher’s supervision to give students additional attention and instruction. JOB REFERENCE NO: LWB5-20-27/28/29/30/33

Graduate Secondary Teacher

SUBJECT AREAS: Music, Social Studies & Geography, Chemistry & Physics, Integrated Science, Information Technology DEPARTMENT: Education Department LOCATION: Various SALARY: $35,926.25 per annum plus allowances JOB SUMMARY: This is a specialist position which has unit level responsibility for the teaching of one or more of the school’s curriculum subjects to students. JOB REFERENCE NO: LWB5-20-31/32

Graduate Primary Teacher (Lower Primary) DEPARTMENT: Education Department MINISTRY: Education, Youth, Culture, Social and Library Services LOCATION: Providenciales (Oseta Jolly Primary School) SALARY: $35,926.25 per annum plus allowances

JOB SUMMARY: This is a professional position which has responsibility for the instruction and supervision of students in primary schools. JOB REFERENCE NO: LWB5-20-34

Truancy Officer

MINISTRY: Education, Youth, Culture, Social & Library Services LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: $21,935.00 per annum JOB SUMMARY: To ensure that all students between the age of 4 – 16 attend school during school hours. JOB REFERENCE NO: LWB5-20-36

School Warden (Primary School)

MINISTRY: Education, Youth, Culture, Social & Library Services DEPARTMENT: Education Department – Ianthe Pratt Primary School LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: $21,935.00 per annum JOB SUMMARY: This is a supervisory position responsible primarily for the safety of pupils crossing the road at a designated point or points on their journeys to and from school and ensuring that pupils remain in class while school is in session. JOB REFERENCE NO: CBB5-20-37

Electrical Inspector

DEPARTMENT: Planning Department LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: Grade 5 $26,650.00 per annum JOB SUMMARY: This is a senior level technical support position with responsibility for the electrical inspection of new and existing electrical installations, and equipment, to ensure compliance with the National Electrical Code for workmanship and safety factors. JOB REFERENCE NO: CBB5-20-38

Assistant Deputy Director

DEPARTMENT: Public Works Ministry: Infrastructure, Housing, Planning and Development LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: Grade 8 $51,147.50 per annum JOB SUMMARY: The Assistant Deputy Director is expected to assist in providing the leadership necessary to ensure that development and maintenance works programmes reflect the realistic aspirations of Government and are implemented to time and budget. JOB REFERENCE NO: CBB5-20-39 and CFB5-2072


DEPARTMENT: Public Works Department and Water Undertaking LOCATION: Grand Turk SALARY: Grade 4 $21,935.00 per annum JOB SUMMARY:


January 25-31, 2020



(APPLICATION DEADLINE: 31st JANUARY 2020) The post holder is responsible provide support to the Water Undertaking in dealing with all jobs associated with the pipe distribution network – fixing leaks, installation of service connections, disconnections and reconnections. This post will assist with the general maintenance of the entire distribution network. JOB REFERENCE NO: CBB5-20-41

Assistant Architect

MINISTRY: Infrastructure, Housing, Planning and Development LOCATION: Grand Turk SALARY: Grade 6 $33,415.00 per annum JOB SUMMARY: The Assistant Architect is responsible for assisting with the design of Government architectural works across the islands. JOB REFERENCE NO: CBB5-20-42

Public Prosecutor

DEPARTMENT: Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: Grade 8.1 $ 51,147.50 per annum JOB SUMMARY: This professional position has system wide responsibility for conducting prosecutions at all levels of Court, including Magistrates Court, Supreme Court and Court of Appeal. JOB REFERENCE NO: CBB4-20-43

Senior Compliance Officer

MINISTRY: Attorney General Chambers DEPARTMENT: Crown Land Unit LOCATION: Grand Turk SALARY: GRADE 6 $33,415.00 per annum JOB SUMMARY: The Senior Land Compliance Officer is a middle level post in the Crown Land Unit. JOB REFERENCE NO: CBB5-20-44

Senior District Surveyor MINISTRY: Attorney General Chambers DEPARTMENT: Survey and Mapping LOCATION: Grand Turk SALARY: GRADE 6 $33,415.00 per annum

JOB SUMMARY: The successful candidate will be responsible to assist management in the effective execution of the Surveying and Mapping operations and functions. JOB REFERENCE NO: CBB5-20-45

Registrar of Lands

MINISTRY: Attorney General Chambers DEPARTMENT: Survey and Mapping LOCATION: Grand Turk SALARY: Grade 9 $59,552.00 per annum JOB SUMMARY: Organizational management and leadership of the Land Registry. JOB REFERENCE NO: CFB5-20-46

Senior Programme and Policy Manager

DEPARTMENT: Disaster Management and Emergencies LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: Grade 7 $41,205.00 per annum + allowances JOB SUMMARY: This position is responsible for the administration and management of the Department of Disaster Management and Emergencies’ policy and Plan Development program. JOB REFERENCE NO: CFB5-20-47

Coastal Engineer

DEPARTMENT: Department of Environment and Coastal Resources LOCATION: Grand Turk SALARY: Grade 8 - $51,147.50 per annum JOB SUMMARY: This is position has nationwide responsibility to ensure that development activities are accordance with sound environmental engineering principles and promote environmental sustainability. JOB REFERENCE NO: CFB5-20-48

Coastal Infrastructure and Parks Supervisor (CIPS) MINISTRY: Tourism, Environment, Heritage, Maritime, Disaster Management and Gaming DEPARTMENT: Department of Environment and Coastal Resources LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: Grade 6 - $33,415.00 per annum

JOB SUMMARY The incumbent provides island-wide and national significance and is mandated to assist in the planning, directing, promotion and implementation of DECR’s management of the non-protected coastal areas, Protected Areas, and fisheries infrastructures. JOB REFERENCE NO: CCFB5-20-49

Director of Maritime

MINISTRY: Tourism, Environment, Heritage, Maritime, Disaster Management and Gaming DEPARTMENT: Maritime LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: Grade 9 - $59,552.50 per annum JOB SUMMARY: The post is a senior management position mandated to oversee the efficient enforcement of applicable maritime laws and proper implementation of the duties and responsibilities of the Department. JOB REFERENCE NO: CFB5-20-50

Scientific Officer (Fisheries)

MINISTRY: Tourism, Environment, Heritage, Maritime, Disaster Management and Gaming DEPARTMENT: Department of Environment and Coastal Resources (DECR) LOCATION: South Caicos SALARY Grade 6 $33,415.00 per annum JOB SUMMARY: This is a mid-level position with nationwide responsibility to oversee scientific and monitoring activities of the Department. The job holder will provide science-based advice on various issues affecting environmental integrity in TCI.


Jnr. Conservation Officer MINISTRY: Tourism, Environment, Heritage, Maritime, Disaster Management and Gaming DEPARTMENT: Department of Environment and Coastal Resources (DECR) LOCATION: South Caicos SALARY: Grade 4 - $21,935.00 per annum

JOB SUMMARY: The incumbent supports the Conservation Officers who are responsible for the enforcement of pertinent environmental laws and maritime laws in TCI. JOB REFERENCE NO:


Accounts Officer

MINISTRY: Finance, Trade and Investment DEPARTMENT: Accountant General Department LOCATION: Grand Turk SALARY: GRADE 5.1- $26,650.00 per annum JOB SUMMARY: This is an accounting support position. JOB REFERENCE NO: JCB5-20-53

Senior Finance Officer

MINISTRY: Finance, Trade and Investment DEPARTMENT: Accountant General Department LOCATION: Grand Turk SALARY: GRADE 7.1- $41,205.00 per annum JOB SUMMARY: The incumbent will provide financial support to the Ministry/Administrative Unit assigned on all financial matters pertaining to that portfolio (including all departments and sections). JOB REFERENCE NO: JCB5-20-54

Canine Enforcement Officer

MINISTRY: Finance, Trade and Investment DEPARTMENT: Customs Department LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: GRADE 5.1- $26,650.00 per annum JOB SUMMARY: The incumbent will be responsible for the operational deployment of their canine and daily care, feeding and exercise of the canine. Additionally, the incumbent will be responsible for general Customs duties. JOB REFERENCE NO: JCB5-20-55


MINISTRY: Finance, Trade and Investment DEPARTMENT: Statistics Department LOCATION: Grand Turk SALARY: GRADE 6.1 $33,415.00 per annum JOB SUMMARY: This is a specialist position with system wide responsibility for shaping statistical information and economic policies. JOB REFERENCE NO: JCB5-20-56

Crown Counsel

MINISTRY: Finance, Trade and Investment LOCATION: Grand Turk SALARY: GRADE 8.1 $51,147.50 per annum JOB SUMMARY: The job holder in this position must be able to provide legal advice to the Turks and Caicos Islands

January 25-31, 2020




(APPLICATION DEADLINE: 31st JANUARY 2020) Government Ministry of Finance, Investment and Trade as it relates to a wide range of Government financial and taxation matters.

SALARY: GRADE 5.1 - $26,650.00 per annum


JOB SUMMARY: This is an administrative support position which has departmental responsibility in assisting the department of Registration and Citizenship in the execution of various documents.

MINISTRY: Finance, Trade and Investment LOCATION: Grand Turk SALARY: GRADE 8.1 $51,147.50 Per annum


Finance Manager

JOB SUMMARY: The incumbent has a responsibility for compliance with the TCI Public Service budgetary and financial policy such as revenue generation, cost containment and delivery of other budget targets. JOB REFERENCE NO: JCB5-20-58

Exchange of Information Officer

MINISTRY: Finance, Trade and Investment DEPARTMENT: Exchange of Information Unit LOCATION: Grand Turk SALARY: GRADE 8.1 $51,147.50 Per annum JOB SUMMARY: The incumbent will be responsible for assisting with the full range of competent authority functions. JOB REFERENCE NO: JCB5-20-59

Research & Planning Officer

MINISTRY: Immigration, Citizenship, Labour & Employment Services DEPARTMENT: Employment Services Department LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: GRADE 6.1- $33,415.00 per annum JOB SUMMARY: This incumbent is to undertake research and evaluation activities. JOB REFERENCE NO: JCB5-20-60

Customer Service Centre Supervisor

MINISTRY: Immigration, Citizenship, Labour & Employment Services DEPARTMENT: Customer Service Center LOCATION: Grand Turk SALARY: GRADE 7.1- $41,205.00 per annum JOB SUMMARY: This strategic position exists to ensure that the Department of Customer Services Center and the Ministry of Border Control and Employment provide reliable and efficient customer service to support the Turks and Caicos Islands’ business environment. JOB REFERENCE NO: JCB5-20-63

Citizenship Caseworker MINISTRY: Immigration, Citizenship, Labour & Employment Services DEPARTMENT: Registration and Citizenship Department LOCATION: Grand Turk

Human Resources Compliance Officer

MINISTRY: Deputy Governor’s Office DEPARTMENT: Human Resource Management Directorate LOCATION: Grand Turk SALARY: $51,148.00 per annum plus allowances JOB SUMMARY: The Incumbent confidentially performs technical, analytical, monitoring and reporting tasks with regard to Human Resource programs, systems and records. JOB REFERENCE NO: CFB5-20-65

Energy and Utilities Commissioner

MINISTRY: Home Affairs, Public Utilities and Transportation DEPARTMENT: Energy and Utilities LOCATION: Grand Turk SALARY: Grade 10 - $73,185.00 per annum JOB SUMMARY: This senior level management position is responsible for the nationwide multi sector regulatory oversight of the Energy and Electricity, Water and Sewerage and the Petroleum Sectors of the TCI. JOB REFERENCE NO: CFB5-20-67

Prison Maintenance Manager

DEPARTMENT: Her Majesty’s Prison Service MINISTRY: Home Affairs, Public Utilities and Transportation LOCATION: Grand Turk SALARY: Grade 6 $33,415.00 per annum plus allowances JOB SUMMARY: To support the Superintendent of Prisons to maintain security, control, supervision and the Maintenance of the establishment. JOB REFERENCE NO: CFB5-20-68

Prison Officer

DEPARTMENT: Her Majesty’s Prison Service MINISTRY: Home Affairs, Public Utilities and Transportation LOCATION: Grand Turk SALARY: Grade 5 $26,650.00 per annum plus allowances JOB SUMMARY: To support the Superintendent of Prisons to maintain security, control, supervision and the safe custody of offenders.


Clerical Assistant

MINISTRY: Education, Youth, Culture, Social and Library Services DEPARTMENT: Education Department LOCATION: Providenciales (Enid Capron Primary School) SALARY: $16,707.50 per annum JOB SUMMARY: The incumbent in this position will be responsible for clerical and administrative tasks to support the daily functions of the Office. JOB REFERENCE NO: CFB5-20-70

Assistant Director (Fisheries, Protected Areas and Revenue)

MINISTRY: Tourism, Environment, Heritage, Maritime, Disaster Management and Gaming DEPARTMENT: Department of Environment and Coastal Resources (DECR) LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: Grade 7 - $41,205.00 per annum JOB SUMMARY: This post supports the Director in terms of the management of the fisheries, Protected Areas and revenue collection. It is a senior management position with responsibility to oversee the management and enforcement of environmental and maritime laws in the TCI and revenue generation. The Assistant Director supports the Director to carry out strategic planning towards proper management of the protected areas and efficient income collection. JOB REFERENCE NO: JCB5-20-71

Customer Service Clerk DEPARTMENT: Customer Service Center MINISTRY: Immigration, Citizenship, Labour and Employment Services LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: Grade 4.1- $21,935.00 per annum JOB SUMMARY: The incumbent will be responsible for answering queries both locally and internationally within the Ministry of Border Control Customer Service Department known as the One Stop Shop. JOB REFERENCE NO: CBB5-20-73


DEPARTMENT: Estate’s Department MINISTRY: Office of the Deputy Premier, Ministry of Infrastructure, Housing, Planning and Development LOCATION: Various SALARY: Grade 1 $499.69 biweekly JOB SUMMARY: The cleaning services for government buildings and offices are centralized under the Ministry of Government Support Services which assigns cleaners to the different ministries and offices.

For full details regarding these positions please visit our website at PLEASE NOTE: (Applications that are not accompanied by all required supporting documents will not be processed). (APPLICATION DEADLINE: 31st JANUARY 2020)



January 25-31, 2020

JOB ADVERTISEMENT Wymara Resort and Villas is a contemporary luxury full-service boutique resort on Grace Bay Beach. We are looking for driven and energetic professionals with Five Star experience and who are committed to achieving excellence by ensuring Five Star standards and services are continuously delivered.

General Manager

Place of Work: Overall operations OVERALL SCOPE AND RESPONSIBILITY: The General Manager is overall responsible for providing all guests with quality service while maximizing room revenue, overlooking sales, marketing and productivity, developing managers and employees. Researching and identifying growth opportunities generating reports and giving presentations. Duties for the General Manager creating and managing budget formulating policies, overseeing daily business operations, monitoring and motivating staff. The General Manager will also be hiring and training employees the candidate for this role should possess excellent communication skills, superior knowledge of business functions and enhance the resort image and meet overall growth objectives. MAIN DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITIES INCLUDE, BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO: Operational • Coordinating the organization and administrative functions in all areas of the Resort and Villas • Develop hotel website and imagery with marketing companies • Ensuring that staffing is maintained at an appropriate level to match business demand • Participating in all regular operational meetings and in the formulation of strategic business plans • Meet with Chief financial controller to assess company performance • Handling all guest complaints expeditiously to complete resolution • Design and implement strategic plans to reach sales targets • Closely monitoring the financials of all departments to ensure that they are kept in line with budget • Developing departmental strategies • Assist in the preparation of hotel budgets and forecasts for corporate submission and approvals • Providing solutions to improve problem areas and assisting in implementing corrective measures • Ensuring that the reservation process runs smoothly and in sync with the Front Office • Leads department heads to ensure overall profit, service and team member satisfaction goals are met • Speaks with and responds to guests regarding service challenges • Facilitates hotel meetings (i.e. Executive Team; Staff Meeting; All Team Member Meetings, etc.) • Hires, supervises, coaches, disciplines and conducts performance evaluations for department heads • Develops the skills and abilities of direct reports • Monitors department heads and team member activity and ensures their growth within the company • Communicates with executive team regarding implementing standards, procedures and policies. • Provides feedback on companywide initiatives.

GENERAL The individual must possess the following knowledge, skills and abilities and be able to explain and demonstrate that he or she can perform the essential functions of the job, with or without reasonable accommodation, using some other combination of skills and abilities. • Ability to perform critical analysis • Ability to read, listen and communicate effectively in English both verbally and in writing in order to prepare official memorandum and correspondence as well as provide clear and meaningful instructions, guidance and counseling to all team members • Ability to manage extensive amounts of information and provides constructive feedback/direction • Extensive knowledge of hotel operations, F&B operations, Engineering, sales & marketing, Human resources and hotel financial processes and analysis • Solid experience in management of Front Office, Housekeeping and F&B • Excellent guest service and problem resolution skills • Flexibility and always available to meet the demands of a 24-hour operation • An expert in communication skills, in training and managing multi-lingual associates • Excellent organizational and administrative skills • Natural leadership qualities with the ability to give clear, concise instructions • High level of integrity, good manners and show initiative • Strong yield management skills and ability of cost control • Considerable ability to listen effectively. • Ability to work effectively both independently and as a team • Ability to delegate manages and organizes projects and establishes priorities consistent with company objectives • Ability to effectively deal with owners, customers and team members, some of whom will require high levels of patience, tact and diplomacy • Ability to manage multiple projects, meet and work effectively under time and resource constraints QUALIFICATIONS: • Experienced hospitality executive with minimum 10 years five-star international management success – Caribbean experience desirable with 3-5 years management in each departmental discipline. Thorough knowledge of resort front office, housekeeping and F&B procedures, operations and equipment, engineering and information technology with the ability to execute all aspects • Prior experience working in a 4- or 5-Star Forbes rated property and very knowledgeable of Forbes 5 Star Standards with ability to train and monitor on the Forbes standards • Financial, Business and/or Hospitality Management degree or equivalent experience, with a passion for customer service • Exceptional leadership skills with a proven record of providing consistently high guest experience standards balanced with operational efficiencies.

• Demonstrated success at delivering results through establishment of standard procedures, disciplined coaching and management. • Proven ability to develop business plans and budgets, and effectively monitor performance to meet objectives • Energetic, results driven leader with collaborative approach; focused on empowering people; developing skill in others through coaching, training and experiential learning. • Sense for perfection and attention to detail • Self-motivated and dependable with an exceptional work ethic and strong problem-solving skills • Proficiency with general office PC applications (i.e. Microsoft Office software and Opera) to prepare reports, employee schedules, inventories, budgets as required. • Proficiency with use of Knowcross, Salto key system and Concierge Assistant. • Professional appearance and demeanor • Must be fluent in English. Additional languages desirable. • College Degree in Business or Hotel Operations preferred Base Range: $100K - $120K per year

*Domestic Worker:

Report directly to the Assist Director of Housekeeping. Responsible for the overall cleanliness of assigned rooms and provide a pleasant, comfortable experience for guest. To clean and maintain all public areas (i.e. hotel lobby, restrooms) and to promote a positive image of the property to guests for a better hotel rating score. Compensation: $6.25 per hour.

*Food & Beverage Manager:

The Food & Beverage Manger is responsible for leading the food and beverage staff and oversees daily operations of the restaurant. Responsible for ensuring the highest level of service by overseeing all aspects of the department and meeting all financial. The Food & Beverage Manager make sure everyone is trained on food preparation. EXPERIENCE: 2-4 years’ Experience in Management role; degree from an accredited degree in Food and Beverage, Hospitality, or related major. Oversee food and liquor operations and purchasing supply. Ability to recruit new staff, managing the department, and marketing, advertising the department., Excellent problem solving and proficient in computer software including Microsoft word and Excel. Ability to effectively communicate verbally and non-verbally with others. QUALIFICATIONS: • Ability to manage multiple projects and implement effective solutions. • Excellent communication, coaching and leadership skills. • Must be computer literate; must be proficient in Micros and Microsoft Suite • Must have the stamina to work long hours due to Operation’s needs.


JOB ADVERTISEMENT • Good organizational skills for dealing with diverse duties and staff. • Knowledge of varying brands and quality of liquors. • Ability to train newly recruited team members. • Possess knowledgeable of daily food and beverage operations to schedule staff according to hotel occupancy. RESPONSIBILITIES • Ensure all team members are in proper uniform and adhere to the Wymara appearance standards • Creates, maintains and distributes weekly schedules for team members • Conducts pre-shifts meeting with all team members • Conducts monthly inventories for the department • Budget preparation and cost analysis and payroll • Enforcing the correct standards for food and safety regulations of the restaurant. • Responsible for interviewing and hiring new team members training them for their role • Oversee the preparation of food and drinks, and ensure the restaurant standards are being kept • Oversees daily operations of the restaurants Base Range: $40k - $50k per year Positions with * are currently being held by a work permit holder. Interested applicants can contact our Human Resources Department, Monday through Friday 9am to 5pm on (649)941-7555. E- Mail cover letter outlining your interest and supporting experience in a particular position along with your Resume or C.V. to

*Corporate Manager:

Oversees daily activities of the Guest experience to provide guidance and leadership to all staff. Responsible to ensure consistent quality of customer service is provided to all guests in accordance with Wymara standards. The Manager is responsible to coordinate and plan executive meeting and provide strong assistance for Executive assistant manager. RESPONSIBILITIES

• Delivering an increase in the Trip advisor for Wymara resort • Develop long-range business plans. • Develop and implement policies • Ensure the department runs smooth and successfully • Analyze departmental problems and find solutions • Assist with budge and financial projects • Actively assist all department with revenue cost center • Conduct Department meeting with staff • Make important administrative decisions • Liaise with all departments on activities successfully promote event with guest QUALIFICATIONS: • Must have Hotel Group Management experience. • Must be a Certified Concierge • Bachelor’s degree in hospitality management • 8 - 10 years’ experience in a luxury 5 Star Resort environment with experience in Concierge and Management. • Strong leadership skills with the ability to recruit, train, develop, mentor and motivate a team. • Self-motivated and dependable with an exceptional work ethic and strong problem-solving skills. Must be experienced in conflict resolution. • 3 years’ experience using MS Office, Opera PMS, Micros POS and Concierge Assistant. Prior administrator for CA web. • Ability to prepare reports, effectively present information, and provide timely response to queries. • Ability to effectively deal with colleagues and customers, some of whom require high levels of patience, tact and diplomacy to defuse anger and collect accurate information. • Ability to stand at least 10 hours a day and work up to a 12-hour shift daily. • Prior experience working in a 5-star Forbes rated property • International experience inclusive of the USA • Thorough knowledge of Wymara Brand Standards • Deadlines oriented with the ability to multi-task and establish priorities. Base Range: $40k - $50k per year



89 Lower Bight RD, The Bight, Providenciales is seeking to employ a


– New Work Permit Take care of the church, Cleaning inside and outside the property. Dispose of trash Salary $6.25 per hour

CONTACT: 649 241 3476 Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department




• Diving and catching fish. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week. Salary based on experience

CONTACT: 241-4881

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board


MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN • Assistant to the Maintenance Supervisor. • Work to diagnose, repair and maintain all electronic & mechanical commercial laundry, dry-cleaning and affiliated equipment such as boilers, compressors, hydraulic pumps etc. • Min 6 years experience in mechanical and electrical maintenance.

• University or College certificate required. • Work flexible shifts including nights and on-call. • Must be fluent in English. • Must have exceptional computer and diagnostic skills. • Must be self-motivated, hardworking and reliable. • Starting pay rate: $9.00/hour.

Deliver resume to #11 Village St. Grace Bay, Provo or email to or call 432-1797. Please deliver or fax copy to TCI Labour Office: 649-946-4164


Unit F103 Regent Street, Grace Bay, Providenciales

Spa Therapist

Delivering a variety of spa services (body treatments, massages, facials, waxing and manicure/pedicure) in a safe and comfortable manner. Maintaining equipment and sample inventory of products. Acknowledging and responding to relevant customer queries, needs and expectations. Salary: $1,600 monthly

CONTACT: 245-1515 Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder


January 25-31, 2020

HORIZON CONSTRUCTION LTD. #101 Grace Bay Suite, Grace Bay, Providenciales, 946-5414 Seeks to Employ a

INTERIOR SUPERVISOR - Responsible for supervising all building projects and team responsible for interior finishing. - Ensure a consistently high standard of work is produced in accordance with specification of drawings and quality standards through regular quality inspections with sub-contractors and site manager; - Direct and supervise day to day operations of sub-contractors and company team to ensure appliance of common operational procedures are adhered to and projects are on schedule; - Ensure material requisitions are issued in adequate time to achieve the Construction work schedule; - Schedule, control and monitor all interior finishing projects and materials on a weekly basis - Must be able to prepare material list for each job based on drawings; measure work completed by subcontractors to ensure that they are paid for works completed; - Record staff hours and prepare time-sheets for payroll. Position requires working 44hrs weekly plus some holidays and weekends Wages: $25 per hour This position is being advertised for a work permit renewal.

Interested applicants can contact our Human Resources Department, Monday through Friday 9am to 5pm on (649)941-7555. E- Mail cover letter outlining your interest and supporting experience in a particular position along with your Resume or C.V. to

Qualified Belongers are encouraged to deliver resume to the Labor Department, Providenciales and Horizon Construction office. Or by emailing:




Bottle Creek, North Caicos Is seeking to employ a




Applicant must have: Proof of formal mechanical education, Mechanical experience Duties: Troubleshooting and maintenance Vehicles, • Salary $10 per hour • Belongers are encouraged to send copy of their • Resumes to Labour Department,

• Duties: Clean store, • Maintaining a clean and organized surrounding etc. • Salary $6.50 per hour Belongers are encouraged to send copy of their Resumes to Labour Department,

Contact: 649 331 8260

Currently held by W/P Holder 20219



NORTH BACK SALINA GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a

LABOURER Duties: To clean maintain

Premises after work each Day, to assist the mason and Carpenter as needed. SALARY: $6.50 per hour.

CONTACT: 246-6120

Belongers are encouraged To send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board. This is a first time work permit application.




Duties: Cleaning mopping Dusting, sweeping and Polishing and other household Chores. Salary: $6.50 per hour.

CONTACT: 245-5490

Belongers are encouraged to Send a copy of their resume To the Labour Board. This is a first time work Permit application. 20222

January 25-31, 2020






fix and maintain mechanical equipment, buildings, and machines. Tasks include plumbing work, painting, flooring repair and upkeep to apartment Salary: $8 hourly 6 days per week

CONTACT: 342-5757

This position is for a first time applicant. Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board


TURKS & CAICOS REALTY LTD. Is seeking a Part-time


Duties to include but not limited to: • General office and household cleaning and maintenance • Occasional child care and pet care • Catering and shopping services on call • Laundry and delivery

services • Hourly rate $10. Minimum of 10 hours per week • Must speak and read English • Must have own transportation and cell phone • Must have a minimum of 10 years’ experience

This position is for work permit renewal interested Belongers are encourage to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department

Please send resume to PO Box 279, Venture House, Grace Bay Rd Phone: 649.946.4474 20225


South East Suburbs, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a


Duties: Mix and Serve drinks and Cocktails, keep bar and Table areas clean. Salary: $6.50 per hour

CONTACT: 241-4979

Belongers are encouraged to Send a copy of their resume To the Labour Board. This is A first time work permit application. 20209





Duncombe Alley, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a

Duties: Greet customers Receive payments by cash, Credit cards and cheques, Issue receipts and change.


Duties: Clean, sweep, mop Keep general areas clean. SALARY: $6.50 per hour.

CONTACT: 243-2928

East Suburbs, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ

DUTIES: Provide security services For various businesses and personnel Around the island. Patrolling properties Inspecting buildings and equipment. SALARY: $7.50 per hour

CONTACT: 242-6408


Breezy Brae, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a


Duties: To clean maintain Premises after work each Day, to do any necessary Repairs. SALARY: $6.50 per hour.

CONTACT: 245-0422

Belongers are encouraged To send copy of their resume To The Labour Board. This a First time work permit application.

Belongers are asked to submit a Copy of their resume to the Labour Board. These are first time Work Permit applications

Belongers are encouraged To send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board. This is a first time work permit application.

ISLANDE ESTIMOND GEDEON Ralph Close, Blue Hills Is seeking to employ a





• Help the patient get dressed, eat, bathe and complete light housekeeping duties, such as dishes or folding laundry. Plan, prepare and monitor meals. Run errands, remind patients of medications. • To work 5 days a week Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 244-3444

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 20239



Upstairs Unit #6 Kew Plaza, Walter Cox Dr., Kew Town Is seeking to employ


• Cutting, trimming, shampooing, and styling hair, trimming beards, or giving shaves. Clean and sterilize scissors, combs, clippers, and other instruments. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $7 hourly

CONTACT: 3463791 OR 441-3791

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 20234

Over Back, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a


Duties: Cleaning mopping Dusting, sweeping and Polishing and other household Chores. Salary: $6.50 per hour.

CONTACT: 342-9546 Belongers are encouraged to Send a copy of their resume To the Labour Board. This is a first time work Permit application.



Hospital Road, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a


Duties: To fix, maintain Building problems and yard Maintenance as necessary. SALARY: $7.50 per hour

CONTACT: 232-1400

Belongers are encouraged To send a copy of their Resume to the Employment Services Office. This is a first Time application. 20214

Technical Pre Sales Engineer Direct Report to the Head of Business Sales


The Technical Pre Sales Engineer will be responsible for the management and deployment of ICT solutions. They will work with the Business sales team to provide technical solutions and products. This will include but not limited to Cloud based Corporate networks, PBXs, DIA, and to assist in the design and implementation. They will provide first-line identification and resolution of faults, and ensure that all required documentation is maintained in a timely basis.


LAQUITA GLINTON-PARAGH East Suburbs, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a


Duties: Cleaning mopping Dusting, sweeping and Polishing and other household Chores. Salary: $6.50 per hour.

CONTACT: 243-1826

Belongers are encouraged to Send a copy of their resume To the Labour Board. This Position is held by a work Permit holder. 20223

KINGSLEY LABORDE Middle Street, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a


Duties: Performing a variety of Housekeeping chores such as Sweeping, mopping, dusting and Polishing to ensure all rooms are Made-up and kept tidy. SALARY: $7.50 per hour

CONTACT: 243-1139

Belongers are encouraged to Submit a copy of their resume To the Employment Services Office. This is a first time application. 20213

KIGMOA & MAYRA CONTRACTORS East Suburbs, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a


Duties: To clean maintain Premises after work each Day, to assist the skilled Workers and do any necessary Repairs. SALARY: $6.50 per hour.

CONTACT: 232-6429

Belongers are encouraged To send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board. This is a first time work permit application. 20208

• Developing relationships with TCI Business’s and Government ICT departments with Digicel’s Business Solutions ICT Team • Provide consultancy, design and development services to Digicel’s Corporate Clients • Support the ICT Solutions Sales team on all technical Sales Opportunities • Act as a technical resource to both internal and external clients • Drive multi service ICT revenues on multi year contracts for Business Voice, Data VPN, Internet, Data Hosting, IP PBX services. • Work with internal and external resources to develop solutions for corporate clients • Interface directly with customers on technical issues where necessary • Attend customer sites and present on Digicel capabilities and future plans • Assist in the design of networks, services, systems architecture, systems as well as the development and integration of overall solutions • Activities will include analysis, design (both for high and lower level solutions), development, testing/integration and maintenance/support • Complete CRM and prospecting reports for the ICT Solutions Manager






Behind Paula Ruth house Five Cays, Providenciales 347-0913



#29 Down Town


Saturday February 22nd, 2020 9am to 2pm WC Security Services Offices Long Bay Hills, (Opposite the Storage Place)

Pump gas. Contact: 241-2040

If you are interested in becoming a security officer and have the necessary skills, qualifications and attitude please come along. Bring your Passport, references and a Police Record if you have them and be prepared to complete an application form and undergo an interview. Turks Islanders only need apply If successful applicants will be required to work shifts across 24/7 and be prepared to work outside in various weather and sometimes adverse environmental conditions. 20231

For more information call 649 333- 6577 email:

Acting on behalf of


assist with medication, doctor visit, purchase medication, Clean his property when needed Pay: 6.25 per hour Renewal, Belonger will be given first preference



A103 Graceway, IGA


Stocking and supplying designated facility areas, dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, restroom cleaning etc. Contact: 241-2040


Cooper Jack Bay


install materials on a variety of surfaces, such as floors, walls, ceilings, countertops, patios, and roof decks. Level the surface to be tiled with a layer of mortar or plywood. Contact: 343-3414


Grace Bay Road, Opposite Robbie Been Plaza

CRAFT MAKER - $7 HOURLY Making craft from metal. Contact: 346-6622

Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board These positions are currently held by work permit holders


January 25-31, 2020



Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Type: Permanent Location: Digicel TCI, Graceway House Leeward Highway, Providenciales Turks and Caicos Islands RESPONSIBILITY • Develop, implement and monitor the financial controls and procedures of the company and ensuring consistency of accounting policy and procedures. • Recruit, train and ensure the day to day management of the Finance team. • Provide monthly, quarterly and annual financial reporting to the Shareholders through the Digicel Group structure. • Actively participate in the company financial matters and maintain relationships with financial institutions. • Operational cash-flow management and balance sheet control. • Review Monthly board reports. • Present the monthly performance of the business to the board and develop initiatives to improve the business performance. • Present and liaise with both local banks and international banks on financing requirements for the business. • Review of business plans for new projects. • Review annual budget for the market. • Ownership of budgeting and spend. • Prepare ad hoc reports for Group CFO. • Any other duties as assigned by any person duly authorized and identified by the Company. • This job description is not designed to cover or contain a comprehensive listing of activities, duties or responsibilities that are required of the employee for this job. Duties, responsibilities and activities may change at any time with or without notice. ACADEMIC QULIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE: • Must be qualified ACCA or CPA • Qualified CMA considered advantageous • Minimum 3-5 years experience in the position of CFO or in a similar position • Telecommunications experience is highly desirable. • Emerging markets experience is desirable REQUIRED SKILLS AND SPECIALIZED TECHNIQUES: • Staff management experience is essential, as is a strong grasp of modern reporting systems. • You must be willing and eager to contribute, as part of a senior management team, to the development of the markets in line with corporate objectives. • The challenge will be to impose tight financial controls while ensuring the rapid growth of the company and work to tight timelines. • Drive for results, sense of urgency, confidence, and passion for success are all attributes of the ideal candidate for this challenging and rewarding opportunity. • Ability to make excellent presentations of the financial results to the senior management team, Board of Directors and Shareholders. • Previous/ Current international experience will be an advantage.

PRE–SALES BUSINESS SOLUTIONS MANAGER Reports to: Head of Corporate Sales


The Role of the Pre-Sales Business Solutions Manager is to manage the ICT and Corporate development project in the Turks & Caicos supporting an effective & functioning ICT, and Corporate postpaid sales operations structure in the market. The successful candidate must, be able to meet tight reporting deadlines and have a strong work ethic and will be involved in: • Delivering an effective & functioning postpaid sales operations structure in each market • Identify & exploit local opportunities to drive corporate postpaid sales • To manage the rollout of new sales skill processes, reward structures, performance management/sales reporting structures and admin processes into Digicel markets • To adapt the above processes to fit into each markets culture • Refine the processes and document all improvements to allow best practice to be shared throughout all markets • Stay in the market after implementation to support the local team and ensure the new processes being used effectively at all levels • Measure the success of each initiative and report findings to Digicel Group • Evaluate, share and report on best practice from the markets In order to be a successful in this position, you must have a minimum of 5 years proven and demonstrable direct sales experience within an ICT and corporate postpaid telecommunications environment.


• multi site management, project management, training, and coaching & feedback experience. • You must have a proven ability to negotiate at all levels within the organization. Naturally you are required to have an excellent understanding of Cisco, Ruckus, Fortinet and corporate telecoms sales techniques & operational processes. You must be a team player with strong business and commercial awareness. Excellent communication, presentation and interpersonal skills are a must and you will be an organized self-starter with drive and initiative; analytical and creative skills and proven track record of achievement in Sales


Positions open to all qualified Turks and Caicos nationals. Salary range from $80,000.00 -102,000.00 per annum. Interested applicants can forward their resumes to and the Immigration board. The closing date for applications is January 31, 2020.


Interested applicants must forward a cover letter and resume for the attention of the Director Human Resources. Email address: hrtci@ The closing date for applications is January 31, 2020 20236


January 25-31, 2020


Science & Technology

Immune discovery ‘may treat all cancer’ He added: “Previously nobody believed this could be possible. “It raises the prospect of a ‘onesize-fits-all’ cancer treatment, a single type of T-cell that could be capable of destroying many different types of cancers across the population.” T-cells have “receptors” on their surface that allow them to “see” at a chemical level. The Cardiff team discovered a T-cell and its receptor that could find and kill a wide range of cancerous cells in the lab including lung, skin, blood, colon, breast, bone, prostate, ovarian, kidney and cervical cancer cells. Crucially, it left normal tissues untouched. Exactly how it does this is still being explored. This particular T-cell receptor interacts with a molecule called MR1, which is on the surface of every cell in the human body. It is thought MR1 is flagging the distorted metabolism going on inside a cancerous cell to the immune system. “We are the first to describe a T-cell that finds MR1 in cancer cells - that hasn’t been done before, this is the first of its kind,” research fellow



Over Back, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a

#674 Cox Building, Blue Hills Roundabout Is seeking to employ a



• Lifting and loading of furniture. • To work 6 days a week 10a.m-7p.m

Duties: Cleaning mopping Dusting, sweeping and Polishing and other household Chores. Salary: $6.50 per hour.


Sale of furniture and other merchandise.

CONTACT: 346-2450

CONTACT: 242-9472

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder 20283

Belongers are encouraged to Send a copy of their resume To the Labour Board. This is a first time work Permit application.

T-cells attack cancer cells.

Garry Dolton told the BBC. T-cell cancer therapies already exist and the development of cancer immunotherapy has been one of the most exciting advances in the field. The most famous example is CAR-T - a living drug made by genetically engineering a patient’s T-cells to seek out and destroy cancer. CAR-T can have dramatic results that transform some patients from being terminally ill to being in complete remission. However, the approach is highly specific and works in only a limited

number of cancers where there is a clear target to train the T-cells to spot. And it has struggled to have any success in “solid cancers” - those that form tumours rather than blood cancers such as leukaemia. The researchers say their T-cell receptor could lead to a “universal” cancer treatment. The idea is that a blood sample would be taken from a cancer patient. Their T-cells would be extracted and then genetically modified so they were reprogrammed to make the cancer-finding receptor.



Salary: $6.50 per hour


Salary for each $10.00 per hour Duties: Mix and Serve drinks. Provide Security Services. Wash, Cut and style hair. Provide nail treatments, groom and polish nails. Salary: $6.50 per hour

CONTACT: 232-1400

Belongers are encouraged to Send a copy of their resume To the Labour Board. These are first time work permit applications.


Y-A-3B CONSULTANCY Acting on behalf of

Long Bay, Providenciales, Is seeking to employ

Salary $7:00 per hour plus benefits Responsibilities include: Maintaining a safe and secure environment for customers/clients. Patrolling, deterrence, monitoring and securing properties and business establishments. Surveillance Skills, Deals with Threats, exercising excellent Judgment, Objectivity, Dependability, Conflict Management, Integrity, Safety Management, Professionalism, Reporting Skills, CCTV and Security Alarm knowledge are desirable.

Requires a

POND STREET, GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ the following:







Salary from $1500.00 plus benefits Responsible for identifying, developing, facilitating and monitoring training activities in our company. Assessing training needs, developing internal training programs or contracting external ones, facilitating learning, providing feedback, and monitoring outcomes. Essential qualifications are researching and planning abilities, excellent communication, and presentation skills, coaching, teamwork and problem-solving. Flexibility, knowledge in other fields and all aspects of security are an advantage.


Turks and Caicos Islanders are strongly encouraged to apply.


The upgraded cells would be grown in vast quantities in the laboratory and then put back into the patient. It is the same process used to make CAR-T therapies. However, the research has been tested only in animals and on cells in the laboratory, and more safety checks would be needed before human trials could start. Lucia Mori and Gennaro De Libero, from University of Basel in Switzerland, said the research had “great potential” but was at too early a stage to say it would work in all cancers. “We are very excited about the immunological functions of this new T-cell population and the potential use of their TCRs in tumour cell therapy,” they said. Daniel Davis, a professor of immunology at the University of Manchester, said: “At the moment, this is very basic research and not close to actual medicines for patients. “There is no question that it’s a very exciting discovery, both for advancing our basic knowledge about the immune system and for the possibility of future new medicines.” (BBC)

24 Bible Street, Marc Etienne Apt, Blue Hills

CARPENTER - $8 HOURLY Cut wood. 341-5535

B&D BEAUTY SALON Spot Plaza #6, Airport Road

NAIL TECHNICIAN - $7 HOURLY Nail polishing, acrylic and etc. Contact:341-2943

QUICK STEP SHOE REPAIR Aviation Drive, Five Cays

REPAIRMAN - $7 HOURLY Repair shoes. Contact: 231-6318

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board


DUTIES • Making beds and changing linens • Vacuuming and cleaning carpets & rug • Laundry duties • Keeping bathrooms, stocked with clean linens, toiletries and other supplies

• Cleaning and Sanitizing duties • Other duties will be listed in Job Description SALARY • $7.00 per hour • Work Schedule will be determine by House Keeping Supervisor.

Located: Gracebay, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Contact: 649-941-4667 OR Belongers and encouraged to send a copy on their Resume to Labor Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder


Morris Plaza, Airport Road, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a


Stocking and supplying designated facility areas, dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, cleaning ceiling vents, restroom cleaning etc. Salary: $6.50 hourly

CONTACT: 649-347-0480

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder



A NEWLY-DISCOVERED part of our immune system could be harnessed to treat all cancers, say scientists. The Cardiff University team discovered a method of killing prostate, breast, lung and other cancers in lab tests. The findings, published in Nature Immunology, have not been tested in patients, but the researchers say they have “enormous potential”. Experts said that although the work was still at an early stage, it was very exciting. Our immune system is our body’s natural defence against infection, but it also attacks cancerous cells. The scientists were looking for “unconventional” and previously undiscovered ways the immune system naturally attacks tumours. What they found was a T-cell inside people’s blood. This is an immune cell that can scan the body to assess whether there is a threat that needs to be eliminated. The difference is this one could attack a wide range of cancers. “There’s a chance here to treat every patient,” researcher Prof Andrew Sewell told the BBC.



Duties: Cleaning, Dusting, Mopping household chores and must be willing to Work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.50 per hour.

CONTACT: 244-9067

Belongers are encouraged to Send a copy of their resume To the Labour Board. This position is vacant 20361

January 25-31, 2020



Science & Technology

Space mission to reveal ‘Truths’ about climate change THE UK is going to lead a space mission to get an absolute measurement of the light reflected off Earth’s surface. The information will be used to calibrate the observations of other satellites, allowing their data to be compared more easily. Called Truths, the new spacecraft was approved for development by European Space Agency member states in November. Proponents of the mission expect its data to help reduce the uncertainty in projections of future climate change.

Scientists and engineers met on Tuesday to begin planning the project. Industry representatives from Britain, Switzerland, Greece, the Czech Republic and Romania gathered at Esa’s technical centre in Harwell, Oxfordshire. The agency has allocated €32.4m (£27.7m) for the initial design phase, with the scientific lead on the mission to be taken by Britain’s National Physical Laboratory. NPL IS THE UK’S “KEEPER OF STANDARDS”. It holds references for the

Artwork: Truths will work with other satellites to calibrate and validate their observations.

kilogram, the metre, the second and all other units used in the international system (SI) of measurement. The lab is the place you go, for example, if you want a precise description of the intensity of a light source something it’s able to gauge using a device called a cryogenic radiometer. And the aim of the Truths mission is to get one of these instruments into orbit. Working in tandem with a hyperspectral camera, the radiometer will make a detailed map of the sunlight reflected off Earth’s surface - off its deserts, snowfields, forests and oceans. The map should be of such exquisite quality that it’s expected to become the standard reference against which all other imaging spacecraft will want to adjust and correct their own observations. This ought to make it a much simpler task to compare the pictures from different satellites, not just from those missions flying today but also from the ones that have long since been retired and whose data now sits in archives. One of the other big goals of Truths is that in measuring the complete reflectance of the Earth globally, and doing it with such precision, it will establish a kind of “climate fingerprint” that a future version of the satellite, 10 to 15 years’ later, can then resample.

“By doing that we’ll be able to detect subtle changes much earlier than we can with our current observing system,” explained NPL’s Prof Nigel Fox. “This will allow us to constrain and test the climate forecast models. So we’ll know earlier whether the predicted temperatures that

the models are giving us are consistent or not with the observations.” Invitations to tender for the design work will be sent out to industry shortly. A grand plan for how to implement Truths must be ready for when the research ministers of Esa’s member states gather for their next

major policy meeting in 2022. The feasibility work will also need to produce a full costing for the project, likely to be in the region of €250300m (£210-260m). Barring technical showstoppers, the ministers should then green-light the mission for a targeted launch in 2026.


TAKE NOTICE that pursuant to Section 29 of the Registered Land Ordinance an application has been made by MARVA MAXCINE WILLIAMS, the personal representative of estate LOUIS HARTWELL FRANCIS for the conversion of provisional title into absolute title for land more specifically described below.


All that parcel of land part of CENTRAL on the land of GRAND TURK in the Turks & Caicos Islands recorded on the Land Register with Block/ parcel No. 10303/63 containing .07 acres FURTHER take notice that I Brandie Anderson-Stewart on being satisfied that the applicant has acquired an absolute title may allow the conversion of the title classification to absolute. Written objections and/or responses to the application for the conversion of title should be submitted no later than thirty (30) days from the date of this Notice to:






Your application for grant of Turks and Caicos Islander Status under Section 3 (6) of the Turks and Caicos Islands lmmigration (Amendment) Ordinance 2015 was approved by the Minister of Border Control and Employment on 30th October 2019 with the following decision being made:

Your application for grant of Turks and Caicos Islander Status under Section 4 (3) of the Turks and Caicos Islands lmmigration (Amendment) Ordinance 2015 was approved by the Ministry of Immigration, Citizenship, Labour and Employment Services on 15th July, 2019 with the following decision being made:

“It approved the commencement of the procedures as set out in the Immigration (Amendment) Ordinance 2015 for the grant of Turks and Caicos Islander Status to Mrs. Marleny Fernandez Gonzales Hawkins”

“It approved the commencement of the procedures as set out in the Turks and Caicos Island status (Amendment) Ordinance 2015 for the grant of turks and Caicos Islander Status to Mr. Movil Nethitho”


Sports Interational

January 25-31, 2020


Bolt expecting first child with girlfriend Kasi Bennett USAIN Bolt is going to be a dad, as girlfriend Kasi Bennett is expecting their first child together. The Olympic gold medal winner / all-round legend confirmed the news on Instagram, sharing a snap of the glowing mumto-be. Alongside the shot – showing the businesswoman cradling her baby bump – the 33-year-old simply wrote: ‘I just want to say a KING or QUEEN is about to be HERE. @kasi.b.’ While Kasi shared snaps of herself posing on a yacht, in a billowing red dress, surrounded by balloons to announce their news. ‘Our biggest blessing. Our greatest celebration… Our golden child. Coming soon…,’ she wrote alongside a string of photos, taken by Lexon Photography. Even their baby announcement is cool. Right on cue, fans flocked to congratulate the pair on their baby joy. ‘I wish you and your family a great life and I hope the mother of your child has a safe delivery,’ a follower commented. ‘Wow. So beautiful. Congrats and lots of blessings,’ an Instagram user posted. ‘Beautiful news. Another Champ on the way,’ another said. While one joked: ‘Breaking world records already.’ Usain and Kasi made their relationship official back in 2016, but were thought to have been dating for years before this. But, despite being one of the famous men in the world, he has made sure to keep his romance with the Elevate Marketing House managing director largely under wraps. Chatting about his love-life

The boxing qualifiers were due to take place in Wuhan from February 3-14.

Olympic qualifying events cancelled and moved due to deadly Wuhan coronavirus outbreak Usain Bolt and Kasi Bennett made their relationship official back in 2016.

last year, he told Daily Mail: ‘I’m not a single man but I just don’t put my love life out there that much.’ In a previous chat with People magazine, he opened up about how much he would love to have a family one day, and sees three children in his future. ‘I definitely want a family, though,’ he told the publication. ‘For me, over the years, I’ve waited because I want to make sure it’s the right person. I’ve always said I want three kids. Usain is considered the greatest sprinter in the world, smashing track world records at the Olympics in the

past, before hanging up his running shoes for good in 2017. But, despite his insane success, the dad-to-be doesn’t want his little one following in his footsteps. ‘I wouldn’t want my kids to go into track and field. It’s really tough. If you’re not mentally and physically prepared to go through hell it’s not something you should do,’ he continued to the publication. ‘I’ve really enjoyed my time with this sport, but it was very demanding and it takes a lot of time and pressure and the mental part is rough.’ (

THE Tokyo 2020 Olympic boxing qualifying tournament for the Asian and Oceanian region has been cancelled due to the deadly coronavirus outbreak, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) confirmed in a statement Wednesday. The Asian Football Confederation (AFC) also announced that the Olympic qualifying for women’s football has been moved from from Wuhan to Nanjing. It follows an outbreak of the virus last month in the city of Wuhan that has since killed 17 people, sickened hundreds and spread as far as the

United States. Chinese authorities and scientists say wild animals sold at the popular Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market market are the likely source of the new strain of coronavirus, which is in the same family of viruses as the deadly severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). The boxing qualifiers were due to take place in Wuhan from February 3-14. The February 3-9 dates for the women’s football, which includes Australia, China, Thailand and Chinese Taipei, will remain the same.

Zion Williamson stuns for New Orleans Pelicans in record-breaking NBA debut EXPECTATION is higher for the 2019 NBA draft’s number one overall selection Zion Williamson than any rookie since LeBron James. Perhaps ever. The hype surrounding Williamson built and built during his single year at Duke University as video clip after video clip of him dunking on unfortunate opponents went viral. When the New Orleans Pelicans sealed the number one selection for the 2019 NBA Draft it was a foregone conclusion that they would draft the forward. Williamson unfortunately injured himself in the preseason and necessary surgery kept him out for the start of the season. As he recovered from arthroscopic knee surgery, all he could do was watch from the sidelines as number two overall selection Ja Morant topped the rookie rankings. The hype continued to build as his official

Ronaldo has scored 30 goals in 31 appearances for club and country this season.

Ronaldo scores as Juventus beat Roma Zion Williamson made all four three-point shots he attempted.

NBA debut approached. And that came last night. While his Pelicans lost 121-117 to the San Antonio Spurs, Williamson did enough to justify the hype around him as he broke the Pelicans’ record for most points by a rookie on debut.

The record was previously held by Anthony Davis, who left the Pelicans last summer in a blockbuster trade with the Los Angeles Lakers. Williamson’s 22 points made him Pelicans’ joint top scorer with Brandon Ingram.

CRISTIANO Ronaldo scored his 13th goal in his past 10 matches as Juventus beat Roma 3-1 to reach the semi-finals of the Coppa Italia. The Portugal striker opened the scoring in the first half when he fired home from Gonzalo Higuain’s cross. Rodrigo Bentancur and Leonardo Bonucci quickly added two more to make it 3-0 to Juventus before the break.

Roma got one back when Cengiz Under’s shot hit the bar and bounced in off goalkeeper Gianluigi Buffon. Juventus will face either AC Milan or Torino in the semi-finals. Ronaldo’s goal is the seventh the 34-year-old has scored in 2020 and was also his first in the Coppa Italia, meaning he has now scored in 15 different club competitions in his career. (BBC)

January 25-31, 2020

Sports National



Kobe Bryant backs women to play in NBA ‘right now’

McGregor’s dynamic stoppage of Donald Cerrone in UFC 246 on Saturday night put the Irish superstar firmly in control of the future of two UFC divisions.

After UFC win, Conor McGregor suggests he could fight three more times this year AFTER three years without a victory, Conor McGregor needed only 40 seconds to reclaim his place at the center of the mixed martial arts world. McGregor’s dynamic stoppage of Donald Cerrone in UFC 246 on Saturday night put the Irish superstar firmly in control of the future of two UFC divisions. Every elite lightweight and welterweight will practically beg for his shot against a fighter who still commands the world’s attention like nobody else. A refocused McGregor seems eager to make up for lost time after three years of inactivity and outside-the-cage misbehavior, suggesting he could fight three more times this year. “The whole world lights up when I fight,” McGregor said. “So I want to get back out there again.” Days after the fight, McGregor

took to Twitter TWTR, -0.56% to send some kind words to U.S. President Donald Trump. “Phenomenal President,” McGregor wrote. He also went on to post an emoji of a goat, which is stands for “Greatest Of All Time.” President Trump responded to the UFC champion with a congratulatory message on Twitter. The contenders are already lining up for fight McGregor next. Popular welterweight brawler Jorge Masvidal would welcome a showdown, while welterweight champion Kamaru Usman would love to defend his title against McGregor. Both fighters watched McGregor’s victory from cageside, and Masvidal even tried to goad McGregor in curious fashion by wearing the same Versace robe that McGregor famously wore a few years ago to an open workout.

BASKETBALL superstar Kobe Bryant lent his voice to calls for women to one day be allowed to compete in the NBA, claiming there are female stars who could make the leap right now. Having been seen with his daughter, Gianna, at numerous NBA games recently, Bryant was quizzed on whether there may one day be a future for her in the league where he made his name. Speaking exclusively to CNN, the LA Lakers legend said: “I think there are a couple of players who could play in the NBA right now honestly. “There’s a lot of players with a lot of skill that could do it.” Bryant went on to name three WNBA ( Women’s National Basketball Association) stars who he believes could make the jump into the men’s league. “Diana Taurasi, Maya Moore, Elena Della Donne. There’s a lot of great players out there so they could certainly keep up with them,” he said. It’s perhaps no surprise that Bryant named Taurasi as one of his picks to succeed in the NBA. The 2004 first overall pick in the WNBA Draft - and 2009 WNBA MVP - has been the WNBA all-time leading scorer since June 2017, is a nine-time WNBA All-Star and is a three-time WNBA champion with Phoenix Mercury. Her nickname is White Mamba, a derivative of Bryant’s own nickname ‘Black Mamba’, owing to her habit of scoring in clutch situations. Last October, Elena Della Donne led Washington Mystics to their first WNBA title, picking up her second

While Kobe Bryant opted to skip college and enter the NBA Draft directly from high school, he says his daughter is “hellbent” on attending UConn.

WNBA MVP title in the process. The six foot five inches small forward also became the first ever WNBA star to join the 50-40-90 club. To join the unofficial club, a player must shoot more than 50 percent from the field, 40 percent from 3-point range and 90 percent from the foul line. She also had a percentage of 97.4, which is a record for a player with at least 100 attempts. While Maya Moore sat out the 2019 season to focus on family and her faith, she is also a WNBA MVP winner, taking the award in 2014. Additionally, she had won four WNBA championships with the Minnesota Lynx before she turned 29.

Bryant has four daughters. The second-eldest, Gianna, is an avid basketball player and fan. The five-time NBA champion says he had watched little basketball since he retired, but his daughter’s love of the game sparked his interest enough that he now coaches her team. Videos of Gianna’s basketball skills have gone viral despite bring only 13. NBA Legend Reggie Miller was recently caught on camera trying to convince Bryant that his daughter should attend Miller’s alma mater UCLA for college. However, her father insisted Gianna is “hellbent” on going to University of Connecticut, the alma mater of Taurasi and Moore. (CNN)

Manchester United lose 2-0 to Burnley - pundits and fans react MANCHESTER United’s latest defeat has seen the atmosphere turn “toxic” at Old Trafford, says former midfielder Darren Fletcher. Ole Gunnar Solskjaer’s team were booed off the pitch after a 2-0 home defeat by Burnley left them six points off a Champions League spot. “The scenes in the stadium weren’t good,” said Fletcher, a fivetime Premier League winner with United. “The chanting, the atmosphere really turned toxic for the first time.” On a bitterly disappointing night for United, goals by Chris Wood and Jay Rodriguez earned Burnley a first ever Premier League win at Old Trafford. Since Solskjaer was made permanent manager in March, United have lost more Premier League games (12) than they have won (11).

Home fans were leaving before the end of the game as Manchester United headed for defeat.

They are fifth in the table - a massive 30 points behind leaders Liverpool, who have two games in hand. By the time Jonathan Moss blew

the final whistle on Wednesday, thousands of United fans had already left Old Trafford. Fletcher fears the atmosphere at Old Trafford could hurt United’s

younger players if it does not improve. “At the minute you can see with every setback these youngsters are just sinking,” he added on BBC Radio 5 Live. “The scrutiny and the pressure that these kids are under - it was difficult for me coming into the team and I was surrounded by world-class players left, right and centre. “These lads don’t have that support network around them and they are really finding it difficult. “It might make a few of them, but at the same time it will probably break a few of them as well, which is really disappointing.” During the game, fans vented their frustration with vitriolic chants against United’s executive vicechairman Ed Woodward and the club’s owners the Glazer family.

Ian Dennis, senior football reporter for BBC Radio 5 Live, who was commentating at Old Trafford, said: “Regardless of your opinion of Ed Woodward, you cannot ask for someone to die. “If you want to be anti the board then sing ‘sack the board’, but individuals singing that about a human being is an absolute outrage. The chanting is an absolute disgrace.” Asked about his thoughts on the chanting, Solskjaer said after the game: “For me it’s important that we stick together. “Help the players, help the team and help the club to move forward. I think everyone knows when they have overstepped the line.” Former United defender Rio Ferdinand labelled the night an “embarrassment” and urged those in charge of the club to take action.


Sports National


January 25-31, 2020

CBMS Cougars start 2020 with emphatic PHL wins AFTER dismantling the Kvanar Oilers 5-0 in their Provo Hockey League (PHL) opener for 2020 two Saturdays ago, the CBMS Cougars romped to their fifth win when they tackled the TCI Marble and Granite Sharks last weekend at the Graceway Sports Centre. The victory has left the Cougars as the only unbeaten team in the league and as strong favourites in the Bantam Division. In their latest clash, Aiden Norman Doherty Trinidad, who scored twice in the latter part of the first half, ended with a game high four goals, while Jordan Gedeon supported with two goals and an assist in the 7-3 win. Jacob Been, kept the Sharks in the clash with a hat trick. Meanwhile, the Oilers rebounded last Saturday with a 7-1 win against the LHeureux Co. Canadiens.

The Canadiens’ Joswin Jose found the back of the net in the second minute of play, before the Oilers dominated. Jake Haggie, who tied the game in the fourth minute, led the Oilers’ charge with three goals. Adelle Fulton supported with one goal and two assists. In the Novice Division, a single successful strike in the second period propelled the Twa Marcelin Wolf Lightning (nine points) to the top of the division after a key clash with the Design Studio Jets (seven points). Both teams had scored twice in the opening period. Jack Quinn, who scored off a Helena Crawley pass in the 14th minute of the second period to seal the game, had opened the scoring, while his teammate Rory Brake (from a Quinn/Crawley assist) had made it 2-0, before Owen Barkworth Knight had scored twice

The Twa Marcelin Wolf Lightning, Jack Quinn, the Oilers’ Jake Haggie and Kate Blain from the Greyhounds were named the players of the week in their respective divisions.

for the Jets to tie the game. In the very competitive Novice Division, another front runner, the Temple Financial Canucks (seven points) went down to the Grace Bay Car Rentals Islands (five points) 2-1 in a low scoring clash. In the battle, the Canucks, through Emeric Gula (off an assist from Alexie Gula) opened the scoring in the third minute, before Sterling Henry (assisted by Shlok Ganglani) and Adrien Penn answered. In the Midget Division, the

Saunders and Co. Greyhounds are also 2-0 for 2020. After getting past the Projetech Pirates 3-1 two Saturdays ago, the Greyhounds got the better of the Turkberry Hurricanes 7-4 in their latest match. In that clash, the Greyhounds went on a 4-0 run from five minutes into the second period after the Hurricanes had taken the lead in the opening minute of the second. The win was led by two goals and an assist each from Jack Blain and Maximilian Scholar. Ronin

Maclaren also scored twice, while Ishan Bowen ended with a goal and an assist. Dylan King and Jake Whent scored a pair each for the Hurricanes. In the other Midget Division clash, the Pirates defeated the Villa Del Mar Flyers 6-3. In the game, Maddox ZaidanJones exploded with five goals (four consecutive) in the second period to lead the Pirates to victory. Harry Schofield scored a pair for the Flyers.

TCI young footballers and coaches sharpen skills with Real Madrid Foundation football clinics OVER three dozen young footballers and close to 15 local coaches recently benefitted from a series of football clinics hosted through a partnership between Sandals Resorts International, Beaches Resorts, The Sandals Foundation, and The Real Madrid Foundation (the social entity of the Real Madrid C.F) in the TCI. The clinics were a part of the foundation’s commitment through education, integration and cooperation programmes to enhance the development of the sport. The activities kicked off at the Turks & Caicos Islands Football Association National Academy on Monday, January 13, and ran through to Wednesday, January 15, 2020. “This special partnership was two years in the making,” said James McAnally, General Manager for Beaches Resorts. “We are extremely excited to bring the Real Madrid Foundation to the Turks & Caicos Islands for the first time ever and present opportunities for our children and coaches to learn important skills and training alongside these talented and respected coaches here within our island.” In his remark at the opening ceremony on Monday, McAnally noted that “Through this unique relationship between Beaches

Some of the young footballers who were at the clinics.

Resorts, The Sandals Foundation and the Real Madrid Foundation, we’re able to use football to offer theory and practical training while promoting good values and contribute to the holistic development of our local kids.” Over the three days, local children, all less than 12 years old, participated in intense football training sessions, learning the Real

Madrid tactics and techniques. On Wednesday, January 15, local coaches benefited from a three-hour, immersive theoretical and practical training session with the goal of passing on the skills, training, and knowledge of which future generations can learn, benefit and excel. “This was a tremendous opportunity for our junior players to be exposed to coaches and methods

of training from one of the top clubs in the world. An experience like this will go miles in aiding their football development and we at the TCIFA look forward to continuing this fruitful relationship,” said TCIFA General Secretary Oliver Smith. The programme forms part of the Real Madrid Foundation’s and Sandals Foundation’s ongoing commitment to corporate social

responsibility. “The Sandals Foundation has always used sports as an avenue to engage and transform the lives of children across the Caribbean,” said Heidi Clarke, Executive Director for the Sandals Foundation. “Sport is an incredible tool that teaches lifelong skills in teamwork, tenacity, confidence, persistence and discipline. These clinics provide a unique opportunity to expose our youth and local coaching fraternity to learn the tricks and trade directly from professionals selected by the Real Madrid Academy, one of the world’s most acclaimed football clubs,” Clarke concluded. The Real Madrid Foundation Football clinics were first executed in Jamaica in April 2019 and brought together some 50 local children. As the programme widens its reach to Turks and Caicos, Real Madrid Foundation’ Clinics Manager, Andres Muntaner, expressed delight. “We are delighted to continue our collaboration with Beaches Resorts and the Sandals Foundation for it provides opportunities to educate the Caribbean kids using soccer with the goal to foster grassroots sports to all levels of players while promoting good values and contributing to the development of young players in the region”.

January 25-31, 2020

Sports National



Yanique Haye-Smith ran the 60M in 7.69s.

Haye-Smith ties 60M national indoor record YANIQUE Haye-Smith tied the national indoor 60M record en route to a second place finish last weekend in New York City.

Running in the Gotham Cup in Staten Island the dominant sprinter was able to clock 7.69s, which ties Akia Gurrier’s 2017 record made in

Lincoln, USA. Haye-Smith then clocked 24.7s in her 200M. She is currently preparing for her 400M opener. Tayjo Oppong-Adjey is the new star in the throws for the TCI.

TCI athlete Oppong-Adjey wins gold in Jamaica

Akia Guerrier has looked solid this season.

Guerrier feels strong after opening 400M NATIONAL athlete Akia Guerrier felt strong after opening her 400M last week at the Triangular Meet in Wichita. The Kansas State University athlete, who finished fifth, was

satisfied with her performance. “I opened up with 56.8s, weeks after my surgery. It felt good to get the rust off considering. I looked strong.” The sprinter said that it would

just be a matter a time before she gets her strength and stamina back. Although it was her opener, the 56.8s, was Guerrier’s second fastest 400M indoor time.

TCI CARIFTA athlete Tayjo Oppong-Adjey threw his way to a gold medal in the shot put event and finished fourth in the discus when he competed in the Central Hurdles and Relays in Jamaica while representing new school Kingston College. The youngster, who competed in the Boys 14-15 age division, was consistent in the shot put, his best throw was 13.76M, but he also had a 13.72M, and two other 13 plus throws. Second place was won by Zachary Campbell in 13.40M. The throw was considerably farther than the 12.48M, which the former Clement Howell High School student had thrown at last year’s CARIFTA Games.

RECORD Listed as TCI’s shot put record is a throw of 12.52M by Michael Fulford in March of 1986. The Weekly News was however unable to determine if Oppong’s throw was a new record. In the discus, the young teen had a top throw of 41.37M, just short of the 41.80M made by the third place finisher. The event was won by a throw of 42.78M. Again Oppong’s throw was unique, since it was considerably farther than the 34.47M, which was made by Levard Missick in April of 1998 at CARIFTA Games, which is listed online as a national record.



January 25-31, 2020

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