Weekly News Volume 33 | No. 29 | July 20-26, 2019
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SANDALS FILES TO DISMISS COURT CASE Jamaican resort giant wants landmark case heard in TCI, not US
Sandals bosses have filed a motion seeking to dismiss a $5 million lawsuit which claims thousands of holidaymakers at Beaches TCI and other resorts were overcharged for their vacations.
Bahamian music legend Sly Roker was gunned down in his home in Turks and Caicos Islands by unknown assailant(s)
July 20-26, 2019
July 20-26, 2019
July 20-26, 2019
Lethal coral disease reaches Provo Environmentalists appeal for funding to fight highly contagious infection BY GEMMA HANDY A DEVASTATING coral disease – dubbed the biggest threat to TCI’s cherished reefs – has already spread to Providenciales, just weeks after being detected off West Caicos. The rapid-fire contagion of stony coral tissue loss disease mirrors that seen in Florida where it has wiped out half the corals on the world’s third largest barrier reef since it first appeared in 2014. “The experience from Florida is holding true here; it is a high mortality disease and it kills quickly,” TC Reef Fund (TCRF) chairman Don Stark told the Weekly News. “Only a month ago, the disease was confined to the southern part of the West Caicos reef. It has now spread to most of the reefs off West Caicos and is starting to show up at North West Point and Grace Bay.” West Caicos has long been a favoured spot for scuba divers. The first sighting off Grace Bay is at another prized dive site, Aquarium West. “I was told it was rapidly spreading, but I had no idea that within a month it would spread to virtually all across the West Caicos reef. Pretty amazing and scary,” Stark said. The TCRF has been fast to act and
has already applied for a $150,000 three-year grant to fund efforts to treat the disease and curtail further contagion. But even if the plea to the UK’s Darwin Plus scheme, which finances environmental projects in British overseas territories, is successful, the cash will not materialise until April next year. On Monday (July 15), Stark sent an impassioned letter to Turks and Cacios Hotel and Tourism Association (TCHTA) chiefs, urging members to stump up $50,000 in the interim. The Islands’ tourism industry is inextricably linked to its reefs, not just as a draw for watersports enthusiasts and a source of fresh seafood; they act as a vital buffer against beach erosion too. Reefs are also home to numerous marine species and provide protection against the damaging effects of wave action and storms. The letter warns tourism bosses that by April, “all our reefs could be infected and dying” due to the disease’s 80 percent mortality rate. “We have a team ready to go, but we need funding now in order to move forward. I am hoping that TCHTA members whose businesses rely on healthy reefs will be willing to help us finance this fight,” Stark
Published by Turks & Caicos News Company Ltd. Cheshire House, Leeward Highway, Providenciales P.O. Box 52, Turks & Caicos Islands, BWI W. Blythe Duncanson - Publisher/Editor-in-Chief Olivia Rose - Senior Reporter Faizool Deo - Sports Editor (At Large) Cord Garrido-Lowe - Graphics Consultant (At Large) Dilletha Lightbourne-Williams - Office Manager Email: (Advertising) tcnews@tciway.tc, (News) tcweeklynews@gmail.com Tel. 649-946-4664 (office), 649-232-3508 (after hours) Website address: www.tcweeklynews.com Follow us on: Facebook: facebook.com/tcweeklynews Twitter: twitter.com/tcweeklynews1
wrote. The cash would cover the cost of staff, a boat, fuel, special tools, antibiotics and other supplies. The treatments involve cutting a ‘firebreak’ on the coral at the disease margin and applying an antibiotic mixed into a base and held in place with modelling clay. “This treatment has been shown to be as high as 80 per cent effective in stopping the spread of the disease on a coral head,” the letter continued. The labour-intensive process involves treating each coral head individually, hence the need for a dedicated team of properly trained staff, rather than volunteers, Stark explained. TCHTA president Todd Foss said the group was already at work raising the requested funds. “Parrot Cay Resort is the first member to commit $10,000 to the campaign and others will surely follow,” he told the Weekly News. “The recent discovery of this disease in the TCI should be everyone's priority. The consequences will be drastic if action is not taken immediately,” Foss added. In the meantime, the TCRF has reallocated funds from other projects to pay for equipment including two underwater grinders. Stark is also appealing for the donation of a small air-conditioned office to store the temperaturesensitive materials and prepare the treatments. LEARNING MORE Two TCI representatives – one from the Reef Fund and one from the Department of Environment and Coastal Resources (DECR) – are due to attend a workshop in Key West early next month to learn more from their Floridian counterparts about what has, and has not, worked to date in battling the disease. The TCRF will also be working alongside the US-based School for Field Studies which operates in 10 countries across the globe, including the TCI. Locally-based centre director Heidi Hertler said her team had been gathering data on the disease at South Caicos, where it was first found earlier this year but is believed to be slower spreading. Stony coral tissue loss disease typically appears like small patches of white exposed skeleton. It destroys the soft tissue of more than 20 different species of hard coral,
The rapid-fire contagion of stony coral tissue loss disease mirrors that seen in Florida
including important reef-building varieties, often killing them within weeks of becoming infected. Since it was first detected in Florida six years ago, it has spread into Mexico and through the Caribbean archipelago. It could spell disaster for the Caribbean which is more dependent on tourism than any other region worldwide, much of it linked to its coastal offerings. An Oceanwealth report released in October estimated the Caribbean’s reef-associated tourism to be worth almost $8 billion a year. Dr Melanie McField, of the Smithsonian Institution’s Healthy Reef Initiative, described the condition as “the most virulent coral disease yet seen globally”. “Since it was first noted in Puerto Morelos, Mexico, in July 2018 it has spread throughout the Caribbean coastline, resulting in more coral loss in the last 10 months than over the past two decades,” Dr McField said. She added that some researchers were seeing success in treating infected coral with “good bacteria, like ‘probiotics’ for corals”. The disease’s precise cause is still unknown but is suspected to be
a bacterial infection, spread to other corals through direct contact and water circulation. DECR chiefs previously warned local divers and tour operators to be on high alert. Dive gear, such as wetsuits, buoyancy control devices and fins, can help transmit it between reefs. Official advice includes thoroughly cleaning and decontaminating all equipment after exiting the water. TCI’s reefs are often said to be among the world’s most ecologically valuable due to their relatively pristine condition and vast number of coral species they support. Stark said he had also been in touch with Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson to ensure she was fully apprised of the situation’s severity. “What this disease means for TCI reefs is a potential disaster unless we get on top of it now. “Already we have lost quite a few coral heads to the disease on West Caicos – and they are not coming back,” he continued. Stark added: “This is probably the biggest threat to our reefs, bigger than ocean acidification and rising ocean temperatures. It’s a serious problem, if not a crisis.”
July 20-26, 2019
Sandals files motion to dismiss $5m class action Jamaican resort giant wants landmark case heard in TCI, not US
BY GEMMA HANDY SANDALS bosses have filed a motion seeking to dismiss a $5 million lawsuit which claims thousands of holidaymakers at Beaches TCI and other resorts were overcharged for their vacations. The Caribbean’s biggest employer claims the case should be thrown out of the Miami court in which it was filed on May 21 as Florida has no jurisdiction over the Jamaican corporation. It proffers a number of legal loopholes to buffer its stance, including that the New York-based plaintiff did not properly serve the firm under Jamaican law. The papers call for the case to instead be heard in the TCI, citing ‘forum non conveniens’, a legal doctrine that applies between courts in different countries. A common concern raised in such applications is that a court has been specifically chosen to gain an advantage in the proceedings. Attorney Michael Winkleman, of the US law firm bringing the action, previously told the Weekly News he was keen to have the case heard in Miami. “We have some pretty harsh penalties in the US. The company could be made to pay triple the amount of what they took from guests, plus attorneys’ fees,” he said. Winkleman alleges as many as 10,000 holidaymakers in the TCI, Antigua, Barbados and St Lucia had “unfairly” high rates of accommodation taxes levied onto their bills to increase Sandals’ profits – a charge Sandals rigorously denies. The resort giant’s motion submitted on July 8 has not deterred Winkleman who on Thursday (July 18) vowed to fight on for the 1,000-plus holidaymakers who have flocked to join the class action. Legal systems in the US and the TCI are “completely different”, Winkleman acknowledged, “but we will bring the case in TCI if we have to”, he added. The court papers filed on behalf of Sandals include a declaration from Providenciales-based lawyer Paul Dempsey expressing his opinion that the claim for damages could indeed be determined by the TCI’s Supreme Court. Winkleman and his team claim
Hundreds of former Beaches guests came forward within 48 hours of attorneys issuing their initial call to the public on April 29
a decades-long “sweetheart deal” between Beaches and the TCI Government entitled the resort to a 40 percent concession on accommodation tax levied onto local hotels. But despite only paying the Government a rate just over seven percent, Beaches apparently added the full standard 12 percent onto guests’ bills. The attorneys claim this was Sandals’ modus operandi in its resorts on several other Caribbean islands. The lawsuit also claims all guests under 12-years-old at Beaches TCI, who are exempt from accommodation tax, were fraudulently charged the levy, comprising an additional violation. The action seeks a sum topping $5 million, plus interest and costs. Hundreds of former Beaches guests came forward within 48 hours of attorneys issuing their initial call to the public on April 29. In May, lawyers broadened their scope, inviting anyone who had stayed at any Sandals-operated resort in the Caribbean to contact them.
Sandals chiefs have reacted furiously to the allegations from the outset. A strongly-worded statement issued on May 29 claimed the lawsuit was an attempt to force the company into an out-of-court settlement to avoid negative publicity. The claims are “baseless, both in fact and law”, the statement said. “Our reputation and relationships with our valued guests are four decades in the making, which is why our guests continue to put their faith in us, year after year. “In this digital age – when anybody can say anything, however untrue – trust and track record remain paramount. “For these reasons, Sandals intends to fight this lawsuit to the end as nothing less than a clean slate will do,” it added. The lawsuit initially named New Jersey plaintiff Vitali Feldman who stayed at Beaches TCI three times between 2017 and 2019 with his young family. The class representative has since been changed to Michael McCoy. The resort McCoy visited several times is not specified.
Public invited to weigh in on consumer protection RESIDENTS have until Tuesday (July 23) to give their opinions on amendments to the Consumer Protection Ordinance. The original bill was passed in 2016 and several small amendments have been proposed this year. The draft Consumer Protection (Amendment) Bill 2019 is accessible on the splash page of the Turks and Caicos Islands Government website at www.gov.tc It can also be found at https:// online.fliphtml5.com/pejq/ lwnh/ or http://online.fliphtml5. com/fizd/owvf/ Comments on the bill can be submitted by email
to consumeraffairstci@gov. tc or submitted in hardcopy to: The Department of Trade, Industry and Consumer Affairs, Treasury Building, Downtown, Providenciales, or The Ministry of Finance, Trade and Investment, Durham’s Building, Lighthouse Road, Grand Turk. All submissions should be clearly marked, ‘Feedback on Consumer Protection (Amendment) Bill’. A press release from the Government said it “recognises the importance of ensuring the rights of consumers, fair trade, competition and the dissemination of accurate information in the marketplace”.
July 20-26, 2019
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ANOTHER PUBLIC HOLIDAY? Bahamian music legend Sly Roker was gunned down in his home in Turks and Caicos Islands by unknown assailant(s)
Bahamian music legend Sly Roker murdered POLICE are on the hunt for the person or people responsible for the death of beloved TCI-based Bahamian musician Sylvester ‘Sly’ Roker. At about 3am on Wednesday (July 17) police and emergency personnel were called to the scene of a crime by concerned residents in Bay Road, Blue Hills. When they arrived, they found that Roker had been shot. He was immediately transported to Cheshire Hall Medical Centre where he succumbed to his injuries at 4.43am. Speaking on the incident was Commissioner of Police, James Smith. “This is a traumatic situation for the victim’s family and friends. While there are many emotions, I can tell you that my officers are committed to bringing the facts to light,” he said. “We are currently conducting a thorough investigation. We are collecting evidence and would like to hear from all available witnesses. “We are asking anyone in our community with information regarding the incident to contact 911 or 1-800-8477 anonymously.” Tributes to the late Roker poured in on social media as news of the charismatic 66-year-old man’s death shocked residents of the Turks and Caicos Islands and his native Bahamas. Roker shared close ties with the TCI community, like many Bahamians, and this was evident in the outpouring of grief and love on his social media page. Online publication Magnetic News described the deceased performer this way: “A legend in Bahamian music and the tragic
news of his death is shocking nearby Bahamas where Sly built a colourful career. “From cameraman and videographer to drummer for the likes of Smokey007 and singer of mega hit, Give it up Baby… Sly Roker was an undeniable Bahamian superstar. “Though he lived quietly in Turks and Caicos, some in TCI knew of his depth of talent and knew of the treasure setting up shop on Blue Hills beach.” The news site reported that Visage (a Bahamian band) leader, Obi Pindling expressed complete shock at the news, and said the news had reverberated throughout Nassau. Roker’s daughter was among a flood of Facebook users who mourned his death on the social media website. She wrote: “To wake up with calls from Turks and Caicos this morning broke my heart. Our father Sly Roker was killed this morning. “He was able to relay what happened although he didn’t survive, so we give thanks for his journey as unfortunate as it is. “We are very confused and sad, but wanted to let friends and family know. One of my sisters lives in Turks and is helping his brothers sort through the situation. Some of us will travel today, tomorrow and the weekend. “Please keep my siblings in prayer, especially my sister there dealing with this. We give thanks for his journey! He was a character… But his life was filled with purpose, creativity and intelligence that he passed on to us all in different ways. Sleep in peace Daddy.” (By Delana Isles)
The Government is asking the general public to weigh in on whether the TCI should create another holiday exclusively to honour the late James Alexander George Smith McCartney (JAGS). The request came last week via a Government press statement signalling the start of a survey on whether they should assign a separate day to celebrate the territory’s first - and only - national hero. What are your thoughts?
Not important
Seriously? National Heroes Day is already a holiday in JAGS’s honour. Haven’t they got more important things to worry about?
A message of unity
The public consultation on whether to create another holiday exclusively to honour the late James Alexander George Smith McCartney (JAGS) is unprecedented in Caribbean political discourse, good government and something the Hon. JAGS McCartney would have done. Public input cements the decision. JAGS’s vision was deep, unifying, espoused constitutional advance and self-determination. The decision cannot be politicised. Many yearn for the JAGS’s constitutional model to enable economic empowerment and social advance. JAGS fought injustice, inherent racism and prevailed on the then governor localise the office of the police commissioner. He demanded judicial reform so that all would have a fair shake before the courts. A generation later, the TCI is set back, post the ill-fated interim Government of 2009-2012, TC Islanders feel unwelcome in their own land. A feeling that others seem to be first. There are bright spots where his dream is alive. There’s a woman premier, female deputy governor, female ministers all the vision of JAGS. Today there is a need to rekindle the aspiration of TC Islanders controlling their destiny and commanding heights of this economy. A day for JAGS alone is needed to send a loud and deafening message of unity, as the agenda of TC Islander
empowerment is now and urgent. A National Heroes Day for the erstwhile statesmen, ie. the others, could then be appointed.
Productivity too low
continue. Instead why don’t we create a community group that promotes local arts, music and dance and name it in his honour. We could encourage children to talk about him in schools - his political ambitions, his morals and love of his country – and share that knowledge with their families. A respect for the famous JAGS shouldn’t mean an end to productivity, but a joyous yearning to learn more, create more and achieve more for the betterment of the TCI.
No holiday
Why in the world would Government even think that this country needs another public holiday? Productivity is already low enough as it is!
Yes, JAGS should absolutely be recognised and remembered within the country that he made such an impact. But another public holiday, when there are already so many? I suggest drawing the TCI to a halt – again - is perhaps not the most sensible way to recognise him, or the way he would want his legacy to
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July 20-26, 2019
Premier says the constitution is an insult to the Government Calls for the return of the 2006 constitution BY OLIVIA ROSE PREMIER Sharlene Cartwright Robinson says the present constitution, which was not crafted by the people of the Turks and Caicos Islands, is “nothing short of an affront to locally elected Government”. The country’s leader made these strong remarks during her address to the new Governor Nigel Dakin at his swearing-in ceremony in the House of Assembly. During her speech on Monday (July 15) in Grand Turk she called for the TCI’s 2006 constitution to be reinstated. She said: “Whilst devising a new economic model, introducing e-governance, building a trade school and establishing a Border Protection Unit, and providing support of a more effective people focused policing, equally critical is my people’s ambition for the return of our 2006 constitution and the management of Crown land.” The premier, who has long maintained that the current constitution does not reflect the “will of the people”, underscored the importance of the constitution to good governance. “I said it from these halls in 2011 and I say it today, it is a document that leaves governance to personalities and we can ill afford this uncertainty in governance,” she stressed. “We are no different from any other people; no different from the Brexiteers who want to know that the persons they elect are in control.” Cartwright Robinson said the 2006 constitution coupled the current financial systems and oversight presents a balance in the TCI’s partnership with the UK as it provides a safeguard for UK partners and gives the people its dignity. “Anything less than that is an insult to our people and we will, together with the Opposition on behalf of our people, will fight in the best interest of our people. “We acknowledge that London has been receptive and inviting on the matter of the constitution but we have not yet received a response beyond the first response on proposed Crown land amendments. “I hasten to admit that the delay in relation to the constitution has
been due to our inability to secure the official Opposition’s presence at the table.” Last November, the Progressive National Party (PNP) Opposition pulled out of the discussion process designed to pursue constitutional advancement for the territory. The PNP had previously indicated that the party would wait until its convention, which would usher in new leadership that may have a new approach to constitutional advancement, before committing to the process. However, the party did meet in November, but contrary to what it said would happen, no new leadership or executive was chosen. The People’s Democratic Movement (PDM) Government later described the decision by the PNP Opposition to pull out of this process as “reckless” and said they would forge ahead on behalf of the people without the PNP Opposition. Following talks with UK representatives to discuss the proposed constitutional changes, the Government was sent back to consult with the Opposition before any of the recommendations were considered. A WAY FORWARD On Monday, the premier further revealed that a new round of talks between the Government and Opposition had been initiated. She said: “I am pleased to report that a meeting was held a few days ago with the official Opposition and we propose to meet this month to finalise positions and the way forward. “I have communicated to the Hon. leader of the Opposition that it is my Government’s intention to progress these talks during October this year. She told the governor that her administration is committed to this timeline and will seek his support on behalf of the people. “We appreciate that Brexit has been a major issue but am also grateful that these ambitions of my country and fellow OTs have not been placed on the back burner,” she added. The matter of constitution reform has once again become a bone of contention between Britain and most, if not all, of its Caribbean territories. This was most recently exacerbated by British threats to
force the publication of beneficial ownership registers by means of unilateral orders in council. As a result, several British overseas territories (BOTs) are actively seeking constitutional reform. The TCI has had a very chequered history with Britain; direct rule from London having been re-imposed on the territory on two occasions. The most recent was after a 20082009 commission of inquiry found evidence of systemic corruption in the then PNP government. A new, more restrictive constitution for the TCI was subsequently negotiated, leading to a return to parliamentary democracy in December 2012. According to the PDM’s chairman Hon. Douglas Parnell, after ten years of British intervention in legal systems and governance structures in
Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson addresses the new Governor Nigel Dakin at his swearing-in ceremony
the TCI, it is past time for it to come to an end through constitutional advancement. “It’s unjust to deny change or limit our people, any people for that
Under the tree
matter, by erecting legal systems that are designed to keep decisionmaking power beyond their grasp. “We will continue to fight for change,” Parnell said.
By Benneth Williams
July 20-26, 2019
Governor Nigel Dakin being introduced to members of the Opposition
Governor Nigel Dakin takes the Oath of Allegiance at his official swearing-in ceremony
Chief Justice Margaret Ramsay-Hale, Speaker of the House Dwayne Taylor, Clerk and Deputy Clerk of the House of Assembly, Governor Nigel Dakin and Sergeant-at-Arms stand at attention for the national anthem
Governor Nigel Dakin being introduced to members of the Government
Nigel Dakin sworn-in as the The UK representative vows to ‘preserve and improve’ the nation BY OLIVIA ROSE NEWLY arrived Nigel John Dakin officially took his place as the 15th Governor of the Turks and Caicos Islands, christening a new era of preservation and improvement. The highly anticipated swearingin ceremony was observed on Monday (July 15) with much pomp and ceremony at HJ Robinson High School, North Back Salina in Grand Turk. In the school’s auditorium, which temporarily houses the House of Assembly, Dakin rested his hand on the Holy Bible and recited the Oath of Allegiance in the presence of Chief Justice Margaret RamsayHale. His wife Amanda and their two adult children, Charlotte and Fraser Dakin, looked on proudly from across the chamber. After the recital of the oath, a peal of trumpets added much fanfare and splendour to the momentous occasion. Speaker of the House of Assembly Dwayne Taylor then invited the
governor to take the speaker’s chair, as is customary. The swearing-in of a new governor is one of the territory’s most important constitutional events. The ceremony was carried out in front of many official guests, including the premier, deputy governor, Government ministers, Opposition MPs, and the judiciary, plus members of the diplomatic corps. The governor is the sovereign’s personal representative in the Turks and Caicos Islands. Dakin was appointed by Queen Elizabeth II on the advice of the British government. After protocol was established, Leader of the Opposition Washington Misick and Sharlene Cartwright Robinson, Premier and Minister of Finance, Investment and Trade, were invited to deliver their address to the new governor. Both leaders assured Dakin that the people of the Turks and Caicos Islands are ready to support and nurture a mutually beneficial relationship. Misick, who welcomed the
governor and his family to the territory, highlighted several issues affecting the TCI and stressed the need for a productive and efficient relationship between the territory’s leaders and the Queen’s representative. He reminded the new governor that it is his responsibility to ensure the TCI has a listening ear in the UK. “Relationship management in my view is everything,” he said. Misick also pointed to the looming British exit (Brexit) from the European Union (EU) and the implications for the TCI and other UK overseas territories. “We have a relationship with the United Kingdom... and as long as that special relationship remains it behooves both sides to nurture it and to do the best we can to make it a productive one. “We hope that you come to this job with the intention to help enrich the value of our community, both in terms of the quantitative and the growth of our economy, and the improvement of our law and order. After all you’re
a security man.” He stressed the need for the UK to assume more of its security duties, especially as it relates to the influx of migrants from neighbouring Haiti. “We hope that the United Kingdom government continues to play a pivotal role and assume more responsibility,” Misick added. Premier Cartwright Robinson during her address extended a warm welcome to the governor and his family on behalf of the Government and by extension the people of the TCI. “You will find that we are among the friendliest people in the world and we occupy the best corner in the world,” she said. “I assure you that at the end of your sojourn with us, you will find your time here to be one of the most rewarding and enriching life experiences.” The premier’s speech on Monday was designed to outline the broad goals of her administration, the underpinnings of those policies, including her initial legislative agenda and specifics about
spending, environmental and social issues, and border security achievements and challenges in the territory. “This country with its 40,000 residents was home to over 100 different nationalities over a 10-year period and steadily remains home to about 50 to 70 different nationalities oftentimes with competing value systems, customs and aspirations. “As any other country, and clearly as the Brexiteers have shown, we expect to be the masters of our own destiny and to enjoy the good of our land. “We will implore you from the outset to be cognisant of the different voices that will seek out your attention and be mindful that we are always engaged in ways to ensure that we are not drowned out as the dominant voice and culture,” she stressed. VISION 2040 The premier continued: “Our country is poised for greatness and we are well on our way to positioning our people through a comprehensive
July 20-26, 2019
A member of the Girls’ Brigade welcomes Amanda Dakin to the Islands with a bouquet of flowers
Deputy Governor Anya Williams and Governor Nigel Dakin
The governor shares a light moment with children who wait anxiously to meet him
Governor Nigel Dakin and his wife Amanda (middle) with their children, Charlotte and Fraser
Governor Nigel Dakin inspects the guard of honour
15th Governor of the TCI plan soon to be presented officially. “Our country will for the first time have a long-term plan crafted by both Government and Opposition together with public and private sector stakeholders. “We intend to share in various forms during September, our Vision 2040 which will secure a planned path for successive governments and one that will lead to the attainment of the vision captured in a single statement. “By 2040 a united Turks and Caicos Islands will be a global leader in levels of prosperity and human development. “Our people will be positioned to be fully responsible for our collective future as a nation. “We will have a more resilient country that balances economic, social and environmental development for the greater benefit of all our people and our posterity,” she added. Even as the premier boasted of the significant economic strides made over the last few years in the TCI, she pointed out that much work is left to be done to ensure that prosperity is felt and enjoyed by a wider cross section of the population. She underscored the dire need for a more participative economy to
ensure the success of the economy trickles down to the ordinary man. “Your Excellency, we are pleased to say that we are in a strong financial position. “We hold an enviable debt to GDP ratio of less than one percent and are poised to borrow for major projects under our recovery plan and to build critical infrastructure. “For the ninth consecutive year, we have enjoyed a Triple B Plus (BBB+) credit rating. We project a modest growth of three percent. “But while we enjoy a strong, well performing economy, like other small island states with a tourism based economy, we must find ways to ensure that the economy successes trickle down and my Government is committed to this. “Whilst we introduce policies to achieve this, we are working together to design a model to ensure that any upturn is felt by our people and that they are larger players in our economy,” she said. TO PRESERVE AND IMPROVE Governor Dakin during his inaugural speech said strengthening the economy and preserving the environment are some of his key objectives.
He emphasised the underpinning theme of his period in office which is to help the Islands “preserve and improve”. He said his governorship will be simple but built on important values. He promised to care, to listen, to serve, to be clear and in being clear, to be straight. Dakin also emphasised the importance of the governor’s role as Her Majesty’s representative, in stewarding the constitution so all remained equal before the law. A constitution he described as the territory’s “swords and shields”. “It is important because it ensures everyone in these Islands, and anyone wishing to travel to her, or invest in her, understands that through the constitution it is the rule of law that prevails here and all are equal before the law. “An investment here is safe, because the law keeps it safe. A person’s human rights are in the end guaranteed here because the law demands those rights be protected. “The key test is that a constitution has to be good enough to weather the bad times as well as the good. “To take in its stride not just the sort of outstanding leaders who spoke before me today, the premier
and the leader of the Opposition, but those whose intentions, perhaps long in the future, may be less selfless than the standard that all of us in this room aspire to now.” Governor Dakin, who has an impressive background in national security and counter-terrorism spanning 38 years, said his intention is to be one of the most informed people on the Islands with a keen interest in crime, immigration and hurricane preparedness. The new head of state said he intends to make a “practical, positive” difference and signalled a significant focus on programmes to help families and protect the environment. “So I’m interested in supporting all those helping educate, protect, develop and care for all that call these Islands home, including the most vulnerable. “I’m equally interested in supporting those who are focused on business, tourism and diversifying the economy. We all rely on wealth creators. “We can all learn from the next generation - I have - and there will be a particular place, in my heart, for those who understand that the stewardship of our environment offers not just benefits here, but also
the opportunity for the Turks and Caicos Islands to have a genuine global voice. “That’s a global voice in what will be one of the predictable themes of this century, something critical we must steward for those that come behind us. “Fortunately it’s a fast-developing UK priority. On the environment, we - the Turks and Caicos Islands, Britain and all the overseas territories - are more influential and stronger together than we can ever be apart,” the governor added. A special moment came when a member of the Girls’ Brigade welcomed the governor’s wife Amanda Dakin to the Islands with a lovely bouquet of flowers and recited a poem. The governor was subsequently introduced to members of the House of Assembly by the speaker before inspecting the guard of honour. Though the swearing-in took place before a small invited audience. A celebratory and enthusiastic crowd waited in the school’s compound to embrace the new governor and his wife. Many youths and residents of the community were elated to receive hugs, handshakes and to take photographs with the new governor.
July 20-26, 2019
Financial sovereignty requires Caribbean crypto currency solutions LAST month Facebook announced that it will roll out in 2020 a global digital currency to be known as Libra. It is a decision that has profound implications for all financial institutions everywhere, raises new regulatory concerns for central banks and governments, and challenges Caribbean financial sovereignty. In outline, Libra is intended to be a “global currency and financial infrastructure” powered by Facebook’s own encrypted blockchain technology. It will, once operational, offer banking through Calibra, a smartphone digital app, either on a standalone basis or through WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger. What Facebook is proposing is a new global financial entity and a currency that will circumvent the problems of correspondent banking, exchange rate fluctuations and interoperability. Partnered with PayPal, Visa, Uber, Coinbase, Lyft, Mastercard, Vodafone, eBay and Spotify and others, Facebook, says its new entity will create a global ‘stablecoin’ pegged to existing assets including the US Dollar or Euro, making transactions less volatile. It will be serviced by a collective of companies operating though a ‘Libra Association’, a not-for-profit Swiss based organisation, from where it says it will manage a ‘reserve Libra’
David Jessop is a consultant to the Caribbean Council. He has worked on Caribbean issues for over 40 years. David is the editor of Caribbean Insight and Cuba Briefing publications. He can be contacted at david.jessop@caribbeancouncil.org
and validate transactions. The effect will be to provide global access to digital banking to those who are unbanked or conventionally banked. It will enable, through an electronic wallet, immediate transfers and payments, potentially disrupting the existing financial infrastructure in the Caribbean and elsewhere, reducing for users the cost of commercial transactions, remittances and payments. The impact could be significant. In the Caribbean, studies indicate that although 65 percent of the population is unbanked, mobile penetration stands at about 74 percent of population. Other research suggests that Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp have on average a 37 percent national penetration rate across the region as a whole, including Haiti and Cuba: a figure that rises to over 50 percent in some Anglophone nations. Libra also has important geopolitical implications. It will
likely spur nations including China and Russia that express an interest in an alternative reserve currency to the US Dollar, to develop alternative systems. Both nations are unwilling to cede control to any entity which at heart is US oriented, so may well chose to build on other experience such as that of the Chinese Alibaba Group which through Ant Financial already has one billion users largely in the Asia-Pacific region. Libra will undoubtedly also be challenged by commercial banks which are developing their own systems. More significantly, it will have to overcome regulatory hurdles, antitrust and information privacy concerns, as the EU and other regulators expand existing investigations into the company’s ability to control and digitally harvest user information and seek to breakup up its dominance. Notwithstanding, the Caribbean is woefully unprepared for where Libra
leads. If governments and their central banks are to retain some semblance of financial sovereignty, they need to move to adopt harmonised regulatory standards and pay much more attention to the interests of the region’s established remittances transfer companies. They also need to consider the potential role that recent start-ups like Bitt Inc and others might play, companies that understand the economic and political importance of regional financial services companies not being eclipsed by powerful external providers. Bitt, a Barbados-based fintech company, envisages central banks issuing digital currencies, enabling eventually the free movement of capital across the region through bilateral digital currency swap agreements. It is hoping to build on its experience of working with the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank (ECCB)’s digital currency pilot project to develop blockchainbased digital currencies for central banks and a retail transaction and remittances business. Its CEO Rawdon Adams believes that as Caribbean currency unification is unlikely in the near future, such an approach would obviate existing correspondent banking arrangements for intra-regional transactions: a process which presently incurs
significant fees, involves two or more banks in the US or elsewhere, is slow and has recently been subject to a growing number of politicallyled compliance requirements. To this end, the company is working with the Caribbean Development Bank, the IDB, Caricom as well as with other interested fintech companies and academics to explore though a working group the creation of a ‘Caribbean Settlement Network’. This, Bitt Inc suggests, would be an inclusive not-for-profit regional public entity that would facilitate Caribbean businesses and residents’ ability to conduct intraregional digital financial transactions instantly on smartphones or tablets at a fraction of the current cost of wire transfers or other remittance channels. Quite separately, Cuba has also begun to study the possibility of using cryptocurrency for national and international commercial transactions. According to the country’s president, a team from its ministry of economy and prices and a group of academics are working together to explore the possibilities. All this comes at a time when the issue of the withdrawal of correspondent banking services and de-risking by international CONTINUED
Kaypro? Faster and faster EVERY senior shares the realisation that as life rolls on it rolls forward faster and faster. In our youth we could not reach certain milestones early enough. I remember primary school and how slowly the hands on the wall clock moved. In high school they moved slightly faster. Then there were the milestones of age. We could not wait to be a teenager. Eighteen-years-old was a biggie but so was 21. Once we reached 30 that was enough...slow down please! Once we pass 50 the days, weeks and years speed by. Sometime beyond that point we start looking back. Why did I make those mistakes? Life does have second chances if we pay attention.
David is a retired mobile hydraulic engineer and business executive. He has been married to Middle Caicos native Yvette Robinson Tapfer for 30 years and has lived in Conch Bar, Middle Caicos, since 2002. David formerly served as branch chairman of the PDM from 2008 to 2011
Now in my ninth decade I spend a lot of these short days looking back over life. There is of course much more behind me than before me. I have no regrets. This brings up the age-old question. We are told we have free will to make our own choices. However, if God already knows what path we will follow, do we truly have a free will?
The answer lies in the infinite mind of God. No matter what path he allows us to make there are still infinite small choices for us to make along that path every minute, hour, day and year. All we need to do is follow his teaching, his rules. When you visit a lawyer’s office you will see many law books. Full of laws and legal decisions.
We do not need those books. We need only follow the ten commandments given to us by God via Moses. We also need the words of Jesus: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” In my youth, the biggest world war was won. Then Korea, Vietnam, Kuwait, Iraq and Afghanistan. What did any of this prove? Be prepared for the worse. In my youth, we only had AM radio, then later television. The carefully scripted motion pictures and their lessons presented in the early 20th century became the quickly written TV series of the 1960s. My first computer was a Kaypro with a built-in nine-inch screen. It was booted with a floppy disc! That Kaypro and a daisy wheel printer replaced our company’s
typewriter and filing cabinet. It produced our financial statements, not monthly, but daily! Now we have cell phones replaced by smart phones. I admit it, I still use my flip phone. My young friends laugh when they see me use it. I wonder if they ever heard of a crystal set radio. I built one when I was nine-years-old. At 11 it was a two-vacuum tube set. Transistors had not arrived yet. Today’s modern devices have improved world communication. This should be a good thing but the world is full of nuclear missiles and jet bombers. Is mankind speeding towards the end of the world as we know it?
July 20-26, 2019
Financial sovereignty requires ... CONTINUED
banks seems to have fallen off the Caribbean agenda, going unmentioned in the communiqué issued following the recent Caricom summit in St Lucia. Early next year, Barbados’ prime minister, Mia Mottley, is expected to announce new measures intended to unify the financial architecture of the Caribbean Single Market and Economy (CSME). Despite this, little has been said when it comes to revitalising the CSME and the regional integration process about the role of digital currencies for regional transactions, and the benefit they might bring to companies and ordinary citizens. Ms Mottley is known to be interested in the topic, but other Caribbean governments also need to recognise the implied challenge that crypto currencies will have in future on the region’s financial sovereignty. Facebook’s announcement suggests that there is a need to rapidly explore and develop Caribbean owned digital currency solutions.
A posthumous pardon for attorney Lloyd Rodney PART ONE Dear Governor Nigel Dakin, I noted recently, with interest, a posthumous pardon granted in 2019 in Bermuda, by their Governor John Rankin. In 1903 Reverend Charles Vinton Monk, a black American pastor of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, also a journalist, stood up for the rights of Jamaicans who were being abused at the work place when they were brought to work in Bermuda at the Royal Navy Dockyard. He was, by reason of his exposure of the wrongdoings of the British authorities, imprisoned for criminal libel on December 16, 1903. Now, this is my reason for writing to you, Your Excellency. Myself a lawyer, I am aware that it is a rarity that posthumous pardons are granted and only so in exceptional circumstances. I believe that what attorney Lloyd Rodney stood for and in consequence was imprisoned for in the Turks and
Caicos Islands, by analogy to Rev Monk, does constitute exceptional circumstances. WHAT DID RODNEY DO WRONG? He defended the poor in court; he brought to the attention of their Lordships the fact that despite the law having specific provisions for the grant of legal aid, the law was being observed in the breach (thus he single handedly ensured that legal aid was granted to those who were accused of any serious crime and required proper defence which otherwise could not be afforded); he established his own legal aid clinic to serve poor people; he was central to using the courts to challenge the ultra vires charges of the then British monopoly company, Cable and Wireless, which with the then governor’s complicity had inflicted usurious, outrageously high, and unregulated charges on the consumer public, which required telecommunication services as a modern-day necessary public service. I argued the main case against
Cable and Wireless and we won on appeal when it was discovered that unbeknown to us, when Rodney placed himself as the ‘David Plaintiff’ against the ‘Goliath corporation’, Sir Frederick Smith who sat as the trial judge concealed his interest in the company as its chairman of the board of directors and a shareholder. Rodney stood up against injustice and thus made himself a target of the establishment, like Rev Monk, to be found guilty of contempt of court and in consequence was imprisoned like a common criminal. Rodney’s imprisonment, truth be told, was both baseless and vengeful. He was sentenced to serve three months in Her Majesty’s Prison. I too was arrested but was not imprisoned. I rallied to Rodney’s assistance and mobilised the best legal brains regionally in the Caribbean, contacted an UN affiliated organisation in Canada, and engaged Amnesty International. Amnesty International adopted Lloyd Rodney as a global ‘prisoner
Open letter to the governor
of conscience’ and it demanded that he be released unconditionally by the British government. The British authorities then placed Rodney in the hospital and shackled him to his hospital bed, in an attempt to humiliate him. The doctors ordered removal of the shackling chain. The newspaper made his mistreatment public knowledge and our overseas supporters exposed the wrongdoing globally. In consequence, I sued the authorities on Rodney’s behalf and Rodney won his case. The foregoing facts are notoriously well known in the Turks and Caicos Islands. Your Excellency has three options by way of reply to this request: 1) Grant the pardon; 2) Say why the deserving do not deserve, or 3) Simply do nothing, which is the equivalent of option 2. Respectfully, Courtenay Francis Raymond Barnett, Providenciales
Don’t let politics do this to you LIKE most of the Caribbean islands there are two main political parties in the TCI. Because of our obsession and love for our political parties, we are living in an atmosphere of fear. Our relationships with God have been compromised and some of our relationships with friends and family have been ruined. We vote for individuals who we know are not competent but because we know they are running on our party ticket, we support them. Our love for our political parties takes precedence over the love for our country. DO NOT BE AFRAID We are so afraid in this country. We are afraid to speak out about the things taking place or the lack of things taking place in our country. Perhaps, we are afraid of victimisation. We are afraid if we speak the truth, our party may reject us and not put us on any boards or allow us to run in the upcoming elections. We are afraid to even support or like the opinions of others especially if the opinions appear not to be favourable
for the party of our choice. I encourage you to speak out at all times. Attack the issues but do not attack individuals. Stop being quiet. DO NOT RUIN YOUR RELATIONSHIPS WITH FRIENDS AND FAMILY A number of factors can ruin a relationship with family and friends such as lending them money and not getting repaid. Misunderstanding and talking bad about them behind their backs. However, one the biggest issues that is ruining relationships is politics. This was a wake-up call for me in 2007 when my close friend ran as the leader of one of the political parties in the TCI. Remember your family will always be your family no matter what and that is why I find it hard to comprehend siblings running against each other. Do not let politics destroy your family. When you are sick and you are stuck, those same political fanatics will not be there to support you. However, in most cases, your family is right there. Some of you are being used by others to gain political mileage. On the other hand, some of you are
Drexwell Seymour is a certified public accountant and is the managing partner for HLB TCI. His favourite hobby, however, is writing. He has a personal website, www.drexwellseymour. com, where all of his writings are posted. He also has a YouTube channel where you can find inspirational videos. Drexwell has a BA in Accounting and an MBA in Finance.
also using others by ‘kissing up’ to some politicians even if it means jeopardising your relationship with your family. There are some friends who are closer than family. Do not let politics destroy that relationship. Recognise that everyone is entitled to his or her opinion and choice of political persuasion. Do not let it reach a point where it interferes in your relationship. Maybe the best thing to do is not to discuss politics with each other. DO NOT COMPROMISE YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD I am not here to judge your relationship with God but it is
evident in the actions of some of us how politics is compromising our relationship with God. God wants us to respect everyone, love everyone, forgive one another but our love for politics seems to be greater than our love for God and consequently we disrespect others, we only love those that support our party and we cannot forgive others. We have persons who are much matured in Christ and should lead by example, but our love for our political party is overshadowing everything. DO NOT PUT POLITICS OVER COUNTRY In everything we do, always
remember to put our country first. If a project started by a previous administration and it is good for the country, let it continue. Do not try to delay it or change it drastically. This is why we need a national plan in place and no matter who wins will follow that plan for the country. DO NOT VOTE FOR CANDIDATES JUST BECAUSE THEY ARE ON YOUR PARTY TICKET Do not let politics let you vote for someone you know cannot perform the job or even care about the job. Someone who is not passionate about the TCI and someone who will not represent you. Otherwise we will end up with some incompetent and weak parliamentarians. Vote for the best candidates even if you think they will not form the government. This political game in the TCI is a dangerous game but stop being afraid and speak freely. Put God, your country, your family and friends before any political party.
July 20-26, 2019
Go knock on some doors Dear Editor, As Turks and Caicos Islanders, we have done an outstanding job of successfully developing our tourism, watersports, hospitality and real estate industries over the past 35 years. This can be objectively evidenced by the fact that our Islands, beaches and hotels have been consistently voted best in the Caribbean for as long as we can remember and our profile in the travel industry has continued to grow. These facts are irrefutable. However, we have done a very poor job of diversifying our economy or fostering employment opportunities for young Turks and Caicos Islanders who return home after an education abroad. Many local families work two or three jobs in order to accumulate the funds necessary to send and support a child overseas for an education in
the UK, Canada, the USA or Jamaica. This is a physical and financial hardship that can impact a family for years. Without suitable employment opportunities at home here in the TCI, many of our newly educated youths are remaining, and will continue to remain, in those countries where they were educated, or they will drift to another location where they can apply their education and earn a living. This does not serve our country well. We are a wasting a precious natural resource. In the TCI, we have a very mature and high profile tourism and hospitality industry. The Turks and Caicos Hotel and Tourism Association (TCHTA) has shown itself to be very capable and effective at promoting and marketing the TCI product and we know that it will continue that effort because it is
in its best interest to do so. I ask whether or not the time has come for the TCI Government and TC Invest to begin to focus the majority of their marketing and promotional campaigns and efforts at securing investment and development that helps to diversify our economy and provide employment opportunities that will encourage our newly educated youths to return home. Sitting around and waiting for an investor or a developer to show up and tell us how to diversify our economy or employ our returning youths is a strategy that has up to now, proven to be quite unsuccessful. I suggest that we kick it up a notch and go knock on some doors. There are a number of industries that, if given the incentive or motivation, might be enticed to come to the TCI to create jobs, help diversify our economy, diminish our reliance on tourism and create
employment opportunities outside of the hospitality industry that could attract our educated youths back home. Developing a list of businesses or industries outside of tourism and hospitality that might be suitable for development in the TCI, should be tasked to TC Invest, as should the subsequent marketing and promotion of our business opportunities to those entities. The poultry industry, hydroponics industry, aquaculture industry, fish farming industry and ornamental fish industry are a few examples of operations that might be suitable for the TCI, as well as the offshoots of those industries, fertiliser manufacturing (fish and chicken waste) and pillow manufacturing (chicken feathers). These are industries and businesses that employ educated and degreed professionals at respectable wages.
I do not contend that these industries are necessarily the solution to the problem or that they are the only practical options available but, I do contend that if you do not go looking for the solution to a problem, you may be waiting indefinitely for the solution to come to you. No one has been looking for a solution to this problem. Maybe now is a good time. God bless all. Shaun Malcolm, Providenciales
The leadership wave MILLS MUSES
TALK of the idea of leadership has reached a crescendo recently with students registering for leadership courses or for full degree programmes in leadership at first degree and graduate levels. Even advertisements for certain high level jobs require persons with leadership experience and knowledge. And in academia, leadership programmes are being advertised as an important credential to have for anyone seeking teaching positions at the tertiary level. A wave of interest has therefore developed in the area of leadership as a credential of note to have in both public and private sector organisations. But is there clarity as to what leadership is about? James Comey, former director of the FBI, states that great leaders are people of integrity and decency, are kind and tough, confident enough to be humble, are transparent and seek meaning in their work. Does this description provide clarity and meaning concerning the nature of leadership? I think it does, since anyone in a leadership position should show integrity and decency in the sense that they are believable and trustworthy. It means their behaviour is based on moral values and is predictable. They treat employees with respect and fairness, and
Oliver Mills is a former lecturer in education at the UWI Mona Campus. He holds a BA (Hons.) UWI, an M.Ed. Dalhousie Univ., an MA University of London, and a Postgraduate Diploma in HRM and Training, Leicester Univ.
cultivate a culture of trust. The leader who possesses the multiple qualities of kindness, toughness and humility demonstrates flexibility based on the requirements of the moment. These are behaviours that enable such a person to deal successfully with challenging situations requiring flexible skills which lead to the achievement of goals. Leadership that is transparent and which seeks meaning in the work to be done displays openness, shares responsibilities and practices democracy at the workplace. Meaning implies having a sense of purpose and direction, and being sure of what the outcomes of an activity would look like. This inspires employees to be more creative, encourages teamwork and makes employees feel they are important. James Comey’s ideas are valuable and reasonable. They come from a person who was at the top of his profession, had dealt with seasoned
professionals and experienced the inner workings of a highly regarded organisation. His views provide strength to a rising leadership wave. John Lewis, a black congressman in the US, says that leadership is about being brave, bold and courageous. He brings these ideas from the civil rights movement where he endured some of the most brutal aspects of police action. For me, such social circumstances call for the psychological and emotional competencies which only an authentic leader could bring to events. It takes stamina and resolve to know that when you march for civil rights the system will confront you with a powerful response. This is the kind of leadership Lewis provided. And he achieved a remarkable level of success. Each social and political event fosters its special kind of leadership response. This makes leadership a flexible strategy. And this is why the leader has
to have a variety of skills when responding to complex developments. One of my favourite historians, Doris Kearns Goodwin, in a recent book on leadership says that leaders should display extraordinary empathy, know how to talk to people, persevere and be able to arrive at a consensus. I share this historian’s view of leadership. When leaders show empathy, they become one with the situation they seek to deal with. This means involvement in the process to change things for the better. Empathy reflects the humanity of the leader and sensitivity to what needs attending to. The leader with communication skills is able to speak to others with humility and without arrogance. He or she is easy to approach and is respectful to members of the company. A sense of collegiality develops, which fosters engagement with the ideals of the workplace and makes productivity possible. Perseverance is a virtue where leadership is concerned. The authentic leader does not give up, but persists in efforts to realise designated outcomes. In the event that circumstances change unexpectedly, the leader bolsters the group signalling the importance of accomplishing the mission and utilises their ‘know how’ to define alternatives, so that set targets are not interrupted.
Perseverance goads everyone along because of a culture of wanting to achieve. Arriving at a consensus is critical for the achievement of objectives. It is the magic that pulls all efforts together so that everyone is on board with what is expected. Leadership is manifested in the ability to explain the purpose of the project, its impact on the company and the role of actors in effecting the desired result. The leadership wave occurs when over time new thinking occurs with respect to how better outcomes could be achieved, making the organisation more efficient. This wave is observed in the approach to leadership by Comey, utilising multiple skills including the qualities of decency and integrity. This is followed by Lewis, who sees leadership as being courageous and bold. And the historian Doris Kearns Goodwin who introduces empathy and communication to the leadership wave of ideas. For me, the concept that encompasses the wave of all the leadership ideas is authenticity. Leadership is about uniqueness and critical reasoning. True leadership brings these to bear in accomplishing the demands of the moment and beyond.
July 20-26, 2019
Rapist gets bail and suspended sentence ahead of second rape trial
CHIEF Justice Margaret Ramsay-Hale has granted Steve Santana a six-month suspended sentence after he admitted to unlawfully and carnally knowing a young teenage girl. The sentence, which was handed down on Thursday (July 18), has been suspended for 18 months provided Santana does not commit or is convicted of another offence during this time. Santana had pleaded guilty to the unlawful carnal knowledge charge. As a result of the suspended sentence, the admitted sexual predator is now on bail for allegedly attacking and violently raping another female. He pled not guilty to this charge and will have to return to court for trial later this year. Santana is represented by attorney Lara Maroof-Misick in both cases.
Man gets two years in jail for bleach attack on cop
HAITIAN national John Elliot has been sentenced to two years’ imprisonment for causing grievous bodily harm to a police officer. He was sentenced on Tuesday (July 16). Elliot had admitted to Chief Justice Margaret Ramsay-Hale that he had indeed thrown bleach on the cop when the latter was stationed at the Chalk Sound Police Station in Providenciales. Reports are that Elliot threw the harmful substance into the officer’s eyes earlier this year. The policeman is still undergoing treatment as he was partially blinded as a result of the attack.
Dominican men exonerated in wounding with intent charges
THREE weeks ago, a joint trial commenced in the Providenciales Supreme Court against Anthony Antigua and Samuel Burgos for wounding with intent. When the Crown concluded presenting its evidence last week, Chief Justice Margaret Ramsay-Hale upheld a no case submission made by Antigua’s attorney Glenda Clarke. The trial against co-accused Burgos went ahead, and at closing on Wednesday (July 17) a jury found the defendant not guilty. The chief justice then directed the jury to consider the lesser count of wounding, and they returned with a guilty verdict on that lesser count for Burgos. The matter has since been adjourned to August for sentencing and the defendant remains on bail.
Sentencing for work permit scammer adjourned again
CONVICTED of 13 counts of immigration fraud and bribery last February, Shadika Green got a further reprieve from the court this week. Green was set be sentenced this past week by Chief Justice Margaret Ramsay-Hale but the matter was adjourned once again, this time to August. She had previously come up for sentencing in May. She remains on bail. The former immigration officer and another woman Vicki Wilson, worked at the Employment Services Unit when they were allegedly involved in a fake work permit scam. They were both arrested in 2017 following several months of investigations. Wilson is set for her own trial sometime soon. The women are accused of forging work permits and selling them to undocumented immigrants residing in the Turks and Caicos Islands.
Three locals cops vie for deputy commissioner post – Top cop appointed next Friday A NEW commissioner of police will be sworn in next Friday, and it is hoped that taking up the deputy’s position will be a native of the Turks and Caicos Islands. This hope was expressed by Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson on Monday (July 15) in the House of Assembly during her welcome address to new Governor Nigel Dakin. In addressing the policing of the territory, which falls within the remit of the Governor’s Office, the premier stated: “As a government and people we have a vested and well placed interest in external as well as internal security. Policing requires your urgent attention. “In a little over a week we will be welcoming a new commissioner and soon thereafter we hope to be welcoming one of our very own qualified TC Islanders as his deputy. “I look forward to working with both you and the new commissioner on matters that are important to us all.” When current Commissioner of Police James Smith demits office next week, Deputy Commissioner Trevor Botting will assume the position on Friday, July 26, during
an official change of command ceremony. Vying for the deputy’s post are three current members of the RTCIPF and an additional person who had lost out to Botting for the police chief spot. The three applicants are Assistant Commissioner Rodney Adams and Police Superintendents Kenny Grant and Darron Williams. ACP Adams previously held the position of deputy commissioner of police, but was reassigned as assistant commissioner after a jury found him not guilty of corruption in November 2014. The verdict followed a trial, which stemmed from his alleged corrupt involvement in the Keziah Burke murder investigation in which Adams’ son was charged. During her address to the governor, Premier Cartwright Robinson also spoke about the police force’s collaboration with Caricom and the challenges being experienced by many regional countries on issues such as youth and gun violence, an area where the TCI has seen a decided uptick in the past several months. “At Caricom level we continue
to discuss the region’s challenge in relation to youth and gun violence and whilst we boast of very low crime levels, you will find as a small country we are not a relaxed, accepting or forgiving people when there is a spree of any type offences.” She added: “We do not accept that crime increase must accompany development, and in fact on the contrary, we believe that the smallness of this country with a good policing plan, good community policing, modern crime fighting tools and well placed additional resources can see a reduction in crime and an increase in our dismal detection rates. “My Government stands ready to work with you in these efforts.” Governor Dakin brought with him a wealth of experience in the area of national security. He comes with 12 years as a British army officer with responsibility for command, operational and training roles at home and overseas, experience gleaned from his involvement in the Irish peace process while an officer of the UK Ministry of Defence, and a number of counter-terrorism postings overseas. (By Delana Isles)
Senior Reporter We're looking for a qualified multimedia reporter who has strong news gathering and writing skills, as well as the ability and enthusiasm to help keep the country's leading newspaper ahead of the pack. The position is available for immediate start and the successful candidate will be joining a small, dedicated team covering a wide range of news and features across the Turks and Caicos Islands. Local knowledge is preferred but not essential. The successful applicant should have had experience with community, court and parliamentary reporting. They will also be expected to take photographs and videos, and use social media. The salary for this position will be dependent on experience. Write or email the publisher at
TCWeeklyNews@gmail.com No phone calls please
July 20-26, 2019
Road beautification projects to be rolled out in all islands THE ADOPT-A-Highway and Adopt-A-Roundabout programmes will be launched soon across all of the Turks and Caicos Islands starting in Providenciales and Grand Turk. The Adopt-A-Highway initiative forms part of a wider plan to beautify the roads across the Turks and Caicos Islands. According to a statement from the Office of the Premier on Thursday (July 18), the project will be launched in Providenciales first, with more than ten sections of the Leeward Highway available for adoption. It is part of a joint effort between the Office of the Premier, Local Government and Community Affairs, the Ministry of Infrastructure and the private sector.
The project will ensure that median and surrounding roadsides along major roads will be maintained, the release stated. Adoption opportunities include litter removal, vegetation control, tree planting and indigenous planting. In addition to the aesthetic benefits of cleaner and more beautiful roadsides, participants will help to prevent potential pollutants from entering local waterways, the statement said. Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson said: “The Turks and Caicos Islands Adopt-A-Highway project is essentially an extension of my Government’s plan to beautify the Turks and Caicos Islands and maintain
Adopt-A-Highway project aims to beautify TCI
that beauty throughout all the islands. “The response from the public so far has been excellent. There have been a number of persons and businesses expressing interest already – an encouraging start to the launch of a great initiative.” The programme will provide sponsors with an opportunity to place a courtesy sign (to be erected by Public Works Department) to
recognise participants for their contributions. Interested citizens and groups seeking to participate in the programme have the option to participate as volunteers, or to hire a maintenance service provider to perform the work on their behalf. Participation shall include but not limited to the following activities, removing litter from road sideways
and road median (work frequency varies with location), controlling vegetation along the roadside and the road median, and planting and establishing trees or wildflowers along the road median. The Turks and Caicos Islands Government will be launching a similar project that will be geared toward the beautification of 22 roundabouts along Leeward Highway.
Government ministers attend training on the importance of health in policy making
Gov’t leaders urged to consider health in policy making GOVERNMENT ministers and members of parliament have taken part in a series of workshops encouraging them to think of the nation’s health when creating new policies. The sessions from July 8 to 10 were led by both the Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO) and the Ministry of Health, Agriculture, Sport and Human Services. Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson attended the workshops along with her colleagues, and commended the ministry on highlighting the importance of health. “As the minister of finance, I can say that it is very important to ensure that good health practices are threaded throughout all policies because the largest chunk of TCI’s budget is going to health,” the premier said in a press release on July 11. “We are spending a considerable amount on illnesses; so not only is this training very timely, but it is crucial to decision making going
forward.” She said the information provided in the sessions will help policy makers to ensure that healthcare takes priority and is included in the process of policy development. Practices and habits will be shifted and funding redirected to go toward prevention initiatives rather than response, Cartwright Robinson added. “So this exercise will do wonders for Turks and Caicos; it will do wonders for the Ministry of Finance but it will also help to form a population that is more productive, that is healthier and that hopefully will live longer. “I applaud the Ministry of Health for this wonderful initiative and look forward to a more health conscious approach to policy making across Government.” The main objectives of the training exercise were to: -Obtain commitment to consider health outcomes during policy making across all sectors of the
Government. -Identify roles of health and non-health sectors in a Health in All Policies (HiAP) approach using the examples of non-communicable diseases and climate change. -Identify opportunities for a HiAP approach in Turks and Caicos Islands. -Build capacity to promote, implement and evaluate HiAP. -Facilitate exchange of experiences and lessons learned, and encourage multi-sectoral collaboration. The workshops were launched on July 8 at the Shore Club in Providenciales and concluded on July 10 with sessions for senior officials in Government and other relevant stakeholders. PAHO officials hosting the training included Dr Esther de Gourville, PAHO and World Health Organisation (WHO) country representative, and national PAHO consultants Dr Keva Thompson and Brittany Jones.
SEVERAL corrections to appointments in last week’s Government issued post-Cabinet statement were sent to press for publication this week. Governor John Freeman chaired the 17th meeting of the Cabinet on July 3 at the Hilly Ewing Building in Providenciales. All ministers were present except Deputy Governor Anya Williams, Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson and Hon. Karen Malcolm, Minister of Education, Youth, Culture, Social and Library Services. The corrected statement said that at this meeting Cabinet: -Approved the appointment of Noreane McKoy (chair), Ivy Williams, Dimple Duncanson, Deloris Wilson, Henry Handfield, Sherlock Forbes, District Commissioner South Caicos, supervisor Public Works, police officer in charge of South Caicos, environmental health officer in charge as members and secretary/clerical officer to DC South Caicos of the South Caicos District Board for 2019-2020. -Approved the appointment of Pastor Mary (Iona) Harvey (chair), Cardinal Arthur, Garnett Outten, Ashwood Hall, Evan Williams, District Commissioner Middle Caicos, supervisor Public Works, police officer in charge of South Caicos, environmental health officer in charge as members and secretary/clerical officer to DC Middle Caicos of the Middle Caicos District Board for 2019-2020. -Approved the appointment of Andre Rupert Gibson (chair), Franklyn Robinson, Wilbert Forbes, Alpheus Gardiner, Timothy Palmer, Durrell Landy, District Commissioner North Caicos, supervisor Public Works, police officer in charge of South Caicos, environmental health officer in charge as members and secretary/clerical officer to DC North Caicos of the North Caicos District Board for 2019-2020. -Approved the appointment of Walter Cox (chair), Jamy Edward Williams, Quinton Higgs, Edith Skippings, Pastor Wesley Missick, Sylvia Grant and Eric Green as members of the Providenciales District Board for 2019-2020.
July 20-26, 2019
Jasmin Walkin, Bettyann Been, Hon. Karen Malcolm, Dr Alice Farling, Mark Francis, Tracey Outten and Simon Wiltshire
Tracey Outten, Bettyann Been, Hon. Karen Malcolm, Jas Walkin and Simon Wiltshire with St Christopher School for the Deaf dance group
Education minister takes team to international conference on special needs IT WAS a “privilege” to be part of a three day conference on special needs and inclusion, according to education minister Hon. Karen Malcolm. The DISES International Conference was held in Montego Bay, Jamaica, from June 26 to 28, under the theme, ‘Inclusion for all in a changing world’. Malcom, Minister for Education, Youth, Culture, Social and Library Services, took a team to the event with the aim of improving special needs provisions in the TCI. Joining her were Jas Walkin, Education Officer for Special Needs, Betty-Ann Been, Director of the Special Needs Unit, Simon Wiltshire,
Director of Health Policy and Planning, educational psychologist Sriya Smalling and scholarship manager Tracey Outten. In a press release on July 11, the minister said it was “indeed a privilege” to be a part of the conference. “My team and I have gain great insight into the practices and policies adopted both regionally and internationally in the area of special needs education and we hope to use this knowledge to enact practices and policies to assist persons within our society with special needs,” she added. “Once the ministry identifies the children with disabilities and puts
the provisions in place to deal with their needs, socially and otherwise, then the issue of inclusiveness will be less challenging.” While in Jamaica, attendees were able to take part in daily sessions that discussed the rights of those with disabilities, current practices and policies that exist for special needs inclusion both at a regional and international level. They met the president of Division of International Special Education and Services (DISES) Mark C Francis and other representatives. DISES is an organisation that shares its work around the world to fight for the rights of people with disabilities.
The conference’s opening ceremony was chaired by Hixwell Douglas, a professional motivational speaker, educator, counsellor, storyteller and toast master. He is visually impaired and was diagnosed from an early age. Greetings were brought by Lady Allen, wife of the Governor General of Jamaica. The keynote address was read by Senator Floyd Morris, Director of the University of the West Indies’ Disability Studies. Senator Morris was the first blind person to be appointed to the Senate of Jamaica in 1998 and was the keynote speaker at the National Symposium for Individuals with
Special Needs held in the TCI last November. The TCI delegation was invited to a special ‘sit-down’ with a member of Jamaica’s media where they discussed the milestones and challenges in the area of special needs. Hon. Malcolm and her colleagues also shared the TCI Government’s initiatives and future plans at a special ‘Update on the region’ roundtable discussion. There were representatives from nations at the event, however the TCI delegation was highlighted because it was the only one to have a ranking Cabinet minister in attendance.
Cuban conference shows how to ‘revolutionise’ postal services A MEETING on the varied postal services throughout in the Caribbean was extremely insightful, according to utilities minister Hon. Goldray Ewing. “…it provided tremendous insights as to how we can revolutionise postal services in our own country,” he said in a press release on July 8. The 12th Annual Caribbean Postal Union (CPU) Conference and the Council of Ministers of Postal Affairs was held in Havana, Cuba, from June 25 to 28. It was hosted under the theme, ‘Our way forward – Building on the pillars of the regional postal-sector strategy.’ Ewing, Minister for Home Affairs, Public Utilities and Transportation, led a team from the TCI to the regional event. He was accompanied by Permanent Secretary Clara Gardiner,
Postmaster General Elizabeth Garland-James and Head of Secretariat Cynara John. At this year’s conference, country representatives discussed ways to strengthen their operating capacity, opportunities to contribute to economic growth and the promotion of effective trade through the use of technology, financial inclusion and connectivity. Attendees deliberated on, and learnt first-hand about policy decisions that have the potential to affect the Turks and Caicos Islands before the end of this year, Ewing said. “A major takeaway from the conference for me is the potential to offer a wide range of services that can be meaningful to a larger percentage of our population and by extension increase Government revenue. “It also provided a forum to meet ministerial colleagues, who no doubt,
Hon. Goldray Ewing, Minister of Home Affairs, Public Utilities and Transportation, Permanent Secretary Clara Gardiner OBE, and Postmaster General Elizabeth James
will be a meaningful resource in my efforts to elevate postal services in the Turks and Caicos Islands.” One common challenge being faced by postal services was highlighted as manual processing with costly ineffective software or no access to technology. Attendees stressed the urgent need to generate revenue to sustain their operations, adding that there is inadequate customer focus, an
inability to digitise bill payments and other agency services, and difficulty in monitoring and control. Postmaster General Elizabeth Garland-James took part in panel discussions under the topic ‘Produce for new business, products and services’. She shared that the recently opened George Brown Post Office in Providenciales affords staff the space to handle the opportunities
that online shopping and overseas shipment brings. Garland-James also said the use of technology is central to improving customer service and that the process of implementing parcel tracking software has already begun. The CPU is a governing body that aims for the region to have a sustainable post network providing a wide range of communication and logistic services at a reasonable cost.
July 20-26, 2019
$10.3m for SIPT trial could be spent on critical infrastructure, premier says BY OLIVIA ROSE THE STAGGERING cost for the Special Investigation and Prosecution Team (SIPT) trial of former Premier Michael Misick and other corruption accused is still a major concern for the Government. Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson raised the issue once again to the new Governor Nigel Dakin at his swearing-in ceremony in Grand Turk on Monday (July 15).
She said: “Amidst the challenges and costly build back better plan constructed by Caribbean Centre for Development Administration, we are still paying high costs for the ongoing Special Investigations Prosecution Team trials. “A whopping $10.3 million has been budgeted this year and you and I can agree I am sure, that these sums from a budget of approximately $306 million can be better spent on infrastructure and other critical
needs.” Cartwright Robinson said the matter was raised on several occasions and will continue to be raised given the role that the UK has or has not played. The cost of the SIPT trail since it began almost four years ago has been a hot button issue for both the Government and the Opposition and by extension the citizens of the territory, who agree that the hefty financial burden placed on the
Officers of the RTCIPF are now trained in tactical firearms command
Cops undergo tactical firearms training ELEVEN sergeants and inspectors of the Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police Force have been trained to take on a more leading role in the organisation. Last week, the officers took part in a tactical firearms command course, geared towards developing command and leadership skills in the delivery of the tactical firearms command. During the four-day workshop, officers were provided with a comprehensive list of roles and responsibilities they would have to know in order to move up the ranks. This included knowledge of roles and responsibilities of command, positive command attributes, communication elements between command levels, the national decision model and the significance of the threat and risk assessment to decision making. They were also taught the roles of a negotiator, how to identify the progression of policing response to terrorist attacks and potential risks facing the emergency services providing critical support, and how to identify means of continuous professional development. Deputy Commissioner of Police, Trevor Botting in congratulating the participants spoke on the importance of the training. “I am very proud of the 11 officers who attended and passed this extremely challenging course. “To succeed, the officers worked very hard on the course and then had
to pass a rigorous testing process. “The command of serious incidents is critical for our response to incidents, catching criminals, and protecting those who live, work and visit the Turks and Caicos Islands.” Botting added that the training, while delivered by a UK based instructor, included the development of two of the TCI’s most experienced commanders. As a result the new knowledge gained, they can now go on to deliver the training locally to other members of the force. “Building a local training command capability is very important to maintain the high standards of command and control of incidents,” the deputy chief stated. Inspector Ensa Wilson, who is currently a 911 Silver Commander, found the training to be insightful. She recalled: “In just four days, I think we all gained significant skills and methods and were challenged to think deeply about our roles as commanders. “We covered a lot of practical information, but more importantly we were able to delve into critical thinking related to decision making and self- development. “The learning energy was amazing as the instructors had a lot of knowledge and experience.” Inspector Wilson also noted that it is important that a learning environment of this nature be continued as the RTCIPF continues to develop and grow.
“I am looking forward to continuing using my command skills to control serious incidents effectively during my duties.” Meanwhile, UK based facilitator of the training programme, Don Moyse, expressed his enjoyment and satisfaction at being able to facilitate the training and development of selected local officers in their command skills and decision making abilities. “My job in the UK is one of managing the training and development of police commanders, specifically in dealing with threat and risk mitigation in armed operations and counter-terrorism,” Moyse stated. He added that the same training was replicated in the TCI, with certain adaptations being made for the specific challenges of the Islands. “In delivering this training here I work as part of the team of existing specialist commanders whose experience and insight keeps the training within the local needs and context. “The officers we trained arrive on day one of the course, already experienced in policing the many risks and challenges the Islands put upon the RTCIPF and we add a developing structure, process and directing ability to better equip them to mitigate these and keep the public safe.” He said the attending officers proved themselves to be committed, enthusiastic and above all caring.
territory’s purse should be footed or at the very least shared with the British government. The cost of the trial, which began on December 18, 2015, is now nearing a whopping $100 million, according to civil recovery records. In December 2018, the premier stressed that the money being spent on the prolonged trial could be used to help the nation rebuild more resiliently following the 2017 storms. “As the minister of finance, it is my responsibility to say how burdensome the cost is becoming, and looking back it has been almost $100 million,” the premier said. “Last year, we budgeted $9.1 million for the operations. This year we had to do the same, and who knows if there are appeals, if there are convictions, if we will continue to budget $10 million; that is money that can go in rebuilding,” she added. A March 31, 2010, report from the UK House of Commons outlined that the initial costs of setting up the SIPT were met by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO). This amounted to a total spend of about £435,000 to the end of January 2010 (including the fees of the fivestrong senior management team, one researcher, the rental costs of offices and associated IT, and telephone and travel costs). The report stated: “The FCO ‘stretched the limited resources’ of the Overseas Territories Programme Fund to cover the cost of the core team until February 10, 2010, and agreed to provide an additional
Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson
£36,000 to allow Ms [Helen] Garlick to begin to recruit the core intelligence and research unit and to rent more UK office space,” In addition to these costs, the FCO also reportedly agreed to fund an analyst for four weeks at a cost of £5,000. The TCI Government has since been covering the cost of the investigations and the subsequent trials. From the inception, the UK has been adamant that it will not fund the process indefinitely, that the territory must pay to clean up the mistakes of its past, and that the British taxpayer should not be burdened with the cost of this process.
Assessors pre-test household survey A TEAM of enumerators knocked on several doors in Providenciales earlier this month to test out a household survey before its official roll out. The Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) is an international survey programme developed by the United Nations Children’s Fund (Unicef). It aims to provide valuable information on the situation of children, families and households to governments to assist in evidence-based policy making. From July 1 to July 5, interviewers from the Department of Statistics dressed in neon green t-shirts asked questions of a select number of residents. The assessors, kitted out with photo identification, all signed
an oath of secrecy binding them to confidentiality under the Statistics Ordinance 2012. Supplied information will remain confidential and will be used for statistical purposes only, a press release from the Department of Statistics said. When completed, the results of the survey will provide support for the TCI on monitoring national development strategies, poverty reduction strategies and national action plans for children. It will also be a major contributor in measuring progress under the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals Indicators. Further information on the survey is available from the department on 347-4563 or 2422175.
July 20-26, 2019
July 20-26, 2019
Styrofoam could cause cancer, says premier STYROFOAM contains harmful chemicals that can contaminate food and drink and may cause cancer, according to Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson. In a statement on July 2, she said that Styrofoam is also one of the biggest contributors to land and marine pollution in the territory. Thankfully, this environmental and health menace is poised to be stamped out following the Government’s ban on the ubiquitous material. On May 29, Cabinet approved a policy paper put forward by the Government as part of ongoing initiatives to reduce waste and encourage sustainable practices. The policy, which will take effect on November 1, will officially outlaw Styrofoam products in the territory. The plastic polystyrene is expanded by air to create the solid foam material commonly known as Styrofoam. It is used throughout the
TCI for packaging fragile products, or insulating hot food and beverages. The premier in a statement on July 2, explained that the material does not biodegrade, but breaks down into smaller pieces that enter waterways, posing a serious threat to the TCI’s marine ecosystem. “These plastics subsequently end up in the ocean where it is broken down into smaller pieces called micro-plastics that are ingested by marine life,” she said. “…fish that have ingested plastics are then introduced into the food chain and could be detrimental to human health. “Lightweight Styrofoam is also easily carried away by wind and often ends up littering the streets, beaches, clogging storm drainage, and can harm animals.” The premier pointed out that many health risks, including cancer, are associated with prolonged use of this material.
Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson
“It is the vision of the Turks and Caicos Islands Government and the Climate Change Committee to reduce TCI’s contribution to global warming, to reduce the health risks that are connected to the consumption of micro-plastics and other harmful materials and to ensure that the country remains beautiful by nature
and clean by choice,” Cartwright Robinson said. Made from petroleum-based polystyrene beads, Styrofoam contains 57 toxic chemicals that become active when incinerated, contributing to air pollution and a range of health issues. “The main component of Styrofoam is styrene which is classified by the World Health Organisation (WHO) as a carcinogen – material that can cause cancer,” the premier said. “It also contains harmful chemicals that can contaminate our food and drink. Recent research suggests that the consumption of Styrofoam could lead to serious health effects. “Polystyrene materials that end up in landfills release methane gases that have over 20 times the ozone destroying potency as carbon dioxide, ultimately contributing to climate change.”
Cartwright Robinson stressed that along with the regulations on the use and importation of Styrofoam, polystyrenes and plastic straws, the upcoming ban will also outline a list of alternatives and reduced tariffs for the importation of those items. Although the ban will take full effect on November 1, vendors and retailers of these products will have until April 2020 to get rid of all merchandise in stock. The policy primarily targets importers, manufacturers, sellers and businesses that use Styrofoam containers to package food. Products such as single-use plastic cups, cutlery, including plastic knives, forks and spoons, stirrers, straws, plates, egg trays - both plastic and Styrofoam - and Styrofoam containers used in the culinary retail industry are all now on the extensive list of banned items in the TCI. (By Olivia Rose)
Labour minister attends colossal international conference MORE than three dozen world leaders and thousands of international representatives attended the International Labour Conference in Switzerland this June. The historic event was held at the United Nations Headquarters from June 10 to 21 under the theme ‘Building a future with decent work’. Hon. Vaden Williams, Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Labour and Employment Services, led a team from the TCI to the 108th session in Geneva. The conference hosts members of the highest decision-making body of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) which is celebrating its 100th anniversary this year. During the event, Hon. Williams and other ministers shared their experiences of new forms of employment and best institutions of work that can adapt to it. “The sessions were extremely useful and beneficial to the Turks and Caicos Islands in terms of the knowledge and information gained and the connections that were made,” he said. “We will put all that we’ve learned
at the conference to good use and we will also maintain contact with the various officials we met so that we can benefit from their experience, guidance and advice as we continue to develop our country.” Williams was joined on the trip by Labour Commissioner Edwin Taylor, Deputy Labour Commissioner Alpheus Smith, and Head of Secretariat Sakera Cook. Other international leaders in attendance included British prime minister Theresa May, Russian prime minister Dmitry Medvedev, South African president Cyril Ramaophosa, Barbados prime minister Mia Mottley and Jamaican prime minister Andrew Holness. A Government press release on July 2 explained that the conference concluded with the adoption of a convention and accompanying recommendation to combat violence and harassment in the world of work. The convention defines violence and harassment as behaviours, practices or threats “that aim at, result in, or are likely to result in physical, psychological, sexual or economic harm”. It recognises that violence and
Hon. Vaden Williams (centre) and his team attend a Swiss labour conference
harassment can constitute a human rights violation or abuse, is a threat to equal opportunities, and is unacceptable and incompatible with decent work. It reminds member states that they have a responsibility to promote a general environment of zero tolerance. Members also signed a declaration charting the way towards a humancentred future of work. “The declaration, which looks to the future of work with a humancentred lens, has a strong focus on enabling people to benefit from
changes in the world of work,” the release said. This will happen by strengthening the institutions of work to ensure adequate protection of all workers, and by promoting “sustained, inclusive and sustainable” growth and full and productive employment. Specific areas for action include the effective realisation of gender equality in opportunities and treatment, effective lifelong learning and quality education for all and respect for workers’ fundamental rights. Other areas of focus are an
adequate minimum wage, maximum limits on working time, universal access to comprehensive and sustainable social protection and safety and health at work. Policies should also be created that promote decent work and enhance productivity, as well as ensure appropriate privacy and personal data protection, and respond to challenges and opportunities in the world of work relating to the digital transformation of work, including platform work. Williams and his team attended the conference from June 17 to 20.
July 20-26, 2019
BY TATYANA PATRICK Tatyana Patrick is an aspiring author and recent high school graduate. She is currently employed as a legal secretary and intends to pursue a career in accounting. You may contact her at tatyana.thisbe@gmail.com if you would like her to provide advice on any topic related to teens.
What kind of tree should we have in the middle of the highway? MY QUESTION today is, how about shrubs instead of trees? My friend Mario was telling me how he was concerned about the glare from headlights of vehicles moving in the opposite direction at night. It’s a very important point, because median plantation is primarily required to cut the glare from headlights of vehicles moving in the opposite direction in the adjacent highway. They serve the purpose, instead of a tree or a group of trees that are planted together close to one another and may not really block the glare. Shrub stems and leaves grow thick and wide enough for that use. Shrubs grow smaller than trees and are thus easier and cheaper for maintenance. Tree branches can grow and overarch the road near the median and obstruct trucks or buses. Also, some tree fruits may fall on the road when they ripen or due to the vibrations caused by the movement of vehicles. Shrubs usually need less width to grow as opposed to trees that can take up wider spaces. Some varieties of trees do however need only as much space. We also have to consider that roots of trees grow deep and can encroach into the road’s base layers and foundations which may cause the road to heave and affect the surface. Here are some shrubs that require lower maintenance and are drought tolerant: YELLOW ELDER
This small tree grows as a densely branched shrub and is often seen in the Islands.
Denis is a passionate landscape architect who enjoys the creative process and his clients’ joy when projects come to life. Contact Denis at Nature Splendor for your landscaping, installation or garden maintenance needs. For more information call 332-3381 or email denisbgarden@gmail.com
Common yellow elder (Tecoma stans var. stans) is a Central and South American tree that can grow up to 25 foot, but here in the Turks and Caicos Islands it can grow up to 12 to 15 foot. This small tree can also be trimmed and kept smaller. It has bright yellow flowers and dense, lushly green foliage that is evergreen. SEA GRAPE
The sea grape plant (Coccoloba uvifera) is often used in ocean-side landscaping. Sea grapes can be found in sandy soil right on the beach and they produce clusters of fruit that resemble grapes. The tree tends to branch off into multiple trunks, but can be trained (pruned) to form a single one and its size can be maintained to that of a shrub. It can grow up to 25 to 30 feet high when left unchecked. After about 10 years of training the tree, sea grape care is minimal and needs only to be watered and occasionally pruned to maintain the desired shape. They are often utilised to create a windbreak or hedge, although they make attractive specimen plants as well. They do well in urban environments and have even been used as street trees along boulevards and highways. SCAVOELA
spreading, evergreen shrub with somewhat succulent, softwooded, pithy stems. It usually grows up to four to six foot tall on the Islands. Many people dislike this shrub, but I think it’s an easy and attractive plant. It is commonly gathered from the wild, often protected when land is cleared and sometimes also cultivated, especially as a hedge plant. It is grown in erosion control schemes in many tropical places. DWARF POINCIANA
Not at all a poinciana, just a look alike. The Caesalpinia pulcherrima blooms in spring, summer and fall. It is a shrub growing up to 10 foot tall. C pulcherrima is the most widely it is a striking ornamental plant, widely grown in domestic and public gardens and has a beautiful inflorescence in yellow, red, pink and orange. Its small size and the fact that it tolerates pruning allows it to be planted in groups to form a hedgerow; it can be also used to attract hummingbirds. If any teachers or schools are interested in a project of growing shrubs or trees for the highway, or if anyone has ideas and would like to share them, you are welcome to do so on our Facebook page: Nature Splendor
Eating disorders and fad diets LIKE fashion trends, fad diet ideas never seem to end. However, unlike a harmless pair of skinny jeans, a lot of them are a gateway to developing an eating disorder. If you’d like to gain or lose weight healthily, diets from magazines and social media posts aren’t the way to go. You must make a lifestyle change. Dieting has only temporary results. Don’t become a hamster on a wheel attempting to attain a finished product that will not last. Here are some ways to help you avoid developing an eating disorder or following a fad diet: EAT MORE OF WHAT’S HEALTHY AND LESS OF WHAT’S NOT This is especially true for those of you who are trying to lose weight but it is also true for those trying to gain weight. Stuffing your face with sweets and fried food is not the answer to either goal. Research advice from credible health experts like dieticians and exercise trainers. THROW OUT THE UNHELPFUL MAGAZINES A magazine that tells you to only
drink water for 30 days is not in your best interest to have. Dispose of magazines with unhelpful advice regarding how you eat, lose weight or anything else - even if your favourite celebrity is on the cover. LOVE YOURSELF AT WHATEVER SIZE YOU ARE Regardless of what you look like, you are worthy of self-love. If you are disgusted with what you see in the mirror, it may be difficult to see a difference once you’ve achieved your fitness goals. Don’t resort to eating disorders such as anorexia, bulimia, binge eating. If you feel helpless about your body image, speak to someone you trust or seek professional help from a counsellor. Your health is more important than fitting into some dress, reaching a number on a scale or impressing others. Ensure that your fitness goals are realistic and go about achieving them the healthy way. Eating disorders can lead to sickness and death. No fad diet is worth your sanity or life. Your value is so much greater than that.
July 20-26, 2019
Joe Sims of TC Industrial poses with members of his staff after receiving the trophy for the contractor with the best safety record
Don Forsyth, FortisTCI senior director of electrical planning and energy delivery, presents St Leo ‘Sinty’ Missick of Stanch Construction with his FortisTCI Safety Passport
Employees thanked for health and safety excellence TOP performers in health and safety were recognised at the FortisTCI Green Ribbon Safety Awards ceremony held in Providenciales on Friday, July 5. The event placed the spotlight on employees and departments displaying outstanding safety practices, a company press release said on
PUBLIC NOTICE BELONGER STATUS APPLICATION (Section 3 (5) of the Immigration Ordinance)
Take Notice that I, John Freeman, Governor of Turks and Caicos in exercise of the powers conferred on me by section 3(2) of the Immigration Ordinance intend to grant a Certificate of Belonger Status to DOMINIQUE MILLER JENNINGS by virtue of marriage to a Belonger.
Wednesday (July 17). Senior vice president of operations Devon Cox said a strong culture of safety is at the core of everything the firm does. “Safety is seen through our policies and procedures, and it is acknowledged through the ISO certifications the company has attained. “Most importantly, safety is displayed through the actions our employees and our business partners take in completing their day-to-day tasks,” he said. For the first time, the company also recognised contracted business partners who have to subscribe to the company’s health and safety policies and procedures. “This is another step in the
right direction,” Cox said. “Nothing is more important than the safety of those who work with and for us at FortisTCI. “Congratulations to all the award recipients and thank you for keeping health and safety a top priority.” The FortisTCI environmental, health, and safety department established the Green Ribbon Safety Awards Programme in 2016. The initiative acknowledges those working for the company who understand the importance of good safety practices and who are actively providing solutions to health and safety concerns in the workplace. FortisTCI also launched its contractor Safety Passport
Programme which certifies that contract workers have completed all prerequisites and environmental health and safety training courses necessary to work on the company’s premises. The top FortisTCI departments were the North and Middle Caicos team in first place, Providenciales production department in second place and South Caicos security team in third. The top FortisTCI contractors were TC Industrial in first place, Woods Contractual Services in second and Kevin’s Cleaners and Stanch Construction in third place. Several other employees and contractors were also awarded for their hard work and excellence in service.
The Meridian Club is looking for an individual experienced with at least two years’ experience cooking in for large groups – who is hard-working, organized, creative, and passionate about food and customer service. Have excellent interpersonal skills, be a team player and also able to work unsupervised. You will also be able to work a flexible schedule including days, evenings, weekends and public holidays. Must be willing to reside on Pine Cay. Salary commensurate with experience. REQUIREMENTS: • Food preparation certification • Food preparation and cooking, plating, presentation
• Kitchen maintenance and cleaning • Maintaining and ordering stocks and supplies • Following food safety requirements
This position is currently held by a permit holder. Belongers need only apply.
Please submit written resumes to: hr@meridicanclub.com and Mr. Edwin Taylor -Labour Commissioner
July 20-26, 2019
Resort staff get extensive training on autism NEARLY 150 employees at Beaches Turks and Caicos have completed a six week autism workshop as part of the brand’s efforts to provide an inclusive experience to all guests. The training was led by the resort’s learning and development department at took place from June 20 to 27. Staff who have direct interaction with resort guests including kids camp, entertainment and front of house team attended the sessions, a resort press release on July 11 explained. The training was also extended to the human resources department and senior management to help create an inclusive environment for employees who are autistic. Learning and development manager Julianna Musgrove said the information was also very transformative for the lives of employees with children on the spectrum. “Altogether, I am extremely
gratified having facilitated this course, knowing that it has already led to a transformation in our employees and an increased awareness for the overall inclusiveness of all our guests.” The workshop featured training modules from the International Board of Credentialing and Continuing Education Standards (IBCCES). They focused on autism, anxiety, ADHD, identifying autism, interacting with children with autism and tools to support children on the spectrum. Shamara Pompey from the kitchen department said the training was very personal for her and she will use what she learnt in the workplace and at home. “As a parent with a child who is autistic, the autism training helps me to be able to understand him better and other children with autism. “It was a very informative workshop and I look forward
to applying that knowledge.” Each person who attended the training will be autism certified through IBCCES. In 2017, Beaches Resorts became the first brand in the world to be named an Autism Certified Autism Centre (ACAC). The ACAC designation is the next level of certification once an organisation has achieved the CAC certification. It underscores that the organisation has gone above and beyond to train its staff and provide substantial modifications for visitors with autism or similar sensory needs. Beaches Turks and Caicos now aims to become a level II Advanced Certified Autism Centre from IBCCES. IBCCES is a leader in training and certification within healthcare, education and corporate environments to meet the growing needs of those with cognitive disorders.
HEAD SWIM TEACHER Swim and Surf TCI is a non-profit organisation established to provide a sustainable, consistent and affordable swimming programme and swim teacher training programme for the community of the Turks and Caicos Islands. We currently seek to employ a Head Swim Teacher to work alongside our Executive Board of Directors to continue to deliver our successful learn to swim programmes for children and adults.
A live in Technician/Caretaker FOR A PRIVATE VILLA
• • • • •
The successful candidate will work closely with the Property manager and is expected to assist with the upkeep and maintenance of the villa.
• Technical experience with swimming pools, irrigation, and water pumps are essential • Certification in Electrical and or plumbing installation and the ability to read MEP Plans • Must have experience in general maintenance, electrical installations, plumbing and carpentry in a villa/hotel Technician duties and responsibilities • Must be able to maintain Creston Audio Visual Systems • Please note this position requires the applicant to be on call 24/7. • Must be willing to work with the team and assist in training and delegating maintenance staff • Applicant must have a good command of the English Language • Computer literacy is required in order to access equipment and part replacement information and ordering • Must possess a clean driver’s license and police record
• • • •
Learn to Swim School programming and implementation Open water swimming programming and implementation Out of water education with regards to nutrition, healthy and active lifestyle Water safety awareness and drowning prevention education Liaising with the VP of Swimming and VP of Surfing with the development and implementation of the trainee/mentor programme. Responsible for supervising volunteers and mentors Develop and encourage the development of competitive swim teams both in the community and schools throughout the Turks and Caicos Islands. Strategic planning for the development of a Swim Teacher Training Scholarship for individuals wanting to start a career in teaching swimming Liaise and network with internationally recognised organisations for the development of swimming in TCI
MUST have a current Swim Teaching qualification along with CPR certification with an internationally accredited swim organisation (Swim England, Swim Australia, Royal Life Saving Society or ASCA etc). A degree or certifications in Fitness and Physical Education is required. Must have a strong background in swimming; learn to swim and swimming development. Must have proven experience in developing and presenting water safety awareness programmes to members of the community at all level 3 years of age to adults. To organise and manage competitive sports activities, promote the development of increased fitness and active lifestyle through swimming, organise and manage social activities for students and parents, have the personality and experience to encourage the confidence and skills of individual participants and trainees in the programme. Must have the ability to work on their own to meet the demands of the programme and a high degree of professionalism to liaise confidently with the Executive Board of Directors and the TCI community at large. Organisation and administration skills with ability to promote the organisation through appropriate social platforms.
Helper/Cleaner A helper/cleaner labourer is needed to work along with our maintenance team. Duties include but are not limited to: • Cleaning the outside of the villa and property as required • Collect and disposing of garbage and debris including removing leaves • Set up/disassemble equipment as necessary • Must be able to perform basic maintenance • Must be willing to take instructions and work along with the team • Must have a clean police record • This position pays $6.25 per hour.
These Adverts are for work permit renewal. Please address all resume’s to hr@ thesource.tc and drop off a copy to The Department of Employment Services.
The workshop focused on autism, anxiety, ADHD and tools to support children
Salary is $45,000 per annum. Deadline for Application is August 10th, 2019
Email: swimandsurftci@gmail.com Please copy application to: Labour Commissioner Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands This is a new work permit application
Regional News
July 20-26, 2019
PAHO urges Caribbean countries to prepare for heat waves IN view of the current heat waves in Europe and predictions that this phenomenon will hit various parts of the Americas, the Pan American Health Organization/ World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) is urging Caribbean countries to be prepared, due to the impact that this could have on peoples’ health, including the risk of death. During the southern hemisphere’s summer of 2018-2019, seven countries in the Americas (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay) were affected by heat waves, a phenomenon never seen before in the region. The heat waves that have had the greatest impact since 2000 were the one in Brazil in 2010 that caused the death of 737 people, and the one in Argentina in the summer of 20132014 that caused 1,877 deaths and left 800,000 people with no power, which increased heat stress in that population. According to health authorities in the United States, heat waves are the natural phenomenon that causes the highest number of deaths in that country. Weather forecasts for the Caribbean predict heat waves during the summer of 2019. This could increase drought-induced stress, lead to forest fires, and have harmful effects on human health. Due to the situation, PAHO has developed a guide to help countries in the region formulate contingency plans to address heat waves. This guide provides recommendations that the health sector and meteorological
Lee Martin-Cramp in uniform before being dismissed from the Metropolitan Police Force after spiking a woman’s drink and raping her in Antigua.
Former UK police officer jailed for raping visitor during his 2015 vacation in Antigua Weather forecasts for the Caribbean predict heat waves during the summer of 2019.
agencies can implement to prepare for and better respond to this threat, promote health, prevent the adverse effects of heat waves, treat affected people, and save lives. The document stresses that heat wave contingency plans should be able to determine the extent of the threat, with alert activation procedures, a description of roles and functions, and intra- and interagency coordination mechanisms. The document also highlights that countries should strengthen the epidemiological surveillance of heat-related morbidity and mortality, the capacity of health services (training of staff, improvements in the design of new hospitals, and
equipping of existing hospitals in high-risk areas), and enhance the actions of local authorities, the media, and communities in terms of inter-agency response measures, prevention measures, and self-care. Exposure to heat causes severe symptoms such as heat exhaustion and heat stroke (a condition which causes faintness, as well as dry, warm skin, due to the inability of the body to control high temperatures). The majority of heat-related deaths are due to the worsening of cardiopulmonary, renal, endocrine and psychiatric conditions. Other symptoms include edema in the lower limbs, heat rash on the neck, cramps, headache, irritability, lethargy and weakness.
A FORMER British police officer has been sentenced to 15 years in prison for raping a young woman when the two met on vacation in Antigua just over four years ago. Lee Martin-Cramp, who was a member of the UK Metropolitan Police Force, will be incarcerated at the former US Naval Base on the island, in keeping with the agreement between local and UK authorities. According to the evidence in the trial, Martin-Cramp raped the 22-year-old woman, a foreign student nurse, during his vacation in May 2015. The two had met on dating app Tinder and went to a bar before going to her apartment where they chatted and drank wine before deciding to watch a movie. According to the evidence, the then 22-year-old police officer spiked the woman’s drink
when she left the room to change her clothes. The woman had told the court she noticed the wine had a strange taste when she returned, but MartinCramp told her he had added some vodka to it, so she took a few more sips. She said she subsequently started feeling dizzy and stopped drinking, but Martin-Cramp forced himself on her and she woke up later bruised and in pain. The woman said she maintained WhatsApp contact with her rapist after the incident so she could eventually get him to admit to the crime. And he did, telling her to pretend it never happened, and she reported it to police. In one of the messages, after the woman told him he had taken her virginity, Martin-Cramp replied: “I can’t give it back haha”.
‘I am alarmed,’ U.N. Secretary General says about 2018 Haiti massacre THE secretary general of the United Nations said Wednesday he is “alarmed” by the findings of his human-rights investigators on a 2018 massacre in a Haiti slum, as well as the lack of any judicial action against the accused, including two former Haiti National Police officers and a current government official. “The allegations of complicity by at least two police officers and a representative of the State call for authorities to act swiftly to bring to justice those who are responsible for the crimes,” U.N. SecretaryGeneral António Guterres said in his first public comments about a U.N.issued report on the November 2018 massacre in Port-au-Prince’s La Saline neighborhood. Haiti-based human rights organizations have put the death toll in La Saline as high as 71. U.N. investigators , who acknowledged that their probe was not exhaustive, say at least 26 people, including a 10-month-old and 72-year-old, were killed. The killings took place over
two days and were “a well-planned operation” carried out by five different gangs, the U.N. said. Witnesses reported that a Haitian government official, the appointed delegate for the West region, was seen in the company of police officers and gang members during the attack. One of those police officers had previously been implicated in another massacre in the Grande Ravine slum of Port-au-Prince a year earlier. As in La Saline, no legal proceedings have been initiated to date in relation to the Grande Ravine killings. Guterres’ comments were presented in a report to the U.N. Security Council, which had requested the La Saline investigation. It paints a troubling picture of the overall situation of Haiti, which, on the eve of the exit by U.N. peacekeepers after 15 years, faces an upsurge in criminal gang activity, a deteriorating economic environment, successive waves of anti-government protests and corruption allegations
Miliana Louis cries during a Dec. 13, 2018, memorial for the victims of a massacre in the La Saline slum of Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Louis said her 22-year-old son, James, was killed with a machete in the mass killing on Nov. 13, and his body fed to pigs
against its president, Jovenel Moïse. Without mentioning the word PetroCaribe — the Venezuela oil program at the center of two corruption reports implicating former Haitian government officials and three companies owned
by Moïse before his February 2017 inauguration — Guterres acknowledged that Haiti’s Superior Court of Auditors and Administrative Disputes has shed light “on certain allegations” of embezzlement involving the program. However,
he notes that little has been done to bring the perpetrators to justice and recover the embezzled cash. The secretary-general called on Haiti’s Superior Council of the Judiciary to ensure that judges under its jurisdiction have the necessary independence to carry out proceedings, and asked Moïse to open talks on accountability. Both requests are a tall, if not impossible, order considering that it’s unclear if the judiciary council has authority on judges it does not appoint, and given the fact that a majority of its members recently signed a public letter critical of Moïse after the corruption allegations surfaced in a May 31 report. With Moïse accused of being part of the PetroCaribe embezzlement — allegations he has denied — and the target of an impeachment campaign in the Lower Chamber of Deputies, Guterres asks, how can the president appoint judges sufficiently independent who could end up indicting him?
July 20-26, 2019
Regional News
Jamaican man sentenced to 21 years in US prison for smuggling people
Gang violence and further education, rather than the island’s high cost of living, were the top reasons for leaving, David Burt told the House.
Bermuda: Burt fingers gang violence for emigration hike QUESTIONS ranging from the emigration of Bermudians to the island’s surging rat population were fielded by David Burt during Premier’s Question Time on Friday. Mr Burt took opening queries from Craig Cannonier, the Leader of the Opposition, on the “prevalence” of Bermudians leaving the island for overseas. Gang violence and further education, rather than the island’s high cost of living, were the top reasons for leaving, Mr Burt told the House. He told the House that “empirical evidence is not currently being collected, it’s something I know the Department of Statistics is grappling with”. The Premier said: “I don’t think economic reasons are the main reasons that people leave Bermuda. “The main revolve around education and issues inside our community around violence and gang violence.” When asked if he had rescheduled the number of parliamentary sessions, Mr Burt said “the short answer is no”. Mr Burt said the House had met more often in the Progressive Labour Party’s first two years back in government than during the same time frame for the previous administration. Mr Cannonier then asked whether “the proliferation of rats in Bermuda was an island-wide problem”. Mr Burt said Cabinet had discussed the issue, saying rats had increased food sources from boom in vegetation blamed on the reduction in the use of Roundup herbicide. He said he would bring the scientific evidence backing the claim to the House in a report filed by government technical officers. Mr Cannonier asked if the Government would reintroduce a twice-weekly trash collection schedule. But Mr Burt said it would not be reinstated until there were adequate trash collection resources. Susan Jackson, a One Bermuda Alliance backbencher, noted
the strike this week over health insurance cuts at Gorham’s hardware store, and said that the Matilda Smith Williams senior residence, as well as the Summerhaven home for the physically challenged, were “experiencing difficulties with health insurance”. She questioned whether businesses were being hit by the Government’s healthcare reforms, entailing a block grant to the Bermuda Hospitals Board that impacted insurers — but Mr Burt said he could not comment on private businesses. The Premier confirmed, in response to questions from Michael Dunkley, of the OBA, that a grant of $75,000 would be allocated to St George’s Cricket Club for Cup Match this year, as was done last year for Somerset Cricket Club. Mr Burt also revealed that the Government was partnering with the Western Stars Sports Club in Pembroke to help to redevelop the facility. Ben Smith, an Opposition backbencher, asked the Premier if he agreed with PLP MP Michael Weeks, who “seemed to suggest that permission be denied” for a gay pride march in Bermuda during last week’s session of Parliament. Mr Burt replied that he had not been in the House at the time, adding: “On August 31, the members of this community are holding a parade, and the parade will happen.” Asked if he would attend, the Premier said he planned to be in Florida with his wife and children. Scott Pearman, the Shadow Attorney-General, asked Mr Burt about allegation of “abuse and neglect” under investigation at the Department of Child and Family Services, and asked who had been ordered to investigation. Mr Burt said he “would only assume either the Secretary to the Cabinet or the head of the public service” would have made the decision. Mr Pearman asked if Mr Burt had no involvement in the decision, to which Mr Burt responded: “Not to my recollection.” (RoyalGazette)
A JAMAICAN man has been sentenced to more than two decades in prison in the United States for running an international aliensmuggling organisation out of Freeport, Bahamas. Court records show that 44-yearold Michael Stapleton was extradited to the United States last year and sentenced to 21 years and 10 months last Thursday. A federal jury in South Florida found him guilty of 47 counts related to a people — smuggling scheme. According to a release from the US Department of Justice, the trial evidence showed that, for several years Stapleton coordinated the smuggling of aliens to the United States through Freeport, from around the world. He arranged for them to be hidden in stash houses, hired smuggling captains, and arranged for boats to make crossing from the Bahamas to the United States, the release said. Testimony at trial showed he also used the vulnerability of the aliens to exploit them by demanding more money from them after they were in his power, keeping them in deplorable conditions, mistreating them, and sending them out in unsafe boats, the release continued. In one smuggling venture, the release said, the aliens were pushed overboard in rough seas far from the beach, despite some of them not being able to swim.
Michael Stapleton was extradited to the United States last year and sentenced to 21 years and 10 months last week
“The US Attorney’s Office and our law enforcement partners are committed to the vigorous prosecution of those individuals who engage in the dangerous and illicit practice of alien smuggling. Today’s (last Thursday’s) sentencing shows those who plan and commit these crimes while abroad will not have impunity from federal prosecution in the United States, but will instead face more than 20 years in prison,” US Attorney Ariana Fajardo Orshan
is quoted as saying in the release. “These smuggling organisations place no value on human life and are constantly putting people’s lives at risks. Stapleton’s actions clearly proved that,” said Anthony Salisbury, special agent in charge of HSI Miami. “Our goal is to identify, disrupt and dismantle the type of organisation that Stapleton headed, and we are committed to do everything within our powers to put these individuals behind bars.”
Georgia man dies in DR after drinking soda that didn’t ‘taste right’ YET another American tourist has died suspiciously in the Dominican Republic, bringing the total number of mysterious deaths in the Caribbean country to well over 10. Tracy Jerome Jester Jr., 31, of Forsyth, Ga., passed away on March 17 while vacationing with his sister at a resort, the U.S. State Department and his family told ABC News on Sunday. “We can confirm the death of a U.S. citizen in the Dominican Republic in March 2019,” a state department spokesman said in a statement. “We offer our sincerest condolences to the family for their loss. Out of respect for the family during this difficult time, we do not have additional information to provide.” Jester, who had been dealing with lupus, reportedly suffered from a “respiratory illness” after he had gone sightseeing. He had planned to return home the next morning but his sister called the night of March 16 to say he was vomiting and couldn’t breathe, his mother Melody Moore said.
Tracy Jerome Jester Jr., 31, of Forsyth, Ga., passed away a few months ago while vacationing with his sister at a resort, the U.S. State Department and his family told ABC News on Sunday.
“I was panicking because I couldn’t get to my children,” she recalled. Jester’s sister told her mother that he “just dropped to his knees and started throwing up blood, and was calling for Mama,” Moore said. Several hours later, he purportedly passed away.
In a separate interview with WSB-TV, Moore said that her son had drunk a soda and had told her that it didn’t “taste right.” She is now convinced that his death is connected to the over 10 questionable deaths that have either involved the consumption of alcohol or the use of hotel amenities.
World News
Chances of a no-deal outcome appear to have risen recently, after both Tory leadership contenders said they would be willing to leave the EU without a deal.
No-deal Brexit could cause £30bn economic hit, watchdog says PUBLIC borrowing could double next year if there is a no-deal Brexit, the country’s spending watchdog says. The Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) said borrowing would be almost £60bn if the UK leaves without a deal - up from £29.3bn if it does get a deal. The watchdog said this scenario was based on assumptions that a no-deal Brexit would cause a UK recession. The UK is set to leave the European Union on 31 October. Chances of a no-deal outcome appear to have risen recently, after both Tory leadership contenders said they would be willing to leave the EU without a deal.
The OBR was created in 2010 to give independent analysis of the UK’s public finances. In its first assessment of the economic impact of a no-deal scenario, the OBR used IMF analysis that shows the UK economy would contract by 2% in 2020 before recovering in 2021. This would come as tariffs of 4% were imposed on goods traded with the EU - up from zero currently although the IMF does not expect there to be disruption at the border. In this scenario, the OBR said that “heightened uncertainty and declining confidence” would deter investment, while higher trade barriers with the EU would “weigh on exports”.
“Together, these push the economy into recession, with asset prices and the pound falling sharply,” it said. It said this could raise inflation and squeeze real incomes. It would also hit tax receipts, causing public sector borrowing to rise and leaving debt 12% higher by 2024. The OBR added this was “not necessarily the most likely outcome” but also “by no means the worst case scenario”. It also warned that both Conservative leadership contenders had made “a series of uncosted proposals for tax cuts and spending increases that would be likely to increase government borrowing by tens of billions of pounds if implemented”.
Iran seizes ‘fuel-smuggling’ tanker in Gulf IRAN says it seized a “foreign tanker” and its 12 crew on Sunday for smuggling fuel in the Gulf. State television quoted Iran’s Revolutionary Guards as saying the ship had been smuggling one million litres (220,000 gallons) of fuel. It is not yet confirmed if it is the UAE-based Riah tanker that stopped transmitting its position as it sailed through the Strait of Hormuz on Sunday. Iran said earlier this week it had come to the aid of a broken-down tanker. Without naming the Riah, Iran said it had towed the foreign tanker into Iranian waters for repairs after “receiving a request for assistance” on Sunday. It made no mention of seizing the ship. The Revolutionary Guards’ Sepah News site said on Thursday that the alleged fuel-smuggling ship was seized on Sunday during naval patrols aimed at “discovering and confronting organised smuggling”.
The Revolutionary Guards’ naval force is tasked with patrolling the Strait of Hormuz.
The ship had a two millionlitre capacity, but was carrying one million litres of fuel when it was seized south of Iran’s Larak Island, the website said. The ship and crew were caught “trying to hand over smuggled fuel which it had received from Iranian
dhows to foreign ships further afield”, it went on. The case is now “going through judicial procedures”. The UK government said it was seeking further information over the reports and urged the Iranian authorities to “de-escalate the situation in the region”.
July 20-26, 2019
The US president was cheered on by the crowd of thousands as he again accused Somali-born lawmaker Ilhan Omar and her fellow congresswomen of hating America.
Trump sparks condemnation after supporters chant ‘send her back’ THE row between President Donald Trump and four Democratic congresswomen has escalated after his supporters chanted “send her back” at a campaign rally. The chant was directed at Somaliborn lawmaker Ilhan Omar, though Mr Trump had also attacked three other non-white lawmakers during his speech. Ms Omar, who is a US citizen, responded on Twitter by quoting a poem by civil rights activist Maya Angelou. Ahead of the rally, a bid to impeach Mr Trump was blocked in Congress. The controversial chants took place at Mr Trump’s campaign rally in North Carolina. Mr Trump was cheered on by the crowd of thousands as he again accused Ms Omar and her fellow congresswomen Alexandria OcasioCortez, Rashia Tlaib, Ayanna Pressley - known as “the squad” - of hating America. Critics say it echoed the “lock her up” phrase adopted by his supporters against Hillary Clinton in the run-up to the 2016 presidential election. In response, Ms Omar tweeted lines from Maya Angelou’s poem Still I Rise: “You may shoot me with your words...But still, like air, I’ll rise.” On Twitter, #IStandWithIlhan began trending as Democrats expressed their support for Ms Omar and criticised the president for prompting the chants with his rhetoric. As of Thursday morning, there are over 180,000 tweets with the tag, while #SendHerBack and #IStandWithPresTrump have just over 4,000 total. Democratic presidential hopeful Senator Bernie Sanders tweeted: “Trump is stoking the most despicable and disturbing currents in our society.” Senator Kamala Harris, another Democratic 2020 contender, described the actions as “vile”.
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi simply told reporters: “We condemned the president’s comments the other day. That’s our statement.” Some conservatives have also censured the use of the phrase. Chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee Tom Emmer - who, like Ms Omar, represents Minnesota in Congress - told reporters he did not agree with the language. “There’s no place for that kind of talk,” Mr Emmer said, according to Politico, though he stopped short of calling the chants racist. He said the chant was “not acceptable”. North Carolina congressman Mark Walker said that he “struggled” with the chant and that the focus should be on “her history, words & actions” instead of “phrasing that’s painful to our friends in the minority communities”. His fellow Republican Adam Kinzinger said the chants were “ugly”. Conservative commentator Ben Shapiro said “chanting for her deportation based on her exercise of the First Amendment is disgusting”. The chanting stems from Mr Trump’s attacks on the women from this weekend, where in a series of tweets, he told the then unnamed politicians to “go back” to their countries. The president has denied accusations that the tweets were racist, but the Democrat-controlled House passed a symbolic resolution denouncing Mr Trump’s “racist comments that have legitimised fear and hatred of New Americans and people of colour”. Earlier on Wednesday, a bid to launch impeachment proceedings against Mr Trump was blocked in the US House of Representatives after it failed to win enough support, with only 95 Democrats voting in favour. Mr Trump said the “ridiculous” attempts to impeach him were now “over”. (BBC)
July 20-26, 2019
World News
The airline said that crew had to restrain Haines with the help of customers, and the aircraft was diverted back to London Stansted, escorted by two Royal Air Force (RAF) jets.
Woman billed $105,000 after ‘dangerous’ behavior forced flight diversion A PASSENGER whose “extremely disruptive behaviour” caused a flight to be diverted with a military escort has been sent a bill for £85,000 ($105,000) and permanently banned from the airline. Chloe Haines has been accused by British operator Jet2 of a “catalog of aggressive, abusive and dangerous behavior,” including “attempting to open the aircraft doors,” during a flight from London Stansted Airport to Dalaman in southwest Turkey in June. The airline said that crew had to restrain Haines with the help of customers, and the aircraft was diverted back to London Stansted, escorted by two Royal Air Force (RAF) jets. The jets created a sonic boom “which could be heard for miles around” as they rushed to escort the aircraft. A spokeswoman for Essex
Police, the local police force, said at the time that a woman, 25, had been arrested “on suspicion of two assaults and endangering an aircraft.” In a statement, Jet2 confirmed: “Jet2.com has issued a lifetime ban to disruptive passenger, Chloe Haines, and billed her more than £85,000 after her extremely disruptive behavior led to the flight having to be diverted and the RAF having to scramble two Typhoon fighters to escort the aircraft.” “Miss Haines’ behavior was one of the most serious cases of disruptive passenger behavior that we have experienced,” said Steve Heapy, CEO of Jet2, in a statement. “She must now face up to the consequences of her actions, and we will vigorously pursue to recover the costs that we incurred as a result of this divert, as we do with all disruptive passengers.
It took firefighters five hours to bring the blaze under control, reports said
Kyoto Animation fire: Arson attack at Japan anime studio kills dozens AT least 33 people are dead and dozens injured after a man set fire to an animation studio in the Japanese city of Kyoto, officials say. Police said the 41-year-old suspect broke into the Kyoto Animation studio on Thursday morning and sprayed petrol before igniting it. The suspect has been detained and was taken to hospital with injuries. Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said the incident was “too appalling for words” and offered condolences. Kyoto Animation, known as KyoAni, produces films and graphic novels and is well regarded by fans for the quality of its productions. The fire broke out at the threestorey building at around 10:30 local time (01:35 GMT) on Thursday.
Rescue operations are still ongoing. Police also found knives at the scene, say local media. NHK said the man had been heard saying “drop dead” as he set fire to the building. The suspect’s relationship with the company is unclear. Eyewitnesses described a loud explosion followed by an inferno that rapidly engulfed the building. “I saw some people with burns, covered with something. They were rushed to the ambulance,” one neighbour said. Firefighters found 10 of the victims on the stairs linking the second floor to the roof. Japanese officials said the victims were dead or “in cardio-pulmonary arrest” - a formulation routinely used in Japan for victims who have died
but whose deaths have not yet been officially confirmed. Some 36 people are in hospital, some in a critical condition, reports say. About 70 people were in the building when the fire started. Latest reports say the man is not a former employee - but eyewitnesses say he appeared to be angry with the animation studio. They said he ran away from the building towards a nearby train station after the fire started but fell to the ground. Some reports said he was pursued by employees of Kyoto Animation. “A person with singed hair was lying down and there were bloody footprints,” a 59-year-old woman living nearby told news agency Kyodo.
El Chapo trial: Mexican drug lord gets life in prison A US judge has sentenced Mexican drug kingpin Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán to life in prison plus 30 years. Guzmán, 62, was found guilty of 10 charges, including drug trafficking and money laundering, by a federal court in New York in February. He escaped a Mexican jail through a tunnel in 2015, but was later arrested. He was extradited to the US in 2017. He is a former head of the Sinaloa cartel, which officials say was the biggest supplier of drugs to the US. Speaking through an interpreter just before Wednesday’s sentencing, Guzmán said in the Brooklyn courtroom his confinement in the US had amounted to “torture” and said he had received an unfair trial. The life sentence was the minimum Guzmán faced. The additional 30 years were for unlawful
uses of firearms. He was also ordered to pay $12.6bn (£10bn) in forfeiture. Prosecutors said Guzmán would be serving his sentence behind “tonnes of steel”, referring to a highsecurity prison in Colorado. Guzmán’s lawyer Jeffrey Lichtman announced plans to appeal against the verdict. He argued that the trial had not been conducted fairly and claimed that jurors were influenced by media coverage. “It was a show trial,” he said. “El Chapo” (or “Shorty”) ran the cartel in northern Mexico. In 2009, Guzmán entered Forbes’ list of the world’s richest men at number 701, with an estimated worth of $1bn. He was accused of helping to bring hundreds of tonnes of cocaine into the US and of conspiring to make and distribute heroin,
El Chapo was accused of helping to bring hundreds of tonnes of cocaine into the US and of conspiring to make and distribute heroin, methamphetamine and marijuana.
methamphetamine and marijuana. He was also said to have used hitmen to carry out hundreds of murders, assaults, kidnappings and
acts of torture. Key associates, including one former lieutenant, testified against Guzmán.
It provided shocking revelations about the drug lord’s life. Court papers accused him of having girls as young as 13 drugged before raping them. Another witness described seeing Guzmán murder at least three men. Former bodyguard Isaias Valdez Rios said Guzmán beat two people who had joined a rival cartel until they were “completely like rag dolls”. He then shot them in the head and ordered their bodies be thrown on a fire. In another incident, he had a member of the rival Arellano Felix cartel burned and imprisoned before taking him to a graveyard, shooting him and having him buried alive. Guzmán is also alleged to have had his own cousin killed for lying about being out of town, and ordered a hit on the brother of another cartel leader because he did not shake his hand. (BBC)
HIDEWAY GRILL & CHILL TURTLE COVE Is seeking to employ a
Required for private luxury villa in Turtle Tail including holidays and weekends • Must speak fluent English • Must be detail-oriented • Willing to live-in as necessary
• Preparing the work station for the cook. Keeping the kitchen area clean and tidy at all times. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
Interested Turks & Caicos Islanders should provide a letter of interest and CV to Sharick Forbes at sharick@twsvillas. com. Applicants should also provide a copy of their application to the Labour Department.
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is a First Time work permit holder 17503
INDIVIDUAL SHOULD BE: • Energetic • Reliable • Able to multi-task • Cook and clean • Grocery shopping • Work flexible hours
CONTACT: 244-8046
This position is currently held by a work permit holder.
• To clean and wash off garbage and dump trucks, clean surrounds. • Work hours are from 7am-4pm Mon-Fri. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 649-242-8558
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17512
Monthly salary is $1,500.00
DISCOVERY BAY ROAD Is seeking to employ a
July 20-26, 2019
MARIE GARDINER BLUE HILLS Is seeking to employ a
• Working with the main Mason. Mixing concrete, cleaning tools, getting water, blocks, etc. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $7.00 hourly
Millennium Plaza, Blue Hills. 649-341-4752. Acting on behalf of our clients. M.S CONSTRUCTION
windows, door frames.
Apply paints, and coatings to interior and exterior walls, new buildings, homes, offices and etc.
Make, weld, and cut structural metal in fabricating shops.
Cleaning yard, dispose of trash, clean
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is a First Time work permit holder
Cleaning the house, clean bathrooms, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. Youthful Forbes
Soil cultivation, digging, forking, watering, raking, weeding, edging, seed sowing, bed preparation and planting.
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board These positions are First Time and renewal work permits 17508
Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a
CONTACT: 246-5315
SALES PERSON Duties: Greet customers, Handle cash sales, Assist Customers, Dust and stock Shelves. Salary: $7.00 per hour
Labourer for general chores related to yard and garden. Must be reliable and able to work 6 days a week. Salary $6.50 to $7.50 per hour, depending on experience. Position currently held by work permit holder.
CONTACT: 243-2928
Contact: Twa Marcelin Wolf, Attn: Erica Krygsman at erica@ tmwlaw.tc or 946-4261. 17496
Belongers are encouraged to Send a copy of their resume To The Labour Board. This Position is currently held by a Work permit holder.
OF GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a
Duties: To clean and Maintain premises, paint and do repairs as needed. SALARY: $6.50 per hour.
CONTACT: 231-0167
Belongers are encouraged To send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board. This position if currently held By a work permit holder. 17518
Requires a
Seeking for the following positions. Salary starts at 9.00 to 12.00 per hour Please drop the resume at Building materials office
Clean the inside and outside of the store, Assist with furniture assembler, clean the yard, storage areas
• Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree in Pharmacy from an accredited university. • Eligible to register with the TCI Health Practitioners Board and MPS • At least 10 years post qualification experience • Duties will include dispensing, clinical assessment, patient counseling, staff training and inventory management • Proven ability to work alongside a busy work environment with a team of 10 staff • Exceptional clinical knowledge • Willing to work long shifts including weekends • Salary rate is $30.0 per hour This is a new position.
Load materials to customers vehicles, Moving materials within the depot facility by unload and loading transport products.
Please send resume, copy qualifications and immigration status to jobs@flamingopharmacy.com or fax to 649-941-4098 with a copy to the Labour Department. Turks & Caicos Islanders will be given preference. Closing date of 29th July 2019 17515
Transport sands, gravels, crushed rock, Transport materials to customer location.
Servicing the company vehicles,
test and systems to ensure that they are working properly, identify mechanical problems, repairs and maintenance work on each vehicle, inspect and repairs rental machines, engine tune-ups, oil change.
Assist customers with paints for exteriors and interiors of building, spray guns, and paint brushes. Assist with indoor and outdoor residential and commercial construction project, arrange and store materials, tool and equipments, mixing paints to customer order
Domestic worker
general cleaning work throughout the store, maintain interior clean at all time, dust items on shelf, takes out garbage outside, clean office and public bathrooms.
July 20-26, 2019 HEATHER CARTER OF GRAND TURK Is Seeking To employ a
WAITRESS/ SERVER Duties: To greet and seat Customers and take food And drink Orders. SALARY: $6.50 per hour.
CONTACT: 246-9008
Belongers are asked to Submit a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board. This position is Currently held by a work Permit holder. 17521
DOMESTIC WORKER Duties: Cooking, cleaning household chores and caring for a child must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.50 per hour.
CONTACT: 241-4536
Belongers are encouraged to Send a copy of their resume To the Labour Board. This Position is currently held by a work permit holder.17522
Of Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a
LIVE IN MAID Duties: Cooking, cleaning household chores and caring for a child must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $7.50 per hour.
CONTACT: 442-0116
Belongers are encouraged to Send a copy of their resume To the Labour Board. 17519
Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 241-8730
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is a First Time work permit holder 17252
• Minimum 5 years’ experience in slot machine operations • Must be able to repair and maintain all types of slot machines • 6 days a week/ shift work • Days/nights, weekends and holidays Salary: $10 per hour
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume the Labour Board. This position is vacant 17527
• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.2 hourly
CONTACT: 241-2078
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is a First Time work permit holder 17547
Cutting of furniture and remodeling used furniture. Salary: $8-10 hourly
Cutting of wood, nailing & drilling first time work permit. Salary: $10 hourly EMAIL: BASSETT_27@HOTMAIL.COM CONTACT: 244-4562
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board These positions are First Time and Renewal work permits
Duties: Cooking, cleaning household chores and must be willing to Work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.50 per hour.
• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. • To work 4 days a week. Salary: $275 weekly
CONTACT: 242-5421
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
Duties: To see that containers Are checked and logged in Warehouse to keep an accurate Account of inventory. SALARY: $8.50 per hour
Belongers are encouraged to Send a copy of their resume To the Labour Board. This Position is currently held by a Work permit holder. 17520
Belongers are encouraged to Send a copy of their resume To the Labour Board. 17517
Belongers are asked to send a Copy of their resume to the Labour Board. 17523
Keeps equipment available for use by inspecting and testing vehicles; Engine tune-ups, oil changes, tire rotation and changes, wheel balancing, replacing filters.
CONTACT: 243-1068
KEW TOWN Is seeking to employ a
Cut, measure and shape wood. CONSTRUCTION LABOURER -$7 HOURLY Clean the construction site.
MASON-$8.50 HOURLY Lay blocks.
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. These positions are First Time work permit holders 17526
CONTACT: 247-1413
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. These positions are First Time work permit holders 17530
BLUE HILLS Is seeking to employ a
DOMESTIC WORKER Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 341-6915
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17532
Responsible for the safe operation of their vessel and must ensure that it is operated and crewed according to both company and legal guidelines. Salary $275.00 per week plus $10.00 per person commission
CONTACT: 946-5603
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is a First Time work permit holder
CHALK SOUND Is seeking to employ a
Renewal, position is held by a work permit holder. Belonger will be given first preference
CONTACT: 946-1942
Duties and Responsibilities:
CONTACT: 331-1067 17544
Remodeling used furniture.
CONTACT: 332-1450
OF GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a
Smooth out concrete in segments to ensure the concrete poured in level. Arrange the concrete forms. Prepare surface with hammer and chose. Rub cement in with sponge-rubber float or burlap. Use special blades, making sure all lumps are smoothed over. Use wood or plastic forms to shape the concrete and hold it until it is set. SALARY: 8.00 per hour
I, GORDON BURTON, c/o Caribbean Management Services Limited HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that on June 17th 2019, I was appointed Voluntary Liquidator of the above-named company.
Duties: Cooking, cleaning household chores and caring for a child must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $7.50 per hour.
CONTACT: 242-7796 OR 346-2674
Contact: 649-244-8400 Email: elitetci@gmail.com
Clean the trucks.
BLUE HILLS Is seeking to employ a
OF GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a
BLUE HILLS Is seeking to employ a
Gaming Slot Technician
WINDOW TINTER Tinting vehicle windows.
• Assist with the preparation of financial statements. • Analyze and reconcile bank statements and general ledgers. • Post journal entries for accrued expenses and revenue. • Act as a liaison for vendors to reconcile any billing discrepancies. • Proficient in Microsoft. • SALARY $8.00 per hour
1 -649 332-3300
This position is for first time applications Qualified Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department 17529
GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a
CONTACT #244-3293
Location: Leeward Highway Telephone: 341-4502
to performed concrete sealing tasks, removed rubble, dirt, and hazardous waste from construction site, performed post-construction site cleanup and executed building cleaning activities, operated cleaning equipments and utilized cleaning materials, organized all companyprovided equipments and materials on sites.
Renewal, this position is held by a work permit holder, Belonger will be given first preference.
SECURITY OFFICER Duties: Provide security services For various businesses and personnel Around the island. Patrolling properties Inspecting buildings and equipment. SALARY: $6.50 per hour
CONTACT: 232-3804
Belongers are asked to submit a Copy of their resume to the Labour Board.
July 20-26, 2019
CARPENTER Duties: Follow blueprints
CONTACT: 241-4027
CONTACT: 231-6432
OF GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a
Duties: To fix and maintain Yard Painting and cleaning, Repairs as necessary. SALARY: $7.50 per hour
CONTACT: 241-3935
Belongers are encouraged To send a copy of their Resume to the labour Office. 17466
OF GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a
Duties: Cooking, cleaning household chores and must be willing to Work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.50 per hour.
CONTACT: 242-0192
Belongers are encouraged to Send a copy of their resume To the Labour Board. 17471
OF GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a
Duties: Read blueprints Install, fit cut Plumbing pipes. Must be will to work six days a week. Salary: $12.00 per hour.
CONTACT: 243-4714.
Belongers are asked to Send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board. This position is Currently held be a work Permit holder. 17469
OF GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ an
Duties: Drive trucks, operate Heavy Equipment such as Cranes, forklifts, frontend Loaders and such like. SALARY: $12.00 per hour Belongers are asked to send A copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is Currently held by a work permit holder.
OF GRAND TURK. Is seeking to employ A
Build from plans to meet Clients needs. Install Structures and fixtures, Doors, Windows, must be Able to use electrical tools. Salary: $10.00 per hour
Belongers are asked to send a copy of their resume to The Labour Board.
#12 Beach Lane, Thompson Cove - Is seeking to employ a
Live in Housekeeper/ Butler • Must be able to live on property full time. • All housekeeping/cleaning and laundry duties • Some garden and pool maintenance • Must be available 24/7 when Owners and Owner guest are on island. • Must have valid driver’s license with no
traffic offenses. • Must be able to maintain Spread sheet for issues and maintenance items. • Cooking of three meals when owners are in house • Work weekends and holidays if owners are in house. Salary: $6.50 per hour
Contact: 232-2272. Email: bunderwood@tciway.tc
ELECTRICIAN TECHNICIAN This Position Reports to the Maintenance & Engineering Manager RESPONSIBILITIES
• Execute plans of electrical wiring for well-functioning lighting, intercom and other electrical systems • Install electrical apparatus, fixtures and equipment for alarm and other systems • Install safety and distribution components (e.g. switches, resistors, circuit-breaker panels etc.) • Connect wiring in electrical circuits and networks ensuring compatibility of components • Prepare and assemble conduits and connect wiring through them • Prevent breakdown of systems by routinely inspecting and replacing old wiring and insulated cables, cleaning circuits etc. • Perform effective troubleshooting to identify hazards or malfunctions and repair or substitute damaged units Requirements • Proven experience as an electrician • Experience in industrial and/or commercial electrical systems • Demonstrable ability to use electrical and hand tools (e.g. wire strippers, voltmeter etc.) and electrical drawings and blueprints • Thorough knowledge of safety procedures and legal regulations and guidelines • Excellent critical thinking and problem-solving ability • Excellent physical condition and flexibility to work long shifts and overnight • Diploma in relevant vocational training or successfully completed apprenticeship as an electrician • Valid license to practice profession • Valid Police Record • Must hold a Certified National Electrical Certificate Salary $35, 134.80 per annum
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17490
• Cutting, trimming, shampooing, and styling hair, trimming beards, or giving shaves. Clean and sterilize scissors, combs, clippers, and other instruments. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
• Uphold customer service • Maintain Bar • Mix and serve drinks • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 332-8501
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
CONTACT: 243-5406
PROVIDENCIALES Is seeking to employ a
This position is held by a work permit holder. Perspective applicants who are belongers kindly send copies of your application to the TCI Labor Board. Interest persons must submit their applications on or before August 2, 2019 to:
CONTACT: 243-7785
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17488
• Deceased pick up and transport, professional unsupervised embalming (all conditions), dressing, funeral arrangements, and etc. • To work 6 days a week and be on call 24 hours. Salary: $1500 to $2400 monthly based on experience.
Human Resources Manager Turks and Caicos Islands Airports Authority, Providenciales International Airport Telephone# 649-946-4420, Fax# 9415996. Email: hrrecruitment@tciairports.com
BLUE HILLS Is seeking to employ a
PROVIDENCIALES Is seeking to employ a
TANYA JACKSON VENETIAN ROAD Is seeking to employ a
• Take care of two young children. • Carry out domestic chores, including washing, ironing, cooking, cleaning. • Run errands. • Accompany children on extracurricular activities. • Be on full-time duty 5 days a week. Salary: $6.50 per hour
CONTACT: 347-1921
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17491
A&S FUNERAL SERVICES LEEWARD Is seeking to employ a
• Deceased pick up and transport, deceased preparation for embalming (unsupervised), assist with dressing, funeral arrangement, prepare cemetery, assist with burials, administrative duties. • To work 6 days a week and be on call 24 hours. Salary: $7 hourly
CONTACT: 243-7785
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
• Helping other workers. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 341-1683
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17511
GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a
• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 232-9541
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is a First Time work permit holder 17502
Sam’s Building, Down Town Contact: 232-2001 Acting on behalf of our clients
CABINET BUILDERS -$10 hourly Build cabinets.
TILE LAYER -$7.50 hourly Lay tiles
-$6.25 hourly Clean. Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board These positions are First Time work permits 17480
PAINT SPECIALIST Wallpapering, stucco repair, able to do venetian plastering, pricing charts and interior and exterior finishing. Salary: $800 per week
CONTACT: 941-4051
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17498
NORTH CAICOS Is seeking to employ a
• Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. Cares for garden on a daily basis • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 342-3793
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
Experienced full-time and live-in Nanny/Housekeeper is needed for a private home in Providenciales operated by Fish Overseas Ltd. Applicants must speak English, must be fit and able, hold a valid driver’s licence and be prepared to work
CONTACT: 332-8383
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
evenings and weekends. Applicants must have at least five years’ experience with childcare and general housekeeping duties. Salary commences at $6.25 per hour and is based on level of experience.
Prospective TC Islander applicants are also free to lodge a copy of their applications with the Labour Board. 17505
TCI PROGRESSIVE IMMIGRATION EMPLOYMENT SERVICES Leeward Palms Contact: Manager- 231-6991 Seeking
DOMESTIC WORKERS HOUSEKEEPERS MAINTENANCE MEN LABOURERS GARDENERS COOKS 5 days per week to perform assigned tasks as necessary. Salary: $7 to $10/hr These positions are First Time work permit holders Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 17495
CONTACT: 242-3885
• Household chores, cleaning, laundry, caring for two children and running errands. Other chores if and when necessary. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CHALK SOUND Is seeking to employ a
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is a First Time work permit holder 17514
GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a
-$6.25 hourly • Cleaner. • To work 5 days a week.
-$7 hourly • Cleaning the construction site. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week.
CONTACT: 244-0065
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. These positions are First Time work permit holders 17504
TNF VARIETY STORE GLASS SHACK Is seeking to employ a
• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 345-3825
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is a First Time work permit holder 17489
DA CONCH SHACK BLUE HILLS Is seeking to employ a
• Washing dishes clean kitchen area and bathroom. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 per hour
CONTACT: 946-8877
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17513
Blue Hills Road
GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a
Receive payment by cash, checks and credit cards, Issue receipts, and change. Count money in cash drawers to ensure that amounts are correct and that there is adequate change 7$ per hour. 5 days a week. 9:00 to 5:00 pm
• To perform yard chores, minor maintenance and repairs. Other chores if necessary. • Must be willing to work on weekends and holiday. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 441-0612
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17492
GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a
• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT 345-3137
for first-time work permit
To work for three to five days a week at minimum wage. Duties will include basic housekeeping: washing; ironing and cleaning of household for five to seven persons. Currently employed by work permit holder. CONTACT: BURKLEY OR MARCELLA MALCOLM
TEL: 231 -0146
Whose address is 100 Ocean Drive, Turtle Tail Providenciales is seeking to appoint a qualified
to oversee 3 high-end properties. Suitable Applicant will be required to liv- in in one of Hilltop’s properties. QUALIFICATIONS MUST INCLUDE: • Very good expertise in Pumps & drainage system • Very good expertise in Air conditioning, with the ability
to install AC and service such system • Very good expertise in complex pools • Computer literate, with knowledge in MS Excell, Word, Powerpoint, Maximo App and SAP programs • Can read and interpret mechanical, electrical schematics and as built
plans • Driving license • Ability to work week-ends and holidays • Must be able to conduct preventive maintenance • Must know how to swim • Like working in team Salary for this position is $1500 to $2’500 per month function of expertise
Interested candidates should send their resume and references no later than August 2nd 2019 to:
; to prepare pastry dishes and desserts Salary: $9 per Hour, 2412550 Address: Five Cays Road, 2005 Plaza, Providenciales Vacant position
lines, & maintenance) $9.00 per Hour, Providenciales, 241-7878, at 5 years experience Vacant Position
(To assist professional when making padded seats, Sofa, curtains & leather covers) $7.00 per hour, 6 days a week, old Airport Rd, Providenciales 241-7878, Position held by work permit holder
(To take care of kids & house Chores) $6.50 per hour, 6 days a week, Providenciales 244-0066, Vacant Position
(Deliver water throughout the Island) 1 day off per week: Salary: $ 7.00 per hour Blue Hills, Providenciales 343-2283, Vacant Position
Plumber (Install and repair water supply
(To take care of kids & house Chores) $6.50 per hour, 6 days a week, Providenciales 241-7878, Vacant Position
Heavy Duty Truck Mechanic (Towing, Trucking & Haulage Services Mechanic) $9 Per Hour, 6 days a week 241-7878, Providenciales
Belongers are encouraged to apply only. Send all resumes to tciprobusiness@gmail.com and the employment Services.
July 20-26, 2019
Adventure camps for young chefs are back on THE HOSPITALITY Adventure Camp put on by the TCI Hotel and Tourism Association (TCHTA) is a proven success. Over the years, many of the camp’s alumni have gone on to not only win at international and regional competitions, but have taken the path to further their culinary careers. This year, the camps have added some exciting changes welcoming not only aspiring chefs, but also boat captains and cosmetologists from across the Islands, a TCHTA release stated. The 2019 camps kicked off on July 8 with the Junior Lit’l
Chefs Camp for students aged 12 to 14-years-old. The Lit’l Chefs Stay Over Camp then takes place from July 14 to 20. This is an advanced segment of the Jr. Lit’l Chefs programme aimed at providing young cooks between the ages of 15 to 19 with an indepth look into the culinary field and offering one-onone coaching and a sleep-in camp experience, the release explained. The Cosmetology Camp will round out this season’s events from July 22 to 26 and will give students aged 15 to 19, an opportunity to learn
The Junior Lit’l Chefs Camp ended with a three-course competition which attendees created and served in two suites at Ocean Club East
about the beauty, spa, wellness and cosmetic industry. Parents are encouraged to visit the TCHTA’s office to register their children for the remaining camps. Prospective campers and parents will be required to sign a consent form and all camps are subject to an entry fee which will be paid by all applicants.
“The TCI Hospitality Adventure programme has long been supported by members of the TCHTA,” the release went on. “The organisation has hosted three major annual fundraising events to help finance the initiative; the annual Taste of Tapas, Chefs on the Beach and the Golf Scramble all assist the TCHTA
with covering the expenses of the camp, its continued development, and the costs associated with travelling to competitions.” SUCCESS STORIES Over the years the TCHTA’s junior chefs continue to shine with Hospitality Adventure Camp alumni Wilkiens Martin, Wayne Gardiner Jr, Kevin
Missick, Robinangel Simons and Christin Greene all making waves as they continue to excel while receiving praises and accolades from top organisations for their continuous strides in the industry, the release read. They have represented the destination at several top CONTINUED
CONGRATULATIONS ANNE-MARIE! Promising journalist Anne-Marie Connolly graduated with a First Class in her Bachelors with Honours in Journalism degree, from the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan). She was also awarded the university prize for outstanding achievement in her course. Alongside her studies she achieved her Journalism Diploma from the National Council for the Training for Journalists (NCTJ). Friends and family congratulated Connolly, 23, on her outstanding achievements this week. The creative, energetic and ambitious individual with a passion for journalism has a keen interest in all aspects of the media industry, particularly within digital and broadcast.
Anne-Marie Connolly graduated with a First Class in her Bachelors with Honours in Journalism degree
She has completed internships with the marketing department at Grace Bay Resorts TCI, BBC in Manchester and Channel 5 in London. Connolly is now taking the next steps in her career and is applying for jobs at
CNN and ITV.
Send your special occasion to: Weekly News, Cheshire House, Leeward Highway, PO Box 52, Providenciales or email to tcweeklynews@gmail.com. FREE OF CHARGE! Please limit your messages to 150 words.
July 20-26, 2019
Governor Nigel Dakin sits with a happy little boy during a visit to Dock Yard
New governor and outgoing police commissioner this week visit with residents of the Downtown communities
Governor Dakin interacts with members of the RTCIPF
Governor Dakin engages officials and residents NEW Governor Nigel Dakin went straight to work this week, shortly after being sworn in during an official ceremony in Grand Turk. On Tuesday (July 16) just one day after he became Governor, Dakin met with members of the Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police Force and several high-level officials, in keeping with his
stated desire to “get to work”. During the visit led by the Commissioner of Police James Smith and Superintendent Darron Williams, Governor Dakin spoke with various units of the police force about their daily routines and possible challenges and resource needs. He met briefly with the
Tactical Unit, teams from the Criminal Investigation Department, the National Crime Intelligence Bureau, and Forensic Support. He is also expected to meet with the Marine Branch and the Safeguarding and Public Protection Unit soon. Meetings were held this week with Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson, Leader
of the Opposition Washington Misick, and with Attorney General Rhondalee Knowles QC. During these sessions, a wide range of national matters were discussed, a Facebook post on the governor’s official page stated. The next day, Wednesday (July 17), while on a brief patrol through Dock Yard in Kew
Governor Nigel Dakin and Opposition Leader Washington Misick during their first meeting
Town and Five Cays, he took the opportunity to stop and engage with many of the residents there
Adventure camps for young chefs are ... international culinary events and continue to serve as inspiration for many aspiring young local chefs across the Islands. “Wilkiens, Robin, Wayne, Kevin and Christin are all products of our TCI Hospitality Adventure Culinary Camp which we run through the TCHTA with support from our members and the public,” CEO of the association, Stacy Cox, said. “We have had so many success stories from this programme which has created so many avenues to allow their talents to shine on the international stage. “I am so proud of them all, and the many that have used this programme as a tool to achieve their dreams.” Wilkiens Martin has represented the Turks and Caicos Islands in more than 10 competitions and events with Taste of the Caribbean being among the most recent. He has accrued several medals, trophies and accolades during his time in the culinary field and has earned the respect of his peers, mentors and, most of all, the industry. “The culinary camps have changed my life and led me to a path
where I found my true passion,” Martin said in the press release. He added: “I’ve always known I wanted to be a chef, but I wasn’t sure how to make that dream happen. “After being encouraged by my high school food and nutrition teacher to join, I discovered a whole new world that provided endless possibilities and access to amazing mentors that have helped me get to where I am today.” Martin credits his success to his hard work and perseverance and to the team of supporters that believe in him. He said that his seven-year journey was not an easy one as it took tremendous commitment to stay on the path and he encourages all aspiring junior chefs to take advantage of the programmes that are available. “To all aspiring young chefs, my advice is to be patient with yourself, accept that you will make plenty of mistakes, people may even laugh at you. But be strong, ask questions and take notes. “Also, strive to think outside the box and be prepared to represent your country internationally,” he
added. Wayne Gardiner Jr is another prominent up and coming chef who represented the Islands at the Rum and Rhythm Extravaganza in New York last month. Gardiner credits his success to the Hospitality Adventure Lit’l Chefs Camp along with the list of mentors that have helped him along the way. Kevin Missick represented TCI at the World Gourmet Summit in Singapore in May alongside top chefs such as TCI culinary ambassador Nikita Skippings, chef Lorraine Kenlock and fellow junior chef alumni Robinangel Simons. Missick said that being allowed to showcase his skills in Singapore has not only built his confidence but has also introduced him to a new style of cooking. “I have always been fascinated with cooking and the Lit’l Chefs Camp has solidified my love and passion for the profession,” Missick stated. He credits his success to hard work, determination and also taking advantage of the programmes that are available to help young people develop their talents.
He noted: “It took a lot of hard work, interning, studying, training and being mentored by some of the TCI’s best chefs. “Because of this, I was able to represent the country internationally at the World Gourmet Summit in Singapore and win my first medal at the Taste of the Caribbean event last month.” Robinangel Simons has come through the Lit’l Chefs Camp and has gone on to continue her culinary studies in the United Kingdom, having now completed her Bachelor’s degree and intent on continuing to her Master’s. Last week, she led a faction of Team TCI to a gold win in Antigua at the Antigua and Barbuda’s Grandprix Invitational. Christin Greene is also pursuing her studies in Hospitality Management and Culinary Arts at the Florida International University (FIU), now in her junior year. She has successfully competed for Team TCI at the Junior Duelling Challenge in Barbados, and now prepares to mentor the Junior Lit’l Chef campers this year while she is at home on her summer break. The TCHTA is looking for
who appeared pleased to meet the new Crown representative. (By Delana Isles)
interested chefs to join the awardwinning culinary team. Cox congratulated Martin, Gardiner, Simons, Missick and Greene and expressed the hope that aspiring young professionals will hear and read these success stories and take advantage of the opportunities that are made available through the programmes on offer. “Hats off to all of them. I have watched them develop since the beginning, and their accolades and accomplishments speak to their growth. “With the Hospitality Adventure Camps, we aim to spark interest and develop talents that will turn into a lifelong passion and career. “Our goal is to provide programmes and activities that lead to complete development and empowerment of our country’s talented youth,” the TCHTA CEO said. For more information about the TCI Hospitality Adventure Camps or to learn how to become a part of Team TCI, interested people and organisations are encouraged to call the TCHTA office on 331-5787 or visit their social media pages.
July 20-26, 2019
July 20-26, 2019
Ralph Higgs (left) and team visit an emergency shelter in preparation for peak season
July 20-26, 2019
The disaster management team assess another shelter to make sure its hurricane ready
Disaster management team tour emergency shelters A GOVERNMENT team toured emergency shelters in Providenciales, North and Middle Caicos this July to assess their state of readiness and to identify additional resources needed. Hon. Ralph Higgs, Minister of Tourism, Environment, Heritage, Maritime, Gaming and Disaster Management, led the group around the various sites from July 8.
This is the second tour he has conducted since assuming the Department for Disaster Management and Emergencies (DDME) earlier in the year. In a press release on Monday (July 15) he said he was pleased to have officially managed two emergency shelter tours as the peak of this year’s hurricane season gets closer.
“It’s important for us to take account of the state of readiness of our shelters in our Islands, which is important, particularly among persons that are most vulnerable to the impact of natural disasters.” In June DDME Director Dr Virginia Clerveaux reminded that forecasters at the Colorado State University (CSU) had slightly upped
the number of expected hurricanes this year. Forecasters are now predicting six hurricanes, up from the previous prediction of five in April. The projected number of named storms, including tropical storms, also increased from 13 to 14, with the prediction of two major hurricanes remaining unchanged. Members of the public were also asked to note that all shelters will not be opened at the same time and instead a staggered approach will be used. Clerveaux said the shelter list is subject to be reviewed and updated mid-season, which is August. Below is a current list of emergency shelters in Providenciales
and North and Middle Caicos. PROVIDENCIALES: All Saints Mission Church Wesley Methodist High School Jericho Baptist Church Our Lady Devine Catholic Church Enid Capron Primary School Maranatha High School Kingdom Dominion Ministry International NORTH CAICOS: Kew Community Centre Sandy Point Community Centre Adelaide Oemler Primary School Lighthouse Church in Bottle Creek MIDDLE CAICOS: Conch Bar Community Center Mt Moriah Baptist Church
Special needs camp highlights personal strengths A SUMMER camp for children with special needs will focus on what they can do rather than what they can’t. ‘Camp Mission Possible’ is the first of its kind to be held in the Turks and Caicos Islands and will take place from July 22 to 26 at the Anglican Dillon Hall in Grand Turk. Attendees will be encouraged to recognise their strengths while participating in a safe and fun environment, a Government press release said on Tuesday (July 16). Among those hosting the camp are speech and language pathologists, behavioural therapists, occupational therapists and a paediatric physio therapist from the 1 World Foundation. All children attending will need to have been assessed by the 1 World Foundation and registered with the Special Needs Unit. Betty-Ann Been, Director of the Special Needs Unit, said: “Each camper has their own interests, motivators, strengths and areas that might need support. “We will strive to meet those unique and individual needs, while also meeting the goals of each camper and the overall
objective of the camp.” The overall objectives of the camp are to increase skills of independence, enhance self-esteem, increase personal understanding and acceptance, increase social abilities, and widen awareness of and participation in recreational activities. It will also allow participants to connect with others with similar interests, needs and abilities, and give them the chance to enjoy the outdoors, inclusive of hippo therapy. Hon. Edwin Astwood, Minister of Health, Agriculture, Sports and Human Services, said: “We want to capitalise on the professionals visiting Grand Turk as this is a pilot camp. “It is our goal to prepare continuous treatment plans and goals related to the student needs attending the camp. “We hope to improve services with activity such as this being introduced annually throughout the Turks and Caicos Islands.” Further information on the camp is available from the Special Needs Unit on 338-2171/3 or by email at ba_been@gov.tc or jrgarland@gov.tc
July 20-26, 2019
TCSPCA volunteer Melanie Campbell and vet tech Jeanene Williamson
Dr Jennifer Saver and vet tech Jeanene Williamson
TCSPCA hosts first cats and bunnies’ clinic THE TCSPCA was literally hopping and yowling this week at its first ever cats and rabbits spay and neuter clinic. On Monday (July 15) veterinarian Jennifer Saver, who owns Catnip and Carrots Veterinary Hospital in New Hyde Park, New York, along with her vet technician Jeanene Williamson, performed 56 surgeries in just five days. Nine of those were on male rabbits, TCSPCA director Susan Blehr told the Weekly News. “We learned that rabbits are not as hardy as cats or dogs when it comes to surgical procedures so it was wonderful to offer these island pets the expertise to bring them all safely through.” In addition to the bunnies, 22 cats
were neutered and 25 were spayed. “Several of them were yard cats, rather than house pets. Now they are back in their territories, where they are fed by kind neighbours, and now they will not be burdened with litter after litter of kittens,” Blehr said. Dr Saver and vet tech Williamson were backed up by the dedicated TCSPCA team during the clinic. The clinic was manned by Pauline Eden, Sally Galleymore, Malcolm Ross, Barb Young, Kathi Barrington and Madelaine Erskine. The professional trapping team of feral cats in the field was led by Melanie Campbell and her trusty trappers Robin Rosen and Louise James. “Everyone put in long hours admitting the animals, watching
over their recoveries, handling the paperwork and returning animals to their homes. “At the end of each 12-hour day they cleaned the clinic and prepped for the next day surgeries,” the director recalled. This is one of many affordable spay and neuter clinics the TCSPCA holds in Providenciales twice a year and also in North and Middle Caicos, South Caicos and Grand Turk. Funding for these clinics is done through TCSPCA fundraising efforts and kind donations. If you would like to help the oldest animal welfare organisation in the Turks and Caicos Islands, visit their website to donate: www.tcspca. tc or follow them on Facebook at TCSPCA.
Etosha Guess and her bunny MoMo
FRONT DESK AGENT/ SALES CLERK • Must have a Good outgoing personality • Must have a good reference
• Must be honest and hardworking • Must be computer literate • Must be 25 or older
CONTACT: 231-3788
July 20-26, 2019
946-4664 Fax: 946-4661
Email: tcnews@tciway.tc
Website: tcweeklynews.com
Must have thorough knowledge in the floral business with 3-5 years experience.
Call: 231-3788
CALL 649 231-3788
FOR SALE House in Richmond Hill residential area on a half acre land.
CONTACT: 231-3788
July 20-26, 2019
duncansonlaw@gmail.com duncansonlaw.office@gmail.com 649-941-4444/ 649-245-1314/649-348-5744
CALL 649 231-3788
CONTACT: 649-946-4894 AJUSTE OSIAS BLUE HILLS Is seeking to employ a
• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 345-0206
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is a First Time work permit holder 17434
We are in need of a young man to deliver bills, pick up checks and distribute newspapers. Must be honest and have a clean driver’s license. Contact the Publisher at tcweeklynews@gmail.com
BLUE HILLS Is seeking to employ a
• Cutting, trimming, shampooing, and styling hair, trimming beards, or giving shaves. Clean and sterilize scissors, combs, clippers, and other instruments. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.75 hourly
CONTACT: 341-0673
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is a First Time work permit holder 17453
TURTLE COVE Is seeking to employ
FIVE CAYS Is seeking to employ a
BLUE HILLS Is seeking to employ a
• Nail and hand services, basic manicures, artificial nails, gel nails, hand massages, nail fills, nail repair, and nail polishing. Pedicures and acrylic toenails. • To work 6 days weekly. Salary: $6.25 hourly +15% commission
• Receive payment by cash, checks and credit cards, Issue receipts, and change. Count money in cash drawers to ensure that amounts are correct and that there is adequate change. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $500 bi-weekly
• Cleaning and preparing construction sites. Unloads and loads materials, mixes concrete, pours concrete, and assists carpenters, and other construction site workers. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 232-9275
CONTACT: 245-2790
CONTACT: 232-5420
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is a First Time work permit holders 17439
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is a First Time work permit holder 17438
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder17446
DES ELECTRICAL NORTH CAICOS Is seeking to employ a
• Greet customers when they arrive at the store and ask if they need assistance • Process sales transactions at the POS (point-of-sale) counter • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $300 weekly
CONTACT: 946-7059
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
Industrial Park - Is seeking to employ a
Is looking for a
DELIVERY AGENT who is reliable, trustworthy and want to make some extra cash Delivery times are 11 A.M and 3 P.M Call 231-3788 or 246-7856 for further information
• Must have a degree in accounting/Finance and Banking or other related Courses. • Must have at least 3-5 years’ experience in accounting, Finance or Management or in any other related field. • Must have proficient knowledge in Point of Sale and Financial QuickBooks. • Knowledge in Automate and Keystroke advance POS is an advantage. • Knowledge in Microsoft Word, Power Point
and excel is an advantage. • Must be flexible and willing to work overtime, during weekends and Holidays. • Able to work under pressure. • Customer Service Oriented • Knows how to draft Letters, Memorandums and Proposals. Salary: $24,000-$31,200 per annum based on Qualifications and Experience
Contact: 941-8438. Email: dnbautoparts@tciway.tc Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is a First Time work permit holder
Palm Plaza - Is seeking to employ
2• Shampooing, COSMETOLOGISTS cutting,
coloring, and styling hair, and massaging and treating scalp. apply makeup, dress wigs, hair removal, and nail and skin care services. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week Salary: $6.50 per hour
• Remove dead rodents after extermination. • Cut or bore into buildings to access infested areas. • Clean and remove pesticides after application. • Post warning signs and lock building doors to secure are to be fumigated. Salary: $7.50 hourly
CONTACT: 232-5007
CONTACT: 333-2155
DJIMY ANTENOR THE BIGHT Is seeking to employ a
• Clean the yard and wash cars. • Must be willing to work 4 days a week. Salary: $6.50 per hour
CONTACT: 343-2261
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
Email: diversetci@gmail.com Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is a First Time work permit holders 17472
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17440
• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 244-6932
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is a First Time work permit holder 17448
July 20-26, 2019
KEW TOWN Is seeking to employ a
Stocking and supplying designated facility areas, dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, cleaning ceiling vents, restroom cleaning etc. Salary: $300 weekly
CONTACT: 345-0349
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
FIVE CAYS Is seeking to employ a
• Repairs, maintains and alters buildings, retaining walls and other brick or stone edifices. Mixes mortar; lays bricks and stones and/or concrete sidewalks; makes and repairs steps and plasters. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $300 weekly
CONTACT: 341-9177
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
ELITE SECURITY LEEWARD Is seeking to employ a
• Secures premises and personnel by patrolling property; monitoring surveillance equipment; inspecting buildings, equipment, and access points; permitting entry. Obtains help by sounding alarms. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $7 hourly
CONTACT: 231-0047
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
FREDERICK BAIN GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a
• Performing a variety of cleaning activities such as sweeping, mopping, dusting and polishing. Ensuring all rooms are cared for and inspected according to standards. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 431-1634
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
GEE HANDFIELD NORTH CAICOS Is seeking to employ a
• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. • To work 7 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 243-9688
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
Caribbean Diamonds Resorts Ltd. 193 Leeward Estates, Turks & Caicos Islands Phone: +1 649-231-4885. Is looking for a
MAINTENANCE PERSON to be able to Survey buildings and repair mechanical systems to ensure they are consistent with health and safety standards. Maintain heating and plumbing systems to ensure functionality Conduct general upkeep procedures (e.g. landscaping) and other tasks as assigned (painting, carpentry etc. Person should be able to work flexible hours such as evening, weekends, and holidays. $9 - $13 per hour. Monday to Saturday. Qualifies Belonger candidate need to apply only.
DEADLINE : JULY 19TH 2019 17398
A MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN is required to work in a villa community. This individual must possess the following skills: • Preferably at least 5 years’ experience in a luxury hotel • Plumbing experience preferred • Housekeeping experience is a plus • Must have knowledge of pest control • Computer literacy would be an advantage but not essential with the ability to record and present invoices and purchases in an accurate manner THE CANDIDATE MUST ALSO: • Be willing to work flexible hours, weekends, holidays etc. • Be able to work within a team, be reliable and trustworthy • Be extremely well presented and have a good command of English • Must possess a clean driver’s license in order to run errands • Must be prepared to carry out duties when guests are not in house • Preference will also be given to individuals who have worked within a 5-star luxury environment • Salary dependent on experience Preference will be given to individuals with work experience in luxury villas or 5 star hotels and with a valid driver’s license. Starting salary is $1,500 monthly excluding service charge. This AD is for a work permit, however, this position is open to all qualified Turks & Caicos Islanders. Potential Turks Island candidates should also submit copies of their application to the Labor Board. Please apply in writing to
Human Resources, Beach Enclave, Unit G202 Regent Village email: hr@beachenclave.com P: +1 (649) 941-8887
Beach Enclave is seeking to hire a
PAID INTERN FOR DATA ENTRY, BOOK KEEPING AND BASIC ACCOUNTING High School or Post High School student with a keen interest in business and accounting, this position will help to prepare you for a career in Accounting and Finance.
Reporting to the Finance Director, the Accounts Intern will assist in: • Daily transfer of data from the hotel PMS to QuickBooks accounting software, • Batching and capturing vendor invoices into QuickBooks, • Night audit preparation,
• Inventory counting and reporting, • Reconciliation of Accounts Payable and Bank accounts, • Organising and filing all relevant documents.
The Candidate must: • Be 16 – 19 years of age, • Be organised and professional, • Be willing to work flexible hours, • Possess basic knowledge of MS Excel and Word. Benefits starting at $12 per hour
Turks & Caicos Islander applications preferred. All applications to be sent to hr@beachenclave.com 17461
July 20-26, 2019
AUTHENTIC BAPTIST CHURCH OF BEREA Telephone: 649-232-7077. Providenciales
TWO (2) EXPERIENCED KITEBOARD INSTRUCTORS AND ALL-AROUND WATERSPORTS INSTRUCTORS • Must be IKO / WKO certified; • Must have at least 2-years’ experience as an instructor; • Be willing to work weekends and holidays to accommodate the tourist season; • Must be fluent in English, a
second language would be an asset but not required; • Must have experience in stand-up paddle boarding and windsurfing. Salary commensurate with experience but starts at $35.00/hr.
Interested qualified Islanders should send a detailed CV and certifications to info@kitesurftci.com. Persons should also submit an application to the Labour Department. These are new positions.
• Preparing weekly sermons • Preaching and conducting worship services • Responsibility to interpret biblical scripture for the congregation • Provide care and counseling to church members and assist them in crisis situations • Officiate at special services, such as baptisms, weddings and funerals
Salary: 1500.00 per month TYPE OF APPLICATION: First time application
Business Development and Risk Manager
with minimum 15 years industry experience in the areas of General Insurance, Risk Management, Coverholder, Underwriting, Marketing and Production. The successful applicant should be 35 years of age or older with a professional qualification of ACII, AIIC or equivalent and possess a high degree of technical ability. The position is a Regional one and requires demonstration of a successful track record in the areas of Sales and Business Development. The applicant chosen will oversee the development of business for the Turks & Caicos Islands, The Bahamas and The Cayman Islands. Salary will be $55,000. Turks & Caicos Islanders only need apply.
Applications providing full particulars of personal history and experience should be sent to Human Resource Manager, J.S. Johnson, 34 Collins Ave., Box N-8337, Nassau Bahamas and Turks and Caicos Labour Department, Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands. 17455
• Collaborate with choir leaders to integrate music into church service • Assisting in church financial matters • Holding regular staff meetings to coordinate ministries • Ensuring church facilities are functioning • Attending social events at the church and completing administrative duties
LOWER BIGHT Is seeking to employ a
• Receive payment by cash, checks and credit cards, Issue receipts, and change. Count money in cash drawers to ensure that amounts are correct and that there is adequate change. • To work 6 days weekly. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 242-6780
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
Location: Millennium Highway Telephone: 333-5034
sweep the front and back parking lot every morning, clean upstairs and downstairs windows, clean customers bathroom on the outside, sweep apartments front porch and both stairs, takes garbage to public dump, feeds the dogs as well. First time application, Belonger will be given first preference.
PROVIDENCIALES Telephone: 341-9945 Pay: 6.25 per hour Type of application: Renewal
to care for the garden, plant trees in the yard, water plants including soil cultivation, to pick up yard waste and collect leaves, clean the yard with sweeper, lift garbage bags and cans into garbage truck during collection, pick up yard waste and tree limbs. This position is held by a work permit holder. Belonger will be given first preference
LE BOUCHON DU VILLAGE Telephone: 333-5034 Location: Providenciales
Dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, Cleaning ceiling vents, Restroom cleaning Performing and documenting routine inspection and maintenance activities. Carry out heavy cleaning tasks and special projects, stocking and supplying designated facility areas. Salary: $ 6.25 per hour
This position is held by a work permit holder. Renewal, Belonger will be given first preference
TWO AIRCRAFT MECHANICS Eligible candidates MUST have the following minimum credentials in order to be considered: • CAA AMEL with group rating in Cat A and Cat C Licence with TSIO520 rating • FAA A&P Licence with experience in general aviation airplanes with C402 type • Salary scale between $45K-75K annually depending on experience • Should be an independent worker with no supervision required
An OWNER REPRESENTATIVE is required for a luxury villa community. This individual must possess the following skills and qualifications: • A minimum of 5 years’ experience in a luxury hotel / residence brand • A degree in hospitality • Must be able to provide the home owners with regular reports and statements • Exercise good cost control and procurement on behalf of owners • Computer literacy is essential with the ability to prepare reports and charts for presentation to owners THE CANDIDATE MUST ALSO: • Be willing to work flexible hours, weekends, holidays etc. • Possess strong organizational skills • Possess a keen eye for detail • Demonstrate impeccable communication skills (written and verbal) • Ability to adapt to a flexible and fast-paced work schedule • Be able to work within a team, be reliable and trustworthy • Be extremely well presented and have an excellent command of English • Must be prepared to carry out detailed inspections when guests are not in house Salary starting at $2,500 per month based on qualifications and experience.
Interested persons should contact Richardson Arthur at 2321982 and resumes can be faxed to 941-3864 or emailed to info@ caicosexpressairways.com and also to the Labour Department Deadline for remitting expressions of interest and qualifications is 31st July 2019 THESE POSITIONS ARE CURRENTLY HELD BY WORK PERMIT HOLDERS
This position is open to all qualified Turks & Caicos Islanders. Potential candidates should also submit copies of their application to the Labor Board. Please apply in writing to Human Resources, Beach Enclave, International Drive email: hr@beachenclave.com P: +1 (649) 941-8887. 17686
• Stock shelf and keep the store clean. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 346-7379
REQUIREMENTS: • Friendly and outgoing • English speaking • Hardworking • Team player • Salary: $10/hr
• Preparing the work station for the cook. Keeping the kitchen area clean and tidy at all times. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly
This position is for work permit renewal Belongers are encourage to submit their resume to the Labor Department
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is a First Time work permit holder 17484
CONTACT: 345-9859
BLUE HILLS Is seeking to employ a
• Sales processes, inventory receiving, managing, stocking, displaying of goods. • Must be able to transport and lift unassisted boxes and packages up to 60lbs. • Must be willing to work weekends and holidays. Salary: $1600 monthly
• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. • To work 5 days per week. Salary: $6.25 per hour
CONTACT: 232-0918
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17445
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is a First Time work permit holder 17436
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is a First Time work permit holder17450
AIRPORT ROAD Is seeking to employ a
July 20-26, 2019
CONTACT: 241-2179
FIVE CAYS Is seeking to employ a
helps a senior pastor at church lead others into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. Taking on responsibilities within the church, such as overseeing key leaders and leading a ministry. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 243-0887
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
Line Cook
Description: we are looking for a line cook with at least 2 years experience in vegetarian kitchens. They must be a strong team player, speak English and Creole, and have flexible working hours. Requirements: • English speaking • 2 years experience in a vegetarian kitchen Pay: $10/hr
This position is for work permit renewal Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department 17443
SHA CONSTRUCTION, MAID TO CLEAN, NEWTECH CONSTRUCTION Blue hills, Providenciales. Cell # 231-6858 - Looking for:
Carpenters, Welders, Masons, Plumbers, Tile layers, Gardners, Labourers, Painters,Steelman Must be able to read and understand building drawings; layout and erect brick wall, concrete columns, beams, supports, concrete staircases; concrete floor rendering; layout and build driveways, deck floors, swimming pools, cisterns; highly proficient in gray and coral mortar rendering; competent with masonry tools and working knowledge of imperial and metric measurements; must be a team player. Perform maintenance and minor repairs (replacing broken switches, fixing door handles, minor leaks etc.). Install, measure, cut, shape. Fabricate and assemble metal structures.ect... Salaries starting @ $8 -$13.00 per hr. Work 5-6 days a week Qualified Belonger candidates should send their application to: Email: shagroup@hotmail.com Dead line: July 19th 2019
S & F Wholesale Cash & Carry LTD Grand Turk, Turks and Caicos Islands. Is seeking to Employee an:
July 9, 2019
Dear Valued Customer As you have been reading in the news, the United States has imposed a new round of tariffs on select goods imported from China. This has had and will continue to have a significant impact on the price of products sold in our store as most of our suppliers are based in the US. In the interest of being completely transparent, I am writing to share with you how this will impact you as our customer, and how we are working with our suppliers to mitigate the impending price increases on these products. The current tariff of 10%, which went into effect late last year, was expanded to 25% for relevant goods arriving on US shores on or after June 1st, 2019. This represents an increase of 15% over current tariff rates. What does this mean for our NAPA customers? Some of our suppliers have already come to NAPA with tariff related increases. We expect these increases to take effect throughout July and into the subsequent months. This a very fluid situation and some price changes may be received and passed through quickly. It is our intention to work through these tariff increases as our parts suppliers issue them to us, and to adjust prices to the end marketplace. Please understand that this is a marketwide condition which will not only affect our pricing, but pricing at other local retailers as well. As such, we will closely monitor our competitive positions and will make continued adjustments as necessary. Although the situation dictates that we must pass along these increases, we continue to work to find solutions with our Distribution Center and supplier partners to control costs on the quality automotive parts and accessories purchased everyday by our loyal NAPA customers. We thank you for your business and continued support. Sincerely, Nick Aquino Managing Director Provo Auto Supply
• Fabricate and assemble structural and functional components of refrigeration system, using hand tools, power tools, and welding equipment. • Lift and align components into position, using hoist or block and tackle. • Observe and test system operation, using gauges and instruments. • Test lines, components, and connections for leaks. • Install wiring to connect components to an electric power source. • Adjust valves according to specifications and charge system with proper type of refrigerant by pumping the specified gas or fluid into the system. • Mount compressor, condenser, and other components in specified locations on frames, using hand tools and acetylene welding equipment. • Performs planned maintenance, regular servicing, and repairs to refrigeration equipment of all types, sizes, and temperature ranges. • Coordinates work schedules with other departments and shops in order to keep inconvenience to a minimum.
• 4- 5years experience in related field of work • Knowledge of the HVAC or refrigeration tools, materials, and test equipment. • Knowledge of repair, maintenance, and installation techniques. • Skill in reading and understanding schematics. • Skill in analyzing HVAC or refrigeration malfunctions from performance and test equipment readings and determining appropriate repairs. • Skill in both verbal and written communication. Salary for this position will commensurate with qualification and experience.
Belonger are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to labour board. This position is a fist time work permit holder. 17475
July 20-26, 2019
ROYAL BABES NURSERY THE BIGHT Is seeking to employ a
CONTACT: 441-3619
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is a First Time work permit holder 17485
5-6 days per week to perform assigned tasks as necessary. Salary Range: $7 to $10/hr. CONTACT: MANAGER AT 231-6991.
Preference to TCIslanders. New positions. 17494
RAYCAL HANDFIELD BLUE HILLS Is seeking to employ a
• Stocking and supplying designated facility areas, dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, cleaning, restroom cleaning etc. • To work 6 days per week. Salary: $6.25 per hour
SALES CLERK Must be honest, reliable, and willing to work Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 232-2684
Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. Salary: $300 weekly
CONTACT: 241-2228
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is a First Time work permit holder 17449
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17452
OF GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a
Duties: Provide beauty services, Such as shampooing, cutting, Coloring and styling hair, and Massaging and treating scalp, To apply makeup, dress wigs, Provide nail and skin care Services. Must be willing to work 6 days A week. SALARY: $7.50 per hour
CONTACT: 346-1143
Belongers are asked to send a Copy of their resume to The Labour Board. 17464
Belongers are encourage to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department This position is for renewal
Dated Posted: July 16th, 2019 17494
• Cashing out customers and stocking shelves. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 242-1249
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is a First Time work permit holder 17447
• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 232-9191
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
CONTACT: 241-5715
An application, REGISTERED PR 14227 by Fredrick Daniel Dames, for rezoning of parcel 60811/55 The Bight & Thomas Stubbs on Providenciales which is currently zoned for R6 Apartments to C 1 Commercial. The planning application is for a 6 one bedroom and 2 two bedroom apartment. Anyone wishing to make representation(s) may do so in writing to the Director of Planning, South Base, grand Turk or through the Department of Planning, Emily House, Leeward Highway, Providenciales, within twenty-eight (28) days of publication of this Notice.
BLUE HILLS Is seeking to employ a
Duties: To fix and maintain Yard Painting and cleaning, Repairs as necessary. SALARY: $7.50 per hour
Must be able to work 6 days per week salary $6.25 per hour
KEW TOWN Is seeking to employ a
OF GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a
Belongers are encouraged To send a copy of their Resume to the labour Office. 17467
– To be held by a work permit holder DUTIES
• • • • • • • • • • •
Providing excellent customer service Presenting menus to customers Explaining menu items to customers Answering questions from patrons about food and beverages Sharing information with customers about the status of their orders Finding out if customers need additional items Verifying that customers are satisfied with their orders Taking food and drink orders Entering each item ordered into restaurant register system Accepting payment for the meal Rate $ 6.50 per hour
Villa Housekeeper DUTIES:
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
- To be held by work permit holder
Answer immediately to request from guests, as well as from other departments Load cart with supplies such as linens and move it to the required area Enter guest rooms by adhering to proper procedures and ensure they are vacant Replace used amenities in guest rooms Provide clean linens and terry for dirty ones Fold towels, make beds, and ensure bathrooms are clean Take away, room service items, dirty linen, and trash Perform check on all room appliances to ensure they are in good working condition Adjust furniture, desk items, and appliances when necessary Dust furnishings and walls and remove marks from them Carry out floor care duties in hallway and guest rooms, and mop floor Adhere to all safety, security, and company procedures and policies Keep proprietary information confidential Ensure company standards are followed in welcoming and acknowledging all guests Expect service needs of guests and provide them even before called upon to do so Apply professional language in communicating with guests and other people Provide support to team to achieve common goals Rate $6.50-$9.10 per hour
Williams Plaza, Old Airport Road, Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands .Contact 946-4726 .Resumes can be faxed to 941-3425 and the Labour Department, Providenciales as soon as possible. 17427
July 20-26, 2019
JOB VACANCIES The Sands is now accepting applications/résumé for the following positions. Only highly self-driven & motivated, personable and professional individuals, whom have the desire to serve others, need apply:
SENIOR MAINTENANCE PROPERTY MANAGER • Maintain hotel guest rooms and public areas by performing routine maintenance jobs and repairs. • Troubleshoot and perform minor repairs on heating, cooling and ventilation systems. • Troubleshoot and perform minor repairs on plumbing systems, electrical systems and appliances. • Maintain the hot tub by ensuring a safe chemical balance through frequent testing. • Organize, implement and track all maintenance projects for guestrooms and public areas. • Monitor and revise as needed, departmental health & safety tools including training programs, policies and practices. • Ensure a safe work environment is maintained at all times and that all colleagues are committed to working safely. • Partner with Front Office Manager to ensure safe guest evacuation during emergencies (i.e. Fire Alarm). • Motivate, train and lead maintenance personnel by personal example with a philosophy of work conduct, enthusiasm and personal development that leads to maximum performance and job satisfaction. • Effective scheduling, vacation planning and department productivity to budget. • Effective and timely interaction with all Hotel & Restaurant departments and positively impact guest experience by effectively and efficiently resolving maintenance concerns. • Effective and timely interaction with HR regarding payroll (i.e. set up new hires, etc.). • Occasional maintenance to staff residence as required. • A positive contributor to the leadership team of the hotel. REQUIREMENTS • Prior Maintenance Management and/or supervisory experience within an operation equal in size and facilities. • Strong communication skills, both written and verbal. Proven ability to motivate and lead employees in a busy, high quality environment. • Background in electrical and or plumbing are essential. • Good English communication skills (both written & oral). • Ability to respond quickly in a dynamic and changing environment. Ability to handle multiple requests in a fast-paced environment. • Good training, coaching and mentoring skills are essential. • Proven experience with budgets and payroll process is essential. • Completion of high school and technical training required. • Majority of work shift requires standing or walking 90% of the workday • Many tasks require sitting, bending, stooping, kneeling, and/or positioning to accomplish tasks • Able to lift and carry up to 50+ lbs. is common and up to 150lbs with assistance • Reaching is required at all levels throughout the
work period • Climbing of stairs is required and may require up to 50% of the time • Previous hotel maintenance experience preferred • Able to work efficiently under time constraints • Able to work independently and with others Salary start at $48,000.00 commensurate with qualifications and experience
The individual must possess the following knowledge, skills and abilities and be able to explain and demonstrate that he or she can perform the essential functions of the job, using some other combination of knowledge, skills, and abilities. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES • Must be able to speak, read, write and understand the primary language(s) used in the workplace to facilitate the communication process. • Requires excellent communication skills, both verbal and written. • Must possess above average computational ability. • Must have previously held position as AFOM in at least 2 other hotel or resort. • Bachelor Degree or equivalent Hotel Lodging experience required. • Required certificate of successful completion of FOM AHLA Educational Institute Courseline. • Experienced on PMS systems and is MICROSOFT PC literate. • Second language a plus. • PMS Systems Manager knowledge and certification a plus. • Must possess a high level of hospitality skills including highly effective body language. • Has effective written and oral communication skills to communicate with guests, owners, VIP’s, employees, and senior management. QUALIFICATION STANDARDS/ PREREQUISITES: EDUCATION • Completion of High School or equivalent education. • Bachelor Degree or equivalent Hotel Lodging experience required. • Required certificate of successful completion of FOM AHLA Educational Institute Courseline. • Experience • A minimum of 5-8 years previous front office management experience. • Must have been in the role and job title of Front Office Manager at least one time prior, and for at least 3 or more years at the same resort. • Grooming • Must maintain a neat, clean and well-groomed appearance per The Sands at Grace Bay standards. PHYSICAL DEMANDS • Most work tasks are performed indoors. Temperature is moderate and controlled by hotel environmental systems. • Must be able to stand and exert well-paced mobility for up to 3 hours in length. • Must be able to lift up to 30 lbs. on a regular and continuing basis.
• Must be able to push and pull equipment weighing up to 30 lbs. • Must be able to exert well-paced ability in limited space. • Must be able to bend, stoop, squat and stretch to fulfill tasks. • Requires grasping, writing, standing, sitting, walking, repetitive motions, bending, climbing, listening and hearing ability and visual acuity. • Talking and hearing occur continuously in the process of communicating with guests, supervisors and other employees. • Vision occurs continuously with the most common visual functions being those of near vision and depth perception. • Requires manual dexterity to use and operate all necessary equipment. Salary commensurate with qualifications and experience
RESPONSIBILITIES: • Ensures maximum compliance and efficiency in the performance of Housekeeping staff in guest rooms and surrounding areas • Carries out the policies and procedures of Housekeeping Departments Standard Operating • Offers assistance to guests and owners, initiates corrective action on complaints of cleanliness and service to guest rooms • Assists in and conducts monthly Housekeeping Inventories as required • Conducts routine guest room and common area inspections. Provides inspections scores and retrains for success • Assists in and conducts staff scheduling and annual performance evaluations • Maintains inventory and stock controls • Ensure delivery of service excellence to all guests by monitoring staff performance and provides hands-on training and development • Evaluates and updates Executive Housekeeper on staff performance. Makes recommendations for appropriate action in the areas of disciplinary and commendation • Maintains quality controls and assurance • Assists in overseeing Laundry Department as required in service, quality, inventory, inspection, scheduling and overall performance REQUIREMENTS: • High school diploma • Must have supervised a minimum of 15 employees • Most work tasks are performed indoors and outdoors. Temperature is moderate and controlled by hotel environmental systems • Must be able to stand and exert well-paced mobility for up to 3 hours in length • Must be able to lift up to 40 lbs. on a regular and continuing basis • Must be able to push and pull carts and equipment weighing up to 200 lbs. on a regular and continuing basis • Must be able to exert well-paced ability in limited space • Must be able to bend, stoop, squat and stretch to fulfill cleaning tasks CONTINUED
July 20-26, 2019
JOB VACANCIES • Must have minimum of 3 years supervisory experience in the Hotel/Resort and/or Hospitality Industry • Must be able to speak, read, write and understand the primary language (s) used in the workplace • Must be able to read and write to facilitate the communication process • Requires excellent communication and grammar skills, both orally and written to communicate well to guests and owners • Must possess basic math and computational ability • Must have basic computer skills in Hotel PMS, Word, Excel and Outlook • Must work weekends and holidays QUALIFICATION STANDARDS/ PREREQUISITES: EDUCATION • High school or equivalent education required. • Experience • Minimum of 3 years’ experience as Housekeeping Supervisor. • Licenses or Certificates • Required Housekeeper Certification with American Hotel Lodging Institute Educational Courseline (AHLA) required. ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS 1. Maintain resort cleanliness standards, ensure orderly and attractive conditions on guest floors, and mop closets, maid’s carts, and public/common and employee areas. 2. Monitors and maintains a sanitary, healthy and safe environment for owners, guests, employees, suppliers and vendors. 3. Effective and professional written and oral communication skills. 4. Ensures the effective dissemination and followup of all work assignments, tasks, coordination of inter-department repairs/maintenance/restoration. 5. Must be able to speak, read, write and understand the primary language(s) used in the workplace to facilitate the communication process. (This list is not limited or exhaustive of all functions, duties and expectations of the position.) Salary start at $7.00 per hour
RESPONSIBILITIES: • To skillfully and professionally perform all scheduled maintenance related jobs. • Account for time spent on individual work requests/orders and actively seek further tasks when assigned tasks are completed. • To advise the Engineering Administrator when parts or supplies need to be reordered. • Perform weekly and monthly physical counts of all inventory stock and tooling and requirements. • Any other duties assigned and/or as deemed necessary by the Engineering Administrator. • Reassembling and testing equipment following repairs • Repairing and replacing defective equipment,
components in addition to wiring • Laying out and connecting electrical wiring between controls and equipment • Obtaining and maintaining required certifications • Maintain machinery, equipment, and tools • Upkeep, installation, and maintenance of hydraulic, pneumatic, electronic, mechanical and electrical systems on all production machines • Performs preventive maintenance and makes repairs to heating, ventilating, air conditioning equipment according to instructions such as replacing belts on motors, changing filters, bearings, etc. • Lays out, assembles, installs, and maintains pipe systems and related hydraulic and pneumatic equipment, and repairs and replaces gauges, valves, pressure regulators, and related equipment REQUIREMENTS: • As a HVAC Technician, you must comply with all applicable standards, policies and procedures, including safety procedures and the maintenance of a clean work area. We are seeking a detailoriented mechanic with experience in both commercial and residential installation and services. • Refrigeration experience. • Must meet minimum professional qualification/ certification in Plumbing/Electrical/ Mechanical and A/C related trades. • Follows proper safety practices and procedures as required of the position. • Must have minimum of two years hands-on experience working on minor electrical, painting, plumbing and A/C. • Must speak, read, write and understand the primary language (English) used in the workplace. • Must work weekends and holidays. • Must work AM and PM shifts as business demands according to the operations policy. • Must have reliable transportation to get to and from work. Salary $8.00 per hour commensurate with qualifications and experience LINE POSITIONS
Positions marked by asterisks are currently held by work permit persons. For the above line staff positions, Caribbean resort experience is an asset but not a requirement. Applicants must have a willing, positive and personable attitude, must be willing to work holidays and weekends as standard in the hospitality industry. Salary will commensurate with experience.
Turks Island citizen’s only need to apply in person to Kitchandra McDonald, Assistant Human Resources Manager at The Sands Resort located on Grace Bay Road, Providenciales, the Turks and Caicos Labour Department, or e-mail: careers@thesandstc.com contact number 649-946-5199 ext. 30147. Resumes/CV’s must be in by August 05th, 2019
(Boat Anchoring, maneuver, docking, assist captain & passengers) $8.00 per Hour, Providenciales, Multilingual, Mon-Sat, 241-7878, 5 years+ experience Vacant Position
(Cleaning, dusting off, Sweeping, Mopping & dumping trash Blue Hills, Salary: $6.50per hour 241-7878-Position Held by Work Permit Holder
(Assist Mechanic with car services, flat tires & changes) $ 9 per hour, Blue Hills, Providenciales, 241-7878, Vacant Position
Belongers are encouraged to apply only. Send all resumes to tciprobusiness@gmail.com and the employment Services. 17534
Job description: Care of Child. Must love children Days worked: Monday - Friday. Salary: $200/week This position is for work permit Renewal Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department
CONTACT: 232-4107 17549
R & R ENTERPRISE LOCATION: THE BIGHT Telephone: 243-7156 Pay: 6.25 per hour Type of application: Renewal
Provides house cleaning services, office-cleaning services and Janitorial services to our clients on a daily basis.
This position is held by a work permit holder. Belonger will be given first preference 17299
• Setting up workstations with all ingredients and cooking equipment. Preparing ingredients to cook, chopping and peeling vegetables, cutting meat etc. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $8.50 per hour
CONTACT: 332-8501
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is a First Time work permit holder 17548
West Road, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a
• Clean, sweep, wash clothes, iron. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $300 weekly
CONTACT: 242-0193 Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder
ANDRE K. MALCOM Is seeking a
DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES • Yard maintenance • Light Painting • Provide assistance to contractors (i.e. craft workers, electricians, painters) as needed • Complete all assigned tasks in a timely and efficient manner • Ensure construction equipment and tools are cleaned and stored properly REQUIREMENTS AND
QUALIFICATIONS • High school degree or equivalent educational experience • Ability to physically stand, bend, squat, and lift up to 40 pounds • Positive attitude and work ethic • Able to work independently or as an active member of a team • Good interpersonal skills and communication • English and Creole fluency a plus Salary: $200.00 per week
Contact :malalcom@tmwlaw.tc cc: Labour Department This position is currently held by a permit holder. Belongers need only apply.
RONALD’S STORE Millennium Highway 244-2327 SALARY: 6.25 per hour
Must be willing to help customer find items on the shelves, receive and restock products. Clean store, arrange , stock shelves, upheld safe and clean working environment, assist other personnel as needed. Very mature, organized, presentable and tidy with good attitude and self motivation. Must be flexible enough to arrive early or leave late when receive inventory and stock. Renewal, this position is currently held by a work permit holder 17339
TURKS AND CAICOS WEEKLY NEWS Industrial Park - Is seeking to employ
Air Conditioning Technician Helper
• Electrical Diagnostics, installations and repairs airconditioning and refrigeration systems. • Necessary qualifications and experience required • Minimum of 10 years’ experience in similar position
Apply paints, stains, and coatings to interior and exterior walls, new buildings, homes, offices and other structural surfaces. Salary: $10.00 per hour CONTACT: 241-4976 EMAIL: MANPOWER-SERVICES@HOTMAIL.COM
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. Some positions are currently held by a work permit holder
Is seeking a qualified candidate to fill the Position of Inside
SALES REPRESENTATIVE The Inside Sales Representative is responsible for supporting the sales of assigned product lines to customers throughout the Turks & Caicos and the Caribbean. In this role, your responsibilities will include accurate specification interpretation, quotation and technical support, and timely communication with manufacturers, customers, warehouse and manufacturing plants to facilitate issue resolution. Pro-actively identify sales potential and follow up to secure orders. Provide on-going customer service with minimal supervision. The Inside Sales Representative will utilize a combination of sales support techniques to achieve orders / sales goals while delivering customer concentric solutions. • Provide technical support on electrical, plumbing, appliance, lighting products, and services to customers, including application and pricing assistance. • Assist outside sales representatives on electronic quotation, opportunity identification, order entry, production tracking and shipping processes. • Build relationships with manufacturers and customers to enhance long-term business growth. • Prepare sales quotations based on customer requirements and expectations. Utilize pricing tools to complete timely professional quotations. • Support outside sales representatives with quotation follow-up and competitor activity reporting. • Partner with channel partners to create excitement, focus and enhance market reputation. • Hold internal and occasional external meetings with Area Sales Managers and/or customers.
• Minimum of 8-12 years of experience in construction-related field. • Electrical, plumbing and lighting experience is highly preferred. • Willingness to learn Epicor P21 software and build a career in international sales & project management. • Excellent interpersonal and customer service skills with the ability to maintain a “customer first” approach; multiple Self-motivated with the ability to manage priorities and meet deadlines. • Exhibit tact and strong diplomatic skills when dealing with all staff, customers and suppliers. • Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite. • Strong communication and relationship building skills. THIS POSITION IS NOT HELD BY A WORK PERMIT HOLDER Salary for this position is $ 80,000.00 per Annum.
July 20-26, 2019
Head Brewer • Day to day running of brewing and bottling and canning operation. • Winemaking and alcoholic malt beverages • Developing quality recipe formulation and ingredients selection handling and assessment of raw materials and grains. • Controlling quality of product and keeping the facility and equipment clean and operation. • Equipment maintenance and troubleshooting. • Purchasing of raw materials.
• • • • • •
Strong communication skills Sound Technical knowledge of brewing, winemaking and distilling. Understanding of microbiology and aseptic lab technique Ability to maintain organized records of brew and quality control data. Efficient computer skills. Graduate of Brewmaster and Brewery Operations Management Course Salary $50,000 per year or commensurate with 5 years’ experience. Work permit renewal
Please email resume to dave@turksheadbeer.com Provo Beverages 52 Universal Drive, Providenciales, TCI
Caicos Water Fun offer tours for Snorkeling, Excursions, Reef and Deep Sea Fishing. We are now interviewing for the following position:
TOUR BOAT CAPTAIN We are seeking fun, loving, experienced and detail-oriented Captain with excellent people skills and a strong focus on safety. The Captain will be taking up to 12 people out on a 26' -27' foot boat on 4 hr trips or 7 hr trips. This person should hold his captain license. Having fishing skills and/or a commercial fishing license is a plus. Salary: $20/hour plus gratuities. Gratuities usually range from $75 - $150 per tour trip. Caicos Water Fun also offers a Captain Partnership Program with seasonal bonuses. Don't wait and come join us !
Interested persons must submit their resume with qualifications and experience no later than August 2, 2019 to: Carlisle Supplies, Leeward Highway, Providenciales. Tel. 946-4417 - Email: carlisle@tciway.tc
Interested applicants should contact us via email at caicoswaterfun@gmail.com 17541
July 20-26, 2019
FLOOR CARE MAINTAINER Must have experience in floor care maintenance, including waxing, buffing and vacuuming and polishing large surface areas This position is for work permit renewal qualified TCI belongers are encouraged to submit their resume to: Deadline for submission of applicants is July 23, 2019 SUBMIT TO:
CONTACT: 243-0137
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is a First Time work permit holder 17384
PORT ATLANTIC CONSTRUCTION TELEPHONE: 346-6622 Location: Providenciales
Painting indoors and outdoors, painting exteriors and interiors of building using spray guns, brushes and rollers, complete indoors and outdoors residential of commercial construction project. Arranged and stored materials, tools and equipments, prepare and clean painting materials after work. Salary: $ 8.00 per hour This position is held by a work permit holder. Renewal, Belonger will be given first preference
Please Note: Only short – listed applicants will be contacted to attend to attend interview 17390
LUCIENNE HANDFIELD Millennium Highway Telephone: 231-2134 Pay: 6.25 per hour Type of application: Renewal
Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, making beds, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room area, dusting, polishing furniture, cleaning rugs and carpet, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing This position is held by a work permit holder, Belonger will be given first preference 17300
Sweep the store throughout the day. Mop the floor, clean the bathrooms and replace tissue. Clean the doors and windows. Clean the ceiling and walls, Empty waste baskets. SALARY: 6.25 per hour
TELEPHONE: 946-4100 TYPE OF APPLICATION: Renewal. This position is held by a work permit holder, Belonger will be given first preference
Drop of application for clearances at NHIB & NIB office. Collect clearances once they are ready. Drop News advertisement to TC News. Collect the advert once ready. Send her to the treasury for payment of invoices. Collect medical once ready. She will help me during drop off. SALARY: 6.25 per hour
TELEPHONE: 333-5034
Renewal. This position is held by a work permit holder, Belonger will be given first preference 17301
Chalk Sound - Is seeking to employ a Take orders and serve food and beverages to patrons at tables in dining establishment. Check with customers to ensure that they are enjoying their meals and take action to correct any problems. Communicate with customers to resolve complaints or ensure satisfaction. Salary: $500 per week
Duties: clean tables and around the restaurant Salary $6.25 per hour
CONTACT: 946-5306
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department 17309
NEPTUNE VILLAS CHALK SOUND Is seeking to employ a
2 DOMESTIC WORKERS Duties: get villa ready for guests, change bedding, clean villas. Salary: $6.25 per hour
CONTACT: 946-5306
This position is currently held by a work permit holder Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department
• Follow blueprints and building plans. Install structures and fixtures, such as windows and molding. Measure, cut, or shape wood, plastic, and other materials. • To work 5 days a week Salary: $8.50 hourly
South Dock Road & Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a
• Must have at least 5 years’ experience. • Manage all day to day operations of the bakery section of the kitchen. • Prepare different types of bread such as cakes, cookies, pies, bread, etc. Following traditional and
DOMESTIC WORKER Duties: clean, wash Must work 6 days per week. Salary $6.25 per hour
• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. • To work 4 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 241-4488 OR 346-3659
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is a First Time work permit holder 17317
• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 242-5113
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17278
Millennium Highway Telephone: 241-0452 Pay: 6.25 per hour Type of application: First time
modern recipes. • Coordinate all bake bread and dessert preparation and presentation. • Able to communicate in English, and work on weekends and holidays Salary: $2,000 monthly
LEEWARD Is seeking to employ a
• Secures premises and personnel by patrolling property; monitoring surveillance equipment; inspecting buildings, equipment, and access points; permitting entry. Obtains help by sounding alarms. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $8 hourly
CONTACT: 242-6938 Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
ANDRE PIERRE JEANNERET PROVIDENCIALES Telephone: 333-5034 Pay: 6.25 per hour Type of application: Renewal
Care for the garden, plant trees in the yard, water plants including soil cultivation digging, forking, mulching, raking, weeding, edging, seed sowing bed preparation and planting, clean the yard, transporting garbage of property and assist with other work This position is held by a work permit holder. Belonger will be given first preference
Location: Providenciales Telephone: 341-3682 Pay: 6.25 per hour Type of application: Renewal
Sweeping the house, mopping the floor making beds, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room area dusting , polishing furniture, cleaning rugs and carpet laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing Belonger will be given first, preference 17304
to care for the garden, plant trees in the yard, water plants including soil cultivation, to pick up yard waste and collect leaves, clean the yard with sweeper, lift garbage bags and cans into garbage truck during collection, pick up yard waste and tree limbs. This position is held by a work permit holder. Belonger will be given first preference 17400
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is a First Time work permit holder 17323
LEEWARD HIGHWAY Is seeking to employ a
LEEWARD PALMS Is seeking to employ a
CENTRAL SQUARE Is seeking to employ a
Contact: 331-8837. Email: johnj6483@gmail.com
LEEWARD HIGHWAY Is seeking to employ a
• Follow blueprints and building plans. Install structures and fixtures, such as windows and molding. Measure, cut, or shape wood, plastic, and other materials. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $8 hourly
Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. Construction work. Salary: $8.00 per hour
CONTACT: 244-3581
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17314
LEEWARD PALMS Is seeking to employ a
• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $275 weekly
CONTACT: 231-08776
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17335
CONTACT: 343-2245
BLUE HILLS Is seeking to employ a
Clean the store, dusting, sweeping, mopping, clean ceiling vents, restroom cleaning, stock shelves, assisted other personnel to maintain safety in the packaging area, pick, pack, receive and restock products inside the store. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 343-0353
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
46 CLASSIFIEDS EASY WAY EMPLOYMENT SERVICES Contact: 333-1236 - Acting on behalf of our clients.
Five Cays
DOMESTIC WORKER-$280 WEEKLY Caring for 3 children.
Petty work and take care of 2 dogs.
Leeward Highway
Cleaning the yard, washing doors and windows. Petty maintenance work around the yard.
Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. Care for children $290 weekly
Email: EASYWAYTCI@gmail.com
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. These positions are First Time work permit holders 17383
She must be willing to help customer find items on the shelves, receive and restock products. Clean the store, arrange and stock shelves, upheld safe and clean working environment, assisted other personnel as needed. Very mature, very organized, presentable and tidy with good attitude and self motivation. Must be flexible enough to arrive early or leave late when receive inventory and stock. SALARY: 6.25 per hour
AVIATION DRIVE Is seeking to employ
GRACE BAY Is seeking to employ a
lays bricks and stones and/or concrete sidewalks; makes and repairs steps and plasters. Install materials on floors, walls, ceilings, countertops, and roof decks. Set tile on smooth, even surfaces. Salary: $8 hourly
CONTACT: 341-7425
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board These positions are First Time and Renewal work permits
Domestic worker
Must be willing to help customer find items on the shelves, receive and restock products. Clean the store, arrange and stock shelves, upheld safe and clean working environment, assisted other personnel as needed. Very mature, very organized, presentable and tidy with good attitude and self motivation. Must be flexible enough to arrive early or leave late when receive inventory and stock. SALARY: 6.25 per hour
• Fit and study garments on customers. Sew garments, using needles and thread or sewing machines. Measure sleeves or pant legs, and mark or pin-fold alteration lines. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 245-9452
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is a First Time work permit holder 17280
Duties: Must hold a bachelor’s Degree, organized, self-motivate and willing to travel. Proficient in Microsoft Excel and Graphic Design Programs Must have own transportation and willing to work long hours Salary: 2,500.00 per month
CONTACT: 649-343-6586
ARTHUR GARDINER JUBA SOUND Is seeking to employ a
• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 247-3321
Duties: Cleaning, Dusting Mopping household chores and must be willing to Work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.50 per hour.
CONTACT: 242-6772
Sapodilla Bay - Is seeking to employ a
• Fix jet skis, boats. Work and maintain them. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $9 hourly
• Clean the boat and other work • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 332-5707
• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 241-2514
GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a
• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 348-7455
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. These positions are First Time and Renewal of work permit. 17327
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is a First Time work permit holder 17363
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
The successful candidate will have: • MSDT PADI Master Dive Instructor Certification • Mature and flexible attitude • Experience in a resort type environment, ideally in the Caribbean • Excellent written and spoken English , Spanish is an asset • Excellent references • Salary $400.00 per week Candidate should apply in writing, including a cover letter and references to info@bohioresort.com This position is for work permit renewal Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department 17341
BLUE HILLS Is seeking to employ a
• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 333-8373
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17332
CONTACT: 343-1056
Of Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a
GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a
• Follow blueprints and building plans to meet the needs of clients. Install structures and fixtures, such as windows and molding. Measure, cut, or shape wood, plastic, and other materials. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $8 hourly
VENETIAN ROAD Is seeking to employ a
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is a First Time work permit holder 17321
Renewal, this position is currently held by a work permit holder 7302
CONTACT: 231-0977
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder
please leave a message on the voicemail. This position is for a new applicant qualified Belongers are encouraged to submit their resume to the Labor Department 17357
TELEPHONE: 333-5034
Renewal, this position is currently held by a work permit holder 17340
South Dock
Caring for 1 child.
Millennium Highway
July 20-26, 2019
OF GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a
Duties: Greet customers, Receive payments by cash, Cheques and Credit Cards, To issue receipts and change As necessary, maintain change and balance cash at days end. SALARY: $6.50 per hour
CONTACT: 247-4284
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board.
Belongers are asked to send a Copy of their resume to The Labour Board. This position is currently. Held by a work permit holder. 17295
OF SOUTH CAICOS Is seeking to employ a
Duties: Cleaning, Dusting Mopping household chores and must be willing to Work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.50 per hour.
CONTACT: 232-4554
OF GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a
Duties: Cleaning, Dusting Mopping household chores and must be willing to Work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.50 per hour.
CONTACT: 241-2532
Belongers are encouraged to Send a copy of their resume To the Labour Board. 17294
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. 17298
Central Storage Unit #6 Is seeking to employ - $11 hourly
- $8 hourly • Roof carpentry and framing. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week.
CONTACT: 331-7663
Email: apex.roofing@ outlook.com Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. These positions are First Time work permit holders 17376
OF GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a
Duties: To fix and maintain Yard Painting and cleaning, Repairs as necessary. SALARY: $7.50 per hour
CONTACT: 232-1022
Belongers are encouraged To send a copy of their Resume to the labour Office.
OF GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a
Duties: Provide beauty services, Such as shampooing, cutting, Colouring and styling hair, and Massaging and treating scalp, To apply makeup, dress wigs, Provide nail and skin care Services. Must be willing to work 6 days A week. SALARY: $6.50 per hour
CONTACT: 346-2097
Belongers are asked to send a Copy of their resume to The Labour Board. 17290
July 20-26, 2019
GLASS SHACK Is seeking to employ a
TONY CLARKE’S BUILDING, WATERLOO ROAD GRAND TURK, TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS Email: complaints_commission@gov.tc Tel: (649)-338-2927
SENIOR INVESTIGATIVE OFFICER DEPARTMENT: Office of the Complaints Commission Organization: Office of the Complaints Commissioner LOCATION: GRAND TURK JOB SUMMARY:
The Senior Investigative Officer is responsible for the oversight of the day-to-day administration of the Investigative Unit of the Complaints Commission. KEY DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES:
• Manage and assist personnel of this unit in ensuring that the Commission effectively and efficiently discharges its mandate as an investigative Unit through: o The promotion of integrity, honesty and good faith in public life of the TCI; o The robust implementation of and compliance with the provisions of the Code of Conduct for Persons in Public Life, Complaints Commission Ordinance • Provide legal advice and guidance to the complaints commissioner. • Conduct or oversee the conduct of investigations and inquiries into all contraventions or breaches of the Constitution (relevant to the Commission) and the Complaints Commission Ordinance. • Conduct and manage investigations into allegations of maladministration and to participate in good governance reviews of public bodies. • Act as the Commissioner’s liaison with other agencies on matters referred for further investigations. • Manage the inflow of information, reports and complaints to the Commission and establish and manage an effective system to this effect. • Provide expertise and advice on all investigative related issues and function as a lead member of the investigative team reporting to the Complaints Commissioner.
required. Proven experience in interviews involving witnesses and subjects of investigations. TECHNICAL AND RELATED SKILLS:
RESPONSIBILITIES: Cooking, Cleaning, Yard Work, 5 Dogs, Salary: $1,200 per month, with housing and some meals included
Main duties will be domestic duties. Salary starts at $6.50 per hour Will have to work 6 days a week with little or no supervision.
CONTACT: 941-4034
This position is currently held by a work permit holder Belonger are encourage to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department
All Belonger are encouraged to submit copy of their resume to Labor. This position is currently held by a work permit holder. 17365
Leeward Is seeking to employ a
• Comprehensive knowledge of investigative strategies, methodologies and techniques. • Ability to conduct witness interviews, handle depositions or otherwise elicit relevant testimony. • Strong writing and editing skills; experience collecting and reviewing documentation to identify relevant evidence. • Outstanding ability in gathering, analyzing and synthesizing information from multiple source and/ or formulating perspectives to make clear, timely and well-reasoned decisions and recommendations. • Good analytic and evaluation skills to identify procedural or compliance weaknesses, strong problem solving ability.
Follow blueprints and building plans to meet the needs of clients. Install structures and fixtures, such as windows and molding. Measure, cut, or shape wood, plastic, and other materials Salary: $11 hourly
CONTACT: 231-1166
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is a First Time work permit holder 17369
Blue Hills - SEEKS
Main responsibilities will include but limited to household duties and caring of small children, salary start at $6.50 per hour. Must able to work with little or no supervision. Belonger are encouraged to send copy of their resume to labor board, interested persons should contact 941-4034. Current position is held by a work permit holder
• Possession of the highest standards of integrity and probity, and understanding of fiduciary responsibility to the people of the Turks and Caicos Islands; • The ability to work effectively in teams, as well as being able to work independently and under pressure; • Excellent oral and written communication and presentation skills and inter-personal skills; • The applicant will particularly demonstrate suitability for a role that involves driving forward good governance, integrity and effective administration policies.
• a Bachelor’s Degree in Law and experience in Investigation. • At least Five (5) years relevant experience is
• Monthly repairs to generators • Maintain records and files, prepare reports and order supplies/equipment • Perform complex maintenance, testing, operated, diagnosed,
repaired, and aligned generators • Rate $10-$15
– position to be held by a work permit holder • To make deliveries • To operator trucks • Must be willing to work weekend and holidays • Rate $7-$11
Address: Williams Plaza, Old Airport Road, Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands .Contact 9464726 .Resumes can be faxed to 941-3425 and the Labor Department, Providenciales as soon as possible.
$60,000.00 PER ANNUM
APPLICATION PROCEDURE: Resumes with current contact information must be accompanied by a Cover Letter and two letters of reference (one preferably from a former employer) as well as copies of educational certificates and a copy of the Passport photo page and a Police Certificate/Record. Applicants should be addressed to Mr. Paul Harvey, Complaints Commissioner, Tony Clarke’s Building, Waterloo Road, Grand Turk. Sent via email to: complaints_commission@ gov.tc with the subject line being: SENIOR INVESTIGATIVE OFFICER APPLICATION. Envelopes should have the subject: SENIOR INVESTIGATIVE OFFICER APPLICATION clearly marked on the front. Persons who have applied already need not re-apply for application may be processed. Applications without all supporting documents will not be processed.
SAMUEL WILSON KEW TOWN Is seeking to employ
• Uses equipment like nets, fishing rods, and traps, to catch fish and other marine life that will be consumed by humans or used as animal feed or bait. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $10 hourly
CONTACT: 342-2511
We thank all applicants for their interest, however, only persons selected for an interview will be contacted. APPLICATION DEADLINE: 26th July 2019 17344
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is a First Time work permit holder 17416
RONALD SEYMOUR Blue Hills Is seeking to employ a
• Performing a variety of cleaning activities such as sweeping, mopping, dusting and polishing. Ensuring all rooms are cared for and inspected according to standards. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hurly
CONTACT: 241-8434
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder
1. Administers and monitors the financial system in order to ensure that the department’s finances are maintained in an accurate and timely manner.
• Assists with the preparation of budgets. • Prepares appropriate documents for approval. • Establishes and maintains supplier accounts. • Ensures transactions are properly recorded and entered into the computerized accounting system. • Verifies and submits purchase orders, vouchers and invoices for approval. • Maintains financial files and records. 2. Handles administrative services relating to the Complaints Commission.
CONTACT: 241-8327
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17397
LABOURER Cleaning the premises daily. Disposing of trash. Assist with minor repairs if necessary. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 441-2569
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is a First Time work permit holder 17380
Act on behalf off its clients to fill the following positions MODERN DAY CONSTRUCTION
9 MoonStone Rd, Providenciales Telephone: 241-4108, Email: Mdconstructionn@gmail.com
2 DRYWALL INSTALLERS, 1 TILER, 1 CARPENTER/ROOFER, 2 MASONS. Starting salary $9.00- $10.00 per hr. Install wallboard to ceilings or to interior walls of buildings and applying
plaster, lay tiles,grouting. Install windows/doors, install rafters to roof/materials, cover roof with shingles, Plastering, laying blocks etc
The Sands, Grace Bay, Providenciales Telephone:941-8408
Salary $6.25 per hour General cleaning of restaurant and other task may be required.
Positions for work permit holders.
Suitable Belongers may apply with Labour Department
LEEWARD HIGHWAY Is seeking to employ a
• Child caretaker. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 346-7931 Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is a First Time work permit holder
OF GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a
Duties: Mix and Serve drinks and Cocktails, keep bar and Table areas clean. Salary: $7.50 per hour
CONTACT: 243-2928
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder. 17296
Administers and maintains departmental records and databases. Manages systems for the filing, storage and security of documents. Oversees the maintenance of office equipment. Arranges dissemination of information. Provides administrative support for meetings. Oversees the travel arrangements for departmental personnel when needed. Manages systems for availability of supplies and equipment.
Advanced knowledge of office administration. Strong communication, interpersonal and customer service skills. Extensive knowledge of Microsoft Office Suite. Good organizational, team playing and time management skills
• An Associate’s Degree in Business Administration/related field or equivalent. • At least three (3) years on the job experience. • Experience in the Public Sector is desirable. SALARY: $26,650.00 per annum.
* This position is not an Established post within the Civil Service.
A live-in chef is required to work in a private villa. This is a full-time live-in position. Accommodation is provided for a single individual. The position requires the following qualifications and experience: The application must have significant experience working in a luxury hotel, high end restaurant, or as a personal chef in a luxury private residence. The application must possess the ability to prepare a range of international cuisine to the highest standard (Asian fusion, French, Italian) as well as being able to cater to individual guests’ dietary preferences including vegetarian, vegan, kosher, and organic diets. Must have the ability to perform menu planning, food ordering and preparation for large house parties and business meetings on an economical and budgetary basis. Must be able to maintain the highest standards of hygiene in the kitchen. Must be able to exercise cost control and perform monthly budget preparation and monitoring stocks and supplies. Preferably computer literate.
Resumes with current contact information must be accompanied by a Cover Letter and two letters of reference (one preferably from a former employer) as well as copies of educational certificates and a copy of the Passport photo page and a Police Certificate/ Record. Applications should be addressed to the Office of the Complaints Commission, Tony Clarke’s Building, Waterloo Rd. Grand Turk or sent by email to: complaints_ commission@gov.tc with the subject line being: Administrative Officer Application. Envelopes should have the subject: Administrative Officer Application clearly marked on the front. Successful applicants will work in accordance with the Public Service Ordinance. Applications without all supporting documents will not be processed. We thank all applicants for their interest, however, only persons selected for an interview will be contacted.
APPLICATION DEADLINE: 26th July 2019 Tel: (649)-338-2927. Fax: (649)-946-1092
GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a
• • • •
SOUTH DOCK Is seeking to employ a
This is a senior administrative support position which ensures the smooth operations and functions of the office. The incumbent in this position will provide administrative support to the Complaints Commissioner.
• Apply paints, stains, and coatings to interior and exterior walls, new buildings, homes, offices and other structural surfaces. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
TONY CLARKE’S BUILDING WATERLOO ROAD, GRAND TURK TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS Email: complaints_commission@gov.tc Tel: (649)-338-2927. Fax: (649)-946-1092
• • • • • • •
July 20-26, 2019
• Working flexible hours including weekends and holidays according to the needs of the villa and tourist season; • The ability to work within a team; • The requirement to be presentable and have good spoken English and interact with guests; • Must have a Turks and Caicos Islands driver’s license; • Must be willing to perform other duties when the villa / guests / owners are not in occupation. Salary depends on experience but in the range of $2,500.00 per month together with live-in benefits.
This is a new position. Please supply detailed CV to Griffiths & Partners, ar@griffithsandpartners.com or by fax, 649941-8251. Islander applicants should copy the Labour Department, Airport Road, Providenciales.
July 20-26, 2019
Duties: Cleaning, Dusting Mopping household chores and must be willing to Work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.50 per hour.
CONTACT: 244-3848
MINOU HAIR BRAIDING STYLES Of Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a
Duties: Braiding, Weaving, Relaxing, Loc, grooming And maintenance, cutting And trimming and styling. Salary: $7.50 per hour.
CONTACT: 348-0235
Belongers are encouraged to Send a copy of their resume To the Labour Board. 17285
Belongers are asked to send A copy of their resume to The Labour Board. This position is Currently held by 17287
Long Bay, Providenciales Is seeking to employ
Salary Ranges from $6.25 per hour. Must be willing to work 6 days per week
CONTACT: 333-6577
NEXT SALON AND SPA OF GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a
SALON HELPER Duties: Braiding, Weaving, Relaxing, Loc, grooming And maintenance, cutting And trimming and styling. Salary: $6.50 per hour.
CONTACT: 242-3823
Belongers are asked to send A copy of their resume to The Labour Board. This position is Currently held by 17288
• Receive payment by cash, checks and credit cards, Issue receipts, and change. Count money in cash drawers to ensure that amounts are correct and that there is adequate change. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 344-4360
Of Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a
Duties: To man a Taxi Radio Service, directing pickups and Collection of passengers. SALARY: $6.50 Per hour.
CONTACT: 242-7813
Belongers are asked to send a Copy of their resume to the Labour Board. 17292
Sweeping, mopping. Salary: $7 hourly
Install structures and fixtures Salary: $8 hourly
Belongers are encouraged To send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board. This position if currently held By a work permit holder.
COSMETOLOGIST Cut, trim and shape hair.
Perform setup and clean up task at job site. Salary: $12.60 hourly
Duties: Install, Fit cut Plumbing pipes. Must be will to work Six days a week. Salary: $7.00 per hour.
CONTACT: 241-3674
Belongers are also encourage to apply: Some Positions are currently held by work permit holders
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is a First Time work permit holder 17396
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. These positions are currently held by work permit holders 17316
Belongers are asked to Send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board.
Leeward Highway Is seeking to employ a
• Clean, dusting, sweeping, mopping, restroom cleaning, stock shelves. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week. Salary: $300 weekly
CONTACT: 331-5699
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17393
A-1 AUTO TACT DOWN TOWN Is seeking to employ a
• Cut tiles and mix mud. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $7 hourly
CONTACT: 231-0098
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17413
JUBA SOUND Is seeking to employ a
• Mopping, cleaning doors and windows. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 332-5690
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is a First Time work permit holder 17412
GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a
• Grounds keeping and building maintenance duties. Mow lawn using a lawnmower or hand. Cut lawn and trim and edge around walks, flower beds, and walls. Planting flowers, grass, shrubs, and bushes. • Work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 241-2592
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17415
• To keep stock of company product and keep stock of store and distribute items to various stores. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $8 hourly
CONTACT: 231-2004
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is a First Time work permit holder17404
GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a
ONE BAKERY ASSISTANT • Supplying bakery with products for sale to clients/ customers • Responsible for general cleaning of bakery equipment • Make sure bakery is kept tidy at all times • Packing of baking products for distribution • Must be honest and have a pleasant attitude towards customers • Must be willing to work from 5:00 am-2:00 pm (long hours). 5 days per week and sometimes weekends. • Salary $7.00 per hour • This position is for work permit renewal Belongers are encourage to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department
Discount@tciway.tc or Fax: 946-4871
• Receive payment by cash, checks and credit cards, Issue receipts, and change. Count money in cash drawers to ensure that amounts are correct and that there is adequate change. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $7 hourly
CONTACT: 346-3537
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
Duties: Cleaning stoves, Dishes, mopping cleaning Tables. SALARY: $6.50 per hour
CONTACT: 348-3298
Belongers are encouraged to Submit a copy of their resume To the Labour Board.
SOLOMON ALTIDOR OF GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a
CONTACT: 244-6653
Carpentry techniques and methods of installation and construction. Salary: $8 hourly
Duties: To clean and Maintain premises, paint and do repairs as needed. SALARY: $6.50 per hour.
Of Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a
Carry out heavy cleaning tasks and special projects.
OF GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a
Airport Road - 941-4515 Acting on behalf of our clients.
AIRPORT ROAD Is seeking to employ a
KEW TOWN Is seeking to employ a
- $400 WEEKLY • Praying and teaching. • To work 4 days a week.
DOMESTIC WORKER -$7 hourly • Clean, dusting, sweeping, mopping, restroom cleaning. • To work 5 days a week.
Duties: Cleaning, Dusting Mopping household chores and must be willing to Work. 5 days a week. Salary: $6.50 per hour.
CONTACT: 232-6432
Belongers are encouraged to Send a copy of their resume To the Labour Board. 17284
GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a
• Loading and trucking of materials to job sites. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week. • Must be honest and trustworthy. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 247-9212
CONTACT: 241-2960
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17402
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. These positions are First Time work permit holders 17409
Long Bay Providenciales, is looking for a
40 hours per week, Duties: providing cleaning and maid services. This position is for a new Work Permit. Salary $6.50 per hour
CONTACT 345-9986
Belongers are encourage to submit a copy of their work permit to the Labor Department 17415
BLUE HILLS Is seeking to employ a
• Clean yard. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 241-5071 OR 342-0275
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17408
security procedures. • High school diploma or equivalent preferred (Speak English). • Knowledge of operating cleaning equipment’s, cleaning and sanitation products, techniques and methods and knowledge of cleaning sensitive materials. • Physical stamina and mobility including ability to reach, kneel, bend and climb stairs. • Ability to lift, push and pull required load. 9usually up to 30lbs). Salary: $7 hourly
CONTACT: (649)347-7437. EMAIL: BUKALAJANUS@YAHOO.CA Qualified Belonger/s may apply with Labour Department Position for First Time work permit holder
AIRPORT ROAD Is seeking to employ a
Building B-2 303 La Vista Azul - Is seeking to employ a
• Clean entire rooms organize work schedule, update room status list like arrivals and departures. • Restock room supplies, distribute linen, towels and room supplies using wheeled carts or by hand. • Inspect unites, check all appliances in rooms and report damages for maintenance. • Respond to guest queries and requests and o call services to guest request at any time. • Ensure confidentiality and security of quest rooms and follow all company safety and
July 20-26, 2019
• Baking bread. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 346-5604
Requires a Certified
ELEVATOR TECHNICIAN • Must have at least 10 years of experience in elevator installation, repair and troubleshooting with Otis, Kone, ECC, and Jrt Controller • Must be capable of reading and
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is a First Time work permit holder 17346
understanding factor level • Must be self-motivated, punctual and able to work autonomously • Must be willing to work after hours, holidays and weekends Salary $20.00 per hour
This position is for work permit renewal
Applicant should send resume to:tcielevator@hotmail. com deadline is July 26th, 2019 qualified Turks & Caicos Islanders are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department 17367
$7.00 per hour, Blue Hills, Providenciales 241-7878, Vacant Position
(Assisting with surveying works) Salary: 7 per hour, Providenciales 231-6584, Bilingual is a must Vacant Position
(Plumbing & Electrical work & the Labourer to assist the professionals) Skilled $9 per hour, unskilled $7 per hour, Blue Hills, 2432650, Vacant Positions
(To cut, install, repair & remove glass) $9 per hour, Blue Hills, Providenciales 333-0803, Vacant Position
The TCIAA is accepting applications for the following position:
(assist with tools cleaning, carrying to and from, Organized materials, cleanup work sites) $7.00 per Hour, Providenciales, 241-7878, Vacant Position
The principal objective of the airport fire and rescue service is "to save lives in the event of an aircraft accident or incident". This also applies to any other incident where life and property can be saved. Once fully qualified, the firefighter will be responsible for fulfilling operational duties and routines within the scope of their duties. They will also be expected to be a contributing member of the Rescue and Firefighting team, assisting when required.
(assist with tools cleaning, carrying to and from, Carrying materials, cleanup work sites)
(Adults & kids Hair Braiding in different styles) $9 Per Hour, 6 days a week 241-7878, Providenciales
(set up the water System for Irrigation of the flowers and plants & to maintain the landscaping areas daily)
Belongers are encouraged to apply only. Send all resumes to tciprobusiness@gmail.com and the employment Services.
• • • • •
To assist in aircraft incidents and accidents in an effort to save life. To respond to any emergency as required. To assist in rescue and/or firefighting involving airport premises and/or property. To render humanitarian assistance including First aid for any incidents. To assist in fire prevention duties within airport premises.
The following are required of candidates. • Must be between the ages of eighteen (18) and forty-five (45). • Must have a valid driver’s license. • Must have a High School Diploma or equivalent. • Must be medically and physically fit for the Role. • Must be screened free from any controlled substances. • Must be willing to make a commitment to maintaining their Physical Fitness. • Must be willing to make a commitment to their Professional Development • Computer literate and familiar with Microsoft Office is desirable. • Must have a valid “Enhance Police Clearance “.
Salary: $27,199.80 per annum
Install, maintain and repair electrical control, wiring, and lighting systems. Regularly inspect transformers and circuit breakers and other electrical components. Troubleshoot electrical issues using appropriate of testing devices. Repair and replace equipment, electrical wiring, or fixtures.
Duties: cleaning outside Property with sweeper and picking up yard waste, dry leaves, pruning trees and trimming grass. Caring of Garden daily. Starting salary: $7.00 per hour Type of Application: Renewal This position is currently held by a work permit holder
All successful candidates will be assigned to an island which will become their homebase. Once assigned to an island housing allowance will be the responsibility of the candidate.
Interest persons must submit their applications before July 26 2019 to:
First Preference to Belongers Human Resources Department Turks and Caicos Islands Airports Authority Providenciales International Airport Telephone# 649-946-4420, Fax# 9415996. Email: hrrecruitment@tciairports.com 17337
Starting salary: $8.75 per hour Type of Application: Renewal This position is currently held by a work permit holder
Submit Resumes to Hotel or Email Eclaude@portsofcallresort.com 11 Sandcastle Drive. Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands. Tel: 649-946-8888
July 20-26, 2019 THE ANGELA RESTAURANT AIRPORT ROAD Is seeking to employ a
• Setting up workstations with all needed ingredients and cooking equipment. Preparing ingredients to use in cooking chopping and peeling vegetables, cutting meat etc. Cooking Dominican food. • To work 6 days a week Salary: $6.50 hourly
• Ensuring a safe environment, preparing and giving meals, bathing and dressing children, administering medicine. • Must be able to speak English. • To work 4 days a week and flexible hours including Weekends and Holidays. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 346-5604
CONTACT: 342-1163
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is a First Time work permit holder 17347
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is a First Time work permit holder 17368
THE BIGHT Is seeking to employ a
10 years+ experience, valid driver’s license. Duties: Ability to work without supervision; make, repair install various types of highgrade cabinet, furniture and fixtures; read drawings. Salary: $8 to $10 per hour, negotiable with qualification and experience.
• Cutting, trimming, shampooing, and styling hair, trimming beards, or giving shaves. Clean and sterilize scissors, combs, clippers, and other instruments. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
Apply to: Southwind Millwork, Industrial Drive, Provo southwind@tciway.tc by July 23rd, 2019. This position is currently held by a work permit holder. 17305
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is a First Time work permit holder 17385
CONTACT: 342-0475
is looking to hire a
HOUSEKEEPER The position requires the following of the successful candidate (1) high standards of cleanliness, hygiene and tidiness are maintained throughout three high-end villas (2) must be able to evaluate and ensure guest satisfaction and report and solve any guest problem immediately (3) must set and maintain standards of service commensurate with the standing of the villas. (4) managing a stock control and ordering system to ensure availability of stock and cost control to maintain costs to a minimum.
• • • • • •
5 years minimum Housekeeping and Customer Service experience Strong organizational skills Must be able to work independently and stand for long periods of time Must be flexible and able to work on weekends and holidays Must possess great customer service skills Salary commensurate with experience
Interested applicants must have a clean police record and submit their applications with a copy of their CV to:info@saunders.tc or via facsimile at 941-4533 and to the T.C.I Employment Services and Labour Department. This position is held by a work permit holder. 17281
THE BIGHT Is seeking to employ a
• Make sure to repair any jewels on a high level of attention and detail. • To work 8 to 5, 6 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 343-8025
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is a First Time work permit holder
DOMESTIC WORKER Jennifer Saunders is seeking to hire a cleaner to work 5 days a week. Salary $6.25 per hour Interested applicants must have a clean police record and submit their applications with a copy of their CV to:info@saunders.tc or via facsimile at 941-4533 and to the T.C.I Employment Services and Labour Department. Position is currently filled by a work permit holder 17401
ELEVATOR SUPERVISOR • Must have at least 10 years of experience in elevator installation, repair and troubleshooting with Otis, Kone, ECC, and Jrt Controller with at least 10 years’ experience at supervisory level, making budget knowledge of QuickBooks payroll • Must speak English and French • Must be willing to meet clients and present sales pitch • Must be willing to work after hours, holidays and weekends Salary $30.00 per hour This position is for work permit renewal Applicant should send resume to:tcielevator@hotmail. com deadline is July 26th, 2019 qualified Turks & Caicos Islanders are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department 17386
LAW CLERK To assist our attorneys with various legal matters. Only applicants with the following experience and skills will be considered:
Whereas, BRUCE I. FINE, of 1900 Alaskan Way, Seattle, WA 98101 United States of America has declared that the Land Certificate for the above mentioned title number(s) registered in the names of PAUL FINE and CEIL FINE as Joint Proprietors was inadvertently mislaid and cannot be found. Take notice that I, Brandie Anderson, Registrar of Lands, shall issue a new land certificate for the said title six weeks of the date of the first publication of this Notice in a local newspaper and the Gazette. Dated this 13tth day of June 2019 Signed ............................................................................................................. Registrar of Lands Witnessed
Applications are invited for the position of
• Excellent communication skills, both written and oral; • Candidate should have strong typing skills and advanced computer skills using Microsoft Word, PC Law, Lexis/Nexis, Excel and Outlook; • An ability to work without supervision on legal files; • An ability to work directly with clients without the presence of an attorney; • Skilled at drafting and preparing legal documents and correspondence, including pleadings, motions and affidavits; • An ability to attend to closings of real estate transactions; • A willingness to work long hours including weekends and holidays; • Must be punctual, organized and reliable; • Previous experience of no less than five (5) years working in a law office; and • Must have a Law Clerk’s degree or Law Clerk’s diploma from a recognized university or college or the equivalent. Salary is commensurate with experience.
Interested parties should send a cover letter and resume to Saunders & Co., Attention: Office Manager – via Fax: 941-4533 or Email: info@saunders.tc and to The Ministry of Border Control and Employment, Labour Department, Providenciales. This position is currently filled by a work permit holder.
Transport materials and goods among manufacturing, distribution and retail centers. Perform sales and customer service. Inspecting their vehicles for mechanical issues relating to safe operation, and basic repair work. Salary: $500 weekly
CONTACT: 241-1608
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
J&JF CONSTRUCTION THE BIGHT Is seeking to employ a
• Shingle roof and cut wood. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $600 weekly
CONTACT: 241-0663
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17420
July 20-26, 2019
Kew Town - Is seeking to employ a
Shampooing, cutting, and styling hair, hair treatments, deep conditioning, permanents, hair coloring, and weaving.
Basic manicures, artificial nails, gel nails, hand massages, nail fills, nail repair, and nail polishing. Pedicures and application of acrylic toenails. Salary: $7.50 hourly
CONTACT: 247-9555
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. These positions are First Time work permit holders 17403
NATASHA’S CONSULTANCY Acting on behalf of our clients
Blue Hills
Take care of disabled children.
Cut grass and remove yard wastes.
CONTACT: 245-7898
Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. CONTACT: 331-0927
DUTIES: Install and maintain wiring, control, and lighting systems. Inspect transformers and circuit breakers. Identify electrical problems. Repair or replace wiring, equipment, or fixtures using hand tools and power tools SALARY: $9.00 per hour This position is held by a work permit holder Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department 17423
Apply paints, stains, and coatings to interior and exterior walls, new buildings, homes, offices and other structural surfaces. Salary: $6.25 hourly each Contact:245-0035
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. These positions are First Time work permit holders
She must be willing to help customer find items on the shelves, receive and restock products. Clean the store, arrange and stock shelves, upheld safe and clean working environment, assisted other personnel as needed. Very mature, very organized, presentable and tidy with good attitude and self motivation. Must be flexible enough to arrive early or leave late when receive inventory and stock. SALARY: 6.25 per hour
TELEPHONE: 347-0877
TYPE OF APPLICATION: Renewal, this position is currently held by a work permit holder 17416
Shampooing, cutting, and styling hair, hair treatments, deep conditioning, permanents, hair coloring, and weaving.
North Caicos
The Bight
Long Bay
Cutting, trimming, shampooing, and styling hair, trimming beards, or giving shaves. Clean and sterilize scissors, combs, clippers. Salary: $7 hourly each
CONTACT: 331-5481
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. These positions are First Time work permit holders
Salt Mills Plaza - Is seeking to employ a
• Performing a variety of cleaning activities such as sweeping, mopping, dusting and polishing. Ensuring all rooms are cared for and inspected according to standards. • Experience of five to ten years. Salary: $7.50 hourly
Contact: 941-2233 or 332-2121 Email: SSbeautysalonspa@gmail.com
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is a First Time work permit holder 17419
#1228 LEEWARD HIGHWAY Is seeking to employ a
is looking for qualified applicants for the following positions:
All positions involve strenuous physical labour, which requires being able and willing to perform heavy lifting, and other physically demanding functions. Must be able to speak English fluently. Preference will be given to someone with previous resort experience. All applicants must be able to present a clean Police Record if offered a position. Wage commensurate with experience. Individuals must be willing to work holidays and weekends on a flexible schedule dictated by business demands. All positions currently held by a work permit holder. APPLICATIONS AVAILABLE AT OCEAN CLUB OR OCEAN CLUB WEST. ONLY THOSE RECEIVING AN INTERVIEW WILL BE CONTACTED.
• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 345-8118
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
JENDERLY’S SALON DOWN TOWN Is seeking to employ a
Basic manicures, artificial nails, gel nails, hand massages, nail fills, nail repair, and nail polishing. Pedicures and acrylic toenails.
Shampooing, cutting, and styling hair, hair treatments, deep conditioning, permanents, hair coloring, and weaving. Salary: 50% Commission
CONTACT: 244-5191
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. These positions are First Time work permit holders
Duties: help with heavy lifting, loading and unload vehicle/storage, cleaning up after jobs. Salary $7 per hour Belongers are encouraged to send copy of their Resumes to Labour Department,
CONTACT: (649) 231 2599 FOR W/P HOLDER 17429
• Wash, scrub and polish the interiors of car SUV’s and buses to protect their appearance. • Vacuum, clean and maintain vehicles. • Must be young, energetic and able to multitask with a valid driver’s license. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 231-8438
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17414
South Dock, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a
• Must have at least 5 years of experience Duties: Cleaning boat and accommodation. • Salary $6.5 per hour • Must have a clean drivers license and own transportation Belongers are encouraged to send copy of their Resumes to Labour Department, CONTACT: (649) 231 0824 FOR A W/P HOLDER 17428
CONTACT- 241-5922 Acting on behalf of our client Robinson Surveying Services Providenciales
Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. Cares for garden on a daily basis. Salary: $400 weekly
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is a First Time work permit holder
CONTACT- 241-5922 Acting on behalf of our client Crackpot Kitchen Grace Bay
Take orders and serve food and beverages to patrons at tables in dining establishment. Check with customers to ensure that they are enjoying their meals and take action to correct any problems. Salary: $6.50 hourly Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is a First Time work permit holder 17426
CONTACT- 241-5922 Acting on behalf of our client Terrell Gardiner Providenciales
Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. Salary: $6.50 hourly Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17424
July 20-26, 2019
GRACE BAY CAR RENTAL Leeward Highway - Is seeking to employ
Tire Tech
• Must have 5 years’ experience • Identify the tire size and ply and inflate tire • Must be able to service vehicles to maintain functions accordingly • Remount wheels onto vehicles, install vehicles parts or accessories • Unbolt and remove wheels from vehicle using lugs • Replace wheels on balance machines to determine counters weights required to balance wheels. • Must be able to speak and write English.
Part-Time/ FullTime Car Washers
• Must have a valid driver’s license and Clean Police Record • Must be able to speak and write English • Must have legal Status • Must be able to properly wash, clean and vacuum vehicles, so that they are ready for Transfer to the Airport. • Must be able to identify fault and report it to the person in charge
Long Bay Beach - Is seeking to employ
KEW TOWN Is seeking to employ a
Sam’s Building, Down Town Contact: 232-2001 Acting on behalf of our clients.
Dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, cleaning ceiling vents, restroom cleaning etc.
Cleaning store, stocking shelves. Salary: $6.25 hourly each Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. These positions are First Time and currently held by a work permit holder 17330
OSWALD VIRGIL LEEWARD Is seeking to employ a
• Cleaning yard and buildings on property. • Keep vehicles cleaned (interior/exterior) • Minor home repair. • Work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.75 hourly
CONTACT: 231-0199
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is a First Time work permit holder
Minimum of 4-5 years as Executive Chef or senior kitchen management with duties as stated above, verifiable track record of maintaining industry standard food and labor costs in a profitable facility over a min of 3 years of continuous employment in one facility within the last 5 years. Must be highly skilled and capable of training kitchen staff and producing exciting offerings that please our hotel guests. Salary: $ 38,000 per year salary, plus service charge Please email resume to Jim Molter Windsong Resort jim@windsongresort.com. Please respond no later than July 31,2019. All qualified applicants will be interviewed. Prospective applicants who are Belongers are asked to send copies of your applications to the Labor Board
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board Contact: 441-8515. Email: frantz@gracebaycarrentals.com
• Must have a PASA or IKO Teaching experience • Must have a minimum of 4 yrs. teaching experience • Must be able to teach foil boarding and high-level tricks • It would be an asset to be able to teach in French • Be willing to work on a commission basis based on lessons taught • Must bring 3 references from past employers and a cover letter CONTACT: 649-232-5483 EMAIL: HTTPS://KITEPROVO.COM/JOBS/ Qualified Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. These positions are currently held by work permit holders 17336
Hands on position requiring participation in meal preparation, ordering food and associated products, staff scheduling and directing sanitation. Direct responsibility for menu production, recipes, and plate appeal. Participate in and monitor food dept. budgets with responsibility of producing budgeted food cost and labor expense in order to achieve scheduled profit matched with customer satisfaction. Management of and handling catering operation, private chef and private dining programs.
• Must be able to read, write and speak English • Perform tasks involving physical labour. • Must be able to clean area properly • Check the fluid and water levels, tires, Salary: $7.50 per hour
All positions are Renewal
Windsong on the Reef
• Clean, iron, watch the baby. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $300 weekly
CONTACT: 342-2803
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17352
MILLENNIUM HIGHWAY Is seeking to employ a
• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 232-8768
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17350
We are searching for a talented and dedicated Landscaper to join our team. As the Landscaper, you will ensure the growth and vibrancy of our plants, flowers, lawn, and garden structures. The ideal candidate will be creative, with excellent problem-solving and organizational skills. You must be able to demonstrate the ability to mix and spray or spread fertilizers, herbicides, or insecticides onto grass, shrubs, and trees, using hand or automatic sprayers or spreaders. You must be able demonstrate ability to propagate plants. RESPONSIBILITIES: • Apply pesticides to remove harmful insects such as mosquitos, wasps, and ticks. • Conduct general maintenance duties such as cleaning walkways, fixing fountains, and other duties. • Must be able to operate maintenance equipment including lawnmowers, leaf blowers, and hedge trimmers. • Strong knowledge of pest management and basic lawn maintenance. • High attention to detail with excellent organizational skills. • Good stamina and physical health. • Uphold the landscaping design and ensure plant growth. Plant new decorative bushes, flowers, plants, and shrubs. • Supervise maintenance repairs to equipment, landscape structures, outdoor furniture, and walkways. • Advise clients on how to look after the landscape. Give advice and work-related instruction and guidance to gardeners. • Coordinate with garden designers and landscape architects to ensure the garden meets the resort’s expectations.
• Horticultural diploma or equivalent qualification with a minimum of 5 years’ experience in a senior landscaping or groundskeeping role. • Must be able to operate maintenance equipment including lawnmowers, leaf blowers, and hedge trimmers. • Strong knowledge of pest management, fertilization and advance lawn maintenance. • High attention to detail with excellent organizational skills. • Good stamina and physical health. Good oral and written English are a must. Please email resume to: admin@windsongreort.com and respond no later than July 31,,2019. All qualified applicants will be interviewed. Prospective applicants who are Belongers are asked to send copies of your applications to the Labor Board. This is an opened position. Salary commensurate with experience and ranges between $10-15 per hour.
• Room Attendant/ Housekeeper Reliever/Domestic Worker • General Helper – job includes deep cleaning around the resort as needed including storage area, garbage housing, public walkway clearing floor. Deep clean kitchen and other areas as assigned.
• Minimum of 4 years in the specialized field. Ability to lift to 65 pounds • Reading and writing English is a must. Must be flexible with working nights, weekends, and holidays. Salary $6.25 to 7.00 per hour. Some Positions are available on a part-time basis
54 CLASSIFIEDS BETHANY BAPTIST CHURCH 250 Bay Road, Blue Hills Is seeking to employ a
• Be able to work in and around the church also the up keep of the premises. • Working hours are 7:00am to 4:30pm Monday to Friday. Salary: $6.25 hourly
• Ironing, sweeping, mopping, cooking, etc. Must like dogs. • To work 6 days per week.
Contact: 649-9414803/941-5632
PLEASE CALL 649-231-4461
Email: bethany@tciway.tc Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17329
Salary $7.50 per hour
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder
MECHANIC SHOP SERVICE MANAGER Requirements: • Must be experienced in outboard engine repairs and maintenance • Must have full set of tools Duties include but not limited to: • Supervision of mechanic
Applications are invited from suitably qualified Turks and Caicos Islanders and copies of same should be submitted to the Labour Board. This is a new position. Applications must be submitted in writing and delivered by hand to Caicos Marina and Shipyard, Long Bay Highway, Providenciales 17306
repair and has ability to perform such tasks as prescribed. • Able to assist in performing maintenance and repair of different variety of Japanese vehicle. • Assist to restore, refinish and replacing vehicles bodies and frames. Salary: $9 hourly
Contact: 941-8438. Email: dnbautoparts@tciway.tc
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17319
BLUE HILLS Is seeking to employ a
• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 242-2661
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
CSC Insurance Brokers is looking to employ an
• Minimum of 5+ years’ experience in the general insurance industry and experience in placements with international and London markets • Insurance diploma or similar certification • Extensive knowledge of The Agency Manager or similar software ▪ Must be able to supervise, market and administer the Property & Casualty portfolio, to maintain and increase client base and recommend improvements for service ▪ To meet with new prospects, provide quotes, process additions/terminations, contact clients for renewal of personal and commercial policies and ensure proper file management
staff • Parts ordering • Job tracking • Department promotion and reporting Remuneration: Pay is commensurate with experience
Industrial Park - Is seeking to employ a • Must have six month of prior work experience. • Assist Head Mechanic in servicing and repairing customer cars. • Must be able to work flexible hours. • Able to use cleaning devices/ equipment for washing vehicles. • Knowledgeable on basic auto maintenance and
July 20-26, 2019
▪ To ensure that all premiums are collected on a timely manner and relevant reports submitted to Insurers accordingly ▪ To obtain from Underwriters all policy materials required, follow up on applications and ensure safe receipt and delivery to clients of all policy documents and certificates ▪ To assist with the preparation of presentations, promotional events, advertising and general marketing materials ▪ To assist with claims processing, settlements and follow up with clients for requested information Remuneration based on experience, commencing at $3,000.00-$4,000.00 per month.
All suitably qualified TC Islanders are requested to submit resumes/portfolios to PO Box 560, Regent House West, Regent Village, Grace Bay, Providenciales, TCI or send by fax to 946 4663. Prospective TC Islander applicants are also free to lodge a copy of their applications with the Labour Board. 17283
DOLORES CONOLLY is looking for a
LABOURER Duties: maintain surrounding, trimming trees to work 5 days per week salary $6.50 per hour.
CONTACT: 241-4070
Parrot Cut, Cooper Jack - Is seeking to employ a
Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames.
Repairs, maintains and alters buildings, retaining walls and other brick or stone edifices. Mixes mortar; lays bricks and stones and/or concrete sidewalks; makes and repairs steps and plasters
Follow blueprints and building plans. Install structures and fixtures, such as windows and molding. Measure, cut, or shape wood, plastic, and other materials
CONTACT: 345-3825
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. All positions are First Time work permit holders
DERECHA ROBINSON GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a
• House chores, cleaning, laundry, caring for one child and running errands, related chores if and when necessary. • Must be willing to work on weekends and holidays Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 333-1495
• Shampooing, cutting, and styling hair, though they may also provide hair treatments, including deep conditioning, permanents, hair coloring, and weaving. • To work 6 days a week Salary: $6.50 per hour
CONTACT: 245-2530
this position is for work permit renewal Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labour Department
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is a First Time work permit holder 17277
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is a First Time work permit holder 17279
Acting on behalf of our client Broze Pierre Is seeking to employ a
Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. Salary: $250 weekly
CONTACT: 341-7425
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
CHALK SOUND Is seeking to employ a
• Maintain yard and garden. Up keep of property. • To work 6 days a week, Salary: $6.75 hourly
CONTACT: 242-3747
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17387
FIVE CAYS Is seeking to employ a
• Prepare and cook Dominican food. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week. Salary: $8 hourly
CONTACT: 242-3307 Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is a First Time work permit holder
ACCOUNTS SUPERVISOR All applicants should possess the following: REQUIREMENTS • Bachelor of Commerce • accounting certificate or degree • minimum 5 years experience in account process JOB DESCRIPTION • bookkeeping, bank reconciliation, accounts
payable and accounts receivable, wage control • must understand inventory control • proficient in Sage 50 accounting and Microsoft Office • English both written and oral - French and Spanish an asset • ability to keep all information confidential
• must be able to work long hours, nights, weekends and holidays • responsible for weekly payroll, general entries, monthly reconciliation • assist in budget preparation • cost reporting for all departments • oversea purchases & documentation control Salary: $400.00 per week
This position is for renewal of work permit Belongers are encourage to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department 17342
July 20-26, 2019
is seeking a:
Duties are: • General cleaning such as: sweeping, mopping and dusting • Responsible for straightening up room after each treatment • Stocking supplies room • Cleaning sheets/towels etc. Salary: $6.25 per Hour working from Monday to Saturday
Belongers should submit a copy of resume to the Labour Board 17325
Leeward Highway, IBO Plaza Is seeking to employ
Deal with security alarm systems
Secures premises and personnel by patrolling property; monitoring surveillance equipment; inspecting buildings, equipment, and access points; permitting entry. Obtains help by sounding alarms.
Cleaning. Salary: Based on Experience
CONTACT: 333-0058 OR 941-4466
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board These positions are First Time work permit holders 17394
AIRPORT ROAD Is seeking to employ a
Grace Bay Court, Grace Bay Rd, Providenciales Contact 432-6266 /e-mail – crustbakerytci@gmail.com
• Manicures, artificial nails, gel nails, hand massages, nail fills, nail repair, and nail polishing. Pedicures and the application of acrylic toenails may also be performed. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 342-7373
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17333
• Assist Bakers in creating all baked goods menus. • Must have experience managing a team • Help design the dessert menus and develop new recipes • Must be willing to work weekends and Holidays • In Charge of day to day operations of the wholesale department • Costing in both labor and COGS a must. • Salary $40k-$50k per year based on qualifications and experience Positions are currently held by work permit holders.
Positions open to qualified Belongers. Belongers should send Resumes to Labour Department or Drop Resume at Crust Bakery – Grace Bay Court 17361
• Clean and tidy all areas to the standard cleanliness within time limits. • Deliver excellent customer service. • Maintain equipment in good condition. • Ability to bent, lift and walk upstairs. • Report on any shortages, damages or security issues. • Handle reasonable guest’s complaints/requests and inform others when required. • Ability to work independently and remain motivated. To work 6 six days per week rate $6.58 per hour. Minimum 2-3 years in the specialized field.
STEWARD • Maintain Controlling stocks for daily use in the department (cleaning products, mop heads, etc.) • Working within the constraints of Health and Safety and adhere to any Health and Safety policies. • Perform nightly deep cleaning of common areas of resort; work overnight and split shifts. • Participate in dishwashing, garbage removal, silver polishing, pot washing or any other stewarding area as necessary in accordance with department needs. • Ensure water temperature, and chemical level/proper uses of chemicals are appropriate for cleaning. • Take all necessary action to reduce the loss of silverware, flatware, china and glassware. • Work closely with the kitchen and restaurant staffs to ensure quality production. • Ability to multitask, responsible, communicate, organize, general repairs and basic culinary skills. • Ability to maintain computerizes filing system and records as per organization procedure. • Ability to lift, bent, stand for long hours and knowledge of cleaning equipment’s and machines. Minimum 2-3 years in the specialized field. To work 6 days per week rate $6.95 per hour.
• Clean and sanitize production equipment, work surfaces and kitchen according to cleaning schedules and procedures. • Keep track of cooking materials and utilizes. • Scrape food from dirty dishes, wash them by hand or place them in the racks to conveyor through the dishwashing machine. • Set up and breakdown buffet. • Empty trash containers as required and maintain assign work station in a safe and sanitary condition. • Maintain cleanliness of work and kitchen areas using proper cleaning chemicals. • Work cohesively with kitchen cooks, sous chefs and head chef. Minimum 2-3 years in the specialized field. To work 6 six days per week rate $6.58 per hour.
Turks & Caicos Island
Contact information: dck Projetech, c/o dck worldwide, LLC Six PPG Place, Suite 710, Pittsburgh, PA 15222, Phone: 412-384-1000 Please send resumes to resumes@dckww.com, when responding, title your upload as TCI ad.
SR. PROJECT ENGINEER Annual Salary Range – $77k-$101k RENEWAL
JOB DESCRIPTION: Plan, develop, coordinate, provide technical expertise, and manage projects. Train and supervise lower level engineers, participate on a regular basis in business development. EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS include 4 year degree in environmental, mechanical or civil engineering, or equivalent, advanced degree is highly preferred, plus 8 or more years of experience engineering activities. Professional certification is required. Individual must be able to apply current and technically sound approaches to project planning, execution, and data interpretation. Attention to detail and ability to effectively manage time across multiple projects is required. Effective use of computer software, both standard spreadsheet and word processing as well as industry standard technical programs is expected. Fluent aptitude and experience in Primavera P6, CMiC, PlanGrid, and site engineering activities. Excellent communication skills, both written and verbal, are essential. 17389
• Clean building floors by sweeping, mopping, scrubbing, or vacuuming them. • Gather and empty trash, service, clean, and supply restrooms • Maintain Controlling stocks for daily use in the department (cleaning products, mop heads, etc.). • Working within the constraints of Health and Safety and adhere to any Health and Safety policies. • Perform nightly deep cleaning of common areas of resort; work overnight and split shifts. • Participate in dishwashing, garbage removal, silver polishing, pot washing or any other areas as necessary in accordance with department needs. • Ensure water temperature, and chemical level/proper uses of chemicals are appropriate for cleaning. • Take all necessary action to reduce the loss of silverware, flatware, china and glassware. • Collect towels from around beach and pool. • Work closely with the kitchen and restaurant staffs to ensure quality production. • Ability to multitask, responsible, organize, basic repairs and basic culinary skills. • Ability to maintain computerizes filing system and records as per organization procedure. • Ability to bent, stand for long hours and knowledge of cleaning equipment’s and machines. • Ability to walk up and down stairs, bent, physical strength, stamina and lifts 50lbs. • Ability to comprehend and communicate in fluent English. • Excellent communication skills through effectively communicating with guests and management. Minimum 2-3 years in the specialized field. To work 6 days per week rate $6.58 per hour. Candidates must have the ability to be on time and present for all scheduled shifts, split shifts and overnight shifts including weekends and Holidays.
GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a
BLUE HILLS Is seeking to employ a
• Cleaning the kitchen, sterilizing pots and pans for preparation of cooking on a daily basis, Related chores if and when necessary. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 241-4882
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17381
Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 231-0319
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is a First Time work permit holder 17372
July 20-26, 2019
BLUE HILLS Is seeking to employ a
• fix and maintain mechanical equipment, buildings, and machines. Tasks include plumbing work, painting, flooring repair and upkeep, electrical repairs and heating and air conditioning system. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 241-4188
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17351
FORTULIEN P. WALKIN KEW TOWN Is seeking to employ a
Duties: cooking and preparing Thai and Chinese cuisine
• Applicant must be honest, reliable, and very good in caring for people. • Taking care of elderly man. Salary: $6.50 hourly
Duties: taking orders and serving to customers To work 6 days per week Salary $2,000.00 per month
CONTACT: 348-0502
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder
CONTACT: 649-343-3661
This position is for a first time applicant Belongers are encourage to submit their resume to the Labor Department 17358
GENERA SANTA RIGBY FIVE CAYS Is seeking to employ a
• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 245-6959
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder 17371
SOUS CHEF EDUCATION AND TRAINING: • Post secondary degree in Culinary Arts or 8 + years industry equivalent experience. • Computer literate, functional on Excel, Ms-Word and Quickbooks and Micros. • Fluent in English both written and oral with a fundamental understanding of French and Spanish • First Aid Training Skill Requirements: BE ABLE TO ASSIST THE EXECUTIVE CHEF IN ALL CAPACITIES TO INCLUDE: • Work in a high pressure environment with calm, effective leadership • Planning and execution of special events. • Precise knife skills • Assist Chef in the preparation and execution of all desserts. • Produce all breakfast, lunch and dinner items with expert precision. • Cook entire menu on the line during service, including meats to temperature specifications. • Execute a proper sanitation procedure to insure that high quality food is served that accurately represents the Café. • Prepare and execute specials based on the Café’s Tex-Mex cuisine. • Be versed in a large variety of cooking techniques to include: braising, sautéing, frying, steaming, poaching, and sauce making. • Receive food orders from various vendors, checking for quality and pricing. • Be able to stand on ones feet for 10 hours and be comfortable lifting 50 pounds without physical restrictions. • Be available to work holidays and weekends with a flexible schedule. Leadership and Managerial Requirements: • Assist Chef in the training of kitchen staff to encourage growth in a positive environment. • Be sensitive to the needs of staff members and maintain a professional demeanor • Assist Chef in the ordering of food through a variety of vendors • Assist Chef with weekly and monthly inventory of items and work with the Chef to calculate food costs • Maintain a positive environment in the kitchen to encourage growth and diversity within the workplace The Sous Chef should be a natural leader who is seeking to assist others in improving their cooking ability, and also to develop strong people skills. An ambitious person who is a comfortable communicator with a confident skill set. The Sous Chef needs to be a self starter that can lead the kitchen in the Chefs absence. The right candidate should be able to open the kitchen in the morning, or be the last to leave the kitchen at night. Prioritizing and executing prep items based on the restaurants needs. He or She will assure that foods are properly labeled with the date and prep item name and consistently rotated, and stored for future use. Oversee and participate in daily cleaning duties as per scheduled by the Chef to maintain a clean safe environment for all employees to work in. Pay: $3000.00 per month Belongers given preference
Submit resume, certifications and current police record in person or email to: ECRUZ@SOMEWHERECAFEANDLOUNGE.COM
A Prime Trading Company 78 Industrial Rd, 5 Cays Providenciales, Turks and Caicos (649) 941-7939
HELP WANTED Food World and Food Services are seeking applicants to interview for the following positions:
• • • • •
Prior cash handling experience. Experience and proven history of providing outstanding customer service. Must be available to stand for long periods of time. Must be available to work any shifts including all weekends, nights and holidays. Starting salary $6.50 per hour.
Warehouse Supervisor JOB REQUIREMENTS:
• • • •
Prior retail management experience preferably in the food industry. Experience leading and directing employees. Proven history of providing outstanding customer service. Willing to learn and take on additional assignments to assist the Store Manager, including but not limited to cashing, • stocking shelves, cleaning, ordering, varies administrative duties. • Must be available to work any hours including nights, every weekend, and holidays. • This is an additional open position. Starting Salary $7.00 per hour.
Food Service Frozen Order Picker JOB REQUIREMENTS:
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July 20-26, 2019
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NOTICE Regulation 7 of the Physical Planning (Development Permission) Regulations, 1990 An Application, REGISTERED PR 14289 by Champions for Christ International School, for rezoning of parcel 60000/404 North West & North Central on Providenciales which is currently zoned for R6 Apartments to C1 Commercial. The planning application is for a School and Church 2 stories Building. Anyone wishing to make representation(s) may do so in writing to the Director of Planning, South Base, Grand Turk or through the Department of Planning, Emily House, Leeward Highway, Providenciales, within twenty-eight (28) days of publication of this Notice.
PUBLIC NOTICE BELONGER STATUS APPLICATION (Section 3 (5) of the Immigration Ordinance)
Take Notice that I, John Freeman, Governor of Turks and Caicos in exercise of the powers conferred on me by section 3(2) of the Immigration Ordinance intend to grant a Certificate of Belonger Status to JACQUECINA LUMA HINSON by virtue of marriage to a Belonger. JOHN FREEMAN
Take Notice that I, John Freeman, Governor of Turks and Caicos in exercise of the powers conferred on me by section 3(2) of the Immigration Ordinance intend to grant a Certificate of Belonger Status to BLOSSOM DEBBIE ANNMARIE THOMPSON ROBINSON by virtue of marriage to a Belonger.
Take Notice that I, John Freeman, Governor of Turks and Caicos in exercise of the powers conferred on me by section 3(2) of the Immigration Ordinance intend to grant a Certificate of Belonger Status to EVELYNE SARAH DUBOIS MISICK by virtue of marriage to a Belonger.
(Section 3 (5) of the Immigration Ordinance)
(Section 3 (5) of the Immigration Ordinance)
Sports Interational
July 20-26, 2019
England won the 2019 Cricket World Cup in dramatic fashion last Sunday.
Yates (centre) has stage wins in the Giro d’Italia, Vuelta a Espana and now the Tour de France.
Tour de France 2019: Simon Yates claims maiden stage win BRITAIN’S Simon Yates claimed his maiden Tour de France stage win with a shrewd victory on stage 12. Yates outsprinted Pello Bilbao and Gregor Muhlberger in a technical finish in Bagneres-de-Bigorre after the trio had broken clear with 32km remaining. He has now won stages at all three Grand Tours, having previously won at the Giro d’Italia and Vuelta a Espana. Frenchman Julian Alaphilippe retained the yellow jersey as he finished in the peloton, with Geraint Thomas second. Defending champion Thomas is 72 seconds behind Alaphilippe but will have the opportunity to reduce that deficit in Friday’s 27km time trial in Pau. “I am very proud,” said Yates. “Hopefully there is more to come.”
Vuelta champion Yates is riding the Tour to help his twin brother Adam’s general classification ambitions. However, after losing more than an hour in the overall standings during the first 10 stages the MitcheltonScott rider took his chance to claim individual glory. “I’ve been saving energy until we got here in the mountains and this was the first chance to try something,” Yates added. “Normally I would be back helping Adam but I had my own chance and grabbed it with both hands.” Education First’s Simon Clarke led solo on the final climb of the day, La Hourquette d’Ancizan, before he was reeled in by Yates’ team-mate Matteo Trentin within 5km of the summit.
Yates bridged across with a select group from the remainder of a 40-man breakaway and dropped everyone except Muhlberger before Bilbao joined them near the top and the trio worked together to establish a decisive gap on the descent. As they arrived in Bagneres-deBigorre, Yates initially held back before surging to the front for a near 90-degree left-hand turn with 150 metres to go and kicked again to hold off Bilbao - who Adam Yates picked for victory in his stage guide - with Muhlberger third. “I wasn’t very confident of beating either of them as I didn’t know how fast they are,” said Simon Yates. “But my director said I had to be in front coming round the last corner so I made sure I did that and thankfully held on to win.”
Sharing trophy should be considered - New Zealand coach Gary Stead CRICKET chiefs should consider allowing teams to share the World Cup if a final is tied again, says New Zealand coach Gary Stead. England beat the Black Caps in a dramatic final at Lord’s by virtue of scoring more boundaries - after the teams’ 50-over scores were tied and also level after a super over. “I’m sure when they were writing the rules they never expected a World Cup final like that,” Stead said. “I’m sure it’ll be reviewed.” On sharing the trophy, he added: “Perhaps when you play over a seven-week period and you can’t be separated on the final day then that is something that should be considered.” Both sides scored 241 in their 50 overs on Sunday and were level on 15 when they batted for an extra over apiece. England were crowned men’s world champions for the first time because they had scored more
boundary fours and sixes - 26 to New Zealand’s 17 - in the match. “It’s a very, very hollow feeling that you can play 100 overs and score the same amount of runs and still lose the game - but that’s the technicalities of sport,” Stead added. “It’s unfortunate it comes down to one ball right at the end of the tournament when we’ve been here for seven weeks playing some really good cricket. It will be raw for a long time.” New Zealand were also unfortunate England appeared to be awarded one extra run in the final over of their innings. England were given six runs when a fielder’s throw hit Ben Stokes’ bat as he dived to complete a second run and went for four - but laws appears to say that was one too many. “I didn’t actually know that,” said Stead when asked about the law. “The umpires are there to rule and they’re human as well - and, like players, sometimes errors are made.
Whitaker remembered by boxing legend Roy Jones Jr. THE boxing world is mourning the loss of one of its all-time greatest pound-for-pound fighters. Pernell “Sweat Pea” Whitaker died Sunday night after he was hit by a car while crossing an intersection in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Whitaker was 55. The lightweight gold medalist at the 1984 Los Angeles Olympic Games, Whitaker became one of boxing’s greatest pound-for-pound champions, claiming world titles in four weight divisions and setting a record with six title defenses of the unified lightweight division. Along the way, he developed a friendship with Pensacola boxing great Roy Jones Jr., who remembered his friend on Monday in an interview with TMZ Sports. “It’s a great loss to the sport of boxing,” Jones Jr. said. “He was always go down to me as one of the
Pernell “Sweat Pea” Whitaker died on Sunday night.
coldest southpaws ever. He’s one of the best defensive boxers you will ever see. People should go bac and look at Pernell Whitaker. All you
kids coming up, you should go back and study Pernell Whitaker.” Whitaker and Jones Jr. shared many of the same prime years.
Four years after Whitaker’s Olympic gold, Jones Jr. infamously was denied a light middleweight gold medal in a controversial split decision at the 1988 Seoul Olympic Games. Whitaker held “The Ring Pound for Pound No. 1 Boxer” title from Sept. 10, 1993 to April 12, 1997 before Jones Jr. claimed and held the title until May 15, 2004. “Because when I came along, Sugar Ray Leonard passed the torch to Pernell,” Jones Jr. said. “Pernell and Tyson came through… Pernell was the pound-for-pound so Pernell passed the torch to me.” “…Just tell him where he needed to be and that’s where he was. Pernell Whitaker was the truth when it came to boxing. He was truly a poundfor-pound great. He didn’t duck or dodge nothing. He played king of the hill and he didn’t care who it was on the other side of the hill.”
Whitaker and Jones Jr. also shared memorable moments on the basketball court. Whitaker brought a team of friends from Norfolk, Virginia to Pensacola in December 1995 for a charity basketball game while both boxers were at the peak of their powers. Jones Jr. emerged victorious in front of his hometown crowd, coming back in the fourth quarter after trailing Whitaker’s warriors over the first three quarters. “He had a really good team and he was a really good player,” Jones Jr. said. He was a really good person and a champion inside and outside the ring. I will love him for life and I was appreciative of the things he did. “We were both at our pinnacles and he brought his team all the way from Norfolk to play basketeball for charity.” (PNJ.com)
July 20-26, 2019
Sports Interational
Wimbledon final: Djokovic’s win over Federer attracts peak audience of 9.6 million
James Ellington suffered his career-threatening accident on a warm-weather training camp in Tenerife in January 2017.
Anniversary Games: James Ellington set to race in 100m comeback SPRINTER James Ellington will make his first competitive appearance since a serious motorbike accident at the Anniversary Games on Saturday. The Briton has not run competitively since the accident in Tenerife in 2017. But the 33-year-old, who suffered career-threatening injuries, will line up for the 100m at London Stadium. “Believe it or not, I haven’t run over 60m fast yet, which is mad. I’m not expecting to run anything fast,” he told BBC World Service’s Sportshour. “But getting back on the track and just being able to complete the 100m will be another milestone. “Then I can get back to the drawing board and focus on next year.” Before Tuesday’s announcement, Ellington had hinted he would be taking part, re-posting a message on social media that he had “a dream I was running in the Olympic stadium again”. Ellington, who has won two European golds as part of Great Britain’s 4x100m relay team, was out riding a motorbike with fellow sprinter Nigel Levine during a break from winter warm-weather training on Tenerife in January 2017 when he was hit by a car travelling in the opposite direction. The damage was severe - a compound fracture of the right leg, a fractured left ankle, a fractured eye socket, a fractured sacroiliac joint and a displaced pelvis similar to what a mother suffers during childbirth. Making a full recovery was one thing, but Ellington always had in mind that he would be back
competing on the track again. “I was thinking at the beginning that if I keep my leg, I will be back, and even if I don’t keep my leg, I will still be back competing in the Paralympics. “The experts were probably thinking I would not be able to walk properly again, let alone train and go on to running on the track again. “But I had something different in mind.” That something is a place in the Team GB squad for the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo. It remains a way off but Ellington insists that is the easy part of his comeback. “I know this is crazy but in my mind Tokyo doesn’t seem that hard now,” he revealed. “I think the chances are high. I think I have gone through the hardest part so far, just being able to get back and train. “As long as I can get rid of the residual pain that I am still getting in my pelvis which restricts my training, I don’t see why I shouldn’t be on that start line.” Ellington now has a carbon fibre rod in his right leg, while his pelvis is held together by nails and a metal plate. It makes him a source of fascination at airport scanners, but he wasn’t laughing when one of those nails inside his pelvis snapped when he was working out at the gym. “I was coming up from a squat and there was a weird sound,” he said. “It sounded like bubble wrap, cracking in my pelvis. “I wondered what had happened but it felt like something went. The nail is still there now. It is broken inside me!” (BBC)
NOVAK Djokovic’s epic fiveset win over Roger Federer in the Wimbledon final on Sunday attracted a peak TV audience of 9.6 million on BBC 1. On a huge day for British sport, an average of six million people tuned in to watch the longest ever Wimbledon final, lasting four hours 57 minutes. England’s Cricket World Cup final win over New Zealand was watched by a peak of 7.9m across Channel Four and Sky. A peak of 2.5 million viewers watched the British Grand Prix on Channel Four. Sky was the live TV rights holder for the Cricket World Cup and agreed to show the final on free-toair television once England secured their place. An average of 1.6 million people watched the action from Lord’s on Sky with an average of 2.4 million watching on Channel 4, with the peak occurring at 19:25 BST during New Zealand’s super over. The total figure for unique visitors coming to the BBC online for cricket news and coverage throughout the World Cup was 29.6 million. The peak TV audience for the Wimbledon final was at 19:05 during the historic fifth-set tie-break, which
Novak Djokovic of Serbia lifts the trophy after winning his Men’s Singles final against Roger Federer.
Djokovic won 7-3 to claim his fifth title at SW19. Meanwhile, there were 28.3 million programme requests for Wimbledon 2019 online. The British Grand Prix was watched by an average of 1.8 million viewers with the peak at 15:30 as Hamilton took the chequered flag to win the race for a record sixth time. The highest TV sport audience
of the year so far remains England’s semi-final defeat by the USA in the Women’s World Cup on 2 July, which had peak viewing figures of 11.7 million. The game attracted an average audience of 10.3 million. Episode one of BBC One’s Line of Duty is the most watched programme overall of 2019 with 13.2 million, based on 28-day viewing data. (BBC)
Northern Ireland”s Niamh Cooper challenges Damisha Croney of Barbados during Thursday’s win
Netball World Cup: Northern Ireland beat Barbados in final group game NORTHERN Ireland won a tight contest against Barbados by three goals to go through to a play-off for ninth place at the Netball World Cup. The Warriors beat the Bajan Gems 46-43 in Liverpool to finish fifth in Group F with what was their second win in six matches in the competition. Emma Magee scored 23 goals and Noleen Armstrong claimed 18 goals from 20 attempts for Dan Ryan’s side. Northern Ireland came into the World Cup as the eighth-ranked
team. The ninth and 10th place playoff will take place on Saturday, with Northern Ireland’s opposition to be decided later on Thursday. Barbados, who had never lost to Northern Ireland before, will now take part in the 11th and 12th place play-off. Shonica Wharton and Latonia Blackman scored 24 and 19 goals respectively for them, with Wharton only missing with two attempts and Blackman off target once.
Barbados led 13-12 at the end of a feisty opening quarter during which Northern Ireland never held a lead larger than one goal. The Warriors were guilty of trying to bring the ball out from the back too quickly but, with captain Caroline O’Hanlon’s influence increasing, they went into the interval at 23-all. The platform for their win was built in the third quarter, when they showed more patience in possession to go into the fourth quarter 35-31 ahead.
July 20-26, 2019
Sports National
Charles elated with BFC Caicos United Premier League title ELTON Charles is elated with the performance of his team, BFC, who stormed to championship honours in the final of the Caicos United Premier League earlier this month at the Downtown Ball Park. BFC defeated Baz 001 by a score of 3-0 in the final of the event. In the clash Aritide scored from a free kick, Rikado made it 2-0 after he found the back of the net by a Darlin
assist. Frandi also scored for the winners with a cross from Angelyn. BFC were ahead 2-0 at the half. The national player, who captained the side, said that he was grateful with the win. “I’m so happy to win this trophy, I’m so happy for myself, I’m so happy for my teammate and for the coach and we say thanks to all my fans.”
BFC stormed to a 3-0 win in the final.
Tyrone Bishop named cycling Champion of Providenciales TYRONE Bishop emerged overall champion when the TCCF held its annual Coca Cola Championship of Providenciales Cycling Race. The winner was decided between a battle with Masters and Elite riders and it was Bishop who crossed the line first to have his name etched into the floating Coco Cola classic trophy. Reno Palmer finished second in the Elite Category with Chevorn Bishop in third. Fred Registre won the Master’s category, but close on his heels were Sean Rodgers and Shanwell Gardiner, who placed second and third respectively. Twelve cyclists competed in the third annual event in over three categories: Masters, Elite (both 64 miles) and Female (55 miles). The arduous race began at 3:15pm with all riders pacing themselves for the first few miles. Devaughn Williams then made a breakaway from the pack and created a sizeable lead. A lead he kept for around 20 miles when he suffered a fall and was caught by the peloton. President Shanwell Gardiner suffered a flat and was able to make a quick change of wheel and was able to catch up to the group after about 30 minutes of solo chasing. The race intensity picked up as Sean Rodgers did his characteristic attacks, keeping all the cyclist in suspense as to when he will go again. Young sprinter Tyrone Bishop went for a solo break away around 40 miles into the race. The group made the mistake of not chasing him down until it was too late, which allowed him to ride away
The winners of the Coca Cola Championship.
to victory. Speaking on his win Tyrone said: “First I would like to congratulate all of my fellow cyclist on a great ride. Every race I learn from myself, from mistakes and try to do better. It was all about strategy for this race, using my strengths where I could to make gains and taking risks. No
pain, no gain. No risk, no reward. I credit my win to God for giving me the strength to endure to the end, my family, friends and team mates who always support, and of course my wife, who is my personal coach. I feel overwhelmed with joy, I always believed I could do it but accomplishing such a win was an
epic victory for my cycling career. This is just the beginning. Blink and you miss it!” TCCF President Shanwell Gardiner is thrilled with how the season is shaping up and how the cyclists are improving. “What really excites the spectators is the fact that the races are not predictable.
Everyone is improving and there can be a different winner in every race. This race was changed to add more hills to better prepare the team for the upcoming 20th Annual John T cycling classic.” A team of eight will be travelling to Anguilla for the event on the 21st of July.
July 20-26, 2019
Sports National
Billy Forbes plays for the San Antonio FC in the United Soccer League.
Forbes says it is always great to represent TCI NATIONAL football captain Billy Forbes recently told San Antonio’s KSAT12 that it was an honour to be called up to represented the TCI and that playing with his countrymen is “great”. The 28-year-old, who is described as one of the most dynamic strikers in the United Soccer League, where he plays for the San Antonio FC, spoke fondly about playing for the TCI side.
“Every time I get a call from my country, it’s a great thing for me to go back home and play with the guys. The guys that I play with in my country are guys that I grew up with. On my national team, we have some of the youngest players in the Caribbean. Our goalkeeper is 17 years old. For me as a player, it’s always a great thing to represent my country at any level -- whether it’s beach soccer or a World Cup qualifier.”
TCI’s U14 team with coaches during one of their practice sessions
TCI U14 girls wing out for Cuba battle TCI’s U14 girls’ team will battle against three Cuban sides in that Caribbean nation over the next few days. The girls will play Artemisa on Saturday at 16:00h, a side from
Havana on July 21 and the Cuba National Select on July 22 in a threematch series dubbed the Friendship Cup. The games were organised by former Cuban player Yunelsis Rodriguez-Baez,
who was appointed as Women’s football director late last year. Yunelsis, who has coached both the men’s and women’s football and futsal teams in her home province of Havana, is travelling as head coach.
Kishco defeat Police by six wickets for second win
Kishco look solid this season
Kischo cricket team recorded their second win after beating Police by six wickets in the latest clash of the Turks and Caicos Islands Summer T20 Cricket Competition, on Sunday last at the Downtown Ball Park in Providenciales. Police won the toss and elected to bat, but were dismissed for a paltry 94 runs from 15.4 overs. Ira Baptiste with 14 runs (3X4s) and Ian Ganess with 10 runs were the only players in double digits. Bowling for Kishco, Rajesh Nair captured 3-14 runs from four overs,
while Simijio Devassy took 2-26 from four overs. In reply, Kishco reached the prescribed target in 16.5 overs. Eventual man-of-the-match, Jai Mahisurya led the way with 41 runs (7X4s). Pawan added 18 runs with two fours. Bowling for the Police, Calvin Aaron, Robert Johnson, Haiden Spring and Rondell Ramkisson took one wicket each. The competition continues this Sunday at the same venue with Beaches taking on the Tigers.
Sports National
July 20-26, 2019
The Blizzards received their championship trophy from president of the TCIBF Sydwell Glasgow.
Blizzards beat Hawks to win TCIBF U16 Championships THE BLIZZARDS defeated the Long Bay Hawks in the final of the Turks and Caicos Islands Basketball Federation (TCIBF) U16 Championships, which concluded on Sunday evening at the Gus Lightbourne Sports Complex court. The first of the federation’s back-to-back Summer tournament had seven teams, including the RANDIMAC Tigers of the Bahamas, batting over four days.
After tough preliminary clashes, the top four teams advanced to the semi-finals. In the final four, the Blizzards got past the Eagles by two buckets 2824, while the Hawks ended the hopes of the Grand Turk Snipers 29-19. In the championship clash, eventual MVP Shaquille Lightbourne powered his way to a double-double after scoring 15 points to go with 14 rebounds, two assists and two steals to help the Blizzards to a 47-42 point
win. Jouvens Toussaint led the Hawks with 12 points, 10 rebounds and three assists. Along with the semi-finalists and the visiting Tigers, the Flyers and the Five Cays Knights also competed in the championships. The TCIBF is currently hosting the Mallory McComish tournament. The 20 and Under tournament, which started on Thursday evening, is set to conclude on Sunday night.
Ifeanyi Otuonye is hoping to meet the World Championships qualifying mark in Europe.
Podium finish for Otuonye in Finland and California
The Long Bay Hawks finished second in the seven-team competition.
IFEANYI Otuonye copped second place in Lapinlahti, Finland on Wednesday to jump off his first European Circuit Meet of the season. Prior to Wednesday, TCI’s most versatile athlete (with wins and records in sprint relays and long jump) had finished third on Saturday last in California, USA, at the Chula Vista Olympic Training Centre meet. The 25-year-old leaped 7.99M, in one of his six attempts to secure the third place finish. The former K-State student athlete, who jumped past 8M (8.03M and 8.07M) twice last year, told the Weekly News that he was disappointed that he was unable to land any of his foul attempts because they were “really big ones”. Otuonye is currently chasing the qualifying mark of 8.17M to attend the IAAF World
Championships, which is set for late September to early October to Doha, Qatar. SECOND PLACE FINISH Despite his second place finish on Wednesday at the Montet, Lapinlahti Grand Prix, Otuonye had an off day. His silver medal jump was at 7.68M, due to jet lag and wet jumping conditions. “It did not go too well, because it was raining and very cold on the day, plus I had just travelled from the USA two-days prior.” Zarck Visser from South Africa won the event with a best jump of 7.70M, although he has a personal best of 8.41M. The Otuonye said that he is still trying to get his legs under him and hopefully can rest, recover and get use to the new time zone by next week. The US based athlete has two meets left in Europe.
July 20-26, 2019
July 20-26, 2019