TCWN July 30 - August 5, 2016

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Weekly News Volume 30 | No. 30 | July 30 - August 5, 2016


Price $1.00




COMMITTED TO FIGHT CRIME Police Commissioner James Smith has reiterated his commitment to addressing the rising crime in the Turks and Caicos Islands amidst calls for his resignation. PAGE  5 Supporting Economic Development in the Turks and Caicos Islands a priority for FortisTCI






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July 30 - August 5, 2016

July 30 - August 5, 2016






July 30 - August 5, 2016

Gov’t pleased at court’s decision in 12-storey debacle NOW that the court has ruled on the matter of whether the Government has the authority to make policy decisions on behalf of the country, Minister of Finance Washington Misick says he is pleased with the outcome. The court’s decision, which was provoked by an application for a judicial review by two hotels, has put an end to the latest round of litigation brought by the applicants to prevent the development of twelve story buildings in the Turks and Caicos Islands. Previously, Misick had said that the case was holding up several potential developments for which the government had received proposals and that the continued delay could have an economic impact on the country’s very stable economic outlook. That outlook was reinforced yet again by a favourable rating – BBB+ - from credit rating agency Standard & Poor’s in June this year, for the third consecutive year. In its report, the rating agency had cited the lack of new construction in the country as having one of two negative impacts on the economy. But now that the court’s decision is out, will the country now see these proposals for developments that the government is in possession of, going ahead? This publication spoke with the minister on the next step forward: “It is up to the developer now to proceed with the steps necessary to get the plans approved and construction started, obviously there is a process to follow… all of those things have

Minister of Finance Washington Misick

to be done during the coarse of any development.” On the issue of whether Strata Corporation (the hotel umbrella company in the court case) will be pursuing any other litigation, Misick was unable to say. “… I can’t say that they have no further action they can take, I don’t know that, but clearly to the extent that this may impose any kind of limit on any further action [construction] it does clear the way for qualified developers to go ahead provided that they follow the processes and procedures that are in place, including EIA and other necessary due diligence.”

He added: “I wouldn’t be truthful if I didn’t say I wasn’t pleased with the judgment and hopefully the way is now clear for any qualifying project to proceed on the basis of the law and the process set out through in the various planning and building regulations and codes.” Efforts by this publication to reach Strata Corporation’s attorney, Conrad Griffiths Q.C. about whether they are planning any further court

These standards are set out in the development manual made under the Turks and Caicos Islands Building Regulations. This manual is a technical document that provides guidance on the procedure for obtaining development permission in the Islands and sets out, among other things, the planning standards for residential and non-residential development in the Islands. The Court held that building height was not a planning standard and that the restriction on building heights could not be changed by amending the development manual. Rather, it was a policy change, which could only be made under and in accordance with a development plan. In response to the court’s decision the Government then put funds in place a development plan for Providenciales in the medium term, they then amended the Physical Planning Ordinance (subject to a two-year sunset clause) so that in the interim, changes could be made to building heights by regulations in the absence of an approved development plan, and following consultation on those proposed changes. After a period of public consultation, the Governor issued a notice amending the development manual.

Distressed mother looking to sue hospital after misplaced foetus ordeal BY DAISY HANDFIELD

Published by Turks & Caicos News Company Ltd. Cheshire House, Leeward Highway, Providenciales P.O. Box 52, Turks & Caicos Islands, BWI W. Blythe Duncanson - Publisher/Editor-in-Chief Daisy Handfield - Staff Reporter Faizool Deo - Sports Editor (At Large) Cord Garrido-Lowe - Graphics Consultant (At Large) Dilletha Lightbourne-Williams - Office Manager Email: (Advertising), (News) Tel. 649-946-4664 (office), 649-232-3508 (after hours) Website address: Follow us on: Facebook: Twitter:

action or appeal of the Chief Justice’s decision proved futile. The applicant’s case for the judicial review was challenged on a number of grounds, namely: the first, that the consultation process undertaken by TCIG was insufficient and the second, that the decision to amend the building heights is unconstitutional insofar as it was taken without any consideration of the potential impact of 12 storey developments on the coastal environment identified in the development manual and was thereby in breach of Section 18 of the Constitution. Strata’s action court action came after the Government had amended the physical planning ordinance so that changes could be made to building heights by regulations in the absence of an approved development plan. That change was made in December 2015, following a decision by the Supreme Court to uphold Strata Corporation’s initial challenge last year. In her decision, handed down on November 12, 2015 Chief Justice Margaret Ramsay-Hale upheld the hotels’ challenge to the legality of a notice issued by the Governor. In that notice the Governor changed the permissible building heights on Providenciales to 12 storeys by amending the planning standards for development.

A SERIES of investigations have recently been launched to identify the circumstances surrounding allegations against the Cheshire Hall Medical Centre for throwing a fetus in the garbage, without the mother’s consent. The mother of the deceased fetus is preparing to sue InterHealth Canada for what she considers to be “the most I humane thing that I have experienced in my entire life.” According to a family member, around 5 pm on Monday, the woman, who asked to remain anonymous, had a miscarriage and her body just ejected the baby. It took calling the police in order to contact 911, who were not answering their phone. It was said that the mother was already prepared to go to the hospital when the ambulance arrived at her Lower Bight home. By by 9pm, the family felt the woman was out of medical danger and asked for her baby, but no one

knew where the baby was. Around 1pm on Tuesday, the health officials called and explained that the baby was found. When pressured as to where it was found, she was told the fetus was discovered in the garbage bin. In subsequent interview with the woman, she expressed her grief and accused the hospital staff of being extremely inconsiderate. She said: “I feel terrible about it; how can you look someone in the face who just lost their baby, and tell them you mistakenly threw their child in the trash. “Like, my baby was trash; she was a part of me. “I carried that child for three months and then I lost her.” The mother said following the incident the hospital staff called to console her. “She told me not to feel bad because I am not the first person that happened to; it happened to a lot of people. “You will get over it; you can always have another child.”

Nikira John, the new PR Executive of InterHealth Canada said and investigation into the incident is being carried out. She said the findings would be forwarded to the Ministry of Health and Human Services. She said: “Cheshire Hall Medical Centre (CHMC) received a report of an alleged misplaced foetus on July 26, 2016. “Our confidentiality policies prohibit the disclosure of any information about our patients .” “Please be advised that reports published by certain media houses are highly sensationalized and grossly incorrect, despite our efforts to emphasize that this was an ongoing review. “We wish to vehemently dispel any allegation of a foetus being misplaced by staff of CHMC. “Our hospital staff is always committed to providing compassionate care, especially during times of distress and as always, our condolence is extended to the patient involved. “We have no further comment.”

July 30 - August 5, 2016




TOP Cop reiterates his commitment to fighting crime – Amidst calls for his resignation BY OLIVIA ROSE POLICE Commissioner James Smith has reiterated his commitment to addressing the rising crime in the Turks and Caicos Islands amidst calls for his resignation. Smith in a letter of the media said it is his sworn duty to lead the Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police Service and to uphold the law and protect life and property and anyone who doubts his resolve and determination in this regard has never met him. His letter comes days after Former Premier Michael Misick expressed his frustration at the level of crime and the spate of unsolved murders in the Turks and Caicos Islands. Misick in his strongly worded statement said it is quite evident that the British-appointed Governors and Commissioners of Police are incapable of managing the crime situation in the Turks and Caicos Islands. He said: “They stand accused of only paying lip service to crime and failing to provide the police force with adequate and necessary equipment and resources. “By their own admission, crime is rising and the detection rate in this country is extremely low. The Turks and Caicos Islands is now paying a very dear price for the gross incompetence of the Governor and the Commissioner.” Misick called for the resignation of the Commissioner of Police James Smith. He said: “I therefore call on Commissioner of Police, James Smith, to resign and be replaced immediately by a Turks and Caicos Islander Commissioner, in whom the country can have confidence. The powers of control of the force must be accountable to the people and

answerable to the needs of the voters in the TCI.” However Smith has underscored his unwavering commitment to protecting citizens and visitors of the Turks and Caicos Islands. He said: “Emotions are running high in the country for a variety of reasons and my officers, staff and I are using all the resources available to us to keep people safe and bring offenders to justice. “In doing so I have enlisted assistance from colleagues in other overseas territories and partner agencies to provide technical support, ensured that the latest forensic techniques are used to help solve serious crime and gained the expert support of officers from the United Kingdom on short term appointments. “At all times I operate within the limits of the criminal law and the Ordinances of Turks and Caicos when I seek to enlist help or acquire new equipment. “I operate within the budget limit set by Government and seek to get the best value for Turks and Caicos. “It is for that reason that I recommended to Government that we should continue to work with partners to install CCTV in the country and utilize our limited resources to purchase other much need equipment and support. I am grateful that the Premier now considering allocating additional funding for this important crime prevention and investigation aid.” In this vein he noted through dedication and hard work his officers and seconded colleagues are arresting criminals and providing quality evidence to the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions. Smith pointed out that most recently one person was sent to trial for a murder in North Caicos and

six persons arrested and charged in respect of a murder at the end of 2014. “One more person is sought for this crime and we actively seek to arrest him. Officers have also recently charged a number of offenders for robberies and burglaries. “In terms of the most recent murders we are following very positive lines of enquiry, as well as technical help we have received significant assistance from members of the public and together I hope we can bring more offenders to justice.” He reminded that last year he recommended the formation of a National Security Council to tackle the major issues facing the country. “That body is in place, we will meet again soon to agree some practical measures to impact on crime and the causes of crime. I would however emphasize that the police service alone, cannot be held responsible for all of the ills that currently befall any society. “We are a “can do” organization, but we cannot do everything. The support of our partners in law enforcement is vital to us but I know that they too need extra support in their challenging roles.” “Keeping our borders secure is crucial, biometric information and the ability to easily take DNA samples will enhance our capabilities to solve crime and identify perpetrators, updated criminal evidence legislation, a change to the way we manage our roads, vehicles and driving licenses, along with a number of other legislative improvements that I have already discussed with government, should combine to significantly improve safety and security.” Commissioner Smith emphasized that from the outset of his tenure he identified the need for a proper Police

Police Commissioner James Smith

Headquarters which is a critical building block to enable sustained improvement. “ A purpose built facility will enable us to do many things much more effectively, such as; provide command and control facilities for all routine and emergency situations; provide a safe environment for the victims and witnesses of crime; securely keep persons in custody and comply with international law; provide interview facilities ensuring high quality evidence to courts, give officers and staff adequate working space to carry out their daily duties and feel valued in the community,

amongst many others.” “I recognize the funding constraints for Government, but hope that this facility will materialize in due course, possibly with private sector funding involvement.” The top cop noted that his officers are part of the community and they have the same concerns as residents and the determination to make a difference. He said: “By working together we can change the paradigm and take the fight to the men of violence in our society and those who would harm our family, friends and beautiful by nature Turks and Caicos Islands.”




July 30 - August 5, 2016

A Weekly News column that puts you on the spot for your opinions on the issues of the day


According to the Economic Commission for Latin America (ECLAC), the population of the TCI could reach 55,498 by the year 2027. This projection also shows that the Belonger population could dwindle to less than one-quarter of that increase. What are your thoughts?

Losing control

ECLAC? Sounds like another quixotic and well remunerated quango. ECLECTIC might be more appropriate. Amazing how they do it, and with such precision, to predict exactly 55,498 souls, eleven years from now! Wonder if they factored in the illegal immigration arrivals which are totally out of control. Perhaps 555,498 might be more realistic, in which case the dwindling Belonger population really could face losing control. Hopefully common sense will prevail and the powers that be continue to dish out PRCs to meritous applicants, which helps preserve the economic base, otherwise under threat. Experts! Where would we be without them?Don’t answer!!

No more room

Grand Turk has no more room. Provo land is no longer available for natives due to abuse by Mike. There has been no interest in the two largest islands under the PNP governments since 2013. Where will we put these people if they are allowed to come under the current immigration policies?

Stop dividing

It is time that we stop dividing people and start uniting them instead. The expatriates have brought investment, expertise and jobs in tourism industry. The combination of the population of ALL people of ALL races of ALL nationalities is what makes these islands special and unique. Don’t let anybody tell you otherwise with their ‘divide and rule’ tactics


No idea how accurate the 55,000 estimate is of TCI population by the end of 2017, but the idea that expats will account for over threequarters of that is very believable. Contributing factors to this “quandary” include on-island birth rates far higher for Haitian and Dominican women that for Belongers (even after adjustment for those Belonger women going off-island to secure US citizenship for their newborns), welleducated Belongers not returning here to work, both because of a lack of skilled jobs

for which they are qualified, and to avoid large “sponging” families who will gobble up everything they make, and the continuing need to bring in suitable expats to fill those jobs for which Belongers are both not qualified and unwilling to make the effort necessary to become qualified.

Not a popular sentiment

Though not a popular sentiment in an election year, it is absolutely naïve not to recognize that any qualified Belonger (possessing both the required skills and the right attitude) can have as many jobs as they want to hold, while the largest portion of the Belonger population that is currently unemployed is completely unemployable, and will remain unemployed no matter how many 12-storey hotels we have under construction.And the Government and citizens of this country still want to prohibit any expansion of the voting franchise, which means that the lives of all of us will continue to be heavily influenced by an ever-smaller and aging portion of our population – hardly a formula for the future success of this nation!

high quality visitor willing to spend money. I would also encourage our leaders to act boldly as Cayman did, demanding that hotels cannot be all inclusive but must open up their services to the public, in effect having an EP plan along with any exclusive plan that they sell.

We will lose control

Turks and Caicos Islanders are quickly becoming outnumbered. The next Government must address this by promoting programs to finance and promote a massive increase in Belonger population. Politically we must insist that we remain the majority population otherwise we will lose our political ability to control our country. We must welcome other nationalities through integration with the local population. This is not happening now. The country is segregated and this must end.



Population growth is questionable. The system which arrived at these figures is flawed. The key is the study used “assumptions”. Assumptions based on data from statisticians in this government. Statisticians who are known to doctor tourism numbers to make governments of the last dozen years look better. This government has yet to create a reliable data base of births and deaths. We have no immigration policy to grow our population and assimilate immigrants. Our health plan has increased our mortality rate. Fertility is higher among workers who must now leave after 5 years. Our own people are leaving because there are fewer jobs for Belongers. Seniors are leaving because of lack of care. They seek their children who already moved to the USA.

Learn from Cayman

Our population was growing years ago but now is going down not up. People are dying and leaving left and right. The study was based on assumptions based on numbers from the past and this government. Try to obtain a birth or death certificate and you will realize the government has no records or does not know how to access them. How then could they provide accurate statistics? Only government is growing nothing else.

Problem. Our Politicians have been aware of this becoming a reality for decades and continued to play politics with the matter. Now the Chickens are coming home to roost so let’s see how they plan to navigate through this one. They need to do a proper population census and then develop a population plan to ensure that going forward we shift the current imbalance in the ethnic makeup from a particular group to a more diverse one.

In the 80’s Cayman Islands had a population of about 13,000 souls, now Cayman’s population is about 57,000 souls. Cayman has a average per capita income of about 59,000US$ per year, the highest in the Caribbean. I would encourage our leaders to draw from Cayman’s growth experience, and to be detailed in protecting our natural fauna like our reefs and fish life, as having these pristine draws a

Inaccurate statistics

What does it matter?

What does it matter how many Belongers there are, since they are the only ones who can vote? They will always get what thet think they want, on any given Election Day. And every one else will have to deal with that choice, or leave. Does not sound like a win -win situation

to me.Until Belongers have the courage and confidence to allow us to vote too, everything is just talk.

We have to be selective

I don’t understand their projected statistics. Our women are still having children. Secondly, the article stated that this could/ would happen because of increasing numbers of people from other countries migrating to the TCI for economic/ jobs. We simply have to be more selective with people we allow into our country. We are ending up with TCI relatives, born elsewhere with criminal history whose family are embarrassed and/or don’t want them around them, they ship them to TCI. We must get background checks. If they are not wanted in their place of birth, why should we have them? In other words, increase population, increase crime

Belongers need more children

Relax your stupid immigration rules and begin admitting more Caribbean professionals for an orderly increase in the population with people who have something to offer. Also impose nightly curfews so Belongers would stay home and copulate more.

Like every other western country.

Yes, it is possible 55K plus is an impressive population for TCI! Yes, I see it as a possibility, a dwindled Belonger population (lower percentage), if the definition of Belonger is continued to be defined by the current laws. If the law was amended to state “a Belonger is a child born of Belonger parent/parents or any child born in the country regardless of parent/parents origin” the percentage of Belonger would swing higher to 70% plus by 2027.

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July 30 - August 5, 2016




Five confirmed zika cases in the Turks and Caicos Islands BY OLIVIA ROSE FIVE cases of the dreaded Zika virus have been confirmed in the Turks and Caicos Islands. This was revealed by Premier and Minister of Health Dr. Rufus Ewing in a release issued on Sunday July 24. Premier Ewing stated that of the five confirmed cases three are imported, two of which are currently undergoing further investigations to determine whether they are also imported or part of local transmissions. He said the Ministry is working with the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA), PAHO and UK IHR on the investigation of these cases.

“The Environmental Health Department and Public Health Disease Surveillance Team of the Ministry of Health has stepped up its surveillance activities and has been working with the persons infected with the Zika virus to ensure that the risk of incountry transmission is reduced.” “I am urging all residents and visitors of the Turks and Caicos Islands to remain calm as there is no evidence of in-country transmission at this time, although it remains possible.” The Ministry of Health, is urging people to take the necessary precautions to avoid mosquito bites and to reduce the number of mosquitoes in and around your households, by cleaning up your yards and removing all catchment containers and derelict vehicles

Victory for TCIG in judicial review Victory was recorded for the Turks and Caicos Islands Government last week, when Chief Justice Margaret Ramsey-Hale awarded judgement to the defendants in the Supreme Court in response to a judicial review that was initially filed by the plaintiffs, developers of the Venetian and the Tuscany resorts, back in 2015. Her Ladyship Chief Justice Ramsey-Hale noted in her judgement that the question of whether or not the Governor in Cabinet could lawfully amend regulations or policy was not a matter for the judiciary to decide but that the intent of a review was to ensure that due process was followed and that the Government had duly considered the possible environmental impacts that such amendments could have and that the evidence before her demonstrated that it had. The nearly year-long dispute arose amidst the announcement by Cabinet that it had made amendments to the planning policy to increase the permissible height of apartments, condominiums and hotel buildings and increasing the density of the number of bedrooms per acre and based on the type of development. The arguments put forth by the developers of the sister properties located in Leeward Providenciales were that their properties would be adversely affected by the Government’s amendments to the policy and they further accused the Government of not holding widespread stakeholder consultations prior to making the decision to increase the permissible height and density of tourism related development. However, the Government was and remains satisfied that

consultation was in fact widespread and that interested persons were given ample opportunities and means to communicate and engage with the Government on the proposed amendments via stakeholder meetings, email, letters as well as through public town hall meetings. Premier, Rufus Ewing on receiving the judgement remarked, “while this is a victorious day for the Government and indeed the people of these islands, who have waited long enough and are deserving of the many opportunities that development brings, I must also register my displeasure with the amount of resources that have been usurped to fight a review that was undertaken against the wishes of the masses of the people. “My government, from coming to office, has continuously been faced with having to flush much needed resources fighting these types of vain attempts to thwart the progress of a people. These resources could have assisted the government with other critical programs for social services, education and policing and that is a great disservice to this country. “I would like to register my government’s gratitude to our legal team at Misick and Stanbrooke, the technical support teams in the planning department and the Ministry of Infrastructure, Housing and Planning, and the Attorney General’s Chambers for their diligence and dedication to this matter. I am happy that we can now put this saga behind us so we can make progress in attracting much needed sustainable tourism infrastructure development that can provide jobs and business opportunities for our people.”

that can hold water as methods of reducing mosquito breeding. Premier Ewing emphasized that the Environmental Health Department will continue its fogging activities where necessary and country-wide cleanup campaigns will continue. He noted that: “During the PreJoint Ministerial Council Conference which was hosted here last week I, along with the other UK Overseas Territory Leaders, discussed new and innovative ways to combat the Zika virus by reducing the population of the Aedes Aegypti mosquito population. “We will continue to explore those initiatives which are deemed suitable and applicable in the Turks and Caicos Islands. “We are particularly asking pregnant women to take extra precaution to avoid mosquito bites and to visit our local public health care providers who are currently issuing mosquito nets and providing educational material. However, on Monday July 25 during the House of Assembly the Premier revealed that the government is contemplating genetically modified mosquitoes to control the population of the Aedes Aegypti mosquito.

He told the House that the Government has already engaged companies involved in the manufacture of genetically modified mosquitoes. He said: “If this goes well and good, this is something that we may have to consider using in the future and we will have to sensitize the public about it. “I would like to say that yes, these five cases did not just pop up on Saturday. A number of these cases are some that were once in time suspected and before we even communicate anything as it relates to suspected cases, we had to confirm, because we have to be true that we are confirming. “We had to also go further and find out in addition to whether or not they are imported cases versus in country transmission. So lots of work has been going on behind the scenes,” said Premier Rufus Ewing.” The zika virus has since been reported in 20 countries and territories in Latin America and the Caribbean from February 2014 to January 26, 2016. BELOW ARE A FEW TIPS TO PROTECT YOURSELF FROM MOSQUITO BITES:

Under the tree

• Apply insect repellent on exposed skin liberally • When weather permits, wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants • Use air conditioning or window/door screens to keep mosquitoes outside • If you are not able to protect yourself from mosquitoes inside your home or hotel, sleep under a mosquito net • Help reduce the number of mosquitoes inside and outside your home by: • Check around buildings for anything that could hold water, inspect your home and yard weekly • Turn containers over or cover them • Get rid of or cover old tires • Properly dispose of all garbage/ refuse • Cover boats, children’s pools, water drums and rain barrels etc • Clean rain gutters and make sure they are flowing properly • Check screens for holes • Empty standing water from containers such as flower pots or buckets • For additional information regarding the zika virus, contact the Health Promotion Unit on 338-3064.

By Benneth Williams



Government reviewing service charge practices in hospitality sector BY OLIVIA ROSE THE GOVERNMENT has commissioned a review committee to examine information received from owner, worker and employer groups operating within the hospitality industry on the management and

distribution practices regarding service charges. The committee which comprises members from both the private and public sectors will focus on the hospitality sector as the existing service charge ordinance prescribes operational parameters solely for

Premier Rufus Ewing

that sector. According to a Government release, currently there is a legal requirement for any entity that levies a service charge to hold a register of such payments collected during the month and to distribute the amounts collected in equal shares or using a formula approved by the Minister for


A political education for TCI politicians How many of our politicians have been exposed to politics in an objective way? Well the TCI Community College offers a very good course dealing with political ideas and practices that have been a part of political life through time, and there is an important section on the Jamaican political system. Anyone doing this course will realise that many of the ideas of the thinkers dealt with form the basis of politics today. The course discusses the meaning of politics and political culture, and the idea of political socialization, which is how we acquire the political ideas we advocate. It looks at the role of the education system, peergroups, and other institutions in influencing how we think about politics. It then examines the roots of political thought through great minds such as Plato, Aristotle, and others. For example, Plato believes society should be structured based on those who rule, those who work producing goods and services, and those providing security. This idea is critically examined to determine its pros and cons. Aristotle feels politics should be concerned with the public good, and that a community is orderly only if there

July 30 - August 5, 2016



Oliver Mills is a former lecturer in education at the UWI Mona Campus. He holds a BA (Hons.) UWI, an M.Ed. Dalhousie Univ., an MA University of London, and a Postgraduate Diploma in HRM and Training, Leicester Univ.

is a ruling element defined by the constitution. The programme then looks at the political views of Locke and Hobbes. Locke believes government exists as a result of the consent of the people, to protect their rights and promote the public good. Hobbes argues an effective government must have absolute authority, but subjects have the right not to obey some of the demands the government may make. Here, we have the basis for intense debate. Other political ideas looked at are democratic socialism, liberalism and fascism. Democratic socialism links democratic practices, with being fair and just. And in fascism, the dictator rules, opposition is suppressed, nationalistic policies are pursued, and society is controlled by the state. The structure of government in the UK and US are also dealt with, comparing the parliamentary system

of the UK with the presidential system of the US, and the challenges and possibilities of these arrangements discussed. The final section deals with Jamaican politics, looking at the branches of government, the role of the opposition, the evolution of political parties, and the role of select political leaders. Current policies and practices of the Jamaican system are also examined. There are other topics, but participants will be most interested in seeing how the ideas of early thinkers impact current practices. For example, Locke’s ideas influenced the American system of government. Course members will also acquire a thorough knowledge of political ideas and modern politics, and be equipped to make an informed contribution to the TCI political system.

Hotel attendant

Finance to all employees. Most importantly, the legislation obtains that not less than 60% of the total service charges paid by customers or guests is payable to the employees of the collecting establishment. During the months of July and August 2016 a survey will be publicly distributed to obtain anonymous feedback on industry practices. The Service Charge Review Committee also intends to conduct interviews of a representative sample of stakeholders in the industry to gather a wide range of open-ended, qualitative data. The Government has pledged that information gathered will be held in the strictest confidence. “It will be analysed, providing the Government with empirical findings on industry norms, and any necessary intervention that may be required to improve the management and transparency of these payments. “Service Charge is defined in the Service Charges (Hotels and Restaurants) Ordinance as “any amount of money charged over and above the price of accommodation in a hotel, or the selling price of a meal or intoxicating liquor or beverage purchased by a customer, for service to a guest or customer in a hotel or restaurant, but does not include any tax required to be paid under any Ordinance.” While the Ordinance does not specify a rate, most establishments levy the Service Charge at 10%. The Government is appealing to the public to participate in this fact finding exercise; moreover, to practitioners within the hospitality sector to whom the service charge directly relates. Consultations will close on August 31, 2016. Premier Rufus Ewing told the House of Assembly on Wednesday (May 11) that the Government is seeking to proactively address issues facing workers in the hospitality sector especially complaints of reduced service charge (tips, gratuity etc). He said: “We heard the call from the Opposition with regards to the reinstatement of a 100 percent of gratuity, and all of these issues are becoming quite confusing to not only members of this House but also members of the public who are confusing terminologies and what is provided for in legislation.” He explained that the committee has been established to allow the

Government to fully understand what is taking place in terms of actual practice in the industry. “Because even if today, we were to just go and give a 100 percent service charge to those individuals without fully understanding what is taking place in the industry, it may not be to the good of those particular individuals. “What is taking place behind the scene is still not accounted for, so we really need to understand what systems and mechanisms accounts for service charge from employers to employees. “There’s no doubt within anybody’s mind that gratuities and tips that are collected or paid by customers for the benefit of employees should be given to the employees 100 percent. “The only difference is in situations where these tips are in non-cash form, meaning that they are collected through a system of payment by credit card. “Those credit cards incur administrative fees in its collection and distribution and so only then employers may be able to take out the administrative cost on behalf of the employee.” The Premier emphasised that this issue requires the Government to find out exactly what mechanisms can be instated to ensure employees receive their full benefits. “We know there’s a lot of practices taking place in the industry where some establishments actually provide a number of things for staff like transportation or subsidised housing, meals at work, uniforms, training. “Even though I don’t agree that training should be a part of that because training should be an obligation of the institution to provide training for the individual and not take it out of their charge fee.” On Monday, April 19, the Opposition, People’s Democratic Movement (PDM), moved a private motion in the House of Assembly to reinstate 100 percent gratuity or service charge to hospitality workers at establishments where it is charged. In moving the motion Opposition leader Sharlene Cartwright Robinson stated that the right approach must be taken to ensure that people are not treated unfairly as a result of the amended law.

July 30 - August 5, 2016


Premier Rufus Ewing at Pre-JMC



UKOTA leaders in discussion

OT`s contemplating constitutional review following ‘Brexit’ BY OLIVIA ROSE LEADERS of several Overseas Territories (OT`s) are considering revisiting the Overseas Territories White Paper 2012 and their future partnership. Following Britain`s vote for a British exit, ‘or Brexit’ from the European Union, several leaders of the UKOTA met in the Turks and Caicos Islands to discuss this new development among other key concerns. This White Paper sets out the UK`s commitment to work with the Territories to address challenges faced together. The White Paper also celebrates the diversity, successes and opportunities in the Territories. The annual pre-joint Ministerial

council (JMC) was held last week at the Palms in Providenciales from the20-21st July, where Premier Dr Rufus Ewing presided over the council. Giving a review in the House of Assembly on the two day meeting Premier Ewing said the meeting was productive. He told the House on Monday July 25 that: “Our discussions were wide ranging and fruitful and we reached consensus on our priority issues to be discussed at the Joint Ministerial Council Meeting at the end of October this year.” He noted that one of the main items on the Pre-JMC agenda was that of the Challenges and opportunities for the Overseas Territories following the UK’s referendum result to leave the EU.

He said: “All of the Leaders felt that given the circumstances following Brexit, now is an appropriate time to re visit the Overseas Territories White Paper 2012 and their future partnership, and in that vein among some Territories there is a wish to undertake a Constitutional Review.” “We have agreed that we would engage collectively with the Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union, David Davis MP and the Secretary of State for International Trade, Dr. Liam Fox MP and the Constitutional Group in the Cabinet Office and Leaders would also schedule bilaterally meetings with the relevant Secretaries of State.” He told the House that Leaders

also discussed the various infrastructural and development needs of their respective territories under the umbrella of Sustainable Economic Development. “We discussed how HMG can assist the Overseas Territories in attracting investment for infrastructure development, such as airports and seaports.” The various health challenges that exist in the territories were also discussed. The discussions on health focused primarily on the territories access to the UK NHS for tertiary level care, mental health, procurement of drugs and medicine and the Zika epidemic that is plaguing the region. Premier Ewing said: “Given the importance of child welfare to all territories, the Leaders of the Overseas

Territories present at the Pre JMC agreed to seek approval from their Governments to sign, at the JMC, the Memorandum of Understanding and Roadmap, for the purpose of more effective safeguarding of children, as proposed by the Falkland Islands. “This Memorandum clearly demonstrates our commitment to the highest standards and systems for the protection of our children. “This memorandum of understanding will be presented to our Cabinet next week for positive consideration so that the TCI can be among those territories signing the MOU in October.” These issues among others would be the subject of discussion when the OT leaders meet in London in October at the JMC with the new UK Ministers.

T C I PAT R I O T S LIFE - Leadership, Integrity, Fraternity, and Education HOPE - Help Our People Excel POWER - Possessing Our Wealth, Economy and Resources

Appointed member Now that the “silly season” is about to kick into high gear, my mind has drifted on the topic of Appointed Membership (AM) of the House of Assembly (HOA) and, most importantly - how it has been used over the years. Before I dive into the meat of the matter, let me quickly outline a belief about appointed membership. Personally, I believe that there is no room for them in what is effectively our Lower House, which was why I was so surprised that when the constitutional amendments were debated in the HOA, there was not a push at all to create a bicameral system in which these appointed members could reside. Whether appointed based on the popular vote or the Governor continuing to have two members, whatever the makeup, the People’s House should only be made up of

persons elected by the people. This is a matter of importance because currently the Governor effectively has four (4) appointed members in our HOA. Even though he has to ‘consult’ the Premier and the Leader of the Opposition, he need not act on their advice as in the past. Now to the meat. Traditionally, appointed members in the past have been appointed owing to three things: 1. It’s used as pay back for loyalty and hard work by party members after a hard fought election campaign, though in the case of Governors’ appointments it’s loyalty to the UK agenda; 2. It’s used as a way to help out persons financially, as a good paying gig for four years. I suspect this category will be hotly looked at going forward given the increase in salaries for Members of Parliament (MP) compared to the

past; 3. And lastly, the AM is used for prospective candidates in the next General Election. This is because as an MP, you have the opportunity to learn the HOA standing orders, processes and procedures, plus demonstrate to prospective voters that you are electable. Additionally, with the secured salary and meeting every six weeks or so, you have the financial ability to work within the constituency that you are aiming to eventually represent in the HOA. Out of the three (3), it’s clear that the last is the best use of the AM as Party Leaders, Ministers and others have all gotten their parliamentary start as Appointed Members. A few notable examples are as follows: Hon. C. Washington Misick (Governors’ Appointed Member 1988), Hon. Sharlene Cartwright- Robinson (Government’s Appointed Member

1999), and Hon. Ricardo Donhue Gardiner (Government’s Appointed Member 2007). If you have seen the results over the years, why not maximize the AM? How you ask? Simply split the four (4) year term into four (4) segments and identify four (4) promising individuals in areas of greatest electoral weakness during the previous election, or in areas of pending parliamentary retirement then groom them to be viable candidates. Allow them to sit on House committees or even chair them if constitutionally possible; as each person will have an opportunity to participate in approximate nine (9) meetings of the house each year which is enough time to get a good understanding of how the HOA works. The only catch would be that the four (4) individuals chosen would

have to be focused on service to country, and not the salary attached. This is because the first person and each subsequent person would have to voluntarily vacate the appointment at the end of their allotted time, as once a person becomes as MP there are limited ways in which to have them removed under the TCI Constitution. In the past, we have seen mere verbal agreements breached in favour of a continuing salary. So clearly agreements between the four (4) persons and the respective parties would have to be reached as to timing, the order of service, and stiff penalties if the agreement is breached but in the end it is very doable. Stay Blessed JAMELL ROBINSON TCI PATRIOT



July 30 - August 5, 2016

THE CAPITAL NOTE INTER RACIAL MARRAGES BETWEEN CHRISTIAN AND HEATHEN Dear Bishop Williams: My parents have ten children, five boys and five girls. We were a very happy black family with five inter racial marriages; I am the six child soon to be married to a Russian who I met on family vacation in Orlando. I am very happy with him, but upon marriage, he insisted that we will live in Russia. Bishop, I have heard so many bad reports of how Russians treat black people that I am greatly afraid to live there, but I am deeply in love with him. My parents said that the ball is in my court: love, married him and go or break everything off and stay. My husband-to-be is not a rich man and currently lives with his parents in Moscow and is employed with the Russian Intelligence Agency. Since we have had a great relationship for the past two years, we want to proceed with the marriage. Bishop, I don’t speak a word of Russian, but I love the dirt he walks on. I feel extra special and most comfortable with him. Oh Bishop, another thing is that I was raised a Christian and he does not believe in God at all. I am not a big time Christian and he does not want to believe in a God – we have talked about this so many times without resolution. I want a happy loving marriage with lots of children. Now is need your urgent opinion before marriage so that I may know what to do: Should I marry my lover heathen or not. IN LOVE WITH A HEATHEN IN NASSAU Dear in love with a heathen: If ever a time you need mighty prayers and supplications is now. I know only two Christians who married heathens, one of the heathens a Communist Chinese and the other a Communist Cuban. Both marriages ended within one year of marriage The Christians informed me that they were extremely sorry for not taking my counsel and advise and proceeded to get married. Their short marriage was hell on earth and each case ended with violence. I will strongly advise you to end this relationship especially since you will be living so far from your present family. Look at this: 1. You are inter-racial 2. You will be living in Russia 3. Your husband is an unbeliever – a heathen 4. He is from a poor background with low pay from the State 5. You cannot speak Russian You need a miracle right now, but I will still advise you to abandon this relationship as you have very little or no chance of have a successful and comfortable marriage. When you replace common sense with feelings of love, the results are not good. JESUS CHRIST HAS ALL THE SENSE THAT YOU WILL EVER NEED. _______________________ MY MOTHER IS VERY SUSPICIOUS Dear Bishop Williams My mother has only two children for two different men. I am a very successful twenty-eight-year-old business man and my sister is a


Bishop Clarence N. Williams has performed and assisted with well over 500 marriages and counselled thousands of couples. If you have a problem, email: or write: Ask The Bishop, Box 685, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos. All rights reserved. Names and places have been changed for privacy. twenty-six-year-old Registered nurse. We grew up together and did everything together – and Bishop, I mean everything. We have always been in loved with each other and as much as possible, we travelled together on vacation, work related or otherwise. We always gave our mother legitimate reasons for everything we did and she has never questioned us. But listen to this Bishop: My girlfriend’s name is Jackie and my sister’s boyfriend name if Lewis, both living in the United States where we frequently travel. Bishop all of this is pure lies, there are no boyfriend and girlfriend at all. We made all this up so that our mother will not become suspicious of our behavior. About a year ago, my sister got pregnant for her so called boyfriend and had a baby boy in the United States. When my mother saw the baby, she made only one remark, “this child does not look like the photo of your boyfriend, but he sure looks like your brother”. Bishop, we denied everything, but our mother still maintains that suspicious look. Since we both know that their might be legal consequences in our nation if this is known and proven, do you think we should come clean with our mother.? We know that she will protect us legally and from family ridicule. My sister and I are so happy together with our son. We don’t feel guilty or have any regrets, we are only concerned about the welfare of our mother. SHOULD WE CONFESS TO OUR SUSPICIOUS MOTHER IN TORTOLA? Dear should we confess to our suspicious mother: Firstly, in most Western countries, sex and marriage between siblings is illegal even with some jail time. At the stage both of you at, little or nothing could be done to counsel or advise you to discontinue the relationship. Nonetheless, I should tell you that your mother is not suspicious – in fact, she knew what was going on a long time ago and this will not come as a surprise to her, so go ahead and confirm it. Strangely, but true such relationships normally last as it is almost impossible to break the family attachment to one another. But you must look into the medical matter related to the child even though both of you are only half brother and sister. In the Old Testament/Torah (Books of the Law), marriage and sexual relationship between a brother and sister was strictly forbidden, but Jesus never mentioned the subject is any details; although I am not approving it. Get the wise counsel of your mother, a counselling pastor and obey the law in your country. PRAYER CHANGES THINGS, PERSONS AND IMPOSSIBLE SITUATIONS. _____________________ BAD BEATING FOR A SMALL LIE Dear Bishop Williams: I am a fifteen-year-old young man soon

to be sixteen. I never gave my single parent mother any trouble at all. I am so careful not to get into trouble because my father abandoned us over ten years ago and we have never heard anything from him although we know where he lives. My mother is a very independent person who does her best in taking care of her three children. Bishop, I must attend church every Sunday and I really love to attend; so a few Sundays ago, my mother was feeling somewhat ill and she did not attend church service but told me to be sure to bring back a church bulletin which contains the services outline and announcements. Knowing that my mother was ill and will not attend church service, I went to cool out with my best friend. Bishop, this was the first and only time that I will do this. I did not know that she subsequently decided to attend the church service and not see me in church (we have to leave our phones home), she could not enjoy the service not knowing what happened to me. Bishop, I went home at the normal approximate time and met my mother who looked her usual pleasant and cool self. She asked me, “how was the service today?” and I said, “it was a great service and the pastor preached an excellent sermon, if you want me to tell you all about his sermon, I will be happy to do so as I was in church for the entire service”. Without warning, my mother grabbed a piece of rope or cord and began betting me on my back and bottom. I was so shocked and surprised when she started to beat me, that I did not move or said anything. She kept on beating me for about five minutes until I began to cry. When I asked why the beating, she explained that she was in the service and I was not and since I never lied to her before, she was making sure that this is the first and last time I spin a vicious lie to her or anyone else. Bishop do you think that I should have received such a bad beating for such a small lie? Will lie no more in Bridgetown. Dear lie no more in Bridgetown: Yes. Your mother should have given you a good ‘cut behind’ for the lie. Small lies turn into medium and big lies. A liar turns into a thief and a thief turns into a murderer. You have a good and excellent mother who loves you and wants to ensure your good future growth and development by chastising and punishing you, even with a good beating. Punishment against an evil work by children must be speedily executed by parents. God bless you mother and bless you too. I believe that you have learned your lesson. Continue to love, care and appreciate your mother. Mothers who don’t chastise their children with grace, mercy and peace do not love them.

4 readers and a world gone mad Excellent News: I have at least four readers. This much I know, because following my last Capital Note, four readers emailed me. Two of them wanted to offer their help in setting up the art lecture programme I had recently written about and the other two wanted to know whether I’d gone completely insane advocating independence. I was quick to point out to the BY TITUS DE BOER latter two, that I had done Titus de Boer, who originally no such thing but simply moved to the TCI from stated that, “I think the time Germany in 1989, is a has come to have a serious, journalist by training and well informed, national currently works as an art conversion about our place promoter and consultant in in the world”. And by this I Grand Turk and internationally. stand. The world is a very different place from what it was in 1989, when I first come to the TCI; and yes I do think people and countries (large and small) should take stock of where they are (every 10 years or so) in regard to their development and maturity, with a view to adjusting their outlook and aspirations. The American psychiatrist Thomas Szasz (try and pronounce that), once wrote, “The proverb warns that, ‘You should not bite the hand that feeds you.’ But maybe you should, if it prevents you from feeding yourself.” His compatriot Emma Goldman, once known as “the most dangerous woman in America”, went on to say, “People have only as much liberty as they have the intelligence to want and the courage to take...” The point is quite simply this: It may very well be that for a host of well researched and documented reasons, it is premature to change the status quo of and for the Turks and Caicos Islands. This does however not mean that we cannot debate the issue of eventual independence or indeed a different relationship vis-a-vis the UK, in an intelligent, open minded fashion. On a more general note (and at no point does this become clearer than when one is “off island”), we truly continue to be blessed in the TCI, to be a position where we can still contribute to the building of our “shining city upon a hill”. At at time when the world is seemingly going mad, when people are randomly shot in a Munich shopping centre, mowed down by the dozens in Nice and innocent train passengers viciously attacked by a fanatical Islamist in Germany, we can count ourselves truly fortunate to not be confronting religious extremism and terror on our shores. Yes, we have seen an increase in crime in recent years and of course we too have our own home grown, serious issues to deal with. But let’s be honest: When one compares our problems with those of the wider world at the moment, one can’t help but exclaim how very fortunate we are. Speaking of the “shining city”, perhas it is fitting to end this week’s column with an excerpt from Ronald Reagan’s 1989 farewell speech, now that his political party has been taken over by a mad demagogue: “I’ve spoken of the shining city all my political life, but I don’t know if I ever quite communicated what I saw when I said it. But in my mind it was a tall, proud city built on rocks stronger than oceans, wind-swept, God-blessed, and teeming with people of all kinds living in harmony and peace; a city with free ports that hummed with commerce and creativity. And if there had to be city walls, the walls had doors and the doors were open to anyone with the will and the heart to get here. That’s how I saw it, and see it still.”

July 30 - August 5, 2016

Crawfish season to begin on 15 august, 2016 Fishing interests, restaurants and the general public are reminded of the opening of Crawfish Season next month. As has been the case for the past four seasons, the Crawfish Season will open on 15th August. This has proven successful in reducing the quantity of egg-bearing lobsters landed, and is believed to have contributed to increased abundance and landings of crawfish. The last day of the Crawfish season will be 15th March, 2017. “Last season the fishing community of the Turks and Caicos benefited from an increase in crawfish landings. This appears to be the result of the stock starting to rebuild, and as long as we continue to implement the measures we have in place we are confident that this rebuilding will continue to the benefit of fishermen and the environment alike,” said Dr John Claydon, Department of Environment & Coastal Resources (DECR) Director. Hon. Porsha Stubbs-Smith, Minister of Tourism, Environment, Gaming, Culture and Heritage said: “I would like to remind all persons who participate on a daily basis this season, to fish responsibly. Remember, crawfish is a part of our culture and heritage and unless we are held accountable for our fishing during the season, we wont have it in the generations to come.” Restrictions relating to crawfish, as per the Fisheries Protection Ordinance, are listed below: Crawfish size restrictions are as



follows: When whole, a length of 3.25 inches measured from the front of the groove between the horns directly above the eyes, along the middle of the back to the rear edge of the back shell. When the tail has been separated, a tail weight of 5 ounces whether processed or not. Fishers are not to be in the possession of any egg-bearing crawfish. Fishers are not to remove eggs from egg-bearing crawfish. Fishers are not to take or be in possession of moulting / soft-shelled crawfish or crawfish in early stages of spawning (described as appearing ‘tar-spotted’) Fishers are to ensure that the crawfish are landed unharmed (except for those taken by hook) and landed whole prior to being processed on land (at a processing plant or at home), unless processed at sea as per the terms of the processing license. The use of any noxious substance (e.g. bleach, detergent, gasoline) for capturing any marine product is prohibited. DECR appeals to citizens, residents and visitors in the Turks & Caicos Islands, to familiarise themselves with and to uphold the Fisheries Protection Regulations, and urges all responsible citizens to call DECR at 338 4170 or email to report any violations.


“WHEN DOES A RECORD EXPIRE?” From a child I was taught that everything in this life has an expiration date. Besides the love of God, everything on this earth that involves human beings has an expiration date. Why then do we have so many politicians trying to hold on to past laurels and referring to their record as a justified reason for the electorate to go to the polls and elect them for a fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth term in Parliament? Let us talk about records for a moment. A record in politics is not what the candidate remember about himself or accomplishments he wished he had done. Instead, it is the fundamental changes that were implemented during their leadership and evidence of such changes must be clear as crystal. Furthermore, I believe that the purpose of general elections is to appraise politician’s records and decide whether or not their record deserves another term or it needs to come to an end. One way or the other, the voter decides how they view your record of achievement or lack


BIOGRAPHY: Jas was born with a physical disability and diagnosed with a mild form of muscular dystrophy. His early childhood was characterised with trying to fit in in a regular school environment unequipped to cater to special needs students. With support from family, teachers and the community he graduated as valedictorian of Raymond Gardiner High School and has been a graduate teacher for the past last nine years.

thereof, not the politician. Moreover, if a politician who has been democratically removed from public office has to constantly remind voters of their past record as a way to plead for a future chance, then I have two concerns. Firstly, your record you are referencing was available to the many of the voters who removed you from office years ago and they are quite aware of it. What makes you believe if it was not good enough many election cycles ago to warrant an extension; somehow it is good enough now? Please note that in sports, records are only impressive when they are unbroken and records are meant to be broken. Secondly, if the central message of your campaign is pointing to the past and past accomplishments, I will

have to interpret that strategy has one that is not based on vision for the future. There is no future in the past and my generation is not prepared to vote for a candidate simply because of how romantic he remembers his record. We want a vision and direction for the future. Records are held in historical archives for a reason; they are valuable but they are still in the past. Political leadership is about “what have you done for me lately” and failure to do anything results in an expired record. Besides, even a police record expires after six months. For former leaders to ask us to view their record as eternal is asking for too much.


Primary promises Our Premier is a doctor, a physician. The desire to become a physician usually springs from a calling, a vocation to heal the suffering. The medical sector of society today is moving swiftly forward on all fronts and it takes dedication and experience to keep up with all the advances. Health care comes in two general categories, Primary and Secondary Care. Primary physicians are well rounded in preventative care and medical treatments. They can recognize ailments in a wide range of medical issues. However when the illness needs special care and/ or special surgery the primary physician prescribes a secondary care specialist. A physician skilled in further diagnosing and treating the specific problem. Heart, lungs, circulatory and digestive tract issues, urinary


David is a retired mobile hydraulic engineer and business executive. He has been married to Middle Caicos native Yvette Robinson Tapfer for 25 years and has lived in Conch Bar, Middle Caicos, since 2002. David formerly served as branch chairman of the PDM from 2008 to 2011

difficulties, prenatal, child care and much, much more You would rarely have a primary doctor treating cancer because there our many types and degrees of that disease. Advances have made cancer curable with very special care. The primary clinics of the Turks and Caicos need to be staffed with well rounded primary care physicians. Registered nurses are not enough. Each island needs an experienced resident doctor as well as a nurse.

The secondary care hospitals need to have a full time staff of specialists in residence. Occasional trips to TCI by specialists are not the answer to the care of 30,000 plus residents. Sending people overseas for pneumonia or simple surgery is not acceptable. Sending people overseas for diagnosis at the primary care level is too common. Only in rare complicated secondary care cases would this seem to be needed. We are spending 30 million dollars

per year plus co-pays. Part of this high cost is expensive transportation. Round trip plane travel to bring visiting Canadian Doctors in and send patients away. The Canadian Managers and our Premier know this is true. Our premier needs to explain to voters why he turned his back on the health ministry after election and only took it on when his decision was widely questioned. Would Doctor Ewing better serve the TCI as a doctor or politician is a valid question ? The Canadian Managers are worried about turning a profit and exporting TCI profit dollars to Canada. Is proper care their secondary concern ? Another valid question ? Primary care physicians and nurses need to know their patients and to seek them out. They need to hold localized public seminars on health issues. Seminars in life style choices. Patients ignoring symptoms

lead to serious health challenges and the need for complicated and expensive treatments and surgeries. Ignore high blood pressure and you end up with the need for heart surgery. Perhaps you will have a stroke and be disabled or worse. This commentator has been taking simple inexpensive blood pressure medications forever and survived into my eighth decade. Others in my family ignored high pressure and did not make it. As we age care becomes necessary. The choices of youth and middle age affect your later life issues. Doctor Ewing has been in charge of Primary Care before he was Premier.... for over 10 years. He has recently said he will get around to fixing it. How much longer can the people, young and old afford to wait ?



July 30 - August 5, 2016

Messam sues SIPT for damages to her reputation and false arrest BY OLIVIA ROSE FORMER Government Chief Protocol Officer, Jan Messam is suing the Helen Garlick-led Special Investigation and Prosecution Team (SIPT) for damages to her reputation and false arrest. When the SIPT came into fruition on March 2010, Messam was the first Government official to be arrested on January 18, 2011 on suspicion of involvement with the Olint scam. Bahamian-born, Messam was held for 12 hours after police linked her to the corruption probe and executed a dawn search warrant on her Leeward Highway home. Messam was later released without charge after several hours’ of interrogation around 6pm that evening although she remained under scrutiny. According to court documents obtained by the Weekly News, Messam is now suing the SIPT for false arrest, false imprisonment and unfair dismissal. The court records stated that Superintendent/Deputy senior Investigating officer John Briggs, Inspector Carl brown and Detective Inspector Alan Hedley worked with the Turks and Caicos Islands Special Investigation and Prosecution team (SIPT) under the jurisdiction of the Commissioner of Police of the Royal Turks and Caicos Island Police Force, and executed the search warrant on the 13th January, 2011.

FORMER Government Chief Protocol Officer Jan Messam

The court document also stated that the warrant allowed the officers to search her residence for documentation that would link her or her husband to Ponzi scheme boss, David Andrew Smith. The documents include:

• Documentation and or electronic media pertaining to the sale of a house at chalk sound to David Andrew Smith. • Any banking or otherwise, that may reveal the disbursement of monies obtained by the sale of a house at Chalk sound to David Andrew Smith. • Any documentation that may reveal information pertaining to property stolen in the course of crimes committed by David Andrew Smith.

SIPT London based barrister Helen Garlick

• Any documentation that may reveal criminal association between John Rex Messam and Jenesta Corean Messam with past or present public servants of the Turks and Caicos islands. • Aiding, abetting, counseling or procuring the giving and receiving of bribes to the benefit of Micheal Misick and other public Servants of the Turks and Caicos Islands. • Corruptly receiving a bribe of $350,000 from David Andrew Smith to facilitate the grant of permanent residence certificates to him and his wife. Rex Messam her husband, who flew in to Providenciales from the Bahamas the day his wife was arrested, said he had been denied contact with her for the duration of her detention.

He told the Weekly News: “My wife wouldn’t run a red light; she wouldn’t take any chances or violate any laws so I can guarantee this is just an exercise. “I have no clue why she was detained but I know one thing, my wife wouldn’t do anything wrong.” Mr Messam, a salesman for realtors Prestigious Properties, added: “I know her. I been married to her for 26 years and I guarantee you, at the end of the day, she’s gonna be vindicated.” Sources close to the pair said Mrs Messam had initially been denied the opportunity to call a lawyer by the team of officers who swarmed her home. It is also alleged she was given nothing but coffee and water for the entire 12 hours, while food brought

for her by her husband was refused. After hours of cross-examination – to which she did not respond upon legal advice – Mrs Messam apparently spent two and a half hours in a cell without a seat. She is suspected of bribery and other offences linked to the Olint investment fraud. She and her husband have been frequent worshippers at the Community Fellowship Ministry in Leeward Highway, the same church as Olint boss David Smith. They later sold their home in Chalk Sound to Smith. Jamaican national and TCI resident Smith was sentenced to six and a half years in Grand Turk Prison in September. He is said to have ripped off 6,000 people in a complex Ponzi scheme. He was handed over to US authorities in November where he faces a long prison term for 23 charges, including wire fraud, money laundering and conspiracy to commit money laundering. It follows an indictment in August by the Florida Middle District Court. Prosecutors say he collected more than $220m from clients under false pretences, some of which he deposited in his personal bank accounts. Olint was originally started by Smith in Jamaica before being closed down by the financial regulators there, in March 2006. He moved to the TCI and launched his operations here, shortly afterwards.

Premier Ewing meets with PAHO and US Department of State officials in Washington D. C. PREMIER and Minister of Health, Agriculture and Human Services, Dr. Rufus Ewing will be leading a delegation to Washington DC this week to participate in two important meetings. Premier Ewing will meet with his other Caribbean UK Overseas Territories Ministers of Health at the Pan American Health Organization/ World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) Headquarters in Washington DC for an intense two days of meetings to advance the Multi-Country Strategy for the advancement of health care that was endorsed by the UKOT Ministers of Health in July 2014. This is the first time that a multicountry strategy for technical cooperation has been developed to the benefit of the six Caribbean UKOTs of Anguilla, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Montserrat and the Turks and Caicos Islands.

The strategy will focus on three priority areas addressing health and the social determinants of health in alignment with the national health plans of the UKOTs and Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) #3 – “Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages”. Premier Ewing will address the delegates on Thursday July 28th by giving an overview of the PAHO/WHO strategy for technical cooperation. A key discussion will also take place on mental health and the incorporation of mental health care in primary health services. The Premier is joined by Acting Permanent Secretary in the Ministry Health, Agriculture and Human Services, Mrs. Tamera Robinson and the Director of Health Services, Dr. Nadia Astwood. On Friday July 29th Premier Ewing will meet with representatives of the U.S. Department of State for

Premier Rufus Ewing

Energy to engage in high level discussions on renewable energy and opportunities for pilot projects being launched in the Turks and Caicos Islands. This is in keeping with the Government’s commitment to pursue initiatives for climate change adaptation and mitigation which is

being led by the Cabinet appointed Climate Change Committee. Discussions will be held under the umbrella of the Caribbean Energy Security Initiative that was launched by US Vice President Joe Biden in June 2014 and the commitments made by stakeholders at the January 2015 Caribbean Energy Security Summit that was hosted by Biden at the Department of State. These commitments included improved support for policy reform, improved donor coordination and increased access to investment towards the overall goal of comprehensive energy diversification to facilitate the introduction of cleaner forms of energy in the Caribbean. The specific support areas provided to the Caribbean are through improvement in governance, facilitation of development of cleaner energy sources, development of collaborative networks on clean

energy, financial support for clean energy projects, increasing energy efficiency and expansion of access to electricity, information and technology. Among other initiatives, the US Department of State is currently supporting technical assistance in St. Kitts and Nevis for the development of their geothermal resources and the U. S. Department of Interior, along with State is assisting Jamaica with the development of commercial renewable energy on public lands. The Premier will be joined by the Director of the Office of the Premier and Chair of the Climate Change Committee, Ms. Althea Been and the Energy and Utilities Commissioner in the Energy and Utilities Department of the Ministry of Infrastructure, Housing and Planning, Mr. Malike Cummings. The delegations return on Saturday July 30, 2016.

July 30 - August 5, 2016

Beaches educates youngsters on Nelson Mandela IN CELEBRATION of Nelson Mandela day, Sandals Foundation volunteers visited the Edward Gartland Youth Centre to donate 67 minutes to youngsters while educating them on one of the most prominent human rights figures of our time. Sandals Foundation volunteers spent the afternoon teaching youngsters about the great leader through storytelling, colouring and interactive games. PR manager for Beaches Turks and Caicos, Elanor Finfin Krzanowski said that the objective of Mandela Day is to inspire children and individuals to take action to help change the world for the better. She said: “Mandela was a man who dedicated his whole life to fighting for basic human rights and equality and it important that we pass down this information to the youngsters of our



communities so they can believe that they too have the ability to make a positive impact.” Every year on Mandela’s birthday, individuals and organizations across the world are asked to spend 67 minutes of their time helping people to recognize their own ability to have a positive effect on society. This is to commemorate the 67 years Mandela, the first democratically elected president of South Africa and anti-apartheid activist, dedicated to the fight for human rights. Mandela stood for justice, democracy, and above all he was a humanitarian. By carrying out a large outreach mission, educating over 300 children across the Caribbean, including the Turks & Caicos, on the life and his work as the former South African President. Manville Gardiner, a 13-year-

Volunteers from the Sandals Foundation educated youngsters on Nelson Mandela

old was excited to participate in the Mandela Day initiative. She said: “Mandela was a great man who fought for human rights in

South Africa. “I learned that Nelson Mandela was fighting for us to have rights, so that the Government would not be

racially biased. “It’s important, because if he had not done it, it would have been another 20 years of it going on.”

Passenger stabbed by jitney driver BY DAISY HANDFIELD THE POLICE are currently searching for an unknown jitney driver, who could be facing charges for allegedly stabbing a passenger during a heated argument. A report was made to the Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police Force (RTCIPF) on Tuesday, where a complainant reported that at around 6:13 pm on that day, the incident occured when he caught a jitney from the Grace Bay area to the Down Town area, Providenciales.

In the report, the man said that he offered to pay the driver $2 US for his services but the driver refused it and requested to be paid $3 US instead. It is alleged that after the complainant explained to the driver that that was all the money he had an argument ensued, which resulted in a fight. During the fight, it is alleged that the driver stabbed the complainant in the throat and fled the scene. As a result, police officers visited the scene where the victim was met.

The complainant was taken to the Cheshire Hall Medical Centre where he was treated for nonlife threatening injuries and later discharged. According to a Government source, jitney services are not regulated in the Turks and Caicos Islands, and are therefore illegal. Despite many reports made of robberies, rapes, horrific driving and overcrowded cars packed with strangers, the establishment of proper a public transportation system has not yet been introduced in the TCI.

Over 50 people participate in job readiness workshop BY DAISY HANDFIELD

Training manager for Waterloo Investments Limited, Wayne Garland

OVER 50 people participated in a job readiness workshop last week, hosted by the Waterloo Investments Limited, to better prepare residents when seeking employment. The workshop was held on July 22 in the conference room at the Alexandra resort in Providenciales, and was broken up into three sessions. Sessions were held at 9 am, 11 am and 3pm. Wayne Garland, training manager for Waterloo Investments Limited, said in an interview that the participants were taught how to prepare articulate resumes, how to dress professionally for interviews and proper etiquettes when on interviews.

“One of the things that we like to do as an organization is to give back and encourage persons. “We realize that we now have a lot of people who are going to be entering the job market for the first time, and we want to do our part in trying to prepare them the right way so that when they come to a job, they will at least be familiar with some of the things that are expected of them,” Garland said. Garland said that he was pleased with the turnout and the response received from participants. He said: “I think the response was very positive and that they were very pleased for a company such as ours to take the time out to educate them on the fundamentals when applying for work.” The training manager explained

that he was looking to make this an annual initiative, or even something that residents could look forward to twice a year. At the end of the workshop, attendees were given brochures with questions that potential employers might ask during interviews. Representatives from the Labour Department in Providenciales were also present at the workshop. Participants also had the opportunity to partake in a job fair, hosted by Waterloo Investments Limited, at the Alexandra resort on Friday and Saturday, from 9 am to 5pm. Waterloo Investments Limited was looking to fill positions at their sister companies, Beach House, Blue Haven Marina and the Alexandra resort.



July 30 - August 5, 2016

Statute of Limitations Bill tabled in HoA THE Statute of Limitations Bill 2016 has been presented to the House of Assembly for debate when the House meets again on August 15. On Wednesday, Attorney General Rhondalee Braithwaite-Knowles introduced the Bill to the assembly stating that it represents an important area of reform in the country’s legal regime. Currently there is no specific legislation in the TCI dealing with limitation periods for various civil actions to the taken to the court and this has for many years been cause for concern in the country. She noted that while there are some provisions in pieces of legislation such as the magistrate’s court ordinance and the fatal accident ordinance, there is no general limitations of actions legislation. The local bar council, business owners and even private residents have for years been clamouring for the introduction of such a law. One particular area the law is needed relates to actions involving land, President of the Bar Association Jonathan Kattan had pointed out last year. While Minister of Border Control, who had made the proposal for the Bill to Cabinet on February 12, 2014, had stated that his proposal came as a result of discussions he had with private and business individuals on the need for this particular piece of legislation. “Having litigation open for long periods of time is not favourable

for any society as it denotes no end to litigation. In line with the notion and expectation or the right to bring certain action, it should at some point come to an end, and this is bill seeks to address that issue,” the attorney general observed. She added that it is in the interest of any society that there should be some end to litigation. The current proposed law was drafted in line with the United Kingdom Limitation Act 1980 and the Limitation Act 2002 of Canada, and since its drafting has been sent for consultation to the Bar Association through the Bar Council and to the judiciary. “After the introduction of this legislation there would be a bar to the bringing of several actions to the court by persons, and the introduction of limitations period entails that persons are put in a position where certain of their rights of actions would be barred at the expiration of the limitation period. “In consideration of that fact, that person’s right would be barred after certain period, limitations period in the bill have been given much consideration.” BraithwaiteKnowles advised. She said that accordingly, her chambers has researched and benchmarked with other jurisdictions such as Anguilla, Bermuda, the Bahamas, Cayman Islands, Canada and the United Kingdom and found that limitation specified in the Bill are common or similar to those in

these jurisdictions. As such, in Part two of the Bill it looks at actions for defamation or other malicious falsehoods, tort, simple contract and other actions. It also introduces general limitation periods. REQUIREMENTS UNDER THE BILL Clause six makes provisions for actions related to defamation and other malicious falsehoods. It sets out the limitation period to bring an action as two years from the date the cause of action accrued. Clause seven makes provision for actions with a limitation period of six years which includes actions for simple contract or tort. Clauses eight and nine deal with actions for the conversion and theft of chattel (this includes an airplane, a car, a boat etc). Clause 10 deals with actions for loans while clauses 11 and 12 deal with actions on specialty and actions to recovery a contribution. Clause 13 provides for actions to damages for negligence, for nuisance, for breach of duty and sets a limitation period of three years from the date of the cause of action or the date of knowledge if it is later than the date the action accrued. Clause 14 makes provision for action under the fatal accidents ordinance and sends the application of the Bill to that action. Clause 15 defines a person of knowledge as used in clause 13, and

Local bank donates school supplies to students OVER 150 students were equipped with new school supplies, during a back to school drive, hosted by the First Caribbean International Bank (FCIB). Primary and high school students gathered at the Leeward Highway FCIB branch, in Providenciales, on Saturday to get their free supplies and to enjoy music, games, free snacks and a bouncing castle. Bianca O’Neil, business support officer for the bank told this reporter that this was a perfect opportunity for the staff at the bank to interact with members of the community and to assist them first-hand. She said: “The idea is that staff take part, and do it themselves.

Our staff is able to identify issues in their immediate surroundings.” She explained that the idea of this kind initiative was more fulfilling than to just write a hefty cheque to someone, because the staff were able to see the excitement first-hand on all of the children’s faces when they were given their back to supplies. O’Neil concluded that the event exceeded their expectations, in terms of attendance. This initiative falls under the bank’s Adopt-A-Cause program. In the Adopt-A-Cause programme, employees get the opportunity to identify projects in their immediate surroundings that they can become involved in.

Through the efforts of the bank’s employees, they are able to support just under 100 causes throughout the Caribbean every year, including projects with schools, nongovernmental organisations, charities and other interest groups. The projects range from ‘homework hotlines’, to soup kitchens, to children’s breakfast programmes. Each branch and office in their network is assigned US$1,000, to assist with getting their project off the ground. Units sometimes combine resources to tackle projects of similar interest, for maximum impact. (BY DAISY HANDFIELD)

it reads - Reference to a person’s date of knowledge, a reference to the date the person first had knowledge that the injury in question was significant, that the injury in question was attributable in whole or in part to the act or omission which is alleged to constitute negligence, nuisance or a breach of duty, of the identity of the defendant and if it is alleged that the act or omission was that of a person other than the defendant of that person and the additional fact supporting the bringing of the action against the defendant and knowledge that an act or omission did or did not as a matter of law involve negligence, nuisance or breach of duty is irrelevant. Clause 16 makes provision for damages to negligence which clause 13 does not apply to and provides a limitation period of six years or three years depending on the date the right of action accrued or the date of knowledge. Clause 17 makes provisions for other actions for damages of negligence which section 13 does not apply to and places the limitation period to 15 years for those actions. Part three of the Bill, deals with actions to recover lands and rent. It looks at the various actions to recover land and rent, making provisions for an action to recover land by a person with a limitation period of 12 years from the date the right of action accrued. This affects land acquired through prescription (this is a method of acquiring a nonpossessory interest in land through the long, continuous use of the land) or adverse possession under the registered land ordinance which will be subject to the 20 year period provided under that ordinance already. Clause 19 makes provisions for actions to recover forsure (this is action to recover personal property) where clause 18 is made applicable to this clause - meaning that an action to recover the forsure is still 12 years. Clauses 20 to 26 outline when the various rights of action accrue - clause 22 provides that the right of action entitled to land subject to tenancy shall accrue on the date the tenancy or lease period is determined. While clause 26 provides that the right of action to recover land shall not be treated as accruing during possession of land subject to a trust by a person entitled to a beneficial interest in the land or the person who may not be the legal or registered owner, such as an heir. Clause 27 provides that at the expiration of a limitation period provided in the bill a person’s right of action to recover land or the title

to that land has extinguished. Clause 32 deals with the right of action to recover money secured by a charge. Part Four of the Bill addresses actions for trust property or the personal estate of deceased persons. It deals with actions for trust property and personal estate. Clause 33 excludes the application of the limitation period under the Bill to actions by beneficiaries under a trust for an action for fraud or fraudulent breach of trust to which the trustee was privy or aware, or that which the trustee has proceeds of. This makes further provisions for situations in which an action in the circumstances previously stated can be brought to recover trust property or for a breach of trust within a period of six years from the date the right of action accrued. Clause 34 provides that an action to bring a claim to the personal estate of a deceased person or to a share of interest in the shared estate shall not be brought after the expiration of 12 years, while an action to recover arrears of interests for a legacy or damages shall not be brought after the expiration of six years. Part Five of the Bill looks at miscellaneous actions not included in previous parts. Clause 35 makes provisions that an action to account for anything shall not be brought after the expiration of a limitation period applicable to that claim where the duty to account arose. Clause 36 sets the limitation period for an action to enforce a judgment as six years, while clause 37 sets the period to recover an overpayment or underpayment as three years. And clause 38 references the period for an action to recover recoverable property under the proceeds of crime ordinance and excludes an application of the Bill to those proceedings under the proceeds of crime ordinance. Parts six and seven deal with the exclusion of ordinary time limits and other general provisions and extends limitation periods for some actions outlined in the previous parts or excludes some action from certain limitations period - that is, if a person has some form of a disability and is unable to bring the action before the limitation time, they have a period of six years to bring the action from the date they cease to be under the disability. Following her reading of the Bill, it was commended to the House for debate, however the Premier adjourned the House until August 15, allowing the members a chance to review the Bill in its entirety.

July 30 - August 5, 2016



FortisTCI President & CEO Eddinton Powell construction over looking Grand Turk site map

FortisTCI and Rolle Construction Signing

Supporting economic development in the Turks and Caicos Islands a priority for FortisTCI CAPITAL investments by FortisTCI are boosting economic development and transforming the electricity infrastructure throughout the Turks and Caicos Islands. Major investments were recently made on North Caicos and Grand Turk. Upcoming planned investments in utility-scale solar energy by way of a recently signed MOU with the Rocky Mountain Institute - Carbon War Room will also serve as a support for the development of renewable energy projects across several islands including Salt Cay and South Caicos. On Grand Turk, $3.2 million dollars

has been invested in necessary infrastructure upgrades at the energy plant in South Base. The project awarded through tender to local contractor Rolle Construction includes the demolition of an old building that formally served as a part of a U.S. Military Base. At the time, the demolition created at least 12 jobs that included training provided by a U.S. Company headquartered in Florida named EE&G Environmental Services, LLC. The training imparted knowledge and new skill sets on the handling and disposal of hazardous

material to all persons assigned to the project. Phase two includes the construction of a new multipurpose building to house a workshop, personnel offices, and storage space, and is expected to employ up to approximately 20 persons during construction. Work will begin on August 1, 2016. Investments on North Caicos totaling nearly $1 Million for a substation, generation, and related infrastructure project, will help to increase reliability to customers in North and Middle Caicos. The

project was completed in July 2016 by local contractors Charlie’s Construction responsible for the civil works, and TC Industrial responsible for all Mechanical Electrical and Plumbing (MEP) work. Other upcoming projects include the relocation of the submarine transmission cable at Heaving Down Rock in Providenciales and the introduction of 1 Mega Watt (MW) worth of utility-scale solar energy installed across the FortisTCI service territory. President and CEO of FortisTCI

Eddinton Powell said, “Investments such as these are critical to the development of a world-class electricity service across the Turks and Caicos Islands. The North Caicos substation and generation project, together with the relocation and upgrade of the submarine transmission cable [which is currently susceptible to frequent damage by passing boats are a part of the Company’s longterm plan to produce significant renewable energy in North Caicos and will eventually connect all the way to South Caicos.

Beaches participates in annual underwater clean-up IN COMMEMORATION of World Ocean Day, Beaches resorts and its charitable arm, the Sandals Foundation, continued its environmental commitment to the Turks and Caicos Islands by hosting their annual underwater clean-up campaign last week. World Ocean’s Day, which was observed under the theme, ‘Healthy Oceans, Healthy Planet’, saw underwater clean-ups at 16 Sandals and Beaches properties, all aimed at promoting environmental awareness while preserving the shore line and the delicate coral reef systems. Dive instructor and spearhead for the resort and the foundation, Gustavo Simon-Martinez, said that the Turks and Caicos is beautiful by nature but in order to remain clean everyone must play a role. He said: “Thanks to our wonderful team we were able to do

this underwater clean-up which was a huge success, and I’m impressed with the conditions of the reefs, as well as the sea floors, because we have collected far less trash and debris than we have in previous years.” This is the fifth underwater cleaning initiative the resort has taken on in recent time and participants were very impressed with the conditions of the Grace Beach which is home to thousands of visitors per year. Simon-Martinez said that they were also impressed with the conditions of the reefs as well as the sea floors. He said that they have collected far less trash and debris than they have in previous years and that this goes to show that the beach users are being more responsible with their environmental practices. “We were able to pick up

Beaches continues its environmental commitment through annual underwater clean-up

small pieces of garbage, but for the most part there was not much garbage to collect, which is a very good thing. And it goes to show that beach users are being more responsible in their environmental practices,” SimonMartinez concluded. World Oceans Day is an annual

observation to honour the world’s oceans, celebrate the products the ocean provides such as seafood as well as marine life itself and to appreciate its intrinsic value. This presents an opportunity for the Sandals Foundation to reach out to guests at Sandals and Beaches resorts to help them be more aware

of some of the issues that affect the ocean. Sandals Foundation across the Caribbean arranged special dives to raise awareness on coral restoration while teaching volunteers and visitors the difference between healthy coral and bleached, dying or dead coral.


Lifestyle... GARDENING 


Yellow elder Yellow elder grows as a densely branched shrub or small tree. It has bright green opposite leaves, which are pinnately compound. Common yellow elder (Tecoma stans var. stans) is a Central and South American tree that can grow up to 25 ft. It has bright yellow flowers and dense, lushly green foliage that is evergreen. Common names include yellow trumpetbush, yellow bells, yellow elder and ginger-Thomas. Tecoma stans comes from desert shrub lands and dry forests in the region from Texas and Arizona southward to Argentina. It has become established in many parts of the Pacific and is naturalizing in the Turks and Caicos Islands. In some places, it invades dry disturbed sites. Yellow elder will grow on a wide variety of soils, including sand and limerock. The plants can be cut to the ground for rejuvenation in the early

spring or carefully sheared during the growing season to control shape and size and promote new flushes of flowers. The flowers attract bees, butterflies and hummingbirds. The Yellow elder needs full sun and likes well drained soil. Potted plants should be given minimal water when not in active growth. Fresh seeds germinate readily in sandy soil in the spring. Cuttings root easily under mist in the summer. (Choose vigorous young semiwoody branch tips and not old woody stems or fresh green shoots.) Yellow elder may have a rather awkward shape, so it is best set among more consistent shrubs where it can contribute color to a border or screen. The yellow blooms are spectacular behind blue agave or a lower hedge of Bougainvillea. Since this species drops its abundant blossoms before they wither, it can

Dental health and orthodontic treatment Orthodontics is the area of dentistry that aims to improve the position, appearance and function of crooked or abnormally arranged teeth. This involves wearing appliances on the teeth which, over time, move the teeth into the desired position. Some appliances are fixed and only able to be removed by a dentist (sometimes called ‘braces’) some are able to be removed by the patient (eg. Invisalign). Before starting a course of orthodontic treatment- whether Invisalign or the more traditional braces- it is essential that the patient’s teeth and gums are in an excellent state of health. It is vital to have a general dental examination to ensure that there is no untreated decay or gum disease. A professional

July 30 - August 5, 2016


cleaning is also recommended. If everything is well and healthy then your general dentist will advise you when orthodontic treatment can commence. It is not normal practice for patients to self refer to an orthodontist without a clean bill of health from their regular dentist. Throughout the course of the orthodontic treatment regular professional cleanings and check-ups (usually 6 months) are recommended to ensure that good dental health is maintained. Fixed appliances create a situation where it is harder to keep teeth and gums clean, and the appliance itself actually encourages the formation and accumulation of more plaque. The brackets and wires can also make it more difficult to see if a cavity is starting to form.

advantageously be placed where the fallen blossoms will form a pool of gold on the ground. Yellow elder has been used for a variety of purposes in herbal medicine. Its primary applications have been in treating diabetes and digestive problems. Extracts from Tecoma stans leaves have been found to inhibit the growth of the yeast infection, Candida albicans. Yellow elder also contains several compounds noted for their catniplike effects on felines. Yellow elder is just beginning to get the horticultural recognition it deserves. This is an easy to grow and gloriously floriferous plant that has great potential in the nursery industry. The Yellow elder is the official flower of the U.S. Virgin Islands, where its cheerful yellow blossoms have long been appreciated for their contribution to tropical color.


Denis is a passionate landscape architect who enjoys the creative process and his clients’ joy when projects come to life. Contact Denis at Nature Splendor for your landscaping, installation or garden maintenance needs. For more information call 332-3381 or email

In the Islands it seems only moderately invasive, but readily establishes naturalized colonies on some parts of the islands. Notice

THE DENTIST AND YOU  Mark Osmond BDS (Lond) LDS RCS (Eng). Mark Osmond Dental Clinic - (649) 432 3777, or Find us on Facebook

Most people report finding it harder to clean their teeth whilst wearing braces. If the initial general examination diagnoses any cavities or gum disease, it is essential that this is treated before the orthodontic treatment commences. Leaving problems untreated will result in cavities becoming larger and gum disease getting worse. This can ultimately lead to pain, the possibility of abscesses, bone loss and tooth loss. If orthodontic treatment commences without problems being corrected first, as well as all the above problems, there is a risk that the treatment will fail and long term survival of the teeth can be compromised. I have also seen cases where patients are left with permanent white halos on the teeth caused by enamel demineralization due to poor oral hygiene during orthodontic treatment. Once a patient is treated, they are cavity-free and their oral health excellent it is fine to commence

orthodontic treatment although with a patient that has a history of periodontal problems I would recommend that they are seen by a dentist every 3 months during the course of orthodontic treatment. In conclusion is it essential when considering orthodontic treatment

that it has become a serious problem in French Polynesia, where it forms dense stands that inhibit regeneration of other plant species.

By Dr Mark Osmond

that you work with your orthodontist and regular dentist to ensure your teeth and gums are in excellent health before commencing treatment. This way your orthodontic treatment will be the success you hope for and you will have the beautiful and healthy smile that you are seeking.

July 30 - August 5, 2016




Mosquito-borne disease advisory Mosquito-borne diseases like Dengue, Chikungunya and the recent emergence of Zika virus has been of serious concern in the Caribbean region including the Turks and Caicos Islands. The Turks and Caicos Government in partnership with the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) and the Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO), the Airport Authority, Tourist Board, Turks and Caicos Hotel and Tourism Association, TCI Hospital and other local and regional stakeholders has taken extensive measures to protect our residents and visitors from the threat of diseases. The Ministry of Health, Agriculture and Human Services has held several joint high level meetings with our regional and local partners to ensure that all available resources are accumulated and every measure possible is taken to ensure that our country implements the strongest possible Zika virus preparedness and

TCI music artist “Krissy” makes waves Internationally Turks and Caicos Native, the talented reggae/dancehall/soca artist Krissy best known as “Kristina Rigby”, is showing us how to really “Work Work Work Work” as her remake of Rihanna and Drake’s Billboard hit “Work” and has taken the internet by storm. The music video for “work Remake” will be released on Tempo Network’s Cross Caribbean Countdown this week, and you don’t want to miss this hot new visual. Krissy has worked with successful producers throughout the Caribbean and was on two legs of reggae superstar Dexta Daps 2016 tour. She has also opened up for artist such as, T-Pain, Lionel Richie, Olamide and Anita Baker, just to name a few. Let’s get this ‘Work Remake’ video on the countdown. Please visit, and go to the cross Caribbean countdown tab and vote for her music video “Work Remake”, to enter the countdown!

response plan to address this issue. Thus far, the following steps have been taken: • Increased countrywide clean up campaigns, fogging exercises and premises inspections; • Expanded surveillance efforts; • Provided regular training sessions and situational updates to health professionals; and • Stepped up public awareness campaigns. Since 2007, 65 countries have reported cases of Zika. Of the 65 countries, approximately 22 countries are located in the Caribbean region. As of Friday, July 22, 2016, the Turks and Caicos Islands has recorded 5 cases of Zika Virus. Three (3) of these cases are associated with a recent history of travel to areas where cases of Zika has been reported. The other 2 are being investigated. To date, there is no epidemiological evidence of in country transmission associated with the two non-travel related cases. Measures have been taken to ensure

that these cases are managed and contained, and all affected persons are recovering. Zika is a viral illness, which is spread by the bite of an infected Aedes aegypti mosquito. This mosquito is found throughout the Americas, including the TCI. Most persons who contract Zika are often not aware that they have the illness as they may not have any symptoms. Symptoms of Zika are similar to Dengue and Chikungunya and appear between four to seven days after someone has been bitten by an infected mosquito. These symptoms include mild fever, skin rash, conjunctivitis (also known as pink eye), muscle or joint pain, and general malaise. There is no specific medication to treat Zika and there are currently no vaccines to prevent the illness. However, symptoms of Zika can be managed by: • Getting plenty of rest • Drinking fluids to prevent dehydration

• Taking medicines, such as acetaminophen, or paracetamol, to relieve fever and pain. • Do not take aspirin and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as Aleve or Ibuprofen unless advised by a doctor. The concern with Zika is a growing body of evidence regarding the connection between infection with Zika during pregnancy and possible abnormalities in the newborn. In addition, there has been an association with Zika and other neurological complications such as Guillain-Barre syndrome. To protect yourself and your family, the Ministry advises persons in the TCI to take the following precautions: 1. Prevent mosquito breeding in and around your home by keeping your environment clean (check your gutters and remove standing water from old flower vases, tires and other containers that might act as breeding sites such as water

drums and barrels). 2. Avoid being bitten by wearing loose long-sleeved shirts and long pants, applying insect repellents and using mosquito nets. 3. Zika has been proven to be sexually transmitted therefore we recommend condom use. 4. Pregnant women are advised to seek more information from their health provider at their next scheduled visit and not to travel to areas with Zika virus during pregnancy. If pregnant and you suspect that you have Zika, contact your healthcare provider immediately. 5. Women and men who have been diagnosed with the Zika virus are advised to seek guidance from their health provider prior to planning a future pregnancy. For more information, contact the Ministry of Health, Agriculture and Human Services on 338-3061 or 338-3058. The Ministry will keep the public informed with any new developments.


Regional News


July 30 - August 5, 2016

Ingraham distress at state of FNM – Hopes party leader can heal rift THE current state of the Free National Movement is “distressing” to former Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham, who told The Tribune this week that the Official Opposition has to put in a lot of work to win over voters whose minds have been “poisoned” by months of public infighting. In a break from his traditional silence on national issues, Mr Ingraham also revealed that late last year he staved off the first threat from five FNM MPs to have Dr Hubert Minnis removed as leader through a petition to Governor General Dame Marguerite Pindling. Mr Ingraham also stressed that the now six MPs who have voiced concerns with Dr Minnis should not face retribution, saying he was “disappointed” that the FNM leader refused to answer clearly when asked by the media on Monday what will happen to these politicians if he retains his post. He also gave insight into the relationship he has with the man who has assumed control of the party he led for 19 years, revealing that he has counselled Dr Minnis on a number of party matters only to be frequently surprised when the Killarney MP made a decision that was contrary to the advice given. And while he did not endorse a candidate for FNM leader, Mr Ingraham said he hopes whoever wins the party’s leadership race on Friday is more “inclined towards listening to what I say”. Asked if he was disappointed in the state of the FNM, he said: “I think disappointed is a mild word, I am distressed by it.

Jamaica is among some 65 countries fighting Zika.

The former Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham hopes that whoever wins this week’s party election can heal the FNM.

“I have spoken to everybody who is anybody in that context and things get patched up a bit for a short while and go back to where they are. I hope that this convention settles it all. I was disappointed to see in the paper this morning that Dr Minnis did not give a clear and concise answer to the question as to what will happen to these six MPs if he wins – because if he wins, the six MPs will still be MPs. “If he wins, he will be the leader so they will have to live and cooperate in this big FNM tent together. If either side feels the other side is seeking to be rid of them, they will do what is natural for human beings, take counter measures to protect their own interests.” Many of the issues plaguing the FNM centre on the dissatisfaction in some quarters about Dr Minnis’ leadership. He has been criticised by members of his own parliamentary caucus as being untrustworthy and ineffective. Dr Minnis has not

Sagicor moving from Barbados to Bermuda SAGICOR Financial Corporation has officially moved its headquarters to the British oversees territory of Bermuda after more than 100 years in Barbados in its previous incarnation as The Mutual. In a statement issued on Thursday, the company said following shareholder approval on June 8 decision, the company will continue as an exempted company under the laws of Bermuda under the name Sagicor Financial Corporation Limited. Following several sovereign downgrades of Barbados by

international ratings agencies Standard & Poor’s and Moody’s, the company said it was forced to consider moving its headquarters after the island lost its investment grade and Sagicor Financial too was hit by downgrades as a result of Barbados’ lowered rating. Sagicor is one the region’s leading financial services companies, operating in 22 countries, including the United States and in Latin American countries. Sagicor has total assets of US$6.4 billion and US$739 million in capital. (Barbados Nation)

publicly responded to these critiques but has frequently called for unity. When asked if he thought Dr Minnis had leadership deficiencies, Mr Ingraham did not answer directly. However, during the interview, he repeatedly stressed that it was up to the party’s leader to resolve any dissatisfaction in the FNM. “Dr Minnis demonstrates that he has a great capacity, the energy that is being put into maintaining his position as leader, the active work that’s taking place in meeting delegates and discussing with them whatever needs to be discussed to get their support, etc, demonstrates somebody who has got a capacity for political activity,” he replied. “So it is my hope that he would put that same kind of energy, or a part of it, into energising the FNM and its supporters. And the same goes for Loretta (Butler-Turner). She is demonstrating a lot of energy towards wanting to become leader. Well if they would do that same thing for the FNM, we in the party would be much better off.” Asked if the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) has the advantage in the next general election or if the FNM can pull off a win, Mr Ingraham said his party has to satisfy the public that it is unified. “The next election will be the FNM’s own to win if the public is satisfied that they are not fractured, they put up a reasonable team of people and they put forward a reasonable programme – they would win. “I think that what is happening now is poisoning the minds of many people and dampening their enthusiasm for the party, but that means that dormant feeling of wanting change can be activated if the party begins to show that they are together and demonstrate that the same kind of energy they are putting into this leadership race, they put into opposing the PLP and putting forward programmes that the public finds acceptable.” (Tribune242)

Jamaica in worldwide Zika virus vaccine trials JAMAICA will soon be participating in clinical trials to find a vaccine to treat the mosquito-borne Zika Virus. Minister of Health Dr. Christopher Tufton says the island’s participation is part of an international study and fight against Zika. The clinical trials are supported by the World Health Organization (WHO). Tufton said a vaccine could become available within a year. Jamaica is among some 65 countries fighting Zika. And the Health Minister reiterated that the virus isn’t going anywhere in any hurry. “The Zika virus is new and there is no resistance. The immune system has not

experienced it and developed the capacity to fight against it. So, when something is new like Zika, it tends to spread faster until you develop some sort of resistance to it,” he said. He says the Government is determined to empower citizens to fight Zika through the free flow of information at all levels. Tufton believes that once people are informed, they will be better able to tackle the virus. “The biggest and most significant line of defence to fight this virus is us,” he emphasised. Jamaica has recorded 44 confirmed cases of the Zika virus, but there are more than 3,000 suspected cases. (Caribbean360)

Dr. David Allen and his robbers prayed after the ordeal on Tuesday morning.

“I prayed with men who robbed me” says Bahamian psychiatrist RENOWNED psychiatrist Dr. David Allen said he prayed with the three young men who held him at gunpoint during a home invasion early on Tuesday morning. In an interview with The Tribune hours after the ordeal, Dr Allen said he felt God’s presence during the entire robbery and even though he had a gun pointed to his head, he was not afraid because he knew that “God’s grace is sufficient.” The robbery took place around 6.30am at Dr Allen’s West Bay Street home. Dr Allen’s daughter

and grandchildren were also at home during the invasion, however no one was harmed. Dr Allen said his daughter woke him up after the three men got in the house through a kitchen window and then kicked down her bedroom door. “The men were masked, two of them had guns, the other had an object in his hand but I am not sure what it was. They demanded gold and money. I told them they can have whatever they wanted and begged them for grace and not to hurt my family,” Dr Allen said.

July 30 - August 5, 2016

Regional News



Cayman Islands: Judge calls for ‘rigorous monitoring’ of GM mosquito release

The former PM Hubert Ingraham predicts that the resort will not open before the next general election.

Christie administration was ‘dead wrong’ on Baha Mar – Opines former PM Ingraham THE Christie administration was “dead wrong” to force Baha Mar into provisional liquidation and should have allowed developer Sarkis Izmirlian’s Chapter 11 bankruptcy process to play out in a US court, former Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham said on Tuesday. Mr Ingraham also predicted that the resort will not open before the next general election, charging that anyone saying differently is only “flamming” or deceiving the public. His comments came during a broad interview with The Tribune at his law office in Caves Village, where he spoke on a range of issues including the state of the Free National Movement since his retirement and Prime Minister Perry Christie. His remarks came a week after Mr Christie said the government was “closer than we’ve ever been before” to getting the beleaguered resort open. “The government was dead wrong to put Baha Mar in liquidation,” Mr Ingraham stressed. “It made a big mistake when it said that it was against the sovereign interest of the Bahamas for Baha Mar to go into Chapter 11 in the United States. We’ve had that experience before, (the former) Resorts International Paradise Island - was in Chapter 11 in America when Mr Pindling was prime minister and when Christie was a minister. “When (Sol) Kerzner bought Paradise Island, he bought it out of Chapter 11. So we have experience with how Chapter 11 could work, and how it could work successfully, because you can attract a good buyer to come along as Kerzner did, etc. So the government should have allowed Mr Izmirlian and his company to pursue their matter before the court in Delaware and if they decided to put it in Chapter 11 over there, it would have been fine. Whatever

decisions were made later as to who should get the property or not get it would have been approved by the Bahamas government.” Mr Ingraham added: “The government should not have tilted in favour of the Chinese contractor and those. As a result of that, the Bahamas lost hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue that it would have received. It has its credit rating threatened, thousands of more people unemployed, and it’s having to squeeze out of the population more and more taxes by this VAT.” He said he told Prime Minister Perry Christie this and wrote him two letters outlining his opinions on the matter. The government asked the Supreme Court to place Baha Mar into liquidation shortly after the resort’s developer filed for bankruptcy protection in a Delaware court last year. The Supreme Court later appointed receivers at the request of the Export-Import (EXIM) Bank of China. A formal sales process for the resort was launched earlier this year, but despite repeated assurances from the prime minister that construction at the property would resume soon, Baha Mar remains dormant. Asked when he thought $3.5 billion property will finally open its doors to guests, Mr Ingraham predicted it would not happen before next spring. “The question of Baha Mar opening before the next election doesn’t arise. That’s not going to happen, that can’t happen. It will take longer than that, if they started work today, they won’t be finished in time. So no, it’s not going to open before the next election. And if anybody tells you they are opening part of it, etc, they are only ‘flamming’ you like they did before.” The next election must be held by May 7, 2017.

JUSTICE Ingrid Mangatal called on the local authorities to ensure ongoing “rigorous monitoring and independent evaluation” of the genetically modified mosquito project as well as “earnest” public outreach after she cleared the way Tuesday for the release of millions of bio-engineered bugs in West Bay. In the written ruling, the judge found that the Department of Environment and the National Conservation Council had not acted unfairly or irrationally when they approved the licence application by the Mosquito Research and Control Unit (MRCU) or that insufficient public consultation had taken place. The application for judicial review was made by Dwene Ebanks, who was representing a local group of activists who are opposed to the release because they do not believe the local authorities can be sure the project is safe. However, Mangatal refused to overturn the decisions made by the relevant authorities. The judge’s decision focused heavily on the fact that the mosquitoes had already been released in East End in 2009 and 2010, despite the fact that today there is a very different regime for the protection of the environment with the advent of the National Conservation Law and the Bill of Rights. The activists had pointed out that the first release breached a number of international protocols and the risk assessment, which was conducted after the release by Oxitec, the company which has created the bioengineered Aedes aegypti, was also very limited. They had argued that the forthcoming releases would be in a different place in different conditions at a different time, Claiming that

Millions of bio-engineered mosquitos have been cleared for release in the Cayman Islands.

officials had attempted to shut down those questioning or opposing the release, they said there had been only limited public debate about the issues and that the information disseminated had not been entirely accurate, and in some cases false or misleading. Ebanks had also pointed to the infancy of the science. Although he did not present direct evidence of public health risks, he had argued that no one knows what those risks could be yet, which was why an independent risk assessment should be made before the mutant mosquitoes are released in densely populated areas. But Mangatal pointed to the claims by the medical director of health that there appeared to be no risks posed to the public or to the environment following the East End trials and that no one in an official capacity has presented any concerns or potential dangers. The judge found that the NCC and the DoE had given

due consideration to the possible risks and had carried out their proper functions before approving the application. Justice Mangatal accepted the MRCU’s position regarding the urgency of controlling the mosquito before the rainy season reaches its peak, and also took into account the rearing of the eggs in preparation for the trial project and the long period that the MRCU director has spent examining and researching the technology used by Oxitec. Nevertheless, she pressed the various agencies involved to ensure the ongoing close scrutiny of the project and to continue seeking public feedback. The judge added that the court now expects the DoE and the NCC to put in place the necessary criteria and procedures as well as subsidiary legislation to deal with issues such as this, which are not yet in place as the entire conservation law is still not fully implemented. (CNS)

Judge says pastor facilitated desires of ‘Dudus’ Coke PARISH Judge Simone Wolfe Reece said that based on evidence presented by prosecutors in the corruption trial of Al Miller, she is convinced that the clergyman’s “behaviour facilitated the desires” of Christopher ‘Dudus’ Coke. Miller, pastor of Fellowship Tabernacle in St Andrew, was on Friday found guilty of attempting to pervert the course of justice. He was arrested in June 2010 after Coke, then a fugitive, was found in his company. “The evidence supports a finding of fact that he [Miller] was seeking to evade the local authorities,” the judge said.

Pastor Al Miller was found guilty of attempting to pervert the course of justice.

Miller had claimed that he was transporting Coke to be turned over to the authorities, but Wolfe Reece rejected his evidence. Wolfe Reece also said she found that the witnesses for the Crown were truthful. She also said she found that Miller was less than candid with his account of what happened on the day Coke was captured. A subdued Miller told reporters that he accepted the verdict and that his legal team will deal with the matter. His bail has been extended pending sentencing on September 15. (Jamaica Gleaner)


World News


July 30 - August 5, 2016

Pope Francis says “the World is at war” POPE Francis said Wednesday that “the world is at war” as he addressed the slaying of a Catholic priest by radical Islamists in France, but he stressed it was not a war of religion. The killing of the priest -- by two attackers who struck in the name of ISIS -- is the latest terror atrocity to roil Europe in recent weeks. On Wednesday ISIS’ media wing, Amaq, posted a video on the Telegram messaging app that showed the two attackers pledging allegiance to the terror group. Speaking on the papal plane en route to Krakow, Poland, for World Youth Day celebrations, Francis said the world had been in “a piecemeal war” for some time. He said Tuesday’s killing of the Rev. Jacques Hamel, 86, in St.Etienne-du-Rouvray, France, was one casualty in this conflict. “The world is at war because it has lost peace,” he said. “There is a war of interest, there is a war for money, a war for natural resources, a war to dominate people,” he continued. “Some might think it is war of religion. It is not. All religions want peace. Others want war.” French President Francois Hollande said Tuesday that the attackers acted in the name of ISIS, and Amaq released a statement, posted by the group’s supporters, claiming the Normandy attackers were the terror outfit’s “soldiers.” CNN has not independently confirmed the claim, and no evidence

The suicide attacker in Ansbach targeted crowds attending a music festival - he injured 15 people.

Merkel rules out migrant policy reversal after attacks Pope Francis said that: “The world is at war because it has lost peace”.

has surfaced showing that ISIS had a planning role in the attacks. Coming less than two weeks after the Bastille Day terror attack that left 84 people dead in Nice, France, the slaying has fueled public anger and highlighted apparent shortcomings in the French government’s ability to respond to the domestic jihadist threat. One attacker, Adel Kermiche, had been flagged as a radicalised Islamist and was under house arrest at the time of the attack, Paris prosecutor Francois Molins said. The 19-year-old was forced to wear an electronic monitoring tag after he travelled abroad to try to fight in Syria. Under the conditions of his house arrest, he was allowed out of his parents’ home, not far from the church, for four hours each day

-- a window he used to carry out the attack. A friend of Kermiche’s told CNN French affiliate BFMTV that the teen had previously spoken of attacking a church. “We laughed at him. We thought it was a joke,” said the friend, who did not want to be named. “Me and my friend regret it. We should have warned the police, it could have maybe changed something.” He said Kermiche had always been “a bit cuckoo, but we couldn’t know he was going to get to that point.” “He changed. He started talking about jihad -- we didn’t take it seriously, but it took over the situation,” he said. “He met bad people that convinced him.”

RECENT attacks in Germany involving asylum-seekers would not change its willingness to take in refugees, Chancellor Angela Merkel has said. She said the attackers “wanted to undermine our sense of community, our openness and our willingness to help people in need. We firmly reject this”. But she did propose new measures to improve security. These include information sharing, deciphering web chatter and tackling arms sales on the internet. Two recent attacks in Bavaria were both by asylum seekers. A suicide bomb attack in Ansbach on Sunday that injured 15 people was carried out by a Syrian who had been denied asylum but given temporary leave to stay. An axe and knife attack on a train in Wuerzburg on 18 July that wounded five people was carried out by an asylum seeker from

Afghanistan. Both men had claimed allegiance to so-called Islamic State. The deadliest recent attack - in Munich on 22 July which left nine dead - was carried out by a German teenager of Iranian extraction but was not jihadist-related. Mrs Merkel, who interrupted her summer holiday to hold the news conference in Berlin, said the asylum seekers who had carried out the attacks had “shamed the country that welcomed them”. But she insisted that those fleeing persecution and war had a right to be protected, and Germany would “stick to our principles” in giving shelter to the deserving. Referring to the attacks that have taken place in France, Belgium, Turkey, the US and elsewhere, she said “taboos of civilisation” had been broken, and they were intended to “spread fear and hatred between cultures and between religions”.

Theresa May: EU citizens’ rights depend on fate of Britons abroad THE British government could only ensure the protection of European citizens living in the UK if British citizens were afforded the same rights in other EU states, Theresa May has said in the presence of the Italian prime minister. The British prime minister’s remarks came during a press conference with Matteo Renzi, who said that the UK’s vote to leave the European Union represented a blow to 600,000 Italians living there. Asked by a journalist whether the rights of Italians living in the UK could be protected, May said: “I want to be able to guarantee their rights in the UK. I expect to be able to do that and I intend to be able to do that, to guarantee their rights. The only circumstances in which that

would not be possible would be if the rights of British citizens living in other EU member states were not guaranteed.” It was not clear whether the issue was discussed in depth between the two leaders, or whether May’s remarks represented a concern for British citizens abroad, or a veiled threat to counterparts like Renzi who want to see ensure their citizens are not adversely affected. May and Renzi’s meeting appeared to be cordial. Standing under the blazing sun in Villa Doria Pamphili with St Peter’s dome in the distance, both promised to continue to cooperate on issues ranging from terrorism to trade, with Renzi singling out Italian defence firm Leonardo (formerly Finmeccanica)

as a point of shared interest. But the meeting did not apparently convince Renzi to tone down his call for the UK to offer more guidance on the timing of its formal departure from the EU. Renzi said a “clear timeline” from the UK was necessary for those countries who remain in the trading bloc. Even as May emphasised the UK’s £24bn trading relationship with Italy and its “close economic ties”, the prime minister reiterated her claim that the UK launch of Article 50, which will formally begin the exit procedure, required more time, so that all parties could work out the “nature of our relationship”. Though Renzi faces an increasingly sceptical Italian public, with the populist and anti-euro

Theresa May and Italian PM Matteo Renzi’s meeting appeared to be cordial, both promised to continue to cooperate on issues ranging from terrorism to trade.

Five Star Movement gaining in popularity, the former mayor of Florence remains one of the most vocal proponents of the EU in Europe and, according to analyst Federico Santi of the Eurasia Group, is keen to settle Brexit-related uncertainty in financial markets that could harm

Italy. “I think Italy has walked a middle ground between France and Germany in the sense that they haven’t been as harsh as [French president François] Hollande, but has been somewhat less accomodating than [German chancellor Angela] Merkel,” Santi said.

July 30 - August 5, 2016

World News



US election: We’ll carry Clinton to victory, says Obama

Jeremy Corbyn is being challenged for the leadership by former work and pension spokesman Owen Smith.

Labour leadership: Corbyn ballot challenge rejected A JUDGE has rejected a challenge to Labour’s decision to allow Jeremy Corbyn to automatically stand for reelection as leader. Labour donor and exparliamentary candidate Michael Foster was challenging Mr Corbyn’s inclusion without having to get MPs’ nominations. Labour’s NEC decided, by 18 votes to 14, that Mr Corbyn could stand without needing nomination by 51 MPs and MEPs. Legal arguments were heard from both sides in the High Court on Tuesday. Mr Corbyn is facing a leadership

challenge from former work and pensions spokesman Owen Smith, who - under the party’s rules - had to win the support of 20% of its MPs and MEPs to trigger a contest. In the end, he secured 162 nominations after the other potential challenger Angela Eagle, who also initially passed the threshold for nominations, withdrew from the race. At a highly-charged meeting earlier this month, Labour’s National Executive Committee decided that, as an incumbent, Mr Corbyn was entitled to a place on the ballot paper without having to go through the same process.

Some lions and tigers in the zoo in Caracas were reportedly fed mango and pumpkin to make up their meat rations.

Animals dying in Venezuelan zoo due to food shortage ABOUT 50 animals in one of Venezuela’s main zoos are reported to have died of hunger over the last six months because of chronic food shortages. A union leader for employees in the state parks, Marlene Sifontes, told Reuters news agency some had spent two weeks without food before they died. She said lions and tigers in the zoo in Caracas were fed mango and pumpkin to make up their meat rations. Government officials have denied the deaths were due to a lack of food. In other cities zoos are reported to

be in a worse situation, forced to ask for donations of fruit, vegetables and meat from local businesses. Marlene Sifontes, union leader for employees of the state park agency, Inparques, said: “The story of the animals at Caricuao is a metaphor for Venezuelan suffering.” Venezuela is in the grip of a severe economic crisis which has led to food shortages and periodic looting. President Nicolas Maduro blames the country’s problems on what he says is an “economic war” waged by businessmen and government opponents.

US President Barack Obama has implored voters to help continue his legacy by carrying Hillary Clinton to victory at the polls in November. Mr Obama praised Mrs Clinton at the Democratic convention in Philadelphia, as the most qualified person ever to run for the White House. He said voters faced a choice between hope and fear, attacking “home-grown demagogue” Republican Donald Trump. Mr Trump responded by rejecting the president’s optimistic portrayal. “Our country does not feel ‘great already’ to the millions of wonderful people living in poverty, violence and despair,” he said on Twitter. Mr Obama recounted his key victories over his past eight years in office and painted an optimistic future. He extolled Mrs Clinton’s character, calling her a “leader with real plans to break down barriers, blast through glass ceilings and widen the circle of opportunity to every single American”. Mr Obama described his nation as “full of courage”, “decent and generous”, but also concerned about racial divisions and “frustrated with political gridlock”. When he mentioned Mr Trump, there were boos. Mr Obama said: “Don’t boo, vote.” He said Mr Trump “calls himself a business guy, which is true, but I have to say I know plenty of businessmen and women who have achieved remarkable success without leaving a trail of lawsuits and unpaid

US President Barack Obama called Hillary Clinton the most qualified person ever to run for the White House.

workers and people feeling like they got cheated.” Mr Obama added: “Does anyone really believe that a guy who spent his 70 years on this Earth showing no regard for working people is suddenly going to be your champion, your voice? No.” He said Mr Trump’s grim portrait of America was “not the America I know”. Praising the qualities of American people, Mr Obama said: “Tonight, I ask you to do for Hillary Clinton what you did for me. I ask you to carry her the same way you carried me.” The former secretary of state joined him on stage for a hug after he finished speaking. In his response, Mr Trump said in

a statement that the Democrats had described a vision of America that did not exist for most people. Seventy percent of Americans thought the country was on the wrong track, said the hotel developer, who defied all predictions to win the Republican primary contest. “Never has a party been so disconnected from what is happening in our world.” Vice-President Joe Biden earlier delivered his own spirited address, saying Mr Trump “backs torture”, “religious intolerance” and “betrays our values”. “He has no clue about what makes America great,” Mr Biden said, before the crowd started chanting, “Not a clue!”

Reagan would-be assassin John Hinckley Jr to be released JOHN Hinckley Jr, the man who tried to assassinate US President Ronald Reagan, is to be released from a psychiatric hospital next month after 35 years. Mr Reagan and three others were injured in the shooting outside a hotel in Washington in March 1981. Mr Hinckley was found not guilty by reason of insanity but was sent for treatment to a Washington hospital. He has already been spending 17 days a month at his mother’s home in Virginia under strict conditions. A judge ruled that Mr Hinckley, now 61, could reside full-time there on “convalescent leave” from 5 August. Restrictions, including a ban on talking to the media, will remain in place. The shooting, just weeks into Ronald Reagan’s presidency, shocked the world.

John Hinckley Jr was found not guilty due to his psychiatric problems (file photo from 2003).

Mr Reagan was shot in the lung, but recovered. His press secretary James Brady was shot in the head, suffered brain

damage and used a wheelchair for the rest of his life. Mr Brady’s death in 2014 at the age of 73 was ruled to be a homicide, but no further charges against Hinckley were brought. Two law enforcement officers suffered less serious injuries in the shooting. US District Judge Paul Friedman’s judgement points to medical assessments which showed that Mr Hinckley had had “no symptoms of active mental illness” since 1983. He had shot the president in an apparent bid to impress the actress Jodie Foster, with whom he had an obsession and whom he had subjected to what would now be termed stalking. Ordering his release, the judge said Mr Hinckley no longer poses a danger to himself or others. (BBC)


July 30 - August 5, 2016



Drake holds down no. 1 on Artist 100 DRAKE retains his hold on the Billboard Artist 100, maintaining the No. 1 spot on the chart (dated Aug. 6) for a second week in a row and 17th overall. The Artist 100 measures artist activity across Billboard’s most influential charts, including the Billboard Hot 100, Top Album Sales and the Social 50. The Artist 100 blends data measuring album and track sales, radio airplay, streaming and social media fan interaction to provide a weekly multi-dimensional ranking of artist popularity. Drake lands another week at No. 1 on the Artist 100 while also keeping a firm grip on the Billboard 200, logging an 11th nonconsecutive week at No. 1 with Views. In the previous week, the rapper held down the top spot on both charts plus the Hot 100, but this week was dethroned on the by Sia, who moves 10-7 on the Artist 100 this week, as her Sean Paul-featuring single “Cheap Thrills” becomes her first Hot 100 chart-topper.

With his 17th week atop the Artist 100, Drake extends his record for most weeks at No. 1 on the Artist 100 among solo males; Justin Bieber is second, with 11 weeks at No. 1.

With his 17th week atop the Artist 100, Drake extends his record for most weeks at No. 1 on the Artist 100 among solo males; Justin Bieber is second, with 11 weeks at No. 1. Among all acts, only Taylor Swift has led longer than Drake: 31 weeks. The rapper holds atop the Artist 100 with the biggest share of his chart points coming from streaming (43

percent), followed by radio airplay (20 percent), digital song sales (also 20 percent) and album sales (15 percent). Rounding out the Artist 100’s top five: Twenty One Pilots and Rihanna retain the Nos. 2 and 3 spots, respectively; Justin Bieber gains 6-4 after “Cold Water,” his collaboration with Major Lazer and Mo, debuted Friday; and Adele drops 4-5.


Two acts enter the Artist 100’s top 10, one for the first time. First there’s Katy Perry, who climbs 47-9, reaching the top 10 of the chart for the first time since the ranking dated Feb. 21, 2015, when she landed at No. 6 (also her overall chart peak so far). Perry rises after the debut of her new single “Rise,” recorded as the anthem for NBC’s coverage of the 2016 Summer Olympics, debuts at No. 1 on Digital Songs, translating to a No. 11 start on the Hot 100. Meanwhile, Needtobreathe makes its maiden voyage onto the Artist 100, debuting at No. 10 after the release of new album HARDLOVE, which debuted at No. 2 on the Billboard 200, the Christian rock quartet’s highest debut yet. The set also debuted at No. 1 on Billboard’s Top Rock Albums, Alternative Albums and Top Christian Albums charts and was the highestselling album of the week in the U.S. (opening atop the Top Album Sales chart). (Billboard)

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Beyoncé’s Formation is in the running for video of the year.

Beyoncé nabs 11 nominations at MTV Video Music Awards BEYONCÉ led the nominations for the MTV Video Music Awards on Tuesday as she basked in the acclaim for her intertwined film-album Lemonade. The pop diva is in the running for 11 awards at MTV’s annual extravaganza on August 28 at New York’s Madison Square Garden, a shift from Los Angeles. Adele came in second with eight nominations. All but seven were for the charttopping English balladeer’s Hello, which, with more than 1.6billion views, is the fifthmost watched video ever on YouTube. Hello is in the running for video of the year against Beyoncé’s Formation, the most overtly political work of the former Destiny’s Child singer’s career as she aligned herself with the Black Lives Matter protest movement. Filmed by Melina Matsoukas, Formation at one point shows a row of police officers with their hands in the air and graffiti on a wall that reads: “Stop shooting us.” The video riled some conservative commentators and law-enforcement groups,

who voiced anger when Beyoncé performed the song at the Super Bowl, the mostwatched TV event of the year. Shot in New Orleans, Formation marked a shift in sound by Beyoncé to the southern city’s hip-hop scene. Formation is her first single off Lemonade, which she released in April to accompany a film she made for HBO. The album and film are full of references to infidelity as well as forgiveness, drawing speculation that Beyoncé’s husband, rap mogul Jay Z, had been unfaithful. The late rock icon David Bowie’s video for Lazarus took four nominations, although not in the main categories. Bowie, who embraced music videos as an art form when MTV was in its infancy, released Lazarus three days before stunning the world with his death from an unannounced battle with cancer. The video was full of foreshadowings of his death, with the singer levitating over a hospital bed and retreating into a closet with outfits from his prolific career. (Times Live)

July 30 - August 5, 2016






July 30 - August 5, 2016

Producers: ‘Vampire Diaries’ ending after eight seasons FANS of the CW TV show “The Vampire Diaries” are going to have to find something else to sink their teeth into. The show -- which has so far run for seven seasons on the network -- would be finishing after eight seasons, executive producers Julie Plec and Kevin Williamson announced at Comic-Con, the annual nerd-fest that is quickly becoming the forum to announce major popculture news. In an emotional farewell video, Plec and Williamson joined the cast to show their appreciation to their loyal fanbase. In the almost-nine minute video, star Paul Wesley said that being cast in the show had “changed the trajectory of my life, to say the very least.” Williamson said the show originated during a dark time in his life. “Someone had died and I was sort of in grief,” he said. “My best friend Julie was like: ‘you need to work again, you need to write again.’

Beavis & Butt-head is one of the shows returning to television.

MTV Classic bringing back hits from 90s early 2000s The eighth and final season will be 16episodes and will premiere October 21.

And this book came along -- ‘The Vampire Diaries.’” He went on to say there was a parallel in the book with his life because one of the characters, Elena, was also coping with a loss. Other cast members also praised the show and its importance to

shaping them as actors. “The sun, the moon and stars aligned for me one day in March when I got the official call that I had been cast in this very special role,” said Ian Somerhalder, who plays one of the two main male protagonists, Damon Salvatore.

Mad magazine cartoonist Jack Davis dies aged 91 CARTOONIST Jack Davis, the “long-time legendary” artist on the US magazine Mad, has died at the age of 91. Davis, who also created posters for films such as The Long Goodbye and Bananas, was one of the founding artists on the publication in 1952. He contributed to the magazine for several decades, drawing many portraits of its mascot Alfred E Neuman. Mad art director Sam Viviano said Davis’ “immediately recognisable style revolutionised comic illustration”. A spokesman for the magazine, which began as a comic book in 1952, said a list of his “most legendary pieces would run to several pages in length”. He added: “Among his most iconic parodies from Mad’s comic book days are of The Lone Ranger and High Noon. “From the magazine, his notable parodies include spoofs of Raiders of the Lost Ark, Gone with the Wind, and M*A*S*H.” The magazine’s editor John Ficarra said there “wasn’t anything Jack couldn’t do”. “Front covers, caricatures, sports scenes, monsters - his comedic range was just incredible. “His ability to put energy and

GOODBYE VH1 Classic! Say hello to MTV Classic, which is bringing Daria, Laguna Beach, Beavis & Butt-head and more back to your TVs. The rebrand will feature a mix of fan-favourite shows with a focus on 1990s and early 2000s programming. The nostalgia is real. “From Beavis & Butt-head to Laguna Beach, MTV’s programming vault is a music and pop culture goldmine with universal resonance,” Sean Atkins, president of MTV, said in a statement. “MTV Classic gives audiences a modern and artful home for classic MTV programming and—alongside MTV, MTV2, MTV Live and mtvU—rounds out a diverse portfolio with music and youth culture at its core.”

MTV Classic launches Monday, Aug. 1, 35 years to the day that MTV made its debut. The new network will kick off with MTV Hour One, the first programme MTV aired back in 1981. In addition to Daria, Beavis & Butt-head and Laguna Beach, MTV Classic will be home to TRLspecials, MTV Unplugged, Aeon Flux, Pimp My Ride, Cribs, Jackass, Punk’d, Clone High,Wonder Showzen and more. The weekends will be home to marathons of shows like Laguna,Real World and Road Rules. MTV Classic will also be home to movies, converts and music videos from the last three decades of music. Everything kicks off on Monday, Aug. 1. (Eonline)

The play features the children of the main characters from the Harry Potter books.

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child: Further 250,000 tickets to be sold

Davis was one of the original “Usual Gang of Idiots” at MAD magazine, a spokesman said.

motion into his drawings, his use of cross-hatching and brush work, and

his bold use of colour made him truly one of the greats.” (BBC)

A QUARTER of a million extra tickets for the new two-part Harry Potter play are to go on sale. Harry Potter and the Cursed Child has been showing at London’s Palace Theatre since June, but officially opens on Saturday. A further 300 tickets for each show in the play’s current sold-out run - which is due to continue until December 2017 - will be released on 4 August.

It has won five-star reviews and been called “a game-changing production”. The play, written by Jack Thorne, is set 19 years after the seventh and final book in the series by JK Rowling. Presented in two parts and running to more than five hours, it shows the main characters from the books as adults in their mid-thirties as their own children head off to Hogwarts.

July 30 - August 5, 2016


Singer JoJo says she was pressured to inject herself to lose weight SINGER Jojo revealed her record label made her take dietary supplements to lose weight. The early 2000’s hit maker, born Joanna Noëlle Blagden Levesqu, talked to Popsugar about the body image pressures she faced in the music business and was even put on a restrictive diet. “They wanted me to lose weight fast. So they got me with a nutritionist and had me, like, on all these supplements, and I was injecting myself — this is a common thing ‘the girls’ do all the way — it makes your body only need certain calories, so I ate 500 calories a day,” she admitted. “It was the most unhealthy thing I’ve ever done,” the “Leave (Get Out)” singer continued. JoJo, 25, didn’t name the company she was with that pressured her to be thinner, but she noted that she gave in to their demands because she thought her record wouldn’t come out if she didn’t. “I felt like, ‘If I don’t do this, my album won’t come out.’ Which it didn’t! So it’s not like it even worked!” she added. The singer noted that she started the cruel diet around 17 or 18 when she was no longer under her mother’s management and it “messed with her psychologically.” She ultimately gained the weight back and learned not to succumb to the demands of others. However, JoJo did share that she still cares about what other people think — she doesn’t let it make or break her decisions. “What you think about yourself and the decisions you make is what’s most important,” she said. The Massachusetts-native rose to fame after competing on America’s Most Talented Kids in 2003. She was known for such hits like “Too Little Too Late” and “How to Touch a Girl.” She’s now on tour with Fifth Harmony and plans to put out new music soon. (NYDailynews)





Science & Technology

July 30 - August 5, 2016

Jupiter’s great red spot ‘roars with heat’ JUPITER’S Great Red Spot - a hurricane three times bigger than Earth - is blasting the planet’s upper atmosphere with heat, astronomers have found. Using measurements from an infrared telescope in Hawaii, a UK and US team found evidence for temperatures as high as 1,500C hundreds of degrees warmer than anywhere else on the planet. They suggest the hotspot is created by thunderous soundwaves “breaking” in the thin upper reaches of the atmosphere. The research is published in Nature. It arguably solves what planetary scientists had dubbed an “energy crisis” for gas giants like Jupiter: temperatures in their upper atmospheres soar much higher than can be explained by solar energy especially given their vast distances from the Sun. If the mysterious heat were generated by local sources, like Jupiter’s famous storm, then the conundrum would be solved - and these measurements are the first direct evidence of any such activity. Study co-author Dr Tom Stallard, from the University of Leicester, said this was a major step forward in a “20-30 year odyssey” to try and understand heat flow on Jupiter. “Ever since Voyager, we’ve had measurements of the temperature at the top of Jupiter’s atmosphere, and it’s been hot across the whole globe - from the poles, all the way to the

One hour of exercise per day was recommended to counter the “pandemic of physical inactivity”.

The huge storm, seen here by Voyager 1 in 1979, apparently creates a high-altitude hotspot.

Lack of exercise costs world $67.5B and 5M lives a year

equator,” he told the BBC. Jupiter’s enormous, dramatic aurora can explain the heat in the polar regions, but for that warmth to reach the equator would require incredibly dramatic mixing, which modelling studies haven’t been able to support. “There’s no real excuse for it to be so hot,” said Dr James O’Donoghue from Boston University, the paper’s first author. The freshly discovered spike in temperature, detected using a spectrometer at the Nasa Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF) in Mauna Kea, Hawaii, offers a solution. Several hundred km directly above the clouds of the Great Red Spot, the hotspot suggests that highaltitude heat is somehow created by the turmoil beneath. “Several people have argued that it’s likely that the heat comes from below, but the observations have

A STUDY of one million people has found that physical inactivity costs the global economy $67.5 billion a year in healthcare and productivity losses, but an hour a day of exercise could eliminate most of that. Sedentary lifestyles are linked to increased risks of heart disease, diabetes and cancer, researchers found, but activity - such as brisk walking - could counter the higher likelihood of early death linked with sitting for eight or more hours a day. Such inactivity is estimated to cause more than 5 million deaths a year - almost as many as smoking, which the World Health Organization (WHO) says kills 6 million a year. Giving details of their findings at a briefing in London, the international team of researchers warned there has been too little progress in tackling a “pandemic of physical inactivity”. Ulf Ekelund, a professor at the Norwegian School of Sports Sciences

never backed them up,” Dr Stallard said. He and his colleagues don’t know exactly what is causing the heat, but they have some ideas. It could be driven by great Jovian thunderclaps, rumbling upwards from the churning red clouds of the Solar System’s biggest storm. “You get some kind of acoustic event, probably thunder or something like that - or possibly other forms of sound energy - and that propagates directly upwards,” Dr Stallard explained. “That wave will continue going upwards until it reaches a lowerdensity region at the top of the atmosphere, and then it breaks and deposits all that wave energy into the top of the atmosphere, just like waves break on the shore - as the water gets thinner, it’s less able to carry that wave and so it breaks and you see lots of energy.”

and Cambridge University, said that WHO recommendations for at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise a week was probably not enough. A quarter of adults worldwide do not meet even the WHO’s recommendations. “You don’t need to do sport or go to the gym ... but you do need to do at least one hour a day,” he said, giving walking at 5.6 km an hour (km/h) or cycling at 16 km/h as examples of what was needed. People who sat for eight hours a day but were otherwise active had a lower risk of premature death than people who spent fewer hours sitting but were also less active, suggesting that exercise is particularly important, no matter how many hours a day are spent sitting. The greatest risk of premature death was for people who sat for long periods of time and did not exercise, according to the findings, published in The Lancet on Wednesday.

Dutch men and Latvian women revealed as world’s tallest WHEN it comes to height, Dutch men and Latvian women tower over all other nationalities, a study reveals. The average Dutchman is now 183cm (6ft) tall, while the average Latvian woman reaches 170cm (5ft 7in). The research, published in the journal eLife, has tracked growth trends in 187 countries since 1914. It finds Iranian men and South Korean women have had the biggest spurts, increasing their height by an average of more than 16cm (6in) and 20cm (8in). In the UK, the sexes have gone up virtually in parallel by about 11cm (4in). “Mr Average” in Britain is now 178cm (5ft 10in) tall; Ms Average stands at 164cm (5ft 5in).

This contrasts for example with men and women in the US, where the height of the nation’s people started to plateau in the 1960s and 1970s. Over the century, they have seen increases of just 6cm and 5cm (a couple of inches), respectively. Indeed, Americans have tumbled down the rankings. Back in 1914, they had the third tallest men and fourth tallest women on the planet. Today they are in 37th and 42nd place. The height charts are now utterly dominated by European countries, but the data would suggest that growth trends in general in the West have largely levelled out. The smallest men on the planet are to be found in East Timor (160cm; 5ft 3in).

The world’s smallest women are in Guatemala, a status they also held back in 1914. According to the survey data, a century ago the average Guatemalan 18-year-old female was 140cm (4ft 7in). Today she has still not quite reached 150cm (4ft 11in). East Asia has seen some of the biggest increases. People in Japan, China and South Korea are much taller than they were 100 years ago. “The parts of the world where people haven’t got particularly taller over this 100 years of analysis are in South Asia (such as India, Pakistan and Bangladesh) and in sub-Saharan Africa. Here the increase in height is between 1-6cm in those regions,” explained co-author James Bentham from Imperial College London. In fact, in parts of sub-Saharan

Although Dutch men and Latvian women are the tallest, there have been several nationalities that have increased their heights over the years.

Africa, average heights have actually fallen since the 1970s. Nations like Uganda and Sierra Leone have seen a few centimetres come off the height of the average man.

Some of the variation in height across the globe can be explained by genetics, but the study’s authors say our DNA cannot be the dominant factor.

July 30 - August 5, 2016






July 30 - August 5, 2016

946-4664 Fax: 946-4661






Must have thorough knowledge in the floral business with 3-5 years experience.

Call: 231-3788




Is looking for a

Is looking for an

Is looking for a

COSMETOLOGIST / NAIL TECHNICIAN With 5 years experience Should be able to do: • Bridal Styles • Highlights/ Low Lites • Relax • Color • Cut blow dry with brush • Pedicures and Manicures Salary $6.25 per hour



ASSISTANT MANAGER To work 6 days per week salary $3,500 per month.

CONTACT: 244-0065 11814



Is looking for a

• Housekeeping duties to include all aspects of cleaning and keeping the household • Hosting the owners visits and the owners guest being available 24/7 when guest are in house • Cooking a must three meals a day for owners and guest of owners when in house • Working with Contractors and vendors , general gardening ,some maintenance work with Equipment Required to live on Property full time Overtime Expected

KITCHEN DOMESTIC HELPER To work 6 days WORKER per week salary To work 5 days per week salary $6.25 per hour. Contact: 649-243-5791 deadline for application is August 10th, 2016


$6.25 per hour.

CONTACT: 649-345-5305




BERNARD GERBEX Is looking for a



Is looking for a

is looking for a


DOMESTIC WORKER PAINTER To clean, wash and iron must be willing to work 6 days per week salary $6.25 per hour. Contact: 649-341-9816 deadline for application is August 6th, 2016 11868



With at least 3 years experience must be willing to work 5 days per week salary $8.00 per hour. CONTACT: 649-244-5261 DEADLINE FOR APPLICATION IS AUGUST 6TH, 2016 11865

COVE CONSTRUCTION LTD. Wishes to employ the following applicant

HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR • A minimum of five years experience with the appropriate qualification is a must • Applicant must be very proficient, honest and reliable. • Qualify person must be willing to work off island, overtime, weekends and holidays • Clean police record and a valid drivers license is essential Wages starting at $12.00 per hour



to load baggages onto planes must be willing to work 4 days per week salary $6.25 per hour. Contact: 649-331-2015 deadline for application is August 7th, 2016 this position is held by a work permit holder EXPRESS BOOKING & CONCIERGE SERVICES - GRACE BAY Is looking for an




EUROPEAN HAIRSTYLIST • Is looking for a hairdresser for men and women, haircut, styling, color and wedding styles • European training, hair cut and color diploma • 5 years experience • Available to work 9am-7pm weekends and holidays (schedules changes) • Bilingual French or Spanish • Must have own vehicles and a valid driver’s license Salary $1,700 per month. DEADLINE FOR APPLICATION IS AUGUST 5TH, 2016

Is seeking a live-in


To work 6 days per week applicant must be honest, reliable and hardworking salary $6.25 per hour.

CONTACT: MAXIME: 649-946-5093


July 30 - August 5, 2016

CONTACT: 649-243-0471


GRACEWAY SPORTS CENTRE Is looking to employ a qualified group


ACCOUNTING TECHNICIAN to work 5 days per week salary $2,500 per month.

CONTACT: 649-244-0065.

Deadline for application is August 6th, 2016. 11862

The ideal candidate must be certified in other fitness style (Les Mills) with at least ten years of proven experience. Computer proficiency is a must. The remuneration will be commensurate with certification and experience This will be a new position at Graceway Sports Centre. Belongers who meet the requirements are encouraged to apply and will be preferred. Only applicants who meet the requirements will be contacted for interviews. PLEASE FORWARD YOUR APPLICATION TO INFO@GRACEWAYSPORTS.COM OR DROP OFF THE HARD COPY TO GRACEWAY SPORTS CENTRE LOCATED ON LUKER LANE (BEHIND IGA SUPERMARKET). CONTACT: 649-442-6348



Are looking for a

Invites suitably qualified and experienced persons for the position of


Senior Trusts Officer

For the Academic year commencing August 22, 2016. The individual will possess these MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS:

To help with increased client demand

• MUST BE a practicing Born Again Christian • Bachelor Degree in Education or equivalent from an accredited institution • Possess a Teaching Certificate / Diploma • At least five (5) years post qualification Teaching experience • At least two (2) years experience in school Administration • Have a working knowledge of the A-Beka Curriculum COMPENSATION includes: Salary commensurate with qualifications and experience

We are looking for an experienced Trusts professional who has at least 10 years’ experience in a fast paced international Trust business. Coriats use the Viewpoint client and accounting system, and so real and substantial experience of using Viewpoint (version 6 and 7) is essential for the role, and applicants will be required to demonstrate their abilities with Viewpoint as part of the application process.


The role will require experience of managing a team, and working to tight deadlines with international clients and institutions, as well as a strong awareness and significant practical experience of modern Trustee compliance issues, especially AML, US and UK FATCA, and the CRS. The applicant will also be expected to be financially literate, and able to support the Finance Director and Managing Director in managing performance targets for the business.

2 Qualified Teachers

Requirements • Must be a practicing Born Again Christian • Must have at least 5 years teaching experience • Bachelor Degree in Education or equivalent from an accredited institution • Teacher Certificate / Diploma from a recognized Educational Institution. • Must have a working knowledge of the A-Beka Curriculum • Must be familiar with Primary Education within the Caribbean. COMPENSATION includes: Salary commensurate with qualifications and experience

Applicants must have the TEP qualification, and significant (10 years plus) experience in a large international trust company. Salary will be according to age and experience, but will be competitive with other international finance centers, and in a range from US$60,000.00 TO US$90,000.00.

Suitable APPLICANTS can forward Resumes along with copies of Qualifications, two (2) Character References, and a current Police Record to be received no later than August 5, 2016 to:


Applicants who are interested in the role should please send their application and a full C.V. to marked ‘Senior Trusts Officer Application’ as soon as possible. Applicants should copy the Labour Commissioner with their applications. Closing date for applications is August 8th, 2016. This is a new position, and is not occupied by a work permit holder.


The Board of Directors, Community Christian Academy At Community Fellowship Centre, A.O.G. Leeward Highway, P.O. Box 939, Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands Fax: (649) 941-3482. E-Mail:



JAY STUBBS Is seeking a

July 30 - August 5, 2016






Is looking for

Is looking for a




To work Monday – Friday salary $6.25 per hour. CONTACT: 649-231-3184 DEADLINE FOR APPLICATION IS AUGUST 6TH, 2016 11882

To style, cut and color all kinds of hair must have at least 5 years experience in the field must be willing to work 6 days per week salary $6.25 per hour. Contact: 6489-341-9177 deadline for application is August 6th, 2016 this position is held by a work permit holder 11872



InterHealth Canada Construction and Services are holding a job fair and are looking to recruit to the following vacancies within the Facilities Management Departments at Cockburn Town Medical Centre, Grand Turk.

Hospital Porters – Grand Turk

40 hours per week. 5 Shifts per week. Shift patterns include weekends, late shift and night shifts. Responsible for Transporting Patients and Specimen in accordance to Infection Control Policies. Performing all cleaning duties to maintain a clean environment and adhere to cleaning schedules Complies with hygiene, health and safety policies and procedures

Laundry Assistant – Grand Turk

40 hours per week. 5 Shifts per week. Shift patterns include weekends, late shift and night shifts. Carries out general Laundering duties under direction of supervisor. Complies with health and safety standards at TCI Hospitals.

Trainee Duty Manager – Grand Turk

Apprenticeship program including over 2 year period to develop in Facilities role responsible for Operations of Support Services within the hospital environment. Must be educated to Bachelors Degree standard or equivalent. 40 hours per week, salary negotiable dependant on experience.

Security – Grand Turk

Employed by Spence Security, and working in Partnership with Interhealth Canada. Working a roster system. 40 hours plus per week. Must have clean, valid driving licence and have ability to work days, nights and weekend shifts as required. Please bring with you an up to date Curriculum Vitae and 2 forms of ID. Appointments will be made based on successful interview, positive reference check, and clear Police check. Previous experience is preferred, but not essential. Training is provided. BELONGERS ONLY ARE INVITED TO APPLY. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION AND QUERIES, PLEASE CONTACT SHAMIRE MOORE ON TEL: 941-2900 11876

TWO LABOURER Require Part time at $6.5 per hour

TEL: 247 4068


LABOURER LABOURER To work 6 days per week salary $6.25 per hour.

CONTACT: 347-0198

LIVE IN HOUSEKEEPER/ BUTLER • Must be able to live on property full time • All Housekeeping /cleaning and laundry duties • Some Garden and pool maintenance • Must be available 24/7 when Owners and owners guest are on island • Must have valid driving license with no traffic offenses • Must be able to maintain Spread sheets for issues and Maintenance items • Cooking of Three meals when Owners are in house • Work weekends and Holiday if Owners are in house

Monthly Salary to average 6.50 per hour. Belongers need only apply to Barbara Underwood | Tel: 232 2272

To do repairs around the building and keeping the surrounding areas clean must be able to work 6 days per week.

CONTACT: 649-432-2830 11861


NAIL TECHNICIAN To work 6 days per week salary $6.25 per hour Must be able to do acrylic and natural nails. CONTACT: 649-343-4440 DEADLINE FOR APPLICATION IS AUGUST 6TH, 2016 THIS POSITION IS HELD BY A WORK PERMIT HOLDER.






• Source, select and negotiate for the best purchase package • Monitor and coordinate deliveries of items between suppliers • Minimum of eight years experience in purchasing Japanese, European and American auto parts • Must speak fluent Spanish and English • Applicant must be willing to work weekends and holidays Starting salary US $10.00 per hour


• Completing preventive maintenance • Able to use testing equipment • A minimum of six years experience

in repairing Japanese, American and European vehicles • Minimum of six years post technical qualification • Applicant must be willing to work weekends and holidays Starting salary US $10.00 per hour


• Align or replace damaged parts according to manufacturers specification • Assess damage • Repair and/ or replace interior and exterior components • Able to prime and spray vehicles • At least ten years experience • Applicant must be willing to work weekends and holidays Starting salary $10.00 per hour




July 30 - August 5, 2016




P&C Ltd. owns a private villa in Providenciales and is looking for two hard working individuals to work as a Housekeeper and a Maintenance/Building Coordinator at the villa, as a domestic couple. All applicants must speak English, have a valid TCI driver’s license and be fit and able. Applicants are required to live on property and are needed to work six days a week. Applicants for the two separate positions must be able to do the following:-

HOUSEKEEPER General Housekeeping Responsibilities include but are not limited to: • Stone flooring cleaning and polishing as needed • Daily sweeping, mopping, dusting • Window cleaning • Appliance cleaning, filter changing, oven cleaning • Cleaning floors • Cleaning furniture • Making beds and changing and pressing linens • Washing, folding and ironing clothing • Liaise with guests to ensure quality Salary for this position is $2,000.00 monthly.

MAINTENANCE/BUILDING COORDINATOR General Maintenance Responsibilities include but are not limited to: • Oversee regular inspection of security, electronics, buildings and general grounds of the property • Carrying out light handyman work if and when necessary, managing and overseeing of carpentry, plumbing, painting and electrical maintenance on property by service providers • Attending to general landscaping at property and liaising with third party maintenance workers and service providers • General pool maintenance and cleaning in coordination with third party maintenance company • General maintenance and cleaning of outdoor spaces, sweeping walkways, arranging outdoor furniture, upkeep of tennis court • Liaison and point person for security company on-island and all other service providers • Monitor special projects and repairs carried out on property • Oversee pest control program for property • Regular communication with owner to report any changes or damages Salary for this position is $2,000.00 monthly. This advertisement is required for work permit applications for these positions. All suitably qualified TC Islanders are requested to submit resumes/portfolios to PO Box 560, Regent House West, Regent Village, Grace Bay, Providenciales, TCI or send by fax to 946 4663.

Prospective TC Islander applicants are also free to lodge a copy of their applications with the Labour Board.



NATASHA CONSULTANCY Acting on behalf of our clients is looking to fill the following positons:



Contact: 344-3288



Contact: 232-9700






Is looking for a


Contact: 346-1897



To clean the office must be able to work 6 days per week salary $6.25 per hour.

Contact: 341-5723





CARPENTER HELPER Main duties will be Labourer duties. Must be able to speak English, Salary starts at $6.50 per hour. Will have to work 6 days a week. Deadline for applications is August 5, 2016. INTERESTED PERSONS SHOULD SEND APPLICATIONS VIA FAX AT (649) 941-8472 ONLY APPLICANTS SELECTED WILL BE CONTACTED.


EVENTS DIRECTOR AND ASSISTANT TO EXECUTIVE CHEF The Events Director and Assistant to Executive Chef will be responsible for scheduling and labour forecasting, cross promotions and sourcing out additional revenue streams, promotional material to be created and executed; proper accounting and reconciliation of the point of sale, comps and promo tabs managing physical inventory for the front of the house, ordering and costing ,training the front of house staff in fine dining and wine service, positive guest experience and exceeding customer expectations.


• Minimum Five years of kitchen experience, catering high end functions, able to train the kitchen staff to prepare and execute international hors d’oeuvre style cuisine such as tapas and pincho’s for up to 300 guests; • Proficient with Sage Software; • Experienced in menu design, familiar with allergies and food sensitivities; • Certified in health and food safety; • Experienced in expediting the kitchen and delegating a team of up to 30; • Experience in procuring high profile events including pricing, invoicing, profit projections. Salary to commensurate with experience. PLEASE CONTACT:


11919 11915


July 30 - August 5, 2016



B.E.S.T. INSTITUTE (A BAPTIST INSTITUTION) Is seeking suitable candidates for the following positions of:


CENTRAL SECURITY Is looking for a

• Handle cash effectively to ensure all checks and balances • Cleaning of classrooms and all round of other domestic workers/ helpers duties • All applicants for the above-mentioned should be born again Christian preferable of the Baptist faith • Salary $6.25 per hour

Interested individuals should send their application to: The Principal, c/o Board of Governors B.E.S.T. Institute, P.O. Box 498, 250 Bay Road, Blue Hills, Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands 11904




To work 6 days per week salary $6.25 per hour. Contact: 649-941-4466 must be able to work shift work deadline for application is August 16th, 2016. 11916


To work 6 days per week salary $6.25 per hour.

CONTACT: 649-3324686 OR 649-241-5286 11912


Is looking to fill the following positions:

Is looking for a

DOMESTIC SALES CLERK WORKER to work 6 days per week salary $6.25 per hour.

CONTACT: 331-0720



NORTH CAICOS Is looking for a

NAIL TECHNICIAN HAIRDRESSER LABOURER Must be willing to work 6 days per week salary $6.25 per hour contact: 649-241-1742 Deadline for application is August 10th, 2016


LIVE IN CARETAKER/ HOUSEKEEPER • Housekeeping duties to include all aspects of cleaning and keeping the household • Hosting the owners visits and the owners guest being available 24/7 when guest are in house • Cooking a must three meals a day for owners and guest of owners when in house • Working with Contractors and vendors , general gardening ,some maintenance work with Equipment



to work 6 days per week salary $6.25 per hour. Contact: 243-6883 or 245-1239 fax: 649-9467311 this position is held by a work permit holder.

• Simple maintenance/ eg. Painting • Cleaning pool • Monitoring sewage system It will be an advantage if applicant have rudenmentory cooking skills so that additional services may be offered to guest. Basic salary of $600 per month plus a share of villa revenue.



ESSENCE SALON NAIL & SPA Is looking for a

Is looking for a

HAIR STYLIST DOMESTIC Must have at least 5 years experience. Must be willing to work 6 days per week including weekends and holidays. Salary $6.25 per hour.



To work 6 days per week salary $6.25 per hour. Contact: 649-232-2267 deadline for application is August 12th, 2016 this position is held by a work permit holder 11900


To work 6 days per week salary $6.25 per hour Duties: clean up surrounding area, offloading trailers, stocking the shelves. contact: 231-2344 or fax: 649-946-7311 this position is held by a work permit holder


For a private home in Providenciales operated by Josephine Millspaugh. A hardworking person is needed to work six days a week. Applicants must like animals, must speak English and must be fit and able. Remuneration is $6.25 per hour. This advertisement is required for a work permit renewal application for this position.






Is looking for a


Applicant must have the following: Twelve (12) years experience as tug and barge captain Master’s license for a 450 ton tug and barge STCW certificate

to work 6 days per week salary $300.00 per week DUTIES INCLUDE: Cleaning the boat Maintenance Working on the boat.


to work on diesel engines. Must have knowledge of hydraulic system and air starting system I 0 - 12 years experience


to work five (5) days per week. Basic salary

CONTACT: 649-941-5707


To work 6 days per week salary $6.25 per hour. Contact: 649342-3796 deadline is August 16th, 2016.



The applicants should meet the following requirements among others: • Possess a valid food handler’s permit • The ability to read and write English • Must be able to assist in the preparation of healthy meals on a daily basis for over 100 students • Be able to manage the stock and prepare orders

Required for villa in Leeward, applicants should be well presented, physically fit and possess good English language skills, duties will include: • Meet and greet guest • Cleaning villa • Daily housekeeping when occupied • Laundry • Light gardening (tidying and weeding)

CONTACT: 649-331-6363



July 30 - August 5, 2016





JOB VACANCY Clerk / Librarian



• High School Diploma • Five CXC Passes including English and Information Technology • This position requires excellent communication and interpersonal skills • Ability to be resourceful and proactive in dealing with issues that may arise • Ability to organize, multitask, prioritize and work under pressure

Director of Interior Design PERMANENT, FULL TIME


Two (2) years Office experience. Valid Driver’s Licence.


Principal level interior design leader skilled at leading interior design services for high end residential and hotel environments. Exceptional leader with at least ten years of progressive business leadership experience.


Hours of work: Incumbent works approximately 35-40 hrs. per week, Monday to Thursday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Fridays 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.



• Lead design strategy sessions with clients. • Oversee in-house design projects, including as necessary design and specification of certain projects and plans. • Focus on achieving the goals or objectives of the department using available resources (staff and budgetary). • Sets high standards and establishes demanding, but achievable, goals. • Monitors performance to ensure that standards and goals are met. • Builds staff supportive in a positive environment. • Attentive to detail and constantly monitors and controls quality. • Exercises tasteful and aesthetic sensitivity in all product and service matters. • Understands the clients vision and works to synthesize and deliver a product that is consistent with market realities. • Effectively coordinates the design budget to ensure it is complete, accurate, justifiable and accepted with reasonable levels of revision.

• Greeting Clients and Customers. • Receiving and registering incoming correspondence. • Registering and dispatching outbound correspondence. • Communication- receiving and directing incoming calls or any other information that needs dissemination. • Attention to Detail - Performing data processing, writing letters, Scanning/ Photocopying, faxing, courier, sorting mail and filing documents. • Maintaining archive files. • Assessing and managing office miscellaneous items. • Managing the notice board. • Supervising Auxiliary Staff. • Drafting low level correspondence


• Entry of vendor bills/invoices in the accounting software. • Securing all Vendor bills/invoices and any documents relating to such for filing in the accountants office. • Assisting with collections



• Maintains and controls a wide variety of technical publications, documents, records, etc. • Maintaining technical documents printing and distributing in-house documents, maintaining library shelves and files in proper order etc. • Receives amendments to all manuals and ensure prompt and accurate incorporation of such amendments in the appropriate manuals.


Salary Scale: $1,645.00 – $2,045 per month


Please bring all applications to Flowers by Environmental Arts located at U102 Venture House, Grace Bay Road, Providenciales or email to Successful applicants will be notified by phone for interview. Please provide relevant reference from previous employer



This position requires the individual to be the first point of contact for the Authority Head Quarters Office, and will provide administrative support across the organization. The individual will be responsible for the flow of people through the organization and ensure that all assign tasks are completed accurately and in a timely manner.


internally and externally • Ability to report on issues and carry out invoicing duties • Computer literate, able to use and troubleshoot with company software including but not limited to QuickBooks, POS & Inventory Software • Must be willing to work outdoors with irregular hours, may include weekends and holidays • Starting salary $2,500 per month


Location: Grand Turk


• Minimums of 5 years gardening experience on large landscape installations, with knowledge on plants/ chemicals and fertilizer sprays, and be able to work with minimum supervision • Proficient in the use of heavy machinery (backhoe, bobcat, skytrack, crane) • Certification in horticulture – nonnegotiable • Effective communication skills both

• 8-10 years post graduate design experience in a hospitality design firm or similar organization required. • Recent boutique residential / hotel / resort design experience preferred. • Experience on ground up construction of residential or large scale development. • Excellent leadership capabilities, charisma, and communication skills to influence, inspire, and motivate clients and employees around a single vision. • Ability to work collaboratively and communicate with senior management team, while being a self-starter. • Poise and discipline to know when and how to communicate. • Strong financial acumen and bottom-line orientation. • Interpersonal agility with strong analytical and problem solving skills. • Ability to work in a fast-paced, and changeable environment. • Work under pressure while meeting deadlines. • Be prepared to work extended hours as the job dictates necessary. • Physically fir to take on the arduous task of container off loads. • Ability to read and communicate effectively in standard English in written and oral business communications. • Regular and reliable attendance is an essential function of the job.




July 30 - August 5, 2016 MARIE PROPERE


Is looking for a

VACANCIES The following vacancies currently exist within the Turks and Caicos Islands Public Service:

Registrar of The Supreme Court - Salary: $71,400.00 per annum (tax free)

Working under the direction of the Chief Justice, the post-holder will be responsible for the efficient day-to-day operations of the Supreme Court and its Registry. He/She will issue process and ensure due execution of judgments; supervise the administration of cases including setting dates for and issuing hearing notices; ensure that all files are properly maintained; manage the Registry Office and supervise staff and correspond with Attorneys and Litigants.

Senior Deputy Registrar - Salary: $59,552.50 per annum (tax free)

Working under the direction of, and assisting the Registrar, the postholder will be responsible for the efficient day-to-day operations of the Supreme Court and its Registry in Providenciales. He/She will issue process and ensure due execution of judgments; supervise the administration of cases including setting dates for and issuing hearing notices; ensure that all files are properly maintained; manage the Registry Office and supervise staff and correspond with Attorneys and Litigants.

Senior Land Registry Clerk

– Grand Turk - Salary $33,415.00 per annum Assists with the technical and administrative functions in the Land Registry and executes the statutory duties as set out in the Registration of Titles Act and the Registration (Strata Titles) Act and the Regulations made thereunder.

Aide de Camp (Judicial) – Providenciales - Salary: $21,935.00 per annum

The job holder is primarily responsible for providing transportation services and general assistance to the Hon. Chief Justice in performing their official duties. The position requires the incumbent to be a mature, responsible and accountable individual who will be expected to maintain high service standards and be very punctual. The incumbent must be able to pay keen attention to detail and be able to work flexible hours. The candidate must also be physically fit in order to carry out the assigned duties and responsibilities

Tank Attendant

- South Caicos - Salary $14,300.00 per annum The successful candidate will be responsible to manage and operate the water issue points assigned to, by issuing water and collecting associated fees.

Supreme Court Clerk - Providenciales – Salary $26,650.00 per annum

This is an administrative position, which provides support to the Judges of the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court Clerk will serve as the primary clerical support for the Supreme Court Judge. The post holder is responsible for the day to day running of the Supreme Court. This includes sitting in the Judges Courtroom and preparing minutes of the Orders of the Court, being liaison point for jurors and assisting with various administrative duties.

Dental Surgeon

- Grand Turk - Salary $51,147.50 per annum The incumbent in this position will serve as a general dental practitioner responsible for diagnosing and treating patients, and managing and leading a dental team in providing dental services. The job holder is responsible for comprehensive dental care for the Islands. They will oversee the operation of the government dental clinic on either Providenciales or Grand Turk at the Hospitals.

Director of Health, Policy & Planning

HAIRBRAIDER To work 6 days per week must be honest, reliable and hardworking salary $6.25 per hour.

CONTACT: 649-345-5257




UPHOLSTER To work 6 days per week must be able to mend and repair cushions, chairs and drapery salary $6.25 per hour.

CONTACT: 649-341-9561




- Grand Turk – Salary $59,552.50 (for a Period of 6 Months) This is a senior management position with responsibility for leading the Health Policy and Planning Unit. The job holder is also responsible for coordinating the development and implementation of health sector policies, plans, strategies and programmes under the advisement of the MHAHS Director of Health Services, Permanent Secretary, Deputy Secretary and other members of the senior management team. He/she works with MHAHS units/departments to develop, assess and update departmental health policies and plans and aids them in the design and implementation

Assistant Director (Law & Enforcement)

Is looking for a

KITCHEN HELPER To work 6 days per week salary $6.25 per hour.

Contact: 649-241-5690 deadline for application is August 6th, 2016 this is a new position 11884

- DEMA – Salary $41,205.00 per annum

This post supports the Director in terms of the law enforcement of the fisheries, Protected Areas and environment. It is a senior management position with responsibility to oversee the enforcement of environmental and fisheries in the TCI. The Assistant Director supports the Director to carry out strategic planning towards proper management of the protected areas, environment and fisheries.

Primary School Teacher - Grand Turk – Salary $32,041 per annum

This is a professional position which has responsibility for the instruction, supervision and effective provision of the early childhood programme.

Interested persons are asked to visit for job details and the application procedure. We thank all for their interest in joining our team but unfortunately only applicants selected for an interview will be contacted. ALL JOBS AT $26,650.00 PER ANNUM AND UNDER, BELONGERS NEED ONLY APPLY. Closing date 5th August, 2016

TCA HANDLING LTD. Is looking for


Willing to work shift pattern including weekends and holidays must have a valid drivers license and a clean police record salary $7.50 per hour. Submit application to: General Manager, Town Center Mall, Providenciales 11883

July 30 - August 5, 2016

THE ROSE GARDEN THE BIGHT Is looking to fill the following positions:


Is looking for a


• Must know Corel Draw, Illustrator, Photoshop & Sign Plus. • Screen Pritning Artwork, preparation and application • Other duties apply.

CONTACT: 649-241-1429



To work 6 days per week salary $6.00 per hour.

• Duties include cleaning, painting, sign installation and Gardening. • Hours Monday - Saturday: 9pm-6pm. • Must be willing to work extra hours when needed. Experience in the field is a must.


CONTACT: 941-4667


Must be willing to work 5 days per week salary $6.25 per hour.









House in Richmond Hill residential area on a half acre land.

CONTACT: 231-3788

With five years’ experience Able to read drawing Two finish lacquer painters for finish cabinetry. Hourly Rate $7.5 per hour.

TEL: 247 4068 11877





The leading and trusted security company in TCI is in need of personnel to fill up the following position for our expansion.


• • • • • • • • •

Minimum of 5 direct years security supervisor experience Must process a college degree Computer skilled in word 2013, excel, access, outlook and PowerPoint Must have basic security certification certificates in personal safety and other proven security course training certificate Possess excellent verbal and written communication skills (English) Can follow instructions and write comprehensive reports Possess valid driver’s license Must be an excellent team-player Salary range from $2,000.00 to $2,500.00 per month




• Day to day running of brewing and bottling and canning operations • Winemaking and alcoholic malt beverages • Developing quality recipe formulation and ingredients selectionhandling and assessment of raw materials and grains. • Controlling quality of product and keeping the facility and equipment clean and operation. • Equipment maintenance and troubleshooting. • Purchasing of raw materials SKILLS • Strong communications skills • Sound technical knowledge of brewing, winemaking and distilling. • Undertanding of microbiology and aseptic lab technique • Ability to maintain organized records of brew and quality control data • Efficient computer skills. Salary $50000 or commensurate with experience.

• • • • • • •

Minimum of 10 years related experience Must process a degree in business administration and a degree in accountant Minimum of 10 years in accounts programs such as QuickBooks Possess excellent verbal and written communication skills (English) Possess valid driver’s license Must be an excellent team-player Salary range from $3,000.00 to $3,500.00 per month


• Comprehensive resume’ w/ 2 ID photo • Employment certificates from previous employers • Training certificates; Police record & fingerprints


1. Submit resume’ with application letter, employment and training certificates, copy of police record, passport to Spence Security office 2. Wait for Spence Security personnel to contact you for an interview Interested applicants should send resume’ and applicable certificates address to: ‘The Chairmen not later than August 10, 2016 to:

Work Permit Renenwal

Please email resume to Provo Beverages Industrial Park, Providenciales, TCI

SPENCE SECURITY & INVESTIGATION SERVICES, LTD. P.O BOX #73, Caribbean Place, Leeward Highway, Providenciales Email address: 11881


July 30 - August 5, 2016



NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMISSION PARCEL NUMBER 61109/65, LONG BAY HILLS, PROVIDENCIALES Application No. PR 12772 has been submitted to the Department of Planning by LB Ventures Ltd. for consideration of Development Permission for Development of 4 Residential Villa Buildings Comprising of 31 Units, 2 Infinity Pools, Gym and an Entry/ Reception Building. If you wish to make any representations, you may do so in writing to the Director of Planning, South Base, Grand Turk or through the Department of Planning, Town Center Mall, Butterfield Square, Providenciales.

W.C. SECURITY SERVICES Is looking to fill the following positions:


Salary $6.36 per hour



STAVANO ROPER Is looking for a


Caicos Tours is looking for a freediving Tour Guide to entertain and care for guest, both above and below water Candidate will need a good understanding of Reef Ecology, Certifications in freediving, SCUBA & First Aid, a current STCW 95, an extremely professional working attitude and the ability to communicate easily with guests of all ages. The working week is Monday – Saturday including bank holidays, hours are from 8:30am until the boat is cleaned after the last tour of the day. Additional hours may be required on occasion.

Please contact: Caicos Tours on 649-432-0007 for further information. Belongers only need apply


Dated this 20th July, 2016


PAYLESS WAREHOUSE LTD DBA ‘QUALITY FOOD CENTRE’ Is seeking employees in the following categories for a large retail and wholesale Supermarket:


• To assist the Merchandise Buyers in the purchasing of product for inventory stocking of shelves etc. • Make sure the inventory is at the correct and most competitive cost for our customers using the manufacturer’s price lists and set up new inventory in the Mainframe system..


• Receive and disburse money in establishments other than financial institutions. Usually involves use of electronic scanners, cash registers, or related equipment. Often involved in processing credit or debit card transactions and validating checks


Analyze history of the influx and output of products ensuring that they are in place in Particular with products to reorder ensuring a balance between delivery and inventory control etc.


Should be able to lift 50lbs and over and be able to offload containers in record time.

Resumes may be sent to

LABOURERS LABOURER CASHIER To work 6 days per week salary $6.25 per hour.


Salary $6.25 per hour




With a concentration on plumbing, hours from 8am – 5pm Monday – Friday, must be flexible, some weekends may be required. Hourly wages $6 - $8 per hour. Contact: 649-242-1816 between the hours of 4pm – 6pm Tuesday and Thursday ONLY deadline for application is August 10th, 2016

RESORT MANAGER Seeking an experienced Resort Manager to be responsible for management of a small, high-quality resort on Grace Bay. Reporting to the Executive Committee, the successful candidate will be responsible for protecting and enhancing owner investment, ensuring guest satisfaction, creation of the annual operating budget, all operational elements of the resort, leadership and development of staff members, and the efficient management of service providers.


• Manage all physical elements of the resort • Fully understand and enforce the ByLaws of the resort • Manage the performance of all thirdparty service providers • Undertake all Emergency Preparedness planning and training • Create an annual budget and manage to that budget • Inspect the resort regularly to ensure consistent high-quality standards • Monitor mechanical systems and

arrange maintenance as necessary • Maintain positive and productive relationships with all owners • Negotiate contracts with vendors in a timely and reliable manner • Provide leadership and customer service training for resort staff • Accomplish annual goals and report periodically on resort operations • Employ best-practices from competitive properties whenever possible • Manage payroll and undertake limited bookkeeping functions • Provide accurate and timely information to the Resort’s Financial Manager


• Proven effective work experience in a resort environment • Fully understand property management functions • Resort Owner and Guest focus and bottom line orientation • Strong interpersonal, communication, and presentation skills • Well organized with excellent time management skills

Qualified candidates should submit a resume, cover letter, and references by August 17th to:

McKnights International Law Firm, 46 Salt Mills Plaza Grace Bay, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands, B.W.I.



July 30 - August 5, 2016



LOWER BIGHT is looking for a


Is looking for a


CONTACT: 649-432-1480

CONTACT: 341-9177



Is looking for:

Is looking for a




Y.A.3.B CONSULTANCY Acting on behalf of our clients is looking to fill the following positions: PROVO ENTERTAINMENT CENTER



To clean, iron must be willing to work 6 days per week salary $6.25 per hour this position is currently held by a work permit holder. Contact: 649-246-7382 deadline for application is August 16th, 2016



Interested persons should send applications via fax at (649) 941-8472 Only applicants selected will be contacted.



Must be willing to work 6 days per week. Must be trustworthy and reliable. Salary $6.25 per hour. Hours are from 8:00am-4:00pm. Contact: Serge Tuyssuzian at 941-3637 This position is held by a work permit holder deadline for application is August 16th, 2016

Main duties will be Labourer duties. Must be able to speak English, Salary starts at $6.50 per hour. Will have to work 6 days a week. Deadline for applications is July 29, 2016.

To work 6 days per week salary $6.25 per hour.





DUTIES INCLUDE: Painting Up keeping of the building Must be able to work 6 days per week salary $6.25 per hour Position is held by a work permit holder. Deadline for application is August 6th, 2016





Is looking for a
























Must be willing to work 5 days per week alary $6.50 - $8.00 per hour

CONTACT: 344-4540




Must be willing to work 6 days per week salary $6.25 per hour.

2 CLEANERS With experience to work unsupervised must be willing to work 6 days per week 5am-10am belongers only need apply. Contact: 649-341-8806 this position is held by a work permit holder deadline for application is August 6th, 2016

HOUSEKEEPER To work 6 days per week must be able to wash and clean salary $6.25 per hour.

CONTACT: 649-232-7177


MAINTENANCE MAN We are seeking to employ a Maintenance Man with experience in plumbing, electrical repairs, painting, pool maintenance, tool and equipment maintenance, wastewater treatment plants, woodwork and general labour.


OFFICE ASSISTANT Blue Horizon Resort is looking for an experienced office assistant. We are a small resort located on Middle Caicos. This position is one that is available for an immediate start and will initially be part time with the plan to move into a full time position. Initial part time schedule can be flexible hours and work days. • Administrative support to the Manager • Accounts management: Process deposits and payments for reservations • Maintain Accounting processes for resort, reconciling accounts and producing reports.

Salary range for this position isbetween $1300 -1500 per month paid fortnightly, plus service charge.

REQUIREMENTS: • Experience with QuickBooks a must • Proficient in Microsoft Word and Excel • Excellent interpersonal, oral and written communication skills




• Candidate must be able to fluently communicate in English both written and oral. • Must have strong skills in troubleshooting and repair of electrical, plumbing and general maintenance issues. • Candidate must be able to work on their own and complete task in a timely manner. • Candidate must be prepared to work weekends and holidays, be on-call some evenings and live on property. • Must be proficient in using the computer.





July 30 - August 5, 2016

Digicel prides itself on its customers and people. As the number 1 provider of Mobile, TV and Broadband to both Consumers and Businesses here in TCI, we are always looking for the best local talent who will put our customers at the heart of everything they do. As part of our continuing success we are looking for the next cream of the crop. Are you passionate about customers and going 10 out of 10 every day. Interested in technology in a fast paced rewarding environment. Then Digicel is the place for you!

Digicel prides itself on its customers and people. As the number 1 provider of Mobile, TV and Broadband to both Consumers and Businesses here in TCI, we are always looking for the best local talent who will put our customers at the heart of everything they do. As part of our continuing success we are looking for the next cream of the crop. Are you passionate about customers and going 10 out of 10 every day. Interested in technology in a fast paced rewarding environment. Then Digicel is the place for you!



REPORTS TO (TITLE): Head of Business Sales & Service


The ICT Service Delivery Engineer is responsible for the rollout of DIA, Fixed Voice, Cloud network elements and delivery of other services to our customers. The job holder will implement DIA, fixed voice and cloud services in line with the appropriate process and procedures in order to sustain the highest quality of services in a manner consistent with agreed SLA and business objectives. The Engineer is responsible for ensuring that all service delivery targets are achieved by engaging all key stakeholders such as, ICT Sales, ICT Operations, Technical Department, Facilities Department and Contractors in accordance with internal SLA’s and KPI’s.


• Attend technical meetings with internal and external stakeholders • Conduct pre-installation site surveys to ensure all is in place for actual installations • Installation of hardware and software to support DIA, Fixed Voice and Cloud technologies • The provisioning of services for related DIA, Fixed Voice and Cloud technologies • Prepare Scope of Work (SOW) documents for all installations • Ensure Acceptance Test Plan (ATP) are executed at the end of each installation and signed by customer • Ensure that Customer Acceptance Form (CAF) and Customer Premise Equipment Form (CPEF) are signed by customer at the end of each installation. • Maintain a database of customer installations which includes device inventory, SOW, network diagrams, circuit diagrams, software licenses and ATP. • Ensures that services are delivered to customers in a timely and professional manner. • Ensure that all DIA, Fixed Voice and Cloud elements are implemented with appropriate level of security, and interfaces to allow for full surveillance and remote monitoring. • Liaise with ICT/Business Services Management team to ensure timely, accurate and professional delivery of services. • Provide timely and accurate reports as per business requirement.


• Computer Science or equivalent with at least three (5) years experience in IP & Data technology. • Cisco CCNA/CCDA Required • Cisco CCNP Voice or Check Point CCSA will be an asset


The individual must have practical experience with: • Installation and configuration of Cisco Routers/Switches/IP PBX, Mitel, Avaya, Nortel IP PBX/Legacy PBX, Check Point and/or Cisco Firewall, Wireless Routers/ Access Points, Voice Gateways and Analog Terminal Adaptor • Functional operations, maintenance of Video and VoIP technologies. • Network Security. • Structure and operation of Internet gateway links. • Network planning, engineering and development. • Report writing


• Project management of medium to large projects, preferably rolled out to users across multiple sites • Growing trends with technology especially in the areas of DIA, Fixed Voice and Cloud technology. • Analytical and performance reporting/generating tools. • Electronic requisitioning and work-flow based approval systems • SLA development and performance management tools. • Knowledge of OS such as Linux/Unix and Windows is an asset.

Salary ranges from $54,000.00 – 66,000.00. Interested applicants can forward their resumes to . The closing date for applications is August 19th, 2016

This position reports to the Core Network Manager and is responsible for the real-time management of all VAS, MPLS, HSPA/LTE Core (Mobile packet core), Cable TV; Broadband IP based networks with specific emphasis on the MPLS core networks. The incumbent will design and maintain all internal MPLS networks and Cloud based Corporate MPLS networks. He or she will assist in the design and implementation of all MPLS networks for corporate customers and manage and maintain Policy and Charging Infrastructure. He or she will provide first-line identification and resolution of faults, and ensure that all required documentation is maintained in a timely basis.


• Responsible for the design, installation and support of all Packet Core and IP based systems to support the technical operations of the business. • Design IP Numbering an addressing schemes, Development, Configuration and Implementation of IP based systems • Perform dimensioning and capacity planning of IP network • Design, manage and implement all MPLS core networks for all technologies. • Planning, designing and management of all Mobile Packet Core technologies. • Management and maintenance of all Packet Core systems which include, Ericsson SGSN-MME, EPG, Ericsson Mobile Packet Backbone Network (MPBN) for LTE, WCDMA, DNS and AAA. • Responsible for operation and maintenance of all Policy and Mobile Data Billing Systems • Responsible for all IP based systems, which include Cisco network devices (Routers and Switches), SUN Solaris/Linux servers, Checkpoint and Juniper Firewalls to ensure their high availability. • Managing and coordinating activities that involves updates and changes by external partners in including Roaming and ISP upstream providers. • Develop and schedule preventative and corrective maintenance policies and procedures, such as regular backups, spares inventory, to ensure high availability of all VAS and IP based systems. • Ensure that Digicel TCI continue to operate on secure local and wide area networks with the implementation of VPN technologies and firewall policy management • Ensure that network metrics are closely monitored (QoS and KPIs) and captured so as to provide proactive network management, as well as regular feedback on network performance in the form of reports to management • Provide IP Support to other departments and external parties as required DESIRED SKILLS AND EXPERIENCE: • MPLS certified or trained with relevant experience in managing and implementing MPLS networks • In-depth knowledge of switching, routing, technologies, DNS, MPLS, Mobile data LTE, WCDMA, GSM • In-depth knowledge and experience with UNIX and/or Linux systems. • Knowledge of ISP/Service provider IP configurations • Design, implementation and operational knowledge of network security (VPN, firewall management, intrusion detection) • CCNA, CCNP certification and Solid hands on experience with Cisco devices


• 5-7 years’ experience in VAS and IP based network design, implementation and administration • Minimum of a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Sciences.

Salary ranges from $60,000.00 – 72,000.00. Interested applicants can forward their resumes to hrtci@ . The closing date for applications is August 19th, 2016

July 30 - August 5, 2016



PAYLESS WAREHOUSE LTD DBA ‘QUALITY FOOD CENTRE’ Is seeking employee in the following category for a large retail and wholesale Supermarket:

ASSISTANT MANAGERS DIRECTOR OF CONSTRUCTION To Train store staff by reviewing and revising orientation to products and sales training materials; delivering training sessions; reviewing staff job results and learning needs with retail store manager; developing and implementing new product training.





Sailrock Contracting Limited is seeking a Director of Construction to reside in South Caicos and oversee all construction activities carried out by the Sailrock Development. The employee will be responsible for acting as Owner’s representative during construction of infrastructure, hospitality and residential components of Sailrock Development. His responsibilities include managing and supervision of architects, engineers, contractors, vendors and all construction activity; to provide oversight and supervision of Green Building practices, good construction environmental controls and best practices; to develop and implement a quality assurance program; to manage project controls and pay requests including change order management; and to assist in the development and ongoing updating of project schedules. Day-to-day activities include, but are not limited to:


All positions involve strenuous physical labour, which requires being able and willing to perform heavy lifting, and other physically demanding functions. Must be able to speak English fluently. Preference will be given to someone with previous resort experience.

• Develop detailed construction budget for each component of project: including infrastructure, first phase of Hotel, stand alone villas, and RO plant • Develop detailed construction schedule indicating milestones, durations and dependencies for each component of project. • Develop action plan for mitigation of site issues, delays, procurement strategies and quality control • Develop bid packages for Hotel, Villa and R/O plant and Villa components (hotel component already out to bid) • Review construction bids. Assist in evaluating bids and prepare a qualified tabulation for review and approval • Develop a list of value engineering recommendations and review/comment on those VE recommendations provided by others • Assist in preparation, review and negotiation of Contractor(s) agreement • Secure insurance certificates and other required contractor documentation prior to start of construction

All applicants must be able to present a clean Police Record if offered a position. Wage commensurate with experience. Individuals must be willing to work holidays and weekends on a flexible schedule dictated by business demands.

Construction On-site Representative



Applications available at Ocean Club or Ocean Club West. Only those receiving an interview will be contacted. 11870

HOUSEKEEPER Point Grace is currently seeking Housekeeping staff. We are looking for a trained and enthusiastic housekeeper to join our team. The successful candidate will have several years experience in this position in a luxury hotel. Ability to work well under pressure and good communication skills, including excellent English, are essential; must have a pleasant and outgoing personality. In addition to regular housekeeping duties, the jobs include, turndown service, shifts in laundry, and common areas. Must be willing to work evenings, weekends and holidays. Wages range: $6.25 to $7.00 per hour (commensurate with experience), plus service charge Belongers need only apply

Please apply in writing to: Point Grace, PO Box 700, Grace Bay, Providenciales. Email: Fax: 946-5097

• Act as Owner’s representative on South Caicos managing and providing daily oversight of all construction activities with a critical path and quality control focus. • Meet daily with contractors to review progress relative to contract construction schedule, discuss open items and delivery of items required for future work. • Provide daily oversight of quality control. Identify and discuss with Owner action plans for any observed deficiencies in the work or potential change in scope • Provide weekly written progress updates specifically noting schedule and budget status as well as indentifying critical path decisions required. • Manage accounting associated with pay requests, pencil draws and final pay applications. • Conduct weekly progress meetings with Owner to discuss progress, budget and critical path items • Coordinate with contractor(s) to ensure delivery of all materials in accordance with project schedule. This may include reviewing orders, tracking shipment and ensuring delivery of both Contractor-supplied and Owner-supplied materials. • Review and authorize pay requests, change orders • Manage accounting associated with pay requests, pencil draws and final pay applications. • Review and approve submittals, including shop drawings, as required • Schedule and document required government inspections during construction • Prepare initial punch list and maintain log of completed items. • Monitor contractor’s progress towards completion of punchlist • Collect and maintain all project closeout documents including guarantees, manuals, record information, etc • Work with contractor to ready buildings for occupancy • Coordinate delivery and installation of all FFE and OSE • Maintain all insurance certificates and other required documentation Employer: Sailrock Development Limited Please submit applications to Sarah Bedford c/o Mike O’brien W104 Venture House Grace Bay, Providenciales P: 312-376-2027, F: 312-376-2056 Interested Turks and Caicos Islanders must also submit copies of their application to the TCI Work Permit Board. Position currently held by work permit holder. 11919



July 30 - August 5, 2016

July 30 - August 5, 2016




July 30 - August 5, 2016


Sports Interational NBA players vote to fund health insurance coverage for retired players

The current NBA Players Association President Chris Paul said: “All the players in our league today recognise that we’re only in this position because of the hard work and dedication of the men who came before us”.

IN an unprecedented move, the NBA Players Association will be offering retired players with at least three years of experience health insurance through a program funded by the league’s current players. This is the first time a North American professional sports union has created a

programme to provide benefits to former players using money from active ones. The vote was unanimous, according to the NBA press release. The plan involves a tiered coverage programme for players with varying years of experience, including

coverage for the spouses of those with 10 years or more of service. The biggest beneficiaries, however, will likely be the retired players with between three and six years of experience who are not eligible for Medicare. “The game has never before

been more popular, and all the players in our league today recognise that we’re only in this position because of the hard work and dedication of the men who came before us,” said NBPA President Chris Paul. “It’s important that we take care of our entire



Applicant must be self-directed, independent, and have the ability to work 7 days/week. Applicant must have 4 years real estate sales and marketing experience with luxury properties. Applicant must own a car, computer, and mobile device, and have the ability to travel to meet clients/investors. Position is non-salaried, commission-based only. Interested applicants please call Mr. Bonrud at (649) 431-4542 until August 1, 2016. 11907





Deckhand, cleaner, maintain the general cleanliness of the grounds and facilities of the Marina area and assist on boats with freight handling and luggage. This position requires living on Pine Cay. Starting salary: $6.25-$7.25 /hr. Interested applicants who are islanders should apply with the Labour Board and Email your resume to The Meridian Club at, phone: 941-7011. This position is currently held by a work permit holder.


July 30 - August 5, 2016

Sports National extended NBA family, and I’m proud of my fellow players for taking this unprecedented step to ensure the health and wellbeing of our predecessors.” The decision is just the latest the NBPA has taken to insure the well-being of its former members. In the past, the NBPA, in conjunction with the league, issued a cardiac screening programme to look for early detection of



heart conditions, something that afflicts a lot of former NBA players. While that was a valuable service, it can’t compare with the coverage they will get now that they will receive health insurance funded by current members of the association. “I couldn’t be more proud of Chris, our Executive Committee and our entire membership,” said Executive

Director of the NBPA Michele Roberts. “Providing health care security for players who came before them has been on the players’ minds for the past year and they worked closely with us to make it happen.” The open enrolment period for retired players would begin this fall, with coverage beginning on Jan. 1, 2017. (Sbnation)


CONTACT: 246-3508/ 231-3788 OR 946-4894


WE, MERIDIAN MORTGAGE CORPORATION LTD., of P.O. Box 599, Level 2, La Vele Plaza, Grace Bay, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands, under the powers contained in a Collateral Debenture dated the 26th day of November, 2013 made between Club Nowhere Ltd. and Meridian Mortgage Corporation Ltd. in pursuance of and the exercise of the power conferred on us by the said Collateral Debenture, HEREBY GIVE NOTICE THAT KEITH D BURANT of Level 2, La Vele Plaza, Grace Bay, Providenciales Turks and Caicos Islands, was on the 13th day of July, 2016 appointed as Receiver of Club Nowhere Ltd. Dated this the 13th day of July, 2016 MERIDIAN MORTGAGE CORPORATION LTD

PUBLIC NOTICE BELONGER STATUS APPLICATION (Section 3 (6) of the Immigration Ordinance)

Take Notice that I, Peter Beckingham, Governor of Turks and Caicos in exercise of the powers conferred on me by section 3(6) of the Immigration Ordinance intend to grant a Certificate of Belonger Status to ERIC MARFO OBENG by virtue of marriage to a Belonger. PETER BECKINGHAM



TECHNICAL PRE SALES ENGINEER DIRECT REPORT TO THE HEAD OF BUSINESS SALES PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF THE JOB: The Technical Pre Sales Engineer will be responsible for the management and deployment of ICT solutions. They will work with the Business sales team to provide technical solutions and products. This will include but not limited to Cloud based Corporate networks, PBXs, DIA, and to assist in the design and implementation. They will provide first-line identification and resolution of faults, and ensure that all required documentation is maintained in a timely basis.


• Developing relationships with TCI Business’s and Government ICT departments with Digicel’s Business Solutions ICT Team • Provide consultancy, design and development services to Digicel’s Corporate Clients • Support the ICT Solutions Sales team on all technical Sales Opportunities • Act as a technical resource to both internal and external clients • Drive multi service ICT revenues on multi year contracts for Business Voice, Data VPN, Internet, Data Hosting, IP PBX services. • Work with internal and external resources to develop solutions for corporate clients • Interface directly with customers on technical issues where necessary • Attend customer sites and present on Digicel capabilities and future plans • Assist in the design of networks, services, systems architecture, systems as well as the development and integration of overall solutions • Activities will include analysis, design (both for high and lower level solutions), development, testing/integration and maintenance/support • Complete CRM and prospecting reports for the ICT Solutions Manager


• • • • •

Minimum of a Bachelors Degree in Computer Sciences. Minimum of 5 years experience in IT/IP and ICT. CCNA, CCDA certification and Solid hands on experience with Cisco devices. Experience with PBXs and IP Voice Gateways. In-depth knowledge of LAN and WAN technologies specifically switching and routing.

Salary ranges from $42,000.00 – 66,000.00. Interested applicants can forward their resumes to hrtci@digicelgroup. com . The closing date for applications is August 19th, 2016


Sports National

July 30 - August 5, 2016


TCIGA excited about junior golf – Wants to build on outstanding regional performance BROOKE Rivers’s excellent performance at the Caribbean Amateur Junior Golf Championships in Barbados earlier this month proves that the TCI has what it takes to dominate the sport at the regional level and other youngsters are asked to follow in her footsteps. The 11-year-old finished tied for first place with Barbadian Emily Odwin in the U14 age division in TCI’s debut at the regional tournament. President of the TCI Golf Association Fraser Dods said that the: “TCI Golf Association and the Provo Golf Club would be thrilled to have more and more young local kids show interest in golf, and join our programmes so that we might continue to grow this great lifetime sport.” The TCIGA in conjunction with the staff at the Provo Golf Club re-invigorated the junior golf programme this year with 10 local junior golfers completing two, sixweek clinics. Dods pointed out that the goal of the programme was to inspire the juniors to take their game to a higher level. “Golf is a difficult sport that doesn’t have shortcuts – it is not like basketball where if you are tall, or in track where if you are fast, you have natural advantages. Golf takes hundreds and hundreds of hours to become a decent player, so the local kids who have shown interest and have received great instructions from the Provo Golf

The historic TCI team: Gregg Rivers, manager (top), Agustina Rebolledo (left), Kurt Rivers (middle) and Brooke Rivers (right).

Brooke Rivers (right) with Trevor Tasker, president of the Barbados Golf Association (middle) and Barbadian Emily Odwin (right) at the award ceremony.

Club are just starting the process of becoming players capable of playing in the Caribbean Junior Championships.” At the tournament played at the Barbados Golf Club, the 11-yearold and fellow teammates Kurt Rivers and Agustina Rebolledo were competitive against players

before the final hole. Nine-year-old Kurt, the youngest player at the tournament, also represented the Rivers name after finishing just outside the top 10 in the U14 boys’ division. Rebolledo ended in a respectable 8th place, competing in the girls’ under-14 division.

from the Bahamas, Barbados, the Cayman Islands, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Trinidad and Tobago, and the USVI. Brooke, who finished with 254 strokes over the three-day tournament, led after the opening day and was leading by one stroke

The TCI junior golf team and their parents through a release indicated that Bordier Bank, Provo Golf Club, Royal Jewels, The TCI Junior Golf Fund (Herzog/ JACA/Chuck Musgrove), and The TCI Golf Association were instrumental in getting the team to the championships.

Burey, not Nacius won PPL Golden Boot AFC Academy forward Raymond Burey was this week adjudged the winner of this season’s Provo Premier League (PPL) Golden Boot award after a count back. Initially Samuel Nacius (Full Physic), who exploded in the last league game with seven goals, was awarded the title, but due to a formatting issue, a match report

was not registered by the league and Burey’s two additional goals were not recorded. The 18-year-old told the Weekly News that he was: “Very grateful to win the award. “My teammates and my coaches played a great role in this, because without them I couldn’t have gotten it.”

Raymond Burey won his first Golden Boot after the count-back.

In the official table Burey ended with 23 goals (17 from the League and six from the Cup), while Nacius finished with 22 (21 from the League). Barrington Somers (Beaches) finished third on 15, while Jeanlis Job, Lenford Singh and Markenly Amilcar were tied for fourth with 10 goals each.

July 30 - August 5, 2016

Sports National



Guerrier clocks 25.16s at World U20 Championships NATIONAL sprinter Akia Guerrier clocked 25.16s when she competed in last week’s IAAF World U20 Championships in Bydgoszcz, Poland. Nerves, the condition and the enormity of the meet might have played a part in her 200M race. Although placing eighth, it was not far away from the semi-finalists. “Experience was good. I didn’t do how I wanted,” the 17-year-old related to the Weekly News. If the national 200M record holder had run her 2016 CARIFTA Games time of 24.12s, she would have qualified for the semi-finals. Guerrier will get another chance to compete in the event, when it’s held in July of 2018 in Finland. Akia Guerrier enjoyed her experience at the World U20 Championships.


Flyers dethrone Lions to win title

Delano Williams is counting down the days to next month’s Olympics.

Williams will reach Rio this weekend – Set to compete on August 19 TCI’s first Olympian Delano Williams will leave Great Britain this Saturday for the 2016 Rio Olympics. The 22-year-old will be encamped from Sunday, but will not run the 4X400M heats until August 19. Williams, who will be living his boyhood dreams, said that he is

“looking forward to competing in the Olympics”. The Grand Turk born ran constant splits of 44.7s in the heats and 44.8s in the final of European Championships earlier this month, which earned his team a bronze medal.

A pumped up Flyers junior team, armed with a competent coaching line-up dethroned the TCIPS Lions when the Provo Amateur Basketball Association (PABA) held its second annual Mallory McCormish 19-and-under tournament at the Gus Lightbourne Sports Complex court last week. Keith Cox and Triple Double Basketball Program coaches: Jon Wynn and Dwyane Krzanowski called the plays from the side-lines, while team captain Justin Missick and his squad executed on the court for a nine point win—54-45. Terventé (Treeco) Williams led the winners with an MVP performance of 17 points, two rebounds, three assists and two steals, while Missick added 16 points and four rebounds and Quinn Higgs 13 points. The Lions were led by the experience and dynamic Darly Francois, who had a game high 20 points and five boards. Leading up to the competition, the Lions were heavily favoured to retain the title, but the eventual champions put in the hours. Wynn and Krzanowski spent their Saturday and Sunday evenings training the team from 17:00h to sunset. Every Wednesday morning, for weeks prior to the tip off, the side did beach conditioning sessions. It was Missick, who wanted the

The Flyers bounced back to beat the Lions in the final, after losing to them on the third day of play.

services of the coaches since he had good experiences with them during his time with the Rising Stars Basketball Club. In a release from the Triple Double Basketball Program, Missick was quoted as saying: “Coaches Jon and Dwyane are two of the most well rounded men I’ve ever met.” “Their hard work goes without question as it was a great joy working with them.” A few other players also spoke great things about the coaches, including Higgs. Both coaches also heaped praises on the players: “We’re extremely proud of these young men,” said

Wynn. “The level of respect they had for us, each other, and the sport of basketball defines what it means to display good sportsmanship.” “It was an honour to be picked by these young men. Even though we’re relatively new to the coaching scene in Turks and Caicos, the fact that they had faith in us to guide them to victory means a lot,” said Krzanowski. The two coaches can be found every Saturday at the Graceway Sports Centre from 08:00h to 10:30h training the next generation of players as the directors of the PABA’s Triple Double Basketball Program.



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July 30 - August 5, 2016





July 30 - August 5, 2016

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