Weekly News Volume 32 | No. 26| June 30 - July 6, 2018
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DRUNK DRIVERS ‘Don't drive and drink’ will be even more strictly enforced from Sunday (July 1) when officers of the Royal TCI Police Force will be out on the roadways with breathalysers. PAGE 5 Governor Dr John Freeman meets with officers of the Royal Navy who arrived on board RFA Mounts Bay
June 30 - July 6, 2018
June 30 - July 6, 2018
June 30 - July 6, 2018
Government launches job registration drive BY OLIVIA ROSE IN A bid to link job seekers and companies, the Employment Services Department has launched a Summer Job Registration Drive to take place throughout the TCI. There will be 18 opportunities to register with the department for free. All unemployed people and those seeking new employment are encouraged to attend. Hon Sean Astwood, Deputy Premier and Minister of Border Control and Employment, spoke at a press conference on Tuesday (June 26) at the Office of the Premier. He said although the drive is dubbed ‘summer registration’ it seeks to ensure people are permanently employed. It was launched to coincide with the return of university graduates and high school graduates who are in search of employment. Minister Astwood explained that the job drive will also assist those seeking better opportunities and more stable occupations in various fields.
“So it is permanent employment that we are seeking for you and we are trying to get as many persons in the country as possible who are interested in finding jobs, who are actively seeking a job, that we have that information that can allow us to make that connection with potential employers who are looking for persons. “It allows companies to get the necessary workforce that they need,” he added. Minister Astwood said his ministry is still in the process of compiling how many jobs and in what sectors are available. “We have requested from the different developers who are well into the process of their development - that is they have already gotten development agreements and already broken ground - to get for us their business staffing plan that will allow us to know exactly the number. “Now, we have already gotten some of that information but we are compiling it and soon we will get that information out the public.” Acting Deputy Commissioner of
Labour Commissioner Edwin Taylor, Hon Sean Astwood, Deputy Premier and Minister of Border Control and Employment, and Acting Deputy Commissioner of Labour Alpheus Smith (photo by Magnetic Media)
Labour, Alpheus Smith, speaking at the press conference urged all unemployed people to get registered. He said that the main aim is to ensure every Turks and Caicos Islander is gainfully employed. However, he stressed that while the ministry has a role to play the onus is upon the individual to show up for the interviews when they are arranged by the Employment Services. “When we set up the interviews, we would like to encourage them to show up to the interviews,” Smith said. “History shows that if ten persons were listed for an interview, sometimes only three show up. “Then the same persons who didn’t show up for the interview they two weeks later show up at our office, still looking for a job. “These are some of the challenges
we are faced with.” The employment registration drive which will also furnish the department with critical data on the unemployment rate in the territory. Commissioner of Labour Edwin Taylor said currently 105 people are on the unemployment register of the Turks and Caicos Islands. “The real, genuine unemployment number is consistently appearing to us over these last few months as we dig deep into the numbers to be really a lot lower than what has always been floated.” He said the statistics reflected in the National Skills Audit included illegal migrants. “Part of our efforts this year in doing the registration drive is to come up with an accurate figure. “It’s our estimation that we are somewhere around below three percent, even below two percent
[unemployment rate] because if we look at our current registration we are under 120. “So if you have 105 persons unemployed based on our statistics, that is a very low figure.” The Employment Services Department team hosted the first two drives in Grand Turk on Tuesday (June 26) and in South Caicos on Thursday (June 28). A further 16 registration drives will take place across the territory throughout the summer. People are being reminded to bring the necessary documents. These include passport or status card, naturalisation certificate, Belonger certificate, PRC certificate, spousal resident card and a resume. More information is available from the Employment Services Department on 338-4560 or 3384084.
Published by Turks & Caicos News Company Ltd. Cheshire House, Leeward Highway, Providenciales P.O. Box 52, Turks & Caicos Islands, BWI W. Blythe Duncanson - Publisher/Editor-in-Chief Olivia Rose - Senior Reporter Faizool Deo - Sports Editor (At Large) Cord Garrido-Lowe - Graphics Consultant (At Large) Dilletha Lightbourne-Williams - Office Manager Email: (Advertising) tcnews@tciway.tc, (News) tcweeklynews@gmail.com Tel. 649-946-4664 (office), 649-232-3508 (after hours) Website address: www.tcweeklynews.com Follow us on: Facebook: facebook.com/tcweeklynews Twitter: twitter.com/tcweeklynews1 Ministry launches Summer Job Registration Drive to increase employment
June 30 - July 6, 2018
RTCIPF officers undergoing breathalyser training this past week
US trainer working with a local cop during breathalyser training
Breathalysers come into effect this Sunday BY DELANA ISLES ‘DON’T drive and drink’ will be even more strictly enforced from Sunday (July 1) when officers of the Royal TCI Police Force will be out on the roadways with breathalysers. Police on the islands of Providenciales and Grand Turk will be provided with the new machines to begin testing of drivers whom they have good reason to believe may be intoxicated and to conduct standard testing of anyone involved in a road traffic accident. At a later date, the machines will also be provided to police on North Caicos, South Caicos and Salt Cay, and wherever else there may be a need. It is strictly against the law for a driver to refuse a roadside breath test
when asked by an officer, and if he or she does they will be penalised. The following are the prescribed limits for each alcohol consumption test, as it relates to breath, blood, or urine: 35 micrograms of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath; 80 milligrams of alcohol in 100 millilitres of blood; or 107 milligrams of alcohol in 100 millilitres of urine. Police have not provided a unit per alcohol that a driver can consume without being over the limit, but as obtains in the US, UK and other parts of the world where the prescribed limits are the same as what has now been introduced in the TCI, the 80mg or the famous .08 limit allows a man of average height and weight to drink as many as four units of alcohol, or two pints of normal-strength beer, and still remain within the law.
Women of average height and weight may drink three units, the equivalent of a large glass of average strength wine. These units vary from person to person and should not be taken as law. On Tuesday (June 26), police men and women continued their training in the calibration techniques of the new breath testing equipment by professional trainers from the United States suppliers. The training is being conducted by Trainer Mark Gilmer of Intoximeters Inc from Louisiana in the US. Gilmar and his team started the training on Monday and they will be conducting more sessions over the coming weeks with the local officers. Gilmar told the media, who were invited to observe the training course,
that while the machines are new to the local guys, they do understand how it works from their visits to other countries where breathalysers have been in effect long before the TCI. He also stated that the feedback from the officers has been very positive, with many commenting on how accurate the devices can be. Thirty mobile roadside tester kits and four evidential machines have been procured to aid the police force in its work to curb the seemingly rising incidents of driving while under the influence across the territory. While the RTCIPF does not have the statistics to ascertain whether road accidents are caused by drunk or drink driving, Commissioner of Police James Smith who also spoke
with the media, said that since 2004 his department has observed a doubling of road accidents. He stated that in the past drivers could have refused to give a blood test, when requested by the officers. But added that the law now provides that anyone who is involved in a road traffic accident will have to provide a breath test. He also spoke about the new process and the training of his officers. “We have operators trained to do the roadside tests, to the evidential test in the station. “There’s a lot of technology here so they need to understand how the machines work and make sure they can keep them in good operating CONTINUED
June 30 - July 6, 2018
A ‘MORE RESILIENT’ TERRITORY Governor John Freeman delivering his throne speech in the House of Assembly
Government promises to improve healthcare BY OLIVIA ROSE
IN AN effort to ensure the public has access to affordable, quality healthcare services, the Government plans to place significant emphasis on strengthening the sector. Governor John Freeman during his throne speech on June 18 in the House of Assembly, said that primary healthcare continues to be a priority. “The Government is committed to ensuring that health systems contribute to health equity leading to universal access of all residents in the Turks and Caicos Islands,” he read. He pointed out that efforts are also being made to reorganise health services around people’s needs and expectations thereby producing better outcomes. Governor Freeman underscored the need for integrating public health actions in all policies and sectors. He further stressed the need for the populace to adopt healthy lifestyle practices as fundamental to the overall approach to health and wellness across the territory. The Government has begun the development and implementation of strong community-based health promotion and disease prevention policies, programmes and public awareness campaigns, he said. These promote the vision of a healthier and empowered people by encouraging them to make smart food choices and engage in regular physical activity. “The Government accepts as true that good nutrition is an important part of leading a healthy lifestyle, and that when it is combined with physical activity, it can help persons reach and maintain a healthy weight, reduce risk of chronic diseases (like heart disease, hypertension, type two diabetes, osteoporosis, and certain types of cancer), and promote overall health.” The Government has also adopted a School Nutrition Programme and will finalise an implementation strategy in the near future. In highlighting the important role
sports and other physical activities play in promoting healthy lifestyles, Governor Freeman said the Government will place more focus on the development, upgrading and renovating of the sporting facilities throughout the territory. “The Government will develop and revise legislation pertaining to sports development, healthy lifestyles, and nutrition,” he added. “The Government believes that sports, games, and physical activities are very essential to maintain health and physical fitness.” TCIG has embarked on a number of initiatives to develop and promote sports and the athletes involved with it. TREATMENT ABROAD PROGRAMME Prioritising primary healthcare will in turn reduce the financial burden on the Treatment Abroad Programme which has skyrocketed over the years due to the prevalence of noncommunicable diseases in the TCI. Governor Freeman said: “The Government recognises that the demand for accessing specialised and advanced healthcare outside the country continues to be in high demand. “The Government believes that a balance can be achieved between quality and cost for this treatment abroad. He said the Government has already embarked on reviewing the Treatment Abroad Policy and conducted meetings with health providers for achieving the best possible health outcomes at the best possible cost. “This work towards a new Treatment Abroad Policy will be completed by the third of the year.” The Government has also committed to increasing access to healthcare by taking it to the people and strategically placing health centres closer to where people live and work, the governor said. He explained that the soon to be commissioned Mobile Clinic as well as the construction of community clinics will begin the fulfilment of the Government’s vision.
In the throne speech delivered by the Governor at the House of Assembly last week, the Government briefly outlined its Medium Term Development Strategy for the TCI. The main intent of the strategy is as follows: “By 2040 a united Turks and Caicos Islands will be a global leader in levels of prosperity and human development. “Our people will be positioned to be fully responsible for our collective future as a nation. “We will have a more resilient country that balances economic, social and environmental development for the greater benefit of all our people and our posterity.” What are your thoughts?
We have hope
The throne speech is the product of the current PDM Government - only delivered by the governor so he can assume credit. To predict what will happen so far in the future seems very ambitious. However, in the period this Government has been in place we at least have hope. Hope if the British hold up their responsibilities. Upgrade the civil service, protect our borders and manage the police force properly.
More thought
Blah, Blah. I believe in motherhood as well. Oh, and they need to think about ‘our people’ and ‘our collective’.
No support
The TCI should note the following: Britain has never shown any true human or humanitarian concerns for its colonies - be that its actions during the Atlantic African slave trade, centuries of exploitation of black labour in the Caribbean, selling opium to the Chinese to make profits off the drugged-up Oriental population, creation of concentration camps to punish the Mau Mau for wanting to reclaim the lands Britain occupied and stole from those Africans, and on and on and on to even just day before yesterday prime minister Margaret Thatcher opposing the ANC and Nelson Mandela so that her husband’s South African investments under Apartheid could continue to thrive and even trying to deprive black Caribbean migrants post-World War II of the ‘Empire Windrush’ generation’s hard earned pension money (a UK policy
officially apologised for and then reversed). Nothing here written is untrue, and as president Trump might testify, it is not ‘fake news’. All to say that the people of the TCI, while for historical and practical reasons being bound to the UK and her policies, should not be deluded and/or unduly deceived by real motives or immediately overly-optimistic (as demonstrated by the white Guernsey and Jersey options versus the discriminatory policy inflicted on the black overseas territories). That is Britain’s true nature as demonstrated over and over again in racist policies.
Applaud the message
A notice of independence, surprisingly, a well worded quest but understood. I applaud the message but would like the messengers to put action behind the words and let’s begin the conversation towards putting this into a plan.
This does indeed sound like a noble and lofty goal, but let’s subject it to a few questions: -As always, the devil is in the details and we have been given absolutely no details as to how this objective is to be attained. We have here a 20 year goal, but where and how is the process to start? -Over the last 20 years, we have seen very little “progress” as a nation - most projects seem to be evaluated within the four-year term of a
particular government, and projects deemed good for the country by one administration are often derailed when a new party comes to power. What hope can we have that the next twenty years will be any less fractured? -The current Government has accomplished virtually nothing since it took office, even from a very current perspective, so how can we have faith in its longer-term planning or execution? Government schools and other infrastructure are still largely unrepaired after last year’s hurricanes (apparently in spite of some $15 million from the Caribbean insurance plan being ‘parked’ in the Consolidated Fund), so we must seriously question both the will and the capability of this Government to carry out anything requiring a 20year commitment. -Funding will likely be a very large factor in the implementation of this programme, and we have no idea where it will come from.
Living wage
Need to raise minimum wage by a large margin. At least $10 per hour. Get better help, will decrease crime, standard of living will be better among other things.
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June 30 - July 6, 2018
Breathalysers come into effect ... CONTINUED FROM
conditions, so that we will satisfy all of the legal challenges that will be made with this new breath testing system that is being brought to Turks and Caicos.” He added that it has been almost ten years since the legislation has been on the books, and expressed satisfaction that they were able to finally buy the machines and put the law into effect. “We have now been able to purchase state of the art equipment that will be used by officers on patrol and then backed up by officers in the station to provide accurate readings of the breath alcohol content of people driving motor vehicles. “I hope we would all agree that the number of road accidents, the number of serious injuries and sadly the number of deaths on TCI needs to be addressed... a major part of that is of course through alcohol. “We need to do something about that.” He further assured the public that his officers are highly trained, well skilled, and that the equipment is the best there is. This past Thursday evening police were out on the roads of Providenciales conducting random tests in ‘a test but not to arrest policy’. The commissioner explained that the exercise was to familiarise the public and the officers with the equipment and to let drivers know how they need to react when asked to take a test. While no one was to have been prosecuted or any criminal action taken against them during Thursday’s exercise, if found to be over the legal limit, Commissioner James said that these persons would have been advised not to continue driving and arrangements made for them to get their destination. PENALTIES The penalties for drink driving are quite severe, the commissioner said. “I would like to emphasise to people that penalties for not providing a breath test are equally severe. “The outcome for not giving a test is the same as for giving a positive test - you will lose your licence.” He said that it would be unfortunate if people thought they could avoid justice by refusal. “If people do have a real medical condition proven by a doctor that they can’t provide a breath test, then the law alternatively allows them to give a test by blood or urine sample,” Smith said. Sections 26 to 34 of the laws of the Turks and Caicos Islands expounds on the issue of driving when under the influence. Individuals who are found in contradiction to this piece of legislation will be asked to do a breathalyser test by an officer in uniform. Such persons who fail this test will be subject to being arrested and charged
How breathalysers work
for the offences of driving or being in charge of a motor vehicle while under the influence of drink or drugs. A police officer may arrest without a warrant if the proportion of alcohol in that person’s breath exceeds the prescribed limit or if he fails to provide a specimen of breath for a breath test by a police officer. A police officer may require a person to provide a specimen of breath in instances where he has reasonable cause to suspect that the driver is involved in an accident resulting in injury to another person. The following offences to note of under the Road Traffic Ordinance, as it relates to driving under the influence of drink or drugs along with their respective penalties are: Section 26 - causing death by careless driving when under influence of drink or drugs. Penalty: A person guilty of an offence under this section shall be liable to a fine of $5,000 or to a term of imprisonment of 12 months or to both and shall be disqualified from holding or obtaining a driver’s licence for a period of not less than 12 months. Section 27 - driving or being in charge of a motor vehicle when under influence of drink or drugs. Penalty: A person guilty of an offence under this section shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine of $5,000 or to a term of imprisonment of 12 months or to both and shall be disqualified from holding or obtaining a driver’s licence for a period of not less than 12 months. Section 28 - Driving or being in charge of a motor vehicle with alcohol concentration above prescribed limit. Penalty: A person guilty of an offence under this section shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine of $1,000 or to a term of imprisonment of six months or to both and shall be disqualified from
holding or obtaining a driver’s licence for a period of not less than six months. In the course of an investigation into whether a person has committed an offence under section 26, 27 or 28 a police officer may, subject to the following provisions of this section and section 32 require him to provide two specimens of breath for analysis by means of an approved device for measuring breath or provide a specimen of blood or urine for a
laboratory test. Tourists and visitors to the territory found to be over the legal limit when driving will be penalised by having a large financial penalty being lodged against them by the court, as their licence cannot be taken as they are not issued by the TCI. NO SOBRIETY TESTS The Standardised Field Sobriety Test (SFST) is a battery of three tests performed during a traffic stop
Under the tree
in order to determine if a driver is impaired. The three tests that make up the SFST are the horizontal gaze nystagmus (HGN), the walk-andturn, and the one-leg stand tests. For drivers in the TCI who may want to know if they will be allowed to take a sobriety tests instead of blowing into the breathalysers, the answer is no. Commissioner told the press that the law that now allows for breathalyser testing in the TCI is based off of the UK law, which does not make allowances anymore for SFST. “It is what we used to do before when we didn’t have the scientific methodology,” Commissioner Smith said: “For me the sobriety test is an opinion of looking at someone, smelling their breath - which is useful of course - but this test actually tells how much alcohol you’ve got in your blood and the legal limit has been set.” He further advised that people should not drink and drive, they can instead have a designated driver, use a taxi or carpool with friends. Attitudes towards drinking and driving in the TCI have to change and we were working with our partners and with the Government to educate the public, the commissioner stated. He further assured that nobody will be targeted and if a driver is stopped for a legitimate reason, they will be asked to provide a breath test. All uniformed officers will be trained to perform the breath test.
By Benneth Williams
Royal Navy ship RFA Mounts Bay back in TCI waters ROYAL Navy ship RFA Mounts Bay is back in the Turks and Caicos Islands as the territory braces for what the 2018 hurricane season has in store. This is the ship’s second return to these shores this year, after arriving in March to help local authorities counter the surge in illegal sloops from Haiti. The ship and its crew returned on Wednesday (June 27) in the course of its deployment to the region to support the efforts of the UK’s Caribbean overseas territories to prepare for this year’s hurricane season. The governor, premier and the deputy governor met with the Commanding Officer of RFA Mounts Bay, Captain Peter Selby, on board the ship while it was in Grand Turk. While in the TCO, Mounts Bay delivered hurricane equipment and supplies which have been donated. At the request of the Department of Disaster Management and Emergencies (DDME), Mounts Bay’s contingent of Royal Marines carried out a range of hurricane preparedness tasks on Providenciales including work at the customs yard and testing of DDME’s radio equipment. The Royal Marines, several of whom had been stationed in TCI immediately after hurricane Irma in September last year, also visited key installations on Grand Turk and held meetings with the governor, deputy governor, DDME and others to discuss TCI’s state of readiness for this hurricane season and how the UK may be able to support TCI’s efforts in the event of another hurricane hitting TCI this season. Commenting on the visit of RFA Mounts Bay and other events taking place in TCI this week, Governor John Freeman said: “As we in these islands of Turks and Caicos continue with
our preparations for the hurricane season, I wish to express thanks for the visit of various advisors from the UK’s Armed Forces and for the return of RFA Mounts Bay, following its deployment here in March, which has delivered hurricane specific equipment and supplies.” He added that together these visits and initiatives are demonstration of the UK government’s commitment to the people of territory and of its determination to play its part in hurricane preparations. “We all hope and pray that we will not again suffer hurricanes of the scale seen in TCI last year; but it is our collective duty to make ourselves ready to deal with such a possibility should it come to pass.” Over the past few days, the governor co-chaired with the premier the TCI’s hurricane state of preparedness meeting with representatives of all relevant TCI departments in order to continue to keep focused on the necessary preparatory work for this hurricane season. “I have also welcomed the visit of military representatives from the UK, especially those who were stationed in TCI immediately after hurricane Irma and have returned with Mounts Bay, and our international partners who together with local officials and members of the RTCIPF have held discussions and conducted a training exercise to ensure we are all as connected as possible and ready, if needed, to act in a coordinated way if we again suffer another hurricane,” the governor said. He noted that the visits by Her Majesty’s Armed Forces advisors and by RFA Mounts Bay are part of that wider effort intended to give reassurance to all in the TCI that they are doing all they can and with others to ensure that the territory is as well prepared as possible.
Governor Dr John Freeman meets with officers of the Royal Navy who arrived on board RFA Mounts Bay
Recently arrived British officers are already out and about assisting in the TCI’s 2018 hurricane preparedness
The UK continues to lend a helping hand to the Turks and Caicos Islands
June 30 - July 6, 2018
June 30 - July 6, 2018
Efforts afoot to increase local food production BY OLIVIA ROSE A CONCERTED effort is being made to prioritise sustainable food security through initiatives to increase food production in the Turks and Caicos Islands. Governor John Freeman in his
AA switches to card only transactions at airport AMERICAN Airlines is no longer accepting cash payments at Providenciales International Airport, it has announced. The company has shifted to a “cashless” system and going forward only credit and debit cards will be accepted for transactions such as purchasing tickets or paying for checked baggage. TCI general manager Olga Taylor said: “American has transitioned to a cashless airport environment at many locations around the world, allowing our team members to assist our customers in a faster and more efficient manner. “Moving away from cash transactions also reduces the complexity of work for our agents who will no longer have to worry about handling cash, finding exact change or closing out a cash drawer at the end of the day. “This is positive news for our customers and for our team members at the airport.” American Airlines made the announcement in a statement on July 16. The company offers nonstop services to the TCI from its hubs at Miami International Airport (MIA) and Charlotte International Airport (CLT).
throne speech delivered on June 18 in the House of Assembly said the Government has embarked on a strategy to transform and further develop the agricultural potential of the Islands. He stressed that the sustainable development of agriculture is pivotal as the territory progresses towards self-sufficiency. “The development of agriculture in the Turks and Caicos Islands will help to reduce unemployment, raise income and improve food security while improving the health of the nation,” the governor said. He explained that the vision is to make agriculture an integral part of the transformation and development
Fresh produce in the TCI (file photo)
of the Turks and Caicos Islands and its economy. Governor Freeman stressed that increasing the TCI’s food production could be a source of livelihood for many individuals, and also present many direct and indirect business opportunities. He explained that the Government is aggressively promoting the cultivation of land and the breeding of animals and plants for consumption
by providing incentives and assistance to both those individuals who are currently involved in farming and those seeking to enter the industry. “The Government will continue its promotion to the ‘Eat what you grow, grow what you eat’ programme, which includes the development of school, home, and restaurant gardens.” The overarching mission is to
develop agriculture by employing the technology and research available in the field to increase production, increase direct linkages between agriculture and other striving factors of economy, whether public or private sector. The territory, which has long been dependent on food imports, has exhausted some $432.6 million on food and merchandise imports in 2017 alone.
International military team visits TCI to talk hurricane prep BY DELANA ISLES A TEAM of military personnel from the United Kingdom, United States, Canada, Bahamas and the Netherlands joined local officers and disaster response professionals to coordinate hurricane response and collaboration. The team met this past week at the Ports of Call meeting room for a round of discussions spanning four days looking at hurricane response in the Turks and Caicos Islands, how they can all better coordinate for the 2018 hurricane season, and common threats that all of the attending nations experience. Joining in the conference was Mike Clerveaux of the Department of Disaster Management and Emergency (DDME), the department that manages disaster response within the TCI. The representatives make up an international group called the Caribbean Region Information Operations Council (CRIOC). CRIOC is a unique organisation that integrates Northcom, Southcom, the British, and the Canadians, among other nations, working with Caribbean partners on several issues which include crime and security
within the region. The aim of the organisation is the help member states shape their information operations by analysing their strengths and limitations and sharing best practices for their own benefit as well as for that of the region. Attending the conference was also Dr Benjamin P Gochman, chief of engagements at Northcom’s information operations division. He had previously explained the organisation this way: “CRIOC is an example of the effectiveness of Northcom and Southcom collaborating together. “We started CRIOC with Bermuda, Bahamas, and Turks and Caicos. In order to grow the organization, we partnered with Southcom. Jamaica, Haiti, and Trinidad and Tobago also joined.” Northcom and Southcom are two geographic combatant commands working together with other countries, achieving success by fostering collaboration and not only looking at common threats to the region, but also to see how they can work collectively to confront them. This is the first year that the meeting was held in the TCI, and is intended to serve as a coordination
visit and hurricane response table top exercise to maintain trusted partnerships, foster regional collaboration, and to enhance information operations, military information support operations and strategic communications capabilities to support coordinated hurricane relief operations and to counter common threats affecting the Caribbean region. The conference was hosted by the Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police Force in partnership with DDME. Speaking at the close of the conference, Commissioner of Police James Smith said: “I want to thank Rodney [Adams] because Rodney has done a lot to make sure this happen, it was his initiative, his suggestion. “I think it has brought together some experts in the field from a very diverse set of backgrounds to conduct this critical move and on some of the things we will need to charge ourselves on in the coming months and in the coming years.” He stated that is especially helpful to know that in times of emergency, the TCI knows that it can call on any one of these partners and the response will be quick.
The Bahamas representative, Lieutenant Commander Carlon Bethel stated: “One of the things that we identified in our sessions is that we want to build capacity and the easiest way to build capacity is through collaboration. “The Bahamas is so close to the Turks and Caicos, we’re like the same; it is our intention to continue building that relationship that we have with individuals where you can call on for immediate response and you will get things done faster.” The lieutenant commander added that during the conference the team was able to establish the next step in their relationship with the RTCIPF through Assistant Commissioner of Police Rodney Adams. This, he added, is going to make their work easier, build better capacity and have better results on lessons learnt. UK representative, Captain Steve Clarke commented on the UK’s involvement. “One thing I would really like to emphasise is that this is a real international effort and I would like to thank my colleagues from the US, Canada, the Netherlands…they have all added so much to this week in our understanding.”
June 30 - July 6, 2018
We welcome letters from all members of the public on a variety of topics Please note that all submissions are subject to editing in keeping with defamation laws and newspaper style. Letters should be accompanied by the author’s full name, location and phone number. Names will be withheld if requested.
Civil servants’ pension and gratuity Dear Editor, Certainly many have seen a video currently on social media which essentially is a shortened version of a point of view expressed by Drexwell Seymour in greater detail several weeks ago. Since we are talking pensions, I now ask what has happened to civil servants’ pension and gratuity? What is good for the goose is good for the gander. Hundreds of civil servants saw their benefits striped from them April 1, 2012, when the Pensions Ordinance was amended. Stick a pin on that date as we will revisit it shortly. While this current administration has condemned the works of previous PNP administrations, it is quite convenient their acceptance of the politicians’ pension policy. If anything, one has to wonder why the British interim government would strip civil servants of many benefits including a 10 percent salary cut, yet would not modify the Legislator’s Allowances Ordinance ie. politicians’ pensions? Was it to buy future politicians’ silence on the issue when it was brought to the Consultative Forum
and Advisory Council? Did those that almost qualified with one term under their belts think to themselves, boy if I speak up for civil servants on this issue, I might jeopardise my ability to get pension at 50-years-old. As the outgoing vice president of the Civil Service Association, I don’t recall the current premier putting up much of a fight when the bill was tabled in the Consultative Forum. So again, what has happened to civil servants’ pension and gratuity?
There are a few ways you can deal with this situation: The first option, being to reinstate the system that was operated pre-amendment to the pension’s ordinance. This was promised on page 54 of the PDM 2016 Manifesto ‘The Change Document’ which quotes: “A PDM Government will seek to reinstate gratuities for post 1992 staff and the introduction of pensions for the civil service.” When will this take place? The second option, implement the gratuity and pension scheme proposed the Hon Dr Rufus Ewing led administration that is still on the book and can be actioned immediately. Or a third option and my preference, reinstate the ability for employees hired pre-1992 to convert 25 percent of their pension as gratuity, and implement a service wide performance based rewards programme which will pay out bonuses in two to three year intervals as was fought for by the Civil Service Association during the interim administration. To pay for it, I would freeze all gratuities for new or renewed contracts and redistribute those
savings within the programme. The goal is equity for all civil servants, not the imbalance that currently exists between contract workers and TCI workers. Hopefully, this issue does not go the way 100 percent service charge has gone thus far. The Honourable Leader of the Opposition, Hon Charles Washington
‘Washy’ Misick, has faithfully served the Turks and Caicos Islands for over 25 years. A wise man isn’t bamboozled by distraction. So please, no more distractions, just deliver! Stay blessed TCI. Jamell Robinson, Providenciales
We welcome letters from all members of the public on a variety of topics Please note that all submissions are subject to editing in keeping with defamation laws and newspaper style. Letters should be accompanied by the author’s full name, location and phone number. Names will be withheld if requested.
Send letters to tcweeklynews@gmail.com
The mouse that roared COMMENTARY
IT WAS not that long ago that the People’s Democratic Movement (PDM) party was in a serious minority position. The Misick family was in charge, Floyd Hall gave his wife goodies and Piper wrote and answered letters to himself awarding land. That era is long over and that group are in the final stages of a British justice system based on Chinese water torture. Not swift justice just drip, drip, drip, for years without end. In the opposition were the ‘three blind mice’ Floyd Seymour, Art Robinson and Douglas Parnell. The Caicos Islands were blind because parliament is in Grand Turk. However, we were glued to the radio listening to the mice roar!
David is a retired mobile hydraulic engineer and business executive. He has been married to Middle Caicos native Yvette Robinson Tapfer for 27 years and has lived in Conch Bar, Middle Caicos, since 2002. David formerly served as branch chairman of the PDM from 2008 to 2011
Art brought evidence of land manipulations. Floyd told details about finances gone haywire and Doug Parnell spoke to issue after issue with the tongue of an orator. Now Floyd and Art are back in the private sector earning a living on their own. Parnell went on to lead the PDM and is now the chairman. Doug turned out the long ingrained Cheshire Hall Progressive National Party (PNP) rep and is now leading
this consistency. Holding nothing back Parnell just put Hall in his place because Hall had the nerve to comment on the latest Canadian cut throat savings closing their branches in Grand Turk and Provo. Doug did not stop with Hall and went on to set turncoat PDM Skippings in his place. Parnell made it clear, Skip is not JAGS. The public already told Skip
where he stands in the last election. So few votes. The statements in this paper by Skip show the reasons this former leader has moved out into the cornfield on his own. He calls for another TCI Bank. According to Skip the original brain child of Derek Taylor. That idea was stolen and died in less than five years led by financially incompetent, Washington Misick. It was capitalised by the Government’s pension fund, the National Insurance Board (NIB). The poor folk get their 75 bucks a week and Washy lost $22.5 million in short order. Skip then goes on to call for unionism. Unions were formed in 1930s USA because of dangerous working conditions. They eventually became corrupt and run by the Mafia.
What ever happened to Jimmy Hoffa? Unions were not allowed in government until the 1960s. Now the massive incompetent unionised US government is unaffordable resulting in the election of businessman Donald Trump. Trump also loves to roar. Skippings did the TCI a huge favour by leading the PDM to a loss in 2012. The Ewing/ Washington PNP then had to show their lack of ability to recover from their own financial mess. They put the burden of increased taxation and resultant rising prices on the people while awarding themselves huge pensions. Now Hall and Skip snipe - that is all they have left. Parnell was never a mouse. By telling the truth he roars like a lion!
June 30 - JULY 6, 2018
Bank of Nova Scotia closing in Grand Turk – PART TWO BY FLOYD HALL IN 2008 when hurricane Ike unleashed its wrath on us, we were all devastated. Caricom only provided us with $6 million as that was the level of insurance coverage that we had. While some may not have liked how those funds were deployed, the people of the Turks and Caicos Islands felt the benefit of it. People were provided shelter and fed three square meals daily on Grand Turk and South Caicos for a couple of months. Government funds were also spent to assist with repairs to our people’s homes. Back then our country was not enjoying as good a financial health as we are today. The global toxic mortgage crisis had begun to take hold and the Commission of Inquiry was coming into full swing. Those two events together with the hurricanes made for the perfect storm which led to the cataclysmic economic fallout. Anyone with an objective mind would have to admit that the financial troubles our country faced at the time were no different from what our neighbours and indeed other first world industrial nations grappled with. Austerity measures were necessary and I had no problem with that. What was different for us though was that the British government financially castrated us and placed a strangle hold on our access to capital. When other countries with far worse financial ratios than us were able to get access to capital, we were denied it. The British wanted to exacerbate our condition and give the impression to our people that things were worse than they really were when banks were willing and able to provide us with funding. Our debt to GDP level never exceeded 33 percent and even when they provided the bridging loan we never exceeded that. The Brits are clever at the game of deception and trickery though and we fell for it hook, line and sinker. What they did to us was nothing new. Ask the people of India, China, Australia, USA and the countless countries in Africa that were exploited by them. Admittedly, some of the financial woes we had to endure were selfinflicted. I cannot and will not make excuses or run away from that. But the consequence of those indiscretions ought to have been
settled politically, at the polls. Most certainly the consequence should not have been the suspension of our constitution. It was pitiful and demoralising to watch so many of our esteemed political leaders and so called enlightened men and women of our country call for the suspension of our constitution. The dreadful effect of the suspension to the gleeful delight of some led to our legal processes being gerrymandered to produce a preordained criminal outcome. Now much to their chagrin the same people are now clamouring for constitutional advancement when they were the ones celebrating the suspension. It begs the question, how can we grow as a country when at the very first sign of trouble we call for one of the most sacred pillars of our democracy to be disbanded? We are our own worst enemy. We do not love each other, we allow others from the outside to manipulate us and use our contempt for each other to exploit us all collectively. We will sacrifice our national institutions and our patriotism on the altar of furthering our selfish political and personal agendas. That is why, in spite of the PDM’s previous position on constitutional matters, I support the efforts being made for modernising our constitution and would encourage the opposition to work with the Government in this regard because if we fail to do so it would not be in our people’s best interest. I will make further comments relating to this topic on another occasion and at a more suitable time. I will hasten to say, however, I am not shying away from any role, perceived or otherwise, that may be attributable to me for our national shortcomings and I know that some would use this situation to discredit me. I take full responsibility for my actions and will fully ventilate them to the public when the time comes. But I believe that what the people of our country observed back then during the hurricanes of 2008 compared to now is that we at least had a government that appeared to be caring and responsive to their needs. It begs the question today, where is the compassion from our Government for our people now? The discussion would not be complete without touching on the regrettable demise of the TCI Bank. And yes, our own indigenous bank is an important linchpin to our national banking solution, and for a period of time, we had that.
The closing of our bank was deliberately done by the British with the assistance of a foreign managing director in the Financial Services Commission (FSC) to inflict maximum harm to the citizens of our country. I take exception to the notion that the board of directors of the bank was improperly constituted. That bank had members from the community who were drawn from all facets of society and indeed from both sides of the political divide. The bank had no meddling by politicians whatsoever. It was left to conduct its affairs as the board saw fit. What I do blame the board for however, is that they should have managed the growth of the bank and not let it grow so fast. The fast growth of the bank through loans compromised critical financial ratios and derailed the noble purpose for which the bank was founded. But a properly directed FSC with good intentions and knowing how important that bank was to the community and people of our country would have worked with that institution to guide it out of its crisis rather than shutting it down. I believe that one of the reasons why we were hoodwinked into calling for the suspension of our constitution was to provide an avenue to enable the British government and a few Turks and Caicos Islanders a mechanism to shut down our bank. Under no circumstances an elected political government would
have allowed that bank to close without making a concerted effort to save it first. There are more critical decisions coming down the pike for which this Government will play a critical role in shaping. One of them is most certainly the Service Charge Legislation in waiting. I will be among the first to state that our workers in the hospitality industry should get every penny from the developers/hoteliers that they are entitled to. In studying the discipline of accounts, one of the most basic and fundamental principles that is taught to you is that for every debit there must be a corresponding credit. Not because something sounds good means that it can happen. We must search deeper and examine the consequences of our actions before we take them. The key to solving our problems requires that all stakeholders, especially our workers, must have a seat at the negation table when making decisions that will affect our fragile economy. The model of our resort industry is unique in many ways. In fact, it is the envy of many countries in the region. We should be very careful not to implode it. If we adjust one side of the equation in it, be aware that there will be a knock-on effect on the other side. We all heard the popular maxim before, a word to the wise is sufficient. The Caribbean is replete with examples of failed economies lately.
We only have to look at the Bahamas and see what is happening with its VAT. While we are at it, let us look too at Barbados as well. Once a shining star in the Caribbean, Barbados has fallen into economic peril resulting in them turning the keys of the Treasury over to the IMF. They have a debt to GDP ratio of over 170 percent and are unable to meet its current liabilities. I bring these concerns to light not to serve as a deterrent for our leaders to fight for the benefits of our people. Rather, the reverse is true. I only want our leaders to be cognisant of the consequences of their actions and to ask that in all that we do, let us be responsible and certain that we are not shooting ourselves in foot. We are only one hurricane away or one further bank closure from meeting the same fate as some of our other counterparts. If the core of our private sector business that is essential to our economic survival fails because of our actions, we have nobody to blame but ourselves. Stagnation and inaction seems to be the order of the day in our country. The time has come for action and leadership from those who were elected to lead us. Our people deserve better and it is time that we must do better.
Low water pressure in Grand Turk GRAND Turk residents have been experiencing low water pressure over the past few weeks due to a damaged component in the system. However, a replacement part was slated to arrive on island on Wednesday (June 27) and normal water production is expected to return to normal soon. The Ministry of Infrastructure, Housing and Planning, in collaboration with the Water Undertaking Unit within the Public Works Department, issued
a statement on June 22. They explained that damage to the 300k SWRO unit caused the drop in pressure although water is still being produced in the 250k unit. “Since the hurricanes there has been a high demand on water services particularly in cases where persons do not have access to guttering or cisterns or both,” the statement read. “However, despite these challenges the Water Undertaking Unit will continue to supply water
to the island at maximum level via their secondary 250k pump.” It added that efforts continue daily to provide Breezy Brae and North Ridge with water on a temporary basis. “We again apologise for the inconveniences in the disruption of our water services and thank you in advance for your patience and understanding.” The Government bodies asked all residents of Grand Turk to be conservative in their use and management of water.
June 30 - July 6, 2018
Future proofing the Caribbean – PART ONE BY DAVID JESSOP IF LIKE me you listen regularly to the BBC World Service, you may have heard a recent item about an extraordinary leap forward in technology which over time could lead to clothes and even shoes being produced using a domestic 3D printer. Although the idea it is still at the level of ‘aspirational’, the technology exists. The concept and implications are explained in an online TED talk given in 2015 by Danit Peleg, an Israeli designer who is already producing garments in this way. In it, she set out how, soon it will be possible for creative talent in remote locations to sell under licence their digitally converted clothing designs to owners of 3D printers. The buyer would download
the software and print at home or elsewhere made-to-measure versions of designer clothes using new bio-degradable materials that will ultimately make clothes recyclable. The concept has so far only been applied to haute couture by Ms Peleg and a small number of other designers. To become commonplace, it will require a dramatic reduction in the cost of 3D printing and some technical refinements. However, it is an indication of how new and lateral thinking in relation to technology will not just disrupt established industries, but before long offer small nations and creative individuals distant from the world’s largest markets the opportunity to leap the commercial constraints imposed by their geographic boundaries. It is an example of how disruptive new technology is becoming, and the need for small Caribbean nations that have barely caught up with the end
David Jessop is a consultant to the Caribbean Council. He has worked on Caribbean issues for over 40 years. David is the editor of Caribbean Insight and Cuba Briefing publications. He can be contacted at david.jessop@caribbeancouncil.org
of preference to look much further over the horizon. In recent weeks, this column has sought to illustrate the significance of the new long-term thinking on tourism, which seeks to develop the supply side of the industry in ways that capture much greater value for the Caribbean economy and those who work in the industry. It has also previously focussed on the importance of the region becoming a global logistics hub and coming to recognise that a part of its future wealth lies in and beneath its
Seeing the good in others is a good thing THERE is a saying that we are all born good but it is society that corrupts us. But if we are all born good and since we make up society, where did what is corrupt come from? And why has society’s institutions not use their expertise to stamp out what corrupts people? Does what is seen as corrupt come from our failure to see the good in people and so cultivate it in everyone? Rick Hanson in a blog in Psychology Today titled, ‘Seeing good’ deals with this issue of the need to see the good in others rather than have negative emotions without knowing anything about them. He observes that in our interactions we bounce off each other while exchanging information and move on, and wonders how often do we take a few seconds to get a sense of the good qualities of people, noting that we are more likely to notice the bad qualities. Hanson feels that seeing the good in others is a powerful way to feel happier and become more loving. He suggests that to see the good in persons we should sense their positive intentions and their
Oliver Mills is a former lecturer in education at the UWI Mona Campus. He holds a BA (Hons.) UWI, an M.Ed. Dalhousie Univ., an MA University of London, and a Postgraduate Diploma in HRM and Training, Leicester Univ.
longing to be happy, notice their positive character traits such as kindness and honesty, and recognise that the good we see in others is also in us. These are fantastic ideas which provide a new perspective on how to relate to each other. Too often we make judgments about others without looking at all aspects of their behaviour in different circumstances. And our conclusions are based on our prejudices rather than with anything to do with the persons themselves. This is unfair. But if we should analyse why persons operate in particular ways our assessment would change to what is more positive. There is good in all of us but society deals with us differently forcing a negative reaction to its norms.
But if we encourage the good we see, help persons to see themselves in a more meaningful way, their personality will change and they will contribute to society’s betterment. When we see the good in others we bring out the good in ourselves and become more accepting. Others begin to see us as models. Seeing the good in others is therefore a good thing. Goodness is a spiritual quality. It unites people, casts away their pretence, and replaces it with trust and respect. It is the living part of our being which overcomes negative impulses. When we demonstrate goodness, we unburden ourselves and reach out to others because of our inner freedom and confidence. Seeing the good in others fosters love for them and for ourselves.
seas. What, however, is much less apparent is whether any thought is being given to the effect that a world moving rapidly towards the use of artificial intelligence in manufacturing, financial services and agriculture, or the effect that internet enabled remotely delivered
services will have on the region’s existing industries or future economic growth. For example, what does the future hold for Caribbean agriculture if nations in South America mechanise to the extent that crops produced on large acreages are tended by robotic driverless machines, operated remotely by a single farmer? Listen to the farming programmes in Europe and North America and it is immediately apparent that within 20 years this will be commonplace, reducing labour requirements, the cost of production and of many foodstuffs, affecting all crops including those that are industrially processed. To be continued next week.
High end real estate brand sets up in TCI GLOBAL real estate brand Engel and Völkers has opened its first shop in the TCI, it announced on Monday (June 25). Prestigious Properties, the territory’s largest real estate brokerage, will now do business as Engel and Völkers Turks and Caicos. It will continue to be led by businessman and politician Washington Misick, along with company shareholder and director Phillip Misick and Chuck Misick, company director and licensed real estate advisor. The new shop is situated in Grace Bay, Providenciales, and will service all of the Turks and Caicos Islands. Anthony Hitt, president and CEO of Engel and Völkers Americas, said: “The real estate market in Turks and Caicos has seen tremendous growth over a short period of time. “The islands are easily accessible, gaining huge attraction from feeder markets in the northeast of the US, Miami and Charlotte, yet provide a peaceful and private upscale environment.” He said the miles of pristine beaches, warm climate and economic conveniences that come with being a British overseas territory make it uniquely desirable to international buyers. “Washington, Phillip, Chuck and their entire team embody the passion for excellence that defines Engel and Völkers,” Hitt added. Washington Misick has over
40 years of real estate experience and has served in several positions within parliament, most notably as chief minister from 1991 to 1995 and minister of finance, trade and investment from 2012 to 2016. Phillip Misick is a developer and professional real estate consultant with over 30 years of experience, and Chuck Misick is a certified architectural technologist and construction manager with nearly a decade of experience as a licensed real estate agent. “Our business has a highly successful track record but being aware of global trends, we knew we needed to gain access to a powerful international network in order to best serve today’s home buyers and sellers here in Turks and Caicos,” Washington Misick said. “Paired with its unmatched standards of personalised service, Engel and Völkers offers our listings critical global exposure, especially as we see demand for condos, villas and vacation homes steadily increase across the islands. “As our market is poised for growth, the time is right to affiliate with Engel and Völkers.” Founded in Germany in 1977, Engel and Völkers now operates a global network of 10,000 plus real estate advisors in more than 30 countries. It is one of the world’s leading companies specialising in the sale and lease of premium residential and commercial property, yachts and private aviation.
June 30 - July 6, 2018
Jamaican takes over TCI Integrity Commission JAMAICAN, British-trained lawyer Gregory Christie has been appointed to take over the helm of the Turks and Caicos Islands Integrity Commission from Queen’s Counsel Eugene Otuonye. Christie will take up the post of director on July 11, several days after Otuonye’s contract ends on June 30. Otuonye has served the body faithfully for seven years. In a statement announcing the new appointment, acting chairman Martin Green stated that they are very pleased to have obtained the services of someone of Christie’s calibre and experience. “These will stand him in good stead in our efforts to advance the commission’s anti-corruption and good governance efforts. “We would also like to pay tribute to Mr Otuonye, whose skill and dedication have been central to our activities since the commission’s inception and we wish him well for the future.” Commenting on his appointment, Christie said: “I feel privileged to be afforded with the opportunity to work in a leadership role within what is perhaps the most advanced independent integrity, anticorruption and good governance framework in the Commonwealth Caribbean with the best practices as administered by the TCI Integrity Commission.” He commended the commission’s staff for their work in building a commission that today stands as one
of the most respected institutions in the Turks and Caicos Islands. “I wish to assure the commission and the people of the Turks and Caicos Islands, that I will, at all times, faithfully discharge my responsibilities as the commission’s director, with integrity, fairly, fearlessly, and impartially…” Christie, comes to the post as a Caribbean and British trained lawyer with over 30 years’ experience in corporate, legal and regulatory executive management - in both the public and private sectors - as well as in law, anti-corruption, academia and entrepreneurship. PROFESSIONAL PROFILE Greg Christie was Jamaica’s fourth contractor general. He has led the country’s premier anti-corruption commission for seven years. During his tenure, which ended in 2012, he restructured, expanded and transformed the commission into Jamaica’s most respected anticorruption institution. In an independent poll that was conducted in 180 communities island-wide in 2011, the commission, under his stewardship, was voted from among the country’s seven anticorruption institutions as having the highest level of public satisfaction in the fight against corruption in Jamaica. Christie, who has worked in nine countries, and resided in five, has extensive multi-jurisdictional and multi-disciplinary expertise
in corporate and commercial management. He was the US-based government affairs vice president and assistant general counsel for the global commodities business unit of Kaiser Aluminum, as well as the commercial services and strategic projects manager for the company’s alumina business unit. For 13 years, he was also Kaiser’s Jamaica country office director and general counsel, at a time when the company was the largest foreign private investor and taxpayer in Jamaica. As a consultant and academic, Christie has had significant exposure in anti-corruption, and in corporate, insurance and international law. He has served as the UK-DFIDfunded anti-corruption consultant for the Jamaica arm of Transparency International, a UN-ECLAC consultant on international tax avoidance, an Air Jamaica consultant on international aircraft leases, and an EEC/USAID/UWI consultant on international contracts negotiation. In academia, he has worked as the director of corporate, insurance and aviation law, and international law of the sea, at the UWI, and has the distinction of writing/co-writing the UWI’s Master of Laws curricula for the latter three programmes. For five years, he was also the director of criminal law at the University’s Trinidad Campus. He has worked at the region’s Hugh Wooding Law School as a tutor in insurance,
New Director of the Integrity Commission, Gregory Christie
banking, credit and securities law, and also at the UWI’s Jamaica campus as a tutor in the laws and legal systems of the Caribbean. At the outset, he was the UWI-Faculty of Law’s youngest law director at age 24. Christie is the holder of the LLB Degree from the UWI, the LLM Degree in Corporate, Insurance, Air and Space Law, and Law of the Sea, from the University of London, and the LEC from the Hugh Wooding Law School. He holds business executive development certifications and has completed programmes at the Haas Business School, University of California at Berkeley, and the Darden Business School, University of Virginia. He has also received anticorruption, governance and law enforcement training in Singapore, and from the Commonwealth Secretariat, the US State Department, Scotland Yard, UN-ODC, and the Regional Anti-Corruption Academy for Latin America and the Caribbean. He has participated in and/or made presentations at leading anticorruption, governance and lawenforcement events in Europe, Asia, Latin America, UK, the USA and the
Caribbean. Christie, who, in 1990 founded Jamaica’s first major credit-reporting company, Credit Security Systems, is a certified ISO 9000 quality systems implementer and lead auditor, and was credited with successfully leading Jamaica’s second ISO 9002 certification programme in 1995. He recently served as a board director for Jamaica’s Factories and Agro Investment Corporations, and was the chair of the corporate governance committees for both entities. A Jamaica government and UWI post-graduate law scholar, he was admitted into practice as a barristerat-law in Trinidad in 1985, and as an attorney-at-law in Jamaica in 1988. Christie is a former Rotary Club director, secretary and member. He is married to Janice, a bilingual administrator, who has had a long career with four Latin American Diplomatic Missions and two United Nations specialised agencies. They have one daughter, Natalie, who is currently the vice-president of global lead business quality control reviews at Citibank, USA.
Treatment for substance misuse doubles THE NUMBER of people in the TCI being treated for substance misuse disorders more than doubled in one year, according to figures from the Ministry of Health. In 2017 they made up 10.58 percent of those receiving treatment compared to 4.96 percent in 2016. The Department of Mental Health and Substance Dependence within the Ministry of Health, Agriculture, Sports and Human Services, released the statistics on Tuesday (June 26). They came as the Government joined the global celebration of International Day against Drug
Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, which seeks to bring attention to the dangers of alcohol and substance abuse. According to a statement from the department, although the figures show that more people are seeking help they also highlight the importance of continuing the fight against drugs. Drug use trends for last year also indicated that illicit drug use among teenagers remains a concern largely due to the popularity of marijuana. Young people referred to the department are showing less disapproval of marijuana use and decreased perception that marijuana is dangerous, the statement added.
In addition, fewer teens smoke cigarettes than those who smoke marijuana and alcohol use among teens remains a high concern. The department stressed that the importance of a drug free country “cannot be underestimated”. “Health, physical or mental, as well as financial and social burdens will be significantly reduced if demand and supply of these substances are weakened,” the statement read. To combat the abuse of drugs and alcohol within the TCI, there have been a number of developments within the department in recent years. These include the
implementation of the Tobacco Control Ordinance, Tobacco Control Regulations and Policy, the appointment of additional staff to the field, and increased domestic and international training for staff and frontline personnel. The department is also focused on the following initiatives to address substance abuse: -Monitoring local and international substance use trends and developing prevention policies. -Ensuring that legislation or regulations are being enforced. -Providing appropriate cessation treatments. -Enhancing awareness campaigns and increase presence
in schools and communities. Several activities have been held in observance of the international day such as a new radio show, substance use screenings and school outreach. A Comic Strip Art Competition is being run from June 26 to August 17 and a Colour Run is taking place this Friday (June 29) in North Caicos. The national art exhibit ‘The Truth About Drugs’ will also be hosted from August 20 to 31. For more information contact the Department of Mental Health and Substance Dependence on 3383613 in Grand Turk or 338-4737 in Providenciales.
June 30 - July 6, 2018
Junior chef, Christian Green displaying her dish at Miami food festival
Top chefs, Team TCI stands out at ‘Taste of the Caribbean’
Team TCI is culinary excellence at ‘Taste of the Caribbean’
EXCELLENCE was on display yet again by the Turks and Caicos Islands’ culinary team these past few days in Miami, earning them top accolades and prizes for their sumptuous dishes. ‘Taste of the Caribbean’ is never complete without the talent and passion of TCI chefs and this year was no different as the team copped gold and silver with one team member being inducted into the Caribbean Hotel and Tourism Association (CHTA)’s Hall of Fame. Gold medalists are: Vadivel Raju who beat out other participating countries to capture the gold at the Caribbean pastry chef competition; Aristotle Florida won gold in the Caribbean bartender competition and Team TCI won gold as the Caribbean Team of the Year. Silver medalists are: Charles Joseph as Caribbean chef of the year; Christin Greene for Caribbean junior chef; Derrick Carter in the beef competition; and Wilkiens Martin received an honourable mention in the seafood competition. Inducted into the CHTA Taste Hall of Fame is Vadivel Raju. The chefs returned home to much fanfare and applause at the Providenciales International Airport on Wednesday evening (June 27). Lead by two-time TCHTA Chef of the Year, Edwin Gallardo, the team went head-to-head with 14 renowned teams from across the Caribbean and delivered spectacular dishes and cocktails in 11 categories. TCHTA chief executive officer Stacy Cox, who accompanied the team, expressed her pride and excitement for their
efforts. “I couldn’t be more proud of what we have accomplished and will continue to accomplish in this culinary competition. “The tremendous dedication, the commitment and the drive to win amazes me year after year.” She also expressed thanks to the association members especially Amanyara, Beaches Resort and Spa, Seven Stars, Grace Bay Club Resort and The Palms for nominating their top chefs to help showcase the TCI’s culinary talent internationally. “The training they have endured leading up to Taste of the Caribbean, including Taste of Tapas, has truly paid off,” Cox said. “Also, special thanks go out to the Ministry of Education and the TCI Tourist Board for their continuous support of this event year after year.” This is the TCI’s third year participating in the event. For those wishing to grab a taste of the winning dishes, the TCI Hotel and Tourism Association (TCHTA) will be hosting a ‘Taste of Team TCI’ event on July 20 at Seven Stars resort. Meanwhile, overall winner of the event was team Trinidad and Tobago, with the Bahamas winning top culinary honours. Trinidad and Tobago won top team, bartender, best non-alcoholic drink and beef categories and Bahamas took chef and junior chef of the year awards at Taste of the Caribbean 2018. The competition was held at the Hyatt Regency in Miami. One dozen teams participated in the highly anticipated Taste of the Caribbean culinary competition from June 22 to 26.
Hosted by the CHTA, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bonaire, Cayman Islands, Curaçao, Jamaica, St Lucia, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, and the TCI selected their best chefs and mixologists for this year’s event. Jamall Small from the Bahamas was crowned Caribbean Chef of the Year while teammate Hazen Rolle was named Caribbean Junior Chef of the Year. Rolle also received the Hans Schenk Commemorative Award for the Most Innovative Dish Utilising Indigenous Ingredients. Radiance Modeste of the British
Virgin Islands topped the seafood competition, while Rodney Corbin of Barbados won the cemoi-sponsored chocolate category. Best Rum Drink went to Bonaire, St Lucia topped the vodka drink category, and best mystery bar drink, sponsored by Angostura, went to Curaçao. A combined team representing chefs from some of the Caribbean destinations that were impacted by last September’s hurricanes also competed. The team, which included members from Anguilla, British
Vadivel Raju wins gold in Caribbean Pastry Chef Competition
Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico and the United States Virgin Islands, won the Tony Mack Spirit of the competition award. Frank Comito, director general and CEO of CHTA, said: “CHTA applauds this year’s Taste of the Caribbean participants, their national hotel and tourism associations, team managers and sponsors for another incredible demonstration of passion, purpose and performance. “These participants are the future of tourism and the teamwork and camaraderie on display augurs well for a united Caribbean.”
June 30 - July 6, 2018
June 30 - July 6, 2018
TCI Ports Authority to create higher standards TURKS and Caicos Islands Ports Authority (TCIPA) held its annual general meeting last week with an official state of the ports address which looked at the infrastructural, administrative and financial position of the department. Delivering that address branded ‘Deeper water, higher standards’ on June 20 was chairman Devon Williams. This was the department’s first annual general meeting and was hosted at Blue Haven resort in Providenciales. In attendance was Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson, several ministers of government, stakeholders in the private sector, government departments and members of the TCI Ports Authority staff. The premier spoke of the important role the ports play in the economy, and also noted recent progress on ports capital projects. She also indicated that with several development projects for the TCI recently announced and others in the planning stage, there would be increased need for effective ports. Pointing to the South Dock, Providenciales, Redevelopment and Modernisation project, Premier Robinson emphasised that her government was not looking for another “shelf” document. She stressed the need to put in place proper implementation arrangements for the project, which would be recommended by the consultancy. In his report Williams stressed the importance of ports to the overall development of the TCI, highlighting progress on capital projects, particularly the commencement of a consultancy to plan the redevelopment and modernisation of the South Dock port. Remarks were also delivered by shipping agent and freight forwarder Carl Simons, Deputy Director of Ports Delton Jones and a representative of the consultancy firm CBCL. Past chairmen of the board and directors who retired in 20172018 were also recognised for their contributions to the development of the ports system. CHAIRMAN’S REPORT “From the first day I stepped into the offices of the TCIPA I recognised that there was much work to do if we are to fulfil our mandate for providing a seamless and efficient operation to
“From the first day I stepped into the offices of the TCIPA I recognised that there was much work to do if we are to fulfil our mandate.” enable the sustenance, growth and development of the TCI,” chairman Williams stated. He said the infrastructure was in poor shape, operation was functional but barely, staff was motivated and dedicated but with no direct challenges many were losing interest and slowly beginning to see their engagement as mere “employment” and as one staff said “raising and lowering a gate all day.” “Our vision for a modern [port] was clear, in as we soon learned it was not a new one. Many a document had been commissioned and produced but these lay in piles as our infrastructure continued to deteriorate. “This evening I am pleased to say that TCI Ports Authority has successfully turned that whole idea around. We are going places.” In 2017 the first Medium Term Infrastructure Plan was implemented. This immediately committed $7,235,200 for infrastructural and staff upgrades to bring port in line with the best in the region and on this scale in the world. Unfortunately, the hurricanes of last September put a damper on the authority’s plans and finances, Williams said. “Following the storms we had to redirect $1.3 million to rehabilitation works just to meet need and to be the strategic asset that we are mandated to be, however we were not deterred. “I am pleased to announce that we have stayed true to our commitment and focused on our goals.” This year capital project priorities include: -Construction of a RoRo ramp and pavements at South Dock, Grand Turk (signed); construction of a hurricane proof security guard house (signed); completing the rehabilitation key port infrastructure that were destroyed or damaged during the hurricanes by the end of August 2018 (ongoing). -Completing the consultancy for redevelopment and modernisation of main port at South Dock, Providenciales, and preparing and arranging financing for a phase one
redevelopment project (signed and in house). -Undertaking short term improvements at South Dock, including the dredging of 300 feet radius, 16 feet deep turning basin and improvements to the container yard (pending green lights). -Rehabilitation of the South Caicos Port, following hurricane Irma (signed). -Completion of Environmental Impact Assessments for Caicos Islands maintenance dredging projects (in process). Williams said: “And that's not all, I am pleased and delighted to tell you that we are well advanced in getting approvals to commence: paving the port in Grand Turk, paving sections of Providenciales Port, modernised port lighting, a more robust CCTV network including long range infrared cameras and an automated port asset management system to track container movement and placement and increase port efficiency.” He added that they are also moving very rapidly ahead with maintenance dredging at Provo Port and a working paper has since been forwarded to perform a massive and thorough clean-up of the Providenciales Port inclusive of removing everything that is not essential for port operations and redeveloping the port public access road that leads to the customs office. “In our view illegal vessels have no place in our port.” FINANCES Notwithstanding the recent hurricanes, the performance of the TCI Ports Authority in 2017-2018 surpassed the performance of 20162017. The unaudited revenue outturn for 2017-2018 was $5,876,372, compared with the budgeted amount of $5,481,009. The TCI Ports Authority recorded an unaudited operating surplus of $2,992,967 during 2017-2018, compared to $2,303,462 in 20162017. This improved performance
Chairman of the TCI Ports Authority delivers ‘state of ports’ address on June 20
correlates with increased construction activity taking place in the tourism sector and increased imports of building materials following the hurricanes. Cargo handled by the ports system totalled 573,456 tonnes in 2017, compared to 559,897 tonnes in 2016. During the same period, 526 compliant vessels made calls at the ports, compared with 433 calls in 2016. There was a five percent increase in imported TEUs for calendar year 2017, compared to 2016 - increasing to 16,022 from 15,336. Vehicle imports were 2,969 in 2017, compared to 1,808 in 2016, an increase of over 60 percent. GRAND TURK The Grand Turk Cruise Centre continues to play a central role in the economic and social life on Grand Turk, where cruise tourism is the main economic activity. In 2017, 262 ship calls were made to the Grand Turk Cruise Centre, compared to 285 in 2016. Cruise passenger arrivals in 2017 were 832,399 compared to 852,618 in 2016. This slight decline in cruise shipping results in 2017 is directly related to disruptions caused by the recent hurricanes; as the Grand Turk Cruise Centre closed for 56 days to undertake rehabilitation works. The TCI Ports Authority is forecasting a three percent increase in revenue in 2018-2019 to $6,035,956. Total capital expenditure forecast this year is $6,757,905. Capital expenditure is being financed from retained earnings. The operating surplus for 2018-2019 is estimated at $2,787,478.
FUTURE OF THE PORTS Several major construction projects in the tourism sector were announced during 2017, the chairman said. The TCI economy is forecast to remain buoyant in the medium term; this will increase demand for imports with positive impacts on shipping and in turn on the revenue of the TCI Ports Authority. Economic growth in the TCI will place extra demands on the ports system, particularly the main port, South Dock, Providenciales, which is already very congested. He said that the TCIPA commenced a consultancy to plan the redevelopment and modernisation of South Dock within a 15 to 20 year time frame. This consultancy which is being undertaken by Canadian firm CBCL is now ongoing and has already benefited from input and suggestions from more than 50 Turks and Caicos Islands stakeholders ranging from shippers and agents to financial institutions and government personnel. The TCIPA is also participating in a government led Transport Sector Infrastructure Master Plan consultancy. This consultancy is centred on achieving several benefits for the TCI, including improved connectivity through a coordinated and enhanced transport network; prioritised and balanced development for all modes of transport and improved the awareness of the essential climate change mitigation, risk assessment and adaptation measures. During 2018-2019, the TCIPA will prioritise building CONTINUED
June 30 - July 6, 2018
Telecoms company supports talented students TWO students who were given a helping hand in their education by telecoms company Flow have been announced as 2018 valedictorians. D’Janelle Tennant was a scholarship awardee in 2013 for top GSAT results and Zaria Ingham was a summer intern. They have been named as the valedictorians for the British West Indies Collegiate (BWIC) and Maranatha High School (MHS) graduating classes of 2018. Tennant was also valedictorian at Ona Glinton Primary School and has maintained academic excellence through hard work, dedication, discipline and faith in God. “I’d like to say a special thank you to Flow for their invaluable contribution,” she said. “I am really grateful because being at this school has really expanded my knowledge in various subjects and built a strong sense of discipline and character that will catapult me into the next chapter of my educational pursuit.” Tennant is the daughter of Detorrie Tennant and Dr Denise BraithwaiteTennant. Her parents said: “Affording quality education is a challenge for even working parents and D’Janelle is really funding her education by her hard work and academic excellence. “Thanks to Flow for demonstrating great corporate responsibility.” Ingham was selected as a 2016 to 2017 Flow Summer Intern and worked for eight weeks as an assistant in the credit, billing and finance department. She has maintained a 4.0 GPA throughout her high school experience and plans on furthering
Zaria Ingham was a summer intern with telecoms company Flow
her studies and pursuing a career in finance. The talented student is the daughter to proud parents Lee Ingham and Darcia Ingham. “I would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to Flow for giving me the opportunity to not only have hands-on work experience during my summer internship but also better preparing me for the world of work,” she said. “This internship provided a great platform to not only interact with various people but to also learn the ins and outs and role of telecoms in this industry.” In a statement on Monday
(June 25) Flow country manager Delleriece Hall said she was “extremely proud” of both of the girls for the excellence and discipline they have demonstrated through the course of their high
D’Janelle Tennant was a scholarship awardee in 2013 for top GSAT results
school lives. “As a company, it was an honour to be a part of your journeys and we wish you every success as you continue the pursuit towards your educational futures.”
To date, Flow has afforded a total of 19 top performing GSAT students from around the Turks and Caicos Islands with grants and full scholarships towards their secondary school education.
TCI Ports Authority to create higher ... CONTINUED
deeper relations with private stakeholders, building synergies and greater collaboration with the maritime department and increasing awareness and understanding of the important role the maritime sector plays in national development in the TCI. Training of frontline staff is critical to its core objective of a ‘secure and safe ports system supporting sustainable development of the Turks and Caicos Islands.’ As such, the department’s training plans for 2017 were
delayed due to the recent hurricanes, but an aggressive training plan for 2018-2019 has been approved. William stressed: “Our forward goals include the construction of a central Providenciales Fuel Jetty to ease the import of fuel. “Our plans are to move the TCI ports beyond an essential port where we exist primarily to provide throughput, we are looking at improving the Grand Turk port with fenders and lighting to encourage pleasure craft refuelling and stopovers.”
Representatives of Royal West Indies Resort present a cheque for $5,533
Resort helps to light up stadium ROYAL West Indies Resort has donated $5,533 to the Department of Sports to assist with the purchase of lightbulbs for the TCI National Stadium. The resort on Grace Bay, Providenciales, made the cheque donation in a small ceremony on June 14. A spokesperson for Royal West Indies Resort said: “This presentation isn’t to highlight the contribution made by Royal West Indies but to
challenge and encourage others to join the lines of corporate responsibility by supporting the repair efforts and by extension the spirit of the development of sport in the Turks and Caicos.” Following the aftermath of hurricanes Irma and Maria last year the TCI National Stadium was left in a state of disarray. “Such devastation left our most utilised sport facility unavailable to stakeholders at night due to
inadequate lighting,” a Government statement on Thursday (June 28) said. “Royal West Indies Resort believing that sport plays a crucial role in the overall health and development of a nation and after becoming aware of some of the critical needs of the National Stadium, immediately reached out to the Department of Sport to offer their support.”
June 30 - July 6, 2018
Aaron Forbes impressed fellow staff members with his dedication to his work
Resort intern awarded a full time job A RECENT graduate of Marjorie Basden High School has been hired full time at South Caicos’ Sailrock Resort. Eighteen-year-old Aaron Forbes was selected to participate in the 2017 Sailrock Summer Internship Programme and impressed fellow staff members with his dedication to his work and drive to succeed. In a statement on Tuesday (June 26) executive director Matthew Bywater said Forbes was a pleasure to have as a part of the Sailrock team. “His friendly nature and desire to make an impact made him a great asset to his department, as well as to Sailrock Resort as a whole. “We’re extremely happy to be able to welcome him back to the Sailrock family as a full-time employee.” Forbes was attracted to the programme because of the opportunity to work and interact with people from all over the world. He said that the internship and familial atmosphere provided him
with the foundation and desire to transition into a full-time role. “My favourite thing about working at Sailrock Resort is the people,” he said. “They’re very caring and friendly, and no matter what department you work in all of the employees will look out for you.” When asked about what advice he would give to the 2018 interns, Forbes responded: “Work hard and always give your best because it will pay off. “Sailrock is expanding and will need more employees. By doing whatever you can to make an impact, you may be the next intern that is asked to join full time.” The second annual Sailrock Summer Internship Programme begins on July 9 and will end on August 24. Interns will be hired in reservations, food and beverage, housekeeping, maintenance and cost control.
A pond in the garden – PART ONE YOU want to create an oasis in your garden. A pond filled with water plants and koi fish is certainly a wonderful and peaceful place. Creating your own water garden can be hard work, but the results are extremely satisfying! Many do-it-yourselfers will consult a book, magazine article or even a YouTube video before grabbing a shovel for their pond project. The first thing to do is selecting the proper place for your koi pond. If your pond is close to the house, then it can be enjoyed more. Consider this, koi ponds do better in a shaded area than in full sun. Full sun will work but a shaded area will generally slow the algae growth down and will prevent the water from possibly getting too hot during in our Turks and Caicos Islands heat. Keep in mind that you want your pond to be in a place where you can see it from both outside and inside the house. Determine how big you’d like your pond. A good way is to trace it out on the ground. One of the most common mistakes people make with their first pond is that they build it too small. For koi fish the smallest pond recommended is 1,500 gallons. That may sound huge to many
Denis is a passionate landscape architect who enjoys the creative process and his clients’ joy when projects come to life. Contact Denis at Nature Splendor for your landscaping, installation or garden maintenance needs. For more information call 332-3381 or email denis@naturesplendor.net.
beginners but most people who already have a koi pond will agree that if you build a pond much smaller than that you will not be happy with it. Also, a shallow pond is obviously easier to dig than a deeper one but if it’s not deep enough your pond won’t stay cool. Fish don’t like hot ponds! A bacteria tank and some kind of circulating water is your next step. Part of the pond construction will include a bacteria tank used to keep koi alive. Koi create a certain type of necessary bacteria which keeps the water conditioned for them. These tanks help that bacteria thrive. People usually use the bacteria tanks as a waterfall to run over rocks and down into the koi pond. A waterfall or some kind of circulation is needed in order to keep the koi alive. You can use the dirt from the hole you dug to create the pond’s waterfall. Before you cover your newly dug hole with your liner, make sure there is no edgy piece of rock in the hole. Liner should extend about a foot out of your hole which you will anchor with large rocks. Smooth out liner as best you can. Make sure if you’re walking around in the pond not to rip your liner. When you choose your pump,
make sure the pump has enough power for the size of your pond. All ponds and waterfalls need a circulating pump. These come in many different sizes according to how high you need to pump the water and how fast you want the flow rate. The pump will need to be placed in the pond but it needs to be off the bottom of the pond floor by an inch or two. This keeps the pump from sucking up sediment. The filter is the heart of your koi pond. The filter is what keeps the water clear and healthy for the fish. Many ponds have failed because the owners spent all their money on a beautiful pond and tried to save money on their filter. The filter serves two purposes. One, it serves as a mechanical filter removing fish waste and anything else in the pond that would cloud the water. Two, it serves as a biological filter by converting the ammonia produced by the fish into nitrites and eventually into nitrates which, in general, are harmless to the fish. Next week, part two of ‘A pond in the garden’.
June 30 - July 6, 2018
‘Rotary is for everyone’ says new president BY OLIVIA ROSE THE ROTARY club of Providenciales must change its image to attract new members and to make a bigger impact on the community. These sentiments were expressed by the club’s new president elect Kym Stubbs, who took up the mantle on Saturday, June 16, at the annual changeover ceremony. Stubbs, in an exclusive with the Weekly News, said one of her main goals as president is to correct old misconceptions about the club and its membership. She explained that when Rotary clubs were formed some 110 years ago, memberships were based on business ownership and management. However, times have changed and people from all walks of life and a variety of backgrounds and professions are now actively involved in the club and its many community outreach activities. She said: “We’re like a best kept secret. We’re here in the
community, for everybody. We’d like people to know what we stand for. “It’s people who have the time to give back, everyone is welcome to join and learn about our club.” In outlining the club’s 2018 agenda she stressed that “quality over quantity” is the core principle behind every planned activity and programme. “I, as president, will engage with other Rotary clubs about possible longer term strategic realignment. “I will maintain our club’s focus on education. There is still a strong level of support for youth activities. “Rotary Club of Providenciales also distribute dictionaries to every third-grader in our public schools. To many students, it’s the first book they’ve ever owned. “Rotary recognises the link between literacy and hunger issues.” The club will increase its involvement with local non-profits through the ‘Rotary Has Heart’ food drive. “We will continue actively to
Rotary’s new president elect Kym Stubbs
support a number of community activities, respond to disasters by making contribution to relief initiatives,” Stubbs said. “In the international arena we will continue to support Rotary Foundation.”
The veteran Rotarian highlighted the importance of fellowship within the Rotary clubs. “We will continue to ensure that the programme contains events, activities and visits so that members can enjoy each other’s company,”
she said. The club’s new president said efforts will be made to partner with a number of non-profit clubs in the TCI to better serve the community. “We’re here for the community, for the good of all.”
Local kids participate in huge international swim lesson LAST week 38 children of varying ages joined in with the rest of world in observing an event dubbed the ‘World’s Largest Swimming Lesson’ (WLSL). Held at the International School’s pool in Leeward, Providenciales, the event has been held every year for the past nine years in order to send the message that ‘Swimming lessons save lives’ to millions around the globe. This year, Swim and Surf TCI was the official host of the event in the Turks and Caicos Islands. Little swimmers gathered around for the one hour session from 6pm to 7pm last Thursday, June 21, while various techniques were taught by head swim teacher Angela Carey and a couple of volunteers. Carey said that she was very pleased at the turnout and encouraged parents who have not already, to get their children involved in swimming, especially over the summer holidays. She noted that since its inception, more than 235,000 children and adults have participated in WLSL lessons generating more than 750 million media impressions about water safety and the lifesaving skill of swimming.
TCI celebrates ‘World’s Largest Swimming Lesson’
The event is primarily intended to make a global impression that everyone should learn how to swim. The WLSL event draws together many organisations and individual aquatic facilities across the world to
help capture and shed light on this critical issue. “It’s tragic that drowning is preventable and yet it remains the leading cause of unintended, injury related death of children aged one
to four in the US and one of the top five causes of death for people aged one to 14 years for 48 of 85 countries where drowning is tracked,” Carey stated in a press statement ahead of the event.
She said that the results from the 2017 event were amazing, as last year, more than 41,000 kids and adults participated in WLSL events in 26 countries generating more than 300 million media impressions. “Aquatic facilities, from Schlitterbahn Waterpark in Galveston, Texas to swim schools in India, to locations in Jamaica, Brazil, Mexico, Australia, the UAE and South Korea, all taught the same swimming lesson with one goal in mind - send the message ‘Swimming lessons save lives’.” Carey noted that being safe in and around the water requires more than just swimming lessons. “But, learning to swim and the exposure to the water safety skills and messages that swimming lessons offer provide a lifelong foundation for drowning prevention.” Swimming, she said, is a lifesaving skill for children and a vital part of a multi-step approach to prevent drowning. There is always risk associated with being in, on and around the water, but, loss of life from drowning can and should be prevented by making sure kids and adults are water aware, the head swim teacher said. (Delana Isles)
Regional News
June 30 - July 6, 2018
‘Rebels should have resigned - not waited to be fired by PM’ GOVERNMENT appointees who voted against an increase in value added tax to 12 percent should have resigned their positions rather than wait to be fired, retired Bahamian parliamentary clerk Maurice Tynes says. Mr Tynes, the chief adviser to House Speakers from 1993 to 2017, addressed the issue during the Progressive Liberal Party’s module for aspiring candidates last week. He was contacted by The Tribune this week to elaborate on the issue. “The budget bill is usually one that is fundamental for the government so the whip will be on that,” he said. “The budget is the most fundamental legislation the government could come up with. If they can’t support the government’s budget, they ought to resign. The VAT increase is part of the budget. I thought once they had announced they couldn’t support it, they would’ve offered their resignation.” Debate has persisted about whether Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis was right to fire Bain and Grants Town MP Travis Robinson as parliamentary secretary in the Ministry of Tourism, Golden Isles MP Vaughn Miller as parliamentary secretary in the Ministry of Social Services and Pineridge MP Frederick McAlpine as chairman of the Hotel Corporation. The men had breached Westminster protocols which demand that those who serve in a government post show loyalty to a government’s priorities. No law requires such a person to resign or be fired, but it is widely held that conventions in the Westminster system be defied only rarely. In their termination letters, Mr Robinson and Mr Miller were cited
Anwar Choudhury is alleged to have ‘bullied’ his staff, according to the Daily Mail. Pineridge MP Frederick McAlpine, Golden Isles MP Vaughn Miller, Bain and Grants Town MP Travis Robinson and Centreville MP Reece Chipman had joined the opposition in voting “no” to the VAT bill.
UK media reports on Cayman governor’s ‘withdrawal’
for breaching the Manual of Cabinet and Ministry Procedure. Mr Tynes said a prime minister can be expected to exercise his or her discretion to applying the whip for matters not relating to a budget. “Under the Westminster system, it is pretty much under the discretion of the prime minister if he is going to force anybody out for going against the policy of the government,” he said. “The prime minister on some issues would take the whip off and tell his members they could vote their conscience. It’s usually these big national issues they do it on. In Britain, it happened during the Brexit issue for example. They were allowed to vote their conscience. “It’s not a hard and fast rule but the principle is if you are a member of the government, a Cabinet minister or parliamentary secretary, if you can’t support the government’s policy publicly then rather than go ahead and just talk about it, you resign.” The firings have sparked
WEEKS after his “temporary withdrawal” from the Cayman Islands, Governor Anwar Choudhury has found himself in the headlines of the U.K. press. The Daily Mail on Sunday reported allegations based on anonymous sources that Mr. Choudhury, 59, had been “bullying” staff members during his two-and-a-half months in office here, engaging in inappropriate conduct with both Governor’s Office staff and family members. “Sources have said that [Mr. Choudhury] is also accused of misbehavior towards his wife, Momina, 16 years his junior,” the newspaper reported. “In addition it is claimed he had a drunken row with his elderly mother-in-law one night.” The Cayman Compass earlier reported that a formal complaint about Mr. Choudhury’s behavior in office had been filed by staff members. U.K. officials temporarily withdrew Mr. Choudhury from his post on or about June 12, stating an internal investigation into the matter
debate about how the Westminster system generally functions in the Bahamas. Former parliamentarian Pierre Dupuch, in a statement to the press yesterday, said Bahamian administrations rely on Westminster protocols only when convenient. In particular, he said the system of parliamentary secretaries does not function locally the way it does in the United Kingdom. “Had (Westminster protocols) been relied on consistently over the years, many politicians would have either resigned or not run again,” Mr Dupuch said. “It is true that parliamentary secretaries are obliged to vote with the government or offer their resignations. This is true under the Westminster system. But what is a parliamentary secretary and what role does he/she play in the government? In England, a parliamentary secretary acts almost as a deputy Cabinet minister. The position was created to help organise a huge ministry, involving thousands of people.
would take between four and six weeks. Phone calls, text messages and emails to Mr. Choudhury this week and last week seeking comment have not been returned. U.K. foreign office representatives in Cayman have steadfastly refused to comment on the reasons for the governor’s withdrawal. Head of the Governor’s Office in Cayman, Matthew Forbes, was contacted again on Sunday but declined to provide any clarity surrounding the anonymous allegations. “I have seen [the article]. I am not able to comment as the investigation is ongoing,” Mr. Forbes said. U.K. foreign office representatives in Cayman have steadfastly refused to comment on the reasons for the governor’s withdrawal. Head of the Governor’s Office in Cayman, Matthew Forbes, was contacted again on Sunday but declined to provide any clarity surrounding the anonymous allegations.
Mandatory death penalty outlawed in Barbados THE High Court in Barbados can no longer impose mandatory death sentences on convicted murderers. This morning, the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ), the island’s highest court, struck down the mandatory death penalty on the grounds that it is unconstitutional. The judgments, the last which Sir Dennis Byron will deliver as CCJ President as he will demit office next Tuesday, were delivered in a pair of unrelated death penalty cases from Barbados – filed by lawyers for Jabari Sensimania Nervais and Dwayne Omar Severin – that were consolidated
because both appeals challenged the murder convictions of each of the men and the constitutionality of the mandatory death sentence for murder in Barbados. Although dismissing the appeals against their convictions, the CCJ ordered that the appellants be expeditiously taken before the local Supreme Court for resentencing. Before examining the issues raised by the appeal, the CCJ considered the state of the mandatory death penalty in Barbados for murder and found that it was indisputable that the country had acknowledged that it had an obligation
to remove such mandatory sentence under Section 2 of the Offences against the Person Act. Barbados had also given undertakings to the CCJ and the Inter American Court of Human Rights to rectify the mandatory sentence. The CCJ held that Section 11 of the Constitution, which gives the right to protection of the law, was enforceable, and that the mandatory death penalty breached that right as it deprived a court of the opportunity to exercise the quintessential judicial function of tailoring the punishment to fit the crime.
The Caribbean Court of Justice has struck down the mandatory death penalty.
June 30 - July 6, 2018
Regional News
CCJ rules two terms only Bahamas: Human’s right activist for presidents of Guyana IN the case of the Attorney General of Guyana v Cedric Richardson, the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) has ruled that an amendment, which barred presidents of Guyana from serving more than two terms in office, was a valid amendment to the constitution. The amendment, which was made to the constitution of Guyana in 2000, also added the further qualifications that a candidate for president must be a Guyanese by birth or parentage, residing in Guyana on the date of nomination for election, and continuously resident in the country for a period of seven years before nomination day. The court, after examination of the historical background of the amendment to the constitution, noted that it was passed unanimously by the National Assembly during President Bharrat Jagdeo’s term in office. The CCJ felt that it was clear that the amendment did not emerge from the desire of any political party to manipulate the requirements to run for the office of president. The constitution was amended after extensive national consultation and therefore represented a sincere attempt to enhance democracy in Guyana. Cedric Richardson had originally challenged the amendment on the basis that he should have the right to choose whomsoever he wanted to be president. He also stated
says will ‘sue to save shanty homes’
Former two-time Guyana president Bharrat Jadgeo, now opposition leader, was hoping to run again in 2020. (Stabroek News photo)
that the amendment disqualified former president Jagdeo, who had previously served two terms as president, from running for office in upcoming elections. Richardson argued that the amendment was inconsistent with his rights under Articles 1 and 9 of the constitution, which declared that Guyana was a “sovereign democratic state”. He said that in order for the National Assembly to amend the constitution, the amendment had to be supported by a majority vote in a referendum. He said that no referendum was held before the amendment in 2000 and therefore the amendment was unconstitutional.
Cayman Island Police: A dozen ‘fake premiers’ on Instagram SCAMMERS are falsely using the names of Cayman Islands Premier Alden McLaughlin and Attorney General Sam Bulgin in bogus fundraising efforts, the Royal Cayman Islands Police Service reported Tuesday. “The Financial Crime Unit is aware of at least 12 fake Instagram profiles that are impersonating the premier,” a police statement indicated. “The scammers are claiming to offer intended victims funds from a ‘United Nations Grant’ of various sorts.” In addition to Mr. McLaughlin and Mr. Bulgin, the names or other high-ranking Cayman civil servants are being used in similar scams, police said. Premier McLaughlin does not maintain an official Instagram account. Repeated reports of the premier’s name being used for various social media “fundraisers” have been made since 2016. One example was reported to Instagram in early October 2017. The account in this case was obviously a fake. The name attached to it was the “Hon. Alden McLaughli” (sic)
THE government’s efforts to eradicate shanty town communities have come under fire, with prominent attorney and human rights activist Fred Smith threatening a lawsuit to block any attempts to raze homes in these areas. On Tuesday, Mr Smith insisted he would do all in his power to stop the government’s “indiscriminate and arbitrary” push to “destroy the lives of thousands of legal residents”. “This is sickening destruction of the worst kind,” Mr Smith, QC, told The Tribune. “The government has taken to these communities with letters in hand to tell persons with nowhere left to go that their homes, many of which have been occupied for decades, will be torn down if they can’t give legal documents to say they have a right to be there. “This is like Fred Mitchell’s immigration policy of treating people on the streets as outlaws because they don’t have papers. The government cannot be judge, jury and executioner at the same time. If these homeowners have broken the law, take them to court and prove it. People are innocent until proven guilty. What law have they broken to have their homes bulldozed? The government may as well bulldoze 90 percent of the homes Over-the-Hill. “I’ve taken the day to go to these communities and speak with the residents. What I saw was government personnel walking through these communities and handing out
The shanty town at Hamster Road, in southern New Providence, where demolition has already taken place.
notices without ascertaining any of the important factors. These are the homes of human beings, not rodents or livestock. “Trust me,” he said, “I will do what needs to be done to stop this. If need be, I will bring a lawsuit against the government to stop them from tearing down homes, people’s kingdoms. It is not right or legal.” Mr Smith said the government, in its haste to score cheap political points, failed to provide any recourse to those that could be adversely affected. He said a large percentage of the homes being threatened by the government’s clampdown on shanty
town communities are those of poor, legal residents struggling to make a life in the Bahamas. “Many of them are still investing all they have in getting their legal documents in order. They are there because this is all they can afford. These are homes with toilets, with gas tanks, with working facilities. The narrative the government is pushing is that these are homes that are not up to par, some are not, but many are similar to the homes in Bain and Grants Town and all the other inner city communities; I don’t see any government officials walking through those communities with letter in hand.
Antigua and Barbuda confronts US at WTO over still unsettled gaming dispute
The Financial Crime Unit is aware of at least 12 fake Instagram profiles that are impersonating the Cayman premier.
and the page contained more than a dozen photos of the premier, most of which came from official events, such as press conferences or media photo ops. Other attempts to impersonate the premier have been more sinister. In October 2016, the Royal Cayman Islands Police Financial Crime Unit issued a public warning about a fake Facebook page, purporting to belong to Mr. McLaughlin.
ANTIGUA and Barbuda is losing hope that “a sense of justice and fairness would prevail” in its 15-year dispute with the United States. And now it may ask the Director-General of the World Trade Organization (WTO) to appoint a mediator in its 15-year contention with the United States, the twin-island nation’s Ambassador Sir Ronald Sanders told the organization’s Dispute Settlement Body (DSB) today. The dispute between the two countries revolves around the US government’s efforts to prevent Americans from gambling at online sites based in Antigua and Barbuda. Antigua and Barbuda won the right to suspend obligations to the US in respect of intellectual property rights to recover US$21 million annually. “Antigua and Barbuda has not acted on that authorization in the hope that the United States would agree to a fair and reasonable
Antigua and Barbuda’s Ambassador Sir Ronald Sanders says his country is losing all hope of a settlement.
settlement. It has not done so because we continued to hope that a sense of justice and fairness would prevail. But we are now losing all hope,” Sir Ronald told the DSB. “After a long period of exhausting attempts to engage the United States, Antigua and Barbuda is now
contemplating approaching the Director-General under the DSU [Dispute Settlement Understanding] provisions to join in seeking a mediated solution that would bring much needed relief after these arduous 15 years of damage to our economy.” The Ambassador told the WTO member states that Antigua and Barbuda feels disadvantaged by the US, whose violation of the General Agreement on Trade in Services “has caused trade losses of US$315 million to Antigua and Barbuda’s small economy over the last 15 years”. He pointed out that while the losses to Antigua and Barbuda are significant, “it does not total 0.1 per cent of one year of the GDP of the United States”, emphasizing that “the economy of the United States is 20,000 times larger than Antigua and Barbuda’s”.
World News
June 30 - July 6, 2018
Britain’s royal family made even more money in 2017 IT appears to have been a bumper year for Britain’s royal family, especially Prince William, his wife Kate and his brother Prince Harry. Two sets of documents published Thursday provide new insights into how the royal family earned, distributed and spent its money in the financial year ended March 31. The reports divide income and spending into broad categories that make analysis difficult, but the biggest change from years past involves William, Kate and Harry, who are known formally as the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and the Duke of Sussex. One of the official reports, which covers the finances of Prince Charles, shows the budget category that includes funding for William, Kate and Harry increased roughly 40% to £5 million ($6.6 million). One major caveat: The category also includes “capital expenditure” and Charles’ savings. In recent years, Prince Charles and his wife Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall, have increased spending in the category at more modest rates of up to 10%. Harry’s wedding to Meghan Markle on May 19 sparked huge public interest in their finances, but the royal family and British government have declined to give details about their wedding spending. There’s another potential explanation for the funding increase: William has taken on more royal responsibilities,
The Brexit findings come in the Bank’s financial stability report.
Bank’s red light warning for EU on lack of Brexit progress Prince Harry wed Meghan Markle in 2018. Prince William wed Kate Middleton in 2011.
and Charles may have provided more financing for his activities. Charles and Camilla rely on a mix of public and private money to finance their work and lives. Over 90% of their income comes from a private estate, the Duchy of Cornwall, which was established in 1337 to provide an income to the heir to the throne. The Duchy of Cornwall owns and operates land in rural and urban areas, a collection of islands and rental cottages in places like Wales and Cornwall. The new documents show the couple made £21.7 million ($28.6 million) from the estate in the year ended March, up about 5% from the previous year. They also receive some money from Queen Elizabeth II, which is predominantly used for
official travel. The second new report covers the Sovereign Grant, which is the Queen’s main source of income. The Sovereign Grant is generated from the Crown Estate, a collection of UK properties and farms that bring in hundreds of millions of pounds each year. The vast majority of earnings go into government coffers, but 25% of the profits are given back to the Queen in the form of the Sovereign Grant. The grant essentially acts as an expense account, covering the costs of travel, security, staff and the upkeep of royal palaces. The family took part in roughly 3,000 official engagements in the past year alone, with the Queen present at just over 150 of those.
THE Bank of England says the UK has made positive “progress” on handling financial services risks around the UK’s departure from the European Union. But it also says there has been a lack of similar action from the EU. It says that means “material risks remain” to trillions of pounds worth of financial contracts - which support the business activities that flow between the UK and rest of Europe. The findings come in the bank’s bi-annual Financial Stability Report. The report said the passing of the EU Withdrawal Bill and Treasury plans for a “temporary permissions” system - for continuing cross-border financial trade - had eased the “risk
of disruption”. “Progress has been made in the UK towards mitigating risks of disruption to the availability of financial services to UK-end users,” the report said. “The EU (Withdrawal) Bill has been passed by Parliament. “The UK government has committed to legislate, if necessary, to put in place temporary permissions and recognition regimes - this will allow banks [and] insurers to continue their activities in the UK for a time-limited period after the UK has left the EU, even if there is no implementation period, thus mitigating a number of risks of disruption to UK customers.”
China will not give up ‘any inch of territory’ in the Pacific, Xi tells Mattis CHINA will not give up “any inch of territory” in the Pacific Ocean, President Xi Jinping told US Defense Secretary James Mattis Wednesday during a visit to Beijing. “Our stance is steadfast and clear-cut when it comes to China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity,” Xi said, according to state media, adding that “any inch of territory passed down from ancestors can not be lost while we want nothing from others.” Mattis’ meeting with Xi inside the Great Hall of the People comes as relations between Washington and Beijing have been marred recently by rising tensions -- not only by an impending trade war but also by both militaries viewing each other with increasing suspicion and alarm. He is the first Pentagon chief to visit China since 2014, and also held meetings with his Chinese counterpart Wei Fenghe and other top generals.
British agencies participated in interviewing detainees at the US holding facility Guantanamo Bay.
UK ‘knew US mistreated rendition detainees’
US Defence Secretary Jim Mattis and China’s Defence Minister Wei Fenghe inspect and honour guard during a welcome ceremony at the Bayi Building in Beijing on June 27, 2018.
Before departing Sunday on his trip to Asia, Mattis said he hoped to establish a “transparent strategic dialogue” with his Chinese interlocutors. “Going forward, we obviously
look at the actions of China, but I am going there to do a lot of listening and identification of common ground and uncommon ground on the strategic level at this time,” said Mattis.
THE UK tolerated “inexcusable” treatment of US detainees after the 9/11 attacks, MPs have found. The Intelligence and Security Committee (ISC) said it was “beyond doubt” the UK knew how the US handled some detainees. The UK continued to supply intelligence to allies in 232 cases where British officials knew or suspected mistreatment, its report said. The ISC found no “smoking gun” indicating a policy of deliberately overlooking such cases.
Prime Minister Theresa May said British personnel had been working in “a new and challenging operating environment” which some were “not prepared” for. She added “it took too long to recognise that guidance and training for staff was inadequate”, and said British intelligence and the Army were “much better placed to meet that challenge”. The ISC rejected claims by intelligence agencies that the cases detailed were no more than “isolated incidents”.
June 30 - July 6, 2018
World News
Merkel urges EU deal on migration GERMAN Chancellor Angela Merkel has urged European leaders to work together on finding solutions to irregular migration. She told Germany’s parliament the issue could be a defining moment for the EU. The call comes ahead of an EU summit focused on how to deal with the many undocumented migrants - mainly Africans - who continue to risk their lives to cross the Mediterranean. Mrs Merkel is under pressure to come up with a deal to prevent new arrivals. Interior Minister Horst Seehofer, from her Bavarian coalition partner the CSU, has given her until this weekend. Otherwise he has said he will start turning away migrants from the border in his home state. The migrant flows also include refugees fleeing the Syrian war and other conflicts, urgently seeking asylum. It is not a crisis on the scale of
Italy is the main destination for migrants rescued from overloaded boats off Libya.
2015, when thousands were coming ashore daily on the Greek islands. The European Council - the EU’s strategic leadership - says the numbers illegally entering the EU have dropped 96% since their peak in October 2015.
Automakers warn U.S. tariffs will cost hundreds of thousands of jobs, hike prices TWO major auto trade groups on Wednesday warned the Trump administration that imposing up to 25 percent tariffs on imported vehicles would cost hundreds of thousands of auto jobs, dramatically hike prices on vehicles and threaten industry spending on self-driving cars. A coalition representing major foreign automakers including Toyota Motor Corp, Volkswagen AG (VOWG_p.DE), BMW AG, and Hyundai Motor Co, said the tariffs would harm automakers and U.S. consumers. The administration in May launched an investigation into whether imported vehicles pose a national security threat and President Donald Trump has repeatedly threatened to quickly impose tariffs. “The greatest threat to the U.S. automotive industry at this time is the possibility the administration will impose duties on imports in connection with this investigation,” wrote the Association of Global Automakers representing major foreign automakers. “Such duties would raise prices for American consumers, limit their choices, and suppress sales and U.S. production of vehicles.” The group added: “Rather than
creating jobs, these tariffs would result in the loss of hundreds of thousands of American jobs producing and selling cars, SUVs, trucks and auto parts.” On Friday Trump threatened to impose a 20 percent tariff on all imports of EU-assembled cars. On Tuesday Trump said tariffs are coming soon. “We are finishing our study of Tariffs on cars from the E.U. in that they have long taken advantage of the U.S. in the form of Trade Barriers and Tariffs. In the end it will all even out - and it won’t take very long!” Trump tweeted. The Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers, representing General Motors Co, Ford Motor Co, Daimler AG, Toyota and others, urged the administration in separate comments filed Wednesday not to go forward. “We believe the resulting impact of tariffs on imported vehicles and vehicle components will ultimately harm U.S. economic security and weaken our national security,” the group wrote, calling the tariffs a “mistake” and adding imposing them “could very well set a dangerous precedent that other nations could use to protect their local market from foreign competition.”
But this month’s tensions over migrant rescue ships barred from entry to Italian ports - most recently the German charity ship Lifeline have put the issue firmly back in the EU spotlight. The Lifeline was only allowed to dock in Malta after intense diplomacy among several EU states, who each agreed to take a share of the migrants on board. Malta said that Norway had now also agreed to take some migrants from the Lifeline. The Dublin principle - that asylum seekers should stay in the country
where they enter the EU - has broken down. Italy and Greece, who receive the most, are demanding that their neighbours share the burden. Italy’s new populist government has made getting an EU-wide deal on immigration and asylum a priority. The issue played a major role in the Italian election, catapulting nationalist League leader Matteo Salvini into power. But it is a powerful election issue EU-wide. Austria’s right-wing government takes over the EU’s rotating presidency next month and it has a hardline stance on irregular migrants. So do its Visegrad Group neighbours: the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Poland. That group rejected an EU scheme to relocate 160,000 refugees from overcrowded camps in Greece and Italy. Much of the attention is on the German chancellor, because her interior minister has threatened to start blocking migrants at the border if they have already registered in another EU country. Without his party, the CSU, she would lose her parliamentary majority. European Council President Donald Tusk told the leaders in his pre-summit letter “the stakes are very high and time is short”.
He warned that the EU’s problems with migration policy were giving ammunition to populists, who “offer simple answers to the most complicated questions”. There will be talk of “regional disembarkation platforms” - an Austrian-Danish proposal, aimed at breaking the business model of the people-smuggling gangs. It is in the draft summit conclusions, seen as a way to speed up the processing of asylum claims and stopping illegal economic migrants. They could deter migrants from putting to sea in overloaded boats. Gangs might then be less able to profit from migrants’ desperation. Getting North African countries to host such centres could be very difficult. Close co-ordination with UN agencies will be needed, to prevent them becoming crowded, dangerous camps. The EU should beef up the border agency Frontex, to make it a genuine border police force, the European Commission says. The force is to be boosted from the current 1,300 (with 1,500 in reserve) to 10,000 by 2027. The force could intervene more rapidly, nipping migrant emergencies in the bud, preventing any repetition of the 2015 chaos.
Kennedy’s retirement could open the door to new attack on legal abortion in US PRESIDENT Donald Trump has long vowed to nominate Supreme Court justices who would work to overturn Roe v. Wade, the landmark 1973 ruling that legalized abortion nationwide. He now has his chance. The retirement of Justice Anthony Kennedy, a swing vote who sometimes sided with his liberal colleagues on contentious social issues, sets up what is likely to be a bitter political fight over abortion heading into the fall midterm elections. Abortion rights advocates issued dire warnings. The “right to access abortion in this country is on the line,” the Planned Parenthood Federation of America said. And Trump’s pledge “should set off alarm bells for anyone who cares about women,” said Nancy Northup, president of the Center for Reproductive Rights, a legal advocacy group. Anti-abortion-rights groups, on the other hand, predicted a once-ina-generation opportunity to reshape the ideological cast of the highest court in the land. Kennedy’s retirement “marks a pivotal moment for the fight to ensure
The “right to access abortion in this country is on the line,” the Planned Parenthood Federation of America said.
every unborn child is welcomed and protected under the law,” said Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of Susan B. Anthony List, whose political action committee backs anti-abortion-rights candidates. What’s unclear, however, is whether opponents of abortion rights would necessarily have the five votes they would need to overturn Roe, regardless of who succeeds Kennedy. Clarence Thomas is the only sitting justice who has publicly declared opposition to the ruling, having joined
the dissent in the court’s 1992 landmark ruling in Planned Parenthood v. Casey, which upheld much of Roe. That dissent explicitly argued that Roe was “plainly wrong.” But many advocates and some legal scholars nonetheless predicted that the three other conservatives on the court — Chief Justice John Roberts, Samuel Alito and Neil Gorsuch — would likely join the new Trump-appointed justice in rulings that would target abortion rights and chip away at the protections of Roe.
24 CLASSIFIEDS BLUE HILLS Is seeking to employ a
MAINTENANCE MAN • Indoor; General Maintenance cleaning, plumbing, electrical, carpentry, masonry and renovations • Outdoor; maintaining the yard, landscaping, walkways and exterior buildings. Such as cleaning the gutters, removing debris from walkways and weed garden for flower bed Salary: $10 per hour
CONTACT: 347-8726
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 12748
PATRICE FORBES CHALK SOUND Is seeking to employ a
ANDREA SAUNDERS GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a
DOMESTIC WORKER Cleaning, Washing and Ironing. Salary: $6.50 per hour
CONTACT: 346-3886
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
REQUIREMENTS: • Must have at least 3 years’ experience as a kitchen helper • Must speak, read and understand English • Must be willing to work long hours, evenings, weekends and holidays
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder 12729
• Must have at least 3 years’ experience with opening and cleaning conch • Must have experience in proper cleaning of beach lines and ponds • Must speak, read and understand English • Must be willing to work long hours, evenings, weekends and holidays
Please drop off CV’s at the Casa Blanca Casino, address to HR
Qualified candidates can contact: Michael Stolow at 649-332-5646 or email resume at info@bugaloostci.com
With 5 years+ experience.
JOB REQUIREMENTS: • Essential duties and responsibilities include the following. Other duties may also be assigned. • Answer Technical questions about vehicle problems, warranties, services, and repairs. • Main dealer experience preferred. • Must be able to identify vehicle parts both on and of the vehicle. • Oversee service ordering of parts and tools. • Energetic, can work in a fast-paced environment. • Team Oriented. • Maintain customer satisfaction scores, and look at ways to increase these Manufacture warranty claims submissions • Oversee training and supervising of service department employees. • Set schedules and assign tasks to service department employees. • Attend required management meetings. • Maintain effective employee relations. • Can travel abroad for supplier conferences. • At least 4 yrs. Automotive retail service advisor
CONTACT: 649-244-2802
121 Blue Mountain Rd, Horizon House Unit B, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands. Tel: 649-941-5202
• Must have a B-Phar degree from and accredited University • Must have a minimum of 3 years’ management experience in retail Pharmacy • Must have a minimum of 5 years as a registered Pharmacist.
SUMMARY: The Service Manager is responsible for overseeing the service and repair of vehicles brought to the dealership, The service Manager is responsible for operations, profitability, employee supervision, and customer satisfaction in the Service Department.
$6.50 per hour. 5 days a week. Duties: cleaning yard, washing windows, fixing minor problems around house. This position is for work permit renewal Belongers are encouraged to submit resumes to the Labor Department
CONTACT: 941-3737
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board. Positions are held by a work permit holder
DUTIES: Maintains safe and secure environment for customers and employees by patrolling and monitoring premises and personnel. Fluent in at least 2 languages: English, Spanish, French Creole, Tagalog. Available to work at any location in TCI between 7:00 am – 7:00 pm, Sunday – Saturday & Public Holidays. Salary $6.25 -$8.00 per hour.
Apply to: NCS eMoney Services TCI Ltd, -tcihrstaff@gmail.com by July 2, 2018
• Provide an excellent maintenance on Aristocrat Slot Machine • Fix and repair system failure • Install or re-install feature game if data is lost Salary: $15.00 per hour All candidates should have at least 7-10 years’ experience in the same field, full knowledge of function and operation of all slot machines. Excellent knowledge of Slot Data Systems is required Must be willing to work on weekends, night shifts, and holidays
Cleaning, Ironing and washing. Salary: $6.25 per hour
FIVE CAYS Is seeking to employ
June 30 - July 6, 2018
experience required. • Hours of operation 8-5.30pm Mon-Friday Saturday 9am-1pm. • Salary range between 45k-55k. • Based on qualifications and experience.
Duties include: • Identify mechanical problems, often by using computerized diagnostic equipment • Test parts and systems to ensure they are working properly • Follow checklists to make sure all critical parts are examined • Perform basic auto care and maintenance services • Replace worn or malfunctioning parts • Use testing equipment to ensure that repairs and maintenance are effective Minimum Job Requirements: • Must possess adequate tools to perform duties • Must be able work with little or no supervision • Must have experience using computerized diagnostic equipment • Must possess a valid TCI Driver’s License. • Must possess applicable ASE Certification or equivalent Salary range is $28.00 - $30.00 per flat rate hour commensurate with experience and qualifications.
Please email all application to syrmondg@bayviewmotors.com Only applicants who meet the minimum requirements will be contacted for an interview. Bayview Motors Ltd. P.O Box 619, Leeward Highway, Providenciales 12716
• Oversee preparation of all medicines • Dispense prescription medicine to customers with proper advice • Advise customers on the treatment of minor ailments using OTC Medicine • Inventory control and management • Prepare monthly and quarterly management reports. Compensation is commensurate with experience and qualifications APPLICATIONS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED NO LATER THAN AUGUST 8TH, 2018 MANAGING DIRECTOR EMAIL ADDRESS: DIRECTOR@FAMILYCHOICEPHARMACY.COM Only successful applicants will be contacted for an interview.
DESARROLLOS HOTELCO JWM LTD. Desarrollo Hotelco, is a leader in building luxury hotels, Is seeking an experienced and proven leader.
Applications are invited from suitably qualified Candidates for the following position:
DUTIES OF THIS POSITION INCLUDE: • Evaluates electrical systems, products, components, and applications by designing and conducting research programs; applying knowledge of electricity and materials. Confirms system's and components' capabilities by designing testing methods; testing properties. Develops electrical products by studying customer requirements; researching and testing manufacturing and assembly methods and materials. • Develops manufacturing processes by designing and modifying equipment for building and assembling electrical components; soliciting observations from operators. Assures product quality by designing electrical testing methods; testing finished products and system capabilities. Prepares product reports by collecting, analyzing, and summarizing information and trends. Provides engineering information by answering questions and requests. • Maintains product and company reputation by complying with federal and state regulations.
Keeps equipment operational by following manufacturer's instructions and established procedures; requesting repair service. • Maintains product data base by writing computer programs; entering data. Completes projects by training and guiding technicians. Maintains professional and technical knowledge by attending educational workshops; reviewing professional publications; establishing personal networks; participating in professional societies. • Contributes to team effort by accomplishing related results as needed.
at least 5 years relevant experience, a clean police record and driver’s license with a successful drug screen; at least a high school diploma; possess a good employment track record with demonstrated. Salary: 1350 to 2000$. May be required to work on weekends and holidays Applications comprising a letter, resume, references, Police record etc. should be sent no later than Tuesday, July 06th, 2018 to:
DESARROLLOS HOTELCO JWM Ltd. Grace Bay, Salt Mills Plaza Unit 22ATel: (649) 3475378. Email: llopez@hotelcointernational.com
June 30 - July 6, 2018 EMMA JEAN SELVER South Dock Road Is seeking to employ a
TURKS AND CAICOS WEEKLY NEWS HENRY RAYMOND JENNINGS of Palm Grove Grand Turk is seeking to employ a
PROJECT NAME OF PROJECT: TCI ANDAZ RESORT AND SPA, TURKS & CAICOS dck worldwide, Six PPG Place, Suite 710, Pittsburgh, PA 15222, Phone: 412-384-1000 Please send resumes to resumes@dckww.com, when responding, title as TCI ad
FARMER Farming, digging, plowing and planting Salary: $200 per week
CONTACT: 232-8729 Email: clarencejolly1@ hotmail.com
LABOURER Salary is $6.50 per hour and interested person can
Annual Salary Range – $77k-$101k New Position
CONTACT 2455508
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder 12689
Belongers are encouraged to send copies of application to Employment Services Department. Position currently held by a work permit holder 12637
GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a
Cleaning the yard, fixing minor problems around the house. Salary: $6.25 per hour
CONTACT: 231-7489
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
KEW TOWN Is seeking to employ
Cooking, cleaning, Washing and ironing. Salary: $300 per week
CONTACT: 244-1490
Email: hyacinthbeen83@ gmail.com Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board These positions are currently held by work permit holders
REQUIREMENTS: • Study in humanistic transpersonal therapy • Minimum of 5 years experience • Metaphysic in the human energy field • Salary based on experience
between the hour of 12-5pm
This position is for work permit renewal Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labor Department
GLASS SHACK Is seeking to employ a
Acting on behalf of our clients who are seeking the following: DUJOHN FULFORD GRAND TURK IS SEEKING TO EMPLOY A
CONTACT: 345-2426
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
CONTACT #241-4378
CONTACT # 231-4657
Cleaning the yard and washing the vehicles Salary: $150 per week
Position General Superintendent
Annual Salary Range – $82k-$111k New Position
Education and experience include four-year engineering degree or equivalent combinations of technical training and/or related experience. Minimum of ten years construction management and/or craft supervision experience in similar facility construction. Thorough knowledge of all aspects of construction (technology, equipment, methods); engineering, cost control schedules and safety required. Fluent aptitude and experience in Primavera P6, CMiC, and PlanGrid. Excellent communication, organizational and supervisory skills are essential. Annual Salary One (1) Assistant Superintendent (Structure) Range $73k-104k: New Position Two (2) Assistant Superintendents (Finishes) Annual Salary Range $73k-104k: New Positions Job description: Four-year engineering degree. Knowledge of various construction disciplines, safety regulations, scheduling, cost control, engineering drawings and other documents. Knowledge of and experience with construction management technology such as BIM, project management software, P6, PlanGrid and CMiC.
Position Project Scheduler
Annual Salary Range – $78k-118k: New Position
Plan, develop, coordinate, provide technical expertise, and manage projects. Train and supervise lower level engineers, participate on a regular basis in business development. Education and experience requirements include 4 year degree in environmental, mechanical or civil engineering, or equivalent, advanced degree is highly preferred, plus 8 or more years of experience engineering activities. Professional certification is required. Individual must be able to apply current and technically sound approaches to project planning, execution, and data interpretation. Attention to detail and ability to effectively manage time across multiple projects is required. Effective use of computer software, both standard spreadsheet and word processing as well as industry standard technical programs is expected. Fluent aptitude and experience in Primavera P6, CMiC, PlanGrid, and site engineering activities. Excellent communication skills, both written and verbal, are essential.
Position: Sr. Project Engineer
Education and experience requirements include four year engineering degree plus two or more years similar construction scheduling experience or equivalent combinations of training and related experience. An understanding of the nature of process systems, structures and construction technology required. Fluent aptitude and experience of Primavera, Microsoft Office products, CMiC, and PlanGrid.
Position Sr. Cost Accountant
Annual Salary Range – $70k-106k: New Position
Four-year accounting degree or equivalent required. Four to six years progressive, professional level experience. Construction job cost experience required. Experience with spreadsheet and word processing software, understanding of general accounting systems and understanding of construction accounting systems. Fluent aptitude and experience with CMiC.
Position Cost Accountant
Annual Salary Range – $60k-$80k: New Position
Four-year accounting degree or equivalent required. Construction job cost experience required. Experience with spreadsheet and word processing software, understanding of general accounting systems and understanding of construction accounting systems. Fluent aptitude and experience with CMiC.
Position Safety Manager
Annual Salary Range – $85k-120k: New Position
Education and experience requirements include fouryear occupational safety/health degree or equivalent combinations of training and related experience. At least five years construction and/or industrial safety experience. Thorough understanding of and ability to enforce all OSHA, NIBOSH, local, and company regulations. Ability to recognize hazardous situations and implement corrective measures essential. Good interpersonal and communication skills required. Fluent aptitude and experience with CMiC.
Position Electrical Coordinator
Annual Salary Range – $74k-115k: New Position
Education and experience requirements include BSC in Electrical Engineering or a combination of suitable qualifications and experience. Minimum ten years’ experience in construction related to process systems. Experience working on instrumentation and controls, preferred. Excellent supervisory, communication and interpersonal skills are essential.
Position Mechanical Coordinator
Annual Salary Range – $76k-112k: New Position
Education and experience requirements include BSC or four year engineering degree plus five years mechanical experience or equivalent combinations of training and experience. Good knowledge of mechanical program requirements and special process/test techniques required. Experience in mechanical equipment procurement and installation. Fluent aptitude and experience with CMiC and PlanGrid. Excellent supervisory, communication and interpersonal skills are essential. 12727
June 30 - July 6, 2018
William Duval Clare participates in seminars at the event in Bonn, Germany
William Duval Clare represents the TCI at the United Nations Youth Conference
Climate activist to spur national discussion BY OLIVIA ROSE A YOUNG illustrious Turks and Caicos Islander is setting out to spark national discussion on solving the complex challenges presented by climate change. William Duval Clare, 26, was shortlisted from a total of 3,500 applicants worldwide to attend a prestigious event in Bonn, Germany. He represented the TCI as a climate activist at the United Nations’ youth conference ‘Action for Climate Empowerment’ on April 28 and 29. The two-day conference, which was hosted at the United Nations headquarters, called on governments
to develop and implement educational and public awareness programmes, foster access to information, and promote public participation to address climate change and its effects. It also urged countries to cooperate in this process by exchanging good practices and lessons learned, and strengthening national institutions. Clare said it was a great honour to be selected as one of 100 climate activists from around the developing world. Sharing his experience, he said: “The conference was possible through Article 12 of the UNFCCC which emphases education and awareness alongside greater
United Nations’ youth conference Action for Climate Empowerment
accessibility of information by the general public. “Its objective was to recognise and increase youth as an important stakeholder in major decision making within climate change such as the 48th Meeting of the Subsidiary Bodies to discuss action towards the Paris Agreement.” He explained that the format of the group discussion was designed within the Talanoa Dialogue, a Fijian tradition of story-telling where participants are encouraged to speak in an open and respectful manner. “Participants were divided into various working groups to answer overarching questions and discuss ideas to advance youth action towards climate change.” Themes included:
-The establishment of a platform of youth initiatives around the world; 2) Greater integration of climate change topics into the ‘DNA’ or curriculum of schools to ‘vaccinate’ against bad environmental practices. -Each region of the world establishing a framework that organises youth work. -Establishment of links between the science and politics by bringing youth together with politicians to assist lobbying efforts and action. “I learnt an invaluable lesson from a fellow delegate from Egypt,” Clare said, “despite climate change being a macro-level problem, a microlevel approach is equally important get full engagement from the general public. “People must first understand how
climate change affects their daily lives for it to have real meaning.” Delighted to share his experiences with fellow Turks and Caicos Islanders, the young Clare, said he will endeavour to ensure everyone understands and participates in the climate change discussion, while helping to provide people with the information they need to play a more active role. Clare is the son of notary and local historian William Bill Clare and celebrated educator Claudette Clare. He holds a Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Environmental Management and a Master’s in Climate Change Sustainability both from the University of Leeds in the United Kingdom.
June 30 - July 6, 2018
Joe Jackson, seen here with his late son Michael, had been in hospital for terminal cancer.
Joe Jackson: Patriarch of Jackson family dies aged 89 JOE Jackson, the father of music legends Michael and Janet Jackson, has died at age 89, his family said. Jackson passed away early on Wednesday morning. He had been in hospital for terminal pancreatic cancer, according to media reports. His death comes just two days after the anniversary of his son Michael Jackson’s death nine years ago. The family patriarch played a large role in the careers of The Jackson 5, as well as Michael and Janet Jackson. His death was confirmed on social media by some of his family, including his daughter La Toya Jackson and grandsons Taj and Randy Jackson. Five of Joe Jackson’s sons Jackie, Tito, Jermaine, Marlon and Michael - became the Jackson 5, joined at times by younger brother Randy, who also pursued a solo career. Three daughters - LaToya, Rebbie, and, most famously, Janet - all fashioned their own pop careers under Jackson’s management, with varying levels of recognition. Jackson was the architect of his children’s early successes, but some of them would later say he drove them with a zeal that bordered on abuse, with Michael and others alleging bullying, physical abuse and punishing work schedules.
Jackson later admitted that he had whipped Michael, but denied it could be categorised as a beating. “I whipped him with a switch and a belt. I never beat him. You beat someone with a stick,” he told the BBC’s Louis Theroux in 2003. The interview made headlines after Jackson said in response to a question about Michael, “We don’t believe in gays. I can’t stand them.” The Jackson family was famously riven over the years by internal strife, which often played out in the full glare of the public eye, with various estrangements and arguments over money making their way through the courts. Speaking to the Daily Mail before his father died on Wednesday, Jermaine Jackson said some members of the family were unable to gain access to Jackson in his final days. “No one knew what was going on - we shouldn’t have to beg, plead, and argue to see our own father, especially at a time like this,” he said. “We have been hurting. We were not being told where he was and couldn’t get the full picture.” Jackson was born in 1928 in Fountain Hill, Arkansas and was the eldest of five children. He described his own father, a university professor,
as a domineering and strict presence. Jackson nurtured ambitions of being a boxer and later played guitar with a blues band, The Falcons, but failed to win a recording deal. In 1949 he married Katherine Scruse, a former classmate from Washington High School in East Chicago, Indiana. She raised their children while Jackson worked at a local steel mill. In 1957, they lost a child, Brandon, to stillbirth. He would have been Marlon’s twin brother. During the 1960s, Jackson took control of his sons’ burgeoning musical efforts and the Jackson 5 was born, later signing to Motown records in 1967. The Jackson 5 splintered as Michael’s solo career took off and he distanced himself from his father’s management. Jackson focused instead on his daughter Janet, who went on to become a massive star. Jackson reportedly carried on a decades long extra-marital affair with Cheryl Terrell, a secretary 20 years his junior. The pair had a daughter, his 11th child, Joh’Vonnie, who is now 43, but Jackson remained married to Katherine all along. He is survived by Katherine, who is 88, and nine of his 11 children. (BBC)
June 30 - July 6, 2018
West says he considered suicide and shares what helped him KANYE West wants you to know he didn’t say what you think he said. In an interview with The New York Times published Monday, West said people didn’t understand what he actually meant by his now-famous comment about slavery. “I said the idea of sitting in something for 400 years sounds -- sounds -- like a choice to me, I never said it’s a choice,” West told the publication. “I never said slavery itself -- like being shackled in chains -- was a choice.” West spoke with The Times over three days earlier this month while in Wyoming, a state he’s visited frequently since last year and where he both worked on and debuted his new album “Ye.” The album opens with the single, “I Thought About Killing You.” Some fans have wondered whether West meant he wanted to off his public persona, which also appears to be his personal one. He said he’s considered it. “Oh yeah, I’ve thought about killing myself all the time. It’s always a option and [expletive],” West said. “Like Louis C.K. said: I flip through the manual. I weigh all the options.” West appears to be in a better place now, saying later in the interview, “I’m just having this epiphany now, ‘cause I didn’t do it, but I did think it all the way through. But if I didn’t think it all the way through, then it’s
Kanye West recently debuted his new album ‘Ye’.
actually maybe more of a chance of it happening.” West said his wife, Kim Kardashian West, engaged life coach Tony Robbins to talk to him after all the upheaval, which included the musician’s erratic behavior and a hospitalization. “He could look at me and you know, I don’t know why he mentioned suicide, but he could tell that I was very low,” West said. “Really medicated, shoulders slumped down, and my confidence was gone, which is a lot of the root of
my superpower, because if you truly have self-confidence, no one can say anything to you.” Robbins instructed West to go into a warrior pose and scream. “I was so self-conscious about the nanny and the housekeeper that I didn’t want them to hear me screaming in the living room,” West said. “I think that that’s such a metaphor of something for the existence of so-called well-off people that they’re not really welloff -- they won’t even scream in their own house.”
How Marvel chose which Avengers to kill in ‘Infinity War’ IT was an ending that had fans in an uproar. “Avengers: Infinity War” concluded with the killing off of several characters, and now we have some insight as to how they were chosen. Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige recently spoke to io9 and gave a tease about those who survived. “I think for a film series that is going on 10 years and is gearing towards a conclusion with ‘Avengers 4,’ which you don’t usually have in these kind of movies, you can sort of do the math,” Feige said. “And realise it’s the original Avengers that are left.” All together now: “Oooooohhhhhh.” Elizabeth Olsen, who starred in the film as Wanda Maximoff / Scarlet Witch, was quoted in Screen Rant as saying the cast learned of the shocking ending the day they shot it. “I found out from the Russos [who directed the film] exactly what was going to happen and it wasn’t until we shot it on that day we learned what the ending was,” she said. “They took us into a van -- all of us -- we were in a van with air
There was so much secrecy surrounding the movie that the brothers who directed the film took to social media with a letter asking fans not to spoil the ending.
conditioning because it was very hot and they told us how the movie was going to end and no one knew. And they were like ‘Now we’re shooting it, Go!’ and we were like ‘How are we supposed to interpret that?’” There was so much secrecy surrounding the movie that the brothers who directed the film, Anthony and Joe Russo, took to social media with a letter asking fans not to spoil the ending.
They said only a handful of people knew the true plot. “We’re asking that when you see Infinity War, in the coming months, that you maintain that same level of secrecy so that all fans can have an equal experience when they watch it for the first time,” the letter read. “Don’t spoil it for others, the same way you wouldn’t want it spoiled for you.” “Avengers 4” is scheduled to be released in May 2019. (CNN)
Dr Dre and Jimmy Iovine first worked together on Dre’s album The Chronic.
Dr Dre hit with $25M bill for Beats headphones
DR DRE and music mogul Jimmy Iovine have been ordered to pay $25.2m (£19.2m) to a former partner in their headphone company, Beats. Steven Lamar claimed credit for the idea of creating a brand of celebrity-endorsed headphones. He took the idea to Dre and Iovine in 2006; and the first Beats headphones were released two years later, based on a design by Robert Brunner. The parties later fell out, and Lamar sued over unpaid royalties in 2016. At the centre of their dispute was a 2007 settlement, in which Dre and Iovine agreed to pay Lamar 4% of the base price of every headphone they sold. Only one model, Beats Studio, was specified but Lamar argued the design had been carried over to a dozen different models, and sought $130m (£99m) in royalties. A jury in Los Angeles decided that three pairs of headphones - the Studio 2 Remastered, the Studio 2 Wireless and the Studio 3 - had design similarities; and ordered that Dre and Iovine should pay Lamar $25,247,350. With the Studio 3 still on sale, the verdict means Lamar will continue to receive royalties in addition to the court-mandated payout. The trial saw Dre and Iovine
testify about the origin of Beats a story they told at length in the recent HBO documentary series The Defiant Ones. Lamar’s lawyer said the jury had seen through their attempts to gloss over his client’s role. “They tried to paint him as some guy who was just there at the right time and the right place, and they already had the idea,” Brian Melton told Billboard. “I don’t think that was it at all and I think we proved just the opposite: That before they met Lamar, they hadn’t thought about this and he gave it to them on a silver platter. He added: “For anybody who has a great idea and brings it to a company and then doesn’t get the recognition or credit that they’re due... what this jury verdict says is, if that happens to you and you’re a little person, you can go into court and have a jury of American citizens determine whether you’re right or wrong. “And if you’re right, you get the credit that you’re owed.” Beats, which later became a music streaming service as well as a headphone company, was acquired by Apple Music in a $3bn deal in 2014. Lamar’s legal case was filed before that deal, and did not name Apple as a defendant. (BBC)
June 30 - July 6, 2018
June 30 - July 6, 2018
June 30 - July 6, 2018
Science & Technology
Saturn moon a step closer to hosting life The DNA ‘barcode’ helps scientists to understand how the body, and in particular the immune cells are responding which enables doctors to deliver more precision medicine.
DNA ‘barcode’ delivering personalised breast cancer care SCIENTISTS in Cambridge say advances in genetics are set to transform the treatment of breast cancer, making it more personalised to each patient. All women there diagnosed with breast cancer have their entire genetic code mapped. Doctors say it is helping them chose the right treatment and predict whether patients are likely to experience side effects. It can also reveal whether their cancer is becoming resistant to treatment. Carlos Caldas, Prof of Cancer Medicine and programme director at Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute, said: “By sequencing the tumour we have something like a barcode which gives us the pattern of mutations in that cancer. “We can understand how the body, and in particular the immune cells are responding and this enables us to deliver more precision medicine. “This barcode also enables us to do surveillance and identify early whether a tumour is coming back because it is developing resistance to treatment - when those cells start releasing their DNA we can detect them in a blood test known as a liquid biopsy.” To date, 275 women have joined the Personalised Breast Cancer Programme in Cambridge, which was launched in 2016 with just over £1m funding from Addenbrooke’s Charitable Trust. They aim to enrol 2,000 patients in the next four years. Prof Caldas said: “Breast cancer is not one but 10 or 11 diseases that are distinct molecular entities and we will increasingly see patients being categorised into one of these groups, enabling us to tailor the way we monitor them; it’s a dramatic improvement in the way we personalise their treatment.” All cancer patients have two genomes - the so-called germline DNA they inherited from their parents and the corrupted genetic code in their cancer Women diagnosed with breast
cancer in Cambridge have a sample of their tumour and of their blood sent for sequencing, with the full results coming back within 12 weeks The germline genome can tell whether they inherited mutations in BRCA1, BRCA2 genes, which increases their risk of both breast and ovarian cancer - these findings can also have implications for their wider family Tumour sequencing allows researchers to catalogue all the mutations in cancer cells and enables them to predict whether they will respond to specific treatments Some drugs, known as targeted therapies, are designed for people whose cancer cells have specific gene mutations which ‘drive’ tumour growth Dr Jean Abraham, consultant oncologist at Addenbrooke’s hospital, said: “We have had lots of cases where we either opted for a patient to go on a clinical trial because of the results of their sequencing or were offered an alternative treatment as that was a better option.” Elizabeth Benns, 61, joined the study after she was diagnosed with inflammatory breast cancer last year. Like other patients, she had surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Despite this extensive treatment, her cancer returned and is now incurable, but Elizabeth remains optimistic: “Being part of research gives you are feeling of control and being part of something.” She told me: “It’s reassuring knowing that I don’t have to keep going back for biopsies because they have my genetic code and that of my cancer; it’s banked and hopefully it will mean that first one targeted drug trial and then another will come along that I will be eligible for.” Breast cancer patients in Cambridge are also offered the opportunity to take part in research involving so-called mouse avatars. Within an hour of their biopsy, samples from their tumour is injected under the skin of laboratory mice.
SCIENTISTS have found complex carbon-based molecules in the waters of Saturn’s moon Enceladus. Compounds like this have only previously been found on Earth, and in some meteorites. They are thought to have formed in reactions between water and warm rock at the base of the moon’s subsurface ocean. Though not a sign of life, their presence suggests Enceladus could play host to living organisms. The discovery came from data gathered by the Cassini spacecraft. “These huge molecules contain a complex network often built from hundreds of atoms,” explains study author Dr Frank Postberg. “This is the first ever detection of such complex organics coming from an extraterrestrial water-world.” On Earth, these molecules are usually biologically created, but this does not have to be the case. “They are a necessary precursor to life,” says Dr Postberg, “[but] we currently cannot tell if these organics are biologically irrelevant or signs of prebiotic chemistry or even life.” Liquid water Energy Organics (compounds containing carbon) A group of particular elements (carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus and sulphur) Phosphorus and sulphur have not
Enceladus is just 500km wide. It looks tiny when placed near the earth.
yet been measured on the moon, but it has all of the other ingredients. The Cassini mission, which ended by plunging into Saturn’s cloud-tops last September, was never designed to detect life. In fact, it was dispatched before scientists even knew about the peculiar jets of water emerging from the south pole of Enceladus. Cassini first observed them in
2005, after its arrival in the Saturn system. The technology to distinguish whether molecules like those detected are biological in origin already exists on Earth. “The next logical step,” says Dr Postberg, “is to go back to Enceladus soon with a dedicated payload and see if there is extraterrestrial life.” (BBC)
Why petroleum jelly may not be the best thing to heal cuts THE label says petroleum jelly can help protect minor cuts, scrapes and burns. But new research suggests immediately slathering an open wound with this ointment might be a bad idea. Scientists have studied how the skin creates its own “natural plaster” to help heal these injuries. Oil-based substances, such as petroleum jelly, appear to disrupt this important process, and might increase the risk of wound infection, they say in the Journal of Clinical Investigation. The American Academy of Dermatology recommends petroleum jelly for keeping a wound moist and to help prevent it from drying out and forming a scab, because they take longer to heal. This will also help prevent a scar from getting too large, deep or itchy. As long as the wound is cleaned daily, it is not necessary to use anti-
Oil-based substances, such as petroleum jelly, appear to disrupt this important process, and might increase the risk of wound infection, researchers say in the Journal of Clinical Investigation.
bacterial ointments, says the AAD. Some NHS hospitals recommend it to patients with surgical wounds that have already started to heal, and it forms part of the first aid kit in some contact sports, including rugby union where it is used by the
England team. However, Prof Robert Ariens and colleagues at the University of Leeds say their observations with human and animal tissue suggest this may not be the best immediate approach to wound management.
June 30 - July 6, 2018
946-4664 Fax: 946-4661
Email: tcnews@tciway.tc
Website: tcweeklynews.com
Must have thorough knowledge in the floral business with 3-5 years experience.
Call: 231-3788
CALL 649 231-3788
FOR SALE House in Richmond Hill residential area on a half acre land.
CONTACT: 231-3788
June 30 - July 6, 2018
CONTACT: 649-946-4894 S&F WHOLESALE CASH AND CARRY GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a
LABOURER The individual is responsible for the stacking of day to day groceries on shelves. Arranging all in its proper place, lifting boxes etc. Must be willing to work weekends and holidays if necessary. Salary: $6.50 per hour
CONTACT: 247-3577
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 1621
SAMUEL HARVEY SOUTH DOCK Is seeking to employ a
To assist Mason on construction site Salary: $7.50 per hour from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM
Must be able to travel on boat at times, inter island Salary: $8.00 per hour
CONTACT: 231-0098
Email: samharvey96@ hotmail.com Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour board
duncansonlaw@gmail.com duncansonlaw.office@gmail.com 649-941-4444/ 649-245-1314/649-348-5744 DUNCANSON & CO BARRISTERS & ATTORNEYS 16121
We are in need of a young man to deliver bills, pick up checks and distribute newspapers. Must be honest and have a clean driver’s license. Contact the Publisher at tcweeklynews@gmail.com
BLUE HILLS Is seeking to employ a
Ironing, cleaning house and business. Salary: $7.00 per hour. Must be willing to work 3-5 days per week
CONTACT: 231-3342
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
LEEWARD HIGHWAY Is seeking to employ a
Receiving of merchandise, totaling bills, receiving payments from customers and making change Salary: $7.00 per hour
CONTACT: 331-3887
Email: piroro@live.com Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 12633
MONTE RESTAURANT U9 Provo Storage, Cooper Jack. Is seeking to employ
FIVE CAYS Is seeking to employ
Leeward Highway Is seeking to employ a
5 CHEFS Preparing meals Salary: $10 per hour
CONTACT: 241-3057
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 12693
Is looking for a
DELIVERY AGENT who is reliable, trustworthy and want to make some extra cash Delivery times are 11 A.M and 3 P.M Call 231-3788 or 246-7856 for further information
duties to include cleaning equipment, storage and preparation areas, measures the corrects weight of ingredients to be used, flour mixing and rolling and cutting dough to fit variety of breads, strictly enforcing hygiene and HACCP standards
duties include taking orders, serving food and beverage to guest in a friendly manner
CONTACT: 941-7331
Email: monteprovo@gmail. com
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board. Currently held by a work permit holder 12693
Examine furniture frames, upholstery, springs and webbing to repair furniture and frames. Salary: $6.25 per hour
CONTACT: 244-7033
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
MAINTENANCE/ HANDYMAN To clean and maintain for 5 days a week; the person should have a good knowledge of the duties and the position. Must be able to drive and communicate well. Salary US$7.50 per hour.
CONTACT 241-1746
Examine furniture frames, upholstery, springs and webbing to repair furniture and frames. Salary: $275300 per week
CONTACT: 244-7033
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
NORTH CAICOS Is seeking to employ a
• Person will be responsible to install, repair, piping, fixtures, appliance etc. • Should have at least 3-5 years’ experience Salary: $13.00 per hour
CONTACT: 241-7375 Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
GRACE BAY is Seeking to employ
Must have at least 3 years’ experience. Salary start at $10.00 an hour. Job entails electrical installation and inspection, framework, and rebar work. Must be able to work weekends and holidays if deemed necessary. Interested persons should send applications via fax at
(649) 941-4034
Belongers are encouraged to send copy of their Resume to Labour Board. Position currently held by work permit holder. 12636
Fishing from South Creek area to deep water Salary: 6.50 per hour
BLUE HILLS Is seeking to employ a
• Duties include cooking, cleaning, washing and ironing • Babysitting Salary: $6.50 per hour
CONTACT: 241-4454 Belongers are encouraged to
send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder12118
GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a
Turtle Cove, Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands
Email: Mangoreef@hotmail.com Tel: 649-946-8200
Applications are sought for a
FOOD ATTENDANT To work in the capacity of taking Orders, server tables, clearing tables and such other instructions that the employer may issue from time to time. Salary will be US$300 weekly. The Position is held by a work Permit Holder.
CONTACT: 243-5281
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
Acting on behalf of our client, Construction Complete, P.O. Box 68, Blue Mountain, Providenciales. Is seeking to employ a
Removing of the debris and garbage from site, preparing the site for work, mixing cement, loading and off-loading and delivering materials. SALARY: $9.00 per hour
prepare the work for instance the requires materials (quantity, size, etc.) cut and saw steel bars as detail requires. SALARY: $420 weekly
June 30 - July 6, 2018
Fabricates, alters, repairs and maintains walls, sidewalks, street curbs, floors, bathroom showers, sinks counters. Partitions, manholes and other related structures or surface. Salary $8.00 per hour
ability to work without supervision; must have at least 3-5 years; installing roof; house fixtures; installing cabinets, building frames work for doors, windows walls, Salary: $8.00 per hour
Contact: 231-0337 Email: desmond@projetech.tc
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. Positions are held by work permit holders 12677
Explorer Ventures (TCI) Ltd. is a scuba liveaboard diving company operating out of Providenciales. The company requires an experienced marine mechanic who has the ability to repair and maintain all shipboard systems including, but not limited to, MEs, breathing air compressors, RO water makers, generators and A/C units. Candidates must have STCW95/10 certification, shipboard safety, and marine mechanic certification. Must speak/ write English fluently, have excellent customer contact skills, and must live onboard the vessel, with one day shore leave each week. Previous liveaboard experience preferred. This position is currently held by a work permit holder.
Interested persons are asked to apply by email to Nelson Riollano, at jobs@ExplorerVentures.com Prospective applicants who are Turks and Caicos Islanders are invited to also send copies of their applications to the Commissioner for Labour. Starting salary: $1600/month
Duties include general cleaning of kitchen area, bathrooms, dining room, doors and window glass panes, equipment and utensils. Salary: $6.50 per hour, willing to work on flexible time to include nights, weekends and holidays
This position is currently held by a work permit holder. Interested persons are asked to apply by email to Nelson Riollano, at jobs@ExplorerVentures.com Prospective applicants who are Turks and Caicos Islanders are invited to also send copies of their applications to the Commissioner for Labour. Starting salary: $2000/month 12631
Email: info@pizzapizza.tc Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
Candidates must be able to clearly demonstrate the following: • Greets and interacts with customers and offer assistance with purchases • Assist customers with locating merchandise • Give information on products and prices • Ensures shelves and racks are properly stocked and organized • Assist with stock taking when required • Answers the telephone in a professional manner • Performs the duty as Cashier • Keep records relating to discharge of his/her responsibilities • Assist with keeping store clean and tidy at all times • Execute any other duties that may be assigned
Skills and educational requirements: • High school diploma • Must be computer literate • Good communication and organizational skills • Second language (Creole/French/Spanish) a plus Documents required: • 1 passport photo • 2 references (one previous employer and one character) • Copy of information page of passport • Copy of NIB and NHIP cards • Turks and Caicos Status Card
Please leave your resume: Caproni’s Uniform Plus, No. 13 Morris Plaza, 2nd Floor, Airport Road, Providenciales or email: capronis2005@yahoo.com. Closing date for submission July 6th, 2018
for residential and commercial painting jobs. Applicants must have proven record of successful projects in the Turks and Caicos Islands. Work Week: 6 days. Starting Basic Wage of $8.50/hour. New position.
to manage small building contracts. Work Week: 6 days. Starting basic wage, $15/hour. New position.
Qualified persons please send applications by email to Mr. Mullings at tropicdiamond@hotmail.com. 12629
BLUE HILLS Is seeking to employ a
AIRPORT ROAD Is seeking to employ a
To be responsible for caring for marble and other high-gloss surfaces. Candidates should have at least five years experience working in large institutions, and must be able to function on his/her own initiative. Work Week: 6 days. Starting wage: $12.50/hour. New position.
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
CONTACT: 941-7331
CONTACT: 241-2962
Explorer Ventures (TCI) Ltd. is a scuba liveaboard diving company operating out of Providenciales. The company requires an experienced Captain with a current 200 Ton (ITC) Master's license with full STCW-95/2010 who is also a certified SCUBA diver (Dive master or Instructor preferred). Must have substantial experience on vessels greater than 100 Ft. Strong customer service background and fluency in English is required. Previous liveaboard experience preferred and must employee must live onboard the vessel, with one day shore leave each week.
Clears debris from the site. Assemble and breakdown scaffold. Must be willing to work 44 hours per week, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Salary: $6.50 per hour
U9 Provo Storage, Cooper Jack Is seeking to employ a
Follows plans and blue prints, installs fixtures, windows, doors and shapes wood. Salary: $12.00 per hour
CONTACT: 241-9492
Email: martinvargas1915@ gmail.com Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board 12650
DUTIES INCLUDE; • Managing the business, liaising with clients • Must have 5 years’ international experience • Education accordingly to position • Must be able to speak French, English and Spanish Salary: $1000.00 per month
CONTACT: 941-3343
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 12691
EDRICE ARISTILDE FIVE CAYS Is seeking to employ a
DOMESTIC WORKER Taking care of children Salary: $6.25 per hour
CONTACT: 343-0358
Email: edrice649@gmail. com Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
ER CONSTRUCTION Glass Shack, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a
Painting rooms and buildings Salary: $484 per week
Repairs and fixtures on buildings, plumbing, Electrical repairs and AC fixtures Salary: $528 per week
CONTACT: 333-1199
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board These positions are currently held by work permit holders.
June 30 - July 6, 2018 HIGH GRADE CONSTRUCTION THE BIGHT Is seeking to employ a
HILTON FORBES BLUE HILLS Is seeking to employ a
Duties include: - Taking care of property, cleaning the yard, washing windows and trimming the trees Salary: $6.25 per hour
#216 Port of Call, Grace Bay is seeking to employ a
Painting Rooms for homes and businesses. Salary: $6.75 per hour
Cleaning of yard. House maintenance; fixing problems around the house. Salary: $7.00 per hour
Property Maintenance Fixing minor problems are the building. Salary: $6.50 per hour
CONTACT: 342-3555
CONTACT: 241-6299
CONTACT: 232-7791
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board 12617
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board 12623
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board 12598
OLD AIRPORT ROAD Is seeking to employ a
BARTENDERS Mixing Drinks. Keeping the bar clean and organized. Inventory Salary: $6.25 per hour
CONTACT: 348-1654
KEW TOWN Is seeking to employ a
SALES CLERK Sales pricing of goods Salary: $6.50 per hour
CONTACT: 341-7341
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board 12615
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board
Sanitation Office, South Dock Is seeking to employ a
General cleaning for home and office, which includes; sweeping, mopping, dusting Salary: $6.25 per hour
BLUE HILLS Is seeking to employ a
GLASS SHACK Is seeking to employ a
DOMESTIC WORKER General House work Salary: $300 Bi-Weekly
CONTACT: 241-5071
Email: jeanclaude@hotmail.com Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
CONTACT: 244-4068
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
MONDAY CARWASH LOWER BIGHT Is seeking to employ a
CAR WASHERS Washing of vehicles Salary: $6.25 per hour
CONTACT: 243-7999
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board 12610
CONTACT: 946-4925
Email: tcsanitation@tciway.tc Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
Minimum 15 yrs experience in Commercial Laundry industry. Post-Secondary education in Business Management or related. Minimum 12 yrs Laundry Management experience. Responsible to create and oversee all Company operations to include; efficient and organized production, staffing, training, scheduling, client communications, customer service, inventory, linen quality control, Department budgets, health & safety protocol. • Knowledgeable with all related equipment; washers, tunnel, press, dryers by Jensen, Lavatec, Chicago, Uni-Mac, Cissell, Ipso and order parts online and track parts inventory. • Must set high standards and be both a team leader and builder. • Available to manage different work shifts as required, including nights. • Must have excellent interpersonal and communication skills. • Must have exceptional computer skills, manage all Linen specific programs (Laundry Trak & Linen Master) and be proficient in Excel. • Must be fluent in English. • Starting Base Salary $45,000
CONTACT: 432-1797
Qualified applicants should email CV to info@pioneertci.com or deliver to Pioneer office in Grace Bay facility. Please fax/deliver copy to TCI Labour Office: 649-946-4164
Horizon Construction Seeks to employ
PROJECT ENGINEERING MANAGER Plans and directs all aspects of engineering activities within the organization. Ensures all engineering projects, initiatives, and processes are in conformance with the organization's established policies and objectives. Demonstrates expertise in a variety of the field's concepts, practices, and procedures. Relies on extensive experience and judgment to plan and accomplish goals. Performs a variety of tasks. Leads and directs the work of others. A wide degree of creativity and latitude is expected. Reports to top management. Qualifications & Objectives • Ten [10] years experience in managing projects; • Must possess a Bachelor’s degree in Engineering or higher; • Fellow or Chartered Member of an industry related professional body; • Demonstrable project management experience of leading an engineering function with a proven track record in strategic engineering; • Competent in the use of Microsoft Project, MS Office; AutoCAD drawings and other technical drawings; • Knowledge and technical understanding of construction processes, components and design techniques; • Strategic and tactical responsibility for implementing engineering strategy and strategic operational goals; • Assists in preparation of budgets and job scopes; • Work closely with internal and external key stakeholders, customer service, sales and customers; • Responsible for all areas of the Engineering function and quality of service delivery, striving for best in class products and business practices to deliver to the customer’s expectations, managing teams and projects across the business; • Provide clear leadership and vision, inspire and motivate staff to achieve excellence and mentor them as they develop new skills; • Drive Key Performance Indicators across all areas of the Engineering function to ensure that all projects are delivered on cost and on time to the highest quality standards; • Ensure Health, Safety and Environmental issues are prioritized and facilitated. Starting Salary: $52,000.00 per annum | This position is currently being held by a work permit holder and the ad is to facilitate the renewal of the work permit ONLY IF no belonger meets the requirements listed above.
Interested candidates must submit resume and qualifications to:
Horizon Construction Ltd. #7 The Venetian, Venetian Road, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands Tel: 649-946-5414 -or- Email: info@horizonconstruction.tc Application deadline – July 6, 2018
Front Street, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a
• Clean Rooms • Wash Laundry • Must be able to lift heavy loads Salary: $6.25 per
To work with staff members to ensure that the restaurant is clean and well maintained. The successful applicant will participate in daily cleaning activities, must be able to take direction from the kitchen staff or the floor staff, help waiters to bring food, clear tables, function as dishwasher and such other instructions that the employer may issue from time to time. Must work weekends and Holidays
CONTACT: 243-5522
Salary will be US$300 weekly. The Position is held by a work Permit Holder.
Turks & Caicos Islanders who are interested in this position may apply to the Secretary Immigration Board
June 30 - July 6, 2018
Email: erikafaller@bluewin.ch Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
SECURITY MANAGEMENT SERVICES TDMG Building, South Dock Road Is seeking to employ a
• Secure premises and personnel by patrolling property • Monitoring surveillance equipment, inspecting building, equipment’s and access points of entry Salary: $7.50 per hour
CONTACT: 3317678 OR 331-7676
Email: info@smsltdtci.com Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board 12625
THE CONCH SHACK BLUE HILLS Is seeking to employ a
• Mix drinks • Keep bar area clean and organized • Inventory Salary: $7.00 per hour Must be willing to work 5 days per week 12 PM to 9 PM
CONTACT: 3313887 OR 332-8501 Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board 12631
SECURITY MANAGEMENT SERVICES TDMG Building, South Dock Road Is seeking to employ a
• Secure premises and personnel by patrolling property • Monitoring surveillance equipment, inspecting building, equipment’s and access points of entry Salary: $7.00 per hour
CONTACT: 3317678 OR 331-7676
2 LABOURERS Duties are: Painting; Clearing debris from job site; To assemble and Break down Scaffold Salary: $8.50 per hour
CONTACT: 343-4272
Email: info@smsltdtci.com Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder 12612
Email: hynettaf@gmail.com Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board
WHEELAND Is seeking to employ a
LABOURER Cleaning the yard, fixing minor problems around the house. Salary: $6.25 per hour
CONTACT: 333-0014
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
GRACE BAY Is seeking to employ a
OFFICE CLEANER Cleans office- dusting, moping, sweeping Salary: $6.25 per hour
CONTACT: 347-0501
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
IS SEEKING to EMPLOY: EAST HARBOUR NOMINEES LTD. as Chargee, pursuant to the Registered Land Ordinance HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that it will cause to be sold by public auction the scheduled property at the offices of SAUNDERS & CO., 23 Parade Avenue, Second Floor, Providenciales at 10:00 am on Friday, 6th July 2018. SCHEDULE WINDSOR PLACE, located at 895 Leeward Highway, just 735 feet West of Graceway IGA, accessible from the Westbound lane. The property accommodates three buildings. Two two-story buildings comprise sixteen (16) rental units, twelve of which are approximately 600 sq ft (20’x30’) and four are approximately 750 sq ft (20’x30’ + 10’x15’). The third building is a single-story structure of approximately 8,775 sq ft (45’x195’), formerly the LRAYE CINEMA. All buildings total approximately 18,675 sq ft. The buildings are located on 60718/7, Cheshire Hall & Richmond Hill, Providenciales, which is a 1.2 acre parcel. Auction terms may be secured in advance from Saunders & Co., 23 Parade Avenue, Providenciales, for the attention of The Loans Department, at info@saunders.tc. Full particulars of the property may also be secured by qualified purchasers, including a recent copy of the register of title, an abstract from the block plan, planning approval for the buildings, certificate of fitness for occupancy, and plans. The auction will be subject to a reserve, so serious enquiries only.
FRONT DESK/NIGHT AUDITOR REQUIREMENTS: • Candidates must be goal oriented, reliable, flexible, • possess excellent customer service, • organizational & communicational skills. • Please submit applications to Human Resource Email:jgarland@portsofcallresort. com
GARDENERS/HOUSEMAIDS RESPONSIBILITIES: • Soil Cultivation, digging, forking, mulching, watering, weeding, edging, pruning; seed sowing, bed preparation and planting. • Use and maintenance of hand tools and basic light machinery. • Plant and transfer flowers, shrubs, trees and lawn. • Use of cylinder and rotary mowers, strimmers, leaf blowers. • Must have excellent knowledge of plants, organised and able to follow schedule. • Outside maintenance including pathways, ponds, steps, walls etc.
Please submit applications to Human Resource Email:jgarland@portsofcallresort.com This position is currently held by a work permit holder. Belonger’s kindly send copies of your application to the TCI labour board
June 30 - July 6, 2018
EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES! The Financial Services Commission (FSC), the regulator of financial services business in the Turks and Caicos Islands, is seeking suitably qualified applicants to fill a number of vacancies.
BANK & TRUST ANALYST I Department: Bank & Trust Location: Providenciales Annual Salary: $30,257 - $35,683
JOB SUMMARY This is a technical analyst position which reports to the Supervisor, Bank & Trust. The post holder will be responsible for undertaking assessments of the financial soundness and compliance of assigned banks, trust companies and money transmitters licensed by FSC.
BANK AND TRUST ANALYST II Department: Bank & Trust Annual Salary: $35,701 - $42,651
JOB SUMMARY This is a technical analyst position which reports to the Supervisor, Bank & Trust. The post holder will be responsible for undertaking assessments of the financial soundness and compliance of assigned banks, trust companies, money transmitters and credit unions licensed by FSC. The officer will also be required to conduct analysis of assigned sectors and prepare and present reports on finds.
AML SUPERVISION ANALYST I Department: AML Supervision Department Location: Providenciales Annual Salary: $30,257 - $35,683.00
JOB SUMMARY The successful candidate will actively participate in Anti Money Laundering and Prevention of Terrorist Financing (AML/PTF) regulation/supervision of assigned entities and individuals. Specific duties will include assessing and reporting on the level of compliance with the TCI’s AML/PTF Regulations and Code by way of on-site examinations and off-site monitoring. The job holder will also assist with raising awareness of AML/PTF issues and in maintaining accurate records on supervised entities.
INSURANCE ANALYST I Department: Insurance Location: Providenciales Annual Salary: $30,257 - $35,683.00
JOB SUMMARY This is a technical analyst position which reports to the Supervisor, Insurance Department. The post holder will be responsible for undertaking assessments of the financial soundness and compliance of assigned insurers and insurance intermediaries licensed by FSC.
INSURANCE ANALYST II Department: Insurance Location: Providenciales Annual Salary: $35,701 - $42,651
JOB SUMMARY The Insurance Analyst II is responsible for planning and conduct off-site and on-site inspections of the financial and operational systems of insurance businesses, which involves, analysing and verifying information to determine the entities’ financial status and level of compliance with their internal policies and procedures, and relevant local and international standards, ordinances and regulations.
INSURANCE ANALYST III Department: Insurance Location: Providenciales
Annual Salary: $42,683 - $51,589 JOB SUMMARY The Insurance Analyst III is responsible for the planning and conduct of off-site and on-site inspections of the financial and operational systems of insurers and insurance intermediaries. The officer also supervises the work of other Analysts in the department. This position is currently held by a work permit holder.
ASSISTANT MANAGER, DOMESTIC INSURANCE Department: Insurance Location: Providenciales Annual Salary: $51,604 - $63,007
JOB SUMMARY This position is part of the junior management and reports to the Director of Insurance. The post holder will be responsible to develop detail plans for the assessment insurance risk in the jurisdiction. The officer will be responsible for preparing guidelines and codes of conduct for insurance entities, supervise the junior and senior Insurance Analysts and plan the work flow relating to offsite and onsite supervision of licensed entities. This position is currently held by a work permit holder.
Department: Information Technology Location: Grand Turk Annual Salary: $42,683 - $51,589 JOB SUMMARY The holder of this position reports directly to the Director of Information Technology. The Systems Engineer is responsible for planning and designing Windows based infrastructure, virtualization environments and storage networks across the infrastructure. This includes recommendation, configuration, installation, support and deployment of all server, storage and backup/archive technology, including operating systems and management tools and associated software applications supported by the IT Department.
DEPUTY MANAGING DIRECTOR Department: Management Core Location: Grand Turk Annual Salary: $81,536 - $101,167
JOB SUMMARY Deputy Managing Director (DMD) assists the Managing Director and the Board to plan, develop, implement and monitor the Commission’s operations, plans and initiatives. This is a senior management position which reports directly to the Managing Director. The DMD has direct responsibility for the supervision of assigned regulatory and operational departments and will assist with the development and implementation of policies and programs aligned with the Commission’s mission, vision and strategic plan. The office holder oversees the Commission’s operations, has budgeting responsibilities and is involved in hiring and evaluating staff. The DMD is expected to be able to step in and assume the Managing Director’s responsibilities in his absence.
SUPERVISOR, BANK & TRUST Department: Bank & Trust Location: Providenciales Annual Salary: $42,683 - $51,589
JOB SUMMARY This position is part of the junior management and reports to the Director of Bank & Trust. The post holder will be responsible for conducting offsite review and on-site examination reviews of assigned licensed deposit-taking institutions from the pre-planning stages to post-examination follow up. This position is currently held by a work permit holder.
Details on the above vacancies can be found on the FSC’s website at www.tcifsc.tc. or contact us on telephone numbers 649-946-2550 or 649-946-2791 ext. 4002 or 4021.
Applications should be emailed to administration@tcifsc.tc no later than July 6, 2018. The response must state clearly the position you are applying for. A copy can be sent to the Employment Services Department. Applications received after the application deadline may not be considered in this recruitment phase but may be placed on file for future reference. (We appreciate all responses but only shortlisted candidates will be notified)
is seeking to employ the following individual:
East Tare Road, Grand Turk Is seeking an
To work in local convenient store as a cashing agent. Applicant must be able to speak English, Creole and Spanish and work abnormal hours. Please send interests to email: tadderley@ icloud.com or call (649) 241-4678. Salary $9.00 per hour.
to drive and operate. Successful candidate will be offloading Vessels and transporting materials to storage sight and delivery of materials to customers. Must have at least 5 years’ experience Salary: $10 per hour Belongers need only apply
is seeking to hire the following persons: 2 - Laborers and/or Gardeners to work 5 days a week including some weekends. DUTIES INCLUDE: weeding, pruning and taking care of landscaping, making sure that property grounds always look presentable and acceptable. Successful candidate/s should also be available to work on landscaping contracts that the company acquires. Salary $8.50 per hour Please send interests to email: gardenscapetci@gmail.com or call (649) 246-3602
June 30 - July 6, 2018
LABOURER - NEW VACANCY - must be able to move heavy furniture and equipment - must be available for long hours at short notice including weekends and holidays - must have proper etiquette when working with high net worth clients and in high end properties - $6.50 per hour
TCI Islanders are invited to apply to tropitechtci@gmail.com or 431 7777 with a copy to the labour department. Closing date 4th July 2018. MOLIANE’S RETAIL SHOP
Over Back, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a
Serving Customers, balancing of cash drawers Salary: $200 per week
CONTACT: 346-2537
A Room Inspector is required to work in a luxury villa. The successful candidate must possess the following qualities & experience: • Must have experienced as a housekeeper at a Five Star Hotel/Luxury Villa with a high level of attention to detail. • Applicant must inspect the cleanliness of all rooms prior and post guest arrival • Must list and itemize lost and found items • Be willing to work flexible hours including holidays, week-ends and evenings • Must be reliable and trustworthy and energetic • Handles guest complaints and queries • Applicant must be willing to look after the household when owners are absent • Possess excellent command of English • Controls waste of any product or linen. • Must be a non-smoker
CONTACT: 332-2240
with at least 5 years’ experiences in Family medicine, working knowledge of English, French, Creole and Spanish. You may apply with references and detailed Curriculum Vitae to. Salary: $2500 per month
CONTACT: 1-649941-8405 OR 8406
CONTACT: 241-5785
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
WATERPLAY PROVO GRACE BAY Is seeking to employ a
Renting Paddle Boards, Kayaks, Hobye Cat Salary: $7.00 per hour
CONTACT: 232-7245
Duties include: cleaning, mopping and dusting of house. Salary: $6.50 per hour
Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
Duties include; Hair extensions, treatment and coloring of hair, hairstyles Salary: $300 per week
This AD is for a work permit renewal. However, this position is open to all qualified Turks & Caicos Islanders. Potential Turks Island candidates should also submit copies of their application to the Labor Board. Please apply in writing to Villa Manager, The Source Ltd, 362 Grace Bay Road, Venture House #203W, email: hr@thesource.tc, 1649 941 7550.
CONTACT: 342-1957
Email: hamcotci@hotmail.com Belongers are encouraged to end a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
LOWER BIGHT Is seeking to employ a
Duties to include; cooking, cleaning and washing for infant. Salary: $6.25 per hour
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder
GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a
The successful candidate will work closely with the villa manager and is expected to assist with the daily general upkeep and maintenance of the villa. He/she should possess the following experience & qualifications: • Assist with light housekeeping and grounds cleaning • Must be physically fit and able to lift and carry 50lbs or more. • He/she must be willing to work flexible and long hours (week-ends, & especially holidays) • He/she must be able to work within a team and be willing to perform other duties to assist other staff as required. • Assist with carrying watersports equipment to and from the beach and must be able to swim confidently. • Perform custodial duties such as sweeping, raking the grounds, raking the beach, garbage removal • A driver’s license is essential as there will be a large element of errand running. • Ability to take direction and show initiative. • He/she must be extremely well presented, have a sunny demeanor and have a good command of English. • Must have a clean police record
COOPER JACK HILL Is seeking to employ a
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
CANDIDATE MUST ALSO: • Perform general housekeeping duties including laundry. • In the absence of guest must be willing to assist with cleaning and general maintenance • Must be willing and to work well with the team • Must have a clean police record Preference will be given to individuals with work experience in luxury villas or 5 star hotels and with a valid driver’s license.
Providenciales is seeking a
Email: waterplayprovo@ gmail.com Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
PROVIDENCIALES Acting on behalf of our clients who are seeking the following
WOOD CARVER Designing Cabinets Salary: $8.00 per hour
Pulling pipes and wires Salary: $6.50 per hour
Mowing Lawn, cutting of grass, trimming trees, soil cultivations, forking, digging and managing of gardens Salary: $7.00 per hour
CONTACT: 232-2001
CONTACT: 332-2876
Email: paulacumberbatch@ gmail.com Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board
Email: jrigbycuttingedge@ gmail.com Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board 12648
BLUE (SALTMILLS PLAZA) is looking for a
STORE CLERK TO START ASAP WHO MUST BE: • Mature, very organized, presentable and tidy with a good attitude and self-motivation. • Able to work as a team in a team six days a week 9am-6pm sometimes during peak holidays. • Person must also be flexible enough to arrive early or leave late when receiving inventory. • Only well presented applications will be considered. Must hand delivered before end of June 2018. SALTMILLS PLAZA | GRACE BAY ROAD PROVIDENCIALES | TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS 649.941.8670 INSTAGRAM @BLUESURFTCI FACEBOOK @BLUE TURKS AND CAICOS 12673
June 30 - July 6, 2018
#27 Blue Hills, Gomez Square Is seeking to employ a
To work 8-5 6 days per week @$7.00 per hour Duties include cleaning and dusting of the store. Application can be sent via email at ARWS@gmail.com or delivered to #27 Blue Hills, Gomez Square
CONTACT: 333-2611
Acting on behalf of our clients who are seeking the following VILLA DEL MAR Grace Bay
DOMESTIC WORKER Cleaning, Mopping, dusting for home, running errands Salary: $6.50 per hour
CONTACT: 331-6563
To professionally execute all relating to houseman. To maintain building area by cleaning the floor, windows, porches and balconies. Collecting all garbage from all ground area as well as assisting guest with luggage on arrival and departure. Salary: $7.50 per hour Contact: 941- 5160 Email: josalee@ yourvilladelmar.com. Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board. Held by a work permit holder SOUTH WIND MILLWORK P.O. Box 176, Providenciales
Locals need only apply or submit applications to Labour Department Position advertised is currently held by a work permit holder
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder12680
- $16.00 per hour Duties are shop fabrication, millwork, helping others. Contact: 946-5700 Email: southwind@tciway.tc Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. Held by a work permit holder
#317 Millennium Highway Is seeking to employ a
LEEWARD HIGHWAY Is seeking to employ a
- $6.50 per hour Sweeping, dusting, mopping and cleaning of restrooms
- $8.00 per hour Identifying electrical problems, repair and replacing of wires and fixtures. Inspecting components such as transformers and circuit breakers.
$8.00 per hour. Minor cleaning and dusting, fixes minor problems, painting and touch ups
CONTACT: 347-5879
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board. These positions are currently held by work permit holders
BRONCO SERVICES South Dock Road Is seeking to employ
Construction site clean-up and trash removal Salary: $7.00 per hour
CONTACT: 344-8841
Housecleaning, running errands and cooking Salary: $6.50 per hour Must be willing to work 8-5 44 hours per week
CONTACT: 331-9063
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
CALVIN GREENE FIVE CAYS Is seeking to employ a
Clean debris from yard, fixing minor problems around the house, light cleaning like washing windows and dusting Salary: $6.50 per hour
CONTACT: 246-3175
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
PROVIDENCIALES Is seeking to employ a
Prepare meals Salary: $2000 per month Must be willing to work 6 days per week
CONTACT: 243-3036
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the labour board 12620
THE BIGHT Is seeking to employ a
LABOURER Cleans debris from yard, minor cleaning such as washing windows and dusting, fix small problems around the house Salary: $6.25 per hour
CONTACT: 348-1011
Email: iodasubbs@hotmail. com
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder 12652
Acting on behalf of Rukin Williams Blue Hills. Who is seeking to employ a
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
KEW TOWN Is seeking to employ a
NANNY Taking care of 3 children, school drop off and pick up, preparing meals for children Salary: 6.25 per hour
CONTACT: 241-5920
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board
This position is currently held by a work permit holder 12668
Receiving of payments, totaling bills, receiving merchandise and making change for customers Salary: $7.00 per week
Setting up and putting away of beach chairs and umbrellas, making sure beach chairs are clean, Must be honest and responsible. Salary $6.50 per hour
CONTACT: 341-1021
CONTACT 232-1762
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This positon is currently held by a work permit holder
Alliance Plaza, Grace Bay Is seeking to employ
ALLIANCE PLAZA Is seeking to employ a
With over 5 years’ experience in Pest Control Services. Workers should be able to work regular hours and on calls. For further information, please
CONTACT 946-4272
week days from 9 AM to 5PM and after hours 2310195. Salary: $. Belongers
are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board These positions are currently held by work permit holders. 12683
Duties are; spraying for bugs and other duties requested by management Salary: $6.50 per hour
CONTACT: 231-0195
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder 12711
HAIR BRAIDER Braiding hair, using natural hair or using extensions. Salary: $7.50 per hour. Applicant must be honest, reliable and hardworking
CONTACT: 346-6169
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
SIGGIE ROSADO BLUE HILLS Is seeking to employ a
Taking care of household, cleaning, washing and ironing Salary: $6.50 per hour
Examine furniture frames, upholstery, springs and webbing to repair furniture and frames. Salary: $7.00 per hour
CONTACT: 244-0660
CONTACT: 244-4542
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
Duties include: sweeping, dusting and mopping for home. Salary: $6.25 per hour
CONTACT: 246-6818
Email: samharvery96@ hotmail.com
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 12683
Since the successful candidate will work closely with the private villa chef he/she is expected to assist the chef with other duties and possess the following experience and qualities. QUALIFICATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS: • Experience in Five Star F&B is essential. • Expansive wine knowledge in order to assist private chef, owners and guest with wine parings for dining. • Serving and bartending experience is also essential since the sommelier will be expected to serve dinner and drinks. • Butler experience in a Five Star environment is essential. • Assist private chef in maintaining the cleanliness and proper sanitation of the kitchen • He/she must be willing to work flexible and long hours (week-ends, & especially holidays) whilst there are guests. • He/she must be able to work within a team and be willing to perform other duties to assist other staff as required. • He/she must be extremely well presented and have a good command of English. Since the family are native Spanish speaker’s knowledge of Spanish would be an advantage but not essential. • A clean driver’s license is also required as the Sommelier would be expected to assist the private chef with shopping. • When there are no guests in the villa he/she is expected to work with the team to assist in maintaining the villa. • Salary is dependent on experience.
This position is presently held by a work permit holder. Suitably qualified candidates should apply by email to hr@thesource.tc and send a copy of their application to the Department of labour. 12687
Clean the store every morning, loading and unloading of goods, maintain safety in the packaging area, off-loading container, pick, pick, receive and restock products. Salary: $6.25 per hour
CONTACT: 331-7188
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
LABOURER Care for the gardens, plant trees on properties, water plants including soil cultivation, digging, forking, mulching, raking, weeding, edging, seed sowing bed preparation and planting transporting garbage of properties. Salary $6.25 per hour. Must be able to work 5 days per week
CONTACT: 649-347-8726
CONTACT: 331-1787
CONTACT: 331-5034 Belongers are encouraged to
CONTACT: 649-432-5677
CONTACT: 946-7133
To service, clean the building attentively by sweeping and scrubbing, vacuuming and mopping. Repairs equipment, bathroom, repair broken furniture, ensure all service requests are completed on a daily basis. Salary: $6.25 per hour
Duties: cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames, care for the garden on a daily basis. Salary $6.25. Must be willing to work 5 days per week
CONTACT: 649-348-1197
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board 12710
send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder 12759
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to The Labor Department
AIRPORT ROAD, KEW TOWN Is seeking to employ a
LABOURER Cleaning and removing debris from construction site Salary: $7.00 per hour
FIVE CAYS Is seeking to employ a
Cleaning the store which includes, sweeping, mopping and dusting. Salary: $6.25 per hour
CONTACT: 246-5137
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board 12734
CONTACT: 346-7367
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
BLUE HILLS Is seeking to employ a
SOUTH DOCK ROAD Is seeking to employ a
Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames, cares for the garden on a daily basis. Salary: $6.25 per hour
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
KEW TOWN Is looking for a
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder 12756
GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder 12768
Taking care of the baby and clean the house, mop, clean bedroom, wash and iron the baby clothes. Salary: $6.25 per hour
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder 12767
CONTACT: 241-3631
CONTACT: 241-1227
CONTACT: 345-5113
Cleaning and removing debris from construction site Salary: $7.00 per hour Flamingo Variety Store
Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, making beds, clean bathrooms, toilers, kitchen, living rooms are, dusting, polishing, furniture, wash and iron for the family. Salary: $6.25 per hour
CONTACT: 232-5420
This position is for work permit renewal. Belongers are asked to submit a copy of their resumes to the Labor Department 12769
Front Road, Blue Hills Is seeking to employ a
FIVE CAYS Is seeking to employ a
Cooking, Cleaning, Washing and Ironing. Salary: $6.25 per hour. Must be willing to work 6 days per week
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder 12745
AIRPORT ROAD Blue Sky Constructions
Transport and dump louse materials, such as sand, gravel, crushed rock, transport and dump garbage and trashes. Salary: $7.00 per hour
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
LEEWARD HIGHWAY Is seeking to employ a
To service, clean the building attentively by sweeping and scrubbing, vacuuming and mopping. Repairs equipment, bathroom, repair broken furniture, ensure all service requests are completed on a daily basis. Salary: $8.50 per hour
To clean all areas within the yard in Caicos, cleans exterior and gutters, repair outdoor structures, trim down the trees, sweeping and removing debris from outside, manually moving and transporting garbage from the yard, water the plants. Salary: $6.25 per hour
LEEWARD HIGHWAY Is seeking to employ a
Duties: remove rubble, dirt, and hazardous waste from construction site, performed post-construction site cleanup and executed building cleaning activities, operated cleaning equipment and utilized cleaning materials. Salary $6.25 per hour
Must be willing to work 5 days per week. Belongers are asked to submit a copy of their resumes to the Labor Department 12774
NORTH CAICOS Is seeking to employ a
Duties: care for children, maintain the house clean, wash dishes, clean bedroom, bathroom, wash and iron Salary $6.25 per hour Must be able to work 5 days per week
CONTACT: 649-346-4760
This position is for work permit renewal. Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to The Labor Department 12771
HOLY FAMILY ACADEMY ROMAN CATHOLIC SCHOOL KEW TOWN Is accepting applications for the position of
ROMAN CATHOLIC RELIGION AND SUBJECT AREA TEACHERS REQUIREMENTS: • The employer requires the employee to be a missionary Roman Catholic Teacher • The employer requires the employee to be a fully initiated Roman Catholic in good standing • The employee is required to have documented experience in the area of teaching the Roman Catholic Religion • The employee must have full knowledge of the United States National Curriculum Standards • Education and experience • Associate or Bachelor’s Degree holders will be considered • Salary package $800 per month for twelve months, paid as a compensation package • This is for work permit renewal • Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board
For more information and resume submission contact: Fr. Orlando Gonzalez, Phone:649-941-5136, Email: holyfamilytci@gmail.com 12751
CONTACT: 341-3682
MILLENNIUM HIGHWAY Is seeking to employ a
June 30 - July 6, 2018
Responsibilities include; Helping customers in making choices and assisting them. Providing info about products they are interested in and must have knowledge of services and products Salary: $6.25 per hour
DOMESTIC WORKER General house cleaning which includes, sweeping, moping and dusting. Cooking, Ironing and washing. Salary: $150 per week
His responsibilities to include fixing and repairing a variety of electronic materials, TC, computers and phones. Salary: $6.25 per hour
CONTACT: 241-7341
Interested persons may send their Resume to this email address: shellande. autoparts@gmail.com Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
CONTACT: 241-7341
CONTACT: 431-1634
Interested person may send their Resume to this email address: shellande.autoparts@gmail.com Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder 12701
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder.
IBO PLAZA, LEEWARD HIGHWAY DREADZ is now accepting application/ resume for the following position. Only highly self-driven and motivated, personable and professional individuals, whom have the desire to serve others, need apply: SKILLED POSITION COSMETOLOGIST JOB PURPOSE: Performs daily duties that serve customers, including haircuts, manicures, pedicures, and any service the customer requires. Initiates new ideas based on current fashions and trends. COSMETOLOGIST JOB DUTIES: • Performs haircuts based on the desires and needs of the clients • Performs manicures and pedicures • Performs any waxing procedures based on client specifications • Offers advice to client based o he latest trends and designer fashions • Performs hair dyes • Provides various beauty consultation services to clients
• Schedules individuals for large scale events such as proms, wedding and formal events • Performs hair shampooing • Recommends beauty products for future beauty care needs • Sells products that a salon maintains as a business partner • Acts courteous upon meeting new clients • Maintains a safe work environment to maintain compliance with governmental business regulations • Performs personal care transformations for clients, including spa service treatments • Upsells clients to ensure return business • Follow up with clients after beauty procedures • Acquires knowledge of latest beauty car
trends and styles • Provides follow up advice to professionals • Schedules appointments with self and other beauticians or cosmetologists COSMETOLOGIST SKILLS AND QUALIFICATIONS: Cosmetology Training, Hair cutting and styling, manicures, pedicures, massages, problem solving, scheduling, interpersonal communication, excellent oral and written communication skills, basic computational skills, facial makeup application training, high school diploma or equivalent educational experience, innovative hair styling and beauty treatment techniques, some previous salon experience desirable Salary starts at $6.25 per hour
CONTACT: 649-332-2182
Belonger are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labor Department
June 30 - July 6, 2018 Lower Bight Is seeking to employ a
CONTACT: 341-6508 Belongers are encouraged to
Day to day project monitoring Salary: based on qualifications
CONTACT: 941-8126 Belongers are encouraged to
send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board 12755
KEW TOWN Is looking for a
LABOURER Duties: working around construction site clean forms Must be willing to work 5 days per week salary $8.00 per hour
CONTACT: 649-243-0948
Belongers are asked to send a copy of their resume to the Labor Department. This positon is for work permit renewal 12781
FIVE CAYS Is seeking to employ a
HOUSEKEEPER Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. Salary: $6.25 per hour
CONTACT: 348-7082
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder 12785
• Minimum 3 Years’ experience working in Cell Phone Sales & Repairs • Customer Service experience • High School Graduate • Must be able to speak English & Spanish • Salary payable $1500.00 per month • Only Belongers need apply • New Position
• Minimum 5 Years’ experience repairing Electronics & Cell phones • Diagnose and repair Electronics & Cell Phones • Experienced in Micro Soldering & Reballing • Certified in Electronics Repair • Must be able to read Schematics • Salary payable is $8.00 to $10.00 per hour • Only Belongers need apply • New Position
send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder 12786
Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. Cares for garden on a daily basis Salary: $6.25 per hour
Bottle Creek, North Caicos Is seeking to employ a
Email all applications to info@jafooe.com JAFOOE LIMITED, Graceway Plaza, Leeward Highway, Providenciales, TCI 241.1545
Email all resumes to info@jafooe.com JAFOOE LIMITED, Graceway Plaza, Leeward Highway, Providenciales, TCI 241.1545
Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash. Clean windows, door frames, cares for the garden on a daily basis. Salary: $6.25 per hour
General cleaning for home and office, this includes sweeping, mopping, dusting, ironing and washing Salary: $6.25 per hour
CONTACT: 344-7416
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board 12746
NOTICE REGULATION 7 OF THE PHYSICAL PLANNING (DEVELOPMENT PERMISSION) REGULATIONS, 2014 An Application, REGISTERED PR 13554, by Devon Kyle Cox For the development of Multi-Unit Residence has been submitted to the Department of Planning for consideration of Development Permission on 61113/261, Long Bay Hills on Providenciales. The application as submitted seeks planning consideration for a Two (2) Story Main Dwelling comprised of Two (2) 3-Bedroom Units, One (1) 1-Bedroom, One (1) Caretaker’s Suite. Anyone wishing to make representation(s) may do so in writing to the Director of Planning, South Base, Grand Turk or through the Department of Planning, Emily House, Leeward Highway, Providenciales, within twenty-eight (28) days of publication of this Notice.
Dated Posted: 27 June 2018 12791
KEW TOWN Is seeking to employ a
CONTACT: 241-2829
FIVE CAYS Is seeking to employ a
Helping customers in making choices by assisting them to locate items, providing info about products they are interested in and must have knowledge of services and products. Salary: $6.25 per hour. From Monday-Friday
CONTACT: 346-6622
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
All applicants can send their Resume to this Email: yvonpetit@yahoo.com Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder 12706
PROVIDENCIALES Is seeking to employ a
Pick up yard waste, collect leaves, clean the yard with sweeper, pick up yard waste and tree limbs, conduct labor work in the yard. Salary: $6.25 per hour
CONTACT: 332-6831
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
Design Studio is seeking a suitable qualified applicant to fill the following position:
POSITION SUMMARY: The primary role of the Assistant Manager will be to assist the Manager in daily studio and retail activities. The successful candidate will be required to be flexible with their working hours and will have to work Saturdays and the occasional Sundays. The candidate must be very organized, systematic and have extreme attention to detail. The Assistant Manager should be pro-active and be able to work independently. The Assistant Manager will be responsible for all of the Manager’s duties in their absence. MAIN DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: ▪ Designing pictorials for clients ▪ Creating worksheets for clients to be used internally ▪ Generating quotes for clients ▪ Producing contracts for clients ▪ Supervising the off-loading of containers in any weather ▪ Making deliveries to clients ▪ Measuring for window treatments ▪ Generating purchase orders for fabrics, furniture and accessories
▪ Sending purchase orders to suppliers ▪ Keeping track of orders on the internal system ▪ Answering emails ▪ Reconciling credit card statements ▪ Making sales within the retail store ▪ Keeping track of inventory ▪ Assist with sales, marketing and advertising for the company ▪ May be required to perform other duties as assigned or necessary QUALIFICATIONS AND SKILLS: ▪ A bachelor of arts degree ▪ Experience within the design industry ▪ Experience working with clients and suppliers on a business level ▪ Excellent working knowledge of Microsoft Word, Excel, Publisher and Outlook ▪ Ability to draw and read scale plans ▪ Experience in sales and marketing ▪ Basic accounting skills ▪ Excellent written and oral communication skills ▪ Must have a valid Turks and Caicos Islands driver’s license
Qualified candidates should email their CV to faye@designstudio.tc All applicants should also send a copy of their application to the Department of Labor and Employment Services This position is currently held by a work permit holder Salary $30,000 per annum The closing date for application is June 11, 2018 Please note only people short-listed for interview will be contacted 12531
Sweeping the tailor shop throughout the day, mopping the floor and clean customer bathroom and assist the tailors when needed. Salary: $6.25 per hour
CONTACT: 342-9259
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 12777
June 30 - July 6, 2018
KEW TOWN Is seeking to employ
INDUSTRIAL PARK Is seeking to employ a
JOB SUMMARY • Electrical Diagnostics, installations and repairs, air-conditioning and refrigeration systems. • Necessary qualifications and experience required • Minimum of 10 years’ experience in similar position Salary: $10 per hour
3 LABOURERS Cleaning the yard, watering the garden Salary: $6.25 per hour
• Assist the AC Technicians, cleans debris from the yard and plant trees. Salary: $6.25 per hour
CONTACT: 241-4976
All interested applicants should submit resume contact information to manpower-services@hotmail.com Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board. These positions are held by work permit holders 12742
CONTACT: 341-5121
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board 12787
PUMP ATTENDANT $7.00per hour 649-941-3390
mervco.acc@gmail.com 12782
Duties: cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames, care for the garden on a daily basis. Must be willing to work 5 days per week Salary $6.25
CONTACT: 649-241-9551
This position is for work permit renewal. Belongers are asked to submit a copy of their resumes to the Labor Department 12770
GARDENES/ LABORERS NEEDED Applicant must be able to wok outdoors preforming manual and physical laborer. They must be able to operate a jackhammer, lawn mower and chainsaw. They will be asked to dig holes, mix and spread topsoil/ cow manure and plant. They must be able to speak and communicate in English. Starting salary $6.50 per hour and may be required to work on weekends and holidays if needed.
Interested applicants including islanders/ Belongers can send applications to Services by EA by email: mary@eagrouptci.com. Successful applicants will be notified by phone for interview. This position is currently held by work permit holders.
ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY AND RESOURCE MANAGEMENT LECTURERS, MARINE OPERATIONS COORDINATOR, SITE MANGER, AND CENTER DIRECTOR Job Summaries and Qualifications: Lecturer and Center Director – PhD required; Student Affairs Manager – Minimum BS degree required (Masters preferred), Dive Master certification; Marine Operations Coordinator – Coordinates all scuba activities, BS degree and PADI Instructor Cert required, Captains License; Site Manager – BS degree (Masters preferred) and Divemaster Cert (PADI preferred) required All positions required to live on-site, minimum Open Water Scuba Diver unless otherwise stated, prior experience living/working at a field station and boat handling is preferred.
To Apply: Please send your CV to HHERTLER@FIELDSTUDIES.ORG by July 15, 2018. Start Date: September 2018
is seeking to employ a
HEAVY EQUIPMENT DIESEL MECHANIC With the knowledge of the standard • Skilled in the use of a variety of hand tools. practices, materials, tools and • Skilled in the use of gas and equipment used in the repair and maintenance of heavy equipment electric welding equipment. and engines. • Skilled in the use of mechanized tool, jacks and hoists. • Skilled in the use of a variety RESPONSIBILITIES of diagnostic testing and tuning • Applicant will be expected to perform Preventative equipment. Maintenance, correct defects, • Ability to diagnose mechanical, electrical and hydraulic prepare equipment for work daily malfunctions. and make possible field calls. • Ability to read manuals and schematics. QUALIFICATIONS • Minimum 5 years’ heavy • Ability to rebuild engines and major driveline components. equipment mechanic experience • Ability to enter information in • Clean Police Record fleet maintenance management • Valid Driver’s License software. SKILLS • Knowledge of safety issues in COMPENSATION the use of tools, equipment and • $40K ~ $50K supplies used in the repair of POSITION TYPE motorized vehicles and heavy • Full-Time equipment.
MAIN DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: • Coordinating, assigning and reviewing the work of assigned maintenance personnel • Review work orders and schedule personnel and equipment in accordance with job requirements • Prepare and maintain maintenance logs of work performed • Plan and recommend materials needed for work projects; order approved supplies and materials; keep time sheets; assist with budgeting; complete written records of work performed; material/ labor estimates • Direct, train and evaluate subordinate personnel. Build and maintain positive working relationships with co-workers, and other contractors’ employees using principles of good customer service. QUALIFICATIONS AND SKILLS • Applicants must have knowledge of the installation and operation of irrigation systems and components • Knowledge of work methods, tools, equipment and materials
used to maintain and repair irrigation systems • Extensive knowledge of electronically controlled irrigation systems and programming functions, including drip irrigation systems • Applicants must be able to read construction drawings, blueprints., plans and specifications, while maintaining clear records of the installation and maintenance of irrigation systems • Applicants must have a strong skill set with the ability to diagnose and troubleshoot irrigation problems, pumping system problems and remove and install pumps. He or she must also be able to install and replace faulty valves and solenoids and repair piping of all types. • Safely operate and maintain a variety of related tools, power, and agricultural related equipment • Trade Certificate Required • Applicants must be willing to work outdoors with irregular hours including weekends and holidays. Starting salary is approximately $8.00 per hour
Interested applicants including islanders/ Belonger can send applications to Services by EA by email to: mary@eagrouptci. com. Successful applicants will be notified by phone or interview. This position is currently held by work permit holders
NURSERY COORDINATOR • Minimum five years’ experience in operations/ coordination role • Excellent English and written skills • Comprehensive experience using QuickBooks for financial accounting, generation of financial reports and analysis • Adept at managing accounts payable, accounts receivable and payroll transaction • Experience dealing with high-end clients
• Willing to work outdoors and irregular hours including weekends and holidays if needed • Understanding of plants in indigenous Environmental application • Preferable a Bachelor of Business Administration Finance and or Bachelor of Science • Salary $3,200 per month commensurate with education and experience.
Please submit applications to main office at
Provo Stevedoring Ltd., Port Authorities Building, South Dock Port, Providenciales TCI.
Belongers are encourage to send a copy of their resume to the Labor Department
June 30 - July 6, 2018
RENOL PHILOXENE THE BIGHT Is seeking to employ a
Loading and off-loading of ship safely and effectively Salary: $6.50 per hour
Taking care of children, cooking and cleaning for children. Salary: $6.25 per hour
CONTACT: 941-8975
CONTACT: 346-8047
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 12779
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 12752
AC TECHNICIAN Responsibilities include; Repair AC equipment and conducting mobile services on request of customers. Salary: $7.00 per hour
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board. Only Belongers need to apply
General House cleaning which includes; Washing, ironing, sweeping and mopping. Salary: $6.25 per hour
CONTACT: 348-0099
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
DOMESTIC WORKER Gladisha Cox is seeking to hire a cleaner to work 5 days a week. Salary $6.25 per hour
Interested applicants should have a clean police record and submit their resume with qualifications and experience to: info@saunders.tc and the T.C. I Employment Services and Labour Department
SHAVONDA WILLIAMS Is seeking to employ a
SIMEON HAMILTON GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a
GAS STATION ATTENDANT Salary $6.50 per hour
CONTACT 348-2815
The individual is responsible for cleaning and beautifying property, minor maintenance and repairs, see all trash goes to dump. Must be willing to work on weekends and holidays of necessary. Salary: $6.50 per hour
CONTACT: 244-0440 Belongers are encouraged to
send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder 12734
PROVO STEVEDORING LTD. is seeking to employ a
EQUIPMENT & MAINTENANCE MANAGER JOB DESCRIPTION In charge of management of company’s equipment and maintenance operations. Schedules and prioritizes equipment repairs and maintenance. Oversees multiple maintenance mechanics, establishes productivity goals and tracks progress of work. • Oversees maintenance and repair of equipment, both in Ports of Providenciales and Grand Turk • Ensures that all equipment is completely inspected at least once a year, certified and is calibrated based on the manufacturer’s recommendations or government standard. • Reviews employee training to ensure a skilled mechanic workforce. • Establishes and monitors preventative maintenance schedule on equipment. • Establishes service schedules on equipment for warranty compliance. • Supports on the job projects including identifying all sources of equipment maintenance, fueling, repair and spare parts. • Establishes productivity expectations and tracks the production and activity of the mechanic workforce. • Manages the inbound and outbound inspection process. • Ensures the ready status of idle equipment. • Participates in the equipment evaluation process to determine buy/sell needs. • Develops and maintains files on all equipment for historical data. • Maintains a positive working relationship with other divisions of the company. MANAGEMENT RESPONSIBILITIES • Effectively trains, coaches, disciplines and develops employees to achieve and maintain positive working relationships within the maintenance crew • Achieves desired results through effective leadership and appropriate influence while adhering to established policies and procedures. • Supervises maintenance staff. • Reviews, verifies and approves maintenance mechanics time sheets on a daily basis. • Obtains and authorizes OT, shift work, or offhour work assigned to mechanics. • Maintains current contact information for persons under his direction. • Determines methods and course of action to achieve departmental and organizational goals through effective planning and efficient performance of the department.
• Strives for innovation within the department. ADDITIONAL DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITIES INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: • Models and reinforces safety as a top priority of the organization. • Meets schedules and deadlines, adheres to policies and procedures and maintains a good attendance/tardiness record. • Exercises good interpersonal skills by gladly assisting others to accomplish work of the organization, even if it is outside the scope of regular duties. • Performs other duties as assigned by the General Manager. REQUIREMENTS • Minimum of high school degree and computer skills in excel, word, etc. • Minimum of 5 to 10 years managing heavy equipment (preferably lattice boom cranes) and trucks. • Strong heavy equipment electrical/electronic background. • Must be in good health to meet the demands of physically challenging work. • Must be available for emergency calls and be able to work at nights and weekends. • Must submit a clean driver’s license • Must submit a clean police record • Must be able to speak fluent English language TECHNICAL & MENTAL SKILLS • Reads, analyzes and interprets complex documents. (Electric schematics, drawings) • Responds effectively to sensitive inquiries or complaints. • Defines problems, collects data, establishes facts and draws valid conclusions. • Recognizes and maintains confidentiality of information. • Organizes and manages time, duties and activities efficiently. • Ability to enter data and understand various computer programs. • Ability to analyze data for evaluation of equipment efficiencies. COMPENSATION • $52K - $62K POSITION TYPE • Full-Time
Please submit applications to main office at Provo Stevedoring Ltd., Port Authorities Building, South Dock Port, Providenciales 12753
• The successful applicant will be expected to be able to assemble, draft, edit and review irrigation and landscape quotes and technical documents.
• Communicate scheduling changes and relevant infrastructure shifts to affected staff • Provide technical support to other departments, including internet searches, materials sourcing and quality assurance
• Coordinate and track project progress and schedules • Information reporting – Professional communicate with clients and staff both verbally and electronically • Identify system issues and propose resolutions and inform clients and Maintenance Manager • BS Certificate preferable, minimum qualification HNC • Salary approximately $400-$450 per week on experience and qualification.
Interested applicants including islanders/ Belonger can send applications to
Services by EA by email to: mary@eagrouptci.com. Successful applicants will be notified by phone or interview. This position is currently held by work permit holders12685
GOLF CLUB Is seeking to employ a
Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames cares for the garden on a daily basis. Salary: $6.25 per hour
• Must be will and able to work in diverse temperature environments including coolers and freezers that reach temperatures up to -10 Fahrenheit or -23 Celsius. • Must be willing to work extended hours including nights, weekends and holidays. • Must have financial management experience in a food service operation. • Higher education such as some college or university and formal culinary training is preferred.
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder. 12736
CONTACT: 231-6065
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 12761
ARNOLD GARDINER Salary: $6.50 per hour Address: North Caicos Renewal
TEL (649)241-7878
TEL: 345-3216
Regent Village, Grace Bay Is seeking to employ a
CASHIER Receiving and cashing out of customers, assisting customers to items they want to purchase. Salary: $250 per week
CONTACT: 344-3970
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board 12799
Taking orders, serving food and drinks in a timely manner. Salary: $6.50 per hour
CONTACT: 231-0561
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder
Must be able to perform body work and spray painting on cars and trucks. Salary: $6.50 per hour
CONTACT: 242-1076
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
Office Cleaning, which includes sweeping, dusting and mopping. Salary: $6.25 per hour
CONTACT: 232-1957
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 12757
ELEVATOR TECHNICIAN Must have at least 10 years of experience in elevator installation, repair and troubleshooting with Otis, Kone, ECC, and Jrt Controller, must be capable of reading and understanding factor level. Must be self-motivated, punctual and able to work autonomously, must be willing to work after hours, holidays and weekends. Salary $20.00 per hour APPLICANT SHOULD SEND RESUMES TO:
Qualified Turks & Caicos Islanders preferred. This position is for work permit renewal. Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labor Department 12839
DUTIES: applying soap to clean the outside of the rental vehicles, scrapping loose dirt, cleaning tires, rinsing with hose, drying, dusting, vacuuming the interiors, removing trash, cleaning seats, and polishing interiors and exteriors of vehicles. Salary $6.25 per hour. Must be able to work 5 days per week. This position is for work permit renewal
CONTACT: 649-333-5034
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to The Labor Department 12772
Requires a Certified
BLUE HILLS Is seeking to employ a
Must have at least 10 years of experience in elevator installation, repair and troubleshooting with Otis, Kone, ECC, and Jrt Controller with at least 10 years’ experience at supervisory level, making budget, knowledge of QuickBooks Payroll, must speak English and French, must be willing to meet clients and present sales pitch, must be willing to work after hours, holidays and weekends. Salary $30.00 per hour Applicant must demonstrate skill level applicants should send resumes to: tcielevator@hotmail.com deadline is July 10th, 2018. This position is for work permit renewal Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department. 12839
Collecting garbage from various locations. Cleans spills from floor of collecting area. Clean garbage containers, load up truck, scrub dust, oil and grease from garbage truck every afternoon.. Salary: $6.25 per hour
CONTACT: 333-5034
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 12775
TECHNOPHONE GLASS SHACK Is seeking to employ a
PRIVATE CHEF for private villas on Providenciales:
THE QUALIFIED APPLICANT MUST POSSESS; • At least 20 years of expertise • A minimum of 14yrs in high-end exclusive restaurants • Candidates must have ordering control, cost awareness and program knowledge • Must possess food handling certificates
LEEWARD HIGHWAY Is seeking to employ a
Salary: $10 per hour Address: Juba Sound, Provo, TC I Renewal
TEL: 344-2402/345-5705
Send all resumes to Email:tciprobusiness@gmail.com/ Tel: (649)241-7878/Address: Spot Plaza, Airport Road, Providenciales, TCI
Salary: $ 10 per hour Employer’s: South Dock Road Renewal
Providenciales Requires a Certified
Marcian Sturrup Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a
Is now seeking to employ a:
Sunny Foods - Wholesale & Cash N Carry Ltd
• Job Requirements: • Must have minimum 5 years experience as a Chef preparing, cooking and presenting Asian / Thai Cuisine. • Must have experience in purchasing such products through cost efficient supply channels. • Must have a minimum of 5 years experience managing employees in a fast paced kitchen environment. • Must be experienced in the area of food safety and quality control.
June 30 - July 6, 2018
• Must have the ability to work full days, weekends and holidays • Must have a clean drivers license and own car • Must be proficient in both Windows and Apple based programs • Must be fluent in English both reading and writing • Must have knowledge in Kosher
and Halal cooking methods • Must be well versed in both classical and modern cooking techniques and practices Salary is $9.75 per hour Works hours are minimum eight (8) hours per day The applicant will have to work on shift
Applicant must be willing to work holidays and weekend *essential*
Qualified Turks and Caicos Islanders must submit applications for this position to the Labour Board and to the office of: c/o Dempsey and Company, 1 Caribbean Place, Leeward Highway, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands, Telephone # 649 946 4344, Email: info@dempseyandcompany.com before 8th July, 2018. This position is currently being held by a Work Permit holder.
Cashing out the customer, as well as assisting customers with products and carry out other duties requested by management. Salary: $6.25 per hour
CONTACT: 333-0888
EMAIL: EDUARDTIRI88@ GMAIL.COM Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board 12700
June 30 - July 6, 2018
is seeking to employ the following individual:
CASHIER To work in local convenient store as a cashing agent. Applicant must be able to speak English, Creole and Spanish and work abnormal hours. Please send interests to email:
tadderley@icloud.com or call (649) 241-4678. Salary $9.00 per hour 12635
BLUE HILLS Is seeking to employ a
DOMESTIC WORKER Duties Include: Cleaning, Washing and Ironing. Salary is $6.50 per hour,
CONTACT 242-0626
The Position is currently held by a work permit holder
THE PINNACLE GRACE BAY Is seeking to employ
Housekeeping, cleaning common area, moving furniture, setting up and removing of beach chairs and umbrellas. Salary: $6.25 per hour
CONTACT: 941-7366
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
• Supervising the bar • Inventory check • To make sure daily operations runs smoothly Must be willing to work 6 days per week Salary: $10 per hour
CONTACT: 946-8877
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board 12800
TOYOTA CONSTRUCTION Kew Town Is seeking to employ
3 LABOURERS Salary: $7.00 per hour
Salary: $6.25 per hour
CONTACT: 341-5121
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board. These positions are currently held by work permit holders. 12709
DUTIES INCLUDE: weeding, pruning and taking care of landscaping, making sure that property grounds always look presentable and acceptable. Successful candidate/s should also be available to work on landscaping contracts that the company acquires. Salary $8.50 per hour Please send interests to email:
gardenscapetci@gmail.com or call (649) 246-3602 12734
999 Leeward Highway, unit 2, Providenciales Telephone: 231-7080, Email:dclarke@ precisionbuilderstci.com
salary $14.00 per hour • Must have at least 20 years experience working on high-end projects • Must be able to interpret construction and fabrication drawings • Extensive knowledge and work experience with exotic woods such as Teak, Ipe, Mahogany, Balau, Kapur, Bankirai • Fabrication and Installation of Windows, doors, flooring & cabinetry
GLASS SHACK Is seeking to employ a
BABYSITTER Cares for my children,
maintain the house, clean, wash dishes, clean bathroom, bedroom, wash and iron. Salary: $6.25 per hour
GRACE BAY Is seeking to employ a
Cleaning outside the bar and the inside, dusting, moping, vacuuming, cleaning the ceiling vents, cleaning the restrooms, carry out heavy cleaning tasks, replace tissue from the restrooms. Salary: $6.25 per hour
CONTACT: 241-0426
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
• Must be willing to work on holidays/ weekend as needed CRUST BAKERY Grace Bay court, Grace Bay, Providenciales Phone: 432-6266, Email: gillian.crust@gmail. com
• Prepare and make breads goods/cookies • Clean kitchen, takeout garbage • Must be willing to work on weekends/ holidays • Must have a clean TI police record and a driver’s license • Salary $6.25-$8.00 per hour
All positions are currently held by a work permit holder or application being made for a work permit. Qualified Belongers may apply or send resume to Labour Department. 12674
59 Bird Rock Street, Long Bay Road, Providenciales, TCI Contact: (649) 232-3037 Seeking:
Salary/Wages: $1,600.00 per month RESPONSIBILITIES/DUTIES: • General Landscaping • Manicuring of Lawns • Cleaning of Gardens • Ensuring Garden equipment are in good working conditions These positions are currently held by a Work Permit Holders. Belongers are invited to submit their application to the Labour Board, Ministry of Boarder Control. 12795
CONTACT: 244-4398
Job description: to perform measurements and tying of steel
Job description: To perform all carpentry work on windows, doors and any other duties as assigned
Job description: to perform all duties assigned by helping with the construction work 1 DOMESTIC WORKER Job Description: to perform all cleaning and housing. Salary for Labourers at $7 per hour. Salary for skilled workers commensurate with experience The contact number is Pat 241-9355/ 231-0360 WORK PERMIT HOLDERS 12692
Must have over twelve (12) years experience master licence for 450 tug/barge
CONTACT: 941-5707
work days: Monday - Saturday. Salary: starting salary $2,000.00. This position is for work permit renewal. Turks & Caicos Islanders are asked to submit a copy of resume to the Labor Department
Must be able to work 5 days per week. Qualified Belongers are asked to forward a copy of their resume to The Labor Department 12805
Job description: to perform laying of tiles and its set up design arrangements
CONTACT: 649-346-2311
Job description: to perform all electrical installation
20 Honour Lane Downtown Providenciales Seeks the following person:
Duties: pressure washing the dump trucks to remove dust and salt water to prevent rusting, scrapping loose dirt, cleaning tires, rinsing with hose, dusting and vacuuming the interiors, clean the yard Salary $6.25 per hour
Job description: to perform plastering and block laying of building
Is looking for the following:MASON
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 12776
Global Advocate Solutions is acting on behalf to its clients in compliance with section 28 of the Immigration Ordinance:
Clean outside the store, clean store every morning, cleans customers bathroom, replace toilet tissue in customer bathroom, assist the cashier when needed Salary $6.25 per hour
Must be able to work 5 days per week. Qualified Belongers are asked to forward a copy of their resume to The Labor Department 12804
Email all resumes to info@jafooe.com Wise Solutions Ltd., Graceway Plaza, Leeward Highway, Providenciales, TCI 241.1545 12792
GRACE BAY Is seeking to employ a
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 12763
Minimum 2 Years House Keeping Experience. Must be able to Clean Houses and Living Spaces. Must be able to work Days, Nights, Weekends and holidays as scheduled. Must be able to speak English & Spanish. Salary payable $7.00 per hour. Only Belongers need apply. New Position
CONTACT: 649-244-4857
CONTACT: 244-9767
Cleans dishes, kitchen, food preparation equipment, or utensils. Wash dishes, glassware, flatware, pots, or pans using dishwashers or by hand. Maintain kitchen work area, equipment or utensils in clean and orderly condition. Salary: $6.25 per hour
The Help Desk acting on behalf of our clients is looking to fill the following positions:
is seeking to hire the following persons:
PLEASE CALL #247-7447
CONTACT NUMBER: 231-4429 Email: michelle.l.h.swann@ gmail.com
in the home for Description: Work at cleaning of home and other locations and other miscellaneous work when needed. Belongers can summit a copy of their resume to labour board's office. Work permit renewal.
GRACE BAY Is seeking to employ a
GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a
DOMESTIC WORKER General cleaning which includes sweeping, dusting, mopping, washing and ironing Salary: $6.25 per hour
HANDYMAN Cleaning of premises interior and exterior. Nurturing of vegetation. Daily care of dogs and light household cleaning Salary: $6.50 per hour.
CONTACT: 243-0880
CONTACT: 343-4473
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 12822
CARETAKER General housekeeping duties – cleaning and maintaining interior of all buildings, furnishings, equipment, appliances, and cleaning and maintaining the garage and all areas around the pool equipment. Required to reside on the property. For a residential property in Providenciales Basic wage $8 per hour, 6 days a week. Up to 4 ½ hours overtime expected each day. Belongers only need apply. The position is occupied by a work permit holder.
Please send applications to Savory & Co. karensavory-co.com or fax 946-4848. Applicants who are Islanders are invited to send a copy of their application to the Immigration Board.
June 30 - July 6, 2018
"Prudhoe Caribbean" is the trading name of Tim Prudhoe as business licensee #14774 in the Turks & Caicos Islands (licence category "attorney").
• EA required to work in Prudhoe Caribbean, a law firm, 8am-noon (or similar hours) MonThurs. • Responsibilities will be varied and will include scheduling meetings and appointments, managing diaries and travel as well as some office management duties and other on-island tasks. • Must be ready to learn the processes of court registries across the Caribbean Region and English-speaking parts of Central
CLEANER Duties: sweeping and remove debris from outside, manually moving and transport garbage from the yard clean the yard trim down the trees in the yard, clean the vehicles, water plants. Salary $6.25 per hour
CONTACT: 649-241-0452
Must be able to work 5 days per week. Qualified Belongers are asked to forward a copy of their resume to The Labor Department
NEEDED URGENTLY The following vacancies exist at the Wesley Methodist School. Prospective candidates are now encouraged to apply for the following teaching positions at the high School level.
CONTACT: 242-7957
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 12728
AIRPORT ROAD Is seeking to employ a
Assists the chef in the preparation of food Salary: $6.50 per hour
CONTACT: 331-0720
Load and unload customer cargo or merchandises, deliver order goods to clients house, stowing goods in storage, receive return goods, drops invoices, collect payments and clean the delivery truck every afternoon. Salary: $6.25 per hour
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder 12798
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 12815
is acting on behalf to its clients in compliance with section 28 of the Immigration Ordinance:
1726 Leeward Highway, Providenciales, TCI Email: Bonefishprovo@tciway.tc CONTACT: (649) 231-0133
• Cut trees • Clean debris from yard • Assists Mason and Carpenter • Must be honest, reliable and hardworking Salary: $6.25 per hour
America. Spanish language skills also useful. • Clean driving record and own transport required. Previous experience would be a distinct advantage but is not essential for a candidate with the necessary enthusiasm, work ethic and ambition. • Only Turks & Caicos Islanders or others with existing freedom from immigration restrictions will be considered for this position.
This is a new position. Applications to jobs@prudhoecaribbean.com or in hard copy to P.O. Box 1525 at Regent Village with a copy to the Labour Department.
LONG BAY Is seeking to employ a
CONTACT: 342-1262
is acting on behalf to its clients in compliance with section 28 of the Immigration Ordinance: NADEGE CARMEL PREDESTIN Leeward Highway, Providenciales, TCI Email: mcarmelpredistin@yahoo. com CONTACT: (649) 241-2926
GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a
General cleaning which includes, sweeping, dusting, mopping, washing and ironing Salary: $6.25 per hour
CONTACT: 243-4020
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
LABOURER DUTIES: clean all areas within the property including inside the barber shop, he sterilizes the tools, and he takes out trash, wipes the chairs, clean windows Salary $6.25 per hour
Salary/Wages: $250 per week RESPONSIBILITIES/DUTIES: • General House Cleaning • Laundry cleaning inclusive of ironing and folding These positions are currently held by a Work Permit Holders. Belongers are invited to submit their application to the Labour Board, Ministry of Boarder Control 12817
Salary/Wages: $6.25 per hour Responsibilities/Duties: • Working in partnership with parenting responsibilities for the safety and development of the child • Child Laundry • Cleanliness of equipment, toys and room, while ensuring meals are prepared efficiently to the required diet 12819
Kew Town, Providenciales, TCI Contact: (649) 344-7374
is acting on behalf to its clients in compliance with section 28 of the Immigration Ordinance:
CONTACT: 649-342-2222
Must be able to work 5 days per week. Qualified Belongers are asked to forward a copy of their resume to The Labor Department 12806
Applicants must possess a Degree in the stated subject area from a recognized institution of learning and five (5) years teaching experience in the subject area. Some competency in the field of music will be an asset. In addition, applicant must be honest and trustworthy and will be expected to uphold the tenets of the institution in the quest to raise the standard of education for life-long learners. Applicants must be of the Christian Faith. Basic Salary: $26,712.00 per annum. Applications are also required for the post of Domestic Work at a rate of $6.25 per hour.
Interested educators are asked to submit their application accompanied by their Curriculum Vitae, a Police Record, a contact number and two references, not later than 1st August, 2018 to:
THE CHAIRMAN OR THE PRINCIPAL Wesley Methodist School Leeward Palms, Providenciales Turks and Caicos Islands Telephone: (649) 941-4791/946-5786 Email: wesleyschool@tciway.tc
MASON Repairs, alters and fixes buildings, lays bricks, mixes mortar Salary: $10.50 per hour
CONTACT: 231-0018
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder
Salary/Wages: $250.00 per week
• General House Cleaning • Preparation of meals • Laundry cleaning inclusive of ironing and folding These positions are currently held by a Work Permit Holders. Belongers are invited to submit their application to the Labour Board, Ministry of Boarder Control 12820
Complex Center, Leeward Highway, Providenciales, TCI Contact: (649) 345-8326
Salary/Wages: $7.00 per hour RESPONSIBILITIES/DUTIES: • Painting of exterior and Interior of buildings using spray guns, brushes and rollers for residential and commercial clientele • Arranging and storing paint supplies, tools and equipments • Prepare and clean painting materials after work • Ensuring company vehicle is clean at the end of each work day These positions are currently held by a Work Permit Holders. Belongers are invited to submit their application to the Labour Board, Ministry of Boarder Control 12818
June 30 - July 6, 2018
JOSEPH OSWALD CAZI BLUE HILLS Is seeking to employ a
General cleaning which includes, cooking, cleaning, washing and ironing. Salary: $6.25 per hour
CONTACT: 345-3216
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board 12812
KEW TOWN Is seeking to employ a
SOUTH DOCK ROAD Is seeking to employ a
Transports and dump loose materials, such as sand, gravel, crushed Rock. Transport and dump garbage and trashes. Salary: $9.00 per hour
Clean, wash, iron and cook. Salary: $275 per week
CONTACT: 342-2803
CONTACT: 3462311 OR 242-6889
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 12758
PUBLIC NOTICE BELONGER STATUS APPLICATION (Section 3 (5) of the Immigration Ordinance)
Take Notice that I, John Freeman, Governor of Turks and Caicos in exercise of the powers conferred on me by section 3(2) of the Immigration Ordinance intend to grant a Certificate of Belonger Status to HOWARD BOXX by virtue of marriage to a Belonger.
Duties: assisting with medication, going to doctor appointments, go to pharmacy to purchase my medications, refill medications, pick up groceries rom supermarket, takes out trash and assist with house cleaning, make up beds, sweeping and mopping the floor, wash dishes. Salary $6.25 per hour
CONTACT: 649-345-1963
LEEWARD HIGHWAY Is seeking to employ a
Gathered and removed rubble, dirt and hazardous waste from construction site. Operated cleaning equipment’s and utilized cleaning materials, swept and vacuumed building floors and wash interior, polish all floors and wipe windows Salary: $6.25 per hour
CONTACT: 333-5034
Acting on behalf of our clients who are seeking the following GRANTS CONSTRUCTION
DOMESTIC WORKER Cleaning of interior and exterior each day Salary: $6.25 per hour Denise Elmerich
Watering plants, cleaning yard, grooming and cutting of trees. This position is held by a work permit holder Salary: $6.25 per hour
CONTACT: 241-2043
Must be able to work 5 days per week. Qualified Belongers are asked to forward a copy of their resume to The Labor Department
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder 12816
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 12813
DUTIES: assisting with medication, going to doctor appointment, go to pharmacy for refill, take trash out, pick up groceries from the market Salary $6.25 per hour
CONTACT: 331-7110
Must be able to work 5 days per week. Qualified Belongers are asked to forward a copy of their resume to The Labor Department 12807
VENETIAN ROAD Is seeking to employ a
General cleaning which includes, sweeping, dusting, mopping, washing and ironing Salary: $1000 per month
CONTACT: 232-2128 Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder
LABOURER DUTIES: cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose o trash, clean windows, door frames, cares for the garden on a daily basis. Salary $6.25 per hour
CONTACT: 649-232-2367
Must be able to work 5 days per week. Qualified Belongers are asked to forward a copy of their resume to The Labor Department 12808
We are currently seeking to fill the following positions within our organization:
PUBLIC NOTICE BELONGER STATUS APPLICATION (Section 3 (5) of the Immigration Ordinance)
Take Notice that I, John Freeman, Governor of Turks and Caicos in exercise of the powers conferred on me by section 3(2) of the Immigration Ordinance intend to grant a Certificate of Belonger Status to KEMUEL ALVARDO GARDINER by virtue of marriage to a Belonger. JOHN FREEMAN
• Provide exceptional friendly customer service to, and maintains positive relationships with all customers • High school diploma, GED or equivalent education • Must be at least 18 years of age • Valid passport, clean police record and able to travel internationally
• Providing high level of service to customers • Check passengers in using a computer base system • Processing of passenger tickets, boarding cards, itineraries, compute fares, issue refund • Provide information about the company products and services • Process claims for lost or damaged baggage • Liaison with Customs, Immigration and all other airport authorities when necessary • Loading of passengers, cargo, baggage and the collection of excess in accordance with tariff rules and aircraft load plan • Respond to customer complaints Starting salary: $8.50 per hour (This position is currently held by a work permit holder)
Please submit your resume to our offices upstairs Town Centre Mall, Providenciales or email us at denise@tcahandling.com Tel:649-941-5353 Fax 649-941-5781. Or submit resume to Labour Immigration BoardProvidenciales Only persons who are committed and serious about working need apply.
SALOMON SHOP FIVE CAYS Is seeking to employ a
Located in Leeward, Providenciales has an immediate opening for a qualified Belonger to fill the position of
ELECTRICAL TECHNICIAN Or an Understudy. This position is currently held by a work permit holder. The successful candidate must have a minimum of 10 years experience in a Resort environment and is expected to possess the experience and skills to conduct the following: • Maintain all aspects of electrical and electronics vital to the operations of the resort • Ability to understand and read blueprints, instruction manuals, and follow electrical diagrams • Rough in and install 3 phase high voltage and low voltage lines including installation of electrical panels, plugs, switches, lights, fans and any electrical devices • Ability to program and maintain fire alarm systems (NFPA 72 certificate is essential) • Maintenance of diesel generator, transfer switch, fire pump and related emergency circuits • Automization and controls for pumps and motors • Understand functionality principals of electrical meters and collect readings from electrical and water meters • Collect, analyze, and summarize data and trends of the resort’s technologies • Installation, maintenance and repairs of elevators, CCTV & security systems, electronic safes, locks, card access system, appliances (fridge, stove, dishwasher, microwave, washer/dryer), in-room electronics, satellite TV equipment, VOIP equipment, Internet/local area networks (including Cisco POE smart switches, Linksys routers, POE devices and RJ-45 connectors) • Consistently update job knowledge by participating in educational opportunities; reading professional publications, maintaining personal networks; and participating in professional organizations • Be available to attend to any emergency calls 24/7 Salary for this position is $4,100.00.
Required Qualifications & Experience: • Bachelor’s degree with an emphasis in accounting/finance from an accredited university. • Minimum of 3 years work experience in Accounting. • Accounts Payable / Receivable. • Strict adherence to confidentiality and trustworthiness will be a requirement of this position. • Strong organizational skills and ability to meet tight month-end deadlines. • Possess strong knowledge of accounting software and excel. • Ability to work independently and a willingness to work extended hours, including weekends and public holidays.
• Must have training in CPR and First
CONTACT: 242-5459
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder12732
MICHAEL BASDEN GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a
Waterloo Plaza, Grand Turk
3 FINISHING CARPENTERS Olympic Construction is looking for 3 (Three) experienced, skilled individuals to fill the roles of Finishing Carpenters on a full-time basis. Salary $7.50 per hour
CONTACT 946 - 1278 Both positions are for the Grand Turk location
Is Seeking to Employ :
1 STORE SUPERVISOR Salary $ 7.50 Per Hour
LABOURER Salary: $6.25 per hour
1 LABOURER Salary $ 6.25 per hour
PLEASE CALL 332-1022 12713
responder. • Assisting in line handling for docking cruise ships as needed • Ensure the safety and security of passengers, tenants and their employees, personnel and guest at the GTCC. • Job related experience with increasing levels of responsibility
This position requires experience in general maintenance skills such as building, painting and masonry, to facilitate maintenance of all buildings and public areas in optimum condition. • Knowledge of plumbing and/or masonry would be an asset. • Knowledge of landscaping • Assisting in any various tasks, necessary to keep GTCC operating to the highest standard.
Applicants must be willing to work nights, weekends and holidays. Must be able to lift minimum of 50lbs, have a strong command of English Language (oral and written); and able to work well as part of a culturally diverse team. WAGES BASED ON QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE. Interested parties are encouraged to contact Ms. Wilson at Grand Turk Cruise Center office Phone: 649- 946-1040 /649-332-1304 E-Mail: admin@grandturkcc.com ONLY BELONGERS NEED APPLY
Clean the store every morning, loading and unloading of goods, assisted other personnel as needed to maintain safety in the packaging area, pick, pack, receive and restock products and unload containers. Salary: $6.25 per hour
This position is currently Held by a work permit holder 12722
Grand Turk Cruise Center is currently accepting applications for motivated Turks Islanders interested in the following positions listed:
CONTACT 231-4714
For consideration, please submit current resume with Belonger status and two (2) reference letters to:
Marsha Blanche; email: marsha@misickstanbrook.tc; tel.: 946-4732
June 30 - July 6, 2018
nrobinson@margaritavillecaribbean.com or by faxing to 649-946-1514. APPLICATIONS CLOSE ON 13TH JULY 2018 Whilst we thank every applicant for their interest in Margaritaville Grand Turk, only short-listed persons will be contacted. Only applications from Belongers will be accepted. 12747
June 30 - July 6, 2018
LIVE-IN CAREGIVER NEEDED for a sick elderly man. Six days per week at $1250 per month. Must be able to take care and lift as needed. Belongers only need apply.
CONTACT: 348-7244
Serious enquiries only12712
Cashing out customers, help stock shelves, assist customers when needed and any other duties request by management Salary: $6.25 per hour
CONTACT: 342-0621
Email: murettejeanlouis@ gmail.com Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 12699
Washing dishes, cleaning kitchen, removing trash, must be able to cook a wide variety of food. Salary: $6.25 per hour
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
The Turks and Caicos Islands Integrity Commission invites applications from suitably qualified individuals to the following position which will soon be vacant within the Commission.
Senior Compliance Officer (post to be based in Grand Turk or Providenciales)
(a) To have oversight of the day-to-day management of the Compliance Unit of the Integrity Commission; (a) To manage, supervise and assist personnel of his/her Unit in ensuring that the Commission effectively and efficiently discharges its mandate as anti-corruption agency and institution protecting good governance, through: • the promotion of integrity, honesty and good faith in public life of the TCI; • the robust implementation of and compliance with the provisions of the Integrity Commission Ordinance, Political Activities Ordinance, Bribery Ordinance, the Code of Conduct for Persons in Public Life, and the Constitution to the extent relevant to the Commission. (b) To develop measures, including compliance policies, manuals and strategies aimed at strengthening the Integrity Commission’s ethical standards and anti-corruption efforts.
• manage the intake and secure storage of declarations and statements of registrable interests; • provide oversight of and lead in the reviews and examinations of declarations for compliance, ensuring completeness, accuracy, consistency and validity of information for purposes of issuance of Compliance of Certificate; • provide oversight of and lead in the review and examination of statements of registrable interests for compliance, ensuring completeness, accuracy, consistency and validity of information for purposes of compiling and maintaining the Register of Interests; • manage the execution of full audits on declarations and statements of registrable interests to determine if there is evidence of possible corruption, falsehoods or fraudulent representations; • manage the examination of the practices and procedures of public bodies in order to facilitate the discovery of corrupt practices; • assist public bodies in developing robust policy and strategy to fight corruption and install integrity in their operations, including in the setting of ethics and compliance standards; • instruct, advise and assist the management of public bodies to put in place changes in practices or procedures necessary to prevent or reduce the occurrence of corrupt acts; • refine and improve on the current compliance policies and procedures and develop position papers on related issues; • provide ethics advice and information in relation to the Code of Conduct and conflict of interests matters; • design and implement training, communication and outreach strategy for “specified persons in public life”; • assist in other areas of work in the Commission as it becomes necessary;
GAS STATION ATTENDANT Salary $6.50 per hour
CONTACT 348-2815
• a Master’s degree or equivalent in Accounting, Auditing, Law or similar. • a minimum of ten years’ experience in auditing, organizational ethics and compliance reviews, including at least 5 years at a senior managerial level; • Professional certifications including a CCEP, CIA, CFE are highly desirable; • overseas work experience (ideally in the Overseas Territories), experience of working closely with other cultures and/or experience working with public services in small Islands states; • a strong track record of achievement in compliance and related work.
• possess and demonstrate the highest standards of integrity, probity and understanding of fiduciary responsibilities to the people of the Turks and Caicos Islands; • experience in administering a financial disclosure programme; • knowledgeable of current “best practices” in ethics and compliance programs, policies and procedures; • knowledge and understanding of global anti-corruption and good governance laws and regulations and ethical codes; • proven knowledge of public sector anti-corruption issues, policies and practices; • excellent understanding of financial instruments and transactions including banking instruments, investment vehicles and instruments, cash flows, corporate structures, partnership arrangements, and similar; • good knowledge of investigative strategies, principles and methods; • ability and experience in conducting interviews, eliciting relevant information and dealing with a wide range of stakeholders; • good analytic and evaluation skills to identify procedural or compliance weaknesses, and strong problem-solving ability; • be able to provide guidance on compliance and financial disclosure issues; • excellent interpersonal skills and oral and written communication and presentation skills • ability to manage and review large volumes of data, as well as experience and skill in reviewing documentation to identify relevant evidence; • demonstrates understanding of the importance of maintaining confidentiality and awareness of how to handle and maintain documents of evidentiary value; • excellent IT competence, particularly in the use of spreadsheets, and the ability to drill down into computerised data to discover hidden information; • conscientious and efficient in meeting commitments, observing deadlines and achieving results; • the ability to work under pressure and independently, as well as collaboratively with colleagues to achieve organizational goals; • The applicant will particularly demonstrate suitability for a role that involves driving forward good governance, integrity and anti- corruption messages in the sensitive political and fragile financial, milieu of a small Overseas Territory.
• Salary is $78,000 per annum(circa) but negotiable depending on qualification and experience • Specific requirement for TCI Integrity Commission Ordinance • The successful candidate to this post will be required to file with the Governor, a Declaration of Income, Assets & Liabilities pursuant to section 39 of the Integrity Commission Ordinance.
Applicants are requested to submit their CV together with an accompanying letter demonstrating why they would wish to work with the Commission and what particular attributes they would bring to its work. Certified copies of qualifications as well as the names and letters of two referees must be submitted with your application. The deadline for applications is 20th July 2018. Please note that only applicants selected for interview will be notified. Applicants who had previously applied for any of these posts need not apply again.
Applications should be returned to the Secretary, TCI Integrity Commission either by email, fax, or mail Direct mail should be addressed to Mrs. Wanda Ariza, Secretary, The Integrity Commission, Franklyn Missick Building, Church Folly, Grand Turk, Turks and Caicos Islands. The contact details are: e-mail: secretary@integritycommission.tc; or Info@integritycommission.tc ; Tel. 9461941; Fax. 9461355.
For further information on these vacant posts, please visit the Commission’s website at www.integritycommission.tc
June 30 - July 6, 2018
PUBLIC NOTICE BELONGER STATUS APPLICATION (Section 3 (5) of the Immigration Ordinance)
Take Notice that I, John Freeman, Governor of Turks and Caicos in exercise of the powers conferred on me by section 3(2) of the Immigration Ordinance intend to grant a Certificate of Belonger Status to SUZELYNE OSCARFORBES by virtue of marriage to a Belonger. JOHN FREEMAN
PUBLIC NOTICE BELONGER STATUS APPLICATION (Section 3 (5) of the Immigration Ordinance)
Take Notice that I, John Freeman, Governor of Turks and Caicos in exercise of the powers conferred on me by section 3(2) of the Immigration Ordinance intend to grant a Certificate of Belonger Status to JERMAINE CRAIG WILSON by virtue of marriage to a Belonger. JOHN FREEMAN
Sports Interational
Everton striker Rooney completes move to MLS side DC United EVERTON striker Wayne Rooney has signed a three-anda-half-year deal with Major League Soccer club DC United. He will officially complete his move when the US midseason transfer window opens on 10 July. There is no transfer fee but it is understood DC United have agreed a compensation package with the Toffees. The 32-year-old’s deal is worth £10m, meaning he becomes the highest paid player in DC United’s history. Everton and DC United made the announcement simultaneously on Thursday afternoon. Rooney will make his debut when the club open their new 20,000-capacity Audi Field Stadium on 14 July. “Moving to America and
Wayne Rooney will officially complete his move when the US mid-season transfer window opens on 10 July.
MLS fulfils another career ambition for me,” Rooney told the club website. “I have the hunger to be a success here and will give DC 100% - as I have always done for every team I have ever played for. Now I can’t wait to get on the pitch in a
United shirt and join my new teammates to bring success to this club.” Manchester United and England’s record goalscorer agreed a deal in principle last month but was undecided about leaving Everton halfway through his two-year contract.
AIRPORT ROAD is seeking to employ a
LABOURER Change TV Programs. Salary: $6.25 per hour
CONTACT: 3448396 OR 331-3887 Email: piroro@live.com Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
Serve and keep bar, bathroom & outside area clean and safe. Salary: $6.25 per hour
STORE CLERK Wages: $6.25 per hour Applicant must be hardworking, honest and reliable.
CONTACT: 442-6220 Email: sealsecurity@ hotmail.com
CONTACT: 946-2030
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board 12578
Take Notice that I, John Freeman, Governor of Turks and Caicos in exercise of the powers conferred on me by section 3(2) of the Immigration Ordinance intend to grant a Certificate of Belonger Status to KENESHA DELAREITA BELL-NEMBHARD by virtue of marriage to a Belonger.
Take Notice that I, John Freeman, Governor of Turks and Caicos in exercise of the powers conferred on me by section 3(2) of the Immigration Ordinance intend to grant a Certificate of Belonger Status to ROSSIBEL ALCANTARA GRAY by virtue of marriage to a Belonger.
(Section 3 (5) of the Immigration Ordinance)
(Section 3 (5) of the Immigration Ordinance)
June 30 - July 6, 2018
Sports Interational
World Cup 2018: Germany boss Low admits side deserved to go out
Celtics point guard Kyrie Irving (left), who was a teammate of Lebron James in Cleveland, felt that the ‘King’ was incredible last season.
Irving says Harden was ‘people’s MVP’, but James was ‘NBA’s MVP’ HOUSTON Rockets guard James Harden claimed his first Kia Most Valuable Player award on Monday at the NBA Awards. In the MVP voting totals released by the NBA, Harden received 86 first-place votes and 965 total points to LeBron James’ 15 first-place votes and 738 total points, respectively. In the eyes of James’ former teammate and current Boston Celtics star Kyrie Irving, James deserved MVP recognition of some kind. Irving spoke with Hot 97 in New York on Wednesday and said while Harden is “the people’s MVP”, James is “the NBA’s MVP.” Ryne Nelson of SLAM.com has a partial transcript of Irving’s comments to the station: Do you like that James Harden got the MVP? Kyrie: “I was happy for him.” Do you agree?
Kyrie: “I didn’t vote. I didn’t vote. I think MVP is hard to gauge nowadays because now you have the people’s MVP and the NBA’s MVP. “I think the people’s MVP was definitely James, but the NBA MVP was definitely Bron.” So you think LeBron should have gotten the MVP. Kyrie: “I mean, if we’re talking strictly based off stats, he checks every mark.” It’s him every year, though, in that regard. Does anyone do more for a team than LeBron does? Kyrie: [Shakes head] “I don’t know. He’s incredible.” Harden led the NBA in scoring in 2017-18, averaging 30.4 points per game, and led the Rockets to a franchise-record 65 wins. He became the first Rockets player to garner MVP honors since Hall of Famer Hakeem Olajuwon in 1993-94.
Retired Argentina player Diego Maradona (C) was overly animated during the Russia 2018 World Cup Group D football match between Nigeria and Argentina.
Maradona ‘fine’ after health scare during Argentina win FOOTBALL legend Diego Maradona has reassured fans that he is fine after he was treated by doctors during Argentina’s dramatic World Cup win over Nigeria on Tuesday. Maradona was an animated presence during Argentina’s 2-1
victory in St Petersburg, with pictures showing the 57-year-old celebrating wildly and directing a middle-finger salute at hecklers below following Marcos Rojo’s 86th-minute winner. The win ensured Argentina progressed to the knockout stages of the competition.
GERMANY manager Joachim Low says his side deserved to go out of the World Cup after they crashed out in the group stage in “historic” fashion. The defending champions finished bottom of Group F after losing 2-0 to South Korea, the first time Germany have gone out in the first round of a World Cup since 1938. “This is something for us to reckon with,” Low said. “This is historic. I am sure this will create some public uproar in Germany.” Sweden won the group with a 3-0 win over Mexico at the same time, which meant Germany needed to win their game in Kazan. “We saw Sweden had taken the lead so we needed to keep the pressure up but our team was missing the ease of play and the classiness we usually have. So, we deserve to be eliminated, yes,” said Low, who had never failed to reach a semi-final before in his 12-year reign. “At this tournament we didn’t deserve to win again or move to the round of 16. We were eliminated not because we didn’t want to win but we never had the chance to take a lead at any point - we were always lagging behind, trying to keep up.” Both of the South Korean goals
Germany finished at the bottom of Group F with one win in three games.
came in injury time. Kim Younggwon scored from close range, a goal initially disallowed for offside but then awarded after video assistant referee consultation. And with goalkeeper Manuel Neuer losing the ball in South Korea’s half, Ju Se-jong found Son Heung-min with a long ball and the Tottenham forward tapped into an empty net. This is only the second time that Germany have been eliminated in the first round at a World Cup, with the last occasion back in 1938 before the tournament introduced group stages Germany had reached at least the
semi-final in their last four World Cups - getting to the final twice This is only their third time not reaching the last four since 1978, with quarter-final exits in 1994 and 1998 their worst runs in the following 40 years Germany are the fourth defending champions to be eliminated from the group stage at the World Cup in the last five tournaments (also France 2002, Italy 2010, Spain 2014) This is the first time Germany have not beaten an Asian team in the World Cup, winning the previous five meetings by an aggregate scoreline of 19-3. (BBC)
George informs Thunder he will become unrestricted free agent OKLAHOMA City Thunder star Paul George has informed franchise officials that he will not be opting in for the final year of his contract and will become an unrestricted free agent, league sources told ESPN. George has an 11:59 p.m. ET Friday deadline to formally decline to opt in. George, who will decline a $20.7 million salary for the 2018-19 season, remains seriously interested in returning to the Thunder in free agency, league sources said. The Los Angeles Lakers will receive serious consideration too, sources said. Several teams, including Philadelphia and Houston, are interested in pursuing George too, league sources said. Indiana traded George to the Thunder a year ago, where the five-time All-Star forward came to build a strong relationship with AllStar guard Russell Westbrook and averaged 21.9 points, 5.7 rebounds and 3.3 assists. Before his trade, George had told the Pacers that he planned to sign with the Lakers in free agency this
Paul George, who will decline a $20.7 million salary for the 2018-19 season, remains seriously interested in returning to the Thunder in free agency, league sources said.
summer. Nevertheless, Oklahoma City GM Sam Presti, coach Billy Donovan and Westbrook have made a strong case on a future with the Thunder and moved the franchise into contention with the Lakers. George, a native of Southern California, and LeBron James are the focus of the Lakers’ free-agent
recruiting efforts. The Lakers also are working to acquire San Antonio Spurs star Kawhi Leonard in a trade. George is eligible to sign a fiveyear, $176 million contract extension this summer with the Thunder. That may be a less likely scenario than a shorter contract that could allow him more control over his future.
Sports National
June 30 - July 6, 2018
Five-day tennis and golf camp set for next week YOUNGSTERS will get the chance to learn two sports at next week’s Kids Summer Camp 2018: Tennis and Golf. The five-day event is expected to run from July 2 to July 6. Registration and payments can be made at the Provo Golf Club Office. Tennis and golf is $350 from 9:30h to 14:00h, while tennis alone is $250 (12:00h to 14:00h); golf alone is $250 (9:30h to 11:30h). ITF and USPTA certified coaches Rey García, and Golf Pro Sean Wilson will lead the daily tennis and golf camp programmes. The children will be divided into age groups of 6-9yrs and 10-14yrs. There will also be an advance tennis camp (9:30h to 11:30h) where participants will learn several strokes among other plays.
Tennis is growing on the island.
Japan advance over Senegal due to a better disciplinary record JAPAN reached the last 16 of the World Cup by having a better disciplinary record than Senegal after losing to Poland in their final Group H game. The match finished in farcical fashion, with both sides happy to play the ball around at the back for much of the final quarter. Akira Nishino’s side finished with the same number of points, goals scored and goals conceded as Senegal, but were shown only four yellow cards during the group stage to the African side’s six. Colombia’s 1-0 win over Senegal meant the South American team topped the group ahead of Japan, with those sides facing England or Belgium next. Southampton defender Jan Bednarek’s well-taken volley following Rafal Kurzawa’s free-kick won the match for Poland, who were already eliminated. Indeed Japan substitute Makoto Hasebe, who came on with eight minutes remaining, made a ‘card’ gesture to his team-mates to make it clear they were through as it stood. Japan topped the group going into the final round of games, needing just a point to be assured of a place in the knockout stage for only the third time after 2002, when they were cohosts, and 2010. They were heading out when Bednarek scored, and Southampton’s Maya Yoshida headed just wide on 72 minutes as they pushed for an
The seven-time champion, who missed last year’s event while pregnant, has played only three tournaments in the past 12 months.
Japan finished on the same points and same goals for and against, with Senegal, but advance because they picked up fewer yellow cards.
equaliser. But two minutes later they were given a reprieve by Colombia defender Yerry Mina’s thumping header in the group’s other game. As the news filtered through to the Volgograd Arena, both teams were content to sit back. It was a risky strategy for Japan - a second goal for Poland or a Senegal equaliser would have eliminated them - but it ultimately paid off. With their game finishing a couple of minutes before Colombia’s victory was confirmed, the Japan players initially waited anxiously
around the pitch, before celebrating wildly in front of their supporters. But there was widespread criticism for the manner in which they had reached the last 16. “It was a farce, an absolute farce,” said BBC co-commentator Mark Lawrenson. “There has to be a better way of settling the table in the World Cup than bookings.” Former Everton midfielder Leon Osman said on BBC Two: “That is embarrassing - the way the two teams went about the final 10 minutes is everything we do not want to see in a World Cup. It turned into a farce.”
Williams seeded 25th for Wimbledon tournament SHE is only ranked 183rd in the world, but Serena Williams has been seeded 25th for next week’s Wimbledon Championships after taking time off to have a baby. The seven-time champion, who missed last year’s event while pregnant, has played only three tournaments in the past 12 months but has been handed a favorable seed by Wimbledon organisers. The All England Club usually follows the women’s WTA world rankings, but reserves the right to change seedings -the top 32 players in the draw. The aim of seeds is to produced a balanced draw, so in theory the top two players would come from either side of the draw and only meet in the final.
World No.1 Simona Halep, the French Open champion, is seeded first ahead of Caroline Wozniacki of Denmark. On the men’s side, eighttime Wimbledon champion Roger Federer is top seed ahead of recently crowned 11-time French Open winner Rafael Nadal. Williams’ seeding means she will not have to face another seeded player until the third round. She is seeded one place below Russia’s Maria Sharapova, who is also on the comeback trail after missing 15 months for a drugs ban. Women’s world No.32 Dominika Cibulkova said earlier this week “it would not be fair” if she misses out on a seeding at the expense of a lower-ranked player.
June 30 - July 6, 2018
Sports National
The sprints were a good experience for the youngsters.
K-Health and Fitness Sprints and Relays dubbed a success THE first ever K-Health and Fitness Sprints and Relays were dubbed a success by organiser Kayla Mills. The meet which was held on Saturday at the National Stadium targets athletes from six primary and four secondary schools. “The event was very successful. It was well supported. The reason for this event was to get kids out there to run, have fun and bring in some good times. Also for us coaches to see the progress of our athletes. I’m hoping to host it again next year.” In the 9 and under girls’ 150M dash: Sarah Forbes from Ianthe Pratt, who is trained by K-Health and Fitness, finished in first position in a time of 24.20s. Oseta Jolly’s Benchina Charles was a split second slower, while another Ianthe Pratt student, who is also trained by K-Health and Fitness (Jeniah Jean) was third (24.60s). Ianthe Pratt’s athlete Duncard Pierre, who is also trained by K-Health, won the 150M boys’ dash in a time of 22.87s. B.E.S.T
Institute’s Jackson St. Juste was second in a time of 23.09, while Pierre’s school and training mate Chamard Capron was third in a time of 23.32s. The 11 and U 200M girls’ dash saw a top three finish by Ianthe Pratt athletes who also train with K-Health and Fitness. Roneisha Johnson (28.09s) finished ahead of Ashley Gardiner (30.10s) and Judjena Sidelus (32.20s). Rayshawn Rigby led the boys over the distance in a time of 27.88s. The Ianthe Pratt, K-Health athlete finished ahead of Tyler Taylor from Oseta Jolly (28.85s) and Enid Capron’s Rodley Yliodas (29.69s). The 13 and under 200M girls’ dash ended with Sherlancy Laurent from Oseta Jolly at the top spot (29.94s), followed by Enid Capron Gledisha Antoine (30.69s) and her schoolmate Sanika Simpson (31.13s). Another Enid Capron student Aliando Durham finished in the top spot in the 13 and Under 200M boys’ dash. Durham ran 26.97s, while
There were over a dozen female races.
Oseta Jolly’s Chrisshawn Parsons finished second in 27.95s and Ianthe Pratt’s Hervidson Paul third in 27.97. 200M OPEN In the 200M Open, national athlete Emmanuel Agenor from the St. Jage High School, finished in 22.60s, while another Jamaica based school athlete home on vacation Makio Simpson (Kingston College) finished in 22.65s. Darren Pierret from CHHS finished third in 22.90s. The other winners included Charles in the 9 and Under 80M dash; Hudson Stamer from B.E.S.T in the 9 and Under 80M boys’ dash; Johnson in the 11 and under 100M girls’ dash; Rigby in the boys’ dash for the same age group. In the 13 and under 100 girls’ dash Laurent emerged victorious, while it was Emrike Dacius from Enid Capron who topped the boys in the same age group. Arianna Balbuena from Raymond Gardiner finished in the top spot for High School Junior girls in the 100M (13.10s), while in the boys’ division of the same age group it was Chadwin Gray from Raymond Gardiner (11.80s). De’Ajah Smith from H. J. Robinson High) won the 100M senior girls’ dash in 13.00, while national athlete Devante Gardiner from the St. Augustine College (US) finished the event in 10.50s. In the 400M junior girls, Archlande Joseph from the Raymond Gardiner High clocked 1:04.10 for a first place finish, while former 400M national record holder Angelo Garland won the male division in 50.20s. Oseta Jolly won the 4X100M 9 and U girls’ and boys’ relays, while Ianthe Pratt Primary did the same (winning both male and female) in the 11 and U division. Continuing the trend, Enid Capron won the 13 and U divisions, while Ianthe Pratt finished in front in the 4X200M mixed open relay. Meanwhile Raymond Gardiner High won the Girls’ and Boys 4X100M relays.
Ken Reyes ran another solid 800M race.
Reyes finish third in Jamaica’s 800M trial
TURKS and Caicos’ top 800M runner Ken Reyes clocked a third place finish among the best 800M runners in Jamaica in that country’s Senior 800M trials on Sunday last. Although he made his mark against the Jamaicans, the Turks Islander, who is a student of Jamaica College, was not very excited about his performance. “It was a great experience, but my race plan didn’t go as planned.” The 18-year-old, who was
racing in the 20+ division added: “I thought the senior guys would have started off fast for the first 400m to give me a fast time, but their pace was slow compared to what I thought their pace would have been, which gave me a slow start, but a strong finish.” Reyes finished third overall with a time of 1:51.55s, just behind Jauavney James (1:50.07) and Eric McKenzie (1:50.77s). Earlier this month, Reyes ran a personal best time of 1:50.01s at the All Comers Meet.
Sports National
Tajhari Williams is developing rapidly.
June 30 - July 6, 2018
Lenin Hamilton Jr. continues to shave time off his personal best performances.
Williams elated with swimming progress In April this year, Tajhari Williams competed in his first swimming competition, two months later he was competitive in the Bahamas National Swimming Championships—for the 10-year-old the last few months have been unbelievable. Williams and Lenin Hamilton Jr. represented the Turks and Caicos Aquatics Swim Club in the neighbouring island earlier this
month. The pair had travelled with coach and founder of the club Lenin Hamilton. In the water, Williams shaved almost four seconds from his 50M back. His time of 48.06s resulted in him finishing 21st in the Boys 9-10 division, it was a huge accomplishment for someone with little experience in Olympic size
pools. “I didn’t expect to do so well so fast. To see that I have shed off seconds off of my time was unbelievable,” Williams related to the Weekly News. Training has been intense for the pre-teen. Coach Hamilton has worked hard to develop the youngsters, which includes Williams, the coach’s son, Hamilton
HAB Sonics U17 team to compete in Las Vegas tournament THE HAB Sonics U17 team will travel to Las Vegas, Nevada in July to compete in their first overseas basketball competition. While at the 2018 LV FAB 48 tournament, the U17 HAB Sonics players will get a chance to showcase their talents in front of college coaches from the
ranks of the NCAA, NAIA & Junior College basketball. According to Ciaran O’Neill, who will travel as head coach, the LV FAB 48 is the top AAU (Amateur Athletic Union) tournament in the US. “The LV FAB 48 has had 30 or more players that have received full scholarships from top universities
Sonics will carry their U17 team to its first ever overseas competition next month.
such as Duke, UCLA, Oregon,
Jr., and others. The Providence International Academy student Williams practice from 6:30h to 7:30h at the International School, while after school from 15:30-16:30h, he practices on the Sommerset Beach. “We train every day of the week. Twice a day Monday-Friday and once on Saturday and Sunday. We
also add stretches and land training to practice.” Hamilton Jr. has also been excellent in the water. The more experienced of the two swimmers, had competed in the Boys 8-andunder 50M back (51.09s), the 200M free (3:32.79) and the 100M free (1:38.04) where he not only recorded personal bests, but finished in the top 12 in all three events.
Oklahoma, Georgetown and Michigan that would later go on to play in the NBA.” Approximately 74 teams from around the world are expected to compete at the 2018 LV FAB 48. “It is an honour being able to represent the Turks and Caicos Islands in the biggest youth basketball tournament in the world. This tournament isn’t only a huge opportunity for our young men to get great exposure; it is a chance to allow them to progress as players and mature as young men.” The U17 HAB Sonics players expected to travel are: Dylan Ayer (14 Years Old of British West Indies Collegiate), Amare Clerveaux (14
Years Old of TCI Middle School), Nathan Clerveaux (Clement Howell High School), Tajhon Deane (Clement Howell High School), Tajh Delancy (Pinellas Park High School Florida), Davinta Young (14 Years Old of Champions of Christ School), Omari Williams (16 Years Old of TCI Middle School) and Yannis Williams (14 Years Old of TCI Middle School). According to O’Neill, to prepare for the competition, “We practiced every week once a week at the Bight Court.” The U17 HAB Sonics also went through conditioning with Gino Agenor Jr. at the Hammer Boxing & Fitness Gym located in Blue Hills.
June 30 - July 6, 2018
June 30 - July 6, 2018