TCWN March 28 - April 3, 2020

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Weekly News Volume 34 | No. 13 | March 28 - April 3, 2020


Price $1.00


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Huge universal stimulus package with grants, fee waivers and free utilities 5 PAGE

Tourist spots empty as TCI gets ready for lockdown



PAGE  8


TCI under 4 complete lockdown from Saturday TCI RECORDS FIRST TWO CASES OF COVID-19 PAGE  9



March 28 - April 3, 2020

March 28 - April 3, 2020






March 28 - April 3, 2020

TCI under complete lockdown from Friday BY OLIVIA ROSE THE TURKS and Caicos Islands will be under a three-week lockdown from Friday evening - five days after the territory confirmed its first case of COVID-19. The 24-hour curfew means no social gatherings can be hosted, nonessential businesses must close and residents cannot leave their homes except to shop for groceries and medicines. Inter-island travel has been halted and returning residents have been banned from travelling back to the Islands until the lockdown is over. Residents will no longer be allowed to visit hospital patients, the prison, the detention centre, residential care homes or anyone under quarantine. And during the three weeks, police officers have the power to stop, detain and arrest anyone in violation of these new regulations. On Wednesday (March 25), Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson revealed the Government had declared a state of emergency due to the global coronavirus pandemic. Minister of Health Hon. Edwin Astwood and Governor Nigel Dakin joined her as she addressed the nation on the latest updated regulations agreed in Cabinet. “Emergency powers came into effect last evening under a Declared State of Emergency at midnight and this allows for ease of governance,” she said. “We assure our people that these powers will be accessed and responsibly used for the purposes of preventing, controlling and suppressing the spread of the virus. “This leadership partnership that you see before you today, is vital for us at this time but your role is even more important.”

Minister of Health Hon. Edwin Astwood, Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson and Governor Nigel Dakin

These are indeed uncertain times but I remain confident that if we take individual responsible action, we can come through this the best way possible” – Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson

According to lockdown protocols, people must stay home except for very limited purposes. All non-essential shops and community spaces will be closed and all gatherings of more than two people in public are not allowed. On Thursday, a curfew was imposed on all people and businesses from 8pm to 5am. And on Friday at 8pm, a curfew is to be imposed every day until April 14 for 24 hours “except as provided herein or as may be approved by the governor”, the premier said. She added that all provisions remain under review but the 24-hour curfew will remain in place for a period of 21 days. Only essential services will be allowed to operate during the shutdown. Cartwright Robinson stressed the move was taken in order to protect the

entire population, especially the most fragile and vulnerable individuals. She explained what changes in societal behaviour will be expected during the lockdown. “…residents are to shelter in place and shall remain confined to their place of residence (inclusive of their yard space) to avoid contact outside of their family, save for the exceptions provided. “…all businesses and offices may only continue their business operations by allowing their employees to work remotely from home utilising virtual means unless workers are permitted to work under these regulations or are designated as essential services.” She said these provisions will also be extended to the public service. “All establishments, institutions, businesses, offices, stores and organisations shall suspend

operations except those designated as essential services in the regulations and for the hours permitted.” The premier added that it is now a punishable offence to spread false information regarding the pandemic. POLICE POWERS In an effort to enforce the Government’s strict curfew, the police force will be given extraordinary powers to ensure people adhere to the law. “A police officer has the power to stop, detain and arrest any in violation of these regulations. “No one shall obstruct any officer empowered under these regulations to carry out their duties. “And no person shall declare the sale or offer of sale of goods during this period of public emergency at an unconscionable price.” Stricter social distancing

protocols will also be implemented for those offering and accessing essential services to suppress the spread of the virus. “…no person shall host or attend any social gatherings except those approved by the governor on the advice of the Ministry of Health,” the premier added. Last week the Government cancelled all public gatherings including the Inter Primary School Sports, conferences and the weekly Islands Fish Fry. Public beaches will be closed as well. Cartwright Robinson revealed that during the 21 days there will be a restriction on visitation at facilities. “…there will no visits to anyplace of quarantine, to a patient at the hospital or under residential care at a facility, the detention centre or the prison. “Effective today, all returning residents are banned from returning to TCI for a period of 21 days. We have now agreed to take this step following our repeated appeals.” All inter-island travel will also be restricted except for those accessing essential services. The premier further explained that the governor shall have the power to requisition any building, ship, aircraft and vehicle with notice during this period of emergency. “He shall likewise have the power to reasonably requisition management and control of any essential service.” DIFFICULT TIMES AHEAD Cartwright Robinson stressed that although the Government is doing everything in its power to protect the nation, the onus rests upon every individual to do their bit. “This hand has been dealt to CONTINUED 

Second person tests positive for COVID-19 Published by Turks & Caicos News Company Ltd. Cheshire House, Leeward Highway, Providenciales P.O. Box 52, Turks & Caicos Islands, BWI W. Blythe Duncanson - Publisher/Editor-in-Chief Olivia Rose - Senior Reporter Faizool Deo - Sports Editor (At Large) Cord Garrido-Lowe - Graphics Consultant (At Large) Dilletha Lightbourne-Williams - Office Manager Email: (Advertising), (News) Tel. 649-946-4664 (office), 649-232-3508 (after hours) Website address: Follow us on: Facebook: Twitter:

A MIDDLE-aged man with various health conditions is the second person to test positive for COVID-19 coronavirus in the Turks and Caicos Islands. He is currently in critical condition at Cheshire Hall Medical Centre and is receiving aggressive respiratory care. TCI Hospital and the Government made the announcement on Thursday afternoon (March 26) in a joint press release. They said the patient, who is “under clinical management and isolation”, was a resident who recently returned from the United States and developed fever and respiratory symptoms. He was transported to the emergency department in a private vehicle. The man was classified as

a suspected case upon admission and a sample was collected and tested. “Strict infection prevention and containment procedures are constantly enforced at the medical centre and were followed as a precaution in this case,” the statement read. “This patient represents the second person in the Turks and Caicos Islands with confirmed COVID-19.” The Government’s Ministry of Health team commenced immediate contact tracing and those identified in the process will undergo quarantine or screening as a risk mitigation measure. The patient’s relatives have been notified. TCI Hospital and the Ministry of Health continue to provide support and guidance to

the relatives of the affected person given the diagnosis. The first person to be diagnosed began displaying flulike symptoms on March 12 and was placed in home quarantine on March 20. They had no recent history of travel. A sample sent to the National Reference Laboratory in Bahamas for testing came back positive on Monday (March 23). Test results for the 89-year-old female resident who was admitted to Cheshire Hall Medical Centre on March 18 have returned as negative for COVID-19. She was classified as a suspected case based on travel history and presenting symptoms. The elderly patient remains under hospital care and is in stable condition.

March 28 - April 3, 2020




Government announces $45m in grants and waivers Residents get water for free for three months BY REBECCA BIRD THE TCI Government will provide $45 million in direct financial support and waiver of taxes, fees and charges to help residents affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. This will go to individuals, small, medium and large businesses, Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson said in an address to the nation on Thursday evening (March 26). The cash will come from a hefty stimulus package of $80.2 million which includes boosts to the health ministry and contingency fund. To fund the package the Government will run a deficit budget of over $100 million, will draw on savings, will borrow and establish a line of credit, the premier revealed. She added: “Our deliberations have not been solely what Government can do, but we have reached out, lobbied and in some cases negotiated with critical sectors to offer compassionate responses.” In presenting the package Cartwright Robinson said: “As

a Government, in deciding on a stimulus package, our goal is ensure that we can help residents to survive even after this health crisis. “Whether we want to except it or not, and through no fault of our own, we have found ourselves in this situation which I can only describe as ‘hurricane mood’. “As such we have had to take a holistic approach in ensuring that we can survive in the long run.” She said the Government has seen packages announced in other Caribbean countries and has reviewed them. It has taken the position to offer a “more comprehensive package which will not just include government assistance programmes but also service providers in critical sectors”. “Cabinet today approved a full package of benefits that will serve as a direct economic stimulus following the fallout in economic activities across the islands as a result of the global pandemic COVID-19. “The stimulus package is being proposed to lessen the impact of the global crisis on residents whilst

TCI under complete lockdown from... CONTINUED 

every country across the globe, has challenged us not just as leaders but as citizens to take proactive steps “In these times, governments do have a responsibility to aid our people, and as promised, TCI Government like a few governments thus far will present a list of measures. “Countries dealing with the fallout have had to juggle figures that are shifting by the day. “The response of the TCI has been a measured one and one that has looked around sectors to see how we can assist individuals and businesses.” Cartwright Robinson said the situation remains volatile and as such she encouraged everyone to be prudent with their budgets and spending during this crisis. “As we are all uncertain of the length of this period, we ask that you tighten your boot strap where you are able to and consider the uncertainty. “Whilst TCI Government will do what it can, we ask corporate

citizens to not close their bowels of compassion and we ask us as individual citizens to be our brothers’ keepers. “We need each other. The road ahead may become increasingly difficult. “These are indeed uncertain times but I remain confident that if we take individual responsible action, we can come through this the best way possible. “This uncertainty does not make us powerless. In fact, this empowers each of us to take this matter seriously and in our own hands and it has rewarded those who act responsibly together.” She told residents to partner with the Government by breaking contacting and by heeding the Ministry of Health’s practical advice. “Wash your hands properly or use a 70 percent alcohol based sanitisers, cover your cough and/or sneeze and disposable of any tissue properly, avoid touching your mouth, eyes and nose, sanitise frequently used surfaces including your cell phone and practice social distancing.”

allowing the Ministry of Health to strengthen health policy responses.” She stressed that the TCI is a tourism dependent country and a fallout in tourism revenue will affect the workers of small, medium and micro enterprises, as well as businesses that serve the sector. “The rapid spread of the virus has dented the global outlook in our major source market and they have lowered their growth outlook. “Also the IMF has projected negative growth for the Caribbean region. “The ports of entry within the TCI have been closed to visitors halting economic activities within the hospitality industry. Economic prospects are damaged.” An estimated 10,000 hospitality workers, 1,261 self-employed and 2,000 micro, small medium sized enterprises are set to be impacted by the closure of businesses, she said. BREAKDOWN Of the $45 million, $15 million will be given to employees and selfemployed of businesses that have closed down since March 16 in the form of a one-off payment of $1,200. $10 million in cash grants will go to the micro, small and medium enterprise (MSME) sector in the form of a ‘Coronavirus Business Assistance Grant’.

Micro enterprises can apply for $2,000, small for $3,500 and medium enterprises for $5,000. For MSMEs not registered with NIB, on registration with the NIB they can apply for a grant of $1,000. $500,000 will go to social services to boost the home help programme to meet the needs of additional people who may become homeless. A payment halt will be placed on TC Invest mortgages from April to September that are not in arrears with mortgage payments. An increase of $5 million for concessions under the refurbishment policy from April to March 2021. There will be a three month hold on business licence renewals for the hospitality sector along with several other fees – at a cost to the Government of $1.1 million. A three-month waiver of water charges will take place from April to June 2020 at a cost of $9.7 million, and duties will be waived on basic foods and essential medical supplies. The premier said she will also explore the option of introducing a price ceiling on the same basic foods and essential medical supplies. There will be a $4 million waiver of the hotel, restaurant and tourism tax for March and deferral of payment for three months. The Government will also wave accommodations tax for the month

of March and will delay payments for May and June at a cost of $4 million. In addition, the TCI’s banks have agreed to a freeze of up to six months’ payment on existing loans and mortgages, and offer temporary overdrafts. Provo Water Company and Flow have both agreed that there will be no disconnections. Meanwhile FortisTCI has agreed to delay its rate increase by another three months. The Government is also making $2 million available to the Ministry of Health to ensure people’s wellbeing, take care of the sick and slow the spread of the virus, the premier said. And the Government’s contingency fund has been increased to $7 million. She stressed that the stimulus package is not intended to replace all lost earnings but as assistance to ease financial pressure. “As a Government we would want to do more however we are not sure how long this crisis will last and we must therefore be prepared for the long haul. “We will do our part in ensuring that persons are able to survive. If things get worse, we will take a further look at the capital programme and other aspects of the current budget to provide further interjection.”

Lockdown violators face arrest ANYONE who violates the territory’s three-week lockdown may be subject to questioning, arrest or having their vehicle confiscated. The Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police Force will be enforcing the curfew given under the Turks and Caicos Islands Emergency Powers (COVID-19) Regulations 2020. The aim is to control the movement and assembly of residents to halt the spread of COVID-19. From Friday at 8pm a 24hour curfew will be imposed as approved by Governor Nigel Dakin – and will continue until April 14. Officers will be placed at strategic locations in communities across the TCI, and during

the curfew officers will stop vehicles and question drivers and passengers. They will be checked against a list issued by the various essential service agencies, a statement from the police press office on Thursday (March 26) explained. Commissioner of Police Trevor Botting said: “In an attempt to halt or slow the progress of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Governor has activated curfews to keep people off the streets for nonessential activity. “I would like to strongly encourage all residents to obey the orders given. It is our job to enforce this regulation and we will do just that. “We have adjusted our resources to meet the changes and with the assistance from our

immigration colleagues, we are confident that we will maintain control. “Again, I want residents to cooperate with us as we try to break the chain of the spread of COVID-19.” Anyone who assaults, obstructs, hinders or resists, uses any threatening or abusive language or aids or incites any other person to assault, obstruct, hinder or resist a police officer in the execution of his duty under this regulation, commits an offence. “We wish to ask that all residents walk with their identification cards and essential service personnel to have their company identification cards available. “We also urge that you continue to follow the guidelines as set out by the Ministry of Health.”


March 28 - April 3, 2020


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UK TO SUPPORT TCI Empty departure areas at the Providenciales International Airport on Wednesday, March 25.

Airports and seaports close to non-essential travel BY DELANA ISLES THE TURKS and Caicos Islands’ borders are now closed to all nonessential travel. The decision was taken last week Friday and put into effect on Tuesday (March 24) with the passage of the Emergency Powers (COVID-19) (Amendment) Regulations 2020 in the House of Assembly on Monday. The closure of airports and seaports are for the purposes of preventing, controlling and suppressing the spread of the virus, Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson reported. All airports are now closed to regional and international flights and all sea ports have been closed to regional and international seafaring. No visitor shall be permitted to enter or transit through the Turks and Caicos Islands for a period of 21 days. The restriction does not apply to outgoing flights or outgoing ships, cargo flights or cargo ships, courier flights, medevac flights, technical stops (stops by aircraft to refuel and proceed onward to another destination), emergency flights approved by the Civil Aviation Authority and the Airports Authority, or a Turks and Caicos Islander or resident returning to the Islands. Any Turks and Caicos Islander or resident who, at the date of commencement of the regulations, had travelled to the Islands from a place outside the Islands, will be subjected to screening and passenger tracing at port of entry and subjected to clinical examination at port of entry. For the purposes of surveillance by the chief medical officer, they will be required to remain at home or such other place of quarantine as specified by the chief medical officer and subject to such conditions as are provided by the chief medical officer, for a period of 14 days. SCREENING REQUIREMENTS In effect are several screening and clinical examination requirements mandating that anyone who enters

the country is required to answer questions about his health or other relevant circumstances (including travel history and information about other individuals with whom he may have had contact). They are also required to produce any documents which may assist a medical officer in assessing his health. If required by a medical officer, travellers are to allow a medical officer to take a biological sample from them, including a sample of his respiratory secretions or blood, by appropriate means including by swabbing his nasopharyngeal cavity, or provide such a sample. They are also legally bound to provide sufficient information to be contacted immediately by a medical officer. Underage travellers are also subject to the same screening, with the supervision and guidance of an adult relative. COURT’S POWER TO ORDER QUARANTINE The regulations also provide the court with the power to order quarantine, if it is satisfied that a person who is placed under quarantine has failed to comply with such direction, and a health officer and any police officer may do all things necessary to ensure the order is carried out. There are also restrictions on the holding of public meetings or social functions of a gathering of 25 or more persons in any public place excluding health care facilities and supermarkets. A final provision makes it an offence for anyone to knowingly publish, post or report over any media platform inclusive of social media, any purported news or report, or purported statement of fact, knowing or have reasonable cause to suspect that it is untrue or false; or may incite public fear, panic or ethnic hatred. Any person who contravenes these regulations commits an offence and is liable on summary conviction to a fine of $1,000 or to a term of imprisonment for three months, or to both such fine and imprisonment.

Britain will back the TCI as it weathers the fallout from the coronavirus, pledging to send “immediate” medical equipment and support. Baroness Sugg, Minister for the Overseas Territories, told this newspaper the British government was working closely with all of its territories to “ensure they receive the help that is necessary”. What are your thoughts?

Colonialism rules

Does the Turks and Caicos Islands want to advance to independence or do the lawyers and the politicians simply want to make more and more money under the existing system? That is the question. So, why is the question even posed? Well, the system has to be seen as transparent with countervailing arguments being entertained. Really? So, ask this: Even the emergency measures are unlawful? The politicians are bought and paid for? The new generation of lawyers shall only stand for money and personal enrichment? Consider: There is a legal duty, still existing, under the West Indies Act 1962, which reads under sections 8 and 9: “The expenses incurred under the last foregoing section by the Secretary of State shall be defrayed out of moneys provided by parliament, and any increase attributable to an order in council under this act in sums payable under any other enactment out of moneys so provided or out of the consolidated fund of the United Kingdom shall be paid out of moneys so provided or out of that Fund, as the case may be.” But who, which politician, which young bright TCI lawyer, who shall bel the cat? All bought and paid for and no questions to be raised. UK, you are safe. Colonialism rules the waves.

Too proud to beg

In times like these, the TCI needs friends, real friends and Her Majesty’s Government (HMG) can be a ‘friend indeed’ at these critical and crucial times. It’s helpful that HMG has pledged to whatever help that’s necessary. The full extent of what is needed cannot be fully established at this point.

A global pandemic, not planned and hard to keep up with. It is reassuring that the premier was able to announce that Her Government has some $200 million in available monies to take the Islands through the next seven months of the coronavirus onslaught. It’s good to have money now but we are entering a perfect storm. Until the storm passes by we will suffer the effects of closed borders and global economic decline. Fifty years, spanning an entire generation, in a state of dormancy without farming capabilities or fishing we are caught. The TCI must liaise internationally to develop self-sufficiency and sustainable industrial alternatives in agriculture and economic diversification. HMG must create a contingency fund at least $10 billion to overseas territories for finance, standby credit facilities, debt forgiveness financial bailouts for small businesses. Food, water and other supplies such as medicine should be requisitioned. We cannot be too proud to beg. It is good that we have money but if there are more cases of the virus and the shutdown ends up with curfews, those monies may run out. Let us not be stingy or diffident in telling HMG what we need because we will need it and many more to survive, ride out the storm and to rebuild.

We need time

This is a good thing what they are doing. Yet, companies and people here should give a period of time when it comes to mortgages and rent, and some other things, because it’s not a person’s fault that they are currently not at work in some places. This manmade virus from China is a worldwide problem right now, and other governments of countries are helping the people in these areas of work.

A duty

The critical point is that the United Kingdom actually has a United Nations duty to attend to the legitimate needs of the people and residents of the Turks and Caicos Islands. UN Resolution 1514 at its commencement declaration reads: Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples Adopted by the UN General Assembly Resolution 1514 (XV), 14 December 1960 The General Assembly. Mindful of the determination proclaimed by the peoples of the world in the Charter of the United Nations to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small and to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom. “…to promote social progress and better standards of life” no doubt easily infers that the controlling power, Britain, is responsible for the TCI’s welfare in a time of need, such as in facing this coronavirus pandemic. So be it, the UK ought properly to do what she is expected as a duty to do.

Hope for help

Help from Britain is expected. Hopefully it will actually help!

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March 28 - April 3, 2020




Governor says COVID-19 could overwhelm healthcare system BY OLIVIA ROSE “IF THE virus grips this country, if it grows exponentially, our medical provision will be overwhelmed and overwhelmed quickly.” These sentiments were expressed by Governor Nigel Dakin on Wednesday (March 25) during his address to the nation. This grave but very real concern prompted the Government to declare a state of emergency and impose a 21-day lockdown of the territory this week. Speaking at a press conference at the Office of the Premier in Providenciales, Dakin said the TCI and the world is facing “unprecedented times”. He said at this juncture the TCI has to take “its destiny into its own hands”. “There are many challenges but for the purpose of this month let’s be clear on the two that are most pressing and absolutely have to be dealt with now; no question. “First is our health. We are a small island state. We have, as a result, limited capacity but also a limited ability to flex capacity.” He stressed that large countries with highly developed healthcare systems such as the UK and Italy have had their health systems be quickly burdened. “If the virus grips this country, if it grows exponentially, our medical provision will to be overwhelmed and overwhelmed quickly,” Dakin said. The governor said the other major challenge is safeguarding the territory’s economy. “The second is our economy, macro certainly but also micro - how this impacts on individuals and on families. “We have, or until the end of last week we had, an economy that was built on one pillar - tourism - or put another way, international travel. “As international travel stops, and it was stopping before the closure of our borders, so too does the economy stop.” He said his and the Government’s aim throughout the growing crisis has been to not surprise the public. “We need to balance moving now as quickly as we can, set against ensuring the country can go into this next period balanced and stable. “Government intends to tackle these two great challenges of our public health and our overall economic well-being. “In both cases we are moving at a pace no government has ever worked at before with the most limited of ever-changing data.”

Compared to most other countries in the world you know we can do this, and we know we can get through this, if we stick together and behave responsibly” – Governor Nigel Dakin He said the 21-day lockdown will “buy time” as the Government grapples with the socioeconomic effects of the global pandemic. “We can’t deliver you perfection, or anything close to perfection, we can though take some big decisions now that buy us some time.” TCI’S ADVANTAGE Governor Dakin explained the TCI’s enviable position in terms of its disaster strategies, resilience and economic footing. “While it is straightforward to call out the two great challenges we face, it’s also worth pausing for a moment to reflect that we start with a set of advantages.” He said that much of what has been announced is driven by the determination not to lose the advantage the territory presently enjoys compared to most. “There is a window here where if we are bold we might just come through this far less impacted than others; we don’t intend to shy away from that opportunity or responsibility. “If we fail it won’t be because of indecision. So what are those advantages: “First, we still only have one confirmed case of COVID-19. “Almost all other countries have taken the actions we are about to take long after this point. Globally, everyone who is now gripped by the virus tells us to move early, not late.” He said that as of midnight, on Tuesday night, emergency powers are in place. “We are the only overseas territory who has done this. In doing so the Government continues to work as one. “Myself and the premier are in the same place, able, if you like, to finish each other’s sentences. “Cabinet, Government and consensus is the order of the day. “We have the powers bestowed on the governor which are going to allow us to act at pace and rigour, but we also have the legitimacy, in this time of crisis, that democracy can deliver.” The territory starts this crisis with the Government’s finances in good shape, he said, adding that the TCI

has over $100 million in reserves, which will help to cushion the inevitable recession. The Governor also pointed out that the TCI finished the year with a financial surplus and carries very little debt. “This year was the first year its financial plan didn’t need to be cleared with the UK. It has a BBB+ credit rating. “The UK has immediately agreed for the premier to run, if she needs, a deficit budget. Money is cheap to borrow in the international markets. “The Government’s past prudence has bought itself some time, space and international credibility to support its people. “Again many countries would wish to start from this position,”

Governor Nigel Dakin said the world is facing “unprecedented times”

Dakin stressed. He reminded that although the UK faces its own crisis, it has pledged to assist the Turks and Caicos Islands. “We also have the UK. She too is going through her own version of this - indeed she is deeper into this pandemic crisis than we want TCI ever to get. “But the UK in the end holds the contingent financial liabilities for these Islands and remains one of the largest economies in the world; a back-stop most other Caribbean states would welcome at this time.” The UK, he explained, is sourcing

Under the tree

health materials for the TCI and has provided advice to local clinicians. “I have military aid to call on to support us, as I need. “Indeed, I spoke to the UK’s Chief of Defence staff, General Nick Carter, who commands all the UK’s land, air and naval forces this morning. HMS Medway is in the region.” ADEQUATE FOOD AND WATER In a bid to quell fears about the territory’s food and water supply CONTINUED 

By Benneth Williams




Essential workers include public and private employees Gov’t empowered to requisition essential services where necessary BY DELANA ISLES FROM this Saturday at 5am, freedom of movement will be restricted for residents, except for those who are deemed essential to the continued operation of the country. This is provided for in the Emergency Regulations approved by Governor Nigel Dakin on Wednesday (March 25). The emergency powers were passed earlier this week as the territory prepared to shut its borders and for a 24-hour a day lockdown that is intended to last some three weeks. As stipulated by the regulations, essential workers are officers of the Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police Force and 911 Centre, the fire services, Her Majesty’s Prison, the Environmental Health Department, the Department of Immigration, the Customs Department, the TCI Airports Authority and the Civil Aviation Authority. Also included are the staff of the National Insurance Board, the National Health Insurance Board, the Office of the Director of Public Prosecution, the Attorney General’s Chambers, the Judiciary and waste disposal and sanitation companies. Emergency Medical Services Department staffers, those attached to public health departments, any hospital, healthcare or medical facility, any water, electricity, telecommunications (including internet services) or other sector encompassing the provision of electronic communications including print and electronic media are also included as essential workers. The law requires all essential workers to carry personal identification at all times. POWER TO REQUISITION ESSENTIAL SERVICES Additionally, as part of the emergency powers regulations, the

Government now has the power to requisition essential services. The regulations state that where the governor is satisfied that it is reasonably required to do so for the duration of the emergency or any period, he can, in writing to the management of that essential service, requisition such service with effect from such date as may be specified in such notice. Where any essential service is requisitioned, the governor shall, by instrument in writing, appoint some person as controller of the service requisitioned. Upon the appointment of a controller for any essential service, that person will be entitled to take possession of all premises and assets of every description (other than money or securities for money) which were used or intended to be used for the purposes of such service, and, in relation to any premises and assets so taken possession of, and in relation to the service so requisitioned, to do or cause to be done any act or thing which might lawfully have been done by the person having control of such service if the service had not been so requisitioned. To be clear, essential services to which this regulation apply are any service established, maintained or operated by the Government, or by any public or private enterprise, or otherwise, for the following purposes: For the collection, storage, purification or distribution of water for use by the public or any class of the public; the collection, storage, treatment and disposal of sewage or garbage or refuse; the manufacture, storage or distribution of fuel (including gasoline, propane, diesel) for use by the public or any class of the public; the provision of medical service, electricity services or telecommunication services (including internet); or the removal, handling or burial of deceased persons or disposal of dead animals.

Patient who died in hospital was tested for COVID-19 A PATIENT who passed away at Cheshire Hall Medical Centre on Monday (March 23) succumbed to an existing illness, hospital and Government officials have said. However, the deceased has been tested for COVID-19 “as a precautionary measure given the current pandemic”. Results have not yet been released. A joint press release from the TCI Government and TCI Hospital on Wednesday said it wished to address claims that there was a death of a confirmed COVID-19 patient.

March 28 - April 3, 2020


“We ask the general public to respect the privacy of the victim and the family of the victims and allow the TCI Hospital and the Ministry of Health to conduct the necessary investigation and requisite tests that may be required,” it read. “The Ministry of Health is working closely with the TCI Hospital in regard to investigating this matter. “The Ministry of Health also wishes to extend its sympathies to the family and friends of this individual. We wish to extend our deepest condolences to the family.”

CABINET MEETING SUMMARY A TERRITORY-wide lockdown, emergency powers and social distancing of Government members were discussed at the latest meeting of the Cabinet. Governor Nigel Dakin chaired the eight meeting of the year on Tuesday (March 24) at the Premier’s Office in Providenciales. All ministers were present. At this meeting Cabinet: -Was updated on work across the TCI Government and the UK government to address and mitigate against any escalation of Coronavirus (COVID-19) in the TCI. -Approved the implementation of a curfew from 8pm to 5am over the night of Thursday (March 26) and a 24-hour curfew to begin at 8pm on Friday (March 27) until midnight on April 14. -Approved the Emergency Powers (COVID-19) (Amendment) Regulations 2020. -Agreed business continuity and social distancing between Cabinet members. -Approved amendments to the Health Professions (Amendment) Ordinance 2020 and Schedule 1 of the Health Professions Ordinance. -Noted the recommendations of the

Procurement Board on the award of the following contracts: (a) PN 005280, baggage scanner for customs (TR 19/82) (b) PN 005483, DECR and tourism facilities – purchase of triple and double axel trailers (TR 19/35) (c) PN 005515, replacement vehicles phase three – district administration/prison (TR 19/92) (d) PN 005540, equipment for PWD – community signs (TR 19/55) (e) PN 005498, SSP, Detention Centre upgrade (f) TCICAA 0080102, automobile (TR 19/73) -Approved a contract for the president of the Labour Tribunal. -Approved the deferral of the Caribbean Examinations Council examinations to SeptemberOctober 2020; the suspension of the administration of the Caribbean Primary Exit Assessment for 2020 and the automatic transition of the 20192020 cohort of grade six student to high school; the deferral of the students registration process to commence on June 30 subject to review; and the extension of the school year by two weeks so that school will close on July 17 instead of July 3.

CLOSURE of borders, business continuity and mass gatherings were all discussed at a meeting of the Cabinet. Governor Nigel Dakin chaired the seventh meeting of the year on Friday (March 20) at the Premier’s Office in Providenciales. All ministers were present. Ministry of Finance officials were also present for the discussion on the estimates budget for financial year 2020-2021. At this meeting Cabinet: -Was updated on work by the Ministries of Health, Infrastructure and Tourism on ongoing work to prepare for and mitigate against any escalation of coronavirus (COVID-19) in the TCI. -Approved the closure of the borders with effect from midnight Tuesday (March 24) until midnight Tuesday (April 14), subject to review. -Discussed and agreed the following specific additional measures: (a) Cease all mass public gatherings (25 persons or over) inclusive of the following schools, churches and places of entertainment or refreshment, funerals, sporting events and other social gatherings. (b) Discourage (without regulation) the movement of persons between islands. (c) TCI residents can return to the TCI during the closed period but will be subject to requisite health stipulations based on risk assessment. (d) Visitors or non-residents who wish to leave will be allowed to leave TCI during the closed period but, will not be allowed re-entry during the closed period. (e) Emergency flights eg. medical evacuations (medivacs) will continue. (f) Cargo and courier flights will continue as usual. (g) All regional and international commercial passenger and private flights will cease to operate into TCI. (h) International seafaring, with the exception of cargo vessels, will cease. (i) Implement enhanced screening at Providenciales International Airport up to the period of closure.

-Members were instructed to drawn up plans for business continuity. -Received a presentation of the draft Budget Estimates for FY2020-2021 and risk mitigation strategies in light of coronavirus (COVID-19) to be re-presented to Cabinet. -Approved changes to the Public Service Ordinance to facilitate the impact of the Chance for Change programme for non-officer positions and the Public Service Amendment Bill (2020) for onward submission to the House of Assembly. -Noted the recommendations of the Procurement Board on the award of the following contracts: (a) PN 005506, NJS Francis Building (TR 19/80) (b) PN 005507, road development phase five (TR 19/63) (c) PN 005539, SSP, equipment for immigration and radar station – Oracle server upgrade (d) TCIAA 0009/01 South Caicos Airport passenger terminal building and combined services building – design build services (TR 19/43) (e) TCIAA, SSP, aviation and security equipment – purchase of equipment and software, air traffic control (f) TCIPA 08/18, procurement of office vehicle (TR 19/46) (g) TR 19/61, consultancy for digitisation of registration and citizenship records -Approved amendments to Residential and Commercial Development Standards (Setbacks and Heights Requirements), Turks and Caicos Islands Development Manual Sections 3.5.2, 3.5.3 and Table 3.8. -Approved the allocation of sand to the North Caicos Yacht Club to facilitate the North Caicos Emergency Dredging Project. -Approve additional proposed rates changes and amendments to: (a) Electricity (Rates and Charges) Regulations (Grand Turk and Salt Cay) (b) Electricity Rates and Charges Regulations (South Caicos) (c) Electricity (Rates and Charges) Regulations (Providenciales, North Caicos and Middle Caicos)

March 28 - April 3, 2020




TCI records first two cases of COVID-19 BY OLIVIA ROSE THE TURKS and Caicos Islands has recorded its first and second cases of the lethal coronavirus COVID-19 which has claimed more than 20,000 lives worldwide. On Monday, Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson confirmed the first positive result in the territory and appealed to citizens not to panic. She gave a brief national address at her office in Grand Turk, flanked by the Minister of Health Hon. Edwin Astwood and the Director of Health Services Dr Nadia Astwood. “Today the Turks and Caicos reports its first COVID-19 case,” she said. “We remain the last few of four Caribbean nations - two others reported their first cases yesterday.” A middle-aged man with various health conditions was the second person to test positive for COVID-19 coronavirus in the TCI, it was announced on Thursday. He is currently in critical condition at Cheshire Hall Medical Centre and is receiving aggressive respiratory care. Cartwright Robinson explained that the Government had already begun preparing for the potential impact and has implemented crucial risk mitigation regulations and plans. She went on to stress the importance of the role every individual has in slowing the spread of the virus. “It is important that we follow all Ministry of Health advice and protocols, in particular proper hand hygiene and social distancing. “I am confident in the advice given by the health team and must reemphasise the importance of social distancing. It is important to reduce risk and spread by breaking contact.” She added: “All persons now more than ever need to be responsible and help us seek to break contact and hence control and stop the spread.” The premier said the public must engage in responsible actions to help the Government control and prevent the spread of the virus. “I am asking that we remain calm, follow health advice and help us to manage this experience in the best way we can and this can only truly be achieved if each and every one of us plays our critical role.” POSITIVE SAMPLE Director of Health Services Dr Nadia Astwood explained that a sample was sent to the national reference laboratory for testing and came back positive for COVID-19 on Monday. She said that the unidentified patient had no recent travel history but offered no other details. Astwood added that through the procedural questioning, as with any suspected or confirmed case, the patient has been interviewed for contact tracing. “Interviews have been conducted with the patient to identify close contacts such as family members, friends and business associates.” She continued: “This

Director of Health Services Dr Nadia Astwood, Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson and Minister of Health Hon. Edwin Astwood

announcement will create some public concern which is understandable and as such the ministry would like to reassure everyone that we’re taking all necessary precautions and following established prevention and control protocols in relation to any suspected or confirmed cases of COVID -19. “We continue to enhance measures to fight against COVID-19, such as enhanced surveillance at all ports of entry, our activated preparedness and response plan for COVID-19 and training for health care providers and front line workers.” The director urged members of the public to continue following health advice, in particular proper hand hygiene and social distancing. “Avoid close contact with anyone displaying symptoms and practice social distancing, keeping three to six foot from one another. “This helps reduce interaction between people and could prevent the spread of disease. “If you have fever or cough and display symptoms such as shortness of breath of difficulty breathing please seek medical care immediately by contacting our hotlines. The numbers are 232-9444 or 338-0911.” She stressed that people should not flood the emergency rooms, the hospitals or healthcare centres. “Please use these hotlines to contact the health team and we will provide assistance or guidance as we do not want to transfer any infections to the vital healthcare care facilities. “It is in each and every one of our hands to prevent the spread of COVID-19. I ask you to be your brother’s keeper. “The simple advice we continue to provide through the Ministry of Health are the measures that are within your power to make an impact. “Please be mindful of those who are vulnerable within our community such as the elderly and those with underlying medical conditions.” She said that further information is available on the Government and Ministry of Health’s Facebook page and website. ‘PLAY YOUR PART’ Minister of Health Hon. Edwin Astwood reiterated his call for

residents to play their part in preventing the spread of the highly contagious virus. “What happens now depends on all of us. We have a choice to make, we have to adjust our behaviour, we cannot continue to go on with business as usual. “We have been trying to get the public more engaged, more aware of

what’s going on. “We know it’s human nature that most persons would not take this seriously, but we have to take this serious. “But with all things, we are made for this and just like everything else we’ll get through this and we will come out better at the end of this. “I just want to assure you that we will do all we can to mitigate. The window of containment is closing on us but the window of mitigation is wide open and so we have to mitigate this disease spreading in our country and we will.” As of Thursday, the TCI had 10 suspected cases of COVID-19 with 297 people in home quarantine. A suspected person is someone who meets the case definition as outlined by WHO and CARPHA and is experiencing symptoms. A person in quarantine is an individual who has come from infected country or may have come in proximity to suspected or confirmed cases - and has not exhibited symptoms.

According to an update from the Ministry of Health one suspected case was of a tourist visiting the territory. The ministry said: “The other nine suspected cases are TCI residents returning from countries with local transmission and contacts of a confirmed case. “All 10 persons met the WHO case definition for a suspected case of COVID-19, thus they are experiencing symptoms.” These samples have been collected and sent for testing. Those confirmed not to have COVID-19 and their contacts have been moved from quarantined status and asked to continue following proper guidelines. The first confirmed case is in isolation and contact tracing is aggressively continuing, the Ministry of Health said. While the second patient, a resident who recently returned from the United States, is “under clinical management and isolation” at Cheshire Hall Medical Centre.

Governor says COVID-19 could ... CONTINUED FROM 


during the lockdown, the governor said supplies are adequate. “I have said in the past we have weeks of supply of food on the island. The truth is, it’s months. “There’s no indication our food supply chain will be impacted and the Government in preparation for hurricane has its own supply of food as a contingency,” he explained. “We produce our water from the sea. So long as we have fuel (and again our fuel supply line is in great shape) to run our desalination plants we have fresh drinking water. “We have a world class power provider and - unlike in a hurricane - we will have excellent and guaranteed communications. “Our health service is small - it can’t cope with a pandemic - but our health service professionals are amazing. “It’s not an accident that we are in good shape at present; their advice has been exemplary.” He advised people in the coming days to be as responsible in our supermarkets and stores as they have been to date. “How we behave there will tell us a lot about how we will behave elsewhere. “Which brings me to the most important advantage we have, the advantage I said we were not going to squander.” He emphasised that unlike many countries the TCI is ahead of the curve in terms of its measures

in place to combat the spread of the virus. The TCI Government has taken critical lessons from other countries during this pandemic. “We have seen other countries react, we have seen what has worked and what has not. You, yourselves, will have been tracking this through the international media. “Through the UK’s global network, we have been in very close touch with multiple foreign governments and been able to track their reactions - not from the press - but from talking to their officials, heads of government and medical professionals.” TRIED AND TESTED RESILIENCE Optimistically, the governor reminded citizens of their resilience in the face of past adversities. “It just may be that these Islands, because of the inherent advantages I described at the start, are going to show the world that it is possible to deal with this crisis, calmly, intelligently and purposefully “Crucially we have you - the public of TCI. You understand adversity and you understand hardship. You have been through three hurricanes in 12 years. “Compared to most other countries in the world you know we can do this, and we know we can get through this, if we stick together and behave responsibly. “We know that we have to act

for the good of the community at moments like this - selfishness at this time is a social taboo.” He acknowledged that the actions needed during a pandemic differ from those taken in a hurricane but the underlying human instinct is what will get the country through. “Being steady, knowing it will pass, knowing that short term hardship will be replaced by a future normality, is the most powerful thought and many populations around the world have not got your experience. “They can’t imagine it will end; they can’t imagine things will be better; you can because you know it does happen. “Because these Islands understand disaster we are well prepared for them. “Whether we collectively succeed, or not, the one thing I know above all others is that our behaviours here, to one another, putting our future and our society before the immediacy of the moment, is going to be remembered. “Those living through this will tell a future generation how you, your friends, your neighbours, and those you never knew but came to respect, behaved and how through that behaviour the Islands rapidly returned to their previous prosperity. “Because that will come. You know it, in different circumstances you’ve been here before.”


March 28 - April 3, 2020


COVID-19 financial tips for employers “GIVE and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” Luke 6:38 COVID-19 will have a major setback on the economy and as a result employers will have to make some drastic decisions such as to whether to remain open or not. Individuals and employers will also be looking to governments for some type of bailout or incentives. Governments too will be faced with uncertainty as this crisis looms over their countries. Despite the potential opportunity losses as a result of this COVID-19 crisis, we cannot panic and must remained focused. This is a time that if we are in a position to help others, we should. I am not an expert but here are a few tips: SHIFT HOURS FOR EMPLOYEES If you are in a position to still be in business but your revenue is impacted, implement a shift hour scheme for your employees so at least everyone will benefit from some form of compensation even


Drexwell Seymour is a certified public accountant and is the managing partner for HLB TCI. His favourite hobby, however, is writing. He has a personal website, www.drexwellseymour. com, where all of his writings are posted. He also has a YouTube channel where you can find inspirational videos. Drexwell has a BA in Accounting and an MBA in Finance.

though it may be less than what they were getting previously. REDUCTION IN SALARY While there are many people living from paycheque to paycheque, rather than laying people off, consider an agreement for a reduction in salary starting with a cut in the salaries of the management team. Eliminate all planned bonuses. EARLY VACATION The average employee may only be entitled to two weeks’ vacation but this time when there is not much activity, use this time so that employees can take their vacation and get paid for it during this time.

Some employees may even want to consider taking an extra two weeks leave off without pay if they can afford it. GOVERNMENT STIMULUS PACKAGES Some governments are in huge deficit positions while others are in surplus positions. Despite the condition of the government, this will be an unprecedented time whereby governments will have to assist with some form of unemployment pay outs to the employees in the private sector and some form of subsidy payments to businesses affected by the COVID-19. However, this will require honesty

by employees and businesses. Increase the Invest TCI grants from $10,000 to $20,000 and expand the list for a period of three six months. REVIEW AND DECREASE YOUR MARGIN Most businesses have a certain margin they want to achieve. Consider reviewing your margin and in so doing reduce your mark-up so the prices you offer to consumers can be lower. This however, will also require the assistance of the Government. The Government can assist by reducing their duty rate so that businesses can pass this savings onto consumers. I believe that businesses should pay for their licence fees but the Government can consider slashing the licence fees by 50 percent. The Government should also eliminate the penalties on business licences, instruct the NHIB and NIB to eliminate late fee penalties for three months. The FortisTCI proposed 6.8 percent increase on power bills should also be suspended for about three months because businesses will

pass this increase onto consumers. CONCLUSION These are some interesting times. I believe this COVID-19 has taught us some lessons and hopefully we will learn from it. This is time now for us to develop alternative industries rather than depending primarily on tourism. This is time for us to review and implement unemployment benefits legislation. Once the economy rebounds, it will take a while for the country to return to normalcy and the Government will have to introduce a form of tax such as payroll tax. More importantly, this is the time for us to unite and truly help those in need. The Government and employers will feel some losses as a result of some of the above recommendations but ultimately it will pay off in the end. I conclude with the scripture as I started off with Luke 6:38: “Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. “For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”

A tale of two cities COMMENTARY

‘A TALE of Two Cities’ is a classic novel by Charles Dickens about the French Revolution and related events in London and Paris. Now it seems the virus affecting the world has created our own series of events which could be told under the same title. The Turks and Caicos Islands operates in the international arena through two cities - Providenciales and Grand Turk. Small as we are, these are the population centres. They are also the international ports. Passenger air travel is served by airports adequate to support large commercial aircraft. Grand Turk also has a cruise

port serving cruise ships and their passengers. Provo also has a commercial freight port for the import of all goods. North Caicos, Middle Caicos, South Caicos, Salt Cay and West Caicos all have airstrips for light planes. Now we are shutting down the two main passenger terminals for at least three weeks. This effectively quarantines our Islands for the quarantine period. If TCI remains virus free at the end of three weeks our population will be proven safe to travel elsewhere. However, this will not clear the rest of the world’s population to come here. In fact, what will stop the current influx of illegals? What will halt contaminated goods from

coming ashore? Will these measures damage our economy? Of course. All counties are being affected. In a country the size of the USA with a southern border still wide open and hundreds of patients already affected, the future will be a real challenge. Meanwhile we have stories afloat. A taxi driver in Grand Turk has been reported affected by the virus or was he just exposed? He is said to refuse quarantine. Then we have a private jet out of fuel trying to land. Already turned away for fuel stops in other Caribbean locals they are permitted to land in the TCI. The alternative would be a crash in the sea. The problem is the plane has connections to Italy a country


David is a retired mobile hydraulic engineer and business executive. He has been married to Middle Caicos native Yvette Robinson Tapfer for 30 years and has lived in Conch Bar, Middle Caicos, since 2002. David formerly served as branch chairman of the PDM from 2008 to 2011

which has serious virus issues. The passengers are also connected to our Parrot Cay where they are now located. Are they bringing in risks of the virus? These are questions being asked. This is only the beginning. How will we handle the next boat load of illegal immigrants? It matters not what the

Government does, they will be blamed for any decision they make. Is this fair? When this all ends, these little stories will be forgotten. Hopefully somewhere someone is writing the whole story of the TCI from 2003 forward. It could be a non-fiction best seller. Unbelievable.

March 28 - April 3, 2020



Combating crimes in the TCI: The public’s responsibility PART TWO SINCE the majority of crimes investigated by police result from reports made by the victims - victims of crimes are deemed the gatekeepers of the criminal justice system. In addition to the previous strategies discussed, members of the community have enormous responsibility to ensuring their communities are safeguarded from criminal acts through their own safety initiatives. In so doing, citizens must voice their concerns about crime and disorder. Community members should to raise their concerns with local community policing teams and avoid waiting until crimes occur or when the situation gets out of control to cause an outrage. Likewise, citizens must be motivated enough to provide

BY D MARKIE SPRING D Markie Spring, a TCI resident of 15 years, is an expert in law enforcement. He worked as a detective in the Royal TCI Police Force and was director of security at Beaches Turks and Caicos.

information about crimes and suspicious activities. Police officers are unable to be on spot all the time. Hence, good citizens need to be the eyes and ears for the police and provide intelligence necessary to curb crimes, as citizens are better positioned to identify suspicious behaviours and unlawful activities – both in residences and the workplace. Within this context, citizens are urged, hitherto, to report other problems or incidents even though it only affects them indirectly.

Too, if an individual is faced with a personal problem or knows someone who has a personal issue, and where the challenge is beyond the person’s capacity to deal with her own setbacks, those individuals must seek professional help before the problem escalates further. As advice to entrepreneurs in the previous article, citizens are urged to employ crime prevention measures to safeguard their person and properties - locking doors and windows and even installing an alarm system. Burglar bars are another safety

step the individual can take to help prevent criminal activities. Furthermore, residents are supposed to know the environment in which they live. Listening to the news and reading the weekly newspaper and other bulleting can provide useful information about crimes in their neighbourhoods. Hence, the reason the police must invest in a crime ‘mapping’ initiative, in addition to, publishing regular press releases. Until the crime situation in affected areas is controlled, citizens must avoid these paths and stop walking alone, too late at night. A rapid and effective response by officers is greatly dependent upon the accurate and timely reports of emergency or suspicious incidents by residents. The prevention process involves calling the police immediately when questionable behaviours are in progress - whether the reporter is

the victim of or a by-stander who is aware of such incident. If the police are not aware of an incident they cannot assist in settling the matter or prevent it from occurring again. Noteworthy, and considering the diverse nature of the TCI communities, it is important to highlight a unique phenomenon, as a significant barrier to immigrant use of the criminal justice system. Law enforcement experts and observers of immigrant communities in the US discovered that immigrants are reluctant to report crimes to the police, because they distrust the authorities and are fearful of deportation, hence exhibiting no sense of confidence in enforcers. This could be a lesson for the TCI to ensure that immigrants feel the urge to report known crimes in their neighbourhoods, thus providing enforcers with critical information needed to curb the crime situation.

A post virus economic recovery strategy requires thought now THE CARIBBEAN is about to experience a crisis of a kind that no one in the region or anywhere else in the world could have predicted. COVID-19, the coronavirus, which is now present across the Americas will for a while challenge the economic and social viability of nations small and large and their government’s ability to be proactive, science-led, competent and trusted. If the practical, public health, logistical and economic challenges now being faced in Europe or the US are examples of the difficulties governments in liberal societies are having when trying to address a fast-moving epidemic of uncertain proportions, much of the Caribbean will also struggle. This is because public health requirements apart, almost every Caribbean nation will have to address at the same time, complex domestic issues including a rapid rise in unemployment particularly in the hospitality sector, the possibility that multiple businesses may go under as a consequence of illiquidity, falling government revenues, and


David Jessop is a consultant to the Caribbean Council. He has worked on Caribbean issues for over 40 years. David is the editor of Caribbean Insight and Cuba Briefing publications. He can be contacted at

more fundamental issues of trust in a political class who must now lead and deliver positive results in real time. The next six months will indicate which governments have done their best, anticipated problems before they arose, have been honest and provided detailed factual information rather than hoping inaction or halftruths will somehow see them through. A few days ago, the InterAmerican Development Bank (IDB) published a first paper containing rough projections of the impact of COVID-19 on the Bahamas, Barbados, Guyana, Jamaica, Suriname, and Trinidad.

The Caribbean Development Trends paper was published as almost every nation in the region reported externally introduced cases of the virus. What it noted was that the magnitude of impact will depend crucially on the virus’ spread, duration, and the measures that countries in the region and elsewhere undertake to insulate themselves. It also observed that the outcome will vary by the nature of a country’s dependence on tourism, especially if the global crisis extends into the 2020-21 winter high season. The authors of the six-page document - Henry Mooney and Maria Zegarra - suggest that the

five countries they reviewed will experience a shock if, as is likely, important sectors including the commodities trade, tourism, and cross border financial flows are affected. They noted that productivity from workers falling ill or being asked to stay at home will have implications for national output, and that as the crisis deepens, the governments of the six countries reviewed will likely face increased financing needs driven by the direct cost of mitigation and falling revenues. The two economists went on to warn that in the Bahamas, Barbados and Jamaica, where tourism receipts account for between 34 and 48 percent of total output (GDP) and similarly large shares of overall employment, the effect may be severe, particularly if the crisis globally remains acute past September. To demonstrate this, the report contains initial illustrative scenarios. They indicate that a long-lived highimpact crisis on tourism-driven output could result in a 75 percent reduction in visitors over the last

three quarters of 2020 and could reduce GDP relative to the pre-crisis baseline expectations by between 11 percent to 26 percent in the case of Bahamas, and by other appreciable magnitudes for Barbados and Jamaica. Policymakers, IDB’s economists warn, should work towards developing contingencies and identifying low-cost near-term supplemental financing options, including those available from international financial institutions. A failure to do so, they say, could have adverse implications for longer term fiscal and debt sustainability and put at risk the gains achieved over recent years. What the IDB report indicates is that as hard as it may be for governments and industry in the Caribbean to be planning other responses in parallel to the epidemic, it is essential that economic recovery strategies are considered now. What it does not say is that this may be unusually difficult as the CONTINUED 




March 28 - April 3, 2020

The Mayans already knew about 2020 ARCHAEOLOGIST Professore Anzio de Castamilliana y Fonsata, when excavating in the Central American region of San Ramador, recently found a Mayan tablet with inscriptions. He was able to decipher them with Google Translate. The translated text contained predictions of the future; one of them suggesting that 2020 would be the year of a tectonic shift. I knew that I could only get your attention with this headline and introduction. Currently, there is so much reported on ‘THE’ virus that there is hardly space left for anything else. If you didn’t already figure it out, you should be aware that this article opening is fake news. If I would have continued with a complete fictitious story on the Mayan discovery, some people would have seen a relation to the virus outbreak and put it on their Facebook page to characterise themselves as finders of a source of baffling information, or to make themselves look like inventors of a unique bewilderment in the social media. If the soup is salty, the last thing needed is an extra spoon of salt. So, let’s look at things from a different perspective. How often have we heard individuals say: “If I could start all over again in my life with all that I know now, I would do things different.” The time for making that change is coming. What can be done in the Caribbean? That the region should explore diversifying its economies is long overdue. The time has come now. The most common suggestion that one hears is furthering agriculture. Isn’t it crazy to see that cans of coconut water that are sold here in

CDR BUD SLABBAERT Commander Bud Slabbaert from Sint Maarten is the initiator and chairman of the Caribbean Aviation Meetup conferences. Throughout his professional activities, he was involved in international aviation promotion, development and management matters in the region and in Europe.

the supermarket are a ‘Product of Thailand’ from the other side of the world? As if there are no coconut trees in the Caribbean. The problem is not about having coconuts or not, it is about having a canning or bottling facility. Agricultural development is one thing, processing and exporting another. Agriculture is the thing to think of. Another is developing a unique Caribbean fashion industry. Fashion items that can be exported. How about encouraging home industry activities to produce simple products like souvenirs that don’t need to be imported anymore? The Caribbean may run the risk of missing out on future opportunities. We do not exist in a vacuum and none of us has a monopoly on wisdom when it comes to assessing what a modern economy needs in order to thrive. Just as task forces are created to handle the current problematic health situation, already task forces should be assembled to deal with the economic situation in the aftermath, which will likely be a recession. The activities of such a task force should be establishing of a roadmap for future sustainable economic success in all parts of the business environment and at all levels of

Bud has written numerous articles and columns for international and regional magazines. As a specialist in strategic communication, he aims to ensure that the essential information is noticed by the senses, sticks in the mind, and affects thinking, behaviour, or activities of an audience.

human activity. Every economy is significantly driven by the dynamics of small businesses and the middle-class entrepreneurs. Start-ups and new products are crucial elements of growth. There may be a potential for young talent and professionals who are looking for new opportunities. All economy segments should be considered. The objective must be to send out impulses, to suggest tools for improvements and better alignment, fostering the expansion of capacities for innovation and driving strategies for the challenges of the future in a changed world. Innovation is about adding value by enhancing innovation and innovativeness. Looking for innovation does not mean that we would just be looking for a new product or just be helping one particular type of operation within an economy. It should also be leveraged to add value to the creation, development and implementation of new ideas for processing. It may be about carefully combining existing activities which enable and encourage ideas to be generated and grow, support their diffusion and harvest a value for the whole economy.

One has to come up with solutions and new ideas that will help consumers. It is anyone’s choice to remain part of a problem or to become part of a solution. If one doesn’t, someone else will. Are you the type of person who opposes new ideas until they are established? Do you believe that you know it all already? If so, there may be serious trouble ahead of you. Are you sceptical? Typically, the path to change is paved with sceptics. No more of the same are needed. What may be needed now is to exercise some transverse thinking. What are transverse or diagonal thinkers? They may not be liked, but they may be needed. They are considered obstructionist and sometimes seen as neurotic or egocentric eccentrics. In their way of thinking, they disturb any traditional process, provoke the established, and drive someone crazy when they question dogmas, accumulated and proven ideas, and call for alternatives. They express concerns and question matters beyond the traditional ways of thinking, patterns of actions and existing templates. They can be rigorous, but they are also innovators. They are not fixed on standard thinking. The fact is that behind every innovation are

unconventional ideas. One should not cling tenaciously to outdated services, processes and attitudes, but instead, one should question the status quo and have the courage to think eccentrically and bring forth new benefits to businesses and communities. Service providers in tomorrow’s business environment need to be innovative in order to survive and flourish. As an example, let’s look at an industry with a high rate of innovation. The positive impact of pharmaceutical innovation has been far-reaching, affecting the very core of economies, and quality of life. New medicines are protective and helping people to lead healthier more productive lives. Many of the pharmaceutical accomplishments would have been impossible without product innovation. However, in the context of their traditional culture, for Native American Indians the words ‘good medicine’ have a much broader and richer meaning. And it is not about innovation. In order to have good health one must first learn to live life in complete balance with the natural laws, to have respect for nature, to possess a kind heart and to have high moral standards. That is what they consider ‘good medicine’. Which brings me back at how I started this article about a piece of Pre-Columbian culture. Archeologist Professore Anzio de Castamilliana y Fonsata, whom I mentioned in the top of this article. He has sent me a message informing me that the recently found Mayan tablet also explicitly indicated that the world would not go under, regardless of the predicted 2020 tectonic shift, but on the contrary, it would flourish thereafter.

The business community must step up AT THE time of this publication, many people within the Turks and Caicos Islands will be aware that we have had our first confirmed case of COVID-19 (coronavirus) and are coming to grips with updated emergency powers regulations. Now more than ever is it incumbent on the business community to step up to the plate and demonstrate their corporate citizenship. Below are a few suggestions that will help our residents in the short and longer term of the crisis: 1) All stores that carry critical supplies, such as hand soap and sanitisers, Lysol sprays and wipes or their equivalents, and other food

supplies etc. if they have not done so already should limit the amount of product each individual customer can purchase at any given time. This will reduce the pressure on the supply chain and allow all in need to have access to these critical products. This is important because there is little use in a few having all of the protective products and the remaining population being exposed which will still result in a risk to all. We are all in this together. 2) Internet service providers must do a rapid assessment of their networks to determine their robustness.


Jamell has 14 years of public and private sector experience in leadership roles and holds a Bachelor’s and a Master’s degree from McGill and Coventry Universities. He describes himself as an “inspirational, skilled, energetic and action-oriented” member of the community.

With schools being closed and children doing online schooling, the tourism industry coming to a grinding halt, and many persons having to be home or work from home during this lockdown period, the strain and overload on the bandwidth of these

networks will be severely tested. Additionally, package deals should be offered at this time as increased data usage will go through the roof at a time when available cash with will limited. 3) Big companies, especially

those in the tourism industry must step up to the plate in this time of crisis and do as much as practical for their employees whom are the backbones of their companies. It was done after hurricanes Ike and Irma and must be done again in the face of this pandemic. TCIG cannot be made to be responsible for bailing out the entire economy when its revenues only account for a quarter of the annual GDP. Good corporate citizenship must be practiced and demonstrated. Together, we can face and overcome any crisis. Stay home and stay safe TCI.

March 28 - April 3, 2020






March 28 - April 3, 2020

A post virus economic recovery strategy ... CONTINUED FROM ďƒ¨

For more information visit the Ministry of Health website, email If you or someone you know has symptoms or signs of COVID-19 call the hotline numbers 232-9444 or 333-0911.


region’s major international partners will be in recession, heavily indebted and less focussed on early global economic stimulation as a result of the need to achieve renewed growth in their own economies. This suggests that above all, Caribbean recovery should focus on increasing self-sufficiency, particularly incentivising agriculture in order for the region to be able to feed itself, incentivising the growth of new high value services exports, and adopting a well thought through long-term tourism response aimed at ensuring global competitiveness. In particular, this ought to include serious thought about removing the demand dampening fiscal inequities that disadvantage the region’s landbased hospitality sector which directly supports onshore economic growth, employment, consumer demand and government revenues. Although the industry in the Caribbean and elsewhere is understandably preoccupied with the immediate impact of the virus, the World Travel and Tourism Council, an industry body representing some of its biggest global players, recently suggested some more general responses of relevance to the Caribbean. Observing that global travel could be hit by a 25 percent decline in 2020 and that between 12 and 14 percent of industry jobs are at risk on a worldwide basis, it suggested facilitating travel by making it seamless and secure; alleviating pressure at ports and airports; reducing or removing taxes on travel including airport, port and other related taxes; and providing fiscal relief and incentives that support smaller tourism-related businesses negatively impacted by the virus. It also proposed, in due course, that destinations and the industry increase their budgets and resources for promotion, marketing and product development, and develop stronger public-private partnerships and greater international cooperation. When the moment comes, these are all ideas worthy of consideration as elements of a Caribbean recovery programme, as assuring competitiveness will be essential if the Caribbean is to retain its present role as a major tourism destination. Once the coronavirus has passed, it will be necessary to deliver a well-financed and thought through, sustained response. This may be hard to contemplate now, but governments in conjunction with the private sector and representatives of other parts of civil society should be exchanging views online to consider what a creative long-term post coronavirus economic recovery strategy might look like.

March 28 - April 3, 2020



Gov’t reminds employers of obligations to staff EMPLOYERS must continue to follow the laws of the TCI when choosing how to approach staffing during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Government has warned. They have obligations with regard to layoffs and reducing hours while their employees have rights, the Ministry of Immigration, Citizenship, Labour and Employment Services said. “We are conscious of the economic strain the COVID-19 pandemic has placed on the business community in the TCI and the world at large. “It has come to the department’s attention that it is the intent on employers to either lay-off staff or decrease their hours of work ie. place them on short-time. “The ministry would first like to recommend that all employers make every effort where possible to create alternative work schedules i.e. allow staff to work from home, create compressed and flexible work schedules in order to retain staff during this period. “Secondly employers are reminded that all changes to the terms of employment needs to be properly documented and communicated to

the staff in writing and in accordance with the applicable laws of the Turks and Caicos Islands.” In a statement on Thursday (March 26), the ministry said that where the circumstances require employers to place staff on shorttime, they are encouraged to be mindful of Part IV 13. (2) and 14 of the Employment Order. It reads: “Where by reason of a diminution in the work provided for an employee by his employer (being work of a kind which under his contract the employee is employee is employed to do) the employee’s remuneration for any week is less than half a week’s pay, he shall for the purpose of this part be taken to be kept on short time for that week.” And: “An employee shall not be entitled to severance pay by reason of being laid off or kept on shorttime unless he gives in writing to his employer indicating (in whatsoever terms) his intention to claim severance pay in respect of lay-off or short-time (in this order referred to as a ‘notice of intention to claim’) and, before the service of the notice, he has been laidoff or kept on short-time for eight or more consecutive weeks of which the

TCI Hospital suspends non-essential services ALL non-essential services have been halted at Cheshire Hall Medical Centre and Cockburn Town Medical Centre until further notice. Only emergency operations will continue, TCI Hospital said in a joint press release with the Government on Monday (March 23). The new measures took effect from 5pm on Monday as a “proactive and precautionary measure” due to the detection of the first COVID-19 case in the TCI. The changes aim to reduce non-essential patient traffic to the hospitals to reduce the risk and spread of COVID-19, and divert healthcare workers to support emergency services. Routine appointments will be rescheduled to a later date once normal operations resume. Patients with appointments for urgent surgical and specialty clinic referrals will be contacted and informed of the next steps based on clinical risk assessments. The following emergency

services will continue: dialysis, high risk and emergency surgeries, high risk antenatal clinics, Emergency Department, active chemotherapy treatment, inpatient services and urgent and emergency diagnostic imaging. The main hospital entrance will be closed and only accessible to high risk groups such as dialysis, antenatal and chemotherapy patients with prebooked appointments. All other patients and persons who require emergency services are required to be screened in a designated pre-triage area near the entrance to the Emergency Department to access the facility. “The Ministry of Health and TCI Hospital continues to be engaged in dialogue throughout this public health challenge,” the statement said. “The ministry fully supports these prudent and necessary measures. “We wish to assure the public that the decision for the protocols being put in place were not taken lightly and is in the best interest of patient care.”

last before the service of the notice ended on the dated of service thereof or ended not more than four weeks before that date.” Staff are eligible for severance once they have been employed continuously for a period of two years by the same or associated employer. Severance pay shall be paid at the rate of two weeks’ basic wage (based on the latest basic wage) for each year of service, and pro-rata for each incomplete year. Employers are asked to be mindful that where staff are laid off consideration must be given to section 106 (4) of the Employment Ordinance. It states: “No employer shall layoff or make redundant an employee who is a Belonger and within three months prior or six months after, obtain, extend or renew, or apply to obtain, extend or renew, a work permit for a non-Belonger to work in a similar position, or carry out similar duties for the employer, as did the Belonger.” Employers should ensure that the layoff or short-time process is fair and persons are not singled out without just cause and in line with section 72 of the Employment Ordinance. “Where the reason or principal reason for the dismissal of an employee was that he was redundant,

but it is shown that the circumstances constituting the redundancy applied equally to one or more other employee in the same undertaking who held positions similar to that held by him and who have not been dismissed by the employer, and either: “A. that reason (or, if more than one, the principal reason) for which he was selected for dismissal was one of those specified in section 70(1); or “B. That he was selected for dismissal in contravention of a customary arrangement or agreed procedure relating to redundancy and there were no special reasons justifying a departure from that arrangement or procedure in his case. “Then, for the purpose of this part, the dismissal shall be regarded as unfair.” Employees who are being laid off are asked to contact the Employment Services Department to register for current unemployment benefits such as maintenance of NHIP benefits. WORK PERMIT HOLDERS Employers are also reminded that work permit holders who are laid off during this period and are not able to travel due to the travel restrictions are still their responsibility. Once the restrictions are lifted cards must be submitted to the office for cancelling and the individuals

returned to their home country. Employers are prohibited from provided release letters to employees for this is not allowed under current legislation. The Commissioner of Labour in line with section 33 (1) of the Employment Ordinance is also requiring that employers to submit a report to the commissioner on the list of persons being laid off and placed on short-time. This report must be submitted before or on the date the information is being communicated to the effected staff members. Anyone who provides false information would be committing an offence and is liable on summary conviction to a fine of $25,000 or to a term of imprisonment of six months, or both such fine and imprisonment. Late fees on renewal of work permits are suspended for work permits that would have expired between Saturday (March 28) and April 17. The ministry has established a hotline to answer all employment related matters during this period. Anyone with employment related matters can call 348-3085 or 3489340 and for stimulus package information they can call 347-2943. The general public can also submit questions and provide information through the email address

Police reduce non-essential face to face contact SEVERAL police offices have closed and residents have been advised to avoid face to face contact with the officers until further notice. These measures have been put in place to protect both the police and members of the public from the threat of COVID-19, according to a police statement on Wednesday (March 25). Commissioner of Police Trevor Botting said the Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police Force is “resolute and determined” to keep the TCI’s communities safe and secure. “Whilst making some changes to how we operate, we remain committed to responding and dealing with serious crime and other incidents. “It is business as usual and we will continue to enforce the rule of law,” he said, however, “the threat of Covid-19 requires us all to think and act differently”. The Police Records Offices will be closed until further notice. Only

Emergency Police Records (Health Related) will be issued at this time. More information can be obtained at 231-9950. The force will however, continue to process investigative reports such as fire reports, missing document reports and vehicular accident reports. The relevant person will be contacted for collection. The public is encouraged to avoid visiting police stations to file reports unless it is absolutely necessary and instead call main station numbers for help. Grand Turk Police Station is 9462299, South Caicos Police Station is 946-3299, Chalk Sound Police Station is 941-8082, Grace Bay Police Station is 941-5891 and North Caicos Police Station is 946- 4448. Residents should call 911 as usual for all emergencies. If an officer has to respond to a home following an emergency, residents must be prepared to answer the following questions:

Was anyone at the residence diagnosed with COVID-19? Has anyone at the residence recently returned from overseas travel? Has anyone inside of the residence displayed symptoms of cold or flu? Also, at a crime scene, residents must expect a responding officer to maintain the safe social distancing zone of three feet to six feet during questioning. This is in the best interest of the personal safety of the public and that of the responding officers. “The force is planning hard for every eventuality and I would like to ask the members of public for their patience during these uncertain times and please be assured that the force will keep you updated with any changes to the policing of the TCI,” Botting said. “I would like to encourage the public to follow the guidelines provided by the Ministry of Health and do your part in efforts to contain COVID-19.”



Shoppers queue up outside IGA Gourmet supermarket waiting their turn to enter the store, as the new social distancing rules are put in place

March 28 - April 3, 2020

Demarcations on the ground of the Smart supermarket to indicate to shoppers where to stand

Graceway supermarket implements social distancing, restriction on purchases BY DELANA ISLES AS THE territory readies itself for a lockdown to stem the spread of the novel coronavirus, the Graceway IGA supermarkets in Providenciales and Grand Turk have adjusted their mode of operation. Considered an essential service that will remain open, on Wednesday (March 25) the food store rolled out new social distancing mechanisms to safeguard the health of its workers and customers. These measures will remain in place during the three-week curfew. Customers could be seen queuing up outside all of the company’s Providenciales locations, several feet apart as they were let into the stores only as other shoppers exited. The lines were long and the length of time was doubled, but the grocers

said it was a necessary step. “We want to reassure our customers and everyone on the island that grocery stores are considered essential services and will remain open during the three-week curfew. “Therefore, travel for grocery shopping or any essential services is considered a legitimate reason to travel,” the store said in a press statement on Wednesday. From Thursday, opening hours to the general public were amended to 8am to 7pm. The Grace Bay store and Grand Turk stores will be open to the general public from 8am to 6pm. As mandated in the Emergency Powers Regulations, the first hour, 7am to 8am will be for the elderly (70 and over), the disabled and essential workers who will be asked to present their identification

upon entry. “To ensure more people have access to everyday essentials, we have introduced a storewide restriction of two items per customer on every product line excluding fresh produce.” Where necessary and in order to provide for everyone, the grocery company said it may reduce this to one item per customer on selected products. However, it assured that it has more stock coming into stores every day: “but we need everyone’s help: please buy only what you need, so that there is enough for everyone.” SAFETY MEASURES Safety and sanitation measures have also been put in place. “To ensure we are doing everything possible to reduce the

Police Tactical Unit to double in size TWELVE trained and highly experienced firearms officers will be drafted from around the world in a bid to double the size of the Royal TCI Police Force’s Tactical Unit. The recruitment of the additional officers is being jointly funded by the Turks and Caicos Islands Government and the UK Government. “There will be more boots on the ground combatting the type of crimes that continue to leave residents in fear and scourge TCI’s reputation,” a police press release said on March 19. The partnership was announced on March 18 by Governor Nigel

Dakin at a press conference with Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson and Commissioner of Police Trevor Botting. The governor stated that while there will be a recruitment campaign in the United Kingdom, the positions are opened to qualified applicants from all countries. In welcoming the additional support, Commissioner Botting said the work undertaken by the Tactical Unit over the last three months has been impressive. There were 34 search warrants or authorities to search executed for firearms, 15 joint operations with other police units and

external government departments, 71 stop searches for illegal drugs, which led to six seizures of suspected cannabis and cocaine for destruction and the arrest and charge of six people for various offences under the firearm and drug ordinance. This level of work, according to the commissioner, is seen across all units within the force. He also announced that the long-awaited marine asset for Grand Turk and Salt Cay will be available in the new financial year and will be named through a ‘name our patrol boat’ competition involving primary schools on Salt Cay and Grand Turk.

risk of infection for our customers and colleagues, we will begin to introduce new social distancing measures in stores in the coming days.” These include floor markings in car parks to help customers maintain safe distances when queuing outside the stores. Where necessary, the store will be limiting the flow of people coming into stores to ensure they do not get too congested. Hand sanitisers have already been placed around stores for customers and employees to use, as well as extra cleaning products to wipe down shopping trolleys or baskets.

New floor markings have also been put in place to help customers stay a safe distance from others while waiting to pay. “This is a challenging time for the whole country, but we are committed to playing our part in feeding the people of TCI and to keeping everyone safe,” the store said. They are asking shoppers to always bring enough of their reusable shopping bags, bring shelter in case of rain, shop with no more than two people per household, use cleaning stations to wipe their trolleys and to be kind to their employees who are working to serve the public while putting themselves at risk.

Two more constables investigated over escaped murder suspect A FURTHER two constables have been placed on administrative leave following the escape of murder suspect Keno Kanvon Taylor from Grace Bay Police Station on Saturday, March 14. Last week another constable was asked to temporarily vacate his job while an internal investigation into the matter takes place. In a statement on Wednesday (March 25) Commissioner of Police Trevor Botting said: “The Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police Force continues to affirm that any professional misconduct or improprieties will be dealt with accordingly.” Last week, the police press office revealed that Taylor has been charged with the Wednesday, March 11, murder of Godley Petiote, aged 21. Petiote died in hospital early on Thursday, March 12, after he was shot several times on International

Drive in Providenciales less than 24 hours before. Eighteen-year-old Taylor has also been charged with carrying an imitation firearm and escaping lawful custody. On the day of Taylor’s escape the commissioner released another statement which read: “We are currently investigating the circumstances surrounding the escape and any personal or organisational failings will be addressed. “I understand concern of the public regarding the escape of Taylor, I share that concern. “This is a serious matter and we are currently reviewing our custodial policies to ensure that this does not reoccur. “Additionally, I would like to use this opportunity to thank the public for their assistance in getting the word out in a swift manner.”

March 28 - April 3, 2020

Hospitals introduce external pre-triage areas ALL patients accessing TCI Hospital’s Emergency Departments must report to new external pretriage areas for screening and sorting before entering. Cheshire Hall Medical Centre in Providenciales and Cockburn Town Medical Centre in Grand Turk have the expandable areas near the entrance of each Emergency Department. The changes came into place on Tuesday (March 24) and are based on an infection prevention and control risk assessment process. “The priority of the Emergency Department is to ensure early detection of infectious patients who may be unknowingly transmitting COVID-19,” a TCI Hospital press release said. It added that it needed to commence immediate source control prior to anyone entering the facility thereby further reducing the risk of disease transmission within the department.

“The objective of the department is also to provide immediate activation of the COVID-19 response team as needed, and a pre-identified space for isolation away from the department.” Anyone with any symptoms of COVID-19 such a coughing, fever or shortness of breath, should contact their family physicians and the Ministry of Health hotlines on 3330911 or 232-9444 immediately for guidance on the next steps. “It is crucial to call ahead as special precautionary preparations are required for the controlled transport and receipt of patients with symptoms similar to COVID-19 for both ambulance and hospital-based response teams,” the statement said. “The Ministry of Health supports these prudent and necessary measures and wishes to assure the public that the decision for the process being implemented is in the best interest of patient care.”

Visitor tests positive to COVID-19 after return to USA A TEMPORARY worker who visited the TCI earlier this March to host training for hospital employees tested positive for COVID-19 shortly after his return home to the United States. The 35-year-old American man is currently being isolated at home in the USA and is in stable condition. He was in the territory for six days from March 8 to 13 for a training session at Cheshire Hall Medical Centre. “Investigations are ongoing to determine how and at what point in time the male may have contracted the virus,” a Government press release said on Tuesday (March 24). The TCI and the primary US state from which the temporary worker travelled and resided had no confirmed cases of COVID-19 at the time of travel. In addition, there were no causes for concern identified during his screening upon entry to Providenciales and he was asymptomatic while on island. Since becoming aware of the result and “out of an abundance of caution”, contact tracing was immediately activated by the Government’s Ministry of Health Public Health Department in partnership with TCI Hospital and with guidance from Public Health



England. According to the US Centres for Disease Control, people are thought to be most contagious when they are symptomatic, the press release said. “However, given the scientific speculation surrounding whether it might be possible for asymptomatic persons to spread the virus in small amounts, Providenciales-based hospital employees and other persons who were in contact with the affected male were placed under quarantine as a precaution pending test results from samples collected.” These tests are being expedited and thus far two results have returned as negative. Temporary and resident healthcare workers and patients returning to the TCI from overseas medical care facilities have been required to undergo a risk assessment process to prevent the risk and spread of COVID-19. Based on the risk level, this may include a requirement to quarantine as determined by the Public Health Team. “Whilst the male is classified as an overseas confirmed COVID-19 case, the decision was made to share the circumstances surrounding the case in the public’s interest,” the statement said.


Social distancing has been practised in Salt Cay since time immemorial

Salt Cay in times of social distancing A FEW months ago, I wrote about being marooned on Salt Cay as a result of rough seas, and to illustrate my point I recalled a visit of a good friend who lives in Providenciales. Salt Cay Airport was closed at the time for its redevelopment, so my friend made the 40-minute trip from Grand Turk on the iconic Salt Cay Ferry, in slightly choppy seas. Fully cognisant of his ‘Grace Bay lifestyle’ with the obligatory 24/7 AC, I had managed to find him one of the island’s few air-conditioned accommodations. An island tour, a dip at Dunscombe Point, followed by a perfectly good dinner at one of Salt Cay’s eateries and I was not only convinced that this visit was going well, but that perhaps here was another convert to the joys of living on Salt Cay. “I don’t know how you do it Titus,” were the first words out of my friend’s mouth, as we sat down for a quick breakfast before heading back to Grand Turk. “I mean I can just about do 24 hours, but I doubt I’d survive a week in this place.” And with that my friend headed back to Provo, to his air-conditioned SUV, to take him to his ice cold, air conditioned condo- after a quick stop at Graceway Gourmet. That was in 2019, at a time when none (or very few) of us had any idea what a coronavirus was, let alone the premonition that in a mere six months we would witness a global pandemic and world crisis that would change people’s lives more dramatically than any event since World War II. As world’s social and economic life came to a grinding halt and terms like ‘social distancing’ and ‘self-quarantine’ crept into our vocabulary, it was only a matter of time (very little time as it turns out) that COVID-19 would eventually reach our shores as well. And it did. As I write this column, there has been one confirmed case in the Turks and Caicos Islands and it is the day that the TCI Emergency Powers (COVID-19) Regulations 2020 take effect. As of today, (March 24), all airports in the TCI will be closed to international and regional flights. Hotels and restaurants are starting to close and on Grand Turk- the last cruise ship docked several weeks ago. How exactly this crisis will play out in the TCI no one can predict, but literally everyone’s life will


Titus was born in Hamburg and has lived in the Turks and Caicos Islands since 1989. He works as a general business consultant and has been based in Salt Cay since 2016.

be affected- from the child that’s not attending school, the employee who lost his or her job, the struggling business owner. There are tough months ahead, this much is certain. Ironically, on Salt Cay, things are ‘back to normal’. As tourists and most of the winter residents have departed (some prematurely), those of us who live here permanently do not really find things to be that different from any previous off-season. Of course, we follow the news and of course we know and appreciate how serious a crisis this is, but the daily Salt Cay routine hasn’t really changed very much. The Salt Cay Ferry (providing an ‘essential service’) still makes its three weekly trips to Grand Turk. Lionel the fisherman still goes fishing, the donkeys and cows still roam around the island, and yes, Dwight is still “on the phone to the governor”. Life goes on, as it always has. On its Facebook page the Salt Cay Ferry wishes Salt Cay, and by extension the rest of the world, “good morning” most mornings, usually accompanied by a photo of the island. These days, people’s comments appear to be more emotional. Said one Facebook friend: “These photos make the stress melt away.” Perhaps a poignant reminder that in this brave new world we find ourselves in, a dose of Salt Cay routine is more therapeutic than ever before.



March 28 - April 3, 2020

A drive through the Grace Bay area early on Wednesday afternoon (March 25) revealed several closed and closing doors, empty restaurant chairs and deserted beaches

Tourist spots empty as TCI gets ready for lockdown BY DELANA ISLES STORES and restaurants in the tourist hubs of Providenciales shut their doors this week as the territory’s airports closed to nonessential travel. The Turks and Caicos Islands’ tourism industry has already been hit by the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic since early March. And it is set to be hit even harder as the territory prepares for a three-

week lockdown due to start this weekend. A drive through the Grace Bay area early on Wednesday afternoon (March 25) revealed several closed and closing doors, empty restaurant chairs and deserted beaches. Posted to their doors, business owners cited health of staff and community to encourage self-isolation as reasons for their early closures. While restaurants are being allowed to remain open and provide

food delivery services to homebound residents, many have chosen to close their doors. The full lockdown goes into effect on Saturday (March 28) at which time all beaches will be closed, thus affecting tour operators who continued to function during the closure of airports and partial lockdown on Tuesday and Thursday respectively. It is hoped that following the three-week lockdown, businesses

will return to some sense of normalcy. However, the hope is slim as many other affected countries around the world are still grappling with the pandemic and have extended their curfews for citizens and closures of their airports. According to Governor Nigel Dakin, a British Airways flight will arrive on Thursday to repatriate residents of the United Kingdom and other countries. This Saturday, JetBlue will be

flying into the Islands to return residents of the United States to Fort Lauderdale, New York and Boston. Year round, the TCI attracts highend visitors and celebrities, many of whom book their vacation months in advance and are often repeat tourists. These visitors are being encouraged to “postpone” their vacations and not cancel, all with the hope that the next few weeks and months will see borders being reopened.

PNP leader critiques Govt’s emergency plans BY DELANA ISLES LEADER of the Opposition Washington Misick is calling on the Government to among other things, ensure that people have electricity and water during the period of lockdown. The call came on Wednesday evening (March 25) after the announcement of a curfew earlier in the day. Following the classification of COVID-19 as a pandemic by the World Health Organisation (WHO), countries around the world have been shutting their borders, imposing curfews and putting measures in place to ensure their citizens are not unduly deprived of basic necessities.

Some of these measures include the provision of electricity and water during any imposed quarantine. The Turks and Caicos Islands goes into a three week, 24-hour lockdown this Saturday. Hon. Misick pointed out that currently there are people in Grand Turk whose water has been turned off perhaps for failure to pay their bill. “Whatever the circumstances, their water should be reconnected and so should their electricity until this crisis passes. “In my view there are some decisions that can be made to immediately reduce the pressure on vulnerable families, and we call on TCIG to make them immediately.”

He added: “The Government is rightly giving plenty of stick but so far no carrot, and the failure of TCIG to announce a comprehensive package of social and economic measures, and for that matter to provide for the safety of the public by providing personal protective equipment such as masks and hand sanitisers, dedicated quarantine facilities where needed, and other critical equipment, is concerning and reflects poor planning.” He believes this will only be compounded the longer the public has to wait for social and economic relief. “We now learn that.... a decision on the social and economic support offered to the public has now

been postponed until tomorrow [Thursday] when the Government is expected to make another announcement. “In the meantime, many woke up this morning without a safe place to live, food to eat, or water to drink - never mind water to wash themselves with.” Despite his criticisms, Hon. Misick maintains that he is in support of any decision that the Government makes for the safety and well-being of the people of the TCI and those from abroad. “In this fight for our lives, politics, religion, race or nationality is irrelevant.” He also lent his support to the additional emergency measures announced by the Government

on Wednesday, and appealed to all to follow these mandatory requirements diligently. “The life you save may be yours. Stay at home.” He further stated: “I wish to again reiterate that I support the measures, but as promised on Monday, I cannot hitch the PNP horse to a wagon that does not include economic and social relief. “My calling the Government out is no indication that I will not continue to collaborate and cooperate where my support will help. “I am unequivocally committed to the people of the Turks and Caicos Islands and every decision I make will be made with a clear conscience.”

March 28 - April 3, 2020




Todd Foss, president of Turks and Caicos Hotel and Tourism Association

TCHTA president appeals for help for the survival of tourism industry BY DELANA ISLES HARD days are ahead for the tourism industry, with the closure of airports and now a lockdown of the territory. Earlier this week, Todd Foss, president of the Turks and Caicos Hotel and Tourism Association (TCHTA), called on tourism workers and businesses to hold fast as the territory tries to control the spread of COVID-19, while also staying financially afloat. Foss revealed that he has been in talks with the Government to consider offering assistance to owners of tourism related businesses in the way of credit and to banking institutions to offer moratoriums. All in an effort to afford these businesses to retain as many of their staff as possible, while also staying afloat as the territory, and the world, recovers. “We are working with the premier and governor offering ideas for a strategic custom-tailored financial stimulus package that matches the unique business model of the Turks and Caicos tourism industry,” Foss said. “Such a package will be essential for the sector to survive this worldwide unprecedented situation and must include a massive cash injection into the economy.” On Thursday evening, after time of press, the Government was scheduled to reveal their stimulus package to the territory, outlining who will benefit and by how much. The TCHTA president noted that while there are many unknowns during the current global emergency, the priority of the association and its members is to their thousands of dedicated employees. “As the country’s tourism sector moves closer to a zero-revenue situation for an undetermined period,

our goal is to promote limited layoffs and opt for salary cuts as a measure to keep funds flowing to as many industry workers as possible, even when closures must occur. “Each property and business will have to make human resource decisions based on their respective current cash-flow position.” He noted that for any business, cash on hand and the availability of credit are the most important elements of survival when revenue no longer exists. As such, the TCHTA has engaged the banking sector, which has since announced that all banks will be offering some form of payment moratorium to both private and corporate customers. “We are hopeful the Government will also assist by making credit available to businesses,” Foss said. He stated that the formula to survive for the medium term of six months and then through a longerterm recovery period is for the Government, the tourism industry and employees to share in the hardships. “Together we will be successful and restore our tourism industry as strong as ever.” Foss said that within the TCHTA’s membership, support is being provided with educational materials, webinars and digital forums to ensure members and their staff are properly equipped with the tools and information to practice as safely and carefully as possible to stop the spread of COVID-19 and to protect staff members. He said sharing best practices and making acute efforts to preserve normalcy in operations is critical at this time. “As a small country dependent on a single industry, we must look out for one another.”

The common name of lignum vitae is tree of life or wood of life

Noble lignum vitae HAVE you notice the beautiful tree in the bush full of violet flowers? This is the lignum vitae or tree of life and I’ve got to tell you, this is my favourite tree. In the world of wood, lignum vitae are the stuff of legends. Among commercially available hardwoods it is widely regarded as the heaviest and hardest wood in the world. Its wood is extremely valuable, but do not confuse it with the Argentine lignum vitae - it ain’t the same. The common name of lignum vitae is tree of life or wood of life and comes from its historic medicinal use as a remedy for conditions from arthritis to coughs to syphilis. It also has anti-inflammatory properties and Turks and Caicos Islanders use it as a bush medicine. It is native to most of the Caribbean (also including south Florida), a biodiversity hotspot that supports exceptionally diverse ecosystems. The use of these trees had caused over harvesting, reducing native populations to the point that lignum vitae is now listed as endangered by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature.


Denis is a passionate landscape architect who enjoys the creative process and his clients’ joy when projects come to life. Contact Denis at Nature Splendor for your landscaping, installation or garden maintenance needs. For more information call 332-3381 or email or visit the Facebook page Nature Splendor.

Most of its native habitat has been devastated by deforestation and development and it is unfortunately the same thing for Providenciales as people cut it down to make charcoal or just to have a cleared land. By adding this tree in 2003 to the Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species, Appendix II, it is now restricted wood from travelling or being traded across international borders. You can see beautiful species of this tree at the Sunshine Nursery, they had kept the native one that was already there and it is about 350 to 400-yearsold. Right now, you can observe the flowers that are bright blue/violet when first open but will gradually fade to white. The yellow heart-shaped fruit is about two centimetres (0.8 inches) long. Lignum vitae is also known as ‘wood so dense it doesn’t float’. You may not want to build a boat with this tree but it has served boat builders for centuries due to its

hardness and resistance to decay and insects, perfect for parts of rigging needing great strength and durability. More recently lignum vitae were used for ship and submarine propeller bearings for the same qualities, plus the wood’s resinous nature provides its own lubrication. It was also used to make pulleys, shafts, axles, bowling balls, judge mallet and has such unusual properties that it was used in the USS Nautilus, the world’s first nuclear-powered submarine. The almost-mythical lignum vitae tree is surprisingly easy to grow. It suffers from a reputation as slow growing and hard to find, but this native is easily incorporated into landscaping and gardens. And if you give it water with irrigation, it will grow much faster. I really hope this will help conserve this magnificent native tree on the Islands.



March 28 - April 3, 2020

Regional News AccuWeather’s 2020 Atlantic hurricane season forecast calls for ‘above-normal’ tropical activity ABOUT two months from now, the 2020 Atlantic hurricane season will officially begin, but AccuWeather meteorologists have already been hard at work examining the factors that could influence tropical activity this year. Forecasters are anticipating another busy year for the Atlantic Basin in 2020, on the heels of an active 2019 season. Led by Dan Kottlowksi, AccuWeather’s top hurricane expert, meteorologists this week released a 2020 Atlantic hurricane forecast. Kottlowksi’s team is calling for 14-18 tropical storms during this upcoming season, which runs from June 1 through Nov. 30. Of those storms, seven to nine are forecast to become hurricanes, and two to four are predicted to strengthen into major hurricanes. “It’s going to be an above-normal season,” Kottlowski said. “On a normal year, we have around 12 storms, six hurricanes and roughly three major hurricanes.” The 2019 season marked the fourth consecutive year of aboveaverage activity in the basin and was tied with 1969 for the fourth mostactive hurricane season on record. Featuring hurricanes Dorian, Lorenzo and Humberto as well as Tropical Storm Imelda, the 2019 season resulted in 18 storms overall and caused more than $11 billion in damage. And there’s reason to believe the 2020 season could be every bit as active. As part of the method for formulating this season’s predictions,

Deputy Prime Minister Peter Turnquest said that the Bahamas is probably already in recession. A satellite image of Hurricane Katrina churning in the Gulf of Mexico on Aug. 28, 2005, a day before striking southeastern Louisiana. The storm’s peak winds reached close to 175 mph over the warm waters of the sea. (NOAA)

forecasters have drawn comparisons to previous years with comparable weather conditions -- also known as analog years. This year, AccuWeather meteorologists have looked closely at the years 1980 and 2005. In 1980, Hurricane Allen developed into a Category 5 storm and wreaked havoc on Haiti before striking lower Texas. More than 200 people were killed. Meanwhile, 2005 was a particularly “hyperactive year,” Kottlowski said, that resulted in a whopping 28 storms. There were so many storms in 2005 that the predetermined list of names for the season, set by the World Meteorological Organisation, was surpassed and the last few storms took on Greek letters as names. Katrina notoriously exploded

into a monster Category 5 hurricane over the Gulf of Mexico before decimating portions of the Gulf Coast of the United States, killing 1,800 people and turning some neighborhoods like New Orleans’ Lower Ninth Ward into ghost towns that still haven’t been fully restored and repopulated 15 years later. Rita and Wilma were also among the ranks of the strongest storms of the 2005 season — and history. Rita became the third Category 5 hurricane of the season and slammed the Florida Keys to Louisiana and southeastern Texas just weeks after Katrina’s rampage. Wilma intensified rapidly to a Category 5 storm with 185-mph winds in Rita’s footsteps and holds the record for the lowest central pressure in an Atlantic hurricane 26.05 inches of mercury (882 mb).

Jamaica: Sandals, Beaches resorts closing temporarily GORDON “Butch” Stewart recently advised that all Sandals and Beaches Resorts are being closed for the period March 30 to May 15, 2020 in a move to safeguard the safety and health of the chain’s valued guests and team members. The decision, which he described as difficult, comes amid the global spread of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19). “Never could we have imagined the impact the current global health crisis would have on the world. In these unprecedented times, and now more than ever, the safety and health of our valued guests and team members is of paramount importance. Recent global travel warnings, coupled with airline carrier cancellations, have compelled us to make the difficult decision to close all Sandals and Beaches Resorts from the period of March 30 to May 15, 2020. Therefore, we will not be able to accept new arrivals as of March 23, 2020,” Stewart, the chairman of Sandals and Beaches Resorts,

The resorts are being closed from March 30 to May 15.

as well as this newspaper, said in a news release. “We also want to alleviate any additional worry you might have about your upcoming vacation. Our dedicated team will be reaching out to you personally to assist with

rescheduling your future plans. This way, you can spend less time trying to reach us and more time with your loved ones,” added Stewart whose all-inclusive luxury resort chain operates 19 properties across seven Caribbean islands.

Bahamas: ‘It’s going to be deep recession’ WITH the COVID-19 pandemic threatening to hit the country with a $1bn loss or more, Finance Minister Peter Turnquest said this week it is likely the economy is already in a recession. “The fact is we’re probably already in recession and this is not just a gentle recession, this looks like it’s going to be a deep, very stark recession,” he told reporters outside of Cabinet on Wednesday. “Hopefully, again we can get this virus under control before the July, August timeframe so that we can have an opportunity to catch ourselves before the third quarter. “I think if we run into the quarter with things the way they are, I think we’re going to have some very significant problems not only locally, but globally.” His comments come amid growing public concern about the economic impact the virus will have on Bahamian livelihoods. Last week, Baha Mar, Sandals, Atlantis and the Melia resorts announced their plans to suspend operations, with Tourism Minister Dionisio D’Aguilar saying on Sunday the unemployment rate is now probably above 30 percent and expected to grow. Noting the country will face “serious challenges” in the days ahead, the deputy prime minister said the total economic fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic could result in more than a $1bn loss - something he has forecast could be the case by mid-July. “Obviously, these are going to be very difficult times for us,” Mr Turnquest said. “Our worst-case scenario up to this point is somewhere around a billion dollars in loss of the economy. With the shutdown now, we certainly have to go back and re-evaluate. I expect that that would probably go higher, unfortunately. “So, I think this is going to be a long-term problem for us, certainly well into the new year.”

However, he added: “But, we will address whatever the challenges are in the new budget that will be passed in June. “We believe that up to this point, we have sufficient headroom to run us through the end of this fiscal year and unless things dramatically change and they can, we should be able to get to the next budget cycle where we will mop up and address whatever the longer-term challenges may be.” After the country recorded its first case of COVID-19 more than a week ago, the government announced several relief measures for workers in the tourism industry who will be most affected by the virus’ global impact. The measures include $4m to provide food assistance and social support for displaced workers directly impacted by the virus and a $10m allocation for a temporary unemployment assistance through NIB for self-employed tourism workers. However, in recent days, some Bahamians have been calling for additional relief measures, including the suspension of rent and other utility payments in view of the fast spreading disease. But, with Hurricane Dorian having already inflicted an estimated $3.4bn in losses and damage on the Bahamian economy, Mr Turnquest said: “We have serious challenges ahead of us, trying to mop up whatever restoration efforts that need to be done to make sure that structures are sound, and people have some place to shelter for the upcoming season. “And by the same token, finance that as well as address this shutdown and what that means for the revenue loss as well as what it means to the businesses that are going to find it very challenging during this particular period and as I said throughout the rest of the year, while we hope that this virus is brought under control very quickly.”

March 28 - April 3, 2020



Regional News Cayman under 24-hour-a-day curfew until Saturday THE Cayman Islands was placed under a 24-hour-a-day curfew from 7pm on Wednesday night until 5am Saturday morning, Premier Alden McLaughlin announced. He said government had been forced to take drastic action because it had been unable to get co-operation from the business community for an order to shut down non-essential businesses. He said there had been requests for more than 850 exemptions, totalling more than 20,000 workers, and it was therefore impossible to put more measured constraints in place. Government leaders will continue efforts to put a more flexible order in place by this Saturday (March 28), he said. Supermarkets and pharmacies will also be shut during the 24-houra-day curfew over the next three days, though staff will be allowed some flexibility to stock up and take deliveries. Emergency services and other essential services will be allowed to operate on an emergency basis

but no businesses will be able to open. Government has published a full list of services with exemptions here. Enquiries can be submitted to The Premier said, “We know this is a really radical measure but anyone who is paying attention to what is happening in the rest of the world must understand if we get widespread community transmission of this virus, it is going to have devastating consequences.” He said it would overwhelm the ability of Cayman’s health services to deal with it. He added that the World Health Organization was recommending ‘testing, testing, testing’ and Cayman didn’t have the capacity to do it. He added, “We are trying to prevent the community transmission of COVID-19 by restricting the number of opportunities people have for coming into touch with each other and surfaces on which the virus might be living.” He said the closure of the borders from last Sunday meant there could

Premier Alden McLaughlin announced the curfew on Wednesday.

be no new introduction of the virus to the islands after that date. Within the next two weeks, he said it would be very clear where Cayman stood in terms of the influx of coronavirus through the community. “The prize is that if the strategy succeeds we will be able to open schools.. domestic activity, construction, banks, financial services will be able to carry on as close to normal as possible. That is where we are trying to get to.” He added that the borders would

have to remain closed while the virus raged in other countries. Commissioner of Police Derek Byrne said extra patrols would be on standby to police any panic buying during the last hours before the curfew begins. The 24-hour lockdown lasts until Saturday morning. Assuming more flexible provisions can be worked out in that time, Cayman will then revert back to the nightly curfew of 7pm to 5am, which was initially put in place from Tuesday night to last

10 days. The Premier also sent his best wishes to Prince Charles who has contracted COVID-19 and scotched rumours that he could have caught it from him during a meeting a month ago. Meanwhile Cayman has three new cases of coronavirus including one case that was initially declared as negative after preliminary tests in the territory. That case came back as positive when it was vetted by the Caribbean Public Health Agency. The patient is still in isolation, Cayman’s Chief Medical Officer Dr. John Lee said. The two other new positive cases were from people with a travel history who had samples taken in the community, he said. The patients were travellers. It was not clear if they had been in isolation since returning to the island but Dr. Lee said those incidents emphasized the urgent need for anyone who had travelled to self-isolate. In total Cayman now has 8 positive cases and one suspected positive case, announced yesterday and involving a patient at the Cayman Islands Hospital with no travel history, that is being subjected to further investigation.

Atlantis’ lights out until May 15 A few days ago, St Kitts and Nevis was the only CARICOM nation without a coronavirus case.

St Kitts and Nevis shuts borders in measure against coronavirus THE twin-island federation of St Kitts and Nevis is the latest Caribbean country to implement aggressive measures to stop the spread of the novel coronavirus. St Kitts and Nevis, which just confirmed its first cases of coronavirus, said it was closing its borders until April 7 “to protect our borders, citizens and residents.” The border shutdown, which was set to take effect on March 25 at 11:59 PM, closes borders to all commercial airline flights until April 7. That impacts both St Kitts’ Robert L Bradshaw International Airport and Nevis’ Vance W. Amory International Airport. The move permits international air cargo and cargo by seafaring vessels to “maintain connectivity

that enables the Federation to import needed commodities such as food, fuel, medical supplies and equipment,” according to a statement. St Kitts and Nevis’ Immigration, Customs, Coast Guard and the Royal St Christopher and Nevis Police Force will be enforcing all border controls. St Kitts and Nevis nationals and residents living overseas unable to return by the deadline “will need to remain offshore until the border closing is lifted,” the country’s government said. St Kitts and Nevis is the latest in a series of Caribbean destinations to shut down their borders for a period of time in a bid to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

ATLANTIS’ announcement on Wednesday that the resort will close until May 15 signals a “rough ride” economically for the country, Tourism Minister Dionisio D’Aguilar told The Tribune, adding he suspected the extended time frame was due to global uncertainty over COVID-19. In a letter to workers, Atlantis’ president and managing director Audry Oswell said the resort would close yesterday beginning at 3pm through until mid-May. At such time, she said the mega resort would assess the situation and make a determination on re-opening. Recognising the burden this places on every worker, Ms Oswell said officials were working on a plan to assist employees during this difficult time. The turn of events follows the hotel’s earlier furlough of workers for four weeks as COVID-19 began to wreak havoc on the local tourism sector and disrupted economies around the world. Given these circumstances, Mr D’Aguilar said he was not surprised by the announcement. “Tourism is ground to a halt,” he said. “The next question is not only

The Atlantis resort on Paradise Island.

do you have to estimate how long this virus is going to grip the United States, causing everyone to stay in place. Here it is March 25, I guess they are probably assuming based on what is being said at this time that the US, especially the eastern seaboard, is in the midst of a surge, and we haven’t peaked yet. “I guess they assume there are a couple of weeks left still with it. So I presume that they are pulling the trigger for seven weeks estimating that there is evidence available now

that this could possibly run four to five weeks optimistically and then people then have to consider once again if and when they would be going on vacation. “There is a lot of uncertainty out there, which is causing people to be uncertain. “Even if they get a handle on this, there will be a while before a cure for people to again be comfortable with moving around. “This will be bumpy and we’re in for a rough ride.”



World News

March 28 - April 3, 2020

London hospitals facing ‘tsunami’ of coronavirus cases LONDON hospitals are facing a “tsunami” of coronavirus cases and are beginning to run out of intensive care beds, a senior hospital figure has said. Chris Hopson, of NHS Providers, which represents hospitals, said while critical care capacity had been expanded hospitals in the capital had seen an “explosion” in demand. A third of the UK cases have been diagnosed in the city. Mr Hopson said high staff absence rates were creating a “wicked combination”. “They are struggling with two things. “The first is the explosion of demand they are seeing in seriously ill patients. “They talk about wave after wave after wave - the word that’s often used to me is a continuous tsunami. “We are now seeing 30%, 40% and indeed in some places 50% sickness rates as staff catch the virus or are in vulnerable groups or have to self-isolate. “That’s unprecedented.” Mr Hopson said that, while extra capacity was being brought in including 4,000 beds at the ExCel centre in London’s Docklands - hospital chief executives were concerned it would be used up “very quickly”. It comes as the NHS has taken unprecedented steps to prepare for the peak, which experts say is just two or three weeks away. HOSPITALS HAVE CLEARED THE DECKS From next month all routine operations, such as hip and knee replacements, are being cancelled for three months. There is also a drive to get as many patients discharged from

hospital who do not need to be there. These two measures could free up 30,000 of the 100,000 hospital beds in England alone. Many hospitals have already started doing this. NHS bosses have asked hospitals to protect cancer care, although in some places the rising numbers of coronavirus cases has meant services have been hit. The Barking, Havering and Redbridge NHS Trust has said it would only be able to carry out urgent operations. INTENSIVE CARE CAPACITY IS INCREASING The NHS in England has 3,700 adult intensive care beds - a figure which rises to well over 4,000 if you factor in the rest of the UK. At the start of March about eight in 10 were occupied. But several hundred are occupied by patients following routine operations so stopping those will give the NHS extra headroom. The NHS is aiming to get up to 12,000 intensive care beds in total by sourcing extra ventilators. A deal has already been done with the private sector to get access to 1,200 ventilators used in their hospitals, while ventilators for children are being re-purposed as old and new stocks are being pulled in. The latest figures provided by the government this week suggests there are now 8,000 ventilators available to the NHS. How they will be staffed remains unclear. Rules are being relaxed to allow non-intensive care specialists to be paired with specialists and staff-to-patient ratios may also need to be reduced. The exhibition space, which has

daily tests by next week and 25,000 by mid April. But perhaps the biggest concern is the lack of personal protective equipment in individual hospitals masks, gowns and gloves to prevent staff being infected. The government has acknowledged there have been distribution problems, but says they are being resolved. British Medical Association leader Dr Chaand Nagpaul says the situation is “totally unacceptable” and is putting the health and lives of staff at risk. A third of the UK cases have been diagnosed in the city.

been used in the past for Crufts and Comic Con, will eventually hold up to 4,000 patients. Dubbed the Nightingale Hospital, the temporary base will be staffed by NHS medics with the help of the military. It will initially provide about 500 beds equipped with ventilators and oxygen. NHS officials are also understood to be exploring setting up similar centres in Birmingham and Manchester. Legislation has been passed reducing the regulatory hurdles they need to go through to return to work. About 12,000 former staff in the UK have come forward, including 2,600 doctors and more than 6,000 nurses. More than 18,700 student nurses and 5,500 final year medics will also join the NHS workforce. Health Secretary Matt Hancock has also put out a call for 250,000 NHS volunteers to deliver food and medicines - within the first 24 hours more than 500,000 people came forward to offer their services.

The main focus of their work will be supporting the 1.5 million highly vulnerable people who have been told to shield themselves from any contact with others. NHS England medical director Stephen Powis says there have been “outbreaks of altruism” and he feels “bowled over” by the responses from retired staff and the public. BUT PROBLEMS REMAIN One of the reasons retired doctors and nurses are being recruited is because of the need to cover staff who are off sick themselves. Hospitals have already started reporting that large numbers are having to self-isolate at home because they fear they have the virus or a member of their household does. One of the problems is that health staff still cannot get tested. Currently the government is only able to test about 6,000 people a day and this is being prioritised for hospital patients. However, the government is looking to increase this to 10,000

CAN THE NHS COPE? Despite the warnings about the situation in London, some of the government’s leading officials believe the health service will cope. The driving force behind the government’s measures to suppress the spread of coronavirus - including closing down schools, restaurants, theatres and pubs - has been the need to stop the health service becoming overwhelmed. The key piece of modelling that influenced the government was done by Imperial College London, which warned that the previous strategy, aimed at only slowing the spread of the virus, risked hospitals getting swamped. It warned that 250,000 lives would be lost in the process. On Wednesday, Prof Neil Ferguson, one of the lead researchers, said he was “reasonably confident” that hospitals and, in particular intensive care units, could cope given the increase in ventilators and change in policy by ministers although local areas could struggle, while UK chief medical adviser Prof Chris Witty said it was “probably manageable” (BBC)

UK: Coronavirus cough attacks a crime, says prosecution chief ANYONE who coughs on key workers as a threat amid the coronavirus crisis will face serious criminal charges. The warning from the Director of Public Prosecutions for England and Wales comes after reports of essential workers being coughed at by people claiming they have the virus. Max Hill QC said he was “appalled” by the incidents and the full force of the law would be used. Two men in England have already been convicted - one of them jailed. Coughs or spits directed at key workers - or threats to do so - can be considered crimes if they were meant to harm or cause fear, with criminals charged with common assault. In England and Wales, common assault can lead to six months in prison - and attacks against emergency

The warning from the Director of Public Prosecutions for England and Wales comes after reports of essential workers being coughed at by people claiming they have the virus.

workers going about their duties carry a maximum sentence of two years. Mr Hill said: “Emergency workers are more essential than ever as society comes together to tackle the coronavirus pandemic. “I am therefore appalled by reports of police officers and other frontline workers being deliberately coughed at by people claiming to have Covid-19.” “Let me be very clear: this is a crime and needs to stop. The Crown Prosecution Service stands behind emergency and essential workers and will not hesitate to prosecute anybody who threatens them as they go about their vital duties.” On Tuesday, David Mott, 40, spat at a Lancashire Police sergeant, saying he wanted to give her Covid-19.

Officers had been directing him and others to go home under the government’s guidance to stay indoors. Blackburn magistrates jailed him for 26 weeks yesterday for the threats and other offences. Also on Wednesday, Darren Rafferty, 45, of Dagenham, east London, pleaded guilty to grievous bodily harm against his former partner and three counts of assaulting an emergency worker. During the incident, Rafferty coughed at Metropolitan Police officers, saying he was infected with Covid-19. He was remanded in custody ahead of sentencing on 1 April. A 39-year-old man who claimed to have Covid-19 is to appear in court in Belfast on Thursday, after he too allegedly coughed towards two police officers.

March 28 - April 3, 2020



World News

‘Very good reasons’ to test Prince Charles for coronavirus Nearly 3.3 million people registered to claim jobless benefits for the week ended 21 March, according to Department of Labor data.

Coronavirus: Record number of Americans file for unemployment THE number of Americans filing for unemployment has surged to a record high as the economy goes into lockdown due to the coronavirus pandemic. Nearly 3.3 million people registered to claim jobless benefits for the week ended 21 March, according to Department of Labor data. That is nearly five times more than the previous record of 695,000 set in 1982. The rush overwhelmed many state offices handling the claims and signalled an abrupt end to a decade of expansion. The shift comes as officials in states across the country close restaurants, bars, cinemas, hotels and gyms in an effort to slow the spread of the virus. Car firms have halted production and air travel has fallen dramatically. According to economists, a fifth of the US workforce is on some form of lockdown. Analysts said the situation could be even worse than the data currently shows, noting the reports of jammed call lines and crashing state websites. Some kinds of workers, such as people working part-time, do not qualify. “I’ve been writing about the US economy ... since 1996, and this is the single worst data point I’ve seen, by far,” said Ian Shepherdson, chief economist of Pantheon Economics. Nationally, the figures are nearly five times higher than the worst point of the 2008 financial crisis. In Illinois, weekly jobless claims increased 10-fold. They more than quintupled in New York and more than tripled in California, which were among the earliest and biggest states to impose restrictions. The effects were even more dramatic in smaller states. While some retailers, such as Walmart and Amazon, have announced plans to hire, economists said that will not make up for the jobs lost. As incomes evaporate, the economic damage is likely to snowball, since consumer spending

accounts for the majority of the US economy. “Once the risks around the virus pass, it will not be just easy to flip the switch and employment returns to pre-crisis levels,” Joseph Brusuelas, chief economist at RSM wrote on Twitter. “That is not how this is going to work and will require more aid.” In Washington, Congress is expected to pass a more than $2tn (£1.7tn) stimulus bill, which includes direct payments of $1,200 (£999) to adults, an expansion of unemployment benefits, and financing for affected industries, such as airlines. The Federal Reserve has also taken unprecedented steps to shore up the economy. But even with such action, a sharp economic contraction is inevitable, analysts said. Lower income workers are particularly vulnerable, as the lockdown forces retailers, fast food outlets and other low wage employers to cut back or close. Mr Shepherson said he expects to see the unemployment rate increase to at least 6.5% shortly - nearly double the prior rate - and continue to accelerate in future months. “Fed action and fiscal measures can only ameliorate the pain and we remain worried that the latter aren’t yet on a sufficient scale,” Mr Shepherdson wrote. The US unemployment rate in February was hovering near historic lows at 3.5%. As recently as three weeks ago, the number of jobless claims was only about 210,000 and President Donald Trump was trumpeting the labour market’s health on Twitter. Mr Trump, who has made the strength of the economy his political calling card, recently said he wants to loosen restrictions on activity as early as next month. However, state and local officials worried about the rise in cases may decide not to follow the federal government as the number of cases continues to rise. The US had more than 69,000 cases as of Thursday.

THERE were “very good reasons” to test Prince Charles for coronavirus, Scotland’s chief medical officer has insisted. The heir to the throne is currently in isolation in Aberdeenshire after testing positive for Covid-19. Questions have been raised over why he was eligible for a test from NHS Grampian while many frontline medical workers have been unable to get them. Catherine Calderwood said the prince had been tested for “clinical reasons”. Clarence House announced on Wednesday that the Prince of Wales - who is known as the Duke of Rothesay in Scotland - had tested positive for the virus. A spokesman said the 71-yearold prince had “mild symptoms” but was in good health and spirits, and was working from home from his residence at Birkhall, on the Balmoral estate. His wife Camilla, 72, was also tested for the virus, but the result was negative. Clarence House said the couple “met the criteria required for testing”, but the NHS Scotland website states that “generally” people are only tested if they have “a serious illness that requires admission to hospital”. SNP MSP Joan McAlpine wished Prince Charles a speedy recovery, but added: “Given that his symptoms are said to be mild, like many I wonder how he was tested when many NHS and social care workers cannot get tested.” Ms Calderwood defended the

Prince Charles and his wife Camilla were tested for coronavirus by NHS Grampian.

decision during an interview with the BBC’s Good Morning Scotland programme. She said: “I have spoken to the team in Grampian who were looking after the individual. “My understanding is there were very good reasons for that person and his wife to be tested, and obviously I wouldn’t be able to disclose anything else that I know because of patient confidentiality.” BBC Scotland has spoken to a woman living in the same household as a frontline clinician at NHS Grampian. Both are isolating because she has been displaying symptoms - meaning the clinician is unable to go to work. But they do not know whether they actually have coronavirus because they have not been able to

have a test. The woman said she knew of “several other members of staff” who were also in isolation for 14 days but had not be able to access any testing from NHS Grampian. She said: “We can’t have a situation where staff are at home for 14 days in isolation and they may be negative. We need to get people tested so that if they are negative, they all need to get back to the front line where they are required. “I think it’s shocking that NHS Grampian have been able to go out to Balmoral and test not only Prince Charles but Camilla, who is asymptomatic, when we have frontline medical, nursing and other key worker staff at home who are unable to access testing.”

Coronavirus: Fears over rapid spread in Italy’s south THE Italian region hardest hit by coronavirus has seen a steep decline in the number of deaths and infections but worries are growing that the country’s south could become the next hotspot. Recent numbers from the northern region of Lombardy suggested the epidemic might be slowing at its epicentre. But poorer southern parts are seeing a sharp rise in deaths, raising fears the health service could be overwhelmed. Italy has reported 7,503 deaths from coronavirus and 74,386 confirmed cases. The rise of 7.5% in new infections on Wednesday was the lowest since the start of the outbreak in the country, the worst-affected in Europe and where almost everything has been closed for over two weeks and people told to stay at home.

Italy has reported almost 8000 deaths.

Hans Kluge, Europe’s regional director at the World Health Organization, said the numbers were “encouraging signs” but cautioned

that it was too early to say whether the worst had passed. Contagion and deaths are far less widespread there, but worrying signs are coming from regions such as Campania around Naples and Rome’s Lazio where the health system is considered much less equipped than in the rich north. So far there have been 74 deaths in Campania and 95 in Lazio. In an open letter to Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, Vincenzo De Luca, president of the Campania region, complained that the central government had not provided promised ventilators and other lifesaving equipment. “At this point there is the real prospect that Lombardy’s tragedy is about to become the south’s tragedy,” he said. “We are on the eve of a major expansion of infections which may not be sustainable.”



March 28 - April 3, 2020


Diana Ross performs onstage during the 61st Annual GRAMMY Awards at Staples Center on February 10, 2019 in Los Angeles, California.


Diana Ross’ ‘Love Hangover’ is #1 on Billboard nearly 45 years after first topping charts DIANA Ross will be celebrating her birthday in grand style. On Thursday, the legendary diva will turn 76. The remix of her disco classic “Love Hangover” is at the top of Billboard’s Dance Club Songs chart this week. The song, recorded in 1975, catapulted to the top spot on the Billboard Hot 100, Hot Soul Singles and Hot Dance Club Play charts simultaneously in May 1976. Written by Marilyn McLeod and Pam Sawyer, the Hal Davis-

produced platter became the Motown Records queen’s fourth single to reach number one. “It was a spontaneous thing that we captured on record and if I had to go back in and do it again, I couldn’t have,” Ross said of recording “Love Hangover” (according to J. Randy Taraborrelli’s 2007 biography “Diana.”) “The music was me and I was the music. Things came out of my mouth that I didn’t even expect.” The song got its groove back at the hands of longtime Ross classic remix-master, Eric Kupper, revamping it for newer audiences.

Senior Reporter

We're looking for a qualified multimedia reporter who has strong news gathering and writing skills, as well as the ability and enthusiasm to help keep the country's leading newspaper ahead of the pack. The position is available for immediate start and the successful candidate will be joining a small, dedicated team covering a wide range of news and features across the Turks and Caicos Islands. Local knowledge is preferred but not essential. The successful applicant should have had experience with community, court and parliamentary reporting. They will also be expected to take photographs and videos, and use social media. The salary for this position will be dependent on experience. Write or email the publisher at No phone calls please

Elton John will host the benefit concert Sunday.

John to host digital benefit concert starring Carey, Keys and Eilish ELTON John will host an hourlong benefit concert this weekend featuring powerhouse singers including Alicia Keys, Billie Eilish and Mariah Carey, Fox announced Wednesday. The artists will perform from home during the commercial-free concert, filmed by cellphone, which will celebrate the work of medical responders on the front lines of the coronavirus outbreak, according to

Fox. Billie Joe Armstrong, Tim McGraw and the Backstreet Boys are also slated to lend their talents to the show. The concert is scheduled to air Sunday on Fox and iHeartMedia radio stations at 9 p.m. — during the timeslot originally reserved for the iHeartRadio Music Awards. The awards show has been postponed. (NYDailynews)

March 28 - April 3, 2020



Terrence McNally (L) is survived by his husband, Tom Kirdahy.

Terrence McNally: Playwright dies of coronavirus complications AWA R D - W I N N I N G playwright Terrence McNally has died in Florida of complications from coronavirus, according to his husband Tom Kirdahy. The four-time Tony winner, 81, was known for his thoughtful chronicles of gay life, homophobia, love and AIDS. McNally was a lung cancer survivor and had lived with a chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder.

One of America’s great playwrights, he wrote more than three dozen plays in his nearly 60-year career. Beginning on Broadway in 1963, McNally still had his name up in lights until last year’s revival of his play Frankie and Johnny in the Clair de Lune, starring Audra McDonald. “I like to work with people who are a lot more talented and smarter than me, who

make fewer mistakes than I do, and who can call me out when I do something lazy,” he told the LA Stage Times in 2013. “A lot of people stop learning in life, and that’s their tragedy.” Broadway and New York theatres - the institutions where McNally made his mark - have been closed for more than a week due to the coronavirus outbreak.

From left, Fred Rogers, Dr. Dre and Glen Campbell.

Mister Rogers and Dr. Dre among 2020 Library of Congress National Recording Registry inductees THE Library of Congress has announced it 2020 inductees into the National Recording Registry. With genres such as gangster rap, country, disco, pop and punk rock, this year’s diverse list of 25 recordings

are deemed “aural treasures worthy of preservation because of their cultural, historical and aesthetic importance to the nation’s recorded sound heritage,” the Library of Congress said Wednesday.

Dr. Dre’s “The Chronic,” Mister Rogers’ “21 Favorite Songs,” Whitney Houston’s genre-defying cover of Dolly Parton’s “I Will Always Love You” and Glen Campbell’s “Wichita Lineman” made the list (below).




March 28 - April 3, 2020


Radio listening booms while music streaming stalls

Online radio listening has risen by 15%.

PEOPLE staying at home due to the coronavirus pandemic appear to be listening to more radio rather than music apps, figures suggest. Global, which owns Capital FM and talk station LBC, said online radio listening had risen by 15%. The BBC said streaming of its radio stations had risen 18% since last week. Meanwhile, data from two US analytics companies suggested use of music-streaming apps such as

Spotify had dipped by about 8%. “These figures indicate that the public are turning to radio in times of crisis,” a Global spokeswoman said. BBC Radio and Education director James Purnell said: “People turn to us during significant events for our news and analysis but also for music, entertainment and companionship. “Last week, we saw record live listening on BBC Sounds.” The numbers shared by the BBC and Global are from their own online streaming platforms. Radio Joint Audience Research (Rajar), the official organisation that measures radio listening figures in the UK, has not released its latest numbers yet. According to trusted music industry monitor BuzzAngle, US music streaming between 13-19 March fell by 8.8% compared with the previous week. “There are likely to be multiple causes,” said BBC News music reporter Mark Savage. “Fewer people are commuting to work or going to the gym and shops that use Spotify for their in-store music are closing their doors. “People who stream music in the

office also seem to be turning off and watching Netflix instead and there’s a big rise in radio listening - suggesting we’re seeking companionship alongside our music.” But not all services are equally affected. Classical music site Primephonic said streaming had gone up by about 20% since isolation measures had been introduced in Europe. And any drop in streaming should not mean less money for musicians. “Streaming royalties are calculated from a fixed percentage of the total subscriber income - so even if fewer songs get played, the pot of money remains the same,” said Savage. People in the UK have turned their online attention to tutoring websites, politics, television programmes and gardening, according to cybersecurity company Cloudflare. The company monitors online traffic to more than 25 million websites that pay for its cyber-attack protections. However, some of the world’s biggest websites, including Amazon, Facebook, Google, Netflix, Pornhub and YouTube do not use the service and are not included in its figures.

Arnold Schwarzenegger says that he always believe in being pro-active.

Schwarzenegger creates GoFundMe page for ‘heroes,’ donates $1 million for medical relief Arnold Schwarzenegger to the rescue. The 72-year-old actor and former California governor is pitching in to help medical professionals on the front lines deal with the coronavirus crisis. With the intention to supply hospitals with masks, gowns, gloves and other critical supplies, the “Terminator” star created the Frontline Responders Fund GoFundMe page. Schwarzenegger, who himself has donated $1 million to the fund, posted

a screenshot of his GoFundMe page to his Instagram account, along with a plea for followers to pitch in their support. “I never believed in sitting on the couch and complaining about how bad things are, I always believed we should all do our part to make things better,” he wrote. “This is a simple way to protect our real action heroes on the frontlines in our hospitals, and I’m proud to be part of it.“ “I hope that all of you who can will step up to support these heroes,” he added.

March 28 - April 3, 2020





EASY WAY EMPLOYMENT SERVICES Five Cays subdivision 242-8751 Renewal


$ 300 Assist with offloading container, assist with transporting, stocking shelves, assist customers in and out of the store with merchandise and ensure the place is clean at all times.

Acting on behalf of our clients is looking to fill the following positions


Five Cays across the gas station 344-4540


First Time $300 Assist with offloading container, assist with transporting, stocking shelves, assist customers in and out of the store with merchandise and ensure the place is clean at all times 21033

KST WATERSPORTS #13 Long Bay, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a


• Captain of Parasailing. • Must be willing to work 6 days per week Salary: $10 per hour

CONTACT: 331-9801

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder 20967

QUINBY J. GRAY 2453042 North Caicos


Caring for 2 children’s, getting oldest one ready for school, preparing and feeding children, bathing and dressing, wash and iron, cook and light housekeeping. First Time, $290

GODFREY A. WILLIAMS Leeward Highway #270 331-6721


Weeding grass, picking up




3414953 Kew Town


Preparing sermon and preaching Overseeing the congregation of the church Must speak fluent Creole and English First Time $ 400 Weekly. 21130

#38 JUBA SOUND, PROVIDENCIALES Is seeking to employ a


Performing a variety of cleaning activities such as sweeping, mopping, dusting and polishing. Ensuring all rooms are cared for and inspected according to standards. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 231-0051

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder



• Perform therapeutic massages of soft tissues and joints. May assist in the assessment of range of motion and muscle strength, propose client therapy plans. Massage and knead muscles and soft tissues of the body to provide treatment for medical conditions, injuries, or wellness maintenance. • Organize nutrition diet programs. • Hours of work are 44 hours per week. • This is an on duty position. Salary: $2,500 per month

CONTACT: 241-5948

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is for a first time applicant

waste, cleaning outside the property, clean windows and doors and assist me with my delivery business First time, $300






March 28 - April 3, 2020


FOR DORREN BEEN Full time worker needed at residence at Leeward Palms, Providenciales. Must be willing to work six days a week. A demonstrated ability to work unsupervised with excellent communication skills is essential for the position. Work description includes cleaning yard, carrying out trash, watering plants and day to day repairs around premises. Salary is $6.25 per hour.

Please apply no later than 18th March, 2018 at or contact on telephone No. 231 3465/231 3967. Belongers only need apply.




Stocking shelves in store. Salary: $6.25 hourly


CONTACT: 332-6066

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder



18 PELOTA YARD, BACK ROAD, BLUE HILLS Is seeking to employ a


Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 241-6657

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder



Unit 11, Central Storage, Industrial Drive, Providenciales, Turk and Caicos Islands 649-941-3161 or

is seeking an experienced and enthusiastic

NFT FARMER To operate and realize strategic plans for the daily operation of indoor hydroponic farm, with responsibility for all aspects of farm operations, including overseeing crop growth by strategizing crop production over the course of the plants lifecycle and monitoring the progress of such crops for optimal quality, health and yield. RESPONSIBILITIES INCLUDE, BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO: • Operation of a computerized climate control systems to ensure that crops benefit from optimal environmental conditions; • Regulate plant nutrition and chemical requirements to ensure the unique nutritional needs are met for each plant variety over the plant life cycle to optimize growth; • Oversee farm operations including ensuring accountability and proper maintenance of sensitive NFT systems;· • Monitor and adjust all aspects of plant lighting and environmental factors;· • Plan all crop schedules to ensure a smooth production schedule· • Understand and adhere to company food safety policies including FSMA and HACCP compliant; Minimum Requirements: 6 years of experience in NFT based farmer production facility, 5 years of experience as an indoor farmer, ANSI-CFP certification. Starting salary: $32,000.00 per annum The position is currently held by a work permit holder. Belongers are encouraged to send their resume to Turks and Caicos Islands Employment Services and Fresh Products TCI Ltd. Only qualified persons will be interviewed. Submit resume, certificates, references and Police Certificate via email to or call 649-941-3160. Deadline for application submission is April 10, 2019 21134


MECHANIC’S ASSISTANT JOB DESCRIPTION To provide support to lead mechanic working in shop by directly helping with repair and maintenance related tasks. RESPONSIBILITIES • Work on projects under the lead mechanic’s supervision • Perform preventative maintenance tasks • Repair and replace equipment parts • Provide diagnostic support • Maintain equipment records • Support shop cleanliness and safety

QUALIFICATIONS • Clean Police Record • Must have own vehicle to travel to work SKILLS • Background in mechanics/ electrical • Good physical strength • Good physical stamina • Good manual dexterity • Great attention to detail • Works well as part of a team COMPENSATION • $8 ~ $9 per hour POSITION TYPE • Full-Time

Please submit applications to main office at


March 28 - April 3, 2020



Unit #3 Upper Level Airport, Providenciales Is seeking a

MASSAGE THERAPIST DUTIES: • Must be able to do all types of massages • Chair massages • Must have at least 5 years’ experience Salary: $6.25 per hour Must be willing to work 6 days per week


This position is for work permit renewal qualified Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labour Department 21128

JUDITH ROBINSON Hospital Road, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a


Must have experience in taking care of elderly persons. Must work long hours. Responsible to ensure home is kept clean, able to prepare healthy meals daily and administer medication to elderly. Salary: $8 hourly

CONTACT: 231-2950

Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 21127



#101 Grace Bay Court, Grace Bay. Is seeking a


• Help mason • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $7 hourly


Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board


#103 WALTER COX ROAD, KEW TOWN Is seeking to employ a


• Repairs, maintains and alters buildings, retaining walls and other brick or stone edifices. Mixes mortar; lays bricks and stones and/or concrete sidewalks; makes and repairs steps and plasters. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $8 hourly

CONTACT: 242-8244

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 21112




Taking care of child. Salary: $300.00 per week.

CONTACT: 343-9412

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board.





A Planning Application, registered as PR 13414 by WEST INDIES TRADING COMPANY LIMITED, REGENT VILLAGE, GRACE BAY, PROVIDENCIALES, TCI. Has been submitted to the Department of Planning for consideration of an Apartment complex, at Cheshire Hall and Richmond Hills. The proposed development includes concrete works, asphalt works, sewage treatment plant and landscape works. Anyone wishing to make representation(s) may do so in writing to the director of Planning, Grand Turk or Providenciales, within twenty-eight (28) days of publication of this Notice. Notice dated: FIRST POSTED APRIL 8th, 2018 AND REPOSTED MARCH 17th, 2020 13414


OSP FIBRE ENGINEER PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF THE JOB: The OSP Fibre Engineer is responsible for the engineering, construction, maintenance, installation, and commissioning of the company’s fibre optic network and related services. This Position requires strong communication and organizational skills, ability to multi-task, problem solve and the ability to work well with a team as well as independently. FTTH Telecommunication industry experience is a plus. MAIN DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: • Perform Site Surveys as requested • Interaction with Customers and Sales Team • Determine construction methods as in aerial, underground and use of existing conduits • Coordinate with GIS personnel to produce engineering drawings • Responsible for reviewing as-built documents and assuring their accuracy. • Periodic review of quality standards, construction specifications, and inspection of outside plant for compliance to Digicel SOPs. • Construction and splicing supervision • Maintaining OSP material inventory • Analyses material performance and makes recommendation as needed. • Expect to access both overhead and underground network infrastructure. • Monitor, complete and clear fault tickets as needed • Produce monthly status reports • Expect to perform testing of fibres utilizing OTDR, Power Meter and various other testing equipment • Performs and/or manages special projects as assigned. • Assume additional responsibilities as necessary • Maintain safe working habits and conditions according to regulations and policies of the company ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE REQUIRED FOR JOB: • A first degree (ASc., BSc.) or an equivalent qualification in Electrical, Electronics or Engineering • 3-5 years of experience with OSP underground and aerial telecommunication engineering • Ability to work independently, in a team environment, and work on multiple projects simultaneously • Experience in both buried, direct buried and overhead cabling methods • Working Knowledge of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is considered a plus • Advanced knowledge of the planning, design and engineering of OSP fibre optic networks. • Knowledge of the standards, materials, techniques and equipment used in the installation, maintenance, and repair of OSP fiber optic facilities • Possess a valid driver’s license and meet the company’s insurance carrier’s criteria for coverage under the company’s insurance policy • Ability to drive manual transmission vehicle DEADLINE: Positions open to all qualified Turks and Caicos nationals. Interested applicants can forward their resumes to The closing date for applications is March 27, 2020 21118





March 28 - April 3, 2020

946-4664 Fax: 946-4661






Must have thorough knowledge in the floral business with 3-5 years experience.

Call: 231-3788




We are in need of a young man to deliver bills, pick up checks and distribute newspapers. Must be honest and have a clean driver’s license. 649-941-4444/ 649-245-1314/649-348-5744 DUNCANSON & CO BARRISTERS & ATTORNEYS 16121

Contact the Publisher at



#5 Wheeland, Close Bay is seeking to employ a

CONTACT: 343-4902

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder




STORE CLERK • Receive payment by cash,

checks and credit cards, Issue receipts, and change due to customers. Count money in cash drawers to ensure that amounts are correct and that there is adequate change. • Must speak English and Spanish. Salary: $6.50 hourly

CONTACT: 941-5626

Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board


Is looking for the following Full Time Position



Stocking and supplying designated facility areas, dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, cleaning ceiling vents, restroom cleaning etc. Salary: $6.50 hourly



to take inventory, receiving payment Cash, Cheques ect... 6 days per week Salary $7 hourly

CONTACT 4323447

Belongers are encouraged to apply to Labour Board.


ELITE SECURITY 30 Reo Drive Limited, Juba Sound, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a


• Must have over five (5) years’ experience. • Secures premises and personnel by patrolling property; monitoring surveillance equipment; inspecting buildings, equipment, and access points; permitting entry. Obtains help by sounding alarms. Salary: $7 hourly

CONTACT: 649-231-0047

Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder21232

All candidates should have at least 5 years’ experience in the same field, excellent full knowledge of cocktail mixing and guest service, general knowledge of POS system and the casino industry. Job summary: provide excellent cocktail mixing skills, preparation of bar and cooers, control beverage inventory, excellent customer service. Candidate must be willing to work on weekends, dayshiftnight shift and holidays. Please drop off CV’s at the Casablanca Casino 226 Grace Bay Road, Grace Bay, Providenciales address to HR or email at Tell: 941-3737

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board Position held by work permit holder 21228

EMELYNE SYLVESTRE SUPREME 9 Reese Street, Five Cays Is seeking to employ a


• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 347-6592

Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 21221



Millennium Highway, Blue Hills


Cleaning surroundings. Contact: 346-2849


Papaya Street, Kew Town


Mixes mortar; lays bricks and stones and concrete sidewalks; and plasters Contact: 331-8546


Walter Cox Road, Kew Town


$6.25 HOURLY



Preparing and giving meals, bathing and dressing children, administering medicine, doing housework, and etc. Contact: 332-0788


Residence, Five Cays

Cleaning the house, mopping the floor, laundry and personal clothing and etc. Contact: 442-4816

Achie Yard, Five Cays

Cleaning the house, mopping the floor, laundry and personal clothing and etc. Contact: 247-6728


#5B Nicole Close, Blue




• Cleaning and assisting with other work. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly

CONTACT: 243-4794

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board


EXECUTIVE UNIQUE CUTS South Dock Road, Providenciales Is seeking a

SALES/OPERATIONS ANALYST Duties include provide operational support on financial, administrative and conceptual aspects of the company through budgeting, reporting, reviewing, estimates and analysing. Must be willing to work 7 days per week. Salary $3,600.00 per month

UNIT #5 SPOT PLAZA, AIRPORT ROAD Is seeking to employ a

BARBER • Cutting, trimming,

shampooing, and styling hair, trimming beards, or giving shaves. Clean and sterilize scissors, combs, clippers, and other instruments. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week. Salary: $7 hourly

CONTACT: 241-5099

Please Contact: 6499461278

Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder






658 Leeward Highway Is seeking to employ a



• Cleaning shop, disposing of garbage, stacking shelves, cleaning around property. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 244-0660

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 21199


#137 JASPER WAY, Blue Hills, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a

Duties: Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, picking up garbage and material waste, Cleaning up and disposal of trash on job sites also to secure building and any other duties necessary. Salary $6.50per hour CONTACT: 649-243-9735 AND SEND RESUME TO JRCONSULTANTSERVICES@GMAIL. COM


SPECIAL ON BOUQUET OF FLOWERS FOR ONLY $25 Fresh and beautiful! Place your order today!


#18 Seaview, Cooper Jack Is seeking to employ a


• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $8 hourly

CONTACT: 331-1355

Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder20203


99B NORWAY ROAD, KEW TOWN Is seeking to employ a


• Shampooing, cutting, and styling hair, though they may also provide hair treatments, including deep conditioning, permanents, hair coloring, and weaving. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly CONTACT: 341-7341


Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board





to mix and serve drinks, clean bar and taking orders of beverages from customers. 6 days per week, salary US$6.50 per hour. Renewal




91A Kew Town, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a

Apt #1, 468c Bay Road Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Island (649) 341-3018




Preparing and giving meals, bathing and dressing children, administering medicine, doing housework, and etc. Contact: 341-6254

Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board

Grand Turk. 241-4027

Pricing and assisting with sales. Salary: $7.50 hourly

CONTACT: 341-7341


Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board




NEEDED (First Time)


to work 6 Days a week at $6.50 per hour. Must love to care for children and occasionally work late and/ or at nights when required. 21212

32 CLASSIFIEDS M&W MEP SERVICES Unit #3 Laundromat Plaza, Millennium Highway


Stocking and supplying designated facility areas, dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, cleaning ceiling vents, restroom cleaning etc. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 231-2650

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder


March 28 - April 3, 2020





Phase 2 Millennium Highway, Blue Hills Is seeking to employ a

is seeking to employ a


• Receive payment by cash, checks and credit cards, Issue receipts, and change due to customers. Count money in cash drawers to ensure that amounts are correct and that there is adequate change. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $8 hourly

CONTACT: 2410370/341-3426

Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board


General Manager

• Oversee and manage staff • Work 5/6 days weekly. • Perform bookkeeping and payroll • Ensure smooth operations and problem solve quickly Salary: $40,000 annually + Service Charge

Applicants must speak English fluently. Applicants that can additionally speak Creole and/ or Spanish will be favored. Degree in business, hospitality or minimum 5 years resort experience sought.


Turks Islanders are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the email address above. This position is for a first time applicant. Resumes can be sent to Meridian Financial Group Box 599, 2nd Floor LeVele Plaza Providenciales. 649 941 3082


Acting on behalf of clients PARADISA LTD.

Long Bay, Providenciales


$2,500.00 per month Supervise Kitchen, Plan menu and food preparation Renewal work permit


Long Bay, Providenciales


$2,500.00 per month Supervise Kitchen, Plan menu and food preparation New permit

Elizabeth Swann

Whitby, North Caicos


(renewal) Rate: $6.50 per hr Weeding yard, moving trash, washing windows. 21235






Explorer Ventures (TCI) Ltd. is a scuba liveaboard diving company operating out of Providenciales. The company requires an experienced English-speaking Dive Instructor, with active teaching status, significant experience leading dives, and strong customer service skills. PADI and STCW10 preferred. Previous liveaboard experience and the ability to speak multiple languages is a plus. Candidate must live onboard the vessel, with one day shore leave each week. Starting salary: $1085/month. This is a new position.

Rugby Hills, Five Cays Is seeking a

Helps senior pastor at church. Overseeing key leaders and leading a ministry.


Cleaning with sweeper, pick up yard waste, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames.

CONTACT: 344-5950

Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder 21215


510 Penn’s Road, Low Bight, Providenciales, (TCI) Seeking employment for the following:

Applicant duties are to monitoring the health of all plants and greenscapes, watering and feeding plants, trimming trees etc on a daily. Salary is $6.50 per hrs. Hours of work is 8hrs per day and 5 days per week. 1) Maintenance Man : Applicant duties are to fix and maintain mechanical equipment, buildings, and machines, Tasks include plumbing work, painting, floor repairs etc. Salaries are $7.00 per hrs. Hours of work are 8hrs per day and 5 days per week. Positions are vacant and Belongers are encourage to apply for the positions. INTERESTED CANDIDATE MAY CONTACT THE EMPLOYER AT 1 (649) 431 2555 OR THE EMPLOYMENT SERVICES, LABOUR DEPARTMENT, PROVIDENCIALES, (TCI) REGARDING EMPLOYMENT. 21218



UNIT #26 ALLIANCE PLAZA, GRACE BAY Is seeking to employ a



Plaster, put blocks, etc. 576 Blue Hills, Provo Tel: 332-4482

CONTACT: 9464272 OR 231-0195

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 21204



• Take care of toddlers. • Clean, wash & iron clothing other duties may be given from time to time. • To work Monday- Friday 8:00am 6:00pm. Salary: $450 weekly

CONTACT: 231-1184

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board





Take care of children, clean, cook, etc. Blue Hills, Snake Hills, Provo

TEL: 331-6544

Holders are currently held by work permit holder. Belongers only apply

140 BAY ROAD, WHEELAND, BLUE HILLS Is seeking to employ a



Must have 5 or more years’ experience. Must be able to work on call and schedule hours. Salary: $575 bi-weekly

Acting on behalf of


GARDENER • Soil cultivation, digging,

forking, mulching, watering, raking, weeding, edging, pruning, seed sowing, bed preparation and planting. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 343-0080

Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board


• Taking care of children. • Applicant must be honest and reliable and willing to work. Salary: $6.50 hourly

CONTACT: 344-6089

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 21206

OVER THE TOP STORE Blue Hill # 4, Shrubb Cl Providenciales, TCI is seeking to employ


SIMEON HAMILTON Over Back, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a


Duties: To care for an Elderly person, dressing, and Preparing baths and ensuring Medications are taken on time. SALARY: $7.50 per hour

CONTACT: 244-0440

Belongers are asked to submit A copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This is a first Time work permit application.


ORIAN CONSTRUCTION Grand Turk, 332-7115

1. EQUIPMENT OPERATOR to operate, crane, forklift, front end loader. 6 days per week, salary US$12.00 per hour.


To take inventory, receiving cash payment, cheques & others. 6 days per week Salary $7 hourly

CONTACT 432-3447

Belongers are encouraged to apply to Labour Board



to drive truck, deliver construction materials. 6 days per week, salary US$8.00 per hour. First Time




#14 Norway Road, Victorial Street, Kew Town Is seeking to employ a


• Repairs, maintains and alters buildings, retaining walls and other brick or stone edifices. Mixes mortar; lays bricks and stones and/or concrete sidewalks; makes and repairs steps and plasters. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $9 hourly

CONTACT: 232-5420 Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board



WEST ROAD CENTRAL, GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a


• Assisting managing staff including cashiers and other workers on the floor, for mulate pricing policies coordinate the shipping of merchandise etc. • Maintain inventory and ensure items are in stock. • Must be willing to work weekends and holidays. Salary: $7 hourly

CONTACT: 946-2811

Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board




101 Alice & Alice plaza, Airport Road 941-4515


$6.25 p/h ringing up customer’s purchases and collecting their payments.


Long Bay, Providenciales



$6.25p/h Maintaining and keeping yard Clean. Faces and Fingers-$7.00 p/h #12 courtyard plaza, Providenciales 941-4411


Cut, trim and shape hair or hairpieces.

Belonger are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the labour board. These position is currently held by work permit holder 21190


#2 Rockeller, Millennium Highway, Blue Hills Is seeking to employ a


• Ensuring a safe environment, preparing and giving meals, bathing and dressing children, administering medicine, doing housework, and disciplining children when necessary. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 345-9461

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 21205

MYSTIQUE CAR RENTAL & TOURS #72 Airport Road, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a


• Clean inside the car and shampoo the outside of the car. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week. Salary: $300 weekly

CONTACT: 941-3910

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 21207

March 28 - April 3, 2020






#341 BLUE HILLS Is seeking to employ a

Repairs, maintains and alters buildings, retaining walls and other brick or stone edifices. Mixes mortar; lays bricks and stones and/or concrete sidewalks; makes and repairs steps and plasters Salary: $7 hourly


Lay blocks and plastering. SKILLED MAN - $6.50 HOURLY Cleaning windows and worksite.

STEELMAN - $8 HOURLY Cut, position, and bolt down steel bars to reinforce concrete.



Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder

Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board. Positions are currently held by work permit holders

Regulatory Response to the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic




CONTACT: 343-0868


#43 KEW TOWN Is seeking to employ a


• Stocking and supplying designated facility areas, dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, cleaning ceiling vents, restroom cleaning etc. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 346-7379

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board




• Shampooing, cutting, and styling hair, though they may also provide hair treatments, including deep conditioning, permanents, hair coloring, and weaving. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 345-6999

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board


CONTACT: 241-4488


#13 BRANT COX APT., KEW TOWN Is seeking a


• Clean the store, dusting, sweeping, mopping, clean ceiling vents, restroom cleaning, stock shelves, assisted other personnel as needed to maintain safety in the packaging area, pick, pack, receive and restock products inside the store. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 344-0471

Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board


MRS LAMOUR TIRE SHOP 4 Chery Cl., Kew Town Is looking for a


• To work from Monday to Saturday. • Changes commercial tires, repairs and performs oil changes. Salary: $6.25 hourly INTERESTED APPLICANTS PLEASE CONTACT US AT THIS NUMBER: 3436418/347-9463

Only Belongers need to apply



122 Aquamarine Drive, Blue Hills, Providenciales Seeks


Must have a minimum of 3 years experience and able to work with little or no supervision. Main responsibilities will include but limited to household duties and caring of small children. Salary start at $6.50 per hour and is based on experience. Belonger are encouraged to send copy of their resume to labor board, interested persons should contact 241-4243 to set up an interview.

Current position is held by a work permit holder. 21171

The Turks and Caicos Islands Financial Services Commission - the regulator/supervisor of financial and designated non-financial businesses, non-profit organisations, and administrator of the commercial registry in the Turks and Caicos Islands - recognises the potential negative impact of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) on economic activity in the TCI, and by extension on the financial services sector. While the Commission is encouraged by the strength and resilience of the financial sector and its key players, the Commission will continue to monitor and take pro-active measures to safeguard the sector. This includes the monitoring of key performance indicators and the implementation of business contingency plans. The objective of these reviews is to assess regulated persons’ resilience to the shocks caused by COVID-19. The Commission’s highest priority remains the health and safety of clients, staff and other stakeholders, and the safety, soundness and stability of the financial system. Accordingly, the Commission continues to closely monitor developments regarding COVID-19 and to update its business continuity plan to respond to all likely scenarios. The Commission’s response will continue to evolve to adequately keep pace with changing circumstances and developments with the virus. Until further notice, the Commission intends to maintain operations, with adequate precautions to safeguard customers and staff. During this period the Registry will introduce a drop box facility for the receipt of business name applications. all applications (new or renewal) are to be completed and placed in the appropriately labelled boxes at the Commission’s Providenciales and Grand Turk Offices. On completion of the review of the application, the applicant will be contacted to pay the requisite fee and collect the certificate. An officer will be available to assist clients needing special assistance with their applications between 8:30am – 1:00pm, Monday to Friday. Same day processing will be available to clients from the other Family Islands, subject to receipt of their applications before 10:00am. These applications should be delivered to the Business Names Window. Incomplete or inaccurately completed applications will not be processed. All applications must be accompanied by all required supporting documents and clear copies of the requisite government issued identification document. In responding to COVID-19, the Commission encourages regulated persons to take steps to meet the needs of affected clients and communities, subject to prudent risk management and compliance with relevant regulations. The Commission supports efforts to accommodate customers in a safe and sound manner and will provide appropriate regulatory support and flexibility to regulated persons, as warranted. Regulated persons or sectors are invited to contact the Commission on a case by case basis to discuss and agree on alternative measures, with appropriate risk management structures, for responding to the effects of COVID-19. Niguel Streete, Managing Director of the Commission, noted that “The Commission welcomes the measures already taken or announced by regulated persons to safeguard the physical and financial health of clients and the stability of the financial system. The health and safety of all market participants are of paramount importance, which is consistent with the Commission’s mandate to promote financial sector stability”. The public is encouraged to continue to monitor and adhere to guidance provided by the relevant public health authorities. Contact: Niguel Streete, Managing Director, Financial Services Commission at


UNIT #3 MORRIS PLAZA, AIRPORT ROAD Is seeking to employ a


• Cutting, trimming, shampooing, and styling hair, trimming beards, or giving shaves. Clean and sterilize scissors, combs, clippers, and other instruments. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $7 hourly

CONTACT: 348-1832

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board


March 28 - April 3, 2020




Pay: 6.25 per hour Type of application: Renewal

Care for the garden, plant trees in the yard, water plants including soil cultivation digging, forking, mulching, raking, weeding, edging, seed sowing bed preparation and planting, clean the yard, transporting garbage of property and assist with other work.

#53 Blue Mountain, Horizon Close Is seeking a



• The person will be working in Provo and North Caicos taking care of multiple properties, cutting grass, weeding and full maintenance of properties etc. • Work 6 days per week. Salary: $6.50 hourly

CONTACT: 245-1307

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board




#1 Sapodilla Street, Leeward Palms Is seeking to employ a


Set up equipment, run lines for power tools, erect scaffolding, lay out tools, set up forms for the pouring of concrete foundations, and even hand tools to workers, clean worksite, and take down bracing and scaffolding. Salary: $8 hourly

CONTACT: 231-0337 Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 21156


Leeward Highway, Bld #43 Is seeking to employ a



This position is held by a work permit holder. Belonger will be given first preference

21 BUTTERFLY CLOSE, COOPER JACK Is seeking to employ a

• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 247-8632

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder. 21192



HOUSEKEEPER A housekeeper is required to work in a busy family home. The successful candidate must possess the following qualities & experience:

• • • • • •

Full of energy, reliable and trustworthy Use their own initiative and be able multi-task Experienced housekeeper with attention to detail Possess a clean TCI driving license is essential Dog lover is essential Be willing to work flexible hours including holidays, week-ends and evenings • Be willing to look after and LIVE IN property when owners are absent • Excellent command of English both spoken and written SUMMARY OF DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES • General housekeeping duties • Running errands & grocery shopping • Cooking • Walking and washing dog Salary $1500.00 a month. Applications must also apply in writing with resumes to: or 82 Cherokee Road, P.O. Box 143, Providenciales. Please also send a copy of your application to the Labour Department. Belongers will be given preference. This position is currently held by a work permit holder. 21174


OSWALD THOMAS Old Airport Road Is seeking to employ a



• Lay pipes. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week. Salary: $7 hourly

Assisting in building, cleaning site, transporting materials. Salary: $9 hourly

CONTACT: 348-2289

CONTACT: 243-1882

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board






Acting on behalf of

Old Airport Road, South Caicos Is seeking to employ a


• Clean house. • Clean surround. • Laundry. • To work 5 days per week. Salary: $7.50 hourly

CONTACT: 649-242-2570

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder



Acting on behalf of

Old Airport Road Is seeking to employ a


• Basic home repairs, cleaning yard, moving supplies, handling storage. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week. Salary: $9 hourly

CONTACT: 243-1882

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board


HOLY FAMILY ACADEMY ROMAN CATCHOLIC SCHOOL Tucker Hill, Kew Town. Is accepting applications for the position of:

ROMAN CATHOLIC RELIGION AND SUBJECT AREA TEACHERS REQUIREMENTS: • The employer requires the employee to be a Missionary Roman Catholic Teacher • The Employer requires the employee to be a fully initiated Roman Catholic in good Standing • The employee is requires to have documented experience in the area of teaching Roman Catholic Religion.

• The employee must have a full knowledge of the United States National Curriculum Standards. EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE • Associates of Bachelor’s Degree Holders will be considered Salary Package: $1200 per month for twelve months, paid as a compensation package

Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board

CONTACT: FR. ORLANDO GONZALEZ (649) 941-5136 EMAIL: holyfamilytci@GMAIL.COM


MASON • Repairs, maintains and

alters buildings, retaining walls and other brick or stone edifices. Mixes mortar; lays bricks and stones and/or concrete sidewalks; makes and repairs steps and plasters • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $7.50 hourly

CONTACT: 343-2782

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 21159






CLOSE TO BIBLE STREET, BLUE HILLS Is seeking to employ a

use recording and sound editing equipment to mix and record audio. Salary: $7 hourly

CONTACT: 241-0576

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 21170

Williams Auditorium, Five Cays Road, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a

• Drive company trucks. • Must be knowledgeable with Caterpillar Machines and Cummins Engine. Salary: $528 per week

CONTACT: 649-941-8494

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 21198

March 28 - April 3, 2020



JOB ADVERTISEMENT The Spa Director is responsible for the daily operations, management, and profitability of the spa, along with the highest level of customer service and quality work environment. Experience and Qualifications: Managing all daily operations, organize and maintain records and scheduling appointments. Ability to anticipate guest needs and enhance business growth also develop sales and marketing strategies. Must have outstanding experience delivering high-quality customer service. Must possess computer proficiency with windows-based products and display organizational, written, and verbal skills. Must be trained in Lymph drainage and craniosacral therapy a degree in Kinesiology or equivalent work experience. RESPONSIBILITIES • Monitor daily sales activities to ensure that all transactions are completed accurately. • Manage department to achieve or exceed desired unit metric goals. • Able to promote and sell spa programs to guests. • Able to handle any guest complaints or special requirements. • Ensure the maintenance and cleanliness of spa facility. • Ensure that spa departments follow hotels policies and procedures including, hygiene, emergency and fire prevention. • Maintain a high level of guest rapport and service. • Maintain proper inventory levels for all professional and retail products. • Recruiting and hiring team members and finalize payroll. • Train staff to adhere outlet service standards. • Improve guest service + satisfaction levels through heightened levels of communication. • Increase gross margins of the business through optimal scheduling, staffing plans, and capacity utilization. • Conduct staff meeting to keep staff up to date on all aspect of the spa operation. Salary range: 40K – 50K per annum

*HVAC Technician

Must be able to troubleshoot and repair different HVAC systems and maintaining and repairing ventilation and air conditioning systems and equipment. Identifying maintenance risks on equipment. EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS: Must be HVAC certified. Must be able to work with hand and power tools. Work on ladders and lift a minimum of 50 lbs. Must be able to work independently and have troubleshooting skills. To provide the guests and associates with a secure and comfortable environment by maintaining and ensuring that all mechanical systems are operating in accordance with the Wymara standards. Work in a safe and responsible manner to avoid accidents or injury. RESPONSIBILITIES • Daily monitoring check operations of heat pumps, circulating pumps, check reading temperature. • Repair and installation of aircon split type, ceiling type aircon and inverter type unit • Replaces bulbs, minor plumbing and reading amps, voltage line. • Monitoring of air-conditioning system and ensures that its operating optimum performance. • Report troubleshoot any unusual abnormalities observe during operation.

#10 BAY ROAD, BLUE HILLS Is seeking to employ a


Salary range: 20K – 25K per annum

• Stocking and supplying designated facility areas, dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, cleaning ceiling vents, restroom cleaning etc. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly


Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board

Wymara Resort and Villas is a contemporary luxury full-service boutique resort on Grace Bay Beach. We are looking for driven and energetic professionals with Five Star experience and who are committed to achieving excellence by ensuring Five Star standards and services are continuously delivered.

*Spa Director


CONTACT: 232-7124

Responsible for the overall cleanliness of assigned rooms/suites and provide a pleasant, comfortable experience for guest. Reports maintenance deficiencies in order to maintain rooms/suites in compliance with standards. Experience and Qualifications: Excellent communication and organizational skills ability to focus attention on guest needs, remaining clam and courteous at all times. Highly responsible and reliable. RESPONSIBILITIES • Report directly to the Housekeeping Manager. • Consistently offer professional, friendly and engaging service. • Assist Room Attendants to ensure guest rooms are prepared efficiently. • Respond timely to guests’ special requests for miscellaneous items i.e.: cribs, cots, extra towels. • Follow departmental policies and procedures. Compensation: $6.25 per hour

*Pool and Beach/Bar Manager

To be responsible for all aspects of the Pool & Beach services, which includes the Pool & Beach Attendants, equipment, inventories, supplies, setup/tear down and maintenance. Assists guests and enhance their enjoyment of the pool and beach to include rotation of guests’ amenities, handling complaints and promotion of the hotel experience.


The ability to train staff and ensure luxury customer service to all guest. Strong written and verbal communications skills. Detail oriented and high-quality standards for production and service. Good team player and ability to effectively manage staff to maintain a high level of morale and productivity. Holds and master program in business administration and post graduate diploma in management


• Responsible for posting billing to guest accounts for applicable rentals. • Ensure all pool and beach furniture is neatly arranged and cleaned. • Ensure team is stocked with necessary supplies to perform duties. • Maintain island pod/beach bed reservations. • Respond professionally to all guest requests, comments and concerns in a timely manner and report issues to Director of Guest services. • Monitor and evaluate team member performance. • Ensure prompt and courteous service to guests, and to ensure that all guest experiences are distinctively supreme • Assist guests courteously and efficiently according to Wymara and Forbes standards. • Schedule staff according to hotel occupancy forecast and planned events. • To be aware with the budget and financial targets, and responsible for all assets specifically but not limited to P&B. • Conduct daily shift line up meetings, which includes inspection of uniforms and Wymara standard. • Complete weekly time sheets for payroll and submit on time biweekly. Salary range: 25K – 40K per annum

Interested applicants can contact our Human Resources Department, Monday through Friday 9am to 5pm on (649)941-7555. E- Mail cover letter outlining your interest and supporting experience in a particular position along with your Resume or C.V. to




Fix and maintain building, and machines. Rate: $8.00 hr (Renewal)


Central Avenue Whitby, North Caicos

3 LABOURERS (RENEWAL) Rate: $6.50 per hr Weeding yard, moving trash, washing windows

ARNOLD GARDINER Major Hill, North Caicos


Rate: $6.50 per hr Weeding yard, moving trash, washing windows 21189


Acting on behalf of


Airport Road, South Caicos Is seeking to employ a


• Hair styling, coloring, straightening, cutting, plaiting. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $8 hourly

CONTACT: 242-2570

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board




• Assisting with personal care, food preparation, general health care, home organization and upkeep and health monitoring. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly

CONTACT: 946-4699

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder



March 28 - April 3, 2020




Canine Enforcement Officer MINISTRY: Finance, Trade and Investment DEPARTMENT: Customs Department LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: GRADE 5.1- $26,650.00 per annum

JOB SUMMARY: The incumbent will be responsible for the operational deployment of their canine and daily care, feeding and exercise of the canine. Additionally, the incumbent will be responsible for general Customs duties.


Network & Wiring Specialist


This is a specialist position which has unit level responsibility for the teaching of one or more of the school’s curriculum subjects to students.


Graduate Secondary Teacher – Music

MINISTRY: Education, Youth, Culture, Social and Library Services DEPARTMENT: Education Department LOCATION: Providenciales (Long Bay High School ) SALARY: $35,926.25 per annum plus allowances


MINISTRY: Finance, Trade and Investment DEPARTMENT: CITU LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: GRADE 7.1 $41,205.00 per annum

This is a specialist position which has unit level responsibility for the teaching of one or more of the school’s curriculum subjects to students.



This position will seek to address the need for permanent IT personnel presence and support on the island of Providenciales to service the IT needs of Government Offices on site and offices in the neighboring islands of North and Middle Caicos as needed. This position will also ensure an efficient response time to the locations mentioned, as well as ensuring proper connectivity to end users in the event remote assistance is to be provided by CITU staff located in Grand Turk.


Statistical Technician

MINISTRY: Finance, Trade and Investment DEPARTMENT: Statistics Department LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: GRADE 5.1 $26,650.00 per annum


This is a technical support position with floor level responsibility for the collection, processing and analysis of statistical data to inform economic and planning decisions.


Graduate Secondary Teacher – Mathematics

MINISTRY: Education, Youth, Culture, Social and Library Services DEPARTMENT: Education Department LOCATION: Providenciales (Long Bay High School) SALARY: $35,926.25 per annum plus allowances

Senior Administrative Officer

MINISTRY: Education, Youth, Culture, Social and Library Services DEPARTMENT: Social Development LOCATION: Grand Turk SALARY: Grade 6 - $33,415.00 per annum


This is a senior administrative position, which has responsibility for the smooth operation of administrative functions in the office and provides support in resource management of finances, human resources, facilities and purchasing.


Library Services DEPARTMENT: Culture Department LOCATION: Grand Turk SALARY: Grade 5 - $26,650.00 per annum


This is an administrative position, which has responsibility for the smooth operation of administrative functions in the office and for dealing with information that is sensitive and/or confidential.


Truancy Officer MINISTRY: Education, Youth, Culture, Social & Library Services LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: $21,935.00 per annum


To ensure that all students between the age of 4 – 16 attend school during school hours.

JOB REFERENCE NO: LWB6-20-11 and KHB6-20-16

Clerical Assistant

MINISTRY: MEYCSLS and MOHASHS DEPARTMENT: Education Department and Dental Department LOCATION: Providenciales (Enid Capron Primary School) and Grand Turk (Dental)


This is an administrative support position for the office. The job holder will undertake clerical and administrative tasks to support the day-to-day running of the office.

Social Worker



MINISTRY: Education, Youth, Culture, Social & Library Services DEPARTMENT: Education Department – Ianthe Pratt Primary School LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: $21,935.00 per annum

MINISTRY: Education, Youth, Culture, Social and Library Services DEPARTMENT: Social Development LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: Grade 6 - $33,415.00 per annum

To provide professional social work services to the people of the Turks and Caicos Islands. This is a specialized professional position, which has departmental wide responsibility for the elderly, orphans, juveniles, probationers and parolees.


Administrative Officer

MINISTRY: Education, Youth, Culture, Social &

School Warden (Primary School)


This is a supervisory position responsible primarily for the safety of pupils crossing the road at a designated point or points on their journeys to and from school and ensuring that pupils remain in class while school is in session.

March 28 - April 3, 2020




Grounds Maintenance Worker

MINISTRY: Education, Youth, Culture, Social & Library Services DEPARTMENT: Education Department – Iris Stubbs Primary School LOCATION: South Caicos SALARY: $499.98 bi – weekly


This is a general support services position, to assist with cleaning and maintenance of assigned facilities and grounds so that they are clean and ready for use.


Community Health Aide

MINISTRY: Health Agriculture, Sports and Human Services DEPARTMENT: Primary Health Care Department LOCATION: Salt Cay SALARY: Grade 4 - $21,935.00 per annum

SALARY: $499.67 Bi-Weekly


To provide support service to the Primary Health Care Department personnel to maintain the cleanliness of buildings, moving of clients, supplies and materials.


Health Research Officer

DEPARTMENT: National Epidemiology and Research Unit MINISTRY: Health, Agriculture, Sports and Human Services LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: Grade 7 - $41,205.00 per annum


To assist/support the Chief of Epidemiology and Research to plan, develop and implement epidemiologic and research programmes under the auspices of the National Epidemiology and Research Unit (NERU) to ensure collection, analysis, and interpretation of data about health effects and risks in TCI.


This is a practical position, with basic level responsibility for ensuring that culturally diverse populations and underserved communities receive proper medical attention.



MINISTRY: Health, Agriculture, Sports & Human Services DEPARTMENT: Agriculture Department LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: $499.69 bi-weekly


The post holder’s responsibilities include providing labour / assistance in all aspects of animal (canine) control. Working under the instruction of the Supervisors the labourer may be required to work alone or with a small team.


Migrant Health Manager

MINISTRY:Health Agriculture, Sports and Human Services DEPARTMENT: Primary Health Care Department LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: Grade 7 - $41,205.00 per annum


This is a senior professional position responsible for the effective management of the Migrant Health Program


Emergency Medical Technician DEPARTMENT: Emergency Medical Services MINISTRY: Health, Agriculture, Sports and Human Services LOCATION: Various SALARY: Grade 5 - $26,650.00 per annum


The incumbent in this position will respond to emergencies in a safe manner and assist in the extrication, stabilization, care and transportation of the ill and injured as Required.


Public Health Nurse

DEPARTMENT: Primary Health Care MINISTRY: Health, Agriculture, Sports and Human Services LOCATION: Providenciales and North Caicos SALARY: Grade 7 - $41,205.00 per annum


The incumbent in this position will be required to deliver effective comprehensive primary health care services focused on disease prevention, health promotion and maintenance in the clinic, homes and communities through the utilization of the nursing process.



DEPARTMENT: Primary Health Care Unit (PHCU) MINISTRY: Health, Agriculture, Sports and Human Services LOCATION: South Caicos

Mortuary Assistant

MINISTRY: Health, Agriculture, Sports and Human Services LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: Grade 5 - $26,650.00 per annum


The job holder is responsible for managing the operation of the Government morgues and coordinating with relevant persons to effectively discharge their duties.


Deputy Supervisor Wellness Center (TEMPORARY)

DEPARTMENT: Special Needs Unit MINISTRY: Health, Agriculture, Sports and Human Services LOCATION: South Caicos SALARY: Grade 6 - $33,415 per annum plus allowances


The job entails responsibility to assist the Supervisor with the management of the Wellness Centre/Special Needs Unit and ensuring quality care for all clients.


Deputy Epidemiologist DEPARTMENT: National Epidemiology and Research Unit MINISTRY: Health, Agriculture, Sports and Human Services LOCATION: Grand Turk SALARY: Grade 8.1 - $51,147.50 per annum plus allowances


To assist/support the National Epidemiologist to plan, develop and implement epidemiologic and research programmes under the auspices of the National Epidemiology and Research Unit.


Program Officer

MINISTRY: Health, Agriculture, Sports and Human Services DEPARTMENT: Health, Promotion and Advocacy Unit LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: Grade 6 - $33,415.00 per annum plus allowances


Under supervision, implements the youth and community HIV/AIDS oriented programs for compliance with national, regional and international guidelines.


Clinical Nurse/Midwife

DEPARTMENT: Health, Promotion and Advocacy Unit MINISTRY: Health, Agriculture, Sports and Human Services LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: Grade 5 - $26,650.00 per annum


This is a professional nursing position with responsibility for HIV/AIDS/STI patient health care in the HIV Prevention Unit, Primary Health Care clinics and the


March 28 - April 3, 2020


GOVERNMENT VACANCIES MINISTRY: Office of the Administration LOCATION: Grand Turk SALARY: $499.98 bi-weekly


Deputy Contract Performance Manager


The incumbent is required to monitor and coordinate the implementation of all obligations under the PublicPrivate Partnership (PPP) hospital project agreement and other Pay for Performance contracts entered into by the MOHAHS.


Head of Secretariat District

This is a senior position responsible for co-ordinating the political and administrative interface between the Minister and Permanent Executive Director in the allocated Ministry.


Deputy Director District


This is a Senior Management position with responsibility of assisting the Executive Director for the effective and efficient management of the affairs of the Office of the Premier, Local Government, Community Affairs and TCI-London Office and provides the critical interface between the Premier’s Office and the TCIG, TCI Business Organizations, Non-Government Organizations, Legislative Assembly and Cabinet.


Aide De Camp MINISTRY: Office of the Premier & Administration LOCATION: Grand Turk and Providenciales SALARY: Grade 5- $26,650.00 per annum



The job holder is responsible for providing transportation, personal security and general assistance to the Hon. Premier in performing their official duties.




This is general support services position, to assist with cleaning, maintenance and upkeep of the Premier’s Official Residence grounds and the cleaning, maintenance and upkeep of the Premier’s Residence.


Senior Internal Auditor

Energy Analyst

MINISTRY: Home Affairs, Public Utilities Transportation DEPARTMENT:Energy and Utilities LOCATION: Grand Turk SALARY: Grade 7 - $41,205.00 per annum



Provide research and analytical support to the Energy and Utilities Department by conducting effective analysis of conventional and non-conventional energy generation and energy use in the TCI.


MINISTRY: Independent – Office of the Governor DEPARTMENT: Office of the Chief Internal Auditor LOCATION: Grand Turk SALARY: Grade 7 - $41,205.00

Immigration Officer



MINISTRY: Office of the Premier & Administration LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: Grade 9 - $59,552.50 per annum



MINISTRY: Health, Agriculture and Human Services DEPARTMENT:Contract Management Unit LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: Grade 8 - $51,147.50 per annum

MINISTRY: Office of the Premier & Administration LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY:Grade 7- $41,205.00 per annum



community at large.

The successful candidate will be accountable to the Chief Internal Auditor through the Internal Audit Manager and have responsibility for developing the strategy for financial and operational audits and taking lead responsibility for these audits as part of the approved annual internal


MINISTRY: Immigration, Labour and Employment Services DEPARTMENT: Immigration Department LOCATION: Various SALARY: GRADE 5 - $26,650.00 per annum


This is a Law Enforcement position which supports the Senior Immigration officers and by extent the Border control and Enforcement (Immigration Department).


Senior Internal Auditor (Information Technology)

Intelligence Manager

MINISTRY: Independent – Office of the Governor DEPARTMENT: Office of the Chief Internal Auditor LOCATION: Grand Turk SALARY: Grade 7 - $41,205.00 per annum

DEPARTMENT: Immigration Department MINISTRY: Immigration, Citizenship, Border Control and Employment LOCATION: PROVIDENCIALES SALARY: Grade 7 - $41,205.00



The successful candidate will be accountable to the Chief Internal Auditor through the Internal Audit Manager and have responsibility for developing the strategy for IT audits and taking lead responsibility for IT audits as part of the approved annual internal audit plan.

Energy and Utilities Commissioner



Assistant Compliance and Enforcement Manager


MINISTRY: Home Affairs, Public Utilities Transportation DEPARTMENT: Energy and Utilities LOCATION: Grand Turk SALARY: Grade 10 $73,185.00 per annum

This position is to support the Department in the key areas of tactical employment, training, administration, personnel management, maintenance, force protection, and sustainment of the Intelligence Team.


This senior level management position is responsible for the nationwide multi sector regulatory oversight of the Energy and Electricity, Water and Sewerage and the Petroleum Sectors of the TCI.

DEPARTMENT: Immigration Department MINISTRY: Immigration, Citizenship, Border Control and Employment LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: Grade 7 - $41,205.00 per annum


To support the Department in the key areas of tactical employment, training, administration, personnel management, maintenance, force protection, and sustainment of the Taskforce Team.


Assistant Compliance/ Investigative Officer

March 28 - April 3, 2020

LERANO MISSICK East Suburbs, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a

GOVERNMENT VACANCIES DEPARTMENT: Immigration MINISTRY: Immigration, Citizenship, Border Control and Employment LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: Grade 5 - $26,650.00 per annum


This Post holder will assist with all compliance and investigative matters within the department, ensuring management and the relevant authorities are promptly notified of all unlawful acts, court proceedings


Senior Immigration Officer

DEPARTMENT: Immigration MINISTRY: Immigration, Citizenship, Border Control and Employment LOCATION: Grand Turk SALARY: Grade 6 - $33,415.00 per annum


This is a middle management position which has departmental responsibility for the supervision of junior Staff at the office, airport and field duties



LABOURER Duties: To clean

maintain Premises, dispose of garbage and any other duties as necessary. SALARY: $7.50 per hour.

CONTACT: 342-9492

Belongers are encouraged To send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board. This is first time work Permit application.




Duties: To fix, maintain Building problems and yard Maintenance as necessary. SALARY: $7.50 per hour

CONTACT: 442-0116

Belongers are encouraged To send a copy of their Resume to the Employment Services Office. This is a first Time application.



DOMESTIC WORKER – Held by a work permit holder


is looking for qualified applicants for the position of:


Involves strenuous physical labor, which requires being able and willing to perform heavy lifting, and other physically demanding functions. Must be able to speak English fluently. Preference will be given to someone with previous resort experience. All applicants must be able to present a clean Police Record if offered a position. Wage commensurate with experience. Individuals must be willing to work holidays and weekends on a flexible schedule dictated by business demands. This position is currently held by someone with a work permit.

Applications available at Ocean Club or Ocean Club West. Only those receiving an interview will be contacted. 21196 RELIABLE CLEANING SERVICES #7 BIRD BERRY CLOSE, KEW TOWN


· C leaning: sweeping, mopping, dusting · Rate 6.50

Sweeping, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, laundering sheets, towels and etc.

Contact 231-0052, 107 Waterview Street , Turtle Creek Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands and Please drop off resume to the Labor Department, Providenciales as soon as possible. 21191

CONTACT: 649-241-4798

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. The position is Renewal work permit



Breezy Brae, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a


Duties: To prep suffices and To lay tiles according to plans And any other duties as may be Assigned. SALARY: $8.00 per hour.

CONTACTS: 231-7095

Belongers are encouraged to Submit a copy of their resume To the Labour Office. This position Is currently held by a Work Permit holder. 21176


Labour Inspector

DEPARTMENT: Employment Services MINISTRY: Immigration, Employment and Labour LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: Grade 5 - $26,650.00 per annum plus allowances


This is an administrative and operational support position initially with island wide responsibility for monitoring and regulation of labour laws, policy, standards and procedures


Radar Operator

MINISTRY: Immigration, Employment and Labour DEPARTMENT: Coastal Radar Department LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: GRADE 5.1 - $26,650.00 PER ANNUM


To monitor Radar targets and radio communications. For full details regarding these positions please visit our website at


(Applications that are not accompanied by all required supporting documents will not be processed). (APPLICATION DEADLINE: 3rd APRIL 2020)


North Back Salina, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a


Duties: To clean maintain Premises, dispose of garbage and any other duties as necessary. SALARY: $7.50 per hour.

CONTACT: 246-6120

Belongers are encouraged To send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board. This is first time work Permit application. 21182


Palm Grove, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a


Duties: To clean maintain Premises, dispose of garbage and any other duties as necessary. SALARY: $7.50 per hour.

CONTACT: 232-0926

Belongers are encouraged To send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board. This is first time work Permit application. 21184



General Manager Construction Required one full time General Manager to oversee all aspects of construction projects. Applicant must have a minimum of 15 years management experience in the General / Prime Contracting field. RESPONSIBILITIES:

• Concise communication between clients and owner. • Oversee all sub trades, suppliers, manufacturers • Conduct meetings with clients, owner, subcontractors. • Prepare cash flow analysis. • Prepare Financial Statements. • Proficient in Microsoft Office. • Interpret plans and specifications. • Bid procurement. • Create and maintain working budgets. • Site scheduling, proper phasing of trade work. • Maintain a clean and safe worksite and

adhere to all local laws and regulations. • Willing to work weekends and holidays.


• Knowledge in all phases of interior and exterior construction. • Design build capabilities to include light design and sketching. • Experience in both commercial and residential design and construction. • Site preparation and layout. • Knowledge of infrastructure design and preparation. Annual Salary: $50k to $60k depending on Experience and Qualifications



March 28 - April 3, 2020



A not-for-profit organization registered under the Companies Ordinance

IMPORTANT MESSAGE FROM THE TURKS & CAICOS ISLANDS BANKERS ASSOCIATION NOVEL CORONAVIRUS COVID-19 The Turks & Caicos Islands Bankers Association (“TCBA”) has been monitoring the global and regional developments as they relate to the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). While there have not been any confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Turks & Caicos Islands, the TCBA wishes to reassure customers that banks are proactively taking steps to help protect individuals who are accessing banking services, as well as bank staff, from inadvertently coming into contact with this, or any other contagious illness. In light of the growing concerns surrounding COVID- 19 and mindful of the public advisories issued by the Department of Health, the Turks & Caicos Bankers Association is encouraging the banking public to take all necessary precautions to minimise their risk of contracting and spreading the virus. We therefore take this opportunity to encourage our customers to adopt the following best practices if not already being done: • Reduce the time spent in the Banks by making use of the Banks online platform and mobile apps. • Reduce your in-branch transactions and familiarize yourself with your Bank’s alternative channels. Use alternative channels as much as possible. • Avoid the crowd in bank branches - use your bank’s ATMs. • Bank via telephone by contacting your bank’s call centre. • If you are feeling unwell or have flu-like symptoms, stay home and avoid coming into a branch. • If you MUST visit a branch, be sure to avoid physical contact with persons and limit your contact with surfaces within the public spaces. Banks are actively working with their employees to promote proper hygiene and regular cleaning and disinfecting of commonly-used surfaces and areas in branches.

HELP KEEP OUR COMMUNITIES SAFE AND HEALTHY BY: • Practicing regular hand washing with hot, soapy water and wash your hands immediately after coughing or sneezing. • Continuing to monitor this situation and listen to the guidance provided by the Ministry of Health and local public health authorities. The Bankers Association is firmly committed to ensuring that our citizens receive timely and quality service while we take steps to protect their health and wellbeing. The Association therefore encourages the general public to adhere to all health and safety guidelines in an effort to limit the spread of the virus for the protection of ourselves, families and our communities.


North Creek, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a


Duties: Cleaning mopping Dusting, sweeping and Assisting with cooking and any other chores. Salary: $6.50 per hour.

CONTACT: 347-0522

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This is a first time work Permit application.


W&V CONSTRUCTION NORWAY, KEW TOWN Is seeking to employ a


• Repairs, maintains and alters buildings, retaining walls and other brick or stone edifices. Mixes mortar; lays bricks and stones and/or concrete sidewalks. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $7 hourly

CONTACT: 231-0678

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder



Palm Grove, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a


Duties: Cleaning mopping Dusting, sweeping and Assisting with cooking and any other chores. Salary: $6.50 per hour.

CONTACT: 231-3116

Belongers are encouraged to Send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This is a First time work Permit application.


THOMAS PARKER Palm Grove, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a


Duties: Cleaning mopping Dusting, sweeping and Assisting with cooking and any other chores. Salary: $6.50 per hour.

CONTACT: 347-0522 Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This is a First time work Permit application.


LUXURY CONSTRUCTION THE BIGHT, BLD #23 Is seeking to employ a


• Cut wood. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week. Salary: $7 hourly

CONTACT: 344-1567

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder



Is seeking to employ a


Installs pipes and fixtures, such as sinks and toilets, for water, gas, steam, air, or other liquids. Installs supports for pipes, equipment, and etc. Salary: $700 bi-weekly CONTACT: 241-4976 EMAIL: MANPOWERSERVICES@HOTMAIL.COM

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 21193

P&D EMPLOYMENT Acting on behalf of


South Dock Road, Five Cays

LABOURER - $6.25 HOURLY Clean yard. Contact:346-8110

MASON - $8 HOURLY Lay blocks and plaster Contact: 346-7379


#14 Timber Creek, Kew Town, Providenciales



5 Load Ave, South Dock Road

Tie steel Salary $10.00 per hour Contact: 232-3024

Cleaning the property, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. Contact:231-2621





South Dock Rd., Five Cays

CARPENTER - $10 HOURLY Build roofs.

475 Millennium highway, Blue Hills

Cleaning. Contact: 342-5757 Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board 21201


# 9 Aviation Drive, Downtown, Providenciales Seeks

1 DOMESTIC WORKER/ KITCHEN HELPER Must have experience in selling and serving of food and drinks, also be able to deal with a crowded environment with little or no supervision. Salary starts at $300.00 per week. INTERESTED PERSONS SHOULD CONTACT 649-941-4034. ALL BELONGER ARE ENCOURAGED TO SUBMIT COPY OF THEIR RESUME TO LABOR. THIS POSITION IS CURRENTLY HELD BY A WORK PERMIT HOLDER. 21172


128 Arch Plaza, Leeward Highway. Is seeking a

SALES/STORE CLERK • Greeting customers, answering any questions they have about the store or what it sells, suggesting options that fit their needs, providing instruction on using products and checking customers out. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $7.50 hourly

CONTACT: 946-4699 Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 21194

March 28 - April 3, 2020



C101 CABOT HOUSE GRACEWAY, Grace Bay Is seeking to employ a

Yellow Elder Street, Leeward Palms, Providenciales, TCI Contact: (649) 246-4882



Examine patients; take medical histories; prescribe medications; and order, perform, and interpret diagnostic tests. Counsel patients on diet, hygiene, and preventive healthcare. Salary: $3,500 per month

Salary/Wages: $275.00 per WEEK Responsibilities/Duties: · Washing dishes, mopping, laundry · General household cleaning

CONTACT: 9468308 OR 231-1184


Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 21142





Back Salina, Grand Turk. Is seeking to employ a

LABOURER • Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. • Must be will to work 5 days per week Salary: $6.25 per hour

CONTACT: 244-9044 Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 21150

MYRNA-LISA’S DISPOSABLES AND CLEANING SERVICES 29 Parade Ave., Downtown, Providenciales, TCI Contact: (649) 347-3014


Salary/Wages: $275.00 per WEEK Responsibilities/Duties: General cleaning of offices and homes of clients


CL LANDSCAPING SERVICES Lower Bight, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a


• Checking on staff. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $10 hourly

CONTACT: 344-5718

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 21113



#11 Millennium Highway Is seeking to employ a


• Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. Cares for garden on a daily basis • Must be willing to work 5 days a week Salary: $6.50 per hour

Set up worksite, erect scaffolding, lay out tools, clean worksite, pack up tools, put away any unused materials, and take down bracing and scaffolding. Salary: $6.50 hourly

CONTACT: 241-1591 Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board These positions are currently held by work permit holders




CATHRICE WILLIAMS Juba Sound, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a


Duties: taking care of and feeding kids Salary: $6.75 per hour

CONTACT: 231-0305

This position is currently held by a work permit holder. Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department


Acting on behalf of TCI Advanced Technology Ltd #13 West Road, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a


• Help Design, develop, rest, manufacture, install and repair electronic equipment such as computer etc. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week. Salary: $10 hourly

CONTACT: 2434714 OR 347-6414

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 21116

CONTACT: 346-0002


Back Salina, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a


• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly

CONTACT: 241-1636

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 21125



P.O. Box 158, Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands, BWI. Tel: (649) 941 4437 E-mail:

P.O. Box 158, Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands, BWI. Tel: (649) 941 4437 E-mail:





• University degree in Civil/Structural Engineering (Bachelor of Engineering or higher) • Min. of 5 years post qualification work experience • Computer literate with experience in AutoCAD, Word, Excel



• Structural & civil design calculations and drawing work • Structural surveys and inspections • Concrete testing Salary will be $36,000.00 per annum.

The suitable candidate will be able to work under their own initiative, and be able to see through Design Projects from conceptional design to final drawing works. This position is available immediately and closing date for application is 31st March 2020. Qualified Turks & Caicos Islander preferred.

Apply in writing to Civil & Structural Engineering Ltd. Limited, P. O. Box 158, Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands. Contact: Chris Conway on Or fax to Labour Office, Providenciales on 946-7184.


North Creek, Grand Turk. Is seeking to employ a


• University degree BSc (Hons) in Civil Engineering • Over 20 years of relevant project experience as a Resident Engineer or Construction Manager • Knowledge of site health & safety, materials testing and quality control • Civil & Structural engineering design experience • Computer literate, with excellent Word and Excel skills • Must be fluent in English and Spanish and be able to communicate effectively in both languages, including report writing


• Civil Engineering & Construction Management • Design & Project team management • Planning, scheduling & reporting Salary will be $60,000.00 per annum. The suitable candidate will be able to work under their own initiative, and be able to see through projects from start to completion. This position is available immediately and closing date for application is 31st March, 2020. Qualified Turks and Caicos Islanders Preferred.

Apply in writing to Civil & Structural Engineering Ltd. Limited, P. O. Box 158, Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands. Contact: Chris Conway on Or fax to Labour Office, Providenciales on 946-7184.



March 28 - April 3, 2020




#4 NEW SUBDIVISION, FIVE CAYS Is seeking to employ


Painting and creating art.


Grand Plaza Resort is currently looking to employed a

DOMESTIC WORKER AND A MAINTENANCE WORKER Both workers must be able to drive, work without supervision, must be able to live on the property and must be on call for any additional request from guest. Must have own tools with several years of experience in the construction field. Salary $10.00 per hour. Accommodation provided.

Receive payment by cash, Issue receipts, and change due to customers. Count money in cash drawers to ensure that amounts are correct.

The Governor’s Office Turks and Caicos Islands

CONTACT: 243-8302

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board These positions are currently held by work permit holders



Please forward all resumes to This is for work permit renewal




Applications are being sought for the appointment of the first Commanding Officer of the Turks and Caicos Regiment. The role will be full time. The Commanding Officer will work closely with the Governor and a new Defence Board. He or she will stand up the Regiment over the next Financial Year. The Commanding Officer will receive training and mentoring support from the British Armed Forces in the UK, the British Defence Attaché for the Caribbean and from the Bermuda Regiment. The Regiment will initially have a small full time cadre who will work to the Commanding Officer. This permanent Headquarters will include: an Adjutant / Operations Officer, two Troop Commanders, a Training Warrant Officer, and a Chief Clerk. These will be recruited in the early part of the next Financial Year; the Officers will receive training at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst. The Regiment will be built so it has the skills and experience to deliver operationally, at sea and on land. It will work in direct support of the Maritime Police protecting TCI’s border and maritime environment. The Regiment will also be capable of supporting the civil power at times of crisis or natural disaster or emergency. The Commanding Officer will provide day-to-day leadership of the Regiment as well as strategic direction on policy, training, equipment and Regimental ethos. Beyond the Headquarters element the Regiment will be formed of reservists who will require excellent leadership if the Regiment is to fulfil its full potential – as it must. We expect the regiment to be at an overall strength of 46 by the end of the year which will be the foundation for any future expansion. Basic Training will be provided by the Bermuda Regiment. The Commanding Officer, while having independent Command of his Regiment, will nonetheless need to build an excellent working relationship with the Police Commissioner and the Maritime Branch of the RTCIPF. The successful candidate will also have to work internationally and build outstanding relationships with his or her: Bahamian, Bermudan, and Cayman counter-parts, with those UK Armed Forces assigned to disaster relief and the Commanding Officer of any UK Unit the TCI Regiment is partnered with. THE SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATE WILL: • Have a minimum of 10 years’ experience and now (or will recently have been) in a leadership position in a disciplined uniformed service. • Military experience is desirable, particularly if linked to the UK Armed Forces, but not essential. • Belonger Status will be strongly preferred. British Overseas Territories Citizen, or British Citizenship is required. • Hold an Associate Degree or Higher Qualification or can provide evidence of sufficient experience to mitigate the lack of formal academic qualification. • Must pass an initial medical and fitness test, and annually thereafter. • Salary tied to the Police. Equivalent to Assistant Commissioner of Police. The role is full time and while a normal working week will be agreed this is a role that is 24/7, as required. • Applications are encouraged and should be sent to Stephen Brown (Stephen. Cut off time for receipt is 5pm on Friday 8th April. • Application should include a CV and a covering letter outlining your past experience, explaining your hopes for the role, the contribution you believe you can personally make and confirming that you fulfil all the eligibility criteria. 21165

is located in leeward, Providenciales. TraBen Ltd- (Footprints on the Beach) is currently looking to employ the following persons; The applicants must be willing to live on the property as you will be on call, must hold a valid Driver’s license, must be able to speak and understand English.


as a Chef you must be able to cook a variety of dishes, including but not limited to, Asian, American and some native dishes. Must have several years of experience in this field


As a butler you must be on call and must be able to cater and attend to the guest needs as urgent as possible. You must have several years of experience. You must understand that the guest is your number one priority. Housing and vehicle is provided Butler salary is $1500.00 per month Chef salary is $1800.00 per month

Please forward all resume to This is for permit renewal.



#658 MILLENIUM HIGHWAY, BLUE HILLS Is looking for an

D4 PALM GROVE, LOWER BIGHT ROAD Is seeking to employ a


Diagnostic and troubleshooting the following engines Suzuki, Evinrude, Johnson, Mercury, Seadoo Must be willing to work a minimum of 44 hour per week, holidays and weekends if necessary salary will commensurate with experience (10 – 15 years) and performance Salary: $15.00 per hour Contact: Sherlock Walkin Telephone: 946-4411Fax resumes to: 649-946-4945 or email:

This position is for work permit renewal Interested Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of your resume to the Labor Department 21137


Bleaching and coloring clients hair. Salary: $8.50 hourly

CONTACT: 343-9812

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 21138



Over Back, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a

Le Vele Plaza, Grace Bay, Providenciales Contact 432-6266 /e-mail – Looking for an

Assistant Manager

• Must have at least 5 year management role either as an Assistant or Manager • Experience in Managing a team, scheduling, accounts, training and day to day operations. • Experience in Upscale Dining setting • Guests satisfaction is priority • Must be willing to work weekends and Holidays • Starting Salary $24k a year • Experience in Italian Food and service Positions open to qualified Belongers. Belongers should send Resumes to Labour Department or

e-mail to:




Duties: To Fixing and/or repair vehicles and Ensuring they are in road worthiness Standard and any other duties as assigned By management. SALARY: $10.00 per hour

CONTACT: 242-1076

Belongers are encouraged to Send a copy of their resume To the Labour Board. This Position is currently held by a work permit holder. 21084




MEPCO INTERNATIONAL TCI Unit 54, Saltmills Plaza, Provo requires an

ELECTRICAL FOREMAN Must have at least 15 years experience in commercial and residential electrical installations and at least 10 years experience at a supervisory level on large scale buildings. Applicants must have experience in budgeting and cost coding on all aspects of commercial electrical installations. Must be available to work after hours, weekends and holidays. Hourly rate commencing at $20.00.




Fit and study garments on customers to determine required alterations. Sew garments, using needles and thread or sewing machines. Measure parts such as sleeves or pant legs, and mark or pin-fold alteration lines Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 241-7698

• Secures premises and personnel by patrolling property; monitoring surveillance equipment; inspecting buildings, equipment, and access points; permitting entry. Obtains help by sounding alarms. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly

CONTACT: 341-9646

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 21117


• Repairs, maintains and alters buildings, retaining walls and other brick or stone edifices. Mixes mortar; lays bricks and stones and/or concrete sidewalks; makes and repairs steps and plasters. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $8 hourly

CONTACT: 343-1420

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board


Applicant duties is to assist in repairs and maintain walls, lay blocks or bricks etc. on a daily. Salary is $7.00 per hrs. Hours of work is 8hrs per day and 5 days per week.


CONTACT: 348-6035

This position is for first time applicant Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department 21034

NIXON DICKENSON Palm Grove, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a


• Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly

CONTACT: 246-6981

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder




Bible Street, Blue Hills Is seeking to employ a

43 Boll weevil Avenue, Five Cays. Is seeking a

Mason - $7 hourly

Repairs, maintains and alters buildings, retaining walls and other brick or stone edifices. Mixes mortar; lays bricks and stones and/or concrete sidewalks; makes and repairs steps and plasters.


Carpenter - $10

• Masonry work done on my buildings. • Applicant must be willing to work at all times. Salary: $8 hourly

CONTACT: 342-1964

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 21139

Follow blueprints and building plans. Install windows and molding. Measure, cut, or shape wood, plastic, and other materials

Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board

CONTACT: 241-7121






Duties: watch and feed child Must work 5 days per week salary $6.50 per hour

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 21060

Sisal Road, Long Bay #61



Unit #39 Salt Mills Plaza, Grace Bay Road Is seeking to employ a



Club Med Turkoise, Grace Bay Is seeking to employ a



March 28 - April 3, 2020


Applicant duties are to assist in fixing roof, cabinets, doors etc.

1) PLUMBER HELPER Applicant duties is to assist in installment of bathroom, pipes etc. Salaries are $8.00 per hrs. Hours of work are 8hrs per day and 5 days per week. Positions are vacant and Belongers are encourage to apply for the positions.

Interested candidate may contact the employer at 1 (649) 241 8182 or the Employment Services, Labour Department, Providenciales, (TCI) regarding employment


SUNNY FOODS RETAIL & WHOLESALE LTD Is now Interviewing for the following position:


Cargo Express Services Ltd 70 South Dock Road, Providenciales


• Cleaning and maintenance of the environment as well as equipment used inside/ outside of warehouse facility • Manual & mechanical movement of dry and chilled cargo from containers to/from warehouse/customers


• Ability to engage in physical activities for approximately 8 hours daily • Ability to work well with others in a fast-paced non-climate-controlled environment • Excellent communication skills in English with the ability to write legibly Salary: Starts at $6.25 per hour for 40-hour workweek.

Interested persons may contact Cargo Express Services, in person, at 70 South Dock Road or email application to Application deadline: March 27, 2020 21154 *Position is currently held by a work permit holder


#13 Parade Ave, Down Town Is seeking to employ a

CLEANER - $7 HOURLY Cleaning


To work at sea, storing of cargo and cleaning the boat.

CONTACT: 231-0098

Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board The positions are currently held by work permit holders


• Must be trained in merchandising and item categorization and posses certificate • Must be posses a minimum of 6- 8 years of job experience in merchandising and outfitting • Must be willing to work extended hours daily/weekly • Must be proficient in Sams 4s SPT-4740 Reflections • Must be available to work different shifts day, evening and night • Must be available to work variable schedules • Must be willing to work in different environments (coolers, freezers, warehouse) • Must be proficient in Back Office Implementation Ordering System • Must be familiar or possess relationship with local and out of country suppliers and ordering systems. • Must be proficient in: Microsoft Excel, Word, Outlook, Backoffice • Must be willing and able to work in a team setting or as an individual Salary range $ 8.00 – $9.00 per hour , commensurate with experience.

CONTACT: 941-8112

This Position is for work permit renewal interested Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of the resume to the Labour Department. 21155



March 28 - April 3, 2020

Science & Technology The Great Barrier Reef likely just experienced its most widespread bleaching event on record

AUSTRALIA’S Great Barrier Reef has likely experienced its most widespread bleaching event on record, according to a US government scientist who monitors the world’s coral reefs. This marks the third mass bleaching event on the reef in just the last five years. And scientists say that the rapid warming of the planet due to human emissions of heat-trapping gases are to blame. On the heels of severe bleaching events in 2016 and 2017 that left half of the coral on the Great Barrier Reef dead, scientists fear this one could be a devastating blow. “If we do not deal with climate change quickly ... we are going to continue to see more severe and more frequent bleaching, and we are going to see the loss of coral reefs in much of the world,” said Dr. C. Mark Eakin, coordinator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Coral Reef Watch. The mass bleaching conditions were observed by Coral Reef Watch, which uses remote sensing and modeling to predict and monitor for signs of bleaching.

And scientists say that the rapid warming of the planet due to human emissions of heat-trapping gases are to blame. On the heels of severe bleaching events in 2016 and 2017 that left half of the coral on the Great Barrier Reef dead, scientists fear this one could be a devastating blow. “If we do not deal with climate change quickly ... we are going to continue to see more severe and more frequent bleaching, and we are going to see the loss of coral reefs in much of the world,” said Dr. C. Mark Eakin, coordinator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Coral Reef Watch. The mass bleaching conditions were observed by Coral Reef Watch, which uses remote sensing and modeling to predict and monitor for signs of bleaching. Temperatures have since cooled and the bleaching has subsided, but scientists in Australia are currently assessing the damage to the reef’s health. A fuller picture should come into focus in the coming weeks. Though initial reports indicate that this year’s bleaching may not be as severe as in

A file photo taken in October 2016 shows coral bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. Scientists say that another mass bleaching event has occurred in 2020.

2016 or 2017, Eakin says it appears few parts of the reef have been spared. “This time it is not as intense, but it’s much more widespread, so we’re seeing it all over the Great Barrier Reef,” he said. Warm ocean temperatures are the main driver of coral bleaching. Corals turn white as a stress response to warm water temperatures by expelling the algae that grows

inside them, which is their main energy source and gives them their colour. Bleaching doesn’t kill coral

immediately. But if temperatures remain high, eventually the coral will die, destroying a natural habitat for many species of marine life. “When they’re bleached, corals are starving, injured and more susceptible to disease, so [recovery] is really a question of how long and intense the heat stress is and how healthy the coral was to begin with,” Eakin said. For the Great Barrier Reef to fully recover from bleaching that has occurred would take decades, Eakin says. But because of the massive amounts of heat the world’s oceans have already absorbed, the reef likely won’t have the chance to recover before it bleaches again. “If it takes decades for a reef to recover ... what chance do we have for reefs recovering when events are coming back this fast?” he said.

Coronavirus: Calls to protect great apes from threat of infection CONSERVATION experts are calling for urgent action to protect our closest living relatives, the great apes, from the threat of coronavirus. New measures are needed to reduce the risk of wild gorillas, chimps and orangutans encountering the virus, scientists warn in a letter in Nature. Habitat loss and poaching are big threats to the survival of great apes, but viruses are also a concern. Scientists say the current outbreak warrants the utmost caution. Infectious disease is now listed among the top three threats to some great ape groups. “We do not know what the effect of the virus on them is and that means we have to take the precautionary principle and reduce the risk that they will get the virus,” said Prof Serge Wich of Liverpool John Moores University, UK, who is a co-signatory of the letter. “That means halting tourism, which is happening in several countries already, reducing research, being very cautious with reintroduction programmes, but also potentially halting infrastructure and extractive projects in great

The Denman Glacier, in East Antarctica is about 10 miles wide.

This giant glacier in Antarctica is melting, and it could raise sea levels by 5 feet, scientists say

It’s not known how the virus might affect great apes like gorillas.

ape habitats which bring people in closer contact with great apes and thus potentially spread this virus to them.” While many viruses, bacteria and parasites circulate in great apes without causing harm, some are known to cause disease. Past research has shown that chimps can contract the common cold virus, while the Ebola virus is thought to have killed thousands of chimpanzees and gorillas in Africa.

Prof Wich said a detailed assessment was needed of all projects in great ape habitats to evaluate what the risks are. “For species with low numbers such as the Tapanuli orangutan, a virus spread could potentially bring them even closer to extinction,” he said. The Tapanuli orangutan is a species of orangutan restricted to one part of the island of Sumatra in Indonesia.

IN the last 22 years, one giant glacier in Antarctica has retreated almost three miles. If it fully thaws, sea levels would rise almost 5 feet. That’s according to researchers at the University of California, Irvine and NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. After their assessment of the Denman Glacier in East Antarctica, the team of researchers agreed: There’s reason to be concerned. “East Antarctica has long been thought to be less threatened,” Eric Rignot, who co-authored the team’s study “Geophysical Research Letters,” said in a statement. “But as glaciers such as

Denman have come under closer scrutiny by the cryosphere science community, we are now beginning to see evidence of potential marine ice sheet instability in this region.” Scientists have been more concerned about West Antarctica, where the ice has been melting faster in recent years, Rignot said. But the Denman Glacier is so big -- at around 10 miles wide -- that its potential impact on sea levels is “just as significant,” he said. Between 1979 and 2017, the glacier experienced a cumulative mass loss of 268 billion tons of ice, according to the study, which was published on Monday.

March 28 - April 3, 2020



Science & Technology Qantas A380 makes historic direct flight from Australia to London

Male bighorn sheep are susceptible to local environmental factors in ways that females are not.

Mammal study explains ‘why females live longer’ A NEW study that looks at lifespan in wild mammals shows that females live substantially longer than males. The research finds that, on average, females live 18.6% longer than males from the same species. This is much larger than the well-studied difference between men and women, which is around 8%. The scientists say the differences in these other mammals are due to a combination of sex-specific traits and local environmental factors. In every human population, women live longer than men, so much so that nine out of 10 people who live to be 110 years old are female. This pattern, researchers say, has been consistent since the first accurate birth records became available in the 18th Century. While the same assumption has been held about animal species, large-scale data on mammals in the wild has been lacking, Now, an international team of researchers has examined age-specific mortality estimates for a widely diverse group of 101 species. In 60% of the analysed populations, the scientists found that females outlived the males - on average, they had a lifespan that’s 18.6% longer than males. “The magnitude of lifespan and ageing across species is probably an interaction between environmental conditions and sex-specific genetic variations,” said lead author Dr Jean-Francois Lemaître, from the University of Lyon, France. He gives the example of bighorn sheep for which the researchers had access to good data on different populations. Where natural resources were consistently available

there was little difference in lifespan. However, in one location where winters were particularly severe, the males lived much shorter lives. “Male bighorn sheep use lots of resources towards sexual competition, towards the growth of a large body mass, and they might be more sensitive to environmental conditions,” said Dr Lemaître. “So clearly the magnitude of the difference in lifespan is due to the interaction of these sex-specific genetics, the fact that males devote more resources towards specific functions compared with females, and to the local environmental conditions.” Even if females lived longer than males, the team found that it did not mean that the risks of dying are increasing more in males than females as they get older. The expected male mortality is always higher, but the rate of mortality is about the same in both sexes as they age. One recent study in this field suggested that the genetic differences between males and females were key. In humans, our cells contain different chromosomes, depending on sex. Females have two X chromosomes while males have an X and a Y. The theory is that the extra X in women has a protective effect against harmful mutations and that this holds true in other species. The author of the new study on mammals says that both pieces of research are complementary. “They show that in XX or XY systems, the XX, or the female, lives longer, so clearly there is an effect of sex chromosomes,” said Dr Lemaître. “What we show in our paper is that the difference is very variable across species, meaning there are other factors that need to be considered to explain this variability.”

YOU might think the time for record-breaking flights is over, with airlines and airports across the world grinding to a halt due to the coronavirus pandemic. But by a strange twist of fate, Qantas will be running the first-ever A380 passenger flight between Australia and London. So how did this come about? SWITCHEROO ON THE KANGAROO Qantas will be suspending all its international flights by the end of March, with its flagship QF1 “Kangaroo Route” from Sydney to London via Singapore making its last departure from Sydney on March 26, reports Executive Traveller. However, Singapore Changi Airport will be banning transit passengers from March 24, leaving Qantas in a bit of a pickle. So, in a switcheroo on the Kangaroo Route, Qantas will now be doing a 90-minute fuel stop at Darwin in Australia’s Northern Territory instead, before flying the 16-plus hours on to London. It’s the first time that Darwin and London will be linked by a direct service -but not the first time Darwin’s been a stop on this prestigious route. As chance would have it, Darwin was a stop on the original Kangaroo Route in the 1930s, which took 37 days and included 10 stops. “The return fare was about £400 -- the equivalent of two years’ minimum wages, making the journey very

SAMMY’S CONSTRUCTION East Suburbs, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a


Duties: To clean maintain Premises, dispose of garbage and any other duties as necessary. SALARY: $7.50 per hour.

CONTACT: 243-2928

Belongers are encouraged To send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board. This is first time work Permit application. 21180

Qantas will be running the first-ever A380 passenger flight between Australia and London.

much one reserved for the rich and famous,” Geoffrey Thomas, editor-in-chief of AirlineRatings, told CNN Travel in 2017. Darwin falls on the most direct path from Sydney to London, making it ideally positioned for the quick stopover before the 17-hour flight onwards to London. Qantas’ last fight on the returning QF2 flight from London to Sydney via Darwin will take off March 27, landing the next day. GOODBYE TO THE SUPERJUMBO Qantas is grounding all 150 of its planes until at least the end of May, including their 12 A380s. However, with Airbus ceasing production of the superjumbo by 2021, and airlines already retiring those

in their fleet, it could well be the last chance for passengers to ride in one of Qantas’ redtailed A380s, notes the One Mile At A Time aviation website. Although the doubledecker megajet was a consumer favorite, “The 380 was a bad business decision in the first place,” explains Kenneth Button, professor of public policy at George Mason University. “Boeing had it right when it argued that more passengers wanted direct flights rather than going via large hubs linked by superjumbos and getting to/from the hubs by single-aisle planes -- which was what Airbus thought would happen. “Hence the 787 with medium capacity, fuel economy and long-range (and ability to be used in a freighter

context) triumphed,” he tells CNN Travel. Qantas has been involved in a few remarkable aviation moments in recent times. Last November, Flight QF7879 from London to Sydney became the world’s longest passenger flight by a commercial airline both for distance, at 17,800 kilometers (about 11,060 miles), and for duration in the air, at 19 hours and 19 minutes. While in March 2018, a Qantas jet made the first direct flight from Australia to the UK, a Boeing Dreamliner voyaging from Perth to London. These Darwin-London flights might not be such legendary aviation moments, but they are another strange twist in what is a very tumultuous time for the industry. (CNN)




Palm Grove, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a


Duties: Performing a variety of Housekeeping chores such as Sweeping, mopping, dusting and Polishing to ensure all rooms are Madeup and kept tidy. SALARY: $7.50 per hour

CONTACT: 342-8357

Belongers are encouraged to Submit a copy of their resume To the Employment Services Office. This is a first time work permit



North Creek, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a

LABOURER Duties: To clean

maintain Premises, dispose of garbage and any other duties as necessary. SALARY: $7.50 per hour.

CONTACT: 342-8019

Belongers are encouraged To send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board. This is first time work Permit application.


East Suburbs Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a


Duties: To clean maintain Premises, dispose of garbage and any other duties as necessary. SALARY: $7.50 per hour.

CONTACT: 243-2928

Belongers are encouraged To send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board. This is first time work Permit application.



Sports Interational


March 28 - April 3, 2020

Coronavirus: Pregnant women facing ‘anxious, worrying time’ THE coronavirus outbreak has left many people feeling trapped in their homes - but for pregnant women the situation has been particularly tough. Expectant mothers have been isolated from their antenatal support and their loved ones. The Royal College of Midwives in Wales says services are “under strain” and women may face “lessened choice” on birthing options. So, what it is like preparing to give birth in such an unsettling time? ‘I HAVEN’T SEEN MY MUM FOR TWO WEEKS’ First-time expectant mother Lucy, from Swansea, had her plans in motion ahead of her due date in May. She had lined up antenatal classes, regularly saw a midwife, had hydrotherapy for her bad back and was making the most of seeing close family ahead of having her baby. But last week pregnant women were urged to be stringent in following social distancing guidance. Lucy, 24, said the restrictions changed everything for her. “If something’s wrong, the first person I would go to is my mother. And I haven’t seen my mother now for about two weeks,” she said. “You can ring people and

possible. “What I’m scared of more than anything is just feeling like it’s just us two and the baby and there’s nobody else,” she said.

Lucy said she was worried about attending midwife appointments and going into hospital in case she contracted the virus.

FaceTime them and things like that, but it’s not the same as physically seeing them. And that’s the part I find difficult.” Lucy said she was worried about attending midwife appointments and going into hospital in case she contracted the virus.

And with tougher measures in maternity wards in some hospitals, pregnant women are only allowed one birthing partner and are restricted in who can visit them. Lucy had planned for both her fiancé and her mother to be present at the birth, but that is no longer

‘IT’S OVERWHELMING’ Elin Edwards, 35, from Cardiff, is expecting her first baby in June. She said it was “overwhelming” to be away from friends and family. “There is that strange feeling that you’re going to be missing out now on that exciting phase,” she said. “You also don’t know what the healthcare system is going to be coping with from week to week and how that impacts on maternity.” The director of the Royal College of Midwives in Wales, Helen Rogers, admitted “services will need to change” and that women may have “lessened choice” in how and where they give birth as “the service is under strain”. She urged any women with concerns to contact their community midwife. “We don’t want women to be worrying unnecessarily,” she said. “Midwives are prepared for pregnant women to be anxious and worried, we know this is an especially anxious and worrying time for them, so we would want women to contact us.”

Ms Rogers said pregnant women “shouldn’t go off the radar”. “We need to make sure that your pregnancy health and the health of your baby continues to be monitored,” she said. But she said if a woman has signs of the virus she should not attend any clinics and should discuss a plan with her community midwife. All of the seven health boards in Wales have put antenatal classes on hold following the tightened measures. They said resources would be put online. The National Childbirth Trust has also had to stop running its 64 antenatal classes in Wales and is holding them online instead. Laura Livingstone, who runs antenatal classes for pregnant women in Cardiff, said internet classes were a “good solution” but said it was hard for pregnant women who could not access support networks they were used to. She said: “Pregnancy is a time of immense change and being with someone who is going through that change with you is invaluable and that can’t be overestimated. “If you have a pregnancy that is blighted with stress and anxiety then you’re going to find it really hard to move forward positively into parenting.” (BBC)

Athletes come to terms with ‘heartbreaking’ Tokyo 2020 postponement ATHLETES from around the world are coming to terms with Tokyo 2020’s postponement with a mixture of relief and sadness. The decision to push back competition until 2021 came as the International Olympic Committee (IOC) faced mounting pressure to delay the Games, which were originally scheduled to take place from July 24 to August 9 this year, amid the novel coronavirus outbreak. Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and IOC president Thomas Bach finally agreed to a postponement Tuesday, the first time the Olympics have ever been delayed in their 124year modern history. Writing on Twitter, Olympic marathon champion Eliud Kipchoge praised the “wise decision” to postpone the Games until 2021, adding that he looked forward to

defending his title in Japan and “witness a wonderful event.” Meanwhile, USA’s double Olympic swimming gold medalist from Rio 2016, Lilly King, opted for a short and simple message, writing on Instagram: “Just one more year to get better #Tokyo2020.” ‘WAITED EIGHT YEARS FOR THIS’ Athletes and individual federations had begun questioning whether it was safe to stage the Games in Tokyo amid the global pandemic and had started to urge organisers to take action as soon as possible. Australia and Canada then became the first countries to pull their athletes out of the competition, which led to a number of other nations doing the same. World champion heptathlete

Tokyo 2020 has been postponed until next year amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Katarina Johnson-Thompson was one of the leading athletes who had raised her concerns about competing in Japan later this year. “Waited eight years for this, what’s another one in the grand scheme of things? As an athlete, it’s heartbreaking news about the Olympics being postponed until 2021, but it’s for all the right reasons and the safety of everyone! Stay indoors,” the Briton wrote on Twitter. Similarly, Dutch sprinter Dafne

Schippers wrote on Instagram that she had been looking forward to competing in Tokyo this summer but “for now we have to look at the bigger picture and do whatever it takes to beat the coronavirus.” ‘STRUGGLING WITH A MUCH BIGGER PROBLEM’ While areas of the world are now emerging from up to two months in quarantine, parts of Europe have shut down, notably Italy, which has

become the epicenter of the outbreak on the continent. “Today we are all struggling with a much bigger problem and although August still seems far away, the security for such a big event was very difficult. See you in 2021,” Italian track cycling champion Elia Viviani wrote on Twitter. Meanwhile, US swimmer Ryan Lochte admitting to being a little annoyed, given the training he has put in.

March 28 - April 3, 2020

Sports Interational



Coronavirus: All football below National League to end

Egan Bernal became the youngest rider in 110 years to win the Tour de France in 2019

Tour de France: Sports minister considers Tour with no spectators THE Tour de France is considering the option of going ahead without fans, says France’s sports minister. The race is due to run from 27 June to 19 July but is in doubt, with most major sports events off because of the coronavirus pandemic. “We have [imposed spectator bans] for other competitions before,” said Roxana Maracineanu. “But there’s a time for everything. We have a more urgent fight, it’s still too early to decide [to go ahead].” She added: “Let’s put all our effort into climbing that mountain before tackling the next one.” Maracineanu said one thing in favour of running the race ‘behind closed doors’ was that “it won’t have the same [financial] impact because

the business model of the Tour doesn’t depend on ticket sales like football or rugby”. “In this period of confinement, everyone is aware and responsible,” she added to France Bleu. “Everyone understands the benefits of staying at home and therefore favouring the television show rather than the live show.” The Giro d’Italia - set for 9-31 May - has been postponed, while a decision is still to be made on the final Grand Tour of the year, the Vuelta a Espana, which is due to start on 14 August. The 2020 Olympic Games and football’s Euro 2020 are among the major events already postponed. (BBC)

ALL football in England below the three divisions that make up the National League will end immediately and all results will be expunged. It means there will be no promotion or relegation in these leagues. The same will happen in the women’s game below the Women’s Super League and Championship level. However, the National League, National League North and South, WSL and Women’s Championship will continue towards a conclusion “as quickly as possible”. The Football Association said it was “reviewing all options” to complete the men’s FA Cup, which had reached the quarter-final stage, and other cup competitions. The coronavirus pandemic has decimated all sports, with fixtures suspended earlier this month. “These are challenging circumstances for English football and all decisions taken are in the best interests of the game,” said an FA statement. “Our primary concern will always be for the safety and welfare of clubs, players, staff, officials, volunteers and supporters during this unprecedented time. “Today’s steps take into account the financial impact during this uncertain period, whilst considering the fairest method on how the sporting outcomes for the season will be decided, with the integrity of the leagues in mind.” The decision applies to steps three to seven in men’s non-league football, while all “grassroots” divisions below these tiers have also finished. It has still yet to be decided

The National League season could still reach a conclusion, with Barrow currently top of the table.

whether these seasons are to be voided. In women’s football, tiers three to seven have also ended. 27 WINS IN A ROW FOR NOTHING Some men’s teams, such as Jersey Bulls and Vauxhall Motors, had already secured promotion to step five of the non-league pyramid, but their promotions will now be cancelled. Jersey Bulls had won all 27 of their matches in the Combined Counties Football League Division One and were 20 points clear at the top. Northern Premier League Premier Division leaders South Shields FC were set for promotion to National League North with a 13-point gap to second, but will now spend another campaign in tier seven. Chairman Geoff Thompson vented his frustration on Twitter, saying they had been “badly let down”.

“SSFC will be writing to the FA in the strongest possible terms and will seek an appeal or will take legal action,” he said. “Whatever the outcome following this appalling decision the club will continue as before. However, there is no denying this decision has a huge financial impact. “We have invested heavily this year in a host of areas and the loss of promotion will also affect some of our revenue assumptions for next season. My message to all our SSFC fans and sponsors is - sorry a huge disappointment and we’ve all been badly let down.” ‘WRONG TO AWARD PROMOTION’ Nick Robinson is chairman of the Isthmian League which covers steps three and four of non-league in London, the east and south east of England. There were still a quarter of fixtures left to play in their four divisions when football was halted.

Tokyo Olympics: Justin Gatlin, 38, says he can win gold FORMER Olympic and world 100m champion Justin Gatlin says he can win gold at the Tokyo Olympics despite him likely being 39 when the postponed Games take place. The Olympics, due to begin in July, were postponed this week because of the coronavirus pandemic. American Gatlin, 38, won gold at Athens 2004 and the world title in London in 2017 after a second doping ban. Asked if he could win in Tokyo, he told TMZ Sports: “My educated guess is yes.” The Games will be staged “no later than summer 2021”, according to the

International Olympic Committee. Gatlin, who turns 39 in February, said: “A lot of people think that time is against me, but that is far from the truth. “Resting your body, refocusing yourself and staying hungry, we will come back re-energised for 2021. “My body has not been worn down by running a lot of races in 2020. It won’t be that big of a difference being 38 to being 39.” Gatlin served a four-year between 2006 and 2010 after testing positive for testosterone, his second doping offence after a year’s suspension

for using a banned amphetamine in 2001. His victory at London 2017, when he shocked a retiring Usain Bolt and fellow American Christian Coleman, was greeted by jeers from the crowd. Gatlin did not rule out continuing beyond 2021, saying the example of American football star Tom Brady, who signed a deal with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers this week at the age of 42, had inspired him. “It’s giving me hope that that maybe a 40-year-old Justin Gatlin on track won’t be too crazy,” he said. (BBC)

The American sprinter won gold at Athens 2004 and the world title in London in 2017 after a second doping ban.


Sports Interational


March 28 - April 3, 2020

Gary Neville believes it will be sometime before fans are able to watch their teams play again. The tournament organiser says it has been evaluating all possible scenarios, including both postponement and cancellation, amid the escalating novel coronavirus outbreak.

Gary Neville: ‘Inconceivable’ for English Premier League This year’s Wimbledon could be cancelled to return anytime soon

with decision to be made next week The All England Club (AELTC) will decide the fate of this year’s Wimbledon at an emergency meeting to be held next week. The tournament organiser says it has been evaluating all possible scenarios, including both postponement and cancellation, amid the escalating novel coronavirus outbreak. The grass-court grand slam is due to begin June 29 but a statement released by the AELTC Wednesday acknowledged the difficulties that lie ahead, especially since the UK government imposed lockdown restrictions on the country. “The unprecedented challenge presented by the COVID-19 crisis continues to affect our way of life in ways that we could not have imagined, and our thoughts are

with all those affected in the UK and around the world,” said AELTC Chief Executive Richard Lewis in a statement. “The single most important consideration is one of public health, and we are determined to act responsibly through the decisions we make. “We are working hard to bring certainty to our plans for 2020 and have convened an emergency meeting of the AELTC Main Board for next week, at which a decision will be made.” FURTHER DISRUPTION The possibility of the tournament being played behind closed doors has been formally ruled out by organizers, who have also admitted

the relatively short grass-court season would make postponement difficult. The French Open, due to start on May 18, has already been pushed back until September, while all professional tennis has been temporarily suspended until further notice. While the world of sport has been severely impacted by the spread of Covid-19 -- most notably with the postponement of Tokyo 2020 -athletes have been rallying together to raise funds for those fighting the virus. Roger Federer and his wife, Mirka, are to personally donate 1 million Swiss Francs ($1.02 million) to help the most vulnerable families in Switzerland impacted by the outbreak. (CNN)

England’s rugby coach Eddie Jones agrees to 25% pay cut ENGLAND head coach Eddie Jones will take a pay cut of more than 25% as a result of the coronavirus outbreak. Jones has joined the Rugby Football Union’s (RFU) highest-paid executives in accepting a reduction to help limit the financial impact of the pandemic. The RFU is braced for revenue losses of up to £50m. “When I contacted Eddie regarding our executive pay reduction proposals he immediately agreed,” said RFU chief executive officer Bill Sweeney. The RFU is also in consultation with the rest of the England coaching staff over a three-month pay cut. (BBC)

Eddie Jones was named England head coach in 2015.

FORMER Manchester United and England defender Gary Neville says it’s “inconceivable” football fans will be able to watch English Premier League action before July or August as Britain grapples with the coronavirus pandemic. The division has been temporarily suspended until at least April 30 amid the novel coronavirus outbreak, with organisers committed to finishing the season once it is safe to do so. That could potentially involve playing games behind closed doors. However, with the UK government implementing lockdown measures, Neville believes it will be sometime before fans are able to watch their teams play again. “I think at this moment in time it’s inconceivable that football will return for the next three to four months because of the fact that we’ve just been put essentially on a ... lockdown,” Neville told CNN’s Becky Anderson. “Football will not return because all the resources that are required to run a football stadium, which requires the police and the ambulance services, will not be available in the next few months. “They’ll obviously be in hospitals and in the care homes looking after the sick and people who need it the most.” ‘A HUGE CRISIS FOR OUR COUNTRY’ A businessman and TV pundit, Neville was a vocal critic of the Premier League in the coronavirus outbreak’s early stages, calling for organizers to postpone games earlier than they had initially wanted to but admits “they have done the right thing since.” The 45-year-old has urged governing bodies to revisit things on a weekly basis and not rush into any major decisions over how best to

conclude the season. “Health comes first -- of the fans, the players, the staff, the people who enter the stadiums,” he added. “The most important thing is that we are about to embark on a huge crisis for our country.” Neville, along with his former teammate Ryan Giggs, has been keen to use his influence to help the community during the pandemic Two hotels co-owned by the Manchester United legends have opened their doors for free to National Health Service employees to help during the coronavirus pandemic. All beds in both hotels have been freed up for health workers who might have to be separated from their families while they treat the growing number of Covid-19 cases. “Not only did I feel it was the right thing to do, but also had a little bit of an insight,” said Giggs, whose mother was an NHS nurse for 25 years. “My mom still having friends within the NHS and I was sort of gaining an idea of what was coming.” EURO 2021? As the current manager of the Wales national team, Giggs has had to adapt his summer plans with UEFA deciding to postpone Euro 2020 until next year. In these uncertain times, he has been making an effort to get in touch with individual players who are having to self-isolate. “It’s difficult for everyone. Sportsmen are used to going out and exercising and being part of a team, that is something they can’t do now,” he said. “I think like everyone else, they’re trying to do the right thing. “It’s just a matter of making sure everyone is healthy and then we can get back to football, get back to sport, when we are all ready.” (CNN)

March 28 - April 3, 2020

Sports National

Ronaldo and Lionel Messi donate to hospitals in fight against coronavirus FOOTBALLERS from around the world are joining together to help fight the spread of the coronavirus, with Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo each reportedly giving €1 million ($1.1 million) to the cause. Clinic Barcelona confirmed on Tuesday that it had received a donation from the Argentine, which will go towards both treating infected patients and researching COVID-19. “Thank you very much Leo, for your commitment and your support,” the hospital said. Spanish newspaper Mundo Deportivo reported that half of the €1 million will go to Clinic Barcelona and the other half to a medical center in Messi’s native Argentina.



Spain has become one of the countries most affected by the novel coronavirus outbreak with more than 33,000 confirmed cased and 2,100 deaths, putting the healthcare system under immense strain. La Liga has also been suspended indefinitely, with officials saying on Monday that it would only resume when the government confirms it is safe to do so. Meanwhile, Ronaldo and his agent Jorge Mendes’ sizeable donation will be divided between two hospitals in Lisbon and Porto. The €1 million will fund two intensive care units for Lisbon’s Hospital de Santa Maria as it grapples with the COVID-19 outbreak.

Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo each reportedly giving €1 million ($1.1 million) to the cause.

Those two units can cater for up to 20 patients at one time and will be named after Ronaldo and Mendes, the hospital told CNN Sport. “They were absolutely unselfish and supportive,” said Santa Maria President Daniel Ferro in a statement. “They wanted to improve the conditions of their compatriots. Therefore, we reinforced the critical care area, which is the one where the biggest fight will be fought.” In Porto, the Santo Antonio hospital will have one ward equipped with 15 intensive care beds, ventilators and monitors, reported Reuters. “We want to thank Ronaldo and Mendes for the initiative, which is so useful at the time the country needs

everyone so much,” Paulo Barbosa, president of Santo Antonio’s administrative council, said in a statement. Portugal has just over 2,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19 and 23 deaths. Manchester City manager Pep Guardiola has also made a €1 million donation, helping fund the Angel Soler Daniel Foundation and the Medical College of Barcelona. The College said the donation would go towards the purchase and supply of medical and protective equipment for doctors fighting the COVID-19 pandemic. In response to the novel coronavirus outbreak in France,

Paris Saint-Germain has donated €100,000 ($108,000) to the Secours Populaire Francais, an organization dedicated to fighting poverty. The sum is in addition to the €400,000 ($433,000) three-year partnership PSG renewed with the SPF earlier this month. The club says the money will go towards protective equipment for doctors, the training of 2,000 volunteers, paying for 5,000 education kits for schoolchildren in isolation and providing food and support for the elderly and homeless. Last week, Bayern Munich striker Robert Lewandowski also donated €1 million to help fight the outbreak in Germany. (CNN)

Formula One goes virtual as Bahrain Grand Prix kicks off the season GOLFERS, pop stars and Olympians all went head-to-head in the first Formula One race of the season as the Bahrain Grand Prix went virtual. With the first seven races of this campaign already postponed due to the coronavirus outbreak, F1 has organised the esports equivalent to help fans find some alternative entertainment. Six-time Olympic champion Chris Hoy, former One Direction member Liam Payne and golfer Ian Poulter were all part of the starstudded grid, which featured just two current F1 drivers. McLaren’s Lando Norris and Williams’s Nicholas Latifi were both racing for their respective teams against the likes of Nic Hamilton, brother of world champion Lewis, and former F1 star Nico Hulkenberg. The 14-lap race -- just 25% of the distance of the real thing -- was won by Renault’s test driver Guanyu Zhou, with Mercedes’ Formula E star Stoffel Vandoorne finishing in

The 14-lap race -- just 25% of the distance of the real thing -- was won by Renault’s test driver Guanyu Zhou, with Mercedes’ Formula E star Stoffel Vandoorne finishing in second place.

second place. Norris, known to be a keen gamer, was involved in some last corner drama as a YouTuber shunted the Briton out of the way to drop him down into fifth place. Former F1 drivers Johnny Herbert and Anthony Davidson were also taking part, alongside several YouTube personalities, with the race shown live on British broadcaster Sky and across several gaming platforms. Organizers are hoping to run similar races on each weekend of the already suspended Vietnam, China, Holland, Spain and Monaco grands prix. Meanwhile, the 128-club FIFA ‘Quaran-Team’ tournament, organized by English side Leyton Orient, also got under way with matches broadcast by teams from all over the world, Elsewhere, Real Madrid midfielder Marco Asensio won the virtual La Liga tournament, which raised more than €140,000 ($150K) for charity. (CNN)


Sports National


March 28 - April 3, 2020

Rodgers wins Elite title at Breath Taker Time Trials SEAN Rodgers won the elite title and edged out Dan Redmond by 10.77s overall when the Turks and Caicos Cycling Federation (TCCF) held its Breath Takers Time Trials last Saturday afternoon in Providenciales. The event was divided into four categories and again national female cyclist Gabriella Hegedus had no competitions in the Women’s Division. Her time of 26.29.15 was impressive against the wind in the 8.5-mile ride. Seven riders competed in the event, which started at the National Stadium, went down Venetian Road and returned to the starting line. According to General Secretary of the federation, Sabrina PalmerIsaacs the cyclists were exception on a windy day. “Overall, all the times were good,

especially when you factor in the wind that day, they all did very well.” VICTORY Rodgers finished in a time of 22:40.35 to defeat Omard Gardiner in the elite battle. Gardiner finished in a time of 22:58.21s, while was third over the line, since Redmond, who rode in the Masters category, finished in a time of 22:51.11. Kavin Ewing placed second in the Masters category, in a time of 23:10.28 minutes while Shanwell Gardiner placed third in a time of 25:08.97. Kenny Grant, who was fifth overall across the line, was the lone Masters 2 cyclist. He finished in a time of 24:12.81. OUTBREAK Meanwhile, due to COVID 19

The various winners at the meet.

pandemic, the federation has decided to put cycling on hold. “With the confirmation of TCI’s first case of Corona virus (COVID-19), and the guidelines for public gatherings given in the Government’s Press Conference of March 20th, 2020, the Turks and Caicos Cycling Federation is increasingly concerned for the safety of our cyclists, volunteers, police officers and spectators. We are

therefore taking the following steps: The 2nd Annual Century Race scheduled for the 4th of April 2020 and the 2nd Annual Long Bay Express Classic scheduled for the 26th of April 2020 will be cancelled. All group rides will be cancelled including our Saturday Kids Rides.” The federation noted that they would give updates on other events in the near future.

“We commit to complying with the guidelines set by the Turks and Caicos Islands Government, and we urge everyone of you to do the same. Please take the necessary steps as laid out by the Ministry of Health to keep yourself and those around you safe and healthy. This is no longer just a global Pandemic, but now a local issue. We must all do our part to keep the spread of this virus to a minimum.”

Coronavirus: Six members of boxing teams who attended qualifier said to have tested positive SIX members of boxing teams who attended an Olympic qualifying event in London in March are said to have contracted coronavirus. The Turkish Boxing Federation said two fighters and a coach tested positive since returning from the event. Marko Marovic of the Croatian Boxing Federation also claims a fighter and two of its coaches have the disease. He told BBC Sport: “Our epidemiologist says they were most probably infected during [the] Tokyo 2020 qualifier.” Marovic, secretary general of the Croatian Boxing Federation, added: “Our first concern is the health of our boxing family. We are still praying that everything ends well and there will be no other positive tests.” He said both Croatian coaches and the fighter were “stable” and in quarantine. Earlier, organisers of the Road to

The qualifying event was taking place at London’s 2012 Olympics venue the Copper Box.

Tokyo competition at the Copper Box - including an International Olympic Committee (IOC) Boxing Task Force - were branded “irresponsible” by the Turkish Boxing Federation after three of its team tested positive. The event was called off after three days because of the pandemic. Turkish Boxing Federation

president Eyup Gozgec told BBC Sport that organisers failed to take the outbreak seriously enough and “didn’t care”. He added: “I just want to know, when the whole world was on high alert, why they hosted this event? “We didn’t see any hygienic standards there. There were no

preventative measures.” The IOC said its Task Force was “not aware of any link between the competition and the infection”. It added that at the time of the competition there were no governmental restrictions in place, but expressed its sympathy for the affected athletes.

The local organising committee also said they had applied extra precautions and that no teams had reported symptoms at the event. In a scathing letter sent to the board members of the European Boxing Confederation (EUBC), and seen by the BBC, Gozgec wrote: “Two of our athletes (and a coach) have tested positive for (Covid-19) after returning to Turkey from London. All of them are in treatment now and thankfully are in good condition. “This is the disastrous result of the irresponsibility of the IOC Boxing Task Force.” Gozgec says he now intends to write to all European boxing associations asking if any of their teams at the event have since tested positive. “The organisers were irresponsible, and I think they didn’t realise the severity of the issue so they just didn’t care,” he said.

March 28 - April 3, 2020

Sports National



Jarrett Forbes believes that sports in the TCI can bounce back from COVID 19.

We have the discipline and endurance to be successful The now desolate Meridian Field will be teeming with activities once the season re-starts.

Aircool Mitsubishi Tag Rugby League finals will re-start rugby season THE AIRCOOL Mitsubishi Tag Rugby League finals will be played as soon as the rugby restarts in the Turks and Caicos Islands. According to information from the first XV captain Bobby Moxon, both the Super Elite Premier Championship Open League final and the Over 30s final have been put on hold due to the COVID 19 outbreak. When the finals are played, Wake to Wake Watersports Nuff

Said will meet the Meridian Marauders in the Super Elite Premier Championship, while Coast Architects Red Mist will challenge BCQS Jolly Ranchers in the Over 30s final. The third place elite battle will see the Fairways Tipsy Turtles against the Iron Shore Crossfit Wahoos, while the Unicorns of Doom will challenge the Turks Head Tigers in the third place clash of the Over 30s competition.

– Director of Sport to local athletes DIRECTOR of Sport Jarrett Forbes is confident that the Turks and Caicos Islands sportsmen and sportswomen have the intestinal fortitude to overcome the COVID 19 pandemic. In an address to the sporting world, the proactive official called on the athletes of the TCI to hold strong to their values and follow protocol. “These are indeed challenging times but to our athletes, we thrive of challenges and we have the discipline and the endurance to be successful.” Forbes challenged our athletes to stay in shape through home workout routines and to remain focus through daily meditations. DISAPPOINTED As it has done to millions of athletes at all levels around the world, Forbes noted that COVID 19 has also brought disappointment to the athletes at home.

“These are definitely trying times for athletes around the world. The COVID 19 Pandemic has disrupted an important year of competition, that being an Olympic year. Here in the TCI, we’ve had athletes in rigorous training with hopes of competing in various upcoming sporting events: Inter Primary School Track and Field Championships; Cycling 100-mile ride with Trinidad and Bahamas scheduled to compete here in the TCI; Cycling’s 21st Annual John T Classic in Anguilla; CARIFTA Swim in Barbados, CARIFTA Track and Field in Bermuda, CFU Challenge Series, Concacaf Championships, World Cup Qualifiers, as well as Olympic Qualifiers.” According to the sports official it is understandable that the athletes would be dejected with the

postponements. “These postponements must come with a range of emotions for our athletes: the disappointment of not being able to compete; the uncertainty of when events will resume; and the actual fear created by the virus itself. What our athletes may be feeling at this time is not unique to them but are feelings shared by millions of athletes across the globe. I would like to say to our athletes to be safe and to abide by whatever laws and or policies enacted by their place of residence. I encourage athletes to stay home and isolate themselves. If they have to go out from their home, to practice ‘Social Distancing’ and to ensure proper hygiene by hand washing and by not touching their face. “Take care of yourselves and your love ones and we will all get through this together.”



March 28 - April 3, 2020

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