Weekly News Volume 33 | No. 42 | October 19-25, 2019
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A SERIES of armed robberies has struck fear into the hearts of Providenciales business owners, with many saying they are terrified they could become the next victim.
Massive turnout for TCI’s biggest cancer charity event
October 19-25, 2019
October 19-25, 2019
Father of two tragically killed in Sunday morning robbery BY OLIVIA ROSE A TWENTY-seven-year-old father of two was brutally killed outside of his home during a robbery in the early hours of Sunday morning (October 13). Jefferson Seide, a beloved husband and father, was shot and killed by bandits on Church Avenue, Millennium Highway in Providenciales. On Saturday night, the victim was bartending at the ‘In the Pink’ charity event at the Palms Resort. A source told the Weekly News that he had reached home after the event and was about to enter when three masked men pounced on the unsuspecting man. The armed robbers, who allegedly tailed him from the party, then demanded money from Seide, who refused. The assailants shot the bartender in the upper region of his back before making good their escape. Officers of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police Force received reports of shots being fired in the area around 2.46am. Seide had already succumbed to his injuries and was pronounced dead at Cheshire Hall Medical Centre at 3.57am. Acting Commissioner of Police Rodney Adams in a statement conveyed his sympathy to the victim’s family and called on residents to help police in the fight against crime. He said: “Our thoughts and prayers are with the family and friends of the young man who was murdered early this morning. I know that this is a very difficult time for all
Deceased Jefferson Seide and his daughter in happier times
of you. “The Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police Force stand committed to bringing the facts to light and we need the public’s support in assisting us with information. “Someone must have seen something. If you do not want to talk to the police, please call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-8477. We need to get these thugs off the streets and behind bars. “We are currently at murder 12 and this is beyond unacceptable. These senseless murders must stop and we as a community must not continue to allow a minority to place the majority in fear,” Adams said. As news of the popular bartender’s death made the rounds on social media tributes poured in from all
Published by Turks & Caicos News Company Ltd. Cheshire House, Leeward Highway, Providenciales P.O. Box 52, Turks & Caicos Islands, BWI W. Blythe Duncanson - Publisher/Editor-in-Chief Olivia Rose - Senior Reporter Faizool Deo - Sports Editor (At Large) Cord Garrido-Lowe - Graphics Consultant (At Large) Dilletha Lightbourne-Williams - Office Manager Email: (Advertising) tcnews@tciway.tc, (News) tcweeklynews@gmail.com Tel. 649-946-4664 (office), 649-232-3508 (after hours) Website address: www.tcweeklynews.com Follow us on: Facebook: facebook.com/tcweeklynews Twitter: twitter.com/tcweeklynews1
corners of the globe. Janine Popick who identified herself as Seide’s friend, started an online fundraiser to help his family with funeral arrangements. She said: “Please help support the family of a dear, kind, loving, funny and humble young man Jefferson Seide. “Jefferson was such a great friend to so many people, he made so many people around him laugh and feel good about life. “His smile was electrifying. His life was tragically taken from all of us in a senseless crime in the early hours on October 13. The void that his death has left is earth shattering. “As we write these words we still cannot believe that we are writing these sad words. Your donations of any size are needed now to help pay for his funeral expenses. “As a man of the extreme generosity he showed so many people, he and his family deserve nothing less from those he touched.” Peter Wilcox who donated to the fund said: “We are so saddened by this news. Jefferson was such a friendly, caring person. “From the first time we met him, he made us feel so welcome at our home away from home. We will miss you Jeff. Peter, Lindsay and Kensington.” Other donors said: “We were blessed to meet Jefferson three years ago when we vacationed in Turks and Caicos. He was extremely kind, humble, funny, sweet and personable. “He treated us like family and we became family. Witnessing his dedication, admiration and love for his family was extremely wonderful. “He made our visits to Turks enjoyable and fun and was part of the reason we kept coming back year after year after year. “Our hearts are broken and our prayers go out to his beautiful family, children and friends. We love you Jefferson and we are going to miss you dearly. Gone too soon.” The owner of Key to the Sea Parasailing described Seide as a hardworking and humble man. “He was a staple on the beach to guests so much that he often got invited to their houses on vacation. His demeanour was always fun loving with lots of smiles and laughs. “His peers that we know loved working with him he was always smiling and was a consummate professional at work. “It is a true loss to lose an individual who was very proud of his family, humble and hard working. “To lose a life for a robbery is the worst, because thousands of us would give anything to have him back for his children. “This was not gang or drug related, this was a senseless crime for petty cash. Devastating.” Anyone wishing to contribute to the fundraiser may do so by visiting www.gofundme.com and searching ‘Jefferson Seide’.
October 19-25, 2019
PNP calls on UK government for crime fighting help BY DELANA ISLES THE LEADER of the Opposition is calling on Her Majesty’s Government to take strong measures to protect the people and economy of the TCI against the rising tide of crime. Hon. Charles Washington Misick made the call on Tuesday (October 15) in statements to the press. Misick’s message is a departure from assurances made over a number of months that he would not politicise the crime situation. This departure, the Opposition leader reasoned, is because the long term peace of the TCI is at risk and it is time for action, not more rhetoric. “We call on this PDM administration to stand with us and let us begin a non-violent protest movement until our justifiable security concerns are addressed,” Misick invited. Recounting the many press statements he issued in the lead up to the 12th recorded murder on October 12, and in which he stood in solidarity with the Government as the crime situation escalated from violent to deadly, the PNP leader said the situation has now grown so troubling that engagements with all stakeholders are absolutely necessary. “The situation in the last 10 days has been the most troubling to date. Those who would rob, maim and kill us have shown that they are prepared to act in the light of day without regard for the police. “Unfortunately, the response to this threat has been routine and lukewarm, while the fate of our families and communities are being threatened. “Local law enforcement is outgunned and outmanned, law abiding citizens are imprisoned in their own homes and all the while there is a deafening silence and inaction from those who are elected to protect us, or who bear constitutional responsibility for the security of these Islands.” He added that drastic and immediate action is now needed to allay the fear and anxiety that now permeates every corner of local society. According to the party leader, the structures in place to engage with stakeholders are woefully inadequate. He said he knows this because, while he is not privy to the decisions of the National Security Council, he is a member of the National Security Council Advisory Group. That group last met on March 13. “Despite this, I have tried to provide advice to those with responsibility for direct security of these Islands through press statements and monthly bilateral meetings with the governor.” Misick considers his suggestions to be practical, reasonable, affordable and
immediately implementable. Some of the suggestions made by the Opposition leader have been in operation, such as increased police budget, 24-hour possession of picture identification, roadblocks for firearms, drugs and unlicensed vehicles among others. He has now offered several more. These steps include: “Reestablish the police training school for the training of recruits and continuous education for police officers; immediately hire an additional 30 tactical trained police officers in addition to the 20 new recruits recently budgeted for. “Institute a 90-day intensive training programme for new recruits and initially deploy them on beat duty in the various communities; install check points on all roads in/out of high-risk communities; open at least three additional police stations/posts - Blue Hills, Five Cays and Kew Town. “Acquire and deploy at least 20 unmarked police cars manned by plain clothes police officers for undercover duty. “Expedite the introduction of a biometric unique identifier system for every person legally entitled to reside in the Islands. “Create a database of Turks and Caicos Islanders deported from foreign countries; introduce a witness protection legislative and support framework system for informers of violent crimes. “Introduce electronic monitoring legislation to allow for the monitoring of persons on bail and parole; and introduce telephone intercept communications legislation like that used in the Cayman Islands.” The PNP leader says he is fully aware that his suggestions do not take into consideration the root cause of crime in the territory, and therefore the measures suggested are containment, abatement and control responses. “The root causes of crime are largely economic and social constructs and the political directorate must now come to grips with the need to balance rapid economic growth with home grown social development goals, economic fairness and inclusiveness to rebuild the social capital of the TCI.” He stated that the current situation demands an immediate meeting of the National Security Council Advisory Group to receive detailed updates on the recently announced National Security Strategy, and to provide input into security enhancement measures to protect communities. He said going forward it is of critical importance that the National Security Council Advisory Group is routinely engaged as critical partners in the security of the Turks and Caicos Islands.
October 19-25, 2019
‘We’re very scared’ – Provo business owners and residents BY OLIVIA ROSE A SERIES of armed robberies has struck fear into the hearts of Providenciales business owners, with many saying they are terrified they could become the next victim. In a disturbing trend, several businesses have been held up by armed bandits during brazen attacks over the past month. Last week thieves raided a bar, an office and a salon – one man was shot as he was robbed while taking a ride in a car. On Sunday morning gunmen shot and killed a bartender at his residence and shortly after invaded the home of an immigration officer. These are just some of the cases that has left the public crippled with fear. Restaurants and bars that usually close late are now shutting their doors earlier to avoid becoming the next victim. The Weekly News spoke to several business owners and residents around Providenciales and it was evident that a climate of fear has gripped the island. Many store doors are now padlocked and bolted from within leaving customers to purchase their merchandise through tiny cracks in the grills.
Some proprietors have resorted to hiring extra security, while others are turning away people who come to purchase items. “We are very scared,” said a shop owner in Blue Hills. “Yesterday our cameras caught two guys right here outside our shop. “A month back, there was a robbery across the road and a guy took out a gun and shot up in the air. I later saw him hiding in the bush. “There’s a school right here. What if that happened while children were walking here? “Outside [our store] they grab people’s phones and purses at gunpoint and run. “We are being careful and just pray to God. We just run in the shop if anything happens outside. Luckily we are only open from 8am to 4.45pm.” The woman said only recently a man was mugged at gunpoint at the neighbourhood laundromat in Blue Hills. “People can’t even do their laundry in peace, man. This is getting overbearing.” A restaurant owner told this publication that since the robberies have become more frequent it has tremendously impacted his business. He said: “People don’t want to shop in this complex anymore.
Stores in Downtown Providenciales
People are afraid to even come and buy food. That’s how bad it is now. “All we’re hearing from the Government is talk and no action. These criminals need to be caught soon. It’s affecting everybody. Business slow down big time,” the man added. One businesswoman who’s been operating a successful company in the TCI for almost 24 years said the crime wave is “unprecedented”. “Provo’s changed. Twenty-four years I’m living here and doing business here and I never saw anything like this. “It’s young, young boys, 18, 20, 21, boys who are just out of school. How are they getting these guns in the first place?” The woman, who was also the victim of a robbery a few months ago, said the youngsters committing the crimes are known to community members. “Most of these youths are faces
we see every day. When they robbed my shop, I knew one of them. He bought stuff at me before. “They don’t have any respect, they held up my poor old mother. I’m so thankful she wasn’t hurt. “The police need to do more to take these criminals off the street and their families need to stop protecting them.” A manager at a clothing shop said: “The other day we caught two people trying to steal clothes and shoes, so it’s not only armed guys, it’s also a lot of [petty] crimes.” He said he would like to increase security, but he cannot afford more security measures. One clothing shop worker said: “They could just come here with guns and take all the bags on the wall. What can we do if that happens?” An attendant at a food shop said: “We feel very afraid because nobody knows who is who and there is cash here and we worry about that. Something needs to happen to stop
all of this.” The proprietor of a general store in Downtown Providenciales said since there is an increase in both armed robberies and common crime, maybe the police need to reconsider issuing licensed firearms to some business owners so they can protect themselves. “The number of firearms that criminals have, legal or illegal, is worrying. We, the business community, need to be able to protect ourselves and families from these monsters.” Acting Commissioner of Police Rodney Adams together with Deputy Premier Sean Astwood and acting Governor Anya Williams told reporters on Tuesday that investigations into the recent serious and violent crimes are ongoing. Adams said police are continuing sustained operations and the increased patrols, and will continue to deploy further crime fighting strategies. He said: “We are extremely concerned with the climate of fear that is prevailing our communities particularly in Providenciales and met to also share our concerns and to ensure that the feelings of the public is represented to the highest level of enforcement. “Our police are working hard and we continue to support them. “We are however pleased through this medium to say that we have and are securing external support for reinforcement to bolster the work of the police.”
Bermuda police arrive next week to help fight rising crime BY OLIVIA ROSE
POLICE officers from Bermuda will arrive in the territory next week to lend assistance and investigative support to the local force as it battles to curtail the ballooning crime rate. This was disclosed during a joint press conference with member of the Royal TCI Police Force, the Governor’s Office and the Turks and Caicos Islands Government. The briefing was held on Tuesday, October 15, at the Hilly Ewing building in Providenciales. It aimed to update the public on ongoing and new initiatives to improve police presence in the fight against the increased levels of serious crime. During the conference, Acting Commissioner of Police Rodney Adams said he welcomed the additional support from the Bermuda Police Service. “These officers will be placed where they are needed the most, and
coupled with our officers working around the clock will transform the TCI into a place where criminals think twice before breaking the law.” He then spoke of a recent recruitment exercise and plans to add 20 new officers to the force. “We continue to increase our policing numbers and will be sending our recruits to the Regional Police Training Centre in Barbados,” he said, “with the first batch of officers leaving on Friday (October 18) and the second batch in early 2020.” He stressed that through these efforts, the Turks and Caicos Islands will be a better place to live, work and visit. Acting Premier Hon. Sean Astwood spoke of the recent steep climb in violent crime and said: “One life lost is one too many.” He added: “We have recently launched the Chance for Change Programme to assist ex-offenders to re-enter society and obtain employment.
“We have purchased the building for the trade school and are progressing to getting the facility and programmes ready for the new school year. “In the meantime, the TCI Community College is offering courses and we encourage our students to apply as quickly as possible. “My Government has recently purchased a plane for the police and also provided additional police cars.” He said the Government has invested heavily in the CCTV programme on Providenciales and Grand Turk and as well as funding for an additional 20 police officers. “It is important for the youth to understand that a life of crime really has no future,” the acting premier said. Acting Governor Anya Williams then pledged her office’s support to the Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police Force and commended the officers on the jobs that they are doing. “We express our deepest regret
Acting Commissioner of Police Rodney Adams, Acting Governor Anya Williams and Acting Premier Hon. Sean Astwood
and sympathy to the recent victims of crime in these Islands and assure you that this has been given the highest level of our attention. “As we continue our efforts to reduce the incidents of criminality in these Islands, we are grateful for the support of our overseas territory colleagues in the Bermuda Police Service that will arrive within the next seven days to provide support to our serious crime investigation
team.” She too noted that substantial investments have been and will continue to be made in the local force and in improving their policing capabilities. “We commit to working with all businesses, stakeholders and all private citizens to support the work of the police force as we work to keep our Islands safe and free from serious criminal activity.”
October 19-25, 2019
A Weekly News column that puts you on the spot for your opinions on the issues of the day
would be high on the list.
STATUS COMMISSION RESIGNATION REQUEST OPPOSITION leader Hon. Washington Misick has called for the TCI Status Ordinance to be repealed and all members of the newly formed commission to resign. He is also calling for wide-ranging public consultation and the implementation of a population policy before any decision on status can be made. What are your thoughts?
Enough of the Misicks
Public consultation is not needed for everyday immigration operations. Once again the Misick brothers Washington and Mike are trying to stop logical progress. They are concerned that seats won by their party in the last election could be lost because of the handful of fresh immigrants who will look at their records before they vote. Three years ago one seat was given to the PNP for a margin of one vote. Washington had a margin of only about 25 votes as an at large candidate. Mike needs votes to avoid prison and Washington needs votes to save the Misick PNP party from total dissolution. The trial will put Mike out of politics. Washington should retire to save himself further embarrassment. The people have had it with the Misicks. They got rich taking advantage of our people.
Don’t open floodgates
It will not take a population policy or any kind of policy to protect the rights and existence of Turks and Caicos Islanders.
The only policy needed does not require a study but simply a resolve to shut the door to the ark and to protect the interests of TCI Islanders. One does not need a study or a fudge to protect one’s people. The TCI Status Ordinance was one law that should never ever have been enacted by any government. Turks and Caicos Islander status is a special right especially for a country so fragile, so small, which used to be so closely knit. Those who have it already ought to have had it and no more. This is no time to open the floodgates. Enough is been given and we have already done the humanitarian thing. This is not a human rights issue but a matter of choice and indulgence of the people of the TCI. A small native population base cannot afford to be so open, so liberal, so free with giving away basic status rights just like that. It sent shock waves through the spines of native born and duly enfranchised TC Islanders to see that list of names being circulated.
Opportunism and politics
So Mike gives many, many entry openings to get votes - game switches, Washy (his
ATMs to close during the night DRIVE through cash machines will be closed from 7pm to 8am for the foreseeable future to protect the safety of bank customers. Scotiabank, the Royal Bank of Canada and First Caribbean International Bank
all agreed to the move during a meeting with police and Acting Governor Anya Williams on Wednesday (October 16). During the closure all of the banks will be conducting an enhanced security assessment of their establishments.
Playing politics
Washy is playing politics. Mike gave many Belongerships to Haitian folks for political gain. Now Washy is insisting on blocks to citizenship for political gain.
Inaccurate list
brother) blows a different whistle. It is called opportunism and politics and/ or both combined.
Dissolve commission
Basically, a wide-ranging public consultation will serve no purpose. This pathway to citizenship, fallout from the interim government, needs to be jettisoned now. There is only one thing to do now. End the idea and policy of granting TCI status. Give them a PRC. If one samples the average TC Islander there will be a consensus to repeal that law which should never have been passed in the first. Members of the constitutional commission should have this question of repeal added as a question to the ongoing constitutional talks. The granting of TCI Islander status is constitutional in nature. So, let TCI people decide whether this country at this stage in its history wants to be sharing its franchise and widening it. Let the TC Islander Status Ordinance be repealed and the commission dissolved.
Extend status
We need to grow and enlarge the franchise. We should start off with Turks and Caicos Islanders in diaspora. Let’s give status to all descendants whose parents and grandparents were born in the TCI. We should extend status for persons whose great-grandparents were born in the TCI up to 1962 when we became a Crown colony. There should be a path to TC Islander status for persons with PRCs after 10 years of residing legally in the TCI and for British citizens, five years of residing here legally. We need a sustainable approach to who should be granted status. The Singapore model worked well for Singapore. Provide the statistics of the place of origin of most PRC holders and if there is a high concentration then we limit the amount of PRCs we approve from persons from that country. I am sure Haiti, Canada and Jamaica
This list needs immediate clarification because most of the names on that list were given status a long time ago. It may be that that over 100 names ought not have been on that list. At issue now is the idea that a Government would enact a law without giving regard to the ramifications of this development, which are severe and drastic. TC Islander status confers on the holder the right to vote, a fundamental and sacred right which determines who gets to run this country. It carries the right to run for public office, hold office as premier, leader of the Opposition, member of parliament, minister and of course ‘servant of the people’. More so, the status carries the right to own a business licence in the reserved category of business licensing, and own residential Crown land. Who would pass such a law, which is not in the interests of TC Islanders? These rights do not come easy but everyone wants them, especially when it comes to the TCI. So, what policy could a Government divine, imagine or figure that would prompt the PNP administration in 2015 to pass such a law? A law that would share and give these rights away to others? Is that good policy? Not democratic. We have already shared these rights with brothers and sisters who came to live here amongst us. Did they survey the people? Get the approval of their party? Did Turks and Caicos Islanders vote for this law? Could a party platform state that ‘it is our policy that once elected, we will grant willy nilly, to all who may come, Turks and Caicos Islander status’? Was this law part of the will of the people? What got into them to pass the law and now appoint members to the TCI Islander Status Commission and now want mass resignations? Will the leader of the Opposition lead by example and make his appointees resign?
BECOME A CONTRIBUTOR Want to become a contributor or have a suggestion for a Talk Back topic for us? What questions do you think we should be putting to the public? And what are your thoughts on it? Call our news team on 946 4664 or email tcweeklynews@gmail.com
October 19-25, 2019
Connolly urges Gov’t to be more proactive in fighting crime BY OLIVIA ROSE MEMBER of parliament Hon. Josephine Connolly has called on the Government to be “proactive rather than reactive” as it relates to crime in the territory. During a sitting of the House of Assembly last month, Connolly said the Government should implement more stringent measures to prevent crime rather than responding to it afterwards. “The rise in crime is at the forefront of our citizens’ concerns,” she said. “As a representative of my people it is therefore one of my major concerns. “In my 2018-2019 budget address I raised the issue. To quote from my speech at the time of the budget debate, ‘there are very few departments in this budget whose operational effectiveness are a matter of life and death’.
“It is therefore disappointing to note that after a recommendation from the recent skills audit that the police service should be increased by 30 percent, that the compliment in the 2018-2019 budget has actually decreased from 323 to 322. “In 2018 I was arguing in vain for an increase in police numbers. In the 2019 budget, we finally saw an increase in police numbers, but only according to the budget from 322 to 327. Not enough, not nearly enough. “I grew up in Salt Cay and we always had a police presence. Always. It is only under this Government, a Government that boasts of a cash surplus in excess of $100 million, that there is no provision of one policeman on Salt Cay. Not one. “I say shame on this Government for abandoning the people of Salt Cay.” Connolly said that while the
Prison officers and inmate injured during ‘disruption’ A “BRIEF disruption” at Her Majesty’s Prison in Grand Turk resulted in two prison officers and one inmate being injured. According to a press release from the Ministry of Home Affairs, the incident on Wednesday (October 16) was not a riot as suggested on social media posts. “However, there was a brief disruption in the normal state of affairs at the prison that influenced a request for the assistance of the Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police Force.” The incident originated from prison officers performing their duties as required, the release said, adding: “Standard operations were achieved within a very short period of time.” It said that the well-being of prison officers and inmates continues to be a high priority. “Our thanks go out to the prison staff and the Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police Force who work collaboratively to ensure the safety of all persons.” In November last year, Sabrina Green, Director of the TCI Human Rights Commission, released a lengthy statement exposing the appalling state of the prison. In her report, she said the penal facility was “not fit for
human habitation” and should be condemned. Green reported that its state was in breach of several UN standards and inmates had been “dehumanised” by poor living conditions leaving little room for rehabilitation. In January this year a violent riot broke out at the prison after several disgruntled prisoners were not taken to their court hearings. Then in May dozens of inmates refused to leave the communal areas and return to their cells after they said they were not supplied with adequate bathroom products. In August Governor Nigel Dakin was given a tour of the facility and sat for an hour listening to the concerns of several prisoners. “If a society is to run effectively then there must be law, and there must be sanction for those that break the law,” the governor said. “A prison is the physical manifestation of that. “But once a person’s liberty has been taken, the state not only has a duty but also self interest in according them the dignity that they may well have denied their victim while also understanding that absent of mandatory full life sentences, these men will one day be either their neighbour or their children’s neighbour.”
Government has proposed a new crime strategy with additional resources for the police force, prevention is better than cure. “In truth it is better to be proactive rather than reactive, especially with an area as important as crime.” She reminded residents that crime is not only the Government’s responsibility. “We all have a part to play - the churches, the civic organisation, parents, citizens. “And let us not forget the elected members of this House. We as representatives of the people should hold ourselves to a higher standard. “After all, if we do not set an example how can we expect constituents to do anything different? “So to the extent and let me repeat, before I am buried by an avalanche of objections, to the extent that members of this House consort with individuals of dubious character with suspected links to crime, I beg that you sever these links. “This is a small country, very little is not known and we are judged by the company we keep. “It is important that the Government and the Opposition set the tone for this country,” Connolly added.
MP Hon. Josephine Connolly said “we all have a part to play” in the battle against crime
Masked gunmen demand weapons from immigration officer THREE armed men entered the home of an immigration officer on Sunday morning (October 13) and demanded guns and money. Police are investigating yet another early morning aggravated burglary which took place in Moses Avenue, Blue Hills in Providenciales. At about 2.45am armed men clad in black and wearing masks to conceal their identities broke into the home of an immigration
Under the tree
officer. They demanded cash and guns from him. According to the police press office, there were no injuries reported in this incident however the men fled with several personal items from the officer’s home. Police are urging anyone with information on this crime and others to call Crime Stoppers anonymously on 1-800-8477. (By Olivia Rose)
By Benneth Williams
October 19-25, 2019
CABINET MEETING SUMMARY THE REDEVELOPMENT of South Dock, scholarship awards and appointments were all discussed at the latest meeting of the Cabinet. Governor Nigel Dakin chaired the 23rd meeting on Wednesday (October 9) at the Office of the Premier, Durham’s Building in Grand Turk. The ministers for immigration, home affairs, health, education and tourism were present in addition to the Deputy Governor Anya Williams and Attorney General Rhondalee BraithwaiteKnowles.
Police officers at the Industrial Drive intersection in Providenciales during road checks
Nine illegal weapons seized during road checks SEVERAL arrests have been made and nine illegal firearms seized during road checks and other police raids aimed at curbing the recent rise in violent crime. Officers of the Royal TCI Police Force (RTCIPF) recovered one unlicensed firearm in Grand Turk and eight in Providenciales between September 1 and October 15. In addition, 35 rounds of ammunition were also recovered during various police operations which included random stop checks.
Police have arrested four people on suspicion of possession of illegal firearm during the same period. And recently six people were arrested on suspicion of murder and three arrested on suspicion of robbery. According to a statement from the police press office, the force stepped up its operations to curb the proliferation of illegal firearms in the territory. Acting Commissioner of Police Rodney Adams said: “We are
actively trying to remove illegal firearms from our streets. “We are happy to have nine less firearms out of the hands of thugs. “The reduction in the number of illegal firearms will have a positive impact on the number of serious and violent crimes that are reported.” Adams appealed to the community to help with information on illegal firearms in their neighbourhoods. He said: “If you want to remain anonymous, you can call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-8477.”
Armed robbers terrorise several Providenciales businesses and homes THREE armed men entered a house in Blue Hills at 3am on Sunday morning (October 13) and stole personal items from the homeowner. Police officers responded to the scene at Moses Avenue in Providenciales following reports of the robbery. There were no injuries. A day prior on Saturday, a call was made to 911 saying that there had been a robbery and a shooting, according to the police press office. The complainant said he caught a ride in a black Toyota car at about midnight and while driving, the driver turned on to Blue Heron
Road and demanded money. The driver stole a cell phone and cash and shot his passenger once. The victim was later taken to Cheshire Hall Medical Centre for treatment. On Friday, October 11, just after 4pm, two armed men entered a business in Five Cays and took an undisclosed amount of cash. There were no injuries reported in this incident. The day before, just before 1pm on Thursday, October 10, an armed man entered a salon in Turtle Cove and robbed three women of cash and cell phones. The culprit escaped on foot
into nearby bushes. There were no injuries reported in this incident. In a second incident, 911 received a report at about 2pm that a bar along Walter Cox Drive, Kew Town, was robbed. According to the complainant, a masked gunman entered the bar and stole money, a cell phone and a purse that contained ID cards. There were no injuries reported in this incident. Police did not provide descriptions of the culprits in each of these incidents. Anyone with any information on these incidents can call Crime Stoppers anonymously on 1-8008477.
AT THIS MEETING CABINET: - Noted the financial performance of the TCI Government for the period from April to June 2019 and approved the publication of a financial report covering this period. - Noted an information paper on the financial performance of the statutory bodies of the TCI Government for the period from April to June 2019 and agreed a number of action points. - Noted an information paper updating Cabinet on the status of the National Health Insurance Plan (NHIP) and agreed a number of action points. - Noted a progress report on the Government’s contract with InterHealth Canada (IHC). - Approved the appointment of Trevor Cooke, Leader of the Opposition candidate, to the board of directors of the TCI National Wealth Fund (TCNWF) for a period of three years commencing on October 1. - Approved the reappointment of Curtis Simmons as deputy chair of the National Health Insurance Board (NHIB) for a period of one year commencing on October 10. - Approved a business licence application in a restricted business activity for Wessex Fairchild Attorneys at Law. - Approved duty concessions for Caicos Resorts (Amanyara) for refurbishment purposes, subject to approved amendments to the current refurbishment policy. - Were updated on the consultancy for the redevelopment and modernisation of South Dock, Providenciales. - Approved amendments to be drafted for the Elections Ordinance to address inconsistencies identified by the elections adjudicator and an election observer mission of 2016, and a number of actions points for the supervisor of elections. - Approved amendments to the Health Professions Ordinance to be included under the Health Professions (Amendment) Bill covering indemnity provisions. - Discussed a paper on the engagement of public servants under the National Policy for Support Staff in Emergency Situations 2019 and agreed action points. - Was updated by the deputy governor on progress being made on the Recovery Plan by the relevant ministries. - Discussed further the independent inquiry into the reasonableness of the rate variation application from Fortis TCI and Turks and Caicos Utilities report and the appointment of an electricity regulator. - Discussed technical aspects of the Islander Status Commission, recent public debate and next steps. - Approved the appointment of Dr Terese Maintland as interim CEO of the NHIB for a period of two months commencing on October 2. - Approved the granting of scholarships awards for 2019-2020 and endorsed a formal agreement for all local scholarship awardees. - Gave heartfelt congratulations for Danae Dennie, Junior Minister of Tourism, winner of the Caribbean Tourism Organisation (CTO) Tourism Youth Congress. - Discussed issues relating to TCI Airports Authority impacting on a number of airports in the TCI. - Was updated by Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson on work being carried out in relation to a public register of beneficial ownership for companies.
October 19-25, 2019
Inside the Courts
A car with heavily tinted windows in Providenciales
Police to target cars with tinted windows BY OLIVIA ROSE THE ROYAL TCI Police Force is set to crack down on vehicles with heavily tinted windows as part of its crime fighting strategy. The move is in line with the enforcement of a “zero tolerance approach to crime”, according to Acting Commissioner of Police Rodney Adams. Speaking on Tuesday (October 15) during a press conference, Adams said cars with heavily tinted windows are often used in robberies, murders and other crimes. “I think that members of the public wouldn’t appreciate the fact that many of the vehicles on our streets have rather dark tints - it might seem to be something insignificant,” he said. “But from a law enforcement stand point, it enables criminals to carry out their line of business which is certainly illegal and it also allows them to evade detection by law enforcement.” He explained that several vehicles that were used during a crime had later been discovered to have a dark, black or reflective film. “With immediate effect there will be zero tolerance as it relates to illegal tints on vehicles across the Turks and Caicos Islands,” Adams said. The acting police commissioner warned that going forward amendments will be made to the law and with immediate effect those with dark tints should remove them. He explained that the maximum legal tint allowed is 30 percent; anything above will be ticketed and
dealt with accordingly. “We are also asking that the legislation be changed whereby if persons want to insist that they have dark tint, your licence could eventually be revoked,” he added. Adams pointed out that these stringent measures will be deployed to ensure the public’s safety and called on citizens to comply with the law. “We have to get serious about this type of business. It endangers our officers’ lives from time to time when we stop persons and particularly at night because we have no idea who’s hiding behind those tints. “As I’ve indicated, it might seem insignificant but it plays a very serious part in terms of our crime fighting initiative and going forward we will do what we need to do to ensure that members of our society are safe.” He added that he is aware that in the past a number of people asked the former director of road safety for permission to have heavily tinted windows, which was agreed. “That will be addressed and we’re asking that all of those permissions be revoked so that we can certainly police this country in a way that avoids criminals, thugs hiding behind the darkness of tinted windows,” Adams stressed. The public is reminded that under Section 47 of the Road Traffic Ordinance, it is an offence to drive a vehicle with excessive window tinting. Doing so comes with a maximum penalty of $250 for each window. The prescribed limit is 30 percent, with six inches top-down on the front windshield.
Illegal boat with 154 on board towed to shore A FORTY-foot boat containing 154 passengers was intercepted as it sailed illegally through TCI waters last week. The Coastal Radar System detected the vessel and the Marine Branch Unit towed it towards South Dock port in Providenciales using the Sea Pursuit and Sea Guardian police boats. The blue and red boat powered by twin 75 outboard engines
was spotted at about 9.20pm on Thursday, October 10. It carried 106 Haitian men, 17 Haitian women, one 15-year-old Haitian male teen, one sevenyear-old Haitian female child and 29 Sri Lankan men. When the vessel was safely on shore, the passengers were handed over to immigration officials who escorted them to the Detention Centre for processing and repatriation.
Closed door hearing for extradition defendant Peter Karam BY DELANA ISLES EMBATTLED Canadian lawyer Peter Karam was back in court on Wednesday (October 16) for what was expected to be a public hearing. However, when the Weekly News turned up at the law courts for the hearing before Chief Magistrate Tanya Lobban-Jackson, Karam’s lawyer Oliver Smith requested that the proceedings be kept private. The two lawyers and the Crown’s representatives from the Attorney General’s Chambers were invited back into the chief magistrate’s chambers where the hearing was held. Smith later confirmed to the Weekly News that the proceedings were a preliminary hearing ahead of the formal extradition proceedings which is expected to start on Monday, December 16. Until that time, it is unclear whether Karam will be fighting the extradition, or if he will voluntarily submit himself to questioning by the Argentine authorities in relation to the alleged money laundering scheme that was outed in January by Carolina Pochetti. Pochetti is the wife of Daniel Muñoz, former private secretary to now deceased Argentina president Néstor Kirchner. In October 2018, the federal chamber of Argentina had enabled the freezing of bank accounts in the US and assets of $65 million of the former private secretary of Nestor Kirchner, Daniel Muñoz and called for investigation and detention of his widow and other defendants. Following her arrest, Pochetti
Canadian lawyer Peter Karam was back in court on Wednesday
struck a plea deal with authorities, on the condition she provides information about the illegal dealings of her husband in exchange for a lesser sentence. That information saw Karam being named as an alleged coconspirator in a money laundering scheme which entailed land being purchased in the Turks and Caicos Islands to build a resort. That land is in North West Point,
Providenciales, near the Amanyara resort. Shortly after Pochetti supplied authorities with this and other information, Interpol issued a warrant for Karam’s arrest. He was arrested by local cops, and shortly after an extradition request was made to the TCI by Argentina. The Supreme Court then seized the land. Karam maintains his innocence and has promised to cooperate with authorities.
SIPT postponed again NIB cases adjourned
THE ANTICIPATED start to defence’s case in the Special Investigation and Prosecution Team’s (SIPT) trial has encountered another delay. The trial was set to convene on Tuesday (October 15) but another unforeseen circumstance related to a personal issue with a defence lawyer, has pushed it back to a later date. The new date is Monday (October 21). At that time, the nine defendants will finally have a chance, in the years long trial, to tell their side of the story. They all stand accused of
corruption, in one form or another, during the Michael Misick administration. On trial are chief defendant and ex-premier Michael Misick, former deputy premier Floyd Hall, former minister McAllister Hanchell, former minister Lillian Boyce, former minister Jeffrey Hall, attorney Clayton Greene, attorney Thomas ‘Chal’ Misick, Lisa Hall and Melbourne Wilson. The trial officially began on December 8, 2015, and since that time the prosecution has been laying out a very extensive case against the nine accused.
DEFENDANTS Norma Goodridge, Nawani Imports and TCIPS Foundation were scheduled to appear in Providenciales Magistrate’s Court on Friday, October 11. They were to answer to applications for judgement summons in the amount of $78,993.15. Attorney John Ewing appeared on behalf of the National Insurance Board (NIB) and attorney Robert D’Arceuil is representing the defendants. According to a press release from NIB, the matter was adjourned for trial continuation on Monday, October 28.
October 12-18, 2019
We are in a state of emergency IF MY people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land (2 Chronicles 7:14) For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy (2 Timothy 3:2) Like many countries, the Turks and Caicos Islands is in a state of emergency. We are in a state of emergency because criminals are on the loose robbing and killing innocent people. As small as our country is, we are unable to capture these individuals and hence the majority of our murder cases are unresolved. We are in a state of emergency because many of us no longer fear God. We fear people. We fear what they will do to us or what they will say about us. Because we do not fear God, we are committing all kinds of evil acts. Men are lovers of themselves and lovers of money and we know the love of money is the root of all evil. We are in a state of emergency because there is so much hatred and division among us. Because of hatred, strife is stirred up (Proverbs 10:12). Because of hatred, jealousy takes place. Because of hatred, murders
take place. Because of hatred, there is no unity. I hope by now you understand the point I am trying to make about our country being in a state of emergency. CALL FOR HELP Whenever we face an emergency we call for help. Most times we call 911 call for help. When you call that number, you expect a police or an ambulance to be dispatched to your destination. Hopefully they will arrive in time to rescue you from your state of emergency. Unfortunately though, some criminals get away before the police arrives and some people die before the ambulance arrives. In any event, we must continue and should always call 911 for an emergency. I agree what we are experiencing in the Turks and Caicos Islands is a spiritual battle and because this is a spiritual battle then we need to call on the Lord for help. God is a god that can do anything. However, we should not go to the Lord in our wicked state. We need to repent and turn from our wicked ways so that our sins will be forgiven and so our land can be healed. Too many of us have sold out our country and now it is coming back to haunt us and the innocent are suffering for the guilty. However, it
Drexwell Seymour is a certified public accountant and is the managing partner for HLB TCI. His favourite hobby, however, is writing. He has a personal website, www.drexwellseymour. com, where all of his writings are posted. He also has a YouTube channel where you can find inspirational videos. Drexwell has a BA in Accounting and an MBA in Finance.
is not too late to call Jesus for help. FAITH WITHOUT WORKS IS DEAD We believe that whenever we call for help especially from the Lord, we will get help. However, faith without works is dead. We just cannot sit around and say we are waiting for help. There are some steps that we can do while waiting on help. Yes, we need to pray and call the Lord for help in times of emergencies. However, God will not come down from Heaven to solve the issues. He will give wisdom to his people and use them to do what needs to be done to resolve our emergencies. In the field of medicine, we have general practitioners but some doctors take it a step further by specialising in certain areas and so a general practitioner may refer a patient to a specialist. Like the doctors, we have our roles in calming and solving these
emergency situations. The governor has his role to play. The Government has their role to play. The police have their role to play. The church has its role to play. The family has their role to play. The community has its role to play. If we play our roles accordingly, we can turn this state of emergency into a calm state. How can we expect the police to solve the crimes when persons within the community are withholding evidence and information? How can we expect things to happen when we pray when we are not doing our part?
CONCLUSION The church cannot be business as usual, we must get rid of the traditional forms of worship on Sundays and use those times for repentance and prayer. We must get out of four walls and go throughout the TCI and have meetings on the streets especially in the prevalent areas. If the criminals are bold enough to go anywhere and anytime then we should be bold enough to go in any area and spread the word of God. The Government must go back to drawing board and seek authorisation to spend millions of dollars on resources to eradicate the issues in our country. The Government needs to seek help from other countries by recruiting specialists and experts who can deal with the situation we have on hand. We are in a state of emergency and because we are in that state, we need to act so. Call for help and get the specialists in no matter the cost.
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Hope is a good thing
“HOPE is a good thing” is a statement from one of the best well known movies of modern times, The Shawshank Redemption. The leading character was unjustly sent to prison to spend 20 years with only hope to cling to. When we review the local news, we also have hope. Approaching the end of three years of the four-year term of the current Government there are all kinds of things going on. No, not everything is hopeful except that even the disagreeable news reveals the true agenda of the news makers or reminds us of their past promises and performance. Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson is chipping away at the
David is a retired mobile hydraulic engineer and business executive. He has been married to Middle Caicos native Yvette Robinson Tapfer for 30 years and has lived in Conch Bar, Middle Caicos, since 2002. David formerly served as branch chairman of the PDM from 2008 to 2011
financial problems of the National Health Insurance Plan (NHIP). This is what Mrs Cartwright Robinson is good at. Straightening out a mess. We are going forward again. For the Islands to grow properly we need population. Our indigenous people are moving away. We need true immigrants who will bring their savings, foreign pensions and their skills to the Islands where
they will put down roots spending their assets here. The Misick brothers fight against this logical kind of immigration? Because they personally got rich under the PNP system. Their riches coming out of the pockets of everyday people. Reasons people move away or steal. Will 100 new Islanders’ votes swing an election? Ask Porsha? Washy won his at large seat by only
28 votes three years ago. We have neighbours and friends who voted for the Misicks and suffered. Will they remain loyal? The need for a proper international airport is now being revisited. How many remember the PNP promise of a two-story building with jet ways? Instead the Misicks got a mansion, PNP private jets, trips, limos, private banks and casinos. Is John Smith, hired from outside, the proper man to guide the airport design? We now have his huge waiting room without seating or outside walls and a narrow security check where we stand in line for a long time until we reach the sit down area. When our visitors arrive, they believe they are in Port Au Prince everyone is speaking creole.
Poor George Lightbourne, who has been serving in Floyd Hall’s seat while Floyd waits out the long, long trial which distracts the countries attention. The trial that demands the legal fees defending PNP leaders who somehow used up the millions taken by these same defendants. Their leader roams the Islands and marries his latest queen from across the sea. Will she be on the list for Islander status and vote for her husband and brother-inlaw? George argues PNP secret manipulations kept Washy as leader and put E Jay in second place, breaking rules. The PNP following rules? George needs encouragement. Hope is a good thing.
October 19-25, 2019
Spare the nation humiliation and pain An open letter to Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu Dear Mr Netanyahu, It is time for you to reflect on where you stand and how best to serve the country you care about in a time of much uncertainty and turmoil. You have served as prime minister longer than any of your predecessors, and accomplished much for the state of Israel while ensuring its wellbeing and security. You have helped put the country on the international stage. Under your aegis, Israel became one of the most advanced nations - today the country leads in technology, medicine, agronomy, engineering and much more. Rightfully, you can claim some credit for Israel’s achievements. But you must also assume responsibility for many of Israel’s failures under your leadership - sadly, failures that will potentially haunt the Israelis for a generation to come. Failures that will taint your legacy. But then, you can still muster the courage if you only will it, and leave the political scene while you still can with some pride. You have failed wretchedly to deal with the Palestinian conflict; maintained the stigma of occupation; pursued a ruthless policy toward the Palestinians in the West Bank; built new and expanded existing settlements; openly called for the annexation of more Palestinian land; and denied their right to have a state of their own, as if they will just vanish by simply wishing them away. You bolstered their resistance and resiliency. Hamas offers one living example of your failing policy, as neither the blockade, nor punishment, nor isolation have muffled their defiance. Have you ever asked yourself where Israel will be in a score? What will be the Palestinians’ fate, and will Israel live in peace? By branding the Palestinians as the perpetual enemy of the state, you have doomed the nation to unrelenting violent conflicts and wars, spilling the blood of precious young men and women on both sides with little or no prospect of peace in sight. You led the Israelis to believe that Trump is Israel’s saviour. How wrong! Trump has severely compromised Israel’s national security. By simply enabling you to run wild and subject the Palestinians to your whims, Trump inflicted a mortal blow to the prospect of an Israeli-Palestinian peace. You cheered when Trump relocated the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem; you hailed Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and applauded his endorsing the annexation of the
Golan Heights. Yes, for you this was the realisation of a life-long dream. But then, however historically significant Trump’s moves may appear, you seem to conveniently forget that Trump’s backing of Israel rests solely on his need for the evangelicals’ political support, for whom Israel is the conduit for the return of the Messiah. You have been fooled by Trump’s presumed commitment to Israel’s safety. He will turn on a dime and desert Israel just as he abandoned a trusted ally - the Syrian Kurds. He has already flouted Israel’s national security as he has thrown the Middle East in turmoil, subjecting Israel to new deadly challenges and ominous threats. Don’t count on the “deal of the century”, which you have concocted with his ignorant advisors. It died before it was born, for it was conceived with malice and there is little in it for the Palestinians to count on. You waged a relentless campaign to cancel the Iran deal. What have you achieved since Trump followed your misguided advice? If you haven’t realised by now that you have made a dreadful mistake, just watch what Trump has done since he withdrew from the deal. Yes, he imposed more sanctions, but never contemplated the use of force. Following Tehran’s strike on a major Saudi oil refinery, he never seriously considered a military strike to punish Tehran, leaving the Saudis bewildered, scrambling for a solution. Rapprochement with Iran, they decided is the way to go. By what measure then is Israel better off today without the Iran deal? Now that the clergy has resumed its nuclear programme activities, all that Trump wants now is to open a dialogue with Tehran. Emboldened by his betrayal of allies and ineptitude, Israel is facing greater danger from Iran than ever before. You have been dismantling Israel’s democracy brick by brick. You are a divisive force, playing one political party against another attacking the press and branding it as the enemy of the people; making the high court the target of your criticism and contempt; discriminating against the Israeli Arab citizens, terrified by their growing electoral power; fracturing the vitally important relations between Israel and the American Jewish community; neglecting nearly a million Israelis under the poverty line; making shady deals with newspapers to give
you positive coverage; violating the oath of your office by accepting bribes; investing heavily on the settlements to secure the settlers’ political support; all while depriving crumbling cities and towns of money they need for rebuilding. Indeed, if power corrupts, Mr Netanyahu, you present a classic case of the corrupting force of power. You have pushed the country to conduct two elections in less than five months. Twice you were given the mandate to form a coalition government, but failed. Israelis are screaming for a change in direction to address the country’s woes, but then even after 13 years in office as the prime minister, still, your voracious thirst for power remained the same. It is probable that as prime minister you could survive the indictments
against you. But then, what about the welfare of the country? The country that you profess to love. Israel is threatened, it needs a strong and united government, but without you. If you really cared about the future security of the state, you would turn to Benny Ganz, who is the most qualified to serve Israel best in this hour of need. You have built a reputation as the champion of Israel’s security, as if without you the country will face a mortal danger that only you can prevent, spreading fear and awe, often creating imaginary threats only to justify your mischievous scheme to stay in power. You seem to forget that with all your political wizardry, you are still a mortal; Israel will survive you for as far as the eye can see. You must realise by now you have
gone as far as your destiny could lead you. It’s time for you to go. There is nothing you can do that others cannot do just as good if not better. Resign your post; turn to the attorney general to drop the charges against you. The nation will forgive you for your good intentions and some deeds. It is an auspicious time to reflect on your achievements and shortcomings and the legacy you want to leave behind. A third election in less than a year is not the answer. The result will be much of the same. Unless you want to end up in jail just like your predecessor, spare the nation the humiliation and pain. Sincerely yours Alon Ben-Meir, Professor of international relations, Centre for Global Affairs at NYU, New York
Is the leader of the Opposition fit to serve? Dear Editor, In February this year, the PNP rejected new leadership saying they needed tested leadership. I say every tested leader has not passed the test. But more importantly I say we need trusted leadership. There are too many critical issues where the Leader of the Opposition Washington Misick has either flip flopped or was directed to change his decisions by the true leader of the PNP, his younger brother Mike. Let’s look at the issue of TCI status. Truth be told, this issue has been flogged well over one decade and the people of this country each time ask to be a part of the process to the end. The people are tired of politicians giving status to whomever they wish, for whatever reason they wish. This topic was debated first in 2004 under Michael Misick and his nephew Donhue Gardiner as chairman of the Blue Ribbon Commission, and later as the change manager. Fast forward to 2015, the PDM shut down the immigration bill for fresh consultations, as there were no consultations since three or four years before. The bill was passed but the commission was not appointed. But we, the people, collectively said the same thing; we believe that some persons who live here have
truly contributed and we would like them to become a part of us and we want a commission of our people, not politicians deciding status. The now deputy premier brought amendments to the law again last year. On all occasions Washy supported it and so did all members of the House of Assembly because they knew we, the people, consistently said we want the Cayman Islands’ system. In November last year, the deputy premier invited us to participate in a survey to select the criteria we, the people, felt persons applying for status should possess. Washy has never asked his own Government to do a population policy and sat and agreed to create this path in law. He knows full well that the current Government is well advanced in the policy. How hypocritical of Washy. Washy has now been rattled by Mike leaking four years of applications; four years of applications sitting and collecting dust. Before Washy demonstrates leadership and reminds the public that all applications do not mean granted, or encourage the commission to handle the process with care, he folded. Washy waits until the law is debated in the House three times in the last five years; all debates he supported it.
Washy waits for the survey asking the people’s input. Washy appoints his two members to the commission (whom he has not asked to resign personally) and then says he forgot he should not have supported it. Washy folded because the embattled former premier and his baby brother Mike made the people’s involvement dirty. The same Mike who gave over 700 persons status during his time in office based on no documented criteria. This is the same man that gave premature status to LisaRaye who did not meet the five year marriage requirement. It is evident that Washy flopped because Mike wants political control of the process, which is the total opposite of what we the people want. We do not want politicians having the final say in who gets status. The bi-partisan board with a points system selected by we, the people, is the best way forward. Can you trust Washy? One minute Washy is at the table for the constitutional talks then, he is not. One minute Washy says he is retiring from PNP leadership, but the next he is following Mike’s instructions and holding on to the LOO position until Mike says he can CONTINUED
October 19-25, 2019
Fulfil your mandate or resign Dear Editor, This week and the past few months have been a crazy time for us here in Turks and Caicos Islands. We have gone from having almost no crime and especially no homicides per year to having 12 murders already for this year. Crime and gun violence has completely take over with criminals feeling emboldened to the point where they are robbing persons and businesses in broad daylight. While all this is happening, this week being the worst, the new governor and new commissioner of police are busy on private matters in the UK. The acting governor and the premier have made a poor attempt at a press release that is not comforting at all to the public and completely devoid of any solution to this mounting problem that we are facing. The premier came to office with a mandate for change. We have seen absolutely no change in any of areas of governance or life in these Islands for the benefit of our people. In fact, things have sadly only gotten worse. Crime and the influx of illegal immigrants are at an all-time high as the governor and the Government sit idly by offering no solutions to the problems. What happened to the 12 point crime plan we heard so much about during the 2016 election campaign by Premier Cartwright Robinson? The premier, as leader of our country, must take responsibility for what is happening and stop hiding behind the governor saying he is responsible for the police.
History has shown us that governors come and go, enjoying our Islands and all the perks that come with the office in a colony, basically living the life of royalty. They quickly and brazenly trade in their rides on the London tube for tinted chauffeur driven Land Rovers and produce no results in the areas that they have responsibility for. What policy initiative has this PDM Government introduced to reduce crime? What measures have the Government taken to address the root cause of the wave of gun crimes that are taking place? Let’s be honest with ourselves; there is an epidemic we are facing where our young people, mostly young men, in our country feel that they have been marginalised. They are not getting good jobs or other opportunities for economic empowerment so they are resorting to a life of violence. While we keep importing labour and having our people bypassed, whether they be Turks and Caicos Islanders or Turks and Caicos Islanders of Haitian descent, we should be working actively as a Government to secure opportunities for them. What are we doing to reverse this alarming trend? Even when they go to prison at such young ages they come back out as hardened criminals because there are no programmes designed to reform and rehabilitate them once incarcerated. Here are five suggestions for the Government that they should embrace that could reverse the
MICHAEL MISICK criminal activity we are experiencing: 1) Establish a defence force and make it mandatory for young people between the ages of 18 and 25 to serve at least a year and/or a few months a year as part of a national service. Exemption could be made for those who decide to go to college or who are working in steady jobs. 2) Invest in building a base on French Cay with holding facilities for any illegal immigrants. Invest in buying a substantial gun boat that can patrol our waters 24/7. In fact consideration should be given to ceasing all sea travel between Turks and Caicos and Haiti until we can fully arrest this problem in our country. 3) Restrict the issuance of work permits in certain areas and stop the practice by the PDM Government of allowing foreigners to get business licences in the reserve category of businesses. Use the jobs and business opportunities that are being created
PNP ratifies all elected 2020 candidates ALL candidates selected by their constituencies during the ‘Super Tuesday’ primary elections have been ratified. The ratification process took place last Saturday, October 12, during a special National Congress of the Progressive National Party (PNP) at Progress House in Providenciales. Ratification is the action of signing or giving formal consent to the candidates, officially making them valid contenders in
the 2020 general elections. All island district candidates (at large) are Hon. Charles Washington Misick - party leader; E Jay Saunders deputy leader; Hon. Josephine Connolly; Jamell Robinson and Shaun Malcolm. For Grand Turk North (ED 1) Otis Morris; Grand Turk South and Salt Cay (ED 2) Pedro Ariza; South Caicos (ED 3) Rev. John Malcolm; Middle and North Caicos (ED 4) Arlington
Musgrove; Leeward and Longbay (ED 5) Hon. Akierra Missick; The Bight (ED 6) Matthew Jay Stubbs; Cheshire Hall and Richmond Hills (ED 7) Samuel Been; Blue Hills and Highrock (ED 8) Randy Howell; Five Cays (ED 9) Rachel Taylor and for Wheeland (ED 10) Dameko Dean. “We congratulate all candidates selected and look forward to victory with your support come election day,” a PNP statement read.
to empower our people, especially our youth. 4) Establish a gun amnesty programme with a gun buyback policy to get illegal weapons off the streets. And create stiffer penalties for gun related crimes. 5) Establish the main central police station Downtown in the building that houses the public library. Establish sub-stations in all of the communities in Providenciales with police officers doing foot patrols and other community policing initiatives. Hire an extra 100 police officers from the Turks and Caicos Islands and pay them and the existing officers properly with suitable benefits commensurate to the work they are required to do. These are just five recommendations for starters that can immediately change the landscape on the ground. I don’t believe bringing in more foreign police is the answer. The root cause of the problem needs to be addressed and we have adequate resources within to tackle this problem. I call on the premier to stop hiding behind this ‘Instagram Star Governor’ who is more concerned about getting likes than getting the job done. The people of the Turks and Caicos Islands voted for you to lead, not for you to follow and be a
backside kisser of the governor. If you are unable or unwilling to do your job and to fulfil your mandate, then do the honourable thing and resign. The silence of the people’s elected leader, Premier Cartwright Robinson, is deafening. Whenever there is an issue that has grave consequences for our country she is nowhere to be heard. True to form in this regard is that we have yet to hear from her on the issuance of (or to be issued) close to 200 citizenship statuses. There is nothing at all to be heard from this inept Government on any of these serious and vexing matters. This last week has been a major crime incident every day and night with people being shot and/or killed and still nothing heard from this premier. She has earned the reputation as the ‘I can’t premier’. Either she is lazy or incompetent or a mixture of both. I call on the Government to do something to resolve this crime issue or resign. I am sure there are others out there who may have a plan and the courage to save our country before it is too late. May God bless us all and keep us safe. And may God bless the Turks and Caicos Islands is my prayers. Michael Misick, Providencilaes
Is the leader of the Opposition ... CONTINUED FROM
retire. One minute Washy says Mike is reckless but the next Mike is his chief advisor, upstaging him every chance he gets. It’s obvious to everyone that Washy did not have an issue with the status commission and the work to be performed by the commission until Mike issued his own release against the process. We need a strong, less emotive and knee jerk leader who sees the bigger picture; in this case to protect the people by making sure they are involved. We need a leader who will tell the people to write to the
commission and object if they feel anyone on the list should not receive TCI status, or if there are facts that even police background checks will not find. This time we, the people, are empowered. As a people, we must not just write on social media and grumble in our corner, we must take the time to write to the commission. We need a leader whose words and actions can be trusted. Not one who is afraid to stand up to his brother Mike and explain the process to those who might not understand. Gillian Myers, Providenciales
October 19-25, 2019
PNP formally demands resignation of Status Commission appointees BY DELANA ISLES THE GOVERNOR has officially confirmed the appointments of six members to the Turks and Caicos Islander Status Commission. The formal appointment was made on October 9 by Governor Nigel Dakin and takes effect from January 1, 2020. Those appointed are Paul Harvey as chairman; with the following members Patrease Thomas, Barbara Hamilton, Ricardo Donhue Gardiner and Selvyn Hawkins. The attorney general or her representative will serve as an ex-officio member of the commission. Shortly after the names of the members were first revealed last week, Leader of the Opposition Washington Misick called for the resignation of the members appointed by the Progressive National Party (PNP). The Weekly News can confirm that the party has made good on this promise; making a formal demand for Gardiner and Hawkins to resign during a special National Congress held on Saturday, October 12, at the party’s Providenciales headquarters. From our information, one of the two members have pushed back against the call for resignation, and up to press time, neither of the two have resigned from the commission.
Problems with the body were first raised by ex-premier, former leader of PNP and current corruption accused, Michael Misick. This was swiftly followed by his brother and current leader of the party, Washington Misick calling their appointees to resign. The former premier’s contention is that the mandate of the commission will only serve to disenfranchise the native population by ensuring a large number of British expatriates the right to vote and work like a local within the territory. Defending his reasons for calling for the members he appointed to resign, the current PNP leader said there is no population policy in place. The Government has completely ignored the furore stirred up by the Misick brothers with regard to the commission’s appointment, declining comment on the issue when contacted by the Weekly News. Gardiner and Hawkins have two more months to decide whether they will comply with the formal demands for resignation by the PNP. If all of the appointments remain, and the commission gathers for its first meeting in January 2020, they will begin the long process of reviewing 160 applications for the grant of Turks Islander Status.
Invest TCI to host economic conference THIS November Invest Turks and Caicos will be hosting its second annual economic conference and first national conference in the TCI. The one day, invite only event will allow participants from the public and private sectors to discuss the future of the territory’s financial services industry. It will be hosted under the theme, ‘Financial services – Building block of a strong diversified economy’ and held at Beaches Resort Village and Spa on November 8. The conference will be divided into two parts, with speeches held in the morning and afternoon breakout sessions. Keynote speaker Lorna Smith is founder and chief executive officer of LGS and Associates, and interim executive director of BVI Finance. The afternoon sessions will provide engaging and enlightening discussions around the industry. They will be facilitated by seasoned industry representatives who will lead the discussion and spark debate on the direction of financial services in the TCI. Key points of the discussion will be recorded and lead to the development of an action plan. An October 9 press release from Invest TCI said: “This conference will bring together the Financial Services Commission, the private sector including bankers, lawyers, company managers, accountants and Government to debate various topics.” Topics will include “why should we grow the financial services sector, what is in it for the nation, and how do we grow the sector to benefit the citizens of this nation and secure good quality employment
Lorna Smith, founder and chief executive officer of LGS and Associates, will be the keynote speaker
opportunities?” In 2018, a Government report prepared by an international consultancy team concluded that the TCI needed to diversify its economy and create more good quality professional employment opportunities for its citizens. It also said it needed to leverage the considerable national cost of being compliant with international regulations and needed to invest in the financial services industry. The conference is by invitation only. Anyone who would like to receive an invitation can contact Trina Adams-Smith at tadamssmith@investturksandcaicos. tc or Hezron Henry at hhenry@ investturksandcaicos.tc with a brief explanation of reasons for attending.
Invest Turks and Caicos is the TCI’s investment promotion agency, responsible for enhancing the economy through the attraction, growth and retention of overseas investment, and supporting the growth of local businesses. It provides a free and confidential service to overseas businesses looking to expand and will work with a company project team throughout the investment process, providing advice and support. The Invest TCI team also works actively to support the growth of local businesses, including the management and delivery of the micro small and medium enterprise programme which provides concessions and relief to locally owned businesses.
New publishing company Cyril and Dorsie opens its doors FOUNDED by Tatiana Handfield, a local author and high school English language/literature teacher, Cyril and Dorsie Publishing made its grand debut last month at a public book fair. Held on September 14 at the Providenciales public library, the fair saw many people attending. The new publishing company invited attendees to check out its newest literary products and services offered. On display were the Turks and Caicos Islands WordSearch Puzzle Book: Historical Sites and Attractions Edition and Merilla City: Rising Tides (children’s book). Handfield told the Weekly News that she is very passionate
about developing a reading culture in which young people can see themselves, their culture and history being vibrantly represented. Moreover, she enjoys teaching young people to experiment and develop their own craft through short creative writing and art camps. She also revealed that the name of the company is representative of her grandparents, Mr Cyril ‘Fee’ Forbes (deceased) and Mrs Dorsie Forbes, both of whom have a rich history. Handfiled said she hopes to show respect to those Turks and Caicos Islanders who have made significant contributions to the development of the territory in the past by immortalising and revitalising their accomplishments through
storytelling and publication. Accordingly, the company’s motto is, ‘Telling the stories of the Turks and Caicos Islands one page at a time’. “It is the aim of Cyril and Dorsie Publishing to research, create, produce and publish quality literature focusing on the unique knowledge and history surrounding the Turks and Caicos Islands while reenergising a passionate appreciation for reading and literature amongst local readers,” the local author said. The company was the recent recipient of an investment from Invest Turks and Caicos, which Handfield said also assisted her in further technical needs. “We are proud and grateful for
Owner and founder of Cyril and Dorsie Publishing, Tatiana Handfield with another book lover at last month’s book fair
the opportunity and aim to steadily contribute to the historical, cultural and artistic development of the Turks and Caicos Islands.” Cyril and Dorsie Publishing is located at Lot 3, Lower Bight Road,
Erlin Pratt Building Unit 8, directly across from the Rubis gas station. For more information and queries contact Tatiana Handfield by phone on 245-6432 or email cyrildorsiepublishing@outlook.com
October 19-25, 2019
‘I never broke’ A tribute to Lionel Talbot, fisherman par excellence
BEFORE you meet Lionel Talbot, better known to his friends and the entire country as ‘Unkie’ or ‘Uncle Line’, you meet his laugh. Shrill and hysterically funny, this is a laugh you can hear from miles away. And once you hear it, you know Unkie is holding court in the fish shack at Deane’s Dock (the Salt Cay harbour). When he’s not having his BY TITUS DE BOER morning banter with his fellow Titus was born in Hamburg Saltans, he goes fishing. Fishing and has lived in the Turks and is Lionel’s life. Caicos Islands since 1989. “I am always fishing,” he He works as a general business consultant and has been based exclaims with a beaming smile, in Salt Cay since 2016. “and so I never broke. Never!” When the conversation turns to fishing, Lionel doesn’t display any false modesty- nor should he. The self-proclaimed ‘King of the Tunas’ (an accolade coined after a recent, exceedingly successful catch) has caught it all, seen it all and yes, been lost at sea several times in his quest for that next great catch. Engine trouble. “I’ve had to sleep on Cotton Cay and then row back to Salt Cay the next day”, he explains without great pathos. “Another time I was adrift for an entire night and was helped by some South Caicos fishermen. That was off Six Hill Cay.” “I’ve been working since I was four”, says the 69-year-old Unkie. “Back then we used to help our daddy collect vanilla yarn on Cotton Cay for rope making and then once I was 10, me and my brother would work with our father making ropes.” When he wasn’t making ropes, young Lionel would fish for conch, “which we would sell to the Haitian boats that came here regularly in those days”. And then he went to sea. Like so many Turks Islanders of previous generations (including his father and brother), Lionel Talbot became a seaman. That was in 1970. He was 20-years-old. “I saw a lot of the world, especially around Asia and Europe.” Memories of his favourite places are shared (material for a follow up column- or not), “I really liked Amsterdam!” In 1996 his seafaring career ended. It was time to come home, for good. So, what’s Uncle Line’s idea of a good day on Salt Cay? “A good catch!” answers everyone’s favourite uncle and hastens to add: “Every day is a good for me, God keeps me alive and I am grateful for that.” And with that he turns to his grandnephew Ranfurly and the two return to their favourite subject. Fishing.
Several generous businesses and individuals prepared a wonderful variety of nutritious and delicious food and drink
Breakfast charity hosts healthy food fair FOOD for Thought held a food fair at Long Bay High School on Wednesday (October 16) to promote healthy diets and encourage students to try different kinds of cuisine. Several generous businesses and individuals prepared a wonderful variety of nutritious and delicious food and drink which the students enjoyed sampling. Food for Thought co-founder Jeanne Savory said: “We are very grateful to those who contributed to the food fair. “Healthy diets and lifestyles are so important in order to combat both undernutrition and obesity.” The event was held to commemorate the UN’s World Food Day, which was held this
year under the theme, ‘Our actions are our future. Healthy diets for a #zerohunger world.’ Food for Thought is holding various events and activities throughout the week, including a public food drive and school video competition. It will all finish with the charity’s fourth annual brunch on Sunday (October 20) at Mango Reef in Providenciales. Last year’s event raised over $17,000 for the charity’s breakfast and food bank programmes. Savory said of this week’s food drive: “We could not have hosted this successful event without Simita, our fantastic operations and marketing manager.
“Our particular thanks to Mrs Whiskey-John and her team at Long Bay High School for hosting the event. “Enormous thanks also to Bay Bistro, Grace Bay Club, The Patty Place, Nutrition in Demand, Tropical Taste, Sandbox, Health Promotions and Advocacy Unit, Rotaract, Flamingo Pharmacy, Joan Connolly Gregg, Charlotte Harvey, Meghann Kruck, who donated their time, effort, and all of the amazing food, and to our brilliant Food for Thought volunteers Jessica and Deb.” For more information on Food for Thought visit foodforthoughttci.com or contact info@foodforthoughttci. com or 242-FEED.
October 19-25, 2019
October 19-25, 2019
Eleventh annual In the Pink cancer charity event was a huge success
Massive turnout for TCI’s biggest cancer charity event BY OLIVIA ROSE THE PALMS Turks and Caicos came alive once again with different hues of pink, as patrons from all walks of life turned out in their numbers at the mega charity event. The annual ‘In the Pink’ charity fundraiser proved a huge success again this year as people from across
the territory celebrated a worthy cause. The event which is now in its 11th year, raised money for TCI’s National Cancer Society and played host to a shopping frenzy, a Pink Poker Tournament sponsored by CasaBlanca Casino and a lavish after party where Prime DJ’s rocked the Palms’ courtyard.
With donations from the corporate community and generous donors, the team transformed the Palms Hotel and Spa into a pink spectacle. During the well-attended event, patrons snagged excellent bargains on a variety of new and gently used clothing, shoes, accessories and many designer items.
After the shopping and other formalities, the fiesta continued with a jiving after party in the elegantly pink-accessorised courtyard. The party included live music and delightfully dressed bartenders who served up themed cocktails. This year, the event also featured collectors’ items and brand name pieces from former United States
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. All proceeds will be donated to the National Cancer Society which is dedicated to treating and eliminating cancer in the Turks and Caicos Islands. The organisation is the TCI’s leading advocacy body that works every day to make the disease a national priority.
October 19-25, 2019
October 19-25, 2019
Blue Hills church celebrates 50 years THE CHURCH of God of Prophecy in Blue Hills celebrated its 50th anniversary on October 12 with a week of events and activities for the whole family. Celebrations began on the weekend of October 5 with a community walkabout, a morning prayer meeting, a divine worship service and a grand gospel concert. Then during the week of the anniversary, the church hosted a night of history, a Bible quiz and trivia night, and an evangelistic outreach street meeting. A night of brass featured original and existing members of the TCI Brass Band and the Church of God of Prophecy Brass Band. The church held a motorcade and funfair, followed by a family enrichment seminar with host presenter Bishop Roger Ball PhD from New York. And to round off the celebrations on Sunday, October 13, there was an official anniversary service and a gala banquet at the Shore Club in Long Bay. The Church of God of Prophecy, affectionately called the ‘Jumper’ church, has been in the TCI for nearly 100 years, with its first mission established in Kew in North Caicos. In 1961 the church established a mission, under the leadership of Brother James Calvin William
for Blue Hills, which engaged in house to house visitations and street meetings. As the mission grew, permission was granted to use the school building on Bay Road for regular church services. Bishop Isaiah Whyms was the TCI’s colonial district overseer and appointed Brother James Williams as the leader and Sister Nanless Taylor as the secretary of the Blue Hills mission. About three months before the dedication of the Church of God of Prophecy in Blue Hills, the national overseer of the Bahamas and the TCI, the late Bishop Alvin Moss JP, CBE, received information from Brother James Williams of Providenciales and Bishop Isaiah Whyms that the church building in Blue Hills was ready for dedication and church organisation. On January 23, 1963, the groundbreaking ceremony was held, which officially established the first Church of God of Prophecy on the island of Providenciales. Bishop Isaiah Whyms laid the corner stone. On Sunday, October 12, 1969, the Church of God of Prophecy, Blue Hills, building was dedicated. Bishop Moss recorded his greetings and sent Evangelist Clarence Williams to represent him in the capacity of the national
overseer. He asked him to implement the following: the dedication of the church building, to organise the local church, to appoint and install Brother James Williams as the local pastor and to ordain Brother James Williams as a minister of the gospel. The past and present national overseers of the Church of God of Prophecy, TCI, were Bishop Stanley Ferguson, Minister James Musgrove,
Bishop Alvin Moss, JP, CBE, Bishop Simeon Handfield, Bishop Isaiah Wynns, Bishop Franklyn Williams, MBE, Bishop Clarence Williams and Bishop Clayton Martin. The senior pastors of the Church of God of Prophecy, Blue Hills, were Pastor James C. Williams (1969 to 1984), Pastor Hoplyn Parker (1984 to 1985), Pastor Sally Williams (1985 to 1986), Pastor James Williams (1986 to 1995), Pastor Emmanuel Rigby (1995 to 1997),
Pastor James Williams (1997 to 2001) and Bishop Andrew Stone (2001 to present). Many churches, ministries, ministers, pastors, evangelists and teachers have been birthed out of the Church of God of Prophecy, Blue Hills. “We will continue to shine the light and love of Jesus Christ, as we serve the community of Blue Hills, letting people know that we care,” a press release from the church read.
October 19-25, 2019
Facilitator Dr Dawn O’Sullivan interacts with students during the workshop
Pupils from Oseta Jolly Primary School observe International Day of the Girl Child
Dr Dawn O’Sullivan, Ms Rachel and Ms Davia teach students about gender equality, their bodies and the power of choices
Members of team Outreach Turks and Caicos with facilitators of the workshop
Students celebrate International Day of the Girl Child BY OLIVIA ROSE YOUNG girls from Oseta Jolly Primary School learned how to deal with an array of gender issues this month, from equality to how to care for and respect their bodies. On Friday, October 11, the international and local community commemorated International Day of the Girl Child. The day aims to highlight and address the needs and challenges girls face, while promoting girls’ empowerment and the fulfilment of their human rights. In the TCI, Outreach Turks and Caicos along with members of the Harvest Bible Chapel and other charitable groups adopted a school to observe the day. Female students from Oseta Jolly Primary School were applauded for their courage and intellect when they engaged in
an hour-long discussion with facilitators on topics affecting girls in today’s society. During the discussion led by Dr Dawn O’Sullivan, preadolescent girls were educated on their human rights and reminded that they are not too young to make a difference. Dr O’Sullivan, who spoke to grades five and six (ages 10 to 12), told the Weekly News that it is crucial for girls to be informed about the world around them and the choices they have. She said: “It was an absolute honour to be a part of this today. The theme for this year is ‘Power to the child’ and it is really important in the TCI because we still suffer with gender inequalities. “Although many steps are being taken to bring the girls into line with pay and education and also laws to protect their bodies, it’s only when
the girls themselves feel empowered that any of these laws actually take effect.” Members of the Harvest Bible Chapel, Ms Rachel and Ms Davia, who teamed up to administer lessons on good behaviour and positive choices to girls from grades three and four (ages eight to 10), echoed similar sentiments. Ms Rachel said: “When they feel empowered they know what they need to protect themselves from. “We were able to teach them about the influence of peer pressure and a lot of them will go through that in life, so we just let them know that ‘look, you have a way to say no or yes’. She said they told the girls that they should only accept good influences from people and refuse the bad ones – and they let the girls know that they can be influencers themselves.
“So it was a good day for them to learn and to know that they are precious in God’s sight and that they have a right to their bodies and that they’re fearfully and wonderfully made. “We even read them a Bible passage which says, ‘With God all things are possible’.” Ms Davia said that during the lesson the girls participated in simulated scenarios where they learned about the subtlety of peer pressure. “Like Rachel mentioned, we got them to speak about their influences and they did individual responses and a bit of group work with an ice breaker for them to bring out how they can be influenced. “They spoke about positive and negative influences and some of them actually told us about the times they were negatively influenced, so we were able to share with them how
to avoid negative influences in the future,” she added. At the end of the session, care packages and lunches were provided for the students compliments of Stephanie Duncanson and other members of Outreach Turks and Caicos. Meanwhile, the Department of Gender Affairs in partnership with the Department of Social Development hosted activities within various primary and secondary schools to celebrate the day. On Friday, October 11, an exhibition was held at Dillon Hall at St Mary’s Pro Cathedral. While on Saturday, October 12, a girls’ workshop was held at the Salem Baptist’s Sunday School Hall, under the theme, ‘The lady in me’. The young ladies were given an opportunity to engage in discussions on self-care, online violence, etiquette and much more.
October 19-25, 2019
NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR GRANT OF ISLANDER STATUS SECOND PUBLICATION In accordance with section 6(1) and 6(2) of the Turks and Caicos Islander Status Ordinance, notice is hereby given that the following persons have made applications in 2016, 2017 and 2018 for the grant of Islander Status under section 5(1)(b) of the Turks and Caicos Islander Status Ordinance. The public are requested to make any submissions within 30 days of this publication, which day falls on 11th November 2019. Submissions are to be made to:
Sakera E. Cook Secretary to the Commission Turks and Caicos Islander Status Commission Former Sammy Been Plaza (2nd Floor) Government Complex Airport Road, Providenciales Or email: tcistatuscommission@gov.tc
Agile Levin, bachelor, of Pennsylvania, United States of America, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in The Bight, Providenciales.
Conrad Griffiths, married to Foluso Olubunmi Ladejobi, of the United Kingdom, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in Providenciales.
Owen Benjamin Foley, married to Imelda Perpetua Foley, of Galway Ireland, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in Providenciales.
Hope Levin, spinster, of Pennsylvania, United States of America, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in The Bight, Providenciales.
Foluso Olubunmi Ladejobi, married to Conrad Griffiths, of United Kingdom, United States of America, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in Providenciales.
Antoine Frandy, married to Gladys Antoine, father of 3 children, of Milot, Haiti, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in The Bight, Providenciales.
Daniel Joseph Levin, bachelor, of Pennsylvania, United States of America, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in The Bight, Providenciales. Neil Robert Coles, married to Helle Lykkes Coles, father of 2 children, of United Kingdom, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in Turtle Tail, Providenciales.
Christopher Paul Frederick Griffiths, bachelor, of Florida, United States of America, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in Providenciales.
Christopher Charles Robin Davies, married to Rebecca Claire Davies, father of 2 children, of Bath, United Kingdom, a British Citizen and ordinarily resident in Leeward Highway, Providenciales.
Cameron Stephen Radcliffe Griffiths, of Florida, United States of America, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in Providenciales.
Alfred Meme, married to Alucienne Joseph Meme, of Cape Haiten, Haiti, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in Blue Hills, Providenciales.
October 19-25, 2019
Philippe Legagneur, married to Yadley Sleens Dorvil Legagneur, father of 2 children, of Cap Haitian, Haiti, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in The Bight, Providenciales. Yadley Sleens Dorvil Legagneur, married to Philippe Legagneur, mother of 2 children, of Port-au-Prince, Haiti, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in The Bight, Providenciales. Robert Brynley Phillips, married to Nicola Sarah Phillips, father of 2 children, of England, United Kingdom, a British Citizen and ordinarily resident in Leeward, Providenciales. Nicholas Edward Paddison, married to Pauline Cora Oreilly, of Neath, United Kingdom, a British Citizen and ordinarily resident in Providenciales. Jaccius Narcius Aristile, married to Rosanna Charitable Aristle, of Dufou, Haiti, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in Providenciales.
Yngrit Carolina Reynoso, married to David Hernandez, of El Seibo, Dominican Republic, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in Cheshire Hall, Providenciales.
Robert Bruce Maclaren, married to Katrina Ann Maclaren, father of 2 children, of Ottawa, Canada, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in The Bight, Providenciales.
Cecilia Kathleen Holden, married to Patrick John Hayward, of Florida, United States of America, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in Cheshire Hall, Providenciales.
Emmanuel Desronvil, married to Anne Rose Belmeus Desronvil, of Limbe, Haiti, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in Five Cays, Providenciales.
Patrick John Hayward, married to Cecilia Kathleen Holden, of England, United Kingdom, a British Citizen and ordinarily resident in Cheshire Hall, Providenciales.
Neale Lawrence Coleman, married to Rebecca ReastonBrown, father of 2 children, of England, United Kingdom, a British Citizen and ordinarily resident in The Bight, Providenciales.
Christopher Stephen Bourne, married to Roisin Bourne, of England, United Kingdom, a British Citizen and ordinarily resident in Providenciales. Sanjay Kumar Gopaldas, married to Dimple Ganglani, of Chennai, India, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in Cheshire Hall, Providenciales.
Karen Elizabeth Ollivierre, spinster, of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in Long Bay, Providenciales. Pramilaben Patel Padma, spinster, of Gujarat, India, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in Cheshire Hall, Providenciales.
October 19-25, 2019
Malcolm Ian Ross, married to Michelle Louise Ross, of England, United Kingdom, a British Citizen and ordinarily resident in The Bight, Providenciales. Sian Elizabeth Tovell Jones, spinster, of England, United Kingdom, a British Citizen and ordinarily resident in Providenciales. Imran Shaaban Hoza, bachelor, of Morogoro, Tanzania, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in Grand Turk. Audrey Sylvia Hardy, spinster, of Cumbria, United Kingdom, a British Citizen and ordinarily resident in The Bight, Providenciales. Blair Allan MacPherson, bachelor, of North Sydney, Canada, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in The Bight, Providenciales. Gaitri Doreen Rampersaud, married to Paltooram Rampersaud, of Novar Mahaicony, Guyana, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in The Bight, Providenciales.
Josiane Elcius, spinster, of Arcahaie, Haiti, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in The Bight, Providenciales. Achsah Blessings Wildish, spinster, of Florida, United States of America, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in The Bight, Providenciales. Ambica Chandanie Rampersaud, spinster, of Grand Turk, Turks and Caicos Islands, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in Grand Turk. Garry Stephen Hastings, married to Josie Sofia Regis Hastings, father of 1 child, of England, United Kingdom, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in The Bight, Providenciales. Michael Paul Horton, married to Carmela Giordano, father of 1 child, of Swindon, United Kingdom, a British Citizen and ordinarily resident in The Bight, Providenciales.
Carmela Giordano, married to Michael Paul Horton, mother of 1 child, of Montreal, Quebec, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in The Bight, Providenciales. Jaidev Ganglani, married to Karen Ganglani, of Hyderabad, India, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in Providenciales. Peter Edward Collier, married to SallyAnn Collier, of England, United Kingdom, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in Cheshire Hall, Providenciales. SallyAnn Collier, married to Peter Edward Collier, of England, United Kingdom, a British Citizen and ordinarily resident in Cheshire Hall, Providenciales. Keith Austin Pickavance, married to Rosalind Anne Pickavance, of England, United Kingdom, a British Citizen and ordinarily resident in Leeward, Providenciales.
October 19-25, 2019
Rosalind Anne Pickavance, married to Keith Austin Pickavance, of England, United Kingdom, a British Citizen and ordinarily resident in Leeward, Providenciales.
Arlene Jennings, married to Hudson Stephenson Jennings, of Clarendon, Jamaica, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in Cheshire Hall, Providenciales.
Jayne Louise Baker, spinster, of England, United Kingdom, a British Citizen and ordinarily resident in Providenciales.
Gregory Ian Watts, bachelor, of England, United Kingdom, a British Citizen and ordinarily resident in Providenciales.
Nicola Christine Haynes, married to Stuart Michael Haynes, of England, United Kingdom, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in Providenciales.
Jacquelin Bernadin, bachelor, of CapHaitian, Haiti, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in Providenciales.
Stuart Michael Haynes, married to Nicola Christine Haynes, of Leicester, United Kingdom, a British Citizen and ordinarily resident in Blue Hills, Providenciales Samuelear Lynnda Morley, spinster, of Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in The Bight, Providenciales.
Maureen Elaine Jones, spinster, of England, United Kingdom, a British Citizen and ordinarily resident in Wheeland, Providenciales. Christian Papachristou, bachelor, of Neuss, Germany, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in The Bight, Providenciales. Gertrude Jean Antoine Eugene, married to John Eugene, of Port-auPrince, Haiti, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in Five Cays, Providenciales.
Peter John Kerrigan, bachelor, of Fear Manach, Ireland, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in Cheshire Hall, Providenciales. Christie Germanie Cadet, spinster, of Gonaives, Haiti, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in Cheshire Hall, Providenciales. Fitzerald Pierre Louis, bachelor, of Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in Kew, North Caicos. Helene Martine Tereygeol, spinster, of France, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in Leeward, Providenciales. Pierrik Vincent Marziou, bachelor, of Alger, France, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in Leeward, Providenciales.
October 19-25, 2019
Karel Vendryes Rodney, married to Atelys Junly Adrian De Rodney, father of 2 children, of Saint Elizabeth, Jamaica, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in The Bight, Providenciales. Julian Petrucci, married to Selma Aleandra Storm, father of 2 children of Scotland, United Kingdom, a British Citizen and ordinarily resident in Leeward, Providenciales. Jonathan Max Katan, married to Lucy Elizabeth Hilary Bullard, of England, United Kingdom, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in Cheshire Hall, Providenciales. Barry Kenyon Morton, married to Martha Monica Morton, of Saskatchewan, Canada, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in Cheshire Hall, Providenciales. Christopher James Nesbitt, married to Tracey Anne Haggerty, father of 2 children, of England, United Kingdom, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in Leeward, Providenciales.
Teresa Carol Meneley, married to Grant Peter Meneley, of Ontario, Canada, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in Cheshire Hall, Providenciales. Eldon Rodriguez Garcia, married to Martiza Elizabeth Gonzalez, father of 2 children, of Matas of Farfarn, Dominican Republic, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in Cheshire Hall Providenciales. Berthony Odne, married to Gislaine Toussaint Odne, of Irois, Haiti, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in Providenciales. Floyd Herbert Williams, married to Theresa Candianne Willaims, father of 2 children, of Middlesex, United Kingdom, a British Citizen and ordinarily resident in Providenciales. Atelys Junly Adrian De Rodney, married to Karel Vendryes Rodney, mother of 2 children, of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in Wheeland, Providenciales.
Christopher Bryan, bachelor, of England, United Kingdom, a British Citizen and ordinarily resident in Providenciales. Adrian Gerard Corr, married to Roschellie Succour Agatep Corr, of Derry, Northern Ireland, a British Citizen and ordinarily resident in Leeward, Providenciales. Robert Paul Brace, married to Naomi Jiljane Brace, of Gwent, United Kingdom, a British Citizen and ordinarily resident in The Bight, Providenciales. Naomi Jiljane Brace, married to Robert Paul Brace, of Orange Free State, South Africa, a British Citizen and ordinarily resident in The Bight, Providenciales. Alison Jane Williams, spinster, of England, United Kingdom, a British Citizen and ordinarily resident in Cheshire Hall, Providenciales. Morgan May Luker, spinster, of Oakville, Canada, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in Cheshire Hall, Providenciales.
October 19-25, 2019
Josef Stava, bachelor, of Prague, Czech, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in Cheshire Hall, Providenciales. Rosemary Susan Gaunt Nicholls, married to Simon Geoffrey Nicholls, mother of 2 children, of Wales, United Kingdom, a British Citizen and ordinarily resident in Cheshire Hall, Providenciales. Simon Geoffrey Nicholls, married to Rosemary Susan Gaunt Nicholls, father of 2 children, of Wales, United Kingdom, a British Citizen and ordinarily resident in Cheshire Hall, Providenciales. Anne Rose PiertilTiremar, spinster, of Gros Morne, Haiti, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in Providenciales. Jade E. Herring Owen, married to Micah Lee Owen, of Pennsylvania, United States of America, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in The Bight, Providenciales.
Micah Lee Owen, married to Jade E. Herring Owen, of Virginia, United States of America, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in The Bight, Providenciales
Elcie Simeon, married to Jean Occilien, father of 2 children, of Cap-Haitian, Haiti, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in Five Cays, Providenciales.
Nicole Celeste Greatrex, married to Gregory Bertram Allan, mother of 2 children, of Ontario, Canada, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in The Bight, Providenciales.
Melinda Menson, married to Martee Doverspike, mother of 2 children, of Cobourg, Canada, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in Providenciales.
Adam David Twigg, married to Stefanie June Twigg, father of 2 children, of Leicester, United Kingdom, a British Citizen and ordinarily resident in Cheshire Hall, Providenciales. Steven John Thompson, married to Mary Thompson, of England, United Kingdom, a British Citizen and ordinarily resident in Long Bay, Providenciales Iris Karina Duverge Bautista, spinster, mother of 1 child, of San Cristobal, Dominican Republic a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in Providenciales.
Smith Corielan, married to Nathalie Davilmar, father of 1 child, of Desdune, Haiti, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in Blue Hills Providenciales. John Kenneth Lawson, married to Karen Elizabeth Lawson, of England, United Kingdom, a British Citizen and ordinarily resident in Blue Hills, Providenciales. Phillipe Kunz, married to Donna Marfino, of Cannes, France, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in Leeward, Providenciales.
October 19-25, 2019
Justine Marie Marziou, spinster, mother of 1 child, of Les Lilas, France, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in Long Bay, Providenciales. John Osilawala Mubenwafor, married to Sarah Lale Mubenwafor, father of 3 children, of Port Harcourt, Nigeria, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in Palm Grove, Grand Turk. Alain Francois Wattiez, married to Olga Kudrytska Wattiez, of Talence, France, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in Leeward, Providenciales. Eugene Beaute, married to Anne Rose Francois Beaute, of Dessaline, Haiti, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in Providenciales. Virginie Marie Lucie Lecoeur Darmois, married to Maxime Darmois, of Le Havre, France, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in Leeward, Providenciales.
Michelle Louise Ross, married to Malcolm Ian Ross, of California, United States of America, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in Cheshire Hall, Providenciales.
Antony Jacob Lancaster, married to Kerry Alison Lawrence Lancaster, of Kingston, Jamaica, a British Citizen and ordinarily resident in Cheshire Hall, Providenciales.
Sara Janet Redmond, married to John Edward Redmond, of England, United Kingdom, a British Citizen and ordinarily resident in Five Cays, Providenciales.
Johane BaptisteLouis, married to Franky Louis, mother of 2 children, of CapHaitian, Haiti, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in Wheeland, Providenciales.
John Edward Redmond, married to Sara Janet Redmond, of England, United Kingdom, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in Five Cays, Providenciales.
Clive Robert Whent, married to Joan Alice Burton, father of 2 children, of England, United Kingdom, a British Citizen and ordinarily resident in Cheshire Hall, Providenciales.
Dieringer Lee Longmire, spinster, of Maryland, United States of America, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in Cheshire Hall, Providenciales.
Steven John Greenwood, married to Joy Louis Greenwood, of England, United Kingdom, a British Citizen and ordinarily resident in The Bight, Providenciales.
Kerry Alison Lawrence Lancaster, married to Antony Jacob Lancaster, of England, United Kingdom, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in Cheshire Hall, Providenciales.
Ashley Joy Greenwood, spinster, of Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in Providenciales.
October 19-25, 2019
Joy Louis Greenwood, married to Steven John Greenwood, of England, United Kingdom, a British Citizen and ordinarily resident in The Bight, Providenciales. Katherine May Greenwood, spinster, of England, United Kingdom, a British Citizen and ordinarily resident in Providenciales. Sally Anne Louise Greenwood, spinster, of England, United Kingdom, a British Citizen and ordinarily resident in Providenciales. Joseph Medisant Vixaille, married to Ruth Vixaille Allime, father of 2 children, Port-Margot, Haiti, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in Blue Hills, Providenciales. Peggy Patricia Samuels, married to Paul Black, mother of 2 children, of Kingston, Jamaica, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in The Bight, Providenciales.
Louise Amanda Scott, married to Paul Michael Scott, mother of 2 children, of Brighton, United Kingdom, a British Citizen and ordinarily resident in Cheshire Hall, Providenciales. Ivor Victor Hillary Stanbrook, married to Claudia Maria Camozzi, father of 1 child, of England, United Kingdom a British Citizen and ordinarily resident in Providenciales. Isabella Grace Stanbrook, married to Igal Alber Yahya, of Brussels, Belgium, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in Providenciales. Dipaben Dineshkumar Parvani, married to Dineshkumar Parvani, mother of 2 children, of Vadodora, India, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in Palm Grove, Grand Turk. John Geofrey Hartley, married to Monique Ann Allan, of England, United Kingdom, a British Citizen and ordinarily resident in Blue Hills, Providenciales.
Monique Ann Fortune Allan, married to John Geofrey Hartley, of Paris, France, a British Citizen and ordinarily resident in Blue Hills, Providenciales. Todd Charles Foss, married to Leslie Grace Foss, of Saskatoon, Canada, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in Leeward, Providenciales. Rebecca Claire Davies, married to Christopher Charles Robin Davies, of England, United Kingdom, a British Citizen and ordinarily resident in Leeward, Providenciales. Dineshkumar Jethanand Parvani, married to Dipaben Dineshkumar Parvani, father of 2 children, of Vejalpur, India, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in Palm Grove, Grand Turk. Ryan Lucas Blain, married to Jennifer Nicole Blain, father of 2 children, of Ontario, Canada, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in The Bight, Providenciales.
World News
Hurricane Dorian: Bahamas government offers guaranteed loans DEPUTY Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Peter Turnquest has announced that US$10 million will be taken from the Dormant Fund to help small businesses in Abaco and Grand Bahama which were impacted when Hurricane Dorian slammed into the two islands last month. He said the Access Accelerator, Small Business Development Centre (SBDC), through the Ministry of Finance and private financial partners, is offering governmentguaranteed loans to micro, small and medium-sized (MSMEs) enterprises directly affected by Hurricane Dorian. “Both Grand Bahama and Abaco represent some 18 per cent of our overall Gross Domestic Product and so it is in our interest and certainly significant for us to get them back and up and operating to as near normal as quickly as possible,” he said. The $10 million will facilitate grants, loan guarantees and equity capital for entrepreneurs residing and displaced from Abaco and Grand Bahama. Executive Director at the SBDC, Davinia Grant, explained that it is the goal of the Centre to continue serving those clients it had before the
NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR GRANT OF ISLANDER STATUS CONTINUED Stuart Ian Gray, married to Joanna Gray, of England, United Kingdom, a British Citizen and ordinarily resident in The Bight, Providenciales.
The $10 million will facilitate grants, loan guarantees and equity capital for entrepreneurs residing and displaced from Abaco and Grand Bahama.
storm while creating opportunities for other existing MSMEs to bounce back even better. “I need to emphasise this. We will continue to take care of our existing clients. What is being discussed today is additional resources that have allocated by our government and our partnering financial institutions to help the 2,525 active
MSMEs across Abaco and Grand Bahama, employing approximately 4,000 people,” she said. Grant said the government is providing US$5 million to guarantee up to US$6.7 million dollars in loans through the Clearing Banks Association.US$2 million will be given equity in partnerships and U$1.3 million in microloans and grants.
Haiti opposition rejects president’s assurances he will fight corruption HAITIAN President Jovenel Moise said on Tuesday he was making moves to end the country’s corrupt political and economic system, acknowledging one of the opposition’s demands yet failing to convince protesters, who again took to the streets. Moise held a rare news conference at midday, rejecting calls for his resignation amid anger over alleged corruption by public officials, fuel shortages and rampant inflation that has fuelled five straight weeks of protests. Instead, Moise said he was ending questionable contracts with businesses made under previous administrations, accusing the guardians and beneficiaries of the unfair system of preventing the country from moving forwards, without naming names. He also said he would work on getting the country back in gear and planned on addressing the nation more frequently. Haitians have complained of a leadership vacuum given Moise’s rare appearances during a crisis which has shuttered schools, businesses and public offices. The last time Moise spoke publicly was
October 19-25, 2019
Sarah Jayne Haggie, married to Christopher Haggie, mother of 1 child, of Wales, United Kingdom, a British Citizen and ordinarily resident in Long Bay, Providenciales. Christopher James Haggie, married to Sarah Jayne Haggie, father of 1 child, of Wales, United Kingdom, a British Citizen and ordinarily resident in Long Bay, Providenciales. Fresner Guirand, married to Jossette Guirand, father of 2 children, of Aquin, Haiti, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in Providenciales. Doris Christine Barker, married to John David Barker, mother of 1 child, of Kisumu, Kenya, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in Leeward, Providenciales.
Haiti’s President Jovenel Moise said he would work on getting the country back in gear and planned on addressing the nation more frequently.
nearly three weeks ago in a prerecorded 2 a.m. televised address. “I have heard your cries in the streets,” said Moise, who has survived several waves of protests since taking office two and a half years ago, although this is the longest one. The president said his resignation would not be the golden ticket to changing the corrupt system. “Instead, it is necessary to sit down in order to discuss this.” The opposition rejected his
assurances and calls for dialogue. “Moise does not have the moral authority to attack the guardians of the system of exclusion that we are fighting today as his electoral campaign was financed by these people,” said opposition leader Andre Michel. “We are all aware of the need to end this system ...(but) the solution of the crisis today requires above all the immediate resignation of Jovenel Moise.”
Daniel John Redmond, bachelor, of England, United Kingdom, a British Citizen and ordinarily resident in Leeward, Providenciales.
October 19-25, 2019
Regional News
Denis is a passionate landscape architect who enjoys the creative process and his clients’ joy when projects come to life. Contact Denis at Nature Splendor for your landscaping, installation or garden maintenance needs. For more information call 332-3381 or email denis@naturesplendor.net.
Trees that attract termites PART TWO DECIDUOUS trees are leafy trees that typically change colour or lose their leaves in the winter, per example the tropical almond tree or the royal poinciana (flamboyant tree). Termites don’t just feast on certain types of deciduous trees, they also like to call them home. They will build above ground nests in oaks or green buttonwood trees that are alive and well. Eventually, they’ll been munching away on dry or dead parts of the tree as the colony grows. No matter what species a tree is, if it’s rotted or dead it’s a prime target for termites. Even a dead branch is enough to attract hungry termites looking for an easy meal. All termites prefer dead and rotting trees because they are very easy to chew through and get to the cellulose. If you leave a stump in your yard, it’s like sending termites an invitation to move in. When trees show signs of damage or rotting you should investigate immediately to find the cause and take action. Remove any portions of a tree that are dried out since this will be the spot termites attack first. People are concerned about spreading wood mulch over their garden in fear it will attract termites to their house.
Mulch creates a moist cool area on top of the soil, plants love this as it protects their roots and keeps them moist. Insects also love this environment and tend to thrive in a moist cool area. Among these insects are many which are beneficial for the garden, however termites also enjoy this cool moist environment. But mulch does not attract insects (including termites) like a magnet. And so many times I hear people saying that scaevola attract termites, but they do not hear it or see it or smell it and come running for it. Rather the insects which are already present in your soil wander into the scaevola bushes on their travels and like the moist cool environment and so decide to stay there. Actually I like scaevola - it is used as a hedge plant and it is a fantastic plant for erosion control, very tolerant to salt air and drought. And on a personal note, I think it is a very attractive plant. So rather than cutting down all your fruit trees, flamboyant trees and scaevola, why don’t you do termite control by simply contacting specialist. In the long run, you will probably save a lot of money, you will have all the beautiful plants in your garden, and you will sleep better. Come and see our Facebook page: Nature Splendor
Brexit: EU and UK reach deal but DUP refuses support A BREXIT deal has been agreed between the UK and EU before a meeting of European leaders in Brussels. Boris Johnson and Jean-Claude Juncker called it a “fair” outcome and the EU Commission President said there was no need to extend the Brexit deadline. He said: “We have a deal so why should we have a prolongation.” This will be a boost for the PM, but he still faces a battle to get the deal through Parliament on Saturday, with the DUP opposing it. Mr Johnson urged MPs to “come together” and “get this excellent deal over the line”. He added: “Now is the moment for us to get Brexit done and then together work on building our future partnership, which I think can be incredibly positive both for the UK and for the EU.” Brexit should happen “without any more delay”, he added, so that the government could turn its attentions to domestic priorities. The prime minister has repeatedly insisted the UK will leave the EU on 31 October - he could yet be forced to ask for an extension but it will be up to the leaders of the 27 member states - not Jean-Claude Juncker whether to grant one. The two sides worked round-theclock on the legal text of the deal, but it will still need the approval of both the UK and European parliaments. In a statement, the Democratic
Boris Johnson and JeanClaude Juncker called it a “fair” outcome - and the EU Commission President said there was no need to extend the Brexit deadline.
Unionist Party, which the government relies on for support in key votes, said: “These proposals are not, in our view, beneficial to the economic well-being of Northern Ireland and they undermine the integrity of the Union.” It added: “Saturday’s vote in Parliament on the proposals will only be the start of a long process to get any Withdrawal Agreement Bill through the House of Commons.” Most of the deal is the same as the one agreed by Theresa May last year - the main change is the Northern Ireland proposal. • The UK will continue to abide by EU rules until the end of 2020, and possibly longer, to allow businesses to adjust • The UK will still pay an estimated £33bn “divorce bill”
• The rights of EU citizens living in the UK, and UK citizens in the EU, will be guaranteed What’s changed? • Northern Ireland will be aligned to the EU single market • The controversial “backstop” that critics feared could have kept the UK in a customs union with the EU indefinitely - has been removed • Northern Ireland will instead remain a part of the UK’s customs territory, so it will be included in any future trade deals struck by the government after Brexit • But Northern Ireland will also remain an entry point into the EU’s customs zone. The UK will not apply tariffs to products entering Northern Ireland as long as they are not destined for onward transportation across the border • A joint EU/UK committee will decide which goods are at risk of entering the single market and the UK will collect EU tariffs on them on behalf of the EU • The Northern Ireland Assembly which has been suspended since January 2017 - will get a vote every four years on whether to continue with the new trading arrangements • The decision would be based on a simple majority, rather than requiring a majority of both unionists and nationalists to support the rules in order for them to pass
Catalan protests: Region’s president pushes for second vote THE president of Spain’s Catalonia region has said he will push for a new independence referendum, as protests continued into a fourth day. Quim Torra said another independence vote should go ahead within two years. He has condemned violence which saw protesters clash with riot police after nine separatist leaders were jailed for their role in a failed push for independence. At least ninety-six people have been hurt across the region. Demonstrators were detained in Barcelona, Lleida, Tarragona and Girona on Wednesday night as the protests spread across Spain’s north-east region. Protesters have reportedly been using an app known as Tsunami Democràtic, which directs them to protest sites in Catalan cities. The Spanish authorities say they are investigating who is coordinating the disruption. Mr Torra blamed “infiltrators” but government spokeswoman Isabel Celaá described
Evidence of the violence from the night before was clear in the centre of Barcelona on Thursday.
those instigating the violence as “coordinated young Catalans” whose actions were not improvised. Barricades were set alight and petrol bombs thrown as riots gripped the centre of Barcelona. Speaking in the Catalan parliament, Mr Torra said that the sentences handed
down to Catalan leaders would not stop a second vote from going ahead. “We’ll return to the ballot box again on self-determination. If all parties and groups make it possible, we have to be able to finish this legislative term by validating independence,” he said.
October 19-25, 2019
Starbucks is the second US-branded fast food business currently operating in the Turks and Caicos Islands. It is located in Margaritaville at the Grand Turk cruise port
Starbucks is now here, TCI IT’S official, the famous Starbucks coffee shop is now in the Turks and Caicos Islands. Located in Margaritaville at the cruise port centre in Grand Turk, the store threw open its
doors to locals and visitors on Tuesday (October 15). This location is intended to the first of its kind in the TCI, a press statement from Starbucks and Caribbean Coffee Traders indicated.
According to the statement, the store represents the company’s 81st market globally, and 20th market in Latin America and Caribbean, marking an important milestone for the global coffee
brand’s Caribbean operations. Marking the occasion was Tim Grever, director of operations for Starbucks’ Caribbean markets. “We are delighted to open our first store in the tropical and exotic island of Turks and Caicos,” he said. “We are confident that along with Caribbean Coffee Traders Ltd, we will deliver a unique an exceptional coffee experience for Turks and Caicos Islanders, one that truly showcases our deep passion for some of the best coffees from around the world, while honouring the local culture.” The café offers customers an inviting destination to relax, unwind and connect, and features a cafe design that is unique to the island. On offer for coffee lovers are the commonly known range of Starbucks signature beverages and food, including Starbucks ethically sourced, 100 percent Arabica coffee. Ian Dear, chairman of the Margaritaville Caribbean
Group, said: “This milestone demonstrates our commitment and enthusiasm for the region and our optimism for the opportunities ahead. “We are excited to become the island’s hub for coffee, connection and community.” CREATING COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS The press release reads: “Starbucks has a long commitment of investing in the communities it serves worldwide. “On October 12, Starbucks partners [employees] in Grand Turk had their very first community initiative, which consisted of partnering with the Health Promotion and Advocacy Unit of Grand Turk, falling under the umbrella group of the Ministry of Health, Agriculture and Human Services.” It added that Starbucks employees, along with volunteers from the Ministry of Health, participated in a day of service which consisted
of cleaning up the community surroundings, as well as providing refreshments to residents in the area. “Starbucks has long term plans to harness awareness of the work done by the Health Promotion and Advocacy Unit on the island, showing its commitment to aiding the communities in which it serves,” the release said. A UNIQUE STORE EXPERIENCE The cafe will offer locals and tourists a feel of the true Starbucks experience through a unique customer service and Starbucks range of signature beverages and food offerings. These offerings include ecoffees from around the world, such as the Asia-Pacific and Latin America regions. For those who are curious and haven’t yet visited the coffee shop, here’s a snippet of what you can expect of the decor: “The stunning pink exterior keeps the authentic Caribbean feel of the café, where the indoor palette was kept light to keep the tropical theme. “The back of the store features a mural, handpainted by artist Maria Camila Bernal Toro of Remedios Art, showing the Siren - a Starbucks icon - with her double-tail bent underwater. “The artist recreated the Siren to evoke the same tranquillity and pleasure so many travellers in the past were rumoured to search for among the sea. “Using a chromatic composition which was inspired by the natural coral and mystic of the island, the Siren inspires peace and warmth - recreating the history of Starbucks in a contemporary and tropical language.”
October 19-25, 2019
October 19-25, 2019
October 19-25, 2019
Awards went to 34 people for the fourth annual National Honours and Awards event
TCI nationals honoured and awarded on Heritage Day LEADERS, residents and awardees gathered in Grand Turk on Monday (October 14) to celebrate the unique heritage of the Turks and Caicos Islands. Held at the NJS Francis Building in the territory’s capital, the day was also the fourth annual National Honours and Awards ceremony, making it particularly special for 34 people. They were all recognised for the impact they have had in the local community throughout the years. Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson was among those who brought remarks at the special event. She reflected: “As our economy continues to blossom and attract visitors and new residents to our shores the community of the Turks and Caicos Islands continues to evolve, what we must ensure as Turks and Caicos Islanders is that all who reside in and transit to our beautiful by nature islands are exposed to and have an appreciation and respect for our roots. “As we reflect on our heritage, our legacy is one in which we have immense pride; pride that is palpable in our speech, our cuisine, our music, and the warm welcome that we give to all who reach our shores. “On this day we honour those on whose shoulders we stand and whose
strength and resilience we are rooted in. “They have passed on a great legacy that we as Turks and Caicos Islanders will continue to pridefully uphold.” The Order of the TCI was bestowed on Hope Hamilton and posthumously on Dr Rosita Butterfield. The Patriotic Award - ‘Cayos’: Galmo Williams, Brian Swann and Joseph Robinson. The Meritorious Award went to the Reverend Samuel Goldston Williams. The Long Service Awards was given to Hon. Royal Robinson, Lewis Astwood, Jane Williams, Mary Whitlean Williams, Nixon Dickenson, Terry Smith, Janet Walkin, Moriah McIntosh, Georgie Darlene Lightbourne, Alveria Duncombe, Comonseta Campbell, Elbert Edward Higgs, Cornelius Hall, Annal Handfield, Odette Pearl Malcolm-Bernadine, Lilieth Allen, Jean Been, Patricia Simmons, Gertrude Landy, John Richard Robinson, Edith Skippings, Samuel E Forbes Junior and Gloria A Blake. The National Young Achievers Medals were given to Angelo Garland, Briann Gardiner, Caitlin Lewis, Devonte Smith and Walter Malcolm Junior.
October 19-25, 2019
October 19-25, 2019
Union defends husband Wade for referring to his son Zion as a girl on social media GABRIELLE Union could be step mommy of the year. The actress and “America’s Got Talent” judge clapped back at social media trolls who scrutinized her husband’s comment about one of their children. NBA star Dwayne Wade shared a photo of Union, their daughter, Kaavia, and Wade’s son, Zion (from a previous relationship) on social media with the words “My girls” followed by two heart emojis. Some Twitter users weighed in on Wade’s choice of gender noun — referring to his son as a girl after a Twitter user named @madiithedoll posed the question: “What y’all think about this?” As can be expected, much anti-LGTBQ+ chatter ensued. But the “Being Mary Jane” actress, who boasts 4.15 million followers, offered a quick comeback. “Looks like love to me, she responded. “I truly hope that everyone gets the love, support and hugs they deserve. Also, Kaav ain’t with the
PERFORMING ARTS TEACHER REQUIRED Provo Performing Arts School provide after school and weekend classes in ballet, tap, jazz, hip hop, commercial, contemporary, musical theatre, voice and drama to children 5 – 16 years of age, as well as providing a thriving toddler and adult program. We are looking for an energetic person, with teaching capabilities across all subjects. Salary is commensurate with experience. NBA star Dwayne Wade and his son Zion.
dumb s***. Peace & Blessings good people.” In June, 12-year old Zion Malachi Airamis Wade attended the Miami Pride parade with Union, who married Wade in 2014. The NAACP Image Award winner danced and rode a float with Zion during the festival and shared her own photos on Instagram. On the road with the Miami Heat in Toronto, Wade
encouraged the courageous act of youthful liberation by posting on Instagram, “We support each other with pride!” “I don’t really talk about it much because it’s Zion’s story to tell,” Wade later said in an interview with Variety. “I think as a family, we should support each other. That’s our job. And my job as a father is to facilitate their lives and to support them and be behind them in whatever they want to do.”
Applicants should be willing to teach up to 30 hours per weeks (Monday to Saturday), including Public Holidays.
• Either a teacher qualification with an organization such as ISTD / LAMDA, or a degree in a related subject. Both would be preferred. • At least 3 years experience teaching children and adults • A professional, proven track record in our core subjects
Please send a cover letter and CV/Resume to provoperformingarts@gmail.com This position is currently filled by a work permit holder that we wish to renew. However Islanders with qualifications and experience are invited to apply. Closing Date: Monday October 21st, 2019 PROVO PERFORMING ARTS SCHOOL. IGA PLAZA, LEEWARD HIGHWAY. PROVO
Senior Reporter We're looking for a qualified multimedia reporter who has strong news gathering and writing skills, as well as the ability and enthusiasm to help keep the country's leading newspaper ahead of the pack. The position is available for immediate start and the successful candidate will be joining a small, dedicated team covering a wide range of news and features across the Turks and Caicos Islands. Local knowledge is preferred but not essential. The successful applicant should have had experience with community, court and parliamentary reporting. They will also be expected to take photographs and videos, and use social media. The salary for this position will be dependent on experience. Write or email the publisher at
Duncanson.Publications@gmail.com No phone calls please
October 19-25, 2019
946-4664 Fax: 946-4661
Email: tcnews@tciway.tc
Website: tcweeklynews.com
Must have thorough knowledge in the floral business with 3-5 years experience.
Call: 231-3788
We are in need of a young man to deliver bills, pick up checks and distribute newspapers. Must be honest and have a clean driver’s license.
duncansonlaw@gmail.com duncansonlaw.office@gmail.com 649-941-4444/ 649-245-1314/649-348-5744 DUNCANSON & CO BARRISTERS & ATTORNEYS 16121
Contact the Publisher at tcweeklynews@gmail.com
Unit #6 Provo Storage Building, Cooper Jack Bay Road Is seeking a
• Must have experience in inventory and stocks. • Must be able to work 6 days a week and on call. Salary: $275 weekly For further information, please
CONTACT: 332-3037
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 18979
#5 North Side, Wheeland, Back of Dominican Church Is seeking to employ a
Install materials on floors, walls, ceilings, countertops, patios, and roof decks. Because tile and marble must be set on smooth, even surfaces, level the surface to be tiled. Salary: $9 hourly
CONTACT: 345-5901
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 18966
#13 Parade Ave, Down Town Is seeking a
Set up equipment, run lines for power tools, erect scaffolding, lay out tools, and hand tools to workers, remove all debris, and cleaning. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 231-0098
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 18949
Rigby Road, Five Cays Is seeking a
#9 Kishco Plaza, Airport Rd. Is seeking a
Build and install iron or steel girders, columns, and other construction materials to form buildings, bridges, and other structures. Cut, position, and bolt down steel bars to reinforce concrete. Make, weld, and cut structural metal. Salary: $9 hourly
• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 341-3511 OR 241-3577
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 18947
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 18954
CONTACT: 232-5538
Silver Palms Caravel Ave Providenciales TCI Employer Number: 4313293
Duties: cleaning and ironing and laundry Salary: $6.50 per hour This position is for work permit renewal
#8 Douglas Building, Airport Road. Is seeking to employ a
Providenciales. Seeks a
LABOURER Must be able to drive a stick-shift truck, have experience driving large commercial vehicles, and have basic mechanic knowledge to keep truck running. Must be prepared to work with human waste: cleaning portable toilets and emptying septic tanks. Job involves heavy manual labour. Position currently held by permit holder. Salary commensurate with experience. 40 hours a week.
Email: blueloosltd@gmail.com by 31 October
Duties: assisting with customers, processing sales, store cleaning, inventory, merchandising Must be able to speak Spanish, creole and English Salary: $7.50 per hour. This position is for a first time applicant
Employer Address: The Saltmills, Grace Bay Road Providenciales TCI
Contact Number: 941-8842 belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department
An opportunity exists for a full time farmer and landscaper who is willing to trim shrubs, pull weeds, plant trees, rake, sweep walkway of debris, trim tree limbs, plant flowers, cut lawn, apply pesticide to rid grounds of pests such as mosquitos, wasps, ticks, etc. Water plants and grass as needed. Applicant must be willing to work Monday- Saturday 7:00 a.m. to 4:00p.m. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 331-1073
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
October 19-25, 2019
#5 Paul Missick Apt, Lower Bight Is seeking to employ a
• Taking care of the kids. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly CONTACT: 347-6926 EMAIL: ANNASTACIAHART21@ GMAIL.COM
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 18993
- Degree in Quantity Surveying or RICS-recognised qualification. - Ten years post qualification work experience. - Computer literate with experience in Word, Excel, MS Project & BQ system software
- Pre and post contract Quantity Surveying duties - Market appraisals - Feasibility studies An annual salary of $36,000.00 plus performance Related commission is offered for this position.
The suitable candidate should be able to work under his own initiative and be able to see through projects from concept to completion. This position is available immediately and closing date for application is 25th October 2019. Qualified Turks & Caicos Islanders preferred.
Apply in writing to BCQS Limited, P. O. Box 158, Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands or fax to 946-4670. Contact Simon Taylor on email: staylor@bcqs.com
October 19-25, 2019
Millennium Heights, Blue Hills Is seeking to employ a
New Subdivision, Five Cays Is seeking to employ a
The Caicos Express Airways’ (“hereinafter called the company”) Aircraft Mechanic is responsible for ensuring the maintenance and safety of the company’s aircrafts and customers while working cohesively with coworkers on the aircraft and on the ground.
REPORTS TO: The Director of Operations, Managing Director & CEO. KEY RESPONSIBILITIES
The Aircraft Mechanic is responsible for ensuring that the company aircrafts operate properly and safely. He is responsible for overseeing repairs, troubleshoot problems, conduct inspections and make upgrades to aircrafts.
• Conduct daily inspections and schedule maintenance • Conduct and oversee emergency repairs and recordkeeping of all maintenance activities • Working successfully as part of a team, carrying out any immediate issues that arise prior to take off and after landing. • Carrying out general maintenance on important areas of the aircraft including the engine, hydraulic systems, fuel systems, and air conditioning. • Oversees the scheduling of aircraft and conducting safety checklists.
Caicos Express Airways Ltd promotes equal opportunity and is keen to recruit applicants from a wide range of backgrounds. The Aircraft Mechanic should possess the following: • Be at least 18 years old • Be proficient in the English language • Have practical experience in working with power plants or airframes or graduate from an FAA-Approved Aviation Maintenance Technician School • Must be able to use and work with the required equipment that includes specialized aviation tools, diagnostic equipment, computers, x-ray machines, and power tools, etc. • The ability to work flexible, unsociable hours including nights and weekends • Previous airline experience is beneficial • A high school or college diploma preferred with relevant airline experience in similar capacity • Excellent organization, supervisory and managerial skills with multitasking abilities under extreme work pressures. • Excellent communication, social and interpersonal skills in dealing with passengers and interoffice relations. • Must be able to perform a wide variety of non-standard assignments and resolving problem situations in receiving, filling, and tracking resource requests for aircraft dispatching assignments; • Must be able to lift a minimum of seventy pounds. • Level-headedness, calmness and the ability to think and respond appropriately in difficult situations; • Must have a disciplined outlook and responsible attitude; • Possess a valid driver’s license • Ability to work flexible shifts beyond the normal hours, including nights, weekends, holidays and varying schedules. Salary: $44,400.00 per annum INTERESTED PERSONS MUST SUBMIT THEIR APPLICATIONS ON OR BEFORE NOVEMBER 1, 2019
Human Resource Coordinator Caicos Express Airways Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands Telephone# 649-941-5730/Email: hr@cxeair.com
Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $8.25 hourly
CONTACT: 345-9921
CONTACT: 441-0377
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 18978
LABOURER REQUIRED Worker needed at car rental, North Caicos. Work six days a week. cleaning cars and outside work premises, changing tires, refilling of fuel and garbage disposal. Salary is $6.25 per hour. Please apply no later than 28th October, 2018 at
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 18943 LEW AND JAN CONSTRUCTION Whitby, North Caicos
Apply paints, stains, and coatings to interior and exterior walls, and other structural surfaces
General cleaning and assisting boss with errands. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 244-9910
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 18941
CONTACT: 346-9415
KATHRYN SELVER 329 Mercury Rd, Millennium Highway Is seeking to employ a
• Job offered- landscaping and cleaning. • Applicant must be honest, reliable and willing to work. Salary: $6.50 hourly
Set up equipment, run lines for power tools, erect scaffolding, lay out tools, and hand tools to workers, and cleaning.
CONTACT: 232-7317
Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board These positions are currently held by work permit holders
Is looking for an
QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE • Post secondary degree in arts or related discipline • Minimum 10 years experience in silks screen printing • Commercial painting and design • In-depth knowledge of materials from screen printing • Impeccable customer service skills • Liaising with suppliers and customers • Office and computer skills (MS Office
and Photoshop) • Art Painting • Art Instruction • Bookkeeping • Must be available to work long hours, weekends and holidays especially during the season DUTIES INCLUDE: • Manual Silk Screen
Remuneration: $12.00 per hour plus commission Contact: Albert 649-242-4548 for more information and in order to submit resumes/portfolios. This position is currently held by a work permit holder. Prospective TC Islander applicants are also free to lodge a copy of their applications with the Labour Board.
• Taking care of baby, washing, ironing clothes and walking them to and from school. • Applicant must be honest, reliable and good with children. Salary: $6.50 hourly
Grace Bay, Behind Prestigious Office, Providenciales seeks
Must have at least 10 years’ experience With at least a Level 1 competence in Plumbing training. Incumbent should be able to read construction drawing, mainly, lay-out of plumbing, waste disposal and water supply. Install and maintain water supply systems. Perform building plumbing maintenance. Install plumbing pipes and fixtures for new construction of commercial or residential buildings.
Salary: $12.00 per hour
BS Civil Engineering Graduate Must have at least 10 years experience in construction industry. Responsible in construction management and implementation, organizing & co-facilitating sessions dealing project planning and scheduling, including time impact analysis, etc. Salary Range: $48K - $70K per annum
CONTACT: Tel: 649-946-1278 / Fax:649-946-1101 / Email: info@olympic.tc Positions currently held by work permit holders BELONGERS are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board
226 Grace Bay Road, Grace Bay, Providenciales Is looking for the following Full Time Position
P.O.Box 1023, Governor Road, Grace Bay. Is seeking to employ a
Salary $8/ hour • All candidates should have at least 2-3 years’ experience in the same field, excellent full knowledge of all casino table games and excellent knowledge of Blackjack table game. Job summary: carry out specific tasks in the gaming operation to highest standard efficiency and customer service, in accordance with gaming policies and procedures laid down by the company and gaming laws. • Candidates must be willing to work on weekends, dayshift- night shifts and holidays
• Must have a sommelier certificate and specialize in all aspect of wine services and food pairings. • Coordinates all service beverage of the restaurant and work with the management team and chef regarding food and beverage cost. • Must be able to work weekends, nights and holidays 6 days per week have at least 8 years’ experience, able to understand, speak and write English, physically fit, dependable and hardworking. Salary: $11 hourly
Please drop of CV’s at the Casablanca casino or email at
Contact: 946-5278. Email: caicoscafe@tciway.tc
casablancacasino1@gmail.com Tel: 941-3737 LIFE CHANGING VARIETY STORE
Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. Cares for garden. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 347-3520
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
#93 Metellus Plaza, Blue Hills Is seeking to employ a
• General cleaning. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 442-2222 OR 347-2725
Email: donaldmetellus@ icloud.com
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 18966
GENTLE ORGANIZER Seeking vibrant, savvy professional male or females interested in starting a career in Hospitality. Must have an excellent command of English, written and spoken a second language is a Plus. Have at least an Associate Degree in Tourism/Hospitality or comparable. Must have over 5 years work experience in Hospitality Front Desk, Concierge or Sales or Customer service field Airlines, Cargo or similar.
#8 Douglas Building, Airport Road, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a
• Must have an excellent knowledge of the Turks and Caicos • Flexible Hours of work, ability to work on weekends and Holidays and on call 24/7 • Must have own or access to reliable vehicle • Must be able to climb stairs and must be able to lift 30 lbs. unassisted Salary commission based only
ONE STOP CONSTRUCTION Unit #6 Town Plaza, Industrial Drive. Is seeking to hire an
LUXURY CUTS AND BRAIDS Grants Plaza, Down Town, Provo Is seeking to employ a
Duties includes: Installation of Ductless A/C Systems, Central A/C Systems, Fabrication of Air Condition duct, trouble shooting. Should be able to work by themselves. Salary commences based on experience. Able to work 6 days per week. PLEASE CONTACT: (649) 243-1019 Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Department. 18990
LOCAL BRAIDS & BEYOND #42 CHANDELLE DRIVE, Venetian Road Is seeking to employ a
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder
#12 Carmel Building, Airport Road Is seeking to employ a
BARBER Cutting hair with style. Salary: $7 hourly
CONTACT: 241-2550
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 18945
• Braiding, weaving, relaxing, loc, grooming and maintenance. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $1,200 monthly
CONTACT: 344-4528
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 19860
Paijor Employment Services (an Employment Agency)
3B Courtyard Plaza, Providenciales. is seeking an
To assist in the management of food service and the preparation of meals at short term rental villas on Providenciales.
Applicants must have a qualification in International Culinary Arts from an institution recognized in the culinary industry, be prepared to work for up
to forty-eight hours per week, and be thoroughly familiar with, and practiced in, HACCP principles. Must be capable of basic communication in English, though fluency in a second language will be helpful. This is a new position. Wages, $10/hour plus $500/month Housing Allowance.
Applications should be submitted via email to Paijor Employment Services, at paijoremployment@gmail.com
Turks and Caicos Islanders who are Qualified and interested, are invited to send copies of their applications to the Department of Employment Services. 18956
#41A, DISCOVERY BAY Is seeking
An opportunity exists for a full time Artist, who possess a minimum of 2 years’ professional experience. Duties will include: Creating original designs, articulating design ideas to the manager, translating written directions into artwork, preparing final art proof, designing invitation cards, plaques and cups. Applicant must be willing to work Monday-Friday 8:00a.m. to 5:00p.m. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 331-1073
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
#14 Farm Lane Kew Town seeks a
FARMER Must have experience in animal husbandry, plant management from seed to harvest and slaughtering. Job involves heavy manual labour. Position currently held by permit holder. Salary $7 - $10/hour commensurate with experience. 40 hours a week.
WHATSAPP 231 2366
Acting on behalf of
Building 999 Leeward Highway
Lay pipes and fix plumbing systems. Contact: 231-3452
Install and maintain wiring, control, and lighting systems. Inspect electrical components. Identify electrical problems. Repair or replace wiring, equipment, or fixtures. Contact: 946-5907
Kishco Building, Airport Road
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board One position is currently held by a work permit holder
The Bight, Providenciales
CONTACT: 342-0255
• Mixes mortar; lays bricks and stones and/or concrete sidewalks; makes and repairs steps and plasters. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $2,000 per month Helping the carpenter. Salary: $2000 monthly
October 19-25, 2019
Shampooing, cutting, coloring, and styling hair, and treating scalp. Dress wigs, hair removal, and nail and skin care services. Contact: 347-0608
Glass Shack
Supervising construction sites and workers. Inspecting work site. Contact: 333-0209
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. Work permit renewal 18994
#11 Mary Jane Lane, Blue Hills Is seeking to employ a
CONTACT: 346-0002
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 18969
AIRPORT ROAD is seeking to employ a
#60 AIRPORT ROAD, Unit #1 is seeking a
Hair Dressing- which includes: Washing and relaxing hair, blowouts, Sew-Ins coloring hair and styling hair Salary: 250 per week
• Hair Dressing- which includes: Washing and relaxing hair, blowouts, Sew-Ins coloring hair and styling hair. • To work 6 days a week Salary: 6.25 hourly
Stocking and supplying designated facility areas, dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, cleaning ceiling vents, restroom cleaning etc. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 244-0469
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of your resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder
October 19-25, 2019
CONTACT: 244-0469
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of your resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
22 Cooper Jack Bay Rd, Industrial Park, Providenciales Turks & Caicos Islands BWI
Is looking to fill the following position:
WELDER HELPER • Assist lead welders in performing welding, brazing, thermal, and arc cutting operations • Use hoists, wrenches, and hammers to lift, move, and clamp work materials into position or onto tables • Oversee the scheduled maintenance of welding and fitting equipment to ensure they are operational • Transport workpieces to construction sites by manual means or using handtruck • Evaluate workpieces to ensure they are free of defect and conform to set specs • Cleans work pieces to remove impurities, such as slag, rust and grease using hand tools such as wire brush, portable grinder, hand scraper or chemical solutions to ensure smooth surface. • Prepare objects for crane movement by attaching grappling equipment such as cables and pulleys • Connect hand torches to fuel gas cylinders or electric power source • Activate electric generators for welding by starting gasoline engine • Maintain a clean and hazard free work environment for efficient work operations • Perform preventative maintenance of welding equipment by lubricating and fixing worn parts • Maintain good knowledge of welding techniques and processes • Read and interpret blueprints for a welding project.
MECHANIC • Must be able to diagnose mechanic related problems • Must have theoretical knowledge and practical experience of complete brakes, gasoline and diesel engines, automatic and manual transmissions, steering and suspension components, exhaust and basic electrical. • Maintain company vehicles, equipment, various machinery & make necessary repairs • Have experience in welding and perform welding tasks • Must have a valid trade specific certifications with at least 5 years working experience. Wage: $10.00 per hr. Qualifications & Physical Requirement: - physically fit and able to do heavy lifting of up to 40lbs - Experienced in SMAW / GMAW / GTAW & oxy-fuel welding / cutting - Must have a valid trade specific certification Wage: $6.25 per hr.
INTERESTED APPLICANTS CAN CONTACT 941-5802/ EMAIL YOUR RESUME TO ancha@tiborsmachineshop.com, or send resume to the Labour Board. POSITION FOR NEW WORK PERMIT; BELONGERS NEED ONLY APPLY 19874
THE CONCH SHACK 51 Bay Road, Blue Hills
Setting up workstations, ingredients and cooking equipment. Preparing ingredients, cutting meat, and cooking food
Preparing the work station. Keeping the kitchen area clean and tidy.
23 Parade Ave, Town Centre Mall Building, Down Town Is seeking to employ a
• To work 5 days a week may include some weekends. • Responsible for cleaning up in general and overseeing the cleanliness of other workers, monitoring working hours, and punctuality. Salary: $7 hourly
CONTACT: 946-8877
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 18946
CONTACT: 649-331-0818
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
DU-ALL CONTRACTORS 3B Courtyard Plaza, Providenciales. Seeks
1 an experienced Commercial Cleaner to be responsible for caring for marble and other high-gloss surfaces. Candidates should have at least five years experience working in large institutions, and must be able to function on his/her own initiative. Work Week: 6 days. Starting wage: $12.50/hour. This position is currently held by work permit holder. Qualified persons should submit applications by email to Mr. Mullings at tropicdiamond@hotmail.com Turks and Caicos Islanders who are Qualified and interested, are invited to send copies of their applications to the Department of Employment Services.
2 an experienced Painter for residential and commercial painting jobs. Applicants must have proven record of successful projects in the Turks and Caicos Islands. Work Week: 6 days. Starting Basic Wage of $8.50/hour. This position is currently held by work permit holder. Qualified persons should send applications by email to Mr. Mullings at tropicdiamond@hotmail.com. Turks and Caicos Islanders who are Qualified and interested, are invited to send copies of their applications to the Department of Employment Services.
3 an experienced all-round builder to manage small building contracts. Work Week: 6 days. Starting basic wage, $15/hour. New position. Qualified persons please send applications by email to Mr. Mullings at tropicdiamond@hotmail.com. Turks and Caicos Islanders who are Qualified and interested, are invited to send copies of their applications to the Department of Employment Services.
4 a Construction Helper to assist the skilled tradesmen in their various duties, and to care for the employer’s small hand tools. Candidates should have at least a basic working knowledge of construction, and a willingness to learn the various trades. They must also be prepared to work long hours in the sun. Work Week: 6 days, 7-5. Starting wage: $7.50/hour. This position is new. Qualified persons should submit applications by email to Mr. Mullings at tropicdiamond@ hotmail.com
Turks and Caicos Islanders who are Qualified and interested, are invited to send copies of their applications to the Department of Employment Services.
October 19-25, 2019
#658 Millennium Highway, Blue Hills Is seeking to employ a
Soil cultivation, digging, forking, mulching, watering, raking, weeding, edging, pruning, seed sowing, bed preparation and planting. Salary: $8.00 per hour CONTACT: 946-4411
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 19862
353 Grace Bay. Is seeking to employ a
Auto & Visual Tech
DUTIES INCLUDE: • Operation of all audiovisual equipment during events. • Ensure audio-visual equipment is tested and in correct working order before evets. • Perform routine inspections and preventative maintenance to ensure equipment is in
good working order. • Liaison with management regarding audio-visual requirements for events. • Make recommendations as necessary to ensure high quality audio and displays. • Perform other duties as assigned. Salary: $7 hourly
CONTACT: 946-5921
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board
Duties: pumping gas and assisting customers on the dock Must be willing to workc 6 days per week
CONTACT: 649-941-8898
Position is held by a work permit holder Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 19861
#1496 Victory Cl, Kew Town Is seeking to employ a
Stocking and supplying designated facility areas, dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, cleaning ceiling vents, restroom cleaning etc. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 331-9854
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 18985
PARADISE PHOTOGRAPHY 20 Breezy Ridge Road Turtle Cove, Providenciales Turks & Caicos
PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER Contact: info@myparadisephoto.com 649.432.7776
Professional Photographer position • 3 years professional photography experience, which includes working for a photography studio. • Experience photographing weddings as a primary shooter, portraits, and posing large groups. • Experience with blogging, word press, Instagram and Facebook, and FTP • Sales experience in selling photographic products • High level of client relations skills, including experience with on-line galleries and fulfilling client orders • Proficiency processing RAW images using Photoshop and Lightroom • Demonstrated skill in off camera lighting Salary: $3000 monthly ADDITIONAL: applicant must have professional camera gear and computer equipment and programs to process files. Employee will work on location or out of home and must send portfolio of work.
Applications and portfolio must be submitted electronically to: info@myparadisephoto.com, 649.432.7776, no fax.
Position currently held by a work permit holder. Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. 18953
Ralph Cl, Blue Hills, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a
486 Tropicana Plaza Leeward Highway Providenciales TCI
Receive payment by cash and credit cards , issue receipts and change due to the customer. Count money in cash drawer to ensure that amounts are correct and that there is adequate change. Applicants must speak English. Salary is 8.75 hourly
CONTACT: 649-342-0201
CONTACT : 946-5300
Taking care of the child. Salary: $6.25 hourly
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 18944
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board . This position is for First time work permit. 18988
CLOVERLEAF AGENCY Whitby, North Caicos 246-7382
Central Square RD, Whitby North Caicos
Position – Labourer
Job Description: Weeding and cleaning yard, washing windows Work permit is a renewal Rate: 6:25hr
Kew, North Caicos
Position – Maintenance worker
Job Description: Light repairs, building up keep and painting Work permit is a renewal Rate: 7:25hr 19004
DIANA BAR & RESTAURANT #4 Market Place, Leeward Highway Is seeking to employ a
• Taking food orders, serving customers. Taking beverage orders from customers or wait staff and serving drinks as requested, paying extreme attention to detail. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $7 hourly CONTACT: 246-6237
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 18984
Projetech Construction Management & Services Ltd., wishes to recruit a
PROJECT MANAGER Applicants must be able to demonstrate at least fifteen years suitable experience as a Project Manager on large commercial and residential building projects, together with a suitable professional qualification in Construction Management. A proven track record demonstrating the ability to complete projects on time, within budget, to a high standard of quality, and all within a demanding schedule must be shown. Strong leadership, communication and organization skills are essential, together with experience with very high quality finishings. The successful candidate must be prepared to work flexible hours, including holidays and weekends. Salary starts at US$70k per annum, based on qualifications and experience. Applications must be made in writing and should include career history and the names and contact details of at least two references. Interested Turks and Caicos Islanders should also submit copies of their application to the Labour Department. All applications will be properly reviewed and suitably qualified candidates will be contacted for an interview. Applications should be received by 4th November 2019 and sent to:
Steve Thompson Projetech Construction Management & Services Ltd. Project House 930 Leeward Highway, Providenciales Tel: 941 3508. Fax: 941 5824 Email: info@projetech.tc
October 19-25, 2019
JOB ADVERTISEMENT Wymara Resort and Villas is a contemporary luxury full-service boutique resort on Grace Bay Beach. We are looking for driven and energetic professionals with Five Star experience and who are committed to achieving excellence by ensuring Five Star standards and services are continuously delivered.
Financial Controller
To be responsible for directing the resort’s accounting and financial management functions. To provide timely and meaningful information to the general manager and management team regarding the resort’s financial performance. To proactively lead cost containment efforts, revenue enhancement, profit improvement opportunities and safeguarding of the company’s assets. ESSENTIAL DUTIES: • Plan, develop, implement, direct and regularly evaluate the resort’s financial functions and performance. • Participate in short- and long-range strategic financial planning and regularly evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of plans. • Prepare, analyze, interpret and communicate financial results to General Manager and the management team. • Maintain proper and complete financial records in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, ensuring that resort accounts, records and transactions are always accurate and correct. • Safeguard the resort’s assets by establishing, monitoring and enforcing internal controls. • Provide financial management tools that assist management with planning, forecasting and maximizing financial performance. • Compile budgets, forecasts, financial reports and financial trends. • Optimize bank and deposit relationships and initiate appropriate strategies to enhance cash position. • Ensure that the established controls and procedures in respect to the controller’s areas of responsibility are always being complied with. • Assists with developing Strata budget and manages Strata Costs. • Exercise general supervision over the accounting team and related functions (A/P, A/R, payroll, etc). Communicate a clear and concise message regarding department goals to produce desired results. • Coordinate audit process and organize information required by outside examiners/ auditors. • Keep owners and executives informed and provide timely response to queries from the same. Develop, implement and enforce policies and procedures that improve the financial operation and effectiveness of the resort. • Ensure that there are, at all times, proper procedures and controls for cashiers, purchasing, receiving, stores and requisitioning, and that the same are enforced. • Develop and maintain Standard Operating Procedures for accounting department. Protect confidential data and restrict communications of same only to authorized persons. • Perform other duties as directed by the General
Manager or any other authorized executive. REQUIREMENTS • Bachelor’s Degree in Business, Accounting, Finance or related field, or equivalent combination of experience and education. • 10 years’ experience in a luxury resort environment with minimum 5 years managing accounting functions within a luxury resort/hotel environment. • Thorough knowledge of condo resort accounting, strata management, payroll and Human resources. • Minimum of 5+ years related experience in hospitality and senior management level accounting • Candidate must possess an MBA, CPA or ACA designation qualification. • Expert level knowledge and experience with the Accounting Software SAP is required. • Ability to perform implementation and migration of new systems. • Vacation Ownership Software and strong Excel knowledge required. • Excellent communication skills, both oral and written • Ability to work well independently as well as in a team environment • Excellent analytical and problem identification/ solving skills • Ability to interact and communicate with all levels of employees and management to explain • complex financial concepts • Ability to self-motivate, work under pressure, meet predetermined timelines, and easily adapt • to changing needs • Ability to plan and schedule work assignments with fluctuating work volumes • Proficiency in MS Office, Opera PMS and Data Plus financial management system. Compensation: $70k - $90k per annum
Chief Steward
To be responsible for the organizing, implementing and supervising all tasks associated with kitchen cookware and restaurant/banquet service utensils; assist in ensuring overall safety of food & beverage work areas by monitoring cleanliness of floors, windows, walls, ceilings and equipment associated with Food & Beverage operation. ESSENTIAL DUTIES: • Supervises staff of stewards and cafeteria attendants in the execution of the following tasks. • scrapes food from dirty dishes, rinses and places them in racks or on conveyor to dishwashing machine; holds inverted glasses over revolving brushes to clean inside surfaces • washes pots, pans and trays; sweeps and mops kitchen floors; washes worktables, walls,
refrigerators and equipment; sorts and removes trash and garbage and places it in designated containers; steam cleans or hoses out garbage cans; • transfers supplies and equipment between storage and work areas; check the garbage levels and dispose of garbage from team member cafeteria; maintain dishes and utensils stocked and cleaned; keep cafeteria food, condiments, drinks, etc. stocked during operation hours; keep cafeteria clean and mopped; set-up of entire cold and hot stations. • Enforces proper cleaning routines for service ware, equipment and floors. • Enforces proper use and cleaning of all dish room machinery. • Ensures all food holding and transport equipment is in working order. • Ensures compliance with food handling and sanitation standards. • Ensuring Stewarding staffs have supplies, equipment, tools, and uniforms necessary to do their jobs. • Prepare monthly reports on shortages in china silverware and equipment and requisition replacements as required while following budget guidelines. • Lead and manage the Stewarding team in all aspects of the department and ensure standards are followed. • Ability to work well under pressure in a fast-paced environment. SKILLS • Administration skills • Organizational/planning skills • Multitasking ability • Excellent writing skills • Sense for urgency • Results-oriented • Sense for perfection and attention to detail • Capability to work under pressure • Excellent people skills • Strong financial acumen • Minimum 5 years Management experience in a luxury property. • Previous experience managing a team of Stewards through motivation, coaching and development. • Self-motivated and dependable with an exceptional work ethic and strong problemsolving skills • Capable of using independent judgment/solid decision-making skills ability • Strong communication and interpersonal skills; ability to speak, read and write fluently in the English language (additional language an asset.) • Proficiency with general office PC applications (i.e. Microsoft Office software and Opera) to prepare reports, Opera PMS, Knowcross, employee schedules, inventories, budgets as required.
Interested applicants can contact our Human Resources Department, Monday through Friday 9am to 5pm on (649)941-7555. E- Mail cover letter outlining your interest and supporting experience in a particular position along with your Resume or C.V. to hr@wymara.com
October 19-25, 2019 EXPRESS EQUIPMENT LTD Dock Yard, Kew Town, Building #28 Is seeking to employ a
• Must have OH&S training with certificate and min 1st year CET training. • Must have minimum 10 years’ experience in installing elevator systems. • Must be in good physical health and able to lift heavy loads. • Must be able to clearly speak and
understand English. • Must be able to safely work within a team setting and adhere to safety protocols. • Duties include: Installation of new elevator systems in existing and new construction. Salary range $30.00 per hour and commensurate with experience.
• Responsibilities to include cleaning (dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping floors etc.), emptying trash cans, servicing restrooms, inventory control, stocking supplies, performing routine inspection and maintenance and informing management of any repairs for office and domestic premises. • Must be able to handle equipment used
in cleaning, have knowledge of cleaning products and excellent organizational skills. Valid Driving License. • 44 hours per week but many hours are outside normal office hours. Pay: $2,000.00 per month plus overtime if necessary. Closing date for application is 1 November 2019.
Nightingale Limited, c/o 82 Cherokee Road, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands. Email: recruitment@griffithsandpartners.com | Fax: 649-941-8251.
Turks and Caicos Islanders should copy application to the Labour Department. This position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder
NEW HOPE WESLEYAN CREOLE CHURCH #A9 Wilson Circle, Blue hills, Millennium Highway Is seeking to employ a
Teach children in Sunday School. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 342-0152 OR 342-0663
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 18991
DUTIES: To raise and Transplant seedlings to Tend to customers and to Help with customer questions. SALARY: $7.50 per hour
CONTACT: 243-4127
Belongers are encouraged to Submit a copy of their resume To The Employment Services Office. This position is currently held by a work permit holder. 19003
Acting on behalf of our clients Norton Development Hibernian House Leeward Highway Is seeking to employ a
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
Breezy Brae, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a
CONTACT: 243-2491 EMAIL: N_V_IGGS@ HOTMAIL.COM Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 19006
26 Bird Rock St., Long Bay Provo Is seeking to employ a
KIRK’S CONTRACTING Water Loo Rd, Grand Turk Is seeking a
we are seeking to employ a
CONTACT: 232-2272
• Roofing, finish carpentry and the ability to read a plan. • To work MondayFriday 7am to 5pm Salary: $11 hourly
Qualified Turks & Caicos Islanders should deliver a cover letter and CV’s to Hayes Elevator TCI Ltd, The Saltmills Plaza, Unit #34, Grace Bay, or by email to cgermain@ tcilift.com as well as to the Labour Department. Deadline for applications is 31st October 2019. These are new positions.
• Landscape Design. • Job Experience of 5 plus years. • Project management. • Phytosanitation measure • Pest control license. • Bachelor Degree Major Horticulture. • Must work outside with crew daily. Salary: $3000 monthly
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
Bottle Creek, North Caicos Is seeking to employ a
Is looking for
CONTACT: 232-5923
• Applicant must be honest, reliable and hard working. • Cleaning in and around my clothing boutique, stacking good, loading and offloading. Salary: $6.50 hourly
1 Hidden Habour, Discovery Bay, Providenciales
23 Parade Ave, Town Centre Mall Building. Is seeking a
• To work 5 days a week may include some weekends. • Responsible for protective insecticides, seeding new plants, supervising the irrigation and fertilizers and cleaning all the areas. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 649-331-0818
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
Apply paints, stains, and coatings to interior and exterior walls, new buildings, homes, offices and other structural surfaces. Salary: $10 hourly
CONTACT: 342-5731
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
23 Parade Ave, Town Centre Building, Providenciales, TKCAIZZ Is seeking to employ a
Cleaning of high windows, wall, patios, sweeping and mopping, picking-up trash from ground Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 649-331-0810
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
• To care for house and apartment. • Duties include painting, cleaning and domestic maintenance duties. Salary: $8 hourly CONTACT: 649-243-2375 EMAIL: JWILLY@HOTMAIL.COM
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 18983
• Set up equipment, run lines for power tools, erect scaffolding, lay out tools, set up forms for the pouring of concrete foundations, and hand tools to workers, cleaning site, and take down bracing and scaffolding. • 5 days a week Salary: $6.50 hourly CONTACT: 946-2475
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board
Breezy Brae, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a
• To work 6 days a week. • Must be able to work on holidays and weekends. Salary: $10 hourly
CONTACT: (649) 246-9362
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 18987
87 Marby Drive, Juba Sound Is seeking a
• Build and install iron or steel girders, columns, and other construction materials to form structures. Cut, position, and bolt down steel bars. Make, weld, and cut structural metal. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $12 hourly
CONTACT: 343-6168
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 18992
Juba Sound Holdings Ltd requires a
Luxury Live-In Villa Cook Responsible for the consistent preparation of innovative and creative cuisine of the highest quality. Attention to detail a must, as is demonstrated culinary expertise resulting in outstanding guest satisfaction. Managing a busy kitchen, setting menus, ordering and monitoring supplies. • Liaise with Concierge for food provision to purchase prior to guest arrival. • Submit the provision receipts, to Accounting in an accurate report and timely manner • Provide direction for all day-to-day operations in the kitchen. • Actively involved in menu development. • Determines how food should be presented and create decorative food displays. • Ensures practices and procedures comply with food handling and sanitation standards. This includes completing an annual hygiene plan and hygiene inspection prior to guest arrival • Follows proper handling and right temperature of all food products. • Ensures all equipment in the kitchen is properly cleaned, maintained and in working order in accordance with local Health Department standards. • When the villa is vacant he/she shall work with the villa team to ensure that the villa is clean and well maintained.
Must have experience cooking and working within luxury villas or hospitality environment. Displays leadership. Exemplifies excellent customer service and creates a positive atmosphere for guest relations. Must be Serv-Safe Certified. Salary for this position is $3,500.00 + Service Charge.
Interested Turks & Caicos Islanders should deliver all resumes to 32 Falcon Lane, Turtle Tail, or by email to sharick@twsvillas. com, with a copy to Labour Department. This position is currently held by a work permit holder.
October 19-25, 2019
Jennifer Nicole Blain, married to Ryan Lucas Blain, mother of 2 children, of Ontario, Canada, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in The Bight, Providenciales.
Bernd George Wolfe, married to Mandy Jane Rostance, of Ontario, Canada, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in Chalk Sound, Providenciales.
Claudimene Claudius Joseph, married to Jocelyn Accilise Narcius, of PortMargot, Haiti, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in Blue Hills, Providenciales.
Ulysse Joseph, married to Kesline Rousseau, father of 4 children, of Limbe, Haiti, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in The Bight, Providenciales.
Jeremie Seide, married to Suzette Seide, of Plainedu-Nord, Haiti, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in Providenciales.
Jocelyn Accilise Narcius, married to Claudimene Claudius Joseph, of PortMargot, Haiti, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in Blue Hills, Providenciales.
Gregory Bertram Allan Greatrex, married to Nicole Celeste Greatrex, father of 2 children, of Ontario, Canada, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in The Bight, Providenciales. Mary Joan Scholar, married to Donald James Scholar, mother of 2 children, of Scarborough, Canada, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in The Bight, Providenciales. Priscila Cordero Rodriguez, spinster, mother of 3 children, of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in Blue Hills, Providenciales.
Jean Pierre DeMontigny, married to Maritza AltaGracia Carrasco, father of 1 child, of Montreal, Canada, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in The Bight, Providenciales. Kishore Jethanand Uttamchandani, married to Rachna Uttamchandani Mirchandani, of Delhi, India, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in Providenciales. Jitender Ganglani, married to Pooja Mirchandani, father of 2 children, of Hyderbad, India, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in Providenciales.
Saskia Telfort Cairns, married to Richard Daniel Cairns, of CapHaitian Haiti, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in Five Cays, Providenciales. Lucy Elizabeth Hilary Bullard, married to Jonathan Max Katan, of England, United Kingdom, a British Citizen and ordinarily resident in Cheshire Hall, Providenciales. Charlene Escoe Barnett, married to Alanzo Bernardo Barnett, mother of 1 child, of Montego Bay, Jamaica, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident in Wheeland, Providenciales.
October 19-25, 2019 JACKSON ROCK West Road, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a
Duties: To mix mortar, Assist the Mason to lay Bricks and stone. Salary: $7.50 per hour.
CONTACT: 344-5323
KELY LOUIMA North Back Salina Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a
Duties: Cleaning mopping Dusting, sweeping and Polishing and other household Chores. Salary: $6.50 per hour.
CONTACT: 247-9643
Belongers are asked to send a copy of their resume to The Labour Board. This is a first time work permit application. 19002
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder. 19000
General Maintenance, Upkeep of Property, Painting, Repair and Replace Fixtures, Also Windows and Doors Repairs. Salary: $7.85 hourly
Kew, North Caicos Is seeking a
• Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. Cares for garden. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 247-4068
Contact Person: Maria@ LVA MANAGEMENT This position is for work permit renewal Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department 19006
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
Acting on behalf of our clients Nex Gen Builders, Leeward Highway. Is seeking a
Vip Concierge
- Must be able to effectively and articulately communicate with staff, guests, business providers and vendors over the phone, email and in person - Must possess the necessary literary skills to create and maintain positive relationship between staff, clients, vendors and business providers - Must be an independent thinker with a creative mind with the ability to continually develop unique experience - Understand changing trends in the industry and apply these to the companies training procedures - Able to create and develop projects to continually strengthen the department and company - Must be very detail orientated by nature with the ability to multi-task - Must be a quick thinker with the ability to think outside the box - Strong ability to monitor fluid workflow - Able to conduct effective meetings and up to date trainings - Create leadership programs
North Back Salina, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a Duties: Prepare menus for Daily meals, preparing Ingredients and cooking Meals. SALARY $7.50 per hour.
Duties: Cleaning table, serving Food orders helping the cook. SALARY: $6.50 per hour.
CONTACT: 431-6994
Belongers are asked to submit a copy of their resume to the employment Services Office. These positions are currently held by work permit holders. 19001
# 694 Blur Hills roundabout Downtown. 244-4398
Clean dishes, kitchen, food preparation equipment, or utensils. Wash dishes, glassware, flatware, pots, or pans, using dishwashers or by hand. Maintain kitchen work areas, equipment or utensils in clean and orderly condition. Salary starts at $6.25 per hour. Renewal, Belonger will be given first preference. 19013
Emily Forbes, Landing Road, Kew North Caicos Phone: 243-1257
Cleaning Grounds of the Property, waste pick up, landscaping maintenance, Clean Windows, Doors, Floors, General Maintenance. Salary: $6.50 hourly
This position is for work permit renewal Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department 19005
# 5 Bacci yard, Five Cays Providenciales. 347-4137
• Supervising daily activities on job sites. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $12 hourly
CONTACT: 232-3435
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board
Granny Hill, Five Cays Telephone: 342-0809
care for my children, supervise while am at work, maintain the house clean, wash dishes, clean dining & living room, wash and iron Pay: 6.25 per hour
Renewal, Belonger will be given first preference
Clean the store every morning, upheld safe and clean working environment, loading and unloading of goods, assisted other personnel as needed to maintain safety in the packaging area, pick, pack, receive and restock products and able to work without supervision Salary starts at $6.25 per hour.
Renewal, Belonger will be given first preference.
Salary $6.25 per hour Weeding, cutting trees, planting crops etc All positions are currently held by work permit holders. Qualified Belongers may apply with Labour Department 19012
Elite Plaza, New Airport road. 333-2550
Sweep or scrub floors, clean dishes, kitchen, food preparation equipment, or utensils. Wash dishes, glassware, flatware, pots, or pans by hand. Maintain kitchen work areas, equipment, or utensils in clean and orderly condition. Salary starts at $6.25 per hour. Renewal, Belonger will be given first preference.
- Degree in Hospitality or Tourism - Must have participated in related training programs such as Tourism, Travel planning, Customer Service, CPR & First Aid - Minimum of 3 years’ experience in handling staff and operations - Qualifications and expertise in personnel handling - Renumeration for this new position is $2000 per month
Luxury Villa – Butler We are looking for an honest, hardworking, self-motivated individual with keen organizational and communication skills to join our team. The butler must be knowledgeable about services offered and serve as an attentive liaison between guest and staff. Please note this position requires the applicant to be on call 24/7.
• He/she may be required to assist chef with serving of meals so an F&B background would be an asset • Must be able to prepare wide range of cocktails and other beverages • Assist with maintaining the cleanliness of the villa and replenishing inventory, including cleaning supplies and dish ware • Greet guest upon arrival, unpacking and packing guest suitcases/bags • Ironing clothing and pressing linens • Anticipate and meet wide array of guest needs • Assist with planning and delivering complimentary services • Must have a valid driver’s license in order to run errands • Inspect villa before guest arrival and following departure • Assist with replenishing inventory, including cleaning supplies and dish ware Butler Requirements and qualifications • Certification in Safety Management or Food Safety • Minimum of 5 years’ experience working as a butler at a luxury villa/resort • Must have a sunny disposition and must maintain a positive attitude • Ability to adapt to fast paced-paced environment • Preferences will be given to the individual who is flexible and able to multitask Please note that this position is held by a Work Permit Holder. Renumeration for this position is $1500.00 per month. Interested persons are asked to send a copy of their resume to hr@thesource.tc and send a copy to The Employment Department.
Luxury Villa Cook Responsible for the consistent preparation of innovative and creative cuisine of the highest quality. Attention to detail a must, as is demonstrated culinary expertise resulting in outstanding guest satisfaction. Managing a busy kitchen, setting menus, ordering and monitoring supplies. • Liaise with Concierge for food provision to purchase prior to guest arrival. • Submit the provision receipts, to Accounting in an accurate report and timely manner • Provide direction for all day-to-day operations in the kitchen. • Actively involved in menu development. • Determines how food should be presented and create decorative food displays. • Ensures practices and procedures comply with food handling and sanitation standards. This includes completing an annual hygiene plan and hygiene inspection prior to guest arrival • Follows proper handling and right temperature of all food products. • Ensures all equipment in the kitchen is properly cleaned, maintained and in working order in accordance with local Health Department standards. • When the villa is vacant, he/she shall work with the villa team to ensure that the villa is clean and well maintained.
Must have experience cooking and working in Luxury Villa’s. Displays leadership. Exemplifies excellent customer service and creates a positive atmosphere for guest relations. Must be Serv Safe Certified. Please note that this position is held by a Work Permit Holder. Renumeration for this position is $1500.00 per month.
Interested persons are asked to send a copy of their resume to hr@ thesource.tc and send a copy to The Employment Department
October 19-25, 2019
(Section 6 (1) of the Turks and Caicos Islander Status Ordinance)
Take Notice that Ms. Anne Rose Piertil-Tiremar, spinster, of Gros Morne, Haiti, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident of Providenciales in accordance with section 5 (2) of the Turks and Caicos Islander Status Ordinance has made application for the grant of Turks and Caicos Islander Status. NIGEL DAKIN
Your application for grant of Turks and Caicos Islander Status under Section 3 (6) of the Turks and Caicos Islands lmmrgrauon (Amendment) Ordinance 2015 was approved by the Minister of Border Control and Employment on 24th September 2019 with the following decision being made: “It approved the commencemen of the procedures as set out in the Immigration (Amendment) Ordinance 2015 fo the grant of Turks and Caicos Islander Status to Mr. Craig McNeil”
(Section 6 (1) of the Turks and Caicos Islander Status Ordinance)
(Section 6 (1) of the Turks and Caicos Islander Status Ordinance)
Take Notice that Mrs. Louise Amanda Scott, married to Mr. Paul Michael Scott, mother of Jay Oliver Scott and Christian James Scott of Brighton, United Kingdom, a British Citizen and ordinarily resident of Cheshire Hall, Providenciales in accordance with section 5 (2) of the Turks and Caicos Islander Status Ordinance has made application for the grant of Turks and Caicos Islander Status
Take Notice that Mr. Josef Stava, bachelor, of Prague, Czech, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident of Cheshire Hall, Providenciales in accordance with section 5 (2) of the Turks and Caicos Islander Status Ordinance has made application for the grant of Turks and Caicos Islander Status.
(Section 6 (1) of the Turks and Caicos Islander Status Ordinance)
(Section 6 (1) of the Turks and Caicos Islander Status Ordinance)
Take Notice that Mr. Micah Lee Owen, married to Mrs. Jade E. Herring Owen, of Virginia, United States of America, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident of The Bight, Providenciales in accordance with section 5 (2) of the Turks and Caicos Islander Status Ordinance has made application for the grant of Turks and Caicos Islander Status.
Take Notice that Mr. Michael Paul Horton, married to Carmela Giordano, father of 1 child, of Swindon, United Kingdom, a British Citizen and ordinarily resident of The Bight, Providenciales in accordance with section 5 (2) of the Turks and Caicos Islander Status Ordinance has made application for the grant of Turks and Caicos Islander Status.
October 19-25, 2019
(Section 6 (1) of the Turks and Caicos Islander Status Ordinance)
(Section 6 (1) of the Turks and Caicos Islander Status Ordinance)
Take Notice that Mr. Eugene Beaute, married to Anne Rose Francois Beaute, of Dessaline, Haiti, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident of Providenciales in accordance with section 5 (2) of the Turks and Caicos Islander Status Ordinance has made application for the grant of Turks and Caicos Islander Status.
Take Notice that Mrs. Gertrude Jean Antoine Eugene, married to John Eugene, of Port-au -Prince, Haiti, a British Overseas Territory Citizen and ordinarily resident of Five Cays, Providenciales in accordance with section 5 (2) of the Turks and Caicos Islander Status Ordinance has made application for the grant of Turks and Caicos Islander Status.
(Section 6 (1) of the Turks and Caicos Islander Status Ordinance)
(Section 6 (1) of the Turks and Caicos Islander Status Ordinance)
Take Notice that Mr. Ivor Victor Hillary Stanbrook, married to Claudia Maria Camozzi, father of 1 child, of England, United Kingdom a British Citizen and ordinarily resident of Providenciales in accordance with section 5 (2) of the Turks and Caicos Islander Status Ordinance has made application for the grant of Turks and Caicos Islander Status.
Take Notice that Mr. Gregory Ian Watts, bachelor, of England, United Kingdom, a British Citizen and ordinarily resident of Providenciales in accordance with section 5 (2) of the Turks and Caicos Islander Status Ordinance has made application for the grant of Turks and Caicos Islander Status.
(Section 6 (1) of the Turks and Caicos Islander Status Ordinance)
(Section 6 (1) of the Turks and Caicos Islander Status Ordinance)
Take Notice that Ms Pramilaben Patel Padma, spinster, of Gujarat, India, a British Citizen and ordinarily resident of Cheshire Hall, Providenciales in accordance with section 5 (2) of the Turks and Caicos Islander Status Ordinance has made application for the grant of Turks and Caicos Islander Status.
Take Notice that Mrs. Sally Ann Collier, married to Mr. Peter Edward Collier, of England, United Kingdom, a British Citizen and ordinarily resident of Cheshire Hall, Providenciales in accordance with section 5 (2) of the Turks and Caicos Islander Status Ordina nee has made application for the grant of Turks and Caicos Islander Status.
48 CLASSIFIEDS TOUCH OF CLASS CLOTHES STORE 43 Five Cays Road Is seeking to employ a
• Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. Cares for garden • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $7 hourly CONTACT: 241-9907
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 18904
October 19-25, 2019
MARION WILLIAMS #92 Front Street, Blue Hills Is seeking a
• To work 6 days a week, tasks vary from day-to-day. • Must be trustworthy, reliable, flexible and excellent communication skills. • Must be able to work with the elderly If contacted, please supply a police certificate. Salary: $400 weekly
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 18910
#24 Snakehill Ave, After Rodney Adams, Blue Hills Is seeking to employ a
Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. Cares for garden. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 331-3887
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 18902
Meridian House, unit 204, Le Vele Plaza, Grace Bay Plaza, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a
3 CATHOLIC RELIGION AND SUBJECT AREA TEACHERS • Fully initiated Catholic in good standing. • Missionary Catholic Teacher. • Catholic Religion Teaching experience. • Full knowledge of U.S National curriculum standards. Salary: $6.25 hourly and compensation package. (Housing and transportation allowance.)
• Duties: Weeding, cutting back encroaching grass/trimming hedges and plants, • Watering and planting plants/ trees, maintaining irrigation system • Keeping premises free of garbage and liter etc. • Salary $12 per hour
Contact: 941-5136 Email: holyfamilytci@ gmail.com
Belongers are encouraged to send copy of their Resumes to Labour Department, Contact: (649) 431-5646 This position is vacant 18928
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. work permit renewals
56 LONG BAY ROAD, LONG BAY Is seeking a
Help the patient get dressed, eat, bathe and complete light housekeeping duties, such as dishes or folding laundry. Plan, prepare and monitor meals. Run errands, remind patients of medications. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 232-7166
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 18907
5 Analee Ave, Blue Hills Is seeking a
is looking for qualified applicants for the following positions, currently held by persons on work permit:
Involves strenuous physical labor, which requires being able and willing to perform heavy lifting, and other physically demanding functions. • Individuals must be willing to work
holidays and weekends on a flexible schedule dictated by business demands. • Must be able to speak English fluently. • Preference will be given to someone with previous resort experience.
Only those receiving an interview will be contacted. All TC Islanders are invited to copy their resumes to the Immigration and Labor Departments.
All applicants must be able to present a clean Police Record if offered a position. Wage commensurate with experience. Drop off resume or pick up application at Ocean Club or Ocean Club West, alternatively send to: diane@oceanclubresorts.com or Fax: 1-649-946-5845
• General cleaning & maintenance; yard, vehicles, building. • Cleaning of sensitive electronic equipment. • Hot working conditions; inside & outside • Must be in good health as work is physically
Set up equipment, run lines for power tools, lay out tools, hand tools to workers, remove debris, cleaning site, and take down bracing and scaffolding. Salary: $6.25 hourly
demanding. • Night shift and on-call as required. • Must be fluent in English, be a team worker and reliable. • Pay rate: $8.25/hour. • Currently work permit holder
CONTACT: 341-3279
Location: #11 Village St. Grace Bay, Provo Email resumes to info@pioneertci.com or call 432.1797. Please deliver or fax copy to TCI Labour Office: 649-946-4164
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 18936
TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS FINANCIAL SERVICES COMMISSION EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES! The Financial Services Commission (FSC), the regulator of financial services business in the Turks and Caicos Islands, is seeking suitably qualified applicants to fill several vacancies. APPLICATION DEADLINE 21 OCTOBER 2019
SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR II Department: IT Department Location: Providenciales Annual Salary: $41,205 - $47,457.50
THE LARGEST READERSHIP IN THE TURKS & CAICOS KECHIE Acting on behalf of NEW STYLES BEAUTY SALON & BOUTIQUE Kew Town, Norway Road beside La Rancha Restaurant
Hair dresser - $8 hourly
Reporting to the Systems Engineer, the System Administrator II (PLS) maintains the FSC’s networking, security and database systems, troubleshoots and resolves problems with the systems’ environments and assists users of the systems with daily issues to ensure that the organization’s technical infrastructure is operating at optimal efficiency levels. Details on the above vacancies can be found on the Commission’s website at https://tcifsc.tc/vacancies/ or by contacting the Commission at telephone numbers 649-946-2550 or 649-946-2791 ext. 4002 or 4021. Applications should be emailed to administration@tcifsc.tc no later than 21 October 2019. A copy of the application should be submitted to the Employment Services Department by emailing to CHbacchus@gov.tc and MCadams@gov.tc. Applications received after the application deadline may not be considered in this recruitment phase but may be placed on file for future reference. While we appreciate your response, please note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. 18853
Handyman-$7 hourly
Cleaning the work area and tools. Storing tools after work on a daily basis. Contact: 244-3939
Shampooing, cutting, and styling hair, hair treatments, deep conditioning, permanents, hair coloring, and etc. Contact: 331-8154
12 Bronze Lane, Long Bay Road
Installing wallboards and applying plaster. Applies coats of compound after panels are mounted.
#128 Millennium Highway
Dry Wall - $8 hourly
Installing interior walls and applying plaster. Applies coats of compound to walls or ceiling.
Steelman-$10 hourly
Build and install iron or steel girders, construction materials to form buildings. Cut, position, and bolt down steel bars.
Plumber-$8 hourly
Installs pipes and fixtures, equipment, and fixtures prior to installation.
Dry Wall - $8 hourly
Handyman-$7 hourly
Cleaning the work area and tools. Storing tools after work on a daily basis.
Labourer-$7 hourly
Cleaning up construction site, removing debris and etc.
ROOFER-$9 HOURLY Shingle roof and cut wood. Contac: 341-4752
Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board
Juba Sound, Leeward Highway Is seeking to employ a
Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 343-8331
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 18908
SNR STUDIO BEAUTY & BARBER 3 Pastor Solomon Yard, Five Cays Is seeking to employ a
• Braiding client’s hair with and without weave. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 242-5459
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 18925
SALT CAY BUILDING SERVICES South District, Salt Cay Is seeking to employ a
• Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $7 hourly
CONTACT: 244-7929
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 18934
• To work 5 to 6 days a week. • Cleaning houses and offices. • Hours-8am to 5pm. Salary: $6.25 hourly
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 18937
Set up equipment, run lines for power tools, erect scaffolding, lay out tools, hand tools to workers, remove all debris, pack up tools.
• Receive payment by cash and credit cards, Issue receipts, and change. Count money in cash drawers to ensure that amounts are correct and that there is adequate change. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 231-0882
CONTACT: 242-8800
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 18909
(Cleaning tools, mix concrete, clean site) Kew Town, Providenciales $7 Hourly, 3411555/3463047 Position held by Work Permit Holder
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 18845
B204 West Regent Village, Providenciales Plan and execute audits. Lead, manage and develop junior audit staff. The candidate should be a professional accountant (CPA, ACA or similar) Salary range $45,000$50,000 annually
act on behalf of its clients:
Wilson Circle #11 , Blue Hills, Providenciales Phone: 346-0002
Install door, door trims, etc
Behind Paradise Baptist Church Five Cays, Providenciales Phone: 241-3609
DOMESTIC WORKER -SALARY $6.25 PER HOUR Clean sanctuary, bathrooms, offices,etc
East Suburbs, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a
Belongers are asked to send a copy of their resume to The Labour Board. This is a first Time applications. 18923
All positions are currently held by work permit holders. Qualified Belongers may apply with Labour Department. 18938
East Suburbs, Grand Turk. Is seeking to employ A
Duties: Cleaning mopping Dusting, sweeping and Polishing and other household Chores. Salary: $6.50 per hour.
CONTACT: 246-5023
Belongers are encouraged to Send a copy of their resume To the Labour Board. This is a First time Work permit application.
82 Cherokee Road, Long Bay. Is seeking to employ a
Inspecting and testing vehicles; completing preventive maintenance such as, engine tune-ups, oil changes, tire rotation and changes, wheel balancing, replacing filters. Salary: Based on qualification
CONTACT: 231-5417
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 18869
URY CO CONSTRUCTION Ashley Lane, The Bight Is seeking a
• Follow blueprints and building plans. Install structures, windows and molding. Measure, cut, or shape wood, plastic, and other materials. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.75 hourly
CONTACT: 2432734 OR 341-1900
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 18890
Send resumes to dseymour@hlbtci.com,231-6373 Position is vacant. Belongers are encouraged to apply only. Also send all resumes to tciprobusiness@gmail.com and the employment Services. 18929
CONTACT: 241-1529
Install structures, windows and molding. Measure, cut, or shape wood, plastic, and other materials
HLB TCI Ltd is looking for an
CONTACT: 231-6663
Black crow RD, Kew town, Apt #24, #5 Is seeking to employ a
31 Aviation Drive, Five Cays Is seeking a
Duties: To Install Structures and fixtures, Doors, Windows, must be Able to use electrical tools. Salary: $10.00 per hour
Duties: To clean and Maintain premises, assist skill Workers on construction sites. SALARY: $6.50 per hour.
Belongers are encouraged To send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held A work permit holder. 18921
#3 Norway Road, Kew Town
Ocean Drivem West Road Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a
Duties: Mix and Serve drinks and Cocktails, keep bar and Table areas clean. Salary: $6.50 per hour
CONTACT: 243-7157
Belongers are encouraged to Send a copy of their resume To the Labour Board. This Position is currently held by A work permit holder. 18918
helps a senior pastor at church lead others into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. Taking on responsibilities within the church, such as overseeing key leaders and leading a ministry. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 243-0887
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder
JARRETT FORBES Breezy Brae, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a
Duties: To fix, maintain and Keep a fleet of rental vehicles Road worthy as necessary. SALARY: $7.50 per hour
CONTACT: 333-0304
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Employment Services Office. This is a first Time application.18922
October 19-25, 2019
MERISIER PIERRE Cockburn Harbour South Caicos Is seeking to employ a
Duties: Cleaning mopping, Dusting, sweeping and Polishing and other household Chores. Salary: $6.50 per hour.
CONTACT: 346-9063
Belongers are encouraged to Send a copy of their resume To the Labour Board. This is a first time work permit application.
WARDS CONSULTANCY Acting on behalf of Coyaba Restaurant
Over back, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a
#4 Carribean Paradise inn, Grace Bay
Working public holidays and weekends, will be responsible for organizing and training wait staff to ensure effortless and seamless service each night and upgrading their skills and knowledge on wines and fine dining service. The candidate will be responsible for managing and rotating liquor and wine inventory and expected to work within established beverage costs whilst taking monthly liquor and wine stocktaking.
Working closely with the chef, will be expected to have good working knowledge on the menus to explain in great detail to guest. Extensive wine knowledge is. Graduation from a recognized hospitality institution along with Sommelier certification at least 5 years in a similar capacity in a fine dining restaurant is required. Salary based on qualifications starting base $300 weekly
CONTACT: 946-5186
Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board
Duties: Mix and Serve drinks and Cocktails, keep bar and Table areas clean. Salary: $7.50 per hour
CONTACT: 246-7943
Belongers are encouraged to Send a copy of their resume To the Labour Board. This Position is currently held by A work permit holder. 18917
East Suburbs, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a
Duties: Cleaning mopping, Dusting, sweeping and Polishing and other household Chores. Salary: $6.50 per hour.
CONTACT: 346-9063
Belongers are encouraged to Send a copy of their resume To the Labour Board. This Position is currently held by a work permit holder. 18920
410 Blue Hills Roundabout & Airport Road, TCI Lotto Yard Is seeking
Saunders Pond Road Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a
To wash, scrub and polish the interiors and exteriors of car suv’s and buses. Task; vacuum, clean and maintain vehicles. Salary: $6.25 hourly
Duties: Cleaning mopping Dusting, sweeping and Polishing and other household Chores. Salary: $6.50 per hour.
CONTACT: 244-6080 EMAIL: MCGKL@GMAIL.COM Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by work permit holders 19018
Belongers are encouraged to Send a copy of their resume To the Labour Board. This Position is currently held by A work permit holder. 18999
• To clean, wash, cook, and iron. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 232-5238
CONTACT: 244-3381
TAILOR Fit and study garments on
Breezy Brae, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a
• Ensuring a safe environment, preparing and giving meals, bathing and dressing children, administering medicine, doing housework, and disciplining children when necessary. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly CONTACT: 241-2155
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit 19019 holder
CARESSA SWANN Breezy Brae, Grand Turk, TCI. Is looking for a
#28 Timber Crest, Kew Town Is seeking a
• Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. Cares for garden. • 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 244-8584
Duties: The person will be required to care for children and do general house work. Individual will be required to work Five days (Monday to Friday) per week. Salary: $6:50 per hour CONTACT: TELEPHONE649-331-8813 OR EMAIL: CARESSALSWANN@GMAIL.COM This position is for work permit renewal Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department 18715
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 18705
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
29 Reo Drive, Juba Sound, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a
Whitby, North Caicos Is seeking to employ a
• Ensuring a safe environment, preparing and giving meals, bathing and dressing children, administering medicine, doing housework, and disciplining children when necessary. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder 18725
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder18659
CONTACT: 244-3089
CONTACT: 242-0170
#31 Airport Road Kew Town Bar and Grill, Pearl Restaurant and Bar, KC Bar and Grill, Caribbean Café
6 COCKTAIL WAITRESSES - $6.25 PER HOUR Serve Cocktails
6 BARTENDERS - $6.25 PER HOUR Mix Drinks
6 BARMAIDS - $6.25 PER HOUR Serve foods and drinks; keep bar
October 19-25, 2019
#41 PRINCESS DRIVE,GRACE BAY, Providenciales. Seeks
#76 Kenneth Prospere Building, Airport Road
customers. Sew garments, using needles and thread or sewing machines. Measure parts such as sleeves or pant legs, and mark or pinfold alteration lines. Salary based on commission
CONTACT: 242-7485
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
• Serving customers. • Taking drink and food orders. • Prepare place for open and close. • To work six days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 2466114 OR 242-3889
CALL 946-4664
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 18691
Kew Town, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a
• Preparing the work station for the cook. Keeping the kitchen area clean and tidy at all times. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 346-0230
Cleaning outside the property, Pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. Salary: $6.25 per hour.
CONTACT: 245-2745
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 18657
Renewal, Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department.
OCEAN CLUB WEST PLAZA, GRACE BAY Is seeking to employ a
Apt #12 Benson Rigby Apt, South Dock Road Is seeking to employ a
Must have at least 3 years experience and able to work with little or no supervision. Duty includes Selling and Serving of Drinks to customer and keeping work station clean. Salary starts at $6.50 per hour.
• Preparing the work station for the cook. Keeping the kitchen area clean and tidy at all times. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 18727
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
All Belonger are encouraged to submit copy of their resume to Labor. This position is currently held by a work permit holder.
Millennium Highway, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a
#31 Airport Road
Roof Work, Form Work
Laying blocks and plastering
Soil cultivation, digging, forking, mulching, watering, raking, weeding, edging, pruning, seed sowing, bed preparation and planting Salary: $6.25 per hour
Must be willing to work 6 days per week
Contact: 331-6364. Email: kwilliams6364@gmail.com Belongers are encourage to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board Positions are held by work permit holders.
CONTACT: 231-4242
• Stocking and supplying designated facility areas, dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, cleaning ceiling vents, restroom cleaning etc. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 341-7425
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board
Godet Street, South Caicos Is seeking to employ a
• Taking care of kids, bathing them and ensuring their safety. • Cleaning the house and washing dishes. • Cooking. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 342-0280
Apt #17 Norway Road, Kew Town. Is seeking a
Shampooing, cutting, and styling hair, hair treatments, permanents, and weaving.
Artificial nails, gel nails, nail fills, and nail polishing. Pedicures and acrylic toenails. Salary: $7.50 hourly
CONTACT: 247-9555
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board
22 SOUTH DOCK ROAD Is seeking to employ a
• Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. Cares for garden • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 342-0681
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board
57 Plantation Drive, Long Bay Is seeking to employ a
• Erect scaffolding, lay out tools, pass tools to workers, cleanup work sites, clean and put away tools. Take down scaffolding at the end of the day. Assist masons and carpenters. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 346-3659 OR 241-4488
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 18660
Acting on behalf of our clients Ever Green Landscaping 475 Millennium Highway
Soil cultivation, digging, forking, mulching, watering, raking, weeding, edging, pruning, seed sowing, bed preparation and planting. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 331-7188
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 18750
October 19-25, 2019 ALBERT JOSEPH
Helene Joseph, Apt #3, South Dock Road Is seeking to employ a
• General house work cleaning, sweeping, ironing and washing and other cleaning activities. • Applicant must be willing to work Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 341-6563
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 18871
TURKS AND CAICOS WEEKLY NEWS ALPHA CHRISTIAN ACADEMY Kishco Plaza, 1163B Leeward Highway Is seeking to employ a
• Taking care of children and cleaning. • Must be willing to work 5 days per week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
Contact: 941-4434 Email: aca206@live.com
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 28665
JANITOR The individual should meet the following requirements: • Be able to work in around church premises • Salary $6.25 per hour • Working hours are 7:00am – 3:00 pm MondaySaturday This position is currently held by a work permit holder Application can be dropped off at BETHANY BAPTIST CHURCH OFFICE or email: bethany@tciway.tc, copy all enquiries to the Labour Board, Turks & Caicos Islands. Contact: 649-941-5632
ALTAGRACIA RESTAURANT & BAR Missick Building, Leeward Highway Is seeking to employ a
• Stocking and supplying designated facility areas, dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, cleaning ceiling vents, restroom cleaning etc. • To work 6 days a week Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 244-3581
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 18211 BOUJEE BEACH BRAIDS Granny Hill, Five Cays
• Braiding clients’ hair. • willing to work in the sun for long hours • To work 6 days a week. Contact: 344-3164
Assisting mason and carpenter. Cleaning construction site.
Measuring, shaping and cutting wood. Contact: 344-3164
BUILDING MATERIALS / HARDROCK / DEFINITIVE GROUP 1213 Leeward Highway- 946-4131. Seeking for the following positions. Salary starts at 9.00 to 16.00 per hour
1149 Leeward Highway, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a
To assist with various labourer duties around the property such as garbage removal and yard cleaning. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 649-941-5195
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 18876
18 OLD AIRPORT ROAD Is seeking a
• Perform haircuts, hair dyes, shampooing. • Schedules individuals for large-scale events such as proms, weddings, and formal events. • Sells products that a salon maintains as a business partner. Salary: $6.25 hourly CONTACT: 649-946-4351 EMAIL: KITCHANDRA_PENN@ HOTMAIL.COM
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 18865
44B Mary Jane Lane, Blue Hills Is seeking to employ a
• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
BONE FISH UNLIMITED 726 The Bight, Leeward Highway Is seeking to employ a
• Cleaning with sweeper, dispose of trash. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 231-0133
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 18827
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 18838
CONTACT: 242-6727
Acting on behalf of our clients
11 Sandcastle Road, Ports of Call Plaza, Grace Bay Is seeking
2 KITCHEN HELPERS-$7 HOURLY Food preper, and assisting the chef with other kitchen duties. 2 BARTENDERS - $7 HOURLY Mix and serve drinks. Bar inventory and stock. CONTACT: 231-3336
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 18776
#9 Francis Rigby Building, Airport Road Is seeking to employ
• Setting up and stocking stations with all necessary supplies. Preparing food for service. Cooking menu items in cooperation with the rest of the kitchen staff. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 341-0998
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 18820
EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES IN THE SCUBA DIVING/WATERSPORTS INDUSTRY Big Blue is looking for Turks and Caicos Islanders with outgoing personalities and physical coordination to join a team of knowledgeable and experienced guides to conduct educational and environmentally conscious eco-tours and boat charters throughout the Caicos Islands.
Transport sands, gravels, crushed rock, Transport materials to customer location.
Servicing the company vehicles, test and systems to ensure that they are working properly, identify mechanical problems, repairs and maintenance work on each vehicle, inspect and repairs rental machines, engine tune-ups, oil change.
Scuba Diving Instructors Seeking qualified Scuba Instructors to conduct PADI dive courses and tours. Preference will be given to belongers and those with professional boating experience. Other duties include conducting snorkel tours and dive equipment maintenance. The work schedule is varied and provides up to 6-days work per week. New positions vacant. Salary range: $110 to $130 per day plus gratuities depending on previous experience. Applicants should apply to the email address below.
Load materials to customers vehicles, Moving materials within the depot facility by unload and loading transport products.
Receive credit return materials & supplies from production by verifying materials. Code & lot number quantity and placing materials in stock. Prepares finished stock for shipment by identifying, pulling, packing, crating, loading and securing product.
Kite Instructors
Keeping tools and support equipment in safe condition, keeping work areas clean. Carry tools and equipments to and from storage and working areas, repair of ground equipments, servicing the company equipment, test and systems to ensure that they are working properly, repairing mechanical problems and maintenance work, inspecting and repairs rental equipments, engine tune-ups, oil change.
Accounting Clerk responsibilities include keeping financial records updated, preparing reports and reconciling bank statements, also run accounting software programs to process business transactions, like accounts payable and receivable, disbursements, expense vouchers and receipts. Should be familiar with all accounting procedures and have a flair for numbers.
Renewal: These positions are held by work permit holders, Belonger will be given first preference.
Seeking qualified IKO kite instructors to teach kite courses. Preference will be given to belongers and those with extended teaching experience. Other duties include assisting with sales and conducting kite tours and other watersports activities offered by the company. The work schedule is varied and provides up to 6-days work per week. Must be willing to work long days in the sun. New positions open. Salary range: 25-30% of course fee (course rate $175 per hour) plus gratuities. Applicants should apply to the email address below. • Be living (or be willing to live) on Providenciales and be punctual, reliable and able to work long days, public holidays, and weekends. The position is not currently held. Belongers are preferred. Average monthly salary $3000
Candidates should apply via email to careers@bigbluecollective.com before the 23rd of October 2019 and include a resume and cover letter with a brief description of why they believe they are a suitable candidate to work in the eco-tourism / watersports industry. Applicants should send a copy to the Commissioner of Labour.
October 19-25, 2019
An exciting opportunity awaits you in the Turks & Caicos Tourist Board in the post of Visitor Receptionist. This position is based in Grand Turk, Turks and Caicos Islands. The successful candidate will provide exceptional customer service and accurate tourism information to guests arriving by cruise ship; to respond to communication inquiries and requests as well as visitor complaints; to maintain the TCI Tourist Board’s presence at the Grand Turk Cruise Center, and to assist in the development of new tourism products for the destination, with special emphasis on the cultural tourism product.
An exciting opportunity awaits you in the Turks & Caicos Tourist Board in the post of Accounting Clerk. This position is based in Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands. The successful candidate will support the Financial Controller with a range of general clerical, accounting and bookkeeping support functions.
• Manage Board of Tourism Cruise Center booth and greet visitors arriving by cruise ship • Provide accurate tourism information on accommodations, tourist sites, culture, activities, dining, transportation, and any other relevant information • Distribute TCI tourism information including brochures, magazines, CD’s, etc. • Stay alert to guest concerns and complaints related to arrival; keep supervisor promptly and fully informed of all problems and unusual matters of significance, and make recommendations for how common complaints can be addressed • Maintain favorable working relationships with tourism partners, including cruise ship personnel, immigration and customs officers, taxi drivers, and car rental agents • Assist as needed in completing all functions necessary to ensure positive guest reception at the Cruise Center • Regularly research tourism information to ensure information provided is accurate, timely and up to date • Maintain high level of awareness of TCI tourism products, programs, activities and events • Monitor information queries and complaints about the TCI tourism product and/or services and respond promptly; report such complaints to supervisor or relevant authorities as appropriate • Assist in resolving poor customer service situations and report incidents to supervisor with a view toward minimizing repeat incidents • Act as Front Office Clerk on non ship days • Recommend ways to enhance the customer experience at the cruise terminal, looking at all of the services provided • Comply with the policies, procedures and guidelines of the TCI Tourist Board • Perform other duties as directed by the Deputy Director of Tourism and the Director of Tourism
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Prepare and submit customer invoices Post and receive payments Prepare and coordinate all bank deposit activities Manage, enter and balance accounts receivable and payable on a daily basis Assist Financial Controller to reconcile department accounts monthly and prepare reports to present to management. Monitor customer accounts for nonpayment and delayed payment Weekly report preparation Reconciliation of petty cash accounts, expense vouchers and receipts. Collect, confirm and process time sheets; overtime and local subsistence Maintain orderly financial filing system and general administrative tasks. Assemble financial data for audits Book local flights, hotel and transportation reservations for all local offices as required Assist front office with answering telephone and welcoming guest to the Tourist Board office as needed Stay alert to vendors concerns and bring to the attention of Financial Controller Maintain favorable working relationships with all vendors and maintain vendor files Assist as needed in completing all functions necessary to ensure positive Financial functions Assist with preparation and distribution of payroll cheques Assist with verifying of NIB, NHIP and other deductions Maintain high level of awareness of TCI tourism products, programs, activities and events Comply with the policies, procedures and guidelines of the Turks and Caicos Tourist Board. Liaise with other departments/customers/vendors Assist with other financial projects in the office Any other duties as assigned.
• Associate Degree in Accounting or related field is an advantage, with at least 1-3 years’ experience in clerical accounting. • Sound knowledge of basic accounting principles. • Excellent communication, presentation and interpersonal skills. • Excellent time management, organization and scheduling skills. • Ability to work effectively with all internal and external stakeholders. • Ability to work with minimal supervision. • Proficient in Microsoft Office applications and QuickBooks.
• Planning and organizing • Attention to detail • Problem-solving • Team work • Customer service orientation • Communication skill
• High School education, two years of relevant experience, and thorough knowledge of the Turks and Caicos Islands tourism product • Exceptional interpersonal and communication skills • Exhibits initiative, responsibility, flexibility and leadership • Ability to be flexible in approach towards assignments and ambiguous guidelines • Excellent social and interpersonal skills • Problem-solving skills • Good health and high energy level • Work location may be split between the Board of Tourism office and the Grand Turk Cruise Center • Interface with tourists arriving to TCI, relevant government agents and departments, and tourism private sector entities • Ability to travel locally between office and Cruise Port, and regionally and internationally as needed • Ability to work flexible hours which may include early mornings, late nights, weekends and holidays
• The job is performed in an office environment
Salary for this position is set at $28,800 annually and allowances
Salary for this position is at $30,000.00 per annum.
For consideration please submit the following documents to Human Resources hr@turksandcaicostourism.com or submit to The Chairman, Turks and Caicos Tourist Board, Regent Grand, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands: • Cover Letter • Current Resume • Two (2) reference letters • Current Police Record • Resident Status Only persons shortlisted for an interview will be contacted in this regard.
For consideration please submit the following documents to hr@ turksandcaicostourism.com or submit to The Chairman, Turks and Caicos Tourist Board, Regent House, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands: • Cover Letter • Current Resume • Two (2) reference letters • Current Police Record • Resident Status Only persons shortlisted for an interview will be contacted in this regard.
APPLICATION DEADLINE: Wednesday, 23rd October 2019 18913
APPLICATION DEADLINE: Wednesday, October 23rd 2019
October 19-25, 2019
An exciting opportunity awaits you in the Turks & Caicos Tourist Board in the post of Visitor Receptionist. This position is based in Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands. The successful candidate will provide exceptional clerical office support to the Turks and Caicos Tourist Board Office and provide customer service and accurate tourism information to guests arriving at the Providenciales Airport on rotation; to respond to communication inquiries and requests as well as visitor complaints.
• Perform general clerical duties, including typing correspondence, photocopying, scanning, and faxing of documents • Answer office telephones and direct callers as appropriate by transferring calls, researching responses, and assisting callers • Maintain business machines and office supplies inventory • Assist Management with administrative functions as requested • Collect and respond to e-mail messages and requests • Book office local travel, hotel and transportation reservations for all offices as required • Assist with the collection of brochures and marketing collateral for travel shows; Source and distribute information as requested by local and overseas offices. • Provide ground transportation for Board Directors and other Board of Tourism guests • On a weekly basis, greet incoming visitors arriving to the Providenciales Airport • Provide accurate tourism information on accommodations, tourist sites, culture, activities, dining, transportation, and any other relevant information • Distribute TCI tourism information including brochures, magazines, CD’s, etc. • Stay alert to visitor concerns and complaints at the airport; keep supervisor promptly and full informed of all problems and unusual matters of significance and make recommendations to address common complaints • Maintain favorable working relationships with tourism partners, including airport personnel, immigration and customs officers, taxi drivers, and car rental agents • Assist as needed in completing all functions necessary to ensure positive guest reception at
the airport • Meet and greet all office visitors; provide tourism information as requested • Maintain high level of awareness of TCI tourism products, programs, activities and events • Monitor information queries and complaints about the TCI tourism product and/or services and respond promptly; report such complaints to supervisor or relevant authorities as appropriate and make recommendations regarding how they can be addressed • Assist in resolving poor customer service situations and report incidents to supervisor with a view toward minimizing repeat incidents • May be required to assist others within the Providenciales office with clerical functions, as directed by the Executive Administrative Officer • Assist with special events and activities promoted by the TCI Board of Tourism • Comply with the policies, procedures and guidelines of the TCI Board of Tourism • Perform other duties as directed by the Executive Administrative Officer or Director of Tourism
• High School education, two years of relevant experience, and thorough knowledge of the Turks and Caicos Islands tourism product • Exceptional interpersonal and communication skills • Exhibits initiative, responsibility, flexibility and leadership • Ability to be flexible in approach towards assignments and ambiguous guidelines • Excellent social and interpersonal skills • Good driving record and valid driver’s license • Good health and high energy level
• Work location may be split between the Tourist Board Office and the Providenciales Airport • Interface with tourists arriving in TCI, relevant government agents and departments, and tourism private sector entities • Ability to transport guests as requested • Ability to travel as needed • Ability to work flexible hours which may include early mornings, late nights, weekends and holidays
A helper/cleaner labourer is needed to work along with our maintenance team. Duties include but are not limited to:• Cleaning the outside of the villa and property as required • Collect and disposing of garbage and debris including removing leaves • Set up/disassemble equipment as necessary • Must be able to perform basic maintenance • Must be willing to take instructions and work along with the team • Must have a clean police record • This position pays $6.25 per hour. • These Advert is for work permit renewal.
Please address all resume’s to hr@ thesource.tc and drop off a copy to The Department of Employment Services.
The Venetian on Grace Bay
Grace Bay Beach Road, Providenciales Turks & Caicos Island Tel: 941-3512, terria@thetuscanyresort.com Is looking for a
HOUSEKEEPER To work five (5) days a week. Salary $6.25 per hour. Renewal permit Description: Clean units. Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department
382 Front Street, Blue Hills
- Must be proficient in mason and carpentry work - must be willing to work weekends and holidays - must read and write English - must perform maintenance and repair work - must be able to erect pools, walls, and install doors and windows Salary: $6.75 hourly
Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board 18849
Salary for this position is set at $28,800 annually and allowances
Only persons shortlisted for an interview will be contacted in this regard.
CONTACT: 244-7033
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
Contact: 649-442-2423 Email: tckiteboarding@gmail.com
APPLICATION DEADLINE: Wednesday, 23rd October 2019
• Examine furniture frames, upholstery, springs and webbing to repair furniture and frames. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $10 hourly
• Must have IKO Certification Level 1 or greater and at least 5 seasons of experience in kiteboarding instruction. • Must be fluent in English and be proficient in a second language. Salary: Compensation commensurate with experience
• Cover Letter • Current Resume • Two (2) reference letters • Current Police Record • Resident Status
708 Banana Boat, Turtle Cove Is seeking to employ a
TURKS AND CAICOS KITEBOARDING 208 Leeward Highway, Long Bay. Is seeking
For consideration please submit the following documents to Human Resources hr@ turksandcaicostourism.com or submit to The Chairman, Turks and Caicos Tourist Board, Regent Grand, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands:
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 18874
Unit #26 Alliance Plaza, Grace Bay Is seeking to employ a
Must have 5 or more years’ experience. Must be able to work on call and schedule hours. Salary: $575 bi-weekly
CONTACT: 9464272 OR 231-0195
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 18897
PEGGY MALCOLM 1 Harvest Close, Blue Hills Is seeking to employ a
LEEWARD HIGHWAY Is seeking to employ a
• Must have at least two years in sales. • Must be profient in Workwave program. Salary: $8.50 hourly
Contact: 649-332-2847 Email resume to info@ parkwaypestsolutions.tc
• Taking care of baby and cleaning the house. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 231-3512
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 18872
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
#32 Timber Cress, Kew Town Is seeking to employ a
16 Reese Street, Five Cays Is seeking a
October 19-25, 2019
• Ensuring a safe environment, preparing and giving meals, bathing and dressing children, administering medicine, doing housework, and disciplining children when necessary. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 341-4842
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 18858
Projetech Construction Management & Services Ltd. PROJECT HOUSE, LEEWARD, HIGHWAY, PROVIDENCIALES. wishes to recruit a
DOMESTIC WORKER Candidate must be willing to work weekends and holidays. Salary $7/hr. Duties will include office cleaning. Interested Turks and Caicos Islanders can also submit copies of their application to the TCI Labour Department. Position currently held by work permit holder.
Contact Dave at 941-3508 or Email- info@projetech.tc 18840
DOMESTIC WORKER-$6.25 HOURLY To clean the store, keep shelves stocked and serve customers.
LABOURER-$6.25 HOURLY Clean up around the premises; trim trees and make minor repairs.
CONTACT: 243-2194
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. These positions are currently held by work permit holders 18873
Hertz / Trifty
Regent House West, Regent Village, Grace Bay, Providenciales
72 Old Airport Rd, Providenciales,TCI. Phone: (649) 941-3910 - (649) 946-4864
Nila Destination Management Company is looking for a highly professional, self motivated person with proven program management and event coordination skills.
• Creating innovative estimates, programs and events for groups from 2 to 170 attendees showcasing the islands, while staying within allotted budget and meeting clients needs • Maintaining strong working relationships with local vendors and resorts • Negotiating contracts with hotels and service providers. Keeping up to date database of providers and services • Developing and maintaining strong working relationships with overseas clients, attending industry trade shows and meetings in the US when necessary • Developing and confidently delivering oral presentations to potential and current clients, both small and large groups • Managing of operational and fiscal activities including: agendas, budgets, pre and post-event evaluations, review and payment of event bills, maintenance of records of event aspects and financial details • Marketing through design of websites and social media promotion • Onsite supervision and coordination of corporate events at various locations,
• Minimum of 8 years experience in corporate event planning and program coordination essential • Proven knowledge of event logistics, accounting and budgeting • Excellent verbal and written communication, organizational and decision making skills • Excellent multi-tasking and problem solving ability • Strong local knowledge and the ability to promote Turks and Caicos as a destination to foreign markets • Ability to establish and maintain effective relationships with program management staff, team members, vendors and guests • Ability to present facts and recommendations effectively, ability to accept constructive criticism from clients, adherence to company policies • Effective networking and identification of new sales opportunities and clients • A strong work ethic and flexibility to adapt to a variety of business and social situations. • Full working knowledge of Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Project, QuickBooks. Knowledge of Web design, blogging and marketing through social media essential. Mac system knowledge also an advantage • Full understanding and ability to work within EVED platform, including E360 • Flexibility, with long working hours, evenings, weekends and public holidays. Required hours vary daily depending on season • Physical endurance as most events take place outdoors.
Salary $40K per annum. Qualified Turks & Caicos Islanders please forward resume, passport photo and references to: nila@niladestinations.com. Fax: 208-247-1688. Only qualified candidates will be contacted. Position currently held by a permit holder.
Toyota Toyota Suzuki Toyota Nissan Nissan Nissan Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford
Passo Passo Swift BB Note Note Tilda Fiesta Fiesta Fiesta Fiesta Fiesta Fiesta
62531 93806 77857 78465 100059 79565 92404 12655 24300 17337 21090 18902 14298
2008 2009 2010 2009 2010 2010 2010 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011
07010 07011 07401 006485 006858 6898 7334 7509 7512 7514 7515 7516 7517
White Black Blue Silver Grey Red Silver Magenta Silver Black White Blue Grey
$5,500.00 $5,500.00 $7,000.00 $8,000.00 $6,000.00 $6,000.00 $7,000.00 $8,50.000 $8,000.00 $8,500.00 $8,000.00 $8,000.00 $8,500.00
66796 63944 60447 56954 44866 41510 88299 56904 55810 48925 59020 49200
2010 2010 2010 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012
7767 7768 7769 7829 7830 7831 7832 7833 7835 7836 7837 7838
Black Blue Black White Black Red White Silver Black Silver Silver Grey
$10,000.00 $11,000.00 $11,000.00 $13,000.00 $12,000.00 $12,000.00 $13,000.00 $14,500.00 $14,500.00 $15,000.00 $14,500.00 $13,000.00
67141 60077 60138 50407 51688
2010 2010 2010 2014 2011
7770 7527 7528 7733 7844
White White White White White
$15,0.00 $16,000.00 $16,000.00 $26,000.00 $17,500.00
21258 12150
2014 2014
8962 8963
Silver White
$16,500.00 $16,500.00
7-Passenger Minivan Dodge Dodge Dodge Dodge Chrysler Dodge Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler
Caravan Caravan Caravan Caravan Town&Coun Caravan Town&Coun Town&Coun Town&Coun Town&Coun Town&Coun Town&Coun
15-Passenger Van Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford
E350 E350 E350 E350 E350
Pick-up Truck Toyota Mazda
Liteace Bongo
Pick-Up Truck also available for leasing 18841
October 19-25, 2019
2 Charter House * the Centre Mews, Leeward Highway * Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands Email: alphabuilderstci@gmail.com. Tel: 649-348-4472
ROSAM’S CONSTRUCTION #12 Musgrove Hill, Kew Town Is seeking to employ a
Applications are sought for a
MAJOR RESPONSIBILITIES AND DUTIES: I. Handle all tasks in relation to carpenter duties. II. Conduct repair work and installation of fixtures as required. III. Work diligently to ensure
all measurements are accurate and all standards are met. IV. Read Blue-Prints. V. Set levels & profiles for other workers including Masons etc. Salary will be US $12/hr
The Position is held by a work Permit Holder. no Turks & Caicos Islanders who are interested in this position may apply to the Secretary Immigration Board. 18812 HEATHER & CLAYTON GREENE 25 GARDEN LOOP
Grace Bay Hills, Providenciales is seeking to employ a
● maintaining dwelling home in a clean and neat condition at all times e.g. sweeping, mopping, dusting and washing and other related chores ● must be willing to work 5 days per week ● Salary: $6.25 per hour
CONTACT: 231-4043
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board (this position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder) 18867
Lift, block, sand, mix concrete. Salary: $7 hourly
CONTACT: 342-2511
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 18916
Stylz Above the Rest
CONTACT: 332-1726
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 18899
Is seeking to employ a
#12 Musgrove Hill, Kew Town Is seeking to employ a
Willing to work 6 days per week Duties: cleaning mopping, dusting, sweeping, and polishing and other household chores. Salary$6.25 per hour
CONTACT: 649- 231-0503 Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labor Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder
• Repair boat, paint. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $8 hourly
CONTACT: 342-2511
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 18915
5. Living and working on board the vessel up to eight weeks before vacation is allowed 6. Working seven days a week including holidays and Sundays 7. Must hold a minimum of Open Water Certification 8. STCW Compliant 9. Starting salary $400
This advertisement is for a work permit renewal. Interested applicants can email cv to cladaggressor@gmail.com
• Sweeping, mopping, dusting and polishing. • Ensuring all rooms and areas are cleaned to the highest standard. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week.
Sand Dollar Investments 550 Turtle Tail Drive, Turtle Tail Salary: $6.50 hourly Contact: 245-1305 Email: deeshmo@gmail.com Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 18831
382 Front Street, Blue Hills
SOUS CHEF 1. Must have cheffing experience in menu panning 2. Assist Head Chef in prepping and presentation of three meals daily, with snacks in-between 3. Experience in special dietary requirements 4. Follow Captains instructions with regard to daily boat maintenance / administration / paper work / safety drills
Sam’s Building, Down Town Is seeking a
• Shampooing, cutting, and styling hair, though they may also provide hair treatments, including deep conditioning, permanents, hair coloring, and weaving. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
- must be able to cook, clean, and teach children - must be willing to work weekends and holiday Salary: 6.75 hourly
CONTACT: 649-341-4317
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 18847
SAVOR HOLDINGS LTD Le Vele Plaza Grace Bay, Providenciales. Contact 432-6266 /e-mail – eric@ provencetci.com. Looking for Chef de Partie, Sommelier & Butlers 1 Fourth Street, South Caicos
East Bay Resort Ltd. is seeking to fill the following Vacant Position
AIRPORT GREETER JOB DESCRIPTION • Greeting guest with a warm and pleasant welcome. • Assist with transportation shuttle to the resort. • Oversee and manage flight delays and flight cancellations. • Other duties as assigned. REQUIREMENTS: • Must be Professional, Courteous and always have a friendly attitude. • Computer literate in flight tracking information. • Strong interpersonal and problem-solving abilities. • Must be responsible, reliable, and able to multitask. • Ability to work well under pressure in a fast-paced environment • Ability to focus attention on guest needs, remaining calm and courteous at all times. Beginning salary commensurate with experience
Interested applicants may submit your resume with qualifications and experience to: info@saunders.tc and the TCI Employment Services and Labour Department.
CHEF DE PARTIE • Must have at least 3-5 years of being a Head Chef in a 5star establishment • Minimum of 3 years’ experience in running a team of 5-10 employees • Experience in Developing Menus, food and labor cost, developing recipes & familiar with budgets • Must be willing to work weekends and Holidays • Health & Hygiene Certification an asset • Starting Salary $2,000-$2,600 per month based on qualifications and experience
SOMMELIER • Must have at least 5-10 years of being a in a management roll in a 5star restaurant • Minimum of 5 years’ experience in running a team of 5-10 employees • Experience in labor cost & familiar with weekly/monthly budgets • Experience in Fine Dining setting and able to offer customer service training of the staff • Must be willing to work weekends and Holidays • Bilingual in French/English an asset • Starting Salary $2,500 -$3,500 per month based on qualifications and experience
BUTLERS • Assist with our catering division • Greet guests, assist in the planning of events and dinner parties, oversee table settings, and serve drinks and food. • Must be willing to work weekends and Holidays • Starting Salary $7-12 per hour based on qualifications and experience
Positions are currently held by work permit holders. Positions open to qualified Belongers. Belongers should send Resumes to Labour Department or Drop Resume at Provence Restaurant – Le Vele Plaza 18870
56 CLASSIFIEDS MARIE R.A MISSICK Residence, Five Cays Is seeking a
• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 344-3710
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 18856
October 19-25, 2019
#39 Mangrove Ave, Long Bay Is seeking to employ a
• To work 6 days a week. (days off are flexible) • Must do Thai Massage (with certificate) Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 333-2014
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board
LAVARDO GARLAND 4 Projecto, Blue Hills Is seeking to employ a
Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 649-243-4905
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 18885
#14B Behind Old Clinic, Blue Hills Is seeking to employ a
• Diving and fishing. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 345-7959
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 18380
A hardworking person who has the skills for guidance in water activities such as and qualifications to perform the duties of a snorkeling. Boat Captain aboard a vessel. ▪ Must be trustworthy with the operation of ▪ Must be excellent in mastering boats the business and must speak English. during excursions. ▪ Must be prepared to travel frequently ▪ Must be excellent in guest relations, aboard vessel and work long hours and good with children and a good swimmer holidays. Remuneration based on experience, commencing at $28,000.00 per annum. This job position is currently held by a work permit holder. All suitably qualified TC Islanders are requested to submit resumes/portfolios to PO Box 560, Regent House West, Regent Village, Grace Bay, Providenciales, TCI or send by fax to 946 4663. Prospective TC Islander applicants are also free to lodge a copy of their applications with the Labour Board. 18888
Building A Windward Rd, Leeward Highway. Is seeking to employ a
• Serves patients with kind and caring disposition • Prepares medications • Counsels and monitors patient’s drugs therapies • Gives pharmacological advice and information to multidisciplinary health care team • Prepares medications by reviewing and interpreting physicians orders • Detects and resoles therapeutic incompatibilities • Provides pharmacological advice and information via phone and in person to patients and health care professionals.
• Must have certification from accredited university/institution and valid professional license through and acceptable regulations authority • Must have a minimum of 5 years’ experience working in a retain Pharmacy environment • Skilled at interacting with customers of all socioeconomic backgrounds • Ability to operate point-of-sale and Kroll software programs • Possess excellent communication and interpersonal skills • Competent and reliable professional, committed and experience Salary: $50K -55K per annum depending on experience
IBO Plaza, Leeward Highway Is seeking to employ a
Town Center Mall, Down Town Is seeking to employ
Is looking for a
Belongers only need to apply. Qualified applicants may apply to email: island pahrmacy@tciway.tc addressed to the attention of Business Manager, Mrs. Melanie Delancy and a copy sent the Labor Department
• Nursing duties. • To work 5 ½ days a week. Salary: $17.50 hourly
CONTACT: 941-5050
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 18886
CONTACT: 343-3661
CONTACT #245-5508
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 18864
Dock Yard, Kew Town Is seeking to employ a
• House cleaner and maid duties. • Responsible for all house chores. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 649-341-1861
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 18889
GRACE BAY, PROVIDENCIALES Has an immediate opening for a
Responsibilities include: • cleaning of rooms ensuring guest satisfaction • ensure that the facilities are kept in clean and orderly in line with the Villa standard of cleanliness • laundry • Must be able to work weekend and holidays Salary: $10.00 per hour. Belongers only should send their resumes/ CVs by email to marsha@misickstanbrook.tc for the attention of Marsha Blanche Tel: 649-946-4732.
This position is held by a Work Permit Holder. However, Belongers are encouraged to apply and submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department. 18905
CONTACT: 348-5662
work permit renewal Belongers are asked to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 18826
Setting out umbrellas and chairs for passengers of cruise, assisting with the daily routine of lifting boxes and cleaning up. Must be willing to work 5-6 days a week. Salary 6.50 per hour
Nail and hand services to customers, such as basic manicures, artificial nails, gel nails, hand massages, nail fills, nail repair, and nail polishing. Pedicures and the application of acrylic toenails may also be performed. Salary: $6.25 hourly
Palm Grove, Grand Turk is seeking to employ a
• Stocking and supplying designated facility areas, dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, cleaning ceiling vents, restroom cleaning etc. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $8 hourly
MIOSOTIS NAILS Bible Street, Blue Hills #2 Is seeking a
#8 Millennium Highway, Blue Hills. Is seeking a
Cleaning the property with sweeper, pick up waste, clean windows, doors. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 345-3682
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 18830
NORIS BAR & RESTAURANT #18 Kitch Building, Old Airport Road Is seeking to employ a
• Uphold customer service • Maintain Bar • Mix and serve drinks • Clean and organize all areas including bathrooms • To work 6 days a week Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 348-1654
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder 18844
LABOURER • labourer consists of cleaning around the Resort, pick up and dispose garbage/trash • clean windows, door frames, cares for garden on a daily basis • Must be Able to work with little or no supervision, be physically fit, dependable and hard working.
• Must be self motivated and able to understand, write and speak English fluently. Salary :$8.00 per hour. The position is currently held by a work permit holder All experienced and interested individuals can send inquiries to:
Dragon Cay Ltd. Middle Caicos Turks and Caicos Islands. Phone (649)231-4885 Email:info@caicoscactusmanagement.com
October 19-25, 2019
Secures premises and personnel by patrolling property; monitoring surveillance equipment; inspecting buildings, equipment, and access points; permitting entry. Obtains help by sounding alarms. Salary: $6.50 hourly
Graceway IGA Supermarket is seeking applicants for the following vacancies
CONTACT: 946-2475
Shop Center Manager This position oversees shop floor department (s) performances and productivity to optimize store performance in accordance to established procedures and policies. Main duties and Requirements include: • Ensures that the effective day- to day management of the operation and merchandising functions of the store are met. • Monitors overall store quality, cleanliness, stock levels, merchandising, sales growth, profitability (e.g., by analyzing operating reports, payroll sales reports, shrink reports, etc.), and taking appropriate action to improve performance. • Must have 8-10 years’ experience with a minimum of five (5) years in a managerial position to include management of shop floor departments. • Must have good computer knowledge using Microsoft word, Excel and Inventory management programs. • Proficient in the understanding of retail and wholesale accounting and good business practices related to documentation and record keeping. • Must be skilled in ordering methods and practices for inventory control. • Strong current product knowledge of the retail industry and knowledge of Supermarket facility management is required. • Will be required to work nights, long hours, weekends, and holidays. • Must be forklift certified and must have previous experience in Droste Systems. Pay commensurate with experience and qualifications.
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
Grants Gas Station Building #2, Upstairs, Down Town
54 Parkers Ave, Phase 1, Blue Hills Is seeking to employ a
Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. Salary: $6.25 hourly CONTACT: 247-0630 EMAIL: IDI8895@YAHOO.COM
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 18808
Liaising with vendors to reconcile any billing discrepancies, prepare accounting reports and inventories for client discharge as necessary, posting journal entries for accrued revenue and expenses and assisting with the preparation of financial statements.
Labourer - $7 hourly
Cleaning and preparing the job site, loading and delivering materials, and using a variety of tools and machines.
Contact: 649-244-4007 Email: islanddrillingltd@gmail.com
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. Labourer position is currently held by a work permit holder
This position is responsible for conducting continuous surveillance to detect merchandise loss within a store environment. • Ensure all security procedures and security surveillance are in place to detect, minimize and or eliminate shoplifters and or other theft offense within the store environment. • As required, shall conduct in-depth investigations into suspected cases (s) of fraud and theft. • Shall conduct routine inspections of the store both internal and external grounds to maintain physical security and protection of assets. • Must apprehend dishonest individuals and shoplifters and turn them to the local Police Department for criminal proceedings. • This position will work in collaboration with Local Law Enforcement Agencies to apprehend and eliminate in –store theft all operations levels. • Previous experience and credentials in Law Enforcement and Security Surveillance is a must • Must be able to meet the physical requirements of the position, with or without reasonable accommodations. • 2-5 years in retail theft and loss prevention investigations preferred • Must observe and ensure compliance with all company policies and established procedures including general health and safety standards. • Must be knowledgeable of Intelligent Security System. • Must be able to work varied hours /days, including nights, weekends, and holidays as needed. Pay commensurate with experience and qualifications.
Commercial Tractor Trailer Truck Driver Applicant must have a valid TCI driver’s license (Class-B) with a clean driving history and a clean police record and at least 3 years driving experience. Pay commensurate with experience and qualifications.
Please visit our office located Graceway plaza, leeward highway to fill our inhouse applications or send resumes and cover letter to: hr@gracewayiga.com Deadline for application: October 18th, 2019 Please Note: Only short-listed applicants will be contacted to attend interviews
• Cleaning the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 342-4704
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 18843
• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly CONTACT: 442-5833
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 18834
CONTACT: 243-4036
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 18836
and lighting • Dive master certified • Work Long hours and weekends • Own Pro Level Camera and Various lenses • Own Car Salary plus commission
This position is for work permit renewal however Belongers are encouraged to submit their resume to the Labor Department
• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
17 Aqua Lane, Long Bay Is seeking a
PHOTOGRAPHER • College Degree • 5 years experience in wedding and underwater photography in the Turks and Caicos • Competent in Photoshop, light room, Final Cut. • Competent UW photographer with own underwater photo equipment
20 Flamingo Crossing, Long Bay, Providenciales
CONTACT: 341-0363
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
DUTIES WILL INCLUDE: • Weddings • Portraits • Real estate • Underwater • Video production • Office work and editing • Client Sales
Provide beauty services, such as shampooing, cutting, coloring, and styling hair, and massaging and treating scalp. Apply makeup, dress wigs, and provide nail and skin care services. Salary: Based on qualifications
Snekill Yard Ralpael Jude #29, Blue Hills, Back Road Is seeking to employ a
Help the patient get dressed, eat, bathe and complete light housekeeping duties. Plan, prepare and monitor meals. Run errands. Clean yard. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 241-1777
Kishco Plaza, Leeward Highway Is seeking a
Master Charge Clerk - $12 hourly
Five Cays, Back of Paradise Church Is seeking to employ a
CONTACT: 345-7876
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is for work permit renewal
Industrial Drive, Grand Turk. Is seeking to employ a
Loss Prevention Officer
Receive payment by cash, and credit cards, Issue receipts, and change due to customers. Count money in cash drawers to ensure that amounts are correct and that there is adequate change. Salary: $6.25 hourly
Contact: 232-2447. Please send your CV to info@Kaieri.com
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 18839
October 19-25, 2019
TURKS AND CAICOS WEEKLY NEWS Acting on behalf of our clients
#37 June Hills, Millennium Highway
Cut and weed grass, pick up waste and clean the property and help with ongoing construction on the property. Contact: 333-1236
ELIE LANDSCAPING SERVICES Snake Hills #19, Millennium Highway
SUPERVISOR - $8 HOURLY Supervise ongoing work. Contact: 232-7124
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 18903
PALM GROVE, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a
Duties: Cleaning mopping Dusting, sweeping and Polishing and other household Chores and care for an elderly Person. Salary: $6.50 per hour.
CONTACT: 232-8445
Belongers are encouraged to Send a copy of their resume To the Labour Board. This Position is currently held by a Work permit holder. 18816
331 Llewlyn Street, Kew, North Caicos Is seeking to employ a
15 Kew Town, Dock Yard Is seeking a
• Clean the store, dusting, sweeping, mopping, clean ceiling, restroom cleaning, stock shelves. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 244-4857
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 18846
#31 Olympic Plaza, Down Town Is seeking to employ a
• Apply paints, stains, and coatings to interior and exterior walls, new buildings, homes, offices and other structural surfaces. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $8 hourly
• Creating in production line. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 244-8323
CONTACT: 247-5610
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 18901
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 18832
• Proficiency in MS Office Software, with emphasis on Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook • To perform this job successfully, individual must be able to perform each essential duty satisfactorily • Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing, Business Administration or related disciple or 10 years sales/marketing experience or combination of education and relevant experience in the Wine and Spirits Industry • Thorough knowledge of sales and marketing practices and procedures • Demonstrated problem solving and negotiation skills • Ability to add, subtract, multiply and divide in various units of measure, using whole numbers, fractions and decimals • Ability to calculate rates and percentages • Ability to communicate effectively in written format and oral presentation including formal presentation skills before large and small groups • Deadline oriented, with an ability to multi-task and establish priorities • Ability to maintain flexible attitude and approach towards assignments and successfully operate under ambiguous deadlines • Outgoing disposition with excellent interpersonal skills • Ability to operate forklift and pallet jack • Minimum of five (5) years experience with a reputable Wine Distribution on working directly with a winery • Minimum of Level 2 WSET or equivalent qualifications in The Wine and Spirits Industry • Experience with POS or Software specifically related to the selling of alcoholic Beverages would be an asset Salary commensurate with experience
This position is Vacant qualified Belongers are asked to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department Applications must be submitted to Discount Liquors and Wine Cellar Email: discount@tciway.tc (or) fax: 946-4871. NO telephone calls please
#39 Lower Bight. Is seeking a
• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 343-8207
DIEHARD CONSTRUCTION Osbourne Road, Grand Turk. Is seeking a
CONTACT: 242-7113
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 18898
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board work permit renewal
Behind the Ball Park Unit #3, Down Town Is seeking a • Take orders and serve food and beverages to customers. • Make sure the total cleaning of the kitchen and café. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 331-0818
#13 Grace Cultural Market, Grace Bay Is seeking to employ a
• Sweeping, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, and other work • To work 6 days per week Salary: $6.25 per hour
CONTACT: 946-4343
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 18811
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board currently held by a work permit holder 18835
G&G CONSTRUCTION Blue Hills, Millennium Highway
erect scaffolding, lay out tools, pouring concrete foundations, hand tools to workers, remove all debris, pack up tools, put away any unused materials, and take down bracing and scaffolding. Salary: $7 hourly
CONTACT: 241-2964
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
• Cleaning the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. Cares for garden. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder
#234 Selicon Street, Phase 2, Blue Hills. Is seeking a
Erect scaffolding, lay out tools, pass tools to workers, cleanup work sites, clean and put away tools, and take down scaffolding at the end of the day. Assist masons and carpenters. Salary: $6.50 hourly
Lee Street, South Caicos is seeking to employ a
CONTACT: 245-1522
Saltmills Plaza, Grace Bay Is seeking to employ a
• Preparing the work station for the cook. Keeping the kitchen area clean and tidy at all times. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 232-6248
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 18867
G.&.H ENTERPRISES Lee Street, South Caicos is seeking a
CONTACT 231-2402
Person will be responsible for: • keeping the premises of business clean and free from shrubs and weeds • assisting with minor repairs around the building • To work 5 days a week. SALARY $6.25 hourly
This position is currently being held by a work permit holder. Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. 18880
This position is currently being held by a work permit holder. Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 18879
Person must be able to: • drive and operate a forklift and service machines daily. • To work 5 days a week. SALARY $6.25 hourly
Providenciales Airport Terminal, Airport Road. Is seeking a
Providenciales Airport Terminal, Airport Road. Is seeking a
• Relay important information between management, kitchen staff and servers as well as customers. • During our busy hours, we expect the food runner to assist servers, perform any tasks necessary to ensure a high quality service customer experience. • Co-ordinate food orders to guarantee timely and efficient delivery to guest. • Prepared to work in a fast paced environment that requires attention to detail and the ability to multi task Salary: $7.50 hourly
Contact: 946-4472. Email: gilleyscafe@tciway.tc
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
CONTACT 231-2402
• Washing dishes, pots, pans, and flatware, and resetting dining areas. Preparing dining areas and kitchen for next shift by cleaning and restocking dining areas and cook stations. • To work 6 days a week Salary: $6.75 hourly CONTACT: 946-4472 EMAIL: CANTACTTATE@ GILLEYSCAFE.TC
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 18877
Acting on behalf of Agnes Swann Central Square, North Caicos
#10 Oak Avenue, Grace Bay Road Providenciales. Is seeking to employ a
HEAD CHEF REQUIREMENTS • Proven experience as head chef • Exceptional proven ability of kitchen management • Ability in dividing responsibilities and monitoring progress • Outstanding communication and leadership skills
• Up-to-date with culinary trends and optimized kitchen processes • Good understanding of useful computer programs (MS Office, restaurant management software, POS) • Credentials in health and safety training Salary: $60,000 per year
• Cleaning the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 246-4769
Contact: 946-5369. Email: cocobistro@tciway.tc
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board These positions are currently held by work permit holders
10 Sandy Ground, Lower Bight Is seeking a
• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 242-5161
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 18857
Unit 17, The Saltmills, 363 Grace Bay Road, Providenciales
JEWELRY ARTIST • Must have 3+ years experience in making jewelry. • Knowledge of how to manage clients with custom orders. • Knowledge of how to arrange jewelry displays. • Computer/photoshop skills required. • Must work 6 days a week. Salary $10/hr
Applications can be emailed to paradiseartsgallery@hotmail.com
October 19-25, 2019
#58 A Windwood Road. MENZIE’S BUILDING, Leeward Highway Is seeking to employ a
Grace Bay Court, Grace Bay, Providenciales Contact 432-6266 /e-mail – gillian.crust@gmail.com
DENTAL HYGIENIST/ THERAPIST • A Dental Hygienist/ Therapist is required to work full time. Must be registered in USA, Canada or UK. • Orthodontic experience necessary. Salary to be negotiated depending on experience. Salary is to be negotiated depending on experience. Belongers need only apply.
• Must be willing to work weekends and Holidays • Hardworking individual ready to be part of our team • Duties to include general cleaning of bakery • Salary $6.50 - $7per hour base
Dental Service Ltd 946-4321 or drjo@dentist.tc
This position is currently held by a work permit holder Qualified Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department 18842
Grace Bay Car Rental #1216 Leeward Highway, Providenciales
• Clean vehicles according to company standards or client specifications, performing detail inspections, thoroughly washing, buffing, and waxing exteriors, vacuuming, steaming, and deodorizing interiors, and keeping records related to gas levels and the condition of the vehicle. • Must have a valid driver’s license. • Must have 10 years’ experience Salary: $1020.66 bi-weekly This position is currently held by a work permit holder
• Making and creating all manner of baked goods, pastries, confections, and other desserts for restaurant and wholesale • Must have experience in bakery setting • Help design the dessert menus and develop new recipes • Must be willing to work weekends and Holidays • Starting Salary $18-24k per year based on qualifications and experience
Positions are currently held by work permit holders. Positions open to qualified Belongers. Belongers should send Resumes to Labour Department or Drop Resume at Crust Bakery – Grace Bay Court
BETHANYS EDUCATIONA & SOCIAL TRAINING (B.E.S.T.) INSTITUTE INC. Is seeking suitable candidates for the following positions:
AutoMotive Arts TCI #1216 Leeward Highway, Providenciales
• At least 15 years or more experience as an Auto mechanic • Must be able to perform all vehicle diagnostics and updates using diagnostic equipment • Able to maintain vehicle functional condition by listening to customer’s/ operator complaints, conduct inspections, repair engine failures, repair mechanical and electrical systems malfunctions and replace parts and components according to manufacturer standards • Keeps shop equipment operating by following operating instructions, troubleshooting breakdowns, maintaining supplies and perform preventive maintenance • Must hold a valid driver license with a clean, insurable, driving record, must be able to drive manual and automatic transmissions. • Knowledge of tools and equipment required to conduct all repairs. • Must be able to speak and write English • All data system knowledge • Must be computer literate Salary: Based on qualifications
Contact: 649-441-8515 Email: frantz@gracebaycarrentals.com
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder
PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHERS Applicants should possess a trained teacher’s diploma of certificate with 3 or more years experience in the classroom. • Applicants with first degree besides their Teacher’s diploma/ certificate will have an advantage • Applicant must be energetic and creative and a good team player • All applicants should be a born again Christian preferably of the Baptist Faith • Capable of teaching students with multi-cultured background • Teachers with experience with (CPEA) Caribbean Primary Exit Assessment would be an asset6 • Have adequate knowledge and experience of working with the Primary School Curriculum of the TCI Education System • Salary $20,400.00 to 24,000.00 per annum • This position is currently held be a work permit holder
Application can be dropped off at B.E.S.T. Institute Office, 250 Bay Road, Blue Hills, Providenciales. Or email: bestinstitute@tiway.tc, copy all enquires to the Labor Board, Turks & Caicos Islands Telephone: 649-941-4802. Cellphone: 649-246-4802
Sports Interational
October 19-25, 2019
Brigid Kosgei recorded a time of two hours 14 minutes 04 seconds, easily inside Radcliffe’s mark of 2:15:25 set at the London Marathon in 2003. Patrick Day (left) was taken from the ring on a stretcher after the conclusion of the fight
Kosgei breaks Day dies in hospital days after Radcliffe’s women’s suffering brain injury in Conwell fight marathon record BOXER Patrick Day has died aged 27 - four days after suffering a brain injury in a fight against Charles Conwell. The American was put into a coma on Saturday after he was knocked out in the 10th round of his super welterweight bout in Chicago. Promoter Lou DiBella confirmed Day had died on Wednesday “surrounded by his family, close friends and members of his boxing team”. “He was a son, brother, and good friend to many,” said a statement. “Pat’s kindness, positivity, and generosity of spirit made a lasting impression with everyone he met.” Day was taken from the ring on a stretcher after the conclusion of the fight on the undercard of Oleksandr Usyk’s heavyweight victory over Chazz Witherspoon in the US. “Patrick Day didn’t need to box,” the statement from DiBella Entertainment continued. “He came from a good family, he was smart, educated, had good values and had
other avenues available to him to earn a living. “He chose to box, knowing the inherent risks that every fighter faces when he or she walks into a boxing ring. Boxing is what Pat loved to do. It’s how he inspired people and it was something that made him feel alive.” Fellow American Conwell, 21, wrote an emotional letter to Day following the fight. “I never meant this to happen to you, all I wanted to do was win,” he said. “If I could take it all back, I would. No-one deserves this to happen to them.” Day won 17 of his 22 fights, with four defeats and one draw. In July, Russia’s Maxim Dadashev and Argentina’s Hugo Santillan both died following injuries sustained during fights. “It becomes very difficult to explain away or justify the dangers of boxing at a time like this,” the statement continued. “This is not a time where edicts
or pronouncements are appropriate, or the answers are readily available. It is, however, a time for a call to action. “While we don’t have the answers, we certainly know many of the questions, have the means to answer them, and have the opportunity to respond responsibly and accordingly and make boxing safer for all who participate. “This is a way we can honour the legacy of Pat Day. Many people live much longer than Patrick’s 27 years, wondering if they made a difference or positively affected their world. This was not the case for Patrick Day when he left us.” Boxing announcer Michael Buffer was among the first to pay tribute to Day, describing him as a “wonderful young man”, before adding “everyone in the boxing community is crushed”. WBC president Mauricio Sulaiman said boxing had lost a “brave, kind and wonderful friend”. (BBC)
KENYA’S Brigid Kosgei eclipsed the 16-year-old women’s marathon world record held by Britain’s Paula Radcliffe as she retained her Chicago title. The 25-year-old recorded a time of two hours 14 minutes 04 seconds, easily inside Radcliffe’s mark of 2:15:25 set at the London Marathon in 2003. It adds to the Kenyan’s win in London this year when she clocked 2:18:20 and became the youngest winner of the race. Ethiopa’s Ababel Yeshaneh was second in Chicago, six minutes 47 seconds behind. Only 22 runners in the men’s race finished faster than Kosgei, whose time would have been a men’s world record in 1964. The Kenyan, who won last year in 2:18:35, admitted: “I am feeling good and happy because I was not expecting to run like this.” Radcliffe’s 2003 time was the longest-standing marathon world record by either men or women in
the post-war era. The former world champion was at the finish line in Chicago to witness Kosgei’s remarkable performance and was among the first to congratulate her. “When I saw how fast Brigid was running in the first half I knew it was going to be broken,” said Radcliffe. Ethiopa’s Gelete Burka completed the top three in Chicago on Sunday with a time of 2:20:51. Meanwhile, Switzerland’s Manuela Schar retained her wheelchair title, finishing 30 seconds faster than last year in 1:41.08. Her performance in London, where she ran the quickest ever second half of a race after a slow start, gave indications of what she was capable of and she certainly set out with the intention of going fast today. The first 5km made us sit up. It actually looked too ambitious at the beginning but she didn’t really slow down. This is an incredible new benchmark. If that stood for 20 years I wouldn’t be surprised.
P&D EMPLOYMENT Acting on behalf of our clients
South Dock Road, Five Cays
Clean kitchen and assist cook. Contact:333-3696
Clean yard. Contact:346-8110
Venetian Street, The Bight
Paint walls and other structures. Contact: 342-4721
Grave Bay
South Dock Road
MASON - $8 HOURLY Lay blocks. Contact:346-7379
Leeward Highway
PLUMBER - $10 HOURLY Lay pipes Contact: 232-3435
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board
October 19-25, 2019
Sports National
Senior Sports Development Officer Judith Robinson with some of the primary school athletes.
Ms. Robinson with some of the high school athletes.
Eliza Simons Primary and HJ Robinson High win at All Schools Cross Country Event THE Eliza Simons Primary School and the H.J Robinson High School emerged victorious on Monday in Inaugural National Cross Country Championships, which was held at the TCI National Stadium. The event, which was a collaborative effort between the Department of Sports and the TCAAA had a number of the top schools competing in 5K and
3K races. In the primary division, Eliza Simons finished ahead of Ona Glinton and Ianthe Pratt. Iris Stubbs Primary finished fourth and Adelaide Oemler Primary fifth. Followed by Precious Treasures International, International School and Alpha Christian Academy. According to information from the Department of Sports, Enid Capron
Primary and Shining Stars could not get any team points because they did not meet the minimum qualifying standards in terms of number of participants (they had under five each). Nathan Presume, who won the U11 Boys event for Eliza Simons in a time of 22:14.50 was adjudged top Primary School Boy, while Sarah Forbes who led Ianthe Pratt to victory
in the U11 in a time of 25:55.00 was the top Primary School Girl. H.J Robinson on the other hand were able to upstage British West Indies Collegiate (who continue to improve in all sports). Long Bay High School finished third, with Marjorie Basden High fourth, Clement Howell High School fifth and Precious Treasures International
sixth. International School nor TCIPS were awarded any team points, because they also competed with less than five participants each. Omari Lightboune from HJ Robinson finished as the best male high school performer, while Taneisia Gardiner from LBHS was the top female performer.
Final round of preliminary games to decide placement in NCS Filipino Basketball League THE final round of preliminary games this Sunday at the Gus Lightbourne Sports Complex will determine the placements of the semi-finalists in the NCS Filipino Basketball League. The game that will be in the spotlight would be a battle between Hartling Group and defending champions Long Bay Express. For Long Bay, the game is inconsequential, since they will qualify as team number one despite the outcome of the clash. Since Hartling, Allied Management and the LDV Warriors are tied, if Hartling wins they will emerge as the second best team, with AMS third and LDV fourth. If Hartling loses though, they will be fourth, while AMS will finish second and LDV third. In the last round, both LDV and Hartling registered wins. WARRIORS DOMINANCE The Warriors have been in dominant form of recent and MoneyGram Senders felt the full blunt of it after they were defeated by a whopping 37 points (93-57) in their clash.
L-r: Hartling’s scorers Jai Cabrera and Joseph Delfino.
L-r: The LDV Warriors trio of Jeneboy Sayson, Muana Mark and Jimmy Singzon.
Forward Jeneboy Sayson powered his way to a game high 33 points, four rebounds, five assists and two steals. Sayson was consistent in the first three quarters after recording scores of nine points in the first, 10 in the second and another nine in the third. Point guard Jimmy Singzon, used his quick hands and quick feet to
of his 10 points, Jay Jarafa with 10 points and four rebounds and Kevin Cosme, who finished with 10 points, seven rebounds, three assists and two steals. Prior to that, Long Bay Express stayed unbeaten after a walkover victory over Sixt Car Rentals. According to the tournament rules Long Bay were awarded 20 points.
score 20 points, make six steals and four assists. Ansong added 14, John Paul Bognot 13 and Muana Mark, who buried three shots from beyond the arch, nine. MoneyGram were led by Jhet Singh who scored nine of his 13 points in the third, Chris de Leon, who exploded in the fourth with nine
Meanwhile, Hartling Group claimed a comfortable 72-58 point win when they battled against KIM’s in last Sunday’s final clash at the Gus Lightbourne Sports Complex. Joseph Delfino led the attack with 18 points and six rebounds, while Jai Cabrera added 13 points. Jeff Cierva finished with a game high 19 points and six rebounds.
Sports National
TCI makes history at Darts World Cup
The national darts team at the World Cup.
THE Turks and Caicos National Darts team has been impressive in the 2019 World Darts Federation World Cup, which concluded last weekend in Romania. The 12-member side, who
impressive on the global stage against the best teams in the world. In the singles, Brent Robinson was able to reach the top 32 of 256 male players. He got past players
registered their best ever performance to date in the prestigious event, were able to defeat a number of quality sides along the way. Although we did not finish with a medal, our players were extremely
from Isle of Man, Japan and Ireland, but was eventually edged 4-3 by a player from England. In the women’s doubles, Nekoda Fulford and Sonji Williams defeated
Victory against Sint Maarten gives national team hope of advancing to League B THE 5-2 victory against Sint Maarten last Thursday in Curacao has given the Turks and Caicos Islands a boost in morale and the side is spirited and optimist of making their mark in the remaining of the Nations League, League C Group D battle. National senior men’s coach Omar Edwards said that the victory has the entire football fraternity “very happy”. “The victory against Sint
Maarten was one that the entire Turks and Caicos family welcomed. To score so many goals in one game is welcomed.” Edwards added that the players are ready to take the team forward in the region. “We want to move from Group C to Group B, we understand that it will not be an easy task, but the players are working day in day out on it. They understand what it takes to make it to the next level
and they are working on it.” The coach added that the side would continue to play positive football, but would not be complacent when they play the return leg. “We expect a tough leg.” In the game last week Sint Maarten had enjoyed the lead twice, before Forbes showed his brilliance en route to a hat trick. Goals were also scored by Jeff Beljour and Herby Magny.
The victorious TCI men’s team upon their arrival in Providenciales. (TCIFA photo)
With the win TCI are looks definite for at least a second place in the three-team group. Sint Maarten has lost all three of their games and will look for a consolation win when they battle us at home on November 14. If we win that game and go on to defeat Guadeloupe (who beat us 3-0 in our opener), we stand a chance of advancing since it will come down to goal difference between Guadeloupe and TCI.
October 19-25, 2019
Brazil and ultimately, made it in the Top 32 out of 96 teams, but fell to Japan. Fulford also got into the second round of the ladies’ singles. TCI’s women’s team also defeated Egypt 9-7, but had suffered heartbreaking losses against South Africa 1-9 and Jersey 6-9, which resulted in their exit. Fulford said that all of the players were proud of themselves and their teammates for battling hard against the best in the world. The World Cup attracted some 55 men’s teams, 49 women’s teams and 20 youth teams.
TCIFA’s team Manager’s Course billed for Saturday at National Academy IN a continuous effort to spread the game of football in the Turks and Caicos Islands, the TCI Football Association will run off a Team Manager’s Course at the TCIFA National Academy in Providenciales this Saturday from 09:00h. The event, which is free of charge, is the first step for budding managers. According to the FA team managers are pivotal on any football team. “The team manager helps to complete, maintain and organise the necessary tasks of scheduling, paperwork and communications to allow the coaches ample time to focus on coaching the players.”
October 19-25, 2019
October 19-25, 2019