Weekly News Volume 34 | No. 27 | July 4-10, 2020
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COVID-19 TASKFORCE TO BE INTRODUCED Almost a month after the TCI’s economy slowly started reopening, the Government is planning to introduce a taskforce to ensure residents adhere to public safety guidelines.
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June 27 - July 3, 2020
Covid-19 taskforce will ensure guidelines are followed BY DELANA ISLES ALMOST a month after the TCI’s economy slowly started reopening, the Government is planning to introduce a taskforce to ensure residents adhere to public safety guidelines. The decision comes following several reports and videos posted online of a blatant disregard for the need to wear masks and to socially distance so as to lessen the spread of Covid-19. It also succeeds a new surge in positive cases of the deadly virus – which left residents stunned after being lulled into a false sense of security due to zero cases being reported since mid-May. Minister of Health, Hon. Edwin Astwood told the press on Monday (June 29), that his ministry will be introducing the taskforce as early as July 1. It will be aided by the Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police Force, he said. “We at the ministry… will have a Covid-19 taskforce and those persons will be tasked with going out into the communities and spot checking on restaurants, hair salons, other gatherings, places where they sell food, hardware stores, parties, where ever people are gathering, they are going to be all over the place.”
The Covid-19 taskforce will go into communities and carry out spot checks (stock picture)
He said the bulk of the task force will be stationed in Providenciales - the island in which all of the cases have been found. “From July 1, we’re going to have that taskforce out and about, to give citations, to warn people that they are in violation… and if you don’t cease and desist we can
call the police, if we need back up. “If you don’t put on your mask and you’re going into the store and you’re making a huge fuss... they are going to ensure that persons at least adhere to these guidelines in terms of social distancing,” the minister advised. Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson also spoke on the added
enforcement activities, calling on the public to be vigilant and report any instances of people violating the protocols for masks wearing and social distancing. The premier said things must change if the country is to properly manage the virus. “But I have to praise the public, there have been people who have been outing children ‘they are
there now, send the police now’ or ‘they on the soccer field, send them now’... “I want to encourage that, I really want to encourage that… we don’t have a hotline, but people have already reached out to say this is what is happening and it needs to be broken up, and we’ve been getting a lot of tips.” She added that in the coming days and weeks, Chief Medical Officer, Dr Nadia Astwood and her team will be issuing further guidelines to ensure members of the public are made even more aware of what they need to do to keep themselves and others safe. The premier agreed that the enforcements that are already in place do have to be strengthened. “The parties are very worrisome and I don’t want the islands outside of Providenciales to think that we don’t know that they are doing it as well, but I think what this shows is how easy we can fall afoul… “We have heard of some of the bad behaviour, we have actually seen films of some of the bad behaviour...family gatherings with no social distancing.” The premier noted that this sort of behaviour has negatively impacted other countries, and the Government does not want the same to occur in the TCI.
TCI records second Covid-19 death Published by Turks & Caicos News Company Ltd. Cheshire House, Leeward Highway, Providenciales P.O. Box 52, Turks & Caicos Islands, BWI W. Blythe Duncanson - Publisher/Editor-in-Chief Olivia Rose - Senior Reporter Faizool Deo - Sports Editor (At Large) Cord Garrido-Lowe - Graphics Consultant (At Large) Dilletha Lightbourne-Williams - Office Manager Email: (Advertising) tcnews@tciway.tc, (News) tcweeklynews@gmail.com Tel. 649-946-4664 (office), 649-232-3508 (after hours) Website address: www.tcweeklynews.com Follow us on: Facebook: facebook.com/tcweeklynews Twitter: twitter.com/tcweeklynews1
A SECOND person has died from Covid-19 in the Turks and Caicos Islands, the Government has confirmed. The elderly resident, who had underlying health conditions, passed away in Cheshire Hall Medical Centre on Monday (June 29). They have not yet been named. In a joint press release on Tuesday, TCI Hospital and the Ministry of Health extended their deepest condolences to the grieving family. “Members of the general public are urged to adhere to the new control measures announced by the Government
and adhere to public health guidelines to prevent and suppress the spread of the virus,” they wrote. Dudley Lightbourne was the first person in the TCI to die from Covid-19 on April 4. He was admitted to Cheshire Hall Medical Centre on March 21 in critical condition and with pre-existing conditions. Prior to hospital admission he had travelled to the United States and later developed fever and respiratory symptoms. He was under clinical management and isolation and
went on to receive aggressive respiratory care, according to TCI Hospital and the Government. Lightbourne passed away shortly before midnight on April 4. He was the second person in the TCI diagnosed with Covid-19. On April 7, Health Minister Hon. Edwin Astwood, during his ministerial statement in the House of Assembly, offered his condolences to his family. “We all have to continue to do whatever we can to mitigate against this virus and to prevent other deaths from occurring,” he said.
June 27 - July 3, 2020
June 27 - July 3, 2020
TCI sees sharp spike in Covid-19 cases Positive cases rise 13 over the weekend BY OLIVIA ROSE THE TURKS and Caicos Islands recently experienced a sharp increase in Covid-19 cases, with 13 people testing positive in just two days. This brings the total number of positive cases recorded since the start of the pandemic to 42 with 29 active cases, two hospitalised and two deaths. The recent outbreak, which doubled the total positive cases recorded, sparked panic and fear among residents over the weekend. Last Saturday, June 27, authorities confirmed 12 new cases in a 24-hour time span. The next day, another positive case was reported. All of the new cases and their contacts have been quarantined while contact tracing activities are ongoing. To announce the exponential rise in cases, Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson held back to back press conferences to address the nation. In her last update on Monday she described the outbreak as “significant” and revealed that the cases are linked to one hotspot in Providenciales. The premier said contrary to popular opinion, the 13 new cases emerged from a work activity and not as a result of a party. “We’re also prepared to say that all of the active cases are on the island of Providenciales. “Our hospital has capacity and it is important to note that only one of the work cluster has had to be hospitalised and this
Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson described the recent outbreak as “significant”
is because of underlying conditions. “This latest development calls for reflection, greater enforcement of measures we know have worked, greater vigilance and greater discipline on everybody’s part.” Cartwright Robinson credited the Government’s efficacious contract tracing methods for the discovery of the cases. “While the new figures are in and of themselves troubling, it however speaks to the success of the aggressive measures we have in place to manage the virus. “We are satisfied that the elaborate system of contract tracing has worked well in this instance, and that success has minimised the likelihood of further spread. “In the past, the public would have seen the numbers in quarantine go up and a number for suspected cases, because
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overseas laboratories would only test those who were symptomatic.” However, in the TCI’s “new reality” suspected cases will not rise alongside quarantine numbers, she said. “This also brings into focus the success of the overall strategy to build our island testing capability. “Before we had that ability, people who were identified during contract tracing would have been placed in quarantine and not tested unless they were symptomatic.” She stressed that with the advent of incountry testing, the Ministry of Health is now able to identify positive cases even when individuals are asymptomatic. Residents were urged to remain calm and continue to practice established Covid-19 health measures. The premier called on people to desist from fear mongering especially on social media. “We note with serious concern the many false statements and allegations that are in circulation and we know that one sure way not to be successful in a pandemic situation, is to traffic in fear. “Fear is as dangerous as are huge gatherings or not wearing masks or face coverings. “Fear forces irrational actions on behalf of individuals, which will ultimately put everyone at risk. “We want to warn our people that false statements on matters like these also pose a threat to general public safety and wellbeing.” Cartwright Robinson acknowledged that while there is need for serious concern, more importantly there is a greater need for vigilance Some residents have also called on
Fear is as dangerous as are huge gatherings or not wearing masks or face coverings – Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson health officials to release details of the event and the hotspot where persons would have contracted the virus. However, the Premier warned that this is against best practice, against international health guidelines and is counter-productive. “It will lead to antisocial behaviour of discriminating against those who already face the challenges of contracting the Covid-19, and it will send people who will otherwise be willing to co-operate as we continue contract tracing to go underground. “Now more than ever, we have to be our brother’s keeper by resisting the temptation of rumour mongering and stigmatising. “Additionally, we must take personal responsibility to ensure that we continue to act responsibly and follow all protocols.” To date, the TCI has recorded a total of 706 test results, with 664 confirmed to be negative and 42 positive confirmations. The number of people in quarantine has also increased to 196. This figure includes the 29 confirmed cases, 57 contacts of confirmed cases, 46 indirect contacts of confirmed cases and 64 returning TCI residents. Thirty-nine of those people are currently being quarantined at a nonmedical facility.
June 27 - July 3, 2020
Testing everyone is not the best approach, says chief medical officer BY OLIVIA ROSE WHILE mass Covid-19 testing might seem intuitive, it might not be the best approach for the TCI right now. These sentiments were expressed by Chief Medical Officer Dr Nadia Astwood during a radio interview on Saturday, June 20. In response to calls for Covid-19 testing of the entire TCI population, Astwood said given the volatile nature of the virus this approach would provide a “false sense of security” for residents who would likely become complacent after undergoing the test. “To test everybody would only give you a snapshot of who is positive right now,” she said. “It’s not to say that tomorrow, if you’re in close contact with people and you weren’t wearing a mask and taking precautions, that you won’t get it. “I think that would give people a false sense of security, where they’d say ‘oh we’ve all been tested and we’re all negative and therefore we don’t need to use the measures anymore’.”
Chief Medical Officer Dr Nadia Astwood said territory-wide testing could give a “false sense of security”
She further explained that the coronavirus is still largely unpredictable and scientists around the world are still trying to understand the baffling virus. “Coronavirus is a novel coronavirus, a novel disease to the world - scientists are
Weapons and drugs seized after disorder at HMP BY DELANA ISLES GANG violence from the streets of Providenciales continues to penetrate the walls of Her Majesty’s Prison in Grand Turk. On Thursday, June 25, police from Providenciales and Grand Turk rushed to the aid of prison officers to restore order after days of disorderly conduct by rival gangs. A source told the Weekly News that fights broke out between the ‘Kew Town Boys’ and ‘Blue Hills/Five Cays Boys’ – gangs involved in violence on the streets of Providenciales. During the joint effort, officers confiscated drugs and other contraband such as knives, cell phones, makeshift knives (shivs) and other sharp implements from prisoners. Police were also forced to use pepper spray, smoke bombs and other chemical means to disperse the inmates and safely move them to their cells, the source explained. Three inmates were taken to the hospital for treatment. They were released with minor injuries. On Monday (June 29), Premier
Sharlene Cartwright Robinson addressed the recent unrest at the facility. “What is playing out in the streets, plays out in the prison, and it’s very difficult with the crumbling infrastructure to continue to manage persons who have beef with each other and that’s what we see happening…,” she told the press during a national address. The premier further confirmed that a police search was indeed carried out recently at the facility, during which they recovered a lot of items that should have been banned. “We are working on additional initiatives [undisclosed at this point], where we’ll see less and less of that.” She noted that the Government is seeing some progress on the work to restore the yellow wing, which was lost in the 2017 hurricanes. “It took a long time, but we’re there and that will help us in terms of managing the space. “We are concerned about crime, about the young men’s behaviour and even there in the prison,” the premier said.
still learning the science behind it. “What immunity means, whether a person could catch it a second time, what
tests are accurate in terms of all the tests that are being sold on the market – this is something that is being discussed for quite a long time. “The testing that we do in the TCI is the gold standard testing, which is polymerase chain reaction testing and that will only tell you if you have the disease in your body.” Astwood said that since evidence and information about the virus is constantly evolving, the Ministry of Health is more focused on testing those who interface with the public the most. “So we are moving that process along in different areas, whether it’s healthcare workers from the public and private sector, as well as the police and immigration those front facing staff. “So we’re testing them and that will give us an idea of what the disease is doing in the community.” She said they are also testing people CONTINUED
June 27 - July 3, 2020
June 27 - July 3, 2020
The island of Providenciales is once again under a night time curfew from 10pm to 5am every night starting on Tuesday (June 30)
Provo’s July 6 reopening postponed for one week But TCI will still welcome tourists on July 22 BY DELANA ISLES THE SURGE in positive Covid-19 cases has caused the Government to delay the full reopening of Providenciales. This decision was taken following a Cabinet meeting last weekend, as the cases leapt from 12 to 29 in the matter days. Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson updated the territory on these decisions during an hour-long press conference on Monday (June 29). She said: “Cabinet considered and determined that there was no need to invoke emergency powers. “And given that there is an identifiable hotspot in Providenciales, we are therefore moving to take a series of actions specific to the island.” Cartwright Robinson said the new measures contained in the regulations have been made under the Public and Environmental Health Ordinance which allows for a localised response. Meanwhile, she gave assurances that the July 22 reopening of the border - phase four of the reopening - is still on schedule.
“The issue about the reopening of the borders was discussed extensively at Sunday’s Cabinet meeting where health officials were in attendance. “Following these encounters, it was decided that as of now, we will keep that schedule. “This is because the protocols governing arrivals, when the borders are opened, are so detailed and so strict, that the risk of imported cases going through the system is mitigated.” She said health and safety will always be the first priority. “That is why we insist that the Cabinet, on July 8, will further review all of the measures now in place and the likely impact on additional phased reopening.” CABINET DECISIONS The island of Providenciales is once again under a night time curfew from 10pm to 5am every night starting on Tuesday (June 30). This curfew will run until July 13 and will be guided by the stipulations set out in the regulations. There will be a delay of the reopening of certain businesses which was slated for July 6, the
premier added. This will now take place on July 13. The businesses that will be affected by this change are hotels, dine in restaurants, casinos, bars and discotheques, gyms, spas and fitness centres. Gatherings inclusive of churches, weddings, funerals and social gatherings will once again be limited to 10 people. This too will remain in force until July 13. As it relates to activities on a public beach, Premier Cartwright Robinson said no gathering of more than 10 outside the same household may be permitted at a beach. The Government has also hit pause on the recommencement of sporting events and contact sports until Monday, July 13, at 5am. Additionally, there will be an imposed restriction on travel from Providenciales. “A person desirous of returning to his home in Providenciales may travel from any of the other islands into Providenciales, however from June 30 until July 13, except for essential travel, a person shall not be allowed to travel from Providenciales to any
of the other islands.” The premier stated that from July 13 a resident of any of the other family islands who wishes to leave Providenciales to return home can do, provided that the airline maintains a travel log and reduces the number of persons to permit physical distancing. “We have also agreed for a greater scrutiny and prioritisation of incoming repatriation flights to ensure adequate management of the capacity of public health officials to monitor the surveillance measures applied to persons under quarantine orders until July 13.”
In this regard, the premier said the Ministry of Health will be issuing additional guidelines to the aviation industry and the public to govern the application for approval of flights. “We must emphasise that all the new measures and extensions apply to only Providenciales. “All the other islands will continue as they are and move to phase three on July 6.” However, the premier is cautioning residents of the family islands that cases can remain hidden and that they must not operate under the belief that the virus is not on their island.
Our office on Leeward Highway will be open from 9 am to 5 pm from Monday to Friday.
June 27 - July 3, 2020
June 27 - July 3, 2020
Releasing names may lead to stigma – Dr Astwood DISCLOSING the names of people who have tested positive to Covid-19 could lead to unwarranted stigma and discrimination, the TCI’s medical lead has said. During a radio interview on Saturday,
June 20, Chief Medical Officer Dr Nadia Astwood, assured that the Ministry of Health would not be releasing specifics of the active cases. “Not at this time. We are a very small
Consultations held on the ‘new normal’ THE TOURISM Ministry has spoken to key stakeholders about measures that will mitigate the impact on industry workers when the borders reopen on July 22. Speaking at a press conference on June 25, Tourism Minister Hon. Ralph Higgs said consultations have been held to develop protocols which will steer the sector’s operations. “We focused our attention on protocols that will govern the reopening of our borders,” he said. “To achieve an agreed set of protocols we consulted widely locally, regionally and overseas - and consulted with the public transportation sector including taxi drivers, VIP transporters, mass transportation providers and
community cab providers. “We met with restaurant operators, spa and wellness operators, we met the Watersports Association in Providenciales and Grand Turk, we met with airlines both local and international providers. “We also consulted widely with our hotel partners including villa operators and small inn operators. “We sought input from all our stakeholders and collectively we agreed that July 22 is an ideal date to reopen our borders as it provided us the window to ensure that all of the protocols that were established locally were working.” He stressed that careful planning will put the TCI at the top of the competitive ladder.
Testing everyone is not the best approach ... CONTINUED FROM
that have any symptoms or signs of Covid-19 and also those that are being referred overseas for medical emergencies. “I think with all of that, local testing is still relatively new so we are progressing with that, so that will give us a better idea of what’s going on in the community and later down the line.” The chief medical officer also spoke about the team from Public Health England that recently arrived in the territory to help with testing logistics. “They will be providing us additional technical assistance and support in terms of looking at the
new technologies that are coming out, particularly antibody testing, which modalities could be incorporated into our testing strategy in the TCI and then how those results could be interpreted to see what is really going on in the Turks and Caicos.” A key proponent of the ministry’s Covid-19 testing strategy is contact tracing - a widely touted approach for controlling the spread of an infection by identifying those who had been in contact with an infected individual and quarantining them. Contact tracing has been an effective method used to contain other outbreaks such as Ebola.
country and as a physician I have a duty of care and confidentiality to the affected individuals. “We want to ensure that they are protected and our team can do their work without speculation.” She urged residents to refrain speculation and circulating rumours during this sensitive time. “The thing is, this disease knows no boundaries. It doesn’t care who you are, where you come from, what job you have, how much money you have in the bank.” In April, Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson confirmed that the names and addresses of those who had tested positive for Covid-19 would not be released to the public. She said the decision had been made “in the best interest of the victims” and it remains up to everyone to follow healthy practises to restrict the spread of the virus. The premier spoke about the stigma of having coronavirus during her address to the nation, stating “…sicknesses never discriminates and neither should we”. She revealed that the Government had received requests to release names and even the location of victims. Earlier that month Governor Nigel Dakin said: “…what this short period is not, is an opportunity for us to stigmatise anyone who has Covid-19. “For all you know you may be one of the fortunate that had it, suffered few, if
any, symptoms but passed it on to others. “Or, if we all lose control of this through our casualness, it’s very probably true that it will be someone very close to you, who you love, that ends up with this virus. It doesn’t discriminate.” In her recent interview, the chief medical officer stressed that the measures now in place to mitigate transmission of the virus should be considered a ‘new normal’. “The best tools that we have to fight coronavirus are the public health measures, social distancing, hand washing, face covering, staying home if you’re ill, covering your cough. “I think we must all ask as if it’s sitting on our shoulder and not become complacent and think, ‘well it’s over there so I don’t need to worry’. “No, all of us need to worry and all of us need to make sure that everybody else around us take the precautions and that it becomes second nature that we don’t even need to think about washing our hands.” She stressed that the rules are there for a purpose. “This is a virus that spreads from person to person through droplets, so when you’re talking to someone without that six feet distance and they’re coughing and sneezing, that could enter your mouth, your eyes and cause you to become infected. “So there is a reason why the social distancing rules are in place.”
Bight man injured in drive by shooting A TWENTY-six-year-old man is in stable condition in hospital after being injured in a drive by shooting at his home in the Bight, Providenciales, on Monday (June 29). The man was outside of his apartment just after midnight when he was hit by a bullet that was fired at him from a vehicle. He was taken to Cheshire Hall Medical Centre in a private car and arrived just after 12.20am. Nikira John of TCI Hospital told the Weekly News on Thursday that the man had a single gunshot wound to his body.
“The trauma team was activated and the patient received immediate care,” she said. Diagnostic imaging was performed to assess the extent of the injury and the patient then underwent surgery. He was admitted to the General Ward for further care and monitoring and is currently in stable condition. Officers responded to the hospital where they spoke to the complainant about the shooting. Anyone with information into this incident can call 911 or contact Crime Stoppers anonymously on 1-8008477.
Her Majesty’s Prison needs a new superintendent BY DELANA ISLES THE SEARCH is on yet again for a new superintendent of prisons and Islanders with requisite skill sets and qualifications are encouraged to apply. Current prison boss Grahame Hawkins will not be renewing his contract when it comes to an end later this year, Minister of Home Affairs, Hon. Goldray Ewing told the Weekly News this week. Minister Ewing said he has not yet received Hawkins’ full report on the prison but he was informed that he would like to go back home to be with his family as he is of retirement age. Hawkins joined staff at the prison in December 2018 and was the second replacement at the facility within the span of one year. His predecessor Steve Rodford quit abruptly in September 2018 having left for vacation and never returned. He had served just five months on the job. Reports out of the Grand Turk facility were that there were tensions among Rodford and officers under his command. His predecessor Steven Barrett left in
2018 after serving two years and nine months at Her Majesty’s Prison. While Barrett was fairly tight-lipped about the administration of the facility during his tenure, when he took up his new parallel post in the Cayman Islands, he revealed to the Cayman media that the TCI prison was “in a real mess”. “The prison in the TCI is so impoverished environmentally to the people that are held there and the people who work there,” he said. Reports out of the facility over the past several years have pointed to a stark disconnect among the British appointees and UK seconded staff, and the resident officers - many of whom are Jamaicans and Turks and Caicos Islanders. Asked if the focus will be employing a native to the post, Minister Ewing said the Government would be happy for an Islander to fill the post but the candidate needs more than just native. “We want a candidate who meets the terms of reference for the position, with the training required to handle a facility such as this,” he said on Thursday (July 2).
Grand Turk man charged with murder PHILLIP Nathaniel Smith, 51, was this week charged with the murder of Hurd Harvey, also aged 51, in Grand Turk. Police were called to The Garden in North Back Salina at about 8.20pm on June 20 after receiving reports that a man had been stabbed there. Harvey was transported to Cockburn Town Medical Centre where he succumbed to his injuries the following day. Commissioner of Police Trevor Botting extended his and the force’s condolences to Harvey’s family and friends. “My thoughts and prayers are with all of you,” he said in a police press release a day after the attack. “My officers on Grand Turk are carrying out a thorough investigation to
establish the full circumstances of what happened last evening.” On June 23, Pastor Ruth Adams Ariza hosted a several hour long live Facebook memorial to Harvey in which she said: “We’re going to miss his presence.” The murder was the 12th of the year – continuing the TCI’s high trending homicide rate. There have now been 13 homicides recorded since Bursley Dolcine, 20, died in hospital from a major injury after he was shot from close range in his Kew Town home on June 24. Anyone with information on this incident can contact police on 911, Grand Turk Police Station on 946-2299 or Crime Stoppers anonymously on 1-800-8477.
June 27 - July 3, 2020
Prison Superintendent Grahame Hawkins will not be renewing his contract when it comes to an end later this year
The prison has been a hotbed of activity since the beginning of the year - from assaults on prison staff, some to the extent of grievous bodily injuries, mini riots, complaints by prisoners of dehumanising treatment, and Facebook Live sessions hosted by prisoners. Earlier this week, Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson indicated that the Government is taking steps to address the issues at the facility. Meanwhile, anyone interested in filling the post of Superintendent of HMP is advised that they have until July 17 to apply. The position pays $73,185 per year with allowances, and is ranked Grade 10 on the Government’s salary scale. Key duties and responsibilities of the superintendent include ensuring compliance with TCI legislation and international standards in regards to the detention of all people. Compliance with human rights legislation regarding the detention of men, women and young people and ensuring food and medical provision is of
the required standard. They must also set and develop policies and procedures for the proper administration and management of the prison service, among other duties. Applicants must have a degree in a related field or equivalent learning competence, UK Senior Prison Operational Manager qualification or equivalent, minimum six years’ senior management experience in penal environment at a senior grade, preferably at deputy superintendent level as a minimum. They would have to have managed a UK standard prison or been a deputy superintendent in a complex prison or have similar experience. Applications should be addressed to The Director, Office of the Human Resource Management Directorate, Church Folly, Grand Turk. They can be hand delivered, faxed to 946-1582 or sent by email to recruitment@ gov.tc Current TCI Government serving officers are advised to apply through their head of department.
Gunmen threaten residents outside their homes TWO masked and armed men approached a group of people who were gathered outside of an apartment in the Lower Bight, Providenciales, last week and demanded money from them. Police received reports of the attempted robbery just before 9pm on Thursday, June 25. According to witnesses, the group ran inside the building and the suspects unsuccessfully attempted to kick in the apartment door before leaving on foot. One of the armed men was bitten by a yard dog.
Just 45 minutes later police received reports of a robbery on Stingray Street in Discovery Bay. A man who was sitting outside of his apartment was approached by two masked men, one with a gun and the second with a machete. The men stole cash, a cell phone and a television before escaping on foot. No shots were fired in either instance. Anyone with information on these incidents can contact police on 911 or Crime Stoppers anonymously on 1-800-8477.
June 27 - July 3, 2020
June 27 - July 3, 2020
Appeal dismissed, sentence affirmed for Solomond Belezaire BY DELANA ISLES THE COURT of Appeal has dismissed an appeal brought by Solomond Belezaire, who is serving an eight-year sentence for seriously injuring another man and for firearm related offences. Belezaire appealed both the conviction and sentence. The appellate court dismissed the appeal and affirmed the conviction sentence. One of the points raised by the appellant’s counsel, attorney Sheena Mair, was that the trial judge had not indicated a starting point for which the prisoner’s term was to run. As such, the Court of Appeal varied Belezaire’s sentence to a term of six years’ imprisonment to run from the date of conviction. He was first convicted of the offences on November 12, 2018. The appellant was convicted of carrying a firearm with intent to endanger life and causing grievous bodily harm. He was sentenced to imprisonment for a term of six years and eight years respectively, the sentences to run concurrently. DETAILS OF THE CRIME According to court documents, the incident occurred in the early hours of the morning of October 11, 2010. Urban Jason Francis had just arrived at his apartment on Leeward Highway in his
vehicle when he noticed a darkly tinted motor vehicle parked nearby. He found that odd and immediately began making his way to his apartment when he heard a shout and noticed two men running towards him. He observed that both were carrying firearms, one a handgun and the other a rifle or long shotgun. Francis pulled out his licensed firearm to ward off any attack when the advancing men began shooting at him. He immediately returned fire and was of the firm belief, albeit not absolutely certain, that he had hit one of the assailants. Before he could react, one of the men was upon him and a struggle ensued. Francis had been shot twice in the arm but he managed to hold on to his attacker who began shouting at his accomplice “shoot him, shoot him”. Francis used the attacker as a human shield and prevented the other assailant from getting a clear shot. He then managed to push the man he was holding unto the other attacker, causing both of them to fall to the ground. This gave him an opportunity to run to safety. The attackers got up and hurriedly left the scene. Police arrived shortly thereafter and Francis was taken to the hospital in the police vehicle while the other officers secured the scene until scenes of crime personnel arrived. Among the items recovered at the
scene were a handgun and blood samples collected from drops of blood deposited on a tile in a pattern leading away from the direction where Francis was shot and in the direction from where the assailants had approached him. In its report dated November 30, 2011, the DNA lab indicated that there was no match in its data base for the particular sample tested. At the time, the police had no control sample against which the DNA collected could be compared for the simple reason that they had not yet detained any suspect in the matter. In light of the report, the case remained dormant for some time. Then in February 2017, the appellant was arrested on suspicion in an unrelated matter and a DNA sample, obtained with his consent, was sent as a control sample to be tested against exhibits for that particular offence. On July 13, 2017, the DNA Lab sent a report clearing the appellant of any connection to the materials sent up but informed the police that the appellant’s DNA sample matched the DNA sample which had been sent to them in October 2010 for testing and stored in its database. In the course of further investigations, the police examined the body of the appellant and discovered two scars on his right upper shoulder, one in the front and one in the back.
When asked about the scars, he said that it was as a result of a fall from a bicycle. Photographs were taken of the scars and shown to Doctor Steckbauer, the pathologist from DNA International. The pathologist did not examine the appellant but expressed an opinion that the rear scar was consistent with an entrance gunshot wound while the front scar was consistent with that of an exit wound. The appellant was formally arrested and charged. In his appeal of the conviction, Belezaire alleged that the record of the proceedings was incomplete as the trial judge’s summation to the jury was missing. He also alleged lack of disclosure of evidence which rendered the trial unfair, and that the DNA evidence was inadmissible as the appellant did not consent to a sample. The court found that the DNA sample issue was not raised by the trial counsel at the time of the trial. Additionally, during the appeal hearing in January, the Crown had informed the appellate court that the DNA report relating to the February 2017 incident was not relied on or tendered in the trial as the evidence was highly prejudicial to the appellant as they related to a crime of murder. The appellate court therefore threw out all of the grounds except the one which indicated that a date of sentence was not stipulated.
Significant portion of new positive cases are asymptomatic BY DELANA ISLES AMONG the newly discovered positive Covid-19 cases, 69 percent showed no symptoms and were captured primarily through contact tracing. This was revealed by Dr Nadia Astwood, Director of Health Services, as she gave a breakdown of the origin of the positive cases found between June 22 and 25. Dr Astwood was part of the Government team addressing the nation on Monday (June 29) during a Facebook live press conference. On June 22, two positive cases were identified by the National Public Health Laboratory of the Ministry of Health, she said. The first individual was a resident who was repatriated to the TCI and was tested as part of the quarantine protocol. They were asymptomatic and already in
quarantine at the time of testing. The second individual was from the community and was symptomatic when they presented to the healthcare facility, and was subsequently tested and found to be positive. A total of 25 close or primary contacts and three secondary contacts were identified through contact tracing, were tested and quarantined. Of these individuals, one person tested positive. On June 25, a resident who attended an event was identified who was symptomatic. A test result was returned on the same day and was positive for Covid-19. This individual has subsequently been hospitalised and contact tracing was carried out by the Public Health Team. It revealed a total of 25 primary contacts and 67 secondary contacts, who have all been quarantined. Of these a total of 12 primary contacts
and 11 secondary contacts tested positive for Covid-19. Another symptomatic individual who is currently hospitalised has also tested positive for Covid-19. This person is also being managed as an in-patient at the hospital and there is no clear epidemiological link to a confirmed case. Contact tracing has revealed a total of eight primary and five secondary contacts for this individual and thus far one contact has tested positive. In total 29 people have tested positive for Covid-19 since June 21, with two of these individuals requiring hospitalisation. Dr Astwood also revealed that 69 percent of these new cases were asymptomatic and 31 percent showed symptoms of Covid-19. “It really is a credit to our ability to test locally that we were able to identify these asymptomatic persons who could have spread the disease to others unknowingly,”
she said. The Health Director also provided a comparative analysis on age and sex of those patients who have tested positive. The majority of the patients are female and in the age group of 34 to 44 which is similar to other countries in the region, she said. “So it’s really that middle set of age with a few outliers on the younger end and older end.” Dr Astwood noted that the ministry is still developing the information that it has - epidemiological information - and will be discussing that further. She said that before it was hard to do an analysis because there was such a small number of cases. “But we are now working with Public Health England to get these figures together to further develop the picture the TCI team has been presented with over the last few days.”
June 27 - July 3, 2020
Tourists must show Covid-19 test certificate and health insurance BY OLIVIA ROSE ALL VISITORS to the Turks and Caicos Islands are now required to have health insurance and a valid Covid-19 test prior to their arrival. On July 22, the TCI will join a growing list of Caribbean countries that are welcoming back leisure travellers with new guidelines implemented to curb the spread of Covid-19. As such, tourists will have to show proof of a negative test result to avoid a two-week long quarantine. Those who do not have a health certificate will be tested for Covid-19 at the port of entry and will be subjected to 14 days in mandatory quarantine. Asking passengers to get a negative Covid-19 test prior to travel is one more tool in the Government’s layered strategy to keep the TCI safe. These measures are among a number of other safety protocols recently revealed by Tourism Minister Hon. Ralph Higgs. Speaking at a press conference on June 25, Higgs stressed that these stringent requirements are crucial to ensuring the health and safety of both residents and guests. “On the reopening of the borders we’ve introduced a suite of mitigating measures that would help to protect the destination. “I want to say now that all visitors to the TCI following July 22 will require pretesting from a reputable laboratory or testing facility in their respective countries.” He explained that international guests must be certified by TCI Assured, a quality assurance portal accessed at www.
Minister of Tourism Hon. Ralph Higgs said “a suite of mitigating measures” will help to protect the TCI
turksandcaicostourism.com before they are allowed entry. “This will be the electronic vehicle by which passengers travelling to the Turks and Caicos from overseas will communicate their status and their readiness to travel to the TCI. “It’s a portal that once you’ve made your booking, you could fill in the box and communicate your pre-test certificate, communicate your insurance information and any other travel requirements to local authorities in TCI.” A certification sticker will be provided to guests who provide proof of negative Covid-19 PCR test results from an accredited facility at least 72 hours prior to their arrival to the destination, proof of medical insurance and a completed health screening questionnaire. “Once you arrive in Providenciales you will present a TCI assured certificate to show that you would’ve met all of the requirements for entering the Turks and
Caicos,” he said. Higgs said staff of local authorities, all of whom will be clad in personal protective equipment, will handle the certificates before guests are allowed to proceed to immigration where temperature checks will also take place. “Then you will proceed on your journey in the Turks and Caicos Islands,” he added. The tourism minister also disclosed that the Government consulted with a number of test providers in the United States and with local medical business before agreeing to which tests will be accepted. “We are confident that testing is readily available in all of the marketplaces that frequent Turks and Caicos Islands. “We are confident that that pre-testing information can be communicated to the destination in a timely and authentic way. “We’ve consulted with insurance providers locally, regionally and internationally and we analysed what
neighbouring destinations are doing with respect to these two measures.” He emphasised that health and safety remain top priorities for the territory, which has one of the lowest incident rates and the highest recovery rates in the Caribbean. “We’re not alone with these requirements,” he said. “Most destinations in the region are requiring visitors to their shores to be tested before they leave their home countries, at least within a 72-hour window and they’re also requiring insurance before you enter the respective countries. “We feel these measures along with local protocols that have been established will help to ensure the safety of our guests and the safety of our visitors.” Director of the Environmental Health Department Kenrick Neely said officials will be monitoring Providenciales International Airport closely when it reopens. During a radio interview on June 20 he said: “Because with the borders being prepared to reopen we need to put all our measures in place to address any potential risk that we may be faced with from the opening of our borders and whatever we have in-country. “We have been doing this since the country closed, monitoring the Turks and Caicos Islands and conducting our surveillance with the staff we have in place. “But every day we are adding or changing our strategy because Covid-19 changes on a regular basis, so you have to continue the monitoring process and change as things change.”
CABINET MEETING SUMMARY THE RATE increase from FortisTCI, use of the juvenile centre as a prison and Covid-19 related activities were all discussed at the 22nd meeting of the Cabinet. Governor Nigel Dakin chaired the meeting on Friday, June 19, by videoconference. All members were present. A press release this week from the Governor’s Office said that at this meeting Cabinet: - Were updated on Covid-19 related activities being undertaken by the Ministry of Health including infrastructural works to upgrade
intensive care facilities on Providenciales, National Public Health Laboratory, National Epidemiology and Research Unit, primary healthcare, staffing level and recruitment by island, returning residents and quarantine facilities, guidelines for various sectors of business uploaded on the ministry’s website, arrival of Cuban health professionals and visitors from Public Health England. - Discussed a revised National testing strategy for Covid-19 which seeks to manage the risk posed by those traveling into
the islands; keep front line staff safe and understand the overall picture of infection on the islands. Members agreed a number of proposals particularly around pretravel requirements for visitors, additional action points and necessary steps to fund additional staff and supplies required. - Noted the recommendation of the Procurement Board on the award of a contract PN 005574, SSP equipment for water undertaking. - Approved the waiving of all import duties on computer equipment for Island Escapes (TCI),
Providenciales. - Agreed for the FortisTCI rate increase to take effect from July 22 and amendments to the regulations. - Approved amendments to the Emergency Powers (Covid-19) (Prison Measures) to allow for the designation of the former juvenile centre as a prison. - Approved amendments to the Emergency Powers (Covid-19) Regulations to enable essential workers deployed on behalf of TCIG but, not in response to Covid-19, to enter the country.
June 27 - July 3, 2020
June 27 - July 3, 2020
Power company president to retire after 13 years FORTISTCI president and CEO Eddinton Powell will retire from the company after serving for 13 years on August 1. He will be succeeded by Ruth Forbes, senior vice president of corporate services and chief financial officer. The announcement was made on Friday, June 26, by Gary Smith, chair of the board of directors of FortisTCI. “On behalf of all employees and the board of directors, I want to congratulate Ruth Forbes on her appointment,” he said. “Ruth brings tremendous experience and personal acumen to this important position, as well as strong connections to the communities on the Islands. “I also wish to thank Eddinton Powell for his contribution to the electricity sector in the Turks and Caicos Islands and wish him well in his retirement.” Powell joined FortisTCI in 2007 as president and CEO after serving as senior vice president and chief financial officer at Caribbean Utilities Company (CUC) in the Cayman Islands, a Fortis company. He began his career in the utility sector at CUC in 1982 and currently serves as chairman of the board of Caribbean Electric Utilities Corporation, and will continue in that role until December 2020.
Powell will transition into the role of strategic advisor for FortisTCI until the end of this year, reporting to the board of directors. He will also remain a director on the board until that time. He said: “It has been an honour to serve as the CEO of FortisTCI for the last 13 years. My love and respect for the Turks and Caicos Islands are deep and abiding. “As I move into a new phase of my life, I leave behind a strong company and a talented team that will achieve great things. “I know that Ruth will do well in her new role, and I wish her all the very best on her journey.” Ruth Forbes from North Caicos joined FortisTCI in 2006, and currently serves as senior vice president of corporate services and chief financial officer. She oversees the finance, customer service, communications and human resources functions. Prior to joining FortisTCI, Forbes worked as a senior auditor at PWC (formerly PriceWaterhouseCoopers). She has a Diploma in Business Administration (Honours) from University of Technology, Kingston, Jamaica and a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting from
Police to only accept 50 record requests per day THE POLICE Records Offices will only be accepting 50 record requests each application day, the Royal TCI Police Force announced on Monday (June 29). The major operational change has been made due to the increased number of confirmed Covid-19 cases announced recently by Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson. The office will continue to process investigative reports such as fire reports, missing document reports and vehicular accident reports and reporters will be contacted for collection. However, the public is reminded to avoid visiting police stations to file reports unless it is necessary. Commissioner of Police Trevor Botting said: “We remain committed to serving the communities of the Turks and Caicos Islands but in a way
that is safe for my officers and those we serve. “With the recent increases in Covid-19 confirmed cases, I must reiterate the importance of adhering to these policy changes. I will again ask for your patience. “We will continue to update the public if any changes occur. I would also like to encourage the public to continue to practice social distancing and proper handwashing.” For more help members pf the public can call Grand Turk Police Station on 946-2299, South Caicos Police Station on 946-3299, Chalk Sound Police Station on 941-8082, Grace Bay Police Station on 941-5891 or North Caicos Police Station on 9464448. For all emergencies 911 is available as usual.
FortisTCI president and CEO Eddinton Powell with his successor Ruth Forbes, senior vice president of corporate services and chief financial officer
Barry University, Florida. She is also a certified management accountant (CMA). In a company press release, Forbes said she was pleased to have been selected as Powell’s successor. “I am also thankful to the board of directors and Fortis Inc for their confidence in my ability, and to Mr Powell for his leadership. “Our company is respected as a trailblazing utility both regionally and internationally. “In my new role, I will continue our drive toward excellence with the FortisTCI team, while bringing value to
our stakeholders. “I must also acknowledge and thank my family for their unwavering support.” Barry Perry, president and CEO of Fortis Inc, said Forbes’ insights and vision for the company and its customers are admirable. “I am confident that she will continue to advance FortisTCI as an innovative and sustainable energy leader in the Caribbean. “I extend my congratulations to Ruth, as well as my thanks to Eddinton for leading the progressive transformation of the electricity sector in the Turks and Caicos Islands.”
Youth asked to take part in online survey THE DEPARTMENT of Youth Affairs is asking residents aged between 15 and 36 to describe issues that affect young people in an online questionnaire. It is part of the department’s process for revising the National Youth Policy (2012), which also includes hosting virtual focus groups and key informant interviews. The revision of the National Youth Policy is integral in capturing current social issues that are affecting youth in TCI, a press release from the department said on Sunday (June 28). It will establish a framework which
promotes positive youth development, evidence-based programmes, rights base, active citizenship and social inclusion among young people. Anyone not of the correct age to participate in the questionnaire but involved with youth development can still write their top three issues affecting young people and solutions. Those responses can be sent to: Jasmine Thomas at jparker@gov.tc or Nixon Dickenson at ndickenson@gov. tc Contact the same addresses for a link to the questionnaire.
June 27 - July 3, 2020
Economic diversification in the TCI A priority for action, now more than ever
THE WORLD over confronts a grim reality. With the coronavirus spreading like wildfire and in the process of extinguishing the outbreak, countries like the TCI will be hit even harder economically, emanating from a lack of economic diversification. As of Friday, June 26, more than 40,000 new virus cases were recorded in American alone. According to a World Bank report, the global economy is stagnated and qualms about its future is spiralling. These trends mostly affect countries that depend heavily on the production and export of a small range of products and services and those selling to a handful of countries. Considering the income loss incurred
BY D MARKIE SPRING D Markie Spring, a TCI resident of 15 years, is an expert in law enforcement. He worked as a detective in the Royal TCI Police Force and was director of security at Beaches Turks and Caicos.
during the aftermath of the global coronavirus outbreak, the importance of economic diversification in the TCI and the wider Caribbean and central American states, must have renewed interest. Siding with the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), the issue of the focus surrounds economic diversification of the TCI as a
strategy for discounting income volatility, resulted from unforeseen contractions in the demand for services exports, which emerged from stagnation in the tourism sector. This has routinely exposed the TCI to negative external economic shocks, like we’ve seen in post-9/11. Noteworthy, diversification is a long-
term process that cannot materialise in reaction to any solitary shock and therefore, in developing new industries in small and vulnerable economies like the TCI, economists prescribe that policymakers plan ahead. Therefore, a skilled TCI labour force through education would certainly enhance its efficiency and productivity as well as its intellectual capacity, which is key to adapting new frontier and industry – a phenomenon that the TCI Government is ready to embark on. In acquiring diversification, the TCI Government must deploy an enabling environment which allows for dynamism or the Government can specify industries CONTINUED
What is real progress?
EVERYONE seeks progress. A better life with less effort. Humankind has achieved progress in many ways. The lever, the wheel, fire, electricity, radio waves. Finally, the computer, television, the cell phone! Who would have believed that in your parents’ lifetime that these modern devices would be available today in places as remote as our smallest occupied islands? Middle Caicos is home to buildings made from conch shells converted into ‘tag’ concrete. Not as strong as the real stuff but when you pour the walls a foot or more thick - there they are standing up for years, decades, longer. Transportation? We are now blessed with jet planes and airports to accommodate them. The modern automobile. In our salt ridden environment I wonder if the complicated car can be considered progress. It takes lots of training to keep these complex fuel-injected, turbo charged machines going. The same is true of the
David is a retired mobile hydraulic engineer and business executive. He has been married to Middle Caicos native Yvette Robinson Tapfer for 30 years and has lived in Conch Bar, Middle Caicos, since 2002. David formerly served as branch chairman of the PDM from 2008 to 2011
modern marine motor. Training is the key to progress. We can now build buildings from concrete and concrete block because of modern forms and mixers, transportation. Cement, lumber, wiring, devices, furniture transported by the containerload. We also invented the atomic bomb but don’t dare use it. Since 2003 higher incomes have become available. Many of these dollars exported as they became available for electrical power and healthcare. Is this progress? Millions of dollars sent to Canada, the Dominican Republic, Jamaica and
the USA. The people have been paying the costs by something called customs duty and by taxes levied on our visitors and our people. Duty is a consumption tax. Those least able to pay it has it socked to them. Visitors need to pay their share because of the upkeep of our infrastructure - those airports, our schools, the Government. The private power grid expects the citizens to pay all their maintenance and improvements. We could start talking politics circa 2006. Who let these folks come in and double the costs?
The goal should be the lowest cost of living for our own people to raise their quality of life. Has politics spoiled it? The ordinary citizen collects $200 to $400 a month pension and the former financial minister gets $500,000 in one pension payment. The trial of the most serious charges ever laid against a government group has been going on forever. May never end! Now we are on the verge of real progress and communism sends us and the rest of the world the bat virus. No transportation, no visitors. The health system is now all mixed up like a dog’s breakfast. Is the world capable of straightening it out? Can we find a vaccine? Do the commies already have the fix? I suspect they do. They care little about their own people. Their people (check Hong Kong) have their number. It would be preferred that Britain or the USA find the cure - an easy, cheap cure. Now that would be real progress.
June 27 - July 3, 2020
We have no choice but to open our borders now THERE are concerns by many residents of the Turks and Caicos Islands that the reopening of the borders should not take place on July 22. I believe the primary concern is due to the thousands of Covid-19 cases in the United States, and the USA of course is where most of our tourists come from. I support the Government’s decision in opening the borders on July 22. Personally, I think the Government should have opened the borders from June. If we do not open the borders soon enough, how will we survive? Tourism is our only industry and even if we venture into other industries, it will take a while before these other industries are able to be impactful in our economy. Quite frankly, we do not even know how impactful the opening will be on our economy this summer as people are afraid to travel and furthermore summer bookings are not normally as high as winter bookings. Some may argue that if it is not high like the winter bookings, why should we open? In this environment, right now, every dollar counts.
Drexwell Seymour is a certified public accountant and is the managing partner for HLB TCI. His favourite hobby, however, is writing. He has a personal website, www.drexwellseymour. com, where all of his writings are posted. He also has a YouTube channel where you can find inspirational videos. Drexwell has a BA in Accounting and an MBA in Finance.
All of us (residents and tourists) just need to be vigilant as we open our economy to the world. This includes practicing social distance, washing your hands frequently and wearing your masks. THE REALITY AND THE VICIOUS CIRCLE The TCI proposed recurrent revenue in its budget is $261 million with expenditure being $302 million. Where will the Government get money from if it does not open the borders? Do we expect it to borrow the money? If it does borrow the money, it will need
Economic diversification ... CONTINUED ďƒ¨
which they wish to develop and craft policy to support the new initiative. An ECLAC report cited Grenada as the prime example, which like the TCI is heavily dependent on tourism. In its effort to realise economic diversity, the Grenadian government has selected five non-tourism service sectors to advance export development. As a diversification strategy, the TCI Government could develop its creative industry, yachting and marine, professional services and venture into agro-processing. Furthermore, it is highly recommended that the Government further develop its fish and crustaceans sector.
However, in achieving this initiative, the education ministry must ensure education reform to prepare its citizens for the emerging sectors both current and future. Too, partnering with the private sector must be considered an important policy while the private industry works on strengthening the education sector understanding about the needs of the job market. In the meantime, the Government must grant concessions to private entities in areas of pertinence and interests. For success, more collaboration between the Government, academia and industry is required to acquire a better fit between accessible skills and labour demand.
income to repay the loan on a monthly basis. Furthermore, it does not appear the Government has any intention of borrowing. While it is true that the Government has stated it has $100 million in reserves. However, if no revenue is coming in, that $100 million can be exhausted within four months or so. How did I get the four months? If the expenditure is $302 million, you divide that by 12 which is roughly $25 million a month. According to the budget, there are 2,268 individuals working for the Government with an annual budget of $75 million. The Government has publicly stated it has no intention of cutting salaries so how will it continue to pay civil servants if the economy is not open? It was also revealed that there are between 10,000 and 13,000 employees working in the hospitality industry. While there is a provision of $1,200 to be paid to these individuals, that $1,200 will not last long. If the borders do not open, how will these individuals survive? Some may argue most of these individuals are work permit holders and send them home. Obviously, if they are not working, they should go home. However, let us look at the vicious circle. Some of these individuals are living in your apartment so that you can pay your mortgage or enjoy your income. Some of these individuals are going to the beauty salons, the barbers, the grocery stores so these businesses can do well. Contributions from these individuals are being made to NIB and NHIB. When these contributions are reduced, how will NIB be able to put funds in place for us when we retire? How will NIB pay its staff? How will NHIB pay its staff? Where will NHIB get money from to take care of people medically if contributions are reduced? Despite our feelings, we cannot maintain a sustainable economy with just the 10,000 or so locals. All of the gas stations will not be able
to remain open. The car rentals will not be able to stay open. Some restaurants will not be able to remain profitable. One of our largest statutory bodies, the TCI Airport Authority, is funded primarily by tourism. This body is responsible for a huge segment of employment at the airport. How will they continue to pay their staff? This is the reality. On Airbnb alone, there are over 300 TCI properties registered. What will they do now if the borders do not open? Rent long term? There may not even be a market for long term if it is just us locals remaining in the country. Some of these homes are being managed by property managers who get paid a percentage of the revenue. How will these property managers survive? How will the employees of these property managers survive if they are not working? OTHER COUNTRIES I know that we do not need to compare our situation to other countries but in this case as a point of reference, it is necessary. Jamaica, Antigua and St Lucia have opened their borders because of their reliance on tourism. Recently the EU has decided to ban Americans from coming there. While the EU will be impacted by tourism, they have other industries to rely on. The Cayman Islands, Bermuda and the BVI do not have to open their borders now. These countries have a significant income coming from offshore finance and Covid-19 does not really impact offshore finance. Some countries also have unemployment benefits in which individuals contributed and so they can get unemployment benefits. The residents are demanding their stimulus package. I believe they are for two reasons - perhaps because they know they are entitled to it and they need the money. When the $1,200 is exhausted, how will these individuals get any additional funds if the borders remain closed? How will you and I survive? The concern about health is valid, however, unless they find a cure or vaccination to control the virus, the virus will be among us. If we open the borders in November or even January, we face the same risks of contracting the virus. Therefore, let us be vigilant as we reopen of the borders on July 22.
June 27 - July 3, 2020
Downtown magistrate’s court reopens after overhaul AFTER nearly three years and extensive renovations, the court building on Old Airport Road will be home to the Providenciales Magistrate’s Court once again on Monday (July 6). The lower court moved to the Supreme Court building on Leeward Highway in October 2017 following complaints from staff about leaks, mould and a bad odour in the old building. But now the property has been given a complete overhaul and is “fit to purpose”, according to Chief Justice Mabel Agyemang. In a press release on June 27, the TCI’s top judge said the floor plan of the building has been fundamentally changed. The public waiting area has been extended and fitted with air conditioning, there is a new registry area, and the staff offices have been made more spacious. Security measures have also been put in place both inside and outside the court building. Meanwhile, the internal and external renovations have eradicated any potential mould issues, Agyemang said. The renovated court building passed inspection by the Environmental Health Department on June 25.
The report said: “The Environmental Health Department team were extremely pleased to see that efforts have been made to conduct extensive renovations of the entire court house. “The odour, presence of mould/causes of mould and signs of leaking that existed during past inspections are no longer present. “The Environmental Health Department is satisfied with the renovations done to the building in order to make it a safe working environment…” Concerns about the Covid-19 virus are also being addressed. High-efficiency particulate air filters will be installed to purify circulating air, plexi-glass shields will protect court users, and strict sanitisation measures will be observed daily. The judiciary requires, in line with government directives, that masks be worn to access the court building and in the court room. Hands will be sanitised at the entrance to the court building and officials will be monitoring the temperature of court users. The recent announcement from the chief justice contradicts previous reports from the judicial administration that the
building was in a good state of repair. In June 2018, a widely circulated social media post accused the administrator of courts Nalini Shiwram Kulpa of neglecting the health of workers. Calls were made for the building to be condemned and a better environment to be found for staff to work in. However, in a press statement, registrar Renee Mclean claimed there was no mould in the building. “The facts are that the building was inspected by the Department of Environmental Health at our request after the passage of hurricanes Irma and Maria, even though it suffered no damage and there was no ingress of water during the storms, because we wished to ensure
that it was safe work environment for the judge, the staff and all court users. No mould was found.” The registrar said that the building was again checked by the Department of Environmental Health and by Parkway, the week before that message was posted, and again no mould was found. That May a third inspection was conducted by pest control specialists Orkin Turks and Caicos which again confirmed that there was no mould in the building. The company added that the presence of mostly wooden furniture gave the air a ‘wooden’ scent which is natural and should not be confused with the scent that mould gives off.
Accounting firm launches TCI branch ACCOUNTING company Grant Thornton launched a TCI branch this Wednesday (July 1). The newly named Grant Thornton Turks and Caicos was formerly operated as part of the PwC global network of firms and is based at Tropicana Plaza on Leeward Highway. Senior partner Nick Haywood and assurance partner Dax Bruton said they are excited to join the Grant Thornton network. They said their focus will be on providing value to their clients through a flexible and dynamic approach. “It also allows us to continue to protect the interests of our employees, who are the core of our business.,” they said in a press release on Tuesday. “We held discussions with our clients and staff, and the level of support and encouragement we received highlighted that Grant Thornton is definitely the right place for us to be. “It is incredibly satisfying that all of our clients and staff have made the transition with us, and we are fully committed
to continuing to provide them with the personal and professional service they expect from us. “We are also looking forward to giving employees a rewarding experience and developmental opportunities.” Roy Buddle, Americas leader at Grant Thornton International, said the TCI is an important market to the company. “I believe this synergistic and strategic addition will support the growth and development from our network in the Caribbean region. “Having a quality firm that exemplifies our global values and can deliver high quality service, not just for local clients, but to clients of our member firms around the world, is extremely important. “Nick and Dax have a strong track record in their local market and specially in serving financial services clients, and I am looking forward to seeing the firm flourish under their leadership.” Grant Thornton is a global network of independent assurance, tax and advisory firms, made up of more than 56,000 people in 140 countries.
Hon. Austin Alexander Robinson OBE died on Monday
Former speaker dies FORMER Speaker of the Legislative Council, Hon. Austin Alexander Robinson OBE died on Monday (July 29). The Office of the Premier announced his passing in a Facebook post and said that his loss will be mourned and his memory honoured. Scores of people offered condolences to his friends, family and the wider community. One said: “He was a sweet friend to me living my days in Grand Turk. May his sweet soul rest in perfect
peace.” Another wrote: “A great giant has gone home to be with the Lord.” On Tuesday TCI Hospital said an elderly resident was admitted to TCI Hospital the previous morning and met the case definition for Covid-19. The patient had multiple comorbidities, was very ill and subsequently passed away, they said. The result for the Covid-19 test came back negative. The hospital offered condolences to his grieving family.
June 27 - July 3, 2020
Residents and visitors are invited to share their photos of Salt Cay on the new Facebook group
Destination Salt Cay Observations of an accidental Facebook group administrator
WO weeks ago, I was invited to a Salt Cay marketing meeting. The idea was to gather some residents together and brainstorm how best to manage the promotion of Salt Cay, the tourism product, as we endeavour to bring visitors back to the island once the borders open on July 22. How should we position ourselves in the marketplace in a time of social distancing, global pandemic and the subsequent economic fallout? How will we bring people to Salt Cay once they’ve decided that this is indeed THE best place to naturally socially distance? And finally, how do we effectively get the word out about Salt Cay and what it has to offer? This was the second marketing meeting and having missed the first one, I was updated on efforts to relaunch a Salt Cay webpage www.saltcay.org, aimed at promoting local businesses. I learned of efforts to work more productively with the airline servicing Salt Cay, to make certain that the airlift to the island is reliable. I also heard about an upcoming collaboration with the Turks and Caicos Tourist Board. And then someone said: “Titus, what would it take to convince you to launch a Destination Salt Cay Facebook group, given how popular and successful the Salt Cay Ferry Facebook page is?” For a brief moment, I cringed. Regular readers of this column will know that I am not a great fan of Facebook, to put it mildly, and while editing the Salt Cay Ferry page has admittedly been a joy, the thought of administering a group seemed to take
Titus was born in Hamburg and has lived in the Turks and Caicos Islands since 1989. He works as a general business consultant and has been based in Salt Cay since 2016.
my involvement with this social media platform to a whole new level. This meeting was on a Thursday and although I had asked the attendees to kindly give me until the following Monday to think about it, two days later the Destination Salt Cay Facebook group was launched. Sometimes, despite initial reservations, you just have to get on with it. And while launching a Facebook group is clearly not rocket science, I was and am very grateful for
the initial pointers and advice I received from far more experienced Facebook group administrators. Topics, rules and tags sorted, it was time to come up with a description for the group, which currently reads like this: “Promoting the island of Salt Cay destination of choice in the Turks and Caicos Islands to the international and domestic visitor. “Whether you’re a diver, nature lover, whale watcher or simply just want to get away from it all, we say ‘Welcome! Welcome home! And welcome back!’ “This is a great place to see what specials and information the businesses of Salt Cay have to offer. We invite visitors and residents to share pictures and memories of Salt Cay.” Like most things in life this experience is a learning curve and yet ten days into it the group, www.facebook.com/groups/destinationsaltcay, has 378 members and if the current trend holds should have 1,000 members by August 1. Time will tell. In the meantime, island businesses are encouraged to promote themselves and Salt Cay, while visitors share photographs and stories about their previous visits. The hope is that these authentic expressions of genuine, heartfelt enthusiasm for Salt Cay will speak for themselves and entice more nature lovers, divers, whale watchers and people who want to experience the most unique island in the archipelago, to plan their next trip to this enchanted island. To all of them Salt Cay says welcome!
June 27 - July 3, 2020
Six detained after illegal boat captured A BOAT containing six men from the Dominican Republic was intercepted off the south of Providenciales last Saturday, June 27. Just after 11.23pm, officers from the Radar Station reported to the Police Control Room that they were tracking a target. Marine Branch officers on patrol in the motor vessel Sea Enforcer responded and intercepted the small boat in the presence of immigration and health department officials. The detainees were then taken to the Detention Centre for processing. Director of Immigration Derek Been told the Weekly News on Thursday that the men are still in the Detention Centre and their intentions in the TCI are still to be investigated and determined.
Just a week prior, 17 men and women from the Dominican Republic landed a small boat in Grand Turk after being reported missing from their home country. On June 17, police received information that several people had arrived on the southern part of the island by Hawks Nest. Officers went to the scene where they apprehended 15 men and two women, who were assessed by the Ministry of Health, before being transported to a holding area. The arrivals were taken to Providenciales for further processing at the Detention Centre before repatriation, according to a statement from the immigration ministry. It is an offence to assist or harbour an undocumented person. The penalty under
This small boat contained six men from the Dominican Republic
the Immigration Ordinance is a fine on summary conviction of $20,000, a term of four years in prison or both. Anyone with information on illegal arrivals can call 911, Chalk Sound Police Station on 338-5901 or 941-8082 or Crime Stoppers anonymously on 1-8008477 or www.crimestoppers.tc
Merlin helicopters were seen moving the supplies that were delivered by the Royal Air Force on June 16
Helicopters seen moving supplies to UK ship SIGNIFICANT UK military aircraft activity seen over Providenciales last Friday and Saturday was due to movement of stores onto RFA Argus for its next patrol activity. There was “absolutely no arms or ammunition involved” other than the normal personal weapons all troops deploy with, the Governor’s Office said in a press statement. And those weapons had to be authorised by the Royal Turks and Caicos Police Force. The Merlin helicopters were moving the supplies that were delivered by the Royal Air Force on June 16.
They were also bringing to the TCI equipment needed to allow RFA Argus to leave one Wildcat helicopter deployed for continued enhanced maritime surveillance. “These are the spares and associated supplies needed to maintain a Wildcat in TCI for the next month,” the office said in its statement on Sunday (June 28). The Voyager aircraft, which was seen at the Providenciales International Airport, brought a group of sailors who are part of regular relief rotations of the ship’s crew. The sailors were flown out RFA
Argus for deployment, with the current crew aboard the ship being flown to the airport and then leaving for the UK on board the Voyager aircraft. At no time will any military personnel leave the airport, the Governor’s Office assured. All of this took place over the course of last Saturday and Sunday (June 27 and 28) with the Voyager aircraft departing on Monday. “These are vital operations for the TCI as we are helping the UK military to help us during this time,” the statement concluded.
'Let’s battle drugs together' WE HAVE to work together to combat the territory’s ills, the TCI’s substance dependence experts said this week. The words came as the territory joined the rest of the world in observance of International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Drug Trafficking on June 26. The day has been set aside by the United Nations to bring awareness about drug abuse and highlight the negative impacts of illegal drug trafficking. This year’s theme, ‘Health for justice, justice for health’ sought to emphasise the importance of using a holistic approach to address issues related to drug abuse and drug trafficking. That involves health, human rights, criminal justice system and social service agencies in forging effective responses. The Department of Mental Health and Substance Dependence said it is committed in providing the necessary services needed for those struggling with substance use disorders. And also in implementing operative policies and legislation that enforce the prohibition of drugs. “Our Islands may be small, nonetheless we face similar challenges in combating drug abuse and illegal drugs as others in the Caribbean,” the department said on Monday (June 29). “And its effects on individuals, families, societies and government is no less damaging. “Whether it is drug related violence, health epidemic and mass incarceration due to drug related offences, we have to work together in order to provide integrated solutions.” The department stressed it is important that the agencies responsible for change work collaboratively in reducing the availability and use of drugs in these Islands. Several activities took place in June to commemorate the day, including a talk on the Health Matters radio show, handing out of drug awareness materials and educational presentations.
June 27 - July 3, 2020
Regional News
June 27 - July 3, 2020
Sands: I’d like to be leader one day’ FORMER Minister of Health Dr Duane Sands acknowledged that he has aspirations to one day become leader of the Free National Movement. This comes after weeks of rumours that he and Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis had a very tense working relationship due to the same. Dr Sands’ comments came while he was a guest on the 96.9 FM radio show Paradigm Shift with host Michelle Malcolm. Asked by the host if he has leadership aspirations, Dr Sands said “yes.” “That question is asked whether I have aspirations to become Prime Minister, so on and so forth,” Dr Sands said. “I answer this question this way. Any of us and all of us involved in politics see ourselves ultimately one day calling the shots, but there is only one leader at a time. And, you cannot lead if you cannot follow. It is yes. Yes, I do.” The host referred to allegations of tension between Dr Sands and Dr Minnis and asked if there were a possibility that the nation’s leader was holding a grudge due to the Elizabeth MP supporting Dr Minnis’ former leadership challenger, Loretta ButlerTurner. “I am not in the Prime Minister’s head,” Dr Sands said. “I am not able to predict what he is thinking.” Later in the interview, Dr Sands
Last week, Dr Sands’ broke ranks with his party by criticising the government’s handling of the aftermath of Hurricane Dorian.
made it clear that, “I do not dance to anyone’s drum beat, but my own.” Last week, Dr Sands’ broke ranks with his party by criticising the government’s handling of the aftermath of Hurricane Dorian. However, some members of the public criticised him for remaining silent while a Cabinet minister but suddenly “coming clean” when he resigned a few weeks ago. He explained his muzzling. “When you sign up to be a part of Cabinet you take an oath,” Dr Sands explained yesterday. “Even resignation from that office does not free you up to break the oath of Cabinet. You would require permission from the Governor General, permission from the Cabinet
itself in order to divulge information that you were privy to. And so, there are certain things that I will not say and cannot say and I don’t have a problem with that. “Now I may throw some serious jabs at my party, but it is intended for us to get our own house in order so that when we go back to the people again, and that all of the weaknesses, all of the challenges that we have not adequately addressed are addressed and addressed well.” Dr Sands said the FNM has a lot of work to do right now, but first it must look in the proverbial mirror and determine what it can do to improve the lives of ordinary Bahamians.
He also said some members of the Cabinet are reluctant to be open with the public. “One criticism I can make of the Cabinet and my colleagues in Cabinet is that there has been a reluctance to be as open and to be engaged in conversations with the Bahamian public,” Dr Sands noted. “Now some people say that that was my flaw; that there was no microphone that I didn’t like, that there was no platform that I didn’t like and that’s their criticism. It is my view that you have different people with different styles and different skills. “There are some people that shy away from public speech. There are some people who shy away from candid conversations, that’s not me. I think that the Bahamian people are owed a direct reporting of their affairs on a regular basis. That’s just me. There are other people who the only way that they are going to give an accounting is that they have something written, a script in the front of them, and failing that they are going to shy away from the cameras. When you attend Cabinet, you bring your testicles in with you, but you leave your ego at the door.” Asked if he and Brent Symonette, MP for St Anne’s, had intentions of starting their own political party, he responded, “no”, but quickly added that he had a lot of options politically. (Tribune242)
Haiti’s PM suspends controversial presidential pardons HAITIAN Prime Minister Joseph Jouthe is asking Lucmane Delille, Haiti’s minister of justice and public security, to suspend the release of 415 prisoners who received a presidential pardon. Presidential press secretary Eddy Jackson Alexis announced the news on Twitter, saying the decision was made during a ministerial video conference on Wednesday. “In the interest of protecting the citizens and law and order in the Republic, prime minister @jouthejoseph is temporarily suspending prisoner pardons. An official document supporting this
decision will be forthcoming,” the tweet said. President Jovenel Moise’s decree announcing the pardons to free up space in the country’s overcrowded prisons amid the COVID-19 pandemic was signed by the president, the prime minister and the justice and public security minister. Critics say the prime minister does not have the authority to halt the prisoner releases and that only a presidential decree can reverse it. They also denounced the list for including rapists, notorious criminals and gang leaders.
Former opposition Sen. Jean Renel Senatus rejected the pardon of criminals whom he said will be able to regain their civilian rights and even run for public office in the future. “They may be president, senator or deputy,” Senatus told VOA, “because the pardon clearly states that prisoners’ civilian rights are immediately reinstated. I view this as a (security) threat.” Renan Hedouville, who heads the Office for the Protection of Oppressed Citizens, told VOA he sent a letter of complaint to the justice minister.
The National Association of Haitian Mayors and the National Bar Federation also criticized pardoning convicted criminals. The NBF also denied a claim made by the justice minister that he had discussed with them the early release as part of a plan to reduce prison overcrowding during the pandemic. The NBF issued its own statement saying the discussions held with the justice minister did not touch upon the prisoner pardon. The statement said the only matter discussed was the criteria that would be used to determine which prisoners should be considered for pardons. (VOA)
June 27 - July 3, 2020
Regional News
Bermuda: Recovery more than a year away, says Minister Hayward
Jason Hayward said in an online question-and-answer session on Tuesday that he believed the island’s economic recovery was still more than a year away.
THE Government has a lot of work to do to get unemployed Bermudians back to work, the labour minister said this week. Jason Hayward said in an online question-and-answer session on Tuesday that he believed the island’s economic recovery was still more than a year away. Asked for his “crystal ball” prediction, Mr Hayward said: “It’s going to get worse for another year and a half before things really get better. “So 2022 will be the earliest signs of economic recovery.” Jason Hayward, said that the Government had expected more Bermudians to return to the workforce before the country went into Phase 4 this week. But he said between Covidrelated layoffs and previous unemployment issues, about 9,000 people remain out of work. Mr Hayward said: “It’s a stark reality. It’s more people that attend a Cup Match game at any particular time. “There will be people who require additional services, and we need to prepare ourselves as a government to ensure no one is left behind, but it will be difficult. “Unless we have economic growth, which creates job growth in out economy, this problem will be with us for some time.” He said one of the issues facing the island is that there was not an alternative industry to take in those in the hotel sector left unemployed. Mr Hayward assured the
viewers that the Government will put in place measures to help get Bermudians back to work, as well as mechanisms to help them until they find a job. He said one issue facing young Bermudians was the “experience barrier” with employers seeking workers with three to five years experience in the field. But he said the Government would actively push for businesses to hire of Bermudians and would be proactive in its efforts to get Bermudians employed and promoted. Mr Hayward said that the deadline for enrolment in the unemployment benefit programme, other resources will be made available to help struggling Bermudians in the future. Asked about outsourcing, Mr Hayward said the Government wants to ensure jobs remain on island but it is difficult to regulate. “What we can certainly do is encourage businesses to retain employment levels in Bermuda,” he said. “What we will do is have direct conversation with industry about what their needs might be and facilitate those jobs remaining in Bermuda.” Mr Hayward said legislation to address the issues facing mixed-status families has been approved by legislators, but the application process is not expected to come into operation until mid-August.
Wymara Resort and Villas is pleased to announce Alvin Hegner as our new Resort Manager. Alvin joined the team in 2019 as Director of Engineering and Security, coming from a proven career where he had worked his way up to Vice President of a Fortune 500 Company in the U.S. As an executive, Vice President in technical operations and President of Global Services, he led thousands of employees worldwide. Alvin was extremely successful in operations, strategic innovation, and made positive impacts to inclusion and diversity. We are thrilled that he decided to bring this talent back home to the Turks and Caicos Islands. Alvin originates from Turks and Caicos Islands, the community of Kew, North Caicos. He moved back to the Turks and Caicos Islands early in 2019 after living in Europe, the United States and working throughout Asia. Since moving back, he worked in the hospitality industry as a consultant. Alvin then sought out Wymara Resort and Villas to further build on his career, identifying the need and want to give back to his fellow Turks Islanders by providing comprehensive leadership, training, and opportunities for all. We are excited that he is back in the Turks and Caicos Islands and that he ultimately decided to join Wymara on a full-time basis. While this announcement comes at a time where we are facing the biggest impact to the hospitality industry in our existence. Alvin has risen to the challenge and played an influential role in managing both Wymara’s assets and resources during this crisis. He worked closely with ownership in laying out our strategic direction and building business continuity plans to lead Wymara forward. With considerable experience in customer service and operations, Alvin will support our General Manager Jorge Collazo, and lead the operations at Wymara Resort and Villas with our 170 employees. He is highly capable in guiding our human capital strategy as we take the next steps in making Wymara a great place to work. Alvin will inspire the operational team while implementing processes and business strategy across various departments.
June 27 - July 3, 2020
World News
Coronavirus: Fauci warns of 100,000 US cases per day TOP disease researcher Dr Anthony Fauci has told the US Senate that he “would not be surprised” if new virus cases in the country reach 100,000 per day. “Clearly we are not in control right now,” he testified, warning that not enough Americans are wearing masks or
social distancing. During the hearing, he said about half of all new cases come from four states. Earlier, the New York governor said nearly half of all Americans must selfquarantine if they visit the state. On Tuesday, cases rose by more than
40,000 in one day for the fourth time in the past five days. The surge - which is occurring particularly strongly in southern and western states - has forced at least 16 states to pause or reverse their reopening plans, according to CNN. Florida,
Arizona, Texas and California are the four states referenced by Dr Fauci as being most heavily hit currently. For some the new measures come over a month after they first began to reopen their economies. Also on Tuesday, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo expanded the number of Americans who are required to selfquarantine for 14 days if they visit the state. There are now 16 states on the list. The newly added states are California, Georgia, Iowa, Idaho, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nevada and Tennessee. They join Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina, Texas and Utah. All together, the order affects 48% all US residents, according to a USA Today analysis. WHAT DID DR FAUCI SAY? Testifying to a Senate committee on the effort to reopen schools and businesses, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases criticised states for “skipping over” benchmarks required for reopening, and said cases will rise as a result. “I can’t make an accurate prediction, but it is going to be very disturbing, I will guarantee you that,” he told Senator Elizabeth Warren. “Because when you have an outbreak in one part of the country even though in other parts of the country they’re doing well, they are vulnerable.” “We can’t just focus on those areas that are having the surge. It puts the entire country at risk,” he added. Dr Fauci also called on the US government to produce face masks to be distributed for free to all Americans, and condemned the “all or none phenomenon” of some people who have completely disregarded social distancing measures. Robert Redfield, the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) - who was also testifying on Tuesday - told lawmakers that 12 states have seen hospital admission numbers rising, and Arizona has recorded an increasing death rate. “It is critical that we all take the personal responsibility to slow the transmission of Covid-19 and embrace the universal use of face coverings,” Dr Redfield said. “The disease impacts us all and it’s going to take all of working together to stop it.” Before the hearing began, Republican Senator Lamar Alexander, who leads the committee, appealed to President Donald Trump to wear a face mask - an act he has yet to do in a public event. “Sadly this simple life-saving practice has become part of the political debate,” said the ally of Mr Trump. “If you are for Trump you don’t wear a mask, if you are against Trump you do,” he continued, going on to “suggest that the president occasionally wear a mask”.
June 27 - July 3, 2020
World News
Jeffrey Epstein ex-girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell charged in US BRITISH socialite Ghislaine Maxwell, an ex-girlfriend of convicted paedophile Jeffrey Epstein, has been charged in the US after being arrested by the FBI. She is accused of assisting Epstein’s abuse of minors by helping to recruit and groom victims known to be underage. After being arrested in New Hampshire, she was brought to court and remanded in custody, for transfer to New York. Ms Maxwell, 58, has previously denied any involvement in or knowledge of Epstein’s alleged sexual misconduct. Epstein died in prison on 10 August as he awaited, without the chance of bail, his trial on sex trafficking charges. He was arrested last year in New York following allegations that he was running a network of underage girls - some as young as 14 - for sex. His death was determined to be suicide. Prosecutors allege that between 1994 and 1997 Ms Maxwell helped Epstein groom girls as young as 14. The charges say she would build a rapport with them - including by taking them shopping or to the movies - and would later coax them into giving Epstein massages during which they were sexually abused. “Maxwell played a critical role in helping Epstein to identify, befriend and groom minor victims for abuse,” said Audrey Strauss, acting US attorney for the southern district of New York. Five of the six charges brought against her each carry a sentence of five years with the sixth - transporting a minor with intent to engage in criminal sexual activity - punishable by up to 10 years in prison. WHAT IS THE DETAIL OF THE CHARGES? Four of the charges relate to the years 1994-97 when Ms Maxwell was,
to entice these minor victims to travel to Epstein’s residences - his residence in New York City on the Upper East Side, as well as Palm Beach, Florida, and Santa Fe, New Mexico,” Ms Strauss told reporters. “Some of the acts of abuse also took place in Maxwell’s residence in London, England.” The perjury counts relate to depositions she gave to a New York court on 22 April and 22 July 2016. The charge sheet says she “repeatedly lied when questioned about her conduct, including in relation to some of the minor victims”. “Maxwell lied because the truth, as alleged, was almost unspeakable,” said Ms Strauss.
Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell in New York in 2005.
according to the indictment, among Epstein’s closest associates and also in an “intimate relationship” with him. The other two charges are allegations of perjury in 2016. The indictment says Ms Maxwell “assisted, facilitated, and contributed to Jeffrey Epstein’s abuse of minor girls by, among other things, helping Epstein to recruit, groom and ultimately abuse victims known to Maxwell and Epstein to be under the age of 18”. Specifically, she is charged with: § Conspiracy to entice minors to travel to engage in illegal sex acts § Enticing a minor to travel to engage in illegal sex acts § Conspiracy to transport minors with intent to engage in criminal sexual
activity § Transporting a minor with intent to engage in criminal sexual activity She is accused of grooming multiple minor girls to engage in sex acts with Epstein. She allegedly attempted to befriend them by asking about their lives and families and then she and Epstein built the friendships by taking minor victims to the cinema or shopping. Having built a rapport, Ms Maxwell would “try to normalise sexual abuse for a minor victim by... discussing sexual topics, undressing in front of the victim, being present when a minor victim was undressed, and/or being present for sex acts involving the minor victim and Epstein”. “Maxwell and Epstein worked together
WHAT IS THE BACKGROUND? Allegations against Epstein had dated back years before the parents of a 14-yearold girl said he had molested her in 2005. Under a legal deal, he avoided federal charges and since 2008 was listed as level three on the New York sex offenders register. But he was arrested again in New York on 6 July 2019 and accused of sex trafficking of underage girls over a number of years. Some of Epstein’s alleged victims have accused Ms Maxwell of bringing them into his circle to be sexually abused by him and his friends. One told the BBC’s Panorama that Ms Maxwell “controlled the girls. She was like the Madam”. Ms Maxwell has denied any wrongdoing. Earlier this year she sued Epstein’s estate seeking reimbursement for legal fees and security costs. She “receives regular threats to her life and safety”, court documents in that case said.
Coronavirus: Texas governor mandates wearing of face masks
After an initial warning, those who refuse will face a fine up to $250.
TEXAS Governor Greg Abbott has ordered face coverings to be worn in public as coronavirus cases rocket in the state. The directive applies to counties with 20 or more Covid-19 cases, which covers most of Texas’ 254 counties. Texas hit a record of more than 8,000 virus cases in a day on Wednesday, up from about 2,400 two weeks ago. Americans are about to mark the Fourth of July weekend, with some beaches coast to coast shut and fireworks displays cancelled. There have now been 2.7 million recorded infections nationwide and more than 128,000 deaths since the pandemic began. “Wearing a face covering will help us to keep Texas open for business,” Mr Abbott said, announcing the order.
After an initial warning, those who refuse will face a fine up to $250. “Let me be clear: no-one can ever be put in jail for violating this safe practice,” the governor said. “Covid-19 is not going away,” Mr Abbott, a Republican, said on Thursday. “In fact it’s getting worse.” Warning that some hospital intensive care units were almost full, he added: “We are now at a point where the virus is spreading so fast there is little margin for error.” The order includes a series of “common sense” exemptions, including children who are 10 years old or younger, those who have a medical condition that prevents them from wearing a mask, people who are eating or drinking and those who are exercising outdoors.
7TH AVE HAIR & BEAUTY BAR 8 Infinity Lane, One Pelican Place, Unit 6 Leeward Highway, Providenciales Is seeking to employ
Shampooing, cutting, and styling hair, though they may also provide hair treatments, including deep conditioning, permanents, hair coloring, and weaving. Salary: $6.25 per hour
CONTACT: 348-0477 Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 21717
BCS-CS/ GRACE BAY CAR RENTALS Is seeking to employ
• Must be able to read, write and speak English • Perform tasks involving physical labour. • Must be able to clean area properly • Check the fluid and water levels, tires, Salary: $7.50 per hour
OVER BACK, Grand Turk
Hair Braider
• Rental Agent is required to handle enquiries involved with renting vehicles. Must have excellent customer service skills. You will also need good communication skills and a basic understanding of vehicle types. • Salary $6.25 per hour
These positions are for work permit renewal Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of our resume to the Labor Department.
Setting up workstations with all needed ingredients and cooking equipment. Preparing ingredients to use in cooking chopping and peeling vegetables, cutting meat etc. Cooking food. Salary: $7.00 per hour.
CONTACT: 241-2532
Belongers are encouraged to Send a copy of their resume To the Labour Board. This position is for work permit renewal21731
Control the system, train employees, work on all money transfer compliance in French, Creole, English and Spanish. Salary: $8 hourly
CONTACT: 649-946-4069
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 21708
Clean yard and minor maintenance. Salary: $8 hourly
CONTACT: 331-0289 Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is a First Time work permit holder 21729
CONTACT: 345-4481
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board
• Washing dishes, pots, pans, and flatware, and resetting dining areas. Preparing dining areas and kitchen for next shift by cleaning and restocking dining areas and cook stations. • To work 6 days a week Salary: $6.50 hourly CONTACT: 946-4472 EMAILGILEYSCAFE@TCIWAY.TC Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 21716
Duties: Clean shop, heavy lifting, assist with tools • Salary $6.50 per hour • Must have a clean drivers license Belongers are encouraged to send copy of their Resumes to Labour Department,
CONTACT: 245-7228
CALL 946-4664
#5 RALPH CL, BLUE HILLS Is seeking to employ a
General House Cleaning, Sweeping And Mopping The Floors, Running Errands Must Be Willing To Work 5-6 Days Per Week And On Weekends and Holidays If Necessary. Salary $6.25 Per Hr
CONTACT #241-2238
Work Permit Renewal21748
Acting on behalf of Lewis Nathaniel Spencer Gibson Apt. 06 Ingham Cloves, Blue Hills Is seeking to employ a
CARE TAKER Full time job, staying home cooking, do laundry, taking care of the sick. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 241-4720
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 21728
648 Rock Plaza, Blue Hills Is seeking to employ a
Take orders and serve food and beverages. Check with customers to ensure that they are enjoying their meals and take action to correct any problems. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 649-231-2397
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder
#13 Eden Lane, The Bight Is seeking to employ a
• Cleaning and watching children. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly
GILLEY’S CAFE Providenciales Airport Terminal, Airport Road Is seeking a
- $6.50 hourly 4-5 years of knowledge and experience working in the kitchen. Excellent physical condition is required. Job summary: washing dishes and glasses, cleaning, preparation for bar back up, stock refill, bar beverages stock refill, preparation of food, assist in delivery preparation and stock. Must be willing to work night shift, weekends and holidays.
#41 LOWER BIGHT Is seeking to employ a
CONTACT: 232-9541
Candidate should apply in writing, including a cover letter and references to info@bohioresort.com This position is for work permit renewal Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department 21746
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
Unit #5, #15 Aviation Drive, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a
• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly
REQUIRED type environment, The successful ideally in the Caribbean candidate will have: • Excellent written and • MSDT PADI Master spoken English , Dive Instructor Spanish is an asset Certification • Excellent references • Mature and flexible • Salary $400.00 per attitude week • Experience in a resort
Labourer Kitchen Helper
Contact: 649-941-3737. Email: casablancacasino1@gmail.com
Palm Grove, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a
226 Grace Bay Road. Is looking for a candidate in the following full time positions - $15 HOURLY Candidates must have at least 7-10 years’ experience in the casino industry as a certified slot technician, must have a full knowledge of all slot games, slot data programming and analyzing, repair slot machine, re build slot machines, full knowledge of TIO system.
Master Certified Slot Technician
June 27 - July 3, 2020
#203 Alice & Alice, Shopping Center, Airport Road Is seeking to employ a
Delivering food. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 241-3980
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 21722
#5 RALPH CL, BLUE HILLS Is seeking to employ a
Ensuring a safe environment, preparing and giving meals, bathing and dressing children, administering medicine, doing housework, and disciplining children when necessary. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 347-9277
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 21721
Clean the spa, dusting, sweeping, mopping, clean ceiling vents, restroom cleaning, stock shelves, assisted other workers as needed. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 345-5137
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
#5 Load Avenue, South Dock Is seeking to employ a
• Apply paints, stains, and coatings to interior and exterior walls, new buildings, homes, offices and other structural surfaces. • Must be willing to work 6 days a week. Salary: $8 hourly
CONTACT: 346-7379
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 21727
June 27 - July 3, 2020
The Turks and Caicos Islands Integrity Commission invites applications from suitably qualified candidates for the position of
The appointee will – a. have the overall responsibility of the day-to-day administration of the Integrity Commission’s offices; b. manage, supervise and assist personnel in ensuring that the Commission effectively and efficiently discharges its mandate as an anticorruption agency and an institution protecting good governance, through: (i) the promotion of IIntegrity, Honesty and Good Faith in Public Life of the TCI; (ii) the robust implementation of, and compliance with, the provisions of the Constitution of the Turks and Caicos Islands, The Integrity Commission Ordinance and integrated Codes of Conduct for Persons in Public Life, The Political Activities Ordinance, The Bribery Ordinance, and to the extent relevant to the Commission, such other Ordinances that the Commission may be mandated to implement and oversee. OTHER KEY RESPONSIBILITIES:
The appointee will also be expected to – • Oversee and sustain the systems and procedures of the Commission for its continuing effectiveness and efficiency, and where necessary, develop new ones; • Oversee the policies and strategies of the Commission, and develop, as necessary, new ones aimed at strengthening the Integrity Commission’s anti-corruption efforts, and ensuring its sustainability; • Oversee the asset declaration and compliance screening processes, ensuring due process, management and administration in accordance with the requirements of the Ordinance; • Oversee the investigative process ensuring the proper investigation of allegations of fraud, financial crimes, corruption and misconduct within the TCI Public Service; • Support TCI government departments and public bodies in the implementation of anticorruption measures and best practices, and, to continually enhance the ethical work environment within the TCI’s Public Service; • Oversee the proper management and maintenance of a fit-for-purpose computer
and information communication/technology system; • Ensure the security of the Commission’s offices and all of its assets, whether on or off the premises, including but not limited to computer and other IT equipment and infrastructure, manuals and electronic files; • Prepare and present the Commission’s annual budget to the Ministry of Finance and the relevant Committees of the TCI House of Assembly; • Ensure the proper management of the Commission’s finances within the framework of the TCI’s Public Finance Management and accountability ordinances. PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE:
The successful candidate will – • preferrably hold a Master’s Degree or its equivalent, and professional certifications in either law, accountancy, auditing, management or public administration or similar; • preferrably have a minimum of 12 years professional experience in law, accountancy, auditing, general management or public administration, including at least five (5) years at a senior managerial level; • preferrably have gained overseas work experience, ideally in the British Overseas Territories, or experience in working closely in other cultural settings. KEY COMPETENCIES AND OTHER DESIRABLE QUALITIES:
The successful candidate should – • possess and demonstrate the highest standards of integrity, probity and understanding of fiduciary responsibilities to the people of the Turks and Caicos Islands; • have proven knowledge of public sector anticorruption issues, policies and practices; • have knowledge and understanding of global anti-corruption and good governance laws and regulations and ethical codes; • have knowledge of current “best practices” in ethics and compliance programs, policies and procedures; • have good knowledge of investigative strategies, principles and methods;
• demonstrate excellent inter-personal relationships and management skills, respect for confidentiality, discretion and tact, conflict resolution skills, and the ability to lead a specialist, multi-disciplinary team working to tight deadlines, often in the difficult and challenging circumstances of a small island environment; • demonstrate suitability for a role that involves driving forward good governance, integrity and anti-corruption messages in the sensitive political and fragile financial milieu of a small British Overseas Territory; • demonstrate the ability to rapidly attain a good knowledge and appreciation of TCI law as it pertains to corruption and integrity in public life, and a willingness to subscribe to and champion the vision and mission of the Commission, and to articulate its policies and values in the public fora. TERM OF CONTRACT
This Director’s contract will be for a two-year period. There will be an option for renewal subject to satisfactory completion and to such terms as may be mutually agreed. REMUNERATION
An annual basic salary will be paid in the range of $110,000 to $121,000, depending upon the qualifications and experience of the successful candidate. An annual housing allowance of $14,400 will also be paid. LOCATION
The Director may be based at the Commission’s Office in Grand Turk or Providenciales. Wherever based the Director will have to visit the other office with regularity. Special Requirements under S. 39 of the Integrity Commission Ordinance The successful candidate will be required to subscribe to an oath of secrecy, and to file with the office of the Governor of the TCI, a Declaration of Income, Assets and Liabilities pursuant to Section 39 of the Integrity Commission Ordinance. APPLICATION DEADLINE AND PROCEDURE
The deadline for the submission of applications is August 14th, 2020.
Applications, accompanied with a Cover Letter outlining why the Candidate believes he/she should be considered for the position of Director, should be addressed as follows:
The Secretary Integrity Commission of the Turks and Caicos Islands Franklyn Missick Building, Grand Turk, Turks and Caicos Islands Via Email: Secretary@IntegrityCommission For information about the TCI Integrity Commission, please visit its website at www.IntegrityCommission.tc
Horse Shoe Lane, Lower Bight Is seeking to employ a
6 Tees Plaza, # 1, Millennium Highway. 232-7077
Prepare Haitian Food, breakfast & Lunch. Prepare Caribbean food, Clean the kitchen before closing. Inform the owner when time to place order
Prepare Grio & Fried Plantain for the night. Prepare meat to grill & fried. Cook Haitian Soup (Bouyon). Clean the kitchen before closing Salary starts at $8.00 per hour. First Time, Belonger will be given first preference.
LONG BAY EXPRESS #404 Long Bay Road Is seeking to employ a
• Dispensing fuel to customer vehicles and/or containers. • Provide air, water, lubricants. • Collect payments. • Stocking items to the shop floor. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $7 hourly CONTACT: 649-941-8111 EMAIL: LONGBAYEXPRESS@ GMAIL.COM Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
June 27 - July 3, 2020
M&L AMAZING WORLD #29 PARADE AVE, DOWN TOWN Is seeking to employ a
Clean the store, dusting, sweeping, mopping, clean ceiling vents, restroom cleaning, stock shelves. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 232-2267
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 21721
• Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 341-4036
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 21720
JEREMIE SEIDE #66 ROBINSON ST., FIVE CAYS Is seeking to employ a
Help the patient get dressed, eat, bathe and complete light housekeeping duties, such as dishes or folding laundry. Plan, prepare and monitor meals. Run errands, remind patients of medications. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 242-1441
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 21706
#4 FRANCIS BUILDING, AIRPORT ROAD Is seeking to employ a
Shampooing, cutting, and styling hair, provide hair treatments, deep conditioning, permanents, hair coloring, and weaving. Salary: $7 hourly
CONTACT: 346-4928
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
#7A Lower Bight Road Providenciales Is seeking to employ a
To take care of general house duties Moping, Laundering, cooking, patient care. Salary $500.00 monthly, all other in house bills taken care of APPLICANTS ARE ASKED TO CONTACT 3488910, POSITION IS CURRENTLY HELD BY A WORK PERMIT HOLDER
JOHN WALKIN Granny Hill, Five Cays Is seeking to employ a
• Clean yard. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 649-341-7451
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder
999 Sam’s Building, Leeward Highway Unit #2 Is seeking to employ a
Install materials on floors, walls, ceilings, countertops. Level the surface to be tiled with a layer of mortar or plywood. Salary: $8 hourly
CONTACT: 946-5907
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 21736
- Ability to clean efficiently - Must be flexible and can work extended hours - Capable of disinfecting & observing health/ safety measures - Must also be good with children - Ability to bend, lift and walk upstairs $6.25 per hour CONTACT 231-4998 THIS POSITION IS CURRENTLY HELD BY A WORK PERMIT HOLDER.
MOISE FINAL #33 Timber Crest, Kew Town. Is seeking a
• Follow blueprints and building plans to meet the needs of clients. Install structures and fixtures, such as windows and molding. Measure, cut, or shape wood, plastic, and other materials. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $500 weekly
CONTACT: 232-3007
Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder
Ananda Ltd. Leeward Hwy, Providenciales, has an immediate opening for a Purchasing Manager and Floor Supervisor. These positions are currently held by Work Permit Holders.
Name of Project: Hyatt Andaz Address Turks & Caicos Contact information: dck Projetech, c/o dck worldwide, LLC Six PPG Place, Suite 700, Pittsburgh, PA 15222, Phone: 412-384-1000 When responding, please send resumes to resumes@dckww.com and refer to TCI ad.
• Oversee the purchasing or approving the acquisition of goods and services needed by the company • Reviewing specifications for quantity and timing of deliveries, forecasting upcoming demand, seeking quality goods and negotiating prices and contracts
Annual Salary Range – $77k-$101k RENEWAL
Plan, develop, coordinate, provide technical expertise, and manage projects. Train and supervise lower level engineers, participate on a regular basis in business development.
Education and experience requirements include 4 year degree in environmental, mechanical or civil engineering, or equivalent, advanced degree is highly preferred, plus 8 or more years of experience engineering activities. Professional certification is required. Individual must be able to apply current and technically sound approaches to project planning, execution, and data interpretation. Attention to detail and ability to effectively manage time across multiple projects is required. Effective use of computer software, both standard spreadsheet and word processing as well as industry standard technical programs is expected. Fluent aptitude and experience in Primavera P6, CMiC, PlanGrid, and site engineering activities. Excellent communication skills, both written and verbal, are essential 21840
• Manage the floor activities effectively in compliance with the company’s policy and vision • Oversee the retail staff including the cashiers and ensuring that financial objectives are met
Minimum 3 years experience as a Manager and Supervisor in a Retail/Hardware Store with the ability to communicate effectively, have a keen eye for detail and safety and experience with computerized inventory systems. Salary for the Purchasing Manager position is $3,800.00 monthly and $2,700.00 monthly for the Floor Supervisor position.
Please submit applications no later than Monday July 6th, 2020 to:
#41 LOWER BIGHT Is seeking a
fix and maintain building. Plumbing work, painting, flooring repair and upkeep, clean yard.
Ensuring a safe environment, preparing and giving meals, bathing and dressing children, administering medicine, doing housework.
CONTACT: 343-2261
Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board The Babysitter position is currently held by a work permit holder
Olabasi is looking of person in charge of
• REQUIREMENTS: • High school diploma • 3 to 5 years of related experience • Technical knowledge of SB2100 Magnetic commercial blender as well as • SB3X Commercial blender • Electrical knowledge is a must • Responsible for inventory records • Inventory on shelves and
TROPITECH LTD #1 Caribbean Place, Leeward Highway
Sailfish Dr. Venetian rd. 649331-4189
NANNY – $ 6.25P/H Caring for children.
14 Caribbean paradise inn, Grace Bay Contact 946-5186
Clean grease traps daily, minor repair Belonger are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the labour board. These position is currently held by work permit holder. 21745
• Able to move heavy furniture and equipment • available for long hours at short notice including weekends and holidays • must have proper etiquette when working with high net worth clients and high-end properties • Must be punctual and physically fit Salary: $6.50 per hour EMAIL: GARY@PROVOPICTURES.COM 432-9453
Belongers are encouraged apply. Closing date 7th July 2020 21738
PATRICK E. HARVEY BLUE HILLS Is seeking to employ a
• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
PIERRE NICOLAS MAURICE Airport Road, South Caicos Is seeking to employ a
• Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 341-4730
CONTACT: 247-0097
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 21220
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 21725
PLEASE CALL AT 1-649-432-0223
in order, clean. • Responsible for delivering products to retail stores • Position includes storing, issuing and maintaining audits of parts, suppliers, materials and • equipment. • Required to work with complex systems blenders SB3X and SB2100 • Salary is $7.50 per hour • 6 days a week 21712
Phase 2, Blue Hills Is seeking to employ a • Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 333-0014
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 21726
Palm Grove, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a
Provide hygienic care for daily living, prepare and serve nutritious meals, maintain a safe and healthy environment. Positive interaction with children. 7 years’ experience. Salary: $6.25 hourly CONTACT: 649-242-2448 EMAIL: SHARONWILLIAMSTAYLOR@ HOTMAIL.COM
Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
RAW DEAL/ GEORGE SOLON 343 Front Road, North Side Blue Hills Is seeking to employ a
Clean conch and boat. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 344-9209
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 21705
Over Back, Grand Turk Is Seeking To Employ
269 GOLD AVE., MILLENNIUM HEIGHTS Is seeking to employ a
Erect Scaffolding, Assist Mason And Carpenters, Mix Mortar, Pass Tools To Carpenters, Take Down Scaffolding At The End Of Day, Ensure Working Area And Tools Are Clean And Replaced, Any Other Duties As Necessary. Must Be Willing To Work On Weekend And Holidays Salary $7.50 Per Hr
Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT #231-6432
June 27 - July 3, 2020
CONTACT: 241-2228
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder
South Dock Hwy, Providenciales PM Industrial Gas, a leading producer and distributor of industrial Medical, recreational, and specialty gases, as well as welding And medical products and related equipment, is seeking an experienced and proven leader. Applications are invited from suitably qualified Candidates for the following position:
OPERATION SUPERVISOR *This position is held by a work permit holder
• Maintenance and repair of Surgical Pendants, Surgical Tables, and Surgical Lighting. • Maintenance and repair of Medical gases distribution systems. • Handling, filling and delivery of cylinders; general maintenance of premises and equipment; customer service and quality control; and safety compliance.
• Knowledge of Cylinder gases and cryogenic gases Code of Federal regulations number 39 for the U.S. Department of Transportation regulations. • Medical Gases compliance certification as per U.S Food and Drug Administration. • Training related to Best Business management Practices and Regulatory Compliance • National Fire Protection 99 Medical Gas distribution systems compliance.
• Helps to coordinate and plan aspects of engineering activities and projects within the organization. • Works with management, production, and marketing staff on requirements and procedures for a project • Helps to coordinate engineering projects, initiatives and processes in conformance with the companies established policies and objectives • Provides technical guidance for engineering initiatives, incorporates components, materials and tools that result in cost effective and quality output. • Helps direct, evaluate, and confirm product design and changes • Consults with clients to make arrangements of resources required for a project • Be able to clearly report to management issues involving lack of progress on company projects • Organize and manage projects, making detailed plans that work towards the fulfillment of a set objective • Perform functions such as evaluating and writing reports, approving expenditures concerning projects.
Applications comprising a letter, resume, references, police record etc. should be sent no later than Friday, July 10th, 2020 to:
• Must possess a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering, industrial engineering, building management, or in other related fields with 10 years verifiable field experience. • Must be able to communicate in writing clear well structured English organizational direction. • Knowledge and use of Microsoft 365, MS Projects and to be able to review and annotate construction drawings. Salary: $1,750.00 weekly
Marsha Blanche P.O.Box 127, Richmond House Leeward Highway, Providenciales Tel: (649) 946-4732 0r Fax (649) 946-4734 Email: marsha@misickstanbrook.tc
Norstar Group Ltd. Unit 2C, Courtyard Plaza Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands Contact: (649)941-3500/941-3600 Email:pchaplin@norstargroup.tc
Salary: $4,000.00 per month.
#10 PROSPECT, COOPER JACK BAY Is seeking to employ a
Lighthouse Road, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a
• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. • To work 5 days per week Salary: $6.50 per hour
• Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 243-0137
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 21711
Industrial Park, Providenciales Telephone: 231-6260
- Salary $6.25 per hour Clean glass, clean shop, assist with cutting glass, takeout garbage etc.
The Sands, Grace Bay, Providenciales Telephone: 941-8408
June 27 - July 3, 2020
CONTACT: 231-4239
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is a renewal work permit
Salary $6.25-7.00 per hour clean kitchen, takeout garbage, wash &stack dishes, prep food .etc.
Leeward Highway, Providenciales Telephone: 941-5755
- Salary $6.25per hour cleaning, stack coolers, prep foods etc.
#1057 Leeward Highway Is seeking to employ a
• Lifting boxes, clean warehouse, with years of experience maneuvering forklift. • 6 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 941-8453
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder
CONTACT: 247-1967
DUTIES: cleaning up work sites and residential area of debris, dispose of trash, off load containers and perform other manual and physical duties. These positions are for renewal of work permit Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of your resume to the Labor Department
Bay Shore Road, Blue Hills. Is seeking to employ a
• Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. Cares for garden. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $7 hourly
EXAMPLE OF CHRIST MINISTRIES Opposite Tropical Shipment, Five Cays Road Is seeking to employ a
MINISTER - $7 HOURLY Assisting pastor with church ceremonies. CLEANER - $6.50 HOURLY Cleaning the church.
CONTACT: 242-5459
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is a First Time work permit holder 21756
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 21751
CONTACT: 232-5443
Opposite Tropical Shipment, Five Cays Road Is seeking to employ a
Mixes mortar; lays bricks and stones and/or concrete sidewalks; makes and repairs steps and plasters.
Measure, cut, or shape wood, plastic, and other materials.
CONTACT: 242-5459
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
183 Five Cays, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a
Minor maintenance. Salary: $300 weekly
CONTACT: 244-2745
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder
Beaches Roundabout Leeward Highway, 347-0877
Clean the store every morning, Upheld safe and clean working environment. Get merchandises from the storage to customer Helping customer to try out new or used items before purchase. Remove trash from the store to the back of the storage. Assisting owner when needed. SALARY: 6.25 per hour
THE LARGEST READERSHIP IN THE TURKS & CAICOS Applications are invited for the position of Law Clerk, to assist our attorneys with various legal matters. All applications will be considered, but persons with the following skills and experience will be given preference:
• Five (5) years or more working in a law firm in the Islands, or abroad; • Advanced computer skills, particularly with Microsoft Word, Microsoft Outlook, PC Law, and to a lesser extent Microsoft Excel; • Excellent communication skills, both written and oral; • An ability to work with minimum supervision on legal files; • An ability to work directly with clients to collect documents; • Skilled at preparing first drafts of standardized legal documents and correspondence, including sale and purchase agreements, pleadings, motions, and affidavits; • An ability to attend at closings of real estate transactions on behalf of attorney; • A willingness to work long hours, including on weekends and holidays; • Organized, punctual, and reliable; and • A Law Clerk’s degree or Law Clerk’s diploma from a recognized university or college. Salary is commensurate with experience. Interested parties should send a cover letter and resume to Saunders & Co.,
Attention: Office Manager – via Fax: 941-4533 or Email: info@ saunders.tc and to The Ministry of Border Control and Employment, Labour Department, Providenciales. This position is currently filled by a work permit holder.
TWO AIRCRAFT MECHANICS Eligible candidates MUST have the following minimum credentials in order to be considered: • CAA AMEL with group rating in Cat A and Cat C Licence with TSIO520 rating • FAA A&P Licence with experience in general aviation airplanes with C402 type • Salary scale between $45K-75K annually depending on experience • Should be an independent worker with no supervision required Interested persons should contact Richardson Arthur at 232-1982 and resumes can be delivered to Caicos Express Airways, Southern Shores Building, Leeward Highway, faxed to 941-3864 and also delivered to the Labour Department Deadline for submitting resumes and qualifications is 11th July 2020 THESE POSITIONS ARE CURRENTLY HELD BY WORK PERMIT HOLDERS 21769
June 27 - July 3, 2020 IBO SHOP
CASHIER Duties: Greet customers,
5200 SHORE CLUB ROAD, LONG BAY Is seeking to employ a
Breezy Brae, Grand Turk
Back Salina GRAND TURK
Inspecting and testing vehicles; drive company vehicle, engine tune-ups, oil changes, tire rotation and changes, wheel balancing, replacing filters. Salary: $400 weekly
Receive payments by cash, Cheques and Credit Cards, To issue receipts and change As necessary, maintain change And balance cash at days end. SALARY: $6.50 per hour
Duties: Cleaning mopping, Dusting, sweeping and Assisting with cooking and any other chores. Salary: $6.50 per hour.
Duties: Taking care of a Small child which includes: Preparing meals, Feeding, bathing and Cleaning. Must be willing to work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.50 per hour.
CONTACT: 345-2884
CONTACT: 244-3301
CONTACT: 432-1579
CONTACT: 346-8652
LAVARD KORNBLUTH Kew Town, Airport Road, 342-8847
To clean all areas within the yard, clean the gutters, trim down the trees in the yard, Sweeping and removing debris from outside, water the plants, repairs damage furniture and assist with other labour work around the property. Salary: $6.25 per hour. RENEWAL, BELONGER WILL BE GIVEN FIRST PREFERENCE.
North Side, Blue Hills Is seeking to employ a
Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 2415071/ 342-0275
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
Belongers are asked to send a Copy of their resume to The Labour Board. This position is currently Held by
a work permit holder.
#203 Alice & Alice Plaza, Airport Road Is seeking to employ a
Professional pedicures and polishing toes. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 345-5137
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder 21744
Belongers are encouraged to Send a copy of their resume To the Labour Board. This Position is currently held by a work Permit holder. 21766
Duties: To clean maintain Premises, dispose of garbage and any other duties as necessary. SALARY: $7.50 per hour.
CONTACT: 242-7523
Belongers are encouraged To send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held By a work permit holder.
#11 Academy way, Down Town
Duties: Cleaning mopping Dusting, sweeping and Assisting with cooking and any other chores. Salary: $6.50 per hour.
CONTACT: 432-1579
Maintenance duties around building and cleaning the yard.
CONTACT: 243-1358
Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder
Belongers are encouraged to Send a copy of their resume To the Labour Board. This is A first time work permit Application.
#53, P. O. Box 68, Blue Mountain, Contact 231-0337
• Installing & cut tiles using several different tools. • Install structures and fixtures, such as windows and molding.
Bonaventure Cres, Grace Bay Contact 649-941-5160
keeping the hotel maintained and fixing any errors that are needed.
Turtle tail, Provo 231-1654
• Upkeep of the surrounding of the property. • Maintaining control of invasive vegetation.
Leeward Hwy, tel: 231-4794
Install structures and fixtures, such as windows and molding.
#6 Industrial park Rd, Contact 946-5700
Operating woodworking machines and using hand tools
Belonger are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the labour board. These position is currently held by work permit holder.
Zacapa Rentals Ltd. is seeking to hire a hard-working individual to work six days a week to market, manage, operate, and maintain, three (3) Villa properties on Providenciales, along with owner’s personal assets
Follow blueprints and building plans to meet the needs of clients. Install structures and fixtures, such as windows and molding. Measure, cut, or shape wood, plastic, and other materials Salary: $15 hourly
Must have a valid TCI driver’s license. Must be fit and able. Required to live on property and travel with short notice out of the Country with employer up to 120 days per annum.
CONTACT: 649-333-8421/431-8421
P.O. Box 1125, South Dock Rd. Is seeking to employ a
GENERAL MANAGER • Managing parts inventory and ordering parts as necessary. • Financial and reporting responsibility. Must possess suitable technical background (Degree preferred) as well as relevant work experience within all aspects of the automotive service/repair industry. Salary: Remuneration is commensurate with experience/qualifications Salary Range: 4-6K/month
• Manage maintenance of all landscaping and irrigation systems, waste management systems, pools, pest control and security • Implement specific maintenance program for all buildings, equipment and appliance maintenance in conjunction with housekeepers and tracking inventory. • Manage and coordinate maintenance of Owner’s turbine aircraft. • Conduct maintenance on Owner’s vehicles and watercraft (power and sail) • Prepares reports by collecting, analyzing, and summarizing data and trends. • Accomplish organizational goals by accepting ownership for accomplishing new and unique requests and exploring opportunities to add value to the property. • Establishing and enforcing precautionary policies and procedures; responding to emergencies on property. • Organized personal concierge services for Owners local and International Travel. • Perform various duties as it relates to the Estate.
• 5 years in villa and property management & landscape design. • Bachelor of Science in agriculture/landscaping field; additional trade certifications preferred. • Understand preventative maintenance and repair of HVAC systems, & land and marine combustion engines • Must understand turbine aircraft, basic maintenance, storage, and pre-flight operations. • Must be experienced in Project Management, Financial Management and Control Salary range is $4000/mo plus onsite housing and commission. Only Turks Islanders need apply
CONTACT: 649-946-5919 OR 649-245-2897
Drop off resume/cv at office located on South Dock Rd or at Labour Department in Providenciales or email: admin@expressequipmentjcb.com Current position is held by a work permit holder. Belonger only need apply.
Breezy Brae, Grand Turk
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
Conch Bar, Middle Caicos. Is seeking to employ a
NATURE OF POSITION • Complete oversight/responsibility of daily operations of a large heavy equipment/ automobile service/maintenance/repair facility. • Receive customers and address their technical concerns to discern repair plan and procedures. • Prepare repair/purchase quotes for customer submission and approvals. • Assign/co-ordinate efficient scheduling of work orders to mechanic shop staff to facilitate repairs.
Belongers are encouraged to Send a copy of their resume To the Labour Board. This is a first time work permit application.
Over Back, Grand Turk
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 21744
Please submit applications exclusively via email to admin@visiontci.com
June 27 - July 3, 2020
SALARY: Grade 10.1- $73,185.00 per annum
MINISTRY: Attorney General Chambers DEPARTMENT: Land Registry LOCATION: Grand Turk SALARY: Grade 9.5: $68,982.50 per annum plus allowances
The National Security Secretariat is a critical and growing unit, designed to identify and focus effort on those issues that threaten the security of the Turks and Caicos Islands
The Land Registry is created under the Registered Land Ordinance, as such the Registrar of Lands is a creature of statute responsible for the administration of the Land Registry in accordance with the Ordinance.
MINISTRY: Attorney General Chambers LOCATION: Grand Turk SALARY: $106,395.00 per annum plus allowances JOB SUMMARY:
This managerial position has system wide responsibility for the efficient administration of the Attorney General’s Chambers and resolution of complex legal matters arising in the area of or connected with the Public Service, civil litigation (including Judicial Review) and International Mutual Legal Assistance.
SENIOR ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER MINISTRY: National Security Secretariat LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: Grade 6 - $33,415.00 JOB SUMMARY:
This is a senior administrative position, which has responsibility for the smooth operation of administrative functions in the office and provides support in resource management of finances, human resources, facilities and purchasing.
JOB REFERENCE NO: APB2A-20-6, APB2A-20-8, APB2A-20-9, APB2A-20-14
Customer Service, Automotive, Cosmetology MINISTRY: Education, Youth, Culture, Social and Library Services DEPARTMENT: TCI TVET Institution LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: Grade 7.1 - $41,205.00 per annum plus allowances
The Head of Section is responsible for developing, implementing and maintaining systems to effect operational efficacy in admissions, registration training, assessment, certification as well as records management.
MINISTRY: Attorney General Chambers DEPARTMENT: Valuation Department LOCATION: Grand Turk SALARY: Grade 9.1: $59,552.50 per annum plus allowances This is a senior managerial position with national responsibility for shaping the land development, acquisition, disposal, and valuation policy of the TCI.
THREAT LEAD – NATIONAL SECURITY MINISTRY: National Security Secretariat LOCATION: Providenciales
MINISTRY: Education, Youth, Culture, Social and Library Services DEPARTMENT: TCI TVET Institution LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: Grade 8.1 - $51,147.50 per annum plus allowances JOB SUMMARY:
Under the general direction of the Dean, Enterprise Supervisor manages the Training Based Enterprise to support the training programmes, internship and incubator by the provision of quality industrybased training opportunities, while ensuring the financial viability of its operation.
MINISTRY: Education, Youth, Culture, Social and Library Services DEPARTMENT: TCI TVET Institution LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: Grade 8 - $51,147.50 per annum plus allowances JOB SUMMARY:
Reporting to the Dean or Registrar, the Assessment Monitoring Officer is responsible for managing the administrative functions of all assessments for certification.
Training Supervisor
MINISTRY: Education, Youth, Culture, Social and Library Services DEPARTMENT: TCI TVET Institution LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: Grade 8 - $51,147.50 per annum allowances JOB SUMMARY:
The Training Supervisor is responsible for planning, organising, coordinating, leading and supervising training and development within the TVET Institute..
Maintenance Supervisor
MINISTRY: Education, Youth, Culture, Social and Library Services DEPARTMENT: TCI TVET Institution LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: Grade 6 - $33,415.00 per annum JOB SUMMARY:
Reporting to the Dean of the institute, the job holder is responsible for the security and maintenance of the institution’s property, buildings, equipment, machinery and grounds in an environmentally friendly manner.
June 27 - July 3, 2020
#54 Ostelin Rd, The Bight Is seeking to employ a
Financial Manager
MINISTRY: Education, Youth, Culture, Social and Library Services DEPARTMENT: TCI TVET Institution LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: Grade 8 - $51,147.50 per annum JOB SUMMARY:
Reporting to the Dean of the institute, the job holder is responsible for compliance with the TCI TVET Institute and TCI Public Service budgetary and financial policies such as revenue generation, cost containment and delivery of other budget targets. They will provide advice to the Dean and Heads of Department on financial matters and ensure that the financial and budgeting procedures and practices are appropriate.
MINISTRY: Education, Youth, Culture, Social and Library Services DEPARTMENT: TCI TVET Institution LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: Grade 8 - $51,147.50 per annum JOB SUMMARY: Under the supervision of the Dean, the job holder is responsible for the coordination, implementation and administration of counselling programmes to facilitate the psychological, social, emotional and career development of learners.
MINISTRY: Education, Youth, Culture, Social and Library Services & DEPARTMENT: TCI TVET Institution LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: Grade 5.1 - $26,650.00 JOB SUMMARY:
This is an administrative position, which has responsibility for the smooth operation of administrative functions in the office and for dealing with information that is sensitive and/or confidential. For full details regarding this position please visit our website at https://www.gov.tc/governmentvacancies
(Applications that are not accompanied by all required supporting documents will not be processed). (APPLICATION DEADLINE: 10TH JULY 2020)
MINISTRY: Attorney General Chambers LOCATION: Grand Turk SALARY: $106,395.00 per annum plus allowances JOB SUMMARY:
This managerial position has system wide responsibility for the efficient administration of the Attorney General’s Chambers and resolution of complex legal matters arising in the area of or connected with the Public Service, civil litigation (including Judicial Review) and International Mutual Legal Assistance.
MINISTRY: Governor’s Office LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: $85,000.00 per annum plus allowances JOB SUMMARY:
To provide executive support to the Governor of TCI and to provide the critical interface between the Governor’s Office and the TCIG, Institutions of Good Governance, TCI business organisations, Non-Government Organisations, and, in due course to the Legislative Assembly and Cabinet.
MINISTRY: Home Affairs, Transportation and Public Utilities DEPARTMENT: Her Majesty’s Prison LOCATION: Grand Turk SALARY: Grade 10 - $73,185.00 per annum and Allowances JOB SUMMARY:
The Superintendent of Prisons has national responsibility for the effective management of Her Majesty’s Prison Service in the Turks and Caicos Islands.
For full details regarding this position please visit our website at https://www.gov.tc/ government-vacancies Please note: (Applications that are not accompanied by all required supporting documents will not be processed). (APPLICATION DEADLINE: 17TH JULY 2020)
Ensuring a safe environment, preparing and giving meals, bathing and dressing children, administering medicine, doing housework, and disciplining children when necessary. Salary: $6.25 hourly
VONTACT: 348-4153
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 21709
JOSE OVANDO CONSTRUCTION #101 Grace Bay Court, Grace Bay. Is seeking
Keeps equipment available for use by inspecting and testing vehicles; completing preventive maintenance such as, engine tune-ups, oil changes, tire rotation and changes, wheel balancing, replacing filters. Salary: $14 hourly
CONTACT: 649-331-9854
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 21772
• Valid Turks and Caicos Islands license. • Excellent communication skills. • An ability to work with minimum supervision. • A willingness to work long hours, including on weekends and holidays. • A law clerk’s degree or Law Clerk’s diploma from a recognized university or college. Salary: $6.50 hourly
Contact: 649-332-7041. Email: landstartci@gmail.com Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board. Work permit renewal 21773
MILESTONE TCI LTD. Central Storage
• HVAC Forman’s with Full Knowledge on HVAC mechanical system • Able to read AutoCAD drawings or any HVAC drawing • Experience of minimum five years at mechanical filed /air condition Vrf
system • Knowledge on copper welders Soldering and Brazing metal duct fabricators /installation , Cool duct fabricators • Hourly Rate $14.50 per hour
1-649 332-3300 This position is for renewal however qualified Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department 21776
8 Infinity Lane, One Pelican Place, Unit 6 Leeward Highway, Providenciales. Is seeking to employ
#47 WALTER COX DRIVE, KEW TOWN Is seeking to employ
Shampooing, cutting, and styling hair, though they may also provide hair treatments, including deep conditioning, permanents, hair coloring, and weaving. Salary: $6.25 per hour
• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other housework. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 649-332-0026
CONTACT: 348-0477 Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board A work permit holder currently holds this position21823
Must be willing to work five (5) days per week, person must live on North Caicos. Basic salary, this position is currently held by a work permit holder.
To keep grounds at private property and commercial property clean. BASIC SALARY (POSITION IS CURRENTLY HELD BY WORK PERMIT HOLDER) 21809
June 27 - July 3, 2020
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position 21795
SHOP KEEPER Keep record of sales, restock the store shelves
DOMESTIC WORKER General House cleaning Sweeping, mopping dusting cooking All other chores 5 days Renewal Salary: $6.25hr
TELE: 6493447614 RENEWAL 21838
9 Reese Street, Five Cays Is seeking to employ a
70 South Dock Road, Providenciales
• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 347-6592
Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder
• Cleaning and maintenance of the environment as well as equipment used inside/ outside of warehouse facility • Manual & mechanical movement of dry and chilled cargo from containers to/ from warehouse/customers • Basic Requirements: • Ability to engage in physical
activities for approximately 8 hours daily • Ability to work well with others in a fast-paced non-climate-controlled environment • Excellent communication skills in English with the ability to write legibly Salary: Starts at $6.25 per hour for 40-hour work week.
3 Charter House, Center Complex, Leeward Highway, Providenciales, TCI
Duties: include but not limited to: laundry services, housekeeping cleaning, preventative maintenance, spot check and reporting to Villa Manager/Ambassador Responsibilities: clean, sanitize, prepare vacation rental homes for tourist rentals Rate of pay: $6.50 per hour BELONGERS ARE INVITED TO SUBMIT THEIR APPLICATIONS TO THE LABOUR BOARD, MINISTRY OF BOARDER CONTROL OR CONTACT: (649) 331-3870
Shampooing, cutting, and styling hair, though they may also provide hair treatments, including deep conditioning, permanents, hair coloring, and weaving. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 246-9385
Interested persons may contact Cargo Express Services, in person, at 70 South Dock Road or email application to bkerr@tropical.com Application deadline: July 10, 2020 *Position is currently held by a work permit holder 21808
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 21702
10 Grand View CL, Long Bay, Providenciales (TCI) - Seeking employment for the following:
121 Man O’War Road, Long Bay Hills, PLS Is seeking to employ
Salary is $6.50 per hrs. Hours of work is 8hrs per day and 5 days per week. Applicant duties are to clean the yard, water the plants, take out the garbage on a daily basis and other labourer's duties etc. Positions are vacant and Belongers are encourage to apply for the positions.
CONTACT: 232-1220
Interested candidate may contact the employer at 1 (649) 246 3402 or the Employment Services, Labour Department, Providenciales, (TCI) regarding employment
214B Bay Road, Wheeland Is seeking to employ a
Help the patient get dressed, eat, bathe and complete light housekeeping duties, such as dishes or folding laundry. Plan, prepare and monitor meals. Run errands, remind patients of medications. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 241-6808
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board A work permit holder currently holds this position 21792
2005 Olympic Plaza, 2nd Floor #1, Five Cays Road Is seeking a
- $6.25 hourly Basic manicures, artificial nails, gel nails, etc. Pedicures and the application of acrylic toenails.
- $6.25 hourly Shampooing, cutting, and styling hair, hair treatments, deep conditioning, permanents, and hair coloring.
CONTACT: 347-3734
• Stocking and supplying designated facility areas, dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, cleaning ceiling vents, restroom cleaning etc. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
Belongers are encouraged to apply Labour Board Work permit holders currently holds this position 21806
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 21788
#31 OLYMPIC PLAZA, Five Cays Road Is seeking to employ a
Duties: repairs broken jewelry
This position is held by a work permit holder however qualified belonger can submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department Salary: $6.25 per hour Contact: 247-5610
General House Cleaning, Sweeping And Mopping The Floors, Running Errands. Must Be Willing To Work 5-6 Days Per Week And On Weekends And Holidays If Necessary. Salary $6.25 Per Hr
CONTACT #241-2238
Work Permit Renewal21748
Duties: Taking care of Small children which includes: Preparing meals, Feeding, bathing and Cleaning. Must be willing to work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.50 per hour.
CONTACT: 649-243-3599
This position is held by a work permit holder Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department 21798
of Grace Bay in Providenciales is seeking to employ a
General Duties: Cleaning of premises, nurturing of vegetation, light household cleaning and daily care of dogs Salary: Starts at $6.50 per hour
Please contact sisben@ hotmail.com or call 649345-9998 to arrange an interview.
Application deadline: July 10, 2020 *Position is currently held by a work permit holder 21809
• Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, and door frames. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $7 hourly
CONTACT: 344-9806
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position 21779
#13 Kishco Plaza, Leeward Highway. Is seeking a
Grand Turk seeks to employ
Person must be available to work flexible hours up to six days weekly. DUTIES 1. Conduct sales in a courteous and appropriate manner 2. When shopping is complete. Must total bill, accept payment and provide appropriate change and receipt 3. Must log all sales SALARY $6.25 HOURLY. Belongers are encouraged to send Labour Board resume
• 3 years of experience in the beauty industry. • Provide beauty services, such as shampooing, cutting, coloring, and styling hair, and massaging and treating scalp. Apply makeup, dress wigs, and provide nail and skin care services. Salary: $1,500 monthly
CONTACT: 341-0363
Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder 21781
June 27 - July 3, 2020 CURTIS ANTHONY LIGHTBOURNE Palm Grove, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a
Duties: To mix mortar, lay Bricks and stone, form and pour concrete • Salary: $10.00 per hour • Must be willing to work 5 days per week
CONTACT: 231-3116
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 21801
LEANDRA LASHENA CLARKE HOSPITAL ROAD, Grand Turk. Is seeking to employ a
• Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. Cares for garden on a daily basis. • 5 days Salary: $6.50 per hour
CONTACT: 232-4219 Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 21800
101 Celestial Circle, Wheeland, Providenciales, TCI
Kitchen Helper
DUTIES: include but not limited to: washing pots, pans and cutlery, preventative maintenance, ensuring kitchen is clean and organized RESPONSIBILITIES: clean, sanitize, organize kitchen for easy access to utensils and equipment Rate of pay: $6.50 per hour Belongers are invited to submit their applications to the Labour Board, Ministry of Boarder Control or contact: (649) 331-3870
BREEZY BRAE GRAND TURK. Is Seeking To employ a
Duties: Preparing the work station for the cook. Keeping the kitchen area clean and tidy at all times. To work 6 days a week. SALARY: $7.00 per hour.
CONTACT: 246-9008.
Belongers are asked to Submit a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board. This position is Currently held by a work Permit holder. 21799
• Daily maintenance of the buildings and surroundings • Cleaning and repair of company facilities and equipment • Stocking shelves, moving parts • Unloading containers and or deliveries • Able to drive a range of vehicles
including buses, and manual vehicles • Must be courteous at all times, • Must have a valid driver’s license • With little or no supervision • Willing to work on weekends and holidays • Salary range is from $7 to $10 per hour
Sales Representative We are seeking a Sales Representative* to join our team at Cargo Express Services in Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands.
SEND RESUME OR APPLICATION TO: PROVO AUTO SUPPLY, LTD. (NAPA) Email Address: hr@tciautogroup.com | Address: 1063 Leeward Highway, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands. Phone #: 946-4114
Cargo Express Services are local agents for Tropical Shipping LLC which provides weekly container service between the US, Canada and the Caribbean for more than 50 years. By operating state-of-the-art facilities in select seaside ports to meet customer’s freight shipping needs, convenient & reliable transportation solutions are provided by twice weekly sailings to the Turks & Caicos Islands.
Apt #1, Building #59 Black Crow Norway and Five Cays, Kew Town Is seeking to employ a
Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other housework. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 245-4898
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position 21822
Sand Bay, Five Cays Is seeking to employ a
Examine, maintain and fix all kinds of bots. Test and repair boat engines, hulls, propellers, rigging, masts, sails and navigational equipment. Salary: 11 hourly
Duties: Cleaning mopping Dusting, sweeping and Polishing and other household Chores. Salary: $6.50 per hour.
CONTACT: 341-3727
CONTACT: 232-3692
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position
Belongers are encouraged to Send a copy of their resume To the Labour Board. This is a First time work permit application.
• Servicing and maintaining existing customer base and identifying profitable opportunities for new business. • Evaluate customer’s needs and make recommendation to ensure premium pricing and enhancement of bottom line profit. • Strong selling skills to enhance the customer’s supply chain effectiveness with convenient and reliable transportation solutions, while striving to exceed annual budgetary targets.
• Participates in the daily schedules of the Sales Department, providing active solutions, experience & guidance. • Identifies customer needs, make sales presentations and necessary changes to adjust to market conditions without sacrificing service • Provides the highest level of service and customer care through systematic discipline and accurate rate quotes, bookings & problem resolution. • Correlates with Sales Manager and Management team in presenting sales blitz/ promotion for the territory. • Prepares weekly sales report and data entries in the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system and advise management of potential issues and provide suggested solutions.
#14B Oyster Lane, Eden Lane, the Bight, Leeward Highway Is seeking to employ a
Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, and door frames. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 242-2846
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position
Palm Grove. Grand Turk
Duties: Cleaning mopping Dusting, sweeping and Polishing and other household Chores. Salary: $6.50 per hour.
CONTACT: 231-3116
Belongers are encouraged to Send a copy of their resume To the Labour Board. This is a work permit renewal.
Work six days a week unsupervised maintaining the surroundings, trimming trees and gardens, garbage disposal, Salary is $6.25 per hour.
Please apply by 20 July, 2020 at contact 9465306 Position currently held by a work permit holder. Belongers only need apply. 21807
• Excellent written and oral communication skills in English and one other language. • A minimum of 3-5 years sales experience with at least two years in logistics/ transportation, shipping or related industry. Previous experience in the TCI marketplace would be an asset. • Working knowledge of Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Lotus Notes and MS Office software • Manual dexterity to perform repetitive motion on a computer for 6-8 hours daily; ability and freedom to travel by various modes of transportation, occasionally being exposed to outside elements during the course of travel • A Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing, Business Management or related field, valid driver’s license and current passport.
Monthly compensation range between $2800.00 - $3400.00 based on experience.
Interested persons should forward their resume via email to: bkerr@ tropical.com or deliver by hand at 70 South Dock Road Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands. Application deadline: July 10, 2020 *Position is currently being held by a work permit holder
SEEKS THE FOLLOWING PERSONS: CONTACT: 20 HONOUR LANE DOWNTOWN PROVIDENCIALES 941-5707 To work five (5) days per week Basic salary (Position currently held by work permit holder)
ONE (1) ENGINEER (BOAT MECHANIC) To maintain vessel engineers Starting salary: $2,000.00 (Position currently held by work permit holder)
Must have twelve (12) years experience master license for 450 tug/barge Work days Monday – Saturday Starting salary: $2,000.00 (Position currently held by work permit holder)
To work four (4) days per week. Basic minimum wage salary Duties: clean the office (Position currently held by work permit holder)
THE COLLECTION BY WELLINGTON #31 OLYMPIC PLAZA, Downtown Is seeking to employ a
Duties: cutting, waxing, polishing and sanding conch shells, local stones and rocks. Salary: $6.25 per hour This position is for work permit renewal Qualified Belongers are asked to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department Contact: 247-5610
Job position for a
June 27 - July 3, 2020
Industrial Park, Provo, is looking for qualified applicants for the following positions:
is needed for a private residence on Provo.
This position is held by a work permit holder. RESPONSIBILITIES: • Complete ground work as directed by the property Owner which may include picking up trash, and maintaining landscaping other ground areas
• Must have the ability to lift heavy items • Must have the ability to maintain irrigation systems and provide proper upkeep of sidewalk and walkway. Salary for this position is $10.00 per hr.
Clean, glaze and paint ceramics. You will need to wear a mask for safety You will need to work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.50 per hour
CONTACT: 649-431-3014
Qualified Belonger candidates are requested to submit a CV by e-mail to:
Marsha Blanche, Misick & Stanbrook Email: marsha@misickstanbrook.tc | Tel: (649) 946-4732 Submissions for this job position should be received no later than July 20th, 2020.
#29 Lead Ave, Phase 2, Blue Hills. Is seeking to employ a
• Administering medicine. • Plan and prepare meals for the child. • Ensure safe environment. • Bathing and dressing of child. • Must be able to work 6 days a week. Salary: $7 hourly
CONTACT: 649-242-7532
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position 21786
This position is held by a work permit holder Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department 21777
#26 Aviation Drive, South Side Plaza, Providenciales Is seeking to employ
• Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, and door frames. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: 6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 242-3173
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position
Building A Windward Rd, Leeward Highway. Is seeking to employ a
• Serves patients with kind and caring disposition • Prepares medications • Counsels and monitors patient’s drugs therapies • Gives pharmacological advice and information to multidisciplinary health care team • Prepares medications by reviewing and interpreting physicians orders • Detects and resoles therapeutic incompatibilities • Provides pharmacological advice and information via phone and in person to patients and health care professionals.
• Must have certification from accredited university/institution and valid professional license through and acceptable regulations authority • Must have a minimum of 5 years’ experience working in a retain Pharmacy environment • Skilled at interacting with customers of all socioeconomic backgrounds • Ability to operate point-of-sale and Kroll software programs • Possess excellent communication and interpersonal skills • Competent and reliable professional, committed and experience Salary: $50K -55K per annum depending on experience
Belongers only need to apply. Qualified applicants may apply to email: island pahrmacy@tciway.tc addressed to the attention of Business Manager, Mrs. Melanie Delancy and a copy sent the Labour Department 21789
23 Parade Ave, Town Centre, Providenciales Applications are invited for the position of
to assist our attorneys with various legal matters. All applications will be considered, but persons with the following skills and experience will be given preference: • Five (5) years or more working in a law firm in the Islands, or abroad; • Advanced computer skills, particularly with Microsoft Word, Microsoft Outlook, PC Law, and to a lesser extent Microsoft Excel; • Excellent communication skills, both written and oral; • An ability to work with minimum supervision on legal files; • An ability to work directly with clients to collect documents; • Skilled at preparing first drafts of standardized legal documents and correspondence, including sale and purchase agreements, pleadings, motions, and affidavits; • An ability to attend at closings of real estate transactions on behalf of attorney; • A willingness to work long hours, including on weekends and holidays; • Organized, punctual, and reliable; and • A Law Clerk’s degree or Law Clerk’s diploma from a recognized university or college. Salary is commensurate with experience.
Interested parties should send a cover letter and resume to Saunders & Co., Attention: Office Manager – via Fax: 941-4533 or Email: info@saunders.tc and to The Ministry of Border Control and Employment, Labour Department, Providenciales. This position is currently filled by a work permit holder.
#8 La Petite Place, Grace Bay, Providenciales
- repair woodworks/sheetrock - repair mouldings - light carpentry - cleaning construction debris - cleaning gutters/windows commercial/residential Salary $7 hourly (work 6 days/ holidays) CONTACT: 649-946-5855 | EMAIL RESUME: HELLO@THEKFORCE.COM
The position is currently held by a work permit holder. Interested Belongers are encouraged to send resume to Labour Board
Retreat Yoga and Wellness Studio
Yoga Instructor – Renewal - 200 or 500hr Teacher Training Certificate - at least 5 years experience teaching yoga - able to work in a team environment - maintains a friendly approach to work and team members - appearance is clean and tidy Please send CV’s to info@retreattc.com, attention Lindsay Mensen, or call us at 649.431.7039
This position is for work permit renewal Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department 21825
(RENEWAL) Duties: To clean and Maintain premises by raking And cleaning yard disposing of Refuse, cleaning windows and doors. SALARY $6.50 PER HOUR
CONTACT: 946-2375
Unit 102 Grace Bay Court, Grace Bay
Cleaning and laundry. SALARY $6.50 PER HOUR CONTACT: 946-2375
SCOTT’S CAR RENTAL 1228 Leeward Highway Is seeking to employ a
• A minimum of 2 years’ experience in the field. • Applicant must have a valid driver’s license. • Excellent customer service skills. • Must possess strong interpersonal, marketing and customer service skills. • Strong computer literacy. • Mus be able to work on weekends and holidays. Salary: $10 hourly
CONTACT: 649-231-8438
Belongers are encouraged to apply Labour Board 21786
is inviting applications for the following. APPLICATION DEADLINE: Friday 17th July 2020 Applications not accompanied by all required supporting documents will not be processed. This is a contract position.
RE-ADVERTISEMENT: The Financial Intelligence Agency of the Turks and Caicos Islands (FIA) is a key competent authority within the Anti-Money Laundering, Countering the Financing of Terrorism and Proliferation Financing (AML/CFT/PF) regime in the Turks and Caicos Islands. Its main functions are to receive, analyse and disseminate financial information, with a view to aid in the identification and prosecution of persons involved in Money Laundering, Terrorist and Proliferation Financing and connected crimes.
The post holder will be responsible for receipt, analysis and dissemination of confidential information received through disclosures of financial information reported via Suspicious Activity/ Transaction Reports (SARs/STRs) related to Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing and connected crimes. The Financial Intelligence/IT Officer will ensure the accuracy and validity of the information as well as create new and develop existing case files, maintain and update information and cases on the computer database and other FIA databases and will create reports for review by supervisors. Additionally, he/ she will provide Information Technology and Network System Support; with the emphasis on high professional standards, integrity, confidentiality, and general conduct, perform analysis into the financial circumstances of those involved in criminal activity. The post holder may be required to carry out other duties as may be required within the scope of the administrative functions of the FIA.
PO Box 1139, 48 Richmond Hill Road, Tel 649 231 1519 Email: principal@tcimiddleschool.com
TCI Middle School requires for September 2020
The teacher will be responsible for teaching specialist subjects to Yr. 7 - Yr 9 but please state other specialisms. An exciting opportunity to be part of a changing school on the island.
• Qualified or trained as an Intelligence Officer (IO) with and undergraduate degree in IT, law enforcement or related field; OR Certification as an intelligence officer and computer/ systems administrator with at least 4 years’ experience. • Experience in an investigative/ intelligence role or similar environment while conducting IT network and systems support to private or public sector agencies. • Experience in the preparation, recording, presentation and explanation of information and data in the form of reports. • Demonstrate experience in dealing and liaising with public, external agencies and internal colleagues, particularly by telephone and email. • Proficiency in the use and administration of Microsoft Office Suite - Word, Excel, Power Point and Access. • Must be able to maintain a professional approach within a high-pressure working environment that may present fluctuating work demands and very tight deadlines. • Prior experience in a Financial Intelligence Unit/ law enforcement agency is an asset.
- be dynamic, enthusiastic and creative teachers. - Have Qualified Teacher Status with at least 3 years teaching experience - Be flexible and adaptable in their approach to learning - Have experience of IB or IGCSE curriculum - have expertise in one or more of the subject areas. The initial teaching contract will be for a period of two years. Salary will be in the region of $ 2,000 per month but negotiable according to experience. CLOSING DATE – 13TH JUNE 2020
Please Email CV or letter of application with a recent photograph and contact phone number together with the names and phone numbers of referees to: Mark Dunbavand at the above address.
1. Application cover letter indicating position applied for; 2. Copy of updated Curriculum Vitae including your contact details; 3. Two recent reference letters; one of which must be from a person who can speak to your professional capacity for the job; 4. Copies of relevant qualifications; 5. Copy of passport Bio page; and 6. A Police certificate of character no older than 6 months.
Applications along with your CV and supporting documents are to be submitted to hr@fia.tc. Turks and Caicos Islander applicants should also forward copies of their applications to the Labour Board. The Financial Intelligence/IT Officer position is vacant. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
Is looking to hire a
with at least five (5) years’ experience and expertise in garde manger, fruit and vegetable carvings. Must be able to work flexible hours. Salary $12.00 per hour
CONTACT: JOSE CRUZ AT 649-343-3031
This position is for work permit renewal Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department 21807
UNITY ONLINE SERVICES #381 Building Industrial Drive, Five Cays Road
• Stocking and supplying designated facility areas, dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, cleaning ceiling vents, restroom cleaning etc. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 232-7177
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 217631
June 27 - July 3, 2020
Breezy Brae, Grand Turk
CLYDE HOLIDAY Barrack Hill Road Grand Turk
LABOURER Duties: To clean
Duties: Cleaning mopping Dusting, sweeping and Assisting with cooking and any other chores. Salary: $6.50 per hour.
maintain Premises, dispose of garbage and any other duties as necessary. SALARY: $7.50 per hour.
CONTACT: 241-6290
Belongers are encouraged To send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held By a work permit holder.
Belongers are encouraged to Send a copy of their resume To the Labour Board. This Position is currently held by a work permit holder.
CONTACT: 243-5281
CLYDE HOLIDAY Barrack Hill Road Grand Turk
E & V CONSTRUCTION Breezy Brae, Grand Turk
Duties: To Fixing and/ or repair vehicles and Ensuring they are in road worthiness Standard and any other duties as assigned By management. SALARY: $10.00 per hour
Duties: Cleaning mopping Dusting, sweeping and Assisting with cooking and any other chores. Salary: $6.50 per hour.
CONTACT: 243-5281
Belongers are encouraged to Send a copy of their resume To the Labour Board. This Position is currently held by a work permit holder. 21827
Belongers are encouraged to Send a copy of their resume To the Labour Board. This Position is currently held by a work permit holder. 21830
CONTACT: 242-1358
The Turks & Caicos Aggressor II is a 120-foot liveaboard dive yacht operated by Caicos Liveaboard Diving. The yacht caters to up to 18 guests, providing up to 5 dives per day and hotel services to the highest standards, over the period of one week
The Turks & Caicos Aggressor II is a 120-foot liveaboard dive yacht operated by Caicos Liveaboard Diving. The yacht caters to up to 18 guests, providing up to 5 dives per day and hotel services to the highest standards, over the period of one week
We are looking to recruit a
We are looking to recruit a
to join the team of seven staff, resident onboard
to join the team of seven staff, resident onboard THE POSITION INVOLVES:
1. Providing a high level of customer service to our guests whilst assisting with their preparations for diving 2. Filling SCUBA tanks and generally keeping the dive area clean, prepared & ready 3. Supporting other staff with their tasks as required including cleaning & maintenance in all sections of the yacht as requested by the captain, to exhibit a smooth operation to our guests
1. Will be able to swim 2. Should be fluent in written and spoken English. Other languages would be a bonus 3. Must be dedicated and willing to learn new skills in a demanding and customerservice based industry 4. This position is for a liveaboard vessel. Successful applicants will be expected to do rotations of between 2 & 8 weeks dependant upon staffing. Rotations can be flexible 5. Attend an ‘open day’ for interested applicants to be interviewed and visit the yacht 6. Being a SCUBA professional or diver is an advantage but not essential 7. The successful candidate will be subject to a three-week trial period, upon completion of which a full contract will be offered, conditional upon both parties’ agreement 8. Once employed the successful candidate will be required to obtain an SCTW-10 certificate through DEMA
1. Salary $400 plus weekly gratuity (split evenly amongst the staff) 2. Provides an opportunity to learn more about scuba diving and all aspects of the operation of the yacht, giving the ability to learn and increase skill base while working Belongers only need apply
Interested parties please send a copy of your resume to Captain Amanda Smith at tcaggressorii@gmail.com
1. Providing a high level of customer service to our guests whilst assuring of their safety whilst they sleep 2. Maintaining a high level of alertness to prevent fire, accident or injury during the night hours 3. Supporting other staff with their tasks as required including cleaning & maintenance in all sections of the yacht as requested by the captain, to exhibit a smooth operation to our guests
1. Will be able to swim 2. Should be fluent in written and spoken English. Other languages would be a bonus 3. Must be dedicated and willing to learn new skills in a demanding and customerservice based industry 4. This position is for a liveaboard vessel. Successful applicants will be expected to do rotations of between 2 & 8 weeks dependant upon staffing. Rotations can be flexible 5. Attend an ‘open day’ for interested applicants to be interviewed and visit the yacht 6. Being a SCUBA professional or diver is an advantage but not essential 7. The successful candidate will be subject to a three-week trial period, upon completion of which a full contract will be offered, conditional upon both parties’ agreement 8. Once employed the successful candidate will be required to obtain an SCTW-10 certificate through DEMA
1. Salary $400 plus weekly gratuity (split evenly amongst the staff) 2. Provides an opportunity to learn more about scuba diving and all aspects of the operation of the yacht, giving the ability to learn and increase skill base while working Belongers only need apply
Interested parties please send a copy of your resume to Captain Amanda Smith at tcaggressorii@gmail.com
June 27 - July 3, 2020
The Ridge, Grand Turk
HOLIDAY TIRES Barrack Hill Road Grand Turk
Duties: To clean maintain Premises, dispose of garbage and any other duties as necessary. SALARY: $7.50 per hour.
Duties: Repair punctured Tires, change tires and Assist with putting air in Tires. Salary: $7.00 per hour.
CONTACT: 231-0167
CONTACT: 243-5281
Belongers are encouraged To send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held By a work permit holder.
Belongers are asked to Send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Office. This position is Currently held by a work Permit holder.
31 IRON CRES, PHASE 2, BLUE HILLS Is seeking to employ
• Performing a variety of cleaning activities such as sweeping, mopping, dusting and polishing. Ensuring all rooms inspected according to standards. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 232-7318
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board A work permit holder currently holds this position
#5 Academy Way, Providenciales. Is seeking a
• Receive payment by cash, and credit cards, Issue receipts, and change due to customers. Count money in cash drawers to ensure that amounts are correct and that there is adequate change. • Must speak English, Spanish and creole Salary: 6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 241-8388
Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board A work permit holder currently holds this position 21819
Palm Grove, Grand Turk
Breezy Brae, Grand Turk
Palm Grove, Grand Turk
Duties: Cleaning mopping Dusting, sweeping and Assisting with cooking and any other chores. Salary: $6.50 per hour.
Duties: To clean maintain Premises, dispose of garbage and any other duties as necessary. SALARY: $7.50 per hour.
Duties: Cleaning mopping Dusting, sweeping and Assisting with cooking and any other chores. Salary: $6.50 per hour.
CONTACT: 231-4443
CONTACT: 243-7501
CONTACT: 243-7798
Belongers are encouraged to Send a copy of their resume To the Labour Board. This Position is currently held by a work permit holder.
SPENCE SECURITY & INVESTIGATION SERVICES, LTD. P.O BOX #73, Caribbean Place, Leeward Highway Is seeking to employ a
• Clean offices and general areas. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week Salary: 6.75 hourly
CONTACT: 946-4730
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board A work permit holder currently holds this position 21808
Belongers are encouraged To send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held By a work permit holder.
Belongers are encouraged to Send a copy of their resume To the Labour Board. This Position is currently held by a work permit holder.
#13 Pastor James Prospere Yard, the Bight, Leeward Highway Is seeking to employ a
• Fix and maintain mechanical equipment, buildings, and machines. Tasks include plumbing work, painting, flooring repair and upkeep. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 342-1352
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board A work permit holder currently holds this position 21785
Applications are invited for the following positions
• Biology • Physics • Chemistry • Integrated Science • Information & Communication Technology • Food & Nutrition
• Principles of Accounts • Principles of Business • Office Administration • Electronic Document Preparation & Management
Applicants MUST possess a Degree, or its equivalence in the areas stated, except for the positions of Administrative Assistant, where an Associate Degree in Business Studies is required
Is looking to fill the following position:
Massage Therapist/ Spa Technician SALARY: Renumeration based on commission + Accommodation on Pine Cay. Minimum of 8 years experience in a 5 Star Luxury Resort. Must be able to provide professional massage treatments to Hotel Guests and Homeowners. Swedish, Balinese, Deep Tissue, Reiki, Hot Stone, Sports, as well as Body Wraps, Scrubs Facials, manicures, pedicures, and Rejuvenation treatments. Being physically fit is essential to provide multiple treatments. The ability to read, write and understand English to ensure effective communication and comprehension. Must have a good employment record and a clean police record search. The position may require residing on Pine Cay. This position is currently held by permit holders. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Interested applicants for the above positions and any other should email their resumes to:
resort@meridianclub.com and cc: Labour Department in Providenciales The Meridian Club, Human Resources Department can be contacted at (649)941-7011).
Certification for Teachers MUST be from a recognized institution. Applicants MUST have a minimum of five (5) years teaching experience. Must be multi-talented; honest, trustworthy, willing to uphold the tenets of the institution, and also strive diligently to raise the standards of education in the school, must be of Christian faith
SALARY COMMENSURATE WITH EXPERIENCE Domestic Worker Renewal • Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other house work. • 5 days per week Salary: $6.50 hourly Interested persons must submit application, accompanied by their curriculum vitae, a police record and a contact number and references from two (2) individuals, no later than August 21st, 2020
Sports Interational
June 27 - July 3, 2020
The 16-year-old has repeatedly spoken to demand social change following the death of George Floyd
Maya Moore shocked fans by stepping away from the 2019 and 2020 season.
WNBA player helps secure release of man wrongfully convicted A WRONGFULLY convicted Missouri man, whose bid for a retrial was supported by WNBA star Maya Moore, has been released after 22 years in prison. Jonathan Irons was sentenced to 50 years behind bars on charges of assault and burglary when he was 18 years old. Overturning the 1990 conviction, Judge Daniel Green called the case “very weak and circumstantial at best”. Ms Moore, one of the best players in WNBA history, stepped away from the court last year to focus on his case. The basketball legend joined family, friends and supporters to greet Mr Irons, now 40, on Wednesday as he walked out of Jefferson City Correctional Center - a maximum security prison in rural Missouri - as a free man. “I just feel like I can live life now,” Mr Irons said to the New York Times. “I’m free, I’m blessed, I just want to live my
#42 Celestial Circle, Belglade Gardens, Blue Hills, Wheeland Is seeking to employ a
Stocking and supplying designated facility areas, dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, cleaning ceiling vents, restroom cleaning etc. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 332-8501
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 21627
corroborating witnesses connecting Mr Irons to the crime. Though Mr Irons, who is African-American, was just 16 when the crime occurred, he was tried as an adult and found guilty by an all-white jury. n Judge Green’s decision to overturn the initial decision, he cited a fingerprint found inside a door in the home of Mr Stotler that did not match Mr Stotler or Mr Irons. The fingerprint report was never turned over to the defence team in the initial trial. This week, local prosecutors declined to retry the case. Behind bars for more than 20 years, Mr Irons maintained his innocence, and said he would refuse parole because he it would require him to admit to wrongdoing. Ms Moore, a two-time Olympic gold medallist, was first introduced to Mr Irons in 2007 during a penitentiary visit as part of her family’s prison ministry work.
Acting on behalf of
Five Cays Road, Providenciales. Is seeking to employ a
Snake Hills, Millennium Highway
Receive payment by cash and credit cards, Issue receipts, and change due to customers. Count money in cash drawers to ensure that amounts are correct and that there is adequate change. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 241-6565 Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board A work permit holder currently holds this position
Helping around house and cleaning yard. Contact: 342-9474
W&V Construction Cox Drive, Kew Town
PLUMBER - $400 WEEKLY Lay pipes and Install toilets.
MASON - $400 WEEKLY Lay blocks and mix mud. Contact: 342-9278
life worth of God’s help and influence.” His first steps outside the Missouri prison mark the end of a long and dedicated effort by Ms Moore and other supporters to win his freedom. In March, Justice Green vacated Mr Irons’ decades-old conviction, deemed at the time by police to be a burglary and shooting in the residence of Stanley Stotler, then 38. Mr Stotler, who is white, and the assailant both had firearms, and Mr Stotler was shot twice. Mr Stotler was initially unable to pick out his assailant from a photo line-up. Later instructed by police to make his best guess, however, he pointed to a picture of Mr Irons - whose photo was slightly larger than the others - and to another photo of a different African-American man, US media report. There was no material evidence or
Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board. Work permit holders currently holds these positions 21842
Coco Gauff can change the world for the better, says Martina Navratilova AMERICAN teenage tennis star Coco Gauff can help “change the world for the better”,” says 18-time Grand Slam champion Martina Navratilova. The 16-year-old has repeatedly spoken to demand social change following the death of George Floyd. At a peaceful protest in Florida last month, Gauff urged people to vote and speak out against racism. “I smile so much when I see the reach she already has now, and she will have in the future,” said Navratilova. She told BBC Radio 4’s Today Programme: “She is just so poised on and off the court, she was brought up with great qualities and it shows how she plays and it shows how she’s active now politically. “She’s one of those people that can change the world for the better, and she seems to want to do that.” Navratilova, 63, says it is “essential” sport stars use their platforms as they can see “how much politics can affect their lives and their freedoms”.
DOMESTIC WORKER Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other housework. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 244-1868
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position 21845
#151 Building, Bird Rock Sheet, Long Bay Is seeking to employ a
Maintenance in house and yard. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 649-232-7177
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position 21846
June 27 - July 3, 2020
Sports Interational
Momentous Ltd. is seeking a qualified individual for the following position. Only candidates who meet the minimum qualifications and requirements will be considered. All candidates must be willing to work unusual hours including weekends and public holidays. All candidates must be non-smokers, must have a valid passport, and able to travel globally. Applicants will be required to pass a written skills and fluency (English) test. This position is currently occupied by a work permit holder. Qualified Turks Islander applicants are invited to forward resumes to the Labour Board.
Djokovic and the other players posed for photos with ball boys and girls during the event.
Salary $40,000
Djokovic and wife Jelena test negative for coronavirus after earlier positive test
We are looking for a business-operations extraordinaire that is organized, reliable, and punctual. This person is responsible for assistance and maintaining overall business operations. Exceptional customer service and willingness to learn and grow is a major requirement and component of this position.
NOVAK Djokovic and his wife Jelena have tested negative for coronavirus nine days after testing positive. The world number one, along with Grigor Dimitrov, Borna Coric and Viktor Troicki, all returned positive tests after playing
EXPERIENCE & QUALIFICATIONS: ● Must have 10+ years experience managing business operations ● Must have 5+ years experience with project management ● Must have 10+ years managing, supervising, and training staff ● Must have 10+ years experience with accounts receivable and accounts payable & payroll ● Must have 10+ years experience with compliance ● Must have experience developing long term and short term business plans ● Must have WHIMIS certificate ● Must have Proserve certificate ● Must be fluent (Written & Oral) in English ● Must have ability to travel globally ● Must be available to work full-time hours; including but not limited to morning, daytime, evening, and night closing hours ● Must have experience with Microsoft Office Suite and Outlook. ● Must have strong interpersonal and communication skills. ● Must have clean police record
at the Adria Tour event. “Novak Djokovic and his wife Jelena tested negative for Covid-19, as the most recent test they took in Belgrade showed,” said a statement. “They felt no symptoms and took the test after consulting with doctors.”
#381 Building Industrial Drive, Five Cays Road
Alsie #20, South Dock. Is seeking to employ a
• Keeps equipment available for use by inspecting and testing vehicles; completing preventive maintenance such as, engine tune-ups, oil changes, tire rotation and changes, wheel balancing, replacing filters. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $8 hourly
CONTACT: 243-6823 Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board This position is currently held by a work permit holder
ROBERT’S AGENCY Acting on behalf of
ESTEL PLUMBING #24 Leeward Highway
Lay pipes to install toilets, etc. Contact: 241-0397
Sunshine Crescent, Grace Bay
Cleaning the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste, dispose of trash, clean windows, and doorframes.
CONTACT: 231-1114
Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board A work permit holder currently holds these positions 21820
The statement from the 17-time Grand Slam winner’s management team added: “They spent the past 10 days in selfisolation upon returning from Zadar (in Croatia), having adhered to all Covid-19 protocols and safety measures.”
• General cleaning. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
Cleaning, tractor driving, general handiwork, tending to livestock, ploughing, planting and harvesting crops. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 241-0836
Applications can be submitted online at
CONTACT: 232-7177
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position 21847
Duke Street Grand Turk is seeking to employ a
clean rooms, wash laundry, must be able to lift heavy loads, work long hours, week-ends and holidays. Salary ; $ 6.25 per hour CONTACT: 243 55 22 ERIKAFALLER1@GMAIL.COM Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 21788
● Maintains business operations as outlined in the Operations Manuals. ● On the ground troubleshooting, problem solving, and day to day operations. ● Responsible for implementation and input into local marketing initiatives. ● Recruit and lead staff that provide excellent service, train staff thoroughly according to company policies and employment laws, and reward staff as needed. Terminate staff as required. ● Create and implement monthly team building and staff training exercises. ● Prepare and post effective staff work schedules that ensure locations are properly staffed. ● Communicate changes of procedures and standards, etc. to all staff and ensure implementation. ● Create, plan and execute events and promotions based on approved budgets. ● Report to and work with head office regarding inventory, sales, operations, and staff. Including suggestions of business growth strategies, and initiatives to increase profits and decrease expenses. ● Ensure all operations standards are maintained to provide a fun, safe, and memorable atmosphere for guests, including security, health, and safety standards. ● Ensure all equipment remains in optimal operating condition by following operating instructions, troubleshooting breakdowns, performing preventative maintenance, and calling for repairs and maintenance when necessary.
KEW, NORTH CAICOS Is seeking to employ
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position
www.momentous.com and then confirmed by email to careers@momentous.com
Sports National
Angelo Garland, who will turn 26 this month, said that he has another year left in his track career.
June 27 - July 3, 2020
Garland completed both his bachelor’s degree and master’s degree in Kinesiology at Texas A&M University.
Garland looking to enter working world after completing Masters – Feels he has one year left in athletics NATIONAL indoor 400M record holder Angelo Garland feels he has one year left on the track. After having recently secured his
Master’s Degree from Texas A&M University Corpus Christi, the 25-yearold is turning his attention to the working world.
“As far as plans. I’m just focusing on looking for a job now so I can give back, then if all prevails I’d go ahead and get a PhD.” The former national outdoor 400M record holder, who still holds the relay records in the 4X200M and the 4X400M, said that for 2020, his main aim was to graduate.
Black Lives Matter: England players to have logo on shirts v West Indies ENGLAND will join West Indies in having a Black Lives Matter logo on their shirts for this month’s Tests. CEO Tom Harrison said the England and Wales Cricket Board “fully support the message that Black Lives Matter” and “there can be no place for racism in
society or our sport”. He added: “Our support of that message is not an endorsement, tacit or otherwise, of any political organisation, nor the backing of any group that calls for violence or condones illegal activity.” It is understood the England squad
will not take a knee before the first Test at the Ageas Bowl next week. Speaking on behalf of the England players, captain Joe Root said: “It is important to show solidarity to the black community and to raise much-needed awareness around the topics of equality and justice.
“For now I’m just trying to keep in shape, but I have one more year [of track] left in me.” Garland, who made his name at Munro College, while attending the high school with seasoned athletes Delano Williams and Ifeanyi Otuonye, graduated several weeks ago with a Master’s of Science Degree in Kinesiology, with a concentration in Sports and Exercise Performance. GIVING BACK He noted that after he ends his athletic career his main aim is to give back. “I want to use the knowledge, skills and teachings I’ve learnt to educate and inform the kids back home. Help them get the necessary training and rehab and recovery they need to get them to the next level. Then with my connections and networking clients, help them to further their education abroad. Whether it be here in America or even in the Caribbean.”
June 27 - July 3, 2020
Sports National
Fenelus excited to rejoin team after lengthy absence NATIONAL footballer Marco Fenelus has recovered from a thigh injury and has begun practicing to secure his return to the lineup. The striker, who is a dominant force in the Taiwan Football Premier League, was looking to lead his new team Tainan FC to a title this year, but due to the setbacks, it will now be an uphill task. Fenelus is returning to the game after seven weeks on the sidelines. Currently his team is 4-4, which place them fourth in the eight-team league. Although he was out for several games, the Turks Islander feels that the rest, recovery and several injections have done him well. “I’m just trying to take it day-by-day. I have to observe myself, get my fitness right, and see if I can at least play a few minutes on Sunday. But for now, I feel good mentally and physically. I’m just happy to be back. The leg is feeling good.”
Marco Fenelus returned to practice sessions this week after almost two months away from the game.
In his first five games, Fenelus scored three goals and made an equal amount of assists, although he was impactful, he was not 100%. “I’ve had the injury since January. I kept taking injections and painkillers that helped to take away the pain for a while, but I kept practicing and playing therefore it never healed, it just got worst and I was doing that for a while until my doctor advised me to rest until the leg is fully recovered.” Due to his absence, re-capturing his scoring title, which he lost by the slimmest
Summer of camps now scheduled to commence on July 13 A DECISION to delay the re-start of contact sports by one week due to an increase in Covid-19 cases have also affected the start of the Turks and Caicos Islands Sports Commission Summer Camps. The free camps are being organised by the collaborative efforts of the commission, the Turks and Caicos Amateur Athletic Association, the Turks and Caicos Basketball Federation and the Turks and Caicos Softball Association. The track and field camp is now scheduled to start on July 13, the same day that group-sporting activities return to Providenciales. The five-day event runs off simultaneously in Grand Turk, South Caicos, North Caicos and Providenciales. Youngsters desirous of taking part, have until next Wednesday, July 8 to register. Softball camps are scheduled for July
20-24 in Provo, Grand Turk and South Caicos, while the basketball camps will take place from July 27-31 in Grand Turk and South Caicos and from August 3-7 in Provo and North Caicos. Participants must be between the ages of 8-16 for basketball and from 8-18 for softball and track and field. According to Director of Sport, Jarrett Forbes, the free camps will be used as “a means of mental, physical and social recovery from the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic”. For registration forms and additional information, visit the Turks and Caicos Islands Sports Commission Facebook page or email your questions to departmentofsports@ gov.tc. Applications may be dropped off at the various Sports Commission offices: Grand Turk - NJS Francis Park; Providenciales – Gustarvus Lightbourne; South Caicos – Sports Complex and North Caicos – District Commissioner’s Office.
of margins last season, might be out of his reach, but the top footballer is aiming to
go down fighting and hopefully thrust his team to a top three finish.
June 27 - July 3, 2020