Weekly News Volume 34 | No. 43 | October 24-30, 2020
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The first pop-up clinic for Covid-19 testing was held at the Downtown Ballpark in Providenciales on Thursday (October 22).
Cars line up at the Downtown Ballpark for the free Covid-19 testing
October 24-30, 2020
October 24-30, 2020
October 24-30, 2020
Oil exploration bill sparks major environmental concerns BY OLIVIA ROSE ENVIRONMENTAL experts and ordinary citizens in the TCI are up in arms about a freshly drafted bill which aims to permit oil exploration on land or sea. Habitat destruction, oils spills, increased seismic activity, air and water pollution, and soil and groundwater contamination are just some of the concerns that have been raised. The Petroleum (Exploration and Exploitation) Bill 2020 was drafted by the Attorney General’s Chambers following increased interest from oil and gas exploration companies. The Government is considering petroleum exploration as a means of economic diversification. The bill, if enacted, will provide a legislative framework to effectively manage and regulate the exploration and production of petroleum within the territory. It will allow developers to conduct petroleum exploration activities in the territorial waters, the exclusive economic zone and continental shelf of the TCI. A Government-led public consultation on the proposed bill got underway on October 1 and concluded on Wednesday, October 21. However, hundreds of residents say they have not had enough time to digest and react to the bill, and have signed a petition asking the
Government to extend the deadline to December 1. Don Stark, chairman of the Turks and Caicos Reef Fund, who put together the petition spoke to the Weekly News on Wednesday, October 14. He said the consultation period for the bill was too short to effectively inform or consult citizens on such a “significantly impactful piece of legislation”. He went on to say that the potential environmental impact of oil exploration is being minimised. “Exploration comes with a high environmental risk and a big threat to the existing livelihood of watersports operators, fishers, hotels and all of that.” Stark argued that the bill does not detail an emergency management plan, and there is no provision for who would be responsible for clean-up and remediation following an oil spill. “It’s also pretty vague about what the decommissioning plans would be if somebody abandons a site where they’ve done test drilling and all those sorts of things and that could be a risk. “Because if there’s a test drilling site and they happen to hit a little bit of oil but not enough to make it worthwhile and they don’t stop it up properly you could have oil seeping into the water depending on where they’re drilling which then could go right out into the reefs,” he added.
Published by Turks & Caicos News Company Ltd. Cheshire House, Leeward Highway, Providenciales P.O. Box 52, Turks & Caicos Islands, BWI W. Blythe Duncanson - Publisher/Editor-in-Chief Olivia Rose - Senior Reporter Faizool Deo - Sports Editor (At Large) Cord Garrido-Lowe - Graphics Consultant (At Large) Dilletha Lightbourne-Williams - Office Manager Email: (Advertising) tcnews@tciway.tc, (News) tcweeklynews@gmail.com Tel. 649-946-4664 (office), 649-232-3508 (after hours) Website address: www.tcweeklynews.com Follow us on: Facebook: facebook.com/tcweeklynews Twitter: twitter.com/tcweeklynews1
The Government is considering petroleum exploration as a means of economic diversification (photo from TCRF)
Another short-sighted, quick fix, hopeful remedy to the economic problems and the lack of diversity in the economy – Don Stark
Subsection 40 of the bill under the heading ‘Environmental Duty’ stated that: “A licensee shall take measures to restore and preserve ecosystems and all natural and physical resources, to protect and enhance living conditions and the health of the population, and to preserve natural monuments and cultural heritage sites.” The bill also noted that a licensee shall not undertake a petroleum operation that has the potential to damage the environment, unless the licensee takes all reasonable and practicable measures to prevent or minimise the damage. SEISMIC TECHNOLOGY Although the bill does not outline what techniques would be used to detect petroleum, seismic imaging is widely used by oil and gas companies across the world. Seismic imaging is a tool that bounces sound waves off underground rock structures to reveal possible crude oil and natural gas bearing formations. Seismologists use ultrasensitive devices called geophones to record the sound waves as they echo within the Earth.
These echoes could have potentially harmful effects on marine mammals such as dolphins and whales. “Sonic probing of the seafloor has been proven to be very disruptive to marine mammals in particular whales,” Stark told the Weekly News. “It could obviously affect whales coming to the TCI which in the winter months is big business particularly for folks on Grand Turk because so many whales come through that area. “Eco-sounding or acoustical testing could divert the whales elsewhere and obviously, that’s another adverse effect on current economic activities.” The bill also makes provisions to allow developers to probe for petroleum deposits in some marine protected areas in the national park. Subsection 16 (7) says: “The commissioner may in consultation with the Physical Planning Department approve an area protected under the National Parks Ordinance to be included as a licence area for a licence issued under this section, for the
purpose of drilling horizontal or deviated wells of at least 1,000 metres deep in the approved area, with the express provision that a licensee shall not bring any drilling equipment or other vehicles into the approved area.” Stark called the bill “another short-sighted, quick fix, hopeful remedy to the economic problems and the lack of diversity in the economy”. An explanatory memorandum of the bill said: “The Government said it is cognisant of the fact that the protection of the environment is of paramount importance and gives the assurance that the bill makes provision for the continued general conservation and preservation of the environment and of the coastal and marine environment in particular in the TCI.” Stark stressed that given the impact of Covid-19 on the territory’s tourism fuelled economy, it is understandable that the Government would be seeking to diversify the economy. But oil exploration may not be the best approach for an environmentally friendly and environmentally sensitive destination, he said. “It’s one of the most important pieces of legislation that the Government has considered in a long time, and its mind blowing that they considered this as a way to diversify the economy when the world is moving away from petroleum based energy and we are totally ignoring the potential for solar and wind energy in the Turks and Caicos,” Stark stressed.
October 24-30, 2020
The medical team prepare Covid-19 tests at the pop-up clinic
Cars line up at the Downtown Ballpark for the free Covid-19 testing
Free public testing for Covid-19 has begun BY DELANA ISLES THE FIRST pop-up clinic for Covid-19 testing was held at the Downtown Ballpark in Providenciales on Thursday (October 22). From 9am to 12pm, the Ministry of Health commandeered the park to host its mobile unit, offering residents drive-by testing for the coronavirus disease. When the Weekly News arrived on the scene at about 10am, health workers had already collected about 65 swabs from residents who took advantage of the free testing being offered. This publication spoke with Elrisa Gardiner, Primary Health Care Manager, who encouraged everyone to come out and be tested. “Today we have commenced our community testing and it is expected to run for some time, from Monday to Friday, 9am to 12pm. “Initially we will be here at the ballpark, but we are going to go through the various communities because, of course, with primary
healthcare you have to reach out to people where they are.” As it relates to testing of frontline workers, Gardiner said this is still ongoing, and will continue in tandem with public testing. “All of the frontline workers have not been tested, we’re still in the process of testing them, we tested some up to yesterday, and there are some that are scheduled to be tested today and even into next week. “So we are continuing our frontline worker testing while we are conducting the community testing.” With just one morning of testing, Gardiner said the response from the public has been positive. “We had had some good feedback so far. I think we have seen about 50 something vehicles, but it’s been maybe close to about 60 persons because we found that people are car-pooling.” On Friday, Minister of Health Edwin Astwood and Chief Medical Officer Nadia Astwood, along with other Ministry of Health staff are expected to update the public on
how the testing went. At that time, it will be revealed how long residents who were tested by the mobile unit, will have to wait to receive their test results. Meanwhile, Gardiner is urging residents to continue to stay safe and practise good hygiene. “We just want to encourage the community to continue practising their preventative measures, wear face masks, washing hands, sanitising hands frequently, maintaining their physical distance and of course if you’re experiencing symptoms of Covid-19, stay at home and call the hotline at 2329444 or 333-0911.” Last week, chief epidemiologist, Dr Shanday Malcolm made an appeal to the public to not be afraid to call the hotline numbers to report their symptoms and get tested for Covid-19. The appeal was made in light of the rapidly decreasing numbers of Covid-19 active cases, and the need to be sure that the disease numbers being observed are indeed accurate. Gardiner chimed with her own
appeal, now that mobile testing has commenced. “There might be people who are asymptomatic or might have very mild symptoms and might think it’s something else. “If you fall in that bracket, we are encouraging you to come out and get tested. Whether or not you’re symptomatic, please come out and get tested.” Pastor Jacques Phanor of the Providenciales Church of Christ, located in Blue Hills, was among the first 100 people to get tested on Thursday. He said he felt compelled to know his status, even as he had already been tested some time ago. “I have no symptoms but I just want to make sure, make sure that I’m okay and to protect my congregation. “Just in case I am positive, I can isolate myself for a few weeks, so that I don’t infect anybody.” Pastor Jacques, as he is familiarly known, is encouraging his church members to get out and get tested. “I would love all of my fellow
congregants to do the same, to know their status in terms of Covid-19. “So this is the reason why I am here utilising this free testing. It’s very simple and fast. I don’t have to get out of my vehicle.” Pastor Jacques said when he saw the news that community testing had started he jumped at the opportunity. “I said this is a very good opportunity for me to get tested, I got tested before and I was negative, I was travelling and away for four weeks. “I said let me test again, just in case, to make sure everything was okay.” The church leader assured that at his church, they are following all of the protocols. “Our chairs are six, seven feet apart, all members wear masks and we follow the guideline of 30 percent. In fact, we go lower than 30 percent to make sure everything is okay.” The locations of further free public testing will be announced soon.
Global tourism body awards TCI safe stamp for travel THE TURKS and Caicos Islands has received the Safe Travels stamp from the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC). The stamp of approval denotes the territory’s existing safety protocols align with the core requirements established by the WTTC, along with governments and health experts. Pamela Ewing, Director of Tourism for the TCI Tourist Board, said: “We…feel certain this certification of our hygiene and safety protocols, combined with our
TCI Assured programme, will further build upon traveller confidence in safely visiting the TCI.” The WTTC health and safety guidelines were developed to adhere to precise guidelines from the World Health Organisation and the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention. The Safe Travels initiative has also received the recognition and support of the United National World Tourism Organisation. To achieve the Safe Travels stamp, the
TCI ensured its safety guidelines aligned with the WTTC’s core requirements, including specific protocols taken behind the scenes and when welcoming guests. These include urging proper physical distancing, enforcing capacity limits, ensuring proper hand washing techniques and sanitation, among other core ‘Safe Travels’ requirements. Gloria Guevara, WTTC president and CEO, said: “Our Safe Travels stamp is proving a great success and we are delighted to see even more popular
countries and destinations adopt our global health and hygiene protocols. “The success of the WTTC Safe Travels stamp shows its importance not only to countries and destinations but also, crucially, to travellers and the 330 million people around the world who work in and depend on, travel and tourism sector.” In a press release on Tuesday (October 20), the TCI Tourist Board encouraged travellers to consider the Safe Travels vacation destination for 2020 and 2021.
October 24-30, 2020
A Weekly News column that puts you on the spot for your opinions on the issues of the day
BEACHES Resort and Spa is holding the Government’s feet to the fire, refusing to reopen its huge revenue generating resort until a long running tax dispute is resolved to its satisfaction. On Friday, October 9, five days before the resort was slated to reopen its doors, it announced it would not be doing so - at least until negotiations with the Government are complete. The hotel is now set for a November 18 reopening, more than a month later than the previously announced October 14 date. What are your thoughts?
Just a bully
The Islands are anxious to open but the stance taken by Beaches is wrong on all levels. With the Ritz Carlton coming on stream, Beaches is likely to lose its ultra-dominant position in the market to keener more upmarket competition. When it comes to dominance, seeking to do what it likes, acting like a bully, its days are numbered. Sadly, there was a time in the TCI’s history when TC Islanders were the resort and hotel owners. Efforts need to be taken to go back to those days because economic independence, empowerment and an inner resilience will help withstand these kinds of attacks in the future. Government policy to return TC Islanders to the commanding heights of the resort industry must become aggressive. Treachery of the nature that Beaches is seeking to inflict on the TCI cannot be allowed to stand. It is helpful that the Government and Beaches have decided to sit at the table to mediate the dispute where they should have been in the first place. The resort cannot be allowed to prevail because the future of these Islands depend on the Government of the day winning. A trend of doing business cannot emerge where the ‘big boys’ such as Beaches get to tell the Government what to do especially
when public monies and taxes are at issue. As cooler heads prevail at the table, Beaches and its management model needs review. There is every certainty they will reach agreement and the resort will open. Beaches has too much to lose. So the way of doing business and labour relations must also change.
Ask the questions
Get real, the TCI is a ‘huge revenue generating’ colony for Her Majesty’s Government. So, when you ask this question first ask: Who governs and is responsible? Who is going to dominate with a huge loan from HMG? After you answer those two questions then ask the next logical one.
Don’t sell your soul
Be strong. Hold onto those beliefs about the beauty of the Islands and its people as well as its great potential, not just to Beaches but other resorts as well. Beaches should be understanding, so in negotiating with them be fair but very strong in defending those attributes that make the Islands great. Don’t let the pandemic be a reason to sell the soul of the Islands. I’ve been visiting the Islands since 1972. I know its people. Proud to be called a friend.
Stand up as one
Beaches is playing a vicious, reckless and irresponsible game with the livelihood and viability of the TCI’s economy and future. As a resort, in what may be deemed a ‘developed economy’ Beaches is seeking to get the best of all worlds. This is another one of those watershed moments where the public, Opposition and the Government must stand up as one to this treachery. Refusing to open is taking the wrong approach to a dispute. Taking the dispute with the Government publically signals to the world that Beaches is seeking to embarrass the TCI, and hurt the image and branding of the Islands. Its business model and mode of operation is not a good one as of late. In the old days, not so long ago, Beaches was given to training local staff, promoting TC Islanders to senior management positions they worked with whom they found on the ground. So, Beaches in coming up against the Government with this tax dispute is not looking so good. Nobody really likes them right now. Over the years they have had so much. It is alleged that the TCI is their cash cow and the Government knows that. So, it must be the Government’s position that Beaches cannot bully them, shake them down and be unreasonable.
Present the facts
In the courts of public opinion, I hereby summon that both Beaches Resort and the TCI Government come together and resolve this matter forthwith. We hereby request for Beaches to give evidence of them not owing back taxes and call for the TCIG to defend themselves. We cannot make a proper ruling if all of the facts are not presented. While we wait for both sides to present their cases, we rule for Beaches resort to open its doors. On a separate matter, we call for the TCIG to grant amnesty on entities and individuals who are TC Islanders who owe lease fees, to reduce those fees by 50 percent. We also rule for a payment plan to be put in place for ease of payment. It is high time for the good people of the TCI, Belongers, to be granted concessions as it relates to real estate taxes in the country. TC Islanders/Belongers first in the TCI.
Slash work permits
Beaches is a bully and appears to be a fraud in its Caribbean relationships. It’s very unfortunate that because of past privileges and abuses allowed, it
is conflictingly difficult now during an economic crisis for the Government to whip and discipline Beaches in order. A David is needed to deal with this Goliath. The current time is just not amiable. However, a caution to the wise, do not spread the bed and plunge in with Beaches as the previous times. If any concession is given now, make sure all unemployed TCI people get work in light of the economic downturn and guarantee it by slashing Beaches’ work permits by at least 50 percent. A true test for such a weak government.
A past reminder
Beaches main accusation seems to be the TCIG’s failure to honour their development agreement regarding taxes, that Beaches signed with the Crown and TCIG. The secondary complaint by Beaches is that the Attorney General’s Office is slow to respond, if they respond at all. The Attorney General’s Office should have effectively negotiated this issue away long ago. They have not. Beaches has now delayed the reopening of the Providenciales resort, which they specifically blame on the TCIG’s failure to respond to the outstanding taxation issues, and that delay will further reduce airline service and visiting tourists to these Islands. This current failure of the Attorney General’s Office to resolve the Beaches issue for the benefit of the locally employed people, as opposed to inflaming and prolonging the Beaches issue, is eerily reminiscent of a similar legal campaign that the Attorney General’s Office directed against the Conch Farm in Leeward, which, like Beaches, complained about the TCIG’s failure to honour a development agreement. The Conch Farm is closed and the gates are locked. Those jobs are gone. It is apparent that the unnecessary legal costs and conflicts created by the Attorney General’s Office, that your people are forced to underwrite through taxes and lost tourism to maintain the pride of the Attorney General, are too high. I hope that Beaches does not end up like the Conch Farm.
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October 24-30, 2020
Haitian boat with 54 towed to South Dock
Obtained security footage of two armed and masked men attempting to rob CAM Transfer, Downtown, on Monday
Robberies continue to plague Providenciales SEVERAL robberies took place in Providenciales this week during which cash, cell phones, cards and two cars were stolen. Anyone with information on any of these incidents can call 911 or Crime Stoppers confidentially on 1-800-8477. • Three masked men, one armed with a gun, raided a restaurant and bar near Thomas Stubbs Roundabout on Leeward Highway on Wednesday (October 21). Four victims were robbed of money, cell phones, identification and bank cards. The culprits made away in a dark grey Mazda car. A 911 call was made at 1.26pm to report the incident. There were no shots fired and no injuries. • Two masked men armed with guns entered a bar in Kew Town just before 8pm on Tuesday (October 20) and demanded money. The robbers stole cash, a cell phone and a bottle of rum before escaping on foot, according to the police press office. A single shot was fired outside the bar during the robbery but no injuries were reported. • On Monday (October 19)
at 7.28am two armed and masked men attempted to rob CAM Transfer, Downtown. Their attempt failed and they left the money transfer office in a grey Nissan March car. • One suspect has been apprehended following the armed theft of a truck later the same day. The incident happened just after 10am at a plaza in the Lower Bight, according to the police press office. Two armed men robbed another man of his grey Ford F150 truck. Shots were fired, but there were no injuries. Police later tracked the truck to The Village in Grace Bay where one suspect was apprehended while the other escaped on foot. • On Wednesday, October 14, sometime before 8.48pm two masked and armed men robbed a woman of her silver/ grey Nissan Versa car on Bay Road in Blue Hills. The gunmen also took the keys to a white Malibu before escaping down Church Avenue. The Nissan Altima had no identification plate and a bumper sticker on the rear that says ‘Grace Auto’.
ANOTHER boat dangerously overcrowded with travellers from Haiti was detected sailing illegally six miles from Providenciales on Friday (October 16). Fifty-four people – 44 men, nine women and one child - made the 190 mile journey on board the small vessel powered by two outboard engines. Officials from the Coastal Radar Station alerted Marine Branch officers of the Royal TCI Police Force at 2.46am. The officers immediately responded and later intercepted the vessel on police boat Sea Pursuit with the support of Sea Guardian before towing it back to South Dock Port. Officials from the Immigration Department processed the passengers and they were detained in the Detention Centre before their deportation back to Haiti. The latest arrival came less than a week after 206 people from Haiti - 145 men, 58 women, two girls and a boy – reached TCI waters illegally on a tiny wooden boat. Officials from the Radar Station detected a “suspicious target” west of
Providenciales on Friday, October 9, according to the police press office. At about 10.15pm, Marine Branch officers on motor vessel Sea Guardian intercepted what turned out to be a blue 45 foot boat powered by two 45 horse power outboard engines. Additional Marine Branch officers arrived on police boats Sea Pursuit and Sea Enforcer, and helped to transport the Haitian boat to South Dock Port. “During the operation, several migrants jumped overboard but were immediately detained,” the police press office said. All of the passengers were handed over to Immigration Department officials between 4am and 8am the following day for processing and have since been repatriated to Haiti. Several other sloops arriving from Haiti have been intercepted and hundreds of passengers repatriated over the summer months. A blue 38 foot wooden boat containing 124 travellers from Haiti was detected one mile from Turtle Rock on September 20. On September 12, a 25 foot motorboat carrying 23 people -
18 men and five women - was intercepted in TCI waters five miles from South Dock travelling from Haiti. Illegal vessel landings and repatriation cost the TCI Government close to $3 million during the financial year 2019 to 2020. In a statement on June 11, Hon. Vaden Williams, Minister of Immigration, Citizenship, Labour and Employment Services, explained that it is an offence to harbour or assist illegal aliens. Anyone found guilty is liable to a fine of $20,000 or a term of imprisonment of four years, or both in accordance with the Immigration Ordinance 2018 Revised. A Haitian-born woman who had lived in the TCI for several years was deported on September 28 after being found guilty of sheltering two illegal migrants. Neltha Jean-Francois Hosse pleaded guilty in court to two offences and was fined $1,000 for each. Any suspicious movements can be reported to the police on 911 or Crime Stoppers anonymously on 1-800-8477.
Under the tree By Benneth Williams
October 24-30, 2020
Beach access policy to safeguard public’s access BY DELANA ISLES IN THE TCI there are about 83 public beach accesses that are designated under the law for the use and enjoyment of the people of the Turks and Caicos Islands and visitors. These beaches are governed by beach licences issued under the National Parks Regulations. There are several beach accesses which are publicly accessible over the years, but have not been officially designated as public beach accesses. This lack of clarity, has over the years created a massive amount of protest due to a false sense of entitlement by some residents and visitors that they alone have access to particular beaches, leading to them illegally erect barricades to block the public’s access. On September 9, Cabinet approved a Beach Access Development Policy which seeks to clarify all misunderstanding. It states: “The implementation of this policy will ensure that Turks
and Caicos Islanders, residents and visitors have free and unobstructed right to pass and repass over beach accesses, which are situated on private property, but have long been used by the general public to access the beach.” The document’s purpose is stated as follows: “The primary purpose of Public Beach Access Development Policy is to safeguard the current and future generation’s continued use and enjoyment of the coast for recreation, to preserve, protect and establish beach accesses, where possible, and to ensure that the public is afforded full and fair access to the beaches.” The body that will be responsible for managing these sites will be the Department of Environment and Coastal Resources (DECR), even though, historically, the majority of the beach accesses across the islands are located on Crown land. The Ministry of Tourism will oversee the implementation of the policy. There is currently no national policy guiding commercial
development on beaches nor development of the accesses on a whole. As such, the Ministry of Tourism and DECR will be embarking on an island-wide programme to upgrade public beach accesses. Additionally, the ministry will be establishing a programme that provides for development, redevelopment, management and maintenance of beach accesses all across the territory. Forming part of this initiative is ensuring appropriate public amenities for residents, as well putting measures in place to support suitable commercial enterprises in which Islanders may wish to engage. The committee which conducted the study, that guided the implementation of this policy, clarified in their findings that while there is no one specific law that speaks to beach accesses and beach access development in TCI, there are several pieces of legislation that highlight the importance of preservation, conservation and
restoration of the territory’s natural resources of current and future generations. This is what formed the basis for the development of the policy. Meanwhile, the policy has five guiding principles: namely, that the public has an inherent right of access to, and along all beaches and shorelines. “There exists a cultural value of active visitation to the beach as part of traditional, historical and or customary practices. “Therefore, the public should at all times be allowed full and reasonable access to the beaches,” the document states. Another principle states that means of access to the beach should be readily available and secured so as to maximise access along the coast and should not be overly burdensome for the potential beachgoer to use. This is explained, thusly: “To this end the Government will ensure that opportunities for new beach accesses must be provided and as such where beachfront
properties are being developed or subdivided, the provision for four beach access per mile shall be incorporated. “If these accesses are located on private land, the government should engage the proprietor to consider either transferring the access to the Crown or registering a public easement against the title to allow for public access to the beach coastline. “In the case of re-development or expansion of existing developments the four accesses per mile should be incorporated, as far as possible.” Meanwhile, the guidelines go on to state that not all beach and coastal areas may be suitable for heavy recreational use or significant human presence. As such: “When beach access may impede upon sensitive ecological coastal resources, beach access may be managed or restricted if necessary to protect the sensitive ecological coastal resource.” The final two guidelines state that public facilities, including parking areas, showers, bathrooms, changing areas and other amenities enhance public enjoyment of the beach, and that maintenance is an important factor affecting the use of beach accesses. This is the first in a series of stories on beach access in the Turks and Caicos Islands.
Three cars go up in flames in Grand Turk A GRAND Turk resident called the fire service when they found their three cars to be engulfed in flames on Thursday (October 22). They discovered the fires outside their property on Light House Road at about 1.30am. The victim said the vehicles were secured at about 10pm. Firefighters were called at 1.34am and quickly extinguished the flames. There were no injuries. Anyone with information can call 911 or Crime Stoppers anonymously on 1-800-8477.
October 24-30, 2020
Public urged to give feedback on beach vending policy HOTELIERS, watersports operators and others who conduct business on the TCI’s beaches are being encouraged to review a draft policy that will guide the operations of these activities. The draft Beach Vending Policy was released for public comment on October 15 and stakeholders have up to next Thursday (October 29) to send in their written comments. A copy of the policy can be found on the Facebook page of the Department of Environment and Coastal Resources (DECR) and comments can be sent to environment@gov.tc According to a joint report by the
DECR, the Department of Planning and the Revenue Department, there are about 52 potential beach vending sites across the TCI. In Grand Turk, there are 25 potential beach vending sites, nine in Salt Cay, one in South Caicos, one in Middle Caicos, three in North Caicos and 11 in Providenciales. A preamble in the policy said: “Over the last few years, as tourism continues to grow, the DECR has observed a notable increase in the beach vending activities in the Turks and Caicos Islands. “This increase has resulted in tension between beachfront
Man charged over storage facility theft
proprietors, tourists and beach vendors. “The Ministry of Tourism and Environment and the DECR have received numerous complaints about the aggressive behaviour of vendors and conflicts between vendors and beach front proprietors. “Beach vendors are also experiencing congestion with other vendors infringing on their vending area. “These issues interfere with the quality of service provided to tourists and can influence tourists’ views and return rates. “The beach is public, therefore any member of the public can use the beach. “However, all vendors and visitors must adhere to all beach rules and regulations prescribed by the DECR or any competent authorities.” It is with this in mind, that
the ministry has set out that the Beach Vending Policy should involve Carnival Cruise Centre, Ministry of Health, the fire department, Ministry of Border Control and Labour; Department of Immigration, Ministry of Infrastructure, Department of Planning, Ministry of Finance, the Royal Turks and Caicos Police Force and Invest TCI. The objective of the policy is to establish a programme for the management and maintenance of beach vending activity and sites across the TCI. It is also intended to ensure that appropriate public amenities are available while at the same time enhancing the local economy through beach vending activities. “The implementation of this policy will ensure that Islanders, residents and visitors receive quality service, provided by
local beach vendors to the mutual benefit of both,” the document states. The document outlines a number of guiding principles which are aimed at ensuring proper management of beach vending activities, among other things. These principles will guide issuance of beach vending permits, enforcement, violation, penalties, remedies, beach vending locations, appearance and maintenance, safety and other considerations. Upon approval by Cabinet of the policy, the DECR will monitor beach vendors as they historically did, along with assistance from the Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police Force. The vending sites will be managed by the DECR, Planning Department and Revenue Department for the issuance of business licences.
A FORTY-nine-year-old man has been charged with robbing a storage facility. Five units at the Long Bay Storage Facility on Universal Drive, Providenciales, were raided at about 5.45pm on Monday, October 12. According to the police press office, a green Ford F150 truck was seen fleeing the scene. The culprit was later arrested and charged. He remains in police custody.
Known offender arrested for handling stolen goods
CID officers conducting patrols in Dock Yard, Providenciales, saw a known criminal offender behaving suspiciously in a vehicle. They searched the car and found several tools inside which they seized for further investigation. The tools were later confirmed to be stolen items from a construction site in Chalk Sound reported missing the same day. A man, 49, was arrested and charged for the offence of handling stolen goods and was granted bail to appear in court at a later date.
Teen charged with burglary
AN EIGHTEEN-year-old was captured after attempting to flee the scene of a burglary on October 6. Police officers spotted the young man when they arrived at the Downtown plaza where the theft had occurred. He was quickly captured and detained. The culprit was later charged with one count of attempted burglary and one count of malicious injuries to property. He was scheduled to appear in Providenciales Magistrates’ Court on Tuesday (October 20).
Man faces burglary charges
CCTV footage was used to identify a man who appeared to rob a bar on Aviation Drive in Providenciales on October 2. The 24-year-old was detained by police and charged with burglary on October 11. He appeared in Providenciales Magistrates’ Court on October 15 to answer to the charges.
All current members of Cabinet were tested for Covid-19
Cabinet members get tested for Covid-19 DURING this week’s meeting of Cabinet at the Office of the Premier in Providenciales, all of the current members were tested for Covid-19. The exercise was led by Minister of Health Hon. Edwin
Astwood on Wednesday (October 21) ahead of a wider public testing event which took place on Thursday. “As the minister of health it is incumbent upon me to ensure that my colleagues are tested
especially in light that most cases now are asymptomatic,” he said. The first community testing event took place at the Gustarvus Lightbourne Sports Centre field from 9am to 12pm.
October 24-30, 2020
Distributing the vaccine will be a geopolitical game SEEMINGLY, a Covid-19 vaccine Cold War is brewing. Boasting the world’s greatest economy and a healthcare system which prescribes the finest scientists, the US is losing the race to develop the world’s first Covid-19 vaccine. Meanwhile, president Donald Trump is pushing a nationalist and geopolitical narrative fomenting false information around treatment and cures to boost his reelection campaign effort. When asked, vice president Democratic candidate, Kamala Harris, detailed that she would not accept a vaccine promoted by Trump’s disinformation campaign. However, with more than £131 million pumped into research at Britain’s University of Oxford, UK’s effort seems most promising. Meanwhile, in Moscow, they are devising a propaganda campaign to delegitimise Britain’s efforts. Russian television and state controlled websites called Britain’s research a monkey vaccine. Cartoons featured on pro-Kremlin websites with mysterious sources imply that the vaccine will turn people into monkeys. Concertedly, Russia along with China
BY D MARKIE SPRING D Markie Spring, a TCI resident of 15 years, is an expert in law enforcement. He worked as a detective in the Royal TCI Police Force and was director of security at Beaches Turks and Caicos.
are staging pre-emptive attacks to steal vaccine research, warned US counter officials. This vaccine is not purely a health safeguard for the global population. As many experts cited, a vaccine is a strategic asset equivalent to military weapons, focusing on revitalising the economies of wealthy nations, while gaining political standing and prestige. Politicians are aware, whoever develops the first vaccine will certainly be the geopolitical leader. Right now, there are more than 100 Covid-19 candidates and despite the absence of a single vaccine, deals worth billions of dollars are already in the pipelines. To date, the UK has procured more than 30 million doses of possible vaccine from
BioNTech and Pfizer. Another 100 million doses from AstraZeneca and a deal from GSK and Sanofi Pasteur for 60 million doses. Additionally, AstraZeneca has secured a contract with Germany, Italy, France and the Netherlands for 400 million doses. The US has acquired contracts for 600 million doses with BioNTech and Pfizer worth almost $2 billion, a 300 million dose deal with AstraZeneca and a third deal with Novavax for 100 million doses. In June of this year, a report suggests that the US had acquired the entire global supply of Remdesivir, a potential precursor for Covid-19 cure, with the aim that no other country would have access to the drug for at least three months. If this affluent tussle prolongs, vaccines
could go scarce on the global scale and nations with low purchasing power and limited production capacities could be gravely affected. India, too, has announced its own vaccine to be ready on her Independence Day. Since then, prime minister Narendra Modi had retracted that statement. In the interim, a potential herbal medicine in Madagascar is fuelling a spate of nationalist sentiments, challenging WHO’s protocols. Upping its propaganda, on August 11, Russia’s president Vladimir Putin rolledout a plan for the first vaccine and from that onset this propaganda was celebrated uncritically online across Russia’s allies in India and Latin America. Looking at Moscow through the antagonistic lens of the Cold War, western democracies are largely sceptical of Russia’s approach to the vaccine and other treatments. Putin’s announcement exemplifies how global governments and the citizenry are responding to the crisis abhorrent to international perspective. Putting all the lofty rhetoric aside, geopolitics and money talks.
In balance with nature? THIS slogan was supposedly once a condition that existed between mankind and both the land ecology and the oceans, lakes and rivers. For me the plan of our creator, God, is involved in any balancing act humans and/or the ecology itself imposes on itself. So pray. In the meantime, we have these individuals who have found a source of wealth as departments or grantees of governments who everyday become more liberal. To attain recognition, they drive home certain ecological events that might be happening because of the actions of mankind. What I find interesting is their lack of holding responsible the governments and terror groups who contributed massive negatives to the ecology in general. The United Nations is a farce.
David is a retired mobile hydraulic engineer and business executive. He has been married to Middle Caicos native Yvette Robinson Tapfer for 30 years and has lived in Conch Bar, Middle Caicos, since 2002. David formerly served as branch chairman of the PDM from 2008 to 2011
The perpetrators of two world wars and all the wars in between. For example, one was the mess caused by the little by comparison Gulf War. The Iraqis destroyed everything they left behind. Knocking off the well heads, the oil wells spilled their output on fire and directly into the sea. The clouds of smoke and killing raw oil did more negative in a couple of years than one coal
fired clean fossil fuel power plant did in 10 or more of its lifetimes. Then we have the perpetrators of WWI and II. What a mess they and the defenders caused. Instead of arguing against war or China, the current builders of dirty coal electric plants, the global warming folks are now lobbying against red meat. Reduce and eliminate the cattle, they say, because they stand around putting out methane gas.
Without man, how long would it have taken the massive growing buffalo herds to make the atmosphere unbreathable. Maybe the Indian tribes would have grown fast enough to keep the buffalo and Europeans at bay. The boatmen of our islands report no increase in the water depth. The global warming folks have us six inches deeper. Some far away nation probably believes this and sends millions more dollars to their global warming fraternities. The global warming folks have a Big Mac for lunch and then put out their own brand of gas. We can’t deny that the growth of mankind is putting more resources into mankind’s hands. However, people are starving in Africa yet we hear nothing from the global warming folks.
Private organisations beg on television for help. They desperately need it. The growth of mankind can be stopped and certainly short of wars, terror and abortion now going on. Stop killing and eliminating the wild creatures of the Earth say the global warming folks. I wonder how many had a child or even just a pet swallowed up by an alligator, mountain lion or wolf. It happens too often. Yes, mankind causes pollution of land, water and air but mankind has proved he can repair the damage. I came from Cleveland, Ohio, where the polluted central river was on fire and the great lake polluted with raw sewage. People now swim in the clean water and it was not a huge project.
October 24-30, 2020
Can mineral extraction ever be environmentally acceptable? PART TWO IN AN indicator of the potential opportunity, Barrick Gold signed in 2019 an agreement with Reunion Gold Corp to expand its exploration footprint across the Guiana Shield. It said that its objective would be to identify and acquire properties in what it described as one of the most prospective regions in the world for large scale gold discoveries. More recently China’s Zijin Mining outbid a Canadian mining company to purchase Guyana Goldfields, while other miners operating and prospecting in the Republic indicate that they too see an opportunity to expand production. In neighbouring Suriname, a ‘gold rush’ is also underway but in French Guiana, despite the interest of major mining corporations, local objections and legal challenges to a proposed mega mine, Montagne d’Or, has resulted in it and other new mining proposals being placed on hold.
David Jessop is a consultant to the Caribbean Council. He has worked on Caribbean issues for over 40 years. David is the editor of Caribbean Insight and Cuba Briefing publications. He can be contacted at david.jessop@caribbeancouncil.org
As with oil, the recovery of gold or other minerals by responsible, globally recognised companies can deliver many thousands of jobs and provide significant government revenues, but extraction undeniably remains contentious for multiple environmental reasons. In the Guiana Shield the reserves of gold and other minerals lie beneath the vast, biodiverse and still largely untouched rainforest which together with the neighbouring Amazon region provides the world with the vital carbon sink that plays a central role in offsetting global warming. Mining in such an ecologically sensitive
area is not only an anathema to local and environmental groups but has global consequences for a region that is among the most at risk from climate change. Add to that the well documented list of unsound industrial mining practices from damage to eco systems to the release of cyanide, mercury and other toxic substances into the environment, and it is hard to see how, despite corporate assurances, mining in the rainforest can be made acceptable. Complicating the matter further have been recent oil discoveries. Requiring new management skills in countries with small
populations, oil has become an unavoidable distraction from pursuing a better mix of regulation, supervision and policing of formal and informal mining in the Guianas. Despite this, some like Antoine Karam, the former French senator who served as the president of the Regional Council of French Guiana, and who opposed the Montagne d’Or project in the form presented, remain convinced a responsible approach that provides strong environmental and social guarantees is possible. “The real challenge,” he recently told ‘Outremers360’, “lies in our ability to find the right formula that will allow the emergence, in a responsible and reasoned manner, of an alternative economy…based on research, exploitation, and development of our natural resources.” Developing Caribbean mineral resources will likely continue to present hard to resolve questions of public policy requiring balance between the need for development, the growing global demand for minerals, and intense local and international pressure to protect the rainforest.
TCHTA calls for a resolution Dear Editor, Since the reopening of the Turks and Caicos to international travel, opening day for the country’s largest employer and taxpayer has been a standout concern for many with the resort accounting for approximately 70 percent of long-stay visitor arrivals to Providenciales. Airlift demand is highly dependent on its reopening and, sadly, other large properties have consequently delayed their re-openings. For those who have reopened their doors, small amounts of rooms are filled. This, in turn, means a damning plight for the approximately13,000 individuals employed by the hospitality industry. Taxis remain off-line, a torrent of layoffs has been experienced, restaurants have opted to close their doors, and local musicians and craft vendors whose livelihoods are completely dependent on the local tourism industry have not earned anything in months. The vitality of the local industry hinges on the reopening of this property, and its continued closure translates to devastating fallout for the overall economy in Turks and Caicos. Turks and Caicos Islanders are ready to get back to work and be afforded the opportunity to adequately care for their families and households. The effects of this unfortunate situation have the potential to be far-reaching.
At an extremely fragile time where all Caribbean countries are fighting for the rebounding of their tourism product, travel partner confidence is essential. Unfortunately, this can be quickly lost with our partners, with frustrations being felt by those working diligently to sell Turks and Caicos to a limited market, only to have to manage cancellations with no real answers to provide to travellers. The TCHTA is gravely concerned with the negative impact this may have, and fears that interest in the destination will wane as travellers’ attention is poached by destinations whose product is more accessible. The Turks and Caicos Hotel and Tourism Association remains dedicated to the achievement of sustainable growth in tourism for the benefit of our members and the entire Turks and Caicos community. As such, the association is calling for an urgent resolution to this critical matter, and extend our unwavering support to all parties, offering any assistance we can provide. A valued, long-standing member of the TCHTA, Beaches Resort’s importance to the local economy and the tourism industry is undeniable. Over the years, Beaches has been an exceptional community partner, giving invaluable support through youth and mentorship programmes, their marine
conservation and protection efforts, their iCare programme, direct support to local schools, and the much-needed support provided during times of crisis. Management has stated they remain confident that the matter can be brought to closure by month’s end and has emphasised that their commitment to the people and communities of Turks and Caicos has not waivered. The TCHTA is not party to the details of the underpinnings of these legal issues and stands free from favour toward either side. The settling of this matter in an amicable way is paramount to the health and success of the industry and the economy, and we lend our full support to that end. These past months have certainly brought with them challenges to the tourism sector and to the people of the Turks and Caicos Islands.
Through the collaborative efforts of TCHTA members and our partnership with the Government, we have made great strides in providing safe and sustainable responses to this global challenge, and are proud of programs like TCI Safe which have proven to yield continued confidence in the strength of brand TCI alongside TCIG’s robust protocols. Turks and Caicos tourism is now seeing light at the end of the tunnel. At a time where many will seek to enjoy the upcoming season basking in the beauty of our shores, we encourage all parties involved to move to resolve this matter with expedience, and we are ready to help in whatever way possible. Turks and Caicos Hotel and Tourism Association, Providenciales
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October 24-30, 2020
TCI Government and Beaches agree to arbitration Beaches says it is not asking for any ‘special treatment’ BY OLIVIA ROSE THE TCI Government and Beaches Resort and Spa have officially agreed to use the services of a mediator in a bid to settle the ongoing multimillion dollar tax dispute. The mutual agreement to arbitration is being lauded as a significant breakthrough in the major standoff between the TCI Government and its largest privatesector employer. The family-oriented resort which in the past employed more than 2,000 residents in the TCI has maintained that it will not reopen its doors until the issues are ironed out. Beaches is said to owe the Government $76.4 million in penalties on taxes owed in the amount of $26.7 million. However, the resort claims its development agreement was breached by the current Government and it had been overpaying taxes.
Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson and Sandals chairman Gordon Butch Stewart at a luncheon in 2018
In a statement on Monday (October 19), the resort said it wants the Government to honour the terms of its development agreement and other legally binding commitments, “nothing more, nothing less”. “Breaches of these agreement(s) by TCIG is the reason Beaches was compelled to file its lawsuit in May
2019,” it said. Beaches said it is not asking the TCI Government for any “favours” or “special treatment” in this matter. Last week Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson told the local media that she will not “cave in” to the resort’s “unreasonable demands” on the Government.
She accused the hotel group’s owner Gordon Butch Stewart of exploiting the Covid-19 pandemic for “commercial leverage” over her administration. In response, the company said: “Beaches TCI wishes to make it clear that it has made no unreasonable demands whatsoever.
“Beaches is not asking TCIG for any favours or special treatment and any suggestion to the contrary, is simply a PR spin on the facts. “After four years, the Government has finally agreed to a process of mediation to which we are fully CONTINUED
The shadow of imperialism looms PART TWO I OPPOSED the amendment to the TCI Islander Status Bill which was assented to on January 8. My objections were based on my view that the changing circumstances five years on dictate that the ordinance be replaced with one that accounts for current trends and the need to protect the interest of heritage Turks and Caicos Islanders. At a minimum, the points criteria should have been revised and subsidiary legislation should have been brought to tighten the assessment criteria including in person appearance before the commission by all applicants, given the large number of applications received between 2016 and 2018 and for which time had elapsed for consideration. A major concern of mine is also the built-in bias of the system towards the financially
Washington Misick is a former chief minister of the TCI and current leader of the PNP Opposition. He describes himself as a politician, entrepreneur, thinker and strategist.
influential, potentially side-lining others with otherwise substantial contributions. I am therefore amazed by the legal contortions that the establishment is prepared to put the system through to accomplish the agenda of the UK and the excuses and roadblocks that emerge when it is necessary to deliver for the people of these Islands. With all of the challenges faced by the Government and the hardships of the people, the Government is caving in to the dictates of the UK to expand the franchise with the expressed
intention to alter the political hegemony in the interest of those who already have control of the economy. The ordinance permits the commission to make rules to govern its conduct. While I do not agree that the spirit of the ordinance is being respected, nevertheless the commission has been advised by the AG Chambers that it has a quorum in the absence of a fully constituted membership. Under the circumstances and given the public anxiety over the fact that there is now an inverse relationship between the economic
development of the Islands and the social development of the local people, the commission should adopt rules to undertake a comprehensive interview of each applicant to determine whether the granting of status to them is in the public interest, and in particular, meet the criteria set out in Section 4 (7) of the ordinance. Persons applying for status have nothing to worry about. Their place in the Islands is secure otherwise they would not be qualified to apply for status. However, we recognise that the TCI has been fortunate to benefit from the talents and resources of many from the outside who have made these Islands home and have demonstrated they’re committed to inclusive prosperity and camaraderie with the people of the Islands. These people have a legitimate expectation to status and should be granted status. We are also aware that there are
many among us who are here for what they can take. They have no respect for the culture, people or place. They detest locals and see them and the Islands as a means to an end. The grant of status to this group is a licence to abuse the people and the system. They should not be given the privilege of the grant of Islander status. The process must be rigid enough to ensure that they are not granted status. I therefore call on the public to petition the governor to defer any further action and publish the draft points criteria (which is meant to supplement the requirements of the ordinance) for public consultation. To the best of my knowledge this was never approved by the Cabinet. It should be considered as a critical element of the process and in ordinary course be brought into force as subsidiary legislation. Only then will the Opposition return to the process.
October 24-30, 2020
TCI Government and Beaches agree ... committed in an effort to bring this long outstanding matter to a fair conclusion.” EXPERIENCED MEDIATOR Beaches explained that a list of mediators was proposed by the Government and both parties agreed to one. Although the mediator has not been named publicly, the Weekly News can confirm that the individual is a Queen’s Counsel (QC) who is versed in settling financial disagreements for mega corporations. “The mediator will be available the week of November 8, 2020. We
have advised the TCIG that we are ready, willing and able to proceed. “We trust that the TCIG will join in the mediation process during this period in good faith as committed. “We have no doubt that the people of the TCI are equally as anxious to have the issues addressed in a fair and equitable manner, sooner rather than later in order for Beaches to once more contribute to commercial activity in the island. “We echo the sentiments of TCIG that the TCI is beautiful with remarkable people and we look forward to reopening our doors in due course once approved by the
board of directors.” Beaches recently pushed back its reopening date in the TCI from October 14 to November 18. Meanwhile, the company said it is proud to have reopened its resorts in other Caribbean countries despite the global pandemic. “We take great pride in all of the countries in which we operate and appreciate the partnership and honour of these governments Antigua, the Bahamas, Jamaica, Barbados, Saint Lucia, Grenada all of which have magnificent beaches, wonderful terrain, distinct cultures and incredible people.”
In a statement to the media on September 17, the Government said it remained “open” and “ready” to resolve the matter with Beaches. It explained that the tax matter predates the current administration and all efforts have been made to reach a resolution and public and private actions have demonstrated this. “TCIG maintains that it is in no one’s best interest to have this matter lingering. “Nonetheless, Beaches does have a right to take the course of action it does in the court and TCIG has a right to defend. “TCIG stands ready to resolve
this matter, be it through the filing of a defence to the amended statement of claim still to be submitted by Beaches, or through the ongoing attempts at an amicable resolution.” The Government acknowledged the unprecedented challenges due to the fallout from the Covid-19 pandemic which was further compounded as the largest hotel property refused to reopen its doors. “Beaches is important to the economy and so all concessions given to this point can be defended. “Our offers to resolve are bound only by law and not an unwillingness to resolve,” the Government said.
CABINET MEETING SUMMARY REBRANDING the Ministry of Education, the recruitment of a debt advisor and Statutory Bodies First Quarter Financial Report were all discussed at the 38th meeting of the Cabinet. Governor Nigel Dakin chaired the meeting on Wednesday, October 7, at the Hilly Ewing Building, Providenciales, and by videoconference. All members were present except Deputy Premier Sean Astwood. AT THIS MEETING CABINET: - Were updated on the state of the nation and discussed measures to further address and mitigate against any escalation of the coronavirus (Covid-19). Members agreed a phased approach to the hiring of new health staff. - Approved the issuance of a contingency warrant to cover a phased approach for additional staffing for the TCI Assured Portal. - Approved the waiver of import duties and storage fees on building material for Calvin Williams. - Approved for the tender of parcel 60003/231Pt for commercial development. - Approved the temporary appointment of Wendal Swann as vice president of the Labour Tribunal to assist the tribunal with effect from October 13 until August 31, 2021. - Approved the appointment of chair Carolyn Lightbourne, Patrick Alexander Grant, Samuel E Handfield, Marionette Hinds, Albert James Capron and Melanie Smith as members and permanent secretary prison, director social development and the prison superintendent as ex-officio members of the Prison Visiting Committee for one year with effect from October 1. - Approved the appointment of chair Sharon Whittaker, Edith Mesa, Jasmine Adams and the prison superintendent as members of the Prison Categorisation Board for one year with effect from October 1. - Approved the appointment of chair Ryan Walkin, Delleriece Hall, Quinton
Dean and Oral Selver as members and permanent secretary RTC and TCIG senior press officer as ex-officio members, and Cynara John as secretary of the Radio Turks and Caicos Board of Governors for one year with effect from October 1. - Approved the appointment of chair Sean Penn, appointed on April 1 for a period of two years), Brook Capron Junior, Lacal Palmer, Deneise Garland and Alexander Freites as members and permanent secretary communications or designate as ex-officio member of the Telecommunications Commission for two years with effect from October 1. - Approved the appointment of chair Menelik Astwood, Clyde Ewing, Gurvan Stephens and John Ariza as members and Althea Been, Daniel Lightbourne and the energy and utilities commissioner (position currently vacant) as ex-officio members, and Irene Glinton as secretary of the Electricity Board for one year with effect from October 1. - Approved the appointment of chair Permanent Secretary Althea Been, Kenrick Kneely, Danier Lightbourne, Chief Engineer PWD, Lormeka MorleyWilliams, Kathleen Forbes, Dalbert Don Missick and Wendel Ewing as members and electricity commissioner (position currently vacant) as secretary of the Water and Sewerage Board for one year with effect from October 1. - Noted proposed plans for the rebranding of the Ministry of Education, Youth, Culture, Social and Library Services. - Approved the bringing into force of the Alternative Sentencing Ordinance with the exception of electronic monitoring with effect from November 1. - Approved an amendment to its previous decision regarding the grant of a lease over parcel 60804/142, the Bight and Thomas Stubbs, Providenciales, to reflect the correct market rent. - Approved a Rent Arrears Policy and Strategy for a rent collection programme, an amnesty on mesne profit accumulated on residential conditional purchase leases for six months and for this to
advance to the House of Assembly. - Approved the Statutory Bodies First Quarter Financial Report for FY 2020-2021 and for its publication. - Approved regulations to be made under the National Insurance Ordinance, to establish a temporary and permanent unemployment benefit under the National Insurance Plan. - Approve amendments to the Fisheries Protection Regulations to allow for effective and efficient compliance and congruence of other TCI Legislation as well as improve management of the marine resources. - Noted a memorandum of understanding between the Department of Environment and Coastal Resources and the Turks and Caicos Islands Fishing Cooperative Incorporated (TCFCI). - Approved the reappointment of chair Andre Malcolm Junior, deputy chair Conroy Smith, Godfrey Been, Radica Been as members and the chief executive and permanent secretary finance as ex-officio members of the TCI Airport Authority Board for two years with effect from October 1. - Approved the reappointment of chair Urban Jason Francis, deputy chair and accountant Artavia Bassett, E Larvado Ewing, Correy Forbes, Derek Rolle as members and Delton Jones, PS Finance or her nominee, PS Ports, chief engineer and collector of customs as ex-officio members of the TCI Ports Authority Board for two years with effect from October 1. - Approved the reappointment of Sharon Been as employer representative member and Ezra Taylor as insured persons’ representative member of the TCI National Insurance Board for six months with effect from October 1. - Approved the reappointment of deputy chair Curtis Simmons of the TCI National Health Insurance Board for two years with effect from October 1. - Approved the appointment of chair Noreane McKoy, Ivy Williams, Dimple Duncanson, Deloris Wilson, Henry Handfield, Sherlock Forbes as members
and district commissioner South Caicos, supervisor public works, police office in charge of South Caicos, environmental health officer in charge as ex-officio members and secretary/clerical officer to DC South Caicos of the South Caicos District Board from October 1 to March 31, 2021. - Approved the appointment of chair Gary Lightbourne, Antonette Talbot, Holton Dickenson, Debbie Been, Gladys Kennedy as members and district commissioner Salt Cay, supervisor public works, police officer in charge of Salt Cay, environmental health officer in charge as ex-officio members and secretary/ clerical officer to DC Salt Cay of the Salt Cay District Board from October 1 to March 31, 2021. - Approved the appointment of chair Ashwood Hall, Pastor Mary (Iona) Harvey, Cardinal Arthur, Garnett Outten as members and district commissioner Middle Caicos, representative from public works, police officer in charge of Middle Caicos, environmental health officer in charge as ex-officio members and secretary/clerical officer to DC Middle Caicos of the Middle Caicos District Board from October 1 to March 31, 2021. - Approved the appointment of chair Andre Rupert Gibson, Clover Delancy, Wilbert Forbes, Hamutal Handfield, Timothy Palmer, Durrell Landy as members and district commissioner North Caicos, supervisor public works, police officer in charge of North Caicos, environmental health officer in charge as ex-officio members and secretary/ clerical officer to DC North Caicos of the North Caicos District Board from October 1 to March 31, 2021. - Approved the appointment of chair Jamy Edward Williams, Doreen Been, Quinton Higgs, Edith Skippings, Sonny Forbes and Sylvia Grant as members of the Providenciales District Board from October 1 to March 31, 2021. - Were updated on the recruitment of a debt adviser under the Ministry of Finance.
October 24-30, 2020
Residents call on Gov’t to extend oil exploration consultation BY OLIVIA ROSE MORE than 1,000 residents in the TCI are calling on the Government to extend a recently concluded public consultation on its proposed petroleum mining bill. The consultation on the Petroleum (Exploration and Exploitation) Bill 2020 got underway on October 1 and concluded on Wednesday (October 21). Residents have since signed an online petition launched by the Turks and Caicos Reef Fund (TCRF) aimed at getting the Government to extend the consultation period to December 1. The environmental group said citizens should be allowed more time to examine the potential impacts that the very complex petroleum industry may bring to TCI. The petition on Change. org, which has a target of 1,500 signatures, had already garnered 1,087 signatures up to press time. Many signatories said they fear petroleum exploration would adversely impact the TCI’s natural environment, especially its marine life, and affect its ‘beautiful by nature’ reputation. Some have said a clear ‘no’ the bill, while others suggested the Government should allot a longer period for national consultation to allow citizens to digest the contents of the bill. Kathleen Wood said: “This decision is too important to rush through. The people of TCI need to be appropriately consulted with town hall meetings, and plenty of time to read the bill being proposed.” Signatory Dan Wills said:
Screenshot of some of the comments on the online petition
“TCIG has the ability to lead the Caribbean in infinite solar, wave and wind renewable energy sources. “Why are we following a dirty, dying and failing industry that will wipe out tourism, the number one source of income for the country?” Another commenter Mathew Slattery said the bill is incredibly “short sighted”. He added that: “During an age of innovation it would be silly to attempt to exploit a non-renewable resource that could potentially have a huge detrimental impact on our environment, which is currently the only thing keeping us going.” Chris Kerr said: “It’s insane to allow petroleum exploration at a time when our reefs are so severely
threatened by changes in the ocean. “Petroleum is a dying fuel source; the reefs are a precious resource and a significant part of the tourist income that drives the economy. We risk that at our peril.” Meghann Kruck said: “We have sun, wind - many ways to create energy without the destruction that comes with digging for oil. “We should be seeking clean energy options not looking for dirty ones. Our island has enough trash, let’s not trash our ocean and further damage our natural resources.” Sallie Arnett wrote that the thought of allowing offshore drilling in such a beautiful place is heart-breaking. She added that: “The true value of the island is in its people and
its natural resources. Please don’t let greed that benefits only a few destroy this beautiful paradise.” Sonia Osmani also called on the Government to rethink the bill. “Don’t let this wonderful place become the victim of the money chasing system that is destroying our planet.” Anne Notley said carbon should remain in the ground: “There’s enough reserves to last for decades already, we don’t need anymore. “Are we not trying to move away from oil based fuels? This is just another way for more of the rich elite to nor’easter their wealth.” Michaela O’Connor said: “This decision is way too important. And the Turks and Caicos Government
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should also rethink whether the future really lies in exploring petrol, given that many places are divesting from it.” TCRF’s Alizee Zimmermann said: “We need consultation. This has not happened. “The people of the TCI were mostly unaware of this draft bill until the day before it was meant to end. “We need actual public consultation. This type of underhanded legislation is not acceptable.” Apart from the online petition residents also shared their thoughts about petroleum exploration on social media. In a lengthy impassioned plea to Hon. Douglas Parnell, Dom Rolle called on the parliamentarian to vote ‘no’ if and when the bill reaches the House of Assembly. Rolle said: “When JoJo the dolphin and his children wash up on Grace Bay beach with blow holes spitting oil and blood, you will likely be an old man collecting a handsome monthly pension greater than the yearly pay of some hard-working people in this country for ruining the future of this fragile paradise. “When the brown pelicans that proudly soar over our Islands as our national bird writhe lifelessly in the muck of mutilated mangroves, will you do the work of adopting them, cleaning each feather by hand, nursing them back to life?” Rolle concluded: “Oil is one of the oldest deals with the devil a group of politicians can make for their nation.”
October 24-30, 2020
Salt Cay has its own district board for “the better management of public affairs”
Boards, billows and Ballambangjangs CONGRATULATIONS are in order. According to the Turks and Caicos Islands post Cabinet meeting statement of October 7, the Salt Cay District Board has been reappointed. Or as the statement read: “Approved the appointment of Gary Lightbourne (chair), Antonette Talbot, Holton Dickenson, Debbie Been, Gladys Kennedy as members and district commissioner Salt Cay, supervisor public works, police officer in charge of Salt Cay, environmental health officer in charge as ex-officio members and secretary/clerical officer to DC Salt Cay of the Salt Cay District Board from October 1 to March 31, 2021.” Aside from the misspelling of Ms Nettie’s name, it’s Antoinette, it was mildly amusing to read about the “police officer in charge of Salt Cay”. If there is in fact a police officer in charge of Salt Cay, he/she must be sitting in some office in Grand Turk or Providenciales, as there hasn’t been a resident police officer on the charmed isle since autumn of 2017. But that’s not the subject of this column; more on that, perhaps, another time. I must confess that I did not know that Salt Cay has a district board until last year’s visit of the Local Government and Modernisation Committee. They had come to the island to seek the thoughts and opinions of the citizens of Salt Cay and to inform our community of their efforts:
Titus de Boer was born in Hamburg and spent his formative years in the West Indies. After a formal education in Germany and subsequent training as a journalist, he moved to the TCI in 1989. Titus’ Salt Cay stories and photographs can be found on www.saltcaynote.com
“To review the current structure in light of single constituency and all island elected representatives. To review other regional models. “Engage in community consultations to ascertain the concerns of the populace in relation to strengthening local government and district administration. “To make recommendation to the premier for the modernisation of TCI’s model via a report that will be submitted to Cabinet for consideration and implementation.” The stated goal of this exercise, the islanders were informed, was: “To strengthen and enhance the operation, management and effectiveness of the current district administration and to see what areas can be transformed by modernisation, improved and
reinforced upon to ensure its continued effectiveness in delivering the needs of the people of the TCI.” And that’s how I learned that Salt Cay has a district board. Ever eager to learn more, I concluded that I might as well find out what it is the district board does or is appointed to do. After a brief Google search of ‘Laws of the Turks and Caicos Islands’ I ended up on the exceedingly useful site of the Attorney General’s Chambers, www.gov.tc/agc/laws One final search of ‘District Boards’ and there it was: The Caicos District Boards Ordinance. The ordinance, which first came into effect on April 21, 1945, and was revised in 1977, is a mere six pages long. Established for “the better management of public affairs” the reader of the Caicos District Ordinance is informed that “each board shall meet at such times (being not less than every two months) as may be necessary or expedient for the transaction of their business...” The document goes on to say that “each board may, from time to time, and shall, if called upon by the governor, make regulations in respect to the area under its control”. We then learn that these regulations can be made with regard to public health, water supplies, cultivation of land and provision of fees and charges, but that “regulations made under this section shall have no effect until they have been approved by the governor”. That last sentence really says it all. In fact, the district board has little or
no power per se, which explains why the Government and Opposition saw the need for a Local Government and Modernisation Committee. Nevertheless, now that I am aware of the Salt Cay District Board, if any of its members wish to use this forum to get the word out, reporting what they’ve been up to lately, please feel free to do so. Moving on. Rough seas are back. And as the mighty billows are starting their assault on the Salt Cay sea wall, it’s time to check the Salt Cay Note inbox. Last week’s column appears to have resonated with readers in Asia, especially India. One reader from the subcontinent writes: “I liked the ending line ‘take a shower while you are at it’. I felt the efforts of Enrique Dickenson, to bring in the water supply.” Another reader, from Singapore, refers to Salt Cay as “your Ballambangjang”. Your what? Once again I have to plead ignorance and confess that I had no idea what he was talking about, let alone how to pronounce it. It turns out that a ‘Ballambangjang’ is any fictitious or fantastical place that seems too good to be true and first appeared in the language in 19thcentury nautical slang in reference to the ‘Straits of Ballambangjang’. And there we have it. So, is Salt Cay too good to be true? That’s a tricky one. One thing is for sure, in the midst of a global pandemic it’s been quite the blessing for those fortunate to be here, Covid-19 free and safe. And for that we should all be grateful.
October 24-30, 2020
PNP selects 15th candidate for elections showdown BY DELANA ISLES THE PROGRESSIVE National Party (PNP) has named Blue Hills native Kyle Knowles to represent the Wheeland and West Caicos constituency at the upcoming general election. Knowles joins Leshun Misick - the final two candidates to be named - to round off the full slate of candidates for the Opposition party. Misick will campaign for the Grand Turk South constituency. Knowles replaced Dameko Dean, while Misick replaced Pedro Ariza. Both candidates had resigned their candidacy in January this year - one due to fraud charges
and the other for personal reasons. Dean was charged with offences relating to the claims and objections process for the upcoming general election on January 10. On its Facebook page, the PNP stated this week that the party is pleased with what Knowles brings to the table. “Mr Knowles is a young man full of passion and zeal, and committed to the works ahead, as he continues to reach out to his fellow constituents. “He is a young man who believes in country over self and has dedicated himself to the empowerment of our youth.” In a brief biography provided
to the press this week, Knowles expressed his desire to lead. “I have a genuine desire for serving the people of my country and community and will maintain my core values of integrity, honesty, empathy and loyalty. “I am a proactive young leader who will seek to ensure, that the voice of Wheeland and West Caicos (ED-10) constituents will always be heard and will not fall on deaf ears. “I will endeavour to meet their needs when elected as their representative.” The young man is serving as the facilities manager with TCI Sports Commission and is the presidentelect and board member of the Rotary Club of Providenciales.
Kyle Knowles joins PNP fight for next government
The PNP said the now complete slate of candidates is composed of a diverse group of individuals who can adequately address the large
spectrum of concerns that plague TCI citizens, while preparing to lead the country in the direction of success and progress.
Alexandra and Blue Haven Resorts to remain closed until November 15 BY OLIVIA ROSE NUMEROUS cancellations, strict Covid-19 measures and reduced airlift has forced a group of allinclusive resorts in the TCI to push back its reopening dates. Turks and Caicos Collection (TCC) manages Ambergris Cay, Alexandra Resort, Beach House Resort and Blue Haven Resorts. In a recent on Thursday, October 15, it said that due to the low occupancy rates and heavy cancellations of existing reservations, reopening dates for the resorts have been adjusted. Alexandra and Blue Haven Resorts are now scheduled to reopen on November 15, Beach House Resort will reopen December 15 and Ambergris Cay will remain open. The hotels originally reopened on July 22 but were forced to close again after two weeks. TCC said travellers are not making new reservations because of the strict Covid-19 testing prerequisites. “Due to the ongoing challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Turks and Caicos Collection continues to experience heavy cancellations of existing reservations and continued resistance to making new reservations because of the
Blue Haven Resort is managed by Turks and Caicos Collection
Covid-19 testing requirements and reduced airlift.” The resort group added: “As an island destination, it is vital to maintain these important air routes to ensure access for our valued guests to travel safely and conveniently. “We remain hopeful that the situation will improve.” Back in August, the resort group
temporarily laid off some 250 workers and made others redundant as it struggled to cope with the impact of the coronavirus crisis. This massive layoff was triggered after the pandemic forced numerous countries, including the TCI, to implement stringent measures to contain the rapid spread of the coronavirus.
The TCI Government implemented a travel authorisation policy requiring proof of a negative PCR Covid-19 test at least five days prior to arrival as well as travel insurance. In a statement to the media issued on August 9, TCC stressed that these measures harshly impacted travel which in turn led
to transient accommodation. “Either through cancelations of flight, inability to access testing within the specified time frame, prohibitive costing of a travel package with respect to Canadian travellers, the unwillingness to quarantine for 14 days post return to their country, demand is severely down.”
October 24-30, 2020
Delicious pumpkin soup with a Caribbean touch
Oshin Whyte will be conducting important marine research at the University of Kent
Islander off to UK to research TCI’s coastal cultural values TURKS and Caicos Islander and environmental scientist, Oshin Whyte, has copped a prestigious spot at the University of Kent to conduct research on coastal cultural values of the TCI. Whyte will be studying for a Masters by Research at the university in the United Kingdom. The news was posted to the Facebook page of the Department of Environment and Coastal Resources this week. During the one year research project, Whyte will be supervised by Dr Robert Fishm, reader in Tourism Management, and Dr Mark Hampton. Both are geographers with expertise on small-island culture. Commenting on her new endeavour, Whyte said: “I have ample experience working in and around the marine environment in the Turks and Caicos and have over 1,000 logged scuba dives. “I am beyond ecstatic about this masters programme here at the University of Kent as it provides me with the opportunity to explore a topic that hasn’t been explored in the Turks and Caicos. “One that will contribute to the wider understanding and ultimately the better management of the marine environment of the islands. Something that I am passionate about.” Whyte’s Coastal Cultural Values
project forms part of the Darwin PLUS funded Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) project. This project is a collaboration between the Department of Environment and Coastal Resources (DECR) and the South Atlantic Environmental Research Institute (SAERI). The aim of the MSP project is to develop MSP tools for TCI to feed into long term planning and decision making in the marine environment, and to help achieve the ecological, economic and social objectives of the Government. Coastal areas are especially important to human well-being with about half the world’s population living close to the sea, and cultural identity is strongly associated with the ways in which people interact with their coastal areas. Coastal cultural values, therefore are the nonmaterial benefits people obtain from coastal areas. The Coastal Cultural Values project aims to contribute to the MSP project by investigating the distribution of the coastal cultural values around the Turks and Caicos Islands. Whyte’s research is informed by work conducted in the South Atlantic by Dr Robert Fish at the University of Kent, and is designed to inform practical consideration of cultural values in marine decision making.
Halloween pumpkin DID you get your pumpkin for Halloween yet? When buying your pumpkin, it should be firm. Choose a squash with the skin as intact as possible. If you buy the pumpkin for consumption, remember that the weight (in pounds) gives the flesh yield (in cups). So, a three pound pumpkin will yield about three cups of edible flesh. The pumpkin has a thick skin because it is a winter squash. If you want to decorate your pumpkin or place a candle inside, you need a good knife to dig it. Remember that virtually everything in the pumpkin is edible and rich in nutrients, which opens the door to a multitude of healthy culinary achievements. In the Caribbean, pumpkins are often called calabaza, winter squash or tropical pumpkins. They are a little different from the North American large pumpkins, being green skinned instead of orange. The flesh of the calabaza is perfectly orange though and the taste is very similar to both pumpkin and butternut squash. Did you know that pumpkins and squash, melons and cucumbers all originate from one single ancestral seed? When Halloween is over and you don’t know what to do with
Denis is a passionate landscape architect who enjoys the creative process and his clients’ joy when projects come to life. Contact Denis at Nature Splendor for your landscaping, installation or garden maintenance needs. For more information call 332-3381 or email denisbgarden@gmail.com or visit the Facebook page Nature Splendor.
your pumpkin, you can always do composting but make sure you cut it into really small pieces. If you live next to a field of Caribbean cows, wild horses or donkeys, you can go and feed them with it. You can also scoop out the seeds, roast them and eat them. But don’t bother to plant the seeds from the orange pumpkins, it’s a little too hot here to grow them. Cooking with pumpkin is great because it’s not expensive and it’s so good. There are so many things you can do with it. Many desserts like ice cream, cake, pie, cupcakes, cheesecake, flan or pasta, mash, smoothie, fries, liquor, butter, dip, bread, chips. And this is a soup that I make: PUMPKIN SOUP WITH A CARIBBEAN TOUCH INGREDIENTS • • • • •
2 tbsp of vegetable oil 1 onion diced 2 carrots peeled and sliced 2 cloves garlic chopped 6 cups chicken stock or vegetable stock • 3 cups peeled and small cubed pumpkin flesh • 3 cups peeled sweet potatoes
• • • • • • •
or butternut squash / cut in small cubes 1 tsp curry 1/2 tsp ground nutmeg 1 tsp fresh ground ginger Half pint of cream Juice of one lime (optional) salt and freshly ground pepper to taste And a little bit of local Bambarra rum (optional)
METHOD • In a large pot, heat oil over medium high heat. Add onion, carrot, garlic, fresh ginger, sweet potatoes (or butternut squash), pumpkins and spices, then turn heat to medium low, cooking until onions are translucent and vegetables are slightly tender. • Add rum (about ½ cup or less), wait a couple minutes and then add stock. Bring to a boil. • Reduce heat to low and cover, simmering until pumpkin is tender, about 20 minutes. • Use a potato masher right in the pot to puree until roughly smooth. • Add the cream at the very end just before serving. You can also add some fresh parsley.
October 24-30, 2020
Telecoms company launches app suite DIGICEL released a suite of eight apps this week as part of a bid to launch itself as a leading digital operator. The apps feature sports, music, news, local radio, podcasts, messaging, marketplaces and cloud storage. Digicel TCI CEO Addison Stoddard rolled out the collection of apps at Digicel’s Providenciales headquarters on Tuesday (October 20). He described it as a “digital ecosystem” that fulfils and exceeds customers’ everyday needs and expectations. In a press release, Denis O’Brien, Digicel group chairman, said: “This
is the biggest thing we have done since our launch in Jamaica 19 years ago. “Today we’re taking a massive step into our future and telling our customers that we will be with them 24 hours or 1,440 minutes of each day - that’s every minute of every day - and that we will always have an app and a digital experience to delight and engage them. “That promise of a constant connection in turn makes for a far deeper, more impactful and more resonant relationship with our customers.” New Digicel Prime Bundles feature all of Digicel’s suite of digital services.
Digicel TCI CEO Addison Stoddard introduced the collection of apps
These include D’Music for music, PlayGo for TV streaming, SportsMax for sports, BiP for advanced messaging, video and voice calling, gaming and marketplaces, LOOP for local and international news, GoLoud for 75 local radio stations and podcasts and Billo for cloud storage.
Kiwanis donate 30 tablets THE KIWANIS Club of Providenciales distributed 30 tablets to students across the TCI this week to help with their online learning. They made the donations at schools in Providenciales, Grand Turk, North and Middle Caicos on Saturday (October 17). A spokesperson for the group said: “Due to the Government’s decision to continue with the online learning platform the club is focusing its efforts to ensure that as many children are able to participate along with their class by providing tablets to those in need. “The initiative was so well received and there are still some more requests coming in. “Therefore, we would like to make this an ongoing project so, we are asking for the community for their support. “The Kiwanis Club of Providenciales would be grateful for your assistance to ensure that all kids are equipped for online learning, and with your help, no child will be left behind.” Anyone wishing to donate to the cause can deposit cash at First Caribbean account number #10256114 under Kiwanis Club of Providenciales.
Members of the Kiwanis Club of Providenciales distribute tablets
And on top of that there’s Digicel’s self-care destination, MyDigicel app. Oliver Coughlan, Digicel CEO Caribbean and Central America, said: “With our Digicel Prime Bundles, we‘re making sure our customers can enjoy more of the things they love, with even more data. “Our Digicel Prime Bundles are
unmatched in the market. Nothing else comes close. “Whatever our customers are into, we have an app and a digital experience for them meaning they can do more, experience more, learn more, laugh more, make more, share more, listen more and play more together with Digicel.”
October 24-30, 2020
October 24-30, 2020
Regional News
Human trials for new COVID vaccine approved for Cayman A CAYMAN Islands healthcare facility has been given approval for a phase one clinical trial of a COVID-19 vaccine. Perseus Cayman Limited is looking for 20 volunteers within the islands for the first phase of human trials for its vaccine. The Cayman Islands Health Practice Commission has approved the application to conduct the trial, the Cayman Compass has confirmed. Anyone interested in volunteering to take part is asked to contact Dr. Sook Yin, the company’s principal investigator, by email at sook.yin@ perseuspci.com. Yin, also the medical director of Perseus Cayman, which is involved in research and treatment of cancer, said she had been working for many years with the US-based scientists behind the new COVID vaccine. Running a trial in Cayman ensures that the people of the Caribbean are part of this initiative and puts the islands and the region on the global stage and on the leading edge of vaccine development,” she added. “Our residents have an opportunity to take part in a trial that may offer a life-saving solution
Dr. Sook Yin at her Perseus office in George Town.
to this unprecedented global public health crisis.” TRIALS IN MICE Documents provided by the company to the Compass indicate the vaccine has had a 100% success rate in producing antibodies in tests on mice. Unlike many other vaccines
currently being developed, it does not contain the COVID-19 virus itself, the company indicated. Instead of targeting the active virus, it attacks the spike proteins, which allow it to attach to human cells. “The enhanced image of COVID-19 virus is now well recognized, largely by virtue of
its distinctive external spikes,” a Perseus spokesman stated in an email to the Compass. “The COVID-19 virus attaches itself to human cells using these spike proteins, which in simple terms act as a ‘sort of Velcro’ that attaches to the human cell for long enough to invade that cell.” Perseus Cayman Limited was originally established, in collaboration with its US scientific partner Orbis Health Solutions, to conduct clinical trials on a highly promising personalised cancer immunotherapy vaccine. Employing the same specialised technology used to develop its cancer vaccine, the company believes it can create an effective vaccine against COVID-19, through its ability to “successfully deliver and display foreign substances (antigens), such as a virus or tumour cell, to the immune system” to help it recognise the invader and trigger an immune response. It is believed that if the vaccine can help the immune system recognise and target the “spike proteins” of the COVID-19 virus, then the virus itself will not be able to attach itself
to human cells. CAYMAN TRIAL In a statement to the Compass, the Perseus spokesman indicated, “In preclinical studies, results have shown that the vaccine has been able to produce antibodies to the COVID-19 spike protein in 100 percent of cases. “For this initial human trial, 20 volunteers are being sought to receive the vaccine to determine if a similar antibody response can be produced in humans.” Volunteers would have their blood taken immediately to ensure they do not already have antibodies. After an injection of the vaccine, volunteers will have blood draws after one, two, four and eight weeks to test for the presence of antibodies which target the spike proteins. Half of the patients will get a second inoculation after two weeks to determine if one or two vaccination injections are required, the spokesperson said. If the trial is successful, the company will seek permission to expand it to a larger number of volunteers within the territory. (Cayman Compass)
Caribbean threatened by 1.3 million barrels of oil from sinking oil tanker A STATE of environmental emergency is being called for by fishermen in Trinidad and Tobago over a sinking oil tanker with 1.3 million barrels of oil. If the oil spills, it would threaten the entire Southern Caribbean. At 264 meters in length and a capacity of 1.4 million barrels, the spill would be five times worse than the Exxon Valdez oil spill in Alaska in 1989, which was the worst in history until the 2010 BP Deepwater Horizon. Officials have been criticized for allowing the situation to evolve for three months without taking sufficient action. The Nabarima is a Venezuelan oil tanker but partoperated by Italian energy giant, $55 billion ENI, and has been caught up in US sanctions since disputed elections questioned the legitimacy of the Venezuelan President. The tilting had been of concern since it was first noticed in July and crews later discovered water leaking on board. The situation has gotten progressively worse since then. It was only last week that a representative of the fishing community in Trinidad, Gary Aboud, was able to get close enough to the heavily listing Venezuelan oil tanker to show first hand how serious the risk is, especially with the Caribbean in a particularly active 2020 hurricane season that is only due to end by November 30. Combined with drone footage
to show the angle of tilting, his two and a half minute video (link below) shows the risk that poor weather would have on the tanker, and what he highlights as a lack of urgency by the Trinidad and Tobago Government or the international community to act. With the oil spill in Mauritius in August, it was the UN shipping regulator, the International Maritime Organization, who sent representatives to co-ordinate the Wakashio oil spill efforts for the United Nations but they were widely seen to have exacerbated the oil spill crisis. Ironically, the news from the Caribbean comes as the IMO is debating oil and emission targets for ships in London this week, amid criticism that environmental standards are being watered down by this UN agency. Gary Aboud, Corporate Secretary of Trinidad and Tobago based environmental group, Fishermen and Friends of the Sea, went to the site of the Nabarima, moored in Venezuelan waters, to highlight the risk posed to the over 50,000 fishermen of Trinidad and Tobago that rely on the sea, the potential long term ecological harm to species in this coral reef and biodiversity rich region, as well as the broader regional risk to the Caribbean given the direction of the currents and wind at this time of year. Reports from the Trinidad and
Drone footage of the listing Venezuelan oil tanker, FSO Nabarima, taken on 16 October 2020, showing a worsening tilt as more water leaks on board.
Tobago Guardian had been calling for action since early September. The Nabarima has a capacity of 1.4 million barrels, and was abandoned without a crew by the Venezuelan state and a joint venture with Italian energy giant, ENI, following sanctions from the United States in late 2019. FLOODING SINCE AUGUST There had been images and warnings about water coming on board when Venezuelan oil worker Eudis Girot first posted these on August 30. Eudis Girot is a tugboat
captain for the Maritime Division of Venezuela’s State Oil Company, PDVSA, and Executive Director of Venezuela’s FUTPV Oil Workers Union. He has actively championed issues of poor worker conditions and environmental risk in Venezuela in the past. With the prevailing currents and wind direction, an oil spill of this magnitude would threaten the entire Southern Caribbean for years to come. This includes the major tourism hotspots such as Grenada, Barbados, St Lucia, St Vincent and the
CARIBBEAN CORAL NETWORK AT RISK The chain of islands and corals are part of a unique genetic coral reef system extending from Venezuela all the way along the Caribbean to the coast of Florida. The coral reefs that originate from Venezuela and Trinidad and Tobago are foundational to the health of coral ecosystems across the entire Caribbean. Each island has a genetically unique set of corals that initially evolved from Trinidadian corals, and the ocean microbiome (the bacteria that grow around corals) are critical to give corals their color and life. Other coral systems in the Caribbean had been dependent on receiving nutrients and healthy bacteria from these source corals over thousands of years. It is these bacteria that could be harmed by a major oil spill, leading to long term genetic damage to the already climate-stressed corals. Oil spills and their harmful chemicals (like PAHs) cause long term genetic impact on coastal ecosystems, impacting gender balance of species and other parts of the genetic code that humans are only just understanding. This can lead to long term collapse of once healthy marine ecosystems, as has been seen elsewhere in the world. (Forbes.com)
October 24-30, 2020
Regional News
Hurricane Dorian became the most intense tropical cyclone on record to strike the Bahamas, and is regarded as the worst natural disaster in the country’s history.
Residents sue over insurance after destruction of Dorian GRAND Bahama homeowners whose residential properties were destroyed a year ago during Hurricane Dorian are taking legal action in the Supreme Court against a major bank and insurance companies for allegedly failing to pay premiums on their insurance policies. Beryn Duncanson, of Bahamas Claims Assistants Co Ltd, has filed writs in the Supreme Court on behalf of Marvin and Latalia Dames, and Laura Lorraine Jones and Latory Pivonne Simmons who both have home mortgages with First Caribbean International Bank. The properties, located in Freeport, sustained major damage last September and were considered a total loss. The plaintiffs believed their homes were effectively insured at the time. Mr and Mrs Dames, owners of a residential property at No 110 Explorer’s Way, Hudson Estates East, Freeport, are suing the bank and Insurance Management (Bahamas) Ltd for negligence and breach of contract. Ms Jones and Mr Simmons,
owners of a residential property at No 3 Ingrave Drive, Freeport, are suing the bank and Colina General Insurance Agents & Brokers Limited, and Bahamas First General Insurance Company Limited. According to a statement of claim filed on November 26, 2019, the Dames’ property sustained damage estimated at a total loss where insurance coverage had previously been $110,000. Ms Jones and Mr Simmons had insurance coverage of some $209,000. When the homeowners sought to make a claim against their insurance policy they were subsequently advised by the bank (the first defendant) and the insurance company (the second defendant) that no insurance policy for the property had been renewed or effected. It is claimed that due to the grievous neglect of the bank to pay insurance premiums the policy was cancelled without notice of any kind from either the bank or the insurance companies.
Hurricane Epsilon became a major Category 3 Hurricane in record time.
Hurricane Epsilon shatters records HURRICANE Epsilon rapidly intensified Tuesday and Wednesday, unexpectedly becoming a major Category 3 hurricane and claiming two records as it cruised northwest over the open Atlantic. Bermuda was expected to be sideswiped by the storm Thursday before it became a powerful mid-latitude storm and races east across the ocean. On Tuesday morning, Epsilon was a 45 mph tropical storm; by early Wednesday, it had morphed into a Category 1 hurricane with 90 mph winds. It surprised meteorologists when it intensified into Category 3 major hurricane with 115 mph winds on Wednesday afternoon. That significantly exceeds the criterion for “rapid intensification” of 35 mph or more in 24 hours. Epsilon jumped at least 50 mph in that same time frame. According to Sam Lillo, a postdoctoral researcher with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration, no other storms on record have even approached that rate of intensification or reached Epsilon’s strength near its current position so late in the season. Epsilon joins Laura, Teddy, and Delta as the fourth major hurricane of 2020 in the Atlantic. Only Laura impacted land at major hurricane strength. The unsettling achievements mark the latest toppled records in what can only be described as a rambunctious hurricane season. Epsilon is the 26th named storm to form in the 2020 season, which has outpaced every other hurricane season to date. An ordinary season averages just over a dozen named storms in the Atlantic. If one more named storm forms in 2020, it will tie the mark for most storms in any Atlantic hurricane season on record, set in 2005. Rapid intensification occurs when atmospheric and ocean conditions foster a period of explosive development within a tropical storm
or hurricane. Weak upper-level winds allow the storm to mature in its vertical structure, while warm sea surface temperatures provide the fuel to support its organization. Epsilon is the seventh named storm to rapidly intensify in the Atlantic in 2020. This month, Delta intensified from a tropical depression with 35 mph winds to a Category 4 with 145 mph winds — faster than any previous storm on record. It weakened to a Category 2 storm before lashing Mexico’s Yucatán Peninsula, including Cancun, and then southwest Louisiana. Rapid intensification is probably a product of warming waters in the face of climate change. And more storms are likely to undergo rapid intensification in the future, presenting predictive challenges to meteorologists. In mid-September, Hurricane Sally intensified leading up to its landfall in southern Alabama as a 105 mph Category 2.
Police criticise rape statistics report that places Bermuda fifth in the world A REPORT that Bermuda ranked fifth in the world for rape offences was today attacked by the island’s top police officer. Commissioner of Police Stephen Corbishley said the report, published on Facebook, was misleading “to some degree” because the Bermuda statistics included all sex offences – not just rape or attempted rape. Mr Corbishley said: “Within this category is included acts such as ’flashing’ – that is with no contact to a victim – or ’groping’, as well as cyber grooming.” He added these were “all very serious matters, but very different
in type and victimisation”. Mr Corbishley said the number of reported sexual assaults in Bermuda “over the past years” had varied from 26 to 58 a year. He added that one victim could be the “subject of a number of recorded offences against them”. But Mr Corbishley admitted the number of rapes reported to police and other agencies were “far fewer than the reality”. Mr Corbishley said that victims were reluctant to come forward because they were “afraid to report or find themselves in situations, for example abusive relationships, where such disclosure would lead
to further violent and coercive acts being done to them”. But he added: “However, the BPS is not complacent in this regard with the previously stated belief that many offences are not reported. “Indeed, as Commissioner, I would see a rise in the reporting of these offences as indicative of greater confidence by the victims to step forward.” Mr Corbishley highlighted that “stranger attacks” were not common in Bermuda. The statistics on Facebook came from a website called World Population Review.
Mr Corbishley said an investigation into a recent serious sexual assault of that type on a woman at Point Shares, off Pitts Bay Road in Pembroke, continued, but that they were “extremely rare”. He added: “However it is essential that the BPS and other and its partner services manage effectively the risk presented by a small number of individuals within our communities that are known and registered sex offenders.” He said that the information reported on did not include sex assaults against children, which were “captured in a separate crime category”.
Mr Corbishley added: “Again, this is a most serious category of offending where I share the belief held by many agencies in Bermuda, such as Scars and the Coalition for the Protection of Children, that there is considerable and worrying under-reporting in this area.” He said: “The BPS and many other partner agencies in Bermuda are there to support victims of rape and any sexual offences against them. “Rape is a horrific crime for anyone to suffer and causes longlasting and often irreparable damage to the victim, beyond the physical act itself.” (Royal Gazette)
October 24-30, 2020
Fast & Furious franchise to reach end of the road ‘after two more films’
F9 actors Michelle Rodriguez, Jordana Brewster, Nathalie Emmanuel, Tyrese Gibson and Vin Diesel in January 2020.
THE long-running Fast & Furious movie franchise is to come to an end after two more films, according to reports. Justin Lin will direct what will be the 10th and 11th films in the series, Deadline and Variety said. The ninth film in the franchise will be released in May 2021, having been put back a year by the Covid-19 pandemic. The action-packed film series began in 2001 with The Fast and the Furious, starring Vin Diesel, Michelle Rodriguez and the late Paul
Walker. The franchise has since expanded to incorporate eight direct sequels, one movie spin-off and an animated TV series. The series - which includes last year’s Fast & Furious: Hobbs & Shaw - has so far generated $5.7bn (£4.3bn) worldwide. Furious 7, released in 2015, is the most successful instalment to date, having made $1.5bn (£1.1bn). According to Deadline, the final two films are likely to tell “a big story” that will reunite all the series’ core cast members. Distributor Universal has been approached for comment. HOW FRANCHISE BECAME VAST AND VICTORIOUS When The Fast and the Furious was released in 2001, few predicted it would spawn a global box office behemoth. Modest in scale and named after a 1954 B-movie, its story of an undercover cop who infiltrates a group of vehicle-hijacking street racers was a hit with audiences, but was met with critical derision. “The Fast and the Furious... scarcely lives up to its title,” sneered Entertainment Weekly, while The Washington Post dubbed it “Rebel Without a Cause without a cause”. The BBC’s Neil Smith, though, gave a warm welcome to “a visceral, high-octane, Formula One of a flick” that was “the best movie of the summer”. Walker returned, minus Diesel, in 2 Fast 2 Furious, which saw him and new co-star Tyrese Gibson fall foul of a Miami drug lord under the late John Singleton’s direction. That was followed in 2006 by The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift, which saw a new character - Lucas Black’s Sean Boswell - become involved in illegal street racing in Japan. It was 2009’s Fast & Furious, however, that set the template for the series’ subsequent development as a globetrotting action franchise in the James Bond mould. The film saw Brian O’Conner (Walker) and Dominic Toretto (Diesel) reunite and join forces to bring down a Mexican drug cartel. Fast Five (2011) took the formula to Rio and introduced Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson as Luke Hobbs, a US enforcement agent intent on bringing Toretto to justice. In 2013, Fast & Furious 6 took the team to London before climaxing with an explosive showdown involving a cargo plane attempting to take off. The BBC subsequently calculated that a runway would need to be 18.37 miles (29.6km) long for the 13-minute sequence to be achieved in reality. Fast & Furious 7 followed in 2015, although its release was overshadowed by Walker’s tragic death in a car accident in December 2013.
October 24-30, 2020
October 24-30, 2020
Rapper 50 Cent endorses Trump over taxes IN a stunning announcement, rapper 50 Cent endorsed President Trump for another term in office after previously criticising him for the nation’s coronavirus failures. The change of heart appears to have originated from 50 Cent seeing a graphic that shows Joe Biden’s tax proposal from the CNBC programme “Power Lunch.” The rapper, who managed to get rich without dying while trying, declared his intention to vote for Trump while also leaving New York City in the image caption. “WHAT THE F---! (VOTE ForTRUMP) IM OUT, F--- NEW YORK The KNICKS never win anyway. I don’t care Trump doesn’t like black people 62% are you out of ya f------ mind.” The caption also included several emojis. The Biden tax plan only applies to people making more than $400,000
Adele made her name in America as a musical guest on SNL in 2008.
Saturday Night Live: Adele ‘excited’ and ‘terrified’ to host 50 Cents endorsed after seeing Joe Biden’s tax proposal for the rich.
a year. 50 Cent immediately moves close to the top of the list of celebrities who have endorsed Donald Trump,
which includes Kid Rock, Jon Voight, Roseanne Barr, Kirstie Alley, Scott Baio and several others. (NYDailynews)
WHAT do the following stars all have in common? Chris Rock, Bill Burr, Issa Rae and Adele. Well, as of this weekend, they will all have recently guest presented the coveted US comedy sketch series Saturday Night Live. Adele announced the news on Instagram on Sunday, saying she is “so excited” and “absolutely terrified”. The Grammy-winning UK pop star will have one of her favourite US singer-songwriters, H.E.R, as a musical guest. Her big presenting debut on the long-running NBC series is described as “a standalone moment”, and as such is not necessarily tied to her releasing any new music.
“Bloooooody hellllll” wrote Adele. “I’m so excited about this!! And also absolutely terrified! My first ever hosting gig and for SNL of all things!!!! “I’ve always wanted to do it as a stand alone moment, so that I could roll up my sleeves and fully throw myself into it, but the time has never been right.” She added: “But if there was ever a time for any of us to jump head first into the deep end with our eyes closed and hope for the best it’s 2020 right?” Adele has kept a low profile since her world tour ended early in 2017, but she has been rumoured to be in the studio making a new fourth album.
Wendell Pierce, left, and B.B. King.
Wendell Pierce to portray blues legend B.B. King in upcoming biopic WENDELL Pierce is ready for his close-up. After more than 30 years of playing character and supporting roles in films, television shows and various theater productions, the acclaimed actor will is readying a monumental role – as blues legend B.B. King in a new film. “We are official. Preparation has begun on a film where I will be honored to play the great, B.B. King. Humbled,” Pierce tweeted Monday. The working title of the project is “The Thrill Is On” – a play on King’s 1970 signature hit, a cover of Roy Hawkins’ classic “The Thrill Is Gone,” and will focus on the
decades-long friendship between King and young musician Michael Zanetis. According to IMDb, the script is being written by Zanetis and Melora Donoghue. King, who died in 2015 at the age of 89, is celebrated as one of the most influential and respected blues musicians of the last six decades. With over 56 live and studio albums and 15 Grammy Awards, including one Lifetime Achievement Award, the Berclair, Miss.-area native was inducted into the Blues Hall of Fame in 1980 and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1987.
October 24-30, 2020
World News
October 24-30, 2020
Republicans vote to advance Barrett’s Supreme Court nomination to the full Senate Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee voted unanimously on Thursday to advance the nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court over a boycott from the committee’s Democrats. The vote paves the way for the full Senate to confirm Barrett to the high court on Monday, ahead of the Nov. 3 election between President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden. Trump has repeatedly pressed for Barrett to be placed on the high court in time to resolve any electionrelated litigation, a request that Democrats see as a plain call for the court’s conservative majority to declare him the winner if the outcome is contested. The swift action by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham, R, S-C., to meet Trump’s deadline will make Barrett the first justice in history to be confirmed so close to Election Day. Barrett, who was a professor at Notre Dame Law School until Trump nominated her to serve on the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals approximately three years ago, will be the sixth Republican-appointee on the nine-judge Supreme Court, and Trump’s third nominee. Trump nominated her to the high
Democratic Senators on the Senate Judiciary Committee boycott the committee vote on Amy Coney Barrett to serve as an associate justice on the Supreme Court of the United States.
court last month after the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a liberal icon who served on the bench for 27 years. Ginsburg expressed a dying wish not to be replaced until after the election. As Ginsburg’s replacement, Barrett is expected to shift the court’s center of gravity decisively to the right, potentially imperiling the Democratic agenda items on health care, abortion access and the Second Amendment. In focus is a Nov. 10 case the court will hear over the constitutionality of Obamacare, also known as the
Affordable Care Act. While the Democrats did not appear at Thursday’s committee hearing, they left supersized posters of individuals who rely on the law in their seats. Republicans denounced the gesture as theatrics. Barrett declined to provide specifics about her views on Obamacare during two days of questioning before the committee last week, but reaffirmed her originalist method of interpretation and her affinity for the late Justice Antonin Scalia, the conservative hero for whom she clerked early in her career.
Russia says it’s willing to freeze nuclear arsenal to extend arms treaty with US RUSSIA said it is willing to agree to freeze its nuclear arsenals in order to extend key arms reduction treaty New START if the US does not pose any other requirements, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement Tuesday. “Russia proposes to extend the New START Treaty by one year and is ready, together with the United States, to make a political commitment to ‘freeze’ the number of nuclear warheads held by the parties for this period,” the statement said. “This can be implemented strictly and exclusively if there is understanding that the ‘freezing’ of warheads will not be accompanied by any additional demands from the United States,” it said, in reference to the US’ rejection of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s offer last week to extend the deal for a year without any preconditions. On Tuesday, US State Department spokesperson Morgan Ortagus said: “We appreciate the Russian Federation’s willingness to make progress on the issue of nuclear arms control.” “The United States is prepared
The Russian Foreign Ministry said it is ready to extend the New START treaty by one year if the US does not make any “additional demands.”
to meet immediately to finalize a verifiable agreement. We expect Russia to empower its diplomats to do the same,” Ortagus added in a statement. The landmark New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, set to expire on February 5, is the last treaty between the US and Russia placing limits on the growth of the world’s two largest nuclear arsenals since the US formally withdrew from the
Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces treaty in August 2019. The US has previously offered Russia an option to sign a presidential memorandum that would serve as a blueprint for the next comprehensive deal and that would address points of concern for the US, including China’s nuclear potential and Russia’s tactical nuclear weapons. China refused to partake in any discussions.
Michel Barnier last came to London for trade talks in late September.
Brexit: Michel Barnier heads to UK as trade talks restart EU chief negotiator Michel Barnier will arrive in London later to resume talks over a post-Brexit trade agreement, after a week-long standoff. The Frenchman will meet his UK counterpart Lord David Frost, after the pair agreed to restart faceto-face talks during a phone call on Wednesday. Officials from both sides will hold “intensified” daily talks in the run up to December’s deadline for a deal. No 10 warned that “significant gaps” remain in the most difficult areas. Negotiations stalled last week after a summit in Brussels where EU leaders called on the UK to “make the necessary moves” towards a deal. But the UK side agreed to resume talks after Mr Barnier said “compromises on both sides” were needed, in a speech on Wednesday. Both sides are seeking an agreement to govern their trading relationship once the UK’s postBrexit transition period ends in January 2021. Key areas of disagreement include fishing rights, post-Brexit competition rules and how any deal would be enforced. In a statement announcing the resumption of talks, No 10 spokesperson said it was “entirely possible that negotiations will not succeed”. But, they added: “We are ready, with the EU, to see if it is possible to bridge them in intensive talks.” FORMAT FOR TALKS In line with a demand made by the UK, both sides will resume talks on all subjects based on proposed legal texts prepared by officials. They have also agreed that “nothing is agreed” until progress has been reached in all areas - which has been a key demand of the EU. An “initial phase” of face-to-face
talks will run until Sunday, with subsequent negotiations planned in both Brussels and London. These later talks could either take place in person or be held via video link if Covid restrictions apply, if both sides agree. The two sides have been at odds over the issue of so-called “state aid” rules, which limit government help for industry in the name of ensuring fair economic competition. The UK has rejected an EU demand made earlier in the year for it to continue following the bloc’s rules on such subsidies as part of a trade agreement. Lord Frost has suggested the UK could instead agree “principles” for how subsidies are spent - something welcomed by Mr Barnier on Wednesday. The two sides are also haggling over how much European fishing boats should be able to catch in British waters from next year. The EU has so far resisted UK demands for annual talks to decide stock limits, as well as a reduction in access for its vessels to British fishing grounds. TRANSITION DEADLINE LOOMS By remaining in the bloc’s single market and customs union, the UK has continued to follow EU trading rules during its post-Brexit transition period. This 11-month period is due to end in December, and the UK has ruled out seeking an extension. Formal talks began in March and continued throughout the pandemic, initially via video link before inperson discussions resumed over the summer. If a deal is not done, the UK will trade with the EU according to the default rules set by the Geneva-based World Trade Organization. (BBC)
October 24-30, 2020
World News
Epstein: Ghislaine Maxwell denies knowledge of abuse US SEX offender Jeffrey Epstein’s former girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell said she never witnessed “inappropriate underage activities” by him, according to transcripts of a 2016 deposition. The deposition was made in a now-settled civil defamation lawsuit brought by one of the late financier’s accusers, Virginia Giuffre. Ms Maxwell had long fought to keep the testimony secret. She will go on trial in a criminal case next year and has pleaded not guilty. She is accused of helping Epstein traffic and sexually abuse underage girls and of perjury for having denied involvement in any such scheme when she gave her deposition under oath. The 58 year old has been in custody since her arrest in July. If convicted, she could be sentenced to up to 35 years in prison. WHAT DOES THE DEPOSITION SAY? Transcripts of the deposition were released on Thursday under the orders of US District Judge Loretta Preska. Ms Maxwell had fought to keep the documents under wraps. Her lawyers
argued that releasing it would violate her constitutional right against selfincrimination and could impede her right to a fair trial next year. They said she had believed the deposition would remain confidential. In the transcripts, Ms Maxwell repeatedly denies hiring anyone under the age of 18 for Epstein. “I never saw any inappropriate underage activities with Jeffrey ever,” she said. “All the time that I have been in the house I have never seen, heard, nor witnessed, nor have reported to me that any activities took place, that people were in distress, either reported to me by the staff or anyone else,” she said. Ms Giuffre alleges that Ms Maxwell recruited her, and says Epstein kept her as a “sex slave” with Maxwell’s assistance. Referring directly to Ms Giuffre, Ms Maxwell said: “I never ever at any single time at any point ever at all participated in anything with Virginia and Jeffrey. And for the record, she is an absolute total liar.” Asked if she trained Ms Giuffre to recruit other women to perform sexual massages, Ms Maxwell said: “It’s absurd and her entire story is one giant tissue of lies.”
In a Vanity Fair profile published in 2003, Epstein said Ms Maxwell was not a paid employee, but rather his “best friend”. In court documents, former employees at the Epstein mansion in Palm Beach describe her as the house manager, who oversaw the staff, handled finances and served as social co-ordinator, the Post reports.
Ghislaine Maxwell is due to go on trial in 2021.
Ms Maxwell said she had “no idea” how old Ms Giuffre was when she met Epstein. WHO IS GHISLAINE MAXWELL? Ms Maxwell is the daughter of the late disgraced UK newspaper tycoon Robert Maxwell, his ninth and youngest child. Born on Christmas Day in 1961 outside Paris, Ms Maxwell is Oxford-educated and is said to speak several languages, A well-connected socialite, she is said to have introduced Epstein to
many of her wealthy and powerful friends, including Bill Clinton and Prince Andrew. Friends said that although Ms Maxwell and Epstein’s romantic relationship lasted only a few years, she continued to work with him long afterward, the Washington Post reports. “She had an upbringing and taste and knew how to run a house and a boat and how to entertain,” an acquaintance was quoted by the UK’s Daily Telegraph as saying. “You can’t buy that. You can’t buy access, either.”
WHAT ARE THE CHARGES SHE FACES? Prosecutors allege that between 1994 and 1997, Ms Maxwell helped Epstein groom girls as young as 14. They have said that they expect “one or more victims” to testify. Four of the charges Ms Maxwell faces relate to the years 1994-97 when she was, according to the indictment, among Epstein’s closest associates and also in an “intimate relationship” with him. The other two charges are allegations of perjury in 2016. The indictment says Ms Maxwell “assisted, facilitated, and contributed to Epstein’s abuse of minor girls by, among other things, helping Epstein to recruit, groom and ultimately abuse victims known to Maxwell and Epstein to be under the age of 18”. (BBC)
Conservative MP quits government job over free school meals A TORY MP has quit her government job after voting for a Labour motion to offer free school meals during holidays until Easter 2021. Caroline Ansell said vouchers were not a long-term solution - but they helped families struggling with the pandemic. Footballer Marcus Rashford, who is leading a campaign on child hunger, urged MPs to “unite” and stop being influenced by “political affiliation”. On Wednesday evening, MPs rejected the Labour motion by 322 votes to 261. Home Office Minister Kit Malthouse insisted the government was helping low-income families through the welfare system. He said the government had raised Universal Credit by £20 a week, adjusted housing benefit to help people with their rent and given £63m to councils to help with hardship funding. He acknowledged the decision on free school meals was “a tough one” and praised Mr Rashford for his campaign bto tackle child hunger. Responding to the vote, Mr Rashford said “child food poverty has the potential to become the greatest pandemic the country has ever faced” and called on MPs to “face this head on”. “I don’t have the education of a politician... but I have a social
Caroline Ansell voted against the government.
education having lived through this,” he said. “These children matter... and for as long as they don’t have a voice, they will have mine.” Five Conservative MPs rebelled against their party by voting with Labour - including Ms Ansell who has now stepped down as parliamentary private secretary at the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. Explaining her decision, she said: “In these unprecedented times I am very concerned to be doing all we can to help lower income families and their children who are really struggling due
to the impact of the virus.” She said that food vouchers were “not perfect” arguing that it is better to link meals to activities so children “can also benefit from extracurricular learning and experience”. However. she added that vouchers could help families in her Eastbourne constituency who were struggling as a result of the pandemic. The government’s stance has also been criticised by Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage, who tweeted: “If the government can subsidise Eat Out to Help Out, not being seen to give poor kids lunch in the school holidays looks mean and is wrong.”
But Conservative MP for Bassetlaw MP Brendan ClarkeSmith - who says he was a recipient of free school meals when he was a child - opposed the motion. “Where is the slick PR campaign encouraging absent parents to take some responsibility for their children?”, he asked. “I do not believe in nationalising children, instead we need to get back to the idea of taking responsibility. “This means less celebrity virtue signalling on Twitter by proxy and more action to tackle the real causes of child poverty.” Tory MP Ben Bradley posted a series of tweets defending his decision to vote against the motion after getting into a row on Twitter on Wednesday over his opposition to the plan. He said the vote was not “help poor kids, yes or no” but a promise to “roll out a huge expansion of long term state dependency to millions, when a large [percentage] of those on [free school meals] are not impoverished and don’t want or need it.” Mr Bradley defended the support the government offers to poorer families and attacked the Labour, saying: “You’d think a truly ‘caring’ Labour party could recognise the huge difference between the majority of kids on [free school meals] who are not wealthy by any stretch, but
who have good parents and are managing, and impoverished kids who are desperate.” The MP for Mansfield added: “Let’s move beyond oversimplification and vilification of those who disagree [and] have a sensible debate shall we, where people are not ‘scum’!’” Children of all ages living in households on income-related benefits may be eligible for free school meals. In England, about 1.3 million children claimed for free school meals in 2019 - about 15% of stateeducated pupils. Analysis by the Food Foundation estimates a further 900,000 children in England may have sought free school meals since the start of the pandemic. In Scotland, the government has made £10m available to local councils to continue to fund free school meals over the Christmas, February and Easter breaks. Local authorities that offered provision over the October school break can apply to be reimbursed. The Welsh government has also pledged to extend free school meal provision to every school holiday until Easter 2021, spending £11m on doing so. In England and Northern Ireland, however, the scheme will only run during term time. (BBC)
EQUILIBRIUM SPA Unit #3 Upper Level Airport Is seeking a
Provide beauty services, such as shampooing, cutting, coloring, and styling hair, and massaging and treating scalp. May apply makeup, dress wigs, hair removal, nail and skin care services. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 941-7220
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board A work permit holder currently holds this position 22838
Over Back, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a
Breezy Brae, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a
BACK SALINA, GRAND TURK. Is seeking to employ a
Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. Salary: $6.50 hourly
• To perform household chores including laundry. • Must be willing to work on weekends and holidays. • Must be honest and trustworthy. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 341-6443
CONTACT: 232-6443
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 22857
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder
• Provide beauty services, such as shampooing, cutting, coloring, and styling hair, and massaging and treating scalp. May apply makeup, dress wigs, perform hair removal, and provide nail and skin care services. • 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 649-346-1611
Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board A work permit holder currently holds this position 22856
October 24-30, 2020
Behind Ball Park Unit #3, Down Town Is seeking to employ a
• Take orders and serve food and beverages to customers. • Make sure the total cleaning of the kitchen and cafeteria. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.50 per hour
CONTACT: 331-0818
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board A work permit holder currently holds this position 22849
Cleaning/sweeping, dusting, mopping (general household chores) etc. Hours are flexible. Wages: $6.50 per hour
CONTACT: 243-1448
TYPE OF APPLICATION: RENEWAL. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 22859
CONTACT: 346-1897
Belongers are encouraged to send copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 22827
CONTACT: 245-7379
This position is currently held by a work permit holder Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labour Department
PALM GROOVE, GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a
Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. To work 5 days a week. Salary: $7 per hourly
CONTACT: 649-332 5934
Belongers are encouraged to send copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 22825
11 Mark Cl., Cooper Jack Is seeking a
#6 Bible Street, Blue Hills Is seeking to employ a
• Manicure, pedicure, massages, waxing and facials. • Must have 5 years experience. Salary based on commission
GARDENSCAPE TCI Position Available
to work 5 days a week including some weekends. Applicant should be able to work without supervision and have good time management skills and eye for pruning.
Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board Work permit holders currently holds these positions 22846
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 22841
CONTACT: 333-1199
Department: Bank and Trust Location: Providenciales Annual Salary: $84,607.00- $105,642.00
Belongers are asked to send a copy of their resume to The Labour Board. These position is Held by work permit holder. 22856
Duties: cleaning, and waste disposal, gardening. Salary $6.25 per hour 5 days per week
Working 4 or 5 days during the week. Salary: $7. 50per hourly
Installing wallboards to ceilings or to interior walls of buildings and applying plaster. Smooths out imperfections with trowels and shackle.
CONTACT: 231-1195
GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a
The Financial Services Commission (FSC), the regulator of financial services business in the Turks and Caicos Islands, is seeking suitably qualified applicants to fill several vacancies. APPLICATION DEADLINE 19 OCTOBER 2020
Duties: To clean and maintain. Job sites at the end of the day. And to assist skilled workers. Salary: $6.50 PER HOUR
Mixes mortar; lays bricks and stones and/or concrete sidewalks; makes and repairs steps and plasters.
BACK SALINA. Grand Turk.
CONTACT: 344-5632
This a senior management position. The office holder is responsible for the managing the Bank and Trust Department in its regulation and supervision of banks, trust companies, credit unions and investment dealers in the TCI. The regulation of the cited sectors is guided by the relevant legislation, international industry standards, and best practices for financial regulation, and the detection and prevention of financial crimes. This position is currently held by a work permit holder. Details on the above vacancies can be found on the Commission’s website at https:// tcifsc.tc/vacancies/ or by contacting the Commission at telephone numbers 649-9462550 or 649-946-2791 ext. 4021 or 4048. Applications should be emailed to administration@tcifsc.tc no later than 19 October 2020. A copy of the application should be submitted to the Employment Services Department by emailing to CHbacchus@gov.tc and MCadams@gov.tc. Applications received after the application deadline may not be considered in this recruitment phase but may be placed on file for future reference. While we appreciate your response, please note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. 22841
Unit #1, 10 Prospect, Cooper Jack Bay, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a
• Measure, cut, or shape wood, plastic, and other materials. • To work 5 days a week Salary: $7.50 hourly
CONTACT: 243-0137
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is a renewal of work permit
Overback, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a
Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, and door frames. Salary: $300 weekly
CONTACT: 347-1124
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. Work permit holders currently holds this position 22833
Salary: $6.25-$12 hourly Cleaning and clearing items for processing for customers Paulina Theodore 13A Blue Hills 649-245-3137
Salary: $6.25-$12 hourly Clean home. Marilyn Outtons Stephoms #43 Blue Hills 649-232-8961
Cleaning and cooking in dwelling home. Salary: $6.25-$12 hourly Email: bassett_27@hotmail.com Belongers only apply Worker permit renewals 22848
October 24-30, 2020
BAIN CROSLEY JEDRICK Venetian Road Is seeking to employ a
Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, and door frames. Salary: $6.75 hourly
CONTACT: 246-2555
C&S PROFESSIONAL Acting on behalf of Church of God of Prophecy #15 Aviation Drive, Providenciales
Play music instrument in the church as a professional. Salary: $6.50 hourly.
CONTACT: 241-5922
CAREY SKIPPING #21 MOORE’S LANE, JUBA SOUND Is seeking to employ a
Fix and maintain mechanical equipment, buildings, and machines. Tasks include plumbing work, painting, flooring repair and upkeep, electrical repairs, heating, and air conditioning system. Salary: $7 hourly
CONTACT: 346-9276
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 22843
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board A work permit holder currently holds this position 22850
#24 John Grant, Blue Hills Is seeking to employ a
Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other housework. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 232-7946
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board A work permit holder currently holds this position 22894
GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a
Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. To work 5 days a week. Salary: $7 per hourly.
CONTACT: 247-1689
Belongers are encouraged to send copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder. 22824
OVERBACK, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a
Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. To work 5 days a week. Salary: $7 per hourly.
CONTACT: 243-7980
CLOVER LEAF AGENCY 246-7832 On behalf of our clients
PELICAN BEACH HOTEL Rate: $8.00 hr (Renewal
Description: fix and maintain building, and machines. MOUNT LEBENON BAPTIST CHURCH
Pay: 6.50 hr (Renewal) Description: A variety of tasks, cleaning the church, cleaning the church yard
ELIZABETH SWANN Whitby, North Caicos
Rate: $6.50 per hr Weeding yard, moving trash, washing windows 22817
Address: GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a
Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other housework. Salary: $6.25 hourly
His job is to sweep the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, living room, laundering sheets. Salary: $7. 50per hourly
CONTACT: 346-5172
CONTACT: 345 94 55
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board A work permit holder currently holds this position 22834
Belongers are encouraged to send copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder. 22827
If you are an enthusiastic team player who thrives in an environment where customer service, communication and cooperation is encouraged, along with some Maritime and mechanical knowledge, this may be an opportunity for you. This job entails the monitoring of all day to day operations of various vessels in the Ferry, Charter vessels and Jet Skis in the companies fleet, in the execution of services to its customers ensuring that all services are provided as per the companies standards. Focus is placed on operational efficiencies and goal setting in the direct operations of the companies goals.
226 Grace Bay Road is looking for a candidate in the following full time positions
Salary $6.50/ hour Excellent physical strength is required. Job summary: cleaning both inside and outside of property, loading and/or delivery of heavy equipment, drainage cleaning, experience in general maintenance including painting and care and polishing of woodwork is required. Candidates must be willing to work on weekends, dayshift - night shifts and holidays
Salary $12/ hour All candidates should have at least 10 years’ experience in the same field, excellent, full knowledge of all casino table games and excellent knowledge of Dice table game. JOB SUMMARY: carry out specific tasks in the gaming operation to the highest standard of efficiency and customer service in accordance with gaming policies and procedures laid down by the company and gaming laws.
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder.
Support the overall process of management and operational decision making to ensure the organization maximizes its, short, medium and long term profitability. Working with other members of the management team to implement the companies strategic and operations plans, with a keen eye on budgets Is essential. Provide support to vessel captains and mates in regard to the scheduling of all necessary resources of Ferry and Charter division requires to accomplish daily activities. Maintain local maritime training programs and ensure that all licenses and ratings are current and that vessels are crewed with qualified personnel. Coordinate daily operational needs with maintenance teams with particular emphasis on systems for regular maintenance, ordering of spare parts and engines and the upkeep of vessels hulls and structures, ensuring that all safety and regulatory issues are addressed. Demonstrate financial management and budgeting skills, prepare annual budgets and liaison with in house accounting team in the prudent management of resources within budgeting guidelines. Make sound business decisions bases on data and statistics. Maintain the organization culture, values and reputation in the company markets and with all staff, customers, suppliers, partners, regulators and official bodies. Salary commensurate with experience
Contact: 232-3082 or 231-2358 Please respond to Mtcc@tciway.tc or keith.burant@meridiantrust.tc
Chancery Court, 1276 Leeward Highway, Providenciales Is seeking a
• Studies in humanistic transpersonal therapy. • Minimum of 5 years’ experience. • Metaphysic in the human energy field. • Hold lectures on meditation and human energy alignment healthy lifestyle Salary $7.50 Per hour + commission
Contact Darlene Hudson: 941-5605
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder
#24 behind Mara, Blue Hills Is seeking to employ a
• Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, and door frames. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $7.10 hourly
CONTACT: 347-2280
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board Work permit holders currently holds this position 22832
The Sommelier is a specialist trained in the area of Wines, Spirits, and Alcohol beverages. Sommeliers have superior knowledge of regions, production of wines and all alcoholic beverages, business of the drinks industry, logistics and also is proficient in all aspects of formal and informal dining etiquette, food and wine parings and service. ROLE:
• • •
Acting on behalf of CLOVER PARKER
Millennium Highway, Blue Hills
LIVE-IN HANDYMAN - $7.50 HOURLY Plumbing work, painting, flooring repair and upkeep, electrical repairs. Contact: 231-7222
Norway Street, Kew Town
DOMESTIC WORKER- $6.25 HOURLY Cleaning the house, doing
Promote and effectively generate increased wine sale Advise and Consult for new products, cellar improvement Maintain controls on stock and arrangement of the Cellar Lead tastings and instruction to clients Represent Turquoise Distribution in a professional and ethical manner Participate in the inventory selection of cellar selections in accordance with the team Receive and manage and coordinate lead times of deliveries Management of all supplies and stock Inventory control and cost control Design and consult on wine lists for restaurant and Hotel clients Organization of the cellar implementing FIFO and accordance to vintage change Sales analyses and Depletion analysis for inventory management and replenishment Maintaining accuracy of Cellar Lists/Stock/Inventory Daily operations of Cellar opening and closing duties.
laundry and other housework. Contact: 344-6057
T&R/SKY SPRAY Subdivision, Five Cays Is seeking to employ a
CONTACT: 241-1252 OR 346-7910
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board
#533 Chalk Sound Is seeking to employ a
• Uphold customer service • Maintain Bar • Mix and serve drinks Salary: $500 weekly
CONTACT: 946-5306
#128 Millennium Highway, Blue Hills
Cut, position, and bolt down steel bars to reinforce concrete. Measure, cut, or shape wood, plastic, and other materials. Contact: 244-3939
Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board These positions are held by work permit holders 22835
Requires a
• • • • •
Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, and door frames. Salary: $6.75 hourly
• • • • •
October 24-30, 2020
Interested Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board Work permit renewal 22869
#4 Kitch Apartment, Old Airport Road, Providenciales
GRAND TURK Back Salina Is seeking to employ a
• Maintenance and repair of diesel-powered vehicles. Running diagnostic tests on vehicles, testdriving vehicles to gauge performance and maintaining detailed records of the vehicles they have serviced. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $10 hourly
CONTACT: 243-4905
Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board A work permit holder currently holds this position 22831
Duties: to sweep the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, living room, laundering sheets. Salary: $7. 50per hourly
CONTACT: 333 62 64
Belongers are encouraged to send copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 22829
GARDENERS/ LABOURERS NEEDED Applicants must be able to work outdoors performing manual and physical labor. They must be able to operate a jackhammer, lawn mower and chainsaw. They will be asked to dig holes, mix and spread topsoil/cow manure and plant. They must be able to speak and communicate in English. Starting salary is $ 6.50 / hr and may be required to work on weekends and holidays if needed. Interested applicants including Islanders/Belongers can send applications to Services by EA email to yvonne@eagrouptci.com. EA located at #65 Beechwood Road, Grace Bay, Providenciales. Successful applicants will be notified by phone for interview. This position is currently held by work permit holders. 22855
• Sommelier Training and Certification (WSET Advanced, ISG, MS, CGEP, or equivalent will be considered) • Hotel & Restaurant Management Degree or equivalent experience minimum 5 years in a supervisor or management role. • Fluent in English both Oral and Written, a second language would be considered beneficial but not required. • Comfortable with public speaking. • Must be able to lift 35Kgs. Salary is $2,500.00 per month.
HUNTLEY & SONS MOTOR VEHICLE SALES & RENTALS East Suburbs, Grand Turk. Is seeking to employ a
Interested persons should apply in person at Queen’s Court Plaza, Unit #8, Leeward Highway, Providenciales, as well as at the Labour Department. Islanders and Permanent Residents will be given preference. Deadline for applications is 31st October 2020. This position is held by a work permit holder. 22880
Duties: To clean maintain Vehicles after renting and Usage, also, to clean premises and dispose of refuse and any other duties as necessary. SALARY: $6.50 per hour.
CONTACT: 241-9259/431-9259
Belongers are encouraged To send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently Held by a work permit holder. 22875
Duties: To lead the Creole Congregation and to administer. The sacraments to the body of Believers. SALARY: $400.00 per week
CONTACT: 245-5949
Belongers are encouraged to Submit a copy of their resume. To the Labour Office This position is currently held by a work permit Holder.
Rock House, Blue Mountain Is seeking to employ a
Install materials on floors, walls, ceilings, countertops. Level the surface with a layer of mortar or plywood. Salary: $500 weekly
CONTACT: 346-1897
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position
SALOMON ALTIDOR/S&B CONSTRUCTION Over Back, Grand Turk Is seeking a
PAINTER • Applying paint, stains
and coating of exterior and interior walls of new buildings and existing buildings after completion/ construction. • Must be willing to work weekends and holidays if necessary. Salary: $7 hourly
CONTACT: 231-6432
Belongers are encouraged to apply at the Labour Board. Work permit renewal 22854
T&S PLUMBING Shore Club, Long Bay Is seeking to employ a
382 Grace Bay Road
SECURITY GUARD - $8 HOURLY Securing the property
VILLA HOST - $10 HOURLY Greet guest and cleaning villas.
2 DOMESTIC WORKER $6.25 HOURLY Cleaning rooms and bathrooms. Contact: 231-6012
MASON Duties: To mix mortar, Help skilled worker lay Bricks and stone, form and pour concrete. Salary: $8.00 per hour.
CONTACT: 241-1186
Belongers are asked to send A copy of their resume to The Labour Board. This position is Currently held by a work permit Holder. 22879
DOMESTIC WORKER $6.50 HOURLY Cleaning rooms and bathrooms. Contact: 245-0093
Duties: get villa ready for guests, change bedding, clean villas. Salary: $6.25 per hour
#1 Bay Road, Blue Hills
CONTACT: 946-5306
Walter Cox, Kew Town Is seeking to employ a
#12 MUSGROVE HILL, KEW TOWN. Is seeking a
Responsible for installing wallboards to ceilings or to interior walls of buildings and applying plaster. Smooths out imperfections with trowels and shackle. Salary: $8 hourly
CONTACT: 649-241-6702
Set up equipment, run lines for power tools, erect scaffolding, lay out tools, set up forms for the pouring of concrete foundations, and even hand tools to workers, clean worksite. Salary: $7 hourly
CONTACT: 649-342-2511
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position 22845
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board A work permit holder currently holds this position 22851
#14 Norway Rd., Kew Town Is seeking to employ a
CONTACT: 232-5420
Breezy Brae, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a
31B Moore’s Lane, Juba Sound
Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board. Work permit renewals
CONTACT: 346-0939
#533 Chalk Sound Drive Is seeking to employ a
Secures premises and personnel by patrolling property. Contact: 243-8090
Set up equipment, run lines for power tools, erect scaffolding, lay out tools, mixing concrete, hand tools to workers, and cleaning work site. Salary: $6.25 hourly
Acting on behalf of
Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, and door frames. Salary: $6.25 hourly Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position
1267 MARKET PLACE, LEEWARD HIGHWAY Is seeking to employ a
Secures premises and personnel by patrolling property; monitoring surveillance equipment; inspecting buildings, equipment, and access points; permitting entry. Obtains help by sounding alarms. Salary: $6.75 hourly
CONTACT: 244-2327
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 22862
This position is currently held by a work permit holder Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labour Department
#100 Walter Cox Street, Kew Town, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a
• Taking food orders, serving customers. Taking beverage orders from customers or wait staff and serving drinks as requested, paying extreme attention to detail. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 241-6307
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 22844
Frith Street, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a
PERSONAL DRIVER • Driving personal vehicle and transport clients. • Must have a valid driver’s license. Salary: $15 hourly
CONTACT: 246-6157
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 22861
THE NANA HAIR CENTER BOUTIQUE Building #17 Unit #4 Spot Plaza, Down Town Is seeking to employ a
Shampooing, cutting, and styling hair, though they may also provide hair treatments, including deep conditioning, permanents, hair coloring, and weaving. Salary: $7.50 hourly
CONTACT: 344-3138
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 22842
526 Bay Road, Blue Hills
Responsibility includes helping customers in making choices and assisting them to locate items they want to buy. Providing info about products, they are interested in and must have knowledge of service and products. Salary: $6.25 hourly CONTACT: 649-331-6993 EMAIL: MARGARETANN@YAHOO.COM
Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position
QUALITY CAR RENTAL LTD. #41 Princess Drive Is seeking to employ a
• Keeps equipment available for use by inspecting and testing vehicles; completing preventive maintenance such as, engine tune-ups, oil changes, tire rotation etc. • 5 days per week Salary: $12 per hour
CONTACT: 946-4510
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board A work permit holder currently holds this position 22840
#99 Yellow Elder Street, Leeward Palms is looking for a
• Cleaning the yard, lifting heavy items, rearranging storage. • to work 5 days per week salary $6.25 per hour This position is for work permit renewal
PRECISION BUILDERS TCI LTD. first time work permit
DESCRIPTION: Assemble and install pipes and plumbing fixtures. Clearing obstructions and repairs. WAGES: $10 per hour. HOURS: 6 Days a week
QUALIFIED ACA, ACCA, CPA OR ACMA Minimum of 5 years’ post graduate experience DUTIES:
• Conduct audits of various clients in accordance with International Standards on Auditing and audit methodology, reporting to responsible partner. • Lead engagement teams through planning, execution and completion stages of audits, validation of financial reporting packages of multinational concerns and other varied special nature engagements. • Establishing overall strategy and preparing Audit Plans in context of applicable financial reporting framework, International Standards on Auditing (ISAs), and other industry specific reporting requirements. • Supervising progress of audits including resolution of differences of professional judgment, addressing significant
accounting and auditing questions arose during the audit, and review of work performed by team members. • Assessing business and audit risks, coordinating with professionals of various fields such as legal, actuarial and IT experts and decision making for resolution of critical matters. • Key liaison with clients. • Evaluating internal controls identifying weaknesses therein and making appropriate recommendations to management for improvement. • Coach staff by providing candid, timely and constructive feedback, and act as a counsellor for assigned associates and senior associates and coach them throughout the course of audit. Salary range: $82,000 - $100,000 per annum
Apply to ladarnya.smith@tc.gt.com or Telefax: 649-946-4892, no later than October 30, 2020 Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands
#14 Norway Rd., Kew Town Is seeking to employ a
LITTLE HAVANA GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a
Set up equipment, run lines for power tools, erect scaffolding, lay out tools, mixing concrete, hand tools to workers, and cleaning work site. Salary: $6.25 hourly
Duties: To take client orders, Mix and Serve drinks. Keep counter areas clean. Must be willing to work Irregular, long and late hours. Salary: $10.00 per hour
CONTACT: 232-5420
CONTACT: 341-1039
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position
Belongers are encouraged to Send a copy of their resume To the Labour Board. These Positions is currently held by a work permit holders.
Boll Weevil Ave, Five Cays Is seeking to employ a
Residence, Five Cays Is seeking to employ a
Repairs, maintains and alters buildings, retaining walls and other brick or stone edifices. Mixes mortar; lays bricks and stones and/or concrete sidewalks; makes and repairs steps and plasters Salary: 8 hourly
• Ensuring a safe environment, preparing and giving meals, bathing and dressing children, administering medicine, doing housework, and disciplining children when necessary. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 649-347-8695
CONTACT: 347-7163
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position
SALLY RAMPERSAUD Palm Grove, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a
Duties: Regular housekeeping, Which includes Cleaning mopping, Dusting, sweeping and Assisting with cooking and any other chores. Salary: $6.50 per hour.
CONTACT: 332-9245
Belongers are encouraged to Send a copy of their resume To the Labour Board. This Position is currently held by a work permit holder. 22874
Aviation Drive, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a
• Connect with listeners at bar. • Review the weekly and daily playlist. • Taking music requests and engaging with listeners. REQUIREMENTS • Previous experience as a dj. • Knowledge of modern music trends. • Good presenting skills Salary: $8.50 hourly
CONTACT: 231-6318
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 22871
Leeward Palm Contact 231-0337
1075A Leeward Highway Tel: 941-4575
Watering and feeding plants, trimming trees and shrubs
Cleaning and preparing a job site.
#53, P. O. Box 68, Blue Mountain, tel: 231-0337 Install structures and fixtures.
Prepares foods to the specifications of the client
COOK $7.00 P/H
Eddie Laporte Plaza, Academy Ave. Provo, tel: 9414515
#30, new sub division, five cays Tel: 347-4416
Cut, extension and shape hair
Supervision the child, cooking for him and light housekeeping.
Belonger are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the labour board. These position is currently held by work permit holder.
Unit #1 Caribbean Place, Leeward Highway Is seeking to employ a
• Cleaning office complex. • Work hours are Mon-Fri, weekends when call. • 8am-5pm. Salary: $6.25 hourly CONTACT: 649-946-4344 ALL RESUMES SHOULD BE SENT VIA EMAIL: INFO@ DEMPSEYANDCOMPANY
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board A work permit holder currently holds this position 22897
SUPERVISOR supervises the day to day operation, monitoring work quality and inventory, time management etc. $12.00 per hour
CONTACT: 333 0209
This position is held by a work permit holder Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department 22989
Harbour House, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a
Duties: Braiding, Weaving, Relaxing, Loc, grooming And maintenance, cutting And trimming and styling. Manicures and Pedicures. Salary: $7.50 per hour.
CONTACT: 244-4147
Belongers are asked to send A copy of their resume to The Labour Board. This position is Currently held by a work permit holder. 22873
OSWALD SIMONS #46 Airport Road, Providenciales
Work including: Cleaning inside and outside the property, pick up yard waste dispose of trash, cleaning and painting Salary: $7 hourly
CONTACT: 231-6412
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position
HELPER • Take coconuts off tree
#57 EDEN LANE, Lower Bight. Is seeking to employ a
and peel them. Cleaning the restaurant. Preparing coconuts to eat. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 244-0786
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position
1198 Leeward Highway Is seeking to employ a
• Sweeping, moping floor, clean kitchen and living areas and balcony. Wash, fold and iron personal clothing, laundering sheets, towels and rugs to do other household work as needed. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 343-0053
Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board A work permit holder currently holds this position 22867
is looking for qualified applicants for the following positions, currently held by persons on work permit:
All applicants must be able to present a clean Police Record if offered a position. Wage commensurate with experience. Drop off resume or pick up application at Ocean Club or Ocean Club West, alternatively send to: diane@oceanclubresorts.com or Fax: 1-649-946-5845
Only those receiving an interview will be contacted. All TC Islanders are invited to copy their resumes to the Immigration and Labor Departments. 22901
LABOURER - $12.60 P/H
#20 & 21 Saltmills Plaza Grace Bay Road, Tel: 941-3374
October 24-30, 2020
ZOOM ZOOM TOURS SOUTH SUBURBS Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a
Duties: To clean maintain Vehicles after renting and Usage, also, to clean premises and dispose of refuse and any other duties as necessary. SALARY: $6.50 per hour.
CONTACT: 247-9212
Belongers are encouraged To send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently Held by a work permit holder. 22988
October 24-30, 2020 ANDRE PIERRE JEANNERET
Grace Bay, Providenciales 331-1400
GARDENER Pay: 6.25 per hour
Type of application: Renewal Care for the garden, plant trees in the yard, water plants including soil cultivation digging, forking, mulching, raking, weeding, edging, seed sowing bed preparation and planting, clean the yard, transporting garbage of property and assist with other work THIS POSITION IS HELD BY A WORK PERMIT HOLDER. BELONGER WILL BE GIVEN FIRST PREFERENCE
South Dock Road. 346-4667
NANNY care for my children, supervise while am at work, maintain the house clean, wash dishes, clean dining & living room, wash and iron. Pay: 6.25 per hour RENEWAL. THIS POSITION IS HELD BY A WORK PERMIT HOLDER. BELONGER WILL BE GIVEN FIRST PREFERENCE
Acting on behalf of HARD ROCK CONSTRUCTION
Installing wallboards to ceilings or to interior walls of buildings and applying plaster. Contact: 244-3939
#128 Millennium Highway, Blue Hills
HANDYMAN - $6.75
#128 Millennium Highway, Blue Hills
• Lift heavy objects • Must be willing to climb heights. • Must be able to operate cleaning machine. Contact: 244-3939
12 Bronze Lane, Long Bay
HANDYMAN - $6.25 HOURLY Clean up site daily after work. Contact: 341-4752
Clean worksite, minor maintenance.
Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board Work permit holders currently holds these positions
Unit #2 IBO Plaza, Leeward Highway. Is seeking
• Shampooing, cutting, and styling hair, though they may also provide hair treatments, including deep conditioning, permanents, hair coloring, and weaving. • To work 6 days a week Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 345-2182
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board A work permit holder currently holds this position
CARIBBEAN NURSERY & LANDSCAPING Discovery Bay, Providenciales Telephone: 241-7710
LABOURER Pay: 6.25 per hour
Care for the garden, plant trees in the yard, water plants including soil cultivation digging, forking, mulching, raking, weeding, edging, seed sowing bed preparation and planting, clean the yard, transporting garbage of property and assist with other work
TWO(2) CARPENTERS Duties: Clean work place, lifting, general construction. Salary $10 per hour BELONGERS ARE ENCOURAGED TO SEND COPY OF THEIR RESUMES TO LABOUR DEPARTMENT. CONTACT: (649) 244 5638 Currently held by W/P Holder
LABOURER Cleaning outside the
Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position 22892
Build and install iron or steel girders, columns, and other construction materials to form buildings, bridges, and other structures. Cut, position, and bolt down steel bars to reinforce concrete. SALARY: 8.00 per hour
CONTACT: 343-4671
Follow blueprints and building plans to meet the needs of clients. Install structures and fixtures, such as windows and molding. Measure, cut, or shape wood, plastic, and other materials. Salary: $12 hourly
#771 Leeward Highway, P.O Box 477, Providenciales Is seeking
# 93 Leesicle Ave Long Bay, Providenciales 342-1889
property, Pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames, Cares for the garden on a daily basis. Salary: $6.25 per hour. Renewal, Belonger will be given first preference.
Leeward. 332-4100
North Side Close, Millennium Highway. 331-1067
1B TDMG Building, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a
Contact: 244-3939
#128 Millennium Highway, Blue Hills
To help around the house, helps monitor medication and meal, assist during doctor appointment, run errands, clean the house and assist around the house. Pay: 6.25 per hour
Cleaning outside the property, Pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames, Cares for the garden on a daily basis. Salary: $6.25 per hour.
Leeward Highway Telephone: 341-4502
Unit 4, Annuela Building, Leeward High, Providenciales Telephone: 242-1402
Sweeping outside the building, remove dirt and hazardous waste outside the apartment, clean the door frames and windows, clean the outside wall. Salary: $ 6.25 per hour RENEWAL APPLICATION, BELONGER WILL BE GIVEN FIRST PREFERENCE 22903
to performed concrete sealing tasks, removed rubble, dirt, and hazardous waste from construction site, performed post-construction site cleanup and executed building cleaning activities, operated cleaning equipments and utilized cleaning materials, organized all companyprovided equipments and materials on sites.
Assist chefs aid head chefs with skilled food preparation and cooking. oversee the storage and disposal of leftover food products, help to make sure that the kitchen is clean. Help head chefs develop and test new recipes, and maintain records of what food has been prepared and what ingredients were used. Salary: $ 9.00 per hour
Renewal, Belonger will be given first preference
Building roofs, partitions, etc.
Tie Steel Contact: 346-7379
Millennium Highway, Blue Hillls Clean and mop tile, etc. Contact: 232-3465
Elite Plaza, Airport road 347-6373
Clean meats, sweep or scrub floors, clean dishes, kitchen, food preparation equipment, or utensils. Wash dishes, glassware, flatware, pots, or pans by hand. Maintain kitchen work areas, equipment, or utensils in clean and orderly condition. Salary starts at $6.25 per hour. RENEWAL, BELONGER WILL BE GIVEN FIRST PREFERENCE. 22902
Unit #5 Sherlock Walkin Building, #18 old airport road Is seeking a
ASSISTANT CHEF Assisting head chef prepare meals and takes orders. Salary: $10 hourly
CONTACT: 649-231-2397
Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position
# 111, Regent Village. Grace Bay, 333-5034
MEP Solutions TCI Ltd
Chandelle Drive, Venetian Road
Painting building’s interior and exterior. Contact: 343-1056
#999 Leeward Highway
Clean workstation, lift heavy materials. Contact: 946-5907
Jean Senique Mecidor
South Dock Rd, Five Cays
Clean yard. Contact: 346-8110
12 Woodland St, Blue Hills Minor repair, etc Contact: 246-9603
Easy Shop
7 Shores Unit #1, Leeward Highway
Prepare meals, bathe and comb hair, ensure child safety Contact: 241-6461
#15 Dock Yard, Kew Town
Stocking shelves, cleaning and dusting items, etc. Contact: 244-4857
The Bight, Leeward Highway
Clean yard, wash windows, etc. Contact: 241-3922
South Dock Rd, Five Cays
Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board. Work permit renewals
#56 Long Bay Hills, Long Bay. Is seeking to employ a
13 Long Bay Heights, Long Bay. Is seeking to employ a
Repairs, maintains and alters buildings, retaining walls and other brick or stone edifices. Mixes mortar; lays bricks and stones and/or concrete sidewalks; makes and repairs steps and plasters Salary: $10 hourly
CONTACT: 231-4619
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position 22923
Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other housework. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 243-3993
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position 22916
BREEZY BRAE, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a
Duties: To clean and Maintain premises by raking And cleaning windows and Doors. SALARY: $6.50 per hour.
CONTACT: 241-9892
Belongers are encouraged To send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board. This is position is currently held By a work permit holder.
#6 across the dump, Wheeland
To work around yard. Cleaning outside the property and pick up the garbage. To work 5 days per week including weekends and holidays. Salary is $250.00 per week
To clean and maintain the house tidy. To work 6 days a week including weekends and holidays. Salary is $350.00 per week
Take care of property
Mixes mortar; lays bricks and stones and/or concrete and plasters.
Clean house
CONTACT: 341-8332
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a Work Permit holder. 22935
To work around yard. Cleaning outside the property and pick up the garbage. To work 5 days per week including weekends and holidays. Salary is $250.00 per week
To clean and maintain the house tidy. To work 6 days a week including weekends and holidays. Salary is $350.00 per week
Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board. Work permit holders currently hold these positions
Assist in managing staff including cashiers. Maintain inventory, coordinate shipping and other duties as required. Salary $8.00 per hour
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a Work Permit holder.
WEST ROAD, Grand Turk. Is seeking to Employee an:
JOB RESPONSIBILITIES: Assist in managing staff including cashiers and other working on the floor, formulate pricing policies, coordinate the shipping of merchandise etc., maintain inventory and ensure items are in stock, committed to work flexible hours and weekends. Salary $8.00 per hour
CONTACT: 941-8112
This Position is for work permit renewal interested Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of the resume to the Labour Department.
CONTACT # 946-2811
B1,Caribbean Place Leeward Highway Providenciales Turks and Caicos Islands Tel.: (649) 231-8005 E-mail: pivotalserviceswh@ gmail.com
Duties: minor repairs, cleaning up the premises of debris. Salary: $7.00 per hour
CONTACT: 231-8005
This position is held by a work permit holder but Belongers are strongly encourage to apply 22920
K & S BAKER CAFÉ BACK SALINA GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a
PALM GROVE, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a
LABOURER Duties: To clean and Maintain premises by raking And cleaning windows and Doors. SALARY: $6.50 per hour.
• Measure and mix raw ingredients, bake and decorate items, and ensure that all raw and finished goods adhere to quality and food safety standards. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 231-9952
CONTACT: 243-1448 Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position
ISLAND VILLA MANAGEMENT Caribbean Place, Unit 4B Is seeking to employ
Stocking and supplying designated facility areas, dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, cleaning ceiling vents, restroom cleaning etc. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 946-4445
October 24-30, 2020
Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. Cares for garden on a daily basis Salary: $7.00 per hour
CONTACT: 246-1721
Belongers are encouraged To send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board. This is position is for a first time applicant
• Braiding clients’ hair in different styles. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 345-7087
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. These positions currently held by work permit holders 22917
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 22949
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position 22924
#5A South Dock Is seeking to employ a
LAUNDRY SUPERVISOR Ensure linen and housekeeping supplies are ordered and controlled in line with Business and Events. Carry out stock takes. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 649-242-6121
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 22912
For Work Permit Renewal Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department.
Cleaning of the Windows, Doors, Offices, Floors Space Cleaners of the Property. Salary: $6.50 hourly CONTACT PERSON: MARIA@ LVA MANAGEMENT For Work Permit Renewal Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department. 22952
1 CLEANER – 1 MAINTENANCE MAN 1 Cleaner/ 1 Maintenance Man is needed to work along with our maintenance team. Duties include but are not limited to:• Cleaning the outside of the villa and property as required • Collect and disposing of garbage and debris including removing leaves • Set up/disassemble equipment as necessary • Assist with trim carpentry and perform basic maintenance • Assist with carrying watersports
equipment to and from the beach • Must be able to perform basic maintenance • Must be willing to take instructions and work along with the team • Must have a clean police record • Compensation for these position starts at $6.25 per hour.
These Adverts are for work permit renewal. Please address all resume’s to hr@ thesource.tc and drop off a copy to The Department of Employment Services.
Setting up workstations with all needed ingredients and cooking equipment. Preparing ingredients to use in cooking chopping and peeling vegetables, cutting meat etc. Cooking food in various utensils or grillers. Salary: $7 hourly CONTACT: 241-2550
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 22929
Shamrack Plaza, Industrial Park, Providenciales – Turks & Caicos Islands Tel: (649) 941-8438 | Fax: (649) 941-7387 | Email: dnbautoparts@tciway.tc
SENIOR AUTO PARTS SPECIALIST • Must have ten (10) years or more working experience on Japanese Automotive Industry • Capable to assists customers with selecting required parts and suggest related parts • Ability to keep up and succeed in a fastpaced working environment • Knowledgeable to use multiple Auto Parts system
• Above average computer literacy • Able to multi-task, answer phone calls, provide quotes and other information • Assist service technicians in selecting parts needed for repairs in process • Knowledgeable on inventory and stock leveling • Basic wage is $12.00 per hour 22910
French/Creole Speaking Physician
• GP must speak and write French, Creole, English • Must have a medical degree from an accredited University • Minimum 5 years experience in a Primary Health Care, minimum of 3 years at a Secondary Health Care institution • Certificate in Management of HIV/STI • Minimum of 5 years as a fully registered Medical Practitioner on a register of a recognized Medical Board.
• Patient consultations, examinations, minor surgery • Diagnosis and treatment of illness/ailments • Manage acute and chronic illnesses • Order laboratory, diagnostic tests • Health education • Liaise with other healthcare professionals and hospitals • Computer knowledge Monthly salary $6500.00. Belongers only need to apply. Position
Email: cynthia@gracebaymedical.com Phone 649-941-5252 Fax 649-946-8243
#12 DOCK YARD, PROVIDENCIALES Is seeking to employ a
• Clean the store, dusting, sweeping, mopping, selling items, stock shelves, pick, pack, receive and restock products inside the store. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $7 hourly
#18 KITCH BUILDING, OLD AIRPORT ROAD Is seeking to employ a
CONTACT: 348-1654
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 22915
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position 22925
CONTACT: 341-4248
• Use QuickBooks to input all data • Prepare accounts receivable • Prepare statement of account for corporate and government account • Excellent knowledge in bank reconciliations • Graduate of B.S.C major in accounting Salary commensurate on experience
Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board A work permit holder currently holds position. 22914
Preparing the workstation for the cook. Keeping the kitchen area clean and tidy at all times. Salary: $6.25 hourly
LONG BAY HILLS Is seeking to employ a
Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other housework. Salary: $1,200 monthly
CONTACT: 247-4109
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position 22928
His job is to assist in the delivery of water. He must fill the containers after each effector delivery. Salary: $6.50
CONTACT: 348 0235
• Care for elderly disable person. • Complete housekeeping duties. Salary: $7 hourly
CONTACT: 347-4995
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position
Unit #1, 10 Prospect, Cooper Jack Bay, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a
#30 Neptune Plaza, Providenciales TCI. Is seeking to employ a
Grand Turk Is seeking to employ 2
D&B Auto Ltd. is currently looking for a qualified person to the role of:
2005 Building, Aviation Rd Is seeking to employ a
99 Cox Street, Kew Town Is seeking to employ a
Stocking and supplying designated facility areas, dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, restroom cleaning etc. Salary: $6.25 hourly
Installs pipes and fixtures, such as sinks and toilets, for water, gas, steam, air, or other liquids. Installs supports for pipes, equipment, etc • To work 5 days a week Salary: $7.50 hourly
CONTACT: 231-6153
CONTACT: 243-0137
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is a renewal of work permit
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position
CABINETMAKER Building #999, Leeward Highway contact: 946-5907 $12.00 per hour (building cabinets and vanities)
SECURITY MANAGEMENT SERVICES (SMS) TDMG, South Dock Road Is seeking to employ a
Monitor property entrance, authorize of people and vehicles. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 649-331-7676
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 22763
NOTICE is hereby given that, Pursuant to Section 3 of the Investment Dealers (Licensing) Ordinance and Section 3 of the Mutual Funds Ordinance, no person shall carry on, or hold himself out as carrying on, investment business of any kind in or from the Turks and Caicos Islands unless he holds a relevant licence issued by the Commission authorising him to carry on that kind of investment business. Investment business includes trading in investments on behalf of customers; acting as a fund manager on behalf of one or more mutual funds; soliciting subscriptions for new issues of investments; or offering advice about investments by way of a business. THEREFORE, anyone found to be engaged in unauthorised investment business in the Turks and Caicos Islands is subject to criminal prosecution. Pursuant to Section 3 of the Investment Dealers (Licensing) Ordinance a person that contravenes the requirement for a licence is liable on conviction to a fine of $25,000.00 or a term of imprisonment of two years or both. Pursuant to Section 3 of the Mutual Funds Ordinance a person who commits an offence under the licensing requirements is liable on conviction to a fine of $100,000.00. The Commission is also obligated, via international treaties and agreements, to cooperate with other supervisory authorities of other countries. At their request, the Commission may apply its powers of investigation concerning unauthorized investment business that may be carried out in other countries.
The following links provide information on licensed investment dealers and mutual fund operators in the TCI: https://tcifsc.tc/investment-dealers-investment-dealers-and-advisors/ https://tcifsc.tc/ investments-mutual-funds-mutual-fund-administrators/ https://tcifsc.tc/investmentsmutual-funds-exempt-mutual-funds/ 22932
36 CLASSIFIEDS TROPICAL AUTO RENTALS Tropicana Plaza Leeward Providenciales
To work around yard, washing vehicles and vehicle maintenance. To work 5 days per week including weekends and holidays. Salary is $7.50 per hour CONTACT TELEPHONE: 946-5300 Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by Work Permit holders 22935
BEL-AIR MED CLINIC LTD #16 Cooper Jack Rd., Provo Storage #5
• Must have 3 years’ experience • Analysis of blood, etc. • Mon-Friday 9am-3pm. Salary will be discussed at interview
CONTACT: 9418405 OR 241-9411
Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position
October 24-30, 2020
TURKS WAVE CAFE 21 ridge Road, Turtle Cove Is seeking a
• Take orders and serve food and beverages to patrons at tables in dining establishment. Check with customers to ensure that they are enjoying their meals and take action to correct any problems. Communicate with customers to ensure satisfaction. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 649-339-5010
Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board
61 LONG BAY Is seeking to employ a
• Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, door frames. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 246-9898
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 22939
East Suburbs, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a
Duties: Regular housekeeping. Which includes Cleaning mopping Dusting, sweeping and Assisting with cooking and any other chores. Salary: $6.50 per hour.
CONTACT: 241-5715
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This Position is currently held by a work permit holder. 22955
21 AIRPORT ROAD, ELITE PLAZA, HOUSE #3 Is seeking to employ a
COOK Setting up workstations
with all needed ingredients and cooking equipment. Preparing ingredients to use in cooking chopping and peeling vegetables, cutting meat etc. Cooking food. Salary: $10 hourly
CONTACT: 343-2420
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position 22969
Church Folly, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a
Duties: To take customers Request, pump gas in vehicles Or containers as required, to Accept cash and make change For customers. SALARY: $8.00 per hour
CONTACT: 232-0045
Belongers Are encouraged to Send copies of their resume to The Labour Board. This position Is currently held by a work permit Holder. 22959
West Road, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a
Duties: Regular housekeeping Which includes Cleaning mopping Dusting, sweeping and Assisting with cooking and any other chores. Salary: $6.50 per hour.
CONTACT: 341-5017
Belongers are encouraged to Send a copy of their resume To the Labour Board. This Position is currently held by a work permit holder.
East Suburbs, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a
Duties: Regular housekeeping Which includes Cleaning mopping Dusting, sweeping and Assisting with cooking and any other chores. Salary: $6.50 per hour.
CONTACT: 232-3692
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder. 22957
HOLY FAMILY ACADEMY ROMAN CATCHOLIC SCHOOL Tucker Hill, Kew Town. Is accepting applications for the position of:
• The employer requires the employee to be a Missionary Roman Catholic Teacher • The Employer requires the employee to be a fully initiated Roman Catholic in good Standing • The employee is requires to have documented experience in the area of teaching Roman Catholic Religion.
• The employee must have a full knowledge of the United States National Curriculum Standards. Education and Experience • Associates of Bachelor’s Degree Holders will be considered Salary Package: $1200 per month for twelve months, paid as a compensation package
Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board CONTACT: FR. ORLANDO GONZALEZ (649) 941-5136 EMAIL: holyfamilytci@GMAIL.COM
Real Estate & Architecture Photographer / Videographer Wanted
Our growing and professional company is seeking the employment of individuals that are looking for an exciting and rewarding career in the Security Industry.
SECURITY OFFICERS MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS • Demonstrate written and verbal communication in the English language, • Ability to work shifts and long hours, • To perform patrol checks and security services to client’s properties, • Starting rate $7.00 per hour, • This position is currently held by a Work Permit holder • Position is based in Providenciales BELONGERS ARE ENCOURAGED TO APPLY.
Applicants can submit their resume & identification to our office: #8 Southern Shores Building, Leeward Highway, Tel: 649 232 1007, email: admin@presidentialsecuritytc.com A copy should also be submitted to Labour and Immigration Board. 22920
Provo Pictures is looking to hire a commercial photographer & videographer to service the real estate, architecture and hospitality industries of TCI. - Candidate is required to have a Bachelors of Arts Degree, majoring in Photography & Digital Film. - Must have at least 3 yrs. of professional experience with a portfolio of high end photographic and AV media. - Preferable that the candidate has experience of at least 5 years in the marketing & communication industries. - Must have expert knowledge of digital image acquisition tools in photography and videography, as well a proficient understanding of the principles of lighting interior and exterior subjects. - Must have expert level proficiency in Adobe Bridge, Photoshop, Lightroom, Premiere Pro, After Effects and Audition. - The candidate will be required to start working immediately on canvassing clients, setting up shoots and producing high-end professional marketing media as per brief and to the satisfaction of the client. - Must have a valid drivers license. - Salary is $2500 per month for a six day work week, at 8hrs per day. - Only belongers must apply
Contact: 649-432-9453 This position is held by a work permit holder
October 24-30, 2020 LITTLE HAVANA GRAND TURK Is seeking to employ a
MARGUERITE ALTIDOR Over Back, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a
Duties: To take client orders, Mix and Serve drinks. Keep counter areas clean. Must be willing to work Irregular, long and late hours. Salary: $10.00 per hour
Duties: To sew and make Men and women’s clothing. To mend and adjust clothing To fit customers. SALARY: $8.00 per hour
CONTACT: 341-1039
CONTACT: 232-6432
Belongers are encouraged to Send a copy of their resume To the Labour Board. These Positions is currently held by a work permit holders. 22877
5200 IBO Corner, Shore Club Is seeking a
• Clean the store, dusting, sweeping, mopping, clean ceiling vents, restroom cleaning, stock shelves, and restock products inside the store • 6 days a week Salary: $350 weekly
CONTACT: 242-4401
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board A work permit holder currently holds this position 22940
Belongers are asked to submit A copy of their resume to The Labour Board. This position is Currently held by a work permit Holder. 22960
Crawfish Cl, Discovery Bay Is seeking to employ a
Soil cultivation, digging, and forking, mulching, watering, raking, weeding, edging, pruning, seed sowing, bed preparation and planting. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 348-5640
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position
Breezy Brae, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a
CARE TAKER Duties: To look after an Elderly person, to care for And keep property clean. Salary: $6.50 per hour.
CONTACT: 246-4929
Belongers are encouraged To submit a copy of their Resume to the Labour Office. This position is held by a work Permit holder. 22958
VR SUPERMART #11 MARY JANE LANE, BLUE HILLS Is seeking to employ a
• Stocking and supplying designated facility areas, dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, restroom cleaning etc. • Must be willing to work 5 days a week. Salary: $8.50 hourly
CONTACT: 346-0002
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position 22931
PARCEL 60808/95
The Bight and Thomas Stubbs, Providenciales – Vacant Land 0.22 located in The Bight Registered Proprietor: Maud A. Cunningham
PARCEL 61112/38
Long Bay Hills, Providenciales – Four bedroom, three bathroom, Single family home, approximately 1,690 sq. ft. on 0.30 acres of land located in Long Bay. Registered Proprietor: Pathine Stubbs
PARCEL 10406/176
East Suburbs, Grand Turk – Four Bedroom, two bathroom, Single Family home, approximately 2,000 sq. ft on 0.25 acres of land located in Breezy Brae. Registered Proprietor: Joydie Rankin The auction will be held at the office of Scotiabank (Turks and Caicos) Limited, 88 Cherokee Road, Providenciales at 11 o’clock in the morning on Friday the 30th day of October 2020. A reserved price will be fixed on all parcels and a deposit of 10% is due immediately upon all accepted bids. Conditions of Sale available upon request or at the Auction.
78 Industrial Road, 5 Cays
Are now interviewing for the following position:
Whereas, ANTHONY PATRICK FEDERICI of Connecticut, United States of America, as Personal Representative of DOMINIC FRANK FEDERICI deceased, has declared that the Land Certificate for the above mentioned title number(s) issued in the name of DOMINIC FRANK FEDERICI was inadvertently mislaid and cannot be found. Take notice that I, Toni-Ann Foster, Acting Registrar of Lands, shall issue a new Land Certificate for the said title six weeks of the date of the first publication of this Notice in a Local Newspaper and the Gazette. Dated this 20th day of October 2020 Signed ................................................................................................................... Acting Registrar of Lands Witnessed .............................................................................................................
Scotiabank (Turks & Caicos) Ltd. of Cherokee Road, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands hereby gives notice of its intention to sell by Public Auction the following properties pursuant to its power of sale as registered Chargee under the Registered Land Ordinance of the Turks and Caicos Islands.
• Must have prior experience managing more than 50 employees in a fast paced environment. • Must be able to lift 50 pounds or more. • Must have past experience and be willing and able perform the following tasks, stocking shelves, cleaning, operating a cash register, assisting customers, performing accounting functions, working within extreme temperature conditions both very cold and very hot environments. • Must be willing and able to work extended periods of time in a FREEZER ENVIRONMENT. • Must be willing and available to work extended hours, including all and/or any holidays, nights and weekends. The majority of the work schedule will consist of evening and weekend and holiday hours as this is when our business is servicing the most amount of customers. • Must be able to stand the majority of the day under normal working conditions. • Must have extended purchasing experience both locally and overseas. • Must be proficient in: Microsoft Excel, Word. • Must have the ability and past experience of maintaining and encoding a POS System, including Quick Books Program.
Please apply within @ Quality Food Service, 78 Industrial Road, 5 Cays or contact 941-7939 for more information. Only Belongers or PRC Holders need apply.
The successful candidate will work closely with the villa manager and is expected to assist with the daily general upkeep and maintenance of the villa. He/she should possess the following experience & qualifications: • Assist with trim carpentry and perform basic maintenance • Assist with carrying watersports equipment to and from the beach and must be able to swim confidently. • Perform custodial duties such as sweeping, raking the grounds, raking the beach, garbage removal • Must be willing to work flexible and long hours (weekends & especially holidays) • Must be able to work within a team and be willing to perform other duties to assist other staff as required. • Must be physically fit and able to lift and carry 50lbs or more. • Must have a valid driver’s license as there are essential errand running. • Ability to take direction and show initiative. • He/she must be extremely well presented, have a sunny disposition, and have a good command of English. • Must have a clean police record • Remuneration for this position starts at $8.00 per hour. • This Adverts is for a new position. Please address all resume’s to hr@thesource.tc and drop off a copy to The Department of Employment Services.
A live in Technician/ Caretaker for a Private villa
The successful candidate will work closely with the Property manager and is expected to assist with the upkeep and maintenance of the villa. REQUIREMENTS AND QUALIFICATIONS
• Must have certification in Electrical & Plumbing Installation and the ability to read MEP Plans • Must have technical experience working on Irrigation Systems, Water pumps • Must have experience in General Maintenance & Carpentry • Must be able to maintain Creston Audio Visual Systems • Excellent written and verbal communication skills • Attention to detail • Must be Pro active TECHNICIAN DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES
• Please note this position requires the applicant to be on call 24/7. • Must be willing to work with the team and assist in training and delegating maintenance staff • Applicant must have a good command of the English Language • Computer literacy is required in order to access equipment and part replacement information and ordering • Must possess a clean driver’s license and police record Please note that this position is held by a work permit holder. Renumeration for this position ranges
October 24-30, 2020
TURKS AND CAICOS WEEKLY NEWS from at $1500.00 to $2500.00 per month based on qualifications and experience. Interested persons are asked to send a copy of their resume to hr@ thesource.tc and send a copy to The Employment Service Department.
A Mason is required to work along with the maintenance team and must possess the following skills • Mix cement using equipment, and/or hand tools. • Lay blocks follow blueprint plans or drawings. • Cut or breaks concrete using hammers, power saws etc. • Remove excess mortar with trowels and hand tools. • Fabricates, alters, repair foundation and other related structures or surfaces. • Must have proven experience as a mason. • Must be willing to work well with the team • Must have clean police record. • This position pays $9.00 per hour • Please note that this position is held by a work permit holder. Remuneration for this position is $9.00. • Interested persons are asked to send a copy of their resume to hr@thesource.tc and send a copy to The Employment Services Department.
Villa Cook
Responsible for the consistent preparation of innovative and creative cuisine of the highest quality. Attention to detail a must, as is demonstrated culinary expertise resulting in outstanding guest satisfaction. Managing a busy kitchen, setting menus, ordering and monitoring supplies. • Liaise with Concierge for food provision to purchase prior to guest arrival. • Submit the provision receipts, to Accounting in an accurate report and timely manner • Provide direction for all day-to-day operations in the kitchen. • Actively involved in menu development. • Determines how food should be presented and create decorative food displays. • Ensures practices and procedures comply with food handling and sanitation standards. This includes com-pleting an annual hygiene plan and hygiene inspection prior to guest arrival • Follows proper handling and right temperature of all food products. • Ensures all equipment in the kitchen is properly cleaned, maintained and in working order in accordance with local Health Department standards. • When the villa is vacant, he/she shall work with the villa team to ensure that the villa is clean and well maintained. PRE-REQUISITES:
Must have experience cooking and working in Luxury Villa’s. Displays leadership. Exemplifies excellent customer service and creates a positive atmosphere for guest relations. Must be able to prepare Kosher food and be Serv Safe Certified. Please note that this position is held by a work permit holder. Remuneration for this position starts at $1,500.00 per month.
Interested persons are asked to send a copy of their resume to hr@thesource.tc and send a copy to The Employment Services Department.
27 Bible Street, Blue Hills Is seeking to employ a
Ensure that all surroundings are kept in a clean and orderly condition and other equipment, raking and sweeping of the yard and other areas along with other related chores. Salary: $7.50 hourly
CONTACT: 241-1208
Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position 22971
Morley Road, Five Cays Is seeking to employ a
• To work at clothing shop business. • Maintaining shop surroundings and store maintenance. • 10-7 Mon- Friday Salary: $7 hourly
CONTACT: 649-247-9497 EMAIL: MIDIJIECLOTHING@ GMAIL.COM Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position 22930
PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is hereby given that I MICHAEL WASHINGTON HARVEY of Kew Town, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands is not responsible for any depths or any other transactions that maybe conducted by FISIANA NORTUILUS last known address Florida, United States. I will not accept any liability from any transaction made with her henceforth.
CONTACT: 649-247-5812
• Must have previous gardening experience and be familiar with landscaping equipment such as lawn mowers, trimmers etc. • Must be willing to carry out work such as heavy lifting, digging, weeding, trimming and plant waste removal • Must be willing to work weekends and holidays • Must have a clean police record and provide employers references on request • Pay - $6.50 - $7.00/hr depending on experience
Contact: 649-332-4280 or email: turquoiselandscaping@tciway.tc to arrange an interview
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This is for one new gardener position and a work permit renewal
PATRIANNA SIMMONS South District, Salt Cay Is seeking to employ a
Duties: To clean maintain Vehicles after renting and Usage, also, to clean premises and dispose of refuse and any other duties as necessary. SALARY: $6.50 per hour.
CONTACT: 232-6009
Belongers are encouraged To send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder. 22961
Millennium Highway, Blue Hills Is seeking to employ a
Should be able to clean dishes and assist chef with preparation of meals. Other task may vary. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 333-0617
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. Work permit holders currently holds these positions 22944
October 24-30, 2020 NATURE’S TOUCH CONSTRUCTION Seashell Drive, Long Bay Is seeking to employ a
• Fix and maintain mechanical equipment, buildings, and machines. Tasks include plumbing work, painting, flooring repair and upkeep, electrical repairs, heating, and air conditioning system. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $8 hourly
CONTACT: 232-3899
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 22927
UNIVERSAL SUPER STYLE SALON #2 Spot Plaza, Airport Road Is seeking to employ a
Shampooing, cutting, coloring, and styling hair, and massaging and treating scalp. Makeup, dress wigs, perform hair removal, nail and skin care services. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 346-6169
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position 22972
TURKS AND CAICOS WEEKLY NEWS ODETTE PEARL BERNADIN #49 Juba Sound, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a
Cleaning the house. Salary: $6.25 hourly CONTACT: 649-242-5606
Unit #3 South Side Plaza, Aviation Drive
SHOE REPAIR MAN – $6.50 hourly Repair shoes
TEL: 231-6318
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position
This position is currently held by a work permit holder Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labour Department 22970
South District, Salt Cay Is seeking to employ a
Duties: To clean maintain Vehicles after renting and Usage, also, to clean premises and dispose of refuse and any other duties as necessary. SALARY: $6.50 per hour.
CONTACT: 242-0204
Belongers are encouraged To send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder. 22962
West Road, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a
Duties: Regular housekeeping Which includes Cleaning mopping Dusting, sweeping and Assisting with cooking and any other chores. Salary: $6.50 per hour.
CONTACT: 245-7978
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This Position is currently held by a work permit holder. 22963
#12 Musgrove Hill, Kew Town Is seeking to employ a
• Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, and door frames. • To work 5 days a week. Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 342-2511
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. Work permit holders currently holds these positions 22943
Preparing the workstation for the cook. Keeping the kitchen area clean and tidy at all times. Salary: $8 hourly
CONTACT: 346-3791
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 22942
Unit #4 Dennis Smith Plaza, Leeward Highway Is seeking to employ a
Greets customers, receive payment by cash, checks and credit cards, Issue receipts, and change due to customers. Count money in cash drawers to ensure that amounts are correct and that there is adequate change. Salary: $8 hourly
CONTACT: 344-7212
Belongers are encouraged to apply to the Labour Board
Is now Interviewing for the following position:
As a Grocery Store Manager you must have the passion to grow sales along with exceptional customer service and communication skills. A hard worker with integrity and great management skills. Candidate must have at least 8-10 years experience in the field. • Delivering exceptional Customer service and passion to Grow Sales and Control Costs • Identifying, hiring and training talent especially Belongers.
Massage Therapists
MUST HAVE THROUGH KNOWLEDGE OF THE FOLLOWING: • Advanced knowledge and skills in computer systems, most specifically, QuickBooks Pro 2020, Microsoft Excel, and Inventory control management. • Extensive knowledge of SMS Front & Back Office POS System • Extensive knowledge of NCR 7456 POS • Extensive knowledge of THYME SOFTWARE • Plans and directs the day-to-day operations of a grocery store. • Develops strategies to improve customer service, drive store sales, and increase profitability. • Ensures customer needs are met, complaints are resolved, and service is quick and efficient. • Forecasts staffing needs and develops a recruiting strategy to provide optimal staffing in all areas • Familiar with a variety of the field's concepts, practices, and procedures. Relies on extensive experience and judgment to plan and accomplish goals. • Must be responsible in identifying and interviewing Belongers for hiring; • Setting up a training program for employees re proper merchandising and customer service skills as well as the workings of running an International Grocery Store. • Candidate must be multilingual. Work schedule will include weekends, holidays, as required to meet the demands of the position. Salary range commensurate with experience.
Spa Tropique is on the hunt to find the best massage therapists on island! If you have at least three years of experience with a four star spa and have an upbeat and positive personality, we hope you will come and meet with us! If you are experienced in facials and nails – even better! Applicants must be able to speak and write English fluently, have a clean driver’s license and their own vehicle in excellent working condition. Please see further requirements for applicants below. We look forward to meeting you! Deadline for applications is: March 6th, 2020. APPLICANTS FOR THE POSITION ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE: • Obtained a diploma in Massage Therapy from an internationally accredited school from Canada, Great Britain, United States, Australia, Jamaica, Thailand or Philippines. • Completed a massage course of at least 1800 hours plus and 6 months of practical training. • Certified in Reflexology, Hot Stone, Swedish, Deep Tissue, Lymphatic Drainage, Myofacial Release, Prenatal Massage & Shiatsu. • Other Modalities Required: Esthetician Licensing, Waxing, Manicure and Pedicures. • At least 3 years experience with a spa rated 4 stars or above. • Their own vehicle in excellent working order and a clean license. • Fluent spoken and written English (a written exam will be provided). • Basic computer skills for use of company software. • Be available to work 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM every day. Weekends and holiday are a must. (Schedules are subject to change). Renumeration: $6.25 hourly plus commission and gratuities.
Applicants may also forward resumes to the government employee services offices.
Please email your resume to: relax@spatropique.com
CONTACT: 941-8112 This Position is for first time work permit interested Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of the resume to the Labour Department.
Duties: restock shelves $7 per hour
Millennium Heights, Blue Hills, Providenciales Contact: 243-2851
1 TILE LAYERING WORKER Duties: mix mortar, lay tiles $8 per Hour
Positions are renewals Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their work permit to the Labor Department
#12 MUSGROVE HILL, KEW TOWN Is seeking to employ a
Duties: smooth & finish surfaces of poured concrete, align form for sidewalks curbs, or gutters, patch voices, use saws to cut expansions joints in an accurate manner Salary $8.50 per hour
CONTACT: 348-9451
These positions are for work permit renewals Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department 22978
MYRNA-LISA’S DISPOSABLES AND CLEANING SERVICES 29 Parade Ave., Downtown, Providenciales, TCI Contact: (649) 347-3014
Salary/Wages: $286.00 per WEEK Responsibilities/Duties: General cleaning of offices, business places and homes of clients BELONGERS ARE INVITED TO SUBMIT THEIR APPLICATION TO THE LABOUR BOARD, MINISTRY OF BOARDER CONTROL. 22979
Duties: cleaning up site ensuring it is free of debris salary $7.00 per hour
Duties: ensuring levels, tiles, cement pouring Salary $8.00 per hour
Duties: cutting of wood and measurements, buildings cabinets Salary $8.00 per hour
2 DOMESTIC WORKERS (RENEWALS) Duties: cleaning of premises Salary $6.26 per hour
Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labour Department
NEX GEN BUILDERS Apt. #2 Cooper Jack Bay Road, Providenciales. Is seeking a
#2 Norway Road, Kew Town Is seeking to employ a
Millennium Highway, Providenciales
• Repair boat, paint. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $8 hourly
applying mortar, cutting and setting tiles etc. $10.00 per hour
CONTACT: 342-2511
CONTACT: 232 3465
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 22980
October 24-30, 2020
This position is held by a work permit holder Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labor Department 22989
Repairs, maintains and alters buildings, retaining walls and other brick or stone edifices. Mixes mortar; lays bricks and stones and/or concrete sidewalks; makes and repairs steps and plasters. Salary: $8 hourly
Ensuring a safe environment, preparing and giving meals, bathing and dressing children, administering medicine, doing housework, and disciplining children when necessary. Salary: $6.50 per hour
CONTACT: 649-232-3435
CONTACT: 243-0948
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently held by a work permit holder 22981
Duties: Regular housekeeping which includes Cleaning mopping Dusting, sweeping and Assisting with cooking and any other chores. Salary: $6.50 per hour.
CONTACT: 245-6901
This position is for a first time work permit applicant Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labour Department
DAVERNE FULFORD West Road, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a
• Sweeping the house, mopping the floor, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other housework. • To work 5 days per week Salary: $6.50 per hour
CONTACT: 244-5516
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board.. A work permit holder currently holds this position 22983
Is seeking applications for:
Responsibilities: (1)Organizing, conducting and supervising recreational diving activities both shore and boat based. (2) Planning, organizing and directing dives(3) briefing divers on the layout and points of interest of a dive site (4) Maintain and repair dive equipment, ensure they are safe at all times.
• Must have at least 10 years experience as dive master/instructor. • PADI Advance Certified • Having scuba diving certification, knowledge of boat mechanics and Emergency first response training is a plus • Good spoken communication skills. Salary rate is $24, 000 per annum
CONTACT: Tel: 649-231-6663 Email: info@saltcaydivers.com
To assume management and day to day running of existing card business. The successful candidate will be expected to have qualifications in Business Administration and have a legal qualification. At least 5 years experience managing in a consumer orientated public facing sales organisation. As the company's head office is in Brazil experience with the Latin American market and competency in Portuguese is preferred. A track record of leadership and the ability to communicate effectively is a requirement of the position. The successful candidate would be expected to oversee the financial results, HR functions of the business and to ensure compliance with the regulatory requirements of a licensed trust company. The successful candidate will be a highly motivated individual prepared to work long hours including holidays and weekends. Annual salary range between $80K and $120K per annum depending on experience. Qualified Belonger candidates are requested to submit a CV no later than November 02, 2020 to:
Marsha Blanche Misick & Stanbrook Email: marsha@misickstanbrook.tc Tel. (649) 946-4732
This position is for renewal of work permit Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 22974
Position currently held by work permit holder BELONGERS are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board
• In search of a skilled person to work in stone fabrication • Starting Salary $10.00 per hour. • Must have 5 years experience and show proficiency with cutting and polishing natural and man made stone according to specifications and schedule • Must be able to assist the foreman in charge at warehouse and on job sites • Must be able to read blueprints, lay out job plans, operate all tools associated with stone • fabrication, rally other coworkers and follow directions from supervisors. Please email resumes to accounts@tcimarbleandgranite.com or inquire in person. POSITION IS BEING ADVERTISED FOR A WORK PERMIT HOLDER. APPLICATIONS FOR QUALIFIED TURKS & CAICOS ISLANDERS WILL BE ACCEPTED. We are willing to train if you are motivated to learn the trade!
October 24-30, 2020 TRIPLE S CONSTRUCTION Behind Glass Shack
supervises the day to day operation, monitoring work quality and inventory, time management etc. $12.00 per hour
CONTACT: 333 0209
This position is held by a work permit holder Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labour Department
PAINTER - $7-12 HOURLY Paint walls, doors, drywall, etc. 12 Bible Street, Stammers Run Tel: 649-231-4587
Plastering, place blocks, etc.
Paint walls, doors, drywall, etc.
- $6.25-8 hourly Assist mason, carpenter, etc. 4B Blue Hills Tel: 649-231-4162 Renewal work permit\ Belongers only apply
• Mixing concrete, cleaning tools, tooting and handling blocks, cleaning site, etc. • To work 6 days a week. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 246-5315
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position 22982
TURKS & CAICOS SANITATION LTD. Location: South Dock Road, Providenciales TCI Contact Info: Mr. Lewis E. Astwood, office # 649-9464925, cp # 231-0436 This add is working permit renewal & looking for skilled workers
- Maintaining vehicle such as, oil change, engine tune-ups etc. - Replacing filters - Tire Changes
South Suburbs, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a
Duties: To clean maintain Vehicles after renting and Usage, also, to clean premises and dispose of refuse and any other duties as necessary. SALARY: $6.50 per hour.
CONTACT: 247-9212
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their Resume to the Labour Board. This position is currently Held by a work permit holder. 22988 MANIE’S PROFESSIONAL LAMOUR TIRE Behind Ball Park, Kew Town Is seeking to employ a
Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, and door frames. Salary: $6.75 hourly
CONTACT: 343-6417
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board
ALCIDAS & JONATHAN GARDINER Wilson Circle, Blue Hills Is seeking to employ a
Performing general housework etc. Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 341-5407
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board. A work permit holder currently holds this position
Millennium Inside 7 Mart
CHEMICAL TECHNICIAN -$10 hourly Spray chemicals. Tel: 331-7188
ELIE’S LANDSCAPING CLEANING Snake Hills, Millennium Highway -$300 weekly Cleaning yards Tel: 232-7124
-$300 weekly Minor repairs and maintenance Tel: 441-0268
Belongers only apply Work permit renewals
CONTACT: 649-941-7923
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board A work permit holder currently holds this position 22992
We are looking for professional Housekeeper able with experience in the hospitality industry, able of attending to our facilities with integrity and attention to details. The goal is to create a clean and orderly environment for our guests.
• Clean and Tidy all areas to the standard cleanliness within time limit. • Clean and sanitize kitchen according to cleaning procedures. • Ensure lobby, lounge, common areas, restrooms, stairways, and other work areas so that health standards are met. • Perform a variety of cleaning activities such as sweeping, moping, dusting, polishing and make beds properly. • Notify superiors on any damages, deficits, and disturbances. • Deal with reasonable complaints / requests with professionalism and patience. • Protect equipment and make sure there are no inadequacies. • Ability to bent, lift, and walk upstairs • Ability to work conscientiously, meets deadlines, follow instruction and directions with minimal supervision and detailed oriented.
The houseman will be assisting housekeeper in daily tasks. He will be responsible for cleaning and maintaining the Guest rooms and common areas. Carrying linens and replenishing amenities to provide Guest an excellent experience.
• • • • • • •
Perform a variety of cleaning activities such as sweeping, moping, dusting, polishing Clean and Tidy all areas to the standard cleanliness within time limit. Maintain and tidy common areas. Assisting Guests with their luggage. Perform a light pool cleaning. Ability to bent, lift, walk upstairs, push, pull and lift heavy equipment Ability to work conscientiously, meets deadlines, follow instruction and directions with minimal supervision and detailed oriented.
Greets customers, receive payment by cash, checks and credit cards, Issue receipts, and change due to customers. Count money in cash drawers to ensure that amounts are correct and that there is adequate change. Salary: $6.50 hourly
• Full time cook to prepare meals for large family. • Must be able to prepare Italian/Spanish cuisine for large family. • Ability to communicate in Spanish • 6 days a week, weekends and holidays. Salary: $6.50 hourly
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 22984
Tranquility Lane #2, Leeward, Providenciales. Is seeking a
CONTACT: 347-7125
- Transport of materials & goods - Pump out of wastewater, grease, sludge etc from systems to waste site. - Inspecting mechanical issues relating to safe operation & basic repair work. Salary negotiable according to experience
Belongers are encouraged to submit a copy of their resume to the Labour Department
West Road, Grand Turk Is seeking to employ a
KINGSTON, THE BIGHT Is seeking to employ a
Follow blueprints and building plans to meet the needs of clients. Install structures and fixtures, such as windows and molding. Measure, cut, or shape wood, plastic, and other materials. Salary: $8 hourly
CONTACT: 244-1017
Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board 22993
The receptionist will be responsible but not limited to welcoming and assisting Guest upon Check-In and during their stay. Ensure an outstanding Guest experience by providing prompt and professional service to meet guest needs.
• Providing meet and great upon Check-In • Answering all guest questions and concerns • Significant work experience handling guest service responsibilities, preferably in hospitality industry - hotel/reception. • Giving Concierge service by offering extra services such as excursions, private chef, extra cleaning, transportation Etc. • Operate computer programs and Reservation system. • Be prompt and resourceful to solve problems when challenges arise • Must have an excellent written and verbal communication skills • Proper English spoken and written. • Highly organized, able to multitask and prioritize and work under pressure • Ability to handle stress and stay calm under pressure • Complete basic cashier and bookkeeping responsibilities • Flexible regarding work schedules • Professional appearance and attitude • All applicants must be flexible to work at all time such as nights, weekends, and public holidays and should be punctual. Must be willing to cross-train in other areas of the resort. • Candidates must have a professional and positive attitude and be Guest service oriented. • Qualified Islanders and Belongers are encouraged to apply.
Applications should be submitted to julie@h2oluxurycondo.com 22976
Regional HUB Chief Executive Company: Digicel Group Reporting Relationship: Reports to CEO Caribbean & Central America Manages Country CEO’s under Jamaica HUB PRIMARY OBJECTIVES OF THE JOB: The Regional CEO position will have full operating responsibility for the profitable management and development of Digicel markets in the Northern Caribbean (Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman, Dominica and Turks and Caicos Islands). The Regional CEO position is key to operational performance, in terms of target setting, measuring performance against plan and instituting correctives where necessary. It also involves the representation of Digicel at the highest levels with government and public authorities of the countries he / she manages. MAIN DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITIES: • To maintain and increase regional profitability and return on capital, through defining and seeing through a clear strategy that will build on the existing revenue base, adding new sources of business, driving best-in-class service innovation, optimising asset utilisation and maintaining the reputation for high levels of customer service and tight cost control • To foster the Digicel culture of dynamism, innovation and imagination – for example, in new product and service provision, value-added solutions for customers and new business development i.e. ICT, Fibre, Cable TV – all adapted to local market conditions and opportunities • To provide strong and inspirational leadership to experienced and motivated senior management teams and employees at all levels • To focus on management and employee development, attracting new management talent as required to complement the existing resources and identifying, retaining and developing a highly talented and motivated workforce • To be the guardian of the company's brand equity and public image to consumers, government and other stakeholders in the countries managed • To respect the direct personal accountability conferred on the role to Digicel CCA CEO and Board for regional financial and market performance, on a monthly basis and to achieve the financial objectives of the company as per the approved company budget • To maximise customer connections on Digicel’s network across the region. • To lead strategic planning and the customer insight to drive marketing and sales; to identify new revenue streams and implement the strategy to capture them; to prioritise and secure approval for capital expenditure • To ensure a complete Business Continuity Plan is in place for the region and that the business is prepared and protected in the event of disaster PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE/QUALIFICATIONS: • Business Degree or equivalent with 10-15 years requisite Commercial experience • A minimum of 7 years General Management experience in a Telecoms environment • Record of success in meeting aggressive targets • Proven and demonstrated experience and expertise in Sales or Business Development. • Proven expertise, preferably in a telecommunications environment • Experience in general management of multiple markets, ideally in a mobile telecoms operation, including emerging markets • If a mobile telecom executive, in-depth knowledge of mobile prepaid & post-paid business model, with a track record in growing subscriber base, increasing ARPU and decreasing churn
• Commercial acumen, maturity and professionalism with the ability to bring immediate experience, credibility and value to bear with all stakeholders. • A personal track record of success in meeting aggressive sales and revenue targets • Strong interpersonal, verbal and written communication skills, influencing and convincing PERSONAL QUALITIES: • Exceptional work ethic, with high energy levels and personal robustness • Attention to detail and a hands-on approach – a ‘completerfinisher’ • Commercial savvy and an entrepreneurial outlook • Adaptability, flexibility, pragmatism • Acceptance of positive criticism and advice, including from peers • Strong influencing and communication (concise verbal and written) skills, with an ability to address a wide range of business issues • An acceptance of regular travel LEADERSHIP CHARACTERISTICS: • Understanding the Business Knows the business and the mission-critical technical and functional skills needed to do the job; understands various types of business propositions and understands how businesses operate in general; learns new methods and technologies easily. • Keeping on Point Can quickly separate the mission-critical from the nice to dos and the trivials; quickly senses what’s the next most useful thing to work on; focuses on the critical few tasks that really add value and puts aside or delays the rest. • Getting Work Done Through Others Manages people well; gets the most and best out of the people he/she has; sets and communicates guiding goals; measures accomplishments, holds people accountable, and gives useful feedback; delegates and develops; keeps people informed; provides coaching for today and for the future. • Dealing with Trouble Fearlessly takes on all issues, challenges, and people; comfortably confronts and works through conflict; delivers negative feedback and messages without hesitation; deals promptly and fairly with problem performers; lets everyone know where they stand; thrives in crises and is energised by tough challenges; not afraid to make negative decisions and take tough action; challenges the status quo. • Focusing on Action and Outcomes Attacks everything with drive and energy with an eye on the bottom line; not afraid to initiate action before all the facts are known; drives to finish everything he/she starts. • Communicating Effectively Writes and presents effectively; adjusts to fit the audience and the message; strongly gets a message across. • Acting with Honour and Character is a person of high character; is consistent and acts in line with a clear and visible set of values and beliefs; deals and talks straight; walks his/her talk; is direct and truthful but at the same time can keep confidences. DEADLINE: Positions open to all qualified Turks and Caicos nationals. Interested applicants can forward their resumes to https:// careers.digicelgroup.com The closing date for applications is November 06, 2020
October 24-30, 2020
New organ in throat accidentally discovered by scientists researching prostate cancer SCIENTISTS in the Netherlands say they have identified a potential new organ in the human throat. Researchers say the newlyfound set of salivary glands are likely being used for moistening and lubricating the upper parts of the throat, and that they stumbled upon them while carrying out research on prostate cancer. The study was published in the journal Radiotherapy and Oncology by a team of researchers including those from the Netherlands Cancer Institute (NCI). The research said that the throat in humans contains “previously overlooked bilateral macroscopic salivary glands” which the scientists named as “tubarial glands”. The researchers examined at least 100 patients to confirm their findings and found that all of them had the glands. According to Sky News, the new glands were found while scientists were scanning for prostate cancer cells using PSMA PET-CT – a combination of CT scans and positron emission tomography (PET) scans. In this technique, the doctors inject into the patient a radioactive tracer that binds well to the protein PSMA, which is elevated in prostate cancer cells. This combination of scans is also good in detecting salivary gland tissues, also high in PSMA. Doctors using radiotherapy for treatment of cancers in the head and neck try to avoid the main salivary glands, as damaging them could make eating, speaking or swallowing difficult for patients. But these newly discovered glands were still getting hit by radiation, as doctors were not aware of their existence, resulting in patients feeling unexplained side effects. The study said that sparing these glands in patients receiving radiotherapy may provide an opportunity to improve their quality of life. Dr Wouter V Vogel of the NCI, one of the researchers involved in the study, emphasised that their next step is to ascertain how these glands can be spared from radiation. Dr Vogel told the New York Times the glands had remained undetected because of their location at the base of the skull. They are also small, he said, though visible to the human eye, so were only picked up by very sensitive imaging technology. (Independent.co.uk)
October 24-30, 2020
Science & Technology
Machines to ‘do half of all work tasks by 2025’ HALF of all work tasks will be handled by machines by 2025 in a shift likely to worsen inequality, a World Economic Forum report has forecast. The think tank said a “robot revolution” would create 97 million jobs worldwide but destroy almost as many, leaving some communities at risk. Routine or manual jobs in administration and data processing were most at threat of automation, WEF said. But it said new jobs would emerge in care, big data and the green economy. The Forum’s research spanned 300 of the world’s biggest companies, who between them employ eight million people around the world. More than 50% of employers surveyed said they expected to speed up the automation of some roles in their companies, while 43% felt they were likely to cut jobs due to technology. WEF said the pandemic had sped up the adoption of new
THREE (3) SENIOR AUDIT MANAGERS SKILLS REQUIRED: Qualified ACA, ACCA, CPA or ACMA Minimum of 5 years’ post graduate experience DUTIES: • Conduct audits of various clients in accordance with International Standards on Auditing and audit methodology, reporting to responsible partner. • Lead engagement teams through planning, execution and completion stages of audits, validation of financial reporting packages of multinational concerns and other varied special nature engagements. • Establishing overall strategy and preparing Audit Plans in context of applicable financial reporting framework, International Standards on Auditing (ISAs), and other industry specific reporting requirements. • Supervising progress of audits
including resolution of differences of professional judgment, addressing significant accounting and auditing questions arose during the audit, and review of work performed by team members. • Assessing business and audit risks, coordinating with professionals of various fields such as legal, actuarial and IT experts and decision making for resolution of critical matters. • Key liaison with clients. • Evaluating internal controls identifying weaknesses therein and making appropriate recommendations to management for improvement. • Coach staff by providing candid, timely and constructive feedback, and act as a counsellor for assigned associates and senior associates and coach them throughout the course of audit. Salary range: $82,000 - $100,000 per annum
Apply to ladarnya.smith@tc.gt.com or Telefax: 649-946-4892, no later than October 30, 2020 Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands
technologies as firms looked to cut costs and adopt new ways of working. But it warned workers now faced a double threat from “accelerating automation and the fallout from the Covid-19 recession”. “[These things have] deepened existing inequalities
across labour markets and reversed gains in employment made since the global financial crisis in 2007-2008,” said Saadia Zahidi, managing director at WEF. “It’s a double disruption scenario that presents another hurdle for workers in this
difficult time. The window of opportunity for proactive management of this change is closing fast.” WEF said currently around a third of all work tasks were handled by machines, with humans doing the rest, but by 2025 the balance would shift.
IP/VAS ENGINEER Location: Digicel TCI Leeward Highway, Providenciales Turks and Caicos Islands MAIN DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITIES: • Responsible for the design, installation and support of all Packet Core and IP based systems to support the technical operations of the business. • Design IP Numbering an addressing schemes, Development, Configuration and Implementation of IP based systems • Perform dimensioning and capacity planning of IP network • Planning, designing and management of all Mobile Packet Core technologies. • Management and maintenance of all Ericsson Charging System Nodes CCN, SDP, AIR. • Management and maintenance of all Packet Core systems which include, Ericsson SGSN-MME, EPG, Ericsson Mobile Packet Backbone Network (MPBN) for LTE, WCDMA, DNS and AAA. • Responsible for operation and maintenance of all Policy and Mobile Data Billing Systems • Responsible for all IP based systems, which include Cisco network devices (Routers and Switches), SUN Solaris/Linux servers, Checkpoint and Juniper Firewalls to ensure their high availability. • Managing and coordinating activities that involves updates and changes by external partners in including Roaming and ISP upstream providers. • Develop and schedule preventative and corrective maintenance policies and procedures, such as regular backups, spares inventory, to ensure high availability of all VAS and IP based systems. • Ensure that Digicel TCI continue to operate on secure local and wide area networks with the implementation of VPN technologies and firewall policy management • Ensure that network metrics are closely monitored (QoS and KPIs) and captured so as to provide proactive network management, as well as regular feedback on network performance in the form of reports to management • Provide IP Support to other departments and external parties as required . ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE REQUIRED FOR THE JOB • 5-7 years’ experience in VAS and IP based network design, implementation and administration • CCNA, CCNP certification and Solid hands on experience with Cisco devices • In-depth knowledge of switching, routing, technologies, DNS, Mobile data LTE, WCDMA, GSM • In-depth knowledge of Ericsson Charging System, CCN, SDP, AIR. • In-depth knowledge and experience with UNIX and/or Linux systems. • Design, implementation and operational knowledge of network security (VPN, firewall management, intrusion detection) • Knowledge of ISP/Service provider IP configurations • Minimum of a Bachelors Degree in Computer Sciences. DEADLINE: DEADLINE: Positions open to all qualified Turks and Caicos nationals. Interested applicants can forward their resumes to https://careers.digicelgroup.com The closing date for applications is November 06, 2020
October 24-30, 2020
Sports Interational
Messi breaks Champions League record as teenagers give Barcelona hope for the future LIONEL Messi has become the first player to score in 16 consecutive Champions League seasons after netting in Barcelona’s 5-1 win over Hungarian side Ferencvaros on Tuesday. The Argentine struck a first-half penalty for the Catalan club at the Camp Nou for what was his 116th career goal in the tournament. Only Manchester United great Ryan Giggs has scored in 16 Champions League seasons but the Welshman’s run was not in consecutive years. Messi’s latest record-breaking achievement comes after new manager Ronald Koeman said his performances “could be better” this season. The club captain certainly responded in style. The 33-year-old smartly dispatched his spot kick after being fouled at the end of a trademark run and looked a potent threat throughout the night. YOUNGSTERS IMPRESS Barcelona fans were also given hope for the future after two teenagers got on the scoresheet. The impressive Ansu Fati, 17, became the first player under the age of 18 to score two Champions League goals after scoring Barcelona’s second. Philippe Coutinho then added a third before 17-year-old Pedri netted his first goal for the club.
Virgil Van Dijk sustained cruciate ligament damage after a challenge by Toffees goalkeeper Jordan Pickford.
Virgil van Dijk: Everton’ sorry’ for injury suffered by Liverpool defender Ansu Fati celebrates with Lionel Messi after scoring a goal against Ferencvarosi.
The Spaniard arrived at the Nou Camp from Las Palmas this season and has impressed during his handful of games for the club. A late goal by Ousmane Dembele capped off a successful night for Barcelona which has struggled for consistency this season. Koeman’s side lost to Getafe at the weekend in its first La Liga defeat of the season but the new manager will be buoyed by Tuesday’s display, especially given the encouraging signs from the new generation of stars. The only down side on the night
came as Gerard Pique was sent off for giving away a penalty in the second half, which means the defender will be suspended for Barca’s next European tie. The spot kick was converted by Igor Kharatin to temporarily bring the scores to 3-1. Barca will be tested further in its remaining Group G games with a mouthwatering tie against Serie A giants Juventus next. It’s a fixture that will hopefully see Messi lock horns with fierce rival Cristiano Ronaldo, who is isolating after testing positive for Covid-19. (CNN)
EVERTON boss Carlo Ancelotti has apologised for the injury suffered by Liverpool defender Virgil van Dijk during Saturday’s Merseyside derby. Van Dijk, 29, sustained cruciate ligament damage after a challenge by Toffees goalkeeper Jordan Pickford. Ancelotti said Pickford is “really sad” the Dutchman is injured, but denied the tackle was premeditated. “To be clear, we are really sorry for the injury of Virgil van Dijk,” Ancelotti said. “Every one of us hopes he can recover soon and well.” Pickford will face no further action for the challenge as the Football Association determined the incident was seen at the time having consulted with the match officials, including the video assistant referee. Van Dijk’s Liverpool and
Netherlands team-mate Georginio Wijnaldum described the tackle “completely stupid”, but Ancelotti said it was mistimed rather than malicious. “There was this contact with Jordan Pickford: it was mistimed contact,” added the Italian. “But the fact the Premier League is so fast, it is not so difficult to arrive a little bit later. “Jordan arrived a little bit later but his intention was to try to reach the ball. It was not to hurt Virgil van Dijk. “To say it was premeditated, and this and that, in my opinion, is too much. Virgil van Dijk knows this. “Jordan is really sad, really disappointed [that Van Dijk is injured]. It was a strong contact, maybe mistimed, but sometimes in football it can happen.”
Windies could host tours next year – Skerritt CRICKET West Indies (CWI) president, Ricky Skerritt, says international cricket could return to the Caribbean as soon as the first quarter of next year, but the challenge remains the creation of safe bio-secure “bubbles” at Caribbean venues. He revealed that CWI had, only last week, produced a draft schedule for 2021 for board approval and were still in the stages of finalising venues and other logistical details, especially in light of the new COVID-19 pandemic environment. However, he confirmed Sri Lanka, South Africa and Australia were all expected to tour the region, the series spread over the first half of the year. Skerritt also said the resumption of regional domestic cricket would start with the Super50 limited overs tournament which was being pencilled in for January-February of next year.
CWI has not staged an international home series since last January.
“The first regional cricket we’re proposing is the Super50 at the end of January next year,” Skerritt told SportsMax TV.
“We’re not hosting any international cricket before Sri Lanka, which will be around February.
“We go to Bangladesh in JanuaryFebruary and then we have three teams coming, spread more towards the summer rather than the early part of the year – Sri Lanka, South Africa and Australia.” CWI has not staged an international home series since last January when Ireland toured for three One-Day Internationals and T20 Internationals. In fact, the year was expected to be a busy one but the home itinerary was cancelled following the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. South Africa’sWomen’s team had been scheduled to play a five-match ODI series in Jamaica and Trinidad last May/June while South Africa A had been carded for five one-dayers and three four-day “Tests” in Antigua and Barbados last June/July. The senior men’s tours were also scrapped, New Zealand having been expected to play three ODIs
and T20s in Antigua, Dominica and Guyana last July and South Africa down to play two Tests and five T20s in Trinidad, St Lucia, Jamaica and the United States in July/August. West Indies’ historic threeTest tour of England established a template for the safe resumption of cricket, however, and since then England have hosted a couple of home tours while the Caribbean Premier League was successfully staged in Trinidad last August/ September. Skerritt said issues of regional air travel and establishing and implementing safe protocols, first needed to be addressed before tours could be staged. “Obviously, the problem is where is [best] suited to host [these tours], where can we create the protocols including the bio-secure bubble so a number of options have to be looked at,” he explained.
October 24-30, 2020
Sports Interational
Shakhtar Donetsk produces stunning Champions League upset to defeat 13-time winner Real Madrid SHAKHTAR Donetsk produced one of the most memorable upsets in Champions League history, beating 13-time winner Real Madrid 3-2 on home soil. First-half strikes from Tete and Manor Solomon either side of a Raphael Varane own goal gave the Ukrainian side a commanding lead, before Real pulled two back early in the second period through Luka Modric and Vinicius Junior. Despite a sustained period of pressure late on from the Spanish champion, including a last-minute goal rightly disallowed by VAR for offside, Shakhtar held on for a famous win. To make the result even more incredible, Shakhtar was without seven starting players -- and 10 in total -- due to a combination of positive coronavirus cases and injuries. The defeat caps a miserable few days for Real, which suffered another shock defeat at the weekend to newly promoted Cadiz. Coach Zinedine Zidane, who cut a helpless and bemused figure on the sidelines, has plenty of work to do ahead of El Clasico against bitter rival Barcelona on Saturday.
Tete celebrates after doubling Shakhtar’s lead.
A NIGHT TO REMEMBER There were certainly several warning signs early on for Real, which started the match looking sluggish and lazy. Those in white were second to every loose ball and Shakhtar’s young, inexperienced team looked to have an extra spring in its step. Real began its domestic campaign in impressive form, winning three and drawing one of its opening four matches and looked to have picked up where it left off at the end of last season. However, at the weekend the team looked lackluster against
Cadiz, playing in its first top-flight Spanish campaign for 15 years, and was convincingly outplayed. Many wondered whether it was just a small blip or an insight into some early issues Zidane would be facing this season. Wednesday’s match would certainly have done nothing to allay those concerns. Shakhtar’s bright start was soon rewarded, with the visitor taking deserved lead just before the half hour mark and Real’s early defensive frailties were brutally exposed. Following a slick passing move
out from defense, Viktor Korniienko was allowed the slalom into the box relatively unopposed and lay the ball off to Tete, who kept his composure and stroked the ball into the bottom corner. With one eye on this coming weekend’s La Liga clash against Barcelona, Real made several changes to its regular starting lineup, but there could be no excuses for this insipid, lifeless first-half performance. Things would only go from bad to worse and less than four minutes later, Shakhtar had doubled its lead. Tete was again at the heart of the attack and his shot was this time saved by Real goalkeeper Thibault Courtois, only for Raphael Varane to poke the ball into his own net as he tried to make an awkward clearance. Due to its 81,000 capacity Santiago Bernabeu undergoing renovations, Real Madrid has been playing all of its matches since the enforced coronavirus break at its Alfredo Di Stefano training center and most of these players had certainly approached this tie with all the intensity of a training match. Then, just minutes before half time, Shakhtar looked to have put the game beyond Real as Solomon latched onto Tete’s brilliant back
heel and slotted to ball calmly into the bottom corner. By this point, even Zidane could only muster a bewildered smirk, but there would be few smiles in that Real changing room at half time. Whatever the coach said to his players during the interval clearly had the desired effect, as two goals from Modric and Vinicius in the space of five minutes early in the second half gave Real hope of salvaging at least a point. Unsurprisingly, it was Real that dominated the majority of the second period but Shakhtar still presented a consistent threat on the counterattack and Tete had a glorious opportunity to put the game to bed, only to see his shot saved by Courtois. In the game’s dying seconds, Real thought it had snatched an equalizer as Federico Valverde deflected shot squirmed past Shakhtar goalkeeper Anatolii Trubin. However, after a brief VAR review, referee Srdjan Jovanovic ruled the goal out for offside with Vinicius stood in an offside position and obscuring Trubin’s view. The final whistle blew just moments later, sparking wild scenes as the Shakhtar bench emptied and stormed the pitch in celebration. (CNN)
France v Wales: Alun Wyn Jones to equal Richie McCaw’s caps world record WALES captain Alun Wyn Jones is set to equal Richie McCaw’s world record of 148 caps when he faces France in Paris on Saturday. It will be his 139th international for Wales to go alongside nine Tests for the British and Irish Lions over three tours of South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. Gloucester teenage wing Louis Rees-Zammit is set to win his first cap from the replacements bench. The match will be behind closed doors. Ospreys hooker Sam Parry joins Rees-Zammit as the other uncapped player on Wales’ bench. Captain Jones was meant to have drawn level with McCaw’s record against Scotland at the Principality Stadium in March, before the match was postponed because of the coronavirus pandemic. “It is a fabulous achievement,” said Wales head coach Wayne Pivac. “He epitomises what a great rugby player is all about. He is a true professional on and off the field and a gentleman of the game. “On the field he leads by example and you can’t ask more of your captain and we are very privileged
here in Wales to have him.” The 35-year-old will be partnered by Cardiff Blues lock Cory Hill, who makes his first international start since the Six Nations win over England in February 2019. R Hooker Elias starts following a shoulder injury to Ken Owens, while tight-head Lee features in his first Test since August 2019 after not being selected for the 2019 World Cup. With flanker Josh Navidi missing through concussion, Aaron Wainwright, Taulupe Faletau and Justin Tipuric make up the back-row. Ross Moriarty was due to start at blindside flanker but picked up an ankle injury in training and will be sidelined for a few weeks. Moriarty has been replaced by Wainwright, while Cardiff Blues back-rower Shane Lewis-Hughes has been added to the squad. Scrum-half Rhys Webb will make his first start for Wales in almost three years. He made Six Nations replacement appearances bagainst Italy and England earlier this year and was due to start in the Scotland game. Centre Jonathan Davies makes his first international appearance in
Alun Wyn Jones made his Wales debut in 2006.
almost a year after recovering from a serious knee injury and will partner Nick Tompkins for the first time. hys Carre, Ryan Elias and Samson Lee form a new-look Wales front row. With Liam Williams released back to Scarlets, George North joins fellow wing Josh Adams and fullback Leigh Halfpenny in the back three. This is despite North only playing 14 minutes since Welsh rugby’s
resumption in August after being sent off for Ospreys against Dragons for a dangerous tackle. “The players are excited, it has been a long time, we can’t wait for Saturday,” added Pivac. “We have six matches this autumn and the game against France helps us get back into our stride international rugby-wise. “We have picked an experienced side and are up against a good French team so we want to start this autumn
well and get on the front foot for the Six Nations fixture against Scotland. “We have talked already about how fortunate we are to be going about our work on a daily basis. “A lot of people can’t do that and within our organisation there are a lot of people not back at work. This is an opportunity to put some smiles on faces and make the nation proud.” In all, the Wales team shows seven changes from the side originally selected to face Scotland in March, with Adams, Jonathan Davies, Carre, Elias, Lee, Wainwright and Faletau the players to come in. Wing Teddy Thomas is included in the French backline with Gael Fickou lining up in the centre. France: Anthony Bouthier; Teddy Thomas, Virimi Vakatawa, Gael Fickou, Vincent Rattez; Romain Ntamack, Antoine Dupont; Cyril Baille, Julien Marchand, Mohamed Haouas, Bernard Le Roux, Paul Willemse, Francois Cros, Charles Ollivon (capt), Gregory Alldritt Replacements: Camille Chat, Jean-Baptiste Gros, Demba Bamba, Romain Taofifenua, Dylan Cretin, Baptiste Serin, Arthur Vincent, Thomas Ramos.
October 24-30, 2020
Sports National
Saunders to attend 10day camp next June in Valencia, Spain LOCAL female footballer Anjali Saunders has won her ticket to attend a 10-day camp experience in Valencia, Spain next June. The youngster was one of four players who excelled at the Next Generation Sports Virtual Training Camps over the summer. They all earned a 10-day football camping experience. Saunders was the only female to receive the prize. She beat out the other 12-18 year-olds in the two three-week intense camps, by showing leadership and personal branding, tactical aspects of the
game and decision making, and teamwork. The youngster noted that her love for the sport inspired her. “No matter how tough life gets, never stop believing in what you love. Thank you to my coaches, parents and TNGS for the opportunity.” The NG Virtual Football Camp allowed the young players, from their homes, to develop the necessary tools to help prepared them for the future. They were guided by professional coaches and trainers
linked to the football of the Spanish League. Training sessions were divided into three blocks: soft skills, technical talk and on the field (teamwork). The online experience, designed by the TNGS team of European Club Experiences, UEFAaccredited Spanish coaches and psychologists, was created to educate talented players from around the world on game intelligence, and focused on allowing each athlete to reach their full potential, even in adverse situations.
Anjali Saunders will be TCI’s lone representative in Spain next year.
Carmichael storms to first place in TCCF Juniors Time Trials – Rodgers win back-toback events Twelve-year-old Rezon Carmichael stormed to victory in the Turks and Caicos Cycling Federation latest Time Trial race over the weekend. As Carmichael was blazing the scene in the Junior Division, so was Sean Rodgers in the Senior Division. In total, the federation has organised five Time Trials over a two-month period. Unlike other more competitive forms of cycling, time trials are perfect for the social distancing guidelines in place due to the pandemic. In the one lap junior race of Venetian Road, Carmichael, competing in his first race, was able to clock an impressive 27:48, which got the better of Sean Walters, who finished second in a time of 29:32. Third place went to Ethan Gardiner (30:13), while another new comer Jeremiah Fulford finished fourth in 31:56. In the adult division, Rodgers finished his one and a half laps race of Venetian in 30:19.91, while Omard Gardiner clocked 32:37.87, Kavin Ewing 33:03.91
Sean “Ghost Ryder” Rodgers is on fire.
and Tyrone Bishop 33:26.00. Twelve senior riders competed in the adult event. Rodgers won the Elite, with Omard Gardiner second and Tyrone Bishop third, while Ewing won the Masters, with Dan Redmond second and W. Registre third.
The Masters 2 was won by Kenneth Grant with Matthew Williams second. Meanwhile the Open was won by Jermain Pollard with Gregorio Bongo second and Eshando Stubbs third. In the Breath Taker race earlier this month, Rodgers had also won
The junior riders were very impressive.
the Elite and Overall battles. The Time Trials continue next Saturday (October 31) with the Whisperer Adult 17 miles (two laps of Venetian) a junior event will be decided. In November there will be two races. On the 14th, riders will
battle in the Oxegon Adults over 4.5 miles (half lap of Venetian) again a Junior race is yet to be decided upon by officials. Meanwhile, on the 28th, the federation would hold a Devastator first ever Team TT over 8.6 miles (one lap of Venetian).
October 24-30, 2020
Sports National
Football training could resume on all islands in coming weeks
Ashley Brooks is ready to take his game indoors.
Brooks looking to play Indoor American football Former college basketball player and semi-pro American football player Ashley Brooks is looking to take his talent indoors. The 25-year-old, who graduate last May, said that he is excited about the transition. “I am transitioning into paid indoor football starting next year so I am looking forward to that.” The Turks Islander is optimistic about signing with a team next month. Currently he is recovering from injuries he sustained last season, while playing for the Dallas Vikings. “I’ve been dealing with some injuries this off-season so I’ve started rehab for my lower shoulder.” Outside of football, Brooks is working at Fidelity
FOOTBALL is back in the TCI! It might however take some time for competitions to resume as the Turks and Caicos Islands Football Association (TCIFA) continues to shield its players and officials from Covid-19, while following the guidelines in place due to the pandemic. Technical Director of the FA Andrew Edwards told the Weekly News that the association has been following the protocols passed down by FIFA and CONCACAF as well as the TCIG in administering the return to football. “We intend to follow all the protocols for the full safety of all the players, officials and parents….” So far, the Men’s National team and the Women’s National team have resumed training in Providenciales, while the Youth National players will re-start training in November. Grassroots football is tentatively set to re-start in January. Prior to that though the other islands are expected to return to the field. “I expect that there will be a resumption in South Caicos very shortly and I would anticipate for other islands as well. All would depend on what the government is saying to us.” Andrews said that although
Football training will soon resume outside of Provo.
the return to normalcy would be a process, the FA is anticipating some exciting times ahead. “We have big ambitions for 2021 and beyond. In fact the period from 2021-2023 is poised to be very very active and filled with a
Investment and protecting himself from Covid-19. INDOOR FOOTBALL Indoor American football is played in an ice hockey-sized indoor area. According to information online, all current indoor football teams play at a minor league or semiprofessional level. Although the sport differs from league to league. In the Area Football League, each team will field eight players at a time from a 21-man active roster. Each player would also play both offense and defence, except for the Quarterback, Kicker, and Offensive Specialist (Wide Receiver/ Running Back combination) and two Defensive Specialists (Defensive Backs).
Youth Football training is expected to re-start next month, while Grassroot Football is tentatively set for a January re-start.
lot of excitement and successful accomplishments for the TCIFA.” The TD did not give any further details about the plans, but promised that the TCIFA intends to take the game to new heights in the islands.
October 24-30, 2020