2 minute read

Big feet, big what?

You’ve probably heard what they say about guys with large feet: Yes, they wear big shoes.

Soaring above 6 feet tall with pronouncing stature and presence, tall guys have it easy. I am going to go out on a limb here and say that tall men are extolled, adored and dare I say, preferred. But what about the average-height men? With the average shoe size and average peens. Have you heard what they say about shorter men?

Unlike our tall counterparts, shorter men are categorized by what is known informally as the short men syndrome: an overly aggressive or domineering social behavior that carries the implication that they often have to compensate for their physical or social shortcomings.

The notion of men’s height, came out of the blue, in a conversation with 5 total strangers. Admittedly, the best night ever. The 4AM conversation, still in my going out clothes in Chester’s Crown Plaza Hotel room 102, whilst half asleep


Rachel Wolchin once said: “If we were meant to stay in one place, we’d have had roots instead of feet.” On this quest to self-discovery, TC Islander Davidson Louis vowed to travel, write, paint, laugh and forgive. Subsequently, he hopes to find himself and or, leave behind a few pieces of himself. Contact him at hello. octopen@tcinews.tc and half befuddled by far-too-many gin-and-tonics, no doubt brewed some of the most interesting topics. Some profound, the others, too dull to remember. But what I do remember is that the girls were salivating over the only fella with the large 48.5 shoe size.

With my bitterness set aside, I tried to make sense of the night.

I was intrigued and wanted to know why. If tall men get all of the attention because it is believed that big feet equate to a big tool, what can shorter men do to compete?

Survival of the fittest_ what is lacking in height can be compensated elsewhere. So here are eight things to work on, if you are below the average male height of 5’9, with evidently smaller feet.

Find Your Style

When you find a style that makes you feel the most confidence, keep it. You won’t be thinking about your height if you always feel great.

Always Smell Nice

Ditch the Old Spice body-sprays. Buy quality aftershaves and take pride in being the one that always smells like a million bucks.

Focus On Your Best Qualities

Height isn’t your only quality. It isn’t your whole personality! Instead of worrying about your height, consider all of your other qualities.Can you tell a great joke and make the whole room laugh? Are you a talented artist? Are you unbelievably intelligent?

Make The Jokes First

There’s always going to be one guy or girl who cracks a joke about your height. But if you crack the joke first, you won’t even give them a chance to say it themselves.

Enjoy The Advantages Of Being Short

When you think about it, there are many advantages to being smaller than average. I thoroughly enjoy my middle-seat on an airplane. I can stretch your legs out and relax while the taller people can not. And I will definitely enjoy my knees for longer than the tall lads.

Ignore The Haters

This may be easier said than done but you should always try to ignore the haters. Ignore the people who make unsolicited jokes or comments about your height. You literally have no room for it.


Let it be. Don’t be desperate. You can’t be short and desperate. Ever.

Avoid Slow Dancing

Unless you can kill it on the dance floor, avoid slow dancing with a female who is towering over you. I suggest you dance alone and find a dance partner of your height.


European 48.5 = US & Canada 15.5

= UK 15 = 31.4 cm =12.4 in

How do you overcome your height? Do you care? I am intrigued to know.

Do share on louisedens@gmail. com

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