Weekly News Volume 25 | No. 41 | October 22 - 28, 2011
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Turks and Caicos
the national newspaper of the turks and caicos islands
words over hearsay bill TCI’s top lawyers have this week been invited to comment on a new bill which would allow hearsay and documentary... PAGE
ON THE WEB tcweeklynews.com
Islands set for economic comeback with End of four resort developments on the table an era A TWO BILLION dollar luxury development – featuring two hotels, Salt islands’ roaming animals soon to bid farewell amid plans for national livestock farm PAGE
35 villas and plush condos – is heading for North Caicos.
popular sailor dies
mysteriously A MUCH-LOVED Canadian sailor and long-term Provo resident – known for his big smile and generous heart – has died in mysterious circumstances. PAGE
Ewing protests before forum
Dr Rufus Ewing, who staged a one-man protest against “injustice within the public service” on Wednesday, is joined by other supporters including PNP Leader Clayton Greene
October 22 - 28, 2011
October 22 - 28, 2011
October 22 - 28, 2011
Guest Editorial (The following editorial was reprinted from the October 19th, 2011 edition of the Nassau Guardian)
Public intellectuals should step forward The media is regarded as the forth estate in democracies. It is supposed to be another check and balance to powerful interest groups, and an arbitrator of sorts, along with the executive, legislature and judicial branches of government. These four groups usually get beaten up in the public sphere when things do not go well. This is good. Criticism makes our community better. Academics and intellectuals are also important in public discourse. Professors, artists, writers and thinkers in general also have their parts to play in shaping public policy and ‘the collective mind’. Sadly, though, the contributions made by public intellectuals often go unnoticed. Many of the people who write to newspapers, appear as guest on radio shows, or debate issues publicly are politically aligned. Hence, what they say is more an attack on the other side to advance the interest of their side than an opinion based on genuine reflection. True public intellectuals are different. They challenge common ideas, they raise contradictions and they challenge those who exercise power. They do so aligned to ideas rather than self-interest or a political party or group. The solutions offered by public intellectuals who offer solutions vary significantly. Those who lean left argue for collectivist action. Those who lean right argue for the removal of restrictions in the marketplace. These interventions are necessary and we encourage more thinkers to get involved in public debates in some form. The Bahamas has serious problems when it comes to education, crime, public infrastructure, and many other things. Our political class is desperate and has few ideas left that can change the circumstance of the country. Those who think, those who have studied, those who care are needed now to offer solutions. Often there is little to no compensation for those who challenge vested interest groups. In fact victimization or ostracism often follow. The courage to challenge the status quo, though, can change long standing wrongs some think insurmountable. On Sunday, the president of the United States, Barack Obama, and thousands of Americans officially opened the monument to the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in Washington, D.C. Dr. King was an intellectual. He was not afraid and was on of the leaders of a movement that changed centuries of wrong. He felt strongly for the cause of racial equality and social justice. He died for that cause. In the modern Bahamas our problems are different that those for blacks in the Americas a century ago. We simply lack organized, thoughtful, progressive leadership. We lack national planning. We lack a direction as country. All who have well considered ideas must step forward. It is not good enough to complain from the sideline.
Published by Turks & Caicos News Company Ltd. Cheshire House, Leeward Highway, Providenciales P.O. Box 52, Turks & Caicos Islands, BWI W. Blythe Duncanson – Publisher/Editor-in-Chief Gemma Handy – Associate Editor Faizool Deo – Sports Samantha Dash-Rigby – Court Cord Garrido-Lowe – Graphics/Production Editor Dilletha Lightbourne-Williams – Office Manager Email: (Advertising) tcnews@tciway.tc, (News) tcweeklynews@yahoo.com, (Talk Back) tcweeklynews@gmail.com Tel. 649-946-4664 (office), 649-232-3508 (after hours) Website address: www.tcweeklynews.com
Heated words over hearsay bill TCI’s top lawyers have this week been invited to comment on a new bill which would allow hearsay and documentary evidence to be accepted during criminal proceedings. The Criminal Justice (Hearsay and Documentary Evidence) Bill was distributed by the TCI Bar Council on Tuesday and has since received a mixed response from the legal community. Some say the draft paper is “entirely unreasonable” while others call it “beneficial and overdue”. The general view is that the “fundamental” change has been created to pave the way for SIPT prosecutions. Lack of consultation time is also a hot topic after legal professionals were given just one week to get their views across. The TCI Bar Council will compile all comments and present them back to Deputy Attorney General Rhondalee Braithwaite-Knowles next Tuesday. The new bill details the rules which allow evidence other than first-hand evidence to be given in criminal proceedings. The two main categories are hearsay evidence and documentary evidence, and within those categories are other types of evidence such as signs, written statements, and video footage. In accepting hearsay evidence, the bill states that certain factors must be taken into account, such as capability to make a statement, consistency and credibility. The hearsay provisions of the bill
are mostly based on the UK Criminal Justice Act 2003 but also include provisions of the UK Criminal Procedure Act 1865, part of the practice of TCI courts. Meanwhile the provisions on documentary evidence are derived from various sources, including the UK Criminal Justice Act 1967 and the Police & Criminal Evidence Act 1984, and common law. Alexander Heylin of Misick and Stanbrook described the bill as a “cut and paste” from the UK Criminal Justice Act 2003. He added that a period of consultation of a week on a very important piece of evidential legislation is “totally unreasonable”. “I would also be very interested to know what lobbying had been carried out by SIPT for this legislation to be brought in. Lobbying is a rather ‘hot’ issue back in the UK right now. “It is entirely wrong for legislation to be determined on the basis of making it easier to bring specific prosecutions, especially with virtually no notice or consultation.” Norman Saunders of Saunders and Co said: “It is my view that it is an appalling indictment on the rule of law when legislation can be changed, fashioned, and introduced to secure specific convictions for past acts by targets that an administration considers undesirable. “I don’t believe that you need to be passionate about jurisprudence to recognise that this is the type of conduct that you read about and would expect from the world’s most
oppressive and appalling regimes.” He added: “Ultimately, we are talking about a rapid erosion of an accused person’s rights with little consultation, almost no public debate, and even less consideration of the real mischief that these changes are intended to address.” Meanwhile Hugh O’Neill of Hugh G O’Neill and Co said: “The current attempt to massage the law with no notice to or discussion with the very professionals who have to deal with it on a daily basis has long term implications for every defendant in every case in the islands, long after SIPT have departed our shores. “If we were in such a hurry to emulate British legislation we might have copied their divorce legislation or bankruptcy laws many years ago. “Target specific legislation for a single purpose should be opposed as a matter of principle until full discussion by the profession and the public who will have to live with the consequences.” Guy Chapman of Savory and Co said some aspects of the bill are “beneficial and overdue” but added that its timing and the “absolutely unseemly haste” with which it has been put together give grounds for “utmost suspicion and regret”. “It is insulting to all of us that we are given only a few days to consider and comment on major legislation. “Major legislation, even if a cut and paste job from another jurisdiction, should be exposed to criticism and debate, over time, without ridiculous time limits being imposed.”
Pension over-payments cost $50K a month GOVERNMENT is to save $50,000 a month from January by axing pension over-payments. Some islanders have been receiving two separate payments for years due to an error. Problems arose when the National Insurance scheme replaced the TCIG Pensions Ordinance in 1992 and NIB instead assumed responsibility for government workers’ pensions. All civil servants employed after the introduction of the scheme were to receive their pensions from NIB and could not benefit from entitlements under the TCIG Pensions Ordinance. However, public sector staff employed before 1992 who continued to work in government after that date, would receive their pension from both the pre-1992
TCIG pension plan, as well as the new National Insurance scheme. The notification system between NIB and TCIG was never implemented and TCIG staff employed before 1992 and who worked in government after that date, continued to receive their pension from both the pre-1992 TCIG pension plan and the new National Insurance scheme. This over-payment situation was identified earlier this year. Government is to enforce Section 64 of the National Insurance Ordinance in January and eliminate the over-payments which will slash more than $50,000 a month from costs. A spokesman said: “This application of the law will now mean that the incorrect overpayment will
end and TCIG pensions will revert to the proper level.” TCIG pensions in future will not be subject to any inflationary rises as has been the historic practice when pay awards had been offered to current civil servants although they will receive NIB rises as they are announced. All new pensioners in first claiming their NIB pension will be subject to this process immediately. The National Insurance pension will not be amended as a result of this corrective action nor will any subsequent NIB pension rises. A letter is to be issued by the Ministry of Finance this week explaining what this will mean to affected pensioners and offer them the opportunity to discuss their personal calculation.
October 22 - 28, 2011
High hopes for tci Islands set for economic comeback with four resort developments on the table by Gemma Handy A TWO BILLION dollar luxury development – featuring two hotels, 35 villas and plush condos – is heading for North Caicos. The Greenwich Beach Resort & Spa is the latest in a string of forthcoming projects recently announced, sparking hopes that TCI is on the cusp of a financial comeback. Proposals for a European styleresort in Grace Bay, a new hotel in Grand Turk, and the revival of the long shelved West Caicos project are also causing a stir. And they’re all hot on the heels of a healthy surge in tourist numbers. From home theatres to wine cellars, interior water features to a full service spa, Greenwich Beach bosses hope to attract an abundance of well-heeled clientele to North Caicos. The scheme will be spread out over 50 gated acres on the north coast of the isle, accessible only by
The 75 per cent completed West Caicos scheme has been on hold since 20
North Caicos’ stunning Greenwich Beach could soon be home to a luxury complex
golf cart. Developers plan to maintain the ‘garden island’s’ pristine beauty with a host of eco-friendly initiatives including limiting boats into the lighted lagoon to electric-powered vessels only. Up to 35 custom estate homes, all with either beach or lagoon frontage, will be created along with high-end condos, two five-star hotels, three restaurants and a marina. With Provo’s new longer runway now complete, paving the way for direct transatlantic flights, plans for a 250-300 room European-style hotel in Providenciales are also on the table. Complete with conference facilities, it is destined for a spot near the Seven Stars resort in Grace Bay
will then be released to the public for further input. The Molasses Reef project has been on ice since September 2008 following the collapse of Lehman Brothers. The luxury 125-room hotel and 30 condominiums were 75 per cent complete with most of the condos already sold, when the US investment bank filed for bankruptcy listing debts of $613bn, the biggest in American history. Work on the exclusive Ritz Carlton-branded scheme, one the largest projects the TCI has ever seen, had been underway for two years. The previously uninhabited 11-square mile island features some of the region’s finest beaches while
and has already attracted backing from advisory council members. A government spokesman said: “It would mark a diversification of the tourist sector from a condominium based model and into another distinct area that could attract a new market.” TCInvest is to lead negotiations with the developers, in consultation with the Governor’s office. Earlier this month, Grand Turk pastor Chad Archbold briefed the consultative forum about a blueprint for a large hotel under discussion for the capital island. Meanwhile, plans to restart work on West Caicos are gathering momentum. Governor Ric Todd was due to present a consultation document with details of the scheme to the advisory council this week. It
the surrounding reef is said to be the final resting place of Columbus’ Pinta. It is hoped the scheme’s resurgence, along with the other developments in the pipeline, will kickstart TCI’s listless construction industry and spawn a plethora of new jobs. This month Tourist Board figures revealed TCI had seen an 18 per cent rise in visitor numbers for the first half of the year, compared to the same period last year. Between January and June, the country welcomed in 222,596 visitors. A campaign to lure more visitors to the sister islands too is now underway via eyecatching billboards and media advertisements.
Ewing protests before forum SPEAKING out against “injustice” within the public service, Chief medical officer Dr Rufus Ewing staged a one-man demonstration on Leeward Highway on Wednesday. The eight hour protest took place in front of the office of the Department of Disaster Management, where Governor Ric Todd was holding a meeting with members of the Advisory Council. It comes following Dr Ewing’s sudden resignation announcement last month, after spending ten years working for the government. He said that he refused to continue working with “shackles and a muzzle”, and promised to speak out about the public service and health care delivery. “I am a fighter and I would not be able to fight effectively in the ring as I would like to so I will continue to fight our issues outside of the ring even though I may be a voice in the wilderness,” he told press.
Although the impassioned doctor began his picket alone shortly after 9 am, he was soon joined by other sympathisers, many of whom are known supporters of the former Government. PNP leader Clayton Greene, former Minister of Education Lillian Been and pastor and tv host Dr. Conrad Howell were among those who turned up to voice their support. Protestors held placards which read: ‘Charge: Failure to address health care issues’, ‘Charge: Failure to provide jobs’ and ‘Charge: British white sizing’. The event attracted the attention of the Governor who, on his departure from the meeting, assured Dr Ewing that he understood his concerns and invited him to further discussions. Following his resignation announcement Dr Ewing told the press that he felt his freedom of speech was restricted during his time with the government.
Dr Rufus Ewing, accompanied by supporters including PNP Leader Clayton Greene, lead the protest on Leeward Highway
“You not only have shackles on your hands and feet but also muzzle on your mouth because you are a civil servant and you have to realise that you are, and there are certain rules in the civil service to
which extent you can speak out on government policy.” He said he was either forced to stay silent publicly on government policy or remove himself from it so that he could speak out.
Dr Ewing revealed that many civil servants felt frustrated, demotivated and demoralised. “It has become exceedingly difficult for me to remain a part of this administration and even more of a challenge to remain quiet about the policies that are being developed that are not in the best interest of the health of the people of the TCI and are not in the best interest of the country on the whole,” he said. He said he supported public service reform in order to ensure its improvement and efficiency, however, he did not agree with the approach taken by the current administration. Dr Ewing said the current administration was placing TC Islanders at a disadvantage by seeking to eliminate them from their current positions of employment. Adding that no efforts were being made to review options available for training, upgrading of skills and performance enhancement.
October 22 - 28, 2011
A Weekly News column that puts you on the spot for your opinions on the issues of the day
Should TCI ban economic migrants? GOVERNMENT is currently seeking the public’s thoughts on how to resolve the health care sector’s crippling costs. One proposal under discussion is to limit new immigrants to the TCI to those only from first world countries and fellow overseas territories. This would effectively ban people from poor countries like Haiti from moving to the islands. We asked you for your thoughts.
Keep them out
“Yea, ban dem. God bless.”
Unskilled labour
“If you limit entry to those with skills that are not already in the islands (ie brain surgeon), you might eliminate some unskilled labour; people with high demand for health care but few resources to pay. “I may be wrong, but I don’t think illegal immigrants are coming to the TCI with free health care as their objective. “The implications would be that a lot of people would not be getting medical care.”
Choice to opt out
“All this was raised right from the beginning. It was pointed out verbally, in writing, by emails, in protests and in face to face meetings with all parties that this scheme could not be supported and not to implement it. “Now it appears government wants to listen when it is too late and many of us have had to pay the “crippling costs” of not only the NHIP but our private insurances so we would not lose coverage when the system fails as we all advised from the beginning. “I honestly do not know how you get out of this mess now but I do know you need to provide for an opt-out of whatever new system is created to make it fair. “Health care is important and good; sensible coverage is key. Currently you have people having major surgeries and post recuperative care and therapies for $10! “This is not feasible and the coverage needs to be refined but again those who wish to pay for private insurance should have the choice to opt out.”
Choices needed
“Anyone with a functioning brain did the math and realised that the NHIP scheme would fail, so we are all expecting to pay more. “Perhaps it would make sense to increase the costs, and increase the services, and allow people not to subscribe to NHIP if they do not wish to. “My thought is that, if the service/benefits were so excellent that we want to use it, all the time, we could let go of our expensive private insurance and support NHIP and the hospital (note I say hospital - singular; having two in the TCI is ridiculous).
“And those Belongers and first world country residents who choose not to subscribe don’t get any service. After all this is either home, or we can go ‘home’ if we don’t like it here. “And many of us can afford private insurance if we feel that it is still necessary, after the hospital/NHIP upgrade their services. “The poor, on the other hand, don’t have any choices.”
Target defaulters
“There are many ways to cut the health care cost, the first one is looking at the over 3,000 people on the list of who does not have to pay but enjoy the full benefits. “Out of a population as small as the TCI is, to have that many people not paying is madness and total unsustainable. “Some of the benefits also need to be looked at such as NHIP paying for Viagra but not birth control. “No wonder the busiest place in the hospital is the maternity ward! “Look at why the system is not working before having to go down the dramatic route of completely rethinking the whole immigration policy.”
Free loaders
“There needs to be a minimum monthly payment by all residents to be allowed to use the health care system. “If you haven’t paid or are not legal, no soup for you! “If you don’t correct the situation now it will only get worse. Most workers are free loading and never give back to the country. Take take take! “Time for immigration to do some house cleaning!”
Blame the Brits
“Rather than banning immigrants from third world countries, which in itself is racist and elitist, surely a means test could be instituted for new immigrants! “The other issue about health care is that not only are our 3,000 civil servants contributing nothing, but apparently there is a list of ‘elite’ people here who are not required to contribute either. “Let’s have everyone contribute and maybe we will be much better off! “Notwithstanding the foregoing, Governor
Wetherell, despite a huge faction of the local medical and other people in the know who opposed the institution of and advised against this deal with Interhealth Canada, went ahead and signed it into law anyway! “Perhaps he and the FCO should come good for the shortfall that was predicted and expected by any reasonable thinking person! “Another yoke on our necks by the British due to their indifference and inattention!”
Immigration quotas
“There have never been adequate immigration policies. Immigration’s main function has been to collect work permit fees. “There must be a policy set in place with quotas on how many can immigrate from every country. The policy must include the skill levels needed and be based on need after we have full employment for Belongers able to fill the jobs available. “Construction jobs are not permanent employment. This is why we need schools and trade schools to train our people for the permanent jobs. “We have thousands of unskilled and semi skilled foreign workers who have no intention of making their home here. Working only long enough to gain a stake back home as they export millions of the dollars earned. “If they were true immigrants and planned to permanently reside here they would put down roots and the dollars they earned here would by and large stay here. “This is why it was folly to try to provide secondary health care for foreign workers. Primary care at their cost, yes, secondary care except in emergencies to stabilise then send these folks home where their national governments can handle their long-term secondary care needs. “How can 15,000 Belongers and permanent residents, many with no local income, afford to cover the health needs of 35,000 people, most only here temporarily? An obvious farce that made no common sense. The result has been a massive downgrade in primary care for everyone. “The population would have voted this down if they had the chance. How also can little TCI afford to pay Interhealth Canada who only operates in the oil rich Arab countries. Where are our oil wells? “Governor Wetherell said the contract could not be cancelled. If the supplier (Interhealth) finds out that their customer (TCI) cannot afford to pay them they will run from the contract. NHIP started in April 2010 about one and one half years ago and has obviously added to the national debt. “Our local medical chief who helped set up this financial mess is bailing out. The whole system from the super expensive tiny hospitals, the high interest rate and the Canadian contractor at $2m per month are going to crash and bring our budget down with it. “The interim government could make a good start by making a deal with other governments to charge them for the care we furnish their citizens!”
Deep-seated dishonesty
“It is a cop out to blame the under-paid migrants for the weakness of an inefficient and overpriced hospital system.
“The problem is not the Haitians, Dominicans, indigent TCIs etc. The problem is the fact that we are all paying for two hospitals which are really worth only $25m but the price is $65m, $125m and ultimately $235m! “Then the reinsurance contract with Redbridge is bad and there is not enough cover! “Next, in the wake of a declining economy, premiums are five per cent, the actuarial analysis ignored a declining population, the net migration owing to ingrained corruption and the unfair burden of NHIP placed on the poor. “There is also deep seated intellectual dishonesty because the government that took the bribes, the monies under the table, PNP skills, then foisted the scam on the people, are blaming the British for what they have done! “This country cannot have a bright future because of this kind of organised criminal thinking. “It cannot be fair to blame the migrant workers for internal corruption, the absence of planning on the part of the former PNP regime and the open theft of TCI people’s monies! “One may insist that a huge population base would fall victim to the medical scam, huge numbers of mostly rich persons cannot hide the fact that the people of the TCI are and have always been ripped off. “Blame the foreigner, the migrant is the weapon of a weak, ill-informed politician. This cannot also be the game plan of the interim government! “Let the government investigate the scam, sue to expose its total corrupt inputs, end the contract and negotiate a new deal.”
Saturation point
“The TCI government has to take some steps to limit a further influx of certain immigrants, not only to reduce the cost of the ill-conceived health care programme, but to prevent complete marginalisation of the native population. “It is immigration from Haiti that is the main problem. There is already a very sizeable Haitian population here. “As a group, they are honest, law-abiding members of the community and Haitian workers serve an important role by performing essential work that most TC Islanders don’t care to do. “Indeed, I know few TC Islanders who don’t have Haitians doing work for them in some capacity, be it domestic work or parttime labour. “However, those jobs are now filled, meaning that there is little work available for additional immigrants. “Unlike immigrants from the US, Canada and Europe, who are ordinarily self-supporting and usually make positive contributions to the continued
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October 22 - 28, 2011
End of an era EXCLUSIVE
THEY’VE been a part of the salt islands’ scenery for centuries, as much a part of life as conch and grits. But soon the ubiquitous large animals which have roamed freely since the days of the Bermudian salt rakers will be a thing of the past. Plans to remove most of the creatures from Grand Turk, Salt Cay and South Caicos have been in the pipeline for some time. But they are now being accelerated amid proposals to create a national livestock herd to reduce the country’s reliance on imports. It will be welcomed by residents fed up of having their property trampled and plants eaten, not to mention motorists who’ve diced
economy, Haitian immigrants are, by and large, impoverished and dependent upon obtaining work or government assistance to survive. “On a humanitarian level, it can be argued that wealthier countries should accept people who are fleeing their country in order to escape poverty, but the TCI has already done more than its part in this regard. The saturation point has been reached and the influx must be stopped. “Obviously, the tide of illegal immigration needs to be addressed. It is incomprehensible that the radar installation remains incomplete after all of this time. “There should be stiff penalties for people (sometimes TC Islanders) who engage in human trafficking. “Something also needs to be done to eliminate the convenience marriages that provide an automatic right to work and a ready pathway to citizenship for foreign nationals. “The right to work should be restricted, possibly by a significant waiting period, and citizenship should require proof that the couple actually have been living together as husband and wife for at least the currently mandated period of five years and perhaps longer. “As with many other subjects in the TCI, enforcement will be problematical.”
Salt islands’ roaming animals soon to bid farewell amid plans for national livestock farm
by Gemma Handy
with death after encountering them in the roads. But others say they’ll miss the hulking gentle beasts which lollop in the quiet, quaint streets and pastures, a throwback to days gone by. Agriculture chiefs are working with local animal owners in Grand Turk to devise the best way forward. Once resolved, they will begin negotiations in Salt Cay and South. Many cows and goats will be rounded up and sent to North Caicos for a forthcoming meat and dairy farm. Around 80 donkeys look set to be shipped to Haiti and other parts of the region to carry milk for rural farmers. The latter move is being assisted by the UK’s Donkey Sanctuary which will assess the animals’ health before transportation. Charity spokeswoman Amanda Gordon said a boat had been organised to ship them as soon as they had been gathered by government workers. The horses’ fate has yet to be decided but they may be placed in commercial service for tourists in both the capital island and Providenciales. A small number of both donkeys and horses are likely to be retained in Grand Turk for posterity and tourism. Grand Turk resident Paul Roberts is among a handful of animal owners who have already lent backing to the scheme. He currently has almost 150 cows and around 17 goats, of which he plans to select the finest to take to the farm. The rest will be slaughtered. “Me and my friends and brothers who have livestock want to support this 100 per cent,” Mr Roberts told the Weekly News. “The problem is people don’t view the animals as important anymore. In any other country, livestock is a business but here they’re seen as a nuisance because they destroy people’s property, trees and little farms. “There’s very high calving rate and the island is over-run by them.” He said he believed the beef and goat meat generated would prove very profitable and urged fellow owners to help round up their creatures. Mr Roberts said roaming animals had been a part of life in Grand Turk as long as he could remember. “Cows have always been known as the ‘poor man’s bank’. If you needed money for hospital treatment or if a child was going off to school, people would slaughter a cow and everyone would come and buy the meat to support you. “I think people will miss them, especially the tourists who love to
The finest cows will be selected for the forthcoming national herd
take photos of them, but there are just too many of them now,” he added. Nicholas Turner, director of agriculture, said he planned to start the farm with up to 100 cows as soon as a suitable site is identified. The TCI’s salty atmosphere is credited with spawning first-rate meat. “The beef that comes from Grand Turk is better than Aberdeen Angus. It’s organic, free range and delicious. In due course we could supply local restaurants.” Mr Turner said studies were currently underway to determine factors such as the best grass for the animals to eat and methods for installing a proper butchery and slaughterhouse. Creatures are now being electronically tagged to track their whereabouts. “The days of wild animals wandering around are numbered,” he continued. “They’re often involved in road accidents, they break down fences and eat people’s fruit and veg. “I hope other owners will either lock them up where they’re supposed to be or send them to join the new cattle herd for which they will be financially compensated.” The director said the animals would be gathered and treated as “humanely and productively as possible” with full co-operation from their owners from whom suggestions are welcomed.
Pair arrested for drugs
A COUPLE have been arrested and charged for possession of cannabis following a search of their Five Cays home on Sunday. The unnamed pair were released on police bail and were due to appear before magistrates this week.
“A small nucleus of donkeys and horses will be left for old time’s sake, perhaps in a petting zoo or to provide rides for tourists,” he added. Judith Campbell, permanent secretary for health, said: “It is heartening to finally witness the long-standing problem of roaming animals being tackled.” She said the department was busy implementing a plan. “This will involve some animals being used in agriculture and
tourism/recreation in the TCI, some being transferred to another country and some being culled. “I am really pleased with the work being done,” she added. While many residents are likely to give full support to the project, for some, sentiment for this token of the TCI’s unique and colourful history will prevail. One thing is for sure, the streets of the salt islands will never be quite the same again.
Police officer accused of lottery scam A LOTTERY ticket scam – allegedly at the hands of a police officer – has again cast doubt over the integrity of the TCI force. Providenciales officers are probing the matter which involves altering lottery tickets to show a greater winning amount. The forged tickets have passed through various establishments in the island. A police spokesman said: “The investigation is still in its preliminary stage but the subject
of interest is an officer of the Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police.” He added: “The Commissioner and other senior officers are saddened to hear of these alleged actions by one of their officers. “However, the integrity of the Royal Turks and Caicos Police is paramount and all allegations of misconduct will be thoroughly investigated and persons will be held accountable for their actions.”
Man suffers serious stab wounds A MAN who suffered several stab wounds to the neck following an incident early Sunday morning has been flown out of the country for life-saving treatment. Police have one man in custody in connection with the stabbing which occurred in Five Cays. The victim was rushed to Provo hospital for emergency treatment
and later airlifted to the Bahamas. A hospital spokesman said: “The victim, believed to be a Turks Islander, was given immediate life-saving treatment by members of the emergency department team. “Once stable, he was then flown out of the country for further specialised treatment.”
October 22 - 28, 2011
‘Sail away my friend’ Tributes pour in for popular sailor who died mysteriously on Monday By Gemma Handy A MUCH-LOVED Canadian sailor and long-term Provo resident – known for his big smile and generous heart – has died in mysterious circumstances. Mark Glusing, 41, was found in the ocean in the Leeward area of the island early on Monday morning. Police are appealing for help from islanders in determining the events which led up to his untimely demise. An autopsy was due to be carried out this week. Meanwhile, tributes have flooded in from the poker enthusiast and former Iron Man competitors’ many friends. Born in Montreal, Mark grew up in Barbados and also lived for some time in Bermuda where he made his name in the 1990s as a frequent Iron Man and triathlon contestant. Providenciales resident Kay Vanes said she would miss her close friend greatly. “I am very sad at the moment as
Mark Glusing: A big smile and a generous heart
Mark (far right) loved to sail with his many friends
I’d spent a lot of time with Mark over the last few years or so,” she told the Weekly News. “He was a very generous and unassuming person who loved taking people out on his boat, just because he loved to show off our beautiful islands and he enjoyed the company.
“He’ll be missed.” Anne de la Durantaye remembered hockey fan Mark, a trader and biofuel businessman, as “always smiling”. “He was on the water every weekend, Jojo was following his boat all the time. Mark was always ready to help people and he just
Kwasi Kwarteng John Hartley is a retired CEO. He was educated in economics and econometrics at Manchester University and Harvard Business School. He is an occasional contributor at invitational economics seminars at Brazenose College, Oxford.
Economics Column HMG is conducting soundings of local opinion about the future of the overseas territories including the TCI. Fortunately an excellent guide to blunders by previous British governments has just been published. Eton, Cambridge, a noted historian, holder of a safe Conservative seat in a rich London suburb. This may sound like a traditional Tory grandee, but Kwarteng is far from that. His ancestry is proud African. His parents came to Britain from the Gold Coast, recently renamed Ghana. That place where the coastal dwellers captured people from places in the interior like Bambarra and sold them in to slavery. He is a British intellectual and his book ‘Ghosts of Empire’ should be read by those about to reorder the remnants of empire. Because one thing this book shows is that decisions made at the Foreign Office had far reaching, occasionally catastrophic, consequences for the generations that followed. The lesson for TCI? Cling on to mummy for fear of something worse, much worse. If that really is asking too much, then cuddle up to another of your fellow offspring such as the
USA or Canada. As many small countries who went down this road before you learned to their cost, it is a brutal world out there, and for the most part they have come back in to the family under a different kind of imperium under the guardian wing of one or other of the major successor powers like Nigeria, South Africa, India, and of course our cousin in North America. Local consultation was not a solution. We now know for example that Britain was opposed to the partition of India, as was Mountbatten personally. They followed the local wishes, a decision that cost millions of lives and the consequences of which are still with us today. Britain seems to be on the verge of another historical first. Having built the largest empire the world has ever known, and one of the longest lasting, it seems possible that the British Empire will come to its end without the collapse and destruction of the imperial power. Indeed, far from being overrun by foreign armies, and having its culture, language and people utterly destroyed, the dying empire has spawned an English speaking imperium of over a billion people run from Washington. Who will dominate it in the era to come is as yet unknown, but you can with safety put your money on an each way bet, the North Atlantic wing, led from Washington, or the AsianAfrican wing led from Delhi. The latest applicant to this club is Southern Sudan, which has chosen English and its
loved to be on his boat. “Last time I saw him he said he does what he loves the most – cruising around Provo with Jojo following him. On his boat he was just so happy.” Anne continued that Mark had even created an innovative, night snorkelling surf board. “He was very smart, he always had dreams,” she added. Fellow boat captain Bill Sewell said he would “miss the banter” and Mark’s “forever smiling face”. “May your lines be forever tight and the wind forever fair. Rest in peace buddy,” he added. A memorial site has been set up in Mark’s memory, with dozens of his
Lessons from the ‘Ghosts of Empire’ trappings for governance. Kwarteng’s book is about the Victorian stage of empire, not the Elizabethan to Georgian age of colonisers and (with one notable exception!) extraordinary prowess in war. This newer part of the empire was conquered with brute force. Kwarteng shows that the empire was a creation of strong local individuals and British adventurers, not some great policy machine, and was run through and by local hierarchical elites who craved the wealth and power imperial status and power could give them. The British for their part considered that the values they brought were justice, order, and access to modern technology and trade, to what had been for centuries static societies. There was no talk of democracy, especially equality within a democratic system, because that did not exist at home. An elite hierarchy was the order of the day. KK demonstrates that there are no historical lessons on governance to be learned from the empire. As he says it can only be understood in terms of itself. But there are definitely lessons to be learned by ex-colonies about the method of dissolution. The constituents of the empire are doing pretty well for the most part. Some like Sudan, Zimbabwe and Burma are paying the price for bungled independence, and also there are some terrible messes arising from FCO blunders such as Pakistan, Afghanistan and Palestine.
friends already adding comments to http://mark-glusing.memory-of.com. Jimmy Thatcher described their seven-year friendship as “amazing”. “Memories were made and memories will be cherished,” he wrote, adding: “Mark’s a truly unique person and he had a crazy positive effect on my life in ways he never knew. Life won’t be the same without you mate, you will be greatly missed.” Sarah Schurman said one of Mark’s best qualities was his “unfailing confidence in the people he loved in their ability to better themselves and his willingness to help them do it”. And Jodi Taylor said: “I do not know if I could put into words how great a guy you were. “For those of us who had the pleasure of knowing you we are truly sad that we will not see your smiling face or hear your wit again. May you sail away in peace my friend.” Yigit Arol said he would forever remember Mark’s “smiling blue eyes” whenever he looked at TCI’s turquoise waters. Joe Levitz described Mark as always having “a vision” and a space aboard his vessel for his pals. “It seems only a short time ago that we were sharing laughs, drinks and telling fishing stories back in Turtle Cove Marina, usually at Shark Bite. You will truly be missed.” The news of Mark’s unexpected passing sent his close friends reeling. Charlotte Hanley wrote that she was in “total shock”. “You were a dear friend to me. Rest in peace and may the angels look after you.” Sara Codner stated: “I will miss you every single day. My life will not be the same without you in it.” Mark was president of Caribbean firm Infinite Holdings and CEO of biotechnology company GrowPond Organics. In 2002 he was appointed president of Poker.com and also had a strong background in international business, public company management and finance. Police are urging anyone with information about what may have led to Mark’s death to come forward. Call 911, CrimeStoppers on 1-800TIPS (8477), send an encrypted web tip on www.crimestoppers.tc or ‘friend’ Crime Stoppers Turks & Caicos on Facebook.
October 22 - 28, 2011
Battling with violence
DOMESTIC violence against men was a hot topic at a recent regional workshop in St Vincent and the Grenadines. TCI gender affairs coordinator Carolyn Dickens represented the country at the important meeting which saw gender bureaus, international agencies and NGOs gather together. This year the event, sponsored by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), focused on males and whether they can be victims of gender based violence. Ms Dickens explained: “As a department, we have made great strides, but there is still some way to go. “Through this medium we proposed to work in collaboration with various agencies to assist in the reduction of gender based violence including sexual violence in the TCI. “We hope to strengthen prevention and care policies, programmes and services to address the problem and influence behaviour change.” During the event, heads of bureaus shared information, experiences and programmes on successful gender based violence prevention activities in the Caribbean. Among the topics discussed included programmes for law
enforcement officers, key government stake holders, public sectors and NGOs for elimination of gender based violence. Attendees also spoke about outreach programmes using faith based organisations, global best practices, and Health and Family Life Education (HFLE) mainstreaming in teacher education programmes. The establishment of a one stop shop sexual assault referral centre was also a popular topic. Ms Dickens said: “The department realises the need to have the proper framework in which to deal with all forms of violence (physical, sexual, emotional and verbal), in keeping with the Convention of the Elimination of Violence Against Women (CEDAW) to which our government is signatory. “The reality is that too often violence is tolerated under the fallacious cover of cultural practices and norms, within the walls of the home. “The time has come to break through those walls of silence, and turn legal norms into reality in women’s lives. “That means TCI society as a whole must take responsibility, and work on ensuring change in values and attitudes.”
NHIB chief financial officer resigns DESIREE James tendered her resignation as chief financial officer at the National Health Insurance Board (NHIB) recently as a “matter of principle”. Ms James said the decision was not made lightly and adding that it was taken “in the best interest of the people of the Turks and Caicos Islands”. In a press release she revealed that she hoped her choice would safeguard and protect her “integrity and professional reputation” as a certified public accountant. Ms James made the decision on Thursday October 13, and it will become effective on November 14, 2011. “On March 1, 2008, I was hired by the Turks and Caicos Islands Government (TCIG) in the capacity of project manager to implement the first ever National Health Insurance Plan (NHIP) along with a team of consultants,” she said. “I was subsequently appointed CFO by the board of directors because of my experience, education and intimate knowledge of all aspects of the plan, having worked on it since its inception. “In my two and a half years with the NHIB, there were many challenges, but it was nevertheless quite rewarding in many respects.” She said she was “proud and honoured” to have been an integral part of implementing a plan that provides quality health care to every
MATTER OF PRINCIPLE: Desiree James resigns as chief financial officer at NHIB
resident. “I had the privilege of working with many experienced international consultants and I can safely say that TCI is the envy of many of its Caribbean neighbours whose governments would like to implement plans similar to ours that would provide superior levels of healthcare service. “To be sure, while the road has been long and meandering, the organisation has been able to stand by its motto of ‘building a healthy nation one person at a time’. “The NHIB has made tremendous strides in its quest to provide
residents of the TCI with the best health care possible. “However, there is much left to be done to ensure that this country maintains a health care system that is affordable to its residents.” Ms James thanked the government and the NHIB board of directors for the opportunity to have served her country. “At the same time, I wish to implore the NHIB and interim administration to make decisions that are totally in the best interest of the health of the people of the Turks and Caicos Islands, especially during these economic times.”
Help needed to Online exam help for GSAT pupils create TCI census
BRIGHT and hardworking TC Islanders aged over 21 are being sought to help complete the 2012 population and housing census. The Department of Economic Planning and Statistics (DEPS) is accepting applications from suitable people to become enumerators. Residents from across the Turks and Caicos Islands are urged to offer themselves for this essential project before Monday, October 24. Successful applicants will become part of one of the largest and most important statistical endeavours that the country undertakes. They will locate and visit personally each inhabited or habitable dwelling in the enumeration district to which they are assigned. Those selected will also have to complete census forms accurately for each person and each dwelling, and assist any other enumerator in the performance of their duties if directed by the zone supervisor. Prospective enumerators must
be at least 21 years old and will be required to sit a written aptitude test during the interview process. They must have a clean police record, be able to write legibly, possess good numerical and reading skills, possess strong interpersonal and communication skills, be willing to work evenings and weekends as and when required, and be available to attend five days of training on a full time basis in preparation for the work. Selection will be based on successful completion of a training and evaluation test and interviews. Application forms are available at the DEPS office in Grand Turk, the Department of Labour in Providenciales and District Commissioners offices throughout the islands. All applications must be accompanied by curriculum vitae along with a police record, and sent to Shirlen Forbes Jr, Department of Economic Planning and Statistics, South Base, Grand Turk.
GRADE six pupils across the country now have extra assistance for their upcoming exams, in the form of an online education tool. The Go GSAT programme provides web-based practise tests, educational games, study guides and notes. And it’s all available for free thanks to the generosity of telecoms company Lime. CEO Drexwell Seymour said that national pass marks have shot up considerably since they started funding the programme three years ago. He explained: “We have started on a journey that will yield success because students have the chance to perform and be rewarded. “Lime wants students to get an early start on Go GSAT online.” Students are being encouraged to sign up immediately to the online educational facility and start preparing for the 2012 GSAT exams. “Do not wait until it is two weeks before the exam to prepare,” Mr Seymour stressed, “but actively
STUDY PAYS: Lime’s scholarship student Jonbonae Chung with her parents
participate in doing the test lessons online.” Students can obtain access codes from their headteachers to access Go GSAT. Those who do not have computers at home can use the computers at the public library.
As well as tools for pupils, Go GSAT also provides educational materials such as handouts, worksheets and practice tests for teachers. Since 2005, pupils subscribed to the programme have won more than 95 national scholarships.
October 22 - 28, 2011
October 22 - 28, 2011
October 22 - 28, 2011
We welcome letters from all members of the public on a variety of topics.
Don’t fear the census
Dear Editor, Most times when individuals hear of accountability, especially in the immigrant community, fear automatically kicks in. But the census should attract no such adverse feeling if it is presented and administered in the norm. Typical questions (USA Census Bureau, 2010) that alleviate such fears are herein offered for the Department of Statistics’ use: How many people were living or staying in this house, apartment, or mobile home on April 1, 2011? Department asks this question to help get an accurate count of the number of people in the household on Census Day, April 1 2011. Department uses the information to ensure response accuracy and completeness and to contact respondents whose forms have incomplete or missing information. Were there any additional people staying here April 1 2011 that you did not include in the question above? Department asks this to help identify people who may have been excluded in the count provided in question above. Department uses the information to ensure response accuracy and completeness and to contact respondents whose
forms have incomplete or missing information. Is this house, apartment, or mobile home owned with mortgage, owned without mortgage, rented, or occupied without rent? Home ownership rates serve as an indicator of the nation’s economy. The data is also used to administer housing programmes and to inform planning decisions. What is your telephone number? Department asks for a phone number in case they need to contact a respondent when a form is returned with incomplete or missing information. Please provide information for each person living here. Start with a person here who owns or rents this house, apartment. If the owner or renter lives somewhere else, start with any adult living here. Listing the name of each person in the household helps the respondent to include all members, particularly in large households where a respondent may forget who was counted and who was not. Also, names are needed if additional information about an individual must be obtained to complete the census form. TCI law should protect the confidentiality of personal information, including
Wake up to health care issue Dear Editor, The health care on this island is top notch but unfortunately, when giving top health care to a third world country, the money will always fall short. Questions should be asked regarding $10 MRI scans when in any other country they would cost at least $300. Expats are loving this; they get an MRI scan prior to returning to their own country to have everything checked out and sorted before
returning home, thus saving them an awful lot of money if there is something wrong with their health. As with most things in these islands everybody wants everything for nothing, which is great if the country can afford this attitude. But unfortunately these islands are far away from this being remotely possible. Wake up TCI.
Stop this election “folly”
names. What is person one’s sex? Census data about sex are important because many federal programmes must differentiate between males and females for funding, implementing and evaluating their programmes. For instance, laws promoting equal employment opportunity for women require census data on sex. Also, sociologists, economists and other researchers who analyse social and economic trends use the data. What is person one’s age and date of birth? Governments need data about age to interpret most social and economic characteristics, such as forecasting the number of people eligible for NIB and NHIP benefits. The data is widely used in planning and evaluating government programmes and policies that provide funds or services for children, working-age adults, women of childbearing age, or the older population. Is person 1 of Hispanic, Creole or Filipino origin? The data collected in this question is needed by human rights agencies to monitor compliance with anti-discrimination provisions. What is person one’s race? Race is key to implementing many laws and is needed to monitor compliance with the Human Rights Act. State governments use the data to determine congressional, state and local voting districts. Race data is also used to assess fairness of employment practices, to monitor racial disparities in characteristics such as health and education, and to plan and obtain funds for public services. Does person one sometimes live or stay somewhere else? This is another question the department asks in order to ensure response accuracy and completeness and to contact respondents whose forms have incomplete or missing information. This information is needed to get a head-count, not the net worth of individuals in the country as mistaken by some individuals. EdS
Dear Editor, Promises, promises, promises. When will the promise for election be a reality? I call on the British Government officials in the Turks & Caicos Islands to stop their folly and give the people a date for the general elections. The British Government has dissolved the constitution now for the past three years, and kept promising that they would bring those who were accused of corruption to justice. If Mr Michael Misick and his former ministers are wrong then the time is due for them to be prosecuted and let the country go into general elections to choose a local government. The local government would provide the best leadership for the people of this country. We should not pay for the former administration’s misdeeds. I am strongly convinced that this take-over by the British Government has very little to do with the conduct of the former administration but for the British to come in and confuse and mislead the people of this country. I also believe that they had this intention for a very long time but decided to come in at the appropriate time. I think that the British have to stop their deception and their confusion. I asked myself the question over and over, why is it that the Governor can drive around in an up to date vehicle, have a bodyguard, allowances, private aircraft, plush apartments and Mr Michael Misick, during his tenure as Premier, was persecuted for doing so? Is not this discrimination and prejudice? Why should a native leader have less privileges than those who are brought in to lead? It is high time now for the end of all the investigations and taxations and long, drawn out excuses by the British to come to an end. The British need to be clear and, if they love the country with all the beautiful beaches and beautiful sunshine and peace and tranquility, should be honest and say their intentions rather than being here making excuses and making life
hard and difficult for those of us who live and have businesses and those who come here to vacation for many years. Now is the time for Turks & Caicos Islanders and those who reside here, whether you are on a work permit or PRC, to come together and ask the British administration to call a date for general elections and to allow the TCI to return to democracy. I find it also strange that the former administration is being accused of illegal land sales and now it appears as if the land will be up for auction. This is totally against the people of the TCI because most of us, if not all of us, would not be able to purchase our own land. Why are we so quiet about these ills and wrongs? Whatever decision we allow to go forward now will affect our future generations. Imagine the future generation having no say in this country in the years to come. Political leaders need to realise that what is happening now will not only affect a few of us, but all of us. In this regard political leaders need to join hearts and hands together and work on the behalf of the people of the TCI and ask the British to leave immediately. If our political leaders come together like the Chief Minister and the leader of the opposition did years ago we can get the British out fast. The consultative forum need to realise that they are a bunch of puppets and only helping hinder the growth of the Turks and Caicos Islands. Edwin Hernandez
Please note that all submissions are subject to editing in keeping with defamation laws and newspaper style. Letters should be accompanied by the author’s full name, location and phone number. Names will be withheld if requested.
October 22 - 28, 2011
Special needs activist honoured A SOUTH Caicos resident has been awarded for the “significant mark” she has made on the island’s special needs community. Noreane Lightbourne was named CIBC First Caribbean’s Unsung Hero of 2011 and received $6,000 for the charity of her choice. Bank executives recently travelled to the island to personally congratulate Ms Lightbourne. Country manager Sherma Hercules made the announcement at the South Caicos bank branch. “Today is an extra special day for us at CIBC First Caribbean,” she said, “as the bank, for the first time since the programme’s inception in 2004, has taken our Unsung Heroes’ presentation outside of Providenciales. “We are truly honoured to be here on South Caicos and are very excited to recognise and honour a very deserving individual as our 2011 Unsung Hero.” Ms Lightbourne was visibly moved upon hearing the news and revealed that the cash would go towards her many projects throughout the community. Ms Hercules added: “CIBC First Caribbean’s Unsung Heroes programme has without a doubt made its mark here in the TCI and throughout the Caribbean as the flagship of volunteerism. “Ms Lightbourne has also made a significant mark throughout the TCI and has played an instrumental role in the development of the Wellness Centre of South Caicos’ special
needs programme and has also been part of establishing the Concerned Citizens of South Caicos movement. “Our research has shown that Ms Lightbourne never hesitates to invest physically or financially and always gives her services voluntarily when it comes to projects that involve the community of South Caicos.” Due to a lack of funding for the Wellness Centre after a few years of being in operation, Ms Lightbourne pushed for the government to take over the management. At present the TCIG finances the daily operations and Ms Lightbourne manages and executes many tasks. A number of attendees noted that the Wellness Centre’s special needs
programme would not have been possible without Ms Lightbourne. They explained that she singlehandedly launched an awareness campaign in order to sensitise their communities on the number of special needs individuals who count on their continued support. And they also thanked her for being the main advocate for reserved parking in the community of South Caicos, creating easier access for persons with disabilities. Ms Hercules reminded those present that the selection process would not possible without their participation and encouraged them to start thinking about nominees for the 2012 Unsung Heroes’ programme.
DELIGHTED: Standing - Judge Adelphine Pitter, CIBC First Caribbean country manager Sherma Hercules, judge Dulette Toussaint. Sitting – competition winner Noreane Lightbourne with judge and coordinator Bianca O’Neil
Disease expert visits TCI
MOSQUITOS can wreak havoc after a rainy spell, not only causing irritation and distress but often carrying nasty infectious diseases. To help combat the problem an expert in vector control was invited to the TCI recently to offer advice to the Ministry of Health. PAHO/WHO consultant Vibert Stroom visited all the inhabited islands where he conducted field inspections and worked closely with the Environmental Health Department. He reviewed the department’s vector control programme and assessed their readiness for the prevention and control of dengue
within the islands. Mr Stroom’s visit was the result of a formal request by Director of Health Services Dr Rufus Ewing. Dr Ewing said: “In the Ministry of Health we are truly appreciative of the Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO) for proving technical assistance in the area of vector control which will go a long way in improving our mosquito control programmes “It will help immensely in preventing an increase in the mosquito population, and in the prevention of dengue and other
mosquito-borne diseases.” During his two week visit Mr Stroom met with the staff involved in vector control and held discussions with the head of department on his findings. Chief environmental health officer Lorne Robinson said: “We welcomed Mr Stroom and any recommendations he plans to make that would aid in the improvement of our vector control programme and ultimately, improvement in the environment health services offered to the public of the TCI.” Mr Stroom now plans to provide guidelines to help improve the health
department’s programmes. Vectors are the transmitters of disease-causing organisms that carry the pathogens from one host to another. Arthropods, or invertebrate animals with an exoskeleton and a segmented body, account for over 85 per cent of all known animal species and are the most important disease vectors. They may affect human health either directly by bites, stings, or infestation of tissues, or indirectly through disease transmission. Several types of arthropods play a role in human disease, but mosquitoes and ticks are the most notable disease vectors.
The five pound prayer COMMENTARY
MANY years ago a book of prayers was published in Britain. We do not remember the author, the title of the book or the exact wording of The Five Pound Prayer. We do know what the prayer was about however. It was about money, what good it can do and what evil it can buy. Money we earn can provide for our family, our children, providing food, clothing, shelter and education. Money can also be the root of evil. Gambling, booze, drugs. Bribes for favours. People with money, sometimes unearned, accumulate possessions creating
By David Tapfer false pride. We must remember we arrived on the earth with nothing and we will take nothing with us. Money can now pay to kill the unborn and sponsor lust and adultery. The most valuable gift we have is life itself and
it comes from God. When the Pharisees tried to trap Jesus about the issue of taxes he said, ‘render to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’. We need to support our government. First we must know what to expect from government. Security, police, border patrol and a justice system. Education, schools and teachers. Roads and bridges. Health care. These functions benefit everyone equally according to need. Government must be as small as possible. Small government requires less taxes. We are now facing massive taxes because we need to pay down the excesses of the past.
We did not build any schools. We paved some roads but did not pay the paving company so we must now be taxed. We built hospitals, twice the normal cost with a mortgage, twice the normal rate of interest. We hired a foreign company to manage the hospitals and hire the doctors and nurses. The five per cent tax was to pay only one third of the cost. We had to be taxed to pay the rest. No one advertised this fact but now it is true. In one and a half years the plan is unaffordable. We are told, cut benefits or raise the tax. We say, scrap the plan and start over.
Could we have done health care better ourselves? Yes, if our chief doctor was interested in health care and its administration. Perhaps he was but someone threw him off track. We built a causeway and a port; now both are fast becoming unusable. The money was there to do it right. We went through over $1bn and are left with a half billion in debt. The folks who went along for the ride want another try and will do or say anything. God only knows what He has in store for us. Maybe next time we will spend the money right.
October 22 - 28, 2011
Parnell tours Provo hospital INTERHEALTH Canada’s workforce have been described as “dedicated, highly skilled and a huge asset to the TCI”. The praise came from PDM leader, Doug Parnell, during a tour of the Cheshire Hall Medical Centre in Providenciales. He explained: “Health care in the TCI is facing some difficult challenges at present and these are testing times. But one thing that remains consistent is the professionalism that exists among the workforce at the InterHealth Canada hospitals. “During my tour I have met and spoken to many staff members, all of whom are extremely dedicated and highly skilled people who are a huge asset to the TCI.” Parnell, who was joined by his party’s general secretary, Patricia Eke, and national executive member, Ashwood Forbes, was impressed by the facilities and services on offer to islanders. “It is important that we get a deep understanding of what is physically here and available in the hospitals,” he added. “I think they are first rate facilities and that the physical infrastructure has in many ways been undersold. “Following the release of the Government document stating that the future of health care in the TCI
autism awareness By Nicole Cox, a mother living with autism
Josiah, aged four
Spectrum of Hope Vol
PDM chiefs pay a visit to Providenciales hospital, beset by funding challenges
hangs in the balance, I think it is important that we understand the type of investment that has been made here. “I believe I have a better understanding of that today and that it will help shape my party’s health care recommendations going forward.” The PDM delegation met staff and patients on the general ward, in the emergency department and dialysis unit, as well as in x-ray,
rehabilitation and outpatients. InterHealth Canada’s chief of medical services, Dr Robyn Barnes, said: “These are public hospitals and therefore we welcome visits from organisations throughout the TCI community. “InterHealth Canada has played host to school children, government officials, church groups, university students and political parties and their interest is something we encourage.”
BANKING OPTIONS: Senior staff from CIBC First Caribbean with Shelly McClean, executive director at Strategic Alliances Renaissance Investments (centre)
Investment opportunities for bank customers CIBC First Caribbean customers in the TCI now have more investment opportunities with the launch of a brand new product. CIBC AXIOM Portfolios is a new addition to the bank’s wealth line-up and provides access to the expertise of professional managers from around the world. Country manager Sherma Hercules addressed potential investors at the Veranda Resort recently. She explained: “CIBC First Caribbean International Bank continues to find innovative solutions for its customers, who over the past few months have suggested that we make a number of operational adjustments to our private banking and platinum services. “We are therefore pleased
Spectrum of Hope Vol
to introduce the CIBC AXIOM portfolios, a premium investment product which has been doing extremely well since its inception on May 12, 2010.” Relationship teams for CIBC AXIOM portfolios are carefully selected and monitored by the CAMI investment management services due diligence team. She said, with a mix of equity and fixed-income options, it represents a product that can enhance the investment strategy of any client. Ms Hercules added: “The effects of inflation on wealth are a significant concern for our investors so the portfolios were designed to maximise their potential for return, while staying within their risk tolerance level.
“Our clients can decide to do it themselves - choosing the right asset mix, building their portfolio of mutual funds, reviewing it regularly, and rebalancing it - or they can leave the responsibility to leading investment managers by selecting one of our portfolio solutions.” Featured speaker Shelly McClean, executive director at Strategic Alliances Renaissance Investments, provided a detailed overview of the benefits of AXIOM portfolios. She ensured investors that the portfolios are rebalanced on an ongoing basis to prevent overexposure or underexposure to any one asset class. For more information call CIBC First Caribbean’s wealth management team on 941-1608.
Thieves in the temple IN ALL four Gospels of the Bible one can find an account of Jesus Christ going into the Jewish temple and exercising a little ‘righteous indignation’! At the sight of seeing merchants selling animals for sacrifice, at I am sure was an unholy markup price, He had had enough. He turns over the tables asking how dare they turn God’s house into a house of thievery and deceit! It is one of my favourite stories in the Bible. A rather thoughtprovoking commentary on God’s opinion of those who capitalise on the faith of others. You see, animal sacrifice was still the Jewish requirement for sin atonement at the time. And their faith was not just a religious choice. It defined who they were. To tell them they could not sacrifice was like telling them they could not breathe! So basically, these salesmen were taking advantage of the very souls of a nation. Pretty scummy bunch, huh? No wonder Jesus took a zero tolerance approach! Well, I wish I could say that things have changed but I think that we all know that the thieves are still out there. They are pirates sailing the seas of efforts and expectations in search of desperate victims who will grasp at any ray of light in hopes that it can transform their tears to rainbows. Does that sound dramatic? Well, what else would you call a person who promises a ‘cure’ to a disorder for which science is just pinpointing a definition? Understand that there is no medical test yet developed for autism. So a diagnosis is determined by observing the behaviours of a child. (This is a huge simplification of the process, but it will serve to give you a baseline.) So, many families falsely assume that eliminating the behaviours eliminates the autism. And there are more than enough autism false prophets out there to allow them to believe it. And for a fee, these persons will sell you hope in a bottle. The sad part is that it appeals to the worst part of our natures, the desire for a quick fix. This topic will go deeper next week. But let’s start with some basic concepts. In cancer, there is no cure, there is remission. In autism, there is no cure, there is recovery. It is entirely possible that a person with autism can eventually mainstream into typical society at a level that is almost impossible to tell them apart from those who do not have the disorder. But the autism has not disappeared, the individual has mastered it! Yep, I said it – mastered it! The level of mastery depends on several things: the severity of the autism, the methods of approach toward it, the time and effort dedicated toward it. So how do we navigate around in pirate-infested waters to find the sunken treasure of progress? How do we find the strength to stop the thieves in the temple? Research! Roll up your sleeves and Google, get on chat groups, read literature and look for real number research to back the claims of any treatment that interests you. Once you find a solid core, supplement it with personalised treatment options tailored to the needs of your family structure. If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. There is a fine line between victim and victor. Knowledge is the pen that draws that line. For more information on autism, email DawnProgram@gmail.com Next week: Wax on, wax off!
October 22 - 28, 2011
Conch Fest 2011
Chefs busy preparing radical recipes FROM conch crepes to conch dim sum, the annual Conch Festival has seen them all. And this year, culinary virtuosos are again preparing to cook up a host of innovative and delicious dishes in the hope of wowing the crowds and scooping the title. Chefs from more than two dozen of the islands’ prize eateries are busy putting the finishing touches to their edible entries for next month’s event. The action-packed festivities – in celebration of the TCI’s cultural icon and number one export – will kick off with a pre-party at Horse-Eye Jack’s on November 25. Revellers can schmooze to the sounds of jazz band Smokin’ Honey at the popular Blue Hills beachside venue. Tickets will be on sale for $30. The eighth annual festival comprises a weekend of activities in Providenciales. The main event will be staged on November 26 in Blue Hills, outside the Three Queen’s Bar & Restaurant, from noon until 7pm. Dick Bain, president of the festival association, said organisers were expecting another great turnout of locals and visitors alike. “It’s an ideal way for people to get a sense of our history, culture and diverse tourism offering,” he added. Categories in the famous ‘conche-tition’ include best conch salad, best conch chowder, best specialty conch, best presentation, and best in show, with cash prizes and bragging
this week
Friday, October 21 to Thursday, October 27 Friday, October 21
Dozens of restaurateurs are preparing to enter this year’s festivities
rights up for grabs. A $25 entry fee gives festival-goers a chance to sample all dishes entered and cast a vote for their favourite. There will also be various conchrelated activities, local entertainment and Rotary’s annual Pot of Gold drawing where one lucky ticket, worth $10,000, will be drawn at 6pm. Raffle tickets are currently on sale from local Rotarians and will be available on the day of the event. However, buying tickets early is encouraged because only a limited number are available. Augmenting the always delectable restaurant competitors is the annual Mojito-making contest where the island’s best bartenders put their creative twists on this classic Cuban
Birthday greetings Happy birthday Uldean I searched my wallet and found it empty I searched my pockets and found few coins Then I searched my heart and I found you Then I realised how rich I am. Happy birthday to my partner and my best friend, Every year with you is sweeter than the last You are the best thing other than God in my life I love you. Have a wonderful birthday Send your special occasion to: Weekly News, Cheshire House, Leeward Highway, PO Box 52, Providenciales or email to tcweeklynews@gmail.com. Free of Charge!
Please limit your messages to 150 words.
cocktail. This year’s event also features the Turks and Caicos’ own worldrenowned Junkanoo, with two separate rushes, plus other local performers. Special competitions for conch blowing and conch knocking will ensure that chefs and bartenders are not the only ones who can win prizes. Entry to the pre-party at HorseEye Jack’s is by ticket only which can be purchased at various venues across Provo. To burn off the caloric effects of the event, Wrightfully Fit Fitness Center will host its second annual charity run on November 27. Runners of all levels can enter fun races of either 5K/3.1 miles or 10K/6.2miles. The longer race begins at 6.30am while the 5K race starts at 7am. Both races begin and end at the Turtle Cove-based gym and wind through the scenic beachfront of Providenciales. Entry is $60 for adults and $30 for children under 18. Sign up in advance at the fitness centre, at the Miramar Resort, or by calling 941 3311. Proceeds will go to Provo Children’s Home. The Conch Festival is a familyfriendly event with plenty of games and activities for youngsters, including games on the beach and a showcase of local culture. There will be bouncy castles and cartoon characters, and a cameo appearance by Santa Claus. Premier sponsor will be Islandcom, with supporting sponsorship from Royal Bank of Canada (RBC), the Wine Cellar, Tropical Shipping, Amanyara, Villa Del Mar, Grace Bay Suites, Grace Bay Club and the Turks and Caicos Tourist Board, among others. Visit www.conchfestival.com or the Facebook page at Turks & Caicos Conch Festival for more information. Special hotel packages for the festival, and a chance to win a trip to the event, can be found at www. turksandcaicosresverations.tc
Live music duo NaDa will be providing entertainment at Mango Reef restaurant at the Alexandra resort this evening. Starts 6.45pm. Call 946 8200 for more details.
Get into the weekend mood with the intense and electrifying Tae-Bo class at Graceway Sports Centre from 6pm to 7pm. Free for gym members, $12 for non-members. For more information call 4426349 or email info@graceway.com Craig Archibold gets the party started at the Regent Palms from 7pm on Friday nights with the sound of classic Caribbean and Motown tunes. Call 946-8666 for details.
Graceway Sports Centre from 6pm to 7 pm. Free for gym members, $12 for non-members. For more information call 4426349 or email info@graceway.com Girls and boys aged 11 to 19 years old are invited to take part in a fun singing group. The TCI Youth Chorale rehearses every Monday at 6pm at the Edward C Gartland Youth Centre, downtown, Providenciales. For more information call 3317176.
Tuesday, October 25 Join a complimentary ‘weight loss for wellness’ workshop at Courtyard Chiropractic from 6.30pm to 7.30pm tonight. Dr Lise will share her tips and tricks to shedding pounds for good. Sample her yummy vegan weight loss shakes as well. Call Condisa on 339 1000 to reserve your spot. Only 15 seats available. Live music duo NaDa will be providing entertainment at Mango Reef restaurant at the Alexandra resort this evening. Starts 6.45pm. Call 946 8200 for more details.
Wednesday, October 26 Kick back with live music from Soul Redemption at the Regent Palms on Wednesdays from 7pm. Call 9468666 for details.
Saturday, October 22 Mums and Tots Dance Party classes are held every Saturday at The Athletic Club in Saltmills Plaza for mothers and their little ones. Mothers, bring your little ones to dance, jump, twist and shake! Children have fun learning movement basics to fun music and mums get a light exercise while spending quality time. Mums and Tots classes begin at 10am and cost just $10. Dads are welcome! Call Shara Bowen on 244-1103 for more details.
Are you in need of inner peace? Interested in a healthy lifestyle and a toned and flexible body? Then you need David Bowen’s yoga classes at The Athletic Club in the Saltmills Plaza. Come along on Monday, Wednesday or Friday at 7am, Tuesday and Thursday at 6.30pm or Saturday at 9am. Call 941-8686 for more details.
Sunday, October 23
Thursday, October 27
Feeling lucky? Win cash at the Rotary Club’s weekly bingo night every Sunday from 7pm at Club Pillows opposite the Veranda resort in Grace Bay.
Celebrate good health with wellness coach Benneth Williams every Thursday evening. Come along to Williams Block, suite number six, on Lower Bight Road, Providenciales, from 7pm. There you will get a free wellness consultation and an hour of fun. For more details call Benneth at 246-0300 or email hls_com@yahoo. com
Monday, October 24 Start your week with a fun and calorie-burning Tae-Bo class at
Got an event you wish to advertise? Call us on 946 4664 for a free listing.
October 22 - 28, 2011
fitness Tip
Reasons and excuses AVERAGE people adopt them while successful people overcome them and focus on the results and final goals. Some of them are somehow acceptable and some are just an insult to the intelligence of the person who is told. Sometimes we do it to excuse ourselves for something we did or didn’t do, and other times we use them as second nature, because that’s what we do best. At certain points in life we all give reasons and excuses for different
Kiwi tart
• 1 (9-inch) round of refrigerated pie dough • 6 oz cream cheese, softened slightly • 2 tbsps sugar • 2 tbsps milk • 1 tsp finely grated fresh lemon zest • Half tsp vanilla • 3 firm-ripe kiwifruit, peeled and thinly sliced
• Put oven rack in middle position and preheat oven to 450°F. • Fit dough into tart pan, leaving a half-inch overhang, then fold overhang inward and press against side of pan to reinforce edge. Lightly prick bottom and side of shell with a fork. • Line shell with foil and fill with pie weights. Bake until edge is pale golden, about 10 minutes. • Carefully remove foil and weights and bake shell until golden all over, about five minutes more. Cool shell in pan on a rack, about 20 minutes. • Meanwhile, beat together cream cheese, sugar, milk, zest, and vanilla in a bowl with an electric mixer until creamy and smooth, two to three minutes. • Spread cream cheese filling in cooled shell and top with kiwi slices.
things and that’s all right because we’re all human. But the danger comes when we make a habit of giving excuses just to hide our lack of willpower, courage to face the truth or, with all due respect, laziness. The worst thing is that the more we do it the more we start to believe it. After many years of dealing with excuses in fitness, I’ve become so good that, based on someone’s behaviour and conversation, I can anticipate when an excuse is coming up. Many times I make out I believe it and deal with that situation my own way but sometimes it’s just a little bit too much to take, if you know what I mean. I, for example, learned how to just say, ‘today I don’t feel like it’ instead of finding a reason for not doing what I planned. Frankly the truth is always easier to handle for all parties involved, and I believe everybody deserves the respect of being told the truth and then each person decides what they will do with it. But because I want to talk about fitness and training for a better you, I am going to list some of the most widely used excuses I’ve been hearing in my five years in Turks and Caicos – and counteract them. 1. Probably the number one excuse is, ‘I don’t have time to exercise’. And the reasons are countless: family, husband, children, work, cleaning, cooking, etc. Well, let me remind you that a day has 24 hours. Let’s say you sleep eight. You are telling me that in 16 hours you cannot take 30 minutes to an hour to take care of your health and do something for your body and your mind? Sorry, I don’t buy it! 2. ‘I am so tired when I come back from work.’ This is when morning comes into play. Exercising in the morning before doing anything else is best because you get it out of the way and you can delete it from your ‘to do’ list. It gives you a better, happier start to the day. 3. ‘I just cannot do the mornings, I can’t wake up that early.’ We
master it so well that now we have an excuse for another excuse. Of course you can. If you really want to do it, you can. It might not be a walk in the park for your system at first but after forcing yourself out of bed a few days in a row, your body and your mind will end up accepting the new change and treating it as normal. It’s the beginning that ‘hurts’ but all the beginnings are difficult. Remember every time you’ve started something new in life it wasn’t easy and you went through the ups and downs until you felt comfortable with it, and now it’s easy for you. 4. ‘I have kids and can’t leave them alone.’ Well, who said you have to go out of the house to exercise? It is true, your motivation could be stronger when you have to do it by yourself, but you absolutely can do it in the house. You don’t have to do complicated exercises that look spectacular. If you are afraid that you might compromise the form, just go for basic exercises like squats, lunges, jumping jacks, sit and stand on the chair, cross over back and forth a small chair, bicep curls with food cans, or shoulder exercises with bottles of water, or just lift your leg to the side or to the back while washing dishes. In this way you
will develop balance as well and you can say you are related to Napoleon. 5. ‘I don’t want to injure myself.’ Believe it or not you will injure yourself more by not exercising. Your weight will start pressing on your joints which eventually will give up, your bones will become more fragile with time because of calcium loss and then osteoporosis, you want to pick something up from the floor and put it on the table, but you get stuck in a monkey position because your weak back can’t take it. These are just a couple of examples and I could write a book with the rest. If you really are concerned about your form while exercising, take a training session with a certified trainer. Let me repeat it for your sake – a certified trainer – because, as Tyler Perry named his movie, ‘You can do
bad all by yourself’. You don’t need to pay money to get hurt. There are so many more excuses which make no sense that I would need the whole paper to include them. But these are just examples so you can see that if there’s anything you want, there is always a way to get it. It might not be the easiest but nothing worth having, comes easy. Probably you’ve noticed that the excuses have a kind of ‘feminine’ colour. I know, but it’s because women tend to give more excuses and more often than men do. Men usually take more responsibility for their decisions when it comes to what’s good for them. Looking forward to hearings your opinions on the above matters, regardless if they are pro or cons, as well as any other fitness-related topics you would like to read. Email ancafitness@live.com
Bargain beauty
THERE’S no need to spend big bucks on fancy department products when you can easily and very inexpensively - make a wonderful face mask with something you probably have sitting in your kitchen right now. To revive tired, dull skin, crack open an egg in a bowl, separate the yolk (and save it for another purpose, of course!) and whisk the egg white. Apply the egg white directly to your face, leave it on for five minutes, then rinse off. The proteins help to heal and restore skin’s moisture.
Colourful solution
CONSIDER buying coloured clothes rather than whites. Crisp, bright whites need to be washed at high temperatures if they’re to look good so they’ll add to your energy costs.
October 22 - 28, 2011
Lifestyle... GARDENING
How does your garden grow
Fabulous figs WHILE the ancient history of the fig centres around the Mediterranean region, and it is most commonly cultivated in mild-temperate climates, it nevertheless has its place in tropical horticulture. It is unique in a genus embracing perhaps over 1,000 species. The fig is believed to be indigenous to western Asia and to have been distributed by man throughout the Mediterranean area. It has been cultivated for thousands of years. The first figs in the New World were planted in Mexico in 1560. The fig is a tree of small dimensions, 10 to 30ft high, with numerous spreading branches and a trunk rarely more than seven inches in diameter. It contains copious milky latex. The root system is typically shallow. The deciduous leaves are palmate, deeply divided into three to seven main lobes, these more shallowly lobed and irregularly toothed on the margins. Fruiting will commence in less than a year from planting out. Young plants will benefit from shading with palm fronds or other material until they are well established. A fertiliser formula of 10-30-10 or 10-20-20 NPK is recommended, plus minor elements every six months. Fig trees usually bear two crops a year, the early season, fruits being inferior and frequently too acid, and only those of the second, or main, crop of actual value. Some people peel the skin back from the stem end to expose the flesh
For all your landscaping, installation or garden maintenance needs, please call or write for a free estimate: 332-3381 or naturesplendor@yahoo.com
In Latin America, figs are widely used as folk remedies
for eating out of-hand. The more fastidious eater holds the fruit by the stem end, cuts the fruit into quarters from the apex, spreads the sections apart and lifts the flesh from the skin with a knife blade, discarding the stem and skin. But figs are generally eaten fresh and raw without peeling, and they are often served with cream and sugar. Peeled or unpeeled, the fruits may be merely stewed or cooked in various ways, as in pies, puddings, cakes, bread or other bakery products, or added to ice cream mix. The latex of the unripe fruits
and of any part of the tree may be severely irritating to the skin if not removed promptly. On the other hand, the latex is widely applied to warts, skin ulcers and sores, and taken as a purgative and vermifuge, but with considerable risk. In Latin America, figs are much employed as folk remedies. A decoction of the fruits is gargled to relieve sore throat; figs boiled in milk are repeatedly packed against swollen gums; the fruits are much used as poultices on tumors and other abnormal growths.
health Tip
Short of breath? Eat more kiwi KIWI fruit is one often seen when we visit the supermarket. Based on my research, kiwis provide an excellent source of vitamin C. They also offer a very good source of fibre. Kiwi contains decent amounts of vitamins A and E, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, and copper, too. Like other vitamin C-rich foods, kiwi is especially important in promoting respiratory tract health. Studies have shown that this fruit is effective against respiratoryrelated health problems including wheezing, shortness of breath, and coughing. Kiwis are also rich in antioxidants
and enzymes.
Kiwi can help alleviate asthma in children
By Phillip Simmons
Tamika graduated from Florida International University in Miami with a Masters degree in Dietetics & Nutrition. She is a registered dietitian with the American Dietetic Association (ADA) and licensed to practice medical nutrition therapy in the state of Florida. Email Tamika via tcweeklynews@gmail.com or tamikahandfield@yahoo. com with your healthy eating questions.
Avoiding osteoporosis
OSTEOPOROSIS is one of the lesser talked about chronic disease when compared to diabetes or hypertension. October 20 is being recognised as Osteoporosis Day so this week we will be answering questions concerning this disease.
What is osteoporosis and am I at risk?
Osteoporosis is a disease where bones become thin and brittle over time due to a loss of vital minerals—mainly calcium and vitamin D but other nutrients are involved as well. It is the most common disorder of bones. Women get osteoporosis more often than men, however, men can still develop the disease. Persons who are thin, have poor diets, indulge in excessive amounts of smoking, alcohol and caffeine usage are at greatest risk. Caucasian and Asian women have a higher risk than other races. Age is another risk factor. Up until age 30 we are building bone mass (strong bones). However, after age 30 we start to slowly lose bone mass which speeds up after menopause. It is like a bank account—make large calcium deposits to your bones early in life so when it’s time to make withdrawals (bone loss) we can safely do so without going in the red (developing osteoporosis).
How can I treat osteoporosis?
The best treatment for osteoporosis is prevention! Even after diagnosis of osteoporosis, there are still some measures you can take to help maintain your bone mass and density. Eating a healthy diet with adequate amounts of calcium and vitamin D is very important to prevention. In addition to these, vitamins and minerals such as vitamins A and K, phosphorous, magnesium and manganese are also very important. Engaging in weight-bearing exercises such as light weight-lifting or brisk walking is essential. You may benefit from a calcium supplement, however, it is imperative that you consult your dietitian to assess your calcium intake or physician before starting any supplementation. If you have specific questions, please contact me for an appointment so we can design a plan that’s right for you. ‘Like’ my page, ACCU Medical Nutrition – Nutrition in Demand – on Facebook and receive up to date nutrition information.
ACCU Medical Nutrition is based in Graceway IGA Plaza, Providenciales. Call 946 8308, 242 3978 or 442 3978.
Regional News
Caribbean to see more deportees from US WITH THE United States reporting that a record number of people will be deported, police here are still concerned about the lack of timely information on criminal deportees. Last week, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said this year removals would once again be at historic levels. “What . . . critics will ignore is that while the overall number of individuals removed will exceed prior years, the composition of that number will have fundamentally changed,” she said in a speech at American University. “It will consist of more convicted criminals, recent border-crossers, egregious immigration law violators and immigration fugitives than ever before.” Last year, US Immigration & Customs Enforcement also deported a record number of people with more than 195 000 of them being convicted
criminals, totalling more than 50 per cent of the deportees, Napolitano said. Asked to comment about how this would affect Barbados, police public relations officer Inspector David Welch stated: “We rarely receive any notice when people are being deported from the US, even though we request information from them. So far, we have no knowledge as to how many persons are being sent back – most of the time, we do not know until the person arrives here and we are informed by Immigration.” However, he said some of the criminal deportees would have committed crimes such as theft, robbery or drug offences. He also pointed out that Barbados usually received in the region of 13 to 20 deportees annually, but confessed that he did not know if that number
had increased. Rebecca Ross, counsellor for public affairs at the US Embassy, was also not in a position to say how many deportees would be coming back to the Caribbean. However, in 2007, the embassy said some Eastern Caribbean countries were using delaying tactics when it came to receiving deportees. In a diplomatic cable released by WikiLeaks, officials here reported the problems to Washington, stating: “In recent weeks, we have become aware of a string of cases in which prospective deportees from Eastern Caribbean (EC) countries have been unable to return to their country of citizenship because of delays from their US-based consulates in processing required travel documents. (Barbados Nation)
Alleged children killing was planned – Mother
THE mother of the three children who were allegedly killed by their father in Guyana feels that the killings were premeditated. Twenty-seven-year old Onica Blanchard said that her husband, who was since charged with the killings, constantly told her he would kill the children and made contact with her before and after he allegedly used a knife to commit the act. John Blanchard is believed to have “killed two of his children (10 and four years old) while they were asleep and serious injured the other (six years old) last week Tuesday at their home in the East Bank of Demerara. The injured child, however, succumbed at a city hospital a few days later. The mother of the children (John is just biological father to the two youngest) said that her husband had a problem with her working in a mining location as a cook. She indicated that on the night of the incident she received a call from her husband at about 21:00h and he enquired about her whereabouts. She replied that she was resting, but he did not believe. She accused her of cheating on him and then asked if she loves him. She replied to the affirmative according to a local newspaper, Stabroek News. John then told her he had killed the children. When the young mother screamed, her husband laughed and said he was joking. He said that the children were asleep and “he just wanted to see what I would say”. After the conversation Onica called her mother, Denise, who was living in the area to check up on
The Blanchard family in happier times: Daniel is in front of siblings, Joy and Belica (all dead) while John and Onica stand behind.
the children and she communicated John’s accusation, but the mother brushed it off as a joke by the man who had been together for 12 years (eight years living together and four years in a marriage) with her daughter. Not convinced, the frightened young mother called her husband again and he then told her he had honestly committed the act this time. “He said he done slit they throat, that it done happen and it can’t change.” Another call was quickly made to Denise to check on the children and then Onica called John once again. She related his conversation with her, “Daniel (the four-year-old) done dead and Belica’s throat (oldest child) slit.” The deranged man, according to his wife, then placed the dying girl on the phone to talk to her mother. “I heard her groaning… and then he said he will put his hands over her nose and mouth to let her go
(kill her).” To the other child (Joy) who died later in the hospital the father said she was still alive and that she “was the strong one.” Soon after the conversation Onica received a call from her mother who was screaming when she told her: “Onica is true the children dead. He killed them fuh (for) truth” the phone then went dead. Local media reported that John then attempted to hang himself, but was stopped by his in-laws. After hearing the news hundreds of miles from the scene of the crime, the mother of three could just cry herself to sleep. Further information from Onica suggested that her husband had threatened her life in the past, but only once did he mention that he would burn down their house and with the children in it. She said that John also showed signs of depression and she would “try to comfort him, talk to him, pray with him…” Onica’s mother said that a few days before the incident she contacted him and was trying to encourage him to attend church and to share his problems with the pastor, but he did not go. “I believe that if he had only gone to church he might not have done this….He is just like my son and my husband and I never denied him anything.” LATE last week John was charged for the murder of two of the children (Joy died the same day) and was remanded to prison, but suffered a severe beating at the hands of other prisoners. He was rushed to the hospital and is currently in solitary confinements awaiting news of his fate.
October 22 - 28, 2011
Former British colonies will be asked to repeal gay laws FORMER British colonies will be asked to repeal laws criminalising homosexuality at next week’s biennial Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM), in Perth, Australia. The call is based on a recommendation from a Commonwealth advisory group and is intended to address HIVinfection rates in Commonwealth countries, which are double the figures in non-Commonwealth countries. Many of the former British colonies in the Caribbean are among the countries in the 53-member Commonwealth group that still criminalise gay sex, although Britain has repealed its laws. “It’s a very special British problem, and the problem is it makes it very difficult to get messages about HIV out,” Michael Kirby, Australia’s representative in the Commonwealth Eminent Persons Group, which is responsible for the recommendation, told Australian Broadcasting Corp radio. According to a report from the Associated Press, Kirby, an openly gay retired High Court judge, blamed the British influence on former colonies for high rates of HIV-AIDS. “You
need to remove the criminal laws. That is what the Eminent Persons Group is suggesting at the … meeting next week,” he added. The 11-member Eminent Persons Group, which includes Guyana’s Sir Ronald Sanders, was established at the last CHOGM, held in Port-ofSpain, Trinidad and Tobago, to examine options to reform the Commonwealth partnership. Its members participate in their individual capacities and do not represent the views of any member government. Meanwhile, a spokesperson for Australia’s Foreign Minster Kevin Rudd said he would raise the issue with foreign ministers from Commonwealth countries attending the meeting. “Australia is a global advocate of non-discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation,” the spokeswoman was quoted as saying by the Australia’s Star Online. “Australia encourages all countries to decriminalise homosexuality by removing all laws imposing criminal penalties for homosexual conduct. Mr Rudd will be raising these matters with Commonwealth foreign ministers at CHOGM.” (Stabroek News)
UK Boosting Caribbean Trade and Integration through £10mn Trust Fund at CDB THE UK has given tangible expression of its continued commitment to supporting Caribbean trade and integration, through the £10mn Caribbean Aid for Trade and Regional Integration Trust Fund (CARTFund) at CDB. This was among the messages shared at a high-level press briefing highlighting work on the CARTFund held at CDB on October 12, including the CDB President, Dr. Warren Smith and the UK’s Minister of State for International Development Alan Duncan, as well as Percival Marie and Pamela Coke-Hamilton representing the CARICOM Secretariat and the Caribbean Export Development Agency respectively. The CARTFund was established with £10 million of funding from the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID). The Fund is managed by CDB and overseen by a Steering Committee comprising representatives from DFID, CARICOM and CARIFORUM. CARTFund supports the implementation of the CSME and the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) between CARIFORUM and the EU, with the aim of increasing trade within the region and with Europe, and ultimately providing more jobs and increased incomes for
Caribbean people. CDB President, Dr. Warren Smith, confirmed that as the Caribbean’s own bank, the CDB had been pleased to facilitate the flow of UK aid to the region through CARTFund, consistent with the Bank’s mandate. He stated, “The objectives of the CARTFund to boost growth, reduce poverty and increase member countries’ participation in the CSME are directly aligned with the Bank’s commitment to supporting regional cooperation and regional integration. We are extremely pleased with the operations of the CARTFund to date and this is testament to the successful partnership between the UK, and CARICOM. The Bank remains fully committed to working with its partners to ensure that our member countries realise the full benefits that the potential for expansion in trade intra-regionally, with Europe and the rest of the world offers” Giving the UK’s perspective, Minister Alan Duncan stated: “The Caribbean must increase exports by taking advantage of its enhanced access to European markets. More exports means improved growth, investment and job creation. So I am delighted that we have been able to support the Caribbean through CARTFund to fully export opportunities.”
October 22 - 28, 2011
World News
Muammar Gaddafi killed in Libya
Each year, about 225 million people get malaria, with about 800,000 deaths, mainly in African children.
Malaria vaccine trial raises hope A MALARIA vaccine has shown promising results in a clinical trial in Africa. Infants given the prototype vaccine had about half the risk of getting malaria compared with those who did not receive the jab, say researchers. The vaccine, known as RTS,S, is one of two experimental malaria vaccines being tested around the world. More than 15,000 children aged under 18 months took part in the year-long study, published in The New England Journal of Medicine . The trial was conducted in seven African countries on two groups of children - newborns aged six12 weeks - and babies aged five-17 months. One year on, there were about half the number of cases of malaria in the older group of children given the vaccine, compared with those in a control group who received vaccines against other illnesses. “These data bring us to the cusp of having the world’s first malaria vaccine,” said Andrew Witty, chief executive of the British pharmaceutical company, GSK, which developed the vaccine alongside the non-profit PATH Malaria Vaccine Initiative. ‘BURDEN’ The international team involved dozens of scientists in Africa and also the United States and Europe. The researchers wrote in The New England Journal of Medicine: “These initial results show that RTS,S/AS01 reduces malaria by half in children aged five-17 months during the 12 months after vaccination and that it has the potential to have an important impact on the burden of malaria in young African children.” Results in the younger infants are still being assessed. Global health experts say the vaccine is less effective than others against common infections like polio and measles, and it is not yet clear
how much it will cost. Tsiri Agbenyega, a principal investigator in the vaccine trials in Ghana, said: “We would have wished that we could wipe it out, but I think this is going to contribute to the control of malaria rather than wiping it out.” Each year, about 225 million people get malaria, with about 800,000 deaths, mainly in African children. The World Health Organisation said on Monday that there had been remarkable recent progress to combat the disease, with a nearly 20% fall in the number of deaths worldwide in the past 10 years. A preliminary trial of another potential vaccine recently revealed promising results. The trial was designed to test safety, but researchers found that 45 children given the MSP3 vaccine had high levels of protection. The results of the Burkina Faso trial were also published in The New England Journal of Medicine. The RTS,S study was funded by GSK and the PATH Malaria Vaccine Initiative, assisted by a grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. (BBC)
LIBYA’S ex-leader Col Muammar Gaddafi has been killed after an assault on his home town of Sirte, the transitional authority’s acting prime minister says on Thursday. Mahmoud Jibril told a news conference in Tripoli it was time to launch a new, united Libya. Video footage has been broadcast around the world showing a battered body claimed to be that of Col Gaddafi. He was toppled in August after 42 years in power. The International Criminal Court has been seeking his arrest. GOLDEN GUN After a day of conflicting reports and rumours, Mr Jibril told the news conference: “We have been waiting for this moment for a long time. Muammar Gaddafi has been killed. “I think it’s for the Libyans to realise that it’s time to start a new Libya, a united Libya, one people, one future.” Grainy video footage had earlier been circulating among NTC fighters appearing to show Col Gaddafi’s corpse. The video shows a large number of NTC fighters yelling in chaotic
Col Muammar Gaddafi was a strong-fisted leader of Libya while in power.
scenes around a khaki-clad body, which has blood oozing from the face and neck. Another video broadcast by alJazeera TV showed a body being dragged through the streets which the channel said was that of Col Gaddafi. Nato, which has been running a bombing campaign in Libya for months, said it had carried out an air strike earlier on Thursday that hit two pro-Gaddafi vehicles near Sirte.
It was unclear whether the strikes were connected with Col Gaddafi’s death. Earlier, NTC official Abdel Hafez Ghoga told AFP: “We announce to the world that Gaddafi has been killed at the hands of the revolution. “It is an historic moment. It is the end of tyranny and dictatorship. Gaddafi has met his fate.” An NTC fighter told the BBC he found Col Gaddafi hiding in a hole in Sirte, and the former leader begged him not to shoot. The fighter showed reporters a golden pistol he said he had taken from Col Gaddafi. Arabic TV channels showed images of troops surrounding two large drainage pipes where the reporters said Col Gaddafi was found. NTC supporters gathered in towns and cities to celebrate the reports of the colonel’s death. Groups of young men fired guns in the air, and drivers honked horns in celebration. His death came after weeks of fierce fighting for Sirte, one of the last remaining pockets of resistance. (BBC)
Three women in Zimbabwe charged in series of sex attacks on men Police in Zimbabwe on Friday charged three women found in possession of 33 condoms containing semen with 17 counts of aggravated indecent assault in a case that may be a break in a string of sex attacks over the past two years by women targeting male hitchhikers. Prosecutor Michael Reza told a court in Harare that the counts were for each of the 17 men who had positively identified the women as having sexually assaulted them in 2010 or 2011. The women, all of them in their mid-20s, were arrested Sunday in Gweru, about 300 kilometers (186 miles) south of Harare, when their
car was involved in an accident. Police found the condoms in the women’s car. Police appealed to any other victims to inform police. The three were taken Wednesday by police to Harare. “Since Monday, 17 men came and positively identified the women as having raped them,” said a police official in Harare who refused to be identified. “Most of the men said the women would offer a drink either laced with something to tranquilize them or were forced at gunpoint.” Watch Ruparanganda, a professor of sociology at the University of Zimbabwe said : “Some sections of the society use these sperm for ritual
purposes. The thinking is that it can be used for regeneration of life since they are source of life (biologically). Some people think that they can have their bad luck gone by using semen. I am sure that explains all this we have been witnessing (men being forced).” The prosecution identified the suspects as Rosemary Chakwizira, 24, Sophie Nhokwara, 26, and her sister, Netsai Nhokwara, 24. They were to be held in custody until their next appearance, set for October 28, when more charges may be filed. “We might have had more victims come identify these women,” said the police source. (CNN)
Bank of America loses title as biggest in U.S. FOR Bank of America, it is the end of an era. With the bank shrinking its balance sheet and selling off assets, the company, based in Charlotte, N.C., surrendered its title as the country’s biggest bank Tuesday, another sign of how a money-losing giant assembled over decades is being reshaped into a smaller and, investors hope, more profitable institution. Bank of America, with $2.22 trillion in assets reported Tuesday in its third-quarter earnings, is now second to JPMorgan Chase, which has $2.29 trillion assets. It also
ranks second to JPMorgan Chase in terms of branches and total deposits. Analysts said it was more evidence of how Bank of America’s chief executive, Brian T. Moynihan, is reversing the legacy of his controversial predecessor, Ken Lewis, an empire builder who craved being the biggest in United States banking and whose creation ultimately needed two federal bailouts to survive the financial crisis. “There’s been a huge philosophical change in who they want to be,” said Mike Mayo, a veteran bank analyst with Crédit Agricole Securities. “This is a
milestone that marks the end of a two-decade-long period during which they aspired and eventually became the largest bank.” In today’s slow-growth economy, though, bigger is not necessarily better. And the challenges Bank of America still faces were evident in the numbers it released Tuesday. Buoyed by one-time gains from accounting changes and asset sales, Bank of America reported a $6.23 billion profit for the third quarter, but the headline number camouflaged weak results in many of its businesses. Still, investors cheered the news, pushing the
bank’s shares up 10 percent to $6.64 a share. Although its investment bank, Bank of America Merrill Lynch, has been a crucial source of profit recently as other businesses like mortgage lending hemorrhaged money, the slow trading environment and financial uncertainty in Europe caused trading revenue to drop. The company’s global banking and markets revenue fell to $5.2 billion from $7 billion, and the unit reported a $302 million loss in the third quarter, a sharp contrast to the $1.46 billion gain a year ago. (NYTimes.com)
Congratulations To our Employees of the Month for July, August, and September!
Ocean Club West:
William Outten – Maintenance Technician Francois Bataille – Property Services Dexter Alcantara – Property Services
Ocean Club:
Wesley Gedeon – Property Services Philip Capron – Maintenance Technician Daniel Pierre - Gardener
October 22 - 28, 2011
October 22 - 28, 2011
October 22 - 28, 2011
October 22 - 28, 2011
October 22 - 28, 2011
October 22 - 28, 2011
Is looking for a
Is looking to fill the following positions:
Waitress Babysitter Salary $6.00 per hour
Salary $5.50 per hour
Contact: 344-4540
Aditha Brown
Is looking for a
TECIL SWANN Is looking for a
Is looking for a qualified person to fill the position of
Contact: 243-6197
Is looking to employ a
To work 6 days per week salary $5.50 per hour
contact: 246-0264
Sales Clerk To make fashion jewelry must be willing to work 6 days per week salary $5.00 per hour.
Contact: 243-8574
WARDS CONSULTANCY On behalf of our clients: Kubera Ltd., Steel Unlimited, Ripples Restaurant is looking to filling the following positions:
The Somerset Resort
JOB OPPORTUNITIES The Somerset Resort is seeking Labour Clearance for the positions listed below. Suitably qualified Belongers who possess the requirements listed are encouraged to apply. Ideal candidates should possess luxury resort experience, be professional in attitude and demeanor and must read and speak English fluently. All positions require a flexible schedule which includes holidays, weekends and evenings, and extended hours on occasion. Salaries are based on experience and qualifications.
To work 5 days per week salary $5.00 per hour.
Contact: 246-2686
Diesel Mechanic
• Must have 5-6 years experience • Must have experience in heavy duty manual transmission repairs • Must have 5-6 years experience as a dump truck driver • Must have 506 years experience as a backhoe operator Salary $15.00 per hour
2 Skilled Rock Layers
Contact: 332-5533
Contact: 231-0098
Salary $450.00 per week
2 Semi-Skilled Rock Layers Salary $300 per week
Possess at least 3 years of experience in five-star resorts. Strong attention to details and exceptional ability to maintain the highest standards of quality required. Must be a team player with a strong work ethic. The Resort seeks courteous individuals who possess a positive demeanor with a commitment to excellence. Housemen should have the ability to lift at least 30 lbs. and push/pull in excess of 50 lbs.
Salary $8.00 per hour. Monday thru Friday. Contact: 649-243-1257
2 Domestic Workers 1 Labourer Salary $5.00 per hour
Room Attendant & Houseman (Labourer)
Mason LABOURER 5680
Annie Garcia
Must have at least 5 years working in a beauty salon. Must be able to work 6 days per week Salary $5.50 per hour
FAX: (649) 946-4661
PHONE: (649) 946-4664
October 22 - 28, 2011
Position available
At Quality Supermarket
Experienced in working in a luxury resort is required. Must be professional and possess good communication skills and outgoing personality.
Store Manager
Asset Manager
A transitional position for a Visionary leader with minimum 10 years progressive hotel operations experience as a General Manager in a five-star luxury resort with a preference to Caribbean experience. Must possess a thorough understanding of all areas of operations with an ability to orchestrate departments in achieving established goals and objectives. 10 years successful sales/marketing experience with quantifiable results including effective property positioning strategies. Strong knowledge of Small Luxury Resort requirements and service standards. Strong financial management proficiency with proven ability to drive revenue that impacts results. Proven experience working with residential boards and/or owner associations. Exceptional ability to attract, develop and retain an effective management team. Must be able to work well in stressful, high pressure situations. Proficiency in Word, Excel, Outlook and Visual One. Minimum Associates Degree in Hospitality or related subjects. Master of communication and the ability to identify leadership qualities in others. Must have the flexibility to travel to and from the TCI. Works closely with the Executive Committee and owner’s association
Candidate must have at least 8-10 years experience in the field or in a related area • Must have through knowledge of the following: • Advanced knowledge and skills in computer systems, most specifically QuickBooks Pro 2007, Microsoft Excel, Inventory control management • Extensive knowledge of SMS Front & Back Office POS System • Extensive knowledge of NCR 7456 POS • Plans and directs the day-to-day operations of a grocery store • Develops strategies to improve customer service, drive store sales, and increase profitability • Ensures customer needs are met, complaints are resolved, and service is quick and efficient • Forecasts staffing needs and develops a recruiting strategy to provide optimal staffing in all areas • Familiar with a variety of field’s concepts, practices, and procedures relies on extensive experience and judgment to plan and accomplish goals. • Candidate must be multilingual
Executive Assistant
Minimum 5 years experience as an executive assistant providing administrative support at an executive level. Must be dependable, capable of working independently and able to handle multiple tasks simultaneously. Strong PC skills in Microsoft Office and excellent oral and written communication skills required. Hospitality experience in a five-star setting desired. Ability to handle sensitive information and maintain confidentiality is a must.
Laundry Attendant
Possess a minimum of 3 years previous laundry experience. Thorough understanding of all laundry machines, dry cleaning techniques and laundry chemicals usage. Must possess good communication skills both verbal and written, strong customer relations skills, be a team player and pay attention to details. Ability to handle multiple tasks simultaneously.
Work schedule will include weekends, holidays as required to meet the demands of the position. Salary $2,600 per month Only Belonger need to apply
Qualified Belonger candidates can complete an application form in person at The Somerset Resort or submit a Resume by e-mail at somersethr@thesomerset.com. Te: 946-5900. Fax: 946-5839. The closing date for applications is November 10, 2011.
Interested persons should send resume to Quality Supermarket, Leeward Highway, Providenciales or e-mail: quality@alliedcaribbean.com
October 22 - 28, 2011
PHONE: (649) 946-4664
27 FAX: (649) 946-4661
In accordance with Section 39 of the National Insurance Ordinance 1991, the following employers / self employed persons in Grand Turk are hereby requested to appear before a National Insurance Inspector before 3:00 p.m. October 31, 2011:
Bolivar Almonte Tejada Candida Rigby Benjamin Robinson Elias Massurin Allen Parker Ana Luisa Godet Richason Michel Eunettie Glinton/ Sunset Cabana Idalia Astwood / Mils Variety Store Abraham Pena Ajasse Honore Jacques Delusma Andrew Miller Anel Eugene Antonio Clarke / Tony’s Scooter Rentals Antonio Fulford Ariel Diaz Vargas Auguste Augustin Hosea / Mercedes Simms- Mercedes Beauty Salon Marlon Malcolm / Serenity Beauty Salon Sumar Ingham Earle Fulford Eddy Silver Betty Carol Williams Pena Carl Robinson/ Robinson Auto & Parts John Parker Emans Laguerre Emmanuel Augustin Esther Thomas Franklyn Virgil Myrlene Pierre Betty Forbes Derek Rolle / Rolle Construction Dale Robinson Igo Donis Leslie “Goshay” Francis - Tequila Bar/ Red Lions Bar
Myrtle Mills / FROOTS Jacques Rock Jean Acquissa Cockburn Village Conch Farm Lourissa Simmons Marie Charles Jose Achille Juan Martinez-Toribio Delano Smith Keith James Jacqueline Smith / Blue Bar Kevin Forbes Kwame Smith Dennis Williams / Pink Bar Zoraya Suero Medina Leroy Dunbar / G T Fusion Madsen Chery Yolande Robinson Donald Knowles H & H Construction Myrlene Pierre Nadreno Simmons Norman Parker / Waterboots Bar Oscar Carter Rex / Rakiya Swann – Cool Beans Raphael St. Preux Rejane Bien-Aime Reron Williams Marvin Simmons Willy Genard Robert Forbes Rose Previlus-Williams Rosemary Rosenquist Robert “Tarbay” Seymour Mookie Pookie Restaurant Sharad Garland Rose Brice Soroptimist International 5660
Job Listings Services Auto sales real estate
For Sale Kids Single bed
with storage (Very good condition). Price $100
Kids Scooter
(Very good condition). Price $50
Contact: 346-7082
Dive Instructor Explorer Ventures Liveaboard seeks an experienced English-speaking, active teaching status SCUBA instructor with several specialties including EANx and a strong customer service background. PADI/SDI preferred. Candidates must have STCW-95 Basic safety certification. Previous liveaboard/remote resort experience and the ability to speak additional languages preferred.
946-4664 Fax: 946-4661
Email: tcnews@tciway.tc
Website: tcweeklynews.com
$650.00 per month Gated Community Furnished
Fax qualifications
to 941-7450
HYNETTA FORBES Is looking for
Domestic Worker Labourer 5728
To work 5 days per week Salary $5.00 per hour.
Contact: 243-4272
October 22 - 28, 2011
Contact: 231-3788
FAST SALE 1.3 Acres Of Land Ocean Drive, Turtle Tail Semi-Hilltop
$300,000 o.n.o.
CONTACT: 231-3788
Contact: 241-6654
to work 6 days per week salary $150.00 per week.
Call today to advertise
VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY!! the largest readership in the turks & caicos
946-4664 OR EMAIL
Real estate opportunity Two-bedroom, one bath home in the centre of phase one of Priton Developments in Wheeland.
Beautifully maintained, substantially improved, fully furnished. Situated on 0.25 acre lot, it’s close to Blue Hills and has interior open plan living/kitchen/dining room, and central air throughout. Offers over $155,000. Motivated seller.
Call 245 6620 or email gemmahandy@gmail.com
October 22 - 28, 2011
29 FAX: (649) 946-4661
WHEELAND LIFE Is looking for a
PROVO UPHOLSTRY Is looking for a
is looking to fill the following positions:
Acting on behalf of our client is looking for a
Is looking for a
Is looking for
WAITRESS LABOURERS BARTENDER LABOURER 2 LABORERS Waitress Salary $5.00 to work 6 days To work 6 days To work 5 days Is looking for a
Contact: 241-2920
Must be able to work 5 days per week salary $5.00 per hour.
CONTACT: 241-8456
Contact: 941-4540 BETTY COX Is looking for a
WORKERS LABOURER Applicants must be willing to work holidays and weekends. Salary $6.00 per hour. Interested persons should contact: Lilian Lorna Williams
Contact: 231-4162 Is looking for a
Must be able to work 6 days per week
Must be able to work 5 days per week Salary $6.00 per hour
contact: 241-5922
– salary $6.00 per hour
To work 5 days per week salary $5.00 per hour.
contact: 231-6370
LABOURER To work 3 days per week Salary $150.00 per week.
Contact: 242-7753
contact: 941-5010
Kitchen Helper
contact: 331-4048
per week salary $5.00 per hour.
per week salary $5.00 per hour.
contact: 241-5678
per week salary $220.00 per week.
per hour must be bi-lingual
– salary $10.00 per hour
PHONE: (649) 946-4664
October 22 - 28, 2011
FAX: (649) 946-4661
Temple Mortgage Corporation Ltd., The Temple Financial Centre, Providenciales HEREBY GIVES NOTICE that it will cause to be sold by public auction the following properties pursuant to its power of sale as registered Chargee under the Registered Land Ordinance of the Turks & Caicos Islands:
1. Parcel No.10304/63
Front Street, Grand Turk, Turks & Caicos Islands. Comprising of commercial vacant land only. The property is located across from the Tourist Board and a short walk from the new Carnival Center now under construction. Registered Proprietors: Robert N. D’Arceuil
The Financial Services Commission, a statutory body of the Turks and Caicos Islands Government responsible for the licensing and regulation of financial services businesses, is seeking qualified applicants for the post of
Head of Information Technology DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITIES The holder of this position will carry out the following duties: • Prepare departmental inputs and contribute to the development of the corporate plans and budgets of the Commission. • Determine technological direction of the FSC and the resources required to support the organization’s strategic objectives. • Manage operations and activities of the IT department as well as manage the delivery of information technology services to all other departments. • Manage information technology projects by providing project management guidelines, establish detailed project plans and project performance reports. • Assess and manage information technology risk. Account for and protect all IT assets. Develop and administer an IT security administration policy. • Develop and implement disaster recovery and business continuity plans. • Ensure the proper management, development and training of IT department staff, including conducting performance reviews. • Perform other functions as set out in the job description in relation to the post or as may be assigned by the Managing Director.
2. Parcel No.60602/133
Norway & Five Cays, Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands. The property comprises of approximately 1. Acre of Land over looking the Providenciales Airport and the Southern Shores of the Island. Registered Proprietor: Gilbert F. Selver
3. Parcel No.60719/94
Cheshire Hall & Richmond Hill, Providenciales, Comprises a main twostorey house with a separate detached guesthouse. Both homes are positioned on a elongated peninsular canal lot with approximately 400 linear feet of water frontage. The property therefore, has direct water access to the South Shore via Turtle Lake. Registered Proprietor: Daniel S. Simmons
4. Parcel No.60804/120/k57 (Unit #3503)
The Bight & Thomas Stubbs, Providenciales. Comprises a fifth-floor condominium at the Alexander Resort Development on Grace Bay Beach. This is a two-bedroom unit in the Prima Donna Building in the Northeast section of the Resort and benefits from extensive beach, ocean and pool views of the Resort. Registered Proprietor: Daniel S. Simmons
SPECIFIC KNOWLEDGE REQUIRED • Strong hands-on knowledge of IT operations management, software development and implementation. Sound knowledge of systems networking and hardware engineering. Must be well experienced in LANs, WANs, network administration (routers, switching, firewalls etc.). • Sound knowledge of network system security administration and database management; • Sound appreciation of project management principles and practices. • Possess good communication and report writing skills.
5. Parcel No. 60715/28 & 29
Cheshire Hall & Richmond Hill, Providenciales. This development comprises of a Commercial property with 12 apartment units centrally located. This property also has room for future expansion. Registered Proprietor: South Bay Properties Ltd.
EDUCATION & EXPERIENCE • Master’s degree in Management Information Technology or Computer Science. • Eight (8) years or more experience in information technology including at least four (4) years in a managerial position. • Ongoing post qualification certification would be would be a distinct asset.
6. Parcel No.60703/44 & 11
Cheshire Hall & Richmond Hills, Providenciales. This a Residential located off Cherokee Road with 5.23 acres of land with excellent views of both the Northern & Southern shores of the Island. The property supports two detached residential homes. Registered Proprietor: Blue Coral Ridge Development Ltd.
OTHER INFORMATION APPLICABLE TO THE POST This position falls within Grade 3 of the Commission’s pay scale. Actual salary payable will be determined by reference to the degree of qualification, experience, knowledge base and other criteria that the Commission may assess.
The auction will be held at 11:00 a.m. Friday 28th October 2011 at the offices of Temple Mortgage Corporation Ltd., Temple Financial Centre, Leeward Highway, Providenciales. Conditions of sale may be obtained from Temple Mortgage Corporation Ltd., The Temple Financial Centre, Leeward Highway, Providenciales, telephone (649) 946-5293, fax (649) 946-5289.
Applications should be received no later than November 30, 2011 and may be emailed to dmorrison@tcifsc.tc or faxed to 1-649-941-8379
Note that Temple Mortgage Corporation Ltd. accepts no responsibility in respect of the receipt or otherwise of sealed bids and prospective purchasers are encouraged to ensure safe delivery of sealed bids to Temple Mortgage Corporation Ltd. in good time and further to attend at the auction to ensure that the bid is properly made. 5726
VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY!! the largest readership in the turks & caicos
The duties for the above post may be carried out at either of the Commission’s offices in Grand Turk or Providenciales.
Interested persons may bid by way of sealed tender delivered not later than 4:00 p.m. Thursday, October 27, 2011 addressed to Temple Mortgage Corporation Ltd., Temple Financial Centre, Leeward Highway, Providenciales clearly marked “ AUCTION BID-OCTOBER 28TH 2011.” Should the bid meet the reserve price and constitute the highest offer, the property will be considered sold to the person making the bid. Note that a 10% deposit is required immediately from the successful bidder at the auction.
October 22 - 28, 2011
PHONE: (649) 946-4664
31 FAX: (649) 946-4661
• Established Law Firm urgently seeks to appoint Litigation Attorney. The • Candidate must be highly motivated self starter capable of building his/her
• own clientele rapidly with a particular emphasis on litigation and E-Commerce • Development and must have at least twelve (12) years experience of legal practice.
The Senior Partner P.O. Box 678 Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands Must be eligible for membership for TCI Bar based upon English Qualification
Is looking for a
Applications together with resume, should be sent to:
To work 6 days per week salary $9.00 per hour.
contact: 232-1068 5737
LABOURER Must be able to work weekends. Salary $5.25 per hour.
Contact: 946-8300
Wishes To Recruit Senior Litigator
Is looking for a
$30 PER WEEK CALL 946-4664
Butterfield Gold Group
Chevron Caribbean Inc.
Invites Applications for an
Is accepting applications for a
Terminal Manager Work Location: Providenciales, Turks & Caicos
Overview of Position:
Responsible for supervision of all terminal, aviation and distribution operations in a safe, reliable, efficient and cost effective manner. Fuel receipts, product storage, Inventory stock control and reconciliation, product quality control, equipment maintenance, project execution and product distribution in the area of responsibility, Turks & Caicos.
Key Job Responsibilities:
• Executes standardized processes, systems and metrics and improvement of environmental, safety and health performance. Ensures compliance with all legal and regulatory requirements and all applicable Corporate environmental, safety, health and commercial policies. • Accountable for overall Operations performance: Safety metric, business plan, maintenance program and execution of Capital Projects in coordination with District Logistic Manager. • Supervise marine receipts, product storage, quality control, aviation operations and ground distribution thru the area according with company standards. • Daily monitor inventory level, provide reliable data and reports in a timely manner. Accountable for stock control standards, daily and monthly product reconciliation. • Accountable for implement Terminal Maintenance Program, MOC and Processes. • Accountable for implementation and execution of contractor performance (on time / on budget) and Contractor Safety Management Program.
Assistant Manager/ Sales & Marketing Executive To assist with the overall daily management of the operations of T&C Refreshments Ltd., including staff, Warehouse, all aspects of Inventory, including product rotation, and Sales. To develop and execute Sales and Marketing concepts/projects for the Group. Duties and Responsibilities • Assisting with identifying and establishing contact with potential customers proactively • Maintaining contact with new and existing customers • Responding to sales inquiries from new and existing customers • Ensuring effective internal communication within the group relative to Sales & Customer support. • To identify opportunities for the development and enhancement of existing products. • Negotiating the agreement terms and closing down sales • Assist with the monitoring and reporting of the potential collaborators and competitor activities and identifying business threats and opportunities. Skills and Specifications • Excellent problem solving and organization skills. • Excellent written, verbal and interpersonal communication skills. • Tenacious work attitude. • Should be able to work as a team member. • Should have negotiation skills to deal with different kinds of customers • Able to meet deadlines • Highly innovative and proactive • Ability to work with minimum supervision Education and Qualifications • Bachelor’s degree in sales/marketing • At least five (5) years experience working in a similar role
Salary • Commensurate with qualifications and experience
• Engineering Degree (Mechanical, Civil, Petroleum, Electrical) • Proved experience in similar positions.
Please submit resume by October 22, 2011, to Butterfield Gold Group of Companies, Town Centre Mall, Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands
Interested candidates are invited to send resume by October 21, 2011 to empleosrd@chevron.com 5642
PHONE: (649) 946-4664
October 22 - 28, 2011 FAX: (649) 946-4661
Is looking for a
Is looking for a
Is looking for a
Is desirous of employing a
Weekly News the national newspaper of the turks and caicos islands
ON THE WEB tcweeklynews.com
contact: 232-7317
ONE LABOURER Must be willing to work 6 days per week and required to be on premises full time. A demonstrated ability to work unsupervised with excellent communication skills is essential for the position. Work description includes maintenance to exterior of premises, car wash, garbage disposal, house repairs, dog care, full time security, etc. Must have a valid driving licence. Salary is $1,500.00 per month.
Belongers only need apply no later than 28th October, 2011 to P.O. Box 260, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands or by email to kb@mslaw.tc.
Pool and Beach/ Server needed Server needed for busy restaurant. Experience and knowledge of POS system in a must. Weekends, Holidays and nights
call Tracy 941-8408 for an interview with your resume
Store Manager with four (4) years experience in the management of a retail store, which includes but is not limited to, inventory control, accounting, public relations, human resource management and computer systems (i.e. POS). Must be able to train store sales persons and cashiers. Knowledge of store brands will be a plus. Must possess a Bachelor’s Degree in Business/ Commerce. Salary will commensurate with experience. Only Belongers Need Apply.
REPORTER TRAINEE Preferably a High School graduate or someone with an extremely good command of the English language for court and community reporting. Ability to drive and use a camera a desirable asset. Salary paid weekly will commensurate with experience. Position available March 1, 2010
Candidates must have had actual hands-on experience selling advertising space for newspapers and magazines. Ability to assist clients with the writing of copy for ads and gathering of collateral an asset. Salary is commission based.
Salary: $5.00 per hour Working hours: Monday Saturday 6am - 4pm. Resumes can be faxed to 941-3425 and the Labour Department, Providenciales as soon as possible 5738
A store in the Grand Turk Carnival Terminal is seeking a highly qualified
The Turks and Caicos Islands’ oldest and WRITERS / leading publishing house is in need of additional staff to fill the following posts: Candidates must have at least five (5) years experience working full-time for daily newspapers and/or news/features magazines, reporting on hard news, features and parliamentary/court proceedings. Salary paid weekly will commensurate with experience.
contact: 231-3417
Contact: 241-2920
To work 5 days per week salary $5.00 per hour.
contact 231-3788
must be able to work 5 days per week salary $5.00 per hour
To work 5 days per week salary $5.00 per hour.
With own transportation must be able to work from 9am – 3pm
Is looking for a
Send resumes to: info@karammissick.com 5735
EXPRESS MAINTENANCE of Caribbean Place, Providenciales is desirous of employing
Maid Wanted
Francisco Rodriguez Is looking for a
Position available October 30, 2011
Two labourers
Babysitter to work 6 days
Tel: 231-4794
Contact: 242-2548
Hours of work: 7am - 4pm Salary: $5.00 per hour.
per week salary $5.00 per hour.
To work five to six days per week. Some evenings may be required. Must speak and write English. Must be pet friendly as Employer has large dogs. Valid drivers license an asset. Wages to be negotiated.
Contact: 232-3444
P.O. Box 52, Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands Email: tcnews@tciway.tc NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE Preference will be given to Belongers and Legal Residents Closing date for applications is November 14, 2008
Forward applications to: The Publisher Duncanson Publications Ltd.
PHONE: (649) 946-4664
COMMUNITY CHRISTIAN ACADEMY Accepting applications for
• Applicant should possess a trained teachers diploma or certificate with 10 or more years experience in the classroom • Applicants with first degree beside their teacher’s diploma/ certificate will have
K-3, K-4, K-5 Teachers
an advantage • Applicant must be energetic and creative and a good team player preferable of Baptist faith
• Must be born again • Must have at least five(5) years teaching experience with a Certificate in Early Childhood Learning or Higher Teacher Education from a recognized Educational Institution • Familiarization with Abeka teaching program would be an asset • Familiarization with Primary Education within the Caribbean
• Must be able to assist in the preparation of healthy meals on a daily basis for over 100 students • Be able to manage the stock and prepare orders handle cash effectively to ensure all checks and balances
All applications can be dropped off at B.E.S.T Institute office, Wheeland, Blue Hills, Providenciales
Suitable applicants may forward resumes addressed to:
• The individual should meet the following requirements: • Possess a valid food handler’s permit • A born again Christian preferable of the Baptist faith • The ability to read and write English
Is accepting applications for a
The successful applicant must be competent in the design of electrical systems: Power generation and distribution of power supply, performing electrical calculations, sizing equipment and performing computer analysis of alternate systems; must also be competent in the design of fire alarm systems and communication systems using the latest Auto Cad software.
Position is critical for the terminal operations as it supports all areas of focus of Terminal in having safe, clean, reliable and efficient operation.
The applicant must be familiar with USA Codes and Regulations and should be a member of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
Work Location: Providenciales, Turks & Caicos
The applicant must have extensive experience in the installation, including testing and commissioning of electrical and mechanical services.
Key Job Responsibilities • Responsible for the safe, reliable, efficient and environmentally sound execution of duties in support of product receipts and transfers. • Monitors fuel tank levels throughout shift, responds to alarms and is responsible for making visual inspections in the operation of tanks, Truck Loading Rack, and all terminal pumps and equipment. • Performs tank line-ups for the receipt and transfers of product to and from tanks per operational procedures and consistent with product integrity standards. • Assists in the performance of all activities related to Terminal maintenance program. • Assists with Stock Control Standards equipment maintenance program • Performs housekeeping duties as assigned anywhere in the terminal. Maintains all equipment in proper place and facility is maintained in adequate conditions.
Applicant should have a minimum of 5 (five) years experience and a proven design track record on projects for condominium complexes, hotels, commercial and industrial facilities and residential dwellings. It is essential that the applicant must have a degree in his/her field obtained from a recognized University and registered with his/her respective Engineering Council/ Commission. The successful applicant must have the technical experience for solving design solutions and can work unsupervised in the preparation and issuing of mechanical and electrical design drawings. All applications will be considered from suitably qualified candidates who should forward a copy of their resume including relevant experience to the email/fax address below.
Closing date for all application is November 14th, 2011
Please copy application to: -
Labour Commissioner Providenciales Turks and Caicos Islands
VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY!! the largest readership in the turks & caicos
Requirements: • High school diploma, Technical education preferred • Three years (3) of acceptable work experience • Safety Oriented 5722
649-946-8506 – Building Services Design Ltd. accounts@bsd.tc P.O Box 641 Providenciales Turks and Caicos Islands
The Board Community Christian Academy Leeward highway, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands Tel: 649-941-3484 Fax: 649-941-3482 Email: commassem@tciway.tc
Chevron Caribbean Inc.
Building Services Design Ltd. is currently seeking a suitably qualified individual to fill the following position.
Please fax your application to: - Email: Or mail to:
FAX: (649) 946-4661
October 22 - 28, 2011
Please indicate the name of the position you are applying for in the subject line. Applications without subject line will not be acknowledged
Qualified candidates are invited to send resume by October 21, 2011 to empleosrd@chevron.com
PHONE: (649) 946-4664
October 22 - 28, 2011
FAX: (649) 946-4661
Seven Stars Resort, Grace Bay Is now recruiting for the following positions; suitably qualified Belongers who possess the requirements listed below are encouraged to apply. Ideal candidates should possess luxury resort experience, be out-going and friendly, with a professional demeanor and must be fluent in English, be a team player with a strong work ethic, available for work on public holidays and weekends. Salaries are based on experience and qualifications.
Maintenance Team Leader (Supervisor) • Suitable candidate must have relevant qualifications for this role • Minimum 5 years experience with a full service hotel and a condo hotel resort property • Ability to develop a comprehensive preventative maintenance program • Able to implement and carry through role with little or no supervision • Computer literate, financial budgeting, supplier knowledge as required
Room Attendant • Suitable candidates must have a minimum of 2 years experience working at a 5 Star Resort in a similar role • Must have a strong attention to details and exceptional ability to maintain the highest standards of quality required • Assist in all Housekeeping responsibilities, cleaning of guest rooms, stocking amenities and linens • Must have the ability to lift at least 50lbs • Perform any other tasks or projects as directed by Housekeeping Manager
Security Officer • Suitable candidates must have a minimum of 3 years experience working at a 5 Star Resort, in a similar sales position • Ability to communicate with fellow security officers • Highly trained in security procedures • First Aid training is preferable
Sous Chef • A Minimum of 5 years International experience in 5 Star properties with exposure to fine dining and volume operations, and a minimum of 2 years international experience as an Sous chef • Education: College Degree, preferably specializing in Hospitality Management or Culinary Arts • Sales/Profitability/Cost Control • Product Quality & Service Delivery • Sanitation and Housekeeping • Training and Development • Administration • Innovative and creative concept development • Strong leadership capabilities
Chef de Partie As Chef De Partie you will be answering directly to the senior members of the team. You should be a proven Chef de Partie with good skills and knowledge of kitchen
operations • Minimum of 2 years experience in high end restaurant operation • Hospitality or Culinary Arts qualification is desirable • Food Hygiene Certificate Required • Ability to work under pressure
Lead Servers The position will oversee service in conjunction with other departmental lead personnel. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to, training, scheduling and directing service staff. • Suitable candidates must have a minimum of 2 years experience working at a 5 Star resort or restaurant in a lead position • Energetic with excellent customer relations skills • Fluent in English, written and verbal • Previous use of POS and cashier / bank experience • Hospitality or Culinary Arts qualification is required
Assistant Maitre’d The position will oversee service and report directly to divisional management. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to, training, scheduling and directing all service staff. • Responsible for organizing and training of wait staff to ensure effortless and seamless service and upgrading their skills and product knowledge • Responsible for managing and rotating Liquor and Wine Inventory and expected to work within established beverage costs whilst taking monthly liquor and wine stock • Fluent in English, written and verbal • Extensive knowledge of foods & wines. Ability to contribute to menus and ever changing wine list • Computer literacy in MS office is mandatory • Hospitality or Culinary Arts qualification is required • 5 years experience in luxury hotel food & beverage operation
Position for a FO Supervisor The position will oversee service and report directly to divisional management. Responsibilities include but are not limited to: • Monitor the appearance, standards and performance of the Front Office Team Members with an emphasis on training and teamwork • Ensure Team Members have up to date knowledge of hotel products, services, pricing and policies as well as a good knowledge of the local area • Maximize Sales revenues through up selling and marketing programs • Monitor guest satisfaction reports and implement actions to improve results • Maintain good communication and working
relationships with all hotel areas • 4 years Front Office experience in 5 star property • Hospitality qualification required • Possess strong commercial awareness and Sales capabilities • Excellent leadership, inter-personal and communication skills • A passion for delivering exceptional levels of guest service • A second European language is required
Duty Manager To assist in overall Resort operations - responsible for the enforcement of all policies and procedures and handling guests concerns /complaints in the absence of respective Department Heads or Executive Management • Should be knowledgeable about preventive maintenance and emergency procedures • Communicates with Rooms Division Manager on all pertinent Front Office matters • Provides supportive functional assistance to all departments particularly Front Office • Interacts with Resort guests as well as members of the local community • Cooperates, coordinates and communicates with all departments through established channels • Establishes and maintains effective employee and interdepartmental relationships • Supervises Front of House personnel in anticipating sales opportunities to ensure optimum occupancy and average room rate. Promotes inter-hotel sales and inhouse facilities. • Reacts to situations as needed to ensure that guests receive prompt, cordial attention and personal recognition throughout the Resort. Responds to guests needs and resolves related problems. • Management of Duty Manager Log, providing timely information to all relevant parties and ensuring best glitch recovery practice. • You will possess a warm and welcoming personality, be a team player and be flexible with working hours. • Fluency in English and a second European language, and 3 years previous Front Office Supervisor/ Management experience is required.
Operations • The suitable candidate should have a minimum of 10 years Management experience in an International 5 Stars property. • Management proficiency in Gailleo, Sabre, Amadeus, Visual 1 and MBT is vital for the position • Waste management and environmental systems experience is also required
October 22 - 28, 2011 PHONE: (649) 946-4664
VACANCIES Driver Continued
Lead Front Office Guest Service Agents
contact: 344-9286
• Suitable candidates must have 2 years prior experience in similar position in a 5 Star Resort in a similar role • Strong knowledge of Visual 1, Microsoft Office • To greet the customer and identify his specific reservation • To register the guest, ensuring that the necessary details are obtained, i.e. name in full, address, whether company or private booking, special rate, allowances, VIP, charge details, nationality, passport number, etc. • To allocate room according to reservations list, ensuring that this is what the guest has booked, both in terms of the room itself and the rate to be paid • To issue the key card • To liaise or alert the bell hop so that the guest’s luggage is taken to his room and the key issued • To update occupancy list • A passion for delivering exceptional levels of guest service
To work 6 days per week salary $5.50 per hour.
FOR RENT Fully furnished three bedroom two and a half bathroom house located in Long Bay, Providenciales.
$1500.00 a month
FAX: (649) 946-4661
Programmer Analyst Required to develop and maintain web applications and RDBM
The qualified candidate must have: • A Bachelors degree in Mathematics/Computer Science or similar field • The ability to extract or define business processes from a company’s cash flow. • Experience in the following programming and domain specific languages: C\C++. Perl\Ruby, PHP, COBOL , SQL, Regular Expressions • Experience in the following Operating Systems: Windows XP/NT and Linux(RHE) • Experience in MySQL, Oracle and PostgreSQL (additional experience with IBM’s Websphere & DB2 considered a plus) • Experience in Mathcad or a similar modeling software (Experience in Telecommunication & Financial Services considered a plus) Base Salary Range: $16,000 to $25,000 (annual). Only Belongers Need Apply.
Applicant should submit resumes to info@ karammissick.com to the attention of TECSHACK LTD. c/o P. O. Box 926, Grace Bay, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands
Contact: 244-4445 or 242-0200 5649
Floor Crystallizing Specialist
Looking for qualified applicants to fill the following positions:
1 Waiter 2 Laborers 1 Waitress 1 Kitchen Helper 1 Nanny/ Caretaker 2 Domestic Workers
Requirements: • Must have at least 5 years experience as a Marble Floors Crystallize Specialist. • Must have at least 5 years significant experience for handling heavy scrubbing / crystallizing machines. • Wide knowledge of floor crystallizes chemicals.
• Suitable candidates must have a minimum of 2 years experience working at a 5 Star Resort • Must have strong attention to details and exceptional ability to maintain the highest standards of quality required • Must have the ability to lift at least 30lbs and push/ pull in excess of 50lbs • Perform any other task or project as directed by Management
Please contact: Elizabeth @ 245-6962
Closing Date : October 14th, 2011 Suitable qualified candidates should apply in writing or send resume Monday – Friday 9am-5pm @ front Security Gate.
Managing Director BNC Consulting Group, Ltd website: www.bnccgroup.com email: bthomas@bnccgroup.com phone: 649-332-2565 5668
Salary $5.50 per hour. Must be willing to work 6 days per week including weekends and holidays.
QUALIFIED NURSES AID WITH INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE LOOKING FOR EMPLOYMENT To care for the elderly I’m willing to work nights, days, weekends and holidays. For more details information contact:
Elizabeth 245-6962 5652
Islands Pride Fisheries Ltd.
Vacancies One (1) Captain/Engineer for Commercial Fishing Vessel
Duties & Responsibilities: Oversee the safety of the crew, vessel and catch - Responsible for the service and maintenance of the engines aboard the vessel, including any attached lifeboats -Checking and recording the catch for each crew member, including self, catch from traps and ensuring both tallies with total overall catch -Deep-sea line fishing with reel -Assist the trap man to set and pull traps -Gut, ice and store fish, in common with the crew, including the captain/engineer Requirements: Clean Police Record -Two character references, including one from last employer - Ability to lead a team -Minimum of ten (10) years’ experience working in same capacity on commercial fishing vessel Salary: Stipend plus based on catch shared equally with crew
Three (3) Crew/Fishermen
Duties & Responsibilities: Prepare and maintain traps -Prepare bait for traps -Deep-sea line fishing with reel -Cleaning, icing and storing of catch -Responsible for cleaning and maintaining the vessel Requirements: Clean Police Record -Two character references, including one from last employer -Ability to work with minimal supervision -Minimum of two (2) years’ experience working in same capacity on commercial fishing vessel Salary: Based on catch shared equally with crew and captain Only Belongers need apply. Application forms available from Butterfield Gold Human Resource Department. Only applicants selected for interview will be notified. Application deadline: October 28th, 2011.
FAX: (649) 946-4661
SENIOR LITIGATOR @@Established Law Firm urgently seeks to appoint Litigation Attorney. The @@Candidate must be highly motivated self starter capable of building his/her own clientele rapidly with a particular emphasis on litigation and E-Commerce @@Development and must have at least twelve (12) years experience of legal practice. Applications together with resume, should be sent to:
Is looking for a
Must be eligible for membership for TCI Bar based upon English Qualification
Is looking for a
Is seek one
DOMESTIC Sales Clerk WORKER Salary $5.00
Worker To clean, wash, iron. Must be able to work 5 days per week. Salary $5.00 per hour.
The Senior Partner P.O. Box 678 Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands
Contact: 341-3223
per hour.
Contact: 649-941-5213 5654
To work 5 days per week salary $5.00 per hour.
Contact: 342-1583
PHONE: (649) 946-4664
October 22 - 28, 2011
Tuckers Hill Nursery & Landscaping Ltd
Retail Nursery Supervisor
• Minimum of 3 year’s experience in the landscaping / nursery industry • Considerable knowledge of plant, trees and grass diseases and pests • Supervise a staff of employees • Demonstrable knowledge of QuickBooks Financial Software • Excellent Organization and Time Management Skills • Knowledge of TCI Customs Procedures • Must possess a TCI Driver License and have own transportation • Must be available to work on other islands and drive a boat Salary is $7.00 per hour or based on experience. Working hours are 5-1/2 days a week. Please send cover letter and resume to:
Director Financial Services & Risk Management Applications are invited from interested and suitably qualified persons to fill the position of Director Financial Services and Risk Management in Finance Department.
Tuckers Hill Nursery & Landscaping. Box 627. Providenciales. TCI. Attention: Tracey Ewing-Hurdle, by November 10th, 2011. Email: Tracey@tuckershill.net
To ensure cohesive integration and alignment of financial processes and reports, departmental projects, staff management and strategic plans. Ensure sound overall sound maintenance of the enterprise’s overall risk management and benchmarking practices in order to drive management in the formulation of its overall strategic direction.
Main Duties
• Responsible to the VP Finance and CFO, for the provision of relevant financial information o and other reports that may be required. • Directs all accounting functions, financial capital planning, budgeting, forecasting, preparation of cost and performance trends/analyses for presentation to senior management and accounting information systems. • Directs the delivery of cost effective and efficient accounting and financial systems, policies and processes that meet the current and future business requirements of the organization. • Track key performance metrics as determined from the Benchmark Project for relevant operational, finance and accounting processes. • Directs and develops finance projects to address business risks and to achieve the department’s and the whole enterprise’s goals and objectives. • Presents risks and opportunities regularly to the executive management team as they relate to the 5 year strategic business plan. • Oversees the Internal and External Audits, conducts reviews and analysis of results and recommends for approval the Audited Financial Statements and related management letters. • Directs financial performance against key business metrics and document pertinent financial highlights that will enable management to determine progress against budgets. • Directs the implementation and maintenance of Enterprise Risk Management in conjunction to the 5-year strategic Business Planning Process • Other duties that may be assigned from time to time.
the largest readership in the turks & caicos
Minimum Requirements
Responsibilities • Perform all assigned landscape tasks, including, but not limited to, installation of plant material, care of flowers and bedding plants, trimming and pruning trees. • Operate small equipment, i.e., blowers, hedge trimmers, rotary mowers, string trimmers, chain saws and pressure washing. • Basic irrigation operation and repair, i.e., drip systems, pipe repair and head repair. • Supplement other departmental teams on special projects or with daily activities as needed.
• The applicant must hold a professional accounting designation, CA, CPA, ACCA, CIA, CISA or CMA or equivalent • Eight to ten years experience, preferably in utilities or related field. Five (5) of which must have been in a management position • Must have extensive working experience with one of the big 4 auditing firms. • As a member of the management team, the successful applicant must understand the corporate vision and successfully gain support for and implement that vision • Excellent team player and leadership abilities • Must possess extensive working knowledge in the application of the fundamentals of financial management, internal controls, benchmarking and analysis, auditing, cost accounting, programme evaluation and business reengineering techniques. • Must be able to interact with customers and business entities at all levels.
Requirements • Must have at least two years experience as a Gardener • Must be able to spend long hours in the sun
• Salary Grade 16: $92,130.00. FORTIS TCI offers a competitive compensation package. For more information kindly contact Human Resources Director
TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDERS (NO WORK PERMIT HOLDERS) need only to apply in person to careers@hartlinggroup.com. The Sands Resort located on Grace Bay Road, Providenciales, or e-mail:.
Deadline for submission of application is October 30th, 2011. Please submit to:-
Director, Human Resources Fortis TCI. P. O. Box 132, Providenciales Email address: jmissick@ppcltd.tc
Applications must be in by October 30th, 2011 5646
October 22 - 28, 2011
PHONE: (649) 946-4664
37 FAX: (649) 946-4661
The Meridian Club on Pine Cay
vacancy vacancy The Financial Services Commission, a statutory body of the Turks and Caicos Islands Government responsible for the licensing and regulation of financial services businesses, is seeking qualified applicants for the post of
Legal and Enforcement Consultant DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITIES The holder of this position will carry out the following duties: • Analyse, assess and review existing legal and regulatory frameworks with a view to their enhancement and make recommendations for improved regulation of the financial sector. • Advise the Managing Director on matters relating to the interpretation of the Financial Services Ordinances and related laws and regulations. • Prepare guidance notes and guidelines to guide the internal regulatory process as well as to assist the industry with compliance with the applicable rules. • Liaise with the Attorney General’s Chamber and any external legal counsel as necessary. Instruct external legal counsel as may be relevant and under the direction of the Managing Director. • Draft new legislation and regulations and necessary amendments to existing legislation as required and as instructed. Prepare co-operation agreements with other regulators and act as the liaison on matters of co-operation. • Prepare and review contracts on behalf of the Commission. Represent the FSC in Court matters and monitor and report on the progress of matters before the Courts. • Provide general legal advice as may be requested or deemed necessary. • Oversee the enforcement division, including preparing policies and procedures to guide enforcement activities. • Perform other functions as set out in the job descriptions of Legal Officer and Enforcement Officer or as may be assigned by the Managing Director. SPECIFIC KNOWLEDGE REQUIRED • Sound knowledge of the financial services laws, regulations and guidelines, including proceeds of crime and anti-money laundering protocols; • Some knowledge of financial management; • Sound knowledge of corporate governance frameworks and compliance enforcement. EDUCATION & EXPERIENCE • LLB degree and Council of Legal Education certification. • Five (5) years or more experience at a senior level in a financial regulatory position or senior management experience in the private sector in the field of insurance, securities, banking or other financial services. • Experience in investigation of financial fraud and the gathering of evidence would be a distinct asset. OTHER INFORMATION APPLICABLE TO THE POST This position falls within Grade 3 of the Commission’s pay scale. Actual salary payable will be determined by reference to the degree of qualification, experience, knowledge base and other criteria that the Commission may assess. The duties for the above post may be carried out at either of the Commission’s offices in Grand Turk or Providenciales.
The Meridian Club, one of the Turks and Caicos Islands’ original and most unique resort experiences is now seeking a qualified on-site
Reservations Specialist/ Administrative Assistant
Responsibilities: In addition to the general job description as outlined for the Guest Services staff, this position will also: • Maintain Master Reservation Chart for The Meridian Club and Member home rentals • Takes lead position in RESERVATIONS department--Must man the 800 reservations line and manage internet reservations,be pleasant and well informed on the phone and be able to communicate the feel of The Meridian Club to potential guests. • Must be completely familiar with all accommodations available at The Meridian Club, including hotel rooms and homes in the rental pool; must also be familiar with all services offered at the Club, including meals, housekeeping, transportation to and from Pine Cay, marine, fishing, snorkeling, excursions etc. • Must reside on Pine Cay except on days off in order to handle reservations from other time zones • Must respond to all inquiries about the Club in a clear and professional manner • Must follow up on deposit payments, process and record all guest deposits • Process all Travel Agency Commissions and follow-up on Wholesale payments • Oversees front desk/guest services staff to ensure that Guest arrivals, departures and special needs are attended to and takes regular turns greeting guests in Leeward and accompanying them to Pine Cay on Club boats. • Must be able to fill in when Managers are off island to ensure guest experience is not compromised • Assist in month end financial reconciliation as deemed by the Controller • Reconcile credit card payments, billings by outside vendors as they pertain to guests transfers and other special requests • Assist with Marketing and Sales programs • Other duties as assigned • Weekends, Holidays and some evenings a must so must reside on Pine Cay. Basic Qualifications: • Must be fluent in English (both verbal and written) and be easily understood on the telephone • Hold a BA degree in Tourism Studies or similar field of study from an accredited college or university. • Min. 2 years in 4-5 star property in Guest Services capacity; 1 year reservations experience required • Computer literate (Word, Excel, Quickbooks) • Must be competent typist and be literate in Internet communication • Must be able to spell competently and write letters and e-mails using proper English grammar. • Must be neat and tidy and present a positive image • Must have a talent for remembering people and making them feel welcome • Must feel comfortable riding on boats in all weather conditions (almost all guests arrive and depart by boat)
Applications should be received no later than November 10, 2011 and may be emailed to dmorrison@tcifsc.tc or faxed to 1-649-941-3569
Annual Salary: Based on qualifications and experience. From US$25,000 (this position is salaried, not hourly) Position available: January 10, 2012
Applicants should submit resumes by November 18, 2011 and must include work history plus 3 references with telephone numbers and description of how you know that person + copy of passport and/or NIS card. A telephone contact for applicant must also be on cover letter or resume. Qualified candidates will be called within 2 weeks of receipt of application
the largest readership in the turks & caicos
Please send letter of interest and resume to Beverly Plachta via email: manager@meridianclub.com or fax to 649-941-7010. 5656
Turks & Caicos Islands National Insurance Board
Increase in Payment of Pensions Awarded prior to July 2007 All persons awarded a pension prior to July 31, 2007 will be granted an 8% increase. As a result of this increase, minimum pension will also increase from $310.50 to $335.00. Some 73% of our pensioners across the Turks & Caicos Islands will benefit from this increase. Reduction of Pensions Awarded in July 2007 The 15% pension increase award in July 2007was also granted to new pensioners from August 2007 to October 2010. This was not in keeping with best practice of other social security institutions. Accordingly, in the best interest of the future viability of the fund, immediate corrective measures must be employed. Regrettably, this requires that all pensions awarded w.e.f. August 1, 2007 be decreased by 7.5%; this adjustment will impact approximately 242 beneficiaries across the islands. Increase in Maternity Grants The Maternity Grant will increase from $400.00 to $500.00 per child Increase in Funeral Grants Funeral Grant will increase from $800.00 to $1,300.00 for dependants; and from $1,200.00 to $2,000.00 for insured persons Introduction of Minimum Survivor’s Pension Currently, Survivors’ Pension is calculated solely on the pension entitlement of the deceased. Consequently, at times, due to the number of survivors, the pension amounts are considerably inadequate, thereby losing relevance to the beneficiaries. This increase will ensure all survivors’ pensioners are guaranteed a minimum pension as follows: Spouse - $250.00 per month Dependants - $100.00 each per month. Amendment to Widower’s Survivor’s Pension Presently, the qualifying conditions for entitlement to Widow’s Pension is age 50 and age 60 for Widower’s
Pool Attendants
Contact: 941-8671
Contact: 242-7753
To work in an upscale condominium. Salary negotiable.
DOLMEN IMPORT & EXPORT LTD. Is seeking to fill the following positions:
New Qualifying Criteria for Sickness Benefit, Maternity Allowance, Invalidity Pension & Funeral Grant Currently, the Benefit Regulations qualifying conditions for Sickness Benefit, Maternity Benefit, Invalidity Pension and Funeral Grant require at least eight (8) weeks of contributions to be paid in the first 13 weeks of the last 26 week period being examined. This requirement will now be relaxed to allow for the eight (8) weeks of contribution to be considered either in the first 13 weeks or last 13 weeks of the qualifying period. The relaxed contribution requirements will result in an increase in the number of persons being eligible for these benefits.
Office Supervisor
Supervisor – salary $1,000 per month
Is looking for a
Must have at least 5 years experience must be able to work 5 days per week salary $8.00 per hour.
Contact: 649-6521 or 342-3104
Contact: 946-4727
Barefoot Café
Latinos Construction
Is looking for a
Is looking to employ 2
Extended Protection for Employees over Age 65 Currently, insured persons over the age of 65 are not required to pay contributions and are therefore not covered for Employment Injury Benefit. Employment Injury Benefit will now be extended to employees working beyond age 65. A contribution rate of 1.2% of the weekly wage up to a $600 wage will be payable by the employer only for these workers.
Marine Mechanic
– salary $1,600 per month
Extension of Employment Injury Benefit Coverage to Temporary Residents The Ordinance makes provisions for contributors working and remaining in the islands for a period of six months or less to pay on a lower contribution rate of 2.5% as Temporary Residents. Currently, this group of contributors is only eligible for Sickness and Maternity Benefits. This amendment will introduce the extension of Employment Injury Benefit to Temporary Residents. This group of contributors will now be entitled to Employment Injury Benefit.
To work 5 days per week. Salary $5.00 per hour.
Pension. In an age of equal employment opportunities, the qualifying criteria for this benefit should also be synchronized. Eligibility will now be amended to age 50 for both Widow and Widower’s Pensions.
Kitchen Helper Tile Layers To work 6 days per week. Must be hardworking, honest and reliable. Salary $5.00 per hour
Restriction of voluntary Certificates to TCI Residents Only The Regulations currently make provision to allow the payment of Voluntary Contributions by non-residents. To prevent abuse, non residents will no longer be granted Voluntary Contributor status. This group of contributors has seen some growth over the years, and poses a potential risk for abuse.
Contact: 441-1686
Must be able to work 6 days per week salary $5.00 per hour.
Contact: 347-0771 5672
Richmond Hill Preparatory School
For Further Information Please Contact Any of Our Offices during Normal Working Hours Head Office: P.O. Box 250, Grand Turk (649) 946-1048/9. (649) 946-1045. Fax: (649) 946-1362. Email: nib@tciway.tc
• Primary School College- trained teachers with a minimum of 8 years experience. • Applicants must possess a first degree or higher and be creative and hardworking • SALARY NEGOTIABLE
South Caicos: District Commissioner’s Office, South Caicos Tel: (649) 946-3280. Fax: (649) 946-3664 North Caicos: Daniel Gardiner’s Building, High Rock, Bottle Creek, North Caicos Tel: (649) 946-7200. Fax: (649) 946-7110 Providenciales: The Hilly Ewing Building, Leeward Highway, Providenciales Tel: (649) 941-5806 / (649) 941-5906. Fax: (649) 941-5854
Providing Social Protection You Can Depend On!
Is looking for a
Benefit & Contribution Regulation Adjustments JANUARY 2012
The Turks and Caicos Islands National Insurance Board hereby informs the General Public of the following amendments to various sections of the National Insurance Benefits and Contributions Regulations 1992 which will take effect January 1, 2012
Is looking for 2
Public Notice
FAX: (649) 946-4661
PHONE: (649) 946-4664
October 22 - 28, 2011
Richmond Hill Prep. School 6 Richmond Hill Road, Providenciales. 946-4957 Applications must be in no later than October 31, 2011
October 22 - 28, 2011
PHONE: (649) 946-4664
A luxury villa is currently seeking a
Middle Caicos
Private Chef @@To cater for high end guests. The successful applicant should have the following at least 5 year’s experience running kitchens 2 of which should be in a 5 star hotel. @@They should also have full capability of food costing and controls, monthly inventory, knowledge of proper hygiene and safety, menu planning and costing and managing and scheduling staff. @@As a private villa expertise in catering such as weddings, cocktail parties and special events is crucial. @@Plus knowledge and experience of cuisine worldwide, pastries, desserts and chocolates is essential. @@Due to the nature of our guests the need to be fluent in English is required. @@This position requires working long hours, nights and days, public holidays and weekends. @@A clean driving license is also essential as the chef will be responsible for all shopping. Salary - $3000 per month.
Labourer To work 6 days per week. Salary $5.00 per hour.
Contact: 242-4408
All applications must be made in writing by the 10th of November 2011. Please submit resumes, including a variety of proposed villa menu selections, addressed to:
Mark Pankhurst at PO BOX 196 Providenciales or email kimstargazervilla@hotmail.com. Successful applicants will be notified by email by the 20th of November 2011.
Is looking for a
Looking for SCUBA Diving instructors and/or Divemaster with experience in the Turks and Caicos Islands dive industry to conduct dive courses, lead dives and snorkel trips and assist on other eco-adventure activities at Big Blue. Applicants must be a current PADI dive instructor and/or Divemaster and have the skills and personality for sales, reservations, & public relations. Starting salary of approximately $2000 per month. Please drop resume and cover letter to Big Blue at the Leeward Marina between the hours of 8am to 5pm or e-mail to bigblue@tciway.tc. You will be contacted for an interview if successful and the deadline for applications is 4th Nov 2011. Positions start in December 2011.
FAX: (649) 946-4661
One bedroom apartment fully furnished. $600.00 per month.
Contact: 241-3333 or 242-8470 5675
Is looking for a
To work 2 hours daily Monday – Saturday salary $5.00 per hour.
Contact: 244-3183
Job Opportunities Is now recruiting for the following positions; suitably qualified Belongers who possess the requirements listed below are encouraged to apply. Ideal candidates should possess luxury resort experience, be out-going and friendly, with a professional demeanor and must be fluent in English, be a team player with a strong work ethic, available for work on public holidays, weekends and evenings. Salaries are based on experience and qualifications.
Tailor • Suitable candidates must have a minimum of 2 years experience working at a 5 Star Resort • Must have strong attention to details and exceptional ability to maintain the highest standards of quality required • Perform any other tasks or project as directed by Housekeeping Management
Carpenter • Suitable candidates must have a recognized qualification as a finishing carpenter and a minimum of 2 years working experience at a 5 Star Resort • Must have strong attention to details and exceptional ability to maintain the highest standards of quality required • Perform any other tasks or project as directed by Management
Water Sports Manager
Looking for a sales person to work in a thriving Tourism Adventure Company. The applicant must have a minimum of 3-years of experience with sales & reservations in the tourism industry and have superior PR, computer, and organizational skills. Applicants that are able to speak and write French will be considered first. All applicants must be presentable, articulate, and be able to work long and flexible hours under pressure. Weekends mandatory. Starting salary of $2000 per month. Please drop resume and cover letter to Big Blue at the Leeward Marina between the hours of 8am to 5pm or e-mail to bigblue@tciway.tc. You will be contacted for an interview if successful and the deadline for applications is 4th November 2011. Position starts 14th November 2011.
Required Qualifications:
• Licensed Boat Captain and /or STCW95 • C + E Heavy Good Diving License • P.A.D.I Instructor – minimum of 5 years at this level • D.A.N Oxygen Provider
Experience in the following • Basic Mechanical and engineering maintenance • Equipment serving & repair • Working in a 5 Stars Resort environment • Maintenance experience of Maritime 4 stroke engines
Looking for persons with experience and qualifications in the field of Marine Biology to join Big Blue’s team of eco-tour guides and dive instructors. Applicants must have experience in tropical waters and be able to lead educational kayak, paddleboard, snorkel, scuba diving and sightseeing eco-adventures. Applicants must have a current first aid and CPR certificate and have the personality for sales, public relations and education. Applicants with boat driving experience, and STCW’95/TCI boat captain’s license preferred and will enjoy a better salary. Starting salary of $2000 per month. Please drop resume and cover letter to Big Blue at the Leeward Marina between the hours of 8am to 5pm or e-mail to bigblue@tciway.tc. You will be contacted for an interview if successful and the deadline for applications is Dec 2011. Positions start in late 2011 or early 2012.
Closing Date: October 31st , 2011 Suitably qualified candidates should apply in writing or by phone to the following:
Bridgette Thomas BNC Consulting Group, Ltd website: www.bnccgroup.com email: bthomas@bnccgroup.com phone: 649-332-2565
the largest readership in the turks & caicos
Sports International
October 22 - 28, 2011
Wales considered ‘fake injury’ in World Cup semi WALES coach Warren Gatland considered faking an injury to one of his players during Saturday’s 9-8 Rugby World Cup semifinal defeat to France, the New Zealand-born coach revealed at a press conference Tuesday. Wales had already lost prop Adam Jones to injury before being reduced to 14 men when captain Sam Warburton was issued a red card after 18 minutes, following a dangerous tackle on France wing Vincent Clerc. Gatland, 48, admitted the Wales coaching staff discussed feigning an injury to one of their props in the wake of Warburton’s dismissal, a move which would have meant scrums were uncontested for the remainder of the contest. “We had already lost Adam Jones,” said former All Blacks hooker Gatland. “And we discussed in the box, did we fake an injury to one of our props to go to uncontested scrums. “But morally, I made the decision that wasn’t the right thing to do. We could’ve easily done that in the first 25, 30 minutes of the game. “But in the spirit of the game, the spirit of a World Cup semifinal, I didn’t think that was the fairest or the right thing to do.” Gatland also disputed the decision to issue Warburton, 23, with a red card, only the second of the tournament so far, in such a crucial match. “I honestly believe Alain Rolland (the Irish match referee) made the wrong decision. I think the right decision was a yellow card.
Meireles (left) and Torres both scored first Champions League goals for Chelsea.
Wales coach Warren Gatland, left, alongside Gethin Jenkins, who will captain his country on Friday.
“In terms of the rules and the regulations, he’s perfectly entitled to give a red card but every game is different. You’ve got to take circumstances, the situation, the intent ... given his experience, a yellow card was the right decision to make.” Rugby union’s governing Despite Wales’ defeat, Gatland reaffirmed his commitment to the country after reports in the British press suggested he could replace 2003 World Cup winner Martin Johnson as England coach. “I’ll be honest, at some stage in your rugby career, as I’m a Kiwi, I’d like to come home and do a bit of coaching in New Zealand,” Gatland, who is contracted to Wales until the end of 2015, told the tournament’s official website. “But not at the moment and I have
made that commitment to Wales. We feel like we’ve shown a lot of character, we feel like we’ve played some great rugby since we’ve been here. “We’ll leave here with our heads held high having earned a lot of respect.” Wales face two-time world champions Australia in the bronze medal match on Friday, after the Wallabies were beaten 20-6 by hosts New Zealand in the second semifinal on Sunday. Warburton will miss the clash at Auckland’s Eden Park, with prop Gethin Jenkins set to replace him as Wales captain. Jones also misses out due to the injury he picked up during Saturday’s loss, with Paul James set to cover at prop. Lock Alun-Wyn Jones makes way for Bradley Davies in the only other change. (CNN)
Chelsea equal biggest champion league win FERNANDO Torres scored twice as Chelsea hammered Genk to equal their biggest Champions League win. Raul Meireles set the hosts on their way with a long-range effort before Torres took Frank Lampard’s ball to notch the second with a cool finish. Torres’s angled header gave Chelsea their third, with Branislav Ivanovic heading in Florent Malouda’s free-kick to put the Blues 4-0 up at half-time.
Substitute Salomon Kalou’s second-half tap in completed the rout. The ease with which Chelsea strolled to victory bodes well for their trip to Belgium in early November, when a win will all but secure progression from Group E. But more pleasing for the Blues will be the performance of Torres, who showed some of the ability that led to Chelsea paying Liverpool £50m for his services. (BBC)
Liverpool’s Gerrard had doubts he would return from injury LIVERPOOL captain Steven Gerrard has admitted to being concerned whether he would return from injury during the “hardest six months of my career”. Gerrard, 31, scored against Manchester United on Saturday in his first start since groin surgery in March. Asked if he feared for his career, Gerrard said: “I think it’s only natural you have doubts and different things do cross your mind. “There were times when I was as low as I’ve ever been as a footballer.” Gerrard said that before the operation he needed injections to get through games. “Basically, I knew that wasn’t right,” he added. “I was missing training sessions and coming in the day before a game trying to get that last session in or
Dan Wheldon was killed on Sunday last while competing on the race track.
Wheldon killed in horrible IndyCar crash at Las Vegas
Gerrard’s free-kick against Manchester United was his 85th league goal
having injections to play the next day. “You can only do that for a certain amount of time before your body
gives in - and mine gave in. “My groin packed in on me and, when it happened, I was down and I was low.
DAN Wheldon was killed in a 15-car pileup at Las Vegas Motor Speedway on Sunday in the Izod IndyCar Series season finale. Wheldon was 33. The crash started in front of Wheldon, the reigning Indianapolis 500 champion and 2006 series champion, and his car launched off of a car in front of him, flipped into the catchfence and erupted in flames on Lap 12. At one point during the crash, three cars were airborne and upside down.
Wheldon was going for a $5-million bonus for he and a fan in Sunday’s race. After starting last, he had worked his way up to 24th place in the 34-car field. (The video starts on board Wheldon’s car) After announcing Wheldon’s passing at 6 p.m. ET, IndyCar announced that the race would be halted and the drivers would participate in a five-lap parade in tribute to Wheldon. Dario Franchitti is the season’s champion. (yahoo.com)
October 22 - 28, 2011
Sports National
TCIFA/school teachers partner to spread football
Action in the second week of the Super 7’s.
TCIFA’s Super 7’s:
Six teams level on points The second week of the Super 7’s saw some interesting results as six teams are now levelled on points. In the opening game, Pedagogue FC brushed aside the young AFC Academy team with a comprehensive 4-0 victory. Haroon Swaby started the scoring early and despite having some good possessions AFC Academy wasted too many chances before Dane Ritchie added a second goal to give the teachers a 2-0 half time lead. Victory was assured when Daniel Clayton and Michael Erskine added two more goals in a one-sided second half. The second game was a closely fought affair as HAB Harriers beat SWA Sharks 1-0 courtesy of Jon Flanagan’s lone goal. Sharks were
denied on several occasions by Jurgen Wildt’s heroics in goal, but they ultimately paid the price for wasting too many opportunities. In the final game Air Turks and Caicos, who are one of the favourites for the league title, came from behind to beat the AFC National 3-1. Anell Super opened the scoring for AFC National before Marcdonald Fenelus levelled matters just before half time. Air Turks and Caicos controlled the tempo in the second half and despite some resolute defending it was only a matter of time before the eventual winners took the lead. Dady Aristide was given too much time in front of goal and he scored a brace to secure three points for his team. MVP for the second week was Wildt.
IN AN effort to improve the quality of football being played throughout the country the TCIFA has started a new initiative where it aims to support school teachers by assisting with their PE lessons and after school programmes. The TCIFA aims to conduct workshops for all schools so they can ensure their students are exposed to football in a manner that will guarantee fun and improvement for all concerned. For several years the Technical Director, Matthew Green, has visited schools and done sessions with many youngsters. “I have enjoyed conducting sessions at schools, but ultimately the TCIFA needs to ensure that schools can develop the sport with our technical support rather than our direct involvement.” With an additional staff member, Youth Development Officer Sarah Cenary, the TCIFA hopes to be able to assist more schools with their football programmes. “Having Sarah on board has been a big help as it allows me more time to implement new programmes, conduct more courses and focus on other areas of development, but we are still very willing to take training sessions at schools”. Green added that: “Several schools use our fields for their PE football lessons and this is open to all schools on the island”. MAIN FOCUS The TCIFA’s main focus is on youth football and schools have been given questionnaires to fill out which will highlight areas where the TCIFA can assist. Provo Primary responded first with a request for Green to conduct a workshop on how best to coach football to young people. Green hopes to conduct similar sessions at
The TCIFA has focused heavily on youth development for sometime now. The association feels technical support to local teachers is extremely important in helping to spread the game at the junior level.
all schools over the coming months and has already made arrangements to visit the Enid Capron and Ashcroft Primary schools. After conducting the session at Provo Primary, Green was very pleased with the levels of participation. “The school is keen to be very active at football and the teachers Cara Buddle, Nicole Greatrex, Mani Nyczka and Shara Bowen were very enthusiastic and had some great ideas. The children at the school are in safe hands as their teachers clearly understand the importance of sport and how it can help the overall development of children”. Green went on to say that: “It was a pleasure to work with teachers that genuinely care about their children both inside and
outside the classroom”. He added: “Hopefully now other schools will follow their lead and further improve the levels at which football is being taught at their schools.” The TCIFA has around five hundred children active in its programmes, but Green would like to see a further increase. “The more kids we have playing, the more competitive our leagues will become. This means that our better players can be tested as they prepare for long term goals such as international competition and college scholarships”. “Our association is keen to work with any school that wants to improve the levels at which they coach or teach football to their students, the closer we can work together the better it is for all concerned.”
Josh for Sports
An interview with manageress of the Dominican All-Star THE Time is long overdue that I do an in-depth article of the ladies who have propelled female softball in the TCI to national prominence. I MUST BE FAIR AND OBJECTIVE Mrs. Juliana Antigua has been residing among us, here in Providenciales, for the past 14 years. She has actually been representing our country in international softball for over a decade. She has also been refining her softball skills since the age of 12 back in her native DR.
By Joshua Gardiner
GIVE CREDIT WHERE IT’S DUE We in the TCI have a lackadaisical attitude when it comes to showing
appreciation for the athletes who have made tremendous contribution to enhancing our national image of this country in international sports. The team that Mrs. Antigua manages had a credible record of 16-5 this season before the playoffs. The side Kia Rulay won the playoffs 2-0 against the Coco Cola Angels, but then lost to defending champions Silver Deep Cruisers in the championship series.
they played together as a unit. They are a feather in the cap of their sponsors Kia. Actually the team has a total of six players who have from time-totime represented the TCI’s national team in international competitions. These include: Madelin Garcia (third base), Andrea Lopez (pitcher), Berkis Vetura (second base), Nieves Guzman (centre field), Banesa Pujols (first base) in addition to the manageress in centre field.
NATIONAL PLAYERS The team had ladies ranging in ages from 15-41. This was the first season
SPECIAL BELONGER STATUS I’ve said in the past and I’m here reiterating my appeal to the
government to establish a special class of Belonger status for persons who have made our national teams in the diverse sporting disciplines so that they can effectively continue to make contributions to the international image of our country through sports. The stipulation should be that they cannot hold dual nationality and should have been residing here for a minimum of at least five years and be of good character. This is a practice that is done all over the world. I’m sure that most TC Islanders would agree.
October 22 - 28, 2011
Graceway Sports Centre’s Junior Tennis Tournament:
Beginners mini-tennis category a big hit THE Graceway Sports Centre Junior Tennis tournament included mini-tennis for the first time and it proved a big hit according to Coach Reinaldo Garcia. The mini-tennis category was one of five which took place at the centre behind IGA in Providenciales last weekend. The smallest category was won by Tal Levy, who finished ahead of Myles Cox. “We are so excited to see more and more kids joining the tournament. We encourage them to participate for the experience and fun, but also to give them motivation to continue to practice and improve,” the Graceway Sports Centre coach Garcia said. The three day event saw 26 players playing a total of 134 matches. “The tennis level was incredible.” We are so happy to see so many great young players getting more and more involved in the sport,” the coach added. In the 11-and-under category
Participants in the mini-tennis tournament.
Cole Nickson won ahead of Matthew Danics, while Rodrigo Vazquez edged Ben Levy for the first place trophy in the 13-and-under class. In the 15-and-under category the champion was Elijah Delancy sponsored by The Hartling group and second place went to Tristan Greene. Raul Vazquez took home a first
place trophy in the 17-and-under division while second place went to Gievelli Williams. The champions in the junior doubles were Rodrigo Vazquez and Greene, who defeated Delancy and Chemar Millington. Players as young as eight years old competed.
Silver Deep Sharks added the overall championship title to their series victory.
Provo Softball League:
Silver Deep Sharks bite way to title THE SILVER Deep Sharks joined their female counterparts, the Cruisers, as undisputed champions this year in the Provo Softball League after ravishing Kischo in the championships series last weekend at the Downtown Ball Park. The Sharks won three consecutive games to easily take
the best-in-five league title. In the playoffs they lost once to the Coco Cola Braves (2-1) while Kischo also advance by winning two of their three games. The Silver Deep Cruisers, who were flawless this season, register wins against Kia Rulay in their bestin-five championship series.
Our national players have improved at the international level, and their major aim is to become a household name in regional rugby.
TCIRFU names squad for NACRA Rugby Sevens
THE Turks and Caicos Islands Rugby Football Union has named a strong squad to represent this nation at the 2011 North American and West Indies Rugby Association (NACRA) Rugby Sevens in Barbados. The prestigious tournament will be played on November 12th and 13th. Augustin Modeste is the lone
new face at the international level of the 13 players initially selected. Of the lot either Dorel Williams or Brian Wong would be left out of the 12-man team. The other players include: Blair Mason, Gareth Butler, Benjamin Gearing, Bjorn Griffith (Dean), Callis Jones, Ryan Jones, Paul
McKenzie, Jahmal Missick, Sean O’Neill and Simon Taylor. Current president of the TCIRFU, Keith Burant would travel as team manager. The selection committee requests that players who were not named in the squad continue training in case of last minute injuries.
Silver Deep Ladies played flawless in this year’s league.
October 22 - 28, 2011
October 22 - 28, 2011