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Naturaire® Systems: indoor air biofilters
from Living Systems
by TD Garden
TXActive® – Photocatalytic Cement
Launch Stratify Fluid Grooming selF-cleaning, sMog-eating concrete //
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TXActive® is a photocatalytic cement that can reduce organic and inorganic pollutants in the air. Photocatalysis is a natural phenomenon, in which a substance, termed the photocatalyzer, alters the speed of a chemical reaction through the action of light. By exploiting the energy of light, photocatalyzers induce the formation of strongly oxidizing agents, which can cause the decomposition of some organic and inorganic substances present in the atmosphere.
Upon contact with the surface of the TXActive®, airborne pollutants emitted by car exhaust and heating systems consisting of Nitric oxides (NOx), sulfur dioxides, and carbon monoxide get converted into innocuous salts. A mere 3min exposure to the sun is sufficient to obtain a reduction in polluting agents of up to 75%. In a large city such as Milan, researchers have calculated that covering 15% of visible urban surfaces with products containing TXActive® would enable a reduction in pollution of approximately 50%.
A first test on a photocatalytic TXActive® mortar was used to cover the asphalt surface of a section of Via Morandi in Segrate (province of Milan); a road that is 230m (766ft) long and 10m (30ft) wide, and which every day sees traffic flow of around 1,000 vehicles/hour. Monitoring proved a reduction in nitric oxides on the road of around 60%.
Other products on the market that use Italcementi’s photocatalytics technology are mortar, paint, and paving. In Japan, the technology has been used to make self-cleaning lamps, car coatings and construction materials, fog-resistant mirrors and glass, antibacterial tiles and fibers, and air purifiers.
Manufacturer: Essroc, Italcementi Group
Products and Technologies // 171