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by TD Garden
BioHaven™ Wild Floating Islands
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BioHaven™ Wild Floating Islands are a floating habitat, effective in maintaining the health of waterways due to a combination of specially selected plants, high surface area substrate, and a proprietary microbe and aeration system. They may be applied to a eutrophic water body, water garden, stream, river, or wastewater application, in order to remove excess nutrients, heavy metals, or hazardous substances.
The microbes work with the substrate and plant roots to remove excess nutrients from the water, thereby greatly reducing algae growth and eutrophication. Fish benefit from improved water quality, as roots underwater provide a food source and habitat. The islands also provide shelter, nesting, spawning, feeding and resting habitat for a diverse population of birds, frogs, lizards, turtles, and aquatic invertebrates species.
While plants feed off the nutrients in the water, the microbes dismantle the nutrient and convert them into forms usable by plants. Since the microbes work faster than algae to process nutrients, the algae consequently starve. The water is oxygenated so that the fish, frogs, and aquatic invertebrates can breathe. In addition, the generation of gases surrounding plant roots contributes to the buoyancy of the island.
The plant substrate is a recycled polymer matrix bonded with marine foam, which allows water circulation and plant growth through the substrate. Compared to earthen islands, the BioHaven™ Wild Floating Islands are lighter, easier and less expensive to install, allowing plants to establish faster.
The substrate and wetland plant root hair provide multiple surface area attachment points for colonization of specific nitrogen- and phosphorus-reducing microbes. Microbes convert ammonia nitrogen (NH₃ - N) to Nitrate N0₃. Specific bacteria can be injected into the floating islands at installation and also periodically to maintain efficiency of the biofiltration process. Specific surface areas of the bio-filters can be adjusted according to the level of pollutants.
BioHavens™ can be made in any size, and can be customized to achieve higher levels of buoyancy. A 500sf (46.5m2) BioHaven™ can support up to 1000lbs (453.5kg) of weight, to include people, walkways, and outdoor furniture. Small BioHavens™, up to about 25sf (2.3m2), are easily moved from one water body to another, however, once installed, the islands should be anchored, so that they maintain their position and do not migrate toward the shoreline.
Manufacturer: Floating Island International