Local Horse Magazine

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“Jats Bar Radiums Coster” JATS BAR STOCK HORSES


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Here we are again! I can not believe it is August AL These months just seemREtoADY! be flying by! This would have to be the longest amount of e i have spent out of the sadtim dle ce i was pregnant! Time to sin warm up these frozen bone s and get back onto those horse s i think! Lots going on this nth again, with another Stallion feamo ture. Still another month to go so get tho in!......Don’t miss out! se Stallion ads Happy reading! Cheers, Mel

4. FEATURED - STALLION EDITION! 18. BREEDS -Understanding Arabians 48. KIDZ CORNER

Disciplines 20. Campdraft/Team Penning 24. Cutting 28. Dressage 32. Endurance 34. Eventing 36. Horse Drawn

PG 51

38. Natural horsemanship 42. Polo/Polocrosse/Horseball 44. Riding groups/Pony clubs 50. Rodeo/Barrel Horse 54. Showjumping 56. Show Horse/Agricultural 58. Western Performance/Reining

PG 59

Articles 21. The Cloncurry Challenge 25. Cutting - Getting an older horse to the ends 29. History of Dressage 30. The Australian Trick Riding Association Inc 35. Two minute Cross Country tips & How to fall safely! 37. Harness types and how they work 39. The road to Horsemanship - part one

PG 30

40. A tale of two Brumbies 43. Starting out in Horseball 46. Thoughts for the month 51. Tip - Barrel Horse exercise 53. Hendra Virus - the facts 55. Training the showjumper - Going to shows 59. So, you would like to ride side-saddle

PG 40 DEADLINE FOR ARTWORK 17th of each month Printed by: FAST PROOF PRESS - (07) 5578 4722

63. 5 quick Reining tips

Service Directory 64. Horses for sale 65. Classifieds 66. Service Directory

Disclaimer Tamworth & District Local Horse Magazine have taken every care in preparation of this magazine. Therefore it may not be copied in part or whole for reproduction, without said magazines written authority. While we take every care in the preparation and accuracy of its contents we are not responsible for any mistakes or misprints in any article or advertisement, nor are we responsible for any errors by others. Tamworth & District Local Horse Magazine accepts no liability resulting from omissions, errors, misprints or failure to publish any advertisement.

Cover shot: By Wild Fillies Photography. John Lee & ‘Jats Bar Radiums Coster’

Contacts: Editor & Event coverage/ Photographer: Mel Spittall 0409 987 152 info@tdlhorsemag.com.au

View each edition online at www.localhorsemagazine.com.au


Jats Bar Stock Horses You will find the small stockhorse stud “ Jats Bar Stock Horses” 14 kms south of Manilla. For more than 25 years John Lee, his wife Barbara and daughter Tracy have been breeding quality stock horses.

Stallions at Stud

The matriarch mare of the stud was “Jats Bar Radiums Amber” a palomino mare that John bred, trained and campaigned in stock horse classes and campdrafts in the Southern and Central West Stockhorse zones. Amber was an Open campdraft horse, having won or placed in over 50 campdrafts when she was gored in the shoulder whilst mustering John & Barbara with their two stallions cattle, this concluded her campdrafting career. In Sept 1996 she was bred to the 2 yr old colt, Oaks Musicman and the resulting foal was the palomino colt “Jats Bar Radiums Coster”.

Foundation mare ~‘Radiums Amber’

When John broke in “Radiums Coster” he knew he had a colt that was not only athletic but had an easy going nature and trainable mind. He was successfully shown at stock horse classes, but it is in the campdrafting arena that he has made his mark. A consistent winner and finalist at local drafts he has also made the finals at Warwicks Gold Cup campdraft every year that he has competed and placed third at Sydney Royal Show, World Championship campdraft. Ridden by John, Barbara and Tracy he has won 18 campdrafts and placed in a further 58. It is now as a sire of horses with the same “easy going nature combined with a love of working a cow” that “Radiums Coster” is being recognised by competitors in many different equine disciplines. Foundation mare ~‘Radiums Amber’

The Lee’s have a small band of broodmares, breeding only a couple of foals a year. John handles them, breaks them in and prepares them for sale , either privately or through the annual Landmark sale held at Tamworth. Included in their broodmares is a black mare, ”Jats Bar Radiums Reflection”, a half sister to “Radiums Coster”, by the foundation stockhorse sire “Adios Reflect” .“Radiums Reflection” was injured as a foal so was not broken in but as a two year old ,was bred to Richard Bulls imported quarter horse stallion “Acres Destiny” and a lovely black colt was born and named “Jats Bar Adios Acres”. Now a four year old stallion, “Jats Bar Adios Acres” has been successfully shown at local and National Stockhorse shows, winning and placing in Led, Working and Ridden classes. “Adios Acres” has also started campdrafting, placing 3rd at his third campdraft at Walcha with two scores of 87. Last season saw the first foals by this impressive black colt and John and Barbara are very excited about their good looks and calm natures. Both stallions stand at stud to outside mares. With an emphasis on mare care, mares are kept in small paddocks, with electric fences and tree lanes between each paddock. With both stallions having safe teasing bays and yards, the mares are hand served and preg-tested on the property by a qualified vet. The aim of the Jats Bar Stock Horse stud is to breed horses with an easy going nature, good looking and with a natural cattle working ability. They like to breed Foal by Adios Acres, out of a Radiums coster filly horses that perform for the pleasure owner rider to the serious competitor.




Stallions at Stud

By – John T. Willcox

They snort and they paw in the cold morning air, As the Ringers walk into the yards. Two girls tease their Mum, all just in fun, For losing last night’s game of cards. There’s plenty of steeds, All sorts of breeds. But the ringers selections are peculiar to see, It’s the ones with the dished face, That are the horses that race Around the yards like a startled galah! These horses race by With their tails held up high. Until they’re saddled and ready to go. They’re stomping and rooting and coiling up tight, And they look like they are ready to explode. But these riders sit loose on the horses they choose And yarn of the ‘dogs’ that they’ve rode.

When I ask why they left the quiet quarter horses there And saddled these rat bags from hell. The girls grin and say “Go on, grab the grey, Come with us today By tonight you’ll have a story to tell.” We mustered the block, We yarded the lot. Grabbed a few extra cleanskins to boot. We rode home in the dark With a prance and a fart, And of course the occasional root.

Stallions at Stud

The Arabs of Aqaba

In the moonlight I glanced a smile as the boss looked my way And said in a tired nasal drawl “You need brains, stamina and speed To steady the lead, You can’t buy that in a jar. There’s oodles of it here So ride without fear The Arabs of Aqaba.”


Preparing your mare for breeding


Picking the right stallion

Just like human babies, foals are a product of both parents, so never assume you can simply improve on a flawed mare with the right stallion—it could go either way! At the same time, you need to make a list of all the desired traits of your future foal, which should always include soundness and good temperament. Then, do your research into which stallions have traits you really like, and go and meet some. No good stallion owner will mind a showing off their stallion to a visitor and it will give you a chance to see their facilities and handling technique, first-hand. Never make any assumptions—ask them!

Hand, paddock or AI?

Stallions at Stud

Paddock serving just means running the two horses together in the paddock and letting nature take its course. Both horses are more prone to injury if either is aggressive but, if not, it’s usually a good result, with many more ‘actual’ services taking place. Hand serving means the mare and stallion are introduced over a safe fence then, when the time appears right (more ‘showing’), they are brought together in a more controlled environment. Both give about 90% success, whereas artificial insemination, done by a vet, is a bit lower (particularly using frozen semen, which gets down to about 50%)

How do you know your mare’s in foal?

If all is well, three weeks later, your mare won’t come back into season, exhibiting signs, like pinning her ears back when the stallion is near. If you live nearby, you can take your mare home, but many will leave their mares for another cycle, just to make sure she doesn’t start showing again. This is when mares can ‘slip’ or lose their foal, due to stress, infection or poor condition. Ideally, you should have a vet check her 15–18 days after service to ensure she didn’t conceive twins (one should always be ‘pinched out’ as up to 95% of twins die, and can even kill the mare). Another ultrasound at around 42 days will pretty much confirm you have a foal on its way, due 11 months after service.

Feeding, vaccination and worming

Broodmares without a foal already at foot don’t need extra feed until their last few months, when extra energy is needed. However, right from the time of service, you need to make sure she’s getting quality food and special vitamins needed by a growing foal. Khonke’s Own make a complete vitamin/mineral for growing horses, but we also feed our mares good quality lucerne chaff and rolled barley, with a tablespoon a week of cod liver oil and a tablespoon a day of cider vinegar with garlic in the last few months. Pregnant mares pass on their immunity to their growing foals, but they can also pass on illnesses and parasites like worms. It’s always best to keep them away from new horses and youngsters, who are also more prone to diseases like equine herpes, and to ensure you have a good vaccination and worming program in place. As a bare minimum, your mare should regularly have a complete wormer safe for mares in foal, and her annual tetanus vaccine two months before she’s due to foal. Herpes and Salmonella vaccines can also considered, but they are expensive and don’t replace good quarantine of new horses.

Physical condition

A mare should maintain her normal condition of body fat (no ribs visible, but easily felt) during pregnancy, as well as normal farrier (a trim every 8 weeks) and dentist attention each year. She shouldn’t be rugged, however, for her safety and that of her foal, so make sure she gets to grow a winter coat by leaving her un-rugged from the start of March. She can be safely ridden up to the point she’s obviously too big, but she should continue to get free exercise in a safe paddock.

Preparing to foal & foaling

Mares tend to foal at night, away from prying eyes and the other horses. Once they start showing signs of getting ready to foal, they’re best separated from the other horses in the foaling paddock, where you can check them regularly, but make sure they can still see the rest of the herd. It’s safest to have a level, well-grassed and sheltered paddock rather than a stable, which has to be disinfected and large enough to prevent injury to mare or foal when they’re down. Not everyone is lucky enough to have one of these next to the house, but you will find many studs can provide this for you at a reasonable fee. Mares can make it safely through the pregnancy only to lose the foal during the birth or first few days, when the foal is most vulnerable. The first signs are usually ‘bagging up’ or getting milk and softening of the muscles around the tail a few weeks out. The foal’s only days away when the mare has ‘wax’ or colostrum on her teats, so we clean her udder and vulva and bandage her tail in preparation. When she starts to look anxiously around and at her belly, you know it’s time. Leave her alone and watch from a distance. If all goes well, it will all be over in 20 minutes! Have your kit prepared, plus the afterhours vet number just in case.




Fryske Hynder Stud

Stallions at Stud

Fryske Hynder Stud has been breeding purebred Friesians since 1987 and has been in Tamworth since 1990. The owner of the stud, Hans Maes, came to Australia in 1980 from the Netherlands and did not have much to do with the Friesian Horse, who are native to this country. Hans rode dressage with Dutch Warmbloods. When he came to Australia, he soon bought himself a horse to ride and had it on agistment. He became involved with the Nepean Group of RDA and found that he did know about riding, but not much about training, caring and working with horses on the ground, let alone about breeding. He decided to do a Horse Management Certificate Course and was asked during the course if he could do a breed assignment on Friesian Horses. His reply was that he did not now that much about them, that it was a beautiful harness horse and was black. That was it! After some persistence from the teacher, Lesley Dowey, he did do research and ended up writing a 60 page assignment! It is quite impressive what he found about the breed as the breed has quite a history going back 2000 years. One person in WA imported a Friesian stallion in 1977 and this was followed by another person importing a stallion and 4 mares in 1979. Hans visited them both on a few occasions and in one of the visits, Di Hill, the owner of the imported stallion Maurits Friso suggested he take a young Friesian stallion and do some promotion for her at the East Coast. Hans didn’t take this offer very serious and therefore was quite surprised by a phone call asking “if it was OK if the colt goes on the truck to you in 2 weeks”! And that was the start of Fryske Hynder Stud, originally located in Mulgoa, Western Sydney. In 1990 Hans moved to Tamworth and established the stud permanently. The young stallion, Avalon was taken everywhere around Sydney, and later in the Northwest as far as Queensland and he competed under saddle and in harness. That was a difficult time to compete as he has hair on his feet, is somewhat heavier than the average riding horse and has a long and tick mane and tail as well as high knee and hock action! What are you doing in my ring he was asked on several occasions! David and Judy Evans were some of his early supporters and Judy wrote a double page spread in Horse and Rider magazine called Bautifull, Hairy and Black. When still in Sydney, Avalon came to Tamworth to compete at the State Driving Championships followed by the National Horse Exposition organised in 1989. Avalon made the front page of Tamworth’s weekly times and shortly after his permanent arrival in Tamworth featured in Prime News as a riding, driving and jumping horse. He has competed at the Tamworth Show and the other shows in the region. Initially, the stud bred part-bred Friesians, also known as Warmblood Friesians or Friesian Sporthorses but has been breeding purebreds only since 1996. Well known local stallion Jelco came from the stud. The “house” stallion Avalon has now been retired as he is 27 this year. The stud breeds mainly with frozen semen as there is no approved Friesian studbook stallion in Australia and also breeds with permit stallions. They have 4 brood mares; one of them was imported in 2007 and is a crown mare, which is one of highest classifications of the Friesian Breed. She was declared Australian and New Zealand champion at the classification day at AELEC in 2009. Fryske Hynder Stud organised the first classification in Tamworth in 2000. The stud focuses completely on breeding quality Friesians and has regular stock for sale. The Australian and New Zealand Friesian Horse society which is a daughter studbook of the Dutch Royal Friesian Horse Studbook organises classifications in Australia and New Zealand every 2nd year and these have just been held at 8 locations. The judges are officials form the studbook in the Netherlands. Hans is the president and is a Member of the International Member Council, representing a number of countries. He travels to the Netherlands on a regular basis, and his favourite event is the Stallion classification and show, held indoors over 3 days in January in front of 8,500 spectators. There are now about 500 purebred Friesians in Australia and New Zealand and some of them are competing very successfully around the nation. One stallion has recently starting to compete at Grand Prix dressage, one competes intermediaire II, which is the well known stallion Django of Cacharel from Tashkent Friesians in Dungog. A substantial number compete at Advanced to Novice level. A small number also compete in harness. Many people who visited the opening of AELEC will still remember the Friesian Horses, with Fryske Hynder’s Champion Nynke doing in hand demonstrations and Django demonstrating Freestyle dressage. The Friesian breed has gone through an enormous revival, considering there were only 600 registered Friesians in the sixties, mainly limited to the Netherlands, where now there are 50,000 worldwide in 40 countries, ranging from Finland to North America, Costa Rica to China. The breed has been bred back to were it was before it was turned into a more heavier, agricultural type for the last 100 years from middle of the 19th century. The objective of the studbook is to maintain the typical Friesian Characteristics, like thick mane and tail, high head set, very trainable temperament and at the same time being able to compete as a sporthorse. The selection and classification system is quite strict, and uses a system of linear scoring, performance testing and selective breeding and licensing.


Anybody wanting to visit the stud, can contact Hans Maes on 0429 620943.

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Stallions at Stud

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Coloured Arabian Derivatives, Arabian Stock Horses & Australian Stock Horses Standing at Stud



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Stallions at Stud

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PART 2 ~ By Dr John Kohnke BVSc RDA


If a mare is in poor condition, providing supplementary feed to increase her energy and protein intake will help to improve her fertility and chance of conception, and ensure that she is able to maintain her pregnancy during the first 3 months.

Although studies have not linked early foaling, or an increased difficulty in foaling, with heavy or obese condition in a mare, many breeders claim that excessive condition can result in a higher incidence of foals born with limb deviations.

after foaling, as milk production may be reduced and retard the growth rate of the foal. If the mare is bred and becomes pregnant, then she has a high risk of early embryonic abortion if she loses significant weight during the first 90 days after foaling.

A mare’s condition should be evaluated at least 4-6 weeks prior to breeding, and adjustments made to the dietary intake to ensure the mare is receiving an adequate ration to reach and maintain an optimum condition score of 2.0 prior to breeding.

If a mare is in very poor condition, feeding to gain weight during the early lactation period will help to improve fertility, but the rate of conception may be less than optimal. Her milk supply may be lower during the peak period of her lactation from 4-10 weeks after foaling, and the weight of her foal at three months of age less than average.

Handy Hint Do not Transport Too Late If you are returning a mare from stud in foal, studies have shown that it is ‘safest’ to transport her following a 21 day preg. Test or between 24-34 days before her developing foal embryo becomes too large to rely on uterine fluid as a source of energy and nutrients. Transporting mares between 45-60 days can increase the risk of embryo loss.

Newly introduced mares, or those low in the ‘peck order’ in a larger group of mares, often suffer nutritional stress when bossed away from feeders. These mares will lose condition and fail to cycle and conceive early in the season. It is best to segregate new and maiden mares away from socialised and older mares, and attempt to provide individual feeding to ensure they are able to maintain a rising plane of nutrition. A steadily rising plane of nutrition will help to improve fertility and conception rates for mares that are in light to medium condition. The gradual build-up of the energy intake in the ration should commence at least 4-6 weeks prior to mating. Heavier mares should be maintained at a constant body weight, without allowing them to become obese. Handy Hint Maintain Energy Intake on Retirement form Racing to Stud The energy density, quality and nutrient balance of the diet is reduced significantly if a mare that was previously maintained on a working horse ration is turned out on less than adequate pasture within 4-6 weeks prior to breeding. If she starts to lose weight, then her fertility and chance of conceiving will be significantly reduced. The fertility of a well fed and cared for maiden mare in good condition may be adversely affected when she is sent to stud in late winter. Loss of condition can lead to a delay in the onset of the mare’s oestrus cycles with an elongated period between each cycle. Lactating Mares~ Important Considerations There are a number of dietary management guidelines that should be considered to ensure a lactating mare maintains her milk production and fertility. A mare that foals late in the season may be unable to maintain her body weight if she receives a lower nutritional intake once pasture is grazed down or becomes less productive. The combination of consuming a lower energy diet and increasing lactation demand will drain her energy reserves and result in loss of body weight. Ovulation in this case can be suppressed and she may not be able to get back in foal, even when given supplementary feed to increase her energy and protein intake. This often occurs during the early summer period in late foaling mares when pastures dry off, or are grazed down, and energy and protein intake is reduced.


An overly fat mare can afford to lose some weight slowly without affecting overall fertility. A lack of adequate energy and protein intake during the first two months after foaling usually affects fertility first, and then milk production and finally body condition. It may not be visibly apparent that a large mare, weighting 500-550kg is lower in condition until she has lost 50kg in body weight. An obese mare at foaling that is slightly underfed to meet her needs, will maintain her fertility and ability to conceive, as well as milk production for the growth of her foal. If body fat reserves are lost rapidly on a low energy diet, the mare’s fertility and then milk production will be adversely affected. If a mare has a consistently lower feed intake than necessary late in the breeding season to meet lactation demand, she will lose condition and is less likely to breed successfully in the time remaining in the breeding season. It is a common belief than an obese mare does not produce as much milk due to fat occupying room in her mammary gland. Studies have shown that an obese mare has a similar milk yield to a moderately conditioned mare, but her foal may grow at a slightly lower rate during the first two months. Excess energy intake in a lactating mare does not increase the fat or protein content of the mare’s milk, but in fact lowers them slightly. There is no practical advantage in overfeeding a lactating mare to boost her milk production, except that the subsequent fertility and conception in a very thin mare will be improved by providing more feed so that she can gain weight. A thin mare that is put onto higher levels of feed at foaling will have a conception rate similar to a well conditioned mare. The failure of early foaling mares to cycle and conceive is largely due to lack of adequate energy intake in the 2-3 months following foaling. Handy Hint Avoid Weight loss after Foaling It is important to avoid significant weight reduction during the first three months

Nutritional Needs Early Lactation – First 3 Months At the peak of lactation, which occurs between 4-10 weeks after foaling, a 500kg mare can produce a weight of milk equivalent to 3-4% of her body weight, or 15-20 litres of milk per day, consuming up to 3-3.5% of her body weight in dry feed and concentrate mix. During early lactation, as compared to late pregnancy, amare’s requirement for energy increases by 70%, protein by60%, calcium by 66%, phosphorus by 25% and double the volume of water intake. Milk yield in mares is influenced by the mare’s genetic ability for milk production, feed intake during the late stage of pregnancy, and by availability of water and intake of energy and protein during lactation. The growth rate of her foal at foot is relative to the milk yield of the mare. Mare’s milk contains sufficient energy, protein and other major nutrients to meet the needs of the young foal during the first 4 weeks of its life. The growth rate of the foal is dependent on the milk yield of the mare during the first 2 months of life. Once a mare foals and begins to produce milk to feed her foal, she must be provided with an increased intake of energy, protein, calcium, Vitamin A and other vitamins and minerals to meet her needs. A lactating mare requires more of these nutrients than a racing or performance horse in mediumheavy work. Handy Hint Simple Energy Equation The energy and protein drain of lactation in a mare may affect her chances of cycling and conceiving when she has a foal. A simple way to remember that an adequate ENERGY intake is essential for optimum breeding performance is that the letter ‘E’ is in the words OESTRUS, FERTILITY, CONCEPTION, PREGNANCY AND EMBRYONIC HEALTH and 2 E’s in SECRETION of milk. There are also 2 E’s in the word FEED. Any mare in thin condition has less chance of getting back in foal as reserves are drained by the onset and www.nobitbridles.com increasing demands of lactation.

Stallions at Stud





2011 NEW SOUTH WALES Dressage Championships 8 – 11 September 2011 Australian Equine and Livestock Events Centre (AELEC) Including: • Presentation of Dressage NSW Annual Awards • Equestrian Grand Final Qualifier • Freestyles all day in the Indoor on Saturday culminating in the Grand Prix Freestyle

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AND GRFINAL This event will be held in conjunction with an Equestrian Australia Paralympic Nomination Event. Supported by the Australian Sports Commission, the Australian Paralympic Committee and the Equestrian Australia High Performance Program.


For news updates please check the website www.dressagensw.com.au/states Enquiries:

Cathie Drury-Klein Mob: 0417 224 432 email: cathiedk@bigpond.com Meg Drury Ph: 02 67 608 183 Mob: 0428 603 182 email: gillabri@bigpond.com


What’s on calendar Breeds Section August/September 2011

B r e e d s

S e c t i o n

HACK & B GRADE WESTERN & ALL BREEDS SHOW Where: Moonbi showground When: 8th August Karleen Charters - neqha@yahoo.com.au Ph.02 67850208 Mob.0457273871

GRENFELL P A H & I ASSN INC Where: GRENFELL When: 2 September 2011 - 3 September 2011


NARROMINE AGRIC SHOW SOC INC Where: NARROMINE When: 2 September 2011 - 3 September 2011

TULLAMORE P A & H ASSN INC Where: TULLAMORE When: 12 August 2011 - 13 August 2011


MUNGINDI SHOW SOCIETY INC Where: MUNGINDI When: 13 August 2011 - 14 August 2011


TRUNDLE P & A ASSN INC Where: TRUNDLE When: 16 August 2011 - 17 August 2011

MANILDRA P & A ASSN INC Where: MANILDRA When: 3 September 2011


BARMEDMAN SHOW SOC INC Where: BARMEDMAN When: 3 September 2011 - 4 September 2011

GANMAIN SHOW SOC INC Where: GANMAIN When: 20 August 2011

FINLEY SHOW SOC INC Where: FINLEY When: 4 September 2011



PEAK HILL P A & H ASSN INC Where: PEAK HILL When: 23 August 2011 - 24 August 2011

WEST WYALONG SHOW SOC INC Where: WEST WYALONG When: 6 September 2011 - 7 September 2011

CONDOBOLIN PAH & I ASSN INC Where: CONDOBOLIN When: 26 August 2011 - 27 August 2011

FORBES P A & H ASSN INC Where: FORBES When: 8 September 2011 - 10 September 2011

BARELLAN SHOW SOC INC Where: BARELLAN When: 27 August 2011

MURRUMBURRAH HARDEN SHOW SOC INC Where: MURRUMBURRAH When: 9 September 2011 - 10 September 2011

PENRITH DIST A H & I SOC LTD Where: PENRITH When: 27 August 2011 - 28 August 2011

HAY SHOW SOC INC Where: HAY When: 10 September 2011 - 11 September 2011

WENTWORTH SHOW SOC INC Where: WENTWORTH When: 27 August 2011 - 28 August 2011

QUIRINDI SHOW SOC INC Where: QUIRINDI When: 10 September 2011 - 11 September 2011

PARKES P A & H ASSN INC Where: PARKES When: 29 August 2011 - 31 August 2011

COWRA SHOW SOC INC Where: COWRA When: 13 September 2011 - 14 September 2011

For more information on any of the Ag Shows listed above, please visit www.agshowsnsw.org.au


The Arabian is without doubt the most intelligent, people friendly, versatile equine athlete on the planet! For well over 2000 years the Arabian horse has been bred pure and has remained basically unchanged. You cannot breed up to an Arab – the horse is either pure bred or it is not. All purebreds are able to have their lineage traced way back in time. Why is this so? The Arabian horse was the prized possession of the native tribes of the Middle East and Persia. They have been subjected to the harshest of selection criteria in an unforgiving desert environment where the consequences of sub standard performance were death for the horse and rider. It is no wonder that the attributes of this superb athlete have been so strongly distilled into such a powerful genetic package – uncompromising loyalty to their rider and partner, a temperament that makes them part of your family, trainability that reflects their huge desire to please and their natural gifts of intelligence and outstanding speed and stamina. And last but not least is their absolute beauty and flowing movement.

Australia has one of the biggest populations of pure bred Arabians in the world. This should really be no surprise given the way this vast continent was settled. Most of these Arabians are ‘desert bred’ and of Crabbet or Colonial bloodlines – without question the top performance Arabian bloodlines in the world.

After handling Arabians for over 30 years (Aqaba currently has over 100 horses) I would like to share some of my knowledge and experience with you. Arab horses are people horses. They are extremely intelligent. They are looking to bond with and trust you. If you abuse this connection they will never forget. If you make the connection positive you have a partner for life – a horse that will literally do anything for you – including laying down his life for you. The Arabian is truly ‘the horseman’s horse”. Arabs can be a ‘bit full of themselves’. This should not be confused with bad temperament. They are the most versatile equine athlete and sometimes just like to show off! In all my years with Arabians it is very rare to see a yearling kick, strike or bite when handled and they can’t buck to save themselves. Occasionally you may get a little straight ahead root out of excitement which most pony clubbers could ride. There is very little ‘dirt’ in the breed. The most important thing in handling an Arab is how YOU are feeling inside. The Arabian horse appears to connect to you with something akin to ESP. Think positive thoughts and be confident when you are on the ground or on their back and your horse will respond. Arabian horses want to please and riding one is an experience that has few equals. Anyone who purchases an Aqaba horse is encouraged to spend time with the studs founder and owner Christine Willcox to workshop “Handling and training Arabians”

It’s no accident the Arabian horse has a proud place in history. They have been the mount of choice for so many armies and great Generals. One of the most famous cavalry battles saw Salah ad-Din’s (Saladin) army ride their swift Arabians to defeat Richard the Lionheart’s crusaders on their heavy mounts. The speed, agility and endurance of the Arabian mounts were decisive in the victory. The Arabian was the also the mount of choice for the early explorers and overlanders who opened up Australia. The breed had a huge input into the Australian Stock Horse which appears to have been fashionably forgotten –except for those hardened old ringers from yesteryear who still claim ‘the best mustering horse I ever put a leg over was a little Arab mare….” . How soon we forget!

and of course excel at cutting! All

Arabians make great stock horses. Their attributes of intelligence, speed, stamina and trainability have made them great war horses in history also make them great when working a beast. They are equally at home in the dressage arena, jumping, eventing, reining, pony club, race track (Arabian racing is big in many countries of the world) are unbeatable in endurance riding. It may also be a surprise to learn they also in all, a truly remarkable and versatile breed of horse.

At Aqaba Arabians we have been breeding Arabian performance horses since 1981. Our criteria is to select for temperament, type and performance. While we join around 20 mares per year we have only kept 3 colts as stallions in those 30 years – many have had exceptional type and performance but we have been uncompromising on temperament. Our grandchildren (11, 10 and 4) ride our stallions. All horses (including brood mares) have been broken in and ridden at some stage. Our horses are our life, they are true performance horses bred for 2000 years to excel under saddle and we believe they are the best there is – their back is truly a ‘seat of honor’. Hop on one and join us for the ride of your life!


Campdraft/Team Penning

What’s on calendar Campdrafting/Team Penning Australian Bushmans Campdraft & Rodeo Association www.abcra.com.au Australian Campdraft Association www.campdraft.com.au Team Penning Australia Inc www.teampenningaustralia.com Tamworth Team Penning www.tamworthteampenning.com

August 2011 Campdraft NSW 6th August GUNNEDAH CAMPDRAFT SHARYN HANCOX (02) 6742 7409

19th August WALGETT BC CAMPDRAFT FIONA DENYER (02) 6828 1875




August 2011 Team Penning TAMWORTH TEAM PENNING run dates 14 August Lisa 6762 1928 or lisamwilson@bigpond.com TEAM PENNING AUSTRALIA Koobah Horse Arena - Tamworth - Team Penning Event 21st August Debby - Mobile 0409–446 815 GRAFTON TEAM PENNING 21st August

Team Penning Australia Affiliate Associations Pittsworth & Dist Campdrafting Assoc Inc. Contact – Deb Standing Ph; 0429 674 600 Central West Team Penning Assoc Inc Contact – Patrick Randell Ph; 0458 512 450 Oakey Ag Pastoral & Rodeo Society Inc Contact – Judy Buyers Ph; 0409 062 442 Widgee Team Penning Assoc Inc Contact – Noel Moreland Ph; 0429 835 558


Coolah Team Penning Assoc Onc Contact – Bec Kearney Ph; 6377 1226 Grafton Team Penning Club Inc Contact – Karen Morgan Ph; 6649 3276 MTG Team Penning & Arena Sorting Assoc Inc Contact – Verona Pisatura Ph; 0428 861 212

Local riders dominate

Hugh MIles from Woolamin, winner of the 2011 Cloncurry Challenge on his imported stallion “ Millionnic Chic “

Cloncurry is located in North West Queensland, 120 kms East of Mt Isa. The town is situated on the Cloncurry river. Somebody once said that it is not what happens to you in life that matters – it is how you deal with it instead… It might seem somewhat ironical that the Stockman’s Challenge was created as a memorial for Reg Brown. Yet, that one small idea – that one small act of generosity – has created a new benchmark in the Australian Horse Industry. Reg Brown was a highly respected grazier from Nonda Downs near Julia Creek. He was a dedicated stud breeder and his sheep, cattle and horses attracted wide success and admiration across Queensland. He was also famous as the owner of Macdougal, winner of the 1959 Melbourne Cup, the man who brought one of Australia’s greatest icons back to the bush. Horses were his long life passion: when he was younger, he loved starting a good colt, he adored racing – Reg Brown was a horseman: he just liked being around them. In 1981, at the age of 61, he contracted a rare heart virus during a visit to Sydney. Two years later, in July 1983, he passed away suddenly while uploading cattle. He had finished telling a joke to one of the stockman and he was walking to open a gate beside a bauhinia tree. As endings go, it was a good one. Reg and his daughter Heather shared a great love of horses and the bush, and he taught her everything he knew. They were also mates: when she showed her horse at the Cloncurry Show you would see then sitting at the church stall together drinking tea, eating sandwiches and laughing. His death was a great loss to her personally, and, in the dark days that followed, Heather began to realise he would not want her to continue to grieve. So she decided to create a fitting memorial for her father. This was the first seed of the Stockman’s Challenge. Peter Abdy, a neighbour at the time, and Heather were mustering cattle together, when she mentioned her idea to him. They sat and drank billy tea under a bauhinia tree and drew mud maps as possible camp draft and working putters in the dirt. She later asked legendary bush artist Hugh Sawrey to create the famous hat and spurs logo for her – and the distinctive image was created. Peter – who was deeply passionate about all things Australian – was completely captivated by the idea. He convinced the Cloncurry Show Committee to host the inaugural event, and Heather designed and commissioned Hardy Brothers to create the Reg Brown Memorial Cup. The original solid silver quart

Images courtesy Barbara Lee

Jamie Secombe from Gunnedah 2nd place in the 2011 Cloncurry Challenge on “Bluejay Justine”

pot – now valued around $20,000 – has become something of a national bush icon. It was a point of contention that the famous cattle town of Cloncurry did not get the Stockman’s Hall of Fame: it went to Longreach, a wool-growing town instead. But the Stockman’s Challenge would ultimately become something equally more important: a living tribute to the Australian horseman. The Stockman’s Challenge has become the bench mark for young performance horses in Australia: it was the beginning of a new era. The only other events of any similar stature were the Warwick Gold Cup and the NCHA Futurity. There were no other aged events with set patterns: The Stock Horse Futurities, Widgee Futurity, the Rocky Rush and the Maiden Series would all eventually follow the lead of the Stockman’s Challenge. In those 20 years, the challenge achieved remarkable things for the Australian horse industry. It brought campdrafters, reiners and cutters together. It taught the industry that things that unite are far greater then things that divide. We began to put our prejudices behind us and started sharing our skills – which gave us the horse industry a greater resource of knowledge. The results now speak for themselves. The Challenge has put its brand on our genetics: we are now producing better horses sooner. Originally, a horse was still considered young at 7 or 8 years old – and our good mares bred at 15 or 16 if at all. A stallion was usually 20 years before we know if his progeny were any good. The Challenge has changed all that. Australia in recent years and the challenge has put its brand on that as well. Today, we are seeing great runs being made by horses that are still only 4 years old – and they can do this because of improved genetics – and improved training technique. The event is primarily run over 3 days . The competition requires competitors to complete two demonstrations; the first is the ‘dry’ section. Competitors and their horses are to complete a pattern before two judges. In this pattern are manoeuvres such as flying changes, roll backs, spins and stops. This pattern is designed to display the horse’s athleticism, ability and trainability whilst exhibiting the rider’s horsemanship. The second demonstration is again before two judges, this time the horse and rider combination is required to work cattle in a manner similar to a Campdraft course. The Stockman’s Challenge carries a first prize minimum, of $10,000 plus generous trophy. As well as this pinnacle event, competitors also compete for various prizes in several other events. Story courtesy www.currychallenge.com.au


Northern Branch Photos were taken at the last Stock horse Youth School held at Manilla, maybe you can use them as a lead Stock Society News in Australian for information about the Youth School comingHorse up. Not sure about the policy of using the stock horse At the Northern Branch Australianas Stock Horse Society emblem, we have permission a branch to use AGM it. held earlier in the year the following members were elected:

Bruce Robson AtPresident: the NorthernMr Branch Australian Stock Horse Society AGM held earlier in the year the following memVice President: Mrs Teena Bridge bers were elected: Secretary: Mr Bill McIlrick President: Robson Mr Bruce ph 0447 845 315 Treasurer: Ms Vanessa Vice President Mrs Teena Gibson Bridge Mr Bill phMcIlrick 0428 782 973 Secretary: ph 0447 845 315 Treasurer: Ms Vanessa Gibson 0428 782 973 Many thanks to these members for taking up the reins for the Branch.

Many toevents thesecoming members forthetaking up Branch the reins for the There thanks are several up for Northern members soBranch. mark you diaries with: There are several events coming up for the Northern Branch members so mark you diaries with: Thenext next Branch willwill be held 7.00at pm on Wednesday 3rd August at theAugust Diggers Club. note the change of venue. The Branchmeeting meeting be at held 7.00 pm on Wednesday 3rd at thePlease Diggers Club. Please note the change of venue. The Branch will again be holding the Youth School at Manilla The Branch the Youth School Showgroundswill on again 13 andbe 14 holding August 2011. Once again a great atteam Manilla Showgrounds on 13 and 14 so August 2011. in of instructors has been organised if interested attending please contact Kathy De Jong on 6785 Once again a great team of instructors has 7324 beenor Teena Bridge 6785 1150 organised so if interested in attending please contact Kathy De Jong on 6785 7324 or Teena Bridge 6785 1150 The Northern Branch ASHS Show will be held on 29 and 30 October 2011 at the AELEC, Tamworth. A full programme of Led, hack and working events, Futurity, Maturity, Challenges and Campdraft, Large Youth show included on 30th Oct.

Images from the previous Youth School courtesy Barbara Lee

The Northern Branch ASHS Show will be held on 29 and 30 October 2011 at the AELEC, Tamworth. A full programme of Led, hack and working events, Futurity, Maturity, Challenges and Campdraft, Large Youth show included on 30th Oct. 23

What’s on calendar Cutting



National Cutting Horse Association www.ncha.com.au

August 2011 CUTTING DEVELOPMENT DAY 28th August Tony Ernst - Cowboy Logic 02 6768 0151 tony@tonyernstcowboylogic.com.au www.tonyernstcowboylogic.com.au

6-7th August TWPCC TULLY. W Finlayson Ph 07 4066 5594 Fax 07 4066 5486 email dwfinlayson@bigpond.com 9 – 14th August GOONDIWINDI FUTURITY SHOW. GOONDIWINDI SHOWGROUND. Craig Sim P.O. Box 1408 Goondiwindi 4390 email: cpsim@hotmail.com

19, 20, 21st August SOUTHERN SEVEN CUTTING HORSE ASSOC, TATURA. Karen Phillips P.O. Box 1446, Melton West 3337 Ph. 03 97460260, Fax. 03 97460260 email: karenphillips@semex.com.au 20th August NORTH QLD CUTTING HORSE ASSOC. Steph Skennar. Phone: 07 4093 0264 email: spinout7@bigpond.com 26, 27 & 28th August NEBO CATTLE AND COAL COUNTRY CUTTING CLUB, NEBO. Sophie White 3216 Airstrip Road, Nebo 4742 Phone: 0411 720654 email: sophie.white@bigpond.com

Private Lessons Horsmanship and Cutting One on one tuition for the beginner to advanced rider in the skills of horsemanship or cutting. From the beginning to the arena. Learn the skills that Tony shared with Master Horseman Pat Parelli, Terry Clifford and Tony Piggot (first Australian to win

the NCHA Futurity in the USA).

For more information contact Tony Ernst ◆ 0401 123 268 ◆

www.tonyernstcowboylogic.com.au 24

Image & Design Mel Spittall

02 67 680 151

Article by Barbra Shulte

Have you ever had a cutting horse that was difficult to get to the ends, especially at a show? This is often accompanied by turns that aren’t too pretty (flips) and then ending up out of position ahead of the cow as you travel across the pen. The whole thing can feel awful.

The reason this happens is that until you get the hang of staying even with a cow as you travel at all speeds across the arena, it feels like you are suddenly in the south as you travel to the wall. Early on in your learning, the middle of the arena feels safe and the ends feel vulnerable. Most often when you feel vulnerable, your rhythm will be off. Because you feel uncomfortable, a kind of freeze takes place with your feet and you quit helping your horse travel all the way to the ends, just when your horse needs your guidance the most. Then, to exaggerate the negative effect of not going all the way to the fence, it’s easy to get excited as you come off the fence and “beat the cow” through the turn. This happens because you might use your feet too quickly in the middle of the turn. This causes your horse to turn around too fast and out of balance before the cow can “drag” your horse over his hocks smoothly and correctly through the turn. Here’s a simple exercise that will help you and your horse by reminding you both how to travel on a straight line from one fence to the other, and then stop at a 90 degree angle perpendicular to the fence. It will also review the technical turning steps as you come off the fence. The reason this exercise works is that it gives you and your horse time to get comfortable travelling on a line back and forth across the arena. It also gives you the repetitions to develop an easy rhythm of stopping and then turning in a smooth manner off the fence. Before I go through the steps, I want to emphasize that this exercise is intended to be done slowly, smoothly, and without jamming your horse. Ease is the name of the game. Step 1: Identify a line across the arena. It might be from one post to the other, or a shadow across the pen. Tie something to the fence on either side if necessary. Be able to see a clearly defined line. Step 2: Start in the middle of the pen, on your line, and aim your horse toward your mark on the wall. Step 3: Walk to the wall and stop smoothly, yet crisply, by sitting deeply first, and then use your hand(s) to stop at a 90 degree angle to the fence. Step 4: Rock your horse back on his hindquarters immediately when you stop by taking a step or two backwards. Step 5: Pause and breathe. Pause and breathe. Pause and breathe. Pause and breathe. Slow down here but still keep your horse’s weight loaded on his rear. Step 6: Rock your horse back again, and with either two hands or one, roll your horse SLOWLY over his hocks, ending up on the line when you get to the other side of your 180 degree turn. Step 7: Walk to the other side of the arena with your eyes on your target destination. Step 8: Repeat the above steps when you get to the wall. Step 9: When you are comfortable doing this at a walk (be patient!), try it at a slow trot. Step 10: Just do the exercise at a trot. Resist your inclination to run your horse to the ends and pull him hard into the ground and turn him around fast. You will miss the powerful effects of doing this exercise as described above. As you repeat this exercise, you and your horse will find increasing levels of comfort and correctness in going from the apparent safety of the middle of the pen to the south on the ends. Then, when you work a cow your job will be to just stay even and in rhythm with the cow no matter where you are in the arena. When you have to go out to the walls, you will utilize the same travel and stop and turn pattern as you practiced in this exercise. But this time, you will be at ease as you help your horse across the pen, sit and wait for the cow to drag you off the wall, allow your horse to turn smoothly on his own as you let the cow drag you through the turn, and then help him stay even again.





by Kelly Yards

Are you a nervous rider looking to regain confidence?


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Beaudesert Based Servicing South East QLD

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www.eastcoasthorsetransport.com 27


Dressage NSW What’s on calendar www.dressagensw.com.au Tamworth Dressage Club Dressage www.tamworthdc.equestrian.org.au

Dressage NSW August 2011 7th August Hawkesbury Dressage Club O/A Prep-Adv SIEC Kate Watson 0418 263 110 hawkesburydressage.com.au

14th August Armidale Riding Club O/A Prel - PSG Armidale Sue Mills 0428 688 216 www.armidalerc.equestrian.org.au

7th August Singleton Dressage Club O/A P-GP Singleton Carol Cairney 0409 743 718 www.singletondressageclub.org

20th August Andalusion Horse Assoc - Open event O/A Prel-Int I SIEC Susie Burns 0409 477 489 www.ahaa.org.au/ statenewsouthwales.aspx

7th August Orana Equestrian Club Dubbo Sharon Kirby 0428 638 101 www.oranaec.equestrian.org.au 6/7th August Far North Coast Championships Bangalow Merle Speakman 0405 134 363 www.summerlanddressageclub.org. au 7th August Buladelah Kerry Turnball 4997 8168 www.bulahdelahdressage.org.au


21st August National Capital Eq Club O/A CRCCanberra Liz Pugh 6287-1032 www.ncec.asn.au 21st August Southcoast EC O/A Albion Park Frances Simmons 4236-0680 www.southcoastequestrianclub.com.au

13/14th August DNSW Event O/A N-GP Clarendon Karen Lever 4576 7996 www.dressagensw.com.au


21st August Sutherland Shire Horse Owners Assoc Joy Charlton 4653 1532 www.sutherlandshirehoa.equestrian. org.au/

21st August Sugarloaf Cobbity Eq Club Pam Wood 0417 677 638 www.scec-dressage.com

13th August Goulburn Dressage Club Jan Jeffery 4822-0654 www.goulburndressageclub. equestrian.org.au

21st August Mudgee Dressage Club Yasmin Crockett 0448 726 304 e: yasmincrockett@bigpond.com

14th August Young Dressage Assoc O/A Prep - FEI Bendick Murrel Karen Glendenning 6341 1148 www.youngda.equestrian.org.au 14 th August Dungog Dressage Club Michelle Earnshaw 02 4987 0044 www.dungogdressageclub.webs.com

21st August Wagga Dressage Club Ros Pullen 6922-5362 www.WaggaDC.equestrian.org.au

21st August Namoi Horse Assoc Gunnedah Jo Donaldson 0429 437 235 www.namoiha.equestrian.org.au 20/21st August Manning Valley Dressage & Hack Club Taree Valerie Brodin 6557 7074 www.mvdhc.com 28th August Northside Riding Club O/A Prep-Med St Ives Jess Canabou 0434 528 817 www.northsideridingclub.org.au 28th August Albury Wodonga Dressage Club O/A Albury Andrea Williams 0412 859 756 www.awec.net.au 28th August Eurobodalla Dressage Club Moruya Hetty Mundy 4473 9013 28th August Central West Dressage Group A Alan Small 6331-7088 www.centralwestdg.equestrian.org.au 28th August Somersby Equestrian Club Cadore Margie Abbott 0418 114 200 www.somersbyequestrianclub.org.au CODE: CH: Championship; O: Official; A: Associate; YH: Young Horse; P:Pony; F: Freestyle; S: Seminar; M: Members day; T: Training day. Levels: Pr:Preliminary N: Novice etc...

Coaches & Trainers KP Performance Horses -Benji Dooley Dressage & jumping lessons Pony Club to Prix St Georges Can travel Ph: 0438 819 322

A little bit of History Dressage is a French word for ‘training’. The basic goal of dressage is to develop a horse’s flexibility and responsiveness to aids and balance. At the peak of a dressage horse’s gymnastic development, it can smoothly respond to a skilled rider’s minimal aids by performing the requested movements while remaining relaxed and appearing effortless. Dressage is the basic schooling for every riding horse. Also show jumpers need a solid dressage training to be successful in their equestrian discipline. The idea of dressage is to enable the horse to carry as much as possible of his own and his riders weight over his hindquarters. This results in lightening of the forehand and makes the horse much easier to steer and to stop. In dressage competitions, horses perform tests. These tests reflect the movements used in dressage training and so, assess the horse’s correct progress towards the goals of suppleness, balance and obedience. These tests or dressage competitions range from basic levels to professional and even the Olympic Games. The history of dressage dates back to more then two thousand years ago. The ancient Greeks were the first to practice dressage in preparation for war. The Greek Commander Xenophon, born about 430 BC, wrote the earliest obtainable work on training horses, titled Hippike, translated to The Art of Horsemanship. The Greeks did not use a saddle or stirrups, but historians are convinced that they used a jointed snaffle. Remarkably, most of what Xenophon wrote in his book still holds true today. Xenophon’s men rode stallions into battle because they were thought to be braver showing more aptitude for pirouetting, leaping, turning, and moving sideways. The link with our modern top dressage horses is obvious. The Iberian-Celt form of combat adopted by the Romans later on included the use of similar horses ridden with a curb bit and light armour. Like the Greeks, the Romans rode with a very classical seat creating engagement with the horse well back on his hocks. It is interesting to note that the great dressage masters of our modern times still refer to the Romanic school as a term to indicate a highly collected, agile form of riding based on lightness in hand.


Classical dressage fell into a great lull when Rome fell at the hands of the barbarians in 410 AD. The Renaissance period, originating in Italy and spreading across Europe, brought dressage back to its recognition. With the introduction of small firearms, cavalry leaders needed to regroup their approach to battle in order to be successful. The Spanish, the Barb, and the Lusitanian dressage horse held preference over other breeds because of their ability to perform the classical airs. The School of Versailles was a name given to the French Court of equitation promoted in all its splendor by Louis XIV. During his reign, the masters who were known as ecuyers published many great works. Of all these masters, the most notable was Francois Robichon de la Gueriniere whose book ECOLE DE CAVALERIE was published in 1729. The strong classical dressage heritage of the Germanic school was intrinsically linked to that of Austria and Hungary since they were under the same Imperial Crown. Germany was in political upheaval during the Thirty Years War (1618-48), and the need for a superior cavalry horse inspired the Germans to use more hot blood in their breeding program. By the end of the eighteenth century, the Germans decided the requirements of the cavalry horse were as follows: speed, for attacks at the gallop; obedience, for collection and agility in face-to-face single combat; and safety over crosscountry terrain. The culmination of this process resulted in the descendants of the modern day warmbloods. It was this commitment to campaign riding that Germans developed a highly organized, systematic approach that attributes to their enormous success in today’s competitive dressage arena.


The first Olympic Dressage games were held in Stockholm, Sweden, in 1912. These equestrian games were only open to cavalry officers, and the dressage test consisted of collected and extended gaits, rein-back, turn on the hocks, four flying changes on a straight line, and jumping five small obstacles, one of which was a barrel rolled towards the horse.


Jump on board for the ride of your life!

Introducing the Australian Trick Riding Association Inc. Strap on your boots and get ready to ride!

The Australian Trick Riding Association Inc. (ATRA) is the newest, most exciting equine organisation to explode into the Australian equine Industry. It is the only organisation of its kind dedicated to this unique equine sport. The association is a not for profit organisation. Any funds raised go straight back into the association to support our amazingly talented Aussie Trick Riders. ATRA represents teams and individual riders of all ages and levels right across the country, supporting them with clinics, competition and coaching accreditations. “ATRAs’ mission is to increase the level of expertise, safety and opportunity of equine trick riding in Australia by raising the standard and ability of riders and trainers’ said association President Emily Wright. “We will also strive to have trick riding recognised as an extreme sport in Australia, and with riding and non-riding memberships available, everyone is welcome”. During the Late 1800’s and early 1900’s trick riding was a major sport in America with people adapting saddles to perform one off tricks. In the Last 100 years the numbers of trick riders dwindled, however, the sport is making a come back and has grown tremendously in the past three years in Australia. With more and more events booking these performers and trick riding popping up all over the country, the sport is really set to explode in a massive way! Trick riding is unlike any other equine sports in that it is represented across the board. Riders perform at various events, from rodeos and agricultural shows all the way through to corporate events and grand openings throughout the country. Trick Riding is family oriented. It instils dedication, courage, confidence and commitment. This remarkable sport is gaining rapid momentum and has become an immensely popular and highly visible spectator sport in Australia.

So what is Trick Riding and where did it come from! The history of trick riding dates back centuries and centuries to the Cossack Riders of Russia and the Ukrain. It has been debated that the Cossack Riders skills were adopted from the ‘Caucasus’. Much is unknown about the history of Cossack Riding but what is clear is that the Cossack Riders were brave and fearless warriors that developed skills and talents on horse back that gave them undeniable advantage in battle.

Cossack Trick Rider in a drag Cossack Riders were able to duck and hide from enemy attack using manoeuvres similar to what we now know as forward and reverse fenders. Tricks such as the ‘Cossack drag’ were cleverly used as the Cossacks would head their horses into enemy lines whilst in the drag; the enemy would assume the Cossack was dead and hung up and was no threat and were eager to take his horse and weapons...then right when they least expect it...up jumps the Cossack healthy as can be and attacks the enemy. It is easy to imagine how many of the other tricks performed by 30 30 trick riders were developed from Cossack moves that assisted

in battle. The word Cossack is derived from the word ‘kazak’ which means ‘free’ or ‘adventurer’ words which still accurately describe the feelings most trick riders get when they perform. As wars and unrest in the homelands of the Cossacks’ increased many Cossacks found their way to America. In America and in other parts of the world Cossacks cashed in on their skills by performing their tricks as entertainment for shows and circuses. The American cowboys and cowgirls caught on quickly to these riding techniques and trick riding became a favourite at rodeos and other live entertainment venues. When looking at a modern day trick riding saddle it is clear to see how it is a unique combination of the Cossack’s saddles and the western saddles used by the Americans. Trick riding became a popular competitive event at Rodeos as riders took their tricks to the extreme to wow and impress audiences and judges alike. As trick riding was not used solely for battle new and beautiful tricks began to emerge. Brave cowgirls took to the sport combining the bravery and skill of the Cossacks with the elegance and grace of the gorgeous American cowgirl. Performance became more and more refined and true showmanship developed among the American trick riders. As riders pushed the limits of their tricks and travelled at increasingly fast speeds the trick riding competitions became increasingly dangerous. Riders were going to extreme lengths to win the prize money on offer. During the 1940’s trick riding Competitions ceased. Trick riding however, remained a favourite at rodeos as trick riders became a highlight of rodeos as paid entertainment acts rather than a competitive event. Trick riders also became necessary as stunt riders and doubles for the emerging motion picture industry.

Trick Riding in Australia The history of Trick Riding is Australia is difficult to trace. The influence of the Cossacks on stockmen was not like that of the influence had on the American Cowboys. Australian stockmen and women have always been among the best riders in the world and the hard conditions and terrain that they had to face made them strong and brave riders. There would undoubtedly have been many Australian riders that could perform amazing and daring tricks on their horses however, without a strong rodeo scene and with the early Australian settlements so isolated we may never know of many of Australia’s most talented tricksters.


As agricultural shows became larger and the crowds grew, a few of these talented Australian riders began to perform the skills and tricks that they could perform. Arguably the most influential and prominent figures in the early days of Australian trick riding performance would have to be ‘The Flying Gollans’, John Brady and Graham Heffernan. The Gollans were known for their pyrotechnic displays and very fast horses and the Gollans passed their skills down from generation to generation. John Brady was not only an amazing trick rider but was one of the best trick ropers in the world. John Brady is a true show man and performed in America for years and years, he was just one Aussie boy from the bush wowing everyone on the world stage with his ‘cowboy’ skills. John Brady, Graham Heffernan and members of the ‘Flying Gollans’ inspired people all over Australia and the world and put Australian trick riders on the map. The current resurgence of trick riding in Australia can be attributed to three inspirational Aussie stunt women Zelie Bullen, Leanne Bruce Clarke and Deborah Brennan and renowned horseman Heath Harris. Around the 1990’s these people were all very successful stunt doubles and real horse lovers. Deborah and Zelie were both blown away by displays of trick riding that they witnessed while working in America. Zelie and Deborah were lucky enough to meet trick riding royalty Tad and Connie Griffiths and learnt the tricks of the trade while in the USA. Leanne Bruce Clarke also trained and performed with the Riata Ranch Cowboy Girls. The girls came home to Australia bitten by the trick riding bug and helped begin what is now an increasing phenomena of female trick riding in Australia. Leanne Bruce Clarke caught the trick riding bug and with her business partner at the time, renowned movie horse trainer and stunt co-ordinator Heath Harris, started ‘Girls Girls Girls’. Trick riding troupes such as Deborah and Leanne’s ‘Pony Express’ along with Heath and Krissy Harris’ ‘Girls Girls Girls’ began training a new and exciting generation of young trick riders and have been instrumental in keeping the sport alive in Australia. In 2009 Heath and Krissy Harris created the first ever Australian Extreme Women’s Trick Riding Championships. With so many enthusiastic trick riders in Australia, shows such as ‘The Australian Outback Spectacular’ incorporated female trick riders into their show and more trick riders were trained up from there. Renee Gasser’s live equine performances also became a breeding ground for talented trick riders with the help of Jamal Charapov a Cossack rider from the Moscow circus and Zelie Bullen the riders trained here learnt refined and beautiful art of trick riding in the circus ring. Aussie trick riders begun forming alliances and grouping together to create their own troupes. Highvelocity, Southern Stars, Kamilaroi, and troupes as far as Western Australia began to emerge. As the passion and enthusiasm for the sport increases in Australia, the skills and abilities of Australian trick riders are rapidly increasing. The progress and popularity of the sport in the past 20 years is nothing short of amazing and with an emphasis on safety and respect for the true masters of the trade the future of Australian trick riding is looking very bright. For more information on the Australian Trick Riding Association please go to www.austrickriding.com.au

Images By Thorpey.com.au




What’s on calendar



NSW Endurance Riders Association www.nswera.asn.au Tamworth & District Endurance Club www.tamworthanddistrictenduranceclub.org.au

August/September 2011 Freemantle 6th - 7th August 80/59/40/20 Lee Curtis 6337 4195 Shahzada 22nd - 26th August 400/12 Sue Todd 6379 7218 New Italy 4th September 80/40 Julie Haigh 6688 8276 Bendemeer 11th September 80/40/15 Gay Bonham 6785 2055 National Capital, Brookvale 11th September 80/40/20 Fia Hasko-Stewart 6282 2051 0401 999 473 High Country, Bright 11th September 80/40/15 Nina Lewis 03 5755 1810 Sassafras South Coast 25th September 80/40/20 Alan Marshall 4422 8818 Tom Quilty Gold Cup 30th -1st Oct Mt Pleasant SA

Article courtesy of Tamworth & District Endurance Club www.tamworthanddistrictenduranceclub.org.au 3 members of the Tamworth & District Endurance Club headed off to St Albans in June, to the NSW Endurance Riding State Championships. Sisters Kim Hagon riding Diamond R Boston, Emma Fletcher Riding Diamond R Oscar and Jessica Taylor riding Diamond R Amaya were all entered in the 160km event which was held over the Queens Birthday long weekend. The NSW State Championship ride moves around the state from year to year. This year it was held in St Albans, which is a tiny village near Wisemans Ferry, north of Sydney. The Ride started at 2am on Sunday morning and riders had 24 hours to complete the 160km distance. The ride consisted of 5 legs (loops) ranging in distance from 50km to 20km. After each leg, the horses had to pass a very strict Veterinary check before being judged “Fit to Continue”. After having an hours rest, they then headed out on the next leg. In normal conditions, 160km is very testing on both horse and rider. It started to rain about 3 hours before the ride started, and rained continuously until the last riders finished the ride. The course at St Albans is generally a testing track, which takes horse and rider up and down very steep hills in rough and rugged terrain. The huge amounts of rain caused the track to deteriorate Kim Hagon with Diamond R Boston and the State Cup and become very boggy and slippery. In some spots the mud was knee deep on the horses. The sport of Endurance Riding requires riders to “ride to the conditions” and this was a very testing course for all riders and horses. Kim and “Boss” completed the distance in a time of 12 hours and 12 minutes and took out the 2011 State Champion title and 1st Middleweight. They finished the ride almost an hour in front of the next horse. Boss, who was bred by Kim, is a 10 year old Arab x Stockhorse buckskin gelding and the combination also completed the Tom Quilty Gold Cup in Manilla last year. Jessica and Amaya successfully completed the 160km course in a riding time of 16 hours and 46 minutes. This time gained the pair 6th in the Lightweight Division and was Amaya’s first 160km ride, and Jessica’s first for 11 years. Jessica is the owner, trainer and breeder of Amaya who is an 8 year old Arab Mare. Emma and her home-bred horse Oscar, an Arab x ASH buckskin were unfortunately vetted out at the end of the ride as he judged lame by the vet panel. Emma and Oscar had already completed the 240km Marathon ride in Manilla over Easter. April Bonham, an ex-Manilla rider (and sister to Emma, Jessica and Kim), successfully completed on her Arab mare Joda Shantilly to gain 6th in the Middleweight Division. April rode with her partner Stuart Hitchcock who came in 4th Heavyweight on his stallion Ralvon Courier who was judged Best Managed Heavyweight horse. Emma, Jessica and Kim each have 3 kids ranging in age from 14 to 2. They have a wonderful support crew which allows them to compete in Endurance Riding. Hundreds of hours of training and educating goes in to these horses to get them to a level of fitness to do 160km ride. Their parents Jeff and Gay Bonham help with baby sitting and lots of support and encouragement. Gay is on the NSW State Management Committee and Jeff was also the Chief Steward at the ride. Their husbands are also very supportive allowing these busy Mums to do this tough sport. They tow floats, shoe horses, babysit, carry saddles, strap horses, cook meals, and provide much needed moral support! These keen Endurance Riders are already planning their next rides with the 400km Shahzada Marathon in August and the Bendemeer ride in September well within their sights.

Emma Fletcher riding Diamond R Oscar and Jessica Taylor riding Diamond R Amaya Images courtesy of Kieron Power



What’s on calendar Eventing Eventing NSW www.eventingnsw.com.au Quirindi Eventing Inc www.quirindieventing.com Tamworth International Eventing www.tie.equestrian.org.au

August 2011 Please go to www.eventingnsw.com.au for more information on the following events: Harden Enc to 1* 6th - 7th August Blair Richardson Clinic NORTH & NORTHWEST SHOWJUMPING CLUB Nundle Pony Club Grounds Contact Bev Fletcher at Horseland Phone 02 6765-2500 tamworth@horseland.net.au

13th -14th August


Silver Hills Intro to 2* 13th - 14th August


TIE at Quirindi Enc to 1*

20th - 21st August

Camden Equestriad Intro to 3*

27th - 28th August

Coaches & Trainers Norm Hindmarsh Southern Cross Warmbloods PH: 02 6767 1404 M: 0429 862 854 scwarmbloods@yahoo.com www.southerncrosswarmbloods.com.au Sharmayne Spencer Heritage Hill PH: 02 6760 5554 M: 0414 577 273 - Sharmayne M: 0447 328 608 info@heritagehillequine.com.au www.heritagehillequine.com.au

2 minute HOW TOs - Cross Country Fences Jumping steps:

Jumping into water:

Tips for tackling steps:

Tips for jumping into water:

Keep a bouncy rhythm throughout the obstacle.

With novice horses, approach in a strong trot.

The canter needs power but not speed.

Give plenty of encouragement with a ‘meaning business’ approach.

Don’t let your legs swing back.

If he might spook, keep leg your leg on or, if necessary, give a ‘pony club’ kick!

The key to jumping steps is the quality of the canter. You need to collect your horse’s stride so he’s like a little bouncing ball. You want him to bounce up the stairs so the canter has to be strong. Don’t approach facts but have lots of energy – really sit him back on his hocks.”

Approach straight so you are on line and your horse can prepare.

Water is often shadowy or rippling, which is scary. The horse may not be sure about what’s going on or what’s expected of him. He needs to have complete confidence in his rider to know she won’t ask him to do something dangerous. Remember – he doesn’t know how deep the water is.”

Be ready to slip your reins and be equally ready to quickly gather them up.

What should every Eventer learn?...How

to FALL safely! As many avid Eventers would know, there is an art to falling off your horse in a way that will minimise your chances of getting hurt. Learning that art is just as important as learning how to sit the trot properly or how get a clean flying change.

your fall could quite possibly end in a broken bone or two.

When you become unseated, the most important thing you can do is not stick out your legs or arms. Trying to break

Also, you definaely don’t want your horse to fall on you or to step on you when it’s getting up or running away. Remember the tumbling classes you had when you were little? Just about every kid has to go through these; because (especially as kids) we all fall down, so gym teachers try to teach us how to absorb the shock of falling. In tumbling, you learned to tuck and roll. If you think of falling off as an act of tumbling at speed, you can see the logic of following the same guidelines. Of course, we adults typically want to analyze, calculate and make a fast decision as we fall, but that can be a real mistake. Kids don’t get hurt as often as adults because they just tuck and roll instinctively, without a lot of thought. If you fall, don’t hold onto the reins. Holding on is a good way to dislocate your shoulder, or to give your horse such a yank in the mouth that he’ll get even more upset than he was when you and he first went your separate ways. In most cases, you have a window of opportunity in which to get up quickly and get a hand on your horse. That’s when you can grab him. If you miss that chance, he’s probably going to take off, leaving you to face a very long walk home. So do not to dwell on the moment and lie there assessing or analyzing, but try to get up quickly (though not in a way that startles the horse) and take hold of the reins to ensure the safety of your horse. It could get hurt or hurt someone else. So the thoughts to have in your head as you’re falling are, ‘Roll from under’ and ‘catch my horse’. The odds are that the environment you fall off in is not safe for him without you. If it’s in a ring, fine; but a cross-country course or on a trail ride or hack is a whole different story. Obviously, the exception to the get up fast rule is if your badley hurt or stunned. If you’re at an event, the first-aid crew will be there soon enough; you don’t want to make your injury worse, so lie still and wait for them.


What’s on calendar Horse Drawn

Australian Carriage Driving Society www.acds.org.au Driving School Carriage Driving NSW 7th & 28th August www.carriagedrivingnsw.org.au Incorporating the ACDS NSW Tamworth Regional Horse Drawn Club general meeting at Tamworth Pony Club www.trhdc.webs.com


D r aw n

August/September 2011


Monthly news from July 3rd was the date for our rally day which saw 17 members and several spectators enjoy a lovely winters day. Our members drove a mirror image scurry course, some for the first time while others having experienced it before showed the skills needed to master the challenging but flowing course. So as to keep everyone on equal footing the course was driven twice changing sides to ensure no one was disadvantaged in any way. After a great lunch thanks to Max Saunders, Margaret Neely and Evol Atkinson we then practiced the driving display we will be performing at the Farmers and Equine Expo on July 23rd/24th at Manilla organized by the Manilla Equine Sporting Association. Our club had the opportunity to show the public exactly how much fun you can have sitting down. There was several scurries and driving displays held over the weekend along with a static display of driving paraphernalia. It was a great event and the organizers were impressed with the response they received, it was bigger then Ben Hur. Club member Janice Ford from Murrurundi has been busy outside of club activities; Jan has been competing at shows and exhibiting at the Sydney Royal. Jan driving her mini mare Clanline Flora was placed 3rd in harness after a respectable 4th out of 13 in the led mini mare class. Also her gelding Claneline Flame was placed 2nd in his led class and has qualified for next years Royal in harness. Congratulations Jan fantastic results. Our club is hosting the next ACDS NSW general meeting, it will be held in conjunction with the driving school on August 27th. This will give us a great opportunity to utilize the expertise of the state committee and discipline conveners attending the meeting. We are looking forward to hosting this meeting as it is the first time for our club and hopefully it will become an

annual event. Plans are well under way for our Senior and Junior Driver and Development school 27th/28th August. The school is open to everyone both beginner and experienced drivers as well as people wanting to learn more about course designing, show driving, show judging as well as getting that valuable experience needed for pony club members completing the ‘K’ certificate at pony club and lots more. You don’t need to be a member to attend. One Activity Membership available if needed. Entry forms available from the secretary or online at our club website and the ACDS NSW website. For further details please contact Liz O’Brien on 0427766726 ENTRIES HAVE STARTED TO COME IN SO BE QUICK - GET YOURS IN EARLY TO AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT There has been a lot of positive feedback regarding our clubs new website; if you haven’t seen it yet take a look at www.trhdc.webs.com we are sure you will be very impressed with our informative website. You will also notice a link to the club’s new face book page as well. For those of you who are face book savvy please take a look and let us now what you think. Let us know what you have been up to and tell all your friends about us. It is wonderful to see we are still getting a lot of enquiries from people wanting more information about joining our club and driving in general. If you know anyone interested in driving tell them to come along to one of our days or contact a committee member we are all happy to help out where we can. Look forward to seeing you all at Attunga on 7th August Happy driving Liz O’Brien 042 7766 726 or myeyor@yahoo.com.au

Harness Types and How They Work The horse harness basically consists of three parts: The part to pull with: collar with hames or breast collar and traces The part to hold the vehicle on its shafts: pad with tugs and girths The “breaking system”: breaching

Every harness-part has been developed and adjusted to the most “perfect” system that enables us to put a horse to a cart and drive safely enough. The main types used are collar and breast collar. Modern horse driving sport helps to develop anatomically even better fitting and more effective gear. One result of this is the brollar, a very good invention. This is a successful combination of collar and breast-collar that fits a horse exceptionally well.

How does physics of collar and breast collar actually work? The following illustrations will help to explain it. Let’s use a collar first and see, what happens:

G is the centre of gravity of the horse and D1 and D2 are the ideal points of draft of a collar. Their position is depending on the different centres of resistance, W1 and W2. Looking at this graphic it is easy to understand that a horse can pull best from a point of draft just in front of its shoulder joints. This point is found to be in line with its gravity centre and the drawn vehicle’s or object’s centre of resistance. In case of an object on the ground, e.g. a timberlog, the ideal pulling point is located at D1 in front of the shoulder joint. It is in line with the gravity G and the timber log’s centre of resistance, W1. If the horse pulls a vehicle with a higher-up located centre of resistance W2, the ideal point of draft D2 moves a bit down, towards the point of the shoulder. Now have a look on a horse with a breast collar:

C is the point of draft of a breast collar. If that horse pulls a vehicle with a relatively high centre of resistance W2, the point of draft C for a breast collar is nearly in the same area as it would be with a collar. It is quite near the ideal point of draft. But if it would have to pull the timber log with the centre of resistance W1 from the ground, the point of draft C theoretically would slip up towards the windpipe and the horse would choke. (see green line). Therefor a breast collar is not good to use for pulling heavy objects low down or lying on the ground.


Natural Horsemanship

What’s on calendar Natural Horsemanship

New England Natural Horsemanship Club http://web.me.com/newenglandhorseclub/newenglandhorseclub Horse Agility Australia www.horseagility.com.au Parelli www.parellinaturalhorsetraining.com Mel Fleming www.melfleming.com.au

August/September 2011

Tamworth Trimming Workshop - The Barefoot Blacksmith Date: Saturday 3rd September 2011 Venue: St George Horse Centre, 32 Henry’s Lane Tamworth Bookings And Enquries: Prior booking is essential (Full participants limited to 10 ) Phone: 03 57734306 Or email to info@barehoofcare.com Course placements filled in order of payments received Local coordinator: Laura Kellond, Ph: 0488 959 341, Email: spooky@ipstarmail.com.au MEL FLEMING ‘ALCHEMY PLACE’ Moonbi, (via Tamworth) NSW September 5th - 23rd HORSEMANSHIP RETREAT 3 WEEKS OF HORSEMANSHIP

Monty Roberts Introductory Course Queensland With Lynn Mitchell Saturday September 10th – Sunday September 18th Places Limited Queensland Course Location Antrim Stud 17341 New England Highway, Allora 45mins South of Toowoomba VISIT THE SCHOOL OF EQUUS WEBSITE FOR DETAILS

www.schoolofequus.com.au or Phone Lynn Mitchell on 0433 239 617


The Road To Horsemanship

By Meredith Ransley importance on taking care of our horse’s mental and emotional 1.1. Building Knowledge, Naturally! As horse lovers, many of us have had the dream of being able to needs, then ultimately he wins and our chosen discipline becomes a lot more rewarding and successful, because there are just get on our horses and go – wherever we want. To have the desire and willingness of our horses to form a now two of us wanting to do well! partnership, that enables us to just ride and enjoy the freedom and sense of exhilaration that comes from being as one with a 1.2 Equine Psychology horse – in that moment when their speed becomes our speed – Imagine a life where you are surrounded by creatures that are their power becomes our power – their spirit is our spirit – their unfamiliar to you; that look, act and move differently from you and even worse, smell like they have just eaten your best friend feet are our feet. Running on air! for lunch? They keep you enclosed in a confined area from which you cannot leave and they randomly come and get you, tie something to your head and drag you away from your family and friends... whether you like it or not!

There are some who say that there can be no such thing as Natural Horsemanship! That by the nature of humans being predators and horses being prey animals, it is not possible for us to form a natural alliance. At Quantum Savvy, we believe that nothing is more natural, or more meant to be, than the coming together of horse and human. We believe that true synergy with horses takes us beyond the boundaries of conflicting species to form a special and unique partnership. Anyone who has experienced this true connection with horses will know this feeling. When you climb onto your horse bareback and slide into that natural rider’s groove, it seems that Mother Nature had planned this all along. Horse and human become one. Until recently, little was known about the psychology of the horse and few people were familiar with natural horsemanship. These days, thanks to people like Dr. R.M. Miller, Pat Parelli, Tom Dorrance and Monty Roberts, not only has Natural Horsemanship become more widely known, it is now respected and accepted as a superior training method, a general education programme for horsemanship skills and a better way of being around horses. Horse owners are understanding their horses more - what makes them tick, why they do the things they do and how to better influence not only the horses behaviour but also their own. As a result, general horsemanship skills are increasing, people are achieving far more with their horses than ever before, are much safer and having more fun. To the horse, this means getting a much better deal all round. Just by looking at things from the horse’s point of view, taking their perspective, ensures that they are far more understood and consequently their mental and emotional needs are taken better care of. It’s not enough anymore just to take care of their physical needs. Quantum Savvy’s viewpoint on Natural Horsemanship is that horses should have options. When a horse is asked to do something, he has a choice as to whether he does it or not. If he doesn’t want to do it, we look at why. If our horses are willing partners in our relationships, why would they not want to do something we ask them to do? As soon as we start to make a horse do something, as soon as we dictate his actions and responses, we risk losing the one thing that all true horsemen and horse lovers value above all else – his heart and desire. Can you imagine what your horse would do for you if he wanted to be with you? If he saw you as the best thing in his day? If you asked him to run, how fast he could run; if you asked him to jump, how high he could jump? To us the horse comes first - always! If we can learn to communicate with our horses, to become their respected and trusted leaders, then anything is possible. If we can place more

They tie you up to things so you can’t escape and put you into places where you feel unsafe and uncomfortable, away from your friends and safety. They strap something tight around your back and belly, put something hard and metallic into your mouth with which to control you, climb on top of you and use you for transport, kicking you to get you to go and pulling on the metal thing in your mouth to stop you. All the while making growling noises in a language that is unknown and frightening to you. Should you try to get away, or get back to your friends, you get reprimanded and growled at for your troubles. In fact the more you struggle, the more they tie you up and restrict your movement until you have no choice but to succumb and do as they want. How long would the average human last if they were subjected to the same kind of treatment that many horses are on a daily basis? With only one of two options to choose from; either to give up and submit yourself to them, or break free in anyway you can and risk everything in the attempt.

Fortunately, most people do not treat their horses like this on purpose – mostly we’ve just never thought of things from the horse’s point of view and don’t know any different. Isn’t it amazing, all things considered, that horses will do anything for us at all! Let’s go back to our strange creatures again and now and imagine one that takes the trouble to really look at things from your perspective and to find out what you really need. One that learns to speak your language fluently and makes an effort to communicate with you, asking you questions and for your opinion. What kind of relationship would you form with this creature? How much harder would you try to please them? The essence of Natural Horsemanship is understanding what makes horses tick and learning how to interact with them in a way that they understand and as they would do with each other. In this way, humans can learn to influence a horse’s behaviour with respect and communication by creating rapport, rather than by using force, gadgets and training. In a nutshell, we need to learn what truly motivates horses, what their basic needs are and how to communicate positively with them. ...next month: Horses as prey animals & Think like a horse...


By Lynn Mitchell, Monty Roberts Instructor

Wild Brumbies I was recently fortunate enough to be given the opportunity of fostering two wild Brumbies from the Victorian Brumby Association with the goal of gentling them and making them safe to handle with a view to them being adopted by new owners. In 2005 I attended a Monty Roberts Demonstration in Melbourne, where I first discovered horsemanship that actually made sense to me. I made it my business from that moment on to discover and learn everything I could about this truly inspiring man’s philosophies and methods of horse training. To cut a long story short, my journey led me to become a certified Monty Roberts Instructor, one of only three in Australia and the only one currently offering the Monty Roberts Introductory Course in Horsemanship in this country. As a part of my studies I was privileged to be invited to work with untouched, wild mustangs. This opportunity was afforded to me by Monty Roberts when I was working for my advanced certificate at his farm; Flag is Up, in California. This work opened my eyes to what I believe true horsemanship really is, and that is, understanding the psychology of the horse in his natural state, free from human intervention. When we take the time to truly understand the horse, it becomes clear as to why he reacts the way he does to certain situations and stimuli and gives us the opportunity to work with him as a partner, to form a trust based relationship, rather than one of domination. I have chosen to tell you the story of the journey taken by Cruiser, a four-year-old black gelding from the Bogong high plains in Victoria and his friend and companion Princess, an eight-year-old bay mare. Cruiser is a Gelding? Yes – Cruisers first experience of man was to be put in a crush, given an anaesthetic and gelded. Albeit necessary and carried out as humanely as possible, nevertheless, a less than ideal introduction to humans. The first thing that amazed me about these 2 Brumbies was their willingness to walk into my 2 horse straight load float without any fuss. We backed the float up to the portable yards where they were being kept, and opened one panel to form kind of a passageway. We tempted them towards the ramp with some hay placed on it and then slowly closed the panels behind them. There was hay in the front of the float and with a little encouragement, they walked up and stood quietly munching away while we closed the back. This may not seem particularly amazing until you consider the fact that up until two weeks prior, these horses had been running free, had probably rarely, if ever, seen a human being and had certainly never been in any form of enclosure prior


to being brought to the Victorian Brumby escape he would bleed to death. By leaning Association in a stock truck with a group of back into the pressure of the predator’s bite, other wild horses. when he releases his grip to get a better hold the horse can take this opportunity to kick I gave Cruiser and the mare Princess, a few him away and flee again. days to settle into their new surroundings. This happened to be extremely muddy cattle I was soon able to draw Cruiser to me yards thanks to the extreme wet weather we and stroke him on the forehead. By using have experienced in Victoria this year. pressure and release he learned to follow me around the yard. Over the next few days I Handling began by herding Cruiser and was able to lead Cruiser out of the yard and Princess one at a time into my cattle chute, where I was able to form an enclosure that was safe for them, but also allowed me to work in safety. Cruiser was first, and I simply started by approaching him and touching his shoulder, then immediately walking away. This communicates to him that even though I am a predator (he knows this by my physical characteristics and my smell), I am not acting like one. A predator never simply walks away from its prey. I built on this by gradually walking in and out and touching other parts of his body. If he acted into a paddock for some green pick. He only out towards the touch, I would keep my tested the line and halter a couple of times. hand there until he relaxed and then take it As soon as he felt the pressure he came to away. In this way, the horse is learning that me straight away, as he had already learned by being relaxed and calm he can make me the value of doing so. go away. This is called Intrinsic Learning. He gradually becomes desensitised to my I used the 30ft line to go right away from him touch, accepts that I mean him no harm and then get him used to me approaching and is comfortable for me to be close to and from a distance. I wormed Cruiser and touch him. When I move onto his legs, I use an artificial arm made from a walking stick, a shirt sleeve stuffed with foam and a gardening glove with the thumb covering the handle of the walking stick to make this part stiff. I can then safely use this arm to touch Cruisers legs without fear of my real arm being kicked. If Cruiser acts out against the arm it stays touching him. As soon as he relaxes and accepts the touch, the arm is removed. The advantage of having the stiff thumb is that you can use this to hook behind the fetlock and lift the foot. I used the same advance and retreat method to introduce and put on the halter. I used the Dually Halter designed by Monty Roberts. I attached a thirty foot line to the halter and allowed Cruiser to leave the chute and enter a yard about 10m x 5m. This is when Cruiser had to learn the benefit of coming off pressure. If he resisted the halter it would tighten and become uncomfortable. When he yielded to the pressure the line was slack and he was rewarded. It is very important to have very good hands when working in this situation, particularly with a horse that rears up. If you don’t release the pressure when he goes up he may flip over backwards and injure himself. Cruiser had a couple of attempts at going into the pressure of the halter. It is natural for a horse to go into pressure because in the wild when he is fleeing from a predator, if the predator was to catch and take hold of him, and the horse continued to run, he would be torn open and even if he did

Princess whilst they were in the chute which they accepted calmly and turned them out into a half acre paddock while I headed up to Queensland to teach a Monty Roberts Introductory Course. Check out the next edition of the Tamworth & District Local Horse Magazine to see Cruiser and Princess’ progress. If you are interested in adopting a Brumby or finding out more about the Victorian Brumby Association contact Colleen O’Brien on 0408 201 107 or visit the website at http://www.victorianbrumbyassociation. org/welcome. If you would like to find out more about Lynn Mitchell, or attend a course, see the advertisement for School of Equus in this edition.


Po l o / Po l o c r o s s e / H o r s eb a l l

What’s on calendar Polo/Polocrosse/Horseball


NSW Polocrosse Association www.nswpolocrosse.com.au NSW Polo Association www.australianpolo.com.au Australian Horseball Association www.horseball.com.au

NSW POLOCROSSE ~August 2011 06-07th 13-14th 13-14th 20-21st 27-28th


For contact details for the above listed events please go to www.nswpolocrosse.com.au

NSW HORSEBALL~ August/September 2011 6th August Narrabri Narrabri Showground - Training / Competition 7th August Narrabri Narrabri Pony Club - Training 20th August Tamworth AELEC - Training / Competition

For contact details for the above listed events please go to www.horseball.com.au

NSW POLO ~ August 2011 12th August 13-14th August 20-21st August 26th August 27-28th August

NSWPA Coaching Clinic at North Star, all players North Star Tournament Tamarang Tournament Coaching Clinic at Gunnedah, all players Gunnedah Tournament

For contact details for the above listed events please go to www.australianpolo.com.au

Horses need standard equipment with general purpose saddle (many Australian players also use fender or stock saddles), and a martingale, rigid or elastic. A breast collar can improve the stability of your saddle when you are picking up the ball. All four legs should be protected by over-reach boots and bandages.

A pick-up strap: The pick-up strap binds the stirrups together under the horse’s

belly. It is used to help you pick up the ball from the ground. At first you can use a stirrup strap. It is not wonderful as it is not easily adjustable, but it is an excellent spare solution. A specially made, adjustable, leather pick-up strap will be much more handy and durable.

Knee pads: You may want to wear kneepads, as your knees will eventually touch other players’ ones. You may use volleyball kneepads at first. Polo kneepads are ideal.

Ball: The ball is a size-4 football surrounded by a harness with 6 handles.

Although leather is much better, you can make cheap balls with synthetic strap. You need about 7 meters and some needle work.

Pitch: An official pitch is between 20-30 meters wide and 60-75 meters long. However horseball is played in any riding area. Baskets: Baskets are a 1 meter diameter circle and have to be hooked vertically at 4.50 meters off the ground. A net will return the ball to the ground, and another net behind each goal will prevent the ball from going out of play. You may also consider building removable baskets with light metallic transportable support.

Whatever your target, leisure horseball or high level competition, you need to train before entering the game. Yourself, and your horse. Many things will be new for the both of you. Your horse needs to accept the ball flying around, and accept being in close contact with other horses. For most riders, the biggest challenge, may be the collective work. First you will learn how to handle and pass the ball. Yes, you must use your two hands. It means that you must drop your reins. If you do not have deep enough seat, nor strong enough legs, it will show up very clearly. Horseball training, combined with proper dressage lessons, will help you improve this. Sooner or later, the ball will fall on the ground. This will be a good opportunity to learn how to pick it up ...without dismounting! It looks impressive, but it is very easy to perform. There is a trick! Horseball players use the “pickup strap”, which links the stirrups below the horse’s belly. If you place your legs correctly, and move your hips before your shoulders then the movement is very natural. Finally you will work on basic and advanced horseball tactical schemes. You will learn to coordinate perfectly the actions within your team. This means that you need to develop control of your speed and direction more accurately than ever. When you are preparing for high level competition, horseball training is a long work, similar to dressage or show jumping competition preparation. A typical training session could include: Riders warming up, team briefing and passes Horses warming up, usual warming up, with lateral works and transitions Team warming up, gentle passes, keeping the horses gathered Individual technics, passes, picking up, shoot at goal Game phases, attacks, defences, kick-off, line-out etc Short game, (optionally) about 5 minutes Horses cool down and care. *Reference material: www.123-horseball.org


R i d i n g G r o u p s / Po n y C lub

Contacts Riding Groups/Pony


Pony Club NSW www.pcansw.org.au

CURRABUBULA PONY CLUB Currabubula Rec Grounds Judith Ann Alston - (02) 6744 5714 justjude@bigpond.com BENDEMEER PONY CLUB Rodeo recreation grounds Faith Dixon - 02 6769 6530 www.bendemeerpc.pcansw.org.au GUNNEDAH PONY CLUB Gunnedah Show Grounds Donna Hall - (02) 6742 5633 gdhpcsec@yahoo.com


MANILLA PONY CLUB Manilla Show Grounds Colin Donlan - 02 6785 7365 NUNDLE PONY CLUB Taylors Lane Wally Whatmore – 0267691692 glenalmond@bigpond.com QUIRINDI PONY CLUB Quirindi Show Grounds Rachel Hope Coward - Secretary superiormobilehair@yahoo.com.au TAMWORTH PONY CLUB Cnr Bournes Lane & Meldorn Lane Jim Kolokotas - 02 6760 8172 kolokotas@optusnet.com.au

KOOTINGAL PONY CLUB Moonbi Sports Grounds Joanne Roberts - 02 6760 3249 joroberts@activ8.net.au www.kootingal.pcansw.org.au ARMIDALE RIDING CLUB INC 02 6771 5322 sue.mills@rbsmorgans.com www.armidalerc.equestrian.org.au

QUIRINDI & DISTRICT EQUITATION CLUB INC (02) 6767 0284 qdeci@live.com.au www.quirindiec.equestrian.org.au

MANILLA EQUINE SPORTING ASSOCIATION INC Vanessa Gibson - 0428 782 973 Alison McCarthy - 0447 437 876

Surrounding areas BOGGABRI PONY CLUB Boggabri Show Ground Gunnedah Road Anne Keys (02) 6743 4732 denmarkstud@bigpond.com

BARRABA PONY CLUB Barraba Showgrounds Sonia Simpson - 02 6783 1382 soniasimpson1@bigpond.com

BARADINE PONY CLUB Baradine Showground Megan Worrell - 02 6823 5172 megan.worrell@gmanil.com

Zone 5 NEWS

Zone Chief Instructor Jude Alston recently assessed candidate Lisa Medlock to be included ion the State Paid Instructors Panel. Lisa gave a lecture on Dressage and had eight very enthousiastic riders who gained good knowledge on the disciplne. Lisa’s application was forwarded to State Office and a decision will be made at the State Meetings August 1st - 2nd.

On July 3rd Jude also examined riders at the Tamworth Pony Club Grounds for their Pony Club Certificates.

From the left - Kate Farquhar who passed her “D’ standard certificate and her “D*” standard certificate along with her ‘C’ standard certificate (pending the completion of her written paper) - Caitlyn Vaughan who has passed her “C” standard certificate - Laura Farquhar who passed her “D” standard certificate - her “D*” standard certificate along with her ‘C’ standard certificate (pending the completion of her written paper) Holly Miller who passed her ‘D’ standard cetificate - Courtney Trembath who passed her ‘D’ standard certificate - Ashley McCabe who also passed her ‘D’ standard certificate. Congratulations to all six girls.

State Showjumping Champs

Zone 5 hosted the 2011 State Showjumping Championship at Gunnedah during the weekend of July 9th/10th . Originally there were approx 184 nominations which after scratchings etc we ended up with 168 riders approx . Work behind the scenes for these Championships had been going on for weeks/months, but the efforts put in were well worth while. Zone 5 had originally 21 riders nominated but we had one scratching from Coonabarabran leaving us with the 20 riders. All our riders performed well and many bringing hoime that treasured ribbon. Congratulations to all Zone 5 Riders, you did us proud.

We had kindly dontated to us by Darren and his son, Sam from Annebonny’s Locker all the way from Goulburn, two Able 290 patching machine valued at $350 each. We had one of these machines as first prize in the Zone 5 Raffle (the second machine we will raffle or auction at our annual Jamboree at Wee Waa). Mitavite one of the major sponsors for PCA - NSW kindly donated 40 gift vouchers each for a bag of Mitavite Xtra Cool. I put 5 of these vouchers as second prize in our raffle ( the remaining 35 vouchers, I awarded to the lucky riders whose back number was randomly pulled from a bucket, by veiwing members of the public). Barry Mcgregor was our official photographer and he kindly donted two A4 photoe’s valued at $60. I had these as thrid prize in the raffle. Sincere thanks to these kind people for their generous donation. Zone 5 made well over $600 with this raffle!!. Ranvet another major sponsor for PCA - NSW very kindly donated four gift bags and four beautiful woolen rugs for the Champions. These of course were well received. The showjumping courses built by Course Designer John Vallace were execellent. Riders had a great run over the four courses - AM5 (1) - AM5 (2) - Grand Prix and Accumulator. We had one unfortunate fall requiring the rider being transported to Tamworth with a broken ankle which was operated on the following day. Good Luck with a speedy recovery to Mimi Tynes from Zone 3. It was not only the riders who were taking a fall!! On the Friday night, TD Jenny Frankum took a tumble over and onto a concrete slab, and badly bruised her forehead and gave her knee a good gash . Jenny bravely saw through the weekend allbeit with a very sore leg. Hope all is well with that now Jenny!! Saturday morning saw a good frost but that did not hold up any rings All rings were running well but with the amubulance call,and one ring being closed, things did run a little late. It was decided that Presentations for Saturday’s events would be presented at the conclusion of the days events. No problems with the late presentations, as Gunndah are able to provide lights making the event somewhat spectacular. Sunday was again a bitter cold day, and all rings ran well and all was done and dusted by just after lunch time. Presentations were made and most were on the road heading home by 3.30/4.00pm. I would like to thank all my Zone 5 members who came to assist in the running of this event. Special thanks to all Gunnedah members who have put so much work into this event making it the success it was. Results are now posted on the PCA web page:- http://www.pcansw.org.au/ - Photographs can be viewed on Barry’s Web page:- http://www.barrymcgregorphotography. com/NSWPCAStateShowjumpingGunnedah2011.html Zone 5 Chief Instructor - Jude Alston


Showjumping Champs cont...

Sometimes when things go wrong with our horses we are quick to point the finger. “My horse keeps falling out through the shoulder, my horse isn’t coming under himself or my horse won’t do this, my horse won’t do that”. Horse aren’t that smart, they don’t just run into things for no reason and they don’t think things through and decide to ruin your day. Horses get tired and sore, horses get scared and angry.. They will fight or flight. Meaning they may buck or kick up, tune you out or they may take off running (flight). Most often it is us as riders that are not giving the right message to our horses. One extreme would be not giving them any guidance or leadership at all and they walk all over us or refuse to work. The other end of the spectrum would be “making” them do things instead of setting them up for success and asking them for what we are looking for. When we make them do something they don’t learn they just do it because they are scared or frustrated. When your horse makes a mistake think about why they did what they did. What were you doing or not doing that prevented your horse from making the correct move. Were you giving them a conflicting message? Were you leaning to the inside? Kicking and pulling at the same time? Maybe you actually asked with your body and your horse listened even though in your head you meant to do something else? Is YOUR body doing what your brain is trying to tell it? Maybe its YOU and not your horse making the mistakes. Be aware of the messages you are sending to your horse and have some compassion for him if you are having an off day and perhaps sending some confusing messages to him. A horse can feel a fly land on him, he can surely feel your body off balance or horse leg bump him accidentally. We work to get our horses broke and soft, but the pitfall of that is that they listen better. This means we had better ride better! Ride for your horse and be considerate and aware of the messages you send him (whether you mean to send them or not). Some horses buck when they’re young and unbalanced, especially at a canter. They simply haven’t learned to carry themselves, and a rider at the same time. When you start jumping your horse, it gets even worse! Imagine running around a ring by yourself - you’re fine, and it’s easy to jump things too! But then try carrying a child piggyback around the ring doing the same things. It gets a lot harder, doesn’t it? If your horse gets into the habit of bucking or kicking out while cantering or after he jumps, check several things. Make sure his teeth haven’t grown too long, or that his back isn’t sore. Check to be sure that you’re not causing the horse pain or discomfort by pulling in his mouth or sitting too heavily on his back. If you’ve checked everything possible, and your horse is still having problems, consider another approach. again, maybe your horses are unbalanced. I know of a mare, though, that it’s merely an attitude problem! She learned that by bucking, she would get out of working at a canter (the owners fault, I know). Once the horse has learned this, it’s hard to work them out of it, but it IS possible. Your best choice is to put a western/stock saddle on your horse, for your own balance and safety. When your horse bucks, or kicks out, push him through it HARD - get him over the idea that misbehaving gets him out of work. Every time he misbehaves, he has to work harder! This is the easiest and quickest way to train your horse out of a bucking problem (or any other behaviour problem that is)..... but at the same time forces you to look at yourself and your training methods.


Tiarn & Hayley Northey have only been riding for approximately 2 & a half and 1 & a half years consecutively, yet are already cleaning up at competitions. The girls are members of the Manilla Pony Club and the Manilla Equine Sporting Association. Tiarn & Hayley continue to break PB’s nearly everytime they compete, and usually bring home at least 3 or more ribbons per outing. The girls put alot of hard work & time into their horses & being self tought (with guidance along the way from mum, dad & pop) the future looks bright for the talented Northey girls. TIARN NORTHEY, 10YRS OLD “SWIRL” – BAY STOCKHORSE MARE – 14.3HH. I HAVE HAD SWIRL FOR THE LAST 6 MONTHS HACKING, JUMPING, PLEASURE RIDING, TRAIL RIDES, HORSEBALL, BUT I LOVE SPORTING. I WILL GIVE ANYTHING A GO. BEING AWARDED THE GARRY COLLIER MEMORIAL TROPHY (HIGHEST POINTSCORE U17YRS)- MESA, HIGHEST POINTSCORE 9-U11 -MESA, RESERVE HIGHEST POINTSCORE 9-U11CURRABUBULA SPORTING DAY, AND HEAPS MORE!! TO QUALIFY & COMPETE AT THE 2012 STATE SPORTING CHAMPIONSHIPS. TO TRY MY BEST & HAVE HEAPS OF FUN ON MY JOURNEY. I JUST LOVE RIDING HORSES... I LOVE TRAVELLING AROUND WITH MY FAMILY, I LOVE MEETING NEW FRIENDS & I LOVE THE CHALLENGES OF WHATEVER TASK IS PUT TO ME. I ALWAYS MAKE SURE I TRY MY BEST, BUT MOST OF ALL I JUST LOVE HAVING FUN..



a set of Braided


Donated by Wynmah Pony Stud

Simply solve the word puzzle. The questions spell the name of a horse breed. Write your answer next to each question and then enter the circled letter into the answer box!

1. Name a treat your pony loves: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

2. A high level movement in dressage: ___ ___ ___ ___

3. Name a competitive riding disciplin: ___ ___ ___ ___

4. What do horses drink?: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

5. A baby horse?: ___ ___ ___ ___

does your pony wear on ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 6. What : his legs when travelling?:

7. Horse sport played with sticks:

8. A male horse:

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

___ ___ ___ ___ ___

___ ___ ___ ___

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

9. A piece of equipment used to clean your stable: ___ ___ ___ ___

CONGRATULATIONS TO last months winner:

Bridie Martin from Tamworth With the answer: Clydesdale

For your chance to win, send through your answer along with all of your contact details to



___ ___ ___ ___

Arlene Hailstone NCAS, Level 1 CAD Equestrian Coach

pony y m s ime Somet y when I h is pus ing him. d am lea I do to can t a h W stop d n a y r t that?

9yrs h a r a S Mum of just off Sarah is ut her b the lead teady s y r e v pony is the n i y a t s ’t and won y. Should il trot eas a crop? she use

with h a r a S f Mum o tion: s e u q r e h anot ony is Sarah’s p there Is Palomino. g she somethin to m i h d e e f should s coat i h e v o r p im ss? o l g & r u colo

Hi Emma Sometimes Pushy Pony needs to be reminded Emma is the boss. Most ponies respond to food so feeding ponies treats is a trap because they expect treats each time you spend time with them. If you don’t produce a treat they will search with their pony strength and can lose their pony temper if they can’t find one! This leads to problems handling on the ground. Seek some help Emma while leading your pony so he does not learn to pull you in the direction he wants to go. Use a bridle so you will have more control. If this problem occurs while bringing your pony in to stable him for the evening, try taking him to his stable first and then feeding him.

Happy saddles :)

Hi Sarah’s mum. As parents we are all cautious when our children first come off the lead. The thought of ‘steady pony’ taking off when shown the smacking end of a crop would come to mind. If you are a rider yourself you could introduce the crop to your pony and teach him to not break back to walk from the trot by using the crop on the pony’s shoulder. Young children learning to ride find it difficult to maintain balance and steering using the crop behind the girth. If you are not a rider, steady pony will need to be introduced to the crop. Some ponies pay little attention and others have a memory flash to a previous moment/owner and become nervous. Because of this it is best to introduce the crop while there is no rider on the pony. Hold the crop to the pony’s shoulder and lightly tap asking the pony to go forward. Once a few steps are taken reward your pony. Now this may seem like a long winded answer to your question but remember safety is paramount and in most cases we are not only coaching the rider but training the pony as well. Sarah should learn to carry the crop while riding before putting it to use. This should be performed in a safely enclosed area. While some palomino horses/ponies are a lovely golden colour with silver manes and tails, there are many various shades in between (dilutes). Many palominos carry a smutting gene which is a sooty appearance to the coat, not ideal if showing. Feeding for colour is a lot of trial and error. What works for one may not necessary work for another. Feeds high in protein are known to affect the palomino coat colour so it is recommended not to feed large amounts of lucerne. Meadow hay and white chaff with lucerne as a supplement is a better alternative. Molasses, livermol, linseed and sunflower seeds are also not recommended as these may contribute to smutting. Pumpkin has been used to successfully enhance the palomino coat colour. Like all new foods introduced these should be done gradually. The sun will bleach the coat so a combo rug is recommended to maintain colour and shine. Access to quality feed, good grazing and clean water should result in a healthy pony with a lovely glossy coat. Beware of feeding heating grains to a pony as these can cause overweight and founder. It also turns them into little monsters!






What’s on calendar Rodeo/Barrel Horse

Australian Barrel Horse Association www.abha.com.au Australian Bushmans Campdraft & Rodeo Association www.abcra.com.au Australasian Team Roping Association www.teamroper.com.au

NSW Rodeo August 2011 13th August REAL DEAL RODEO TAMI TRIBE 0412 618 946




20th August WALGETT BC RODEO FIONA DENYER (02) 6828 1875

27th August GRESFORD RODEO Points ROSEMARY WALL (02) 4938 9462

Barrel Horse August 2011

7th August Divisional Barrel Race Moonbi Magic Barrel Racing Inc Moonbi Western Arena Susan Worgan (02) 6767 1204 or 0427 010 688 13th August Divisional Barrel Race Southern Barrel Racing Club Grong Grong Rodeo Arena J Batchelor 02 6956 2120

Team Roping August 2011 Flying H Ranch Jackpots Kootingal 0429 817 216 - clhutton1@bigpond.com

6th August

Litchfield Arena Jackpot 13th -14th August Tabbita 0269 688 255 or 0429 803 078 For more information on the above Roping events please visit: www.teamroper.com.au


Here is a great barrel racing drill or exercise to remind your horse to stay locked on a turn and not to leave it too soon. What you will do is circle the barrel twice (and sometimes more if necessary to get it right) before moving on to the next barrel. Remember to properly prepare your barrel racing horse for the turn (with two hands if you would like), then ask for the turn. Make a perfect circle around the barrel with four wheel drive forward motion. Your horse should be moving forward in a controlled fashion arced/bent around the barrel soft in the mouth and body. You can do this at a walk, trot and lope as long as you are working at a controlled speed. You can use one or two hands on the rein depending on your horses level of training and your comfort level. Its good to practice with one hand around the barrel since that’s how you are in competition (when the other is on the horn). Remember to use your legs to help position and guide him as well. Your inside leg will help get bend and keep him from coming in too tight. Your outside leg should be keeping the hip in and stopping him from drifting out or going wider than you’d like. This drill is great for the horse that bows out and off of first, goes wide off of second and/or blows out of third. It will emphasize that you want them to finish the turn before you more onto the next barrel. Remember to do this only at a speed it can be done correctly and with control before moving on to a fast speed.

The 25th & 26th June Images by Wild Fillies Photography

3D - 1st Division

Adele Edwards Roc ‘n’ Elvis 1st Caroline Hogan Chicko 2nd Helen McVicar Rocs Royal Cowboy 3rd Paula Mills Epona 4th Susan Coggan Tucker 5th

3D - 2nd Division

Nichole Fitzpatrick Double Up 1st Kate Eather Cody 2nd Kate Eather Pistol 3rd Zoe Plum Giggles 4th Kerri Badior Wokeye 5th

3D - 3rd Division

GOLDEN OLDIES Susan Coggan Dawn Barwick Tracey Macey Leisa Neal Jackie Priestley

Tucker Stitch Jet Epona Jetta


1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th

Bianca Canham Spina Iceman Bianca Canham Vegas Lauryn Crackett Metta Rebecca Roberts Ace Eleanor Passlow Inca


Amanda Watson Buddy 1st Sarah Williams Brandy 2nd Cathy Henderson Memphis 3rd Kelly Murray Chester 4th Jennifer Portlock Camel 5th


Keith Canham Precious 1st Susan Coggan Tucker 2nd Caroline Hogan Chicko 3rd Paula Mills Epona 4th Kellie Holding Toms Gold Dime 5th

Sophie Crawley Ruby Matt Canham Maggie Matt Canham Precious Niomi Crawley Sally



Elle Flanagan

Jo Farquhar Kerri Badior Nicole Macey Sharna Little Paula Mills

Rock Billy Rassie Big Boom Epona

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th

Carly Wilkes Spina Iceman Mikayla Weir Zac Britnee Crackett Ellie Maddy Buggy Tuck Megan Crawley Frog

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th


1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th



Chloe Burch Rocket Elle Flanagan Epona Walt Flanagan Diamond

1st 2nd 3rd




Article by Dr David Lovell - Intro by Editor At the time of printing, in less than a month, 12 horses have died from Hendra in New South Wales and Queensland, and authorities are urging horse owners to keep their animals away from fruit-producing trees. There seems to be an apparent ignorance to the potential for Hendra virus to appear anywhere, any time. You would only need to view the map showing Flying Fox distribution in Australia to realise that the potential threat is clear and this needs to be considered by all horse owners Australia wide, not just by those living along the East Coast. Hendra is back with a vengeance. The fact of the matter is that it has never gone away. The disease is here, is a fact of life, and the reality is that we all have to learn to live with it. Commonsense, understanding the disease, and some basic management steps will ensure that we can all still enjoy our equestrian activities with a minimum of risk. Even better news is the remarkable progress scientists are making with the development of a vaccine which will, if universally taken up, be the answer to the problem. It looks like there is a very reasonable chance that we will have vaccine available next year. The current situation is calamitous with 4 separate outbreaks to date and the possibility of more to happen. The period May through September is regarded as the “peak period” for Hendra although it has happened throughout the year, but it appears that June, July and August have been predominant. Of some real concern is the statement by the chief veterinary officer that sampling this year has reported a 30% incidence of virus in bat samples as compared to some 10% in other years. Basically the disease is present in fruit bats without having any apparent clinical effect on them. It is known that the virus can be shed at particular times in the fluid secretions of the bat, with saliva and urine being potent sources. A relevant fact about fruit bats is that they ingest fruit and nectar, process it in their fore stomach, and then regurgitate it or “spit” it out in what are known as spats. This material has a high concentration of saliva and potentially, could be palatable to horses as in reality it is simply processed fruit material. One of the very pertinent findings reported by Dr Hume Fields, Our own leading Queensland world authority on fruit bats, is that they have been able to find very high concentrations of virus material directly under trees in what they call the “drip zone” and almost no virus once they leave the perimeter of the trees. This area is where the spats and urine of feeding bats will be dropped and potentially an extremely high risk area for horses. These findings are not yet published but I believe that they are critical information that horse owners need to understand as it provides solid proof that there is a very real “hot zone” of opportunity for horses to become infected. The obvious outcome is that management of horses must absolutely prevent horses from access to these areas. For a horse to contract Hendra virus, they must have direct access to a source of the virus. They will not catch Hendra virus from “the wind”. Direct access to a source of the virus means either fruit bat fluids or another infected horse that is actually excreting virus. Humans then need to be exposed to fluids from a horse excreting the virus. (Nothing has ever been proven that a human could not contract the disease directly from exposure to bat fluids so always keep that in mind). A disturbing fact is that it is now known that a horse can actually secrete the virus for a short period of time before actually displaying any clinical abnormalities. (It is critical to remember that there is an incubation period of 5 – 16 days from when the horse is exposed to the virus and when it will develop signs of disease). An understanding of these simple facts regarding Hendra virus provide us with the keys to management that will allow us to eliminate, or certainly dramatically reduce, the risks from this disease. THERE ARE 3 ELEMENTS TO THE CONTROL OF HENDRA (1) Prevent contact between fruit bats and horses (2) Monitor your horse carefully (3) Maintain rigorous personal hygiene

12 STEPS TO “HENDRA PROOF” YOURSELF AND YOUR HORSE (1) RISK ANALYSIS: Always assess the situation and circumstances surrounding yourself and your horse and make a judgement as to the possible risk of a problem (2) MAINTAIN A “PERIMETER” AROUND YOUR PROPERTY: You go to all the trouble to protect yourself and your horse. Do not rely on your neighbour to do the same. Maintain a perimeter so that horses across the fence cannot contact each other (3) “QUARANTINE” ANY NEW HORSES: A critical issue. Remember the incubation period where an infected horse can appear normal. Isolate any new horses that arrive at your property. Most important for spelling breeding and training farms (4) IDENTIFY ALL PLANTS AND TREES: Know the identity of all plants and trees on your property and whether they are likely to be potential food sources for bats (5) ELIMINATE FRUIT BAT FOOD SOURCES: If you cannot remove dangerous plants or trees, at least fence them off or prevent your horse having any access (6) FEED & WATER HORSES IN OPEN SPACES or INDOORS: Do not feed or water horses near any possible site where bats may feed, roost, or perch (7) STABLE HORSES or HOLD in “SAFE” YARDS at NIGHT: Bats are most active at night. Ideally do not allow horses outside where bats may be traversing or feeding (8) TPR YOUR HORSE DAILY: So easy and such a basic monitor of your horses health. Any deviation in the horse’s temperature, heart rate, or respiration is something all owner’s should know and is a primary indicator of the horse’s health (9) CLINICALLY ASSESS YOUR HORSE: Owners know their horse and intuitively will pick when the horse is not themselves. Investigate thoroughly any changes in signs, symptoms or behaviour (10) WASH YOUR HANDS: The most important factor of all. Strict personal hygiene is the key component in avoiding infection (11) WEAR DISPOSABLE GLOVES: Always have a box of disposable gloves on hand. Wear them if doing anything with a horse that involves contact with body fluids (12) WEAR PPE: IF IN ANY DOUBT Do not, in any circumstances, approach or attempt to do anything potentially invasive with any suspect horse without adequate personal protection equipment. Leave it to the experts.


What’s on calendar Showjumping

Ju m p i n g

Showjumping NSW www.nswsjc.com North & North West Showjumping Club www.nnwsjc.equestrian.org.au

August 2011 North & North West Showjumping Club hold practice days 3rd Sunday of every month - Tamworth Show Grounds www.nnwsjc.equestrian.org.au Rod Brown Clinic 13th - 14th August NORTH & NORTHWEST SHOWJUMPING CLUB Don Willis Indoor Arena, Tamworth Showground Participants must be members of JNSW and EA Contact Jumping NSW NNWSJC Practice Day 21st August Tamworth Showground Wendy Emery 02 6765 4111 Kootingal Pony Club SJ Comp Kootingal and District Pony Club grounds Entries taken on the day. AM5, Power and Speed, A2. Contact Jo Roberts

28th August


Surrounding areas ~ NSW


Tullamore Show 12th - 13th August Tullamore Showground Contact Mrs Kelly Curr 02 6892 7363 kcurr@ipstarmail.com.au Trundle Show 16th - 17th August Trundle Showground Contact Ian Leonard 02 6892 1173 Ian.leonard@bigpond.com Bedgerebong Show 20th August Bedgerabong Showground Contact Leanne Smith 02 6857 3342

Training the

Going to shows Taking part in competitions is an important part of the young horse’s education. Once the horse is jumping small courses at home in a calm, confident and obedient manner it is time to venture into the competition arena.

ring. Allow 5 minutes or so to get your breath back by quietly walking, and then just before you enter the ring jump a small vertical and oxer. Bear in mind our goal is get the horse jumping with confidence rather than to jump large fences – many riders make too much of the practice fence, jumping it over and over each time raising it a few holes. These riders misuse the horse’s energy and can hardly expect a good performance from a tired and sour horse. This excessive use of the practice fence is often done to hide the rider’s lack of confidence and is generally of no benefit to the horse.

However, no matter how well the young horse jumps at home do not expect, in the beginning, for it to perform as well at competitions. The atmosphere at most shows is tense to say the least and this disturbs the young horse and makes it upset and inattentive to the rider. Practice rings are generally overcrowded with horses going in all directions and the normal activities of an agricultural show may quite overwhelm the horse.

Riding the Course Riding a young horse in their first competitions requires confidence and determination on the part of the rider. Most young horses will approach fences with some degree of hesitation. The rider must be prepared to send the horse energetically forward to each fence, taking care to approach the centre of the fence. Be very careful when the first fence is jumped away from home (in gate or practice area) – most young horses and even some older ones are quite reluctant to do so. When approaching a strange or spooky fence, never trust the horse to jump particularly if it slows down in the last few strides. Expect a refusal or run out and maintain impulsion and control. Our goal should be to maintain an even and controlled canter rhythm and lively impulsion throughout the round. Even if the horse lands on the wrong canter lead for the next turn or becomes disunited it is better to keep going rather than interrupt the rhythm. After the round is finished, before leaving the arena walk a circle in front of the exit and leave the arena calmly on a loose rein.

To accustom the horse to the show atmosphere, it is best to take it first of all to a show where it will not actually compete. Ride the young horse around the show grounds in the company of a quiet companion horse. It may be possible to actually ride in the practice area and competition arena before the events begin or during breaks and this experience is invaluable in getting the young horse confident in new surroundings. For the horse’s first actual competition select an event that is somewhat lower than the heights over which the horse is schooling at home. The reason for this being that every young horse will experience some degree of “stage fright” and be somewhat distracted in their first competitions and we will find it easier to deal with this if the jumps themselves do not present any great difficulty for the horse. Warming up The nature of your warm up routine will depend very much on the horse’s temperament – some horses need more exercise to settle them while others need waking up. Generally a horse should be schooled to not need a very long warming up session. My preference for a difficult or overly fresh horse is to find a quiet corner of the show grounds and work on the flat for 30 minutes or so. A lazy horse requires a short, sharp warm up on the flat – extend the trot and canter over a very short distance, transition to halt and repeat to improve the horse’s impulsion. When you feel that your horse is calm and obedient to your aids on the flat begin with 2 or 3 jumps over a cross pole. Continue with 4 or 5 jumps over a progressively raised vertical. Pay attention to the quality of the canter and maintaining control on approach and after landing. Jump a progressively raised and widened oxer 3 or 4 times; finishing at approximately the height of the fences in the

During the first year of competition, the goal should be to consistently jump clear rounds. When in a jump off against the clock do not attempt to jump the horse at speed – to do so too soon in the horse’s career makes the horse unbalanced and on the forehand causing it to jump in a flatter shape leading to rails down. There is ample time to school the horse in techniques for jumping against the clock when it has gained further maturity and experience in competing. Conclusion The schooling of a show jumper takes time. After a horse’s first few shows, do not decide too soon if it has potential or not. Performances can vary due to many factors – atmosphere, ground conditions and the schooling at home between competitions. Some horses take longer than others to settle into the routine of competing and as long as there is a steady overall improvement in the horse’s rideability and performance, the trainer should be satisfied. It usually takes at least a year of regular competition for a show jumping horse to “learn his trade” and after this time the trainer can make an assessment of the horse’s potential for future progression.

About the Authors Don and Karen Sullivan own River Downs Equestrian Centre, They train and compete their home bred warm blood horses in show jumping and dressage. They also start and train outside horses for clients as well as coaching and conducting clinics.



Gunnedah Winter Showjumping Out & About

North & Northwest Showjumping Club

Results from the height competition at the Don Willis Indoor the 16/17th July. Just a little competition for the members of NNWSJC to have some fun. They got through 150 rounds over the space of the two days, with heights ranging from 50cm to 1.05m with close to 50 registered riders competing. It was an excellent opportunity for members to bring out their greener horses for a low pressure competition indoors, or for younger riders to have an opportunity to ride a course indoors. Sue Bettington from Scone was the course designer and built encouraging courses designed to bring out the best in horse and rider. Riders enjoyed her flowing courses and horses seemed to jump very well. Saturday 16th Arena 1


Sunday, 17th Arena 1

50cm AM5 1st Sophie Hamilton-Smith 2nd Julie Clarke 3rd Matt Letton

Charlie Ashlee’s Lane Mini

50cm Two Phase 1st Sophie Hamilton-Smith 2nd Emily Scrivener 3rd Skye Sylvester

Charlie Mia Keiraville Splash

70cm AM5 1st Sophie Hamilton-Smith 2nd Emily Scrivener 3rd Skye Sylvester

Diva Mia Keiraville Splash

70cm Two Phase 1st Sophie Hamilton-Smith 2nd Emily Scrivener 3rd Sophie Hamilton-Smith

Charlie Mia Diva

85cm AM5 1st Dave Alden 2nd Rae Boland 3rd Rae Boland

Jasper Yarrandoo Bellboy Yarrandoo Cobber

85cm Two Phase 1st Lucy Munt 2nd Laura Munt 3rd Rae Boland

Rockaby Ranger Jack Yarrandoo Bellboy

100cm AM5 1st Nic Geddes 2nd Jade McCusker 3rd Allan McCusker

Rockaby Ranger WF Lightfoot Eaglehill Fabian

8. 100cm Two Phase 1st Lucy Munt 2nd Serena Osborne 3rd Nic Geddes

Dusty Aura Jessie U Turn Bay

1.05m class 1st Nic Geddes 2nd Allan McCusker 3rd Nic Geddes

U Turn Bay Eaglehill Fabian Rockaby Ranger

1.05m class 1st Nic Geddes 2nd Lucy Munt 3rd Lucy Munt

U Turn Bay Dusty Aura Smarty Pants

Equiterr® All Weather Arena Surface & Stable Flooring Solutions After proving its qualities in top European stables over many years, Equiterr’s® range of flooring, paddock and arena solutions are now available in Australia Equiterr’s honeycomb panels create a multi layered drainage system that allows excess water to drain from the surface, reduces erosion and eliminates compaction of the substructure; Equiterr panels are quickly and easily installed on top of a gravel base and are capable of withstanding loads of up to 100,000 lbs per sq.ft; Completely relocatable – the panels simply click into place, allowing them to be easily removed and re-laid should you move house or relocate your areas of use. The panels will not wear or compact and will drain as well after years of use as they do on the very first day. Once laid, the panels require limited expenditure on maintenance.

Melinda Waterhouse

Horse and Riding Wear - Show Horses for Sale - Agistment and Training

ALL WEATHER ARENA SURFACES - suitable for arenas, round yards, muddy yards, around gates and water troughs

mel@kingsparkhorses.com www.kingsparkhorses.com

Phone (02) 6649 2203 or 0488 492 260 PO Box 5192, Glenreagh, NSW, 2450

EquiTerr is a permanently elastic floor panel, specially developed to create a stable and non-skidding surface for riding and exercise areas of all types. EquiTerr can be ridden on in all weather, even during periods of sustained rain. The EquiTerr panels separate your arena substructure from the top layer, stabilizing your arena base and minimising the cost of sand/ rubber needed as a top layer for your arena.

PADDOCK STABILIZING SOLUTIONS - turn muddy areas into well drained, sturdy surfaces with EquiTerr’s heavy duty panels Equiterr’s paddock solutions are ideal for areas such as: Muddy day yards; Gate entrances; Areas under water troughs/ water tanks; Muddy lane ways and farm vehicle paths; Driveways; Drainage trenches etc. Panels are durable and will not wear through even with constant use, for example horses that paw or pace at gate ways etc.

STABLE FLOORING - a self-draining stable flooring solution that reduces your ongoing bedding costs The honeycomb panels create a multi layered drainage system that allows urine to drain from the surface, keeping your horse dry and clean in the stable and reduces your bedding costs; Easy installation – panels are laid on a bedding of course gravel and filled with limestone chips (for optimum drainage). To finish simply spread bedding over the surface; Unlike rubber matting, the panels become a permanent part of your stable structure and will not distort, lift up or move over time. Using less bedding you will save time cleaning stalls and create less waste to dispose of;


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Create Less Work. John Deere have the range to create less work, whether you are carting feed or hay to the stable or paddock, moving sawdust or straw, seeding, slashing or fertilizing pasture, cutting or baling the lucerne, working the arena or even mowing the lawn. The John Deere range is available from full service Tamworth dealers Peel Valley Machinery. Peel Valley Machinery Corner Gunnedah Rd & Dampier St Tamworth PH 6768 3111 AH Glenn Starrit PH 0429 815380 www.peelvalleygroup.com.au


Horse/Agricultural Show

What’s on calendar Show Horse/Agricultural www.agshowsnsw.org.au For more information on any of the shows listed below, please visit the website above...

NSW Agricultual Shows August/September 2011 TULLAMORE P A & H ASSN INC Where: TULLAMORE When: 12 August 2011 - 13 August 2011

NARROMINE AGRIC SHOW SOC INC Where: NARROMINE When: 2 September 2011 - 3 September 2011

MUNGINDI SHOW SOCIETY INC Where: MUNGINDI When: 13 August 2011 - 14 August 2011


TRUNDLE P & A ASSN INC Where: TRUNDLE When: 16 August 2011 - 17 August 2011



MANILDRA P & A ASSN INC Where: MANILDRA When: 3 September 2011

GANMAIN SHOW SOC INC Where: GANMAIN When: 20 August 2011

BARMEDMAN SHOW SOC INC Where: BARMEDMAN When: 3 September 2011 - 4 September 2011


FINLEY SHOW SOC INC Where: FINLEY When: 4 September 2011

PEAK HILL P A & H ASSN INC Where: PEAK HILL When: 23 August 2011 - 24 August 2011


CONDOBOLIN PAH & I ASSN INC Where: CONDOBOLIN When: 26 August 2011 - 27 August 2011

WEST WYALONG SHOW SOC INC Where: WEST WYALONG When: 6 September 2011 - 7 September 2011

BARELLAN SHOW SOC INC Where: BARELLAN When: 27 August 2011

FORBES P A & H ASSN INC Where: FORBES When: 8 September 2011 - 10 September 2011

PENRITH DIST A H & I SOC LTD Where: PENRITH When: 27 August 2011 - 28 August 2011

MURRUMBURRAH HARDEN SHOW SOC INC Where: MURRUMBURRAH When: 9 September 2011 - 10 September 2011

WENTWORTH SHOW SOC INC Where: WENTWORTH When: 27 August 2011 - 28 August 2011

HAY SHOW SOC INC Where: HAY When: 10 September 2011 - 11 September 2011

PARKES P A & H ASSN INC Where: PARKES When: 29 August 2011 - 31 August 2011

QUIRINDI SHOW SOC INC Where: QUIRINDI When: 10 September 2011 - 11 September 2011

GRENFELL P A H & I ASSN INC Where: GRENFELL When: 2 September 2011 - 3 September 2011


COWRA SHOW SOC INC Where: COWRA When: 13 September 2011 - 14 September 2011


60 60

Best sporting pic PHOTO COMPETITION

1st Place Congratulations to Eliza from Tamworth! Eliza wins a $50 voucher from her local produce!

2nd Place

3rd Place SEPTEMBER EDITION - Entries close the 17th August

“Best REFUSAL photo”


The winner from each months competition will go in the end of year GRAND FINAL. There will be 2 Winners, 1 winner will be judged by the readers and the other winner will be judged by one of our AMAZING sponsors! Keep checking here for details..... GRAND FINAL WINNERS will be announced in our DEC/JAN edition along with the winning photos...... Great GRAND FINAL Prizes to be won........ 61 61

Western Performance/Reining 62

What’s on calendar Western Performance/Reining NSW Reining Horse Association www.reiningnsw.com Tamworth District Western Performance & Appaloosa Club www.freewebs.com/tamappy1 New England Quarter Horse Association www.freewebs.com/neqha

REINING August/September 2011 REINING AUSTRALIA CHAMPIONSHIPS 2011 Event Description: Monday 15 to Monday 22 August 2011 Reining Australia Office hours 6pm – 9pm, Phone: (03) 5433 2054 Fax: (03) 5433 2054 Email: secretary@reiningaustralia.com.au Website: www.reiningaustralia.com.au

WESTERN PERFORMANCE August/September 2011 Hack & B- GradeWestern and All Breeds Show New England Quarter Horse Association www.freewebs.com/neqha

21st August

Hack & B- GradeWestern and All Breeds Show New England Quarter Horse Association www.freewebs.com/neqha

17th September

In your spins, count: One, Two, Three, WHOA. If you count: one, two, three, four you are virtually guaranteed to over spin. Similarly, if you lose count, stop when you think you’ve completed three spins. While you lost count, you were still moving, so it’s likely that you’ll actually make four spins. Interestingly, you’ll rarely see someone spin three times, but you will often see people make five spins instead of four. Don’t rush yourself or your horse. Keep your hand very slow as you initiate the spin: give your horse time. Don’t over cue and drag him into the turn. If you simply wait, he’ll probably start to turn (and do so correctly). If, instead, you move your hand too far over the centre of the horse’s neck, you’ll restrict his movement and make it impossible for him to turn correctly. For the shut off, practice how much time your horse needs. If you need to say “whoa” a quarter of a turn early, pick a marker that you can use, so that when you’re lined up with that marker, you’ll say “whoa.”

When your stops are in the centre of the pen, roll back toward the judges. When you run down the arena sides, roll back toward the wall.

You’ll put in a much better show ring performance if you can relax: Try making a light comment to someone as you walk in, and do it with a big smile. This will help to to lighten the tension some, and make everything much less stressful. Rotate the wrist of your free hand--any movement will help your muscles relax. Or yawn or move your head from side to side. In the pen, smile--and remember to breathe (if you breathe deeply, your body will automatically relax). Remember to take your time--count to five before doing any manoeuvre. As you ride each manoeuvre, focus on communicating with your horse: glance at his head and ears. If his head is tipped to the outside, your outside rein is probably too short; try to even the reins so that your horse is between the reins. Don’t think about the manoeuvres you’ve completed (that score is recorded) or the manoeuvres to come (you’ll get there soon enough). Stay “in the moment” and perform the manoeuvre that’s called for. Figure out when you should be ready to go in the ring. Estimate that each go will take 4 minutes; each drag, about 6 minutes. Run in patterns may go faster. Green horse or rider classes may go slower (we like to walk very slowly to the middle if we can). Here’s the schedule one non pro uses: I plan to be *on* my horse 15 draws ahead of time. Plan to be at the in-gate 3-4 horses ahead of time. I would rather be early than late so I tack up 25 horses ahead and keep track of how fast the class is going, any scratches, etc. Rookie classes and classes on the last day of the show have many scratches. Know what draw is in the pen. Have a dependable buddy who can hang by the gate and come let you know when they are 5 horses ahead of you. That way you can just work on your warm up and not worry about time. When they are 5 horses ahead, you can work that problem manoeuvre one last time...or...get your horse thinking about the first manoeuvre in the pattern. You need to be at the gate 3 horses ahead or the gate keeper will get you. Get your show outfit on 2 classes ahead, put your chaps on 30 horses ahead, get the splint boots ready, etc. When you are at the gate, check your number, take your nose band off, put your chaps on, roll your sleeves down, and secure your hat. Mentally, go through your pattern again and again. Find someone you can tell the pattern to. The sliding stop and rollback, for instance, consist of 5 individual components: 1. the lope/run around the end 2. the approach 3. the stop 4. the rollback 5. the exit from the rollback If you think about managing each part of the manoeuvre, you’ll be likely to increase your score. Remember, an awful lot of the minuses in scores for stops are the result of the approach (too fast, so that the horse is slowing down rather than gaining speed when the stop is initiated; running toward the wall instead of in a straight line, for example). “U” turn rollbacks, in which the horse makes a small half circle instead of rocking back on his hocks for a 180-degree turn are also common--and costly.


Horses For Sale Genuine Cutting or Campdraft prospect

Pepto Stylish Oak, Bay Colt DOB: 23/10/2010 Breeding: Sire- Pepto Stylish Oak (Imp) Dam- Smart Lethal Star (Sire :Echuca So Smart Dam: Lethal Spin) $5,500.00 Tony Ernst 0401123268 Or 0267680151


2 1/5 yo Cremello filly. Smart, sensible and quiet. No fuss - good to float, tie up, trim, drench, rug etc good around bikes & dogs. Nice type and good conformation. Currently around 13.1hh. Green broken and showing promise. $1,800.00 QUIRINDI 0411 950 663


Quarter Horse gelding, rising 6yrs old, 14.1hh. Quiet, ridden by kids with no worries. Good with dogs, motorbikes etc. Easy to c/f/w/s etc. Been out to Cutting clinics, worked on mechanical cow and heard. Smart, trainable nature, take to anything. $4,000.00 Contact: 0427 165 010


Miniature stallion, black/brown, 5yr old, roughly 33 inches. Good to c/t/r/f. Proven sire, can be gelded. Used as companion pony. In paddock condition. To good, loving experienced home only. Regretful sale. Urgent. $400.00 ono Mob: 0412454666 Home: 67694344


Due to a large number of horses and foals due this season, we must cut down on our horse numbers. These horses are sound and have been maintained regularly with farrier, teeth and worming. Handled by professional horsemen, these horses are reasonably priced, for genuine sale and all must go. REGISTERED QUARTER HORSE MARE. 3 year old flashy chestnut by Doc’s Shabang out of Doc’s Nellene. Recently broken, lots of talent, great stopper. Her breeding is full of cow sense. Will make a super campdraft, reiner or team penning prospect. $3,500 ONO. REGISTERED QUARTER HORSE GELDING. “Dickie Nee” Rising 2 yrs old by Temonee (Imp) out of Dixie Morn (producer of AQHA champions). “Dickie” is a BIG, handsome young gelding. He has been saddled and is ready to go on with. A lovely temperament and great movement makes him a real prospect for the 2012 Two Year Old futurities. He has a big stride and would also suit hacking and/or dressage. $3,500. SOLID PAINT YEARLING GELDING “Arteest” PHAA Reg.No.. B11529 Sire: Temonee (Imp) Dam: Not Just A Pretty Face (Champion producing mare) This lovely gelding is not only a super halter prospect but is extremely quiet and will be a stunning show horse. “Artie” was the winner of the Champion Solid Paint Colt Futurity at the SE Qld Futurity Show in 2010 and Reserve Champion in the Solid Paint Futurity. He has also won Yearling Lungeline classes. He’s a dream to show at halter, stands square and is very sensible in the show arena. Arty is extremely quiet with a lovely nature ideal for Amateur rider. He has been saddled and ready to go on with later in the year. He has super movement and is slow legged with a naturally slow lope. This horse will most definitely make a 2 year old Futurity prospect. $3,500. CONTACT D & S WILLIAMS : (02) 6769 1502 / 0459 691500


Classifieds WANTED

WANTED - Quiet gelding, solid type, 15.2 - 16hh. Nothing under about 5yrs , breed not important but MUST be solid build & quiet/have inate gentle, trainable nature. Will be trained as a trick riding horse so needs to be in good health with no previous injuries. Guaranteed caring and experienced home. Have a very small budget so must be at the right price! 0409 987 152 or mel@southernstarsequestrian.com.au WANTED – Registered GREY ASH MARE. Attractive Grey Mare, Steel or white (not flea-bitten) 15.0hhs +, 5 -11yrs, No QH breeding in the first generation of pedigree, must be quiet and able to be ridden after a spell. To suit intermediate rider for Team Penning, Campdrafts, & Stock Work, we are looking for the ultimate family horse that is good to handle in every way. We were blessed to have owned such a horse and lost her recently. I am prepared to travel anywhere and pay the right money for the right horse. Great home assured. If you have a horse that you think fits this criteria please contact me. Amanda Riordan Upper Hunter Valley NSW (02) 65466255 0428414256

FOR SALE ~ Horses

‘ELVIS’ Mini Shetland stallion looking for a new home. Aged pony that has been with us since 2yrs old. Very quiet, easy to handle, unbroken, teathers, leads, floats, lunges etc. For sale with rugs and halter. To go to good home $300.00 67 698 337 or 0418 430 188 QUARTER HORSE GELDING - Aged. 15.2hh. Is educated and has been shown. Used most recently for trail riding. Lovely horse to ride and only for sale due as older rider can no longer ride. Can be left for long periods of time and ridden out with no worries. Good , caring home required. $1,500.00 67 698 337 or 0418 430 188

Get the word out there!

Classifieds for ONLY $10 per month!!! Horse for sale ads just $30 per month!!! EMAIL: info@tdlhorsemag.com.au or phone 0409 987 152 65


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8 JuLY 2011 11AM - ENtrIES CLOSE: 4 JuLy 2011


12 AuguST 2011 11AM - ENtrIES CLOSE: 8 AuGuSt 2011



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