2015 LGBTQ Muslim Retreat - MASGD

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2015 LGBTQ Muslim Retreat

Muslim Alliance for Sexual and Gender Diversity Our Mission The Muslim Alliance for Sexual and Gender Diversity (MASGD) works to support, empower and connect LGBTQ Muslims. We seek to challenge root causes of oppression, including misogyny and xenophobia. We aim to increase the acceptance of gender and sexual diversity within Muslim communities, and to promote a progressive understanding of Islam that is centered on inclusion, justice, and equality.

www.muslimalliance.org Retreat Goals •

To create a safe space where we can bring our whole selves.

To (re)connect with our faith, our community, and with ourselves.

To discover (or recover) what self-care and play mean to us

To learn from each other and our community, and share our personal experiences with one another.

To create new friendships (and bonds) within our community.

To engage in sacred experiences together and gain a sense of peace.

To engage in meaningful dialogue with each other around concerns facing our community.

To empower and inspire one another.

To have fun!

Goals Welcome from MASGD Message from the Co-chairs Planning team


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Inclusive Prayer Spaces Schedule Crossword Sponsors

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Welcome to the 2015 Retreat 
 for LGBTQ Muslims and Partners! On behalf of the Muslim Alliance for Sexual and Gender Diversity (MASGD), we want to express our deep gratitude and admiration for each of you in attendance this year, whether this is your first or third time. This annual retreat is truly a transformative time for many of us, and has become a critical place for our community members to connect, reflect and celebrate the many identities and experiences present. A key component of MASGD's mission is to increase the acceptance of gender and sexual diversity within Muslim communities, and to promote a progressive understanding of Islam that is centered on inclusion, justice and equality. We also know that work is only possible when the well-being of ourselves and our communities is central. To that end, we’re so excited that this year’s theme is play and self-care - sustainability at its finest. Albert Einstein called play the highest form of research -- with that in mind, over the next three days we invite you to dig deep and learn about ourselves and each other; to explore the multiple dimensions of our communities that connect us, provoke us and challenge us to imagine a different kind of world - then to take that back to our home communities and continue the work. Blessings and thanks to the incredible fortitude of the Retreat Planning Committee, Retreat Co-Chairs, and the MASGD Steering Committee this year! None of this is possible without each of them. We are so honored to have a hand in this journey with you -- and a few belly laughs, inshallah! In solidarity and community, Yasmin Ahmed & imi rashid, Co-Coordinators
 Muslim Alliance for Sexual and Gender Diversity (MASGD)

MASGD Steering Committee

Yasmin Ahmed Faisal Alam Urooj Arshad
 Tynan Power

imi rashid Raquel Evita Saraswati Sahar Shafqat Terna Hamida Tilley-Gyado


Note from the co-chairs Bismillah ar Rahman ar Raheem In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful Beloved Community, Welcome to the 2015 Retreat for LGBTQ Muslims! As our community continues to expand and deepen, this year we focus on self-care and play. All too often as we strive to ensure that we and our communities thrive, or sometimes simply survive, our selfcare strategies fall to the wayside. Self-care is the means through which we feed our spirits, hearts and bodies so that we can be present in our lives. This year’s Retreat seeks to offer opportunities to refresh, recharge and recover. Additionally, it offers us the opportunity to create new self-care plans. Play is an incredibly important aspect of the human experience, that often gets pushed aside in a society that expects us to focus on serious issues and being “grownup.” What is Play? Play is the space in which you allow your creativity and spirit to wander in which ever direction they are drawn to without the expectation of a specific result. It allows us to explore and discover things within ourselves and each other. Play brings happiness and joy and is vital to creating a balanced and healthy you. We hope this weekend nourishes body, mind and soul. Additionally, it is our hope each of you will make new and/or deepen connections with the other folks here. May we all share this space with open hearts. We invite attendees to take advantage of the offerings of the retreat center, including delicious healthy meals, paths to explore and art space.

Retreat Planning Team El-Farouk Freedom ToBe Garrett Kaamila

Lynn Palmer Saara Sadaf ~4~

Sadiya Siraj Terna Ty

Theme 2015: Play & Self-Care The retreat provides a unique opportunity to embrace all the identities and traits that Allah has blessed you with. Use this time to let all your complexities shine together in this safe and nurturing environment. Take the opportunity to revel in this space where we encourage you to be your whole true self. Thanks to the efforts of the dedicated group of individuals who make up this year’s planning team, we are looking forward to a powerful and transformative weekend. The retreat would not be possible without the hard work of the planning committee; please take a moment to thank them for all their efforts in creating a successful weekend.


We are excited to welcome everyone to this beautiful retreat center and hope that each of you leaves the retreat with delicious, sustaining heart food.

Be well, Palmer Shepherd & Terna Tilley-Gyado Co-Chairs


Inclusive & Welcoming Prayer Spaces Prayer can be immensely powerful, beautiful and nourishing. Yet many lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) Muslims are often ostracized and isolated from families and communities, leading many to stop practicing their faith. For some queer women and transgender people the challenges of stepping into a masjid (mosque) are further confounded by gender segregation and the imposition of binary gender norms. The right to pray safely where we choose is often taken away from us. As LGBTQ Muslims who aim to create inclusive communities, we strive to create places of worship that are welcoming to all regardless of one’s sexual orientation or gender identity. We also welcome our partners, families of choice and allies to participate in a religious ritual that may hold great significance in our lives

Participation in salat With these thoughts in mind, our retreat welcomes every person to participate in the daily salat (prayers). The following points highlight the perspectives we hold essential in creating inclusive places of worship, such as the that of the retreat. • We understand that the ritual of salat may be painful for many of us. We hold one another in support and love in our congregation. • Whether you pray regularly or not, we invite you to this open and welcoming space. If it has been a while, there will be opportunities to learn anew. • You may wear whatever clothing you are most comfortable in. As an inclusive community we do not judge each other.


• Please stand wherever you feel most comfortable. People are welcome to pray side by side and next to one another, regardless of gender. We are one community. • Ours is a gender equitable space. Women are encouraged and welcome to lead prayer. We understand that every human being has spiritual agency. Additionally, as a community committed to social justice we understand that we must break the bonds of sexism and male privilege. • Ours is a non-denominational space. Folks are welcome and encouraged to lead according to the tradition of their sect, Sunni, Sufi, Shi’a or otherwise. This is part of how we come to know and experience the diversity in our community.

Participation in other forms of worship

It is our aim to offer space and time to meet the worship needs of all attendees. In addition to regularly scheduled salat , participants may wish to worship in other ways that are traditional in their sect or, for partners, another faith tradition. For example, Sufi zikr is offered as a group activity open 
 to all. Not all such opportunities for worship are open to everyone, however. Some sects—-especially those that have been oppressed in Sunni majority communities—prefer to worship with others who share their beliefs and traditions. Please be mindful of whether such worship spaces are open or “closed.” It is our intention to create space for all attendees to worship—or refrain from worship—freely, safely, and joyfully in ways that are comfortable for them. In turn, we ask all attendees to become the embodiment of that intention, by extending respect and support to one another, however they may or may not worship. Allah, Ya Rabb alamin, alone knows what is in our hearts. 
 We seek the Divine’s guidance in all that we do. Amin.


Retreat Schedule Friday ~ May 23




1:30pm – 2:00pm


2:00pm – 2:45pm

Salat al-­‐Jum’a – Friday Prayers

3:00pm – 4:00pm

Welcome and Orienta9on

4:00pm – 4:45pm

Ice Breakers

4:50pm – 5:20pm

Salat al-­‐'Asr

5:30pm – 6:15pm

6:30pm – 7:10pm

Self-­‐Care and Play Retreat Theme Why are self-­‐care and play & Expecta9ons important? What do they mean? How have we integrated these themes into the Retreat this year? Dinner

7:15pm – 8:15pm

PLENARY 1: Gender Iden9ty

8:15pm – 8:45pm

Salat al-­‐Maghrib

8:45pm – 9:30pm

Kinship/Spirituality Groups: Introduc9ons

An introduc9on to Kinship groups and their func9on in the Retreat space.

9:45pm – 10:45pm


Sufi medita9on

10:45pm – 11:00pm

Salat al-­‐Isha


An Introduc9on to the Retreat, the community, and guidelines for a safe and fulfilling experience for all par9cipants Let’s get to know each other!

What are common frameworks and misconcep9ons around sex, gender, and orienta9on? How do we approach them at the Retreat?

Retreat Schedule Saturday ~ May 24




5:15am – 5:30am

Salat al-­‐Fajr

5:45am – 7:00am

Dhikr -­‐ Conversa9ons and Prac9ce

An introduc9on to and prac9ce of Dhikr in its various forms and tradi9ons.

7:15am – 8:00am 8:00am – 8:40am

Addic9on Recovery Support Breakfast

A gathering space for those living with addic9on

8:45am – 9:45am

Skills Session I

ReflecBve wriBng: Lightly prompted wri9ng to )get your crea9vity flowing. Prayer 101: An introduc9on to Namaz/ Salat Improv Exercises: Improvisa9onal exercises focused on healing conversa9ons and construc9ve problem solving.

10:00am – 11:30am

Plenary II: Self Care and This workshop will explore what self-­‐care Play and play mean/has meant in your lives. What do you want self-­‐care and play to look like going forward? What supports do you have in your life to help you a_ain/maintain healthy self-­‐care and play balance? What supports do you need? What barriers are in the way? How might those be addressed? And of course we will have fun!! You will also have the opportunity to share your self-­‐care prac9ces.

11:30am – 12:00pm

Kinship Groups: Furthering the Conversa9on

12:20pm – 1:00pm


Break out into Kinship groups in order to further conversa9ons, and create concrete plans for implemen9ng self care and play strategies in our lives.


Retreat Schedule Saturday ~ May 24




1:15pm – 1:45pm

Salat al-­‐Dhuhr

2:00pm – 3:30pm

Workshop Session I

CreaBng Community Online and Offline Quenching AcBvism Burn Out

3:45pm – 5:15pm

Workshop Session II

PoliBcs of Desire and FeBshism Disability and Ableism: CreaBng Accessible CommuniBes and Movements The HaunBng Memories Group Free Expression: Create Something Meaningful!

5:30pm – 6:00pm

Salat al-­‐'Asr

6:00pm – 6:40pm


7:00pm – 8:30pm

Play: Me, My Mom, And Sharmila, followed by facilitated Q&A

8:30pm – 9:00pm

Salat al-­‐Maghrib

9:15pm – 10:30pm


A solo play wri_en by Fawzia Mirza exploring intersec9ng iden9ty, family, and growing up South Asian and Queer in today's world. Speed Networking: Get to know your fellow Retreat par9cipants, answer silly ques9ons, and watch as you see community built right in front of your eyes. Movie

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Retreat Schedule Sunday ~ May 25




5:15am – 5:30am

Salat al-­‐Fajr

5:45am – 7:00am


7:15am – 8:00am 8:00am – 8:40am

Addic9on Recovery Support Breakfast

8:45am – 9:45am

Skills Session II

A con9nued explora9on into the prac9ce of dhikr in its various forms and tradi9ons. A gathering space for those living with addic9on ReflecBve wriBng: Lightly prompted wri9ng to get your crea9vity flowing. Prayer 101: An introduc9on to Namaz/ Salat

10:00am – 11:30am 11:40am -­‐ 1:00pm

Plenary III: The Qur’an as a Healing En9ty Nikah & Recep9on

1:00pm – 1:40pm


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Improv Exercises: Improvisa9onal exercises focused on healing conversa9ons and construc9ve problem solving. Nikah ceremony for a long-­‐9me community member and their partner. All a_endees are cordially invited to witness the ceremony.

Retreat Schedule Sunday ~ May 25




1:50pm – 2:20pm

Salat al-­‐Dhuhr

2:30pm – 4:00pm

Workshop Session III

Queering Sacred Space HIV Pedagogy of AcBon

4:10pm – 5:40pm

Plenary IV: Marginalized Iden99es

5:50pm – 6:20pm

Salat al-­‐'Asr

6:30pm – 7:10pm


7:15pm – 8:15pm

Add A Session and Caucusing

8:20pm – 8:50pm

Salat al-­‐Maghrib

9:00pm – 10:15pm

Talent/No-­‐Talent Show

Salat al-­‐Isha

~ 12 ~

(Not) Coming Out: Sharing Our Stories No ma_er how inclusive a movement aims to be, there are voices that are not heard, for various reasons. This plenary is about listening to those stories, and learning how, as a community, we can lil the voices of those who are too olen silenced.

Converts Caucus Trans Caucus Create your own session: Organize or create spaces for whatever you would like to discuss. Come one, come all, share your gils (or lack thereof) with the community! The signup sheet will be located by the registra9on table, and we are limi9ng the number of acts this year, so sign up quickly!

Retreat Schedule Monday ~ May 26



5:15am – 5:30am

Salat al-­‐Fajr

5:45am – 7:00am


7:30 am – 8:10am


8:10 am – 8:45 am

Addic9on Recovery Support Room Packing and Keys

8:45am – 9:15am 9:30am – 10:30am

DESCRIPTION A con9nued explora9on into the prac9ce of Dhikr in its various forms and tradi9ons.

10:45am – 11:15am

The Crisis of Islamic Masculini9es Feedback Session

11:15am – 12:15pm

Closing Session

12:20m – 1:00pm


1:15pm – 1:45pm

Salat al-­‐Dhuhr

2:00pm – 3:00pm

Planning Mee9ng for 2016 Retreat

Come, come, whoever you are. Wanderer, worshipper, lover of leaving — it doesn't matter, Ours is not a caravan of despair. Come, even if you have broken your vow a hundred times, Come, come again, come. ―Rumi

Please join us again in 2016! ~ 13 ~

Retreat Crossword Puzzle Have fun (and maybe learn a thing or two)!

(One popular spelling of the Arabic word)



~ 14 ~

A/D3 B63 2/B3 30

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Sending love to our southern LGBTQ Muslim community!

Education - Advocacy - Activism - Empowerment


info@masstpc.org www.masstpc.org


617-778-0519 PO Box 960784 Boston, MA 02196

Congratulations on another great LGBTQ Muslim Retreat! OUR VISION: THE 3RS

Advocates for Youth envisions a society that views sexuality as normal and healthy and treats young people as a valuable resource. The core values of Rights. Respect. Responsibility.ÂŽ (3Rs) animate this vision. Advocates for Youth champions efforts that help young people make informed and responsible decisions about their reproductive and sexual health. Advocates believes it can best serve the field by boldly advocating for a more positive and realistic approach to adolescent sexual health. Advocates focuses its work on young people ages 14-25 in the U.S. and around the globe.

Rights. Respect. Responsibility.


~ 15 ~

It’s time to have a different conversation about the intersection of religion and reproductive justice.

www.rcrc.org ~ 16 ~ Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice

NCLR is proud to support the Muslim Alliance for Sexual and Gender Diversity at your 2015 Retreat.

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Notes & Contacts

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MASGD and the LGBTQ Muslim 
 Retreat offer special thanks to our fi s c a l s p o n s o r N Q A P I A ( www.nqapia.org ) and the Task Force (www.thetaskforce.org), whose support fostered MASGD’s growth from dream to reality.





CHICAGO AUGUST 6th to 9th A national conference of LGBTQ Asian Americans, South Asians, Southeast Asians, and Pacific Islanders (API) to network, organize, educate, and build capacity.

Queer APIs Building Community, Solidarity & Movement Contact nqapia@gmail.com for more information, propose a workshop, or join the planning committee. www.nqapia.org www.nqapia.org Highlights: •South Asian Convening •Southeast Asian Convening •Workshops and Nationally Renowned Speakers Location: University of Illinois at Chicago •Cultural performances •NQAPIA Community Catalyst Awards Banquet Housing: Crowne Plaza Chicago Metro Downtown •National Strategy Meeting of LGBT AAPIs 733 West Madison Street; Chicago, IL 60661 •Parents Convening Special NQAPIA Rate $139/night •Youth Gathering •Plenaries on Transgender Issues & International Issues

Registration Fee: $225

(Scholarships and limited income rate available)

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MASGD thanks the many donors whose generosity has made possible the 
 2015 LGBTQ Muslim Retreat.

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