2016 LGBT Muslim Retreat program book

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2016 LGBTQ

Muslim Retreat

Muslim Alliance for Sexual and Gender Diversity Our Mission The Muslim Alliance for Sexual and Gender Diversity (MASGD) works to support, empower and connect LGBTQ Muslims. We seek to challenge root causes of oppression, including misogyny and xenophobia. We aim to increase the acceptance of gender and sexual diversity within Muslim communities, and to promote a progressive understanding of Islam that is centered on inclusion, justice, and equality.

www.muslimalliance.org Retreat Goals •

To create a safe space where we can bring our whole selves.

To (re)connect with our faith, our community, and with ourselves.

To discover (or recover) what self-care and play mean to us

To learn from each other and our community, and share our personal experiences with one another.

To create new friendships (and bonds) within our community.

To engage in sacred experiences together and gain a sense of peace.

To engage in meaningful dialogue with each other around concerns facing our community.

To empower and inspire one another.

To have fun!

Contents Goals Welcome from MASGD Message from the Co-chairs Planning Team

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Social Media Guidelines Inclusive Prayer Spaces Schedule Sponsors & Donors

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Welcome to the 2016 Retreat 
 for LGBTQ Muslims and Partners! The Muslim Alliance for Sexual and Gender Diversity (MASGD) welcomes you to our 6th annual retreat — whether this is your first time with us or your sixth. We know that the retreat is transformative and empowering. It is also a vitally important place for our community members to connect, reflect and celebrate the many identities and experiences present. MASGD's mission hinges on two aims: to increase the acceptance of gender and sexual diversity within Muslim communities, and to promote a progressive understanding of Islam that is centered on inclusion, justice and equality. This year's theme, "Showing Up For Our Community," speaks to those core MASGD values. In the past few years, many in our LGBTQ Muslim community have faced extraordinary challenges: police brutality faced by Black Americans and the backlash against #BlackLivesMatter, abhorrent and hateful anti-Muslim diatribes by politicians vying for our highest national office, a spate of antitransgender legislation, and much more. In times like these, it is essential that we bear witness to each other's challenges — even when they differ from our own — and that we show up, not just as allies but as partners in a struggle for liberation that must include all of us. We are deeply grateful and awed by the incredible work of the Retreat Planning Committee, Retreat Co-Chairs, and all the members of our MASGD Steering Committee — including our four new members who jumped in with both feet, ready to join our work! In solidarity and community,
 Raquel and Terna

MASGD Steering Committee Sadiya Abjani

Urooj Arshad

Tynan Power

Sahar Shafqat

Yasmin Ahmed

Mirna H.

imi rashid

Malcolm Shanks

Faisal Alam

Kaamila Mohamed

Raquel Evita Saraswati

Terna Hamida Tilley-Gyado


Note from the co-chairs Bismillah ar Rahman ar Raheem
 In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Beloved Community,

Welcome to the 2016 LGBTQ Muslim retreat! Each year, the Programming Committee selects a theme for the retreat based on participant feedback and current needs of the community. This year’s theme is Showing Up For Our Community. Our retreat will be a journey to understand our needs as a community, and how we can support it by being present for ourselves and one another by, intentionally and unintentionally, creating spaces for our community. We will explore what it means to strengthen spaces to ensure everyone is represented, every voice is heard, and everyone is being seen. We often struggle with how to advocate for ourselves and our community circle as we deal with marginalization in the society and our families. Many times the most difficult struggle in our journeys is manifesting and following through on the intent to show up for situations that benefit ourselves, and this can be in the form of institutionalized care, mental and physical exercises, spiritual exploration, or a host of other things. One of the most powerful tools that each one of us has the ability to do is to create intentional space for growth and support as a way to invite peace and happiness into our lives.

Retreat Planning Team Co-chairs: Sadiya Omar Cherese

Aisha Afzal Aneezah Faisal Garrett ~4~

Hala Haseeb Jei Kaamila Kelly

Note from the co-chairs Our goal is to use this retreat from our external life and responsibilities to isolate those issues that affect us most strongly, learn ways or options to institute practices to show up for our community and to work with these issues, as well as creating plans for maintaining a balance between showing up for ourselves and others within the community. We hope this weekend nourishes body, mind and soul. Additionally, it is our hope each of you will make new connections and/or deepen existing ones with one another. May we all share this space with open hearts. We invite attendees to take advantage of the offerings of the retreat center, including delicious healthy meals, paths to explore and art space. We are looking forward to a powerful and transformative weekend together. The 
 retreat would not be possible without the hard work of the planning committee; 
 please take a moment to thank them for all their efforts in creating a successful weekend. Be well, Sadiya, Omar & Cherese Co-Chairs

Social Media/Web Notes • For social media, please use #MASGDRetreat2016 or tag @TheMASGD. • Please do not post photos of fellow participants without their explicit consent! • For the safety of all participants, we do not disclose the retreat's location. Please help us to keep the location confidential by not tagging the location, turning off social media GPS/location tracking on your phone, and avoiding posting photos that reveal the location (e.g. signage). • Have great photos or a piece of writing about the retreat to share? Please email them to lgbtmuslimretreat@gmail.com.

Retreat Planning Team Laila Lubabah Lynn Mirna Mouhamadou

Noura Sadaf Sara Saara Shan ~5~

Siraj Tynan Wardah

Inclusive & Welcoming Prayer Spaces Prayer can be immensely powerful, beautiful and nourishing. Yet many lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) Muslims are often ostracized and isolated from families and communities, leading many to stop practicing their faith. For some queer women and transgender people the challenges of stepping into a masjid (mosque) are further confounded by gender segregation and the imposition of binary gender norms. The right to pray safely where we choose is often taken away from us. As LGBTQ Muslims who aim to create inclusive communities, we strive to create places of worship that are welcoming to all regardless of one’s sexual orientation or gender identity. We also welcome our partners, families of choice and allies to participate in a religious ritual that may hold great significance in our lives

Participation in salat With these thoughts in mind, our retreat welcomes every person to participate in the daily salat (prayers). The following points highlight the perspectives we hold essential in creating inclusive places of worship, such as the that of the retreat. • We understand that the ritual of salat may be painful for many of us. We hold one another in support and love in our congregation. • Whether you pray regularly or not, we invite you to this open and welcoming space. If it has been a while, there will be opportunities to learn anew. • You may wear whatever clothing you are most comfortable in. As an inclusive community we do not judge each other.


• Please stand wherever you feel most comfortable. People are welcome to pray side by side and next to one another, regardless of gender. We are one community. • Ours is a gender equitable space. Women are encouraged and welcome to lead prayer. We understand that every human being has spiritual agency. Additionally, as a community committed to social justice we understand that we must break the bonds of sexism and male privilege. • Ours is a non-denominational space. Folks are welcome and encouraged to lead according to the tradition of their sect, Sunni, Sufi, Shi’a or otherwise. This is part of how we come to know and experience the diversity in our community.

Participation in other forms of worship

It is our aim to offer space and time to meet the worship needs of all attendees. In addition to regularly scheduled salat, participants may wish to worship in other ways that are traditional in their sect or faith tradition. Throughout the retreat, a meditation and solitary prayer space is available for participants who would like to use it and daily Sufi dhikr is scheduled. Not all such opportunities for worship are open to everyone, however. Some sects—-especially those that have been oppressed in Sunni majority communities—prefer to worship with others who share their beliefs and traditions. Please be mindful of whether such worship spaces are open to all or “closed.” It is our intention to create space for all attendees to worship—or refrain from worship—freely, safely, and joyfully in ways that are comfortable for them. In turn, we ask all attendees to become the embodiment of that intention, by extending respect and support to one another, however they may or may not worship. Allah, Ya Rabb alamin, alone knows what is in our hearts. 
 We seek the Divine’s guidance in all that we do. Amin.


Retreat Schedule Friday ~ May 27




1:30pm – 2:00pm


2:00pm – 2:45pm

Salat al-Jum’a – Friday Prayers

3:00pm – 4:00pm

Welcome and OrientaEon

4:00pm – 4:45pm

Ice Breakers

4:50pm – 5:20pm

Salat al-'Asr

5:30pm – 6:15pm

Showing up for Our Community: Retreat Theme & ExpectaEons

6:30pm – 7:10pm


7:10pm – 7:30pm

Volunteer MeeAng

7:15pm – 8:15pm

Main Session 1
 Gender IdenEty

8:15pm – 8:45pm

Salat al-Maghrib

8:45pm – 9:30pm

Kinship Groups: IntroducEons

9:30pm – 9:45pm

Kinship Group Leader meeAng

9:45pm – 10:45pm


Both an open, mixed gender prayer space AND a meditaAon and solitary prayer space are available for parAcipants who would like to pray. An introducAon to the retreat, the planning team, safe space guidelines, the retreat center and the goals of this year’s retreat. 
 Get to know your fellow parAcipants! Understanding the theme of this year’s retreat and expectaAons for our Ame together.

This very important session is for everyone to a1end. Sexuality and gender are on a spectrum on which each of us occupies a unique spot. This plenary will focus on the fluidity of gender and sexuality, as well as the importance of understanding terminology, respecAng an individual’s place on this spectrum, and using idenAty pronouns correctly. Get to know your kinship group!

Islamic meditaAon


Retreat Schedule Saturday ~ May 28




5:15am – 5:30am

Salat al-Fajr

5:45am – 7:00am


Islamic meditaAon

7:15am – 8:00am

AddicAon Recovery Support

A space of support, empowerment and solidarity for anyone living with addicAon

8:00am – 8:40am


9:00am – 10:00am

Morning Session

• Art Therapy 
 Join us for a creaAve morning session. Together, we'll explore our creaAvity and generate brand new work in a supporAve environment. I will offer you wriAng and other creaAve prompts, but feel free to ignore the prompt, and write and create on your own. This space is for you! You can bring a paper and your favorite pen or pencil. Everyone is welcome. 
 • Trail Walk 
 Follow your guide around the beauAful woodchip trails of the retreat center. Walk through the trees, pass by the pond, and discover the greenhouse. 
 • Showing Up for Self-Defense 
 A workshop that will focus on creaAng a space to allow its parAcipants to empower themselves by learning universally effecAve marAal arts techniques via moving meditaAons.


Retreat Schedule Saturday ~ May 28




10:00am – 12:00pm

Main Session II
 From Mental Illness to Wellness: A Personal, Spiritual and PoliEcal Tale

A writer, acAvist, aZorney and award-winning author will share her deeply personal experiences both struggling and thriving with a psychiatric disability (bipolar disorder) from a unique Iranian-American Muslim feminist perspecAve. In addiAon to sharing her own experiences, she will broaden the scope of this session to include a discussion of advocacy and intersecAonality in the fight against sanism and ableism. The enAre second half of the session will be reserved for quesAons, comments and discussion.

12:20pm – 1:00pm


1:00pm – 2:00pm

Marketplace open

Trans caucus lunch: Transgender and gender non-binary aZendees are invited to lunch together outside, weather permi_ng.

1:30pm – 2:00pm

Salat al-Dohr

2:00pm – 3:30pm

Workshop Session I

• HaunAng: Using Your Physical Absence as a Tool (Discussion and Zine Workshop)
 • Prayer 101
 An introductory session to the physical and mental act of Salat/Namaz which will include a discussion on the different ways of performing Salat/Namaz, as well as a step-by-step walk through. 
 • Community Building Through Laughter 
 SomeAmes going to a gathering can be daunAng. In this workshop, we will cover different ways to ease ourselves into laughing in our community. We will learn to relax around new people, creaAng a jovial and light-hearted mood. Come to giggle, laugh, or smile! No prior experience required.

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Retreat Schedule Saturday ~ May 28




3:45pm – 5:15pm

Workshop Session II

• Femme Visibility 
 Examining important terms on gender and how femme idenAAes are excluded through mulAple erasures of anAblackness, transphobia, fatphobia, and white feminism. ConversaAons on Islam and femininity as well as daAng while femme. 
 • Queer Muslims in the Cultural Sector 
 A focus group in which parAcipants will discuss how the queer Muslim community fits (or doesn't fit) into the scope of arts and cultural offerings locally and globally. ContribuAng your perspecAve can help to highlight the resources present and idenAfy the needs of queer Muslims in this sector. 
 • Struggling with Allah: A ConversaAon with our Creator 
 The session will focus on our relaAonship with Allah, our Creator. Omen Ames as queer Muslims our relaAonship with the Divine is both a struggle and a joy. Through leZer wriAng and role play we will idenAfy and work through some of the barriers that prevent us from enjoying a fuller and more whole relaAonship with Allah.

5:00pm – 6:00pm 5:30pm – 6:00pm 6:00pm – 6:40pm 7:00pm – 8:30pm

Marketplace open Salat al-'Asr Dinner Entertainment

8:30pm – 9:00pm 9:15pm – 10:00pm

Salat al-Maghrib AddicAon Recovery Support Kinship Groups Salat al-Isha

9:15pm – 10:00pm 10:15pm – 11:00pm

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• Speed Friendshipping • Movie screening A space of support, empowerment and solidarity for anyone living with addicAon Check-ins

Retreat Schedule Sunday ~ May 29




5:15am – 5:30am

Salat al-Fajr

5:45am – 7:00am


Islamic meditaAon

7:15am – 8:00am

AddicAon Recovery Support

A space of support, empowerment and solidarity for anyone living with addicAon

8:00am – 8:40am


8:45am – 9:45am

Morning Session

• Art Therapy 
 Join us for a creative morning session. Together, we'll explore our creativity and generate brand new work in a supportive environment. I will offer you writing and other creative prompts, but feel free to ignore the prompt, and write and create on your own. This space is for you! You can bring a paper and your favorite pen or pencil. Everyone is welcome. 
 • Trail Walk 
 Follow your guide around the beautiful woodchip trails of the retreat center. Walk through the trees, pass by the pond, and discover the greenhouse. 
 • Showing Up for Self-Defense
 A workshop that will focus on creaAng a space to allow its parAcipants to empower themselves by learning universally effecAve marAal arts techniques via moving meditaAons.

10:00am – 11:30am

Main Session III Know Your Rights Training

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The Creating Law Enforcement Accountability & Responsibility (CLEAR) project is housed at the City University of New York (CUNY) School of Law. CLEAR primarily aims to address the unmet legal needs of Muslim, Arab, South Asian, and other communities in the New York City area that are particularly affected by national security and counterterrorism policies and practices. (Presented by CLEAR - Creating Law Enforcement Accountability and Responsibility)

Retreat Schedule Sunday ~ May 29




11:40am - 1:00pm

Kinship Groups: Furthering the ConversaEon, CreaEng Racial JusEce Through Community Building

1:00pm – 1:40pm


1:45pm – 2:15pm

Marketplace open

1:50pm – 2:20pm

Salat al-Dhuhr

2:30pm – 4:00pm

Workshop Session III

• (Not) Coming Out Stories
 This workshop provides a space for people to talk about coming out or not coming out. We will be telling personal stories and discuss strategies around queerness, family, and sustainable ways of living. Please note: because of the inAmate nature of this workshop, it will be a closed session -- we will be restricAng entry once discussion groups have started. 
 • Struggling with Allah: A ConversaAon with Our Creator, Part II 
 The session will focus on our relaAonship with Allah, our Creator. Omen Ames as queer Muslims our relaAonship with the Divine is both a struggle and a joy. Through leZer wriAng and role play we will idenAfy and work through some of the barriers that prevent us from enjoying a fuller and more whole relaAonship with Allah. 
 • Prayer 101 
 An introductory session to the physical and mental act of Salat/Namaz which will include a discussion on the different ways of performing Salat/Namaz, as well as a step-by-step walk through.

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Retreat Schedule Sunday ~ May 29




4:10pm – 5:40pm

Workshop Session IV

• The Impact of Hate on our Spirituality and Faith 
 What is the impact of hate (Islamophobia, Racism, Homophobia, Sexism, Transphobia, Ablelism, etc.) on our spirituality. This session will be a guided discussion on the effects of hate on our faith and how we can nurture and care for our spirituality. How does the continual barrage of hate and constant weight of institutional discrimination impact the connection to your faith? How does the impact change if the hate comes from someone with whom we share an identity? We are sometimes given tools to address our physical and mental needs when we are facing challenges. • Healing Family Wounds 
 This workshop, bearing in mind the theme of the retreat- Showing Up for Our Community- deals with issues of wounds, pain and hate one receives from their families for being an LGTBQ individual. The burden of these wounds, at times, feels heavy on our hearts and minds and could have long term mental and emotional consequences. Through readings from the memoir of the presenter, this workshop engages the participants into discussion of forgiveness, healing and how to be there for one another. Inspired by a line from Rumi's poem in Masnavi, Make Peace with the Moon, the purpose of this workshop is to discuss the power of forgiveness. • Meditation as A Form of Dhikr

5:45pm – 6:15pm

Salat al-'Asr

5:45pm – 6:15pm

Marketplace open

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Retreat Schedule Sunday ~ May 29



6:30pm – 7:10pm 7:15pm – 8:15pm

Dinner Workshop Session: 
 Add A Session & Caucuses

8:20pm – 8:50pm 8:55pm – 9:25pm


*OpEonal ConsultaEon Eme with CLEAR Salat al-Maghrib AddicAon Recovery Support

9:00pm – 10:15pm

Talent/No-Talent Show

10:30pm – 11:00pm

Salat al-Isha

We know folks are coming with a variety of experiences and interests. Throughout the retreat, participants are welcome to suggest a session that they coordinate themselves. Planning Committee members will make sure you have a space!

A space of support, empowerment and solidarity for anyone living with addicAon Showcase your talents , or lack thereof, for your fellow retreat goers, featuring the comedic stylings of our Master of Ceremonies!

Monday ~ May 30 TIME


5:15am - 5:30am 6:30am – 7:15am 8:00am – 8:40am 8:45am – 9:15am

Salat al-Fajr Dhikr Breakfast Feedback Session

9:30am – 10:30am

DESCRIPTION Islamic meditaAon

Opportunity to provide feedback to the 2016 Retreat Planning CommiZee Movement Building, Past Present and Future

10:45am – 11:45am

Closing Session

11:50am – 12:15am 12:20pm – 1:00pm 1:00pm – 1:45pm 1:15pm – 1:45pm 2:00pm – 3:00pm

Room Packing and Keys Lunch Marketplace open Salat al-Dhuhr Planning MeeEng for future retreats & conferences

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Many thanks to sponsors: Brown Boi Project Outright Action International KhushDC


Sending love to our southern LGBTQ Muslim community!

Education - Advocacy - Activism - Empowerment


info@masstpc.org www.masstpc.org


617-778-0519 PO Box 960784 Boston, MA 02196

Congratulations on another great LGBTQ Muslim Retreat! OUR VISION: THE 3RS

Advocates for Youth envisions a society that views sexuality as normal and healthy and treats young people as a valuable resource. The core values of Rights. Respect. Responsibility.速 (3Rs) animate this vision. Advocates for Youth champions efforts that help young people make informed and responsible decisions about their reproductive and sexual health. Advocates believes it can best serve the field by boldly advocating for a more positive and realistic approach to adolescent sexual health. Advocates focuses its work on young people ages 14-25 in the U.S. and around the globe.

Rights. Respect. Responsibility.


~ 20 ~





Thursday, October 20 through Sunday, October 23, 2016 LET’S RE-MAP THE WORLD!

APPLY TODAY: HTTPS://REASON.KZOO.EDU/CSJL CONNECT WITH US: (269) 337-7398 arcus.center@kzoo.edu (physical) 205 Monroe St., Kalamazoo, MI 49006 (mailing) 1200 Academy St., Kalamazoo, MI 49006



MASGD thanks the many donors whose generosity has made this retreat possible. Donna Riley R Bhat Rabbi David Dunn Bauer Palmer B. Shepherd In honor of 
 imi rashid and Yas Ahmed, dear friends Cindy Shum nikhil trivedi & sheena panoor In honor of Imi Rashid! Ani Zonneveld Aslan Media Inc Rev. Rob Keithan Tom Carmicheal For the memory of Aida Kazan, first Arab mother to march in NY LGBT Pride Parade in 1999 G O Kolombatovich Zain Ahmed - A donation of support and admiration for y'all <3 Marc Sokol In support of our dedicated and amazing Palmer Fatima Schoemaker Minardi A.Y. Hom Amal & Farrah Ahmed El-Farouk Khaki Sarah Goldman Jennifer Osterwisch Regina Calcagno Fatimah Asghar Rodney McKenzie In faith and solidarity, Joy Ladin A token of gratitude, to support all our diversity, conservative and liberal

~ 23 ~

For Huda Massarueh Bassam Kassab David Mariner Rahim Thawer Jessica Bell Mark Cannizzaro Gem P Daus Yamani Hernandez Idora Sopin-Vilme In memory of Fatima Zahra Fizazi Sasha Duttchoudhury Nikki Zaleski Tynan Power & Randy F-S Jericho Savage Parastou Hassouri Rev. Laura Brekke Mahrokh Ravaei Ali Kettani Mazdak Mazarei asfas dfasdf Dawdwad Daw Guilherme Lucas Maria Renata Faisal Alam Mala Nagarajan & Vega Subramaniam Melvin Whitehead Tanweena Chowdhury Fawzia Mirza

…and many more who have chosen 
 to remain anonymous.

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