Hugo Sorio, Pau RodrĂguez, Pau Juarez and Piera Pocchiolo
What is tobacco? Tobacco was used in the Americas, with some cultivation sites in Mexico dating back to 1400–1000 BC. Many Native American tribes have traditionally grown and used tobacco. Eastern North American tribes have historically carried tobacco in pouches as a readily accepted trade item, as well as smoking it, both socially and ceremonially, such as to seal a peace treaty or trade agreement. Traditionally, tobacco is seen as a gift from the Creator, with the ceremonial tobacco smoke carrying one's thoughts and prayers to the Creator.
When did Spain become a smoker country? Following the arrival of the Europeans, tobacco became increasingly popular as a trade item. Hernรกndez de Boncalo, Spanish chronicler of the Indies, was the first European to bring tobacco seeds to the Old World in 1559 following orders of King Philip II of Spain. These seeds were planted in the outskirts of Toledo, more specifically in an area known as "Los Cigarrales" named after the continuous plagues of cicadas (cigarras in Spanish). Before the development of lighter Virginia and white burley strains of tobacco, the smoke was too harsh to be inhaled. Small quantities were smoked at a time, using a pipe like the midwakh or kiseru or smoking newly invented waterpipes such as the bong or the hookah.
How many people smoke in Spain? According to data from the National Health Survey, in Spain almost 30% of the adult population is a smoker. With these information is highlighted each year lose in our country about 60,000 people. As a result of the awareness campaigns, according to the Spanish Association against Cancer, almost 3,000 smokers go to their children to quit smoking. More than 61% of the same start smoking too. Another publication with reason for this mundial day without tobacco affirms that almost 31 % of smokers in Spain have tried to give up on smoking during this last year.
Substances of the cigarette Tobacco has a lot of carcinogens substances like: Nicotine, carbon monoxide, tar, hidrocyanic gas ,ammonium , sugar, cocoa, pyridine, chocolate and honey, mint, licorice, filled, paper and filters.
Smoking health risks Smoking causes about 90% of lung cancers. It also causes cancer in many other parts of the body. Smoking damages your heart and your blood circulation, increasing your risk of developing conditions such as: ●
coronary heart disease
heart attack
peripheral vascular disease (damaged blood vessels)
cerebrovascular disease (damaged arteries that supply blood to your brain)
Another dangers of smoking Smoking also damages your lungs, leading to conditions such as: â—?
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which incorporates bronchitis andemphysema
Smoking can also worsen or prolong the symptoms of respiratory conditions such asasthma, or respiratory tract infections such as the common cold. In men, smoking can cause impotence because it limits the blood supply to the penis. It can also reduce the fertility of both men and women.
Survey 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Do you smoke every day? How many cigarettes? Could you try to not smoke in one day? Do you think that you are adicted? Have you ever tried to stop smoking? Do you know all the risks that tobacco has?