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CSC holds 2nd research colloquium; P
Withthetheme"Learningbestinthe new normal”, the College of Education Student Council (CED-CSC) hosted the second research colloquium for third andfourthyearMarlinslastJune13
Among the nine participating presenters, Chassel Paras of Bachelor of Special Needs Education secured the topspotwithhisclassroom-basedaction research
Inspired by his student with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Paras' action researchinvestigatedtheuseoftime-out as a calming strategy during the child’s tempertantrums
Describing the experience as nervewracking,Parassharedthatheishoping his success at the research colloquium will inspire other Marlins that teachers canmakeadifferenceinthelivesoftheir students.
“EverychildhasapotentialandIbelieve that as teachers, we are responsible for helping our students unleash [that] potential”addedParas.
“Meanwhile, Yancy Moron and Adrian Poul Blando were hailed as the 1st and 2ndrunnersup,respectively Blandowas also named as the best presenter in the saidevent
Thecolloquiumaimedtoenhanceand foster the culture of research and collaboration through oral presentations and sharing of research results among CEDstudents