Teac he r
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r o e t s Bo r e p For Ages 6 - 9ok u S
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INTERNET © ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons THEMES •f or r evi ew pur posesonl y• o c . che e r o t r s super
© Ready-Ed Publications - 2007 (Revised edition) Published by Ready-Ed Publications P.O. Box 276 Greenwood WA 6024 Email: info@readyed.com.au
Website: www.readyed.com.au
COPYRIGHT NOTICE Permission is granted for the purchaser to photocopy sufficient copies for non-commercial educational purposes. However this permission is not transferable and applies only to the purchasing individual or institution.
ISBN 1 86397 439 3
Important information about this book 1. The Publisher’s W ebsite Website
Activities in this book refer users to the Junior Internet Themes section of the Ready-Ed Publications’ website. The URL for this is:
www.readyed.com.au/urls/kids/ To use the book in conjunction with the Ready-Ed site users should either open the above address and bookmark it, OR they can find the page by going straight to our home page at www.readyed.com.au and clicking on the ‘Click here to access all web sites referred to in Ready-Ed books’ link.
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The page displays cyber links for all books with Internet references. Users need to click on the title or cover of the book for the page they are using. Clicking on these links will take users to the information sources without the addresses having to be laboriously typed in. If websites change, this list is updated to provide the current URL link in the same order they appear on the page in this book. Please note that while all care is taken when choosing appropriate websites, many of these website disappear or modify their layout over time. These changes are beyond our control, however, we endeavour to check the links on a regular basis and replace them when needed. Please write to us at links@readyed.com.au if a site is found to be missing.
2. Cop yright and the Use of Internet Resources Copyright
Material on the Internet is protected by copyright laws in the same way as print material. There are exceptions in the Copyright Act which allow Fair Dealing for research and study purposes. The activities contained in this book are designed to utilise the concept of Fair Dealing by encouraging students to use research skills to read and summarize material for the purpose of gaining knowledge and interpreting and evaluating ideas.
© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
For further information refer to the Copyright Council on:
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Ready-Ed Publications
Contents Literature Activities Haiku for Kids .................................................................................................................... 6 Pictur Picturee Dictionary ........................................................................................................... 7 Book Review ........................................................................................................................ 8 Cr eate a Story .................................................................................................................. 9 Create
Science Activities
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u Animal S Activities
Teac he r
What is a Flower? ............................................................................................................. 10 Solar Ener gy ...................................................................................................................... 11 Energy What Is It? .......................................................................................................................... 12 Snowflakes ......................................................................................................................... 13
World Activities
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The Shark TTank ank .................................................................................................................. 14 Deep Sea Cr eatur es ........................................................................................................ 15 Creatur eatures Worm W orld ........................................................................................................................ 16 World Frog F acts .......................................................................................................................... 17 Facts AF rog’s Life ....................................................................................................................... 18 Frog’s Life....................................................................................................................... Cr eepy Cockroaches ........................................................................................................ 19 Creepy Mor Moree Cockroaches Cockroaches! .......................................................................................................... 20
© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• Saf ety Activities Safety
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Journey TTo oJ apan ............................................................................................................. 21 Japan el to Br azil .................................................................................................................. 22 Trav avel Brazil A Visit to Ir eland .............................................................................................................. 23 Ireland Ear th’s Gr eatest F eatur es .......................................................................................... 24 Earth’s Greatest Featur eatures National Flags .................................................................................................................. 25 Languages Around the W orld ....................................................................................... 26 World
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Safety at Home ................................................................................................................ 27 Road S afety ...................................................................................................................... 28 Safety
Holiday Activities
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o c . che e r o Space Activities t r s super
Christmas .......................................................................................................................... 29 Easter ................................................................................................................................. 30 Bir thdays ........................................................................................................................... 31 Birthdays Chinese New Y ear ............................................................................................................. 32 Year The Space Shuttle ........................................................................................................... 33 Space Stations ................................................................................................................ 34 The Planets ........................................................................................................................ 35
Health Activities A Visit to the D entist .................................................................................................... 36 Dentist Our Skeleton ...................................................................................................................... 37 Food Pyr amid P uzzle ........................................................................................................ 38 Pyramid Puzzle
Answers ............................................................................................................................ 39 Ready-Ed Publications
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Teachers’ Notes The Internet Themes for 6 - 9 year olds book is designed to make use of the enormous amount of information that is available through the Internet. This book is produced to allow children to complete the activity pages through their own research. In doing so, they will achieve the following learning outcomes: R Using basic research skills to respond to focus questions. R Using basic research skills to extrapolate information from Internet references.
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u The Structure of Sthis Book
R Using selected World Wide Web addresses to extend understanding on the theme. R Using a variety of online libraries to expand on the information available.
Teac he r
R Using the links provided at addresses to broaden the scope of their investigations.
ew i ev Pr
The activities in this book are designed to give Internet beginners structured experiences on a variety of themes. Note that in providing these activity pages there is an assumption that users have an understanding of what the World Wide Web is and a basic ability to navigate their way around the Internet. The intention is to provide focus activities that direct users to specific sites which have been carefully selected.
Activity pages in this book are of a literal nature and require only basic comprehension and interpretation skills on the part of the young user. Completion of these activities will provide students with a basic understanding of the concept being investigated. Where users are able to research to a higher level they should be referred to books in our Cyber School series which contain activities requiring both expanded and extended use of information.
© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons Using the Ready-Ed website in conjunction with the print material avoids the laborious task of •key f o r e vi ew pu r po eso nl y• having children inr exact URLs which are often lengthy ands confusing. It also means that sites can be regularly updated, should they disappear further down the track.
Using the Pages
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Children need to read all instructions on the screen. These will usually say where to click, otherwise they should follow the instructions in this book. Remember that sometimes web page layouts change, however, the content usually remains the same. Children can click on anything that has a little hand on it when they move the mouse over it. Many small images can be enlarged this way. Any text that is highlighted and changes the arrow to a pointing hand can be clicked on.
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It is possible that some sites may contain computer jargon at the beginning, explaining how best to view the site. Children can ignore this although they should be advised to ask a teacher or parent about anything they are not sure of. NOTE: Page 38, “Healthy Food Pyramid” requires the use of the Shockwave plug-in. This may already be installed on the computer but if not, carefully follow the directions on the site for that page.
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Ready-Ed Publications
Teachers’ Notes ‘Net Nasties’
In recent years there has been a great deal of publicity about negative aspects of the Internet, so much so that the uninitiated may well have severe concerns about what young users might encounter when surfing the Net.
Teac he r
There is no doubt that this concern could be well founded if children are left to their own devices when online. The key to avoiding the ‘net nasties’ is supervision, just as it is to avoid inappropriate experiences for children in selecting movies, television programmes and books. It is most unlikely that violent, racist or erotic sites are reached accidentally and the Kids Internet Explorer materials and addresses have been carefully screened to avoid this happening. However, the Internet is a fluid, dynamic resource that is always in motion and we can’t guarantee that what is appropriate now will still be next year. With this in mind, it is strongly recommended that parents/teachers preview sites if at all possible.
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S Net Nanny - www.netnanny.com/netnanny Cyber Patrol - www.cyberpatrol.com
Reliability of Material
ew i ev Pr
It is also the case that filter tools have been designed by some companies to help protect children from the undesirable aspects of the Internet. Some of the filter tools which offer online information are:
A recognised problem with material found on the Net is that it is often unsubstantiated with sources unlisted and the writer’s credentials unknown. Children will need to learn to be discerning in their use of the content they encounter. Ideally, they should look for authoritative material where sources are listed. The location of the address may be a useful pointer - an article under the banner of NASA or a national university is likely to be more authoritative than one supplied by an individual with an apparent interest in the theme.
© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
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Updating of Internet addresses
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Another consideration is the date material was submitted - material may appear useful but may be out of date. Unfortunately, it is sometimes difficult to check just when articles were written or posted although often the date of entry is shown at the top of print outs and at the end of articles. As with the ‘Net Nasties’ then, supervision and guidance from teachers/parents is required, so that students can be helped to see the difference between information sources that are credible and those requiring further corroboration.
o c . che e www.readyed.com.au r o r st super
As mentioned, the dynamic nature of the Internet means that some sites may change URLs or even disappear altogether. An ongoing role of the publishers will be to monitor these changes regularly and to post them on our site. To keep up to date with changes check our site: If you have any problems accessing sites please email us at
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Name: ________________________
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Haiku for Kids
Liter atur Literatur aturee Activities
Click on page 6, then Site 1.
Haiku are traditional Japanese poems with only three lines. The first and last line have five syllables while the second line has seven. Here is an example:
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
New, shining, white snow, Falling from the sky at night, Floating, softly, down.
New, shi - ning, white snow (5) Fall - ing from the sky at night (7) Floa - ting, soft - ly, down (5)
Teac he r
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R Read some of the students’ haiku at the website and then write some of your own in the spaces below.
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Š ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
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Send your haiku in to be published on the WWW. Fill out the form you find at Site 2. Page 6
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Liter atur Literatur aturee Activities
Pictur e Dictionar y Picture Dictionary
Click on page 7, then Site 1.
Find definitions for each of the words below by clicking on the letters at the top of the web page. R Draw a picture to illustrate three of the words. Follow the links that they lead to for some interesting activities.
rainbow -
wand -
book -
Š ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
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maze -
haiku -
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folk tales -
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earth -
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tale -
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paper -
magic -
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Name: ________________________
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Book Review
Liter atur Literatur aturee Activities
Click on page 8, then Site 1.
R Choose a story from the website. After reading the story complete the book review below. Name of the story: Setting:
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Outline of the plot:
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Brief description of the main characters:
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I liked / disliked this story because
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o c . che e r o t r s su per My favourite / least favourite part was when
Listen to a story online by visiting Site 2 on the website. Page 8
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Create a Story
Liter atur Literatur aturee Activities
Click on page 9, then Site 1.
Change the characters’ names in this story to suit you and then read the story through. You can also print out each of the pages of the story.
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
R Who are the characters in your story? Briefly describe each one.
2. 3. 4. 5.
R Name and describe the place where this story occurs.
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Teac he r
R Outline the events of the story.
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R Draw your favourite part of the story. Ready-Ed Publications
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What is a Flower?
Science Activities
Click on page 10, then Site 1.
Plants can have flowers of different sizes, shapes and colours. Use the information to answer the questions about flowers.
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
R What are the four main parts of a flower? Click the links to find out. Š Š Š
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Š ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons Draw a picture of a flower and label the four main parts. •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• Š
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Teac he r
R Why do plants produce flowers?
o c . che e r o t r s super
Find out the names of as many flowers as you can. What is the name of your favourite flower? ____________________________ Page 10
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Name: ________________________
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Solar Energy
Science Activities
Click on page 11, then Site 1.
R What can you do to make the best use of solar energy in your home? Click on these words to find out.
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Teac he r
Š ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
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R Draw a picture of Roofus in his energy smart room. Label the special features that Roofus has included in his room to make it an energy smart room.
o c . che e r o t r s super Explore the links at the website!
Find out what you can do to the roof of your house to use the sun’s heat and light efficiently. Ready-Ed Publications
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What Is It?
Science Activities
Click on page 12, then Site 1.
R Guess what animal has been magnified in the photograph by clicking on the answer. Draw a picture of each animal when you have found the right answer. Label the picture and then use the arrow to go to the next photograph.
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Photo 4
Photo 2
Photo 3
Photo 5
Photo 6
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Photo 1
Š ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• Photo 8
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Photo 10
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Photo 9
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Photo 7
o c . che e r o t r s sup r e Photo 11
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Name: ________________________
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Sno wf lak es Snowf wflak lakes
Science Activities
Click on page 13, then Site 1.
Snowflakes are one of nature’s most beautiful things.
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
R Draw three different types of snowflakes.
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Teac he r
R How do snowflakes form?
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Š ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
o c . ch e How many different types of snowflakes are there? ___________________________ r er o t s super R Read the Interesting Snow Facts. What is the most interesting thing you learnt about snow?
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Name: ________________________
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Animal Activities
The Shark Tank
Click on page 14, then Site 1.
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Teac he r
R Click on two sharks in the shark tank. Draw a picture of each one and then write a brief description.
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Š ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
o c . che e r o t r s super
Shark Fun!
To view some excellent shark images, visit Site 2. Page 14
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Animal Activities
Deep Sea Creatures
Click on page 15, then Site 1. R What are deep sea creatures?
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R Give a brief description of these deep sea creatures.
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giant squid:
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lantern fish:
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Š ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons hatchet fish: •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
. te o R Choose your favourite deep sea creature and draw a picturec of it. . che e r o t r s super
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Name: ________________________
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Worm World
Animal Activities
Click on page 16, then Site 1.
Meet Wendell the Worm and his worm cousins. Click on each of the worms to learn more about each type. R Write two amazing facts about each worm.
Earthworm 2.
Leech 1. 2.
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Š ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
1. 2.
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Bearded Worm 1. 2.
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R Click on Site 2 2. Read all about the part worms play in recycling. Describe what worms do to help:
Read all about Worm Bins Bins. What do you need to set up a worm bin at home?
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Name: ________________________
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Animal Activities
Frog Facts
Click on page 17, then Site 1.
This funny site is just for frogs! You will find all sorts of frog facts here as well as some strange noises and music. Check out the F roggy Pictures.
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
R Find a picture of a Red-eyed Tree Frog. Draw the frog here:
R Draw and colour the frogs below using the right colours for each frog.
Š ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
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Look on different “Froggy Image� pages for each one.
o c . che e r o t r s super
Pacific Tree Frog
Chinese Fire Bellied Toad
Poison Arrow Frog
Reed Frog
R Click on the Froggy Sounds to hear “ribbets�, “greedeeps� and more! Ready-Ed Publications
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Name: ________________________
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A Frog’s Life
Animal Activities
Click on page 18, then Site 1.
o e t The Eggr s Bo r e p ok u S
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Teac he r
This interesting site will show you how a frog starts life as a tadpole. You can either click on the pictures or move down the page at the side. R Draw the life cycle below:
o The Embry Embryo
The Frog
The Life Cycle Š ReadyE dPubl i cat i ons
•f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
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The TTadpole adpole
. te o How long does it take for an egg stage to reach the frog stage? c . che e r o t r s super
R Click on Site 2. List some famous frogs and visit their homepages. 1. 2. 3. Who is your favourite frog? Page 18
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Animal Activities
Creepy Cockroaches
Click on page 19, then Site 1.
Visit Yucky Bug World and let Wendell the Worm take you on a tour of the site. Click on the Scrapbook to see some photos of the bugs.
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
R Draw three of the bugs and write their names underneath:
Š ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
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R Find a bug at the site and draw it in this box. Name and label your bug.
o c . che e r o t r s super
Write three facts about this bug. 1. 2. 3. Ready-Ed Publications
Page 19
Name: ________________________
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More Cockroaches!
Animal Activities
Click on page 20, then Site 1.
R Take a good look at Wendell’s scrapbook. Find the answers to these by clicking on different bugs. Which cockroach lets off an awful smell? ____________________________________
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Which cockroach likes to live in caves with bats? _____________________________
Teac he r
What does the American cockroach like to eat? ______________________________
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R Click on the Roach Facts. Read all about cockroaches and write down five new things you have learned:
Š ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
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. te o c R Think you know all about roaches? Take the Roach Quiz! Follow the . c e instructions carefully and click on the right answer. he r o t r s super
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Name: ________________________
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Journey To Japan
World Activities
Click on page 21, then Site 1.
R Zoom over to Japan by visiting the website. Learn about the people and culture of this country and complete the activities below.
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
1. Name the four islands of Japan.
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Teac he r
2. How many people live in Japan? _______________________________________
4. Draw the flag of Japan in this box. What does the flag symbolise?
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3. What sort of food do people eat in Japan? _______________________________
5. What sort of products do we get from Japan?
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o c . What do these Japanese words mean in English? che e r o t r s super Sumimasen -
6. Draw a picture of a Japanese tower in the box below. 7.
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Š ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
Arigatou -
Konnichiwa -
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Name: ________________________
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Travel to Brazil
World Activities
Click on page 22, then Site 1.
Take a trip to Brazil and discover some of the facts about this beautiful South American country. R Complete the sentences below by filling in the correct word.
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
1. Brazil is the world’s _________________________biggest country in area.
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Teac he r
2. It has a population of over 157 ________________________ people. 3. The official language of Brazil is ______________________________________ . 4. A popular Brazilian dance is the ______________________________________ .
5. Almost one quarter of the world’s ________________________ is grown in Brazil. 6. The _____________________ rain forest in Brazil contains about 50 000 species of wildlife.
Š ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons f o r e vi ew pur poses onl y• Native • plants ofr Brazil include the ___________________, ___________________
7. The Amazon river is the _________________________ longest river in the world. 8.
R Draw the flag of Brazil in this box.
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and __________________ .
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Take a journey with the children of the Amazon at Site 2.. Page 22
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Name: ________________________
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A Visit to Ireland
World Activities
Click on page 23, then Site 1.
R Visit the Emerald Isle and learn all about Ireland at the site. Complete the questions below. 1. How many people live in Ireland? _______________________________________
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2. What languages do they speak in this country? ___________________________ .
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Teac he r
3. What is the capital city of Ireland? ______________________________________ 4. Sometimes people call Ireland by another name. What is this name? .
5. When is St Patrick’s Day? _____________________________________________
R Write three interesting facts about Ireland. 1.
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R Draw the flag of Ireland in this box.
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Name: ________________________
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World Activities
Earth’s Greatest Features
Click on page 24, then Site 1.
Ever wondered what the name of the world’s tallest mountain is or where the biggest waterfall is? Well, Site 1 will tell you. R Click on the buttons at the bottom of the page to find answers to the following.
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
1. Which is the largest continent? _________________________________________
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Teac he r
2. What is the name of the world’s tallest mountain?
3. Where is the world’s longest river and what is its name?
4. Name a volcano located in Hawaii. _____________________________________
5. Name a waterfall located in Brazil. ______________________________________
Š ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons What is• thef name ourv tallest mountain? ________________________________ orofr e i ew pur posesonl y•
6. In which country will you find a lake called Baykal? ________________________ 7.
2. 3.
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4. 5. 6.
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R Using the website, make up eight questions to ask a friend. Write your questions below and the answers on the back. Swap sheets with your friend.
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7. 8.
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Name: ________________________
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World Activities
National Flags
Click on page 25, then Site 1.
Every country has a national flag that is used to represent the country. Most flags have a special meaning such as the Japanese flag which shows the red sun, and the Australian and New Zealand flags which show the Southern Cross that is viewed only in the southern skies.
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
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Teac he r
R Draw the national flag for each of the countries below.
Š ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• Brazil
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R Design a new flag for our country in the space below.
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R Visit Site 2 to learn about the history of your country’s flag.
Challenge: Play “Where is that?� at Site 3 Ready-Ed Publications
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Name: ________________________
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World Activities
Languages Around the World
Click on page 26, then Site 1.
This site translates your words into a number of languages at the click of a button. R Use Site 1 to translate the sentences below into the different language under each sentence. Use the back of the page if you need more room.
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
What is your name?
Where do you live?
In Italian - _________________________ Do you speak English? In Spanish - _______________________ I am using the Internet.
In Portuguese - ____________________
In German - _______________________
Š ReadyEdInP ubl i at i ons Spanish -c _______________________ Choose af sentence of own write itsp translation in another language • orr eyour vi e wandp ur oses onl y •
In German - _______________________ R
In Italian - _________________________
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In French - ________________________
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_________________ : __________________________________________________
Egyptian Hieroglyphics
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The Ancient Egyptians used to write using picture symbols known as hieroglyphics. See what your name looks like in hieroglyphics by clicking on Site 2 and typing in your name.
o c . c e herin the box below. r R Draw your name in hieroglyphics o t s super
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Name: ________________________
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Safety at Home
Safety Activities
Click on page 27, then Site 1.
There are many hazards in our homes that could cause an accident. Read about some of the dangers and learn how we can make our homes safer. R What are the three steps to remember:
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S _________________________________________ A _________________________________________
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R What is a hazard? ___________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
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M ________________________________________
Š ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
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R Describe a hazard in your house.
R How can you (or an adult) fix this problem to make things safe?
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o c . R There are many different types of hazards. c e he r Name some of the types below. o t r s super Some examples have been given.
Š Electrical hazards Š Fall hazards Š Š Š Ready-Ed Publications
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Name: ________________________
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Road Safety
Safety Activities
Click on page 28, then Site 1.
R Learn all about road safety at this fun site by clicking on the links.
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Write down three things you should remember when walking along the road. 1.
Catching a Bus Complete the following sentences so that the safety rules are being followed. When I see the bus coming I
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Š ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons While I am on the bus I •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
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In the Car
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Read about Rescue Packs for long trips in the car. List all the things you would include in a Rescue Pack.
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When I want to get off the bus I
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Chr is tmas Chris istmas
Holiday Activities
Click on page 29, then Sites 1 and 2.
Christmas is celebrated all over the world in different ways. Read about how this time is celebrated in other countries by clicking on Christmas at the website.
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R Read the information carefully. Choose a country and use the space below to describe how the people celebrate Christmas.
How is this different from the way we celebrate Christmas in our country?
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Draw Christmas Day at your house.
Search the links at the site and find out how to say Merry Christmas in: Maori: French: Japanese:
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Holiday Activities
Eas Eastter
Click on page 30, then Site 1.
Easter is celebrated all over the world in different ways. Learn how this festival is celebrated in other countries by clicking on Easter at the website. R Choose two countries and use the space below to describe how they celebrate Easter.
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R How is this different from the way we celebrate Easter in our country?
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Draw your family at Easter.
Extra! Visit Easter on the Net at Site 2. Page 30
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Holiday Activities
Click on page 31, then Site 1.
Read about how birthdays are celebrated in different countries. R For each country listed below, make a list of some of the things people do to celebrate their birthdays.
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Extra! Explore the birthday links at Site 2. Ready-Ed Publications
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Chinese New Year
Holiday Activities
Click on page 32, then Site 1.
The Chinese New Year is celebrated on a different day each year and lasts for a few days. Explore this site to find out more.
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R Complete the questions below.
What is the Chinese name for the New Year?
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What happens a week before the Chinese New Year?
Describe some of the things the Chinese do to prepare for the New Year.
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Write down some of the things that can happen that may bring good luck.
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R Draw a picture to show the Chinese New Year celebrations. Page 32
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The Space Shuttle
Space Activities
Click on page 33, then Site 1.
Read all about the space shuttle at this site. R Answer these questions about space shuttles:
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1. What happens to the space shuttle when it returns to Earth?
3. What was the name of the first space shuttle?
4. Which shuttle was the first shuttle to orbit the earth?
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2. How many space shuttles have been built?
Š ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons Fill in the missing words. •shuttle f or r e vlike i eaw pur posesonand l ylands • like an The space takes off ___________________________ 5. How long does it take the shuttle to orbit the earth?
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The space shuttle has allowed _____________________________ to carry out many important missions, such as the ____________________________ and repair of the
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Hubble Space ___________________________ .
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Astro TTrek rek
Click on Site 2 and take the Astro Trek! List the words that you find:
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Space S Sttati "ns ,
Space Activities
Click on page 34, then Site 1.
Space stations are set up in space for scientists to live and work in. R Read all about them at Site 1 and then answer the questions below.
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1. Where do astronauts sleep in space?
2. How long do space stations stay in space for?
4. Name two space stations:
Did You Know?
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3. How long do astronauts and scientists live on space stations for?
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Draw a space station in the box.
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Write down what you found out:
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Space Activities
The Plane ts Planets
Click on page 35, then Site 1.
R Explore the links and then choose a planet to study. Briefly describe one of these planets.
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My planet is: _______________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________
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___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Circle the correct answer: This planet is an outer / inner planet.
R Click on The F acts to find out information about the planet. Facts Create a fact file below:
Š ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons Fact 1:• ____________________________________________________________ f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• Fact 2: ____________________________________________________________
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Fact 3: ____________________________________________________________ Fact 4: ____________________________________________________________
. te of the planet. Draw a R Look at photographs o c picture of what the surface of the planet . che e looks like. r o t r s super
Fact 5: ____________________________________________________________
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Health Activities
A Visit to the Dentist
Click on page 36, then Site 1.
R Click on the link to dental hygienist hygienist. List four things that a dental hygienist does. 1. 2.
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R Click on the Sterilisation room to find out what is used to keep the dentist’s instruments clean. 5. What is it called? ______________________________ Draw it in the box below.
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. t o explorer emirror syringe saliva ejectorc scaler . ch e Draw and label two of the dentist’s instruments. r er o t s super
R Click on the links to find out what these dental instruments look like:
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Our Skeleton
Health Activities
Click on page 37, then Site 1.
1. What are the three important things that a skeleton does? a.
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2. 3.
Š ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons How many bones does a baby have? ___________________________________ •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• How many bones does an adult have? __________________________________
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R Use the diagrams at Site 1 to write what these bone groups are.
o c . che e r o t r s super Amazing Facts!
To learn some really amazing facts about our skeleton click on the link at the bottom of the page at Site 1. Ready-Ed Publications
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Health Activities
Food Pyramid Puzzle
Click on page 38, then Site 1.
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R Click on Start Game at Site 1 1. Do the food pyramid puzzle. Show your finished food pyramid on the triangle below. Use lines to match the pictures of the foods to the right food group.
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o c . c R Click on each part of the food pyramid at Site 1 to find oute how many serves of her r the different food groups we should eat every day.t o s super
1. milk and milk products: _______________________________________________ 2. meat, beans and nuts: ________________________________________________ 3. vegetables: __________________________________________________________ 4. fruits: ______________________________________________________________ 5. breads and grains:____________________________________________________
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Page 6 Haiku for Kids Answers will vary. Page 7 Picture Dictionary Answers will vary. Page 8 Book Review Answers will vary. Page 9 Create a Story Answers will vary. Page 10 What is a Flower? To make seeds; sepals, petals, carpels, stamens. Page 11 Solar Energy Face south; turn off lights; use energy saving globes; buy energy saving appliances; insulate walls. Page 12 What Is It? 1. Gypsy moth hairs; 2. Black fly; 3. Sweet potato whitefly; 4. Egg of a root-knot nematode; 5. Hairs on a sow thistle; 6. Sunflower stem weevil mite; 7. Nematode; 8. Mexican bean beetle; 9. Melon Aphid; 10. Wasps; 11. Azalea leaf bug. Page 13 Snowflakes Ice crystals join together. Check website for diagrams. Page 14 The Shark Tank Answers will vary. Page 15 Deep Sea Creatures Creatures that live in the deepest part of the ocean. Answers will vary. Page 16 Worm World Answers will vary. Page 17 Frog Facts Answers will vary. Page 18 A Frog’s Life 11 weeks. Page 19 Creepy Cockroaches Answers will vary. Page 20 More Cockroaches! The Madeira Cockroach; Giant Cave Cockroach; Decaying material and tree sap. Page 21 Journey to Japan 1. Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu. 2. About 126 million. 3. Rice is served at every meal and other traditional foods include seaweed, sushi and noodles. 4. The flag shows the red rising sun. 5. Japan specialises in cars and electronic good such as stereos, video games and televisions. They are also the world leaders in computer technology. 7. Sumimasen - Excuse me, Arigatou - Thank you, Konnichiwa - Good morning. Page 22 Travel to Brazil 1. Fifth; 2. million; 3. Portuguese; 4. samba; 5. coffee; 6. Amazon; 7. second. 8. pineapple, fig, mango, orange or bignonia. Page 23 A Visit to Ireland 1. About 3.5 million; 2. Irish (Gaelic) and English; 3. Dublin; 4. Eire; 5. March 17th.
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Page 24 Earth’s Greatest Features 1. Asia; 2. Everest; 3. Africa - The Nile; 4. Kilauea or Mauna Loa; 5. Answers will vary; 6. Russia; 7. Answers will vary. Page 25 National Flags Check answers using site. Page 26 Languages Around the World Check answers using site. Page 27 Safety at Home Check answers using site. Page 28 Road Safety Answers will vary. Page 29 Christmas Maori - Meri Kirihimete French - Joyeux Noel et Bonne Annee! Japanese - Shinnen omedeto. Kurisumasu Omedeto Page 30 Easter Answers will vary. Page 31 Birthdays Answers will vary. Page 32 Chinese New Year Yuan Tan, Preparations - the kitchen god is offered sweets so that when he is burned and brought to heaven he will only say sweet things about the family. Good luck symbols - people are especially nice, if flowers open on New Year’s Day they can bring good luck. No sharp instruments are used as they may cut out the good luck. Page 33 The Space Shuttle 1. Its belly glows red for about ten minutes because it is very hot; 2. Six; 3. Enterprise; 4. Columbia; 5. 90 minutes; Fill in the missing words: Rocket, aeroplane; Astronauts, launch, telescope. Page 34 Space Stations 1. They are zipped into sleeping bags which are then attached to the walls of their spacecraft. This keeps them from floating in their sleep; 2. Years at a time; 3. A few months, but some have stayed for up to a year; 4. Page 35 The Planets Answers will vary. Page 36 A Visit to the Dentist 1-4. Helps keep mouths healthy; uses fluorides and other preventive agents to help our teeth and gums fight disease; takes x-rays of teeth; removes plaque and stains; tells people how to keep gums and teeth healthy by showing them how to choose a good tooth brush; shows how to use dental floss after eating. 5. Autoclave. Page 37 Our Skeleton 1. Protects our vital organs (such as the brain, heart and lungs); gives us the shape that we have (without it we would just be a blob of blood and tissue); and allows us to move (our muscles are attached to our bones, so when our muscles move our bones move; 2. 350; 3. 206. Bones: hand (phalanges); pelvis; foot (phalanges); ribs, sternum, breast plate. Page 38 Food Pyramid Puzzle 1. Three servings; 2. Two servings; 3. Three servings; 4. Two servings; 5. Seven servings.
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