Groovy Green Ideas

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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

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About Ready-Ed Publications Ready-Ed Publications was established in 1984 with the purpose of creating practical classroom blackline master activities. At the time, the role of the teacher was becoming ever more diverse with an increasing range of duties and responsibilities within the school and school community. Since then, the role of the teacher has continued to evolve with an escalating range of tasks and obligations, ensuring a reduction in time available to prepare work for the daily instructional program.


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Throughout these past 24 years, Ready-Ed Publications has built a reputation as publishers of Australian made, high quality, innovative, timesaving materials for teachers of primary and lower secondary levels. In addition, all materials are based on state or national curriculum guidelines or specific age-related interest areas and subjects.

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Ready-Ed Publications aims to assist busy professionals by making available contemporary classroom materials that contain relevant and stimulating work to support the requirements of the curriculum. Groovy Green Ideas © 2009 Ready-Ed Publications Printed in Australia Author: Miranda Mason Typesetting and Design: Shay Howard Illustrators: Terry Allen, Melinda Brezmen, Rod Jefferson, Heather Leane.

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• Acknowledgements i.

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iii. Corel Corporation collection, 1600 Carling Ave., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1Z 8R7. iv. All statistics in motivating morsel section have been sourced from 

Published by:

o c . che e r o t r s super Ready-Ed Publications PO Box 276 Greenwood WA 6024

ISBN: 978 1 86397 770 8

COPYRIGHT NOTICE Permission is granted for the purchaser to photocopy sufficient copies for noncommercial educational purposes. However, this permission is not transferable and applies only to the purchasing individual or institution.



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Easy Energisers! Teacher Tricks 1 Teacher Tricks 2

6 7

Green Warriors Environmental Club Club Minutes Survey Pledge

8 9 10 11

Climate Change What’s All The Fuss? Make A Cool Down Plan Icy Oceans = Cool Planet

12 13 14

Extreme Energy Sources of Power Fossil Fuels Alternatives The Dark Ages – No Electricity Light Switch Covers Message For Assembly Home Survey – Keep A Record

15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Consume, Consume, Consume Essentials Our Products– Their Journey So Much Stuff

22 23 24

Natural Resources Perfect Paper Making Paper Rain – A Precious Resource Get Water Wise 140 Litre Challenge The Great Outdoors Activities Worm Farm Growing Your Garden Oxygen Cycle Terrific Trees

36 37 38 39 40

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Teacher Notes Curriculum Links

41 42 43 44 45

Our Big Problems Emissions Acid Rain Human Impact on Animals 1 Human Impact on Animals 2 Lazy Birds

46 47 48 49 50

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• 51 52 53

Extras! The Great Green Unscramble Green Hero Word Search Fast Finishers

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Being an Active Citizen Take Charge Letters That Count Newsletter Ideas

54 55


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Just Rubbish! Getting Clever About Reusing Break It Down Nude Food Recycling - Get Involved! Rubbish Count Trash'N'Treasure Junk Jewellery The Great CD Swap The Great CD Swap Design a Groovy Green T-Shirt Write a Play

25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

Green Warrior Certificate Answers




Teacher Notes “If you think you’re too small to make a difference, you’ve never been in bed with a mosquito.” Anita Roddick, Business as Unusual, Thorsons, USA, 2001. The world is a rapidly changing place and our effect on the planet is starting to have some dramatic consequences. Environmental education is playing an increasingly important role as children take over as the custodians of our planet.

• Suggestions: for research activities, reading activities, writing activities and practical activities and games to do in the classroom. This book also suggests strategies to use in the classroom to teach environmental education and lists websites which students may find helpful when completing the activities.

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This book empowers students by allowing them to explore environmental issues and by encouraging them to find practical ways to address these issues. Groovy Green Ideas broadly explores the environmental issues of Waste, Climate Change, Energy Usage, Natural Resources and Human Consumption.

• Activity Pages: There are plenty of curriculum-linked activity pages for students to complete in the classroom or for their homework.

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Daily, there are new headlines and reports on environmental problems. We all know that we have to act, and no group feel it more keenly than students. Thinking responsibly and sustainably is now essential for our future.

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In Groovy Green Ideas you will find:

• Project Ideas: These are activities which require more thought and time. • Information Pages: Clear explanations of environmental issues are provided to broaden students’ knowledge and help them to complete the activities. • Fast Finishers: Extension opportunities for students.

© ReadyEd• P u b l i c a t i o n s Answers: The solutions for activities are provided at e thes backo of n thel book. •f or r e vhelp i estudents w pur pos y• The information pages in this text,

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Don’t wait – start your school environmental club today and lead the next generation of Green Thinkers!

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5 Reasons to start TODAY

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Kids care about the planet, they want to make changes to their lives and make a difference;

The students and in turn, their families will be inspired to consider the impact of their own actions;

Will help build students problem solving skills and develop their creative thinking;

The projects don’t require expensive resources;

It is terrific fun.


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to develop their knowledge of our planet and tackle the activities with confidence.

Curriculum Links Sustainability means ‘enough for all, forever’ and environmental education can be drawn on in all subject areas. Environmental education is a mentality and encourages deep thinking and problem solving skills. Taking the time to include environmental education in your classroom’s learning will promote lifelong skills and values that the next generation need, to tackle problems which plague the world in which we live.






Stages 2-3

Middle childhood 4-7

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons Studies of Society Level 3-4 •and f o rr evi ew pur posesonl y• Environment (Essential Learnings – The Humanities) Social Science

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Level/Stage/Band Level 2-4

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Society and Environment Society and History

Essential Learning 20 – Students act for an environmentally sustainable future. Place, Space and The Environment.

Later childhood

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Outcomes Place & Space. Time, Continuity, Change. Systems, Resources & Power. Culture & Identity. Change and Continuity. Environments. Social Systems and Structures. Natural and Social Systems. Place and Space. Active Citizenship. Time, Continuity and Change. Geography, Economics (Essential Learnings replacing SOSE).

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Learning Area Studies of Society and Environment (Essential Learnings) Human Society and Its Environment Society and Environment

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State QLD

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Primary years 3-6

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Interactions With The Environment. Interconnections Between Systems. Responsible Citizenship. Studies of Society Environments. and Environment Natural systems. Environmental Awareness and Care.

Standards 2-4 Stages 4-10 Band 2-3


Groovy Green Ideas

Easy Energisers!

Teacher Tricks 1 You can set these activities, play these games, and use these strategies at any stage of your students' environmental education journey.

r o e t s B r e oo Groovy Green Discuss the environment p Activities u k S Ideas for Students Strategies to

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• Create a cause and effect chart. • Rank things from least to most (likely to cause pollution), low to high (levels of gas), like to dislike (political leaders).

• Engage in Word Association by writing all the things that come to your students' minds when you ask them of a word connected with the environment.

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• List positive and negative points.

Make a wanted poster for someone who has harmed the planet.

Create a set of rules for being green. The rules can be for the classroom, school, at home or for the community.

a cause and effect map. Divide © ReadyEdCreate P u b l i c a t i o n s a piece of paper into two columns and write CAUSE on the left-hand side of •f orr evi ew p ur posesonl y• your page and EFFECT on the right.



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One word planet story

In pairs, each person takes a turn saying one word to create a story about the planet, e.g. Let’s/make/a/difference./ Recycle/your/paper…


Are there environmental books in your library? Loan them and have a read.

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Use names connected with the environment. (Green Warrior, Cool Down, Lights Off.)


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Great Games to Play in the Classroom

Imagine what would happen if the garbage collectors stopped collecting rubbish. Complete your map.

Find out who is leading the way by profiling a leader who is making a difference.

Design your dream planet as a 3D model using paper wrapped over an orange. What kind of animals and plants live there? SKETCH a prototype for a new green invention.

Groovy Green Ideas

Easy Energisers!

Teacher Tricks 2 Find out what other schools are doing to protect the environment by sending them an email.

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Make a list of things to be thankful for. Think about all the good deeds environmentalists have done.

Groovy Green Writing Ideas

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WRITE a list of ‘good environmental deeds’ for the class – try out one a week.

Make up a jingle to remind your classmates to use both sides of any paper. Ask the adults! What are your teachers/parents doing to make a difference? Record your information.

Design an advertisement for an Environmental Expo.

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Create a profile of your own imaginary endangered species. What is it called? Where does it live? Why is it threatened? What can we do to save it?

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your own Groovy Green Ideas and © ReadyEdWrite P u b l i c a t i o n s publish them in the school newsletter display them in the classroom. •f orr evi ew poru r posesonl y•

Write a conversation between a tiger and a farmer who is clearing the habitat in which the tiger lives.

Useful Websites 


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Imagine you are a News Reporter. Something has happened at the rubbish dump; you are first on the scene. Write a news report detailing what’s happened. Make a sticker encouraging people to turn off the lights.

Write a rap song about water or some other environmental issue - ‘it’s a precious drop, we got to stop’.


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Groovy Green Ideas

Green Warriors

Environmental Club GET GOING!!

Starting an environmental club for your school will empower and encourage you to lead more sustainable lives.

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Enjoy learning about the environment and being a leader and activist at school.

Step 2: Run the meeting

Step 1: Organise a meeting 1. Set a date and a time. 2. Nominate a secretary (the person who takes the minutes).

1. The secretary reads out the minutes of the last meeting. 2. The chairperson lists the environmental issues that are important to the group. 3. Group discusses environmental issues. 4. Group discusses actions taken to address concerns. Chairperson lists them. 5. Group confirms the next meeting date.

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

3. Nominate a chairperson. The chairperson greets the group, asks each member to voice their concerns, makes sure every group member is heard and that nobody talks over anybody else.

Other things to do at your meetings:

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Take turns and nominate a different student to be club secretary and club chairperson each time you hold a meeting.

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Take the Green Warrior Pledge on Page 11. Discuss Green Warrior Surveys on Page 10. Choose an activity or project from this book to do. Create a Green Guide for the club stating its values and beliefs.

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o c . che e r o t r s super •

80% of the forests that originally covered the planet have been cleared.

In 2002-2003, each Australian generated an average of 1.62 tonnes of waste; more than a few elephants worth! That works out to 4.4kg of garbage everyday per person. Australia has the 6th largest area of forest in the world.


Groovy Green Ideas

Green Warriors

CLUB Minutes This is a document that keeps a record of the issues discussed and decisions made at your environmental club meetings.





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Things to be done:

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Next meeting date: 9

Groovy Green Ideas


Green GreenWarriors Warriors

Complete the survey below by placing a tick () next to each action that you do regularly. Be honest so that you know what to work on. You could ask others to complete this survey and help raise awareness of being green.

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I use both sides of the paper. I bring a reusable drink bottle to school. When I leave a room, I turn off the light. I use a lunch box everyday.

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I wear a jumper when it’s cold and don’t use a heater.

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• When I brush my teeth the tap is turned off. I bring things to use for art activities.

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I half flush the toilet.

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I know what things to recycle and put them in the right bins.

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I open a window rather than spray an air freshener.

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There are 6 billion of us on Earth – we have to make sure that the world is here for all of us to enjoy. Make your actions count! Three things that I am going to do to make my actions count:

•_________________________________________________ •_________________________________________________ •_________________________________________________


Groovy Green Ideas

Read the pledge carefully. It is a serious document – if you are ready to take up the challenge, sign. What is a Pledge? (noun) – a solemn promise or undertaking (verb) – to promise solemnly by one’s honour

r o Pledge e t s B r e oo p u k S

Our planet is in trouble and we have caused the damage.

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Green Warriors

It is time to make a stand so that people in the future can live in a planet in good shape.

I _____________________, pledge to find out more about helping our planet. I will strive to learn as much as I can about looking after the earth.

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons f o rr ev i e wofp ur po sesonfriendly. l y• Yes,• I will investigate new ways being more environmentally Yes, I will take action to save water, save energy and stop pollution from spoiling our environment.

Yes, I do want to make a difference to our planet.

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Yes, I will encourage my friends and family to follow my example.

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If we don’t act now, three out of every five species on Earth will not exist at the start of the next century. Australians throw out about $5.3 billion of food each year!


Groovy Green Ideas

Climate Change

Our planet is heating up, which means big changes for our climate and all the living things on it, including us! The atmosphere, which is like a giant blanket around the world, controls the temperature. Our planet is the only one we’ve discovered so far that has water and oxygen in the atmosphere – that’s why we have life on Earth.

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Groovy Green Research Research India and China; the world’s fastest growing countries.

Climate change is the impact that humans have on the temperature of our planet.

More and more people, mean more and more needs. To meet these needs we have been burning fuel, building houses, driving cars and Global Warming making things in factories. We need energy, but using fossil fuels (things that naturally occur on the planet like coal, oil and natural gases) means that the greenhouse gases that come from burning or using the fuel puts more CO2 (carbon dioxide) in our atmosphere. It’s the CO2 that is heating up our world.

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What’s all the fuss?

Check out

 Research questions

What is causing climate change? Who will be most affected by climate change?

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons What will happen if everyone • o rr evi ew pur posesonl y• wants to have af car when Discuss

fuel is running out?

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Fossil Fuels or Electricity? Write fossil fuels or electricity to complete the statements below:

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 Driving to school uses:

_ ___________________________

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 Running the dishwasher uses:

_ ___________________________

 Making plastic drink bottles uses:

_ ___________________________

 Operating the fans at school uses:

_ ___________________________

 Your muesli bar wrapper got to you using:

_ ___________________________

Groovy Green Task Make an A-Z list of all the words that you know related to fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas), on the back of this sheet.


A car emits 190g of CO2 every kilometre it travels. You can’t stop emissions but you can make smarter choices – walk, ride or use public transport.

Groovy Green Ideas

Climate Change

Make A Cool Down Plan

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Write down all of the things that you can think of that make our planet get hotter and cooler on the concept maps below.

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons

(They might help you to complete the concept maps.)

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 Greenhouse gas  Fossil fuel  Emissions  CO2  Glaciers  Ice caps

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Think About •the f owords rr evi ew pur posesonl y• What below mean.

o c . Cooler! che e r o t r s super

 Atmosphere

I'm Melting! Can you explain?

How does the fridge stay cold? Try This:

Get some ice cubes and a glass. See if you can stop the ice cubes from melting. 13

Groovy Green Ideas


Climate Change


Oceans provide whales and dolphins with a home and lots of food and provide us with fun places to visit on the holidays.

r o e t s Bo r Check it out!pe ok u S

Oceans also play an essential part in our environment.

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You Will need two soft drink cans and ice. Put one of the cans in the freezer until it is icy. Keep the other can at room temperature. Open the two cans. (You will hear the CO2 fizz as it is set free).



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Oceans are cooler than the air temperature and they absorb CO2 from the atmosphere. If our planet heats up then the oceans won’t be able to absorb as much of the gas CO2 and the oceans will get hotter.

Groovy Green Question

© ReadyEd P ubwarm l i cupawhat t i o nhappen? s If the oceans will Class discussion •f orr evi ew pur pos esonl y•

Watch and see which drink keeps its bubbles for the longest period of time.

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Icy OceanWord Search

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What can we do to cool the oceans down? Check out: 

Now you know all about cool planets, find words connected with the ocean in the word search below. They can go or 


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Groovy Green Ideas

Extreme Energy

Sources of Power Energy is a source of power that allows things to work. We use it everyday to operate electrical appliances at home, at school and all around us in the community. Everyday you use things that need energy.

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Make a list of them here.

Find out the meanings of:

• _________________________________________

Light year:_ __________________

• _________________________________________

Carbon:______________________ ____________________________ Solar flare: ___________________

• _________________________________________

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• _________________________________________ • _________________________________________


• _________________________________________

Electricity: ___________________

• _________________________________________


The most important thing to us © ReadyEdPubl i c at i ons here on Earth isn’t oxygen or List some ways that you the trees. Can you guess what can generate power: •f orr evi ew pur pose s nl ylong •before it is?o It was here ___________________________

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us and will be here for many millions of years to come. It’s the sun - an unbearably hot ball of gas, burning over 146 million kilometres away.

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The sun provides heat to keep us warm and helps plants to grow, which in turn, we and other animals and insects eat. Without the sun, life on Earth would be very dark and cold – like it is on Pluto.

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___________________________ ___________________________

There are almost 820,000,000 cars in the world. Australia has 13 million of them!

Cars burn half of the world’s oil and account for 6% of all global warming pollution.


Groovy Green Ideas


Extreme Energy

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The other concern is that it’s environmentally damaging to burn fossil fuels. When we burn fossil fuels, carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere. The extra CO2 is the main cause of global warming.

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Most of our electricity is generated from fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas. Fossil fuels are ancient minerals that have taken millions of years under special conditions to be created. It is because it takes so long to make them that there is only a certain amount of each on the planet. Driving cars, watching television, flying and keeping our machines running all use huge amounts of fossil fuels each year. Eventually, the supplies will run out.

Fill in the table below on fossil fuels.

© ReadyEd ubl i cat i oGas ns OilP Looks like: like: Looks like: •f orr evLooks i ew pur pose sonl y•

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Comes from:

Used to:


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Comes from:

Comes from:

Used to:

Used to:

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Groovy Green Ideas


Scientists are trying to discover new ways of generating electricity: • ways that won’t emit carbon dioxide into the atmosphere; • ways that will be affordable for everyone; Extreme! • ways that will provide enough power for everyone. There are many investigations going on and so far SOLAR, HYDRO and GEOTHERMAL energy are the most exciting. Find out how each system operates and draw three diagrams below to show each system working.

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Extreme Energy

These websites might help you with your research:


Hydro Energy

Solar Energy

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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

Geothermal Energy o

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Groovy Green Ideas


Extreme Energy

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What was life like before electricity? Can you imagine not having computers, televisions or refridgerators? All the wonderful things that we have invented need energy to make them work. If there are over 6 billion people on the planet, imagine how many switches there are. Energy is precious and we need to conserve it. Paste some pictures into the table below. You may want to take the pictures from a magazine or from the Internet.

Life before electricity

Life with electricity

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o c . che e r o t r s Class discussion: s uper

Look at the table and discuss what you notice.

How many things do you use that need electricity?


Which ones are the most important to you?

Groovy Green Ideas

Extreme Energy

LIGHT SWITCH COVERS Turning off the lights when we are not using them is the easiest way to save energy. Design two light switch covers for your school or home to help remind everyone to switch off the lights when they leave a room.

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Positive messages and messages of encouragement work wonders!

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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

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Groovy Green Ideas

Extreme Energy

MESSAGE FOR ASSEMBLY Spreading the word is part of being a concerned Environmental Activist.

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Time for RhymE

Check out these rhyming words and add some more of your own.

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Write your own rhyming rap about the importance of saving energy in the light bulb below.








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flame clean dream

took . t e worth

o c . blame c e h r e o t r mean s super team

__________ ___________ __________ ___________ __________ ___________ __________ ___________ 20

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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons They might help you complete• yourf rhyming rap. orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

Groovy Green Ideas


Extreme Energy


Teaching others about being green is a great way to help the planet. Complete this survey with your family at home. It might help you to convince them about starting a compost heap, getting energy efficient light bulbs or even solar panels!

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Record your electricity meter readings in the table below.

Teac he r Week 1

Meter Reading

Week 2

Meter Reading


______ units


______ units


______ units


______ units

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Find out the total energy used for each week by subtracting Monday's reading from Friday's reading.

Week 1:

My family used _______ units. Week 2:

My family used

_______ © ReadyEdPubl i cat i o nsunits. Did you• usef more electricity week week 2?_o _____________________________ or r evini e w1 than pu r p sesonl y•


______ units


______ units

Why do you think this was?__________________________________________________

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Record your energy saving actions for a week. Tick the boxes to indicate how often you did the following things.

The results may help you to explain why your meter readings are high/low.

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Energy Saving Action






Turned off the lights, TV, computer, radio when not in the room Turned off appliances at the wall

Wore a jumper instead of using a heater Opened windows instead of using air conditioning 21

Groovy Green Ideas


Consume, Consume, Consume

AM ________________________

PM ________________________











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Make a list of some of the things that you use everyday from the moment that you get up to the time that you go to bed.

This is called consumption!

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

Now think about how much energy it takes for your breakfast to be grown, packaged, taken to the shop, bought by you, taken home and eaten. And this is not the end of its journey! The containers or wrappings are thrown away and end up in a landfill somewhere.

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Go back to your daily list at the top of this page and cross out the things that you don’t really need. Be tough, only keep


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This is a LONG journey just for one item. Every time you consume something think about the effort gone into the product. In our modern lives we use so much more than our grandparents and ancestors. The first Aboriginal Australians believed in using only the things that they needed. They made minimal impact on their environment and considered their actions. Later on, the first settlers had to repair and reuse their things because London was too far away to replace them. Today it is easy to buy new things whenever you want. Discuss with the class why you think it is important to think carefully about what we consume and why is it easier to buy new things now.

o c . che To survive Ir e need: o r st super

Groovy Green Ideas


Consume, Consume, Consume


Do you know how far your bread travels to get to you?

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bread grown


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Illustrate the journey that bread goes on to get to you at home.

taken to the shops

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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

wrapping in landfill

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bought by you

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wrapping thrown away


taken home

Make your own diagrams for: • Milk

• Clothes

• Plastic lunch box

• Meat

• Paper

• Video game 23

Groovy Green Ideas

Consume, Consume, Consume

SO MUCH STUFF “20% of the world consume 80% of the world’s resources.” UNEP.

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We have so much stuff in our lives. What do you really need to survive?

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Choose the most important items in the picture below and colour them.

Explain why you chose your items? Compare your chosen items to your friend’s items. ______________________ ______________________

© ReadyEdPubl i ca t i ons ______________________ •f orr evi ew pur pose______________________ sonl y• ______________________

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______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________

BRAINSTORM As a class, discuss how you can reduce the amount of waste and things that you have. 24

Groovy Green Ideas

Just Rubbish!

Getting Clever About Reusing

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What happens to our rubbish when it goes in the bin? It takes hundreds of years for the rubbish to break down. Plastics take the longest and some things that are thrown out can harm the earth by leaking chemicals into the soil which affect plants and in turn, animals.

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Most food, in the past, didn’t come wrapped in plastic or come in a bag. It came from our people's back yards. People grew their own vegetables, made their own bread, ate eggs from their chickens and made their own clothes. The people who lived in cities took baskets to the local greengrocer and took home eggs without cartons. The milkman came each night and filled up glass bottles that were left outside people's door. Today, nearly everything is wrapped up in something.

Many items we throw out each day can be recycled; used again. We have factories that collect old paper and shred and Bin pulp it to make new paper. We also have factories that collect glass and plastics to make new containers. Truck Making new things from old things is much better than Left at the filling up our rubbish tips. Rubbish Tip After all, we only have a certain amount of space that we can use for More rubbish added everyday rubbish dumps. Tip fills up

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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

o c . che e r o t r s super

86% of Australians throw out dangerous items in the rubbish such as batteries and cleaning chemicals! Instead of throwing out our food scraps, we should compost them. By doing this we could reduce greenhouse emissions dramatically and help our gardens.


Groovy Green Ideas

Green Warriors Just Rubbish!

BREAK IT DOWN We throw rubbish in the bin and the rubbish goes to the dump. Is this the end of its journey? Does something magical happen to it?

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

Teac he r

• Permission from an adult

• 3 different pieces of rubbish (plastic, paper, food scraps)


• A small shovel

• Somewhere to dig 3 small holes


© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• Food

1. Dig 3 holes about 20cm deep


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2. Bury a piece of rubbish in each hole 3. Cover with soil and mark each hole with a peg

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4. Record your findings in the table Answer these questions.

Add your own

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• 3 pegs


after 3 weeks

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Let’s find out how long it takes different types of rubbish to degrade or break down in the soil. I noticed that … You need: after 1 week after 2 weeks

o c . che e r o t r s super

1. Which rubbish breaks down easily?

__________________________________________________________________________ 2. Which rubbish doesn’t break down easily? __________________________________________________________________________ 3. What types of rubbish should we be trying to use less of? __________________________________________________________________________ 26

Groovy Green Ideas


Just Rubbish!

In one day at your school, everyone throws out huge amounts of rubbish. Some rubbish, breaks down easily, but plenty of paper and plastics fill up the school bins everyday. To reduce the amount of rubbish thrown away at your school, you could encourage students to bring Nude Food to school.

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S • Food which breaks down easily such as apple cores or banana skins. • Food or drink that is placed in reusable bottles, reusable zip lock bags and reusable containers, such as sandwiches, carrot sticks and cheese.

What is Non Nude Food? • Food that is wrapped in tinfoil and gladwrap. • Drinks that come in plastic or cardboard containers.

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What is Nude Food?

To raise awareness of Nude Food, create a poster in the space below to show everyone what Nude Food and Non-Nude Food lunches look like.

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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

o c . che e r o t r s super


Groovy Green Ideas

Green JustWarriors Rubbish!


At home you have two bins; one for waste to go to the rubbish dump and one for recycling. Paper, glass, cans and some plastics can be broken down and remade into containers. If we threw out all of these things instead of recycling them, they would take hundreds of years to break down and could put harmful chemicals in the soil. It makes sense to recycle as much as we can rather than throw things out and make new things. You can do your part at home and at school.

Teac he r

Cut out the labels below and put them on four separate bins at school to encourage people to ‘Do The Right Thing; RECYCLE’.

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Groovy Green Task

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Plastics Glass to © ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons recycled •f o rr evi ew pube r pos esonl y• in here in this bin please o c . c e Please put her r All CANS o st super

must go in here


paper in this bin

Groovy Green Ideas

Just Rubbish!

RUBBISH COUNT Monitor how well your schoolclass is using the recycling bins by choosing from the words below to complete the table.

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

You will need:

• empty

• ¾ full

• ¼ full

• full

• ½ full





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Clipboard Pencil Hat Survey copies

Print your results in the school newsletter !


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How well did you school/class do? 29

Groovy Green Ideas


Just Rubbish!

Have you heard the saying, “One person’s trash is another’s treasure”? With your teacher's permission hold a Trash 'n' Treasure stall at school to raise money for your environmental club.

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

How to get organized

9am Monday Bring Your Trash 'n' Treasure

• Hold a club meeting. • Decide on the date (leave time to collect the items). • Make a list of jobs that need to be done and decide who does what. •

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Ask students to bring in things that they are happy to sell. Sort items into cost categories – 50c, $1, $2, $5.

© ReadyEdPub l i c t i on s What toa tell your classmates Decide what the money you raise will be • o The date and time. used for at f your school. Do you need bike • o r r e v i e w p u r p s e s o nl y• racks, a worm farm, solar panels, a tank? • When and where to bring in their item.

• Make signs for the cost areas (50c, $1, $2, $5).

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• Promote the stall by:

o c . che e r o t r s super

• Writing an article for the newsletter about it;

On the day

• Advertising on the school website;

• Set up the area and signs.

• Making a skit for assembly;

• Have a container to collect the money.

Creating a list of things that your classmates could sell. Taking it around the classroom. Stress that they must be things that they NO LONGER want.


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Things you need to do

• How much it costs to participate (put this information in letter form for them).

• Display all the items available to purchase. • Have a big smile!

Groovy Green Ideas

Just Rubbish!


r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S Groovy Green Task

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In the 1800s, there were a group of people called ‘pearlies’ living in London. They loved buttons and scrounged around collecting as many as they could. They decorated their clothes with them and earned themselves their nickname because of the shiny buttons that they wore.

MakE a funky bracelet or necklace

Gather some bits and pieces.

You can make jewellery from anything.

© ReadyEdPub l i at i o s See ifc there is a n *Reverse Garbage or a •f orr evi ew pur p os es on l y• second hand store near

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Things you could use: • old pen parts

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• old jewellery parts • buttons • shells • zips

1. Carefully punch holes into your chosen materials.

o c . che e r o t r s super

• parts of old toys

• computer parts •

what to do

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you. Go scavenging!


2. Measure enough fishing line or leather to go around your wrist or neck. Leave 4cm of extra material to finish off at the end. 3. Create a pattern by threading materials over the line. 4. Tie a knot at both ends.

• wire

5. Attach a clasp or just tie both ends together.

• plastic pieces

Voila! A totally unique item!

*These websites might help you to locate your nearest reverse garbage store. 


Groovy Green Ideas

Just Rubbish!

The Great CD Swap

Everyone has piles of CDs at home that they don’t listen to anymore. Why not organize a CD swap? You could do it for fun, or raise money to make your school more environmentally friendly. Photocopy the letter on page 33 to help raise awareness of the day. Then put the information in your school newsletter.

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Create a poster in the space below to remind students that The Great CD Swap is approaching and remind them why it is important to recycle.

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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

o c . che e r o t r s super

Groovy Green Ideas

The Great CD Swap

Dear Parents,

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

In order to encourage recycling and the reuse of goods, the Environmental Club is running a CD Swap.

To participate, just send in $10, and 3, 5 or 10 CDs.

(depending on how many you donated originally). It’s a great way to exchange CDs that you no longer like for some new listening!

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We will sort the collected CDs and return 3, 5, or 10 CDs to you

The funds raised will go towards purchasing learning equipment for the school. Please return the form below together with the CDs that you wish to swap to the office by_____________________.

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• Regards, You will receive your ‘new’ CD selection on____________________.


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The Great CD Swap

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Thank you for participating and happy listening.

o c . che e r o t r s su er 3 CDs 5p CDs 10 CDs

_______________________ in class ________ is participating in the GREAT CD Swap. (Print Child's name)

Please find enclosed $10 and the CDs to swap.

Listening preferences (tick the types of music that your family prefer – we’ll try our best to suit your preferences, but we can't make any guarantees). Classical









Groovy Green Ideas

Just Rubbish!

Design a Groovy Green T-shirt Design a t-shirt that will show people where you stand on looking after our planet and reducing waste. You could use fabric paint and a plain coloured t-shirt to transform your design into a reality.

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

Wear your design at school to deliver a message about looking after the environment.


Teac he r

Draft your design on this t-shirt first.

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Often the simpler the design the more effective it is!

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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•


o c . che e r o t r s super

Put cardboard under the fabric between t-shirt sides.

Groovy Green Ideas

Just Rubbish!

Write a Play Plays are a great way to tell a story about a problem.

Imagine that you are from the future and the people in your past didn’t recycle.

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Write a play with some advice for today’s people. Tell them how to start caring for the planet by recycling their rubbish. Use the table below to plan your play before you write it in full.

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

Setting and place

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o c . che e r o t r s super

Other ideas to include


Groovy Green Ideas

Green Warriors Natural Resources


r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

Ancient Egyptians invented the first substance which is like the paper we know today. They called it Papyrus. Papyrus scrolls were made by taking slices of the inner part of the papyrus plant stem, flattening it and then pounding it into a hard, thin sheet. The word "paper" comes from the word "papyrus". The paper that we know today was invented by Ts'ai Lun in A.D. 105. It is believed that he mixed hemp, mulberry bark, and rags with water, mashed it into a pulp, pressed out the liquid and hung it out to dry in the sun.

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Most paper is made from trees specially grown in plantations. It takes a long time to grow them and recycling our paper helps to make sure that we have enough to use. Only paper that has touched food and some special glossy papers can not be recycled.

Read the passage above.

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons Who invented paper and when?_________________________________________________ •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• Where does the word paper come from?__________________________________________

  Transported

  Sorted

1. __________________________

  Collected

  Packed

  Repulped

  De-inked

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Word List

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Research how paper is recycled. Use the words from the word list and place them in the correct order to show the recycling process.

  Remade

  Transported   Sold

o c . che e r o t r s super

2. __________________________ 3. __________________________ 4. __________________________ 5. __________________________ 6. __________________________ 7. __________________________ 8. __________________________ 9. __________________________ 36

If you use 5 pieces of paper a day, you are using 1,825 pieces per year or 18,250 pieces in 10 years. Multiply that by the number of people in

Groovy Green Ideas


Natural Resources

Follow the instructions below to make your own paper. You will need:

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S 


Screen with edges

Tear up some tissues and place in a bowl. You will need about 3 tissues for a 5” x 6” piece of paper. Add enough hot water to fill the bowl about ¾ full.

Beat the tissues and water to make a “slurry”. Add a tablespoon of starch.

Slide the screen to the bottom of the pan and gently move it around to get an even layer of the slurry on top of the screen.

Lift the screen straight out of the pan. Hold the screen over the pan so that some of the water can drain off.

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons   •f orr evi ew pur poses onl y•

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Pour the slurry into a shallow pan.

Paper is usually made from trees, but you can recycle tissue and make your own paper.

Cut a piece of screen and fold the edges twice to make a frame.

• Starch • Newspaper

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• Blender • Rolling pin • Old paper or tissues

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• Screen • Hot water • Shallow pan • Frame

o c . che e r o t r s super

Place the screen, with the pulp side up, on a stack of newspaper. Lay small flowers, leaves and grasses on the pulp, if you wish.

Cover your paper with more newspaper and roll with a rolling pin to squeeze out the water.

Lift off the top newspaper. Gently peel the homemade paper from the screen and allow it to dry on dry newspaper.

Groovy Green Project! Keep a recycling box in your classroom. Collect all your old paper for a paper making day. 37

Groovy Green Ideas


Green Warriors Natural Resources

– A PRECIOUS RESOURCE All life on earth needs three things: the sun, water and oxygen. Without these things, we wouldn’t have this marvellous planet.

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S Hot air rising forms into clouds.

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The water cycle below explains the process of rainfall. Rain provides us with one of our most precious resources; water.

Clouds transform hot air into water vapour. Clouds become heavy and fall.

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i o ns Rain falls. •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

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Sun heats the earth.

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The Water Cycle

o c . che e r o t r s super

1. The sun heats up water in the rivers, lakes and oceans. 2. Water vapour evaporates from the oceans, rivers and lakes and rises into the atmosphere. 3. The vapour forms clouds. 4. The water droplets in the clouds cool down. 5. If the temperature and conditions are right, it rains and the cycle starts again. 38

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Rain fills the oceans, lakes and rivers.

Cloud Seeding

Scientists are developing technology called ‘Cloud Seeding’ – they add chemicals to the clouds to encourage the water droplets to grow and fall; creating rain. Humans are capable of AMAZING things!

Groovy Green Ideas

Natural Resources


r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

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Fill up the tank below with ways that you can save water at home and at school. You can express your ideas in writing and/or use illustrations.

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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

o c . che e r o t Groovy r s super Green Idea!

You could make a PowerPoint presentation to share your ideas with others.


Groovy Green Ideas

Green Warriors Natural Resources


Find out if you can slash your water use by using only 140 litres of water in 40 hours. This is the amount recommended by some governments. Challenge yourself and find out how much water you really use! Your whole family can try it.

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

Challenger: ______________________________

Getting a drink Washing face/ hands Bath – high water level

Bath – low water

0.5 litre

• Record all your water use over a 40 hour period in the table. For example you could start at 7am on a Tuesday and finish at 11pm on a Wednesday.

2 litres

• Use tally marks to record each time you complete a Water Use Action.

Amount of Water


Total (litres)

150 litres 80 litres

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Water Use Action

What to do:

• Fill in the Total column. Multiply the Amount of Water used by the number of times you recorded the action in your Tally.

©R e a d y E d P u b i c a t i n s • l Add up all ofo the results and 1 litre record in the Total column. •f orr evi ew pur pos e soface nl • (e.g, washed 6y times; 6 times 8 litres

50 litres


w ww Laundry

110 litres

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Cooking a meal

7 litres


15 litres

Washing up by hand Flushing toilet – full Flushing toilet – half

Questions: 1. Did you use more than 140 litres of water?


o c . che e r o t r s super

20 litres

4.5 litres 9 litres

Other The average amount of water used for each action has been supplied as a guide to complete this project. This activity has been adapted from the 40 hour drought


x 2 litres = 12 litres used).

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Brushing teethwater off Brushing teeth – water on

______________________________ 2. Did you surprise yourself? ______________________________ ______________________________ 3. What will you do from now on to save water? ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________

Groovy Green Ideas


The Great Outdoors

Spending too much time inside watching TV or playing computer games just isn’t good for us. Our bodies need exercise to keep us healthy.

r o e t s Bo r e p o u k Magic moments S

Find a quiet, special place to sit and listen. Keep really still, relax and see what happens! Pay attention to all the living things around you that you ignore when you are busy. It is magical!

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Try these activities to soak up the natural beauty of the environment around you; so much more fun than wasting time indoors.

Write a song

Bird watching

Go outside and think about the amazing things around you and write a song about nature. Include some groovy dance moves and actions.

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• Unique Trees

Have you noticed that all trees have different bark? Take some crayons and paper. Place the paper on the bark and use your crayons to take a rubbing. Compare all the trees in your area. How are they different or the same?

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Take some binoculars, a notepad and pencils. Seek out birds in your back yard. Get a good look at them and try to sketch them. Later, find out what breed they are and report back to your class.

Cloud watching . t e o c . che e r o t r s super

It is amazing what you can see if you use your imagination. Lie down on the grass and gaze at the sky. What things do you see in the clouds?

Every person in Australia uses about 300 plastic bags a year. Each plastic bag takes 500 years to break down in the rubbish tip!


Groovy Green Ideas


The Great Outdoors

Food waste is easily biodegraded. It breaks down quickly and easily, unlike plastic or nonrecyclable materials. People use food waste to make compost and help gardens to grow.

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

You can use the food waste at your school to make compost by starting a worm farm.

Once you have your worm bin (easy to find from nurseries) you can start your farm.

Place the correct numbers in the boxes below to reveal the steps that you need to take to make a worm farm.

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Worms eat food scraps and their castings can be added to the garden as compost, helping plants to grow.

Remove castings forn thes garden © ReadyEdPu bl i c at i o    Assemble worm bin    Add to r new •worms f or ehome vi ew pur p oses o nl y•    Unpack your worm bin

Keep a worm diary to record observations

Make a feeding roster to collect scraps

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Put newspaper bedding into bin

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Groovy Green Fact

o c . che e r o t r s super

Worms like eating: newspaper, tomatoes, bread, carrots and bananas. They don’t like onions, orange skins or plastic.


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Add food scraps

Groovy Green Ideas


The Great Outdoors

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

Growing your own food means that you can be certain about what you are eating and how it is grown. You can be sure that no pesticides or sprays have been used and you can learn about how things grow. It is great fun! You don’t need lots of land, because many things grow well in pots. Try out the Tasty Tomatoes project.

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The fruit and vegetables that you eat have to travel to the supermarket before they are bought by you. Sometimes, fresh produce travels hundreds of kilometre and that adds to the cost that you pay.

Groovy Green Tasks

Tasty Ask at the fruit shop where Tomatoes your food comes from. Mark the locations on a map. © ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons (You will be AMAZED!) • packet of In groups work out how far tomato seeds •f orr evi ew p ur p osesonl y • your food has travelled. Step 1: Read the labels on your food at home.

• large pot • potting mix • wooden stake and string

Fill the pot with soil.

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You need:

What to do: Follow steps 1–3.


o c . Groovyc e hr r o t Green Idea e s super Observations:

• Keep a ‘tomato diary’.

Talk to your teachers about starting a veggie patch at school. Use the compost from your worm farm to help.

Step 2: Carefully plant seeds (only 5mm from surface).

• Take photos every week to chart the progress. • Write down any interesting things that you notice. (Don’t forget to water your seeds).

Step 3: Water your seeds (keep them moist but not soaked). 43

Groovy Green Ideas

The Great Outdoors

OXYGEN CYCLE Our planet is the only one that has the essential elements of life: sun, oxygen and water. We can see the sun and water but oxygen is a bit trickier. We breathe in this invisible gas and breathe out carbon dioxide (CO2).

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S Photosynthesis The sun helps plants to grow

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To ensure there is plenty of oxygen about, plants help us out. They absorb carbon dioxide and emit (release) oxygen. This is called photosynthesis.

The plants use sunlight, carbon dioxide and water to make energy to live

Plants emit oxygen

© ReadyE dPubl i cat i onsHumans It starts Humans all over breathe breathe •f orr evi ewagain pur poout s e sonl y • in carbon oxygen dioxide

A local forestry company wants to cut down a forest near your town.

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Groovy Green Experiment • Take a plant in a pot, cover it with clear plastic wrap.

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o c . che e r o t r s super

What do you think? Write a letter to the company arguing your point of view. Think about the process of photosynthesis to help you develop your argument.

• Make sure there are no gaps and see what happens.

Record your observations:

_________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Research photosynthesis, oxygen cycle and transpiration on the Internet to help you with this Groovy Green Experiment.


Groovy Green Ideas

The Great Outdoors


Trees not only give us shade from the hot sun, they also provide us with oxygen so that we can breathe. In fact, most of the world’s oxygen is supplied by trees which breathe in the carbon dioxide lingering in the air (the gas that we breathe out) and release oxygen back into the atmosphere.

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

National Tree Day

National Tree Day occurs every year. Start planning your school’s activity to celebrate this great day. • Paint a tree mural. • Find out about the Amazon; the world’s greatest forest. • Plant some trees. • Write to paper companies. about encouraging recycling • Hold a class debate, “paper is the most important resource”. • Visit the botanical gardens and learn about the species of native trees.

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Think of some other reasons why trees are terrific. Write or illustrate your ideas below or illustrate some of the reasons already mentioned on this page.

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

Website to visit:

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  Groovy Green Idea

Are there any forests close to where you live? Find out and shade them on a map. 45

Groovy Green Ideas


Our Big Problems

You have probably heard this word mentioned a great deal in the news but what does it mean? Find a definition of emissions in the dictionary:

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____________________________________________ ____________________________________________

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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur poExtra seso nl y• Gas!

What are the differences between the two pictures above?


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We emit many different gases into our atmosphere and because our population has grown, it is getting harder for the planet to cope with the extra amount of gases released. As a result, it is changing our climate.

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Groovy . teGreen o Idea! c . che e r o t r s super

Get your Environmental Club to hold a ‘car free day’. Encourage everyone to walk, train, bus or ride to school. Find out how much CO2 you have saved. 46

What are the names of the gases emitted into our atmosphere?

Groovy Green Ideas

Our Big Problems

ACID RAIN Acid rain is really nasty and it really does happen! When levels of pollution get very high in the atmosphere, poisons are collected by the clouds and mix with the rain. We call it acid rain. Think about what problems acid rain causes.

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Acid rain rarely occurs over country areas because there is less pollution there. Very large cities are most at risk.

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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons Research acid rain on the Internet and write down all the important facts that the clouds below. •f o rr ev i e wyoupdiscover ur pino se so nl y•

o c . che e r o t r s super

On a separate piece of paper, create your own comic explaining acid rain. Be bold – creative ideas are always terrific! 47

Groovy Green Ideas

Human Impact on Animals 1

Green Our BigWarriors Problems

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S


Think about the native animals in the table below and rate the human impact on their lives by placing a tick in the high, medium or low column. Explain your ratings. Add another native animal to the list.

Impact humans have on animals' lives

e.g. Snail




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Teac he r

No matter where you live, there are native animals all around us. Mostly, we don’t even notice that they are there but they notice us and we have a big impact on their lives.

How humans are impacting on the lives of native animals? Less veggie gardens to live in, more pesticides


© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons Ant •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

Blue tongue lizard

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Crimson Rosella Gecko

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Groovy Green Task 48

o c . che e r o t r s super Imagine that you are a lizard. Write a diary entry about a typical day. Mention the impact that humans have on your environment.


Groovy Green Ideas

Our Big Problems

Human Impact on Animals 2

Imagine how you would feel living in a rubbish dump. It is because humans have needed more space for their cities that animals have had to adapt their lives. They have less natural habit and more dangers to contend with like traffic, cats and dogs.

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S


Team members

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In groups of 3 or 4, form a team and find a local park nearby and investigate the life of our small neighbours. Note down your observations then complete the table below.

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

Approximate size of park

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Animals spotted

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Evidence of animal life

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Proximity to water

o c . c e r Rubbish collected h er o t s super Possible food supply for animals Overall health rating of park


Groovy Green Ideas

Lazy BIRDs

Green Our BigWarriors Problems

It’s great fun to feed the birds, but it isn’t good for them. Do you know why?

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

Help the birds in a healthy way.

Instead of hand feeding the birds, plant some trees that birds love.

Step 1

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Feeding the local birds regularly encourages them to become lazy. They eventually stop looking for food themselves and if they forget how to find their own food, they will die.

Use the Internet to find out which trees local birds enjoy. Find Out:

Why birds love trees.


___________________________ © ReadyEdPub l i cat i ons Decide• which trees you plant. f o rr ewould vi elike wtop ur posesonl y•

Step 2


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Step 3

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Meet with your teacher and/or principal and gain permission to plant the trees. You will need to explain why it is a good idea. Be prepared!

o c . che e r o Have a tree planting t r s su er lunchtime and carefully select p

Step 4

where they should go.


Enjoy feeding the local birds in a healthy way.


Groovy Green Ideas

Take Charge

Being an Active Citizen

"If you think you're too small to make a difference, you've never been in bed with a mosquito." Anita Roddick, Business as Unusual, Thorsons USA 2001.

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

Here are some ways that you can get involved in the world around you. If you think that environmental problems are just too big, remember; it only takes one person to start making a difference.

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Everyday you make choices; what to do, what to eat and what to wear. These are all powerful choices about how you decide to live your life. You can make good choices that look after our planet or poor ones. It is up to you.

Tick the ones you do regularly


© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f or r evi eare. wWrite pu r pand os e sonl y• Find out who your local politicians to them tell them Watch the news. Discuss it with your friends so that you are aware of the decisions being made about the world in which we live.

your environmental ideas. Invite them to speak to your club.

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Spend time with someone older than you (grandparents, family friends). Ask them what things were like for them when they were young. Tell them what life is like for you now.

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Choose to take public transport – encourage your family to do this as well.

o c . che e r o t r s super

Try watching less TV. Instead, help someone, read a story, cook or write to someone who has inspired you.

Check out your list.

Now you can see some of the ways that you can take charge. Share this list with your family so that they can help you become an active citizen. 51

Groovy Green Ideas


Green Warriors Being an Active Citizen

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

Who is the best person to write to? In Australia, there are three levels of government and each level looks after different services in our community. Write to the person who represents you at each level, as well as to the Federal Minister who is responsible for addressing issues relating to the environment.

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If you care enough about an environmental issue write a letter to your local politician. Politicians are elected into their jobs to represent you. Make sure that your opinions are heard by letting them know how you feel.

Environmental Issues

Local Government


Councillors led by the MAYOR look after:

• local parks • rubbish collection • roads © Read y E d P u b l i c a t i o n s • buses • ferries •deforestation State •f orr evi ewGovernment pur posesonl y•

•climate change

•protecting wildlife

Members of Parliament led by the PREMIER look after:

•saving water

• schools • electricity

Federal Government Members of Parliament led by the PRIME MINISTER look after:

• mining

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• hospitals • rail

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• defence • environment • foreign relations • telecommunications • universities

Ask your teachers and parents or use the Internet to complete these sentences. My Local Government Representative is: __________________________________ My State Government Representative is:


My Federal Government Representative is: __________________________________


Groovy Green Ideas

Being an Active Citizen


r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

Online Newsletter Campaign

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Helping others to understand environmental issues and becoming more environmentally involved is something that everyone can do. Your club can use the school newsletter as a tool to help others become more environmentally aware and involved.

Groovy Green Ideas


Include some eco-friendly ideas and © ReadyEdinformation Publ ca t i o ns ini your school newsletter each week. Make it a club job to submit these and include interesting •f orr evi ew pu r p os e so nl y•

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Find out how much paper reading the newsletter online would save the school. You will be shocked and so will everyone else. Ask people to make a newsletter pledge to read them online.

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websites and competitions.

By doing this, you will help get others involved and spread the news about your club.

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If your school prints newsletters for students, encourage everyone to read their newsletter online.

o c . che e r o t r s super Club e-news

Your club could create their own e-news to email to students and families. Include: information, photos, websites, competitions and reports of activities and games that are about environmental awareness. Check out other newsletters to learn how to write the best articles. Everyone can contribute something!


Groovy Green Ideas


THE GREAT GREEN UNSCRAMBLE Unscramble the words below. Then write your own environmental words on the back of this sheet for your friend to unscramble.

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r o e t s Bo r e C_ _________________________________ ONSUMNOICTP p ok u S EENGR G_ _________________________________ CRYCLEE



C_ _________________________________



P___________________________________ © ReadyE dPubl i cat i ons GDEERDANNE E___________________________________ •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• CSTILPA




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o c . che e r o t r s s S__u _________________________________ per R__________________________________ W__________________________________


G_ _________________________________





Groovy Green Ideas

GREEN HERO Word Search


The only way that change will happen is if people make different choices in life. There are many passionate people who fight for a cleaner, greener planet. Find their names and words associated with them in the word search.

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Tim Flannery Attenborough Campaign National Geographic conserve care


















UN Greenpeace WWF Tree lead save


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David Suzuki Jane Goodall protect Steve Irwin Anita Roddick Inspire

r o e t s Bo r e Green Hero Word List p ok u S




















© d i c i o A TR Te Ea N y HAE Vd EP Cu Rb Gl C a Mt O Bn Es S No Ar Tr Iv Oi Nw A Lp G Ep Oo Gs R s A o P n Hl I C• •f e e ur e y E






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o c . che e r o t r s super G A N































Choose three people or three organisations from the Green Hero Word List and list one of their main environmental achievements. Name of Person/Organisation

Environmental Achievement


Fast Finishers

Write to the BOSS! Write a letter to the Prime Minister about your Environmental Club telling him about the activities that you have been doing. Let him know what changes you have made and how you have made a difference.

To the

Prime Minister

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

Make sure that your spelling is correct and that you use formal language. Type your letter and then go to this website: for the PM's address. Who knows what might happen!

Spread Your Message

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Ask your teacher to check your letter, then post it off.

© ReadyEdPubl i c at i ons Greenis Make some badges and stickers that relate to f o r e v i e wwithp ur poses onl y• world • issues thatr you want to share others. Groovy When you wear a badge or a t-shirt with a message on, you are raising awareness of issues.

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Try using bright colours and catchy phrases.

. te Make a List o c . che e r o t r s super

You can have lots of fun without spending any money or harming the environment. Make a list of ways that you can spend your time and have fun, which are environmentally friendly. Let your imagination run wild. Use your list to make a poster and display in the classroom with the title, ‘Next Time You’re Bored’.

Take a copy of your poster to other classrooms – it might be a hit! Email your ideas to your friends. You’ll provide them with a list of great things to do on their school holidays.


Fast Finishers

Make a Board Game Think about all the ways to be environmentally friendly. Make up a board game or a card game to help people learn about caring for our planet.

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

Design your game on the computer. Make sure that you have plenty of information and exciting ideas.

Design the ULTIMATE

Imagine that you live in a wonderful place; a house that is very earth-friendly. What does it look like? What makes it an earth-friendly place? What is it made of?

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It could be like Snakes and Ladders, Snap, Bingo or a new type of game altogether!

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons Design your ultimate house. Include a floor •f o routside, r evi pu posesonl y• plan, image of the ae listw of things in r Present your idea to the class. Who knows, your house might be the house of the future!

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In Your Patch

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the back yard and a written description.

o c . che e r o t r s super

Find out about any endangered animals which exist in your area. •

What are their names?

What do they eat?

Why are they endangered?

What can you do to save them?

Present your research to the class. You might be able to find an expert who can come and speak to your class. They might be able to let you know what is happening to endangered animals and explain how you can help.


Groovy Green Ideas

Making a Difference

Groovy Green Certificate

This is to certify that

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

_______________________________________  is making a difference by:


    caring for all living things     spreading the word to others


You should be very proud that you have received this certificate from your teacher. It means that your efforts have been recognised and worthwhile.

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  learning about the environment     conserving materials and energy

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

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This is to certify that

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Making a Difference

Groovy Green Certificate

o c . is making a e difference by: che r o r st supe   learning about the environment     caring for all living things r _______________________________________

    conserving materials and energy


    spreading the word to others


You should be very proud that you have received this certificate from your teacher. It means that your efforts have been recognised and worthwhile.


Answers Climate Change: What’s All The Fuss. P12. What is causing climate change?

Climate Change: Icy Oceans = Cool Planet P14

The energy that humans need to live their busy lives, releases gases into the atmosphere. These gases cannot escape and are heating the planet.

Which drink keeps its bubbles for the longest? Answers will vary dependant on experiment. In theory, the cold drink should retain its bubbles for the longest.

Who will be most affected by climate change?

If the ocean warms up, what will happen?

The people who are most disadvantaged in the world and cannot pay for things. People who live on small, flat islands may have to move, as the sea level rises.

Running the dishwasher uses: electricity (generated by burning coal).

The hotter temperature will affect marine life. It will cause the sea level to rise and both these things will impact on human lifestyles. What can we do to cool the oceans down? Being aware of the effect of over fishing on our oceans – food chains are affected and that will alter the natural balance of the ocean Stop dumping our trash in the oceans. Trash leaks dangerous chemicals that affect the eco-systems. Campaign for safety regulations on all ships. Oil spills kill all the animals and fish in the area that they occur. They take years to clean up and kill reefs.

Making plastic drink bottles uses: fossil fuels (plastics are made using oil).

Word search words: wave, depth, fish, salt, icy, balance, kelp, carbon, polar, swim, wet, sea.

What will happen if everyone wants to have a car when fuel is running out?

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We will need to find more earth friendly ways to travel. Scientists are working on environmentally friendly fuels such as, electric and solar powered cars. Driving to school uses: fossil fuels (oil).

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Operating fans at school uses: electricity (generated by burning coal).

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

The muesli bar wrapper got to you using: fossil fuels (energy to make the wrapper).

Extreme Energy: Sources of Power P15 Meanings of:

Light year – The distance light can travel in a year.

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Carbon – A chemical element found in all organic matter. Solar flare – A giant explosion on a star releasing incredible amounts of energy. Electricity – A form of energy.

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Climate Change: Make a Cool Down Plan P13 Definitions: Greenhouse Gas – these are gases that are emitted and trapped in the atmosphere. Fossil Fuel – remains of plants and animals that have been preserved for millions of years creating oil and coal. Emissions – gases that are released into the atmosphere when we make materials or use energy (like driving a car). CO2 – the scientific abbreviation for Carbon Dioxide, the gas we breathe out and one of the main contributors (scientists believe) to climate change. Glaciers – slow moving frozen giants that store huge amounts of CO2 and water. Ice Caps – Found in the Artic and Antarctic. They remain frozen throughout the year.

List some ways that you can generate power? Using batteries. Using motors that run on petrol. The human body – riding a bike, pushing a barrow. Using electricity that is generated by burning coal. Heat energy from a fire. Solar power – capturing the energy from the sun. Wind Power – capturing the energy from the wind. Hydropower – capturing energy from water. Geothermal power – capturing heat energy from deep in the earth. Nuclear power – using uranium to generate power.

o c . che e r o t r s super

How does a fridge stay cold? Today’s fridges use a gas called tetrafluoroethane. It isn’t harmful to the environment like the CFCs that were used in the past. HFC turns into a freezing cold liquid when it is cooled. A motor and compressor is then used to keep the fridge cold.


Answers \Extreme Energy: Fossil Fuels P16 Coal

Gases emitted into our atmosphere:



Looks like:

Looks like:

Solid, black and lumpy.

Liquid, black and shiny.

A clear gas consisting mainly of methane.

Comes from:

Comes from:

Comes from:

A fossil fuel – made from ancient plants and animals.

A fossil fuel – made from ancient plants and animals buried millions of years ago.

A by-product of oil and coal from ancient plants and animals. Also occurs naturally.

Used to:

Used to:

Used to:

Burn to generate electricity and heat.

Burn to make petrol. Also used to make plastics and cosmetics .

Carbon Dioxide, methane, carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide.

Our Big Problems: Human Impact on Animals 1 P48

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S Burn to generate power for heating hot water and for cooking.

Possum: High - reduction in native habitat to live in, health problems resulting from eating food scraps given by humans. Ant: Low – very small and billions of them exist. Humans provide more hiding spaces for ants in buildings. Blue tongue lizard: High – less garden space means less space to live in for the lizard, more cars mean more chances of being run over, cats and dogs also injure lizards.

Natural Resources: Perfect Paper P36 The word paper comes from the ancient egyptian word papyrus. Ts'ai Lun invented paper in A.D. 105. Put the words in the right order to show the recycling process. Collected, transported, sorted, de-inked, repulped, remade, packed, transported, sold.

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Looks like:

Kookaburra: Medium – more trees cut down for more houses means that there’s less habitat for kookaburras. Crimson rosella: Medium – loss of habitat due to tree removal, loss of food (nectar from banksias) because of smaller gardens and less plants.

Gecko: Low – more buildings for geckos to live in, more bugs being attracted to the lights for them to eat.

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• Extras! The Great Green Unscramble P54

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Extras! Green Hero Word Search P55 J






















o c . che e r o t r s super

Our Big Problems: Emissions P46 Definition of Emissions The action of emitting something, especially heat, light, gas, or radiation.

What are the differences between the two pictures? One picture is of an urban, industrial environment showing pollution and gas emissions. The other is of a natural environment with great biodiversity (many different species) and no pollution.


consumption, green, recycle, carbon, environment, plastic, endangered, fuel, energy, waste, rubbish, worms, solar, garden, sun, trees

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The Great Outdoors: Worm Farm P42 Place the correct numbers in the boxes to reveal the steps to make a worm farm. 1. Unpack your worm bin 2. Assemble worm bin 3. Put newspaper bedding into bin 4. Add worms to new home 5. Add food scraps 6. Make a feeding roster to collect scraps 7. Keep a worm diary to record observations 8. Remove castings for the garden












































































































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