Developing English Skills Through Themes: Book 2 - Our World

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Developing English Skills Through Themes Our World © 2010 Ready-Ed Publications Printed in Australia Author: Frances Croft

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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

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r o e t s Bo4 r Teachers’e Notes p Links o Curriculum 5 k u S Antarctica Activity Sheets

6 7-11

Dinosaurs Activity Sheets

12 13-17

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Activity Sheets


Space Exploration Activity Sheets

30 31-35

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Disasters 18 © Natural R e a d y E d P u b l i c a i ons Activity Sheets 19-23t •f oLakes rr e vi ew pur poses onl y• and Rivers 24

Tropical Rainforests 36 . teActivity Sheets 37-41 o c . e The c Weather 42 her r o t s43-47 Activity Sheets s uper Answers



Teachers’ Notes Our World is the second book in the series Developing English Skills Through Themes. There are seven sections in this book and the activities are suitable for students ten years of age and above.

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The activities:

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The activities relate to the English curriculum and have been carefully constructed to help students continue to develop their reading, writing, speaking and listening skills. The activities are fun, varied and the instructions are clear.

• will help the students continue to develop their understanding of poems, feature articles, diary entries and short stories • can be completed by students of different abilities • allow all students to succeed

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• • increases students’ confidence and raises their self-esteem

• could be used as an introduction to an in-depth study of the subject

It is suggested that the students' work be displayed.

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Answers, where possible, are at the back of the book.

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• allow students to work in groups or individually

Each topic can be approached in different ways and the students may want to seek further information about each subject.


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Curriculum Links TAS - English Standards 2 and 3 • Reading and Viewing • Writing and Representing • Speaking and Listening

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SA - English Standard 3 • Text and Context • Language • Strategies

VIC - English Levels 3 and 4 • Reading • Writing • Speaking and Listening

ACT - English ELA 8, 9, 10 and 11

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NSW - English Stages 2 and 3 • Talking and Listening • Reading • Writing

NT – English Band 2 • Listening and Speaking • Writing • Reading and Viewing

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons QLD - English •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• Essential Learnings by the end of

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WA – English • 1 – Understanding Language • 3 – Conventions • 6 – Speaking • 8 – Reading • 9 – Writing

Year 5

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Read the text below about Antarctica then answer the questions.

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a Ant Sheet 1

Antarctica is located at the South Pole and is surrounded by the Southern Ocean. This area is the largest single mass of ice on Earth. Antarctica is about twice the size of Australia and has a harsh climate. This continent is the coldest, driest and windiest place on Earth and blizzards often lash the area. 98% of Antarctica is ice and snow, but below the ice and snow there is land. During the summer, Antarctica has twenty-four hours of sunlight. Antarctica is not owned by any country.

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Nobody lives permanently in Antarctica because of the harsh environment. Many explorers have made expeditions to the South Pole and Antarctic scientists carry out experiments at research stations located on the continent.

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Antarctica is a wonderful destination for tourists. Cruise ships allow people to see the majestic mountains, wilderness, glaciers and wild life as well as experience the stillness of the area. There are guidelines for tourists so that they do not damage the environment. Another way to see Antarctica is by plane. Only a few plants survive in Antarctica and those that do, grow very slowly because of the cold. In the waters off the coast of Antarctica there are large populations of whales, seals and penguins. The Elephant Seal is the largest seal. About 40 million penguins live at Antarctica and the Adélie is the most numerous. This penguin lives on rocky areas. The Emperor penguin is the largest. The Petrel bird also lives in Antarctica and it helps keep fleas alive. Thousands of fleas live on each Petrel bird and they burrow into the birds’ feathers to keep warm.

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• Questions

1. Where is Antarctica?__________________________________________________

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2. Explain Antarctica’s climate in your own words._ ___________________________ ___________________________________________________________________

3. How large is Antarctica?_______________________________________________

. te o ___________________________________________________________________ c . c e 5. Why do you think scientists work in Antarctica?____________________________ her r o t s super ___________________________________________________________________

4. Why don’t people live permanently in Antarctica?__________________________

6. Name two animals that live in this area._ _________________________________


7. Why do plants grow very slowly?________________________________________ 8. What do you feel about this continent?___________________________________

___________________________________________________________________ 7

Page 7 may help you complete these activities.

Creative Letters ca Write the word Antarctica so that it shows the type of area it is. i t c 2 tar et


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In the space below, write three or four facts about Antarctica.

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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

. Write each oft the list words in a suitable question. You do not haveo to write the e c answers. Try and write a question that can’t be answered with yes or no. . c e her r •coldest continent •countries •surrounded by water o •icebergs •scientists t s super Questions About Antarctica

________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________


Page 7 may help you complete these activities.

A Doctor’s Poem

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Imagine that you are a doctor and you have come to work in Antarctica for one year. Write a poem about what you see and feel when you step off the plane. *Remember, poetry does not have to rhyme.


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You are a tourist. Write a postcard to a friend describing what your greatest surprise was during your cruise. Was it when you saw your first seal? Was it when you saw the mountains or felt the stillness when the cruise ship arrived?

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Antarctic Activities On the back of this sheet, write down some of the activities that you think people do in Antarctica to pass the time when they have to stay inside. 9

Page 7 may help you complete these activities.

Top Holiday Destination tica c r ta t4 e


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Explain why you think tourists enjoy going to Antarctica. Illustrate one of these reasons in the speech bubble. *There could be several reasons.

Answer the following questions. 1. What kind of weather does Antarctica have?

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

2. What type of clothing would a person in Antarctica have to wear?

3. Write one fact about the bird life in Antarctica. _____________________________________________________________________

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4. If you were a tourist what would you expect to see in Antarctica?


. te _____________________________________________________________________ o c . 6. Why do you think there guidelines for tourists? care e her r o t _____________________________________________________________________ s super 5. If you were going on a cruise ship to Antarctica what would you take with you?

7. Of what value is Antarctica to the people living on Earth?


Survival On the back of this sheet, draw and label what you would need if you were going to survive for two nights in Antarctica away from the safety of the research station. Think about shelter and food. 10

Page 7 may help you complete these activities.

Animals In Antarctica

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A food chain is important to all of us. Explain what you think a food chain is. _ _____________________________________

a Ant Sheet 5

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On the back of this sheet arrange the animals from the list below in order. Place the strongest predator at the top and the weakest predator at the bottom. You could show this information as a food web. If you can, add some more predators. Fish, penguins, shrimps, seals, whales, small fish, krill.

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My Animal Is:

Fact 1: Fact 2:

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Choose an animal that lives in Antarctica and list six facts about its way of life and habitat.

© ReadyEd ubl i cat i ons Fact 3: P •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• Fact 5:

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Fact 6:

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Fact 4:

o c . ch e 1. Draw the shape of your Antarctic animal on a card.r er o st su r 2. Repeat this shape five more times soe that you have six shapes altogether. p 3. Rewrite your six facts onto the back of the animal shaped pieces of card. 4. Decorate and colour one side of your six shapes and cut them out. 5. Punch a hole in the top of each shape. 6. Tie your six shapes to string and attach to a coat hanger or two overlapping sticks. 7. Display. 11

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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

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Read the text below about dinosaurs then answer the questions.

s Dinosaurs lived millions of

r Dinosau

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Sheet 1

years ago. The world in which the dinosaurs lived was very different to the world in which we live today. When the dinosaurs lived, there weren’t any people on the Earth.

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The word dinosaur means terrible lizard. These animals were a branch of reptiles. It is thought that they were all cold-blooded animals, laid eggs and could not control their body temperature.

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We have learned what we know about dinosaurs from their fossil remains. Fossils are pieces of bones, teeth and even footprints. These fossils help scientists guess how the dinosaurs lived. When a fossil is found it is handled very carefully. Each fossil that is found is labelled to show where it was found and who found it. Bones of dinosaurs allow a skeleton of a dinosaur to be recreated. These reptiles walked upright and some were meat eaters while others ate plants. There are many types of dinosaurs. Some dinosaurs had feathers and these are thought to have been for flying and frightening other dinosaurs.

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

Even today, dinosaur fossil remains are being found in many parts of the world. Dinosaur Cove is located in the south-east corner of Australia. Remains of dinosaurs have been found here. Something happened on Earth which led to the death of dinosaurs. There are several theories, but no-one really knows the truth.


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1. How many years ago did dinosaurs live?__________________________________ 2. What are fossils?_ ____________________________________________________

. te o c ___________________________________________________________________ . c e he r 5. What happens to fossils when they are found?_____________________________ o t r s super ___________________________________________________________________

3. Where is Dinosaur Cove?_ _____________________________________________ 4. What can dinosaur fossils tell us?________________________________________

6. What does the word dinosaur mean?_ ___________________________________ 7. Why do you think some dinosaurs developed feathers?_____________________


8. Why do you think all the dinosaurs died?_ ________________________________

___________________________________________________________________ 13

Page 13 may help you complete these activities.



Creative Letters Write the word dinosaur so that the letters resemble dinosaurs.

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Write at least thirty words that could be used when talking about dinosaurs.

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Dinosaurs Facts On the back of this sheet draw eight big dinosaur eggs. Write one fact about dinosaurs in each egg. Give your work a suitable heading. 14

Page 13 may help you complete these activities.

Books On Dinosaurs Find three books about dinosaurs. Complete the table below for each book.




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Date of publication

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Sheet 3


Choose one of the books that you have found and on the back of this sheet design a new cover for it. Choose another of your three books and rewrite the back or inside blurb here.

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Talking Dinosaurs Plan and present a three minute talk about dinosaurs to your friends. *Will you have a chart with some facts on it? Think about what you will say. When you present the speech record it on tape. 15

Page 13 may help you complete these activities.

Identify three features of a reptile by drawing straight lines from the illustration below.



Use your research skills to answer this question: What are some of the reasons given for the disappearance of dinosaurs? _______________________

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_______________________ _______________________ _______________________

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Sheet 4


Write A Story

Make a small, six page story about dinosaurs for a young child. Do this by folding two pieces of A4 or A3 paper in half. Small children like bright pictures and just a few words on each page. Your book might be about a dinosaur’s day, what a dinosaur likes to eat or a dinosaur fossil discovery. Plan your book below. Include a cover design which connects to the information inside the book. You are the author so think about where you will write your name.

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Back of Cover

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rs Create fact cards for three different dinosaurs.


Name of Dinosaur:__________________  Description: _________________________________ _________________________________

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Sheet 5

 Diet:_ __________________________ _________________________________

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Draw a picture.

Name of Dinosaur:__________________  Description:

_________________________________ _________________________________

© Read_________________________________ yEdPubl i cat i ons  Diet:_ __________________________ • f o r r e v i e w pur posesonl y• Draw a pictur e.

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Name of Dinosaur:__________________  Description:

o c . che e _________________________________ r o t r s supe r Diet:_ __________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________

Draw a picture.


Fossil Poem The day is very hot and you and your team have been working since first light at a site where dinosaur bones are thought to exist. Suddenly someone finds a bone. Write a poem about the excitement of finding this fossil. It does not have to rhyme. 17

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Natural Disasters

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Read the text below about natural disasters then answer the questions.

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Since the beginning of time the Earth has generated major disasters which can affect every living thing. These disasters can be sudden and violent like an earthquake or flood. Research shows that many people will experience at least one natural disaster in their lifetime. The Earth’s surface, or crust, is divided into massive slabs called plates. When these slabs move an earthquake occurs. Whether the earthquake is a gentle rolling motion, a loud bang or a violent shake depends on which way the plates (or the Earth’s crust) move. Earthquakes can cause tsunamis. Earthquakes are measured by a seismograph and the printout is called a seismogram.

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A tsunami is a huge wave or series of waves. Most tsunamis occur in the Pacific Ocean because of the earthquakes that happen on the ocean floor.

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Tornadoes are violent, swirling winds that are often called twisters. Most tornadoes occur in the USA. These winds form a funnelshaped cloud and can lift huge objects as large as trains and hurl them back onto the ground.

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Another natural disaster is an exploding volcano. A volcano is a place on Earth where molten rock and debris erupt through the Earth’s crust. Inside the Earth, there is great pressure and heat. These two factors cause the rock to melt. The molten rock rises and comes to the surface and causes a volcanic eruption. Even if a volcano is dormant, not actively erupting, it may suddenly become active. Today, scientists are able to predict if a volcano is going to erupt.

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

A flood occurs when a river bursts its banks after heavy rain, or a dam bursts or even the sea rushes in over flat land. Water has power and weight and can sweep everything away in its path.

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1. Name four natural disasters.___________________________________________ 2. What are earthquakes?_ ______________________________________________

. te o c 4. What is a dormant volcano?_ __________________________________________ . che e r o t 5. What is a tsunami?___________________________________________________ r s super

3. What measures an earthquake?_ _______________________________________

6. What damage can a flood do?__________________________________________

_ _________________________________________________________________

7. What are tornadoes?_________________________________________________ 8. Where do most tornadoes occur?_______________________________________ 19

Page 19 may help you complete these activities.

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Colour and decorate the words below to reflect the meaning.

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Creative Lettering

Write down all the small words that you can create from the word disaster.

___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________

List five words or phrases that relate to each disaster in the table below. *Underline any word that is in more than one column.

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More Disasters

On the back of this sheet, list as many natural disasters that you can think of. Remember that you have already read about volcanoes, earthquakes, tornadoes and floods. Think of some others. 20

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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons Floods Earthquakes Volcano e.g. heavy rain, torrential e.g.i ground shaking, inp the ground eruption, dormant • f o rr ev ew pcracks ur osese.g.o nl y •

Page 19 may help you complete these activities.

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Word Find Create a small Word Find. Write five or six words about natural disasters in the grid below and surround the words with letters.


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Use different colours and complete the key to show on the map that: Major volcanoes are in Indonesia. Major earthquake areas are in China, Japan, Italy and Haiti. Destructive floods have occurred in China and the Netherlands. Tornadoes have occurred in Pakistan and Bangladesh.

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*Give your Word Find to a friend to see if he/ she can find your hidden words. Remember to keep a copy of your words so that you don’t forget them!


_ _______________________

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Arctic Ocean

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Atlantic Ocean

Pacific Ocean

Indian Ocean

Southern Ocean

*You may use your atlas to locate the countries.


Page 19 may help you complete these activities.

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Breaking News! A natural disaster is about to strike in your area. You are a local radio announcer, warn people about the threat. _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________

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_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________

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_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________

List three books that explore natural disasters. Complete the table below on each book. Write a comment on each book. You could say what disasters each book examines or whether you think the title of the book is catchy enough.

Book 1:

© R e a d y E d P u b l i c a t i o n s Non-fiction or Title Author Publisher •f orr evi ew pur posesonl yFiction •

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Book 2:


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Book 3: Comment:

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Write A Story Choose one of the titles below and write a short story. The titles are linked to disasters. The Day the River Rose 22

At Four in the Morning The Earth Shook

All That Mud

Page 19 may help you complete these activities.

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Australia has been affected by many natural disasters, mainly bushfires. List some instructions to help Australians know what to do when a bushfire strikes. Think about evacuation, preventing bushfires and the vulnerable. Illustrate your instructions.

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What To Do When Disaster Strikes

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o c . c e Just Imagine h r er o t s sufollowing: er Working in pairs choose one of thep




Volcanic Eruption


Pretend you are experiencing this disaster. 1. Think about what you might be feeling and brainstorm some words with your partner. Write them down on the back of this sheet. 2. Now use a sound recorder to record your immediate reactions. This should be about three minutes long. 23

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Lakes and  Rivers

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Read the text below about lakes and rivers then answer the questions.

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Water is essential for all life on Earth. Almost three quarters of the Earth’s surface is water and most of it is in the oceans, in rivers or is frozen ice in glaciers. Most rivers begin in the mountains or hills. Some rivers start from underground springs. When a river starts the water flows quickly and can carve out valleys. When a river reaches plains, the water moves more slowly. At times, one river will change course and link up with another river.

Rivers flow downhill into the sea, a lake or a dam. A river takes with it boulders, twigs, sediment and anything else that can be carried by water. The area where the river enters the sea is called the river mouth. Many people in the world depend on the river for everything they need including water, food and transport. Small rivers can be referred to as streams, creeks, brooks or rills.

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A lake is a body of still water. Most lakes are formed by a change in the natural surroundings. Some lakes or dams are human made. During summer, the water in some lakes and dams, evaporates. There are millions of lakes in the world from very small lakes to huge lakes. Some of these lakes are salty. Lake Eyre in Australia is an example of a salty lake. After the sun evaporates the water, the salt is left. When the lake fills with water again, birds and fish return to the lake.

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Today many of our rivers and lakes are polluted. At the source, high in the mountains, the water is sparkling and clear. Human activities pollute rivers and lakes so that they are no longer clear. Rubbish is often dumped in rivers. Waste material from mines and factories go into rivers. This pollution affects all the people who live and depend on the water for survival.

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1. What is meant by the word ‘source’?_ ____________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________

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2. Explain what the term ‘river mouth’ means. _ ______________________________

o c . ch________________________________________________ 3. How are lakes formed? e r e o t r s super 4. Where do rivers flow?_________________________________________________


5. Why are rivers important in our world?___________________________________ 6. What can small rivers be called?_________________________________________ 7. Why are our rivers and lakes becoming polluted?___________________________

___________________________________________________________________ 25

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Write down some of the things that you might find in a lake or river. Draw a small picture next to each word.

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Write your own definitions of the following:

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lake _ __________________________________________________________________ river_ __________________________________________________________________

Safety © On Rivers Andd Lakes Rea yEdPubl i cat i ons

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Wherever there is water there is danger. Draw two signs which tell people that a particular lake or river is dangerous. You decide what the problem with the lake or river is. Think about the words and colours that you will use.

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Longest Rivers In The World Use your research skills to mark some of the longest rivers in the world on the map. Write the country or countries that the rivers pass through on their way to the sea.

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Page 25 may help you complete these activities.

List lakes and rivers that you have been to or heard of.

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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• Rivers

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River Facts Choose one of the major rivers in the world. Draw the river on the back of this sheet and around it write some facts about the river. Give your work a suitable heading. 27

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Page 25 may help you complete these activities.

Lakes and Rivers Make a small Word Find. Write five or six words about lakes and rivers in the grid below and surround the words with letters.

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*Give your Word Find to a friend to see if he/she can find your hidden words. Remember to keep a copy of your words so that you don’t forget them!

Imagine that you depend on the river to survive. Think about the things that you use the river for. Draw a small circle in the centre of the space below and write the words, ‘What I Use The River For’. Draw lines out from the circle and at the end of each one write one thing that you could use the river for, e.g washing.

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Page 25 may help you complete these activities.

Damaged Dam Many lakes are caused by dams which block the path of the water. Water is heavy and if a dam bursts, those in its path can be swept away. Write a description of a dam collapsing. Think about how you would feel and what you would see. This could be recorded on tape. Reference material could help you with some facts.

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Creating Awareness

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons Choose two of your favourite cartoon characters. In the boxes have your cartoon •f oryoung r ev i ewabout pu r po elakes so nrivers. l y• characters teach children pollution ofs our and What will Pollution of the world’s lakes and rivers is a problem.

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they say?

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Space Exploration

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Read the text below about space exploration then answer the questions.

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Space is everything that lies outside the Earth and this has fascinated human beings for centuries. It is only in the last hundred years or so that manned flights and rockets have allowed us to learn more about space. Powerful telescopes that orbit the Earth, send back information that adds to our knowledge. The first person to stand on the moon was Neil Armstrong from America. When he stepped onto the moon on 20th July, 1969 he said, “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” Today, artificial satellites which are controlled by computers are sent into space. Powerful rockets send probes as they are called, or space shuttles, into space. The information the probes send back to Earth teach us about this vast unknown. Some of these probes orbit other planets and send back more Sheet information. 1 The United States has been one of the moving forces behind NASA which developed the Hubble Space Telescope. This telescope, that was launched into space on the 24th April, 1990 has sent amazing pictures of space back to headquarters. Today there is an International Space Station circling the Earth. Shuttles carry trained people to and from the station. Experiments are carried out in the International Space Station. Space has very little air and is very cold. This means that human beings can only exist in space if they wear special space suits. People train for years so that they can be an astronaut and go to the International Space Station which was built so that men and women can work in space.

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1. Who was the first person to stand on the moon?___________________________ 2. What is space?_______________________________________________________

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o c . ___________________________________________________________________ che e r o 4. What does the Hubble Space Telescope do? _______________________________ t r s super 3. How do space shuttles leave the Earth?___________________________________


5. Why is it difficult for humans to live in space?______________________________


6. What is a space station?_ ______________________________________________

___________________________________________________________________ 31

Page 31 may help you complete these activities.

Exploring Space Space


Space exploration fascinates many people. Imagine that you are writing a book on this topic. Brainstorm some titles for your book here. *Remember a title must relate to the content of the book but be short and catchy. _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S Creative Letters

_________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________

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Sheet 2

Choose your favourite book title from above. Write the title to reflect the meaning. Be imaginative and include colour in your design.

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Write a blurb to go on the back cover of the book.

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Time Line Of Space Discovery On the back of this sheet draw a time line to show some major events or discoveries that have happened in space. You will need to use your research skills to gather the information. Choose about five or six events. 32

Page 31 may help you complete these activities.



Exploring Books On Space Find at least six books on the topic of space exploration. Complete the table below for each book. *Technology advances rapidly and information becomes out of date very quickly. Title Author/s Date of Publication Book 1:

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Book 2: Book 3: Book 4: Book 5: Book 6:

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Sheet 3

Write a short paragraph stating which book you like the best and why.

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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

. te o c True or False? . che e r o t r s u 1. Theres are nine in our solar system. er pplanets

qTrue qFalse

2. Space shuttles launch objects into space. qTrue qFalse 3. Neil Armstrong was the first and last person to step foot on the moon.

qTrue qFalse

4. NASA is an Australian run organisation.

qTrue qFalse

5. It is easy to live in space for long periods of time.

qTrue qFalse 33

Page 31 may help you complete these activities.



Shuttle To Mission Control You are an astronaut onboard a space shuttle. There has been a space disaster. What will you say to mission control? How will mission control respond? Write this in the speech bubbles.

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Sheet 4

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Write five questions that you would ask an astronaut. Include suitable answers.

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• ? 2. _________________________________________________________________

1. _________________________________________________________________ ?



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3. _________________________________________________________________ ?

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4. _________________________________________________________________ ?

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5. ____________________________________________________________________________ ?


You Are An Astronaut!

Imagine that you are an astronaut onboard a space shuttle. Write a diary entry on the back of this page about a typical day. What do you eat? How do you communicate with others? How do you sleep and move? What do you have to wear? 34

Page 31 may help you complete these activities.



Our Solar System

Sheet 5


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Once there were nine planets in our Solar System, now there are only eight as Pluto is now considered a dwarf planet. Look at the diagram of our Solar System. Name each planet carefully. The first letter of each planet has been given to you.

M_____________________ V__________________ E__________________

M_____________________ J__________________ S__________________

U_ ____________________ N_ ________________

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons M_ ____________________ v__________________ e__________________ •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

Write an acrostic sentence to help you remember the planets.

m_____________________ j_ _________________ s_ _________________ u______________________ n__________________

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Write four facts about our Solar System.

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• _____________________________________________________________________

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• _____________________________________________________________________ • •

A Competition There is a space stamp competition. You have to enter four designs. On the back of this page draw four boxes and design four stamps relating to space. What value will you make your stamps?


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Tropical Rainforest

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o c . che e r o t r s super

Read the text below about tropical rainforests then answer the questions.

cal t i p Tro fores n Rai

Tropical rainforests are lush, dense and steamy places that teem with animal and plant life. The reason there are so many animals is because these rainforests are very old. Some people think that the dinosaurs used to live there. In the tropics it is very hot and it rains every day. These rainforests are the wettest places on Earth. Because the weather is hot and wet, the trees do not need thick bark, instead they have thin smooth bark.


Many ‘every day’ foods are grown in the rainforest. Some of these are tomatoes, bananas, corn, coconut, rice, coffee and beans. A tropical rainforest has more kinds of trees than any other place in the world. Almost three-quarters of the plants in rainforests are trees. Did you know that almost one-quarter of all the medicines that we use come from the forest plants?

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Rainforests consist of three layers: the canopy or top layer, the understorey, which is the middle layer and the forest floor. The three layers are connected by ferns, vines and mosses that grow on trees. Some canopy trees can grow over 100 metres high. A liana is a climbing vine

The forest floor teems with insects including butterflies and moths. Some of the larger animals include monkeys, jaguars, tigers, snakes, chimpanzees and birds.

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that grows right to the top of the canopy so that its leaves get more sunlight.

Did you know that rattans are spiny, climbing plants? These plants have been used to make furniture and baskets. Rubber trees also grow in the tropical rainforests.

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1. What are tropical rainforests like?_ ______________________________________

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2. Name the three layers of a tropical rainforest.______________________________

. te o 3. How high can some canopy trees grow?__________________________________ c . c e h 4. Explain how the three layers of a tropical rainforest o are r connected. er t s super ___________________________________________________________________



5. What lives on the forest floor?_ _________________________________________ 6. What is a liana?_ _____________________________________________________ 7. Why do you think the forest floor teems with insects?_______________________

___________________________________________________________________ 37

Page 37 may help you complete these activities.

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Write words that relate to tropical rainforests in the leaf shapes.

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Complete the following statements. Your answers may be different from your classmates. Rainforests are_ __________________________________________________________ Rainforests have__________________________________________________________ The rainforest has different_ ________________________________________________ The forest floor is_ ________________________________________________________

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons The understorey is _______________________________________________________ •f o rr evi ew pur posesonl y•

The canopy is_ ___________________________________________________________

Trees and plants need_ ____________________________________________________

w ww Imagine …

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Imagine that you are in a tropical rainforest. Write a suitable email to send to the local newspaper about where you are, what you can see and how you feel.


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Rainforests provide_ ______________________________________________________

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t e e Sh 3

Page 37 may help you complete these activities.

The Discovery You are on an expedition in a tropical rainforest. It has been a great day. You have discovered a new animal. Draw your animal. Describe it carefully. What part of the tropical rainforest does it live in? Give the animal a name and include its habitat.

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_______________________________ _______________________________

Write two headlines about your new animal for the local papers.

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons ___________________________________________________________________ •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• ___________________________________________________________________

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Prepare five ‘Did You Know’ questions. The topic is The Tropical Rainforest.

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1. Did you know_ ____________________________________________________ ? 2. Did you know_ ____________________________________________________ ?

. te_ ____________________________________________________ o 4. Did you know ? c . che e 5. Did you know_ ____________________________________________________ ? r o t r s s r u e p Shhhhhh! Listen 3. Did you know_ ____________________________________________________ ?

Think about the different sounds that you would hear if you were in a rainforest. Write the sound and then whatever could have made that sound on the back of this sheet. Record this information in table form. See example below. Sound What could have made the sound wooop wooop wooop drip drip drip



Page 37 may help you complete these activities.

cal t i Creating Headlines p o s r e T for n Write three headlines for a local newspaper. The subject Rai

is about people destroying tropical rainforests. A logging company is cutting down the trees. *Think about the article that could be written underneath your headline. A reader first looks at the headline before reading any article.

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t e e Sh 4

Imagine that you are a chameleon and live in a rainforest. Write a paragraph about the effects that the logging company will have on you.

__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

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_ ____________________________________________________

_ ____________________________________

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_ ____________________________________________________

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_ ____________________________________

Save Our Rainforests You have been asked to design a full page poster for a magazine that will go out to all schools in your area. The message is: Save Our Rainforests. *Think about colour and the wording. Space around words can be very important in this type of work. 40

Page 37 may help you complete these activities.

cal t i p Tro fores n Rai

Look at the diagram of the rainforest. Use different colours to show the forest floor, understorey and canopy. Complete the key below.

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List some animals and plants that dwell in each level of a rainforest. *Do some animals use all the layers? What about creepers? Forest Floor


Understorey Plant






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Draw and label several items that come from rainforests.

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Write An Article The rubber tree is a very important part of a tropical rainforest. Use reference material and write an article for a magazine about this tree. Explain why this tree is so important to the people living in the area. 41

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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

o c . che e r o t r s super

Read the text below about the weather then answer the questions.



Sheet 1

The weather is one of the greatest talking points in the world. The weather is made up of many things: wind, rain, clouds, sunshine, and visibility. Meteorology is the study of the weather and the atmosphere. The atmosphere is the blanket that surrounds our planet and protects us from the ultraviolet light from the sun.

There are three types of clouds. Cirrus are high thin clouds that the sun shines through. Stratus are layers of cloud that give us cloudy days . Cumulus clouds have rounded tops. Most of the other clouds are a mixture of these three types.

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The sun is the driving force behind the weather. The solar energy, the rays from the sun, heats the equator more than the poles. As the land and sea warm up, they heat the air and the air rises. As the air rises, air from other places comes in to replace the rising air.

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Our weather is caused by the high and the low pressure systems. The low pressure system usually brings bad weather while high pressure brings fine weather. Weather balloons, satellites, radars and computers assist forecasters to predict the weather. Many places have automatic weather stations and these stations send data about the weather into computer systems. Air pressure is measured by a sensitive piece of equipment called a barometer. A hygrometer measures the amount of moisture in the air or the humidity. A rain gauge is a necessary part of a weather station as are weather vanes and thermometers. Many people build simple weather stations in their backyards and keep a record of the weather.

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Today, forecasters are able to predict what the weather will be in a certain area. Accurate weather forecasting is necessary for the safety of aircraft and many other activities on Earth.


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1. What is the scientific name for the study of the weather?_ ___________________

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2. How is air pressure measured?__________________________________________ 3. If air pressure is low what type of weather is likely?_ ________________________

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4. What helps the weather forecasters predict the weather?____________________

o c . 5. Name three mainc types of clouds._ ______________________________________ e her r o ___________________________________________________________________ t s super ___________________________________________________________________

6. Why do you think people have weather stations in their backyards?_ __________

___________________________________________________________________ 7. What is the driving force behind the weather?_____________________________ 8. Why is accurate weather forecasting needed?_ ____________________________ 9. What does our atmosphere do?_________________________________________ 43

Page 43 may help you complete these activities.

Creative Letters



Write the word weather so that the letters resemble a weather condition.

Sheet 2

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Write as many words or phrases as you can about weather in the shapes below.

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Using dot points, list how bad weather affects people’s lives and events.

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Rainy Days

o c . che e r o t r s super

Use your research skills to find definitions for the following: atmosphere, cold front, thawing, air pollution, sunspots, storms and forecast. Write these definitions on the back of this sheet. 44

Page 43 may help you complete these activities.

What Is The Weather Like? The


Describe the weather outside today.

Sheet 3

_______________________________________________ Predict the weather tomorrow. _______________________________________________

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Highlight and explain the symbols on this weather map. ________________________________

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________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________

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Recording The Weather

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Look at the instruments needed to record the weather. Label and explain how each instrument is used. *If this equipment is used in a private home, or for recording purposes, the area is called a Weather Station.

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How is it used?

How is it used?

How is it used?

How is it used?












_______________ 45

The Water Cycle The

Page 43 may help you complete these activities.

Look at the diagram of the Water Cycle. Explain what happens.


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Sheet 4

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• The clouds:_________________________________________________________ The water vapour:___________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________


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The cool air:________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

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The water:__________________________________________________________

o c . c e her Give five reasons why weather is so important to people. r o t s s r u e p 1. ____________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________________________________ 3. ____________________________________________________________________ 4. ____________________________________________________________________ 5. ____________________________________________________________________ 46

Page 43 may help you complete these activities.

… and now for the weather!


Imagine that you are presenting the weather for a local television station. Prepare the weather forecast to air on tonight’s news. *Think about temperatures and the time of the year. What will you say? Include a weather chart with your presentation.


Sheet 5

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________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

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________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ *Present your report to the class. Practise pointing to the chart without looking.

Write An Article

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

Write a short article for the newspaper about the weather patterns in your area during the last year. Include statistics showing the rainfall and hours of sunshine. Was it more or less than normal? If it was different explain why.

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o c . ________________________________________________________________ che e r o t r ________________________________________________________________ s super ________________________________________________________________

Research Satellites Show in some way how satellites assist in forecasting the weather. Include the information that satellites can record. Illustrations will help explain your points.


Answers AntarCtica

untouched by humans, and this makes it a good subject to research.

Sheet 1 - Page 7 Questions 1. Antarctica is at the South Pole and is surrounded by the Southern Ocean 2. Antarctica's climate is very cold, dry and windy.

Animals In Antarctica A food chain lists a number of animals in order of how they hunt and prey on one another. For example, polar bears eat seals and seals eat fish.

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3. Antarctica is about twice the size of Australia. 4. People don't live permanently in Antarctica because of the harsh environment.

5. Scientists carry out experiments at Antarctica's research stations. 6. Penguins, whales, seals and birds live in Antarctica. 7. Plants grow slowly because it is so cold.

Whales seals penguins fish shrimps krill.


Sheet 1 - Page 13 Questions



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Sheet 5 - Page 11

1. Dinosaurs lived millions of years ago.

2. Fossils are pieces of bones, teeth and footprints.

© ReadyEdP ubl i ca on s 3. Dinosaur Cove ist ini the south-east corner of Australia. Possible answers: playr cards, read and •f o r e vi ew pu pos estello l y • 4. r Dinosaur fossils usn how these Sheet 3 - Page 9

Antarctic Activities exercise.

animals lived and what they looked like.

6. The word dinosaur means terrible lizard.

1. Antarctica has gales, little rain, snow, blizzards and it is very cold.

7. I think that the dinosaurs developed feathers so that they could fly and frighten other animals.

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2. A person would have to wear clothing that protected him/her from the cold and snow. 3. Answers will vary.

4. I would expect to see penguins, seals, birds, snow, ice and mountains. 5. Possible answers: warm clothes, a camera and a laptop. 6. To make sure that tourists don’t harm the environment.

7. Antarctica is important because of the water that is there and because it is 48

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Sheet 4 - Page 10

5. When fossils are found they are carefully handled and labelled.

Sheet 2 - P14

Possible Dinosaur Facts

• Dinosaurs lived millions of years ago. • Dinosaurs are a branch of reptiles. • Fossil remains have been found in Dinosaur Cove in Australia. • Dinosaurs are cold-blooded animals. • Dinosaurs laid eggs. • Dinosaurs could not control their body

Natural Disasters

temperature. • There are many types of dinosaurs.

Sheet 1 - Page 19

• Some dinosaurs ate meat.


• Some dinosaurs ate plants.

1. Four natural disasters are earthquakes, floods, tornadoes and tsunamis.

• Dinosaurs killed each other. Sheet 4 - Page 16

2. Earthquakes occur when the Earth’s crust moves.

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Some of the reasons for the disappearance of dinosaurs: This is really a mystery. Some ideas are: climate change

volcanic eruption infection earthquakes


4. A dormant volcano is one that isn’t erupting. 5. A tsunami is a huge wave or a series of waves.

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huge floods

3. A seismograph measures an earthquake.

6. A flood can sweep everything in its path away, destroy homes and drown people and animals. 7. Tornadoes are violent swirling winds. 8. Most tornadoes occur in the USA.

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- Page 21 - see map below © ReadyEdPSheet ub3l i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

o c . che e r o t r s super Italy



Pakistan Bangladesh




Sheet 2 - Page 20

Sheet 3 - Page 33

Small words from disaster:

True or False?

as stars rid

False, True, False, False, False.

said side rest

red aid rat

sat star are east ease eases date sir it is

Lakes and Rivers Sheet 1 - Page 25 Questions

Sheet 1 - Page 37

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S Questions

1. Answers will vary.

1. The source is where the river starts.

3. Lakes are formed by a change in the natural surroundings. 4. Rivers flow into the sea, lakes or dams. 5. Rivers are important because they provide people with water, food and transport.

2. The three layers of a tropical rainforest are the canopy, the understorey and the forest floor. 3. Some canopy trees can grow over 100 metres.

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2. The 'river mouth' means where the river flows into the sea.

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The Tropical Rainforest

4. The three layers of a tropical rainforest are connected by ferns, vines and mosses that grow on the trees. 5. Millions of insects and some animals live on the forest floor.

6. A liana is a climbing vine that grows to © ReadyEdP ub i c t i ons the topl of thea canopy. 7. Rivers and lakes are being polluted 7. I think the forest floor teems with • f o r r e v i e w p u r posesonl y• because people allow rubbish to be insects because it it warm, damp and 6. Small rivers can be called streams, creeks, brooks or rills.


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Space Exploration The Weather

Sheet 1 - Page 31 Questions

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1. The first person to stand on the moon was Neil Armstrong. 2. Space is everything that lies out the Earth. 3. Powerful rockets send shuttles into space. 4. The Hubble Telescope takes photographs of space. 5. There is very little air in space and it is very cold.

6. A space station allows men and women to work in space. 50

Sheet 1 - P43

m . u

dumped into the water.


1. Meteorology is the name for the study of the weather. 2. Air pressure is measured by a barometer. 3. Low air pressure brings bad weather. 4. Weather balloons, satellites, radars and computers help the forecasters to predict the weather. 5. The main types of clouds are cirrus, stratus and cumulus. 6. I think that people have weather

stations in their backyards because they are interested in the weather and want to keep a record of it.

droplets of floating water which crowd together and form clouds.

7. The driving force behind the weather is the sun.

The clouds: are blown over the sea towards land and are forced higher into the sky where it is cooler.

8. Accurate forecasting is needed for the safety of aircraft and other activities.

The cool air: causes the tiny droplets of water in the clouds to join together and fall as rain.

9. The atmosphere protects us from the sun's rays.

The water: reaches the Earth and soaks into the soil, collects in puddles or falls into streams, rivers and oceans, where the sun will warm it up again.

Sheet 3 - Page 45

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Low stands for low pressure system and predicts that the weather will be poor. High stands for high pressure system and predicts that the weather will be good. Sheet 3 - Page 45 Recording The Weather A rain gauge - measures the amount of rain fallen, usually in centimetres.

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A thermometer - records temperature. Most thermometers have mercury inside which expands when heated. A barometer - measures changes in air pressure and predicts the changes in the weather.

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Sheet 4 - Page 46 The Water Cycle

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A weather balloon - is released into the atmosphere carrying instruments that measure the temperature, pressure and humidity of air.

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The sun: dries up water from all sources (rivers, oceans and lakes) and changes the water into an invisible gas known as water vapour. The water vapour: rises into the air and because the air is cool, it changes into tiny


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