Read And Succeed: Book 2

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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

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Acknowledgements i. Clip art images have been obtained from Microsoft Design Gallery Live and are used under the terms of the End User License Agreement for Microsoft Word 2000. Please refer to ii. Front cover: Photographer: Kaye Howard Student model: Jack Hodges

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Title: Read and Succeed Book 2 © 2012 Ready-Ed Publications Printed in Australia Author: Margaret Warner Illustrator: Alison Mutton

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o c . che e r o t r s super Published by: Ready-Ed Publications PO Box 276 Greenwood WA 6024

ISBN: 978 186 397 843 9 2

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Contents Teachers’ Notes Australian Curriculum Links The Dare

Aim High Comprehending Texts Language Features Scanning For Meaning 1 Scanning For Meaning 2 Responding To The Text

32 33 34 35 36

6 7 8 9 10

The Great Barrier Reef Comprehending Texts Language Features Scanning For Meaning Making Meaning A Cloze Activity Descriptive Texts

12 13 14 15 16 17

Reading Recounts Scanning For Meaning Language Features A Cloze Activity Write Your Own Recount

20 21 22 23 24

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Comprehending Texts Language Features Scanning For Meaning A Cloze Activity Reviewing A Narrative

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4 4

Comprehending Texts Language Features Scanning For Meaning Responding To The Text A Cloze Activity Making Meaning

38 39 40 41 42 43

Ghost Ship © ReadyEdPu bl i cat i ons Comprehending Texts Making Meaning Celebrity Penguin • f o r r e v i e w p u r p ose onl y• Scanning Fors Meaning Comprehending Texts 19

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Letter From Gallipoli

Language Features Responding To The Text

Home Of The Blizzard Comprehending Texts Language Features Scanning For Meaning Language Features Rewriting Recounts Personal Response

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Comprehending Texts Making Meaning Scanning For Meaning Responding To The Text A Cloze Activity

26 27 28 29 30

45 46 47 48 49


51 52 53 54 55 56

57- 60


Teachers’ Notes Researchers and teachers know that a student’s fluency in reading increases as the student reads more often and experiences success and enjoyment as their skills develop. It is important to remember that secondary students experiencing difficulty with reading must be taught basic literacy skills and concepts that they may have missed out on earlier. When they acquire these skills then they will gain confidence in putting the skills into practice.

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Students at junior secondary level who are not reading at their expected level of competency are more likely to be interested in a text or topic that is of interest to them. In Read and Succeed, students will read a range of texts and complete language activities that focus on the student succeeding with reading. The texts are high interest with short paragraphs that develop key ideas. It is important for the teacher to: •

Model effective reading strategies by reading to the student or group. Ask questions before, during and after reading.

Discuss the topic of each unit and encourage students to contribute knowledge of the topic. Prior knowledge helps with understanding.

Actively teach comprehension skills. Discuss how to work out the meaning of unfamiliar words, make predictions, summarise main ideas, identify literal information and make inferences. These are skills that older students often missed out on acquiring and must be taught.

Encourage students to work in cooperative groups so that they experience success.

Develop students’ confidence in reading so that when they read they will succeed. When they succeed they will read more and develop their skills and enjoyment of reading.

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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

. te o c Australian Curriculum Links . che e r o t r s super Year 5

Language ACELA1797 ACELA1500 ACELA1502 ACELA1504 ACELA1505 ACELA1506 ACELA1508 ACELA1512 ACELA1513


Literacy ACELY1701 ACELY1702

Literature ACELT 1608 ACELT1609

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• the dare •

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Year 5 Language ACELA1504 ACELA 1505 ACELA1506 ACELA1797

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This section covers the following Australian Curriculum Links:

o c . che e r o t r s super Literacy ACELY1701 ACELY1702

Literature ACELT 1608 ACELT1609


• the dare •

 Comprehending Texts

 Before reading The Dare, answer the question below. Have you ever been dared to do something that could have consequences? _____________________________________________________________________________  Read the fiction text The Dare. If you come across an unfamiliar word when you are reading, try to work out its meaning from the rest of the sentence.

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Keira wished that she’d walked away when Jarrod had taunted her about being a wimp. Why had she taken the silly dare to sneak into this creepy house?

She stood at the gate and looked down the path at the shadow of the old house, cast by the full moon. She knew that the house had a history and the stories of eerie lights and unidentified sounds were well-known. The thought of vampires and werewolves crossed her mind as she glanced at the full moon. Don’t be totally stupid, she told herself. Just go in and then get out as fast as you can.

As she opened the rusty gate and walked softly down the overgrown path she felt her courage desert her. The tree branches scratching and scraping on the front window sent shivers down her spine. The branches cast shadows like long fingers waiting to grab her.

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons Keira turned the peeling door handle andp gave the door a tentative push, hoping it • f o r r e v i e w u r p o s e s o n l y • was jammed shut. It creaked like an old rusty windmill on a farm and slowly opened.

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She took one step inside and her nose filled with the smell of dust and mould so thick that she could taste it. Soft scuttling noises made her think of rats. In the light of her torch, she was relieved to see only an army of cockroaches. Having gained a little confidence, Keira took a few more steps inside the house, and as she did, the wind caught the door and it slammed shut. She turned in panic, the hair rising on the back of her neck. Was she trapped? A shiver of fear ran through her body. She tried to slow down her heartbeat. Breathe in ... breathe out. That was better. She could do this. It was only an old house. Nothing to fear but fear itself. Relax. It’s only a dare.

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Suddenly a blood-curdling scream broke the silence. Where had it come from? She froze with fear like a statue in a park. Then her brain started to work again. She could use her torch as a weapon … but against what? Her heart was beating like a drum, her hands were sweating and then she heard noises. Giggles, muffled snorts erupting into full-blown laughter…. ‘Gotcha, Keira!’ It was Jarrod and his sister. 6

• the dare •

 Language Features

 The Dare is a narrative. It is an imaginative story. A narrative generally has three parts: the orientation which introduces the main character and the setting, the complication which describes a problem or challenge that the main character has to face and the resolution which shows how the character solves the problem and sometimes learns something from the experience.

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1. Re-read the text on page 6 and then answer the questions below.

i. Who is the main character? _________________________________________________

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ii. What is the setting of the story? _____________________________________________

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iii. What time of day is it?______________________________________________________ iv. What problems did Keira face?_______________________________________________ v. What was the scariest challenge? ____________________________________________


vi. What action did Keira take when she heard the scream? __________________________

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons vii. How do you think she might react when she sees Jarrod and his sister? •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

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2. The writer uses vivid descriptions to build the tension in this narrative. List six examples of noun and adjective descriptions, e.g. creepy house. ________________________________






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3. The writer also uses similes to create images. A simile links two subjects that are not usually connected. Often the writer uses ‘like’ or ‘as’ to link the images, e.g. the ice cream was like a cool breeze. Find two similes in the text. •


_____________________________________________________________________ 7

• the dare •

 Scanning For Meaning

 Scan The Dare on page 6, to answer the questions below. 1. Who are the minor characters in this story? ________________________________________________________________________

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2. What was Keira dared to do?


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3. Why did she accept the dare?


4. What scary sounds could she hear outside the house?


5. What did she hear, see and smell inside the house?

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons ________________________________________________________________________ •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• ________________________________________________________________________

6. Why did she panic when the door slammed?

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7. How did she try to calm herself?

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________________________________________________________________________ 8. What was she afraid of?

________________________________________________________________________ 9. Why were Jarrod and his sister laughing? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________


• the dare •

 A Cloze Activity

 Read the short summary below. As you read, think about the words that you would use to fill in the spaces.

• the dare •

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Keira knew that Jarrod was just teasing her when he called her a wimp. He said she wouldn’t dare to sneak into the (1) _________________ house on the hill after dark. She was going to prove him wrong. She knew that there were stories of

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(2) _________________ lights and (3) _________________ sounds coming

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from the old house at night but she wasn’t scared. She crept down the

(4) _________________ path to the front door and gave the (5) _____________ door handle a push. Once inside she could smell the dust and mould. Soft (6)

_________________ noises reminded her of rats but it was only cockroaches.

Suddenly the front door slammed shut. She turned in (7) _________________.

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr ev i ew r p o(10) se sonl y• (9) _________________ scream. Nowp sheu was really _________________.

She tried to calm herself. It was only an (8) _________________ house. There were

no vampires or werewolves here. She calmed her breathing and then she heard the

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It only took a moment before she heard another sound … someone laughing.

 Now read the summary again and use the words below to fill in the gaps.

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o c creepy terrified . c e r old h eerie e o t r s s uper overgrown blood-curdling panic peeling

unidentified scuttling

 After you have finished adding the words, read the summary again and check that the words that you have added make sense in each sentence. 9

• the dare •

 Reviewing A Narrative

 Write a review of a book that you have enjoyed. It could be a picture book that you read when you were much younger or a novel that you have read recently. Plan your review below.

Your review

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Who is the main character? (Give a short description.)

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Author: ____________________________________________

_______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Describe the setting. (Where does the story take place? Is it a real or imaginary place?)

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons _______________________________________________________________________ •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• What is the genre? (Horror, drama, adventure, etc.) _______________________________________________________________________


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Outline the plot. (What action happens in the story? What challenges does the main character face?)


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_______________________________________________________________________ Discuss the ending. (Is it satisfactory? Is the conflict resolved?)

_______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ What is your opinion of the book? Would you recommend it and for what age group? _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________


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Solo Sailor • reef • ••the great barrier

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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

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Year 5 Language ACELA1504 ACELA1506 ACELA1797

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This section covers the following Australian Curriculum Links:

o c . che e r o t r s super Literacy ACELY1701 ACELY1702 Literature ACELT1609


• the great barrier reef •

 Comprehending Texts

 Before reading The Great Barrier Reef answer the question below. Why is the Great Barrier Reef so well-known? _______________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S • the great barrier reef •

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 Read The Great Barrier Reef below. If you come across an unfamilar word, try to work out its meaning by reading the rest of the sentence.

The Great Barrier Reef is the world’s largest coral reef, stretching over 2,000 kilometres. It is located in the Coral Sea off the coast of Queensland. It is also the world’s biggest structure made by living creatures: the coral polyps.

The reef is scattered with beautiful islands and unspoiled coral cays. It is an ancient reef consisting of living coral growing on the remains of dead coral, which could be 20 million years old. Over 400 species of brilliant coloured coral live and grow on the reef. In the clear, warm and salty waters of the Great Barrier Reef there is plenty of light and movement; the ideal environment for coral to grow. Coral consists of individual coral polyps, which are tiny creatures that join together to form colonies. Each tiny polyp lives inside the hard shell that we recognise as coral. The coral polyps join together to create underwater forests of vivid colour that resemble fans, antlers, brain and plate shapes.

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Some coral is slow growing and can live for hundreds of years. Other coral is faster growing. Only live coral is coloured. Dead coral or coral that is taken out of its natural environment in the water loses its colour.

The Barrier Reef supports a wide range of different marine species including some that are vulnerable or endangered. It is home to more than 1,500 species of fish, over 400 types of hard coral and one third of the world’s soft corals. The reef also supports 134 species of sharks and rays, six of the world’s seven species of marine turtles that are threatened with extinction and more than 30 species of marine mammals including the vulnerable dugong, dolphins and whales. Add to that more than 200 species of birds, around 20 types of reptiles and more than 3000 molluscs (including the giant clam which can live to over 100 years old). Then add thousands of different sponges, worms, crustaceans, seahorses, starfish and sea urchins.

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In 1981 this spectacular natural attraction that can be seen from outer space, was declared a World Heritage area. This means that there is protection now and in the future for the habitats and species in this amazing place of natural beauty and importance. 12

• the great barrier reef •

 Language Features The Great Barrier Reef is an informative text that describes the Barrier Reef in Queensland. A description has an introduction that tells the reader about the subject, a main part that describes details and special features, and includes a final comment about the subject.

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1. List three main points about the Barrier Reef which are made in the introduction of the text. _____________________________________________________________________

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2. In a descriptive text the verbs are usually in the present tense. Scan the text and add verbs to the sentences below.

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons b. Coral __________________ of individual coral polyps. •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• c. The coral polyps __________________ together to create colourful underwater a. The Great Barrier Reef __________________the world’s largest coral reef.

d. Coral taken out of the water __________________ its colour.

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e. The Barrier Reef __________________ a wide range of different species.

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f. The giant clam can __________________ to over 100 years old.

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g. Being a World Heritage area __________________ that there is protection now and in the future for the Reef.

3. Scan the text to find the adjectives that describe the features listed below. a. ________________________ structure

f. _____________________ environment

b. __________________________ islands

g. __________________________species

c. ____________________________ shell

h. __________________________ turtles

d. _________________________ colours

i. ____________________________ clam

e. ____________________________coral

j. ____________________________ area 13

• the great barrier reef •

 Scanning For Meaning

 Scan The Great Barrier Reef to help you answer the questions below. 1. Where is the Great Barrier Reef located? __________________________________________________________

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2. How is a coral reef formed?


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__________________________________________________________ 3. How many species of coral live and grow on the reef?


4. How old is the oldest coral?


© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons ________________________________________________________________________ •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

5. What conditions are necessary for coral to grow?


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6. What is coral?

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________________________________________________________________________ 7. Complete this sentence: Living coral is coloured but dead coral loses its _____________ .

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8. Why is it important that the reef was named as a World Heritage area?

________________________________________________________________________ 9. Can you name any other natural or human-made feature on planet Earth that can be seen from outer space? ________________________________________________________________________ 10.If you had an opportunity to visit the Great Barrier Reef what would you most like to see? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 14

• the great barrier reef •

 Making Meaning

1. Draw lines to match each word with its meaning. a. coral

1. in danger of extinction

b. island

2. something passed down from one generation to the next

f. species

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g. marine

7. a narrow ridge of coral

h. crustacean

8. land surrounded by water

i. endangered

9. groups of animals

j. heritage

10.the physical aspects of an area

3. a creature with a hard shell that lives in the water

c. reef

4. shapes formed from the tiny polyps

d. cay

5. connected with the sea

6. a small island made of sand or coral

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e. environment

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

2. Explain how coral grows and what it looks like.

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3. Circle the species that can be found on the Great Barrier Reef.








giant clams









sea snakes





• the great barrier reef •

 A Cloze Activity

 Read the short summary below. As you read, think about the words that you would use to fill in the spaces.

• The Great Barrier Reef •

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The Great Barrier Reef is the world’s (1) _________________ coral reef. It is also the world’s biggest structure made by living creatures, the coral polyps. It is an (2) _________________ reef that might be 20 million years old. Over 400 species of

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(3) _________________ coral live and grow on the reef.

The clear, (4) _________________ , salty water of the Barrier Reef plus light and

movement in the water are perfect for the coral to grow. The tiny creatures join together to create underwater forests of (5) _________________ colours in all

different shapes. Some coral is (6) _________________ growing and can live for

hundreds of years. Other coral is faster growing. Only (7) _________________ coral

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons loses its colour. The Barrier Reef is important because of the large range of •f orr evi e pu po se soan l yHeritage • (9) _________________ species thatw live there. Inr 1981 it was declared World is coloured. Dead coral or coral taken out of its (8) _________________ environment

area. That means that this (10) _________________ area of natural beauty will be

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protected now and in the future.

 Read the summary again and use the words in the speech bubble to fill in the spaces.

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brilliant coloured





 After you have finished adding the words, read the summary again and check that the words that you have added make sense in each sentence. 16

• the great barrier reef •

 Descriptive Texts

 The Great Barrier Reef describes a particular place. Describe the place where you live and give your description a title. The first part of your description should have an introduction that tells the reader where it is, (e.g. in which state do you live, is it on the coast, in the country or the bush?). The main part of your description should describe the area, (e.g. whether it is tropical, coastal or a desert area), and say how big the place is, (is it a town, city or station?). The main part should also describe the features and the colours in the place where you live. The last part of your description should include a final comment about the place where you live.

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_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons _____________________________________________________________________ •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• _____________________________________________________________________


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_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

 Think of a place that you would like to visit and explain why you would like to go there. _____________________________________________________________________ 17

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Teac he r

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S • Celebrity Solo Sailor Penguin • •

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

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Year 5 Language ACELA1504 ACELA1506 ACELA1797

o c . che e r o t r s super Literacy ACELY1701 ACELY1702 Literature ACELT1609


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This section covers the following Australian Curriculum Links:

• Celebrity Penguin •

 Comprehending Texts

 Before reading Celebrity Penguin, answer the questions below. Have you ever seen a penguin? ___________________________________________________ What do you know about penguins? _____________________________________________________________________________

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S • Celebrity Penguin •


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 Read Celebrity Penguin. If you come across an unfamiliar word when you are reading, try to work out its meaning from the rest of the sentence.

On 22nd June 2011 an unusual visitor arrived on Peka Peka beach in New Zealand’s north island. It was a one metre tall, juvenile emperor penguin, usually found in Antarctic waters. His unexpected arrival surprised wildlife experts as the last emperor penguin was sighted in New Zealand more than forty years before. The penguin, nicknamed Happy Feet, was estimated to be about 10 months old and in good condition. Experts expected it to head back into the water and swim south to Antarctica, but it didn’t. Happy Feet had been used to eating snow to cool down, but unfortunately, with no snow around, the young penguin began to eat sand and sticks to try to cool itself down.

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons Although happy and lively, Happy condition started deteriorate and it was •initially f or r e vi ew pFeet’s ur pos estoo nl y•

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rushed to Wellington Zoo for treatment. On 26th June the vets reported that it was in a critical condition after a second lot of surgery to clear the sand out of its system. Over the next weeks its condition started to improve steadily and Happy Feet was getting stronger every day. By August, Happy Feet was considered to be in good health and ready for a return trip to his Antarctic habitat. Hundreds of fans came to Wellington Zoo to farewell Happy Feet when they knew that he was leaving. On 29th August he was loaded into a travel crate specially designed to keep him cold and comfortable for his trip on board the scientific research ship, Tangaroa.

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On 4th September Happy Feet returned to the chilly waters of the Southern Ocean, two months after his remarkable swim to New Zealand. He was a little reluctant to leave his crate but after a few minutes he was off. He slid down the specially constructed slide and then swam off strongly in the rough seas.

Happy Feet was fitted with a satellite tracker glued to his back so that scientists and fans could track his progress. However, soon after he was released into an area where he would meet up with other juvenile emperor penguins, his tracker stopped sending signals. Perhaps it fell off while swimming. No doubt he would have an amazing story to tell his friends on his return to Antarctica. 19

• Celebrity Penguin •

 Reading Recounts

 Celebrity Penguin is a factual recount. A recount has three parts: the orientation tells the reader who, where and when, the events tell the reader what happened (usually in sequence) and the conclusion usually provides a statement about the events. 1. Reread the recount on page 19 and answer the questions below.

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a. Who is this recount about? _______________________________________________ b. Where did the events take place? _________________________________________ c. When did the events take place? __________________________________________

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d. List six main events in the recount. Check each paragraph for an event.

• _________________________________ • _________________________________ • _________________________________ • _________________________________ • _________________________________ • _________________________________

e. What information is included in the final statement or conclusion?


© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

2. Skim the text to find out what happened to Happy Feet at the different times listed below. 22nd June 2011: _________________________________________________________

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26th June 2011: __________________________________________________________

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July 2011: _______________________________________________________________ 29th August 2011: ________________________________________________________

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4th September 2011: ______________________________________________________

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October 2011: ___________________________________________________________ 2. Write a short summary of Celebrity Penguin. Try to relate only the main ideas in the recount. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 20

• Celebrity Penguin •

 Scanning For Meaning

 Scan Celebrity Penguin to help you answer the questions below. 1. Who is this story about? ____________________________________________________ 2. Describe Happy Feet.

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________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

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3. Where was the penguin located and why was there such interest in him? ________________________________________________________________________

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4. Why were wildlife experts concerned?


5. What complications happened to Happy Feet?

© R e a d y E d P u b l i c a t i o n s Describe the action that followed. •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________



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7. When Happy Feet recovered, what options did the vets consider for him for the future? ________________________________________________________________________

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8. Why did so many people come to farewell Happy Feet when he was leaving Wellington Zoo? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 9. How did scientists know where to return Happy Feet? ________________________________________________________________________ 10. What do you think happened to Happy Feet when his tracker stopped sending signals? ________________________________________________________________________


• Celebrity Penguin •

 Language Features

 In the recount Celebrity Penguin there are a number of descriptive words and phrases that help the reader to gain a clear picture of what is happening, e.g. he appeared to be healthy and lively, the crate was designed to keep him cold and comfortable. 1. Skim the text to find the adjectives that go with the words below.

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f. to the _________ waters

b. he was getting ___________

g. his _____________ arrival

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a. an _________________ visitor

h. his ______________ swim

d. in __________ health

i. in _____________ condition

e. the _______________ island

j. an ______________ story

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c. a _______________________ penguin

 The opposite of chilly is hot, the opposite of tall is short, the opposite of usual is unusual. Some adjectives add a prefix at the start of the word to create opposites. Prefixes which create opposites are: dis, im, in, un, ir, e.g. usual /unusual.

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur p ose nl y• dishonest impolite incapable unselfi sh so disconnect

2. Match the words below with their opposites.


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visible lock

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o c . che e r o t r s super

3. Add prefixes to the words below to create opposites. a. agree ___________________________

g. responsible ______________________

b. legal ____________________________

h. connect _________________________

c. possible _________________________

i. logical __________________________

d. happy __________________________

j. regular __________________________

e. healthy__________________________

k. correct __________________________

f. visible __________________________

l. mature __________________________


• Celebrity Penguin •

 A Cloze Activity

 Read the short summary entitled An Unusual Visitor. As you read, think about the words that you would use to fill in the spaces.

• An Unusual Visitor •

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

In June 2011 a very unusual visitor arrived on a New Zealand beach. It was a one metre tall (1) _________________ emperor penguin. He had swum too far north of

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the Antarctic waters where he should have been.

He appeared to be (2) _________________ and in (3) _________________

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condition but soon there was a problem. He was eating sand to keep

(4) _________________ as there was no snow. Soon he was unwell and vets

reported that his condition was (5) _________________. After a lot of care by vets, the penguin started to improve and was getting (6) _________________.

Soon it was decided that he was well enough to return to Antarctica. He was

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons 4th September he returned to the (8) _________________ waters of the Southern •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• Ocean where there were other juvenile penguins. He swam off strongly in the

loaded into a specially designed (7) _________________ crate for his trip south. On

(10) _________________ trip back to Antarctica safely.

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(9) _________________ seas. Everyone hoped that he made the

 Now read the summary again and use the words below to fill in the gaps.

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o c juvenile cool . c e hertravel st r chilly o s uper healthy critical stronger




 After you have finished adding the words, read the summary again and check that the words that you have added make sense in each sentence. 23

• Celebrity Penguin •

Write Your Own Recount

 Write a recount of an event that has happened (e.g. a sports event, a school excursion, a competition, a holiday). Your recount should have : • • • •

an interesting title; an orientation telling who, where and when; detailed information of the events that happened; a comment about the events.

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r o e t s Bo r e p ok u recountS

_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons _____________________________________________________________________ •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• _____________________________________________________________________


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_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

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o c . che e r o t r s super

_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________


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• Letter From Gallipoli •

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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

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Year 5 Language ACELA1504 ACELA1506 ACELA 1508 ACELA 1513 ACELA1797

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This section covers the following Australian Curriculum Links:

o c . che e r o t r s super Literacy ACELY1701 ACELY1702 Literature ACELT1609


• ASolo letter Sailor from • gallipoli •

 Comprehending Texts

 Before reading A Letter From Gallipoli, answer the question below. Why is Gallipoli so important to Australia? __________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________

r o e t s Bo r e From Gallipoli •p A Letter •o u k S

Dear William,

May 1915, Gallipoli

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 Read the text below. If you come across an unfamiliar word when you are reading, try to work out its meaning from the rest of the sentence.

I hope that you are well. How’s the weather? It won’t be long until winter in Australia. It’s quite warm here though, since it’s nearly summer.

Life here at Gallipoli is a continual fight for survival. All day the sound of guns fill the air. Don’t worry about me though. I keep out of the way of any stray bullets. There was a soldier I met here who was braver than most. His name was John Simpson but his mates called him Jack. He was a stretcher bearer. It’s a tough job because the terrain here is so uneven and hilly. Worse than that there are always snipers waiting to kill a soldier who is out in the open.

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

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Simpson had the great idea of using donkeys that were brought to carry kerosene tins of water to the troops. He saw a few donkeys abandoned by their handlers, just grazing in the overgrown gullies. So he thought that he would be able to get the wounded soldiers to sit on the donkey and that he could get them down to the Field Ambulance station quickly. He knew that by using a donkey he could rescue more casualties than he could by waiting for another stretcher bearer to help him carry just one injured soldier at a time.

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For days Simpson and his donkey carried wounded men down to get help. He risked his life every time. Sometimes a sniper shot the wounded soldier and sometimes the donkey was killed. One of the commanding officers even tied a Red Cross armband round the head of Duffy, one of Simpson’s favourite donkeys, telling the men that the donkey was now officially a member of the unit.

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o c . che e r o t r s super

As Jack and Duffy continued their rescue of casualties, they were constantly exposed to rifle fire and shrapnel. The soldiers all knew that it would be impossible to avoid being wounded or killed because of the extreme danger, but we all hoped that somehow he would survive. On May 19th Simpson’s luck ran out. As he was coming down the Valley he was hit by machine gun fire and died. The men think that Simpson probably rescued more than 300 soldiers in the three weeks that he was here. There was a general feeling of sadness and gloom amongst the men when news of Simpson’s death spread through the troops. I have to finish my letter now. I hope that you are helping mum with everything. Make sure there’s always enough wood for the fire. I miss mum’s home cooking. To eat the food here you need a cast iron stomach. Tell mum that I can’t wait to smell fresh bread baking in the oven and taste one of her home-made blackberry pies. Your big brother James. 26

• ASolo letter Sailor from • gallipoli •

 Making Meaning

 A letter is an informative text. Its purpose is to tell the reader about events that have happened. It usually tells the reader who wrote it, what, where and how events happened and then ends with a closing statement. 1. Reread the text on page 26, then answer the questions below.

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a. Who is the letter mainly about? ___________________________________________

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b. Where was the letter written? ____________________________________________ c. When was the letter written? _____________________________________________

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d. Why was the letter written? ______________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ e. What does the final part of the letter tell you? _______________________________

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons ________________________________________________________________________ •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• ________________________________________________________________________

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2. Some of the words in the letter refer to the battlefield. Locate the words below in the text and then write their meanings. a. survival ______________________________________________________________

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o c . che e r o t r s super

b. terrain _______________________________________________________________

c. sniper ________________________________________________________________ d. gully _________________________________________________________________ e. troops _______________________________________________________________ f. casualties _____________________________________________________________ g. stretcher bearer________________________________________________________ h. shrapnel _____________________________________________________________


• ASolo letter Sailor from • gallipoli •

 Scanning For Meaning

 Scan A Letter From Gallipoli to help you answer the questions below. 1. Who wrote the letter and to whom is it written? ____________________________________________________

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

____________________________________________________ 2. What is the main topic in the letter?


3. Explain why Simpson chose to carry injured men on the donkey.

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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons ________________________________________________________________________ •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

What did the soldiers think of Simpson?

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5. Write down two quotations from the text to show how the men felt about Simpson’s actions.

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________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

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o c . che e r o t r s super

________________________________________________________________________ 6. For how long was Simpson at Gallipoli before he was killed?

________________________________________________________________________ 7. Why did Simpson’s death affect the soldiers so much?

________________________________________________________________________ 8. How is the tone at the start of the letter different from the tone at the end of the letter? ________________________________________________________________________


• ASolo letter Sailor from • gallipoli •

 Responding To The Text

 John Simpson Kirkpatrick is an Australian ANZAC hero.

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

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1. Write the words or phrases that you would use to describe John Simpson Kirkpartrick.

2. In your opinion, why do you think that Simpson risked his own life to save others since he was a stretcher bearer, not a fighter? Give reasons for your answer.


© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons ________________________________________________________________________ •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• ________________________________________________________________________

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3. Who would you nominate as a hero today? Give reasons why you think that this person is a hero.


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o c . che e r o t r s uper You are my hero s


 If you could send a short email to your hero what would you say? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 29

• ASolo letter Sailor from • gallipoli •

 A Cloze Activity

 Read the short summary below about John Simpson Kirkpatrick. As you read, think about the words that you would use to fill in the spaces. John Simpson Kirkpatrick was born on 6th July 1892 in England. At age 17 he joined the merchant navy and began a (1) _______________ of travelling that led him to Australia.

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He worked as a cane cutter, a crew member on a ship and a (2) _______________ in different parts of Australia.

On 25th August, 1914 Simpson enlisted in the Australian Imperial Forces. He trained in

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Perth and soon was on his way to continue his army training in (3) _______________. On the 25th (4) _______________ 1915 Simpson was with the 3rd Field Ambulance at

the Gallipoli landing. His job was to carry wounded (5) _______________ with another stretcher bearer. However, he decided that he could use some stray

(6) _______________ to carry a wounded man on his own. This would help him to rescue more soldiers more quickly.

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons to carry over wounded men to the _______________ at ANZAC Cove to get •300 f o rr e vi e w(8)p ur pose son l y • On the 19th May, just three weeks after landing at (7) _______________ Simpson was

killed while helping wounded men. It is estimated that Simpson and his donkeys helped medical help.

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Simpson’s bravery and care for his mates is commemorated in a large bronze

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(9) _______________ at the Australian War Memorial. Some people have said that Simpson should receive the Victoria Cross. The VC is the highest award for

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(10) _______________.

o c . che e r o t r s super

 Now read the summary again and use the words below to fill in the gaps.




coal miner







 After you have finished adding the words, read the summary again and check that the words that you have added make sense in each sentence. 30

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r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

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• Aim High •

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

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Year 5 Language ACELA1504 ACELA1506 ACELA 1512 ACELA1797

m . u

This section covers the following Australian Curriculum Links:

o c . che e r o t r s super Literacy ACELY1701 ACELY1702 Literature ACELT1609


••Solo aimSailor high •

 Comprehending Texts

 Before reading Aim High below, answer the question. Do you know the name of Australia’s highest mountain? ______________________________  Read the text below. If you come across an unfamiliar word when you are reading, try to work out its meaning from the rest of the sentence.

r o e t s Bo r e • Aim High • p ok u S

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A few days before his seventeenth birthday, London schoolboy George Atkinson was ready for the final stage in a special quest. He was in Kathmandu in Nepal preparing to climb Mount Everest. He knew that if he succeeded he would claim a world record. Only Mount Everest, a mountain that had claimed the lives of over 200 mountaineers, remained.

Atkinson started his career as a climber at a young age. His father, an enthusiastic climber, took young George on his first climb in Northern Ireland when he was just six years old. George managed the challenging and very cold 850 metre climb. The next year at age seven he scaled the three highest peaks in Scotland, England and Wales with his father.

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

In 2005 at age eleven, George surprised experienced climbers by climbing Africa’s Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania with his father. Perhaps the 5,895 metre climb gave George the idea of attempting the record for scaling the seven summits on seven continents. In 2007 at age thirteen, George climbed Europe’s highest mountain, Mount Elbrus in Russia. This mountain was 5,642 metres and involved walking and climbing on dangerous snow and ice.

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Two summits down, five to go! In 2008 George (aged fourteen) and his father scaled Carstensz Pyramid in Indonesia, part of the Oceania continent. The climb up the 4,884 metre pyramid was challenging especially since it rained every day and the pyramid consisted of sharp volcanic rock.

With three summits conquered, George prepared to ascend South America’s highest peak; the 6,962 metre Mount Aconcagua in Argentina. He made it to the top later in the same year but this time his father didn’t.

o c . che e r o t r s super

Next on his list was Alaska’s Mount McKinley in North America in 2010. Bad weather slowed him down with fresh snow falling making the slopes more prone to avalanches. However, he eventually reached the 6,194 metre peak. Two summits remained. The attempt on the sixth summit was made in early 2011. When the ferocious winds calmed, he climbed Antarctica’s Mount Vinson reaching the 4,897 metre peak. Last but not least in his quest to scale the seven summits was the highest mountain of all, Mount Everest in Nepal, Asia. Standing at 8,848 metres it has challenged mountaineers for many years. In May 2011, three days before his seventeenth birthday George stood on the summit and gained the world record for being the youngest person to climb the Seven Summits. 32

••Solo aimSailor high •

 Language Features

 Aim High is an information report about one person’s achievements. An information report often contains: names, facts, statistics or dates.  There are a number of proper nouns in the text. A proper noun is the name of a person, place, country, continent, river or mountain, e.g. Mount Everest. Proper nouns begin with capital letters.

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

1. Find four proper nouns in the text.





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 There are a number of mountains mentioned in the text. An apostrophe is used to show the connection between a mountain and the country or continent where it is located, e.g, Africa’s Mount Kilimanjaro. 2. Find four examples in the text that use the apostrophe in this way.

© ReadyEdP ubl i cat i ons • ________________________________ •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•




• • •






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3. In the text find the names of the seven mountains that George Atkinson climbed to gain the world record.

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o c . che e r o t r s super


4. There are a number of noun and adjective groups in the text that describe events or places, e.g. final stage. Find eight noun and adjective descriptions. •








________________________________ 33

••Solo aimSailor high •

 Scanning For Meaning 1

 Scan the text Aim High to help you answer the questions below. 1. How old was George Atkinson when he first went mountain climbing with his father? ________________________________________________________________________ 2.

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

Where was the first mountain that he climbed?


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3. What did George achieve at age 11?

4. On which continent is Mount Elbrus located?

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5. What was difficult about the Mount Elbrus climb?


© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons ________________________________________________________________________ •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

6. What special challenges did Carstensz Pyramid have for George?


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7. Do you think that many climbers have scaled Mount Vinson? Give reasons for your answer.

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________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

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o c . che e r o t r s super

8. Which mountain was the highest and the greatest challenge for George?

________________________________________________________________________ 9. George climbed seven mountains. Name the seven continents in which these mountains are located. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 10. What sort of risks did George take in attempting the Seven Summits at such a young age? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 34

••Solo aimSailor high •

 Scanning For Meaning 2

 George Atkinson gained the world record for being the youngest person to climb the highest mountain on each of the world’s seven continents.  Scan the text on page 32 to help you complete the table below about his Seven Summits achievement.


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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

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••Solo aimSailor high •

 Responding To The Text

 Circle the words that you think best describe George Atkinson. Add any extra words that you think appropriately describe him.

George atkinson

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S climber

brave nervous


worried adult







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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• 2. What would you like to achieve in your life? It doesn’t have to be a world record. clever

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________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

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o c . che e r o t r s super

________________________________________________________________________ 3. Do you think that there were too many risks for a young person to take in setting himself the challenge of climbing seven summits on seven continents? Give reasons for your answer.

________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 36

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• changes •

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

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Year 5 Language ACELA1504 ACELA1506 ACELA 1508 ACELA 1512 ACELA1797

m . u

This section covers the following Australian Curriculum Links:

o c . che e r o t r s super Literacy ACELY1701 ACELY1702 Literature ACELT1609


••Solo changes Sailor••

 Comprehending Texts

 Before reading the text entitled Changes answer the question below. What interesting person would you like to meet and why? _____________________________________________________________________________

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S • changes •


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Teac he r

 If you come across an unfamiliar word when you are reading Changes below, try to work out its meaning from the rest of the sentence.

I glance at the photograph of my grandfather. I know that he was only 21 when it was taken. He is standing tall and straight, looking fit and strong, wearing his army uniform with pride. His smile is wide and it shows in his clear blue eyes. His thick, dark hair is cut short because of army regulations. I smile when I notice how his ears seem to stick out. They are so noticeable with his very short haircut.

I turn as my grandfather walks slowly into the room leaning heavily on his walking stick. He smiles when he sees that I was looking at a photograph of him in his younger days. ‘A few things have changed since those days,’ he says and his voice trembles a little but his smile shows in his eyes.

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons His smile• is still ther same but now there are wrinkles round those pale blue eyes that are f o r e v i e w p u r p o s e s o n l y • red-rimmed and watery behind his glasses. What remains of his short hair, which clings

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to the back of his head, is white. Little tufts of grey show through. His ears still stick out, but now they support the hearing aids that he wears. He sees me looking and makes his usual joke. ‘I still tell the barber that I’ll pay him a finder’s fee if he can find enough hair to cut,’ he says and his blue eyes smile again. ‘Are you ready to go?’ I ask as I pick up my car keys. He nods and I see the wisdom of age in his look.

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o c . che e r o t r s super

As we leave, he leans heavily on his walking stick, his gaunt frame needing the support. His bony hands hitch up his trousers over his sunken stomach. ‘Which teams are playing today?’ he asks again although it is only 20 minutes since I told him. ‘Your favourites,’ I reply, knowing that he will probably ask again shortly. ‘I’ll never forget when we won the rugby league grand final,’ he says and again his mischievous smile lights up his eyes. He takes a deep breath, tries to straighten his bent back and slowly heads for the door. He is stooped and old but he still manages to walk purposefully towards the car. 38

••Solo changes Sailor••

 Language Features

 Changes is an informative text that describes the writer’s grandfather. An informative text has an introduction that tells the reader about the subject, a main part that includes details about the subject and the last part includes a final comment about the subject. 1. List three features that the writer mentions about his grandfather in the photograph.

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2. Find adjectives that describe the grandfather’s features in the introduction.

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a. He is standing __________________________________________________________ .

b. He looks ______________________________________________________________ . c. His hair is ______________________________________________________________ . d. His eyes are ____________________________________________________________ . e. His smile is _____________________________________________________________ .

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

3. Find adjectives that describe the grandfather’s features as an old man.

a. He is standing __________________________________________________________ .

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b. He looks ______________________________________________________________ .

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c. His hair is ______________________________________________________________ . d. His eyes are ____________________________________________________________ .

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o c . che e r o t r s super

e. His smile is _____________________________________________________________ . 4. In a descriptive text the verbs are usually in the present tense. Scan the text and add the verbs. a. I ______________________ at the photo.

b. I _______________________ when I notice his ears sticking out. c. I ________________________ as my grandfather ___________ slowly into the room. d. His voice ________________________ a little. e. He _________________ and I __________________ the wisdom of age in his look.


••Solo changes Sailor••

 Scanning For Meaning

 Scan the text Changes to answer the questions below. 1. Who is being described in Changes? ________________________________________________________________________ 2. Describe the grandfather’s physical appearance at age 21.

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

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3. Name and describe five physical features that have changed with age.

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a. _____________________________________________________________________

b. _____________________________________________________________________ c.


d. _____________________________________________________________________ e. _____________________________________________________________________

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons ________________________________________________________________________ •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• Name a special quality that the writer’s grandfather had as a young man that hasn’t

4. Explain the phrase ‘the wisdom of age’.


changed with age.

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________________________________________________________________________ 6. What is inferred in the sentence: ‘Your favourites,’ I reply knowing that he will probably ask again.

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o c . che e r o t r s super

7. How old do you think the narrator is? _________________________________________ What information in the text makes you think this? ________________________________________________________________________ 8. What sport do you think the grandfather and his grandson or daughter are going to watch? ________________________________________________________________________ 9. What does the phrase ‘walk purposefully’ mean? ________________________________________________________________________ 10. How old do you think the writer’s grandfather is now? ___________________________ 40

••Solo changes Sailor••

 Responding To The Text

 Below are descriptive words and phrases. Sort the words that describe the grandfather as a young man and as an old man into the boxes. tall and straight

clear blue eyes


gaunt frame


sticking out ears

pale blue, watery eyes

bony hands

short, white hair


thick, dark hair

fit and strong

strong hands

good hearing

difficulty with hearing

bent back

a soldier

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S



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wide smile

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

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a. He looks fit and _____________.

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b. He is standing _______________ and straight.

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 Scan the text to complete the descriptions below.

o c . che e r o t r s super

c. He has clear, _________________ eyes.

d. His hair is thick and __________________.

e. His eyes are pale and ______________________. f. His hair is __________________ and white.

g. His _______________ frame needs support. h. His hands are ___________________. i. He tries to straighten his _____________ back. j. His __________________ smile lights up his eyes. 41

••Solo changes Sailor••

 A Cloze Activity

 Read the short summary below entitled, My Grandfather. As you read the summary, think about the words that you would use to fill in the spaces.

• My Grandfather •

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

My grandfather is an old man now. His blue eyes are (1) _______________ behind his glasses. His short hair is (2) _______________ with grey showing through. He holds a walking stick in his (3) _______________ hands to support his (4)

walks purposefully.

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_______________ frame. Although he is (5) _______________ when he walks, he still

When my grandfather was young he stood tall and (6) _______________. He was in the army and was fit and (7) _______________. He had short, (8) _______________ hair and a (9) _______________ smile.

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons looks but one thing has never changed. He has always •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• had a (10) _______________ smile.

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m . u

My grandfather has changed over the years in how he

 Now read the summary again and use the words below to fill in the gaps.

. te o c strong straight . c e her r pale wide o t s super white gaunt stooped




 After you have finished adding the words, read the summary again and check that the words you have added make sense in each sentence. 42

••Solo changes Sailor••

 Making Meaning

 Below are words that can be used to describe a person’s personality. Draw lines to match each word with its opposite. a. shy

2. friendly

b. selfish

3. talkative

c. aggressive

4. reliable

d. quiet

5. outgoing

e. reserved

6. funny

f. mean

7. confident

g. unfriendly

8. caring

h. unreliable

9. kind

i. thoughtless


j. serious

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

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Teac he r

1. calm

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons  Describe a person: a friend, a relative, a sports person, an actor. •f or r ev i e wparts: pu pose onl y • Your description should have three anr introduction, as description giving details and a final comment.

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Writing a description.

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m . u

Think about : age, build, height, face, eyes, hair colour and style, distinguishing features (tattoo, glasses, scar,) and personality.

o c . che e r o t r s super

________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 43

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• Solo • ghost Sailor ship• •

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

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Year 5 Language ACELA1504 ACELA1506 ACELA1797

o c . che e r o t r s super Literacy ACELY1701 ACELY1702 Literature ACELT1609


m . u

This section covers the following Australian Curriculum Links:

ghostSailor ship •• ••Solo

 Comprehending Texts

 Before reading Ghost Ship answer the question below. What does the title Ghost Ship make you think of? ___________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________

r o e t s Bo r e p • ghost ship • ok u S

Teac he r

 If you come across an unfamiliar word when you are reading the text below, try to work out its meaning from the rest of the sentence.

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On 4th December 1872 Captain David Morehouse saw the brigantine merchant ship - Mary Celeste - adrift in the Atlantic Ocean. The ship was 400 kilometres from Gibraltar, well off course and out of control. He knew that it had left for Italy ahead of his own ship and should have already arrived. When Captain Morehouse and his crew got closer to the ship they made a remarkable discovery. The Mary Celeste was unmanned. There was no sign of any of the crew and no explanation for their disappearance. The sails were still up. The weather was calm. The personal belongings of the crew and passengers, including valuables, were untouched. Her cargo was still there. The six month supply of food and water was still on board. Only one lifeboat was missing plus the ship’s ownership papers and the chronometer and sextant. There had been no entries in the ship’s log for ten days.

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons The Mary Celeste had left New York on 7th November 1872. On board were Captain Briggs, •andf o r r e v i e wp r p se son l yThe • his wife their two year old daughter andu a crew ofo seven experienced sailors. cargo consisted of 1,701 barrels of commercial alcohol to be delivered to Genoa, Italy.

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It appeared to the captain and crew who boarded the Mary Celeste that the ship had been abandoned in a hurry. There was no sign of damage to the ship or any sign of a fight or violence onboard. She was like a ghost ship sailing abandoned on the ocean. Since the discovery of the abandoned ship, many theories have been put forward to explain the mystery of the Mary Celeste. Theories such as piracy, mutiny or a tsunami are possible, but not likely. The most likely explanation for the crew’s disappearance is the theory about the cargo on board. Nine of the 1,701 barrels in the ship’s hold were empty. These barrels were made of red oak not white oak like the others. The theory is that the porous red oak barrels allowed alcohol vapour to escape and build up. Perhaps the barrels bumping together caused sparks and the crew feared a big explosion so they abandoned the ship.

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Did they quickly get clear of the ship in a lifeboat and if so what happened to them? They were never seen again. The mystery of the Mary Celeste is still to be solved. 45

••Solo ghostSailor ship ••

 Making Meaning

 Ghost Ship is an informative text as it is a factual report about the details of the Mary Celeste mystery. It is also partly a persuasive text in that it outlines a case for the reason behind the mystery. 1. The first part of the factual report tells the reader: who, what, when, and where. Complete the information below.

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What: _____________________________

Where: ____________________________

When: _____________________________

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Who: ______________________________

2. The second part of the factual report tells the reader the details of what happened. Describe what Captain Morehouse and his crew discovered when they boarded the Mary Celeste. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• 3. Summarise the information known about the Mary Celeste’s planned voyage, e.g. ________________________________________________________________________

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crew, passengers, departure, destination, cargo.

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________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

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________________________________________________________________________ 4. List the theories that have been presented to explain why the Mary Celeste was abandoned and say whether you think they may be true or not.






••Solo ghostSailor ship ••

 Scanning For Meaning

 Scan the text Ghost Ship to help you answer the questions below. 1. Who was the captain of the Mary Celeste and who were travelling on the ship? ________________________________________________________________________

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2. When did the Mary Celeste leave New York harbour and when was it discovered unmanned? ________________________________________________________________________

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3. Why did Captain Morehouse think that there was a problem with the Mary Celeste when he saw the ship? ________________________________________________________________________

4. What were the weather conditions like when the ship was discovered?


5. What did Captain Morehouse and his crew notice about the ship?

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• ________________________________________________________________________


6. The personal belongings of all on board were untouched. Why was this strange?


What was found to be missing from the ship?

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8. Do you think that pirates might have boarded the ship? Give reasons for your answer.

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________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

9. What do you think caused Captain Briggs and all on board to abandon the ship? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 10. What do you think happened to the people on board the Mary Celeste if they did abandon the ship because they feared an explosion? ________________________________________________________________________


••Solo ghostSailor ship ••

 Language Features

 A prefix can be used to change a word to mean its opposite, e.g. unmanned. 1. Add one of the following prefixes: un, in, im, dis, il, or ir to each word below to create its opposite. regular_____________________________

experienced ________________________

possible ____________________________

appearance _________________________

visible _____________________________

logical _____________________________

likely ______________________________

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delivered ___________________________

solved _____________________________

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2. Locate the words below in the text Ghost Ship then write their meanings. Remember that sometimes a word can have different meanings.

a. brigantine ______________________________________________________________

b. cargo __________________________________________________________________

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons d. sextant •________________________________________________________________ f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• c. chronometer ____________________________________________________________

e. lifeboat ________________________________________________________________

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f. log ____________________________________________________________________ g. abandoned _____________________________________________________________ h. hold ___________________________________________________________________

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i. theory _________________________________________________________________ j. mystery ________________________________________________________________  In order to make a singular word plural, you usually add an ‘s’, e.g. ship becomes ships. With words ending in ‘y’, when there is a consonant before the ‘y’, change the ‘y’ to ‘i’ and add ’es’, e.g. story becomes stories. 3. Make the words below plural.



spy _______________________________

mystery ___________________________

bully _____________________________

entry _____________________________

pony _____________________________

••Solo ghostSailor ship ••

 Responding To The Text

1. Read the statements below about the Mary Celeste then circle true or false. True


b. The ship was heading for Italy.



c. The crew were not experienced.



d. The crew and passengers were on board.



e. The cargo was still in the hold.



f. Valuables were untouched.


g. The weather was calm.


h. All lifeboats were still on board.


i. There were signs of a fight.


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a. The Mary Celeste was on course when sighted.



False False

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons f osummary rr ev ew pu pMary os esonl y• 2. Write• a short ofi the discovery ofr the Celeste. j. The mystery remains unsolved.



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 Do you think that the mystery of the Mary Celeste will ever be solved beyond doubt? Give reasons for your answer. _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 49

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• Home of the Blizzard •

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Language ACELA1797 ACELA1504 ACELA1506 ACELA 1512

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Covers the following Australian Curriculum Links:

• Home of the Blizzard •

 Comprehending Texts

 Before reading Home of the Blizzard answer the question below. What is a blizzard? _____________________________________________________________  If you come across an unfamiliar word when you are reading Home of the Blizzard, try to work out its meaning from the rest of the sentence.

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The Australasian Antarctic Expedition led by Douglas Mawson is regarded as one of the greatest polar expeditions of all time. 2nd December 1911: Mawson’s team left Hobart in the wooden sailing ship, Aurora. For a few days they experienced gale force winds and rough seas. 11th December 1911: The team established a base hut and wireless station at Macquarie Island. 31st December 1911: They sighted their first pack ice. 7th January 1912: They reached Antarctica. When they rowed ashore they observed Weddell seals and thousands of Adelie penguins. February, March and April 1912: The weather changed with colder temperatures and persistent katabatic winds that gusted up to 300 kilometres per hour. June and July 1912: The team passed the long, dark winter months preparing for their expedition when the weather improved. August 1912: Mawson and two others struggled on in bad weather and dug an ice shelter that they named Aladdin’s Cave. 10th November 1912: With the weather improving, five separate groups set out to explore. Mawson instructed them to return to base by January 15th to meet the Aurora. Mawson, with Mertz and Ninnis, set out with a sledge pulled by a team of dogs. Sometimes they experienced fierce blizzards. 14th December 1912: Disaster struck. Mertz and Mawson crossed a snow bridge over a hazardous crevasse, but when Ninnis and the dogs tried to cross it, the bridge collapsed and they died. Important supplies, including most of their food and spare clothing were lost in the crevasse. Mawson and Mertz were 500 kilometres from their base camp. 25th December 1912: After ten days of pulling the small sledge, Mawson and Mertz were exhausted. They survived on dog meat, saving their meagre rations as long as possible. They were still 200 kilometres from their base. 7th January 1913: Mertz became steadily weaker and died. 17th January 1913: Mawson struggled on alone and fell into a crevasse. His harness attached to the sledge saved him. Eventually, although exhausted he managed to haul himself out. 29th January 1913: Mawson was almost out of supplies when he spotted a snow cairn made by a search party. There was food and a note saying that the Aurora was waiting and that Aladdin’s Cave was about 40 kilometres away. 1st February 1913: Mawson reached Aladdin’s Cave but had to stay there for a week on account of bad weather. 8th February 1913: Mawson arrived back at the base camp and saw the Aurora sailing away in the distance. Six men had chosen to stay to search for Mawson’s group. They radioed the ship but it couldn’t return because of the ice. 12th December 1913: The Aurora returned. They left on December 24th. 26th February 1914: Mawson returned to a hero’s welcome. He said that Antarctica was ‘the home of the blizzard’.

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• Home of the Blizzard •

 Language Features

 Home of the Blizzard is a factual recount written in the form of a journal entry. It details events in the order that they have happened and includes dates and short factual sentences that focus on important information. 1. List five dates from the journal that you consider to be important. Explain why these dates are significant.

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2. There are a few short descriptions in the text that extend the information provided. Add adjectives to the descriptions below. _________________________bridge © ReadyEd6.P ubl i cat i ons 7. _______________________ crevasse ___________________________seas •f orr evi ew p8.ur posesonl y• _______________________ supplies ____________________________ ice

1. _____________________ sailing ship

2. 3.

5. _______________________ blizzards

10. ________________________ rations

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9. _______________________ clothing

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4. _________________________ winds

3. Some of the language in the text is used to describe conditions in Antarctica. Check the meaning of the words below in a dictionary.

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1. polar ______________________________________________________________ 2. blizzard ____________________________________________________________ 3. expedition __________________________________________________________ 4. crevasse ____________________________________________________________ 5. gale _______________________________________________________________ 6. rations _____________________________________________________________ 7. pack ice ____________________________________________________________ 8. cairn _______________________________________________________________ 52

• Home of the Blizzard •

 Scanning For Meaning

 Scan the text Home of the Blizzard to help you answer the questions below. 1. Where did Mawson’s expedition leave from and when? ________________________________________________________________________

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2. When the men sighted ‘pack ice’ what did that indicate to them?

________________________________________________________________________ 3. What do think the word ‘katabatic’ means? Take a guess before you check a dictionary.

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4. Why do you think the explorers named the ice shelter Aladdin’s Cave?


5. Which months would be suitable for exploration in Antarctica? Why?


6. Describe what you think the weather in Antarctica would be like in winter.

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons When the groups set out to explore in November, what was their final date of return to •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• base? Why was this date so important?




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8. What happened to Mawson’s companions, Ninnis and Mertz?

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9. What saved Mawson from certain death when he fell into the crevasse?

________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 10. How do you think that Mawson felt when he finally struggled back weak and exhausted to base camp, only to see the Aurora disappearing in the distance and then realised that six men had chosen to stay for another winter to search for his group? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________


• Home of the Blizzard •

 Language Features

 Onomatopoeia describes words that imitate the sounds of an object or an action that they refer to, e.g. in the text Home of the Blizzard the word katabatic sounds like a strong wind caused by the flow of cold dense air across the slopes of a mountain or glacier. 1. Write a word that refers to the onomatopoeic words below.

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6. munch ________________________

2. vroom ________________________

7. sizzle _________________________

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1. buzz __________________________

8. shush _________________________

4. crunch ________________________

9. splat _________________________

5. trudge ________________________

10.zap ___________________________

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3. click __________________________

2. Write a journal entry for each day of the week. It can be either factual or fiction.

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• _______________________________________________________________________ Monday: _______________________________________________________________

Tuesday: _______________________________________________________________

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_______________________________________________________________________ Wednesday: ___________________________________________________________

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Thursday: _____________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Friday: ________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Saturday: ______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Sunday: _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 54

• Home of the Blizzard •

 Rewriting Recounts

 Write a recount of Mawson’s experience in Antarctica by expanding the key words and phrases below. December 1911 left Hobart – Aurora – rough weather – reached Antarctica – long winter months – November Mawson, Ninnis , Mertz set out – disaster Ninnis – second disaster Mertz – third disaster Mawson – survived – eventually reached base camp – Aurora sailing away – six men stayed – Aurora returned summer 1913

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r o e t s Bo r e p ok u Mawson’s S Expedition

_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

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_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

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 What is the difference between reading a journal account of Mawson’s expedition and a recount? _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 55

• Home of the Blizzard •

 Personal Response

 The scientists working in Antarctica now have a much different experience from the Douglas Mawson group. 1. List six ways in which explorers’ lives today are easier.

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4. ______________________________

2. ______________________________

5. ______________________________

3. ______________________________

6. ______________________________

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1. ______________________________

 Antarctica is the world’s highest, driest, coldest and windiest continent. Tourists are now able to visit Antarctica by ship or fly over the area in special flights leaving from the Australian mainland on December 31st each year. 2. Would you like to visit Antarctica? Give reasons for your response.

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________

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3. What words would you use to describe Douglas Mawson? Write them in the box below.

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 When Mawson fell into the crevasse he was weak and exhausted and alone but he never gave up and managed to eventually haul himself out. 4. What do you think made him keep trying to succeed? _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 56

 Answers future. 9. Own answer (The Great Wall of China is an example.) P15 1] a = 4, b = 8, c = 7, d = 6, e = 10, f = 9, g = 5, h = 3, i = 1, j = 2 2] Coral consists of tiny creatures that join together to form colonies. Each tiny polyp lives inside a hard shell known as coral. The coral polyps join together to form what looks like beautiful coloured underwater forests in different shapes. 3] fish, giant clams, dolphins, corals, birds, sea snakes, seahorses, dugongs, turtles , whales, crustaceans, starfish P16 1. largest 2. ancient 3. brilliant coloured 4. warm 5. vivid 6. slow 7. living 8. natural 9. marine 10. amazing

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THE DARE P7 1] i. Keira. ii. An old deserted house. iii. Night time. iv. She was dared to go into the house at night and she was scared. v. She was worried about the eerie lights and what made the unidentified sounds that people talked about. vi. First of all she froze then she decided she could use her torch to defend herself. 2] Possible answers: full moon, eerie lights, unidentified sounds, rusty gate, overgrown path, peeling door handle 3] Possible answers: shadows like long fingers, it creaked like an old rusty windmill, she was frozen with fear like a statue in a park, her heart was beating like a drum P8 1. Jarrod and his sister are minor characters. 2. She was dared to sneak into the creepy old deserted house at night. 3.To prove that she wasn’t a wimp and scared. 4. The tree branches scraping on the windows. 5. She smelled dust and mould, she heard soft scuttling noises and she saw lots of cockroaches everywhere. 6. She thought someone was in the house with her and maybe that she was locked in. 7. She tried to breathe in and out slowly to calm her heartbeat. 8. She was afraid that someone was in the house with her. 9. They were laughing because they had tricked her into thinking someone else was in the house. P9 1. creepy 2. eerie 3. unidentified 4. overgrown 5. peeling 6. scuttling 7. panic 8. old 9. blood-curdling 10. terrified.

CELEBRITY PENGUIN P20 1] a. It is about an emperor penguin. b. The juvenile penguin was found on Peka Peka beach in New Zealand. c. 2011 d. •The penguin was found on Peka Peka beach. •Experts thought that it was healthy but it started to eat sticks and sand to cool down. •Vets did surgery on Happy Feet and at first its condition was critical but it gradually improved. •Happy Feet was ready to start the journey back to the wild on 29th August. •Happy Feet returned to the ocean on 4th September. •Happy Feet’s progress was tracked using the satellite tracker glued to his back but it stopped working after a few days. e. The final statement gives a reason for the satellite tracker stopping. 2] 22nd June: Happy Feet arrived on Peka Peka beach. 26th June: Happy Feet was in a critical condition. July: His condition was steadily improving. 29th August: He started his voyage back to the Southern Ocean. 4th September: Happy Feet returned to the ocean. October: Happy Feet was swimming towards Antarctica. P21 1. An emperor penguin named Happy Feet. 2. He was a juvenile emperor penguin about 10 months old and about one metre tall who seemed to be in good condition. 3. He was located on Peka Peka beach on the north island of New Zealand. There was so much interest in him because an emperor penguin hadn’t been seen in New Zealand for over 40 years. 4. Wildlife experts were concerned because he started to eat sand and sticks to try to cool down. 5. Soon he became very sick and vets were called to check him. 6. Vets did two lots of surgery and Happy Feet’s condition was critical. Then over the next few weeks he

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THE GREAT BARRIER REEF P13 1] It is the world’s largest coral reef; It is located off the coast of Queensland; It is the world’s biggest structure made by living creatures. 2] a. is b. consists c. join d. loses e. supports f. live g. means 3] a. biggest b. beautiful c. brilliant coloured d. vivid e. live f. natural g. marine h. marine i. giant j. amazing P14 1. It is located in the Coral Sea off the coast of Queensland. 2. A coral reef is formed by tiny, individual coral polyps that join together to form colonies. 3. Over 400 species of coral live and grow on the reef. 4. The oldest coral could be 20 million years old. 5. The clear, warm, salty water where there is plenty of light and movement in the water is the ideal environment for coral to grow on the Barrier Reef. 6. Coral is the hard shell that the tiny polyps live in. 7. Living coral is coloured but dead coral loses its colour. 8. It is important because it means that the species and their habitats will be protected now and in the

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P30 1. life 2. coal miner 3. Egypt 4. April 5. soldiers 6. donkeys 7. Gallipoli 8. beach 9. sculpture 10. bravery AIM HIGH P33 1] Possible answers: George Atkinson, Nepal, Argentina, Seven Summits 2] Possible answers: Africa’s Mount Kilimanjaro, Europe’s highest mountain, Carstensz Pyramid, Asia’s highest mountain, South America’s highest peak, Alaska’s Mount McKinley, Antarctica’s Mount Vinson 3] Mount Kilimanjaro, Mount Elbrus, Carstensz Pyramid, Mount Aconcagua, Mount McKinley, Mount Vinson, Mount Everest 4] Possible answers: final stage, special quest, world record, first climb, highest peaks, experienced climbers, highest mountain, dangerous snow, sharp volcanic rock, bad weather, youngest person P34 1. He was six years old. 2. The first mountain he climbed was in Northern Ireland. 3. At age 11 George climbed Africa’s Mount Kilimanjaro. 4. Europe. 5. He had to walk and climb on dangerous snow and ice. 6. The mountain had sharp volcanic rock and it rained every day which made the climbing more dangerous. 7. No, because mountain climbers can only get to Antarctica during a few months of the year and there is only a short time that the weather is suitable for climbing. 8. Mount Everest. 9. Africa, Europe, Oceania, South America, North America, Antarctica, Asia. P35 2005 Mount Kilimanjaro 5,895m Africa

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LETTER FROM GALLIPOLI P27 1] a. It is mainly about Simpson. b. It was written in Gallipoli c. May 1915. d. The letter was written by James to keep in contact with his family at home and tell them about a brave man named John Simpson who died rescuing others. e. The final part of the letter tells me that James is missing his family, especially his mum’s home cooking. James also tells his brother to make sure that he is helping his mother. 2] a. survival: to remain alive after an event b. terrain: the land and its different features c. sniper: a person who shoots from a long distance or a hidden position d. gully: a ditch or small valley e. troops: a large number of soldiers f. casualties: those hurt or killed g. stretcher bearer: the soldiers who carried the wounded on light frames covered with canvas h. shrapnel: the sharp metal parts of an exploded shell P28 1. The letter was written by a soldier, James to his younger brother, William. 2. The main topic in the letter is Simpson’s taking wounded soldiers for help on a donkey. 3. Simpson decided to use a donkey to carry the wounded because he could move more soldiers more quickly than if he waited for another soldier to carry one man on a stretcher. 4. They admired him for risking his life to help wounded soldiers. 5. ‘There was a soldier I met here who was braver than most’ .... ‘There was a general feeling of sadness and gloom amongst the men when news of Simpson’s death spread through the troops.’ 6. Just over three weeks. 7. Because he risked his life daily to save wounded soldiers. 8. At the start of the letter James is cheerful but at the end he is homesick for his family.

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started to improve. 7. They considered keeping him in the zoo on his own or returning him to the wild. 8. A lot of people took an interest in Happy Feet and were very pleased that he recovered. They wanted to say goodbye to him and to wish him well on his trip back to Antarctica. 9. They knew the area where juvenile penguins were known to be found. P22 1] a. unusual b. stronger c. juvenile emperor d. good e. north f. chilly g. unexpected h. remarkable I. critical j. amazing 2] honest/dishonest, patient/impatient, selfish/ unselfish, visible/invisible, connect/disconnect, polite/ impolite, lock/unlock, capable/incapable, safe/unsafe 3] a. disagree b. illegal c. impossible d. unhappy e. unhealthy f. invisible g. irresponsible h. disconnect i. illogical j. irregular k. incorrect l. immature P23 1. juvenile 2. healthy 3. good 4. cool 5. critical 6. stronger 7. travel 8. chilly 9. rough 10.long

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2007 Mount Elbrus

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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• 5,642m Europe

2008 Carstensz Pyramid 4,884m Oceania

2008 Mount Aconcagua 6,962m South America 2010 Mount McKinley

6,194m North America

2011 Mount Vinson

4,897m Antarctica

2011 Mount Everest

8,848m Asia

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CHANGES P39 1] Possible answers: He was 21; He is standing tall and straight and looks fit and strong; He has a wide smile; He has clear blue eyes; he has thick, dark hair cut short; his ears stick out. 2] a. tall and straight b. fit and strong c. thick and dark and cut short d. clear blue e. wide 3] a. bent over and leaning heavily on his walking stick b. gaunt and his hands are bony c. short and white with tufts of grey and only at the back of his head d. pale blue and red-rimmed and watery and he wears glasses e. still the same. 4] a. glance b. smile c. turn, walks d. trembles e. nods, see

P47 1. Captain Briggs, his wife and two year old child and seven experienced crew. 2. It left on 7th November 1872 and was discovered unmanned on 4th December. 3. It was off course and behind schedule. 4. The weather conditions were calm. 5. They noticed that it was out of control in the way it was moving. 6. They thought that if the Captain and all on board had left the ship they would have taken their belongings with them or if pirates had boarded they would have taken everything. 7. One lifeboat, the ship’s ownership papers and the chronometer and sextant. 8. No because they would have taken personal belongings and there would have been signs of a fight. P48 1] untouched; inexperienced; disappearance; illogical; undelivered; irregular; impossible; invisible; unlikely; unsolved 2] a. brigantine: a square rigged ship with two masts, only the forward one is square rigged b. cargo: the goods carried on a ship c. chronometer: an instrument for measuring time with exactness d. sextant: an instrument which measures the angles between the sun, moon, stars and earth to help sailors work out their position e. lifeboat: a boat carried on a large ship to be used by passengers if the ship is in difficulty and they have to leave f. log: the daily record kept by the captain of a ship g. abandoned: to leave and not come back h. hold: the part of a ship below deck where the cargo is stored i. theory: an explanation based on reason and observation j. mystery: something that can’t be explained 3] discoveries; mysteries; entries; spies; bullies; ponies P49 1] a = False b =True c = False d = False e = True f = True g = True h = False i = False j = True

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P40 1. The writer’s grandfather. 2. He is tall and straight, looking fit and strong. He has clear, blue eyes, a wide smile and short dark hair. His ears stick out. 3. a. He is stooped. b. He leans heavily on his walking stick. c. He has glasses. d. He is almost bald. e. His voice trembles. f. He wears a hearing aid. 4. Knowing about life and learning and becoming wise from his own life experiences. 5. His sense of humour and fun as shown in his smile. 6. What is inferred is the fact that his grandfather does not always remember information that he has been told. 7. Older than 17 because he/she has a driver’s licence. The text says, ‘As I pick up my car keys’. 8. Football / rugby league. 9. Walking with determination, in a definite way. P41 1] Young: tall and straight, wide smile, fit and strong, clear blue eyes, strong hands, proud, sticking out ears, thick, dark hair, good hearing, a soldier Old: gaunt frame, wide smile, short white hair, difficulty with hearing, stooped, pale blue watery eyes, wrinkles, bent back, proud, sticking out ears, bony hands 2] a. strong b. tall c. blue d. dark e. watery f. short g. gaunt h. bony i. bent j. wide P42 1. pale 2. white 3. bony 4. gaunt 5. stooped 6. straight 7. strong 8. dark 9. wide 10. mischievous P43 1 = c, 2 = g, 3 = d, 4 = h, 5 = e, 6 = j, 7 = a, 8 = i, 9 = f, 10 = b

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GHOST SHIP P46 1] Who: Captain David Morehouse and crew Where: Atlantic Ocean What: The Mary Celeste When: 4th December 1872 2] They found no crew on board the ship. The personal belongings were untouched and the food and water supply and cargo was on board. There was no sign of a fight and the only things missing were one lifeboat and the ship’s papers and some equipment. 3] On board were Captain Briggs, his wife and their two year old daughter plus a crew of seven. The cargo was 1,701 barrels of commercial alcohol to be delivered to Genoa, Italy. 4] •Pirates boarded the ship: Not true because there was no sign of a fight and all the belongings were untouched. •Mutiny: Not true because there were no signs of a fight and if there was a mutiny why was there no one on the ship? •Tsunami: Not true as the weather was calm and there was no sign of water on board the ship. •Fear of explosion: Possibly true as only the red oak barrels were empty and they would have allowed alcohol vapour to escape and the captain and crew may have abandoned ship for fear of an explosion.

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HOME OF THE BLIZZARD P52 2] 1. wooden 2. rough 3. pack 4. katabatic 5. fierce 6. snow 7. hazardous 8. important 9. spare 10. meagre 3] 1. polar: relating to the north or south pole 2. blizzard: a snowstorm with strong winds 3. expedition: a journey whose purpose is to explore an area 4. crevasse: a deep crack in a glacier 5. gale: a very strong wind 6. rations: a fixed amount for each person 7. pack ice: floating sea ice formed into a mass 8. cairn: a pile of stones piled up as a landmark P53 1. Mawson’s expedition left from Hobart on 2nd December 1911. 2. That they were getting closer to Antarctica. 59

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3. Strong wind currents that blow down the slopes of a glacier. 4. Because the cave contained ‘treasures’ in the form of food and other important supplies. 5. December to February because it is summer and exploration can be done more easily as the weather is better. 6.Own answer. 7. Their final date to return to base was January 15th because summer was ending and the Aurora would not be able to get in to pick them up much later because of the increasing pack ice. 8. Ninnis died when the snow bridge collapsed when he was crossing with the team of dogs. Mertz died of exhaustion and illness after the sledge with their rations was lost in the crevasse. 9.He was saved by his harness, which was still attached to the sledge which didn’t fall into the crevasse. He was able to pull himself out. P54 1.Own answers e.g. buzz/bee. P55 A journal account gives basic facts. A recount allows the writer more scope to expand the facts and describe events. P56 1] Possible answers: Better supply and range of food; Improved shelter; Warmer hi-tech clothing; Better equipment; Improved transport; Improved communication, e.g. email and Skype.

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o c . che e r o t r s super

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