Animal Maths Series: Addition

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r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

o c . che e r o t r s super

Title: Animal Maths Book 1 © 2010 Ready-Ed Publications Printed in Australia Author: Jan Stone Illustrator: Rod Jefferson


r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

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The purchasing educational institution and its staff have the right to make copies of the whole or part of this book, beyond their rights under the Australian Copyright Act 1968 (the Act), provided that: 1.

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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

The Act allows a maximum of one chapter or 10% of the pages of this book, whichever is the greater, to be reproduced and/or communicated by any educational institution for its educational purposes provided that

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Except as otherwise permitted by this blackline master licence or under the Act (for example, any fair dealing for the purposes of study, research, criticism or review) no part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, communicated or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written permission. All inquiries should be made to the publisher at the address below.

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Any copying of this book by an educational institution or its staff outside of this blackline master licence may fall within the educational statutory licence under the Act.

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o c . che e r o t r s super Published by: Ready-Ed Publications PO Box 276 Greenwood WA 6024

ISBN: 978 1 86397 787 6

Contents Stage 1

Stage 3

* Adding 1,2,3 (sum to 9) Teachers' Notes for Sheets1 and 2 * Sheet 1 * Sheet 2

6 7 8

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S 9 10 11

* Adding 7,8,9 (sum to 10) Teachers' Notes for Sheets 5 and 6 * Sheet 5 * Sheet 6

12 13 14

* Addends to 10 Teachers' Notes for Sheets 7 and 8 * Sheet 7 * Sheet 8

15 16 17

* Doubles to 5+5 Teachers' Notes for Sheets 9 and 10 * Sheet 9 * Sheet 10

18 19 20

* Adding 1,2,3 (sum to 20) Teachers' Notes for Sheets 11 and 12 * Sheet 11 * Sheet 12

21 21 22 23

* Adding two numbers (multiples of 10 , sum to 100) Teachers' Notes for Sheets 25 and 26 * Sheet 25 * Sheet 26

* Add 10 to any number up to 89 Teachers' Notes for Sheets 29 and 30 * Sheet 29 * Sheet 30

48 49 50

* Low place values in both columns Teachers' Notes for Sheets 31 and 32 * Sheet 31 * Sheet 32

51 52 53

* Larger place values in ones column Teachers' Notes for Sheet 33 * Sheet 33

54 55

* Add Three Numbers (no regrouping) Teachers' Notes for Sheet 34 * Sheet 34

56 57

* Doubles (13+13, 22 +22) Teachers' Notes for Sheet 35 * Sheet 35

* Adding 7,8,9 (sum to 20) Teachers' Notes for Sheets 15 and 16 * Sheet 15 * Sheet 16

58 59

27 28 29

* Higher Numbers (sum to 100) Teachers' Notes for Sheet 36 * Sheet 36

60 61

* Consolidation. Counting by 2's, 5's, 10's Teachers' Notes for Sheets 17 and 18 * Sheet 17 * Sheet 18

30 31 32

Templates for animal counters


* Horizontal and Vertical Addition Teachers' Notes for Sheets 19 and 20 * Sheet 19 * Sheet 20

33 34 35

* Revision (sum to 20) Teachers' Notes for Sheets 21 and 22 * Sheet 21 * Sheet 22

36 37 38

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24 25 26

42 43 44

* Add a number less than 10 to multiple of 10 (sum to 99) Teachers' Notes for Sheets 27 and 28 45 * Sheet 27 46 * Sheet 28 47

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons Stage 2 •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

* Adding 4,5,6 (sumto 20) Teachers' Notes for Sheets 13 and 14 * Sheet 13 * Sheet 14

39 40 41

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* Adding 4,5,6 (sum to 9) Teachers' Notes for Sheets 3 and 4 * Sheet 3 * Sheet 4

Teac he r

* Adding three numbers (sum to 20) Teachers' Notes for Sheets 23 and 24 * Sheet 23 * Sheet 24

o c . che e r o t r s super

Introduction The Concept


You’ve looked at lots of animals in your junior primary classroom - now try Animal Maths: a series of two books for practice in the basic maths facts. Book One covers Addition up to 100, and Book Two deals with Subtraction. Children love animals and the Animal Maths Series shows animals on every page doing all kinds of fun things, e.g. four giraffes in a car and one more makes...?

The worksheets can be used in class or as homework sheets. Each book presents a variety of levels, allowing teachers to select work catering for individual needs.

The Animal Maths series is designed for use by any child who needs practice in the basic maths facts. Class levels are not written on the pages, so that older children working on these problems will not feel that they are doing “Year 3” work. However the emphasis in the series is basic maths so Junior Primary teachers should find them particularly helpful. The contents page gives more detail on levels of difficulty.

The Animal Maths series is much more than just another set of worksheets for photocopying. Every facing page lists practical tips on presentation, items for consideration e.g. knowledge assumed, and numerous creative ideas for extension to other areas of the curriculum.

Basic Maths Facts

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r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S Teaching Tips

So often we hear of the need for basic computational skills. Animal Maths presents maths practice in a fun format. For more advanced problems, look for other Ready-Ed Publications' materials.

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

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1. How many copies? If, for example, you have a class of 30 children, seated in five groups of six, you may at first require a set of 10 giraffes, 10 elephants etc. for each group. You will need to make two copies of zoo animals for each group, and two copies of farm animals. Or in total 10 copies of the zoo and farm pages.

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3. Usage i) Can be used flat as counters. ii) Can be “standing up” if a small dob of playdough or Plasticine is used.

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Instructions For Use of Animal Templates (templates on pages 62-63)

Since there are only 5 of each animal, you would therefore have 2 different animals in each set of ten.

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2. Make 10 copies Glue onto stiff card. Cover both sides with clear adhesive plastic (for more durable counters). Cut around lines to make square counters.

4. Use of pages 46, 47 (without cutting) Pre-worksheet stage. Colour 4 giraffes yellow Colour 3 elephants pink Colour 2 Lions brown Colour 5 hippos blue etc.

5. To make sets of 10 (useful from page 11 onwards). Copy, glue, cover and cut as above, but cut into sets of 10 instead of individual animals.

6. To make sets of 10 (all the same animal) i) Make two copies ii) Cut and paste to make two rows of giraffes, two rows of elephants etc. iii) Produce number of copies required from your cut and pasted sets of ten.

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Animal Maths © ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons

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Addition •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

o c . che e r o t r s super

Stage 1

* Adding 1,2,3 (sum to 9) Teachers' Notes for Sheets1 and 2 Answers

r o *Sheet 1 e t s B r e oo p u k S

Prerequisite Skills for Stage 1 Activities

Before commencing worksheets children should be able to:

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• count to ten. • form sets of objects or counters. e.g. show me 3 giraffes and 2 giraffes. • recognise number stories written on board by teacher, e.g. 3 + 2 = 5.

2+2=4 3+2=5 1+3=4 3+3=6

4+1=5 giraffes

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• recognise and write numerals 0-10.

Page 7

© ReadyEdPu7+2=9 bl i cat i ons 4+2=6 3+1=4 8+1=9 Utilise concrete learning • f o r r e v i e w p u r p o s e s onl y• techniques. Young children need Concept

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Animal Counters Make your own sets of counters from templates at the back of this book (see page 4) or use plastic animals. A number of zoo and farm sets will be required.

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*Sheet 2 Page 8 2+1=3 3+1=4 1+4=5

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as much concrete experience as possible.

o c . che e r o t r s super

Animal templates or plastic animals may be used from the very beginning so that children are familiar with the above concepts before proceeding to worksheets.

4 monkeys. 3+1=4 3+2=5 1+4=5

5+3=8 2+6=8

Teacher to check drawings.

Page 6

* Sheet 1

Name:_ ______________________



makes five. 3 + 2 =


What is the sum of the groups of animals?

r o e t s Bo 2 + 2 = r e EEup EE ok S +

Teac he r

LLL+ LL B+ BBB +eady© R KKK KKKEdPublications

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3+2= 1+3=

___ + ___ =

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•f or r evi e pu r pos es on l y •too. There are 4 giraffes inw a car. Another one wants to come Now how many?

o c . ____ + ____ = ____ che e r o t r s super

Complete these sums. 7+2= 3+1=



Page 7

* Sheet 2

Name:_ ______________________




makes five. 2 + 3 =

What is the sum of the groups of animals?

Teac he r

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r o e t + = s Bo r Gupe ok S+ + =

GG kkk k h+ hhhh +



Draw 3 more monkeys on the branch. Now how many?

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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

. te o 3 + ____ =. ____ Write the number story? c che e r o st super Complete these sums. r 3+2= 1+4=



Draw your own number story using any animal on the back of this page. Page 8

* Adding 4,5,6 (sum to 9) Teachers' Notes for Sheets 3 and 4

r o e t s B*Sheet r 3 e o p ok u S


If children are having difficulties with this work …

• check Prerequisite skills on page 6;

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Parental Help

Page 10 1+6=7 2+4=6 4+5=9 3+4=7

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• go through all new problems with whole class before commencing worksheet.

Involve parents as much as possible. Parents can … • come along to class and help children with animals - working out problems, or

1+5=6 pigs altogether

3+5=8 1+6=7 • consolidate children’s skills at home © R e a d y E d P u b l i c a t i o n s 1+4=5 5+4=9 through play activities. Teachers should explain Animal Maths concepts •f o rr evi ew pur pos esonl y• of playing with concrete materials *Sheet 4

. te Ideas

Page 11

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as an aid to learning. Demonstrate how parents might get out animals and show little puzzles like: there are 3 piglets here and 1 mother pig over here. How many pigs? Stress the need to keep it fun. Stop before children tire of it.

3+1=4 cats

o c . che e r o t r s super

• Art/Craft Children make a slide out of recycled materials and slide pigs down.

• Water Play (Use plastic animals.) If hot, do this outside. Pigs slide into a tub of water. “How many pigs in the pool? Look there are three. There’s two more coming in. Now how many?” etc.

Teacher to check drawing 2+6=8 birds altogether on the seesaw. Complete these sums. 2+6=8 3+6=9 1+5=6 4+4=8

Page 9

* Sheet 3

Name:_ ______________________


g gggg +


makes five. 1 + 4 =

What is the sum of the groups of animals?

r o e t s Bo r p+pppppp e p ok u S kk+kkkk gggg+ggggg Teac he r


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2+4= 4+5=

hhh+hhhh ___ + ___ = © ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons w ww

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f or r ev i e wp ur po se so nl y• A pig is• going down the slide. Another five pigs are waiting for their turn. How many pigs altogether? ____ + ____ = ____

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o c . che e r o t r s super

Complete these sums. 3+5= 1+4= Page 10



* Sheet 4

Name:_ ______________________

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S ____ + ____ = ____

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There is one cat in a box. Three cats want to get in the box too. How many cats?

Re ad yend Ed Pu bl i ca t i o s on Draw© 2 birds on one of the seesaw. Draw 6n birds the other end. How many birds altogether?

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•f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

o c . che e r ____ + ____ = ____ o t r s super

Complete these sums. 2+6= 1+5=



Page 11

* Adding 7,8,9 (sum to 10) Teachers' Notes for Sheets 5 and 6

r o e t s B r e *Sheeto 5o p u k S

Children are now moving to larger numbers which can’t be seen at a glance, hence the importance of some type of counters.


Page 13 1+8=9

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Remember the importance of concrete learning - use plastic animals or animal counters produced from templates at the back of this book.

2+7=9 1+9=10 3+7=10



© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• A few facts about ostriches: Since ostriches are featured on this page, it might be of interest to learn a little about them.

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*Sheet 6 Page 14

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• A trip to the beach - possibly with a sand castle building competition. Create a collage using sand, shells and other materials to make a picture of a sand castle.

Page 12

2+8=10 ostriches

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• They live in Africa. • They are the tallest bird alive (growing to 2.4 m - compare with Australian emu 1.7 m and the extinct Moa of New Zealand, the tallest bird that ever lived at over 3 m). • They can’t fly but they can run very fast. • Some people think they bury their heads in the sand but this is not true. • They eat sand to help them digest their food (mostly plants).

Teacher to check drawings. Extra 5+2=7, 3+4=7, 6+2=8

* Sheet 5

Name:_ ______________________

Example 1+7=



What is the sum of the groups of animals?

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r o e t s Bo 1 + 8 = r e F+FFFFFFFF p ok u S 2+7= MM+MMMMMMM 1+9=

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RRR +ubl ©R eadyEdP i cat i o ns 3+7= RRRRRRR •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

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2 ostriches are building sand castles.

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o c . Another 8 ostriches are also building sand castles. che e r o t r s super

How many ostriches altogether?


= Page 13

* Sheet 6

Name:_ ______________________

These hippos have lost their balloons. Help them find their balloons by matching the answers in the balloons to a hippo.






r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S 2+7=


Draw the right number of balloons for this hippo.

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o c . che e r o t r s super 2+8=

Use your animal counters to work out these sums.

5+2= Page 14

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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•




* Addends to 10 Teachers' Notes for Sheets 7 and 8

r o e t s B *Sheet 7 r e oo p u k S


Knowing what adds up to tens becomes the basis for much calculation at higher levels.

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Page 16 1+9=10 2+8=10 3+7=10 4+6=10

After the exploration stage, or with older children, mental maths can be practised to drill these basic facts.

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The templates at the back of this book can be used to make sets of ten. Children can then place individual animal counters on top of a base card to see how many more they need to make up to ten.

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons • Pets – Have a talk about pets. Find out 5+5=10 cats altogether howr many dogs, cats and other pets •f o r e v i e w p u r p o s e s o nl y• belong to people in the class. Write totals on board, e.g. 9 cats 7 dogs. Ask questions like: “How many more cats would we need to make 10?” etc.

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• Cards – The cats on sheet 7 are playing cards. Use a pack of cards (discard all Jacks, Queens, Kings). Hold up one card at a time, children have to say how many more to make ten.

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Extra: 9+1=10

*Sheet 8 Page 17 6+4=10 5+3=8 7+1=8 2+1=3


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5+5=10 4+5=9 7+3=10 2+8=10

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• Play in groups as above. Each child has a chance (in turn) to give the answer, but if they say “Pass” whoever can answer first gets the card. Each group will need a pack, face down in the centre. Person with most cards is winner. Play “Go Fish” with complements to 10. E.g. someone with a 6 must ask for a 4 to have a pair (10s can be paired in normal manner).

Teacher to check drawing. Extra 6+4=10 8+2=10

7+3=10 9+1=10

Page 15

* Sheet 7

Name:_ ______________________

What is the sum of the groups of animals?



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2+8= rr+rrrrrrrr r o e t s Bo r e p o u 7= kkk+S kkkkkkk 3 +k 4+


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There are five cats playing cards at one table. Another five cats © are playing cards atd another table. How Read yE Pub l i ca t i omany ns cats altogether?

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•f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

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o c . che e r o t r s super ____ + ____ = ____


Use your animal counters to work out these sums.

9+1= Page 16



* Sheet 8

Name:_ ______________________

The hen has laid a lot of eggs. Find the answers. 6+4=


r o e t s Bo r 4 + 5 = e p ok u S





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©the Re ad yEthe dP ubl i c at i ons Colour eggs where answer is ten.

•f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

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Draw ten eggs.

. te o c . che Use your animal counters e r o Extra r t s s r pe tou work out these sums.



= 10


= 10


= 10


= 10

Page 17

* Doubles to 5+5 Teachers' Notes for Sheets 9 and 10


r o e t s Bo9 r *Sheet e p ok u S Answers

• Doubles.

• Revision addends to 10.


• General revision.


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Page 19




• Have a number line on the board and a toy kangaroo (or white board and magnetic kangaroo) to explain the concept before children attempt it on their own.


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• Counting up from a point on number line.

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons • Have ar small mirror for each group, • f o r e v i e w pur po sesonl y• so that children can look in the *Sheet 10 8+2= 10

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• Learn about how a mirror works.

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• Discuss places where we see mirrors, e.g. home, hairdresser.

7+3=10 5+5=10

o c . che e r o t r s super

• Discuss other places where we see reflections - in water, windows, saucepans, etc.

• Excursion to a place with distorted mirrors - take photos. • Learn about kangaroos. • Play jumping games - hopscotch, jumping races.

Page 18

Page 20

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mirror and count toy animals or counters.

* Sheet 9

Name:_ ______________________

Draw double the number of animals in each box and write the number stories to match.




Teac he r 3+


© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• =

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w ww 4+


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r o e t s Bo r e p ok u =S

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Page 19

* Sheet 10

Name:_ ______________________

Example Look at the number line. The jumping kangaroo is at number 4. How many more jumps does the kangaroo need to make to reach number 10?




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4 5 6 7 o8 9 10 e p o u Answer: the kangaroo needs to do 6 more jumps. 4k + 6 = 10 S 0

Draw in the jumps on each number line, counting as you draw. How many jumps?


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K 3









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©2 Re dy E5 dP6 ubl ca8 t i on 3 a 4 7 i 9 s10 •f orr ev i ew p ur posesonl y• 8+ = 10








o c . che e r o t r s super 7+

= 10







5+ Page 20


= 10

Stage 2

* Adding 1,2,3 (sum to 20) Teachers' Notes for Sheets 11 and 12

r o e t s *Sheet 11 B r e oo p u k S


Prerequisite Skills:

• Familiarity with numerals to 20.

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Concept Adding to 20 At this stage it is not necessary to introduce the concept of “tens column” and “ones” column. As long as children are familiar with the numerals they can continue counting sets of animals or counters as before and writing totals.

*Sheet 12

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• Ability to count to 20. Mastery of addition to 10. (See preceding pages.)

Page 22 9+3=12 11+2=13 10+4=14 10+1=11

Page 23t © ReadyEdPubl i ca i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

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• Visit to a farm or animal nursery. (Make sure they count some of the animals!)

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Teacher to check drawing.


10 fish+1crazy crab =11 altogether

o (16)17 c . che e r o t Extra r s super

• Pigs in books - The Three Little Pigs, Charlotte’s Web. Check Library.



• Act out or have a puppet play of the Three Little Pigs.

• Children to write a story about a pig. Discuss with children possibilities for the story: the pig wins a prize at the Royal Show, the pig visits a fun park, Pigs in Space, the Pig’s Picnic, a pig finds a friend, etc.

10 + 3 =13

16 + 2 =18

9 + 2 = 11

12 + 2 = 14

14 + 1 =15

17 + 2 =19

11 + 1 =12

18 + 2 =20

15 + 1 =16

Page 21

* Sheet 11

Name:_ ______________________


gggggggg ggg +



r o e t s B r What is the sum of thee groups of animals? o p ok u S Teac he r

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hhhhh + hhh hhhh 9+3=

ppppp © ReadyEdPub i cat i ons +l pp pppppp •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• 11 + 2 =

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kkkkk + kk . te kk kkkkk co . che+ = e r o t r s super

rrrrr + r rrrrr + Page 22


* Sheet 12

Name:_ ______________________

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

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Teac he r

Draw 10 fish and 1 crazy crab in the tank.

How many altogether? ©R eadyEd Publ cat i ons 10 + =i

•f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

Write the number that is one more than:

w ww

. t e Extra! 10 + 3 =



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o c . che e r o t r s super

Use your animals or counters to find the answers to these.

16 + 2 =


12 + 2 =

14 + 1 =

17 + 2 =

11 + 1 =

18 + 2 =

15 + 1 = Page 23

* Adding 4,5,6 (sumto 20) Teachers' Notes for Sheets 13 and 14

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S Answers

*Sheet 13

Prerequisite Skill:

Teac he r Ideas:

• Look at lions in Literature. Fables, e.g. The Lion and the Mouse - leading to other fables. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S.Lewis. Although probably too difficult for younger grades to read for themselves, they may enjoy listening to parts of the story; or hunt for a simplified or cartoon-style version.

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• Requires ability to make a set (e.g. a set of 9, and a set of 4, and count totals).

Page 25 8+3=11 6+6=12 9+4=13 10+6=16 10+10=20

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• Discuss lions on T.V. and in the movies - talk about what the children have seen. • Ask the children to write a story about a family of lions who want to watch T.V. What do they want to watch? What do the lions like about certain shows?

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Page 24

11+5=16 Extra

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14 © ReadyEdP*Sheet ubl i cat i ons Page 26 •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

o c . che e r o t r s super 7 + 6 =13

13 + 4 =17

16 + 4 =20

10 + 5 =15

15 + 5 =20

5 + 6 =11

8 + 5 =13

11 + 4 =15

7 + 5 = 12

* Sheet 13

Name:_ ______________________


ggggggg gggg +



r o e t s Bo r What is the sum ofe the groups of animals? p ok u S +

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KKKKKK KKKKKK © ReadyEdP ubl i cat i ons +

•f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• 6+6=





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. te o MMMMM MMM c . + c e her r MMMMM MMM o t s super + +

= Page 25

* Sheet 14

Name:_ ______________________

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

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Teac he r

Eleven lions were watching T.V. Another five came along. Now how many lions watching T.V.?

11 + 5 =

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons Draw what f or r evi ew pur posesonl y• the• lions were

w ww

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watching on TV.

. te o c Use your animals or counters . Extra! che to find the answers e r o t r s to these. super



13 + 4 =

16 + 4 =

10 + 5 =

15 + 5 =



11 + 4 =


Page 26

* Adding 7,8,9 (sum to 20) Teachers' Notes for Sheets 15 and 16

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

Continue using concrete learning as before.

• Donkeys on a merry-go-round. For discussion: have you been on a merry-go-round horse? What other rides have you been on? • Fun at the Fair - make a picture, write a story. What do you do? What do you eat?

*Sheet 15 Page 28 6+9=15 10+7=17 7+8=15 11+8=19

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*Sheet 16 Page 29

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• Games • Pin the tail on the donkey.

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• Fun For Friday Afternoons – allow children to make their own animals from Plasticine or playdough (or whatever craft you wish). Demonstrate some of the problems.

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3+8=12 donkeys altogether

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• Donkeys in books - Eeyore in stories about Winnie the Pooh by A.A. Milne.

A 17 =8+9

B 20 =12+8 C 15 =10+5

o c . che e r o t r s super D 19 =12+7

Page 27

* Sheet 15

Name:_ ______________________


+ 2+9=


r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S ssss ssss





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Teac he r

What is the sum of the groups of animals?

ppppp pppp © ReadyEd+Pu bl i cat i ons ppppp ppp •f orr evi ew pur po sesonl y• 10 + 7 =

m . u

w ww

kkkk + kkkk . kkkk te kkk co . 7+8= ch e r er o t s super

mmmmmm+ mmmm mmmmm mmmm 11 + 8 = Page 28

* Sheet 16

Name:_ ______________________

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S


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Teac he r

There are 3 donkeys on one merry-go-round, and 8 donkeys on another. How many donkeys altogether?


Match each dog to his dish.

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons D 19• •f orr evi ewB pur posesonl y

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A 17

. te 10 + 5

C 15

o c . che e r o t r s super 12 + 7



m . u


12 + 8

Use your animals or counters to find the sums on this page. Page 29

* Consolidation. Counting by 2's, 5's, 10's Teachers' Notes for Sheets 17 and 18

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

Prerequisite Skills:


*Sheet 17

• Familiarity with numerals which are multiples of ten (to 100).

(a) The kangaroo will land next at 10.

• Familiarity with numerals which are multiples of five (to 100).

Page 31

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

• Familiarity with number line (see p.20).

(b) Teacher to check.

(c) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

(d) 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65

Demonstrate: A number line on blackboard or whiteboard to show whole class concept of the jumping kangaroo.

(e) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons Ideas: • f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• • A big book about Noah’s Ark to

w ww

• Construct an ark from bark and twigs. Plastic animals can go in two by two. Alternatively ark could be made from playdough or Plasticine.

. te

Page 32

Teacher to check.

o c . che e r o t r s super

• Use templates at back of book to make print-outs for the children to cut and paste onto their own picture of an ark.

Page 30

*Sheet 18

m . u

be made as a class project. The animals go in two by two.

* Sheet 17

Name:_ ______________________

(a) The jumping kangaroo is jumping up the number line by two.


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .










9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S Draw a line to show the kangaroo jumping by twos.


ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

Where will the kangaroo land next?


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .








7 8

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons (c) If the kangaroo jumped by twos all the way from zero to •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• twenty, what are all the numbers he would jump on? 0


w ww (d)

. te








o c . c e 15 h 20 30 35 40 o r 50 55 er t s super


Can you count by fives? Fill in the missing numbers. 5 10



m . u






Try counting by tens. 10 20








100 Page 31

* Sheet 18

Name:_ ______________________

Draw circles around each group of five animals. Then count by fives to find out how many animals altogether.

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

G E E E M M or e st r G G pe E E Bo M M ok u G G M S K K BBB K K K BB

Colour and repeat 2 green and 2 yellow in each row. ©byR ead E dhow Pumany. bl i cat i ons Then count twos toy find out

•f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•


How many

m . u

w ww

C? RRRRRRRRRRRRRR . te How many R? o c . che e r o t r s s r u e p AAAAAAAA How many


LLLLLLLLLLLL How many L? Page 32

* Horizontal and vertical Addition Teachers' Notes for Sheets 19 and 20 Prerequisite:

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S


Adding to 20 as in previous pages.

*Sheet 19

Teac he r

Addition problems are no more difficult than those previously experienced, however vertical format is a change. Animal sets or counters (see back pages of this book) should still be used as a concrete aid to learning.

Page 34

(a) Teacher to check the numbers 18, 11, 17 and 20 are circled.

ew i ev Pr

It is important that the concept of the “tens” column and the “ones” column is fully explored in class before proceeding to worksheets.

(b) 10 is the same as 1 ten and 0 ones. 20 is the same as 2 tens and 0 ones. 13 is the same as 1 ten and 3 ones. (c)7 (d)5 (e)12 (f )11

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons • Numbers can have more than one •f orr evi ew pur po*Sheet ses onl y• digit. 20 Page 35

• Number stories can be written vertically.

5 +5=10

. te


Teacher to check drawing.

m . u

w ww

• 2 digit numbers are made up of tens and ones.

*Try these sums a)15 b)11 c)12 d)13

o c . che e r o t r s super

• Learn about horses - different types, different uses, who owns them.

e)20 f )14 g)18 h)16

• Excursion idea - horse riding.

• Horses in books, e.g. Black Beauty search for a picture book version.

• Game - horse races. One child is horse, the other the “rider”. Use skipping ropes - Horse holds two handles, “rider” holds the rope at the halfway point. Both gallop along until past the finish line. Winner is first horse with nose past line must still be with “rider”.

Page 33

* Sheet 19 (a)

Name:_ ______________________

Circle the numbers which have two digits









r o e t s B r e 20 is the same as.p ..................................tens ando ............... ones. o u k Sas .................................ten and ................. ones. 13 is the same


ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

10 is the same as . ................................ten and ................. ones.

Here are 2 ways to write the same number story. 3

hh hh + © ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons hh h •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•


+ 4 7

Try these going down:

pp + . pp te ppp che

w ww


+ 5


3 + 2


m . u



o c kk . e r

o t r s sup r e (f )


6 + 6

gggggg +

gggggg Page 34

7 + 4

rrrr rrr +


* Sheet 20

Name:_ ______________________

Draw five pigs and five hens. Write the number story.

Teac he r

Five pigs

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S+ +

ew i ev Pr

Five hens

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons Try these •f orr evi e wp ur posums! sesonl y•

w ww



. te

+ 7


19 + 1


Use your animal counters to work out these sums. 9



m . u




+ 10

+ 2

+ 4




+ 9

+ 8

+ 2

o c . che e r o t r s super (g) (h) (f )

Page 35

* Revision (sum to 20) Teachers' Notes for Sheets 21 and 22

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

Teac he r

• If child has problems with Sheet 21, revise pp 7-20.


*Sheet 21 Page 37

3+3=6 monkeys *Try these sums 6+3=9




ew i ev Pr

These sheets can be used as Revision or Test sheets. Revision of work done so far, checkpoint to see where problems lie, or for older children as a test of basic addition facts. Middle to Upper Primary children should be able to do these without concrete aids, and at speed. Children who have not grasped addition to 20 will continue to struggle at higher levels.

9+1=10 2+4=6

1+8=9 3+7=10 © ReadyEdPu2+7=9 bl i ca t i on s 6+4=10 2+8=10 5+5=10 • If child has problems with Sheet 22, •ef r r evi ew pur posesonl y• too h pp. 25-26. • If child has problems with Sheet 22, i to l revise pp 28-29. • Pp 34-35 also provide useful revision.

w ww Ideas:

. te

*Sheet 22 Page 38

m . u

• If child has problems with Sheet 22, a to d revise pp. 22-23.

Teacher to check drawing 5+3=8

Monkeys Learn about different types of monkeys. Show pictures. Find out their names. Where do they live? What do they eat?

o c . che e r o t r s super *Try these sums

a)13 b)20 c)16 d)16 e)18 f )20 g)20 h)18


• Barrel of Monkeys (check toy shops or ask friends for old sets). • Write a story about a pet monkey who causes trouble in the house.

Page 36



k)18 l)16

* Sheet 21

Name:_ ______________________

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S +

*Try these sums


ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

There are three monkeys in the bathroom and three monkeys in the kitchen. How many monkeys in the house?

w ww 4+4=

. te




m . u

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons 6 +• 3 =f 5 +p 2 =u 9 +n 1l =y• orr evi ew r poseso 2+4=

o c . che e r o 1s +u 8= t r s 3+7= per 2+8=


Page 37

* Sheet 22

Name:_ ______________________

Draw five frogs

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

r o e t s Bo5 r + e Draw three frogs p ok u + S 3

*Try © these sums ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons (b)

w ww 13

+ 5


11 + 8

Page 38


. te

(f )




+ 3

+ 1

+ 2

+ 3



13 •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•




m . u




o c . che e r o t r s super + 5

+ 6


8 + 7


9 + 9

+ 6


8 + 8

* Adding three numbers (sum to 20) Teachers' Notes for Sheets 23 and 24

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

Work from concrete, to written, to mental maths.

Teac he r

Abstract: Step Two (only if you believe your class is ready) See if children can do written problems without concrete aids. Mental: Step Three If step two is successful, try mental maths, adding two numbers, then three, then four. (Make sure the total does not go above twenty at this stage.)

*Sheet 23 Page 40

ew i ev Pr

Concrete: Step One Children make sets of animals or counters, physically counting them to reach a total.


9 birds altogether. *Try these sums (a)2

(b)6 © ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons (c)6 •f orr evi ew pur pos esonl y• (d)6 (e)13


w ww

Explore the egg-chicken-hen life story. Find a good picture book.

. te

Read stories which feature hens and chickens.

*Sheet 24 Page 41

m . u

(f )11

*Try these sums a)9 b)9 c)7

o c . che e r o t r s super

Decorate hard-boiled eggs.


e)12 f )15 g)16 h)17 i)20


k)18 l)20

m)15 n)12 o)19 p)16

Page 39

* Sheet 23

Name:_ ______________________

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

How many birds altogether?




ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

Here are two birds wearing hats. Here are another five birds wearing hats. And two more.

Colour in the hats on the birds. © ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons your animal counters •f or r evi ewUse pu r po ses onl y• Try these sums!

w ww

a. 4 + 3 + 2 = _________

. te

m . u

to work out these sums.

d. 1 + 2 + 3 = _________

o c . c e her e. 6 +s 4 +o 3 =r _________ b. 2 + 2 + 2 = _________ t super c.

Page 40

4 + 1 + 1 = _________


4 + 5 + 2 = _________

* Sheet 24

Name:_ ______________________

*Try these sums (a)




2 3



4 5


8 2


1 1 3

4 4 9


© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons

(l) (k) (j) 10 10 7 15 •f rr evi ew8 pur pose nl y•2 7o 4 so + 3 + 7 + 1 + 3

w ww (m)


4 1 2

. te

10 3 + 2


6 3 3


7 6 6

m . u



ew i ev Pr


5 1 3

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S (f ) 6 (g) 6 (h) 7

Teac he r


6 2 1


o c . + + r + che e o r st super

8 5 3

Page 41

Stage 3

* Adding two numbers (multiples of 10 , sum to 100) Teachers' Notes for Sheets 25 and 26 Adding tens and multiples of ten.

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

Teac he r

These problems are very simple ones, ensuring that the children have the chance to master the “tens” column in a way that makes it seem just as easy as adding numbers less than ten.


*Sheet 25 Page 43

Teacher to check.

Before commencing worksheet practise: • counting by tens. • saying how many “tens”, how many “ones”. •

ew i ev Pr

Sets of ten animals can be produced from templates at the back of this book.

10+10=20 spots altogether

10+10 =20 giraffes altogether 30 is 3 tens and 0 ones

© ReadyEdPuTrybthese: l i cat i ons Explain concept of tens column and a) 4 tens c) 9 tens ones column. •f orr evi ew pur p o s e s onl y• b) 5 tens d)7 tens *Sheet 26

Water Maths: Fun For The Hot Weather.

Page 44

w ww


. te

• Using plastic animals or ice lolly sticks, with a large plastic tub for a swimming pool, let children make the animals “dive” and “swim”.

o c . che e r o t r s super

• Prepare some suitable problems for them to calculate with the animals.

• Ask questions while they play, e.g. 6 giraffes in the water and 1 zebra. How many animals in the water altogether? How many more would we need for there to be ten? Then if another ten jumped in, how many would there be?

• Write a story about some animals going in the water - either pool, sea, lake or river.

Page 42

m . u

• make sure children know how to write 100.

30 hippos altogether

*Try these sums a)40 b)50 c)60 d)80 e)100 f )90 g)100 h)70 i)50

j)100 k)80 l)100

* Sheet 25

Name:_ ______________________

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S +

How many spots altogether?

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

Draw ten spots on each fish.


GGGGGGGGGG Here are ©another ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons GGGGGGGGGG ten giraffes. •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

Here are ten giraffes.



w ww

m . u

How many giraffes altogether?

GGGGGGGGGG 30 is how many tens? . te o GGGGGGGGGG ________c tens , 0 ones . che e r o r GGGGGGGGGG st super *Try these

a. 40 is _ _____ tens, 0 ones.


90 is _ _____ tens, 0 ones.

b. 50 is _ _____ tens, 0 ones.

d. 70 is _ _____ tens, 0 ones. Page 43

* Sheet 26

Name:_ ______________________

There are twenty hippos in the pool. (Some have their heads under water.) Another ten hippos are getting ready to dive in. How many hippos altogether?

*Try these sums








ew i ev Pr

Teac he r


r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S


w ww




+ Page 44

10 90

30 20

(f )




m . u

© R e a d y E d P u b l i c a t i o n s + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• (h)


+ 40 + 50 . te + 20 o c . che e r o t r s super (j)


80 20



50 30



40 60

* Add a number less than 10 to multiple of 10 (sum to 99) Teachers' Notes for Sheets 27 and 28

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

Adding a number less than 10 to a multiple of ten.


*Sheet 27 Page 46

ew i ev Pr

• Cows Learn about how we get milk, from the cow to the table. Visit a dairy. Spelling “ow” words. See who can think of the most words with “ow”.

Teac he r


20+5 = 25 cows 3 tens 5 ones 7 tens 2 ones 9 tens 4 ones 6 tens 3 ones

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur pos esonl y• *Try these sums a)61 b)81 c)62 d)73

w ww

. te

f )49 g)71 h)67

*Sheet 28 Page 47

m . u


o c . che e r o t r s super 30+3 = 33 eggs

*Try these sums a)75 b)89 c)93 d)72 e)52 f )54 g)99 h)57 i)84




Page 45

* Sheet 27

Name:_ ______________________

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S 20 + =

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

One day twenty cows went rollerblading down a hill. Then another five cows decided to join them. How many cows went rollerblading altogether?

35 is the same as . .................tens and . ......... ones

72 is the same as . .................tens and . ......... ones

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

94 is the same as . .................tens and . ......... ones

*Try these sums

w ww




+ Page 46

60 1

4 4





m . u

63 is the same as . .................tens and . ......... ones (d)


. + 2 + 3 te + 1 o c . che e r o t r s super (f )


40 9



70 1



60 7

* Sheet 28

Name:_ ______________________

One day a rabbit collected thirty eggs. The next day rabbit collected three eggs. How many eggs altogether?

or eBo st r =e

p u S


*Try these sums







ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

30 +



w ww






. te


74 10

(f )






89 10

m . u

© R e a d y E d P u b l i c a t i o n s + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• (h)


o c . che e r o t r s super (j)


35 10



67 10



47 10

87 10

Page 47

* Add 10 to any number up to 89 Teachers' Notes for Sheets 29 and 30

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

Adding 10 to a two-digit number.


Teac he r

• They can then test another early finisher - challenge them to do these as mental maths. How fast can they give the correct answer?


Write a story about a kangaroo (or any other animal) who goes to school. Which activities does she join in? What does she find strange? What do the children at the school think about it? How do the teachers react?

*Sheet 29 Page 49

ew i ev Pr

• Children who finish quickly can make up some more problems where 10 is added to a two-digit number, working to be shown on the back of the worksheet.


37 + 10 = 47 kangaroos 24+10=34 elephants

*Try these sums a)75 b)73 c)39 d)55

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur p*Sheet ose nl y• 30so

w ww

Equipment - 1 large, lightweight ball. Children stand in a circle, one has the ball. As soon as the teacher calls out a number, the child with the ball must throw it to anyone else in the circle. The catcher must, as soon as they’ve caught it, call out the number which is ten higher than the last number. (E.g. teacher says “7”, first catcher catches ball, says “17”, throws ball to another player who must say “27” and so on.) Penalty for incorrect answer is the letter K, second penalty A, third penalty N, until the whole word K-A-N-G-A-R-O-O has been spelt out, after which the Kangaroo (the last player to make a mistake) must jump right out of the ring.

. te

Page 48

Page 50

m . u


o c . che e r o t r s super 22 +10=32 rhinos

*Try these sums a)75 b)89 c)93 d)72 e)52 f )54 g)99 h)57 i)84


k)77 l)97

* Sheet 29

Name:_ ______________________

+ r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

Thirty-seven kangaroos are going to school. Another ten will go too. How many kangaroos will go to school?

Count twenty four elephants.

. te


m . u

w ww

EEEEE © ReadyEdP ubl i cat i on s Count another ten elephants. EEEEE •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• EEEEE EEEEE EEEEE EEEEE EEEE =

o c . che e r o t *Try these sumsr s super

How many elephants altogether?



33 10



63 10



29 10



45 10

Page 49

* Sheet 30

Name:_ ______________________

Twenty two rhinoceroses were catching a bus. Ten rhinoceroses were catching another bus.

r o e t s Bo r e +o p u k S

*Try these sums








ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

How many rhinos on buses altogether?


w ww




+ Page 50

42 10

74 10

(f )




m . u

© R e a d y E d P u b l i c a t i o n s + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• (h)


+ 10 + 10 . te + 10 o c . che e r o t r s super (j)


35 10



67 10



87 10

* Low place values in both columns Teachers' Notes for Sheets 31 and 32

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

Adding two-digit numbers, low place values in both columns.

Prerequisites: •

Vertical addition (pp 33-35).

Adding multiples of 10 (pp 42-44).

Adding a number less than ten to a multiple of 10 (pp 45-47).

Familiarity with “tens” columns, “ones” column concept (pp 45-47).

Teac he r

Adding to 10 (pp 6-14 of this book).

*Sheet 31 Page 52

ew i ev Pr


How many horses up in the air altogether? 12 + 22 = 34

12 horses and 11 horses makes how many horses? 12+11-33

© ReadyEdPubl i c at i o 13 cats and 14 n catss makes how many cats? 13+14=27 • Explore different types of air •f o rr e vi ehelicopters, w pur posesonl y• transport: balloons, Ideas:

w ww

• Discuss movies about animals. Which ones have the children seen? Which did they enjoy the most and why?

. te

*Sheet 32 Page 53

m . u

small and large planes. Find out if anyone has travelled in the air. Where did they go?

How many cats were going to the movies altogether? 15+13=28

o c . che e r o t r s super

• Do they like pet shows, animal documentaries?

• Special treat – hire a favourite animal video and show to the class. • Discuss what might happen in a sequel.

Try these sums: (a)24





(f )34







Page 51

* Sheet 31

Name:_ ______________________

12 horses were going up in balloons. 22 horses were riding in helicopters. How many horses up in the air altogether?

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

r o e t s Bo r e p o u k +S

12 horses and 11 horses makes how many horses?

w ww

m . u

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons hhhhhh 12 •f orr evi ew pur pose onl y• hhhhhh +s11 + hhhhhh hhhhh

. 13 cats and t 14 ecats makes how many cats? o c . che e r o kkkkkkk t r s 13 super

kkkkkk +

kkkkkkk kkkkkkk Page 52



* Sheet 32

Name:_ ______________________

r o e t s Bo r e p ok+ u S How many cats were going to the movies altogether?

*Try these sums







ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

Fifteen cats were going to the movies to see “Milo and Otis”. Thirteen cats were going to see “The Incredible Journey”.



w ww






. te


23 14

(f )






33 11

m . u

© R e a d y E d P u b l i c a t i o n s + 23 + 22 + 13 + 13 •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• (h)


o c . che e r o t r s super (j)


15 11



22 33



12 14

44 44

Page 53

* Larger place values in ones column Teachers' Notes for Sheet 33

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

Adding two-digit numbers, larger numbers in ones column.

Teac he r



*Sheet 33 Page 55

ew i ev Pr


• Creative writing. Stories about elephants. Songs about elephants. • Discussion/Story Topic If you had an elephant, what would you do? E.g. get him to help in the garden, go for a ride, etc.

How many elephants altogether? 17+22=39

© ReadyEdPu*Try bl i cat i ons these sums (a)24 (b)25 (c)46 (d)57 •f orr evi ew pur p ose so nl y •

Page 54

(f ) 36

(g) 45

(h) 26


(j) 26

(k) 56

(l) 89

m . u

w ww

. te


o c . che e r o t r s super

* Sheet 33

Name:_ ______________________

Seventeen elephants were in the garden having fun. Twenty two elephants were sleeping.

17 r o e t s Bo + 22 r e p ok u S

*Try these sums







ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

How many elephants altogether?



w ww






. te


23 14

(f )






33 12

m . u

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons + 26 + 22 + 13 + 13 •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• (h)


o c . che e r o t r s super (j)


15 11



22 34



12 14

44 45

Page 55

* Add Three Numbers (no regrouping) Teachers' Notes for Sheet 34

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S Answers

Adding 3 numbers, sum under 100. Adding multiples of 10, sum under 100.

*Sheet 34 Page 57

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r


Children who have finished early can make up some problems using four numbers. Tell them to start with numbers less than ten.


• An ice skating excursion (or roller skating).

48 ice-skating pigs altogether

these sums © ReadyEdPu*Try bl i ca t i ons (a)68 (b)78 (c)77 (d)29 •f orr evi ew pur p(e)28 ose sonl y• (f ) 37 (g) 55 (h) 88

w ww

• Write a story about some animals who go to the library. What sort of books do the animals choose? Why?

. te

Page 56


(j) 79

(k) 37

(l) 59

m . u

• Write a story about an animal, e.g. giraffe, elephant, pig, cat, frog, rabbit, who goes to a cold place, e.g. The North Pole, Antarctica, the snow, a frozen lake, an ice-rink, inside a freezer at a fast food chain.

o c . che e r o t r s super

* Sheet 34

Name:_ ______________________



Puggs Poggs

r o e t s Bo r e Porkers p ok u S PIGS

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

The Puggs are a family of ice-skating pigs. Their cousins, the Poggs also like ice-skating. Their friends, the Porkers are just learning how to ice-skate. There are 12 Puggs, 51 Poggs and 10 Porkers. How many ice-skating pigs altogether?

*Try these sums

(d) (c) (b) 6 4 72 61 © R e a d y E d P u b l i c a t i o n s 3 2 5 4 •f rr evi ew1 pur po esonl y 20 71 3o +• +s + +

w ww (e)

15 10 3

. + t e



17 10 2



26 10 1



17 11 51

(f )


31 21 3


17 10 10

m . u



+ o c . che e r o t r s super (j)



42 22 24

28 1 30

Page 57

* Doubles Teachers' Notes for Sheet 35

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S Answers

Doubles (more addition of 2 digit numbers with low place values).

*Sheet 35 Page 59

• Zoo excursion. Make notes on how many of each type of animal. Spelling - animal names Projects on African animals.

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r


Check drawing 4 animals and 4 animals: 4 + 4 = 8. *Try these sums (a)22




w ww

. te

Page 58

m . u

(e)66 (f ) 26 (g) 46 (h) 84 © ReadyEdPu bl i cat i ons (i)46 (j) 84 (k) 42 (l) 68 •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

o c . che e r o t r s super

* Sheet 35

Name:_ ______________________ Draw the same 4 over here.

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

How many altogether?



*Try these sums




ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

Draw 4 animals here.


11 12E 24 © ReadydPubl i cat i ons 44

w ww (e)





. te


23 23

(f )






m . u

+•11 +ew +s +• 12 24 44 f orr evi pur po esonl y (h)


o c . che e r o t r s super (j)



42 42




21 21



42 42

34 34

Page 59

* Higher Numbers (sum to 100) Teachers' Notes for Sheet 36 Higher place values in both tens and ones column, some requiring regrouping.

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S Answers

Problems a,b,c and do require regrouping, but have been encountered before (see addition to 20) as “counting on” problems.

Problems e,f,g and h also require regrouping, but build on the revised knowledge of problems a,b,c and d so children can look up the page to see the pattern.

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

The first two problems do not require regrouping.

How many camels altogether? 78 + 11 = 89

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons Suggestion: •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•


. te

*Try these sums

o c . che e r o t r s super

Basketball Maths If the children in your class are basketball fans and have basketball card collections, use these to make up new problems, or encourage the children to make up their own problems, e.g. [name of player] played [19] games (under GP) in season [....] and [27] games the next season. How many games played altogether?

Page 60

How many bees altogether? 65 + 32 = 97

m . u

w ww

Children will be much more able to solve these problems if they know basic addition facts (sum to 20) by heart. Practise these daily as mental maths, to assist learning of more complicated addition problems.






(f ) 22

(g) 34

(h) 31

* Sheet 36

Name:_ ______________________

78 camels were riding their bikes. 11 camels were on rollerblades.


r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

65 bees buzzed loudly. 32 bees buzzed softly.

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

How many camels altogether?


How many ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons bees© buzzing altogether?

*Try these sums

w ww (a)





7t . e

18 7







m . u

•f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• (d)


o c . che e r o t r s super (f )



19 3




26 8



2 9

29 2

Page 61

m . u

Teac he r w ww


ew i ev Pr

c c c c c k kerk k k r o e t s Bo p ok u m Sm m m m p p p p p eadyEdPub l i cat i or ns r•©forRr r r r evi ew pur posesonl y• h h h h h g .t g g g g o c . che e r o t r s super

ddddd E E E E E Page 62


w ww

m . u

Teac he r

ew i ev Pr

B B B B B r o e t s Bo r e p ok u KS K K K K G G G G G © Re adyEd Publ i cat i ons C C C C C •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• MMMMM A.t A A A A e o c . che e F FrsupFerstoFr F


Teac he r

ew i ev Pr

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

w ww

. te

m . u

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

o c . che e r o t r s super

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