Earth & Life Science Series: Animals

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The Earth & Life Science or eB Series t s r


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Science activities for . te6 to 9 year olds o c . che e r o t r s super

Written by Jane Bourke & Judy Gabrovec. © Ready-Ed Publications - 2005. Published by Ready-Ed Publications (2005) P.O. Box 276 Greenwood Perth W.A. 6024 Email: Website: COPYRIGHT NOTICE Permission is granted for the purchaser to photocopy sufficient copies for non-commercial educational purposes. However, this permission is not transferable and applies only to the purchasing individual or institution.

ISBN 1 86397 343 5

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o c . Acknowledgements: c e hwere r Photo images used herein obtained from IMSI’s Masterclips/MasterPhotos e o t r s su collection, 1895 Francisco Blvd, East San Rafael, CA 94901-5506 USA. er p The activities in this book refer to material from the document Science - a curriculum profile for Australian Schools (1994). This document is published by: Curriculum Corporation, St Nicholas Place, 141 Rathdowne St, Carlton VIC, 3053

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Contents Teachers’ Notes .............................................................................. 4/5

“Using Informa tion” Activity P ages Information” Pages

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Lesson Notes: Pages 7 to 10 ................................................................6 Using Information: Flightless Birds...................................................... 7/8 Using Information: Hunting Animals .................................................. 9/10 Lesson Notes: Pages 12 to 15 .............................................................. 11 Using Information: Snow White Animals ........................................... 12/13 Using Information: Colourful Animals ............................................... 14/15 Lesson Notes: Pages 17 to 22 ............................................................ 16 Using Information: Animals That Swim .............................................. 17/18 Using Information: Animals That Hide .............................................. 19/20 Using Information: Lazy Animals .................................................... 21/22 Lesson Notes: Pages 24, 25 ............................................................. 23 Using Information: Animal Talk .......................................................24/25 Lesson Notes: Pages 27 to 30 ........................................................... 26 Using Information: Prickles, Armour and Playing Dead ....................... 27/28 Using Information: Surprising Animal Tactics ................................... 29/30

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General Activity P ages Pages

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Lesson Notes: Pages 32, 33 .............................................................. 31 General: Food Chains ....................................................................... 32 General: A Food Web ....................................................................... 33 Lesson Notes: Pages 35 to 38 .......................................................... 34 General: My Favourite Pet.................................................................. 35 General: Pets All Around ................................................................... 36 General: Caring for Pets .................................................................... 37 General: A Strange Pet ..................................................................... 38 Lesson Notes: Pages 40 to 42 .......................................................... 39 General: Endangered Animals ............................................................. 40 General: More Endangered Animals ...................................................... 41 General: Animal Quiz ......................................................................... 42

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Answers .................................................................................... 43/44

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Teacher Information The Earth and Life Sciences Series is designed to provide teachers of children in the 6 - 9 age range with a set of materials that will give students a more rounded and scientific understanding of their world and their place in it. Student activities are directed towards meeting the requirements related to Science education as set down in the document Science - A Curriculum Profile for Australian Schools (Curriculum Corporation, 1994). This book, Animals Animals, relates in particular to the conceptual strand of Life and Living Living, at Levels 1 and 2 as indicated in the Profile document. In addition the activities in the book enable children to utilize some cognitive processes which are incorporated in the Working Scientifically strand of the curriculum.

identifying, distinguishing, becoming aware of, observing;

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These are:

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describing, naming features, recording, describing change, describing how, listing; describing patterns, connecting, linking, classifying, sorting, organising.

Specific Out comes Rela ted to The W orking Scientific all y Strand Outcomes Related Working Scientificall ally Level 1 and Level 2 children working on activities in this book could be expected to realise these outcomes related to this strand:

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• Specifically, students: Students investigate to answer questions about data, and reach and communicate conclusions.

Carry out sequential activities, and observe and describe their actions;

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Share observations;

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Focus on problems in response to teacher generated questions or suggestions;

. te o c Specific Out comes Rela ted to The Life and Living Strand Outcomes Related . che e r o t r s super Identify some of the variables in a problem situation;

Make simple non-standard measurements and records of data.

Level 1 and Level 2 children working on activities in this book could be expected to realise these outcomes: Students understand that needs, features and functions of living things are related and change over time. This outcome will be demonstrated by the understanding ... * that different baby animals have different needs; * that animals need to source food and shelter.

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Structure of this Book Books in this series are divided into two sections - the section which includes the “Using Information” activity pages and that containing “General Activity” pages. Both sections include Teachers’ Notes which focus on aspects of subsequent activity pages such as:

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u Stion” Section “Using Informa Information” learning outcomes of the relevant pages;

materials required to complete the activity page;

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teaching suggestions for each page in the section.

age” - a set of notes All student activity pages in this section are preceded by an “Information P Page” that provides background knowledge to the activities presented on the worksheet. It is intended that these sheets are also photocopied for students and used by them as they attempt the activity page. It is envisaged that this approach will allow teachers to relate the class Science program to the Language program, through using these Information Pages as opportunities for Reading and Viewing activities. They are ideal for these purposes in that they require students to retell meanings and make simple interpretations for the purposes of completing the accompanying worksheets.

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons The text in these pages may be at a slightly more difficult level than that presented on the worksheets and further assistance is w given by defining some key words orn phrases. These are • f o r r e v i e p u r p o s e s o l y • underlined and link to the Explanations section at the base of the page, which contains further definitive statements and explanations about the text.

General Activities Section

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It should be noted that not all the information that is required to complete worksheets is contained in these notes. In fact, children will benefit greatly from introductory discussions and idea sharing sessions about the worksheet in conjunction with the use of the Information Page.

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The activity pages in this section (headed ACTIVITY PAGE) utilize traditional print related reference materials for children to complete the set tasks on the sheets. It would be useful for a collection of appropriate books and materials to be assembled before commencing the unit so these can be accessed and used with as little disruption as possible. It is imperative, too, that these sheets are discussed thoroughly before children are set to work.

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Teachers’ Notes

Using Informa tion Information

Lesson Notes Pages 7 to 10 Content Area(s): life science

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Learning Out comes: Outcomes:

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Ma terials Required: Materials pencil or pen Information Sheet


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In this section students: understand that not all birds are able to fly. identify some common flightless birds. discuss special features of penguins. describe some of the physical features of animals that hunt.

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approximately 20-35 minutes.

Teaching Suggestions: Pages 7/8: Flightless Birds

Pages 9/10: Hunting Animals

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Brainstorm with the class to devise a list of all known flightless birds. Ask students why they think these birds can’t fly. Discuss the location of penguins by using a world map. A lot of people do not realize that there are penguins living near the equator. Students can research some other flightless birds using the Internet or reference books. Explain that some animals hunt other animals for food and that these animals are known as predators. Introduce children to food webs and show how animals depend on other animals. Construct a food web on a large piece of card. Allocate each student with an animal for research. Tell them that they need to find the name of an animal that their animal eats and one that it hunts. For example, a lizard feeds on a grasshopper and then an eagle feeds on the lizard and so on.

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Using Informa tion Information

Information Page: Flightless Bir ds Birds Although most birds are able to fly, there are some like the penguin and the ostrich that are flightless.


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Ostriches are the largest living birds and are unique because they only have two toes on each foot. They may stand nearly 2.4 meters tall and weigh as much as 156 kilograms. Even though they can't fly they can run very fast. Ostriches live in some parts of the continent of Africa. Most ostriches live and run in flocks in the dry savannah of Africa. The male ostrich has black and white feathers on its large body. The white feathers on the tail of an ostrich are called plumes. The female ostrich's feathers are a dull brown. The ostrich has very long thin legs and a small head that has very few feathers on it. Ostriches mostly eat plants but will eat small animals like lizards.

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Penguins are very strange looking birds that have very short legs and webbed feet. They stand up straight and when they walk they waddle from side to side in a very clumsy way. Penguins cannot fly but they are excellent swimmers and divers. Penguins live on ice but spend a lot of time in the water catching fish. They only live in the southern part of the world. They could live in the cold waters of the Arctic in the north, but they will not swim across the warm waters to get there. Penguins have thick feathers on their bodies which act like a waterproof coat. The feathers are usually white on their bellies and black on their wings. Their wings are more like flippers which they use to paddle through the water.

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Explana tions Explanations

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Continent of Africa: Ostriches live in the desert and plains area of the African continent. Flightless: Not able to fly. Southern part of the world: Although penguins prefer really cold conditions there are some that live in New Zealand, Australia, South Africa, and as far north as the Galapagos Islands, which lie almost on the equator. There are no penguins north of the equator. Unique: The ostrich is unique because it is the only bird that has two toes on each foot. Unique means "only one". Waterproof: The feathers of a penguin are short and thick which keeps the penguin dry or waterproofed. © Ready-Ed Publications

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Using Informa tion Information

Flightless Bir ds Birds Use the Information P age on Flightless Birds to help you complete this page. Page

The P enguin Penguin Read the information about the penguin.

r o e t s B r e oo ................................................................................................................... p u k 2. How do these S special features help penguins?

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1. Why do you think the penguin walks in such a clumsy way? .................

webbed feet ...........................................................................................

thick feathers ..........................................................................................

wings like flippers ...................................................................................

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons Why is an ostrich unique? ...................................................................... •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

The Ostrich


male ............................................................

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Describe the differences between a male and female ostrich’s feathers.

o c . female ......................................................... che e r o t r .................................................................... s super ....................................................................

Why do you think the ostrich is a flightless bird?

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Using Informa tion Information

Information Page: Hunting Animals

Animals like tigers, the great white shark and owls have special features that make them very good hunters.

Tigers The tiger is found in the forests of Asia where there is plenty of cover for it to hide in. It has very long, strong back legs that helps it leap onto its prey. The tiger's teeth are large and its jaws are powerful. The tiger uses its teeth to grip its prey and to crush bones. The huge paws of the tiger are long and sharp. They are used to drag the prey to the ground. The tiger has a very good sense of hearing so even if it can't see its prey in the thick forest, it can still hear it. The marking on the tiger's coat helps it to hide in the vegetation as it stalks its prey.

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r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S Grea t White Shark Great

The Great White Shark is found in warm ocean waters. It feeds on seals, otters and fish. It has many features that make it a powerful hunter. The shark's body is shaped like a torpedo and this helps it swim quickly through the water. The jaw of the shark has rows of very sharp teeth. As the teeth drop out they grow again. The shark has an excellent sense of smell especially if an animal is injured and bleeding. The skin of the shark is covered in tiny sharp "teeth" that help to protect the shark. A shark has a very special feature which allows it to pick up electrical impulses (small waves of energy given off when things move) made by other animals in the sea. These make it easier for the shark to find its prey.


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. te Explana tions Explanations

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Owls are nocturnal animals that are very good hunters. They have hooked beaks that they use to tear their prey apart with. Their talons are sharp and can kill an animal as it grips it to fly away. Owls have eyes that point forward so that can see their prey better. The opening to an owl's ear is quite large and point forwards so that they are able to hear any movement that their prey makes. An owl can almost turn its head in a complete circle to hear any sounds and even the shape of its head helps to direct sounds into the ears.

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Nocturnal: Feeds at night. Prey: The animal that the hunter catches for food. Talons: This is what the claws of eagles, hawks and owls are called. Torpedo: A torpedo is a long and narrow missile used as an underwater weapon. Vegetation: The plants and trees of an area.

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Using Informa tion Information

Hunting Animals Use the Information P age on Hunting Animals to help you complete this page. Page

The T iger Tiger Describe the body parts of the tiger that makes it such a good hunter.

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legs .....................................................................................................

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The Grea t White Shark Great

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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons torpedo shaped body rows of sharp teeth tiny sharp ‘teeth’ on skin •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• Draw lines to label this diagram of a shark.

o c . Owls che e r o Describe these special features of owls. t r s super

beaks ......................................................................................................... talons.......................................................................................................... eyes ............................................................................................................ head ........................................................................................................... Page 10

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Teachers’ Notes

Using Informa tion Information

Lesson Notes Pages 12 to 15 Content Area(s): life science

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Learning Out comes: Outcomes:

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Ma terials Required: Materials pencil or pen Information Sheet


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In this section students: identify some animals that live in snow regions. describe interesting features of these animals. understand that some animals camouflage themselves to hide from predators. explain why some animals are brightly coloured.

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approximately 20-35 minutes.

Teaching Suggestions:

Pages 12/13: Snow White Animals

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Pages 14/15: Colourful Animals

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Explore animals that live in arctic regions and discuss the special features they have that allow them to survive in such a harsh environment. Discuss the reason why humans hunt some of these animals. Ask students to colour in the animals using similar colours to those described on the Information Page or in pictures that they can find. Create colourful artwork of animals using bright colours such as edicol dyes. Photocopy or draw outlines of animals from reference books and then children can paint them using the dyes. Other colourful animals include parrots, peacocks, zebras, giraffes and tropical angelfish.

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Using Informa tion Information

Information Page: Snow White Animals Animals that live in cold areas where there is snow will have a coat that will help them hide. Some animals like the snow leopard and the polar bear keep the same coat all year around while ermine grow a special white winter coat.

Snow Leop ard Leopard The snow leopard lives in the Himalayan Mountains. The snow leopard is very rare because it has been killed for its beautiful coat. The animal has no natural enemies - man is its only enemy. The coat of the snow leopard helps it to camouflage itself so that it can sneak up on its prey. The coat is mostly grey but sometimes the fur on its belly, chest and chin is white to blend in with the snow.


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An ermine is a small animal that lives in North America, Europe and Asia. The ermine is a member of the weasel family, which also includes minks, badgers, otters, wolverines and skunks. In spring and summer, the colour of the ermine's fur is brown above and white underneath. The ermine sheds its fur each autumn and grows a new coat that is pure white, except for the black tip on the tail. When the ermine has a white coat it is often trapped for its fur.

Polar Bears

Polar bears live close to the North Pole in the countries of Canada, Greenland, Alaska and on the islands of the Arctic Ocean. Their environment is mainly snow, ice and water. They are very strong swimmers. Polar bears have thick, white fur that camouflages them when hunting. It has been said that polar bears will even cover up their black nose so that they are almost invisible to their prey. Their fur and thick layers of fat beneath their skin protect them from the cold.

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Explana tions Explanations

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Camouflage: Animals use camouflage to hide from other animals so they can catch them for food. They also use camouflage so they can escape from an animal that might want to eat them! Chameleons can camouflage themselves by changing their colour. Their skin can be green when surrounded by leaves but will then turn brown when moving slowly on bark or on the ground. Environment: The area in which an animal or plant lives. It includes the atmosphere, climate and the surrounding features in which the creature exists. Sometimes an animal or plant changes to fit in with the natural environment in order for it to survive. Ermine: In North America, ermines are sometimes called short-tailed weasels. In Europe, they are called stoats. Natural enemies: Natural enemies are animals that prey on an animal for food. These enemies are known as predators. Some animals, like lions, elephants and tigers do not have natural enemies, although they are sometimes hunted by humans for different reasons.

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Prey: The animal that the hunter (or predator) catches for food.

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Using Informa tion Information

Snow White Animals Use the Information P age on Snow White Animals to help you complete this page. Page

Why do you think it is very important for animals to have white or light coloured coats if they live in the snow? ..................................

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Why does the ermine only have a white coat in winter? ........................

................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •itsf o evi ew pur posesonl y• 1. Sheds furr in r autumn........................................................................... Which of the animals on the Information Page match these facts?

2. Lives close to the North Pole. .................................................................

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3. Lives in the Himalayan Mountains .......................................................... 4. Is a very strong swimmer .......................................................................

. tof fat under its skin to keep it warm..................................... o 6. Has a layere c . c e he r 7. Are sometimes called stoats. ................................................................. o t r s s r u e p 8. Has no natural enemies. ........................................................................

5. Is a member of the weasel family ...........................................................

9. Keeps the same coat all year round....................................................... 10. Is a very rare animal because it has been killed for its beautiful coat. ............................................... © Ready-Ed Publications

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Using Informa tion Information

Information Page: Colourful Animals Some animals, like toucans, use colour to attract a mate, while sea dragons use their colour for camouflage. Some frogs are really brightly coloured to warn predators that they are poisonous.

Touc ans oucans Toucans live in South America and are one of the noisiest birds in the forest. They can make all sort of strange sounds like barks, croaks and grunting. The toucan is famous for its wonderful and colourful body parts and plumage. There are at least 40 different types of toucans and their enormous beaks may be black, blue, red, brown, green, white, yellow or a combination of these colours. The area around the toucan's eye is bare of feathers but it is often brightly coloured.

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r o e t s Bo r e p ok u Sea Dragons S Col ourful Amphibians Colourful

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Some sea dragons, like the weedy sea dragon, have a beautifully coloured and patterned body. It looks just like the seaweed in which it makes its home. It is easily camouflaged as it swims around the seaweed covered rocks and reefs. This is important to the weedy sea dragon because it does not hook itself around the sea plants as other seahorses do to camouflage themselves.

Many amphibians are brightly coloured. Sometimes the bright colours are for camouflage but sometimes they warn other animals that they are poisonous or may be dangerous to eat. Poison arrow frogs have brilliant colours. These frogs are usually found in the rainforests of Central and South America. They are extremely small - usually no bigger that 1.25 cm in length. There are many types of poison arrow frogs. For example, they can be green or blue with black patches or they can have yellow stripes. They also have flash colours, which are exposed when the animal jumps. These colours warn other predators that these frogs are not fit to eat. These animals also have a nail-like plate on each toe.

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Explana tions Explanations

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Amphibian: An amphibian is an animal with scaleless skin that spends part of its life in water and part on land. There are over 4,000 kinds of amphibians and they include frogs, toads, salamanders, and caecilians. Most amphibians hatch from eggs laid in water or moist ground, and begin life in the water as tadpoles. They change into adults and look very different to how they looked when they were young. Some adults continue to live in water, but most spend their lives on land. Almost all amphibians return to water to find mates and produce young. Camouflage: Animals use camouflage to hide from other animals so they can catch them for food. They also use camouflage so they can escape from an animal that might want to eat them! Chameleons can camouflage themselves by changing their colour. Their skin can be green when surrounded by leaves but will then turn brown when the animals moves slowly on bark or on the ground. Plumage: A bird's feathers. Birds such as peacocks, parrots and some types of emus have a spectacular plumage. Predators: Any animal that lives by hunting and eating other animals. For example sharks are predators of smaller fish, frogs are predators of beetles and insects and crocodiles are predators of fish. Eagles are predators of lizards.

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Using Informa tion Information

Colourful Animals Use the Information P age on Colour ful Animals to help you complete this page. Page Colourful

Explore the world of colourful animals. 1. Why are toucans so colourful? ...............................................................

r o e t s Bo r e colourful?................................................... 2. Why are some seap dragons ok u ................................................................................................................... S

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3. Why is the poison arrow frog so brightly coloured? ............................... ...................................................................................................................

Use what you read on the Information Page to help you colour in the pictures below.

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Teachers’ Notes

Using Informa tion Information

Lesson Notes Pages 17 to 22 Content Area(s): life science

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Learning Out comes: Outcomes:

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In this section students: identify animals that are able to swim. understand that some mammals live in the ocean. discuss the reasons why some animals hide. describe some of the special features of squids, chameleons and baby birds. discuss the lifestyle of animals such as the sloth and the koala.

Ma terials Required: Materials pencil or pen atlas Information Sheet

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons approximately 20-35 minutes. •Suggestions: f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• Teaching Time:

Pages 17/18: Animals That Swim

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Create an information chart on marine mammals. This web site is a springboard for learning more about marine mammal links:

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Pages 19/20: Animals That Hide

Camouflage is an interesting concept. This can be developed through art work. In pairs students can create a jungle or desert scene using textures such as crepe paper, origami paper, leaves, twigs, scraps of material and crayons and then create small animals (birds, insects and small lizards) using crayon shapes on a card. They can then stick their animals somewhere on the background scene, so that they blend in with the surroundings, and see if other students can find where they have hidden the animals.

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Pages 21/22: Lazy Animals

Discuss the regions where koalas and sloths are found. Make up some acrostic poems about these animals. KOALA-

*Koala bear does nothing but stare, Out over the trees, All day he sits eating, Leaves leaves leaves, All day each day.


Sloth bears sleep, Loves doing nothing, Only eating leaves and twigs, The sloth is upside down, Hanging from the trees.

(* N.B. This a bit of ‘poetic licence’ as the koala is, of course, not a ‘bear’ at all!)

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Using Informa tion Information

Information Page: Animals That Swim There are thousands of types of fish that swim but many other animals can swim as well.

Sea Lions Sea lions are marine mammals that spend a lot of time in the sea swimming. Their bodies have special features that help them swim. The sea lion's body shape, which is long and slim, helps the sea lion swim more easily through the sea. Under the sea lion's skin is a layer of blubber which keeps it warm. The head of the sea lion is small and there is usually no hair on their bodies. This also makes it easier for them to swim. They have long front flippers and large back flippers that are shaped like paddles.

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r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S Sea T ur tles Tur urtles

Most sea turtles live in warm seas around the world. Sea turtles cannot withdraw into their shell, and so they depend on their size and swimming speed for defence. This group contains the largest turtles with leatherback turtles growing to 2.4 metres long and weighing up to 680 kilograms. They swim by beating their flippers like a bird flaps its wings. Some species swim using a paddling motion, swimming reasonably fast to escape enemies as they are not able to withdraw into their shell like most other turtles. Other turtles that swim include mud and musk turtles which live in freshwater rivers and lakes.

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons Explana tions Explanations • f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• Layer of blubber: Other marine mammals like whales and dolphins also have a layer of

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blubber or fat under their skin to keep them warm in the cold ocean waters. Marine mammals: Mammals are animals that breathe with their lungs, have body hair and give birth to live young. Marine mammals, like whales and dolphins are mammals that live in the sea. Mud and musk turtles: These types of turtles live in fresh water and include the razorbacked musk turtle and the yellow mud turtle. They usually have a large head and jaw and sometimes bite. When disturbed the musk turtles give off a foul smelling odour called musk. It is thought that this is one of the ways that they protect themselves from predators.

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Using Informa tion Information

Animals That Swim Use the Information P age on Animals That Swim to help you complete this page. Page

The Sea Lion List all the things that make a sea lion such a good swimmer. .............

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u ................................................................................................................... S Label the diagram of the sea ...................................................................................................................

lion to show all the above features.

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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons • f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• Sea T ur tles Tur urtles

Where do sea turtles live?......................................................................

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................................................................................................................... How do they move in the water? ...........................................................

. tepicture to show the environment that a sea o Complete the turtle lives in. c . che e r o t r s super


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Using Informa tion Information

Information Page: Animals That Hide Many animals have unusual features that help them hide from their predators.

The Squid A squid is a sea animal with a soft boneless body. Squids live in all seas of the world. They are able to change the colour and patterns of their skin so that it blends in with the surroundings. The squid flashes coloured light patterns to confuse predators. If a predator still comes too close the squid squirts it with "ink" and escapes.

Bab y Birds Baby

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The Chameleon

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Because baby birds cannot fly to escape from predators, they are usually the same colour as their surroundings. Baby birds born in nests on the ground are usually covered in stripes or splotches of gold and brown. Birds that are hatched in hedges and bushes are brown so they can't be seen. A chameleon is a lizard that lives mainly in trees and feeds on insects. Its most special feature is that it is able to change colour to blend into the leaves of the trees. It can change to different shades of green, yellow, brown and cream. This is known as camouflage. Chameleons change colour when there is a change in light or temperature or when they become scared.

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Boneless: Squids do not have bones but they do have a shell inside their body. Camouflage: Animals use camouflage to hide from other animals so they can catch them for food. They also use camouflage so they can escape from an animal that might want to eat them! Chameleons can camouflage themselves by changing their colour. Their skin can be green when surrounded by leaves but will then turn brown when the animal moves slowly on bark or on the ground. Change colour: Chameleons are able to change colour because they have special colour holding cells called pigments under their skin. Coloured light patterns: Squids have similar colour holding cells to chameleons under their skin. They use their muscles to change the colours. Escape: The squid fills its body up with water which it forces through a tube. This makes the squid move on the opposite direction very quickly. This is called jet propulsion. Predators: Any animal that lives by hunting and eating other animals. For example sharks are predators of smaller fish, frogs are predators of beetles and insects and crocodiles are predators of fish. Eagles are predators of lizards. Squid: A squid is similar to an octopus or a cuttlefish. Sometimes a squid is called a sea arrow.

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Using Informa tion Information

Animals That Hide Use the Information P age on Animals That Hide to help you complete this page. Page

Use the information to help you answer the following. The Squid

r o e t s Bo r 2. Why does a squid change the colour and pattern of its skin? ............... e p ok u ................................................................................................................... S 3. Use the diagrams to describe how a squid escapes from its enemies.

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1. What does a squid have instead of bones? ...........................................

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons ................................................................................................................... •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• ...................................................................................................................

Bab y Birds Baby

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Why do you think it is so important to protect baby birds from predators?

. te ................................................................................................................... o c . che e Chameleons r o t r s supe What colours can a chameleon change to?r ............................................... ...................................................................................................................

................................................................................................................... What causes a chameleon to change colour? ........................................... ................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................... Page 20

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Using Informa tion Information

Information Page: Lazy Animals Some animals are not very active and spend all their lives in one place.

The Koala Koalas are Australian marsupials that lives in trees. Their diet is made up of the leaves, shoots, soft stems, flowers and bark of certain eucalyptus trees. They do not get very much energy from the food they eat and that is why they spend so much time lazing about in gum trees. They can sleep as long as eighteen hours a day. They don't drink very often because they get water from the leaves that they eat. Because they live in trees, their front paws have long, sharp claws which they use for climbing. Koalas live by themselves and not in family groups.

The Sloth

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Sloths are mammals that live in the jungles of South America. They spend most of their lives upside down in trees. They sleep (up to fifteen hours a day), eat and mate in trees. When they are on the ground they cannot walk on their feet but have to pull their body along. They are good swimmers. Sloths eat leaves and buds and because they burn the energy that the food gives them very slowly, they don't need much food. Some species of sloth also eat twigs, fruits and small prey. Like the koala, they get water from the leaves and dew drops and do not need to drink. Sloths are hunted by snakes, jaguars and a large bird called a harpy. This is why they have long gray or brown hair which makes them hard to see. In the rainy season, their hair can be covered in a coat of algae which makes them even harder to see.

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons Algae: Algae are ar veryr small green plant-like lifer form thats can live on sloths and• turtles. • f o e v i e w p u p o e s o n l y Harpy: The harpy is one of the strongest eagles in the world. This giant bird lives by tearing

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monkeys and sloths out of the trees. The harpy eagle is found in tropical rain forest areas of South America. It is black and white with a gray head and a long, black crest. Jaguar: A jaguar is a powerful wild cat that lives in Mexico, Central and South America. They live in forests, shrubby areas, and grasslands, hiding from their prey. They eat almost any kind of animal, including deer, fish, wild pigs, sloths and turtles and hunt mainly on the ground and at night. A jaguar has golden or brownish-yellow fur and many spots. The spots along its back and sides are light-coloured with dark borders and have a dark spot in the centre. The spots on its head, legs and underside are black. Black jaguars live in South America. Mammal: A mammal is an animal that breathes with its lungs, has body hair and gives birth to live young. Humans are mammals. Marsupial: A marsupial is a mammal that keeps its young in a pouch. When their young are born they are not as developed as other animal's young and so they develop in the pouch. Other marsupials include possums, bandicoots, wombats and opossums. Opossums are the only marsupials found north of Mexico. Other opossum species live in Central and South America. Species: Different types of the same animal.

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Using Informa tion Information

Lazy Animals Use the Information P age on LLazy azy Animals to help you complete this page. Page

Use the information to help you answer the following. What is a marsupial? .................................................

r o e t s Bo r e What is a harpy? ........................................................ p ok u .................................................................................. S

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Koalas and sloths are alike in some ways and different in others. Describe how they are alike with regard to:

The way they get water. .............................................................................. ...................................................................................................................

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons ................................................................................................................... •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

Where they spend most of their lives. ........................................................

What they eat. ............................................................................................

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Write how they are different to each other with regard to:

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The country they live in. .....................

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How they hang in trees. ..................... ...........................................................

................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................... Page 22

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Teachers’ Notes

Using Informa tion Information

Lesson Notes Pages 24, 25 Content Area(s): life science

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Learning Out comes: Outcomes:

Ma terials Required: Materials Information Sheet pencil or pen atlas


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In this section students: understand some of the different ways that animals can communicate. explore the body language of an elephant. learn about the way prairie dogs protect their homes from predators.

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approximately 20-35 minutes.

Teaching Suggestions: Pages 24/25: Animal Talk

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Students can research other forms of communication among animals. Some animals such as dolphins communicate using echolocation. A dolphin makes a series of clicking sounds and these sounds leave the animal's body through the head. Echoes are produced when the sounds reflect from an object or animal in front of the dolphin. Bats also use echolocation. Most of the sounds that bats make are beyond the range of human hearing and they are used to detect insects.

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Using Informa tion Information

Information Page: Animal T alk Talk Animals are always looking out for danger. Some animals have special ways to warn each other of danger.


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Prairie Dogs

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Elephants live together in herds and are always "talking" to each other. They make a soft rumbling noise in their throats all the time they are eating. If the rumbling sounds stop it means there is danger nearby. Maybe a predator like a lion could be close by. Mother elephants are very affectionate towards their babies. They touch them with their trunks to let them know that they are safe or make a low humming sound to calm a calf down. Elephants also scream, roar, bellow, groan and squeak to communicate different feelings. They also use posture and give off different odours to communicate. Prairie dogs are rodents that live in the grassy areas of North America. These animals are more like squirrels than dogs. They get their name from their warning call which sounds like a dog's bark. Prairie dogs mainly eat plants but sometimes they eat grasshoppers and other insects. Prairie dogs are hunted by badgers, bobcats, coyotes, ferrets, eagles, falcons and hawks. They live in burrows and have a guard outside the entrance of the burrow. The guard lets the other prairie dogs know there is danger by making loud barking or chirping noises.

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Burrows: Holes that some animals dig for their home. Prairie dogs only leave their burrow in the day time so that they can look for food. Herds: Elephants live in family groups with about ten elephants in each group. Odour: An odour is a smell. Posture: Posture is the way we hold our body. If an elephant lifts his head up high and waves his trunk above his head, he is showing anger. It puts its trunk up and makes a loud cry which is known as trumpeting. An elephant may scare an enemy away by sticking its ears straight out and charging. If an animal attacks, an elephant may crush it to death by stepping on it. Rodents: Rodents are animals that have front teeth that are suited to gnawing. Other types of rodents include squirrels, badgers, beavers, rats, mice, guinea pigs, porcupines and chipmunks.

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Name: ............................

Using Informa tion Information

Animal T alk Talk Use the Information P age on Animal TTalk alk to help you complete this page. Page

Elephants 1. Describe some of the ways that elephants ‘talk’. ...................................

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2. What signals to an elephant that danger might be close by? ................ ...................................................................................................................

3. How do you think living in a herd helps the elephants protect

themselves? ...............................................................................................

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Look at the elephant. Do you think the elephant is angry or calm? Explain your answer.

. te o c .......................................................... . che e r o Prairie Dogs t r s super ..........................................................

1. What are the enemies of the prairie dog? .............................................. ...................................................................................................................

2. What does a prairie dog do to warn of danger?..................................... ................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................... © Ready-Ed Publications

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Using Informa tion Information

Lesson Notes Pages 27 to 30 Content Area(s): life science

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S Ma terials Required: Materials Learning Out comes: Outcomes:

pencil or pen Information Sheet


approximately 20-35 minutes.

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In this section students: understand some of the different ways that animals defend themselves from predators. describe the physical features of armadillos, porcupines, opossums, eels and skunks.

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons Art/Craft Activity: Students can create models of porcupines and armadillos using •clay f o rsets r e vi ew ur p os equills so l y•collect modelling that overnight, such p as Fimo. To make the forn porcupines,

Teaching Suggestions:

Pages 27/28: Prickles, Armour and Playing Dead

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Pages 29/30: Surprising Animal Tactics

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some pine needles or use toothpicks and stick these in the body of the clay animal before it sets. When completely set, spray paint the entire finished model and then paint the eyes, nose and mouth onto the creature. Discuss nocturnal animals such as owls, bats, squirrels and raccoons. Students can research special features these animals have that allow them to hunt at night.

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Organize a visit to a nocturnal house at a zoo.

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Using Informa tion Information

Information Page: Prickles, Armour and Playing Dead Some animals, especially if they are slow moving, protect themselves with prickles, armour or by playing dead.


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Armadill o Armadillo

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Porcupines are rodents. They are covered in spines or prickles. This makes it very difficult for a predator to eat a porcupine. When a porcupine is attacked, it will turn its back on the attacker. As it has very long quills towards the back of its body, it is likely that any animal trying to attack the porcupine will end up with quills stuck in its nose. The quills are only loosely attached to the body and are barbed at the end. Other prickly animals have other ways of protecting themselves. Hedgehogs roll into a prickly ball. The echidna has a strong sharp claw with which it can cut and scratch its enemy.

The armadillo is an animal that has armour for protection. The shell or armour is made up of many small, hard plates that fit together. Some armadillos can curl themselves up into a hard tight ball with the shell on the outside and the head and feet tucked in. Predators cannot get a grip on the armadillo. If armadillos are caught too far from their burrow, they quickly dig a hole and dive into the ground.

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• Some animals, like American opossums, defend themselves by pretending to faint


(n.b. The American ‘opossum’ is not related to the ‘possums’ of Australia and New Zealand except that they are both marsupials.)

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and lying very still. They look as if they are dead. Sometimes the predator, who only likes to eat fresh meat, is fooled and leaves. The opossum is 'playing dead' or ‘playing possum’. Once the danger is passed the opossum comes back to life again! Armour: Armour is a hard covering that can help protect animals from predators. Some animals like turtles have shells instead of armour for protection. Barbed: The quills have a short, sharply hooked spike at the end. Burrows: Holes that animals dig for their home. Echidna: The short-nosed echidna, found only in Australia, has some very interesting defensive behaviour when it is feeling threatened. It will dig itself into the ground until it has disappeared or if the ground is hard it will curl itself into a prickly ball. Humans, who sometimes eat echidnas, are the echidna's only natural enemy. Predators: Animals that live by hunting and eating other animals. For example sharks are predators of smaller fish, frogs are predators of beetles and insects and crocodiles are predators of fish. Eagles are predators of lizards. Quills: Long sharp spikes that animals like porcupine and hedgehogs have. Rodents: Rodents are animals that have front teeth that are suited to gnawing. Other types of rodents include squirrels, beavers, rats, mice, guinea pigs and porcupines. © Ready-Ed Publications

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Using Informa tion Information

Prickles, Armour and Playing Dead Use the Information P age on Prickles, Armour & Playing Dead to help Page you complete this page.

Find answers to the following by using the Information Page.

r o e t s Bo r e What are quills? ............................................... p ok u What three features of a porcupine’s quills make them very good S protection against enemies?

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The P orcupine Porcupine

1. .............................................................................................................. 2. .............................................................................................................. 3. ..............................................................................................................

What other ways do prickly animals like hedgehogs and echidnas protect themselves?

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• ..............................................................................

The Armadill o Armadillo

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.............................................................................. Describe an armadillo’s armour. ................................................................

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o c . che The Americ an Opossum American e r o t r s..................................... What does an opossum do if its is u ‘playing dead’? r pe ...................................................................................................................

................................................................................................................... Why doesn’t the predator eat the opossum when it is ‘playing dead’? ................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................... Page 28

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Using Informa tion Information

Information Page: Surprising Animal T actics Tactics Some animals use surprising tactics to scare off predators. They give off a horrible smell, an electric shock or even leave a part of their body behind!

Skunks Skunks are nocturnal animals that do a very unusual thing if they think they are in danger. They squirt a very smelly liquid at their enemy. Some skunks even do a handstand as they spray the liquid. Before it sprays, a skunk gives a warning by stamping its front feet and by hissing or growling.

r o e t s Bo r e p ok Electric Eel u S

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Electric eels live in the rivers of South America. They are a long, narrow fish that looks like other eels but it is not a true eel. When the electric eel is in danger he sends a strong electric shock through the water. The shock is a really good way of keeping any enemies away. Some lizards give part of themselves away to save themselves from a predator. If the tail of certain lizards is caught by a predator, the tail will fall off. The tail will still move and twitch after it falls off. This is so the predator will jump on the tail and eat it, while the lizard escapes. After a few weeks the lizard will grow back a new tail.

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Looks like other eels: Even thought an electric eel looks like other eels, it is actually a fish which is related to carp and catfish. Nocturnal: Nocturnal animals are animals that hunt at night and sleep during the day. Smelly liquid: The smell of the liquid is one which all other animals hate. Tactics: Tactics are actions or things that can be done to scare off an enemy. Animals use a range of tactics to defend themselves.

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Using Informa tion Information

Surprising Animal T actics Tactics Use the Information P age on Surprising Animal TTactics actics to help you complete this page. Page

The Skunk Describe a skunk’s tactics if it thinks it is in danger?

r o e t s Bo r .................................................................................. e p ok u Why does this tactic work? ........................................ S ..................................................................................

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What does a skunk do to warn off enemies before he uses this tactic?

................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons Where do eels live? .................................................................................... •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

Electric Eels

What other fish are eels related to? ............................................................

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If the electric eel is really a fish, how do you think it got its name?

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................................................................................................................... What tactic does an electric eel use to keep its enemies away?

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o c . che e r o What r most unusual tactic do some lizards use to t s s r u e p fool their predators? Why does this tactic work?

................................................................................................................... Lizards

............................................................................... ........................................................................... ........................................................................... ........................................................................... Page 30

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Activity P ages Pages

Lesson Notes Pages 32, 33 Content Area(s): life science

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Learning Out comes: Outcomes:

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Ma terials Required: Materials pencil paper drawing/colouring materials

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In this section students: understand that some animals depend on other animals for food. understand the concept of food chains. understand the terms ‘predator’ and ‘prey’. explain how an animal can be a predator of one animal and the prey of another animal. describe, in basic terms, a food web that exists in a specific environment.

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons approximately 20-35 minutes. •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• Teaching Suggestions: Time:

Page 32: Food Chains

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Page 33: A Food Web

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Biologists describe the relationships between animals in a habitat and the foods they eat as a food chain. Exploring basic food chains and food webs help students to understand the interdependence of organisms in the environment. Discuss the meaning of the terms predators, prey and scavengers. Point out that at the beginning of a food chain there is a producer. Grass and plants are usually the producers making their own food from the sun’s energy.

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Explain how food chains in a habitat form food webs. Discuss how some animals might be predators of some animals while they may be the prey of other organisms. For example, in a meadow habitat, the grass and plants are producers, making food from the energy of the sun. Animals such as rabbits, insects and fish eat the grass and plants and are known as consumers. The fish is also a predator as it eats the insects. Rabbits and frogs are prey for snakes who are predators of these animals. Eagles prey on the snakes and rabbits.

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Activity P age Page

Food Chains Animals rely on other animals for food. An insect eats grass. A frog eats the insect, a snake eats the frog and an eagle eats the snake. A food chain looks like this: lizard insect grass r o e t s Bo r e pto find the names of animals o Use an encyclopedia that each of the u predators below S might eat. One example has been givenk for each. snake


Preda tor redator


e.g. insect



lion Page 32


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e.g. fly


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o c . che e r o t r s supe r 2............................................... e.g. squid


e.g. antelope

1............................................... 2............................................... © Ready-Ed Publications

Name: ............................

Activity P age Page

A FFood ood W eb Web In an environment there will be many food chains. The way the food chains fit together is called a food web. Draw an environment in this box. You will need to include a range of animals and plants. Choose one of these types of environments: desert arctic jungle r o e t s B r e oo p u k S rainforest

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o c . c e h r A predator in one food chain might be the preyt in another food chain. er o s super Write down two food chains that exist in your environment.

1. ......................




2. ......................




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Activity P ages Pages

Lesson Notes Pages 35 to 38 Content Area(s): life science

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Ma terials Required: Materials pencil paper drawing/colouring materials

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In this section students: understand that some pets have different needs to wild animals. describe how they meet the needs of their pet. make a tally of the types of pets kept by classmates. describe how to care for a pet reptile. understand that vets help pets when they are sick.

reference materials/posters/encyclopedias

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons approximately 20-35 minutes. •Suggestions: f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• Teaching Time:

Page 35: My Favourite Pet

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Page 36: Pets All Around

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Pet Day: If possible arrange for the students to bring their pets to class. Discuss the similarities and differences between each pet. Students can describe how they care for their pets. Keep a pet in the classroom for the duration of this theme. Allow responsible children to care for it over the weekends. Guinea pigs, mice and hamsters are good examples for this kind of activity.

o c . che e r o t r s super

Explain to the students how to make a tally using an example on the board. If students don’t have a pet, ask them to talk about a friend or family member’s pet instead. Ask students to bring a photo of their pet into class. Make a chart out of all the photos.

Page 37: Caring For Pets

Discuss how pets are different to animals in the wild. They need special care from their owners. Brainstorm with the class all the things that pets need. Discuss individual students’ pets with the class. Guest speaker: Arrange for a veterinarian to come and speak to the class. This would coincide well with the Pet Day.

Page 38: A Strange Pet

Provide reference material on caring for reptiles and amphibians. This web site is a good starting point for resources:

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Activity P age Page

My FFavourite avourite PPet et

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In the box below draw your pet. Complete the fact file underneath.

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My favourite pet is a ..............................................

It’s name is ............................................................

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o c . My pet likesc to ....................................................... e her r o t s Special things my pets needs are ........................... r up e My pet is ................................................. years old.

.............................................................................. My pet can ............................................................ .............................................................................. .............................................................................. © Ready-Ed Publications

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Activity P age Page

Pets All Ar ound Around Many people keep pets at home. Find out the types of pets that other students in your class have. Make a tally in the table below. Add other animals in the blank boxes. Tally Total r o e t s B r e oo dog p u k catS goldfish

guinea pig rabbit bird

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Find answers to these questions. Use your table. 1. What is the most common pet? ...............................

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o c . 3. What is the most unusual chepet? .................................r e o 4. Which pet is easiest to lookr after? st su............................ per 2. What is the least common pet? ................................

5. Which pet is hardest to look after? ...........................

6. Describe the most interesting pet ............................ ................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................ Page 36

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Name: ............................

Activity P age Page

Caring FFor or PPets ets Animals that live in the wild are able to look after themselves but pets need special care. What does your pet need? Describe how you care for your pet. (If you don’t have a pet use one that you’d like to own.)

r o e t s Bo r e p......................................................................... ok What does your pet eat? u S Sleeping

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Ea ting Eating

Where does your pet sleep? ...................................................................

How long does your pet sleep for? .........................................................

Pla ying Playing

What toys does your pet have? ...............................................................

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons How do you play with your pet? .............................................................. •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•


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Other things

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I exercise my pet by ................................................................................

Things my pet needs (e.g. collar, leash) .................................................

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o c . My pet also needs c ................................................................................... e her r o t s super A trip to the V et Vet Medicine my pet needs (e.g. worm tablets) ............................................

What does a vet do? ..................................................... Where is the nearest vet? .............................................. ...................................................................................... Visit Healthy Pet at © Ready-Ed Publications

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Activity P age Page

A Strange PPet et Some people choose to keep reptiles or amphibians as pets. Find out what you need to do to care for these kinds of pets.

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u Sthis pet in the box below. Label all the things you think Plan a home for it will need.

My pet’s name:..................................................

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Choose the pet you want to study and use reference books for information on how to look after this pet.

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o c . che e r o t r s super

Write three things you would need to do to look after this pet:

1. ............................................................................................................. 2. ............................................................................................................. 3. ............................................................................................................. Page 38

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Teachers’ Notes

Activity P ages Pages

Lesson Notes Pages 40 to 42 Content Area(s): life science

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Learning Out comes: Outcomes:

Teac he r

Ma terials Required: Materials pencil paper drawing/colouring materials

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In this section students: understand that some animals are known as endangered species. understand that some animals are now extinct. discuss the reasons why some animals are endangered. describe ways of protecting endangered species. identify three extinct animals.

reference materials/posters/encyclopedias

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons approximately 20-35 minutes. •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• Teaching Suggestions: Time:

Page 40: Endangered Animals

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Page 41: More Endangered Animals

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Provide reference material for students to work with. There are some excellent web sites on this topic.

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There are many reasons why a species needs to be protected. Some animals are hunted for their fur or skin, others are hunted for fun. Some animals die out because their homes are being destroyed. This happens when rainforests are cut down or when bushland is turned into housing estates or farms. Other animals die out because they are hunted by larger animals and cannot protect themselves. This can happen when domestic animals such as cats and dogs hunt small birds or lizard species. Discuss the role of organizations such as the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). Check here:

Page 42: Animal Quiz

This page is best completed at the end of the unit.

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Page 39

Name: ............................

Activity P age Page

Endangered Animals Endangered species are living things that are in danger of dying out. This is known as extinction. Thousands of species of animals are endangered and the number increases each year.

r o e t s Bo r e p ok to Write a fact file for an endangered animal. Use an encyclopedia u Swork. help you with your Name of animal ....................

height: .................................. colour: .................................. diet: ......................................

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Animal F act F ile Fact File

Draw a picture of the animal.

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weight: ..................................

Where does this animal live? ......................................................................

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What type of environment does it live in? ................................................... About how many of these animals are left? ...............................................

. te o ................................................................................................................... c . c e he r What can be done to make sure this animal species o t r s survives? super

Why is this animal endangered? ................................................................

................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................... Visit this web site for more information on endangered animals around the world:

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Name: ............................

Activity P age Page

More Endangered Animals A species may become endangered because it is hunted, e.g. some elephants are hunted for their ivory tusks. Name some endangered animal species. .................................................

r o e t s Boendangered? r What are two other reasons for a species becoming e p o u k 1. ................................................................................................................ S

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2. ................................................................................................................ ...................................................................................................................

Protecting Endangered Species

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• How do they help? ................................................ Some special groups help protect endangered animals from extinction.

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.............................................................................. Look up these extinct animals in an encyclopedia. Draw pictures of them.


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Page 41

Name: ............................

Activity P age Page

Animal Quiz How much do you know about animals? Take the animal quiz below.

r o e t s Bo ...................... r ......................... e p o u k 2. Name a reptile ........................................................................................ S 3. What do all amphibians have in common? ................... 1. Mammals are a group of animals. Name four other groups of animals. .........................


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4. What do all mammals have in common? ............................................... ...................................................................................................................

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons 5. Is a spider an insect? ............................................................................. •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• 6. What is a habitat? ...................................................................................

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7. What does endangered mean? ..............................................................

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................................................................................................................... 8. What is a predator? ................................................................................

. te o c 10. Name an animal that is prey for an eagle............................................. . che e r o t r s super

9. Name a nocturnal animal .......................................................................

11. Name an animal that is extinct. ............................................................ 12. Name an animal that uses camouflage. .............................................. Page 42

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Answers Flightless Birds (page 8) 1. Because of their short legs and webbed feet. 2. Help them swim; Act like a waterproof coat; Shaped like flippers for good swimming. Ostrich: Only two toes on each foot. Male: black and white feathers. Female: dull brown feathers. Answers will vary.

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Hunting Animals (page 10) Answers will vary.

Snow White Animals (page 13)

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Colourful Animals (page 15)

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They can hide from predators; So that it can hide in the snow; 1. ermine; 2. polar bear; 3. snow leopard; 4. polar bear; 5. ermine; 6. polar bear; 7. ermine; 8. snow leopard; 9. snow leopard and polar bear; 10. ermine.

1. They use colour to attract a mate; 2. Unlike sea horses, a sea dragon is easily camouflaged as it swims around the seaweed covered rocks and reefs and is able to hide from predators; 3. The colours warn other predators that these frogs are not fit to eat.

Animals That Swim (page 18)

Sea Lion: The sea lion’s long and slim body shape, the layer of blubber under the skin which keeps it warm, the small head and the hairless body, long front flippers and large paddle shaped back flippers. Sea Turtle: In warm seas around the world; beat their flippers like a bird flapping its wings.

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Animals That Hide (page 20)

Squid: 1. They have a shell inside their body; 2. So that they can blend in with their surroundings; 3. The squid fills its body up with water which it forces through a tube. This makes the squid move on the opposite direction very quickly. This is called jet propulsion. Baby Birds: Baby birds cannot fly to escape from predators; Chameleons: different shades of green, yellow, brown and cream; they change colour when there is a change in light or temperature or when they become scared.

Lazy Animals (page 21)

Animal Talk (page 25)

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A mammal that keeps its young in a pouch; one of the strongest eagles in the world; Alike: they both get water from the leaves and dew drops and do not need to drink; they both sleep (up to fifteen hours a day), eat and mate in trees; They both eat leaves and buds. Different: Koalas live in Australia and sloths live in the jungles of South America; Sloths hang mostly upside down in trees. 1. They make a soft rumbling sound. Elephants also scream, roar, bellow, groan and squeak to communicate different feelings; 2. The rumbling stops; 3. Answers will vary. Prairie Dogs: 1. Badgers, bobcats, coyotes, ferrets, eagles, falcons and hawks. They have a guard outside the entrance of the burrow. The guard lets the other prairie dogs know there is danger by making loud barking or chirping noises.

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Prickles, Armour and Playing Dead (page 28)

Quills - Long sharp spikes that protect animals from predators; 1. The quills are only loosely attached to the body. 2. They are barbed at the end. The quills are very long and will hurt the predator. Other prickly animals: Hedgehogs roll into a prickly ball and the echidna has a strong sharp claw with which it can cut and scratch its enemy. Armadillo: The shell or armour is made up of many small, hard plates that fit together. Opossum: defending itself from predators; it only likes to eat fresh meat.

Surprising Animal Tactics (page 30) Skunks: They squirt a very smelly liquid at their enemy; All animals hate the smell of the liquid; it gives warning by stamping its front feet and by hissing or growling; Electric Eels: In the rivers of South America; carp and catfish; it looks like an eel; it sends a strong electric shock through the water; Lizards: the tail will fall off. It will move and twitch so the predator will jump on the tail and eat it, while the lizard escapes.

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Page 43

Food Chains (page 32) A Food Web (page 33) My Favourite Pet (page 35) Pets All Around (page 36) Caring For Pets (page 37) A Strange Pet (page 38) Answers will vary for all pages.

Endangered Animals (page 40) Answers will vary.

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More Endangered Animals (page 41)

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Animal Quiz (page 42)

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Endangered animals include blue whales, some kinds of crocodiles, giant pandas, orang-utans, rhinoceroses, snow leopards, tigers, and many species of marsupials. Some animals are hunted for their fur or skin, others are hunted for fun. Some animals die out because their homes are being destroyed. This happens when rain forests are cut down or when bush land is turned into housing estates or farms. Other animals die out because they are hunted by larger animals and cannot protect themselves. This can happen when domestic animals such as cats and dogs hunt small birds or lizard species. 1. Reptiles, amphibians, fish, birds, insects, spiders; 2. Answers will vary; 3. All amphibians are cold-blooded, born in water and breathe through their skin and lungs or gills; 4. All mammals are warm-blooded, breathe through their lungs and nurse their young; 5. No; 6. It is the area or type of environment in which an animal normally lives; 7. It describes living things that are in danger of dying out or becoming extinct; 8. An animal that hunts other animals for food; 9. Answers will vary; 10. Answers will vary; 11. Dodo, moa, dinosaur etc.; 12. Chameleon, ermine, etc.

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