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Physical Education Games © ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons for •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• 5 - 8 Year Olds o c . che e r o t r s super
Written by Paul Larkins and Tony Abbots. Illustrated by Melinda Parker. © Ready-Ed Publications - 2000. Published by Ready-Ed Publications (2000) PO Box 276 Greenwood Perth Australia 6024 E-mail: info@readyed.com.au
Web Site: www.readyed.com.au
COPYRIGHT NOTICE Permission is granted for the purchaser to photocopy sufficient copies for non-commercial educational purposes. However, this permission is not transferable and applies only to the purchasing individual or institution. ISBN 1 86397 290 0
Teacher ’s Notes Sport and Physical Education are extremely important curriculum areas and deserve equal billing amongst the Key Learning Areas. The reality is that they don’t always receive the priority that they should, due to a number of factors. The least of these relate to the heavy demands placed on teachers to devote maximum time in preparation and teaching of all the Key Learning Areas. With this as a basis, and from personal experience, we decided to assemble a selection of new and modified games that are very user friendly and require little preparation and equipment, yet cater for the skill level of the intended age group. The games and activities have been extensively trialed with the main aim being fun and fitness for all even the teacher!
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About This Book
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As a teacher resource book we decided to divide the activities into five strands: • Spatial Awareness • Locomotor Skills • Non-Locomotor Skills • Hand-Eye Skills • Foot-Eye Skills Whilst there can be an overlap of skills into other strands we endeavoured to isolate the main skill in an activity and put it in the strand which showed the dominant skill. The games and activities range from shorter P.E. style lessons to full sport afternoons. Of course, activities can be lengthened, shortened or modified to suit the teacher, the size and nature of the class, the available area and the time available. We strongly recommend that teachers work all the way through the activities and watch the children develop their skill level and their preferences for their favourite activities. Do not underestimate the skill level of your children. We teach 6-8 year olds and they often surprise even us with their ability levels. To gain the maximum benefit from this book please ensure you: • read through the activity thoroughly; • have the necessary equipment ready; • have an area free to work in; • join in where possible and show your enthusiasm - it spreads quickly. Finally, we tried to ensure all children are included as much as possible and there are not too many games where children have to sit out. The nature of the games however, sometimes means ‘you’re out’ but this also adds to the excitement of the activity and children are not out for long. Tony Abbotts (B.Ed); Paul Larkin (B.Ed)
© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
Curriculum Links
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The activities in this book can be linked to the following learning outcomes for each state/territory: NT, ACT and Tas. (National Curriculum) Health and Physical Education Human Movement – 1.3, 1.4, 2.3, 2.4, 3.3, 3.4 New South Wales Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Games and Sports – GSS1.8, GSS2.8, GSS3.8 Skills Outcomes: Communicating COS1.1, COS2.1,COS3.1; Decision Making DME1.2, DME2.2, DME3.2; Interacting INS1.3, INS2.3, INS3.3, Moving MOS1.4, MOS2.4, MOS3.4 South Australia Health and Physical Education Physical Activity and Participation – 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 3.1, 3.2 Victoria Health and Physical Education Movement and Physical Activity – 1.1, 2.1, 3.1 Queensland Health and Physical Education Developing Concepts and Skills for Physical Activity – 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2 Western Australia Health and Physical Education Skills for Physical Activity: Movement Skills – SPA 1.1, SPA 2.1, SPA 3.1 Activity and Games Strategies – SPA 1.2, SPA 2.2, SPA 3.2
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Ready-Ed Publications
Contents Locomotor
Animal Relay ............................................................ 4 Fly .............................................................................. 5 Look Out for the Lion ............................................. 6 Watch Your Tail ....................................................... 7 Last One There ......................................................... 8 Do the Locomotion .................................................. 9 Number Cross Over ............................................... 1 0 Rescue Hoop Relay ................................................. 1 1 Twist and Shout ...................................................... 1 2 Pass the Hoop Relay ............................................... 1 3 Square Ball .............................................................. 1 4 Human Bowling ..................................................... 1 5 Giant Letters ........................................................... 1 6 Firing Squad ........................................................... 1 7 Human Quoits ........................................................ 1 8 Reach for the I ........................................................ 1 9
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Zig Zag Relay .......................................................... 20 ©R e ad y EdPubl i cat i ons Square Relay............................................................ 2 1 Odd One Out ......................................................... 22 •f or r evi ew pur posesonl y• Cops and Robbers ................................................... 23
Spatial Awareness
Hand-eye Coordination
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Stepping Hoops....................................................... 24 Shape Up ................................................................. 25 Giant Ludo .............................................................. 26 Round the Clock ..................................................... 27 Bean Bag Golf ......................................................... 28 Hot Potato .............................................................. 29 Centre Ball .............................................................. 30 Bombs Away ........................................................... 3 1 Bean Bag Dodge ...................................................... 32 Hoop Ball ................................................................ 33 Bean Bag Relay ....................................................... 34 Bounceball Relay .................................................... 35
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Foot-eye Coordination
Cross Over Ball ....................................................... 36 Target Soccer ........................................................... 37 Change Soccer ......................................................... 38 Soccer Rounders ...................................................... 39 Gamble Ball ............................................................. 40 Circle Ball ................................................................ 4 1 Circle Soccer ............................................................ 42 Forcing Back ........................................................... 43 Ready-Ed Publications
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Animal Relay Locomotor Skills
Learning Outcome: Students explore different ways of running, jumping, hopping and skipping in a relay.
Equipment: 6 witches hats
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Grassed area or hardtop suitable for a 20 m relay
Children are placed into 3 or 4 equal teams. A relay area is set out with children lined up behind the witches hats - 3 teams at each end.
The children have to move to the other end by imitating the animal that the teacher calls out. On ‘go’ the teacher calls ‘crab’ for the first runner and the children run like crabs. Other animals can be dogs, kangaroos, gorillas, elephants, frogs, emus and so on.
© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• A variation is to have the animals’ names on cards which the children
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draw out of a hat before the relay begins.
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Fly Locomotor Skills
Learning Outcome: Students explore different ways of running over obstacles.
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7 sticks each about 1 m long
Area: Activity:
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A grassed area approximately 30 m long
The 7 sticks are spaced in a line about 1/2 m apart. The children line up in single file behind the sticks, the last child is the ‘Fly’.
The aim is to run over the sticks putting one foot only in each space. After his turn, the fly selects one of the sticks and moves it to where he landed after the 7th stick. This continues and the course increases in difficulty.
© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons Children arer out if i they touch au stick oro put twos feet in al space. The • f o r e v e w p r p s e o n y • game goes on until one child is left or no-one can make it through the
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Look Out for the Lion Locomotor Skills
Learning Outcome: Students move in different ways by running, skipping and hopping in a limited area.
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4 witches hats and 4 hoops
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Grassed area 20 m x 20 m
Choose one child to be the lion. The other children are put into 4 groups: monkeys, warthogs, hyenas and zebras. The hoops are placed in each corner of the square. Each group stands in their corner with one foot touching the hoop.
© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
The lion walks around to each group calling “The lion wants the monkeys, warthogs” etc. until all groups are moving around. The teacher calls out: “The jungle is calm” (ever yone walks on tiptoe), “The jungle is wild” (ever yone skips or hops), “The jungle is stormy” (everyone gallops, waving arms).
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When the teacher calls out: “The jungle changes” everyone has to race back to their corner without being tagged. Lions change and more than one lion can be used.
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Watch Your Tail Locomotor Skills
Learning Outcome: Students move within boundaries by dodging and swerving.
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4 witches hats and material strips for tails for half the class
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Grassed area 30 m x 20 m
Children are put into pairs. Player 1 wears a ‘tail’ tucked into their uniform. Player 2 has to try and grab the tail.
All the Player 1s start in the middle of the area whilst the Player 2s start on the boundary of the rectangle. On ‘go’ the Player 2s pursue the 1s and try to grab their tails. When they do they return to their starting area and change roles.
© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
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Last One There Locomotor Skills
Learning Outcome: Students explore different ways of running and changing directions on a command.
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1 each of: hoop, chair, box, mat, rope and school bag
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A large grassed area
The six objects are laid out randomly over a fairly large area. The children move anywhere within the area. When the teacher calls out “chair” or “box” or any of the objects, the children have to move as quickly as they can and touch the object. Last one there sits out until the next game.
© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
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Continue until only two children are left. A variation is for children to move about by skipping, hopping or using the locomotor skill to be developed.
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Do the Locomotion Locomotor Skills
Learning Outcome: Students explore moving within a boundary using a variety of locomotor skills.
Equipment: 4 witches hats
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Grassed area 15 m x 15 m
Have children spread out around the perimeter of the square. The teacher has 10 commands which tell the children how they are to move around the square. They have to change movements as quickly as possible and need to listen carefully. The teacher varies the length of each movement to ensure children pay attention.
© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons Thef commands are: walk, skip, hop, jump, crawl, walk backwards, • o r r e v i e w p u r p o s e s o n l y• sidestep, march with knees high, robot walk and spin while you walk. The
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teacher can be in the centre of the square or lead the group in ‘follow the leader’ style.
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Number Cross Over Locomotor Skills
Learning Outcome: Students explore different ways of running and avoiding obstacles.
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3 large rubber balls or volleyballs and 4 witches hats
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A grassed surface 30 m x 15 m
Children are put into two groups: ‘runners’ and ‘throwers’. The throwers line up on either side of the 30 m lines, with the 3 balls. The runners line up at the 15 m line, and are given a number - 1, 2 or 3.
The teacher calls a number and these children must try to run through to the other end without being hit below the waist with the ball. If they are hit they are out.
© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons When all or most runners arep out they swap and become throwers. • f o r r e v i e w u r p o s e s o n l y• This is a fast-paced game and children don’t mind going out as it adds to
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the excitement of the game.
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Rescue Hoop Relay Locomotor Skills
Learning Outcome: Students explore different ways of running with the restriction of a hoop.
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1 hoop per 4 children (team) and 2 witches hats per team
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Grassed area 20 m long
Children are put into teams of four and stand in a line behind the starting hat. No. 1 has a hoop around him. On ‘go’ No. 1 runs around the far witches hat 20 m away and back. No. 2 then hops into the hoop with No. 1 and they both run around the witches hat and back. Then No. 3 joins in and finally No. 4
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As above.
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© R e a d y E d P u b l i c a t i o n s The first team of 4 back to the start wins. To make this a real endurance relay• continue with No. 4 dropping outr leaving No. 3, and so l on until 1 is f o r r e v i e w p u p o s e s o n y • left.
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As above. 20 m
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Twist and Shout Non-Locomotor Skills
Learning Outcome: Students explore ways of twisting and turning their bodies.
Equipment: Nil
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Any area, indoors or out, about the size of a classroom
Students are put into groups of 3 and face each other. They cross their arms at the forearm and then join hands.
The aim is to twist under and over without breaking hands so the group ends up joining hands normally.
© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
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The first group finished shouts out for the teacher to see (and hear!). The activity can be made progressively harder by trying it in groups of four and five. Six is very challenging.
o c . che e r o t r s super
Ready-Ed Publications
Pass the Hoop Relay Non-Locomotor Skills
Learning Outcome: Students explore different ways of passing a hoop by moving their arms and bodies.
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1 hoop per team (3 - 4 teams)
An area large enough for 3 - 4 groups in small circles
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Each team of 5 - 6 children joins hands and forms a circle. A hoop is placed over the linked hands of 2 of the children.
On ‘go’ each team must pass the hoop around the circle and back to the start without letting go of their hands or breaking the circle.
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© R e a d y E d P u b l i c a t i o n s A variation is to have relays lasting 5 or 10 rotations of the circle. A further variation ise tov have 2 or 3p hoops moving around then circle. •f orr i ew ur p os eso l y•
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Square Ball Non-Locomotor Skills
Learning Outcome: Students explore the different ways of using their bodies to block a ball.
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4 witches hats and 1 volleyball
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A square area 15 m x 15 m
Children are put into 4 teams. Each team stands on one side of the square. The teacher stands in the middle of the grid and rolls a volleyball (or similar) to any of the 4 teams.
If the ball manages to get past the team they lose 1 point. When a team loses 5 points they are out and sit down until the game is completed by only 1 team being left. The teacher can roll to any team without warning in an attempt to catch them unaware. This game is also excellent with a large beach ball.
© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
Team D
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Human Bowling Non-Locomotor Skills
Learning Outcome: Students explore ways of twisting and turning their bodies to avoid a rolling ball.
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1 medium rubber ball and 1 witches hat
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A hardtop area about 20 m x 10 m
Children are put into two teams - bowlers and ‘skittles’ (or ninepins). The skittles stand shoulder to shoulder facing the bowlers, who line up 15 m away behind one witches hat.
The bowlers have one bowl each and attempt to roll the ball and make it touch a skittle. When touched the skittle is out. After the bowling team has had one turn each, any skittles remaining score one point per skittle for their team.
© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons • f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• The skittles may twist and turn but can’t move their feet. Teams change
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over and repeat. A game may have 2 or 3 innings with scores being added up to determine the winner.
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Giant Letters Non-Locomotor Skills
Learning Outcome: Students move and arrange their bodies to make shapes and letters on the ground.
Equipment: Nil
Dry, grassed area about 20 m x 20 m
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Children are put into groups of about 6 depending on the class numbers. An odd number in one or two groups doesn’t matter. The teacher calls out a letter and each group must make that letter shape (capital letters) by lying on the ground and using their legs, arms and bodies.
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Each group is to make one letter and everyone must contribute. First group ready calls out the name of their letter. For variation the teacher may call out numbers or shapes.
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Firing Squad Non-Locomotor Skills
Learning Outcome: Students explore different ways of moving their bodies to avoid being hit by a ball or beanbag.
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1 soft or spongy ball or bean bag
Hardtop area with a wall
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Children are told that they have to face the ‘firing squad’. Their only chance of escape is if they can dodge, duck or evade the ball or beanbag, but they cannot move their feet.
© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
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Space children along the wall. The teacher, armed with a spongy ball or beanbag, moves along the line and tries to ‘hit’ the children. The throw is underarm and obviously slow. The children can duck, weave - do anything to avoid being ‘hit’. Children love the chance to prove the teacher can’t get them and they will play this game all day.
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Human Quoits Non-Locomotor Skills
Learning Outcome: Students explore different ways of moving and stretching their bodies to reach out for an object.
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1 hoop between 2 children
Grassed area or hardtop suitable in size for one class
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Children are put into two teams with one hoop given to each child in one of the teams. The teams line up in parallel lines facing each other.
The children with hoops stand about 3 m opposite the other children and have to throw their hoops over the arms and bodies of their counterpart. The children without hoops must stand very still with their hands and arms pointing upwards.
© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• Score 1 point for each hoop that goes over a child. Children take it in
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turns, first to 5 points wins. This can be done just in partners or the points added for the whole team. The distance can be varied to suit the age level.
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Reach for the I Non-Locomotor Skills
Learning Outcome: Students explore different ways of stretching and reaching with a partner.
Equipment: Chalk
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Hardtop area 3 m x 3 m
This is a great integrated English/PE activity. A 3 m × 3 m grid is drawn on concrete and 9 letters written in the squares (including 2 - 3 vowels). Children are put into teams of four.
The object is for the children to make words by connecting a foot or an arm from one square to the next. They may stretch out in any way as long as they connect with a team member in another square.
© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons A point mayr be v scored for making ap word, or 4s points for a 4• letter • f o r e i e w p u r o s e o n l y word and 3 points for a 3 letter word (with one member sitting out). The
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teacher may also have a list of words prepared and the children have to make the nominated word.
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Zig Zag Relay Spatial Awareness
Learning Outcome: Students explore moving using different directions by running in a zig-zag pattern.
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Multiples of 7 hoops or witches hats
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A grassed area 30 m x 10 m for each team
Children are put into teams of 7 with each child stationed at a hoop or hat. The hoops are set out in a zig zag pattern 10 m apart. On ‘go’ the child at No. 1 hoop runs to No. 2 hoop and tags the next child who then runs to No. 3 and so on until the child at No. 7 hoop runs back to the No. 1 hoop.
© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons The relay continues until the first child too start gets to No. 7 and all • f o r r e v i e w p u r p s e s o n l y • children sit down to show they are finished. The number of hoops can
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vary to suit class numbers.
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Square Relay Spatial Awareness
Learning Outcome: Students explore moving within boundaries by running in a square pattern.
Equipment: 8 witches hats
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A grassed area using 4 witches hats to mark out a 15 m square.
Children are put into 4 equal teams. Each team lines up behind the outside witches hat near their corner of the square as shown below.
On ‘go’ the first runner runs in a clockwise direction around all 4 hats then tags the next member of their team. The team to have all their runners home first is the winner.
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© R e a d y E d P u b l i c a t i o n s Teams can then be handicapped by starting on 2, 3, etc. so the other teams have a chance of winning. Au variation is e to s useo formations other • f o r r e v i e w p r p o s n l y • than the square.
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Odd One Out Spatial Awareness
Learning Outcome: Students explore moving within boundaries by running, skipping and galloping.
Equipment: 10 witches hats
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Grassed area or hardtop 30 m x 10 m
4 witches hats are used to define a rectangular area, the other 6 are used to mark a centre line. One child is chosen to be the ‘odd one out’ whilst the other players form a double line and hold a partner’s hands over the centre line.
© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
Teacher calls ‘go’ and everyone must run, skip or gallop in the area including the ‘odd one out’. Teacher calls ‘centre line’ and everyone must return to the starting position but with a different partner. The child left over becomes ‘odd one out’ and the game continues.
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Children usually enjoy a turn at ‘odd one out’ and obviously an odd number of children are needed to play.
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Cops and Robbers Spatial Awareness
Learning Outcome: Students explore moving within boundaries by running and changing directions.
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4 witches hats and 4 hoops
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Grassed area 20 m x 20 m
Children are put into 2 groups of slightly unequal numbers, e.g. 16 and 12 (if 28 in class). The larger group are the robbers and the smaller group are the cops. The cops begin in the 4 corners where the hoops are (this is jail). The robbers begin in the middle.
© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
On ‘go’ the cops run out and try to catch ‘one’ robber. They do this by tipping them and taking them back to jail. The robbers not caught are ‘free’ and sit out. The jailed robbers go back to the middle and the teacher asks 2 or 3 cops to come ‘off duty’.
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The game continues until there are only 2 cops left and 1 robber. This is a fast-paced, fun activity and very popular with children.
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Stepping Hoops Spatial Awareness
Learning Outcome: Students explore moving using different pathways running in a zig-zag pattern.
Equipment: 10 hoops
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Small grassed area or hardtop will do
Position 10 hoops in any pattern, preferable easy for a start, so that all children are able to step from one hoop to the next. The children take it in turns to step through the hoops. They are only allowed 1 foot inside each hoop. They are allowed to stop in any hoop as long as only 1 foot is touching the ground.
© R e a d y E d P u b l i c a t i o n s After each time through change the position of 2 hoops to increase the difficulty. Any child who fails top make itp through iss outo and sits out• the • f o r r e v i e w u r o s e n l y remainder of the game.
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Continue to increase the difficulty until only 1 person remains.
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Shape Up Spatial Awareness
Learning Outcome: Students develop awareness of space by running in defined areas.
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18 witches hats and 1 stopwatch
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Large grassed area
An area is set out by using the witches hats to make 4 large shapes circle, triangle, rectangle and pentagon. The children are put into 4 groups. Each group has to run around the perimeter of the 4 shapes.
They do this one at a time and each group is timed to create a challenge. The timer stops when the last member of each group returns to the starting point.
© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons A good idea ise tov have one child demonstrate thes running direction at • f o r r i e w p u r p o s e o n l y • the start. This appeals to children’s sense of having to beat the clock whilst developing their spatial awareness skills.
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Finish at starting point
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Giant Ludo Spatial Awareness
Learning Outcome: Students explore moving within boundaries in a defined area by walking and sliding.
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24 chairs, 4 hoops and 4 large dice
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Hardtop area approx. 10 m x 10 m
This is based on the board game of Ludo but in this game the children move around a ‘giant’ board. Chairs can be set up as in the diagram and children move by sliding from one chair to the next. Each of the 4 teams has 4 plays plus one dice roller.
You can start on a six but this can be time consuming so play can start straight away. Players move right around the chairs then enter home. First team with all 4 home wins.
© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons f ofaster rr e vi e wdicepper ur poTeams ses oitn l y •to It• is also having one team. take in turns
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move and if you land on another player you send them back to the start. It takes a few minutes to set up but children love this one.
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Round the Clock Spatial Awareness
Learning Outcome: Students explore moving within boundaries by playing a game where they must run around a circle.
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one bean bag per 3 children, 1 hoop and 8 witches hats
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Grassed area with 15 m diameter circle
Children are put into groups of three and form up as shown in the diagram. Each child is given a number, 1, 2 or 3 with 1 being the middle child. Beanbags are placed in a hoop in the centre of the circle.
On ‘go’ No. 1 runs, picks up a beanbag, then runs through the arch formed by 2 and 3 and then through the arches formed by the other groups.
© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons When 1 returns he hands the bean bag to No. 2 who runs though the f obyr1r ev ew pur po seand so l y•the 3 arch • formed and 3. i No. 3 continues the pattern on n returning,
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children sit down to show they are finished.
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Bean Bag Golf Hand-Eye Coordination
Learning Outcome: Students explore different ways of throwing a bean bag at a target.
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
9 hoops, class set of bean bags, 9 witches hats and 9 flags (optional)
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Teac he r
An area equivalent to a netball court
Children are in pairs. The ‘golf course’ is laid out at the teacher’s discretion but ‘holes’ (hoops) are usually 20 - 30 m apart.
The children start at a witches hat and take it in turns to throw towards the hoop. Holes are usually “par 3” but more challenging holes can be set. After the first pair have completed the first hole the next pair commence and so on.
© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons Children record their partner’s scores ando when finished they, or• the • f o r r e v i e w p u r p s e s o n l y teacher, total the scores. A score card may be drawn up to assist the children.
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This is an excellent integrated activity with maths and children love to participate in it. 1
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Hot Potato Hand-Eye Coordination
Learning Outcome: Students explore different ways of passing bean bags in a circle.
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
10 - 12 bean bags
Area: Activity:
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Teac he r
Indoor or outdoor area large enough for a 10 m diameter circle
Children stand in a circle formation with the teacher in the middle. Children are spaced evenly so they have enough room to comfortably pass and receive a bean bag. The teacher introduces one ‘hot potato’ which is passed around the circle in a clockwise direction. Other bean bags are then introduced to the circle until all 10-12 bean bags are moving around the circle.
© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons A variation ise tov use small rubber balls. The teacher calls ‘freeze’ at • f o r r i e w p u r p o s e s o n l y • different times to reset the position of the bean bags. This is also an
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excellent activity to use with appropriate background music.
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Centre Ball Hand-Eye Coordination
Learning Outcome: Students explore different ways of catching a ball.
Equipment: 1 volleyball
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ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
A circle approximately 10 m in diameter
Children stand in a circle about 10 m in diameter with their hands behind their back. The teacher stands in the middle of the circle about 5 m from each child.
The teacher randomly passes the ball to the children. If they drop the ball they sit down until the next game. They can only take their hands from behind their back if the ball is thrown.
© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons If• thef teacher pretends to throw ther ball and thes child brings their o r r e v i e w p u p o s e o n l y • hands to the front then they sit down. This is a fast game and develops
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reaction time. Several games can be played so ‘out’ players are given more chances.
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Bombs Away Hand-Eye Coordination
Learning Outcome: Students explore different ways of throwing a ball at a moving target and avoiding a ball thrown or rolled towards them.
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
4 witches hats and 2 medium balls
Teac he r
ew i ev Pr
Set out a square area with sides about 8 - 10 m in length. Can be played on grass or hardtop.
Four children are chosen to stand on the sides of the square (one on each side). The others are in the middle.
© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons • f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• The game continues until one child is left. For a challenge up to 4
Two children on each side have a ball each and roll it with the aim of hitting the children in the middle. When a child is hit they go to that side and become a roller.
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balls can be used.
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Bean Bag Dodge Hand-Eye Coordination
Learning Outcome: Students explore different ways of throwing and catching a bean bag at different levels.
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
2 bean bags and 6 - 8 witches hats
Teac he r
ew i ev Pr
Small grassed area or hardtop
The witches hats are arranged in a circle of about 6 - 8 m diameter. Two children are chosen to stand in the middle whilst the others spread out around the circle.
© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
The two beanbags are thrown across the circle and the two children inside must try and intercept the passes. If one does he/she takes the place of the child who threw the bean bag. To keep the game moving, the children have only two seconds to pass the bean bag. A variation is to use 3 bean bags and have 3 children in the middle.
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Hoop Ball Hand-Eye Coordination
Learning Outcome: Students explore different ways of striking a ball to move in a certain direction.
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
1 hoop per child, 1 volleyball and 4 witches hats
Area: Activity:
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Teac he r
Grassed area 20 m x 15 m
Children are put into two teams. A court is marked with a centre line. Position hoops randomly on the court with the goalies hoops at either ends. Each team positions itself on their side of the court, with the exception of the goalie.
© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons • f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• The players cannot pick the ball up, throw it or catch it. If the ball
The players kneel inside a hoop and can only hit the ball with their hands and cannot move outside their hoops. The aim is to hit the ball to their goalie behind the opposite team.
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goes out then play begins from the hoop closet to the opposition’s goalie. Children can rotate positions and change with the goalie.
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Bean Bag Relay Hand-Eye Coordination
Learning Outcome: Students develop their passing and catching skills using a bean bag over short distances.
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
24 bean bags, 4 hoops
Teac he r
ew i ev Pr
Grassed area or hardtop approx. 30 m x 20 m
Children are put into 4 teams. Each team makes a zig zag formation with a hoop placed at the end of the team. 6 bean bags are placed on the ground next to the first team member in each group.
© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• When all 6 bean bags are in the hoop the team sits down. Players can
On ‘go’ No. 1 picks up one bean bag and throws it to No. 2 and so on to No. 6 who then puts it in the hoop. As soon as No. 2 has released the bean bag No. 1 can pass the next bean bag.
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rotate positions for other games. Children soon learn that if you try to go too fast then errors are made. Sure and steady wins the race.
Ready-Ed Publications
Bounceball Relay Hand-Eye Coordination
Learning Outcome: Students develop skills at passing and receiving a bouncing ball with two hands.
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
5 - 6 large rubber balls (basketballs)
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
Hardtop area approximately 20 m x 20 m
Children are put into groups of 5 with one ball per group. 4 children stand in a line facing the other child who is the leader. The leader bounces the ball to the first child who then bounces it back.
The leader does the same to players 2, 3 and 4. After one cycle the leader changes with No. 1 and so on until everyone has had a turn.
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© R e a d y E d P u b l i c a t i o n s This is a good basic activity to develop bouncing skills and is made more interesting in av relay situation. Ar variation is to have children stand • f o r r e i e w p u p o s e s o n l y • in a circle around the leader who must turn after each pass. 4
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Cross Over Ball Foot-Eye Coordination
Learning Outcome: Students explore different ways of kicking a ball in different directions.
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
Small soccer ball or rubber ball; 1 base; 4 witches hats; 1 hoop
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
Grassed area 30 m x 30 m
Children are put into two teams - one fielding, one kicking. The fielding team stand between the kicking line and the ‘home’ line.
A pitcher stands in a hoop 10 m from the kicking line. He rolls the ball to a kicker who kicks the ball and attempts to run to the home line before he is hit below the waist with the ball by a fielder or tagged with the ball by a fielder.
© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons A• successful crossing equals 1 point. If o thes kicker is able to reach f o r r e v i e w p u r p e s o n l y • home and return back to the kicking line he receives a bonus 5 points. All players have a turn at kicking and then teams swap.
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Target Soccer Foot-Eye Coordination
Learning Outcome: Students explore different ways of kicking a ball to hit a target.
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
8 witches hats and 4 soccer balls
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
Grass or hardtop area 30 m x 20 m
Two teams stand in lines 20 m apart with the 8 witches hats spaced between them. Each team begins with two balls and, on the whistle, kick the balls to knock over a witches hat. One point is awarded for each hat knocked over. If the ball does not make it to the other side the kicker may retrieve it and try again.
© R e a d y E d P u b l i c a t i o n s Continue until all hats are knocked over. The team knocking over the most hats wins, then the hats reset for • f o rr ev i e warep ur panother oseround. sonl y•
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Change Soccer Foot-Eye Coordination
Learning Outcome: Students participate in games to develop kicking and passing skills along with team work.
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
4 witches hats, 4 corner markers and 1 soccer field
A grassed area approximately 40 m × 20 m
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
Children are put into 4 teams. A soccer field is laid out with markers and goals as below shown. Each team is given a number: 1, 2, 3 and 4.
The 1’s are split into two groups with each group lining up at opposite ends of the field behind the goal line. The 2’s, 3’s and 4’s do the same. The ball is placed in the middle of the field.
© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons The teacher calls outi a number and that team runs outn and tries to • f o r r e v e w p u r p o s e s o l y • score at the opposite end. when the whistle is blown they come off and
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anther team comes on. Teams have 2 - 3 minutes on and the teacher may call out two numbers at once. 1
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Soccer Rounders Foot-Eye Coordination
Learning Outcome: Students participate in games to develop kicking accuracy and distance.
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
4 bases and 1 soccer ball
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
A field suitable for softball
This is an excellent game to introduce children to T-Ball, Softball or Baseball. Children are put into two teams - kicking and fielding. The kicking team has its first ‘kicker’ come out to the home base. The fielders are on bases 1, 2, and 3 and spread out in the fielding area. The kicker kicks the ball and runs to first base where he may stay or try for second. Standard softball rules then apply, except that the whole team gets to kick the ball rather than the 3 out rule being used. Teams change after each turn at kicking. A variation is that the fielding team can’t use their hands to stop or return the ball.
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Gamble Ball Foot-Eye Coordination
Learning Outcome: Students combine kicking skills and running in different directions.
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5 bases and 1 medium rubber ball
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Teac he r
Large grassed area
Children are put into two teams - a kicking team and a fielding team. The kicker kicks the ball and runs to touch as many bases as he can and return home before the fielding team gets him out. The fielding team does this by catching the ball on the full, tagging the runner with the ball or hitting the runner below the waist with the ball.
© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
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The runner scores 1 point for every base touched. He may head home at any time but if gets out before getting home he loses any points gained. Touching all bases scores 5 points. Change innings when every player has had a turn.
Ready-Ed Publications
Circle Ball Foot-Eye Coordination
Learning Outcome: Students explore ways of kicking and intercepting a moving ball.
Equipment: 1 soccer ball
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
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Teac he r
Small grassed area
Children stand in a tight circle to begin (approx. 5 m diameter). As their skills develop the circle can be made bigger. Choose one child to stand in the middle. The children in the circle kick the ball around and across the circle while the child in the centre tries to intercept the ball with their legs and feet.
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© R e a d y E d P u b l i c a t i o n s Time each child in the centre to see who can intercept the ball the quickest. •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
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Circle Soccer Foot-Eye Coordination
Learning Outcome: Students explore different ways of kicking a ball which is moving using either foot.
Equipment: 1 soccer ball
Teac he r
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Hardtop area - 10 m diameter circle
Chalk is the best medium to draw two concentric circles on the ground. The outer circle is 10 m in diameter and the inner circle is 8 m. Draw a diameter line through the two circles.
© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
Children are put into two teams and line up on either side of the circle and between the two circle lines as shown in the diagram. The ball is rolled into the circle and each team tries to kick it past their opponents, lower than their shoulders.
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10 metres 8 metres
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A successful kick scores 1 point. If a player touches the ball with hands or arms or steps outside their markings, the opposite team scores 1 point. First team to 10 points is the winner.
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Forcing Back Foot-Eye Coordination
Learning Outcome: Students explore ways of kicking and trapping a ball.
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
1 soccer ball and 4 witches hats
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Teac he r
Large grassed area 50 m x 30 m
Children are put into two teams. Each team defends one end of the field. The game begins with a kick from halfway. The children can only use their feet, chest or head to stop the ball. They can then kick the ball from where they stop it.
© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons • f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• The aim is to force the other team back past their end line. If the ball
If they head the ball or stop the ball with their chest, they get to kick the ball from where it stops, otherwise they must kick the ball from the point where it comes to rest.
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crosses the opposition’s end line, one point is awarded. The game then resumes from halfway.
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