Digraph Sounds and Comprehension Stories: Book 2

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s d n u o S h p n o i s Digra n e h e r p m o C d an s e i r o t S

Heaton v e B y B ns Written ublicatio

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By R.I.C

http://www.ricgroup.com.au RIC-0172 2.9/239

Book 2

Foreword In Digraph Sounds and Comprehension Stories - Book 2, each digraph is introduced in context, allowing students to identify the digraphs and the sounds they make. Thus, students will be able to process automatically each digraph sound for pronunciation and meaning, thereby enhancing their reading and spelling skills. The activities in the book also provide reinforcement of each digraph, and the comprehension stories which follow enable the students to identify the sounds in context. Contents Words with ou ...................................3-4 Words with oy....................................5-6 Words with ur.....................................7-8 Words with ow.................................9-10 Words with er ................................11-12 Words with ie .................................13-14 Words with aw ..............................15-16 Words with ew...............................17-18 Words with oe ...............................19-20 Words with u-e ..............................21-22 Words with oi .................................23-24 Words with ear ..............................25-26 Words with air................................27-28 Test page ............................................29

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

The focus of this book is to revise, consolidate and extend the students’ knowledge of second year-level digraphs and comprehension of their sound.

R.I.C. Publications


Digraph Sounds and Comprehension Stories - Book 2


'ou' as in house Print in the missing 'ou' sound. Match the word to the picture.



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© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons orr evi ew pur posesonl y• r•f nd

Print the missing word.

mouse house pouch A kangaroo has a large round

shout cloud

A dark R.I.C. Publications


was in the sky. www.ricgroup.com.au

Digraph Sounds and Comprehension Stories - Book 2


Read the story. Underline all the words with 'ou' sounds. One day a small grey mouse ran through my house. My mother saw the mouse and shouted out loud. The little joey standing outside got frightened and jumped into her mother's pouch. Once inside her pouch the joey turned round and peeped out to see what had frightened her. She saw a little grey mouse running through the house.

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons Answer these questions. •f o rr e vi ew pur posesonl y• Who ran through the house?

Why do you think the mouse ran through the house?

Why did the joey get frightened?

Do you think the mouse was frightened? Why? How many 'ou' words can you find? R.I.C. Publications


Digraph Sounds and Comprehension Stories - Book 2


'oy' as in boy Print in the missing 'oy' sound. Match the word to the picture.

t b j ster I . C.Publ i cat i ons ann© R.

•f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•


R Tr Answer 'Yes' or 'No'.

Is Roy a boy? Can you play with a toy? Do you enjoy ice-cream? Have you tasted an oyster? R.I.C. Publications


Digraph Sounds and Comprehension Stories - Book 2


Read the story. Circle all the words with 'oy' sounds. Troy and Roy went to the beach. They took their toy shovels and buckets. Roy also took his toy boat. As Troy and Roy played on the rocks they saw an oyster. Troy tried to pick the oyster off with Roy's toy shovel but the shovel broke. Roy was very annoyed. Troy did not get the oyster.

Answer these questions.

R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons Who went© to the beach?

•f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

What did they take with them?

What was under a rock?

Who broke the shovel?

Why was Roy annoyed?

How many 'oy' words can you find? R.I.C. Publications


Digraph Sounds and Comprehension Stories - Book 2


'ur' as in church Finish the words. Draw a picture for each word.


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nip h




© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur p y• cosesolnl

Print the missing word.


turnip .

The rabbit had soft burst


Rover dirt road.

his leg as he ran across the



Farmer Jack grew large garden. R.I.C. Publications


in his

Digraph Sounds and Comprehension Stories - Book 2


Read the story. Circle all the words with 'ur' sounds. Tommy Turtle went for a stroll one Thursday. Tommy walked and walked until he came to a church. His feet hurt, so he sat down near some turnips, which were next to the church. He curled up and went to sleep. He did not wake up until Saturday.

Answer these questions.

. I . Cname? .Publ i cat i ons What was © the R turtle's

•f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

Where did Tommy walk to?

What did he sit near?

How do you think the turtle felt?

For how many days did Tommy sleep?

How many 'ur' words can you find? R.I.C. Publications


Digraph Sounds and Comprehension Stories - Book 2


'ow' as in grow Print the missing 'ow' sound.






l shad

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur p osesonl y• sparr yell What am I? Draw me. I have wings. I can fly. I am little. What am I? I am black. I have a sharp beak. What am I? I am always with you. I am on the floor, the wall, the door. What am I? R.I.C. Publications


Digraph Sounds and Comprehension Stories - Book 2


Read the story. Underline all the words with 'ow' sounds. One day Joe Crow and Jill Sparrow flew down out of their willow tree to visit Ronny Rabbit, who lived in a burrow. They flew low over the burrow in the glow of the sunlight. As they passed over the burrow, they could see their shadows. Ronny Rabbit popped his head out of his burrow and said, 'Good morning Joe Crow and Jill Sparrow.' 'Good morning,' answered Joe Crow and Jill Sparrow, 'You really have grown into a beautiful rabbit. May we come in for a cup of morning tea?' 'Yes, of course,' said Ronny Rabbit. So they all © went into R. I . Cthe .Publ i cat i ons

•f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

burrow for morning tea.

Answer these questions. Who flew out of the willow tree?

What time of the day was it?

Why do you think Joe Crow and Jill Sparrow wanted to visit Ronny Rabbit?

Do you think Ronny Rabbit was lonely? Why? R.I.C. Publications


Digraph Sounds and Comprehension Stories - Book 2


'er' as in fern Finish the words. Draw a picture for each word.


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© R. I . C.Pu bl i cat i ons tig •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•


ladd Print the missing word.



A little bird has a fern

in his cage.


A green

grows in my garden.

ladder panther A R.I.C. Publications

is a wild animal. www.ricgroup.com.au

Digraph Sounds and Comprehension Stories - Book 2


Read the story. Underline all the words with 'er' sounds. In the garden grew some lovely ferns and some very pretty flowers. The ferns grew very tall and a ladder was needed to reach the top of the tallest ferns. A stone panther sat among the flowers. A river flowed along the side of the fern garden. A bird was perched high in a tree, singing sweetly. The garden was always perfect.

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons What grew in the garden? •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• Answer these questions.

What grew very tall?

What animal sat among the flowers?

Why do you think the garden was perfect?

Why do you think the bird sang sweetly?

How many 'er' words can you find? R.I.C. Publications


Digraph Sounds and Comprehension Stories - Book 2


'ie' as in die Print the missing 'ie' sound. Match the word to the picture.





Singular and plural. Add 's' to make them more than one.

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons pie •f orr evi ewppur posesonl y•





Put the missing word.

Ben wore a The little dog will feed him. I like sauce with my R.I.C. Publications


around his neck. if you don't . Digraph Sounds and Comprehension Stories - Book 2


Read the story. Circle all the words with 'ie' sounds. Peter Pieman sold many pies. The pies were hot and tasted delicious with sauce. One day, Peter Pieman sold a pie to Kiele. Kiele was very happy. 'Thankyou, Peter Pieman,' said Kiele. 'May I have some sauce?' 'Yes,' answered Peter Pieman, ' but you will need to tie your dog to the post while you eat your pie'. Kiele tied her dog to the post and ate her pie.

© questions. R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons Answer these

f othe rr e vi ew pur posesonl y• Who• sold pies?

What was the little girl's name?

What did Kiele do to the dog?

How do you think the dog felt about being tied up?

Did Kiele have beautiful manners?

R.I.C. Publications


Digraph Sounds and Comprehension Stories - Book 2


'aw' as in claw Print in the missing 'aw' sound. Match the word to the picture.









© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons ynl cl •f orr evi ew pur poseso y•n




Print the missing word. .

I can drink through a A baby

s when she is tired.


is a baby deer.


has sharp

R.I.C. Publications


s. Digraph Sounds and Comprehension Stories - Book 2


Read the story. Circle all the words with 'aw' sounds. I saw a hawk with sharp claws. The hawk flew low over the lawn where a fawn was eating some straw. The fawn saw the hawk and crawled away so the hawk could not get her. She hurt her jaw on the lawn as she crawled. The fawn waited until the hawk flew away. She started to yawn so she laid down on the lawn and went to sleep.

© questions. R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons Answer these

•f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

What did the hawk have?

Where did the hawk fly?

What did the hawk see?

How do you think the fawn felt?

Why did the fawn start to yawn?

R.I.C. Publications


Digraph Sounds and Comprehension Stories - Book 2


'ew' as in stew Finish the words. Draw a picture for each word.

scr thr j

el ch


© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•


Print the missing word. The captain and his

sailed on a big

ship. the ball and the dog caught it


ed it.


on the blackboard.

My teacher Dad put a

in the door with a driver.

R.I.C. Publications


Digraph Sounds and Comprehension Stories - Book 2


Read the story. Underline all the words with 'ew' sounds. Simon Hew cooked a stew for the crew on a big boat. The crew said the stew was delicious. The meat was tender so the crew was able to chew it. Simon Hew drew a picture of the crew chewing the stew. The crew gave Simon Hew a jewel for making the stew. Simon Hew threw the jewel into the sea.

Answer these questions.

. I . Cname? .Publ i cat i ons What was © the R cook's

•f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

Did the crew like the stew?

What did Simon Hew draw a picture of?

Why did the crew give Simon the jewel?

Why do you think Simon threw the jewel?

How many 'ew' words can you find? R.I.C. Publications


Digraph Sounds and Comprehension Stories - Book 2


'oe' as in toe Print in the missing 'oe' sound. Match the word to the picture.

h d t

s ob © R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons

•f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•


What am I? Draw me. I have holes. If you blow in me, I will make music. I am long. What am I? There are ten of me. I have nails. I can wriggle. I am different sizes. What am I? R.I.C. Publications


Digraph Sounds and Comprehension Stories - Book 2


Read the story. Underline all the words with 'oe' sounds. Boe was a hairy monster. He lived in the garden with a rake and a hoe. At night he would come out and hoe the garden. He had ten toes on the end of his feet. They were very big toes. In the morning, he would play his oboe. He would tap his toes to the beat of the music. Boe was a very happy monster. Answer these questions.

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

What was Boe?

Where did Boe live?

How many toes did Boe have?

Why did Boe come out at night?

Why was Boe happy?

How many 'oe' words can you find? R.I.C. Publications


Digraph Sounds and Comprehension Stories - Book 2


'u-e' as in flute. Finish the words. Draw a picture for each word.

m fl

l t




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is an animal. tune


I can play a mute

on the tuba.


Toothpaste comes in a use


A puppy is very R.I.C. Publications



. Digraph Sounds and Comprehension Stories - Book 2


Read the story. Circle all the words with 'u-e' sounds. June had a pet mule and a cute puppy. The mule could carry a load on his back. June and her puppy would walk alongside the mule as they went for a long walk. As they walked, June would play a tune on her recorder. The cute little puppy loved to hear June play the recorder. His tail would wag as he walked. The mule would nod his head from side to side. June would give a cube of sugar to the mule and a prune to the puppy. June's pets loved her.

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons Answer these questions. •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• What pets did June have?

Could the mule carry a load?

What would June play a tune on?

What would June give her pets?

Why do you think June's pets loved her?

R.I.C. Publications


Digraph Sounds and Comprehension Stories - Book 2


'oi' as in oil Finish the words. Draw a picture for each word.


l l






bcati ©nR. I . C.Publ i onls •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

Print the missing word.



A dart has a sharp spoil


Cars need foil

to make them go. soil

Plants will grow in join




The tooth fairy left me a ten cent R.I.C. Publications



Digraph Sounds and Comprehension Stories - Book 2


Read the story. Circle all the words with 'oi' sounds. Damien was a very spoilt little boy. He had a toy train. The train needed oil to make it go. One day Damien got three more carriages so he joined them together with a coil. It made a lot of noise. Damien put more oil in the joints and the noise stopped. The train came off the tracks into some soil. The soil spoilt the joints. Damien cleaned the joints and put more oil on them. The train was not spoilt any more.

© R . I . C . P u b l i c a t i o n s Answer these questions. •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• What was Damien? What did the train need?

What did Damien join the carriages with?

Why did the joints get spoilt?

Do you think Damien liked his train? Why? R.I.C. Publications


Digraph Sounds and Comprehension Stories - Book 2


'ear' as in fear Finish the words. Draw a picture for each word.

t h f sp s © R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons nrposesonl •f orr evi ew pu y• Rewrite these words. Add 'ear' to these letters.

h sp t disapp app n R.I.C. Publications


Digraph Sounds and Comprehension Stories - Book 2


Read the story. Underline all the words with 'ear' sounds. Years ago a thirty-year-old lady went for a walk in the bush. She disappeared for a long time. Some people went searching for her. They came near her but they could not hear her cries for help. As she cried, the tears ran down her cheeks. She made a spear out of a long branch from the tree she lay underneath. With the spear she could help herself stand up. The lady had to be careful because there was a sheer drop just beside her. She stood up and hobbled out of the bush. The searchers saw her appear from out of the bush.

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons They had tears in their eyes. •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• They were happy to see her.

Answer these questions. How old was the lady?

Where did she disappear?

Was the lady upset?

Why were the searchers happy?

R.I.C. Publications


Digraph Sounds and Comprehension Stories - Book 2


'air' as in hair Finish the words. Draw a picture for each word.

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© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur p y• f osesonl

h Answer 'Yes' or 'No'.

Can you climb stairs? Does a lion live in a lair? Do you have a pair of gloves? Have you ridden in a chair-o-plane? R.I.C. Publications


Digraph Sounds and Comprehension Stories - Book 2


Read the story. Underline all the words with 'air' sounds. Lippy Lion lived all alone in his lair. He was very sad. One day he lay in the entrance of his lair. He was dreaming about how he would love a friend. Suddenly, out of nowhere a little fairy appeared. She had a head of fair hair. The fairy asked the lion, ' Would you like to come to the fair with me?' 'Oh, yes, please,' answered the lion. So off to the fair went Lippy and the little fairy. They went on the chair-o-plane and had fairy-floss. After the fair was over, they went back to Lippy's lair. Lippy said, 'Thank you little fairy.' Little fairy said goodbye

to Lippy and away. ©flew R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons

•f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

Answer these questions. Where did Lippy live? Why was he sad?

Who did Lippy go to the fair with? What ride did Lippy go on?

Do you think Lippy was happy? Why? R.I.C. Publications


Digraph Sounds and Comprehension Stories - Book 2


Test Page Print the missing sound.




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© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

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h R.I.C. Publications


Digraph Sounds and Comprehension Stories - Book 2


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