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Published by R.I.C. Publications
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r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
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New Wave Maths for WA – A
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© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
o c . che e r o t r s super
Published by R.I.C. Publications PO Box 332, Greenwood Western Australia 6924 ©Robert Dayman 2003 ISBN 1 86311 677 X Copyright Notice No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying or recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system without written permission from the publisher.
Foreword This book has been written especially to help you learn about mathematics in a fun way, with lots of activities. You will notice it is printed in full colour and uses many pictures, diagrams and photos. Why?
My Goals for the Year This year in maths, I hope to learn …
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
To help you understand that maths is real and around you every day, everywhere.
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Teac he r
Enjoy yourself!
© R. I . C.Pub i at i o s Didl Ic achieve myn goal? •Contents f orr evi ew puThis r pyear os esonl y• in maths, I hope to improve … Student Information
Term One Overview
Term Two Overview
Term Three Overview
Term Four Overview
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1 – 30
Term One—Units 1 – 10
31 – 60
Term Two—Units 11 – 20
61 – 90
Term Three—Units 21 – 30
91 – 120
Term Four—Units 31 – 40
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The Year in Review
Did I achieve my goal? R.I.C. Publications
New Wave Maths for WA Book A • i •
Student Information Here is a brief outline of how each page in the workbook is set out and how to complete the different parts.
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
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Teac he r
Read the instruction or listen carefully to your teacher to complete this activity.
Main Activity
Read the instruction or listen carefully to your teacher. This activity can be completed using any concrete materials or mathematics resources you like. Pictures, photographs and diagrams have been used to help you complete the activity.
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• Indicator
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20 Number Line
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This tells you what is expected of you when completing the activity.
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This number line might be useful when adding, subtracting or counting. Use it whenever you like!
9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 • ii • New Wave Maths for WA Book A
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Term One Week Unit
S1.1—Follow guidelines to colour scribble patterns.
N1.1, S1.1—Identify the ordinal and positional location of pictures in sequence.
M1.1—Understand the comparative language of length to identify specific objects.
N1.1—Identify the ordinal position of objects. Recognise 2-D shapes.
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
C&D1.3—Collect, record and interpret data.
N1.1—Identify the order of cardinal numbers.
S1.1—Follow and choose paths on a given map.
N1.1—Identify the order of cardinal numbers.
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M1.1—Understand the comparative language of length to identify specific objects.
WM1.2—Work mathematically to compare the mass of different shapes.
C&D1.1, C&D1.3—Investigate, record and explain results of chance activities. N1.1,N1.2—Count and combine collections less than 10.
S1.4—Identify 2-D shapes. N1.1, N1.2—Count and combine collections less than 10.
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© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons N1.1, N1.2—Count and combine collections less than 10. •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• C&D1.2, C&D1.3—Record and interpret data.
M1.1, M1.2—Use the comparative language of length and area. Compare the area of two objects.
13 14 15 16 17
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S1.4—Identify 2-D shapes.
M1.2, C&D1.3—Use informal units to measure the capacity of containers. Collect, record and analyse data.
N1.1, N1.2—Count and combine collections less than 10.
N1.1, N1.2—Count and combine collections less than 10.
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N1.1, N1.2—Count and add on to collections less than 10.
20 21 22
N1.1, N1.2—Recognise and write number names.
N1.1, N1.2—Count and add on to collections less than 10.
S1.4—Identify and match similar 2-D shapes.
N1.1, N1.2—Count and add on to collections less than 10.
M1.1, M1.3—Use the comparative language of mass. Use hefting to compare the mass of two objects.
N1.1, N1.2—Count and combine collections of up to 14.
C&D1.3, S1.1, S1.4—Find a pathway through a maze. Identify 2-D shapes. Record data.
N1.1, N1.2—Count and sort collections less than 10.
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Term Two Week Unit
S1.2—Draw a picture using 2-D shapes.
N1.1, N1.2—Count and take away from collections less than 10.
M1.2—Use informal units to measure the length of objects.
N1.1, N1.2—Count and combine collections less than 10.
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
C&D1.3—Sort and record data.
N1.1, N1.2—Count and combine collections less than 10.
S1.2—Identify 2-D shapes in a pattern.
WM1.1, WM1.2—Work mathematically to discuss shapes used for particular purposes.
M1.2, C&D1.3—Use informal units to measure the capacity of containers. Collect, record and analyse data.
N1.1, N1.2—Count and combine collections less than 10.
C&D1.3—Interpret information on a graph.
N1.1, N1.2—Count and add on to collections less than 10.
S1.2—Convey spatial features in drawings.
N1.1, N1.2—Count and take away from collections of 10 and less.
S1.3—Complete shapes to make them symmetrical. N1.1, N1.2—Count and take away from collections of 10 and less.
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M2.2,WM1.1—Draw personal activities relevant to each day of the week.
C&D1.3—Interpret information on a graph.
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© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons M1.1,WM1.1—Recognise the hourly time on analog clocks. Relate that time to an activity. • f orr e vi ew pur esonl y• N1.1, N1.2—Count and take away from collections ofp 10 o and s less. N1.1, N1.2—Count, add on to and take away from collections less than 10.
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N1.1, N1.2—Count and take away from collections of 10 and less.
49 50 51 52
C&D1.3—Interpret information on a graph.
N1.1, N1.2—Count and take away from collections of 10 and less.
S1.4—Identify and match similar 2-D shapes.
N1.1, N1.2—Count and take away from collections of 10 and less.
M1.1, M1.2—Use the comparative language of length. Use informal units to measure the length of lines.
N1.1, N1.2—Count and take away from collections of 10 and less.
C&D1.2, C&D1.3—Collect, record and interpret data.
N1.1, N1.2—Count and add on to collections less than 10.
• iv • New Wave Maths for WA Book A
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Term Three Week Unit
S1.1—Find a pathway through a maze.
N1.1, N1.2—Count and add on to/take away from collections of up to 10.
M1.2,WM1.2—Find a solution to compare the area of two objects.
N1.1, N1.2—Count and add on to/take away from collections of up to 10.
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
C&D1.2—Classify objects according to criteria.
N.1.1, N1.2—Count and add on to/take away from collections of up to 10.
WM1.2, N1.2—Find a solution to a mathematical problem.
N1.1, N1.2—Count and add on to/take away from collections of up to 10.
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S1.2, S1.3, WM1.2—Manipulate shapes to create new shapes.
N1.1, N1.2—Count and combine collections less than 10.
N1.1, N1.2—Count and add on to/take away from collections of up to 10.
S1.2, S1.4, WM1.1—Identify shapes in the environment.
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons N1.1, N1.2—Count and combine collections less than 10. C&D1.2, C&D1.3—Count, categorise and order data. •f orr ev i ew pu r posesonl y• M1.2—Use informal units to measure the length of objects.
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WM1.2, WM1.4—Find a solution to a mathematical problem.
M1.2—Use informal units to measure the length of objects.
N1.1, N1.2—Count and group collections less than 10.
N1.1, N1.2—Count and group collections less than 10.
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C&D1.2,WM1.2, N1.1—Count collections. Suggest ways to find a solution to a mathematical problem.
N1.1, N1.2—Count and combine collections less than 10.
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WM1.1,WM1.2—Recognise and explain ways numbers are used for particular purposes in real-life situations.
C&D1.2, C&D1.3—Collect, count and pictorially record data.
N1.1, N1.2—Count and add on to/take away from collections of up to 10.
S1.1, S1.2—Use the language of position and orientation to draw a specific picture.
N1.1, N1.2—Count and add on to/take away from collections of up to 10.
M1.2,WM1.2—Estimate then measure the amount of informal units needed to cover shapes.
N1.1, N1.2—Count and group collections up to 10.
C&D1.2, C&D1.3—Collect, count and record data.
N1.1, N1.2, N1.3—Count and group collections up to 10. Count in a number sequence.
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New Wave Maths for WA Book A • v •
Term Four Week Unit
S1.1—Find pathways through a maze.
N1.1, N1.2—Count and group collections up to 10.
M1.1, M1.2, WM1.1—Draw personal activities relevant during a school day.
N1.3, C&D1.2, C&D1.3—Counting in twos. Collect, count, pictorially record and then interpret data.
C&D1.1, C&D1.2, C&D1.3—Investigate and record chance activities with dice.
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N1.1, N1.2—Count and combine/group collections less than 10.
N1.4, S1.4—Solve pictorial number patterns. Identify 2-D shapes.
N1.1, N1.4—Count like denominations of money. Colour and copy pictorial patterns.
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S1.2, S1.3—Distinguish 2-D shapes in a pattern and colour according to guidelines.
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N1.1, N1.2, M1.2—Share numbers into equal groups. Use informal units to measure the length of objects.
WM1.2—Work mathematically to explain the best approach to solve a problem.
N1.1, N1.2—Count and group collections up to 10.
C&D1.2, C&D1.3—Count and record data on a graph.
C&D1.2, C&D1.3—Collect and record information in a Carroll diagram.
N1.1, N1.2—Count and add on to/take away from collections of up to 10.
S1.1—Follow paths on a given map. N1.1, WM1.1—Recognise coin values.
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S1.2, S1.3—Distinguish shapes in a tessellating pattern and colour according to guidelines.
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons M1.2, C&D1.3—Use informal units to measure capacity and record results on a graph. • f orr e vi ew pur p o10.sesonl y• N1.1, N1.2—Count and group/add on to collections less than N1.1, N1.2, WM1.1—Share coins into equal amounts. Count and group collections up to 10.
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N1.1, N1.2, WM1.1—Recognise coin values and identify coins needed for a given amount.
C&D1.2, C&D1.3—Record data in a table.
N1.1, WM1.1—Recognise coin values and count amounts of money.
S1.1—Follow paths on a given map.
N1.1, WM1.1—Recognise coin values; count and share amounts of money.
M1.2,WM1.2—Compare and discuss the area of two shapes.
N1.4, WM1.2—Create and describe pictorial number patterns.
C&D1.2, C&D1.3—Collect, record and interpret information on a graph.
N1.4, WM1.2—Identify errors in a repeating pictorial number pattern.
• vi • New Wave Maths for WA Book A
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Unit 1–1 1. Colour one shape red.
1 r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
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2. Use the colours blue, red and green to colour the pattern on this page. Take care to keep within the boundaries.
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
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S1.1—Follow guidelines to colour scribble patterns.
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3. Use the colours yellow, blue and orange to colour the pattern on this page. Take care to keep within the boundaries.
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New Wave Maths for WA Book A • 1 •
Unit 1–2 1. Colour two shapes green.
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o c . Which of the animals c above is: e her r o t s super (a) first? (b) last? (c) between the elephant and the cheetah? (d) second? (e) fourth?
• 2 • New Wave Maths for WA Book A
N1.1, S1.1—Identify the ordinal and postitional location of pictures in sequence.
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© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
R.I.C. Publications
Unit 1–3 1. Colour three shapes blue.
3 2. Find three things shorter than this long. Find two things longer than this long.
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r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S Shorter Longer
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons many things have you found? •f orr evi ewHow pu r po se so nl y•
M1.1—Understand the comparative language of length to identify specific objects.
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3. Circle the object that is tallest.
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New Wave Maths for WA Book A • 3 •
Unit 2–1 1. Colour four shapes yellow.
2. Colour the third and fifth shapes red.
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© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
4. What is the fourth shape called?
o c . e Colour the second andc fifth squares blue. her r o t s super The fourth shape is a
6. Write your age in the fourth circle.
• 4 • New Wave Maths for WA Book A
. N1.1, S1.4—Identify the ordinal position of objects. Recognise 2-D shapes.
The second shape is a
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Teac he r
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u What is the second Sshape called?
R.I.C. Publications
Unit 2–2 1. Colour five shapes red.
5 2. This chart tells the number of wins each player had.
r o e t s Bo r e May o p u k S Jill Tom
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(a) Who had the most wins?
(b) Who had the least wins? Ben
3. How many students in your class like the colour:
© R. I . C.Publ i c t i ons (c)a yellow? •f orr evi ew pur po sesonl y• (b) red? (d) green?
(a) blue?
w ww C&D1.3—Collect, record and interpret data.
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4. Colour the boxes below to show how many children liked each colour.
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New Wave Maths for WA Book A • 5 •
Unit 2–3 1. Colour six shapes green.
6 r o t 6 eB s r e oo p u k 3 S
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2. Write the number that comes before and after these numbers.
7 2 11
© R. I . C.Pub i cat i ons 17 l •f orr evi ew pu r posesonl y• 15 4
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3. Write these numbers in order from smallest to largest. 5 ,
4. Write these numbers in order from smallest to largest. 2 ,
• 6 • New Wave Maths for WA Book A
4 ,
15 ,
1 ,
N1.1—Identify the order of cardinal numbers.
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R.I.C. Publications
Unit 3–1 1. Colour seven shapes blue.
7 Library
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S Drinking Fountain
Your Classroom Door
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2. Draw the pathway you would take to go from your class to the library, get a drink, go to the office and return to class.
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons Veranda •f orr evi ew pur posesoSteps nl y•
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3. Find a path across the grid.You can not pass through a coloured space.
S1.1—Follow and choose paths on a given map.
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Is this the shortest path? Yes
New Wave Maths for WA Book A • 7 •
Unit 3–2 1. Colour eight shapes yellow.
8 2. Write the number comes between these numbers.
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N1.1—Identify the order of cardinal numbers.
o c . che e r o Sort the numbers below into groups of three in order. t r s super 2
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons Complete• these number lines. f o rr e vi ew pur posesonl y• 1
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7 t 9 r o e s B r e oo p u 5 6 k S
• 8 • New Wave Maths for WA Book A
R.I.C. Publications
Unit 3–3 1. Colour nine shapes red.
9 2. Look at these objects and answer the questions.
r o e t s Bo r e No p ok u S
(a) Is the second object the tallest?
shape 1
shape 2
(b) Which object is the: shortest?
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shape 3
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
(c) Describe the first object.
M1.1—Understand the comparative language of length to identify specific objects.
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3. Look at the shapes below and answer these questions.
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shape 1
o c . che e r o t r shape 2 shape 3 shape 4 s super
(a) Is the fourth shape the largest? Yes
shape 5
(b) Which shape is the: smallest?
(c) How many edges does the red shape have?
R.I.C. Publications
New Wave Maths for WA Book A • 9 •
Unit 4–1
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S A B
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1. Look at the playdough shapes below.
. te I think shape
o c . che e r o t r s super has more playdough because
• 10 • New Wave Maths for WA Book A
WM1.2—Work mathematically to compare the mass of different shapes.
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2. Circle the shape you think has more playdough.
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Dl © R. I . C.Pub i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
R.I.C. Publications
Unit 4–2 1. Colour the first shape red.
2. Throw the die six times and record the results. Throw
Throw Number on die r o e t s Bo r e p o u Fourthk S
Number on die
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© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons No •f orr evi ew pur pose sonl y• Throw Number on die Throw Number on die
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C&D1.1, C&D1.3—Investigate, record and explain results of chance activities.
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Fourth Fifth
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3. Will you throw the same numbers with six more throws? Yes Find out.
o c Third Sixth . che e r o t r s s r u e p What did you discover?
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New Wave Maths for WA Book A • 11 •
Unit 4–3 1. Colour the second shape green.
2. Look at these pictures and answer the questions.
r o e t s Bo r e p o u k (b) How many ships? S (c) How many hats and ships altogether?
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(a) How many hats?
3. Look at these pictures and answer the questions.
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(b) How many pirates? (c) How many parrots and pirates altogether?
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4. Look at these pictures and answer the questions.
(a) How many maps? (b) How many chests? (c) How many maps and chests altogether? • 12 • New Wave Maths for WA Book A
N1.1, N1.2—Count and combine collections less than 10.
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• How many parrots?
R.I.C. Publications
Unit 5–1 1. Colour the third shape blue.
2. Colour the train.
r o e t s Bo r e p o u (c) Make the rectangles blue. k S (a) Make the squares red.
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(b) Make the circles green.
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(a) Make the squares red.
o c . (c) Make the rectangles blue. ch e r er o t s super (b) Make the circles green.
S1.4—Identify 2-D shapes.
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3. Colour the truck.
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© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
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New Wave Maths for WA Book A • 13 •
Unit 5–2 1. Colour the fourth shape yellow.
2. Look at these pictures and answer the questions.
r o e t s Bo r e p ok (b) How many flags? u S (c) How many hats and flags altogether?
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(a) How many hats?
3. Look at these pictures and answer the questions.
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
(b) How many ships?
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4. Look at these pictures and answer the questions.
(a) How many hats? (b) How many parrots? (c) How many hats and parrots altogether? • 14 • New Wave Maths for WA Book A
N1.1, N1.2—Count and combine collections less than 10.
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(c) How many pirates and ships altogether?
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(a) How many pirates?
R.I.C. Publications
Unit 5–3 1. Colour the fifth shape red.
2. Which is bigger?
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Is your hand or the hand drawn on this page bigger?
Put your hand on the picture. Trace around your hand to help show why you made your decision.
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M1.1, M1.2—Use the comparative language of length and area. Compare the area of two objects.
3. Place your foot over the foot drawn on this page.
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© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
o c . che e r o t r s super
Which is bigger? Does bigger always mean longer?
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No New Wave Maths for WA Book A • 15 •
Unit 6–1 1. Colour the sixth shape green.
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
(a) How many hats?
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2. Look at these pictures and answer the questions.
(b) How many chests?
(c) How many hats and chests altogether?
3. Look at these pictures and answer the questions.
(a) How many flags?
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o c . (c) How many flags c and ships altogether? +e = her r o st super Look at these pictures and answer the questions. (b) How many ships?
(a) How many hats? (c) How many hats and pirates altogether? • 16 • New Wave Maths for WA Book A
(b) How many pirates? +
N1.1, N1.2—Count and combine collections less than 10.
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© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
R.I.C. Publications
Unit 6–2 1. Colour the seventh shape blue.
2. Make a tally to show how many of each of the items are in the chart below. Toys r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S Animals
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© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
. te Plants o c . c e Animals her r o t s super
C&D1.2, C&D1.3—Record and interpret data.
3. Which group has the most items? Which group has the fewest items? How many items altogether?
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Unit 6–2 1. Colour the seventh shape blue.
2. Make a tally to show how many of each of the items are in the chart below. Toys r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S Animals
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© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
. te Plants o c . c e Animals her r o t s super
C&D1.2, C&D1.3—Record and interpret data.
3. Which groups have the most items? Which group has the fewest items? How many items altogether?
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Unit 6–3 1. Colour the eighth shape yellow.
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
(a) How many chests?
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2. Look at these pictures and answer the questions.
(b) How many ships?
(c) How many chests and ships altogether?
3. Look at these pictures and answer the questions.
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© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
. thats and parrots altogether? (c) How manye + o c . che e r o t r Look at these pictures and answer the questions. s super (b) How many parrots?
(a) How many pirates?
(b) How many maps?
(c) How many pirates and maps altogether? • 18 • New Wave Maths for WA Book A
N1.1, N1.2—Count and combine collections less than 10.
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(a) How many hats?
R.I.C. Publications
Unit 7–1 1. Colour the ninth shape red.
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2. Sort the shapes below into three groups. Colour each group a different colour.
w ww S1.4—Identify 2-D shapes.
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© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
o c . che e r o t r s super
How many circles are there? New Wave Maths for WA Book A • 19 •
Unit 7–2 1. Colour the tenth shape green.
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Teac he r
2. Look at the pictures in the box below and answer the questions.
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(a) How many pirates?
m . u
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• (b) How many hats?
(h) How many pirates and hats altogether? (i) How many maps and parrots altogether? (j) How many flags and chests altogether? (k) How many maps and ships altogether? • 20 • New Wave Maths for WA Book A
N1.1, N1.2—Count and combine collections less than 10.
(d) How many flags? . te o c (e) How many ships? (f) How many maps? . che e r o t r s super (g) How many chests? (c) How many parrots?
R.I.C. Publications
Unit 7–3 1. Colour eleven shapes blue.
2. Find three different-sized containers.
Use a cup to fill each container with sand.
Teac he r
Write the number of cups below the graph.
Number of cups
sand needed to fill each container.
ew i ev Pr
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u Make a graph to S show 10 the number of cups of
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons 6wp •f orr evi e ur posesonl y• 7
3. Answer these questions about the graph you made.
. te
m . u
w ww
M1.2, C&D1.3—Use informal units to measure the capacity of containers. Collect, record and analyse data.
5 4 3
o c 2 . (a) Which container c e her r held the most o t s super 1 amount of sand? 1 (b) Which container held the least amount of sand?
R.I.C. Publications
2 Container
New Wave Maths for WA Book A • 21 •
Unit 8–1 1. Colour twelve shapes yellow.
3. Here is one square. Draw two more.
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
How many stars now?
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
2. Here is one star. Draw one more.
How many squares now?
© R. I . C.PubDraw l i ca t i ons four more. •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
o c . oval. che 7. Here is one r e o Draw six more. t r s supe r
How many triangles now? 6. Here is one line. Draw five more.
How many lines now? • 22 • New Wave Maths for WA Book A
How many circles now?
How many ovals now?
N1.1, N1.2—Count and add on to collections less than 10.
w ww
. te
5. Here is one circle.
m . u
4. Here is one triangle. Draw three more.
R.I.C. Publications
Unit 8–2 1. Colour thirteen shapes red.
2. Use these words to fill in the missing spaces from the rhyme.
r o e t s Bo r e o one up , , the shoe is blue, k S
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
two, three, nine, five, seven, six, four, eight
, lock the door,
, little chicks,
, cakes on plates,
ten , C. , catch © R. I . Pu bl i cat i on s the hen. •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
w ww N1.1, N1.2—Recognise and write number names.
. te
R.I.C. Publications
two five
m . u
3. Write the number names that come before and after the number shown.
o c . che e r o t four r s super nine
seven three six eight New Wave Maths for WA Book A • 23 •
Unit 8–3 1. Colour fourteen shapes green.
14 3. Here are four triangles. Draw four more.
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
How many circles now?
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
2. Here are three circles. Draw two more.
How many triangles now?
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
o c . Here are eight stars. c 7. Here are three lines. e her r o Draw two more. Draw three t s more. super How many ovals now?
How many squares now?
How many stars now?
How many lines now?
• 24 • New Wave Maths for WA Book A
N1.1, N1.2—Count and add on to collections less than 10.
w ww
. te
5. Here are two squares. Draw four more.
m . u
4. Here are seven ovals. Draw two more.
R.I.C. Publications
Unit 9–1 1. Colour fifteen shapes blue.
15 r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
2. Join the large shape to the same small shape.
w ww
o c . che e r o t r s super
S1.4—Identify and match similar 2-D shapfsdes.
. te
m . u
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
R.I.C. Publications
New Wave Maths for WA Book A • 25 •
Unit 9–2 1. Colour sixteen shapes yellow.
16 3. Here are four hermit crabs. Draw three more.
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
How many shells now?
4. Here are two fish. Draw two more.
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
2. Here are seven shells. Draw one more.
How many hermit crabs now?
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
o c . Here are three seahorses. 7. Here are foure squid. c her r Draw two more. o Draw six more. t s super How many fish now?
How many jellyfish now?
How many seahorses now?
How many squid now?
• 26 • New Wave Maths for WA Book A
N1.1, N1.2—Count and add on to collections less than 10.
m . u
w ww
. te
5. Here are five jellyfish. Draw four more.
R.I.C. Publications
Unit 9–3 1. Colour seventeen shapes red.
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
soccer ball
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
17 football
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
golf ball
tennis ball
. te
(a) Tennis ball (b) Basketball (c) T-ball
or football
m . u
M1.1, M1.3—Use the comparative language of mass. Use hefting to compare the mass of two objects.
w ww
2. Find out which is the heaviest of these pairs of balls by weighing them in your hands.
o c . or golf ball c e her r o t s super
or soccer ball
(d) Tennis ball
or T-ball
(e) Which is the heaviest ball? (f) Which is the lightest ball?
R.I.C. Publications
New Wave Maths for WA Book A • 27 •
Unit 10–1 1. Colour eighteen shapes green.
18 r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
2. Look at the pictures in the box below and answer the questions.
w ww
(a) How many squid?
. te
(c) How many red fish?
m . u
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• (b) How many shells?
(d) How many seahorses?
(i) How many squid and seahorses altogether? (j) How many fish altogether? (k) How many crabs and jellyfish altogether? (l) How many seastars and shells altogether? • 28 • New Wave Maths for WA Book A
N1.1, N1.2—Count and combine collections of up to 14.
o c (e) How many crabs? (f) How many jellyfish? . che e r o t r smany blue fish? supe (g) How many seastars? (h)r How
R.I.C. Publications
Unit 10–2 1. Colour nineteen shapes blue.
19 2. Find your way through the maze. Make a tally to help you count the number of squares, circles and triangles you had to cross to complete the maze.
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
. te
m . u
w ww
C&D1.3, S1.1, S1.4—Find a pathway through a maze. Identify 2-D shapes. Record data.
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
o c . che e r o t r s super Tally
3. Which shape did you cross most often?
R.I.C. Publications
squares circles triangles New Wave Maths for WA Book A • 29 •
Unit 10–3 1. Colour twenty shapes yellow.
20 3. Look at these sea animals to answer the questions.
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
2. Look at these shapes to answer the questions.
(a) How many shapes altogether?
(a) How many sea animals altogether?
(c) How many are triangles?
(c) How many are fish?
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons (b) How many are crabs? (b) How many are squares? •f orr evi ew pur p osesonl y•
o c . che e r o t r s super
N1.1, N1.2—Count and sort collections less than 10.
. te
5. Sort these shapes into two sets. Colour each set a different colour.
m . u
w ww
4. Sort these sea animals into two sets. Colour each set a different colour.
• 30 • New Wave Maths for WA Book A
R.I.C. Publications
Unit 11–1 1. Match or count to see which set has more. Circle it. Set A
Set B
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
2. Draw a picture of a house using these types of shapes.
w ww S1.2—Draw a picture using 2-D shapes.
. te
R.I.C. Publications
m . u
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
o c . che e r o t r s super
How many
did you use? New Wave Maths for WA Book A • 31 •
Unit 11–2 1. Match or count to see which set has more. Circle it. Set A
Set B
3. Count the shells. Draw a circle around four of them.
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
2. Count the circles. Colour three of them.
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur p os esshells onare l yleft• How many
How many are left?
outside the circle?
o c . che e r o t r s super
How many fish are left? • 32 • New Wave Maths for WA Book A
How many are not marked?
N1.1, N1.2—Count and take away from collections less than 10.
. te
5. Count the squares. Mark two with crosses.
m . u
w ww
4. Count the fish. One swims away.
R.I.C. Publications
Unit 11–3 1. Match or count to see which set has more. Circle it. Set A
Set B
2. Use 1-cm cubes to measure the height of each toothbrush. Record your answers in the table below.
Teac he r
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
Which toothbrush is the tallest?
w ww
3. Use 1-cm cubes to measure the length of each snake.
M1.2—Use informal units to measure the length of objects.
. te
m . u
ew i ev Pr
r o e t s Bo r e p ok Number of u cubes S
o c . che e r o t r s super
1-cm cubes
1-cm cubes (c)
R.I.C. Publications
1-cm cubes New Wave Maths for WA Book A • 33 •
Unit 12–1 1. Match or count to see which set has more. Circle it. Set A
Set B
2. Write the answers to these number stories.
Teac he r
ew i ev Pr
r o e t s Bo r + e p ok u S 4 2 + =
+ © R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons
•f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
o c . che e r +r = o t s super
+ (d) • 34 • New Wave Maths for WA Book A
N1.1, N1.2—Count and combine collections less than 10.
w ww
. te
m . u
R.I.C. Publications
Unit 12–2 1. Match or count to see which set has more. Circle it. Set B
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
Set A
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
. te
m . u
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
w ww
C&D1.3—Sort and record data.
2. How many frogs, tadpoles and insects can you find in the picture? Show each on the graph below.
o c . che e r o t r s super
How many animals altogether?
R.I.C. Publications
Insects New Wave Maths for WA Book A • 35 •
Unit 12–3 1. Match or count to see which set has more. Circle it. Set A
Set B
There are
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S cats and
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
2. How many cats and dogs are there?
Total =
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
w ww
m . u
3. How many rabbits and mice are there?
There are
birds and
• 36 • New Wave Maths for WA Book A
Total =
N1.1, N1.2—Count and combine collections less than 10.
. terabbits and mice. Total = o c . che e r o How many birds and fish are there? t r s super There are
R.I.C. Publications
Unit 13–1 1. Match or count to see which set has more. Circle it. Set A
Set B
2. Colour the pattern below using the colour guide.
Teac he r
ew i ev Pr
r o e t s blue Bo r e p ok u S
w ww S1.2—Identify 2-D shapes in a pattern.
. te
R.I.C. Publications
m . u
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
o c . che e r o t r s super
How many green shapes are there? New Wave Maths for WA Book A • 37 •
Unit 13–2
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
1. Signs can be different shapes and sizes. Look at the signs below. Talk about the shape and what each sign means.
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
o c . che e r o t r s super
• 38 • New Wave Maths for WA Book A
WM1.1, WM1.2—Work mathematically to discuss shapes used for particular purposes.
w ww
. te
m . u
2. Think of two more and draw them below. Talk about them with a partner.
R.I.C. Publications
Unit 13–3 1. Match or count to see which set has more. Circle it. Set A Set B 2. Find a small cup. Use the cup to fill the objects below with sand.
r o e t s BHow many cups? r e o p ok u (b) An old shoeS How many cups?
(c) A glass jar
How many cups?
(d) A hat
How many cups?
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
(a) A can
(e) Which container held the most sand?
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
. te
R.I.C. Publications
m . u
Number of cups used to fill
w ww
M1.2, C&D1.3—Use informal units to measure the capacity of containers. Collect, record and analyse data.
3. Draw a graph to show the number of cups used to fill each container. You may like to draw a cup or a dot for each cup used.
o c . che e r o t r s super
old shoe
glass jar
New Wave Maths for WA Book A • 39 •
Unit 14–1 1. Match or count to see which set has more. Circle it. Set A Set B
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
3. Count the 5c coins. Count the 10c coins.
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
2. Count the cats. Count the dogs.
How many animals altogether?
w ww
m . u
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
• 40 • New Wave Maths for WA Book A
How many animals altogether?
N1.1, N1.2—Count and combine collections less than 10.
. te o 5c coins 10c coins How many coins altogether? c . che e r o t r s super Count the rabbits. Count the mice.
R.I.C. Publications
Unit 14–2 1. Match or count to see which set has more. Circle it. Set A Set B
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
This graph shows which fairytale children like.
. I . C.PubJack l i ca t i ons Snow © R Pinocchio and the White Beanstalk •f orr evi ew pur p osesonl y•
m . u
2. Answer these questions about the graph.
w ww
(a) Which fairytale did most children like?
. tchildren liked Snow White? o (c) How manye c . che e r o t (d) Which fairytale was leastr liked? s super (b) How many children liked Pinocchio?
C&D1.3—Interpret information on a graph.
(e) How many children liked Jack and the Beanstalk? (f) How many children were asked about the fairytales? (g) How many children liked Pinocchio and Jack and the Beanstalk? +
R.I.C. Publications
children New Wave Maths for WA Book A • 41 •
Unit 14–3 1. Match or count to see which set has more. Circle it. Set A Set B
r o e t s Bo r e p o u k now? How many circles S
3. Here is one rectangle. Draw four more.
How many rectangles now?
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons Here are • fivef triangles. Draw three orr e vi e wmore. pur posesonl y• How many triangles now?
o c . che e r o t r s super
5. Colour one star red and four stars blue.
How many stars are there?
6. Draw a circle around two squares and a cross through the other three.
How many squares are there? • 42 • New Wave Maths for WA Book A
N1.1, N1.2—Count and add on to collections less than 10.
w ww
. te
m . u
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
2. Here are three circles. Draw two more.
R.I.C. Publications
Unit 15–1 1. Match or count to see which set has more. Circle it. Set A Set B 3. Draw a hat with a flat top.
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
2. Draw a shape like the top of your desk.
w ww
. te
5. Draw a tree with a wide trunk.
o c . che e r o t r s super
S1.2—Convey spatial features in drawings.
6. Draw a triangle.
m . u
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
4. Draw a shape like a hoop.
R.I.C. Publications
New Wave Maths for WA Book A • 43 •
Unit 15–2 1. Match or count to see which set has more. Circle it. Set A Set B 2. Here are three triangles. Make the total six.
4. How many apples are there?
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
r o e t s Bo r e p ok Here are five squares. Make the total seven. u S
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
. te
o c . che e r o t r Draw a ring around two. s How many left outside the ring? s r up eare
6. How many bananas are there?
Draw a box around five. How many are left outside the box? • 44 • New Wave Maths for WA Book A
N1.1, N1.2—Count, add on to and take away from collections less than 10.
w ww
5. How many strawberries are there?
m . u
Cross two off. How many are left?
R.I.C. Publications
Unit 15–3 1. Match or count to see which set has more. Circle it. Set A Set B 2. Write the time on each clock face.
r o e t s Bo r e 12 1 p ok u S2
Draw a picture of something you do at that time. (a) 11 9
3 4
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons 12 r • o evi ew pur posesonl y• 1r 11f
10 9
w ww 7
. te
11 12
m . u
3 8
M1.1, WM1.1—Recognise the hourly time on analog clocks. Relate that time to an activity.
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
o c . che e r o t r s super 1 2
10 9
3 4
8 7
R.I.C. Publications
New Wave Maths for WA Book A • 45 •
Unit 16–1 1. Match or count to see which set has more. Circle it. Set A Set B 3. Colour four circles.
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
2. Cross out two apples.
How many are not coloured?
How many are left? 4. Colour five squares.
5. Circle six bananas.
o c . 7. Colour one triangle. che e r o t r s super
How many are not coloured? 6. Circle three pears.
How many are not circled? • 46 • New Wave Maths for WA Book A
How many are not circled?
How many are left?
N1.1, N1.2—Count and take away from collections of 10 and less.
w ww
. te
m . u
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
R.I.C. Publications
Unit 16–2 1. Match or count to see which set has more. Circle it. Set A Set B 2. Colour the shoes.
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S Black
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• Answer these questions.
w ww
m . u
(a) How many shoes are there of each colour?
. t o (b) How manye shoes are there altogether? c . che e r o t r su (c) Which colours have the least number ofs shoes?Blue Black Red Yellow per C&D1.3—Interpret information on a graph.
(d) Are there more red than black shoes?
(e) Are there more yellow than red shoes?
(f) Which two colours have the same number of shoes?
R.I.C. Publications
and New Wave Maths for WA Book A • 47 •
Unit 16–3 1. Match or count to see which set has more. Circle it. Set A Set B 3. Colour two stars.
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
How many are not underlined? 4. Colour three cubes.
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
2. Underline five strawberries.
How many are not coloured?
5. Draw a circle around six cherries.
How many are not coloured?
How many are not circled?
How many are left?
How many are not crossed?
. te
o c Cross out four oranges. 7. Draw a cross in. three circles. che e r o t r s super
• 48 • New Wave Maths for WA Book A
N1.1, N1.2—Count and take away from collections of 10 and less.
w ww
m . u
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
R.I.C. Publications
Unit 17–1 1. Match or count to see which set has more. Circle it. Set A Set B
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
2. Draw the other side of this shape.You may need a mirror.
w ww
. te
m . u
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
o c . che e r o t r s super
S1.3—Complete shapes to make them symmetrical.
3. Draw the other side of this shape.
R.I.C. Publications
New Wave Maths for WA Book A • 49 •
Unit 17–2 1. Match or count to see which set has more. Circle it. Set A Set B 3. Colour six peas.
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
How many are not underlined? 4. Cross out three carrots.
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
2. Underline one cabbage.
How many are not coloured? 5. Circle four potatoes.
o c . Draw a cross on five onions. 7. Draw a box around two bunches of che e r celery.t o r s super How many are left?
How many are not circled?
How many are not crossed?
How many are left?
• 50 • New Wave Maths for WA Book A
N1.1, N1.2—Count and take away from collections of 10 and less.
w ww
. te
m . u
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
R.I.C. Publications
Unit 17–3 1. Match or count to see which set has more. Circle it. Set A Set B 2. Draw a picture to show something you do on each day of the week. Tuesday r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
w ww
M1.2, WM1.1—Draw personal activities relevant to each day of the week.
. te
m . u
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• Saturday
o c . che e r o t r s super
R.I.C. Publications
New Wave Maths for WA Book A • 51 •
Unit 18–1 1. Match or count to see which set has more. Circle it. Set A Set B
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
2. Use the fruit below to make fruit salad.
. te o c (a) Two apples How many are left? . che e r o t r s su er pmany (b) Two bananas How are left?
You will need the following items.
(c) Six cherries
How many are left?
(d) One pear
How many are left?
(e) One orange
How many are left?
(f) Two strawberries
How many are left?
• 52 • New Wave Maths for WA Book A
N1.1, N1.2—Count and take away from collections of 10 and less.
w ww
m . u
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
R.I.C. Publications
Unit 18–2 1. Match or count to see which set has more. Circle it. Set A Set B 2. The graph shows the number of books read by the children.
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
How many books did each child read?
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons Mark Julia •f orr evi ew pur posesStuart onl y•Ruby
w ww
m . u
Books read
3. In a game of basketball, I threw four goals in the first quarter, one in the second, three in the third and one in the fourth.
C&D1.3—Interpret information on a graph.
. te
o c . che e r o t r s super How many goals did I throw altogether?
Second Third Quarter
R.I.C. Publications
New Wave Maths for WA Book A • 53 •
Unit 18–3 1. Match or count to see which set has more. Circle it. Set A Set B 3. Draw a dot in three circles.
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
2. Colour two octagons.
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
How many are not coloured?
o c . che e r o t r s super
How many are not underlined? • 54 • New Wave Maths for WA Book A
How many are not coloured?
N1.1, N1.2—Count and take away from collections of 10 and less.
w ww
m . u
5. Colour four pentagons.
4. Underline five cubes.
. te
How many do not have dots?
R.I.C. Publications
Unit 19–1 1. Match or count to see which set has more. Circle it. Set A Set B
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
2. Find shapes from the bottom of the page that are similar to those in the box at the top of the page. Colour the similar shapes in the same colour. Use a different colour for each different shape.
w ww
o c . che e r o t r s super
S1.4—Identify and match similar 2-D shapes.
. te
m . u
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
R.I.C. Publications
New Wave Maths for WA Book A • 55 •
Unit 19–2 1. Add these. (a)
= =
= =
3. Colour six stars.
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
2. Draw one box around four squares.
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •are f orr evi ew pur p os esare onl y• How many How many not coloured?
w ww
. te
5. Underline three octagons.
o c . che e r o t r s super
How many are not crossed? • 56 • New Wave Maths for WA Book A
How many are not underlined?
N1.1, N1.2—Count and take away from collections of 10 and less.
4. Draw a cross on five triangles.
m . u
outside the box?
R.I.C. Publications
Unit 19–3 1. Add these. (a)
= =
= =
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S B A
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
2. Colour the longest stick green and the shortest stick red.
Ca © R. I . C.Publ i c t i ons E • f o r r e v i e w p u r p o s e s o n l y • How many sticks are there altogether?
. te
m . u
w ww
M1.1, M1.2—Use the comparative language of length. Use informal units to measure the length of lines.
(b) Which two sticks together make the same length as one of the other
o c . (d) Write the sticksc in order from shortest to longest.e her r o t s super (c) Which stick is double the length of one of the other sticks?
3. Use 1-cm cubes to find the longest and shortest lines. Put a tick next to the longest and a cross next to the shortest. A B C D
R.I.C. Publications
New Wave Maths for WA Book A • 57 •
Unit 20–1 1. Add these. (a)
= =
= =
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
(a) Count the dolls. Cross out two. (b) How many are left?
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
2. Look at the pictures. Answer the questions.
. te
Circle one drum.
o c . che e r o t r s super
(d) How many are left outside the circle?
(e) How many balls can you count? (f) How many are left outside the circle?
• 58 • New Wave Maths for WA Book A
Draw a circle around six balls.
N1.1, N1.2—Count and take away from collections of 10 and less.
w ww
(c) How many drums are shown?
m . u
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
R.I.C. Publications
Unit 20–2 1. Add these. (a)
= =
= =
2. Fill in the graph below. Show the pets of the students in your class. 10
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
6 5
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
w ww
m . u
Number of Pets
3 2
C&D1.2, C&D1.3—Collect, record and interpret data.
. te
o c . che e r o t r s super
other Types of Pet
3. Use the graph to answer these questions. (a) Which pet is the most popular? (b) Which pet is the least popular?
R.I.C. Publications
New Wave Maths for WA Book A • 59 •
Unit 20–3 1. Add these. (a)
= =
= =
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
(a) How many potatoes are there? (b) How many more do you need to make six?
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
2. Look at the pictures. Answer the questions.
. te
o c . che e r o t r s super
(d) How many more do you need to make seven?
(e) How many carrots are there? (f) How many more do you need to make nine? • 60 • New Wave Maths for WA Book A
N1.1, N1.2—Count and add on to collections less than 10.
w ww
(c) How many onions are there?
m . u
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
R.I.C. Publications
Unit 21–1 1. Add these. (a) + (c)
= =
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
2. Draw a path to help the cat find the mouse.
w ww
. te
3. Draw a path to help the gardener find the watering can.
m . u
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
S1.1—Find a pathway through a maze.
o c . che e r o t r s super
R.I.C. Publications
New Wave Maths for WA Book A • 61 •
Unit 21–2 1. Add these. (a) + (c)
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
(a) Write the number of moons. (b) Write the number of candles. (c) How many more moons than candles?
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
2. Look at the pictures. Answer the questions.
. tmore moons than loaves of bread? o How manye c . che e r o t r s super
(e) Write the number of moons. (f)
(g) Write the number of candles. (h) Write the number of loaves of bread. (i) How many more candles than loaves of bread? • 62 • New Wave Maths for WA Book A
N1.1, N1.2—Count and add on to/take away from collections of up to 10.
w ww
(d) Write the number of loaves of bread.
m . u
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
R.I.C. Publications
Unit 21–3 1. Add these. (a) + (c)
= =
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
2. Put your hand in the top box and trace around it. Ask a friend to place his or her hand in the bottom box and trace around it.
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
w ww M1.2, WM1.2—Find a solution to compare the area of two objects.
. te
m . u
My Hand
o c . che e r o t r s super
My Friend’s Hand 3. How can you check who has the bigger hand? Discuss with your partner.
R.I.C. Publications
New Wave Maths for WA Book A • 63 •
Unit 22–1 1. Add these. (a) + (c)
= =
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
(a) Write the number of stars. (b) Write the number of moons. (c) How many more stars than moons?
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
2. Look at the pictures. Answer the questions.
. tmore fiddles than cats? o How manye c . che e r o t r s super
(e) Write the number of cats. (f)
(g) Write the number of dishes. (h) Write the number of spoons. (i) How many more dishes than spoons? • 64 • New Wave Maths for WA Book A
N1.1, N1.2—Count and add on to/take away from collections of up to 10.
w ww
(d) Write the number of fiddles.
m . u
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
R.I.C. Publications
Unit 22–2 1. How many more in the larger group? (a)
= =
= =
Wednesday r o e t s Bo r e p Saturday ok u S Friday Monday
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
2. Write the days of the week that come before and after the days shown.
3. Next to your name, write the names of your three best friends.
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons My Name Best Friends •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
w ww
. te
C&D1.2—Classify objects according to criteria.
m . u
1. 2. 3.
o c . che e Write your favourite things. r o t r s super fruit
TV program
R.I.C. Publications
New Wave Maths for WA Book A • 65 •
Unit 22–3 1. How many more in the larger group? (a) (c)
= –
= –
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
(a) Write the number of flowers. (b) Write the number of watering cans. (c) How many more flowers than watering cans?
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
2. Look at the pictures. Answer the questions.
. tmore spades than forks? o How manye c . che e r o t r s super
(e) Write the number of forks. (f)
(g) Write the number of silver bells. (h) Write the number of pretty maids. (i) How many more silver bells than pretty maids? • 66 • New Wave Maths for WA Book A
N1.1, N1.2—Count and add on to/take away form collections of up to 10.
w ww
(d) Write the number of spades.
m . u
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
R.I.C. Publications
Unit 23–1 1. How many more in the larger group? (a)
= =
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
2. Show different ways you can tell whether there are more squares than circles.
w ww WM1.2, N1.2—Find a solution to a mathematical problem.
. te
R.I.C. Publications
m . u
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
o c . che e r o t r s super
New Wave Maths for WA Book A • 67 •
Unit 23–2 1. How many more in the larger group? (a)
= –
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
(a) Write the number of bowls. (b) Write the number of spoons. (c) How many more bowls than spoons?
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
2. Look at the pictures. Answer the questions.
(e) Write the number of octagons.
. te
o c . che e r o t r s super
(f) How many more triangles than octagons?
(g) Write the number of spiders. (h) Write the number of stools. (i) How many more spiders than stools? • 68 • New Wave Maths for WA Book A
N1.1, N1.2—Count and add on to/take away from collections of up to 10.
w ww
(d) Write the number of triangles.
m . u
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
R.I.C. Publications
Unit 23–3 1. How many more in the larger group? (a)
= =
= =
Teac he r
ew i ev Pr
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
2. Find some shapes you can trace around. They may be the same or different. Place one in the space below and trace around it. Place another shape in the space so it overlaps the first shape. Trace around it. Colour the new shape you have made.
w ww S1.2, S1.3, WM1.2—Manipulate shapes to create new shapes.
. te
m . u
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
o c . che e r o t r s super
Give your new shape a name. 3. Now use another shape to add to your new shape. Colour the new shape you have made. Give your new shape a name. 4. Draw around more shapes to see what new shapes you can make.
R.I.C. Publications
New Wave Maths for WA Book A • 69 •
Unit 24–1 1. How many more in the larger group? (a)
= =
= =
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S How many monkeys altogether?
3. There are three elephants and two zebras in the zoo.
How many elephants and zebras altogether? ©R . I . C .P ubl i c a t i on s f o rr e i e w pur posesonl y• There are• many giraffes inv the zoo.
Write the total number of giraffes.
o c . che e r o t r s super
5. There are two camels and three toucans in the zoo.
How many camels and toucans altogether? 6. There are many leopards in the zoo.
Write the total number of leopards. • 70 • New Wave Maths for WA Book A
N1.1, N1.2—Count and combine collections less than 10.
w ww
. te
m . u
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
2. There are four large monkeys and three small monkeys in the zoo.
R.I.C. Publications
Unit 24–2 1. How many more in the larger group? (a)
= =
= =
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
2. The pictures below show the pets that were brought to school. Look at the pictures and answer the questions below.
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• (b) cats?
w ww
C&D1.2, WM1.2, N1.1—Count collections. Suggest ways to find a solution to a mathematical problem.
(a) dogs? (c) rabbits?
o c . e (g) How many petsc are there altogether? her r o t s s r u e p Tell how you worked out the number of each animal. (e) mice?
. te
(d) birds?
m . u
3. How many:
(f) guinea pigs?
5. Could you have found this another way? Show how.
R.I.C. Publications
New Wave Maths for WA Book A • 71 •
Unit 24–3 1. How many more in the larger group? (a)
= =
r o e t s Bo r e p A ok u B S
2. Look at these coins.
(a) Which line has more coins?
(b) How many more are there in the longer line?
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
w ww
m . u
3. Look at these monkeys.
. te o Use the number line to answer these questions. c . che e r o t r s super
(a) How many more is six than three?
(c) How many more is four than two?
(b) How many more is eight than five?
(d) How many more is nine than seven?
• 72 • New Wave Maths for WA Book A
N1.1, N1.2—Count and add on to/take away from collections of up to 10.
How many more monkeys in the bottom line than the top?
R.I.C. Publications
Unit 25–1 1. How many more in the larger group? (a)
= =
= =
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S (b)
3. Find the same shapes in the playground. Draw pictures of where you found them.
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
2. Find shapes in the classroom to match these. Write the object.
w ww
o c . che e r o t r s super
S1.2, S1.4, WM1.1—Identify shapes in the environment.
. te
m . u
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
R.I.C. Publications
New Wave Maths for WA Book A • 73 •
Unit 25–2 1. How many more in the larger group? (a)
2. Answer these.
= =
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S +
(b) How many cars? How many trucks? How many altogether?
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
(a) How many balls? How many bats? How many altogether?
w ww
. te
o c . che e r o t r s super + =
(d) How many caps? How many hats? How many altogether?
3. Read the number sentences and write the answers. (a) 2 + 7 =
(d) 6 + 1 =
(g) 4 + 3 =
(b) 2 + 5 =
(e) 2 + 4 =
(h) 5 + 3 =
(c) 1 + 2 =
(f) 4 + 5 =
(i) 7 + 1 =
• 74 • New Wave Maths for WA Book A
N1.1, N1.2—Count and combine collections less than 10.
(c) How many glasses? How many teacups? How many altogether?
m . u
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons = + •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
R.I.C. Publications
Unit 25–3 1. How many more in the larger group? (a)
= =
= =
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
2. Use your 1-cm cubes to find how long the pencils are. Then use your 2-cm cubes to find how long the pencils are.
1-cm cubes
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
2-cm cubes
1-cm cubes
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons 2-cm cubes •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
w ww
. te
M1.2—Use informal units to measure the length of objects.
m . u
1-cm cubes
o c . che e r o t r s super
2-cm cubes
1-cm cubes 2-cm cubes
R.I.C. Publications
1-cm cubes 2-cm cubes New Wave Maths for WA Book A • 75 •
Unit 26–1 1. Add these. (a)
2. Answer these.
= =
= =
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S +
(b) How many squares? How many triangles? How many altogether?
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
(a) How many stars? How many squares? How many altogether?
. te
o c . che e r o t r s super
(d) How many rectangles? How many octagons? How many altogether?
3. Read the number sentences and write the answers. (a) 2 + 1 =
(d) 4 + 2 =
(g) 1 + 7 =
(b) 3 + 4 =
(e) 3 + 3 =
(h) 3 + 5 =
(c) 1 + 6 =
(f) 5 + 2 =
(i) 6 + 3 =
• 76 • New Wave Maths for WA Book A
N1.1, N1.2—Count and combine collections less than 10.
w ww
(c) How many circles? How many squares? How many altogether?
m . u
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons + = •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
R.I.C. Publications
Unit 26–2 1. Add these. (a)
= =
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S hazel:
2. Count how many students in your class have the following eye colours. brown:
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
3. Write the colours from most to least.
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons Count the students in your class wearing the following footwear: •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• shoes:
sports shoes:
w ww
. te
m . u
C&D1.2, C&D1.3—Count, categorise and order data.
5. Write the footwear from most to least.
, o c . che , e r . o t r s super ,
6. What other things could you count and order in your school?
R.I.C. Publications
New Wave Maths for WA Book A • 77 •
Unit 26–3 1. Add these. (a)
= =
= =
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
(a) How many lots of three?
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
2. Use the pictures to answer the questions.
How many altogether?
(c) How many lots of four?
How many altogether?
(d) How many lots of three?
How many altogether?
(e) How many lots of two?
How many altogether?
o c . che e r o t r s super
• 78 • New Wave Maths for WA Book A
N1.1, N1.2—Count and group collections less than 10.
w ww
. te
m . u
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons (b) How many lots of two? How many altogether? •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
R.I.C. Publications
Unit 27–1 1. Add these. (a)
= =
r o e t s Bo r (a) Count the triangles. e p ok How many areu there? S (b) Count the stars. How many are there?
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
2. Look at the picture below to answer these questions.
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons f oshapes rr evi ew pur posesonl y• How• many
w ww
m . u
are there altogether?
. te o Explain what you did. c . che e r o t r s super
3. Show how you can be sure there are the same number of triangles as stars.
WM1.2, WM1.4—Find a solution to a mathematical problem.
R.I.C. Publications
New Wave Maths for WA Book A • 79 •
Unit 27–2 1. Add these. (a)
= =
= =
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
2. Use the pictures to answer the questions.
(b) Make three equal sets from these squares.
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
(a) Make two equal sets from these books.
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
w ww
m . u
(c) Make two equal sets from these trains.
(e) Make four equal sets from these toy soldiers.
• 80 • New Wave Maths for WA Book A
N1.1, N1.2—Count and group collections less than 10.
. te o (d) Make three equal sets from these triangles. c . che e r o t r s super
R.I.C. Publications
Unit 27–3 1. Add these. (a)
= =
r o e t s Bo r e p o u How k many cubes? S
2. Use 1-cm cubes to measure the length of each pencil.
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
How many cubes?
How many cubes?
w ww
(e) Which pencil is the longest?
. te
3. Use 2-cm cubes to measure these lines.
M1.2—Use informal units to measure the length of objects.
(a) (b)
m . u
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur poseHow so nl y• many cubes?
o c . che e r o t r s super
(c) (d)
(e) Which line is the shortest?
R.I.C. Publications
New Wave Maths for WA Book A • 81 •
Unit 28–1
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
What are these numbers used for?
o c . che e r o t r s super
• 82 • New Wave Maths for WA Book A
WM1.1, WM1.2—Recognise and explain ways numbers are used for particular purposes in real-life situations.
w ww
. te
m . u
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
R.I.C. Publications
Unit 28–2 1. Add these. (a)
= =
r o e t s Bo r e p o u k cat S fish
2. How many students in your class have these pets?
guinea pig
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
3. Draw pictures in the boxes to show how many of each type of pet was counted.
w ww C&Dl.2, C&D1.3—Collect, count and pictorially record data.
. te
R.I.C. Publications
m . u
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
o c . che e r o t r s super
Guinea Pigs
New Wave Maths for WA Book A • 83 •
Unit 28–3 1. Add these. (a)
= =
= =
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
2. Use the pictures to answer these.
w ww
. te
o c . che e r o t r s super
(d) How many horses? (e) How many chickens? (f) How many more chickens than horses? • 84 • New Wave Maths for WA Book A
N1.1, N1.2—Count and add on to/take away from collections of up to 10.
(c) How many more pigs than cows?
m . u
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• (b) How many pigs? (a) How many cows?
R.I.C. Publications
Unit 29–1 1. Add these. (a) 3 + 1 =
(b) 6 + 1 =
(c) 1 + 1 =
(d) 4 + 1 =
Teac he r
ew i ev Pr
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
2. Draw a picture of a house. The house has a door and two windows. In the garden in front of the house there is a tree. The tree is taller than the house. There is a fence in front of the house. The fence has a gate in it. A path leads from the gate to the door.
Sl.1, S1.2—Use the language of position and orientation to draw a specific picture.
w ww
. te
R.I.C. Publications
m . u
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
o c . che e r o t r s super
New Wave Maths for WA Book A • 85 •
Unit 29–2 1. Add these. (a) 7 + 1 =
(b) 2 + 1 =
(c) 8 + 1 =
(d) 5 + 1 =
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
2. Use the pictures to answer these.
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons f o rr evi ew pur posesonl y• (b) How• many horses? (a) How many cows?
o c . che e r o t r s super
(d) How many chickens? (e) How many pigs? (f) How many more pigs than chickens? • 86 • New Wave Maths for WA Book A
N1.1, N1.2—Count and add on to/take away from collections of up to 10.
w ww
. te
m . u
(c) How many more horses than cows?
R.I.C. Publications
Unit 29–3 1. Add these. (a) 2 + 2 =
(b) 5 + 3 =
(c) 1 + 2 =
(d) 5 + 2 =
2. Use the shapes to answer these questions.
r o e t s Bo Shape A Shape B r e p ok u You may like to doS this activity a few times using different objects to cover the shapes. Inside each shape, write the number of objects needed to cover it.
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
Which of the shapes on this page do you think needs more counters to cover it?
Shape A
. te
R.I.C. Publications
Shape B
m . u
w ww
M1.2, WM1.2—Estimate then measure the amount of informal units needed to cover shapes.
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
o c . che e r o t r s super
New Wave Maths for WA Book A • 87 •
Unit 30–1 1. Add these. (a) 4 + 2 =
(b) 3 + 2 =
(c) 6 + 2 =
(d) 7 + 2 =
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
(a) How many lots of two? (b) How many squares did you draw? 3. Draw three crosses in each circle.
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
2. Draw two squares in each circle.
w ww
(a) How many lots of three?
. te
(a) How many lots of two? (b) How many triangles did you draw? • 88 • New Wave Maths for WA Book A
N1.1, N1.2—Count and group collections up to 10.
o c . Draw two triangles in c each circle. e her r o t s super (b) How many crosses did you draw?
m . u
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
R.I.C. Publications
Unit 30–2 1. Add these. (a) 2 + 3 =
(b) 4 + 3 =
(c) 1 + 3 =
(d) 6 + 3 =
2. Show the number of students in your class with these hair colours by filling in the graph. Colour one box for each student with the hair colour shown.
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
10 9
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
8 7
w ww 6
. te
C&D1.2, C&D1.3—Collect, count and record data.
m . u
Number of Students
o c . che e r o t r s super
2 1
R.I.C. Publications
Hair Colour New Wave Maths for WA Book A • 89 •
Unit 30–3 1. Add these. (a) 2 + 6 =
(b) 3 + 7 =
(c) 5 + 4 =
(d) 3 + 3 =
2. Look at the stars.
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u (a) How many inS each set? (b) How many altogether? (c) How many sets of three? 3. Count the shapes. Record the total.
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
w ww
(c) How many triangles? (d) Count by twos to find how many shapes. 4.
. tline to do these.Write the numbers. o Use the numbere c . che e r o t r s 0 1 2 3 4 u 5e 6 7 8 s r p (a) Count by twos to 10. (b) Start at three and count by twos to seven. (c) Start at one and count by twos to nine. (d) Start at six and count by twos to 10.
• 90 • New Wave Maths for WA Book A
N1.1, N1.2, N1.3—Count and group collections up to 10. Count in a number sequence.
(b) How many circles?
m . u
(a) How many squares?
R.I.C. Publications
Unit 31–1 1. Add these. (a) 9 + 6 =
(b) 7 + 4 =
(c) 4 + 6 =
(d) 5 + 3 =
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
2. Draw the path to help the monkey find the banana.
w ww
. te
o c . che e r o t r s super
S1.1—Find pathways through a maze.
3. Which ends of the string belong to each other?
m . u
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
R.I.C. Publications
New Wave Maths for WA Book A • 91 •
Unit 31–2 1. Add these. (a) 11 + 6 =
(b) 9 + 3 =
(c) 7 + 5 =
(d) 8 + 5 =
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
2. Make two lots of four.
How many do you need?
w ww
. te
o c . c e Make four lots of two. h r er o t s super
How many do you need?
How many do you need? • 92 • New Wave Maths for WA Book A
N1.1, N1.2—Count and group collections up to 10.
m . u
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
3. Make three lots of three.
R.I.C. Publications
Unit 31–3 1. Add these. (a) 4 + 14 =
(b) 10 + 10 =
(c) 7 + 12 =
(d) 5 + 13 =
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
2. Draw pictures of the things you do during a school day. Make sure they are in order. Number your pictures.
M1.1, M1.2, WM1.1—Draw personal activities relevant during a school day.
w ww
. te
R.I.C. Publications
m . u
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
o c . che e r o t r s super
New Wave Maths for WA Book A • 93 •
Unit 32–1 1. Subtract these. (a) 4 – 2 =
(b) 8 – 2 =
(c) 6 – 3 =
(d) 9 – 3 =
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
2. Count by twos to find out how many wheels there are on the bicycles.
How many wheels?
3. Work in a group of four. Make a picture graph to show the number of children (boys and girls) in your group’s families.
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
2 1
. te
o c . che e r o t Family Name r s super
(a) Which family has the most members? (b) Which family has the most girls? (c) What is the fewest number of children in a family? (d) What is the most common number of children in a family? • 94 • New Wave Maths for WA Book A
N1.3, C&D1.2, C&D1.3—Counting in twos. Collect, count, pictorially record and then interpret data.
m . u
w ww
Children in Family
R.I.C. Publications
Unit 32–2 1. Subtract these. (a) 8 – 1 =
(b) 7 – 1 =
(c) 3 – 1 =
(d) 6 – 1 =
2. Throw a die ten times and record the results. Throw
Second Third
Tenth © R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •graph f or ev i ew pur posesonl y• Colour this to r 6+ Fifth
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
Throw Number Shown r o e t s Bo r e p ok Sixth u S Seventh Number Shown
R.I.C. Publications
Number of times thrown
C&D1,1, C&D1.2, C&D1.3—Investigate and record chance activities with dice.
w ww
. te
m . u
show your results.
o c . che e 3 r o t r s super 2
3 4 Number shown
New Wave Maths for WA Book A • 95 •
Unit 32–3 1. Subtract these. (a) 2 – 1 =
(b) 4 – 1 =
(c) 9 – 1 =
(d) 5 – 1 =
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
How many boats altogether?
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• How many ships?
3. Use the pictures to answer the questions. (a)
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
2. Write how many rowing boats are in each set.
. te o c There are two ships and two planes. . ch e r er o t s super
How many altogether? • 96 • New Wave Maths for WA Book A
N1.1, N1.2—Count and combine/group collections less than 10.
w ww
(c) How many ships and cars altogether?
m . u
(b) How many cars?
R.I.C. Publications
Unit 33–1 1. Work these out. (a) 3 = 2 +
(b) 8 = 6 +
(c) 5 = 1 +
(d) 7 = 3 +
2. What would the next card look like in this pattern? Draw it.
r o e t s r ♣ ♣ ♣ B ♣o ♣ ♣ e p ok u ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ S ♣
3. What would the next card look like in this pattern? Draw it.
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
© R. I . C Publ i ca◆ t i on ◆. ◆ ◆s ◆ ◆ • f o r r evi ew◆pur poseson y• ◆l ◆ ◆
w ww
4. Find three shapes that are the same. Colour them.
N1.4, S1.4—Solve pictorial number patterns. Identify 2-D shapes.
. te
m . u
o c . che e r o t r s super
5. Is it possible to pair these shapes? Colour each pair of shapes the same to find out.
R.I.C. Publications
New Wave Maths for WA Book A • 97 •
Unit 33–2 1. Work these out. (a) 4 =
(b) 2 =
(c) 6 =
(d) 9 = 4 +
2. Count the coins to find out how much money is shown.
3. Colour and copy these patterns.
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
o c . che e r o t r s super
• 98 • New Wave Maths for WA Book A
N1.1, N1.4—Count like denominations of money. Colour and copy pictorial patterns.
w ww
. te
m . u
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
R.I.C. Publications
Unit 33–3 1. Work these out. (a) 7 =
(b) 8 =
(d) 17 = 8 +
(c) 15 = 9 +
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
2. Colour the squares in the frame one colour. Use another colour for the circles. Colour the rest of the regions a different colour.
. te
R.I.C. Publications
m . u
w ww
S1.2, S1.3—Distinguish 2-D shapes in a pattern and colour according to guidelines.
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
o c . che e r o t r s super
New Wave Maths for WA Book A • 99 •
Unit 34–1 1. Subtract these. (a) 9 – 2 =
(b) 7 – 2 =
(c) 3 – 2 =
(d) 5 – 2 =
2. Share the following numbers into the groups given. Write the number in each shape.
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
(a) 8
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
(b) 6
(c) 3
(d) 9
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
. te
o c . che e r o t r s super
1-cm cubes
2-cm cubes (b)
1-cm cubes
2-cm cubes • 100 • New Wave Maths for WA Book A
N1.1, N1.2, M1.2—Share numbers into equal groups. Use informal units to measure the length of objects.
w ww
3. Use your 1-cm cubes to find how long the fish are. Then use 2-cm cubes.
m . u
(e) 12
R.I.C. Publications
Unit 34–2
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
1. Look at the Smarties™ on the plate. If you had to count them, how would you do it?
w ww
There are
. te
Smarties™ on the plate.
m . u
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
WM1.2—Work mathematically to explain the best approach to solve a problem.
2. Use words or pictures to show how you counted the Smarties™.
R.I.C. Publications
o c . che e r o t r s super
New Wave Maths for WA Book A • 101 •
Unit 34–3 1. Subtract these. (a) 6 – 5 =
(b) 8 – 5 =
(c) 5 – 3 =
(d) 7 – 3 =
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
2. Share six lollies among three children.
How many lollies did each child get?
How many shapes in each group?
o c . che e r o t r s super
4. Draw two wheels on each bicycle.
How many wheels are needed altogether? • 102 • New Wave Maths for WA Book A
N1.1, N1.2—Count and group collections up to 10.
w ww
. te
m . u
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
3. Share the shapes into two groups.
R.I.C. Publications
Unit 35–1 1. Work these out. (a) 20 =
(b) 16 = 7 +
(c) 13 = 8 +
(d) 12 = 6 +
10 9
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
2. Count the crabs, fish, seahorses and seastars below. Show each set by colouring the graph.
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
6 5 4
w ww
. te
C&D1.2, C&D1.3—Count and record data on a graph.
3 2
m . u
o c . che e r o t r s super
1 Seastars
R.I.C. Publications
New Wave Maths for WA Book A • 103 •
Unit 35–2 1. Work these out. (a) 18 =
(b) 19 =
+ 12
(c) 17 =
(d) 15 =
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
2. Use different colours to share the coins into three equal amounts.
3. Use different colours to show how many sets of three can be made from nine.
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
. te
o c . che e r o t r s super
How many sets? • 104 • New Wave Maths for WA Book A
N1.1, N1.2, WM1.1—Share coins into equal amounts. Count and group collections up to 10.
w ww
4. Make sets of two from the cars by using different colours.
m . u
How many sets?
R.I.C. Publications
Unit 35–3 1. Work these out. (a) 8 +
= 10
(b) 2 +
(c) 3 +
(d) 4 +
2. Use a cup to fill an ice-cream container with sand.
How many caps did it take?
4. Use a tin can to fill an ice-cream container with sand.
Number of containers
. te
R.I.C. Publications
m . u
How many cans did it take? © R. I . C.Pub l i cat i ons On the graph, circle number of cups, caps and youo used. •f orthe r e vi ew pu r p ocans ses nl y•
w ww
M1.2, C&D1.3—Use informal units to measure capacity and record results on a graph.
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
r o e t s How many cups did it take? Bo r e p ok u Use a plastic aerosol Scap to fill an ice-cream container with sand.
o c . che e r o t r s super
caps Containers
cans New Wave Maths for WA Book A • 105 •
Unit 36–1 1. Subtract these. (a) 6 – 2 =
(b) 9 – 2 =
(c) 7 – 2 =
(d) 3 – 2 =
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
2. Colour three circles brown and three green.
How many circles altogether?
3. Draw a frame around two tightrope walkers and another frame around the other two tightrope walkers.
How many tightrope walkers altogether?
o c . che e r o t r s super
4. Draw crosses on three elephants.
(a) How many elephants without crosses? (b) How many elephants altogether? • 106 • New Wave Maths for WA Book A
N1.1, N1.2—Count and group/add on to collections less than 10.
w ww
. te
m . u
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
R.I.C. Publications
Unit 36–2 1. Subtract these. (a) 7 – 3 =
(b) 8 – 3 =
(c) 4 – 3 =
(d) 10 – 3 =
2. Stand in groups to show the same eye colour. Write the number in each group on the Carroll diagram. Eye Colour
r o e t s Bo brown r green hazel e p ok u S blue
3. Stand in groups to show the same hair colour. Write the number in each group on the Carroll diagram. Hair Colour
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
boys girls
C&D1.2, C&D1.3—Collect and record information in a Carroll diagram.
m . u
w ww
4. Stand in groups to show the same size families. Write the number in each group on the table. Family Size
. tethree four five sixo c . che e r o t r s super
5. Stand in groups to show the same birthplace. Write the number in each group on the Carroll diagram. Place of Western Australia Australia Birth
boys girls
R.I.C. Publications
New Wave Maths for WA Book A • 107 •
Unit 36–3 1. Subtract these. (a) 9 – 7 =
(b) 6 – 5 =
(c) 8 – 5 =
(d) 5 – 3 =
r o e t s Bo r e p ok Line 2u S Line 1
(a) Which line has more blocks? Line 1
Line 2
(b) How many more blocks in the longer line? 3. Count the elephants and horse riders.
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
2. Look at these blocks.
elephants and
horse riders.
(b) There are more elephants than horse riders. . te o c . Count the tightrope walkers and horse riders. che e r o t r s super
(a) There are
tightrope walkers and
(b) There are
more tightrope walkers than horse riders.
• 108 • New Wave Maths for WA Book A
horse riders.
N1.1, N1.2—Count and add on to/take away from collections of up to 10.
w ww
(a) There are
m . u
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
R.I.C. Publications
Unit 37–1 1. Work these out. (a) 5 +
= 14
(b) 8 +
= 12
(c) 5 +
(d) 8 +
= 10
2. Show the path you would follow from Amy’s house to the school. Use the bicycle path.
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S Bicycle Path
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• Oval
m . u
w ww
. te
o c . che e r o t r s super
S1.1—Follow paths on a given map.
R.I.C. Publications
New Wave Maths for WA Book A • 109 •
Unit 37–2 1. Work these out. (a) 6 +
= 18
(b) 3 +
= 11
(c) 7 +
= 15
(d) 9 +
= 13
r o e t s Bo r e p ok Circle the 20c coins inu green. Sin yellow. Circle the 50c coins
2. Circle the 5c coins in red.
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
3. Circle the 10c coins in blue.
o c . che e r o t r s super
How many dollar coins are there? • 110 • New Wave Maths for WA Book A
N1.1, WM1.1—Recognise coin values.
w ww
. te
m . u
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
R.I.C. Publications
Unit 37–3 1. Work these out. (a) 7 +
= 16
(b) 12 +
= 18
(c) 8 +
= 19
(d) 13 +
= 20
2. Colour the pattern using the colour guide.
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S blue
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
. te
R.I.C. Publications
m . u
w ww
S1.2, S1.3—Distinguish shapes in a tessellating pattern and colour according to guidelines.
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
o c . che e r o t r s super
New Wave Maths for WA Book A • 111 •
Unit 38–1 1. Subtract these. (a) 15 – 9 =
(b) 12 – 4 =
(c) 10 – 6 =
(d) 8 – 4 =
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
2. Circle the one coin you would need to buy a 10c sticker without getting change.
3. Circle the one coin you would need to buy a 5c lolly without getting change.
o c . che e r o t r s super
4. Circle the coins you would need to buy a 20c eraser without getting change.
How much money is left over? • 112 • New Wave Maths for WA Book A
N1.1, N1.2, WM1.1—Recognise coin values and identify coins needed for a given amount.
w ww
. te
m . u
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
R.I.C. Publications
Unit 38–2 1. Subtract these. (a) 18 – 11 =
(b) 14 – 7 =
(c) 17 – 9 =
(d) 13 – 8 =
2. Use the table to sort these items into farm and wild animals. Each animal has a number.Write this number in the correct box. 1 elephant
3 horse
7 zebra
4 tiger
8 rhinoceros
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
2 cow
r o e t s Bo 9 sheep r 5 lion e p ok u S 6 dog 10 pig
11 giraffe
12 kangaroo
w ww
m . u
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
C&D1.2, C&D1.3—Record data in a table.
. teanimals Farm Wild animals o c . che e r o t r s super
R.I.C. Publications
New Wave Maths for WA Book A • 113 •
Unit 38–3 1. Subtract these. (a) 19 – 13 =
(b) 16 – 3 =
(c) 20 – 19 =
(d) 13 – 2 =
r o e t s Bo r e p ok Total u S
3. How much money is shown in each row? What is the difference?
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
2. How much money is shown in each row? What is the difference?
Difference . te o c How much money is shown in each row? . c e r What is the difference? h er o t s super
Total Difference • 114 • New Wave Maths for WA Book A
N1.1a, WM1.1—Recognise coin values and count amounts of money.
w ww
m . u
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y • Total
R.I.C. Publications
Unit 39–1 1. Work these out. (a) 1 lot of 2 =
(b) 1 lot of 5 =
(c) 1 lot of 4 =
(d) 1 lot of 3 =
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
2. Describe the path you would follow on the map to get from Room Five to the Office.
w ww
o c . che e r o t r s super
S1.1—Follow paths on a given map.
. te
m . u
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
R.I.C. Publications
New Wave Maths for WA Book A • 115 •
Unit 39–2 1. Work these out. (a) 2 lots of 2 =
(b) 2 lots of 3 =
(c) 2 lots of 5 =
(d) 2 lots of 1 =
2. Look at the money.
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
(a) Who has more money?
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
(b) What is the difference between the amounts of money?
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
o c . che e r o t r s super
4. What is the total value of the money shown here?
• 116 • New Wave Maths for WA Book A
N1.1, WM1.1—Recognise coin values; count and share amounts of money.
w ww
. te
m . u
3. Use different colours to share the coins into four equal amounts.
R.I.C. Publications
Unit 39–3 1. Work these out. (a) 2 lots of 4 =
(b) 2 lots of 3 =
(c) 3 lots of 2 =
(d) 2 lots of 1 =
r o e t s Bo r Working out e p ok u S
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
2. How can you decide which of the two shapes on the page below has the bigger area? Show your working out on the pictures and give your answers on the page.
w ww M1.2, WM1.2—Compare and discuss the area of two shapes.
. te
R.I.C. Publications
m . u
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
o c . che e r o t r s super
New Wave Maths for WA Book A • 117 •
Unit 40–1 1. Work these out. (a) 3 lots of 4 =
(b) 2 lots of 5 =
(c) 3 lots of 3 =
(d) 4 lots of 2 =
2. Rearrange the shapes to make different patterns. Describe your patterns to a partner.
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
o c . che e r o t r s super
• 118 • New Wave Maths for WA Book A
N1.4, WM1.2—Create and describe pictorial number patterns.
w ww (d)
. te
m . u
R.I.C. Publications
Unit 40–2 1. Work these out. (a) 4 lots of 3 =
(b) 4 lots of 4 =
(c) 2 lots of 10 =
(d) 5 lots of 4 =
2. Make a picture graph to show each class member’s favourite ice-cream flavour. 10
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
Number of Students
7 6 5 4 3
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
w ww
. te
C&D1.2, C&D1.3—Collect, record and interpret information on a graph.
m . u
o c . che e r o t r s r pe Use the information in the graphs tou answer these.
Ice-cream Flavours
(a) Which flavour is the most popular? (b) Which flavour is the least popular? (c) How many students liked chocolate flavoured ice-cream? (d) How many students liked strawberry flavoured ice-cream?
R.I.C. Publications
New Wave Maths for WA Book A • 119 •
Unit 40–3 1. Work these out. (a) 5 lots of 3 =
(b) 4 lots of 5 =
(c) 10 lots of 2 =
(d) 5 lots of 2 =
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
2. There is an error in each of the patterns shown on this page. Find the errors and draw the patterns correctly.
o c . che e r o t r s super
• 120 • New Wave Maths for WA Book A
N1.4, WM1.2—Identify errors in a repeating pictorial number pattern.
w ww
. te
m . u
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
R.I.C. Publications