STEM Projects - Year 1

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Physical sciences


Stained-glass window TASK: Design and create a model of a stained-glass window that uses sunlight to shine coloured shapes into the classroom.

SUGGESTED MATERIALS: • craft materials

• black card

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons CRITERIA: •five f or r evi ew2D pu r posesonl y• • It must show at least different shapes. • It must be the size of an A4 piece of paper and have a border around it made from black card. • It must be flat and windproof like a window.

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R.I.C. Publications® —

28/8/17 2:36 pm

Physical sciences



Stained-glass window • Find out how to make stained-glass windows using craft materials. • Plan and draw a diagram of your stained-glass window. Label the shapes and the materials you will use to make each part. • Collect the materials you will need, including craft materials and black card. © R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons

•f orr e vi ew p ur pos eso nl yplan. • window to look like your • Create your stained-glass

• Check that your stained-glass window meets the criteria. • Give a presentation explaining how you made your stained-glass window and how our eyes see the sunlight as different colours when looking through the stained-glass window.

STEM (Physical Sciences) project cards Year 1.indd 4

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Earth and space sciences


Constellations TASK: Design and create three star constellations—the Big Dipper, the Southern Cross and Orion.


• raw spaghetti

• ruler CRITERIA: • Each constellation model© must be made raw R. I . C. Pubusing l i cat i ons spaghetti and marshmallows.

•f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

• Each model must be smaller than 10 cm at it’s longest point. • The marshmallows must show the position of the stars and the spaghetti must show the imaginary lines that make the constellation.

BOX 1 STEM (Earth and Space Sciences) project cards Year 1.indd 5

R.I.C. Publications® —

28/8/17 2:35 pm

Earth and space sciences



Constellations • Find out what each constellation looks like. • Plan and draw a diagram of your three constellation. Label the number of pieces of spaghetti and number of marshmallows you will need for each constellation. • Collect the materials you will need, including raw ©R . I . C.Pu bl i cat i omarshmallows, ns spaghetti and a ruler. •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• • Create your constellations to look like your plan. • Check that your constellations meet the criteria. • Give a presentation explaining each constellation and what time of day you can see constellations.

STEM (Earth and Space Sciences) project cards Year 1.indd 6

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Biological sciences


Hermit crab home TASK: Design and create a home for a hermit crab that caters for its needs.

SUGGESTED MATERIALS: • 1 medium-sized rectangular plastic tub

CRITERIA: • water R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons • It must be made using a © medium-sized • sand f orr evi ew pur posesonl y • rectangular plastic • tub. • twigs • It must have things for the hermit crab to climb • leaves on, dig in and hide under.

• It must have water, sand, twigs, leaves and rocks inside the home.

BOX 1 STEM (Biological Sciences) project cards Year 1.indd 7

• rocks

R.I.C. Publications® —

28/8/17 2:33 pm

Biological sciences



Hermit crab home • Find out about different types of hermit crab homes. • Plan and draw a diagram of your hermit crab home. Label the materials you will use to make each part. • Collect the materials you will need, including 1 medium-sized rectangular plastic container, water, sand, twigs, © R. I . C .Pub l i cat i onsleaves and rocks.

•crab f orr evi ew ur p ose soplan. nl y• home to p look like your • Create your hermit • Check that your hermit crab home meets the criteria.

• Give a presentation of your hermit crab home, explaining how you made it and how a hermit crab would use their features to move around it.

STEM (Biological Sciences) project cards Year 1.indd 8

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Chemical sciences


Chocolate fondue TASK: Design and create a dessert made of chocolate fondue, and fresh strawberries and bananas.


• strawberries

• bananas CRITERIA: © R. I . C.P ubl i c at i ons • a plastic bowl • The chocolate must be broken into pieces and •f othe rr e vi ew pur posesonl y •plastic plate melted using heat from sun. • a • The fresh fruit must be chopped carefully into bite-size pieces using a plastic knife. • It must have at least 3 pieces of fruit for each group member.

BOX 1 STEM (Chemical Sciences) project cards Year 1.indd 13

• a chopping board • a plastic knife

R.I.C. Publications® —

28/8/17 2:34 pm

Chemical sciences



Chocolate fondue • Find out how to make chocolate fondue. • Plan and draw a diagram of how your dessert will be served. Label the ingredients you will need for each part. • Collect the materials you will need, including strawberries, ©R . I . C.Pu bl i cat i ochocolate, ns bananas and cooking equipment. •f o rr evi ew pur posesonl y• • Create your chocolate fondue to look like your plan. • Check that your chocolate fondue meets the criteria. • Give a presentation showing how you made your chocolate fondue, then give it a taste.

STEM (Chemical Sciences) project cards Year 1.indd 14

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