New Wave Spelling - Teachers Resource Book: Level C - Ages 7-8

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New wave


Teacher resource book

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NEW WAVE SPELLING – TEACHER RESOURCE BOOK – C Published by R.I.C. Publications® 2006 Revised edition 2008 Copyright© R.I.C. Publications® 2006 ISBN-10 1-74126-485-5 ISBN-13 978-1-74126-485-2 RIC–6203

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New wave spelling – A phonics-based approach is a seven book spelling workbook series providing students with a solid framework for becoming independent spellers. It is a comprehensive whole-year program of 20 units of work. The spelling lists within each unit are organised with a phonetic emphasis. Words have been selected from proven contemporary Australian lists and are words to which students can relate and use in their writing. The focus at the beginning of each unit encourages students to identify the key features, patterns, rules, similarities and differences of the list words, as well as the phonemes (sounds) within words and the different ways they are represented (graphemes). The variety of activities based on each word list provide students with opportunities to use different strategies and consolidate their understanding of the particular focus.

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New wave spelling – Teacher resource book contains detailed program outlines, suggestions for use and support material to enhance the teaching and learning opportunities provided in its corresponding workbook.

r o e t s Bo r e p Contents ok u S Support material

How to use the workbook......................................................2–3 Suggested timetable..................................................................4 Blank timetable...........................................................................5 Using the spelling strategy cards.........................................6–7 Overview of unit lists Book C...................................................................................8 Book B...................................................................................9 Overview of unit content..........................................................10 Assessment suggestions........................................................11 Unit focus, teaching points, word building examples, dictation and answers for each unit Unit 1...................................................................................12 Unit 2...................................................................................13 Unit 3...................................................................................14 Unit 4...................................................................................15 Unit 5...................................................................................16 Unit 6...................................................................................17 Unit 7...................................................................................18 Unit 8...................................................................................19 Unit 9...................................................................................20 Unit 10.................................................................................21 Unit 11.................................................................................22 Unit 12.................................................................................23 Unit 13.................................................................................24 Unit 14.................................................................................25 Unit 15.................................................................................26 Unit 16.................................................................................27 Unit 17.................................................................................28 Unit 18.................................................................................29 Unit 19.................................................................................30 Unit 20.................................................................................31

Spelling games and activities Individual activities........................................................32–33 Partner and group activities...........................................34–35 Activities for students with special needs......................36–37

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Teacher information

Photocopiable spelling games and activities New words...........................................................................38 Can you guess?..................................................................39 Matching pairs.....................................................................39 Spelling sums......................................................................40 Jumbled words....................................................................40 Spelling quiz........................................................................41 Blast off!...............................................................................41 Word building.......................................................................42 Spelling busy bee................................................................43

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Spelling strategy cards What does it mean?............................................................44 What can I hear?.................................................................45 What can I see?..................................................................46 How can I remember?.........................................................47 How well did I do?...............................................................48 How can I use what I learnt?...............................................49

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Photocopiable poster Look, say, cover, write, check..............................................50 Photocopiable merit certificates.............................................51 Assessment sheets Individual recording sheet...................................................52 Test checklist.......................................................................53


New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – C

Teacher information

How to use the workbook

The student workbook has 20 units of work, each comprising of four pages. The units contain a list of 10 words to be learned and six revision words taken from the previous workbook. Units do not have to be completed in order. Refer to page 10 for an overview of each unit focus and activity types. Students follow the instructions to identify the focus of the list. It encourages the students to look for patterns, similarities and differences within the list and identify ways to remember how to spell each word.

Unit number and focus

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Students tick the T (Test) column if they spelt the word correctly in their test. They tick the D (Dictation) column if they spelt the word correctly in dictation. If the word was not used in dictation, they leave it blank. See pages 12–31 of this book for suggested dictation sentences, including list and revision words.

Students should follow these steps when learning each word. It is a well-tested and effective method of remembering how to spell words. Look at the word – Look for how the focus sound is spelt. Look for words within words and the shape of the word. Say the word – Sound out the word phonetically. Break the word into syllables, if appropriate. Cover each word – A time factor can be built into this part. Write the word – Space has been given for two tries over the course of the unit. Check the word with the original.

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The first page of each unit contains the list words. The majority of the lists are grouped according to the way phonemes (sounds) are represented (graphemes). Other groupings include difficult words, patterns in words, compound words, contractions and silent letters. Note: Some teachers may decide to pre-test the list words.

Students write any list words, revision words, words from dictation or any other words that are causing them difficulty here. Selected words can be transferred to pages 82 and 83 of their workbook. Suggested activities for learning these words can be found on pages 32–43 of this book.

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Note: A poster outlining these steps is provided on page 50 of this book.

Explanations of spelling rules, along with examples and activities, are designed to teach students why words look the way they do, why they are spelt that way and exceptions to the rule.

The activities on the first and second pages of each unit are designed to provide students with many opportunities to complete or write the list words. A variety of word study and word building activities extend and develop students’ knowledge and understanding.

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Examples include: • identifying features of the words • filling in missing letters or sounds • finding small words within list words • completing sentences with list words • unjumbling words • guessing words by their shape • sorting words by the number of letters or syllables • writing the list words in alphabetical order • identifying incorrectly spelt list words • identifying rhyming words

New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – C


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Teacher information

How to use the workbook The third page of each unit features a word search for all the list words. The list of words next to each word search can also be used by students when completing the crossword on the fourth page of the unit.

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Each unit features a selection of revision words from the previous workbook. Students are required to identify the focus of these words and complete activities to help them remember how to spell them. Many of the revision words have been included in the suggested dictation sentences for the unit. Teachers may wish to include the revision words in the final test of the unit. Results can be recorded on pages 52 and 53.

The fourth page of each unit features a crossword. It includes every list word and some revision words. Students can refer to the opposite page to choose from the list or revision words for crossword answers.

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A word building template can be found on page 42 of this book. Word building examples for every list and revision word can be found on pages 12–31.

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The final activities of the unit generally have a word building focus. Practice is provided for students to build on and create a larger bank of words for their use and understanding. Dictionaries should be made available to help complete these activities.

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Phonics charts: Writing consonant sounds and Writing vowel sounds

Coloured reference charts, with a number of graphemes used to represent vowel and consonant sounds, are included at the front and back of each student workbook. Suggestions for using the charts are: • Locate and point to particular sound boxes. (This is essential if students are to use the charts effectively.) For example: – Find the sound box for the initial sound in your name, school, suburb, friend’s name, pet etc. – Find the sound box after or before a particular sound. – Count the graphemes in particular sound boxes; e.g. long i (five) • Solve silly grapheme puzzles; e.g. dge-a-ch (Jack) • Create silly grapheme puzzles to name animals, colours, fruit, vegetables; e.g. mb-u-n-k-ea (monkey) • Draw a picture for each sound in his or her name; e.g.

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New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – C

Teacher information

Suggested timetable

A suggested 10-day spelling timetable has been outlined below as a guide. These lessons have been based on 30-minute long lessons each day, which can be a combination of class work and homework. Teachers can add or delete from the timetable according to their students’ needs and their personal teaching approach; for example, some teachers may decide to incorporate pre-testing of the list words or partner testing.

Day 1

Day 6

• Introduce list words. • Revise focus for list and revision words. • Students follow the instructions to identify and underline the • Complete crossword on fourth page. focus of the unit. • Complete one or two dictation sentence(s). Mark and tick • Discuss the meaning of each list word and ask students to D column. Transfer errors to Word watch. suggest sentences using each word. Hearing the word in context adds to their understanding of its meaning. • Complete Activity 1.

Day 7

• Revise focus. • Discuss ways to remember how to spell each word. Refer to the Spelling strategy cards on pages 44–49 of this book. • Complete first column of Look, say, cover, write, check. • Mark and transfer errors to Word watch. • Spelling game or activity with list words (see pages 32–43).

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Day 2

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• Complete second column of Look, say, cover, write, check. • Mark and transfer errors to Word watch. • Complete final activities on fourth page.

8 l © R. I . C.PDay ub i cat i ons • Revise focus. • Complete one or two dictation sentence(s). Mark and tick • Brainstorm other words with the same focus and discuss D column. errors Word watch. • f o r r e v i e w p u r pTransfer ose stoo n l y• their meaning. Refer to the Spelling strategy cards. • Spelling game or activity with Word watch words, Day 3

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Day 4

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Day 9

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revision words or Words I need to learn (pages 82–83 in workbook). Refer to the Spelling strategy cards for ways to remember how to spell problem words.

• Complete activities on second page.

• Revise focus. • Complete word search on third page. • Add any words causing students difficulty from other subject areas to Word watch. Refer to the Spelling strategy cards to remember how to spell each word. • Spelling game or activity with list words.

• Test revision words. Transfer errors to Word watch. • Spelling game or activities with list words.

Day 5

Day 10

• Introduce revision words and discuss focus. • Complete revision words activity. • Complete two or three dictation sentence(s). Mark and tick D column. Transfer errors to Word watch. If a word is already listed, start a tally next to it. Refer to the Spelling strategy cards.

• • • •

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New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – C

Test list words. Complete one or two dictation sentence(s). Mark and tick T and D columns. Transfer errors to Word watch and choose problem words to list in Words I need to learn. Refer to the Spelling strategy cards. • Spelling game or activity.


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Teacher information

Blank timetable

Use the blank timetable to plan a spelling program for your class.

Day 1

Day 6

Day 7

Day 8

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Day 4

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Day 9

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Day 5

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Day 3

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Day 2

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Day 10


New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – C

Teacher information

Using the spelling strategy cards

The following spelling strategies are based on a metacognitive approach. This approach teaches students how to think about their thinking in a logical and structured way, in order to become more successful independent spellers. A set of photocopiable cards, provided on pages 44–49, encourages students to reflect upon their learning.

What does it mean?

It is essential that students know the meaning of the word and can use it in context.

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• What does the word mean?

• Does it have parts of other words?

What can I hear?

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• Can I use it in a sentence?

A common reason for spelling errors is incorrect pronunciation, particularly the final sound. For example: baskit (basket), goldin (golden)

© R. I . C.P ubl i c at i o sin words is an Identifying the sounds, parts orn syllables essential skill. Foru example: •f orr evi ew p r posesonl y• identifying sounds — p–i–c–n–i–c

• Can I pronounce the word correctly? • Can I break it into parts?

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identifying parts — sp–or–t identifying syllables — yes/ter/day, re/ply (Each syllable must have a vowel sound.)

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• Is there a wrong, but helpful, way to say it?

Using pronunciation tricks is a useful strategy. For example: brid–ge (bridge) k–nife (knife)

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Many students find it helpful to close their eyes and visualise the word and/or its shape. For example:

What can I see?



• Can I see the word in my head? • What letters make the sounds? • Is it like another word?

New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – C

Identifying the grapheme used to represent a sound and understanding that different choices are available is essential. Students should be encouraged to locate the appropriate sound box on the vowel or consonant charts in their workbooks. For example: sore, soar


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Teacher information How can I remember?

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Students should be encouraged to learn spelling tricks (e.g. mnemonics) and to make up some of their own); for example: ‘Would old Uncle Larry die?’ (would)

• Is there a trick I can use?

How well did I do?

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Students need to identify letters within words that may cause them difficulty. For example: month Although there are exceptions to most spelling rules, they are very helpful and students need to know them. For example: ‘e goes away when ing comes to stay’.

• What is the difficult part? • Is there a spelling rule?

Using the spelling strategy cards

Students need to be aware of spelling strategies and understand that how they learn is as important as what they learn.

© R. I . C.Pub l i cat i ons Reflection upon and evaluating the strategies used is an part of learning. •f orr evi ew puessential r po sesonl y•

• Did I use good strategies?

• How do I feel?

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Self-esteem is related to perceived success and it is important that students acknowledge their successes and are motivated to continue learning.

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• Could I have used some other ways of learning?

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How can I use what I learnt?

Students should understand the importance of applying their spelling knowledge in different contexts. Students’ writing should provide evidence of how well they apply the spelling strategies they have learned.

• Can I use the word in dictation? • Can I use the word in my writing? • Can I now spell other words with similar patterns?

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Generalising knowledge gained is essential for students to become independent spellers.


New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – C

Teacher information

Overview of unit lists – Book C

The following lists contain all the words from Book C.

Book C also, have, to, too, two, of, off, could, would, should

Unit 2

car, star, part, harm, garden, last, fast, class, father, basket

Unit 3

blew, chew, grew, crew, glue, due, spoon, balloon, bedroom, broomstick

Unit 4

love, above, oven, cover, mother, brother, another, other, Monday, front

Unit 5

think, thank, sunk, blanket, kind, reply, write, tried, high, right

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Unit 6

after, again, any, began, before, because, gone, nothing, during, many

Unit 7

still, smell, skull, kiss, grass, dress, buzz, stiff, cliff, stuff

Unit 8

bottle, little, middle, riddle, paddle, buckle, ankle, handle, jungle, kettle

Unit 9

scrap, scrape, scrub, spray, spring, sprain, sprint, street, strong, stream

Unit 10 Unit 11 Unit 12

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Unit 1

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons • f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• told, older, folder, golden, coldest, find, mind, wind, blind, grind quit, quiet, quite, quick, question, squid, squirt, squeal, squirm, square

yesterday, tomorrow, afternoon, fortnight, second, tonight, today, minute, month, year

Unit 14

page, huge, bridge, badge, ledge, bench, branch, catch, match, watch

Unit 15

yourself, himself, herself, outside, inside, someone, something, sometimes, everyone, everything

Unit 16

weren’t, I’d, won’t, we’ve, they’ve, what’s, that’s, there’s, you’re, hasn’t

Unit 17

order, sport, draw, straw, soar, board, sore, more, walk, talk

Unit 18

war, wart, warp, warning, ward, wardrobe, warm, warmth, swarm, dwarf

Unit 19

comb, lamb, numb, crumb, wrap, honest, ghost, know, knob, knife

Unit 20

back, trick, brick, shock, luck, panic, comic, topic, picnic, traffic

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twice, price, spice, slice, ice-cream, trace, space, place, race, face

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Unit 13

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New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – C


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Teacher information

Overview of unit lists – Book B

The following lists contain all the words from Book B, from which six revision words were chosen for each unit.

Book B Unit 1

ship, shop, shut, shin, sheep, wish, dish, fish, brush, smash

Unit 2

chop, chip, chin, chick, chest, rich, such, each, lunch, much

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Unit 3

home, bone, note, those, woke, use, tube, cute, tune, cube

Unit 4

drum, drip, grip, grub, trip, try, bring, brave, crab, crib

Unit 6

stop, stand, stone, start, step, nest, must, lost, best, cost

Unit 7

skip, skin, spot, spade, spell, spin, swim, swing, sweep, sweet

Unit 8

tent, spent, ant, hint, plant, camp, lamp, jump, bump, lump

Unit 9

meat, teach, beach, leave, dear, hear, fear, keep, sleep, sheet

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Unit 5

Unit 11

bang, hang, sang, song, along, sing, thing, being, sung, hung

Unit 13

bird, girl, first, third, hurt, turn, paper, never, over, under

Unit 14

boat, coat, loaf, float, soap, grow, show, below, own, crow

Unit 15

does, goes, put, why, who, ask, are, here, saw, once

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for, were, going, help, come, some, your, said, give, from

Unit 16 Unit 17

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out, about, house, found, around, now, how, brown, down, clown

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story, lady, baby, party, only, happy, bunny, funny, silly, very

Unit 18

when, what, where, while, whip, work, well, went, want, wand

Unit 19

them, this, then, that, there, than, tooth, path, bath, both

Unit 20

I’m, I’ll, I’ve, it’s, isn’t, she’s, he’s, can’t, don’t, we’re

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© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f or r evi ew pur posesonl y• day, way, play, clay, away, rain, train, sail, tail, wait Unit 12 Unit 10


New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – C

Teacher information

Overview of unit content

Each unit contains a word search and a crossword. Other activity types and content are outlined below.


Activity types/content


Difficult words

word investigation; completing words; completing sentences; word shapes; homophones; v, ve and f Revision: sh – missing vowels, adding ing


ar, a

word investigation, small words, completing words, compound words, completing sentences, adding suffixes Revision: ch – missing vowels, correct word


ew, ue, oo

word investigation, completing words, word sort by letters, completing sentences, word shapes, homophones, compound words Revision: a–e, i–e – missing vowels, secret words


o making an u sound

word investigation, word sort by syllables, alphabetical order, completing sentences, antonyms, lists Revision: o–e, u–e – unjumbling, correct word


nk, i, y, i–e, ie, igh

word investigation; completing words; identifying errors; secret words; homophones; adding er, est Revision: dr, tr, gr, cr, br – rhyming words

8 9 10 11 12

14 15 16

word investigation, unjumbling words, adding s for plural, completing sentences, adding ing to change nouns to verbs, rule: e goes away when ing comes to stay Revision: nt, mp – missing letters, secret words


scr, spr, str qu, squ

word investigation, unjumbling words, small words, guess the word, rule: double the consonant, changing words, homographs Revision: sk, sp, sw – missing letters, adding ing, rhyming words

word investigation; missing letters; rhyming words; crosspatch; small words; unjumbling words; rules for adding suffixes s, ed and ing Revision: ea, ee – missing letters, rhyming words

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

word investigation, missing letters, rhyming words, guess the word, secret words, adding ly to make adverbs Revision: difficult words – missing letters, adding ing when e goes away, unjumbling

word investigation, missing vowels, word sort by syllables, alphabetical order, completing sentences, time Difficult words – time abbreviations, cloze (tenses) Revision: ng – missing vowels, secret words old, ind

word investigation, word snake, rhyming words, changing to past tense, completing sentences, comparative and superlative, small words Revision: ay, ai – missing letters, identifying long a sounds

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ll, ss, zz, ff

word investigation, small words, unjumbling sentences and words, word shapes, compound words Revision: st – missing vowels, adding ing

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Difficult words

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ice, ace (soft s)

word investigation; blending; unjumbling sentences; compound words; secret words; adding suffixes s, ed and ing (rule: e goes away); hard and soft c Revision: ir, er, ur – missing letters, guess the word

ge, dge, ch, tch

word investigation, missing letters, homographs, unjumbling words, completing sentences, adding s and es to make words plural, compound words Revision: oa, ow – missing letters, rhyming words

Compound words

word investigation, word sort by letters, unjumbling words, completing sentences, compiling words from letters, compound words Revision: difficult words – missing letters, secret words

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word investigation, forming contractions, unjumbling contractions, word sort by family groups, completing Contractions sentences, brainstorming contractions Revision: ou, ow – missing letters, rhyming words


or, aw, oar, ore, a

word investigation; missing letters; unjumbling words; completing sentences; homophones; adding suffixes ed, ing, er; compound words Revision: y (long e) – missing letters, plural: changing y to i and adding es



word investigation, unjumbling words, alphabetical order, unjumbling sentences, antonyms, rhyming words, compound words Revision: w, wh – completing sentences



word investigation, word sort by family groups, rhyming words, identifying errors, changing words, plural: Silent letters change f to v and add es homophones Revision: th – unjumbling, secret words ck, c

word investigation; missing letters; word sort by syllables; unjumbling sentences; adding suffixes s, ed and ing to words ending with c (rule: c changes to ck before ed and ing) Revision: contractions – forming contractions, identifying difference between its and it’s

New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – C


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Teacher information

Assessment suggestions

There are many different ways to assess and record spelling. Below are some suggestions for assessment and recording to help support the New wave spelling workbook program. • Teachers may decide to pre-test the list and/or revision words. The results can be used as a benchmark for how well the

students learn the list or for identifying which words they need to focus on throughout the two-week program. Errors can be transferred directly to the Word watch section. A disadvantage of pre-testing is that poor spellers could possibly have many errors, which may affect their self-esteem. Although the activities provided would benefit all students, those who are good spellers with no errors may not be motivated to work on the unit.

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• Teachers may decide to incorporate partner testing of a selected amount of words each day, with results recorded formally

or informally and errors transferred to Word watch.

• Teachers may post test the list and revision words at the conclusion of the two week program to evaluate the students’

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progress. Again, errors are recorded and transferred.

Photocopiable recording sheets are outlined below.

Individual spelling records can be kept (see page 52).The BLM can be used to record pre-test, partner test and final revision and list word test scores, along with anecdotal notes. These notes can become an overview of the student’s progress in spelling over the 20 units and can be discussed during parent/teacher conferences and in reports.

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• Individual recording sheet

Test checklist

Unit 20

Unit 19

Unit 18

Unit 17

Unit 16

Unit 15

Unit 14

Unit 13

Unit 12

Unit 9

Unit 11

Unit 8

Unit 10

Unit 7

Unit 6

Unit 5

Student name

Unit 4


Result Comment

Unit 3

Date and Test

Support material



Unit 2

Support material

Student name:

Unit 1

Room for student name and year at school.

Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3

Write anecdotal comments in this space. Comments could include type of spelling errors, effort and attitude, ideas for remediation or strengths.

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Unit 4

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Write the date and type of test(s) in this space (pre-test, post test, revision test etc.).

Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit 7 Unit 8

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Unit 9

Unit 10 Unit 11

Unit 12

Unit 13

Unit 14 Unit 15 Unit 16 Unit 17 Unit 18 Unit 19

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Unit 20 Spelling teacher resource Book C


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Spelling teacher resource Book C

Page 53 A record of spelling results for the whole class can be recorded (see page 53). Results could be colour-coded for ease of reference.


New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – C

Teacher information

Unit 1

Unit focus


This unit focuses on difficult words.


Teaching points • Identify the difficult parts of words. • Discuss ways to remember how to spell the word.

- pronunciation tricks (tooooo … fat) - mnemonics (Could old Uncle Larry die? Would, Should)

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Revision words Word building

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shops, s shopped, s shopping shuts, s shutting ● brushes (plural), brushes (tense), brushed, brushing smash ● smashes (plural), smashes (tense), smashed, smashing


p h s h o o a

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Dictation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.



e a




n o


c o n

e h b w l w h s

r t

d w a d o c o u



z o




u u



e o




o d c a p




o c . che e r o t r s super e m u b

Rule: e goes away when ing comes to stay. Rule: Double the consonant to keep the vowel sound short. ● Rule: To make words ending with sh plural, es is added. n

s o a

u v s g

(Taken from Unit 1, Book B)




m . u

shop shut sheep fish brush

9. (a) shopping (b) brushing (c) smashing (d) fishing (e) shutting 10. Crossword Across: 2. off 5. also 6. sheep 7. would 9. could 10. shut 12. two 13. to Down: 1. of 3. fish 4. have 6. should 8. brush 10. shop 11. too 11. (a) Teacher check (b) yellow –vase, very, visit, vote, voice, shaving green – have, live, love, glove, give blue – of

ew i ev Pr

having, haven’t couldn’t wouldn’t shouldn’t n

too, two, off to, too, two off of, have should, could, would (f) also, have (a) could (b) also (c) would (d) have (e) should (f) to (g) of (h) too (i) off (j) too, two (a) to, off (b) two, of (c) too (a) off (b) should (c) have (a) no (b) The words do not sound the same (c) wood Word search

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

List words Word building also have to too two of off could would should

2. 3. 4. 5.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

e e r

n a





n h a m e p

v s h o u


d d

7. The words begin or end with sh. 8. (a) sheep (b) smash (c) fish (d) shut (e) shop (f) brush

I have two pet fish. The brush could fall off the dust pan. You should shut the gate. It is too hot to go to the shop. I also have one of his books. The sheep would not go into the pen.

New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – C



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Teacher information

Unit 2

Unit focus


This unit focuses on choosing the grapheme a or ar to represent the same sound (phoneme).

1. (a) garden, father, basket (b) class (c) basket (d) star, last, fast (e) father (f) class 2. (a) part (b) class (c) star (d) father (e) basket (f) harm 3. (a) part (b) garden (c) basket (d) class (e) father (f) last (g) star (h) car (i) harm (j) fast 4. starlight, stardust, starfish 5. (a) last, class, garden (b) father, basket (c) star, part 6. Word search

Teaching points • Identify the phoneme and how it is represented. • Discuss pronunciation tricks e.g. saying last with a short

a sound.

cars stars parts, parted, parting harms, harmed, harming gardens, gardened, gardening lasts, lasted, lasting fasted, fasting, faster n classes, classed, classing fathers baskets

Teac he r

car star part harm garden last fast class father basket

Revision words Word building

ew i ev Pr

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

List words Word building

9. (a) chick (b) lunch (c) chests (d) chops 10. Crossword Across: 1. lunch 4. fast 5. part 7. father 10. car 11. chest 12. much 13. each Down: 1. last 2. chop 3. garden 6. basket 8. harm 9. star 10. class 11. chick 11. (a) lasts, lasted, or lasting (b) parts, parted, or parting (c) gardens, gardened, gardening or gardener (d) fasts, fasted, w fasting or faster r s (e) harms, harmed or harming k (f) classes, classed or t classing

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

(Taken from Unit 2, Book B)

d g r f a s t m p s

n s

w ww


Rule: To make words ending with ss plural, es is added. Rule: Double the consonant to keep the vowel sound short. Rule: To make words ending with ch plural, es is added.

. te

Dictation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

s t h r a a s s h a

h a r m s o d l s b

x r o a t v r l k a

p i j g a r d e n s

o f a t h e r s s k

b c l a s s i t n e

o a i s g r a s b t

o c . che e r o t r s super

My father has a fast car. Each class will eat lunch in the garden. The chick is in the basket. Her father will chop up the wood. How much can you fit in the chest? A star can not harm you.

R.I.C. Publications ®

u s c r l d p a r t

m . u

chop chops, schopped, schopping chick chicks chest chests each much lunch ● lunches

h r m r d

7. The words begin or end with ch. 8. (a) chest (b) chop (c) lunch (d) chick (e) each (f) much


New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – C

Teacher information

Unit 3

Unit focus This unit focuses on choosing the grapheme ew, ue or oo to represent a sound (phoneme).

Teaching points • Identify the phoneme and how it is represented. • Sort the list words according to the graphemes and

brainstorm other words to add to each list.

Teac he r

give, gives, given, n giving come, comes, n coming rides, s ridden, rode, n riding, rider makes, made, n making likes, liked, n liking kites

n s

. te

o c . che e r o t r s super

Rule: e goes away when ing comes to stay. Rule: Double the consonant to keep the vowel sound short.

Dictation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

w ww

(Taken from Unit 3, Book B)

m . u

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

Revision words Word building


ew i ev Pr

blow, blows, blown, blowing chews, chewed, chewing grow, grows, grown, growing crews glues, glued, n gluing

spoons, spoonful, teaspoon, tablespoon, dessertspoon balloon balloons bedroom bedrooms broomstick broomsticks

gave came ride make like kite

7. Teacher check 8. (a) came (b) like (c) gave (d) ride (e) kite (f) make 9. (a) game (b) liking (c) give (d) riding 10. Crossword Across: 5. crew 6. balloon 8. like 9. glue 10. chew Down: 1. spoon 2. due 3. broomstick 4. blew 5. came 6. bedroom 7. ride 9. grew 11. (a) blew (b) sea (c) sun 12. (a) bedroom (b) broomstick (c) bathmat (d) sunshine a f b c r e w b d b

1. (a) spoon, balloon, bedroom, broomstick (b) glue, due (c) blew, chew, grew, crew (d) broomstick (e) due 2. (a) bedroom (b) crew (c) due (d) balloon (e) grew (f) spoon (g) glue (h) chew (i) broomstick (j) blew 3. 3 letters – due 4 letters – blew, chew, grew, crew, glue 5 letters – spoon 7 letters – balloon, bedroom 10 letters – broomstick 4. spoon, due, balloon, crew, chew 5. (a) grew (b) glue (c) blew (d) bedroom 6. Word search

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

List words Word building blew chew grew crew glue due spoon


c h b d p q x b l

The wind grew and blew away the kite. Do not ride the bike in the bedroom. She gave me a kite and a balloon. The crew are due at noon. The spoon is next to the glue. I like to chew on chewing gum.

New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – C


l a l m c f u r t

g r e w s p o o n

h e w e g s n o r

i r c g l q x m k

j k v d u e j s w

e b s n e u w t y

a l l o o n o i m

g o i h t y z c v

e d r o o m z k p

R.I.C. Publications ®

Teacher information

Unit 4

Unit focus This unit focuses on choosing the grapheme o to represent the sound (phoneme) u (as in bun).

Teaching points • Identify the phoneme and how it is represented. • Discuss pronunciation tricks: e.g. saying love with a short

o sound.

loves, loved, n loving

9. Crossword Across: 2. tune 3. above 7. cover 8. other 9. oven 11. another 12. tube 13. love Down: 1. woke 2. those 4. brother 5. Monday 6. front 10. mother 10. (a) brother (b) mother (c) front (d) above (e) love 11. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, m o t h e r l b a f Thursday, Friday, g t h a c r o v e n Saturday

ew i ev Pr

ovens covers, covered, covering, uncover mothers, motherly, mother-in-law brothers, brotherly, brother-in-law

Teac he r

1. (a) mother, brother, another, other (b) Monday (c) front (d) love (e) oven 2. 1 syllable – love, front 2 syllables – above, oven, cover, mother, brother, other, Monday 3 syllables – another 3. above, another, brother, cover, front, love, Monday, mother, other, oven 4. (a) other (b) another (c) cover (d) oven (e) front (f) brother (g) Monday 5. Word search

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

List words Word building love above oven cover mother brother another other Monday front



Revision words Word building

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f o rr evi ew pur posesonl y• tubes notes, noted, n noting woken, wake, wakes, n waking cutely

l i b h a h j v

tunes, tuned, n tuning

(Taken from Unit 2, Book B)

w ww


Rule: e goes away when ing comes to stay.


Dictation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

. te

l q o m p s n o

n o t h e r e n

i d h x c f c d

k k e t c m i a

v e r j o b l y

z a b o v e d u

y s a s e o k b

e r x f r o n t

o c . che e r o t r s super 6. 7. 8.

On Monday, my brother and I will sweep the front path. The tree grew above the roof. I love to help my mother clean the oven. Cover the other end of the tube. May I have another one of those? He will send a note to his brother.

R.I.C. Publications ®

h e r f e g w M

m . u

note woke cute those tube tune


Teacher check (a) woke (b) tube (c) tune (d) those (e) note (f) cute (a) cute (b) cut (c) tub (d) note

New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – C

Teacher information

Unit 5

Unit focus


This unit has two focuses: • the blend nk • choosing the grapheme i, y, i–e, ie or igh to represent the long i sound (phoneme).

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Teaching points • Identify the blend and how it is represented. • Identify the phoneme and how it is represented. • Sort the list words according to the graphemes and

List words Word building

ew i ev Pr

thinks, thinking, thank thanks, thanked, thanking sink, sinks, sinking, sank blankets kinds, kindly, kinder, kindest, unkind n replies, n replied, replying writes, ● writing, wrote, s written try, n tries, trying higher, highest

Teac he r

9. Crossword Across: 4. thank 5. write 7. kind 9. blanket 11. high 13. brave 14. grub Down: 1. sunk 2. think 3. reply 6. right 8. drip 10. tried 12. crab 10. (a) right, write 11. (a) higher, highest (b) kinder, kindest 12. thank

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

brainstorm other words to add to each list.

think thank sunk blanket kind reply write tried high right

(a) kind, tried (b) think, thank (c) blanket (d) sunk, kind, high (e) write (a) thank/think (b) think/thank (c) sink (d) blanket (a) reply (b) high (c) tried (d) kind (e) right (f) write (a) think (b) tried (c) blanket (d) high (e) thank (f) kind (g) write (a) think (b) blanket (c) tried (d) right (e) thank (f) write Word search

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons drip • dripped, dripping, drop, drips, f o r r e v i e w pur posesonl y• drops, dropped, dropping s



tries, tried, trying grubs, s grubby crabs, s crabby brings, brought bravely, bravery n


w ww

try grub crab bring brave


i v i n g t r i e d

(Taken from Unit 5, Book B)

Rules n s

. te

u s l r s e n w i t

n e a w r o p e t e

k d n w i h i g h s

y s k r g d a r i p

o h e i h a r m n e

r w t t t h a n k r

h a u e n k g r o s

a i k i n d m n t p

o c . che e r o t r s super

Rule: y changes to i when es or ed is added. Rule: Double the consonant to keep the vowel sound short. Rule: e goes away when ing comes to stay.

7. The words begin with dr, tr, gr, cr or br. 8. (a) try (b) crab (c) bring (d) brave (e) grub Other rhyming words will need a teacher check.

Dictation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

s e b e r e p l y a

m . u

Revision words Word building

You will find that kind of grub high on a plant. The crab tried to hide under the blanket. We will thank him for being so brave. Do you write with your left or right hand? Tom got a reply from him on Monday. We all think the boat should have sunk by now.

New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – C


R.I.C. Publications ®

Teacher information

Unit 6

Unit focus


This unit focuses on difficult words.

1. (a) any (b) before, because, nothing, during (c) after (d) any, many (e) again (f) began 2. (a) because (b) began (c) again (d) gone (e) before (f) many (g) nothing (h) during 3. (a) The dog began to bark after he had gone. (b) Many people left because it was hot. 4. (a) before (b) during (c) again (d) began 5. (a) any (b) nothing (c) after (d) because (e) before (f) gone 6. (a) again, after (b) during, before 7. Word search

Teaching points • Identify the difficult parts of words. • Discuss ways to remember how to spell the word:

– pronunciation tricks (saying after with a short a sound) – mnemonics (gone has one in it).

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

List words Word building

Teac he r

ew i ev Pr

after afterwards again any anyone, anything, anybody, anywhere, anyway, anyhow began begin, n beginning, begun before because gone go, goes, going nothing during many

8. The revision words begin or end with st. 9. (a) start (b) cost (c) best (d) must (e) stop (f) stand 10. (a) standing (b) costing (c) stopping (d) starting 11. Crossword Across: 4. start 7. cost 9. began 10. because 12. again 13. any Down: 1. best 2. gone 3. nothing 5. after 6. stand 8. during 9. before 11. many 12. anyhow, anywhere, anyway anyone, anybody, anything

Revision words Word building

stops, n stopped, n stopping stands, stood, standing starts, started, starting mustn’t costs, costing good, better

(Taken from Unit 6, Book B)

w ww

Rules n

. te

Rule: Double the consonant to keep the vowel sound short.


o o o n s h a i l l

a n y o b e f o r e

t b s t w g t e s a

r e h h n r e n d n

a c a i t m r d u r

l a g n f a z a r d

i u a g o n e l i l

p s i s t y o l n v

m e n a n d m m g i

o c . che e r o t r s super

1. The baby began to cry after her mother had gone. 2. How much will it cost? 3. Many of them left before the end because it began to rain. 4. I will stop now and start again and try to do my best. 5. Is there any milk in the jug? 6. You must not stand up during the show. 7. I have nothing left in my lunch box.

R.I.C. Publications ®

t i n b e g a n c h

m . u

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• stop stand start must cost best


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Teacher information

Unit 7

Unit focus


This unit focuses on the graphemes ll, ss, zz and ff.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Teaching points • Identify the phonemes and how they are represented. • Sort the list words according to the graphemes and

brainstorm other words to add to each list.

Teac he r

Revision words Word building

. te

Rule: y changes to i when er or est is added. Rule: To make words ending with ss plural, es is added. Rule: Double the consonant to keep the vowel sound short.

Dictation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

w ww


s i d j l s t i l l

k i s s f m u g t n

u x b t o e b u z z

l e n i k l t q g v

l f s f m l z f c u

a i c f d e v h l a

d m k b r r g j i o

h y c w e p d c f b

l t j a s t u f f e

m . u

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• skips, ● skipped, ● skipping spells, spelled, spelling, spelt swings, swung, swinging skins, ● skinned, ● skinning spades sweets, sweetly

(Taken from Unit 7, Book B)


ew i ev Pr

still smell smells, smelled, smelling, smelt, smelly, n smellier, n smelliest skull skulls kiss s kisses, kissed, kissing grass s grasses, grassy, n grassier, n grassiest dress s dresses, dressed, dressing buzz buzzes stiff stiffly, stiffer, stiffest cliff cliffs stuff stuffs, stuffed, stuffing, stuffy, n stuffier, n stuffiest


10. (a) skipping (b) spelling (c) swinging (d) skinning 11. spade 12. Crossword Across: 3. kiss 6. skull 7. smell 8. dress 10. cliff 11. stuff Down: 1. skin 2. buzz 4. spade 5. grass 6. still 9. stiff 11. swing 13. (a) (i) verb – to put clothes on (ii) noun – an item of clothing worn by a female, a frock (b) Teacher check

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

List words Word building

skip spell swing skin spade sweet

(a) skull, buzz, stuff (b) grass (c) kiss (d) dress, grass (e) still, stiff, stuff (a) buzz (b) kiss (c) dress (d) grass (e) stuff (f) skull (g) smell (h) stiff (i) still (j) cliff (a) stiff (b) grass (c) cliff (d) still (e) kiss (a) buzz (b) skull (c) stuff (d) dress Teacher check (a) grass (b) skull (c) kiss Word search

g r a s s u q k s p

o c . che e r o t r s super

I can still smell the freshly cut grass. A skull was found at the bottom of the cliff. My neck will get stiff if I swing on the rope all day. A bee is buzzing next to the spade. I gave Mum a kiss for mending my dress. We had to stuff the rugs into the chest.

New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – C

8. The words begin with sk, sp and sw. 9. (a) spade (b) swing (c) spell (d) skin (e) sweet (f) skip


R.I.C. Publications ®

Teacher information

Unit 8

Unit focus


This unit focuses on the grapheme le.

Teaching points • Identify the phoneme and how it is represented. • Brainstorm to list other words that use the same

grapheme. • Discuss how some words have double consonants to keep

List words Word building

bottles, bottled, n bottling littler, littlest

riddles paddles, paddled, n paddling buckles, buckled, n buckling ankles, anklet handles, handled, n handling jungles kettles

m c f y t j r p r f

i b k g i u m a e c

8. (a) camp (b) jump (c) hint (d) plant (e) lump (f) spent 9. (a) hunt (b) spend (c) print (d) camped 10. Crossword Across: 1. middle 4. bottle 6. jungle 7. camp 9. riddle 12. kettle 13. ankle Down: 2. little 3. spent 5. buckle 8. paddle 10. handle 11. plant 11. (a) paddling (b) handling (c) buckling (d) bottling 12. (a) middle (b) little (c) riddle

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

(a) buckle, ankle, kettle (b) buckle, jungle (c) ankle (d) middle, riddle (e) handle (a) middle (b) buckle (c) ankle (d) bottle (e) paddle (f) jungle (g) handle (h) kettle (i) little (j) riddle (a) buckle, paddle (b) kettle, riddle (c) middle, ankle (d) handle, little (e) jungle, bottle (a) bottles (b) riddles (c) paddles (d) buckles (e) kettles (f) ankles (g) jungles (h) handles (a) buckle (b) handle, kettle (c) little, middle, jungle Word search

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

the preceding vowel sound short.

bottle little middle riddle paddle buckle ankle handle jungle kettle

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

spent plant jump hint camp lump

spend, spends, spending plants, planted, planting jumps, jumped, jumping hints, hinted, hinting camps, camped, camping lumps, lumpy

w ww

(Taken from Unit 8, Book B)


. te


They will paddle into the middle of the lake. I can see a little grub on that plant. Put the kettle and the bottle on the table. We set up camp in the middle of the jungle. He has a big lump on his ankle from jumping on the buckle. 6. The riddle she told on camp was funny. 7. The handle on the kettle is hot.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

R.I.C. Publications ®

d c p o j g s d h i

l k e t t l e l v h

e l a t z e k e j a

p e h l i t t l e n

a d l e w u x d g d

r i d d l e w l x l

b e b y t a n k l e

o c . che e r o t r s super

Rule: e goes away when ing comes to stay.


d u m b o n v d q u

m . u

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

Revision words Word building

7. The words end with nt or mp.


13. Teacher check

New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – C

Teacher information

Unit 9

Unit focus


This unit focuses on the blends scr, spr and str.

Teaching points • Identify each blend and how it is represented. • Sort the list words according to the blend and brainstorm

other words to add to each list.

Teac he r

scraps scrapes, scraped, n scraping, scraper scrubs, s scrubbed, s scrubbing sprays, sprayed, spraying springs, sprung, springing sprains, sprained, spraining sprints, sprinted, sprinting streets stronger, strongest streams, streamed, streaming

Revision words Word building beaches leaves, left, leaving nearly keeps, kept, keeping sleeps, slept, sleeping sheets

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

(Taken from Unit 9, Book B)

n s ●

w ww


Rule: e goes away when ing comes to stay. Rule: Double the consonant to keep the vowel sound short. Rule: To make words ending with ch plural, es is added.


. te

t h r e w s c r a p

s t r e e t b o a f

s c r u b r l n w s

t o o a y o o s c p

r s p r i n t p r r

e f l a s g o r o i

a i e i p d o a m n

m t h r r n r i e g

b s c r a p e n a n

m . u

beach leave near keep sleep sheet

ew i ev Pr

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

List words Word building scrap scrape scrub spray spring sprain sprint street strong stream

9. (a) leave (b) sheet (c) near (d) beach 10. keep, sleep 11. Crossword Across: 1. scrub 3. street 4. sprint 5. spring 8. sleep 9. sprain 11. scrape Down: 1. strong 2. beach 4. stream 6. leave 7. spray 8. scrap 10. near 12. (a) sprays, sprayed, spraying (b) scrubs, scrubbed, scrubbing (c) sprints, sprinted, sprinting (d) scrapes, scraped, scraping

1. (a) (i) spray (ii) sprain (iii) scrape (b) scrap (c) sprint, street (d) stream (e) strong, spring 2. (a) scrub (b) spray (c) strong (d) scrap (e) stream (f) sprain (g) street (h) scrape 3. street, scrape, stream 4. (a) spray (b) scrub (c) scrap (d) spring (e) sprain (f) sprint (g) strong (h) street 5. (a) spray (b) sprint, street (c) stream, strong (d) sprain, scrub 6. Word search

o r e s y e n t r s

o c . che e r o t r s super

1. You could sprain your ankle if you sprint down the street near the beach. 2. Dan will paint a stream and a spring on a sheet of scrap paper. 3. We had to scrape the mess off the carpet and scrub it hard to get it clean. 4. The spray from that can smells strong. 5. She will leave the cat to sleep on the mat.

New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – C


7. The words have an ea or an ee sound. 8. (a) near (b) keep (c) sheet (d) leave (e) sleep (f) beach

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Teacher information

Unit 10

Unit focus


This unit focuses on qu and squ.

1. (a) square, squirt, squeal, squirm (b) quit (c) quit, quiet, squirt (d) quick (e) quiet, question 2. (a) question (b) squeal (c) squirm (d) quick (e) square (f) quiet 3. (a) squeal (b) quit (c) quite (d) squirm (e) squid (f) quick 4. (a) square (b) squid (c) question (d) squirt (e) squirm (f) squeal 5. (a) squeal (b) quit (c) squirt (d) quick (e) square (f) quite (g) squirm 6. Word search

Teaching points • Identify each blend and how it is represented. • Sort the list words according to the blends and brainstorm

other words to add to each list.

quits, s quitted, s quitting quietly, quieter, quietest, quietness

quickly, quicker, quickest, quickness questions, questioned, questioning squid (plural noun) squirts, squirted, squirting squeals, squealed, squealing squirms, squirmed, squirming squares, squared, n squaring, squarely

Teac he r

quit quiet quite quick question squid squirt squeal squirm square

Revision words Word building come help were give said your

comes, came, n coming helps, helped, helping was, weren’t gives, gave, given, n giving say, says, saying you’re

ew i ev Pr

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

List words Word building

9. (a) giving (b) helping (c) coming 10. (a) give (b) your (c) come (d) were 11. Crossword Across: 1. quick 4. quiet 5. squirm 7. were 9. squid 11. squirt 12. give 13. help Down: 1. quit 2. come 3. square 6. question 8. quite 10. squeal 12. (a) (i) quickly (ii) quietly (b) Teacher check

(Taken from Unit 10, Book B)

n s

w ww


Rule: e goes away when ing comes to stay. Rule: Double the consonant to keep the vowel sound short.


. te

R.I.C. Publications ®

h q a s v q u i e t

q u i c k b t s k s

a i g v s r h s o p

i t r s q i r q w o

q e e q u e e u x a

7. 8.

Teacher check (a) said (b) were (c) come (d) your (e) give (f) help

u s q u e s t i o n

i p e i a s c r s y

t r a d l t h t h w

q s q u a r e c r l

o c . che e r o t r s super

We were quick to squeal and run away from the snake. Your maths question was quite hard. I hope the squid will not squirt us. Mum said we could help by being quiet while the baby slept. 5. I would squirm if I saw a squid. 6. Has a square two or four sides? 1. 2. 3. 4.

f l a s q u i r m o

m . u

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•


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Teacher information

Unit 11

Unit focus


This unit focuses on difficult words.

Teaching points • Identify the difficult parts of words. • Discuss ways to remember how to spell the word:

– pronunciation tricks (saying afternoon with a short a sound) – breaking the word into syllables i.e. yes/ter/day (each syllable must contain a vowel sound).

8. (a) along (b) being (c) hung (d) sang/sung (e) thing (f) sang/sung 9. (a) hung (b) along (c) being (d) thing 10. Crossword Across: 6. tonight 7. thing 8. fortnight 9. tomorrow 12. minute Down: 1. along 2. afternoon 3. second 4. being 5. yesterday 9. today 10. month 11. year 11. (a) (i) pm (ii) min. (iii) sec. (b) (i) morn. (ii) m. (iii) y. 12. yesterday, tomorrow, today


minutes months years, yearly

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

(a) tonight, fortnight (b) month (c) year (d) tomorrow (e) second, minute (f) today, tonight (a) month (b) year (c) today (d) second (e) tonight (f) fortnight (g) afternoon (h) tomorrow (i) yesterday (j) minute 1 syllable – month, year 2 syllables – today, second, tonight, fortnight, minute 3 syllables – afternoon, yesterday, tomorrow 4. afternoon, fortnight, minute, month, second, today, tomorrow, tonight, year, yesterday 5. (a) tonight, tomorrow (b) today (c) afternoon (d) year/minute, month/second (e) fortnight 6. Word search

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

List words Word building yesterday tomorrow afternoon fortnight second tonight today minute month year

1. 2. 3.

w ww

sang song, songs, sing, sings, singing, sung thing things sung song, songs, sing, sings, singing, sang along being hung hang, hanging

(Taken from Unit 11, Book B)

Dictation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

. te

t a t x e d y e a r

o f o r t n i g h t

m i n u t e w q k p

o b i z c g j m e l

r f g d s e c o n d

r a h j b r h n g t

o i t o d a y t u m

w c k y h i o h f p

a f t e r n o o n s

m . u

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

Revision words Word building

y e s t e r d a y n

o c . che e r o t r s super

Tomorrow afternoon we will run along the beach. How many months make up one year? How many seconds make up one minute? How many days make up a fortnight? Tonight we are going to sleep in a tent. Yesterday she sang well, but not as well as today.

7. The revision words end with ng.

New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – C


R.I.C. Publications ®

Teacher information

Unit 12

Unit focus


This unit focuses on the blends old and ind.

1. 2.

Teaching points • Identify each blend and how it is represented. • Sort the list words according to the blends and brainstorm

other words to add to each list.

Teac he r

Revision words Word building

a q c b g w n w m w

j g o c d g e i f n

7. 8. 9.

Teacher check (a) clay (b) train (c) wait (d) play (e) away (f) sail (a) cave, chain, pray, brain, shame, tray (b) Teacher check

plays, played, playing, player

f o l d e r p n i g

d l d u t i o d b m

a d e t b n c s l t

e e s o l d e r i v

b n t l k l y a n x

f i n d h m i n d f

10. Crossword Across: 4. golden 5. coldest 10. wind 11. find 12. clay 13. grind Down: 1. told 2. blind 3. folder 6. older 7. train 8. mind 9. away 11. (a) kind, kinder, kindest (b) old, older, oldest (c) cold, colder, coldest

ew i ev Pr

tell, tells, telling old, oldest fold, folds, folded, folding gold cold, colder finds, found, finding minds, minded, minding (long i) winds, wound, winding, (short i) winds, winded blind blinds, blinded, blinding grind grinds, ground, grinding

play away sail clay train wait

3. 4. 5. 6.

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

List words Word building told older folder golden coldest find mind wind

(a) older, folder (b) coldest (c) grind (d) wind (e) folder (f) blind find, grind, mind, blind, wind (a) coldest (b) told (c) golden (d) folder/older (a) found (b) ground (c) wound (a) older, mind (b) find, golden (c) coldest (d) told, blind Word search

r k f u j o l i u h

s z r z q p p b w a

waits, waited, waiting

(Taken from Unit 12, Book B)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

w ww


I like to play with my older sister. My brother has a toy train that you wind up. We were told that we set sail on the coldest day of the month. Would you help me to find the brown folder? They hung the golden blinds in the bedroom. Do you mind if we wait for my father?

. te

12. Teacher check

o c . che e r o t r s super

R.I.C. Publications ®

m . u

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f o r r ev i ew pur posesonl y• trains, trained, training sails, sailed, sailing, sailor


New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – C

Teacher information

Unit 13

Unit focus This unit focuses on words with ice or ace. The ce in each word makes a soft c sound.

Teaching points • Identify the soft c sound in each word. (c is soft when

followed by i, e or y). • Sort the list words into ice and ace words and brainstorm

Teac he r

10. Crossword Across: 1. turn 5. place 6. slice 7. face 9. third 11. icecream 12. never Down: 2. race 3. space 4. under 6. spice 7. first 8. twice 9. trace 10. price 11. (a) races, raced, racing (b) slices, sliced, slicing (c) traces, traced, tracing (d) places, placed, placing


© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons hurts, hurting • f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• underneath

. te

Rule: e goes away when ing comes to stay. Rule: y changes to i when er or est is added.

p l a c e v c p s a

c c s t h r e l p c

h h l e r l c r i e

m p i a a t r a c e

o r c f c u e l e t

o i e t e i a d p r

z c s e e p m c r f

l e h f a c e j e i

m . u

thirds turns, turned, turning

w ww

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

c t w i c e i s c p

(Taken from Unit 13, Book B)


a t w s p s l s h s


Revision words Word building


(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (a)

ew i ev Pr

twice price prices, priced, n pricing spice spices, spiced, spicy, s spicier, s spiciest slice slices, sliced, n slicing ice-cream ice-creams trace traces, traced, n tracing space spaces, spaced, n spacing place places, placed, n placing race races, raced, n racing, racer face faces, faced, n facing


5. 6.

ice-cream race, face spice, space slice, place twice, trace price twice, ice-cream, spice, price, slice (b) face, place, trace, race, space (a) I like chocolate and vanilla ice-cream. (b) Our team won the race. (c) May I have a slice of cake? spaceship, spacesuit, spacecraft, spacewalk, spaceport (a) place (b) price (c) face (d) twice (e) trace Word search

List words Word building


1. 2.

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

other words to add to each list.

first hurt under third turn never


o c . che e r o t r s super 7. The revision words have an ir, ur or er sound. 8. (a) under (b) third (c) turn (d) first (e) never (f) hurt 9. (a) under (b) hurt (c) first (d) never (e) third (f) turn

He had a red face after he got first place in the race. Is there space to place the spice rack under the shelf? That slice of cake is twice as big as the other. What is the price of the ice-cream? Turn the paper over so you can trace the shape.

New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – C


12. (a) Words where c makes an s sound – rice, cent, grace, cereal (b) ce makes the s sound

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Teacher information

Unit 14

Unit focus This unit focuses on choosing the graphemes ge or dge and ch or tch to represent a sound (phoneme).

Teaching points • Identify the phonemes and how they are represented. • Sort the list words according to the graphemes and

brainstorm other words to add to each list.

Teac he r

(a) branch, bridge (b) catch, match (c) page, huge (d) watch (e) ledge (f) badge, bench (a) bridge (b) huge (c) badge (d) ledge (e) page (a) branch (b) catch (c) watch (d) bench (e) match Teacher check (a) badge, catch (b) huge, bench (c) watch, ledge (a) bench (b) page (c) watch, catch (d) huge, branch (e) bridge (f) ledge Word search

a t c h a n h m

b r a n c h u u

10. (a) soap (b) own (c) float (d) loaf (e) below/grow (f) below/grow 11. Crossword Across: 4. bridge 7. soap 8. below 9. bench 11. match 14. watch Down: 1. badge 2. branch 3. ledge 5. page 6. float 10. catch 12. huge 13. own 12. (a) bridges (b) branches (c) matches (d) pages (e) watches (f) ledges k h r p p y g e a e (g) catches w z b a d g e e d e (h) benches

ew i ev Pr

pages hugely bridges badges ledges n benches n branches, branched, branching n catches, caught, catching n matches, matched, matching n watches, watched, watching

Revision words Word building loaf float soap grow below own

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

List words Word building page huge bridge badge ledge bench branch catch match watch



(Taken from Unit 14, Book B)

n s

w ww


Rule: To make words ending with ch plural, es is added. Rule: To make some words ending with f plural, the f is changed to v and es is added.

Dictation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

. te

g e h a p e e r

f n r t l w l l

l c t c c a m e

i h m h e f a d

b r i d g e t g

r i a a g s c e

p s c r a w h m

o c . che e r o t r s super

That tree branch will grow huge if it is not cut off. Put the matches below the ledge. Do you own the watch on the bench? Watch the log float under the bridge. Watch the ball as you catch it. The badge is made of gold. The third page of the book is torn.

R.I.C. Publications ®

s b t c s g g p

m . u

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• loaves floats, floated, floating soaps, soapy grows, grew, growing


8. The words have an oa or an ow sound. 9. (a) float (b) own (c) loaf (d) grow (e) below (f) soap


13. (a) matchbox (b) footbridge (c) watchdog (d) knowledge 14 match – used to light a fire, a contest or game, something that looks like or goes with something else

New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – C

Teacher information

Unit 15

Unit focus


This unit focuses on compound words.

Teaching points • Identify the two words in each word. • Identify any difficult parts of words. • Discuss ways to remember how to spell the word:

– breaking the word into two words and/or breaking each word into syllables i.e. eve/ry/thing (each syllable must contain a vowel sound [y is not a vowel but has a vowel sound]).


Teac he r


ew i ev Pr

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

List words Word building yourself himself herself outside inside someone something sometimes everyone everything

7. Teacher check 8. (a) why (b) goes (c) put (d) who (e) does (f) ask 9. (a) put (b) ask (c) goes, does 10. Crossword Across: 1. who 4. put 6. inside 8. yourself 11. sometimes 12. everything 14. everyone Down: 2. outside 3. himself 5. why 7. someone 9. something 10. herself 13. goes 11. everybody, everywhere, everyday, somebody, somehow, somewhere

1. (a) something, everything (b) outside (c) someone, everyone (d) inside (e) everything, everyone (f) himself, herself 2. 6 letters – inside 7 letters – himself, herself, outside, someone 8 letters – everyone, yourself 9 letters – something, sometimes 10 letters – everything 3. (a) everything (b) himself (c) someone (d) sometimes (e) herself (f) something (g) yourself (h) outside (i) everyone (j) inside 4. (a) Sometimes (b) himself (c) outside (d) everything (e) Someone (f) Everyone 5. someone, something, sometimes 6. Word search

put goes who ask

puts, s putting go, gone, going who’s asks, asked, asking

w ww

(Taken from Unit 15, Book B)

Rules n


. te

o c . che e r o t r s super

Rule: To make some words ending with f plural, the f is changed to v and es is added. Rule: Double the consonant to keep the vowel sound short. Discuss put–putting and putt–putting to determine which one follows the rule.


m . u

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons does do, doesn’t f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• why •

Revision words Word building

e v e r y t h i n g

1. Sometimes I like to ask someone to sleep over at my house. 2. Why does she put that plant inside? 3. Who goes outside when it rains? 4. My older brother likes to do everything by himself. 5. Do you make your bed by yourself? 6. His little sister can dress herself.

New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – C


y o u r s e l f e s

o o s e l k m p e o

u u h i m s e l f m

t t o o p h n t a e

s o m e t i m e s t

i s o m e o n e h h

d m e i n s i d e i

e v e r y o n e l n

e n h e r s e l f g

R.I.C. Publications ®

Teacher information

Unit 16

Unit focus


This unit focuses on contractions.

1. (a) what’s (b) they’ve, that’s, there’s (c) they’ve, we’ve (d) weren’t, won’t, hasn’t (e) weren’t, we’ve 2. (a) I’d (b) what’s (c) we’ve (d) hasn’t (e) you’re (f) that’s (g) weren’t (h) they’ve (i) there’s (j) won’t 3. (a) hasn’t (b) what’s (c) won’t (d) there’s (e) that’s (f) weren’t (g) you’re (h) they’ve 4. n’t – weren’t, won’t, hasn’t ‘s – what’s, that’s, there’s ‘ve – we’ve, they’ve ‘re – you’re ‘d – I’d 5. (a) won’t (b) weren’t (c) you’re (d) They’ve (e) What’s (f) I’d 6. Word search

Teaching points • Identify that the apostrophe shows where a letter or letters

have been left out. • Identify any difficult parts of words. • Brainstorm other contractions.

I’d (I would) (I had), I’m, I’ll, I’ve

we’re, we’ll, we’d they’ll, they’d, they’re what’s (what has), what’d, what’ll that’s (that has), that’ll, that’d there’ll you’ve, you’ll, you’d

Teac he r

weren’t I’d won’t we’ve they’ve what’s that’s there’s you’re hasn’t

Revision words Word building about around brown browns, browned, browning house houses, housed, n housing how clown clowns, clowned, clowning

ew i ev Pr

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

List words Word building

7. The sound can be made by ou and ow. 8. (a) how (b) house (c) about (d) brown (e) clown (f) around 9. (a) house (b) around (c) how (d) about (e) brown/clown 10. Crossword Across: 1. clown 4. I’d 5. there’s 7. house 9. hasn’t 10. about 11. weren’t 12. that’s Down: 2. we’ve 3. your’re 5. they’ve 6. won’t 8. what’s 11. Teacher check circled letters (a) hasn’t (b) they’ve (c) weren’t (d) I’d (e) we’ve (f) you’re 12. Teacher check

(Taken from Unit 16, Book B)


w ww


Rule: e goes away when ing comes to stay.


. te

o c . che e r o t r s super

1. I think they’ve sold the car as it hasn’t run well for a long time. 2. We won’t be going around to her house as we’ve something else to do. 3. What’s the name of the clown? 4. I bet you’re glad you weren’t out in the storm. 5. There’s a brown mouse in my house.

R.I.C. Publications ®

m . u

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

a x f g t t h a t ’s


g h b d e h e l m w

m a q v h e i v y p

r s c r s r b x o k

o n w e ’v e f b u s

d ’t e n l ’s j e ’r i

y a r w h a t ’s e g

j c e o u c k w h n

I u n n z t d f q s

’d p ’t ’t h e y ’v e o

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Teacher information

Unit 17

Unit focus This unit focuses on choosing the grapheme or, aw, oar or ore to represent a sound (phoneme).

Teaching points • Identify the phoneme and how it is represented. • Sort the list words according to the graphemes and

brainstorm other words to add to each list.

Teac he r

walks, walked, walking, walker talks, talked, talking, talker

stories ladies




funnier, s funniest


Rule: To make these words plural, the y is changed to i and es is added. Rule: y changes to i when er or est is added.

Dictation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

w ww


. te

m . u

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons babies • f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• n

(Taken from Unit 17, Book B)


8. (a) funny (b) baby (c) lady (d) story (e) only (f) very 9. (a) stories (b) ladies (c) babies 10. Crossword Across: 3. only 6. sore 7. board 9. story 12. walk 13. straw 14. sport Down: 1. very 2. more 4. soar 5. baby 8. draw 10. talk 11. order 11. (a) walked/walking/ walker (b) ordered/ordering (c) soared/soaring (d) drawing/drawer (e) boarded/boarding/ boarder 12. (a) walkway (b) overboard s (c) strawberry r (d) anymore h (e) drawstring i (f) talkback, drawback

ew i ev Pr

orders, ordered, ordering, orderly sports, sporting, sporty draws, drew, drawing straws soars, soared, soaring boards, boarded, boarding sores

Revision words Word building story lady only baby very funny

1. (a) straw (b) order, sport, straw, board (c) walk, talk (d) sore, more (e) draw 2. (a) draw (b) sore/soar (c) order (d) sore/soar (e) walk (f) board (g) talk (h) sport (i) more (j) straw 3. (a) sport (b) soar (c) draw (d) more (e) straw (f) sore (g) talk (h) order (i) walk (j) board 4. (a) talk (b) more (c) sport (d) soar (e) board (f) order 5. Teacher check 6. Word search

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

List words Word building order sport draw straw soar board sore more walk talk


o c . che e r o t r s super

That baby can only walk a few steps. We had to look at the board and draw what we saw. I was very sore after being hit in the jaw at sport. She had to order more straws as there weren’t many left. A plane and a bird can both soar. I will talk to the lady and tell her the funny story.

s t h r e d r a w a

p b o a r d o o m p

r t a l k b m p f i

m l l m o b s e t s

o s o a r p o n d t

r a a t d c r d r r

e s p o e k e w o a

e s p o r t a a o w

t p s s t h l l f a

c h k k a w

7. The revision words end with y. The y makes a long e sound.

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Teacher information

Unit 18

Unit focus


This unit focuses on war.

1. (a) war (b) wardrobe (c) warm, warmth, swarm (d) warning, wardrobe (e) warp (f) dwarf 2. (a) warm (b) ward (c) warmth (d) warning (e) war (f) dwarf (g) warp (h) swarm (i) wardrobe (j) wart 3. dwarf, swarm, war, ward, wardrobe, warm, warmth, warning, warp, wart 4. (a) The dwarf saw a swarm of bees. (b) It is warm inside my wardrobe. (c) He has a wart on his right foot. (d) The warmth of the sun made us sleepy. (e) The warning sound is a siren. 5. Word search

Teaching points • Identify the phoneme and how it is represented after the

letter w. Point out that other ways of representing this phoneme include or, aw, oar, ore and a. (See Unit 17 and list examples of each.) • Brainstorm other war words.

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

List words Word building

Teac he r

wars warts warps, warped warn, warns, warned wards wardrobes warms, warmed, warming, warmth

ew i ev Pr

war wart warp warning ward wardrobe warm warmth swarm dwarf

7. (a) where (b) What (c) want (d) When (e) work, while 8. Crossword Across: 2. work 3. war 4. ward 6. wart 7. warmth 9. wardrobe 10. want Down: 1. warm 2. warp 5. dwarf 6. where 7. warning 8. swarm 10. what 9. (a) warmth (b) war (c) dwarf 10. (a) wart (b) ward (c) war 11. warlike, warship, warpath, warhorse, warfare

swarms, swarmed, swarming dwarfs or n dwarves

Revision words Word building

what’s works, worked, working, worker worthwhile where’s wants, wanted, wanting

(Taken from Unit 16, Book B)

w ww


. te

Rule: To make some words ending with f plural, the f is changed to v and es is added.


Dictation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

a e g w h t w p w h

s c u i b q c l a l

w a r d r o b e r m

a d b w a c m t n o

r p w a r m t h i w

m u d r b o p f n a

c w j f w a r p g r

m . u

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• what work while where want when

u a r a a b e k d d

x r w g r w a r m n

e h s x t n j z y i

o c . che e r o t r s super

Where will the bees swarm when it’s warmer? What coat will give me the most warmth while I work? I want him to shout the warning out loud. Have you ever had a wart on your foot? The warmth of the sun made the bench warp. The dwarf in the story found the pot of gold.

6. The revision words all begin with w or wh.

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Teacher information

Unit 19

Unit focus


This unit focuses on words with silent letters.

Teaching points • Identify the silent letter in each word. • Identify any other difficult parts of each word. • Brainstorm to list other words with silent letters and sort

them into groups. Include the list words.

Revision words Word building that that’s there there’s then both tooth ● teeth path paths

ew i ev Pr

combs, combed, combing lambs numbs, numbed, numbing crumbs, crumbed, crumbing wraps, n wrapped, n wrapping honesty, honestly ghosts, ghostly knows, knew, knowing, knowledge knobs, knobby s knives

Teac he r

8. (a) tooth (b) there (c) then (d) both (e) path (f) that 9. (a) there (b) then (c) tooth 10. Crossword Across: 3. path 5. comb 8. ghost 9. wrap 10. knife 12. knob 13. then Down: 1. both 2. lamb 4. tooth 6. honest 7. crumb 11. numb 12. know 11. (a) knife (b) knives (c) knives 12. (a) wrap (b) know

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

List words Word building comb lamb numb crumb wrap honest ghost know knob knife

1. (a) crumb, honest, ghost, knife (b) numb, crumb (c) comb (d) knife (e) lamb 2. Silent b – comb, lamb, numb, crumb Silent w – wrap Silent h – honest, ghost Silent k – know, knob, knife 3. (a) knob (b) knife (c) ghost (d) comb (e) crumb/numb (f) lamb (g) know (h) wrap 4. (a) crumb (b) ghost (c) honest (d) knife (e) wrap (f) know 5. (a) wrap (b) comb (c) know (d) lamb (e) knob (f) numb/crumb 6. Word search

(Taken from Unit 19, Book B)



w ww


Rule: Double the consonant to keep the vowel sound short. Rule: To make words ending with fe plural, the f is changed to v and es is added. Rule: Some words change altogether when made plural.


. te

t h r s c w r a p l

n u m b l t n t c p

s q c g h o s t o a

h u h e a m s t m k

r l i h c r u m b n

e a b o s k e u s i

a m k n o w e k t f

r b t e s d l n r e

w r h s c v l o c x

m . u

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

h w r t o r e b k d

o c . che e r o t r s super

1. There wasn’t even a crumb left on that plate. 2. I know my hands will be numb after sweeping the path on a cold day. 3. Have you ever seen a ghost with a comb? 4. Please wrap up the gift, then fix the knob on the door. 5. The ghost has a sore tooth. 6. I am being honest when I say that you will need a knife to cut both lamb chops.

New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – C


7. The begin or end with th.

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Teacher information

Unit 20

Unit focus This unit focuses on choosing the grapheme ck or c to represent a sound (phoneme).

Teaching points • Identify the phoneme and how it is represented. • Sort the list words according to the graphemes and

brainstorm other words to add to each list.

1. 2. 3.

(a) back, luck (b) shock (c) traffic (d) trick, brick, traffic (e) trick, brick (f) panic, comic, picnic (a) comic (b) trick (c) panic (d) back (e) picnic (f) luck (g) traffic (h) shock (i) topic (j) brick 1 syllable – back, trick, brick, shock, luck 2 syllables –panic, comic, topic, picnic, traffic 4. (a) We were late for the picnic because of the traffic. (b) They got a shock when the brick fell down. (c) A comic is a story with funny pictures. (d) Please stay calm and don’t panic. 5. Word search

back backs, backed, backing, backward, backwards trick tricks, tricked, tricking, tricky brick bricks shock shocks, shocked, shocking luck lucky panic panics, n panicked, n panicking, n panicky comic comics, comical topic topics, topical picnic picnics, n picnicked, n picnicking traffic traffics, n trafficked, n trafficking

7. (a) don’t (b) can’t (c) I’ll (d) we’re (e) it’s (f) I’ve 8. (a) it’s (b) its (c) its, it’s, its 9. Crossword Across: 2. we’re 6. trick 7. back 8. don’t 11. traffic 12. comic 13. shock Down: 1. brick 3. luck 4. picnic 5. can’t 9. topic 10. panic 10. (a) trick – 1, panic – 2, shock – 1, traffic – 2 (b) tricks, tricked, tricking panics, panicked, panicking b shocks, shocked, a shocking c traffics, trafficked, k trafficking

ew i ev Pr

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

List words Word building

Teac he r


don’t we’re I’ve can’t it’s I’ll

it’ll I’ve, I’m, I’d

w ww

(Taken from Unit 20, Book B)

Rules n

. te

s h o c k q c h d u

Rule: With words that end with ic, add k before adding the suffixes ed, ing or y.


j f t r i c k c p r

p s b i m b t s e a

a y a c v g o g a f

l u c k f w p p s f

t c o b j n i a t i

g s m o p i c n i c

n k i z i h l i x i

o c . che e r o t r s super

1. The main topic at the picnic was to talk about all the traffic on the way. 2. I’ll be back to help you pick up the bricks. 3. Don’t play tricks if you think you may panic. 4. It’s such a shock to me. 5. We’re going to need a lot of luck to finish this. 6. I’ve just read a fun comic.

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a m e b d u a r k t

m . u

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons we’ve, we’ll, we’d •f o r evi ew pur posesonl y• I’m,r I’d, I’ll

Revision words Word building

d c b c t u

6. The apostrophe shows where letters have been left out.


New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – C

Support material

Spelling games and activities

The following games and activities on pages 32–43 have been provided as additional support to the spelling program. They are a guide and can be developed to suit any class, program or teaching style. Choose activities and games which are different from those included in the particular unit.

Individual activities Purpose: To provide opportunities for students to become more familiar with list words.



Find small words in list words

For example; father: fat, her, the, he, at, a

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S nothing

Make word shapes

Make word snakes








i n




For example: st + art = start

Make word sums

Write the list words in alphabetical order or reverse alphabetical order




ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

n o




© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

Write the list words from memory

Sort words according to different criteria

For example: number of letters, syllables, vowels or consonants; initial letters or blends; graphemes; students’ choice

. te

Write rhyming words for list words

m . u

Definitions can be found in a dictionary or written in the student’s own words and checked.

w ww

Write definitions for list words and use them to make ‘What am I?’ clues

o c . che e r o t r s super

Find antonyms, synonyms or homophones for appropriate list words

For example: could/couldn’t, close/near, to/too/two

Find homographs (words which are spelt the same but have a different meaning) for appropriate list words

For example: right – opposite of left right – to be correct

Add suffixes such as s, ed, ing, er and est

Discuss appropriate spelling rules; e.g. stop – stopping. Double the consonant to keep the vowel sound short.

Rank words from the easiest to the most difficult to spell For example: 1 car 2 harm or vice versa 3 class 4 father New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – C


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Support material

Spelling games and activities Individual activities

Purpose: To provide opportunities for students to become more familiar with list words.


Write list words in sentences or in questions

For example: Was the car hard to start this morning?

Write a paragraph using given list words

For example: Yesterday, I took one minute to run around the oval. Tomorrow, I will try to take 50 to 55 seconds. If I practise for a fortnight, I should continue to improve.

Write list words as a rebus

For example:

Teac he r


r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S +

= broomstick

ew i ev Pr

Clap or strum the number of syllables in words and show For example: sud/den/ly Each syllable must have a vowel sound –ly does not have a the syllable breaks vowel, but has a vowel sound. Complete words with missing vowels, consonants, focus For example: s_m_th_ng, something sound etc Find anagrams for appropriate list words

For example: deal is an anagram of lead

© R. I . C.Pub l i cat i ons Discuss rules for words ending with y, (berry, berries) f (half, halves), ch (lunch, lunches), words that change (child, •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• children) etc.

Write plurals for list words

w ww

. te

For example: a _ _ _ _ ag___ aga__ agai_ again

m . u

Complete ‘Fill the gap’ activities

Change the tense of words by adding ed or ing

For example: squirt, squirted, squirting Also discuss how some words change: build, builds, built, building

Change a letter in a word to make a list word

For example: steam, steal

Make words from the rearranged letters of a list word

For example: yesterday – yes, day, tear, teary, deer, star, tar, dare, date, reed etc.

Identify incorrect list words in a sentence and rewrite correctly

For example: Please put the botle on the middel shelf.

Use secret codes to discover list words

For example:

o c . che e r o t r s super a 1

b 2

f 3

h m r 4 5 6

t 7

w 8

w a r m t h 8 1 6 5 7 4

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New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – C

Support material

Spelling games and activities Partner and group activities

Purpose: To provide opportunities for students to work collaboratively and improve their knowledge of list words.



Jumble list words and swap with a partner

For example: tried She choose gift. the hard to right It should read: She tried hard to choose the right gift.

Make word searches or crosswords and swap with a partner

These can be made using grid paper, with approximately 10 X 10 squares for the word searches.

Teac he r

Jumble sentences containing list words and swap with a partner

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

ew i ev Pr

Create ‘What am I?’ clues for others, with a list word as the answer Create yes/no questions or true/false statements for others to complete using list words

For example: Is a fortnight longer than a month?

Trace list words on a partner’s back and see if he or she can guess the word

© R. I . C.PForuexample: bl i c at i ons gone The number one is in gone. •f orr evi ew p ur posesonl y•

Create memory helpers (mnemonics) for list words

Create sentences in pairs that show the meaning of a list word and compare in groups

For example: If you run fast it means you are very quick.

. te

m . u

For example: grapheme ur – burnt, purpose, hurt, further phoneme long e – teeth, leaves, receive, happy

w ww

Brainstorm banks of words using the same grapheme or phoneme

Write definitions for list words with a partner and give to another pair to guess Hunt for list words in texts

o c . che e r o t r s super

Guess the word. Give a partner the first letter of a word chosen from the spelling list. The partner then has to guess the word before the whole word is revealed, one letter at a time.

New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – C

Students can search in magazines, newspapers etc. for list words and record in a tally. See which word scored the most at the end of a week. For example: The beginning of a game using the word watch would look like this: w __ ___ ____ _____


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Support material

Spelling games and activities Partner and group activities

Purpose: To provide opportunities for students to work collaboratively and improve their knowledge of list words.



In pairs, use a dictionary to add suffixes and prefixes to list words. Highlight them and discuss any changes to the list word

For example; paddle – paddles, paddled, paddling, paddler

Play ‘Concentration’ ,’Fish’, ‘Word bingo’ or ‘Tic tac toe’

In ‘Tic tac toe’, each player uses a list of words with a common grapheme as their ‘noughts and crosses’. For example, in the game below, Player one used a bank of squ words and Player two a bank of dge words.

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

squid square edge

squirt bridge


Hold simple class spelling competitions

For example: a ‘Difficult word(s) day’, where the class try to spell a challenging word(s).

‘Shannon’s game’ differs in that students need to guess the © R. I . C.Pub l i cat i ons letters in the correct order in which they occur in each word. f orr evi ew pur poasks eso l y •response to Students questions thatn require a yes/no Play ‘Guess • my word’ Play ‘Hangman’, or a similar game called ‘Shannon’s game’

guess the mystery spelling word. A student is then required to write the word correctly on the board.

. te

In ‘Celebrity head words’, a student uses a headband to hold a card with a list word on. He or she asks questions of the class which can only be answered by yes or no; e.g. ‘Does the word begin with scr?’ Questions can be limited (three only). In each game, the word needs to be written on the board at the end by a student.

m . u

w ww

Play ‘Celebrity head words’, ‘Picture clue words’ or ‘Charades’ with spelling words

o c . che e r o t r s super

Students write quiz questions for spelling words and give For example: ‘What word can mean to look at something and them to another pair to solve. Alternatively, a ‘quiz night’ is also something you wear?’ (watch) could be held using multiple lists Students write secret word clues for list words. Hold a competition to see who can guess the word first or who can guess it correctly. Clues could be given orally or written.

For example: Take qu from quite and add wr. (write)

Students are given cards with a letter written on each that have been chosen from a list (some letters will need to be repeated). In pairs, they try to make up as many list words as possible.

For example: r

d a





g i

k r

s s


dress, grass, kiss R.I.C. Publications ®


New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – C

Support material

Spelling games and activities

Activities for students with special needs These can be used individually, in pairs or in small groups. Many of the activities on pages 32–35 will also be suitable and can be modified to suit the needs of the student.



Encourage students to ‘have a go’ and take risks with approximate spelling

Use ‘have a go’ pads or personal dictionaries for students to try out their spelling when constructing written texts.

‘Word quizzes’ Using a word list, students correctly write a word after being given a clue; e.g. ‘Write the word that rhymes with catch’.

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

‘Word bingo’ Students copy words onto bingo cards, checking their spelling, then cover words with counters on their cards if the word is called. First to cover them all wins. Ensure that not all words on the cards are the same!

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

Play games like ‘Word bingo’ and ‘Word quizzes’

Encourage students to look around the classroom for the Display charts of colour names, days of the week, months of the year, sentences about topics of interest, antonyms, spelling of words they may need synonyms, sayings etc. Use list words to make spelling ladders, with each word starting with the letter which ends (or starts) the word before

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons Students cano draws ae picture a listn word and another Decorate or illustrate listf words • orr evi ew p ur p sofo l y • student guesses and writes the word.

Other words can be decorated by outlining in different colours or creating patterns.

ll basketba tba ll e k b l l a ske tba t ba ke ll as basketball

sketbball ba s b tball asketb al l

o c . che e r o t r s super l basketb al l

. te


l tba ke

Write the list word repeatedly so that it forms the shape of the word

m . u

Individual letters can be formed or just the word shape.

ke as

w ww

Create list words using string, wool or pipecleaners

ba sket b ll bas ba

Sort each spelling list into shorter lists based on similar spelling patterns

For example:

Longer words can be broken into ‘chunks’ to assist spelling, rather than conventional syllables

For example: Wed/nes/day instead of the conventional syllabification: Wednes/day (Wenzday).

soar, board order, sport

raw, straw walk, talk

Students should be encouraged to choose how to ‘chunk’ the word themselves, to suit their learning style and to help remember how to spell the word.

New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – C


R.I.C. Publications ®

Support material

Spelling games and activities

Activities for students with special needs These can be used individually, in pairs or in small groups. Many of the activities on pages 32–35 will also be suitable and can be modified to suit the needs of the student.



Encourage students to look at difficult words, focus on the problem part(s), close their eyes and visualise it, and then write it

For example; the problem parts of Monday are that the o has a short u sound, it is a proper noun and needs a capital letter.

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

Write list words on small cards or graph paper, cut out the letters and then build the word from the cut out letters






Students gradually add to a bank of words they are unsure of how to spell, remembering to check to see if a word is listed before asking it to be written.

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

Make alphabet books to use as personal dictionaries


Play ‘Snap’ or ‘Concentration’ with word parts, prefixes or suffixes

For example:

Use magnetic letters to form words on a board

Variation: Students ask questions requiring a yes/no response to guess a mystery spelling word. The student is then required to form the word correctly on the board.

space matches ship or craft, and can also have s, ed or ing added to it

For example: © R. I . C.Pub l i cat i oaway ns e goes before ing comes to stay like/liking, bake/baking—but not after tiptoe/ •f orr evi ew pur pose so nl y• tiptoeing

Emphasise and discuss spelling rules and brainstorm to complete lists of words following the rule. Also find exceptions to the rule.

For example: e v _ _ y o _ e (everyone)

m . u

w ww

Write the list words, leaving out some letters. Complete the words the next day. Find words that rhyme with the list words. Highlight those that are spelt the same.

For example:

Prepare sentences or questions with missing list words for students to write the correct word in the spaces

For example:

Make new words by writing letters in front of or after some given letters

For example:

Play ‘Word sort rummy’

Each player has five word cards and the rest are placed facedown in a pile. The top card is placed up next to the pile. The first player can take a card from the pile or the upturned card. The player must put down one of his or her cards on the upturned pile. The aim is to collect pairs of cards which are linked in some way; e.g. both begin with spr, both rhyme, both have five letters.

. te

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glue, true, blew, shampoo, due, crew

o c . che e r o t r s super

Did you ____ hard ____ I was out of the room? (work, while)

street, strong, strain father, mother, older


New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – C

Support material

Photocopiable spelling games and activities

New words My new word is o • r My word begins with the e t s B r letter(s): e oo Clap the syllables. p u k My word has S • My word ends with the letter(s):

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

Say your word.

• The middle letters are:


My word written

My word written big looks like: ©R . I . C .P ubl i cat i onslooks like: small

•f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

m . u

w ww

My word written in colour looks like:

. te

o c Cover your word. you draw your . word or che Can e r somebody doing your word? o t Colour in a starfish every time you r s super write your new word correctly.

New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – C


R.I.C. Publications ®

Support material

Photocopiable spelling games and activities

Can you guess? Find a partner. Choose a word from your list.

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

Start by giving your partner the first letter of your word.

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

How many clues does it take before your partner guesses your word?

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• Matching pairs

. te

R.I.C. Publications ®

m . u

w ww

Choose eight of your list words and copy them twice onto the rectangles below. Cut them out and place them facedown on the desk. Ask a partner to do the same with the eight list words. Add the new cards. Jumble them and try to find the pairs.

o c . che e r o t r s super


New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – C

Support material

Photocopiable spelling games and activities

Spelling sums Choose five spelling words.

Write them in the longest boxes. Make them into spelling sums

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

For example: spr + ing = spring

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• Jumbled words

w ww

Jumble each word and write them below.

m . u

What was his or her score?

Choose five spelling words.

Score . te o Jumbled Unjumbled c . che e r o t r s super

Give them to a partner to solve.

New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – C


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Support material

Photocopiable spelling games and activities

Spelling quiz Write five spelling words below and answer the questions. How many letters?

Write a rhyming word.

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

What is the tricky part of the word?

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

Spelling word

How many syllables?

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

w ww

Choose a spelling word for a partner to guess.

Draw a dash for each letter in the word in the rocket.

. te

m . u

Blast off!

o c . che e r o t r s super

Your partner guesses each letter in the word. He or she has 10 guesses before the rocket blasts off. Write the correct guesses in the rocket.

Write the incorrect guesses in the boxes below.

Did I beat the rocket? Yes No



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2 41

1 New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – C

ly er y ing

o c . che e r o t r s super




. te

m . u


Write 10 spelling words. Make a new word by adding an ending.

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

w ww

Word building

Photocopiable spelling games and activities

ew i ev Pr

Teac he ful est r

Support material

New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – C


R.I.C. Publications ®

Support material

Photocopiable spelling games and activities

Spelling busy bee Write 10 spelling words. 1.


2. 3.


ew i ev Pr

Teac he r


7. r o e t s Bo r e 8. p ok u 9. S 10.

Write them in alphabetical order.

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons activities f orand r ev ew p r pword. osesonMore l y• Write a• synonym ani antonym foru each









w ww

2. 3. 4.

. te

5. 6.

R.I.C. Publications ®

• Create a crosspatch with clues.

m . u

• Find rhyming words.

• Write a quiz. o c • Put the words . ch e into a short r er o t s supe story. r


• Write a concrete (shape) poem using your words. • Create a word search.

New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – C

Support material

Spelling strategy cards

• Does it have parts of other words?

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

ew i ev Pr

ach What does itTe mean? er

What does it mean?

m . u

• Can I use it in a sentence?

w ww

. te

• What does the word mean?

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

o c . che e r o t r s super

New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – C


R.I.C. Publications ®

Support material

Spelling strategy cards

• Is there a wrong, but helpful, way to say it?

• Can I pronounce the word correctly?

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

ew i ev Pr

Teac he What can I hear? r

What can I hear?

R.I.C. Publications ®

m . u

w ww

. te

• Can I break it into parts?

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

o c . che e r o t r s super


New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – C

Support material

Spelling strategy cards

• What letters make the sounds?

• Can I see the word in my head?

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

ew i ev Pr

ach What can ITe see? er

What can I see?

m . u

w ww

. te

• Is it like another word?

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

o c . che e r o t r s super

New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – C


R.I.C. Publications ®

Support material

Spelling strategy cards

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

ew i ev Pr

Teac he How can I remember? r

How can I remember?

R.I.C. Publications ®

m . u

• Is there a trick I can use?

• Is there a spelling rule?

w ww

. te

• What is the difficult part?

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

o c . che e r o t r s super


New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – C

Support material

Spelling strategy cards

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

ew i ev Pr

Tea How well did Ic do? he r

How well did I do?

m . u

• Could I have used some other ways of learning?

o c . che e r o t r s super

New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – C


• How do I feel?

w ww

. te

• Did I use good strategies?

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

R.I.C. Publications ®

Support material

Spelling strategy cards

• Can I now spell other words with similar patterns?

• Can I use the word in my writing?

• Can I use the word in dictation?

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

ew i ev Pr

Teac How can I use what Ihe learnt? r

How can I use what I learnt?

w ww

. te

R.I.C. Publications ®

m . u

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

o c . che e r o t r s super


New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – C

Support material

Photocopiable poster

For every

r o e t s B r e oo remember to: p u k S

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

spelling word,


© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

w ww

m . u


. te

o c . che e Cover r o t r s super Write


New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – C


R.I.C. Publications ®

Support material

Spelling merit certificates

r o e t s Bo r e p ok for u S



ew i ev Pr

Teac he r



congratulations on your success

you’re a spelling cHamp!





thank you for your effort

for a

presented to R.I.C. Publications ®

o c . che e r o t r s super big improvement in spelling

w ww

. te

m . u

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – C

Support material

Individual recording sheet

Student name:


Date and Test



Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3

Unit 5

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

Unit 4

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

Unit 6 Unit 7

Unit 8

Unit 9 Unit 10

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

Unit 13 Unit 14 Unit 15 Unit 16

w ww

Unit 12

. te

m . u

Unit 11

o c . che e r o t r s super

Unit 17 Unit 18 Unit 19 Unit 20 New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – C


R.I.C. Publications ®

Support material

Test checklist

Unit 20

Unit 19

Unit 18

Unit 17

Unit 16

Unit 15

Unit 14

Unit 13

Unit 12

Unit 11

Unit 10

Unit 9

Unit 8

Unit 7

Unit 6

Unit 5

Unit 4

Unit 3

Unit 2

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

Student name

Unit 1



w ww

. te

R.I.C. Publications ®

m . u

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

o c . che e r o t r s super


New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – C

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