New Wave Spelling - Teachers Resource Book: Level E - Ages 9-10

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New wave


Teacher resource book

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NEW WAVE SPELLING – TEACHER RESOURCE BOOK – E Published by R.I.C. Publications® 2006 Copyright© R.I.C. Publications® 2006 ISBN-10 1-74126-487-1 ISBN-13 978-1-74126-487-6 RIC–6205

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New wave spelling – A phonics-based approach is a seven book spelling workbook series providing students with a solid framework for becoming independent spellers. It is a comprehensive whole-year program of 20 units of work. The spelling lists within each unit are organised with a phonetic emphasis. Words have been selected from proven contemporary Australian lists and are words to which students can relate and use in their writing. The focus at the beginning of each unit encourages students to identify the key features, patterns, rules, similarities and differences of the list words, as well as the phonemes (sounds) within words and the different ways they are represented (graphemes). The variety of activities based on each word list provide students with opportunities to use different strategies and consolidate their understanding of the particular focus.

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New wave spelling – Teachers resource book contains detailed program outlines, suggestions for use and support material to enhance the teaching and learning opportunities provided in its corresponding workbook.

Support material

How to use the workbook......................................................2–3 Suggested timetable..................................................................4 Blank timetable...........................................................................5 Using the spelling strategy cards.........................................6–7 Overview of unit lists Book E...................................................................................8 Book D...................................................................................9 Overview of unit content..........................................................10 Assessment suggestions........................................................11 Unit focus, teaching points, word building examples, dictation and answers for each unit Unit 1.............................................................................12–13 Unit 2.............................................................................14–15 Unit 3.............................................................................16–17 Unit 4.............................................................................18–19 Unit 5.............................................................................20–21 Unit 6.............................................................................22–23 Unit 7.............................................................................24–25 Unit 8.............................................................................26–27 Unit 9.............................................................................28–29 Unit 10...........................................................................30–31 Unit 11...........................................................................32–33 Unit 12...........................................................................34–35 Unit 13...........................................................................36–37 Unit 14...........................................................................38–39 Unit 15...........................................................................40–41 Unit 16...........................................................................42–43 Unit 17...........................................................................44–45 Unit 18...........................................................................46–47 Unit 19...........................................................................48–49 Unit 20...........................................................................50–51

Spelling games and activities Individual activities................................................................52–53 Partner and group activities..................................................54–55 Students with special needs.................................................56–57

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Teacher information

Photocopiable spelling games and activities New words..................................................................................58 Secret words...............................................................................59 Match the meaning.....................................................................59 Secret codes...............................................................................60 Sink the ship!..............................................................................60 Word building..............................................................................61 Word search...............................................................................62 Word jumble...............................................................................62 Spelling busy bee.......................................................................63

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Spelling strategy cards Meaning......................................................................................64 Hearing.......................................................................................65 Seeing........................................................................................66 Remembering.............................................................................67 Reflecting....................................................................................68 Applying......................................................................................69

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Photocopiable poster Look, say, cover, write, check.....................................................70 Photocopiable merit certificates.............................................71

Assessment sheets Individual recording sheet...........................................................72 Test checklist..............................................................................73


New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – E

Teacher information

How to use the workbook

The student workbook has 20 units of work, each comprising of four pages. Each unit contains a list of 15 words to be learned and 12 revision words taken from the previous workbook. Units do not have to be completed in order. Refer to page 10 for an overview of each unit focus and activity types.

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The first page of each unit contains the list words. The majority of the lists are grouped according to the way phonemes (sounds) are represented (graphemes). Other groupings include difficult words, homophones, prefixes, suffixes, contractions and silent letters. Note: Some teachers may decide to pre-test the list words.

Unit number and focus

Students follow the instructions to identify the focus of the list. It encourages the students to look for patterns, similarities and differences within the list and identify ways to remember how to spell each word.

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Students tick the T (Test) column if they spelt the word correctly in their test. They tick the D (Dictation) column if they spelt the word correctly in dictation. If the word was not used in dictation, they leave it blank. See pages 12–51 of this book for suggested dictation sentences, including list and revision words.

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Students should follow these steps when learning each word. It is a well-tested and effective method of remembering how to spell words. Look at the word – Look for how the focus sound is spelt. Look for words within words and the shape of the word. Say the word – Sound out the word phonetically. Break the word into syllables, if appropriate. Cover each word – A time factor can be built into this part. Write the word – Space has been given for two tries over the course of the unit. Check the word with the original. Note: A poster outlining these steps is provided on page 70 of this book.

Students write any list words, revision words, words from dictation or any other words that are causing them difficulty here. Selected words can be transferred to pages 82 and 83 of their workbook. Suggested activities for learning these words can be found on pages 52–63 of this book.

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© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

The activities on the first and second pages of each unit are designed to provide students with many opportunities to complete or write the list words. A variety of word study and word building activities extend and develop students’ knowledge and understanding.

o c . che e r o t r s super Examples include: • identifying features of words • filling in missing letters or sounds • finding small words within list words • completing sentences with list words • unjumbling words • guessing words by their shape • sorting words by the number of syllables • writing the list words in alphabetical order • identifying incorrectly spelt list words • identifying antonyms and synonyms

New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – E


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Teacher information

How to use the workbook The third page of each unit features a word search for all the list words. The list of words next to each word search can also be used by students when completing the crossword on the fourth page of the unit.

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The fourth page of each unit features a crossword. It includes every list word and some revision words. Students can refer to the opposite page to choose from the list or revision words for crossword answers.

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Each unit features a selection of revision words from the previous workbook. Students are required to identify the focus of these words and complete activities to help remember how to spell them. Many of the revision words have been included in the suggested dictation sentences for the unit. Teachers may wish to include the revision words in the final test of the unit. Results can be recorded on pages 72 and 73.

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The final activities of the unit generally have a word building focus. Practice is provided for students to build on and create a larger bank of words for their use and understanding. Dictionaries should be made available to help complete these activities. A word building template can be found on page 61 of this book. Word building examples for every list and revision word can be found on pages 12–51.

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Explanations of spelling rules, along with examples and activities, are designed to teach students why words look the way they do, why they are spelt that way and exceptions to the rule(s).

o c . chesounds and Writing vowel sounds e Phonics charts: Writing consonant r o t r s super

Coloured reference charts, with a number of graphemes used to represent vowel and consonant sounds, are included at the front and back of each student workbook. Suggestions for using the charts: • Locate and point to particular sound boxes. (This is essential if students are to use the charts effectively.) For example: – Find the sound box for the initial sound in your name, school, suburb, friend’s name, pet. – Find the sound box after or before a particular sound. – Count the graphemes in particular sound boxes; e.g. long i (five) • Solve silly grapheme puzzles; e.g. dge-a-ch (Jack) • Create silly grapheme puzzles to name animals, colours, fruit, vegetables; e.g. mb-u-n-k-ea (monkey) • Draw a picture for each sound in his or her name; e.g.

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New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – E

Teacher information

Suggested timetable

A suggested 10-day spelling timetable has been outlined below as a guide. These lessons have been based on 30-minute long lessons each day, which can be a combination of class work and homework. Teachers can add or delete from the timetable according to their students’ needs and their personal teaching approach; for example, some teachers may decide to incorporate pre-testing of the list words or partner testing.

Day 1

Day 6

• Introduce list words. • Students follow the instructions to identify and underline

• Revise focus for list and revision words. • Complete crossword on fourth page. • Complete one or two dictation sentence(s). Mark and tick

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Day 2

D column. Transfer errors to Word watch.

Day 7

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the focus of the unit. • Discuss the meaning of each list word and ask students to suggest sentences using each word. Hearing the word in context adds to their understanding of its meaning. • Complete activities on first page.

• Revise focus. • Discuss ways to remember how to spell each word. Refer

• Complete second column of Look, say, cover, write,

to the Spelling strategy cards on pages 64–69 of this book. • Complete first column of Look, say, cover, write, check. • Mark and transfer errors to Word watch. • Spelling game or activity with list words (see pages 52–63).

• Mark and transfer errors to Word watch. • Complete final activities on fourth page.


© R. I . C.PDay ub i cat i ons 8 l Revise focus. • Complete ones or e two s dictation Mark and tick f orr evi ew pu r po osentence(s). nl y• Brainstorm other words with the same focus and discuss D column. Transfer errors to Word watch.

Day 3

their meaning. Refer to the Spelling strategy cards.

• Spelling game or activity with Word watch words,

revision words or Words I need to learn (pages 82–83 in workbook). Refer to the Spelling strategy cards for ways to remember how to spell problem words.

• Complete activities on second page.

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Day 4

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Day 9

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• •

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• Revise focus. • Complete word search on third page. • Add any words causing students difficulty from other

• Test revision words. Transfer errors to Word watch. • Spelling game or activities with list words.

subject areas to Word watch. Refer to the Spelling strategy cards to remember how to spell each word. • Spelling game or activity with list words.


DAY 10

• Introduce revision words and discuss focus. • Complete revision words activity. • Complete two or three dictation sentences. Mark and

• Test list words. • Complete one or two dictation sentence(s). • Mark and tick T and D columns. • Transfer errors to Word watch and choose problem words

tick D column. Transfer errors to Word watch. If a word is already listed, start a tally next to it. Refer to the Spelling strategy cards.

New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – E

to list in Words I need to learn. Refer to the Spelling strategy cards. • Spelling game or activity.


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Teacher information

Blank timetable

Use the blank timetable to plan a spelling program for your class.

Day 1

Day 6

Day 7

Day 8

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Day 4

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Day 5

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Day 9

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Day 3

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Day 2

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New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – E

Teacher information

Using the spelling strategy cards

The following spelling strategies are based on the metacognitive approach. This approach teaches students how to think about their thinking in a logical and structured way, in order to become more successful independent spellers. A set of photocopiable cards, provided on pages 64–69, encourages students to reflect upon their learning.

It is essential that students know the meaning of the word and can use it in context.


• What does the word mean? • Can I use it in a sentence?

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• Do I know what parts of the word mean?

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Identifying parts of a word can help students to understand its meaning. For example: aqua (water) aquarobics (exercises in water)

A common reason for spelling errors is incorrect pronunciation. For example: frightin (frighten) libery (library)


© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons Identifying the sounds and syllables in words is an essential skill.u Forr example: •f orr evi ew p posesonl y• identifying sounds — a-c-r-o-ss

• Can I pronounce the word correctly? • Can I break it into parts?

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identifying syllables — in/ter/view ea/sy (Each syllable must have a vowel sound.)

• Is there a wrong, but helpful way to say it?

Using pronunciation tricks is a useful strategy. For example: to-get-her (together) for-tu-nate (fortunate)

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Many students find it helpful to close their eyes and try to visualise the word and/or its shape. For example: (breathe)

r e a

• Can I see the word in my head? • What letters make the sounds? • Is it like another word?

New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – E


Identifying the grapheme used to represent a sound and understanding that different choices are available is essential. Students should be encouraged to locate the appropriate sound box on the vowel or consonant charts in their workbooks. For example: display, obey, afraid, vein


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Teacher information


Although there are exceptions to most spelling rules, they are very helpful and students need to know them. For example: Double the consonant to keep the preceding vowel sound short.

• Is there a trick I can use?

Students should be encouraged to learn spelling tricks (e.g.mnemonics) and to make up some of their own. For example: Would old Uncle Larry die? (would)

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Students need to identify letters within words that may cause them difficulty. For example: niece, damage

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• What is the difficult part? • Is there a spelling rule?

Using the spelling strategy cards

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur poupon se on l y• Reflecting ands evaluating strategies used is an essential Reflecting

Students need to be aware of spelling strategies and understand that how they learn is as important as what they learn.

• Did I use good strategies?

part of learning.

• Could I have used some other ways of learning?

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Self-esteem is related to perceived success and it is important that students acknowledge their successes and are motivated to continue learning.

• How do I feel?

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Students should understand the importance of applying their spelling knowledge in different contexts.

• Can I use the word in dictation? • Can I use the word in my writing? • Can I now spell other words with similar patterns?

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Students’ writing should provide evidence of how well they apply the spelling strategies they have learned. Generalising knowledge gained is essential for students to become independent spellers.


New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – E

Teacher information

Overview of unit lists – Book E

The following lists contain all the words from Book E.

Book E between, fourteen, forty, among, across, hospital, meant, tear, writing, suppose, surprise, ready, colour, together, fortunate

Unit 2

gather, gutter, goodbye, giant, magic, energy, gentle, germ, oxygen, charge, lounge, strange, arrange, change, damage

Unit 3

handkerchief, guest, cupboard, guitar, island, climb, limb, doubt, known, knock, guess, young, white, wrap, sign

Unit 4

brief, thief, belief, mischief, grief, relief, believe, niece, receive, receipt, deceive, deceit, seize, weird, caffeine

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Unit 1

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display, always, grey, prey, obey, survey, raise, afraid, dictation, nature, weight, freight, neighbour, straight, vein

Unit 6

whose, who’s, plane, plain, dessert, desert, medal, meddle, metal, breathe, breath, close, clothes, bought, brought

Unit 7

interact, intersect, interview, international, dislike, disagree, disappoint, disappear, return, repeat, refund, revise, suburb, submarine, submerge

Unit 8

torch, orchard, channel, achieve, machine, chef, parachute, charade, school, Christmas, ache, chemist, anchor, stomach, character

Unit 9 Unit 10

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Unit 5

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons struck, attack, packet, freckle, volcanic, mimic, sonic, •track, f o rr ev i ecricket, w pocket, pu r pclassic, ose so n l yplastic, •tonic, terrific, electric break, brake, great, grate, hire, higher, peek, peak, by, buy, bye, sure, shore, piece, peace

Unit 12

window, follow, borrow, narrow, shadow, swallow, unknown, cargo, zero, domino, doe, foe, oboe, though, dough

Unit 13

shape, whale, mistake, complete, these, athlete, flute, refuse, amuse, size, alive, divide, broke, spoke, globe

Unit 14

noise, moist, hoist, choice, voice, invoice, appoint, asteroid, enjoy, royal, employ, destroy, annoy, voyage, buoy

Unit 15

firmly, thirsty, thirty, urgent, further, purpose, burnt, modern, perform, quarter, remember, early, earth, heard, search

Unit 16

prefix, prevent, prepare, predict, microchip, microfilm, microbe, woollen, wooden, lengthen, strengthen, amazement, treatment, department, excitement

Unit 17

rough, cough, tough, laugh, enough, trough, draught, paragraph, graph, photograph, orphan, nephew, atmosphere, elephant, phrase

Unit 18

threw, through, horse, hoarse, course, coarse, flour, flower, road, rode, rowed, reed, read, knows, nose

Unit 19

lottery, mystery, ability, bravery, cavity, monkey, honey, money, trolley, journey, ski, taxi, spaghetti, khaki, quay

Unit 20

signal, removal, arrival, musical, festival, electrical, personal, foolish, childish, breakage, wastage, postage, drainage, hardship, friendship

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beginning, coming, easy, every, biscuit, address, frighten, special, sincerely, sugar, library, escape, none, eighth, truly

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Unit 11

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New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – E


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Teacher information

Overview of unit lists – Book D

The following lists contain all the words from Book D, from which 12 revision words were chosen for each unit.

Book D its, ours, yours, theirs, work, world, friend, busy, January, February, Tuesday, Wednesday

Unit 2

visitor, doctor, error, motor, sailor, spectator, water, number, lower, taller, sister, better

Unit 3

leaf, elf, scarf, wolf, half, calf, wife, life, children, women, teeth, feet

Unit 4

knot, knee, rhyme, build, written, wrong, palm, calm, often, listen, whistle, autumn

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Unit 1

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fair, stair, chair, hairy, fairy, dairy, fare, stare, care, rare, spare, mare

Unit 6

our, hour, which, witch, toad, towed, flew, flu, flue, there, their, they’re

Unit 7

eleven, opened, broken, hidden, happen, suddenly, season, reason, person, poison, common, cotton

Unit 8

hotter, kinder, colder, softest, stronger, darkest, weaker, thickest, meaner, hardest, lightest, thinnest

Unit 9

true, blue, clue, screw, drew, proof, shampoo, kangaroo, fruit, juice, juicy, bruise

Unit 11

o’clock, didn’t, haven’t, couldn’t, wouldn’t, shouldn’t, we’d, doesn’t, they’ll, we’ll, let’s, who’d

Unit 12

people, angle, vegetable, simple, terrible, puzzle, travel, angel, label, level, towel, tunnel

Unit 13

outdoor, outline, outbreak, undo, unite, unaware, overboard, overcast, overhead, underground, understand, underneath

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Unit 5

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© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons since, certain, century,p centipede, pencil, circle, circumference, oparcel, rr ev i ew ur p ostencil, secinema, so nl y• cylinder, Unit • 10 f cycle

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helpless, harmless, careless, hopeless, sickness, sadness, happiness, weakness, wisely, lovely, quietly, lonely

Unit 15

crept, swept, wept, kept, built, adult, left, gift, swift, shift, craft, lift

Unit 16

week, weak, knew, new, whole, hole, tired tied, choose, chose, loose, lose

Unit 17

happily, merrily, busily, worried, married, dirtied, copied, studies, carries, parties, empties, buries

Unit 18

score, ignore, store, poor, door, floor, roar, boar, boarder, court, four, fourth

Unit 19

gram, kilogram, metre, millimetre, centimetre, kilometre, hundred, thousand, million, litre, millilitre, tonne

Unit 20

head, lead, bread, spread, instead, ahead, breakfast, heavy, deaf, deadly, steady, thread

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Teacher information

Overview of unit content

Each unit contains a word search and a crossword. Other activity types and content are outlined below.



Activity types/Content


Difficult words

ranking words, unjumbling, small words, homograph (tear), identifying misspelt words, compiling words from letters, suffixes: s, ed, ing Revision: difficult words – completing words, meaning of its/it’s, alphabetical order


g – hard and soft sounds

completing words, sorting words according to the sound the g makes, small words, alphabetical order, unjumbling, completing sentences, brainstorming hard and soft g sounds, suffixes :ed, ing, er, est or ment Revision: or, er – completing words, identifying nouns


Silent letters


long e – ie or ei


ay, ey, ai, a, eigh, aigh, ei

missing letters, compiling words from letters, sorting words by family groups, unjumbling words, unjumbling sentences, alphabetical order, identifying adjectives, suffixes: s/es, ed, ing Revision: f, fe – irregular plurals, plurals: change f or fe to v and add es

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completing words, word shapes, ranking words, rhyming words, homophones, unjumbling, identifying misspelt words, identifying prefixes and suffixes, investigating long a sound Revision: air, are – unjumbling, word investigation

alphabetical order, unjumbling, compiling words from letters, choosing correct word, writing sentences, small words, Homophones, suffix: ness confused words Revision: homophones – backwards words, choosing correct homophone

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completing words, alphabetical order, secret words, unjumbling words in sentences, suffixes: s, ed, ing Revision: silent letters – completing words, rhyming words, word investigation


Prefixes: inter, dis, re, sub

completing list words, compiling words from letters, syllabification, unjumbling, word shapes, matching prefixes to meanings, small words, completing sentences, suffixes: ed, ing, able, ment Revision: en, on – completing words, identifying double letters to keep the vowel sound short


ch – different pronunciations

alphabetical order, sorting according to ch grapheme, unjumbling, completing sentences, identifying nouns and verbs, identifying base words and suffixes added Revision: er, est – double letters, antonyms, secret words



alphabetical order, completing words, compound words, changing words, choosing correct homophone, writing sentences, small words, graphemes: ore, aw, oar Revision: ue, oo, ew, ui – ranking words, writing sentences

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Difficult words

ranking words, missing vowels, word chunking, syllabification, identifying misspelt words in sentences, secret words, suffixes: s, es, ly, ty, ed, ing, ian Revision: contractions – writing contractions, alphabetical order


ow, o, oe, ough

completing words; compiling words from letters; small words; changing words; sorting by nouns, verbs or adjectives; plurals: o and oe word endings; alphabetical order; homophones; homographs; suffixes: ed, ing Revision: le, el – unjumbling, suffixes: ed, ing



a–e, e–e, u–e, i–e, o–e oi, oy, uoy

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completing words, small words, synonyms, homographs, unjumbling words in sentences, forming adjectives, proofreading a paragraph Revision: ci, ce, cy – misspelt words, alphabetical order

missing vowels; word shapes; alphabetical order; changing words; rhyming words; word circle; completing sentences; unjumbling; word investigation; identifying nouns, verbs and adjectives Revision: prefixes–out, un, over, under – compound words, matching prefixes to meanings

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completing words, compiling words from letters, alphabetical order, syllabification, homophone (buoy, boy), unjumbling words in sentences, suffixes: y, ed, ing, ure, ment, able, ance, ant, completing sentences Revision: suffixes: less, ness, ly – identifying base words, unjumbling

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completing words, word shapes, syllabification, alphabetical order, unjumbling, compiling words from letters, unjumbling sentences, ranking words, proofreading a paragraph, adding ly to form adverbs Revision: pt, lt, ft – identifying base words, unjumbling, suffixes: ed, ing, hood


ir, ur, er, ear


pre–, micro–, –en, –ment

alphabetical order; unjumbling; sorting by nouns, verbs or adjectives; syllabification; matching prefixes to meanings; identifying nouns; suffixes: es, ed, ing, ion, ation Revision: homophones, confused words – completing words, definitions, word shapes


gh, ph

completing words, compiling words from letters, unjumbling, word investigation, word chunking, identifying misspelt words in sentences, suffixes: ic (to form adjectives from nouns), age Revision: ily, ied, ies – identifying adverbs, rule: change y to i to add es and ed



alphabetical order, completing words, changing words, compound words, choosing correct homophones, completing sentences, small words, writing sentences, suffix: ly Revision: ore, oor, oar, our – ranking words, unjumbling


y, ey, i, uay

alphabetical order, word investigation, homophones, completing sentences, compiling words from letters, unjumbling, plurals: change y to i and add es, add s to words ending with ey, ay and i Revision: difficult words (maths) – writing words for numerals, identifying units of measurement


Suffixes: al, ish, completing words, small words, unjumbling words, matching suffixes to meanings, adding correct suffix to list words, unjumbling sentences, writing sentences Revision: ea (short e)– definitions age, ship

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Teacher information

Assessment suggestions

There are many different ways to assess and record spelling. Below are some suggestions for assessment and recording to help support the New wave spelling workbook program. • Teachers may decide to pre-test the list and/or revision words. The results can be used as a benchmark for how well the

students learn the list or which words they need to focus on throughout the two-week program. Errors can be transferred directly to the Word watch section. A disadvantage of pre-testing is that poor spellers could possibly have many errors, which would affect their self-esteem. Although the activities provided would benefit all students, good spellers with no errors may not be motivated to work on the unit. • Teachers may decide to incorporate partner testing of a selected amount of words each day, with results recorded

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formally or informally and errors transferred to Word watch.

• Teachers may post test the list and revision words at the conclusion of the two-week program to evaluate the students’

progress. Again, errors are recorded and transferred.

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Photocopiable recording sheets are outlined below.

Individual spelling records can be kept (see page 72). The BLM can be used to record pre-test, partner test and final revision and list word test scores, along with anecdotal notes. These notes can become an overview of the student’s progress in spelling over the 20 units and can be discussed during parent/teacher conferences and in reports.

Room for student name and year at school.

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• Write the date

Write anecdotal comments in this space. Comments could include type of spelling errors, effort and attitude, ideas for remediation, or strengths.

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w ww

and type of test(s) in this space (pre-test, post test, revision test etc.).

o c . che e r o t r s super Page 72

Page 73 A record of spelling results for the whole class can be recorded (see page 73). Results could be colour-coded for ease of reference.

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New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – E

Teacher information

Unit 1

Unit focus This unit focuses on difficult words.

Teaching points • Identify difficult parts of words. • Discuss ways to remember how to spell the word.

— pronunciation tricks (sur–prise, to–get–her) — mnemonics (colour has our in it)

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

List words Word building

Teac he r

fourteenth, fourteenths n forties, n fortieth

hospitals, hospitalise mean, means, meaning, meaningful, meaningless 1.) tears, tore, torn, tearing 2.) tears, teary, tearless, teardrop write, writes, wrote, s written, l writer supposes, l supposed, l supposing surprises, l surprised, l surprising n readier, n readiest, n readies, n readied, Q readying, n readiness colours, coloured, colouring, colourful, colourless togetherness fortune, fortunately, unfortunate, unfortunately

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons your works, worked, working, worker • f o rr ev i ew pur posesonl y• friends, friendly, unfriendly, friendliness, friendship, befriended

Revision words Word building

our their worlds, worldly, n worldlier, n worldliest, n worldliness, worldwide n busier, n busiest, n busily

. te

(Taken from Unit 1, Book D.)


m . u


w ww

its yours work friend January Tuesday ours theirs world busy February Wednesday

ew i ev Pr

between fourteen forty among across hospital meant tear writing suppose surprise ready colour together fortunate

o c . che e r o t r s super

Rule: The y at the end of base words changes to i when a suffix is added. Rule: Double the consonant to keep the preceding vowel sound short. l Rule: When adding a suffix beginning with a vowel to most words ending with e, the e is dropped before adding the suffix. Q Rule: The y is retained when adding ing to avoid ii being written. (Two exceptions are taxiing and skiing.) n


Dictation 1. Between forty and fifty people came together for a busy bee at the hospital on Tuesday to work on the new playground. 2. Fourteen friends are supposed to come to her surprise party on the third Wednesday in February. 3. Is this folding chair left in our car meant to be one of yours or one of theirs? 4. It was fortunate that the tear in her dress was only across the hem. 5. It’s hard to see its nest among the trees and the colours of all the leaves. 6. Are you ready to go now or are you still busy writing?

New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – E


R.I.C. Publications ®

Teacher information Answers

1. Teacher check


(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i)

w s n g o b c o l o u r

r u o b m e a n t o a t

h p u e n t o w w r m u

o p r t g w s a r s o f

s o w e t e a r i u n o

p s e a o e c b t r g r

i e f d s n o r i p t t

t f o u r t e e n r h u

a c r o s s w a g i e n

l e t e e n r d f s r a

t y y o s p i y v e n t

13. (a) surprises, surprising, surprised (b) means, meaning, meant (c) supposes, supposing, supposed (d) tears, tearing, tore (e) colours, colouring, coloured (f) writes, writing, wrote/has written

h t o g e t h e r w n e

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S 8. Teacher check

Teac he r

(a) fortunate (b) tear (c) writing (d) between (e) meant (f) together (g) hospital (h) suppose (i) fourteen (j) colour (k) across (l) surprise (m) forty (n) ready (o) among



fourteen/colour together tear fortunate meant hospital between surprise forty/fortunate

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h)

work January busy theirs Tuesday Wednesday friend yours

ew i ev Pr


Unit 1

ours, theirs, Tuesday, Wednesday, © R. I . C . Pu bl i cat i ons work, world, yours •f orr evi e w pur posesonl y• 11. It’s means it is or it has. 10. busy, February, friend, its, January,

5. (a) It was fortunate the hospital was across the road. (b) Pairs of students can work together to colour the mural between the two windows. (c) Forty balloons were meant to be delivered, not fourteen. (d) We are ready to share the surprise among the class.

. te

6. forty, surprise, tear, colour

R.I.C. Publications ®

12. Across: 4. forty 6. among 10. between 12. across 16. surprise 17. fortunate 18. February 19. world

m . u

w ww

4. (a) tear (rhymes with ear) – a drop of water that falls from your eye (b) tear (rhymes with share) – to rip

o c . che e r o t r s super

Down: 1. suppose 2. writing 3. tear 5. Wednesday 7. meant 8. hospital 9. fourteen 11. together 13. friend 14. colour 15. ready


New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – E

Teacher information

Unit 2

Unit focus This unit focuses on the graphemes g, ge, gi and gy to represent a sound (phoneme).

Teaching points • Identify the phoneme and how it is represented. • Discuss how the letter g can make hard and soft sounds. It usually makes a hard sound when followed by a, o or u and

usually makes a soft sound when followed by e, i or y. • Sort the list words according to the graphemes and brainstorm other words to add to each list.

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

List words Word building

Teac he r

gathers, gathered, gathering, gatherer, gatherable gutters, guttered, guttering goodbyes giants, giantess magical, magically, magician n energies, energetic, energetically, n energise, s energised, s energising s gentler, s gentlest germs, germless, germicide, germicidal oxygenate, s oxygenated, s oxgenating, oxygenise, s oxygenised, s oxygenising charges, s charged, s charging, s charger lounges, s lounged, s lounging, loungeroom s stranger, s strangest, strangely, strangeness arranges, s arranged, s arranging, arrangement, s arranger, rearrange changes, s changed, s changing, s changer, changeable damages, s damaged, s damaging, s damager, damageable

ew i ev Pr

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

Revision words Word building

visitors, visit, visits, visited, visiting, visitable doctors, doctorate errors, errorless motors, motored, motoring, motorist, motorbike, motorcycle, motorway sailors, sail, sails, sailed, sailing, sailable, sailboat, sailfish, sailboard spectators waters, watered, watering, watery, waterer, waterless, waterlike numbers, numbered, numbering, numberless, numberplate low, lowest, lowers, lowered, lowering tall, tallest sisters, sisterly, sister-in-law, sisterhood best, betterment

w ww

visitor doctor error motor sailor spectator water number lower taller sister better

. te

(Taken from Unit 2, Book D.)


m . u

gather gutter goodbye giant magic energy gentle germ oxygen charge lounge strange arrange change damage

o c . che e r o t r s super

Rule: The y at the end of base words changes to i when a suffix is added. Rule: When adding a suffix beginning with a vowel to most words ending with e, the e is dropped before adding the suffix. (Note: In changeable and damageable the e is retained to keep the soft g sound.) n


Dictation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

My sister will change the arrangement of the chairs in the lounge before we gather for the meeting. A charge of oxygen would even give a giant more energy and make it feel better. As if by magic, the strange noise in the motor became a gentle hum. The gutter could be damaged if a number of leaves blocking the water from draining are not taken out. The label on the bottle said the spray inside would say goodbye to germs. Many spectators came to see the sailors lower the boat into the water.

New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – E


R.I.C. Publications ®

Teacher information

Unit 2

Answers 7. d g o o d b y e e n o u

(a) giant (b) gentle (c) oxygen (d) lounge (e) change (f) gather (g) strange (h) magic (i) charge (j) germ (k) gutter (l) arrange (m) energy (n) goodbye (o) damage

s t r a n g e c h a r

giant damage gentle goodbye change arrange, strange gather

e t g g t c g f s r e

g e i e h h u l c l n

a n c c r a t i r o x

t e g i a n t e m u y

h r a n t g e n p n b

x g a t h e r e v g r

y y c k d a m a g e o

12. (a) arranged/arranging/arranger, arrangement (b) gathered/gathering/gatherer (c) stranger/strangest (d) changed/changing/changer (e) damaged/damaging/damager (f) guttered/guttering (g) gentler/gentlest (h) charged/charging/charger


(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l)

motor visitor better error number sister lower taller doctor spectator sailor water

13. Teacher check

spectator, water, number, sister

change, energy gather, gentle strange, giant oxygen, lounge

. te

6. (a) gather, goodbye (b) damage, gutter (c) strange/giant, lounge

11. Across: 3. error 4. charge 6. water 7. goodbye 9. gentle 11. gutter 14. magic 15. oxygen 16. strange 17. arrange

o c . che e r o t r s super

R.I.C. Publications ®

m . u

w ww

(a) (b) (c) (d)

g g e n t l e c k b g

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi e w doctor, pu r p osailor, sesonl y• 10. visitor, error, motor,

4. gather, gentle, germ, giant, goodbye, gutter 5.

a r i a h m a g i c y

8. It can be spelt or or er.

Teac he r (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (h)

m e g r c r s t r i x

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

2. soft g – giant, magic, energy, gentle, germ, oxygen, charge, lounge, strange, arrange, change, damage hard g – gather, gutter, goodbye 3.

c h a r g e r a n g o

ew i ev Pr


Down: 1. germ 2. lounge 5. energy 7. gather 8. visitor 10. change 11. giant 12. taller 13. damage


New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – E

Teacher information

Unit 3

Unit focus This unit focuses on words that have silent letters.

Teaching points • Identify the silent letter in each word. • Identify any other difficult parts of each word. • Brainstorm to list other words with silent letters and sort them into groups, along with the list words.

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

List words Word building

Teac he r

handkerchiefs guests, guestless, guestroom, guesthouse cupboards guitars, guitarist, guitarlike islands, islander, island-like climbs, climbed, climbing, climber, climbable limbs, limbed, limbless doubts, doubted, doubting, doubtful, doubtfulness, doubter, doubtable know, knows, knew, knowing, knower, knowable, knowingly, knowledge, n knowledgeable knocks, knocked, knocking, knocker, knockout, knockdown s guesses, guessed, guessing, guesser, guessable, guesswork younger, youngest, youngish, youngster whites, l whiter, l whitest, l whiten, whitener wraps, Q wrapped, Q wrapping, Q wrapper signs, signed, signing, signage

Revision words Word building

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• halves, u halved, u halving wolves u calve, u calves, l calved, l calving u wives child, childless, childlessness, childlike teethe, l teethed, l teething, tooth, toothache, toothbrush, toothpaste leafed, leafless, leafy, 6 leafier, 6 leafiest, u leaves scarfs/u scarves u elves, elflike, elfish, elfin u lives, lifetime, lifelike, lifeless, lifelessly woman, womanly, womanish, womenfolk foot, footed, footing, footless, footpath, footwork, footprint u

. te

(Taken from Unit 3, Book D.)


m . u


w ww

half wolf calf wife children teeth leaf scarf elf life women feet

ew i ev Pr

handkerchief guest cupboard guitar island climb limb doubt known knock guess young white wrap sign

o c . che e r o t r s super

Note: The e is retained when the suffix beginning with a vowel is added to keep the soft g sound. Rule: To make words ending with ss plural, es is added. l Rule: When adding a suffix beginning with a vowel to most words ending with e, the e is dropped before adding the suffix. Q Rule: Double the consonant to keep the preceding vowel sound short. u Rule: To many words ending with f or fe, change the f to v before adding the suffix. 6 Rule: The y at the end of base words changes to i when a suffix is added. n


Dictation 1. The guest singer found a white handkerchief in a cupboard to clean her guitar. She then climbed the stairs to play for the young children from the nearby island. 2. I doubt if any of them will guess which sign has been changed. 3. His wife will wrap his feet and limbs in a large scarf to keep them warm. 4. It is not known how many teeth he knocked out because of the car crash. 5. The farmer found that wolves had eaten half the calves and others had almost lost their life.

New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – E


R.I.C. Publications ®

Teacher information

Unit 3

Answers 6. climb, cupboard, doubt, guess, guest, guitar, handkerchief, island, knock, known, limb, sign, white, wrap, young

(a) climb (b) doubt (c) white (d) knock (e) guest (f) wrap (g) cupboard (h) island (i) guess (j) sign (k) limb (l) handkerchief (m) young (n) known (o) guitar

Teac he r


h a n d g u e s t b h s

l i m b g u i z w o a i

m s w n g i s a r o n c

b l k c u p b o a r d l

k a n l i s l t p l k d

n n o i t g u e s s e o

o d c m a q r d w b r u

c e u b r u k y r t c b

k s p o z b n o a l h t

b t a r u y o u n g i a

o s i g n o w h i t e t

a r d p e a n f o r f e

12. Across: 4. guess 5. sign 6. doubt 7. island 8. climb 10. handkerchief 13. wrap 15. young 16. guest 17. scarf

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

2. doubt, guest, guitar, wrap

8. The other words end with f or fe.


silent p – cupboard silent b – climb, limb, doubt silent u – guest, guitar, guess silent d – handkerchief silent g – sign silent s – island silent k – known, knock silent w – wrap silent h – white silent o – young


(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g)


(a) (b) (c) (d)

child tooth woman foot

(d) (e) (f) (g) (h)

halves scarves wives elves leaves

Down: 1. limb 2. knock 3. cupboard 4. guitar 9. children 11. known 12. calf 13. white 14. wolf

(e) doubts, doubted, doubting (f) signs, signed, signing

ew i ev Pr

climbs, climbed, climbing © R. I . C.Publ i cat i o13. (a) n s 10. (a) wolves (b) guesses, guessed, guessing (b) calves (c) knocks, knocked, knocking •f orr evi e wlivespur poses o n l ywrapped, • wrapping (c) (d) wraps,

w ww

known, limb knock, climb island, young guitar, white guess, wrap guest, sign cupboard, doubt

. te

14. (a) young (b) guest/white

m . u


11. (a) feet (b) teeth

o c . che e r o t r s super

5. (a) Wrap this handkerchief around your bleeding finger. (b) I doubt he will guess where it is hidden. (c) The young singer can also play the guitar.

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New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – E

Teacher information

Unit 4

Unit focus This unit focuses on the graphemes ie and ei to represent a sound (phoneme).

Teaching points • Identify the phoneme and how it is represented. • Discuss that when the sound is a long e, i usually comes before e, except after c. Identify the list words seize, weird and

caffeine which do not follow this rule. • Sort the list words according to the graphemes and brainstorm other words to add to each list.

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

List words Word building

briefs, briefed, briefing, briefly, briefness thieves beliefs, believe, believes, s believed, s believing n mischievous, n mischievously, n mischievousness griefless, n grieve, grieves, s grieved, s grieving relieve, relieves, s relieved, s relieving believes, s believed, s believing, s believable, s believer, s unbelievable nieces receives, s received, s receiving, s receiver, s receivable receipts deceives, s deceived, s deceiving, s deceiver, s deceivable deceitful, deceitfully, deceitfulness seizes, s seized, s seizing weirdly, weirdness

Teac he r


knots, l knotted, l knotting, l knotty, Q knottier, Q knottiest knees, s kneed, kneeing rhymes, s rhymed, s rhyming builds, built, building, builder write, writes, wrote, s writing, s writer wrongs, wrongly, wrongful, wrongfully palms, palmlike calms, calmed, calming, calmer, calmest, calmly

w ww

listens, listened, listening, listener whistles, s whistled, s whistling, s whistler autumns, autumnlike

. te

(Taken from Unit 4, Book D.)


m . u

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

Revision words Word building knot knee rhyme build written wrong palm calm often listen whistle autumn

ew i ev Pr

brief thief belief mischief grief relief believe niece receive receipt deceive deceit seize weird caffeine

o c . che e r o t r s super

Rule: To many words ending with f or fe, change the f to v before adding the suffix. Rule: When adding a suffix beginning with a vowel to most words ending with e, the e is dropped before adding the suffix. l Rule: Double the consonant to keep the preceding vowel sound short. Q Rule: The y at the end of base words changes to i when a suffix is added.



Dictation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

It was a relief to receive the goods we had been waiting for, but the shop did not send a written receipt with them. My niece did not believe me when I said caffeine is not good for you if you have it too often. The young man who was wrongly believed to be the thief was seized and spent a brief time with the police. She was full of grief after listening to the mischief and deceit of her niece. He held the weird belief that it was best to build in autumn.

New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – E


R.I.C. Publications ®

Teacher information

Unit 4

Answers (a) believe (b) deceit (c) mischief (d) receive (e) thief (f) seize (g) caffeine (h) brief (i) deceive (j) relief (k) weird (l) niece (m) belief (n) receipt (o) grief

6. knot, knee, rhyme, build, written, wrong, palm, calm, often, listen, whistle, autumn

Teac he r


(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)

written knee whistle rhyme wrong build


(a) (b) (c) (d)

believe, caffeine relief, niece thief, receive weird, brief

i e p t t h i e f l a c

d e c e i t z g e i f e

b b m c a f e r i e f i

. te

w e i r d l i r r v e v

R.I.C. Publications ®

r l s b t f n e e e i e

e i c e t h e l c l n a

c e h m m c n i e c e b

z f i m i s k e i l u e

a l e b r i e f p z l y

e g f s u m p k t d i r

10. Across: 4. build 5. deceit 10. belief 11. receipt 12. weird 13. deceive 14. often 16. whistle 17. caffeine

m . u

niece mischief weird brief believe

w ww

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

d e c e i v e i l e c e

palm calm rhyme knot often build written whistle autumn listen knee wrong

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons 9. (a) written, often, listen (b) whistle •f orr evi e w pur posesonl y•


a g r i e f s m e b f r

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l)

deceives, deceived, deceiving seizes, seized, seizing believe, believed, believing grieves, grieved, grieving relieves, relieved, relieving receives, received, receiving

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

2. (a) belief, believe, brief, caffeine, deceit, deceive, grief (b) mischief, niece, receipt, receive, relief, seize, thief, weird



11. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)

ew i ev Pr


o c . che e r o t r s super Down: 1. thief 2. calm 3. relief 4. brief 6. seize 7. autumn 8. grief 9. mischief 11. receive 15. niece


New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – E

Teacher information

Unit 5

Unit focus This unit focuses on the graphemes ay, ey, ai, a, eigh, aigh and ei to represent a sound (phoneme).

Teaching points • Identify the phoneme and how it is represented. • Identify any difficult parts of words. • Sort the list words according to the graphemes and brainstorm other words to add to each list.

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

List words Word building

displays, displayed, displaying, displayer

Teac he r

greys, greying, greyer, greyest, greyness, greyish preys, preyed, preying, preyer obeys, obeyed, obeying, disobey, obedient, obediently, obedience, disobedient surveys, surveyed, surveying, surveyor, surveyable raises, Q raised, Q raising, Q raisable, Q raiser unafraid dictate, dictates, Q dictated, Q dictating Q natural, naturally, naturalness weights, weighted, weighting, weightless, weightlessness, weigh, weighs, weighed, weighing, weighable, weigher freights, freighted, freighting, freighter, freightage neighbours, neighbouring, neighbourly, neighbourhood straighter, straightest, straightness, straighten, straightens, straightened, straightening, straightener veins, veined, veining, veinless, veinlike

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

Revision words Word building

fairs, fairground, fairness, fairly stairs, staircase, stairwell, stairway chairs, chairlift, chairperson hair, hairs, hairless, n hairier, n hairiest s fairies, fairyhood, fairyland s dairies, l dairying fares, Q fared, Q faring stares, Q stared, Q staring, Q starer cares, Q cared, Q caring, Q carer Q rarer, Q rarest, Q rarity, rarely, rareness spares, Q spared, Q sparing, sparely, spareness mares

w ww

fair stair chair hairy fairy dairy fare stare care rare spare mare

. te

(Taken from Unit 5, Book D.)


m . u

freight neighbour straight vein

ew i ev Pr

display always grey prey obey survey raise afraid dictation nature weight

o c . che e r o t r s super

Rule: The y at the end of base words changes to i when a suffix is added. Rule: To make the plural of words ending with a y after a consonant, change the y to i and add es. l Rule: The y is retained when adding ing to avoid ii being written. (Two exceptions are taxiing and skiing.) Q Rule: When adding a suffix beginning with a vowel to most words ending with e, the e is dropped before adding the suffix. n


Dictation 1. Eight people surveyed in the neighbourhood agreed something should be displayed about the stray cats that preyed on the birds in the area. 2. The grey mare ate the grass next to the dairy. 3. She is always fair and obeys the rules and isn’t afraid to get straight to the point. 4. We had to raise the freight costs to cover the weight of the extra chairs. 5. I got the words nature, hairy, vein and fairy wrong in dictation.

New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – E


R.I.C. Publications ®

Teacher information

Unit 5

Answers (a) grey (b) raise (c) nature (d) display (e) neighbour (f) obey (g) freight (h) dictation (i) vein (j) always (k) weight (l) prey (m) straight (n) afraid (o) survey


Teac he r

a l w a y s t u r e s t

e b e a s i n t u w a e

i a i i h x a r r e i i

g d g d i c t a t i o n

h i p g h t u i f g b d

b s r s p l r g h h e e

o p r e y a e h r t y b

u l o o l e n t m a o t

9. It can be made by air or are.

3. Teacher check

4. (a) display, prey, obey, survey (b) freight, straight

r a i s e a n y p y w e

x y p c h s u r v e y o

Down: 1. prey 3. neighbour 5. always 6. spare 7. weight 8. freight 9. display 11. survey 12. mare 16. afraid

10. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l)

14. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l)

neighbour – hood display – ed weight – less nature – al straight – en survey – or afraid – un freight – er vein – like obey – dis raise – ing prey – ed

fare mare hairy care fair stare fairy rare stair spare chair dairy

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons check •f orr evi ew pur poses15. Teacher onl y •

vein weight prey straight

11. fair and fare; stair and stare

w ww

6. (a) weight, display (b) freight, always (c) survey, nature

12. hairy

7. (a) The seal pup was prey to the grey shark. (b) I always do well in dictation. (c) We’re afraid the survey will show that many people in the age group have a weight problem. (d) The transport company had to raise its freight costs.

. te

R.I.C. Publications ®

m . u

(a) (b) (c) (d)

n o g r e y u s s v r v

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

2. (a) raise (b) dictation


p l a f r e i g h t f g

ew i ev Pr


13. Across: 2. dictation 4. chair 10. raise 11. straight 13. stare 14. obey 15. nature 17. grey 18. vein

o c . che e r o t r s super


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Teacher information

Unit 6

Unit focus This unit has two focuses: homophones and confused words.

Teaching points • Discuss what is meant by a homophone (words that sound the same but have a different spelling and meaning). Identify the

words that are homophones and underline the part that is different in each pair. • Identify the words that are similar in pronunciation and spelling and are often confused. Underline the parts that are different in each set and practise the correct pronunciation.

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

List words Word building

Teac he r

who’s (who is, who has) planes, n planed, n planing, n planer, planeness plains, plainly, plainness desserts, dessertspoon, dessertspoons, dessertspoonful, dessertspoonfuls deserts, desertification, deserted, deserting, deserter, desertion medals, s medalled, s medalling, s medallist, s medallion, s medallic meddles, n meddled, n meddling, n meddler, meddlesome metals, s metalled, s metalling, s metallic, metalwork, s metallurgy breathes, n breathed, n breathing, n breathable, n breather breaths, breathless, breathalyse, breathalyser, breathtaking closes, n closed, n closing, n closer, n closest, closure clothing buy, buys, buying bring, brings, bringing

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons witches, witchery, witchcraft, witchdoctor there’s, therefore, thereafter, thereabouts, thereby • f o rr e vi e wp ur posesonl y• they’ll, they’d

Revision words Word building l

. te

(Taken from Unit 6, Book D.)


m . u

theirs influenza fly, Q flies, flown, 6 flying, flyable flues ours, ourselves hours, hourly toads, toadlike tow, tows, towing, towage

w ww

which witch there they’re their flu flew flue our hour toad towed

ew i ev Pr

whose who’s plane plain dessert desert medal meddle metal breathe breath close clothes bought brought

o c . che e r o t r s super

Rule: When adding a suffix beginning with a vowel to most words ending with e, the e is dropped before adding the suffix. Rule: When a word ends with a single l, double the l when a suffix beginning with a vowel is added. l Rule: To make words ending with ch plural, es is added. Q Rule: The y at the end of base words changes to i when a suffix is added. 6 Rule: The y is retained when adding ing to avoid ii being written. (Two exceptions are taxiing and skiing.) n


Dictation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

The grey hospital plane landed close to the edge of the plain in the middle of the rocky desert. Mum bought a yummy dessert from the shop to take to the party, while her friend brought one she had made at home. Who’s going to get a medal for holding their breath the longest? Which bag will you choose to pack your clothes into when we go for our holiday? Do you know whose plane flew over there for an hour or more? They’re not going to meddle with the flue any more and will get someone to weld a sheet of metal over the hole. I couldn’t breathe properly when I had the flu.

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Unit 6

Answers 1. bought, breath, breathe, brought, close, clothes, desert, dessert, medal, meddle, metal, plain, plane, who’s, whose (a) plane (b) desert (c) meddle (d) metal (e) whose (f) breath (g) brought (h) bought (i) clothes (j) dessert (k) breathe (l) medal (m) close (n) who’s (o) plain

9. Across: 3. which 5. breathe 8. breath 11. plane 12. bought 13. flu 14. desert 15. who’s 16. medal

s p i u c l o t h e s e

e a n n e r u b o s w a

r u i l d o g s ’s p h t

t b a i n s h q t l o h

b r o u g h t u h a p m

o e t m e d d l e n p e

. te

s a h s t r d e s e r t

e t e b r e a t h e v a

w h s o u g r m e d a l

2. dessert 4. clothes 5. brought 6. metal 7. close 9. hour 10. meddle 11. plain 13. towed

m . u

s s a o s e b s w g h t

w ww

e c l o s e l l i d d e

13. plainness, closeness, planeness

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons Down: •f orr evi e pur posesonl y• w 1. whose

desert close breath medal, metal

5. d p p l a g h w h o s e

flew flu hour toad our which flue towed witch

8. Teacher check

Teac he r (a) (b) (c) (d)

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i)

breath, eat, the, he, at, a cloth, clothe, clot, the, he who, hose met, me, a plan, lane, an, a lose

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

3. bought, metal, desert, plain, close, brought, plane, medal 4.


12. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)

ew i ev Pr


6. They are sets of homophones.

o c . che e r o t r s super 10. (a) (b) (c) (d)

Who’s brought whose bought

11. Teacher check

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Unit 7

Unit focus This unit focuses on the prefixes inter, dis, re and sub.

Teaching points • Discuss the meaning of each prefix. (Refer to Question 6 of the workbook.) • Identify the base word for each list word, where appropriate. • Identify any smaller words that make up each word. • Sort the list words according to the prefixes and brainstorm to add to each list.

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

List words Word building

Teac he r

interacts, interacted, interacting, interaction, interactive intersects, intersected, intersecting, intersection, intersectional interviews, interviewed, interviewing, interviewee nation, national, nationally, internationally, nationality, internationality like, dislikes, n disliked, n disliking, dislikeable agree, disagrees, disagreed, disagreeing, disagreeable, disagreement disappoints, disappointed, disappointing, disappointingly, disappointment disappears, disappeared, disappearing, disappearance returns, returned, returning, returnable repeats, repeated, repeating, repeatable, unrepeatable, repeatedly refunds, refunded, refunding, refundable, unrefundable n revises, n revised, n revising, n revision suburbs, suburban, suburbanise, n suburbanised, n suburbanising, n suburbanisation, suburbanite, suburbia submarine n submariner submerge submerges, n submerged, n submerging, n submergence, n submergible, n submergibility

ew i ev Pr

interact intersect interview international dislike disagree disappoint disappear return repeat refund revise suburb

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons eleven eleventh f o r r ev i eopenly, w openness pur posesonl y• opened • open, opens, opening, opener, broken break, breaks, broke, breaking, breaker, breakage, breakable

Revision words Word building

. te

(Taken from Unit 7, Book D.)


m . u

hide, hides, hid, n hiding, n hider, hideaway, hide-and-seek happens, happened, happening sudden, suddenness seasons, seasoned, seasoning, seasonal, seasonally, seasonable, n seasonably reasons, reasoned, reasoning, reasonable, unreasonable, reasonably, reasonless persons, personal, personally, personality, s personalities poisons, poisoned, poisoning, poisonous commonly, uncommon, uncommonly, commoner, commonness cottons

w ww

hidden happen suddenly season reason person poison common cotton

o c . che e r o t r s super

Rule: When adding a suffix beginning with a vowel to most words ending with e, the e is dropped before adding the suffix. (Note: dislikeable, disagreeing and disagreeable are exceptions.) s Rule: The y at the end of base words changes to i when a suffix is added. n

Dictation 1. The submarine suddenly submerged and after some time, returned to the surface. 2. The interview with the international football clubs was disappointing as both sides repeatedly disagreed about the refund due to each club. 3. The most common reason why people disliked living in that suburb was because of the amount of natural bush disappearing to make way for houses. 4. The town planners will revise where the main road will intersect the highway. 5. Each person will interact in the same group for eleven weeks. 6. She opened the cupboard and found that the broken vase happened to be hidden at the back New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – E


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Unit 7

Answers 8.

(a) dislike (b) submerge (c) disappear (d) revise (e) interact (f) repeat (g) international (h) submarine (i) disagree (j) refund (k) intersect (l) suburb (m) disappoint (n) return (o) interview

interview, international return, refund suburb, intersect submarine, submerge

n r n i n t e r a c t

t e i n t e r s e c t

Teac he r

9. i r e d i s l i k e b

e p n t e r d u d u d

r e t u r n i b i r i

n a r e v i s e s s s

a t e v i e a g a u a

t a f i e w g r p b p

i r u t w b r a p m p

o i n e b u e e e e o

n s d t r n e p a r i

a e s u b u r b r g n

l s u b m a r i n e t

13. Across: 2. disappear 4. dislike 7. submerge 8. return 11. international 13. suburb 15. disagree 17. common 18. broken

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

2. return, dislike, revise, intertact 3.

(a) (b) (c) (d)

10. It can be spelt en or on.

in/ter/act, in/ter/sect, in/ter/view, in/ter/na/tion/al, dis/a/gree, dis/a/ppoint, dis/a/ppear, sub/ma/rine

11. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l)

person season poison happen eleven hidden cotton opened common suddenly reason broken

Down: 1. eleven 2. disappoint 3. submarine 5. interview 6. intersect 9. refund 10. interact 12. suddenly 14. repeat 16. revise

ew i ev Pr


disappointing, © R. I . C.Publ i cat i o10. (a) nsdisappointed, disappointment (b) intersected, intersecting (c) refunded, refunding, •f orr evi ew pur poses o n l y• 5. submerge refundable Teacher check examples (a) dis (b) re (c) inter (d) sub


(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)

w ww


. te

interview interact international disappear refund disappoint

R.I.C. Publications ®

12. hidden, happen, suddenly, common, cotton

(d) submerged, submerging (e) disagreed, disagreeing, disagreeable, disagreement (f) returned, returning, returnable

m . u

4. (a) dislike, return (b) suburb, refund (c) revise, repeat

o c . che e r o t r s super


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Unit 8

Unit focus This unit focuses on the grapheme ch to represent different sounds (phonemes).

Teaching points • Identify the phonemes and how they are represented. • Identify the three different sounds the grapheme ch makes. Colour code the words with the same sound. • Identify any other difficult parts of words.

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

List words Word building

Teac he r

n torches, torchless, torchlight, torchbearer orchards, orchardist, orchardists channels, s channelled, s channelling achieves, l achieved, l achieving, l achiever, l achievable, achievement machines, l machinery, l machinist chefs parachutes, l parachuted, l parachuting, l parachutist charades schools, schooled, schooling, schoolbook, schoolteacher, schoolyard n Christmases aches, l ached, l aching, l achingly chemists, chemistry anchors, anchored, anchoring, anchorless, anchorage stomachs characters, characteristic, characteristics, characterless, characterise, characterises

ew i ev Pr

torch orchard channel achieve machine chef parachute charade school Christmas ache chemist anchor stomach character

Revision words Word building

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

. te

(Taken from Unit 8, Book D.)


m . u

hot, Q hottest, hotly kind, kindest, kindly, 6 kindlier, 6 kindliest, kindness cold, coldest, coldly, coldish, coldness strong, strongest, strongly, strength, strengthen weak, weakest, weakly, weakness, weaken, weakens, weakened, weakening mean, meanest, meanly, meanness, meant, meaning, meaningly soft, softer, softly, softness, soften, softens, softened, softening, softener dark, darker, darkly, darkness, darken, darkens, darkened, darkening, darkener thick, thicker, thickly, thickness, thicken, thickens, thickened, thickening, thickener hard, harder, hardness, harden, hardens, hardened, hardening, hardener light, lighter, lightly, lightness, lighten, lightens, lightened, lightener thin, Q thinner, thinly, thinness

w ww

hotter kinder colder stronger weaker meaner softest darkest thickest hardest lightest thinnest

o c . che e r o t r s super

Rule: To make words ending with ch or a single s plural, es is added. Rule: When a word ends with a single l, double the l when a suffix beginning with a vowel is added. l Rule: When adding a suffix beginning with a vowel to most words ending with e, the e is dropped before adding the suffix. Q Rule: Double the consonant to keep the preceding vowel sound short. 6 Rule: The y at the end of base words changes to i when a suffix is added. n


Dictation 1. The chef achieved praise for his Christmas dessert, using fresh fruit from the local orchard. 2. The last time we played charades at school, I had to play the characters of a chemist, a time machine and someone with a stomach ache jumping out of a plane with a parachute. 3. You will need to train hard and get stronger to swim across the channel. 4. The hardest part of the fishing trip was trying to pull up the anchor close to the reef. 5. The torchlight was getting weaker as we reached the darkest part of the tunnel. 6. The opposite of kinder is meaner and the opposite of thinnest is thickest. New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – E


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Unit 8

Answers 1. ache, achieve, anchor, channel, charade, character, chef, chemist, Christmas, machine, orchard, parachute, school, stomach, torch

(a) anchor (b) channel (c) chemist (d) school (e) machine (f) stomach (g) ache (h) torch (i) Christmas (j) achieve (k) charade (l) chef (m) character (n) orchard (o) parachute

c c h a r a d e c w p h

h h f p a r a c h u t e

c a x a s y e m e a r m

h n h r t a n c h o r i

a n e t o r c h i o b s

r e f o m o l e s e b t

a l a r a v l f t l l p

c t m a c h i n e a z a

t y s c h o o l o n r r

e e m c h a c h i e v e

r i a o r c h a r d n a

Down: 2. darkest 3. charade 8. school 9. channel 12. hotter 13. Christmas 14. character 17. stomach

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S 7. They end in er or est. 8. hotter and thinnest 9.

hotter, colder kinder, meaner stronger, weaker softest, hardest darkest, lightest thickest, thinnest

12. Teacher check suffixes (a) machine (b) anchor (c) orchard (d) torch (e) school (f) charade (g) ache (h) chemist (i) achieve (j) parachute (k) character (l) channel

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons 10. (a) longer (b) bolder •f orr evi e wleanerpur posesonl y• (c)

w ww

4. (a) character, Christmas, school (b) chef, orchard (c) stomach, ache, chemist 5. Nouns – torch, orchard, channel, machine, chef, parachute, charade, school, Christmas, ache, chemist, anchor, stomach, character Verbs – channel, achieve, machine, parachute, school, ache, anchor, stomach

. te

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11. Across: 1. colder 4. torch 5. achieve 6. anchor 7. chemist 10. machine 11. ache 15. chef 16. lightest 18. orchard 19. parachute

m . u


s C h r i s t m a s v c

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

2. Beginning - channel, chef, charade, Christmas, chemist, character Middle – orchard, achieve, machine, parachute, school, ache, anchor End – stomach, torch


o c . che e r o t r s super


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Unit 9

Unit focus This unit focuses on words that are homophones.

Teaching points • Revise what is meant by a homophone (words that sound the same but have a different spelling and meaning). • Identify the words that are homophones by circling each set. Underline the part that is different in each set.

List words Word building

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

Teac he r

breaks, broke, broken, breaking, breakable, breakage brakes, n braked, n braking, brakeless greatly, greater, greatest grates, n grated, n grating, n grater hires, n hired, n hiring, n hirer, hireable high, highest, highly peeks, peeked, peeking peaks, peaked, peaking, peakily, peakiness, peaky

buys, bought, buying, buyer byes surely, unsure, n surer, n surest shores, shoreline, n shored, n shoring pieces, n pieced, n piecing peaceful, peacefully, peacefullness

Revision words Word building

(Taken from Unit 9, Book D.)


. te

m . u

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• truer, n truest, truly, truth, truthful, truthfully bluer, n bluest, blueness clues, n clued, n cluing proofs, proofed, proofing shampoos, shampooed, shampooing, shampooer kangaroos screws, screwed, screwing, screwdriver draw, draws, drawn, drawing, drawer fruits, fruity, fruitlike, fruiterer, fruitage juices, n juiced, n juicing, n juicer, juicy s juicier, s juiciest, s juicily, s juiciness bruises, n bruised, n bruising n


w ww

true blue clue proof shampoo kangaroo screw drew fruit juice juicy bruise

ew i ev Pr

break brake great grate hire higher peek peak by buy bye sure shore piece peace

o c . che e r o t r s super

Rule: When adding a suffix beginning with a vowel to most words ending with e, the e is dropped before adding the suffix. (Note: Hireable is an exception, the e is dropped in truly, truth etc.) s Rule: The y at the end of base words changes to i when a suffix is added. n

Dictation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

We were sure that the higher of the two peaks was the one closer to the shore. There will be a break from playing football next week when our team has a bye. Dad had to brake suddenly by the gate when a great grey kangaroo jumped across the track. There was peace at last when the grating noise of the fruit juicer finally stopped. The doctor took a peek at the blue bruise on her foot that she got when a piece of wood fell on it. Please screw the lid back on the shampoo bottle. Is it true that it will be cheaper to hire a car for six months than buying one?

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Unit 9

Answers 1. brake, break, buy, by, bye, grate, great, higher, hire, peace, peak, peek, piece, shore, sure


(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)

goodbye bypass seashore peacekeeping breakdown outbreak


(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)

peace great shore break bye piece

Teac he r

(a) higher (b) peak/peek (c) peak/peek (d) hire (e) shore (f) by (g) sure (h) break (i) bye/buy (j) grate (k) peace/piece (l) buy (m) brake (n) peace/piece (o) great

e g r e p e a c e w t e

a b e u e s b i u h h e

k u r y a q r g d i i m

b y m i k u a h y p g o

r e b l l a k e k e h s

e a s h o r e l g h e e

a h u g t l b r g z r p

k c r t h e h i r e h i

s f e e r p b y e m e e

u l h e a e b e a u m c

r g r a t e e b t e a e

11. (a) peek (b) peak, higher (c) hire

a c r t l k s h r u t m

12. Teacher check 13. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h)

rate, rat, at, a, ate pea, a high, her, he ore, or bra, rake, a pie, pi eat, at, a pea, ace, a

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S 7. It can be made by ue, oo, ew or ui.

ew i ev Pr



8. Teacher check

14. Teacher check

9. Teacher check 10. Across: 3. hire 6. buy 8. brake 10. higher 12. by 13. piece 15. proof 16. sure

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

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Down: 1. shore 2. peak 4. grate 5. juicy 7. shampoo 8. break 9. peace 11. great 12. bye 14. clue 15. peek

m . u

w ww

. te

5. Teacher check students’ own sentences (a) bye (b) brake (c) sure (d) grate

o c . che e r o t r s super


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Unit 10

Unit focus This unit focuses on the graphemes c and ck to represent a sound (phoneme).

Teaching points • Identify the phoneme and how it is represented. • Discuss how words with the phoneme at the end of the first syllable use ck and those with the phoneme after one or more

syllables use c. • Identify the word that doesn’t follow the rule (attack). • Sort the list words according to the graphemes and brainstorm other words to add to each list.

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

List words Word building

Teac he r

tracks, tracked, tracking, tracker, trackless strike, strikes, n striking, stricken, n striker attacks, attacked, attacking, attacker packets crickets, cricketer pockets, pocketed, pocketing, pocketful, pocketfuls freckles, n freckled, n freckling, s freckly classics, classical, classically volcano, l volcanoes/volcanos mimics, Q mimicked, Q mimicking, mimicry soniferous plastics, plastically tonics terrifically electrics, electrical, electrically, electronic, electrify, u electrified, electrifying

ew i ev Pr

track struck attack packet cricket pocket freckle classic volcanic mimic sonic plastic tonic terrific electric

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons pencil pencils, pencilled, pencilling circle circles, circled, circling, circler, circular f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• cinema • cinemas, cinematic, cinemagoer, cinemascope, cinematise, cinematographer

Revision words Word building





w ww

century centuries, u centurion, u centurial centipede centipedes cycle cycles, n cycled, n cycling, n cyclist, n cyclic, cyclepath, bicycle, tricycle stencil stencils, 6 stencilled, 6 stencilling certain certainly, uncertain, certainty, : certainties parcel parcels, 6 parcelled, 6 parcelling circumference circumferences cylinder cylinders, cylindrical, cylindroid since (Taken from Unit 10, Book D.)


. te

m . u



o c . che e r o t r s super

Rule: When adding a suffix beginning with a vowel to most words ending with e, the e is dropped before adding the suffix. Rule: When adding ly to words ending with e after a consonant, change the e to y. l Rule: To make many words ending with o plural, es or s is acceptable. Q Rule: Add k to words ending with ic, before adding the suffixes y, ed, er and ing. u Rule: The y at the end of base words changes to i when a suffix is added. The y is retained when adding ing to avoid ii being written. (Two exceptions are taxiing and skiing.) 6 Rule: When a word ends with a single l, double the l when a suffix beginning with a vowel is added. : Rule: To make plural of words ending with y after a consonant, change the y to i and add es. n


Dictation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

The plastic bag struck the electric wire above the train track. A volcano can make a terrific noise like a sonic boom when it erupts. The cricketer made a classic century which was just the tonic he needed since a run of poor scores. The thief attacked the man near the cinema and took a packet out of his pocket. Are you certain you can show me the circumference of the circle in pencil? The clown with freckles can mimic the sounds of birds while holding a parcel on a bicycle.

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Unit 10



(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h)

track packet classic attack sonic struck volcanic plastic

(d) (e) (f) (g) (h)

track electric classic tonic struck

6. a c s t r u c k d x a r

Teac he r

(a) tonic (b) cricket (c) track (d) volcanic (e) freckle (f) terrific (g) sonic (h) packet (i) struck (j) classic (k) pocket (l) plastic (m) attack (n) electric (o) mimic

f b o c l p a c k e t l

r v n r o l a b i c t a

e h i c l a s s i c a s

c t c t b s v k w p c z

k e l e c t r i c o k m

l r g d m i u o y c x w

e r e a g c r i c k e t

f i i t o n i c b e c r

h f u k y i f j e t q a

m i m i c p s n q a d c

11. (a) (b) (c) (d)

o c j v o l c a n i c k

volcanic terrific classical electrical

12. The boy with freckles keeps his sonic game in his pocket. He thinks it is terrific the way the monsters try to attack the good guys. He keeps it in a plastic packet so it doesn’t get wet.

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S 7. The words have ci, ce or cy. 8. (a) cycle (b) certain (c) circumference 9. centipede, century, certain, cinema, circle, circumference, cycle, cylinder, parcel, pencil, since, stencil

ew i ev Pr


10. Across: © R. I . Publ i cat i ons C 2. . track 3. (a) mimic 5. plastic (b) attack w 6. sonic • f o r r e v i e pur posesonl y• (c) terrific 7. struck


(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

volcanic, sonic packet, pocket tonic, terrific struck, cricket plastic, track

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11. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.

freckle tonic centipede cylinder since cricket

Down: 1. attack 3. classic 4. packet 8. terrific 9. volcanic 10. pocket 12. electric 13. mimic 14. pencil

m . u

w ww

. te

4. (a) a game played with a ball, bat and wickets/an insect similar to a grasshopper (b) a trail or path/to follow something (c) a pouch sewn into a garment/ to take something dishonestly

o c . che e r o t r s super


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Unit 11

Unit focus This unit focuses on difficult words.

Teaching points • Identify difficult parts of words. • Discuss ways to remember how to spell the word.

— pronunciation tricks (c–o–ming said with a long o sound, s–u–gar) — mnemonics (none has one in it)

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

List words Word building

Teac he r

begin, begins, began, begun, n beginnings come, comes, came ease, s eased, s easing, l easier, l easiest, l easily everyone, everything, everywhere, everyday, everybody biscuits Q addresses, addressed, addressing, addressee fright, frightens, frightened, frightening, frightful, frightfully, frightfulness specials, specially, specialise, s specialised, s specialising, speciality, specialty sincere, s sincerer, s sincerest, s sincerity, sincereness sugars, sugared, sugaring, sugary, sugariness u libraries, l librarian, l librarians, librarianship escapes, s escaped, s escaping, s escapee, s escapist, s escapism eight, eighty, l eightieth, eighteen, eighteenth true, s truer, s truest, truth, truthful, truthfully

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons would’ve • or r evi ew pur posesonl y• we’ll,f we’re, we’ve

Revision words Word building

they’ve, they’d, they’re

we’d, we’ve, we’re

. te

(Taken from Unit 11, Book D.)


m . u

could’ve should’ve

w ww

o’clock haven’t wouldn’t we’d they’ll let’s didn’t couldn’t shouldn’t doesn’t we’ll who’d

ew i ev Pr

beginning coming easy every biscuit address frighten special sincerely sugar library escape none eighth truly

o c . che e r o t r s super

Rule: Double the consonant to keep the preceding vowel sound short. Rule: When adding a suffix beginning with a vowel to most words ending with e, the e is dropped before adding the suffix. l Rule: The y at the end of base words changes to i when a suffix is added. Q Rule: To make words that end with ss plural, es is added. u Rule: To make the plural of words ending with a y after a consonant, change the y to i and add es. n


Dictation 1. They’ll carry the coffee, tea, milk, sugar and biscuits to the school library. A special morning tea is held for parents at ten o’clock on every eighth Wednesday of the year. 2. The frightened animal couldn’t have found it easy to escape from the trap. 3. The words truly and sincerely are often used to end a written letter. 4. He didn’t know who’d be coming as none of them were given the correct address. 5. Let’s go back to the beginning of the path or else we’ll never find our way. 6. It doesn’t matter if you haven’t brought all the library books with you.

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Unit 11

Answers 8. These words are contractions.


(a) escape (b) coming (c) address (d) beginning (e) sugar (f) none (g) truly (h) eighth (i) easy (j) biscuit (k) frighten (l) library (m) sincerely (n) every (o) special



(a) (b) (c) (d)

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l)

12. (a) (b) (c) (d)

wouldn’t couldn’t haven’t we’ll let’s they’ll didn’t we’d doesn’t o’clock shouldn’t who’d

libraries, librarian easily, eased, easing, easiest escapes, escaped, escaping frightens, frightened, frightening (e) addresses, addressed, addressing (f) specials, specialty, specially (g) sugars, sugary, sugared, sugaring

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

10. couldn’t, didn’t, doesn’t, haven’t, let’s, o’clock, shouldn’t, they’ll, we’d, we’ll, who’d, wouldn’t

every beginning sincerely library

11. Across: 1. easy 2. sugar 6. who’d 9. beginning 10. special 11. doesn’t 15. frighten 16. none 17. truly 18. library

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

1. Teacher check

(d) escape, library (e) biscuit, sugar


(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

w ww

easy truly none every eighth

7. n i n g a l e i g h t h

e d b s d e s c a p e u

i d e s d c o m g l i s

s u g a r h t h i i t i

b i i s e v e r y b r n

. te

c x n r s e c i b r u c

R.I.C. Publications ®

o e n i s p e c i a l e

m s i g h t a e s r y r

i v n o n e s s c y c e

m . u

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons 5. (a) Every, address (b) sincerely, truly •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• (c) special, eighth 4. none, eighth

Down: 1. escape 3. address 4. coming 5. o’clock 7. biscuit 8. sincerely 12. eighth 13. we’ll 14. every

o c . che e r o t r s super

n e g r a r y z u p u l

g h t g h y e a i e i y

y a h f r i g h t e n t


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Teacher information

Unit 12

Unit focus This unit focuses on the graphemes ow, o, oe and ough to represent a sound (phoneme).

Teaching points • Identify the phoneme and how it is represented. (Note: oboe has o and oe) • Identify the words that have a double consonant to keep the preceding vowel sound short. Discuss how shadow has a short

vowel sound but the d is not doubled. • Sort the list words according to the graphemes and brainstorm other words to add to each list.

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

List words Word building

Teac he r

windows, windowless, windowpane, windowsill follows, followed, following, follower, follow-the-leader borrows, borrowed, borrowing, borrower narrows, narrowed, narrowing, narrower, narrowest, narrowly, narrowness shadows, shadowed, shadowing, shadower, shadowy, shadowless swallows, swallowed, swallowing, swallower, swallowable know, knows, knew, knowing, knowledge, knowledgeable, known n cargoes n zeroes/zeros, s zeroed, s zeroing n dominoes/dominos does foes oboes doughs

w ww

peoples angles, s angled, s angling, s angler vegetables, vegetarian, vegetarians s simpler, s simplest, s simply, l simplify, l simplified, Q simplifying terror, terrors, s terribly, terribleness puzzles, s puzzled, s puzzling, puzzlement, puzzler travels, u travelled, u travelling, u traveller angels, angelic labels, u labelled, u labelling, u labeller levels, u levelled, u levelling, u leveller towels, u towelled, u towelling tunnels, u tunnelled, u tunnelling, u tunneller

. te

(Taken from Unit 12, Book D.)


m . u

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

Revision words Word building people angle vegetable simple terrible puzzle travel angel label level towel tunnel

ew i ev Pr

window follow borrow narrow shadow swallow unknown cargo zero domino doe foe oboe though dough

o c . che e r o t r s super

Rule: To make many words ending with o plural, es or s is acceptable. Rule: When adding a suffix beginning with a vowel to most words ending with e, the e is dropped before adding the suffix. (The e is retained in knowledgeable to keep the soft g sound.) l Rule: The y at the end of base words changes to i when a suffix is added. Q Rule: The y is retained when adding ing to avoid ii being written. (Two exceptions are taxiing and skiing.) u Rule: When a word ends with a single l, double the l when a suffix beginning with a vowel is added. (Angelic is an exception.)



Dictation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Even though the path was very narrow, the doe was able to follow the shadowy trail to escape from its foe. The swallow flew to the window when it heard the unknown noise of the oboe. One domino was missing from the puzzle, so we had to borrow one from another set. If people travel in zero degrees they could get terribly cold if they don’t wear warm clothes. I used a towel to cover the dough I had made and began to peel the vegetables. The cargo was loaded along onto the ship at a steep angle.

New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – E


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Teacher information

Unit 12

Answers (a) follow (b) foe (c) unknown (d) domino (e) narrow (f) borrow (g) window (h) zero (i) cargo (j) shadow (k) doe/dough (l) swallow (m) doe/dough (n) oboe (o) though


Teac he r

o z v u w i n a l f o w

cargo shadow unknown swallow window borrow

(b) (c) (d) (e) (f)

swallow follow narrow zero foe/doe

d o e n o s q u l l k h

a r g o w b o r r o w o

r m s w f s o a s w o u

g n h n l p w b p c s g

o a r d o m i n o h h h

s r n o b y n e s p a t

10. They end in le or el.

3. zero, foe, doe, domino, oboe (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)

o r l k d o u g h l n t

h r a w o e d r w p d h

a o f o e z o o e o o q

s w a l l o w u g l w u

Down: 1. towel 2. shadow 3. people 4. domino 5. dough 8. borrow 10. terrible 12. level 13. window 14. unknown 15. foe

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

2. borrow, though, cargo, oboe


b e l n i c a r g o u s

11. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l)

label level simple vegetable people angel/angle terrible travel angel/angle tunnel towel puzzle

12. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)

travelled/travelling angled/angling levelled/levelling tunnelled/tunnelling labelled/labelling puzzled/puzzling

14. (a) doe and dough (b) Teacher check

ew i ev Pr


15. Teacher check

16. (a) borrowed (b) swallowing (c) followed

w ww

. te

6. Nouns – doe, foe, cargo, dough, domino, oboe Verbs – swallow, follow, borrow Adjectives – narrow 7.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)

dominoes/dominos oboes does zeroes/zeros foes cargoes

13. Across: 1. though 5. doe 6. zero 7. cargo 9. narrow 11. follow 16. oboe 17. swallow

m . u

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• 5. (a) borrow

o c . che e r o t r s super

8. borrow, cargo, follow, narrow, oboe, shadow, swallow, window, unknown, zero

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New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – E

Teacher information

Unit 13

Unit focus This unit focuses on the graphemes a-e, e-e, u-e, i-e and o-e to represent a sound (phoneme).

Teaching points • Identify the phoneme and how it is represented. • Discuss how the e on the end of each word makes the vowel sound long. • Sort the list words according to the graphemes and brainstorm other words to add to each list.

List words Word building

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

shapes, n shaped, n shaping, n shaper, shapeless, shapelessness, shapely whales, n whaled, n whaling, n whaler mistakes, n mistaken, mistook, unmistaken, n mistaking, n mistakable/mistakeable completes, n completed, n completing, completely, incomplete, n completion

Teac he r

athletes, athletic, athletically, athleticism, unathletic flutes, n fluted, n fluting, n fluter, n flutist refuses, n refused, n refusing, n refusal amuses, n amused, n amusing, n amusedly, n amusingly, amusement sizes, n sized, n sizing, n sizeable/sizable, n sizeableness, n sizeably aliveness divides, n divided, n dividing, n divider, n division, n divisor, n divisible, n undivided break, breaks, n broken, n unbroken, breaking, breakable, breakage speak, speaks, n spoken, speaking, speaker, speakable, unspeakable globes, n global, globally, globelike

ew i ev Pr

shape whale mistake complete these athlete flute refuse amuse size alive divide broke spoke globe

Revision words Word building

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons • f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• understands, understood, understanding, understandable, understandably outdoors, outdoorsy outbreaks unties, n untied, s untying


outlines, outlined, outlining undoes, undid, undone, undoing unawares, unawareness overcasting

. te


m . u


w ww

outdoor outbreak untie overboard overhead understand outline undo unaware overcast underground underneath

(Taken from Unit 13, Book D.)


o c . che e r o t r s super

Rule: When adding a suffix beginning with a vowel to most words ending with e, the e is dropped before adding the suffix. (Both mistakeable and mistakable are accepted, as are sizeable and sizable.) s Rule: The letters ie are replaced with y before ing is added. l Rule: When adding ly to words ending with e after a consonant, change the e to y. n


1. These students have to correct their spelling mistakes after completing the test. 2. The class playing the flute was not amused when the light globe overhead broke and the classroom suddenly became overcast. 3. The athletes refused to train outdoors in the storm and found shelter underneath the main building. 4. The two students did not understand how to divide the shape until the teacher spoke to them about it. 5. We were unaware of the true size of the whale until we climbed overboard and swam underneath the boat. 6. The miners were found alive after the rock fall after two weeks underground.

New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – E


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Teacher information

Unit 13

Answers 8.

Teac he r

(a) flute (b) size (c) whale (d) divide (e) athlete (f) spoke (g) refuse (h) complete (i) mistake (j) amuse (k) globe (l) these (m) alive (n) shape (o) broke


e l i d c u g l o b e i

h i s r o n w h a l e v

m v t v m w f s b d w i

x e a k p e c p y a p d

a q k t l b r o k e r e

t h e s e g e k f r e a

p b l c t s q e l x f j

s h a p e d n r u g u q

i j n u i o r y t f s c

z i t h a t h l e t e m

e m j o i k p g l s h t

w ww

. te

athlete flute whale globe complete, mistake size, shape

R.I.C. Publications ®

12. (a) outdoor, outbreak, overboard, overhead, understand, outline, overcast, underground (b) 8

(e) V (f) N

m . u

11. The prefixes are un, out, over and under.

6. globe, size, shape (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)

b a m u s e z f v o z d

Down: 1. divide 2. shape 3. overboard 4. amuse 5. globe 6. mistake 7. spoke 9. these 10. refuse 14. flute 15. whale

V © R. I . C.Publ i cat i o16. (a) n s (b) A (c) V •f orr evi ew pur poses o n y• (d) Al

these spoke broke size shape alive globe

5. (a) refuse/amuse (b) athlete (c) size


15. Across: 2. size 8. underneath 11. broke 12. complete 13. untie 16. outdoor 17. athlete 18. alive

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

3. alive, amuse, athlete, complete, divide, mistake, refuse (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g)

these complete refuse alive spoke mistake amuse divide athlete

9. (a) shape, whale, these, flute, size, broke, spoke, globe (b) mistake, complete, athlete, refuse, divide

2. (a) amuse (b) size (c) broke


(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i)

ew i ev Pr


o c . che e r o t r s super 13. (a) un (b) under (c) over (d) out Teacher check example word 14. (a) (b) (c) (d)

unathletic unbroken undivided unmistaken


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Teacher information

Unit 14

Unit focus This unit focuses on the graphemes oi, oy and uoy to represent a sound (phoneme).

Teaching points • Identify the phoneme and how it is represented. • Sort the list words according to the graphemes and brainstorm other words to add to each list.

List words Word building

Teac he r

noises, n noisy, s noisily, s noisier, s noisiest, s noisiness, noiseless, noiselessly moistly, moistness, moisten, moistens, moistened, moistening, moisture hoists, hoisted, hoisting, hoister choices, l choicer, l choicest, choiceness voices, l voiced, l voicing, voiceless, voicelessly invoices, l invoiced, l invoicing appoints, appointed, appointing, appointment, appointments, appointee asteroids, asteroidean enjoys, enjoyed, enjoying, enjoyment, enjoyable, enjoyably, enjoyableness royally, royalty, Q royalties, royalist employs, employed, employing, employment, employable, employee, employer destroys, destroyed, destroying, destroyer, destroyable, destruct, destruction annoys, annoyed, annoying, annoyingly, annoyingness, annoyance voyages, l voyaged, l voyaging, l voyager buoys, buoyant, buoyancy, buoyed

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

ew i ev Pr

noise moist hoist choice voice invoice appoint asteroid enjoy royal employ destroy annoy voyage buoy

Revision words Word building

helplessly, help, helps, helped, helping, helpful, unhelpful, helpfully, helper carelessly, carelessness, care, cares, l cared, l caring, l carer, careful, carefully u sicknesses, sick, sickly, sicken, sickens, sickened, sickening unhappiness, happy, s happily, s unhappily, s happier, s happiest wise, l wiser, l wisest, wisely, wisdom, unwise quiet, quieten, quietens, quietened, quietening, quietness, quieter, quietest harmlessly, harmlessness, harm, harms, harmed, harming, harmful, harmfully hopelessly, hopelessness, hope, hopes, l hoped, l hoping, hopeful, hopefully sad, 6 sadden , 6 saddens, 6 saddened, 6 saddening, sadly, 6 sadder, 6 saddest weak, weaken, weakens, weakened, weakening, weaker, weakest, weakly s lovelier, s loveliest, s loveliness s lonelier, s loneliest, s loneliness, alone

m . u

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

w ww

helpless careless sickness happiness wisely quietly harmless hopeless sadness weakness lovely lonely

(Taken from Unit 14, Book D.)


. te

o c . che e r o t r s super

Rule: When adding y to words ending with e, drop the e before adding y. s Rule: The y at the end of base words changes to i when a suffix is added. l Rule: When adding a suffix beginning with a vowel to most words ending with e, the e is dropped before adding the suffix. u Rule: To make words ending with ss plural, es is added. 6 Rule: Double the consonant to keep the preceding vowel short.


Dictation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

There was a lot of noise in the cinema when the asteroid was destroyed by the voyaging spaceship. They wisely appointed a new speaker after the sickness made him lose his voice. My choice of a new employee will be someone who enjoys working quietly. The invoice was too moist to read as someone had carelessly spilt water on it. He was annoyed that they were helpless to hoist up the buoy due to the strong swell. The lovely member of the royal family was also very lonely.

New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – E


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Teacher information

Unit 14

Answers (a) appoint (b) choice (c) royal (d) moist (e) voyage (f) asteroid (g) annoy (h) voice (i) destroy (j) buoy (k) noise (l) enjoy (m) hoist (n) employ (o) invoice

Teac he r

8. The words end in the suffixes less, ness or ly. 9.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l)

hopeless sickness helpless wisely quietly lonely sadness harmless happiness careless weakness lovely

12. (a) appointed, appointing, appointment (b) noisy, (c) employed, employing, employment, employable (d) moisture (e) annoyed, annoying, annoyance (f) buoyant, buoyed (g) enjoyed, enjoying, enjoyment, enjoyable (h) invoiced, invoicing

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

2. annoy, appoint, choice, voyage 3. Choose from five of the following possible answers: noise, moist, hoist, choice, voice, invoice 4. an/noy, ap/point, as/ter/oid, des/troy, em/ploy, en/joy, in/voice, roy/al, voy/age

10. (a) (b) (c) (d)

13. (a) buoyant (b) noisy/annoying

lovely, lonely sickness, sadness helpless, harmless quietly, wisely

11. Across: 3. annoy 4. choice 6. asteroid 9. weakness 11. enjoy 12. lovely 16. moist 17. quietly 18. voyage Down: 1. royal 2. destroy 3. appoint 5. careless 7. voice 8. invoice 10. hoist 13. employ 14. noise 15. buoy

ew i ev Pr


boy – a male child


(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

w ww

asteroid, destroy voyage, royal appoint, buoy voice, annoy enjoy, noise

. te

o c . che e r o t r s super

7. o i v o i c e a n n h i v c e a i n o i s e s

r o y a l n t e r o t

o i n n a s b u o y r

d o y n a l v o y g e

e a v o y a g e c s m

s s g y b y a c h q p

R.I.C. Publications ®

t t y m u s p h o u l

r e a o o h p a i h o

o r g i n v o i c e y

m . u

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons 5. buoy – a• float f anchored the orinr evi ew pur posesonl y• water to mark hidden obstacles

y o h s i t i l e r u

o i s t n e n j o y o

e d h s t h t b o t i


New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – E

Teacher information

Unit 15

Unit focus This unit focuses on the graphemes ir, ur, er and ear to represent a sound (phoneme).

Teaching points • Identify the phoneme and how it is represented. • Identify any difficult parts of words. • Sort the list words according to the graphemes and brainstorm other words to add to each list.

List words Word building

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

Teac he r

firm, firmer, firmest, firmness thirst, n thirstier, n thirstiest, n thirstiness, n thirstily n thirtieth, n thirtieths urgently, urgency, s urgencies furthest purposes, purposely, purposefully, purposeless, purposelessly burn, burns, burned, burning, burner modernly, modernness, modern-day performs, performed, performing, performer, performance quarters, quartered, quartering, quarterly, s quarterlies remembers, remembered, remembering, remembrance n earlier, n earliest, n earliness earthly, earthen, earthenware, earthenly, earthiness hear, hears, hearing searches, searched, searching, searcher, searchable, searchlight

Revision words Word building

. te

(Taken from Unit 15, Book D.)


m . u

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• creep, creeps, creeping, creeper, creepy, n creepier, n creepiest weep, weeps, weeping, weeper, weepy build, builds, building, builder, built-in leave, leaves, l leaving swifter, swiftest, swiftly, swiftness crafts, crafted, crafting, craftspeople sweep, sweeps, sweeping, sweeper keep, keeps, keeping, keeper, keepsake adults, adulthood, adultness gifts, giftwrap shifts, shifted, shifting, shifter lifts, lifted, lifting, lifter, lift-off, lift-out

w ww

crept wept built left swift craft swept kept adult gift shift lift

ew i ev Pr

firmly thirsty thirty urgent further purpose burnt modern perform quarter remember early earth heard search

o c . che e r o t r s super

Rule: The y at the end of base words changes to i when a suffix is added. s Rule: To make the plural of words ending with y after a consonant, change the y to i and add es. l Rule: When adding a suffix beginning with a vowel to most words ending with e, the e is dropped before adding the suffix. n

Dictation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

After thirty minutes of performing in the hot sun, the singer was thirsty and urgently needed a drink. He put the spade firmly into the earth with the purpose of lifting out the tree and shifting it to the front yard. We left the track and walked a further quarter of a kilometre to search for the adult lost in the bush. We wept when we heard that the modern house he had built was burnt down in the fire. If you go shopping early on Wednesday, remember to take the gift with you to return. The car crept slowly up on the bird, but it heard the cat and swiftly flew away.

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Teacher information

Unit 15

Answers 8.

(a) urgent (b) burnt (c) remember (d) perform (e) search (f) firmly (g) modern (h) early (i) thirty (j) heard (k) further (l) earth (m) quarter (n) purpose (o) thirsty

Teac he r

m i r m u r g e n t p l

o u f i r m l y b b s l

p u r p o s e z m a e h

e g e n t p u r o l a a

r e m e a r t t d e r e

f h e a r d i h e a c d

o v m s n g n i r r h r

r q b s g b u r n t e s

m u e l q u a s m h a e

y a r y f u r t h e r r

o s t h i r t y s p l c

v q u a r t e r i r y h

13. Across: 1. quarter 3. lift 7. remember 8. adult 10. thirty 12. purpose 15. modern 16. firmly 17. heard 18. burnt 19. earth

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S 9. They end with pt, ft or lt. 10. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

built swept wept crept kept

11. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l)

craft adult swept lift left shift crept built gift swift wept kept

12. (a) (b) (c) (d)

lifted/lifting adulthood shifted/shifting crafted/crafting


2. (a) remember (b) burnt/heard

3. early, firmly, further, modern, perform, purpose, quarter, thirsty, thirty, urgent

Down: 2. thirsty 4. further 5. early 6. wept 9. urgent 11. gift 12. perform 13. swift 14. search

ew i ev Pr


© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons 14. Modern scientists firmly believe the Earth is in• need of urgent • f o r r e v i e w p u r p o s e s o n l y 5. earth, firmly, thirty, thirsty, early, attention. They are searching for


w ww

6. (a) I must remember to get up early tomorrow. (b) Thirty hectares of forest were burnt in the bushfire. (c) The search party found the boy thirsty but safe. (d) They will perform on stage for a quarter of an hour.

. te

7. Teacher check

R.I.C. Publications ®

ways to protect the environment. In the early days we treated the planet poorly. We burnt forests, filled our air with pollution and developed land for our own purposes.

m . u

4. (a) heard, burnt (b) search, earth (c) urgent, quarter

15. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

quarterly thirstily urgently firmly purposely

o c . che e r o t r s super

New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – E

Teacher information

Unit 16

Unit focus This unit focuses on the prefixes pre and micro and the suffixes en and ment.

Teaching points • Discuss the meaning of each prefix and suffix. (Refer to Question 5 of the workbook.) • Identify the base word for each list word where appropriate. • Identify any smaller words that make up each word. • Sort the list words according to the prefixes and suffixes. Brainstorm to add to each list.

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

List words Word building

Teac he r

n prefixes prevents, prevented, preventing, preventer, prevention, preventable, preventative prepares, s prepared, s preparing, s preparer, s preparation, s preparedness predicts, predicted, predicting, prediction, predictor, predictable, predictability microchips microfilms microbes, microbic, microbiology, microbiologist, microbiological wool, wools, woolly, l woollier, l woolliest wood, woods, wooded, wooden, woodenness, woody, l woodier, l woodiest length, lengthens, lengthened, lengthening, lengthy, l lengthier, l lengthiest strength, strengthens, strengthened, strengthening, strengthener amaze, amazes, s amazed, s amazing, s amazingly, s amazedly, s amazedness treats, treated, treating, treatable departments, departmental, departmentally, departmentalise, departmentalism excite, excites, s excited, s exciting, s excitingly, s excitable, s excitably

ew i ev Pr

prefix prevent prepare predict microchip microfilm microbe woollen wooden lengthen strengthen amazement treatment department excitement

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

Revision words Word building

. te

m . u


w ww

week weeks, weekly, Q weeklies, weekend, weekday, weeknight weak weaker, weakest, weaken, weakens, weakened, weakening, weakish, weakness knew know, knows, known, knowing, knowable, knowledge, u knowledgeable new newer, newest, newness whole 6 wholly, wholeness hole holes, holey lose loses, lost, s losing, s loser, loss loose looser, loosest, loosely, looseness, looses, s loosed, 6 loosing tied tie, ties, : tying, untie, : untying tired tire, tires, s tiring, tiredly, tiredness choose chooses, chose, s chosen, s choosing, s chooser chose choose, chooses, s chosen, s choosing, s chooser (Taken from Unit 16, Book D.)

o c . che e r o t r s super

Rule: To make words that end with x plural, es is added. s Rule: When adding a suffix beginning with a vowel to most words ending with e, the e is dropped before adding the suffix. l Rule: The y at the end of base words changes to i when a suffix is added. Q Rule: To make the plural of words ending with y after a consonant, change the y to i and add es. u Note: The e is retained in knowledgeable to keep the soft g sound. 6 Note: When adding ly to a word ending with le after a vowel, ly is usually added after the le. The word wholly is an exception to this rule. : Note: The letters ie are replaced with y before ing is added. n

Dictation 1. She knew that the prefix micro meant something very small, like a microbe. 2. There was a lot of excitement at the department store as the winners got to choose a whole new wardrobe of woollen clothing. 3. We predict the treatment she will get next week will strengthen her weak bones and also prevent her from being so tired. 4. He will prepare to lengthen the wooden beams for the roof. 5. We were filled with amazement when we saw the microfilm of the inside of a microchip. New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – E


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Teacher information

Unit 16

Answers 1. amazement, department, excitement, lengthen, microbe, microchip, microfilm, predict, prefix, prepare, prevent, strengthen, treatment, wooden, woollen

Teac he r

(a) department (b) microchip (c) wooden (d) prepare (e) excitement (f) microbe (g) lengthen (h) prefix (i) treatment (j) microfilm (k) strengthen (l) prevent (m) amazement (n) woollen (o) predict

7. s p r e d i c t v e n t

t r v a m a z e m e n t

r e w o o d e n i s d r

e v o f p c l m c s e e

n e o i r r l i r l p a

g n l l e o m c o e a t

t t l m p d i r c n r m

h x e t a d c o h g t e

e u n h r x r f i t m n

n n p b e i o i p h e t

p r e f i x b l v e n w

x e x c i t e m e n t y

12. Across: 5. loose 8. lengthen 10. microchip 11. department 13. amazement 15. treatment 17. tied 18. woollen 19. prefix

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S 8. Teacher check 9.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l)

chose choose lose loose tied tired knew new whole hole week weak

10. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)

week choose new whole hole weak

Down: 1. predict 2. prevent 3. lose 4. microfilm 6. strengthen 7. prepare 9. excitement 12. tired 14. wooden 16. mircobe

ew i ev Pr


6. amazement, excitement

strengthened, strengthening © R. I . C.Publ i cat i o13. (a) n s (b) prefixes (c) prevented, preventing, •f orr evi ew pur poses o n l y• prevention

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

mi/cro/chip mi/cro/film a/maze/ment de/part/ment ex/cite/ment


Examples – Teacher check (a) en (b) pre (c) ment (d) micro

w ww


. te

R.I.C. Publications ®

(d) lengthened, lengthening (e) prepared, preparing, preparation (f) predicted, predicting, prediction

m . u

3. Nouns – prefix, microchip, microfilm, microbe, amazement, treatment, department, excitement Verbs – prevent, prepare, predict, lengthen, strengthen Adjectives – woollen, wooden

o c . che e r o t r s super 11. (a) hole (b) tired


New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – E

Teacher information

Unit 17

Unit focus This unit focuses on the graphemes gh and ph to represent a sound (phoneme).

Teaching points • Identify the phoneme and how it is represented. • Discuss how the grapheme gh is preceded by the letters ou or au. • Identify any difficult parts of words. • Sort the list words according to the graphemes and brainstorm other words to add to each list.

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

List words Word building

roughly, roughen, roughens, roughened, roughening, rougher, roughest, roughness coughs, coughed, coughing, cougher toughly, toughen, toughens, toughened, toughening, tougher, toughest, toughness laughs, laughed, laughing, laugher, laughter, laughable, laughably, laughingly

Teac he r

troughs, troughlike draughts, draughty, s draughtier, s draughtiest, s draughtiness paragraphs, paragraphed, paragraphing, paragrapher, paragraphist, paragraphic graphs, graphed, graphing photographs, photographed, photographing, photographer, photographic orphans, orphaned, orphanage, orphanhood nephews atmospheres, atmospheric, atmospherical, atmospherically elephants, elephantoid, elephantine, elephantiasis phrases, n phrased, n phrasing

w ww

happy, s happier, s happiest, s happiness, happy-go-lucky merry, s merrier, s merriest, s merriment, s merriness busy, busier, busiest, busyness worry, s worries, s worried, l worrying, s worrier, s worriedly, s worrisome marry, s marries, l marrying, marriage, marriages dirt, dirty, l dirtying, s dirtier, s dirtiest, s dirtily, s dirtiness copy, copies, l copying, s copier, photocopy study, s studied, l studying, s studious, s studiously, s studiousness carry, s carried, l carrying, s carrier, carryall party, s partied, l partying empty, s emptied, l emptying, s emptier, s emptiest, s emptily, s emptiness bury, s buried, l burying

. te

(Taken from Unit 17, Book D.)


m . u

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

Revision words Word building happily merrily busily worried married dirtied copied studies carries parties empties buries

ew i ev Pr

rough cough tough laugh enough trough draught paragraph graph photograph orphan nephew atmosphere elephant phrase

o c . che e r o t r s super

Rule: When adding a suffix beginning with a vowel to most words ending with e, the e is dropped before adding the suffix. Rule: The y at the end of base words changes to i when a suffix is added. l Rule: The y is retained at the end of base words before adding ing to avoid ii being written. n


Dictation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

My nephew took a photograph of the elephant merrily splashing its trunk in the water trough. The strong draught worried us as everyone began to cough in the chilly atmosphere. To help her with her studies she busily copied the paragraph about how to read the graph. The orphaned lion cub was not tough enough to live in the wild when its mother died. We laughed happily as we bounced along the rough track in the old car. They carefully read out the phrases they had chosen while they were married. He always carries out the scraps and empties them into the bin or buries them in the garden.

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Teacher information

Unit 17

Answers (a) enough (b) atmosphere (c) cough (d) paragraph (e) trough (f) nephew (g) rough (h) orphan (i) graph (j) laugh (k) phrase (l) photograph (m) tough (n) elephant (o) draught


Teac he r

p e a p n e p h e w l e

h t t a d r o r z a r s

p o m r e s o o p r o t

h u o a n q r u h p u n

r g s g o u p c o u g h

a h p r u d h o t v h w

s y h a g r a w o t e s

e l e p h a n t g r t a

i a r h s u p a r o a p

v u e l w g l n a u s h

e g r a p h e d p g e o

13. (a) photographic (b) graphic (c) atmospheric

p h o g x t s t h h m u

14. roughage, orphanage 15. Teacher check

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S 9. They end with ily, ied or ies. 10. happily, merrily, busily

2. enough, nephew, cough, phrase 3. (a) tough, rough (b) trough, cough

4. Choose from five of the following possible answers: rough, tough, laugh, enough, trough, draught, paragraph, graph, photograph, orphan, elephant

11. study, studies, studied, studying copy, copies, copied, copying empty, empties, emptied, emptying bury, buries, buried, burying carry, carries, carried, carrying worry, worries, worried, worrying marry, marries, married, marrying

ew i ev Pr


w ww

(b) trough, cough, atmosphere (c) laugh, draught, paragraph, graph, photograph (d) enough, orphan, nephew

6. elephant, photograph, atmosphere, paragraph 7.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

. te

enough, atmosphere elephant, orphan paragraph, graph photograph, nephew rough, trough

R.I.C. Publications ®

6. 8. 10. 12. 15. 16. 17. 18.

photograph laugh merrily paragraph elephant trough dirtied nephew

Down: 2. orphan 3. busily 4. graph 7. atmosphere 9. tough 11. draught 13. phrase 14. parties 15. enough

m . u

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons 12. Across: w 1. cough • f o r r e v i e pur posesonl y• 5. (a) rough, tough, enough 5. rough

o c . che e r o t r s super


New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – E

Teacher information

Unit 18

Unit focus This unit focuses on words that are homophones.

Teaching points • Revise what is meant by a homophone (words that sound the same but have a different spelling and meaning). • Identify the words that are homophones by circling each set. Underline the part that is different in each set.

List words Word building throw, throws, thrown, throwing, thrower throughout horses, horseback, horseshoe, horseracing n hoarser, n hoarsest, n hoarsen, hoarseness, hoarsely courses n coarser, n coarsest, n coarsen, coarseness, coarsely

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

Teac he r

flowers, flowered, flowering, flowerer, flowerless, flowerbed, flowerbox, flowerpot roads, roadblock, roadside, roadway, roadworks, roadworthy ride, rides, s ridden, n riding, n rider, rideable/n ridable row, rows, rowing, rower reeds, reedy, l reedier, l reediest, l reediness reads, reading, reader, readable, readability, readableness know, knew, known, knowing, knower, knowable, knowableness, knowledge noses, n nosed, n nosing

ew i ev Pr

threw through horse hoarse course coarse flour flower road rode rowed reed read knows nose

Revision words Word building

scores, n scored, n scoring, n scorer, n scorers, scorecard, scoreboard, scoresheet stores, n stored, n storing, n storable, storeroom, storekeeper doors, doorway, doorstop, doorknob, doorbell, doorknock, doorknocker roars, roared, roaring, roarer board, boards, boarded, boarding fours, fourth, fourths ignores, n ignored, n ignoring, n ignorable, n ignorer poorly, poorness floors, floored, flooring, floorless, floorboard boars courts, courted, courting four, fours, fourths

m . u

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

w ww

score store door roar boarder four ignore poor floor boar court fourth

(Taken from Unit 18, Book D.)


. te

o c . che e r o t r s super

Rule: When adding a suffix beginning with a vowel to most words ending with e, the e is dropped before adding the suffix. (Rideable and ridable are both accepted.) s Rule: Double the consonant to keep the preceding vowel sound short. l Rule: The y at the end of base words changes to i when a suffix is added. n

Dictation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

The four of us rowed our boats through the reeds as we followed the winding course of the river. She knows that wholemeal flour has coarser grains than plain white flour. They got off their horses to pick some flowers on the side of the road. The poor boy fell to the floor of the court when his friend threw the ball and hit him on the nose. I read that you should not ignore a hoarse throat, so I will go to the store to see what I can buy. On the fourth day, we rode our horses past four wild boars who roared loudly behind the fence.

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Teacher information

Unit 18

Answers 1. coarse, course, flour, flower, hoarse, horse, knows, nose, read, reed, road, rode, rowed, threw, through (a) flour (b) horse (c) knows (d) road (e) rode (f) hoarse (g) read/road (h) threw (i) rowed (j) through (k) reed/read (l) course/coarse (m) nose (n) flower (o) coarse/course


(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)

threw knows horse flour road nose


(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)

throughout nosedive horseshoe readable roadblock flowerpot


Students’ own sentences – Teacher check (a) rode, road (b) nose (c) coarse (d) flour

s h o r s e o u r e s d

t o l e o a r k n o w s

r t f f m m r s o w n o

o h o a r s e t s e o w

a r o a d p e g e d w e

t e q u v f d o n c e r

r w f l o u r u n o a o

o s h k o o l r g u t d

w q c o a r s e h r r e

e x p r r o v a j s e l

d f l o w e r d f e l o

l i t h r o u g h e l r

Down: 1. nose 2. road 3. door 5. threw 6. reed 7. ignore 10. flower 11. through 12. course 13. flour 15. court

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S 7. It can be made by ore, oar, oor or our. 8. Teacher check 9.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l)

11. (a) read, hoarse (b) reed, horse (c) course, road

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r



12. Teacher check

poor court four store score roar boar boarder fourth floor door ignore

13. (a) row, owe, owed, wed, we (b) know, now, no 14. (a) hoarsely (b) coarsely

w ww

. te

R.I.C. Publications ®

m . u

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• 10. Across: 2. rowed 4. fourth 6. rode 8. read 9. knows 14. coarse 16. horse 17. roar 18. hoarse

o c . che e r o t r s super


New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – E

Teacher information

Unit 19

Unit focus This unit focuses on the graphemes y, ey, i and uay to represent a sound (phoneme).

Teaching points • Identify the phoneme and how it is represented. • Discuss how each word has a long e sound. • Identify any difficult parts of words. • Sort the list words according to the graphemes and brainstorm other words to add to each list.

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

List words Word building

lotteries mysteries, s mysterious, s mysteriously, s mysteriousness s abilities n braveries, brave, l braver, l bravest, bravely, braveness n cavities monkeys honeys, honeyed, honeying, honey-like moneys/monies, moneybag, moneybox, moneychanger trolleys, trolley-less, trolleybus journeys, journeyed, journeying skis, skied, Q skiing, skier taxis, taxied, Q taxiing, taxicab n

Teac he r


khakis quays, quayage

w ww

grams metres, l metric, l metrical, l metricate centimetres litres tonnes thousands, thousandth, thousandths kilograms millimetres kilometres millilitres hundreds, hundredth, hundredths millions, millionth, millionaire, millionaires

. te

(Taken from Unit 19, Book D.)


m . u

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

Revision words Word building gram metre centimetre litre tonne thousand kilogram millimetre kilometre millilitre hundred million

ew i ev Pr

lottery mystery ability bravery cavity monkey honey money trolley journey ski taxi spaghetti khaki quay

o c . che e r o t r s super

Rule: To make the plural of words ending with y after a consonant, change the y to i and add es. (Monies is an exception.) Rule: The y at the end of base words changes to i when a suffix is added. l Rule: When adding a suffix beginning with a vowel to most words ending with e, the e is dropped before adding the suffix. Q Note: The y is usually retained when adding ing to avoid ii being written, but taxiing and skiing are exceptions. n


Dictation 1. Our lucky neighbours won one million dollars in the lottery and spent thousands of their money on a journey to a ski resort a hundred kilometres away. 2. Too many grams of sweet foods, such as honey, have the ability to cause cavities in teeth. 3. I put a kilogram of spaghetti and a litre of milk in the trolley and pushed it forty metres to the taxi. 4. At the quay we saw a monkey wearing a khaki hat. 5. It was a mystery as to how the tonne of rubbish could have been blown so far in the wind. 6. He pinned the medal he was awarded for bravery two centimetres under his collar.

New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – E


R.I.C. Publications ®

Teacher information

Unit 19

Answers 1.

ability, bravery, cavity, honey, journey, khaki, lottery, money, monkey, mystery, quay, ski, spaghetti, taxi, trolley


(a) (b) (c) (d)

honey, money, monkey khaki, spaghetti lottery, spaghetti, trolley khaki

Teac he r cavity trolley journey khaki mystery spaghetti bravery

k m y d i e s j s b f z

r s p a g h e t t i u c

l k i t h o r r m l e l

c i h a y n t o o i j u

g x g x n e v l n t o b

c a v i t y j l e y u m

q w p o b n q e y m r o

u m y s t e r y a v n n

a e h f w p c z f d e k

y x j g l o t t e r y e

q o o d i b r a v e r y

8. Teacher check 9. (a) hundred (b) thousand (c) million

5. spaghetti, money, khaki, honey, lottery, trolley, mystery, ski, monkey, taxi

10. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h)

12. (a) (b) (c) (d)

lotteries abilities mysteries cavities

13. (a) (b) (c) (b) (e) (f)

monkeys journeys skis taxis trolleys quays

ew i ev Pr

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (h)

a b q k h a k i k a t m

Down: 1. kilometre 2. spaghetti 3. money 5. ability 6. hundred 7. million 10. journey 13. khaki 14. mystery

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

3. key – a shaped piece of metal used to open a lock quay – a wharf 4.


litre kilometre kilogram tonne millilitre metre million kilogram

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• 6. (a) ability journey quay bravery monkey money khaki trolley taxi ski cavity

. te

R.I.C. Publications ®

11. Across: 2. ski 4. quay 8. honey 9. millimetre 11. lottery 12. trolley 15. monkey 16. cavity 17. taxi 18. bravery

m . u

(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k)

w ww

o c . che e r o t r s super


New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – E

Teacher information

Unit 20

Unit focus This unit focuses on the suffixes al, ish, age and ship.

Teaching points • Discuss the meaning of each suffix. (Refer to Question 4 of the workbook.) • Identify the base word for each list word where appropriate. • Identify any smaller words that make up each word. • Sort the list words according to the prefixes. (Brainstorm to add to each list.)

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

List words Word building

Teac he r

signals, n signalled, n signalling, n signaller remove, removes, s removed, s removing, s removable, s removalist arrive, s arrived, s arriving music, musically, musician, musicality, musicalness festive, festively, festiveness, festivity, l festivities electric, electrically, electricity, electronic, electrify, Q electrified, Q electrifying person, persons, personable, personality, l personalities, personally fools, fooled, fooling, foolishness, foolishly, foolery, foolproof, foolhardy child, children, childlike, childless, childlessness, childproof, childbirth, childminder break, breaks, broke, broken, breaking, breakable, breakability, breakdown waste, wastes, s wasted, s wasting, wasteful, wastefully, wastefulness, wastepaper post, posts, posted, posting, postal, postbox drain, drains, drained, draining, drainer, drainable, drainpipe hardships, hard, harder, hardest, harden friend, friends, friendly, Q friendlier, Q friendliest, Q friendliness, unfriendly

ew i ev Pr

signal removal arrival musical festival electrical personal foolish childish breakage wastage postage drainage hardship friendship

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons • f o rr e vi e w threadless, pur p os esthreadiness onl y• threads, threaded, threading, threader, threadlike, thready,

Revision words Word building

breads, breadless, breadboard, breadknife, breadcrumb leaden, leadenly, leadenness


heaviness, heavier, heaviest, heavily, heavyweight dead, die, died, Q deadlier, Q deadliest, Q deadliness heads, headlike, headache, headgear, headband spreads, spreading, spreader Q


breakfasts, breakfasted, breakfasting deafen, deafens, deafened, deafening, deafeningly, deafness, deafly Q steadies, Q steadied, Q steadying, Q steadily, Q steadier, Q steadiest, Q steadiness

. te

(Taken from Unit 20, Book D.)



m . u


w ww

bread lead instead thread heavy deadly head spread ahead breakfast deaf steady

o c . che e r o t r s super

Rule: When a word ends with a single l, double the l when a suffix beginning with a vowel is added. Rule: When adding a suffix beginning with a vowel to most words ending with e, the e is dropped before adding the suffix. l Rule: To make the plural of words ending with y after a consonant, change the y to i and add es. Q Rule: The y at the end of base words changes to i when a suffix is added. The y is retained when adding ing to avoid ii being written. n


Dictation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

The removal of any electrical plug with wet hands is foolish and can be deadly. Everyone cheered at the arrival of the singers at the musical festival. During their years of personal hardship, the wastage of any food was forbidden. We spread the different kinds of bread on the table, ready to be toasted for breakfast. It was childish to think that their friendship would end when she moved to a new house. We got the words postage, drainage and breakage correct in our spelling test. The car went ahead to signal the drivers that a truck with a heavy load was coming.

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R.I.C. Publications ®

Teacher information

Unit 20

Answers 1.

(a) electrical (b) wastage (c) arrival (d) hardship (e) personal (f) childish (g) signal (h) drainage (i) breakage (j) festival (k) friendship (l) foolish (m) removal (n) postage (o) musical


(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)

drainage wastage personal friendship postage childish


(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)

removal electrical hardship foolish festival breakage


Examples – Teacher check (a) al (b) ish (c) age (d) ship


(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j)

6. (a) A red traffic signal means stop. (b) The musical festival will be held in April. (c) Farmers suffer hardship during a drought. (d) A sandy soil has good drainage.

Down: 1. foolish 2. drainage 4. electrical 5. breakfast 7. hardship 11. signal 12. instead 13. spread 14. musical 15. removal

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S 7.

f r i e n d s h i p y p

e e t l u f m a m e n w

s m b e c o d r u r e f

t o j c f o v d s s w x

i v s t b l o s i o a b

v a i r k i a h c n s r

a l g i e s l i a a t e

l s n c q h j p l l a a

a i a a r r i v a l g k

g k l l p o s t a g e a

c h i l d i s h z a b g

h g r h d r a i n a g e

12. Teacher check

8. The words all have a short e sound made by the letters ea.

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons 9. (a) ahead (b) bread •f orr evi e wdeafpur posesonl y• (c)

. te

R.I.C. Publications ®

(d) deadly (e) steady (f) heavy

10. Teacher check 11. Across: 3. postage 6. children 8. personal 9. friendship 10. festival 16. breakage 17. arrival 18. head 19. wastage

m . u

w ww musical foolish arrival removal electrical breakage friendship wastage festival drainage

o c . che e r o t r s super


New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – E

Support material

Spelling games and activities

The following games and activities on pages 52–57 have been provided as additional support to the spelling program. They are a guide and can be developed to suit any class, program or teaching style. Choose activities and games which are different from those included in the particular unit.

Individual activities Purpose: To provide opportunities for students to become more familiar with list words.



r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

For example; disappear: appear, is, pear, pea, ear

Make word shapes

For example: paragraph






ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

Find small words in list words

Make word snakes










Write the list words in alphabetical order or reverse alphabetical order







© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •listf or r ev i e‘What wp ur p eins onl • Definitions cano bes found a dictionary ory written in the Write definitions for words and use to make Write the list words from memory

Sort words according to different criteria

For example: nouns or verbs, syllables, vowels or consonants, initial letters or blends, graphemes, students’ choice

m . u

student’s own words and checked.

w ww

am I?’ clues

Write rhyming words for list words

. te

Find antonyms, synonyms or homophones for appropriate list words

For example: gentle/rough, thief/robber, desert/dessert

Find homographs (words which are spelt the same but have a different meaning) for appropriate list words

For example: swallow – to take to the stomach through the mouth swallow – small bird with a forked tail

Add suffixes such as s, ed, ing, er and est

Discuss appropriate spelling rules; e.g. wrap–wrapped, double the consonant to keep the vowel sound short

Rank words from the easiest to the most difficult to spell or vice versa

For example: elephant 1 paragraph 2 nephew 3 draught 4

o c . che e r o t r s super

New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – E


R.I.C. Publications ®

Support material

Spelling games and activities Individual activities

Purpose: To provide opportunities for students to become more familiar with list words.



Write list words in sentences or in questions

For example: Did the guest find his handkerchief?

Write a paragraph using given list words

For example: Yesterday, I took one minute to run around the oval. Tomorrow, I will try to take 50 to 55 seconds. If I practise for a fortnight, I should continue to improve.

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

Clap or strum the number of syllables in words and show the syllable breaks

For example: a/bil/i/ty Each syllable must have a vowel sound—ty does not have a vowel, but has a vowel sound. For example: b_g _nn_ng = beginning

Teac he r

For example: almond, bomb, calm, doubt etc. (all have a silent letter)

Complete words with missing vowels, consonants, focus sound etc.

ew i ev Pr

Complete an alphabet search using a pattern or a rule

Find anagrams for appropriate list words

For example: great is an anagram of grate

Write plurals for list words

Discuss rules for words ending with y (berry, berries); f (half, halves); ch (lunch, lunches); words that change (child, children) etc.

© R. I . C.Pub i cat i on Forl example: strengthen =s strength f o rr e vi e w ur p os es on l y• Change the• tense of words by adding ed or ing p For example: squirt, squirted, squirting Write the base words for list words

(Note suffix rules.)

For example: The fotograph was taken when my nefew was forteen.

Use secret codes to discover list words

For example:

. te

o c .m che e t s cr i o r 1r 2t 3 4 5 s supe c 3

R.I.C. Publications ®

m . u

Identify incorrect list words in a sentence and rewrite correctly

w ww

Change a letter in a word to make a list word

Also discuss how some words change: build, builds, built, building For example: dough, rough


h 6

h e m i s 6 8 5 4 2

o 7

e 8

t 1

New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – E

Support material

Spelling games and activities Partner and group activities

Purpose: To provide opportunities for students to work collaboratively and improve their knowledge of list words.



Jumble list words and swap with a partner Jumble sentences containing list words and swap with For example: plane desert. The landed the in safely a partner

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

It should read: The plane landed safely in the desert. These can be made using grid paper for the word searches.

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

Make word searches or crosspatches and swap with a partner

Create ‘What am I?’ clues for others with a list word as the answer Create yes/no questions or true/false statements for others to complete using list words

For example: Is a fortnight longer than a month?

Make prefix and suffix books

Make separate books for different prefixes and suffixes. Include a definition/an illustration/a sentence containing the new word. For example: piece A piece of pie.

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons For example: Brainstorm banks• of words using the same grapheme f o r r e v i e w p ur posesonl y• grapheme oe – doe, foe, oboe or phoneme Create memory helpers (mnemonics) for list words

phoneme long e – teeth, leaves, receive, happy

For example: If you are an orphan, it means your parents have died.

m . u

Create sentences that show the meaning of a list word in pairs, and compare, in groups

w ww

Write definitions for list words with a partner and give to another pair to guess

. te

Hunt for list words in texts

Create graffiti words

Students can search in magazines, newspapers etc. for list words and record results in a tally. See which word appeared the most at the end of a week.

o c . che e r o t r s super

New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – E

Decorate an A4 sheet of paper to look like a brick wall. Use graffiti-style writing to write the list words on the wall.


R.I.C. Publications ®

Support material

Spelling games and activities Partner and group activities

Purpose: To provide opportunities for students to work collaboratively and improve their knowledge of list words.



r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S swallow





Hold simple class spelling competitions


ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

In pairs, use a dictionary to add sufixes and prefixes to For example; divide, divides, divided, divisor, division list words. Highlight them and discuss any changes to the list word. Play ‘Concentration’ ,’Fish’, ‘Word bingo’ or ‘Tic tac toe’ In ‘Tic tac toe’, each player uses a list of words with a common grapheme as their ‘noughts and crosses’. For example, in the game below. Player one used a bank of ic words and Player two, a bank of ow words.

For example: a ‘Difficult word(s) day’, where the class try to spell challenging words.

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons Students questions thatn require yes/no response to • orr evi ew pur poaskse so l ya • Play ‘Guess myf word’ guess the mystery spelling word. A student is then required

Play ‘Hangman’, or a similar game called ‘Shannon’s ‘Shannon’s game’ differs in that students need to guess the letters in the correct order in which they occur in each word. game’

to write the word correctly on the board.

. te

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m . u

w ww

Play ‘Celebrity head words’, ‘Picture clue words’ or In ‘Celebrity head words’, a student uses a headband to hold a card with a list word written on it. He or she asks questions ‘Charades’ with spelling words of the class, which can only be answered by yes or no; e.g. ‘Does the word end with ment?’ Questions can be limited (three only). In each game, the word needs to be written on the board at the end by a student. Students write quiz questions for spelling words and For example: ‘What word has five letters and means give them to another pair to solve. Alternatively, a ‘quiz “sincerely”?’ (truly) night’ could be held using multiple lists. Students write secret word clues for list words. Hold a For example: competition to see who can guess the word first or who Take d from wooden and add ll. (woollen) can guess it correctly. Clues could be given orally or written. Find the word that comes before and after a list word in For example: ox, oxygen, oyster a dictionary. Write them down.

o c . che e r o t r s super


New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – E

Support material

Spelling games and activities

Activities for students with special needs These can be used individually, or in pairs or in small groups. Many of the activities on pages 52–55 will also be suitable and can be modified to suit the needs of the student.



Encourage students to ‘have a go’ and take risks with approximate spelling

Use ‘have a go ‘ pads or personal dictionaries for students to try out their spelling when constructing written texts.

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

‘Word bingo’ Students copy words onto bingo cards, checking their spelling, then cover the words with counters, if the word is called. First to cover them all wins. Ensure that not all words on the cards are the same! ‘Word quizzes’ Using a word list, students correctly write a word after being given a clue; e.g. ‘Write the word that rhymes with brought’.

Encourage students to look around the classroom for the spelling of words they may need

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Teac he r

Play games like ‘Word bingo’, ‘Word quizzes’ and ‘Spell it’

‘Spell it’ Collect 15 strips of paper. Write a list word on each piece and put into a container. Students take turns with a partner to take out a word and spell the word, orally or written. Display charts of days of the week, months of the year, sentences about topics of interest, antonyms, synonyms, homophones, difficult words etc. s h i n t e r s e c t a x e r a r e l e p h a n t r i f i c o m i n g

w ww

Decorate or illustrate list words

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© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

Use list words to make spelling ladders, with each word starting with the letter which ended the previous word

Students can draw a picture of a list word and another student guesses and writes the word. Other words can be decorated by outlining in different colours or creating patterns.

o c . che e r o t r s super

Sort each spelling list into shorter lists, based on similar spelling patterns

For example:

Longer words can be broken into ‘chunks’ to assist spelling, rather than conventional syllables

For example: Wed/nes/day instead of the conventional syllabification Wednes/day (Wenzday).

hoarse, coarse order, sport

raw, straw score, ignore

Students should be encouraged to choose how to chunk the word themselves, to suit their learning style and to help remember how to spell the word.

New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – E


R.I.C. Publications ®

Support material

Spelling games and activities

Activities for students with special needs These can be used individually, in pairs or in small groups. Many of the activities on pages 52–55 will also be suitable and can be modified to suit the needs of the student.



Encourage students to look at difficult words, focus on For example; The problem part of receipt is that it has a silent p and you need to remember that i comes before e, the problem part(s), close their eyes and visualise it, except after c. and then write it

e t k r o e t s a m s Bo r e p ok u S

Write list words on small cards or graph paper, cut out the letters and then build the word from the cut out letters


= mistake

Students gradually add to a bank of words they are unsure of how to spell, remembering to check to see if a word is listed before asking for it to be written. Play ‘Snap’ or ‘Concentration’ with word parts, prefixes For example: space matches ship or craft, and can also have s, ed or or suffixes ing added to it. Variation: Students ask questions requiring a yes/no Use magnetic letters to form words on a board response to guess a mystery spelling word. The student is then required to form the word correctly on the board. Emphasise and discuss spelling rules and brainstorm For example: When adding a suffix beginning with a vowel to complete lists of words following the rule. Also find to a word ending with e, the e is dropped before adding the suffix. exceptions to the rule. escape/escaping, dislike/disliked, but not in knowledgeable (the e is retained to keep the soft g sound) For example: Find words that rhyme with the list words. Highlight window, follow, zero, though, shadow those that use the same grapheme.

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Teac he r

Make alphabet books to use as personal dictionaries

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. te

For example: Did you ____ hard ____ I was out of the room? (work, while)

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Prepare sentences or questions with missing list words for students to write the correct word in the space Make new words by writing letters in front of or after given letters

For example: street, strong, strain father, mother, older

Play ‘Word sort rummy’

Each player has five word cards and the rest are placed face-down in a pile. The top card is placed face-up next to the pile. The first player can take a card from the pile or the upturned card. The player must put down one of his or her cards on the upturned pile. The aim is to collect pairs of cards which are linked in some way; e.g. both begin with spr, both rhyme, both have four letters.

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o c . che e r o t r s super


New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – E

Support material

Photocopiable spelling games and activities

New words My new word is 1. (a) Say your word.

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

(b) Clap the syllables.

(c) My word has

(b) My word ends with the letter(s) …


3. Write your word in a sentence.

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Teac he r

2. (a) My word begins with the letter(s) …

(c) The middle letter(s) is/are …

4. A word that rhymes with my word is

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

m . u

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. te

5. A dictionary definition of my word is

o c . che e r o t r 7. Cover your word, Write it from s sup r e memory three times. Tick your word

6. Cover your word. Write three clues about it. See if a partner can guess the word.


each time you wrote it correctly.



New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – E


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Support material

Photocopiable spelling games and activities

Secret words Write clues for 10 spelling words. For example: Add d to hear = heard. Take ful from colourful = colour. Swap with a partner and time how long it takes to correctly guess all 10 words. Clue

1. 2. 4.

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5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Match the meaning

w ww

Choose six spelling words and write each below. Write a short meaning for each word. Give it to a partner to solve.

. te Word

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© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur poses oTime: nl y• Name: 10.

o c Meaning . che e r o t r s super l













New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – E

Support material

Photocopiable spelling games and activities

Secret codes • Invent your own secret code by • Write eight list words using writing a number from one to 26 in your secret code and give the boxes below. them to a partner to solve. (Numbers do not have to be in order.) Code Word a =



b =

k =

c =





u =

d =

m =

e =

n =

w =



o =

x =

g =

p =

y =

h =

q =

z =


v =

= = = = =

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= r o e t s B r e oo = p u k = S s

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•




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m . u

Sink the ship! You and a partner will need a grid to play this game. 1. Choose eight spelling words (‘ships’) each and write each one in a square in the grid. Make sure your partner can’t see! 2. Take turns to call out a grid coordinate where you think a ‘ship’ might be. If you are correct, you must spell the word correctly to sink the ship! 3. The winner is the first to sink his or her partner’s eight ships. (Hint - the game is easier if you mark your grid when you miss or hit.)

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o c . che e r o t r s super

4 3 2 1 A


New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – E

C 60


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w ww

Word building

Photocopiable spelling games and activities

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Teac h Write 10 spelling words. Make a new word by adding an ending.e r es ed ing y er less ly ful est

Support material

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New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – E

Support material

Photocopiable spelling games and activities

Word search

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

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Teac he r

Make your own word search, using some of your list words. Your words can go across, down or diagonally. Pass your word search to a partner to do. Can they find all the words?

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• Words jumble

. te

Jumbled word

1. 2. 3. 4.


m . u

w ww

Select 10 spelling words and jumble the letters. Can your partner guess and correctly spell the words you have chosen? For example: sthilopa = hospital

o c . che e r o t r s super

5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – E


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Support material

Photocopiable spelling games and activities

Spelling busy bee Write 12 spelling words. 1.



r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S 8.







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Write them in alphabetical order.

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y • More activities Write a synonym and an antonym for each word. Word



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w ww

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

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6. 7. 8.

• Find rhyming words.

• Put the words o into a short c . che story. e r o r st super • Write a concrete (shape) poem using your words.

9. 10.

• Create a word search.

11. 12.

R.I.C. Publications ®

• Create a crosspatch with clues.


New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – E

Support material

Spelling strategy cards

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

ew i ev Pr

Teac Meaning he r


m . u

• Do I know what parts of the word mean?

• Can I use it in a sentence?

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. te

• What does the word mean?

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o c . che e r o t r s super

New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – E


R.I.C. Publications ®

Support material

Spelling strategy cards

• Can I pronounce the word correctly?

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

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Teac he Hearing r


R.I.C. Publications ®


New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – E

m . u

• Is there a wrong, but helpful way to say it?

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. te

• Can I break it into parts?

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

o c . che e r o t r s super

Support material

Spelling strategy cards

• What letters make the sounds?

• Can I see the word in my head?

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SeeingTeach er


m . u

w ww

. te

• Is it like another word?

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o c . che e r o t r s super

New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – E


R.I.C. Publications ®

Support material

Spelling strategy cards

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

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Teac Remembering her


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mI can use? • Is there a trick .

• Is there a spelling rule?

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. te

• What is the difficult part?

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o c . che e r o t r s super


New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – E

Support material

Spelling strategy cards

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

ew i ev Pr

Teac Reflecting he r


m . u

• Could I have used some other ways of learning?

o c . che e r o t r s super

New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – E


• How do I feel?

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. te

• Did I use good strategies?

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R.I.C. Publications ®

Support material

Spelling strategy cards

• Can I use the word in my writing?

• Can I now spell other words with similar patterns?

• Can I use the word in dictation?

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Teac Applying her



New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – E

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R.I.C. Publications ®

m . u

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

o c . che e r o t r s super

Support material

Photocopiable poster

For every

r o e t s Bo r e p ok remember to: u S

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Teac he r

spelling word,


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w ww


. te

o c . c e her r Cover o t s super Write

New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – E



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Support material

Spelling merit certificates

r o e t s Bo r e p ok for u S

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Teac he r


congratulations on your success.

you’re a spelling cHamp!



m . u



thank you for your effort.

for a

presented to R.I.C. Publications ®

o c . che e r o t r s super big improvement in spelling

w ww

. te


Date © R. I . C.Pub l i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•


New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – E

Support material

Individual recording sheet

Student name:


Date and Test

Result Comment

Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3

Unit 5

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Unit 4

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Unit 6 Unit 7

Unit 8

Unit 9 Unit 10

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Unit 13 Unit 14 Unit 15 Unit 16

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Unit 12

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Unit 11

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Unit 17 Unit 18 Unit 19 Unit 20 New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – E


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Support material

Test checklist

Unit 20

Unit 19

Unit 18

Unit 17

Unit 16

Unit 15

Unit 14

Unit 13

Unit 12

Unit 11

Unit 10

Unit 9

Unit 8

Unit 7

Unit 6

Unit 5

Unit 4

Unit 3

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Student name

Unit 2

Unit 1



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o c . che e r o t r s super


New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – E

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