New wave
Teacher resource book
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NEW WAVE SPELLING – TEACHER RESOURCE BOOK – G Published by R.I.C. Publications® 2006 Copyright© R.I.C. Publications® 2006 ISBN-10 1-74126-489-8 ISBN-13 978-1-74126-489-0 RIC–6207
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Foreword New wave spelling – A phonics-based approach is a seven-book spelling workbook series providing students with a solid framework for becoming independent spellers. It is a comprehensive whole-year program of 20 units of work. The spelling lists within each unit are organised with a phonetic emphasis. Words have been selected from proven contemporary Australian lists and are words to which students can relate and use in their writing. The focus at the beginning of each unit encourages students to identify the key features, patterns, rules, similarities and differences of the list words, as well as the phonemes (sounds) within words and the different ways they are represented (graphemes). The variety of activities based on each word list provide students with opportunities to use different strategies and consolidate their understanding of the particular focus.
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New wave spelling – Teachers resource book contains detailed program outlines, suggestions for use and support material to enhance the teaching and learning opportunities provided in its corresponding workbook.
Support material
How to use the workbook......................................................2–3 Suggested timetable..................................................................4 Blank timetable...........................................................................5 Using the spelling strategy cards.........................................6–7 Overview of unit lists Book G..................................................................................8 Book F...................................................................................9 Overview of unit content..........................................................10 Assessment suggestions........................................................11 Unit focus, teaching points, word building examples, dictation and answers for each unit Unit 1.............................................................................12–13 Unit 2.............................................................................14–15 Unit 3.............................................................................16–17 Unit 4.............................................................................18–19 Unit 5.............................................................................20–21 Unit 6.............................................................................22–23 Unit 7.............................................................................24–25 Unit 8.............................................................................26–27 Unit 9.............................................................................28–29 Unit 10...........................................................................30–31 Unit 11...........................................................................32–33 Unit 12...........................................................................34–35 Unit 13...........................................................................36–37 Unit 14...........................................................................38–39 Unit 15...........................................................................40–41 Unit 16...........................................................................42–43 Unit 17...........................................................................44–45 Unit 18...........................................................................46–47 Unit 19...........................................................................48–49 Unit 20...........................................................................50–51
Spelling games and activities Individual activities................................................................52–53 Partner and group activities..................................................54–55 Students with special needs.................................................56–57
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Teacher information
Photocopiable spelling games and activities New words..................................................................................58 Word search...............................................................................59 Letter sort...................................................................................59 Which category?.........................................................................60 What’s missing?.........................................................................60 Crazy coordinates.......................................................................61 Which word?...............................................................................61 Word building..............................................................................62 Spelling busy bee.......................................................................63
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© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
Spelling strategy cards Meaning......................................................................................64 Hearing.......................................................................................65 Seeing........................................................................................66 Remembering.............................................................................67 Reflecting....................................................................................68 Applying......................................................................................69
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Photocopiable poster Look, say, cover, write, check.....................................................70 Photocopiable merit certificates.............................................71
Assessment sheets Individual recording sheet...........................................................72 Test checklist..............................................................................73
New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – G
Teacher information
How to use the workbook
The student workbook has 20 units of work, each comprising of four pages. Each unit contains a list of 20 words to be learned and 12 revision words taken from the previous workbook. Units do not have to be completed in order. Refer to page 10 for an overview of each unit focus and activity types. Unit number and focus Students follow the instructions to identify the focus of the list. It encourages the students to look for patterns, similarities and differences within the list and identify ways to remember how to spell each word.
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Students tick the T (Test) column if they spelt the word correctly in their test. They tick the D (Dictation) column if they spelt the word correctly in dictation. If the word was not used in dictation, they leave it blank. See pages 12–51 of this book for suggested dictation sentences, including list and revision words.
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The first page of each unit contains the list words. The majority of the lists are grouped according to the way phonemes (sounds) are represented (graphemes). Other groupings include difficult words, homophones, prefixes, suffixes, contractions and silent letters. Note: Some teachers may decide to pre-test the list words.
Students should follow these steps when learning each word. It is a well-tested and effective method of remembering how to spell words. Look at the word – Look for how the focus sound is spelt. Look for words within words and the shape of the word. Say the word – Sound out the word phonetically. Break the word into syllables, if appropriate. Cover each word – A time factor can be built into this part. Write the word – Space has been given for two tries over the course of the unit. Check the word with the original. Note: A poster outlining these steps is provided on page 70 of this book.
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons Students write any list words, revision words, words from dictation or any other words that causing them •f orr evi ew pur p os e s o nl yare• difficulty here. Selected words can be transferred to
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pages 82 and 83 of their workbook. Suggested activities for learning these words can be found on pages 52–63 of this book.
The activities on the first and second pages of each unit are designed to provide students with many opportunities to complete or write the list words. A variety of word study and word building activities extend and develop students’ knowledge and understanding.
o c . che e r o t r s super Examples include: • identifying features of the words • filling in missing letters or sounds • finding small words within list words • completing sentences with list words • unjumbling words • word chunking • sorting words by the number of syllables • writing the list words in alphabetical order • identifying incorrectly spelt list words • ranking words in order of difficulty
New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – G
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Teacher information
How to use the workbook
The third page of each unit features a word search for all the list words. The list of words next to each word search can also be used by students when completing the crossword on the fourth page of the unit.
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Each unit features a selection of revision words from the previous workbook. Students are required to identify the focus of these words and complete activities to help remember how to spell them. Many of the revision words have been included in the suggested dictation sentences for the unit. Teachers may wish to include the revision words in the final test of the unit. Results can be recorded on pages 72 and 73.
The fourth page of each unit features a crossword. It includes every list word and some revision words. Students can refer to the opposite page to choose the list or revision word for crossword clues.
Explanations of spelling rules, along with examples and activities are © R. I . C.P ub l i c at i owords ns designed to teach students why look the way they do, why they are spelt that way and exceptions to the rule(s). •f orr evi ew Thepfinal ur posesonl y• activities of the unit generally have a word building focus.
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Practice is provided for students to build on and create a larger bank of words for their use and understanding. Dictionaries should be made available to help complete these activities. A word building template can be found on page 62 of this book. Word building examples for every list and revision word can be found on pages 12–51.
o c . chesounds and Writing vowel sounds e Phonics charts: Writing consonant r o t r s super
Coloured reference charts, with a number of graphemes used to represent vowel and consonant sounds, are included at the front and back of each student workbook. Suggestions for using the charts: • Locate and point to particular sound boxes. (This is essential if students are to use the charts effectively.) For example: – Find the sound box for the initial sound in your name, school, suburb, friend’s name, pet. – Find the sound box after or before a particular sound. – Count the graphemes in particular sound boxes; e.g. long i (five) • Solve silly grapheme puzzles; e.g. dge-a-ch (Jack) • Create silly grapheme puzzles to name animals, colours, fruit, vegetables; e.g. mb-u-n-k-ea (monkey) • Draw a picture for each sound in his or her name; e.g.
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New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – G
Teacher information
Suggested timetable
A suggested 10-day spelling timetable has been outlined below as a guide. These lessons have been based on 30-minute long lessons each day, which can be a combination of class work and homework. Teachers can add or delete from the timetable according to their students’ needs and their personal teaching approach; for example, some teachers may decide to incorporate pre-testing of the list words or partner testing.
Day 1
Day 6
• Introduce list words. • Students follow the instructions to identify and underline
the focus of the unit.
• Revise focus for list and revision words. • Complete crossword on fourth page. • Dictation sentence(s). Mark and tick D column.
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• Discuss the meaning of each list word and ask students to
Transfer errors to Word watch.
Day 2
Day 7
• Revise focus. • Discuss ways to remember how to spell each word. Refer
• Complete second column of Look, say, cover, write,
check. • Mark and transfer errors to Word watch. • Complete final activities on fourth page.
to Spelling strategy cards on pages 64–69. • Complete first column of Look, say, cover, write, check. • Mark and transfer errors to Word watch. • Spelling game or activity with list words (see pages
© R. I . C.PDay ub i cat i ons 8 l Revise focus. Dictation sentence(s). Mark and tick D column. Transfer •f orr evi ew pu r posesonl y• Brainstorm other words with the same focus and discuss errors to Word watch.
Day 3
their meaning. Refer to Spelling strategy cards. • Complete activities on second page.
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Day 4
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• Spelling game or activity with Word watch words,
revision words or Words I need to learn (pages 82–83 in workbook). Refer to Spelling strategy cards for ways to remember how to spell problem words.
Day 9
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• •
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suggest sentences using each word. Hearing the word in context adds to their understanding of its meaning. • Complete activities on first page.
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• Revise focus. • Complete word search on third page. • Add any words causing students difficulty from other
• Test revision words. Transfer errors to Word watch. • Spelling game or activities with list words.
subject areas to Word watch. Refer to Spelling strategy cards to remember how to spell each word. • Spelling game or activity with list words.
DAY 10
• Introduce revision words and discuss focus. • Complete revision activities. • Dictation sentence(s). Mark and tick D column. Transfer
• Test list words. • Dictation sentence(s). • Mark and tick T and D columns. • Transfer errors to Word watch and choose problem words
errors to Word watch. If a word is already listed, start a tally next to it. Refer to Spelling strategy cards.
New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – G
to list in Words I need to learn. Refer to Spelling strategy cards. • Spelling game or activity.
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Teacher information
Blank timetable
Use the blank timetable to plan a spelling program for your class.
Day 1
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
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Day 5
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Day 9
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Day 3
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Day 2
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New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – G
Teacher information
Using the spelling strategy cards
The following spelling strategies are based on the metacognitive approach. This approach teaches students how to organise their thoughts in a logical and structured way, in order to become more successful independent spellers. A set of photocopiable cards, provided on pages 64–69 encourages students to reflect upon their learning. It is essential that students know the meaning of the word and can use it in context.
Identifying parts of a word can help students to understand its meaning. For example: aqua (water) aquarobics (exercises in water)
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• What does the word mean? • Can I use it in a sentence?
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• Do I know what parts of the word mean?
A common reason for spelling errors is incorrect pronunciation. For example: discribe (describe) ambolance (ambulance)
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons Identifying the sounds and syllables in words is an essential skill.u Forr example: •f orr evi ew p posesonl y• identifying sounds — s-t-r-aigh-t
• Can I pronounce the word correctly? • Can I break it into parts?
• Is there a wrong, but helpful way to say it?
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identifying syllables — ca/tas/tro/phe ma/jo/ri/ty (Each syllable must have a vowel sound.) Using pronunciation tricks is a useful strategy. For example: unfortunate (unfortunate) parli-ament (parliament)
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Many students find it helpful to close their eyes and try to visualise the word and/or its shape. For example: (jeweller)
• Can I see the word in my head?
• What letters make the sounds? • Is it like another word?
New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – G
Identifying the grapheme used to represent a sound and understanding that different choices are available is essential. Students should be encouraged to locate the appropriate sound box on their vowel or consonant charts in their workbooks. For example: abbreviate, escapee, celebrity, retrieve
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Teacher information
• What is the difficult part?
Students need to identify letters within words that may cause them difficulty. For example: patience straight
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Although there are exceptions to most spelling rules, they are very helpful and students need to know them. For example: Double the consonant to keep the preceding vowel sound short.
• Is there a spelling rule?
• Is there a trick I can use?
Students should be encouraged to learn spelling tricks (e.g.mnemonics) and to make up some of their own. For example: Would old Uncle Larry die? (would)
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Using the spelling strategy cards
Students need to be aware of spelling strategies and understand that how they learn is as important as what they learn.
© R. I . C.Pub l i cat i ons Reflecting and evaluating the strategies used is an essential part of learning. •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
• Did I use good strategies?
• How do I feel?
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• Can I use the word in dictation?
• Can I use the word in my writing? • Can I now spell other words with similar patterns?
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Self-esteem is related to perceived success and it is important that students acknowledge their successes and are motivated to continue learning.
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• Could I have used some other ways of learning?
Students should understand the importance of applying their spelling knowledge in different contexts. Students’ writing should provide evidence of how well they apply the spelling strategies they have learned. Generalising knowledge gained is essential for students to become independent spellers.
New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – G
Teacher information
Overview of unit lists – Book G
The following lists contain all the words from Book G.
Book G association, advice, advise, genius, persuasion, feud, amateur, sausage, unfortunate, encourage, advantage, private, immediately, excellent, patient, efficient, sufficient, against, possess, physical
Unit 2
persuade, negotiate, appreciate, severe, persevere, fortune, consume, reduce, excuse, confuse, provide, combine, organise, meanwhile, excite, erode, provoke, envelope, postpone, explode
Unit 3
imperfect, impolite, impatient, imbalance, immature, immobile, immovable, misplace, misfortune, mislead, misunderstand, indignity, indirect, inaccurate, invisible, incorrect, incomplete, inadequate, independent, intolerable
Unit 4
Australian, Norwegian, Egyptian, Italian, Hungarian, Iranian, Indonesian, Malaysian, Argentinian, Chinese, Vietnamese, Portuguese, Lebanese, Japanese, Spanish, English, Scottish, Finnish, Irish, Danish
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Unit 1
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politician, superficial, physician, electrician, mansion, expansion, profession, confession, compassion, session, pressure, fissure, rotation, revolution, extinction, conservation, affection, adaptation, irrigation, invention
Unit 6
bicycle, biceps, bikini, bilingual, triangle, triplet, trilingual, quadrangle, quadriceps, pentagon, pentathlon, hexapod, heptathlon, September, octopus, October, octagon, nonagon, decade, decagon
Unit 7
rein, reign, practise, practice, forward, foreword, straight, strait, paw, pore, muscle, mussel, lesson, lessen, waist, waste, ceiling, sealing, check, cheque
Unit 8
difference, silence, commence, absence, independence, patience, conscience, audience, convenience, experience, chance, balance, distance, appearance, acceptance, entrance, substance, instance, assistance, nuisance
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Unit 5
Unit 10
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
Unit 11
azure, seizure, measure, treasure, pleasure, leisure, division, decision, erosion, confusion, conclusion, transfusion, explosion, occasion, abrasion, euthanasia, illusion, seclusion, collision, exclusion
Unit 12
dictionary, primary, ordinary, secretary, temporary, boundary, imaginary, necessary, military, hereditary, bakery, nursery, surgery, discovery, archery, mastery, treachery, slavery, refinery, battery
Unit 13
quantity, celebrity, allergy, recipe, catastrophe, abbreviate, guarantee, absentee, escapee, cappuccino, quiche, amphibian, unique, orientation, retrieve, relieve, conceit, conceive, Caesar, debris
Unit 14
hymn, solemn, design, gnash, gnarl, malign, dinghy, honour, rhinoceros, vehicle, honesty, whisper, doubtful, guilty, couple, sword, pneumonia, raspberry, almond, knowledge
Unit 15
anticipate, exaggerate, cooperate, hibernate, concrete, gangrene, obsolete, precede, ozone, chrome, decompose, glucose, advertise, juvenile, apologise, appetite, produce, abuse, solitude, magnitude
Unit 16
jeweller, conjurer, photographer, glazier, confectioner, engineer, mountaineer, auctioneer, electioneer, scientist, pianist, dentist, pharmacist, artist, journalist, tourist, podiatrist, florist, orthodontist, optometrist
Unit 17
vain, vein, vane, stationary, stationery, council, counsel, presents, presence, morning, mourning, cent, sent, scent, paste, paced, compliment, complement, principal, principle
Unit 18
dialogue, rogue, catalogue, fatigue, league, intrigue, plague, colleague, vague, disguise, guidance, guardian, guillotine, guerilla, guarantor, guile, ghoul, ghetto, gherkin, ghastly
Unit 19
silent, talent, different, evident, intelligent, president, accident, incident, opponent, confident, distant, vacant, important, instant, migrant, tolerant, constant, pleasant, elegant, arrogant
Unit 20
sandwich, valentine, lamington, pavlova, morse code, spoonerism, arachnid, pasteurise, diesel, hooligan, cardigan, volts, biro, teddy, hygiene, banksia, leotard, braille, celsius, python
airport, airstrip, airsock, airline, airy, airtight, airlock, airhole, airborne, airmail, airconditioner, aerial, aerate, aeroplane, aerodrome, aerobics, aerosol, aerobatic, aerodynamic, aeronautics
government, parliament, councillor, mayor, lawyer, premier, foreign, citizen, majority, legislative, experiment, research, technology, physics, chemistry, molecule, nuclear, environment, agriculture, ecosystem
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Unit 9
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New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – G
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Teacher information
Overview of unit lists – Book F
The following lists contain all the words from Book F, from which 12 revision words were chosen for each unit.
Book F Unit 1
winner, writer, partner, officer, discover, centre, fibre, theatre, mirror, calculator, actor, tutor, cellar, dollar, popular, particular, humour, labour, harbour, flavour
Unit 2
transport, transfer, transplant, transit, transmit, antidote, antiseptic, antibiotic, anticlockwise, telescope, television, telephone, telepathy, telecast, automatic, automation, autocracy, autobiography, autograph, automobile
Unit 3
pair, pear, pare, sauce, source, past, passed, weather, whether, wether, pause, paws, current, currant, cereal, serial, aloud, allowed, bow, bough
Unit 4
author, authority, dinosaur, cause, astronaut, caution, haunted, launch, applaud, exhaust, laundry, caught, taught, naughty, daughter, ought, nought, thought, fought, sought
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Unit 6
scissors, pyjamas, spectacles, binoculars, goggles, pliers, species, series, scales, shears, tongs, salmon, deer, moose, trout, aircraft, athletics, innings, tweezers, trousers
Unit 7
indicate, translate, hesitate, celebrate, extreme, delete, scene, arrive, polite, umpire, describe, decide, vote, decode, choke, froze, refuge, perfume, schedule, costume
Unit 8
mushroom, monsoon, cartoon, tablespoon, snooze, brew, corkscrew, withdrew, screwdriver, coupon, wound, youth, group, mousse, chop suey, gruesome, cruise, suitable, recruit, breadfruit
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occurred, height, length, parallel, horizontal, vertical, ocean, double, trouble, picture, accept, except, either, neither, lettuce, onion, forgotten, separate, business, emergency
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Unit 5
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons Unit 10• f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
toothache, worthwhile, eyesight, wavelength, goosebumps, hairstyle, blackboard, lifestyle, keyboard, guidelines, spreadsheet, typeset, nightmare, newspaper, supermarket, afterwards, skateboard, therefore, copyright, worldwide
Unit 9
magazine, trampoline, quarantine, engine, imagine, examine, medicine, discipline, promise, service, favourite, definite, opposite, primitive, attractive, positive, negative, explosive, expensive, detective
Unit 12
tomato, mosquito, torpedo, potato, tornado, hero, buffalo, echo, volcano, mango, motto, patio, soprano, piano, banjo, trio, studio, radio, ratio, rodeo
Unit 13
wrote, wreck, answer, kneel, yolk, guide, thumb, plumber, tongue, yacht, shoulder, boulder, column, knead, debt, folk, guard, rhythm, wharf, wrestle
Unit 14 Unit 15
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Unit 16
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barbecue, cue, continue, tissue, rescue, argue, duel, refuel, avenue, subdue, fewer, renew, skewer, mildew, viewed, viewpoint, review, beauty, beautiful, queue
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Unit 11
almost, already, although, altogether, welcome, welfare, until, delightful, instil, powerful, awful, useful, careful, fearful, graceful, hopeful, skilful, thankful, watchful, wonderful
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description, collection, fashion, cushion, population, multiplication, imagination, information, expression, vaccination, excursion, pension, tension, concussion, extension, social, official, admission, discussion, permission, composition database, floorboard, landslide, newsgroups, handsome, courtroom, forward, handwritten, whirlwind, thoroughbred, heartache, troublesome, earthquake, motionless, extraordinary, guesswork, widespread, threadbare, warehouse, wetsuit
Unit 17
available, enjoyable, comfortable, reasonable, forgivable, advisable, remarkable, noticeable, valuable, reversible, flexible, horrible, digestible, edible, divisible, visible, sensible, audible, legible, flammable
Unit 18
serious, curious, envious, various, ambitious, precious, conscious, suspicious, delicious, anxious, nervous, famous, jealous, dangerous, marvellous, tremendous, fabulous, generous, enormous, numerous
Unit 19
bounce, false, palace, dense, verse, release, grease, purchase, increase, fierce, surface, chase, sense, disgrace, pronounce, announce, ambulance, convince, expense, pierce
Unit 20
computer, program, email, multimedia, paddock, police, megabyte, gigabyte, browser, temperature, Arctic, Antarctic, continent, Equator, latitude, longitude, country, glacier, mountain, coordinates
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Teacher information
Overview of unit content
Each unit contains a word search and a crossword. Other activity types and content outlined below.
Unit 1
Activity types/Content
completing words, ranking words, compiling words from letters, word chunking, alphabetical order, syllabification, Difficult words unjumbling words in sentences, identifying base words, advise/advice, suffixes: ment, ly, ish, ive Revision: er, re, or, ar, our– completing words, word investigation Long vowels (silent e)
completing words, sorting words by vowel sounds, word investigation, unjumbling, homograph ‘excuse’, completing sentences, identifying base words, suffixes : ment, s, ed, ing Revision: trans, anti, tele, auto – completing words, matching prefix to meaning, unjumbling
Prefixes: im, mis, in
completing words, syllabification, alphabetical order, word chunking, matching prefix to meaning, unjumbling words in sentences, crosspatch, suffixes: adding ly to form adverbs, completing sentences Revision: homophones – alphabetical order, completing words, completing sentences
Suffixes: ian, ese, ish
choosing correct adjective from list words, word investigation, word chunking, sorting list words by geographical area, definitions, unjumbling, forming nouns from adjectives Revision: au, augh, ough – completing words, word investigation, forming past tense, synonyms
ci, si, ssi, ss, ti
completing words, sorting by endings, small words, syllabification, alphabetical order, identifying misspelt words, word chunking, unjumbling, suffixes: al, ate, ise, ist, identifying nouns, verbs and adjs Revision: difficult words – ranking words, suffixes: en, like, ion, es, able, ence, completing sentences
Number prefixes
alphabetical order, word investigation, matching prefix to meaning, definitions, ranking words, unjumbling, word origins Revision: singular and plural nouns – sorting by categories, completing sentences
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completing words, unjumbling, practise/practice, choosing correct homophone, word investigation, compiling words from letters, investigating, long a sound, changing words Revision: long vowels – completing words, suffixes: ly, tion, ing
ence, ance
completing words, identifying double letters, alphabetical order, identifying words, syllabification, small words, antonyms, unjumbling, identifying base words, suffixes: s, ed, ing, ly, verbs and adverbs Revision: oo, ew, ou, ue, ui – completing words, homograph wound, unjumbling
Prefixes: air, aer, aero
completing words, alphabetical order, crosspatch, unjumbling, word origins, definitions, compiling words from letters, identifying nouns and adjectives Revision: compound words – matching compound words, word investigation
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
completing words, ranking words, sorting by categories, alphabetical order, unjumbling, proofreading a paragraph, word Difficult words chunking, suffixes: al, es, ship, arian, ar, ical Revision: ive, ine, ite – completing words, completing sentences, unjumbling completing words, alphabetical order, word investigation, unjumbling, identifying misspelt words, compiling words form letters, syllabification, writing sentences, identifying base words, suffixes: ed, ing Revision: ue, ew, iew, eau, eue – completing words, suffixes: ed, ing
ary, ery
completing words, alphabetical order, word chunking, investigating soft c sound, plural: change y to i and add es, sorting by nouns and adjectives, unjumbling words in sentences, identifying base words, suffixes: s, ed, ing Revision: o endings – completing words, plurals for o ending words
y, e, ee, i, ie, ei, ae, is
Silent letters
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z, s, si
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completing words, word investigation, alphabetical order, syllabification, unjumbling, identifying misspelt words, compiling words from letters, writing questions, plural: change y to i and add es, suffixes: ism, ion, able, ly, ed, ing Revision: silent letters – completing words, completing sentences, suffixes: ed, ing
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completing words, unjumbling, identifying silent letters, small words, proofreading a paragraph, word investigation, crosspatch, suffixes: ed, ing, ly, ness, able plural: change y to i and add es Revision: al–, wel–, –til, –ful – completing words, suffixes: ly, less, ful, prefix: un
Long vowels (silent e)
completing words, sorting by vowel sounds, word investigation, syllabification, alphabetical order, unjumbling sentences, homograph (abuse), unjumbling, suffixes: s, ed, ing Revision: sh, ti, si, ssi, ci – completing words, compiling words from letters, identifying base words, completing sentences
Suffixes: er, eer, ists
alphabetical order, sorting by suffixes, definitions, unjumbling, small words, identifying base words, word chunking, investigating suffixes Revision: Compound words– matching compound words, word investigation
completing words, alphabetical order, mnemonics, completing sentences, writing sentences, proofreading a paragraph, unjumbling, anagrams, suffix: or Revision: –able, –ible – completing words, identifying base words, antonyms
gue, gu, gh
completing words, definitions, alphabetical order, word investigation, word chunking, unjumbling sentences, double consonant to keep vowel sound short, suffixes: ship, less, ly, ish, ed, writing sentences Revision: ious, ous – completing words, unjumbling, completing sentences
Endings: ent, ant
completing words, alphabetical order, compiling words from letters, small words, antonyms, unjumbling, completing sentences, identifying nouns and adjectives, definitions Revision: se, ce – completing words, alphabetical order, definitions
completing words, unjumbling, word history and definitions, proofreading a paragraph, word association Revision: difficult words – completing words, ranking words, completing sentences
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Teacher information
Assessment suggestions
There are many different ways to assess and record spelling. Below are some suggestions for assessment and recording to help support the New wave spelling workbook program. • Teachers may decide to pre-test the list and/or revision words. The results can be used as a benchmark for how well the
students learn the list or which words they need to focus on throughout the two-week program. Errors can be transferred directly to the Word watch section. A disadvantage of pre-testing is that poor spellers could possibly have many errors, which would affect their self-esteem. Although the activities provided would benefit all students, good spellers with no errors may not be motivated to work on the unit. • Teachers may decide to incorporate partner testing of a selected amount of words each day, with results recorded formally
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
or informally and errors transferred to Word watch.
• Teachers may post test the list and revision words at the conclusion of the two-week program to evaluate the students’
progress. Again, errors are recorded and transferred.
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
Photocopiable recording sheets are outlined below.
Individual spelling records can be kept (see page 72). The BLM can be used to record pre-test, partner test and final revision and list word test scores, along with anecdotal notes. These notes can become an overview of the student’s progress in spelling over the 20 units and can be discussed during parent/teacher conferences and in reports.
Room for student name and year at school.
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• Write the date
w ww
Write anecdotal comments in this space. Comments could include type of spelling errors, effort and attitude, ideas for remediation, or strengths.
. te
m . u
and type of test(s) (pre-test, post test, revision test etc.)
o c . che e r o t r s super Page 72
Page 73 A record of spelling results for the whole class can be recorded (see page 73). Results could be colour-coded for ease of reference.
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Teacher information
Unit 1
Unit focus This unit focuses on difficult words.
Teaching points
• Identify difficult parts of words. • Discuss ways to remember how to spell the word.
— pronunciation tricks (un–for–tu–nate), (im–me–di–ate–ly)
List words Word building
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
associations, associate, associates, n associated, n associating, n associative
advises, n advised, advisedly, advisedness, n advising, n advisor, n advisory geniuses persuade, persuades, n persuaded, n persuading, persuasible, persuasive feuds, feudal, feudally, feudalism, feudalist, feudalistic, feudalise amateurs, amateurish, amateurishly, amateurishness, amateurism, amateurship sausages unfortunately, unfortunateness, fortunate, fortunately, fortunateness, fortune encourages, n encouraged, n encouraging, n encouragingly, encouragement advantages, n advantaged, n advantaging, advantageous, advantageously privately, n privatise, privatises, n privatised, n privatising, n privatisation immediate, immediateness excellently, excellence, n excellency, excel, excels, l excelled, l excelling patiently, patience, impatient efficiently, inefficient, efficiency, Q efficiencies sufficiently, insufficient, sufficiency, Q sufficiencies
Teac he r
ew i ev Pr
association advice advise genius persuasion feud amateur sausage unfortunate encourage advantage private immediately excellent patient efficient sufficient against possess physical
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons f o rr evi ew pur posesonl y• Revision words • Word building
. te
(Taken from Unit 1, Book F.)
Ru les
m . u
winners, win, wins, won, u winning, winningly, winningness office, officers writers, write, writes, u written, wrote, n writing centres, n centred, n centring, central, centralise, n centralised, n centralising fibres, n fibred, fibreless, fibrous, fibrously, fibrousness mirrors, mirrored, mirroring calculators, calculate, calculates, n calculated, n calculating, n calculation, n calculative popularise, popularises, n popularised, n popularising, popularity, popularly particularise, particularises, n particularised, n particularising, particularity, particularly humours, humoured, humouring, humourless, 6 humorous, humorously harbours, harboured, harbouring, harbourer, harbourless flavours, flavoured, flavouring, flavourer, flavourless, flavourful, flavoursome
w ww
winner officer writer centre fibre mirror calculator popular particular humour harbour flavour
possesses, possessed, possessing, possessive, possessiveness, possession physically
o c . che e r o t r s super
Rule: When adding a suffix beginning with a vowel to most words ending with e, the e is dropped before adding the suffix. (The e is retained in advantageous/ly to keep the soft g sound.) s Rule: To make the plural of words ending with s, es is added. l Rule: When a word ends with a single l, double the l when a suffix beginning with a vowel is added. Q Rule: To make the plural of words ending with y after a consonant, change the y to i and add es. u Rule: Double the consonant to keep the preceding vowel sound short. 6 Rule: For words ending with our and ous, drop the u before adding the suffix ous. n
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Teacher information
Unit 1
Dictation 1. 2. 3. 4.
The amateur golfer was given excellent advice by the officer in the popular golf association. Unfortunately, she did not possess sufficient physical strength to compete against the winner. We advise everyone to take out private health cover before they become a patient in a hospital. The writer was a genius, particularly when writing humour, but when it came to doing simple chores such as cooking sausages, he was not very efficient. 5. It took a lot of persuasion to stop the feud between the two families and get to the central reason behind the cause. 6. After extra encouragement by his coach, the young athlete immediately showed improvement. 7. The advantage of using that fibre to make the cord is that it will be more efficient in repelling water.
Teac he r
(a) unfortunate (b) persuasion (c) private (d) sufficient (e) genius (f) possess (g) advice/advise (h) advice/advise (i) patient (j) efficient (k) excellent (l) physical (m) sausage (n) encourage (o) feud (p) association (q) immediately (r) amateur (s) advantage (t) against
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S 8.
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)
excellent association unfortunate immediately persuasion physical
9. a s s o c i a t i o n e f a m i mm e a p e r s t e x c e e f f i c u p a t i r s a u s f p r i v e n c o u a d v a n u n f o r ms u f f bm l i e qwv i s
d i u a l l i e e n a g a t r a t a t u i c d c nm
a s e n t e e g g n i v e
t i n t c e l e e a e o r
e o t g e n i u s t n r o
l n a g a i n s t e t s l
y x p h y s i c a l a n k
e u d d p o s s e s s l j
d v i c e a d v i s e p g
Down: 1. genius 2. advantage 3. physical 4. amateur 7. advice 8. feud 9. winner 10. unfortunate 13. persuasion 14. private 15. efficient 17. patient 18. possess
3. association, advice, advise, genius, sausage, advantage, against
11. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l)
mirror humour writer calculator flavour winner popular centre harbour officer particular fibre
12. (a) (b) (c) (d)
winner, officer, mirror officer, centre writer officer, calculator, popular, particular
w ww
10. It can be spelt er, re, or, ar or our.
4. patient, sausage, against, private, advice, possess
. te
5. advantage, amateur, efficient, encourage, excellent, genius, persuasion, physical, sufficient
R.I.C. Publications ®
14. (a) advice (b) advise
o c . che e r o t r s super
6. as/so/ci/a/tion, un/for/tu/nate, im/me/di/ate/ly (a) feud (b) patient (c) possess (d) amateur (e) immediately (f) efficient Teacher check sentences
m . u
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
2. Teacher check
13. Across: 4. against 5. harbour 6. sausage 11. centre 12. sufficient 15. excellent 16. encourage 19. mirror 20. association 21. advise 22. immediately
ew i ev Pr
15. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h)
patiently encouragement possessive unfortunately amateurish privately efficiently physically
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Unit 2
Unit focus This unit focuses on long vowels.
Teaching points • Discuss how the silent e on the end of each word makes the vowel sound long: a-e, e-e, i-e, o-e and u-e. • Discuss any difficult parts of words. • Sort the list words according to the graphemes and brainstorm other words to add to each list.
List words Word building
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
persuade negotiate appreciate severe persevere fortune consume reduce excuse confuse provide combine organise meanwhile excite erode provoke envelope postpone explode
excites, n excited, excitedly, n exciting, n excitable, n excitably, excitableness erodes, n eroded, n eroding, n erodent, erosion, erosive provokes, n provoked, n provoking, n provoker, provokingly envelopes postpones, n postponed, n postponing, n postponable, postponement, n postponer explodes, n exploded, n exploding, explosion, explosive, explosively, explosiveness
transport transfer transmit antidote antiseptic antibiotic telescope television telephone automatic autograph automobile
transports, transported, transporting, transportation, transportable, transporter transfers, l transferred, l transferring, transferable, n transferability, transferee transmits, Q transmitted, Q transmitting, transmission, transmissible antidotes, n antidotal antiseptics, antiseptically, antisepticise, n antisepticised, n antisepticising antibiotics telescopes, n telescoped, n telescoping, n telescopic, telescopical televisions, televisional, televisionary telephones, n telephoned, n telephoning, n telephoner, n telephonic automate, n automated, n automating, automatically, n automation autographs, autographic, autographical, autographically automobiles, n automobilist
Teac he r
ew i ev Pr
persuades, n persuaded, n persuading, persuasible, persuasive, persuasion negotiates, n negotiated, n negotiating, n negotiator, n negotiation, n negotiable appreciates, n appreciated, n appreciating, n appreciation, n appreciative n severer, n severest, severely, severeness, severity, s severities perseveres, n persevered, n perseverance, n perseverant, n persevering, perseveringly fortunes, fortunate, fortunately, fortunateness, unfortunate, unfortunately consumes, n consumed, n consuming, n consumer, consumerism, consumerist reduces, n reduced, n reducing, n reducible, reducibility, n reducibly, reduction excuses, n excused, n excusing, n excusable, n excusably, excusableness, n excusal confuses, n confused, n confusing, confusedly, confusingly, n confusion provides, n provided, n providing, n provider combines, n combined, n combining, n combinable, n combination, combinational organises, n organised, n organising, n organisable, n organisation, organisational
w ww
. te
(Taken from Unit 2, Book F.)
Ru les n s l Q
m . u
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons f o rr evi ew pur posesonl y• Revision words • Word building
o c . che e r o t r s super
Rule: When adding a suffix beginning with a vowel to most words ending with e, the e is dropped before adding the suffix. Rule: To make the plural of words ending with y after a consonant, change the y to i and add es. Note: In this instance, the r is doubled to maintain the existing vowel sound. Rule: Double the consonant to keep the preceding vowel sound short.
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Teacher information
Unit 2
Dictation 1. They will try to persuade people to use public transport and reduce the amount of fuel used in automobiles by organising information to transmit on television. 2. The storm was so severe that the school decided to postpone the sports carnival. Meanwhile, because a section of the oval had been eroded, the school was trying to transfer the carnival by negotiating with the council to provide another place. 3. If you provoke or confuse a squid, a jet of black ink will explode from its body. 4. She appreciated that it is best to persevere with a task and not to make excuses for postponing it. 5. We were consumed with excitement and could not believe our good fortune when the movie star signed his autograph on the envelope.
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
Long o – erode, provoke, envelope, postpone, explode Long i – provide, combine, organise, meanwhile, excite Long e – severe, persevere Long a – persuade, negotiate, appreciate Long u – fortune, consume, reduce, excuse, confuse
Teac he r
(a) appreciate (b) provoke (c) consume (d) persuade (e) excuse (f) fortune (g) excite (h) postpone (i) explode (j) envelope (k) confuse (l) erode (m) meanwhile (n) negotiate (o) combine (p) persevere (q) provide (r) reduce (s) severe (t) organise
(a) (b) (c) (d)
severe, postpone persuade, reduce provoke organise, provide
13. autograph Teacher check sentences
7. (a) excitement (b) postponement (c) verbs to nouns 8.
(a) (b) (c) (d)
explode reduce persuade erode
s s u p a e p e o x s c t i p t o e n v e e p l o e dm
g e n r a e f d c c r e x h
o r v s p r o v o k e x p l
t s e e p o r e n c d o l i
c u l v r d t x s o u r o n
omb i n a d e r e o p e o g e r e d o e c i a t e s e p i u n e a a c u s e t umeme n f u s e c e c o n g a n i s d e p r o u l m i o
e a l t pm e r r mo q e v z a i s n d g we a hwx i h d l l n e f a v l b p v d
14. Across: 3. explode 4. persuade 5. combine 7. fortune 10. antibiotic 11. organise 16. appreciate 18. provide 19. consume 21. envelope 22. excuse 23. persevere 24. reduce
ew i ev Pr
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons Down: 1. negotiate •f orr evi ew pur poses o n l y• 2. meanwhile
excuse, excite, explode meanwhile negotiate, appreciate, persevere, organise, envelope
provoke, postpone consume, combine excuse, severe confuse, reduce provide, erode
5. (a) (b)
verb – to forgive, or to free from duty noun – a reason for being excused
R.I.C. Publications ®
postpone excite antiseptic provoke automobile telescope confuse erode severe
o c . che e r o t r s super
3. (a) (b) (c) (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
6. 8. 9. 12. 13. 14. 15. 17. 20.
m . u
w ww
. te
10. The prefixes are trans, anti, tele and auto.
11. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l)
antiseptic television transmit automatic transfer telescope transport telephone automobile autograph antidote antibiotic
12. (a) anti (b) auto (c) trans (d) tele Teacher check examples
15. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j)
excites, excited, exciting appreciates, appreciated, appreciating consumes, consumed, consuming combines, combined, combining explodes, exploded, exploding negotiates, negotiated, negotiating provokes, provoked, provoking reduces, reduced, reducing perseveres, persevered, persevering persuades, persuaded, persuading
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Unit 3
Unit focus This unit focuses on the prefixes im, mis and in.
Teaching points • Discuss the meaning of each prefix. (Refer to Question 4 of the workbook.) • Identify the base word for each list word. • Identify any smaller words that make up each word. • Sort the list words according to the prefixes and brainstorm to add to each list.
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
List words Word building
Teac he r
imperfectly, imperfectness, imperfection, perfect, perfectly, perfection, perfectionist impolitely, impoliteness, polite, politely, politeness impatiently, patient, patiently, patience, impatience imbalances, balance, balances, n balanced, n balancing, balanceable immaturely, n immaturity, immatureness, mature, matures, n matured, n maturing immobility, n immobilise, immobilises, n immobilised, n immobilising, n immobilisation n immovability, Q immovably, immovableness, movable, Q movably, n movability misplaces, n misplaced, n misplacing, misplacement, place, places, n placed, n placing misfortunes, fortune, fortunes, n fortunate, fortunately, unfortunate, unfortunately misleads, misled, misleading, misleader, misleadingly, lead, leads, led, leading misunderstands, misunderstood, misunderstanding, understand, understands l indignities, indignant, indignantly, indignation, dignity, l dignities indirectly, indirectness, indirection, direct, directly, directness, direction inaccurately, inaccurateness, inaccuracy, l inaccuracies, accurate, accurately Q invisibly, invisibility, invisibleness, visible, Q visibly, visibility, visibleness incorrectly, incorrectness, correct, correctly, correctness incompletely, incompleteness, n incompletion, complete, completely, completeness inadequately, inadequateness, inadequacy, l inadequacies, adequate, adequately independently, independence, dependent, dependently, dependence Q intolerably, intolerability, intolerableness, intolerance, intolerantly
ew i ev Pr
imperfect impolite impatient imbalance immature immobile s immovable misplace misfortune mislead misunderstand indignity indirect inaccurate invisible incorrect incomplete inadequate independent intolerable
sauces, n sauced, n saucing sources, n sourced, n sourcing pass, passes, passed, passing, passable, passably pass, passes, past, passing, passable, passably weathers, weathered, weathering, weatherproof, weathervane, weatherwise
w ww
sauce source past passed weather whether cereal serial aloud allowed pause paws
cereals serials, serially, serialise, serialises, n serialised, n serialising, n serialisation
. te
Ru les
o c . che e r o t r s super
allow, allows, allowing, allowable, n allowably, allowableness pauses, n paused, n pausing, n pausal, n pauser, n pausingly paw
(Taken from Unit 3, Book F.)
m . u
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• Revision words Word building
Rule: When adding a suffix beginning with a vowel to most words ending with e, the e is dropped before adding the suffix. (The e is retained in balanceable to keep the soft c sound.) s Note: The word immoveable with the e retained, generally, has a meaning related to law. l Rule: To make the plural of words ending with y after a consonant, change the y to i and add es. Q Rule: When adding ly to words ending with le, change the e to y. n
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Teacher information
Unit 3
Dictation 1. The independent weather forecaster had the misfortune to receive inaccurate information from an inadequate source, so he did not know whether to proceed with an incomplete weather broadcast. 2. He misunderstood what to do because of his immaturity. 3. Mum was becoming impatient as my sister had misplaced her jacket and it was past the time we should have left for the bus. 4. The student felt the indignity of not being allowed to go on the outing due to her impolite behaviour. 5. The heavy wardrobe seemed immovable until a trolley was used to help shift it. 6. The weather was intolerable due to the imbalance of humidity to dryness. 7. The entrance to the tunnel was misleading as a thick blanket of bushes made the opening almost invisible.
Teac he r
(a) imbalance (b) indignity (c) incorrect (d) impolite (e) misfortune (f) incomplete (g) mislead (h) inaccurate (i) intolerable (j) imperfect (k) independent (l) immobile (m) immature (n) inadequate (o) misunderstand (p) invisible (q) indirect (r) immovable (s) impatient (t) misplace
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S m i sm i s l e a d p a t
7. n p i n d i r e c t a n o i n d e p e n n i mm o v a am i s f o r d i m i i i i e s mm n m n qp a p d p c u l t a i e o a a u t g r m t c r i n f p e e e e i e l p l a n t c e d e p t y t t m i s u n d e t l i n t o l
d e n t t b l e b u t u n e i i c o i n n i i mv c mm b i o pma s r o o l i r l b a b e i i n l c t l c e t e e e r r s t a n e r a b l
y i n a c c u r a t e e d e
12. Across: 1. immovable 9. independent 10. intolerable 12. immature 14. indignity 18. incomplete 19. immobile 21. cereal 22. source
ew i ev Pr
Down: 2. misfortune 3. misunderstand 4. inadequate 5. impatient 6. indirect 7. misplace 8. mislead 10. inaccurate 11. imbalance 13. impolite 14. invisible 15. incorrect 16. imperfect 17. aloud 20. pause
© R. I . C .P ubl i cat i ons 8. Teacher check 9. aloud, cereal, •f orr evi eallowed, wp u r ppassed, osesonl y• past, pause, paws, sauce, serial,
2. immovable, inaccurate, inadequate, independent, indignity, intolerable, invisible, misunderstand
w ww
3. impatient, immobile, immature, incorrect, incomplete, misfortune
. te
(a) mis (b) in/im (c) in/im Teacher check examples
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
immature immovable impolite incomplete independent
source, weather, whether
10. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l)
whether sauce past cereal allowed serial source weather paws pause passed aloud
m . u
13. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h)
inaccurately impatiently independently imperfectly incorrectly incompletely immaturely impolitely
14. (a) (b) (c) (d)
impatiently independently incompletely incorrectly
o c . che e r o t r s super 11. (a) passed, sauce (b) allowed, serial
6. Across: imbalance imperfect indirect Down: mislead
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Unit 4
Unit focus This unit focuses on the suffixes ian, ese and ish.
Teaching points • Discuss the meaning of each suffix (all indicate nationality or language). • Identify the base word for each list word. • Discuss any difficult parts or words. • Sort the list words according to the suffixes and brainstorm to add to each list.
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
List words Word building
Teac he r
Australians, Australianism, Australianise, Australianises, n Australianised, n Australianising Norwegians Egyptians Italians, Italianise, Italianises, n Italianised, n Italianising, Italianisation, Italianism Hungarians Iranians Indonesians Malaysians Argentinians (plural also Chinese) (plural also Vietnamese), Vietnamisation (plural also Portuguese) (plural also Lebanese) (plural also Japanese) (plural also Spanish) (plural also English), Englishness (plural also Scottish) Finn, Finns, Finlander (plural also Irish) Dane, Danes
ew i ev Pr
Australian Norwegian Egyptian Italian Hungarian Iranian Indonesian Malaysian Argentinian Chinese Vietnamese Portuguese Lebanese Japanese Spanish English Scottish Finnish Irish Danish
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• Revision words Word building
. te
(Taken from Unit 4, Book F.)
Ru les
m . u
dinosaurs, dinosaurian astronauts, astronautic, astronautics, astronautical, astronautically cautions, cautioned, cautioning, cautionary, cautious, cautiously, cautiousness applauds, applauded, applauding, applauder, applause, n applaused, n applausing exhausts, exhausted, exhausting, exhaustible, inexhaustible, exhaustive catch, catches, catching, catcher s laundries, laundrette, laundromat, launder, launders, laundered, laundering l naughtier, l naughtiest, l naughtily, l naughtiness daughters, daughterly, daughter-in-law, daughters-in-law, daughterliness thoughtless, thoughtlessly, thoughtlessness, think, thinks, thoughts, thinking, thinker noughts, noughts-and-crosses fight, fights, fighting, fighter, fightable
w ww
dinosaur astronaut caution applaud exhaust caught laundry naughty daughter thought nought fought
o c . che e r o t r s super
Rule: When adding a suffix beginning with a vowel to most words ending with e, the e is dropped before adding the suffix. Rule: To make the plural of words ending with y after a consonant, change the y to i and add es. l Rule: The y at the end of base words changes to i when a suffix is added. n
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Teacher information
Unit 4
Dictation 1. Dinosaur footprints have been found near the Western Australian town of Broome. 2. The English, Irish, Iranian, Lebanese and Scottish soccer teams applauded the winners of the well-fought game between the Argentinians and Italians. 3. Their oldest daughter is marrying someone with an Egyptian background, while their youngest is engaged to someone with a Portuguese background. 4. Norwegian, Danish, Finnish, Hungarian and Spanish people all live in Europe. 5. The Chinese astronaut was thought to have landed off the Japanese coast. 6. The bus had to proceed with caution after it was caught in the storm near the Malaysian village. 7. We were exhausted when we reached the Vietnamese city after travelling from the Indonesian port.
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Teac he r
(a) Irish (b) Japanese (c) Italian (d) Portuguese (e) Australian (f) Malaysian (g) Vietnamese (h) Iranian (i) Egyptian (j) Norwegian (k) Lebanese (l) Chinese (m) Danish (n) Finnish (o) Scottish (p) Argentinian (q) English (r) Hungarian (s) Spanish (t) Indonesian
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S 6.
13. Across: 3. astronaut 5. naughty 6. Scottish 7. Egyptian 15. daughter 17. Hungarian 20. Portuguese 21. Lebanese 23. Vietnamese 24. Argentinian 25. Irish
Down: 1. Malaysian 2. Danish 4. thought 8. English 9. Chinese 10. Japanese 11. Italian 12. Iranian 13. exhaust 14. Spanish 16. Norwegian 18. Indonesian 19. Australian 22. Finnish
8. It can be spelt au, augh or ough.
Portuguese Scottish, Finnish Irish, Danish Spainish
w ww
. te
Italian Scottish Danish Chinese Argentinian Egyptian Spanish Australian Japanese
R.I.C. Publications ®
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l)
caution laundry thought astronaut applaud daughter exhaust dinosaur nought caught fought naughty
m . u
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
4. Europe: Norwegian, Italian, Hungarian, Portuguese, Spanish, English, Scottish, Finnish, Irish, Danish Asia: Iranian, Indonesia, Malaysian, Chinese, Vietnamese, Lebanese, Japanese South America: Argentinian Africa: Egyptian Australia: Australian (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i)
Vietnamese Argentinian Portuguese Indonesian Lebanese Iranian
7. H A L E B A N E S E D M E H
3. Vietnamese, Hungarian, Egyptian, Spanish, Chinese, Norwegian, Irish
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)
ew i ev Pr
14. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g)
Irish Indonesian Norwegian Lebanese Spanish Danish Scottish
o c . che e r o t r s super 10. (a) (b) (c) (d)
daughter thought dinosaur, astronaut exhaust
11. (a) caught (b) thought (c) fought 12. (a) laundry (b) daughter (c) astronaut
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Teacher information
Unit 5
Unit focus This unit focuses on the graphemes ci, si, ssi, ss and ti to represent a sound (phoneme).
Teaching points • Identify the phoneme and how it is represented. • Discuss any difficult parts of words. • Sort the list words according to the graphemes and brainstorm other words to add to each list.
List words Word building
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
Teac he r
politicians, politics, political, politically, politicise, politicises, n politicised, n politicising superficially, superficiality, superficialness physicians electricians, electric, electrical, electrically, electricity mansions expansionary, expansionism, expansionist, expansive, expand, expanded, expanding professions, professional, professionally, professionalism, professionalise confessions, confessional, confess, confesses, confessed, confessing, confessor compassionate, compassionately, compassionateness sessions, sessional pressures, n pressured, n pressuring fissures, n fissured, n fissuring rotations, rotational, rotative, rotatory, rotator, rotators revolutions, revolutionary, s revolutionaries, revolutionist, revolutionise extinct conservational, conservationist, conserve, conserves, n conserved, n conserving, n conserver affectionate, affectionately, affectionateness adaptational, adapt, adapts, adapted, adapting, adaptable, adaptableness irrigational, irrigate, irrigates, n irrigated, n irrigating, n irrigator inventions, invent, invents, invented, inventing, inventor/inventer, inventible
ew i ev Pr
politician superficial physician electrician mansion expansion profession confession compassion session pressure fissure rotation revolution extinction conservation affection adaptation irrigation invention
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons f o rr evi ew pur posesonl y• Revision words • Word building
. te
Ru les
o c . che e r o t r s super
occur, occurs, Q occurring, Q occurrence, Q occurrent
(Taken from Unit 5, Book F.)
m . u
lengths, lengthen, lengthens, lengthened, lengthening, lengthy, l lengthier, l lengthiest parallels, paralleled, paralleling, parallelogram, parallelism, parallelist s emergencies forget, forgets, forgot, Q forgetting, forgetful, Q forgettable, unforgettable separates, n separated, n separating, separately, separateness, n separation, n separator u businesses, businesslike, businessperson, businesspersons pictures, n pictured, n picturing, n picturesque, n picturesquely accepts, accepted, accepting, acceptable, n acceptably, acceptance, acceptant excepting, exception, exceptionable, exceptionableness, exceptional, exceptionally
w ww
length parallel emergency forgotten separate business picture accept except either neither occurred
Rule: When adding a suffix beginning with a vowel to most words ending with e, the e is dropped before adding the suffix. Rule: To make the plural of words ending with y after a consonant, change the y to i and add es. l Rule: The y at the end of base words changes to i when a suffix is added. Q Rule: Double the consonant to keep the preceding vowel sound short. u Rule: To make words ending with ss plural, es is added. n
New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – G
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Teacher information
Unit 5
Dictation 1. I had forgotten how to explain the difference between the rotation and revolution of the Earth. 2. Which profession do you think places more pressure on a person: a physician, an electrician or a politician? 3. Neither of the separate business plans about the conservation program to prevent the extinction of native animals were acceptable. 4. The invention allowed the expansion of the fissures in the rock face to occur at parallel angles. 5. Either irrigation method will require the adaptation of native animals in a new environment. 6. In the next session, the tutor will discuss the qualities of compassion and affection. 7. During the emergency at the mansion, we treated people with superficial wounds while the physician treated those who were more serious.
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
(a) revolution (b) fissure (c) confession (d) affection (e) electrician (f) expansion (g) pressure (h) physician (i) conservation (j) session (k) irrigation (l) extinction (m) mansion (n) invention (o) profession (p) politician (q) rotation (r) compassion (s) superficial (t) adaptation
ation: rotation, conservation, adaptation, irrigation ssion: profession, confession, compassion, session sion: mansion, expansion tion: extinction, affection, invention ution: revolution cial: superficial ssure: pressure, fissure cian: politician, physician, electrician
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h)
a/dap/ta/tion, con/ser/va/tion, e/lec/tri/cian, ir/ri/ga/tion, po/li/ti/cian, re/vo/lu/tion, su/per/fi/cial
(a) (b) (c) (d)
electrician, mansion rotation, revolution Conservation, extinction pressure, politician
6. physician, expansion, compassion, affection, invention 7.
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g)
11. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)
acceptable occurrence lengthen businesslike/businesses emergencies separation
12. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
forgotten accept Neither occurred Parallel
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
profession fissure superficial session adaptation confession rotation
13. Across: 3. irrigation 5. pressure 6. rotation 8. forgotten 9. extinction 12. expansion 16. picture 17. either 18. superficial 19. session 20. compassion 21. mansion 22. politician 23. electrician
w ww
. te
invention mansion pressure rotation irrigation expansion politician compassion
R.I.C. Publications ®
e l e c t r i c i a n c i g
s u p e r f i c i a l o a s
c o n s e r v a t i o n d u
o p i e x e p f f r e f a p
mp r o n v x p t i v o h y f e p r r i x p e s p t o l
a f e a n l s c e g s s a i
s e n n c u i t s a e i t t
s s t s t t c i s t s o i i
i s i i i i i o u i s n o c
o i o o o o a n r o i f n i
n o n n n n n u e n o e i a
dm n a c n r s o i t o a n t f i i o s n s s u o r n e
m . u
8. © R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
9. Teacher check
Down: 1. fissure 2. affection 4. adaptation 7. invention 10. confession 11. profession 13. conservation 14. revolution 15. physician 17. except
o c . che e r o t r s super 10. Teacher check
14. List word (a) profession
N ✓
V Adj. ✓
New word professional
N ✓
Adj. ✓
(b) pressure
(c) affection
(d) conservation
conservational, conservationist
(e) rotation
V ✓
✓ ✓
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Teacher information
Unit 6
Unit focus This unit focuses on words that have number prefixes.
Teaching points • Identify the prefix in each word. • Discuss the meaning of each prefix. (Refer to Question 4 of the workbook.) • Identify any difficult parts of words. • Sort the list words according to the prefixes and brainstorm to add to each list.
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
List words Word building
scissors pyjamas spectacles trousers salmon tweezers moose binoculars species trout goggles aircraft
scissored, scissoring
Teac he r
bicycles, n bicycled, n bicycling, n bicyclist, bike, bikes, n biking bicep bikinis bilingually, bilingualism triangles, n triangular, triangularly, triangularity, triangulate, n triangulated, n triangulating triplets, triple, triples, n tripled, n tripling
ew i ev Pr
bicycle biceps bikini bilingual triangle triplet trilingual quadrangle quadriceps pentagon pentathlon hexapod heptathlon September octopus October octagon nonagon decade decagon
quadrangles, n quadrangular quadricep pentagons, pentagonal, pentagonally pentathlons hexapods, hexapodous heptathlons octopuses/octopi
octagons, octagonal, octagonally nonagons, nonagonal decades, n decadal decagons, decagonal
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• Revision words Word building
. te
binocularity, binocularly speciesism
(Taken from Unit 6, Book F.)
Ru les n
m . u
w ww
spectacled trousered
o c . che e r o t r s super
Rule: When adding a suffix beginning with a vowel to most words ending with e, the e is dropped before adding the suffix.
New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – G
R.I.C. Publications ®
Teacher information
Unit 6
Dictation 1. 2. 3. 4.
In September, the school has planned a fun bicycle course where you have to wear goggles and your pyjamas. A triangle, quadrangle, pentagon, octagon, nonagon and decagon all have straight sides. The man with the spectacles is bilingual and the lady with the binoculars is trilingual. Next October, it will have been a decade since he won the pentathlon and she won the heptathlon at the world championships. 5. The triplets hurt their biceps and quadriceps muscles while parachuting out of the aircraft. 6. The girl in the bikini screamed in fright when she saw the hexapod and the octopus. 7. Trout and salmon are similar species of fish.
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j)
bi – 2 penta – 5 oct – 8 tri – 3 quadri – 4 nona – 9 sept – 7 hepta – 7
Teac he r
biceps, bicycle, bikini, bilingual, decade, decagon, heptathlon, hexapod, nonagon, octagon, October, octopus, pentagon, pentathlon, quadrangle, quadriceps, September, triangle, trilingual, triplet trilingual pentathlon decade biceps octopus quadrangle hexapod nonagon heptathlon bicycle
8. p e n t a t h l o n b q h e d t t a b r s b i e b a p e n t e g e q l mg e b t k e p q r o o c t r a s
r i l i n g u a l h c o c
i l o c t f a h d e t b b
p i c y a i d d e x a e i
l n t c g l r e c a g r c
e g o l o o a c a p o b e
t u p e n o n a g o n i p
f a u c j s g d o d i k s
c u l a s d d r n i mc l e e p n s u t d p i n e j
12. Across: 2. October 6. bikini 8. triangle 10. biceps 12. tweezers 13. pyjamas 16. pentathlon 18. nonagon 19. pentagon 22. quadrangle 23. quadriceps 24. hexapod 25. triplet
e p t a t h l o n n f i b
9. Teacher check
ew i ev Pr
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons 3. hexa – 6• f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• deca – 10 11. (a) (b) (c) (d)
spectacles, goggles species aircraft, binoculars Scissors, tweezers
Down: 1. bilingual 3. bicycle 4. scissors 5. goggles 7. decagon 9. octopus 11. heptathlon 12. trilingual 14. September 15. decade 17. binoculars 20. aircraft 21. octagon
m . u
w ww
. te
4. Teacher check
10. Tools/Implements: scissors, spectacles, tweezers, binoculars, goggles, aircraft Animals: salmon, trout, moose, species Clothing: pyjamas, trousers
o c . che e r o t r s super
5. If a five-sided shape is a pentagon and an eight-sided shape is an octagon, name the following shapes. (a) decagon (b) heptagon (c) nonagon (d) hexagon
6. (a) September (b) October (c) September is now the ninth month and October is now the tenth month.
Greek or Latin
List word example
triangle/triplet/ trilingual
two-piece swimming costume teacher check
great muscle in front of the the thigh with four heads of origin
teacher check
an insect; animal with six feet
an athletic contest with seven events
the ninth month of the year (originally the seventh month)
octopus/October/ octagon
teacher check
a shape with nine sides and nine angles
teacher check
teacher check
7. (a) September, October (b) quadriceps, biceps
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New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – G
Teacher information
Unit 7
Unit focus This unit focuses on words that are homophones.
Teaching points • Revise what is meant by a homophone (words that sound the same but have a different spelling and meaning). • Identify the words that are homophones by circling each pair. Underline the part that is different in each pair.
List words Word building
Teac he r
reins, reined, reining reigns, reigned, reigning practises, n practised, n practising, n practiser practices forwards, forwardly, forwarding forewords straightly, straightness, straighter, straightest, straighten, straightener strait paws, pawed, pawing pores, n pored, n poring muscles, n muscled, n muscling, musclebound mussels lessons lessens, lessened, lessening, lesser, least waists, waistline, waistcoat, waistcloth, waistband wastes, n wasted, n wasting ceilings seals, sealed, sealable, sealant checks, checked, checking, checkable, checker cheques, chequebook
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
ew i ev Pr
rein reign practise practice forward foreword straight strait paw pore muscle mussel lesson lessen waist waste ceiling sealing check cheque
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons Revision words Word building •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• indicate indicates, indicated, indicating, indicator, indicative, indication, indicatory n
hesitates, hesitated, hesitating, hesitation, hesitative, hesitant, hesitantly, hesitancy celebrates, n celebrated, n celebrating, n celebration, n celebrator extremely, n extremist, n extremism, n extremer, extremeness deletes, n deleted, n deleting, n deletion describes, n described, n describing, n describable, indescribable, description, descriptive arrives, n arrived, n arriving, n arrival, n arriver umpires, n umpired, n umpiring, umpireship decodes, n decoded, n decoding, n decoder chokes, n choked, n choking, n choker schedules, n scheduled, n scheduling, n schedular refuges, refugee, refugees n
m . u
. te
(Taken from Unit 7, Book F.)
Ru les
w ww
hesitate celebrate extreme delete describe arrive umpire decode choke schedule refuge
o c . che e r o t r s super
Rule: When adding a suffix beginning with a vowel to most words ending with e, the e is dropped before adding the suffix.
New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – G
R.I.C. Publications ®
Teacher information
Unit 7
Dictation 1. The horse was extremely nervous, and hesitated about moving forward, but with a pat on the waist and a gentle tug on the reins it went straight into the horse float. 2. With some lessons from its mother and practise on its own, the kitten can now pounce on the ball of wool with both paws. 3. After the umpire checked his watch and called time, we celebrated our win with a run around the court even though our muscles were sore. 4. She deleted a sentence from the foreword to lessen the amount of room it would take on the page. 5. The ship was scheduled to arrive at the port at noon after it had passed through the strait. 6. After unsealing the envelope and taking out the papers, he started to decode the message. 7. Have you ever tried to describe what a mussel looks like? 8. She wrote out the cheque to pay for the ceiling to be fixed even though she thought it was a waste of money.
(a) paw (b) strait (c) practise (d) muscle (e) rein (f) foreword (g) practice (h) mussel (i) lessen (j) ceiling (k) pore (l) check (m) straight (n) forward (o) reign (p) sealing (q) waste (r) cheque
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S 5.
Teac he r
(a) muscle (b) mussel (c) check (d) cheque (e) practice (f) practise (g) rein (h) reign (i) waist (j) waste (k) forward (l) foreword (m) paw (n) pore (o) ceiling (p) sealing (q) straight (r) strait (s) lesson (t) lessen
pore, muscle, waist paw mussel waste
6. Choose from 10 of the following words: rein, reign, practise, practice, straight, strait, paw, pore, lessen, lesson, waste, waist, ceiling, sealing 7. f o r w a r d u s s c t e r s t r a i g h t o r e o f
e p w o c h e q u e l i w
a e p r a c t i s e e n f
l i n g s smc pmu s wa s t ams t r c e i d h l e c ewa k c f r f k o p s s o n ew l e o r ew
a e c e r l s s o s i d o
i i l q a i s r r t n d r
t l e u i n e s e e g r d
s l g e t g n w a i s t d
p r a c t i c e q o n n t
u l e a s o o l u x w c s
f v b r e i g n u f d a h
11. Across: 3. cheque 4. paw 7. celebrate 9. ceiling 10. practice 12. lessen 14. straight 16. pore 17. waist 20. forward 22. umpire 23. sealing
Down: 1. mussel 2. waste 5. practise 6. reign 8. foreword 11. lesson 13. check 14. schedule 15. strait 18. muscle 19. refuge 21. rein
w ww
. te
(a) lessen (b) sealing, cheque (c) foreword (d) rein, straight Teacher check examples
R.I.C. Publications ®
8. The e on the end of each word makes the vowel sound long. These vowels are a, e, i, o and u. 9.
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l)
celebrate umpire delete refuge decode indicate arrive extreme choke hesitate schedule describe
m . u
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
3. (a) practise (b) practice 4.
(a) (b) (c) (d)
ew i ev Pr
12. (a) pour (b) poor Teacher check sentences
o c . che e r o t r s super 10. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j)
13. Teacher check
extremely indication/indicating scheduling deletion/deleting hesitantly/hesitation/hesitating decoding description/describing celebration/celebrating choking arriving
14. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g)
waste rein paw check strait pore sealing
New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – G
Teacher information
Unit 8
Unit focus This unit focuses on words that end with ence or ance.
Teaching points • Identify the endings and how they are represented. • Discuss how each word has a soft c sound because the c is followed by the letter e. • Discuss any difficult parts of words. • Sort the list words according to the endings and brainstorm other words to add to each list.
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
List words Word building
Teac he r
differences, n differenced, n differencing, different, differently, differ, differs, differed silences, n silenced, n silencing, n silencer, silent, silently, silentness commences, n commenced, n commencing, commencement absences, absent, absentness, absentee, absenteeism dependence, independent, independently, dependent, dependently impatience, patient, patiently, impatient, impatiently conscienceless, conscientious, conscientiously, conscientiousness, conscionable audiences conveniences, convenient, conveniently experiences, n experienced, n experiencing, experiential, experientially chances, n chanced, n chancing, chanceful, chanceless balances, n balanced, n balancing, balanceable, balancer distances, n distanced, n distancing, distant, distantly appearances, appear, appears, appeared, appearing acceptances, accept, accepted, accepting, acceptable, s acceptably, acceptableness entrances, n entranced, n entrancing, entrancement, entrancingly substances, substantial, substantially, substantiality, substantialness instances, l instancy, instant, instantly, instantaneous, instantaneously, instantaneousness assistant, assist, assists, assisted, assisting, assister, assistor nuisances
ew i ev Pr
difference silence commence absence independence patience conscience audience convenience experience chance balance distance appearance acceptance entrance substance instance assistance nuisance
mushrooms, mushroomed, mushrooming tablespoons, tablespoonful, tablespoonfuls corkscrews withdraw, withdraws, withdrawn, withdrawing, withdrawer coupons wounds, wounded, wounding, woundwort youths, youthful, youthfully, youthfulness chop sueys gruesomely, gruesomenes cruises, n cruised, n cruising, cruiser suit, suits, suited, suiting, n suitability, suitableness, s suitably recruits, recruited, recruiting, recruiter, recruitable
w ww
mushroom tablespoon corkscrew withdrew coupon wound youth chop suey gruesome cruise suitable recruit
. te
(Taken from Unit 8, Book F.)
Ru les
m . u
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• Revision words Word building
o c . che e r o t r s super
Rule: When adding a suffix beginning with a vowel to most words ending with e, the e is dropped before adding the suffix. (The e is retained in balanceable to keep the soft c sound.) s Rule: When adding ly to words ending with le, change the e to y. l Rule: When adding y to a word ending with e, drop the e before adding y. n
New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – G
R.I.C. Publications ®
Teacher information
Unit 8
Dictation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
The youthful audience on the cruise ship were in total silence before the commencement of the play. By chance, the two chemists had independently created a new substance that would be suitable to use. It was a nuisance that the bus stop was so far from the entrance, but at least we could see it in the distance. The difference between the the two recruits was not just in appearance, one showed a lot more patience than the other. The experienced chef withdrew the cork out of the bottle with the corkscrew and added three tablespoons of wine and some mushrooms to the chop suey. 6. The toddler regained her balance with some assistance from her mother. 7. His conscience told him that the winner’s acceptance speech was worth remembering.
Answers (a) absence (b) balance (c) commence (d) difference (e) experience (f) chance (g) instance (h) entrance (i) independence (j) audience (k) conscience (l) distance (m) assistance (n) appearance (o) substance (p) patience (q) convenience (r) nuisance (s) silence (t) acceptance
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
Teac he r
(e) appearance, absence (f) chance, instance
8. e d a e s a u d i e n c e a a c c e p t a n c e n c e
i f f e r e n c e p e r i
s s i s t a n c e c p b n
n t r a n c e i d c a s d
d b e a u a c n e s t c e
i a x c i b c s p u i o p
s t a l a n p e r h a n s a n s e n o mm t a n d i s b s t e n c n s c e n d
n c i c c c e c t a e i e
c e e l e n e p e e e a n c e s p t n c l m e n n c
s i c o n v e n i e n c e
p p e a r a n c e a s e s
16. 18. 19. 22. 23. 24.
balance difference silence independence mushroom acceptance
Down: 2. distance 4. assistance 5. absence 6. chop suey 7. appearance 10. experience 11. entrance 14. convenience 17. commence 20. chance 21. cruise
ew i ev Pr
© R. I . C .beP uoo,bew,l i cuea i ons 9. It can spelt ou, ort ui. 10. (a) •f orr evi ewcoupon pur poses14. (a) on l y• (b) gruesome silence, silent, silences,
2. acceptance, appearance, assistance, commence, difference 3. nuisance, conscience
w ww
4. pa/tience, con/science, au/di/ence, con/ve/ni/ence, ex/pe/ri/ence
. te
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i)
patience appearance patience difference entrance commence balance independence audience
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)
commence absence nuisance entrance silence difference
(a) (b) (c) (d)
audience, patience experience, balance substance, distance convenience, acceptance
R.I.C. Publications ®
(c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l)
corkscrew mushroom youth suitable wound recruit tablespoon chop suey cruise withdrew
silenced, silencing, silently (b) distance, distant, distances, distanced, distancing, distantly (c) appearance, appear, appears, appeared, appearing (d) difference, different, differences, differently (e) convenience, convenient, conveniences, conveniently (f) patience, patient, patiently (g) absence, absent, absences, absently
m . u
o c . che e r o t r s super 11. (a) past tense of wind (b) an injury like a cut or burn 12. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)
youth suitable withdrew recruit mushroom coupon
13. Across: 1. withdrew 3. substance 8. instance 9. patience 12. nuisance 13. audience 15. conscience
15. Verbs: silences, silenced, silencing, distances, distanced, distancing, appears, appeared, appearing Adverbs: silently, distantly, differently, conveniently, patiently, absently
New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – G
Teacher information
Unit 9
Unit focus This unit focuses on the prefixes air, aer and aero.
Teaching points • Discuss the meaning and origin of each prefix. (Refer to Questions 5 and 6 of the workbook.) • Identify any smaller words that make up each word. • Sort the list words according to the prefixes and brainstorm to add to each list.
List words Word building
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
airports airstrips airsocks airlines, airliner, airliners l airier, l airiest, air
Teac he r
airlocks airholes
airconditioners, aircondition, airconditions, airconditioned, airconditioning aerially, aerialist aerates, n aerated, n aerating n aeration, n aerator aeroplanes aerodromes aerobic, aerobically, anaerobic aerosols aerobatics aerodynamics, aerodynamicist aeronautic, aeronautical, aeronautically
ew i ev Pr
airport airstrip airsock airline airy airtight airlock airhole airborne airmail airconditioner aerial aerate aeroplane aerodrome aerobics aerosol aerobatic aerodynamic aeronautics
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons f o rr evi ew pur posesonl y• Revision words • Word building toothaches
. te
keyboards, keyboarder, keyboardist guideline spreadsheets typesets, typesetting, typesetter
(Taken from Unit 9, Book F.)
Ru les n l
m . u
wavelengths copyrightable, copyrighter hairstyles, hairstylist
w ww
toothache worldwide eyesight wavelength copyright hairstyle therefore afterwards keyboard guidelines spreadsheet typeset
o c . che e r o t r s super
Rule: When adding a suffix beginning with a vowel to most words ending with e, the e is dropped before adding the suffix. Rule: The y at the end of base words changes to i when a suffix is added.
New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – G
R.I.C. Publications ®
Teacher information
Unit 9
Dictation 1. After the pilot checked the airsock for the wind direction, the aeroplane was quickly airborne after taking off from the outback airstrip. 2. It is airline policy that airtight aerosol cans should not be sent by airmail. 3. The aerobics classes are held in an airy room with lots of windows as the building does not have an airconditioner. The doors are opened afterwards to further aerate the room. 4. After performing aerobatic tricks, the pilot landed his aeroplane at the aerodrome. 5. The information being typeset about the aerodynamic properties of the new plane is copyright, therefore it is not available to a worldwide audience. 6. What word do you think is the most difficult to spell: eyesight, guidelines, aeronautics, wavelength or airhole? 7. After watching the aerial display at the cold, windy airport, her hairstyle was ruined and she had a toothache.
Teac he r
(a) airy (b) aerodynamic (c) airtight (d) airborne (e) aeronautics (f) aeroplane (g) airport (h) aerial (i) airlock (j) aerosol (k) airline (l) aerodrome (m) aerate (n) airsock (o) airstrip (p) aerobics (q) airhole (r) airmail (s) aerobatic (t) airconditioner
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S 6.
airconditioner airline aerial aerosol aerobatic aeronautics
7. airy, airtight, airhole, aerial, aerate, aerosol 8. a d a e r o b a t i c c n a e a a i e r r l o i d n r e o u mh ew d i a e l w
e r o p l a n e z t t r o
o c x a i r s o c k j a c
b o g r a i r l o c k t r
p n y a e r o b i c s e i
f a d i a r r t a i i g r h h t o k l m em a e f a
q t a i r b o r n e l r e
a i r s t r i p e a n o r
s y a e o n e r a u r o i t o n r a d a p i y u o r n t r ma i t amc f i i s f l c e s o l n i a l g
12. Across: 1. aerial 6. airhole 8. aerobatic 11. toothache 12. airy 13. afterwards 15. aerodrome 16. airmail 18. aerodynamic 19. airport 20. typeset 21. airlock 22. airconditioner
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
w ww
Words in order are: aerate, airtight, airship, airmail, aerobatic, airborne, aerobics The word is airline.
. te
4. airconditioner, aerosol 5. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h)
10. keyboard, hairstyle, wavelength, toothache, typeset, therefore, worldwide, spreadsheet
Down: 2. aerate 3. aerobics 4. airline 5. airtight 7. hairstyle 9. keyboard 10. airborne 12. aerosol 13. aeronautics 14. airstrip 17. aeroplane 18. airsock
13. Nouns: aeronautics, aeroplane, airport, *aerobics, aerodrome, airsock, airstrip Adjectives: airline, aerobatic, airconditioned, airborne, airtight
o c . che e r o t r s super
aero, aeroplane, Greek, a flying machine with wings air, airsock, Latin, a wind-direction indicator aer, aerial, Greek, living in or reaching into the air aero, aeronautics, Greek, the study of aircraft and flying air, airlock, Latin, an airtight compartment aero, aerodrome, Greek, a landing field for aircraft aero, aerosol, Greek, a device using air to produce spray air, airhole, Latin, an opening for air to come out
R.I.C. Publications ®
9. These compound words, use two words to form one word.
m . u
2. aerate, aerobatic, aerodrome, aerodynamic, aeroplane, airborne, airhole, airline 3.
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)
ew i ev Pr
11. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
guidelines guidelines copyright, eyesight therefore, spreadsheet worldwide, hairstyle
Note: Aerobics is a plural noun.
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Teacher information
Unit 10
Unit focus This unit focuses on difficult words.
Teaching points
• Identify difficult parts of words. • Discuss ways to remember how to spell the word.
— pronunciation tricks (par–li–a–ment, may–or)
List words Word building
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
Teac he r
governments, governmental, governmentally, govern, governs, governed, governing parliaments, parliamentarian, parliamentarians, parliamentarianism, parliamentary councillors, councillorship, council, councils mayors, mayoral, mayorship, mayoralty, n mayoralities lawyers, law, laws, law-abiding, law-breaker, law-breaking, lawful, lawfully, lawless premiers, premiership, premierships foreignness, foreignism, foreigner citizens, citizenship, citizenry, n citizenries n majorities, major legislatively, legislate, legislates, s legislated, s legislating, s legislation, s legislator experiments, experimented, experimenting, experimental, experimentally, experimenter researches, researched, researching, researcher n technologies, technologist, technological, technologically, technologic, technophobia physic, physical, physically n chemistries, chemist, chemists molecules, s molecular, s molecularly nucleate, nucleates, s nucleated, s nucleating, nucleolar, nucleolate, s nucleolated environments, environmental, environmentally, environmentalism, environmentalist agricultures, agricultural, agriculturally, agriculturalist, agriculturist ecosystems
ew i ev Pr
government parliament councillor mayor lawyer premier foreign citizen majority legislative experiment research technology physics chemistry molecule nuclear environment agriculture ecosystem
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons f o rr evi ew pur posesonl y• Revision words • Word building
. te
(Taken from Unit 10, Book F.)
Ru les n s
m . u
magazines trampolines, s trampolined, s trampolining quarantines, s quarantined, s quarantining medicines, s medicined, s medicining, s medicinal, medicinally examines, s examined, s examining, s examiner, s examinable, s examination services, s serviced, s servicing, serviceable, serviceability, serviceably, serviceableness favourites, s favouritism definitely, definiteness opposites, oppositely, oppositeness expensively, expensiveness, expense, expenses positives, positively, positiveness, s positivity, s positivism, s positivist, positivistic negatives, negatively, negativeness, s negativity, s negativism, s negativist, negativistic
w ww
magazine trampoline quarantine medicine examine service favourite definite opposite expensive positive negative
o c . che e r o t r s super
Rule: To make the plural of words ending with y after a consonant, change the y to i and add es. Rule: When adding a suffix beginning with a vowel to most words ending with e, the e is dropped before adding the suffix.
New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – G
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Teacher information
Unit 10
Dictation 1. Her work involved many hours of researching and experimenting with new technology in the area of medicine. 2. The words nuclear, chemistry, molecule and physics are all related to science. 3. The mayor, councillor, lawyer and premier all had positive comments to make about the environmental project outlined in the magazine. 4. The majority of the citizens in the foreign country have a negative attitude toward their government. 5. The legislative body of parliament met to examine new laws regarding quarantine. 6. The ecosystem will be affected if the new agricultural methods are adopted. 7. My favourite meal on the menu is definitely the most expensive. 8. We shifted the trampoline to the opposite end of the garden, away from the service entrance.
Teac he r
(a) experiment (b) molecule (c) councillor (d) environment (e) government (f) foreign (g) chemistry (h) ecosystem (i) agriculture (j) nuclear (k) legislative (l) lawyer (m) mayor (n) citizen (o) physics (p) parliament (q) majority (r) research (s) premier (t) technology
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S 6. The minister, who had previously held the portfolios of agriculture and the environment, was elected premier of the state government by a huge majority. In his first speech to parliament as premier, he promised more money for research into nuclear technology. He also encouraged more young citizens to choose to study physics and chemistry in high school.
7. councillor, legislative, molecule, experiment, foreign, ecosystem
11. (a) (b) (c) (d)
trampoline, expensive positive, negative magazine, favourite examine, medicine
12. quarantine, favourite
ew i ev Pr
13. Across: 1. nuclear 4. foreign 5. examine 10. expensive 12. mayor 14. agriculture 19. citizen 21. government 22. legislative 23. magazine 24. majority
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur poses o nl y• Down: 8. l l a g r i c u l t u r e p
2. Teacher check
w ww
3. Government/Law: government, parliament, mayor, councillor, lawyer, premier, foreign, citizen, majority, legislative Occupation: mayor, councillor, lawyer, premier Science/Geography: experiment, research, technology, physics, chemistry, molecule, nuclear, environment, agriculture, ecosystem
. te
R.I.C. Publications ®
em i s e a l aw e c h u c l a r l u n c e x p g i s v i r y s i l ms g c h
e r c i r c h f y e r l n o l o e a r h i ame i l l o e r i m l a t i o nme c s f o t i n g em i s
9. Teacher check
t i z e n o r mc y awa o g g y j s o emo y v n t r s e r y i t r e n t e n v e y mm n t c s e r e i g n e r u f t t r y z t
2. 3. 6. 7. 8. 9. 11. 13. 15. 16. 17. 18. 20.
chemistry premier molecule research councillor parliament ecosystem physics environment experiment technology definite lawyer
o c . che e r o t r s super
4. chemistry, citizen, councillor, ecosystem, environment, experiment, foreign, government, lawyer, legislative 5. (a) mayor, nuclear (b) physics, premier (c) majority, molecule
p r r e m i o t l n e p c o u s l e e n p h i o e i
m . u
10. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l)
medicine expensive negative favourite service quarantine magazine opposite positive definite trampoline examine
14. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j)
citizenship mayoral/mayorship researches molecular experimental technologies/technological agricultural parliamentarian environmental governmental
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Teacher information
Unit 11
Unit focus This unit focuses on the graphemes z, s and si to represent a sound (phoneme).
Teaching points • Identify the phoneme and how it is represented. • Discuss any difficult parts of words. • Sort the list words according to the graphemes and brainstorm other words to add to each list.
List words Word building
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
Teac he r
n azury seisures, seize, seizes, s seizured, s seizuring measures, s measured, s measuring, measurement, measuredly, measureless, s measurer treasures, s treasured, s treasuring, treasureless, treasure-house, treasure-trove pleasures, s pleasured, s pleasuring, s pleasurable, pleasurableness, n pleasurably s leisured, leisurely, l leisureliness divide, divides, s dividing, s divided, divisional, divisionary, divisionally decisions, decide, decides, s decided, s deciding, s decidable, decidedly, decidedness erosive, erode, erodes, s eroded, s eroding, s erodent confuse, confuses, s confused, s confusing, confusedly, confusedness, confusingly conclusions, conclude, concludes, s concluded, s concluding, conclusive, conclusiveness transfusions, transfuse, transfuses, s transfused, s transfusing, s transfusible explosions, explode, explodes, s exploded, s exploding, s exploder occasions, occasional, occasionally, occasionalism, occasionalist abrasions euthanise, euthanises, s euthanised, s euthanising illusions, illusionary, illusionry, illusionism, illusionist, illusory seclusionist, seclusive, seclusively, seclusiveness, seclude, s secluded, s secluding collisions, collide, collides, s collided, s colliding exclusions, exclusionism, exclusionist, exclude, excludes, s excluded, s excluding
ew i ev Pr
azure seizure measure treasure pleasure leisure division decision erosion confusion conclusion transfusion explosion occasion abrasion euthanasia illusion seclusion collision exclusion
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons f o rr evi ew pur posesonl y• Revision words • Word building
. te
(Taken from Unit 11, Book F.)
m . u
barbecues, s barbecued, s barbecuing tissues rescues, s rescued, s rescuing, s rescuer argues, s argued, s arguing, s arguer, s argument, s argumentation, s argumentative few, fewest mildews, mildewed, mildewing, mildewy skewers, skewered, skewering viewpoints reviews, reviewed, reviewing, reviewer, reviewal l beauties, l beautify, l beautifies, l beautified, beautifying beautifully queues, s queued, s queuing, queuejumper
w ww
barbecue tissue rescue argue fewer mildew skewer viewpoint review beauty beautiful queue
o c . che e r o t r s super
Rule: When adding y to a word ending with e, drop the e before adding y. Rule: When adding a suffix beginning with a vowel to most words ending with e, the e is dropped before adding the suffix. l Rule: The y at the end of base words changes to i when a suffix is added. (The y is retained in beautifying to avoid ii being written.)
New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – G
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Teacher information
Unit 11
Dictation 1. From our viewpoint in the seclusion of the shady rocky outcrop, we could appreciate the beauty of the azure blue sea. 2. We came to the conclusion that, on this occasion, the explosion was not caused by a collision between two vehicles. However, there was some confusion as to the cause. 3. In her leisure time, it gave her a lot of pleasure to make the beautiful patchwork quilt that her daughter would treasure. 4. The decision to administer euthanasia to very ill elderly pets, means that they have a painless death. 5. An exclusion area on the sand dunes was marked out after the amount of erosion caused by the storm had been measured. 6. The rescue team reviewed his condition and decided he would probably need a transfusion to replace the blood he had lost through his serious cuts and abrasions. 7. The seizure of the engine occurred when we were in a queue at the lights at the division of the highway. 8. We were under the illusion that fewer people were going to attend the barbecue and we would all fit undercover.
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
(a) pleasure (b) exclusion (c) seizure (d) division (e) explosion (f) confusion (g) seclusion (h) euthanasia (i) decision (j) measure (k) transfusion (l) leisure (m) occasion (n) illusion (o) treasure (p) collision (q) azure (r) erosion (s) abrasion (t) conclusion
abrasion, collision, conclusion, confusion, decision, division, erosion, exclusion, explosion, illusion, occasion, seclusion, transfusion
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
occasion, illusion, collision azure measure, treasure, pleasure euthanasia seizure, leisure
(a) (b) (c) (d)
treasure leisure erosion abrasion
(a) (b) (c) (d)
explosion, collision confusion, division decision, erosion leisure, pleasure
Teac he r
9. d c o n c l u s i o n c l o i l v t i e s l i r o c n p t r s e s e e i me e e
l r x e e c l a i c z a o
u e p i r a e n z l a s x
s a l s o s a s u u b u c
i s o u s i s f r s r r o
o u s r i o u u e i a e l
n r i e o n r s u o s l l
z e o t n e e i r n i c i
c o n f u s i o n t o c s
d e c i s i o n l h n a i
u e x c l u s i o n a s o
a b a o v a z o q b b s n
e u t h a n a s i a c i a
10. It can be spelt ue, ew, iew, eau or eue.
Down: 1. azure 2. division 4. pleasure 6. erosion 9. collision 11. euthanasia 12. explosion 13. fewer 14. conclusion 15. beautiful 16. seclusion 17. treasure 19. abrasion
ew i ev Pr
© R. I . C. Publ i cat i ons 11. (a) mildew (b) barbecue e (c) •f orr evi wreviewpur posesonl y• (d) rescue
7. transfusion, seclusion, collision, occasion
R.I.C. Publications ®
12. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
beautiful argue queue skewer beauty viewpoint tissue fewer
argue, argued, arguing review, reviewed, reviewing queue, queued, queuing rescue, rescued, rescuing barbecue, barbecued, barbecuing
o c . che e r o t r s super
6. treasure, leisure, erosion, illusion, azure, seizure
8. Teacher check
(e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l)
m . u
w ww
. te
15. (a) and (b) (i) explosion, explode, exploded, exploding (ii) division, divide, divided, dividing (iii) seizure, seize, seized, seizing (iv) seclusion, seclude, secluded, secluding (v) collision, collide, collided, colliding (vi) exclusion, exclude, excluded, excluding (vii) confusion, confuse, confused, confusing (viii) conclusion, conclude, concluded, concluding
13. rescued
14. Across: 2. decision 3. argue 5. leisure 7. seizure 8. exclusion 10. queue 18. measure 20. transfusion 21. illusion 22. occasion 23. confusion
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Teacher information
Unit 12
Unit focus This unit focuses on words that end with ary or ery.
Teaching points • Identify the endings and how they are represented. • Discuss any difficult parts of words. • Sort the list words according to the endings and brainstorm other words to add to each list.
List words Word building
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
Teac he r
ew i ev Pr
dictionary n dictionaries primary prime, s primarily, primate, primates, primateship, l primatial ordinary n ordinaries, s ordinariness, s ordinarily secretary n secretaries, s secretarial, s secretariat, secretary-ship, secretary-general temporary s temporarily, s temporariness boundary n boundaries, bound, bounds, bounded, bounding imaginary n imaginaries, s imaginarily, s imaginariness, imagine, l imagined, l imagining, l imagination necessary n necessaries, s necessarily, necessity, n necessities, necessitate, l necessitated, l necessitating military s militarily, s militarian, militarianism, s militariarist, militarialistic, militarialistically, militia hereditary s hereditarily, s hereditariness, heredity, n heredities, s hereditable, s hereditist bakery n bakeries, bake, bakes, l baked, l baking, l baker, baker’s dozen nursery n nurseries, nurse, nurses, l nursed, l nursing surgery n surgeries, surgeon, surgical, surgically discovery n discoveries, discover, discovers, discovered, discovering archery archer, archers mastery n masteries, master, masters, mastered, mastering, masterdom, masterless treachery n treacheries, treacherous, treacherously, treacherousness slavery slave, slaves, slaved, l slaving, l slavish, slavishness, slavishly refinery n refineries, refine, refines, l refined, l refining, refinement battery n batteries
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons f o rr evi ew pur posesonl y• Revision words • Word building tomatoes potatoes Q mosquitoes/mosquitos Q volcanoes/volcanos, volcanic, volcanically, volcanicity, volcanism, volcanologist Q mangoes/mangos Q pianos, pianism, pianissimo, pianist Q banjos, banjoist Q radios, radioed, radioing Q sopranos (also soprani), sopranino Q buffaloes/buffalos Q echoes, echoed, echoing, echoer, echoless, echolike, echoic Q tornadoes/tornados Q
. te
(Taken from Unit 12, Book F.)
Ru les
m . u
w ww
tomato potato mosquito volcano mango piano banjo radio soprano buffalo echo tornado
o c . che e r o t r s super
Rule: To make the plural of words ending with y after a consonant, change the y to i and add es. Rule: The y at the end of base words changes to i when a suffix is added. l Rule: When adding a suffix beginning with a vowel to most words ending with e, the e is dropped before adding the suffix. Q Rule: Words ending with o are made plural by adding s or es. Both spellings of some words are now accepted. n
New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – G
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Teacher information
Unit 12
Dictation 1. The discovery that using a dictionary is necessary to check the spelling of difficult words, such as hereditary and treachery, should be obvious to most in primary schools. 2. The secretary of the archery club informed the members over the radio that the temporary clubrooms will be situated on the boundary at the eastern end of the course. 3. The shopping centre near the refinery included a doctor’s surgery, a bakery and a nursery. 4. Tomatoes, potatoes, mosquitoes, mangoes and buffaloes are either types of animal, fruit or vegetable. (Check word building for alternative spelling.) 5. The storm was out of the ordinary and produced several severe tornadoes. (Also, tornados) 6. The comedian played an imaginary banjo and a piano, while the soprano sang in a beautiful voice. 7. The echo of the volcano was louder than the machine gun fire produced by a military battery.
Teac he r
(a) imaginary (b) discovery (c) primary (d) surgery (e) battery (f) necessary (g) treachery (h) boundary (i) hereditary (j) slavery (k) military (l) refinery (m) archery (n) dictionary (o) bakery (p) ordinary (q) secretary (r) mastery (s) temporary (t) nursery
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S 7.
12. Across: 1. mastery 5. archery 7. military 10. hereditary 12. boundary 14. temporary 15. tomato 20. necessary 21. piano 22. battery 23. ordinary 24. primary
treachery hereditary nursery dictionary refinery
8. d i a r c h e r y c r e t i b c ma t r h e i f m i a n g e i r n y a l r o y n
t s k r n e c e s s a r y
o t l e u a p b l u o o t
d i c e r y s e c d i t r s e r y c r i m a t t a v e r g e r d i d i s t m i
t c r a r o a e r r n c l
i e e r y v r r y y a o i
o s t y c e y y c h r v t
n s a b o u n d a r y e a
a t r e a c h e r y l r r
r y mo y a t u e l mn pq ow r f a a r u y l yw
Down: 2. surgery 3. dictionary 4. nursery 6. secretary 8. treachery 9. mosquito 11. imaginary 13. echo 16. discovery 17. bakery 18. refinery 19. slavery
w ww
3. boundary, bakery, dictionary, imaginary, battery, discovery, archery, primary
. te
4. (a) and (b) necessary (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)
secretaries refineries surgeries dictionaries batteries discoveries
piano mango potato tomato buffalo tornado volcano echo mosquito soprano banjo radio
13. (a) bakery, bake, bakes, baked, baking (b) mastery, master, masters, mastered, mastering (c) imaginary, imagine, imagines, imagined, imagining (d) refinery, refine, refines, refined, refining (e) discovery, discover, discovers discovered, discovering (f) nursery, nurse, nurses, nursed, nursing
o c . che e r o t r s super 11. Answers WILL vary according to the dictionary used.
6. Students should choose six of the following: Nouns: dictionary, primary, secretary, boundary, imaginary, necessary, military, bakery, nursery, surgery, discovery, archery, mastery, treachery, slavery, refinery, battery Adjectives: primary, ordinary, temporary, boundary, imaginary, necessary, military, hereditary R.I.C. Publications ®
10. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l)
m . u
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• 9. They all end with o.
2. mastery, military, necessary, nursery, ordinary, primary, refinery, secretary, slavery, surgery, temporary, treachery
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
ew i ev Pr
Add s: mosquitos, volcanos, mangos, pianos, buffalos, banjos, sopranos, radios, tornados Add es: tomatoes, potatoes, mosquitoes, volcanoes, mangoes, buffaloes, tornadoes, echoes
14. Teacher check
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Teacher information
Unit 13
Unit focus This unit focuses on the graphemes y, e, ee, i, ie, ei, ae and is to represent a sound (phoneme).
Teaching points • Identify the phoneme and how it is represented. • Discuss any difficult parts of words. • Sort the list words according to the graphemes and brainstorm other words to add to each list.
List words Word building
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
quantities, quantum, quanta, quantitative, quantitatively, quantitativeness celebrities n allergies, s allergic, allergen, allergenic recipes catastrophes, l catastrophic, l catastrophism, l catastrophist abbreviates, l abbreviated, l abbreviating, l abbreviation, l abbreviator guarantees, guaranteed, guaranteeing, guarantor absenteeism, absent, absence, absences, absenter, absentness escapees, escape, escapes, l escaped, l escaping, l escapism, escapement cappuccinos quiches amphibians, amphibious, amphibiously, amphibiousness, amphibiotic uniquely, uniqueness orientate, orientates, l orientated, l orientating, orienteer, orienteering, oriented retrieves, l retrieved, l retrieving, l retrieval, l retrievable, l retriever relieves, l relieved, l relieving, l relievable, l reliever, relief conceited, conceitedly, conceitedness conceives, l conceived, l conceiving, l conceivable, l conceivability n
Teac he r
ew i ev Pr
quantity celebrity allergy recipe catastrophe abbreviate guarantee absentee escapee cappuccino quiche amphibian unique orientation retrieve relieve conceit conceive Caesar debris
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons f o rr evi ew pur posesonl y• Revision words • Word building
. te
(Taken from Unit 13, Book F.)
Ru les
m . u
write, writes, Q written, l writing, l writer answers, answered, answering, answerer, answerless, answerable, answerableness kneels, knelt, kneeled, kneeling, kneeler yolks, yolkless, yolky guides, l guided, l guiding, l guider, l guidable, guideless, guidebook, guidepost plumbers, plumbing, plumbery, n plumberies tongues, l tongued, l tonguing, tongueless, tongue-tied, tongue-in-cheek, tongue-lash shoulders, shouldered, shouldering, shoulderblade columns, columned, columnar, columniation debts, debtor rhythms, rhythmic, rhythmics, rhythmical, rhythmically, rhythmist guards, guarded, guarding, guarder, guardable
w ww
wrote answer kneel yolk guide plumber tongue shoulder column debt rhythm guard
o c . che e r o t r s super
Rule: To make the plural of words ending with y after a consonant, change the y to i and add es. Rule: The y at the end of base words changes to i when a suffix is added. l Rule: When adding a suffix beginning with a vowel to most words ending with e, the e is dropped before adding the suffix. (guarantee, escapee and absentee retain the double e) Q Rule: Double the consonant to keep the preceding vowel sound short. n
New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – G
R.I.C. Publications ®
Teacher information
Unit 13
Dictation 1. The celebrity chef wrote out the recipes with the corrected quantities of ingredients for the Caesar salad and the mushroom quiche. 2. The unique amphibian uses its extremely long sticky tongue to retrieve insects from the fallen debris. 3. Everyone was relieved when the plumber prevented a possible catastrophe by stopping the column of water squirting out of the pipe. 4. The guard guaranteed that the escapee would be caught and would have a lot to answer for. 5. She was an absentee from the orientation night due to a problem with her allergy to egg yolks. 6. We had to laugh when the conceited girl walked away from the cafe with cappuccino froth on her top lip. 7. With advice from his parents, he conceived a plan to improve his way of budgeting and eventually get out of debt.
Answers (a) allergy (b) abbreviate (c) celebrity (d) conceive (e) escapee (f) relieve (g) guarantee (h) orientation (i) Caesar (j) cappuccino (k) catastrophe (l) quiche (m) amphibian (n) unique (o) conceit (p) debris (q) quantity (r) recipe (s) absentee (t) retrieve
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
Teac he r
6. celebrity, recipe, retrieve, relieve, conceit, conceive 7. (a) abbreviate, escapee (b) guarantee, absentee (c) Caesar, orientation 8. Teacher check
9. t d e b r i s l q u i c h e r c o a b s e n t e e a a
i e n u u c o n c e i t t
e n t l e b c e i n i q amp a p e a r e a b b r a a g u a c a p l mb a s t
a r v u h e l r l r p f r
t i e e i b i e l a u s o
i t o r b r e v e n c d p
o y g y i i v i r t c q h
n r e v a s e a g e i o e
v q u a n t i t y e n y a
r o e c t m r r i l e e v o e a ow pq o e e e r r
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
. te
(a) (b) (c) (d)
amphibian, unique recipe, quiche quantity, cappuccino guarantees, allergy
R.I.C. Publications ®
11. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l)
answer guide kneel debt guard column tongue wrote rhythm yolk shoulder plumber
Down: 1. answer 2. conceit 3. unique 5. allergy 6. orientation 8. quantity 11. guarantee 12. celebrity 14. recipe 16. escapee 17. debris
15. (a) quantities (b) allergies (c) celebrities
o c . che e r o t r s super
3. abbreviate, absentee, allergy, amphibian, cappuccino, catastrophe, celebrity, escapee, guarantee, orientation, quantity, recipe 4. unique, quiche
10. Teacher check
m . u
w ww
2. (a) guarantee (b) (i) celebrity, recipe, conceit, conceive, Caesar (ii) Refer to letters in bold. Note: The letters e, i or y usually follow c to make a soft c sound. The letters ae follow c in Caesar. (c) (i) retrieve, relieve, conceit, conceive (ii) Refer to letters in bold. (d) (i) allergy (ii) Refer to letter in bold. (iii) Caesar
o b c C a e s a r n q o c
14. Across: 4. catastrophe 7. abbreviate 8. quiche 9. tongue 10. amphibian 12. cappuccino 13. debt 15. absentee 18. conceive 19. retrieve 20. Caesar 21. yolk 22. relieve
ew i ev Pr
12. (a) plumber, shoulder (b) wrote, column (c) guide, kneel 13. (a) (b) (c) (d)
16. (a) conceivable/conceived/ conceiving (b) abbreviation/abbreviated/ abbreviating (c) absenteeism (d) retrievable/retrieved/retrieving (e) conceited
guide, guided, guiding answer, answered, answering guard, guarded, guarding kneel, kneeled, knelt, kneeling
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Teacher information
Unit 14
Unit focus This unit focuses on words that have silent letters.
Teaching points • Identify the silent letter in each word. • Identify any other difficult parts of each word. • Brainstorm to list other words with silent letters and sort them into groups, along with the list words.
List words Word building
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
Teac he r
hymns, hymnlike, hymnist, hymnal, hymnody, hymnodist, hymnology, n hymnologist solemly, solemness, solemnise, s solemised, s solemnising, solemnify, n solemnified designs, designed, designing, designer gnashes, gnashed, gnashing gnarls, gnarled, gnarly maligns, maligned, maligning, maligner, malignly l dinghies honours, honoured, honouring, Q honourable/honorable, honorary, honorarium rhinoceroses, rhinocerotic vehicles, s vehicular honesty, honestly whispers, whispered, whispering, whisperer, whisperingly doubtfully, doubtfulness, doubter, doubtable, doubt, doubts, doubted, doubting, doubtingly n guiltily, n guiltiness, guilt, guiltless, guiltlessness, guiltlessly, n guiltier, n guiltiest couples, s coupled, s coupling, s coupler, s couplet, couplets swords, swordlike, swordless, sword-bearer, swordplay, swordfish, swordbill pneumonic l raspberries almonds, almond-like, almond-eyed knowledgeable, know, knows, knew, known, knowing, knowingness, knowable, knowableness
ew i ev Pr
hymn solemn design gnash gnarl malign dinghy honour rhinoceros vehicle honesty whisper doubtful guilty couple sword pneumonia raspberry almond knowledge
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons f o rr evi ew pur posesonl y• Revision words • Word building welcomes, s welcomed, s welcoming, welcomeness, welcomely welfarism, s welfarist
instils, u instilled, u instilling, u instiller, u instillation, instilment awfully, awfulness, awe usefully, usefulness, use, uses, s used, s using, useable, useless, uselessly, uselessness skilfully, skilfulness, skill, skills, skilled, unskilled delightfully, delight, delights, delighted, delightedly, delighting, delighter, delightedness watchfully, watchfulness, watch, watches, watched, watching, watcher, watchtower carefully, carefulness, care, cares, s cared, s caring, careless, carelessly, carelessness
. te
(Taken from Unit 14, Book F.)
Ru les
m . u
w ww
already although welcome welfare until instil awful useful skilful delightful watchful careful
o c . che e r o t r s super
Rule: The y at the end of base words changes to i when a suffix is added. Rule: When adding a suffix beginning with a vowel to most words ending with e, the e is dropped before adding the suffix. (The e is retained in knowledgeable to keep the soft g sound.) l Rule: To make the plural of words ending with y after a consonant, change the y to i and add es. Q Note: Many words ending with our can also be spelt or. u Rule: When a word ends with a single l, double the l when a suffix beginning with a vowel is added. n
New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – G
R.I.C. Publications ®
Teacher information
Unit 14
Dictation 1. Although their knowledge of the river was great, the couple were still careful to avoid floating logs while travelling by dinghy and were watchful of the rhinoceroses on the shore. 2. In all honesty, it is doubtful that the design of the vehicle will be approved until further road tests are completed by skilful drivers. 3. We were concerned for her welfare, as the pneumonia was already severe. 4. We were all guilty of taking a piece of Mum’s delightful almond and raspberry slice. 5. The solemn welcoming hymn was chosen in honour of the visiting bishop taking the church service. 6. The pirate found his sword useful in chopping away the thick vines and gnarled branches along the path. 7. They were often seen maligning people by whispering behind their backs. 8. The awful sound of gnashing teeth could be heard coming from the animal’s cage.
(c) solemn (d) guilty (e) vehicle (f) sword (g) gnash (h) hymn (i) honesty (j) raspberry (k) honour (l) almond (m) knowledge (n) couple (o) doubtful (p) whisper (q) malign (r) design (s) pneumonia (t) rhinoceros
Teac he r
(a) gnash (b) honesty (c) solemn (d) honour (e) vehicle (f) couple (g) guilty (h) knowledge (i) doubtful (j) raspberry (k) malign (l) rhinoceros (m) gnarl (n) almond (o) whisper (p) design (q) pneumonia (r) hymn (s) dinghy (t) sword
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S by the collision with the speeding vehicle. Groups of solemn community members gathered in the local church to pray and sing hymns for the couple. The knowledge that the guilty driver had been arrested was a relief to all concerned.
6. (a) doubtful (b) hymn, gnash, gnarl, rhinoceros, sword, pneumonia (c) raspberry (d) dinghy (e) sword 7. Across: gnash sword Down: gnarl hymn
(c) (d) (e) (f)
awfully delightfully carefully skilfully
12. useful, careful
ew i ev Pr
13. unwelcome
14. Across: 4. knowledge 5. hymn 7. dinghy 9. gnash 10. couple 12. instil 13. gnarl 14. malign 16. guilty 17. gnarl 18. solemn 19. rhinoceros 20. welfare 21. honesty 22. already
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons 2. (a) dinghy •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• 8. (b) gnarl
3. Teacher check 4.
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g)
o n o u d g ew mh u h g h p e o u g n f u i s o l p b
t y p l e b k s n o s l y e r m r n s p l w p e p b e r
s e t d e s i g n f u r e r
o r s o a s q g n a r l r y
Down: 1. doubtful 2. almond 3. vehicle 6. pneumonia 7. design 8. honour 11. raspberry 15. whisper 18. skilful
o c . che e r o t r s super
design honesty dinghy solemn gnash honour whisper
5. Doctors have said it is doubtful the elderly couple will fully recover from their injuries caused R.I.C. Publications ®
y c e l h g n a s h t h s s
m . u
w ww
. te
h h o n e s t y omp r c o n n k n ow l r o v e h i c h u k u a l g i r nms i u n h a owd i om l n o l l c am i r r t e l o a d h y r i n d o u b o g d s o r w s n awe e a q l nwa r a
9. The words begin with al, or wel, or end with til or ful. 10. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l)
15. (a) whispered, whispering (b) solemnly, solemness (c) gnarled, gnarly (d) designed, designing (e) knowledgeable (f) gnashed, gnashing (g) honoured, honouring, honourable (h) maligned, maligning
welcome until delightful useful already welfare instil careful watchful although awful skilful
16. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)
11. (a) watchfully (b) usefully
dinghies rhinoceroses designs vehicles raspberries hymns
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Teacher information
Unit 15
Unit focus This unit focuses on long vowels.
Teaching points • Discuss how the silent e on the end of each word makes the vowel sound long: a-e, e-e, i-e, o-e and u-e. • Discuss any difficult parts of words. • Sort the list words according to the graphemes and brainstorm other words to add to each list.
List words Word building
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
cushion fashion description imagination vaccination pension tension extension permission discussion social official
cushions fashions, fashionable, n fashionably, n fashionability, fashionableness descriptions, describe, describes, n described, n describing, n describable, descriptive imagine, imagines, n imagined, n imagining, n imaginable, n imaginary, n imaginative vaccinations, vaccinationist, vaccine, vaccines, vaccinate, n vaccinated, n vaccinating, n vaccinator pensions, pensionable, pensionary, l pensionaries, pensioner tensions, tensional, tensionless, tense, tenses, n tensed, n tensing, tensely, tenseness extensions, extensional, extensionally, extend, extends, extended, extending permit, permits, u permitted, u permitting, u permissive, u permissable discussions, discuss, discusses, discussed, discussing, discusser, discussible/discussable socials, socially, socialness, sociable, socialableness, n sociably, socialise, n socialisation officially, officialdom, officialese, officialise, officialises, n officialised, n officialising
Teac he r
anticipates, n anticipated, n anticipating, n anticipation, n anticipatable, n anticipative exaggerates, n exaggerated, n exaggerating, n exaggeration, n exaggerative cooperates, n cooperated, n cooperating, n cooperation, n cooperative, cooperatively hibernates, n hibernated, n hibernating, n hibernation concretes, n concreted, n concreting, concreteness, concretely, n concretive, n concretion gangrenes, n gangrened, n gangrenous obsoletely, obsoleteness, obsolescent, obsolescence, obsolescently precedes, n preceded, n preceding, n precedence, s precedency, n precedent, precedential n ozonic, n ozoniferous, n ozonise, ozonises, n ozonised, n ozonising, n ozonisation chromes, n chromed, n chroming, n chromium, n chromic decomposes, n decomposed, n decomposing, n decomposition, n decomposable n glucoside, n glucosidal, n glucosin, n glucosidase, glucoprotein, glucagon advertises, n advertised, n advertising, advertisement, n advertiser, advertorial juveniles, juvenilely, juvenileness, juvenility, l juvenilities, n juvenilia apologises, n apologised, n apologising, apology, l appologies, apologetic appetites, appetiser, appetisers, n appetising, appetisingly, n appetitive, appetence produces, n produced, n producing, n producer, n producible, product, production abuses, n abused, n abusing, n abuser, abusers, n abusive, abusively, abusiveness solitary, l solitaries, Q solitarily, Q solitariness, solitaire magnitudes
ew i ev Pr
anticipate exaggerate cooperate hibernate concrete gangrene obsolete precede ozone chrome decompose glucose advertise juvenile apologise appetite produce abuse solitude magnitude
w ww
. te
(Taken from Unit 15, Book F.)
Ru les
m . u
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons f o rr evi ew pur posesonl y• Revision words • Word building
o c . che e r o t r s super
Rule: When adding a suffix beginning with a vowel to most words ending with e, the e is dropped before adding the suffix. Rule: When adding y to a word ending with e, drop the e before adding y. l Rule: To make the plural of words ending with y after a consonant, change the y to i and add es. Q Rule: The y at the end of base words changes to i when a suffix is added. u Rule: Double the consonant to keep the preceding vowel sound short. n
New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – G
R.I.C. Publications ®
Teacher information
Unit 15
Dictation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
The officials only gave permission for juveniles to attend the social. It is no exaggeration that an animal has a big appetite when it comes out of hibernation. We all cooperated to shift the large chrome bumper off the concrete slabs. The doctors anticipated that the gangrene would continue to spread and the flesh would decompose. Even though the prisoner apologised for his abusive behaviour, the tension was unbearable and he was put into solitude. 6. We went off into groups to have a discussion on the meaning of the words magnitude, glucose, obsolete and vaccination. 7. The advertisement they are producing for radio about the ozone layer will precede the one that will be produced for television.
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
(a) cooperate (b) ozone (c) concrete (d) produce (e) magnitude (f) advertise (g) appetite (h) obsolete (i) decompose (j) solitude (k) anticipate (l) abuse (m) gangrene (n) hibernate (o) chrome (p) apologise (q) juvenile (r) precede (s) glucose (t) exaggerate
Teac he r
13. (a) discussion, vaccination (b) description, fashion
6. (a) It means hurtful or insulting remarks or physical contact. (b) It means to speak maliciously or nastily to or to hurt physically. 7.
(a) (b) (c) (d)
precede, glucose concrete, appetite obsolete, gangrene cooperate, abuse
mama g n i t u d e s e g
14. Across: 1. produce 3. social 6. decompose 8. hibernate 9. cushion 10. imagination 16. magnitude 18. gangrene 20. solitude 21. exaggerate 22. abuse 23. obsolete 24. chrome
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons Down: 2. cooperate •f orr evi ew pur poses o n l y• 4. ozone
w ww
(a) (b) (c) (d)
. te
p r o d u c e g o a u
r a c e o h j l b n v
e d o c b i v u s t e
c e d v e r o p e omp s o c b e r s o l c o s o l e i c i n i l
e t r o h n i e t p e
g i a s r a t b e a o
g e s e t e e l om t e u d e r d u t e z o
o n c r e t e n c l n
e x a g g e r a t e e
a n g r e n e a n t i
9. It can be spelt sh, ti, si, ssi, or ci. 10. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l)
imagination pension discussion cushion social description official extension tension fashion permission vaccination
5. 7. 9. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 17. 19.
tension fashion concrete anticipate appetite precede juvenile apologise advertise glucose
o c . che e r o t r s super
exaggerate, appetite anticipate, precede, produce cooperate, concrete, chrome anticipate, exaggerate, cooperate, apologise
4. ad/ver/tise, ap/pe/tite, de/com/pose, hi/ber/nate, ju/ve/nile, ob/so/lete, mag/ni/tude, so/li/tude
5. (a) The juvenile offender had to apologise for his actions. (b) Scientists anticipate that vehicle emissions will continue to deplete the ozone layer. (c) The surgeon did not exaggerate the magnitude of the risk involved in the operation. R.I.C. Publications ®
p o l o g i s e g n j
m . u
8. a p p e t i t e j u v c p g
2. Long a: anticipate, exaggerate, cooperate, hibernate Long u: produce, abuse, solitude, magnitude Long e: concrete, gangrene, obsolete, precede Long i: advertise, juvenile, apologise, appetite Long o: ozone, chrome, decompose, glucose 3.
(d) Most animals hibernate in solitude. (e) The chrome bumper was expensive to produce.
ew i ev Pr
11. cushion, fashion, pension, tension, social, official 12. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)
extension permission description tension imagination official
15. (a) precede, precedes, preceded, preceding (b) anticipate, anticipates, anticipated, anticipating (c) abuse, abuses, abused, abusing (d) exaggerate, exaggerates, exaggerated, exaggerating (e) decompose, decomposes, decomposed, decomposing (f) advertise, advertises, advertised, advertising (g) cooperate, cooperates, cooperated, cooperating
New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – G
Teacher information
Unit 16
Unit focus This unit focuses on the suffixes er, eer and ist.
Teaching points • Discuss the meaning of each suffix (all indicate someone who practises, does or is concerned with something). • Identify the base word for each list word. • Discuss any difficult parts or words. • Sort the list words according to the suffixes and brainstorm to add to each list.
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
List words Word building
Teac he r
jewellers, jewellery, jewel, jewels, n jewelled, n jewelling conjurers, conjure, conjures, s conjured, s conjuring, s conjuration photographers, photograph, photographs, photographed, photographing, photographic glaziers, glaze, glazes, s glazed, s glazing, s glazier, l glazy confectioners, confection, confectionery, Q confectioneries, confectionary, Q confectionaries engineers, engineered, engineering, engine, engines, s enginery, engine-room mountaineers, mountaineering, mountain, mountains auctioneers, auction, auctions, auctioned, auctioning electioneers, electioneering, electioneerer, election, elections, elect, elects, elected, electing scientists, science, sciences, scientific, scientifically, scientism pianists, pianistic, piano, pianos, pianism, pianissimo, pianissimos, pianoforte dentists, dentistry, dental, denticle, dentine, dentition, denture, dentures, dentoid pharmacists, pharmacy, Q pharmacies, pharmaceutics, pharmaceutical artists, artistry, Q artistries, artistic, artistical, artistically, artiste, artistes journalists, journalistic, journalistically, journalism, journal, journals tourists, tour, tours, toured, touring, tourism podiatrists, podiatry florists, floristic, floristically, floriferous, flora, floral, florally, floriculture orthodontists, orthodontic, orthodontics, orthodontia optometrists, optometry
ew i ev Pr
jeweller conjurer photographer glazier confectioner engineer mountaineer auctioneer electioneer scientist pianist dentist pharmacist artist journalist tourist podiatrist florist orthodontist optometrist
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• Revision words Word building s
handsomer, s handsomest, handsomely, handsomeness
. te
(Taken from Unit 16, Book F.)
Ru les
m . u
wetsuits widespreading heartaches thoroughbreds whirlwinds troublesomely, troublesomeness databases floorboards u extraordinarily, u extraordinariness
w ww
handsome threadbare guesswork wetsuit widespread heartache thoroughbred whirlwind troublesome database floorboard extraordinary
o c . che e r o t r s super
Rule: When a word ends with a single l, double the l when a suffix beginning with a vowel is added. Rule: When adding a suffix beginning with a vowel to most words ending with e, the e is dropped before adding the suffix. l Rule: When adding y to a word ending with e, drop the e before adding y. Q Rule: To make the plural of words ending with y after a consonant, change the y to i and add es. u Rule: The y at the end of base words changes to i when a suffix is added. n
New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – G
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Teacher information
Unit 16
Dictation 1. You need to do an extraordinary amount of study to become a successful engineer, scientist, dentist, orthodontist or pharmacist. 2. The photographer took a photograph of the handsome thoroughbred to give to the journalist. 3. Instead of using guesswork, the electioneer looked in the database for information about the voters. 4. The new shopping centre will include a jeweller, florist, podiatrist and a confectionery. 5. There was heartache for the mountaineer when his troublesome ankle caused him to stop his climb. 6. Would you rather be an optometrist, auctioneer, pianist, conjurer or artist? 7. After the tourist had finished surfing, he walked into the hostel in his wetsuit and dripped water all over the floorboards. 8. The damage to the windows due to the storm was so widespread that many glaziers were needed to replace the glass.
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
Teac he r
artist, auctioneer, confectioner, conjurer, dentist, electioneer, engineer, florist, glazier, jeweller, journalist, mountaineer, optometrist, orthodontist, pharmacist, photographer, pianist, podiatrist, scientist, tourist
2. eer: auctioneer, engineer, mountaineer, electioneer er: jeweller, conjurer, photographer, glazier, confectioner ist: artist, scientist, pianist, dentist, pharmacist, journalist, tourist, podiatrist, florist, orthodontist, optometrist
7. pharmacist, orthodontist, conjurer, journalist, scientist, auctioneer 8. a p c p h o t o g p o h a o t j o e g w l e a l z l i e e r r wb g s
d c a u c t i o n e e r o
i o b r i p p e v f n s r
a n q n d i h l a c g c t
t f j a e a a e r o i i h
r i s e c t d r t l i s n t i n i s r ma c t i t i s n j u n e e e n t o d o
12. Across: 1. dentist 3. jeweller r a p h e r 10. auctioneer t m b s y o 11. optometrist i o n e r p 14. confectioner o u r i s t 16. florist t n e c f o 19. database s t j t f m 22. handsome t a g e l e 23. scientist c i s t o t 24. whirlwind o n e e r r 25. wetsuit
t r r i n
e e r s t
u r x t i
k i h s l t md s t
i s t u b
ew i ev Pr
Down: 2. engineer 4. electioneer 5. podiatrist 6. tourist 7. mountaineer 8. widespread 9. pharmacist 12. photographer 13. journalist 15. orthodontist 17. glazier 18. conjurer 20. pianist 21. artist
(d) (e) (f) (g) (h)
pianist pharmacist dentist auctioneer optometrist
handsome, guesswork, widespread, whirlwind, extraordinary, database, threadbare, heartache, floorboard
w ww
4. pianist, journalist, mountaineer
. te
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)
pharmacist journalist/tourist jeweller photographer glazier journalist
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i)
auction pharmacy art piano mountain science engine tour flora
R.I.C. Publications ®
11. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
guesswork handsome widespread, threadbare handsome, troublesome extraordinary
m . u
© R. I . C .P u b l i ca ons 9. These words use two words to t i 3. (a) glazier form one. (b) podiatrist •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• (c) florist 10. wetsuit, thoroughbred, troublesome,
13. Teacher check
o c . che e r o t r s super
New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – G
Teacher information
Unit 17
Unit focus This unit focuses on words that are homophones.
Teaching points • Revise what is meant by a homophone (words that sound the same but have a different spelling and meaning). • Identify the words that are homophones by circling each set. Underline the part that is different in each set.
List words Word building vainly, vainness, vanity, n vanities veins, veined, veining, veinless, veinlike vanes, Q vaned, vaneless, weathervane n stationaries, s stationariness
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
Teac he r
councils, l councillor, councillors, councillorship counsels, l counselled, l counselling, l counsellor, counsellorship present presences mornings mourn, mourns, mourned, mourner, mournful, mournfully, mournfulness, mourningly cents send, sends, sending, sender scents, scentless pastes, Q pasted, Q pasting, pasteboard pace, paces, Q pacing, Q pacer, pacemaker complemental, complementally, complementary compliments, complimented, complimenting, complimentary, s complimentarily principals, principalship, principally principles, Q principled
ew i ev Pr
vain vein vane stationary stationery council counsel presents presence morning mourning cent sent scent paste paced complement compliment principal principle
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons Revision words Word building •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• enjoyable enjoys, enjoyed, enjoying, enjoyableness, enjoyably, enjoyer
. te
(Taken from Unit 17, Book F.)
Ru les
m . u
unforgivable, forgive, forgave, Q forgiven, Q forgiving, forgiveness, Q forgivably advise, advises, Q advised, Q advising, advisedly, advisedness, Q advisory, Q advisability u valuably, valuableness, value, values, Q valued, Q valuing notice, notices, Q noticed, Q noticing, noticeably reasonableness, u reasonably, reason, reasons, reasoned, reasoning, unreasonable u sensibly, sensibleness, sense s flexibility, u flexibly, flexibleness, flex, flexes, flexed, flexing u horribly, horribleness, horror, horrid, horrify, n horrifies, s horrified, horrifying s reversibly, s reversibility, reversibleness, Q reversal, reverse, reverses, Q reversed, Q reversing digestibility, u digestibly, digestibleness, digest, digests, digested, digesting, digestion s divisibility, u divisibly, divisibleness, divide, divides, Q divided, Q dividing, division
w ww
forgivable advisable valuable noticeable reasonable sensible flexible horrible reversible digestible divisible
o c . che e r o t r s super
Rule: To make the plural of words ending with y after a consonant, change the y to i and add es. Rule: The y at the end of base words changes to i when a suffix is added. (The y is retained in horrifying to avoid ii being added.) l Rule: When a word ends with a single l, double the l when a suffix beginning with a vowel is added. Q Rule: When adding a suffix beginning with a vowel to most words ending with e, the e is dropped before adding the suffix. (The e is retained in noticeably to keep the soft c sound.) u Rule: When adding ly to a word ending with le, change the e to y. n
New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – G
R.I.C. Publications ®
Teacher information
Unit 17
Dictation 1. The principal complimented the student council for their effort in organising the enjoyable assembly on Friday morning. 2. My uncle, who lives overseas, sent me a valuable stationery set as one of my birthday presents. 3. The scent that a skunk leaves behind smells horrible. 4. You must be flexible and sensible in your thinking to be able to counsel someone effectively. 5. It was noticeable she was in mourning as she wore a black veil and black clothes. 6. They tried in vain to take down the weathervane but it was screwed on too tightly. 7. It is advisable to remain stationary if you come across a snake on the path. 8. It was unforgivable not to go to the party, as her presence was expected. 9. An important principle of fashion is to wear clothes that complement your body shape.
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
Teac he r
(a) counsel/council (b) council/counsel (c) stationary/stationery (d) stationary/stationery (e) morning (f) mourning (g) compliment/complement (h) compliment/complement (i) paste (j) paced (k) principle/principal (l) principle/principal (m) vain/vein (n) vain/vein (o) vane (p) presence/presents (q) cent/sent (r) cent/sent (s) scent (t) presence/presents
presence vein principal paced vain presents morning scent
11. (a) noticeable (b) The e is retained in noticeable to keep the soft c sound.
7. c o m p l e m e n t p s t o u n s e l v c p p v s
i g s e n t s a r e t c
o u r n i n g x i r c e
r e s e n t s n n n o s
mo u p a c i mo s i u c e n e e c n r i t y l c i p a r y mp l t a t
r vw e d a r n i u p p t a r l s e v t s a e e a l n p r c i me i o n
r i n c i p l e t s n e
a e g e g l y c i x t r
c d s t a t i o n a r y
12. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)
unforgivable invaluable inflexible unreasonable irreversible inadvisable
13. Across: 2. mourning 3. principle 4. sent 5. cent 7. vein 8. morning 10. compliment 11. vane 16. valuable 17. presents 18. council 19. stationery 20. paste 21. horrible
. te
Teacher check sentences (a) presence (b) principal, paced (c) complement
mourning principle council paste
R.I.C. Publications ®
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l)
sensible reasonable forgivable enjoyable horrible digestible reversible divisible valuable noticeable advisable flexible
Down: 1. digestible 3. paced 4. scent 6. principal 9. stationary 10. complement 12. vain 13. presence 14. flexible 15. counsel
o c . che e r o t r s super
5. The principal sent two members of the student council to check the school’s weathervane. Although a strong wind had been blowing Monday morning, the vane had remained stationary on its post. The students tried in vain to make it turn. They discovered the casing was rusty and would need replacing. (a) (b) (c) (d)
8. Each word has the suffix able or ible.
m . u
w ww
3. Teacher check
(e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l)
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
2. cent, complement, compliment, council, counsel, morning, mourning, paced, paste, presence, presents, principal, principle, scent, sent, stationary, stationery, vain, vane, vein
ew i ev Pr
10. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h)
value advise reverse sense forgive notice digest horror
14. (a) paced (b) sent (c) paste 15. (a) (i) councillor (ii) counsellor (b) When a word ends with a single l, the l is doubled when a suffix beginning with a vowel is added. 16. Teacher check
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Teacher information
Unit 18
Unit focus This unit focuses on the graphemes gue, gu and gh to represent a sound (phoneme).
Teaching points • Identify the phoneme and how it is represented. • Discuss any difficult parts of words. • Sort the list words according to the graphemes and brainstorm other words to add to each list.
List words Word building
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
Teac he r
dialogues, n dialogued, n dialoguing, n dialoguer, dialogist, dialogistic, dialogism rogues, n rogued, n roguing, n roguery, l rogueries, n roguish, roguishly, roguishness catalogues, n catalogued, n cataloguing, n cataloguer, n cataloguist fatigues, n fatigued, n fatiguing, fatigueless, fatigable leagues, n leagued, n leaguing, n leaguer intrigues, n intrigued, n intriguing, intriguingly, n intriguer plagues, n plagued, n plaguing. n plaguer colleagues, colleagueship vaguely, vagueness, n vaguer, n vaguest disguises, n disguised, disguisedly, n disguising, n disguisable, n disguiser guide, guides, n guided, n guiding, n guidable, guideless, n guider, guidebook, guidepost guardians, guardianship, guard, guards, guarded, guarding, guardable, guarder guillotines, n guillotined, n guillotining, n guillotiner gueriillas guarantors, guarantee, guarantees, n guaranteed, guaranteeing guileful, guilefully, guilefulness, guileless, guilelessly, guilelessness ghouls, ghoulish, ghoulishly, ghoulishness ghettos/ghettoes, ghetto-blaster, ghettoise, ghettoises, n ghettoised, n ghettoising, n ghettoisation gherkins n ghastlier, n ghastliest, n ghastliness
ew i ev Pr
dialogue rogue catalogue fatigue league intrigue plague colleague vague disguise guidance guardian guillotine guerilla guarantor guile ghoul ghetto gherkin ghastly
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons f o rr evi ew pur posesonl y• Revision words • Word building
. te
(Taken from Unit 18, Book F.)
Ru les
m . u
seriously, seriousness curiously, curiousness, s curiosity, l curiosities ambitiously, ambitiousness, ambition, ambitions, ambitionless preciously, preciousness consciously, consciousness, consciousness-raising suspiciously, suspiciousness, suspicion, suspicions deliciously, deliciousness anxiously, anxiousness, anxiety, l anxieties dangerously, dangerousness, danger, dangers, endanger, endangered, endangering generously, generousness, s generosity, l generosities enormously, enormousness, enormity, l enormities fabulously, fabulousness, fab
w ww
serious curious ambitious precious conscious suspicious delicious anxious dangerous generous enormous fabulous
o c . che e r o t r s super
Rule: When adding a suffix beginning with a vowel to most words ending with e, the e is dropped before adding the suffix. Rule: For words ending with our and ous, drop the u before adding the suffixes ous or ity. l Rule: To make the plural of words ending with y after a consonant, change the y to i and add es. n
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Teacher information
Unit 18
Dictation 1. The guerillas, who were disguised to blend in with the vegetation, made a conscious decision to rest so as not to be too fatigued before setting out on the dangerous mission. 2. My colleague and I were anxious to finish writing the dialogue for the catalogue for the league club. 3. The ghastly plague had affected an emormous amount of people living in the ghetto, many of who were still in a serious condition. 4. My generous guardian agreed to be my guarantor so I could take out a loan to buy a car. 5. We were intrigued to hear the story about the rogue who lived in the eighteenth century. Using his guile, he managed to escape from having his head chopped off by a guillotine by disguising himself as a ghoul. 6. My brother and I think cheese and gherkin sandwiches are delicious. 7. We asked our teacher for more guidance as the question was very vague. 8. The jeweller was suspicious of one of his staff when several precious gems went missing.
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g)
Teac he r
(a) guerilla (b) rogue (c) guile (d) plague (e) ghoul (f) fatigue (g) league (h) disguise (i) dialogue (j) colleague (k) guillotine (l) guardian (m) intrigue (n) vague (o) ghetto (p) guarantor (q) ghastly (r) guidance (s) catalogue (t) gherkin
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S 6. (a) His colleague was weak with fatigue because he worked hard. (b) The rogue was vague about where he was at the time of the robbery. (c) My guardian made me some gherkin sandwiches. (d) He wore a disguise when he rescued the count from the guillotine. 7. (a) colleague, guillotine, guerilla, ghetto (b) colleague, guillotine, guerilla, ghetto
11. dangerous, precious 12. (a) anxious, precious (b) fabulous, delicious (c) generous, enormous
ew i ev Pr
13. Across: 2. fatigue 4. guerilla 6. gherkin 8. ghastly 9. rogue 11. conscious 14. ghoul 18. guile 20. guillotine 21. league 22. anxious 23. delicious Down: 1. guardian 2. fabulous 3. ghetto 4. guidance 5. vague 7. dialogue 10. guarantor 12. plague 13. disguise 15. colleague 16. catalogue 17. precious 19. intrigue
w ww
guile dialogue guerilla vague gherkin colleague intrigue
. te
3. ghastly, gherkin, ghetto, ghoul, guarantor, guardian, guerilla, guidance, guile, guillotine
g u i d a n c e r p d v l e
h a g g d t c u o l i a y r
e r u u i r o g g s s g p g
r a e a a i l h f t g u l h
k n r r l g l e a g u e a l
i t i d o u e t t h i c g a
n o l i g e a t i o s r u e
l r l a u t g o g u e o e e
o h a n e i u p u l k g a c
g u i l e g e l e u i u g w
u c a t a l o g u e n e e u
e l l g h a s t l y i s e n
o i j f n s d r e s a q w n
o c . che e r o t r s super
4. (a) fatigue, league, intrigue, colleague, guardian, guillotine, ghastly (b) dialogue, disguise, guidance, guile 5. dialogue, league, guerilla, catalogue, disguise, ghoul
d g n g u i l l o t i n e a
m . u
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons 8. •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
9. The words begin with ious or ous. 10. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l)
precious curious suspicious anxious enormous dangerous serious conscious fabulous generous delicious ambitious
14. (a)
R.I.C. Publications ®
(i) consciously (ii) guardianship (iii) guileless (iv) disguised (v) vaguely (vi) plagued (vii) catalogued (viii) intrigued (ix) fatigued/fatigueless (x) ghoulish
(b) Teacher check
New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – G
Teacher information
Unit 19
Unit focus This unit focuses on words that end with ent or ant.
Teaching points • Identify the endings and how they are represented. • Discuss any difficult parts of words. • Sort the list words according to the endings and brainstorm other words to add to each list.
List words Word building
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
Teac he r
silently, silentness, silence, silences, n silenced, n silencing, n silencer talents, talented differently, differ, differs, differed, difference, differences, n differenced, n differencing, indifferent evidently, evidential, evidentially, evidentiary, evidence, evidences, n evidenced, n evidencing intelligently, intelligential, intelligence presidents, presidential, presidentship, president-elect, presidency, s presidencies accidents, accidental, accidentally, accidentalness, accident-prone incidents, incidentally opponents, opponency, oppose, opposes, n opposed, n opposing, n opposer confidently, confidence distantly, distance, distances, n distanced, n distancing vacancy, s vacancies, vacate, vacates, n vacated, n vacating importantly, unimportant, importance instantly, instantaneous, instantaneity, instance, instances, n instanced, n instancing, instancy migrants, migrate, migrates, n migrated, n migrating, n migration, migrational, n migrator tolerantly, tolerance, tolerate, tolerates, n tolerated, n tolerating, n toleration, tolerationism constantly, constancy pleasantly, pleasantness, pleasantry, s pleasantries, please, pleases, n pleased, n pleasing elegantly, elegance, s elegancies arrogantly, arrogance, l arrogancy
ew i ev Pr
silent talent different evident intelligent president accident incident opponent confident distant vacant important instant migrant tolerant constant pleasant elegant arrogant
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons f o rr evi ew pur posesonl y• Revision words • Word building
. te
(Taken from Unit 19, Book F.)
Ru les
m . u
pronounces, n pronounced, n pronouncing, n pronouncer, pronouncement, pronounceable announces, n announced, n announcing, n announcer, announcement palaces, palatial, palatially verses, n versed, n versing, n versify, Q versified, versifying releases, n released, n releasing purchases, n purchased, n purchasing, n purchaser, n purchasable, n purchasability surfaces, n surfaced, n surfacing, n surfacer increases, n increased, n increasing, n increaser, n increasable, n increasingly n fiercer, n fiercest, fiercely, fierceness ambulances expenses, n expensive, expensively, expensiveness convinces, n convinced, n convincing, n convincible, n convincingly, convincement, convincingness
w ww
pronounce announce palace verse release purchase surface increase fierce ambulance expense convince
o c . che e r o t r s super
Rule: When adding a suffix beginning with a vowel to most words ending with e, the e is dropped before adding the suffix. (The e is retained in pronounceable to keep the soft c sound.) s Rule: To make the plural of words ending with y after a consonant, change the y to i and add es. l Rule: When adding y to a word ending with e, drop the e before adding y. Q Rule: The y at the end of base words changes to i when a suffix is added. (The y is retained in versifying to avoid ii being added.) n
New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – G
R.I.C. Publications ®
Teacher information
Unit 19
Dictation 1. It was evident by the silent audience in the palace that the president was about to make an important announcement about the international incident. 2. Our school has many students from migrant families who have come from distant lands. We are all tolerant of our differences, which creates a pleasant work environment. 3. The ambulance was called to the accident that happened next to the vacant lot. 4. Even though he was extremely talented, the young basketball player had to constantly practise his ball skills. 5. She was intelligent enough to realise that the arrogant lady could not be convinced to change her mind. 6. The elegant outfit was extremely expensive to purchase.
Teac he r
(a) silent (b) distant (c) vacant (d) tolerant (e) elegant (f) different (g) pleasant (h) arrogant (i) accident (j) president (k) intelligent (l) confident (m) important (n) opponent (o) talent (p) instant (q) evident (r) migrant (s) incident (t) constant
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S 7.
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g)
tolerant, different/migrant elegant, president intelligent, confident instant, accident arrogant, talent vacant, pleasant distant
8. (a) incident, accident (b) silent, talent 9.
v a c a ma c o i t uw g r p r r i o p ams e n p e v t o e d a r i n l t d i e a km n n b s t t s i
n n d e p l i i c f t a l
t f a s o e d s i f p r e
i i c i n g e t d e l r n
n d c d e a n a e r e o t
s e i e n n t n n e a g e
t n d n t t t t t n s a m
a t e t n c o n s t a n t
n i n t e l l i g e n t c
t e t o l e r a n t t p a
14. Across: 3. arrogant 7. talent 9. tolerant 10. convince 11. accident 14. different 16. distant 18. president 20. elegant 21. palace 22. incident 23. confident 24. silent 25. important
ew i ev Pr
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i o nDown: s 1. instant 2. evident •f orr evi ew pur poses o n l y• 4. ambulance
2. important, incident, instant, intelligent, migrant, opponent, pleasant, president
w ww
3. silent, talent, evident, accident, incident, distant, vacant, instant 4.
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h)
talent important different vacant elegant intelligent migrant president
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)
distant silent different opponent vacant confident
. te
11. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l)
palace increase fierce ambulance convince purchase verse surface expense pronounce release announce
5. 6. 8. 12. 13. 15. 17. 19.
constant vacant pleasant intelligent migrant fierce opponent release
15. Teacher check phrase/definition (a) adjective (b) noun (c) adjective (d) noun (e) adjective (f) noun/adjective (g) adjective
o c . che e r o t r s super 12. (a) convince, expense, fierce, increase, palace, pronounce, purchase (b) verse, surface, ambulance
6. (a) pleasant, constant (b) arrogant, distant (c) tolerant, silent
R.I.C. Publications ®
10. The words end with ce or se.
m . u
13. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)
verse purchase surface increase expense convince
New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – G
Teacher information
Unit 20
Unit focus This unit focuses on words that are eponyms.
Teaching points • Discuss the meaning of an eponym (words that originate from people’s names or the names of places.) • Discuss what students may know about the meaning of each word before completing Question 2 of the workbook. • Identify any difficult parts of words.
List words Word building
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
n sandwiches, sandwiched, sandwiching valentines lamingtons pavlovas
Teac he r
spoonerisms arachnids, aracnidan, arachnoid, arachnophobia, arachnophobic pasteurises, s pasteurised, s pasteurising, s pasteurisation diesels, dieseline, dieselise, s dieselised, s dieselising, s dieselisation hooligans, hooliganism cardigans volt, voltage, voltages, voltaism, voltameter, voltameters, voltametric biros l teddies, teddy bear hygienes, s hygienic, s hygienically, s hygienist, hygienists banksias leotards brailler
ew i ev Pr
sandwich valentine lamington pavlova morse code spoonerism arachnid pasteurise diesel hooligan cardigan volts biro teddy hygiene banksia leotard braille celsius python
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons f o rr evi ew pur posesonl y• Revision words • Word building polices, s policed, s policing temperatures
. te
(Taken from Unit 20, Book F.)
Ru les
m . u
Antarctica equatorial megabytes gigabytes browers coordinate s latitudinal, latitudinally s longitudinal, longitudinally l countries, countrywide, countryside
w ww
police temperature Arctic Antarctic Equator megabyte gigabyte browser coordinates latitude longitude country
o c . che e r o t r s super
Rule: To make words ending with ch plural, es is added. Rule: When adding a suffix beginning with a vowel to most words ending with e, the e is dropped before adding the suffix. (The e is retained in pronounceable to keep the soft c sound.) l Rule: To make the plural of words ending with y after a consonant, change the y to i and add es. n
New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – G
R.I.C. Publications ®
Teacher information
Unit 20
Dictation 1. Morse code and braille are both methods of communication. 2. The police in the diesel-powered car caught the hooligan wearing the striped cardigan hiding in a banksia tree along the country road. 3. To pasteurise milk, it needs to be exposed to a temperature of about sixty degrees celsius. 4. The girl made her valentine a gift of sandwiches, pavlova and lamingtons while he gave her a biro, a teddy bear, a leotard and a bunch of roses. 5. Do you think pythons or arachnids would more likely to be found in Antarctica, the Arctic or the Equator? 6. The words megabyte, gigabyte and browser relate to computers, while the words coordinates, latitude and longitude relate to geography. 7. Which word do you think is the easiest to spell; volts, spoonerism or hygiene?
Teac he r
(a) arachnid (b) hooligan (c) spoonerism (d) pavlova (e) cardigan (f) hygiene (g) braille (h) python (i) banksia (j) sandwich (k) diesel (l) leotard (m) lamington (n) biro (o) celsius (p) volts (q) teddy (r) pasteurise (s) valentine (t) morse code
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S 3. Some of the list words can be sorted into categories. Sandwiches, lamingtons and pavlovas are foods. Arachnids and pythons are animals. You can wear cardigans and leotards. Under what category could you list braille and morse code? 4. g c s a n d w i c h c g l a a p r a d s i t g e a u n r d i b s i em mo
v v o l t s a i a e o h
a a p e o p r e n r r o
l p a o t o a s k h s o
e b v t a o c e s y e l
n r l a d n h l i g c i
t a o r d e n p a i o g
i i v d v r i y s e d a
n l a v l i d t a n e n
e l s i u s c h n e e l
t a em d i d n y g m t h o o n d s p i h u y s
5. Teacher check 6.
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l)
Arctic browser temperature Equator longitude gigabyte latitude police country megabyte Antarctic coordinates
ew i ev Pr
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i o8. n(a) sArctic, Antarctic (b) coordinates, latitude, longitude (c) gigabyte, megabyte •f orr evi ew pur poses o n l y•
2. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h)
list word pavlova arachnid biro sandwich volts hooligan banksia celsius
Word history
(p) (q)
cardigan morse code
close–fitting, one–piece garment worn by gymnasts etc. named after French acrobat, Jupes Leotard
(s) (t)
teddy diesel
stuffed toy bear, named after American president Theodore (Teddy) Roosevelt
Arachre, girl from Greek mythology, turned into a spider (arachnid)
w ww
named after Laszlo Biro, a Hungarian who invented the biro filling between two slices of bread, named after the 4th Earl of Sandwich measurement of electric force, named after Italian physicist Alessandran Volta
. te
R.I.C. Publications ®
young street thug, named after Irish criminal, Patrick Hooligan
7. Teacher check
9. Across: 2. braille 3. leotard 7. python 8. pavlova 9. diesel 11. morse code 16. hooligan 17. celsius 18. sandwich 19. arachnid 21. pasteurise 22. hygiene 23. temperature
m . u
o c . che e r o t r s super
Australian flowering plant named after Sir Joseph Banks
temperate scale named after Swedish astronomer, Anders Celsius
message of love sent on 14th February, named after Christian Martyr, St Valentine large non–venomous snake; a monster serpent from Greek mythology
error in speaking, where initial sounds of words are muddled up, named after Reverend Spooner to destroy germs by heating to a very high temperature, developed by Louis Pasteur a system of printing or writing for the blind, devised by Louis Braille
sponge cake covered in chocolate icing and coconut, named after governor of Queensland, Lord Lamington a knitted jacket, named after the 7th Earl of Cardigan
engine run on diesel oil, invented by German engineer, Rudolf Diesel
Down: 1. biro 2. banksia 4. equator 5. volts 6. police 10. browser 12. spoonerism 13. cardigan 14. lamington 15. valentine 20. teddy
10. Teacher check New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – G
Support material
Spelling games and activities
The following games and activities on pages 52–57 have been provided as additional support to the spelling program. They are a guide and can be developed to suit any class, program or teaching style. Choose activities and games which are different from those included in the particular unit.
Individual activities Purpose: To provide opportunities for students to become more familiar with list words.
Find small words in list words
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
For example; appearance: appear, car, ran, pear, pea, an For example: appetite
Make word snakes
n ta
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
Make word shapes
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons Write the list words from memory •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• Write definitions for list words and use them to make Definitions can be found in a dictionary or written in the Write the list words in alphabetical order or reverse alphabetical order
Sort words according to different criteria
For example: nouns or verbs; syllables; vowels or consonants; initial letters or blends; rhyming/non-rhyming; graphemes; students’ choice
m . u
student’s own words and checked.
w ww
‘What am I?’ clues
Write rhyming words for list words
. te
Find antonyms, synonyms or homophones for appropriate For example: permanent/temporary, ending/conclusion, list words foreword/forward
o c . che e r o t r s super
Find homographs (words which are spelt the same but For example: vain – conceited have a different meaning) for appropriate list words vain – useless, or having no effect Add suffixes such as s, ed, ing, er and est
Discuss appropriate spelling rules; e.g. transmit-transmitted, double the consonant to keep the vowel sound short
Rank words from the easiest to the most difficult to spell For example: pavlova 1 python 2 or vice versa arachid 3 hygiene 4
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Support material
Spelling games and activities Individual activities
Purpose: To provide opportunities for students to become more familiar with list words.
Write list words in sentences or in questions
For example: The amateur golfer was given excellent advice.
Write a paragraph using given list words
For example: Yesterday, I took one minute to run around the oval. Tomorrow, I will try to take 50 to 55 seconds. If I practise for a fortnight, I should continue to improve.
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
Complete an alphabet search using a pattern
For example: allergy, believe, cappuccino, debris, escapee. (all have a long e sound)
Teac he r
ew i ev Pr
Clap or strum the number of syllables in words and show For example: e/mer/gen/cy Each syllable must have a vowel sound—cy the syllable breaks does not have a vowel, but has a vowel sound. Complete words with missing vowels, consonants, focus For example: im _ ed _ _ te _ _ = immediately sound etc. For example: rope is an anagram of pore Find anagrams for appropriate list words Write plurals for list words
Discuss rules for words ending with y (berry, berries); f (half, halves); ch (lunch, lunches); words that change (child, children) etc.
© R. I . C.Pub l i cat i ons For example: conclusion = conclude, imaginary = imagine •f orr evi ew pur pose sonl y•
Write the base word for list words
w ww
Change a letter in a word to make a list word
. te
For example: hesitate, hesitates, hesitated, hesitating Also discuss how some words change: build, builds, built, building For example: write, wrote
m . u
Change the tense of words by adding ed or ing (Note suffix rules.)
Identify incorrect list words in a sentence and rewrite correctly
For example: Horizontil is the opposit of verticil.
Use secret codes to discover list words
For example:
o c . che e c trp s a o t r s super 1 2 3 4 5 r 7
p 3
R.I.C. Publications ®
v 8
u 9
e 10
b 11
r e c i o u 7 10 1 6 12 9
i 6 o 12 s 4
New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – G
Support material
Spelling games and activities Partner and group activities
Purpose: To provide opportunities for students to work collaboratively and improve their knowledge of list words.
Jumble list words and swap with a partner For example: polygons. and both A a are decagon pentagon
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
Jumble sentences containing list words and swap with a partner
Make word searches or crosspatches and swap with a partner
These can be made using grid paper.
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
It should read: A decagon and a pentagon are both polygons.
Create ‘What am I?’ clues for others with a list word as the answer Create yes/no questions or true/false statements for others to complete using list words
For example: Is a fortnight longer than a month?
Make prefix and suffix books
Make separate books for different prefixes and suffixes. Include a definition/illustration/sentence containing the new word. For example: piece A piece of pie.
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• Brainstorm banks of words using the same grapheme or For example: Create memory helpers (mnemonics) for list words
Create sentences that show the meaning of a list word, in pairs, and compare in groups
For example: A heptathlon is an athletic contest with seven events.
m . u
grapheme ue – tissue, rescue, argue, duel phoneme long e – unique, absentee, conceit, relieve
w ww
Write definitions for list words with a partner and give to another pair for them to guess
. te
Hunt for list words in texts
Create graffiti words
Students can search in magazines, newspapers etc. for list words and record in a tally. See which word appeared the most at the end of a week.
o c . che e r o t r s super
New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – G
Decorate an A4 sheet of paper to look like a brick wall. Use graffiti–style writing to add the list words to the ‘wall’.
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Support material
Spelling games and activities Partner and group activities
Purpose: To provide opportunities for students to work collaboratively and improve their knowledge of list words.
In pairs, highlight any changes made when adding suffixes or prefixes to list words.
For example; decide, decides, decided, deciding, decision
Hold simple class spelling competitions
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
In ‘Tic tac toe’, each player uses a list of words with a common grapheme as their ‘noughts and crosses’. For example, in the game below, Player One used a bank of words with a long e sound and Player Two, a bank of words ending with ary.
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
Play ‘Concentration’ ,’Fish’, ‘Word bingo’ or ‘Tic tac toe’
For example: a ‘Difficult word(s) day’, where the class try to spell a challenging word(s).
letters in the correct order which they occur in each word. © R. I . C.Pub l i c a t i o nins Students ask questions that require a yes/no response to Play ‘Guess my word’ •f orr evi ew pur po ses oword. nl •is then required to guess the mystery spelling Ay student Play ‘Hangman’, or a similar game called ‘Shannon’s game’
‘Shannon’s game’ differs in that students need to guess the
write the word correctly on the board.
w ww
. te
In ‘Celebrity head words’, a student uses a headband to hold a card with a list word written on it. He or she asks questions of the class which can only be answered by yes or no; e.g. ‘Does the word end with ious?’ Questions can be limited (three only). In each game, the word needs to be written on the board at the end by a student. For example: ‘What word has a silent letter and means a small boat? (dinghy)
m . u
Play ‘Celebrity head words’, ‘Picture clue words’ or ‘Charades’ with spelling words
o c . che e r o t r s super
Students write quiz questions for spelling words and give them to another pair to solve. Alternatively, a ‘quiz night’ could be held using multiple lists
Students write secret word clues for list words. Hold a competition to see who can guess the word first or who can guess it correctly. Clues could be given orally or written
For example: Take p from pause and add bec. (because)
Find the word that comes before and after a list word in a For example: extract, extraordinary, extravagantly dictionary. Write them down.
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Support material
Spelling games and activities
Activities for students with special needs These can be used individually or in pairs or in small groups. Many of the activities on pages 52–55 will also be suitable and can be modified to suit the needs of the student.
Encourage students to ‘have a go’ and take risks with approximate spelling
Use ‘have a go’ pads or personal dictionaries for students to try out their spelling when constructing written texts.
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
‘Word bingo’ Students copy words onto bingo cards, checking their spelling, then cover words with counters on their cards if the word is called. First to cover them all wins. Ensure that not all words on the cards are the same! ‘Word quizzes’ Using a word list, students correctly write a word after being given a clue; e.g. ‘Write the word that rhymes with street’ (delete).
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
Play games like ‘Word bingo’, ‘Word quizzes’ and ‘Spell it’
‘Spell it’ Collect 20 strips of paper. Write a list word on each piece and put into a container. Students take turns with a partner to take out a strip and spell the word orally or to write it. Encourage students to look around the classroom for the Display charts of days of the week, months of the year, sentences about topics of interest, antonyms, synonyms, spelling of words they may need homophones, silent letters, difficult words etc.
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons Use list words to make ladders, each word p •spelling f or r ewith vi ew ur posesonl y• starting with the letter which ends the word before
Decorate or illustrate list words
n u o i s n a e m
s a n c e v i d e n t
m . u
w ww
. te
r e c i p e c o s y s
Students can draw a picture of a list word and another student guesses and writes the word. Other words can be decorated by outlining in different colours or creating patterns.
o c . che e r o t r s super
Sort each spelling list into shorter lists based on similar spelling patterns
For example:
Longer words can be broken into ‘chunks’ to assist spelling, rather than conventional syllables
For example: Wed/nes/day instead of the conventional syllabification Wednes/day (Wenzday).
beauty, beautiful tablespoon, mushroom
review, viewed avenue, subdue
Students should be encouraged to choose how to chunk the word themselves, to suit their learning style and to help them to remember how to spell the word.
New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – G
R.I.C. Publications ®
Support material
Spelling games and activities
Activities for students with special needs These can be used individually, in pairs or in small groups. Many of the activities on pages 52–55 will also be suitable and can be modified to suit the needs of the student.
Encourage students to look at difficult words, focus on the problem part(s), close their eyes and visualise it, and then write it
For example; The problem part of detective is that the e on the end does not make a long i sound.
u o p r o e t e l c s Bo r e p ok u S
Write list words on small cards or graph paper, cut out the letters and then build the word from the cut out letters
Play ‘Snap’ or ‘Concentration’ with word parts, prefixes or suffixes
Use magnetic letters to form words on a memory board
Emphasise and discuss spelling rules and brainstorm to complete lists of words following the rule. Also find exceptions to the rule.
= couple
Students gradually add to a bank of words they are unsure of how to spell, remembering to check to see if a word is listed before asking for it to be written. For example: space matches ship or craft, and can also have s, ed or ing added to it. Variation: Students ask questions requiring a yes/no response to guess a mystery spelling word. The student is then required to form the word correctly on the board. For example: When adding a suffix beginning with a vowel to a word ending with e, the e is dropped before adding the suffix. e.g. hesitate/hesitating, vote/voted, but not in noticeable (the e is retained to keep the soft c sound)
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
Make alphabet books to use as personal dictionaries
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• For example: Did you ____ hard ____ I was out of the room?
Make new words by writing letters in front of or after given letters
For example: airport, airsock, airtight ordinary, temporary, boundary
. te
Play ‘Word sort rummy’
R.I.C. Publications ®
m . u
(work, while)
w ww
Prepare sentences or questions with missing list words for students to write the correct word in the space
o c . che e r o t r s super
Each player has five word cards and the rest are placed facedown in a pile. The top card is placed face-up next to the pile. The first player can take a card from the pile or the upturned card. The player must put down one of his or her cards on the upturned pile. The aim is to collect pairs of cards which are linked in some way; e.g. both begin with gr, both rhyme, both have four letters.
New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – G
Support material
Photocopiable spelling games and activities
New words My new word is
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
2. Write three things about your word. For example; what are the beginning, middle and last letters? Is it a verb, adjective, noun or adverb?
1. (a) Say your word.
(b) My word has
(c) Write any small words that are in your word.
3. Write your word in a sentence.
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
© R. I . C.Pu bl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• 4. Write words that rhyme with your word.
. te
m . u
w ww
5. Cover your word. Write it from memory three times. Tick each time you wrote it correctly.
o c . che e r o t r s super
6. Write a definition of your word. Use a dictionary to check your answer.
7. Write your word using fancy lettering.
New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – G
R.I.C. Publications ®
Support material
Photocopiable spelling games and activities
Word search
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
Make your own word search using some of your list words. Your words can go across, down or diagonally. Pass your word search to a partner to do. Can they find all the words?
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• Letter sort
4 Letters
. te
R.I.C. Publications ®
6 Letters
m . u
w ww
Group your list words according to the number of letters they have.
o c . che e r o t r s super 5 Letters
7 Letters
New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – G
Support material
Photocopiable spelling games and activities
Which category? Write each list word onto the correct page. Some words may be written more that once. Use the last page to create your own category for your list words Words that are adjectives. e Words with a Words with thre s. prefix or suffix. or more syllable
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
Words _
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
w ww
Write 20 list words with some of the letters missing. Swap with a partner and fill in the missing letters.
. te
List words with missing letters
m . u
What’s missing?
o c . che e r o t r s super 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – G
R.I.C. Publications ®
Support material
Photocopiable spelling games and activities
Crazy coordinates Choose five list words and write the letters randomly on the grid without repeating any letters. Write the coordinates for the letters in each word, remembering to write the horizontal reference first. For example; (G,3). Can a partner write the letters above each coordinate to work out the words?
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
10 9
6 5
2 1
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
Total words correct:
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• B
m . u
Which word?
w ww
With a partner, choose 10 list words. Both of you write the words on your own copy of this game. Each person circles one of the list words without showing the other. Take turns asking each other questions about the circled word. The first person to guess his/her partner’s word wins! Hint: Make sure you cross out words that aren’t correct.
. te o Suggested questions c . che e r o t r s super Does your word start with
Does your word have
Your 10 list words
Is your word an adjective? Does your word end with Does your word have
? vowels?
Is your word a verb? Think of your own questions! R.I.C. Publications ®
New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – G
Support material
men t
Teac he r =
= = = = = = = = = = =
+ + + + + + + + + m+ . +u +
New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – G
o c . che e r o t r s super
. te
Write 12 spelling words. Make a new word by adding one of the endings shown or one of your own.
ew i ev Pr
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
w ww
Word building
Photocopiable spelling games and activities
R.I.C. Publications ®
Support material
Photocopiable spelling games and activities
Spelling busy bee Write 12 spelling words. 1. 2. 3. 4.
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S 10. 11.
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
Write them in alphabetical order.
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
Write a synonym and an antonym for each word. Word
w ww
2. 3. 4.
. te
6. 7.
R.I.C. Publications ®
• Create a crosspatch with clues. • Find rhyming words.
o c . che e r o t r s super
More activities
m . u
• Put the words into a short story. • Write a concrete (shape) poem using your words. • Create a word search.
New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – G
Support material
Spelling strategy cards
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
ew i ev Pr
Teac Meaning he r
m . u
• Do I know what parts of the word mean?
• Can I use it in a sentence?
w ww
. te
• What does the word mean?
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
o c . che e r o t r s super
New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – G
R.I.C. Publications ®
Support material
Spelling strategy cards
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
ew i ev Pr
Teac Hearing her
R.I.C. Publications ®
. u
• Is there a wrong, but helpful way to say it? m
• Can I break it into parts?
w ww
. te
• Can I pronounce the word correctly?
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
o c . che e r o t r s super
New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – G
Support material
Spelling strategy cards
• What letters make the sounds?
• Can I see the word in my head?
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
ew i ev Pr
Teac Seeing he r
m . u
w ww
. te
• Is it like another word?
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
o c . che e r o t r s super
New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – G
R.I.C. Publications ®
Support material
Spelling strategy cards
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
ew i ev Pr
Teac Rememberingher
R.I.C. Publications ®
. u
• Is there a trick mI can use?
• Is there a spelling rule?
w ww
. te
• What is the difficult part?
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
o c . che e r o t r s super
New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – G
Support material
Spelling strategy cards
• Could I have used some other ways of learning?
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
ew i ev Pr
Teac Reflecting he r
m . u
• How do I feel?
w ww
. te
• Did I use good strategies?
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
o c . che e r o t r s super
New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – G
R.I.C. Publications ®
Support material
Spelling strategy cards
• Can I now spell other words with similar patterns?
• Can I use the word in my writing?
• Can I use the word in dictation?
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
ew i ev Pr
Teac Applying her
w ww
. te
R.I.C. Publications ®
m . u
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
o c . che e r o t r s super
New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – G
Support material
Photocopiable poster
For every
r o e t s Bo r e remember to: ok p u S
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
spelling word,
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
m . u
w ww
. te
o c . c e her r Cover o t s super Write
New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – G
R.I.C. Publications ®
Support material
Spelling merit certificates
r o e t s Bo r e p ok for u S
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
congratulations on your success
you’re a spelling cHamp!
m . u
thank you for your effort
for a
presented to R.I.C. Publications ®
o c . che e r o t r s super big improvement in spelling
w ww
. te
Date © R. I . C.Pub l i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – G
Support material
Individual recording sheet
Student name:
Date and Test
Result Comment
Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3
Unit 5
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
Unit 4
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
Unit 6 Unit 7
Unit 8
Unit 9 Unit 10
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
Unit 13 Unit 14 Unit 15 Unit 16
w ww
Unit 12
. te
m . u
Unit 11
o c . che e r o t r s super
Unit 17 Unit 18 Unit 19 Unit 20 New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – G
R.I.C. Publications ®
Support material
Test checklist
Unit 20
Unit 19
Unit 18
Unit 17
Unit 16
Unit 15
Unit 14
Unit 13
Unit 12
Unit 11
Unit 10
Unit 9
Unit 8
Unit 7
Unit 6
Unit 5
Unit 4
Unit 3
r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S
ew i ev Pr
Teac he r
Student name
Unit 2
Unit 1
w ww
. te
R.I.C. Publications ®
m . u
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
o c . che e r o t r s super
New wave spelling – Teacher resource book – G