Reading with Phonics: Book 3

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Reading with phonics Book 3

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Published by R.I.C. Publications® 2009 Copyright© Sharon Shepherd 2009 ISBN 978-1-74126-858-4 RIC–6310

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r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

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ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

Reading with phonics – Book 1 Reading with phonics – Book 2 Reading with phonics – Book 3

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w ww

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m . u

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o c . che e r o t r s super

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Foreword Reading with phonics is a series of three books designed to develop students’ phonemic awareness through a text with related worksheets. This allows the students to practise the sound being taught while reading and comprehending text. Each sound has two stories based around the same theme so the teacher can cater for individual ability levels within the classroom. The word cards at the end of each treated sound help to consolidate the students’ knowledge of the sounds. They can be used to introduce or consolidate teaching and learning.

The books in this series are:

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

Reading with phonics (Book 1) Reading with phonics (Book 2) Reading with phonics (Book 3)


Foreword............................................................................................................................................................................................ iii Teachers notes ...................................................................................................................................................................... iv – v a–e, ay

ay, ai

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons Ray’s sailing day .......................................................................................................................... •f or r evi e.w pur posesonl y• 9–16

The birthday games ....................................................................................................................... 1–8

ea, ee

Green peas and beans ......................................................................................................... 26–34

ea, ee, y

A sunny day on the sea ........................................................................................................ 35–42

er, ir

The first day of summer ....................................................................................................... 43–52

er, ir, ur ou, ow

oo, u–e

. te

m . u

Playing on a rainy day ............................................................................................................. 17–25

w ww

a–e, ai, ay

The turtle, the turkey, the bird and the tiger ............................................................... 53–60

o c . che e r o t r s super

When the circus came to town .......................................................................................... 61–68

A trip to the moon .................................................................................................................... 69–76

oo, u–e, ue, ew

My granny’s ‘true tales’ .......................................................................................................... 77–84

oi, oy

The royal coin ............................................................................................................................ 85–92

oa, o–e

Mum’s cooking ......................................................................................................................... 93–100

ow, o

My pony ...................................................................................................................................... 101–108

i, ie

In the wild .................................................................................................................................. 109–116

or, aw

My dad, the prawn trawler ................................................................................................. 117–124


......................................................................................................................................................... 125–140

R.I.C. Publications® –

Reading with phonics


Teachers notes Phonics is a large component of a student’s reading development and often it is taught in isolation rather than within a text. In this series of phonic books, the student develops his/her phonemic awareness within the structure of a text and its supporting worksheets. Each grapheme is treated within a story so the student can associate the sound with a word and develop strategies for word identification and comprehension. The stories are accompanied by relevant worksheets that consolidate the sound being treated. The teacher has a choice of texts and worksheets to use with the grapheme being covered. This enables different levels of ability to be catered for within the classroom.

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

Teac he r

In Books 1 and 2, the sounds are covered individually. In Book 3, different graphemes that represent the same sound families are treated. The books all follow the same format: two sets of stories based around the sound, followed by corresponding worksheets.

The text offers the teacher two choices: a simple story or a more complex story. The teacher can choose which is more appropriate for the level of the student.

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The word cards can be used for sight vocabulary, home reading, spelling words, word sorts, making sentences or reading with a partner.

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The first story may be used to introduce

The texts can also be used at the same time to compare stories. The students can list the similarities and differences in each.

m . u

and the b second story ©the Rdigraph(s) . I . C. Pu l i c at i ons to consolidate. It may be that the texts are used at the same time to cater for •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• students’ varying ability levels.

o c . che e r o t r s super

A note on the pronunciation of some digraphs

Although some digraphs can be used to represent slightly different sounds, they have not been differentiated in this book. Teachers should explain to their students that there can be an additional pronunciation with these letters in certain words. These words have been included because they are beneficial to students’ understanding of their spelling. For example, the digraphs u-e, ue and ew can produce an ‘oo’ sound (as in flute, glue and screw). Although the keywords used for these digraphs concentrate on this sound, words such as cube, new and stew, which have a ‘yoo’ sound, have also been included. The same is true for the digraph er. While the keyword used for the digraph concentrates on the ‘er’ sound (as in germ and pert), pronunciation of er when the digraph is at the end of a word can create an ‘uh’ sound (as in summer, dinner and older). For this book, where worksheet instructions refer to a digraph (for example, ue), this indicates that students should only concentrate on the words which contain the relevant digraph sound when pronounced.


Reading with phonics – R.I.C. Publications®

Teachers notes

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

Some worksheets relate to the story. The teacher can decide to use all the worksheets as a package or select the ones he/she would like to use. The corresponding questions cover both literal and inferential questions, encouraging the students to think about the text they have read.

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m . u

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons Other worksheets not related to the story but to the digraph, are included to use as study or revision. •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

o c . che e r o t r s super

R.I.C. Publications® –

Reading with phonics


Teachers notes The worksheets expose the students to different types of questions and word study exercises to develop their understanding of phonemic awareness, punctuation and grammar. It also maintains the students’ interest and consolidates strategies taught. The words can be used as spelling cards, sight vocabulary cards, home reading cards or can be read with a partner to consolidate sound/word recognition.

ke panca lay

clay cake







r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

Teachers can use the words with underlined digraphs for word sorts, making stories or for sentence construction. The reading cards enable students to consolidate and extend their sight vocabulary and to recognise the digraph in a text format as well as on the activity-based worksheets.



blame today





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ew i ev Pr

Teac he r


w ww

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Reading with phonics

m . u

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

o c . che e r o t r s super – R.I.C. Publications®

The birthday games – 1 1. Circle the ‘a-e’ words in red and the ‘ay’ words in green. Each birthday, my mum and dad make up some funny games for us to play. This year, Dad made a stage and we acted out different things. Fay had to be a snake, Jake had to pretend he was surfing a wave and May had to stay as still as a statue. I had to pretend to be in a plane doing tricks.

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

r o e t s Bo r e pshoelaces around our ankles okand we had a After that, Dad tied u three-legged race. We all took our places and tried hard to stay S standing. We raced to the finish line. May and Fay won the race.

Then Mum made everyone ice a cake. She put them on a tray and Dad judged them. I made mine look like a whale, Jake made a plane and May and Fay both made funny faces. Mum sprayed around the table to keep the flies away, then we had lunch. Dad had put bales of hay around the yard. It looked like a maze. He had put clues under the hay and they led us to the playhouse.

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

m . u

w ww

In the playhouse there was a present with my name on it. ‘Clayton’s present’ was written on the box. The box started to sway. We looked inside and there was a puppy. It was the best birthday ever! 2. Draw Jake, Fay, Clayton and May playing with the puppy.

. te

o c . che e r o t r s super

R.I.C. Publications® –

Reading with phonics


The birthday games – 2 Answer the questions using full sentences. 1. What does his mum and dad do when it is his birthday?

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u 2. Name two games Sthey played?

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

3. How many friends came to his birthday?

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m . u

4. How old do you think the children were in the story? Why?

. te

o c . che e r o t r sparties? su 5. What games do you like to play atp birthday er


Reading with phonics – R.I.C. Publications®

The birthday games – 3 Cut out the letter cards and make the ‘a-e’ and ‘ay’ words.





or e s r per ct ayBoo n u k S k a e s




o n

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Teac he r


© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons whevi l po eseson al •f orr ew pur y•




w ww

m . u


s e c a . te o c . che e r o ay r p l t s super t






R.I.C. Publications® –


Reading with phonics


The birthday games – 4 Circle the ‘a-e’ words in red and the ‘ay’ words in green.

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

Every year when it is my birthday, my mum and dad make up some funny games for us to play. This year, we performed on a stage that Dad had made and acted out different things. Fay had to be a snake and Jake had to pretend he was surfing a big wave. May had to be a statue and stay still, and I had to pretend to do tricks in a plane. It was very funny.

After that, Dad came out and tied shoelaces around our ankles. He said we were having a three-legged race. We all took our places and tried hard to stay standing. When Dad said ‘Go’, we all raced to the finish line. May and Fay were the only ones who stayed up straight and they won the race. Then Mum had everyone design and ice a cake. She put them on a tray and Dad had to judge them. I made my cake into a whale, Jake made a plane, and May and Fay both made funny faces.

m . u

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

w ww

While Mum went inside to make milkshakes, Dad told us to take a crayon and draw a map of the backyard. He said the next game was a treasure hunt. He said that he may hide the clues in the yard for us to find. We were going to play this game after lunch. Mum sprayed the table to keep the flies away and placed a cloth on it. She brought out the cakes we iced, the milkshakes and lots of other food.

. te

o c . che e r o t r sthe treasure hunt su pe After we had eaten, Dad said it was time tor play

game. While we were eating he had put bales of hay around, so our backyard looked like a maze. We had to take a crayon and place the hay bales on our plan, then we had to look for the clues. The clues were under the hay. They led us to the playhouse and inside was a present with my name on it. ‘Clayton’s present’ was written all over the box. The box started to sway. My friends helped me open it and there was a puppy inside. We all agreed that it was the best birthday ever. 4

Reading with phonics – R.I.C. Publications®

The birthday games – 5 1. Draw a line from the beginning of each sentence to its correct ending. (a) When it is my birthday

(b) This year, Dad made a stage •

• our ankles for a race. • under the hay bales.

r o t s • eB • and there was a puppy. r e o p oplay funny games. u (d) Mum sprayed the table • • we k S

Teac he r

(c) My dad put clues

• and we performed acts.

(f) We looked inside

• to keep the flies away.

2. Use ‘and’ to make longer sentences.

ew i ev Pr

(e) Dad tied shoelaces around •

e.g. This year, Dad made a stage. We performed acts. This year, Dad made a stage and we performed acts.

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •raced f ortor e vi ewline. pu r p os es othe nl y • (a) We the finish May and Fay won race.

w ww

m . u

(b) I made a whale cake. Jake made a plane cake.

. te

o c . che e r o t r s suclues. er (c) We ate lunch. Dad hid the p

R.I.C. Publications® –

Reading with phonics


The birthday games – 6 1. Write the meaning of each word. You can use a dictionary. (a) tray (b) spray (c) gate (d) game

2. Join the word pairs to make compound words.

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

(e) crayon

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

4. Write the opposite of each word.

e.g. shoe + lace = shoelace

(a) puppy

(a) milk + shake =

(b) run

(e) boy

(e) a + round

(f) under


. te

3. Write the words in alphabetical order.





o c . e plane c day skate her r o t s super


say ate

5. Circle all the ‘a-e’ and ‘ay’ words in the word train. caketraysha kel ay


w ww

(d) every + one =

m . u

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons (c) he •f orr evi ew pur p osesonl y• (c) birth + day = (d) finish (b) play + house =









5. 6

Reading with phonics


teway – R.I.C. Publications®

The birthday games – 7 1. Find the words in the wordsearch.


















































ew i ev Pr

Teac he r


r o e t s Bo r e r u ap y s A wokl S skate



















. w t e






e s

a y


m . u

w ww

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons a •f r rr avi kw p eur ss e on el o e e po es y•l o










o c . c e phel a yt i n r o r s super s






2. Write out the leftover letters. Can you make the hidden sentence? R.I.C. Publications® –

Reading with phonics


The birthday games – 8 Cut out and use the words for reading, writing, spelling, word definitions, word sorts or card games.



r o e t s Bolay r e p ok u S

Teac he r





ew i ev Pr


away spade © R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons

•f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• stray



te stale

m . u


w ww


today o

c . che e r o r stsafe super spray






Reading with phonics – R.I.C. Publications®


Ray’s sailing day – 1


1. Circle the ‘ay’ words in yellow and the ‘ai’ words in blue. Every Saturday, Ray and his dad went sailing in the bay. At the sailing club, Ray would have to unchain the boat and trailer and hook it up to the car. Ray would get out of the way and wait for his dad to back it into the water.

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

r o e t s Bo r e pcheck that the sails, life jackets okand pail were in It was Ray’s job to u the boat. Dad kept the pail in a tray just in case he had to drain any S water out. Dad would pay for a ticket and then park the car. When everything was ready, off they would go, sailing across the water. Dad would put the mainsail up and wait for the wind to push them along. There was a railway line next to the bay and sometimes they would see a train. Once, Dad took his fishing line out and Ray put some bait on it and nearly caught a stingray!

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons If it was a windy day, the boat would sway in the water and they •bef o rr ev e wwaves. puThey r po ses on l y• would sprayed byi the were never afraid because

. te

m . u

w ww

Ray’s dad stayed calm and aimed the boat to the edge of the bay. If it got too choppy, they would jump over into the clay mud and walk the sailing boat back to the ramp. Ray and his dad always had fun and they looked forward to their sailing day together. 2. Draw Ray and his dad sailing in the bay. They have two sails up and it is a sunny day.

o c . che e r o t r s super

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Reading with phonics




Ray’s sailing day – 2

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

1. Write the ‘ay’ and ‘ai’ words in the story in the correct sail.

2. Draw and sequence four events in the story. Number the boxes to show the order. Write a sentence about each event.

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Reading with phonics

m . u

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

o c . che e r o t r s super – R.I.C. Publications®


Ray’s sailing day – 3


Cut out the letter cards and rearrange them to make the ‘ai’ and ‘ay’ words.





ew i ev Pr

ai ch r o e t s Bo r e ayupai r l okw S ay b

Teac he r


© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons srrevng rrposay t• •f o i ew pu esonl y



. tel












m . u


w ww



o c . che e r o t r s ai n suprer


R.I.C. Publications® –


Reading with phonics




Ray’s sailing day – 4

Circle ‘ay’ words in yellow and the ‘ai’ words in blue.

Teac he r

ew i ev Pr

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u Every Saturday, RayS and his dad went sailing in the bay. At the sailing

club, Ray would have to unchain the boat and trailer and hook it up to the car. Ray would get out of the way and wait for his dad to back it into the water. It was Ray’s job to check that the sails, life jackets, and pail were in the boat. Dad kept the pail in a tray just in case he had to drain any water out. Dad would pay for a ticket and then park the car.

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons When everything was ready, off theyp would go, sailing across the •f o rr evi ew ur p os eso nl y •water.

m . u

w ww

Dad would put the mainsail up and wait for the wind to push them along. There was a railway line next to the bay and sometimes they would see a train. Once, Dad took his fishing line out and Ray put some bait on it and nearly caught a stingray! If it was a windy day, the boat would sway in the water and they would be sprayed by the waves. They were never afraid because Ray’s dad stayed calm and aimed the boat to the edge of the bay. If it got too choppy, they would jump over into the clay mud and walk the sailing boat back to the ramp.

. te

o c . che e r o t r s super

Last Sunday, Ray and his dad painted the boat. Dad prayed it wouldn’t rain. Mum had made a lunch tray because Dad knew it was going to take all day to paint the sailing boat and then put it away. Next Saturday was a race day and Ray was praying they would win. Dad said it didn’t matter if they won or not because any sailing day was a good day. Ray and his dad always had fun and they always looked forward to their sailing days together. 12

Reading with phonics – R.I.C. Publications®


Ray’s sailing day – 5


Answer the questions using full sentences. 1. When did Ray and his dad go sailing?

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u 2. Name two things S that were in the sailing boat?

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Teac he r

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

3. What safety rules should you follow on a sailing boat?

w ww

4. How would you describe clay soil?

. te

m . u

o c . che e r o t r s r udad 5. Why do you think Ray ands his had fun sailing together? pe

R.I.C. Publications® –

Reading with phonics




Ray’s sailing day – 6

1. Complete the word puzzles. (a) Change ‘r’ to ‘ch’ in rain.

3. Write the words in alphabetical order. sailing boy bay away train

r o e t s Bo r 2. e p ok u 3. (c) Change ‘p’ to S‘m’ in pail. 4. 5.

(d) Add ‘to’ to day.

© R. I . C.Pub l i cat i ons (a) tray •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• (b) sail

(e) Take the ‘s’ off spray.

4. For each word, write another that rhymes.

2. Write if each sentence is ‘True’, ‘False’ or ‘Not in the story’.

(c) say (d) rain

. te (b) Ray was a boy.

(e) bait

w ww

(a) It was Monday.

m . u


ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

(b) Change ‘b’ to ‘sw’ in bay.

o c . che e r o t r t n r i a a r s yraylaiddra supber i 5. Circle all the ‘ai’ and ‘ay’ words in the word train.




(d) Mum liked sailing.

yst saypray tailba aid



(c) It was a red boat.

ay tod ayplainsnail

Reading with phonics – R.I.C. Publications®


Ray’s sailing day – 7


Write a story using the words below. Circle these words in your story. paint







r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

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Teac he r


w ww

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m . u

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

o c . che e r o t r s super

R.I.C. Publications® –

Reading with phonics




Ray’s sailing day – 8

Cut out and use the words for reading, writing, spelling, word definitions, word sorts or card games.


ew i ev Pr

clay r o e t s B r lay pe strain oo u k S sprain play

Teac he r



brain © R. I . C.Publ i caspray t i ons

•f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•







m . u


w ww


. te o may main c . che e r o t r sdelay super chain


Reading with phonics – R.I.C. Publications®

Playing on a rainy day – 1 1. Circle the ‘ai’ words in red, the ‘ay’ words in blue and the ‘a–e’ words in green. It was a rainy day and Kate, Abigail and Brayden had to stay inside. They couldn’t go out and play, so Mum said they could bake a cake while they waited for the rain to stop. When the chocolate cake was cooked, Mum put it on a cake tray to cool.

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Teac he r

r o e t s Bo r e pmade pictures with crayons, okpaints and paper. While it cooled, they u Kate liked toS draw animals. She drew a whale with its tail coming out of the water, a long snake and a slimy snail. She wanted to be

a vet one day. Abigail drew a train, a plane and a sailboat sailing on a lake. She wanted to be a pilot. Brayden drew a Playstation™ and a computer. He wanted to make computer games when he grew up.

The rain didn’t stop, so Mum got out a game. It was called Snakes and ladders. If you landed on a snake’s head, you had to go all the way back to the end of its tail. Mum suggested they may like to put the CD player on, so they listened to their favourite songs while they played. When they were younger, they always listened to music.

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

. te

2. Draw a picture of an event in the story.

m . u

w ww

Mum told funny tales about when they were young, and then it was time to get dinner ready. They had baked meat and vegetables, with yummy chocolate cake for dessert!

o c . che e r o t r s super

R.I.C. Publications® –

Reading with phonics


Playing on a rainy day – 2 Use words from the story to complete the sentences. It was a

day and

Brayden had to


inside. They they could

a cake

Teac he r

for the

tray to

ew i ev Pr


go out and

r o e t s B r too stop. When the e p ok u cakeS was cooked, Mum put on

, so Mum while they



While it cooled, they

pictures with

and paper. Kate liked to with its

, paints

animals. She drew a coming out of the


© R. I . C.Publ i c at i ons and a slimy . She wanted to be a vet •f orr evi ew pur po sesonl y• one day. Abigail drew a train, a and a sailboat sailing on a


. Brayden drew a

w ww

and a computer. He wanted to he

m . u

lake. She wanted to be a

computer games when


The rain called

. te

. It was o c . c e andh ladders. If you landed on ar snake’s er o t s s r u e p , you had to go all the way back to the end of its stop, so Mum got out a

. Then it was time to get dinner baked cake for


Reading with phonics


. They had

, with yummy

! – R.I.C. Publications®

Playing on a rainy day – 3 Cut out and match the pictures to the clues. Cows like to eat me. .

r o e t s Bo r e p ok to eat. I am good u S You put candles on me. I am a

I came out of the clouds.

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Teac he r

I am


© R. I . C. ubl i cat i ons . P •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

I am

w ww

I am a

m . u

I go on a railway track. .

. te I am big. o c . c e her r I live in the ocean. o t s super

I am a


You use me to carry things. I am a

R.I.C. Publications® –


Reading with phonics


Playing on a rainy day – 4 1. Find the smaller words in each of these words. (a) train

(b) plane (c) snail

(e) paints



r paints cake o e t s Bo r e p ok u 1. S

(f) chocolate

2. Write if each sentence is ‘True’, ‘False’ or ‘Not in the story’.

2. 3. 4. 5.

stay wait

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Teac he r

(d) tape

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons 6. •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

(b) Brayden drew butterflies.

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(c) They made a cake.

4. For each word, write another that rhymes. (a) cake

m . u

(a) It was raining.

3. Write the words in alphabetical order.

. (b) way te o c (d) Abigail wanted to a vet. . cbe e her r (c) rain o t s super

(e) Mum put a DVD on.

(d) tail

(e) game

(f) She ate spaghetti. (f) snake


Reading with phonics – R.I.C. Publications®

Playing on a rainy day – 5 Circle the ‘ai’ words in red, the ‘ay’ words in blue and the ‘a–e’ words in green. It was rainy day and Kate, Abigail and Brayden had to stay inside. They couldn’t go out and play, so Mum said they could bake a cake while they waited for the rain to stop. When the chocolate cake was cooked and taken out of the tin, Mum put it on a cake tray to cool.

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

r o e t s Bo r e pthey got some crayons, paints ok While the cake cooled, and paper and drew u some pictures. Kate liked to draw animals. She drew a whale with its tail S coming out of the water, a long snake and a slimy snail. She wanted to be a vet one day. Abigail drew a train, a plane and a sailboat sailing on a lake. She wanted to be a pilot. Brayden drew a Playstation™ and a computer. He wanted to design computer games when he grew up. The rain didn’t stop, so Mum got out a game. It was called Snakes and ladders. If you landed on a snake’s head, you had to go all the way back to the end of its tail. Abigail said she was afraid of snakes. Kate told her that snakes will go away if you leave them alone. Mum said if they ever saw a snake, they should walk away from it and tell an adult.

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

. te

Mum told funny tales about when they were young. If they were playing and Mum called them inside, they would run away and hide. Another time, Kate brought home a stray cat. She wanted the cat to stay but it belonged to the lady down the street. The lady thought Kate had taken her cat!

m . u

w ww

Mum suggested they may like to put the CD player on, so they listened to their favourite songs while they played. Kate, Abigail and Brayden swayed to the music. When they were younger, they always listened to music.

o c . che e r o t r s super

Playing inside had been fun and soon it was time to get dinner ready. They had baked meat and vegetables, with yummy chocolate cake for dessert! R.I.C. Publications® –

Reading with phonics


Playing on a rainy day – 6 Answer the questions using full sentences. 1. Who had to play inside? Why?

2. What sort of cake did they bake?

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons 3. Where do• you think Mum got thep game from? f o rr evi ew ur p osesonl y•

w ww

m . u

4. What did Abigail and Brayden want to be when they grew up?

. te

o c . che e r o t r s super

5. Write down some funny things that you did when you were little. 22

Reading with phonics – R.I.C. Publications®

Playing on a rainy day – 7 1. Write one sentence for each of the words below.


(a) (b)





r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S


2. Write the opposite of each word.

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r



3. Rearrange the letters to make words and draw a picture for each word. Word


w ww

(c) little (d) out (e) tail

. te

(f) down

(b) ayrt

m . u

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew (a) pu r posesonl y• Isnai (b) on (a) inside

o c . che e r o t r s super (c) ekca

(d) anir

(g) young (h) day R.I.C. Publications® –

(e) lewah

Reading with phonics


Playing on a rainy day – 8 Cut out the words below. Glue them in the correct column.



r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r


© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•



. te tray



o made c .













m . u


w ww


Reading with phonics

che e r o r st trail s uper play – R.I.C. Publications®

Playing on a rainy day – 9 Cut out and use the words for reading, writing, spelling, word definitions, word sorts or card games.



Teac he r


ew i ev Pr

r o e t s Botape r e faint p ok u S lake clay


pain whale © R. I . C.Publ i cat i o ns

•f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•







m . u


w ww


. te o aim shake c . che e r o t r s pray case super

R.I.C. Publications® –

Reading with phonics


Green peas and beans – 1 1. Circle all the ‘ee’ words in green and the ‘ea’ words in yellow. Dee and Dean were siblings who lived on a quiet street with lots of trees. On the weekend they were going to buy some bean and pea seeds and a peach tree. The peas and beans would grow quickly and could feed the family. The peach tree would take some time to grow peaches, but Dad said to imagine the yummy peaches they would get to eat!

Teac he r

ew i ev Pr

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u When it was Saturday, they drove down their leafy street and waved S to Mr Green, who was sweeping his porch. They went along the beach road and saw someone sleeping on a seat. Dad tooted his horn to wake him up! Mum thought that was mean.

It didn’t take long to get the plants. Dad needed a new spade so he could dig a deep hole for the peach tree. Luckily for Dad, the spade was very cheap. Dee and Dean planted the seeds and watered them. They knew what plants needed, so they weeded the soil around them and gave them plant feed. Each day, they went outside to see if they had grown. After a few weeks, their plants had lots and lots of green peas and beans.

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

. te

2. Draw some big peas and some big beans. Write an ‘ee’ or an ‘ea’ word in each of them.


Reading with phonics

m . u

w ww

Mum cooked them and they all had some to eat. The peas were very sweet. Mum made a pea and bean pie and a pea and bean salad. The peas and beans kept growing and Mum kept making different things to eat until one day everyone said, ‘STOP!’ We couldn’t eat another pea or bean.

o c . che e r o t r s super – R.I.C. Publications®

Green peas and beans – 2 1. Rearrange the words to make a sentence. (a) Dee Dean on quiet street. and lived a

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u (c) had TheyS peas. lots and of beans

(d) Mum things. of different cooked lots

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

(b) were They seeds. going buy to some

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons Add Picture •f orr evi e ws pur poseson l y•

2. Add an ‘s’ to the end of each word. Draw a picture for each word.

w ww (b) bean

. t (c) tree e (d) seat

m . u

(a) pea

o c . che e r o t r s super

(e) teacher (f) weed R.I.C. Publications® –

Reading with phonics


Green peas and beans – 3 1. Finish the sentences by using the words listed.









.r o e t s Bo r e ok to p water and feed your . (b) You u S for the tree. (c) Dad dug a deep

(e) Mum made a


(f) One day, everyone said, ‘

pie. !’

2. Write an ‘ee’ or ‘ea’ word to name each picture.

(b)R. (c) © I . C.Pu bl i cat i on(d) s •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

w ww

3. Draw three bees buzzing around a peach tree, thirteen peas on a pea plant and some sheets drying on the washing line.

. te


Reading with phonics

m . u


ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

(a) The street had lots of

o c . che e r o t r s super – R.I.C. Publications®

Green peas and beans – 4 1. Find the words in the wordsearch. peach tree eat sweet leaf cheap peas beans deep seat sweep beach meet teacher needed see weekend each green weeding queen read sea

Teac he r w h i









d e a e s a e b p © R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons e s i a c n w c e e e •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• p e n t h b t h d a t r





p . et a












w ww



m . u


e w e

ew i ev Pr

r o e t s r A p wpe e a q B moo e e t d u k S s w e e t u c p s e e










o c . c e e a c he hra c t hor e a p a s super f


2. Write out the leftover letters. Can you make the hidden sentence? R.I.C. Publications® –

Reading with phonics


Green peas and beans – 5 Circle the ‘ee’ words in green and the ‘ea’ words in yellow. Dee and Dean were siblings who lived on a quiet street with lots of trees. On the weekend they were going to buy some seeds and a peach tree at the nursery. They decided to buy bean seeds and pea seeds because they grew very quickly and Mum could feed the family with them. The peach tree would take some time to grow peaches they could eat.

Teac he r

ew i ev Pr

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u When it was Saturday, they drove down their leafy street and waved to S Mr Green, who was sweeping his porch. They went along the beach road and saw someone sleeping on a seat. Dad tooted his horn to wake him up! We thought that was funny, but Mum thought it was mean.

It didn’t take long to get the plants. Dad needed a new spade so he could dig a deep hole for the peach tree. Luckily for Dad, the spade was cheaper than he thought it would be. When they got home, Dad dug a deep hole and planted the tree. Dee and Dean planted the seeds and watered them.

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

. te


Reading with phonics

m . u

w ww

They knew what plants needed, so they weeded them and gave them plant feed. Each day, they went outside to see if they had grown. After a few days, shoots started to show. After a few weeks, their plants had lots and lots of green peas and beans. Mum boiled them up and they all had some to eat. The peas were very sweet.

o c . che e r o t r s super

Mum made a pea and bean pie and a pea and bean salad for tea. The peas and beans kept growing and Mum kept making different things to eat until one day everyone said, ‘STOP!’ We couldn’t eat another pea or bean. We gave them to Mr Green and Mrs Beam. Mum said she better start looking up recipes for peaches! – R.I.C. Publications®

Green peas and beans – 6 Answer the questions using full sentences. 1. Were Dee and Dean related? How do you know?

2. Describe the street they lived in?

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

w ww

. te

m . u

3. Why did they choose pea and bean seeds to grow?

o c . 4. What was Mr Green chdoing? e r e o t r s super

5. Write down all the things a plant needs to grow? R.I.C. Publications® –

Reading with phonics


Green peas and beans – 7

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

1. Write the ‘ee’ and ‘ea’ words in the story in the correct shape.

2. Draw and sequence four events in the story. Number the boxes to show the order. Write a sentence about each event.

w ww

. te


Reading with phonics

m . u

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

o c . che e r o t r s super – R.I.C. Publications®

Green peas and beans – 8 1. Draw a line from the beginning of each sentence to its correct ending. (a) Dee and Dean

• to see if the seeds had grown.

(b) Mr Green

so he could dig a hole.

r o e t • B were brother and sister. s r e oo p (d) They went outside • • was sweeping his porch. u k S

2. Join the word pairs to make compound words. (a) week + end =

(b) some + one =

(c) out + side =

(d) Sun + day =

(e) every + one =

(f) a + long =

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f or r evi ew pur pseeds osesonursery nl y• tree beans peach sweet



w ww


3. 5.

. te

m . u

3. Write the words in alphabetical order.

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

(c) Dad needed a spade •


o c . che e r o t r s super

4. Write the opposite of each word. 5. Circle all the ‘ee’ and ‘ea’ words in the word train. (a) brother seedteache r see

(f) long R.I.C. Publications® –

e db anpe a s n e e

(e) his

ac h s

(d) down


(c) quick

a se b

(b) mum


ea t ee p teatdee Reading with phonics


Green peas and beans – 9 Cut out and use the words for reading, writing, spelling, word definitions, word sorts or card games.


ew i ev Pr

three or eB st feet per clean oo u k S beans sleep

Teac he r



teach street © R. I . C.Publ i ca t i ons

•f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•



m . u


w ww


. te o creep each c . che e r o t r s feel super meat






Reading with phonics – R.I.C. Publications®

A sunny day on the sea – 1 1. Circle the ‘ee – bee’ words in green, the ‘ea – bean’ words in red and the ‘y – baby’ words in yellow. ‘Hurry up, Dad. It’s twenty to ten. The boat sails at ten and we’ll be late. Mum said we’re taking the green car. She’s put the baby in the baby seat and is reading her the pony story. Teagan’s in the car, too.’

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

Teac he r

ew i ev Pr

‘I’m coming’, called Dad. ‘I was just cleaning my teeth. Are we all ready?’ he asked. ‘Let’s see: sunscreen, beach towels, book to read, food to eat and baby’s needs. Here we go, a day on the sea. Aren’t we lucky!’ Dad drove past the beach and down the street that led to the sea. At last, we reached the boat harbour. It was very pretty. Next to the sea, there were lots of trees, green grass, picnic tables and seats. A big boat was by the jetty and people were getting on. Our baby had never been on a boat before.

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons ‘Good morning’, said the captain. ‘It’s nice to meet you. It is a lovely f o rsailing. r evi e wp r po ses onl y • of tea.’ sunny• day for Come onu board. Make yourself a cup

. te

m . u

w ww

We all sat down and while Mum was busy feeding and getting a new nappy for the baby, Dad went out and looked at the boat’s steering wheel and engine. We sailed on the sea and everyone was happy. When the boat returned to the jetty, we didn’t want to leave.

o c . che e r o t r s super

2. Draw a man cleaning his green boat. Three birds are on the top of the boat. It is a sunny day.

R.I.C. Publications® –

Reading with phonics


A sunny day on the sea – 2

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

1. Write the ‘ee – bee’, ‘ea – bean’, and ‘y – baby’ words used in the story in each box. Use green for the ‘ee’ words, red for the ‘ea’ words and yellow for the ‘y’ words.

w ww

m . u

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

2. Write a sentence for each word below. Take care! These words are homophones. They have the same sound but a different spelling and meaning!

. te

(a) sail


o c . che e r o t r s super

(b) meet


(c) been 36

bean Reading with phonics – R.I.C. Publications®

A sunny day on the sea – 3 1. Choose from the words below to complete the sentences.

3. Put the words in alphabetical order.

engine boat nappy jetty teeth baby seat cleaning



tea leave his r o e t s Bo r e p ok . 1. u S was in 2.

(a) Dad was

(b) The


the car’s baby was by

(c) A big



3. 4. 5.

© R. I . C.Publ i c at i ons 6. •f orr e i ew pur posesonl y• .v

(d) Mum got the baby a


ew i ev Pr

Teac he r



w ww

2. Rearrange the letters to make a word.

. te (a) dda (b) bayb (c) tthee

m . u

(e) Dad looked at the boat’s

4. Find smaller words in each of these words.

o c . che e r (a) seat o t r s super (b) beach

(d) pnoy (e) aes (f) nnsuy R.I.C. Publications® –

(c) feeding (d) reading (e) been (f) wheel Reading with phonics


A sunny day on the sea – 4 Cut out the letter cards to make ‘ee – bee’, ‘ea – bean’, and ‘y – baby’ words.



r o e t s B r sh p t eee c t oo v u k S























ew i ev Pr



Teac he r










© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons d •f prr lvi t pu sr ea or e•r o e ew po ses onl y



w ww















m . u



t . te


























Reading with phonics

o c . che e r o ea r ns ee y t s p i uper

t – R.I.C. Publications®

A sunny day on the sea – 5 Circle all the ‘ee – bee’ words in green, the ‘ea – bean’ words in red and the ‘y – baby’ words in yellow.

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

‘Hurry up, Dad. It’s twenty to ten. The boat sails at ten. We need to go now or we’ll be late. Mum has put the baby in the baby seat in the green car and she’s reading her the pony story. If you don’t come soon, she’ll start screaming. Teagan’s in the car, too.’ ‘I’m coming’, called Dad. ‘I was just cleaning my teeth. Are we all ready?’ he asked. ‘Let’s see: sunscreen, beach towels, book to read, food to eat and baby’s needs, and a sunny day. Here we go, a day on the sea. Aren’t we lucky!’ Dad drove past the beach and down the street that led to the sea.

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• At last, we reached the boat harbour. It was very pretty. Next to the sea,

. te

m . u

w ww

there were lots of trees, green grass, picnic tables and seats. There were three children paddling their feet in the water. A big boat was by the jetty and people were getting on. Our baby had never been on a boat before. ‘Good morning’, said the captain. ‘It’s nice to meet you. It is a lovely sunny day for sailing. Come on board. Make yourself a cup of tea. There are cream biscuits to eat also.’

o c . che e r o t r s suwas We all sat down and while Mum busy feeding and getting a new r e p nappy for the baby, Dad went to look at the boat’s steering wheel and engine. We sailed on the sea and everyone was happy. There were shiny fish swimming in the water. In the distance we could see some seals sitting on the rocks. When the boat returned to the jetty, we didn’t want to leave. ‘We’ll come again next weekend if it is sunny and we’ll bring some cold meat and salad to have a picnic by the sea’, said Dad. R.I.C. Publications® –

Reading with phonics


A sunny day on the sea – 6 Answer the questions using full sentences. 1. At what time was the dad ready?

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u 2. Name two thingsS the family took with them?

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

3. Where was the boat?

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

w ww

m . u

4. Why do you think the dad wanted to look at the engine?

. te

o c . che e r o t r s sutopleave? 5. Why do you think they didn’t want er


Reading with phonics – R.I.C. Publications®

A sunny day on the sea – 7 Cut out the letter cards and make the ‘ee’, ‘ea’ and ‘y’ words.



or eyBo a s b per bt ok u S d m r ea




ew i ev Pr

Teac he r


© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons ea m t s •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•




w ww

m . u


t j y t . te o c . che e r o ee r b t e t s super t






R.I.C. Publications® –

e l

n Reading with phonics


A sunny day on the sea – 8 Cut out and use the words for reading, writing, spelling, word definitions, word sorts or card games.


ew i ev Pr

baby r o e t s Bo r steel pe scream ok u S funny peel

Teac he r



wheel real © R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons

•f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•







m . u


w ww


. te o feeding beam c . che e r o t r ssleep super pony


Reading with phonics – R.I.C. Publications®

The first day of summer – 1 1. Circle the ‘ir’ words in red and the ‘er’ words in green. Every year, on the first day of summer, we camp by the river. It’s always good fun. My brother and father are planning to go paddling up the river and stay there overnight. My mother said my sister and I would have to wait until our next birthday to join them. We’re twins and we are going to be thirteen on the thirteenth of November.

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

r o e t s Bo r e pyears older than us. He saidok Our brother is two he was certain we u would not like it if a serpent snake was hiding in the ferns or fir S trees along the river. He also said the birds would keep us awake

with all their chirping and we might fall in the river and catch germs. He thinks that because we are girls we wouldn’t like it. We have to bring our own water so we don’t get thirsty. Mum lets us swim in the river instead of having a shower. We get very dirty when we’ve been walking in the bush looking for wildflowers, or squirming in the mud. We like squirming in the mud and squirting each other.

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f o rr evi e wp ur p o se sonl yhave • dinner We wear long-sleeved shirts when we go camping. We

. te

m . u

w ww

at seven-thirty, before it becomes too dark. Sometimes we make pancakes for dessert. We stir the mixture and put it into a circular pan. Whoever cooks gets to eat the first one! Our brother says next year will be different! I wonder why? 2. Draw three birds and three serpents in the fir trees by the river.

o c . che e r o t r s super

R.I.C. Publications® –

Reading with phonics


The first day of summer – 2 Answer the questions using full sentences. 1. What season was it?

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u 2. Why do you thinkS the mother wouldn’t let the sisters go camping overnight until they were thirteen?

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

3. How old was the boy in the story?

w ww

4. What might keep them awake at night?

. te

m . u

o c . che e r o t r s super

5. Why will it be different next year? 44

Reading with phonics – R.I.C. Publications®

The first day of summer – 3 1. Where is the serpent? Write the correct answer in each box. over the river under the ferns next to the fir tree in the wildflowers (b)

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S


ew i ev Pr

Teac he r



© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

w ww f



. te






m . u

2. Look carefully at the code below. Use it to write the words. b



o c . che e r o t r s super


R.I.C. Publications® –



Reading with phonics


The first day of summer – 4 1. Find the meaning of each word. You can use a dictionary. (a) serpent (b) fern (c) wildflower (d) stir

2. Write the correct contraction next to each word pair. we’ve





(b) we have

(a) we are

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

(e) swirl

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S


u (d) is © R. I . C.P bitl i cat i ons (e) will not do not •f orr evi ew p(f) ur po sesonl y• (c) we will

(a) first (b) sister

o c . che e r (d) day o t r s super (e) dirty


Reading with phonics





5. Circle all the ‘ir’ and ‘er’ words in the word train.



(c) over


. te


third c i

w ww


4. Write the opposite of each word

m . u

3. Write some ‘ir’ and ‘er’ words from the story.


e – R.I.C. Publications®

The first day of summer – 5 Circle the ‘ir’ words in red and the ‘er’ words in green. Every year, on the first day of summer, we camp by the river. It’s always good fun. My brother and father are planning to go paddling up the river and stay there overnight. My mother said my sister and I would have to wait until our next birthday to join them. We’re twins and we are going to be thirteen on the thirteenth of November.

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

r o e t s Bo r e p older than us. Mum is thirty-five ok and Dad is Our brother is two years u thirty-nine. Mum always says, ‘As you get older, the years fly by faster’. S Our brother said he was certain we would not like camping overnight.

What if we saw a serpent hiding in the ferns or fir trees along the river? He also said the birds would keep us awake with all their chirping and we might fall in the river and catch germs. He thinks that because we are girls we wouldn’t like it. We think he was trying to scare us so he could have our dad all to himself.

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

w ww

Mum likes to have dinner at seventhirty, before it becomes too dark. Sometimes we make pancakes for dessert. We stir the mixture and put it in a circular pan. We swirl the mixture around the pan and it makes perfect circleshaped pancakes. Whoever cooks gets to eat the first one.

. te

m . u

There are no showers or water where we camp, so we have to bring our own water so we don’t get thirsty. Mum lets us swim in the river instead of having a shower. We get very dirty when we’ve been walking in the bush looking for wildflowers, or squirming in the mud. We like squirming in the mud and squirting each other.

o c . che e r o t r s super

Dad says it is important to be safe and to be prepared. We wear longsleeved shirts and pants to protect our skin. We know first aid so we know what to do if someone is bitten by a snake. Our brother says next year will be different! I wonder why? R.I.C. Publications® –

Reading with phonics


The first day of summer – 6 1. Rearrange the words to make a sentence. (a) going we by river. the It and was summer were camping

r o e t s Bo r e (b) like We mud. squirming the in p ok u S (c) likes Mum dark. to dinner have before gets it too

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f o rr ev i ew pu r pos esonl y • First Second Third Fourth Whole

2. Write out the sounds you hear in each word. You may not need all the boxes. sound






w ww


. te


m . u


o c . che e r o t r s super

(e) (f)


Reading with phonics – R.I.C. Publications®

The first day of summer – 7 Read the clues and complete the puzzle. Down


1. Flowers that grow 2. You will get these if in the wild you don’t wash.

r o e t s B r 5. I have wings and fly and make a nest. e ocan p o 7. Big stream of water 6. Comes after second k u S 8. Opposite of mother 8. The winner comes . 2. Opposite of boy

4. To mix around

9. Opposite of brother

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

3. Opposite of father

10. A type of green, leafy plant





© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• 6.


w ww

. te


m . u



o c . che e r o t r s super


R.I.C. Publications® –

Reading with phonics


The first day of summer – 8 1. What am I? Use the clues to work out the ‘ir’ and ‘er’ words. (a) I have five letters. (b) I grow in the (c) You can wear me. I start with ‘th’. garden. I have five letters. I have an ‘ir’ I have four letters. I end with a ‘t’. sound. I have an ‘er’ I end with ‘d’. sound.

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

r o e t s Bo r e p o u k four letters. (d) I have an ‘er’ (e) I have eight letters. (f) I have S sound. I am a compound I have an ‘er’ I have four letters. sound. word. I can make you ill. I have an ‘ir’ I am the opposite sound. of under. You celebrate this day.

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons or r ev ew pu r p osesonl y• 2. Write ‘ir’ • or f ‘er’ words toi complete the sentences. (a) The cat was in the

were in the trees.


The cat was looking at the

The birds were

The little

w ww

. te

m . u



o c . c e in the mailbox. (b) The postman put ah r er o t s super card. It was a (c) I am a


I can climb up the

Reading with phonics


was having a special


. I go to the park. . – R.I.C. Publications®

The first day of summer – 9 1. Draw a line from the beginning of each sentence to its correct ending. (a) It is summer

pancakes for dessert.

(b) Dad and my brother •

walks in the bush.

r e t s • o • B shirts to keep us safe. r e oo p k up the river. (d) We wear u • are paddling Slong-sleeved •

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

(c) Mum likes to have

(e) Sometimes we make •

• and we are going camping.

(f) We go for

dinner at seven-thirty.

2. Join the sentence pairs by using ‘and’ or ‘or’.

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons It is summer and we’ll go camping. •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• e.g. It is summer. We’ll go camping.

w ww

m . u

(a) We don’t like snakes. We don’t want to fall in the river.

. te o c (b) There are no showers. There is no water at the campsite. . che e r o t r s super

(c) We might see snakes. We might see birds. R.I.C. Publications® –

Reading with phonics


The first day of summer – 10 Cut out and use the words for reading, writing, spelling, word definitions, word sorts or card games.


ew i ev Pr

mother or eB st ferns per thirsty oo u k S birth germs

Teac he r



sir© R. perhaps I . C.Publ i c at i ons

•f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•



m . u


w ww


. te o letter thirteen c . che e r o t r s over super first






Reading with phonics – R.I.C. Publications®

The turtle, the turkey, the bird and the tiger – 1 1. Circle the ‘ir – skirt’ words in red, the ‘ur – turtle’ words in blue and the ‘er – germ’ words in green.

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

Everyone said it could never happen, but it did. A tiger, a turtle, a turkey and a bird became best friends. One day, a tiger was near the river when he saw a bird fly over the birch and fir trees and crash into the ferns. It looked like the bird was hurt. The tiger thought to himself, ‘I’ll go and find that bird and eat it for my dinner’. When he arrived at the ferns, all he saw was a turtle. ‘Don’t even think about eating that bird, it’s my dinner! I was here first’, said the tiger. The turtle just looked at the tiger and said, ‘I never eat birds. I’m a nurse. I’d rather help the bird’. The turtle turned around and went on his way.

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons The tiger jumped over some ferns and crashed into a turkey. •f o rr ev i e wp ur p os eso nl y • The

m . u

turkey was very surprised to see a tiger. It said in a firm voice, ‘Be careful! Why did you lurch through the ferns like that?’

w ww

The tiger had hurt his head. He felt a bump under his fur and said, ‘I can’t remember why I’m in a hurry. Who are you? Who am I?’

. te

The turkey said, ‘Oh dear me. You are hurt. Come with me’. The tiger followed the turkey and found the turtle next to the bird lying under the ferns.

o c . che e r o t r s am I? Why am I so dirty? su The bird was chirping, ‘Who am Where r pI?e Are you my friends?’

The turtle looked at the turkey and said, ‘I think they have both lost their memory!’ To this day, the turkey and the turtle still look after the bird and the tiger. 2. On another sheet of paper, draw the turtle, the tiger, the turkey and the bird. R.I.C. Publications® –

Reading with phonics


The turtle, the turkey, the bird and the tiger – 2 Answer the questions using full sentences. 1. Who were the characters in the story?

2. What was the tiger going to do with the bird?

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons 3. What does the word ‘lurch’ mean? •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

w ww

. te

m . u

4. Why do you think the turtle and turkey look after their friends?

o c . che e r o t r s super

5. What do you think would happen if the tiger got its memory back? 54

Reading with phonics – R.I.C. Publications®

The turtle, the turkey, the bird and the tiger – 3

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

Cut out the letter cards from page 56. Put the letters in order to make ‘er’, ‘ir’ and ‘ur’ words that match each picture.

w ww

. te


m . u

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

o c . che e r o t r s super

R.I.C. Publications® –

Reading with phonics


The turtle, the turkey, the bird and the tiger – 4 Using the letter cards below, cut out and make words that match the pictures on page 55. Make other words and glue these to another sheet of paper.

ts r oth e d t

r e p u i Ss





































o c . e ycheir t n ur r o r st super


k ir





m . u

© I . C i cat ons urR. ir.Pub ir l di er d •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•


w ww




ew i ev Pr

Teac he r


Bo ok g ur





























g. t ir

Reading with phonics


t – R.I.C. Publications®

The turtle, the turkey, the bird and the tiger – 5 Circle the ‘ir – skirt’ words in red, the ‘ur – turtle’ words in blue and the ‘er – germ’ words in green.

Teac he r

Everyone said it could never happen, but it did. A tiger, a turtle, a turkey and a bird became best friends. One day, a tiger was near the river when he saw a bird fly over the birch and fir trees and crash into the ferns. It looked like the bird was hurt. The tiger thought to himself, ‘I’ll go and find the bird and eat it for my dinner’.

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

ew i ev Pr

When he arrived at the ferns, all he saw was a turtle. ‘Don’t think about eating that bird, it’s my dinner! I was here first’, said the tiger. The turtle just looked at the tiger and said, ‘I never eat birds. I am a nurse. I’d rather help the bird’. The turtle turned around and continued on his way to church. The tiger decided to hurry and, as he jumped over some ferns, he crashed into a turkey.

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons The turkey was very surprised to see a tiger. It said in a firm voice, ‘Do •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• be careful! Why did you lurch through the ferns like that?’

w ww

m . u

The tiger had hurt his head. He felt a bump under his fur and said, ‘I can’t remember why I’m in a hurry. Who are you? Who am I?’ The turkey said, ‘Oh dear me! You are hurt. Come with me. Turtle is around here somewhere and she can help’.

. teturtle next to the bird lying under the ferns. They found the The bird o c . was chirping, ‘Whoc am I? Where am I? Why am I so dirty?’ e her r othese two have both t su The turtle looked at the turkey and ‘Is think er psaid, lost their memory. Maybe if we give them some food they will get better’.

The turkey found some worms in the dirt and some slaters and spiders in the ferns for the bird. The turtle found some bones left over from a little girl’s picnic for the tiger. They ate well, but still did not remember who they were. To this day, the turkey and the turtle still look after their two very special friends. R.I.C. Publications® –

Reading with phonics


The turtle, the turkey, the bird and the tiger – 6 1. Write a sentence for each of the words below. (a) turtle (b) hurt (c) dirty

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

(d) spider

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

(e) over 3. Write ‘er’, ‘ir’ or ‘ur’ to 2. Choose words from the box complete each word. that go with the ‘er’, ‘ir’ and ‘ur’ words below. (a) t tle (b) squ feathers web skirt shell ns (d) tig (c) f fur flies worms curls

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons whiskers •slow f orr evi ew pur p ose son l y • (e) f st (f) dinn (g) ch

(i) und

w ww

(a) bird

(b) tiger

. te

(c) turtle (d) girl

(k) g

p l

(h) h (j) n


(l) t


o c .(p) ch che e n r (o) t o t r s supe r (r) d (q) slat

(m) spid

(s) f


m . u


(n) b

d ch t

(t) ov

(e) spider 58

Reading with phonics – R.I.C. Publications®

The turtle, the turkey, the bird and the tiger – 7 1. Choose ‘ir’, ‘er’ and ‘ur’ words from the story to write in the table. ‘er’ words

‘ur’ words

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

‘ir’ words

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons orr efor vi ewofp ur pos eso nl y •These 2. Write• af sentence each the words below. Take care!

w ww

(a) fir

. t (b) their e



(c) I

m . u

words are homophones. They have the same sound but a different spelling and meaning!

o c . che e r o t r s super


R.I.C. Publications® –

Reading with phonics


The turtle, the turkey, the bird and the tiger – 8 Cut out and use the words for reading, writing, spelling, word definitions, word sorts or card games.


ew i ev Pr

herd r o e t s Bo r e p ok squirm purse u S bird firm

Teac he r



© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons curls burnt •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•


w ww

m . u

dinner burn








. te o thirtyc person c . e her r o t s super


Reading with phonics – R.I.C. Publications®

When the circus came to town – 1 1. Circle the ‘ou’ words in red and the ‘ow’ words in blue. A big crowd had gathered by the town’s clock tower. People came out of their houses to see what the fuss was about. Everyone was trying to read a notice. It was about a circus that was coming to town on Friday. Children were yelling loudly: ‘A circus, a circus, hip, hip, hooray! There will be clowns, hip, hip, hooray!’

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

r o e t s Bo r e p o u k out that it was The children counted the days till Friday and found S only three days away!

On Friday, the circus arrived. They put up the big top on the flat ground just south of the town centre. They connected a powerline so the circus would have lights. The animals were kept outside, around the back. They had cows, horses, dogs and even an owl.

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

m . u

On Saturday, the circus ground was full. There were clowns everywhere. Some were wearing crowns, some wore big red noses and some were bouncing balls. One clown had a big flower that squirted water at people. There was someone dressed as a brown kangaroo with a baby in her pouch.

w ww

At two o’clock, a clown came out and shouted to everyone: ‘Welcome, welcome! The circus is in town. Follow me before the curtain goes down!’

. te Use the story to help you. o 2. Draw the clowns. c . che e r o t r s super

R.I.C. Publications® –

Reading with phonics


When the circus came to town – 2 Fill in the missing words with words from the story. had gathered by the

A big People came fuss was about.

clock tower.

of their houses to see


o e t ar notice. It was s B r e oo p to town on Friday. Children u k S

Everyone was trying to

Teac he r

a circus that was

ew i ev Pr


, hip, hooray!

‘A circus, a circus,

, hip, hip, hooray!’

There will be the days till

The children

and found

© R. I . C.Publ i c at i ons days away! •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y • top on the On Friday, the circus arrived. They put up the that it was only

w ww

connected a

of the town centre. They so the circus would have

m . u



. teven an o . horses, dogs and e c . c e r was full. t There On Saturday, the circus h er o s were super

The animals were

outside. They had

balls. One clown had a big



that squirted

water at people. At two o’clock, a

came out and shouted: ! The circus is in


Follow me before the curtain goes


Reading with phonics

. !’ – R.I.C. Publications®

When the circus came to town – 3 Answer the questions using full sentences. 1. Where did the people gather?

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u 2. What day didS the people read the notice?

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

3. Why do you think the children were excited?

w ww

m . u

4. What had to happen before the circus had lights?

. te

o c . che e r o t r sin the circus? sup 5. What do you think the animals would do er

R.I.C. Publications® –

Reading with phonics


When the circus came to town – 4 1. Write one sentence for each of the words below. around


(a) (b)



r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S


2. For each of these words, write a word that rhymes. (a) clown


(b) house

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r



© R . I . Cpouch .Publ i cat i ons (d) orr ev ew pur poses onl y• (e) down •f i (f) south (g) cow (c) tower

(a) erfolw

w ww

(c) wnlco

. te o c . che e r o t r (d) e chopu s sup r

(e) wco

(f) donur


(b) ohuses

m . u

3. Rearrange the letters to make a word. Draw a picture for each word.

Reading with phonics – R.I.C. Publications®

When the circus came to town – 5 Circle all the ‘ou’ words in red and the ‘ow’ words in blue. A big crowd had gathered next to the town’s clock tower. Everyone was trying to read a notice. It was about a circus that was coming to town on Friday. All the children were yelling loudly:

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

‘A circus, a circus, hip, hip, hooray! There will be clowns, hip, hip, hooray!’

More people came out of their houses to see what the fuss was all about. The children counted the days till Friday and found out that it was only three days away. On Friday, the circus arrived. They put up the big top on the flat ground just south of the town centre. They set up all the stalls and connected a powerline, so the circus could have lights. The animals were kept outside, around the back. They had horses, dogs, an owl and even cows!

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

. te

m . u

w ww

On Saturday, the circus ground was full. There were clowns everywhere. Some were wearing crowns, some wore big red noses and some were bouncing balls. One clown had a big flower that squirted water at people’s faces. There was someone dressed up as a funny brown kangaroo with a baby in her pouch. At two o’clock, a clown came out and shouted to everyone:

o c . chewelcome! The circus isr e ‘Welcome, in town. o st sup Follow me r before thee curtain goes down!’ r

Everyone went inside the tent and sat down. The music started. It sounded very loud and the crowd cheered when the ringmaster appeared. There were lots of different acts. The cows danced around. The owl sat on the dogs and the clowns threw streamers and water at the crowd. Everyone had fun. At the end, the ringmaster shouted out loudly, ‘We’ll be back next year!’ How the crowd cheered! R.I.C. Publications® –

Reading with phonics


When the circus came to town – 6 Cut out the words below and glue them in the correct column. ‘ow’

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r





















w ww

house cow

power found mouse


m . u

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

. outside te mountain o c . brown ground c e her r o t count owl s super

Reading with phonics – R.I.C. Publications®

When the circus came to town – 7 Cut out the letter cards and rearrange them to make the ‘ou’ and ‘ow’ words.

h s r o e t s Bo r e l ow p ok u S r d ou d




ew i ev Pr

Teac he r



© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons nvi brposesronl •f orr e ew pu y•ow



m . u

w ww


t n . te ow o c . che e r o t r s n t sup ou er sh






R.I.C. Publications® –



Reading with phonics


When the circus came to town – 8 Cut out and use the words for reading, writing, spelling, word definitions, word sorts or card games.


ew i ev Pr

shout r o e t s B r housepe flower oo u k S bow mouse

Teac he r



brown cloud © R. I . C.Publ i ca t i ons

•f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•







m . u


w ww


. te o pouch about c . che e r o t r sfrown clown super


Reading with phonics – R.I.C. Publications®

A trip to the moon – 1 1. Circle the ‘oo’ words in red and the ‘u-e’ words in blue. It was the sixth of June and the huge spaceship was ready to go to the moon. The time for blast off was set for noon. The astronauts would soon need to put on their special suits and boots to be ready for take off. All the food and equipment had been packed into cubes and placed inside the spaceship.

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S The spaceship had been checked for loose

wires. Everything had to be carefully placed because there was not a lot of room inside. Everyone was in a good mood as the astronauts saluted their comrades and boarded the ship.

It was the end of the countdown: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, BLAST OFF! The crowd of people there to see them off hooted and cheered. Communication was on mute until the spaceship had shed its power boosters and was heading into space.

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

w ww

I, too, want to be an astronaut one day!

. te

m . u

Success! The spaceship was on its way to the moon. Soon the astronauts would be gathering information and reporting to Earth.

2. Draw three astronauts in spacesuits and boots walking on the moon.

o c . che e r o t r s super

R.I.C. Publications® –

Reading with phonics


A trip to the moon – 2 Answer the questions using full sentences. 1. What was the date of the flight?

r o e t s Bo r e 2. Why had the food been packed into cubes? p ok u S 3. What do you think the spaceship been checked for?

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons 4. What do you think onv the •f orisr e i emoon? w pur posesonl y•

w ww

. te

m . u

o c . che e r o t r s super

5. What do you want to be when you are older? 70

Reading with phonics – R.I.C. Publications®

A trip to the moon – 3 1. What am I? Use the clues to find the ‘oo’ or ‘u-e’ words. .

(a) I am a kind of shoe. I am a .

(b) I am a 3-D shape. I am a

Teac he r


ew i ev Pr

r o e t s r ethe month of Boo. (d) I am a month.p I am u k . (e) You use S me to sweep. I am a (c) You can see me in the night sky. I am the

2. Find ‘oo’ and ‘u-e’ words in the 3. Make the words into plurals. A plural means ‘more than one’. wordsearch. Draw a picture for each word.
















(a) cube

(b) boot

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons t •f oorr oe owo vi e pur posesonl y•






(d) tube

m . u


w ww


(c) moon

o o m n . t e o c . r u l e c e her r o t s super (e) room (f) prune

R.I.C. Publications® –

Reading with phonics


A trip to the moon – 4 Write a story using the words below. Circle these words in your story. use







r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r


w ww

. te


Reading with phonics

m . u

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

o c . che e r o t r s super – R.I.C. Publications®

A trip to the moon – 5 Circle the ‘oo’ words in red and the ‘u-e’ words in blue. It was the sixth of June and the huge spaceship was ready to go to the moon. The weather was fine and the sky was blue. The time for blast off was set for noon.

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

Teac he r

ew i ev Pr

The astronauts would soon need to put on their special suits and boots and be ready for take off. The computer would give them their cue to start getting dressed. All the food and equipment had been packed into cubes and placed inside the spaceship. The spaceship had been filled with fuel, checked for loose wires and all the tubes had been cleared. Everything had to be carefully placed because there was not a lot of room inside. Everyone was in a good mood as they waited for the spaceship to shoot into space. They watched as the astronauts saluted their comrades and boarded the ship.

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ewBLAST pur posesonl y• OFF!

Soon it was the end of the countdown: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 ...

. te

m . u

w ww

The crowd of people there to see them off hooted and cheered. Communication was on mute until the spaceship had shed its power boosters, got rid of the extra fuel and was heading into outer space. Success! The spaceship was on its way to the moon. The astronauts turned off the mute button and reported to the command centre. They were cool and calm. Everything went smoothly, the instruments were reading true and no fuses had blown. Nothing had come loose and no warning lights had come on.

o c . che e r o t r s super

Soon the astronauts would be gathering information and reporting to Earth. The scientists would find clues from the materials they collected to learn more about the moon. You never know, one day we might run out of room on Earth and all go to live on the moon! I, too, want to be an astronaut one day! R.I.C. Publications® –

Reading with phonics


A trip to the moon – 6 1. Find the smaller words in each of these words. (a) moon

(b) tube

(c) cubes

(d) boosters

r o e t s Bo r (h) astronaut e p ok u (i) boot S 2. Write if each sentence is ‘True’, ‘False’ or ‘Not in the story’. (e) loose

(f) too

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

(g) soon

(a) It was raining. (b) It was April. (c) They wore special suits.

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons f or r evi ew pur posesonl y• (e) Mute • means silent. (d) The food was on shelves.

(f) They were going to Mars.

. te

(b) tube (c) food

m . u

w ww

(g) No-one came to see the spaceship. 3. For each word, write a word 4. Put the words in alphabetical that rhymes. order. boots space loose (a) boot cubes astronaut moon

o c . che e r 1. o t r s super 2.

(d) mute


(e) moon


(f) ship

5. 6.


Reading with phonics – R.I.C. Publications®

A trip to the moon – 7 1. Write a sentence for each word. (a) fuel (b) moon

r o e t s Bo r e (d) smooth p ok u (e) mood S

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

(c) cube

2. Choose two words from the box that go with each word below. craters













© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons (b) astronaut •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• (a) moon

(c) spaceship

w ww

m . u

(d) crowd (e) space

. te

o c . che 3. Complete the words by using ‘oo’, or ‘u-e’. e r o t r s su r b (b) p me n (c) b (a) t (f) weather


(d) m (g) f



(j) sal (m) t

R.I.C. Publications® –


(e) h


(f) h


(h) s


(i) l


(k) c


(l) c


(n) f

d Reading with phonics


A trip to the moon – 8 Cut out and use the words for reading, writing, spelling, word definitions, word sorts or card games.


ew i ev Pr

roof or eBo st tube per use ok u S tooth too

Teac he r



spoon soon © R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons

•f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•







m . u


w ww


. te o cube mute c . che e r o t r sloose super room


Reading with phonics – R.I.C. Publications®

My granny’s ‘true tales’ – 1 Circle the ‘oo’ words in red, the ‘u-e’ and ‘ue’ words in blue and ‘ew’ words in yellow. My granny used to tell me stories about a ship’s crew. She would say they were true stories that really happened. I’ll tell you one and see what you think. It’s called ‘The crew that grew’.

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

Teac he r

ew i ev Pr

One day in June, one of the crew of a ship at sea used his telescope to zoom in on an island with huge trees. The crew decided to check the island. Bluey went onto the shore and past the sand dunes. All he could see were huge trees and plants. He found some seeds and drew pictures of the trees and the flower blooms. The pictures would give them some clues about what sort of plants they were. When he returned to the ship, he saluted the captain and then planted the seeds in a wooden cube. The very next day, there was a little tree with some dew on it. Then the next day, the tree was as tall as a broom. At the end of the week, the tree was huge and had a few blooms on it, too. It was taking up a lot of room. It had fruit the shape of a balloon, which one of the crew tasted. She scooped out the pulp with a spoon and chewed it.

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

w ww

m . u

The cook threw the fruit and some prunes into a brew and soon the fumes had all the crew wanting a taste when it was cool. The rule was to stand in a line. No-one was rude and everyone had a taste. Then the crew started to grow. They grew and grew until there was no room inside. They had to stay outside and sleep under the moon.

. te

o c . chise e Do you think the story true? r o t r s super

Draw the ship’s crew. R.I.C. Publications® –

Draw the huge trees.

Draw the tree’s blooms. Reading with phonics


My granny’s ‘true tales’ – 2 1. Find ‘oo’, ‘u-e’, ‘ue’ and ‘ew’ words in the story and write them in the table. ‘u–e’ and ‘ue’ words

‘ew’ words

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

‘oo’ words

w ww

. te

m . u

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

2. Write a sentence for each of the words below. Take care! These words are homophones. They have the same sound but a different spelling and meaning! (a) to


o c . che e r o t r s super

(b) see


(c) some 78

sum Reading with phonics – R.I.C. Publications®

My granny’s ‘true tales’ – 3 1. Rearrange the words to make a sentence. (a) crew island. One the ship’s of an saw

r o e t s Bo the and r e (b) a He tree blooms. drew its picture of flower p ok u S

(c) it was taste. When cool, had they a

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons 2. Add • an f ‘s’o to end ofw each and draw matching rthe r e vi e pword ur p os esthe on l y• picture. Add ‘s’

w ww

(a) tree

. te

(b) cube

(c) spoon

Draw a picture

m . u

o c . che e r o t r s super

(d) screw

(e) prune R.I.C. Publications® –

Reading with phonics


My granny’s ‘true tales’ – 4 1. Choose from the words below to complete the sentences. blooms










. e r o t s Bo r e p ok had trees. (b) The u S . (c) The trees had a (d) The crew had to (e) The cook made a (f) The story was said to be

under the


instead of a



© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f or(b) r evi ew pu poseso nl y• (c)r (d)

w ww

. te

m . u

2. Write the ‘oo’, ‘u–e’ or ‘ew’ word under the picture. (a)

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

(a) The ship had a large

o c . che e r o t r s super

3. Draw the crew eating the brew with a spoon, a huge tree with six blooms and a full moon.


Reading with phonics – R.I.C. Publications®

My granny’s ‘true tale’ – 5 Circle the ‘oo’ words in red, the ‘u-e’, ‘ue’ words in blue and the ‘ew’ words in yellow. My granny used to tell me stories about a ship’s crew. She would say they were true stories and that they really happened. I’ll tell you one and see what you think. It’s called ‘The crew that grew’.

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

Teac he r

ew i ev Pr

One day in June, one of the crew of a ship used his telescope to zoom in on an island with huge trees. The crew decided to drop anchor and check the island. Bluey went onto the shore and past the sand dunes. All he could see were huge trees and plants. He found some seeds and drew pictures of the trees and the flower blooms. The pictures would give them some clues about what sort of plants they were. When he returned to the ship, he saluted the captain and then planted the seeds in a wooden cube. The very next day, there was a little tree with some dew on it. Then the next day, the tree was as tall as a broom. At the end of the week, the tree was huge and had a few blooms on it, too. It was taking up a lot of room.

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

. te

m . u

w ww

It had fruit the shape of a balloon and one of the crew tasted it. She scooped out all the pulp with a spoon and chewed it up. The cook threw the fruit and some prunes into a brew and soon the fumes had all the crew wanting a taste. The rule was to stand in a line. No-one was rude and everyone tasted the food when it was cool. Then the crew started to grow. Their boots became too small and their clothes ripped apart. They grew and grew until there was no inside room.

o c . e The captain undid c allh the screws and took the roof off the ship! They r e o t r s suThe had to snooze under the moon. next morning, r pe the crew dropped the huge tree over the side and watched it float to shore. Over the next few days, the crew slowly returned to normal. The cook made stew, Bluey played his flute and everyone listened to the tunes. Everyone was happy to be back to normal! R.I.C. Publications® –

Reading with phonics


My granny’s ‘true tales’ – 6 Answer the questions using full sentences. 1. Who told the writer the story?

2. Why did the captain decide to drop anchor?

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

3. What is a brew?

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

w ww

. te

m . u

4. What happened when they all had a taste of the brew?

o c . che e r o t r s super

5. What would be a good name for the island?


Reading with phonics – R.I.C. Publications®

My granny’s ‘true tales’ – 7 Cut out the letter cards and make the ‘oo’, ‘u–e’, ‘ue’ or ‘ew’ words.

ew r r o e t s B r e eup l f o uok t S s oo n z e

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r


ew ch

w ww





m . u

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons lrevi sw puarposetsonl u• •f or e y

ew n . te o c . che e r o t r g ue l s super f






R.I.C. Publications® –

Reading with phonics


My granny’s ‘true tales’ – 8 Cut out and use the words for reading, writing, spelling, word definitions, word sorts or card games.


ew i ev Pr

roof r o e t s B r e o rudeup new ok S cool cute

Teac he r



© R. I . C.Publ i ca t i ons flute threw

•f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•



. te rule

m . u


w ww


few. co

che e r o t r s s r u e p bloom fuse






Reading with phonics – R.I.C. Publications®

The royal coin – 1 1. Circle all the ‘oy’ words in red and all the ‘oi’ words in blue. My dad enjoys collecting coins. His coin collection is worth a lot of money. When he was young, his parents didn’t want to spoil him with toys. So they gave him other things, like old coins. As he grew up, he liked finding out where the coins came from and who made them, so he joined a coin-collecting club.

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

r o e t s Bo r e pin the olden days, some coins okwere made out of He found out that, u different things, like oyster shells. Now coins come in many different S shapes and some even have pointy ends. Also, chocolate coins are covered in foil.

Dad enjoys showing people his coins. He even came to our school and gave a talk to my class. The kids were a bit noisy but that didn’t annoy Dad. He enjoyed talking to my teacher.

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

. te

m . u

w ww

He toils away, cleaning and oiling his coins. My dad has found coins in lots of funny places. One time, he was digging in some moist soil when he found an old penny. He boiled and cleaned it, and then rubbed some oil on it. It had a picture of a royal family on it. Dad looked it up in his books and, to his joy, found out it was a rare coin. It belonged to an old royal family who were very loyal to their people and who designed their own coins. Dad calls it his royal coin. Maybe I’ll join his coin club one day.

o c . che e r o t r s super

2. Draw pictures of all the coins you know. Show the values of the coins.

R.I.C. Publications® –

Reading with phonics


The royal coin – 2 Answer the questions using full sentences. 1. Who had a coin collection?

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S give him coins? 2. Why did his parents

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

3. What is different about some of the coins?

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

w ww

4. Where did he find his royal coin?

. te

m . u

o c . che e r o t r s super

5. What are coins used for? 86

Reading with phonics – R.I.C. Publications®

The royal coin – 3

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

Cut out and glue the pictures in the correct sequence. Write your own story to match the pictures on a separate sheet of paper.

w ww

. te

m . u

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

o c . che e r o t r s super

R.I.C. Publications® –

Reading with phonics


The royal coin – 4 1. Find the words in the wordsearch. oyster


poison voyage




Teac he r



o y



boiling royal

boy annoy moist

r o e t s Bo r e s upt e r j o ok S point








































© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons of lr ei l pos yeso c nl y• l • or ev ewnpur y


















e. tm













w ww


ew i ev Pr



m . u

o c . c e c h oe i n t aorj o r s super o





y g

2. Write out the leftover letters. Can you make the hidden sentence? 88

Reading with phonics – R.I.C. Publications®

The royal coin – 5 Circle the ‘oy’ words in red and the ‘oi’ words in blue. My dad enjoys collecting coins. His coin collection is worth a lot of money. When he was young, his parents didn’t want to spoil him so they gave him old coins instead of toys. His dad collected coins, too.

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S Dad found out that, in the olden days, people use to toil over boiling

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

As he grew up, he liked finding out where the coins came from and who made them, so he joined a coin-collecting club. hot fires to make coins. In the past, coins were sometimes made out of different things, like oyster shell. Some of the oyster shell coins looked like buttons. It is hard to find old coins because many have been destroyed or lost. A lot of sea voyages in the olden days ended in disaster. Dad says there are lots of old coins at the bottom of the sea. Sometimes divers are employed to look for sunken treasure. Now coins come in many different shapes and some even have pointy ends. Chocolate coins are covered in foil.

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

m . u

w ww

Dad enjoys showing people his coins. He even came to our school and gave a talk to my class. The kids were a bit noisy but that didn’t annoy Dad. He enjoyed talking to my teacher. He toils away, cleaning and oiling his coins. My dad has found coins in lots of funny places. One time, he was digging in some moist soil and found an old penny. He boiled and cleaned it, and then rubbed some oil on it. It had a picture of a royal family on it. Dad looked it up in his books and, to his joy, found out it was a rare coin. It belonged to an old royal family who were very loyal to their people and who designed their own coins. Dad calls it his royal coin.

. te

o c . che e r o t r s super

Dad took me to the museum last holidays and in the foyer there was a display of some coins found on the ocean floor. They looked rusty and some looked more like oyster shells than pennies. It was very enjoyable and interesting. Maybe I’ll join his coin club one day and become a loyal member. R.I.C. Publications® –

Reading with phonics


The royal coin – 6 1. Write the correct sentence under each picture. The coins are on the ocean floor.

The coins are in the museum foyer.

The chocolate coins are covered in foil.

The coins are in the moist soil.


(b) r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S


ew i ev Pr

Teac he r


w ww

2. Use the code to write the ‘oy’ and ‘oi’ words.

j (a)

. te oer c oy n s t l e . che e r o r st sup r (b)e



m . u

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

Reading with phonics


(d) – R.I.C. Publications®

The royal coin – 7 1. Write a sentence for each word. (a) poison (b) royal (c) noisy (d) enjoy

2. Complete the words by using ‘oy’ or ‘oi’. (a) t

(b) c

(c) s


(d) b

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

(e) join

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S


(b) old

(c) under

(d) noisy

(e) found

(f) king

w ww

(a) boy

. te

o c .joint loyal che destroy join r e o r st sup r e 2.

4. Put the words in alphabetical order.

coin 1.

m . u

(f) cowb © let R. I . C.Publ i ca t i ons 3. Write• the opposite for each ofu these words. f o rr ev i e wp r po sesonl y• (e) t






5. Circle all the ‘oy’ and ‘oi’ words in the word train. joinloyalpoisontoyspoilemployjointboilboynoisenoisyvoyagejoy R.I.C. Publications® –

Reading with phonics


The royal coin – 8 Cut out and use the words for reading, writing, spelling, word definitions, word sorts or card games.



Teac he r


ew i ev Pr

or eB st foil per employ oo u k S joy spoilt


enjoyment boil © R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons

•f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•



m . u


w ww

moisture . te join

o cowboy c .





che e r o t r s s r u e p annoying toil


Reading with phonics – R.I.C. Publications®

Mum’s cooking – 1 1. Circle the ‘o-e – bone’ words in yellow and the ‘oa – boat’ words in red. I love my mum, I really do—but she is not a good cook. She burns everything, even poached eggs and toast. When Mum broke the old stove, Dad drove to the shop to buy a new one.

Last night (and I’m not telling a joke), Mum tried to make a roast dinner. She put it in the stove, put a load of washing in the machine and went outside to hose down the roses. She had put the stove on too high and soon smoke was coming out of the house. People came out of their homes and said they had phoned the fire department.

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

The roast was black to the bone. When Dad poked it, it was hard. It looked like a big stone. We had to put our hands over our noses because our home smelled so bad. We voted to go and buy a meatloaf from the shop on the coast road. We washed our hands with soap, put on our coats and left.

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• We make sure we always have a loaf of bread and some oats handy. Dad says there is always hope for our mum!

. te

(b) Draw the family eating meatloaf and a loaf of bread near the toaster.

m . u

w ww

2. (a) Draw the mum cooking a roast, smoke coming out of the stove and everyone holding their noses.

o c . che e r o t r s super

R.I.C. Publications® –

Reading with phonics


Mum’s cooking – 2 Use words from the story to complete the sentences.

I love my mum, I

do—but she is not a good

everything, even r o e t s B r e oothe old . When Mum p u k , Dad to the shop to S . She

new one.

telling a

Last night (and I’m

), Mum

tried to make a roast dinner. She put it in the

, put a

of washing on and went outside to

down the

and soon

© R.. I . Chad .P ub l i cat i ons on too high She put the was coming out ofo the . People •f orr ev i ew pu r p sesonl y•

came out of their

and said they had department.

w ww

m . u

the The


ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

eggs and

was black to the

. When Dad

it, it was hard. We had to our . hands over our t because our home smelled so e o c . . We c to go and buy a e her r o st sup from the shop on the road. We washed our hands with er , put on our

and left.


sure we always have a

of bread


handy. Dad says there is always

for our mum!


Reading with phonics – R.I.C. Publications®

Mum’s cooking – 3 Cut out the words and pictures, then match them together.

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

soap r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S stove telephone stone © R. I . C. Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• . te


m . u

w ww


o c . che e r o rope t r s super

toaster R.I.C. Publications® –

smoke Reading with phonics


Mum’s cooking – 4 1. What am I? (The answers are ‘o-e’ or ‘oa’ words.) .

(a) I am a kind of meal. I am a .

(b) I am a small rock. I am a

r o e t s B r e . o (d) I am a flower. I am a p ok u Sme. I am a . (e) Cars drive on .

2. Find the ‘oa’ and ‘o-e’ words. Write them on the lines below.

c a f d g n r

h r o p e o o

o o a o a t s

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

(c) I come from fire. I am

k d m k r e e

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

e e s e e y s

w ww

(a) road

. te

(c) home

(e) soap


Reading with phonics

(b) bone

m . u

3. Change the words into plurals (more than one). Draw a picture for each word.

o c . che e r (d) rose o t r s super (f) boat – R.I.C. Publications®

Mum’s cooking – 5 Circle the ‘o-e – bone’ words in yellow and the ‘oa – boat’ words in red.

Teac he r

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u I love my mum,S I really do—but she is not a good cook. She burns

ew i ev Pr

everything, even poached eggs on toast. Mum broke the old stove, so Dad drove to the shop, bought a new one and wrote down notes on how to use it. Mum likes to boast that she tries different things. Mum has tried cooking frozen meat and once she served up mince with ice-cream!

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •(and f or e i ewa p ur p os es nl y Last night I’mr notv telling joke), Mum tried too make a• roast dinner. She once found a recipe that was called ‘toad in the hole’. We voted not to eat it.

m . u

w ww

She put it in the stove, put a load of washing in the machine and went outside to hose the roses. She then started talking to the lady across the road who breeds goats and makes coats from their hair. Mum had not read the notes about the stove and put it on too high. Soon smoke was coming out of the house. People came out of their homes and asked if they needed to phone the fire department. Dad told everyone there was no need to phone, it was just Mum’s roast!

. te

o c . c e hthe r The roast was black to bone. When Dad poked it, it was hard. It e o t r s s r up e looked like a big black stone. We had to put our hands over our noses

because our home smelled so bad. We voted to go and buy a meatloaf from the shop down near the coast road. We all washed our hands with soap, put on our coats and left. Dad is thinking of buying frozen dinners, so all we have to do is heat them up in the stove. It will solve all our problems, but in the meantime we’ll make sure we always have a loaf of bread and some oats handy. Dad says there is always hope for our mum! R.I.C. Publications® –

Reading with phonics


Mum’s cooking – 6 Answer the questions using full sentences. 1. What happened to the first stove?

2. Name two things the mum has cooked.

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

w ww

. te

m . u

3. What went wrong with the roast dinner?

o c . 4. What did they end up having for dinner? ch e r e o t r s super

5. What is your favourite food that your mum or dad cooks? 98

Reading with phonics – R.I.C. Publications®

Mum’s cooking – 7 1. Write a sentence for each word. (a) stove (b) load (c) hope (d) road

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

(e) toast

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

2. Choose two words from the box that go with each ‘o-e’ and ‘oa’ word. writing gravy

tar meat

bury pens

foam cars

clean yes

(b) roast © R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pu r posesonl y•

(a) soap

(c) notes

(d) road

w ww

(e) vote

m . u

(f) bone

. te

o c . 3. Write ‘o-e’ or ‘oa’ to complete each word. ch e r e o t r s r st (b) m s n p (c) f m (d) c (a) t u e

(e) b


(f) p


(i) r


(j) h


(m) l




(r) st


(q) p

no dog


R.I.C. Publications® –

(g) h

(k) fl (o) h

(s) c


t p st


(h) s


(l) c


(p) al


(t) j


Reading with phonics


Mum’s cooking – 8 Cut out and use the words for reading, writing, spelling, word definitions, word sorts or card games.


ew i ev Pr

nose or eB st smokeper coast oo u k S roast note

Teac he r



road stroke © R. I . C.Publ i ca t i ons

•f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•







m . u


w ww


. te o woke boat c . che e r o t r s hole super loaf

100 Reading with phonics – R.I.C. Publications®

My pony – 1 1. Circle the ‘ow’ words in yellow and the ‘o – go’ words in red. Last week, we moved into our new home. Dad had said it was only twenty minutes away as the crow flies. I didn’t know what that meant, but I did know that the new place had a lot of land for me to play in and for Mum to grow her own vegetables. Dad said he would buy a sit-on mower to mow the grass.

Teac he r

ew i ev Pr

r o e t s Bo r e pmoved, Dad had to pick uposome The day before we special cargo u k and take it to our new place. I wanted to go too, but Dad said no S because it was going to be a surprise for me. Mum cleaned the windows and had to throw out lots of rubbish. Before he went to pick up the cargo, Dad mowed the grass because it had grown so much. I told Mum I would make her a polony sandwich for lunch.

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

The next day, removalists picked up most of our things and took them over to our new place. The postie knew we were moving and so did my teacher.

. te

m . u

w ww

When the truck was packed, we followed it out to our new home. As Dad drove over the hill, he told me to close my eyes. He stopped to open the gate and then said, ‘You can slowly open your eyes’. I looked around and next to the fence was a brown pony with a big yellow bow around its neck. I jumped out of the car and ran to the fence. The pony was the best surprise I’d ever had. Dad said I had to feed, comb and exercise it every day.

o c . che e r o t I can’t wait to show myr friends my very own s pony! super 2. Draw the pony next to the fence with a yellow bow around its neck.

R.I.C. Publications® –

Reading with phonics


The pony – 2 Answer the questions using full sentences. 1. Why did the family move?

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u 2. Why do you thinkS the dad is going to buy a sit-on mower?

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons 3. Where do• you think the new place f o rr ev i ew pis? ur posesonl y•

w ww

. te

4. Describe the pony.

m . u

o c . che e r o t r s super

5. What would be a good name for a pony? Why? 102 Reading with phonics – R.I.C. Publications®

The pony – 3 1. Place the words in the chart, matching each baby to its mother. Mother






(b) (c)

duckling dog

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r


pony r o e t s Bo r e p ok kitten u S





2. Colour the ‘ow’ and ‘o – go’ words, using the key.

green – polony, shadow, most, bow, go, only brown – pony, post, yellow, slow, comb, over white – no, so, show, grow blue – flow, postman, open, glow, cargo

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• show



w ww

no flow

. te



m . u


o c . che e r o t r s super so














R.I.C. Publications® –

Reading with phonics 103

The pony – 4 1. Find the words in the wordsearch.




windows post

A y

n y


shadow own





know over both






























































b l

ew i ev Pr




r o e t s Bo r e gup p o n m o ok S


Teac he r




© . C. i ca i on o R. vI ePub rl lt ks c g •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• a

w ww


. t r eo



m . u

l. coy

che e r o a d r oupw p o st s er


! t

2. Write out the leftover letters. Can you make the hidden sentence? 104 Reading with phonics – R.I.C. Publications®

The pony – 5 Circle the ‘ow’ words in yellow and the ‘o’ words in red. Last week, we moved into our new home. Dad said it was only twenty minutes away as the crow flies. I didn’t know what that meant but I did know that the new place had a lot of land for me to play in and for Mum to sow seeds and grow her own vegetables. Dad said he would buy a sit-on mower to mow all the grass.

Teac he r

ew i ev Pr

r o e t s Bo r e p Dad had to pick up some okspecial cargo and The day before we moved, u take it to our new place. I wanted to go too, but Dad said no because S it was going to be a surprise for me. Mum cleaned the windows and threw out lots of rubbish. Dad mowed the grass, because it had grown so much, before he went to pick up the cargo. I told Mum I would make her a polony sandwich for lunch.

The next day, the removalists picked up most of our things and took them over to our new place. The postie knew we were moving and so did my teacher.

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

. te

m . u

w ww

When the truck was packed, we followed it out to our new home. As Dad drove over the hill, he told me to close my eyes. He stopped to open the gate and then said, ‘You can slowly open your eyes’. I looked around and next to the fence was a brown pony with a big yellow bow around its neck. I jumped out of the car and ran to the fence. The pony was the best surprise I’d ever had. Dad said I had to feed, comb and exercise it every day.

o c . che I put my hand out slowly and let the pony sniff r e o me. It tried to chew my fingers. I crawled below t r s s r u e p the fence and gave my pony a big hug. Both our shadows looked a bit strange: a girl and a pony with a big bow. Dad said I could stay and get to know my pony while they unpacked. I talked to my pony and patted it. There were lots of crows watching from the trees. I went to bed knowing I was going to love living in my new home. I can’t wait to show my friends my very own pony! R.I.C. Publications® –

Reading with phonics 105

The pony – 6 1. What does ‘as the crow flies’ mean?

‘ow’ words

‘o – go’ words


ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

r o e t s r e 3. WriteB o 2. Write some ‘ow’ andp the words in o u k ‘o – go’ words from alphabetical order. S the story. (b) (c) (d)

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons (e) •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

w ww

. te

m . u




o c . che e r o t r s supe shadow r polony



4. Circle all the ‘ow’ and ‘o’ words in the word train. cargopostmanponypolonymostonlycrowbowyellowfollowgosonomow 106 Reading with phonics – R.I.C. Publications®

The pony – 7 1. What am I? The answers are ‘ow’ or ‘o – go’ words. .

(a) You can run me through your hair. I am a .

(b) I am a colour. I am

r o e t s Bo . r e (d) I am the opposite of fast. I am p ok u SYou can me for someone to catch. (e) I am a ball.

me to see what is inside.

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

(c) I am an envelope. You


(f) I am the opposite of ‘Yes’. I am ‘

2. Choose from the words listed to complete the sentences. grow


© R. I . C.Pub l i cat i ons day pony apples •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• ride

w ww (a) My


. te

(b) He


m . u




o c . cheis happy and has bigr e o. r st uper tos eat his mane and

(c) I will

for a

(d) We will (e) When the carrots (f) I R.I.C. Publications® –


him some hay. every


, he can eat them.

my pony. Reading with phonics


The pony – 8 Cut out and use the words for reading, writing, spelling, word definitions, word sorts or card games.


ew i ev Pr

also or eBknow st pony per oo u k S yellow over

Teac he r



grown no © R. I . C.Publ i cat i o ns

•f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•







m . u


w ww


. te o most tow c . che e r o t r scargo below super

108 Reading with phonics – R.I.C. Publications®

In the wild – 1 1. Circle the ‘i-e – kite’ words in yellow and the ‘i – iron’ words in red. Dad let me stay up late on Friday night. He was being kind and didn’t mind because I didn’t have to go to school the next day. We watched a program about wild animals. I like shows about animals. I like the tigers and the lions because they look like big cats. They hide in the tall grass or jungle and wait until just the right time to chase their prey. The man on the show said that a group of lions is called a ‘pride’. Dad smiled when the program showed a giant spider dropping down from a pine tree, but I was frightened. Some spiders grow very big in the wild.

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

The elephants had enormous tusks. They are made out of ivory and can rip apart trees and vines. Dad says some elephants are trained to help carry things like pipes and timber.

Dad said his friend won a prize to go to South Africa for five days. He saw lots of animals and even had a ride on an elephant. He didn’t go for a hike in the wild, but he had a fine time and enjoyed being out in the wide open spaces.

I wouldn’t mind going to South Africa, but Dad says I’m only a child and I can do that when I’m older.

w ww

2. (a) Draw a tiger creeping through a jungle. An elephant with big ivory tusks is by a tree.

. te

m . u

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

(b) Draw a big spider hanging from a vine.

o c . che e r o t r s super

R.I.C. Publications® –

Reading with phonics 109

In the wild – 2 Answer the questions using full sentences. 1. Why did the child’s dad let him stay up?

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u 2. What do big catsS do to catch their food?

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

w ww

4. Why did the dad smile?

. te

m . u

3. What is a group of lions called?

o c . che e r o t r s super

5. Why do you think the dad said the child had to wait before he could go to South Africa? 110

Reading with phonics – R.I.C. Publications®

In the wild – 3 Write a story using the words below. Circle these words in your story. tiger

white wild






r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

w ww

. te

m . u

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

o c . che e r o t r s super

R.I.C. Publications® –

Reading with phonics


In the wild – 4 Cut out the letter cards and make the ‘i-e – kite’, and ‘i – iron’ words.





Teac he r





s . te




m . u













ew i ev Pr


w ww

or eBoe st c peir m ok u S ch d l i

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons n e i n •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•


o c . che e r o r Fr d ay t s i super


Reading with phonics – R.I.C. Publications®

In the wild – 5 Circle the ‘i-e – kite’ words in yellow and the ‘i – iron’ words in red.

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

Teac he r

ew i ev Pr

Dad let me stay up late on Friday night. He was being kind and didn’t mind because I didn’t have to go to school the next day. We watched a program about wild animals. I like shows about animals. I like the tigers and the lions because they look like big cats. They hide in the tall grass or jungle and wait until just the right time to catch their prey. The man on the show said that a group of lions is called a ‘pride’ and their babies are called ‘cubs’. Dad smiled when the program showed a giant spider dropping down from a pine tree, but I was frightened. It was huge and hairy and I had to hide my face in the cushion. Some spiders grow very big in the wild.

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

The elephants had enormous tusks. They are made out of ivory and can rip apart trees and vines. Dad says some elephants are trained to help carry things like pipes and timber.

. te

m . u

w ww

Dad said his friend won a prize to go to South Africa for five days. He saw lots of animals and even had a ride on an elephant. He didn’t go for a hike in the wild, but he had a fine time and enjoyed being out in the wide open spaces.

o c . che e r o t r s s r u e p The program went until nine o’clock. Then it was time for bed. Dad gave The show warned us about some animals becoming extinct (like the dinosaurs) if we keep destroying their habitats. Dad said we need to protect our environment or else we won’t have any wild animals left.

me a piggyback ride and read me a true story about a blind man who had moved to South Africa. He worked at a private zoo and gave talks to people about the lives of the wild animals. Even though he was blind, he knew a lot about all the wild animals. I wouldn’t mind going to South Africa one day, but Dad says I’m only a child and I can do that when I’m older and the time is right. R.I.C. Publications® –

Reading with phonics


In the wild – 6 1. Re-write each sentence using the correct word.

(a) I saw a (lion/line) in the grass.

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u (c) The programS went until (mine/nine) o’clock. (b) The elephant had (iron/ivory) tusks.


Draw a lion and her cubs.

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

Draw an elephant and her calf.

w ww

. te

o c . che e r o t r s super

Draw a spider and her spiderlings.


Reading with phonics

m . u

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

Draw a zebra and her foal. – R.I.C. Publications®

In the wild – 7 1. Write a sentence for each word. (a) tiger (b) blind (c) time (d) kind

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

(e) pride

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

2. Choose two words from the box that go with each ‘i-e – kite’ and ‘i – iron’ word. cat jungle

web stripes trees elephant calendar hairy pride day

(b) tiger © R. I . C.Publ i c at i ons •f orr evi ew pu r posesonl y•

(a) lion

(c) ivory

(d) spider

w ww

(e) vines

m . u

cub tusks

(f) Friday

. te

o c . 3. Complete the words by using ‘i-e’ or ‘i’. che e r o t r s r p ger (b) n s nu e (c) h d (d) k (a) t


(e) bl (i) r


(m) l




(f) p


(g) p

(j) h


(k) ch

(n) l


(r) sl


R.I.C. Publications® –

(o) w

(s) m


ld ld nd

(h) sp (l)

nd der ron

(p) m


(t) pr


Reading with phonics


In the wild – 8 Cut out and use the words for reading, writing, spelling, word definitions, word sorts or card games.


ew i ev Pr

pipe or eBwind st slice per oo u k S ivory stripe

Teac he r


f ind

iron © R. I . C.Publ i cawhite t i ons

•f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•







m . u


w ww


. te o time kind c . che e r o t r swipe super wild


Reading with phonics – R.I.C. Publications®

My dad, the prawn trawler – 1 1. Circle the ‘or’ words in red and the ‘aw’ words in blue.

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

It was nearly dawn and the prawn trawlers were just starting to come into port after being out for days trawling. We were standing under the porch of a building, waving our torches around and waiting for our father’s boat to come in. Everyone was yawning and talking about the big storm that was expected. Mum was hoping Dad had caught a big catch of prawns to sell. We could hear the boat’s horn sounding and could see some lights shining near the drawbridge. When all the boats were tied up, the men started to unload the prawns. We watched the prawns crawling around in the containers. They don’t have claws but they do have long feelers. I saw seagulls and hawks flying over the port, trying to get a feed. Then we saw Dad. His shorts looked like he had worn them for forty days, and his shirt was torn. He was filthy!

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons The men hosed down the boats and filled in all the forms about •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• their catch. By law they had to draw where they had trawled. It was eight-forty in the morning by the time Dad had finished.

. te

m . u

w ww

Dad got some raw prawns to cook for tea. He was going to have a barbecue after he had mowed the lawn. After the storm, he would be going back out to sea to trawl for more prawns.

o c . che e r o t r s super

2. Draw a prawn trawler docking in a port and people waiting near a porch while holding torches.

R.I.C. Publications® –

Reading with phonics


My dad, the prawn trawler – 2 Answer the questions using full sentences. 1. When is dawn?

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u Syawning? 2. Why was everyone

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

3. Name the two birds that were flying over the port.

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

w ww

4. At what time was the dad ready to go home?

. te

m . u

o c . che e r o t r s r upheegot 5. What was the dad going to dos when home?


Reading with phonics – R.I.C. Publications®

My dad, the prawn trawler – 3

It was nearly

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S and the trawlers were just

starting to come into We

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

Fill in the missing words with words from the story.

after being out for days trawling.

standing under the

waving our

of a building,

around and waiting for

boat to come


. Everyone was

and talking

© R. I . C. Pu bexpected. l i cat i ons that was was hoping Dad had caught ae big of so •f or r evi w pur pose nl y•to sell. about the big

the boat’s

see some lights

sounding and could

near the


w ww

m . u

We could

were tied up, the men started to unload

When all the

prawns. We the prawns . te seagulls and o around in the containers. I c . che , trying to get a feed.r flying over the Then we saw Dad. e o them for forty days, st she r up His looked r like hade and his shirt was

. He was filthy! down the boats and filled in all the

The men

about their catch. By law they had to where they had trawled. It was eightby the time Dad had R.I.C. Publications® –

in the

. Reading with phonics


My dad, the prawn trawler – 4

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

Cut out and glue the pictures in the correct sequence on a sheet of paper. Write in your own words what is happening in each picture.

w ww

. te

120 Reading with phonics

m . u

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

o c . che e r o t r s super – R.I.C. Publications®

My dad, the prawn trawler – 5 Circle the ‘or’ words in red and the ‘aw – prawn’ words in blue. It was nearly dawn and the prawn trawlers were just starting to come into port after being out for days trawling. We were standing under the porch of a building, waving our torches around and waiting for our father’s boat to come in. Everyone was yawning and talking about the big storm that was expected. Mum was hoping that Dad had caught a big catch of prawns to sell. We could hear the trawler’s horn sounding and could see some lights shining near the drawbridge.

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S When all the boats were tied up, the men started to unload the prawns. We watched the prawns crawling around in the containers. They don’t have claws but they do have long feelers. I saw seagulls and hawks flying over the port, trying to get a feed. Then we saw Dad. His shorts looked like he had worn them for forty days, and his shirt was torn. He was filthy!

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

The men hosed down the boats and filled in all the forms about their catch. By law they had to draw on a chart where they had trawled. It was eight-forty in the morning before Dad was finished.

. te

m . u

w ww

Dad got some raw prawns to cook for tea. He was going to have a barbecue after he had mowed the lawn. When we got home, Mum went into the barn, gave our horse some new straw and fed her some hay. She was going to foal any day now and we were all waiting for the foal to be born.

o c . che e r o t r s super

R.I.C. Publications® –

It was my job to put sawdust down in the chicken run and give them some corn and pellets. There were a lot of jobs to do, especially in the trawling season when Dad was away. Mum had made Dad a list of things he needed to do when the trawling season was over. She wanted him to paint the porch, fix the fence so the horse and her foal would be safe, and build me a play fort. After the storm, Dad would be going back out to sea to trawl. Reading with phonics


My dad, the prawn trawler – 6 Cut out the words, and pictures then match them together.

Teac he r

ew i ev Pr

prawn r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S draw claw

morning© R. thorn I . C .Publ i cat i ons

w ww

m . u

•f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•



. te

o c . che e r o trawler t r s storm super

122 Reading with phonics – R.I.C. Publications®

My dad, the prawn trawler – 7 1. Choose from the words below to complete the sentences. straw







r o e t s Bo . r e hooted their p ok u was coming. S .


(d) We were shining our (e) Mum got new

for the

(f) Dad got some

prawn meat.

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

(c) A big



(a) Dad was (b) The



© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons r (b) pwnar (a) war •f orr evi ew pu po sesonl y•

(d) oprt

(e) khaw

(f) swart

(g) rfo

(h) gnmorin

w ww

(c) smort

. te

3. Find the smaller words in these words. (a) prawn (b) fort

m . u

2. Rearrange the letters to make the words from the story.

4. Write the words in alphabetical order.

o c . che e prawn r fort o r st super horn dawn

(c) sport



(d) fork



(e) drawn



torch port

(f) sawdust R.I.C. Publications® –

Reading with phonics 123

My dad, the prawn trawler – 8 Cut out and use the words for reading, writing, spelling, word definitions, word sorts or card games.


ew i ev Pr

storm r o e t s Bcrawl r oo fork pe u k S straw cork

Teac he r



© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons drawn forty

•f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•



m . u


w ww

pork . te fort

o sawdust c .





che e r o t r s s r u e p claw forget

124 Reading with phonics – R.I.C. Publications®

ANSWERS The birthday games – 1..................................................... Page 1 1. The ‘a-e’ words are in bold and the ‘ay’ words are underlined.

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

2. Teacher check

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

Each birthday, my mum and dad make up some funny games for us to play. This year, Dad made a stage and we acted out different things. Fay had to be a snake, Jake had to pretend he was surfing a wave and May had to stay as still as a statue. I had to pretend to be in a plane doing tricks. After that, Dad tied shoelaces around our ankles and we had a three-legged race. We all took our places and tried hard to stay standing. We raced to the finish line. May and Fay won the race. Then Mum made everyone ice a cake. She put them on a tray and Dad judged them. I made mine look like a whale, Jake made a plane and May and Fay both made funny faces. Mum sprayed around the table to keep the flies away, then we had lunch. Dad had put bales of hay around the yard. It looked like a maze. He had put clues under the hay and they led us to the playhouse. In the playhouse there was a present with my name on it. ‘Clayton’s present’ was written on the box. The box started to sway. We looked inside and there was a puppy. It was the best birthday ever!

While Mum went inside to make milkshakes, Dad told us to take a crayon and draw a map of the backyard. He said the next game was a treasure hunt. He said that he may hide the clues in the yard for us to find. We were going to play this game after lunch. Mum sprayed the table to keep the flies away and placed a cloth on it. She brought out the cakes we iced, the milkshakes and lots of other food. After we had eaten, Dad said it was time to play the treasure hunt game. While we were eating he had put bales of hay around, so our backyard looked like a maze. We had to take a crayon and place the hay bales on our plan, then we had to look for the clues. The clues were under the hay. They led us to the playhouse and inside was a present with my name on it. ‘Clayton’s present’ was written all over the box. The box started to sway. My friends helped me open it and there was a puppy inside. We all agreed that it was the best birthday ever. The birthday games – 5................................................... Page 5

1. (a) When it is my birthday • • our ankles for a race. (b) This year, Dad made a • under the hay bales. stage • (c) My Dad put clues • • and there was a puppy. (d) Mum sprayed the table • • we play funny games. (e) Dad tied shoelaces • and we performed around • acts. (f) We looked inside • • to keep the flies away.

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

Answers may include: 1. His mum and dad make up funny games to play. 2. They played charades and had a three-legged race. 3. Three friends came to his birthday. 4. I think they were six years old because they played games that six-year-olds like to play. 5. Answers will vary.

The birthday games – 3 ................................................. Page 3

w ww

Teacher check

. te

The birthday games – 4 .............................................. Page 4

2. (a) We raced to the finish line and May and Fay won the race. (b) I made a whale cake and Jake made a plane cake. (c) We ate lunch and Dad hid the clues. The birthday games – 6..................................................... Page 6

m . u

The birthday games – 2................................................... Page 2

1. (a) tray – a flat container used for holding or carrying things (b) spray – a fine stream of liquid (c) gate – a movable frame for closing an entrance (d) game – something you can play, usually with a set of rules. (e) crayon – a greasy chalk used for drawing 2. (a) milkshake (b) playhouse (c) birthday (d) everyone (e) around 3. (1.) ate (2.) day (3.) plane (4.) say (5.) skate 4. (a) kitten (b) walk (c) she (d) start (e) girl (f) over 5. cake, tray, shake, lay, bay, face, today, frame, name, hay, pray, late, way

o c . che e r o t r s super

1. The ‘a-e’ words are in bold and the ‘ay’ words are underlined.

Every year when it is my birthday, my mum and dad make up some funny games for us to play. This year, we performed on a stage that Dad had made and acted out different things. Fay had to be a snake and Jake had to pretend he was surfing a big wave. May had to be a statue and stay still, and I had to pretend to do tricks in a plane. It was very funny. After that, Dad came out and tied shoelaces around our ankles. He said we were having a three-legged race. We all took our places and tried hard to stay standing. When dad said ‘Go’, we all raced to the finish line. May and Fay were the only ones who stayed up straight and they won the race. Then Mum had everyone design and ice a cake. She put them on a tray and Dad had to judge them. I made my cake into a whale, Jake made a plane and May and Fay both made funny faces.

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Reading with phonics 125

ANSWERS The birthday games – 7..................................................... Page 7 1.






















































































Teacher check Ray’s sailing day – 4.......................................................... Page 12 1. The ‘ay’ words are in bold and the ‘ai’ words are underlined. Every Saturday, Ray and his dad went sailing in the bay. At the sailing club, Ray would have to unchain the boat and trailer and hook it up to the car. Ray would get out of the way and wait for his dad to back it into the water. It was Ray’s job to check that the sails, life jackets and pail were in the boat. Dad kept the pail in a tray just in case he had to drain any water out. Dad would pay for a ticket and then park the car. When everything was ready, off they would go, sailing across the water. Dad would put the mainsail up and wait for the wind to push them along. There was a railway line next to the bay and sometimes they would see a train. Once, Dad took his fishing line out and Ray put some bait on it and nearly caught a stingray! If it was a windy day, the boat would sway in the water and they would be sprayed by the waves. They were never afraid because Ray’s dad stayed calm and aimed the boat to the edge of the bay. If it got too choppy, they would jump over into the clay mud and walk the sailing boat back to the ramp. Last Sunday, Ray and his dad painted the boat. Dad prayed it wouldn’t rain. Mum had made a lunch tray because Dad knew it was going to take all day to paint the sailing boat and then put it away. Next Saturday was a race day and Ray was praying they would win. Dad said it didn’t matter if they won or not because any sailing day was a good day. Ray and his dad always had fun and they always looked forward to their sailing days together.

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S o















The birthday games – 8..................................................... Page 8 Teacher check

Ray’s sailing day – 1............................................................ Page 9 1. The ‘ay’ words are in bold and the ‘ai’ words are underlined. Every Saturday, Ray and his dad went sailing in the bay. At the sailing club, Ray would have to unchain the boat and trailer and hook it up to the car. Ray would get out of the way and wait for his dad to back it into the water. It was Ray’s job to check that the sails, life jackets and pail were in the boat. Dad kept the pail in a tray just in case he had to drain any water out. Dad would pay for a ticket and then park the car. When everything was ready, off they would go, sailing across the water. Dad would put the mainsail up and wait for the wind to push them along. There was a railway line next to the bay and sometimes they would see a train. Once, Dad took his fishing line out and Ray put some bait on it and nearly caught a stingray! If it was a windy day, the boat would sway in the water and they would be sprayed by the waves. They were never afraid because Ray’s dad stayed calm and aimed the boat to the edge of the bay. If it got too choppy, they would jump over into the clay mud and walk the sailing boat back to the ramp. Ray and his dad always had fun and they looked forward to their sailing day together.

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

2. Always tie your shoelaces up.

Ray’s sailing day – 3......................................................... Page 11

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

2. Teacher check

m . u

w ww

. te

Ray’s sailing day – 5......................................................... Page 13 Answers may include: 1. Ray and his dad went sailing every Saturday. 2. A pail and life jackets were in the sailing boat. 3. You should always wear a life jacket, know how to swim, and know the rules on the water. 4. Clay soil is muddy and squishy when you walk on it. 5. I think they had fun because they both liked sailing and they got to spend time together.

o c . che e r o t r s super

Ray’s sailing day – 6 ....................................................... Page 14

Ray’s sailing day – 2......................................................... Page 10

1. ‘ai’ words sailing, unchain, trailer, wait, sails, pail, drain, mainsail, railway, train, bait, afraid, aimed ‘ay’ words Saturday, Ray, bay, way, tray, pay, railway, stingray, day, sway, sprayed, stayed, clay 2. Example: 1. Putting the boat into the water 2. Ray checking that the safety equipment is in the boat. 3. Sailing across the water. 4. Watching a train on the railway line.

126 Reading with phonics

1. (a) chain (b) sway (c) mail (d) today (e) pray 2. (a) False (b) True (c) Not in the story (d) Not in the story 3. (1.) away (2.) bay (3.) boy (4.) sailing (5.) train 4. Some examples: (a) tray – may, say, day, play, sway, lay (b) sail – mail, bail, hail, whale, male (c) say – bay, lay, may, pay, day, play, sway, lay (d) rain – train, main, lane, brain, stain (e) bait – wait, late, hate 5. brain, tray, ray, laid, drain, maid, say, pray, tail, bay, stain, clay, today, plain, snail – R.I.C. Publications®

ANSWERS Ray’s sailing day – 7......................................................... Page 15 Teacher check Ray’s sailing day – 8......................................................... Page 16 Teacher check Playing on a rainy day – 1.......................................... Page 17

Playing on a rainy day – 5......................................... Page 21

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

1. The ‘ai’ words are bold, the ‘ay’ words are underlined and the ‘a-e’ words are italic.

The ‘ai’ words are bold, the ‘ay’ words are underlined and the ‘a-e’ words are italic. It was a rainy day and Kate, Abigail and Brayden had to stay inside. They couldn’t go out and play, so Mum said they could bake a cake while they waited for the rain to stop. When the chocolate cake was cooked and taken out of the tin, Mum put it on a cake tray to cool. While the cake cooled, they got some crayons, paints and paper and drew some pictures. Kate liked to draw animals. She drew a whale with its tail coming out of the water, a long snake and a slimy snail. She wanted to be a vet one day. Abigail drew a train, a plane and a sailboat sailing on the lake. She wanted to be a pilot. Brayden drew a Playstation™ and a computer. He wanted to design computer games when he grew up. The rain didn’t stop, so Mum got out a game. It was called Snakes and Ladders. If you landed on the snake’s head, you had to go all the way back to the end of its tail. Abigail said she was afraid of snakes. Kate told her that snakes will go away if you leave them alone. Mum said if they ever saw a snake, they should walk away from it and tell an adult. Mum suggested they may like to put the CD player on, so they listened to their favourite songs while they played. Kate, Abigail and Brayden swayed to the music. When they were younger, they always listened to music. Mum told funny tales about when they were young. If they were playing and Mum called them inside, they would run away and hide. Another time, Kate brought home a stray cat. She wanted the cat to stay but it belonged to the lady down the street. The lady thought Kate had taken her cat! Playing inside had been fun and soon it was time to get dinner ready. They had baked meat and vegetables, with yummy chocolate cake for dessert!

ew i ev Pr

It was a rainy day and Kate, Abigail and Brayden had to stay inside. They couldn’t go out and play, so Mum said they could bake a cake while they waited for the rain to stop. When the chocolate cake was cooked, Mum put it on a cake tray to cool. While it cooled, they made pictures with crayons, paints and paper. Kate liked to draw animals. She drew a whale with its tail coming out of the water, a long snake and a slimy snail. She wanted to be a vet one day. Abigail drew a train, a plane and a sailboat sailing on a lake. She wanted to be a pilot. Brayden drew a Playstation™ and a computer. He wanted to make computer games when he grew up. The rain didn’t stop, so Mum got out a game. It was called Snakes and ladders. If you landed on the snake’s head, you had to go all the way back to the end of its tail. Mum suggested they may like to put the CD player on, so they listened to their favourite songs while they played. When they were younger, they always listened to music. Mum told funny tales about when they were young, and then it was time to get dinner ready. They had baked meat and vegetables, with yummy chocolate cake for dessert! 2. Teacher check

Teac he r

4. Some examples: (a) cake – bake, make, take, rake, snake, shake (b) way – pay, say, hay, delay, sway, stay (c) rain – pain, main, stain, main, train (d) tail – pail, mail, sail, pale, pail, hail (e) game – fame, shame, tame, same, flame (f) snake – bake, shake, lake, make, fake

Playing on a rainy day – 2......................................... Page 18

w ww

rainy, Kate, Abigail, stay, couldn’t, play, said, bake, waited, rain, chocolate, it, cake, cool, made, crayons, draw, whale, tail, water, snake, snail, plane, pilot, Playstation™, make, grew, didn’t, game, Snakes, head, tail, ready, meat, vegetables, chocolate, dessert

. te

o c . che e r o t r s super

Playing on a rainy day – 3......................................... Page 19 Teacher check

m . u

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

Playing on a rainy day – 4......................................... Page 20 1. Some examples: (a) rain, in, a, an (b) lane, a, an, pan, plan (c) nail, ail, a, (d) ape, a, tap (e) paint, a, an, in, pain (f) late, ate, at, a, coat 2. (a) true (b) false (c) true (e) false (f) false 3. (1.) always (2.) bake (3.) cake (4.) paint (5.) stay (6.) wait

R.I.C. Publications® –

Playing on a rainy day – 6............................................. Page 22

Answers may include: 1. Kate, Abigail and Brayden had to stay inside because it was raining. 2. They made a chocolate cake. 3. I think Mum got the game out of the cupboard. 4. Abigail wanted to be a pilot and Brayden wanted to be a designer for computer games. 5. Answers will vary. Playing on a rainy day – 7............................................. Page 23

(d) false

1. Some examples: (a) snake – I saw a snake in the bush. (b) way – My dad went the wrong way and became lost. (c) tale – My grandad told me a funny tale. (d) crayons – My little sister likes to draw with crayons. (e) tail – A kangaroo has a strong tail.

Reading with phonics


ANSWERS 2. (a) outside (c) big (e) head (g) old

Green peas and beans – 3............................................ Page 28

(b) off (d) in (f) up (h) night

3. Teacher check pictures (a) snail (b) tray (c) cake (d) rain

(e) whale

Playing on a rainy day – 8............................................. Page 24

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‘ai’ words – paint, train, snail, wait, mail, trail, rain ‘a-e’ words – lake, cake, bake, plane, made, sale, flame ‘ay’ words – stray, tray, crayon, hay, play, day, always

Playing on a rainy day – 9............................................. Page 25

Green peas and beans – 1........................................ Page 26 1. The ‘ee’ words are in bold and the ‘ea’ words are underlined. Dee and Dean were siblings who lived on a quiet street which had lots of trees. On the weekend they were going to buy some bean and pea seeds and a peach tree. The peas and beans would grow quickly and could feed the family. The peach tree would take some time to grow peaches, but Dad said to imagine the yummy peaches they would get to eat! When it was Saturday, they all drove down their leafy street and waved to Mr Green, who was sweeping his porch. They went along the beach road and saw someone sleeping on a seat. Dad tooted his horn to wake him up! Mum thought that was mean. It didn’t take long to get the plants. Dad needed a new spade so he could dig a deep hole for the peach tree. Luckily for Dad, the spade was very cheap. Dee and Dean planted the seeds and watered them. They knew what plants needed, so they weeded the soil around them and gave them plant feed. Each day, they went outside to see if they had grown. After a few weeks, their plants had lots and lots of green peas and beans. Mum cooked them and they all had some to eat. The peas were very sweet. Mum made a pea and bean pie and a pea and bean salad. The peas and beans kept growing and Mum kept making different things to eat until one day everyone said, ‘STOP’. We couldn’t eat another pea or bean.

Green peas and beans – 4............................................ Page 29
















































































































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Teacher check

1. (a) The street had lots of trees. (b) You need to water and feed your plants. (c) Dad dug a deep hole for the peach tree. (d) Mum made a pea and bean pie. (e) One day, everyone said, ‘Stop!’ 2. (a) beak (b) sheep (c) meat (d) bee 3. Teacher check

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2. Teacher check

1. (a) Dee and Dean lived on a quiet street; or, Dean and Dee lived on a quiet street. (b) They were going to buy some seeds. (c) They had lots of beans and peas. (d) Mum cooked lots of different things.

128 Reading with phonics

1. The ‘ee’ words are in bold and the ‘ea’ words are underlined.

Dee and Dean were siblings who lived on a quiet street with lots of trees. On the weekend they were going to buy some seeds and a peach tree at the nursery. They decided to buy bean seeds and pea seeds because they grew very quickly and Mum could feed the family with them. The peach tree would take some time to grow peaches they could eat. When it was Saturday, they all drove down their leafy street and waved to Mr Green, who was sweeping his porch. They went along the beach road and saw someone sleeping on a seat. Dad tooted his horn to wake him up! Mum thought it was mean. It didn’t take long to get the plants. Dad needed a new spade so he could dig a deep hole for the peach tree. Luckily for Dad, the spade was cheaper than he thought it would be. When they got home, Dad dug a deep hole and planted the tree. Dee and Dean planted the seeds and watered them. They knew what plants needed, so they weeded them and gave them plant feed. Each day, they went outside to see if they had grown. After a few days, shoots started to show. After a few weeks, their plants had lots and lots of green peas and beans Mum boiled them up and they all had some to eat. The peas were very sweet. Mum made a pea and bean pie and a pea and bean salad for tea. The peas and beans kept growing and Mum kept making different things to eat until one day everyone said, ‘STOP!’ We couldn’t eat another pea or bean. We gave them to Mr Green and Mrs Beam. Mum said she better start looking up recipes for peaches!

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Green peas and beans – 2............................................ Page 27

2. Teacher check pictures (a) peas (b) beans (d) seats (e) teachers

Green peas and beans – 5............................................ Page 30

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2. A peach is sweet to eat.

(c) trees (f) weeds – R.I.C. Publications®

ANSWERS Green peas and beans – 6............................................ Page 31 Answers may include: 1. Yes they were. They were siblings and that means they were brother and sister. 2. Their street had a lot of green, leafy trees in it. 3. They chose peas and beans seeds because they would grow quickly and produce vegetables to eat. 4. Mr Green was sweeping his porch. 5. A plant needs sunlight, water, good soil, fertiliser and for the weeds to be pulled out.

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Green peas and beans – 7............................................ Page 32

Green peas and beans – 8............................................ Page 33

1. (a) Dee and Dean • • to see if the seeds had grown. (b) Mr Green • • so he could dig a hole. (c) Dad needed a • were brother and spade • sister. (d) They went outside • • was sweeping his porch. 2. (a) weekend (b) someone (c) outside (d) Sunday (e) everyone (f) along 3. (1.) beans (2.) nursery (3.) peach (4.) seeds (5.) sweet (6.) tree 4. (a) sister (b) dad (c) slow (d) up (e) her (f) short 5. seed, teacher, see, sea, bean, peas, need, beach, sweet, eat, deep, tea

2. Teacher check

A sunny day on the sea – 2 ......................................... Page 36

1. ‘ee’

green, teeth, see, sunscreen, needs, street, trees, been, meet, feeding, steering, wheel ‘ea’ seat, reading, Teagan’s, cleaning, beach, read, eat, sea, reached, seats, tea, leave ‘y’ Hurry, twenty, baby, pony, story, ready, lucky, pretty, jetty, lovely, sunny, busy, nappy, happy 2. (a) sail – We will sail our boat on the river. sale – The shop was having a sale. (b) meet – I would like you to meet my sister. meat – I went to the butcher to buy some meat. (c) been – I have been to the beach. bean – Mum made a pea and bean pie.

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1. ‘ee’ words: Dee, street, trees, weekend, seeds, feed, Green, sweeping, sleeping, needed, street, deep, weeded, weeks, sweet ‘ea’ words: Dean, peach, bean, pea, peaches, eat, leafy, beach, seat, mean, cheaper, each, peas, beans, Beam 2. Some examples. Teacher check pictures. 1. They went to the nursery to buy the seeds. 2. They planted the seeds. 3. The seeds grew peas and beans. 4. Mum made a pea and bean pie.

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people were getting on. Our baby had never been on a boat before. ‘Good morning’, said the captain. ‘It’s nice to meet you. It is a lovely sunny day for sailing. Come on board. Make yourself a cup of tea.’ We all sat down and while Mum was busy feeding and getting a new nappy for the baby, Dad went out and looked at the boat’s steering wheel and engine. We sailed on the sea and everyone was happy. When the boat returned to the jetty, we didn’t want to leave.

A sunny day on the sea – 3.......................................... Page 37

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Green peas and beans – 9............................................ Page 34 Teacher check

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1. (a) Dad was cleaning his teeth. (b) The baby was in the cars baby seat. (c) A big boat was by the jetty. (d) Mum got the baby a nappy. (e) Dad looked at the boat’s engine. 2. (a) dad (b) baby (c) teeth (d) pony (e) sea (f) sunny 3. (1.) baby (2.) feed (3.) leave (4.) story (5.) tea (6.) wheel 4. Some examples: (a) eat, at, a, sea, sat (b) each, be, a (c) feed, fed, in, din (d) read, a, red, ding, in (e) be, bee (f) heel, he, we

A sunny day on the sea – 1.......................................... Page 35

1. The ‘ee’ words are in bold, ‘ea’ words are underlined and the ‘y’ words are italic. ‘Hurry up, Dad. It’s twenty to ten. The boat sails at ten and we’ll be late. Mum said we’re taking the green car. She’s put the baby in the baby seat and is reading her the pony story. Teagan’s in the car, too.’ ‘I’m coming’, called Dad. ‘I was just cleaning my teeth. Are we all ready?’ he asked. ‘Let’s see: sunscreen, beach towels, book to read, food to eat and baby’s needs. Here we go, a day on the sea. Aren’t we lucky!’ Dad drove past the beach and down the street that led to the sea. At last, we reached the boat harbour. It was very pretty. Next to the sea, there were lots of trees, green grass, picnic tables and seats. A big boat was by the jetty and R.I.C. Publications® –

A sunny day on the sea – 4.......................................... Page 38

Teacher check

A sunny day on the sea – 5.......................................... Page 39

1. The ‘ee’ words are in bold, ‘ea’ words are underlined and the ‘y’ words are italic.

‘Hurry up, Dad. It’s twenty to ten. The boat sails at ten. We need to go now or we’ll be late. Mum has put the baby in the baby seat in the green car and she’s reading her the pony story. If you don’t come soon, she’ll start screaming. Teagan’s in the car too.’ ‘I’m coming’, called Dad. ‘I was just cleaning my teeth. Are we all ready?’ he asked. ‘Let’s see: sunscreen, beach towels, book to read, food to eat and baby needs, and a sunny day. Here we go, a day on the sea. Aren’t we lucky.’ Dad drove past the beach and down the street that led to the sea. Reading with phonics 129

ANSWERS We all wear long-sleeved shirts when we go camping. We have dinner at seven-thirty, before it gets too dark. Sometimes we make pancakes for dessert. We stir the mixture and put it into a circular pan. Whoever cooks gets to eat the first one! Our brother says next year will be different! I wonder why? 2. Teacher check The first day of summer – 2........................................ Page 44

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A sunny day on the sea – 6.......................................... Page 40 Answers may include: 1. The dad was ready at about twenty to ten. 2. They took sunscreen and food to eat. (Other items include: beach towels, books, baby’s needs.) 3. The boat was by the jetty. 4. I think the dad wanted to look at the engine because he liked boats and engines. 5. I think they didn’t want to leave because they had a great time, and it was very relaxing.

Answers may include: 1. The season was summer. 2. The mum thought they were too young. 3. The boy was (or would be close to) fifteen years of age because he was two years older than his sisters. 4. The birds chirping would keep them awake at night. 5. It will be different next year because the girls will go with their brother when he paddles up the river.

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At last, we reached the boat harbour. It was very pretty. Next to the sea, there were lots of trees, green grass, picnic tables and seats. There were three children paddling their feet in the water. A big boat was by the jetty, and people were getting on. Our baby had never been on a boat before. ‘Good morning’, said the captain, ‘It’s nice to meet you. It is a lovely sunny day for sailing. Come on board. Make yourself a cup of tea. There are cream biscuits to eat also.’ We all sat down and while Mum was busy feeding and getting a new nappy for the baby, Dad went to look at the boat’s steering wheel and engine. We sailed on the sea and everyone was happy. There were shiny fish swimming in the water. In the distance we could see some seals sitting on the rocks. When the boat returned to the jetty, we didn’t want to leave. ‘We’ll come again next weekend if it is sunny and we’ll bring some cold meat and salad to have a picnic by the sea, said Dad.

The first day of summer – 3........................................ Page 45 1. (a) in the wildflowers (b) next to the fir tree (c) over the river (d) under the ferns 2. (a) father (c) first

(b) germs (d) birth

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Teacher check A sunny day on the sea – 8.......................................... Page 42

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The first day of summer – 1........................................ Page 43

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1. The ‘ir’ words are in bold and the ‘er’ words are underlined. Every year, on the first day of summer, we camp by the river. It’s always good fun. My brother and father are planning to go paddling up the river and stay there overnight. My mother said my sister and I would have to wait until our next birthday to join them. We’re twins and we are going to be thirteen on the thirteenth of November. Our brother is two years older than us. He said he was certain we would not like it if a serpent snake was hiding in the ferns or fir trees along the river. He also said the birds would keep us awake with all their chirping and we might fall in the river and catch germs. He thinks because we are girls we wouldn’t like it. We have to bring our own water so we don’t get thirsty. Mum lets us swim in the river instead of having a shower. We get very dirty when we’ve been walking in the bush looking for wildflowers, or squirming in the mud. We like squirming in the mud and squirting each other.

130 Reading with phonics

1. (a) serpent – another word for snake (b) fern – a green leafy plant that does not have flowers (c) wildflower – a flower that lives in the bush or the wild (d) stir – to mix something by moving a spoon (e) swirl – to move in a whirling way 2. (a) we’re (b) we’ve (c) we’ll (d) it’s (e) won’t (f) don’t 3. ‘er’ summer, river, brother, father, overnight, mother, sister, November, older, certain, serpent, ferns, germs, water, river, shower, wildflowers, dinner, dessert, different, wonder ‘ir’ first, birthday, thirteen, thirteenth, fir, birds, chirping, girls, thirsty, dirty, squirming, squirting, shirts, thirty, stir, circular, first 4. (a) last (b) brother (c) under (d) night (e) clean 5. fern, first, mother, stir, father, squirm, third, circle, serpent, girls

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A sunny day on the sea – 7.......................................... Page 41

The first day of summer – 4........................................ Page 46

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The first day of summer – 5.................................... Page 47

The ‘ir’ words are in bold and the ‘er’ words are underlined. Every year, on the first day of summer, we camp by the river. It’s always good fun. My brother and my father are planning to go paddling up the river, and stay there overnight. My mother said my sister and I would have to wait until our next birthday to join them. We’re twins and we are going to be thirteen on the thirteenth of November. Our brother is two years older than us. Mum is thirty-five and Dad is thirty-nine. Mum always says, ‘As you get older, the years fly by faster’. Our brother said he was certain we would not like camping overnight. What if we saw a serpent hiding in the ferns or fir – R.I.C. Publications®

ANSWERS 2. Words could differ. Example: (a) The cat was in the ferns. Some birds were in the trees. The cat was looking at the birds. The birds were chirping. (b) The postman put a letter in the mailbox. It was a birthday card. The little girl was having a special birthday. (c) I am a girl. I go to the park. I can climb up the ladder.

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The first day of summer – 6........................................ Page 48

1. (a) It was summer and we were going camping by the river. (b) We like squirming in the mud. (c) Mum likes to have dinner before it gets too dark. 2. (a) f/ir/st (b) f/er/n (c) r/iv/er (d) g/er/m/s (e) th/ir/d (f) g/ir/l

The first day of summer – 9........................................ Page 51

1. (a) It is summer • • pancakes for dessert. (b) Dad and my brother • • walks in the bush. (c) Mum likes to have • • shirts to keep us safe. (d) We wear long- • • are paddling up the sleeved river. (e) Sometimes we make • • and we are going camping. (f) We go for • • dinner at seven-thirty. 2. (a) We don’t like snakes and we don’t want to fall in the river. (b) There are no showers or water at the campsite. (c) We might see snakes and birds.

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trees along the river? He also said the birds would keep us awake with all their chirping and we might fall in the river and catch germs. He thinks that because we are girls we wouldn’t like it. We think he was trying to scare us so he could have our dad all to himself. There are no showers or water where we camp, so we have to bring our own water so we don’t get thirsty. Mum lets us swim in the river instead of having a shower. We get very dirty when we’ve been walking in the bush looking for wildflowers, or squirming in the mud. We like squirming in the mud and squirting each other. Mum likes to have dinner at seven-thirty before it becomes too dark. Sometimes we make pancakes for dessert. We stir the mixture and put them in a circular pan. We swirl the mixture around the pan and it makes perfect circleshaped pancakes. Whoever cooks gets to eat the first one. Dad says it is important to be safe and to be prepared. We wear long-sleeved shirts and pants to protect our skin. We know first aid so we know what to do if someone gets a snake bite. Our brother says next year will be different! I wonder why?

The first day of summer – 10..................................... Page 52

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1. The ‘ir’ words are in bold, ‘ur’ words are underlined and the ‘er’ words are italic. Everyone said it could never happen, but it did. A tiger, a turtle, a turkey and a bird became best friends. One day, a tiger was near the river when he saw a bird fly over the birch and fir trees and crash into the ferns. It looked like the bird was hurt. The tiger thought to himself, ‘I’ll go and find that bird and eat it for my dinner’. When he arrived at the ferns, all he saw was a turtle. ‘Don’t even think about eating that bird, it’s my dinner! I was here first’, said the tiger. The turtle just looked at the tiger and said, ‘I never eat birds. I’m a nurse. I’d rather help the bird’. The turtle turned around and went on his way. The tiger jumped over some ferns and crashed into a turkey. The turkey was very surprised to see a tiger. It said in a firm voice, ‘Be careful! Why did you lurch through the ferns like that?’ The tiger had hurt his head. He felt a bump under his fur and said, ‘I can’t remember why I’m in a hurry. Who are you? Who am I?’ The turkey said, ‘Oh dear me. You are hurt. Come with me’. The tiger followed the turkey and found the turtle next to the bird lying under the ferns. The bird was chirping, ‘Who am I? Where am I? Why am I so dirty? Are you my friends?’ The turtle looked at the turkey and said, ‘I think they have both lost their memory!’ To this day, the turkey and the turtle still look after the bird and the tiger. 2. Teacher check

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The first day of summer – 8........................................ Page 50 1. (a) third (d) germ

The turtle, the turkey, the bird and the tiger are – 1................................................................ Pages 53

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The first day of summer – 7........................................ Page 49

Teacher check

(b) fern (e) birthday

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(c) shirt or skirt (f) over

Reading with phonics


ANSWERS The turtle, the turkey, the bird and the tiger – 2 ...................................................................... Pages 54 Answers may include: 1. The characters in the story were a tiger, a turtle, a turkey and a bird. 2. The tiger was going to eat the bird. 3. The word ‘lurch’ means to move suddenly. 4. The turtle and the turkey look after the tiger and the bird because they care about others. 5. The tiger might eat the bird for his dinner!

2. (a) bird – feathers, worms (b) tiger – fur, whiskers (c) turtle – shell, slow (d) girl – curls, skirt (e) spider – web, flies 3. (a) turtle (b) squirm (e) first (f) dinner (i) under (j) nurse (m) spider (n) bird (q) slater (r) dirt

(c) ferns (g) chirp (k) girl (o) turn (s) fir/fur

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The turtle, the turkey, the bird and the tiger – 3 and 4......................................... Pages 55 and 56

(d) tiger (h) hurt (l) turkey (p) church (t) over

The turtle, the turkey, the bird and the tiger – 7........................................................................... Page 59

1. ‘ir’ words

The turtle, the turkey, the bird and the tiger – 5........................................................................... Page 57

The ‘ir’ words are in bold, ‘ur’ words are underlined and ‘er’ words are in italic. Everyone said it could never happen, but it did. A tiger, a turtle, a turkey and a bird became best friends. One day, a tiger was near the river when he saw a bird fly over the birch and fir trees and crash into the ferns. It looked like the bird was hurt. The tiger thought to himself, ‘I’ll go and find that bird and eat it for my dinner.’ When he arrived at the ferns, all he saw was a turtle. ‘Don’t think about eating that bird, it’s my dinner! I was here first’, said the tiger. The turtle just looked at the tiger and said, ‘I never eat birds. I’m a nurse. I’d rather help the bird’. The turtle turned around and continued on his way to the church. The tiger decided to hurry and, as he jumped over some ferns, he crashed into a turkey. The turkey was very surprised to see a tiger. It said in a firm voice, ‘Do be careful! Why did you lurch through the ferns like that?’ The tiger had hurt his head. He felt a bump under his fur and said, ‘I can’t remember why I’m in a hurry. Who are you? Who am I?’ The turkey said, ‘Oh dear me. You are hurt. Come with me. Turtle is around here somewhere and she can help’. They found the turtle next to the bird lying under the ferns. The bird was chirping, ‘Who am I? Where am I? Why am I so dirty? The turtle looked at the turkey and said, ‘I think they have both lost their memory. Maybe if we give them some food they will get better’. The turtle found some worms in the dirt and some slaters and spiders in the ferns for the bird. The turtle found some bones left over from a little girl’s picnic for the tiger. They ate well, but still did not remember who they were. To this day, the turkey and the turtle still look after their two very special friends.

bird, birch, fir, first, firm, chirping, dirty, dirt, girl’s ‘er’ words never, tiger, river, over, ferns, dinner, rather, remember, under, better, slaters, spiders, after ‘ur’ words turtle, turkey, hurt, nurse, turned, church, lurch, fur, 2. Answers may include: (a) fir – The woods had lots of fir trees. fur – A cat has soft fur. (b) their – Their bags are hanging up on the hooks. there – Over there is a new playground. (c) I – I can swim very fast. eye – Never poke a stick in someone’s eye.

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When the circus came to town – 1.......................... Page 61

1. The ‘ou’ words are in bold, and the ‘ow’ words are underlined. A big crowd had gathered by the town’s clock tower. People came out of their houses to see what the fuss was about. Everyone was trying to read a notice. It was about a circus that was coming to town on Friday. Children were loudly yelling: ‘A circus, a circus, hip, hip, hooray! There will be clowns, hip, hip, hooray!’ The children counted the days till Friday and found out that it was only three days away! On Friday, the circus arrived. They put up the big top on the flat ground just south of the town centre. They connected a powerline so the circus would have lights. The animals were kept outside, around the back. They had cows, horses, dogs and even an owl. On Saturday, the circus ground was full. There were clowns everywhere. Some were wearing crowns, some wore big red noses and some were bouncing balls. One clown had a big flower that squirted water at people. There was someone dressed as a brown kangaroo with a baby in her pouch. At two o’clock, a clown came out and shouted to everyone: ‘Welcome, welcome, the circus is in town. Follow me before the curtain goes down!’ 2. Teacher check

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The turtle, the turkey, the bird and the tiger – 6........................................................................... Page 58 1. Answers will vary; example: (a) A turtle has a shell on its back. (b) When I fell over, I hurt my knee. (c) My mum will wash my dirty shorts. (d) A spider spins a web. (e) The horse jumped over the fence. 132 Reading with phonics

Teacher check.

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The turtle, the turkey, the bird and the tiger – 8........................................................................... Page 60 – R.I.C. Publications®

ANSWERS When the circus came to town – 2.......................... Page 62 crowd, town’s, out, what, read, about, coming, were, hip, clowns, counted, Friday, out, three, big, ground, south, powerline, lights, kept, cows, owl, ground, clowns, bouncing, flower, clown, welcome, town, down When the circus came to town – 3.......................... Page 63

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When the circus came to town – 4.......................... Page 64

1. Answers may include: (a) The horse gallops around the circus ring. (b) The town has a new tower. (c) An owl is an nocturnal animal. (d) The circus set up just south of the town. (e) Last night, I had to have a cold shower. 2. (a) clown – brown, town, down, frown (b) house – mouse (c) tower – power, flower, shower (d) pouch – ouch, couch, (e) down – town, frown, clown, brown (f) south – mouth, (g) cow – now, sow, bow, how 3. Teacher check pictures: (a) flower (b) houses (c) clown (d) pouch (e) cow (f) round

When the circus came to town – 6.......................... Page 66

‘ou’ words

house, sound, mountain, found, mouth, south, aloud, mouse, count, around, cloud, shout, fountain, outside, ground ‘ow’ words shower, tower, cow, owl, drown, power, brown, ground, towel, crown, frown, clown, how, now, trowel, fountain, down

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Answers may include: 1. The people gathered by the town’s clock tower. 2. The people read the notice on Tuesday. 3. The children were excited because the circus was coming to town. 4. They had to connect the circus to a powerline. 5. I think the animals would do some tricks.

‘Welcome, welcome! The circus is in town. Follow me before the curtain goes down!’ Everyone went inside the tent and sat down. The music started. It sounded very loud and the crowd cheered when the ringmaster appeared. There were lots different acts. The cows danced around. The owl sat on the dogs and the clowns threw streamers and water at the crowd. Everyone had fun. At the end, the ringmaster shouted out loudly, ‘We’ll be back next year!’ How the crowd cheered!

When the circus came to town 7.......................... Page 67 Teacher check

When the circus came to town – 8.......................... Page 68 Teacher check

A trip to the moon – 1..................................................... Page 69

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The ‘ou’ words are in bold, and the ‘ow’ words are underlined. A big crowd had gathered by the town’s clock tower. Everyone was trying to read a notice. It was about a circus that was coming to town on Friday. All the children were yelling loudly: ‘A circus, a circus, hip, hip, hooray! There will be clowns, hip, hip, hooray!’ More people came out of their houses to see what the fuss was all about. The children counted the days till Friday and found out that it was only three days away. On Friday, the circus arrived. They put up the big top on the flat ground just south of the town centre. They set up all the stalls and connected a powerline, so the circus could have lights. The animals were kept outside, around the back. They had horses, dogs, an owl and even cows! On Saturday, the circus ground was full. There were clowns everywhere. Some were wearing crowns, some wore big red noses and some were bouncing balls. One clown had a big flower that squirted water at people’s faces. There was someone dressed up as a funny brown kangaroo with a baby in her pouch. At two o’clock, a clown came out and shouted to everyone:

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When the circus came to town – 5.......................... Page 65

1. The ‘oo’ words are in bold and the ‘u-e’ words are underlined. It was the sixth of June and the huge spaceship was ready to go to the moon. The time for blast off was set for noon. The astronauts would soon need to put on their special suits and boots ready for take off. All the food and equipment had been packed into cubes and placed inside the spaceship. The spaceship had been checked for loose wires. Everything had to be carefully placed because there was not a lot of room inside. Everyone was in a good mood as the astronauts saluted their comrades and boarded the ship. It was the end of the countdown: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, BLAST OFF! The crowd of people there to see them off hooted and cheered. Communication was on mute until the spaceship had shed its power boosters and was headed into space. Success! The spaceship was on its way to the moon. Soon the astronauts would be gathering information and reporting to Earth. I, too, want to be an astronaut one day! 2. Teacher check

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A trip to the moon – 2..................................................... Page 70 Answers may include: 1. The date of the flight was the sixth of June. 2. The food had been packed into cubes so that it could not float around or cause damage. 3. The spaceship had been checked for loose wires or signs of damaged equipment. 4. I think there is a lot of rocks and dust on the moon. 5. Answers will vary.

Reading with phonics 133

ANSWERS A trip to the moon – 3..................................................... Page 71 1. (a) boot (d) June

(b) cube (e) broom

2. jube too flute zoom rule fool boot roof




































(b) boots (e) rooms

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S (c) moons (f) prunes

A trip to the moon – 7................................................ Page 75

A trip to the moon – 4..................................................... Page 72 Teacher check

A trip to the moon – 5..................................................... Page 73

The ‘oo’ words are in bold and the ‘u-e’ words are underlined. It was the sixth of June and the huge spaceship was ready to go to the moon. The weather was fine and the sky was blue. The time for blast off was set for noon. The astronauts would soon need to put on their special suits and boots and be ready for take off. The computer would give them their cue to start getting dressed. All the food and equipment had been packed into cubes and placed inside the spaceship. The spaceship had been filled with fuel, checked for loose wires and all the tubes had been cleared. Everything had to be carefully placed because there was not a lot of room inside. Everyone was in a good mood as they waited for the spaceship to shoot into space. They watched as the astronauts saluted their comrades and boarded the ship. Soon it was the end of the countdown: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... BLAST OFF! The crowd of people there to see them off hooted and cheered. Communication was on mute until the spaceship had shed its power boosters, got rid of the extra fuel and was headed into outer space. Success! The spaceship was on its way to the moon. The astronauts turned off the mute button and reported to the command centre. They were cool and calm. Everything went smoothly, the instruments were reading true and no fuses had blown. Nothing had come loose and no warning lights had come on. Soon the astronauts would be gathering information and reporting to Earth. The scientists would find clues from the materials they collected to learn more about the moon. I, too, want to be an astronaut one day!

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3. Teacher check (a) cubes (d) tubes

(c) moon

(f) too – to (g) soon – son, so, no, on (h) astronaut – son, on, no, ton, nut, runt, out (i) boot – to, too 2. (a) false/not in the story (story one) (b) false (c) true (d) false (e) true (f) false (g) false 3. Some examples (a) boot – hoot, shoot, flute, root (b) tube – cube (c) food – mood, rude (d) mute – chute, pollute, shoot (e) moon – spoon, room, doom, zoom (f) ship – lip, sip, flip, dip, pip 4. 1. astronauts 2. boots 3. cubes 4. loose 5. moon 6. space

1. Some examples: (a) The spaceship needs a lot of fuel. (b) The moon is huge. (c) A cube is a three-dimensional object. (d) The material was very smooth. (e) I was in a good mood. 2. (a) moon – craters, night (b) astronaut – boots, suits (c) spaceship – boosters, tubes (d) crowd – hooted, cheered (e) space – stars, planets (f) weather – rainy, sunny 3. (a) tube (b) moon (c) boots (d) mute (e) hooted (f) huge (g) fuse (h) soon (i) loose (j) salute (k) cool (l) cube (m) too (n) food

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134 Reading with phonics

My granny’s ‘true tales’ – 1...................................... Page 77

1. The ‘oo’ words are in bold, ‘u-e’, and ‘ue’ words underlined, and ‘ew’ words are in italic. My granny used to tell me stories about a ship’s crew. She would say they were true stories that really happened. I’ll tell you one and see what you think. It’s called ‘The crew that grew’. One day in June, one of the crew of a ship at sea used his telescope to zoom in on an island with huge trees. The crew decided to check the island. Bluey went onto the shore and past the sand dunes. All he could see were huge trees and plants. He found some seeds and drew pictures of the trees and the flower blooms. The pictures would give them some clues about what sort of plants they were. When he returned to the ship, he saluted the captain and then planted the seeds in a wooden cube. The very next day, there was a little tree with some dew on it. Then the next day, the tree was as tall as a broom. At the end of the week, the tree was huge and had a few blooms on it, too. It was taking up a lot of room. It had fruit the shape of a balloon, which one of the crew

o c . che e r o t r s super

A trip to the moon – 6..................................................... Page 74 1. (a) moon – on, no (b) tube – be, tub (c) cubes – be, cub (d) boosters – boost, boot, so, store (e) loose – so, lose

Teacher check

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A trip to the moon – 8..................................................... Page 76 – R.I.C. Publications®

ANSWERS tasted. She scooped out the pulp with a spoon and chewed it. The cook threw the fruit and some prunes into a brew and soon the fumes had all the crew wanting a taste when it was cool. The rule was to stand in a line. Noone was rude and everyone had a taste. Then the crew started to grow. They grew and grew until there was no room inside. They had to stay outside and sleep under the moon. Do you think the story is true?

My granny’s ‘true tales’ – 2...................................... Page 78

1. Answers may differ depending on story used. ‘oo’ words zoom, blooms, broom, balloon, room, scooped, spoon, soon, cool, moon ‘u-e’ words June, used, huge, Bluey, dunes, clues, saluted, cube, prunes, fumes, rule, rude ‘ew’ words crew, grew, drew, dew, few, chewed, threw, brew 2. Example answers: (a) to – I am going to the shop. too – I would like to go, too. (b) see – I can see a huge tree. sea – I like to sail on the sea. (c) some – I will give you some of my lemons. sum – The teacher wrote a hard sum on the board.

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2. Teacher check drawings.

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next day, the tree was as tall as a broom. At the end of the week, the tree was huge and had a few blooms on it, too. It was taking up a lot of room. It had fruit the shape of a balloon and one of the crew tasted it. She scooped out the pulp with a spoon and chewed it up. The cook threw the fruit and some prunes into a brew and soon the fumes had all the crew wanting a taste. The rule was to stand in a line. No-one was rude, and everyone tasted the food when it was cool. Then the crew started to grow. Their boots became too small and their clothes ripped apart. They grew and grew until there was no inside room. The captain undid all the screws and took the roof off the ship! They had to snooze under the moon. The next morning, the crew dropped the huge tree over the side and watched it float to shore. Over the next few days, the crew slowly returned to normal. The cook made stew, Bluey played his flute and everyone listened to the tunes. Everyone was happy to be back to normal! My granny’s ‘true tales’ – 6...................................... Page 82 Answers may include 1. The writer’s granny told the story. 2. The captain dropped the anchor to explore the island. 3. A brew is a pot of ingredients that you drink. 4. The crew started to grow. 5. Answers will vary: A good name for the island would be ‘The Growing Island’.

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My granny’s ‘true tales’ – 3...................................... Page 79

1. (a) One of the ship’s crew saw an island. (b) He drew a picture of the tree and its flower blooms. (c) When it was cool, they had a taste. 2. Teacher check pictures. (a) trees (b) cubes (c) spoons (d) screws (e) prunes

My granny’s ‘true tales’ – 7...................................... Page 83

Teacher check

(b) island, huge (c) few, blooms (e) brew, stew (f) true (b) screw (d) brew/stew

w ww

1. (a) crew (d) snooze moon 2. (a) spoon (c) salute 3. Teacher check

. te

Teacher check

m . u

My granny’s ‘true tales’ – 8...................................... Page 84 My granny’s ‘true tales’ – 4...................................... Page 80

The royal coin – 1......................................................... Page 85

1. The ‘oy’ words are in bold and the ‘oi’ words are underlined. My dad enjoys collecting coins. His coin collection is worth a lot of money. When he was young, his parents didn’t want to spoil him with toys. So they gave him other things, like old coins. As he grew up, he liked finding out where the coins came from and who made them, so he joined a coin-collecting club. He found out that, in the olden days, some coins were made out of different things, like oyster shells. Now coins come in many different shapes and some even have pointy ends. Also, chocolate coins are covered in foil. Dad enjoys showing people his coins. He even came to our school and gave a talk to my class. The kids were a bit noisy but that didn’t annoy Dad. He enjoyed talking to my teacher. He toils away, cleaning and oiling his coins. My dad has found coins in lots of funny places. One time, he was digging in some moist soil when he found an old penny. He boiled and cleaned it, and then rubbed some oil onto it. It had a picture of a royal family on it. Dad looked it up in his books and, to his joy, found out it was a rare coin. It belonged to an old royal family who were

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My granny’s ‘true tales’ – 5...................................... Page 81

The ‘oo’ words are in bold, the ‘u-e’ and ‘ue’ words are underlined, ‘ew’ words are italic. My granny used to tell me stories about a ship’s crew. She would say they were true stories that really happened. I’ll tell you one and see what you think. It’s called ‘The crew that grew’. One day in June, one of the crew of a ship used his telescope to zoom in on an island with huge trees. The crew decided to drop anchor and check the island. Bluey went onto the shore and past the sand dunes. All he could see were huge trees and plants. He found some seeds and drew pictures of the trees and the flower blooms. The pictures would give them some clues about what sort of plants they were. When he returned to the ship, he saluted the captain and then planted the seeds in a wooden cube. The very next day, there was a little tree with some dew on it. Then the

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ANSWERS very loyal to their people and who designed their own coins. Dad calls it his royal coin. Maybe I’ll join his coin club one day. 2. Teacher check The royal coin – 2......................................................... Page 86 1. The writer’s dad had a coin collection. 2. His parents didn’t want to spoil him, so gave him coins as well as toys. 3. Coins come in different shapes and are made out of different things. 4. He found his ‘royal coin’ in some moist soil. 5. Coins are used to buy things with.

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The royal coin – 4......................................................... Page 88 o































































































v o y a g

1. (a) The coins are on the ocean floor (b) The coins are in the moist soil. (c) The coins are in the museum foyer. (d) The chocolate coins are covered in foil. 2. (a) joint (b) toilet (c) joy (d) oyster

The royal coin – 7......................................................... Page 91 1. Some examples: (a) Put the poison on a high shelf. (b) The royal family was going on a holiday. (c) The dog was very noisy. (d) The children will enjoy going to the museum. (e) I will join the rope together. 2. (a) toy (b) coin (c) soil (d) boy (e) toilet (f) cowboy 3. (a) girl (b) young (c) over (d) quiet (e) lost (f) queen 4. 1. Coin 2. destroy 3. join 4. joint 5. loyal 6. toy 5. join, loyal, poison, toy, spoil, employ, joint, boil, boy, noise, noisy, voyage, joy

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2. The hidden sentence is, ‘A boy likes toys’.

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The royal coin – 5......................................................... Page 89

The ‘oy’ words are in bold and ‘oi’ words are underlined.

. te

My dad enjoys collecting coins. His coin collection is worth a lot of money. When he was young, his parents didn’t want to spoil him so they gave him old coins instead of toys. His dad collected coins, too. As he grew up, he liked finding out where the coins came from and who made them, so he joined a coin-collecting club. Dad found out that, in the olden days, people use to toil over boiling hot fires to make coins. In the past, coins were sometimes made out of different things, like oyster shell. Some of the oyster shell coins looked like buttons. It is hard to find old coins because many have been destroyed or lost. A lot of sea voyages in the olden days ended in disaster. Dad says there are lots of old coins at the bottom of the sea. Sometimes divers are employed to look for sunken treasure. Now coins come in many different shapes and some even have pointy ends. Chocolate coins are covered in foil. Dad enjoys showing people his coins. He even came to our school and gave a talk to my class. The kids were a bit noisy but that didn’t annoy Dad. He enjoyed talking to my teacher. He toils away, cleaning and oiling his coins. My dad has 136 Reading with phonics

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The royal coin – 6......................................................... Page 90

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The royal coin – 3......................................................... Page 87 Teacher check

found coins in lots of funny places. One time, he was digging in some moist soil and found an old penny. He boiled and cleaned it, and then rubbed some oil on it. It had a picture of a royal family on it. Dad looked it up in his books and, to his joy, found out it was a rare coin. It belonged to an old royal family who were very loyal to their people and who designed their own coins. Dad calls it his royal coin. Dad took me to the museum last holidays and in the foyer there was a display of some coins found on the ocean floor. They looked rusty and some looked more like an oyster shell than pennies. It was very enjoyable and interesting. Maybe I’ll join his coin club one day and become a loyal member.

The royal coin – 8......................................................... Page 92 Teacher check

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Mum’s cooking – 1....................................................... Page 93

The ‘o-e’ words are bold and the ‘oa’ words are underlined. I love my mum, I really do—but she is not a good cook. She burns everything, even poached eggs and toast. When Mum broke the old stove, Dad drove to the shop to buy a new one. Last night (and I’m not telling a joke), Mum tried to make a roast dinner. She put it in the stove, put a load of washing in the machine and went outside to hose down the roses. She put the stove on too high and soon smoke was coming out of the house. People came out of their homes and said they had phoned the fire department. The roast was black to the bone. When Dad poked it, it was hard. It looked like a big stone. We had to put our hands over our noses because our home smelled so bad. We voted to go and buy a meatloaf from the shop on the coast road. We washed our hands with soap, put on our coats and left. – R.I.C. Publications®

ANSWERS We make sure we always have a loaf of bread and some oats handy. Dad says there is always hope for our mum! 2. Teacher check Mum’s cooking – 2....................................................... Page 94 really, cook, burns, poached, toast, broke, stove, drove, buy, not, joke, stove, load, hose, roses, stove , smoke, house, homes, phoned, fire, roast, bone. poked, put, noses, bad, voted, meatloaf, coast, soap, coats, make, loaf, oats, hope

Answers may include: 1. Mum broke the old stove and Dad bought her a new one. 2. Mum has cooked poached eggs and a roast dinner. 3. Mum turned the stove on too high and burnt the roast. 4. They went to the shop and bought a meatloaf. 5. Answers will vary. Mum’s cooking – 7....................................................... Page 99

(b) stone (e) road

(c) smoke




































1. Some examples: (a) My mum bought a new stove. (b) I need to put a load of washing in the machine. (c) I hope you feel better in the morning. (d) The road went past the beach. (e) I had toast this morning for my breakfast. 2. (a) soap – foam, clean (b) roast – meat, gravy (c) notes – writing, pens (d) road – cars, tar (e) vote – yes, no (f) bone – bury, dog 3. (a) toast (b) moan (c) foam (d) code (e) bone (f) pole (g) hope (h) soak (i) road (j) home (k) float (l) coat (m) load (n) oats (o) hope (p) alone (q) poach (r) stove (s) coast (t) joke

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Mum’s cooking – 4....................................................... Page 96 1. (a) roast (d) rose 2. choke rode foams poke note roses

Mum’s cooking – 6....................................................... Page 98

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Mum’s cooking – 3....................................................... Page 95 Teacher check

problems, but in the meantime we’ll make sure we always have a loaf of bread and some oats handy. Dad says there is always hope for our mum!

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Mum’s cooking – 5....................................................... Page 97

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The ‘o-e’ words are in bold and the ‘oa’ words are underlined. I love my mum—I really do—but she is not a good cook. She burns everything, even poached eggs and toast. Mum broke the old stove, so Dad drove to the shop, bought a new one and wrote down notes on how to use it. Mum likes to boast that she tries different things. Mum has tried cooking frozen meat and once she served up mince with ice-cream! She once found a recipe that was called ‘toad in the hole’. We voted not to eat it. Last night (and I’m not telling a joke), Mum tried to make a roast dinner. She put it in the stove, put a load of washing in the machine and went outside to hose down the roses. She then started talking to the lady across the road who breeds goats and makes coats from their hair. Mum had not read the notes about the stove and put it on too high. Soon smoke was coming out of the house. People came out of their homes and asked if they needed to phone the fire department. Dad told everyone there was no need to phone, it was just Mum’s roast! The roast was black to the bone. When Dad poked it, it was hard. It looked like a big black stone. We had to put our hands over our noses because our home smelled so bad. We voted to go and buy a meatloaf from the shop on the coast road. We washed our hands with soap, put on our coats and left. Dad is thinking of buying frozen dinners, so all we have to do is heat them up in the stove. It will solve all our

. te

Mum’s cooking – 8.................................................... Page 100 Teacher check

m . u

3. Teacher check pictures. (a) roads (b) bones (d) roses (e) soaps

My pony – 1................................................................. Page 101

1. The ‘ow’ words are in bold and the ‘o’ words are underlined. Last week, we moved into our new home. Dad said it was only twenty minutes away as the crow flies. I didn’t know what that meant, but I did know that the new place had a lot of land for me to play in and for Mum to grow her own vegetables. Dad said he would buy a siton mower to mow the grass. The day before we moved, Dad had to pick up some special cargo and take it to our new place. I wanted to go too, but Dad said no because it was going to be a surprise for me. Mum cleaned the windows and had to throw out lots of rubbish. Before he went to pick up the cargo, Dad mowed the grass because it had grown so much. I told Mum I would make her a polony sandwich for lunch. The next day, removalists picked up most of our things and took them over to our new place. The postie knew we were moving and so did my teacher. When the truck was packed, we followed it out to our new home. As Dad drove over the hill, he told me to close my eyes. He stopped to open the gate and then said, ‘You can slowly open your eyes.’ I looked around and next to the fence was a brown pony with a big

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ANSWERS yellow bow around its neck. I jumped out of the car and ran to the fence. The pony was the best surprise I’d ever had. Dad said I had to feed, comb and exercise it every day. I can’t wait to show my friends my very own pony! 2. Teacher check My pony – 2................................................................. Page 102

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My pony – 3................................................................ Page 103 1. (a) cat, kitten (b) ewe, lamb (c) pony, foal (d) duck, duckling (e) dog, puppy 2. Teacher check

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Answers may include: 1. The family moved so Mum could grow her own vegetables and there would be more land to play on. 2. The dad is going to buy a sit-on mower because there is a lot of grass to mow. 3. I think the new place is on the outskirts of town. 4. The pony was brown and had a yellow bow around its head. 5. Answers will vary.

The next day, removalists picked up most of our things and took them over to our new place. The postie knew we were moving and so did my teacher. When the truck was packed, we followed it out to our new home. As Dad drove over the hill, he told me to close my eyes. He stopped to open the gate and then said, ‘You can slowly open your eyes’. I looked around and next to the fence was a brown pony with a big yellow bow around its neck. I jumped out of the car and ran to the fence. The pony was the best surprise I’d ever had. Dad said I had to feed, comb and exercise it every day. I put my hand out slowly and let the pony sniff me. It tried to chew my fingers. I crawled below the fence and gave my pony a big hug. Both our shadows looked a bit strange: a girl and a pony with a big bow. Dad said I could stay and get to know my pony while they unpacked. I talked to my pony and patted it. There were lots of crows watching from the trees. I went to bed knowing I was going to love living in my new home. I can’t wait to show my friends my very own pony! My pony – 6................................................................. Page 106 1. ‘As the crow flies’ means the most direct route from one place to another. 2. May differ with each story. ‘ow’ words crow, know, sow, grow, mower, mow, windows, mowed, grown, followed, slowly, yellow, bow, shadows, crows, knowing, show, own ‘o’ words only, cargo, go, going, no, so, polony, most, over, postie, open, pony, comb 3. (a) bow (b) cargo (c) crow (d) polony (e) pony (f) shadow 4. cargo, postman, pony, polony, most, only, crow, bow, yellow, follow, go, so, no, mow

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1. p



































































































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1. (a) comb (b) yellow (c) open (d) slow (e) throw (f) No 2. (a) My pony is happy and has big eyes. (b) He likes to eat apples. (c) I will comb his mane and feed him some hay. (d) We will go for a ride every day. (e) When the carrots grow, he can eat them. (f) I love my pony.

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2. The hidden sentence is ‘A pony eats apples!’

My pony – 5................................................................. Page 105

The ‘ow’ words are in bold and the ‘o’ words are underlined. Last week, we moved into our new home. Dad said it was only twenty minutes away as the crow flies. I didn’t know what that meant, but I did know that the new place had a lot of land for me to play in and for Mum to sow seeds and grow her own vegetables. Dad said he would buy a sit-on mower to mow the grass. The day before we moved, Dad had to pick up some special cargo and take it to our new place. I wanted to go too, but Dad said no because it was going to be a surprise for me. Mum cleaned the windows and had to throw out lots of rubbish. Dad mowed the grass, because it had grown so much, before he went to pick up the cargo. I told Mum I would make her a polony sandwich for lunch.

138 Reading with phonics

My pony – 7.................................................................. Page 107

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My pony – 4................................................................. Page 104

My pony – 8................................................................. Page 108

Teacher check In the wild – 1............................................................. Page 109

1. The ‘i-e’ words are in bold and the ‘i’ words are underlined. Dad let me stay up on Friday night. He was being kind and he didn’t mind because I didn’t have to go to school the next day. We watched a program about wild animals. I like shows about animals. I like the tigers and the lions – R.I.C. Publications®

ANSWERS The show warned us about some animals becoming extinct (like the dinosaurs) if we keep destroying their habitats. Dad said we need to protect our environment or else we won’t have any wild animals left. The program went until nine o’clock. Then it was time for bed. Dad gave me a piggyback ride and read me a true story about a blind man who had moved to South Africa. He worked at a private zoo and gave talks to people about the lives of the wild animals. Even though he was blind, he knew a lot about all the wild animals. I wouldn’t mind going to South Africa, but Dad says I’m only a child and I can do that when I’m older and the time is right.

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In the wild – 6............................................................. Page 114

1. (a) lion (b) ivory (c) nine 2. Teacher check

In the wild – 2............................................................. Page 110

Answers may include: 1. The child’s dad let him stay up because it was Friday night and he didn’t have school the next day. 2. The big cats stalk animals and hide in the grass or jungle and wait until the right time to chase and kill them. 3. A group of lions is called a pride. 4. Dad smiled because the child got a fright and jumped. 5. The dad said the child was too young to travel and could go when he was older.

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because they look like big cats. They hide in the tall grass or jungle and wait until just the right time to chase their prey. The man on the show said that a group of lions is called a ‘pride’. Dad smiled when the program showed a giant spider dropping down from a pine tree, but I was frightened. Some spiders grow very big in the wild. The elephants had enormous tusks. They are made out of ivory and can rip apart trees and vines. Dad says some elephants are trained to help the people carry things like pipes and timber. Dad said his friend won a prize to go to South Africa for five days. He saw lots of animals and even had a ride on an elephant. He didn’t go for a hike in the wild, but he had a fine time and enjoyed being out in the wide open spaces. I wouldn’t mind going to South Africa, but Dad says I’m only a child and I can do that when I’m older. 2. Teacher check

In the wild – 7............................................................. Page 115 1. Some examples: (a) A tiger is a wild animal. (b) I know a man who is blind. (c) The time is seven o’clock. (d) It is nice to kind to your friends. (e) A group of lions is called a pride. 2. (a) lion – pride, cub (b) tiger – stripes, cat (c) ivory – elephant, tusks (d) spider – web, hairy (e) vines – jungle, trees (f) Friday – day, calendar 3. (a) tiger (b) nine (c) hide (e) blind (f) pile (g) pipe (i) rind (j) hike (k) child (m) like (n) lion (o) wild (q) ivory (r) slide (s) mind

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Teacher check In the wild – 4.............................................................. Page 112

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Teacher check

In the wild – 5............................................................. Page 113

. te

The ‘i-e’ words are in bold and the ‘i’ words are underlined. Dad let me stay up on Friday night. He was being kind and he didn’t mind because I didn’t have to go to school the next day. We watched a program about wild animals. I like shows about animals. I like the tigers and the lions because they look like big cats. They hide in the tall grass or jungle and wait until just the right time to chase their prey. The man on the show said that a group of lions is called a ‘pride’ and their babies are called ‘cubs’. Dad smiled when the program showed a giant spider dropping down from a pine tree, but I was frightened. It was huge and hairy and I had to hide my face in a cushion. Some spiders grow very big in the wild. The elephants had enormous tusks. They are made out of ivory and can rip apart trees and vines. Dad says some elephants are trained to help the people carry things like pipes and timber. Dad said his friend won a prize to go to South Africa for five days. He saw lots of animals and even had a ride on an elephant. He didn’t go for a hike in the wild, but he had a fine time and enjoyed being out in the wide open spaces.

(d) kind (h) spider (l) iron (p) mine (t) prize

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In the wild – 3............................................................. Page 111

In the wild – 8............................................................. Page 116 Teacher check

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R.I.C. Publications® –

My dad, the prawn trawler – 1.............................. Page 117

1. The ‘or’ words are in bold and the ‘aw’ words are underlined. It was nearly dawn, and the prawn trawlers were just starting to come into port after being out for days trawling. We were standing under the porch of a building, waving our torches around and waiting for our father’s boat to come in. Everyone was yawning and talking about the big storm that was expected. Mum was hoping Dad had caught a big catch of prawns to sell. We could hear the boat’s horn sounding and could see some lights shining near the drawbridge. When all the boats were tied up, the men started to unload the prawns. We watched the prawns crawling around in the containers. They don’t have claws but they do have long feelers. I saw seagulls and hawks flying over the port, trying to get a feed. Then we saw Dad. His shorts looked like he had worn them for forty days, and his shirt was torn. He was filthy! Reading with phonics 139

ANSWERS The men hosed down the boats and filled in all the forms about their catch. By law they had to draw where they had trawled. It was eight-forty in the morning by the time Dad had finished. Dad got some raw prawns to cook for tea. He was going to have a barbecue after he had mowed the lawn. After the storm, he would be going back out to sea to trawl for prawns. 2. Teacher check

Mum had made Dad a list of things he needed to do when the trawling season was over. She wanted him to paint the porch, fix the fence so the horse and her foal would be safe, and build me a play fort. After the storm, Dad would be going back out to sea to trawl. My dad, the prawn trawler – 6.............................. Page 122 Teacher check

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

My dad, the prawn trawler – 2............................. Page 118

Teac he r

My dad, the prawn trawler – 3............................. Page 119 dawn, prawn, port, were, porch, torches, our, in, yawning, storm, Mum, catch, prawns, hear, horn, shining, drawbridge, boats, the, watched, crawling, saw, hawks, port, shorts, worn, torn, hosed, forms, draw, forty, morning, finished

1. (a) Dad was trawling for prawns. (b) The trawlers tooted their horns. (c) A big storm was coming. (d) We were shining our torches. (e) Mum got new straw for the horse. (f) Dad got some raw prawn meat. 2. (a) raw (b) prawn (c) storm (e) hawk (f) straw (g) for 3. Some examples (a) raw, a, an, paw (b) for, or, to (c) port, or, to (d) for. or (e) draw, raw, a, an, dawn (f) Saw, dust, us, sad, was 4. 1. dawn 2. fort 3. horn 4. port 5. prawn 6. torch

(d) port (h) morning

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

My dad, the prawn trawler – 5.............................. Page 121

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The ‘or’ words are in bold and the ‘aw’ words are underlined. It was nearly dawn and the prawn trawlers were just starting to come into port after being out for days trawling. We were standing under the porch of a building, waving our torches around and waiting for our father’s boat to come in. Everyone was yawning and talking about the big storm that was expected. Mum was hoping Dad had caught a big catch of prawns to sell. We could hear the trawlers horn sounding and could see some lights shining near the drawbridge. When all the boats were tied up, the men started to unload the prawns. We watched the prawns crawling around in the containers. They don’t have claws but they do have long feelers. I saw seagulls and hawks flying over the port, trying to get a feed. Then we saw Dad. His shorts looked like he had worn them for forty days, and his shirt was torn. He was filthy! The men hosed down the boats and filled in all the forms about their catch. By law they had to draw on a chart where they had trawled. It was eight-forty in the morning by the time Dad was finished. Dad got some raw prawns to cook for tea. He was going to have a barbecue after he had mowed the lawn. When we got home, Mum went into the barn, gave our horse some new straw and fed her some hay. She was going to foal any day now and we were all waiting for the foal to be born. It was my job to put sawdust down in the chicken run and give them some corn and pellets. There were a lot of jobs to do, especially in the trawling season when Dad was away.

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140 Reading with phonics

My dad, the prawn trawler – 8.............................. Page 124 Teacher check

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My dad, the prawn trawler – 4.............................. Page 120 Teacher check

My dad, the prawn trawler – 7.............................. Page 123

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1. Dawn is when the sun comes up. 2. Everyone was yawning because they had woken up very early to meet the boats. 3. The two birds that were flying over the port were seagulls and hawks. 4. The dad was ready to go home at eight-forty. 5. Dad was going to mow the lawn and then have a barbecue.

o c . che e r o t r s super – R.I.C. Publications®

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