Phonological awareness skills (Book 1) Published by R.I.C. Publications® 2018 Copyright© R.I.C. Publications® 2018 ISBN 978-1-925698-52-7 RIC– 6972
Titles in this series:
Phonological awareness skills (Book 1) Auditory discrimination, Rhyming and Alliteration Phonological awareness skills (Book 2) Segmentation and syllabification, and Blending Phonological awareness skills (Book 3) Phoneme matching and Phoneme isolation Phonological awareness skills (Book 4) Phoneme completion, and Phoneme addition and deletion Phonological awareness skills (Book 5) Phoneme segmentation, Phoneme substitution and Phoneme reversal is material subject to copyright under the All material identified by Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) and is owned by the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority 2018. For all Australian Curriculum material except elaborations: This is an extract from the Australian Curriculum. Elaborations: This may be a modified extract from the Australian Curriculum and may include the work of other authors. Disclaimer: ACARA neither endorses nor verifies the accuracy of the information provided and accepts no responsibility for incomplete or inaccurate information. In particular, ACARA does not endorse or verify that: • The content descriptions are solely for a particular year and subject; • All the content descriptions for that year and subject have been used; and • The author’s material aligns with the Australian Curriculum content descriptions for the relevant year and subject. You can find the unaltered and most up to date version of this material at This material is reproduced with the permission of ACARA.
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Foreword The five books in the Phonological awareness skills series were developed to assist early childhood teachers develop these important skills with their children. The majority of the games and activities in this series of units are hands-on and oral, catering for pre-reading children. They are supported by teacher background information, including suggestions for teaching each skill, full instructions and all resources for each game and activity, additional resource worksheets and assessments. Literature and website links are also provided where applicable. These black and white hardcover books are also offered as fullcolour individual digital downloadable units.
Levels of phonological awareness
The skills in the books are presented in developmental order, so those in Book 1 should be completed before those in Book 5.
word syllable
The books in the series include: Book 1—Auditory discrimination, Rhyming and Alliteration
onset and rime
Book 2—Segmentation and syllabification, and Blending phoneme
Book 3—Phoneme matching and Phoneme isolation Book 4—Phoneme completion, and Phoneme addition and deletion
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Book 5—Phoneme segmentation, Phoneme substitution and Phoneme reversal
Teacher background information............... iv–viii
Pre-test............................................................ 30
About the games/activities pages.................iv
Games, activities and resources............. 31–82
How to use the games and activities..............v
Assessment............................................... 83–84
Suggested mastery of skills table...................v Curriculum–vii Assessing phonological awareness skills.............................................. viii Auditory discrimination................................. 1–28
Alliteration.................................................. 85–128 Teachers notes............................................... 85 Pre-test............................................................ 86 Games, activities and resources........... 87–126 Assessment...........................................127–128
Teachers notes..................................................1 Pre-test...............................................................2
Assessing the three skills......................... 129-130
Games, activities and resources................3–27
Class recording sheet....................................... 131
Assessment............................................... 27–28 Rhyming......................................................... 29-84 Teachers notes............................................... 29
R.I.C. Publications®
ISBN 978-1-925698-52-7
TEACHER BACKGROUND INFORMATION The general term ‘phonological awareness’ includes phonemic awareness of sounds, words, syllables and rhyme. All phonological and phonemic awareness skills are learnt orally. Children need the ability to identify and work with the sounds of spoken language in order to make sense of sound–symbol relationships.
About the games/activities pages The majority of the games and activities in this series of units are hands-on and oral, catering for prereading children. However, some activities involve sound–symbol relationships so letters and written work are included. This caters for younger children who need extension and older children who need remediation, consolidation, reinforcement or revision of skills. Games and activities without resources are suitable for lesson breaks and ‘attention-grabbing’ games. The 12 different skills are presented in developmental order. The first skill—auditory discrimination—is the most basic, but undervalued skill; while the twelfth—phoneme reversal—is the most complex skill and harder to master. The skills are: auditory discrimination, rhyming, alliteration, segmentation and syllabification, and blending. The following skills involve manipulating phonemes: phoneme matching, phoneme isolation, phoneme completion, phoneme addition and deletion, phoneme segmentation, phoneme substitution and phoneme reversal. • Each skill has a number of different components. Games and activities for each component are provided together. An objective down the side of each game/activity states which component is covered by the game/activity.
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For example, rhyming has three main components: discriminate rhymes between words (i.e. tell whether or not two spoken words rhyme); discriminate rhymes in context including listening to songs, poems, or nursery rhymes and find the rhymes; and produce rhymes. The title of the game/activity is given
Make rhyming cards like those below using pictures of real objects. The cards provide an activity where the children select (by clipping on a peg) a picture from a choice of three at the bottom of the card, that rhymes with the picture at the top of the card.
An image links to the resources needed. It also helps explain what the children are expected to do
Alternatively, utilise any of the images provided with this unit.
• Generate rhymes, for a given word
Full instructions and reference to any resources needed are stated
ACTIVITY 20: Clip the rhyming word
The skill component is stated
• All games/activities are titled and reference is made to the pages on which any required resources are found. • Full instructions describe the game and the number of children involved. Where spoken words are required, a list of words is provided. • Answers are provided where relevant. • Images on the game/activity reflect the resources required. iv
ISBN 978-1-925698-52-7
R.I.C. Publications®
TEACHER BACKGROUND INFORMATION How to use the games and activities • All games and activities can be printed off onto cardboard, laminated, cut into A5 cards and stored in a box for easy access. Alternatively, the sheets may be printed off and placed in a plastic sleeve and stored in an A4 folder. Any full-colour resources can be photocopied, laminated and stored with them. • All activities are directed by a teacher or adult helper, so full instructions are given, including a script (where applicable) and a list of words to use. The children are not expected to read the words, although some may be included to clarify a picture so the correct word is generated, or to extend more capable children. • All resources should be collected and prepared before commencing a game or activity. Some games require sports equipment like beanbags, buckets, hoops or a hopscotch frame. Others require cards or game boards to be made. • Teachers or adult helpers should read all instructions and understand what the child is expected to do before starting an activity. • Some activities have resource worksheets to consolidate the concept and to engage children who like written work like ‘big kids’.
Suggested mastery of skills table Age
Auditory discrimination
4–5 4–5 4–5
Skill typically mastered
Rhyming ©Alliteration R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur p se sonl y• • o Sentence segmentation Segmentation and syllabification
• Syllable segmentation • Syllable blending
• Phoneme blending (onset/rime) • Phoneme blending (all phonemes)
Phoneme matching
Phoneme isolation
Phoneme completion
Phoneme addition and deletion
Phoneme segmentation
Phoneme substitution
Phoneme reversal
R.I.C. Publications®
ISBN 978-1-925698-52-7
• Syllable deletion • Initial and final sound deletion
CURRICULUM LINKS The phonological awareness skills presented in this series of units cover a range of age groups and levels. To account for these, links to both the Early Years Learning Framework and Australian Curriculum have been provided.
The Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) The games and activities in this series incorporate the following outcomes: Outcome 1: Children have a strong sense of identity Children develop their emerging autonomy, interdependence, resilience and sense of urgency. For example, when they increasingly cooperate and work collaboratively with others. Outcome 2: Children are connected with and contribute to their world Children develop a sense of belonging to groups and communities and an understanding of the reciprocal rights and responsibilities necessary for active community participation. For example, when they broaden their understanding of the world in which they live; listen to others’ ideas and respect different ways of being and doing; use play to investigate, project and explore new ideas; and increasingly cooperate and work with others. Outcome 3: Children have a strong sense of wellbeing Children become strong in their social and emotional wellbeing. For example, when they increasingly cooperate and work collaboratively with others; recognise their individual achievement; and recognise the contributions they make to shared projects and experience. Children take increasing responsibility for their own health and physical wellbeing. For example, when they manipulate equipment and manage tools with increasing competence and skill.
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Outcome 4: Children are confident and involved learners
Children develop dispositions for learning such as curiosity, cooperation, confidence, creativity, commitment, enthusiasm, persistence, imagination and reflexivity. For example, when they are curious and enthusiastic participants in their learning; use play to investigate, imagine and explore ideas; and participate in a variety of rich and meaningful inquiry-based experiences. Children develop a range of skills and processes such as problem-solving, inquiry, experimentation, hypothesising, researching and investigating. For example, when they apply a wide variety of thinking strategies to engage with situations and solve problems. Children transfer and adapt what they have learned from one context to another. For example, when they make connections between experiences, concepts and processes; and use the processes of play, reflection and investigation to solve problems. Children resource their own learning through connecting with people, places, technologies and natural and processed materials. For example, when they use their senses to explore natural and built environments; explore the purpose and function of a range of tools, media, sounds and graphics; manipulate resources to investigate, take apart, assemble, invent and construct; use information and communication technologies (ICT) to investigate and problem-solve; and explore ideas and theories using imagination, creativity and play. Outcome 5: Children are effective communicators Children interact verbally and non-verbally with others for a range of purposes. For example, when they engage in enjoyable interactions using verbal and non-verbal language; contribute their ideas and experiences in play, small- and large-group discussions; interact with others to explore ideas and concepts, clarify and challenge thinking, negotiate, and share new understandings; convey and construct messages with purpose and confidence, building on literacies of home/family and the broader community; exchange ideas, feelings and understandings using language and representations in play; and express ideas and feelings and understand and respect the perspectives of others. Children engage with a range of texts and gain meaning from these texts. For example, when they listen and respond to sounds and patterns in speech, stories and rhymes in context; sing and chant rhymes, jingles and songs; and begin to understand key literacy and numeracy concepts and processes, such as the sounds of language, letter–sound relationships, concepts of print and the ways texts are structured.
ISBN 978-1-925698-52-7
R.I.C. Publications®
CURRICULUM LINKS The Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) Outcome 5: Children are effective communicators (continued) Children begin to understand how symbols and pattern systems work. For example, when they develop an understanding that symbols are a powerful means of communication and that ideas, thoughts and concepts can be represented through them; begin to be aware of the relationships between oral, written and visual representations; and listen and respond to sounds and patterns in speech, stories and rhyme. Children use information and communication technologies to access information, investigate ideas and represent their thinking. For example, when they engage with technology for fun and to make meaning. The Early Years Learning Framework (PDF). Australian Government Department of Education and Training. Retrieved 13 June 2018.
Australian Curriculum English Foundation Phonics and word knowledge • Recognise and generate rhyming words, alliteration patterns, syllables and sounds (phonemes) in spoken words (ACELA1439)
• Recognise and name all upper and lower case letters (graphemes) and know the most common sound that each letter represents (ACELA1440)
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons • Know how to read and write some high-frequency words and other familiar words •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• • Understand that words are units of meaning and can be made of more than one meaningful part
• Understand how to use knowledge of letters and sounds including onset and rime to spell words (ACELA1438) (ACELA1817)
• Segment sentences into individual words and orally blend and segment onset and rime in single syllable spoken words, and isolate, blend and manipulate phonemes in single syllable words (ACELA1819) • Write consonant-vowel-consonant (CVC) words by representing some sounds with the appropriate letters, and blend sounds associated with letters when reading CVC words (ACELA1820) Year 1 Phonics and word knowledge • Manipulate phonemes in spoken words by addition, deletion and substitution of initial, medial and final phonemes to generate new words (ACELA1457) • Use short vowels, common long vowels, consonant digraphs and consonant blends when writing, and blend these to read single syllable words (ACELA1458) • Understand how to spell one and two syllable words with common letter patterns (ACELA1778) Year 2 Phonics and word knowledge • Orally manipulate more complex sounds in spoken words through knowledge of blending and segmenting sounds, phoneme deletion and substitution in combination with use of letters in reading and writing (ACELA1474)
R.I.C. Publications®
ISBN 978-1-925698-52-7
ASSESSING PHONOLOGICAL AWARENESS SKILLS Phonological awareness skills play an important part in early childhood learning. It is therefore essential to screen children as early as possible so that any gaps in education, misconceptions or weaknesses can be remedied quickly. Learning difficulties should be detected and rectified as early as possible so that issues of poor self-esteem do not develop. Phonological awareness is a strong predictor of literacy development and the Phonological pre-tests provide an overview of pre-reading skills needed for literacy development.
Levels of phonological awareness word syllable onset and rime phoneme
PRE-TESTING AND POST-TESTING It is essential to assess young children on their phonological awareness skills before introducing specific ones. Phonological awareness testing should occur early at kindergarten or prep level, and monitoring of the children’s progress should continue throughout the year. Both pre- and post-testing have been provided in this book. All tests should be administered on a one-to-one basis. The post-tests provided in this book are comprehensive and have a greater degree of difficulty, assessing a child’s understanding of phonological awareness skills. In-depth assessments are provided at the end of each skill section. An assessment covering all skills in the book is provided on pages 129–130. Once gaps in learning or misconceptions have been identified, teachers can utilise the information to further assist children experiencing learning difficulties.
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons Teachers should use their own initiative about when to stop the testing if students are confused, or evi wobvious pur phave os eso n l y• frustrated or find the• testf too easyr (when it e is very they mastered the skill).
Full instructions are provided and no resources are required to carry out the testing. A section is provided for teachers to make comments about children’s responses.
A class recording sheet is provided on page 131 for the pre-test and for the post-test. More than one copy of the checklist may need to be printed to cover all the children in the class. Options for colouring the results are suggested to make it easier to view results at a glance. To administer the assessments, teachers or adult helpers will need: • one set of assessment task sheets for each child • three simple sound items for the auditory discrimination task • class recording sheet Administering the tests: • Assess children individually. • Give clear instructions (these are included). • Assess in an area where there are few distractions. • Model examples so children have a clear understanding of the tasks. • Record responses and comment about automaticity of answers. • Work through each section until the children have four consecutive incorrect answers.
ISBN 978-1-925698-52-7
R.I.C. Publications®
SKILL 1: AUDITORY DISCRIMINATION TEACHER NOTES What is auditory discrimination? The initial stage of phonological awareness is auditory awareness and discrimination. Auditory discrimination is the ability to differentiate between different sounds including sounds in the environment and nature, in songs and rhymes, and in music. This processing skill leads children to the later skill of differentiating between different sounds including phonemes (the smallest meaningful units of sound in language). Phonemes combine to make meaningful words and phrases. For very young children auditory discrimination should involve:
Levels of phonological awareness
• differentiating between the presence and absence of sound
• identifying the location of the sound • identifying the source of the sound. Pictures or images only should be used at this beginning stage of phonological awareness. Viewing words is not expected.
syllable onset and rime phoneme
What does the skill of auditory discrimination involve? Auditory discrimination may include the ability to:
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f o rdifferences r evi e pe.g. ur pand os es nlow, l y •or short • identify similarities and inw sounds; soft loud, higho and long
• discriminate between environmental sounds and speech sounds; i.e. tell whether a sound is an environmental sound or a speech sound • identify words • discriminate between words; i.e. tell whether two spoken words are the same or different • indicate whether a certain sound or word is heard • identify sounds, such as a bell, and their sources; listen to a sound (environmental, animal, other) and name objects that make that sound • identify sounds that are similar and group them Many auditory discrimination activities may be carried out as lesson breaks and ‘calming down’ activities.
R.I.C. Publications®
ISBN 978-1-925698-52-7
Unit 1
Auditory discrimination
You will need three items that make noise such as: a bell, stick tapped on a desk, a triangle, whistle, hand clap etc. The child should be seated with his/her back to the teacher. Say these instructions to the child: I’m going to make some sounds and I’ll tell you the instrument that makes the sound. Make a sound with each item and tell the child the name of each instrument making the sound. For example, This is a bell (then ring the bell). This is a stick (then bang the stick lightly on the desk). This is me clapping my hands (then clap your hands) etc. Now I want you to close your eyes. I’m going to make a sound and I want you to tell me what item made that sound. Use one of the items and make a sound. If the child gives you the correct answer move on to the test. If not, keep going until the child understands the task. Examples: 1. Use the bell and ask the child ‘What did you hear?’ 2. Use the stick on the desk and ask the child ‘What did you hear?’ 3. Use the bell again and ask the child ‘What did you hear?’ 4. Use the stick and ask the child ‘What did you hear?’
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
5. Use the bell and clap, ask the child ‘What did you hear?’
Concept of a word
Say these instructions to the child: We are going to play a clapping game. I’ll say a sentence and clap each time I say a word. I’ll say it again and I want you to clap each time I say a word. Examples. Say The book is red. and clap each word. Repeat the sentence and ask the child to clap each word. Say I am sad. and clap each word. Repeat the sentence and ask the child to clap each word. 1. He is big. 2. I like dogs. 3. My mum is nice.
. I saw a cat. 4 5. My fish is blue. 6. The hot sun is big.
ISBN 978-1-925698-52-7
R.I.C. Publications®
Unit 1
AUDITORY DISCRIMINATION games and activities
ACTIVITY 1: Listening Listen to environmental sounds on a CD, then ask the children to: (a) point to a picture of the object making the sound and name it
• Discriminate between environmental sounds and speech sounds
(b) point to a real object that makes the sound and then make the sound. Extend this activity to play Sound Bingo—listening to sounds on a tape or laptop and covering the correct picture on a bingo board. Examples of environmental sound bingo cards can be found on pages 19–26. Alternatively, teachers can make up their own sound bingo boards and make the sounds vocally themselves.
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ACTIVITY 2: Sound walk
This activity can take place indoors or outdoors.
• Discriminate between environmental sounds and speech sounds
The aim of this activity is for the children to listen very carefully to the sounds they hear around them. Discuss the different sounds heard, identifying how the sound is made or who/what makes the sound. Record as many as possible for later listening. After the walk make a display of pictures, or a list of words for extension, of all the sounds they heard. This can be reviewed by replaying sounds recorded. The children can draw pictures or write down the names of the sounds they hear on the walk.
R.I.C. Publications®
ISBN 978-1-925698-52-7
Unit 1
AUDITORY DISCRIMINATION games and activities
ACTIVITY 3: Listen for a moment This activity can take place indoors or outdoors.
Ask what made each sound and encourage the children to try to make the sound themselves.
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
• Discriminate between environmental sounds and speech sounds
Ask the children to listen to, and remember, all the sounds they hear over a minute or two.
ACTIVITY 4: Environmental sound or speech
Play recordings of pairs of sounds including words, phrases, songs, poems and sentences. (This is an important step in helping the children understand what spoken language is.) For example: (say the word) ‘breakfast’ and play the sound
ISBN 978-1-925698-52-7
R.I.C. Publications®
• Discriminate between environmental sounds and speech sounds
Ask the children to say which is an environmental sound and which is speech.
Unit 1
AUDITORY DISCRIMINATION games and activities
ACTIVITY 5: Drum up sounds Provide each child an implement such as a drumstick, clapping stick or short piece of dowelling. Encourage them to explore a selected area in the playground and discover the many different sounds that can be made by tapping or sliding different objects with their implements. Objects may include a door, fence, playground equipment, pipes or walls etc.
• Identify similarities and differences in sounds
Select a child to demonstrate how to make their favourite sound. Then the whole group can copy the child. Make up an orchestra of sounds. Ask each child to make their favourite sound. An adult or a child acts as conductor and raises a drumstick in the air to signal the children to play loudly and lowers it to signal playing softly. Other signals may be invented for fast and slow.
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
ACTIVITY 6: Grouping sounds
• Identify similarities and differences in sounds
The children listen to a number of different recorded (or produced) sounds and group them into categories such as animals, musical instruments, vehicles and so on.
R.I.C. Publications®
ISBN 978-1-925698-52-7
Unit 1
AUDITORY DISCRIMINATION games and activities
ACTIVITY 7: Lost Select one child to be the ‘rescuer’. The rescuer covers his/her eyes while a soft toy such as a teddy bear is hidden in the room. The other children have the task of guiding the rescuer to the soft toy. They sing louder as the rescuer gets closer to, or softer as the rescuer moves further away from, the soft toy.
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• Identify similarities and differences in sounds
A familiar song, rhyme or jingle can be used and it will speed up or slow down to guide the rescuer.
ACTIVITY 8: Odd one out
The children listen to a group of different sounds and identify the sound that is not part of the group. An example may be a cat meowing, a horse neighing, a cow mooing and a musical instrument playing.
• Identify similarities and differences in sounds
NOTE: If actual sounds are unavailable, the sounds can be produced vocally by the teacher (although these won’t be as effective).
ISBN 978-1-925698-52-7
R.I.C. Publications®
Unit 1
AUDITORY DISCRIMINATION games and activities
ACTIVITY 9: Man, woman or child
• Identify similarities and differences in sounds
The children listen to a number of different human voices and identify who is speaking—a man, woman or child.
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ACTIVITY 10: Shake it up!
Make pairs of shakers in which there are objects that make the same sound. Contents may include sand, rice, dried beans and so on.
• Identify similarities and differences in sounds
Mix the shakers up and ask the children to find pairs that make the same sound.
R.I.C. Publications®
ISBN 978-1-925698-52-7
Unit 1
AUDITORY DISCRIMINATION games and activities
ACTIVITY 11: Mystery box Collect a small cardboard box and four to six objects that make a noise. (Objects may include a baby rattle, a set of keys, a potato crisp packet, a toy that squeaks, a party blower and so on.) Without the children seeing the objects, place them one by one into the box, naming them and demonstrating the sound each makes. Use the tune ‘Old MacDonald had a farm’ to play the game, substituting your own name: Ms … has a box, E-I-E-I-O Stop and ask the children to listen as one of the objects in the box makes a noise. (Do not allow the children to see the object.) The children guess which object is making the sound. Continue the song, repeating the sound made by the object using your voice. With a zzz zzz here and a zzz zzz there … The children’s names can be substituted in the song and they can make the noise of an object themselves.
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
• Identify similarities and differences in sounds
And in that box she has a …
ACTIVITY 12: Voice sounds
Demonstrate how to make different sounds with your voice. Examples may include: ‘wheee!’; ‘boing, boing, boing’; ‘oh’ (disappointment); hiss like a snake—‘ssssss’; ‘shshshsh’; moo like a cow—‘mmmoooo’; ‘oooooo!’ (astonishment); make the noise of a train—‘chchchchch’; buzz like a bee—‘zzzzzzz’; make the noise of a ticking clock—‘tick tock’ and so on.
• Identify similarities and differences in sounds
Extend the activity by joining single speech sounds into pairs; for example, ee-aw like a donkey, make the noise of a siren—‘wee woo’ and so on.
ISBN 978-1-925698-52-7
R.I.C. Publications®
Unit 1
AUDITORY DISCRIMINATION games and activities
ACTIVITY 13: My favourite/Not my favourite sound Ask the children to think about sounds that they do and do not like. Examples may include storms, dogs barking, blaring car and truck horns, babies crying and so on.
• Identify similarities and differences in sounds
The children say why they like or do not like them, then make the sounds themselves with their voices.
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ACTIVITY 14: Whose voice? Ask the children to close their eyes.
Select one child (by touching them lightly on the shoulder). The chosen child says a short sentence. The remaining children open their eyes and guess who spoke. Repeat with other children.
• Identify similarities and differences in sounds
Another similar activity involves having the children play and act out singing games like ‘Kangaroo skippy roo’, where they identify the child speaking without seeing them. Find the song at <>.
R.I.C. Publications®
ISBN 978-1-925698-52-7
AUDITORY DISCRIMINATION games and activities
Unit 1
ACTIVITY 15: Close sounds Ask the children to distinguish between two sounds that are closely linked. For example: • a car and a truck moving along a road • a puppy and a dog barking • a tap dripping and pouring water from a jug • speaking in a normal voice and whispering • a horse neighing and a cow mooing • clapping hands and clicking fingers • whistling and humming • two very different bird calls; for example, an owl and a crow • ripping paper and squashing paper • a baby crying and a baby laughing etc.
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• Identify similarities and differences in sounds
• singing and yelling
ACTIVITY 16: Where’s the sound?
• Identify similarities and differences in sounds
The children find the location of a sound. Play games where each child takes turns to be blindfolded and points to the source of a sound. Vary the degree of challenge by making the sounds near to the child, in front of the child, behind the child or to the left or right of the child. The distance from the child may also be varied.
ISBN 978-1-925698-52-7
R.I.C. Publications®
Unit 1
AUDITORY DISCRIMINATION games and activities
ACTIVITY 17: Adjust the volume Two children sit facing each other with identical musical instruments. One child makes a loud or soft noise with the instrument, which the other copies. Two adults may demonstrate the activity first.
• Identify similarities and differences in sounds
Then an adult and one child may complete the activity.
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ACTIVITY 18: Roly poly
Learn and practise the song ‘Wind the bobbin up’ which can be found at <https://>. Substitute the words below. Ro … ly … po … ly … ever … so … slowly. Ro … ly … poly faster. (Increase the speed of the actions as you sing the rhyme faster.) Add new verses, such as:
• Identify similarities and differences in sounds
Stamp … your … feet … ever … so … slowly. Stamp … your feet faster. Ask the children to suggest sounds and movements to incorporate into the song. For example, ‘Say hello ever so quietly … Say HELLO LOUDER!’
R.I.C. Publications®
ISBN 978-1-925698-52-7
Unit 1
AUDITORY DISCRIMINATION games and activities
ACTIVITY 19: Listen for the sound
© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
• Identify similarities and differences in sounds
The children listen for a particular sound and, when it is heard, they perform an action such as putting a block on a bucket or a marble in water. They can also perform actions such as patting their head, doing a star jump etc.
ACTIVITY 20: What sound is missing?
Give the child three pictures of animals, or plastic toy animals, and have them listen to two animal sounds that you make. Then, ask the child to identify which animal did not make any sound. For example, give the child three pictures—one of a duck, one of a cow, and one of a pig—and make the sound for a duck and a pig, but not for a cow.
The game can be made more or less complicated by adding or removing the number of objects/pictures presented or by adding sounds.
ISBN 978-1-925698-52-7
R.I.C. Publications®
• Identify similarities and differences in sounds
Repeat the activity with different musical instruments and other common objects that make sounds.