Teach Unlimited Breeze 2017-03

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Dream Pursuing Day On 18 February 2017, more than 120 students from 8 current and former Partner Schools, as well as 90 volunteers including teachers, helpers, and speakers, attended our Dream Pursuing Day, at HKSKH Bishop Hall Secondary School.

Our people Roger Ng PhD FHKITA Chairperson Maria Lee Cheng Vice Chairperson Management Alice Chow Executive Director Sandra Asnani Program Manager

Students participated in SIMs, a simulated real life experience – studying at school, working a full time job, and juggling family and social commitments, etc. The activity allowed them to explore their personal goals, strengths and weaknesses. Students had a blast living “another life” while taking away lessons such as the importance of time management and prioritizing for their real lives.

For Human Library, guests from various industries shared their own dream pursuing journeys and experiences with our students. The speakers included an accountant, architect, bankers, basketball player, chef, composer, pastry chef, engineer, entrepreneur, fashion designer, interior designer, nurse, playgroup teacher, policewoman and social worker. Students chose which speaker events to attend so they were attentive and involved during the sharing sessions. The speakers encouraged the students to pursue their dreams through determination and a good work ethic.

Program Staff Chloe Chan Jessica Chui Christy Lee Jason Leung Winky Mok Ryan Ngai Cherry Wong Sammi Wong Ida Yip Tim Yip







1. The group setting allowed students from different schools to exchange ideas on their dreams. 2. Listening closely to the recording, this student was able to jot down important information for his “boss”. 3. Look at his smile! This student could not wait to earn his "first degree"! 4. Mentors and mentees formed small circles in order to have more interactive communication. 5. A guest speaker shared his working schedule with students. 6. The guest speakers gave lots of insight to our students.

This inter-school Dream Pursuing Day gave students the opportunity to increase their social capital through interacting and connecting with volunteers and new friends. Some volunteers, teachers and students would like to share their inspirations with us -

Volunteers “The event is a great platform for both students and professionals to learn about one another.” – Matthew Leung, Pastry Chef ”The “Dream Pursuing Project” was highly inspirational to youths who have yet to find their direction in lives. We enjoyed the volunteering day a lot, helping students to think about their dreams and pursuing their own pathways.” – Sindy Leung, UBS "It’s great to be part of an event that help youths to get close to their dreams." – Amy Chow, Volunteer 「在真人圖書館的義工活動中,除了協助安排參加的同學順利有序地進行活動外,亦有機會透過嘉賓 分享對不同行業有更深入了解,反思如何規劃未來。」 – Ivan, 香港專業教育學院(屯門)

Teachers “The Dream Pursuing Project was very successful and exciting. It provided precious opportunities for students to understand about themselves and their future.” – Miss So, HKTA The Yuen Yuen Institute No.1 Secondary School 我作為「夢想飛航聯校追夢日 2017」其中一位「命運之神」,負責提供不同的機會卡予同學。透過 隨機挑選的「命運」,在活動中的經歷會有不同的變化,其中有些同學不幸地抽中生病了而不能工作 ,也有些同學會有驚喜收獲。同學由逃避改變,漸漸用積極的笑容去迎接突如其來的改變,漸漸也流 露對生命的抗逆力。我期望經過追夢日的活動對同學是一個啟發,同學們都能對生命抱著熱忱去面對 未來和追尋夢想。 – 楊庭威老師, 香港聖公會何明華會督中學, 生涯規劃導師

Students 參加了「夢想飛航」聯校追夢日 2017 - 模擬人生暨真人圖書館後,深深感受到你永遠無法掌握下 一秒的事情,所以一定要珍惜現在擁有的東西,享受人生的每一秒! – 黃同學,中五,香港道教聯合會圓玄學院第一中學 雖然在模擬人生一開始條件很差,但我也很努力改變自己,為自己創造條件。最後我可以做到自己想 做的事。 – 彭同學,中三,聖芳濟各書院 聽完警察分享,我覺得到投考警察非常好玩。雖然我成績不好,我會努力。 – 黃同學,中四,聖芳濟各書院 經過「夢想飛航聯校追夢日 2017」的體驗後,令我更清楚每份工作的性質、內容。讓我更清楚明白 以後的理想是否與自己所想相同。 – 鄭同學,中五,香港聖公會何明華會督中學 參加這個活動後,我明白到時間和學歷是很寶貴的。有了學歷,才能攢取更多的金錢。而時間和金錢 一樣,永遠也沒有足夠的一天,所以我們要珍惜眼前的一切。 – 郭同學,中三,香港聖公會何明華會督中學 我當日參加這個活動時是十分興奮的。因為我終於可以了解到自己喜歡的工作, 更在那認識到其他 學校的同學。這個活動真是一舉兩得,既可以對自己的未來生涯進行規劃,又可以擴闊社交圈子,最 後我亦要多謝教育無邊界給這次機會我。 – 蔡同學,中四,香港四邑商工總會陳南昌紀念中學

Dispatch from the Operation Desk - Transformation TUF celebrated another birthday! We were pleased to have so many of our friends with us at our annual dinner. To witness the transformation of our mentees in the video presentation and performances that evening was indeed touching.

Visit Our Gallery for more happy moments of Dream Pursuing Day

Of equal importance is the transformation of our passionate Program Mentors past and present. Under the guidance of our Partner Schools plus the many coaches and trainers at TUF, our PMs have transformed into true leaders, working hard to advance the quality of education for all. Thanks to the support of our partners, TUF is also evolving and transforming. We will continue to share these inspiring stories with you in our newsletters! Alice Chow, Executive Director


TUF 6th Anniversary Celebration Dinner Our 6th Anniversary Celebration Dinner was held at the PolyU Staff Club on 17 March 2017. Our guest of honour Mr. Sam Wong, former coach of the Hong Kong Windsurfing Team, shared insights from a mentor and a mentee from Hong Kong Athletes Career & Education Programme. Their work resonates with ours as we both seek to guide mentees to grow.

Mr. Sam Wong, former coach of the Hong Kong Windsurfing Team, was be our guest of honour.

We also introduced our Partner Schools to our supporters and watched a video in which graduated mentees were interviewed. Before the dinner started, students from each Partner School enthusiastically spoke about TUF’s programs. What is more, our Program Mentors and their mentees worked together to provide our guests with 4 amazing performances, ranging from dancing to creating a time capsule to showcase the change and growth of mentees. The dinner received great feedback and was a wonderful occasion for our supporters to learn more about TUF’s programs.

Mentors and mentees showcasing on stage to show that positive transformation can be evoked through the mentoring process.

Guest looking at mentees sharing on how mentors helped them to have a positive transformation.

Students introducing our work in four different partner schools.

Our big TUF family gathered together to celebrate our progress and achievement!

Special Thanks

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