MAY 2017
Bulletins English Ambassadors
Eager to improve speaking in English? Want to meet more friends? Or simply hope to be more confident? Whatever the reason, our newly recruited English Ambassadors in Bishop Hall Secondary School have taken up the challenge to create an English-rich campus environment. Recently, the English Ambassadors were given the task to design a game for students to play during English Week. With help from English teachers and Program Mentors’ encouragement, the Ambassadors worked hard in designing and promo�ng the game. These Ambassadors have taken a huge step in challenging themselves. They may not be the best English speakers but we can a�est to their growth and improvement throughout the program.
Roger Ng PhD FHKITA Chairperson
Human Library One of the key events of the Dream Pursuing Project is Human Library, which took place at HKSYC & IA Chan Nam Chong Memorial College in April. Professionals ranging from YouTuber to interior designer shared their invaluable job experiences and dream pursuing journeys to S4 and S5 students in small group se�ngs.
Maria Lee Cheng Vice Chairperson Management Alice Chow Executive Director Sandra Asnani Program Manager ProgramStaff Chloe Chan Jessica Chui Christy Lee Jason Leung Winky Mok Ryan Ngai Cherry Wong Sammi Wong Ida Yip Tim Yip
Program Mentors have cooperated closely with the Career and Life Planning Team at the school in hopes that the school will con�nue to host this horizon-broadening event. Teachers have invited many alumni to come back to their alma mater as guest speakers to encourage and mo�vate students.
Be a Storyteller “Video shoo�ng is all about story telling,” says Amy Shuen, a professional mul�media producer who came to St. Francis of Assisi’s College (SFAC) and held a video produc�on workshop on 11 April. We have formed a Mul�-media Produc�on Club in SFAC this year, which aims to provide a performance pla�orm for students to explore their crea�vity and enhance their self-esteem. Before our students began their video produc�on, we invited Amy to share her experience in video produc�on and how to tell a good story. Students also shared their views and ques�ons about video shoo�ng. We look forward to their video masterpieces.
Student Story From silence to being active Last year, I met J from a school-based project. He started out as quite quiet but very responsible when we organized ac�vi�es together. Being in my small group this year, he is no longer quiet and is more ac�ve in learning. He even made an announcement in English, and hence I praised him for ar�cula�ng it clearly. He was very proud of his achievement and con�nues to work harder.
Dispatch from the Operation Desk AFrom Salutesilence to Teachers to being active These past months, I have been busy meeting Partner Schools on sustainability topics and with potential future Partner Schools. One thing that struck me was the very important role of teachers in supporting our work and we sometimes failed to sufficiently acknowledge or appreciate their contribution. The teachers we work with tirelessly devote themselves to educating and empowering our youth, our future. With TUF, they care and tend to our Program Mentors as well, acting as their mentors, encouraging and inspiring our PMs. For that, a big thank you for another great year working with you all! Alice Chow, Executive Director
Visit our Youtube channel for the video of DreamPursuingDay2017
All students yearn to have their voices heard, especially the more silent ones. I am so glad to see and help J to be more vocal.
Winky Mok
Staff Profile I am Jessica Chui, a Year 1 Program Mentor working in HKTA The Yuen Yuen Ins�tute No.1 Secondary School. I graduated from The Chinese University of Hong Kong, majoring in Business Administra�on with Human Resource Management and Marke�ng minoring in Psychology. During my last year of university, I joined programs with foreign exchange students and worked as an English teacher in China.
I also worked as a tutor to help socially disadvantage children and teenagers. I am passionate in suppor�ng my students. Every li�le step we take along the learning journey with youngsters might create an impact in their life!
Visit our Youtube channel for the video of TUF Mentees' Transformation
Moments of Connecting People with Individual Mentoring
TUF stands out from other educational organizations because of its approach to individual mentoring. The rapport-based mentorship with students is what TUF values the most while providing education support and activities. Each year, Program Mentors (PMs) select at least 10 students from their English small groups or school-based activities as mentees. The selected mentees tend to have a poor learning attitude, low self-esteem and lack motivation. Through engaging activities like board games, team tasks and one-on-one meetings, PMs establish a rapport with the mentees while assessing their learning and personal development needs. The needs of each mentee, together with the mentoring goals are then recorded on individual mentoring plans. The PMs and mentees then spend one school year together working toward the goals by using sharing cards and a value checklist to increase their self-awareness, sharing articles and PM’s life stories for inspiration, discussing challenges and thinking of new approaches, etc. PMs are resourceful and trustworthy adults who walk and grow with the students. Mentorship between PMs and students are valuable and influential to students’ learning and growth. We hope to see more teachers joining us in mentoring pupils!
啟導‧蛻變‧分享 聖芳濟各書院 中三 盧同學 我感謝友師花時間聽我分享,在相處嘅過程中, 我學習到點樣釋放壓力,令我開朗不少。 啟導友師 Cherry 我見到盧同學在啟導過程中,一步步建立自己 的自信及自我形象,可以敢於在人前表達,學 習也變得不易放棄。 香港聖公會何明華會督中學 中四 黃同學 以前對英文完全無心想學,多謝Miss Ida 悉心 的教導令我重拾學習英文的興趣,又包容我對 英文的不理解,帶領我一步一步學習英文。 香港道教聯合會圓玄學院第一中學 中三 林同學 我十分信任友師,他教會我不用介意別人的眼光, 只要做回自己便可以了,多謝你!! 香港四邑商工總會陳南昌紀念中學 中三 葉同學 最想多謝Ryan不停的鼓勵。沒有他,我可能跟以 前的自己一樣,沒有目標讀書。 啟導友師 Ryan 兩年來,葉同學不斷進步。到現在,他甚至能夠 鼓勵同伴積向上,用功唸書。
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