teague peak kansas state university m. interior architecture + product design
t o w h o m i t m a y co n ce r n I am a fifth year graduate student at Kansas State University in the College of Architecture, Planning, and Design; Specifically within the department of Interior Architecture & Product Design. The program is five years in duration and is CIDA NASAD accredited. I am currently working on my Master’s Thesis and plan to graduate in the Spring of 2015. My Design-work roots itself deeply in the conceptual but is executed with an understanding of functionality; projects tend to portray a certain surrealism. I believe this combination of unlike elements creates a strong dichotomy within the project, which in turn, creates a more unique assembly. Best Regards,
Teague Peak
co n t e n t
morikami wellness facility nekropolis sanctum next coursier technical proficiency tarantula ancestral architecture periphery interest
major zones
m o r i k a mi w e lln e s s fa c i li t y capstone studio
The Morikami Wellness Facility developed in tandem with a shift in philosophical approach. Professor Ryadi Adityavarman emphasized the importance of viewing design challenges from a balanced-mindset. The study of eastern philosophy and such principles as Zen, Harmony, and Relation between Parts were drivers as the project came to be.
garden plan
progression of space
n e k ro p o li s
non-volumetric architecture
During the first year of graduate school I had the fortunate opportunity to study at Czech Technical University under Ing. Vladimir Sitta located in Prague, Czech Republic. The Nekropolis is an exploration of metaphor in a “non-bureaucratic� setting. The piece is meant to be an occupiable remembrance to those lost.
nekropolis interior section
nekropolis exterior perspective
restaurant + retail experience
The restaurant and retail experience is a departure from the typical mercantile space. Hypothetically, Sanctum is intended for installation at Universal Studios Orlando as a retailer of Marvel Comics merchandise and mezzanine level restaurant. The lair of the super-villain drove conceptual design decisions and is an apparent motif throughout the space. rapid ideation
sanctum exterior perspective
study model
retail perspective
mezzanine level dining
cocktail lounge perspective
adjacent bar seating
n ex t ; o p e n of f i ce steelcase competition
The “Next” competition is one that holds value in regards to the contemporary office setting. The Hypothetical Business “Next” sought a facility that would allow flexible, user controlled task-work systems. The underlying idea is that successful business ventures are those which adapt, change, and re-group as different needs arise.
adaptive office space
adaptive floor plan
“think tank” perspective
co u r s i e r
re-envisioned furniture
The purpose of the “Furniture Transformation� project was to select a piece of furniture from history and manifest it within the contemporary setting. It was the Voyeuse of the French Rococo period which inspired the coursier.
perspective views; coursier
t e c h ni ca l p rof i c i e n c y construction documentation
In the realm of design, technical understanding is key in pursuit of project production. No matter the field: Product, Furniture, or Interior Space; the appropriate schematics are an absolute necessity for the fabrication of said piece. The following is a brief illustration of technical proficiency. ada compliance
reflected ceiling plan
millwork detailing
t a r a n t ul a
digital fabrication course [in progress]
In coordination with Norris Design, students will prepare concepts, construction drawings, technical specifications, etc for largescale fabrication. Pieces are scheduled for installation in mid-July.
conceptual rendering
a n ce s t r a l a r c hi t e c t u re master’s thesis [in progress]
The ninth and tenth semester are spent programming (and then executing) a Master’s Thesis. The operational definition of “Ancestral Architecture” is a space that facilitates the evolved anatomy of the human body. The “Paleo Lifestyle” is a more commonplace term for the same concept (Ancestral Health); That is, dietary and fitness routines based on hunter gatherers of the paleolithic period.
The metaphor illustrated attempts to pass a circular peg through a square whole. this is an allusion to the human body within the built environment. As it is forced into a new environment, it adapts as an evolutionary process.
p e r i p h e r y i n t e re s t
exploration of various mediums
digital sculpting; mudbox
I firmly believe that everyone should pursue, embrace, and nurture their own individual interests. The following spreads include photography (left), digital sculpting (right), water color, and the good ‘ol graphite pencil.
human form & composition
character illustration
t h a nk yo u
teague peak 785.554.0516 peakteague@gmail.com