Team 610
Crescent School
2nd Edition MONTH DD 2013
Innovation. It comes naturally at 610.
TEAM 610 IS ON THE MOVE Regionals... Here we come!
The first week has been a flurry of excitement, urgent planning, and group bonding. On January 5th, the team officially kicked off the season by attending the opening announcement of the 2013 FIRST Game, Ultimate Ascent. With the next few days delegated towards brainstorming robot design and strategy ideas, the team left the sessions determined
to go for the gold. School is now in the mix, but team members are staying on task, devoting their spare time towards carefully developing prototypes for the main robot. Things are moving quickly, and with the current shooter prototype named “Cyclops� doing well in initial tests, 610 is on the way to the game field.
Newsletter Made Possible By:
HATCH ENGINEERING SPONSORS US FOR ANOTHER SEASON! In November, five members of the team, shared our excitement for the upcoming along with Mr. Lim, met with HATCH competitions, as well as our space Engineering at their offices in balloon project and the plan for two Mississauga to make a sponsorship members to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro as Like us on pitch, which included a robot a part of the Tanzania Outreach trip. Facebook! demonstration that drew quite the We secured HATCH’s support, and crowd. HATCH was Team 610’s lead are excited for another season as sponsor the previous year, and we Team 610, sponsored by, among many hoped to continue this relationship. HATCH others, HATCH Engineering. C.A.D.
Transfers our paper sketches into three dimensional drawings on the computer.
Writes the code for the robot - an essential division for any team.
The people that bond the team together through sponsorships and pursuing awards.
Works in our machine shop custommaking parts drawn by the CAD division.
Strives to dramatically increase team spirit through hosting workshops and designing team apparel.
The nervous system of the team - wires and connects all components of the robot.
Nestled away in the Field House on Kickoff Day, Team 610, and several other rookie teams congregated together to discuss the process of making kit bots, a basic set of parts that can be assembled to make a drive train. The kit bots were completed by the end of the day, and the teams were overjoyed to see their creations working in such a short period of time. While there were places for improvement, everybody that attended the event had a great time. Mr. Warren, a long standing Team 610 mentor commented about the event, saying that “people left with hope, positivity, and excitement for the season ahead.” For 610, having the teams finish their kit bots within the day was secondary – it was really the experience of building, bonding, and planning that made the day.
Students quickly find that FIRST and Team 610 are important parts of their lives, and are influential in their development as a student and as a man. This is best demonstrated by the presence of several alumni serving as mentors. Chris Hatsios, George Mavroidis, Aidan Solala, and many others take time out of their busy schedules to assist our students and the teams we mentor, lending us their valuable knowledge and experience. Team 610 imbues a sense of community that these alumni have recognized and want to continue to be a part of. They are around the lab, talking with the boys about designs, making strategies, and generally helping to make this season successful. We are all thankful for their assistance, and hope to have them as part of the team for years to come.