coyote connection
edition 5
Have your company sponsor the GTRW Today! Parents, alumni, and friends: The GTRW Competition at Crescent will be an excellent sponsorship opportunity for your company. The event is made possible by generous corporate sponsorship from companies such as Bruce Power, Union Gas, Magna, Xerox, Synnex, and even our very own Crescent School. If your company is interested in sponsoring the event, please check out the Sponsorship Recognition Info on the next page, and contact FIRST Robotics Canada's Development Officer: James Francis Don't miss out on this amazing charitable opportunity for your company!
Programming! What’s brawn without brains? The programming division brings our bot to life. The programming division is led by Grade 11 student Ian Lo, nicknamed ‘Ian Pro’ for his programming prowess. Our team uses a coding language called Java, which sacrifices simplicity for power. The programmers control the motors and sensors to perform robot functions at the press of a button. They include: • Ball Intake • Shot Trajectory • Detecting LEDs for bonus points • Autonomously catching the ball • Piston Actuation • Driving
The hardest part about programming is that the team doesn't give you much time to test your code! Luckily, our programmers have been prepped with code since the beginning, and can easily make tweaks to have us performing optimally.
Meanwhile, our other programmers have been working on a tablet-based scouting app for us to use at competition. It gathers all the data from the scouts, sends it to a server, and compiles everything for our strategists to see! It’s very powerful and it’s great to see the product our programmers have come up with.
Week 5: Imagination Materialized
It’s finally coming together! One of the best parts of build season is seeing all the subsystems together on the robot for the first time. It’s a great relief to see them all working harmonically! Of course, that gives us new problems to fix, but it’s all part of the design process. We are getting very close to our final product, and it’s a race to the finish! We want the bagged robot to represent our best effort, and will be working hard right up to the last moment.
Engineers of the Week Thomas Herring
Thomas has done
Alp Turkmen
extensive independent work with our shooter prototypes, and he is always quick to help out with testing!
Jason Sauntry
Jason has single-
Alp has quickly taken
handedly machined
to all things electrical
almost every lathed
as a motivated
part and shaft for
member of the Energy
our robot so far this
Systems division. His
year. A pretty
hands are always on
impressive feat for a
the robot! Great work,
grade 9 student!
Week 5 Photos
Upcoming Competitions ! ! !
Greater Toronto West Regional February 28 – March 2 Crescent School
Follow us on Instagram: frc610 Twitter: FRC_Team_610
North Bay Regional March 27 – March 29 North Bay, ON
newsletter made possible by:
GTR-W Setup Volunteers Needed! We are in great need of help setting up for the GTR West Regional being held at Crescent School. As you know, FIRST is a volunteer-run organization and the events are mainly facilitated by volunteers. Please contact if you are interested in sponsoring a meal.
Special thanks to Michael Hatsios for some sweet photos this week!