Indie & more july 2014

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Pursuit of Passion and Purpose











WELCOME Once again I invite you to our summer/anniversary edition. Officially our first print issue! Yes

everyone from now on you’ll be able to obtain hard copies every July. I am elated and look forward to introducing new creatives in business, sharing our spotlights, featured reads, and upcoming events. This is a special time for us as we are at the beginning of a new phase. This edition focuses on bits and pieces that inspire us “to keep going.” We chat with many interesting people and as Editor I’m finding the work I do at The Indie to be a continual learning process which I’ve grown to love and can’t seem to get enough of (smile). I take great honor in this privilege to serve readers with the good stuff inside the pages of Indie & More and I ambitiously strive to be better with each issue we produce. In this celebratory two part issue we take a quick look back to our humble beginnings until now. Reason being I thought it would be cool to encourage our readers through our own story. I want them to know that all things, really are possible to those who believe. Believe in your dreams! You truly can make them happen, they’ll come to fruition right before your eyes. Even more importantly we want to share a couple of our own struggles as a means to help advance others further along and hopefully avoid some costly mistakes I myself have made when first venturing out with a new independent brand. So look for the reflective issue, which will follow this one here! I enjoyed putting together the pages of this awesome issue. I feel great about it and I hope that you will too! Publisher & Editor Ty Reid, CMSHP, PPC

Ty Reid

indie & MORE CREATIVE DIRECTOR, EDITOR Ty Reid ADVERTISING(516) 655-2948 SUBMISSIONS Submit by email to SPECIAL THANKS TO ALL WHO HELPED MAKE OUR 1ST PRINT ISSUE POSSIBLE CONTRIBUTORS:ANNA DRISCOLL// STEPHANIE MORISSON//ABI HARRIS// GAV PAUZE (DJ)//PATRIZHA TUPAS CREDITS IORDANI, DETERMINED, T-SHIRT FACTORY, GUDO,SONDEM, NORTONGO Indie & More is an independently produced magazine founded to support independent brands on personal growth, business, and artistry. Show your support by following us on facebook, twitter, and instagram.

EDITORIAL INQUIRIES Indie & More P.O. Box 288 Brookhaven, NY 11719 Letters to the editor may be mailed to the above address or submitted via the website at INDIE & MORE INQUIRIES Comments directed at Indie & More not pertaining to the editor please visit our contact page or send e-mail to


©2014 She Rocks It Publishing & Media, Inc. P.O. Box 288 Brookhaven, NY 11719 Indie & More magazine is published monthly by SHE ROCKS IT PUBLISHING & MEDIA, INC All rights reserved. Warning it is illegal to photocopy or reproduce any part of Indie & More, indie lifestyle magazine. Reproduction in whole or part of any material in this publication without expressed written permission of She Rocks It Publishing and Media is prohibited. Publisher reserves the right to accept or reject all advertising material.

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A R T S MOTHERHOOD So real and true you are my world I live through you. When life seems hard it’s you I find that fuels my heart.







PEOPLE THAT ARE IN LOVE make relationships look so LOVE IS simple don’t they? Truth is, even though you may not be TRUE aware of it what you’re witnessing are the effects of all the hard work and mutual respect that’s gone into building that particular bond. The choice to love is easy. It’s only when we don’t know how or what to do when it comes to loving the person we’re involved with, that things may become a little complicated. In some instances we bring our heavy baggage into relationships not considering that these issues are ours to work through and not that of the person who’s chosen to be a part of our lives. And honestly they shouldn’t be expected to carry such a backbreaking burden not even for love’s sake. There are a variety of options you can go with such as reading books, counseling, and coaching, depending on your needs. However at the moment here are four suggested key points to follow to help flourish your love life. Which may even lead to experiencing a more profound intimate connection for years to come. Express Yourself to the right person that would be your “lover” not anyone else. You’re doing yourself a huge favor by not bringing others into your relationship. If there are problems or confusion sit down and chat about it. Be honest about how you feel, bottling emotions only make you feel worse and won’t resolve anything. LOVE

Choose Respect for yourself first, and next for the one that you are with. Reason being, if you’re in a place where you don’t respect yourself then you’ll allow any and everything to happen to you without regard to your well-being and happiness. Respect should be mutual. If you’re not getting respect, make it known. If that hasn’t worked for you then maybe it’s time to move on. Care about yourself enough to say good bye or simply to give space for growth. Take a break if necessary, it wouldn’t be the end of the world and what’s meant to be will be. Next up, Know your limits in any event learn to be prudent. Do not stay with someone who is communicating to you that they apparently don’t care as much as you do, and or does not respect you as an individual. When you know your limits you create standards. Standards help to keep you on track and to show others what you will and won’t allow them to do as far as you are concerned. It’s the same with your significant other, really get to know them and their limitations. Respect them as your own. No one wants drama in their life, especially when it can lead to boundaries being overstepped. LOVE

Relax and Let Love Reign don’t get all worked up over what you can’t change. For one, that negative energy won’t change anything. Second, a few disagreements ought not to be the last draw, pushing you toward calling it quits. Love gets better with time. It mends and cures, helping to get passed “thenot-so-pleasant” times. When you relax and let love take its course you usually find that treating each other with love, becomes a bit simpler. You’ll develop faith in your union and what it could be. So many people are looking for love, or just someone to talk to on an intimate level, share their time with. Don’t be so fast to walk away, and don’t be hesitant to say goodbye when or if that time comes. You have to find the right balance when it comes to love. In the meantime, be thankful for the opportunity of love. Hang in there, and more importantly have fun! LIFE

LIFE IS LIKE A BOOK Some chapters are sad, some are happy, and some exciting. But if you never turn a page‌ You will never know what the next chapter holds. B O S S I N G


INDIE & MORE MAGAZINE reached out to Drea owner and editor of Brown Girl From Boston to talk about her new blog, what she’s up to these days, and the pursuit of passion.

You’re niche is an awesome idea, but what made you choose blogging as your avenue to get your message out? DREA: I chose blogging as an outlet because I wanted to be dedicated to it. Blogging, not for me but for women who need to have a voice also my mom motivated me she would often say I’m such a good writer and others would say you need to start a blog so I went with it and I love it. It’s fun and very

contagious. We see Brown Girl From Boston as a informative, authentic, and community driven platform. Drea, would you say we can consider your blog to be a movement in the making? Or is it mainly going to be topic focused? DREA: I’m glad you asked, there is going to be a movement very soon, It’s going to be the “FLY” movement. The First Love Yourself movement. I decided that something needed to happen and

needs to happen quickly, because there’s not a lot of loving ourselves within the black community, with women in general. That’s the upcoming movement for fall 2014. Right now it’s topic focused. What do you suggest for women who want to become active within your movement but have little to no funds? DREA: They can still get involved without the money I would love to have volunteers as it’s not all about the money. I would like for them to volunteer as spokesperson in regards to the movement and they can share within their community also be an advocate and also be a leader, volunteering their gifts and their strengths. All of which is important as well. And how about those capable, and in position to donate time and monetary gifts how can they get involve? DREA: They can get involved by contacting me, writing as a guest blogger, I’m definitely looking for sponsorships and for those who could join the movement also. I’m presently trying to come up with flyers and Tshirts to promote the movement. Not just where I’m at in the New England area but all across the United States and all over the world is how I’m looking to get people involved. How can women access information about events you are associated with? DREA: As for workshops and events I’m having one July 19th in Rhode Island, NY. I’m also going to do a webinar and hold a conference the

information will be posted on Brown Girl From Boston’s facebook page and twitter for different promotions. Based on research, in regards to the state of self-awareness and understanding of being “beautiful” in your skin? Are there many women faced with lack of understanding, or would you say it’s a lack of confidence? DREA: I would say it’s both. There is a lack of awareness within our community. Look at TV there’s no positive images of women of color. Objectified nature when it comes to women, and women, or girls see that on TV and strive to have that lifestyle. As far as what the movie stars have, and what all the TV shows portray. Those women are with low self-esteem, unresolved issues. I feel like it’s not being taught, it’s still a taboo subject in our community because a lot of times people don’t know how to love themselves. So, that’s why they go seek out these other things and then feel kind of like lost in the fog so-to-speak wondering “Where do I belong?” and they’re trying to fay ok well, “Who am I?” As an individual. Or just as a woman. “What type of power? What type of voice, what type of essence do I possess? “So a lot of times we don’t know that because we’re not taught. There’s not a lot of good examples. The ones who are examples are kind f like the silent heroes. So I feel like it is two-fold when it comes to lack of understanding and as far as with self-

esteem and lack of confidence because a lot of times you know, with people it’s like-- sex sells. That’s what people want to see sometimes and they aren’t saying, wow she’s a decent young lady, and I appreciate her, not even focusing on any of her different life accomplishments. Education, and those things are pushed to the side now, and it’s more on TV about who has the bigger this, and how much plastic surgery this person have so, that’s the emphasis for that. Are you deep into researching statistics on this topic, or are you more so speaking from what you come to find via experience? DREA: It’s something that I come to find professionally being a mentor having an open ear and also what’s attracted to me, within my community for young women and also women in transition. So I see a lot of this especially in my area which is very oppressed there’s a lack of cultural competency here in the New England area of which I come across it often even when I was living in other states I would see the trend and I’m like okay it’s time to break the cycle. There’s a lot of self-hate and people don’t want to talk about that. It’s time to tackle and work through this. You’re saying it’s time to break the cycle how’d you like to see things change overall between today and the few coming years? DREA: I would like to see more women happy, more women actually, living their ideal life

versus fantasizing about it in their minds. Far as loving themselves not looking worn down, having their health at a declining state, or their happiness on a decline, and of course would like to see them also educating themselves and building their villages as well, building their positive sister-friends, versus saying “Oh I’m alone and no one understands me.” So I would like to see that short-term and long-term as well. Pertaining to those who may fall into the category of the women you speak of, what’s a good outlet or avenue you think, I’m going to say (“women of color” specifically speaking) can improve themselves inward out? DREA: You have to start inwards, I would say, exercising. Hanging with like-minded women going to different conferences, workshops that’s going to empower and uplift. And you’ll begin to feel beautiful in the skin that you’re in or whatever the case is. So those kind of things having networks and also having the connections “cause a lot of us we don’t have that we don’t have that village; don’t have that connection. We don’t have that safe place to run to.” Also things that can combat fear, cause a lot of times people tell us this is what you should do this is how you should look. And I say, you know what be like; I’m going to embrace myself and I’m going to do this or whatever for me. Because that’s what your passion is that’s

where your purpose is going. And what types of reforms do you believe could be favorable if implemented? DREA: Coaching. I say coaching versus going to see a psychiatrist or going to see someone in the clinical field and why I say that is because a lot of times with African Americans there’s a stigma when it comes to therapeutic and clinical assistance. I’m a social worker as well jokingly others I know personally sometimes look at me and say oh there she goes trying to psyche-analyze again. Coaching would be better because it’s going to empower them to reach the level that they need to get to. We have the answers within a lot of times we just need the accountability partner someone that’s going to motivate us to get to that answer and get to that ideal life. As far as a coaching perspective rather than a clinical perspective I recommend coaching, a lot of times people are prescribed medications being told they have bipolar, or this or that and so let’s give them this pill. Pardon me for cutting into your response but before you close do you mind to go into a little more depth about coaching? I find that many people don’t really understand the differences between coach and mentor or counselor and perhaps shy away from it, thinking it’s basically all the same which I

believe is totally off base. DREA: Coaching in my own words is just an individual professional) that can help them reach their goals, short-term and long-term. It’s going to empower them. There’s going to be an action plan not a treatment plan as far as on the clinical side. And the client is going to be accountable to complete what they need to complete this is about them not about the coach. The coach inspires them to go from stuck to being unstuck and reach their final destination whatever that may be. We all have destination points and I think what happens is a lot of times we forget and that goes back to being bombarded. Coaching is goal oriented which I like because often we don’t focus on goals, we focus on “I have to do this or that and cross it off my to-do-list.” Coaching can be a one on one setting, a group setting, a master mind session, it’s not about the coach telling you what, or how you need to work on something, it’s all about whatever the client wants to work on. I love that because, coming from the social worker side it’s, more like “this is what you need to work on, and if you don’t do that then you can’t get your kids back so on and so forth.” Coaching is very empowering and helps you to maximize your potential and I like

that. Well put, thanks for sharing that may be something they might would want to take a look into. We as women individually have our own issues, based on your experiences what do you think are the biggest complexities for today’s women especially women of color? DREA: Today’s issue (and I can say this as a woman of color) is standards. Somewhere down the line we lost standards for ourselves and for how people treat us. Why I say that is because we lower our standards. We lower our self-esteem, we lower our spiritual being, we actually condemn our own rights when we do this, it’s like I’m a door mat walk all over me. So that’s the issue. Standards is such a broad thing it comes with self-esteem, relationships, comes with even the career path you take. It comes with your friends, just all types of different complexities that goes into standards this is definitely something that we have lost over the years. Because we are not being women anymore, we’re being objectified. Being more sexualized and thinking that we are not good enough because people are like she’s not good enough for marriage she’s good enough to sleep with. So we need to pick up our standards. What is the most valuable message you hope to instill in women of color?

DREA: We are beautiful beings, we’re powerful and we have a voice. And we have that light and don’t let anyone dim your light. Why does this matter so much to you? Drea: It matters to me because I’ve been there I‘ve been that person who has lowered their standards at a point in time of my life and have seen other women do it. But to focus on me, I was on top of the world thinking to myself “oh, I got this master’s degree, I’ve accomplished this and I have this type of status.” Back in the day I was not satisfied I was fulfilling my purpose, and I was not fulfilling my passion. So for me to overcome that and now my confidence is high, I’m able to relate and also empathize and have compassion that’s why I’m so passionate about what I do, and blog about what I stand for because I walked that walk, and I’m still walking that walk. I’ve been there and if I can overcome it anyone can, you have to do the work. So, you’re definitely committed to this, are there any associations that you’ve joined or community networking that you’ve done in regards to this movement and pushing it forwards? I’m in two organizations The National Coalition of a Hundred Black Women, of the Rhode Island chapter, and Professional African American

Women That Are Community Leaders, (I am, I believe the youngest member) and there’s a new organization that I cofounded it’s called ‘I Am That Girl‘ a multi-cultural organization for all women whom we advocate for young women all across the world. With The National Coalition of a Hundred Black Women we advocate for African American women, and also girls in need of economic empowerment, and those who need the education to figure out what’s going on holistic wise especially with health issues. Trying to figure out a way that we can all come together, to build that village as I mentioned before and rise above what we’re already labeled as of now. So those are the main organizations I’m in now and they support me a hundred percent as far as with Brown Girl From Boston and also Africa Is For Us. Supporting the work that I am doing and that’s why I support those two organizations because they do such amazing work as far as women empowerment. I’m always empowering women, especially of color but for women worldwide. Speaking of women of empowerment, I know that you are a huge fan of Maya Angelou. There are also young pillars in the making helping to build women up as well. There’s Beverly Bond

who founded the Black Girls Rock Organization to help build selfesteem for young women of color, Majola Carter she received a Mac Arthur “genius grant” for creating green jobs in the Bronx here in NY, and also Maya Wiley, (among others) who started The Center for Social Inclusion which works to dismantle structural racism and inequity. I say all of that to say this, thinking of the power and passion you possess how would you like to see BGFB grow in the next year or so? Drea: I would like to see Brown Girl From Boston this year; year one, grow throughout the east coast I have to start with my own zip code. Because I have to start right where I’m at which is in Providence. I’m from Boston that’s where I grew up, my bread and butter that’s what made Andrea who she is. My overall goal is for Brown Girl From Boston to be spread internationally. That’s what I visualize it’s what I speak into existence and that’s what’s going to happen. On a more personal and fun note what hot new things or healthy cool tips does BGFB recommend for her Brown Girl community such as new books, styles, trends etc.? Drea: I like that question. I would say since it’s summer definitely check out music festivals, like in Boston I’m going to check out some cool stuff Lauryn Hill is coming, I get to see Nas and

The Roots. Nas is one of my favorite hip-hop emcees, so I’m excited about that. As far as fashion I love it and would say rock all types of Bohemian looks. Rock the Bohemian dress, and hair styles (twists). Just be fly and love yourself. Most importantly, I would say definitely stay hydrated. Personally, my passion right now is to go bike riding. My husband and I we find different trails every week-end and go riding and that helps me to get the anxiety and craziness of the week out of the way and I love it, I get to spend time with my husband. So, do those things I mentioned and just vibe out and have yourself a really great summer. Because the winter was terrible. We spoke of

coaching a little while back is that a service that you also offer or do you know of any resources where women would be able to find a coach? DREA: I do offer coaching services specifically to women who are either in life or work transition, or who want to start a business those are the three main coaching services I offer and I love it. Are there any personal development resources that stand out to you in particular that you can recommend to other bloggers? DREA: Go check out bloggers that you enjoy and find your own style that’s what helped me and just do it! Don’t over analyze it, get it out of your head and get into your heart and just start blogging.

Drea of Brown Girl From Boston is a certified life, visionary and startup coach, and workshop facilitator. She facilitates personal and career transitions through coaching. Visit Drea’s website at or contact her, and follow on facebook and twitter.


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purpose-driven Independent Brands thrive. Visit our site to see how we can add value to your project. WORDS

21 INSPIRING WORDS by Stephanie Morrison Sometimes it just takes a word. One word to help you shift your thoughts and focus to a better place that will uplift, encourage and lead you down your unique path. These 21 inspiring words are for your use any way that you see fit to guide you to the life you are meant to live. injustice. Send out that ‘loving’ feeling and you’ll 1. Sufficient – However you 6. Peace – If you’re get it returned to you are right now, is sufficient. concerned about conflict tenfold. If you feel as if you aren’t within some countries, living up to your own communities or your own ideals, or someone else’s, heart, then connect your 10. Growing – You are always repeat “I am sufficient” thoughts to peace. We growing. If you feel like and know that you are just can best improve on your life is boring, going fine for now and you can matters that we’re nowhere or lacks meaning always change as needed. concerned about when then you need to be we have a peaceful assured that you are attitude. always changing and 2. Enough - Whatever you evolving, as long as you’re have right now is enough. open to it. Don’t be If you’re feeling like you’re 7. Now – Ever heard of the discouraged that life missing out on something power of now? Right now hasn’t shaped up the way or that you don’t have the is what’s most important; you’d like – you’re always things you need or want, take in what’s happening growing to new then keep this word in now instead of living in experiences and mind. the past or jumping your perceptions. thoughts to the future. If you find you’re rehashing 3. Nature – Need to get old memories, snap back 11. Dream – Dreams are what grounded, unwind, to the present and look at life is made of. Never give distress? Nature is your what’s happening around up on your dreams and source of rejuvenation you right now. always keep dreaming. and relaxation, so make Aspire to be your ‘bestest’ this word your mantra on self and live to your truest the busy, hectic days – 8. Quiet – We all need a little potential. If anyone puts close your eyes and think quiet and solitude. This is you down for having grand of lush forests, flowing the word for those times ideas, you can feel some rivers, and breezy winds. when it seems that all the compassion for their external noise is too much limited thinking. Keep your or your thoughts are dreams alive! 4. God – Your creator, getting to be too much. confidant and reliable Think of quieting the mind source of direction. Let chatter and getting to a 12. Family – Whether it’s God’s spirit fill you up quiet space. family in the biological every day and discover his way or family in a will in all you do. Feeling relationship sense, we all lost, alone, confused – 9. Love – This word is best need people to connect think about God. used when you’re feeling to. Appreciate your family a lack of love in your life or and if there’s some in the world. If you lose tension in an important 5. Calm – This is the word for sight of all the love being relationship, make the the overwhelmed mind spread around the world, effort to smooth it out. and frazzled thoughts. you can definitely get lost There’s a reason that you Breathe in ‘calm’, breathe in the hate, violence, and know the people you do out ‘calm’, and feel calm.

and you don’t want to lose out on a vital connection with someone. Keep your family in mind.

13. Work – Yes, work is inspiring when you’re doing what you’re meant to do. If you’re not happy with the work you do now, then this is the word you need to keep in your head to discover what the work is for you. What is your ‘labor of love’?

14. Play – Really having fun and playing doesn’t seem to come too easily as we age, but it gets to be even more important as life goes on. What is your ideal playtime and how do you bring out your ‘inner child’.

15. Accepting – Be accepting of whatever happens. What is – is. There are bumpy roads in everyone’s life and there’s no way to avoid unfortunate, unhappy and unwanted situations. The good news is you can respond to these situations with acceptance. It makes a world of difference in your daily life.

does your creativity lie? In artistic endeavors, with hobbies, around words or perhaps in the creation of ideas. Scope out your creative life and nurture it as much as you can.

16. Discovery – Discovering new things, places, people or perspectives is part of your evolving life. Look at the world with eyes of interest to discover something new. It’s one of the ways that we treat ourselves.

20. Nurturing – In what areas

types of things that can be renewed: your outlook on life, the natural world, your faith, the societal ‘norm’. Look around for all that gets renewed and be aware of the renewing life within and around you.

of your life are you nurturing? Who or what nurtures you? We need to be taken care of and valued and in turn we nurture other people, animals and things. Keep that nurturing element alive in your life and be sure to include nature in your nurturing, as it is one of our strongest supporters.

18. Giving – Be giving of your

21. Change – It’s inevitable -

17. Renewing – There’s all

heart, be giving of your time, be giving of your money and be giving of yourself. Just be in a constant state of giving and you’ll find that you receive much more in return.

the world around us is changing, people are changing, laws are changing, economy is changing, yet it seems that humans are creatures of habit and many make life difficult just because something has changed. Embrace change and be adaptable – it’s a trait that will take you far in life.

19. Create – We are creative beings that need to have creative outlets. Where

“You can’t change the world indefinitely, but you can change how you view it presently.” BUSINESS MATTERS

Lights, Camera…Money! Turning Everyday Hobbies into Money Making money can seem like a constant struggle for some and too many people are taking on jobs that they hate just to get a paycheck. What if you could replace or grow your income by leveraging the things you enjoy doing to market to the general public. In most situations you could be working from home and need very little startup cash to get your product or service out there and building an entrepreneurial dream. First you want to assess your life to see what marketable talents and skills you have. This could be in the form of an existing hobby, something that you’ve been interested in doing (but just haven’t gotten around to it yet), or an idea for some kind of product or service that has been shaking around your head for a while. We have all been given gifts of special talents and skills that can be used to create a source of income. Sometimes it’s a no-brainer discovering what that is in your life, while others need to spend a bit of time contemplating what they really do enjoy and how that can be turned into a business. To get you thinking in the right direction, here are a few examples of hobbies, skills and talents that can be turned into a business:

Musical abilities – teaching lessons one-on-one, performing at local functions, creating videos and website membership programs to teach others how to play

Artistic talents – selling artwork, teaching art, freelancing artistic skills for various applications (e.g. book covers and illustrating, business logos, etc.)

Sewing/Needlework skills – creating a product to sell (for mass distribution or custom creations), teaching others needlework, performing alterations

These are just a few ideas to get you thinking about what you do in your leisure time that you would have the passion to make a business out of. I guarantee that there is something that you can do well and others would find value in and pay you for it. It’s not always obvious either as some people don’t really think about making money with something they have always just done without payment. Think about things you’ve done in the past that you’ve enjoyed and have maybe stopped due to a hectic life or just not made time for as you got older. Many people have had great success in reliving a past activity and turning it into an enjoyable business. Every business idea deserves the respect of a plan. You can try to wing it and maybe even succeed, but most likely if you fail to plan, you’ll plan to fail. Once you’ve got yourself a money-making idea, make a business plan so you can test out your theories in your head and get them down on paper. There are lots of free resources to guide you through the business plan process and you don’t need a deeply detailed plan with extensive financial forecasts and intensive market research. You do still want to plan out a bit of a financial picture and do some basic market research, but don’t be hesitant to do a business plan thinking you need some in depth analysis of every aspect of your proposed business, unless of course you are looking to get financing. Whether you want to make a bit of money on the side or be the next Michael Dell, you do have something that you would enjoy doing and be able to charge good money for. Search your soul for that inspired idea that will be the guiding force to keep you motivated and determined in your new business venture.


…………………………………...... Research well, this means look and see what others in your niche are doing. Make sure your brand offers something better, more useful or exciting than theirs. Prepare from now, on how to let others get to know your business. You do this by writing out a detailed business plan on how you will run your business, what will be its core culture, and why others will truly benefit from it. Building a brand is hard work and takes dedication. Be able to fully explain what your business is about and why you started it in a brief description. Your plan should also include how you market your product. Consider all options paid and free platforms, choose what is most suitable for your product and budget. Go to seminars, workshops, and take classes on your business endeavor’s topic. You’ll go further if you know what’s cutting edge at the present and what the competition may be doing. Additionally, networking opens you up to new opportunities to promote your business, special connections and useful resources. Read books. Make the time to read inspiring and motivational reads that can help fortify your foundation, because there will be times when things won’t look so bright and you’ll still need the courage to keep moving forward. Books aren’t just for inspiration they also provide a wealth of knowledge. You can read books for free at your local library (no excuses) and view dvds, you can’t beat that type of deal. BRANDING

Next choose an image (logo) that best represents your company and what it stands for. It’s worth it to go with a company that know what they are really doing. Don’t go cheap, your business is deeply affected by this so make the investment! Your image should grab the attention of the market you’re intending to serve. Clean and simple is a good guide for choosing logos. Be careful with colors, they should be

complimenting and pleasing to the eye. Your website also fits into this category. It will reflect your image as well. By all means stay away from bright or neon colors especially as your website’s background. Again, it should not be hard on the eyes. White or neutral background colors are the safest way to go. Be honest about your product, what it will and will not do. Don’t promise things that you can’t provide just because others in a similar niche are doing it.

Finally, put together a calendar listing important tasks that need to be done. You’re doing this to plan your work day, keep a grip on time; so-to-speak, and also to remain organized and lower the volume of stress. If you organize well, such as use time-slots, all you’ll have to do is check the day and do whatever is listed for each individual time frame.

There are so many awesome tips to help get you started that it can become overwhelming. The above ones are some of the best and are sure to set you on the right track. For certain, you’ll learn many more on your journey through trial and error but in the meantime give these a try. Pep Talk: about dreams

3 Simple Rules 1 If you do not GO after what you want, You will not ever have it.

2 If you do not ASK for what you desire, You will not ever have it.

3. If you do not MOVE toward your goal, You will never have it. Get The Picture?

*If you want something, anything in life you must: Attempt to do all that you can Ask for help when needed, and in all things keep moving, and never give up! People

M A R L O NPeña From artist, to performing and producing, to a place of composing with Hollywood greats like Jason Derulo, Jay Dazh, and Steve Pageot (look them up). He’s heading for the Grammys with the big-wigs, Marlon Peña wants the world to know his name because he’s about to take it by storm. Just recently sitting down with our editor to unearth his 2014 collaborations with some well-known beat slayers in the industry, he’s encouraging others in the hustle, while discussing his movement.


We hear that

you're just now

gether and make it happen. IM: Isn’t it soon to be 13 years for you?

getting back from L.A. How was it?

How’ve you managed to get to this point? Consistency. God, and

Are you planning to put in some

people supporting me from day one, and I want to give thanks to

serious time working out there?

everybody supporting me so far telling me to just keep going. That’s

Yes, L.A. was phenomenal. I am looking forward to going back again this year actually. I went over there to attend a music expo and took advantage of the last four days to network while out there. I met so many incredible people from all over the world, they taught me a lot from their experiences and beginnings. I met this awesome dude that works with Jason Mraz, also another A&R that works with Akon; and have a direct connect with him. I always send positive vibes to people and try to see where I can grow together with somebody either on LP, it could be on an album, or if it’s a single, I also look into that direction maybe something for a movie. As long as they want to work and are down for what I'm down for we can work to-

what’s moving me faster and faster. I took a little break over the years, then came back really strong. That strength I came back with from last year keeps me going and going. That’s what’s moving me faster and faster. I took a little break over the years, then came back really strong. That strength I came back with from last year keeps me going and going. 2014 I'm making a big breakthrough! Which I'm excited about because now as an independent I'm not signed to any label or any other publishing. But I am working as hard as any other individual that really wants it out here, whether it be an artist or producer. I wake up in the morning and I say to myself "You love what you do? Continue doing it, and don't' stop, don't give up." (#can't stop won't stop), that's my hashtag, I represent that all the way because it gives me strength. IM: With a little more detail what exactly is it that you’re doing? I once was an artist writing for myself. I made a turn, right now, I'm writing songs for other artists. I wanted to continue with music but, writing for; songs instead. I always had a passion for writing, not much for the poetry side but for the rhyme part. I started putting words together, and would base them on experiences about life. Me as a song writer I contribute, and I’ve met a lot of artists of whom I would talk to about what they are working on and to see how I could be a part of what they're doing.

As an independent I’m not signed to any label or any other publishing. But I am working as hard as any other individual that really wants it out here…

What I do is, get a beat from one of my producers, or couple guys I

know, (shop around) where I can

put something together for a specific person, or artist. From there I start putting my thoughts together about how to create the magic. It's not

something I do right away that just

comes together. It hits me and starts clicking, and running, like an engine in my head. That's the motivation.

IM: It's very creative, your process, how you make things happen. Coming creatively from the heart it’s very meaningful; what I write, and doesn't fall in my hands where I'm just putting words together. That's why people tend to listen to what I write. I have songs I’m currently trying with different artists right now, ‘talking to a couple names out there.

with co-writer/artist Sebastian form Nashville, Tennessee he and I do a lot of work together now. The song is called “Addicted To This Drug” about a girl who is saying that she actually doesn’t want to leave her on and off again boyfriend. That whenever they split, she always end up coming back to him no matter how he treats her.

IM: When you say “talking to a couple names out there,” are those independent artists only? Mostly, independents. Female artists, I'm shopping around a song I came up

“I don’t like to just work for “good” I like to be a little bit more than average. Excellence, that’s the way I like to work.”

Brainstorming, we came up with the

Notifying your work ethics, everything

re-release more tracks on it I know

idea, it took about four days to put it

you already put out there, could be

they did a 20/20 Experience deluxe,

together, and then the time for him

for the last couple months or years

so it obviously did well with sales. JT

to record it because he (has the

depending on how hard you went.

has been taking down the billboards

voice.) For him to record it and then

The weeks of work or months of work

and the Grammy’s he's out there.

send me back the demo effortlessly;

that you dedicated your time to it. I

That's the same goal I want to hit.

made it a go. IM: What does

like to work for all the best I don't

To be there in that point. Where, that

consistency and dedication mean to

like to just work for "good" I like to


you? Well, reaching a goal or

be a little bit more than average of

dedicated time to their team, and

anything in life that you want to do,

just good. All the best. Excellence.

everyone that was putting their part

if you don't have consistency within

That's the way I like to work. IM:

into it, actually make it all work

you, you won't really make it. You

What things do you look for in a

together and now be successful. That

won't see yourself getting far. You



album's still doing well as we speak,

won't have that push inside you to

Potential. Vision. “I look for long term

big-ups to them for that. That's

actually go out there and make the

goals not just oh we could sit here

inspirational for me, it makes me

effort. Consistency to me is striving,

and talk about let's work on a project

want to do that, and, work a little



and see how much views we can get

harder; than that. I'm working with

because nothing comes easily you

on you tube.” No it's let's work on a

whoever wants to work, big name or

have to fight for what's yours, and

project let's make it big. Where I

not doesn't matter to be honest with

you got to do the work like you own



you as long as the vision is there.

it. So with consistency obviously later

Grammy big. I'm not talking about

IM: How'd you find yourself in this

on is dedication. Dedicating time; is

just YouTube big. I'm talking, let's hit

industry do you feel that you were

very important as long as you

that prize. Let’s do this together,

led to be here? When I was a

dedicate time to what you really love

that's where I got my eyes. We work

teenager in junior high school and

to do you shouldn't really have a



my mom, she always said "If you

problem trying to get somewhere in

everyone's on the same page, then

ever have something you want to

life with it. It will eventually click.

we can get somewhere. For example

express you should just pick up a

Something will happen. It can be to

I met an artist that worked on Justin

pen and in one of your books write

the point where you can have a lot



it down" and that's what I did for

of people reaching out; to you.

Experience, great album, they had to

years. As a kid I made songs that






















because I was a teenager. I made

multi-Grammy winner who's worked

Daryl Brown, he's the right guy to

Christmas songs, family traditional



talk to. There's many more of course,

songs, I had so many books of

awesome song writer he gave me a

in the industry but I really made a

rhymes I couldn't believe I came up

lot of tips on how to put songs

good, strong connection with him in

with it all. I’m still saying to myself

together. He gave me so much that

L.A. and it was worth it. IM: As a

wow. I put out some of the songs

I wouldn't learn in the streets and I

first step what would you encourage

with a group form Harlem I was

really thank that man for actually

those upcoming in your industry to

affiliated with back in early 2000

opening up my mind more. Not only

do? Everyone always says to be

when I started bringing my material

as the business side but; like as the

different, I say be yourself, that's first

out; was just putting myself out there.

song writer that I am, he's amazing.

of all. Second if you're an artist work

As an artist I kept writing but it didn't

He was actually one of my favorite

on putting out 20-30 songs in a year

you’re really dedicated to this, even

panel guys. I went down to see him

don't overdo too much, is what I'm

if you don’t win them all, long as you

twice in one day picking up more and

saying because there's a lot of guys

got nominated you’re doing a lot that

more. He’s helped out so many

who are over doing it too much and

people can see. Once they see that,

people; changed so many lives he's

then they feel like they did a lot and

they're like wow; this guy is serious.

very powerful and if anybody wants

like they're not going anywhere. It's .

I also met Daryl Brown good mentor,

to learn something from the business;

It's going to overwhelm you but what




stick. This movement that I'm doing today, I didn't do a couple years ago and thank God for social media it helps a lot, it wasn't as big at the time when I started doing this IM: What aspect of the business are you favoring and headed towards? Where do you imagine yourself? I see myself in this industry doing music right now, not getting involved with films or anything like that. I want to stick with music and see myself moving up every year. "I work harder this year and work harder next year, then two years from now I want to work three times harder.” I wouldn't mind getting nominated with guys I work with who are awarded every year back-to-back. That shows, that

I'm saying is, work at a pace, where;

live up to your standards and this is

cool, it makes me different as I stand

you’ll finish at least one of your

what you want so you show it every

out a little bit. It's awesome I love it



step of the way. IM: How do “you”

I'm learning the chords I’m picking

accordingly. Always put your name

show it, what in your eyes, is a

up videos from YouTube I got dvd’s

out there no matter what. Of course

good way? I deal with social media,

that are teaching me how to do it so

there’s always going to be people out

very powerful tool. Everything I do

this year I want to get more serious

there saying something here and

music related ("Aye, yo, I’m in the

with it. I want to do songs where I

there. That’s fine, it comes with the

recording studio check me out.”)

am playing and creating the lyrics

territory so don’t give up. Also if

Presently, I got some work coming

too. Maybe later on down the road I

there are big festivities going on,

up with Grammy producer winner,




Steve Pageot and artist Lina Fouro

singers. Who knows, but that's my

parties, show up to these events

and we're going to work on a song

new tool that I'm using. I’m actually

cause you’re going to meet someone

together and I'm much honored that

breaking out now. Making a little

eventually that could help give you a

they reached out to me for a next

different turn, but I love this turn. It

hand. Guide you to the right mutual


But why? Because, I'm

makes me feel good on the inside, I

person that they know in the industry.

letting the social media also take me

get happy when I play that guitar. I

Could be somebody big you never

there. I hashtag everything I do

have my weekends where I do a

know that’s the way this business

music related. If you have to travel,

couple hours of practices to improve

works some- times. Right? IM: I can

then travel. Find a way to do it. I find

myself with it IM: You mentioned

agree. So, is that what you did to

ways to do it. There are family and

that indie to you means cultural and

get to this point? I did in the

friend events that I sometimes have

traditional art of film and music,

beginning of putting myself out there

to put down and go do, what I got to

please give an example or further

as an independent. I would show up

go do, for my music; I show up. I

explain which part of this statement

to a lot of events whether it be a

don’t care what state or country it is.

resonates with who you are and

private event or public. I’d find a way

I’m going to be there and that’s the

what you're doing right now? You

to get through. You have to. You

way you got to be in this industry if

never know who you’re going to work

always have to find some way,

you want to make it. IM: Seeing you

with. I wish Michael Jackson was still

somehow to make it happen. It just

have a strong drive and good

around that would have been great

shows how serious you are. If you're

momentum going for you. What are

but he's an example of the art, of

serious to do it you are going to go

you hoping to change or add to

what we're all basically doing as far

for whatever you feel is right within

your field? I’m willing to change

as what music is about. Just to

your heart you got to always find a

acoustics. That’s what I love, I found

create something and make it bigger

way. There's going to be people

love with it once I started hearing

than life is an amazing adventure

outside putting you down but you let

acoustic music. I got an acoustic

that encourage you. Because you

guitar for my birthday, so now I’m

cause like I said, you have to have that vision, and obviously you want to

want to prove that you're going to

happy and it's a leftie too which is









express it to the world, not just keep it

keep it within yourself. You want to

the hottest clothes, or go to the

maybe someone can relate to it. I

share it with others. Sharing is very

nightclubs or whatever. I understand

have two independent artists that I

powerful. The art is not like painting

it's tough but don't do anything illegal

want to start working with from L.A.;

a picture. It's beyond that. Like they

or get involved with the bad side of

R&B mostly, so be on the lookout for

say, a picture has a thousand words,

the law. I've been there done that. It

that. I'm also doing things on the

but with music sky is the limit you

did affect me and I did add it on to

Latin side too. Currently working with

my music. I would rap about the

Jay Dazh, I help him out doing

hardcore things I had done and seen


with my eyes just my own personal

introduced me to the Latin market

experiences IM: Are you at liberty to

and now I am a Latin Grammy

share any new projects? I'm doing

Academy Member, having the right

a documentary, it's about my life with

to vote for anyone who's getting

music it's going to be released on

nominated it's pretty cool because

YouTube. I'm in talks with various

now I can go to the Grammys and

artists about a song called ‘Addicted

have my seat reserved in diamond

To This Drug’ I am also working with

section next to the big guys.

could be who you want to be you don’t have to go by your name, you could dress however you want, that’s art right there. You could want, that’s art right there. You could be throwing on chains or gold teeth doesn't matter what background you are hiphop, could be country, house, blues, or jazz it could be opera; could be Broadway, the list goes on. IM:




you've made if you could take back one thing in this lifetime what would it be? My rough, teenage young

an artist in California. Her name is Girl Crush she does mostly pop and hip hop I already have a song for her it’s called ‘Do Whatever You Like’ it’s





childhood, wild-craziness. I was a

freedom to go out there and enjoy

trouble maker always giving my

yourself having a great night with

parents a hard time. I'm glad they

friends. Then there's Lina Fouro from

were always there for me so I grew

Canada and she does amazing

up in a good household but, I don't

music: pop, house, dub step, and

know what got into me around the

we're going to be working on a pop

age of 13 and 16. I would tell today’s

record pretty soon with Steve Pageot

youth to please be smart use your


head. There's always going to be

producer who's worked with people

bad influences around you, whether

like Neyo, Areatha Franklin etc. I'm

it's drugs or if you’re a guy it's going

excited and honored to work with

to be girls or whatever. There's

them. It's great music we're going to

always going to be some kind of

put together us three. And then I also

distraction, especially with money.

got two more records that I'm

Most teenagers want to look nice

finishing up, R&B themed about a

Throw on a nice pair of shoes, get

girl lost; who doesn't' have anybody







I’m excited to go to the Grammys this year November in Las Vegas where I will make an appearance at the Latin Grammys with my team so I can’t wait to definitely talk about my experience when I get back from over there. It’s an eye-opener for me. Jay Dazh and I are putting a song together for an artist out in Long Island, New York her name is Melissa B. and she has her own independent




Bungalo Records they're about to put a song out this summer called ‘Echo’. IM: Who are you looking for to work with and listening to for inspiration? The artist I'd like to work with










inspirational to me he's a hard

worker, awesome dude and I'm going

that's dope. We're talking worldwide

to be touring also. IM: Awesome, we

to see his concert this year hopefully

not just the United States any more.

wish you the best in your endeavors

I get to meet him that would be more

I definitely want to reach out to her

and as everyone else has told you

awesome. Right now he's a pop

once I start putting some great

keep going! Thanks

singer that does hip-hop too he


transitioned into that of course he

eventually I'm going to do a record

works with one of the best producers

with her. As of today I’m saying it

Timbaland when you have good

real loud and clear "I’m going to do

people making good instruments for

a record with Cher Lloyd." I can't

you and you combine it with the right

wait until that time comes but I'm

team to put the song together it's

going to work hard to get there. I'm

going to be a hit, of course you got


to have your voice right too. Another

consistently. IM: At this point what's

name that I'd like to see myself

most challenging for you? The

working with is Bruno Mars later on

timing sometimes can be the most

also. He actually, was songwriting for

challenging because of my schedule

a lot of people then he started getting

I would like to make that better.

on with features. Bruno Mars is big,

Other than that in reality that's pretty

he just did the Super Bowl that's

much the most challenging. IM: Do

huge you got to give the guy credit


he also won a Grammy this year for

planned? I have a big trip coming up

that album very, very good the way

with my team (teamdazh) we have

he came up and I respect it. I love

this great thing going on in Dubai

it. Also, Zendeya, Lady Gaga, Kelly

later this year, it's going to be a first









work really hard





I’d like to give some shout outs; TeamDazh, Jaydazh, Steve Marcos, Sol




Shortyoneelmasradical Melissa B, Eazi





producer Lina Fouro, 2tone beats, Pellivalar




Swissopertor making my kicks hot always customs, Jay Diener co song writer. Sebastion G music my co song writer. Ayana the producer. Brother Steve, the guitarist always teaching me new stuff every week all of my fans and supporters. Thanks.

Marlon Peña is an experienced music creator












time experience, that's going to be



huge. I never been to the other side

awesome. I'm always looking for

of the country yet so I can't wait to

talent. I'm always out there. There's

do it. To express ourselves to

Follow Marlon Peña:

this other female who was part of the

different cultures is cool. Jay Dazh is


X-Factor with Simon Cowell in the

a Latin artist who’s also been

UK now signed to his label. She's

Grammy nominated and previously


this UK girl that raps and I love that.

was the face of Nuvo Champagne.

It's a different swag and demeanor

I'm working with him for a year now,

and it's international, that's even

and we're doing a lot. Now we have

more exciting for me. International

this trip to Dubai where we're going

representative of

The Gift Shoppe

Sunglasses. @thegiftshoppe.

You Tube Marlon Pena/Guage22 FOR TODAY’S ARTIST


Fact 1: Know the worth of your music, in order to set appropriate pricing. You have poured your heart out on to the pages of lyrics and felt your soul move with each pluck of the guitar string. Now you have to sit down and put a price on it. It can be an excruciating process, even for seasoned performers. But you must remember that in order for other people to appreciate your work, they have to get it first. If you set a price that is too high, you set yourself up for failure. If no one buys it, then no one will ever care about the work you have done. Many independent artists see offering their music at a bargain price as demeaning or financially insensible. But the trick is to lure people in with the price and then WOW them with the music. Big companies do this with new grocery products all the time. The idea is that people are willing to risk a few bucks to try something interesting and when they are impressed they feel compelled to brag about their find to other people. This phenomenon is especially powerful in music. People like to be the first to discover the next best thing. When they do, and they get other people on board, they are always the cool one who heard of such and such band or artist first.

So remember that when you are selling those bargain albums. Once you start getting the buzz and people are talking about the quality of the music more than the great deal they got on the CD, then you can start bumping up the price. A good indicator of what price is right is the look on a fan’s face when they pick up a CD and are interested and then put it down when they find out the price. Too high. Go down until that doesn’t happen anymore. Something that you might also consider is offering free promo copies whenever you play a gig. It’s a great way to get your content out there and to start generating buzz about your music. Remember, the biggest thing you need as a new artist is a following. The money will come once your fan base reaches a tipping point. Fact 2: You can't always listen to what people tell you, sure they mean well but as the saying goes "the proof is in the pudding" so you're better off erring to record sales charts which reflects the amount of material actually being sold. Fact 3: What you put in is what you getout. Make it a goal to put out quality, after all it’s what will carry you in the long run MUSIC LIFE

Common mistakes indie artistes make when it comes to music... People make bad choices at some point in life, many of us may do it every day even. But if you look at the positive side of it only one of two outcomes will come to pass, that is a good thing, or a not-sogood thing resulting from it. I really want to press into three common mistakes that could be a major setback for many independent artistes today. Usually what makes it difficult is how the artist has little to none experience, or not much significant knowledge about the industry.

"Anybody can make music...but it takes the real deal to sell a mill" 1. Preparation- Being an author of creativity is your thing and that is great, however you need to determine if you're looking to get paid or do it just as a hobby that you love. If you decide it's for the love only, then a plan for funding it is necessary. Not depending on sales, means you will need to secure a job to fund your recording/music business. I've interviewed many artist established and upcoming and it's always about the "love", and that really is a given, (I can't imagine someone making music and going on stage to perform it and yet hated it). But the point of making some money to continue the reproduction of this wonderful talent that you're hoping to spread worldwide "makes sense".

2. PostureHere's where the indie artist has the most control, writing their own music content, making the arrangements, choosing how the song will be sung. It's more than putting down how you feel on a piece of paper. People react to music, either they love it or they don't, and that's crucial to keep in mind when the writing begins and upon entering the studio. Your song should express who you are, have a valuable message, and sound very good. The best or ideal posture is being transparent (be real) walking with confidence and love. Artistes who maintain good posture and interact with fans will create higher followings and eventually boost sales.

Outside of the ever popular social nets your lyrics is how you communicate to your fans. If you throw (Continued)

together a tune based on words rhyming then it's possible your song might not go far. People love life and emotion. So write about the issues of life, and let the beat of your music touch the strings of their hearts making a connection which will draw them in. 3. PlacementReaching the right audience...that is your power! This is a very important thing to consider because it can cost you millions. A thorough research should be done before production even happens. It would help to check out the billboards/sales chart to see who in your genre is at the top (with the most plays) and who is really selling music. Scrutinize the top 3 artistes, listen to their lyrical content especially the chorus is it positive or just catchy? Now zoom in on you, would you say your "best" song sounds similar, better, or worst? You really have to be honest here, by doing so you can strategically find the right placement for you and your music. Let's say for example your music is similar but you are preaching a

more positive message apart from the others, in that case you'd be in the perfect position to offer them competition. Let's go a little further and say your music sounds nothing like theirs but you are trying to reach the same crowd as them, it would be best to switch your song(s) up a bit by adding some elements of what style the people are looking for at the time. A few adjustments here and there may be necessary so you can be on top of your game, but what you definitely don't want to do is change who you are or whatever you represent just to fit in.

“People love life and emotions so write about the issues of life� DEAR READER

YOU MAKE ALL THE DIFFERENCE ON LIFE‌ Life is a gift that you can't give back. It's one of those blessings that you just have to embrace wholeheartedly come what may come, as there are going to be ups and downs. But even so, the goal is to maintain so that your outcome may be great in the end. Life isn't all fun and games, but the focus shouldn't be mostly about "work", "status" and "money" either. Taking time out for your creator...continually lifting HIM up, for family and "real-friends" who never give up always supporting you is far more fulfilling than a mountain of money which will come and quickly go. Life is precious and is something that we all need to appreciate.

ON ENTERTAINMENT... The world of entertainment is quite interesting. Some are ushered in, they usually endure and do well. And for others it's all about faith, tenacity, and pushing themselves until they finally reach their breakthrough moment. But, outside of the lies, hateration, and scandals; the people you meet in this industry, genuine and those acting under false pretense have two common goals. That is to sell a product and to capitalize off of it. The industry offers many doors to success but it can slam them shut just as fast. So why get in to it? Well, entertainment is fun. It's a great opportunity to showcase your talents and skill. Build solid business relationships which can lead to major power movements, for many it is the greatest outlet for creativity. I would just say, be wise and watchful because while one taste can be so sweet, the snakes in the grass are poisonous and the atmosphere can make you or brake you... You make all the difference! As always, I say stand for what you believe in. Be your best, do your best and always give your best. And definitely stick with us...because we're on to something... Luv Yu ~ TY REID PENNED Bogie Manage Making appearances in various entertainment venues and getting in-depth with artists about their focus in the industry, ‘your girl Bogie’ is the heart of Bogie Management that brings us culture, entertainment and exclusives from the Caribbean market. Established in 2010 in Westchester, NY, Bogie Management was founded by Christina Bogie who made her name providing management services locally and all over the world. Her relaxed demeanor and strong presence makes her a charm on camera, but her active life encompasses a variety of entertainment interests that are driven by her ambitious spirit. Bogie is experienced in managing, producing, video editing, on-camera interviewing, hosting TV shows, and other skills that bring her love to the entertainment world. Her affiliation with several different companies allows her to get involved with many projects that are fun and challenging for her energetic personality. Darkstar Productions, Wicked Hype TV, DanceHall Connect, E-Frenzy and Backyard TV are some of the media companies that Bogie joins in bringing out the best in entertainment. With her on-screen charisma, Bogie brings to the screen a natural air of experience that welcomes her viewers and guests. She is definitely in her element with TV hosting and interviewing roles, which seems to be a growing area of interest for her. She has a vast YouTube presence with her own Bogie Management channel as well as appearing as the reporter/interviewer on several other YouTube channels. Whether she’s spreading news on upcoming events with her own face to represent or endorsing and presenting videos as Bogie Management, the dance & Caribbean entertainment is well represented with the refreshing talents from Bogie.

As an artist, a fan, a professional or a person seeking inspiration, Bogie is your girl to provide a professional and genuine representation of the light and love of entertainment. See the many talents of Bogie at her YouTube channel and various interactions in entertainment with a ‘Bogie Management’ search on YouTube. You can also connect with Bogie Management through the following links: "WWW.BOGIEENTERPRISE.COM"

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10 Things Every DJ Should Know

by DJ Pauze

There are many aspects to being a competent deejay, says DJ Pauze who’s provided us with a list of his top ten tips that will help you towards achieving proper deejay status.

1. Know the music that you are mixing/selecting. This is vital, it allows smooth faultless mixing of music from song to song, which gives the listener an ear pleasing experience and they will never forget your performance. 2. Learn how to beat mix. A very important part of being a deejay is knowing how to beat mix. The listener has a better experience when music is mixed seamlessly without any silence gaps or beat clashes. 3. Make sure you know how to read a crowd. This is essential as keeping the dance floor busy and making people dance will get you more bookings. 4. Get to know your equipment. Know everything about your tools, if you are ever faced with an equipment problem while performing you may be able to fix it or manage with the issue. 5. Practice, practice, practice. It’s so important that you practice mixing your songs before performing. Just the same as singers and bands practice all deejays should too. 6. Keep up to date with new music that is being released. This keeps you one step ahead, knowing fresh music and presenting it to your crowd is an important part of a deejays job. 7. Be careful of being near really loud music, especially just before you perform as this can damage your hearing which is one of the most important tools that a deejay has. 8. Keep your music in order. Organization is the key, the last thing you need to be doing in between mixes is scrambling to find the next song you want to play. 9. Put energy into your work. When performing to a crowd this can make or break you. You are transmitting an energy from you to the crowd so always keep this in mind as they feel your vibes. 10. Enjoy yourself, love what you do as a deejay and try your best every time.

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