The Maintenance Weer Association (MOA) is committed to enhancing the USAF mission by improving the maintenance world. Although comprised primarily of USAF maintenance officers, is not associated with the United States Air Force or any other organkmtion.
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From the President -Lt Cd Brian Gmdy We continue to receive positive com-
mem from the field conmniq ~t only the ExqtioMl Rehse but on MOA in general.The last issue of the ER brought in themost mail.Thenewformatreceived the most attention. We will continue to refine it with the goal of maldng the ER the professional journal it should be. There have been a series of reaming themes coming in from you all that require further examimtion. Some ofthem have been looked at before but they conh u e to surface. Your comments on them will be appmiated. They are: Should a testing and cedication of MOA members similar to the process used by theSociety of IngMcs Ehgineers (SOLE) be instituted? Members believe that by using this process of selmembers, the MOA will obtain a more prufessional standing in the l o w c s communi~y. Should we issue numerical seque n d membership cards? Other professional oqanizations do this and the results are a seme of belonging within an organization. Should we provide the graduates of the various maintenance c o w a h e one (1) year membership to MOA? The benefits derived would be increased membedip and a h h look at maintenance from somebody just entering the pmfesion. I wodd appreciate your comments on these and other issues you feel haven't Feceived the a& t eno!in they should have ova the years. The time is to surface not only past ideas but new ones that might enhance the maintenance career
field. There are a couple of additional side issues in this ER. You will see in this issue alist of randomly selectedmembers who will be asked to respond back to us as soon as they receive their ER. We are runninga test to see how long it has heen taking for members to get their ER.The current procedure for mailing the ER is for stateside members to receive theirs by bulk mail and overseas members by limt class. As a mnhier, send us a current mailing address if someone receives their ER and you haven't. One final thing.By now you haw meived your renewal notice for membership. Do a quick turn on them and get them back to us. Following my letter you will 6nd the slate of new MOA officers who have volu n d to assume the leadership of MOA for the next two years. They all come highly quali6ed and with the best credentials to keep MOA on track. Their pictures will be in the next ER. I solicit your support of them as they strive to keep MOA strong. I would &I to take this opportuniy to thank my staff and one officer in pdcular -Colonel Albert Schmidt, His counsel and timely advice kept us on the right track toward success. He has done more for MOA and myself that can ever be repaid. 'Ibnh again. 'Ibis will be my last aaicle for the ER. I graduate in June from the Indusuial College of the Armed Forces and am ping back to the field. The experiences gained in the Washington area havebeen rewarding. I look forward to puthg to use some ofthe things learned here. If I had one thing to say about an assignment
to the area I would say consider everything ciuefully concerning the opportcnity - then take it You won't regret it. Again, t h h for all your support and advice concerning the MOA and the ER. I look faward to working with you all again.
NEW ol?HCERs President Lt Col Donald J. Wetekam. Last assignment: Commander, 56 Aircraft Generation Squamon, MacDiU AFB, FL,. C u m t Duty: F-15 IngMcs Fmgram Manager, HQ USAP/LEW Vlm Pmsldent: Lt Col Chris J. McWilliams Last asdpnenc Commander 509 Organizational Maintenance Squadmn, P e a s e m , NH.CurrentDuly: F/FBEF111Loejstcs Program Manager and B 52 Logistics Rogram Manager, HQ
USAF/LEW Tnaruw: Maj David A. Jacobs Last ass-t Maintenance Supervisor, 96th Field MaintenanceSquadron, Dyess AFB, TX.Current Duly: B I B Logistics w a r n Manager, HQ USAP/ LEW SeorWmy: Maj David R. Pearson LastA~rExp1osiveOrdanceDisposal (EOD) 05m at the Air Base Operabi3ity System Management 050% AD/YQ, Egh AFB, FL. Crmpnt Duly: Explosive Ordance Disposal (EOD) and Air Force Combat Ammunition Center (AFCOMAC) Manager, HQ USAF/LEYW.