MediWales LifeStories Magazine 2020

Page 26

Welsh Government: Sparking Innovation through Technology, Digital and Transformation

Tackling the COVID-19 crisis together: The RIIC Hubs Network The Research, Innovation & Improvement Co-ordination (RIIC) Hubs Network, made up of seven Regional Partnership Boards and three NHS Wales Trusts, has been established over the past 12 months by the Hubs, Academies & Innovation Team within Welsh Government’s Health and Social Services Group. Its aim is to help the acceleration and support of local innovation and partnerships capable of driving new models of care and approaches to integrated working. Welsh Government provided funding for this unique and innovative coordination Hub Network to enable them to bring people, resources and partners together quickly, in order to respond to specific opportunities and challenges. There was, and remains, a clear need to seek out activity that best improves outcomes for service users, specifically through prevention, early diagnosis and more accurate intervention to really achieve ‘what matters’ most. These Hubs have quickly settled into the R,D&I ecosystem, and despite being part of the Welsh Government’s new wave of transformative initiatives being rolled out under the banner of A Healthier Wales, they have found themselves at the heart of the regional and local response to tackling COVID-19. The current health emergency has presented a real-time opportunity for the network to throw itself in at the deep end. It is working with all partners to identify new, innovative models and approaches to health and care during a time of great stress and strain on services and the people who use them.


Cwm Taf Morgannwg Social Services and Wellbeing Partnership Board The Cwm Taf Morgannwg Social Service and Wellbeing Partnership Board (CTMSSWPB) brings together Bridgend, RCT and Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Councils, Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board, the Third Sector, Independent Sector and service users and carers. It takes a strong, unified approach to develop new models of care in order to deliver better, integrated services for the approximate 450,000 citizens across Cwm Taf Morgannwg. The CTMSSWPB Research, Innovation & Improvement Co-ordination Hub was established in early 2020 to identify and support the Research, Innovation & Improvement activity and to promote coordinated approaches with all partner organisations. Due to COVID-19, the focus switched almost overnight to supporting colleagues across multiple organisations so that they can develop new ways of working and approaches to service delivery, such as:

ThinkTank19: Peer2Peer Community for Self-isolating NHS Medical Staff The TechForce19 programme funded by NHSx called for technology solutions that could be deployed rapidly to help support vulnerable, elderly and self-isolating people. With a local industry partner, Simply Do Ideas, an application for a staff based model was submitted and was one of only 18 projects funded from over 1600 applications from across the UK. This called for a rapid sprint style project which was rolled out to over 100 staff in five days.

CERi Chatbot Velindre Cancer Trust worked with industry partners, Meridian IT and IBM, to build on existing work and develop a prototype ChatBot called CERi. It is available to interact with NHS staff, patients and the public, responding to user questions and recording instances when the tool doesn’t work (i.e. when it is unable to answer questions or answer incorrectly). CERI is still in development but is already seeing significant increased

user interaction, with over 400 chat episodes recorded in one day. It is expected that this level of interaction will continue to grow rapidly, even in the short term, as the team develops different CERi access points for the public, patients and staff.

3D Print Lab Dental laboratory staff have looked at creative ways to repurpose the existing dental and maxillary laboratory equipment at the Prince Charles Hospital, in order to produce a number of 3D printed items that can support health care teams. They have initially produced visors and other non-clinical items such as door handles that allow hand free opening. As other clinician colleagues became aware of the lab’s capacity, the team started working to produce replacement equipment, worn components and other small parts, such as valves and equipment covers. The project has now secured over £200k in Accelerate funding to support development of an Advanced Physical and Digital Engineering Hub, which will be able to work with partners in the future.

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Articles inside

Innovation at CITER

pages 72-74

Cardiff University Biomechanics Research Facility hosts ‘first in Wales’ NHS service

page 69

New research into dialysis options and choices

page 68

First year success for Swansea University spin-out

page 70

Technology facility leads on quality management at Cardiff University and beyond

page 71

Wales to play major role in national trial for COVID-19 vaccine

pages 65-66

The response to COVID-19 from Swansea University Medical School

page 64

Roche: How a global pandemic became the ultimate test of partnership working

pages 58-60

Cryogenics company wins at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory

page 57

Single Use Surgical supports Cavell Nurses’ Trust

page 54

AliveCor: Detecting atrial fibrillation to prevent strokes

page 55

Celebrating a landmark year for CellPath

page 56

Patent Seekers: Patent search database as an intelligence tool

page 53

Digital wound management with - The future of wound care comes to Wales

page 52

COVID-19 drug discovery platform in development at Moleculomics

page 51

Concentric Health: Remote consent supporting organisational recovery

page 50

Sharp expands its commercial capabilities to UK facility

page 49

SymlConnect: Digital remote patient monitoring during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond

pages 47-48

Jellagen announces seed financing to develop advanced collagen products

page 46

EKF supports COVID-19 testing with novel sample collection device

page 45

COVID-19 antibody testing kit launched by Forth

pages 43-44

Hybrisan secures £500,000 to help fight

page 41

Bond Digital Health: How coronavirus demonstrated the need for connected diagnostics and accelerated our development plans

page 42

Indoor Biotech: Funding awarded to develop new COVID-19 T cell immunity test

page 40

Life Sciences Hub Wales: Bringing Welsh

pages 36-39

Accelerate: Supporting innovation in Wales

pages 34-35

Health Technology Wales repurposes skills to

pages 32-33

Developing new technology to disinfect ambulances

page 31

Delivering care closer to home with video consultations

page 30

The Welsh Health Hack goes online for COVID-19 challenge

page 29

AgorIP: bringing innovation to life across Wales

page 28

Tackling the COVID-19 crisis together: The RIIC Hubs Network

pages 26-27

Transforming health and social care services for a healthier Wales

pages 24-25

NHS staff tackling COVID-19 use virtual reality to help reduce anxiety and stress

pages 20-23

VR experiences promote NHS career opportunities

page 15

Reducing the use of unnecessary antibiotics for COPD

page 17

Generations unite for falls awareness scheme

page 16

Introducing a non-invasive prenatal test to Wales

page 14

How a UTI Triage System delivered improved patient care and cost savings at The Highlight Park Practice in Barry

pages 18-19

Transforming care for patients with incurable breast cancer

page 13

Studies across Wales trial convalescent

pages 10-11

Improving palliative care for heart failure patients

page 12
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