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Collage Artist Adèle Hennion

Adèle Hennion

Adèle is a French architect and digital collage artist who draws inspiration from her city. Her work reveals how both architecture and collage create landscapes, spaces, and atmospheres. Her love for surrealism shines through in her pieces’ exploration of dreams and freedom of thought.


Past: What do you wish you knew in your 20s?

I wish I knew exactly what I'm living right now. I couldn't imagine a more fulfilling experience than creating new pieces every week and expressing myself this way. I would tell my younger self: express yourself, don't be afraid, go for it!

Present: What are you currently reading? What artistic project/s are you currently working on?

I'm actually reading Dans les Forêts de Siberie by Sylvain Tesson, which is about a man who stays in the forest for several months to be alone and think about his life. I really like how he writes and talks about the landscapes and the peacefulness of being alone. I'm currently working on a series of collages about my hometown that I love and miss. Because of the virus, we cannot explore it the same way we did one year ago.

Future: What projects do you hope to work on in the future? What are your hopes & dreams for the future?

I'm starting new collaborations with other artists and a photographer from my hometown. I hope this will continue, and I will have more collaborations because it's very stimulating. I hope that one day everyone could find their voice and their way to express themselves because the world would be more colourful and educating if everyone did.

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