Whiplash Relief ChaRlotte NC CliNiCs
One of the main reasons why patients suffering from whiplash opt for the chiropractic form of treatment is because the physicians try to identify the root cause of the problem and treat the problem effectively.
BaCk paiN Relief • There are many back pain relief Charlotte NC centers that engage the services of the chiropractor to provide treatment for those suffering from whiplash and back pain or neck pain. • Moreover, these clinics are also very well equipped with the latest state-of-the–art equipment and machinery that is used by the chiropractors and their other personnel in the clinic to treat whiplash and for pain management
pRovidiNg holistiC tReatmeNt to tReat the CoNditioN of Whiplash iN the patieNt
thaNk You folloW us -
alaN m. teBBY, d.C.
8415 piNeville-mattheWs Rd. ChaRlotte, NoRth CaRoliNa 28226 CoNtaCt- 704-541-7111