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Pub Notes

Karyn Stickel Associate, Hubbell, Roth & Clark

Happy New Year to all our readers! The theme of this issue is Climate Change. First, we focus on power and climate change. Is the Midwest a climate change refuge, with no mud slides, fires, and other natural disasters? We investigate what successes we have had and why, and how these successes may be adapted to benefit other regions.

We also feature a transportation article about the push for electric vehicles. While auto companies continue to strive toward a greater segment of EVs on the road, this article looks at not only the benefits, but also the potential risks.

In addition, you will find a thoughtful article spotlighting the benefits and risks of our easy access to information. As we have more immediate information and knowledge of global events at our fingertips, how can we use that benefit to help solve engineering problems?

We are pleased to have the return of our student writing contest, with the winning pieces published here. One of the prompts for the contest was to have students describe their favorite science fiction story. Building on that, we are launching a book review. I am kicking it off with Octavia Butler’s The Parable of the Sower, which ties into this issue’s theme.

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Our next issue will focus on emerging technologies in design and construction. If any of our member readers are interested in providing articles about this topic (i.e., 3D printing or buildings, artificial intelligence (AI) or augmented reality (AR), BIM)—or would like to write a related book review—please reach out to our editor Susan Thwing at sthwing@esd.org.

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