Is Java still relevant in 2020? By now, there are millions and billions of lines of code written in Java, which is powering the software that we use every day.
hat is Java - A brief history In the early 90s, the software tech domain saw the inception of two of the most influential entities that came into existence, which shaped the Software Industry as it is now. Those were the World Wide Web www(1989) and Java(1995). There's no need for an introduction for the www. Let's talk about the latter.
was repurposed to be something else entirely. This might be a reason for its General Purpose Nature, and currently, Java is being used in some way in every niche domain you can think of.
Most of us know that Java was born in Sun Microsystems lab and was designed by James Gosling. But lesser known is the fact that Java was initially intended to be the language for communicating between Consumer Electronic Devices. As the development of this language started in 1991 and progressed, the www. started to shape up into a global phenomenon. This made the Java language development team rethink the original purpose, and they shifted its focus to accommodate this new niche.
There are several new kids on the block now. The latest sensation is Python. Python is currently topping many of the lists where Java was the uncrowned prince for over a decade. A large share of this popularity goes to the sudden interest in AI and ML domain and its simplicity as a first programming language to learn.
Java's popularity has not fallen ever since. It started with JDK 1.0 on January 23, 1996 and is currently on JDK 14((March 17, 2020) as we speak. What kind of uses is Java best suited for As mentioned earlier, Java was intended to be one thing and 13
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The most common use cases for Java would be Android Apps, Web Applications Backend and also, High-Frequency Trading and Scientific Applications. Java versus other Languages
Another language we can talk about is C++. Java can be considered an improvement over C++ in functionality and ease of use. When it comes to Ruby, both Ruby and Java are object-oriented and not dynamically typed. However, like Python, Ruby is also slower than Java since it is an interpreted language - which means it needs to be compiled on runtime, which adds to the total running time. Another comparison we hear a lot is regarding C#. Be it the case of speed or performance; both perform equally well. However, Java wins the battle since C# is platform-specific. Once the software is built - it cannot be run on all platforms like Java allows you to. Why Java is still a powerful programming language There has been a lot of news that Java is going to be phased out soon, and that it will soon be going out of scope. But the reality differs. First of all, a vast majority of the current systems rely on Ja-