DEC | 2022
w w w. t e c h f a s t l y. c o m
by Toulika Das
How Is Technology Shaping The Way Humans Evolve?
Technology Under Your Skin: The Microchip Challenges
Is the Digital World Changing Our Sense of Community?
by Bharggavi Ssayee
by Utsav Mishra
by Swarnendu Acharjee
What’s Inside p.4
How Is Technology Shaping The Way Humans Evolve?
p.34 The Newest Forms of Digital
Realities are Transforming Modern Workplaces
by Bharggavi Ssayee
p.16 Artificial Intelligence
in Healthcare - Making Impactful Strides Towards the Future by Toulika Das
Technology Under Your Skin: The Microchip Challenges by Utsav Mishra
by Bhumika Dutta
Is Biometrics in Schools Really Worth It? By Ragini Agarwal
Is the Digital World Changing Our Sense of Community? By Swarnendu Acharjee
p.60 Letting You Talk to the
Dead: Technology or Ouija Board by Rehan Husain
p.70 Parenting in New
Age Digital World
by Sameena Katthawala
p.82 How Social Media is
Changing Human Life Work, Love, Relationship, Learning, & Commerce by Suraj Kumar
p.90 The Need for Digitization
in an Aging Population by Toulika Das
Editor’s note
Dear Readers, The way we live, work, and play is changing due to the rapid advancement of technology. Nearly every day, innovations and paradigms are created. Modern technology radically changes traditional ideas that the human race has relied on for decades or even centuries. The use of chips is a development of the Internet of Things (IoT), a network of interconnected objects constantly expanding but has obstacles, including biohacking, infection risks, privacy concerns, etc. AI can offer value by automating or enhancing the job of physicians and personnel. It can also quickly gather patient insights about important patient care areas that need improvement. Digitization lowers unemployment, improves the quality of life, and increases citizens' access to public services. Additionally, a growing digital world makes it possible for governments to function more clearly and effectively. Digital parenting must include responsibility, fostering trust, and honest communication between the kids and the parents about their independent online activities. The ability to monitor youngsters has become considerably simpler for parents thanks to connected devices. With the advent of GPS-enabled smartwatches, smartphone monitoring apps, and video baby monitors, parents may feel more confident that their children are safe than ever. The level of student engagement in class activities can be ascertained using biometric data, and changes can be made to assist students in learning more effectively. Science fiction has often incorporated technology that facilitates communication with the dead. Thanks to the development of AI and speech technology, it is now becoming a reality and one that is more and more reachable. Technology has advanced quickly in the workplace over the last ten years. It has become a crucial component of managing a company in every industry. Discover the newest technological advancements transforming people's lives in our most recent issue of Techfastly magazine. Have fun reading!
Srikant Rawat
Chief Operating Officer, Techfastly
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How Is Technology Shaping The Way
Humans Evolve? by Bharggavi Ssayee
Technology is often perceived as exclusively focused on digital, hightech industries, or even nanosciences. However, technology has existed since the earliest traces of human life and has continually manifested itself in its most primitive forms.
DEC 2022
There was no mention of the term 'technology' before 1952 during the annual speech of the presidents in the United States, a tradition maintained since the 1790s. The term technology then referred to the applied arts, but its definition is evolving and increasingly encompasses the advances and changes that affect the environment around us.
Technology and its changes affect society, culture, and traditions, but above all, a nation's economic, political, and military trajectories. This is why it is interesting to see that inventions created millions of years ago have a domino effect on technological advances today.
Inventor and futurist Ray Kurzweil wrote in his 2005 book "The Singularity Is Near":
"The continual acceleration of technology is the implication and inevitable result of what is known as the Law of Accelerated Returns, which describes the accelerating pace and exponential growth of the products of an evolutionary process." We would therefore be, according to scientists, in an era where technology and invention would be at the service of human evolution. However, the reality is more complex.
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First Technological Advances, First Discoveries The first traces of technology date back more than 2.5 million years ago. It was an invention of hominids (Homo Habilis, Homo Erectus) who made the ancestors a knife by cutting stones to make tools. Although rudimentary (hammers, cleavers, cleavers), what emerges is the ability of man to create an object to accomplish specific tasks, which demonstrates the cognitive particularity of the human species. Even if it is not about technology, in the sense that we understand it today, it was indeed a technological turning point. The tool was used for several purposes, like protecting themselves from predators, making food more digestible, and eliminating pathogens from edibles; therefore, it led to an inevitable evolution of the human species.
A lamp prototype had even been imagined with a hollow stone filled with animal fat, overhung by a wick allowing it to light up. It is evident, therefore, that although the technology of old manifests itself in a more rudimentary, less detailed way, it paved the way for the refinement of prehistoric tools, inventiveness, and creation for practical and functional purposes.
But it is with Homo Sapiens (the ancestor of man) that this technology is refined and succeeds. The sophistication of these tools will make it possible to work with new materials (bones, antlers, etc.) and thus create objects that we still use in our daily lives: hooks, bows, arrows, harpoons, mortars, pestles, etc.
Spinning in the 1700s The post-medieval period is synonymous with revolutionary inventions. For example, in 1783, the hot air balloon made its first attempts, canned food was invented, and daily life was simplified. One of the most significant changes is the thermodynamic sector, with James Watt's work leading to the first thermal machines to transform the energy from combustion (wood, coal) into mechanical energy. All these inventions led to the industrial revolution, which led to the creation of the automobile, and the railways, considerably changing the movements of millions of people.
It was then that the incandescent lamp was born, that the city of Quebec was equipped with electricity in 1885, and that Paris, the city of light, saw its starry terraces for the first time. Electricity also impacted communication between people with the creation of electric telegraphy. In the 1920s, electricity also facilitated the appearance of wireless telegraphy, allowing radios to be created. The BBC was one of the first in 1922.
All these inventions led to the industrial revolution, which led to the creation of the automobile, and the railways, considerably changing the movements of millions of people.
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Technology: The Limits of Progress? We could still highlight inventions that have changed our way of life, production, and consumption. Nevertheless, we are coming to an era where technology is so advanced that inventiveness is no longer exclusive to creative geniuses or scientists to serve a specific purpose. The most dangerous threat is to pretend that all these advances are natural and all serve human evolution. No natural process creates a "smart" hairbrush, a "smart" rocker, a "smart" condom, a Bluetooth-enabled toaster, or an internet-connected air freshener. It is, therefore, more than necessary to rethink the relationship to technology, trying to understand what is
helpful for human evolution, since otherwise, questions of overproduction and waste appear apparent. Additionally, those running small businesses looking for innovation are overwhelmed by conglomerates like Facebook, Instagram, and Amazon. As a result, there is a growing gap between what users think of the technology around them and how companies influence their consumption. These companies say they cannot stop "the natural evolution of technology." But "the natural evolution of technology" has never been innate, and it's time to ask what "progress" and technology mean within human life by rethinking its relationship to technology.
Like all advances, technology has its pros and cons. Suppose we tend to focus too much on the wrong sides. In that case, there are people, organizations, companies that want to change the world today by promoting and developing technology with a human face that will benefit all of humanity, and examples abound. OpenAI, an association, has become a company that counts among its creators, Elon Musk and Sam Altman. OpenAI aims to develop an artificial intelligence system where the vast majority of work and research is open, free of charge, open to the public on GitHub, attracts a large number of young talents, and is concerned about ethical issues. Even if Microsoft invested in it, the research is no longer public. Open AI still enjoys an aura with the tech community concerned about a more ethical future.
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Better still, today, the low-tech movement affects more and more people. This concept, which wants to be the opposite of HighTech, was born in the 1960s as a movement critical of it. At the end of the 2000s, several scientists began to study this subject again to bring it up to date, as did the engineer Philippe Bihouix, who advocated using Low-Tech to put an end to the 'depletion of natural resources.
A "Low-Tech Lab" is a laboratory bringing together activists and scientists offering Low-Tech, opensource solutions.
This is based on the fact that technology must provide solutions to "essential needs" in specific sectors: energy, food, water, waste management, building materials, housing, transport, hygiene, or health. Low-Tech must also be durable, that is, "robust, repairable, recyclable." In addition, it must be designed "so that its ecological and social impact is optimal from production, distribution, use and until the end of life."
Finally, it must be accessible: "unlike hightech, its cost and technical complexity are not prohibitive for a large segment of the population." Despite the growth aroused by technology, a more human and healthier version exists, and like any novelty, it evokes strong reactions, sometimes even unreal fantasies. It is up to us to better know how to apprehend it.
Humans and Technology These significant technological developments represent, beyond technical prowess, a flood of philosophical and ethical questions. Do we wish to witness the passing years until the age of 150? Will all the "current organizations in the world" succeed in setting up safeguards as has been done concerning human cloning?
As augmented humanity continues to extend its life expectancy, will it be able to take advantage of new technologies to solve the current environmental crisis?
Will the economic stakes represented by these technological developments not take precedence over ethics and morality? Can the planet survive this race for energyintensive technology? To what extent will citizens accept to gain in life expectancy but potentially by losing their freedom? The development and quick uptake of new digital technologies and the appearance of current environmental problems like global warming, the depletion of fossil fuels, the deterioration of biodiversity, or even water shortages have all been added to this demographic transition. 12
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Augmented Man: Where Will the Extension of Our Life Expectancy Stop? The idea of perpetual life has always attracted people; in Homer's Illiad, composed between 850 and 750 BC, the nymph Calypso tempts Odysseus by promising him youth and immortality. What if the concept of eternal life were more science than fantasy? According to futurologist Laurent Alexandre, the first guy who will live more than 1000 years has already been born. According to Google's director of engineering, Ray Kurzweil, immediate immortality is possible.
If these forecasts seem far-fetched, technological progress inevitably allows many innovations in the medical field, making us augmented humans. "Big Data and artificial intelligence will allow us to predict diseases and implement preventive treatments, and nanotechnology will change how we practice medicine. For example, soon, nanorobots will clean the arteries of augmented humans while feeding on their cholesterol," explains serial entrepreneur Uwe Diegel. 3D printing is also giving rise to impressive feats: for example, a team of Israeli scientists recently managed to print an entire heart from human tissue.
Every component of the human body will one day be able to be substituted.
How Are Start-ups Accelerating The Process? Many startups are exploiting the potential of new technologies to revolutionize the healthcare sector. This is, for example, the case of Neura Link, the company co-founded by Elon Musk, which develops brain implants of direct neural interfaces intended to allow paralyzed people to control a computer. In addition, the French startup Pixium Vision offers a bionic vision system for the visually impaired. Uwe Diegel has created Lifeina box, a portable mini fridge that allows individuals to keep their medicines at the right temperature. For the entrepreneur, the challenge is not to know if technology will make us augmented men and extend our life expectancy: it is already the case. If tomorrow we all reach the age of 150, what will be the consequences on our planet? We are still very far from the colonization of a new planet; we must find solutions to current environmental problems; this is undoubtedly the biggest challenge of the 21st century.
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To meet this challenge, entrepreneurs must move from 'Tech for Money' to 'Tech for Good,' that is to say, innovate and use technologies for the good of the planet. Many entrepreneurs are already adopting a 'Tech for Good' approach. For example, startup Nebia invented a shower head that atomizes water into millions of tiny droplets. According to the startup, their showerhead would save 757 billion gallons of water and four billion dollars annually in California alone if all its residents started using it. In another arena, the English startup Pavegen creates interconnected paving stones that generate energy from
passer-by's footsteps in hightraffic areas such as airports or retail malls. We can highlight Algopack, a local company, and its biodegradable plastic created from green algae. Supporting startups committed to the environmental cause is the focus of numerous efforts. This is especially true of GreenTech Verte; a government initiative started in 2016 to merge the digital revolution with the ecological transformation. GreenTech Verte supports the sharing of environmental data and hosts an incubator, requests for projects, startup competitions, hackathons, and other events.
Bottom Line The upcoming decades will mark a significant turning point for augmented humanity to adopt the technologies and energies that will restore an environmental balance. It is also expected to resolve the sociological issues linked to the growing age of the world population. Since extending the world's life expectancy is generally perceived as excellent news, it raises many environmental questions. The future entrepreneurs and Tech for Good will therefore have the difficult task of reconciling augmented humanity and preserving its environment. In the face of environmental challenges, technology will continue to play a crucial role in enabling people to live longer thanks to medical advancements made possible by new technologies. These people will also be able to adapt to future ecological and environmental changes.
Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare
Making Impactful Strides Towards the Future by Toulika Das
Imagine a world where you are lying on a bed in a hospital while a robot performs necessary surgery single-handedly. While the world may not have advanced to this hyper-realistic level of technology, artificial intelligence has made significant strides in healthcare.
DEC 2022
AI in Healthcare Numerous technologies that have revolutionized medicine and healthcare have emerged due to the quick technological advancements in recent years. The development of software systems, the rapid rise of microprocessor technology, and the expanding accessibility of the internet all benefit the field of artificial intelligence. These developments have led to various widely used devices, such as tablets, mobile phones, laptops, and interactive virtual reality devices. The McKinsey Global Institute (MGI) has investigated how automation and AI may change the nature of labour. It is concluded that while automation will touch most employment across industries, the degree of impact will vary greatly. Healthcare has one of the lowest overall automation potentials, with only 35% of time spent being automatable, depending on the vocation. The possibility of acceptance differs from the potential for automation. The analysis assumes a midway scenario that predicts that 15% of current healthcare labour hours would be automated. The pandemic increased diseases linked to modern lifestyles, and an expanding global population has put enormous strain on the modern-day healthcare system. The best part about implementing artificial intelligence is that healthcare might become more affordable, efficient, individualized, and equitable to develop intelligent systems and workflows. According to some experts, the healthcare sector will likely be most impacted by the massive changes brought on by the fourth industrial revolution. 17
Impact on the Workforce and Beyond Biotech companies and healthcare employees presently use a range of AI technologies. The critical application categories are recommendations for diagnosis and treatment, patient involvement and adherence, and administrative chores. Implementation challenges will prevent the jobs of healthcare professionals from becoming immensely automated for a considerable amount of time, even though AI can perform healthcare tasks in many instances just as well as or better than humans.
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Demographic aging, shifting patient expectations, a change in lifestyle preferences, and the never-ending innovation cycle are just a few of the inescapable drivers driving demand. The effects of an aging population stand out among these. Onefourth of the people in North America and Europe will be over 65 by 2050, meaning the healthcare systems will have to deal with more patients with complicated demands. It is expensive to manage these patients, and procedures must change from a philosophy of episodic care to a considerably more proactive and centred on long-term care management.
Changing clinical workflows is where AI in healthcare has the most potential. AI can provide value by automating or enhancing the job of staff members and clinicians. We can utilize AI to help health professionals perform better at their professions and improve patient outcomes, and many repetitive operations will eventually become entirely automated. Healthcare organizations that can completely rethink and redesign their workflows and procedures and apply machine learning and AI to build an intelligent health system will be the most successful.
Healthcare organizations that can completely rethink and redesign their workflows and procedures and apply machine learning and AI to build an intelligent health system will be the most successful.
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The Types of AI in Healthcare 1
Machine learning
Machine learning, or ML, is a subfield of artificial intelligence that analyzes past data, present knowledge, and interactions using an algorithm. Medical professionals can now predict the optimum course of treatment for patients thanks to this study. It is essential for streamlining and improving healthcare administration and procedures. One of the critical components of ML is data annotators, wherein tumour cells are more precisely marked using CT and MRI imaging.
Physical Robots
Physical robots are a common form of artificial intelligence in the medical industry. Scientists initially created robots to transport medical supplies. However, modern robots can be found in better conditions. Given the fact that more than 200,000 industrial robots are used each year worldwide, physical robots are now well-known. These robots can work alongside people and are simple to teach to do specific jobs. Due to the operating system's integration of AI capabilities, they are more intelligent- intellectually.
Since 2000, surgical robots have left their imprint on operating rooms. This field of AI is still undergoing potential advancements.
Natural Language Processing (NLP)
It is the process of a machine comprehending and interpreting text or language. NLP can assist in analyzing patient medical information and provide recommendations for enhancing the effectiveness of the techniques employed and improving patient outcomes. NLP is frequently used in AI to comprehend and categorize medical records. When a machine understands what a user is attempting to say, it responds appropriately.
Robotic Process Automation
This branch of AI was primarily created for administrative functions. RPA (Robotic Process Automation) is less expensive than other forms of AI. Contrary to its name, this technology does not employ robots; instead, it uses a computer program. RPA is used in healthcare to bill patients, update their medical data, and record early authorizations. It can even be combined with other technologies, like picture recognition, to extract data. Most sizable healthcare firms are starting to embrace AI in some capacity. But the process of discovering how to use artificial intelligence to improve healthcare is still in its infancy. Making predictions using machine learning and AI is one of the prominent use cases. Organizations are employing AI to forecast everything from emergency department volumes (to improve staffing and triage) to the medicines that may be most successful for breast cancer patients. 21
The Future of AI in Healthcare Every aspect of healthcare, from accounting to surgery, can benefit from using AI. Let's look at some potential healthcare uses. Doctors can highlight pertinent information from patients' medical records using the Natural Learning Process (NLP). This data aids them in making wise treatment decisions for the patient. AI can store a sizable amount of data, offering pertinent patient information and suggesting the best course of therapy. Another vital contribution of artificial intelligence in healthcare is the introduction of chatbots. Even for minor health issues that people may handle on their own, people often arrange appointments with their doctors, which results in a busy schedule for doctors. Patients can use chatbots to cut costs associated with unnecessary healthcare visits. Chatbots are nothing but artificial intelligence applications that use algorithms to operate. These chatbots rapidly respond to any inquiries or concerns. Additionally, they offer solutions to patient issues and even advise people to self-treat minor health issues. Chatbot services aroundthe-clock allow doctors to work in a laidback setting. Robots with integrated AI technology can carry out medical procedures, including surgeries. Surgery performed 22
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by surgical robots is exceptionally accurate. These surgical robots can gather patient surgery histories from the past and make decisions based on those facts. AIimplemented robots can, at times, replace people as nursing aides. These machines are referred to as virtual nursing aides. They may take on responsibilities ranging from talking with patients to caring for patients. They can examine patients, respond to their inquiries, and offer appropriate remedies because they are available around the clock. Care Angel is the first virtual nurse's aide in the world. Care management for vulnerable and at-risk populations was one of the most challenging and expensive aspects of healthcare that Care Angel was founded to address. Millions of high-cost, high-risk patients (particularly those with chronic diseases) can receive dependable, cheap remote monitoring from the comfort of their homes thanks to Care Angel's SmartCare platform.
Bottom Line As AI is still in its early stages, its long-term impacts are not entirely clear. Future AI applications may profoundly change how healthcare is delivered, how innovation is done, and how each of us perceives our own health. We can see a moment in the future when population-level data from wearables and implants will transform our knowledge of human biology and the mechanisms underlying the action of medications, enabling individualized and real-time care for all. Building an intelligent health system will improve patient experiences while making professionals better at what they do rather than replacing them. 23
DEC 2022
Technology Under Your Skin The Microchip Challenges by Utsav Mishra
Technology has evolved a lot in the past few years. We've seen technological revolutions, be it AI turning the world around or virtual reality being able to transfer us to a different world. The metaverse has been a great addition to the fleet. Technology is climbing unprecedented heights in the healthcare industry to create a better world. We have seen diseases getting cured and different gadgets being developed to tackle these deadly diseases. We are headed up for more appealing technological evolutions as the world changes.
But now we are witnessing something different, something too connected to the human body— microchips implant. In simple words, we can label it as 'technology under our skin'. But is it just that? Or is there something more to that? In this article, we'll try to focus on several factors around microchips. Let's move ahead and understand what microchip implants are.
What is Microchip Implant? A microchip implant can be referred to as a device that can be injected or implanted into the skin of any human or pet animal. These microchips are tiny so that they can be inserted into anyone without rigorous surgery. Microchip implants are usually introduced with a syringe specially developed for the purpose or can be implanted with minor surgery. A microchip implant, also known as injected ID or ID chips, can either be in the form of an integrated circuit or an RFID (radio frequency identification) tag layered in a silicon casing with a size similar to a grain of rice. They are employed not only in humans but also in pets for identifying purposes.
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These implants often have a unique identification number that companies or governments can use to retrieve information housed in an external database, such as ID, medical history, prescriptions, allergies, location, and contact information.
Technology Under Your Skin In Sweden, hundreds of individuals have had microchips implanted in their hands. The chips are supposed to speed up users' everyday routines by being able to access their surrounding environment. They can be used to store emergency contacts, e-tickets for events, social media profiles, and rail excursions. In the coming years, microchips can make their lives more pleasant. They can access their homes, businesses, and gyms. Microchips, through interconnected networks, can do all the things a person used to desire for the future world as easily as making a phone call in today's world.
You must understand that these chips are an extension of the Internet of Things (IoT), a universe of connected devices that keeps growing every minute. With over 30 billion devices connected by the end of 2020, the number is expected to grow to approximately 75 billion by 2025. Just as the world begins to appreciate the numerous benefits of the IoT and the dark side of 'smart everything', including connected cities, we are now looking at little chips posing significant new privacy challenges.
In 1998, Kevin Warwick, a professor at Reading University, had a chip implanted in his palm to demonstrate that it was possible and as a way of exploring the transhumanist belief that integrating technology with the flesh is the next phase in humanity's evolution. 27
Advocates of microchips consider them to be safe and secure; however, scientists are expressing privacy concerns due to the nature of information tracked and stored in these devices.
Implanting chips in the human body may have privacy and security concerns that extend far beyond clicking pictures in public places, facial recognition, tracking of locations, driving habits, spending histories, and even data ownership. These concerns pose significant challenges to the technology's acceptance.
The Challenges Ahead We've listened to and read about the advocacy of microchips from every corner of the world, but here we need to address the challenges they possess and how we can try to look at them with an unbiased perspective.
The Game of Context
Uncertainty We are unaware of the long-term effects of these chips on the human body, and the societal repercussions of widespread acceptance of implanting chips. There can be several assumptions about how the use of them will turn out to be, but without testing, still, an uncertainty remains which will impact the growth of an aspiring market. With proper testing and new arrivals, people can at least be sure about the usage and the pros and cons of microchip implants.
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Context while letting someone access your data is a big thing, but with something inside your body, you never know if that context is still relevant. People offering services can serve you better if they have more information about you. For instance, if you continually keep the GPS on, it could help to know if you're speeding.
Accessing and Controlling Your Data Any new technology is rife with flaws and weaknesses. Microchips are in the same boat as many other technologies. The combination of sensitive information and trust on a single chip makes it a tempting target for hackers all over the world. When information is writable or readable, data corruption becomes much more accessible. Allowing corporations to scan your chip for identification gives them access to your location within their establishment.
You might need to implant one chip for the subway, another for your credit card, one for your library, etc.
Lack of Norms and No Replacement
Unfortunately, due to the enormous diversity of digital identification systems, a single card can't be used for several purposes. You might need to implant one chip for the subway, another for your credit card, one for your library, etc. Undoubtedly, this technology will develop with time, bringing more functionality. But with old hardware, new functionality limits itself, so sooner, there'll be a need for hardware replacement.
Health Concerns
If sufficient care is not taken, the implanted chips could migrate within the body. This would be less of a concern if chips were standard or devices could track them. But if the chips are in a location that is hard to discover, it will get tough to find them and will be even more challenging for medical professionals to take care of the same. The FDA has noted various concerns for human microchipping, including unfavourable tissue reactions, electrical hazards, and arguably crucially, incompatibility with strong-magnetic medical equipment such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRIs). You can't take any metal piece while going for an MRI scan, which includes pacemakers, aneurysm clips, dental implants, hip/knee replacements (unless they're nonmagnetic titanium), and embedded microchips.
The Surveillance Threats
Consequently, such technology can look like the next logical step— especially among individuals who already favour skin piercings and various tattoos. But on the other hand, the insertion of identifying microchips in humans also seems to bear the seeds of a particularly intrusive form of surveillance, especially at a time when authorities in some parts of the world have been forcibly collecting DNA and other biological data—including fingerprints, blood samples, voice recordings, iris scans, and other unique identifiers—from all their citizens, in an extreme form of the surveillance state. Before choosing what to think of this tech, we should delve under the hood and find out more about some of the pieces of this hybrid human-machine technology.
Before choosing what to think of this tech, we should delve under the hood and find out more about some of the pieces of this hybrid human-machine technology. Conclusion All said and done, microchips still have a fair edge in the upcoming tech market. The technology is now widely used in commercial markets after years of research. Experts do believe that a limited and regulated interaction between biological systems and mechanical equipment would provide the human body with everything it needs. They believe that it should be able to fill the role of the organic conditions that have been existing as the link between human physiological processes and the environment.
The Newest Forms of Digital Realities are
Transforming Modern Workplaces by Bhumika Dutta Living in the reality of technology is something we must contend with in today's world. Different elements of technology are ingrained in our daily lives in such a way that we barely notice their presence. So, we can only choose to live with or without the progress of technology; we cannot ignore it. Virtual reality and augmented reality are two technological areas that are merging with numerous professions of work and enhancing those environments' working conditions. Employees could greatly benefit from having a better understanding of how reality might better match the organizational environment. 34
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VR technology is already commonplace and widespread among gamers and futurists.
The Different Forms of 'Reality' Aside from automation, there are two more fascinating areas of technology that enthral experts. The two fields of artificial intelligence that are expanding the fastest are virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR), both employed extensively across various sectors.
reality headsets to each of its new hires. In addition, it developed a virtual environment, or "metaverse," where workers could interact, form teams, go through training, and cooperate. This saved them a lot of time and expense.
In some ways, VR technology is already commonplace and widespread among gamers and futurists. Instead of paying for pricey flights to transport new hires to training and orientation centers in 2020, Accenture, the consulting giant, distributed virtual
So, what exactly is virtual reality? As the name suggests, VR is a virtual world that shuts out the real world and creates a virtual environment for you when you plug in using your special headset.
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Augmented reality is a bit different from virtual reality. With AR, virtual details are added to the actual environment, which still plays a major role in your experience. When using a phone or tablet, the virtual features are often overlaid on the screen, allowing you to learn more about an object just by pointing your device at it. AR just adds to the environment, unlike VR, which creates a virtual environment. There's also Extended Reality (XR), which is an umbrella term when these technologies are used together.
But, what is the relevance of these realities in a workplace? Many businesses want to use augmented reality and virtual reality to enjoy innovation in the learning curve and high business benefits, but they are unsure about how to get started. To assist you in understanding how AR and VR may be used in the workplace and how you fit into the reality of the tech world, we've listed out how AR/ VR can completely transform any workspace environment.
Transformation of the Present Workplace using AR/VR
Managing events, leasing offices, and selling cars are just a few examples of how this technology may be applied.
Although AR and VR are still in their infancy, they are already recognized as valuable tools that are becoming more relevant and used in all facets of life. The majority of us understand that virtual reality makes games more realistic, and educational institutions are adopting technology to help make instruction more efficient. However, companies are now discovering that these technologies may enhance outcomes both inside and outside the workplace. Here is a list of a few sectors that AR/VR has already started impacting. 38
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One of the main things VR and AR is used for in the workplace is to train employees. The day when workers had to memorize theoretical information and wait until they acquired practical experience before starting any actual project is long past. The use of AR/ VR technology allows for a practical learning method without having an impact on the real world.
AR/VR has also been a boon to the human resources department of any company in terms of recruiting employees. Recent technological advancements have made life difficult for those in the recruiting industry. The main appeal of VR is that it may make interviews less stressful and more engaging than a standard phone conversation.
After the COVID-19 pandemic, many companies have opted for remote workers and using augmented reality and virtual reality to train the employees made the process easier and cheaper.
To evaluate knowledge and compatibility, aptitude and skills tests can also be administered in VR. The candidate would be placed in a situation that closely resembles what they would encounter at work if these assessments were to be used in conjunction with training programmes.
Since the technology provides a better learning environment where mistakes aren't expensive, Christopher Lind, chief learning officer of Florida-based ChenMed, said he has been utilizing VR to engage and educate staff for several years. He said it also offers a more pertinent and practical training experience that hastens workers' comprehension of real-life situations.
And because scenarios may be placed into a training scheme that is controlled by the trainer depending on a person's ability, experience, job function, etc., managers can more readily adapt training materials to the needs of each employee, according to Lind.
Both AR and VR involve an initial investment and integration phase in each of these cases, but it is intended to ultimately be a significant costsaver and a fantastic method to increase the advantages of the digital workplace. 39
Many companies are taking full advantage of AR/VR to increase sales. AR/VR may not only facilitate corporate connections with potential customers, but it can also cut down on travel expenses and establish the business as a real pioneer in its industry. Beyond one-on-one interactions, businesses are using these technologies to market goods and services. In this regard, potential customers are warmly welcomed and given complete service in the virtual reality setting. Managing events, leasing offices, and selling cars are just a few examples of how this technology may be applied. Because they are excellent for showing concepts in an attentiongrabbing fashion, businesses that rely on pre-production sales may also find AR/VR helpful in increasing the numbers before projects commence.
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In this post-pandemic era, communication is the hardest feat to achieve for any company, as employees in remote and hybrid settings can feel less involved in the company's business. AR/VR can play a great role in this and make things a lot easier. Speaking to several faces on a screen doesn't usually provide the same level of trust as conversing with people faceto-face; VR may alter that. Employees can sense a better connection to peers by having teams communicate in a virtual room since the technology simulates the in-person experience.
The technology enhances peer engagement by enabling participants to connect with peers in ways other than text on a computer screen, such as through body language. 41
Partnership In the end, these digital ecosystems allow for deeper, more significant collaborations between corporations and a network of external businesses. The whole supply chain will gain from the use of new tools and technology that will make it easier than ever for everyone to share resources, develop new goods and services, and learn from one another. 42
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Partnerships based on the digital ecosystem may open up new business prospects, bring about economies of scale, provide access to cutting-edge technology, and assist staff in forming close bonds with both their peers and their partners' personnel.
The Future of Workplace using AR/VR There are many other applications of these realities in other sectors. Product development, human resource practices, training, and so much more are done by using AR and VR. However, consider the difficulties your company faces in deciding which technologies are more appropriate for your environment.
Today's market offers a wide variety of technologies that can aid with quick content creation and decrease entry barriers.
There are methods for implementing these technologies at a reasonable cost. Today's market offers a wide variety of technologies that can aid with quick content creation and decrease entry barriers. Be concise and specific and include measurement. Also, plan for the tools and equipment you'll need and how you'll provide them to your staff. After some practice, you'll be able to scale your plans, include successful concepts, and modify the experience to fit your working environment.
Is Biometrics in Schools Really Worth It?
by Ragini Agarwal
By 2027, the total revenue from biometrics authentication and identification is estimated to reach a startling rate of 99.63 billion USD. Right now, the global biometric market revenue is only 42.9 billion USD. This clearly indicates how much potential biometrics technology holds for the future. This is majorly because of the expansion in the use-case of these systems. For the constant growth and upliftment of any educational institute student, there has to be regular upgradation in the environment. These upgrades can include changes in the teaching pattern, the environment, the types of equipment used, and methods of basic activities at school.
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One of these approaches is how a student's class attendance is recorded. Traditional attendance procedures take a lot of time and are less effective. For security reasons, teachers manually record students' attendance as well as their academic performance. You may considerably profit from a biometric security system since it saves a lot of time and offers several other advantages. 45
The Functionality of Biometrics in Education
Identity Management System
The practices, procedures, and tools used in identity management system creates user identities and enforce restrictions on who has access to what digital resources.
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In addition to preventing unauthorized access to systems and resources, an identity management system also aids in preventing the exfiltration of enterprise or protected data and raises alerts and alarms when unauthorized individuals or programs attempt to gain access from both inside and outside the enterprise perimeter.
Class Attendance
Institutions have struggled with the issue of proxy attendance for many years. Employees have been known to modify their clocking-in time by disturbing the conventional procedure. The biometrics-based solution, however, is both fraud and error-proof. It also helps in taking the attendance of the students in a school with more accuracy. Since everything is automated, there is no possibility of any kind of cheating.
International organizations, such as the European Union, have led research in this field using E-system Assessment for Learning. In these projects, 17 European organizations use facial and keystroke recognition technology to recognize the identities of university students.
The new face-recognition biometric software will also be used in conjunction with CCTV cameras to identify strangers by their faces.
The use of thumbprint biometrics in student identification helps to ensure that no strangers are present in the classroom or on the university campus. The new face-recognition biometric software will also be used in conjunction with CCTV cameras to identify strangers by their faces. Additionally, a blocking protocol that prevents anyone from entering or leaving the campus during an emergency can be triggered.
How Can Education System Be Benefited from Biometrics? Easy to use
Saves Time
There are several complex software and machines present in the market that can be used in schools. But, the fact that biometrics is the easiest-to-use mechanism for this purpose makes it the most preferred choice in educational institutions.
No matter how much we say humans can't be compared to machines, this is a fact that machines are much more efficient than humans. A computer also commits a mistake in the output when the input from our side is not accurate. However, humans are more likely to cause errors as we can't be 100% accurate. Moreover, a machine like biometrics saves a lot of time as it is quicker than activities.
Accuracy This kind of school attendance management system's accuracy is one of its strongest points. The information about fingerprints or any other physiological characteristics recorded by the software cannot be subject to fraud or tampering. As a result, each student is listed, complete with information on their check-in and check-out timings, the number of events and classes they attended, etc.
Simplifies Payroll Payroll processing takes a lot of time and work. The biometric attendance software and payroll processing software can be combined to track leaves taken by faculty members and office personnel as well as half-days, late arrivals, overtime work, and extra days. That is also taken care of by the attendance control system at your school. As a result, payroll increases and deductions can be made instantly and accurately. Furthermore, using biometrics makes it straightforward to ascertain what a teacher is doing at any given moment. Calculations become easy, and it's simple to manage and oversee employees.
Financially Viable The ROI for biometrics is also very good. Manual attendance costs the school or college money in addition to time, staff, and supplies. Everything is expensive: security, file organizers, storage space, and attendance registers. Biometrics readers require very little upkeep over time. Therefore, while the initial installation costs may seem more than having your teacher record attendance, you save money by not needing security personnel to guard entrances or administrative employees to keep attendance records up to date and provide attendance trends reports.
While the initial installation costs may seem more than having your teacher record attendance, you save money by not needing security personnel to guard entrances or administrative employees
Does Biometrics Make The Environment Secure? Since there is a significant potential that someone may infiltrate schools and have unrestricted access to children, there is a need for increased security. Having exact control over who enters and leaves a school makes it much safer. To ensure that all employees are being completely truthful about their backgrounds and credentials, biometrics can be utilized in schools. Everyone wants to make sure that children are secure, and Amber Coburn, a Data Security Analyst at Academized, believes that incorporating biometric data in schools, initially for instructors and subsequently for students, may be one way to do so.
Conclusion From the above discussion, we can say that biometrics is not only beneficial from a safety point of view but has a wide array of use cases in any educational institute that is aiming to raise security standards. Recently, keeping the COVID-19 guidelines in mind, contactless biometric analysis was introduced. With this technology, students don't have to put their thumb on the sensors; rather there is a camera that captures the face of a student and verifies it with the student's details. This way, there is no contact between the students and, therefore, less possibility of any infection getting transmitted. Both business workers and educators benefited greatly from this transformation. Future biometric technology will include voice recognition and other biometric authentication techniques, making it safer and simpler to access employee data at work, apply for loans, or use money management software.
Is the Digital World Changing
Our Sense of Community?
by Swarnendu Acharjee From working as a team to hunt and gather for livelihood to segregated societies prioritizing independent living, we have come a long way.
Rapid urbanization without proper planning has led to a scarcity of places for people to socialize.
Moreover, with time, as people have gone digital, real-life interactions have decreased. In simple words, the oral era has now changed to a scribal era.
With the increasing popularity of e-commerce websites, people are more reluctant to go to markets and stores, which are major socializing touchpoints. Lifestyle is changing with work culture; after working for long hours, people prefer to rest at home rather than interact with other people, including their neighbours. However, we can see the shift from physical to online interactions wherein someone might not know about their neighbour but will talk to a person living miles or even continents apart!
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Evolving Sense of Community Rapid urbanization leads to the hasty development of cramped residential projects that hinder social interaction, and the digital revolution seems to be the major cause of the changing sense of community. However, the literature review can expose a different reality. Robert Putnam, an American social scientist, points to the 1960s as a significant point in history when public interactions started to decline and the sense of community started changing. Putnam puts forward a long list of declining civic institutions, including informal socializing with friends, fraternal and veteran groups, religious participation, fewer family dinners, social visits, etc. But there was no internet then, so what might have led to the decline? Using data sources like the General Social Survey and time diary data, allegedly, a 10% decline had occurred due to pressures of time and the growth of dual-earner families; a further 10% decline was due to rapid urbanization and increased commuting times, and a large 25% decline was due to people giving more time to electronic entertainment. Even though he presented these data in the early 2000s, these factors of social change remain relevant even today.
The Digital Community Initially, a community was representative of face-to-face interactions and relationships, but in today's era, it is not entirely true because the sense of community is changing. We see the emergence of virtual communities and peer groups through social media apps like Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, etc. Some apps like Clubhouse and Discord are catered to a particular niche of people with the same interests. The key to creating a digital community is to have a mobile or desktop platform (preferably both) that is userfriendly, smooth and engaging enough for many people to form groups or communities. Although digital communication lacks the physical touch, it enables real-time communication across geographical barriers. It allows us to know about the characteristics of a person and decide whether we want to socialize with them. Thus, the digital age of communication has opened a new window of communication where it is easier to interact with strangers too! The absence of face-to-face interaction and the growth of digital interaction shouldn't be frowned upon, though. Recently, social media has spread and scaled up major mass mobilization events.
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Although digital communication lacks the physical touch, it enables real-time communication across geographical barriers.
Social support initiatives during the covid pandemic have all been fuelled by digital media. When years of social distancing had taken a toll on people's mental health, it was through digital interactions that people stayed sane. If we try to keep our minds open to the changing times and accept the new paradigms, we can embrace the various new ways people of the same interests socialize. We have seen this during the popularity of Pokemon Go, and we will see more of such with the emerging web3 ecosystem of Metaverse.
What's online today will go virtual tomorrow, and it will be the digital experience that will fuel the "new" sense of community and relationships between people or, in virtual terms, avatars. 57
Community and Its Businesses It is hard to classify which version of socializing is correct - online or physical interactions. Although this is a very subjective topic, both communities have pros and cons, and both should co-exist for a healthy society to thrive, and none should eclipse the existence of the other. For now, since the online community is growing, it is essential to revitalize the offline community. Major touch points of such physical communities are businesses where a lot of people gather. With the advent of e-commerce and its better offerings and competitive prices, physical businesses are seeing fewer footfalls. Local 58
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community businesses, which were already hit hard during covid, are facing the brunt of it. Contests are a great way to encourage crowd interaction as well as give a push to local businesses. Local businesses have a great potential to give back to the community; if there is an event in the neighbourhood, they can either sponsor the event or set up stalls. Moreover, people who have benefitted from their community and have become successful and wealthy can help these businesses through sponsorship or donations, ultimately giving back to their community.
Conclusion A community always has a sense of oneness and commonality, whether online or offline. Where online communities transcend borders, people from offline communities can physically be there for each other in times of need. Community building is a continuous process that will evolve and keep changing with time. Ultimately, the community stands for individuals who are there for each other, both during easier and challenging times. This sense of oneness and mutual welfare is evident in the community ventures like community radios, banks, etc. As community radios can help express a community's
concerns, so do community banks by providing better banking options to benefit the local community. However, for socially awkward people, there are online communities wherein companies always try to create a more accepting, welcoming, and responsive user experience. Children of this generation are more attracted to the digital sphere, whereas people of the older generation prefer physical interactions. None is better than the other, but it narrows down to who feels comfortable and in which community because, ultimately, a community should be a place of comfort and homeliness. 59
Letting You Talk to the Dead
Technology or Ouija Board by Rehan Husain
Once again, the season when supernatural beings come out to play has arrived. However, you might reconsider using a Ouija board to communicate with the other side. Although Ouija boards have a long history of being popular toys, hoax spiritualist devices, and instruments of the devil, they won't genuinely put you in contact with demons or spirits.
Any terrifying first-hand accounts of authentic Ouija board horror stories that you may read or hear are exaggerations, fabrications, or incorrect knowledge of how Ouija boards operate. Although is it not fascinating that we can communicate with the departed souls? Here After AI, located in California, is responsible for developing the app that allows you to keep your departed loved ones close by as a voice assistant. The company's ultimate goal is to make it possible for the living and the dead to interact with one another. Technology that allows contact with the dead has been a genre staple for decades; medical professionals and spiritualists have yearned for a tool like that. However, with the development of AI and speech technology, this is now becoming a reality.
The Ouija board was a parlour game with little occult significance.
From Parlour Game to Hellgate Most mediums claimed subjective experiences of spirits during trance states, but "physical mediums" used increasingly intricate tricks to convince audiences they were encountering the otherworldly. Flanagan's clip shows toddlers hiding in cabinets to make noises or move objects. The 1940s National Association of Spiritualism outlawed physical mediumship. The Ouija board was a parlour game with little occult significance. World War I boosted the Ouija board's popularity, especially on college campuses. Folklorist Bill Ellis says one professor called it "a severe national menace" by 1920.
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The Potential of Ouija Spiritualists and other would-be communicators utilized improvised devices dubbed "talking boards" before the invention of Ouija boards. In the middle of the nineteenth century in the United States, millions of individuals suddenly became interested in communicating with the dead after the tremendous loss of life in the Civil War. Before Ouija boards and planchettes were copyrighted in 1890, scientists began examining the ideomotor effect due to their popularity and usage as a tool to exploit bereaved soldier families. Studies have shown that the ideomotor effect is strongest when the subject believes he cannot actively participate in the production of their movements. The less command you think you have over your life, the greater the influence of your unconscious mind. That's where the Ouija board's triangular pointer comes in. Using the planchette, you may more easily direct and focus your muscular motions while fooling your conscious mind into thinking you do not influence them. This is also why the planchette seems to move more swiftly when more than one person is using it, as this allows for a more significant number of people's subconscious brains to simultaneously come up with equally eerie replies. 63
Even when participants thought they did not know the answer, the Ouija board helped them provide more accurate responses than when they felt they were guessing.
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The Ouija board might also be used to get insight into one's mind. A 2012 study revealed that Ouija board use improved memory for factual information compared to no board use. Test takers were asked to respond to a battery of yes/no questions and then indicate how certain they were of their responses. The participants were again asked similar questions, using a Ouija board to show "yes" or "no" and assessing their level of certainty in their responses. Even when participants thought they did not know the answer, the Ouija board helped them provide more accurate responses than when they felt they were guessing. Scientists involved in the study have since theorized that utilizing a Ouija board to access dormant memories could reveal information about the earliest stages of Alzheimer's disease and other neurodegenerative disorders. That is to say, the Ouija board may be a formidable means of communication, but not in the sense that most people expect.
The ideomotor effect is appealing because it allows talking with a previously inaccessible source (your subconscious) and because this experience can feel like communicating with the paranormal or the unknown. Some individuals attribute seemingly miraculous or otherworldly happenings to actual, physical effects like these. It's a staple of demonic possession hoaxes, as it convinces onlookers that the "possessed" individual is acting independently of her will. It can also make people believe they can write "automatically," or that spirits can use their handwriting to communicate with the living. Exorcists, psychics, mediums, and others who claim to be able to channel energies often employ the ideomotor effect to trick their clients, putting them at risk of serious physical, mental, and financial harm. The practice of dowsing is yet another way in which the ideomotor effect has been commercialized.
Dead Relatives Can Finally Talk, Thanks to Modern Technology There is a new technology on the horizon that will enable the dead to communicate with us, or so the stories going around the internet and social media have it. You may now have conversations with your departed loved ones. Others think it's a very cool feature. I am interested in watching how this technology evolves shortly. The business behind this technology, Here After AI, is situated in California. The company's ultimate purpose is to facilitate communication between the living and the 66
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dead. Hereafter will be the ones to provide channels of connection with the departed; it has been a staple in the science fiction genre for many years. They plan to ensure that the technology is available to everyone. Since most of our loved ones are still with us, we may have digital representations of them made to help us better grasp complex technological concepts. Because of the painful memories associated with departed loved ones, some people may find this technology unsettling or even disturbing.
Seeing their lost loved ones again, especially if they are chatting with them, is bound to make anyone melancholy. Others are concerned that playing God with death is too risky. Lots of folks think these worries are reasonable. You will feel creeped out if you communicate with a computerized duplicate of a loved one.
Because of the painful memories associated with departed loved ones, some people may find this technology unsettling or even disturbing. 67
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Morally wrong or right- An opinion The brain region responsible for involuntary movement isn't linked to the part responsible for tracking those motions, according to the late psychologist and author of The Illusion of Conscious Will, Daniel Wegner. Magical pendulums and dowsing rods both use the same premise. Notably, the more consciously you try to deny your actions, the more forcefully your unconscious will react. However, it would help if you didn't take that as proof of supernatural intervention. In several studies, subjects were asked to utilize the Ouija board while wearing blindfolds. When individuals lose their vision, they are more prone to type incomprehensible messages. Despite its debunking, the history of the Ouija board is fascinating, with the oldest copies appearing in China in the 300s CE and in Europe by the 400s CE. It was initially published in 1891 when spiritualism was at the height of popularity in the United States. Mind reading, clairvoyance, and "second sight" were all trendy activities associated with séances. Some people today still hold the outdated but widespread belief that the Ouija board may be used to communicate with the dead or even summon the devil. Depending on your mental condition, a Ouija board may trigger long-forgotten memories. Scientists think this could be used to create new treatments for neurological and psychological problems like Alzheimer's and schizophrenia. The Ouija board can work its magic as a conduit to the unknown regions of our mind and subconscious rather than the spiritual realm.
Conclusion Elizabeth Owens suggests that communicating with a departed loved one may be simpler than with, say, a deceased celebrity because you have a more personal connection and a more vivid mental image of the former family member. You might think about one specific question you want to ask them about the afterlife, or you can just send them a note of greeting and comfort. Be on the lookout for minor signs that they've heard you, such as the faint aroma of your grandmother's perfume or the appearance of your uncle's watch in your dresser. Keep in mind that the first few times you try talking to the dead, it may feel like you're on the receiving end of a monologue. "We can engage in conversation with them. If we get a response is another matter, "To quote Owens: One must undergo training to accomplish this. Oh, and don't be fooled by the Ouija board's board game appearance. According to Owens, they are accurate and carry several equally serious dangers. She says that when you do that, "you are opening yourself up to any kind of spirit out there." "Sadly, not all ghosts in the afterlife are kind and compassionate. Since opposites attract, being a negative person can draw to us the kind of experiences and circumstances that we would rather avoid." Owens suggests praying for guidance and asking for divine protection before picking up the planchette at a sleepover if you can't resist the desire to play with this classic. 69
Parenting in New Age Digital World by Sameena Katthawala We are living in an age where technology and gadgets are constantly screaming for our attention and disconnecting people, especially the younger generation from the real world. The new dawn of challenges requires new and smarter parenting approach that involves giving the right dose of technology to kids and ensuring that they are protected from the negative side of the coin.
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Parenting in Today’s World The 21st century dawned upon the parents and children with immense technology and resources providing comfort and tools that were not even heard of by the previous generations. Today’s parents believe in smart parenting and getting things done at a faster pace. This involves getting a hold of their career, managing their hobbies and indulging in recreational activities all while they parent a toddler.
Multi-tasking approach is followed by parents giving kids the freedom to use and get engaged by their devices as parents get busy in their own routines.
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This multi-tasking approach is followed by parents giving kids the freedom to use and get engaged by their devices as parents get busy in their own routines. The result is toddlers treating YouTube as their best friends and teens finding solace in virtual world talking to their online connects rather than discussing their problems with their own parents. So yes, there is no denying the fact that it’s a tough time for parents as the comforts of technology come easy but at a price.
Pandemic-led Digitization: A Panacea or Bane For Children? The cherry on the top was pandemic that caused a havoc in people’s lives and turned their lives upside down. Be it adults, tweens or toddlers, the pandemic led to increased screen time in our lives and caused even the most productive people to use more technology and gadgets than ever. While the screens allowed adults to synchronise work schedules and get the businesses running even in the state of complete shutdown and enabled kids to
continue their learning process, it also fuelled technology addiction amongst the masses. The same parents who took away mobile phones from their kids as they passed screen limit had no other option but to make their kids sit in front screens for hours at a stretch to resume their education. Even entertainment was limited to watching stuff online and Netflix, Youtube and other OTT platforms entered our lives swiftly during the pandemic.
The Challenges for Parents
Overuse of Technology
Around 70% of parents believe that their kids use technology way above their screen limit. This has caused kids to disconnect from the reality, causing dormancy and inadequate emotional developments. This leads to less of movement and activity and practically no or very little interest in outdoor activities.
Social Media Obsession
The need to feel socially acceptable and be accepted by the virtual peer has caused high levels pf anxiety and stress in teens. Following trends, copying current styles and getting likes leads to development of poor social skills, FOMO (fear of missing out) and feelings of inadequacy and inferior complex amongst the younger folks.
FOMO (fear of missing out) and feelings of inadequacy and inferior complex amongst the younger folks.
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Lack of eye-contact, inaccurate posture, nervousness in crowd and introverted mind are all signs of social disconnect.
Deteriorated Social Skills
Attention Span Issues
With kids spending way too much in virtual interactions, most of them have a problem when it comes to presenting themselves in the real world, stunting the development of their social skills and relationships with real people. Lack of eye-contact, inaccurate posture, nervousness in crowd and introverted mind are all signs of social disconnect that is prevalent among teens using too much social media.
The attention span of an average human has shortened from 12 seconds to 8 seconds, thanks to the innumerable screens around us. Parents are being faced with kids having short attention spans and often complain of their child being hyperactive and emotionally drained with overuse of gadgets. The need to be always –on, attentive and switch constantly between various platforms and devices has deteriorating mental and physical effects.
Physical and Mental Well-being
Constant sitting in front of the screen results in several physical downsides like development of bad posture, back problems and issues like carpel tunnel syndrome due to excessive movement of thumb, text neck and tendonitis. The effects are more prominent mentally as kids are now more depressed, having anxiety disorders at early stages of life, experience delayed language and communication skills development and may even suffer from attention-deficit hyperactive disorder for life. The constant brain usage while dealing with pressures of internet cause a striking low creativity and higherthinking amongst kids.
Safety and Security of Kids
A prominent challenge faced by today’s parents is ensuring the safety and security of younger folks on internet. With crimes like Cyberbullying and virtual scams, children’s personal information and images are bound to be highly susceptible to exposure and inappropriate usage. Lack of supervision can land them in serious internet troubles and cause stress, financial problems and depression at a ripe age.
With crimes like Cyberbullying and virtual scams, children’s personal information and images are bound to be highly susceptible to exposure and inappropriate usage.
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How Can Parents Help Children Avoid the Negative Effects of The Digital World?
Create No Mobile Zones
The most effective way to diminish the negative effects of digitalised world is by limiting the usage of devices and taking measures to engage the kids more in real world.
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Have specific times of the day when the family sits and talks in general about the daily routines and activities. Parents can always encourage outdoor activities and fun indoor games for engaging with their kids.
Have no mobile zones or times in the family as a habitual practice, especially while eating food. Inculcate conscious eating in kids, be it the toddler or the teen, to save them from the negative physical effects of technology.
Have the kids barred from using screen at least one hour before bedtime as this interferes with their sleep cycle and circadian rhythm, causing sleeplessness and other psychological issues.
Pay Attention to Their Emotional Needs
Parents are often so engrossed in their own chores that it has become difficult for them to cater to the emotional needs of their kids. It is necessary to understand as a parent that every child grows uniquely and is at a different emotional stage. Be it your toddler or the troubling teen, parents need to emotionally connect with gen-Z and understand their emotions.
As a parent, check if the kids are spending too much time online just for the sake of getting likes and subscribers. Stop using gadgets as emotional pacifiers. It is especially seen in infants that parents resort to smartphones and videos when they are throwing tantrums or crying incessantly. This eventually impacts their mental and emotional well-being in the long run.
Teach the kids the value of expressing emotions more in reality rather than putting up emojis and mood status on social media. Enlighten the kids about internet safety and security and teach them ways to handle virtual stress and social media pressures.
Enjoy Technology as a Family
We live in a world surrounded by tech and it can be hard to avoid it every single day. The best way to negate the harmful effects of gadgets is by actively participating in using with the kids. Watch videos and content together with your kids rather than giving them free reign over the internet. Especially for kids below 5 years, parents can always sit with them and talk and engage while they watch videos and films as entertainment.
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Plan movie nights with kids and enjoy the tech as a family by having an hour of your favourite shows play on big screens, wherein the kids and parents can relax and engage collectively. Stress more on quality of the content rather than the quantity.
Co-watch their favourite shows and movies or educational content and remember to keep talking in between (especially the toddlers) in order to stimulate the learning process and enhance development
Practice As You Preach
As the old saying goes “Practice before you preach”, it is necessary that the parents are themselves considerate of their own technological usage. It is true that our workplaces cannot function without gadgets and screens but as soon as you enter your abode, give your screens a rest. Have controls on your own schedule and screen routines and be a role model to your kids by being physically and mentally present with your kids. Avoid using mobile phones or screens as respites when you need to take a break. This shows your kids that there are other ways to feel re-energised and replenished after a hectic day. Follow 20-20-20 rule while watching screens. This means taking a 20 second break every 20 minutes to look at something 20 feet apart from you to re-fuel your brain and eyes.
Avail Internet Safety Tools
Parents need to effectively take care of the things that are being displayed in front of the kids’ screens to ensure that the child is not being exposed to the threatening aspects of the internet. Keep tabs on the children’s search history, browsing websites and the videos that pop up in their tabs or mobile phones. Introduce parental controls in the devices used by the children, especially toddlers to make sure that no harmful content is being viewed or surfed, intentionally or unintentionally. Read and connect with other parents to brush up your technological knowledge and understand the platforms that the kids are using so as to ensure restricted access of content.
Conclusion Technology is inevitable and it cannot be avoided because kids need to be tech savvy and be future ready. However, the key to raising a responsible generation is maintaining the right balance while using tech. The parents who can manage and train them well about tech usage at early stages are definitely going to raise healthy, tech-savvy and highly intelligent beings without much effort.
How Social Media is Changing Human Life
Work, Love, Relationship, Learning, & Commerce by Suraj Kumar
In the last few decades, social media users have drastically increased. According to one study, in 2005, only 5% of American adults were using
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social media sites. But by the end of 2019, 70% of the total United States population was active on various social media sites.
The rapid growth in the number of Facebook (Meta), Instagram, Twitter, and other social media sites users, along with the time spent by each user; has attracted the attention of policymakers, parents, doctors, and other experts to analyze the impact of social media on our day to day lives and psychological health.
Moreover, social media also leads to less time spent with family and friends in person, shaping a new way of building community, relationships, love, and education. Read this article to learn more about how social media alters human life.
Social media has shaped the way of professional recruitment and hiring. Now individuals do not need to depend on traditional CV and jobhunting techniques. Sites like LinkedIn have become important social media platforms for professionals to find new opportunities using its' job search feature.
It's evident that candidates who develop trending or in-demand skills and know about various social media platforms and technology are more likely to get hired. In a recent survey conducted by Pearson and Connections Academy, about 2,000 US parents and their high-schoolaged kids were asked about the "new normal" high schooling. So they could understand how modern technology and social sites will affect the training and development of students.
Job & Work Life
Moreover, users can also work on their personal branding to attract recruiters willing to hire new talents. If we talk about companies, almost 19% of hiring managers make recruitment decisions based on the information available about candidates on social media sites like LinkedIn. Additionally, about 70% of organizations use social media networking platforms to find candidates willing to change their job.
Skills & Learning
Almost 60% of students and over 65% of parents agreed that the usage of social media sites would be a valuable tool and have the potential to become a significant part of new-age high school. Besides this, blogs, LinkedIn, YouTube, Facebook, and podcasts are promising tools to learn new skills and stay updated with the latest technology and terms. 83
Due to the rapid adoption of social media sites, distance schooling has also gained popularity and helped thousands of students to pursue their higher studies in an inexpensive way.
Love & Relationships
Social media sites have become an easy way to connect with remote people living worldwide, which is somehow addictive and encourages youth to connect and engage with like-minded individuals without geographical barriers. As a result, these users have less in-person time to spend with their loved ones. For some users, social media sites are a great platform to engage with different people remotely; this interaction has made them happy and feel connected with their online group or even find their life partner. However, some users also use social media platforms and dating apps to deceive others by providing fake information, leading to a toxic relationship, depression, fraud, money laundering, and many such criminal activities.
Society & Social Media
Almost 33% of the world's population is now active on Facebook. In the case of the USA, 80% of internet users are on Facebook and also use other social media platforms. Social media networking sites allow people to connect with others quickly and grow fan followings. Hence, as they grow, they become more powerful and influence other users to stay active longer on these platforms. However, it has been found that social media sites reduce
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users' loneliness, as they can post their feelings and stories and engage with other active users. People can consume several digital contentlike memes, online learning materials, and expert research by joining relevant publications. Social media gives visibility to social, ethical, and environmental awareness; not only this, but social media has shaped politics, work culture, business, and innovation.
For example, if people are interested in knowing and tasting different foods, they can join a community of food bloggers, chefs, and other food-related groups. The same goes for game lovers, politics enthusiasts, learners, and other professionals to join relevant groups and communities to stay current with the latest updates or trending information about their interests. Social media is affecting the quality of inperson time with family and friends and making users more addicted to staying active on such sites. As a result, families cannot
spend proper time sharing their problems and issues to maintain a healthy relationship with each other.
Cyberbullying becomes a major threat for social media users, especially among kids and teens, who get threatened, cons, and involved in other harmful activities. 87
Social sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram have become great tools for sharing a brand new with the vast majority of the audience.
Commerce & Business
Social media has become an ideal way to discover brands and their products. Businesses understand it and have started focusing on social media platforms to promote their products and spread brand awareness. Brands can create creative posts to inform buyers about the product's benefits. Additionally, they can attract an engaged audience with new offers and discount deals. Social media has the potential to get used as a customer support tool, as brands can directly connect with each different customer and solve their problems instantly. Moreover, they can understand what the audience is looking for and which type of content they engage in. Social sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram have become great tools for sharing a brand new with the vast majority of the audience.
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Conclusion Social networking platforms play such a prominent role in current societal issues, like the popular fundraiser for the ALS using the Ice Bucket Challenge and the high-topic media coverage about ISIS. With all of the societal issues that we face today, social media help to spread information about all current topics. Although social media has its failures, there are several positive impacts it has created in the past decade. These positive impacts include staying in touch with loved ones worldwide, keeping them up to date with the latest news, catch criminals by helping law enforcement, and helping teenagers increase their self-esteem and feel comfortable. Before social media, the typical ways of communicating with loved ones were by telephone or handwritten letters. With social media bringing individuals closer together, we can instantly communicate with individuals worldwide. Another positive impact is accessing information quickly; platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter have allowed users access to plenty of information with simple clicks. There are many things to learn from social media, as it has a vast pool of information about how people become successful, how they run their businesses and other information we need to feed our curiosity. It's been rightly said that information is a powerful tool. Without having accurate information about digital platforms, relevant rules, and regulations, it's hard to harness the real power of social media. 89
The Need for Digitization
in an Aging Population by Toulika Das
One of the significant worldwide trends of the twenty-first century, along with the rise of technology, is the megatrend of aging.
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Which is defined as long lives to the age of 100 as a matter of course, and more older adults than young in all cultures as they modernize.
People have a longer lifespan on a global average. The population of those 65 and older was 727 million in 2020, and by 2050, that number is expected to have doubled to nearly 1.5 billion, representing a 16.3% rise.
As the one billion older persons over 60 who exist today will quadruple to two billion in the next thirty years.
Growing older in a digital age might change the paradigm of being vulnerable into something worthwhile, as the one billion older persons over 60 who exist today will quadruple to two billion in the next thirty years.
AI and Big data: The Game-changers Big data and new technology are changing every industry under the sun. The advantages of this change in the healthcare industry are apparent and will significantly impact how the aging process develops in the future. Big data offers improved ways to guarantee that the appropriate therapy is delivered and helps healthcare practitioners understand sickness and illness more clearly than ever before. Since wearable technology and smart homes may frequently take the role of human caregivers, people can maintain their independence longer. The healthcare environment is already altering as a result of big data. Our capacity to gather data is improving, and with it comes to our ability to use it in more valuable and dependable ways and produce findings that stand on their own. The Pittsburgh Health Data Alliance compiles data from numerous sources, such as medical records, wearables, genetic data, and even social media, to build a thorough portrait of a person for customized healthcare. Thousands of people are compared, theoretically overcoming the problem of inconsistent, erroneous representations of patient health. This illustration shows how data give medical practitioners insight into patients' health. 91
However, it also represents a development in research that examines the health of samples of the entire community.
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Incorporating ICT accessibility also offers alternatives to using technology, ensuring that age-related impairments like reduced vision and hearing loss do not impede access to digital goods and services or the comprehension of information and communication, both of which could be crucial in an emergency or crisis.
How technology can serve the aging world In many ways, digital technologies promote healthy aging. People can use gadgets and applications (sensors, monitors, wristwatches, and mobiles) for ongoing health monitoring and feedback to improve disease prevention and health and well-being at all ages. Digital technologies are giving healthcare workers, managers, and policymakers the tools they need to offer better care. They can operate more resilient health systems and increase survival rates by arming patients with accurate health information. New age gadgets are enhancing the quality of health datasets to enable more precise analysis, diagnosis, and forecasting of health conditions, especially using AI, big data, or virtual reality (VR) simulations. Through computing at the edge, we can aggregate data from gadgets and sensors and combines imaging, diagnosis, and data analytics.
Digital technology has been essential in preventing loneliness and isolation among elderly individuals cut off from family and friends, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. It helps compensate for issues and difficulties commonly associated with aging, including diminished eyesight or hearing. Thus, it prevents older people's social isolation.
ICTs, or information and communication technologies, can promote healthy aging and help individuals live longer, more fulfilling lives. Digital technologies are now a crucial enabler in treatment and prevention methods due to the growth of digital devices for personal and professional use. For instance, wearables and fitness equipment can offer continuous monitoring and prevention when patients go about their everyday activities. Enhancing ICT/accessibility ensures that everyone can utilize information and communication equally and fairly, regardless of age, gender, or ability (ICTs). Incorporating ICT accessibility also offers alternatives to using technology, ensuring that age-related impairments like reduced vision and hearing loss do not impede access to digital goods and services or the comprehension of information and communication, both of which could be crucial in an emergency or crisis.
Digital technology has aided in the fight against loneliness and isolation among elderly individuals cut off from family and friends, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Smart Home to the Rescue The global "smart" home care market is anticipated to grow from $8.7 billion in 2019 to $96.2 billion in 2030, according to the P&S Intelligence analysis. By 2050, there will be 1.5 billion older people, a projected doubling of the current number. The WHO also predicts that by 2050, there will be 2 billion individuals over the age of 60, a shift in the population that will significantly influence the rising emphasis on valuebased care and home care technology.
more inexpensive than other healthcare options, including assisted living, nursing homes, and patient care. Home care technology can frequently take the role of conventional healthcare. Since people of all generations cannot access healthcare professionals in a traditional, in-person setting, telemedicine has grown in popularity over the past year.
With home care technology, families can provide their loved ones with the essential medical care they need at a price that is
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Telemedicine technologies enable the remote transmission of information, frequently via virtual mediums, between patients and doctors to address these previously recognized problems, including wait times and excessive healthcare expenditures. Patients can reduce travel time, transportation expenses, and clinic visits by scheduling appointments over the phone, through video calls, or by an app.
In order to do this, modern sensors and improved interoperability will be included in the fundamental design of our houses and applications to enable health-related monitoring.
Each user will develop and control such metrics based on specific concerns and data preferences, which should ease any worries about 24/7 monitoring and related privacy issues.
Continuous data touch points and non-intrusive health checks would be part of this throughout the day (i.e., in your bed, while in the shower, and opening the fridge).
Sensors will be set up to recognize different indicators, conditions, and symptoms of illness around your home. So that every household member has access to the care they require, these gadgets can automatically alert medical specialists when something is wrong. Data and vitals can now be continuously and discretely communicated with a doctor by patients who are recovering from treatment or disease.
The Decline in Social Isolation The health and happiness of older persons and social isolation are strongly correlated by research. Different technologies have been found to have an impact on social isolation levels. Internet and communication technologies (ICTs), video conferencing, digital gaming, mobility tools, and social networking sites (SNS) are some. Most studies on the subject show that technologies, especially those that improve communication, increase connectivity levels and decrease depressive, lonely, and isolating experiences. However, the usefulness of ICTs and SNS has yielded mixed results.
The maintenance of connections among older persons benefits greatly from long-distance phone or email communication. For instance, compared to people who solely communicate in person, many older folks who are geographically separated from their grandkids have the frequent phone and email exchanges and report feeling emotionally satisfied.
Virtual reality has supplanted face-to-face communication in the post-COVID era, profoundly impacting social connectivity. For instance, seniors have access to virtual field trips like going to a museum with their old acquaintances and interacting with each other in a three-dimensional setting. Seniors can learn about healthcare and socialize socially while still in a safe environment, thanks to various readily available, reasonably cheap technologies. For instance, television alone may promote new health-related knowledge but decrease social engagement. In contrast, emails, video calling, or texting may enable it by reducing adult distance.
One in six persons worldwide will be over 65 by 2050, up from one in eleven in 2019.
Future of Digitization For The Elderly Our planet is aging quickly. By 2050, there will be 1.5 billion individuals worldwide who are 65 years of age or older, up from 703 million in 2019. According to the most recent forecasts from UN DESA, the number of adults 80 and older will triple in the following 30 years. One in six persons worldwide will be over 65 by 2050, up from one in eleven in 2019. This is why the UN has designated 2020–2030 as the Decade of Healthy Aging.
The race is on to scale up the essential digital technologies so that people can age more healthily, have more purposeful lives, and assist society in adjusting to a rise in older and senior people. Artificial intelligence (AI) and other applications of new and developing technology can improve well-being, allow individuals to age more healthfully, and increase access to better healthcare.
Artificial intelligence (AI) can improve well-being, allow individuals to age more healthfully, and increase access to better healthcare.
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