21 Smart Twitter Tips for New Users Follow Them and People Will Follow You
By AB SAM www.techitricks.com
1. Direct messages attract more attention
than those that are automated 2. Interesting tweets should be re-tweeted, and you should thank others for their retweets 3. If you post nothing more than information, your followers will feel that you do not care about them.
4. It is best to talk about yourself no more than 20 percent of the time. 5. You should take the time to reply to others who tweet about you and remember, mentioning people’s names could make a lot of impact. 6. Twitter does not have threaded conversations, so you should always indicate what it is that you are replying to.
7. If your tweets get re-tweeted, your
Twitter name will be exposed to more Twitterers, which will earn you more followers. Re-tweeting can attract many visitors to your blog, particularly if the message contains a link to your site. 8. You should include “RT @yourname� in your tweets to enable re-tweeting.
9. Using hashtags will make your tweets visible even to those who do not follow you, but are searching for hashtags. 10. Obviously, if you wish to be re-tweeted, your tweets should be interesting. Links to news, useful guides, and bizarre or funny things are more likely to be re-tweeted.
11. Asking to be re-tweeted could be of benefit, and can be done by just stating “Please RT.�
12. If someone has 20,000 followers, most will be either spammers or professed experts seeking to increase their own band of followers. Quality beats quantity. 13. Look for people who have no more than a few hundred followers, as these are the people who will read your tweets and are more likely to re-tweet them. 14. Your ratio of followers to followed should be approximately 1:1.
15. Complete your bio and include a picture, ideally of yourself, as research has shown that a bio will make you eight times as likely to attract followers. 16. Create a blog or other website, as it will demonstrate your personality in more detail than is possible in 140character chunks.
17. If there is a Twitter meet-up in your vicinity, you should attend, as it will get you more followers.
18. Tweet regularly, and every day if you can manage that. If your profile was last updated a week ago, people are less likely to follow you
19. Most people read another person’s bio before deciding whether to follow them. If you have no bio or the bio you do have is not descriptive, you will miss out on potential followers. 20. While tweets are 140 characters, you have 160 for your bio, and you should use every last one. 21. Your bio should include critical keywords that will show up in searches. Never claim to be a guru, as this marks you out as something bad.
CONCLUSION There you have them: what to say, how to get retweeted, who to follow, how to get followed, and what to say in your bio.
Following these Twitter tips for new users will make your Twitter experience considerably more interesting and productive. Happy twittering!