TechMix Testimonials - Dairy/Heat Stress

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Testimonial “We saw better appetite and lost about half of milk volume...” “We used Bovine BlueLite® Pellets this summer with the aim of reducing the bad influence of heat stress on our cows,” says Mr József Szili of Bicsérdi Aranymező Dairy. Bicsérdi Aranymező Dairy is a 750 cow dairy operating in a partially remodeled facility in Southern Hungary. When the temperature in Hungary would reach over 32˚C, Szili would feed Bovine BlueLite Pellets at a rate of 120 grams per cow per day for one to two days following the heat. “We fed Bovine BlueLite Pellets in the fresh pen and to the high group,” says Szili. The electrolytes in Bovine BlueLite Pellets help to give cows energy and increase dry matter and water intake. “I want to use Bovine BlueLite Pellets in the future,” says Szili. “We saw better appetite and we lost about half of milk volume compared to what we used to lose in previous years.”

“I want to use Bovine BlueLite Pellets in the future.” Mr József Szili Bicsérdi Aranymező Dairy Southern Hungary

Bicsérdi Aranymező Dairy Southern Hungary

TechMix, LLC Stewart, MN USA

TechMix Europe Spain α ESP43201472 0401702013

Testimonial Support feed intake and maintain production with the help of Bovine BlueLite® Pellets “We started using Bovine BlueLite Pellets when we noticed the cows not eating feed as the temperature increased,” says David Voegeli located in Argyle, WI. David currently milks 60 cows at his dairy farm and relies on Bovine BlueLite Pellets during heat stress events. “This is definitely a good product to use. I have seen positive results.” Bovine BlueLite Pellets cool your cows from the inside out, helping them replace water lost through sweating and respiration, while supporting their energy level. “The key to this product is to start it a few days prior to the heat,” says David. David mixes Bovine BlueLite Pellets in the Total Mixed Ration (TMR) at a rate of 3 ounces per cow per day. Not only did he notice that the cows maintained their feed intakes, but he also did not see a significant drop in milk production during the hot, summer days. “We only dropped 200 lbs. of milk during the hot spell instead of a normal 600 lbs. of milk drop,” David claims. “It definitely pays to start offering the pellets before the heat hits.” After receiving such great results, David states that he will continue using Bovine BlueLite Pellets in his future heat stress abatement program. “I don’t want to know what would happen if I didn’t use Bovine BlueLite Pellets during the heat,” says David. “I will be using it all the time!”

“I don’t want to know what would happen if I didn’t use Bovine BlueLite Pellets during the heat,” says David. “I will be using it all the time!” David Voegeli Argyle, WI

David Voegeli of Argyle, WI

TechMix, LLC 740 Bowman St • PO Box 221 • Stewart, MN 55385 877.466.6455 • 0401802013

Testimonial “...we have seen about half of our regular milk loss during the hot summer period.” Hódagro Dairy, a 500 cow dairy operating in conventional facility circumstances is Southern Hungary relies on Bovine BlueLite® Pellets during the heat stress period. During the hot summer months of June, July and August in Hungary, temperatures can get as high as 40˚C. Bovine BlueLite Pellets provides the nutrients necessary to help recover from dehydration and help restore cow health for reproduction, milk production and averting many metabolic issues. Mr Tamás Hevesi of Hódagro Dairy offers Bovine BlueLite Pellets mixed at 120 grams per cow per day during times of heat stress. “I have used it on the fresh and the high yielding cows until 120 days in lactation,” says Hevesi. The patented pelleting technology delivers Bovine BlueLite effectively in a convenient form. The combinations of electrolytes, sugars and vitamins in Bovine BlueLite Pellets help promote feed intake. “The cows move more, have better appetite and on top of all, we have seen about half of our regular milk loss during the hot summer period,” says Hevesi. “We have not lost a single cow due to heat stress from the lactating groups this summer.” With the help of Bovine BlueLite Pellets, “we have not lost a single cow due to heat stress from the lactating groups this summer.” Mr Tamás Hevesi Hódagro Dairy Southern Hungary

Hódagro Dairy Southern Hungary

TechMix, LLC Stewart, MN USA

TechMix Europe Spain α ESP43201472 0401702013

Testimonial Bovine BlueLite® – “We believe in it! Make it available when your cows need it most! It works!” “Bovine BlueLite makes a difference with all of the electrolytes it offers,” says Kris Moravits of Moravits Dairy located in Bloomington, WI. Moravits Dairy currently milks around 630 cows, three times and day with a rolling herd average of 24,300 lbs. of milk, and have been avid BlueLite users for many years. Moravits Dairy sees the benefits of Bovine BlueLite during heat stress events, but also sees the benefits of using Bovine BlueLite in their fresh cow pens for faster recovery, post-calving. During heat stress, Kris Moravits offers Bovine BlueLite at the peak of the heat by adding the recommended rate of 2 ounces per head per day to the Total Mixed Ration (TMR). After the hot days, Moravits backs the feed rate down to 1 ounce per head per day. “This year [2012] we dropped 12,000 lbs. of milk during the 2 hottest days of the summer and got all but about 2,000 lbs. back with the help of Bovine BlueLite,” states Kris. “Bovine BlueLite makes the cows come back faster!” Not only is Moravits Dairy an avid user of Bovine BlueLite for heat abatement, but the dairy has set up specific medicators as a unique way to offer Bovine BlueLite year round to the fresh group. Being a large dairy, it is sometimes difficult to incorporate Bovine BlueLite powder in an automatic waterer. Seeing the benefits that Bovine BlueLite provides their herd when used in the drinking water, Moravits created a medicator system to help deliver BlueLite to their cows at a continued rate in their fresh cow pen. (See back page to learn how the medicator system has been incorporated at the dairy). Moravits mixes 5 gallons of water with 1 pound of Bovine BlueLite to run through a medicator at a rate of 1:128. As the cows drink, the medicator keeps running BlueLite in the water. “The #1 benefit of Bovine BlueLite that I have noticed is that it helps get the fresh cows the nutrients they need through the water to help them recover during one of the most stressful periods of their lactation,” says Kris. “We don’t see the drastic weight loss like we would if they were not drinking the BlueLite water.”

Kris Moravits of Moravits Dairy in Bloomington, WI

“Bovine BlueLite makes a difference with all of the electrolytes it offers,” says Kris. “It makes the cows come back faster.” Kris Moravits Moravits Dairy Bloomington, WI

“Bovine BlueLite offers relief during heat stress events as well as postfreshening,” says Kris. “It helps the cows, it really does.”

TechMix, LLC 740 Bowman St • PO Box 221 • Stewart, MN 55385 877.466.6455 • 0401802013

Moravits Dairy - Medicator System for offering Bovine BlueLite® in the fresh cow barn. Moravits Dairy’s medicator system that was created specifically for the use of Bovine BlueLite in the automatic waterers around 2009. Moravits mixes one pound of Bovine BlueLite with 5 pounds of water and administers it at a rate of 1:128. The Dosatron medicator is set at 60:2. From the medicator system, the BlueLite solution runs through the pipes and out to the automatic waterer that is set up in the fresh cow barn. (pictured below). By implementing the medicator system in the fresh cow barn, Moravits is allowing his fresh cows access to BlueLite water at any time during the day. This is offered year-round in the fresh cow barn. With this unique set up, Moravits has noticed that his fresh cows are getting the nutrients they need to recover faster after the stressful event of calving.

TechMix, LLC 740 Bowman St • PO Box 221 • Stewart, MN 55385 877.466.6455 • 0401802013

Testimonial “…the cows had better appetite and in general, were feeding themselves better.” Mr Csaba Hegedűs of Multiton Dairy agrees that the most important thing for cows during times of heat stress is hydration. Multiton Dairy, a 470 cow dairy in Sarud, a village in Mid-East of Hungary with traditional but remodeled barns and sprinklers, relies on Bovine BlueLite® Pellets to keep cows eating, drinking and help maintain milk production during heat stress. During the hot summer days, Hegedűs would feed Bovine BlueLite Pellets at a rate of 120 grams per cow per day. “We fed Bovine BlueLite Pellets to the whole herd, including close-up, fresh and lactating cows,” says Hegedűs. “We would feed approximately 400 cows Bovine BlueLite Pellets at a time.” With temperatures reaching as high as 40˚C, Multiton was experiencing production drops up to 35%. Once including Bovine BlueLite Pellets in their heat abatement program, they only saw a drop in production ranging 18-20%. “The cows had better appetite and in general, they were feeding themselves better,” says Hegedűs. The buffered electrolytes, sugars and vitamins all in our patented pelleting form, help to give cows energy and increase dry matter and water intake. Not only did Multiton notice less drop in production, but they also experienced milk combine back up sooner. “Within 2 to 3 days after the heat stress days were over we would see production come back up,” says Hegedűs. “Another very important result was that we did not lose a single cow during the heat stress periods.”

“...we did not lose a single cow during the heat stress periods.” Mr Csaba Hegedűs Multiton Dairy Sarud, Hungary

Multiton Dairy Sarud, Hungary

TechMix, LLC Stewart, MN USA

TechMix Europe Spain α ESP43201472 0401702013

Testimonial Maintain production during stressful weather events. Keep your cows milking during all types of weather with the help of Bovine BlueLite® “Not only is Bovine BlueLite beneficial in the summer months, but it also works during cold winter months,” says Hal Drick of Spring Creek Farm located in Allenwood, PA. Spring Creek Farm currently milks twice daily, with a 20,000 305 milk production average, 4.3% butterfat, and 3.5% protein. Bovine BlueLite® is a water soluble combination of electrolytes, sugars and vitamins that helps promote feed intake. Hal has been an avid user of Bovine BlueLite for the past three years, primarily as a heat stress aid. “Bovine BlueLite has helped me save 4-6 lbs. of milk per cow per day during high heat index days,” says Hal. At Spring Creek Farm, Hal mixes Bovine BlueLite in the TMR at the rate of 1-2 ounces per head per day. After receiving such great results during heat stress events, Hal tested Bovine BlueLite during severe cold spells. “I started using Bovine BlueLite in the winter during times of extreme cold and during periods of temperature fluctuation that normally challenge milk production,” says Hal. “The winter application has helped recover 4 lbs. of milk per cow per day in my high production group.” “Bovine BlueLite has helped with production in all types of stressful weather events,” says Hal.

“Bovine BlueLite has helped me save 4-6 lbs. of milk per cow per day during high heat index days,” says Hal. “The winter application has helped recover 4 lbs. of milk per cow per day in my high production group.” Hal Drick Spring Creek Farm Allenwood, PA

Hal Drick, Spring Creek Farm, Allenwood, PA pictured with L arry Pittman, TechMix sales rep

TechMix, LLC 740 Bowman St • PO Box 221 • Stewart, MN 55385 877.466.6455 • 0302002013

Testimonial Maintain production during stressful weather events. Keep your cows milking during all types of weather with the help of Bovine BlueLite® “Not only is Bovine BlueLite beneficial in the summer months, but it also works during cold winter months,” says Hal Drick of Spring Creek Farm located in Allenwood, PA. Spring Creek Farm currently milks twice daily, with a 9.072 kg 305 milk production average, 4.3% butterfat, and 3.5% protein. Bovine BlueLite® is a water soluble combination of electrolytes, sugars and vitamins that helps promote feed intake. Hal has been an avid user of Bovine BlueLite for the past three years, primarily as a heat stress aid. “Bovine BlueLite has helped me save 1,8-2,7 kg of milk per cow per day during high heat index days,” says Hal. At Spring Creek Farm, Hal mixes Bovine BlueLite in the TMR at the rate of 30-60 grams per head per day. After receiving such great results during heat stress events, Hal tested Bovine BlueLite during severe cold spells. “I started using Bovine BlueLite in the winter during times of extreme cold and during periods of temperature fluctuation that normally challenge milk production,” says Hal. “The winter application has helped recover 2 kg of milk per cow per day in my high production group.” “Bovine BlueLite has helped with production in all types of stressful weather events,” says Hal.

“Bovine BlueLite has helped me save 4-6 lbs. of milk per cow per day during high heat index days,” says Hal. “The winter application has helped recover 4 lbs. of milk per cow per day in my high production group.” Hal Drick Spring Creek Farm Allenwood, PA

Hal Drick, Spring Creek Farm, Allenwood, PA pictured with L arry Pittman, TechMix sales rep

TechMix, LLC Stewart, MN USA

TechMix Europe Spain α ESP43201472 0302002013

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