Philly Tech Week 2013 presented by AT&T Program & Magazine

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philly tech week April 19–28 A week-long celebration of technology and innovation in Philadelphia

Presen te d b y

www.phillytechweek .com Organized by

meet the new

Navy Yard More people work there than ever before. Will innovation follow? page 27 ↘

full calendar inside featuring more than


& WED 4/24

pong on the Cira Centre:

the largest video game in the world!

full day of events at the Navy Yard! tech events


fri 4/26

by Mayor Michael Nutter, ?uestlove, FCC Commissioner Mignon Clyburn, investor Josh Kopelman and more!


P h i l ly t e c h w e e k . c o m • t e c h n i c a l ly p h i l ly. c o m

Presented by

Table of Contents


Page 05 Coworking gets creative Page 06 Bootstrapping in Philly


Page 07 Holy Hackathons Page 09 PTW2013's complete calendar


Page 22 Women in Technology Page 23 OpenData Timeline Page 25 The World’s Biggest Video Game Page 27 Feature Story — The Navy Yard, Reborn

cover story

Page 33 PTW2013 Sponsors Page 36 PTW2013 Partners Page 38 Philly Tech by the Numbers Philly Tech Week 2013 Presented by AT&T is the third annual celebration of technology and innovation in the Delaware Valley region. The week is organized by local technology news organization Philly, in partnership with more than 125 organizations. Philly is a leading local technology news and events organization. It publishes daily content that covers entrepreneurship, access, policy, development and creative trends, issues and people who are making cities better through technology. Philly Staff Brian James Kirk, Christopher Wink, Corinne Warnshuis and Juliana Reyes Cover Photo

by Neoscape for Robert A.M. Stern Architects contributors

Cary Betagole, Lauren Hertzler Design and Printing

Red Flag Media Logo and Website

Jarvus Innovations

Do not let go easily of what we are all doing here as a collective technology community. At the meetups and conferences and exhibits and parties and demo nights, it is easy to lose sight of the motivation and the mission. Once we enter a community of activity, it is common to sink into habit: we do what we do because we have always done it. So take a moment to reflect. At the core, we are making lives here in Philadelphia, like people do wherever they are around the world, no matter their interests or hobbies. We are growing businesses to employ and produce. We are creating art and tools to enjoy our time here more easily. We are sharing ideas to create friendships and get better at what we most love to do. All the horse race listings and rankings that compare cities and states and countries by the metrics most readily available, like investment dollars and unemployment numbers and economic output, are a valuable mirror, but like any mirror, they offer a distorted view. It is harder to know ourselves unless we know what motivates anyone in Philadelphia, or any city, to follow how we are seen and how we see ourselves. That is what we hope to accomplish with Philly Tech Week presented by AT&T in this, the third year. It’s part civic pride of demonstrating the collective innovation of our region and part sheer community strengthening by encouraging new groups to share the same tent. The boosterism is also purposefully tempered by how much yet needs to be managed: stubborn unemployment, stark digital divide, inconsistency in what communities reap the benefits of our flourishing technology and entrepreneurship community. In the end, we should be reminded what we are doing here. We are making living in Philadelphia a fuller, richer experience, for ourselves and for our children, for those who are still struggling in the new Philadelphia and for their children. In our own small way, let’s do something audacious. If you aren’t making your corner of the world better for you and those around you, you aren’t doing much at all. Whatever it is you do — for a living or for love — do it better. Do it bigger. Bring it to another city or a new community. Reach out to a new group, bring your understanding of what the future may be and make Philadelphia more able to accommodate it. We hope Philly Tech Week can help introduce you to others who are hoping to do the same. With a hunger for new heights, Christopher Wink and Brian James Kirk cofounders

Publisher Media, 4040 Locust Street, Philadelphia 19104

Juliana Reyes and Corinne Warnshuis Philly staff photo by neal santos

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E VE RYONE ’S P R I VATE DRI VE R ™ Philadelphia Tech Week 2013

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iNDY HALL COWORKING HUB GROWS ART COMMUNITY Built by freelance web developers, designers and other technologists, the Old City coworking space has become a network for graphic artists and creative culture. by Cary Betagole

When Sean Martorana began working out of Indy Hall two years ago, he was bothered by the barren walls inside the Old City coworking space. A response from Alex Hillman, co-founder of the freelance technologist hub, prompted Martorana to action. “If you want to hang up some artwork, then shut up and ‘just fucking do it,’ Hillman told him, referencing the ‘JFDI’ tattoo on his arm and the unofficial rallying cry of the coworking space. Martorana — who closed his branding design business to become a full time artist out of Indy Hall — countered by covering the walls in murals and graphic art displays. And when Indy Hall cut through a foot of concrete to ex← pand occupancy to the loft-style “Brittany Howard” first floor, Martorana, along with by artist Mike illustrator Mike Jackson and Jackson, who is eight more artists, christened helping to lead the infusion of their new canvas with a 8-foot creative arts tall, 50-foot wide mural painted into the existing in under 10 hours before Indy innovation Hall’s 5th anniversary party culture of coworking space last March. Indy Hall. For February’s First Friday on N3rd Street — yup, that’s shorthand for the tech corridor on North Third Street — the annexed loft was packed to the brim for Indy Hall’s first group exhibition — dubbed the “Music Inspiring Art Show” — as 22 artists collaborated to share paintings, illustrations and textiles motivated by music held personally dear, while demonstrating the increased role art is taking at Indy Hall. It was a watershed moment for a coworking space that, though members have always boasted their diversity, was dominated in early years by contractfor-hire programmers playing with software and computer code. And, as the Indy Hall crew is fast to say, artists do not operate within a silo at the space. The very point is to better connect this artistic spirit to the existing creative business energy that has been a root of Indy Hall, and most members, regardless of background, say they benefit from that.

3D Printer Modeling Class Monday, April 22, 5:00pm – 10:00pm @Hive76, 915 Spring Garden St #519 Want to create digital art and then watch it take form? Here’s your chance to play with the 3D printer craze! Tracks4


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News ← The team behind bootstrapped web development firm Jarvus Innovations works out of its Devnuts hackerspace.


PHILLY HAS CHEAP TALENT → To Alfano, Philadelphia was the perfect place to bootstrap because of the large number of university students looking to work with them in the area.


PHILLY IS AN AFFORDABLE BIG CITY → Another factor that makes bootstrapping easier in Philadelphia, Alfano said, is the cost of living compared to other big cities, a familiar defense of Philadelphia’s shortcomings elsewhere.


reasons why Philadelphia has a bootstrapping community

A decade after the post dot-com bust erased many of the gains of the 90s, the Philly tech scene is looking lean and fit enough to join the national conversation: on its own terms. // by Lauren Hertzler When John Fazio and Chris Alfano tried to open their own video game center after dropping out of Drexel University, they became increasingly frustrated with trying to raise capital the way they said their business classes had taught them, by trying to find investors. “When we first met, we tried to raise capital to run a completely separate idea that we had, it was a game

Bootstrappers Breakfast 8:00 am – 9:30 am @ Elephant & Castle Restaurant, 1800 Market St.; ptw2013bootstrappers; $5

Join entrepreneurs for a breakfast and serious conversations about growing a business based on internal cash flow and profit. Tracks4



P h i l ly t e c h w e e k . c o m • t e c h n i c a l ly p h i l ly. c o m

center,” said Fazio, now a Jarvus Innovations cofounder. “We had a $1 million target goal, and we ended up only having about $100,000 of that million committed to us.” The pair became so frustrated by consistently begging people for money that they decided to try a different strategy, using all of their personal money to fund their own business and growing on revenue. With a much ballyhooed investment crunch dominating a national entrepreneurship conversation, the focus on bootstrapping businesses has become a timely one. Alfano and Fazio have come independently to what is becoming a foregone conclusion among more elder technology leaders in Philadelphia. DuckDuckGo founder Gabe Weinberg and Real Food Works COO Mike Krupit, both of whom have Silicon Valley credentials and strong reputations, have long pushed for companies here to build revenue before seeking investment. And, many say, Philly was destined to be a bootstrapping hub. See five reasons why at right.


PHILLY IS STILL A BIG MARKET WITH ACCESS → Though it’s affordable and community driven, Philly is still a big city on the East Coast, short train rides from capital-intensive markets and huge customer bases. “What’s great is you’re near New York so you have all the depth and resources of New York,” said Firefly co-founder Patrick Leahy. “But at the same time you have the small nature of the community here in Philadelphia.”


PHILLY HAS A NURTURING COMMUNITY → In the best cases, investment brings with it mentorship, connections and advice. So avoiding that structure necessitates the need for new sources of guidance and support, she says. Entrepreneur Yasmine Mustafa found that through Philly Startup Leaders and Temple University’s Innovation and Entrepreneurship Institute.


PHILLY HAS LESS RISKTOLERANT MONEY → “Philly’s a bootstrapping hub because there isn’t enough capital here,” Krupit said. “It’s out of necessity. Nine out of 10 bootstrapping entrepreneurs I work with would rather not be bootstrapping.”

Presented by

Hackathons are great

for creativity and energy and community building, but they aren’t always known for ideas that get finished and create impact. But that’s not to say it doesn’t happen, particularly with the new trend of ‘finishathons,’ in which teams get together after weekend coding and software programming marathons to finish these projects, often with a civicminded mission (see story at right). Here are four local hackathon projects that have found users and some stability.


Ad Hawk → the mobile app that identifies political ads and offers context and background was led by Bob Lannon from a Hacks/ Hackers meetup to a December 2011 Random Hacks of Kindness. It landed him a job with the Sunlight Foundation and a permanent home for Ad Hawk.


LaunchRock → Spun out of a February 2011 Startup Weekend, then Philly Startup Leaders president Jameson Detweiler took his idea for product pages that encourage viral social sharing to national tech press and an invested business -- too bad he moved to San Francisco to do it.


StateRep.Me → The dashboard tracking state legislators online wasn’t called one of the three best projects to come out of the September 2012 Hacks for Democracy held by Azavea, but it has easily had the longest, strongest life since then. It represents that other big sustainable success of hackathons: it brought together a team that has worked together on other projects since then.


PageVamp → After winning second place at the largest undergraduate hackathon in the free world in fall 2012, the PennApps project that creates sleek mobile friendly websites from Facebook pages has kept a trio of Penn seniors focused on building out the product.

Nearly 150 technologists and educators participated in TechCamp Education in February, a hackathon and unconference organized by Philly with the U.S. State Department and the School District of Philadelphia. Some 30 ideas and projects came out, and the focus then turned to helping make the best of them be fully realized.

How to save

A hackathon project

Philly has many events dedicated to civic-minded technologists hacking technical solutions to real world problems. Now the focus is make sure those tools are really used. // by Juliana Reyes How do you save a hackathon project from drowning in a sea of dead apps, inactive websites and outdated data? It’s a common criticism about hackathons, the weekendlong marathon coding events where software programmers volunteer their time to build technical solutions to real world problems. The events are heavy on creativity and good for launching efforts but short on execution and bad for maintaining them. After the weekend’s over, it’s hard to drum up the same kind of excitement — or time — to work on the projects.

Switch Philly 2013: Education presented by AT&T Tuesday, 4/23, 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm @ First Round Capital, 4040 Locust St.; ptw2013switch; $10

Projects and apps focused on solutions for problems in the education community will compete for prizes at this demo presentation event. See full description on page 13. Tracks4


Enter: The ‘Finishathon.’ Hackathon organizers, like the students behind PennApps and the team behind February’s TechCamp education hackathon, are now hosting these follow-up events where hackers can tie up loose ends and think about how to share their apps more broadly. It also helps convey the message that projects begun are best served when they are put in the hands of someone who can own and continue the effort. And that’s one way to save a hackathon project from a watery death.

Nasa Space Apps

News Hackathon

Saturday, 4/20 and Sunday, 4/21 @ ExCITe Center of Drexel University, 3401 Market St., Suite 100; ptw2013spaceapps; Free w/ RSVP

Saturday, 4/27, 9:00 am – 6:00 pm @ Annenberg Hall, Temple University, 2020 N. 13th S.; ptw2013bcni; $5, students are free

The International Space Apps Challenge is a two-day event during which citizens from around the world will work together to address current challenges relevant to both space exploration and social need. See full description on page 10.

Part of the 5th annual BarCamp NewsInnovation, this hackathon will focus on building tools that help inform communities. See full description on page 17.




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Knight Foundation congratulates the City of Philadelphia and Code for America for working to open up government. Learn more at 8

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Presented by

Tracks Entrepreneurship/ Investment



Presente d by

Morgan Lewis Ben Franklin Technology Partners/SEP Safeguard Scientifics

Design/ Development Sponsors

URBN Chariot Solutions

Kickoff Event!


The Grandest Game of Pong on the Planet


8:00 pm @ Philadelphia Museum of Art,; Free

Brandywine Realty Trust University of the Arts

fri 4/19


Media/ Transparency

Kick off Philly Tech Week by meeting at the Philadelphia Museum of Art steps for a spellbinding, interactive game of Pong that utilizes the LED 4/24 light array on the side of the 410-foot Cira Centre. Dr. Frank Lee, director of Drexel University’s game development program, will show off this amazing public arts display in front of thousands of Philadelphians. For a chance to play, apply to a lottery by visiting





Center for Public Interest Journalism

Tuesday, April 16 13th Annual Fox School of Business IT Awards

Access/ Policy Sponsors

Comcast Internet Essentials

6:00 pm – 8:00 pm @ Mitten Hall, 1801 N. Broad St.;; Free w/ RSVP

The reception will feature awards for students, administrators, and faculty of the Fox School of Business. Tracks4


Thursday, April 18 StartupGrindPHL Kick-Off 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm @ Benjamin’s Desk, 1701 Walnut St.;; $15 - $25

This national, regular event series focused on entrepreneurs kicks off in Philadelphia during PTW. Tracks4


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Presented by

Friday, April 19th Philly Geek Brunch 8:00 am – 9:00 am @ Green Eggs Cafe, 212 S. 13th St.;; $20

Join accomplished Philly tech enthusiasts — digital strategists, community managers, web entrepreneurs, online editors for a chance to chow down, drink up, and mind-meld with other tech tastemakers.

International Space Apps Reception 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm @ First Round Capital, 4040 Locust St.;; Free w/ RSVP

Join technologists, scientists, designers, artists, educators, entrepreneurs, software developers, and students to generate ideas and jumpstart collaboration for the weekend hackathon. A presentation by NASA will be followed by brainstorming, networking, and refreshments. Tracks4


Saturday, April 20th Philadelphia Area Computer Society Meeting 8:00 am – 3:00 pm @ GIANT Food Store, 315 York Rd., Willow Grove; ptw2013pacsm; Free w/ RSVP

The regular meeting of PACS will consist of 15 sessions in 4 rooms covering Access, Excel, CSS, PHP, Social Media, JavaScript, Security, Photoshop, Windows, Linux and Web design. f e a t ur e d

Saturday, 4/20, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm @ Philadelphia University, 4201 Henry Ave.;; $30 - $80


Student Startup Summit

The first Student Startup Summit is an all-day event including keynote speakers from the Philadelphia tech and startup community, workshops and a startup fair for regional companies to interact with students.

TED is an annual event that brings together the world’s leading thinkers and doers to share ideas that that matter in any discipline. TED has created TEDx, a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connections.



9:00 am – 5:00 pm @ ExCITe Center of Drexel University, 3401 Market St., Suite 100; ptw2013spaceapps; Free w/ RSVP

A free hackathon to build open source map of veteran-owned businesses in PHL (scalable to the US).

P h i l ly t e c h w e e k . c o m • t e c h n i c a l ly p h i l ly. c o m

TEDxTemple U 11:00 am – 3:00 pm @ Howard Gittis Student Center, Temple University, 1801 N. Broad St.;; $15




9:45 am – 4:00 pm @ Penn Engineering, Levine Hall, 3330 Walnut Street; ptw2013studentstartup; PRICE

10:00 am – 6:00 pm @ Benjamin’s Desk, 1701 Walnut St.;; Free



Hardware Freedom Day 11:00 am – 3:00 pm @ The Hacktory, 3711 Market St.; ptw2013hardwarefreedom; Free w/ RSVP

A celebration of Open Source hardware, and a reminder how many crazy ‘ownership’ rules we allow on our digital devices. Featuring ‘Why Open Hardware Matters’ with Far McKon, lunch, and time to work on projects. Tracks4


The second annual Women in Tech Summit will bring together women who will support, challenge and empower other women at all stages of their careers. This year’s event will feature top notch keynote speakers, panels and workshops addressing UX, Cloud, Mobility, App Development, Security Social and Big Data.

event NASA International Space Apps Challenge

The International Space Apps Challenge is a two-day technology development event during which citizens from around the world will work together to address current challenges relevant to both space exploration and social need. NASA believes that mass collaboration is key to creating and discovering state-of-the-art technology. Tracks4

Women In Tech Summit


Pyramid STEM Cyber Play Day 12:00 pm – 4:00 pm @ Color Book Gallery, 6353 Germantown Ave.;; Free w/ RSVP

In an effort to bridge the digital divide, North Philadelphia children aged 8-15 will learn how to develop their very own online video game. Children aged 12-17 can also complete an online scavenger hunt. Winners will receive a prize. RSVP early. Tracks4


Presented by

Sunday, April 21 NASA International Space Apps Challenge 9:00 am – 5:00 pm @ ExCITe Center of Drexel University, 3401 Market St., Suite 100; http://; Free w/ RSVP

The International Space Apps Challenge is a two-day technology development event during which citizens from around the world will work together to address current challenges relevant to both space exploration and social need. NASA believes that mass collaboration is key to creating and discovering state-of-theart technology. Tracks4


Internet Fast Picnic at The Porch 12:00 pm – 4:00 pm @ The Porch at 30th St. Station, 30th & Market St; ptw2013picnic; Free

A picnic celebrating Earth Day and Philadelphia’s lovely outdoor public spaces. Come out to The Porch and participate in a fast from the internet/technology for an afternoon before the official PTW kickoff. There will be sidewalk games, tables for picnicking and lounge chairs to relax. BYO lunch. Tracks4


Zapping Aliens and Saving the Universe While Drinking a Beer 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm @ The Grey Lodge Pub, 6235 Frankford Ave.; http://ph/ly/ptw2013; Free

The Grey Lodge will celebrate PTW by playing both old and new video games. To complete the geekiness, techno music and 8-bit tunes will play on the juke. Tracks4


Monday, April 22

Powering Creativity, Technology And Community 12:00 pm – 6:00 pm @ People’s Emergency Center, 3848 Lancaster Ave.; ptw2013creativity; Free w/ RSVP;

f e a t ur e d event

Philly Tech Week Kickoff Breakfast Presented by AT&T

8:00 am – 9:00 am @ Quorum, University City Science Center, 3711 Market St.; Invite Only

An invite-only breakfast for event organizers and sponsors to celebrate the opening of Philly Tech Week. Short presentations representing the broad technology and innovation focuses of Philly Tech Week will inspire attendees to jump into the week celebrating the region.



The Transformation of a Digital Incubator

What you Need to Take your Business Mobile

4:00 pm – 6:00 pm @ 801 market Street, 3rd Floor;; Free w/ RSVP

8:30 am – 10:30 am @ Union League of Philadelphia, 140 S. Broad St.; ptw2013/mobilebusiness; Free w/ RSVP

How are smart business managers increasing their company’s productivity using mobile apps in 2013? What devices make the most sense? What are the most significant mobile app trends? And what do you need to know about BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) security issues? Leave this event knowing just about everything you need to bring mobile to your business. Tracks4

KEYSPOT, along with Drexel University and People’s Emergency Center will host a pop-up space that will bring together tech professionals, artists and entrepreneurs with neighborhood residents. The space will show new techpreneurs and artists everything the Lancaster Avenue corridor has to offer.

In 2011, Knight Foundation, Interstate General Media, Ben Franklin Technology Partners of Southeastern Pennsylvania, DreamIt Ventures and Drexel University launched the first digital incubator to reside in a traditional media company in the United States. Come learn how this collaborative effort continues to transform the media industry and further the success of Philadelphia’s startup community. Tracks4



The Entrepreneurs Prenup

Lunchtime Series: Innovations in Green Technology

5:00 pm – 7:00 pm @ Quorum, University City Science Center, 3711 Market St.; ptw2013prenup; Free

12:00 pm – 1:00 pm @ Quorum, University City Science Center, 3711 Market St.; http:// ptw2013greentech; Free w/ RSVP

A showcase of new and upcoming breakthroughs in sustainable technologies in the region. Four local companies will present their projects, followed by a panel discussion and audience Q&A.

Listen to an entrepreneur discuss personal experiences dealing with startup challenges. Learn about issues co-founders must address early on to avoid company-killing problems down the road. Tracks4


Philly Robotics Expo 2013 Sponsored by Drexel University Monday, 4/21, 9:00 am – 3:00 pm @ Bossone Research Center, Drexel University, 3128 Market St.; ptw2013robotics; Free w/ RSVP

Central High School’s Robolancers will unveil the newest and most exciting advances in the field of robotics at the Philly Robotics Expo at Drexel University. You don’t have to be a science geek to have a blast playing with real robots and learning from the local business people, engineers and students who are transforming science fiction into science reality! Tracks4


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Presented by

3D Printer / OpenSCAD Modeling Class 5:00 pm – 10:00 pm @ Hive76, 915 Spring Garden St., #519; Free

A community of makers will help people model ideas with OpenSCAD and Illustrator, and then allow them to print using the studio’s 3D printer. Tracks4


Tuesday, April 23

Villanova Pitch Day 2013

Bootstrappers Breakfast 8:00 am – 9:30 am @ Elephant & Castle Restaurant, 1800 Market St.; ptw2013bootstrappers; $5

Join entrepreneurs for a breakfast and serious conversations about growing a business based on internal cash flow and profit. Tracks4


Node Philly 2013

f e a t ur e d event

8:30 am – 9:00 pm @ Quorum, University City Science Center, 3711 Market St.;; $40-$80

The second annual conference bringing some of the most notable experts in the Node.js community to the City of Brotherly Love to speak, collaborate, and hack. Full-day agenda consists of a hardware hack with Ninja Blocks, an evening of talks covering API development, application development, real time communications, and the tech and startup initiatives backed by the City of Philadelphia. Great food, refreshments and an awesome atmosphere! Tracks4


Useful, Usable & Desirable: Designing For Users Blackout: Reinventing Black Media In The Digital Age 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm @ Free Library of Philadelphia, 1901 Vine St.; ptw2013blackout; Free w/ RSVP

Join 900AM-WURD, Wilco Electronic Systems and the Free Library of Philadelphia and others as they welcome FCC Commissioner Mignon Clyburn for a keynote and panel discussion on how black media outlets and the communities they serve are changing. Tracks4


12:00 pm – 1:30 pm @ Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce, 200 South Broad St. Suite 700;; Free w/ RSVP

This session, presented by Jessica Ivins, Sr. UX Specialist at AWeber, will explore the fundamentals of user experience. There are many tools and disciplines to learn within user experience, from content strategy to information architecture to user research. Tracks4


Lunchtime Series: Getting Underserved Youth Access to STEM

6:00 pm – 9:00 pm @ Cira Centre, 2929 Market St. #250;

12:00 pm – 1:00 pm @ Quorum, University City Science Center, 3711 Market St.; ptw2013accesslunch; Free

With hundreds of thousands of mobile apps already on the market and vying for attention, what’s a Philly entrepreneur with an ambitious idea to do? One strategy is to present your app at the Cira Centre, where five inventors will get to pitch their creations to 200 of their peers and other technology enthusiasts.

An hour-long panel discussion focused on access to STEM resources for underserved youth in the region, and how mentorship programs can help bridge the divide.

Mobile Monday Mid-Atlantic 6th Annual Demo Night




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12:00 pm – 6:00 pm @ Connelly Center, Villanova University, Radnor, PA; ptw2013villanova; Free

Villanova students will present projects in the fourth annual Villanova Student Entrepreneurship Competition, the Mobile Applications Course, and the Entrepreneurship Minor programs. Tracks4


PhillyForce Mini-Conference 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm @ The Hub CityView, 30 S. 17th St., 14th Floor;; Free w/ RSVP

PhillyForce is the Philadelphia-area user group for and Whether you’re an administrator or a developer, a technology executive or a consultant, join us for presentations, discussions about the platform and networking.

Data Processing With Mechanical Turk 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm @ Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce, 200 S Broad St. Suite 700;; Free w/ RSVP

This talk presented by Kelly O’Brien and Michael Becker, data engineers at AWeber, will discuss using Mechanical Turk for tasks where computers have not yet surpassed humanity. Examples and analysis of how AWeber, Twitter, independents, and others use Mechanical Turk for fun and profit. Tracks4


Combat Robotics Demo 5:00 pm – 10:00 pm @ Hive76, 915 Spring Garden St Suite#519;; Free

Duke it out with miniature R/C machines in tabletop matches – it’s Robot Wars on a hand-held scale. Choose one from a field of 1-lb robots designed and built by Hive76 to drive and fight in a display of electromechanical fisticuffs. Tracks4


Presented by

Living Responsively: Creating Websites that Work Across Devices 5:00 pm – 9:00 pm @ Embassy Suites Center City, 1776 Benjamin Franklin Parkway; http://; Free

The web has gone portable. With an estimated 20% of web traffic originating from mobile phones and tablets, you can no longer risk alienating the mobile population. This non-technical presentation will discuss, in layman’s terms, best-practices approaches to creating portable, scalable websites. Tracks4


Content Management Showdown 5:30 pm – 8:00 pm @ Smokin’ Betty’s, 116 S. 11th St.;; Free w/ RSVP

Join for local web development firms for a fierce (and friendly) content management system competition. Each participating company will build a simple website using their favorite CMS. It’s a chance to learn about Apostrophe, DotNetNuke, Drupal, and WordPress. Tracks4

Apps: From Concept to App Store

Crowdfunding Happy Hour

6:00 pm – 8:00 pm @ Venturef0rth, 417 North 8th St.;; Free w/ RSVP

6:00 pm – 7:30 pm @ MilkBoy, 1100 Chestnut St.;; Free w/ RSVP

It takes a village to develop an app. Come for a 360-degree view of getting an app from idea to the App Store. This event will house a panel discussing a real-world highly successful app.

Join the team from, a Philly-based crowdfunding platform, to get hands-on help creating a crowdfunding campaign for your art projects, invention, musical endeavor, community project, or anything you can think of!




Biomimicry & The Future Of Sustainable Tech

Switch Philly 2013: Education presented by AT&T

6:00 pm – 09:00 pm @ University of the Arts, CBS Auditorium, Broad and Pine; ptw2013biomimicry; Free



f e a t ur e d event

6:00 pm – 9:00 pm @ First Round Capital, 4040 Locust St.;; $10

ArtsTechPhilly and the Young Architects Forum have joined forces to exhibit a presentation into the the field of Biomimicry — examining patterns in nature to solve human problems — and its applications to sustainable architecture. Tracks4


Projects and apps focused on solutions for problems in the education community will compete for prizes at this demo presentation event. Five projects will get five minutes each to demo what they’ve been working on and a panel of judges and the audience of investors, technologists, educators and community members will vote on the winner. Tracks4


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Presented by

Schnader Harrison Segal & Lewis LLP Diversity Cocktail Reception

Lunchtime Series: philly as the Social Entrepreneurship hub

6:00 pm – 8:00 pm @ Schnader Harrison Segal & Lewis, 1600 Market St, Suite 3600; http://; Free w/ RSVP

12:00 pm – 1:00 pm @ Quorum, University City Science Center, 3711 Market St. ptw2013socent; Free w/ RSVP

Join lawyers for a cocktail reception as they celebrate the minority high growth and tech ecosystem. Please RSVP by April 18 to

Hear updates from representatives of the city’s new $1m Philadelphia Social Enterprise Partnership from the Mayor’s Office of New Urban Mechanics, Wharton Social Impact Initiative and GoodCompany Group.



To DB or Not to DB? That is the Question 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm @ NextFab Studio, 2025 Washington Ave.;; Free

PhillyDB members are database developers, data architects, DBAs, analysts - and application developers, too. Join them for a discussion on the role of flat file data formats in genomics and other science domains. Tracks4



Wharton Business Plan Competition Venture Finals 1:00 pm – 6:15 pm @ Jon M. Huntsman Hall, 3730 Walnut St.;; Free w/ RSVP

Over the past several months, Wharton entrepreneurs have explored eight great business ideas. Who will win? Join us and cast your vote for the People’s Choice Award! Tracks4

Wednesday, April 24 Innovation Quotient: 7 Sparks To Your Company’s Innovation Success 7:30 am – 9:00 am @ CIGNA, 1601 Chestnut St., 2 Liberty Place;; Free w/ RSVP



Open Hack Night 5:00 pm – 10:00 pm @ Hive76, 915 Spring Garden St. Suite #519; ptw2013hacknight

For anyone who wants to come and build, hack, or program with this local maker crew. Tonight, come for a session on microcontrollers.

Technically Challenged 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm @ First Round Capital, 4040 Locust St.;; Free

Go head-to-head with other technologists, designers, entrepreneurs and strategists in a fast and furious challenge to see who can develop the most innovative and creative solution to a complex digital business problem. Tracks4


Philly Startup Leaders & Philly Founded Entrepreneur Expo 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm @ The Westin, 99 S. 17th St.;; Free w/ RSVP

A showcase of work by local tech entrepreneurs and the entrepreneurial community. Tracks4

DE presents A/S/L: Love and Tech

6:00 pm – 8:00 pm @ 801 Market Street, 3rd Floor;; Free w/ RSVP

Join Geekadelphia co-founder Eric Smith, online dating expert Erika Ettin, and Shmitten Kitten founder Anna Goldfarb for an evening of personal stories and advice for those searching for love on the interwebs. Tracks4


Wonder how your company can become more nimble and innovative? Your company has an IQ when it comes to innovation. Dr. Summer Knight, Entrepreneur-in-Residence at Cigna, explains. Tracks4


Balloon Mapping Workshop 9:00 am - 3:30 pm @ TBD;; $10

This workshop will be a full-day event, with a morning session focused on building the rig and flying the balloon, and an afternoon session focused on using open source software to stitch the images together to make a map. Tracks4


All Hands On Technology: A Senior Learning Event 10:00 pm – 4:00 pm @ Presby’s Inspired Life, 2050 S. 58th St.;; Free

You’re never too old to learn. Explore your hobbies and interests online in a comfortable senior-focused learning environment. We will bring the electronic gadgets, helpful staff and Free Library Techmobile; you bring yourselves. Tracks4



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“Geek Out” First Person Arts Story Slam Wednesday, 4/24, 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm @ L’Etage, 624 South 6th St.;; $8 - $10

f e a t ur e d event

Come tell your personal 5-minute story inspired by the theme of “Geek Out.” Guarantee a spot by registering early. Tracks4


Presented by

“Developing Philly” World Premiere 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm @ Venturef0rth, 417 N. 8th St.;; Free w/ RSVP

Check out the first two episodes of the upcoming web series about the rise of the Philadelphia innovation community, followed by a Q&A with the producers David Thomas and Maurice Gaston. Tracks4


The Grandest Game of Pong on the Planet

f e a t ur e d event

8:00 pm @ Philadelphia Museum of Art;; Free

Meet us at the Art Museum steps for a spellbinding, interactive game of Pong that utilizes the LED light array on the side of the 410-foot Cira Centre. Tracks4


CaveCast 006: History Of The Vocoder 9:00 pm – 10:00 pm @ Philadelphia Art Alliance, 251 S. 18th St.;; $5 donation

CaveCast is a live podcast about the craft of DJing. Join host Brian Cassidy to explore the world of vocoders, the robotic vocal tool made famous in pop songs by the Beastie Boys, Daft Punk and Neil Young. Tracks4


Thursday, April 25 Philly TechBreakfast 8:00 am – 9:30 am @ Mitchell Auditorium, Bossone Enterprise Center, 3140 Market Street;; Free w/ RSVP

At the inaugural monthly breakfast get-together, techies, developers, designers and entrepreneurs share and learn from their peers through showcase style presentations. Tracks4


Breakfast With Software Industry Veteran, Tim Buckley 8:30 am – 10:30 am @ Seed Philly, 1650 Arch St., Suite 1906;; Free w/ RSVP

Join Seed Philly for a breakfast discussion about successful startups with software industry veteran Tim Buckley. Tim is the CEO of Xtium, a former executive of Red Hat and Visio, and has spent his career working with emerging technology companies. Tracks4


Making Broadband Broader: Connecting Tech Communities To Bridge The Gap

I-SITE & PhillyCHI Present: Tech + Design Quizzo

8:30 am – 10:30 am @ Dornsife Center for Neighborhood Partnerships, 35th & Spring Garden;; Free w/ RSVP

What if we told you there is an untapped, local audience for your latest and greatest mobile app? This “mash up” will bring together developers, entrepreneurs, data gurus, digital literacy trainers, and technology newbies for a dynamic roundtable discussion about how to connect new technologies with the digitally-underserved. Tracks4


This event will showcase some of the most interesting, cutting-edge technologies coming out of regional universities’ technology transfer programs. Learn about the success stories of companies that took regional academic research to build their businesses.

E f e a t ur e d

4:00 pm – 7:00 pm @ Quorum, University City Science Center, 3711 Market St.; ptw2013upstart; Invitation-only

“Left To Your One Device” Contest Reception



Building iOS Mobile Apps 101 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm @ First Round Capital, 4040 Locust St.;; Free w/ RSVP


This invitation-only event will bring investors, entrepreneurs, and innovators together with the UPstart team and its regional partners to celebrate UPstart’s first three years.



Can Health Tech Help Us? “Escape Fire” Screening 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm @ WHYY Inc., 150 N. 6th St.;; Free w/ RSVP

HealthTech is a growing sector that could alter the American healthcare system. This screening of the award-winning documentary “Escape Fire,” will show how many industries — biotech, medicine, technology, health and wellness — are being impacted by innovation. Stay for an audience Q&A.

Music Hack Night 5:00 pm – 10:00 pm @ Hive76, 915 Spring Garden St. Suite #519; ptw2013musichack; Free

Come talk to the city’s best music hackers and learn how to build effect pedals, make anything into a speaker and learn about amplifiers.


How Data Can Help Your Social Good Success Story 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm @ Generocity, 42 S. 15th St., 17th Fl.;; Free w/ RSVP

Understanding how to use the numbers you’re receiving from donations, social media connections, and volunteerism can help you to plan effectively for years to come. This workshop will include an overview from Generocity of how big data is being used to help organizations achieve their missions. Tracks4


This how-to workshop is designed to be a hands-on event where attendees will learn the basics of creating a mobile app. Space is limited, so RSVP early.

Ready, Set, UPstart: Fostering e v e n t The Entrepreneurial Spirit At Penn



The Philadelphia Art Alliance will celebrate the conclusion of its Left To Your One Device: The Tool at Hand Challenge. Selected entries will be on display throughout the building.

12:00 pm – 1:00 pm @ Quorum, University City Science Center, 3711 Market St.; ptw2013techtransfer; Free w/ RSVP


Come socialize with design and user experience professionals, try your hand at Quizzo trivia, and (hopefully) learn a thing or two, over whiskey sours and buttered popcorn.

6:00 pm – 08:00 pm @ Philadelphia Art Alliance, 251 S. 18th St;; Free

Lunchtime Series: Tech Transfer


6:00 pm – 9:00 pm @ Trestle Inn, 339 N. 11th St.;; Free w/ RSVP

Startup Pitch Night 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm @ Moriarty’s Pub, 3rd Floor, 1116 Walnut St.; pitchnight; Free w/ RSVP

Startup Pitch Night provides the platform for startups to practice and improve their pitch. Come for feedback in a relaxed, supportive peer-driven environment. Tracks4


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Presented by

Philly Give & Get Charity Auction 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm @ National Mechanics, 22 S. 3rd St.;; Free

Come to this charity “date” auction, where professional networking is paired with community engagement. Event attendees have the opportunity to bid on a customized package that connects an “expert” – local professionals that have expertise in a specified area – with an “experience” – a one-of-a-kind activity that allows the participants to have an adventure.

Ignite Philly Youth Media

f e a t ur e d event

7:00 pm – 9:00 pm @ PhillyCam, 699 Ranstead St.; ptw2013youthmedia; Free w/ RSVP

Youth media producers and educators present their unique approaches and strategies in this dynamic ‘Ignite’ style presentation and networking event, highlighting the work of 8 diverse organizations using media to empower, organize and educate Philly’s next generation of leaders. Tracks4


Philadelphia WordPress Meetup Workshop 7:15 pm – 9:45 pm @ Colket Translational Research Building, CHOP, 3501 Civic Center Blvd., Rooms 1100 A & B; ptw2013wordpress; $10 donation

Regardless of your skill level and proficiency with WordPress, learn how to develop WordPress themes and plugins, how to get your WordPress site off the ground and show off your Wordpress work. Tracks4


A Day at the Navy Yard On Friday, April 26, join Philly Tech Week presented by AT&T for three of the week’s largest events, all within walking distance of one another at the Navy Yard. Come for great programming focused on startups, investment, design and development. Stay for a killer party convening Philly’s vibrant technology community.


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Entrepreneurship & Investment In Philadelphia With Ben Franklin Technology Partners/SEP 12:00 pm – 5:00 pm @ EEBHub, 4747 S. Broad St., Building 101, Navy Yard; ptw2013bftp; Free w/ RSVP

Join the broad entrepreneurship and investment community with Benjamin Franklin Technology Partners/SEP as they celebrate their 30th anniversary. Network with investors and hear from some of the region’s most successful entrepreneurs and technology thought leaders. Tracks4


Mobile, Marketing and Ecommerce Trends Hosted By URBN 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm @ Urban Outfitters HQ, 5000 S. Broad St., Building 543, Navy Yard;; Free w/ RSVP

Join Urban Outfitters for an afternoon of learning and exchange about innovative business trends happening on the web across mobile, marketing and ecommerce born right here in Philadelphia. Tracks4


Presented by

Customers in Focus: Warby Parker Keynote with Chamber of Commerce Friday, 4/26, 8:00 am – 10:00 am @ University of Pennsylvania’s South Bank, 3401 Grays Ferry Ave.;; $30 - $35

Entrepreneur Neil Blumenthal, Co-Founder of Warby Parker, will discuss how he and his partners disrupted an industry and built a successful brand by creatively using technology to engage customers directly on their website. Tracks4

E Friday, April 26

Lunchtime Series: games and Gamification For marketing and management 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm @ Quorum, University City Science Center, 3711 Market St.; ptw2013gamification; Free w/ RSVP

Listen to a panel discussion on how gamification can impact your business. This event is presented in partnership with the Philadelphia Game Lab. Tracks4


Educator Forum 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm @ School of the Future, 4021 Parkside Ave.;; $100 - $150

The Educator Forum is a competition and conference that celebrates educators and school leaders who creatively and effectively improve the way kids learn and increase student success while using technology.

Philly Tech Week Signature Event Presented By AT&T And Hosted By URBN 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm @ Urban Outfitters HQ, 5000 S. Broad St., Building 543, Navy Yard;; $30

Come out to the annual premiere Philly Tech Week Signature Event presented by AT&T, a cocktail reception meets interactive local technology expo and demo party at the Urban Outfitters headquarters in the Navy Yard. This is a celebration of the broad Philadelphia technology community with all of Philly Tech Week’s attendees, sponsors and partners, organized by Philly. Tracks4


Need a lift?

If you’re taking the Broad Street Line, shuttles will run every 10 minutes from AT&T Station to these events from 11am to 10pm. Sponsored by by PIDC and URBN. Private driving service UBER is providing a $20 coupon for new customers. Details on Page 4.


Saturday, April 27 BarCamp NewsInnovation and News Hackathon

f e a t ur e d event

9:00 am – 6:00 pm @ Annenberg Hall, Temple University, 2020 N. 13th S.; ptw2013bcni; $5, students are free

This is the fifth annual BarCamp NewsInnovation and the third annual ‘News’ Hackathon. BCNI is an annual unconference on news innovation, in which attendees come together and talk about best practices in innovating and strengthening our communities and conversations. The related hackathon is one focused on informing communities, with the news ethos. Tracks4

u r b a n o u t f i t t e r s p h o t o b y La r a S w i m m e r



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This communication is provided as a general informational service to clients and friends of Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP. It should not be construed as, and does not constitute, legal advice on any specific matter, nor does this message create an attorney-client relationship. Attorney Advertising. Please note that the prior results discussed in the material do not guarantee similar outcomes. © 2013 Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP

Presented by

Educator Forum 9:00 am – 5:00 pm @ School of the Future, 4021 Parkside Ave.;; $100 - $150

The Educator Forum is a competition and conference that celebrates educators and school leaders who creatively and effectively improve the way kids learn and increase student success while using technology. Tracks4


9:00 am – 5:00 pm @ Annenberg Hall, Temple University, 2020 N. 13th St.; ptw2013contentcamp; Free w/ RSVP

Content Camp is an unconference that brings together the artistic, strategic, entrepreneurial, and tech communities to exchange ideas and collaborate on the future of content creation, consumption, and compensation. Runs in conjunction with BarCamp: NewsInnovation.


Hive76 will have everything from all of its events during Philly Tech Week available for display, and to play with. Also available will be Karaoke, Music, Movies, Food and Refreshments.


The Ruby Workshop 12:00 pm – 6:00 pm @ VentureF0rth, 417 N. 8th St.;

This workshop aims to help you get started with test driven development. The methodologies discussed in this class will be language agnostic. An attendee can apply them to different languages. Tracks4

10:00 am – 3:00 pm @ People’s Emergency Center, 325 N. 39th St.; ptw2013techserv; Free

Having tech troubles? Bring your uncooperative computer, smartphone, media player, or just your questions out to a community “Genius Bar”! This event is a free-of-charge technical diagnosis and advice-giving session hosted by the student geniuses of Drexel University TechServ.

@ Workbridge Associates, 50 S 16th St., Suite 2550;

No Talk, All Action. Launch a Startup in 54 hours. Startup Weekend is a global network of passionate leaders and entrepreneurs on a mission to inspire, wducate, and empower individuals, teams and communities. Come share ideas, form teams, and launch startups. Tracks4


N3rd Street Gamer Party 7:00 pm – 12:00 am @ DevNuts, 908a North 3rd St.; Free

5:00 pm – 10:00 pm @ Bahdeebahdu / Warren Muller Studio 1522 N. American St.; ptw2013hackphilly; Free

A technology based design and art exhibition featuring hackers, artists, and designers from Philadelphia and beyond. This year features a wider range of work — from installation, performance, and wearable technology to experimental and cutting edge art and design. Tracks4

DAY 1 FRIDAY 4/26 • 8:00pm – 11:00pm DAY 2 SATURDAY 4/27 • 9:00am – 11:30pm DAY 3 SUNDAY 4/28 • 9:00am – 9:00pm


HACK Philly 2.0

TechServ Community Genius Bar


Startup Weekend

12:00 pm – 10:00 pm @ Hive76, 915 Spring Garden St Suite#519; ptw2013hive76expo


Content Camp


Hive76 Ultimate Open House And Expo



A group of gaming enthusiasts in Northern Liberties is hosting the neighborhood’s regular gamer party. The night will include a DJ, bar, dance floor and all your favorite four-player games on various TVs around the studio. Whether you’re a gamer or not, come enjoy the party! Tracks4


Make & Toss: Light Graffiti and Cocktails 8:00 pm – 12:00 am @ 3rd Ward, 1227 N. 4th St.;; Free

Music, food, beers and cocktails and a maker event where participants will make LED magnets, which we can toss onto ferromagnetic surfaces along Germantown Ave — temporary light graffiti, with a fun, physical, group participation element. Tracks4


Sunday, April 28 Future of Music Comcast Cares Day Digital Resource Fair 10:00 am – 2:00 pm @ School District of Philadelphia, 440 N Broad St.; ptw2013comcastcares; Free

Visit the Digital Resource Fair for one-on-one assistance and workshops for students and their families on various computer and online resources. Topics will be focused on how technology can help YOU including computer basics, job search assistance, online tools that help students and their families improve academic performance, financial literacy and more. Tracks4


f e a t ur e d event

5:00 pm – 9:00 pm @ Underground Arts, 1200 Callowhill St.;; Free

Quick-hit demo presentations of the future of music business focused on new technologies, intellectual property and copyright issues, digital literacy, and more. Learn about music biz and stay for performances from well-known local artists. Tracks4


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The speed of AT&T covers Philadelphia.



Limited 4G LTE availability in select markets. 4G speeds not available everywhere. LTE is a trademark of ETSI. Screen images simulated. All marks used herein are the property of their respective owners. ©2013 AT&T Intellectual Property.


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AT&T is proud to be the presenting sponsor of Philly Tech Week.

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Presented by

← LadyHacks was Philadelphia’s first female-focused hackathon held at WHYY in February. Tech efforts for women and young girls are growing region-wide

Bringing more women into the digital fold From coding classes and user groups to neighborhood computer labs and digital literacy outreach, groups are focusing on welcoming more women and other underserved communities into the STEM pipeline. // by Juliana Reyes South Philly’s Smith Playground near Snyder Avenue used to be a bit of a boy’s club. The programming heavily leaned toward soccer, football and basketball, said Yolanda Willis, who lives a few blocks from Smith and has worked at several city playgrounds over the years. So Willis, who became Smith Playground’s public computing center coordinator when the computer lab opened in late

Women in Tech Summit Saturday, April 20 9:00 am – 5:00 pm @ Philadelphia University, 4201 Henry Ave.;; $30 - $80

The second annual Women in Tech Summit will bring together women who will support, challenge and empower other women at all stages of their careers. This year’s event will feature top notch keynote speakers, panels and workshops addressing UX, Cloud, Mobility, App Development, Security Social and Big Data. Tracks4



P h i l ly t e c h w e e k . c o m • t e c h n i c a l ly p h i l ly. c o m

2011, made it a goal to get more young women to use the playground. “It’s better than them being outside,” she said. While Willis has yet to organize any specific computer lab programming for girls, she’s already succeeded in her goal. From January to mid-February, 85 percent of Smith Playground’s roughly 250 youth and teen computing center attendees were female, according to data from the city’s Parks and Recreation Department, which oversees Smith Playground and other rec centers. That’s in contrast to the city’s 15 other rec center computing labs, which either have an equal malefemale breakdown or skew more toward male attendees. Willis thinks it helps that there’s a female presence at the computing center. Willis’s story is just one example of efforts to diversify the digital conversation. From the city’s KEYSPOT initiative, which funds computing centers at places like Smith Playground, that aims to bridge the digital divide, to the “girl geeks” behind LadyHacks, Philly’s first women-only “hackathon,” a weekend-long event during which technologists build community-minded tools, to Temple University’s Urban Apps & Maps Studio, a

program to teach minority students how to develop software that can help their neighborhood, efforts are cropping up all over the city to bring traditionally underserved communities into the tech picture. Tristin Hightower, one of the co-organizers of women’s hackathon LadyHacks, said that she noticed that despite the growing local community of women in tech, women weren’t coming out to tech events, and hackathons, in particular. LadyHacks was an effort to encourage more women to get involved in Philly’s vibrant hackathon scene, Hightower said. It worked: out of more than 65 women that participated, 80 percent were first-timers. The participants launched seven projects, including a women in technology resources site, and every group was interested in continuing to work on their projects, according to an informal survey after the event. Similarly, Temple University’s Urban Apps & Maps Studio launched to get more African-American and Latino students thinking about how to use technology to solve neighborhood issues. In December of 2012, the Knight Foundation awarded the program $635,000 to continue its work for three more years. “We see a growing apps developer community in Philly where few of the workers and leaders are black or Latino, despite together making up more than half of our city’s population,” said the Knight Foundation’s Philadelphia program director Donna Frisby-Greenwood, explaining the foundation’s commitment to the program. As for the city’s KEYSPOT program, the widereaching effort that offers free Internet access and computer training, it has launched over 70 public computing centers across the city and served more than 300,000 Philadelphians. The most common demographic, according to a preliminary survey on KEYSPOT users, was African American women, who made up 45 percent of survey takers. These efforts and others are all part of a citywide vision to make Philly “the most digitally literate and digitally engaged city in the country,” as KEYSPOT coordinator Joanne Ferroni put it. p h oto by ta r a g o r d o n / S k o u t m e d i a

Presented by


nov 2010 dec 2010 Jan 2011

Then-Chief of Staff in the City of Philadelphia IT department Jeff Friedman and consultant Paul Wright begin meeting around the idea of public-private partnerships for innovation.

Friedman and Wright attend BarCamp Philly unconference and share their goals for the newly formed OpenAccessPhilly stakeholder group. BarCamp co-organizer Roz Duffy welcomes several local creative and technology community members.

OpenAccessPhilly members, including Azavea founder Robert Cheetham, civic hacker Mark Headd and Technically Philly reporting staff, highlight an initial need for open data movement: a central data catalog of city resources.

Azavea takes the lead in developing a website to aggregate relevant civic data resources.

feb 2011 Mar 2011 apr 2011 aug 2011 sep 2011 The initial class of Code for America fellows brings new energy to a nascent civic hacking community in Philadelphia, hosting an early city data-focused hackathon with Azavea and outreach event with Technically Philly and Young Involved Philadelphia.

Technically Philly reports on workflow challenges at most city departments that have kept the steady release of open data as part of its Transparencity reporting project funded by the William Penn Foundation.

The inaugural Philly Tech Week is kicked off with the unveiling of OpenDataPhilly. org, the open data catalog conceived of just months before and built and hosted by Azavea. Azavea opens up the code behind OpenDataPhilly so other cities can follow.

Adel Ebeid is named the city’s new Chief Innovation Officer, and members of the OpenAccessPhilly group begin lobbying for his attention on open data issues. Friedman and Wright draft a group letter urging for Ebeid’s focus on open data efforts.

Funded by the William Penn Foundation and organized by Azavea, Technically Philly and NPower PA, the OpenDataRace pairs dozens of nonprofits with prospective open data sets to help crystallize the impact of these efforts.

nov 2011 jan 2012

apr 2012 jul 2012

aug 2012

Representatives from the William Penn Foundation, Azavea and Technically Philly meet with city CIO Adel Ebeid and together highlight steps forward for open data.

During the second annual Philly Tech Week, Mayor Michael Nutter unveils the broad-ranging Open Data Executive Order, which outlines specific deadlines for the advancement of the city’s transparency.

The city’s Department of Licenses and Inspections unveils one of the largest department-focused open data tools in Philadelphia’s recent open gov history, with top-level mayoral administrative support, though an earlier PlanPhilly effort was sidelined.

Working with the OpenAccessPhilly group and city IT staff, city CIO Adel Ebeid begins making recommendations for and drafting an executive order for Mayor Nutter, calling for the effort to be championed.

Mark Headd, who was involved in the early visioning of the city’s modern open data movement, leaves a brief stint at Code for America to become Chief Data Officer of the City of Philadelphia. New nonprofit news group Axis Philly begins managing

oct 2012 dec 2012 feb 2013 today Along with many of the provisions detailed in the Open Data Executive Order, a city open data working group launches, detailing department data releases.

Among the largest releases of Philadelphia police data and API tools was launched, backed by city Chief Data Officer Mark Headd.

Serving as a watershed in the pipeline for open data, a city-built web app and API data resource of the yearslong real estate reevaluation process was launched along with traditional paper mailing to residents.

The political cover, departmental successes, institutional support and civic hacking community has crystallized allowing for a strong future, so long as the priority remains a high one.

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TogeTher, we can connecT more kids To opporTuniTy. We’re honored to be a part of caring communities dedicated to helping more families overcome the digital divide. The Internet has the potential to level the playing field in American life, especially when it comes to access to education – but only for those who can afford it. In fact, according to the Pew Research Center, less than half of those with household incomes under $30,000 have broadband at home. That just isn’t right. And it’s intolerable to the 3,000 organizations across the country that are already working with us to close this divide. Internet EssentialsSM offers families with a child eligible to receive free or reduced price lunches through the National School Lunch Program fast, affordable Internet service for $9.95 per month plus tax with no price increases, the option to purchase a computer at enrollment for $149.99 plus tax and access to free digital literacy training. Join our many dedicated partners who have already used Internet Essentials to make a difference in their communities by registering today on our Partner Portal:


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Presented by

The Grandest Game of Pong on the Planet 8:00 pm @ Philadelphia Museum of Art;; Free

Meet us at the Philadelphia Museum of Art steps for a spellbinding, interactive game of Pong that utilizes the LED light array on the side of the 410-foot Cira Centre. Apply to a lottery to play at Tracks4

The Cira Centre, managed by Brandywine Reality Trust, is located across the street from 30th Street Station in University City



After five years of pursuing his dream to land an old school video game on the face of the Cira Centre skyscraper in University City, Dr. Frank Lee, who runs Drexel University’s Game Development program, will be playing Pong there during Philly Tech Week. // by Christopher Wink If you want to get something audacious done, it often takes a lot of time, a lot of passion and a lot of friends. Sometime in 2008, Dr. Frank Lee was driving on I-76 toward Center City. “I saw the sparkling lights on the Cira Centre,” said the director of Drexel’s prestigious game development program. “I had seen those lights many times before without thinking too much about them, but that time it was different.” He dreamed of using the individual lights that cover the 410-foot University City skyscraper to play famed early video games — Tetris, Snake, Space Invaders and Pong. And he set about trying to make that a reality. In 2009, he thought more about the process and logistics and began reaching out to Brandywine Realty, the company that owns and operates Cira, and

the City of Philadelphia’s Department of Commerce, where he had supportive contacts. By April 2010, he prepared a short three page proposal and began meeting with relevant players, but support for the big dream fizzled. In early 2011, as plans for the first Philly Tech Week were coming together, Lee met with anyone who he thought could help — groups like Breadboard, the City of Philadelphia, and others, including this reporter and fellow Tech Week co-organizer Brian James Kirk — to pool their efforts to garner the kind of support necessary to make the project come to light. Turnaround time for April 2011 was deemed too tight, but that’s when the stars began to align. In July 2012, a group of Drexel students won the Microsoft Imagine Cup, an international gaming contest, which put Lee in front of his university president John Fry. Lee told him about his dream for Cira. Fry


offered his support. Then in September 2012, the Association for Public Art and internationally recognized Mexican-Canadian artist Rafael Lozano-Hemmer unveiled ‘Open Air,’ among the largest public light shows in the country’s history to the Ben Franklin Parkway. Aside from modest debate about the impact of the light in the nighttime sky, the art display was widely celebrated. That was an even larger interactive public arts display on the Parkway, so Pong seemed downright attainable. Later that fall 2012, Philly Tech Week organizers circled back around with Lee and decided to put all their effort into one last dash to make the world’s biggest video game happen, using the week as a platform, deadline and framework and the new top level Drexel support and ‘Open Air’ example as a foundation to argue for success. With Lee’s blessing, Tech Week organizers pulled an outright lobbying effort, reaching out more formally to sources, relationships and friends in leadership at the University City District, the University City Science Center, the Philadelphia Museum of Art, the Economy League, Leadership Philadelphia, the Chamber of Commerce, the Mayor’s Office of Culture and the Creative Economy, GPTMC and WHYY, whose board chairman is Brandywine President Jerry Sweeney, among others. Those groups offered their support for the project, which helped win Lee a meeting with Sweeney and his IT team, where he got approval in January 2013 to try. The initial technical test proved the concept was possible. “This is the first time we’ve had an interactive light display at Cira,” said Sweeney. “We hope that the event will inspire the imagination and creativity of our growing technology community in Philadelphia.” Along the way, Lee said he received “incredible” support from Drexel. He partnered with Drexel computer science system administrator Gaylord Holder and computer science student Marc Barrowclift to build out the application that drives the games using Cira’s lighting infrastructure. He also received advice and technical support from Drexel computer science professor Santiago Ontanon. On March 15, Lee quietly led a full test with his team, playing Snake, Pong and Space Invaders on the north side of the Cira building, beautifully viewed from the steps of the Art Museum. During the 2013 Philly Tech Week presented by AT&T, Dr. Frank Lee, after more than four years of dreaming of the project, will play Pong on the side of the Cira Centre with thousands of his closest friends.

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Please join KEYSPOT at the following Philly Tech Week Events Monday, April 22 Powering Creativity, Technology and Community 3848 Lancaster Avenue 12:00PM – 6:00PM

Thursday, April 25 Making Broadband Broader: Connecting Tech Communities to Bridge the Gap 35th & Spring Garden Streets 8:30AM – 10:30AM

Wednesday, April 24 All Hands On Technology: A Senior Learning Event 2050 S. 58th Street 10:00AM – 4:00PM

Saturday, April 27 Comcast Cares Day Digital Resource Fair 440 N. Broad Street 10:00AM – 2:00PM

Sign-Up NOW at

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Overall view of the Navy Yard Master Plan

A technology community grows at the Navy Yard Twenty years after the Navy disembarked, South Philadelphia’s waterfront expanse offers safe harbor to a new breed of innovators. // by Juliana Reyes


efore RoseAnn B. Rosenthal became president of economic development agency Benjamin Franklin Technology Partners (BFTP) of Southeastern Pennsylvania, one of the first tech-focused organizations to set up shop in the Navy Yard, she worked at the Philadelphia Industrial Development Corporation (PIDC), figuring out how to reinvent the sprawling, 20 million sq.ft. stretch of land at the image by Neoscape for Robert A.M. Stern Architects

southernmost point of Philadelphia. That was two decades ago, right around the time when the federal government shut down the Navy Yard and the Navy left, taking 10,000 jobs, or one percent of the city’s workforce, with it. The PIDC team tasked with developing a reuse plan for the Navy Yard decided to think of part of the campus as “a place for innovation,” Rosenthal said. The team hoped to kickstart the city’s physical sciences, energy and engineering sectors — a way to balance Philadelphia’s strength in the life sciences sector — and thought the Navy Yard was the perfect place to do that, given its engineering capabilities, Rosenthal said.

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Evening view of the URBN campus → Rendering: Integration of freshwater pools into the Navy Yard reconnects visitors to the waterfront

Fast forward to today, and Rosenthal’s vision is not only being realized, she’s a key part of it. Her agency, BFTP, which funds early-stage tech startups, along with several other tech organizations, is actively working to grow an entrepreneurial community at the Navy Yard. This year alone, the Navy Yard’s major tech tenants — BFTP, the Energy Efficient Buildings (EEB) Hub, the Delaware Valley Industrial Resource Center — aim to launch a business accelerator, a manufacturing incubator and an events and networking space. The flurry of activity calls to mind the tech corridors in University City and Center City, where coworking spaces, startups and hands-on tech workshops are side by side. And those are just the Navy Yard’s straightforward tech organizations, to say nothing of companies like Urban Outfitters with its 350-person strong ecommerce team, energy-saving firm The Mark Group, motorcycle equipment eCommerce firm Revzilla and the Philadelphia Technology Park data center, all located on the campus. The first master plan for the Navy Yard, developed by PIDC and published in 2004, didn’t focus on attracting specific business sectors, said Will Agate, senior vice president of Navy Yard management and development for PIDC. It prioritized growing the business district more broadly, he said. But now that the Navy Yard has gained some momentum — it hit the 10,000 jobs milestone this January — the updated master plan focuses on creating more jobs around “high-tech manufacturing, natural gas and alternative energy, and energy efficient construction,” Agate told PlanPhilly last fall. Just under half of the businesses at the Navy


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We want to be the premiere place in the country for any company who’s innovating in the building technology space.❞­ —Laurie Actman, Executive Director, EEB Hub Yard fall into the tech or energy industry, Agate said in an interview with Technically Philly. That number, coupled with deputy mayor for economic development Alan Greenberger’s prediction that in 10 years, the Navy Yard will be the city’s third-largest job hub, behind Center City and University City, the corridor has the potential to be one of the city’s major tech hubs. There’s boundless space for that potential, too: currently, 6.5 million sq.ft. of the Navy Yard has been developed, Agate said. In the next ten years, PIDC anticipates development on another 6.7 million sq.ft., he said, which includes plans for a residential development and the Navy Yard’s first hotel and restaurant. Even then, there will still be roughly another 7 million sq.ft. of Navy Yard to build out, Agate said. With all the activity at the Navy Yard, one might worry that it’s pulling attention away from the tech scene in the more central parts of the city — a community that is still very much in an early stage itself. And that criticism has come, that the Navy Yard sprawl, not yet tied into the city’s transit infrastructure, is competing with Center City clustering. Think GlaxoSmithKline and BFTP leaving Center City for more southern pastures in recent years. But Navy

Yard leaders say they’re focused on a few specific types of technology, with energy efficient building technology being a main focus, thanks to the federally-funded EEB Hub’s vision. That focus, Navy Yard champions say, needs space that doesn’t exist in the city core, and better in Philadelphia the city than a more distant suburb. “We want to be the premiere place in the country for any company who’s innovating in the building technology space,” said Laurie Actman, executive director of the EEB Hub, a five-year $129 million research initiative with more than two dozen partners, including Penn State University and Drexel University. “Building technology” is an industry committed to retrofitting buildings to make them more sustainable and efficient. The EEB Hub’s stated goal is to reduce commercial energy use by 20 percent by 2020 through research on best practices, but another one of its main priorities is to build “a community of [building tech] innovators” at the Navy Yard. And the space is the perfect “testbed” for this kind of work, Actman said, because the Navy Yard has more than 250 old buildings that are prime for retrofitting.

rendering by Neoscape for Robert A.M. Stern Architects

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→→ It’s partnering with the University City Science

Along with local partners, the EEB Hub is launching a number of programs to ensure the Navy Yard’s tech community gets moving:

Center to open “Satellite Quorum,” the first spinoff of the Science Center’s successful events and networking space in University City. Satellite Quorum will host 10-12 events this year, Science Center spokeswoman Jeanne Mell said, specifically for the energy and building tech industry. →→ With BFTP, EEB Hub is opening the Hub Com-

mercialization Center, a business accelerator for building technology startups. In February, BFTP also announced that it would provide up to $400,000 for retrofitting projects in commercial buildings, as part of its partnership with the EEB Hub.

→→ This spring, the Delaware Valley Industrial

Resource Center is launching a three-year pilot incubator to help manufacturing companies more quickly get their products to market. The EEB Hub will help on the product development side of things, while BFTP will partner on the commercialization aspect of the program. These efforts mark the development of a new identity for the Navy Yard, an area that was devoid of any tech community back when BFTP relocated there from Center City in 2007. BFTP eventually moved into Building 100, or the “Innovation Center,” a building that used to be marine barracks. →→ It was a very good move for us,” BFTP’s Rosen-

thal said. She likes the sense of identity the Navy Yard gives her organization. When you’re just in any old building, you don’t get that, she said. But at the Navy Yard, you’re part of something.

Greenspaces provide meeting and landmark places for employees and visitors to enjoy

image by Neoscape for Robert A.M. Stern Architects

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These are some of the more than 125 partners at Philly Tech Week 2013 presented by AT&T

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philly tech by the numbers

as reported by Philly

A quick glance at some of what has grown in and around technology in Philadelphia

Tech Colocation In Philadelphia 1



Openings of tech-focused Coworking, Accelerators and Incubators in the region in a given year that are still surviving.






2013 2012 2011


2010 2009

See the list



Mayor Nutter proposed to spend on city KEYSPOT public computing centers in 2013, part of a $3.75 billion budget. Philly Tech Week is meant to be a platform for the broad technology and creative community of Philadelphia, so its growth can be another good gauge for the collaboration within and awareness of innovation here, from the first year in 2011 to projections for 2013.

ptw partners 2011: 60 2012: 100 2013: 125 + 38

tech-focused colocation facilities in and around Philly.

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PTW Attendees 2013: 15K + 2012: 10K 2011: 4K


of Philly households without broadband internet access in 2010


Philly In Focus is a community-driven, local video and interactive media network dedicated to supporting the creative efforts of the personalities, businesses and organizations that make this city great.

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